. .r.?t-':-r >; -■: a:! i v -- TWmiMmW tkartawatatiUttortka.MattmaV 'BsSiiMlSMMHflWrMMAbmet.tkfcatifeJEts.^ foatalaa.—ltifiota.tUwitnatiftkt eoataio-.- wOlhkMrtiiMktTaall apoiatH btananta DKVOTKO TO THE MUFaMZ ATIOS.,OR !TBB PARTY, amli who o*t«dli*>»ttfr*-A»o»ifoaaieiaditHw.' rtooKnUo' STBflem A.DOUOLAB Old HKMOHhI, V.JOHP -! BOIV M ua reruUumlHX ofthaßimocrter for P»- aidaot mdViee PtaiOdtat ot tb« UattodeMm, uu» t attkt BTAtE dAPITOf-; 1» : HARltlSBlIBG, i«m TBUB3DAY, fair M.atio’oloclr.P. M.. to ooamit tortUar at to what it baVdoaa to ißMtko to 1 . DOUGUArt «d JORNBOH U»«hoh»tt, frithM, tnA en arittfo toHMofibaDamoeriorof ~•+ All whottfoaato conoade tot ware' KreecttreCorn ' ■l’tM itM araitioa of o«t taka. ’Hr ehairinim,) f fo’ ritht teiaaOKKCTENOMWEEHVf' AitATIOffA t.j COSYrMTION, wd nootnizttlnatof tjfoot(Ut«,m>l -i «JAt; orranliMlon;. til obowill.BotCTiprdt aiatnMe winorltyqae'dictate ’t«ra>tT>wa.iTaiuatdtlPiacTtotha rawotatt fatatt. i . ■BPEaefanlon Tickets will ba Greed [oa ill tka r*\ii rmdpakthriif Bteri.brup; : i ' - ■■■■ rOt.:-TMVrt- ''' :Ei J;HAI,T>EEAK. \ i.Of Rational Dasuoratio Cowmitlee for Peanayivantr. 'v r>'i Cr A. L EOHHFORT, r - '•• "W. U. 80t8,.. ■ ~4 r-> .WM.H.iHULEB. ' .tj-.ftwt 1 PHItl» DOCBHBEIY, •=- -f W- V JKO. H, ZIBBLBR. c HrakMoftkt DtaioaraUoßtatt Exact art Pw»pit ta»j.f«djaat ifHkrtltbttfft ■ ' • p'rissb,' rei'ioS tSsAf M& yfa&f. «• ■lfa'o*rfJim*Wti»»ptot& WRdSCfor mAltint. IfcoMfr.ia that] me* (»<.' -** fiMrtteg-yiafc"'-, -W, . : ...'. V: ;, \v. CONTENTS:..' -l-. - .:, ; CHOICK POETEY-Tbe. Little NE»EaBTIC A(I- .; EEEEEairEt-'TEE'OmriaiiEE.AgEiE'iE.IUBKiEr-, . lit yEEißt’Btiii'fatiiicEL 'Ec'oEbui—EowAi-.h >SiOIB»^taEi"B<>T>S>ViEI»E—IEE'iHEETEET— . TUi ftp EiClatDiE irMfc BscbaYae’s Bbebch-; Too LaTEI-Te* JaPAREA* 48AI1I~AHbW Kee.j< . miREE ‘ BjEIItULTi—AUkIEIEIEEXIOE: OEBEEi— ' . z r V.- ,- OOBBBBPOHDEBCIt-tETTrtE Hio^-SccEEiojf - .AittwLiTTEk -.Eawit.i Xtw::: ■YoRAaLeTTEbIBSipsi' " Mo*!V-BEOT«aE .DbJSOCBRTIC BtECBMSjUEII , WRRBE ySEIUE SIA-, MliC^A3^CTa^Ts;i I >.;;HiipEE«, : Bw3 , .r-> .I.RtTEE TEO'E i*SAKAIt LiRCOLE' ByBOREhW - NOHMATIOT—EIfTIIUaiAAYJC HECTIES Dr THE Ell ; EECEect ie BSELUMTYiErfLL—THEBLEEsTEAb* IE,EKEBDSrB—ABEEEEIEaArrEETEX JExaEREUBE.. . IW*S» f<' —4MtOER«,fitICEt^THE ft’EAIE. -. M*l(ri.'-7fiiE.IiATEET , 'N i EWEET -TbLEOB»>« 'bEOII - WeeeimTOe-TeebE Bate: LEtekbEok Eseopk— LeteEbeoße OaLHOBRIA. : ' THB JBetch VrWfcw 'BltEf. w. .PaEEA-MAAEIASEBAES DEATHS, KS.'-.'f 5 * ? ’ utM •> *«*. rnu-' aiuau Mitan—Tb* Mown M*****~Trix! jnuusKtrauGun* Maxut-KbwYobxJSo ««*». J;. 7 7V; ■ ". TOB wuaur PKEBB U hnUM bi «ftU.nb.t> ft ihlniti ill fef tiw nulx o»fji, ia4'to fMM>; KasW toxiM fbr *tla&t tk» oottWr pr Tub - tfHon. -\\.. ■‘ *vSfelttißß)''letter ftoqf Petr *»*l- Taemrs PlOE.— Ges»r*t K««y; .P*» tod boyood tteli'iipprOpHitlra Soibii'if ; ttt; UwMrboworor.irtraMlKor oHwiiieratlny. . For Iwtoneo, H Wn«M b« io koowVbot “ ■ “ Blip : - .Oa Mo or ftrao ire ' oot<^'W'iFlapi^ißt', - fpo Ina th* moat fan.' .Tbo rtport’of th*:oobi : - Mfairf^W 3 lhriri^iS»4---, tatter«ntk»w*U ltko»n»*T«ftt*m«nV.'br»' , : «*rtta * ■ttkßkr'»aol.Vta T tr»' , «K..ii' ■. (teta*. goMUHjr Isno on ikoir ' : fna tftdinetUnu. 'A : ' ■ «r otettniu rr pwtMtoitf tto oonirittoo - 6i« i ,'dlc»lplfe'* I , ‘"wW4»to ' ' ; Of ,'•; »Mr labor »o 4 OBwgp.” : Wbeotloy 4Cs*rko»r« mtom* -.:. * n&m*.- 6' -, > m .mSw nUpSKaSaj, 5 :■ tOJ«l*‘ , «<»oyta Wi •*v>Ftajjifc*teM j^iitai»*« < a taoi.«M tmttttntum h» ,IWr V .*1 retdyto fhrth«rtbe matter. in Xlllnou a Const!- h tation»l Union Convontion b called forth* 16 th of ■-^l^! Anguitto nominate Presidential, electors sod T.'^lState<>a«.sto.-_nt;-B«toMtot| of ..the-8l»tt A-. ' I trist eflndlana Wve noalnated Robert UWal .fjßflHy' •* ,he Th!r -esik baathdUtriot m Ohio hare ;re*nomtnatedi John -fi Hant; wit***** <) evening next,wlthout.*UtißetlOß of; pirty.onthe ’ 'teornio*-. t j. thelWigh febontObsW »af«y by Pief.lfeeinn*, *n j.'eaetpahy isf rt-.Mrt Bled, - Of GeCrgetown, D; O.i othersjptntleiaen, ajid tbe nihil |:pb,«4^«^^b^^:. 1 pf;':th'e.'«ic«il t intorettleg : [et Jbeoe. w’the-appM»Bb« - if-the, moon itself, >u dhtekaxhlMted Itstneantalnons snrfaoe with a i dtsttoctnew whtehbadnptbeenobserfed. on guy IPrt^PSO#*»lon;» ; ltVipO*‘t Of l7ti.' No per obp*tlbie eSiange, ln 'tbe ‘‘tb*™on)Btl*oe,; though one of the perty.abont thepartod ofgreat e«t obsen ratten, thought it tomewhet bolder. : Ter* nlniUon'ef wllpie, : Ji honfs.'linitnates, 31 second*,' aEtrtnbmleaiwaantlme: SarfsceecUpced, about 4 digits. > - The breedthrof.tte umbra or.path of the total eellpeewas about !7fl'miles! The southern lltnlt df rte eclipse .pissed through tbs northern' p*rt |f fhe Onlf ottfezlpo and theGplf of Guinea.' The eelipss. tbotigh ye'77 interesUpgi'wes Jess so at,Philadelphia than the aelipea of May, 1854. No .toweellpSeefthasoniriUbevlsiMe at Philadel -I'pbUt4br!ngT;ih;k l .jPrtse,ntybntapr. .' ' : TRe inidpUoftheSoath are suffering from heat, ’.The H. 0; Creteent of'the; 18th soys.that quite a , ntottrtke' eptdemte arevills in that city. 0n the' previous day the coroner held seventeen inquests t paTsogs.whqhadfattenrietlms'totbeheat. On »prevloufiday there were from flfteen (o'twenty < people Suffering ftom • ton-stroke in the Oharity ; -Hospital; semi) dfwhbni wlHeertetnly die.' Tlhi Pnitdeof Wates is'now upoh lho lea, on the rents'to hu future possessions' in the West,, Yesr thrday her -Britannic Mejeily’s steam pin-boa; Fiying PUb, the advanee vessel of the Frinee of Wales 1 , squadron, arrived et St.-Jolm’a port at 1 et evenVolooir She led England on thol et of Jaly. The meth equadron vronld leave Devopport.on the '.nthV:-;v : • - ' '• \ i The sehnoner Ouffollc arrived at New Orleans Yesterday frdm Vere,.Crnj-. "Her advleea generally have been anticipated. From Mezieo there ie a, rtport that Zfttoaga had eseaped from' Mlrtmon, and prot ouneedinfavor c-fthe Liberal r. Judge .Dongles is In Boston, lie wascompli raentad with in asthhsluUe reception last oven lag. :'’From the bVhjiony of the Revere Jloneo, In reeponla to entbuftiastio calls, Mr. Douglas spoha .about *of Attdrney Oenerst Bteok to the President, in , the Oases' of naval, officers who wero damaged by the action of the. Neva!; Board, but afterwards nrtued.Uproagfc the'- eiuninatlon of the rerlsory etjarts):hwre) hi seyerai instonees, been brought to light'recently.'. The &übject bae, by this' time, loot tti geoanl.interest;. but, us an example-of the manner.in whlch reparation baa been made, the ; esee of Captata Kaineey may be stated; The opic• icm.'whs, 'that riot 7oue. jfeot or clrohmstajnee .Was pinved egainst bfm that weighed a feather when placed in the scale egunst: tha. overwhelming wUghtbf ewideneainUsfayorpahd Itts farther itetsd, “If 'thsre be a rngn in or oat .of thevnavy Whole adhbrtngb;bred gentleman; a skilful sea man, aid aaiiocomplishhiilcllioefr Captain lUm- may betdly claim to be that man,” - ; The-ekMUthm. of the Great Eastern will close sn Satorday week. ; Kbe will return to, England, and aril: vli' BaUfax on the lfth August. It in, doubtful as to whether she will come to. Philt qMphla.';ir-'. J-l* , Robert K. Wright, of Lehigh county, has been appointed reporter of tto decisions afthe'StetoSii pwtleiCbhit.,. - ''' v ! S' A-'nemjter.dfaoßVicta attempted to escape from SlniPriMn'ycaterday) which tha oStars prt- darlhg : th» infay .one ; of tha convict* j. Jfhit’is all thiiriboutiHeanen.end.MorrUsey ? Bat- yeetetdny Die - heart of Toning' America, but .htgti ln 'the hope of a liational combat as It read - the -ehaliuge of Murriaitj: i Beenan’s . respour e earta with the retarnihg ann, showing that tho B. B,' parftctly boils valor. Mcrrisrey, however, now comca ont and;dentes his former earl)eositinaptaouilyuyiogthathehai more iin nortapklmlinus 1 on hand thanfhat anticipated by ths B. B; At. thiegs ataßd .on paper we have n p«rpiexlag problem to Solve. ' Will Hunan end Morrimey flghtT This Is the quesridn of the hour and tbe'natton breathlessiy awaits an answer, The Trenton Baxettc says that tha oostersion of Harden will: bepnbilshod this wuk, The writer ootomeness with his childhood, and goes on to give a description of his .llfe/anm he begin to teach sjhdol.'.at or heat:'Blalratowu; hismannerof life while toaphlng; his appointaent as’eolportenr; his iioante to praaoh ; describes- tha people,among whom'he war thrown) andtha Intlneneea fnrronnd inghlm; tellsof hijeeceass u a preacher; gives' a ikeleh of hls Brst aeilnalntance Wlth the Borland fatnliy pdesoribeshls eonrtship and marriage; tells, how, where, end why he poisoned Ms wife; gives hit flight, ; truTels,, arreat, do. A number of ts raya of Maewn, and, letters to friends while be was lnpriseh.willbe pnbUshed with the confession, end the whole will make a work ot Cram fitly to 'strTenty-flvepsgea.' ' Barden’s father, who will publish - the work, has employed a tow genital agents tor its sale. Another Atlantic Cable. < On tbe 3d XnsUnt, the Moniieur informs n», a. project oflxwwas laid before the Corps Le gisladf of demanding.itsapproval of Ibe convention for the.esUblisbment of a sub marine telegraph between France and the' Upited States. Who are-.the parties to ibis project, .what capital will be required, how it jsf to, he ralsed,and what places are to be the theprojected. telegraph, are not mentioned.- It wan announced, over a year ago, that lfArbiEoit' was resolved hot to' bo dependent bn England for American news, abd was zbost anxlous to haVe a sub-Atlantic telegraph of his own. Wlth blm, to ditirc and to do are uearly synonymous terms; and we mayrest- assuredthat ah earnest attempt will soon be madetocaxry out this Atlantic Tele graph project. It ia aa llkely as not that Na foleowwlH make it anational hiidertaking. ' An Cxtcnaire Fire in the Woods, near ;;. ,: Agent lewan who left Atlantis City at a late J}our yettetdayafttraoeafcringsuftbe intelligence of M ettenstre firs Thflfig la r iha woods sear E&g Harbor, auppoecdjto have originated from the buro iog ost r of weoalpU., -The dames seemed to'have •standad lc length and bread th soma twenty-fire miles, end were rapidly approaching the line of the railroad; Two houi»s were known to have 'beeß destrbyed f andthe itnohe along the line of the jpadfor a short distance was,so danse that eould be seen. Egg Harbor is MttatwSiityailea distant AtlanticOHy, and aheat,fer^CroqrCtißdfu j, / J ,, ,2 Itmay be safely assumed jFi«*'GeorgeChrietyli.the", head of all the bait ‘Jfi, week be tietewfUiitporf9/m«n(K>l»ttbeH»«oli»l Theatre. 'Wsjqut-strict.;. They remain only for: one week, And'tberefere £i*t bamndemnohof.-' Christy's Mlnetrtls oo, bwtenoouragemcnt. ’: }‘ -' *'*- .*• ~ r ‘ ’m - • • t - M DocoiAjGAJipiiaslViia.;—lt will be seen, by jmferHng; to'oit airtrtWnf eoliumM, that a oaoj pulgii: piper.'wbleb, will ’advocate thaolaims of oteplien 'X." Bougies ' to. tbej Presidency .will be jteasd from Boston. r.H.wUlbe edited by »n ttso *™emefgenilSßien:wh? -=.~ v,'.. ■ of Berlin, Is probably the, He ** ***-, WW - - the ninety-fifth year of bis ■ •** *»d the oTbU mtalstay; ill. IthlM-ir prirohlog arery to&r*kiHn *;; *_ property of Mrl. Lofigwortb, of ba* been ascertained, witMnefew day!, to be ax ftHowi ; . Ifte'jW- .»2,<»0 1 W» # 4^-;wro*eto«.'*MnlHe : ‘Of l>l«t to the Prims seslftttietiS'sln/tailneiiiicsd In theOerinau # -jwtf *» **»•* • Tb » under; the so- . kw--** ■ ■- = i tMHMM ilfc »>».»«♦», tf,' ■ wn*»|iy ... The Cattle Disease Pletiwpneii' monia* One of tlie most interesting documents ] which have boon published lurogard to the cat- , tledJiicaHOi.ii tho/report of Mr. BcTiCKfiELD, from'i&eObmmlttoe on Agriculture of theNa tionaljHouso of Representatives,- to that bod;:. Thlssubject possesses a fearful interest to the Amertcan'poojjte, in consequence bl the groat \aluo ot their, cattle, and the serious losses to which they y?JU ho subjected if the mages of the disease should not bo promptly checked. •If h'ePlast censns returns showed that there were in 1860, ,18,878,000 neat oattle In the United States,, and the number, has now probably In creased to 22,006,000. , The value of their an nual’product of Witter, cheese, and milk not used for batter or cheese, was estimated, in 1860; at $80,000,000. The value of the cattle annually slaughtered wap supposed to he about equal to 7 that amount, and the: annual value of the labor oi nearly a million yoke of working oxen,(at twenty dollars per.yoke) was about $20,000,000. r Thus; the annual prodnet from cattle, in,iB6o, amounted to $180,000,000; Ihb average inercase for ten years is estimated at twenty per, centum, making the present an niialprodnct about $216,000,000. And the cattle ,themselves are .probably,worth trom $400,000,000 to $600,000,000. - Several of the Governments of Europe have, at different times,:, been compelled, by a due! regardlor the Welfare of their countries, to adopt measures for the suppression of this disease, and if the fears expressed- that it has already extended from Massachusetts to other Stateß.are wall founded, It will probably cause immense loss, and no agricultural commu nity in our country can, withont great care, be effectually protected against its ravages. A disease very' similar, if not identical with tho Massachusetts malady, lias prevailed at different times among the ancient Romans, in England, Holland, Sweden, Prussia, and in al most every part ofEtirope. , It generally ceases, in a great degree, toward tho- approach of summer, so that an absence of marked evidences of its prevalence at thiß season is by no means a proof of its era’dicatien; At hue time when it prevailed in many parts of Europe for twelve years, it always abated In summer, and during one dr two summers, apparently disappeared altogeth er, bnt at the approach of winter it broke out afresh, and dnring the months of February and March it was particularly destructive. ' In 1748 or *44 it was Introduced into Eng land from Holland by tho importation of two calves, and it destroyed hundreds of thou iihds of cattle, extending its ravages down to 1761-55. In one'year 80,000 ,cattio were killed because they were more or less infected, and nearly double that number died of the disease. Holland.appearstobe its headquarters. In 1867, oyer 14,000 head of distempered cattle were'slaughtered in only forty-three villages of that country, and it was Irom there that it was inlrodaceddnto the United States. Mr. Butterfield says : .*•, , “ On the 231 of May, 1859, the distemper was brought into. Massachusetts by four cows, imported direct from Holland by Wicthrop W. Chenery, of Belmont, about six miles from Boston. These 'cow a ware black, thick-skinned, large and said to be great milkers. - On landing they appeared hun gry* thirsty, and neglected, and one of them, it is said, had not teen no her legs for twenty days. Two of these cows were so feeble that they bad -to be carted to Belmont. A few days after their ar rival, on the diet of May, one of the cows died. On tho 2d of dtmo a second died, and on tbe 30th of June • third. The fourth Is now alive and doing well. In all, Mr. Cbenery has within a year lost twenty-seven head of cattle, of other importa tions, then orihis premises. The disease was not supposed contagious, and was attributed to local causes. • 1 - ■ ‘•' In Jane, JBS9, three grade Batch calves were purchased from Mr. Cbenery by Mr. Stoddard, of North Brookfield. As they were being taken there oneef tbe calves appeared to falter, and gave evi dence of physical disability. The distemper with wbiob the animal was affected was at once com municated to the oatile in the vicinity, and it has sinoe raged there with fatal violence. A district about twelve miles /quara, from which, at this time last summer, large quantities of batter and obecee were made for the Boston market, is almost desti tuto of cattle.’ 1 In April last the Legislature of Massachu setts appointed three commissioners to in* quire into the progress of the disease and to adopt measares to arrest_ it. Under their di rections 342 cattle were slaughtered and many were isolated. The original appropriation for tfac compensation oi cattle-owners was soon exhausted, but an extra session of the Legis lature was called, and additional measures were authorized to combat- the disease, j One of the most alarming facts stated in the report is,'that the distemper has already been carried from Massachusetts into Maine,-New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, and even Michigan. The cause' of this has bees, thatwhen the price ot stock decreased in consequence of its prevalence, drovers pur chased cattle in the infected regions at these reduced rates, and drove them to distant regions as a matter of speculation. For the few dollars which they have made in this way, they have probably caused an aggregate loss to tho nation of an immense sum. Their conduct cannot be too strongly denounced. . Wo have heretotoro published a. diagnosis of-the disease, and it is unnecessary to repeat it here. In regard to tho proposed remedies the report say s: “ Although hundreds of cases have occurred from •xpocare, : • and not one without exposure, many agriculturists deny tbe contagious or infectious, natnreof pleuro pneumonia. in ibis opinion they an banked by the editor of ‘The Journal of,tbe Royal Agricultural Boolety of England,* and by fi£r. Horsfall, one of the most thorough of English dairyman and breeders. Piblestor Simonds, how ever, who was deputed by the -three British agri cultural societies to visit the whole of .western Eu rope and report upon the oattle diseases which raged In the several countries, unqualifiedly de clares this lung-disease to be highly contagious, and. with the exception of a perfect sequestration of tho farms infeoted, no remedy to be Known as universally efficacious. Collet, a modem French author; speaks with even more dread of the pest, since, he says, this malady Is che greatest scourge which could befall the farmqr, being hereditary as well as oontaglooa, and stiver disappearing from a country where it has become well- established. Iu fact, he considers typhus or amall*pox less to bo dreaded than pleuro-pneumonfa. “ Dr. LennJg. ooe of the Massachusetts commis sioners, states that he believes the disease utterly incurable. Cases sot treated are not always fatal. In favorable circumstances, 15 to 20 per centum would prove fatal; in other circumstances, from 90 to 95 per centum. fie thinks the most economical 2nd the most effectual way to eradicate the disease i to kilt.every animal affected by it. “One ox, killed by order of the commission, had Imparted the disease to twenty-three yoke of cattle; he looked well when he was killed, appa rently in good Condition for beef, but had d-slightly *plnetaed r appearance; he 'Was killed because ft was known he had been exposed, and believed that he had imported tbe disease fo others'; the general external appearance of the langs was that of fair health. In the right ldng whs fouhd a.bunch about the else of a fowl's gizzard, and of tho same color; it resembled’ decayed cheese. 1 and was a little harder; this substance was entirely distinct from the other parte of the lungs, the disease hating (topped there; nature appeared to have enoloeedtbe disease there. Analogous eases bad been found In the human system. He. had no doubt the ox would baveJUyed on, but whether it would have been healthy was another question. Whether tbe animal wpuid communicate the dis ease to others was not known; and no observations in Europe'threw any light upon that question. They found that * yoke of oxen hed glven the dis ease to one herd, and'afterward, when the dueaso was in a chronic form, were taken to another herd, and did sot communicate the disease. It is Itur possible to tell how soon the disease appears after ft is taken. “In South Africa,in Buss!*, and in Holland, inoculation is used to stay the ravages of the cattle pests, but it is not thought by the veterinary sur geons that it would answer in the peculiar phase of the distemper nowin this country. Acommuoi* cation having been not long since received from the Royal Agricultural Society of England from the Central Boctety of Agriculture In Belgium; re questing information on pleuro* pneumonia and the means adopted to combat the disease, having par ticular regard to the effects of inoculation, a reply was ordered to bo made that inoculation was not found In.' Great Britain to rest on any scientific basts, and as such it has not received tbe sanction or supportof the Royal Society.** Os the btb, Hon. Hlchnnl Yates, Democra tic candidate for Governor of Illinois, addressed a note to Hon.T. 0. Allen, Eepnbllcan candidate for the same tdfiee, proposing that they sbonld stump the State together. Hr. Allen responded, accept ing , the invitation, and. stating that ba wonld fix the! times and places'when It would suit him to meat Hr, Yates. Hr. Yatesdeslrad to have a con ference with Hr. Allan on the subject, but this vu In effect declined, so Hr. Yates asserts that Mr. Alien bee evaded bis proposition. The Chicago Pres) and Tribune claims that Mr. Yates acted according to, precedent in taking the coarse ba did, . Tni Austin (Texas) Herald urges those who know, to State whether, the rumor that General Houston has declared lor Messrs Bell and Everett is well founded. The Harrison Flag claims that If Mcfsrs.'HortoD, Epperson! Gentry, and Evans, re nresMitad General Houston in the Constitutional Union Convention, and yet thought it best to give theU vote! to the nominees of that body, that the formation of a hew electoral ticket is called for in .Texas. - ■ - ' ' , ' Th* Charleston Courier has the following paragraph': • " The mendsdons Sumner has art dremed « Hew York audience recently. Could he Dotj«usck th® polio# ieoonl* of now Yo?k for two or three years, and eompll* a rhetorjoal review of the horrid.-murders ttsbieh have been cemmitted there without punishment ? Such n theme would furnlsh a sensational', eelay on the 1 Barbarism of New York-Life and Civilisation.’" , . , ; It Is stated in a late foreign'paper that bathing hitsbean found to ; be a certain oars'for pleero-pneamonia, and that a gentleman In Ire land,' who tried the experiment on eight cattle who were Infected, Saved seven of them by driving them into a bath, The care Is belog performed in this Manner in different parts of-Ireland. It 1s to be tilel In ConneoHoot. Soi wunm n Aiabaka.—The Selma (Ala) line says the mercury stood, in that city. Bnadey last," abate 100 degrees, and the breese, when It same, was as blistering and hot as a si mMat Aoce the desert.” . THIS PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1860. The letter of Hon. Biouaed Vaux, in which ho announced his dotermiiiattOß not to .acqui esce iu tho arrangement proposed- by the State Executive OoinirdUcc, in regard to a fusion electoral ticket, has elicited a reply from its chairman, Hon. William H. Welsh; in which he .defends at length that notable scheme. He'claims fbr the committee the right to adopt the conrse it has taken—denies the fact that Mr, Douglas Is the only regu lar nominee ol the National Democracy, or rather states that many Pennsylvania De mocrats are quite as much inclined to re spect the nomination of BrxoxinSii>oe as that of Douglas—and contends that the masses, regarding this schism with regret, are anxious that some basis of union should be adopted, by which the whole Democratic vote of the State, under, a joint-stock arrangement, can ‘ be consolidated on one ticket, for the benefit of the Secession candidate in certain, contin gencies, the regular candidate in others, and for whoever the electors prefer in case nei ther BaEOKrftitnKiE nor Douolas can be elected. .• : The arguments against this policy have been so' frequently stated in our columns that it is scarcely necessary to repeat them here: There is a way for securing the same unity of action, which Ijtr, Welsh professes to have so much at heart, among the Democracy of Pennsyl vania in’ 1860, that was secured in all former Presidential campaigns, since the days of Jaokbox—and one way, alone. It 1b by. put ting in the field an. electoral ticket composed wholly of men pledged to cast their votes, if elected, for Douolas and John son, the regularly nominated candidates of the National Demo cracy, and for nobody else. The Democrats of Pennsylvania will see that this Is done this year,, as it was done in all former Presidential cam paigns. ~ The Secessionists may take such action as. they deem proper j and if, like some' of their Southern brethren, they prefer Lib. ooln to Douar.As, and choose to labor for tho. defeat of the regular Democratic candidate, by casting flielr ballots for then who have rebelled.. against the highest Democratic authority of the country—lts National Cor. ventlon —the responsibility must rest upon their own heads. There is cot a single sincere friend of Judge Douolas in Pennsylvania who will support the scheme to which Mr, Welsh is go warmly at tached, and the idea of treating ft seriously as • compromise moasure is one oi the most ri, diculouß and impudent that over entered into, the brain of time-serving political tricksters, ft is a device to lure tbe Dem ocrncy of Penn sylvania into th.o support of t he champions o tho Secessionists of our country, and nothing else. Bnt i t will fail, utterly and completely, and tbe sooner all parties are awakened to a sense of this fact the better will it be tor the genuine Democracy of tho nation, f.et nof tho Secessionists of the South lay the flatter ing unction to their souls that the artfally-coc coded scheme of their allies In our State to sustain them in their rebellion, against the action of tho National Convontion and in their Disunion programme, will bo sna. cessful. The emphatic aversion to any such, compromise as is proposed, whloh has been’ expressed by Judge Douolas, will pre vent it. The action o£" the Notional Ex.. EOutive Committee, which has a thousand told more claim to respept than Mr. WEpsu and' his Secession associates, since they h»ye manifested their hostility to the regular or ganisation of the party, will prevent It. The movement which will be Inaugurated at Har risburg, on the 36th inst., under tho posglcet of the Pennsylvania member of the National Executive Committee, the (aitbfnl members of the State Committee, and tbe friebds of Judge Pouclas in the State generally, will prevent It. ' Tho qnswervlng' attachment of tho De mocracy of Pennaylyapia to tho Union, and fo the regular National Democratic party, will prevent it. . Tho last clause of the lost resolution adopt ed by the Heading Convention, reads thns: «We, Individually and collectively, pledge the bqst efforts of every delegate of this Con vention in behalf flf the nomination* we-havo made, and also y ihi nominee of the-l>c»io erotic National'Convention, soon to be held at Charleiton.” No one can doubt that when that body appointed an electoral ticket, and se lected a Chairman of the State Committee, its Intention/. *ru that the 'persons so ohosen should act in good thithin sqpportbf thenp mlneeß of the National Convention. ' And' no one who' does not; resort to con temptible quibbling can pretend for ment that Douolas and Johxsoh are not the regular nominees, and the only rogntor national nominees, of the Democratic party. ls one honorable course open for those who re ceived authority for the discharge of a specific duty from a Convention animated by the spirit displayed at Beading—it is to earnestly seek to promote, the object for which thoy were appointed, or else to resign. But If they fi)i| to do. either, the Democracy of the State will stili find means to extricate themselves from any dilemma in which unfhithihl servants and traitors to the National Democracy may seek to place them. Lilliputian pigmies cannot bind to the earth the friend* P l the Little Giant and the loyal Democracy (n Pennsyl vania. ! Much mlscbiefbas already been dose by the distracting influence of the preposition of the Secessionists, bnt even this may be repaired. If. Mr. Welsh, retracing bis erring loot* steps, returns to a proper sense of bis duty—which clearly is jo promote the election of tbe regular.- nominees, pf }jin party—he may yet do the Democracy of Penn sylvania nearly as much good in the present cgnvass as his disorganizing policy has, up to this time, has done harm. He Is fondof drawing political parallels from the lives of women of the Bible, as two cnees to them In one of bis paragraphs show. If he repents of his adulterous proposition, abd resolves to abandon it, we_ shall heartily ejoice, and then we hope that, like another woman of,the Bible, he will “go and sin no more.” CADET AND ' MIDSHIPMAN APPOINTED FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS BV HON D. >. SICKLBS—LtpBRIAN STEAMER SETH GBOHVKNOR—ODD SPgBCH OP HICKS, TAB PIRATE—THEATRICAL OOpSIP—THE ferry interest of new fork—rirtt depart , MISNT—HASFCB FOR AUGUST— »*W PUBLICA . TIONB—NOTABLES OFF FOB EUROPE—SAL* OF ST, THOMAS 5 CHURCH. ' {Correspondence of 'fits Press J.. New York, July 38, 1860. The Hon. Daniel E Sickles has done a correct awl creditable thing in announcing ‘that he will appoint to a cadetship at West point, and to‘S na val scholarshipat Annapolis,|the twobe3tsoholar in the public schools of bis district. The oqnipeti tion for tbe places will taka place next week, and the award will be mado by Messrs. Kendall and Kiddle, Qity Superintendents. Tbe UUio steamer Seth Orcsvenor, builtlast year under the dlreotlon of the New York Mate Colon), gallon Society for Johnson and Dnnbaf, of Mon* r >vla, got safely to the Cape de Verdi on the Bth of June. She is only eighty-sir feet long—a veiy cockle shell in which to venture across the Atlantic. The pirate Hicks did ace or two things just : f he was about to go henco that were odd, under l{ie olroomstanoer.' For instance, the day before the hanging, the deputy who was to put the rope about his nook asked Hicks If ho would have any objec tions to bis trying it on, for the purpose of seeing h>w best to do it at the final scene. Bloks assent! ds and the deputyput it over bis hsad ; baton eloslrg the rope around the neck, the pirate ehouted cut: "Look here; Beems to tne yoi’re ,drawing thft blqody tant!" After getting the party aboard the steamer, Marshal Byndcrs, instead of proceeding directly to Bedloe’e Island, gava bis friends a little tarn up the river; had a look at the Groat East srn; partook of a few refreshments, (bntndy-and water and things,) and (hen went on with the hanging; making it, altogether, quite an excur sion. On Monday next Jefferson reproduces at Laura Keene's, with all the original Cast, excepting Miss Keane, “ Onr American Cousin.” The veteran Wallack denies the rumor that bo has retired from management. He resumes the baton In October with one of tha strongest com panies In the country, The ferry interests of New York amount to ’something. The Union Company own thirteen boats rnnnlng from NewTork to Brooklyn.' Their oepltal Is 1800,000. They pay 120,000 per month sslarles, and convey 70.000 parsons dally, or 25,- 550,000 per annnm. There are sixty steam ferry boats running from New York to points sear by, employing 2 000 men, whose aggregate pAy amounts to nearly $!00>,000 per month. They con sume 240 tons of coal per day, or 050,(00 tons per year, the value of which Is 11,401,000 psr annum. From the annuel report of the Chief Englneor of the New .York Fire Department, submitted to the sldermen, lest evening, I learn that, there are connected with the department ■ 2,231 members of engine companies, 1,411 members of hose compa nies, and. 582 members of book and ladder ooir.pi nlesr-total, 4,227. There are 50 hose companies, 67 engine companies, and 17 hoch and ladder com panies. The Chief Eogluer lt oppoeed to steam machines on the ground , that elgWout of ten fires are extinguished by the hand exglnes before the steam etsartife. ‘ > ■ - ' ' - The Fusion Scheme. Letter from New York, XEio increase of exports from this port, thus far daring the year, ovor the eame period last- year,' pmpuuta to over g 17,000,040. Harper's Ufafazine, for August/now,niajfly ready, contains, among other artistes. To Bed' IUVOr Sad Beyci-J , by Atantoh Marble, (uigbtrdl t jj-IgTA* WorU ;) John Bull In Japan, by A. H. QfsfrnMy t ( <( litorftry mau*’. at Harpers’;) The JfcatUe of Bennington, by Thomu Dunn Eoglinh; ftaftyre Breakfast, by Ro*e Terry; The Cruise’of tbe.Two Deacons, by Fits JlnghLudlow; Jo. Da viess of Kentucky, by R. F. Coleman, Ao. &o. Tbe H»n>«ra have nearly ready for issue, Italy iuTrensitioa, byWm«Artbnr;-T'ie Woman in Wllkie Colllnsj Studies iq Animal Life,' by ». H. Lewes; The Queens of Society, by Grace aod PhUip'Wharton; Rosa, or The Parisian Girl; The Lake Regions of Central A r rloa, by Captain Barton. * - Among tbe notables off fbr Europe an hour ago In the Persia, were Bouoloaulfc and his wife, Waits Sherman, and John Brougham. Your Episcopalian readers may be Interested in knowing that the Supreme Court yesterday granted nn order to tbe Vestry of St. Thomas’ Churoh to eelt their valuable ohurefa and land, at tbe corner *f-Houston street and Broadway, for S3QO A QOO The congregation propose to build a fine edifice up town. New York Stock Exchange, Jfuly 16, SECOND BOAAD. 4000 Missouri 6*,.. BJ'i 29 tt'e R Aaa’ntd ... 23 SODOUt.Cen'rel bd*.«... W3£ ino Galenafe Chi K.t3o**>e 7000 Mloh SSFbda... 81 100 do—... 69^ WO* MiohSfd mbdff.. tt. 4"0 do 6»« JOOO do,- *OO do—— sSO A9>* 800 Chi kN W l*t m. 69* 8 do 7o . 79‘0 MichBH Pd bds.. 81 20n do b 6070 It AidTCxchan Bank..li*3?a IPO Clave k. T01ed0.... 87V IrO Pacific Mail 88.... 9iH 1600 d 0............ 3?>g 80 Cumberland pref.~ 15 _ 700 Harlem R pref..... 43 300 N V Central 83J£ 6*o Readme R......... 43 100 Cbloas&Rook I *3O 7»!| 600 Miob Central R.... M 800 d 0... ;..70 ISO, do.. MJi 100 Erie Kailrofld...*oo 23>i liO d 0... b6O 6i£ 8 do..i 23«2uOMioh8&NIR... 19 150 do—23H 60 do..— «C 0 leK 350 ' do.™ ....$BO 23X 100 * do b6O I 9« 50 do e6O St# COO Miohß&NlG’td.WO 40 100 do 23741 13 do —-39 M 200' do U ! I'o do 395^ iHO do ~b30?l 100 d 0..- 8971 I 300 Hudson River A.— 51 60 d 0..... sso 39« 200 • do™ 64* »00 Panama R— -100 do a3O 0S» 60« lllCen Raop. ...ope 70 i joo Harlem R. 10*2 160 d0..*... 7 cajf l OfO do—... 1674 100 d 0.... —.bCO 7u JB>o Ho— J*fti6oo d 0.., 81070 \m do i 6 . tre m Ashes are unchanged, vr Jor Pota, and 90.6305 75. Flour —ln abaenoenf every export demand, but with a aiendy Inquiry for the local and Eastern trade, our market for Rtate and Western, though poorly suonUed, tb* aggregate reoeiuta amount ns ta but 4 310 bbla, ia quiet at yesterday** prices, whtoli, however. are !•** firmly, an'tained. The ealee are 3 51‘0 hbls at *ol Hft& 20- fup superfine State; $0 40»5 69 for extra; $s Uas 20 for aoperßne Westerni: 95 3005 00 for common (o medium extrado; 96 6305.78 kirshippins brand* of extra ronnd- JmopOhio. houtliero Flour is hrsvr. but unchanged, vltn aalea of 1600 bb’a at 955005.80 for common to medium, and «6»7 75 forex»r*. O nada Flour l* steady, "with aales of 690 bid* at 98 1005.20 f<»r miprrfine. end 903607.60 tor extra. Rye Fionrand Corn Weal are on eb'RKeo. tJaATtr.—with a continued scarcity of Spring Wheat, the mariet for teatdesoriptionia very firm? hut Win* ter ?A‘ oh *f 00t *2 «w“ve!r inquired for, is nuiet. Thusfsr, we learn of no antes or importance ; fhaonly transaction concluded is Sfli bushels unsound Milwaukee t.lnbat 91 10 The demand for fora onn tinumff, the ip-rkat iasteadT; salra ft) COO Imsh at 61® p2c for mixed .Weatera. Rye is quiet at 80©8*o. Barr ier la dull and nominal. OVs a*e quiet at STaiOo for Pjittbern and Jersey, and 400>410 for Northern and -we‘torn _ IRKETS. ith salts of fO bbla at $5.12 pß<>v!sio«?.~pork is quiet and heavr. with ea’esof 100 bblii at 91860,f0r old Mess: BISJOOI9 50 for n«w do • 9l2AororolU Primy; and «MSS for ne. do! quiet with wet ofiOO bbls at 9ioi 28 for country Prime: s4fiod6!U f* J country Mew; 98al0 6’ for repacked Westernj and,9llol3 sofor»xtr% Mess. Bacon. Prime Mess Beef, and Beef Hama oie dull and nominal Cut Meat" are firm at for Hams, end Bk|eBJtfo tor Pjmoldett. Lard i* firm* with sale* of V)0 bbf* a(W« )SKo. fiuttor and Cheese are qu *t ana unolianeed. Whisky is qmet. with cates of 200 bbla at 2Wo. SEW YORK CATTLE aiARKBT, Wednesday.- Tha recamta have bren 3,981 Beevn*. 157 Cows. 780 Veals, 12 881 ’“been "pd Lan?b»- and i pit Svine show Ingan inersast rtf 86 rows,9olBheeFaijb*,M3 Swine, and a dears** a of 433 Beevei and 33J Veals, a t Her*en. New Jersey. 297 head were sold to New York liotchers, and cn Mondar tw hand were sold from the ears at the'Hudson Hirer Hatiroad depot, foot of Thirty first. 1 Thp market to-day has not been m good u » esterday 1 the-sharp competition among butoh*rs and the general excitement helped piices up and made the business brisk.. Reason has returned this "*ornitfg to most parties, and; the Uattle sold at ftlastf' head lower we Quote lor the vrrek a full half cent advance ; prices ran re 'rnm 7>* in H*o: average over 9j. Milob Cows are dull and nnirunfi;>a!es at 825«r40—one or two at gfipaco-stables fuit. Veals are a little bet ter j sales at ift&Vo. • gwiASareecareeatsaSTtfo. BheepftndLsniha are m good demand at full prices. Tlje Ppize Ifclug. 11KBNAX ACCEPTS MOGItIgSEY’s CHALLENGE—MORt BISBKV PROROUKOBS THE CIiALLENUg A FOROBBT —A FIGHT TWO OF TBEIB AOHSBSNTB. ;From tte New York Herald.] In yesterday’s jferafd we published the follow ing challenge, purporting to be from John Morris tty, u the Champion of A merlca TO TJIB EDITOR CF THE HERALD. New Yore, July 10,1830. As Mr. John G. Heenan bss now amved home, and as be has,-when in Furooo. expressed so fer? vent a wish to fieht me ftgatn, f will not balk bitn tn h)s wish, now I have him on the spot I will fight him in four months from sigutag articles, for from ten dollars to ten thousand a able; and as U ap pears paradoxical to me and bt fi lends to see a man dubbed “ Champion of the World” who has ptver won a fight In the ring, I wilt now give him jhe chance he wants, although T only stipulated to figbj Wm again as a winner. I will moot bfro when and where he likes, up what forfeit he likes, fight 'him when and where he likes—l to ohoo* tbe stakeholder, to he agreotble to both. I trust Outridtrrwni not intermre to prevent this match, at Vedst until tbp money is up, whloh lam pre pared to stake at drawing up of articles.” ( , ; . Jonn MoimtSßEv, '• r Champion of America. ' Tbe letter was handed in at onr officein tbe usual manner, and as it was signed by Mr Morrissey’s nsme, and its terms appeared to be in accordance with bis previous declarations, we supposed it genuine, and therefpregave it to the public. Last evening Mr. Heenan oriled at onr office, and after exorertfog fits surprise at the haste with which Mr. Morrissey was pressing the affair to an issue, left with us the following acceptance of the supposed challenge: TO TOE EDITOR OP TBE HERALD, New York July 17,1830. I have notioed with much satisfaction that John Morrissey declares he will keep the promise made jo me before X went to Europe, and give me a Second meeting in the Tins’. This, in itself, pays me for the rime I spent In Eogland, and I at onae tooept of the terms he offers, and choose for the stakes the Irgheat sum he names. In proof thereof, I will pl*oe »n any responsible man’s hands tbe sum ofs2 600 as a preliminary deposit, for a match of $10,003 a side, pending tbe drawing of the arti cles and the selection of a stakeholder. I should have been pleased. After my long stay abroad, to have had a few weeks of leisure to enjoy among my friends; but as there is no way in whioh I can be gratified so much as by being guaranteed an early matoh with Morriseey, I hope they will exenae me for this new occupation of my time. If Mr. Morriseey.wUl sand me word, by note, when fod where be desires to pee me for the arrange* ment of preliminaries, T VHI rpeot blip without de lay ; and tbp gnly further wish l now desire to express Is that like the stakes, the forfeit may be large. Yours truly, John O. Heenan. Atalatabonr, however, a messenger called at the Herafd office And left the follewtag note, en e’osed in An envelope, bearing the watermark of tbe Congrkss Hotel. Saratoga Springs, and with the pndomemaat, “ Deliver to-night, sure TO TOE EDITOP. OF THE tIERALD : Saratoga Sfrinos. July 17,1860. My Attention has boon called to a challenge, purporting to come from me to John 0, Heenan, in your Issue of this day. I desire to say in answer that I am not the author off aid challenge, nor have Isutherized any person or persons to issue such eballengd In my name. Moreover, lam not Gain ing for a fight, here for my health. aWd have husincfs of more importance on hand than preparing for such a contest. Yours, respectfully, ' ' John Morrissey. At this Into hour it Is Impossible to ascertain wbother this note is or is not in Morrissey’s band writing. or which, if either, of tbe two letters rignod “John MorrisseyJMs genuine. None of Mr. HorrUsey’s friends who might identify the handwriting can be fonnd, and tbe reports in re gard to Morrbsey’r presence in town ana to con tradictory as to be unreliable. We therefore give the matter to the public in tbe tbape in whioh St now stands, and awaitfuitber developments in the matter in order to disentangle this pugilistic im broglio. , Feeling runs very high between bis partisans and those of-Morrissey, and a shooting affray occurred at the Malta ijaloon last night, growing out of a dispute os to their respective merits. 'The parties were United States Marsha] John Dugan and a' mah named Parser McDermott, between whom a fend existed.’ McDermott was coeompanled by a number of ruffians, and having addressed Dogan insultingly with reference to bis predilections for Heenan. be was pushed aside and told to leave This McDermott would not Vo, but made several attempts to" strike Dngan, whereupon the latter threatened to shoot him unless he desisted. MoDer molt paid no attention to tbe threat, and egaln attempted to strike the marshal, who immediately pulled * smalt revolver from his packet and dis charged it four times At his antagonist. Two of the shots took effeot, one in Vfe band end the other in his leg, but nolther of the wounds Is thought to be of a sariousohsrAOter. Tbe affray oaused muoh excitement, hut Dugan quietly walked' away be fore the police came up. Heenan was not present at the time. Hon. Jubemiaii Clexens lias written a let ter declaring for Bell and-Everett. In the course Of bis communication appears (be following alia* lions to Douglas and Breckinridge: 11 X repudiate fqnatter sovereignty, as Advocated both by Dongles and Breckinridge. Jf I could be Induced to rote for either it would surely be Douglas. Be at least Is a statesman, whoso fame extends beyond the continent. It is conceded on fill hands that tbe Foulh owes him & debt of gratitude for zealous and effective services In the past; and tbe only sin now imputed to him is one that Is shared to i s full ex* tont by Breckinridge; or. if he has now abjured It, be did so when the temptation of high fffioe was plneed before bitu Such changes are liable to grievous suspicions, and as I oan find nothing else which especially oemmends Mr. Breckinridge to mo, he cannot get my vote. He is a olerer, high toned gentleman, with excellent qualities, fair abi lity, aud a tolerable education. But all these are possessed bv thousands of those who never dreamed of the Presidency. It Is doing him no injustice to say that he haa rendered no extraordinary service to the nation. He has originated no great mea sure, nor hflßhe been identified with any, except as an advocate in the (bird degree of tbe Iden tical heresy which ypu esteem a sufficient cause for dtauniou.” Uniform Freights.—convention of ateam boat captains and owners mot in LonfavUle on the 10th lost., with the design of establishing a uni form tariff of freight on the Western rivers This step is necessary for self-protection and tbe pronto* tlon of the river trado. A home for aged men la anew notion just originated In Boston, and whioh will soon be prac tically realized, as $lO,OOO have peen subscribed, out of $30,000 needed. The limitation Is intended for such aged muo, bom in Boston, whom the re verses of business or loss of means of support have thrown upon the oharity of strangers or the case of impoverished relatives. lowa Sugar;—A specimen of sorghum stri §er has been shown to the editor of the ludepet enoe Civilian, which he pronounces to he as “ nice” as any thatia brought to market. Wele»rn from tho same source thet the harvest prospeets are good in lowa. A New York '.correspondent of tho Balti more &un says a shipment of ten thousand chests of 'greep and blaok tea from Japan; by way of Ohiaa, will probably reach the port of New York about the IstOf October. ‘ LATEST NEWS By Telegraph to The Press,' From Washington. Washington, July 18 —Owing to certain mlh»> representations of the publio conduct of General' Pegoliado. the Liberal ohief, which have recently appeared in tome of the newspaper*, several gen*' tfemeri, sojourning in this oity, and thoroughly ac quainted with Moxloan affairs, have prepared a brief history of events since January, 1858, which relieves .him from All uncharitable imputations, and shows him to be a true patriot constantly striving, amid accumulated difficulties, for the welfare of his distracted country. . The written opinions of Attorney General Black to -the President, in the oases ot naval officers who were damaged by the action of the Naval Board, but afterwards restored through the examination of the revisory oourta, have, in several instances, been brought to light recently. Tho subject has, by this time, lost its general Interest; but; as an example of the manner in wbloh reparation has been made, the oase of Captain Ramsey may be stated. The opinion was, that not one fact or ctr oumstanoe was proved against him that weighed a feather when placed in the scale against the over* whelming weight of evidence in his favor; and It Is farther stated, “If there be a man in or out of the navy who is a thorough bred geotleman, a skillful seaman, and an accomplished officer, Cap* tain Ramsey may boldly claim to be that man.” There were fourtoen thousand six hundred and forty ordora on the Post Office Department for postage stamps, for the second quarter of 1859, amounting to $1 366 DB2; and twelve thousand, four hundred end vigbty for the second quarter in i«6O, amounting to $1 673,359 Decrease In the number of orders, two thou jaod, oae hundred and sixty, being about seventeen percent. Increase in the value of postage stamps issued, $306,377, being about twenty-two percent. This redaction in the amount of labor, on a largely increased issue, has been effected by furnishing each office with the full amount required for its quarterly supply; m nearly as it can be calculated, and forbidding postmasters from making several orders in the same quarter. Secretary Floyd has left Washington for Vir ginia to recruit his health. Immense Bell and Everett meeting at Baltimore* Baltimore, July 18 —An immense and enthu stasthr Bell and. Everett ratification meeting was held this evening, in freot of the-oourMicase, wbloh was brilliantly decorated with transpa* rencies, Bags, and appropriate mottoes. The number of persons present was fully double as large as that assembled at either meeting of the Democratic party. Mayor Swann, of this city, called the meeting to order,' and an organisation was effooted'by the election of J. Dixon Roman to the ohair. Able and eloquent speeches were made by Messrs. J. Dixon Roman, Frederick Slay, and ‘other dis tinguished Marylanders. Letters were read from Rrastua Brooks, Esq., of New York, Mr. Randolph, of New Jersey, Leslie Coombs, or Kentucky, and other prominent mem bers of the.party. Daring the proceedings, a large delegation from each of the wards marched In with transparencies, and illuminated monuments, drawn by. horses. There wes e?ory indication enthu siasm, and the meeting was one of the largest ever held in this oily. New York Houston State Convention, BAM HOUSTON FOR PRESIDENT*-:£OMilODORB STOCK* TON, OF BRW JERSEY. FORjVICE PRESIDENT— THE FROCBBDINGB TEEHINATE WITH A ROW. ScuBNECfADY, N. Y., July 18 —The Houston State Convention assembled here at neon to*dsy. J. 8. Van Ranscllaer, of Albany, was elected president. The Convention then nominated the following ticket: For President, Bam Houston, of Texas. Fob Vice President, Commodore Btocktpn, of New Jersey. Tbe Committee on Electors reported that they had elected only a partiel electoral ticket. The chairman denounced flqch a ticket as a gross insult to Mr. Houston and his and retired from the Convention with some other delegates. After some severe personal abuse from the three or four persons present, the Convention broke up in a sort of indiscriminate row. ' The K. G. C. “MEXICO TO BE SOUTHSRNIZKD AND.AMERICA* Washington. July 19.—General Blckley has published an address to tbe Knights of the Golden Circle in Virginia and other Southern States, They are ordered to repair to tbsir encampment, in Texas, by the lfi'h of September. The address mjs that Texes, through her cili tens, has r&iied money and material to tbe amount of $498,000, and appeals.to her sister Southern State® lor contributions. The objept is deolared to be to Axaorioantse and SonthernUe Mexico, looking to the establishment of a Southern Confederacy. Such a oourse is to be taken as will not.vlolste the neutrality law, tho knights going into Mexico as emigrants, and be coming bona fide citiiens, under, it is said, the Mexican s¬ion The Order is represented to number 60,000 members The Fishing Boundaries. Boston, July 18—The steamer City of New York will leave to-morrow for the fishing grounds in the British Provinces. Ex-Governor Hubbard, United States commis sioner under the Reciprocity treaty, end other offi dels, will proceed to Newfoundland, where they will be joined by the British commissioner. They will then.proceed to define the fishing boundaries under the treaty. The city authorities of Charlestown, Massachu setts, are making arrangements for a public de monstration in honor or the arrival of the first Galway steamer, for which a dock has been select ed at that port. Harvard College Commencement* CQXrXRBtItQ OF DBOBUBS. Boston, July 18 —At the Commencement of Harvard College to day, the title of “LL.D.” waa conferred on Ex-Prealdent Walker, ef Harvard College; Hon. William B. Reed, of Philadelphia John Lothrop Motley, and Lord Lyons; and o‘ “D D,”or Bishop Lee, of Delaware ,* Rev. Mr. Hill, president of Antiooh College; and Rev. Mr. Brock, of London. . Nominations. Sr. Louis, Jnly 18.—'flSe Union Connty ConvecS tion haa nominated albert lodd for Congress^ SpßiflGFißiD. Mo ; July 18 —At Bolivar on the lCih Inst. Hon. 0. W. Brice was nominated by the Breoklrmdge men, in opposition to the Hoa. John S Pbelpv. Frakkport, Ky > Jnly 18—The Democratic State Convention has nominated Clinton McCarty for Oletk of the Court of Appeals. From Mexico--EBcape of Znloagn. New Oblsass, July 17.-~ Adviosa .from Mexico state that Znloaga bed finally made hit escape from Miramon. and pronounced himself In favor of the Liberal Government. The banking home of Torre A Co, at the olty of Mexico, had failed, with Urge liabilities. These advices are brought by tbe schooner Suffolk, from Vera Cruz on the 7th Inst. Attempted Escape ot Convicts. ONE KILLED. flixa Sing, N. Y., July 18.—Six connote at tempted to esoape from the State prison. One of them was killed by the keepers, and Christian Beokstelo, the ringleader, who is senriog his seventh term In. prison, was knooked down insen sible. Breckinridge Meeting at New York. Nr.w York, July 18.—The 'Breckinridge Ratifi cation Meeting at the Cooper Institute, this eve ning, was fully attended, and much enthusiasm was manifested. Speeches were made by Hon. Daniel S. Digkin eon, Charles Q'Conor. psq., and others. John 11. Brewer, Esq., presided. The Greftt Eastern. TOB EXHIBITION TO CLOBU OR TUI 28TB. New York, July 18 —The exhibition of the Great Ecetern U to close on Saturday, the 38th inat. She will be prepared to return to England, and sat! rU Halifax on the lfith of August. Arrive! of the Flying Fifth. rORBBimtfBB OP TUB PRIXCK OP WALBB. Bt. Johns, N, P., July 18.-Tbe'« Flying Fish,” the advance vowel of tbe squadron accompanying the Prince of Wales, arrived here at 11 o'clock to day. She leR on the Ist Inst. Supreme Court Reporter Appointed. HarrisrphO, July 18 —The Governor haa ap* pointed Robert E. Wright, Erq., of Lehigh county, reporter of the decisions bf the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the place of Joeeph Case, grq., whose term of office has expired. Mr, Breckinridge Serenaded. Frankfort, K/., July 38 —Mr. Breckinridge was complimented by a serenade this evening, and in response made an eloquent speech, declaring bIJ devotednoss to the Union. Fire at New Orlcaus. New Orleans, Jnly 19 —The hardware store <1 J. B. Heal & Co. baa been destroyed by fire to-day, and the fire is still raging. Departure of the Steamer Persia# Nkw York, Jnly 18 —Tbe royal mall ateamsbt Persia sailed at noon to dey, for Liverpool, wUI 180 passengers and $450,000 fn specie. lowa Politics. Duduqub, lowa, July 18—The Scaoud Dlstrlnl Democratic Convention, today, nominated Benj M. Samuels for Congress. Markets by Telegraph. Baltimore, July lA Flour Active sod firmer; Hnward-slreet nod Cnjr Mills, new. enld at SSS&. Wheat quiet, but ttetutv : red, HI SOW) tsi white at.(o, Corn dull { yeriow.6i*6S* t W'hite 7J#7?o Pro visions active and firmor? Mess, 9)0; Rump, If SO, an adv rioeoffiCo Whisk* ate d> AtlOHo. Moi(lc. Ju'y.JB*-vOtton—aalra to jay of 750 half a at for middlings. Bales of three dara 900 ba recelpteS6o bales. - r New Orlxaks, Jnly Ji-Fales of Cotton to day Sfs bries; .the quotations are nominal i Molaatea, 2fwSni Provisionsaaietba fi.m; Touacoo steady ; tags Him r*o; fine leaf, 7 wee. * ***cntNATi. July M—Flour dull, and holders are *iiinfc sellers; Whisky 17**» Tw » ,fth Meeting op tiik 'DonoiAs and Johnson C4VPAinn.Cr.OB ort« TjrmTer.iTH Wabd.—The h ? Thlr, «“***rd to the election of Donglaa and Johnson here orgnuljod themselves Into a club, and promise to do efficient service during the ensuing otmpalgn. The club now Qonststs of rams hundred and twenty.fiva men. and their numbers are dully increasing xt« Resident Is Alfred GU Jot#» ;« jriee .preelllbt, Bally Thomas. They held a meeting last evening, ht their room, at the corner of NintVand Brown streets. A very large flag., bearing,the names of Douglas and Johnson, was fiuog to tne breeze. The .resolutions, passed at a previous meeting, were read and heartily endorsed. They the decided confidence of the Thirteenth wand DemoeraU.in DouglAs ahd Johnson as the only ao oredlted exponents,of the true -Democrat*—eon demn the course of the State who 1 have attempted to consolidate the,seceding members of the party with the true Democracy, and refuse, upon any terms, to esnssnt to .a anion with thoee who have forsaken the time-honored usages of the Democracy. Tbe regular business of the club was then trans acted, after which brief addressee were mate by. Messrs. Polenger and O’Byroe, and - the meeting adjourned/ 1 We leant that the Democracy. of th«i different wards will meet this evening for the purpose of forming similar associations. The Cathedral Balding.—Tbe work upon tbe new Cathedral building, In E-ghteenth street, above ‘ Race, la progressing Tepidly. The ribs for tbe dome are nearly all set up* and the' whole forms a highly fmpoifpg and prominent ob ject, The dome is 70 feet In diameter at the base and will be 59 feet high from its base, and abou 160 feet above the pavement. From the dome a fine view of the whote city is obtained fa every.di? reotfon, the coarse of the Delaware and SobujttriU rivers being clearly traced, and all the prominent' buildings in the city can., be easily distinguished.' The dome will be of wood, covered with tin, painted., and will be supplied with 12 large windows, arranged on all sides to give light to the transept below. Over the dome will be placed a««lantern,” which will he 20 feet in diameter at Us base. Above this will be placed a ball, 6 feet in diameter, and above it will appear a large cross, the height of tbe whole being 200 feat above the floor of the build- ing, and 205 feet abeve the pavement. Although the work is going on vigorously. It ts expected that two years will elapse beforetbeboildicg is finished and ready for censeoration. In order to 'accommo date worshippers, a commodious building, called the Bishop’s charel; baa been erected on the north side of the Cathedral, which contains pews capable of seating 1,000 persons. Services are held in the (topel every Bundav., "I. O. B* M.-r-The annual session .of the Great Connell of Pennsylvania. Improved Order of Red Men, oonvsued in this city on Tuesday, Re ports were received from‘ forty tribes, by whteb it appears there have bean initiated; daring the past six months, 4.51. The amount of dues received was $9,175 13; amount expended in relieving rick and distressed brethren, ani other charitable objsctr. $4 50318. Tbe Order is in a very flourishing con dition, there being forty-fire fribes iu the But*, located In nearly every important town and city. The following ohirfs eleoted in'the different tribes daring the lest week In June, were doly installed bv the Great Incohome of the United State*, vis.: y* G. Sachem, Wm. B, Eckert, No. 49: W. G. Senior Sagamore, Richard Finch, No. 19; W. G. Junior Sagamore, Jeremiah Karcher, No. 43; IV. <*• Ffopbet, Samuel Bingham, No. 17; W G. Chief f t Records, Morris H. Gorham - . No. 17; w. G. Keeper of Wampum, Lewis C. Pierce, No. 4; for Representatives to G. O. V. 8., Robert G. March. No 46; Morris H Gorham, No. 17; £ F. Stewart, No. 27; Richard Finch, No. 19; Lewis O. Pierce, No. 4; Wm. K. Triafek, No. 50; A. F. Haas, No. 10; Thomas Binktr, No. 3S; Jacob O. Schuler, No. 49; Wm. M. AiUson, No. 36; A. G. Rump, No. 32. ■ Formation op aNewM* E. Church.— On Tuesday evening a number of persons favorable to the formation of a new M E church assembled in the chapel in Mount Vernon street, near Twen ty-second street. J. L. Walter, Esq., presided, aod G. O, Thompson: actod as secretary. A com mittee appointed at a previous meeting to repot t upon a suitable location etatod. through Hiram Miller, Feq., that they had examined several loca tions, the principal of whloh were as follows: One at Twentieth ana Wallace streets, 100 feet by 160 feet deep—prioe $7 50 per foot. Another lot, 90 feet on Spring Garden street by 76 deep on Browu street—price $lO per foot One 100 feet square at Twenty-second and Spring Garden $4 50 per foot; and one at Twentieth, above Coales. 105 feet deep, at $3 50 per foot. The report of the committee was accepted, and a lengthy diseases ensued, which was continued up to tbe boor of ad journment. Tbe general sentiment of tbe speakers was that, in selecting a new church edifice, the meeting should not be Influenced by the eheanness of ground, but that, first of all, a location should be Obtained that would be.productive of the great est benefit to tbe church without regard to cost. A Case of Supposed SuiorDE.—On Tues day night the body or» non was dlscovared float, login the Schuylkill, near Fairmount Park. Upon examining his pockets, two cards were found, upon one of which the following was written t . . “ I have been poisoned by mistake. This is ay end.” Upon the other card were the following words: “Arthur B. Cook, painter, No. 819 Filbert street, Philadelphia” The deceased proved to he Arthur B. Cook, a man of family, .who lived at the pUoe named on the card. It seems that he wss addicted to the too free use of liquor, and that, from this cause, he had occasional spells of melancholy, during which he would throw out hints of an intention to commit suicide. On Monday, he disappeared from home, and nothing was known of his whereabouts until his body was found in the Schuylkill on Tuesday .night, tince the discovery of his death, his trunk was examined, and arsenic was found in it. Coroner Fencer commenced an inquest la tbe ease yesterday It was continued ever until this morn ing. to afford time to make the neoessary invest! gallons. Meeting of the druggists —A meeting M* pharmaceutists'was held last evening, atth*. Hell of the College of Phaimaoy. A large number of druggists were in attendance. Dr. File was called on to preside, and M» Bowman to set as a* eretary. Tbe president, on faking the 'ehsir, said t e was heartily in favor of/and would endorse any movement whioh would do wsy with the onerous d tiles now laid on druggists on the Sabbath. After much discnstion, which was participated in by General Reilly, Messrs. Parrish, Bower, and others. It was finally agreed npon that the stores be dosed on ibe Sabbath, and that the hours whfcn preioriptloDS would be xeodved would be from 8 to 10 A. M., 1 to 3 o'clock P. M., and in the evenkw from 9 to 10 P. M. A resolution was passed that the same go Into effect on the let of August end continue six mouths. and permanently, if practicable. A resolution of thanks was offered by Joseph Wagner to the reporters of The Free ». Inquirer, Daily News, Sunday Nereury, and Sunday Dtspitch, f.r the Interest they hied manifested in the same. Tbe Cattle Disease—Diseased Mrat Bold in our Marksts —The Dojlejtowa Demoj_ era't ©f the 17th inst., sajatihat <* the pleura pneu monia or cattle disease, has mads its appearance In the lower end of Montgomery oonnty, an! seve ral cows have died of It One farmer lost time fins animals, and others have lost one end twc. The disease as it has appeared here, is not so fat* 1 as reported from other sections—more than one half recovering. Some of the diseased eattle, it is said, were slaughtered in Philadelphia, and one In particular, too sick to be removed, was kindly killed, and the beef removed to.the shambles, to satisfy the appetites of carnivorous Philadel phians ” If tbe latter portion of this statement Is correct, immediate steps sbonld .be taken by the olerfcs of the various' maikets to prevent the repe tition of snob a prooeeding, whioh so vitally con cerns the health of the people of the city. An in vestigation should be made, and the place where such meat was sold should be pointed oat. Incendiarism.—On Tuesday night, .bout half past twelve o'clock, tbe new railroad depot sf tho West Chester and. Philadelphia Railroad, a< the corner of Market and Lehman streets, Twenty fourth ward, was discovered by a man belongiug to an ice bouse in the neighborhood to be on fire. Offioers Gibson and Kelly, with the assistance of others, succeeded In extingnishieg the flame with the aid of a few buckets of water. - The building, which Is of frame. 100 feet by 30 in dimensions, has just been finished Upon making an exami nation, it was found that a ball of ootton waste, saturated with burning fluid, had been set on fire, and placed under the wood work in such a way as to caose It to ignite. Bat far the prompt dtsoovery of the fire, the entire building must have been de stroyed. About twelve o'clock on Tuesday night an old nnccottpied building, at the junction of the Ger mantown and Norristown Railroads, in the Twenty first ward, was set on fire nod destroyed. Two uivn was seen to inn from the spot just before the flames borat forth. The fire marshal and the police are on thetr track. A Handsome Tribute.—Mr. John Fickcl, prinolpal of the Jefferson Boys' Grammar School, on Tuesday ovenlng of last week, waa agreeably surprised by a call at his residence, North Thirteenth atreet, from hi* late graduating class «>f twelve admitted to the High Bohool. Tbej brought with them a .silver set, consisting of a beautiful salvor and two goblets, as a token of re gard from graioful pupils to a kind toaoher, which was presented to him by one of th*ir number in a few approprla'e remark*, which were properly re ipooded to by tbe reeiplcnt. The class spent the evening with Mr. Sickel in a most agreeable man ner, and parted, bidding their teacher good-bye and thanking him kindly for bis past services. T b Charges against tbe Highway De pabthext—Tbe J )iut committee or Council?, ap- E doted to Investigate the obargts against toe ighway Deparment met yesterday afternoon at the Select Council chamber, bat wliaeut transact tog any bnslneis; tna comntittea adjmrned till Monday, the 10th of September. Bigot oat of the fiar/eeo member* of tbe committee were present Mr. Bhantt was not present, nor was Mr. Lex, me city solicitor, or either of the clerks of 'Ceunoti In attendance, or any of the witnesses. Trial of a New Ojigan.—A new organ, butte by A. G Hunter, and placed ifl the ieoiare room of tne Fourth JUptist Church, was exhibited on Tuesday night. It tax one bank keys, eight stops, one octave of pedals, and is of fine quvluy. It it Intended to be used for the Sund*} -h-u<*jl, of whioh Mr. John M. Evan Is inpvru»iandent. Messr*. Krabler, BUodner, and JLtchoi*n per# formed upon it with good effect. j Accidenis.—A chiltj, three years oW, fell from the second-story window of a 333 Gashill street, on Tuesday night, and hod an arm broken, and sustained other injuries. Ludwig B merit, four years of age, #a? run over by a milk wagon, at Frankfbnl,*road and Marlborough street, yesterday morning, and very badly hurt, *■ j * The Public Buildings on Fisn Squabr. —A public meeting of ottisena in flavor ot loeauitg tho public buiMit gs on Peon Saqsre and apprav tog of the action of tbe coauilasioh 1® the pre mises, it was TUUQrcd.ytfifotu*} id business cir cles, will be held some time next week at Conoert Hall. Cdild Poisoned. On Tuesday morning, a child of Mrs Breonar, twanti-lwo month, old litio* at Twentieth and Berne, street,, In the Fif teenth ward, died from thh effect, of a qa.nilt, of oorrusire eubtimate tt had ploh.i np about the hoot* end awnlloired. Military Pjc-Nic —The West PhiUdel phia Greys, Captain Gardiner, will have their tret' grand pta-nio at Jones' Woods, Hestonvilla, to day. A handsome silver goblet -will be fired for, each person purchasing a ticket having a right to con tend for the prise. Eefonwlral M* * - E 6 * housß .1? Ann , p * r, «! »£o tamofed'it till ’'.“i"? »!>«Hwie, when ih« romov.fi, I» lt inz her Captain.Serins, in elon. The carpet In' the front' sMonfi etory had H:,w wh,4h »>«o put ??w r “x?*? lBft ln . , ! s ® room - '*«« Httt* ehildreu of Mrs. Serins went into the room ,ester4a, after, noon to play, and, it seems, took lmt matohes, with whtah they Set (ire to the straw, Ihe smoke Md Sre almost in an intent fltled the room, pi ooino the Uttl. ones d dennl degree the power ef exp ret? ion possessed by nL B £l*> ,t 'n lately fioiahod a cast of . Bkrber s “ Fisher Girl." which waa bongbt by a inmarbli' aW 1 *ntope for ropy Ing Tiie artifloial production of oysters hayist s lceoeded on eereral parts of the coast of the A * lentio, tbe French Ooreroment has resolre.l to em ? Tsta® on those of the Mediterranean «... •r l I?*.°’ BCI,r C f ,t# ’ a * aapsfatas Icranied by U. Costa was snbmerged a lew days ago, and as many as 3)0,000 pysters, which , had hen bmexht - from Bordeaux, in H. The SAinyuN Mishos.—The minion at Turin will not he for tkw becefit of Mr 1 ' Dftniol, (be present ineumbent, when Mr Bsche nen fearf mpereede, ihough abwfdxnt exuse hoe ’ been given for hi* remorsl. The miarivt it iwinpetbv intended by CcncßW in that neL If, therefore, nullified by the Executive — TriU»e . The Nashville Bwsnrr anoonceesthat Hon. M. P. Gentry, Hon. Chtriea Reudv, 800. BareUv Meritn, and Sterling B^'Caakrill,- of Tec neeeoe, have left the Bell and. Everett rank*, aag . deolared for Breekloridge and Line. FINANCIAL and commercial. The Money Market. Tmi.invt.rnu, July is. ExoaptinK the mining *took*, in which firmners la msintnintd. tka rfock Itttieeaitatfafisnd hear? for all kind* of speculative Uader th* *x peot&tion of the contraotios of neveitr loam to a Una amoar.t, tho prices have fallen acmewbat from tho extreme high Stores at which they have reeent'y ruled. la the mosey mar> «t there is se chavxe to nrort. The London correspondtat of the New York Com vtfcimt Adnrtiufi vnbar about the recent fetter** in London, mjs: ** The fsitoivs in the leeU>«r (rade bar* a?] hern eoßtequeutoutbe tneak uy of naeMerve speraUtive bouse namely* that ofvtrMifhjld Lewrenea.k Morti mo.e. who, suaported bv undue, facilities it tbe d:s count market. h*ve kwiewnW ‘r baht it ea ssumst to fis.< 500/00. aod it is doubted if the ulticmriw naliaetf/V vnl* muqb exceed 35 «v.oent. Tbe other finße-wtevhava sat pended are— Beoper A Petk/eecn, WS.i’rmaeie <£ Co.sh&b,iiu«Bt>oißteted: -• % Smith A- Patient.......— on oca J B.Smitb&Co.-~ ...V./.... mono NT o.Gibeos 7it>Coo A veannr....;.r. : W.fc OfMnndy. . H Hacker...re.., UdCOO . T H- fdorttfoore; sot st fed. * > “ Messrs Com A *v„ aod ’he f undo* Joint' Pt-ek B-nk eschbo’d hilaiof these varioaapsrwe* Term retber considerable Sam, Twqo r -ibe Loadoa aie-aso 1 * otmi- P’Oiee are alsoamon* IheerediUws.trVethervifh other, joint-a’oek banks nod bankers. Tfcrefivir hue erMted - than an> thine of a eimitar kind since The receiver of the .Mount Vernon- Reek of Rhode Island {rive* notice that the time.-within which th* holders of the note* of that bank were lo be prrs*ntrd to him for registry haa been extended, to tbe Ist of Janaarvnext. - Ae-'iapaay hes been qr*amx«d ander a charter uadef' the u.\mw&nd tide of tha‘ “ Fprtbern IMto«»S*il-oed 'rtm*enT>who yofeae' te the Iseii e A Mie sinfppf Bailroed, now Kaished tp Freeport, to * er»una. on (be ttitsisrppi river. Dr. “ Travel, Ac...... SIMM w«2d«T , SSTSJ63 66 fffioSTTtf Transportation* roadway, dump ace. renewal fund, sad all ' ohartes HMC« 12MB 97 Netprofitforthe month gmeao 9U inaiu forprerumsCmos... AtefefiSTe Totil net profit for 7 month*...«TS 9*14 810 It The follovrinc is the amount of oofd tramrotted over the Sbunokiu Valley and Fottaville Bari road, for week sndinjt July 11. 1800: Week. Ye-r, For the week endin* July U.. .4 9*7 S 8 fn *4O 0A Same time last tear. , 7371113 looreue 45003 .UXSftIS, The fnlfowing IsVeompamtive statement of the boat nei s of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Cotapanv i Earnings in __. ** - 1855..4......... Increase... In first seven moat be of fiscal year. Same months last year..... Inore&ae.. 91s 00 Fbipmsnti of Coal by tk« Bftrola-y JUihuid aad Coal Com»Mjy: For the irM-k ending JuJy PreTioQi.sUipment*.. —.-..«. V .IJK 1» S3 Amount forth# mKm..' ',ie,io os Amoint (hipped to umedste Uit je4r...-..„,1t«A?l is Xnoreaift. ............ l.tfffOS The folio wins is the Pittaharg bahSf iutemenfforUa week preceding July M s . banks. Circulation. Specie. Loans. Depo’a: Bank of Pittsburg.. .tStt.7 Mechanics' 35.&52 J 5 62J . H6*7 Iron City . 90 288 13 is Ml Allegheny..— 99137 18 4JO *3 821 Last week— Inere«ie >3,20 ... Philadelphia Black Kxehaage Sales-, July 18.1 MB. twoftTO BY 8.8. Blatmaxxb. lUK Walami Btraet FUST BOARD. 30DO Pena*Si 0 AP... 9JH KOOfl PtnnA&lOs.fc4lo3 IOOCit 6*'61........ 94 1000 do Icif *io do *C\ 94 UP? Can AAm fie '33 . fti AO „ do »7A » 2 Miwh-1) Mrnp ... 3*v; lCOHehifh Val Ct..... tt* 1 do 3** JtM) Cam AAm ftl 73.. © BCtmdia A Am B ill tIRTWKEN BOARDS. loeochtt Vaiß7a. 40 I 1008eoAThstR..b5. 4CX SECOND BOARD WONPeanaß 6a......74* MO Readier R... JJI* SO, d« 75. s 18 Pena* R » I to Un Cel 6« So on Us 14* si Bam»kar? R ... g?** 300 C lev A Mahon’r7«~?6 . 5 Afeh>tt Railway. ..I<* Wo Cam AAinB**BB.%l to 'ON hawfi *>M Reading R b 573. to «*o }*»*>« dttd d 0.... .. ...bA?a • Beo A TbKA.ift.44S Woflch *av 6# ’S3 —<« 5 do \ Reading R_—.....JUtf A Worm Ca 1........ so 9 d 0......... 21 15 Cam AAm R 131 23 do JUgl 1 Lehiah *o ip >7 CLOSING PRiCEIS.—STEAD7. A*h~r. Bid. djAae, jss.vssutv * |eadto« 2iS*3l3-lf)!lqpfc tarn JL.JoS KTV geadiur.bdsTß. 84*1*1 Paena**# 7i* leadN’Wiatoffto (W p*ms B 10a MH te Road mt fie 86... 72 T23A Catawi«ae Ij* id 1x27 22 Paaoa J» .. 5» »,*$ Frm*r A Rout** R*» *1 finMR«nAI«S 9- ISec AT hd «» R e*S fits ijorna Culooa.. £.'»?» MX [Race A Vine-et.4J Tt Worn* lrf Jig Weet FhtU R... #4 Job N te*Bl «noff 7«X 73 Jspntoe A Pine . K** U* 'Bvlmli >2 . (Green A r natea .2,'s n fchejl Narvik.. »\ J*V;CMat A Walr.*»A* S 3 MM/! .\arprf-. » <4 * Philadelphia .Markets. Jtrr 15-Freo.fii The Flour market is very qciet tvday; tbe remand for «hipment ia limited, and superfine it ecaree at 8* ”3 bW ; about l,ao bbA Wwtaru extra sold at fltf bbl. Ihe trails art tayiagat from teeae firaxae far ea perfiM and extra up to JlTße&tt for extra family ud fanoy brand*, according to qoelitv. Rye Floor ia he d above the v»w* of buyer*, esd r*ry duller fAffiX# 370. Cora Maai li dnU,aca Fenna. Is b»Ma&9*3?fc ¥ bW. Wheat' in not to plenty to.riay* bat the miller* cove f irwardeiowly.aßd bur only furtieir immediate vania; aKnitb OOP bus red Bold at «12Jel Kei AoeUy a the l»tter rate for p-im* Uetavaie; 1 M boa f«r old Vjr jraia trbiteanid at $ 1.53, nod 6flO tee-new do at fi W« 1100 a* in quality. %)«>* q Q , e t at »*Boo for old Fa. Com »* but lit la inquired atier, and rather eearoe at eeo for erin.e yellow, oata are wanted, and 21 CO but D U ware sold at 33Xc, whtun ia an sdvrnea; SAW tee Pa. *T°.!?. f .» ,, L£ 9eS * c * Aealeot \ intiniamiU ievd waa made at JH7IP tnn. B*vs ia wanted at A l 7 for firat No. I Quercitron, but bolder* generally ask more. Cuttox eoi tioue* dull; a few email lota only have cbanxed handset about previous rates. GBocjuMsa.-oThe d*raend is priceipaUr for Fug are/ which are selling at lull anoae. exovtßio»aooe«)<■ are worth KXOHc ¥ B l Snd Mew rork 919 So RF bbl. Waiast eontlnuea dalli Peoaa. bbta ealbac at 2t# 2lHo t too bWa Ohio brought Afe f dredge er Bo / fOO, bade »t 310 V gallon. * ' -.#51444 96 - 19* o?< g .#2 6 2*3 « . 187 <0 63