GREAT SPEECH owtliiiltilfraitAibilG,LAS AT ICONCOIIIIS'.'"' II ~,, ,$. 1 11. i . irl7# 0 14 0 11 tit The . 13 9riki 4 ,*4444g 'isiit i: speech in .. . e e. '' ' 194 1461 AM` liam Pdat‘A t _.„/3/ 'NIA' ''X ; .et'' * delivered Mb adarese.4l[o l / 3 01110; eildiEr*Deuslaa responded as follows: ,:i• l'="l:l.''Fr ; ' Art uss easier us olistritsi ithikert,,,'".2 4 Mn. Criarnsgafi refre-Fithr;OW-ditilessitior XXIV: BAXPSIMIA: trel,llokriii34ll4 , 4lllliit giet•fikl theikt for the ki,terme in whiek yoit hayll_Alerliged. to weloons Adelliktllit.ima t Pi% mild lock I, sleers*C my grat eexsrselswidedemimisktehr theseordiality with which , i gut have mg.:4d time sepelseents et, welcome. 4 Pefilfoir thht - fX..***Milislldbals.o your noble . EllateiiAlalti Onisant•AW make , s. , brief trip thiou h Vernsent. and New,Hemphionon my way froin , ' ~,7 -I *** l l ol lTtlgli *hodorstont . I did not - 11 "r • ., - ' bile derdenatthtfebfi,f i bb object Walt , 1 t ttsol,Veliii , - b=4,llfirdseaseolo'. the grays .;.' ' *Et Eitrienid • li.e . ,thw../ . eTho - Ofthyl ohildheed. - But from the thsenelittA iftektlietteitt Vermont "Totted" Vtiff *OlooMiiirbithe populathin en ""'eu•-atalltilotsibßertieti.ipirtedihatlierreeeP. lion. It tiled sayiteart altlrgratltatiowntirett 4 doted it " t lell"^ter'e.- h eietferthe_to Monne tiny of Globe political tophisetbefikfittiolgtheltesel, thlegagtdiffered in opinion. Iliad Imptempid•dba,4,...whSktieftl" borders of, turnathettilbetij_ititellthbalfgebiemlld' only by a fast 'Olinda he' I impel! l'alfintrgeW. ImaginellWell Ailtlit Hilrifigf OP* *AMC imposing aftrftb , w IttleliffeWte r - inegolfi mince and its grandeur anything that/ hale Pre* 'dowdy witnessed, --..- '-,''' -- tr',. '''-',-; - TZFX. itiSIOIII . PTC% Carer} - .....:. - y . " From this 'Vito* ef t raYliesirt dfinifilk"joa.M.. this demorattrittlia. dEbithideil 011.:s. Ten have ,1 been Pear ~ elthiltplii ternstroid approbaththettrApilye cep*, it '' , AleMitair ConstitutidSo Initte'3 - ' . ~ ~ Al.liebbil at question shin it Was lea y *aided by thelenpip. of Kansas, I whlnorrefraln ftirmii i' - 'll4hi'llimeoll to it now, Hot sayliiiihte Aiwa bki'reierioisiqu r ed 1 by the audieWe red OW IbbiTabblifiegell.Cel:l': stitution withilie energY and Wiei all the trir,o; I that I egAigilthlegid..:l , l Gehd'ltiryorrr lap plans° onitt l i.i, , , Beluetantwil lambi° differ in I opinion orersurtheit whleithec .Pfiefittehtl;fittag. I had, used all myTirtrtOSVidthefittlihe IVO ehatr, yet duty waapitimount to any person prprivate oonsidorattii, lfkimlausil,p 0 - I doe& ledged,'lrs every Deaseorstde ottairioa , stero ls edgot , ,,lay'l his vete for.4lllpAiltroltinktivid,lBsl3,lo, maintain' , the right otAirlisappre - of eireryltate and' ever'y' Territory to faiirratid regulate Akeit,o,llrA dopiesilt; inatitutions4lo l llulOrarie , aid , tT . sltioue' ap 1 planeel litteavopinitcy ,the , attempt 'to forme upon an insifillieirpeoplire Gonstitotihn, Whith.l they did nOtilfKlbsisetenly a violationof•thelie. mot/retie insAisabitiewas is wielationi of the Alnei deanoreedp.twldolitheEtht.gepthlim;,„Bo it violated thii *Obit of `siiii7,4econmi,v p!.Thace I the talk ! ' th itheliserj I did not, oppose the Le common Cot e ution, en Gni pound of ,its pro- ] visions in r e t ie 'to Afethaft slave6,,_ 1 beld,then„ as I hold noirsthetiftbkpeoplis of Klll2lll l / 1 waittd, a stave Sigiiliyilied;**ht-th, it r i , That's so !") If; on tlie contrary, they didn't want slavery, no power -- on earth afioild :force .ik upon , them. [Appetit*: , iitid . iiiiea 4' 4 / 'Mat's, It !",1 I" opposed tbs • LpearptptitlOnstitutkii Is 6 'lli* iksisK not the ackiiii.Oped,Ot;tltet..pestos'oe , 4., proposed theta itTeliould be refer*l'biek to -- i& people of Katmai; with - tha • ridi t ege of voting for ft or against lef.anitif a' rob ini - of `ill the fool voters of latuggis:omewAt;, V/ Sinitill l 4l 4 *. admitted littorAfie - riniou , 4lth,-that Constitution and if, on the bontrary, a miler* vita 'aping' it, the peoplelif Kansas might proceed to nuke II new Constitution, reAth of without, davery, jar ro.„' they pleased;:24 coin° into ,thst,lthien,wlth. it, f" Good ! gooddrpoilltd.permit- me -to•say that-le was.rejoicad freak Alm bottom of MylliOrt When I saw every Rithititican in both licauretbf Cehgree, voting for , .that -.lproliosition: -:, [Laughter ' bad oheera.j ..s> v. ~, .:: , ' ..-. -•,. ,• ~ , ‘ Mn.DeV i li '4llllllWrilif 0 ms. norratose. ' ' I hold Wit rileidentlisiOxs more . right ti, control thicvete4Calleilatorthana Senator ban b dietate to the PithelkilthitZeiN ThanigithetlnrThi: President told inirthet if I did not '°bey him 'ant vote to forg_Oltiabeeetepteet,XonsHbeHon,on..tht . people of Kansas against theireilll, that be wont' , take elf the hind eiirffriend'i-baci la of fii (Applause] ---I told him in - reply, that my friendi were as dear to mo as -those of any other man'oduld. • ho to him ; but that if I had a friend who was no , willing to lore his °Mee rather than to degrade ' into a tool Rftiff Eitioli ns ttivio poirirf be did not de serve to be my friend. (Prolonged applause J Am here permit me to say, my fellotpoitisene, that the great contest between the; Ethilutive lied mysel was this : He claimed the right to oontrol the vet, of a Senator in opposition to the wished, of his eon fttitnente; tiflidured that the representative of thi people is indeperaleaLetoi should always sot Inds. pendently ofßirsoutivo poWerr papplease j When . aver you phisalf,tlio lixecutiee te dimetthenspre, sentativo hog! he' shall . ' vote,you convert thi Republic into a despotism. , What is the . lIIP of eltetitlC - ii ,- '936tigreis :, If; the '..., rresideri has a right- trefoil the Member,' hew ' they am , to vote? re No need of it ") There is an end of representative iloverninent ' whenever - the Mown tivo is p • rmitted to use and abuse his powerbs ion trot the :lotion' of , theqepresentative; - spinet - thy wishes of lie -conatltuenta , and "the dictator of hit individual .eopselenca.- [That's . so.] -Mei ' Ma* opinion I was fighting a greater battle in Illinois ittlBsB tban„thp,,m,ero • question,' wbo, Should. bi Senator. 12Ipplatute.] In my opinion the ques tion submitted to the people otlllinola WU whether or not theirSenntor should be the mere tool of Exe cutive diotation. [They decided right !I Yes, they , decided right, 'ln 'opposition to an untidy sill once between the Republicans and the Fedora' clime-holders; i f Great applause:l' It. was hoPee • when that Leoompton controversy had been Bettie( by the votes. of the people of Nanette against • it. that the warfare of the Democratic party wank cease, but instead pf that. the wer e ,em 'Sept tit and now-wetrid on the national thatre . theamno_ game being played that we witnessed in Illinois is 1858. fe That's true, every word of it."l 'Ant now you find the question submitted whether''. not the Paeoutive Sr this natiorible to bi permittei to dictate his suoteasor in othoe.l [" HO' Can't do it' " - applause J , MR. BUCHAIfiIirAND 'Virg kIIILTINOAA ' ic 110311k4T1014 It is said that Mr. Booharisn naturally feel mortified and beam Athartliothinatgel by his own party in opposition to his own wishes fShouts of derisive laughter. I Well, whether h , , eels mortified Or net ; it.would have been weir lot him to have considered that , when lie`beeame i candidate in 1,956;in oppeoltiontto Gad. Mettle who was than President and a inindidate 'for re election. rl,That's ,t00:'2,1., Suppose Gen. Piero, had then perittaid-thoeaurse *kick liffilluehanan i now puremnp - .4',Glistedeingitnew'').-that kiln( • the power artkpitholisfte • ALA' th e 'Demeseratit party hod yilaead'Art,hie'bends for. the purpose c' defeating th'is.'nemsnee of that party; whaterenlil every Democrat ire Atheries hovegeld M.Erank Pierce if be had ',tried tci lihidil And dire's!, hit petty merely,outi of niortification and shogun a' • his not gettinjOs-' renomination / , l'Apidlur r i.l Whatever wmilit,have been said of-Gen. Plerce , ii sera a, contingewiy, most loo`ilidd if Jelitlill 'Ett ohanan now._ .fi'Elastlts n0.11,-..Applanee.l ' ' Nisav-smioninati •wits or itikl. ', , ' I should pot liaterraferred to these thbige at fhb time, or durlag thise4vasik; tat for the laot that , the President ot ablillnited States. help taken' tbr , 'stump, 1 laughteranidoPplicite,land made a politi cal haranguellar this purpose of= defeatini re sud di Tiding the -.lflar,l-YAhat eleeta - I d in ' aim/ ' 1 " Th "'" e9f l . „.' 5, &ANN do it.n.l ( What arablii reasous assigliadslirtbil President thy midessorial • to divide sustbreakErnalriztbe Desedetithtle arty?p lie does not, , essigpVetrie• pitnimial reason that At don't like the sidelines. ilsinghter.j Bid he putt . it upon the penal litheA didn't like the plat', form adopted by the party,' I" Cruet help it.") What is there in that platfotzu to which' James Bu chants) has a right to take exception? it is identical Platform...upon triter 4 aitieil 'Mehemet • was elected' and without which he mould nettiste• been ideated. [" That's it.." There isnot an'honeci, man in all AtheriCa'ittat will deny that James Bu chanan and - JOhn*C. Breekinridge, in 1856, 'wen pledged to othel &opine- of eon-loterveliti On hi Congress with,slPertintheTenitories.'. r'',That; wear imsoirranstor.'•wss us 1866. '' . ' I made sPeeCintifro'it4be Seine stand - With John C. Brooklet:Mtge, hi ',;i8.518,-when he was adVocating his own eisumkto the Vise .I"reekleney, pd heard him go to dittgiiielingtha its Wog of popular's:mit reignty in the lettiterles. ...And then,• again, if I rose - fleet *right, the Demoorate of New liatepahlre, held a monster mass meeting at Ali•capitel:l l l March.lBss, nrefies tO Ms noiniuststin at tin oilman, at width •latilt- Cobb. Mai "Soiseph Lane and James L.lYrr,of South Carolina, made speeches. In every one of„ those speeches they advocated squatter its broadest peen. [Zonal tuous appleitteed , I appeal to this 'Wilms if theme roots are not • troe,i" 'I hat's so."' Yeei;.tbis gentle , man says heliaitthe *seethes in his pcket. Thistle spew:dies wasie,Serittlot" tint by tlial` Speakers isttee' they-returnedL(Nithin'gton, and were pablithed in pamphlet fonn - by' , - think/nal Da smile Committee,-as • a Mit is tram ' of Ditinoe' retie 1 pelneiples. fq That'll sae_ ,ey Iteteprintedlitht" Pose.") Yee, 'lttlyiltere; printed. In the Neaten Post, and avail / Ohre Denieeratrirpapieiti Asue , rice, that- had lie "sae to spare for, political speeches. rwhilois wade I Stand now where eitery Democrat iallthfithtia-adreeleitilit.tbeflestfit the reels, la,lliori":lotlcel;Soniniukity.3„,to ;Make their own lerta Sad eatablkih'their owit-hWtations to suit therneeleee,, Stout. [Tremendous applause.] 4 rriti6eBr AND - 7116 Wilfili. -- - " ' The sprain pr simoded , te a aborats the p mriple of popular eliintelgrity,' And, 'im au illustration, I am a , natty° of ,New Ileglioni-riel I 10 4 the land of inyblsik,lthearesies of m) childhood, tee settee of my 'thittet, t liiiej waist; to , the, 'extrettio Northwest. Mit' let Mew England - h; my nallia land. • I love M trilgiusigight, "nada la 'sot pour native land, e i t i ll ott i ol l $10111111 mthilor"'N " I fors Neve Beglead.r Ifeemeriliy-I May' billiirm that the peoplOcrilitlfititbitest, wtikinivo Sint. grated frout,fifeiselediglend,ltieletela, h em th e C.,. relines, from any of the old* taMteik reinain loyal in the ir atfisilloistilltlie Stetailrom.'Whleh they removed, but that they toys OW dearer the Mato, where they have planted 'their wives and their children. Annilitt,we Nay we erejust ma capable of seitgovernment•after wir get titereste , we Wats before we started: I'Andrwitlrell due rtspeab, Wis' say we aret.qta4, a 4. oefitimstentZto , govern our. selves as you are. I Wlll, good reation for this belief. .T, tiiiiktlksifikelcier,liseepshire boy who removee,,Ereetthltelt , ,loltithable of go. yarning hime=6lllllbrottniTetelete mays at: home. Look around " alitiiisighborhood. A gentls*lan has two sons. ' dill Mir MK* ithergitie;'ised daring fellow 1.- the- other -has a' goW„ nature, good diem:Ciro, anditiegoOdflellosis; , , =Which one went West? amik_whielveasii staid; at lionie, said lived With ladf/T hiltfilliteargal?' Ifoiudidor " ', old shoes;ehde, and:fithetelif Itilkititheleay.Osse,"j- .The bold. and arshitisuipineorieflow wining the prai rie or the.wilderness;_carved out hie own ferias's; made hie .owes Atfinlypdt, els i,biskorrritsindsc.fic perhaps split hisAitp.rallkiiippleuee liCtiltilfatlld his own lieldiii - smaietsal' hill mow., Aolavanthis church f YotowAftz'yra 14t o tilal. yes, made lirrbgiflinffMWork - r Ur and applause! and •by that i' btu, the wild boy hatLeownlith wild , oeisk pretty-well,' end wag elf onsakiss • 11 4intifdffeniatsolicsualie incWk . who remitinedienwikai&usal,Wisallialt. , I APplittple.r drbeillstaiiie( !hilted made Mat whom ti,, sdillOcesirioArksgs, Tpithaisii •, • to see the .'-wri4 if,l/if'disrten M one, that he p !” ' 2 lkOltfi,4,l*Heat g#l hi that he & t neighbor ' . ' kir taltAWdetioestii , hhis i , , thna not only: Arsisyythey'onert*:4, but this prettiertja AK • lAPpisii*gttif lisia. 1i,, 4 the way - 4' Aisdai t cidirj&teri , tete. that , Stich prairie liaroyndiAs .oteolf.govellnnent,, bleense thelitidshiSpHN tract Infrilotry b l ow .. -' of - a Stetii? , ..=4"' Nulliel'lr: " ,,, j - ',- :i. ' .4".'7, .Uill/itttelne? .. 11171411111119P , , f- c ~,,. '7 Aftet_diiiiiiiiirlingitivisisiddeiloints *sere tomato:OW the §enetoF Adduced another illiss :,4-` . patron of AttiMetrtep A roid said; t., - ; t',,,,,t t , '2using thrinigli Weenies, in Vermont, the otbef deh.e4iiiitertise is ibittehro WWI my. so te 14914 t+ fit f 14 1 90 4 439 005 1 0 ;f ll9l2 els mil' i• . - ..tl4 -- --ri 4:„.• , ..ct i.o .04 , N'"•-' r,"17 , ' stOttign ,ts.,.e.,se "A.. '', , -, -i e' , 3 s 7) I seatd ig me • .i kloyou notice these words-90nd. "itterVini %filial& tr Another gintlenise stewed me an old Messechusettemoin ...den•onit tilde Were the words : ."Idind your own'business.l.'; -That•wee Aal ail awage,,of, our 4 ethers , * ;the. Revehltleui" two - viola, bni cat4T4 oat', le _the' *Nett ,per., 'Attempt whhnlliey,iuleared ,teeontrel one , poo-. Oath their Wieland, domestic , eifeiri, to , tell 'the oeifile What' peper theyilhOuld.ertlte on; low Whit lleftridtbaido. ,Iliat Was What our fathers Said to the :British *Goverrinent "Rands o$ " " Mind. ;Tent - min bus* esi."! An d *miller Out they big' htl have it binding tipob allimeoeedinggenerations,theY , pieced the mottoes on,their 'piper - Maley and,their ..eetaltotherit their • Children, might" read' it., lAp - , phew.' ' We iay now ,' , to , Congress: " Mind your °will' beinem and let, Territories ,slone." pip il tiq: , , , ;,:riiii WASTED 111 CONCISION. ,--- iltsve a' t word more to my, 'and then rancdone. . 4 Ptesutie.that inonY of .you /are businese before Congress of some kind or - iother. , If /tor ask your; Alinement/dive, when he' coined home; what be aMelof, the bill. u . •$ e Witt teillree he did the beet • hemidd, but it Was lest for ttieweet of lime. (AP idattse, histL",Thitt's so. j - Congress loot theirole serion in the illsoundon of the slavery question„ and there was nq, date ftir tbereguier business et the Session: One might be interested in the Pacific ,Railroad bill ,• another in the Frettalt.'Spollation Ad 11 .14 And' when '.)iit', 7 tier for there, ylett are told sh o wwere lost:Jci r' went bf time . . 'Slayer,' Deco-. ;04 the wbale,:,tlinC, Alk year Representatives way they didutt remodel the twit so that tho ex *men of the _Government might pay for itself, '*lthelitborrowingtwecity million; n year, and they will - tell you, the.biltwas, lost for want of tim e .- Ask them Iyhy Ufey4ldnli Ow thaPsolEo Railroad , bill, and at•theism& liestt remind them that Fill more was pledgthl*it, Fremont Wits'pledged to it, and' s IlitChanort,-`wwi pledged to. it; and yet with 'all the eandtdatee Tidied 'to this mosoure4 we moild 'notlret a majority In' Ceram:' Ask them WhY; and they . will:answer, " Lost for, want of time.'',', :The negro qielon takes .up all the time, smittimie le .no time left to attend to the, matter* interants of the &Wintry. r , The intereide of white folks.g] ', Yes, the interests , of white folks. in my 'eginion, this,Gerernment is , the white Man's - GO-, vernment. 1" That'll so.") , It was made by • white mini' isty Than bannlit of ,irhite men. " WOOO , I And Fthink that ' white inen have' a.•-right to. a emelt portion of the time, at least, • to attend to theii,business, • [Laughter and applauie.) Now, you -ivilf never -hire, appropriate legislation on , there.trueetions---eind. I- am not dimming what that , legislation simuld b.—until you,. banish the 'nave tinestiohlrous",the Mali of Congrese, - Let no Ibtilsofib it froni Congress forever. Remand it to the people of the Territories ytho ate Interested in it. `Jet them,do all they please , :.. and there will be .nomehtreferey ,litween the 'different sections of the country ; maintain the doctrine of non-inter vention, and all i arill be pears and harmony. , , '., 101 . 111Lk11311116 ANS von NATIONAL HARNoNT. .3irtfy cannot we bo harmonious tuw as in former Smola • Yon.will remember that, in the Revolu libitary.litieti Ifortharn armies were commanded by a Southern geteral;.. and southern 611:1111b$ were , eomtiontied' by. A ',Norther'? general.' On • Miery, battledield'Routhern ' ant Northern men „abed' :shoulder Ito shoulder, in order that they might tut:limit - 6'6=mm inheritanee' to their children. 'Why cannot, We live lit peace? These more come home to us in, theNorthweet , more forcibly than they dote you: -Go td the plain" of the West, .and• there yen' will find a _Yankee' farmer with a &eitheritl wife. They hive children, and when 04110 to visit the graves- of their fathers and their ancastorsithey have toga to Virginia as well .se to-Vermont. :„Zatili boy has a Southern interest is Will at a Northern ; ':and he don't like to bear curses„harlet af'thi lands ;of, their parents and grandparents. And When yen come to talk about a diestilution 'of,"the ',Union, ...we tell you "No, .nevilrn" • We , fattish_ 'the_ water that fiows down as ; well as what goes from the to kali. down the St.' Tomirence ; We intend ;to fol ten Neat watery wherever; itgimi, until it mingles 'withithe 'broad ettato.,(Applausel .We have the thee of niarrituWand• the' ties of blood binding us together: When yeti tell its this Union must be dis solved, we say."..Never, no never.!' We say never, for the reason that wenever intend to travel into a foreign:Mondry to obtain a passport, and have it insid by a -wad when we go, to, visit the graver ofmtur.fathers. Hence., there is .not a man on the frontier whe, Aciel,ribt lovtOthis glorious liniert. And because Wiidelove the ;Union, we mean never jn dean act that:would - alienate one portion of the neopletrem the other: am only preserve the Uniohliy. preserving peace andeencouramong the different section'. Remember that one tie after Mother hes been Severed. This fell apirit of *Atonal strife ham invaded' the holy sanctuary; and has di vided the. church into the churches North, and thtt churches South. , This fell ,spirit.of sectional -strife. has separated the brethren at theeommunton.table. ' And when you find a spirit of strifelm deadly-that it can serer the social tie; the religious tie, and the political tie; what is your Constitution worth When .you have the people enemies who live under it? ...You must bind the hearts of this people together if yonsispeetto,maintain the Union. You can only bind, them torahs'' , - by fidelity and justice , upon whiehthe whole system of government rests. A PEAAONAL EXPLANATIOS , -1'4601 that - /- have done infusibie to'you es tutto myself. [Oriel of "de on, ge on."]No, I am not going on. I have done more talking ; to-day thana,expeoted to have Alone, all simmer. I ex ,peetadthatl was; going to pass quietly through your State, but at every railroad station my friends hare literally overwhelmed me with kindness, and it ',was not in my heart to refuse to speak to them Itnede he pedant speeches, because I was wel cimied by mon •of all politiesl parties, and it was, never in my heart totiartin unkind thing to those `who were kind to me. , 20-day I have only touched Mien these political topied because your chairman, who introduced me, invited my special attention to, than. r don't intend, as a general thing, to inter into, the political discussions of this year. -It is the drat time in twenty-seven years that I have looked on upon a = political light . wit ho ut taking a' hand in it. : lAppleitse4 I am now enjoying a holiday visiting the watering places for the first time, , taking a little' reereatio% andi as it seems, speaking a little' just -for eternise. [Laughter.) But, gentlenien, I must again, seriously and with profound 'gratitude, enrage, to you my thanks for the meaner it which you have raceivedme this day. Ittiertainly is a magnificent and imposing demon stration—one that I feel that I hive a right to be •proud of, one &heti:Mee credit and'homir to you that have got it up: do not accept it as apersonal tribute to Myself. I believe, and rejoiced to - baleen*, that It is intended as a ferolble manner of 'expressing your decedent° those politioal prinet pica with which my public life heti been Identified -In the evening, Mr. Douglat was entertained at the house, of Mr. Oliver L. Sanborn, where Mrs. Douglas received a few friends.' Mr. Douglas also took some thouninds of his friends by the band in thadity HaVand when the time arrived for the elate of the exhibition, ho made a few remarks ex pressive of Lis gratitude, Military bands peram bulated the Limn during the evening, some dis plays of tire-works were made, and Concord has scarcely yot (12 O'clock midnight) become quiet as penal. - • „ I Furaost street, Nell-York, is to be repaved witifihri Belgian pavement - German:BM:lday papers of New York 'publish• about 15,000'4)41e5. 'IT is said that rattlesnakes are quite plenti fel In the triode, in South Jersey; several of them haying beenreeently ottptured. Tnß,surplus- wheat .crop of Wisconsin is estimtted•to be worth from fifteen to twenty mil lions of dollant ihritiNa the past financial year, the English Exchequer obtained " consetenee money " to the .ejnottntef £.18,489. : Tin:Mobile Mercury say* that the story of the landing of native Africans near'that city is all a boa 2. The report was gotten up by some wage in thist 'oity for the purport, of exalting the ire of the Abolitionists. iDESTIMOTION OP BAD LIQUOR.—Tho Mayor and ilderßien, says, tho Bangor Wiug, on Thurs day last 'ordered the deetrnotion of eleven parcels 'of 'bad liquor, which' bad been seised by the city marshal, amedeereed forfeited by the court. _ . 'SHARK BITES A. B o TOE owl /X TOE E ` AtttravEE.-Allp., Bute, who . , resides in. North Second street, near Third _street, says that on Wed acidity evening, while his son, Jerry Brae; wits bathing Ib the Rest River, at the foot of North liteviruth'street, atomise distance from- the shore, bo*.Oenibbled-aeby a shark, but he sueeseded . in *Erg with the logs only of, ahottkoht-half 9f one trU great thed,Tsisirs, • • I 1 ~ IMPORTATIONS. Fttooittect tor The Prises ' " CIE9IFUFGOS—Brig Tiberias, Leooq- Wide 115 tee *sear Stalwart. Carson & Co; 2 Mule 2 bib; 2 bxs sugar )bbl motioned 209 otgare order. - B RBADOES—EIIts, Hope, Moore-49 hbds 11 toe le bble sugar at plumbous' 10 bbls molastee S 6 hair bble ar rowroot A B.Outerlmdge. ": , . - HAVANA-Bobr :Jostle*, IpOldoe-247 boxes sugar Stewere, Carson & CO. ' • tB ORMS N. TATH • : nil T.iviriuspp 0??Ai MOM% ROD T B. g ED. , - . LETTER BAGS • 'AS fkq .liferelieinte' Bzoliange, Philadelphia. Westmoreland. lkoart" " Livespool, soon 'Bsyk nits slop . . Barbsdqe:, soon Li"a: soon y Bdr Pnpoeton.WelL— as, soon ',IIIA.KOR INTEphIGENCII. tour or klumaxELpniA, Aug. 4. moo. auk itre • ' luau oar e 7 ,-......1104JUN .7 0 ,3 a 6 154330311 w Delaware, Cannon, from New York, via Ca i ne Bit at, ON, limas. with mike' and putionners to Jan 4i i iB riiri l i t Leimq. 19 days from Chenitottos, with guitar to Stewart. Carson di Cc, Mist ult. tam 30. during a sale from tho eastward, carried away head of main moat, split sails. Bnr, 110Pe. Moore, • from Barbadoes Mat tilt, with mast, molitems, and arrow root to A B Onterbridge. 13010. Jult.oo. Sheldon. 11 day, from Havana, with ulna to Stewart. Canton & Co, Jahr chief, Chemnitz'. It dots from Norwich, with Maas to With, Lemming & Co. Sohr Ands, Tribble, 3 days from New York, with mdse to Bohm om 8 E Ashman& Young, 6 days from Norwich, in Wait to a a ei mon & Co, Bohr Riehard Auden, Inland. 3 days from EMI Otter, in ballast to Conseil & Co. Bohr J OBrroks, Warm, 8 days from Yottland, with mdse to E A dander k Co. Bohr Rue. Parsons, 41days front ittabobtitr, Md, with Itahr il'elen ß AT: Country 1 day from omyrna, Del, mliest to Jae Emma .1t Son . 1 :12AVf4n.ifoo2wihtdlo"'irgin.Egg Harbor.- Sehner a, 0010 . tom Proindencs. , Bohr ,ff D ai ly, Stearns from Proyidefioe. I 80 3 1 16 htrid i A t t, Bowen. from Providence. 1 1 Oehr loin/ Hoover.from .Doston. -, Bohr W_Ell on, Fterce, Mont Beaton. • Sell 11 Wilson. Day% film Bottog, -4itehr Pratabel, Huitmatt. [rpm _Boston. Bohr Cadwmaaer. uayton. from Boston. Bop r t VC grtliroLt e -Z l O n Hotrol n : ~ilitaktinala. donee, c. hams from New York, with , to w lie Baird & co - Eit'r Adln MOMSAIn. Maniliall,lB horn from Lewes. Da. wan nide!, & o, to 48100 C attippllag j.F Starr, Thoms e , m /hours fro Cam Ma,-. tying fEWedtp Mir 'Pitmans. On TActsday. off the sg o i;lo6 /TWO, Minks lintel milliot Maas, from 1 :-.1,- Ali ° L EAR " . , , 11618 11tretherooier, Haw York, via C 330 May , JAI All Meamshjo genii', Kelly, Norfolk and Richmond, T B°ht iM, ,Maitlett s , Bartlett, Olenktlgon, Modals, & Catiedair , . i.., i S ot' Alllelioloetla ProMdtnee, B menu/ & Co. ' 9WI " lit, Wore. inn, do Pe I; lt, (pester , woven, Newport, L Rothermel & CO. Pd rIL W Dillon, /itrce, Boston, .... do 8 * &Knight Lo •Oltialte loxbUrr, Van Dusan, NOr- Ept. il a Inimanin, Endietitt, Ironton, do /oho cadwalanyt a Ciar ton, imam. do IM, 3131,;11001Per, Baton , Li Andenried & Co. Rha 0 i'vlat B =!igiV, viliewr. Stone & Co. • /Apr J Frambes. Hiokman, Boston, 81eniston & Cox. i sour 4 i 3 Brooks, Orafram, Portland, CI A Heeksoher & Co. • , BehLB 11 Ashmesd, Young, Norwich , H li. Omani & Co Ott IL Haw, liar, Haltinthre, A Groves. Jr. Mllat'AtM Bl 4 o ,4oloos. stoolOyo,ii Xotionsol*, Co pi f %, • rlOu JIY. 'f C /OtlfelairdidenellitVilidellifi-littloUngl7l. -“--"'"'' " 4-. - ''''''' N°TlE43E - n• '' . -.I '-_' '1 , „,.DAP 18 ~ .Aus. An A. The.p4okin , raid ‘ out frilm - Livertam, le 62,` NOTICE. All : VeiiMis ' ifti .- Cititiiiiied going in. Niue southeast.. • - „,„,„,. .ii; fiv.,5,:,.;..,.- - A; a against loaning Money or making Payments to •, r Yours, . . - - 4.`"" - . `"" •";;;"".."-F.Fh..; ; any.oee without the written ofjhrt undersigneilli ' c • 1 .. '-) ' VEMOBAN 2I I ' - , . at °Malaita June„ J) 3°4°' orde r MElN GEMOrt, 47 South FOURTH street, above Chestnut. , - .Shin :Victoria. Reed, Preblth olearel a for philedelphia; v , ';. ;'; —" ,'' -- i' ". - '• ' "' CiEFICE FAIRMOUNT AND ARIIII , ST. ShipoTneriarora, Danlevy. from Liverpool for Phila.- sup PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, ," delptua,waa spoken letti nit, 111 mita - 12 E, of Turkar. Fatitttotiwr July 23 1860 ,; Eltim Neptune'. Car, Sprague: at Callao let July-from 1 DIVIDEND NOTICE --The Board of 'Etireoras hair, Ban Tranolsoo, arm chartered for Hampton Roads at this day declared a diiiiiiind bf ON E DOLLAR; AND d a ily un - t o , n '' . *4,104 ' ii . „)i to - ',' , „ i ".4 . 4 ,,` , 4 , 0 , m ' / 0. 4 - 9 -...- 4 t.. - ! FT Y OBNTS per'share (RIAD out of the earnings of the Oorripany, payable to the stookholders on and after 18th rule. Map: Clasmerden, Behmitt, nailed from Calouttiklath , T . U n ESDAY, August 7, next, at the Dino of the Dom -4„,„6 or New °tisane, " . 2d a TA Trarsfer Books will be closed until Anglia.", wart Tremont, Dakar, hence, arrived at Boston next. fry3o.taii7] ,JOHN 13. LANGE, Treasurer.' '. Bark Annie Grant, Heath, hence, arrived at London Mb nit, 'NAM Geo Downes,Tamerion, hence, was dimoluirging at Plimdaba. PR, 13th alit, '' ' • . fofritifoUlrineleriti:if;'re , , cleared at Baltimore 2d inst Rehr Black Banal!, Day: ilanne, arrived at Newbern, N o,_3othelt. • ' ' Baby. Isaac Rich, Crowell, Frank Herbert. Parker, A Tirreil, Biggins , Snow Flake, Weaver. and hi Standish, -Atwood, Minos, armed aLSoston Id inn. Bahr John Lancaster, wtootte; cleared at New Lon don Istinst. for Delaware City. Sabi West Wind - , ,G ilman , Rpm Dighton for Philadel li,eirlfol,LarLl:MllVcliot .h Portland let instant from Cardenas, . . . I ;aphis Albert Pharo, and isle of Pines, French, hence, arrived at Providence Ist inst. - , ffehr Water Witch, Tyler; sailed from Providence let ihst- for Philadelphia. Bohm H Willetta, flranmer, and Joe Porter, Yates, for Philadelphia, salted from Salem let inst. Bohr Anna Ild Edwards, Edwards, from Woodbridge, NJ, at Houton ad inst. , • ' ; • SOO. Sarah Mills, Dayton, for Philadelphia or Balti more, ceded from Providence Ist inst.' Steamer madipe. ammley.' sailed from Hattfoid 2a inst. for Philadelphia PREPARED GLUE. A DOG STORY 1 WE ADVERTISE TO-DAY A NEW 8 YLE ON OWE, which must be needed in every house. This is 'reported to be the IdeetiCal : Glue with whiolithe man shred the dog together after he (the dog—not the man) hadepllt himself in two halves by running against a Share Post while ih meta of a 'rabbit. It is related of thin unfortunate dog, that he was stuck toge:ther with tentage up and two down, and remained so for the rest of his life, albeit he was a more durabtridog than before this 'slight accident, because while lie waerumung on two, logs the other two were resting, and he had only to flop over on the raided iegs;' and go ahead afresh. This only shows that care should belekek in stroking thunis together when you have good Olu• 'to work with.— 1 Zanesville Aurora. • BARBARISM AND CIVILIZATION SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE.—The extraordi nary demand for this indispensable household article maims 3 proper t h at we should again recur to it. It has already become a pea:institution, and from its excel lence and reliable character must hereafter be consi dered one of the necessities in, our domestic economy. It is truly 'a labor, tune, and money-saving device, adapted to the kitchen, the eerier, the library, the office, the school room, the manufactory, and on ship board. We have used it for mending shoes and gloves, and it is available to an extent almost inconceivable in making repairs about the house. The importance of Glue, Mir torically coasidered, may not be uninteresting. It marks a distinct line between barbarism and olviliza tion in the means of constructing furniture and house hold wares of comfort and luxury. It superseded the nail, the holt, and the ruder faitenings of the rough constructions of a barbarous and semi-civilized period: Considered from this stand-point, Glue must take rank among the few simple articles that distinctively stand as universal landmarks of advancement, civilization, and refinement among men., We look upon Mr. Spald ing's Prepared Glue sea pillar lit the household estate, May hieshadow never bo lese.—[Rahway Register and American. PRENTICE SAYS : &gentleman met us yesterday, and said : "On your recommendation I bought a bottle of SPALDING'S GLUE, and never got so stuck in my life l" We looked astonished and replied: " Why, we have tried it in our family, and all the members say it is an , admirable in vention•", Our friend tamed 'on his' heel, laughing. " Why, you are stuck too 1 I said nothing 'against the Glue ; I pay it the beat compliment I could, for Inever saw anything as adhesive before."—[Louis pills Journal. A GENERAL SMASH-UP PREPARED GLUE—Little conveniences for general fitenily nee aro often of more value than what are called "great inventions." There is no houiekeeper that has not been often annoyed by squeaky. 'rickety chairs, sofas, tables, etc., which have become so by the joints where they are put together beooniing shrunken and 10( . 110, and so long as furniture islet% hi this Condition there moonstant.4anger of a general enieshzup. And, again; inch accidents as breakage of furniture do occa sionally 000ur "in the beet reghlated families." To re medy the annoyance and perplexity occasioned by these troubles, we keep in *.he house a small quantity of Pre pared Glue, which can be applied to tile affected parts by any person of ordinary, skill, with inuoh leas trouble than sending the article to a cabinet-maker, to say no thing of the saving of the expense. The kind we use is labeled "Spalding's Celebrated Prepared Glue—usefut in every family," and es we have found Its valuable addition to our cabinet of " little conveniences," we fully amour in the sentiment of the label.—(Daily Tri bune. COHESIVE AS A CABLE Familiar in use as "household words," Spalding is identified with glue as closely as Herschel with astrono my. or Frankhn with the stove that bears Lus name. The reason re obvious—Spalding has unneeded in fur nishing n glue all ready for work, more at tention than the layinir'on of paint with a brush, and which is Cohesive as a (+able ; nothing, in fact, ever gets away from it where it once stroke. All honor, therefore, and a universal demand for Spalding's Prepared Glue.— ]New Yorker. GROW LOVINGLY TOGETHER. We would call the attention of our friends and patron. to the new preserving fluid labeled SPALDING'S PRE PARED GLUE, with which its inventor proposes to cement our poor Union. grievously shattered 14 being tossed about on the waves of nubile feeling, set in motion " old Brown. iNhether it will accomplish Maw° can not say, but we eau vouch, from actual sight-seeing ex perience, that its effects upon humbler whale, of house hold economy are so marvellous as to make us believe in its utmost pceeibilities. Fractured chairs and tables come out whole from beneath its magic touch; torn leaves of books grow lovingly together; poi China, broken by come unlnoky fall, unites again and becomes good as new, and Jewelry is even repaired with sunned by this wonderful Balsam. Children Sind it an unfailing source of economy and, eployment in Mending their broken toys, and making new ones; in fact, its union making properties ore so very evident as to challenge the admiration of MI. It has been compounded by its inventor after much careful experiment, and is, wants oonfideit, the best preparation of the kind extent,•pos sensing the advantage of being in a liquid form, and continually ready for use,While its adhesive properties are so strong that an article thoroughly glued with it will break more easily in a neW. place than separate in that of the original fracture. We commend It to the use of families and planters.—l Charleston Courier. 3128-s St' PIANOS. OmHAINES 8it08. 2 OVERSTRUNG PATEN T-A OT lON PIANOFORTES, " Chestiest Fst•Olaaii Mantua mimic A spletadiu auortmen; of PriceslV. sad other style/. for sale at paotory Cash and waminted for 5 years. Second-hand Pianos for sigis apd to rent. • GEORGE L. WALKER . • 8, E. Cor, of (MVP NTN and ARCH M. PRINCE IC CO.'S Immoyed MELODEONS. from 055,iimeards.- MELODEONS, IN* PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS ! I rotiro-Form osz orfc P/40410-FORTEN. MELOD&OrI& .._,Dripie by ii&Tslll BMWS: & Co. r Nunn' & OIaYX, & CAN, and others. 1414. ' ekV&NTR J. E. WMSTEINWAY 8c SON'S NEW PA TENT OVgItLfiTRIAO GRAND PIANO& tQuARz GRAND, AND SQVARE I IN OB 4now c raned in concerts rued , in nnvate cern ea by the 1 performers. Reaeived the fret premiums over the beet makers, from Judges like Govochelle c _ldazon, and 03 tee nu - Twns' competition. DLARIGILBROTNERD, dAlv 1001 catEaTNirs Street , 11A II TION !—ASTROLOGY !--4,0011' o r —GOOD WO FOR ALL!—Thcnevai haus re. VAN R is the test Ike attooe *rata a l others hate ir led. All who are in trouble, al who have been unfortunate, deceived by tales pr omisee, fly to bor.for Advice and comfort, ...Xis love airs sac Perste pretenders to, imitate ner, and cony her i lidVe4lllem e h e n la ps le 7.011, the phones's of Tour ni known inhe ffo, at firal t til l at age i r ei fi tre . flirt Ie s son who can dem the hlrfineseiri reality, oan give 'entire s katlerectiph On im ail the geomi or I a, .whieh can be tested MI 311t1,4:14 1 alonlands, bothmarried and giallo, w_bodaiy visit he. Conte one some a! to lie. INS i ptiteet;batweat/ nal per Brood. • , sod* , THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST OFFICE FAIRMOU 1 1' PASSENGER RAILWAY comma'. r• AIRIIIOI3NT. July Ne. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Direntors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of TWO.DOL- L ARS per share ($2l from the earninge of the CoMmtex payable to the stockholders 00 and after TUESDAY August 7, next, at the office of the Company. The Transfer Books will be °W until N ed OR August O 7 , next. P. B. CDII iYBO-tati7 &watery. .NOTIOB TO BUILDEttB.---The Board of Commissioners under an not of Assembly entitled " An sot providing for the erection of Pablo Buildings in the City of Philadelphln,"• approved April 2 1800, hereby invite plans and estimates of cost to , the build loge proposed to be erected. These buildings are de sigped for the accommodation of the acute of Justice. and their appropriate offices, and the as ve , al offices o r ecord of the county, and also for the accommodation of the several departments and officers of the munici palgovernment of the city of Philadelphia. They are to beplead on Peon liquare ; the buildings for the courts: Bro : , on the north Western mention, and those for the municipal government on the northeastern section of said Square. A statement, in detail, of the extent of ainiommedn tion required rer the respective departments and offices to be located in these buildings has been printed, and persons designing to prepare plans are hereby referred for copies to 8117 of the Board. of Commissioners. Ground plans, seetions, elevations, and perspective views of each building will be requieite, accompanied with (dear and full explanations. . . , The estimates are to be accomPanie - il 'by complete specifications. and with explanations of the whole so, simple, minute , and full that they mas be readily coin- , prenended by persons not secondly instructed in archi tecture. The said plane, estiniates, and speoifications to bo directed to the President of the Board, and furnished before the first day of September, A. D. 80. Each person submitting a plan meat indicate the ma terials to be employed in obnstruoting the huildinge un der his plans. No compensation will be awaited or paid by the Com missioners for the plane to be eubinitta, ae hereby in vited. until the means of carrying. the ut act of Assem bly into effect shall be provided , in accordance with its terms.eXADIDER HENRY, Pretildent.' JAMES R. LUDLOW. Secretary. Philadelphia, July 1 P3ao. r 1., /3-4 w OFFICE oF THE F.] RHADING 1te111.11.1 MUMMA.. July 11, 1860.—Ti on Coal transported by this [TOM July 16, Wall furt her To Biohmond--. Philadelpna—..-- . Inclined Plano—..-- . Germantown . H. Falls of Bobuylk111:—:. Manaynnk.—..----. Bgbert's .... Oonshohocion._„..— swede Furnace._....... • Rambo's....—. parr? st'n 7 Bridgeton Port ValleT Forge.--. Royer's Pottstown Douglassville— Reading Tuokerton--- Mohrsvitte . Orwigsb's anTAnbarn. By9rder of the Board o iLH f ?dggra. E .1)/3-/M NIVEY, PLANTERS' BANK OF TENNEFSEE. NAS/IVILtE, 4 . 11110 1810. This Hank has thin day declared a dividend of thi•ty seven dollars and three-quarters per share out ot tan saus or undivided 'refits of the Bank. payable M tne Philadelphia Stenkholders at the WKSTERft DARK, as llows, viz : Ten per cent. and fractional parts of one share in CASH on and after the 16th July next, ad the balance either in cash or new Stook at par, at the option of the Bank on or after September 17,1860. By order of the Board. ire-1m D. WEAVER, Cashier. nA.K ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. These Springs are situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, to the town of Alabama, Genesee co., fir. eight miles south of the village of Medina, on the Erie (lanai, and fourteen miles from Batavia. leir The prinemal Acid Springs are three in number ; besides these there are tux others . They are all located within a eironit of about fifty reds.. Ihe medicinal qualities of the waters are Iblly shown In the subjoined testimonials. They contain a very large amount of Sul phur, Su/phi/tic Acid, Sulphate of Limo, and irate- Hutphote gr Iron, The great mepolnal Meer possesa ed by these waters depend very rtely n1)011 the pre sence, in seat unusual quantaes, of these curative substances. • -• Hundreds of cases of diseaae..seareeially those remigt tutirrioira the scrofulous diathesis, have been owned by sc. I~ In akin digest/es—even in confirmed leprosy—the Waters have been signally successful. Opinion' of medical and seientifio gentlemen are given in t he ambulate. •.The followincominent gentlemen speateln strong term, of the roadloinid value of these watere Prof. Emmons, T, Dement Beek, M. D., of tthany ; Jac. MeNsughton, M. U. of Albany • Edward prim M. of New York; Or. I. CampbeilLof eld, Maas.; Dr. .1, B. Binder, of Lookport..N. They recommend the waters confidently. Dr. Spring refers to a case of chronic diarrhea of several years' standing, which was cured by the use sight water. Dr. Beck says, em satisfied that these waters are highly valuable na medicinal agents." Dr. Campbelleays,.. They mutt, be highly beuefieml for all chronic dise a ses of the etomach and bowels. Dr.S. P. White read &ater on the gabled of Mete Waters, before the ,Aoade p my of Physicians. in the city 'of New york. in which he states that the Waters pos sess decidedly Louie, refrigerant. and astringent proper ties; and that the elector diseases to which they are more particularly adapted. are chronic affections of the digestsve rind urinary organs. andllolllo of the cutane ous diseases; arouse dyspepsia t chronic diarrhera ; chronic dysentery ; chronic diuresis; chronic cystitts ; diabetes ; oases of passive hemorrhage, such as Pil,PU ra hemorrAugica, and the oolliquative sweats of Hectic Fever. The Water may also be often used with ad - vantage, he says. in oases of jolt, typhoid lovers; in convalescenceirone protracted fleets. to excite the ap petite rind promote digestion ; in diarrhreas.particularlY such as are deperdent on a relaxed or ulcerated state of the mucous membrane' of the intestines. In oaten -lontaWeotiong, or lithiasis, attended with phosphatic, sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to munatio acid, as being more solvent end less apt by continued use to dieonier the stomaeli. in febrile dic easesot can be used properly diluted, as a refrigerant to diminish thirst and preternatural heat. In skin dis eases—in those forms of dyspepsia connected with an alkaline condition of the stomach, as in Pyra‘is, or wa ter-beach, it will prove better than hydrochloric with In oases ofColica platinum, and other injurious con sequences arising from the action of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic raucous catarrh, and humid asthma, chronic ophthalmia (externally) as a gargle in ulcerated sore throats, in asses of tali- - cation, and in leucerrhea and ¢ feet ; and also in Pi les. When taken internally, a Wine-glatiefol of the SVater, diluted, taken three times ea day, is sufficient for an adult. • Other testimonials from physicians, and other ie. peotable individuals, may be seen on application to he AMIE. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. No Water genuine unless procured from 11. W. BOSTWICK, Sole Aunt Ho. 674 BROADWAY. New York. For Sala at the following Agencies: FREDERICK BROWNS Drug and Chemical ntore. Northeast uoraer of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. _ _ Also for sale at FREDERICK !TOWN, Ja.'e. LIME end (Theinieal Store, Continents. Rotel, corner of NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. 'lle Trade ;revelled ill. Wholesale Prices. =Mimi! DYS i-EPSIA REMEDY. This Medicine has been used by the public for six ware ' with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure DveirePsia, Nervousness, Heart-Burn, Colts Pains, Wind ins the Stomach, or Pains in the Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Mane, Complaints, Low hpirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. IT BTIbIOLATZB, EXHITARATIM. INVIGOHATEB9IIIII M a Medicine it is quick and effectual, curing the meet aggravatedeases of Dygpepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels in a speedy manner. - It will inetantly revive the most melancholy and drooping Spirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and sickly to hee,lth, strength and vigor. Pereonsiwho, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become deJeoted, and their nervous systeme 'Mattered, constitetions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, theesCollust ransoms, will, al most Immediately, feel t e happy and healthy invigo rating efficacy of - lir. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Does.--One wine glass full aa often as ncrumearr. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will aura Heart-burn. Three doses Will ours Indigestion. One dose Will give you a, Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distreseing 'ening of Dyspepaia. One dosewill remove the distressing and disagreoahll3 effects oi' Wind or Flatulence, Ana as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distrese ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Collo. either In the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are eenously abated with any Kidney Complaints are named of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radiant cure lir the use of one or two bottme. ,NIGHTLY DISOIPATION. Forlorn:viva, from diarnpantig too much over night, and feel the evil effects o. 'poisonous liquors, in violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, Ac,, will find one dose move all bad feelings. Ladies of weak find slickly constitutions sho o take the Invigorating Spirit three limes a day; it will make Ahem strong, healthy, and hap, y, remove nil obstruc tions and irregularities from i ris inenetrital organs, mut restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable meth- Minato remove disagreeable soneatione at the stomach. All the proprietor oaks is a trial, and to melees this, ho has put up the In VIOORATITIO . SpialT in pint bottles at tioments, quarts St. General Depot., 4S WAITS. Street Now York.' ' PYOYT 130,r41, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia. 167-thatulr and for sale by all Druggists. THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. DALLEY'S MAGICAL FAIN EXTRA OTOS, lAtli universally Supplanted all. Other Ointments and healing applications in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, wherever intro - duced ; nd its sarriesie *astir ie the true secret of its success In all cutaneous , defections, whether the CAPB?; be snidest or disease. .I:WYNN ih Pki SCALDS are instantly relieved of 6 their anguish pain sod inflamrasuort, by a timely""applratien d thus ~,,,,. valeta heater, and the flee is renewed as if by a Otiar,,no_blemishpr soar , remaining• HE FRIEND OF il THE NURSERY. Chit ran are frequent sAfferers from external:in juries, erpeoially . from Fluid and Camp/lose Ex pfortions—therefore every,/ mother should have this healing preparation c- Mantis' on band. It heals, sore Breasts - , and *Mol on ds et, remoyee the 'TETTER or ElNOWoitm so preen- 1051,5 the nursery 'IV TILIVELLERS BY SEA AND LAND. The rdeohin st, the Tra- -0 veuer,and every other in dividual whose lot in life .-. throws him within the chance of aooldent from 1 :14 explosion, An, or rani ioshould bear in m . ind ...., that this Magic Extractor s take beet and only !teen , ,04 it Is bath , portable ant, cheap, and should evy be cO his oompamon, as a friend In need: There are t on- t, sands of living witneseqs to teat* to Dements lons f,i virtue, who owe their sound limbs and muscles '"" to its saving ellioaoy. The followinare a few of the /ending diseases for winch DADLE %MAGI- CAL PAIN EXTRACT OR Is a PRE. EN'l PIE m nevelt as CURE: BMW, , Mtg."' Bores of all kinds, Cruises, Shot Wounds, ils, FM: mites, Sorofnla, token Breast. Fever Bores, Boorry, rtes of Reptiles, Felons,' Scalds, Cancer, Glanilnlar DM-Scurf, Cracked Lips, eases , Seald Herta, Chapped Druids, Mercurial Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, Palms generally, Small Pox. Cramp, Pimples, Tumors, Contracted Cords, Piles,'Fetter, COafee, Presn, 'Coen, Diseases of the Rhenmatinct, Venereal gores, iftio, neertee, Venereal Sold at the principal Depots,l4 Broadway, New York, and hi stn _d IN Chartres street, New Orleans, by J. WRIGHT Si CO., Genera Agent. It Can also he ob tained of all respectable ',Drussists and Nerd:ants throughout the United Statynd Canada.' T. . Bras 'T. SONS. ": .. " :ISNor th if .RCOND Street, lets wholesale Agents tor Pennsylvania. REMOVAL.—BLACK & BORKEI, Will , RAV'mul 1 iquor Dealers, have removed From 1115 t o 1136 MARKET Street. au2 3.* BALSAM TOLII—For sale by WETHE RILL k BROrISR,No. At and 49 North RE GOP BOW, lIILADELPIHA AND ,OAD COMPANY:—Pnit. & rateacr FreiglatandTolle I company will be as folloWn, latieet IA 1.63 La MEDICINAL. Dr, DARIUS RAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT WILL NOT INTOXICATE ON STUPEFY RAILROAD LIIWN. iTSY aft r girlik,tois nn..E AND FB . OGRT ROUT 0 ORFO and PORTSMOUTH, via the /Philadelphia, . L Wilenington, and Baiting:ire. "and Dele,warti Railroads, thence by the ride; steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. On and after July 9th, piumengers frorn PRiladel nhia will take the 8.19 A.AI, tram at , the depot, corner Broad street and Washington avonttep on Tuandaye, Thuradaya, and raturdaya, arriving et-Sea ford at 1.90 P. M., and at Norfolk early the next morning, 'the steamer Phi ladelphia Will leave Norfolk on the evenings t h e Monday'. Wedneeday, and PridaY, eneneetifig with train at. Seaford, which arrives at Philadelphia at 1 Ps AL Fare for first-elw.Passengers, 'including meals on the Coat, 87. • • spoond.oass passengoi a, inoluding meals on the boat, 44 50 Freight taken as low as by any other route. For further particulars, see small hand-bills at the hotels, and other public place e, or mantra of C. Y. BARB Agent, corner Broad et. and Washington ay. 11. F. KENNEY, Master of Transportation, jy27 1m R. R. Co. . . . BOSTON, CONCORD Map - AND MONTREAL, AND WHITE MOUNTAINS N. H. RAILROADS, Scatetclelooo. Annetta satear. 1060: The shortest and meat direct route to Lake Winn ipe minks°, North Conway, VR71001118,, and White MOllll - from New York. Boston, Salem, Newburrport. :n4iii'dfilZof."4ll23l rare 14,12,1 ° r i gnitni depots of the Boston and Lowell and Boston and Maine lt &Broads, at 7.30 a. M., for Centre Harbor, Plymouth, Wells River. Littleton, N. IL:, St.. Johnsbury, Barton, Stanstead, Bse., connecting at Centre Harbor with stages for North Conway and White Mounlainir r and atPly mouth and Littleton for Franconia ahd White Armin. tains, arriving at the Flume, PrOfile, White Mountain, and Crawford Houseiumrly same afternoon. Paasenzers leaving Boston at 1.80 A. 14.0 reach Little ton at 3.30 P. N. and Proft'e, House, Franconia Notch, by HMO, at 5.30 P. N. or White Mountain and Craw• ford 'loosen. at the Whito hlountrons. at 1.30 P. Leave Boston at 7 M A: M. and la-al, commuting at Lawrence with trains from Salem and Nawbur.port ; At Concord with traltui from_ Portsmouth tot Plymouth. Centre Harbor, and Wolthoro' ; oonneotihs at Weir's with the steamer Lady of the Lake, Captain Walker. arriving at Centre Harbor earlier than by any other route, Downward trains. for New fork. Worcester. Boston. Salem. Newburyport, Portsmouth, Bco., leave Littleton at 10.15 A - .‘01.. or on arrival of stages from Franconia and White Mountains. LeaVe Wells Rtver at 10 20 A. hl., or on arnval of train from 'Barton and St. Johnsbury. Leave Plymouth at 7.20 A. M. and 110 P. M. or on arrival of stages from Franconia Motnitalne. Leave weir's at 9 P. h1., - or arrival of steamer Lady of the Lake, arriving at Boston, Worcester, Salem, Newbury port, Portsmouth. early Same afternoon, and New York via Norwich line of steamers, Connecticut and C. Vanderbilt, at 5 neat mor_nlog. • J. A. DODGE, Superintendent, , alliMM WEST CHESTER AND PIIILADEI.PRIA RAILROAD VIA . MBnIA SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday ,_July 16th 1860, the passenger trains will leave PRILADELPIIIA_, from the Station, ooruer ot Market and Lehman or 1! htrty•first streets. West Philadelphia, at 7.30 and 10.30 A. M., and 2.30, 4.48, and 6.35 P. M. Leave WEST OIiEBTEII, from the Depot, on East Afar/tot street, at 6,40, 8, and 1090 A. M., and 1.46 and 6.16 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. _Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast oorner ot'Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave West Chester. at 7.50 A. M. and SP. M. The last passenger railway oar will leave Front and Market 'divan SO minutes, and Eighth and Market greets 25 minutes. before the starting time from the de pot, and will carry a flag to denote it. The Baggage Car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia depot. Trains leavinglat 10.50 A. M. and 4.45 P.M., conned at Ponnelton with trains for all points on the rhiladolphla and Baltimore Central Railroad. • . • • thine and waiting room. southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers,urohasing tiokets for West Chester. will be furnished w i th a ticket over the passenger railway. HENRY WOOD, .173-tf General Superintendent. WPMPHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD. 81111 , 1np.ut ARRANOEMENT.—UntiI further notice the trains will rue as follows: Leave the passengerdepot of the West Chester and rhtlittlel- Oda Railroad - Co.,orner Market and Thirty-fret streets. West Philadelphia, daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 30 A. M. and 4.4 a P. M. Leave West Grove at OM and 840 A. M., and 4. P.M. Aaily line of Stages to and from MAP London and Oxford connects with the 10.30 A. M. 'Tram front Phila delphia .and the 8.00 A.t M. train from West Grove, leaving Oxford at 0.80, A. M.. The beautiful scenery and well-known healthfulness of Delaware and Chester counties offer tape nor in ducements to those looking for summer tiling. Freights for this line received at No. 1816 Market Bt. A. D. B RTON, Philadelphia. June 23, 1860, taul6 Superintendent. NMIMMO"NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. For tIETHLEHEM, E DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, hIAIICH CHUNK. HAZLETON. ECKLY. WHITE HAVEN, WILKESBARRE A WILLIAMSPORT, km THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and alter MONDAY, July ad, 1860, Passencer Trains loave FRONT and WILLOW Streets. Phi ladelphia, DAILY, (Sundays excepted,)as follows. At 6.10 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Williamsport, km. Atka() P. M. (Express). for Bethlehem, Easton, ko. This train teaches Easton at 6.N1 P. rd., and makes 01038 connection with New Jersey Central for New York. di At aP. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, At 9 A. M. and 4 P. P. for Doylestown. At 10.30 A. M. and 6.60 P. 111. for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. M. Express Train • maker, close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to all ipoints in the Lehigh_Coal Region. TRAINS FUR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem At 6.63 A. M., 9.24 A. M. and 5.23 P. Leave Doylestown at 7.30 A. M and 4.16 P. M. Leave Fort Washington Ust 6.26 ND AYS: A. M. and 3.10 P. 141. . UN S Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 11 A. M. Philadelphia. for Doylestown, at .1 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.40 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. ' Fare to Bethlehem.. el sol Fare to !daub Chunk.S2 60 Fare to Ea5t0n........ 1 /SO I Fare to Doylestown.. 080 Through Tickets Elist be procured at the Ticket Of- Seel at WILLOW Street, or ,BERKB Street, in order tO statue the above rates of fare. "VaiseiiireiTialet;ieicent . Panday Trains) connect at rke street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second and Third-street Passenger }Unmade. 2) minutes after leaving Willow street. irS ELLII3•CLARK. Agent. iiIMIPHILADELPHIA AND NJ READING RAILROAD. REkilignOrt OF FARES On andarter, AFRIL:II4,IO6O, GommotstiOn Tickets, rdapetatityr n igunitibmili be issued, good for the Train, and at any time. Ther u siigk a° !.irrtt e i l Tresuurer,At the office of the comany Pio. n FOURTH Street, at a reduction of twenty - live per cent. from the regular lures. Parties wishing to enjoy the Bummer in the Cod try will find this a very desirable route, the Schuylkill and Lebanon Valleys bong among the most beset:lint and healthy in the State, and &aces sable by four trains from and to Philadelphia daily, B. BRADFORD, Treasurer.' PHILADELPHIA, March 78th, IMO. mluir-tf BUMMER ARRANGE JVIENT. PHILADEMR IESIINGTON, AND, HAMM 610RMOAILROAD On and afterNDAY, July__9, 1860, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 01 noon, ( Express ' ) and 11,10 P. M. For Cheater at 8.1111 A. M., 11 noon, LW, LW, 7.00 and 11.10 P. M. For to n ,Wilming at Ale A. M., 12 noon, •1.16, PSC 7.01), andll.lo P tor New Castle at 8.15 A. M., and 6.00 F. M. , or Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and 6.00 P. Ni, 'or Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 5.00 P. M • For Harrington at 8.15 A. M.. and 5 PAL For Milford at 8.15 A, AL Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6.00 P. M. For Farmington at 8.15 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6.00 P. M. wor Seaford at 8.11 A. M. Monday, ' Wednesday s, and Fridays at 6.00 P. M. Per Salisbury at 8.15 A. M. CP' Train at 815 A. M will enunoot at Seaford on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, with steamboat to Norfolk. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. nd Lea6.26 ve P.M. at 8.00 A. M., (Expreu,) 10.15 A. M., e. M. Leave Wilmington at LW, &60, and HAD A. M., 1.46, L6O, and 8.35 P. M. Leave Salisbury at ISO P. M. f nave Seaford, Tuesdays, Thuradaye, and Saturday a, at 7.20 A. M. and 700 • • • Leave Farmington, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days, at 8.00 A. 51., and 4.15 P. AI. t.eave Milford, Mondays, Wedueadaya, and Friday!, at 7.60 A, 61., and 4.00 P. M. Leave Harrington at 8.16 A. 81., and 4.30 P. 111. Leave Dover at 9.08 A. M. and L 25 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.06 A. M. and 6.40 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.00, 10.55 M., and 7.35 F.M. Leave Chester at 7.40, 9.10 A. M., 12.01, 2.92,530, and POP. M., sir ivies Baltimore for Ballehory and Delaware Railroad at 10.111 A. 41,and ale P. M. TRAINS trait BALTIMORE. 4.etve Cheddar at 0.45 A. M., 14.10 and 11.40 P. M. A lemma Wliminr ton at 9.351 A. 111.,12.00 P. M.. and 12.20 . 01. FAUSIGHT TRAIN with PA8,80401:11. OAR attaohei, will run iwilo - Bow's Leila Phlladeiphin for Verriiille . nnd intermediate pleases at 3 P. N. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate placer at ACM P. M. Leave Havre-de-Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate places at 6.00 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-do-Grace and intermedi ate ewes at 4.00 31.1103.Y3 Only at 11.10 M,, from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at Lm P. AL, from Baltimore to Philadelphia. .Iyl 8. AL FELTON. Fremdent. 1860. anziem 1860. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINER. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, From Walimt-street. Wharf, Will leave as follows—via: AARI At 6 A M, via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Aeoom modation..-2 26 At 6 A Nl,. via Camden City - :ai. J.) Ao oorinnodation- . 2 2d At 9 A M, Camden and Jensey . .... dornin • Mad— . 660 At it A M,f iTsie - ti;T;N:,Wi, - '1670i.70,7: I" _ y;di City. Wenteim ~ - ___ oo At 1216 P M, ma Camden and Ambo.l, Aeoolum dation -.. At 21' M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex- .. 00 At P Al, by Steamboat via Tawny and Jersey IV, Evening Express...—. 800 At 4 P M, by Steamboat via Taeony and Jersey City ad Class Ticket 2 23 At 61' AI, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mai1....._ At 11 P Cani;riand Jersey City, Southern 2 25 Ate P M, via (3analen and — -Accommoda tion, (Freight and Paanentor,)—let Class Ticket. 228 The 6P M Mail Line runs daily. the 11 P AI, South ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere. Easton. Lambertville, Flemington, tte. at 6 A al and 41' M, ISOM WalnuLetreet wharf. and 7.10'A M Irma Kensington. For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Retard-an. A Wilkeebarre, Montrose, (heat Bend, ego. at 6 A. Al. from Walnut street wharf, and 7,10 A . al. Kensington, via Dela ware. Lackawanna and Western R. R. For Mount Holly, at 0 and A. M., 2 and 406 P. 141. For Freehold, at 6.e. M. and P, Al. • AVLINES. , For Bristol, Trenton, &a., at 214 and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf,7.l.o A. M. and SM r, AL from Kensington. For Palmyra t _Rivortou, Delano°, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Bordentown, /to., at 12%,1, and 434 P. M. Steamboat Joe Belkn_ap for Bordentown and Interme diate Places, at 2'/s P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Taoony_, at 11 A. M. and Taoony, Beverly, Burlington, and Bnstol, at P. M. ,Filty Pounds of Baggage t only, allowed each Passen ger. Fassengero are prohibited from taking anything nz baggage but their worms apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to bo paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility tor baggage to One Dollar per pound, add will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by asocial contraot. split WM. It. GATZMER. Agent. ELMIRA ROUTE._ artagiami PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD. , art, WillEesOarrei Hartant°l!ant Puflul°' Niagara Kahn, and all points Diann and 'Weal. 0, t. LOW'S, ria 4 l: l sp iC or KB T T rO r. i: tr t l al l s ' o t 2 o t, a Li b e a tt u n va d i 1 , 1 D ee a e r al _ i t' Toledo a' nl • Paesenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphut and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and OALLOWIIII,I, Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal 43(Hhill Str f eet.) daily (Sundaes exoepted), for above ollows : DAY EXPRESS ..B.oe A. 1.4. 10HT EXPRESS..• • I'. M. The 8.00 A, train coalitions at Rupert, for Waken bane. Fifteen, Scranton, and all /nations on Me LAOKAWANNA AND BLOOAISBUIRL RAILROAD, .kTeabo trains traine make dtrei i . connection at Elmira wit he or the New lor and Erie, Oanandaigna and (agars Falls, and Buffalo, ew York and Erie, mut New York Derr Rails:nide, from all points North and West, and the anadas. Baggage (Mee to Elmira, 4ufralo, and Suspension Bridge, and all 10 t mediate Points. "Pickett+ oan be t roomed at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Lir VeTielcet Ornee, northwest corner of SIXTH and OW l AN (IT Streets, and at the PARIBRIIgor Depot, corner° • HIRTEENTH and OA LLOWHILL. THROUG • gxplixes FREIG Depot,.A • LeaVa the Phil elphutand Reading Broad and Callowhill etre I 'daily (Sundays excepted), for all points Wed it North, at 6F. St. Freights ma 1m delivered before DP.M. to insure thr going th erne day. or fertther information apply at Freight Depot, T IRTEEN Pre and OALLOWIIII,, or to OMAR. 8. "'APPEL General Agent, Northwest earner SIXTH and IfifIESTN UT Streets, ROI ft 1.1111,1s1”1,i‘ C HUBB --rl3O Boxes Herkimer county 108 BC6ll34`4l,%lLvittaviitk,ooii.vo RAILROAD LAO. r OS n i` CHESTER lit " , *-.....—.-- - - TRXINB vin, PENNMATA.- RRAIIJRCAD; leave depot,- aotnee.ELE VitNTII and MARRE'r. at 7.80 A. M., 1240 P, M., and 4 P. M. Oil Bandar; leave Philadelphia at 84. M., and West Chester at 4P; M. . , , 1930-tr TilE PENNSYLVANIA (MN T R,A L 960 AMES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. #ll/4101*1860e THE CAPACII THi $S .N... ;. 17 EQUAL , TO ANY IN lIU COUNTRY. THREE THROUCHIP;stiENOFIR TRAtNS BETWEEN THILADEL: PI'ITSBURG. Connecting direct at rhilatleinim, t he from Boston, Now York, anlflar, units ../t, rindilJt Union Depot at Pittsbusg with Throughlrams rind from all points in the West, o r and Southwest —thus fornishing fabilities for the trarurportation of Passengers ungUrlntEned for mood And 'comfort by any other route. .. • Expresa and Pact Linea run through to Pittsburg, without change ol Cars or Conductors. All throug_h Pas senger Trams rovided with Louithridge's Patent Brake—spend un d er perfect control of the engineer, thins adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Care are attached to each Train_,* Woodrutri Sleein Cure to • Axpress and Ft T rans. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fact Linea. Sun days excepted. Mail Tram leaves Philadelphia at 910 A. M. East Lin e " 11.450 A. M. x p ressp Train leaves " 10.45 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Humbug Accommodation, via Columbia, 2 P. M. Columbia 46 rallefiabarg 41 ' 4.00 M. 340 .M. Wed Chester " 19 60 .111, West Chester Peecongera will take the Mail, West Chester Accommodation and Columbia Train'. Pm:rangers for Sunbury, Wilhamrport, Elmira, Rolla, 10, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladedidila at 9 . 1 5 A. M. and 91'. M. go directly througli.o Ileketa Westward may bo obtained at the offices of the Company f Philadelplua, New York, Boston, or Bal timore ; and Ticketa Eastward any of the important Railroad Office. In the Wert; also on_ board any of tee regular Line of Stedman. on the Mums:dual or Ohio riven, Wir : Tare always as low, and time u by any other tout°. For further information apply at the Faunally Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of d the c ristorn airnmtions of the t e lMPLlAriark vrEErffilnultunlien THE GREAT WEST. The oonneotiop of traoice by the Railroad 11Cdge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the oaring of time, us adVantageareachly tkopreolated by &toppers of Freight, anti the Trave ller Public. L ille 'than ns and Shippers entrusting the transportation o their Freight tot ine pomVatiy, can rely with !mull demo on its speedy trauma THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at alt times as faroctrabio a: ars solinresd by Mir Railroad Companies. particular to mark packages " ii& rennet. Rail road. togltfil h 4NTW:Lll l .7oo,=h,l'lrtniPti%= D. A. NTH WART, Fittslmrg; A. B.FieTOCI & Go., Zones"'lie,O.; 3.3.ottneton,Biniel, 0.; It. McNeely, Hy.; Ormsby & Xropper, Portsmouth, O.; Yaddook & Co., Jeffersonville, Indi ana; U. W. Brown & Co., Cinomnati, O.; Athern & lltbbert, Cmconnati. O. R. 0. Moldrum. Madison, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore, Lordsville, Ky.; Y. 6. & Co., Byrn:antis, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, _IDA R. P.littss; & Bt. Louie , Mo_ John 11. Har m, Nanhy 111 e Tenn.; Harris & Bunt Memphis , Tenn.; ciarso. &A Co., Chicago,H. H. Koonts, Alton, 111.K.7.t0 Freight Agents of Railroads at different pouxts In toe Week 8, B. KINGSTON, dr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW tc 1(00118, 80 North istree, beatimore. LEECH & CO., 1 Astor House, or 18. William st., war hums . & CO.. TO. 77, Btate street, Barton. A. R. AMMON, Gen't Freight Agan, Pbillt. HOUPT, Genl Ticket Agent, Pane,. lel-1g E. LEWIS, Oen'l Hun't Altoona, Pa. PIIILADELPIIIA AND READING RAIL ROAD.—PASSENGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READING and HARRISBURG. MORNING LINE, DAlLY,.(Sundays excepted.) Leave NOW Depot, corner of BROAD and GALLoW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets lat 8.00 A. M., connecting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, 1 P. M. train running to Pittsburg ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 I'. M. train running to Ohninhereburg, Carlisle, Ica.; arid the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD I P. M. train, rummer to Sun bury:Mc. AFTERNOON LINES. • ' Leave New Dept, corner of BROAD and CALLOW. HILL Streets, PRILAD ELPHlA,(Passenger entrances streets )1 7 PIYPTS • • %RCM Rainti'llirgal P. M:. DAILY, far Zen.. at 6 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays es.- DISTANCES DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. From PRILAIIIMPHIA To 28 - Reading.-- 68 Lebanon.... —. 88 Dauphin— Millersburg I Trevorton .lunation. ,1138 Sunbury.-- . . 161, Lewiston . — Milton _...-- —.197 Williamsport —.-...109 Jersey Shore—._ Look Haven.*..23B, Aalst°n "* ---134 i Williamsport and Elmira Troy. .H 1 Railroad. Elmira -- -- 237 The 800 A. M., and the LSO P. M, train connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays excepted.' with the DATA WILIAMSPORT and ERIE RAILROAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada. the West, and Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and OALLOWRILL Streets, an7ll-tf W. H. MOILHENNEY.IIearetary Philadelphia and Readin and Lebanon Valley,R.l AINININWITLADELPIIIA., GU MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWN 11 . A. - 11.ROAD--BUMMERARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY. May 14,1860, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, and 12 A. M., /I 1, 1134, 4,5, 0, OX 7, 8. 9, 10 X, and 11% P. M. Leavo Germantown 6, 7 7;68, 8%. 9, 10,11 , 11 A. M, 71 7,6, 2, 6, 6,6.4, 7,8 6 0 Ays 41 4 N. 90a D, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. M., 11,3, 5, ns, end 1036 P. 91. and Lmkve P. M. Germantown 6.10 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4, 634, 93i CREBTNUT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia IS, 8, 10, If A. M., 9,4, 4, 634, 8,9, and 1034 P. Al. . Lease Ohertmat Rill 7.10 7.40,.6.40, 9.4011,40 A. M., 1.40, MAO, 4.10, 8.40, and 1.10 P. M. ON 1411 - 14DAYR. leave Philadelphia 9.05 A. Al., M. I_,l and 734 P. M. m heave Cheetnut IA A. M.. 10.50. 6.10 , and 9.10 FOR CONBROMOCEEN AND NORRIBTOWN,_ Leave Philadelphia 5.60, 734, 9.0_11.011, mire. A. 51., 1.069.06,V . , 5.56, 6.60, and 1134 P. M. _ a and 7,., AN. 9, /1 A. M I , 134, 636, leave PAtladelphi ON AM n a AY and • - 5 P. AL leave Norristown ni , A. M.,1 and 6 P. M. FOR ALANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6.60, 734, 9.65. 11.63 A. M.,, 3.05, 4,34, 5.55. 640, B.4 , and 111e* P. M. Leave Manaynnk ,3d, 934, and 1134 A. M., 7, 6.05, 1, 634, 8, and 834 Y. M. ON !SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3. 8, and 8 P M. Leave Manaynnk 71[ A. M., 134, ag, and 034 P. M. ttlB 11 R. DEPOT.ll,_General kluperintendens, NINTH and GREEN Etreett. NOTION.---(3II7SITER VALLEY RAILROAD—PAS.. ANGER TRAI NS FOR powvINGTOWN AND tri. TERMEDIATISTATIOVEI.—On and after Beth MO, the Passenger Trams for DOWNINOTOIN N wilt start from the .new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading... Railroad Company, corner of BILOAD emd CALIPWRILL attest*, (passenger en trances on CallowhilL ftiO N RNINV TRAIN for Downingtown, !tavern at 8.00 AFTERNOON IMAM fez Downingtowa,it at Y. DAILY (Benders excepted.) or of titreßord of Manton of At noladeltPla .d Iteadlna Rad COMMY. ' are W. R. McILIIENNEY,Beetetax,• WEST CHESTER 10.1galing RAILROAD TRAINS vi A PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Leave Depot. eon= ELEVENTH. .and MARKET Streets, daily (except Bandar) et 7.11 A.M., 11.30 P.M., and 4 P. AL Leave (k ,ter at AM A. M.. 10.01 A. M.. and LW P. M. SHIPPING. TUE BRITISH AND NORTI AIORWAN ROYAL MAIL RWEArTI 18011 RIM YORK TO LI VIRTOOL. ' Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage----- 71 WHOM BOTTOM TO LIVIRTOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Seoond Whe ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. Whe ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Bar rr. ERSIA, Capt. Judkini CANADA, Capt. Lang, R ASIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott, NIAGARAECapLARdeIeoII AFRICA, Cant. Shannon, EUROPA, Llapt. J. Leitch, St./01IA, (now butt hng.) These vessels carry a clear white light at masthead NIAGARA. on starboard bow ; red on port bow. NIAGARA. Millar, leaves Boston. Wednesday, June TT. ASIA, Lott, York Wednesday. July 4. EUROPA. Leitch, Baton, Wednesday, July 11. PERIVA, Jadkine. " Wednesday, July la. ARABIA, Stone.. " Nvedlleadar, July le. AFRICA, Shannon, " t York, Wednesday, Aug. CANADA. Lang, " •Boston, Wednesday, Aug. S. ASIA, Lott., N York, Wednesday, Aug. 15. EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, WednesdaY , Ang. 22. PERSIA, JuAkine, N York, Wednesday, Aug, AL Bertha not sugared until paid tor. . An experienced Burgeon on bean!, The °Amore of these ships witl not De aocountalde for Id, Silver, Paton, tippets, JOwelrf, Frecdoue Monts, or Metals, unless bille of laduag me signed therefor, am, the value thereof therm expressed, For freitht or Passage extols to E. CUNARD, P. 1.11 4 Bowling Green, New York. FOR TUE A SOUNTII.-OEARLES - TON :FR ND GHVAEDAHEDmAmaturr. HOST) Firelight at an 6V13111g0 per cent. be low New York Steamship rates. FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. The U. S. Mail timainehip !CEYSTONE STATE. Cap tain Ohne, P. blarehman, will sail on luesday, August 7, at 10 o'clock A. AI. Through in ins to SO hours—only 40 hours at Sea. FOR SAVANNAH GA. U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain Joint J. (AMU, will sail on Friday, August 10, at 10 A. M. 1 hrougn ih 68 to GO hours—only hours at Sea, lairSaiung (lays changed Dom eve Saturday to every G Ova days. oods receives', and Bilks s of Lading signed every dal. The splendid first-olass aide-wheal Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF OEORGIA now run ea above every tan days thus forming a Sve-day commu nication with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, shese Ships con nect with eteamers for Florid)and,witn railroads, ika., for all places in the South and outhstest., . !Ns LIRA oF,. Vreight and Ineutauce found to oronon of floods shipped Smith will be found to be lower by e these snips than by sailing venal', the - remiunt being ono-half the rate. N. D.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely anneaessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Llompanmet taking ON risks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Nora by tide routs /tit; 10 1.3 r cent. cheaper than by the Inland /touts, lie will be seen by the folluwiug sohe dale. Through tickets from Philadelphia, via Charles ton and Savannah eteamahlos,lNCl, LWOW MEALS on the wholn roots, except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montdomery , Mario vAlle. To Oliarlostois—,,-215 CO Charleston— .....ort 00 Savannah.-- ... 18 CO savannah......, CI IA Augusta—.-- 20 00 Augusta —......... 28 00 Mason._._. —. 21 00 Mac0n........._.,. 32 75 Atlanta ------ . 23 00 Atlanta— . — . nOO Golumbu"—,--. 23 00 Oolurnbui—..— 36 00 I Albany ___.. 24 00 Albany.---.._..... ST 00 Montgomery—_. 15 00 Montgomery— . SA 00 Mobilo. . CC 00 Mobile— —.— 48 90 New Orleans..... 8978 Now Orleans__ ,_. II go No bills of lading signed after the ohm has called. For freight or passage apply on board, of second wharf above Vine street, or to ALEX, HERON, Sr., !Southwest corner FOURTH and CIIESTNUT, Agents in Charleston, T. 8. & T. G. BUDD. Savannah, HUNTER & HA.MMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every TuesdaT, For 1 Lerida from Savannah, steamer' at, Mary's and Rt. John'', every Tnonddr and Saturday. MI=MM THE ADAMS EXPRESS a_ a - "Jai CO.,Office 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Paokages. Alereliandose, BanklVotes, and Specie, either by its own lanes or in conneetion with other Express Companies, to all the prinoipal towns and cities of the United States, E. S. SANDFORD, 10164 f General Superintendent. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. I'iIAOKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.-W 0 -& weal resuotrolir oall the attention of the Bora cal Hardware Trade to our extensive Stook of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we otter eta small sirranoe by the peonage, Orders Mr direct importation eoliolted, and Roods de ilustrd ettkor in this city,New York - , or New OrlealM W. G. LEWIS h Sou, COMMERCE Btrtat. :as parties' and Oommlesion IttorohantS .1.4 9., Olt I ';1 tta,mid Downie ifikT447lllll. 11 EN N ESSY . BRANDY .-70 oacka, in Bald bi Dio4,giniternm, FuRNE B4 ' a., ei ' BR I LIT '&' OCI.: 1 ' t i ri l ' ' : * ll ' lk N. - - NS, 529 MARKET ST/tier, - . • ' tiFormeritle srL) biota s • nocts Arno R die _ATE. -. T I V P. PANCOAST, AUCTI , uc ,..1. 11 • eeseor to B. SCOTT:U.42j bil[Ellal UT St• -• BA Lss ATIrRX - CRA V WRY' TUBSDAIiti" - . CARD .I have, la oonserwea of emitter ill, ',,,,,,,-' DiStg., t , ll l, nese Plume iefilste sin Aeseetimely . : health, disposed of atirriterest in the Atl9llo bh•i- " ,trlr - ritillior WI ' - 'hoise .... elsewita — terij,li ' . nes" fleretofora sondes bin% at 431 , 0,RR5' RUT ' - ab- • 0 IF - Street to air. Pi. F. PA COAST, . • ; --, edition to which we pooh ,eiettereetwaser eteivieere:l: sash sale,ope tho. aselisilorsoeb la Deastilt: . ~ I talcs this opportnth y td tender my thanks' Tor 'the . support / Lava received and ask a eciatinuation le My VC! nekeeee,...nt . .! - 1 . 11 . Watt, the 'Mate le suceeasor, whom l hereby authorise to colleetel iny ' lO • 0 - "" ef. i r " m i d. an d' i n v t altr - , • . eeeettted accounts. , . B. SCOTT, le ••• PeiIdeDELPIILA., AllgUiltl. MO. ' the wilt, #l4l !* U 111 SS at* '• - 'NT I re a stile itinant. , 1611 . , eeeirat=ler: , sale, minding ova/ *Olonfa 71filia proverb . : Pnittedi slisee-, PitivaTz 8 ' el Mr' Steel eitote ente - en nier wrests mit rodolois . and advertised oopasienalli la our AIN* tab eitiOnie. • (of Which 1,959 copies are printed winkled Me ea - - charge, :_ _____ PHILIP FORD & 00. , AUCTIONEERS, No, 530 MARRET Btreiit. and /Ali MINOR' Street LARGE BALE GF .gooTs,saoßs. AND .O.IIOGARB. ,00 4 GASES. On Thursday Moravia, August Dth, at 10 &cloak .premseig. will be sold by datalogud. on 4 months eredit.24loo cameo mew o boys, and yordhs' calf, lop, grain, and thick bootarir p kip, buff, wag, and meet brogans, calf MO be givters, Oiford tree and walking shoes. women e, mimeo , an d ohddren's calf, kip,;goat, morocco. and kid tarots and aloes, ladies' gaiters. and kid slippers: ' AI" a 101 l ea sortment of city-miude wcnnen's. mines, arid hileran's goat end'morocco soots . Also. . 00 dos. Calf kinii• The above sale will prove attractive to Sonthern and 17Western burrs. A s o the sale comprises invoice/i t ol :41i [ code et 1[7;1 b r iiy2l. fi .7l.l l l% l3's"fa' l umrs ' h Sir Galls open lot examitiation, with catalogues, earl on the morning of sale. SABINE & DUY, INSURANCE AGENTS, No. 494 WALNUT Street, Insure against loss or dame.go by Fire, on Cotton and Woollen Mills. and other hlantlfactones, Puddings, Merchandise Furniture , and other property, Oa t kr AnaitOFOMTAN 1 1 / 1 10/41,% S tIrlirleRit, Cash Capital and Aurplusl9Bl.6sB 60. WASHINGTON INS.-CO., ROV. PROVIDENCE WAS Cash Capital and Surplus .50795 15. ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO, OF NE YORK, HOPE FIRE Ifidt l irAynt g o an .A . Pitirk l yoilt - , °2. Cas Capital and Surphrs_l9224,B44 61, CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF - DIGIT HA.VEN, FIRE INS and Surplus 11334402 GERMANIA FIRE INS. CO., OF NEW YORK • Cash Capital and Surplua_Bl2l6iN CT, HUMBOLDT FIRE INS, OF NEW. Yolt Cash Capitad and Surpluslls26,lBl 51. Applications in person or hy note wilt receive prompt attention. SABINE & DUY, Agenda, .le4 Sin No. 424 WALNUT Street. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE ' COMPANY OF PRILKDEPHIA. (FIRE /NEURANCE EXCLUSIVELY./ •f 0 MPAIYY" S B.DILDINS. W CORNED Wall AND Vital CT ETA EETSI P. RA•ren'iono WILLIAM Mawr, NALBP 0 F Jonn M. 41Tw000, Bina. T. 'Ramon, 11"" WnA TATCIIi CHARLES . OXE. Be, AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. 'UAL INCORPORATED 1816-01ARTER. PEEPER • No:310 WALNUT Street above Third, rhiladelphm. Having a large paid-up lapital Stook and Surplus In vested In sound and AVM able Securities, continue to. insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other-Personal. Property. All losses Liberally and promptly adJusted. • • - • ataXCT Thos. R. Maria, JohaT. Lell, John Welsh ' Junes R. Campbell, named C. Ntorton, . EdinuW r i G. Bat' Patriok Brady, Mum. W. roultikey,_ • Israel Mprrier. • 110,ddra_. MARIS; •Brasidexa. ALBERT O. L. CRAWFORD.Becretarr. , , 0522-tf :TAKER CITY INSITRANCE,COMPA: wer NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 43e WALNUT. STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS 8360,748.70.—1nmes against Lou or Dunes') by Fire, and the Penis of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Trans;ortation. GEORGE H. HART, President. E. P. ROSS, Vine President. H. H. COODSHALIA, See'y ana *Pressman S. H. BUTLER, Assistant SeareterY. George Hart, A. O. Carta, E. W. Bailey, H. R. Coggehail, Hon. H. M. Faller. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE 1-1,-COMPA NY.—Authorized Capital '4IIOO,OOO—CEARTER PERPETUAL. Northern Central Itailroad, Office No. an WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, - and Merohandree gene rally, Also, Marine Inranees on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland I mi nsurance to all parts of the Union. DIEECTQRS.. Sunbury and Erie fI. It Jacob Esher, D. Luther, L. Audenried, DBMS Pearaort, Peter dieger, IMMffi LIFE INSURANCE PANY.—THE PENN LANCE COMPANY, North, DOCK Street& Alumni, EMT, INSURES LIVES for the annuities and arithormante- , 1 Real Estate , and makes all o eontir.genoien °Wt.. They not as Executor', I Traeteee, arta Guardians. trial L. Miller, npurun Coate", ichard S. Newbold, illiam P. Hacker, William H. Kern, Eamnal C. Huey, HeoMarled; Henry C. Townsend. lodlehne Kent, William H. Carr, Deon, William u ßobertione Warner M. Ruin, P. el, ItHol &Ai BAM., JUIN W. Hostioa.Sea DELAWARE' MUTUAL SAFETY IN iILTRANCE COMP " ANY. "^nR-Pf/R47,5'D BY THE LEWSLATITRE OF OFFICE O. E. poßNlGi'llifektVENll - " FrAlictlvlr streets, MARINE INS U RANCE DE VESSELS, CARGOISAT, Ts all pars of th e Wait FRE INLAND INSURANCES , Os 1111:1411t UT RiVar, Canals, Lakee_, and Lana Starrier,* to a u parts of the Union. FIRE INEU.R•NOES ' 2212 Merohandiee perinalll. r ' , • -.....' len Otorearelltnic Homes, ate. ' ASSE,TB OF THE COMPANY. Metrennter 1,18/19. • Far. Mariat Tatra 1129,060, Philadelphia Oar IV neat. Lonn.....lnAto in no,orAkPerasllveklus State lir ot. Loan-- P 3,666 e 21,000 yenneljrants State 6 4 6 ot. Loan.- 31,091 OP lupe, U t ß.Treaanry lIX VI Cent. Notre and _ I,titn,est 01113 1 ----. ~..,,..--..,-,... 16,163 H 430,000 U. S. `Prewar) , 6 IP at. Notes and inter est due— BOAS 00 06.000 Temporary Loin to file City Of Phila delphia - 11.000 00 1110,000, Penzusylirania, Railroad 14 Mortgage 0 * cent. Bonds—l. . ape go 00,004, North Pennsylvania Railroad-Mort gage 6 4r dent. Bonds— —12,90000 010,011 West Pluladelphut Passel:war antiwar Oompany 7 fr ot. coupon bonder UAW 00 811,000,100 shares stook Germantown Gee Company, mtereet and prinamal guarantted by the pity of Phila delphia— _- 10,011 U 7 . ilipoo,l9o allure Pennsylvania Railroad Company-----. Ban 09 NAL 190fiesreeliorth Penntrylvama mad 9111 11 1114110, duties Ptaindeiptua Ire Boat and Steam Tug Company. Philadelphia mil Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany, Ocean Steam Navigation Gompany; Philadelphia and Ha vre de Grate Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exoltange ileindians --.2,110 00 Bond aa and Mortensen, and Neal &tato; 02- 34°13,718 04 fire Bnlidm66 6.315 66 Bale receivable forlturnrarioes made— lama 19 Balance due at Aganonst—Preminnut on Ma rum Policies, interest, and other debts due the Company 06,054 61 Bone and stook of sundry luserawse Como.- 1.360 00 Souk on Devout In =— MAO ra i n A,gri l 4er . , [h o e rii i Penrose. i 6w g . • ohn CDevii, smelt Tlagllall, Mem Eyre, Jr. ernes C. Hand, William C. Lodwnr• °P.7.hitregeon. tg :, z e Cl Leiper, fkarlei Kelly. WILMA TIIOB. O. MEN RV I,VI.TMRN. fi..,.. LEVI W. GROFF, Near DAR BVII.LE. LANCASTER CO.,l's. Manufacturer on the ,Id Process SINCE ISS2 OF DOUBLE DIS PILLEED FORE RYE WH ISK Y. Warmth:id to be Pure. without Corn or Drug," DISTILLED FROM THE BEST OF RYE ONLY. aul-Im • I/ B. PALII.IfER, THE ADVERTIatiti v • AGENT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT , eve,' hi. views of the principle and beat mode of Advertising, daily, between N and o'clock. /Willey! mill-3m J. BAYLIS THOMAS, ILA• ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nan removed Ills (Mee from No. CM Arch street to No 429 WALNUT Otreett • • • Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wills. ConveranCes, Assignments, Briefs of Title. and other Inctrumenta of Writing. The management of Executor ships, Adminiatratorahips,' and Trusts. superintended; and the beet securities procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Satisfactory reference risen when required. ap3o-em* HENRY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Han REMOVED lu■ office from No.nso Waluut Ntreet to No. no South THIRD Street. Walt 6m. HORACE SEE, DIECAANICAI, ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY No. 114 gout, SIXTH Street, Nearly opposite the County Courthouse,) Preyaree i , yocifications, Drawings, &0., and transacts all other busman aonneeted with the obtainine of Let tare Patent. • ae2ll 41n* JWAGNER, JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, ONce, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence &mem) PIIILADBLPHIA, SyShis aid of reliable Attorneys, at different points in the United States, us, enabled to prosecute and collect claims of every desenption. Particular attentioncven to the examination and re covery. of the °lei ma ° Legatees and Devisees, and the examination of Land 4416 and securing the interest! of heirs and all persons interested in the came, in all pßaof the Union. the Statute& of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. Depositions carefully taken under Conmusinons. CLAIMS ON IRELAND. O'GORMAN & WILSON. (Rionatiti O'GoRMAN, EDWARD J. Wiesen), ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. tee BROADWAY, New York, Having estaldistied extensive Correspondence and Agenoies tbrougnout Ireland, will take charge of the collection of Glenne, Legacies, &oi, and attend to other business many part of that ountrr. lee) stutham ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANITACTURERB' AGENV, PAPER AND PAP R - 1 AKI R'E 1.? No. IT Eonth SL.T.TH atraa, Ptikintintrb reII-din • SFUUUET & SONS, .IMPORTERS ON HAVANA CIGARS, An. 2.6 eolith' FRONT Street. Reeelve regularly a full assortment of desirable Cl GOBS Isluoh they offer at low rates. for cash or ap pro ced eretht, Jelo ly PAWSON (r. NICHOLSON, tIpOICDINORth NOM. 019 a D 421 hI11109.111111::ET, Between Market tit f Chestnut etrt—.. PHILAE JAMES PAWLON. JAR. V. NW InS7 lr. SaLATE ROOFING.—J 0 EIN WELCH, 1 ,7 SLATER, is prepared to put on any amount of roofing at low rates. All work warranted to gwe ea tisfaotton. Orden gent to THIRD Street and GER SIANTOWN Road will be progritt4 attended to. im SALES -BY INSURANCE COMPANIES. 'DIRE 01'0110. MOIDICAI L. DAWIIO3I. ?Ao. H. $717/111.7. OHS H. BRovnt, B. A. BAHIEsTOaX, Mmuw.U.CAtur, I. L. BIMINI:1E1W ORD BTABR.PIIII4d4rt. forebsiT. • fell DIRECTORS E. P. Refs, • • • Foster S. Perkins, • Andrew R. Chambers, Earauel Jones, M. D., magi' . . D Jo r e . peho Maxfield, Johnß. rg l e aksM c u ert Wm. P. Dean J. E. Baum. EBRER,Prestdent. . DEAR. Vice President. ' AO-tithed AND TRUST. COM MUTUAL -111g_iN811- - t oonler of ems bolo term of ilife—tesitte Inains life mpereata In • •n ntro tracti devendinsim the • • • tors. Imignsse BEN. ! • Samuel B. Stokes, William Martin, James B. !doFarlatuL Joseph Il k Trotter, Jame., EntriAnn, Itheophilua Paulding; k i wt . A n f L o tc lter. /ottu*. Humor. Ban B. Aroher. Bainuel J. Ctingtiall Joseph M. llama, John O. Brenner. • em, Euston. L. MILLER, PresidoM. STOLES, VW. Praelt. tar.. sula JILRECITOJUI. Damn,' E. atones. J. P.l enluton, Henry Egoist Edward Der tea ic IL Jones Bract e. , paper PdPilvain% Thomas C. Maul. Robert Burton, • 4aoob Jona s, Jewels .I%P} Joshua. Eyre. Jana B. Semple, Plttsys D. T. Morgan, M MA. Ber_ger. ,r RTIN, President, RAND, Vice President .1101 BUSINESS CARDS. V. B. PALMER 11 - 5 TO LtoOKBELLERB. TH6 FIFTY-FIFTH PHIL A DELFHIATHADH BALE OR BoOKO, BXERBOTYrE ',LATHS, iko., vnll combienoe on TIONDA'I, EleptemborlY, • Catalogues in press. REAL ENTATE—AIIGUBT 14. -Orphans' Court Bale--Estate ofJohn Hannan. awed. Two vrick "DWELLING, Cathedral avenue, TWouty ?milli ward. Rape to—Two-46u Brick DWELWie. ad loijoh• ftraen intate—Two-story Brick 3WELLII4O, ad joining. • Or Court Hale—Eatete of Goolge Rundle, deed. GROUND RENT of SRI a year • Rome Estate—GßOUND RENT (4140 krear• 'Pereinp'onr Este—By ord.7 of Hem. Very va'tta Me LOT, 3 acres, 19 perches, on the Yak T oad, shove Nioatown lane. .ate Executors' Bale—Estate of Jo Fesnure 4 ' ATEA ht.Bo 4T ROTEL," at artalesburg, (resting on the river Delaware. Pere Bale. - STORE AND DW IN , Ifo. Al qua street , Third ward. - . Peremptory gale. of Oaf Thr.:z rr Brick DwEr i Ltrta, Titnifth erred north • Two Three-srory Erick litW.W.Lirefilt. Kos. ICI and 1256 Christian street. west•of Twelfth street. with two three atoll trick dwellings Itt the Ann on Thartow attest. , I, .1141,33. moteroua TlMiroixt; emir ATE. - Qn Tueeder. E feArMll2ll),' at 12 o'elook, noon. at The very Valuable property_belenging to tho-Plowtora Iran Compeer. satiated montoor county, eon suiting of about 2.000 acres very valuable mineral ore.. tinning rights. rolling milli. femme& r.seit i a dwellings. micas. kc.. hb Terms-422,000 cash, WIWI the proPertY&struck 011 i - - on the execution Of the deed, wit XI days or ale. 1160" Fall particulars ready in handbdts.. Sale iit jtos. 139 and 141 South MATH lOW, HUPERIOR FURIVPITIRS, FRENCH-PLAT esIR RORS, new) -FORTES BRthet3llLS CARPETS On Thursday Moscow, - At ft o'clooh, at the -emotion Store, an ewotteat of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant . pianp-fortee. fine remora, oerseta, eta, from fatedies megrim( sa housekeemns, removed to the owe for ocammieeee al le. MOM NATIIANB,- AU 0 TIONZtig Arm_oliir swattluanr,sinbaser , DlOSine el Fn..Lwa and OE Aims- , TO LOAM 824.000 to loan; Stria lowan run,- on dianiosida, watches, /Watery, elvetitlate, erg st, Seth/AG aro eerie., snar, hardware, fretlery ilthTollll, SUP. nittre, !Adding, and en gooilY ef eve . 1/014 large or am amounts, from'one litonat to for any length of time agreed on. - - lir The Oldest s. Establiahed Hoar its thle eits. seat Private entrance on RACX /Moe, • • air Business brows frcrm A. ni. to f Y. Heavy insorance for the belleint dtromitort. CHARGES WILY TWO TEA MGT Advances of tneeand aywards et.-twoi per ee,, Advances of ,SHIO, and mess % at one sr cent, los 'short loans." AT P.RryAT. !OLE: - • UR m NO t ET ERW ATLEE I . A TERT ft . a LEeVd Rt pati the canal eelhnt prices. gold lever and levies lista ee silver lever. and -Jerome watches , . Excilsb. &rise. Frenoh watches, at astonishing low renews, Jewelry a ll every dercmitlon. very low, gamii pistols. melee' In struments, first quality - or EaTanii 43111111111 at kilt this imvortatum price. in quantities tGaillt M. see various other lunds or goods. OUT DOOR` PALER • Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. • Consignments of any and mom_ kind ei g_oode sat_ cited. MOSES SATRAItiIiI. ST. LOOM, MO. WILLIAII6 I ,' BOYLE & I M., - . - Arrel TIORBER3 fr.l - 430MMIEBION,DilditOPIA.NTS, rm. 6 North MAIN St, , 2.4 T. LOUIS, Mo. ifetwitirly with Mosarsadrers, Claghord, UO.' glitlidia Of et their serrioes to the merchants, Paigamotar ~ ite, others of , Philadelphia, for the /allot_ dry COWL ear pets, boots , ekes, hardy , are: jenrelrr, VP Cash advance& made On Melt Of or Settlements made three days after Gale. Mere, RETERENCOO. • . Myers. Claghorn, &C o.. , rhaidesdsla." Stuart & Brother, Phdadebina. ~ Van Wyok. Townsend t & Warrens, ri•w Vosit , L. & 13. Curtis & Co„ ew York. Wood, Christy, & Co., t. /..0 , 1% MO. Crow. MoCrearr. &. Co.: `, nala-thstallY- ItIACHIAT.ItY AND IKON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND WOR.XB.—NEAPIE lk -LEVY. T, CID AL AND TIIF,ORDTICAL EfflalNala MAD R- NISTB, BOILERMAKERS, BLASp and FOUNDERS, having, for many years. bees is suocegeful operatme, I mes asolusively. engaged la building and repitifise asse_ond liver gin his and low pressure, Iron , Water Tanks Trope ,kg., o. t rsepectfelly offer their sersectotbe pa ut being tally preps eekt,to _contract r Zneines sizes. Marine River., SOW atation psnn[ sole paterns of different sizes. to girereti to traelllta el dere with quick despatch. liorerk ascription. or TstWrs making made at the shortest notice. Jima aid tolr: Treasure, Flue, Tubular, and C7bltree gd s of 4410 best Tenney trams °harem& iron. Forgunwrir sal eiSin and kinds; Iron and Prase Cutlet sof an - , erigaws/01, Roll Tinning. Screw Cutting, and sit other sort taw netted with the above Matinees. Drawings and sneeitioatione for all wort i slesur. establishment, free of charge , and work The imbeonbere have ample wharfdool7grat TA4I/- pairs of poets where they can he in perms and are provided with abeam blooks c ferse dale for raising heavy or light Weights. JACOB o.A timetw x, Junri P. 'BEACH. and P POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, Mr. 951 SEAM Street, Kensinaton, LIAM H. TIERS informs hut friends that,heetna iptr ohasod the entire stook of Fattens at-the abo F FA jrW rirt i T i td o Z n re.seigrdera !de l HOll5B Work, Uttering. mace fro m ' al heretort or Coeola Furnaces, in dry or vista nal. 91 4 loam. -maaar. - MAXIM: V. -VAIIMMAX SoutawAl l i To f N i ffir ELME ATM wAvarivroikenEsts. PRILAMISPHIA.. MERDJOK k EONS, ENGINEERS ND MAC IBIS, Alanefacture Dish and bow Prewar, Steam Skeelswa, for Land, River. and marine same.. Boilers, Gasometers, 'Durk& Iron Scab, Ara; OiletraSS of ali kinds, either Iron or Bras. - Iron 'Frame Roofs for Gan Works, Work Shows\ /tad road Stations, arc. . • Retorts and Usa Attiohinery of the Watt and noel Lve 'pmved oonstruotin Every description of Plantation Maehinery, malt 011 Baw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum ParmOses Steen Trains, Defecer i ern,Filtens, Primping Enthral, ass, Sour Aaents ..or Rdliens'sj'aWant Wallas D r h sr LI Z Animating. NavistyWn_Patent_ Wiest gamins Aspinwall & WOltief ratint Gentritivd Plaalainit. ant-e SAVING FUNDS. "A little, bnt often, Om the Puree." PRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136 Routh - FOURTH Straet,batweep Cheat nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all 'Deposita on demand. 'Llegoatio'rs' money scoured iry klovernmeat, State, and City Loans. Ground //Lents, Mort gagee,g =testa deems surety better than huge profits, profits, ooneequently will ran no nib with depo sitors' money, but have It at all times ready to return, with 5 per cent. interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never seepended. Females, married or single and Minor,, can deposit in their own right, en d deposit, can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perretnaL Incorporated by - the State or PennprrlTam a. with authority to receive mono* from trustees and executo LARGE AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Moe open daily, from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday evening until S o'clook. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, errs* Cadwallader. John Bhindler, George Russell, Malachi W. S loan, Edward T. Hyatt, Leine Krumbhaar, Henry Delany,. Nicholas Rittenhouse, NathattemleY. as. H. Batterthwriiite,_ Jones Yorkers. /mph W. Lippmeott. JACOB B. fiIIAINNW, President. CITIVES CADWALLADZII, TIVMIIIIII% 11,938-Y " A Dollar sawed is twice warned." SAVING FUND—FINE PER CENT IN -1,7 TEREST.—NAT[ONAL SAFETY TRuji_COef- PAN Y, WALN UT Street, eouthweat corner THIN Philadelphia. lucorp, ? reted by the State Penney - Walla. Lionel is reeeived in any sum, large or monall. and lll tercet rani from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The officio SL oneti every day from nine o'olook in the morning till five o °look In the evening• and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o'clock. Hon. HENRY in BENNER, President. ROBERT BELFRLDOE, Viol Pregident. WiaiLiAni 1. REVD. secretary. DIRICToRm: • Ban. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brawnier. Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee. Samuel X. Arl'ton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Munni, James L. Stephenson. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate ifilortsages, tironnd Rents, and such first- oleos securities as will al ways insure perfoot security to the depositors, and which cannot fail to give pennant= and' stability to this Institution. • aul-tv SAYING FUND-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Largo and small soma received, and _paid bank on de mend without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTh REST from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Office !MILTS, from 9 until 5 o'olank every day; and on MONDAY EVENINGB from 7 until 9 o'clock - . DRAFTS fir hal e on England, Ireland, and Scotland. from.t 1 upward., Preondont—ETEPllEN R. CRAWFORD. Treanurer—JAblES R. KUNTER. PLINY FlSR.Aotnarr, HOTELS. `T. NIQUOLAB HOTEL I.- BROADWAY, NEW YORK. When completed, nix years ago, the BT. NICHOLAS wan universally pronounced the moat magnificent. con venient, and thoroughly organized eatabliehment of Le nd on thia continent. What it was then it remains to ay—wi them a rival in size, in ecimptuousnese, and in t o general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The otel has aoconimodations for one thousand guests. in °lndio I one hundred complete suites of apartments for families. Six hundred persona can be oomfortably seated at the tables of its three publicaiming room, and non thing that modem art has devised for the cumvemenee AM social gratification of the travelling Paella bee teen omitted in its plan, or is neglected in 1M practical details. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-lire comforts ace luxuriee. has been en hanood every year by the unwearied exertions of the proprietore. mill 4m TRBADWELL. WHITCOMB. & CO. LEGAL. -•N COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. . - hetet° of MICHAEL GRATZ, deoessed. The Auditor appointed or the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of PRANK M. ETTING. Trus tee under two certain deeds of trust. one dated October Wit. 1019, by REUBEN ETTING, and ethers, to FRED ERICK hi.ATe e, and the other dated October 231 h, 1819 lie sod Bears to SIMON GRATE, and others, re corded reepeettvele at fluhtdelphill, to Deed Book el. W. J S. pp. I ii and PIT, of t..e Estate of Michael Gratz. I 1 , • of rile of Philadelphia. deceased, and to re po t it the balatee in tha handset' the an countant. a ill meet ths parties In interest, on MON- D Y, Auctii.t nth 1841, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his atm No. 4 16 w A I.r. UT Street, Philadelphia. 11 2t-tuthsst CHARLES S. PAN COAST, Auditor. CANDLES, PARRAFIN WAX, - FUR SPE/MARTI, CREMIC MAPT racked tit Arlain or fatly boxes to mit any market. Forr liA le t: m arkn E ts o li E t , e n til a an n ifast s me A , Rvas. taut rwrtf T ~en A B R Y a barrels Wilutington,.l. :torataorissuimmik EsesszlE