Owt*—A omu ntittol'Wimii nuk>n,>l oil w*U ■«S(fj J*y- M»-sD.V : ’ ; aa dt i* oalled,. has eWed* • ; ln .to..eU>*,. *'.* gt-w v;v:* . \ Krtrorbii «t ««»v bur* seem -to’ have loepweed in pntrnmlon ww* tot,-.The BirradDglmMandlloolb^t^^ B^ i computed bytfcs'UMstfco to ;t o; bare ten.;tb*n ■mt dnfcsbltaht*,' mitf* tonqUadruple thataftbe lest ceases;: In Jfeu* Birafoghe* more than two hundred and fifty tendings have-been commenced Ibis :season.\ahd eewal mapufeoturioy '*&n>9 hateb?iia>rected,ei»daU.tien^w-.baiW < . Jugs are ooeupted aafiut afereotea, Tbwwberbo- hsu alsu -rapidiy increasing Ja extent and pboatatfon,; and projwrty.iafMtrfrfnx.invalae. Tbs populsffon. of the Sfoond werd,*AH«gh en y» is 5;«39 tn x lB5O over 3,409, or about, 60per.Cent. , . ; ;-?-;L\TrRx/cE iays j tl John Fof'gu*>n,-*q'M president of the Bank of L*wrenee Coiuftty y £j&d formerly hi bankerj •a bis own account, lodgedah information on Wed-' ,iMt»7 last,-upon which e' wariwnt basVsii'ice twen leaned, *«eioet ex-pomtrissfoner MarmadukeWm . son, of Wumingtoa, this charging Mr. WiK .•on wl‘S baring foiled the nsnie of hiS brother-iG )*w, Blranr Gpbson, as "endorser for thepayment of .to' rom' of $l,OOO by Wilaon _i lfcKinfoy. Mr.; WUaou diepoeed of the note, it appears, 1o M*. Fer-i jMson, for relue toeivedi .sofoo.Hme in Hay or .Jans, 1850,- He has not been heard ef-for sereraf; days, although the'most anxious inquiries have* been made for him by Offlcer Cook. 11 G&eene Gotixty.—Tho Senatorial eonfereeif reprasentiDeth*counties«.f. Oreeno ntid Wasbiiig-: ton met io Prosperity ,oq last and after, 3tte deliberation nominated, with perfect nnani-i mity, George Vr L a wrence. *f:W ash iuscten odduty,! for the State Senate., ,Mr<..l*Bwrenee baa served bis; ’ eouaty two or three terms in to Stale Legislature,! and proved a diligent: and *ffiQienUegisi*tpr. $ ' Tberels sheering bd#a bf aliiMit. all parts of the'oounfy, In foot, a, few over-xrmn-r bUag femera i&tfato eommualty ere already de* ; ptoringtbe prospect efeaebao' abundance as,wiil> wtoe prioes to a ruinously low rate. - - j LDicuii: : Getntr;—.SivaniiK -CA'ss.f-A; man named , Solomon Hamburger, A eitisen 4 of, , HUkesbarre, was/bitten in. tbp, band* by a’ dog, \ abput four week| agp,. and the wound .giving-bims bstllttlepafn, apperently hesled in a&er dart.; Abcmtn week ago be took some meat hotae, whlla euttiog It With a batehet iofifoted : wbat itobd hath slight wound on the same hind, tho; whole arm in ade*. days, becoming, very painful, ; and after intense suffering he.died on- the* 14ih' iost. r Whether his mejanenoly Tdeath ptas caused by iby virtu eommuoleated by the bite in the hfcnd; Isnot koown. /At all events, the dbg has evinced: Boaigna ef hydrophobia. - : , CntkE Cochty.—A melancholy,,accident happened during tbelatUr part of last week, resulted In tbe death of a young man named Janies j Leathers, Whose father lives in mechanicsYUie I this TbU .yoangi mail hw-been - engaged in boating for some time, - and, while on bis homeward; trip, the tiller of «ho boat oaoght one of the rills of a low bridge aoroaa.the canvl, at Lock Havea. acd' tore It awayfroni Its foundation, and the falling of. the Umber crushed'him to death.’'His remains! were deposited iu the family burying ground, on Sunday, In' the presence of a large number of rela tives and friends.' Moeiioe Coujitv-—SAd Accident.- On Fri da? morning, : 13(h lest., Frederick Krnmmel earn* to bb d«kth ip the following. melancholy manner; BUborses took 'sffrigbt, and lb endeavoring to stop them he- was r track- by, some portion of, the wagon' andHiiefently killed.; Tbedeoeßsed *u •boat nineteen years of age,'a nephew of Mr .lobo Bocahocft of Now Fork city, and resided at Goose Pood, in this oonniy. He' was killed about ono bile snath-of the latter'nface. ' His fhoeral sermon was preached by Rev. j; H. McFarland, of Phila delphia, oh Sundayi mower, to such an extent,that amputation wasdeemed necessary, has linoedicd with the lockjaw. flewas barfed in the Prssbjteriao grave yard, at HanvUle.oh flanday morntr.glast.'• tsiSTtmainawere followed to their finalresting place by a large concourse of relative*. and sympathising friends. - , ; Taß Altoona Tribune says the population of that plana'. is, 6jMO;; but. !tfcar,.lf the ad-, joining village dfLoade\svilltf and other piaeer. - ©utei ieihe borough limits were included, itwould reach 6,000 *No doubt; and if- we were to include Gsyspurt, DancanßviHe,Fraok3town)WtlU«ms barg, Martiosburg, end other pleoea outside of our borough limits. our population would reach 10.000, more or Uu ~Siendard (ffoUidaysburg).2oth. Ikeiaka Mistake.—-On the 11th lost. -Airs. John ; Myers, of Bayne township, Who''' bad booh in. delicate - health V for some time previous, vent ontio gather a pbmt of which shn intended to.im.kA tea; butmfstobk some other ever green for the plant she wished, of which she made a docoofion, which she drank. It unfortunately proved poisonous, and caused her death. Lehigh Countt—Pat* patent lia» been granted to Charles Hose, of Allentown, fo.* an improved, device for straining scroll saws. L conflUtsftf a combination of a lever, link, book, thumb, and noddle iron, in compact shape, end at tachable, to any machine whereby saw* of scroll sewing machines are .conveniently connected and. disconnected, and strained up la the gate;. Isdiaxa Gwarr.-r-A valuable iron-ore bftd was discovered by Captain John Peters, last week/- on the Conemaugh, near BJalrsville. lj«rOETA«r Deoisios as io Esdohsekes™ BT A CdSB(jeß.~— TheGineinnati Gazette oMh at- tentftm to an important decision by Judge Leavitt, of the United States Di«triet Coart of. Ohio, (con-- Birred ia by Judge McLean.) Tbe (’hillieothx branch of the State B nk of Ohio sent $30,000 in 1 OJinmercial bills, to Ludlow, cashier of the Ohio Life and Tnwt* Company Dank, at New York, tor eollectiou,. Ludlow, Instead of holding the paper natU'maturity, «in bis duty, told it and need tfae proeeeds. /Before the bills fell due, the Trust Company faifed; and subsequently tho holders of the paper, who bought it .of ’Ludlow, sued the ChUlioothe Bank- as endorser*; the maker* of the bills baring beeg.enfoitied b>the.Obid - paying tbs Samo The* bills were endorsed by the cashier of, the. Ohillieothei Bank, - “ Credit toy no count, J-, B ; Scotty Cashier.” This the court deci ded avas phffiefont nojiee.lo third parties that Lad low had BOjVnttority to paper,’ snd upon thU ground the plalatiffo were ; non-suited.' Hod It been endorsed fo the osual : wdyjM negofcfa? ’ ted paper, the defendant* would have' lost their 1 Otis. 'Mr.BeoH’s cautioninthto pertleiilar saved bis bank f«M)00, and the eriubUshmeut of .the* principle may prevent id" the fntore a great deal r of rascality similar to- that practised by the bold . and reckless. Ludlow., , The Taunton [Gag#ft relates a ludlcron's ti is- appd'itmeot in a ‘tloVh affair,”wbleh has offered an enlivening topJo to the gossips of a neighboring i village It appear* that a moneyed old bachelor OT piaty. whjee heart bad IrLhertoproVed invul nerable to the 'tbaftspf Capfd’s' arrows, at length sarrendered to the 4 ef a young and pennileSs girl, soaroety out of bar teen*. The - ditt&riYpaireDU i?mli«|i>pproyaUand .Cupid's bark tested gaily oa with its loviaginraator the fair 1 Cinderella meantime Appearing in Silks,and! jewelry, and her fflmi inamorata exchanging bis checked ootfon and cdwhideb&ots for unexception able liden abd French calf f Tbe Affair bad assumed . thufmportaoce.ora’nine days wonder, when It was. dtoOrared that the'fiohto damsel had suddenly., taken pestese for New. York on a bridal tour with a young gentleman of it neighboring city* to whom •be representedherveteran addrer a* ber w eelth y and indulgent father, flere war' a .denouement 1 draaoMd M.by nobwly. ’The fatber rand fatherly lover.hare aeVeff in pursuit'of the deceitful dam •l» but, as ebato* of.silver and fetters of gold eouid oos hold may as well hang bisbafpon / Ausm (Ala,)' Math of the - 17jh,.«tjr*-; « Yesterday we were converting nit haa esteemeda*i vary Intelli gent friend, who has a good knoiMn of tho eouatry nonbaast of this , His repteetauAtfons of tka oaUerabiwpTbepeeti oftbe the orop that should .be growing—ana. ihe Uevy" iadebtaaness of, ths people already incurred'**! l breedstuffi, arevsrv disheartening indeed/ ‘We am eatisftea, ifoCs reliable sourees, that the crop of eastern Atabswa er»A western Georgia will fall far '•port of ibwnoCds of borne consumers; and if there Aculd not bc .jw heavy orop in south { Alabama, backed bylow prices la the Weet, there cannot but be Immetrte skffcriDg for the ‘staff ofllie.'.-Iu all wfubahUity corn will reach fff. fay , fast Christmas, with little money in the market to pur chase. n ‘ ;- r ‘ , Thu other day ajyoung man. haying fallen infoke/wUh a damsel residing in R>yaf’o*k, Mi*' . Chlghti,and finding Mmerfifibatty ia obtaining tho <}\ favofable countenance of tbe father, eloped with her, making his way fo PstrbiV&nd taking pas . «ge t>na steamboat for bia famre home,, Jaafc a* . ’the boat' wai.afadut.to aUtt, tbe infuriated father •Y. furitM.,en:: board and,proceeded to threaten ‘the- Y> aMa*f»r of fcbdaugfcjtwr with Blfoderl byW*p*lsioa } h9'drd'not-remarkihatthe'plank - C-gad been hauled ashore, and/he was accordingly carriedoff,thai preaentlng tbe nnlane spectacle of . W efepWneht. It,«-underttood that the waa isduood away hie child with a ln consideration of which he was paid ~; Us men* pa««ge teohey hy thc aon’in-law. E.,. rotate th*t recently, tttr, anfn««t'oae of tho.flrtt hotels of Berlin a > fnwhfrora qalibrnis. After *B»oMiig lor half an lioer dr so foe most arfstooratfe , thotiesads of serfs tmtaSllng at his iif hfiMelf to'ihe wondering waiters M Tn tbo fservfcc ; - 5 /ofw;,f<|Pj»ifc|imeot.ifew y*4r*!-«*o Mf wd* v «t>f.»«)tj»si}e {b»t K« 1 with;: .to ; ;.‘r. AVvL; The Spirits in'London*^ (From the London brtriinalUt MAjazhie.] ■ MingUng'with those interesteflifl WthessWcvi' deuces ofspirit power, I gladly accepted an invi tation to meet a few.fnOdas on Monday, the 7th' of •May.>lB6o, at a boose in the West End: At o quar ter sfi¥r,‘eight o’clock weweot .dnto tbo adjoining baok drawing-room, and sat down at a 100 table. There Wet* nineoC*as—Mr.' Hame being ono of the number- . Immediately.,the,-table commenQod vi brating and gently liftmg.itself off tho floor. I say lifting itself, because’ no bnman.boings in human ©lay'were'ihe'seton!- Nothing occurred few mluaUs; during which conversation was-kept up, and then tbe table graduaHy rose up off the floor about' four/ect; of rathermore than ofootbeyond 'our, outstretched'a*m®, the hands;of whioh had rested gently os the tablobaore its Ascent, it then accordeon was asked for by the raps Mr, Home took it in his right hand, by the ritn at the bottom of tie instrument) leaving his left band on the table, end .then wore played some beautiful vo iantariefeexquieltcly attenuated, yefc.clear end melodious. They then oame opt, gradually fuller, and vet more full, till the room seemed filled with the volume of sound like a pealing organ; still no false i note. • A fnead sitting next’ me,.forgetting himself,exolai'med, “My. God, bow. wonderful!” and, after a breath, asked “if they would givens rsme air,' we knew?”'aud having asked, for “God save the Queen,” it was played at once. ! Alady: present, whose .llttlC) boy bad recently died, bad indications of her sen being in title,room \ and/the .iwcordeoit. oommenoed playing-a well known air, which on earth the little boy was very fund of, a* tallying with.hi* mamma’s name; Header, was hot there a truth of light and love in tbq incident?- The mother thought so, and her tears betrayed her thoughts. The detonation's on the table, and sometimes under my hands, were as sharp, and as olear, and as loud,' as if struck vigorously with the edge of a penny-piece. It was then ripped out by the sounds—“ Goto the Window;”.we rose and moved the 100 table to about eighteen inches from the window 1 may in passing state that the room was about thirty-seven feet long by about twenty-five wide, and about fif teen to tno ceiling, bountifully supplied wiih the usual drawibg-room furniture. We sat down again, , but more olO’ely, so as to allow a vacant space at Ibe side of, the .table opposite the window. The sounds then gave out—“Fnt o»t the lights,” which *?o* done. We found that'though t»e room was dark, yet the light from the window.waa sufficient for u#'to faintly see eaob other. The window • blind then oommenoed moving up and down—no ,one near it—evidently to tone the light; and while we.were remarking the .singularity of tho "phouonienon, and how high it went, all looking at ’ it—suddenly it sprang up to, tho top, and ’ then -same gently down to its original position. Mr. fcTomo felt something on his head, and found U was a leaf. Suddenly the leaf of a geranium: was taken.and dropped into tho lap of a lady Bit ting at the,table.. We heard the snap, as if break ing off the stem of a flower, and immediately came down past, the^loft es’r of my friend, and on to his, knee, a sprig of gotahiuhi; ’ while bo held it np for ns to soe, I expressed a wished to have coo, when u sprig came post my right cur on - to my knee..- ~ J picked it up, and while showing it, another came, past my face, as if from the ceiling. Tbegerani-. am plant was in the robin several feet from any of us, and the sprigs came down both on the right and 1 left of me. 1,1 After a pause, Mr. Hume said be felt as if he were about to be lifted np; he moved from the 1 table, and shortly he said “lam rising”—but: we could not see him—“ they have put mo bn my ’ back.” I asked, “ Will you kindly bring him, as inuch as possible, towards the window, so we may see him ?” and at once he'was floated with his feat horizontally into tlio light of tho' window, so that we all saw bis feet and a part of his legs resting or floating on the air like a feather, about six feet from the ground, and three feet above the height of the table- He was then floated into tho dark, and, he exclaimed, “ They, have turned me round and lam coming toward you.” I then saw hU head and face, the samo height as before, and as if floating on air instead of water. He then floated beck, and came down and walked up to and sat on the. edge of the table we were at, when the table began to rise with him on it. -' Ho asked 'a lady to sit on the table, and perhaps the .spirUa.would take them both up; tho table moved n little, and then was still. Mr. Humo was .then taken behind to the 1 settee next to me; and, we beard sounds several times os of some one giving utterance to a monosyllable in tho middle or the room. Feeling a pressure agalust my chair, I looked .tnd'saw that the otto man bad' been brought along the floor about six feet, no one touching it, and close to Mr. Homo. He said, “ I suppose it Is for me to resten.” He ley down, and the ottoman went back to its original position. “Ob! lam getting excited, some onecomo and sit with mo.” I went and sat beside him; ho took my bands; and in about a minute, and-with' out any muscular action, ho' gently floated away from in<*, and' was lost in the darkness. He kept talking to let us.khow where ho was. We heard bis voice in various parts of tbefur tbor end of the room, ss if near the coiling. Ho then cried out, “Oh! they hnye brought mo a cushion to sit upon—l am sitting on it—they are taking it away.” Just then tho tassel of the ousbion of another ottoman in the room sfruok me' on my hair end forehead, ub if coming from the celling, and tho ctisbfon was deposited at my feet on the fioor, falling as if a snow flake. I then saw the shadow of his body on the mirror as he floated along near tho ceiling. He said, “ I wish 1 had a pencil to make a mark on the celling. £ have made a cross with ray nail.” He oame down near the door* and after a pause he was again taken np; but' I did not seo him, but heard hisvoloeasif near the ceiling/ Again he oame down, and shortly returned to the table we wero at, and the Bounds on the table bade us “Good night.” NOTICES. ' ICOP’S.I POST OFBTOE I>LPa£TMENT, Washihgton,!)- 0.; July 17.1360. PHILADELPHIA LElTisfe CAtIKItiHS. Agreeably to the au'hority conferred by the 10th tan: turn ol the Act of Congress of td .March. 16ft), ’entitled - * n net to renuoe on« roodifv the rates of post* f a*e iq thO-Umttid tiiates, and for other purposes,” it is /hereby.. , * Ordered. That nit the avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, •roods, and fairways In the A ,lt,o J | ? e««WDst.any infringement of rights of this I'ompany. Jyte-mwila JO?,B.Fnl,Treasurer, PLANTERS* BAKK Off TENNESSEE. V‘, Vn 0 ““•"bare in CASH on and after 5e MtF J2R‘,J J f 6lia ’ * to thß ° <>B, l). WEAVER, Casll.r,. IfAIEFJELD SEMINARY—This large i&.kl *BF l n * h l u, i! oD '".•‘’•al® l »t Falifi.ld, rl®, *b J iV,-n” > * ,ThV faculty onmust* of twelve M'ieM‘erad d uafJf'“"hi. ea ,l ,^ IWtl * r, • lo ur of wtiom are xe«ularv!*mathficfmoi? , ‘ l rl3 IBple!0 ' I 'i , a™ »» two SS sa “* feW'® 1 ” 1 * h * Mm/s^S£ - rrmoipal, - £SVRI,P Mt/XiASSfeS, Ac.-r-500 hhdfl and | Bairejs LOVKftING’B Ne Plus Ultra; Golden By £%L o*^ a £P‘ Also - ,- gusar-houee, Musco vado, And Porto Pfco Mplasses m nonheads and har lumt t6 ** b ! J AMES graham ECwnA ~ —Philadelphia Hoard of trade. GEOHGEN.. , t’ATHAM,/ * T.FROTHZHORAnf. , Commit JMox in* Mowxhi •ROBERT S. REED. V ,1 v i *4 *v- .j, UTTER, , * ' > At tke:Mfir^Aants i JBirch^.nffe i ' JPAtladßlpMa. <*tup Southern ■Ri eht«, Httrfropd~,U.. ..Liverpool, coon Bark Florida. .Cienluogos, suon HarkPllamea. Cruse,..*——....Rio da Janeiro, soon Brie R Thurston? ( atnpher—.. Barhadoes, toon Brig Eli* Jteed, Tu5a......... Jagodo Cuba. Soon Sohr A M Bartlett, Bartlett,. .Olen(po*o»« aopn »«Ulti« OFTHE OCEAN STEAMERS, “• FROM THE CNITKD STATES, c emrik t , - - oaava .. . ran tuvb „ Vanderbilt...—. .New York, .Havre....Toly 28 0 of B»l)i'i;ore..lVew York.-Liverpool —..nil? 28 Connaught..-* .Boston. .Galway. .. July 81 Afriov--..u~Hew.York .LHerpool 1 Teutonic....Hew*York.,Hamburg. Aug 1 Jura - • U'~. New York. .Liverpool -. .../ tig * not’Mauoheyter'New York.-Uvetpool.— Aug 4 Bremen.,^...WiNew 1 York.. Bremen. .Aug 4 Vigo’. ........ New York.. Liverpool. 1 ..... Aug 4 Car.rvta^........ ;.‘Boston .Liverp001,.*.,,.,..,.Aug 8 filinols -.New York..Hdvre ...angll Ucf Washing ton u.Boston Liverpool —. Am U Antfc0.*.....;.. .New Voile. ,Wh vre. /us IS ?ane*roo~, N/w Yorfc.-Liverpool..^, ..Aug 18 arnp*~~~ New York. Liverpool Aug 22 Persia.*—. ~U. New Ynrk.’.fjverpoo! ~..;Aug 24 Adnatio...New York, .Havre.... .... .Aug 25 FROM EUROPE. . ' SHIPS l*av» , „fOic • .hays Vivo ........TTiverpotV,.New York-*— ....Jnlyit Illinois '.....i.Southampton .NewYork—:July J 8 Boheminn Liv»rpi'©l..Quew>n.. ..: July J 8 O of Woibington.LlverpooKfcew Yorkvw*. July 18 Saxonia .Sotoharopton :New Vo k.. July 18 A5ia........ —...Liverpool..New York .... Juy 21 Pfli)ce'AiDerL-~i.Gil«ns\.Nt*w York. July *1 Australasian*..; .Liverpool 'New York... .July 24 Galway. New -....Ju1f 2* Arago ‘..Southampton.'.New Y0rk.....-;—July 25 Kansdroo .Liverpool. ,New York July 25 Cana- t?n. r ..\.~... Liverpool. .Quebro J.ojy 26 Eurcpa.-i.~-. Liverpool.. Boston July2B Pvteity..Liverpool New York... Aug T The California Mail Steamers sal) from New York on the 6th. 11th, and &tth Of each month. , ■- ' „, The Havana Steamers leave New York on the *d» 7th» 13th. 17th. and ffth of each month. fflAHirtE PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July 22, 18€0, WUNRIBBS;;—*>~U-4 6?-BUN SETS— • .7 7 HGH WATER, —; ,pfiQ Brig James Crnsbv» Veame, Mari^ehead. harsh Mince. Weaver. 3 days from Now York, -With chemicals to C k P Lennic. tiohr, Jo* Mexfield. May, 7 days irom Boston, in bnl • taut to n Sturtevant k Co. Sohr Ann PiohreL*. Elsey, 3 days from Baltimoretwith coal to HlnkUton & Cox.' SpJjr Willie, Brown. 30 days from Calais, with laths, ,&o: s from Boston, with 20110 bigs lin*eed to Boyer Sc Barolay, - Sohr W 1> Beil, steelman. 2 days from Egg Harbor, with irrn'pipM to Dolwjjl & On. Bohr t»uoy Charon, Wildgn. ?4 a ? B from Newark, NJ, with mdse to captain Hchr Emrta. Brooks. -1 day from New Gastlo, - Del, with oats to Jas Barratt & B*>n Bohr Delaware, Denbr, 1 day from Brnyrna, Del, with Wheat to Jas Barrett k. non. - Pohr rt corgja, Sweet, from Boston, , Bohr Francis, Babcock, trora Boston. Sohr Snow Flake .Weaver, from Boston, * Hiaok Bir ,rk Achilles, fr<-m Falmoulh. irg.aud some ten nr twelve fphre (coal ended) went to s«a early this morning. The brig Lavaca, for Mobile- is the only ves sel at the Breakwater, Wind fresh from the south— weather very pleasant. - Yours. Ac., N. W. HICKMAN, (Corre*i»ondepc*of The Press.) HAVRE RE GRACE. Julv 23 1«0. The Kingston left with 10 boats iu tow. laden and con signed aa follows: ' May Flower, bituminous cool toßnbt Hare PowHl: Conservative, do to H N Barrouahs; C*pt Porter, Inm* her to M l ramp & t ons; « B Halley tt Sons, do to John Cntist V 8 Doemer, do to Nororots k Pheets; J 0 Hofl*- man.Bcrnh Edith, Ida, Lillie Jane, and Dr H West, coal to Delaware City. (Correspondence of The Preea.) _ ' „ . , , „ - .HEADING, July 25. The followmg.bo&fs from the Union,Canal passed in to toe Scbnvlkill Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Julia, lumber to J H Deysher; G Tirsman. do to 8 Bolton k Co; J M Hopson, do to D & 8 Oadwa-adsr k *Co; Ella, bhuimnoi.s «oal to H A k ft Seyfert; Win Kai baoh, gtam to Wm Kalbacb. . MKATORANT'A. Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, hence, arrived at Savannah 24‘h Inst. , Shi o Oliver Moses. Morse, hence, arrived at New Or leans yesterday. Hhip Nortlmmptou. Flwell, from Liverpool for Phila delphia, was spoken 23d iust. by a New I ork pilot boat «-no !at, Ao. HbipPaiah K Pettigrew, Burdick from New Orleans for Liverpool, was spoken 14th mat. SO miles S a. of C«pe Florida. Mjip John Clark, T atoarnnu. hence, arrived at Balti more 25 h mat, to load for Liverpool ship Red (Jauntier, 1 uens. fr.-m Mhangliae Maroh 27, with leas, silks. Ac at New York 25'h mat. Hhm Wm ohnmberlala, Knaj p, cleared at Charleston 23d ilsn fr r Liverpool. Bark W H Newman, from Rio de Janeiro, was below Baltimore SJth inst. Bark Hazard, Goodrich, from Loindo, Afrioa, 4th u!t, omved vt Rmton 2firh mat. . Rohr B De Ford, Fountain, hence, arrived at Norfolk 24th inst Sohr a Hammond, Paine, oleared at Boston 25th inst. for Plu'adelphia. „ Brlu Cicero, Burroughs, hence, arrived at Fall River SSdinat. Sohr Lftdynf the Ooean* Tibbetts, henoe, arrived at Newbury poit2lth mat. Sobra (Massie Van JDusen, Ireland, and JoVn Comp ton, Elliott, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 24th inst. ■ • Amelia. Rrckhth. sailed from Baker's Lauding 24th inst. for Philadelphia. * tfchi s J R Mather, IViokerson• Mary Elizabeth, Kelly* and Triumph, Artis, hence, arrived at Boston 25th inst. p!JRE AND CHEAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, 0S1« BX OBTAJNSD AT THB FOLLOWINS PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKEKV, 8. W» comer of Broad and Q.M. CLARK. —...- at, below H. MoNEIL... . —S. K. corner Sixth and JATHO tc SON, —_. No, 2M North Filth etreet. JOHN G.'MOXEYi No, 1223 Vine etreel. T. F. SMITH.. No, 116 North Fifth meet. 8. SOOY-—..- —B. E. oorner Fifth and W. W. MATHEWS.- nJ™? n '«r r E&, nt h »„ a Lociut streets. D. KNIGHT.Broad street, below Wal- GEORGE GARVIN —Naflku bombard etree*._ D. COURTNEY.— N. W.. oorner Sixteenth WM COUETNfiy w .,.«^.N^! d M6 n Vo t itb t Twelfth street. S. R.WAMAMAKKR ■.. Federal street* above Sixth. S. LENTZ*—-. •—•——Comer South Fourth and L. HOLLAND..— S. qVstx tee nth an DAVID SADDLER—...... Nof SCO North* Eleventh street. J f WEIGHTMAN—«—-Thirteenth street, below _ _ • Thompson street, 8. 8. TOMKINS.*.—.—..—No. 1040 North Fron > H DRftngß.: -a-*v/ e oorner of Seventh _ and Pine streets. F. MORRIS.. ....... W. cursor T>ntband „ „ . - Shlppen streets. E. D. TURNER,—... No. 1215 South Front 83AB 1.45 1.45 lit 1.43 1.25 1.20 LIS si.ao 140 L4O 1,10 1,40 1.20 1.16 1.10 1.08 1.02 street. SHUSTER —...—8. \V. corner Hrood and THOSa T. BLEST—»... ...Comer street m « L - .... u . _ and Kidgoavenue. B. S. E.' corner Ninth and Foder&l streets. J. MoINTYRE Tw.nty-a.cond .tre«t, nb. Coates. ALEX, FULLERIDN....... Comer of Fifth and Qhris- _ tian. MRS. E. RAMBLER—.,.. ..No. 1731 Coates street 0. F, A T. W. WOLF—•—633 Girard avenue. WM, McCRACKEN——.B2O3 Hamilton street, R. R« BEAZLY—.,N. W. oorner of Twelfth r„. «rw Melon street, JULIUS KLEIN—.-. —.B* W. oor, oflhirteenth «. and Parrish street M. NIPPEB...w * .N. * c . corner of Fourth _ and Green street MRS, F* ELLIOTT,ww.B, W. corner Tenth and . _ Green street J. L. HICKS.,———- —*« N, j„ store 112 C, H, RAINIER,—. —, West Philadelphia,66th st N. L. YARNELL LSSnSp^ d ro,ld - JOHN BARNDT———Tremont and Pine Grove Penna. GEO. D. TOWNSEND,—West Chester, Penna M. MoCLEES— .Atlantic City, N, J, D. HORTON———Florence, N. J. «. F, EBERLEIN —.Columbia, Pa. Limited paktnbrship.—a limited partnership has this day been entered into by Thomas j)< Tiitinshast ‘ s au-uel M. DuSield, hdwm F, Partiid«e,tand filn-o basi>ess. oi^ t ;L>ejtenemJ partners are 1 hom&B D.TjlHpirtmat, s Duffieiu.end hdwin F. Part-idse; the spo- PhilwlVlpff r * 8 araeB Abbott, all residing in the olty of £* U* ,^ fi S,ir>oant of capital oontriboted by the said * P fi|h, a T^ rs uufp Bh(!M°ciuuineo oo*o n*the 2d duy of liedstober i?S oBa *^ all terminatd on thedlatdoyof t! D. ) liw^NF,F?i&Jl L u D R >,.r ,, ” era,l,sr ‘ u6ra ' JAMES AyBGIT, Speaisl Farther. fjy3 m6t LEI’IIRi OP ADMINISIHATION upon the estate of lAOOB MOLZ, (lttgued havinc l aen '■granted Wy the Pesisier of Wills to th* uudersiyinedfad parfons indebted to said estate will phase make pay ment, and those having Oiaims present the without delay to MARY MV)LZ. • Nl3 North SECOND Street, felv whoiftiaie ArenUfnr Henn»Tlvj»nia, PIANOS. HAINES BROS. 7 OVERSTRUNG nTill patent-a cti o n piano Fortes. Cheapest Fust Clbrs Fmn. a made." / splendid assortment of Louis NiV , end other styles, for sale at Foetorv Cash Prioee, and warranted fore years. Second-hand nanos iorsale and to rent. GEORGE L. WALKFR, B.K.Cor.of BKV- r*TH and eHCH Bt. PRINCR, k CO. S Improved MELODEONS. from $45, upwards. k lylg-8m g=ai4fc, PIANON! PIANOS M PIANOS ? / PIANO-FORTES. MKLODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. , Made by Raven, Baoen, & Co;, Raßet *,Davis, A Co„ and others. ... . ”y»_- 4 ■ SEVENTH an^CHHB^NbT. ffStm MNWAX & SON'# NEW PA rVTTfT TKNT OVER-STRING grand pianos SQUARE GRAND, ANDBIiUAKJE PiAWS.niSFttJ: terred In concerts and in clrolea bf too bst porfomera. Received the first prominma over the best makers, from judges like Gottschalk, othoiS Challenge allcompetitioa. BLABIUH BKGtherh, ** t IOOW fTH.RSTNirf RtrSet BUSINESS! CARDS. VB PALMER, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT. F/FTH and CHEBTNUT, civet his the prinoiple andtgst mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o'clock. Address myil ' 3m . V. B. PALMER. TRI 3. BAYLIS THOMAS. a pgg g ro * J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, OCftna. Nov 110 South SIXTH Street* (OproeiMfndependmme Square,) 4 Bf the aidif tellable* AttoTneys, at different points m the united states, is. onablod to prosecute and collect claims of every description. Partioularatteption given to the examination and re covery ofthe claims of Logatees end Devisees, and the examination of Land Title* And securing the interest* of heirs and all persons interested in the same, mail pane of the Union. - Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. Depoaitim carefully taken under Commissions, apu-gm j SI'UeUET & SONS. • IMFORTEns OF HAVANA OIGAW, . No. ,13 Sooth FRONT Strcßt, S«MiT,roeuJarl, a foil M«ortmtiat of dMirabis CI *AKS. whoa tb., offer at lowratu, for caih or a,P *r»v«4 *r*w f»if. )T PANMB, V/ ’ jarrafine wax. PURE SPERMAQETI, I CHEMICAL SPEJIM, . ADAMANTINE, Assorted sixes, Packed in plain or fancy boxes to suit any market For sajeby the agent* of the nianufacturar*, MoKEONE.W and 24 8. WHARVES. Gift pw tf COAfS. 0 vM »isi?r uM CHKMirAL OLIVE, Kx av* J - TOILET, fto. JWfifaMr HEED, PALM ‘ AND ELA iNjeoiLe. tfjNYtf RAILROAD LINKS. BOSTON, CONCORD and ; and whijb mountain! n. h. ilaii,roads. 1869. . . SDMMe-v AnttASOAMBiVT. I«60. The shortest and. most direct male to Lake Win’ ipe saukgo.NorihOcnwny.Frnnoonia. and Wute Moun-. taioH, Irom ,Vew York Bouton. Salem, Newtmryport, Portpmou' U, &o. Noohange of oars nr baggage between Boston nnd LUUeton. Tiatns l-aVe Boston Tront the* depots of the Boston end l.owoll and Bt*stnd and Mame i>aili'mds.at73o *. M , for Centre Harbor, HLoiouth, t Welts River. Littleton, N. H. tt Johcshor?, Barton, Rtansfend, &o. oonooclmga*CentreUnrhorwitoefares fpr North Conway ami Wnite Alnunialts. and at Fly* mouth and Liitio nn.for Krancpnia owl White Moon*, tains, arriving at the Flume, froftle. Whito Mountain,, And O.awford Htmsrs earir same afternoon. Pass*nzo;s leaving Bos on nr 7 30 A. M., roach Little* tona'S.SOl* M.,and Hrofio House, Franconia^’o.on, hs P. MJ or wbjte mountnia and Craw ford Houses atiho white Mountains at7.’OP. M brave Poston at 7 80 A, M. and 12 M. oonoecUng at Lawrenoe wuh trail-b from Salem end Non-bur' por* tat i-oncord with trams from Porrsmnuth lor i’lvrooath. Centro Harbor,and Wolfboro*; oonneotingntWeir’s with thp oteamcr Lady of the Lake, Cnptn.n Walker, arriving at Centre ilarlwr earlier than by any ot‘ier rott’e Downward traids. for New York. .Worcester- Boston.Pob m. Newbnt>port, Forismoath. &0., leave T.ptlewn at in 16 a, M„ or on arrival of sraues from Franconmadd Wb'to Mountains. Leave Wells River at 10 JO A. M.. or oh arrive) of tra { n from Barton nnd Bt. Johnsbury I eave Plymouth at 720A* M. and 110 P. M,. or on arrival of stmes fn m Fianoonia Mountains. Leave "> oir's at 2P, M.. or on arrival oI steamer Ladv of the Lake, arriving nt Boston, Worcester, Salem. Newburyport, Portsmouth early same afternoon, nnd New York via Norwich line of steamers, Couneetiout ard C. VandetbUt.athnext mnrniTvg. jjID lm J, A. DODGE, Superintendent, I — mi II mi Mil m WfiST OH EST K B AND PHILADELPHIA KAIIiROAD V IA MEDIA. tUMMER ARKANGEMENT. On and after Monday. July 16 h 1860, the passenger trains will leave PHILADK-)-PHI from the Station, corner of -Market and Lehman or Thirty first streets, 'Voac Philnde>phia, at 7.30 and 1030 A. M., and 2.30. 4.45,-and 6.3» P. M. Mave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Marker streot, at C. 40, 8, and 10 30 A. M., and 1.45 and 6.15 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast ourner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at M. and 2 Leave West Chegtor.,at 730 A* lU t , and oIP. M. The met passenger railway will leave Front and M -rketslroets 30 mmal-e, and Eighth and Warket streets 25 minutes, before the starting time from the de pot and will carry a flav to dem.te it. The aageagoCar will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour ivfore thp departure of the train from the West FnHadelphia dppot. Trim* leaving nt 7 30 A. M. and 4 45P. M., and on Wedn*ss nt 430 P. M . connect n( Pennelton with tmi< s fur all points on the piuiadeiphia and B itimore Central Railroad, 0 <-eea"d waiting room, southeast comer of Eik!)*!) and'Mar 1 et greets, where pasgeqgors, purchasing rickets for Wei>t Chester wm be furmehed with a ticket over the passenger railway. HENRY WOOD, jy3-tf - General Superintendent. north pennsyx,- VANIA HAH,ROAD. H'ivuN. ladolphfa, DAILY. ( Sundays excepted,) os follows: At 6AO A M. (Expreas)j for uothlehem. Al entown, Mauoh Chunk, Hazleton/ V/ilkesbarre, Williamsport, AO- At23o P. M. f Express), forßcthlohem, Easton, &o. This train reaches Easton at P. M.,and makes ’ Qofln?°t!9h yrih New Jersey Central for New: At 6 P. M. for Dothlehom, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk. «o. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. V. for Dojlestowu. Af IQ J9 n A * AJj tt s d M for Fort Washington. Tho 630 A. M. Express Train makes dose connection with tho Lehigh Vaboy Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wiikesbarre, and to ail points in the Lehigh uoal Region. . - TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Bethlehem at 5.63 A.M.,9,20A.M.and5^2P. Leave Doylestovs at 7.30 A. M and 4,15 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 0.15 A. M. and %W 9 . M, ON SUNUAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 8 P. M. Doylestown for Philnnel phis at 6.40 A M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia ats.ou P. M. Fare to Bethlehem.. 81 60* Far* to Mauoh Chunk.B2 80 Fare to Easton 1 WlFare to Doylestown.. 080 Through ’l’iolmts mast be procured at the Ticket Of fices at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Train* f except Sunday TrainyJepnnoot at Be*ks street With Fifth and Sixth streets ardeecorid and Third-street Passenger Railroads. 20 minutes after leaving Willow street. _ . JjS ( ELLIS CLARK, Agent. fgg gag naBMKBHB PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. REDUCTION OF FAREBI On and after APRIL Sd. 1860. Commutation Tickets, with twenty-six coupons, will be issued, good for the holder and any member of his family, on any Passenger Train, and at any rime. They will be sold by the Treasurer, at the offioe of ths company. No. 227 South FOURTH atreet,p.t ft reduction of twenty-five percent, from the regular tires., parties wishing to enjpy the Rummer in theXtolhifr will fifidtpi* a very dttfirabjc route, the Schuylkill and Lebanon Valleys being among tho most beautiful and healthy in the State, and beces fibte by four trains from and to PhtU-telphia dailv. t*. BRADFORD, Treasurer, PGILA.DKLPHU., Maroh 261 h. iB6O. uih27-tf fgsrvrTE¥fff t m Philadelphia jRjSiISS AND READING RAIL UOAD.—PASSENGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLP, READING and HARRISBURG. MORNING LINE, DAlLY,(Sundaye exoepted.) Leave New Dopot, oorner of BROAD scu CALLOW - HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on CallowtitU streets »atB,W) A- M., oonneotmg atHwriaburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, 1 P. M. tram running to P.tMbur* ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. M. tram runniug to nbamhersbarg, Carlisle, : and the NORTriRRN CENTRAL RAILROAD IP. M, train, running to Sun onry,*&£. AIfTERNOON LINES- Leave New Depot, oornsr of BROaI) and OALLOY/- HILL Streets, PHJLADLLPlllA,(Paesangerehtranoes onTnirtoenth add on CaUowUill streets,) tor POTTS VfLLK.and HARRISBURG, aie.to P. M„ DAILY, for .w. -*■-*"*. ’>«:«, ate P. M», DAILV, (Sunders ex o'®ANCEa VIA PHUADBLPIfIAAND HEADING BAILROAD. From PsaADßr.pnu Miles, ToPhosmxviUo.....——. 28) Reading.. to Philadelphia and Reading Lebft.opn.-.«~-M* and Lebanon Valley R.H, Daub! “iS MiUfcrsburg. . Northern Central Trevorton Junotion.,ls3 Railroad, Sunbunr... 160 Northumberland...... 171 LewEibnrf ..... 178 Mi Iton ....«.. - .IS) Muncy..—. 3»7 Bunbory and Erie R. R. Williamsport ~^.209 Jersey Rhore.... ~— 2S Lock Haven.... 235, WUlio X« E, “ ira The 800 A. M., an*) the 3.30 P. M. tram oonneot daily making olose connections with tines to Niagara Fails, Gas ado the West, and Southwest DEPOTJN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and DALLOWHILL Streets, autt-tf <*. R. MeTf.H ENNEY. CeereUrr mSKP® ARBAN^?' PH I L7Si S I. E HiA {O ~0|j ; AND DALTJ- On and after MONDA V. July 9 IB6U. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at B.U A. M„ 12 noon, f Express,) ana IRIO P. M. For Chester at S.UA. M., 12 noon, 1.16,6.00,7.09 &i.d U.lbP, M. For Wilmlneton at 8.15 A. M,» U noon, 1.25, 5.00, T.UO, and 11.10 P. M. ’ For Nov c&atlo at 8.15 A. M., end S.DJ V. M, For Middletown at 8.15 A. M., and s.m l'. f 4. Dover atB.U A. M.. and 6 0? I*, tl. ’ Fok at 8.16 A. w. and 5 F, M. '•or Milford at S.lfi A. M. Tuesdays, Thuradaya, and Saturday* at 6.COP K Fo; Farraiiuton at 815 A* M., Mondays, Wednesdays, and FndayoatO.CUP. M or tieatord at BJS A. AI. Mondays, Wednesdays, ami Fridays af 5.00 P H llt F >’-Hjn*burjr at 818 A. M, Tram at 810 A. M will oonneot at Sanford on TueFtuys riiursdoys, and Saturdays, with steamboat to Noifolk. . „ TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore atB-50 A* M., (Express,/10.15 A. M*. uid«S P.M. Leave Wilmington et0.50,&50, and itJO A, M.* 1.45, 4.50, an/* 8.35 P. M. Leave Salisbury at 1 SO P. M. 'eave Beaford. Tuemlija, Thnrsdaya, and Saturdays, at 7.2* A- M.. and Swi'.f- Leave Farmin * rr ’ rTtllo Intermediate Leave HavroAle-Oroce for Baltimore and intermedi ate plaoes at 600 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Hnvro-de-Graoe and intermedi ate plaoes at 4.00 P. M, SUNDAYS Oa|7 at U>WP V M« from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.25 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia, Jy7 9. M. FELTON. President. 1860. SUMP' 1860. DBI.PRIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.’S From Walnut-street Wharf, Will leave as follows—via: At 6A M, via Camden and Ambor, C. &A. Aoeorn * ABS ' m0dati0a....... - •....#325'- At 6 A M, via Camden and JeraoyCity (N. J./Ac commodation.. 1 a 85 At 9 AM, via Camden and Jersey City*Aloruius Mail.—. _ )|m i m Mlwi P K, via Camden and Amboy, Aooommo datioa........ _ j j* At a P M» via O&mden and Amboy, C. and A, Ex press ~. joo At* FM,by Steamboat via Tacony and Jersey Citr, Eyemns Express, 8 00 At4P M. by Steamboat via Taoony and Jersoy City, 8d Close Ticket. * • J, 535 AtoJ^ M,viaCamdon and Jersey City,Evening At U P M, via CamAen anA ‘jefsoy 6i£y’, tfoutll&rn fllftH—-,,,. , , __ rr ,. sjo AtOPM.via Camden and Amboy, Aeoommoda tion*(FrekhtandPasaenger,l—l6tCla4BTiyket. 525 „ Llno Tho II P M, South? erri Mail, Saturdays exoepted. For BelvjdOM, LasabenviUe, Flemlnston, Ao..at6A Mand4 PM,from Wabiut-streetwharf aruJ 7JoAMfrora Kensington. r For* Water Gap. Ktrondaburs, Boranton, WilkesKarre, Montrose. Great Bend, Ac., at 6 A. M, from Walnut* street wharf, and 7,10 Aol. from Kensington, via DeUt* ware. Laokawanna and Western R. R, For Mount RoUr. at 6 and 9 A. M., 3 and i)i P. M. Fcr Fr fS l la i4,.M. For Bristol. Trenton, fc o„ at and 4P. M. from Walnut street wharf, 7.10 A, M. and &U. P. M. from Kensinston, , ForPMmtra. Riverton, Deianoo, Beverly, Barline ton. Florenoe, Bordentowji, *O., at W 6, l.and4J< p. M. oteamboat Jos Holknap for Bordentowa and interme diate Places, at P. K, Seamboat Tronton for Taoony, at 11 A. M. and Twony. Beverly, Burlington,and Bristol, at* P. M. Piftl Poaods of Baggaeo, cmiy, atluwed each P&ssen- 6 r»r. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything aa agfage but their wpanng apparel. All baggage over n.fty pounds to paid for extra. The Company Umit th^,*Ll^ spon, J bl .l lt ?, tor . ba &K a > :e to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount bejona SlOO, ex cept by speoml oontraoL . Wm. h. uatzmkk. asqmi. lgariawp ELMIRA ROUTE. - ffISSKSSP 1 and el- ROUTE to Tamaqaa, Catawissa, Rn pert, Wtlbesbarro, Boranton, Danville. Milton, Wil namsport, Troy. Ralston, Canton, Flmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falla, Robheator. Clovoland, Detroit, Toledo. Wes? 50 * St ‘ MtlWfAt*;?® sll polnU North atid Paseonger ti ains will leave tho now Depot of tlto Phi* iMelnhittand Heading Railroad, comer BROAD and V A LLOWIULL Streets, iPaaimgcrentranoe on Cal* 'Slf »” ••WIM daily {Sundays oxcoptadl, for abovo points. o« followe ? DaV BXPIiEBa B.CO A. M. -. NIGHT EXPRESS 3.30 P. M. The 8.00 A, M, train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes bar re. Pitta cm, Boranton, and all stations on ih* ANt) BfioOMSRHfIG RAILROAp, ,* ho above t,aico make direut cpur.eutinua at blmua wltnthß trains of the New York and Ena, Canandaigua and Niagara Pads, and Buffalo. Now York and Erie, and rjew York Central Bail oada, from oil points North and West, and the Canadas. Baggago oheoxc.i to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all 1 crmediate points. rioketeoaah) , roonred at the Philadelphia Slid 251- 2V4Vu lro ,^MV* l noTthwest comer ol SIXTH ami CIP fwoTSireets.andatthe Passenger Depot, coru;r i HIRTEENTHand QAI I OWIIILL. . THRmiU EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN thu »*uiluanw! Reudipg Defot.Brocid and . Freights mu be delivered before BP. M, to insure their going tb» amc day. For further , n f o rmation apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEEN l'n and CALLOWHILL, or to ’ OH AS. 8. PAPPEN, General Agent, Njrthwpt ocraor SIXTH and .OHKBTN , IIAJIiROAD XINES. Tn& PENNSYLVANIA OBNTEAL RAILROAD* - MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. .liWH' 1860. THE CAPACITY OK.THrg-ROAD 18 NOW EQ.UAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. Connecting direotat.rtuladelphia with Through-Trams Bwton, NoTrYork.Mdaii i»oId» Eaittaud in th e y wqn Depot at, Pittsburg with Through. Train* to and from all pomta in the West, Northwest, and Southwest r-thua foraishiug CaeiUtlea, for the transportation of Paaenger* unsurpassed for speed and comfort Or any other route. 1 Express and Fast Line* run through to Pittstmrg, without change oi Cars or Conductors. All through Pas senger Trains provided with Lougbridge'e Patent ilrake-fpeed under perfect eoatrol of- the engineer, that addin* much to the safetr of travellers. 1 Sißohmg Cars are altaohed to each Train: WoedrolFa fOTss c m bla™? ss. daja exoeptart. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. Fiat Line “ f* 1140 A. M, Exoresa Tram leavee u p. M. _ way TRAINS LEAVE AS POLtdwS: •“mimrj Accommodation, via Colombia, I T, M. Qoraroma ** ADO P. M. jfaGtea» :: Aft* ft West Che. tot Iwaiim will takatha Mill, West Chester Accommodation, anc! Columbia Tram.. PM.en.er. for Sunbnrr, Wulnuiuport, Elmira, jlnffa interuiejinte point., leaving Phi ladelphia af7.Jfi A. M. and tP. M.go dTreotly through." Tiotaa W ertward may beobtained at the offices of the Cmnpany in Philadelphia, Now York, Boston, or Bal ttniore:MdTiokets Eastward at any oftke important Railroad Offloeai in the Wert; also on board any of the f?ve* kT ' Bte*BsW “ rig ftps*. Rail- P&Uy: „ „ ‘ D. A. STEWART, Pittglmrri n *.®*n Co., 7.gnesv|lfo,o.j3. j. jennston,Ripley, O.i H. MeKealr.Mar.viUe, Kg.; o'rm.bj A dronner! I ortamouth, O,; FadoooL V (50,, Jeflorsonville, Indil w. Brovm A Co-.Cmoumntl, 0.1 Atiern A Uibnert, O.: R. 0. Mflldnuo. Hadbtm, Ind.; Joe. E. Monro, Lonumlle. Kv.j P. O. b-RTSTS Co! Evrniaviile, 1n.1.; N. W. Graham A Co., Cairo, li!H. F. & Glaag,Bt* Loins, Mo.: jehu k, iiar rie, Nashville, Tonn.; Harris A Hunt, itfemphisVTonm; Clarke fc Co., Ohioago, lij.iW. H. A. Koonta, Alton St’h •> T 7o r ”“ ht Aceut * » fetllrojill (it iim»r»nt powtl 8. K KINGSTON, Iro FhP.Ht.lthl a. fc KQONff, W Nortnstraet, Aaltintoit. ,_ * LEWIS, Gen'lSujpt Altoona, ra, jaS’iy nximrmiMn philadelphu, gee “ Yor i germalX?owJi i . < ’ U ®’ ON SUNDAYS, 9.01 min. A.M., 1,1,0, and IQH F.M. fl.lo min. A. Iff., 1.1Qmi0.,4,6*, Bx, 8, 9, Leave Chestnut Eill 7.10. 7.40. a. 40, 9.40 U. 40 A. M.. 1.40, 8.40,6.10,8.40, ftn2M n ”' m ** “•* ONSUNDAYBa bare PMladslpttiaS.W A. M„ 3.0, utinP.K Hill MO A. Id,, UAO, 0.10, udt.u ™‘froß CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Lsavo Philadelphia 040.7 X,«/». U.W, mm,, A. M«., <>6,S.M, 6M, and 11» P. RL " f i^M** 0 *^** **• *’ UA * Ml * <*• * . . .ON 81JNPAYS, tflarsPhiladalpliiaa A.M.&nddind « P.M. hettre Norrutown 7k A. M.. 1 and « P. M. . , , POfTNIANAYUNK, jsst, esttsrißßr ww A - *• ij »' «*»«w OH 80NDAYB. fcsaTe Philadelphia 9A. M„ I,«, and 8P M. *’“*» ManarjokJWA.M„i«,B* and. wt P.M. nimsgafc PHILADELPHIA :ScS«e®3SEiAND REABI>G RAILROAD. «n am) inter Juljr 1, iB6O, Milnane Tiokrt. will l« |„ued at *tt. ® aoh * * *s percent., mvinic tbe holder a to travel *,OOO miles at any time, between any pom’s, ain m the No. lcar of any Paaaenger Tram on above Railroad or tjije branches worked ky ? a id Cy«i^ mea ard c*hers, having occasion to travel frequently between different point., will find tbia nr ratuement con', enient and economical. cor said tickets or other information apply to the Tio et Agents on iheLine, h. A. NiCuLL VGeueral SupArmtendenLßeading,or to H. BRADFORD. * b2& Treasurer, Philadelphia. SffiMFlfßlTl NOTICE. —CHESTER SENIjpRIhaTnSoR dow^Sngswn and"ftf- TRAIN forDownicgtowu, leaves at 8.00 VAAIN f«t BownJnfUwrilean aat DAILY (Banda™ expsptfte.; an/j&aStnit Railmod Corm tiny. kin »p» w. n. Mrn.HKMNKY. Seorelary. PIiILADgIPWAANf) after MONDAY. JnlySth, 1860, the trains will ran as follows: Leave the p&tsengerdepotofthe west Chester SBd FhHadelphia KaHroad Co, comer Market and Thirty-fi/Ft streets, West Philadelphia, dolly ttfundayi excepted) or 7 30 a. M. and 4 45 P. »ouuu*j» B&tarda>saa extra train at23o Leave 7? Mt Grove at 6 AO and lU(> A. M „ and 4.« e P. M. 1 hal.fiu A. M. (>am tiom PtnTtidelpbia connect* f*i rest with a ca\ly Une of otases via Now Lonmm and oxrord. Ketamine leaves oxford at 640. A. M„ con nsotmcwnh theflM A. M. train from West Q ove. 1 The beautiful scenery and well-known heauhtnlness of Delaware and Chester oounties offer superior in* daoements to those looking for summer boardms. Freights for this line reoeired at No. J3I« Market 8L A B BURTON Philadelphia, Jane 23.1660. tanlff ’Superintendent. MbOHM WEST CHESTER SEg&Ki KLEVENTH >nd MARKET Straott. daihf (Sxc.pt Siindn.' At 7.16 A. M.. U.IO P. M..nnd IP. M. Lnm W„t rh'.t.r M,.« a. M, In (5 *. M «nd ~W P. M. SHIPPING. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMEItIOAM aOYAL BTEAM nv i.rff??/ *»« *« HVIKMOI. OUof pabmFun,, ».»» Btcond G&Dia Fftwage—. , »KOM DOBIOH TO LITIBPOOI. 2*" ef /,“»» 8110 oeoond Cabin Passage—....... a 1 laffliMaffflb,. ASIAi d&pt. B, G. liott, JNIAGARA,C3-pt,Anderson hraOM b«pt J. Eeitoh, These vessels carry a clear white light at masthead; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. NIAGARA. Millar, leaves Boston, Wednesday, June 87. AB!A,Lott, . ‘‘ N. York. Wednesday, July 4. BUROPA, Le 'eh, M PoKton, Wednesday, Jdr 11. PERSIA. Judl ins. ; N. Yori.WodneliJaV. Jatia ** Boston, Wednesday. JqW U Af 51% N York, WodHSsday, Aug. l. » ,NYorl' • Bprtha not poured until paid for, 6 Ape^FOTlenoodßareepnont»oard>. • win not bo accountable for Gold. fii ver. Bullion, Beooie, Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading sie signed and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply t» _ E. CUNARD, myS 4 Bowling Green. New York. yOR THE SOUTH —OHABLES- Heavy Freight at an average of vivrxxn ser oent, be low New York Stesmthlprufos. _ ■ . .FOR aUARLESTON. S, C. ThnU. 8. MaIIJtoMUhIDKEYSTOWE STATE, c*p tA\nph&rle»P, MM»hnuva, wjl ,»llon Batnrciar, Jnlr m 3 at lv A, hi, “M _The j U. IS. Mail Ifteamahip STATE O" GEORGIA IQ rTtD| v ‘ * on ijeaday, July Wg u E,h inja toWhourv-Kinly <3 hour* at ffea. srgaiUng days ohangedfrom every Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading signed every ttay. * ■»s««« . Th° rolandld Steomchips KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIAnow run eg Above bYQnrtsn days, thus forming A commu niution with Ghft'lsßon and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. ■ W kM At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships oon rieot with steaiLers for Florida, arid with railroads, 4to„ plruies in t-e South and Southwest. * : . . ~ * INSURANCE. - Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of goods ■(hipped South will be found to be lower by these ahiM than by sailing vessels, the remiam being one-hAu th* J?-—TnffttrwnjjO on All Freight Is enUrely unne(M«ajry,rafthorthan Charleston or Savannah, fie Railroad TION? IN 1 vpm these points. Fare by Sisroato »ro 40 per cent, cheaper than by !tei n fe d Kou J?/ “ !? l lbe tMUhf the following soha ehiie. Through tickets from Philadelphia, via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on tho whole route, exoept from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery \ To OO c* an I Sav^cah.~ |»S ji oq AUhusta.-■ id W Anguata gj Q 0 iJaoon si 00 Maoon - sj 75 At anti 33 00 moo • ffcr- S§S S?fe b .“!rr- M 011 »» SontUTr«»toorn6rJ , oßM , Aiob>« in OharWjton. T. sjfc T. Q. Hddß,* -SUNTfii: * SAMfiIEU,. p* ®7,F10/i Ida from Oharfsston, Bteatner Carolina every Lv-£UftT• For Florida from Savannah, steamers St, Mary’s and St. John’s every Tuesday and Saturday, EXPRESS companies. gfriggafiaraa THE .ADAM 5 ! EXPRESS SwawHßßco .offiosaan chestnut Kuatt, HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. SJAOKAttE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We MlioHed, and tkiod. 4* 1«,.d .uLrin 4i. Aa4 Asssts ferFereigs sr4 Dumestle Hardware. u ftiss-tf [Mackerel, shad, herrin<-i, a<-, *■' >■ fend 9 large and msdium Mao afao 1 m - of a ve y choice unalitj; Sl?K?‘i^ w Wo- 3 large Mackerel. - Mha f bbls new N 0.310 do, SObblanew No. 3 medium do. $Xa. d ?, n ? w Eastern Messßhad, ..<$ b? l f obis new do tin' uo. ™a 1 ’i 0 " ki'fi wit INo. 1 Hailing, S6O do do Halifax No. 1 do. *OO do new Boston .No. 1 do. *22 j olatl, k , T: s&bs™ tar] **• Men e fine Win Tell.FeTiat. Canton, and palm hats* k , ... THIMMiNGS. -Also, a quantity of tailors’ trimmings, bands, bind ings, HCjJj dn.dCO. , , •' AND » EASE OP STORE. of ,h * *''>'«• oOTn.rimdg olfioe fnrai rare, shelving. ,oo ‘CA*EB. • _ YP Thursday Morning, Annsrzd.fttlo o'clock precisely, we will offer by SiSl^hL?’. 01 1 f*«i4 | VELA WAKE motoajl, SAFETY IK- O, omoß wa**.. IHLAND INSXISA^OKS Ob food*, by Riyer, Canals, EafcSTaua Lest Garris** aiH f MWdMfofe« Ofl Merchandise % eneraily. Moytmber 1,138; #ll,OOO Pennsylvania State 6 y ot. Loan.. 21.0 a) 00 #32,000, V. 8. Treasury 6& #?■ cent. Note* and . interest ana . SJSS 24 #20,000 U. S. Treasury 6 #r otlfotes and inter _ _ wtoue—... L- „..., ao.ei# oe #23,000 Temporary Loon to the City of Phila- ilelnhia —-.-■.-..■■g.QMflfl #20,000, Railroad 2d Moj-tfsys ' #20,000, North I'c Mart- *® •IMH ... _ Company? ct, coupon bonds..,,, 11JQ0 fei 011,009, >BO shares stoos Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guarantied by the ,oity of PiuS aalphi&~.~ i—n- - —... n . ii.a-w •WC4»lO# shares Pennsylvania Railroad BMOI,IOO Kail-' 1 ***** W road Company —^.,.., ma no fJ-SW, shares Philadeipnia ice Boat and Bleaw. Tus Company, FniladeJphia and B&fanmvhSteain Navigatfott Coa tjorapanyf p) CaSuu, ntUdcSSS? Eubasn c?fauAnT 441 a eo Somifttnd Mortmw. auiKeal Estate, Of-* -9,718 H Tveo Bmtdmg ,- ■ - r -^.m M Bills rooeiv&bla for Insnranou nyyja ~ 1-I’SE n Balance[dueat Ajreneiu—PrsiuiQmjcn Ma nna Policies, interest, and o*h9t tfetrts Un» „ the Company— IT.lfli fff ocnp (vnd wtooa of tnndry Insurance Co rap*- w0*...~. .—......, ,',,, L |j*j ca Sub ob Deposit is -- 1 , 11ii 11 ■ i &Q& it (TOM. Samuel E. Stoke*. fa B fe, WJ H» Jones Brooke* Saanoor M’ilve>»a» Thomas o. Kane. Robert Barton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. M’FarlafeL Joshua P. Kyre, John D.T. Morgan, « . HAND, Vioe President •■rptArr. dli ’RTiUiiira Martin. Efiman 1 A. Bonder* Yoeophita* PanlAlnti John'fi. Pearou* {ofcn o.p6Tiu, «nw« IVa^uair* Williaip Erre,yr„ W|:&. fi«orie 0. Leipsx, Rush Crus. Shkrle* Kelfo WLhUJ BKNKY I-YLB*?;, EDUCATIONAL. TtfKSD,;ME3 Oni.QARAY AND D’llEK. Hm „ K' l , Ll i? resfectfo.ty i„fnrm their friends and tno p b io that they horo removed their hoardm* and i?’ ? ®l "■ »n¥qn»re to Nos. 10-T and l.Vd!r sp.lVop, Sireor where they wilile rj’dMo receive their pupils on THUItSi'AV, eoptem iVloadames CREGARAYanrI [VHEKVIILY will re ”;v» vis.t ,rs at No. I#oo LOGAN Square unU ipp L’lrth All.uat, . j)h6 6ai A MiMUAN SUftyoy mS'WXTJTiS ia a *• relmhle mjd'.ißa t'awotlisWsh School* mi Faml- U»a r, u oi.iAi* oomMtent towhari. Parents nor oh • «* BfU'ANT & STKATTOS’3 til'lOKAl MERCANTILE toaiwd hi fMU delpliia. 6. !■. Skv® srtl Nets \ lteflgJo, Clefelaud, Ohiecuo, uto g-„ J-ojiis. Rat iu\ vmatoon,ea\) eTsandftjr fc* */ LEGAL. TVOIIIK—To the heu's and legal , " eentfttuesof William Resets. (lea assd.--Ybu are keroli. noun* ii that b vixta* ai* ordej of-ih* Or phan*’ o«mrt of county to (Redirected, 1 vyill divide .pan,; r "M’sthelfeal r at te oi WitUHtit Ko*en» Ufo’il on WEi»I*BPAY, the 8 h day ot AUUL'?< r. IHSO orir/o>ook P. the pubito honsoof Joi n Rowo, in East Lan.peter township, tshou anu trutre jou mayettondii >im proD 6 r. • M Sheriff’s Office, Lancaster, Jnb l$ t 156y>, ’fjK» r f« ORiW-VTILLS Cleaned at a low price. to obtain the contents. /ddres* WM.TINSON. Poodrettot.'/Ece, mia j>orih Second e tract. SLATE ROOF{NQ,—JOHN WELCH, SLaThR, w prepared to, put on any amount of rc.otne ot tow rate*. All work Warranted to MA U vS?.WN°M er S «HK to THI **, D and GE$ M « «t^ oWW Wll be promptly attended to, *ejw am ALFRED L. HOUGH, r^PK f; WARWAQTUKERg’ ABEN», KRUU, So. tYSouti, SIXTH reu~eui ■ IAiIIBTAVCTIOiv; ill THOMAS S SONS. ** -«» Bontb FOURTH gtrq.i oJSililSni »ks?"’P l m^ma “ aul >“*•“! ®uly to o&s -thooMiil catalogues, in Mmehlet Ssl*at the Rxcbange 24th Julr. ST trrf for , each ready. ♦t,?v R P , “' oar of real -erate and etoolral at hereafter be-held at l* o’clock# ®‘2S- ? /i ltl^:, 2L! be fyoSMR* «t 7 c’olook. . * cl s i bo^Mwh^?,ta l. o f? ion °f dtktr gale. „ rotate at Private balk. w*t«emte at private every aescryuon of mty asd eovuiry rtane. 1 h I '°*_ le-Brord-rofHmi. . Yerr va nsj*e L<»T 3 scree, 19 perches, on the York raid. Nl M y,wn •-nieybiolnt’o. ,n ° lct4 ‘ o'rv?MUM r . , T^r.r!'-P- 8111 F*'«nirs. . onliJriV.“B2taSnro f a ‘ *?»«« f „« F.r,.n . t r M r, . Psremptory Fftle oroxford ' Bnok »W R LLUIO, Twin, Mr»t norik VERY IMPORTANT SALE. . MON T OUR' 3 K(?I?Vo r M AND • ’ ' Ssm£;iS°' at W °>* s*f«, re*2« by Evans & fST May bo examined any time pipvion* to the s f»KD& CASP-BW. -. _ , , On Thursday Mornuw« k l ® A® ott< is Bto lß. au farn.tun*, «ta*act piano-JortM. cflrwtt, eta., from f*mUie*“ nraaQke*piiic« removed to the store for conTpzuencP of - MOSES NATHANS* .A.U.OT 1 OS££E m dittoed*. ****S' orT *oodl> oloUUnr, prS do““ > o,o ““' n<^ sCr£™» rt Estabß*ii«l Hoes* ia this ©ity, K Back street. • - BuineN hours from »A. w. to *l*. Sr. Heavy insurance foe th®-bei»&t or CHAfttfMso*L> TWOPERCEIfS - *lWand upward* at two mi ntsu iiSSttoS? SIOa ■*!••«***«*.»» «• rar«ieg?or ifflssassiKjjjssa ®WT description. vin low* wn», pistols, MMsUr rassssus? iss • A OUT DOOft.* SALES Attended to «y the Auctioneer. fiACBnBKY AHI) IHO>. « PENN STEAM ENGINE AND v° exeraswly enga**}S, M ° r «W»w» Marrne aod HiverKnmesjSS ard low pressure,.lkw Boats. Water TsDkalPTOAtter*! £?IIJLZ' «®w their eervjQwto thepabUe! ®f“ WO prepared to ©detract forEarfses of ?lw Sarjee. Fivrr, and Ststiofi&n, bavins eets ol of different sues, are presarad *? execute or ders with *uick despatch. fc ven wwnptTon of Pattern makmsnude at the atoneM sotiee. B»?Vand Low F «4 CillwUn Bailers, of tbs oharcoaliron. FoifUtta. of an size* HjWSP w t «oa M t£?« Cattisw, pfaSTiescrisUoas; ssi^rsanAssussssbf*'" 31 o,h " wwl _Ow?maß and epesutamona for,an work dose at that free ofchorge, and work ruarantied. Tv tsMenbest ban ample wharf dook mom for ro lain of heats. wherwthe, era lie in- perfect eafetx. rad ar» provided with abeara, block*, f*iu- 4e.,&0.i for raiainf heavj or li»ht weliht*. - . . an FOTJNIErtf, No. 951 oeratory orCefol*-«arc&o£s,ina ihv continent. then it remains to* dw 'ti.uut a rival in *ise, in euneptuoascea. and in | e /?s»ral element* of comlort and enjoyment/ The Hotel hie Bocommodatione lor one thousand xceeta, iu 6lthins on* hundred coraalete smite* of apartments fen fatmUes, feix hundred persons can be comfortably seated at tto tables of it* three public dmrax rooms, and Hit thinethatmodemaitha* devised for tho convenience IW aooml of the travelunx pnoUo has brea omitted nuts plan, or i* neglected in impractical detail* Tte early reputation or the house at home and abroad dervved from its magnitiido- it* superb appointments! and iUfcome-u£e comforts ana luxuries, has boas- en hanced every year by the tunrearied exertion* of t.ie proprietor*. milT-fta - TBEADWEiiL, WHITCOMB, & CO. SAVING FUNDS. “ A little, Luc often. fills the Parse.'* fpRANKUN SAVING FUND, No.i X L 36 SoathFOURTH Street, between Cfcesi &stand Walnut. Philadelphia, pays all Denasiic on demand. Depoetam* money scoured by Gorwament, State, &ad City Loans. Ground Rants. hfort ga*», Ac. This Company deems safety better then !ar» profit?, consequently wiU run 90 mk with depc «tore* money/bat ha?* it atoß times ready to return, with • per cent, interest, to the owner, w they nave always done. This Company naTer iciptodtfli • Females, married or single, and Miners, can aepam in their own right, .and such deposits can haVitharawn only by their consent. CTiarter perpetual. IncotP9TMed by the Bate of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money from trustees and exeOQtora- LARGE AND SMALL SUMB RECEIVED. Office open duty, from 8 to S o’clock, and on Wedneedw STeaicg nntil 0 o’clock. t • DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyras CadwaHadw, few. US: JQpHrSfitUrUiwajte, Jones Yerkes, Qtys CanwaLLAPMi, Treasurer. ** A Dollar raved »twioo earned. -CAVING FUND—FIVE PER OENT IN- SAFETY 7Hi rt £AhY .WaLNUT Streett southwest corner of THIRD PWMeJphm, Inoorporated by fc. Steto oF pcMtyT “° m depoeit to the day of with „d ri “” _ _ „ WllCWta; taSffA, fesswsk. wSffis^Sr* irassr “**•-sjsusj - - _ _ _____ anl-ly S DOTTED states COMPANY, MOB THIRD and CHEST- Muall sums referred. and said tuurfc r,n »»a -wi y* J rr ' rK PEJ? CENT.INTK ?«£»!. tio d5l of 4*»ont to the dt» of»!th- MOMDAY tt KVEVIN^Vmm ! »^ i> w **?? i“ T ' ,cd 03 HR ABTaTir £l4"“dj?”' until 9 o’oloot. (Vmuil ls “ “tlanrf, IrtUnd. and Scotland- R. CRAWFORD, pSW^flsk. ActaarT, HU^T^®' C A ouJ r,?m ! -*SI'KOLCGV .'-LOOK luHim FOR ALL!—Ths DJvjr la the boat; ei.a whSuri failed. Atl whonrt ir.trou'.-le,alt ttm *J*?**F® dfl unfortunate, deceived by falsa promiArff* JJI ♦*,*^ r -,‘ or ,£d vice and comfort. J» lon cjfa;ri ku ®“® has the aeeret of winning the itS'ec ti&ci of the opposite sex. It is tlhis fact which induce* ii l ,.®!?- pretenders to try to imitate hc» ♦ and bony he» aavertifcenient. She snows yon the lii'ene&j of tout £*- cure wife, hujbfcnd« or absent friend. It is vail kntn»« to at large that 6be u» the first ana on 1 } p»t «cua. who c»n show the likeness in reality,-and con live •nor* satisfaction os aJi the oonoems of hfe. vhien oan be tested and proved by thousands, both married &&u tingle, who daily and fajccrW v«u her. Come one ! ooma ail! to No, JS3S LOMaARJ) Street, * per and Urntil. isis 6t* DAWSON & NICHOLSON. HOB. *l9 ald STiLKES, B9«re»a K !SS?I -S”}, Chrrßmt ctrt.u, PAWSoT 1 "* WCEOiOBOr. ||ENNKSSY BRANDY.—7O Disk*, i« Sfif*