TitaliliOntitentlisbiAtegat Are thin. alludesi to by the Larreod ROO t 'r I'S ro f igerh*Nsialtif4, silibei4tnit' trim' tlis renew &ewers.. Thetti,jo ir e i tintoti , kood of rain. however. Thownle kW; rleptiiiill 6 . 11 , be a t' leods,Wezprairis I tord;thirdeculeits 4llo e. more! ' l #6,o4ootteJe,fileglec' flalto l4 4 vestek - forithei4A.T. have done. more. Potatoes are _ leff unicirPtindltiitslitadlyleeettat thillatat a - erott, , Early potatoes are good, but urepek •;lic ftt.dtAnt,, ' foie hiatsa4 gene. A r li g th."; Ter.; .• n 6 ; , ' aid year leis of being e feet igh, WM_ - hardly ,olgitt,ll29liiiiehleh:: , tarp tints. la implore Tire s6lnerselOPti , .)c liaraffi Mina speaks the nrsotinetil4.thed be c: Dantelltillei, of Sodiei•iertewnehiPi: kettiTagethereer AfirldU dozen of shinikreelrencen'aere of spring wheat, mitioh,:2NA.W.4lalkidierdinint, allitneed, Produced thirty"Zreeffgrairl“ Tobias Woosaer. of StenyO " shlpi - seinid;:three.tind,e; quarter' bustler etnn - three - sfetes,and leaped .250 dozena.,44iinat. :Akio tandem, digitise will riakelt dathel.Tiltintars.. Teetiviall t 'Schell, of, nib liero4lik - iiiiitheid"' &nit' the ptilduit Of e r little Aver,.. threw, acres:: of - grow* %eighty-fear' bushels - 1;34i italf:or fine rye.P , i; ; .- The'ytgfdiit'Whha l'arle Sento - lee:Mira of Eli ;Aantota,,that . owners of :threshing madames ate ollharteAttbreah outittprOdin4 ott gentrified! for the egieee , over thirty bushels:pin sari Thee nsnrl 'retK - Amie , ; - to.nth„ „They, ire osioulating bn a yield er,k 7t ,thirtv.tb t o l i hnsholnpeteere. ; The bailor of theTreofrit Farpzer save r During, the dit'll haVelinisr:thin44".a largo pait'of Mile; MirgaitillueinarY, Mailing, urn, Lickin4, arornesheeten ennetliN rind, every where the farmers were rejelaing,ne the pruspeet of their gaol crops: . ~!- W ilest,yres ail entendirt stacks or In barns, while 'lind all were yet busy gathering the oat endltiiy haiirest."'Vtilseae,better thanfar the last4yoyeara,,thoughlherillrall ereoe4o4tOtieeXeeoni lostfoll that Moro amorally is, en sidedontofforinerfaiberoo Of the arm Wee. had discou raged thefarinprs,oo.-renohi'snd' stitne,;' - sowed* any, Oahi *ere 111119111riletta;hothin grate, welgb,_,Y - Ane - yield,:and bid, fair to reach:the bid price coati per liushol f itlrhieh pAse they are an roprofitable eren, lir , ' tenet; lgEonid•pree for fintlandln yisatnte. - l at, The - ceet4 'Oeru c tKeolliise anything Of ; thi hint we ever hid, both enratiehilieen k in-thevalleysz , olltattratife limestone 'hills and hottomerather surpasses that en the Slusklmun and Meting bottunt.'. the stalk being ICria:k s'itrot 1 1 4 4 . 111112.156 care othdriilirojeetinit freiCltielit on every ,!MS: The finest_ f - ;:hoYezeen'ltiototi theliens! bpi-, tem ah - MlfgendiSihirid,ttuenniey tom . • The , hity-erep is -troirimmense;,wo gathered in, ard:Wifill aertainithe tat Belt of their o w n . ors ifluty.stoeiciitu t ifer for feokt,iriqsr, 'What' tvilitrieome of the : Great Eastern f Thai at6l7foi.,/ferfilfii thus answers! this Aursz Lion : ~, .„ „,,,, I , . „, , 1 ,„ 7 , ~ ,7 . ~..,„,., , , _ ~, Thu liteatZgrattern 'left' 'Ala 'Cheapish") ;:tin Satunlay -iiorning, after her:Bouthern trip,. and. arrival: iteraratt elx. : o'clock yesterday after no on: She piatedt3bongt Branch , at eltiveWO'altieli lit' the morning,' Iher aonateri,alp; although' Me' Sae been doltig*ltitadthine business here in the epap.:- ttondatiLitAL'itilkshardly pay Intereit'en lier 04- tel steelt, , nsothlthjeet. of eildbition •;andloweue is to bib' Wilde to.pay rd , -her legitiaintWArade is a prohlembeLeoutes and.goes now onherplessure °° "' l 4l. t tri** Vt!leult,eXelting Any ;extrpordi, nary le reak' ;R,00,, gaze . at;her vast .propor.. tione Nialie,stectee up_ and dims al •bayossa , so boys ibratheweat elephant in some• Menagerie p roassitittrit,iradingi..the _streets ; - Int_ there lei :ii dee perin tenth - felt as toiler future by the thinking portioß f *:ttin nommunity,And especially by ship-. ownemero merchant/. c:Whist is to become of her when -her ethibition season -is over, And "she to turng to, Builand? ...That is the 'question. ' . ..`-- - E"N51191 10 1 M.P. is n Aemaud for:ships in this oolintlZ,lns_4llPts .owing to Aim abundant harvest whichzharOslese4l...she, land:, Suppose that the GreeOltatites - were tn take bowie a fall, ettrgd^ 'et breads kAlte' 7 oVerynd., or,of,beVon,;the bans. of such Slaattspciiiiaa ; apply ,oCiithar t , all st-Mme, we uIX deprese.the markeEconibrerably...oi; sup -.- -poso oho o Skit; to come out to this port laden .with l dry gOl, and AO& our, market with some nine teen tfi ed . ' teas „thenulf, - what, a - tumble. date n there * du7:,ailtioynmarttebts initial tack)? 2 Or should." thietintsrmy of ten thonsandemigrants a t ciPtfdelf; ep rlio4P;'What would we de. with ti; Act'lhey :vienidhave. to Camp. out in the etreeta r W,Crif OA' Battery;-.for the emigrant depot would ri'deheld a quarter of them. SheakkiAttrestettithetolvade• between this etattove: try and B rii.firkd-in,any line, itwould work ,a me totial. ehsprOn_citr_sbupping trade and in every l o e branegef, Inyserni . •.,by4, istestuuch, as she would not p d" neeXin'thli'thryte., ,wslitaidly thttla, that ek : 4 irift.,irrkere.trakinate talitotruti-, I ning Iltd•ZTellltierhiiii.ijuid th..tortlandert were sadlyseseroised because She did not moire hit first viii - Wi. 9117(5ritliiit7:111st - SAO liithe name of DI , Athift 'and Coital -; Mather' ;Irtaild Atha do there' by F inj.sittrips tor- Thiropi. If herpeA, sengetimk4-vare , :fillo,she , would take wirsy the whole population of that enterprising eity, , lsAting" int etrahri :10 ';diiheitedas Pomp ey, sad:lA e.Va. monthCatticliionlddenude , the , ,entire-Sims o f Maineef;olidesprodnets and manufastablit: , , ,- We etta'tntybitieth afraid that the emit &astern., like thhaqieNs)lrdad;,yrill hive to go into bank," runteyz4hincoatioriginally..foar ; millions and e half oP*llarsii sail she stendathe : present owners 'somoatheip ,ita tbeitt two Millieus and' ibalf ; but aTI it is rikeli , 'Artie ill 'Viet she willgo into the handsprifrihdAholdere 'of . prefeirred- etask; - Which' am o ruifiFfSlitiff ii'ril RH on r and - thin to *sett OfAho ownerkshckwilkbelike anelephantinAgendemai6 countizegarderi„t4bey hare - bought an elephant apieet thpy,qpnfihnoW,'Whist,to do:lath Wei where 'At it. 4 ../Zeripttleithntt uin Alter or a Va. littiere.to betnedtra present of berth- - morrent-lecwould 4 •bellethtohe , nlnt*elventOttli: It is a pityltfititfit ie.: „".;,-, -- ' ' • - the Druaea. ThelMstegrorlemplee ;Of the Mune, Are .oPOti:. for theft relikiows knostbige Wary "Thisnalsyn; evi nine, abOtittati Thor littersubset;:At 'thir, ebte; mencillente43o,thiNnight's:buslness,:"Akhelte,and Dishiriairestribie, togrether.. when the. news .of the day null tho prlepe of,crops are , dtteuseed. aAV this po ehhptisr g4tiftka, the. Moslem Bonn. is road;_truTii'dlibjeotiors is snide even to strangers. being.prscpaat,,,llxis, however, le not's tenercl rule, o,,nny ntoons t enAlt,itently Eeropeantwhom the DOtslec.pettlaularly wish • to. honor ..'that -they would4Orniseeenstlins to-llie wore, of liter worship. -When the evening le -e little (k+MTh(r;etljieed;Falt)AJshiterdre obffitid witluironEM;KLihanowlkbecomes liher , a.,lfffeert4. son's tege, closely WO, or Out, with i n OW:4, guar,WeerthedoOfprirent 'rill Janie* At• these .r,siotiti g e wierat save the Initiated are ever - Press istrend :they often :stretch far; into the night. - so muoh.Aus Ant I have-sometimes seen the Alkali goingir44le t trorri their heWlils long after nridnighi, Somerpnr,s, frben veriimportatrt matters:, hare ;to be dieftdeA , !Fa etelktukteleetion takes pimps tn the howl iret l tdr , therefoungersttkkidir being obliged to witli I,lthinladts---',theireine dela crime, of those Ali Miliaria Of at' sect—reteeirradone to , delteerato - and Aotermine ulon fff pf theix"fellow•ieliglor, i 4 '. ,AVA 040044 ssi oJa'ordsidie*sel dectrinecef: their =MU ..liAL.Stta keOlea.• te , the eeleeefew , Singular. twthlyi:to form - otnerehAtionding at alt quitlJl,'near our ideas et Prajdnintrstsksra• it be preciiSiA,bY the Muses.. -In the Urger town. of Syrisietherwill bftengo. to the Moslem mOrtriet, met* cud to 6241 theins el Vert Ailloireis of the pro, sowns iadtr , fliiiisarillyleeptans'--itay, they do not sown toNrith to Impose— on-any one , by tide tempo'. , rary adhenelige - tqA*tr tomlnant rel4lon;;10t; 1 +. orthrft6 afinid.tho FultarVe conscription; they, bowie boon Itierfool make' thrtign'of the mtinii.proteq themselves 'ChristranS, a'nd' 'etieti 'ask - foir r nity,, so no raceivw—the rite 'or-baptism ;.--ind"tbey itoknossledge. hat t . sursordleg to, their_ creed,* is wfuklibrOtseetor ftine,whatever zany be the_ reedeet the =stow/seabed). asnong , whom,they live. AltfieliVer, they hold concealment and secrecy the gle - iftest - virfuerr,wltleh sr-'iniin - oniipristtieiii, and seruWifet, ter - iiiA§TO Abet '4' Oriole only becomes such ort ont:- 2 ,l9nie a Weil-. Cus.N~urtEw o? A anise On.--"In hen apeei.h at Coxiottird • thi,fattitidiayakfr. Deigiej 'stated Ili attacbniatt the State s on the pips!: M 144111,0 to th4l4llll:iti;tiati • , si_i_tcli_foifinwe, , nen, live together 'new ail we did thenfn..t.lApondslof pe . eel. and fraternity?: Infra quostitti pato:home ,10,tninthe,Nortblest trith , moreloMiethadither do to jou svetw Gelato the plaitutlefallinoisl and • there you will Ind! the Yanitili'+y, with a Southern irife;theYakketi rtiri 'with :Southern _husband. When their oh on have grewli up, aed 'have - gone to visit thsgraves of their'. f. t ithart,or their:gtotbors or- amperes of t hoirliticeetortythey have bad to "gotoNtreale SA, well motoNewilatopebire tolsee there-both. "Raab child jiltirlilSouttiorn ancestor *Awe!! as oue, aulflio - tlen't like to kave,etullsobellped on the heat of the parontAM , the grandiazetit.- Then; c9too_to talk ,to, ea about a disso/u, ton~f who y0u....!N0! raver.' We tradeanstthwurdn&well as northward.: We flattish the water, that ilowei.slbwtilhett fdleshisippi at, well as thriiitbithafiloirs 'through the; lakes. of the • Fit. LawrenetuK;We , .intend 'tet - fidiesrrthat water wherever.itdortalintilli“tainglet into the broad ocean. 101,144itheej We hare social oommer cid religoptswith the gouth and East alike. We have the tie of - -country ad& of blood. that binds them legother. WEen . you tell ns that this 'Eaten is to X-2d.ii.ittiviti. - tive sa y , !Never the reit son titiVweileierintend s to, travel into- " a foreign cou4se*tidablein a'faisiport and - lame . wised by asessaii.in ardor toiled the tombs of our: la therirlictbie,pc once oPoor ebildhood.‘ Ilene. th ere is ncityilairtilrfliiii' frontier that 'do:Pt:love' this glerionalliten,and becaose.we do-love the Triton our reettpda,nnyof to - alisamtcone rpcirtime of, the „ Theseetriking remarktyririelt Sri will not weaken by till ifien. 'detteliti to meandered In memos , tiou frierthiffdertlfittrhal r eolittehtlaptilation' in' this country is rapidly moving in swortbweeterly infinetuto Innis pothm, will sums alverupperilm?rrkgs-PC ible / Mliatiestpri Vullef." - Tifat sectioirof' the' 'errantry *MIA ilg e to impress its We've on the Government, and to seenru the adoption ter' any manure' -which the public sent.mont btitsbttirerfe SEMI demand. The old rivalry between Now England and Virginia, the enthipont t kirling *Organ .tittineobtontte and South Te'redins - , will drithdio into pigmy propor tions beside th e . .,great PuitlePtiol, and, eedkaelelld j e ter e sti G r the region heteeenithe Rooky Mountains and thergrestiltikes, when that region, so rieh' Sri remieltittsPiesidlopable of-supporting seek Mitititial of.inhliftrits;hhall.bolally poop**. Whe atirptionlation MY chiefly &thug thi - Austi. , tit coot, the linksmaight,bave,tuteu brains Me', 'out the universal ekios in the business relations of the eountrllkAttrirnohtnttsrnd mob a octaitrophe now.,Ther paistan u purolkitiei whieh gave es the', moultfliftAns-skt/P.P4 ,- andAbe..fertile_. region' wattled-At, tisl mesterm tributaries, mid the emu ,..eaMail"lttlieletlitojaning market to the' tortiorestern:,;.empoiegered she rapid settlementef thweertiitry ( ,, ,wire Waste whose far-ressibierpolithitd^reetilts adiktk e tteaceehee Ye I>e felt. The- regitifAteart'of ther eoWnimt will he the cl4l,4oatof,political isidueses ; Paltliti.quesh tient willdaditeeldstk,Witk refinWee. 10 - the later. est gEwhatwewowdt,ell.,,the 'West andifeom ite c l laud to*lopiatira#Asis)l44l,oll, we'kuovelNit the great'set God' cstratfailin eheralt tisillhelon•-i- Nstfeyogi lIMI=Mill . •Tw Offeitteo tdiristiotsyntof the DietriS :its la ittarisororyittittonstiteAt Isslsst,,says the yellow toyer Trwit4,taesethers with. jpsult f lettskt: seta, attsettleitetSt " 4 6 , Siti'forelgsitilikt -nstly .4 se: The new o ct, „.Iridhger,,Eobszte,'Wts,i* G atec misty de k tii - sa,resd Titoose,44l _..'homer - " ititOed thereAWoos o , rzfumit,s7L-smil , - - !" I ,oiisV" ---- 1 3 : 040 fififf 1 3 3- o: l stlittrOititair boo , riithWinte ttontirlite• entAo Mitt an ttesnztrthtr., ttetWai ,11 013 iiiibinzalearly. Skint be d Ist Litherl k." worth-printing at Madrid, an !Os lonia. . .4diNto;uosaiii GEDTPX 4 APII I , 4 IO*EL ,LIK ong Maids* in gonth America' rfates,thet tf go. 1 soin, e..donger - that the supplier of thetsfairniend Sang, - .Peruvian •barki• and tbi. still puirisheifiht !MOW, of quinine obtabled from' tt may.lioikii, elimuited. - „The cinchona, the tree Self itark,•growi ate great height on t sliipsofellhe Andefrin Various Mollifies from' viietdAlir'gralnula. thalatter country' it di foiled' on the, °entre! . branch, of the COrdillora,. 'find the ttroheit.uptiegeshave bitherto been BMus' iirt•Plisiyi end Timaganitta,',tiro gewgranedian Alpine diitiloti. 'But the arialAfildy exhaviited; and both in this oouatry and England another And poorer kind, ktaisniAs Almaguer bilk, ifhieh-"a : oft Arai totally. unsalable,l is Allow used toL-e very gresit extent. - The pride of the best froPoltdiana in the Landon 'market hia gone 'isp; within* very , few yeavi;;frinfleBd per pound to flced and Be, while alaAlinagurri for itionir time robbed by the newaral.filidg ifilfditypurebas,ed it is 4d. A single tree 'yields,front ten .to . forty, arrobas, and it is cal ciliated' that-it willotake at lead Ally year* for the elm:iota of, the old, destroyed trier to • attain a mid dling else. - The irupplies froth. Bolivia, however, continue to ,maintairr tint highest' rank,:both in re. Ord to quentity . andAnsilty..• , , Sena Mrroaria. = The Washington Slates Union, , says ;," ,reply. to • some , inquiries' a touching paregraphin the Richmond Browner, stating thatfdr John Mitchel was going to 'ranee, fumes received' phi:dee flout Abe Emperor Vs poleanote., we stated some days ago, on recent Ind:lunation received from a mutual friend, that 44. Mitchel Was sleeking 'repose and retirement on the coast of I,Orrg:lrdand. Sloe, then, we have received aletter from John Mitchel himself, written' on, board the, good:gip Identity, yrhile ,nearing Sandy Book: 'wino on his way to France ac companied by Mrs. Mitchel and four of their children: , 'Se has not received any appointment from. Maioltion,-.' He gawk ithrosul „simply as an American ellisen'ciny his own, personal and private iffairkand will, be absent some months, probably Ai wee the ease last year, some of the journals In 'lreland will have the benefit of his observations •As a Writer •on Irish affairs and European movements as affecting Ireland, and the opus, tewhieh be has devoted his life, Mr Mitohol hie tie equal ; and it must be a source of great satisfaetion to the more intelligent of his country- Men lathe United States, that he has made itrimigemente to let them hear froth him."' -NkwAr. Tirrmicurrnin.—Thi , steam frigate Suegnehanna, the new flag-chip of'the,Mediterra, neantequadron; was put formally In commission on, Friday afternoon at the Brooktyn,navy yard.' A crew l of over three hundred'sitilors end a frigate's guard of marines went on loird from, the North Carolina at onco'olook, and, all the officers having appeared in uniform, the ftag'was hoisted shortly ,after; The Susquehanna bas been thoroughly over hauled and repaired mime her hat service. Her rate is that of a firstolans steamer, the same aa the Mississippi, Powhatan, and, Saimaa; her tonnage is 2,450, and her battery omelets, of sixteen guns. he Will bear the broad' deg of Commodore - Bell. commander-in-chief of the Beet, and will sail ID a treek.or two. The Navy Department has ordered the Iramedi. 'te °halt of the sailing corvette Saratoga, now at -Philadelphia the will be ready ter naive Service in a few weeks.. • P4 r vionely tethirdeparture, from Norfolk, of the ate corvette': Brooklyn, th e master'S • mates of that skeet Were discharged and replaced by mid.' , A similar Change will take place in all mural vessels having master's mates on board. Sinai ift LOUISIANA AND AZ/JUN.4,—Thu New Priming and Mobile pipers continue to give amounts of . the recent hurrioane in that notion of ,the oonntri. "At the Southwest Pass sixteen lives werci lost „In in attempt to MIN the river. On Saturday night,' about twelve o'clock, says the Mobile Tribune, one half of the male population of the city were teen all along the streeti; where their services were wanted in saving the property Of this merchants whose stores were /Briefed along the river; though much damage was done to tho geode in handling them. - The water .continued to rise lentil it flooded all of - the streets east of Water street. It wee a frightful night to those who re. side In the middle part and outskirts of the city, PartiCtilirli. those ,Vrho were' living in old and rieltett*:;.tedemeufs. ;In msay places'-the wind fairly bowled through the areas and crevices, and tbii rain'entered in places that were never thought ;if:before. , 'ln many, planes ehimnejs were blown down, rods were torn off, , and hundreds of trees irere i nprootedin various parts of the eitv. The loses of many citizens were very great,' probably iniolying not leas thin $1041,000. - . Ltsonma m Eisraravvrtaar, Intagots.— A man amed Columbus 'Nutterfieid, confined In the jail of Shelbyville, Illinois, was taken from thence on the 14th inst.- and hung. Nnttertield was under Irked for stealing horses from Wm. Mlddleeworth. ottfibelby county, and by his confession some time previous to hie confinement In , the jail, , he impli oats T. W. Baeon,of Princetown, but Bacon went 40, to 'Shelbyville, and swore him - clear; The deceased .belosretl to •Bureau county. It is not ktwaim who hung him. The following paper was heind npow the-body, ; placed laid. the Waistband, and evidently Written In a disguised hand " A Wood to. the' Wise' espey to the gore() 'thieies. We. the :Vignettes ,Committy of Shelby Co file. do here by dealers to *weld troblin our Courts with any more horse thieves. Many Citi. Nnw WA= To Paxeravit Flea.—A genius in hester has taken out a patent for preserving' i t fish i 'foe.' He exhibited at a public house there, 'toe S birdie, a oaks, Of "solid, transparent lee, con tain g - thrie amble feet,in the centre of . which Werei twenty or more file speckled trout. - The ,deb !amid, be .distinctly seen, nad attracted the attention of all'wkiiniumed by.• The chamber to receive the Mils ,made in the blValsof, lee by a ehenileelprieni, and 'the '