Tra afwiitA'/iri 'iftflif;-iifcpVP«feer‘ ■' K&i«a*/4Mfa««l6*p ofih®‘ Pfnaßtyaafewttkiß laaltTreaal; f* aayiptdlllbu reach a- point a Huto aaatoof-tpat attained by - Oapt. todndfot ■ whleh'Ah* traeei of the mlaeinf navigator would tM (bond . A So**Bßarii«i*TijrHoc»ro»,Td*to—- - The HaMM Tfltprwph of MttMfo.ftt7toi)i . fJk>el£i*:_WoejeU melptofjetten feotoawenv tietoao tuSagUsd. who dauna to eangeltiniiß w» preonr, one by whiohi»&jeo«t - of retalag I* oeaitoeraUr: redaoedr *od Buka, irului bond.-- . Bo pioooow totnrott tfty ibumnd deHart fztie eatorpHto,; ptorUed' tin' aeaie *rnoaarof:oaptW; akeaMbefaratobed hoty fit Wotroioiiiob w ir ,1 "" mooofoor warekeatr.wdhayobean nmd Mot ] . ttto My tbooHoi dulluo no be raieert dlmtb-t 1 wtkoeioCert. j .To* IfoaawtVtUar •MoairHMi.-'—Alan*',' debleude/tetjtog la BOW OB loot 10 tho lotto f . f«rt Ffeia, B«»tgoarery eOaotr. fl'. 'T.y to min 4' moon met to the Benoo: aad patrlota of tire M« . kook. Vallor—maar ;of ijrhodfiiore ijtrfto diatmt. 1 gottbedto the bldtn , A» M*H(aitat>,'«alleWllftoi T o-'-»ta , pm a rtfola la Oldfl jltf.'jJyHr n:; - ttetf, S(4r • { / r * ‘ I'd/.'+ls,* !.. ,-aVvi** • . Iria* atartliogf fitet that lf tho I «uth : ifer9 atom apod- Ui»;ißtp'ftf be«t,;ftwoa) l - not fareiah ezUtWe* to tbO abattal’aM ngbtnbi i Hfi «aslbißit'imrfood XtreoaKafnm-thareaoafofeU «f roailtoj, Utat,tbo>aton AnaMi badtdwm«b te' - tbooOdreo of Uio xoartoWMltwoniatafin anopif r foot tkbtr-afoioat aa aioeb uiajaHdtoal/tbV , mbyauwar atreago wktoM!»"bo«f< , ''>- “ kow nut. boihb aaMmt:< K - - fi»«: W- ;ct thota. diataat todi«-. ■ Bat*ko aaipfiao yaatohoa wkoa wo'maMabatt.tottr. . tbawkgUtaaamjat la tkkklygomtaedwltkbtai; ■ luxni oeiga Hocsa -'■ - ptlat*r,-l»aa,bo«:arf;rtiw;fiODi.X - aororelOao»;ft» two- noiitlia: aod- kB pkjWeian ; aow.ordare hla to wkaad6a : air bintMto .Hd to giro blawkolaattatilloji to bla fenltb. vBaaOO 3io, aaa >n» eonpaltod totoakoartuifmaatowtthi''- panto*; to.ozcoato'all< taa'.%otlt' »<:>ir - vky-ti*. Hoaao.swtook"jrfir: ta.. pfo»ptiy- : *>”• »*• nmatdoSdStfiWiA- r - tomj ftoiftol. ll*' loam .to-*' day. o* too'lor' BjatetiV • akllfal.augooO of tba l ity.l - Ttotrecordaof about tiinff ■ore oomoa' araaeqototad tbu iato." Daftog thh . toagtotfatoi; .oftta wowre, mto 6dt per «oat>-* 4Ufi wae* ofaaaily 16 W aateVt Jf b^tofO^boutCTUttoalatottotlnlliiioppw; . to to' t£w reb-. Iratoaoytowind*tkoNa.'?inw,waMtli«of too»a»o lcdnao* baa bna obaembie alao lh to-’ \ *—rn •■tffj- - .o*3’ 'A ■■ 3 1 A liatdtop^.iiampd. Stipbons 6f- Ghent,‘has Mado»;d«^* , y'wblMntoybbdftomaotility, J , ;>to*t:<)to mtUag of nail* «aiplt»y*4 to f«a'i : ««o*h« baibnidlirdlVowb. oa fka -iwbitael. dtaagmana.,. . Tk t . oottptoatdkkilfp eobotolad ht f frOm ■ >•»« ftow; woreniuWia, todtottlcKt T??!*!*?**? I s *?' *»PPO»t.' «to:aO»otiPtoMU. te& to.«f*dtoS) Mato Ul toiMog U MoiTlclnity of wb«m bto BmntK waa eOTSHtfdi '.Tko pfipeir* of ihoooaan amlbtoipdd tor IhalTMafn. toitt jßftttAr- Biß 80Mf N(OM thanght of nt&Vafhioli la tototottoa»«oMttod porpatratora Tan* to-Bbirboi dBo .Ttiagplief.ifar' lA tbe l&diuinaaaa l .pt * wliiD a foil c.^saaiia^’ag'tazr. ■ ** Boflolkaa*y.jard,wkopa«*lp ■watad* MttoaoatMMtkMLat aaytoia^wlib imp p Tmg f v ™y*lrt4 i J -•- i“.‘uyifeiasssSss sa&s^KSSiS&'ss: a** —dT(HMfto*y h&igrr > p TBCaeakaof iwpt wmad . opollofAktoaSgaltk* *fc»pareaupoTalaakto thaa mtmtatrm paaeb treaa A IhaSltollpat areaad *to«ltof-paaok tfbd will ba rarJTlk Ay- to keap ttlopoodnadltioo, aatUt toatMMarirln ; toready dutaaed bar; rapoTtred by tibaappllsa 4aa d*|*.P>Miii«in4iw' IfmaikhMutma .: ottyedw wJttfmWjitMaaM .tballtoiaiit;' maob-j fii*m*&h !*** M «*PHf *p»dto*a»a*ly. algo « j m ipt & (. it ) ■ - tod Mwdtd lbßadki^’- " a numl - Klffil»iciwn t for.l>»ittoi)Silsg Iqapib-nlo, ' ; 1 • 4,1=.T t '■'(Qiixr- SMftuiX.-k r 'tiainp' meeting will be ' ,fl#rn.r,B«l«w.reecrantj: eofn- : rt—eliigeb Hoi#.#- th» »th of August. HtxitiCj yPestChMfor, I»»4 My*Biwa» WUm(B*t«. : •,.;■*! •■ <; .-v}-+ • :' ,< *: TbeweetbttbMbMn mut (tit>l umw of t)«bend«!e hu b««n drswn dff;jotlfo:M»W'.ilU,o. in lb* Talley . . , s -„ >.sOb* ! =R ■' IMJ>W ';o . ot . 'mamOmmsaga&■ : iegeet Un*«unHtlMroi:«hespantt< on; with w :JoM,s - J#»w<*M.o»Jßiiil#.larn*M,n»«pAlt<>on»; ' TtiuJsijPj;'.—The lhe tepliioopal: Ohereh will- : bold it fair on the 26 th end.27ih of -laiy. A man ifomsd T wbo.liv»s n.*r Yoymite-WhUo. b«TMHIag father, from near ’the-heart of aoheetnntitree. The jtree’waa dat oh. ithe/anhipfMK, Harman. Bond.noarlhe,lhnd Ton., 1 ,Th* Jnllet) waai Batteeed; »odtl>. rinse in fhe'tnniE'of'. the' tne' h>dt«toi> th.ljt 'had been: kbsat; OatUnV ofi iSaeJii meaner# in 1777.. It U hnbuW.that lt l« a memento of Rotolaiionary ISTh* fiinfe County: ffkigtayt : “ OnraporlS mahh'tTe'dlready bojttnfoiwod in pxtd earnest to btit.wooddook, a number haring been captnred 1 WUhlo the oaat few da>e —Theae dalietone birdit | ar« eaid tobe pleatyHhia year all orer the I State. A law prohtblting their being ehot before ] ibe gOUt of Bepteinber wee hot patttM by the laft | , pert and argued bj Bportsmen; bhl the old law le ttlUinfnwe, allowing tbein to- be killed between the ath of Jely ahd fil; of /idnary.” ' - ; Jggnnteo* Connrlr.s-^rbo ; Depiocracy have jOdeaibafed.the'fftllowiig'.ttcket: Congress. -Wm. JP.' Jehk#, l AMeinbiT. Maj Eraoe R. Brady; :AJtoeiate Jniage; HehrT Prean; Prolhohotarj; Re gietor.and Reoorder;Ool.'ltt}bt.K. Meant ;nheriff, iThQiah Carrier, dr;;'Cbfamletlbber,-Jobn D. Pbll- Jlppi J .AadUorj Henrr CroOka. ' Ihe Republicans hare nominated I ';; C«tup>, pf Virginia, minister 'to: j CUli 'ttndsrPreiidetit TyierjSupports Mr. Dou «lasr.~~--:';“-r;r.--—, r| >; THBMarylknd’ tfaion, pnblisbed atFred erfelt.Mdi last week knitted the names of Douglas •■l*l y , ", • l lfilta Domocnitic papers Ip Georgia support Jobruwu, Mb alt of then are lighting ~ tio«.- As»o* Bbbusoamb, ; of Boston, is to. :aridreaß;hf(’6onstttaenti at the Clly iI»U, ia Cam bridge, enlhe evening of the.2lst. ; The Atlanta (GityConjtAiracy contains a! cell for'a'Doaglaa, ratification meeting, which is Signed by neariyone hundred Democrats.' ' iTAe BooneCouniydJni.y Pioneer, pnb- Ilsied at Lebanon, an.oid .DeniOoratJe organ, runs ‘*p|he nemee of . Breckinridge and Lute, : .i.,.80*s of the Ffre-daflng organs are calling /lonaly for a union of thowbulehouth. The union they went Is .union % the tike ofdisunion—Pren tife. .. 5 ’Jons C. Divsnttix, Oub of the delegates Jttotn this state toßaltimore; and originally a 'friend of llr. Dickinson, has declared for Sir. Douglas. •-■-■/. . : - Tbe friends of Bell and Everett held a largo Qonventlon et Selma, AUbume, onthe 25th hit., end it Is said that a good deal of enthusiasm was ,manifested. J Thk Cleveland’ Slatndealer compiles from •M “Bloe Book” a list of'dearly, two hundred Pennsylvanians holding offieeby the appointment ,af President Bighsnan. ; \ ' V-ts* meeting of straight-out Americans' of 1 Baltimore to determine what coarse the party shell delta in the booing Presidential election, is called for .the 3tst tost. , ■}. ;. 'SsnatoaCuhox as, of North Carolioa,onß ■of 4he warmeftrfrlends of Doaglas prior te tbs Somlnatlon, hss.writteh a letter declining to give, lu hissupport. , * •, v IChe NcienOiShieid states it learns from <<,relUble authority’’ thai the Bon Albert Bosk laMads stamping the State-'of Arkansas for Dou -glsa and Johnson. : > ; Jp l!he Hartford Pott asks the friends of Mr. Douglas why there shonldlbd farther delay in celt- Jog's StatoponronUom: Aualectofal ticket should be palin,thefialdbnmhdjaialy.':,. <. ~. ■ ■ ..; ■, 'S’HdKi Ns. HiU.;4l|epresen!atiV6 in. Con- 1 gweefrosi flnojgla.sapporuMr. Ball beeanse “he Jtwowe.that he is ea soand on the negro question ns c* eojft TyA Ni.w Papm.—TheLouisville Journal ] endertunds that tbo publicntion of a paper to ad- Toohte,the doe trjnes ef the Bepublloan party will' ,ho Commenced inthat-elty in a fewweeks. — ■ Tfla Jackson (Mlsk.) Ifaiiu jfeuii soys of thd slides Breckinridge ratifioatloh at the capital; that Itcould not exactly be called a failure, though i remarkably wanting in enthnsianm'hnd numbers. ’ Ixhiaka Ftust CospansosonAt. District,— Tha BepubHeaopaperi generally of the First Con graastoasl dlstristrJJndUna pat op the name'of JudgeL. 4, Baßnuer of Spenser county, and he .yrilfwltbont doubt he adopted'.pa the candidate tml)oai the formality of a Convention nomination, lifts Democraticpspers having started fa story that Peter Cartwright had said he beet Mu coid twice in moalbf fur.a seat In the Illinois La glalfitara, tho Chicago Prcitr arid Tribune says ,utafMr;. Partwright ran only twioe.and that was 4itlfSB'andlBJf, when Mr. Llnooln was only sc .veajeto or elghtoen years of ago. l-Mn.'lidsas .Birss,' well. known as an- able writer ln hieoonnaetloa wlththe Piymonih Bosk -tww|pipor,d« about to utabllsh a new dally and 'WNMay'Papwr iasWoreeater,' which will he dented tO the antlncbiag edroesey eod sappert of tha ;MMaattoucf poaglas and Johnson. Thar will .*l*aUed .the H'ii»»*(er Daiiy Timtl and ’the ‘•roinnferQguntyjtemaerati.' .■ ; . TBaovuaes Fiss pabllshed the first ntimher dfemagjgjgftfe! 1 »S 8 iasasa&i3isS^ s; '*'- ffiij^j^SSfsKsSS Qafftfe'i'L-ntfit Vfltoni! Lencister; M'ijraW s j&Ssndwa7,Barrlshß , )gß«?<;''es, Par-3 BsmfDfiWgresiHoiUdaytKtirgDemoorallo Stand fMCTP>*j« iMuitfoS,, SriS®?? . ‘*' .7*'hingUm -Betrfew, Fayette **iSr ° mV4 Co»v*ii*ioss:--Below VIU be lonnd SWf P” 1 ibtatafpytiQntloht JeVlo 'be' DsuocsACr—New York, etBy- Angn«Mj l Ohio,_at tWnmbWS; Angnst 14; -virpeia, at ’ CbOriottSsrille, AOgOst r 18; New .Jprmy, at Trenion, Jniy 26. t at' Louisville, August 11; New York, at j Aagnst Ui ht fStaanton, oiosw.—Missaohnsstti, at,,. Jforesster, aww sSt llliiiOU, At gpHegleld,'Angusf 5 Naviowal DwtoW.—New Jersey, at Trenton.Jnty 56; BouaeetisaMtNe* Haves, Angast 1 ;OeorgU,i atMlltedgOvllle; ’Aagnst 13 i-ilmisTo*'FAayr.—Nww.fYork, at Schenwtsdy, m- Wt r.'- .o^,,,.^P«TATXPIfS- Bavie-n hlida sa ,jfoW, l CO:>WadOX4atB# .F«mamUioOv booh .B«k AohiU6*» arni)ißaQf Bremen, Patterson & Boulton Bark so* teaxwell, ftovts, L&snih?m, Dallett Btoe.. ,• ■ iiusoou)De« MaUusae, J M Uool -1 Bni -sEolo*, Alien, Demerara, 3 fllburger it Co. ’ Brii Aioaoie, Hones, Charleston,W'fuder._ ; Solw Franms,Uonnsu, Ai?ian(lfih» Noble, Hammett ( tioSrFtotavaf ;ljaanthff,Salem.Nevm t ß&w>er&Co. ; IjohrU WCqmbjlos*, Weldm, Boston. P Coosfer. : Kcbr b Ot&ft Weaver. Boirton, O A Heoseonr $: C'o. , 'SehrXs A Greiner; Weaver. Boston,- „ do ; Bchr'H P oimiaoca, tiodfrer* Boston,' Sumiolraoji k Glover. ' ■■ ' * , Bohr A R Cojthal!, Tilton, BoifcoJi..oBpt4!n. B Townsendf Williams, ikston, iilakiston, Cox Shropshire,Lron,; do ; •febrH M|’floe v keily, riallowell. L Andenned A Co Str J 8 Shnver, pepius* Baltimore, A Groves, Jr.' , Oorrespondenoe of the Ezehance.) > _ , loorn,&o, toAG CatteU; Befiaßce AankydO to A Croskey; J 1) Ca* Wilmington; Blaokwell, imaber.aad khluflue to Prineeton; Oerolme Movlonker, coal to nor VVoykt- E -O. G*ammer, Maggie Foreman,-Julia, £lisa Locussa Garris, and Alisa, of BamUridgef do to Pels* Wsre Aiso oiyypat sohr Isabel, with eoal for An* ; , The following boats from the Union Canal passed in* ' to tha BehuyUull Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and oonsianed as follows: ’ ■ “ ’ - ' l . J A P Hteherdi flour, Ae. to captain; .Two Brothers, pig ijrom to fu'U BsutU A Co; John Hetslsy • lumber to 8 Bolton .A Co; Mary Alleo, lnniber to K Wol ertoo; Merr, ouriworyi to .High A Craig. - July Ifi-rTropld Bird, lumber to 8 Bolton A Coj MM Rreberi-dolocapTalu; PrairieFMwar,664ltoG w Lan dis; Faiths pig iron to Caoeen fc Co; Aleroh&nt, grain to Jaoies ferot A pro, l / T‘ , MKMORAKPA ' j Bark Weoham, Wedge, oleared at Baltimore 17th lest for Baltimore. A flnj>re Aii*abalh;English, English, George Edward. Baker,and-Gov'Burton,Winsmore, heuoe,arrived at BatettMtMeata. eoweJ.s-WiUiaoiaona Jr. Winemore, Henry Perkins, Eva hall. Tilfoo, W'nlßl»,,ma«B, 8 V W BirnnAnSc Giudy. Mary Miller, Laws* J, H-AfJsn, Bab' ooek,‘J CielHQd, flteelman, and 8 A Howe, Baker* hence, stared at Boston 17th met. . .. iMokrißozbury,.Chase, and Frank Herbert, Hinckley, Cor Philadelphia,and ■ a Haight, Beebe, for Wilming ton, Del. oleared *t Boston 17th Inst' jßohr-Pouy Pnpe. ’Adatus, for Philadelphia, sailed from Baber 1 * Landing ICtb tpst ■Bohr,.Flyaway, Pans, hence, Arrived at Fall River Uth inst. • ’ .Bohr Monterey, Craig, for Pelaware City, sailed front P»U River lath inst. •. Sekr Florence, Shaddock, aud 8 M Bhaddook, Wil llasis. iMnon, arrived at Wew London ISth itst. __ Bern* John ‘Jones; Rogsa, henae, arrived at New Ha jßobr island Belie, Butler, faenop, prfi'vfji at Newport %ohra Albeit Pharo, Cavalier, Oarthaeons, Oraroi f 8 Weldin, Bmith, anna Smith, 9mitb, Robert GilSlian, Smith, cophie Ann. Smith; Sarah tfi Jones, Jones, John Comstoß, u iUott, Hsnrr May, Hoover* Jas MeOioskey. Bteboms. and A M Adwafds, Howards, hence, arrived aTProyidence 16th inet , . ' Behr J 0 Brcofcs, Greffam, hence, arrived at Portland lethtnst. V J , -*■ * ilch» Evergreen, Potter, heuoe, arrived at Stomngton ISth met. i . Steamer Sophia, Bell, henoe, arrived at Hartford 17th instant. w HJBPKCINAI, DYSMEPSIA REMEDY. ■ Sr. OAHIUB H.U'Q AROMATIC INVIGORATING 8,1 RIT. - This MrdictKf tfas btmjtitd by the public for fix year* ttifAtwereatotc favor, Itit.rttemmtndetl to Core pysptffich Heart-Bum, - Colic ■ Faips, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in the JStneefj, Hs944th** Ztrpwinwt Kidney Complaints, Lotp tyirpSf, Xlfltfilfm IVnnrai, InUvrrcra&ce, IT STOCtrLATKI, ExemABATM, IXVI9ORATKS,BDy WILL HOT ISTGXtCATX OB BTUSX7T, ' Aoa Medicine it u «uick and.effectual, onr-ng the mtutag* ravatod esses ofDyspepaie, Kidney Complaint*, ' and aliother derangements or the stomach and Bowel* in a Speedy manner. U witl-it&taatly revive the most nielanoboly end droqpicg •pint*? and restore the weak* nervous, and siekjy to health, strengtn. and vjgor. • ■ Person* who, from the fnjodioioai use of liquors, have become dsJsatodt end their nervous, systems shattered, oonstitetioas broken down, and snbjoot to that' horrible care# tohumaaur. fiie.E*u^ ltfM Tjjsmssis, will,.al most immediately,fee it a*h»p»v &?£. healthy lavtgo ruin,lnvi^i, ?g Unjrit. , One does will cure Heart-. b#t. , TnraedoewsnUoare Induction. - Onedoee will give yoe* Good Appetite. One dose wiil stop the diet rawing peine of Dyspepsia, One dues will remove the distressing end disagreeable effects .of Wind or Flatutenoe, and as ttoa u to* stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the diitre*#-. Ins toed apd all painful feelings will be removed., one dcae will remove the meet distressing pain* of CoJjmeitkerin theetomaohor bowels. _>fgw bmts all bad foellng*.. . . Ladies of wealTod.sidklr ooasti£UFjon* should take the Invigorating Spirit three limes a day; it will make them strong* healthy, and bapiy,‘remove all obeirua* bossand Irregularities from tlto menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn faop."' * During presnanoy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove cisagreeabl* eensations at the stomach* All the proprietor ask* ie a trial, and to indues thi*« he ha* pstup the IgvieosATxirG Spisit in pint battles at “(SSSSfiS&fi's WATER Btag^prYo*. Wholesale Agent* in'Fbiiadalpaui, je7-thstulT . gad lot sale by all Druggists. • THE CHIEF AMONG TEE THOUSAND. DALLEY’S KA9IOAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAS wuTeroaUy supplanted All Other Ointments and healing applications in both the Eastern and Western. Hemjiphera*, wherever intro duced; aßdltewMrmstcrewtt 1* f. »rory S moth»r.Wd |,»ve tbi. ££&?«» law* : . The hiaehinisbttieTra- 3 Wilsr,audereryotherin dividual Whose, lot in fife » throws him within the ;js i X'Su«Sl p »bi, but uul ontffriesdi iR It ta both porubla.n. pbrae , and»tiwMomuißcdlortha express purpose ot mam- v by whipping thalartiole, in all iu native punty and ax-, oe Dense, to Correspondents in Foreign Countries, and ff fcocnddown .bf fjta itatncear Rahilatron to oonfine ita transactions entirely to the Brandt grown vitbin the Dwi*tof Cocnas. sod wholly tbs produce of Vine . yards in that highly-fayored locality ? on op oonaition ns^f m£Su&arassr&r dsss object lot extending the Just icpptaticmoi their brand by snob means only a* will meet tbejap fits' COMPANY, has authorised the Ayenoy Id Nett York to mlu theh oeoioe Co«nao< Krutoy in eases ol one adsanJauwiaM-iMltlea saoh, and the earns wilt be dkpceed of to the Trade and the FubUo, by the under r mentioned r—pec table Amt'. _ ’ . Mtle teseaM wfftfc the oapeuieof the Com- QMki -bear the name atamp»;and the labels an exaot description of duly hitned hythe Anentof the Company. . t -> • • fraftjPMkWT* po* ogeraq consist of .two different rMeSK'.SBPI fhetantiedtobe etneJiymre in Quality. t ■». t ■ ibat of aye, and deireee of strength' Bpyiafegg; *??2^ s £W I l«r»h?r*ebie for fantiy-or medieinstpm v ' »• VINK- /ssttwisns • article ortbtfXMtltniifila K*lflcL{{Vai exported. «pni molndipg meals on the Beoond'oiaßrpassengeis, inolndlng meals on the boat, *fcreisht taken as low ae br»njr other route. For further particular*, see stuall hand-mils at the hotels.andotherpoblicplaoes.orlnsnireof . iss'wmsaaßii' whbt ouester tfijHzßimmi ANDFRIIiADEIiFRIA RAIL OAR yut krEBI a; ' . FHMMBM ARRANGEMENT. ooroer of Market and Lenipanor Thirty-first street*, it 7A) and.lOA) A. M., ona IS, Leave WEST CHEyTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 6.10, 8, and 10 so a. M., and 1.48 and * MP ' ‘ ONBWpAYBr Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast corner ofKighteenthand Market,streets, at 8 A. M. andS P. M. •-■ . c i ' • ’ - ‘ j • T .eave West' Chester ,‘W 7 90 A. M., and 6 P. M. The last passenger railway otr will leave Front and Market streets 90 minntet, and Eighth end Market streets & minutes, before the starting time from the de pot, and will carry a flag to denote it. „ ' Qifae and waitiug room, southeast oorner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, purchasing tiokets for West Chester, will be furnished with a tioket over the passenger railway. HENRY Jy3-tf General Bupenvtenrfispt. ; North prnnsyi- T Sn.“s?ii as (Sundays ekoepted,) as follows:' At 6JO A. H. lExpress), Jor Bethfeheni. A lentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Williamsport, Ao. >_ At 130 P. M.(Exprecs). for Bethlehem, Easton, fto. ' This train reaches Easton at 6M P. M., and makes olose connection with New Jersey Central for New At 6 P* M« for Bethlehem; Allentown, Maffoh Chunk, i &o- At 9 A. M. and 4 P. P. for Doviestown. . At IpAO a , hi. and 600 P. M« for Fort Washington, The 600 A- M. Express TrSm makes dose cbnosotioa ‘with tbs'Lehigh Valley Railroad at 'Bethlehem, bsms the shortest and most desirable route to wilkesbarre,* and to all ; Leave Bethlehem at SAS A. M., A; M. and 6AB P* . Leave Doylestown at 7AO A. M and 4.16 P. M. ' Leave Fort Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 6 A. M. Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 9 P. M. I Poylestown for Pbiladel phia at 6.40 A- M. ■ Bethlehem for Philadelphia at &op P. M. Farr to Bethlehem. .$J MiPare toMauoh Chnnk.BS 60 Fare to Ea5t0n........ IMlFare toPoylestown.. 080 , ThroughlTioksUmust be proonredat the Tioket Of fices at wIL LQW §treejt, or BRRRB Street, in order tfie apoVe rates of _ ill PsgfShgir Tr>*s« (exoept Sunday Trains) oonneot ,at mrks street with Fifth and Sixth streets andCewmd and Third-street F&aengprlfoilrdadi, ■leaving Willow street JyJ ELMB CLARK, Agent, mr ■in r—n vniMmtPßi&A&v iftMSnP REApiKG RAILROAD, REDUCTION OF FARES 1 . On and after APRIL fd, IMO. Comma tat ion Tiokets, with twenty-six cousotts.-wiu.ue .issued, for the holder and any member of blsfamily, on any Passenger Train, add at any time. They-will be sold by the Treasurer, at the offloe of the company, No# IX7 South FOURTH 8 treat, at» redaction of twenty-five per cent, from the regular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Bummer in the Country will find this a very desirable r«», lt» (Jphnlttill and Lfbanon V«ll»r« twin, unon, th. mort l»4ftlWlMjs«flCilT in tt. ncif toM«- mble by four trains &om audio dailr, ft, BHAUFORD, Trsouu^r. March X6tb. i 960. rnhw-tf fiSMB PHILADELPHIA, QKR# TOW^^raS^SIiSMISAIBRANGEMaEC^ , 1.m./w ' l', 7 ’.&?:lii I liLi< n F S IL, i FUba«lAfo < I,7!*,ud . Leave.Gsnaentown 100 min. A, M., LUmin.,4,6X, ‘CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD, -i Dwg PhiUdelphja «, 6, »,IXA* M., X. 4, f, And UX P. St. ■■ -■ 1w, “ 4,w A E? , rSrK&, EK MoRNlilB‘\.l%js, j ‘ MrA > ?* Mi train, i-annint telwn te»»srS | i:»* tr ri M»r.DAUrX t - {Sw«uur* m- I DJLHTAKOES VIA I^IL^gJL9C44fJBHEAI>IWG ? MiUerabtur*..U! . Travnrtoii?uaotiOD..US Mg , Lawiabarf.——. ~.„,i79 _r*~.. . M,lBl ; wtltL&maport^ M .. M 4U» tefe~™.g making oloae opnnaotions oiALOWMIiIi S‘rMU. fiRISBHi AKBAN6K ®™'PWt}pS®SSg: AND BALTI ‘ _ - On and after KOBUAV. del, Uao, PAASEHSEB TRAINS LEAVE FHIjUIIELFHU, u A. M>, U noonilExprau,) ana at All A. npon, {.ijj, r.po aiul Wibnin|[l(m at All A. M„ 11 noon, l,l|i (. KinrMilford st 8.15A. 24. Tuesdays, Thursday*,and Saturday* at 6jOO P, M . ’ \ For Fatmlngton at BIS A. M. Mondays, ‘Wednesday*, and Fridaj aat 6XO P. M- . ' r • 1 r \* «.Cave Milford, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Liu JO A. M., and <4O P* M. ■ ■ • L#vvw Harrington at 8.15 A. hl„ andlfO V. M. ■■ gss M. ‘ ■ uare New Castle at SMIiOM i. E, and 740 P. M. Cheater 9.19A, M,,l!4RifJl,f£o, and Leave Daltimore for R/vKgl'nry and Delaware laaioad at JAil A.M.VandffKP. M. n . _ TRAIHS FOk ttAJU I'iMORB *. MaveChesteratMiA. M.j U49and U.dJUf. ' LMveWilinugtonat : 94sA.M., FbEIGHT &r, wnr® end ittiezmedi^o ( Kw for Perryville and tnUrsiidiata 9 for Baltimore andintei'medi *^eave B and intehnedi 'ate places at (A 0 P. M ■ 'Jtoly^«4 titonTfimaJelphift to Baltimore, 1860. -aiMawHE 1860. SPRING ARRANOEMENT—NEW YORK JjlNiiß. WWolfNloteL^AW- From tV.loot-strMt wluirf. Will la&vc u , . T|» Csw4»n|pi AtfibOT.’a* A, Aooom’***" At-UtCUji*Tiok«t,' ; l *6 Thed.FM Mail Line runs 1 daily. Thall PH, South? era Mail, Saturday! exoeptedT T For Bel vide re, Easloju -lArabermlle. Flemlnkton. Ao.*atflA M and4PM , fromWalnuHtrfetwharf.and 709 AM from Kensington.* > r 7 ' * For water UapiStrmidslmxg, Soranton, WilketSrre, ! Blontrose, Great Bend. I ATM. from Wahint etreet wharf, and 7.10 A.jM. from Kensington, via Bela* war*. Laokawanna and Western A. ft. > : IS w r ' M -. M: fKS imsb: Kilaum.- Trenton/or TaoOny, at u A. M. &d TapSnvdßeverly. Bttrlingtonratid Bristol, at« p. M. '• FiOr Pounds otßaggMe. pair>*Tlowpft each PmisU' ger,, PaMengere are prohibited from tafihg Anytnmg a* Baggage tmi their weanng apparel. All-baggage over thelrrre»(^bUitylur&g”^OnepSjM|SWind! ,„ M . i .. V frM, B, Q*T7MF.Ii: A,ect. RiSHBfSBI i)o»ttnj«o»B. W« at«.« JwjjjPKSWOOj, r»AXR br B«Tr»ln*w*t . li^naU ,' Brovin efth«BolnjwriSjilanri tftilt JBC ‘ WES T OHEaXER JWJjEipBHIB R A itH DAB TRAiNBvu »ss;i KAILBOAJI LHnSB. Snnburj utl Erst E. R. and Elmir. of BROAD and fertßKlfWHy.A—re*av». - ,r- limes. ||Sro|j^wiin»Mf^ t lor nee, SssfSiSS^^to'r iiid ‘ Put Llum ns throdh to Pituirari,«.ttiwb.d to wwhTrains Woodrafi’. dix, exoMted, ■■ ■ Iwve. FhibulslphU. ftt 7 K A, M, .Fut Lice « •* - IUOA.M. mb¥^Mb, WMt.Chester Passengers will take the Mail, West “Cheeter A&oomraodstioniend Columbia Trains, at7.iSA. M. andl I*, m, go directly tnroseh.% rsgvumr;Xfthe A ?*hreamere on the Mississippi or Ohio 4BT Pare ilehtys id low, and. Unit as quick, as by any - * other Route. otk ° bIREOT LINE RAHr Vw n THE ‘ of trap!, br tie JRallread Bndx. at PlttebßrßiaToldiosall draiMt or firriaxaof Knmht, to,«tb«rwiththo,nSns of time, an advtmtana raaSSj 3*l’fSßSo ' SHsrbmaof Ftailht, and th» Traref Jg.rohania.aßd BMtMt. eotnutinx the tmsaponalioti dfTh,ir_Froisijt to.WaCoioKiri,,caa relrrritiiooub fMlGHT to and from an, wist mthe-West by the. Pennsylvania .Railroad are aTah C ******* Hailroad Mkrtioular tomarkpaokages “ via Penna. Rail- Joa. E. Moor«,“Lours7iil«, K,. ; V G. tFWo, A Co, EymiaviUe, lod.iN. W. Graham 4 Co,, Cairo. HI.: H mlfe A ** ELLS. General BBpermtondant» Reading, or to 8. BRADFORD, Jag 3 lip ■ Treaeurer. Philadelphia. l&Mnn ELMIRA ROUTED PHILADELPHIA AND EL ROUTE to Tsmaqna,. Catawinaa, Ru-. pert, ;WiUej»barre,fts ran ton, Danville, Milton, Wil nameportr Iroy, Ralston, danton, EUnira; Buffalo, Niagara Fall*, RochMter. Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Cnioago, St. Lonu, Milwaukee, and all points North ami , Passenger trains will laava the new Depot of the Bhi kwrhm.Wraet,) daily (Sunday, exeeytedl, for above pdilita. (m follow.: - DA Y. EXPRESS 8,00 A. M. ‘ m NIGHT EXPRESS AS) F. ill. Tba 8.00 A, M. tram ooimeola at Hapart. for Wilke,- a'WtpSfesl'Rm'LSs,^ Baeitate ohmita to Elmira, Buffalo, and Btupension Bridie, and Hii.icnnediate points. TioksUoanbi irooured at the Philadelphia and El fefc, Flights mu be delivered before SP M, to insure tbeir going th> erne day. BS* 1 “•**• Northwest oo*n3T B SIX«Hand E oi&”IJ^ < &t|e«taj J&naaKi phtladelpuiaano AR RA«IEMENT^3)n R |rad after MuNDAV* Jnly9tb, '189), the trains will ran as fnllowvtLeave-the passenger depot of the West Chester Satqfdqyyaa train at^ap W T ?£2 it ß9 f ?A Vaat ? JWan l* 4iC A M, .and 450 P.M. 'Jh«7-49A*M,. inwnlrom Pairodelphia conneotsd? reot »*th s'tally line of htages ;i»n«v Lonoou and Uxtord. lUtnrningJeaves ( xfbrd at 640. A. M.» con necting with the Btd A. M. train from West G ove The feesptifnl soMiery Wd well-known bealthtnlne** or Delaware and Qhestkr counties offer in Philadelphia, June 88, iB6O, taoIS ‘Superintendent. BAYING FUNDS. “ A Uttls, but often, fills the Pane.” ORANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. m. 136 South FOURTH sLwet, between Chest nut and Walnut. Philadelphia, pays Ml Deposits uorfjpany deems safety better than large pyofi»f* will njn no M with depo sitors\ mpoey, but have it at ail times ready to return, with P per interest, to the owner, as they have always dons. This Company never suspended.. Females, married or tingle, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and suoh deposits oan b* withdrawn only hr their oonssnt. OhartsrrerpetuaJ. Incorporated by .the Btate of Pennsylvania with authority to receive money from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9to3o’olook, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o’olook, ijJobPj Blpnpn! f^I! Biu&eu; MataoM w. efoan, Edward TTHyatt, lawis Krumhnaar* Henry Delany, pßasr 1 n m»p»ii,.i, Ct&us Can WAnnasu apJB-y v * A Dollar saved i» twice earned.” CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT IN. safetp tri st'com pany, walnut Burnt, UQthwnstoonurofTlUllD, IsniJirjratjd by Ui, Btat, of Ponn.yl nf»lOT,^ Pra.ld.nL f„ , _ niXXOTOBSI on. Henry L, Benner* v V. Carroll Brewster* d^lolir t S Tt ® r * > Joseph B. Barr obert Selmdge, , . FrencuLee. eamuelK. Ashton, Joeeph Yerkcs, 0, Landreth Munns, James L. Btachenson, fisher » received and payments mads cDuLy. • Ground Rents r and •uofffiistpfiei ssoKTiie* WMff ware inknre peflbot, seoumy to th»‘ depositors, and S-toSlution. 1 Wli " ptn ° iu ' ,llclr to CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES K? TRUST COMP Ah Y, comer THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. ~ Largeend. Retail «rmnreceived,and eaidbackonde mtodjnthout notice, vito PERCENTrXNT EREBT from the day of deporit to the day of with on frs?£ I,* <,n ‘wW* ew so° u^’ President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, •HSfnaSfcSA. Hraft,l,u CARDS. V »• PALMFB, Tm ADVERTISING J* AGENT, WFTH Mi OffljiTNyT.rtvif his Jiewecf the principle and best mode of AdvorUimg, daily, between 10 and 4 o olook, Address • my» ««n V. B- PALMER. E” J. BASIIB THOMAS. •' .» / ‘ „ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 4 IS r v^LN d UT SS 0 ?^ 131 W °* mAloh stoeettoNo, Conveyances* Aaiipnments. Briats or Title. and other instrumente of Wntini. The manageraentof Executor ships, Administratorship*, and Trusts, superintended; ana the best seetmtie* procured for the permanent in vestments of Money* Satisfactory reference riven when required; apSMm* UENRY E. KEENE, Ho, frmo'jiofSl'Wslnut ttrwt to No, see Bouth THIRD Street. mh)W 6t» |XORACB SEE, A 1 ATTpiSKf BR ' ** (Nearly opposite S riKm«,) Prepares f pacifications, I‘rawints. &0., and transacts all other businsss connected withlhe obtain In *r of Let* tors Patent. ap» 4m* J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Office. No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Square,) • •• PniLAUSLPHu, By th,e aidof reliable Attorneys, at different points ip .toe. united States, is enabled to proeeonte and collect •Iftints of every de^oripiion. Particular attention joydn to the examination and re covery or,the oTaimadrteratece amrOavisees. and the examination of Land Titles and scouring the interest* S(V*EMP? eU persons interested fkipp. m eS parts of the Union. . Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. * Dcygoeitions carefully taken under Commissions. Si FUGUET & SONS. •' ■nasifter. reriilarlT s fulta&nrtinsatoj dwirabl, Cl **»iV -Tij’, *' iW *t low rat*,, for aa*J| or *p ALFRED L, HOUGH, .■*>. PAPER MANUFAO’fUHBKS’ AGENT. PAPKra t D d^A'pEß^Al?fit-B, ‘MAI'EIIIAIA. felMm* DAWSON & NICHOLSON, km, «i» ajidall janitfi STAKE V. Between - Market and Olbestnut meets JAMES PAWBONf ILAI,KI NICHOLSON. iaC It* OOAP9, VAN HaAOEN ft MoKEONE'B CELEBRATE]) ® FuffilNO TOILET, *O. ®CpAB^*^f ! fBI('sEEI)tPALM AND ELA INK 018*8. . A' "OTOUNT BOOKS for the let of JuF, made exprewly for rur Retell Sale*. PERRY* MMefMtorinx btationer* POUKTH and RAG* 1 . --T Je*-lm HSFBAXCE COMPANIES. Btreat,. UW# Iqaftor dftmftf* tefire, oft Cjtftppftfld ia Miu»..ftad '.brtj*rMftnnftcft>rie«» l ßftUmft*«.‘ ftaduM. Faraitor#, rn'oiMr property: oßfmyo- MVTROPOLITARFIR >f l&l.’iSofc . .--i-- r,\ \ ■ '-■ -i-‘nE»E iNSWR^^f CITY FIRE INSUrIrOS ORHM ARIA, FIRpS^WSMa!" RliAwiorFlßSlS^S^fllf • Cuh Camlet awl Bnratta sne.asa 01. .W'«t , rnumft , J»__ S WMU THE KNTEKPKIBJE " INSURANCE COMPANY : OP'PHILADKPHIA. ' (FIRE INSURANCE EXCI.CaiVELY.) - ■v*ws3, iw-mi&Ak&M** DIRECTORS. '■ ST t*»* Moatical L. Dimn, : Gn>. H, Srn**i, toftssa . / KEftjSSSSfc' BS?«SKfc- «fflßasas?- Q»ARfato’&&?gggSff» l|t ’ PWiJ g& A MEKTOXN FIRE -INSURANCE CO., uw-chartbr pkrpet- ST^SSsß^i^^S sssfeeraala^ 3 Xte?*jk& MU » . iotolVLenp, Sfu», ;' fiari-a*® Patriot Brady. im,i|ft "•* wltMir » albert c. L. csmm:& A *£i Fn '}££h QOAKEE UITV INSURANCE OOMPA- CaoreaH. Hart, HIRKOTO Fo«t»? Olrjdai, fefrjgi&iL 1 A NTIIRACITE INSURANCE COMPA ;PVRPE^'UAL thorll * d °* ,itlll •‘“■““-CHARTER jacobEahar, Io»>h Mufisjd, 1 Maw tegEßsJsr* . ■ Daria Poatwm, • Wm.F.lJili, ■ ' * r ; **“* . , JACOB MHfcSffrtaidatt. . I w. m. a with. s«o^f^T. f NSTJRANOE COMPANY OY THE w •“M“-Amata. January 1, *a/] In wana and arallable aabwitiM-cor . Henry ». Sherrari, OeoriaH. Sturt, Iggr- ': fete. L ~.' ' ttnffiD/BXii'lSfeKO, FreaMani. WtfiMAM HAWPKW,,ouher limited or pei- 8 ' BLJUSCTOiU. - JeremiahßonsaU,, Edward P* Roberta. Johi<£,Ginnodo, John j. Griffiths. JoSm. T. owan, Reaban C. Hula' fetssw. o , fim&s, j w O. om n Nogo“^p?^2S L ’ W- fUvip. raKtl-wfintf JAELaWARK iUJTUAI, :&AS&TX IN iNca&eoßAT^^jfirsp l l£afsLATtriiM oi OFFICE A E. Wfjffkjfnfyj’rtrß WALKS* PlffoiT, { Stallsartaof tha W«M, 0. oaniw ! ABSETROFTtBE COMPART. -' Rbntnbarl.iasT •»A» D. tfoLMUd m'iir- *’*“ “ tpMttVtmmonn Loai'to tiwcitVof'Phili^ K '* U 00 *“.000. PMMjlvanla Elairoai >4 Kortaa^a'' * MAW. *'**' ** •xwo.m fe’J2,TaSS»&” ,M, »“ SIAM,UO *jSjaaawl»iisrßSSSa“ *** l ® : ■ SbpS; . Oerwwj. PluSdfoiJa Eioluuia B^ssn^Jorti!»*e«,, , ui4JtMl Eatalo. Of-***' na ** JJiUj reoeiTabfe for loaaraiieM JS 2 Balanoe one at AKOnmaa-PMuuaina on ft!*- . rlnePoboMa, internet,and otherdabtadoa the Company ... .......... ajua dolin' and etook of eandry bnranca Comm -om£ on iimoail lnßaatr?.” ?' imrT-Zir. CAM si Snsas?* H. Jon«* Brook*, Ibtwt Barton, fs&%lU* jfe«4 f INSTJSANOK AKD TRUST COM fe^SSa-WtKs INaURtSXrvEfI for tbo wkola tarn of ”>• **“ Samel L. Miller, * W ' grfflaujw* Menrr p. Townwcfc fcodoWHraXent, „ Wilbara H. Cut, WiUUmKobtftsosi Winrarll* Rulb, i4«n w. ««JSB WllU&m Mirtift. juseimiuirt Willi smKTre,/r», Junes 0. Hoad, WiUl&m C. Wwlf, Joseph H, Beu« , Dr. R. M. Horton, •eoTge G. Leiper, - KilLSSfe. i ,«ni StffTIRY LYLB™* igjßgiS ss Edmond A. Bonder* pameTL.JlntotuDevi*, John W.Homor, . KhnB,»t*njal?t inr. xalk LEGAL, TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF CUES- WiiT E * COUNTY t and CommunweaUh of Fannttl oAl'i" “»J , . if asj. will take oottoe. that the undereuned hu been appointed by Mid :Ar t 0 to ai d anonr the parttes eotiOed there/?. the com of two hundred and eiatr-BlJt dollars, and thirteen cents, tarcfl,l3,> with its interest remaining in the hands of th* administrator- . STERLING, PB. tA ™„ ali jult WALI£ * MRS. STILL’S jSiS™ffilr to funio* oppenr&HM, and ton i^MM r o°XiW n h. l M. ,r * l,l ' ! ‘ t : »»»“•'»« ms&g,«&!£»• ■ E. & Garricues, Coates and Tenth Streets. A Ac/flSthstreet*. oh£iM Ah^M^a” 100 * nd JSfoond streets K&TCS «£«£. KSi* an A®s ventb streets, e ©& h SSl??, ,Mnti > *•"'“■ mrtl »m FIFTK - Pl ™ , Philadelphia. fS^^J'^UPKS : -rOver 200 dif&rect stjies i\! R ™;„ jAMES BETTS'. INVENTIONS m*rideJhwKl^ii^fcT^ p ? T<>, f® d wul highly reooio merided bv theMedioAl profession thrnugbouUhe United Swh!i. T t Thousand I nr* ids having beon advised J.L p *i v * 10 m UI * i 0 u * B ® her Surgical Appliance*. She would caution Merchants and others Against nurohestss ather, H*idenoe. l3s mLNfIT StissL w"e« "he OAQ be oonnilted daily, between the hours of And® o He , ‘ , *ooi of testunnui* 1 * wPi be riven on apah oarior. Reot free to ar»y part of the United Ataths. He sirnßhifo \if on p»oh ArtioV. * m*» *f PP IV*’*WILLS 1 V*’*WILLS Cleincd at a I w'pHce, ” j t 9.o'jt A Jn thfcomitflnt.. Addr«M WM. JINSON, is«4)rftU)ueH r :iata AsnaSMuriMMU; JW-li" PURNESS T.:^ ?!!■?!•■. ptrirt MARRIix FIRST LARBB SHOESTOR o ■ ."iv' . Aajflital. at IS o’clock will nS ,{ v cataUKM, on four manta’ ctMtt.a mat'Similnana AoMwblc auortorar «r toota, FhoSv.OaiwS, iHf WfptaaiiOta matt atttttratsit .Eatttta maul«etßßa?aa(l 0 I citr nSS* ■ .y; : " WiiiOms,,*®. •Hiprijf«. left RtUTlfe' AND NORTH j||P|Mb. ARRRIOAN ROYAIi IUU, STEAM- tE» (fail* bom Bmen ttn stbSuudCmk Hu- JWS&fi:Sr, ’•• to; wass^jiss- Bertha agt ■*w*l mntal *Sd t<», , Anexpemnoed Bargeo)»e»bdemr *’• -Theownsn^theseihiapvili not tiianeninntqnlofoi wi , , - * BevUas«rmf£vTOk.i fob this south.—chabus. i£s&issKssrawaasa The, O. Br Mul BteanuhjpfH’Sra'OF BBOSSIA. C«»l»*J A JcpJa J. (hm», wHI mu tmFriday? July gf^ ( saa»nßu^SnE dSBeBgSSP^^ Mim ifePSSMte ToOluirlMtoa BUM Charlaetoe.lL~:*« n KSSU* 1 ' “S 5*"""? 1 not feirr- 88 SSsErrrr 88 SBap— gs gssjss——-• «“ 58 ISte!!7_-2r: 58 NiwOrtauu—. 99» VlvOriNa MMi : S 5 ZgobiUi of lading ugnedftiteribftflCiTk&ieftiledi . “ »•* “ —- biibuui« auNTOX ft QAMIIXUii fromGharlMtaugtmmorCatoiißft oreiy NOTICES. TKOTIOE TO BUILBEKS —The Board of i 1- Coimnlatioaeri under an pot of Aee.mblyeßiltled' la the Lin or Philadelphia,” approved April 3 jam, jtetehr invite plana and e.timat<« at coat to tke ’ tngaiTOpcaea 'o ba armtad. Tfcaaa bolidinraareda aiwad for iha aaoommod.tion of the aunrta of hutice, and. their -appropriate offinae, and tka a; va al rfioaa of of the conntfi and alao t»r tbo aoomomodation of the acveral oepartmo' (.and officer. of tka mariea-. p.l koverrment oFtba eit/Vf FkilaMthK. - f T*?’»'« h‘*«■> ?etiare i the boi&nra for the ecnrt.. ao., on tka aarthweetcrn taction, end thorn for the nranicipaltovenunenton the north-aatern - Motion 019114 bcoave . A etatemaht, in detail, of tkaaitantor aooomino-a- Ground plan*- w&Uow* elevations, and nrtteetive ?1*?» p(" «m \ baltdiuK wil\ bo ttMatiiißt amMiBH >l . Sftleir and iuU explanations ww«i<« * estimate* »ro to bo ■cooa»mit»d bronuplotj ifieauone and Inth explanation* of the whole no >io« m>nas«. and fob that ihfi may bo r«adi!yooai> greneqded bj psrecci not ap«oiaU/ instructed ie aiohi Ttfeo said plana, attimates. end epociSeatldni to ha d)root*4 to the freeident of the Board, and fontiefted before the first d*j of September. A. i>. JBBJ. ■ two perooti submitting a plan must indicate the ar terial# io be emptojed in conatraoting tbs baiHiuee on cer bio plane- . No eonunmutinn will bo avoided or oaid bn tbo Com tmaaio, ora for too plana to be submitted, eatier-bi fn vitadtuntd the maanaofoarnma thaiaidactofAaecm bl? into effect shall banmia, mowordixewiVh Ua £»« H. Philadelphia, Jnfy H« IMP, JvU-iw jfimCEOFTHfi P] £o Coal tranaport«d br thu flow July M, goto! farthgr a MOJMjr nox ill ? . Sills . Lilli. *is na *& »« . &*Sfc::r: IS 1:3 IS \ t iS Germantownß.lt. MS -L« 1 m i.« i*i ehuylkiU—. 1.4 J U| fjf jtt t IM L 8 3 IS I.U ~ lJftt 13 dri up ijS ciren~—ue jjr i.x {5 Kiraaoe. m }JM I.u| fcg |3! orßridfipcr US US £aj jp I'jJ SS= a || | s K —,. !« im * 8 toi=rr E S. S ft If Bgl g 8 EEE- a 8 g s i g 8 1 f 8 lmr!»»&'«nd AnWr g 2 s— W pf *• pLANTEiS’ BANK Or’ TENNK'-'SF.E. "“ifi 1 ■>" and Kt wd t, udlasda-Rib. _. .. . anhandAndnnd.toardon , EMiuSwin* Naodlo, W« ehWfM, ud mail rapid Mmiuhm jar hnittiM in ue. „ jjrao Oolfe. fiitoiit Tamil, Kmltinx Muhina, for tdmiilf axd Plantation ««, u a n«w and .uooomlul nature in the useful inventions of the ace, and ranks with the Sewinx Maoune. Agenoy and Salesroom, , LHV av»,a MACKEREL, .SHAD. HERRTNW, *o.~ IWhhls Nos. I,Sand ft l»r|»aadMao kereMn assorted paokMes, of a very eholoe quality; also ffO bWj. nev Mp.ft lanre Mackerel. ®hairbftlaiieirNo.ft|o dp, Jw bhla new No- ftmedtua do. &> do new Eastern Mesa Shad. 60 half obi* aewdo--‘6o » do. - / WO bbls new Kaateort:No. 1 Barring. M>C do ao Halifax No. I do. SOQ do new Boston No. 1 do. IUO do do No 1 eoale Fish. 2S do prime No. l Salmon. . ItiO quiDUls Oraad Dank Codfish. u 100 boxes new Herkimer oountj Ohee«, HAVANA t/I^ARS,—Just Tcceived, per 'bark Am Elizabeth, a large and varied aiMrt went comprising wveral new biands. toxeiber with others of the most celebrated— wua * Black flea, * ■ Adoreoion, • Figaro, Neptuno. Cabanas, J»anaaas, /noto Hondo. nf all the 8«»Ua ( Concha Fivurmei, and pressed «lxee-n«w m store, hud for sale ISbV--- P.ANDLES, v PARSAFIjyg WAX, naked iii rlaia or fkaw boxie to salt aurauuket. ’QILAPE' PBIA AKD &A 9 .COMPANY— Pmie- COAL. ill THOMAS A SOBS. * *“■ L 8 0?? «>tr*TH stiaot, * XtfgQSflKS&tro/ ■MffltSßtßn** 'KJgLhJ'nirjn tka eveniai. atrveMs. Iggwj^jsasffis?; - *•*«*« B, w&. Sr iaoMa Bail •tnop township Waneo omit;, Poonnlvudas abo&t lOoireonorthnfWarrott. BaleaVehttS; Bm* I eoa an4 : 44> ( „ .. KKAI. EHTATfc-APtitTST 14. Join™; h^atata—Two-story Briok DWELLlJie.'ad iofiJS?. E,i * t *-T»‘>;«‘orf Brtak DW-ELtINQ,' ad- VERY IMPOSTAUT gA£,E. Dc te^r^^^^Votea ai *- EsoEmi!*?®' *? - bom! at tka Fkiladalpkla to tke Montour miU *‘ f“™<=~-oehrir»» la atrooi off. Mjanpa on tho axaeatioa oTlhe deed,tuikm SO dayi ol HtT Full partioalan ready la kaadbdla. OILr f**xr *!&<* hand Finnitura, Iron Cheat Canton China DinnaTfat hfZSZUrt™ h°Fi«df. and tha artwiU. W aa,ad .. m ... . Ifiie Morning. ' At > o’aloak, at tho AMtloa store, an exoallaat wooed-handftmtmaTalatant fina mirrqra. cartata. ata., from fcCToakaaprct, to tka atora fimacßmnSmMd tSWjaPRSj^Bi' 'Sts' ' Also ft largo Gilt Fntto. ... W«No.*l BMfßOMStreat h*!nwVfflllTlT kntrnvw* CMn». Blumrt, ko. -■- ™< * ti J^*jy b ®M«Bii»*d»»ao»olo6k 08-tWawndas of la_rg; SAOB OF LIYBRPOOU WiES-CMlwt, jjvortwfu n ptr diTOt iroci - ~, > On Hofiddr Morning, V?*' No *- »*Bd lu Smth dinntr »nd tm m. ctam £•***“♦ I?** I ®**.-«*■ »orf _«*»oeT»,' covered distie*. l^**’ tea po^ f - “'!*«■, btkm’comrt Pw*‘Witajnr*.oreams, he. | tur ,To be sola wnboat rgyerrg, foroaitu. jIIOSBS NATHANS, AUCTIONS** SMsesss SSSSSgSeSsS: ifesfer - IDfUlMC(OftA>BCß|StfliUM)Bfa]n. __. . 1 CHAR dors vitk 4010 k dcnttolk fcTßry SgJrtW msde mHOm tbortMt notTe*. etjij Pwuure, Pin*, TutwWr, mid Ciljnder aSiiSVtU. t«BlFintnylyani*ebirraaliroq- Porfuuf ofa&MMa and Inndo; iron ana Stwm Caatmn. of a»>aMariatioft? s^MStfSS@ s R h -arast „Tk® •3V4Mlwrtbavo ample vfeati does tops {m re- B6i*i of Dost*, wkerethey oaa h* in perfect cafetr, » *“•> BKACH and PALMIat stioct^ KssaaajgaSfSiffi UAM B. H^uSra^iriS; PSSsrtsm #S®SBS-- iSSi fesfow „ ,£5? Jsrfjpr x. awwce, 1, rtHiw usual. couTHW^VburdKf ° FIFTH AND WABHIReToft »ur»«x Jta, & far ®“ 'W«*o, Work Bhon. H»R HOTF.LS. ®T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, - BROADWAY, __ When oooplebrd.six yeueafOr the ST. irrrMisf.U JEM “ WWuituMiu ts. MSKlS^f£*^®sSS?fe omitted i« itm plan, arm eegleeled i» its fmhTwritrsTr gg®%fswaaattSi»^ mrlT-Am - THEAPWHLL. WHITCOMB, A CKk KXPRESS COMPANIES. SB a—b THE ADAI/f* EXPRESS jPK39E!3H*CQ. > oaaa3a(l CHESTNUT Strut, hrtjf.tti.ra'oel.rpokaxe.. Muahudiu. Buk Note*, “r.apaoia. oitli.r b» its awn U»% or in oonnsoua? ■> H, 0, SAND FORD, Otn.ral Skn.nnttsa.nx BDCCATIOXAL. MRS. FREDERICK BODGES, OF BOS iiS®' Mr.; H. ks. th» titheK” Ms?ih JSSlffiV? wnonh of tha Bo), Tmitx. AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a ■M-tl M, gtrut^^Tbl, ORTANT A STRATTON’S NATIONAL SLOTf’sss PIANOS. Kjarn PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOSM Willi PIANO-FORTES, MRLODEONH. MAWePFCRTfee. HSwll^g^^gS B^*-, o *- N ““ PTI«-i ■ . SKYEWTH mam STEINWAY & SON’S new Pa. HARASS?* SLOAH._I.OUO Bam Is LO - B .YtAI'J’S Crujhfd. aoaru and Sna Btilvfriird. [tfUMl REIMS WRITING PAPERS^ to *tSßg“ fIOOK-KEEPIEP S can get good Blank ■*j o bio)ti and Siatioaery at TUBBY’S,' FOUBTH anq hack. iitMw rmtOKATE POTASH For gale by * RHOTHER.AY ud «„ North f>ARiS GK i. EN—Ground in Oil, and for jSnWj&Bgasp** «#,{» iNEL PfiJSSa-Tr^jOOO l ■ brans assorted. WMfftMr."* r **£k£r u ennessx Brands:—7o euks, t n JAVA COFFEE. —1,000 sockets' - prim* ■ iftmi' I** 1 ** * w.