.11f;laii.atA tri lllMW.tr ow l' i l ltik" Ili e ll oi t litosesol l 4=ar ' st i &.' Lanstowitsitat ,- , _ 7_ . - 007 ifL i 1 , Pt ° rZ ' ier C akAPrkirSat' r 4- -, ;;:..- A ' ~ i ' NNiftgpol Alile"o 4 ;iligmrin I ""9014~1P4/484#1-‘.____,_ .1,11:24i!1t,j: Brie, IstsioS=.. -11 7 4 2, --,,,,,, daring ti le` .r.likt ..= l igi•r. you how 40110 1 .:P. .1 11 4444 1 5t' how kbeiglak 014144til AO I'ltoosoiitt; - IooPIo•" lt 4100auffsttabewili wit wis, mommtol9o-4&*_, Lll:sgtii:o4r l ** 40 4 City lon,fossudod l 4,o ll #4 ll o.l,4•ol;NalAticas to th• Oar Isligat egw it'ealitta tP.sidolk their ' , * WiPlitd*W ir lt*Yt i lroMmt their nteplxiall llV . r.ll:44 , llPrenitakilla* Owe. hisettealieUt Sii . ll% 00** Naha AilLzdaiStifft 1 1 14**.:0 1 ... '1 , "1":4441.7d1:44 l a e n r " 1 °,,0,f r7 4 _ 16 t so 10 0 IV di Ari. 101 1 4, , VT.WIRNIMV; sad adelfiatelialitft hit*NigVNaLteif vooti Imiserehlettilawg irillie*lfilitaist i t s, •Ple s i os V when people w ay 41 ater , . ; , - "l i iii,oN . 4# Walton. able," and ear* thisy.,isilks•Nkrace • int oonventenees then they WM Ora Ord.o.44stsof. , at lobe, assla7 boomm° l ** ' 4 ST M O " "r* I'm"'' `..cs.ri - t• ..-; -' ~-•• .. , Who a i gittillila ',l4lierit leleintatraidahlt swag thirbk vallertsrNis M a t in Plsl w iim i o e s a d hh n b o aagg+, lad beitratthr of the ss seal /k i t!, ktascheag• 'O4 refreshing hat 1 `" 3br , saw** a - 1 aom , a way said ti 4 x 7s 6 rei Oapaiber? Or who tkat has bad ; by. elataltedig amid ea bilbtaa-Maii tolUiftx' glhipari,. freer thigh sanagjeof lasafillkimudloVwomr graad t paWaseapeonsalryaby , in the world, woad - :twinkles& Abe' a; stemetr at. - Atka tiara n If Isla/1* W Pdfdatit so do'- void gig trfroodattmt of the:toLO,l l4l felsatilik and theampleidf I fans= 4#7 son Vaal ha handedaffalkin "Assets al • " fit sabbetl , for tt - s t aipeffat" . Bat anal being, - . nassONSiVe.'snid Nsiscod , mark „At It YdstA.: lot • - ieltil. mark niert., i_ ,aa. (lbotteit,i .:frat'saltoses little adtsWeisahr4ke tray-basaffased at p od it ever salted tarp ,i. The great dia. mitt, however, Wash, we iamb Anellister is. tbs. west at: .. , ..... imal? 4 ,l9•MS•di look of &RPM, eLatiol„„ pat a eat atilans t At ilia . t i ts, Voil i n spur Wail, Si ell gtitisdad Oebeeea. , wealtll. otkerwards, - we sava,g tit "ebb p m.. if.a.s I:, 4 .. , .11 .”' .1.:411f1 .1 s . i,.. .., 1 We tiorla alga widdit , bibeavviar ; Pinatme' dal WNW int thishisresiatY, le sigma% elfi' mate, satlintke latellethal asd moral altars a our peep* w hat ' Stab eats' exalt, Waled, the Heyalesse Yr-A*ol4lk Mu_ our , golden harvest deltic 'falhat dear Wit water blahs ; 'fain , our wmaa-liteasi-frort--our--aolle -rivets; -sad from tar kitallipinnialahb GU-oat-ant ha y* free ;altar essesmulabCkeanty sad•gran dearvaitisms •lier• their - Ikea, - and -g• seeking lab .attearable_plass away eit.lesid he utak tate Nome 'anise& " habitable meat" that hsel4,ll4odflaere • heaspeneate'forlta laek otere4a Was is desirable. I eon,- fess I sit, 'with wonder and Amassment at all 74 'lite 6an deny its truth 4 -0- •.. , t But -hope and, believe " tare le a- bettor_ day anti ,'s.wiiiii the ayes of aiiiimpliii, shall .gribr weary aleeking afar far visastue, •and shall, be Woof tiontdusstr eliteState:and then will they, dbereir, irlik-arprtie sad- adulation, beauties =althea blown snit undreater at i Thee tu" eamearefraeyourhisatad elth awl frotethe other cities and boas of oar owe and , alter States, the people winsome_ to sepia-ha health, to raw' vigoroartheatelas said net ritotatala and , yd= hos t tleiytwill Pilot tom onAltoirlitailladloYi in theft hearts , and be ready .le :is ilt is •a good sod i proatialillsing h .frleander byi - as. int watain t spd il through thereat pasture," otold Penneybranta.T. And *sof; that day erase, 'Mr. IMltovithieekirill Brie, at'present so little white& by Pilarene, - be dureavanat andappredated DurliCifielefeklultry days of the plat* ea: son, rbinCliejais- Philadelphia were andozraing in valThikee# yea aeon op aed rataahtessoPt and vote irealtairader the terrible heat, he cool saves, °Utile -lake rendered the a not oaly:billitable;lat delightful ,; and w hit You (odds Wilishfillsifi, be singing, the gong sift? Par • - child olAtana, -,. • --glitessisissadat as feet," 4 'we tsal rovol r oottb , ~, -,‘ .1.41 a il ratty 'aid:Me iseaudi. 4 is. - - Bat liet:OorYlltka=trootolg Ark - deserving at late - • ' . To thea'-wtto• on hid. idlidlesitiikwtotrib;leohotlhiltssfer4 1 11 - ' thetateatt" haliedlei I. Ott aaiatrit '..„....-, • -.' Web , tie wad-covered aint and' low' leitasasee Ma t Skj - lahl: th - s, sportsman. can - lad: was • abeedit .1%•,- aloe, 'tan he ion•C shay : , walla; - did trot driva •Nor do the wotld-s resonatilmiaters of Yenta-or Walt pate bait, so oftiti - mine-Toreeent tare inrielog indaemente for i Okra sat, than ash fa nate , and Issallfell bayt-itt;.Veket Nrirs- , hintil;b7 twilight, assen4,,,ts mega and sprwey'estaits If a eleastre. boar se• be foripettareoroestaily, Ili. "Averse,} lour , elm nuit i t i r ig , t uraZzer,NlllollrifF 430 1 1 -:, MOON the plea, r; l ll 7 _„rtiVlANYolsOoltsisoir 1 )* Ito asool wolf/ 4 ,. ' • Mid ioatileelarj P•'.l /.. Nat yteli A_Ateitakt ' .i, f hiel* 1111Ltbitio./11 1 41#4. 0 4 * 6 ' Imo.'" ft' "74:= 1 "" ab r ia i ti f li t i r tt lid ; awes, •ea • ratan t ati Moil 11,14 0 4440 0404**4 1 44 11 1ti 1 f" ? a 7 1 4=44, •.16 ' olitusa " ii Ai4iii. dome' m.i.muati. with Petiedopma'eaditatfel4ow• eautilionimomv**lttwAsitimlictetter. mixor wo* **manam4ba. alas bops_ et pea tilatfaamehles, aehested ayropet r e illiktr '9 io?l °l4olo OVA!: oosthoslifu POSt of am igtia'and the 'a m • a ss ttir of illisibipnis, Inset -legislates:La will await th eta , nu tkoitiwkimity aea NW Rellfoia ni'ylio:. • We"' ir d rtioadlito out, st ' Ababa' meant. ' eir lain the tiorlatianiqthins already wisely inverted in'that enterprise thatimitlaideitaaltbilakthealtltteittiettbew part of Yeavolisele ;sea 6144 a pdepeed_ easy aeon Newyla" - -11•11 1001 thin;'-'entr„Tbila d°l4droe tOl i es , 'Xrfe;k igi Iran ", §teti, Waal 14 14, feella , , ,of a new are Aram' a the'. vela of. system; fop , ftea this' toed beak bad; wheal atlissesthiPeossotint of wealth tba f t t poselie from • the great lakes of thseltroli-e ; ,the baba • of Lila Nrte, and' dad MI% ae a eeetrit doot? Vile the tads an.tbss_• peat Northwest •will ha iere e..few years, - nozslate optimal:Wel" say, Shat tide Laird' Atereells hide tiffteiil , a# 40 ,' foroilldieskfth OW tailies *beak sesea b y; the Mesa ef_tbie •h =„-.-, i ,:., ~ z , At,PMWAsit rork elliaertim cat maama:t - aii ' theyak* of our Northwestern sousstiosti. *Ad supplies their wants in elating& amply beease she affords aes'Asedlitleilbr3raaaportatlon. Let as, as, thr4l.oo•Ctor',4o r dittyhy tail salon of the tilledlicAlee keg . Bei in open up an avanahr ilk twasettheovia, eat Phil..- delpkbWilLretara tket.sonapthaent to New York b 7 Aisht4d_444:B4lddosos as - the lug for year* dh_ 41 444 4 , sMos4. esletiles: l - , . , ,--- liittaliViElaieteasted ,aod 4:tumidly ibiloyi,es illimarale la , Ita3loikanploooos as it is amid • a la ooneeptlon, govern. the action of our. State wank u ,,titif4•14. 6 1 41 1 4 .7 0t 211 41 1 m1t Wort Otlif 1 , FlPotOlf4o4 'his •soto iedWi'' beyond ;foga., tea the Asa? nairiabehhisait ban repaid -ii 0 Umbel fold,” its the • 1 441. 4 1 ' Illt,Psooot.f.,, any outlay Oho may.' have aveft*,eioarteg tai latentat iteeeteemea. l a re r tir emei=oe beaming Ibi individual, of het samba broad oak/ eastrita,"7 .-:.- Wiltinflazaim*T - . - ,utahr. tutureawbfa..l t marogritioursmitbkri. for w.i'aefte,..o two owls* PhOw to ' 7 - . NtoiTliotoift ototodtdmil 4 to 'Wes: dor; , ilodY'Pei a s I C i fts:l r sillat it. idea) leh „vtdisieeps latex= per , '' ' ' "ti "miti,ottaftdor Who: ..._ ‘.l , A te, w Vg O. " .1,1 ~..14, - , ,t , 9 :12..1 :', I;'' ^ .'I W , ' . / ' 1 ' e ititl 44 lWaiiia ‘ :_kti;kolitili;ll:tilititlllt. Yettirst ..7 , 4 Minn ;Mina. ..1 ; •;. l i blireferinkVaiarpibite farthiltiaif,ft!^ laiheetstaslinwipit g attegiat to ifiladas as fol.: low ir. - 4 ,,,, , ,t lie =r 0:a ~a r,t - ~t ~, 4 Z 1 ~• iV lllll4 r oo.4ein redaildngiti n i mbia r i f<-The sit,ce. 'ktimk.imM Eto etibiVelook til kWthaty doma*li e tieslNlEtee s =Z o lostoienahq; wee islet so kei limit sterivett, at o the 0 ant! arse bad la iNiill• let ewer the Committee. P r . , ,- ealtireeiL "- iii= b :is t r - Pketl at atillateryealito d is/emelt he City Hall,. r id iall 00 1 1tatIlttikti 444 1.41=4°11"="01111111a .1 10 0,4 411 , • WAs to be - ' raids foetal*. ql Pim Vs ToisPlitdbori, ". alai be • eld4,*es lake fidastarta rn olothasad; ;•_•_' .. ~thapalibirOgouattaisgased_ "I Abe slayer bad i5eta,.........a0„ flak of a breach ef ail „Malaya did not think there was 'the / 1 40 Afr. 4 ef * ~ ,,31.',../. r ,<, - ~, ' _ring wa d 'aiod to de all In bili• pots ' =)/7 ".WW4 r :-It7l*-6!* ibS7 a 4., 7411761: b ut mgr. ,:. foiv. - , ...; T.. . *Ex ~, ~ • , 9w:14;1n - was' not ets: This 7, ' sat !irked alive feats( of as whole h'- , • - s i ttk r A l fwaltd i , at ::,y , -. ... • , lab riiiir g al a ; too "N" . I 'f'it'S,., ,---1.,P,C f4..t f0..•,-4 - 111.441. 44 2106: loya--____ ,_ libditWW .., %KtilliTitiFait „ i44 ', IMAthr liss' Sfrat Won ' ' .* lapt At ,edato 54 3 Pei I 4 'l l it"'itkroV id la l a t i ti '' /1441 ' adit esti anew lb.Ql s ,tiOilifloilirdoktnAreir.relnisb,.."-= K1a . .." 41 . I da 1101 41.0 . 4i,d4 rebii i vt wosz , , ,- ~,.L , 1., ,!r 4 6 ' d° ~ 1 0 ,1 1 1 4 **4 11•114 4 0341::(,,-,7 , • said Oat SIIIP Diu - *am ' amm , * Abet figs safe Int, power t ! o :7 l r, * =OW Pardlou Akftirtz-VAlte4Ahrtit r aii_44,llbaral Pro.. s, *,, -•., .1. &•• 3 , “ , ' 4147,1. . 1421001.06 s ot 1e '4*-111P21164;014,,,!.. FiR Li 0 1:11... 3:135-1 - --kis antra here, ard - INS llell.rentteshiiiiiit '1: 44 % ribrwis will be graciously preased to land sat- hoe ewtkes ddxo.bN of this eity. than,OonnoK ndlugr,.-19 440 Sigi i e It . W.Cl . olookt` -theiji , - , Weraddiefic y -the liriMrlE that the Prince would not land, but he Twelve molt addrealieggie taillight be pre on board the Kingston, et 11 30 o'olook. 101aiwbill the PlO o o l ldgiff.4 l o l 4Pwr i ott l in ew :Moused, and ext e nded nun the nit up the rasa. They had haw:mm. l oN Play" lb w % Pll The Orangemen are dill in /err f etta Lw itibliniiiiide *Merit 3 t " It =in their favor. It seems e general int. that both the Onuiginair and the Catho lics aeted hastily and wrongly at first, but the blame Is chiefly thrown ulite.Bl9lGfreMir Pow suilfAild Newcastle. Athe .Prince is, laid to have expressed to the ailkeriff ;his conviction that thgps•ple were loyal; ;bw,disirsd $o land, and regretted the miennder overlior t etat fold t itßier% during an teglilew this morning, that there was en Orange Baton' , the market hall. The Grange deg then was ' ln a corner of the royal standard, dying from the T uk The lorangeffen hare Mtge d a steamer tote - locr,the Kingston, wherever goes. At Belle- Vilie,,erhere it was Intended the-Prince should land NSA; there teen Orange arch between the wharf Anik :the Toronto. 010 PM" are noieivea, saying that the Orangemen their will , *teed firm, ~,There is no doubt that if there are two thousailbero,rhere will be five thousand in Belleville, and twenty thousand in Toronto. The Privies; may have to go to Niagara at once. .2bas' Canadian Ministry were never once eon abenttlitsi, andthe whole responsibility, lies , with theßoorfattestril. j the.Amerioan band which went down to ;theeteamer last night, and played" God Save the ' (.co,"'ln then Yankee Doodle and Rail Columbia, 4 audOheered fpr pbe Popilldentettba United States.. P.44.=-The Kingston has fjust feftr :for:Belleville. The Orangemen, on the Bowman laanO•4Vi'v) O. Wedrisaley,Septenther et Al. D. , . _ . , airtd-lm • 48 TM:MISSES oAsty A ititS.BREBEI3 • Au aim a Ejaglinh and Francdr %mnd Di, 04final• for Your Ladies, N 0.1703 WA.Lffir.e- ikrir6 'mu be re, ipt RYANT & STRA.TTONI Na c iONAL bIERIAATILE OOLLRGES, lootod P.'s la an& e. . earner BbIVreNTR .atet Ined Fp, New York. ufralo t Cleveland. Chiewso. c ck Bt. um. or information awl orwerei fat usweve. . Stitt' WEIDAMO PIiVAARAY AM WlER the w a g respeo t,fglfly, iafo>m `they rye - 40:1 c ot IrountLaterikoaT i t s 4 ro tuolM. leaT and /529 tirthili, Waal 'watt_ toy will to ready to metro Witt istobit rtliXwAn. Wm- NIL , Wesdansiet OttEGARAY aniiirREMILLY will re otive vwitore at No . ' wtiAN Satre eettl the f,th Menet. • • isla4m . I.T. I. . 1.71 1.•: 1t1.6 ./. 1 6 414 1. 0 0 135' 1,60 1 - 1.6) to 1.10 3.55 1.60 1.44 1.40 1.36 1.30 129 : 1.80 115 1; 10 1.13 Jar 1.81 1.14 1.11 1.09 1. 130 1.01 69 94 96 91 99 IV b 8 82 -88 Ell ' 78 71 • g 73 a i 63115' 94 60 I AV[NG FIiJNI)--"-FIVE• PM CENT, ' y ii. R i ttritt WM tr,oI7T,i,TINT i il 4264 , ' /rll4, . r Plau" 2 1 ' tiVe4 4/I ft i tt a glW 4ll ro.ttr,or. — ..• 4044 . maliti i , :it s.. o"ti i irs' , 4"'411 , 14 , IJII nv , 11 1 1 A.Miii, : lipsi 94 l,, irtroc,z3 ,1;0: 09 rnvoost. , , -. • f l i t )." ' 6... in' • ,:, + ''' '' A 1" 44, k . ',i - :::'itkt'wos‘k Ihii. ~ • dder tot, *I • . i „Tar IP 1 ' tu • I,` S AVlN git o oMpl-r -r tiftre:.; , 1 ,41141 ,', .. • IF „, , . 4!//:TlierjUAD sad 0,1401 M AY 40F6 , .ip ti40141,5-' Lifira tepter sais 1 .;./. 1 • . 4 ,i t , . 4 ,, ,..11 . 7 t.a :/ / 0 , 44 , , , 4614* ' - '-4,4liliEr,4ltaittronn. .0, ..., , .._ t a'goi . 111, MI BAYING A Mae, hit often; • Is the • URANIUM RAVING ,ETND, No.r, Ja: 1136Aonth FORRTiI 41Test.beterdwhrep, nut and walnat, Pail .cenia. swan ilorn•ht wi l i e l m irt4, m by*. armadt, State, and Olti t roLl. Voted Alb Kan .t7,l and deems safety Nitta; IttYll Web erollni, ooneennently Irie run no jilrltl dag.i.• sitar.. mono bat bay, it • at tat t atruort to Marg. with Per Ont. intypyr, ke eorrow.A. they have WII/111 dons. awe LionFanY *Mr 4 7A d eionstriod or Ida* andr re:ma d t tnai i• awn tight. aut. ,poPeta ea be withdrawn only br the r eitair,l • • %attarpargiataak, tneewrs,l4,dr the mod 2f rano , it=liv_imaulaw.,t to tigulge MOW ai r irA/1 4 P4/4 4 1 911 i. fts.iitel ItigEIVE,D. gli gitiLi. , nay! 9ta I o °bog. and on Vad7 , enar STOMP, MAUI II cOolook: /' •• bi l litmean s '", InPr ". lia , , i ~, .4, , ..T r eiwit.° .. ward iyatt, . /1 V' - , MP . g EiLte.l.2: , . - 7%8-47. ... 4011 4niird . 1 .,.. 0 «, Norrnsid.i. tom Ormerattenia, anle•Y 1 . 4 . war savedAlVeiritned." . . INRECTINE 1 PERSIAN FEVER CHARM. PRYER AND AGUE EXTERMINATED. TAR ''RUMAN CONSTITUTION SAVED FROM WRECK. THE PREVENTIVE AHD REMEDY. INTERMITTENT AND BILIOUS FEVERS. CURES INOURBD IN A DAY. iIATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE, UPSoTINII. INiECTINEL f NPEOTINE. INPROTINE, INITOTINE. INPEOTINS TAO tembis malady• kapri ae , th• FIIVER. AND MIT A hu matins, hundreds of thousands or persons thlaaillatll the world even Yam*, and has never till now baan mat by anaaasaful mutton! treatment tha hia not nroduoed aavetti • ' MEDICINAL DISEASES, whioll'afteot the lungs, the spleen, the liver. the heart, or other parts of the Inman organism. The INPEC TDIE'is the natural atitaccinlat Of all femme, and when it conies in contact with the skin, le &bamboo by the interior organs, whiott resist easily miasma and all ten dencias ,tomard thoia "Mediu which prostrate the mind and body with fever. Fever and Ague fault from 'numerous 'causes. No rime us exempt from the causes 'fagots promote the ex. 7 teteme of the'dmiaties; betai onoe's•atid'in tha sgetein, induoes diminution ot pants, lassitude. lan. nor, 'mans, chills, fever, and a long train of disagree able agasillenii doiriviat Uti iattentet allailirgh and redwing hint or hoer to a 000daton of .BXTRPirdE anaz.zearivas. Why okay one auger the horrors' of debilitating Intermittent Forere‘ksa• by the nee of the INVALUABLE INPEOTINB, PERSIM PSVSK,OIi4RM, the ornent medical and mogloal %Witte' of whiatt ire Instutly absorbed. ALL TAAORB OF DUMAN MAY lIH ANNIII LATBD IN A FEW .NOURII I yULF•OARB IS BBTTER FRAM PHYSIC. NATURE. 18 WISER =LAN ART. EYEDY.DISEASE HAII, A MP7ENE REMEDY Aiiii;tWaiwvinisrooussa DREAM', BETTER pitEVENT TEAK STRIVE' TO CURE DBLAYB Al. DANOEROUB TE:e *NI Lzi ISILSIAN FBMR OIiARM. Ifutinuod thousanagof bat4l6loßO tL., moat iirsa4l - fooverc Riad and relein. WONDERFUM, lmnuel Boman, of Ilttabwg, for two • itara Mil." to himself and aooiaty•—s me ztyr to Milk Mid FOT" —. 4i:wed in losa than thus wee ka, and knprovZailroolghl j ", r7 l /C.*: ; 34 , 11 eduri, Sandusky, Ohio, 'atter WWII! . blind her reason as well u all earth, by Intermittent Fever, with Chills, restored to li eslih Id twenty hours: R. Tilton, of pelgraday . Mein*, brought from 'reath'a door, having sulfigiud for four yam, made ' 4/1 i 4 A" weak'. and hnteroved in two hours. Adolphe ?doubt°, of France, relieved In ono,bour, while trAvillit Om our Of-the Fort Wattle and Obioaao Railroad % He web appereptly dving with Ellen R. Benson. Lockport, New York, resorted slier soe,oir yeare. inferior. A rinfoot Aare. - teonsande of other owe prevented and eured.preri Nona, and not, Ws& oomnlniot of the (ADAM/or of The 1 INPECTINE PERSIAN FEIPER OILLEII4. TRY IT, PR OVE IT, KNOW IT, And make known lye wonderful rowers sad rhino, °IS th° l4 Ir4o.eriller, or who are threatened with sabring, may be led to nse a ampler lenexieue " 9 "" Taxation, farniaiied by the field of Nature for MA,N'S BLESSINtek• INPEOTINE 3 : 43 / 4 1 ,) BY ALL DRUOSIBT81;1'1 taDWIPIE DEALERS IN . AMBRIOA: PRICE ONE fIOLL. B. Sent by mall to UT peat of the Untied Ott OM to ilot ; 'istren, bb,e ootalt . llll‘ abooldior to dirsotkins. *Wit: iiitoOnossi OW; AgAinwicrtintan By 44SUR *l:thwt., 04;:0..,' ll= ;~,±iOftM N V YIAB~J Z' v I = , ,,f .t'i':l. !1 , ,11., ;.f.:L• ! , %11/ '(:,-.2',.:1; , 1x - ,11 :,,- ~ ' ...-, " i BRAJVICEP,OPIj7Vgii- ~:7•1',:7(521:, -or) ..."..'.. • Tl L E ; "°.a°Beifc;?!-` 7 .9c', Ml*• ° ' '''' ~ ''• '' ' ~ , ~ ~, , ,•5!..: i 11 ,t.tt ...•,z , A.":b.,vi . .t•t t r ' 1. REW IrOAX CITY% 1 ..J•• 11fL,. a •.- s •••.. MZDICINA DYSPEPSIA. 4i Ti,.:1.11 Dyspepsia, Debility of the System. Dylve/isia , Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyer/Pest LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, LIVER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK_ ÜBARACUR, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SIOX HEADACHE. FLATULENCY, LOSS aiirisnrit FLATULENCY, LOSS OR APPETITE, and the timberless otheidieedass tress Indigo ton and ¬ional duordbis of the Mania: lied Heidi fella la that established is td !testing reseed THE OXYGENATED i 3 T T R • THE OXYGSNiIiiBD. 3/7"/E.83 RELL►BLR TESTIMONY We call the atteritlern of the reader to the following letter from Presidents lietth, formerly of Wesleyan University, and now ettslobed to the Solentlflo Corps of the Expedition whioh recently gelled for Gresalsed , MIDDLIToW x, C4i1111., Feb. 13.1869. 98TI1 W. FoWLII & Co.—dentlenien t I Era made use of the ox -triennia Biturri: mane 'even or oisht ; tears since. Having suffered for twenty years from a form of dISPOP4III, which via attended with a nervous head ache. op an average of not heathen Dee day In swaok. I wee indnoed, by the unpretending rewnetneedstlon of Dr. Green, "to try one bottle. tucd If no beniflt was received to discontinue the use." . . . . . . The time of one bottle 'warranted further trial - i t!) thlr extent of some three or four, wilts a rianfici obeentanoe of the sooompanying dirsatioatk..The nidit sru, an almost entire relief from the usual dyspeptio symptoms end their depreuiug• painful sosseSlitimeei I believe these Bitters produoed an entire ahluute IN the !cubits of my systemised upon the active energies of the diges tive organs.; 'I now again meet as exempt fru* Drs. Pepsis as most persons. These Bitters have alto been of service to other members of nil family. Very respectfully yours, ALICIUBTIII3 W. SMITH. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. r THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. HAMMOND, Timm co, Fa., AugAgaggli. Gwyratwart After euffering for more than thirty years with Dystereds, and trying maw /remedies ro. ° commended rot that d kiwis without any good result, I was Induced, by Dr. F. H. White, of Mansfield, to give . the Oxygenated Bitters a trial. 1 took two bottles, which gave me so muob relief that 1 purphased two more, which have nearly or quite effroted a ours. lam now nearly seventy-five yews of age, and for three months past have felt no inooavenienoe from my food I take great pleasure- in, recommending the Diners to all afflicted with Dyipepsia and its conooudtant die wee. A.,HEDARD. FROM DR; *itiTic: MANllincip;Tl‘gs Co.: Pay. Aug; DY, ISM. I have used the Oxygenated Bitters In in, Practice with decided m:cm in debility and general 'rostra• &0., and confidently recommend them in general debility, and Miami of the Moodie% (mane. F. H. WHITS, IVI. D. THE oxYgpurip slx#Rs. TER OXYGNWATED BITTERS, PREPARED BY 8. W. POWLE & CO.. JO TREMONT Street, Balton Hold by hruggista, Dealeis, and Merchants In every town and atty throughout the country. DYOTT & 00.. 4113 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE AGENTS. BOLD EVRATIVIERN. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 1,90.e0f-d&W PROF. WOOD'S REETomTIve. CORDIAL /MOOD . 11 1 .4140VATOR I, precisely what :its name indicates. .for. = pleasant to the taite. it la r e viv i fying , exhiaradmr, strengthenine to the vital powers It also Ye Vslee, reinstates and renews the b nod in aii . minty. end thus restores and render, the system invulnerable to gloater:lf disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a ' popular form. no as to be within the re gob of all. 'go chemigally end genitally nomb ned,as. to be the . most powerful tonic. and - yet Mr perfectly adalded as fa act tot perfect at:ctn.:knee teak the Lwt of *a fare, toed Agate, seethe the menksst stomach and • tone Up the dieeenve organs andallay all nervous sad Caner irritation. It le also patiently exrulara.. ung in Its e ff ects , and yet it in never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits It is compoied . entirely of vecetables, and those thoroughly corn . toning powerfally tonleandloothing proparties.and 4 : 1 consequently can never Injure, Such a remedy has 0 long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical 0 -World, both be the thoroughly stilled injocedutal ; 1 0 „,, /mance, and ales by all have suffered Roost ; for it nesda no Inetileal skill or knowle ge eTem to set, that debility follows all attacks of Is lease and late tee eigenarded system open to th spooks of many a ca e most dangerous to whio Poor humanity , Is emistanlly liable. Such , for ex- ell 0 &mob. thefollowing,: Consumption. Pronchilla Jadigestuin. Dyspepsia. Leda of appetite, • Paint omm. Nervous Irritability, Neoral,la. raltetation 7 of gielfileett,Aellechotyyfrtypoohoodiria, Night w Cqwesews;tWitignor, Giddiness. add ell teat o . 4 owes. an fearfully fatal if unattended to . in time Liver Rotate lirealitesses freracitaritses. Also. : to Liver Doyen:member or Toypulity, and Live, CO plaints, Diseases o the Kidders, &senor - or In t" contimenee of the rine, or any general derange- 7 alautt of theilrinaTOrnmes. Pete se tee Beee.etele, leLbsWeeit the d owners, predunmettlon to slight Ai ',4,Z.!ill.,Z6ettfAlt Centhlued•Ccliglis t4l erithina.and.taieed. we sale ht ena i 2 Da , • l i vely more still. but we have amp pals . cnerate 'ea of only cure the debility-Toiletres ti say. It 1. viper but prevent all attacks arising 0 CI %hills and e au tpi • from Mama: -- '"Q f attat i rill 1 411 ;: O atones. if airs. '9031 the Whorl' system, arousing esdperslstentlr . •, promoting:ln lent, all the ex- p. o the Liver to action sk v i edi s the system , it will Intel- e otetione esieretit., conaequenosia follow' IlhirPreverll all'fdelot' - '`'llls and Water t hence all .• log upon change of ,tider. th them. aid ail Is travellers should lave wow. oat i o . i el should take a table-spoonful • • east ens the dues .14 tt prevents onetiveneu.litrt bds o raU v e no m, g 0 tive organs, it ehotild be ip OW* , tiltdrc Moran' 'i. eof sedentary 'habits: landau . moo ou t •• le mss; and all ladies not speonstomed * A h o y. C at door exercise should always Wm it. - . 1, . dliojan, a they will and as agreeable. leas t. ant. • tr remedy against those Ills which rob them 0.1,. 0 a tray ; for beauty cannot exist without he. d health mumet ' while the *bore yrsgal4 2 tes continue . T Vet heo,again. the Cordial is &perfect Mother's Relief. Taken a the or two before the O Anal she will pass dreadful .penod with 1: perfect ease and safety T ars is no mutake alma Ps it, this Cordial is al/ mg asiotfor if. Mothers; try PI it ! And to yon anneal to detect the illness or 0 • decline• not only orient daughters, before it be too RI 0 late.. but also, your 1091 end twebanda, for, voile • CE the tomer, from false delicacy, atoll yn driwY l to tt. prelnatere crave natty Out let t; oondition be raown be time, the are taint Po Mined an with the excitement 01 business' that if at were not for you tbeWtoo. Vs oeld travel in the same down gward path. until too late to arrest their fatal fall. ut the rpotlier ic-istirsYs 'vigilant. and to you - nfidently- appeal,. for we , are sure yoer new r• Co ilfd a nd to l i o n o t l yAito nv l,f. as the remedy-which @VObe always on and In time aimed. 13. T. WOOD. Proprietor. 4448r0ad ay. flew York. and 1,14 Market treat Bt. Louis, too, S and void by all goad Druggists , rm.!, One unllar per Bottl ld here by D 'OTT & CO., 232 ;forth BF,c - iND Stiseet, eowd&W-tf BLOOD FOOD. BLOOD FOOD. BLOOD Flio D. 13(Mon pooh,. 111.001) FOOD. „ ' he attention of luvaltds. physiciane., clergymen; . : sat in ° men, and the rublio generally, to reepeatfullY • totted t i the merits of this °Wiwi:al preparation. "tabling Iron: Sulphur, and Pliesphores,'abd Think td aa kioat ik, its oompointaina With the Earmark MP tale, or red biped. In all dummies accompanied with DEBILITY. otenanoe, arldnersonaderangainent, steelyard' o f asas4. show adeliateces of the i l e t d iticbriles. ituditt anion and a fogy tint of thee n. to always indica km or health; whiles pale, wa x- 1 ke skin and emote ranee—which evinces a deboteney of the red kilobit en , ' .. °meanies; adi ' organism. Freya Mime of ran have been Own for the purpose of supplying the red glp&elee, b o il we oontend t4iit Iron. alone, kulshur toiedi,ot Phoi nronlatblie, nidlnothlest this deficient:lY never," case, but that a Judicious combination of all . . ese elements is necessary to restore the blood to lta I • .rival standard, This, .point,never before attained hetet - teethed th +be Mood Food and its discos/54 1 Yankees one of the most so entitlo and important of the age. /is effects in . CONSUMPTION • ,re to soften the cough, brace the nerves. strengthen tie gystem, attar the proetrating night Meats. inorease Beringeseal and mentM aJ e o p b e o r i g e Y4 e i n no rifilt e he th li e luesd an bi ti r t e e - . . the lacking red r tore the oolor. Fe d lothe the skeleton frame wsth gash. The Blood o will be found a see iflo in all Ohm s& tilsesseir of the Throat or Lungs , such ea Ann .l., -jg raaa hitie, Coughs. &o. Pubt a mistaken and masers , will Bed it of great utility in wearily" and sy kroguithening tae venal organs. In Dylipepsie• I Ivor ctorn , iii,,,,,,,, Drop, Epilepsy . Y. Paralysis. refute. ;travel, at. Vitus' Dance. Fever and Ague, & o ,Be ern , oy is marked anst Inetatiketur,ops... : lln n n4' aiaaa of d ,. . : : 1 , however , ern the beneficial enects of this remedy eihespicaons as in thole haravins l Alvr groirl ~ i t.''P' .:;r e t i ttiVaiogali ,. . ,,,,,. .t..... „, gt i 4 r zkind r • r • :r t i mmurstv,Poralziagtittlarat.:, dings hue or tvillorpf the Akin, depression of sturite. !ability' palpitatidll, Want of appetite, and nervous ja w a tl on . v. e have !he utmost penitence in recom ' endina the DIAJO 0 1 , 044) - re al , whomay be aa . Woes of a lois of vitality or energy, and to rupee whose logatal or bodily Opfer.4- pt b over nee, either ot their/Inger it On r 4tltY Say tat in all 14101 o I am an I nsolation, id in all disease. of the K hays or Bladder. this pre as , ration h a claim npoit the attention of entferera hich Cannot be over-estimatt d. i n t fa i t:A% tat ra11.4 tgro i, !A m i y aa i, : p itiz t: , khe a Ts remarks:rnd Kith t llu ernes testirriorde hre have le tte favor, wi t t i er Dm •!. • LOOD FOtt to : he cons &oration of WPM, kncoring that it will . toknOw a lld n is t ed r a: fi r 1 (INA r o e h r: 44 l r is:Alz s predi t a: 4. : 4 .3o.}tXra A: l a i bit . titi mid, " 4 x - tsZej,4,r,Att,l B 4l. l :-„Tirif b 44, 4 w oe et ut.. v rasa , milli 4% ter..Tr [ 1:410 Inisre—astigistirrigilißil tihrit hAM de eon ft ila rignatrig2c? , the Wrstspor. hone 8 Or • ' l' . , jettei diar h . rwatirßT wir, New } 0r ,. . - brDY 'r :ie oe..as . afar . , j T" . • , .10411fri/OCbt atc!- . i. l ij : "a -- rI T 'i "- talt 4-UAW ! ,vg : . . kri - d . 1 bab y 0_ , 15479` BRINLY.Y.Ot ttiC4ll9lllAll2 BT V.lll. SALE Tit;6l(Fridas) NORM 0 BEXTEIABEE. T. AT io 43 it. • . A DA.RD.—The attention of' purchasers is - rttested to our of Proooh dry goods. thia.(Frlday) morn[]; ,g Sept. 704,,56 oatanssee, on alit months" credit, dfmarablit assortment. - PIOT (CB—, To itstailma. In ulti tall ' 700 Vienna orankr Innate lid long @hair!". 100 Black arced'', Film onyhmers de. Illsok and nolo:Amens „ do. 16014 i Peri*Mad_ ..4 11.11 b POO dominrohlreengs• • 100 pieces Ftp 9, sod moulding de Lane, At do , 4-4 Prildild - 40 do thir do Pisan' ' 20 - dO -do p*, Rim it°". % 1 447441.1140 e 1b R 19801411. An friv °olo' of do rom-.-- vo/T4O 4 1, 0 9 " , IC 4 • FIRST BALE OF FRENOR GOODS.' T 1714 120211/1144 • ' Bent. ha, at ID o'elook t bycatilognii, Qs Eli months' credit— aoo paikages and lots of ,faski . ishlikilbl7l.noh go E XT RA RIAU. ?ARV? V e tatpip *VALI, wilts d• mis. 4 218 iii tatlerrkratts, roribis, Ake, 6-4 Poona' bleak ote d onca,; 6.4 do coed 0 , • • • Figured satin etnpe poplins, Coaergs and Mimosa. - Wool Maids. . VIENNA HROORE SQUARE AND LONG BRAWL& ' Leopold Barrie oallioranid mannfactsos. 40014 4 1341V21.414 Vienna brooks squire images. .do o do lon a. HI. , A AND Cd BRAW a g ft and do. BOARFL 60017=4 Wok and colored stalls shawls. 7!0 17 4 fans chenille gale& 100 14 4 palm cashmere. , 000 dozen large size Ohnitille Myra. me dozen do do binds. ' I4IIITS 0001/S AND I,olEat CILIVIBRIO RAND - REaculEPs. Jaannet. cambric. end Maasmnqina • Plata and Jrumed bordorod linen cal:Orli bandker, akin(' ; BLACK BILK IrIII, I 7ET RIBBONS. Nos. Meta all 111 k black yeloat ribbon,. Also, aatoalm Moth' a , d avers. Macs silk silos% Cashmere scarfs and moilitml,abirt frosts, marinas, A. 0.. . , PALE OP IMPORTED DRY 900D1. . . . r.• • - Bent.:11,1800, i O t 10 o'cloc nTsoodo k. elornamby catalogu. one months credit,/ Comexiinng 600 e.aokages and lots of fusee and staid. imported dry epode. 110" Elainskis and oatidoinee early on the morning of gale., NF. , PANCOAST, ACIOTIONNER, sac. • loam? t/AL SCOTT, Js.. 431 OIIPATNUT St. STIERIFF's BALE 0E - A Rog p PID BUP 8 Rio 81001 f OP , PlOlibfg. PREEttiltValt PlitUlTe MEAT% KAM INIBRY;" /Ic. on Tirpri4or Montax... _ Sept.l3. upon the untausell . Yaw 44A.AKET Btreet. ectsunencong 10 o'clock,/ • be.lismples arranged for ezaaniaation. with cata logues; early on the morning of sale. pIULII' FORD & CO., AIIOTIONSIBS, -a- No. 630 MAXIM amt. sof aOl. XIKOI Stria' SHIPPING. aftTHE BRITISH AND NORTH ABLIERICAN .ROPAI. RAIL STRAY , TROY NSW TORE TO LITIRPOOL. Chtef Cabin Bound Cabin 7aola ROITON TO LITIZTOOL. Chief Cabin taunts— ..... Said Cabin :hire =CT. &111 LIT: =11;k Ru bor. PERSIA. Caph 7adhfas. loe NASA. Capt. Limp. AR,aßi A. Gish J. dam*. MERIOA, thapt. Knipp. Malt} Capt. E. 13 Lott. NIAG/RA,Capt Anderson AFR4C4I, CUL Vbeinon. ECHO ,A. Capt. J LEW. SCIJTIA, (now lyst mg./ These asesela carry a pillar vhits bent at mast-bead ; green on starboard bow; red on Pan O. ARASIA. Stone. leaves &WAD, WadaaalaT.Bol4. AFRICA, Shannon, 11 N. TomFoal:B.day. mph, 12 CAPI4II.IM. Lang, .BOatigh k W.ol4l . 7 . : Sept. s ;T s 01t6Y 1 1 4 . t fdOodia, o c ; Weark•fwayTbotr . PERSIA. Jndkins. " Y ork. Wednesday, Sept. IS Berths not secured and Nit fo r. An exierstheilld Surgeon on rd. The mouses the.. erj not be aboOantable GioadMilver HalhOa, appoie, Jewelry, Prophase lama" or Metals, =lea. bills of laden age signed therefor and the value thereof therm expreeeed. Por far 0, t or pee gags, apply B. OCRAID, 4 Nowt= 4 1,1, k. sal ...... row. TIM soinu.--umuums- Weiffilin___ 31(101Flaly at an ay43 3 lnaaaAa oar otitt. lo• Jew New or We is 11 , er ..., was VS. all Stsuratua YEITOWSTATE, Coo tam Ohala r. *v.. Tili nu . Plias/. Naltowbor 7, at la a aloalt it. Ina r igla 11 1 71 1 t h AN IT L i r a 1.. - Thil 11,11. m...a , st....up Ara. Or OBORKA, Cavtitin Jahn J. gamin. - =lll- wit oft TAirpOr, ear qt W. at la o'Wwit A. IL it a mot to aa acon , r-oray ta llama st lioa. • abeam, tram erfir Ealsy is tylra i.. 11/5 dam towarad. mad Lana *uma/ MUM ArliiitiVitillqW 1 !Tuff: 4....v0...ara,,,„“gah1r,g" , Al= r arrth a ti f trilMOTO OrliSM:4W h illlttt TifillPla td rt_ fie S A M INI la OA ti ri tf-T.n ck Tro* litalst l i iiiizo,,-21 1 M1 Min than to• wiling now% natal= va N. • N. B.- ot au ayi j etirAbr , r _ 1,41 ;.3 az In • onrr 9 Fail, 1/ Watts it r A-sw' -•__ r tu be 3 '*" rz et..t. ua , 'g et war. g m% ,jziA. r -__4 6a the wholi route. anwol at !_ : apt Wl - In enter*, m• . „ .# vii • .A •• v . ARNAit. To ca illgal".1 1113 CO To linuutsh..... ..113 NI Ana " ....-- It, ad ' 11(11111111116:-....... 3110 ea ....-..... iOa , . ~.-......... . wit 1 thalami*. --. /31 - • Il• 41 V . • Zi nz e ... ... ii / ie.-- Itl iu - CirTkrara.7..:: V V - ' lomplia,•--..-... ,in W aaatt • , , - ._.- E. maElattins saraoar tliatiala row yr mi. aboviiNta=3 7 to :. newd ...„,__' A Velfra ll ikiNgtaiitil • vamp for ailkoiTtokata, wationat mama OVURTN and WilliatTACtrotaa m ii _ dg iri &Oats la War , . i r ,s, , pilaw oltioner ' OaraWal4l7 431 Ra Not _ otalmw . .11taaVs and et. J • a town 'AN:aa l a' a nnialh aina awantay.: lll- :- : , SUJIIISEICROBOATIO. , 110IIIITAIN . EPROM.- -1411 TiluP Poiehr Ul' goia during the season of warm weather, iind eptl. ts. rroa seta in.- Yersons Mana:wet apendlins rammuder ot the treason where the/ haw, the adslintruneof ppm watet.,lrere teeentain ell. (stow oloyotkok of mein hundred rest.) tree from rum eau audits, est um- BIM, lousily mon rum alniamil arrOl,plo 1 11 tondo of menyval:oe saa tow Imes, wtl hire Red livery e fort and amusement to net with at the Deer-reelVittud waterstuadaget ai , tigtper tzt i i4u r lar i Latt i d rrog; Vete, aneJemes b. Barg 'es 00., No. 6 Bhemtrist *et i ptiaadel2his or oa JOBSPIL NOM MACRER. phrase Yost Ontee..Laneaster ocautty. atte-lm MANSION o souse, *Just CARBON, WHUYVKILIa COUNTY. PA. ' • - Fanuhas mommodated with good rooms at reamed prioes.'• Thu old-eatabliiiied i, llnie. 'Mild In the gap be tween P k ty and neen inonnhann, inniedntcdp op the ins the Phi antis and Keisling R/111/024. Within SWIII9 of ottirvllleeforeiterin Sept_ by Jo , nth Mead. el Kee. old Mansion Hour. Philadelphia: ban, sinoe hie demise. Mein under the °harp '0( hn daughter. The Horse nitrogen& st all Marine of the Tear ( for the Motion of melt and has been mostly pat in order. The large garden- and park adjoining. nte great indioimenti ins ntinmer Mtnsrsonavish 'nc n i o g d tgr sffrr t th id i dtar roPtao the? ( rash : ih and 'Din] the wild U...mtIAfWOOLII7 Of the ClVlDOCWlollnisinger Inking. Mine sas of Wit. Real are sold at a reduction of twenty 15ve per cent.. and as aggeotaisodation train will lam Ponerniledalle during, the simmer months, to ,snabli eon ,nho may cillAt• tolneenti basinen portion of On diva is the (u irlb_int r i e rirtz t jel em rpe ortiet4rTir „hr,2,Vi t ,Laimrkal - _.•-e - br terms. apply to zt • - MARY tinny giniagionglonse, Boast Carboici. JeiO4in . Bohnvltill Co.. Pa. COTTAGE RETREAT, , - Beautifai and oonvecientli boated it ATLANTIC CITY. Boarders aeloomrsodated on reasonable terms. , Ja2o-Sm moOLERS. Proprietor. STAR HOTEL, tip my_ v. I. ?AM. _AaLANTCITY, N. . -• . SAMUEL ApA 8, PipOß Faityg. PM" 4-- - 76 - fißTAari ittlita T "Iris tar ors sooommods on th• mat reamonsble PM" ,TIII,:SSA-IMORt---ATLANTIO CITY. poeraigned, propne; or of the ahrillthanled • If AtoRIBFITIVS U. B. H9113L. • The b ow ." Cepr il aCy Prepare( to manes annue ir g: ereetfutly llolte * snare or th e „ übt ri,;-. .... 8 ,. 0 „ ...: Demmer mere has 'been added to z houji ii. r o _NT, lito Willi. 140 feat in lug th. pon- Machu (henget, ll •roorne.) a mite pf threw parionn for zee . and "r os y gentlemen ; Mao, • reoeption room e, lid spacious bar -room._ purling Fr oa ij i —ga t a t oot ; ii gre t r z t t pad t, Mir Salt-pr.ter SafratilB,:ytil ~.hole 4011.111 7,1 a be li d glite c a f ^with gm. e b ones u beeN newly um* minim wr the ad groansde Ininonadillg ar t bay; be Oil rat lill 110111ple to order. A ‘Nit if u t eed p sunup 'Yacht. aria se excellent Band of IL. e. au Je been_en gaged for illi the aBOl3. .1, cHIBBiri. 14-am . CA BLIS 4 wh r o b t e lprel i st ri rre:r i i f iL t n h e c rt .80601 ( 11 9! Ervalv.imattm ,N.., fo:a rg Soolety and Oood cam r go., Pa:. Tama.' Acrotiverwafer 210 . For particulars send for Cares ' ;noun Lev,. tar. °WON, OIdaNDENIN. a VIBSCREIt Jef-am Carlisle Ornni, ifs. FfirtyLSKFAI, • PA. ak i l i si f ra d in ,,,i, :: ,. 101 , 1 l Ant , l ii. „,„,0w...n70, Ulf &MOH. Qt this Hoes* Irto be found ' ? ,, t • he rule by the North Pennsylvania . I, One of the *oust In our State. 0 0 HE, Proprietor. JoiSer PL‘NO 'S. core IGHTE &RR i; 1 2 RFS E ATED-PATe NT IN: c.:T.ATFA IBON 111n OVERSI SUNG OltA ND- et non PIANOS, dared unsurpassed by the first ir - ..qts tad NUM.. ince .as hsiberi, Wollenhaust, s and others. Over 7,21* of this make have been In respect to elearness. richness, volume of tone. delicacy, silty tooth Bed sue repeating action they are unequal, led." They are not warranted for years, but for all timer They have been awarded Gold Medal. ayevery estithltion. For even at wholesale factory arum for cash, ate liberal discount, or on monthly Instalments, ANSI!) SeArldlit'S. Nos. 279 and 291 South FlFrn street. putt-im* Above Sarno', ffsfn STEINWAY A SON'S NEW PA, TENT GRANIrANOB. BQVARE: GRAND. AND •bollaillthl PI OS. saw pteie flea in concerts end II prof/tiepin:lml I the beat terforthers• h u esTortp6. o t ritzttn=eet the beet ff A k a l Pee r ia.leta ' atl do& e io..tepar,- L.. OhIESTN ' &rest. 'Man P/ 4 N° 3 ! PL&NOS! 1 PIANOS!! yurio-F(itrzg b • '' • Prib. FORTII._ t ou ltre ., 1 1 : 1 J 0 12 : 7 is ik . liann l i M eClari ° ,l,ll2 l. 11 - 'l*9lll-17 stvzwrs. wiIekIIAINES OVERSTRutia , PAIVEN T- kOTT 0 Pf4if 0 011 1 7, Ch um p, eilzyp ir Sim , corch wry.r.,vid warrilatZtorrjekel • ileeZid4ffewl e r laiskpa Mr WO &Om. of - 11V* PRINCE - (VI . liPproud Zpe s itto 1114110 aresidc 1 0 4 4 1 %. 4 -7 for 840,,bir;„ ..4ta - 715 mmyery4 -.l4tpla Mi'flt*a .. ti AIMAT • '"mm0R . 804.4,.. 1 , ogaartat . t. „T w o Aim t eel. 00, "• `' it , • - A ' yY. iII j :4 - - i I 1 • eta p to . r ads b 7 lAA al - JILANAX It 00. ti tHOMAII . 6 80118 i, - • - - - ilak 13 eah el gam f010411100&01. , : .O,ArA, NALI4 0., N haANVAL Ali- - • 0 tia t eMalth sa hbe! , , e t t the anew . ;111.0' ila a sNari l tflalia . at ON MOOR . V !if aid Adds _ - Nr - lianehtta et meek , Ipreentilattel ~ ~0 • .billion to tridek ha hlella, on' the ond . to Saab sale,. st.,e‘ thooseia tem ming tett sum a irciiillM ll lmi . Bohlen the follotz u .., . . .. , • , , 0 A a D.—Our the - Ezoblikte. II ' earettC l' 4,ol4. at le i4 V24 amp and,An the weeniest. al t 4 i s i i iie. Cootnineem him thh ' 4Ra. 226TATZ .ILT AELIII6. - ia l l i fidurir i ny il = at. . I r l d i r s a a= i 4 ll P"F"tr. P PM* ratriat t a r" ." IgrX/A) estate uttered ye seriettletteele - V• and:ithrertieett essisiettelir &hoar *Oho ask ( whieh UM aglow we hriateh veekty.) , e: 1="24101.4.- • , errocati, 00MittEllp*TGAGED, it" - eaptimierp. shwa, wit/ UP *ad— • • • , • A bevd sod mortgage of esiCsioeved ow .43 11 Prioncinf,AVViple, myth ?t Lis?" • P t Diet 11re am is IA tbreelatipa. 3 Oise Moosastale Libesnr. STITH V La SALII-11TH8EIPTEICM. Will intslodew , As undivided CIO 54 , Iti ThregHltete DEICX Dar ILL LINO. No.tlB 6 wrest. - Name weNtte-Atior *WA sart of_the Throe. atmr*Dßl .:.K. D WEL LIND OAR swa th Fraller V i r. e Eatare-/I 'NADI : tit twirl Hat or roe e KE AND ;WARRED E. Southvest weer di Delaware eeeltaeAret Ton alley, bekrw elurtaat It6Mes. fa feet 6 niches Inst. Same l•etate-An undivided 'ninth W I or Ow Tito,- idol SRI .111, 0 WEL.I 116%. tro, IN ..... ..........,..10116 shrew. P Rid.:l2B Aims ATali• Lead.with on t e littlford marl, Di atlas frost the se it Lowee_Fain. tin: PATIVIB rei ßAl ltuetid," wllefaing the abate. ein eMO nom, rrroveotente. The " C.L.A RR PANINt." e contenting IttArrna, Farming I and. The " MORRIS TRACT." containingabiej ai li . .11.66011 front., on oroad,ead Inthin half a retie of a The " BON 11661 FARR," eordalning ?NI Aire* frirli., itiNern the raitraseeotta_baD6uan. " MENA!! FARM." ocatitl . ag as .11enta ed... ic. ' i ga g gAtilitirCA lPlP Zei=e W Awes Waid lied. The "Fat7=o;.LY," eastalatam ewer NMI Aorta °r heavy oe BURIAL lbMikes* Vetoes Cautery Orpeepslor. LotaNOS.' MI and N Booties- A. easteistag Resew tact. Forwa_ardriAlla.—Ririek =LING, MAP awes grad, Ftrat Ward. _Bala D Bl WK ecu Ll.r 1 N 6 ,86 11— NO Thre rtA tiNll ta ne = li ittrarall 'AND Chem aad Ratii atraiska • ' - - - oBIJBINIMI PROPHRTY.—Stare sead Dwalliasjil, W. oorn,,r of itiebinnad ,letreet end Re.dieg Railroad. M anz t i e Seeoslasel •etreet Zalivar aetsan turd. lIHVENTH PALL PAlA—leta PAPTIHESHI. Three Wiry Brisk STORM and DW ELLIN t). Ho. los Fltzwa.ar street. vest of Broad issioat. Iran tkres itQfT Bnollr threnimr i_teo new Throe4tonr Sri* reWELLIA, No. MN Pitiwater street. vast or amen% str•et. Modern REM DENO' 1 4 O. SU Perm* eteeet. rep4t• With modern improvements, ittiateileat order. mo ld* the Hospital Hardt o. . Peremptory Two BUILDING LOTS s Nara Gooosi btrestatlcwavabstdos amt. Galt* ate. Nos: At regrant lOU, 0- r 11. Ott s ltmais. ' At • o b taaathe aare, et Far ile 4Vl4 ausets. fitq t . 441. o tearviod So nip gam .1111 MOT R O NATHA" 'Att 0 1 . 10 . 1111 wow ANIEMEEL pl,OOO tq Nta, at tholoviiit vatsh7 oh Jeltigg utworin ollkwar 'err oe~ e, Pr b.M as.42t al , en": eartEnfO u Virvertgitt - V I NO anal gold !qv • 47 , oiliest War sai mow - • , itauth vitas". at Iron . • * t • • , 4 .4 4 . • • 4 1 =2° , . miaow Err . ol#4l AT PJLITATAI-: • emulating al di sitegal rings. Pries. lOW. ns Inns *Lan.- - Low ay lo. wibLIA : 41011.1 4 14 00. AUO - %p si 4; 4 ifr_. .:. I N ~. . 1 It own. •'' . wirrlr th it e :k ' • • ''.- • an _,e Us le,. its. Me" WM" gun ' advances nada on Mr Nattlinnonts made Om /Wain ' = - 4*. - - Illter. Wm ' it.. l"l" M a khetpldik, . i l r • r i llinr .. 4 ors ,' 11 7 Y r% cr:V:=4 6 .t. ! L . ridAlutriillistur " ‘ ' wk . *km taitimoait -edII2PN AItaIWITIG CR Al),,litt and Inn OATPSDNI . _ 11. . siltram lease. If Iratitillt WIWI. --,.• li. • • ' !emir ' - • - - -•— ......„Ale r. . - KETT1111P1e,..144.1.7/13 - ATLAPITIet - r z ail —....— - --, 4-- ' tea P.lll. La. Stopping sr all Ptßtow g 81174Dia TAAL:au 'lNorerinir street st.— --........ LW A. Y. Peeve Atlantie et. _..,. - CPS P, la. -i Fare to'Atltatio, 11 ult; wand trip noble, good Pot b , se dm5.11:40., • Freight mot beAittvered it Csaireair&biiPAll. Ths Coropeap win not - be veil re9amd sad remoislm r grtilmlie ! w a g orill: loint. -. • • - - - - - slailf . JOHN D. 1311" ,- APIT - . Assist. , 6066 ROU'OAPE MAT , , , -' - - ' 44E111114 feeita i NE* Irbiti ilintilana . ii . ig KAirp. G.V.2 n a1. ; 2042.7ffirr ei11 0 211163114 r;r 9 Ml 11 11% o s i s iu 4 44 agli:U= f 71.4. tr i m kaz ti la w ee st ee i Isi v ri e eLLl liatai . Vaxe to Goo May Landing-- ......—sl IS to to :law Yost. Cabo-- --.-- , tap sok.-- —...--- 1 el me Roan Sacra— .. . . 1 use Atm Ur Ows sad 244 %Foam at low ales. Goods MT 1.111 be rah 'warded with dassotik- Amt. , #ll.4lm_ MLA sisi 314 SIVA JAWS& PHILADKLPHIA-AND 'HAWN°II.IIeP_e D. • DE - ODOR iofo Ticking for sa l at= 011 ice, Broad And CAlkewhill IlltrriggneeieileAnA To VA Le 0 Sontame i r meg Forlrth k ot put= MI mall * Qs, orsa t a Tiniest Agent or .the $y streets, or Eionoto l ler & sat O. A. MI likool esporuktoadost. Mikalog. 101-ti . PLICAI3I3II,I 'IIILAITXL -111,15 est Vhttr 6 ltoontsll3l % , s wam sad. Nest rttir ids pia 4, .I.ll"rels'.' new, ro om Mpl oo o k t ionix firms for • . -mom tona l rtusvisPortir s an4 ' *low orilaratoes aslissa Faros rhe rcra i nt i s as • • EMI ins (aerie. Wbite YousisiaiVe•- From knadierbps via . tYock Mai4zgal, Barataearnata Frskilt ri le r lro L iii6 - 6 - 711;;;; - zi - rwtzi. -- • " o Uttl .017b:4112 Li& " For Excursion 'mute wad tot te ak . ritllkt the' odis• 41 .1 1 1nrsaa Striatu. • am.u. e e . ialas t s 7l. , I•ls4lffs • Amt. EIPRESX tOXPALMES. ' - TSB ADAlittg EXPRIBB CO,CMIse Sae CHICEITNUT Street • orwaree Panels; flepits& abridualLee Beak Notes. and epee* either by ire ova Lass or 12. o= 'with other Eiftelll.oamputies, to ell the forme end °Wee of the 'Vetted State& E. B. SANDFORD, Genera neeessnteedent. BUSINESS CARDS. HORACE SEE, N.I3CIIANIC.AIi ENGINEER. and S.IXNT ATTORNILY,_ AO 114 &eta AIXTH Street. (NntrlY Ploposito toe Counts Court flotnek,/ Precareit fivettiuttions..l.tiswines. o..and trammed& all other Damen oonawateil with the obtaining of Lot. tore Patent Alltehlaarr DeSinied and Drawinge made. attli-Sra. R K. tAMSVN, REAL lISTATE Bkio - AND CON VEYANCER, NORRIATOWN. Pientrivants. AAA. SPORES, MILLS, and HOTELS FOR S Lk la Ainntaorner7, Seeks. Chater. and Delaware CoaWes. Vlirithg from to to SOO scree, in good oxalates. Persons applying VW be stir meanies he* of charge. Bonds and Mortgages negotiated it fair rates. HAND SOME RESIDENCES for sale to Norristown, Porte owtoritptyle= Owes. Fr I F %am sad 1511- gm • Troinetowns JNIUtiOLSUN, • Minahotarer of 70Thisfi and MARSFILLEB BOBOMS AND COLLARR. A largo and 4hoteA aaaortatost, and wars 1r4.131. 00 nand. unto which I gartionlarly mow' an attention of caw/ and Trionot-aaVni eX OII2- tring bsgera. aCo. : dgphi k. rner of EIRCOND aa,d . ARCH Stmts. nth sa7.3an* J. R&YLIS THOMAS, L.A.a:A - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, H v i m r t. ? . N, Arab gnat by NaN ,Patteudar Agawam men to ,the seesturyaf ?Prat. is Maim& T tA Pe.dralbag In d iixamos Ins, nitaysaoss, stumnen,Y . Omits of .10. mad Ober trtments o Wntang, The nasnligemestotlixecspor- Wpm. Adroisistratontape, sad Trusts. 11314Thalludiecti 's a d thp b o ot cocaina** procured for Um at us whenvabbtaof /doom . 80.1(botary re=sivaa ramrod- siorma• - HtziltY E. AX.II6.NE, Ir•ron.NF.Y k- • SLEbto to MO. MP Sol a_ ON t. • Zar,74 Ilk FCC/ VET 6 SONS, 0...7. • IMPORTEJUI OF BAVANACIGANS. f(0.14 5 douth FRONT Wrest. . , Aseetst rogalatly a full assortment of &tonal* Cl.. G.llB whist they offer at Sas rates. for sash or lIP' proved oredit. 1•10.1., pAwactzt I NIOHOLEION, 3100. Oi9MID 191 errissir . Betweell DAl atesift. P.L76011 ]3J. B. 11101t01114x, . . . WAGNSR JELMON; : ' . • i r •P! Awzr im: i yair•, : ,,,. ficittionrs="f•i":-"T Anizrau, i V . r uthig aut e gv..l/21wri it difibrit 4 pcial NViirtr ia a= 3"3 as ead re covering& PataaV i %ra 0 Mt MIN& • MIK agalki .". re: itiltillißtia iiiiillilit to7To kaiale,i, , j0*4316,1P1NG4...444 I a a a. O4O. I dBAIIR Ms Ankike SUM* TO he mutt is, any part eit gi Zvi " 11°81 " "irk SICUMIitONS