Our a ohanges , ~ie tilled witi, the results of the • laborrof the ponsiuttikere tkroughont tbi country : Warairown, Wts.`—The population of Water y:Wiesonsdn, as returned by the ,oentue-talter, • "''• "is 5,242 - The Democrat says this 'ls considerable < at of sr falling off since the 'enumeration of 1855. -6 7 ret.—'-'rba census dethe Second ward of `lloioity of Peoria has been completed, and shows , a popiatatiop of 4;800: • „(ImtaLitee4Wts.-The Ositedoosa Times learns ” the peprdation of Cskaloosa will fall a little, skort tflhree - theiviand._ • .12tannssieins;s, census of the town f. 7 .ll7COpirmsn Pats, no* &imitated, shows a populaa , • 5 tion-0f 3.940. In 1855 it was 8.855, there g n of 85, ,Thecensts him alio both 0010Pleted iti the tonti oirOolimbia, of population in that town is 1,886—a gain of 55 einoe the previous ewsaa W —Thi four tootling West ,. ,Jlsuattte are now nearly about the, same 42 same the, al. s:thottott.ten years ago:yam," wee in 'extraordinary Oen ttom,. „They now :flow about „•••;,," 1 44011onisoLevies, acme !sato frourthe Chleago Piss and Trisuns; andlltteintrg DisAteh : SC Louis 145,000 io'Pittsburg • •-1f01,6011 'Chicago - • 120,000 , statements are.not elided or exact, aid • the s estimiles vamfor each, but the citiee all as. ;;;,-"r"lap3;“aloorit the same rank. e c'ennus of Troy shows an in pelition over 1855,0 f 5 000 .orosme n the ' 7 • Kiltl6llo4,' Ir.-LThe census marshal his Qom, 'lodated ItterennmeritHen . of the' inhabitants' within 4 . r i thiresiirpeidtiOP of Hingston„; and they: number !!!isbout 4,610, - An ineresee of about 700 mace the • "imuiserstion a 1855. r ' : , 17:44ani;ulfr.:•The Argus says that the con '''"witrinarshals had'a 'nearly' completed their labors, and it ie eipscted their figures will show a: popu -1. de.tion of 76 000--ian increase '01''13,006 einLse the ::•' , s. ,, usetsas of 1855, - tind , ;2o,ooo since ' the lest 'United s - I , •e , 'R Atateenettourof 1850`.' ' , • -.libel Saw -Orleems Picarene publishes ani,artiele `; 5 ,,,• 4 '.' , .bn the census which presents a very fair'Sduthern ~ .The Picayune says 'the isensus of 1851 the aggregate number of ;elaVes,intseljnited Wes was 3,204.313. !Of this number, 246,856 were of , Mixed 'blood; !moittoes, ,The number of unmixed negrojiblo was, • Itberefore, 2 487;405., The free blaokend ulatto poptlation was 434.495, in the following Proper • - tions: blsoksr 275,400 ;rmulattoesils9,o9s.l yr • 'The entire white;popolation friths same'cansus , -was 19,553,068. The aggregate was as follows: Whites 19,553,008 • throes , • ' 3,204 313 _Preto black's and colored. 434,495 Total . 23,191,876 •-• The nuaibin of 'free whites by, the same teensue ,:watfdivided - as follows, , between' the. slaveholding rand non4latieholding States ' • - ' Non-elaveholding Stat es 13,830,450 . -k3lavekolding States 6,822,418 '-The-white population inoreastd - between 1840 and 1850 from 14.195 695 to 49,565 06S—a `lxieltfvo io neYesas 5,309;873 or 37,75 per Gent. on the 'aggro. - 1 gate of both seotiens. The ratio of inerrant; ht the nopslaveholding States,' was larger theft was in. thct'slaiiloiding States for that ottani The aces-slavisholding learns* for white population ex• elusively was , 39.42; in thellareh e lding States, 34.2fitt difference of about 51 per "'bent. tor ten j years. Considering the immense influx of gration into. the Nbrthern States, the sniallness of lihe excess was noted as remarkable. • ' same:rate,of hiereese the twoeiKitiohe will _-•" — etiore'bi the 'oeneuefof 1860 : White iohnbltants of non• slavehilding States..l&Bs9 7 t't White,inbabamita of alaveholdins States— 8,393 5 5 • Alliterate white p0pu1ati0n........ .1111.423,537 "Under the, new census, therefore, the proportion ,%fthe,irliitepopulation in the two aciotions, towards oaoh Jettiee:wlll - 'very nearly show nori.slar, • • "...betiding; 09 iiinient.; slaveholdlng, -31 per cci t. ;The non.elaveholding State; will hive largely more than tweAtiirde of, the whole white population of she Union. • .The number of slaves, which go to make Up tie ,;'''aggregate -of Southern population, Amounted, t:?. we have-stated above, in 1850, to 3,204,313. The, • gross Southern population wee,' therefoi,e, 9,52 .3 ~731 ; and,' under . the rule of the Federal app, r. tionment, counting thred-Afthe of the slaves, lb< re Federal numbers were 8.246,000, in • a whole ;e• presentative-population of 21,575,650 of „ whifrs, -di There is a variation -in these figures, for the fi c o blacks - counted in the ratio, 'but we do not snot der them here. ra Takiog the estimated increase of sieves Jul() the Aletulation, the numerical power of the South t% ill be oniarged, but tlie.sate of Increase will be st.ll found to be Tory deoldedrywith the Northi ; • whited in both sections increeised at' the ayerr.,3e rate of about thirty-fp:wen and a half pet oent. every ten years. The slave population we're:ll.d from 1839 - to , 1840, from 2,009,043 to 2,487.456 478.51,2, or 23 80'par cent. ; and from 1840 to 180, 716,758, ox about 28 80 per cent. At the same woo of inoressiOhe Census of 1860 will show an addition to 'the' nuieber' of slaves in the United States cf . 922.742, and an aggregate Wave *Tahitian cf 4,127,055—three-fifths of which is 2,476,253. i Upon these estimates,. the aggregate population returned' by the census of this year, not counting "free blacks and mulattoes, will be as follows': Non-sliveholding States 18,329,7 i I tilaveholding States: • Whites. .Slaves - Total 30;750,:92 The representative population will be 29,099,5;0, -of which the non-slaveholding States will htve 1.8,329,744, and the slave States 10,789,826! 6he proportion of political power, therefore, in. the popular branch - of Congress , between the, Notth and the South, will be nearlra e 63 to 37. , of UM - slave poPuistfon shotld continue in ,the same ratio, the number in tho United States in 1870 will be 5,380,000, and, dis carding fractions, will.be as ,follows, at humiessive " enuteeratioicf: 1880, 7,000 000 ; 1890, 9,100,0( . 0 ; POO, 11.800,008; . 1910 , " 15,000 , 000, and hhvirg nearly quadrupled itself in fifty years, and lb the lifetime of those now bornit may reach'to-50,000,- These, are starting figures, but they Presrnt probabilities and prospects which present topics of the most serious reflection upon the current pot cal topics of the flutes. We present them for Qs; use of readers and speakers 'who may not have L 'fort them - the long tables out of which they ;have - Sala prepared 11.111, RAMPAHLRE.—The population of 'N. W - 161:apatite, by the census of 1850, was about; 310,- '..000: It was thought by many that the census at 1860 would show an Increase of 375,000 or so, but a late estimate or guess sets It about 330,000. If this last estimate be correct, New Hampshire will barely retain her three representatives in Congressflus far the census shows a slow increase in pope ati4 in all the eastern agricultural dfitricts. SAN Taaactsco.—The new Directory of Edo , Francisco is jnat_published, containing the narn-ls of 26,000-men. This; allowing the ratio of lien to .population 9 to. be one to eight, would give a tot it ~, p opulittfon of over 200,000. - WasiThe returns of the census takers in Illinois indicate the population of that State' to be 1,800,000,, against - 851,000 in 1850. Evert this heavy 'increase: will be exceeded' by Wlaconsin. • ti-•Iows,• and Minnesotak toss; nothing of Kansas a t.d -'Nebraska. The old fogies Down Bast will bd seta • • - nitthedirherf the Airlifts Of the new 'cams are pub '.4entrig• Bidletit flue ~,,eomments on, the COMA as far, as it has develoy od --• • itself inThilad,elphis: porttift returns are sometimes made public' or ri , earning the population Of, Philadelphia, as the t e Aurne are!reintived .hy the United !states Mareh:.i. Tbey'shoir,lri *Ver base - , :renierkable increare. The Fifth ward, w hich was biallt -up • and finial: ad —years ago,' and Pei:lifting- a Inset Many stores end business establishments, la 'stated to have not lc ss than 24,000inhabitiints. ,, The Fifth ward sonsi,ts ''what' were, in the-'old subdivisions of the . :city, Dock, Pine, and• New Market wards,•wh"ch contained united , 20,130 inhabitants in 1850. • no lue"the'rward. is ' therefdra, " nearly ft ur thalami:id.. /The Seventh: ,Ward, which • hag the lame boundaries an Cedar ward fin lbe aid° oily, , hottisins not hiss than 31;000; while old Cedar Ward, in 1850, wee retiortad at,only O,OOV This Shows on Morena° of, ,about ',fwentAtiro :thousand, *hid; :Would apper, , eieeisitie 'to' theta' that have rof ebeerved the great improvements in the West( rn ' part of the ward, particularly along Spruce - —and • Pine streets. ~The and of the Tenth -, ward ( formerly North.; and lieu% Mulberry), is . - said• to be twenty-three thousands which is an in. eremitic of nearly three'thourandin 'ten years. In thic ) .-tbree • wards named— the Fifth, Seventh, end Tenth—the pepnitition now .is said to' be about 78,000, while , : in 1850 it was only 50,263. ; Vie , shows an average inorease of about 57, per , cent. I; many of thiti 7 wardiithere Wilt be as great an in eremite ss reported in the Tenth, in feW will ' f fit; be so , small: .as in the Fifthand , Seventh.' The - average rate of inOrefle . . 1 /irP4O I P I O ' the city v ill "probably be about:silty Ter eent,, making the no _ :potation over 60.000: - ,Setae estimate it as high se 4380400. Weithall know all about it before a great ,while. ~ , , . A.. , Lancrlltrrw.trron' nY A Darius-Tasten.— A,feerifgja pines, tom of. the assistant marsh le in • Iltosieestenr partof the city tailed - at the residence of a prominent , arrived at Alex andrialth JOB PRINTING. F IE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE "TH14.1 PRESS" Ls premed to exeonte neatly ' cheaply end expeditiously 'VERT DISCRIPTIOn OF FLAIR AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING. rA MrliLhTs, PAPER 1100 Rat BLANKS OF EVERY DEBORIPTION. 10671411, HANDBILLS. Printing for AUCTIONEhRS, LAWYERS, 14ERCILANT8, AIANUFACTURERB. NIECIIANICS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE AS orders left at the Publication Office of The rug, N 0.417 CHESTNUT STREET, will be promptly ttended Id. BREAD. pITRE AND CHEAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY TILE MECHANICAL BAKERY, lAN 111 OBTAINID AT THS FOLLOW/Na PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. corner of Broad and Vine streets. O. M. CLARK.— --Poplar street, below Tenth. H. MoNEIL.— S. E. corner Sixth and Coates Street. JATHO & SON,— ,N 0,226 North Fifth stree t. JOHN G. MOXEY No. 1523 Vine etreet. T. P. SMITH.— . —No. 115 North Fifth street. S. E. corner Fifth and W. W. MATHEWS. ----.l3.E.l l XnVinfl t efVenth and Locust streets. B. KNIGHT.— Broad street, below Wel. GEORGE GARVIN hl5 Lombard street, D. COURTNEY.— ----N. W. corner Sixteenth and Pine streets, WM COURTNEY—. -.... No. Boa South Twelfth strseL 8. R. WANAbIARER—....F ed e rat street, above Sixth. 8. ---Uorner South Fourth and Johnston /greet'. L, HOLLAND-- W. oornerSiXteerith an Ogden streets. DAVID BADDLER.-.........-No. 230 North Eleventh J. WEIGHTMAN----.Tfigtgnth street i. below 8. 8. TOMKINS, NTo. no giffl n c t ir e t e h Front Meet. W. corner of Seventh and Pine streets. re MORRIS...a.. W. corner Tenth an iihippen streets. E. B. TURNER..— 1215 Bout h Front street. SUUBTER S. W. corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEST --.--. Corner Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. S. N. H. corner Ninth and Federal etreets. J. MoinTYRE---- . .Twenty-eecond 'treat, ab. ALEX. FULLERTON...-:dA n e t r B 4Fiftli and Chris n. MRS. E. RAM8LER........-No. ti a 1731 Coates street D. F. & T, W. WOLF---. 633 Girard avenue. WAL McCRACKEN.— _2202 Hamilton street. R. R. BEAZLY— ,N. W. :gear of Twelfth JULIUS KLEIN Thirteenth...l3.% . ! .l oor. n o st e and Parrish street. 51. NIPPER_ E. c r ush of Fourth MRS. F. ELLIOTT Green street. and , Green street. J. L. HICKB.---- Camden, N. J., store 1/0 Aroh street. C. H. RA1N1ER......_..,.,, West Philadelphia, bath mt. ab. aver road. N. L. YARNELL.... Penna. JOHN BARNDT---- -- Tremont and Pine Grove GEO. B. TOWNSEND, -.- Virentester, Penns Ni. ,Atlantic City, N. J. D. NORTON-----. —. Florence, N. J. 8. P. EBERLEIN --Columbia, Pa, Jae-if • . eerie. a a haw price, rw na dress Wiil./71i8ON • • cencletreet. /7/63iii oIeFTOR FAIRMOUNT AND AROH•ST; . P.ASSENOER RAILWAY COMPANY . FA IRMoVNt. Jet y 61. 1N 0., DIVIDEup NoTic I.; —The Board of Dire° re have thib day deelared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per share ( 81.60) out of 'he earnings of th e Company, payable to theatookholdays on and after TVEADAY, AugUOt 7, next, at the tape of the Com pany. . The Trarsfer nooks will' be closed until August 7, next. UOO faun Jouti S. LAMB. Treasurer. OFFICE FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. FAIRMOUNT. July TS 188). ' DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Poard of Direetors save this d declared a eemt•annunl dividend of TWO DOL LAR. per share OD from the earningeof the Company, payable to the stookholders on and after TU.NADAY, August T. next, at the office of the Company. The Transfer 130oke will be closed until August 7 nest. P. D. MANNINO, YSO tau 7 ' Booretitri. *OMR TO 2IITILDMIB.—Tho Board of Commissioners under an Anselnbly entitled t. An act proy:dr.; the Prentice of Public) Buildings in too pity crl'hiladelphia," approved April 2,18 , 19 t, hereby invite plans and e.timatee of pest le , the bu.lit • lugs proposed io be emoted. These hulldinga are do- Biancd for the itecoltimcillstion of the courts of m Justice, anti ei/ appropriate offices. and the ve•al offices of roe:int of the county, and also for the accommodation of the several departmeots and officers of the mocku p4l government of the city of Philadelphia. They are to lle placed on Penn Square; the buildings for this courts. An., op the florthWeeterti station, anid those for the munloipalgovernment on the northeastern Seption of baldßqud P. 4 , .4 , • , statetnant Unto% ot the extent of actiommoda. !inn required for the respective departments and offices to be located in those buildings has been printed, and persona designing to prepare plane aro hereby referred for copies to WU of the Board of Commiesioners. • Ground plane. seotions,•plevatioN,, std perce:SAva views of eeaa builditig will he requisite, accompanied clear and full explanations. The estimates are to be accompanied by cninplete apecdfioations. and with explanations of the whole so simple, minute, and full that they may be readily com prehended by persons not specially instructed in arch,• taco ure. The said plane, eatimates, and epocifloations bo directed to the President of the Board, and furnished before the first dey efßinitteehrir.A. 1), 18thl. . _Each person eutindtting a plan must indicate toe ma terials to be employed in constructing tho buildings un der his plane. No componsatton will be awarded or paid by the Coin minium ars for the plane to be submitted, an hereby in, Niter!. untsl the means of earrying.the emit not of Assem bly Into effect ehail be provided, in accordance wan its terms. AL*. XANDER HENRY, President. JAMES R. LUDLOW. FieoretarY. Philadelphia, July 11. 1880 g - IFFICEDE THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY.—PuicA.- DZIJUIA, July 11, lB6o.—The rates of Freight and Tolls on Coal ttauspoTtud by thin totnnally Vhll ha an Moine, from July lb, until ftirthet liotioe To Binhood oe Germantown R. R.-- Falls of Bohn yllu)l,. Manayunk.....-- • EgberVe... Oanshobooken.-- Swede Furnace—.. ftsattl - V.s.. Nornst' n or Bridgeport V F o a r & y K e F n A d j . . : Phcerilxville -- ranungo..— Iloyer's Ford— ---- Lfinenok., Pottstown Douglassville —.• Monosaer Bards ooro.— • Fending —•-- • Tuokortou— nr Mobrinn 0.... . Orwagsb'g turd Auburn. By order of the Board of Managers. .1312-1 m W. H. IitcILHENNBY, See', TRADE MARK NOTICE. A. The. WASHINGTON MILLS, as the successors of the BAY STATE MILLS. purchased the property, goon will. and other rights of that company. The virASHINGITON MILLS, therefore, Maim the name of "BAY STATE" as their trade mark upon Woollen Goode. The under signed. therefore, cautions against any infringement of it as a violetion of the rights of this Company. Jyte-mwllm /OS. S. FAY, Treasurer: - pLANTEES' BANK OP TENNESSEE. Plasitviu,x, June 60, 1860. This Bank has this day declared a dividend of thi ty seven dollars and three-quarters per share out of too surplus or undivided outs of the Bank,payable to tno Philadelphia Steekhol r ders at the W HiTßßer BANK ea follows, viz : Ten per cent. and fractional parte of one share in CASH on and after She 16th July next, and the halftime either in otieh or new Stook at per. at the option of the Bank, on or after September 17.1860. By order of the Board. Jyajek, 11, 1 4 ,r.P.,.aitER, Cretter. V B. PALMER, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, gives his views of the primate and beat mode of Advertising, daily. between 10 and 4 o'olook. Address my/I-3m V. B. PALMER. F A J. BAYLIS TIIOMAB L • ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Bire riimoyed his Ace from No. kJ Arch street to No. 429 WAL.IIICT Street. Partioular attention Riven to the reeovery of Me roan tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Conveyances, Assiguments. Bnefs of Title. and other Instruments of Writing. The management of F,xeoutor- Adminuitmtoretups, and Trusts. superintended; and the beet securities procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Bansfaotory referencegiven when required. atOO-Cm• HENRY IL KEENE:, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has REMOVED his °Moe from No. 530 Walnut street to PO.Sts , South THIRD Sheet. trth22•6m• HORACE SEE, ENGINEER, and FAT Ayr AT'rORKEY, 0.114 Botts LX' arced. (Nearlyow/ate the Coulity CoUrthotute,k Freres Preroifloatiohle,Drawlryge, ko., and traneacts alt of ter business oonneeted with the otaalnins of Let tern stoat. awe dm* *Jr WAGNER JERNON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW S Mee. No. 110 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite independent:lo Bivare,) By the aid of reliarle nr itt p ofiFet different pointe to c la m s ned States, is enable to prosecute and collect cim eleven' deseriphon. Particular attention given to the examination and re al:meg of the claims of lbesatees and Devisees, and the ens nation of Land Titles and securing the interest: of he es and all persons interested in the same, in all parts of the Union. HM the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner LOT 1210131. 91th0111. Depositions carefully taken under Comnuesions. apll-6ln iIiaORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. Theise Syringe me situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard C ree k in the town of Arabama, Genesee co., N. Y.. eight. miles south of the village of Afedina, on the Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. Stir The principal Aold Springs are three in number ; beside' these there are six others . They are all loomed within a circuit of abont fifty rode. Ihe medicinal qualities of the waters are fully shown In the eubjoined testimonliale. They contain a very large amount of Sal. phur, Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate qf Lime, and Proro- Sulphate of Iron. The great medicinal virtuesnouns ed by these waters depend very largely upon the pre sence, much unusual quantities, of these curative substanoes. Hundreds of oases of disease. especially those result ing from the sorofulonsiliathesis, have been cured by their use, sir in Skin diseases—even in confirmed leprosy—the waters havebeen signally eueoesoful. Opinions of medioal and scientific gentlemen are given in the circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak In otrong terms of the medicinal value of these waters: pre Emmons, 1% Romeyn Book, of Albany; Jew MoNaughton, U. of Albany; Edward Spring, M. l ), of New York; Dr. R. Campbell, of Pitts field, Mane. • Dr. J. 8. Bhuler, of Lockport, N. Y. They recommend the waters confidently, Dr. Spring refers to a cast of chronic diarrhaa of several years' standing, which was cured by the use of the water. Dr. Beok says, I am satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as medicinal agents. ' Dr. Campbell says," Tney must be highly beneficial for all ()bream dioceses of the stomach and bowel,. CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS. __Pr. H. P. White read a. paper on the subject of these Waters, before the Academy of Physicians. in the city of Piew York, in which he states thst the Waters pos sess decidedly tom, refrigerant. and astringent proper ties; and that the class of diseases to which they aro more Particularly adapted are chronic affections of the digestive and urinary organs.and some of the swam.- 01111 diseases i chronic dyspepsia; chronic diarrhea; chronic dysentery' chronic diures is; chronic cystitis; diabetes ; oases of passive hemortheice.suoh as Purpu ra hernorrhogsea, and the oolliquative sweats of Henna Fever., The Water rimy also be often used with ad• vantage, he says, in oases of low typhoid fevers ; in coneatescencefrom protracted/goers, to excite the ap petite and promote digestion ; ludiarrhteas, particularly much as are deperdent on a relaxed or ulcerates' state of the ;moons membrane of the Intestine& In Wen lous affeotiene. or lithiasis attended with phosphatto sediments, It is the suitable ' remedy. being preferable to mimetic acid:as being more solvent and less apt by continued use to disorder the stomach. in febrile dis eases, it can bp weed properly diluted, na a refrigerant to diminish thirst and preternatural heat In skin dis eases—in those forms of dyspepsia connected wi th an alkaline condition of the stomach, as in Pyrosss, or wa ter-brash, it will prove better than hydrochloric. acid. In oases of Colicapictonum, and other injurious con eequenoes arising from the action of lead,. this water will prove to be an admirable? antidote. In chronic pharyngitis, faryngitis, chronic mucous catarrh. and humid asthma, chronic ophthalmia !externally) can gargle in ulcerated sore throats. in oases of sali vation, and in ieticorrh ea and Flea ; and also in piles. When taken internally, a wine-glassful of the Water. diluted, taken three times a day, is sufficient for an adult. LABELS COMPANIES. Other testimonials fromphysielane, and other re speetable individuals, may be seen on application to the Agent. Dealers aupplted on liberal terms. No Waiter genuine unless procured from 11. W. BOSTWICK, Sole ARent, No. 674 BROADWAY. . . . Now York. For Salo at fho following Agonoloa: FREDERICK BROWN'S Drag und Chroniou Kora. Northemt•oorner of FIFTH. and CIIEBTNLY &route. .. Also'for sale at FREDERICK BROWN, J rt.'s, Drug and Chemical Store, Continental Hotel, corner of NINTH and CHESITNUT Btreeta, Philadelphia. The Trade supplied at Wholesale Priem my IS. awl), TEE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUBAN ft. DALLEY'S MAQICAL PAIN EXTRAOTrhi 1] AS universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing applications In both the Eastern and Western Hentieniteree, wherever intro duced; and its intrinstc merit is the true secret of its nooses in all cutaneous erections, whether the cotter be escidsnt or &Nous. . • - • • • BURNS ec 04 SCALDS m pro instantly relieved of E".... their entuillt, pain ord in by a timely n-' application of this mnr vs Holes tattler, and the A flesh is renewed as if by A charm no H no blemish or near E ., remain ing._ THE FRIEND OF THE NURSERY, Children are frequent ~,, sufferers from external in mien, especially from ''' /quid and Cam:4;lllr Ez -3,4.s.ons—therefore. every mother ehould have this healing preparation eon- etantly on hand. It heal seed Breasts, and quickly 0., removes the TETTEIt or RINGWORM, so preen,- hiss in the 'tureen/. I'o TRAVELLERS BY SEA AND LAND. The a achiniet, the Tro 0 yeller, and every other in dividual whose lot in life " throws turn within the ohanoe oi aooident from CA ezploa lot I , fire, or rot li atom othoula bear in mind ...'1 that this hlagio Extractor is his beet and only friend. It is bothportable and cheap, and should ever be el his companion, an a friend in need. There are then , sands of living witnesses to testify to its marvellous virtue, who owe their "Ell il:,lll4,a'Palgu:VM 1 t tseavin for whi.oh tms,b i tylrmAsir- 7.4 CAL FAIN EXTRACT OR as a IR 'VENTIiaI ta an well an MIRE: Burns, l,ryslpoiaa, Soteisof all kinds, Bruises, Vistula . , hot Wounds, Boils, yrast Bites, Scrofula, Broken Breen, ' Fever Soros, Sourvy, Bites of Reptiles, Felons, Wields, Cancer, 41amlular Dm- Sourf, Crooked Lips 'sues, Scald Heat. Chapped Han'ds, Maronrial Sores, Sprains, Chilblains, Pains generally, Small Poe, Cramp, ' Pimples, Tumors, Contracted Corde, Piles,l'ettor, Chafes. Poison, Dicers, Aimee." of the Rheumatism, Venereal Sores, Skin, - ___ Brushes, - 4.0.-- Sold at the p_rinaipal Depots,l4 Broad Val, New Yea - , witillimd."B.c.,togrtertlattf;:iit.NlToaunr t n o g be 'y og! ob tained of all respectable Druggists and Merchants throughout the United States arid Canada, T. W. irrov . .., & SONS, 718 North SECOND Stoat, rely Wholesale Aunts for Fenner ivania. CANDLES, PARRAELNE, WA& ~ .8 CAI!. 81' MACE 4 I, OR ICAL Id_rbitAl. ADAMANTINE. Acnotto4 aizeti. Puked inl bo to milt any markt' plain or . ..., ture. 'organ!. by,t Tanta o ft 8 Inattu and 8 13 WIARVEB TRAIN do oftEON 43 SI . -. NOTICES. BUSINESS CARDS. MEDICINAL. faiLgoAD idNig. NEW 'ERI-WEICKJIA .1 'TY( NORFI 1 1 3.14 1 , 1411PTH R , i tt 6 A I 0 Philadelphia, • nunglOn. anMOJTu, altimore. and Delaware Railroads, thence by the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk and Portsmouth, Ca. ~ On and after 3nly 9th, patmengers front .PhiladOl phia will take the 8.15 A. CI. train at the &Moo corner &tread street and Washington, avenue. on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and " aturdays, arrlvina at Sea fmaordrpftitigt e lti o . a , m n e n r d_ rh n i t i Zo it, j rf i c o, lk wi ti l a i r o ly e,v r i h N e or n r ej tk t theqtt eyenins or 61brulaY. Wednesday, ,and I , riday, r h o i rMatf i nt t li i tD . e i lein at Seaford, which arrives at b Fare r fitst-olaas passengers, including iiiehls on the oat. fo r 8 Second-ohms passenger., inoluding meals on the boat, $4 60. Freight taken to low as by any other route. For further partioulars, eels email hand-bills at the hotel*, and other pubilo places, or ins into of. , J. DAB4{, Aseht., Itt i kti r , 6 l l 2tle f r' a rgr a ali hi Er t t b a n t”ot a* : l Y 27 lm P. W. tc H . R. P u l3l . T , II 7' t A ll ii rl D. l3 R To o l , , CONCORD 18U0. Btrhtnewn iiiinestirAett. 1600, The shortest and most direct route to Lake Winnipe saukee. North Conway . , Franconia, and White Moon tams, from New York. Boston, Salem, Newburyport. Frtsmou It, &o. No ohangnof WWI or baggage between Boston and Littleton. Trains leave Boston from the t moots of the Boston and Lowell and Boston arid Maine nailtdade. At 7.90 111.1 r contra Harbor, Plytnotit9. , Wells Rem Littibtbn, . At. Johnsbuty, arton. Stinetend, ebnneott 0.5 Centxs Illttfmr Striste for North Conway and Rae. 111011Xlialti 11- mouth and Littleton for Franco and hite Mon - tains, arriving at the Flume. Profile, Whi te Mountal mid. Crawford Housessarly same Afternoon, • .. • Passengere leavins Boston at 1.30 A.A.., ton at stage P 01.,and Profi House. _Franconia ^ Mout by stage, at 5.30 P.,91 or White Mountain and Craw ford Rouses at the White Mountains. at 7 10 I'. 01 Leave Boston at 7 30 A. M. and 12 Al. connecting at Lawrence with trains from Salem and Nowbur• port; at Concord with trains from Portsmouth for Plymouth.. Centre Harbor, and Wolfboro' • oonneotins Weir's with the steamer Lady of the Lake, Captain Walker. arriving at Centre Harbor earlier than by any otner raite. Downward trains. for New York, Worcester. Oettlit. Salop. ,Newb,IGYPOt t, Ftirtisilibuth, ftd., leave ttioton at _0.1 , 7 A. M. , or on arrival .of s ages trim Franconia and White Motintains, Ireave_Welle ftsvet at 10 20 A. 111., or on arrival of train from Balton and Et. Johnsbury. Leave Plymouth at 720 A. M. and 110 P. 111„ or on arrival of states from Franconia Mountains. Leave u' Leav•e P. 91., or on arrival of steamer Lady f the Lase, ar, OW at Poston, worpesjer. Salem ,' ewburypory, Portsmouth. early same aitornotitt. and New York via Norwich line of steamers, Connecticut and C. Vanderbilt, ate next morning. IYIO-1m .1. A. DODGE, Superintendent, WEST CHESTER Ilif o glilglifiAND PHILADELPHIA IA . EII.faIEIARLAMT. • On and after Monday,,July 111,h 1860, the Pasmniger trains will leave PLIILADELPHIS_, from the Station, corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty-first streets, West Philadelphia, at 7.30 and 10.30 A. Al., and SAO, Lie, and 8.80 P. M. 1,21. AM 173 T CIIESTER.,,from the _Depot, on East Market street, at 6.40, 8, and 13 f A. fl., red 1.44 and 8,18 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast oorner of Eighteenth and Market Streets, at 8 A. AL and 2 P. M. Leave West Chester, at 7.30 A. M. and BP. 81. ~Thelast gthigiever railway oar will leave Front and market streets Mintitee, atid .ighth and Market streets 28 minutes, before the starting time Roth the de pot. an Baggagerry a fins leave ote.it.. . • , The Car will Eighteenth , and Mate streets one hour, before the departure of the train from the Went Philadelphia depot. Trains leaving at 730 A. M. and 1.6 Tit. ' and. o W edneedaye and Saturdaye at 439 P. M connect a'. Pennetton with trains for all points on the Philadelphia and ItAltimore Central Railroad. °thee and.weltlm; room- eoutheast corner of Eighth and Markut Where pasidlngprB, tirohneing tickets for West Chester. will be luruisheatitlia octet over the passenger railway. 11ENRY WOOD '• 173-tf General Superinten d'ent. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL, RALLROAMMR ARRANOEMENT.-011 and aftef MONDAY, Jttly Oth, 1880, the trains will run as follows: Leave the passenger depot of the arypt Chester and Iladelphis Railroad. Co, Oilmen Market and Thirty, rat etrpets. -West plifindelphia. daily (Biindaya (dimple lat 7;59A. M: and 4.46 P, • On Wednesdays and Saturdays an extra train at I'. M. Leave W est Grove at OMand 8.60 A. M., and 4.50 I'. M. The 1.30 A. M. '1 rain from Philadelphia connects di. rent with a daily line of binges via New London and Oxford. Returning leaves Oxford at 6.30. A. 61., non neating witlkthe 860 A. M. train from Weet(Love. The beauall scenery and well-known healthfulness of Delaware and Chester counties offer &avocet in ducements to those looking.for summer boarding. Freights for thief lino reoeived. at No. 1816 Market Bt. A. R. BURTON, Philadelphia, Jane 28,1860, Mule Superintendent, NORTH PENNBYL- Ilaikria wow, namnoAD. , For •At ' RAW , DOYLESTOWN, BARTON, MAIJO L LI R. I ZLETON, ECRLPY.,W RITE' 1 MAYEN, WILKEBB RRE, WILLUMSPORT, (lc o. THREE R ROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, July 2d, MO, rassoneer Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW ntrests.Fht• Well& a, DAILY. (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 8.38 A. P.l.(Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Williamsport, Ice. At 2.30 P. M.(Exeress).for Bethlehem, Easton. &o. This trsm reaches Easton at 0.60 P. AL, and makes °logo & 0 eon:notion with New Jamey Central for 2 , 4 els . Yol2. At 6 F. Al. for iiethleitolil, Alieiiioctfi, teltifioli ehtthk, . • • At 9 A. 21. and 4P. I'. for Doylestown. At 10.30 A. M. and 630 P. 31. for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. M. Express Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkembarre, and to all Ig.lnts iii the Lehigh Coal Region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: M. Leave Bethlehem at 5.52 A. 31., 9.20 A. M. and 5.231'. Leave Doylestown at 2.30 A. AZ and 4.25 P. M. Leave Fort Washinten at 8.28 A. M. and 2 15 P. M. SUN DAYS: Philadobibis for Bethlehem at 8 A, PL._ Philadelphia for Doylestown, eta P. 31. Doylestown ? or Philadelphia at 6.40 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5.00 P. AL Fare to Bethlehem-841 501 Fare to Maneh Chunk.s2 80 Fare to Ea5t0n........ 1 601 Fare to Doylestown.. 080 Through Tiokets mast be procured at the Ticket Of fices at WILLOW Street, or BEAKS Street, In order to satiate the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except l!anday Trains) connect at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second and Third-street Passenger Railroads. 20 minutes alter leaving Willow Street. Jy3 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. givitimmoi PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. REDGOTION OF FARES On twenty- APRIL gd, lartk Commutation Tlcketa, with am noubbee,*lll be termed, goop fbt the holder and ahr ruembOt of his fam il y, °lastly a -tenser Train, and at , thy Woe. They *ill be sold by the Treaimrer, at the odlee of the comOttur, No. g:77 South FOURTH Street , at a redaction of twenty-flve yet cent. from the regular tarot. Parties wishing to enjoy the Mummer in the Coilntry will find this e very deniable route, the Bohurpll angl I..ebarlon Val leys betrf among gtAra !a ll2:ant7N4l;o4)Z:fa a Llt " 8. BKAO.BORIL Treasurer. PIIILADELVIIIA, Man:3llll6th, 1850. mhg7-tf RAM MININ SUMMER ARRANGE PRILLADELPHIA_, WILMINGTON, AND DALTI MORE RAILROAD. - - - On and MONDAY.eaier July 9, DM, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PitrILADELPRIA, For Baltimore at 9.1 i A. M., If noon, ( Lapland anti u.p 91. For Cheater at 0.16 A. 01., If 1/0013, 1.11 1 . 6.80,6.00 and 11.10 P. Ft For Wilmington at 8.10 A. M., If noon. 1.16, 6.00. 7.(61, and 11.10 P. Al For Kew Castle al 8.10 A. M., and a.m r. I , or Middletown at 8.114. M., mlol_6.ool'. M. For Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 6.00 P. 01. For Harrington at 816 A. M.. and B P. 1.1. For Milford nt 8.15 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursilai a, and Saturdays at 6.11) I'. M. For Farmington at 6.15 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6.00 P. M. eor Seaford at 8.16 A. M. Monday a, Wednesday,, and Fdday a at 11.M1 P. M. For Salisbury at 8.18 A. M. tar Train at 816 A. M will eminent at Seaford on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, with steamboat to Norfolk.... . . • TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave BatDmore at & A. M., (Exams,/ 10.15 A. • d LM P. M. Leave Wilmington at11.30,&30, and 11.10 A, M., Lai 40, and 8.36 P. M. Leave Salisbury a 11.60 P. M. eave Seaford, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, t 7.20 A . M.. and Yle • Leave Farm lan on. Tuesday!, Thursdays, and Satur days, at 800 A. At. and 0.15 P. M. leave Milford, Alondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7.50 A. M., and 4.00 P. at Leave Harrington at &Di A. M., and 4.80 P. 61. 11611 , 70 Dover at COO A. M., and 6.20 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.05 A. M. and 6.40 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.00,10.68 A. M., and TAil P. M. 9 Leave Chester at T. 40, 9.10 A. M., 12.04, 1.22, 6.80, and .16P. M. rr Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10.16 A. M., and 6 26 P. M. TRAINS FOA BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 0;0 A. M. 12:28 anYll.4O P. M. Leave Wzlminatan at 9.2 e A. M.,12.ab P. M., and 12.20 A. • . . FREIORI"NRAIN,,rith PABq,NGER CAR attaohe4. will run iu follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plume at a F. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate plaoes at 5.00 F.M. Leave Havre-de-Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate plume at 6.00 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Graoe and intermedi ate place, at 4.00 P. M. fiIIND Ph AYS Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.26 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Jy7 B. M. FELTON. President. 1860. Misimwsi - 1860• SPRING ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW • YORK AND WAY PLACES, From Walnut-street Wharf, Wilt leave as At 6 A M, via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Acoom- TARE, modation.-- —B3 23 At 6 A M, via Camden and Jeremy CiV(ll. J.)Ao commodation., .„ 226 At 9 A AI, via Camden and - I;;;lii . City, Morning Mail— .....600 At 11 A M, by Steamboat, via Tammy and ',jersey City. Western Expreaa. 600 Atl2% P M, via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation— At 2 P M, via Camden and Amboy, C, and X. Ni- Press 3 00 .... At 4 P Al, bySteamboat vie. Taa mar and Jersey City, Evening Express. ....... . 00 At 4 M, by Steamboat via Tacony and 'Jersey City. 2d Clue Ticket . 125 At 6 p M, via Camden and Jersey City, hviMing ... . 110 ..... At 11 hlaup M, via Camden and Jersey City, Southern Alail At 5P My via Camden and A — maoy A—ocommoda !ion, might rind Passonger,l—leh Claes Ticket. 220 1 Id The P Mail Line, rims daily. The lII' AI, South ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Bastott, Lambertville, Flemington, Ste., ateA M and 41' sd, from Walnut-street wharf. and 7.10 A 31 from Kensington. For Water Gap Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesharre, Montrose, Great end, ko.,at A. 31. from Walnut- Street what f, and 7.10 A. Mfrom Kensington, via Bela" ware Laokavranns. and Western R. R. For Mount golly, at 6 and 9 A. M., 2 and 41G F.M. For Freehold, at 6 AW. M.AYLINE, and P. M. S. For Bristol, Trenton, sto. at V: and I'. M. from Walnut stree wharf, 11.11, A. M. and 53( P. M. front Kensington, For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Burllne ton. Florence. Bordentown, eco., at 1234, Land 414 P. M. Steamboat Joe Belknap for Bordentown and Interme diate Places, at 214 P. AI. Steamboat Trenton for Tacony, at 11 A. Al. and Tneeny, Beverly, Burlington, and Bristol, at P. M. Fifty Pounds of Bag gage„only, allowed earth PaSsen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as 'baggage but their woaring apparel. All baggage aver fifty pounds to by paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $3lOO, ex cept by special contract. apls WM. If. GATZMER, Agent. aIiAINIIRELAIIRA ROUTE,_ . MIR RAILROAD PHILADELPHIA AND EL- A ' QUIOREBT EOLITH to Tamaqua, Catawissa, Ru pert, Wilkesbarre._ C Seranton, Danville. hlilton, Wil lutlessort Troy, alaton, Canton, Elmira. Buffalo, Niagara Falls , Roohester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Chioago,St.Loule, Milwaukee, and all points North and West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, ponier BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal lowhill street,) daily (Sundays excepted), for above p%ntskaa follows : DAY EXPRESS.,.— ----ROO A. M. NIGHT EXPRESS.,.. —...„,.....3.30 P. hl. The 5.00 A. M. train oonntiote At Rupert, for Wilkes barre.. Fifteen. Soranton, And all stations on the LAtiKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above truing make Olivet connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie.Canandaigna end Niagara Falls, arid Buffalo, New Yolk and Erie, and New York Central Railroads, front all points North and West, and the Caudal,. Baggage oheekt.a to Elmira, lo,and Supermen Bridge, and tali. immediate iminta. i l ekets oanba i ruined at the Philadelphia and El- Ira Railroadliw a rs'l 'akin 011105, northwest corner of . 01TR arid COW ~. „kis UT Streets, and at the Passenger Depot %Bug _ .ANTlEE t inl A ya i lf,Rxv i niLi,. .1 Leave , t e PhD ielphia an% Reading Depot, Broad and Callow 1 I sire I Melly (Sundays excepted), ter all points lista 1 North, at OY. hi. Preis ta mu be delivered before 3P.M. to Imre their going thi 07118 day. For further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEEN rri and CALLO'WHILL. or to .', CHAN. 13, PAPPEN, General Agent, t Vortirrr.est earner 'HAZE end I OILESTN UT - Streets • Mall- , • ,• - • • • - • -,- .. hiladlphia., RAILROAD LINES. agg 'W4WEST CHESTER TRAINS via PENNSYLVA_ NIA RAllol OAD, leave depot, earner EIJEVKNTR and MARKET. al 7a] A. M., 12.301'. M., and P. M. On Sunday, leave Philadelphia at 8 A. Al., and .Weet Chester at 1 P. M. 1310-t[ Iflt PRNNSIVANin ORNTRAL RAILron A. • -. •460 MILES DOUBLE 1.860 1860. THE cApAciTtt g . 79 W EQUAL TO 4`yEN ER'l.'BAlhtt BET yr r - ! l. ° 1 , 41.01'; AriiitiFtrynfi L UßO, Connecting dire ot - at firm Bile a t ton, Now York, and all points etll in the mon opal at Pittsburg with Through Trains to h ram a points in West, Northwest, and Southweat thaaitnishing militia' for the transportation of PasSerlgert utistitpromed for speed and comfort by any otrr toa ' xerbas and rd4t fan thrhogh to Pittsburg, without change of Larger Con elatitors. All through Pas longer Trains provided with Lougliriage'll_ patent i3rake—epeed underperfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the sanity of traveoers. Smoking care are attached to each Trani; Woodrnirs Sleeping Cars to Express and Faat Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines. Sun days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at / 20 A. M. Elp st ri l i ' g' e rrai:: leave, " t tse - WiY.TRAINS LEAVE AS FOL o : rams r i g Accommodation, via Colum is, Si'. AL Columh • COO P. M. Parkeaburg 5.40 P. AL West Chester " 1290 P. HI. West Chester IW:stingers will take the Mail, West Cheater Accommodationond Columbia Trains. PasSengergfor Buribut V ,Wlllimpaport, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and inteurthediste Pointe. lent , rig rig ladtlphin 7.11 A. AL and 2P.AL go directly forigh.o Tickets Westward may be obtained at the ofiloes of the Comeau, in Pluladelp_hia, NC* York, BeejOe > ,, or Bal timore ; and Tioketa Eastward at any of the i 'm 'portant Railroad Dineen in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Stemmata ou the Mteauciirm or Ohio rivers. . . For further information, apply at the Faasenger Sta tion, igotithenakoorner of Klpvanth and Market Streets. The . oomiletion of d ttiefirt:rn oivineetiorui of the ri . ARVIATA I IY e D THE vrg. The connectio n of traciae by the Raltroad at Pittsburg, evoi ns all drayage or ferriage of Freight, t oo th er w i th t Naples of time, are advantages readily anyteetAted boy hihiPPsers of Freight, and the Travel ling Merchants and Shitrars einttting the transportation of their Freight to this Copioi....t, r Ol7 with 'swift datm onita syeedy_transit. THE RATES OF FRENIRT to and from any Witt in the West by the Pennsylvat It Railroad are at nil limes as favorable as ars started by mass liesilread, Compaisis,. read. Intilendar tO mark packages" 'ls Penna. Un . For riMtlit Coatrapts or flhintioc Dirootiotte, apply to, or address either o. the fnielrimi„rige eta of tile Lorri van,' O A. STEWART, Fittstrurs; R,R. rz e roe as C,0., Zanesville, 0.; J. J. Johnitop , Ripley, 0.1 R. McNeely, Maysville, Ky.; Ormsby /c .Cropper, rOlt . riffilluth, 0. ; Paddock er, Go,, Jeffersonville, buli mia, 11. IV. Prom A. go.,Oinoinnati, O.; ,Athern & Ribbert, (imolai/an, t'. ; r. C. Maldrismatellison, Ind.; Jos. L. Moore, Loipsville, Ky.; P. tr. tv)uley 4,, 00., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. 'Witham k Co., Cairo, ~..,:l. A. F. Bassalhaler & class, Bt. Louis, Mo.; John H. Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Rams /c_annt, Memphis, Tenn.; (Marks et Co., Chicago, 111.LW. 11. H. Koonte, Alton, Ill.• ert Frauslit Agents of Railroads at different points to ?lie lest. B. 0, IPJOSAI:L I I., .1:. Thiladelphla. 111A0 AW KPOI polthostokßnittitot.l. $ bEE(111 & ~ .1 sor J/oncl, vr I 1 3,Wiatert at,, rt.P. LL AMIE &TO., . ,-6tatoistr_oet, idohuu. A. /If ii y TOII, Gau'l Meeight , Agan Phila. 1,, j,, T Clen'l. 'Picket Agent, Phila. E. LE" I , Cit:. 0 1101+.1 Altoona, Pa. IW-li • . - 11! IN' PHILADELPIIIA A S.ND READING RAH, SOAD.--. 7 PAS ' e. 31 TR/1 1 / 9 1 for POTTSVILLE, READING and HARILIMIIIR MORNING LINE. DAIL ir,Pt.tdarri 6.lteepteell.) Leave New Depot, oornor of ROAD aua CA' tI,9IV HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, ( Passengor ontranuee on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets tat 8,00 A. AL. connecting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, I P. M. train manias to Pntshntr ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. M. train rennin,: to Chamtinrehtirg, Carlisle An. ; and the NORTH - KILN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train. rename to San burt,l 4.VT.E.R.TWON Leave NeW Dee, co at of_Aft Ica end CALLOW HILL Strome, P ILADELTD I A,( anger enttnr.nen on Thirteenth and on Callowhill garnets ' ) Or POITS viLLH aod HARRISBURG, at 3.89 P. 81.. DAILY. for at I P. AL, DAILY, ( 6 'anattln en- Clertaa.l DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING Frtom PUILA.DALFRIAR AILRO AD. To Rending.-- 08 : Lebanon.. ..»......... 86 Danhip.— —...-124 Millersburg .. Sunbury. 169 Northumbetland.—..m. A 1—..... . • .-.7611 hluner Jersey 2321 Look II aven.—.»....236 Williampert and Elmira Tr O T ..... Railroad. Elmir Philadelphia and Rending and Lebanon Valley.R.R. ,mire.. AOC A. AL, and the S. P. M. tram connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays excepte_ ,d ) wit WISSA, WILIAMSPORT and ERIE RAI L ROAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Falls, C DTAITIPI7III " L a VTP n Ii th rAI a C t- ornar of BROAD end CALLOWEILL Streets. ap23-tt w. Y. MalLßENNEY.Secretars. PMELPiA(iEji:IAIp bfjTOW ILROAD-S UMM Eft On and after MONDAY, May 1 4.1880, FOR GERMAI4I OWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, and 12 A. 1,1, 4,6, 6, 674, 7, 8. 9, 104% and 11% P. M. ' Leave Ciermantsywn 6, 7)70, 8, MC it, 10, 11,11 A. 1,2, 8, 6,7,0, 671, SA" ' r 'kp ti DA SI Leave PhileSSlihia 01., S. S, 9, 714, and 1.0/4 3 46 cs mown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.1 hi , 014, an TNUT HILL RAILROAD. andLEATO Philadelphia 6,8, 10, 11 A. M., 3,4, 8, 654, 0, 1. 10 P.M. Leav X e Chestnut Rill 7.10,_ 7.40, 9.40 11.40 A. M., 1.40, 0.40, BM, 8.40, and 1.10 P.M._ ON SUNDAYS, cave Philadelphia 9.00 A. hi., 2,_11, and P. ave Cheetnut Hill SAO A. M., 1340, 8.10, and 040 min, P. M. FOR r.ntlenoptocicEz. Alva itoRRIsTawN. Leave Philadelphia OM. 74 9. .06. MIA, A. H., 1.06. Sus, 04, 5.08, 8.80, and 11% P. M. Leave Norristown 0, 7, 8.06, 9, 11 A. M., HS, 1.54, 0 and ni P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Buladelphiali A. AL and 9 and 6 P. U. heave NorristoßN A kape g li . P. Leave Pbiladelphl 840 TM. 9.08. 11.08 A. M., 1.01, 1.01, P.M 04, au, 610,8 , and IN' P. M. Leave Manastinh IC 7%, 8.14, 974, and 1154 A. M., S. 0.00, 8,6%, 3, and .. P.M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9A. M., 34, and a 74. /mare Manayunk MLA. M.,134, 604, and 1'( P. M. tl9-tf HD K POT. NI NTH a a d S GR pe E ri E n N e n S d e s. NOTIOE.--011ESTER, 41111TISIVALLEY RAILROAD—PAR- IittNI3ER TRAI 8 FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE (STATIONS.—On and aßerlith May, MO, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Roadins Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and OALLOWHILL Stream, (passenger en trances on Callowhill. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at 8.00 A. M. AFTERNOON YRAIN far Downicrtewr, leave at P. M. • DAILY (Bandar' annapted.) Br Order of the Board of Managers of de fkiladolt llc nd Beading Nallyrmd Co:npany. apt W. H. AIcILHENNEY. Secretary. as aims WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS VIA. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD. Loave Depot, corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, 'fatty (except Banda. at 7.H A. M., MO P. M., and 4 r. M. Leave Wed Chester at 1.4$ A. M.. 1043 A. M.. and 3.10 P. M. SHIPPING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL 13TEAM SHIP8. PROM niw TOLE TO Livittomot., Chief Cabin Passage— —.—_ meoond Cabin Passage.— 71 PROM BOSTON TO LIVkSFOOL. Chief Cabin Passage— Emend Cabin Passage_ . 60 The ships front New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor, PERSIA, Capt. Judkins, 'CANADA, Capt. Lany, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, A MERICA,Capt. Millar, ASIA. Capt. B.C. Lott, NlAGARA,Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry SI clear white light at masthead green on starboard b.w; rod on port bow. NIAGARA. Millar, leaves Boston. Wednesday, June 17. ASIA, Lott, " N. York. Wednesday. July 1. EUROPA, Leitch. " Boston, Wednesday, Jnly 11. PERSIA. Judkins. " N. York, Wednesday, July lg. ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, July IL AFRICA, Shannon, " N York, Wednesday, Aug. 1. CANADA, La n g, Boston, Wednesday, Aug S. ASIA, Lott, " N York, Wednesday, 10. EVROPA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Aug. 92. Pk A RSIA, Judkins, N York, Wednesday, Aug. M. iserthis net 'scoured until paid tor. An experienced Surgeon on board, The owners of these ships will not be so eountable for Gold, Silver. Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preemie &once, or Metals, unless bllle of lading are signed therefor. and the value thereof therein expressed. Far freig ht or passage apply to E. CLINAII iny3 Bowling Green. New York FOR THE SOUTH.—OLIARLEB. TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& FREIGHT REDUCED. 'Leary Freight et an average of7lYY7an ref nent. tow New YorK - PiiirSgniTElToN, B. Cr. The U. S. Mail Steamship t(EYSTONE STATE.. Cap fain Chas, F. hlarshman, will rail on 1 nesday, August 7, at le o'clock A. hl. Through in se to so hours—only 40 bolas et Bch. FORS AVANNAH. GA. The U. O. Mail Steamship STATE. OP GEORGIA Captain John J. Garvin, will mail on Fruday. Atn;ust 10 at 10 A. M. "Ihrough in 68 to 60 huarn—only 48 hours at nee. illirSailing days changed from 006 Saturday Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bag of Lading signal every dal. The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamehips KEY STONE. 13'rATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ton days, thus forming a five-day nommu nioation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southweat, . _ ••- • • At Nth Charleston and ISayannah, theme Shires con nect with eteatnere for Florida L and with railroads. to., for all Omen in Le ktouth and Nouthweet. iNBUILANCIE. Freight and Insurance on n large erooortlon of Goods shipped south will be found to be lower by these shir.o than by sailing vessels, the - rinuiunt being one-half tlta rate. N. B.—lnsuranoe on all Railroad. Fraiyht is entirely unnecessary, farther then Chailcaton or /Savannah, the ltailroad,Conlynnien tnkm a , l risks /corn these pent& ItEDUGTION IN VAIUS. Fere' by thin route 25 to 40 per cent. ohearar than by the Inland Routo r as will be scan by the following sche dule. Through tickota from Philadolnhia. via Charles ton and Savannah stoarrushirv,lNCLlMlNG MEALS on the wholo ionic, oxcart trom and Savan nah to Montsomory LAND C:. To Charlorton-,.—gna 07 Charlet lN On. VA— -.3W 30 savannah. - 13 00 tioNanuali.-._. 01 00 Auguntn—...r D) 00 Augusta —..___. 23 (0 P.lncor. -_-_. 21 00 Macol .- _ 32 76 Atlanta—. -_. 22 00 Atlanta...-. , NI Ird Vea1un1tag.............. 23 00 riolumbar-__,.___ 06 00 Alban,— - -.. 0.1 ( 1 0 Albany...—. -..... 31 09 Montgomery- -.. :1 00 Mbntgontory._. - . 30 ba Illobile.--. ._. 10 00 Mobile 4110 Mew Orlortnn__. iS 71) Now Orleans ..... 01 IA No bills of lading signed niter tho ship 033 railed. For freight or bnera.ro r.byly uu U5.e.....1. .3! iocctnt whr,rf above Vine sire/si', or to ALEX. Ill:at/N. Jr, llocthwelt corner I , ollltpti A ull W11 .1 1'1'!'( Ulf, Arent. in Charleston T. 13..% 1. G. 1.1111 . 11). tIP. UNI I 1411, L UNT/111..1 CA al NH 11.1.. Fer Florida Irons Chnriecton, ste3nicr i'lrollus every TuerdaF. Floridalror from Bay/ulna:l, ztet.Mdr.l St, Mir y'k any. Bt. J 01,1 1 .4 f1Y01 , 7 TUOVIST and Battirdmy. EXPRESS COMPANIES TIIE ADAAIS EXPRESS CO., Offiee 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Farce's, Packages. Merchandise, Bank Notes. and Bpacie, either by its own Linea or in connection with other .Express Companies, to alt the principal tor. ns and cities of the United States. B. S. SANDFOR D, General Superintendent. HARDWARE PACK AGE HOUSES. 4.:PACYKAfiII liARDWARE lIOLTSE.--Wo tz- :roul9 rorreulally uall the attantion of the Gero .r.t CI, Tuoic to our extentivo Stool: of BIR- V1.4611A.7d Ifait2)WARY:, labtan era oTrr ct aameil a - ,r.neo the vac:at:G. erlf.ta for thrart I toy ol tation a,ilo)ted, and 12100 all 470- Ist illtie)ty‘ Now Vert. nr rievrOrleMM NV Gt. /XS/ Iti dc. Hop, Cba1305174_1.11C.F1 Sttrat t o tud (luiloatnlun id , " oaf: .'2l. 2:1t1..i11, FIBIRM ENNEBSY BRANDY.-70 casks, in hag 1711,1:. qunrter rtnes...n.ll{ pm 's, rot,ft, 014,bi • 4Rayu-iisti •• - --Oh% -Whin y-- VURNESS, BRINLEY & 00,, No. 4:0 mARKEI. StNEET Tv P. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Fuu• • censor to B. SCUTT, JR.. 431 CtIEeTNUT Et. CA It have. in consequence of continued ill health, disposed of all my interest in the Auction hest nese heretofore conducted by me at 4 31 clitunt UT fltreet to in y. N. F. F ANN anT. I take this oDportunlty to tender mf thanks for the *apron I have received. and ask a COntinuntion ro my successor. whom I hereby authorize to eo!leot tat my unsettled seen:min B. Bcurr, YIIILLDELPEIA. A4ghstl,lBo). UTLIP FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS. No. aoo MARKET Street. and .21 1d12401t. Rtreat 11118 T LARGE '1 0 E ,EJOF 110(Y111 AND SHOES 10R ,U 'ALP. MO. , CASES. m On Trinaiiiik August 10, at 10 o'clock ptetieitly, Trill be gold by catalogue, on 4 months credit. 21i.0t - case. met's, boyp, and youths' calf, kip, grain, and thick bob e. calf, yip, buff, wax, and rusiet•brogane, calf and buff saatera. Oxford ties apd walking idiom Women's,mimeo. anti obildten'a calf, kip, goat , morocco. and k id boots and shoat, ladles' galiers, and kid clipper& Also a full am aortment of city load 0, stamen's, rh lane , and child ren'e goat end ITICHOOttorN26te. Also, 2111) the, oak Hole Lea ther. 00 doz. Calf Skihei and an introiCe of Lininre. • The atwve ssto proveatite:ottve to Southern god ' mein hovers. An the este corepriade incuicet of .M 1 goods direct from hest ohs, manufactes its, the MI, attention of buy ere to invited. ea ly Goud e e ope ,nine tor examination, with catalogues, i on th moi of gale. SABINE ed DUY. INSURANCE ASIEICI'Si Vo. 444 crAI.NUT Street, Insure agniest to sa or datuale by Fire, on Cotton and Woollen Mills. MO otter lannraotones. Buildings, MoroSandife r Furniture., en outer property, on faro robla to edinrgrArite a mATRoPoLITAN C" }i h it c , O I,rs i . a c n o d . O . u o7N " FIVIORIC I : Cash Cupttal and Snrnina 5=3.06.3 CO. PROVIDENCE WsetßlNts's t/It PAOV. Cash Capital and Stlr Ina SUS 780 16. ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO. 0 NKr . ypitic, Cash Cepttal andlittrplos ROPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW von K. Cash Capital and Surplus 994,844 al. CITY /"lIIE INSUAANCE CO., OF NEW HAVEN, Clnt Cs poi and Sumba eMI-R2 Ti. GERMANIA FIRE INS. Cu., OF NEW YORK. Citnh Capital and Stelplat 12715 399 07. RUSISOLDT FIRE INS. CO., OF NE A' YON A% Cash Capital and Surplus SZd,F42 SI. Applications in person or by note will receive prompt led yr. SABINE & DUY,_Arents. No. 424 WALNU'r Street. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF IMILADEPHIA. (rlf>.fi meußvicr, EV:II,IIBIYMa./ fromPANyslttvliku, 8. Tr. CORIVRA FOURTH AND WALT! rfT ATILEETS. _ F. Rxrcturos,p 611111. MORDECAI L. Diarcr VivtiAni Motu,so. H &MARY. riAl._;" o l rA4,I,IEA, YOUR 11. BROWN. JOHN M. A rt.'n. . A. FAIINEI7OCE. ITsra. T. TR.EDIca, f er i pw D. CA,919. !LEERY WHARTON. F. RATCH.Fililfritfl.V. 3 l7o . tit4 , l4. CHARLES W. COX K. Beordiari. 1.92 , A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE Cb., Lls mtattroitATm,D 101-017ARTER PERPri UAL. No. 910 'WALNUT Fitthe't,nPoreThird, Philadelphia. navies a large Pard-up CanitAlßbtm)s and Surltts In vested to sound and available Peetiritia. 1071 lune to in.an en Itwellinns, Stores, Furniture, h e r dudirq, Vessels in 1 .-:::. Pad tbenr cargoes, and other Pereonall Property. All losses iit,s+elly slid promptly adjusted. . nutitero;.l. Thos. R. Mars; - John T. L,".s_+, . John 'Welsh, James R. CampbMl, SArlnel C. Morton, Edmund G. Lhitalll, rgen Brady, ~ ai t31 , :11 . ..W. Poultney, TS. )141 ' It..Aßis, Preettlett, ALBERT C. L. eIIAWFOki./. A aretnry. fen-tl I NSURAINE COMPANY 07 TUE STATE OF PENNSYLVANJA—F IRE AND MA turo: INSURANCE—No. { EACILANGE BUILD INGS. Onartered InlMl—Carttal 11X41.000—Assets, Jantary 2. MI. 024144 e Ca 91. 1 ,. All ttryeisqdan notnct sad ;gm/kir:bin securities—con tinue to insurno Vellelendtd (3nre•re—a, Stuldings, Stoo 2e of Merchandise, kn.., on Ii e"1.51 tet,u2.. DIRELTOR4 : Koury D. Sherrerd, George R. t. Simeon Toby, Cherles Mscelester. Santsol r, I, Jr.. TobiasW_Amer, • Walnut] S. Smith, • Timmins B. Waimea. John B. Budd Henry Freemen. Wilma B. , Charles N. Lapis, ItelOjiV!) C. .Aron. HENRY D. SIIG.oItERD, President. W.LLIAM DA 12 PRR. Secretary p-•rm tt Northern Central Railroad. RXCIIANGE INSURANCE COMPANY E..• —Office N 0.409 WALNUT Street. VIRE INSURANCE on Houses end Merahandlpe Mlltally, on favorable terms, elther limited cc per petual. 11111ECTOB.3. . Sznbinr7 and Ena R It • - Jeremiah Bonita', -.- - E.l.lrard D. Roberta, John Q. Ginnodo, John?. 0, - O.the, Joshua 'l'. Owen, Reuben C. Hale. Thomas Marsh. John MoDowe_.ll Jr., Baml. L. Bm.r.dley_, J. T. Hale, Bellefont. Jr:DEM tti II BONS/Nil, ' Promdm,t. JOHN Q. GINNODO, N kle Premdent. EDWARD W. DAVID. Feoretarr rr.h.ll-wfmr.f QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA NY—FRANKLIN - BUILDINGS, gag WALNUT STrET,PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR PL S .93a4,41.70.—Insuresagarner Lorcror Damage by Fir , and Do fdri!, or the Soa . Inland Navigation and Transportattn: GEORGE R. FIAIIT, President. E. P. ROSS Vice President. 11. COGGSRALL,Saey and Treasurer. 13, R. BUTLER, .Aosistant Beoretarr. George H. Hart, A. C. Cation, IL W. Battai. ti. Coitga 11, IluA. XI. AI. utter _ . LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—THE P . P.NN MUTUAL LITE_ RANCE COMPANY Northegit itetheir ef =I.IID ant DOCK Streets. Assets, efe7,691a 1 2. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of illf"—matt antitutiei and endowments—porohases life intereits in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the " _ntingenotes of Life. They act as Exeentors. Administrators, Milanese Waste's, and tilaarthens. 9rRtI6TEM. Flusel L. Miller, Samuel B. &Glow Manila Coates, Witham Marlin, iehard B. Newbold. James B. McFarland. ibam P. Ranker. Joseph R. Trotter, Witham H. Kern, James Eustott, KemalC. RUOY, Wheophilna Pan hima Charles Hallowell. mend A. Bonner, Benr7 C. Townserd. Dismal L. Hutatunese; • frodo.phn Kent, John W. Hornor, William . Carr. Ellis B. Archer, F. V. Du on, tame! J. Christian! WiMain obertmor. Joseph M. Themes, Warmer M. Resin John (1. Brenner. V. D B _ o2 )g e t. E hrittEll President. eitlq ~ B. BTOKEZI. , me Prat. Jain W. tiny Sox. Re.,,,t)..... mall; DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE. COMPANY. INCORTORATED BY TILE LEGISLATURE 02 PENNSYLVANIA, 1836. OFFICE R. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT /Weals, Misle ßA hia, MAJUNE tri nd euNCE ON VESSELS, i CARGO Re all parts of the World. FREIOIII, INLAND INDURANCED On il calm, by R to v er, C p a a n rt a ao.f LakUe,naind . Land Mum, FIRE INSURANCE/ • Oa Metohandme generally. . On MoreAsß R D E w THnOgF_ H THEes & o d rANT, November 1,110. Per. Marko Yea /mew, Philadelphia City ller . cent. L0an...,11113,0a0 M 100,C00, Pennsylvania State i at. Lean,_—, 03,cye In 61,(X10 ForinsyyreJus Elate 6 fr et. Loan. , 11:630 t.-. 3 AIM, U.B. Trealmr6 IN gv cent. Notes and intpreet one . —.---- 14,53 It mow U. P. I reunD7 a or ot. Notes and inter . . est 6196,000 Temporary Losato the City of Phila delphia 25,0% JO mow, Penn Name Railroad 9d Mortgage 6 Wr cent. 13onds.- ab.v o on,crao, North Ponnsylvaninßailroad Mort gage 6 4t.n Honda . LUPO 0 114,000 Wert Philedslplos. Faeseuger Railway Company '1 te . at. coupon 13,000 CO 016,071,600 ehares Moog Germantown Gas Company, interest and optimal guaranteed by the city or Phila delphia— -- 11,001,109 shares Pennsylvania Railroad GLOM, 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rai_ road Company 660, shares Philadelphia Ice Ro and Mean Tap Company. Phil adelphia ant RavannahlatentNavisation Coro- Las 980 Bonds and Mertgatev. and Reel )irate, 01- 11613,718 154' hoeßmldm -.----.. 3/I Bills reoetvable for Insurances made 11106 69 Belem)* due at Agenome—Premiums on Ma rine Policies, intereet, and other debts due the Company.— e 9,914 4:3 Borip and stock of sundry Insurance Comiert raPm----;:•-•-•-1•7 -- • -- Quloa Dep4U in lam INArtin, Edmund A. &tidal*. Theophilue Paulding. John H. Penrose. ohn C. Davis, James Ttaimeur, William Eyre, Jr., Jame,: C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. K. M. Kenton. @storm. O. Lamer, Hugh Craig, (Muriel' KellY, WILMA THOS. C. NE3RY LYLBURN, See M ESDAMES 011EeiARAY AND D'HER VILLY respectfully inform their friends and the yyn'bho that they halta removed their Board:es knit Day School for Youn■ Ladles I rem Logan Squaro to No±. Mit and 13t10 SPRULIE Street where they will to ready to receive their vuo,lB on TilliftSDAY,Septem bar 13th. Idesdaineu CHEGARAY end D'HERVILLY will to noire vtett,rs at No. 1.509 LOGAN Square until the :nth August. iy2s.6ni A MERIOAN SOHOOL INSTI'ITTE la A 4 . 311 - reliable inaction throughwltioa Uatioolc sac Prom list may obtain coniutteut %Cachet*. Parents may of grCtUktoUtlf, Ic!Ortu9 lion and circular* of tlon sahcas. e.myrn. WOODMAN, 3 CO., 10 BROADWAY, Piew Yorir. MI; CIiVSTI4I.IT Street, Pl.ilaileluriia B RYANT 3TRATION'B ti_LTIO~ 4i MERCANTILE: COLLXGES, Inoatrnt at rho 8 . E. corner ttEl/tbr}t Llunalo, Ciayolsod, Chico-o, ald loc. f 'a. - rotation. gall or nand for Catalan) (c4-ct TO THE RUBLE). CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR The above patent to deemed, by scientific and prac , i Cal men, to bo the very best ever offered to the publio, and needs only to he seen in actual operation for us ineritc to he appreciated. Nothing ever introduced is no perfectly adapted for ventilating, private and public buildings . s c hools, hospitals, engine houses. mm. a, steam and sailing vessels, and for the cure of tinoky shininess they have no equal. Manufactured and for sale, _wholesale and retail. rt t„,e Heating end Ventilating Warenanne of CHAS. SVILLIAIRS. 1132ItIARKrir Street. Than. Yemeni' nttontion will be given to ail descriptions of hca«,ng and ventilating by the undersigned, who has been nianY years practically engaged int the abir 41 6u:ti tres. Also for sale, Culur's justly-celehrated warm-mit Bireaccs, cooking ranges, bath boils, registers, &a., t, foni-stiitiom CHAS. WILLIAM'S', LFRED L. lIOUGII, -cm. PARER ItIANUFACTUILNIIB' AGENT Orders aoliotted lot exert desormhott of fAiKR AND PAPER-MAKER'S IVIATESIII.I No. II thatith PIXTII Btroet, Philadelphia. V in EITGUET & SONS, k 2".. IMPORTERS Ok. BAVANA.CIGAIiS . • • . - - No. 2r(Bnuth F. 110 1 ,4 i' Street Itseerve regularly n foil wisorituent 01 &sir:lWe i'l 13 %ITS Which the) otter at lou rarer. lor cish or hi. pro ved credit. rt lc I. pAwsoN be .N.:011()LSON ; BOOKBINIItES, :ion. 619 Alai 691 MIME. ers.El Between .I%larket zo.d Cheetaut wecte, JArtlEB B. NICHOLSOM lr. LATE ROOFING.-JOHN WT I,t SlokTbß, is prepared to put ou nor • i onfin gat low ram, All worms warranted to i todaettor. Order-, sent to _mil , . treet tlnd ANTOWN Road will he promptly attenddd to. ,29 sto nALSAM TOLU—For sale by WEIBE s-, RILL & BROTHER, Ti'o, 47 and 49 Mai 43E LOND1dtreet. - SALES BY AUCTION. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIRECTORS. DI R ISCI.IO WS. Roue, Foster erhins Andrew R. Chambers, 'Samuel Jones, Ai. D. uomiaapy,..rhiladgletia and Ha- ire do V t irOillitsEin 37; Boat Philadelphia Eschang• Ilinapaut —.1419 BIRECITOIS. Samuel E. Bioko'. J. p.Pernston. Henry &Loan. Edward Darhngteei H. Jonee Brooks, A9oncer APl:Newt., 7homas C. Hand, Hobart Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. Wierlank, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittel.'s D. T. Morgan, A. B. Berger, M MARTIN, President. HAND, Vice Preeident yetarr. dl6 EDUCATIONAL. SALES BY AUCTION. 31 THOMAS k SONS. • Nor. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street '(Formerly N 05.67 and aa.) STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. BALES AT THE EXCHANGE FVESY TUESDAY. During' the busmen nation In July and August only ores atonal Bales. SW' Handbiils of eneltproperty israed aeraratali. in addition to which we radish, on the Saturday Timmons to each mile. one thcarsand ear,4oginear. 111 pamphlet form. giving full deecriptions of all the property to he gold on the following Tuesday. STOCKS Al'!!) REAL ESTATE. Sc!, at the Exchange Tursday, 77th July. Sale at the Exchange Tuesday. 101 l July. LT Part of the handbills for each sale caw ready. C A R 11—our sales of real trate sod steel*, a the Exchangeorill hereafter be held at 17 &Uteri noon Ijind. in the evening. at 7.o'clock. l.n.ntrkputore have the option_ of either us le. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE Nir We have a large amount of real saws at gale, minding every desenetioa of ear led cosztrY Property. Printed lute mar be had at the wastrel were. PRIVATE SALE RPOISTER. AFT Real estate entered on our private mule Misters and advertised occasionally to our public 6114 abet:av (of which 1,000 copies aro printed weekly.) free • . charm TS) Sf'OESELLERS. THE vii.VY-FIPTE Plift A.SELPRIA 111J192 SALE OF H Ong, EREOTE PLATES An.. will commence on MONDAY, September 17,191 *7" Catalog ue s in press. REA I. ESTATE—MIQCST 14. Orphans' Court Rafe—Estate ofJobn Itauatta, dated. Two r.';or ur y thick DWELLING, Cathedral 11711111.1 N, 'rweatyfoth ward §tuto Estate—Tcro-atorr Brick DWELLING. tt- Joining. Sme Brteto—Two-aton ffriok DWELLING, 10- joining Orphans' (port Fale—Estate of Garrage Randle, He'd. ()Rom) RENT of 890 a 7 arr. dame Fatale—GROUND Re.NT of $7O a rereln.'er , " Rate— Br ord rof Hein. Very -ra ft.ure LOT. 3as rea,l7 percher. on the Iretl road, slave likeorre lace. aie absolute. Freentctrs' File—Estats ofJ ohs Fermi re. " ETlleltl BO 110TE.L," at Brulerburs. frentret on the river Deism-arc% ••• - • Porerrlurri &err. STORE AND DIVELLMD, ri,.733 G r ae t ,,t r e.ai. Third ward. . Pe reinptory ie Threa-etory Drink DV7ELLIfiri. Trrelfik ntreet ecru Oi Or.forri. "TERI' IMPORTANT SALE By _grder of Trustees mornoug flan( I'OPANY'S WORKS AND Err ATE. On geday. Sept. 4,1360, at 12 o'vlock, noon. at the Ptulidelphi E3"3/13 !IXO— ?it. very volusble prnperty belonging to the Monrovia' Iron Canyovay situated in Montour county. Pa.. con rusting of abo'Ot 2 g(Xlacr N e verpvaluable mineral lends. ores. mining rigittr. rotling mills, furnaces. mewl/ 301 1 dwelling/. rifficeg..ke., 05. Terms—s2o,oM cash, when the property is struck off.. balance on. the execution of the teed. within 20 days 05, e, pertionlore ready in handledle. SALti OF 31.1 PER TOR FIRI4IFUEE. BOOK CARES, COiTAOK FURNITURE:. A I.A HOE QS ANTI.I'S OF HEMP tIO F C lIION CIIESTB. reßtitBF AND OTHER CARF_BTS, BEDS Aro altDDige, cHINAANDGLASSITAKE,Ac. CARD.—Oar sale to-mortals mornme. at the umbers etore. vitreous rise besides 40 lot! of excellent second hand furniture, elute of cottage furniture. A large Tau, PET of hemp hose. 3 iron cheats. Bouquets end other our gets. hints and bedding. China and sTunwary, Forming en ettrthtrve aseortment, worthy eoe atten tion of latlieS end ethers desirous of Pura/MM. Imo' Catalogues }WV reedy, sad the art - toles etrangei for eie.ounauott. at Not. 130 nod 141 Rona_ youRTSI trre, Poll • Eralirdif . IPA! , There-n 7 111artuns. At 90 , 010ex,the. Aeotlon Store , an sasortament cf excellent et eoond-Nal Wanton', etc rant yiano-toet ca. fine mirrors, caiTet'S. fro.. front fmilies declunnO hcv-elikeening, remand the gore for oonvetnence of 3105E8 NATUARS, A 1; 10 2E Z AND C0..14V,Pg!102f tsitltesaP 4s7coir of MITE sterlAc.Wl , 4•illu. I.^Allf 1125,0..g.6 4.J an, st tne lower: rates. on diamond.. watches. slier elate, nu ;eV', clotting, en emu'. Begs., trarute.l.‘autlert. a_ou / mirrors. fur niture, bedding, and on of Ong/ lesengtion, in large or small amounts, fro:Z.6l /....M= ter tteusaan , te. forryT i lineth of time agreed Co. 6 Oldest Established House genis neg. rutranou on RACE EtreZl: D Buons'".ire /tom 9A.M. to 9 P.g. Heavy Insure:lc:3 tithe efa of dosositere. cmn It S 4,11 1 ,`, TWO PER CENT. ler Advances of 81c 0 a dd sat at two per cent. Advances of SIC aril npw N, s 4 one percent. fof short hare. AT PRIVATES t LF. 1 1 1: i m (11 4 8 E tlATEN u T i ant the used ss er inn, toht ' :ever lasepinr lat warr4 sliver laver Ltd lesula watches, Enshah. e ldwitS. Frenoh watches. at anolll3l , hln low erioes.iewellfi every descrlidlOC., very loir r istrs, rstols, swami /A etnrmen.g, rests, ?Tahty of ILersans entail, at half the nxtrortatiort onto, in qtrantities salt rosters/re, soil ',snorts otter tot(lscr rOOllB. OTJT POOX EI.ALES Attended to personally amend .Aectioneer. Cersignmenra of SAY °Teo. ylod_ of mde &S alted. 14(MLF, DIAcIIINEItt AND IRON. . siti la PENN STEAM ENGINE AND EaILER WORKS —NR• Fig LRVY. PRACTICAL aND TPIRORR.TiodI. ENOII4RF.RP MACY! re Pit.YERS. BLacKslallvi: raid FOliti I,lElw, haring, or many Yeats. beta In SlloOeseul openitton, She been exchisrvely engaged Is I,nor and repairing Jeanne and liver .E.natsea. high 1 pretrare. Iron Beate, Water Tank', Propeller', A o „p.m:cattail,' offer their gamines to tha public a c,,,,:ft!..7 prepared to oinitnitet fur Engines of all sizes. Marine, River. Val Rtatieinary, Wring seta 0 eaten= of different glass. are grepared to elLeCuste or ders with quick despatou. Every description of Pattern making made at the shortest notice. Pflug, and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cr Seder Boilitre,of the bsst Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Porgi n ga. of closes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of ail descriptions ; Roll Turning. Sernw Cutting. end ail other work con nected with the above hardness. Drawings and speoißeations for all work done at their ettablishment, free of charge , and work guarantied. The enheonbers have ample wharf dock i En for re paint of mats. where they can lie in re safety. and are pro :tried Itith shears. Weeks, ' for raiglng heaVr or tight weights, JACOB O. JOAN P. LEVY. IBS REAcR and Matra street". POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 REAClLBtreetjCensinxton, DIAN H. TIERS Worms hie friends that, henna par- Chased the entire Mock of Patterns at the abase Faan drr, he is CHM prepared to receive orders for Wang, Grist, and 86w 111111 Cestinas, Pose, Chemical, amd House Work, Ofering. Caskets MAP from Xever beratory or Cupola Farnaoet, in dry or green mad, 9r loam. IMn=WSZCI=I • # 7 • "i 7177 K AND WASHINOTON IThargAt 211.12.DILPHIA. hillhEMl 8011@,_ ENGINEERS AM) _,MACIILNISTS,., fdAnuraottre ed,d Low Yresesns eta= =cam. (or Land, Pryor. and mamas se moo. Gotlen, Galometers, Tanks. Iran Boats, A. 0.; chatingi of an kulds. Ether !YOU or Isms. • • - • • Imo Frame Roofs for Gas Werke, Work !hops. Rea toTl Verticals, to, Retorts and Gar fel Nobiliary of the latest and most im proved construe:lr Every dee:motion et Plantation M.arthlnery, seen as Sugar, Barr. and Christ Mills, Vaminm Para, Open Steam Trains, Defeeatora, Filters, Primping Engines, to. Sole Agents for .trilleesx's Patent Sugar bailing Apparatus ,• Nesmith's Patent Steam Hammer; an/ Aspinwall k, Wolser'sFatent Centrifitzal eegar Drain use elsahme„ aal-Tr HAINES BROS' OV - KRSTRUNG „'%J PATEN T-A c.r lON PIANO FORTES. "Cheapest Fare. ClAcei Pianosruade..' erviendid easoremensof Louis XIV and other .t.iler• for ...11 + l4 Factory Cash Pricee, And warranted for b years. Second-hand rianos for wile and to rent. fit.OßGh L. WALKER. 8. E. Gor. of 8811.- ;TB and :A'S CH 8L PRINCE & CO.'B Improved INELODEUNS• from 8 43, upwards. J716-3m owl PIANOS! PIANOS 1! PIANOS !I PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. MELODEON& Made by Raven, 88.063, & Co., Nuns &Clark, Haller& Co., and others. J. E. GOULD, _ rayll- SEVENTH and CRESTNI77„ pfflipl STEINWAY & SIDIPS NEW PA. T ENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANO& SQUARE GRAND, AND 8:4 DARE ?JANOS, nov pre ferred in ooneerte and in pnvete woks by the et performers. Received the first premorme over the beet make re, from judges like Gottschalk, Mazon.and others. Challenge eotnoebtron. BLASIUS 131293ZER5. IRe CRESTYRU Street. T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. When completed. six years ago, the ST. NICHOLAS wee universally pronoonoed the inset magrafioent. con venient, and thoroughly organized establishment of t..s kind on this continent. What it was then it remains to day—without a rival in size, in samptuousness, and an the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Motel Ma accommodations for one thousand guests, in cluding ono hundred complete mutes of apartments for farruhee. bix hundred persons can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three public dining roma, and smr thing that modern art has devised for the oonveruence silts social gratification of the travelling poplin has been omitted in its plan, or is ne glee ted rn its practouddeteas. The early reputation ef the house at home and abroad. derived from its magnitude. its superb appointments, and its home-bse comforts and luxuries. has been en hanced every year by the unwearied exertions of the proprietors. mrl7-3m TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, & CO. •EJI,fMM 47 SAVING FUNDS. " A little, but often, filln the Parse." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. no South FOURTH area. between C.lteat nut and Walnut. Philadelphia, pare all Deposita on demand. " tors' money secured by Government. ,State, and City Loans. Ground Rents, Mort , gages, ere. This tympany deems caret, better than large Profits, conA7anent/y will ran no rick with deco tutors' money. but have it at all times ready to return, with a per cent. intermit, to the owner, an they have always dons. This Company never respend ed. Females. married or 'lngle, and Minors, can depott in their own right, and snob deposits Cir. be withdrawn unto br their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by, the Mate of r e nusylv anis with authority to receive money from trustees and cxecntora LARGE ADD SMALL 131JM8 RECEIVED. Oboe open daily, from Sto o'clock, and on V, , erinezilay evening until &o'clock. Jacob D. Simnr.or., Cyrus Ca4V.l/9-eers John Slundler, George Russell. Mataobt Sr. 6icen, hdward T. Hyatt, LsPle Krumbhiar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley. Satterthwaite, Jones Yerkea, Joseph W. Lippinoott. JACOB D. BRANNON, Preillent. GYROS CA.DWELt•IRF, Treasurer. ap29-y "A Dollar raved Is twine earned." AVING FU :O—FIVE PER CENT IN P•-.7 TER EST.—NAIION_SL SAFETY TR. t , ST COM PANY, WALNUT Street. eouthorest oornerof THISU. Pluladelploa. Inoorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania. Honorms reee tn tame or smell, and in West paid from the day of derceit to the day of with draws,. The office ;seven every day fro.n nine o'clock in the morning till five o'clock In the evening. and on Mender and Thursday evenings till et ht o'clock. Hon. HENRY L. PENNER, President. ROBERT eELFILIDGE, Vice President. WILLIE:Li J. REED, RDorattrs. DIRECTOEE! lion. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Ilrewrtar. .Eduard L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr Hobert Selfridge, . Prawns Lee, Samuel K. /olden, fe3eph Yorke!. C. Landreth Muting, James L. Stephenson. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, to conformity with the .010 f the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages. N ' ert,, and such first-class securities as will al ways in , ure perfezt security to the depositorsl and Lr far to rrre permanency and stability to rva. . 11:1.:D-UNITED STAIES 00,711'ANY, cpruer THIRD and CHEST- Cart a and r emelt puma , reserved. and rod lx4k on de mend 'Without notacc, vruli FIVE FEE OEN 1. ItiTh REvT of deport to the day of rah- !los ^ •are.. from 9 c chi 0 o'clock every day, and on , N i'a- E\ ENING:4 from until 9 o'clock. I "IS for saloon England, Ireland, and Bo Hand, • , ?MIN R. r RAW FORD c 1: WEER CHAMPAGNE. -360 cases De Vtnagt Charere-ne bust received, for sale. by JAV 11.ETChic, & deRSTAIRS, 202 11 sad 204 &I. O FNT !Meet. 0 ,orK 7. VA1614.71 PIANOS. HOTELS k".`IRECTOR2