The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 17, 1860, Image 4

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-w-.~.,--....,,... .r...,~..,_..........~, ...,.~.~.....,
5.1831U1 '4O V1g.77,1"
. AL , -,101:4741 , 17,
Smolt oft ATKOPollo4rate#.
Bow Ivor
. ••
4400 0 44 bw j o ittio ; o pi i nif
s l moviio,
'' rioistioutikilk?
011maNlerglrfair ;30 40
w Ayr tri'falratrigrAMTV l t. iii
;Al,AlleAlefothub (5r.1. 1 . 4,,
- 't ct4lfian#T , ! o 4 111 14 : -a
e I h-tit, ,x ,is o „ ,
,`' Mr lav o et we *iilowe ,- . ufolidiselosarl s tuo l
gnoestbltregatllki . I ,, xv ACP;
kros exidi tin ty g, ~ , . ,', " roluguAny • 4-114 . 911; ',
ecuretrym A . K. ;',,, ~..,. .1••••••0 4 7 .--' kitmeteleVAltd ;
:ay tongue e ••• i ''''" 111 0 10z004 ,, 01414 70%94# 6 ,1*-
' . rising on *it „ t i 1. :August itmeaortn to ten ion'
how prowl ~i' : ~,,t. W: a a ti l
is h * P °ll !X o ' ol4l : 2l *lnti
*bed and, ':',1,,,y Y ' „ I,t 1? ilielfoiri have
showered " 7- ''
• ' ' tWilliil; upolgeof
unexpeete 'i .n, tttditlif • . i .., ,nupWi r ie
v id, lank a..
turally ,_•. ' f. • '-tfi la,ifn.. ' ` • -10nelpus
in Your I ' r l' ' ' ' At's)ii e liklei ' 4o6ti l t; "
• &Wang . 1.- . Ink mtelidliitterielit - mair , -)it ' .
. - draWbee ••-i.c,) - .,, iv, . 0,2 1 51 t wintrennuon.
dhpostiosi • ''• .• 1 'M I .- OP Agditrekill/
poseogghl 49. agnigtnittaga•::.ilk > -, ?!.lwe-alk i 1 1
- tone% a 0 A rith • AL . pimp; • liuml
I- tog in ANAW4Rost- 2 11ibliq:aaei ,
*nee of • sguiala . 4 .dittlfee, the , law
.wtititutes whlok -exesme,Re ',lei rost'Ans lliev•
' •• knowledgitg. thilf"tdink.i . itt - -Igenitt heurat iertt.
potted thettimallneed-thhig 411-thls_litrlng„V e .
of rompetitien wonalltre:lletenAtentescadeptedli
brit I " stlonrua, punalt tif knowledge,
under d Ifikit mitldug to. y endeavor to
Inbred** tie'
_' Ad Werlikurte of. thetreateet
asiti ,
hinnies of, the etegi:/fortAnoVlOl o k- t OW: in.
athlete, greiwEithrlinidtil -The, sacred Sr., S bninata,a,
greeter or litiii , digeselOut toll.- - w When the. in
atinet of Arewe hold of Wilti;TWne riot contented
till I had4oekedlarethieWlsidoneuf. fill theintiOne
When n04;41,010 g„tearning langetigee poisaseed,
flier I whegl,khrV • .iSi7L'‘ . ... -. .„P ", . 1 AefOditetlitt. is 61120.1 - in
• many oMM•t(ila,,i'llieggeninis thii.inlithiuViteteritg
letters, ittiAti4tiltoCkettorepr ' easiit YountAtnerie*
on her nattanalmititertiOltiblithiehtifetinctriti"
I _have liiiinginwhig tgy nitd , oats In tittigway, - tol
the great disgust of a ll my phrbilettrfsieude.
[Laughter j We are simaturee of Inlitinet, *ding
on impulse. Foil,n, 44104 r , tiOlf,P ollB 7i•uri
passions are MOM* rAgill[.•"litiellejgoVerphdi n bY
interest or ;,,fiii,g,:ivi . , ii:egich..WombiltallY, alike ,in.
reelin g'
a ll t i r ' 40#11k0,lking;:ltillt i'sfrailer
hopes aid', Opera" :-ligitAtifinlehilkt tflat amo
same sen onialitliini kidlfil - *4 11 ._
. ._._, 01 : 14 & 4 4 . 1"0 '
lauSliter)-es would .tike.larelWateussu Ot" der,
Hall. Ali-of-usw.M.".ehtscus flea We
are temptaL flltirSoneentssolthat: ll:Mated - only
felt five *este/ before as be did dtremlontee after),
he wand not hit*doiriti it.' nolontonWas*Modern
homanoth in praotleut..putan - egotatfi. fa. theory."
- That Ileyiktuiellyrie?Stitii,?etrwati)4 lllo ..di m Ag ed
David's 4 1 1 11 0tWildw‘st4 ,P1441,04,-'LOllirs of
laughter.) The world commiiinied With' bed lot,••
if the captain of•fhe irk NO P thhidhlYtone Werth
saving for seed. [Laa&oreit• Whatirfonnd theta ,
were no ;more ,00dtreeble make the Italian
army, I left Fromm suod,wwsit; to Anseital, last
year, to borafter,ttusextertsfrinktimila‘near an At
lantic -eify;:sif , one, 0 tki -ICYnt`ittmlllol,-tif Eli.
rope.. The to ot ,. things .1' Well Hoeion; Were,
. - street -rsdlwitye-'-.They_ Just .. me, everywhere
street, ''lreatroyi; - .•,in.? Ifew , York, street. -rail
ways An f ailthaore, street rral/wiiyg In Vinehmati,'
octet rai l ways in rhilatlelphWelireetniihrtis in Et. ;
Louis, and streewityle Chicago . Why are they
net in Retailer,' WOO .'hatogieldevreto tureen
One a n te d Ase,titeell line' tglitrigibeelyglio
time noted, moll6t.'•o6oArglikkill' alln-luallow UM
_ that the .higher you Rein bfet-oomallyifiaanoolly.emn
-- mermally, mid • nobsteeMn,ther eitertar . .!_egergle i wee,:
Wheetsnllgv,mbMireeente` hirmuy, ,I v posi l l k :e
wind, wave. and wistet, goer iti et Mee - se tla's •
' billa meet allied Oki oat.regg • mai ea the' le
ott England it itVitaleht place they get 'an , extensioo -,
trom the Goventniep_t• - •-illegi, Jutari. and • lengliter:l.
Then it i reit I sold Myself te, &nide& -The mere I
reatot `I
I'MlltTeldipl i nenyrtlee4,Setne hankers;
io tied Inc,
~ Ruivifor, don. Peril,: and iIL Federal,
l ats...; . ?rtut.. i ii%likr - firtim a r,t_rate d ;,
~,,,t, bile waiting for a friend at the - Aravnhead
railway station. I etitertautedtheesbesen levet what
I was goinikdo at Birkenhead:" Ileieghter.l Then
came the reotton...l.stenedrrl estilidned-:l rah.-
..nod-be Me utireose.' Pamphlets* hitters, engrav
t ' ol l i;itf l aireet tl iblit t l i ur iiit=g ul igeg g rti ri &ti t re gi ;
knotting that thinking men were guottemdel6itittil them
ring n)iadathuichsareergl .us ettatte.l eh by the
` shut. (Loud tionlatme.lawant to. •. The-Emperor
wee too ousy with the allateV,, - 1. to Vaitiand. Lon
don tout too coasteryaullit: gliOlirsitel seemed ea Sep.
Time pressed; WitekateweeedVenbatkit ware going and
money too; when Outdate glare Final to
und tßirkenbead
practatee_Matmelneretteat I way.-IWan them
Wand the
my cardn,-;,,Wi1l Yin take lillyis r ' rev- W 111 1 00 .1 61 v ,
ml legal damages against the totritatiaiotientr Yea:, wilt
Von take up the tails la estie,o(betuget PuhlleV4,
Yea re
Will you pave - thigidratterat youg own
way for-lighting and waiting the road during t e meld
work ? Yes., Well,lien wAly. Vain, we are Inunness
. meniseurgueruingellm neartwitannualtri what seenwtr .
witty:on give-we don't ikualeyeit esnionallyr Anythire
' 11 . nale,„tentiernen. ray the rails, the materials oh the
- • 1e0.66an wows lower" What thee 1 Tote,
thousand pounds. Three thousand-dussterwell: • AS ;
right-you shall have Ina sow itiguatir eanacie, attirei
• day ;fton. eat se. Medea • - in tarigiteonditious. bound,
down WWI% hull creatiatit.tritoont owe word of om,
tool rympatby or entomagemit •Applause.l I knew
that it was a natural lawn me obillamme here,
mooed by prepeltingisppseteNA nelighaguip igarway ,
' to dislodge a bad thine' will - by renesing *goner. I
knew that keneuld' tables always vi e, ...., sct Alm,
short<otitted,f.himew„tb,at,,.lol([ el oon't always
rule-that banked! ironnito bate awe Othinadvaaaing
1 14 1m 0M a s w ' t e h gr eF l ti itFos i ti r teet .A)::'42 bu v ir alll tuer kr elgio 4 t t iFi g n i ts tr - :
covered why them is-mort ,dotty- • n dullness than in
vivairitgissoro dbouilit se Keil . Isiti,motrimg fssr
4 41.
tenet/rag -lothecetr alien,- lot - the' eagle?
M Mleekritentlet letbei donee or •al witeriar to the.'
me nitres t' r hAVA one,belotold Viet the bale wog
meant( the peconifbitioney wheeldistortolge pall him
&dint hhistilitailieuntlitiol tibeentes thesethings -•
I rememberea thet ',igloos ,eldete. lets in a greet is
theta Ma wilt - there sawn., itht t liniotanY ell
coted,•anit remelt humidities .1 ants 'llk_
winks of the doubters " and - in listening to tee moors OT
the akepties. -1 was wit ittOtraAssforr this that there
ware so nisag.uifidelAin gam Ohrtstiint tenuity: Darin.
thin ?ilasidn's 'gloom I think tt prdi*rtuelatal hav e •
had enmet.b4oQ. navies boueseterVon•isele have swamp-
• ed a risen snob, ;Moon :. but tnowins - that WOOS 'a
grtatt.ileturill latr.thst,r6Thart VIM not a prophet orent
rittn cede try. or Tights awn iundoid. or amonsttie own.'
frieutf final belie ring tat the geed Attetr of ones ,
fried - is's* featly putol -to his siameget- y rade up
my mind trialieqmptue whatever & andertoe . one ,o ,
the moat meting 91* myttienv Wits being tie woulean,
itiltel bad
my own
a by tn i t i t t ira i ritil l thelthe a y " 4 .° 4 e l , th
eZmligtuuri , ECheers y - ..aeop . o a deet of
ageonstiort is betterthaaths elution ofbamib,ty,(iiiiir.
--beer.l FeWuramtere hitsility to dienginfertors , en
are humlite for two.- ; yeaents-orie,the fear of tridistile.
which natalyseii tl r itt etetrgitfor the either, tins wawa oi
• having men Mr,. erwastmewir magi see bow modest
M I •N i ernin i relti;43i4es ta i l eg t A l e a rre=lll=4
to support I t will traii;throingh.ths unebardeihAieets!of•
the World'. • 'Pat •y_oor handse t theArerivad youirft
bArnt. Welk ottist„ , Fanl'e se the oeirtontan law will
brine yodtbelne •Bboteet or,tbe Great Mastemand you
tif Oak. • So he who eutti•-oti attested take them oft
itsrg- Water won't run UP bill. It lasetnotter lint that
if you roil you Coring - cart over a mush road all thin
small notatoesintit go tune; bottom.(Queen and lailith ,
ten] A niqf as tinier A dustoodd or nog* diamond. •Li a
diamond, the More he dimes in °outset with deter men
the roma polished end valuable he bosom's. if &nibble
he will waste away with the action of elm 'atoll - lotted
tithiP•l believe in destiny, but• it mast be beaked up Or
natnnice. - poMoveranoe.' and reek g• believe in e
star. but auntie endiesedlit fatty. h ope, and anew. I
loung_, tee totter the invention the nioterrevers, th e op-
Mpa tbiettetettot oppoold for its - unznyetina.
Y. bin for its ranotwonibm. -nrovid , pnardeou
observeiLeras always on the side'otthe Jeanette
Ulu " h 4 eVl l in s r i re - r r er isla be y=tre a . iiilaliettite Ti gi.
her trust itt' Provi • 1 4uce , all the bteetutg , Wolte, and
then y.i Plotted a timetonste OATS 0 lieueir . (Laugh
tera ,lomastrell, you - remember. h the same urea
anon-Mir powder. i I Anew .the: rood; to Minima was
Ittil t i im ird el s i
f j s ;; , the bone," of unsuccessful , men. ,
''' - ~, •
_,.,-elwele 'the Nit-of , merit. ,t, -.
man ii admit v.;-2 - t.,, proportion to hit. meg 'As '
one toot, 7 ~, t mote: bemired maid des, 11
. - built.ehti. = '''` , Corrunissioners say I have
•• - 1... : ',..,..,,, e an, present - erg ' them
. te '`. '''''' oohing Upon me as a harmless!
- lam -ftre.,l ..1 ..tittauer i: and saner. baweVeri .
' lg ,Mintaii ' slue coompletton. ...Humors* **ere OAT'
'WMe otitinother ounittura bro ke--tinother horse;
fellesin,the •- raile-onother.gentlenum is inmate wheel
. weentilied: MG.:Tito - riot ettalteintions,:ntelMew l
22,44.6.1 i Set -Of ' th at,-Tll' regiment oi .
:AO 'essietin: .0514 --not hate ,
* - aWinv .11011 • 7,teeis behind them ;
- 2/__lnal ~.. lien revolver, and Mum .
' 6•0 "...._2 1,. • -.,,,, • 10 1 0: 0 1. pep er and musta rd to my i
;',,,,,,,. ; . , ...." 0 -' , Ost• ;; To-day :L bear noth ing of the:
E. re. Wooing se stimulates the/
• ;'. - rpi '". .." t, nothitie,toneing to' the systetof
M cold wa t er.' • Fit molt tbammtaa go m Lime-,
• Ostsimiltaitigei - but or the li-s r **warner?. attami
timing to Omlxittla without the carte; it is the ineetwil
' ' 41021 ' wetkrOPOß the train powder :that givers 'force;
to„ l is igilerorts.; Pali. , .Peei , Owned, protection: *no,
.4 0 sus , Ilea _it alter .it was_ done. ',Spur,
lipe . .. ~ . ,
.: .
mi l ,free it tgi e der Intli tit the t
t u p nligi
, , P. " ,i into, lionet h l i ttlultri Partial; intfi
It ' t : 74,... tigi t a g ebtfrtirtZ.
~ : ca L. ALig l it-: ,
t o '... .- .it , poPu ' T;ilio gam* the7U - bor,;
td • • ~_- deity model, the 'toad. bt - entheit tba
• . mt., n ~. or the hon. tio and ask thanagMee wlui
itglit '" C i t i o' ', ZZoilftel t Zeter, Ziefo n g
.. - 11.L 6 ' 44
o .
,7olV4iko. r d ' oZ2 . 7lt 4 1 .2 ' '....%
~l arsitnivele- •itt•te o o o 4 oo .In rap land. ' week
11cil i r i tiet w ' mfr. " A lk. eforkwr if f s l
.. x . s . eAbt7 4 gr.
to' emiegemid.6 riagairea l i ntet., -WV7 RIAU web Tiberal.4
, 4501110 te - tie men rat Venue z vented tutor.
• •••••iWALIP mourn nth! .• 'lnt intorestyounie, on that
• - - ,•fthipeiviiiiit i t ak ilaitlOlV•ref •up money , the - tevi
i.i Pe vohktheti tutplige rihiatothentwern''
topes pie Wag elw W A IVint i l i eb• Thaf ,
. 2 4 urust. prior, •itaelliti4i• &mho under , ci
, 1..; !( rile lave or tuden?..Uol.amor t i i r e a mow) il,
Hilt ptites.A. war taw 0014190. 6 Man Who
6, niaOtaallejliention into tile kingdom Is t inventor
t...- giree utility; ben des my natidnalitr gosrati
neitia hoover boom or an Anterinan running
.. ,- tear fa rigunlimeadefoundeuse in au ltn i g;
ft limo itif- Ago* f , Great applause.) - WI h
-.. inEty. with maseyeenth t , patent. with rho -
,•,•:, 1 , 1 rootingi , kevitin• Id eonadinteern ay I nitiaser. - r.
": : :: „ . ,• 1 . ''' ' ' uti or M w mati a to n gsAM % I TO:Ti l e: it
tr,ltot v d6l44, 1 „..,,,,,...t icpiosipronlabje meet r
~,., 5 1 : i 3 ON . lia by i t igid,l . i i ttag:;; . 2. l l:zna4is s azin b ri t 4;i ,
t tl7: o4o inere , t7 vi t ov zi tib rit .w i et: - Licoo s ittAl%drte t, ..r o d .
I d
-,i•i• traftt4cteent-en . Anent, word liv word. r
.. ,,,, liC e , ,, ,sure(( ,r Ware , ' nip ,zingegbn .
, "mEr_oZt - 'it slii, 7, b ' 4
n 6ll he t r.tot i r ium4 IP:
„iitt jt
i,..;purunr, on :WO , . YOU= : ' l . l Vilaggellt ' 1110 1 711 2 :t , m
their veils. wen &gm" . I " lh " 1 atufmi l l i .
' bitvritUilie %lOW elliii r,Afl, tfal/WOUS • th people t.
4661Mgriold iatlieniebard•Othilet,rall'lsrund
Oen e
;.IWlZ , yriggii for. noatly WO teem t ligagOnit tne lithe r
• , rti pitle,eogerelithateloirtint itegthe arse Miele
1%- , :l now.: Oldvi •r , . 0 1 00 0 ritrerl 10,'.-g
, '. - g Mieleolle taigeelak- r- a AIM* the . et ,
IV , aillqaolsViite .. fit .
0 -
N- , elliiurtflik 1 14, mange ,lik *note is o
-I".eitosseete. • :'A limbo be:bilite . heat tatty ye
li-11740, ' 'f , = LAVAtL fi t 'WA ll= T .
...0....apt ~,' Wa ll ow carte rind.
fierre Zile . ... 4 ear: heitga:,At the : Now" York
• ~-.. • Am 1. 1 6, c w harraaa„walltedtat, as veil ,led
'-';. nial, lank tkeir, *OW ;POO on he
a as 0 4010 ,00 4 t0t - Orel•stretniti . a.
4 ,,... 1 ,,,„.......,.. they le.
e l
0 • . ° Ol. M 5 d. Vegemai : m it thit *eremite! nit
,o, diamAgnia_satti • tAt asagataat Ma IV
'L Itiill I i g m l i • 01111, awned' their
• .." 4 • 'WO. /Mt ' 0 1 4 1,4h01 1 .1 A . iatUmirin Mlle
Art io
. i , , , ptimkg Milo ... l a ... , , r ib..
4.1 _Amu lineup tut*, .I,,eilf t he st ;honest
.i . .i :imam, role t VOW Ankh* u 6 t ver, and
~ge dais Unit otalegAill AlluitgPO, .tlit loop n aloe, the , re,azeifewes_ o ll4.,23 , l.nLimea d ltit a (',with he
~. ~ court „. , 4S, ," noon il), tllll Ng the ,
ZAC I ZIrdos. oo 441, totTio o oildlit ' oortalrw.l
• I,,,,ipage Millumn gime, Imo ',believe telt byteka t i
i nnate' ow ,
trysietclhitteatilits*VN eheart In-
4theliton le and; I .. a . : . , in...., 11" ha ,
f lry a MititillllM ''°'-
p t ifitrUL Jii r i j ia T i'l l
, timid, - caatina,,,, ll ' 4/ 4 as same avidiea toe
, •••••-•-tennieritu- Itippreott Jelin-JO' at a fiheigultejtee •
''''--;; • 1 r.,, , ,,,,744: 1 lir l'A i shgli ~ trroffEtir 411 '
-/41•1 Itiehuit,niohatteitti •in -• netit 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 1r %kr:
.._•tr , • .,; zialire.• , e .t eLerinined tg a rgY ok rep t liliti i ,
8 4
*0 Vol v itt =if:tumid eel he " *lt •
• n le ElYiniathl ice Wheal to
.. , ,i I. -7
th e'Aernenen with pounds. d" ends
?,-,; V 416 11 116 i Oldletnier ) tionterintee end ph e
g owir t a ernes As a nue. I Never' contri bute
aititriliket sionwilboot 0 1 4nrom t te•
- boning. reported in the neueepepi. natiet t itterii i wpin
:ii.. . ~ el :11tiptir:_.d . ..":0,6Atis Ransede Or. .5 M.
4. ' ', i 011:3 1 1 1 !... g? - .TIVNy r to ; e Irish DO-
H:a i_ • . ~, • 0 4oevr , i ~ .„ r ling day/ of
, • • 0 passion. ' 4 1 1 lir Of • le• pe de
' -- ...sitt__„or- -- -.airlift to r ei, , kfnd e•
•or -- --- --- -- - -
,_ __ _ , •
7.. ' 7 -- -, -.4-44adik t , tin i t i.r 4 ...„,.„.. ;
nrai,v, • ~,,,i,t , ..3 . 7 , ,,..i ~....r at. ..r...
Mintier Me Obintlaktillngtelltlla i lr
the bill i be of sr. ( mot et deanl i det.l The ilea"
fOnitt. insncr:Qua,,Nad All , sat your money, or ,
mon e l M y highly ooneArirealys se alto* lookeddig.
, W Owl o ow:Wilitturiltiotro rt miter. et what
lianiaged r t g ,, mum i•Telikeekb. nye
1 2 45 lild i e Vr a, •:1 Triorgtitit:
„,„„-4„,„„ „,,,..„ 8 .,„,....,. sand ;monde its
P a l nest-
MY , in fns y is ilVtgraittiUsiAri
Auer „.4,..,. . WAthe rural•7•able. It. in tha ,,
'IN Munditle:Vartit itibt i l ltrl toutrrlit i t
114,Pf0 1 11 0 1 0 1 -0 , htey.Lnitmodero I
n trlttignt d- Clartaki i aged- Wta b PP
Zi s
1 Van tle u r , k rrau b rw. tit .ltrattt e ri n- supy • 4 #4l llf *
bon* enttiltis crwmtaelt I
7 1 sin reiritnanillejtumbet iir-yitinattu be a kit
mem Ter* MO at !Mo. tormadiAne peace atilr
searstattilatinvaLArennfith i t e r e %l i nir bt
yin sari
l es T,ta area II „rie _ ta in
rd A t tet t- na i li4 l"ttm eareintl Year. t
,Name fr Wan brer. , usitil . OP li- al iii
; rainy, i p i VZ b= itj . t :eV r Ilittp
ea F044/40144812 4 41tainlitnn/- — l 4 tigt;
= 1 :1 rttte= a rsiiia,ll, i rimir4" , tilt
wi l .
1••••••, .••• t 01 , ?'9 . hangik—when 11 1 ammo:
that , 411 My Wite go C thw% OW • .tbe Dare
*mkt sk .1111 alt. tlitiV thitur • nalits - ..1 )
WWhim abnat a r .! Iv, tar, kmoa at ,
hi m oft mg ittind 0 telo'lMlf f t r .
Multighe pall ain on . 1 .0 , titt al w I W . '
1 4, . Vtliartnas t irtninglawowlere, ,
AM l hto;V daYikir e o ifilMerr
them to • by t , man ta V. *t o m
vi l4 1 Imes ditiglj Tito IF;
de.wha ', e ir e oemaittee settietklner-,
I r on kw , , molustrudmitits
M. int 0111fi;
alert wise atitt %no". gat; groper.
". ?X s ij
bz i e
ive chap af, polltiear aat Bret , liCl e -
..00 . 1111 0 11tt iy : .
jubeat n aer 7 ll = inneri t i f a c t I t prn .
Iti t tu tr ael iti t t ni i
m "iw idds ardris e eltre ilmt HI e nt • svelter • Is t
l ag nit
AvathedPsinoerstio Presideu . Munk rig t pin t
'be k ta2 nr olt hi L i crt lirr° y n th r ie, wi t 'Ul a • a o = reat V en :i tirt a go rti o usti 2 Fill l y
gall, o; mutt rat, anxious toi build them UP,
rot y otera "fake rat,
armoires. witioh they' never
Men& ad, me •o not , eonitolldspa r th:wirt i
et a ie rriathe . .t i ,7,n a tt by
OR The iniurire
withmi stall endeavor Ito amount muittle pupa, bola
bowl,'" r somebody else's am:, (My. Tnunzeginued his,
mat a dst a tempest of satileige . w
The Warman, proper d Tit antaateerh which.
1 4
was , admii to , by 'euinnant, Ward. 0 the First
ChturhirmAlama And reeitaticing were saved, and the
chain tir MOW immense - artineefrient by .0 clever
Piece entempora rhyming. .. The vromedings were
inept u wait gmatimmt for a tioasiderable.time. ,
(Prankthe Liverpool 'Pain, Atgait MT
~ Arr. Tram's vest& wee ' thd Moat wonderful We ever
morns there were similtes eltOugh to *witch a score of
agile*, :and all heavy and• sopooprWte.• Mr. Tram is
engine! to wireryttitua • he dos, and his oratory in tiea
caber to humid; hie eloquence ,beare •no reeemblanoe
___,tfi the eloquence or ant r tar
. othet and if edooese
....... 0 . la• merit , MIN wrion Aim meat merit...for lima
temitt...t., , ix e r
a tatved nd r tta r. diflion, u t t r g At i s i %
;4 , itke the 'trogeoti
Arrall " la rs t l heri tv 4--tt r bronn'd.,:
•• ••• • • fon
i • , . titrolt,TA,Tiovii ,
• ,
.„.• = = ,
(He stairtOr
_The 'Miss.], ./ . ~, ' _ ..- '
IarkCEJEO innsOottiliger--407 . barrooffse
too s woo mole Tte.
,_ .r.
m r
• , P 0 rAU PRINCE—BriE_ sr s• 'Eagle, 2 vv_no ems—, ,
SP s ooffollB bbls glass? alms WattaQn &. Boar.
- - - -- --
tEd? • riAlpittikArOAßD OF TRADE. •
gnat &
NA • Wry,: IFID:=;:. Cir431712/1 aT /1"1 ffi•Ul
P I ; Bacii;
.-- A 4 Ai /gnawing Aczt,A4ngo, PhaalielpAid. ,
- eh --....Joyernool, soon
igatniTuasamws:Daialm., ..—:- ~ Liverpool, soon,
s ag 7t,
nWI ninnly A te, ntrteklead,......... -Liverpool, loon
I_ ' lll 3. "4 - 141 . ' 4.-..- ' l ' 974 C"itel ".13 11,I;o i l u i
.tati 6 4 Irk r a..: _. _....».-:...Liverpool, anon
V! t i" -, Istni s t. m :. 6 . 1-- ":::;1 . ...:::Itigiroot l arog
'Bsi Elias J. cm1ke5......,.. - put an pain, anon
do Tann IF,rf', Riorth .....-±.. » Harts, soon
1. BARINE-' 114'01;tIPIEtitc'E-
Pant or; PUILADIcI4.I44ti !WAG -17, 1860
I -
....... . . .
• - JAMB h1t1..! ' •
01 klateanwhii. 'Bate of Georgia. Ceresll , B B hours,
trot Bainii mah; with India and pasiaingen to Alegan
de Heron.tar. -• • • , • , • - .
8 atriehl6 Phineaa ft A mtne, Matthew", 46 hours from
-licn. with Indio to nwar.- - .- • •
sameelo Ariasna. mith. a hears from Wilmington,
.De . in ballad s° Skshom inimbrg_ik Co.
Agirk trine, Worthiest ! frOm Kameda, 25th nit, with
coffee find fustio byte Tabs.- On the With. ao miles from
i Bribo Bar. gola A hive-emoted the Addy Swift
—. tied 111,_ - at 11 Ald gtainsta ingnalled bark Linda,
- fro New York for klataysse.
rieis from Boston. la ballast
• to eaptain.
-Brig War Fails. Williedie:fAati Port an Prints Slat
withlogwood, Jett. to Thom .Waftson. & Sops. Left
,alts brischfontiesllo, from Boston arrived 19th: Isabella.
• Betirmartarorn and for New mk, disobergedt , a hark.
from New Orhiatureelth emignmekand a brig from Bost
to with foe. arrived 99th. •
rirChtooyee. irmond, 30 dayit tioni Bottom with
,rn to!Xwells &
rob , Game ON ..LanaleY, 15 dojo from Eastport,
ABouder CC°.
Illtettblean, Cook. 6;days from Taunton, With miles
togrwe Is & Co,
t - P•150111•. Iftse Rieh. Crowell, 8 days from Boston, with
mese aco:melt •
Bohr Ilmliett,Jarvia.ll den from New York, with
barley Mgr Barran & Son. • •
Bohr Belle Conway, Delany. 6 days from Petersburg,
th wheat to Thou Aloha/Mien & Co.
Bohr Cicero, Burrooshe. El days from Pall River, in
bat ast toR °omen PC Cti.. '
ohr Ribenft. Knight. Endieott,s days from Boston.
i ballast to Van Dusan, Norton &
hr Woodruff vims, ?awn, 5 days from Boston, in
ballast to John it White. ,
Bahr T P hfeColley. Carter.ldiy 'from Camden, Del,
-th oats to las garrote & Son.
Bohr Ann C Grey. Kelly, I day from Smyrna, Drl,
with wheat to Jerfl Be •
t3ohr Annie Virden,Chamber. 1 day from Lewes.
Gel. with grata to Theo W Parker.
{Steamer Josephine, Green, 23 hours from New York,
iyith noise to Wm Baird & Co.
, Measlier 'Moony, BIT. it hours from New York, with
*dial° WM Baird & CO:
Steamer hangdog. Vander veer, hours from New
York. with mills) to W Baird & Co.
4fiteaynit t p Do!swam, Cannon, New York, via Cope
/gip NubMICA, Poole, Liverpool, Thos Richardson
,Sap Northampton, Elwell, New Orissa', la S Stetson
6r, Co.
BROW I Treat, Sark, Braden, E A Solider &Co.
Sohr Taber, Cook. Savannah, D S Stetson & Co.
i hr Lahr lr7ll2 llw tr - 5e.1:711,4, grin
t ttr doers. f i laTe s ktidll l 3 ° lt fkittft IP o -D en
T riort jn• Co . o Ull
I Pohr Telegraph. Connor, Berea, 'do
Bohr E Photo, (korner, • do do'
Rohr Somerset, Miller,. New Hamm • do
SOhr Ann Smith, Sm i th , , gravidenee, Sinniokson &
;Glover..• • - - •
Behr Newt:Wink'. Norfolk, do
! Sehr Jame., Campbell. Greenwich, do
SW ft Willing, Clarpoole, Sideliner., A Groves. Jr.
&I'S Seymour. Palmer. Alanaadria., T Webster. Jr.
~4 . 3 l Carrattpondeitee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) ,
,Ll3.wr.' 1101... Sept. 15.
The brig INT/flak &till remains at harbor. in eomponl
with a.bszkwhleb came down last night. Wind 13,
Yearia kes4 N. W. 11.1001.41 N
(Cirre g Arietn a lMairg l il Mafia:
M The Wyoming left wake boats. laden and consigned
John Griffin railroad Iron to David Keeree& Son; I,
ItlApaineott, tanker to Henry Croskey;Twoßisters. 0
H Buotatew. 0 Rinehart , and P Weinrink, coal to De
term City. - , • .
Theft Swill sternsibip Rey storielftern, Cent klarsh.,
man Charleston:left sit O.A Mon SanrdnY,
, fint freight and • number of prissenaers.
bap Elora MoDomld. for _ London. left at ID Aso on
ge ll grinstelA r b t lN: IfigiTaltrlkditra,voilOtentitelliloo tea
bee ,30 , Itlide lamp blsoiri 6 oasts fore, iel ekes ohm.'
- Snip for Liverpool. left at 3 on 9s
tow - of tut - America. having on board 36 VS
bushels wheat; 360(Ibbis f 105431.19 tea bee r, 56 lids bark,
MO bonen chemise end DlO.baiss dovetailed..
••, - •
E lux .
Ship Lancaster, Moan, 'Ansa froin.LiverPool Lt rtiel•
for thtelort; - •
L flp t !p Miiingb4 i ll p o e Mendelson, for this port, sailed frOm:
Shi p wm Chamberlain,. Knapp, from Chirleston, 'ati
Ship oileph' Fish. Wong, ,sailed from Liverpool 3d
inst tor eiswerleenn'
3.oo4ltritt, fot ew;Orleane, sailed from
atildston. lith met for
Br . lBl iTiregmwell,l3;nunes, from Bolton, arrived at Cal;
antra/My 21. -
Phip Gerirnde, Hallett, for Boston,' sailed from Cao
qutki, JoIl 16,
...Stop ba, Union. air), Cameron, for'New York, sailed from
Zom July 29.
Bng Celestine, Piokett , cleared at' Poston 13th lot
thpprt. - -
BriirWYoung, Cook, from Calais for this:port, allSion-
Itygton 12th inst.
- Brig Miner, 'Van Ommeten , hence, arrived at Wil
mouton, N 13th ton.
,112:I v rig ton,.Spoight2;hehoe for Rio de Janeini,
was ken,l2l4lnlt. lat 33 Itt ma at 42.
Sthr avid Post, moslander, hence arrived at Wil
' Bahr to ' Yandosti,Trelind, for - fitnladelphia.
cleared at ,dmingtor, N. C. 13th lost. •
Bohr M Kenny, Ogler, for, Philadelphia, cleared at et
Jew). N %loth
bola Stookouse, for Philadelphia, cleared at
Bt Jolm . N 8,12 th loot.
Pohr 0 Looser, Laws, for Philadelphia, sailed froin
_. . .
r3ohrW Ai Mitchell, Mitchell, hence for Bath, with
coal. went ashore on snow Point, Beanies' Hole, lath_
instant 1 onthe 14th had five feet water in'her hold: dn'
attempt would be rinds to pump her out, and should o r ,
prove weather pve favorable, she would probably be got 0
Botrhamartiud, Johnson hence for Cambridge,wi h'
°oat, vela ashore on the night of,the lath instant cm:
Cedar Tree Neat, Vineyard Sound. - film had bilged
14th instant, sod was full of water; would have. to dm
ohliree cargo of coal before she got off, which would
Probebly ra be done, should the weather continue, mode- -
ts. . „
Bohm .Blinnee, Thatcher; -Rio, Chandler,. ttrd 'C o al
Queen, linutb, for this port. cleared at Boston n i4th intl.
-MO adiellb' Kelliold, . May. hence for „Bolton, at
Isowport, imbibe!. .
Bohr 11;17 Emma, Henderson, at East Greenwich
Mk instifretn Dormers City. z •
Bohm &gab, Beiti a m t n ii. riad Carthateua, Crapo, hence
at New Bdrordast i • - •
*Ars •Dprohne , Baker ; Lanra, Weeks; Clara,
y i
Smith; Wm °bray. Robinson, hence, and ship Car
penterßoti n. from Delaware City fort orwich. at
New vork,ti inst.
Bohr Mounts n Avenue, Keller; hence at Portland
I ; 3 4linfedererf,iill.- lliiith - Prhy, hence at Baltimore
144 In
.., -
hr oia,BMWer ; Iteietim; Gandy; L N Godfrey.
Rills, a - - presto, -i strobe*, for this port, sailed from
Providence, ltlth'inet., F.. - - -.., . ~ ~
. .. .. ...„. . . _
t " 'No: toi sorra' Anon. T HE
In tronneetton with' their , extensors binet Buidnen,
wie now um
„ Itfoolgimm i .of ,
r ATAT ' aegilifirtrigir ectlirtoNs i
w i te
la 1 :1111,0 1 1 eo=tird' by all who have need them; to
or - the eneity and tniell of these Tablie`the Mann
tell74l3rorfr% 22itirrirgitirjlte t rIrt h ag
..x.4.4 . . , ~ .. waft
.. ....
1 1 100,00 i Paget' Wei of the nineritialtiq `growth,
A V l A e gio i l i trom. " iM e lge lq° e i r ov r 1 4 h tTit a te n° oit;eke: two
i our old; and won trowiti rio to sag oar httee....,_ l eed•
(et ir l igtfUg m ti 1 " i t t irneigar u l! 9 . " me
tomitfforjo opZitatill e 9tuato.labd. .Tte o l l f tl "Y e "
;vete. Mod uneouilled , end nneea tow. -- ' , - - , :: ,
i t iattnit o l l irAr Mix : interest to flterlitir e
every ttelf hosr+ture troeitiri="ai, the
.- :-..,, 4 -.;
--. - -$1 9 194 4 .11 11 5 t rh;
4 to-ut - warehouse; 2 il andenecida&K.F.T ntteet
.1, a lei : 41 r ,
the entire ' t l iii . ti e n n .
I . h l. heviie amino& , '4QAseelyen . h ' Arn,
' 1
figgitn a irrnt.' C a cti 4 ' 4 4 .
trot Cesare Ferniees, in dr: or smzt•Znitir
inA U p .1 ON -1-:4IBTROLOGY I—Lolol{
.ALA - — OUTI=-092 - 0 - NSWB FOR-Al,l,l—The neve r-.
AWN* lite. VAltrlirOVVllt the , treot ;t eke engseeds
IT ill others itiVe rade4....ittLfto tromt-trouolo, au,
' i nt b ror t l lA t 4 tith .sittogranNrroil i g
atur swam' thOrtot gr rovirrceffeo
'• the eeleemee Pat fell:- , get to levees
ere* nretenderl siVtill UP Wattle nweV 614 06 e he ,
vertlgontent. Om shows you the Ikea,. at long
are Wire' Iptsband, - otelosentinendr- jtitsweltAtt awe
to they Imp Iggt lie - ii -tie reeheril p a r .-
liottle eon ehorrue mewed* tit. reit' IIY nli outil.ri
entire eatirraot ti tio on all the conserve qt‘li e 4 IF 4
_lf' ems
dee- "roved- byionsodeOoth men o ,
I m el otap io lthe lin we d-
_y vientter. Comoyone ..,
=T od & ma t . .1.0,0. D Street. bettrzeatukl,,
Ay - omen-pound Atone Jana and firkirrwieobivid.l
Ets. burets APPLE WHIBK.
CIDRR yiNtetilh R, wantote pure or tml. male.
0•14.30 W. P. HENRY, 19 YE BECOND Ht.
~ t , !.:*.t
the 11.1.ADELPIIIA POt3Tirriklii ip" to a
$. on fisturdnr; &ID= 14:1308, ,
apitly in menpon We ctor,a4Vottll44 ;tin Iy .•.
. ,T • ( )
•"Oimln on gnnde7.from 7.4 to, 8 . 1 . 4 f 61001 14 &M.,find 3 to
!It.Affy 'LADIES' LIST, .
Mieel3 4 7l3_Cogher. Mrs •bapp D
4.11 , p0 tu)k• — ' rooorroi Loy hi Inpitawl Cath
440! M arrowlil
as eii:E :-Q_ldiasuc. „.,._
. 40 ,1/40. re"' Godfrey Lusy hi -solve... _
AU illi A M .ooed , wln Argos r ..0: Harrow iii i
An 3411 s 0 01111 Mart Mrs- , .. 0 Erysalldrs x_ _
*Roy, Ell ab ;- Wins° anted*. flosrmaninryA
Miter? am: , •
r tge 0 nettle. , att , 0 3 .1.1 : rug
Bere ll e r k_tr at i. K 4 twarn:ltsbetreagv a rAt'uritigir
Mi t tel trl i s n i ,
.ti "%mar iii ,,, frmEmmil
~c , ,,,,,g,i . ....... tg ,,,,,,, T rt g , R ., g ,r ; ivt a
Netts Mn s 13 CI Lees Wigs ..i_' .P; roe ,fioy -
- Bethel M ae D Harris Jno etre Polack Mary
BeXter re A 8 ilallS J Mrs _Paul Lizzie
;Revere la E sprees M A Frail Ida Paul's L
Biddle Para / at es aohl PI Ridley Kate
•Blaoludure ng Prialse , rs. •L, . Stanadelph:Wro
flodiget Mary K Hats Mrs Riley Balser
Juryant Mrs Dila' Hawaraft Margt Iles burn_Ltildie
Hannah A Knees Nem Mrs
irg r i:#lll G . , Prh t lianhati COMM Bituir t
vagnimisltsinCez Bells
tyti bit A til misto li t
t ir rm a rs t u it . .
ftygis Mra ogees John Mrs m etre
al m ina
iingesineidrs C s N H Ernm e tlik , IfermlatiV • ar! .
FitagNabeozi Ho i. _i_
... . E
R H o u w nt et A a ll u sn u
~ •
,m4w lttertr a kat J ean
rots L en 0 T Hunter Hannah Rodgers At ti e
nanesarg . 64• Blim g4 Ma h Vl Bl i do tnir m l any
14 1
' fireeKeral tag iris W sal) , Annie
r si v.:r 3.11 Hook,, n e.,,,,utzvran,
.. 4ace Jt • , Hatfk. Sar a r ! i rtlN:q 4 ti h
Ecihemer Henry lames er r nee o i oil
. 40 1 .,
itg i ta FranceirAJodelllittr Mrs_ BOri:i ll ika4 ;• i
BMW; litre hi' E Jackson ajar, r Roberta Sandy
Chance Miss 81 anirlt" lin Schuster M Mrs
Carter tillsa E A Jordan ' Sarah 3 i Sheppard F 0 -
chrion Sarah E Jones Mary At Sandford 8 P Mrs
Ca.dwell Mrs N Jeffries Mary E Sarah
Ckadley Miss L Jenks M. A Shanninu Mayn't,
Charalispra Mrstill Johnson Sarah Sanford it P Mrs
Carter raiseblL . ogno.Radell , Simper Bailie
Cituaglian Grace Jagicart Ann Sanfonall Mrs ,
Campbell Mrs • Jordonoulas Stiembson Elib h
Chambers Meal) Kelso Jame - ' etisebaskerli H. ,
Cane Rachel r ,; . Kuhn Li tale `
I' Beaten Kate
Carman Sarah Kline Caroline El Shuster Kebiltioa
Carrell, Miss S W Kenn Eliza Mrs Shaw Annie
Chaloner Mrs AM Kee Debora Mrs , Shippen 11l
Mention Mrs E Keegan Mary Sawyer Maria II
Clemer Misi'll Knowles Maui Smith Mary Mrs 8 •
Caper ate I Katz Clara smith Man eel
Cotter is. Ellen Keith Ma Smith A nna at
Cunningham H Keen Matilda Smith finnan 0 ~
Combs Louisa Kelly Jts Mrs Smith Margaret
Crow Emma ' Logan Flora Smth galhe
,Conway Jane Linsey Sarah Smith Martha' , 1
ii:rtenfdaria E Lippinoott Tt C Smith, Rosa
urtiallannah Lambert It C SmithA it C .
novar Elizab`hLaughlia John Smith Cordelia M
Cronly Miss Kate Locke Tillie IL • Smith R E
Conan*. Miss L Laud Ellen Mrs Snow bury L
Crawford Miss E• Lampe' Mn Simmons M 8
Cochran Martha' Lee Bridget Stevens Ellen ,
anthbortaiire A M Levin Lizzie B Soren Maria
Oolemsalitaryi Lehr Mrs ri *Healey Cooilia
CuniasMiss Tracy Lewis Jr. ewis Mary ' Stanley Char's
Crew rd Mrs" Lamont) enny Strong Mattis
Corson .Datherine inane • r Mily J Retina Louisa ,
Tia Costa Mrs J Lagras CMn Springer Kenzie
•Dick Frank'n A Lenhatt Man, Stone Elizabeth
Disk Miss Emma Labia Mary Stevenson 8 a
Se Sanders M 0 McCoy Margaret Stoyle Jennie
Miriam Allen MoCniker min 'Sterling Sarah M
Dare Miss Ball - MoOleari M J Steal E G
Davenport•al A McCormick M S tout Sarah ,
wrieMrsßettet 0 I. e TO r Mar)
D ' AI Drn I libly T we
De It °west Clara McManus lita r 'Thompson Mlle
Dacus Lizzie D MoAdester M Irina L M
lthman 13
pttey Euiras_l4 McCullough 13 OMPOO2I Anna
trine Anna 11l MeHmlo , aim • Tolson Caroline
lorMys Sarah, PloCaulier A ' Taylor'Hannah C
Dimond Jane McCullough E 0 Titus Lizzie
Dap * Airs-6 C moricieur 'Oath, T h ompson A
Denney Ann Jane McAdam M'A Tracy Ann
Darcie Mrs /no 3 McMinn Sallie Tucker C
Doyle Rosanna Mornan Cat* „Taylor-Caroline
Derry Martha AM° eip M A Tltainkrion Annie.'
Donaelly Mary A biti armlet E Yost Mary H ,
` Illoneha Mrs „, Mo anglilin .P Yeager D 0
fi l =l7.; 11711017 ' itrgMhiri. I
, Dreper Mr* A L Wigan Mrp Man Airs -
Dontikney Mani Meredith Cit erey Geo Anna
Duval Mary I' Mack Bridget/ Walter Harnet
Dougherty Mn 8 Manley Sarah . Welsh Anna
Dodge Mrs Elieh•MaritinsavLidta Webb Anna ,
Doulader Marl it Meredith EJ • Welsh Kate 1
Donsison Mary • Mimainotar P Mrs 'Whirlers Kate
Eberr Jane 34 Miller Elizabeth Wha len Kates'
EllsMigs 61 Isfikhet Ann Weleh lisnrietta
Emens Susan 'Miller 0 C Mrs White Jane 8
Sri Miss ' Mitaheamargt Warren 6 B
Flood Ellen Idusph Ellen Ward W 0
Frankel Mad I? 2 Milker Oath Mrs Wtoke Henry mire
Fenton Lizzie Morris Susan Wilkins Anna
/ Peron Margaret Murphy Lydia D- Williams MA 4
Fedner Miss AMorrison Kate 8 Wilkins H Mrs
Fulton Sarah A . Myrtriles Eiizab'h Wilson R Mrs
Frazer Sarah A • Marelt Mn-Wilson Sarah A
Frosty MraMin moors Sarah, 8 Wilson Sarah A
Frederieks A, monssan Marl Wilburn Eugene
Fling Crith'e Moos Cedilla . Wilder A
Fisher Mrs M Morison Mrs Weidman A
Green Aline M New Catherine Wilson Mary
Garman Susanna Biokels Alpine Williams Marsh
Gibbons Mrs., Newlin' Susan% Wildenwood 0
Teresa Pd. Emboli Harriet Wilson Ai m Mrs
ea:singer Annie - ,
, ,
Ali:ander Wm . .
Duncan J .1' Lanoastor C
Among N Duman Geo Law Binith
Adams Jae MI Dorms Michael Lammio John
Alien Wm 0 Dudley Win Laoook Wm
Albright , J li Eckert J Larnv Joh n
Allen, 13 'A . . Egan W Tryan Ladgdonittiv 0
Armburg 11 V Himont, Forbes' Langley John
Alfred Wm ger & Co Levingsten I,IIE
Abbott G B ,Eldridge,Joe 0 Leary Ho lma n
Allen &Co Thon Elliott Simon Leach
Abbott Win L editor of Mocha- Levgue T
An:ander & nics" Own Lee Piro & Co
Knowles Edmonson & Wil- Lethbridge John
Ainell Jos M liamson Lee Theodore
Ainsworth, Ball, Hebert John G Legal Insurance
& CO Elliott John T Reporter
App,eatila .1 W Edson Rioli'd P Lear Christian •
Atmore H J • Elser-W 8 Lees Alex'r l.)
Ashton semi F . Earle & Co I Leybas L
Angerson li • Eestartope & Su- Leer Chas
Armatronir'A " plat Lehman Goo H
Asherifelder foe Exoelsior Varnish Leithauser Jones
Armstrong_Geo Work. Leidy BA
Action P E Fatted& Rafael Levi B '
Aehby D lil • 6mone M A Lebr M A
Arbeiter F ' Reams Rees C Levy 0
Arnold Jan Evans W Leard Jae
Arcs , Robt 11 Biumico, Homan," Lloyd J
Baugh C 0 • &Co, • :. . Linnet Allen II
Batters 6 A England Cornet's Link Martin
Warnstead R i'• Wier W J • Lindsay Alex'r
Hamlett Luke B Errington'B P I.lney Anton
Mt rsoth Franegio Embree It
Bartleman R M Everetrßenry ` Vorcr 4 . '• (3 1 . 1 °
Sall gaohley • , Emil J F Ludeke 0 D
Barkley aR 0 Fertility Michael • Long Win •
Bator Andrew Faye Alfred 2 Lowe Prof
BateiJ . • -. .Vairfield•Evn 2 Longstreth Saml
Ballenger Alfred Farquhar MH' Lucas Geo
n an o muffle s fellows Chu E Loyd Win If
Belt W - , „ ennel i.e Pl,yrnaiLitenry A
Baker TB. Enoworth 0 B 1 4one Hen' '
Borne (boa Yemen& Co .. Lora Geo w ,
Baker Omar r. Fitrrellose • • Lower•maser .•
Barber Geo 0 Familiar Thos Lorena Fer Lop
• Baron J. W• Flailley_J W Luithlen L
Barr Rev W W -
"Fisher Henry •toboxii:
Bannon Wm Flarke Wm Sprinahouso No
,Bazior Aug S Fish !times - 222 I O i N
Bennett .1 D 'Fisher reter Atlantic No 262 I'
;Bell Warren 0 , • +Yields Robert 00 F • _,
Banner H B Fletcher D W Jones Div 8 ofT
Beebe John W ireetley A T No 17$
Delver Francis eller Waah'n Chermicer No 13
Remelt A M aokett 'l' E Fraternal No 182
Beasley R R fullerton RA I 0 OF
Berman. Isaac B 'non John MoClaine Wit
Berry Robt • reemnoB I - MoCormiek Jae
Bennett Chao H Foster Thou Iff oCartney G A
Bicking Geo It Forages 01) ' MoCandles Win .
Bird Chas Freeman& Co McDougal lon
Blair Wm French Lewis II MoAdolohns Jag
Blookstook J Franklin Ink Co MoCloaky J Rev
Huhn J Freeman (than II MoDuratt John
Blanche Louis Pollard Thom MoCobb 1) Ca_p 2
maim &Co.l PI °Odell B , sml W McCoy Geo W
Black & (I,IJ ii I Garame_re hit.; MoCapn DI
Braker R R Garble John) MoLelly.B it t
Blake Martin I- Golden J G MoGar Wm
Blair Beni C Oa John " MoLelland Fro
Blair WM.° Ga llagher P I Mclntosh Wm
Blair Jaa Gibbs James McLain& Co P
EirJand Mark Glenro Franklin Motaughlin Thai
Bonfield WV V Glbbone Ms Me Winn JL 2
Bolton Clifton Gibbs Cling • Mo nape Jes - '
Bonier & Farren Gilobrist Wm • AleGrath J W
Bowers John R •-• Grason Albert McManus &Co
Boart E - Gitleepie Tl, Walborn Chao
Boas P G , Gleam Clans MoKey
Boyle John Gibbel' F MoLanning Thos
Boyle Jos Gowakap J ' MoGlory Jas
Bondinat E L., • GOlden,Wm MoPee A P
Booth Br E 0 Gonakop J McKnight G B
Brown RIcAT 2 Goodwin Ghee McKenzie Alex
Brown Theo 11 - Godwin JJ, MoNonntra Mich
Brown Geo 11 (lintel John P McNeill John
Brown Fred 8 • • Greene 0 • McKnight Wm hl
Brown MitloOm Green Wm MalinJohn
Brown Win N Guyer Jno Mahan Thos
Brown Dr Sol Guyer I B Male le
Brown Fred• Grow Jan D • Mallisan Oen
Brown Robt R Grillith Jos F • Macdoneal Joe
Mown Alex • Green Prof AM Mitokey Dant
Brown Jeffrey Gmbam R G Hair John
Brown R M Greely BI ' Martin Jos
Browne J Sr. G . Graham 11 F Marshall J T
Brigham J O. Greir B/W AI B ' Matthews J
•Boyles B B . Griffith J 0 • Mason 0 A
-Bruce Jaa It Geo ' March Clement
Brigham Chas Griewold Nelson Martin John
Brady- Owen and Hallett /S I) I Mayers Geo
Pusan 4anlettin &Co JT MaybrOlifil A: Co
Broo k ty Wm anulton Ma) b.: w A
Broos Meld Ha )1 Illin Mansfield Wm A
Broo k seo 8 Hall win Matthews Joe M
BrooEd w W Hall-Predk ~. Matbiew hi 1)
Bouilon Chas Id 'Hammond Copt I, Man Bros to Co
Boander Jrs P Haiderman Jno 2 Mason RSR
Breidenback M Harrison V T Mach Thou 0
Brogles B B Hama Geo Ma lleok Geo
Banker & Starr Harris Bend F Marsh John •
Burroughs II el Harris Wm Mammy Barton
Buckley John Harris Geo Mathews Thos
Midge 3 H , • Bart Julius Mellon Ulna F
Butler fi W 2 Hart Martin Meagher Mr
Hamm .1 W Hart S Medley Robt
Bash John HMS Geo Melo,' Peter
NYerley J D Hanoock Jim Mears Jno W
nurees Henry D Bales Win 13 Mershon 11 8
Bussiok Geo Haven Jae Meek patnck
Burr Rev W W Hayward Jos Mickel Augustus
Byerot Robt W Haxlewood Mr hillier, in B
Brown J Silas Hartley Fletcher Miller Mr
•Carter Wm_ Itarrenpat Win Miokle Andw
Cantrell Geo W Hatcher A N Millar GDr
Carson John A Haven E • Miller Aaron 2
Campbell Joe Hawkins Gen W Mller & Broil
Caldwell 0 Hawkins }fen W Mitchel Caleb
cartytte Rich'd Betimes Ed, 'W2' Miller Frances
(Arras W 0 Harkins Wm Milliken Chap
Carter 0 J Monter Abreli'm Mitten Philip
Cabanere Via . Herrington- M AlilleJ A
Cab! 0 I) Henderson Col W Mowatt Beni
Carty Jae F ' Mowe Joe
Caudle Grant Heine,' A Morgan Henry
c., m pb a q & col Heyl lieu W .a 1 N 094411111 L
Choyaske A Hort John moor A
CC Leaman S i lt „ , Htm gil Steven. Moore
li to i l
Chipman B D , Hersey John AI More outs olt
Chapin D . Henderson Jee Morrell Edwd
Gliorde Louie - Henderson Jobn Montgomery W
lark Jas T Henry Monti P Monis &Co
Clark Jaa (I „Heron WL. " Manor &Lewis , '
Cleaves C 0 - Rester Mr' • , Monier Alfred i
Cleelend Joe Hilburn Win Math W .14.
Clark Jae Hickman W H& Moore August 0
Clarke Jas H. CoMoyer E D
Clay H 'l' Higgns Lawr'e • Molloy Henry II
Cleary Michael Bill i
l R Moesler T
Coleman Wm , Mi ll Mood, Jno ;
Cohen Julius Hill F A ' Morns Itiohard ;
Cormgan John Thiyard John B Moore NE' :
Cohen Julius Hindrinin Email Morton Henry
Cook Jas T Biretta J P Mosely Bent J
Conyngham & Hilbert Geo Murphy Joe
Mettler Mowand Wm Menem M L
Colgate &Co R. Hooking GM & Mullin John •
Corbit it Clark H. W Moore Wm •
Coniston '1 hoe elNortey Joe M ornay men Jno
Cook rano &Co H Hanley Abrah M Barton 2
P ', , lloweJ Ambrose hlosselman N E
Cooper II 0 , ough Robt Miles John
Condon John • • °nick Dr J W Massy Robt
Collins Ilialits Rows gap Smith titoberaon Var
Cook Jog W • Hoye* Mr Never A Rev
Carlelat hir -• Ho.kine Philip Nickerson Josh
Cochran WI, I. Harmony 8 Mal. Nichols inn W
Collis Chae A T daron Newman bili F '
Conrad Rev R 'Hooper BA • Neal Thompson i
Cochrane 8 Co 2 Hoes Jan Belly Joe
Cogbill & Weeks Hughes Edwd Malcom & Un' , .
Continental Club H ug h es
I, a Rey Cleo derkolirn
Connell: et , Nu n Sam! Nixon John ,
Colema John Hun •Robt W . Nevins Jason R.
College caption , idaiitalat Henry Berson Piano' lif,
Coltman Hugh tiler Jacob 'Nickerson • Park
Corwin I - /beings DOW lkt Oilenbeimer J w
Curry WB , ,•Jacoby Baud 0 0 Connell Dant ,
Crawford GA' - 'imbue% B O'Keefe John '
Cunningham Jno Jennings Chao ,O by 14r
lo •
Crabs , se • Jaokson Dr JAI o 'unan M. C
Curtin Roland 0 -bailee M. ,1 O'Brien A
-trry WB H. Jaokson Jerome Orton Arthur R
Cresby John W' 'Amen Ma • Pali° 012 DonJT,
Croaky Frank "Jones J Shipley • Patohe Jea
rpindel'etei Jopee John H, ' ' 'Page It Luoign •
MIN Brim Johnson•And'w Paul T-A ,• i
David Johnson Wm 2 I rill ILOI2E Ray 1
Darby John T Johnson Semi Parke h, re
•• '
- *vi tt K °"4 Ifi li fi n u rClig Y 1 ' Alf t er l e l II
' 8; '
Ay - Al ex 'r
601.0 Johnson Adam Paul J R •• -
.• men R Justisu Joe M Patati John ,
ay BH. Johnston -twig PerVln K Wiley
De calla IM • Jordon Chas , Peterso n John
Deanstald •-. ' Karnmerhemter Pbnedalitesin
Deeklrred Mr • • DY,e,lnx Co '• '
Devereux J . . Rambla Geo Penny` Wrn --
Devenney Chas ' •KellhOW it• --
P " tar rig i • l ' '
Devlin Hugh Ke ll y henry Peitz n•G -
Dennison:ram ' '.;n elly Jas , Phillips R. '
Be Zaranilona J elner M ' Petenionimin
Do FrieeM- i eyes talikin Phillips Wm
Dibble Jonas W ' canard Win• • - j'ettlner Mattes, 1
Dixon Jae oboe Jeremiah Petal Big D Jose 0
Dickerson Mr • i ruler T • , Pecare M , •
Dirk F A , err Dr 0 M ' Penn State Dirdo-
MS Henry • ; • eneedj , John ••• '• tor,
Deemer A W Keller Fred ' Pierce Rotit,
Didriolic Um W,. liollner August Fluffier Mood ~
rkerson Win Balmy John K Phinket 'rhos . ,
iokey John Mt • N'inMbldr Potter Ale 2 J ;
ixon 'I hos A illingsworth J Potter Holm B '
on mv t i z in f.h M os ic H hael l iC r im i ti ba nD li r O W h44 , : P p lr tt i l .r .r oh ori n n a • ht 1
0111.11 Jas
HenryKolg Phi li p ' 41 1 : 1 , 1 111 tl;gme .R.Azitir, cr
outdoor B . noly Geo W • Potter Chan
, Drete A P • ~" -• Knox O. IV_ ~ 3; 4 .Potts II J
a c e)
.. , 1 .v i n n u fr yl 3,9
z ges d oOttLit.
guffi a ister lt ''
faifi r tnn ii m • ' .-P-e lit e l: ll9 PPYl of
Duncan ilv C Lang AF Pritchard Jno it
Duncan John T Louts Leon Purdy Jno
Lake 0 8 Raw & Myers
11 1 ,
rotrs) ;) •
''. c° f:.".. °l :. B .w en ft" , - , IA 114 c : 9 - 34 - 24 :- '
La w ffe l l e l y n ß - , tonic im m it t haalli L litidike . Wit .-
i , minions Chas —.............—..
ta i gs e d r e& s o nry M il ifl iniarl Swt = !u .Vils. il •
i i i. K . : en e wl° A k 1 : 1 a
v; Smith iA iv i- W 2L „. 1
ltVneoronogrtjeCwhitoarles r '
Reeve Bina YnuarAlatestai I' ' '
Reynolds as H Smith ki._ _._ Walter 'Laver
Reoli Jan, Smith Ess..,& Co yirrtair m s ~, , ,
ove VA2 I Onnth ylm , . , w I eAx
Reynolds M • Smith Renry. •:,.. walker B M
Reynolds jos Smith Thos . Watts 0 J
Beinolds oel 0 SM/th..s,ol%.,t, , ,Aatftrailigne R
Smart plus Al N. ATII4II T. 2 •
latt=to_h`d H smever Edward Wilispoirt J
,Ilietunond Jos II 2 Smithere Wm it • 'WatMou)Peter
Itighardean H 11. Snyder Jesse W Walker Seth T
'Rama HE Snow Olyger,O, , Wson L J
Richards Sam'l 0 Snyder _i_a• ", 'J • W ilton _ii Snick
14 1 11 "15,. &C o Some Ile Jos VT Wed W man
I l li c t: 4. 4 fiieyily gimirich , , ' 4 _,W:fkeritlß is -
Riti Thee I Sparks Jekil w otlll a oio I
qto jittiotOThos Sperry Wm Wagger RD
Robinson'C 0 SparktutWk DII Weallierbead DL
Rouse J G thief Duel Weteley Sarni
Robberte Wm 2 Bte6ll i B • - WabitittPantal
Robinson:Geo Stewart it D West A lf
- Rolltion fd ,' Stover T 140411 . Winalntri Abh
itosaliaavas Steak J n. While irM It
Rowe Chla:Ii•( t, Steel Sheikpk:d, • Weir James
.RObirlOA floury State Wei Wearer Owen
ktottalleriJos Stidner Wm W Welb Dent L
Robineoti l Dani titoneHedairt. , Weelmettlt T •
' Romerts II T Stearns Jos 0 Weldon & Willis
Runknl e Vale Sterett Wm 4 slier 0r1ic...,
Haull'lle&mit "! 1 Ir ai lai : ,!,,:l :w W hite 1: ' k
Russell hos Sterne Emil weetoott to' w , t ,'
• linthvenE C Stattery dahrt: - Whitqw;a '6l,
ti t ts tit,w rt7 i oll7 ... - If ( W e tit ht 7lf , w t:rf, , -
Rand ~
&Witt Se m i SW ttaintly A Win R.
Seett goo
Einitt p , pto v ln C E Wharton Chu IV
. , i: Jorcs. - etepherwa C , Whitmore Phi
. Meg rie Difi. e' Steven. EA i : Capt ' ;
Salt let W Col Sterling G L whartehby Jai
i't mos Wrish!n Strome Manuel White Jacob
Sedomridge Befit 'l9tadier'Jno ' - Whelen Jan ,
Sol:Amity-fir Jos , .Bweeny Andy Whitlock Chas
Eil2rn o lie P 2 . ' , Elitilkat Chas!. White'
Sickles ere' Sutphin Luke V W ilkins o n 0I(
Sellars B ''. "IriVa"tr' 11:O ik ' Co
Sevill Nelson R Snow jos .
- Sebald Ch.a floareiJasinno Wilmer Ringgold
Sewall Win Taylor T C Wilder W P
Shwaviig ti Taylor W II Witte H.
Sherman liunit4 upset WW' 'Wilkerson Jas
Shensi' Chen nylor Rohl ' Wilson Chas
Sherman tc,Wiok- Taylor it ht Wilson. Robt 8
low ' :T ilden Vir_ll , . Willirman J WM'S
Shoenberger 0 It Thorns II F Winohester W 4 -
Short li. 0 Tiger Martin ' Willard LM.
Showell Chas Thwinglse NWinters Rohl
Shand John II Timmons Thom ..
•• Wilson Jas B.
Shnemoker dr, Thorn Joseph M. Wilson II C
ishairar Thomas avid Williams W D &
Shelve Coo Thomas John Co
Shine John Townsend Semi Wilhelm Hems
SitilleTs Turley Marshal Wilson John
Shute hos R • Truman Imoine IVinkler Joseph
Shaun° Holt Tomson .1 a WoridJ II
Share Co Tredwell IR H Wnlberg & OP
VIMOIIIB Jos Townsend T penheimer
skitohley Wm Tucker George.. Woodside B W
Silver ghat To the Pnblishir wolden 'rhos
Sine Joseph Insurance Intel- Wood G H Col
Simms* soLit hammier. Woolley 0 W Dr
Singer Zand K Tollmahlrbriry' ', Wolf Mr
Silverlrene Turner W M Wood John
Slinger and Inc, J Tyler Chas N Worrel Alfred
Silcox. Dalin 'Tuoker,riaml , Wright olt .
SIMOILA WM 1 , TrOlithMiWUW ' Wright John !
Sibley Joseph Troedale Thos Wri Cent
Slmpscin ft I_ , Trownboner lIT Wedlock Martin
Stater Won ',i' , , ',91111.151pi Rl' , I Writ 000 I •
Smith II D Mies Copt' - Wya tJes Ct. ....
'Smith Win A y ig iey EG 8
r a rgl ( I l l e olifi e r
tgingitilhl J ohn
r F Ivrillf,P= iv wr,... Daniel
Smith j Q . ,
• . ~ .
BLOOD Figripproion.
• .. I , oop. •
• The attentionoftinvnlids, physiaimis, clergymen,
scientific men, end do public generally, is respootfullf
solicited to the merits of this chemical preparation.
containing Iron, Butcher. and' Phosphorus, and which
is identioal its composition with the Mimetic Oto-
Mae, or red blood. In_all diseases immoMpatied with
pale countenance, end nervoop darer gement.analysee of
the biped show ft derwienor of the roil globules. Kuday
conigepon lied a rosy tint of the akin, is always Indies
tive of health while &pals, Wax-like skin and counte
nance—which evinces a ilehoieney of the red globe:ex—
ecooMpanies a diseased organism. Preparations of
Igon have bees merrier the purpose Of supplying. Oa
red globule', but we oontend' that iron alone, Sulphur
slone,or Phosplimbinaltme willnot meet thedefisuenoy
in every case, but that a Jitdicious combination of all'
these elements nineties/est to restore the blood .to its
normal standard. 'Thls never' before attained,
.has been reached in the Blood Food. and its discover,'
ranks as one of the mast scientific and important of the
age.) Its abate in
CONSUMPTION'.. • • . • .
are ioletdterl the gough , brace thy nerves, strengthen
the eyaterritallay toeProetratinignig,ht sweate,lnereue
the hysioal rind mental energy, enrich the blood by re ,
'storing the laokine red globillei, Manama the appetite,
restore thegolor, end clothe the skeleton frame. with
flesh. The Blood Food' Will be foutid a specific In' all'
Chronic Diseases of the Throat or litints,such as Asith-
Bronohitis. Coughs, &o. Public speakers and
singers will find' It '.of greet': 3mb clewing and
etrongthening_the vocal organs. in nyspapela. lover
Complaints,.:Dropsy, Epilepsy r Paralysis, &refute,
liravel, St. Vitus' Dance, Payer and Ague , &0., its effi4'
oaoy is marked and instantaneous. In no class of dio
ceses, however, ar e the beneftoiatelfeots of this remedy
.o cioniplanous as those Wessling
.to which the gentler sex are liable - , and which pill tend
li c ati r it s urFt l icl. 4 o4 ll il ifen t e arig u tritli !Mal or difhoult
, especially
when these complaints are accompanied wita paleness,
a dingy hue or bettor of the skin,,depreesion of
palpltaholl, went of elppeilte, and • nervous prostration. We have the utmost confidence in ream
mending the BLOOD FOOQ ,to .ali who ony by con
*mane ot stoner& VitalitT or energy, and to - rhole whose
Mental or bodily pefitgire ark Dreettatett through over either al the - mina or bed>, and we deem lions duty
to Say that in all oases of Weakness and Emaciation,
'anti in all dikeneelt Of ,the Kidneys or Bladder " thie pre
paration hae olaim upon the attention of Mifferers
which cannot be over-estimated.
A faithful trial will be foundthe most ocmvinoing r oof
in regard to its efficacy that could be asked for. With
the above remarks, , a with the numerous testimonials
we have In its favor we offer the rr BLOOD FOUs.rf to
the consideration of the affltotediknowing that itwill
be' acknowledged as re-eminent over all other prepa
rations, patentor
°trial, in wallet usefulness. Cir
culars giving the t eery 11P012 which this reined is
louneted, also certificates of remurkablo_riurmiwill be
Cent free When desired, - We forward the ILLOQUI FOQD
to any part of the United Staten oo• Canada,' updn re
celpt of ,prioe-81. per bottle, istv for six bottles. Be
oarend In ail cases to take Ilene but that having °arise
simile signature upon the wrapper ., one other is
genuine. •
Prepared only by
409 Broadway ;
No. Broadway; WOW 'York.
And sold by theta and by ..DY9TT k CO., tan Ivorth
SECOND street, Philadelphia , and by' all respectable
Druggists. ens-Invri tr
BLOOD It nov.kroit, ,
I. ;amnesty what its name iadlas.tes; for. *Mil
Pleasant to the taste, it ts revivifying, exhilarating,
and strengthening' to the vital govern. It also re
Vivifies. reinstates. and renews the b'ood in all
original purity, and thus restores end renders the
system inVoinemble to attacks of disease.' it th
only nrepamtion , ever offered to the world in a
ponolar %swam to be within thrregolftif all
So choral y And skilftilly combated ne to be the
most Owe tonic, an yet ereperfectly adapted
as to art in IMORT oeserdonee with the lases gran
tors, and Amyl. sooths the speakers stomach, an•
tone up the digestive organs: and allay all nervous
and other irritation. It is also perfectly Binders
nog in its effects . apd yet it is nevpr follovred by
lassitude or depression of spirits. It Is composed
entirely of vegetables, and those thonmighls com
bining powerfully tonic and soothing properties, and
consequently can never injure." •Soo,h is remedy has
long' been felt •to be a desideraturn t i t re medical
world, both by the thorotghly akin le medical
science, and obi° by all who have at arid fro T de
bility ; for it needs po medical Anil or Mil edge
even to see that debility follows all , attad dis
ease and lays the Unguarded system, , ope .to the
attachouof many of the most dangergus to whoSh
**metamanity is constantly liable.; klueb, for ex.
as the following Consumption, Dronohnis,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, - Paint.
muss, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Pelingthm
of the Heart, Melancholy; klypoohondriai'
dweats, Languor, Olddineas, and ill that class 0
cases. no fearfully fatal , if 'unattended to in time.
called Manage Weakisesses'and Irregularities. Also,
Liver Derangement* Or Tidity, and Liver Cont
i:4mM*, Mumma of the K idneys, Soaking or In
continence of ale -Urine, orAny genemi derange.
mentor the Urinary Organs, Pain in Ilse Bsolt.tlide.
sad between the Shoo:dere , predisposition_ to slight
golds, Racking and Continued Cough. Emulation,
Difficulty in Breathing. and,indoeu. we yalp.t sou
merate Irony more still, but we have space only to
say, it will not only cure the debility following
Mulls and Fever but- prevent all attacks enema
rom Miasmatic nfidenees, and cure the disease
atone, if already attacked, and as it acts directly
avd.persistently upon the billowy system, arousing
the biter te Promoting, in rant, all the ac
cretions and secretions of the system, it will total•
libly prevent any deleterious cotisequenues follow
ing upon change
climate and water berme all
travellerealiouid have a bottle with them, and all
should take a table-spoottful at leastbeforeaatuis.
As it preventscostiveness, strengthen* this dikes
tire organs, lichould be in the hands of all perilous
of sedentary atlas: students , ministers , literary
men; and all• *dies not etocutonied to mooh out
idoor exeroise phould always use it. If they will.
they willfind an agreeable. pleasant, and elnoient
remedy against those ills 'which rob them of their
beauty; for beauty - .minuet'eater without health.
And health cannot exist - while the alsive irregnian
ties continue, Then, again, the Cordial is a perfect
Mother's Relief. Taken a month Inky° befbre the
final trial, she will pus the dreadful mined with
perfect ease and safety. There ss no mistake About
it, this Cordial is aft we clairn for it. Mothers, try
it! And to yoo we appeal to detain the Illness or
deoline, not only of .vour daucbtern.before it be too
late, but also your cos and huehands. for while
the former, from false elinetay, en go down to
a premature grave rat er than le theiyeondition
be known in time, the la tter are o en, pc, mixed
with the excitement of business that f it wore not
for you they, t'would travel in the same d own
ward path, until 00, too late to
.arrest their fatal fall.
But the other he always. vi silent, lad to you we
confidently appeal, for we are sure. 'bur never,
failing Lineation Arid Unerringly dela yep - to•Frof.
Wood'a Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator,
as the remedy *Wu should be always tin hand
time offered, 0...1.' WOOD: Proprietor, 44413r0ad-
Aaoy,l24menT tttgfilastkgitg,°6'l4,
Dollar per Bottle,
.old 'here by DYOTT & CO., 232 North BECON
reel. '
- -
Vend. Ex. March Term, - 1860, N 0,898..
Th 9 Auditor .appoirjed,to report disttlhation of the
fund in court arming from the tibrdra we, under the
above writ, of " all that certain jot oy Dame Of ground
situate at the equtheinit- corner oChestnut, or ' James
street. end Margaret etteet, An ttiff Twenty•fourth ward
of the oity of Philadelphia, formerly In the village of Ha
milton, in the district. of West Philadelphia, and county
of Philadelphia. containing in front or breadth of said
Chestnut street one hundred Met, and extending in
length or depth southward, between lines parallel with
the said Margaret street, two hundred and twenty feet,
more or Mee. to York street ; bounded nottliteardle
said Chestnut street , eastward by ground of R. li.Evans,
southward by aid York street, and.westwerd by Mar
garet street aforesaid," will attend to 'the dunes of tan
appointiment on TUESDAY, the 18th of September at
0'0100k . .P. - 1' MS No: 2410 sixTH
Street w h en a 7 u where all paroling interested are re-'
Mitred to present their claims, or be debarred from'
corning in upon maid fud.
se7.lot • . • JORN P. 'MURTON, Auditor.
The Auditor appointed The Court to audit sett!e,
and &Dolt the second account of WILMA al It. BA•'
CON and PRADCto , BACtiti.v.teentnre of °come Y.]
Bacon, deceased, and to report distribution of the
balance. will meet the partimintentstid' on MONDAY,
tIEPTEMBEK 17,1840, at o °look, P.M., at him omen.
deb2l3 eolith HIXTII street.
qounat.* Lams C. CASSIDY; Auditor.
5T0713'6! ' STOVES!!
0 now prepared to meet the wanta of th 6 publics more
completely in all the details of the BENS trade than any
other establishment in' Philadelphia. in proof of which
he invitee cOmpAlts MS XIAMINATION.
•Tae folld*lits are among Oil own pops ar inrentioml i
.eaveral of wined have alreludybbtained,a national repu
tation as Burglarising in ccollerace and economy any other
Stoves in use: • • ••:r , • . :i • -
-• JAMES SPEAR le the Inventor and• Patentee if the
Improved Garrbertung.oooking I:iteve, acknowledged to
be the bast Stove fel:irony use in the world.
_,JAMErs•:SPEAR• sl the:Patentee or the celebrated
ual-consuming Lido Ing Range. now rapidly coming
int.Olptieral Use: .-, ~- ^,; ~,„ ~ i
.lArals,B SPEAR Is the Patentee Of the Improved • Si I
city's Air. tight.eaa-aansurnip g Parlor stove.
JAMES iSPEAR• Is the inventat of the Improved
(Patented/ Ornamental • Stove Urn, which. from ite
•balata , ttut Tidy , hi likely, title season. to be • flittver.
• a VIid L e t tIFEAR :Is tha.Paienitie of the Labor, Fuel,
an Ooniforbsaving Ironing Pang
JAMES SPEAR i. the Inventor and Patentee of the,
'cadets:fitted Anitway.ear Heater, • • .
JAM..KS SPMAII: in the Inventor of the Improved.
Fire-board-Stove.- -.. • , • i •• • • • • • •
For all of the above the foverttnr very Justly elation
ad)lotaittle Whichrecitirehbut to be understood by the,
Minna to be uni vermeil, •anorediated' and preferred to
nag Vi l er articles Of that c l as s la the market; And, he
wont tier by extends nor ial invitation to alt persona
:In want of SBtoves to eels and initiation, lor• themselves.
Parties wishing to examine will have eve attention
shown them, whether . intending iinmedlatil rp ly to DO
otinse or not. ; - ..• . , .., ! eel3-3m.
cto.',omoro MOTH UT Sit,
forgrds .1 . 0 . rsorz Volt/iodise, Hank Not s,
en yotte; a ta b* : Lities - Of in oonoeoti il
wit ethe r tiaCks . pante*, to ail thr , ptnimiott
towns and cities of the United. States.
jele-tt General tiopertutendeot.
' ' AY iiisLitTli),ll.l4'
0' U R T . l N
P E:0 P L E'S
Who are ip favor of the
Wh6 are in favor of
Who aro in favor of
Prom the
Who are In tilt& of
Anil the
Who are in Ivor of
Boob as will correot the shamelewi 'l7TClfifite7 and cor
ruptions of the present National Admitustration. are
Invited to attend a
To strike 'al &Mime Moly at the perfidionS Doind
otitis !tilers who have impoverished our Treasury.
vsvalyzed our Commerce. and beesared our Laboiere
by their Free Trade volley, arid to raise their voioss
against tieotionaliem akd Diskaionism in any and
every shape.
The following distinguished gentlemen are easeoted
to attend and deliver Addresses
People , / Candidata for Vies President i
Hon. ANDREW G. CURNforPenns.,
People's Candidate for Governor ;
Hod. CARL SHUSH, of,Wisoondin ;
flop. JOHN SEREISAH, of Ohio;
Hon. THOMAS CORWIN, of Ohio;
HA. 81146 N CAMERON. of Non.;
Eton. MORTON hIoMICHAEb. Of Bonn.;
JOIt: MOBIL of Pennsylvania;
Hon. JOHN HICKMAN. • ' •
Non. A. H. REEDER.
Throughout the mate, and esneeinifr In an the Eastern
counties, are expected to attend. properly orinernzed.
Are expeoted to attend in full force. DrotarlY eiticered
and equipped, and a
Wilt L0°1.111430 on the Evening of the Day.
Will be issued on all the Hallway', good for the time
necessary to go to Lancaster, attend the Meeting, and
return home.
Friends °flee Right! the great preliminary atruggle
in the Keystone State is nigh at hand. Rally in your
might io.komott your glorious &au's. !
Our friends in a:ni part of the State, desiring Informs
lion in detail-IP relation to the feeilittee for transport&
tion tO arid . frorn the Meeting, or upon any other goint
wiU address the
by 'which' ell commualeatione will be pro 10and
eatiersotorily answered.
JOAN-M. MILLI vizi, iworitarr.
unamit August .18th o l8110.
3kMOMOUNT, b -
A '
RB •
with `doll rooms at Waded
, Ttua old4etabilstiedltoise, Sted ln the gap ' bpi
twos% Shang and road Rom; ipe, tmtasdßi r y on
the line or .the P htdelp a. Reatholg
wtthilhaja mile o ol lottigi le il roily gea t It %
t e at h alu e oe L o a demise, M u n i :oder thseerlate V' Vi
daughter. • -
T • House is prepared, s a t i slf seasoli of the year, for
the regenittostoy guests, and as beets, recently put us
orders „Tatters* sandal. *ark asuotning, Moats
treat induoemir l ts sea ITIMIIII r OWN. to persons 1661 1 .
tug isi it pAgels or% 011ie ILWOIITO4I th• 051! and tor.
Useli or tn. pit H. *hers they oaa breathe Dish moon
lahlataad enldT the ,nl4, au- bonnotynl seemly of
amtulaWu n tg . isatill " 6 l 443 ‘ l46l; (so Wil4lt i oi Zanti
lteeiste in 4 14 1, 6' yilanianon- ou twenty n t. pent;,
and In r anon man , in isave'Potasnms da
deans it 'to a thp 4 it l i n te t° Atte_2l l3 4 VI o f t
Ott" sad retnst th..,.... eteandliett ...telt the Obilike.
11101 rte tkil" iiaart . "" t I N l Rrit i gr
, • mansion Muse. =nom
a. Bohn - Oki' Cm, ra.
• xeintifteUranikoovrnieultki lotiate4 at
A'X'I44NT.II.O. c.)XTY,., N. J..
Bojeonieffi aopinuntodamp on ramonablio tenni:
I •M; MoOLßEEPkerrietor.
:SP*: Acan. •
44 1 44 T AIgili l ie-V4O
wow. lio i ni,;.• ;;.I.*
-12liarttars% %: . TAMt:Pith.
ANTiaMirOvA,kov il mver.,
by the otsii•riemelyinabe L 61 oe
maim" itpoy m iee, 4„4:1A1. v rola eon ,
%UAW •
. • .
SLATS t 4100F1N04-440Le1. l tr l e e
a I,f 1 , f
,i es grpff i eM Sr o "1 ; Ni 415 -
suAd ow
will to vomit/ IttlinaHl 49,
- - ~
17,. MOO.-
ppTilf TECHNIC OOLLIGE —For the 7
Rational education of SNEMNagilit t All t i i:
Tf.CTB, practical 01:11M1515, and MK
flf i latg
PACP..141%. ,
}Weer and Elementary .M athem ati c ME
Engipeennt, Mechanise. and Drierintf. vikNoK -
Prot. • ‘. . • •.f• • „II
Chemistry. Minaret:4y, and.Geolati, Xputip.•
Modern L:angnet r ie;Prcir •." ' S SHARP; Li.
• Matriculation tug; opv i Pretemsor's fee. Spa per gia
num ~ a ppitoen eat ;iv ady admitted vtIL Dicks, nor
smut thenmegree for exam aation as tee Pasaltee offiel,
Collets Builline, - weer PENN SQUAltja end•MnS ,
lc la Street, oreMONDA V, September 11', at
y 9 o'clock
A. l.
The Code s,(fFl SCEIOOI,, affording the privitetes
of the instruotion sea duitsielln• to that* not
e. qdents of the ptAfeenonal lichig_AAy_
on. Cir.
outare at the Collets. A. L. KENNEDY, M. D..
fele ft . - President of Paonity.
, 11.• Erilish sae French Beardiateg Day Rekool, for
reopened p t d, e .. N o . 17°3 Lf4 U Iltrallt. bi
on WIIDNESDAY. September n. .14 1M
BORATORY, No. 333 WALNUT Street. hse
ben reopened for the practical instruction of gentle
men in Chemistry end the allied minces. Apply's
ebb. .• esis-Ste
ILA —The e3hool of the subs ibex In Aimee Buildlnii,
I.III: I 9TNuT tweet, *hove Twelfth, will re-9bn on
MO DAY, the 17th of Seitomber.
* IND, PIANO, MELODEON. ko., 6711 North
TWELPTH Street, hes resumed. coSillunoati"a
yrometly sttenied to. • mike.l2t•
SOR OF RlNGlffil, pupil of the onlebratod mu
ter, Trodolitn, of Bolospeound Pietro Romani, of Flo•
renoo. and husband of the famous
raffiarenoo. Dogma, Omit
pets Bootn Deleurfs, who sena with Ufa soliatristsuaesss
in the thestry of fd Van, Conon. and Ban Carlo, at Ma
w. ,bas jun arrive 4 fritm Italy. and intends to Liz his
rerideloo htleulsip . hia tows m aw .. f.
ultimo' is SOO Wobri UT 'trent.
liaysumidas.—Mr. Dels.Ferst, French Consul • Mon.
E. Joy Morris. Mr. O. 0/ardor, Mr. 0. Apthorp,
111 J. U, Lippincott it G. 0. Everts. Junius
Koos. Messrs Andre &Co., Mr, Peralli. sea-12t•
and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Book-keeving.LartguA
ges, zdzithesktstion, Drawinr. Bova rwenred at any
age. DVNI4EVY LON% PfluolPai.
503.1 m•
ALA.. PIANO, N. 1902 PINE Street. At bonito chill
/it 2. sa-miraw•
TEENTII &rent—Manias!, T1(03.1). JAM
, salt to the promotion or moun health , good 110110
'MOO% d profitable aasoniattoma (Iranian may be ad
at the oomg.or they Will he sent to say address.
alai lm
Profeseor E. D. aUNDER CORTLAND 13A1UN
_., PERS. A. M., nnoimsia.
Hon. WM. BIOLBR. Wasiak! ; WM. aIeRIDBIN.
Esq., of the Merchants' Rots Vhiladelphis ; lion. 3.
W. FORNEY. of The Press • Don. N. B. BHOWNE,
Philadelphia; Rev. R. vywiTßßooK. of .the B.
Union ; Ron. '3: W. MAT ARP, Williatnatorti .1. ,
LP:IBEN CHO. Boa.. President of the Lehigh Coq] and
Navigation Companr; -mad pion. AtIA- PACKER ,
Marion Chunk—oll 0' wom have sew Doardisi in
Saunders' instiqae—will give their friends who may
be looking for a safe, thorough, and pleasant sohool any
information desired gpspeeting this seminary.
A greys and lawn of MORT ACRES a7O attached to
the Institute for 110011141011, recreation, and phraioal ex.
The terms fora minion of t: months , counting
from the day of admission, are 75 for day-hoarding
riurnts, elm for l ypils who spend turdity and Sunday
at noute. and 1 for pupils remaining ooturtantly. No
extra eharges. aymente in ad'anoe. anS9.lra
'DAY - . anon,— Roy. JAMES I. HELM'S
Hoarding , and Dar ,Ilighool for Young Ladles. 1523
WALLA UT threat, will he minuted September 12th.
Her adifoot, FOR oiRLs on the N. W. corner
of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streeter. opposite Penn
Square. on 10th of ninth month, (Sept.) au..77-1m"
Th 4 dukesof the Classical fnelitnte will be reeumed
Monday. Idepremher 3. .J. W. FALRES. A. M.,
war. Out - Principal.
Boys, N.E. comer of BROAD mid ARCH., will re-open
Sept. &I.
ANO and GLUT R.—Mr. T. BiallOP will :ammo
business SOpt.7oth. VOCAL. ACADEMY, 12021 7 11 r
HEAT Street. , aala
SCHOOL of IL D. OR EGORY, A. M.. No 110$
MARKET throat, Nriti Koorinou MONDAY aI , ReP n te ra
" I
her wheal for young Ladies to 1526. CHESTNUT
street. and will reopen on Wednehday,•
flee tuber
tfeyi boarding pupils will be reamed:l' For moulage;
rAillrhs t y . i tll- n o t rga t t . e .Fresbyterten Bore. I .4i sj
°Reds HIONBAY, September 'la, Four more pupil.
will. be admitted.' Cetaloguer sant to' any address.
sun-tt STEWARI 4 . Praneleal."
ac, 113 'GIRARD throat, will toooen
on MONDAY, September I. suWim.
BritlNG GARDEN Streets , vrtli reopen' Septem
ber BOP( vreloarad • for any Division of the Public
Grommet blehools. for Colleges, or for Business.
ne2o.6vei If. G. hfcGUIRE, Principal.
yr a I l lt i lrit a tra nto4 , 4sYoviiGliviEsat.tli
on WEI/NOW. ir: be:tembe r IStit u . a jdo w nlare feinie6d
oiiitiontion. . • . , . ' 'fitorew.
IBS ,LIJOY, s.,, and Mrs. R.
M. BIRD wilt reopen their !afloat for:yoyg. lo
dise. at No. 1010 SPRUCE Erect, on MORDA , Sep
tember 17. - ' aug +-2m
JLP MERCANTILE 01?1.1.EtiE8, %bitted aPhila
delOton. S. E. corner Sh.VSNTH and CHEaTII UT,
New York. Buffalo. Cleveland: Chi o. and St. LOMA.
Por information pall or send for Catalogue. , ,fell-tf
VILLLY respeotfltlly - Inform their frieride and
the nubile that_ they Were 'repel* theit_BoaolinalLnd
Darsohoot roe YonnE ladles limn Losan tle ar e tone,.
llin7 and 1649 SPRUCE Street. , Wheys 4 Wiltoe
Elimot, to receive their pupils on TS URSDA , Bantam
t lath:
eaaanten,4llV.O.filt AY find D'IIEfIVILLY trill re- ,
20e vontors at N 0.1 9 ,09 LORAN Benue is the
th Ammo.. . ' , Jalfi-ain
in A T ILE W B lto 0 IC. ,
la every variety oroolors,
No. 139 North TEIRD Street.
pelo-1m oppotite Cherr.Y. Philadelphia.
No 114 South SIXTY' Street,
(Nearly opposite the County Court House,)
Prepares Specifications, Drawing., &a.. and transacts
all other business connected with the obtaining of Let
ters Patent
Machinery Designed and Drawings mails. anl6-Sm"
Pe_misylvatin. - .
AL in onligomery,Buoirs. Chester. and Delaware
aunties; varying from 10 to9oolmm in good Wangle&
arsons applying will be shown properties free or
Bonds and Martgag_ea negotiated at fairrates. HAND
SOME RESIDENCES for sale in Norristown, Potts-
town. and intermediate places. For Catalogues and
Rid description, address R. R. CORSON
.1711-6 m - Norristown. Oa.
• illanufaotarer of
' A large and °home . assortment, and want. ArAnz.
Slimy! on nand. unto ,whioh 1. partloularly invite the
attention of Mom and prompt - 14711 1 r .ROSY-Tibia
. E. Corner of SECOND sad ARC/I Street., PliDa
ohm , au } -arn•
No. 216 Routh FRONT Street.
Roans , * yemilarly a fall assortment of denlimble C/
Orals, wndoh they offer at low rates, for Cash or lin
proved oredlt. Maly
Nos. sltAr4D Wit/ edirOx BMW.
Between Ms r
i tn d paneut strolidr.
fest •
Moe. No. Int South SIXTH Street.
(Hysomte Indesendenoe S imam)
4 PlLPItla, .
Br u ne eur a/reliable A nem at different points in
the gated States, is , e nabled to proceoute and 001leel
clams alertly deserintrob.
Particular attention liven to the examination and re
eareq of the claims of Legatees and Devisees*, and the
es nation of Land Titles and seounng the interacts
of het and all person interacted In the same, in, all o thl Onion.
11 • -
611 e tatntea of the Statue and la Commissions:
for most 9 them.
a ltimpnis manfully taken under Commoners.
Naar_ REMOVE D nig aloe rout No.oo Walnut street
turNo &MU THlRD'lttreet. Eadatl4u."
I BAY : ' l l4tE r-AILL11!
i Alorgrgagf om No. US Arch sreeLmte .
~slli t.
rO t 1 fti l a isle",
t kv. Inlglh:Ln i i" too[ao 1 Va, '
r.irveystoesiAmiernerkte, ltnefe.ot walk aud, 04161
i . truir.ents or Writig. The reenagementorExeoutor-'
tmtor hrps,. , and Trusts, euperintendedp
andlim A rt n oViti l ooritles endured far the Permanent to
vestments ,of_ htooep. Sathasetory reference given,
when TeqUlTgd. „ 6P30-6111*
would,rtipantfklig call the attention of the Gene=
ralilfardware Krade oqr extensive -stock of SIR
PAIN 0 CAM ,IfARDWARk., irrhioh we offer at II Wall
advance Vy the oeekege,
Orders oLdireot importation *cheatedaind Goods de
liYerad oithtr in this oity,'Near York. or fieworicans.
W. G LaWfohSON,
411 COMMERCE Street,
Importing and Commisaloa,Marchants, and Agents tor
Foreign and Domestic Mardirary. mai! tf
" ' "
.. DU lON Or FARES. .
O t t. and after, Aril, gd, 140, Commutation Tiekete ,
wl twentputx eon na, wiii be tuned, geiod for the
ho dee and any mem r °this familyi r n b a si n r ragetenger
Train, and at any time. They wi gold hz the
at the office of the Oompan , n. en Pouth
f°CRTC dtreet,at a reduotton of twen ty -hot per neut.
rom thenesolar tares. Parties wishing to enjoy the
uMmer in,the Cottfitry will find ihtd 'a very dainnible
pin t
Squrgo a nd Lebanon Valley Muni among
IMAM& At.% alrellPty. i Mit d s tatita iP" -
. B. BRADFORD, Treasurer:
! I n t '
ritILADIMPRIA XV. h Zith. 18130.
Atk.}l9AD.-TOn ap_d sitar tiAT URDAY... enteniber
Mad train leaver Vinnatreet wharf'. 7.30 A. 31
prem. • 00
•-•••••••• • • - 00 P.M..
/ 0 ,11 ) 2 4 *- • 4 r2;:•.;t7.:7 -= ' - '•.7.•_`-• - •—i •-•:•-• 6 4A AA.
leave:Vino 'treat A. it.
• Leve•Atitittio
a.* r. M.
Fare to Atlantic, 01,80 ; 'round. trip , troltete, good for
three emir, US&
Freight must be delivered at Cocoon; Point by 3 P.M.
The Coinpany trill not )he•rgepounii4o for any goods'
reotcycl and reoropttcl rot by their Agent at tne
Poinugl •
,;•; , JOHN O. lIRVANT. Agent.
111111111111) A,ND
*- 7w — zimen 4DTNONAILNO_AXI.
o t . LATO,uppo et. - . On and after MONDAY.
twi ri Altr.A n Z o r.lntliNt. the lelloring routes
Orem:Ago at 'Katt 0111oe, Broad and Ballowldll
o Baßattul return.---.4...-..We 80
° at' an a g alii titntn—
pt e 4 4,,cumr• asa o"riii'odu. or 'pair to
1 11 4;ett " ' In `
t ",-" P" ! Y JNIN g a l /3 ' r"
a. Ae.DAVOZlegl3.i.ll4.BtvigitenngdgilYttglh.
L&kR ,1111—A1711)110Nai
41$1 l a p IfTl Emir. •
Minn/MT. ir c eVa . IC, LINO( GOON.
8634.18. at 10 oc ant, * tate, 4144 litt.tia47
. Ow, masertmEn3.2
3 as
.1i71,c4a14-4, 44114tabeeM
itn _ l l o 3l4 l i st ntir
• . WarrontS.Lll. 314913 andi irlipUttandt of t. 114
Warrutrod all I,4ira.
v., 4 6n* d
011.111 awl uinud Donk/ C. bdk rm.
do o co do.
RE i.uniroot ARvrotarßLE 'RawLs.
For City Tene t
On Tusertat Norms.
z s o 12.4 new style &MD Wont larensibld Olsollre
lily velour;
S dAwta.
POO 16-4,11ek and colored. printed, aid broths border
Pritliefra bir FIGURED ens AND if ATALASSIL
a 60 mess noli,Paris blank Valet& vesting.
in do do whatataset.
6-4 ALVP/001. PLAID&
2 cu-6 ,
VAN tt li at VINg ItI 6 LOONS.
atlas neer style postset and all silk ',sho t nb-
NFP.OLP.wollit 15Kfl SOTII2116:
100 fors super hornet needlework oo and Me. in
fanta' needlework ro`ors. • .
also, hoop whiner Chenille Scarf/. Ad.
irdriqn l4 l Ott". OP PRINCE MODS.
The 11 bed , ritei c s ae ll A lga k co.,
On Friday Morning.
September di, at 10 o'clock , oa six mouths' credit.
Rio Ilene, Loom's extra sniper anahlase French me
• nno cloths, assorted colors, high colors, blacks,
whites. A e.
MO Pieties Lapin's Thibet cloths.
Ss an plain extra run. line, and e
%I:Islaymoos de lams, te n
th colors blocks.
whites. and mode..
410 Pieces ex nob and superfine gtitiltia• tonated
nuns' de Lamm f. B. and 10eolore. new and choice
designs of t,tetnbeck Koschitn's, serdour, and
amber's prjaUng.
2h) Pieces es rich chintz and chocolate prints. Stein
back Kosoblin'e onsaufaotare ; very new, high
cost and desirable.
NXI Pieces new style worsted dress goods.
200 Pieties noh and choice fanny dreu silks. armn res.
strasse,_ _demob., &a. ; black gyve do Shines
t Bleak l'alletas. Yoneon'a. and Bonnets' make 1
ruank Inu ns chines, black figured silks, blaclr
stnni. b lack mum ventage.
Ito new and elegant Tag flounced silk robes, latest
Pans style.
400 super snahties bah colored thibet shawls, heavy
silk in BIM Ltipla's make,
1,000 ;node and black do.
1,000 long and some do. wool fringes.
600 rich printed Whet shawls. new der Wm.
Imo* border ex super fine stela shawls, black
t Mode and assorted.
200 Pansmaks extra rich Amalie rays shawls, Paris
style, Choicest Ormin's make.
Pane 1 100 and .Vlenna manntaetur• long sad endue
brooks' siOuterts t choice sad beatable collection et
new durum laaCilltra anproy enahue..
600 rich nos/-sale Pans, ierliri, and Vienna wool
drawls, very elsgaeL
N. P.—As Moment, hie the only offering' which will be
made this season, this market, sad which we make
only to satisfy Om ex
or She trade, the atten
tion ads:aim it respenfill& resonated.
• ceosoi to IL SCOTT, Ja.. 431 0131 1 05T/lIIT St.
Wednesday ing.
Sapi. 19, by Go tal On osus, on A cMass
redit, oonumaneing at 10
o'olook yreoUelg. -
• Eataloaues and samples ready early on morning
of ,alt.
SSO LUXE'S &root. arid *it MINOR
"7 671 .r riiii;d1Z1:1110iniZie, • - •
'' Be SO, at 10 o'clock premises. Will be c 1101417
catalogue, 4n.4 months' oredita,SOO as. mini.-bon
and-youths calf. rtp, trans. and 'Hunga_rian boots;
°elf, kl o s, and buff brogans,- gaiters, and Oxford this ,
wornthae, Inoue, and children's gost.calf. kip, and
morogoo lised WOW. • • -
Als o . &lull assortment of women's, SlltliZEV,nnd chil
dren iv oily med.:loodr.- • •
at.e, an invoice of Hooten gingham nmbrellag.
'rho above sale will embrace_pa awrorrment of goods
seldom offered at auction. and rom first class City and
Eastern numnfeetarers.. •
Wir floods porn for examination early on this morn
ingot , • . ' ;
N tnade to the auditoreeneseoftlot State of Penn
"Orem& for the renewal of a Certificate of Pennsylva
nia MatoLoan f per cot of word /CPAs, N 0.1.160. for
11,440 C, dated aunt 1,0. 1848. In, nulls of &Ms b.
Keno:dj. the same haying been loet or destroyed.
ve WAY COMPANY-0171CIL 812111 , Sad rnAIIOND
Btreati—PlliLLMlL7lllLl A. alets WifP-411.11tiasal
ment of Five Dollars pershare ltriag ascend maul
mul oft the capital eiyook of uermsatoare Piwasu
gar R ahway Column a turas* mable ea or Doors_
the Tat di', of October nortlmwolog.
By Utter of the Bouti of , bhungsn; -
W.- bI..aftIOBRLT:
Bllorrtsl7 old Treasurer.
Aug. 23.1800.—Tbe rained Freight/end Tolle
e n coat transported by tblooomminy will be M follow
on and efter lit September, nand further notice t
'Co "linkmen:A—
or e nraFo'iiiii:l7 — .
Fla° Bohurliall..-:
&art a- .1--
a '0111712100.-.-....-
611/00 . 8...:.
orriaft or BridgePori
Fort Kennedy-. ---
Valley Forge.—
rhanadivilie --
Atom's I. ord.— ..........
1110....—:- '.....-...
r 0..................__
Reeding --
gab R and /wham.
8 1(1-1 1 :"th . Wrllitmv. rear.
ea* Freight at an average animal per sent. be
law New Yost fitaamshiagstee.
_S. C.
, The 11.5. Mall Steamship sitYSTohilt STATE. Cal
tam Chas. P. Marehmen,will mull on Tueettsi. Septem
ber 35th, at 10 ceolookat
• Through in dila so mien- anis Mi haus at Bea.
POHL eAv.arul9A.
Thy N. Mil etleniklp EiTitaS OP GEORAIIII.
Captain John 1. Sarvin. will sell on Thursday, Pep
te mber 20. at 10 o'clock A.*.
hfourt¢in thi to es noarg-o myrD hoes at Ilea.
fliiirillsining days changed from every flanutley ever,
Sve dare. epode roomod, aad. Bills of /Lading alined
every lay. • •
Thee plendld_enrt-elapilside-whsel etaanishipa KEY
nous wrier y, and iitTATE Or EtRONOIA now run al
above every ten days, this forming Ave-day 00I01113—
suostlon thw with Charles t on and Savannah, mid this sou th
and ouest.
At both Charleston and Savannah, thane Shim ota
neat steamers for Flonds,and with railrosu i
for au 'lam la tea Boa s t, and
rre ght and loanranoe a a large Proportion et Nada
*hipped South will be felled to be lower by these gain
than by sailing vessels, the-minima Wag onwaulf tha
N. 8.-Irwaraaas on all ItaiEroall Freight to tine"
eesagary i farther than Charleston or II %ha
litailrosOCOrappliootignerall flea hp= thaw POLO%
Para by this route alto 10 per mit obimper than fix
the inland Route, as will be irean_ by the follorrlag sem
dine. 'Through a s from Ppiladelphiaota Carles
ton and Savannah steamehlpsilitoLuome mE4us on
the:whole rants, Meat bora Clualaatira salt Savan
nah to hfentromar ,
VIA murmurer'. VIA SAVANNA*
To Charleston_..--.015 00 To Savannah.....__ eta 00
11 0 4 tin" 5000
21 OU 31 00
Riggi r e °mens-- 55 .33 ( ile ° 5 1 .Tbafs b" .
New Orleans—. 91.) 76 Montg omery • ZS 00
Nashville.... 27 761 Mobile 35 PO
- 26 60 New °flaw...-. 19 7/5
Memphis...._...3l 60
No bills of ladingsigned after the ship has sailed.
Nor freight or passage apply on board, at second
wharf above ViueStrat.. or to
ALEX. silnetOrf CO,
No, 220 NORTH wit/LK:VEIL
Aldrenle in Charleston L _T, &T. G. BIWA,
Savannah, huNTER. & Gammia.L.
For Florida from Uharlesion, steamer %reline every
1 1 01Tforida from dayannak. 'Mainers at.ldary's and
St. John's every Tumult./ and Satorday.
Chief Cabin Pada ago
Beoond Cabin Passim* 711
Chief Cabin Passage,...— ..... .4)110
• Second 7bin
The shoe fr om New York call at Cork Harbor.
The sings rom Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har
PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. CANADA, Cspt. Lang.
ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, tapt. Millar.
'ASIA Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA Cat Anderson
AFRICA, Capt. Shannon.. , EUROFAi Capt. J Leitch.
SCOTIA, (now building.)
These vessels carry a clear white light at masthead ;
green on starboard bow i red on port tow.
,ARABJA, Stone. leaXes Boston, vA.,:kinwelity, Sept. a
AFRICA, Shannon. %ortOeredneedsy, sent. 12
.AMERICA, hloodie, " n, Wednesday. Sept. le
ASIA, Lott, .• . or[ WednesdaY. Sept. 26
wOROPA, Little. ' 1 Boston Wednesday, Oct. 3
PERSIA, Judging. " N. York. Wedneeder. Beet. /41
Berths cot secured until pat for.
. ..
An experienced Surgeon on rd.
' The owners of these ohms wil not be nooonntable for
Gold, Sliver Bunion. Specie: Jewelry, Preolone Stones
or Metals. unless bills of laden are wined therefor and
the value thereof teen expressed, For freight or pas
tagh6P Pli to B. OUNARD. d Bowling (erase.
- New York.
road sad 1010 0 WritillT, Street. Vitrified Dram
and Water Pitz t anlitatnig Flues. Hot Air Floes, and
Smoky Firm of Tens Ootta, and of suitable me
fore ms Cool o butldinga. This *nide 1 a worthy th e
ettentlete 01 - ea "Attlee pitting. art teuldtaitet Lane
stye aewerate aro' Or oily drainage, water RIO. war
ranted mound a scmoropreuttrec Weave now orcpared
to contract wittLotttea or corporation@ for tali 'Mole la
any quantity.' We @Tram our gala titi a tio @AVM li a na
near to any
made the
I tidBtaard o r
Vases. letta-tf
LT-se likle bble Nos. I, and 3 Large end medium Mao Boosted wanes. of a very ohoiee cueing;
id bldg. new No. 1 tame Mackerel.
10 hair bbla new No. No do.
20 bble now No, 3 medium do.
BO do new Eastern Mesa Shad.
- be bbla now do _do do.
1400 bbls new Eastpory4o. nerrint.
NO do do Helium 0. h do.
boo -do new Boston o. I do.
10e. do do No, I wale Flab.
go do en n Salmon,
100 Gnu
130 Codlleh.
bsvree new sner nonnts Cheese.
.Poir landing and instoniti}rpestS7_NET.ol3ll.__
4 • lag SIONTV4witARVISS.
pE FIN E D SUGAK.-1,000 Narrels LO
= NO'll Crashed,°su e end fine vuirprizia.
; ivg4 Mordiatl:=Vor we
Parternr. g l ty n o k,,
~ II aok sea,
~_ Veltman. A A n r 4 Condo. rre.
0. Regalia .oettrae, Millar. Corebi,Ngta, one ri ga .
Ones. °talk zaa, 4nalittaa. see 11354m0re r ty re
oeet StrlV , end 101 bitiO DJ LIE' • krrh .
'Aka-3w , . 130 Vi lbw. L
- . _
, 411/T i for sale by 71 1441 W at eds
SWE.Fa ON, in. quarts and pints, for
mall) 47 and 49 north Blicoriti at.
LL . W. AIM 220 .
_ !!_illtkiL . mils amt.
-= L rtfr . sewrgim
oillalW. a:
as qm Sown
it awe iseurra
. W I 6
sa g r ee e• / • elleot —Tj 14 / I W/Olrf
i f ir Mowts wa geesemelmke. MI
lit ' to eleez
kr olsvre MoMmiWto
'l* • 101 , to te44 am Mi I VW,
i t
th r e '
st • * WWI, aid'
sWe illa ta raVic +7l=l l ,
Mir we hey. • larx• maolat 7 . pew. al 'dm*
wale. iattadLos ir•Verei sad s w ath
Pro•lrrty. VIM •raritatOrtioll men
IST'Reel mats Mired ea ear "left
Sad aMwertuteo omeaatosiem lo wet Yee
( a irtAast IMMS •bscos we ...e.,v:
1 0.,...
== 4 r 4 a 4 = Ple-
Te a th 4 tiaMgS
terO i naiB4 ;IT I. --
coleffona• .• 3
vatabc.« sow .
• %Oen, Sc.
Pasteasber lINO. at was, a: as ?hea
d/aphis E.:ohm:D—
I Oban Acattipay Fie* ATV.
7 alarm Assolr e. i iffog re DrOVllll—flit alto.► Aware foist Ammenuma.
'Um ofmity, tteket.
atm. rsuisaißaims Am. Emma Amodadost—par
117 s. foil paid.
Peremptory S.L.
mis i ß m eedel.
Arrterober 22th. at 12 Itlirt o r:l o ll be sold at
',abbe ogle at ths Flu . s . walnut re
serve, tor cash, for ammext e6 l Vista it May emsoma.
tha following• vis r
lee 0021,0.7 hoods of the Itaseent Illarkat Cesepeay„
tI. OW h ( thrommo mow Or ed Or.. es. Me
st beans: 'as% leth hlaroh, UN t s the
dVe 113 , h Jane. MN: sad Um third ati - 1 1 0 211
February. nee sadl2
_a. yeeardsr at Phil/W*olora aeon
race boot Aso , m !Leas* e. 7 ;A D et, Iff, wi!
We. and AI) H. Au. d l . Dago A, semiotic y. . . ,
Mem receipt of A. 14.jammal. eamruillsalleed of
the Girard -Treat, far 10 of wild beads, aea TWA
therein secured.
Third_. t certain bond sail madame si sad exe
cuted by Jame Yeses An Autism C wait. dn
/1117,0^41. but Vidal hassles* rade to
tbe same ascots, Wee semi by the seta lama;
0 0 12 Portirwai I. to Frame
..6. 1.111114 liir WI Mal
Prams A. Drexel to ,Wilheat Orme% eMildeo ses
dry policies of insturambe epos • Market Mem of Dm
mead company.
Terms—Cub. parable at the time of lib, imme
diately alter the property Is irtrook-oe. 1 '
Threo-Stoty ..Briok MTiNtY sad "DWLM. No.
34.13 Farmer Amt. west of amid spoot.,yrdA A three
story Bnok Dwelling 4A* mar.
Time-story % nu ' o
i wz Edam', No. nu Fitzlratsr
street. limit of Amt.
Modern ff/4 1 11) QS. N.. all opr.• stmt. rout:
with rodorn ymporromorilayinixoet,Loal. older, ow,
sae the Hoogitai
. ,
Peremptory Sa.l•.--q, VATILDLN(II Una un. lortlt
&Gond street. below netistdoe *moot,
Pe robotAory Gale.— oar-siwy Briok ItIVIIINFICK:
No. eO:3 gauss Meet, 'meet of .INAhte rivet. 51141ab
Nlpas FAI L L adlst--19th orrrhitsta.
A t 4 0 slosh on the.Presatea Cbseseed
. •
4 94111 mangle— - •
Istate of ttoorge Sex. dee Cent flate
on the Pre ilen—A very ritts i t M i r e of, 10 hems.
Chestnut aIL a/Pointed the gant eons*, sa te of
Dr. seem, Mr. putt, end o th ers. Plea lad fen di
senittion at the gamatwa room.. -
TEN= 'PALL BALK-16th SEPTAlggig.
Orphans' Colut - nal*-Eststo of Anthoul G. goorreno,
ThreenitOty Brick DWEmassed- LIAICO and Lot of Grated,
Washington street. westo4 gwarmon ; storm 'Woad
ware. • , „
game Estate-Two two-storr Bask DWELLIIIGg.
Lombard street east orgleveatis street.
game Estate-- O relP GgerUgD, Wager et .Igtet of
Germantaina 4. ;Ntostesotit ward. . ,!
game gotten,- hreit-V) rick D virmaato. North
Tenth Wile, smith of • oreot.llemmfk wardi
' Barna liotalO-4nok D N. , LIMN wa,ltg . ."ivt.
Barge Rs ato-DWOLINGI srof NO E,Wth
ourth Do ur r
afinutz !boot' mud.
-. &me- rutiok D w SUING. „at
. 11;44 , 4, no
rough of yr.est CheaterilkerN a o s ta
& Vii_ mo gre ro . . ,
Threo-stonr kno'rusi. irei• u %North
east corner of opt mad Atat7 mew*. rd.
Orati.n? equit_ta 44-Mstato of ohs Alvan . doe'd.
s n undirtnad ninth to , th e tistweigerg Brion
DWELt.P4G. it: i. ft. Soo rontstrvit.
of, Fatale-An plidt
_id at. tb surtuf the three
story Brion DWEGLIPIuOuro sla southyrt
same Estate= nine . ninth sort W i o
VLORE and V Rri Aoseoriadootoor
!rano avOnni f ornt . on' ryA oolow Ginumin ' Gi
1." 6 11111;
' '
411iidAm4 .
p ath pill or r
te4 iiir', '
BattW p1r1,, 1 14 - 40111414 aloft
-14 modari. I fICZ.zio.l36 nom Twidithni!
Moot, abOOGn i ip'infoon. .' :
bolo. sod V 4" earner 10Tag tenor, lefirbt.
Chestndt. Oak, attr_emth ow streets , riniss.... T.'''.
"itt r atl:ZeiZtrit,iiiralalk, wmtui i t cil.7. !T
of &iota and 7.loridi. *Mtg. Tv/ow-fourth von t.
. .
WPM Pllrtn ot - /L
-BS; mum- ~ 1J b. U.
Ai 9 o'alodr, ae tbeh A bore, ft, ezmili
meth% eolothsail bumbege. ale
in* Wrparg, WNW MI. - MIR ,
koueekeesiat, reauseei le bkelboxele
isle. ,
Hale No. 1131 Itraucr-s
On hiondav Etonnna.. , •
14th instant at cielook, f 10.1333 Eptioa street,
the superior tanuturd. Pranah'plabemantel lair -
role, gas ohandellerw, fine tapestrg 'Tenet meets.
Chins r ao.
Xi' Mar be elamined‘with eatialglies on the storm.,
log of the sale at 8 o'oloor. •
BY order of Thoreau lEhien & Co.
Eapteraber at II o'oloak. ba bs
without reeerve, at fhb Morse Nos. 00, - Ge d ari
Worth P.RONT Street - •
A large lot of -Feeney Ivan is. Ohio. and Other Figurou,
Tub one Wrestled Wool of all grades. - -
Jar Tarns/Woolf ant vary light tied burbly dedignilAti;
anti will be sold la goon Mtn. to on:tart° Imlliewawoeste
All the Wool oared is in store tad oIIIS foisisesins
bon - k
Oat ak rone so-hi by einnstes
inee, with fall nestirintion anon let,will
be ready One west previous to sale.
Rale N0,.1329 Gira rd waist.
Id.PbST TadeedaßY OAR
y Mo.
lath met., it 70 o'olook,br ostakhrti%at, No. 1322
Guard 'Tense, the ses•Oot- tailor &mos rem. sad
chamber furniture. miewoodolasodlote Rearm mat-
Lam en cravutip. ac O. Alm, tee ki tab.= laraitairi.
or may be =maimed at o'aldek as tso osmium et
the Wt.
'Sale No. 16 mouth Twentieth street
, PETS, Ito.
s6th inst., at 10 (Voltaic. at No. 16 south Twentieth
street, above Chesnut street,fbe seflfamiture, Wombat
Rosewood piano-forte, gas chandeliers, ins curtains,
tine tasestry carpets. Also. the kitchen Witham.
Sir May be examined at 8 o'clock on the mormag of
the sale.
3,105E8 NATHANB - , Atf (rT T N lilt
corner of
err 011[1111
and Mill 4 5,-ExcHANT, toon• haul
Wel Ha
coneistink of TheokigicaL Historical, Medical, Law,
and filiectillaneonettookn.
On Wirdeinniar Morals..
Sept. 19th, at 10 o'cloek. at. Moses Nathan.' Astatine%
Store. southeast °onset, of Huth and Roes stmts. in
secondMory ealowoom entranee Donee 154. street.
Consietine. nitirt,of Weise Bade*, ftwolisakProcho
logy,Two, PictorialPictorialWorld. . r
mural Atlas, Amerman Journal
Philip on Chronic Diemunie. Brind'e lid tory. Timone'
Prsotice, Wilson on Folinle Disease.. Maticria Mediae,
Hommonathio Practice, Dublin thesector, BecWa's Dm
pe nsator y. Londoe Iltnitet ;A vols. ), Medieo-Chirsmisal
Review A Phakepeare a Work.. illustrated- asd other
wise Poets and Poetry of the Ancients, PneW sad
Poetry of Europe:Life of_Olay. Life of Pena, Heroine'
ist the Crusades, Life of Waskinctioa, World of Art and
Industry, Illustrated Vie 7o tootland, Gnat Borate.
and Ireland, Chambers' iseellsny, Women of the
Testament, splendid instratird throe's Works,
Campbell's- Footrest Works,. Hunts' Poetical Works,
Poetical laitotet'onit large family Khios. richly bound
In morocco and gold; Boon?. Bible, in A cols.; Little
ton', Historyof Anal no, in cols, ynkr 1717 ; Latin,
Greek, En4lteh. and other Di ct onitn es ; Preach Works,
Books of ego, end 1.000 other books. - r
• Ifir The rade, and the public gelatin!, are incited'
to attend the male.
lliir oven for examination early on the morons of,
sale. •
PENN.SYLVANl rt e difiTal ' llr i li t n i a ld")"—llurexth
Mad Train leaves— ....—.... 730 A. :11.
Fast ..... —.11.10 A. M.
as P. M.
Harrisburg Accommodation. 2 00 P. M.
Lancaster A ocommodation....-....---. 00 P. M.
Parkahurc Accommodation.- —....-. aolP. M.
West Cheater trains leave Elsveatb sad Market at
7 SO A. M., 12 30 and P M.
Williamsport, Elmira. Buffalo, and Niagara Faller
leave 7 IS A. M., and 300 P. M.
NEW YORK I.lNES—Walnut-Street Wharf.
Accom. Line. via 0. and A.. 1eave5........... 600 A. M
Ancona. Line. via Jersey ,City. • •-- 6.00 M
Mornins Empress rut Jersey 9.00 A. M
Steamboat VI& Tammy and Jersey Pity. --.11 00 A. M.
Camden and A tabor Accommodatton ..... ....12 PM.
Express, via Camden gad Amboy.. —.. 204 P. M.
Evaning'Fxprese w via Tacony and J, C...,... 4 0) P.
•Eiteniaahlail. out Camden and Jersey 0.... 600 1. 111.
'Might Express Mail —llOO P.M.
Camden and Amboy Aecommodaiion LOU P. M.
For BLlVderi. Flamm& wharf , s
A. and 4 00 P. M.. from Walnut street and 7.10 A.
61 . tront Kensington depot.
For Water OarkStronoeburg. Scranton. Willresbarre.
Menttose, 'Great Bend, Ore., ate A. 61 .,.fr0m Walnut'
street wharf. nod /AO A. 411, from Kenemston depo t. .
For Munch 01,. Chu Allentown and Bethlehem. SOO
A. M.. and 4. , 0 P. from Walnut-street whar aad
7.10 A Mountm Kansiagton depot.
For holly. at 0.10 and 900, A. N., 2.00 and 430.
P. M.
For Freehold, at 6.(0. A. M.. 'and I. 0), P. M.
War Ltne for Trenton, Bristol, &As . 4130 and 4.00 P.
M., from Walnut-street 'rhea; and T nO, A. M., and
6 46, P. M., from Ken/in:ton.
Burns! Train leaven. •8.11 A.
Ai 0.503 noon.
do 11 P. M.
For Wilmington at 8.15, A, Al., n, 1.15, 5.00,7.00, end
11.10. R. 51.
For Middletown, Pover, New Castle. Raeford and in
termediate plaoes, at 8.15. A. M.. and 3.00, P. M.
Sundays—For Baltimore at tl.lO, F. AI.
READING RAILROAD—Broad and Callowbitt streets
Express Tram ..... 3.00 A. AL
Night EXV6B. 3.101' M.
Reading Accommodation —.. 6 OD P. pl
Eaves+ Traic leaves— --
—Ntnth and green
Trams leave for r'onsbohooken and Norrignial at
554 ,7.31,905 sad 11.65, A. 61.. and 1.01. _315 4.30, 6.65,
670 and 1/ 15. P Al. For alemayOnk. at 500, 7.30. 2,01,
11.05, A. M., and 103. 205.3.05,4.00, 553, 6 30, 8 sr o
11.15, P. M. For Gm mat:down. at 6 tO. 700. 000, 901.
10 00. 1150.1100. A. 6 30.. awl 1.00.2 00.3 3.30.4 00.500.
6 00.650. 7.00. B.CO. 9 00. 10.15. 1130, P. M. Par Ghearont
nOl, at 6 01,800. 10 CO and 1300, A. M., and 2.00, 4.00.
6.00.630, 8.00 901 arm 10.15 P M.
Nuodsy trains far Germantown leave 906. A. al.. and
500, 300,5.00 7.411 and 1030. P. lAteve Germantown
at 810. A. Al.. 1.10 4 01. 30,0.30, P. 11,
For Norristown
900, A. 111.,3.00 and 5.C1 P. M. Leave Norristown 0.15,
A. Mol 00 and 6.00 F.
Mail Train leaves 7 So A M
Express • 00 bt:
Acoommalttion. to Egg &If Y. M.
For Dot lestown. learn at 9 O. A. M., sake 00 P. M.
For Fort Washington, leave at 92e, A. At., sad 213
Butidaye—For Bethlehem' at 8 00. A. M. FOi Do las -
town at 300 P. M.
WEST CHESTER. VI 4. TelE ILA—Eighteenth sad
Market stmts.
Traits tears at 7-7) 10.10 A. M.. 2 Xit, 4.41, Calk P. ht
Itiugwars Wave at SOO. A. !1 .. 1011 V. N.
Trains maakeill Um! ( • >na oa essays ; t) Il•tur
dal* excepted,
IAVA -4.' I . -
UT. COW. few la% Dr MOS ' 00..
1.113T1 81A