l-> V «roci—i»*m* -.r>*g*>3rtiii'.r'~'. , ~ ' : ~ '-• ; v " '{ , ; - -, ■ ■ W,«,JMB«»; ~■-#> *£< -■■>('H^;t«;a* : #♦>« 6«U>. vlfr M J$££CjgMMM«M ■ ** i iMKViwiMr a**- uojfowcil**'* DiMomitk :OIbW , - « km. ■•■ *O4 ■ in truth dUffftfQ’' lh«jt wpig^iJ^.-. cto t^asmawmSa^ . .',;'... - -^~~~ —-—- -~-J j'fU-wlr i ,*-wiP#!»#irw«9#bwft4?*rwtta«%k M«:, - =a, *?;<;>. AnXpiiMU iihWwev Mflirtew-M PWhyii it^w*t . ta? «wyjMAtton»j^?|yt^sf : and oalUvated tarewj, tr^ihe, worllj - ui iUVf ’hmMU^W.t?c 4 -yVCWI* tot l; >->'Ji" f ;■. £•: v j ':' 4 %lt'irktt tlittta'cttriwi^fei^wwii^nwil 1 to toamst. ,5 kaonr who did it. v TSewaJor fcartn»rl Wii •■ '(nvi(jBinMboklnf vrh# |u a very I. ‘sr.F.:r.i **analo**aniiarSm !*«},- •stti- ifuf lie proff? ’st-:i?Uttntion ofMlae Mtatarn,a MkWW.tt« of #wor: ■ made-, mark in litenkon. Yoong!Roiertmatim\ : "-. Ij.'Wjtt daetp merefatnewUtatnrreuawi -Seynw tire-! - ,tmit: onltare and JMMHsful'-eotanlriMp; mSSSSSxri'. ;;j)m nfcriaktaglike the; eensittae plant rmWl# "‘IV-l.:^^»^^f*iwr‘'b*Tlii».‘,»ttoiwibn«y : ', ttbown' to tlfal .-!v:a>.;->inr)«M,tlMa »Mapta'Vniuiira[K Jaly Ifc-lMd.' 3 ' ' illd ;' Braaoh'.',- liocelod. ii'-nii'kxmi'ikm town. art •'• Wwi vif wn ‘ °- l ¥j^ l ':.«l»i«WWfttdi:drtr« the riser ,ills') -iihrwOMfcMfd ttttfJdeode <*«a»tff*&,;o,>rr>':«HMi! ' > «Mu.-t ~ ijlom * T; ~,V”The,workmen to tln-«iiteeirtfce4aabek merit •o isu -eePhioard'wUh theseeMber of-'feetialftJ »m! It, i* jxttii?*’ dwelt' iaeif (rhyttMir. fM ' sit tii 00*4*1#MJme4iwT»lkk«ii'rin;o spring. Son* went oat to aaa^-tkKijaauilnder - Ktfraoo w>e'«*o«ht;onitierakoreeat >tfce.Vfil(ai; eMdlt .waiMrMlnolilWlß-^fduri W 4h# next letlyeare Uit tn done no l»(E lAt lire . < aoNfiaianonen an erecting enaadmeae and oonvo ra-i ooKpejo I* eddreu y. u e" - ;> - a »r ■w '■“■■■l.ii'miißi* '..d'l;-.' ! ?• tv-? 1 ;-- ffrekklhiditcwnty' the blrth-plecmrof: ’ fiv '* ; „f Jet lle. bea hed heretadlny w« rrn, ..... . ,|i»^lwMWtM^lK^tteyf(HWe : Wt him, end he y ! '■ ri> sl On7a>rßitoHUty'*treolac,;ia nnnnenee Of a oMI 1 rigoed hy niehsMeoitWeaiee HUl,_WUam Beilly, John Woel, tJ Mel>; Bh»rne,-T. B: Kennedy, 11. S. '.'t endorer ehnodred otken, whotei yoa knew & >J ) henliehte sDeaieeritl, elaigt meet .d: «d ed<|ted the '.Uf'i fef ueoruprt htii.re;. 4 t, -rti-.t -;/-.ie'-,..3 w-i!«p/epd,..Th»t,.M < Ihe s lMaootiktM-iotato Cun l»nd the mct "J ' 3 g ( / , ConnnUlne. W»l*h mm*t PhlledelphU, ontji£!d«ys (■> %* Party. , Pf^?;*:? Bf .T;>> ■■■ decided that ad express company la still liablafiripaokages i until an offer to deliver la mode at tn place of bnaffieaa of'tM booßlgnee, an offer to delireraftfio -.SXprbsapftce, not Mag a anßelent axeuse, except underpeenlUrelrea»*Unoei. Iheoeiewiß .of< a Tta^kaaa atonay aaot froni Ch to Madison,. F.jßaMwforjfhow a«ttior|«4- 'agent beathe oaablat County Bank. .Toe bank and express eftoeate 'fnbsiahtlallyin the wme roompaiii.an'Offlir./W.TOdy tod«lter by,tbearpra<».\iia»>|44«y,..at Ita oopnter, (aak&i “ ifhe, wanted. the bank clerk ropliM from bia counter that be did fioVnot feeling au thorised to reoegSffifc Thatnlghttbeexpresa often - was frbbii , undine above facts werrf.pnt In,' tin" payment.. •, tolihe num'oronaaix-ldeniawhich are lately chw*Klnd,:dM to the thin yartienta of wo ne%takleyfire, Bnnychemlate havy tamed their attention,,S.the,. invention or discovery of aotao mod* of rendering textile febrlcaaretproof. Among the aasqr qaaliUu reqaind in eneb an ardolo are ;and' uae. Of-epplleation, 'geatatr, tbe'MOM *eSoeeeftilyeths»d la phosphate of .Mltajf M>t sSlihtly iott.me fibre, endmeybe mixed' '.★iththatatartV.! One oooeeofthe salt ft dissolved s or iu theewh;eiß.drltd,Be uiual.Xhe only ob jeettoai* tkeexpeneeofthesnlt. 1 ! '>,-> .! tT»K rk City, ’lnipeetbr shrWrstbntthere warn 172 deaths' in. the blty lfet.week; wbtob is an Increase of' 11over tho ruerteHty.bf’tbeweekprevioua,, and,lll less man in tbb oomipondlng waek of, 1859.,; The, deaths frotnacntedieeasewera 277, from chronio disease ,135, and {from ■ external causes, Ao., 30. Of the whole number 259Wena ahlldten ander fire years, of age. , 4be principal diseases were cholera in- • nntnm, infanUlioonvulsions,'diarrhoea, scarlet fa, ver,, hbntaniptioh, diopsy In ih* head, infadtUo marwahstuaM iataaumatiun.uf tbe lauga.- ' French Corps Begijlatlfthaf otft of the 36.000,600 .wulsinffranoma, 9q9,OCOnaver sow,woollen goods of any ;hea slso been recently asserted jthht ttrentyilya’mlltloDs ofpeoplethere never rat Lmbafdftener than ouco a week. "Paris annually jonsamed'ZftMKKtjOOO pounds,'pf yegetableo; , the niarkf,tgardenanearPafiseov.er.,msre'.tfiaa 2,7#fl acres, u5e2,150,000 glass:bells,,26o,ooo panes of Bt|*r(o»eifhbrbede^' : odeitpy4jdoo pebple, i,7W horSetodltWaie t3SB,9 eight hour.. " Mobbftk.—Charles Hudson, a fanner ol M«Cklenborg.oonnty, Va., has been putin the county prison there to'await trial for whipping a negro woman to death.'' The negro wea bis proper ty, and ho chargedthat she had attempted to him. He waa prompUy errested. - , .Thb ' Lockport (N, Y.) Advertiser claims for j. K. St. John, of that village, the honor of .firit.suggestingthe idea of the Great Eastern to a p»Hy orEeffttih engineers with,whom he had be opme acquainted while on a. visit, to the London t/fjslali’slsce inJB5O. ~V-j'PvTiu; j'PvTiu; .'JPcach crop is .known to have, boon generally destroyed in Maryland, but it was mp- IlSSbd'flikt lbere .wereexeeptional points, whore lt was in groot part saved, Kent oennty being-, in, -that'eategory. The Kent JV.ro.t, however, oi fsa tardey.says;. • Ait 'afinty- took place between Mr. I*. S. Seay end Mr. Jaokeon, near Oolnmbia, Elnvannn county, Va., last week, in which the former-was shot to the abdomen and mortally wounded, lie syaa a’recent graduate of Richmond Collego. . . . Tub amount of the animal increase oi (he pubUo debtof Kranoe, Under' Napoleon lU, i? elated at. fifty million dollars. The Emperor means that thera.hall be a strong semi-annual interest taken tn thc stabllityof his Government. Iteannot be doubted that the peach crop~fn Kent eduaty is almost a total faituro. A large pro. porUon of those which wore supposed to be un injured by thhttte frosts have continued to fall, till now.’’- , , - . Bv the ceniuß,' says the .Hartford Times, Hartford and New llaven will esblblt an inorcoie 0 !/J!l%ikt, i2.r17; .thoawd oyer their population of havo nearly doubled during, the ' . ‘.Tni' CUinferl»nd (Md.) City Council Jus, detennined to dispense with the use of gas-for lighting the,Streets, and to substitute coal oil lh its Stead. Cause, axoeßatve price of gas. Tiui.UnitetLStatfia: consulate at Havana is now. in rqharge of Thomas Savage, Esq., during the absence -of Colonel Helm in the United -States. v:[- j- ■ - Tus consiis rcturns of Cincinnati do not holdout as good ajrospeot as had been expected, eed it ti thought that the aggregate population wiltnotexceed 180,000, , t- Thi first, shipment of Hour manufactured -ftpu».s*w wheat,,tn Ohio, went forward last Thurs- SfeSi 0,9 e,nilt, 'l [ y> -DpytoD, andjCinotDuati TBe Georgia rice crop, it is stated, will, this «eason,'B» ln markrt much earlier than ueu>l,. , - Thomas O. StA nss has announced himself -* eandidate for Cougrese from the fiifth Congree aional district of Muwmri. Ho*. T. Q. Davidson, Representative from the Third ■ Oongteaslohal district of 'Louisiana,-has taken tho stamp for Breckinridge and Lane. TnfiXK are flve newspapers in Florida that support Bell and Everett, and that State Hill be hopefotlj’.cenlasted,for that tioket. 3 Chari,xs M. Conrad, of New Orleans, Se eretarjr of Slate under General Taylor, has'come oat lit favor of Bell and Everett. Tnu .Douglas Executive Committee of Beorgta have called a Convention at MUUdge’vUle, on the 24th instant, for tho purpose of nominating ah; electoral tiokat. 1 Tag Evansville Journal is, authorized to an uoance Judge Li Q Deßrnller as' the candidate of the ualted Opposition for Congressman in Iho First ' Mni Lovau,j ox-Speakor of the Michigan -Homto'ef kUpresehtatives-in 1857, and always n Mtter opponent of the Democratic party, is out for DoegiM.' 1 Wilson Pmdictino.— Senator Wilson, in a speeohat Watertown, Maine, recently, predicted, and ealled npon {those present to mark the pre diction,. that ,llr. Douglas would net obtain a idnglseleetorsi rote in the l/nion at (he coming PrssUentlsdeieoUon. Perhaps the wish of the ho- Aorahlo, Senator Js father to the thought. Tint Charleston Mercury is inclined to re pudiate, the p»poeed coalition. All propositions of this sort, ft says, are based on the supposition that there is ,m : principle worth regarding In the ’SSt^SjSeihl'Jftte^mtoernSidesaM THK OJiIJSP AStUflO Titn THOUSAND. anonthe meslree, todthemselves only, iamalntaiu Universally supplanted a!l other lMdf fiJ£t; ; It: was an egregious folly, the Mtr-. “2 , “% eT * n “ «PP«h«4 Otherwise. §!£d! c?t jsf »the’treeJwStS- ns ~T»*fdUi>Wing call for aHotwton Slate Con- ‘“l”. 1 :'. o .?’ *?"«**’• whether thetoenae. *Wnt UrttMliotiJsnsralSsni Houston in the „ , ,8.. 1 f iaas2fii!!fcs3?if«iaf 1 saiuasn-BKr^- Us n»ctlp,C?oaTgptioa mrfio+t A««J*r. «d the 3 fl*«hT* renewedmif by* aosMidsfo ;j&«aLaMs£-rawfesfirife ?St-iy.be supported by the sled tors e.es'rt#sf!; the, Sheuiaatiem,' ’; Yeaereal[• I Boies? 1 irrS)«i'°' foegjnctoalJSots,Ußrejrtwsf.HWYOrlri h jttjfibfei' front a Tit'll: Pmicjs tjfPCßua Painting.—Attor- 1-11, 0 A E. i nristiu. w -rv * pookii«J *Co; »0 do o\fW faUxer k. Bros tfomiqMß.HXfine; klasi* rSw Mo»*6TjtMttnrset'US doenuPctMi Mombfc. 'fSokhAmi WP«'CflUrt:gif mofluWSfOtt'4' pofUM{»7»Fg» ft Co: 33doJSf«Uiag r Coffin ft Co; ltd o Warn, Zftfrtnrinr ft'Coi.lJl oaßes booUand AM-BoLes.ft.Brosmila|LFotoL%,OotM%>Haddook, Heed ft Cp; US do TUfinJmiit, Thilfteld A Partridge; 455 do whhlaA ft'Oo; 346d0 SF WillianQß ft C oi& do Cono ver'ft Bro; 33dd/LeviokVßaeu>'ft Ck»j 390pkfs mdie 'Leeph&Co. - - -. r-.t , ; GMfe jHILA D »LPH|A OF TIUDK. TfFRQTHihGHAM,' ’ CoHttTVTsa or imm VLonm. ■ At the . Afarchants* j&Ktl&dbtpkia. - SkteJFypmlni, Barton- July 26 ffityl&atiiern Harwood ...tLiverpool, soon Barkltargcim. Quia. ..-Pernamtmoo, boor l de Jaheiro.soon Buk JQC ftaxwßU* j>av!a ~.,vJaM^ayra.aoon ,-lfWf BT Uart WiHiams.. l y;,.....Port«i,Priiine, soon Bits X»ous f -£da9n..,>,. .w.. .. w v -Cienfuesoa, «oon Johr.Paome, yanoo. v 4 4 HAv&ti&i soon ; v si ’i|AJKiNje ! IBCOf .4 SETS _715 i,.i> ts~ - i ,- - j ,1 66 'V;; 3:! '’ v ‘ V' 7ilj: AJfirivJ&p. ' 111 ' from Brig/ChlpoweiHartimondf s’daj* frWm Ife* Vutbi witomdse to CroWejTlc CoUinJ. ' _ ~ ' ,r BniT-odUa. Hiu&em from New York., . • '' Bofir Retriever, from Mayaguez, PR, 30tli n(e,with BUsar aaa mo'wwi to/ohn ftJaaon ft Co. Left mb * • . B R XCorion ft Co.. ' Bohr H.Curtu, Reed, from New York. * • Boor AColaDn,Lndl4m,from Boston. ' Bohr C 8 Csrataim, Somerl. from Boston. Sehr BBJfoil#j* li»on*, from. Boston. -,KohrH wWwib. Godfrey, from Boiton. ‘gohrjoeenh Pbaro, Cavalier, ftom Bbstort, . gehtAdolphHttkkiiHakota*uom Boston ~ Bebr 1 Ambassador; Watson, fromp.'ovidenoe. > Bohr Allen HBrown, Gdwardiitrrom ProvidMoo. Xgchr Carol ino Grant, Premey, from -Providence. * Schr Thoa r Copper, Taslpr. from Providehoo. * Bohr t ad f of the-floean, Tibbitte, from -Bridgeport. Bohr Bahwa. Small, from Salem. > r - - H Bohr RiobardtThompaon, Lloyd* from Braintree. ; Steamer John idofiakio, nfarihAll* 1U hours from .Lewes* Belt with araiHtftc. toeaptaim Pfiraed, aboVe Hew Castle a Br.Hcrm Lng under canvass: bound Up. 'i .SteamertVeloan, Morrisoiijtt ildurk from Hew York, withmdMto,W Jit Bmrd ft Co. i O C AUer. Fenton.B4 hours from Alexandria, withmdso to.'fnos Webstei Jr. *•' 'i •- . CoKKßcrroN—H«rk Tremont sailed from Falmouth, Ja, 3d jnet—not 12th ult.ss reported. Bjpoke 13th ihst, lat37Uilonr74U. bng Abby Watson, from HcwYork for Crooked Island. . ' ? : >. ( •* , CLEARED. - * i Pennsylvania! Teal* Richmond* Thomas Webster. Jr., •• i ■ < Steamship Boston, Crocssr. Hew York, via Cape May, JssAUdsidiee. I , Bnr,|darr E MillikenrNorden, Cardenas, D W Pres- Brit Louisa, Haskell, Boston, L Cn -Bohr Three Brother^,Renton* Halifax* John ;M. ken nedy ft Co. Bohr TP Cooper, Taylor, Noble, Uaiß m Cavalier, Washington, ' |do ~Bohr B P Hawes, Mason, Richmond, Va, do BohrMayr Eliza* Betohem, Washington, Van Duson Horton ft Co. ! Bohr Chief. OhampUn.Norwioh, / 'do Bohr Uhas Kent, Carlisle. Baltimore* !tio Schr Horthern Lijht. Lake, Ualisbury, - -do ' Bohr ti Holmes, Hewitt* Roxbury, R R Corson ft Co, . Schr R Corson* Lndlant* Boston* Baum* Ogle ft Co. ' Bohr H Cnrtis.Reed, Boston* L Rothermel ft Co. Bohr C 8 Camtojrs* Bentos* Bohr 8 B Bailey. Lyons, Riohmond*Hayes ft Godabai Bohr Ambassador, Watson, Boston* Simuqknon ft Glover* ... . , 1 -, schr Lady of the Ocean, Tibbetts, Hewburypdrt, Ban - orott, Lewis ft Co, „ * ‘ . Bohr fahwa; Small, Boston* C A-Heoksoher ft Co. ' BehtKnifht.KeJly.Hmsham, Gordon ft Co. ' J Bent A H Brown, Edwards, Riohmond, Blakiston, Cox ft Co. - / ,; . Sohr Q Griint, Pressey. Salem. Reppllsr ft Bro. rhrH W-Godfrey, Weeks, Heponset, do : Sohr A Bdgel. Mason, Boston, H Bturtevaat ft Co. • Bohr CBhaWvShaw. Salem, do "Bohr Heifie B, Stoddard, Richmond, do * Bohr E'Thomtson,JL*loyd, Braintree, . do - • Btr H L Gaw, Iter, Baltimore, a Groves, Jr. bv vsbxaxavH. (Correapondenoe ql The Press.) . . ' . ~ _ NBW.OatiA«i»Julyld. Arrived; tW»Thomw Jefferson, from Liverpool,' The sohr - Black Squall was lost in passing T&mpioo Bar, All hands were saved. 1 (Correspondence of The Press.) ‘ ■ - -HAVRE DE GRACE. July 19, 1860. The Wyoming left with 19 boats* laden and consigned A H Smith and Col V I? Biollet, lumber to Mr Mundaj; Economy and T K Sheets, do to H ore rose ftrheets; Mary Dsokard, do to CadwaUuer ft Co; Stephen Uoulu and D 8 Taj lor, do to RWolfSrton; Wm HYoong.do to Kiser ft Warner; CL Coder, to Malone ft Taylor: Louisa* do to Chester: J P PihJey. do to Balejm* 8 w Ford, bituminous coal to R : Hare PoWeil; Four Boys, F Fidlsr, Frontier* Hi&gara, Washington Lee* Col L Jacobs, and J B Henry, coal to Deiaware City. . HAVRE BE GRACE. July 17. . The Kingston left with 16 boats in tow, laden 4nd con signed as follows: ! Alex o'olt* 6tinr'6i,Ui stoves,' fto. to Peaoock, Zt\\ ft Hinonman; a; w Frame, lumber to Henry Crosksy; Wm H. Lloyd, do toM. Trump ft fions; j c Crawibrd anu Geo Hopaon. do to Malons-ft T'aytor;- Wm ; King, do to Hor •oroafftßhests; GeiißFUiuing,doTo John Craig; He Pius Ultra*,uaitodtitatos, Levis pewayLftebedoa Ann. ,Loud Star. J RWmgato«aa4AgFioola>«oal to Delaware to.Llkton.vAiaa sqhr Jsmes^nelson, Capt Burt, arrived wra Inst* and cleared yesterday lor Taunton* with ooai. - (Gerrwpoftdeaoe of The Press.) \ . ,> , RJSAOAHG, July 16. The following I boata from the Union Canal aassed in to .the Bohuylkiii iCanai to day* txmnd to Philadelphia, laden and consigned ae follows: • • . * . -Golden Gate*lumber tqJ HDsyaher; Frank Burrows, do to/iororoMft ehsets; Pennington kfUr **«*s. A n u>. captain; Dr Undsrwood, do to 8 itolwm ft Co: j Burnag ton. do to Tramp.ft Son; a Amanda* do toHororossft Bnsets; J-.fl Deyshsr.do J H Beyaher; Mary. bitumi nous ato Bertoletft Co; Kegu.ator* grain to Perot ft Bro; Louise, do to A G Cattail; three ralta timber to Sell HavCo. ’in- . -r v i MBMOKABDA.^ Bark Marr-C Fiokett, Djer. henoe, arrived at Fensa corn 7th init.' BarksLauWi&g, Kelly, audChase, Raffle, from BaUi* mors for Riodc Janeiro, went to sea from CapeHeury 13Ut IBSt, 0 PM. ' ’ L •- Brig PlahUgaust/Morris; from Havana, ai Portiaud 14th lust, ■ ’!).(• : Wfr.B, P. White read ft Mper on the.subjeot of those ater^beroretbeAcsdemy of Physicians, m the city 01 New York, in which ji* states that the Waters poa •eee deoidedty tonie, refrigerant, and astringent proper. ties; aadtha.t thoclassofdiseaMa to wnioh they are more particularly adapted are chronic affections of the dtusljvetm& urinary oriaaa, and some of the cutane #N« diseases; chronic dyspepsia : chronic diarrhaa ; dysenteryj chronic diuresis; chronic • tvstuts; diabetes ; oases or passive hemorrhage, auoh as Purpu• va hemorrhagica, and the ooliieuattve sweats of Heotia Fewer. The Water mar also be often used with ad-- vantage, he says, in eases of low typhoid fevers fin convalescence from Protracted fevers, to excite the ap petite and promote digestion; in diarrhoeas, particularly such as are dependent on a relaxed or ulcerated state frfthegiaooa* membrane of the intestines, in onion louiaffeotlona.or whtasu, attended with phosphatio sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to' murTatieacid*ae being more solvent and less apt by continued us* to disorder the stomach. in febrile dis eases, Jt ©an be used properly diluted, a* a refrigerant to diminish thtrstanapfeternatural heat. In skm dis eases—in those, form* of dyspepsia connected with an Alkaline condition of the stomaoh, as in Pyrcris, or wa ter-brash, it will prove better than bydroohtorio acid. In oases oiColicapictonum, and other injurious -con* Mdusnoes ariimg from the aotiou of lead, this water Willprove.to be an admirable antidote. In chronic pharyngitis,laryngitis, chronic mucous catarrh, and humid''■asthma, chronic ophthalmia (externally) as A gargle m ulcerated sore throats, incases of snli vaiion»and in teueorrhea and sleet: and also in . When taken internally, a wine-glassful of the Water, diluted,taken three'timea-a day, is sufficient for an adult. Other testimonials, from physiolaut, and «ther re seeotable individuals,.may be seen on application to Deaferasupplied on liberal terms. Wo Water genuine unless procured Worn ■. H. W. BOBTWICX. „ , _ Sole Agent, ■ ‘ Ho. 5T4 BROADWAY* For Sale at theJbHowintr Agencies 1 FREDERICK BROWN'SJDrug and Chemical •Store. Northeast coraer of FIFTH audCHKSTNUT B iUwforsale at FREDERICK'S&OWN. /a/s;Dr'ug sod (Ihemical.jttore.-'Ccmunenml Hotel* corner of NINTH and CRESTNUT'Btreets, Philadelphia. The Trade supplied at Wholesale Prices, mylfrswjy '^axnlof.JiT THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1860. LA LLI g- vr ' „ - * , tea*.** i--- --H the Philadelphia: Wilmington,, and Baltimore.: stidi Delaware Rjuiroadt, theooe by the new steamer PhSa delphfa to Norfolk andPonsmouth, Vi. ( On atM after July »th, pessengets from PbiUdkK chin will take the 8.16 a, M. tram at the, dept&t corner Broad street and Washington. &vehue,*4*? Tuesdays, Thursdays, and mturdays, arriving iat ford at 1.30 P. M., and at Norfolk early the .SxL jp(O!WpS «7,XM:*t»mer PhilsdelphlvwiUleave Nor««? on the evening! of Monday and Friday, connecting with the train at Geaiord, whioharrivsrAk' Philadelphia at IP. M, , „ I Fare for fint-olosa passengers, including meals oiPtM *• boat, 87. f , , j ,!*r >{ ' Sacond-olass pasaengets, including meals on the bosL'i $4 80. , Freight takenas low as by any other route. ' For furiher partiouiars see small hsnd-bilU attMv hotels, and other pubuo places, or inquire of ~ ? , r'i C.f. BARB; Agent,, v - corner Broad st. and Washington av. H. F, KENNEY, Master or Transportation, 1 1 ’l jy3»3flt P.Weftßßa.dk WEST OHESfiI fIHSK9B9H AMt)l T HIL At E I,p HfA RAIL ” D VIA MEDIA. i'i:-' BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. • On and afterMonday*July 16>h IB6o,the passenger trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Station* corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty-first streets. West PhlladelpUa, at 7-30 and 10.30 A. M„ and 3JO, Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 6.40, 8* and 10 30 A. M„ and 1.45 and 6.15 P. M. i ■ ON BUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast oomer of Eighteenth ana Market streets, at 8 A. m, audj .-LeaveWest Cheater,at7.3CA, M t ,and6P. M. , , • passenger railway oat will leave FrontAud Msrketstreeta 30 minutes, and .Eighth and [Market streeU 26 minUtei, before Urn start jpg time froiri the de pot, and will catty A flag to dedoUiti ' ,:. , O/fipe and waiting todm, southeast edrtier onEigiiUi anu market streets, Vhote passengers, purohMiug tickets for west Chester, will be furbished with a tiokefc over the passenger railway* _ r IW-tr ' : ! sJewß^nt fiEIBJHHK vaKaVoWf * For BETHLEHEM, DOYLKBTOWN. EigTONj; MAUOH CHUNK. HAZLETON. ECKLRY?WfUTE‘ HAVEN, WILKEBBARRE. WILLIA MS PORT»ft q* THREE THROUGH TRAINS. t On and after MONDAY, July 2d, iB6O, PaUmk«r Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Street* Pui ladelphia, DAILY. (Bundays exoepted,} as follows: At 6.30 A. M, (Express;, for Bethlehem. Alliatowyi, Mftuoh Chunk, Hazleton, Wllkesbarre, WilUamfeport,'' At 3.30 P. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, ! fto. TThistram'reaohes Easton at 6AO P.M., and* makes close oormootion .with'New Jersey Central for New AtflP.M. for Bethlehem* Allemown, MaUch 'Cljpnki' lld A.M. and 4P. V. forDoyleatown. \ ■ At ID JO A. M. and 6.60 P. M. for Fort Washington, The A3O A. M. Express Train makes olose connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem-being the "Rottost aoi. xppitflMjyable, route to Wilkesbane, and to all points in the Lfehikh Coal Region. 1 trains for Philadelphia; Leave Bethlehem at 6J3 A, M., 9.20 A.-ftl. an 16.23 P. Leave pojlestqwnat 7.30 A. M and 4.15 P.M. LeavbFort Washittgtonat §M A. M.and3UP. M. , , ON SUNDAYS: . Plitladelphtaforßethlehemat8 A. M. ' Philadelphia, for Ddylestown, at BP. M. Doylostown for Philadelphia at 6.45 A. M. , Bethlehem at6.oo P. M. > Fare to Bethlehem.6oiFaretoMauohChunk.s2 60 Fare to Easton. 160[Fare to Boyiftetown.. 080 _ Through Tickets most be prooured at the Ticket Of fices at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order to eeoure the above rates of fare. AU Passenger Trains (exoent Pundar Trains) conneot at Berks street with Fifth aim Bixtb street* andßecond and Third-street Passenger Railroads, SOtmnutes'after leaving Willow street. * Jy3 ELLIS CLARK; Agent. JSafiHBI PHILADELPHIA AND CB&Rs9E9B§ READING RAILROAD. . J - “‘i REDUCTION' OP FARES I On and after. APRIL td, 1860. Commutation Tiokets, with twenty-six ooupons, will be,issued, good Tor the holder and any member of ms family, on any rassenger Train, anil at any. time* .They will be.eolmbir- the. TrCMUfer, at the olfibe pf the company. No, Sf South FOURTH Btxeet, at a reduction of twenty-five percent, from the regular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer in the Country will find this a very desirable route, the SotmyUaU and Lebanon valleys being among the most bcauumi and healthy in the State, ana acces sible by four trains from and to Philadelphia dallr. _ . g. BRADFORD, Treasurer. PHiLApHLPniA. March 26th. 1860. mhgdf. - fSCaa EMHa PHILADELPHIA, GEH - •- •• hem Philadelphia 1,7, 8,5, 10, 11, and Ul A. M., i, i, ax, *, i, a, ex, i, a. *, iov, and ilx p. m. Leave Germantown6* 7. 7H, 8, BH, 3,10,11,13 A. M., Lean Philadelphia »J» min. A. M., 1,8, a, TK.and 10H r. M. ;DwrnGnmantown B.lo,min. AM., LlOmin.,4,eat, so P 'gHESTNirr hill railroad. 1 Aean Philadelphia I, 8,10, UA. M., tii, I, P, and 10M Pa R, I Leave Ohestnnt Hill 7.10, ?.«, .B.M, »J 0 UM A, M„ L«,^,0,.0,A«,a 8i I LeavePhiladelyhiafJi A.M.,s.».and 7% p.M. SUI 7JO A. M., 11J0, 6,10, tandS.lo “' p’OR CONBHOHOOKEN AND NORRIBToWn, Leave Philadelphia , BJ»,«,eX,o,andSl \ Northambarland,. -...171 Lewisburg^^—u v n,l7B • ’ • Mmipr~ — : JLL Sunbnry and Erie R. It.' .-joe 1 Jersej-short.... —. n «>ok Haven.• • Tror*? f ‘ Williamsporrand Klmirh 3!mfrorrr. , T-: 4 r::S{ R^d. ‘The&WA.'Ms, and thoSJaP* M;train oonnectdaily making olpsoocmnecUppa with lines ,to Niagara Full*, Cjisada. the West, and Southwest. - - v i BHILADgdPHJA: Comer of RROAD a&d apa& W -- wft. McILHKNNKY. WsUtf,. gaarißi uslmer arr&nge ihlSmaioN, and balti f^WWtotPHlA, atB.l6 A. M.» 13uoon,(Exyross,) anti at 8.16-A. M, t Unoon, 1.U.5.00,7.00and U jfbr -at B.li 'As M.* jij noon, 1,16, AoO, 7.00, and UJQ P. M. • > For New Castle at 8.11 A. M., and 6.60 P» M. . Foa Harrington at 8.16 A/Mo and 6 P. M. Kor Milford atLUA.M. Tuesdays* Thursdays, and °Fo rFarroin pto h at sit A. M., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6.00 P. M. atB.HA. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, ami Ff>r Salisbury at Al 6 A. M. Train at 8,15, A. M. will connect at Seaford on Taesdars, Thursdays, asd Saturdays, with steamboat A.M.. a t6,56,8.30,, 8.30, and IIR A, M.« 1.46, 480, and BASF, Mi • •, • . . , . Leave Salisbury at IN) P. M. . - , Ijeave Seaford. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, * fn . XiSavs Farnunston, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturn days, at 8 00 A. M.t and 4.15 P. M. - Milford. 1 Mondayfi Wednesdays, and Fndaye, atfJOA. M.,and44»P, M. ‘ gave Haniegtonat8.16 A. M.*andASOP. M.'-‘ ’ ' ave Dover at 1.06 A. M., and 6JO P. M. > are Middietovn, at 1046 A. M. and 6.43 P. M - ave Newcastle at 8.00, 1686 A. M., and 7,36 P. A). it 9.10 A. M., 13.04,3J3.6A0, and *f". Leave Baltimore fot Raliilniyy and Delaware Kaiilead at lo.is A. M„ and 61§ P. M, TRAINS FOJt. BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.48 A. M.. iftfl andll.4o P. M* ; a Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A, M.,I3AS P. M.,aud 13.20 A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with FASSENGKR CAR attached, ~ will run ss follows; ices at B h F AL eWlk for w 4 intermediate 'Leave wThmngtonjor Perryville and intermediate places at 640 P. ft. Leave Havre-de-Grade for Baltimore and intermedi ate places at 6.00 a; M. atopKossfttglw 1 ? M HaV/e ' do ' Of * ceflnd intermedia Only at ft* P, M., trom Baltimore to Philadelphia. ' ■ 3- M.. FELTON, PresidoUL iB6O. 'Stmmm. iB6O. BFRIMQ YORK LINES. T^Ljm 6 AAND ’’ " At tA M, via Oaratfen and Ambor ( 0. A A. Accora* . mooation... .. - ......... ss is AMAMjji.aCMaden and JerseyCity(Jt,J.) Ao- Via Camden Md jertiTCity/jVlorßlng *** *•*“>&«*• vTaTaconV and" jerier 3 °° Citr.WMt«rnEx*reM,. : joo ■MM* P M»vle Oaraden and Aiuboy, Acoommo • d«lop. 1 — _ •_ 1 ~ 1l 2 28 At Jr Mi via Caradeaand Amboy r 'o» and A.~Ex •Kprfl—■ - M - ~. ,., v,'.',, ~ JU(| T - *« At*PM»v«iCamden and,Jersey Gity>'Eveninr 1 * Ti ' >,*ce'l MifSoSSit br°wiT w«3r*ad ; Put ’I/lnej ran thtbdtk.to PitUbnie. lodtoJunsocfCaj.pr (feidaotor*. ,Allihron*h Pm- laiMliridr?* Patent tP?K.sf ‘ n “ Bwi . TESaJIUNS DAILY: M*U MdPMtiLinel, gui !*,j4uf|?jSn’l»s»«« Pbil*d«l»hia at 7 ISO A. M, , Parkesborg , t', , , gjft.P, M, . ; -Westchester ' *»“• 4 unP.M. a . Watt One*tar Passenger* will taka the Mail, neat Chester Abeommodation.and Columbia Trams. t Passengersfor SuiAory, WilUamsporuiSlinira, Buffa lo, Niagara Puls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi* ladelpuawt TM A* M.-and SP»M. go direoUyihjougV.S fimore:emdTtokets Eastward dt any bfthSimportant Railroad Ofioeem.-the West 1 alfo on board apy of the regular Line of tile amen on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. 1 ■ •- i. v*. v ;, ; . other Soote* 1 ™ 711 M lo T ? * n -1 time M wink, as by any fie TM oamtlotioti'.of tue jyestorn oonneotions of the &«»?««»» -UrMtlH it ..11 - r r . ■ 'M»robMU.lMllßUi*MW»ntraituis.th»trMnK)ri»tlrm .ofib.srPreigbf.to tfiteCodunnr, o»n Mir with oenfti deooe da Its roeedr transit. ■ • ■>•■■■ - . 1 RATBB OF- FREIGHT to And from Shy point' : in the West by the Pennulvama Railroad ar« si 4li S3* Bta partioal&r td nisrs laokkgt* ** iroad. , 1 ' , For Freight Contracts or Shining BireotiOns, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com* pajlys ' • 1 ; ; -• • J fii b.pr.rcb A fca',jSt?lu?,o’.; j! l i! Johaitob, RleliWt O.i it; MoWa.lr.jl.riTille. Kr.i Ormiby fciCroisiSr. Portsmouth, Q>;< Padopok *t jCo., Jeffersonville, indi* mimismfyitm pUor & Freighf AgentaofiiUilroada at dmbrent points B. B..|(lN£iBTON,'lr u ]Phil»d.l.hl*. ■ , |||M co»v|MrS«l m Srir.y. tKECH *.COj, Hg.J7 l Biiite.ii..i,Bo.ton. • _ to!™* . K.EBTtIB, o.&iWt.AUooM,Vm “ ' Jil-lyn i»i to. . • oabjunks. ■in ISjaraatiGMS phi ladelp ui a nSpS.^IS«?e riSk?i?wiii l & , i£s? l i at 940 each, adlicountofsa percent., giving the bolder a rigUtio travel V 3,WQ raUeset any time; between any pointa f aiw in tft«Wo, loar of any PasAnrer Xra noo, above Railroad or ,the branohea worked oy said Com pany, *' *' - J ' ’ • i ? »!• ; 3v , *. i - « Busineea menuabd-others* hiving occasion to travel freqnoptiy between different, point*, -wilt fiiui thfe ar rangement oonyesieut and economical. . _For said tickets Or other information apply to the Tio«et'Agente on-the Line, (1. A. Superintendent, Reading, or to S*iBRADFORD, -•, JMB lm , ' ),.• ■ Treasurer,Philadelphia. XBLmamam route.- SSSjSF war 1 Q.UIOKEBT ROUTE to Tamiiiua. Catawiesa, Rn perti Wilke*barre u Soranton, Danville, Milton, Wil- Uanispqrv Trpy, Balaton, Canton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falla, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo. Chicago*S&bonis, Milwaukee, and all points North and .-Passenger trains will leave the new Depotof the Phl •ladelpHiaacd Heading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALIiOWHILL Streets, (Passenger entrance oh Cal lQ#nnretreet,) dally' (Sundays excepted), for above points. as follows: ■ The 8.00 A.M. train conneots at Rupert, for Wilkes &V«A^ to #£o3S&BWffiL?Oils. , : The above train* make direot connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Falle, and Buffalo* New York and Erie, am New York Central Railroads, from all points North and West, and the Canadas, Baggage oheokw to Elmira, Buffalo, and Bos pension Bridge, and all intermediate points. . Tiokets can bj jrooared at the Philadelphia and 22J mlns %ulroadJU i nr<« , sT'iQket Offioe, northwest corner of SIXTH and CAP l PN|JTBtreeu, and at the Passenger Leave the Phil* telphiaand Reading Depot, Broad aa< CallowhiU etre 1 (daily (Sundays exoepted), tor a) points westa t North, at 9P, M, Freights ma be delivered before 3P.M. to insure their going th > • aipe day. farther,, information, apply at Freight’Depot, THIRTEEN i'a and OALLOWJIILL, or to , CRAB. B. TAPPEN. General Agent, Northwest comar SIXTH and OHESTNUt Streets, > apll-tf Philadetefa/a. fgSnwc—i Piliii ADE LPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRA!* RAILROAD.—BUMMER ARRANGEMENT.—On and after MONDAY. July 9th, 18(0, the trains will run as follows: Leave the passenger depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad „Co.. ppraer Market and Thirtieth streets, West Philadelphia, daily (Sundays exoepted) at7.MA.M. and 4.40 P.M. Wednesdays aiul Saturdays an extra train at 3 SO l,eave W eat Grove at 6 JO and BJO A, M., and 4 JO P. M. TheTJO A. M. 'J ram from Philadelphia connects di rect with a daily line of btages via New London and Oxford. Returning (eaves Oxford at 6JO, A. M., con necting Willi the BJO A. M. train from west Grove. The beautiful scenery and well-known heiuthlalnec* of Delaware and Chester counties offer superior in ducements to those. looking for summer boarding. . Frights for this line received at No. g Philadelphia, June 38, 1860, taulS fiupenntendont. SAVING FUNDS. “ Alittlerbut often, fills the Purse.” Franklin saving fund, No. msouth FOURTH straps between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia' pays all Deposits on demand., 'DepwutoreV money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Croana Kents, Mort- Thie Company deems safety better than large profits,-oonsesuently will ran no risk.with depo sitor*' money, but have it at all timet ready to return, with 6 per cent, interact, to the owner,as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and, Minors, oan deposit in their own right, and suoh deposits oan be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpetual, incorporated by .the State of Penney ivam&. with authority to receive money from tmsteesand executors. LARGE AMD SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. 'Office open daily, from 9 to I o'clock, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jaoobß. Shannon, Cm# Cadwallader, JohnSnindter* George Russell, MslaohiW. Sloan, Edward TTHyatt, - MHaffiSSttw SSBJKSbf. Jo*,H. Satterthwaite*. Joses .Yerkee, \ , '}! JAoSt h H^B®!SSo?«!'rr.»f(l«nt. Cmus CxDWALLA&xm, Treasurer. : ap3S-y M A Dollar caved is twice earned.” caving FUND—five per cent in- KSTESIEST;-I,ATION4L BAFET!f TRUST COM PANY) WALNUT Street, southweitoornergf THIRD) Philadelphia* Incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania, Money if received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with.- drawal. • The office is open every day from nine o'clock in the morning till five o'clock in the evening, and on Monday, and Thursday evenings till eight o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER. President* _ ROBERT BELFRIDGK, Yioe President. William J. Rxxd, Secretary, + \ ’ DJRSCTpXS: _ Hon. Henry L, Benner, 'F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B, Barr Robert Jtalfrldge, . FranoisLee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. LandrethMunni, James L. Btechensoe, Mon?y is reoeived and payments made daily, , The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rente, and suoh first-class securities as will al ways insure perfect security to the depositors, and SLAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and anialj sum* revived, and paid b&ok onde mandwithoutnotice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the dar of deposit to the day of with drawals . ' M°ON°@VWg§VJ„MIS Md 00 : DRAFTS for aalo on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from jfcl upward*. - BUSINESS CARDS. VB. PALMER, THE ADVERTISING • AaISNT, FIFTH and OJIEBTMUT, rlv,. Iu» vi.wipfthe principle and beat mod. of AdV.rti.mi, daily; between 10 and 4 o f otook. Addreaa , _ myil-dm' . V. H. PALM Hit. EJ. BATLIS THOMAS, * ... * , ATTORNEY-AT-*/aW, «aa remo .Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Claim*, The drafting and examination! of Wills, Conveyances, Aangomente, Bnef* of Title, and other Instruments of Wntinp. The management of Exeoutdr uiM, 'AdnUnUltrator»mp>, and Trust*; superintended; and the best seOantu» proonred Tor the permanent n vMtauenis of-Money. Satisfaotorr reference given wfrenregmrtd. - - ap3o-dm* HENRY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has REMOVED his office from No. MO Walnut street to No. lea South THIRD Street. mhP-frn* fJTORAOB SEfi, n M ?s?«w^ Eß^na ; ' , No. 114 Soutu BiXTH Btreei, „ (Nearly opposite the County Courthouse,) riFsranssoEff«asssiM ton Patent, »pte 4m* J< WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND GOUNBELLOR.-AT-LAW* . Offloo, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, ‘ (Opposite Independence Square,) M ' Has the Statutes orall the States and is Commissioner for most of them# _ depositions carefully taken under Commissions. 1 apfl-• the very beet ever offered to the’ pttUlo, and mWs only to t» Toflts ■i, and for the Cure of smoky iaieVwhol*fal4 tod retail#;at ink ,waceroams EflltElNßul#l'%“9F“B|^!^.* CiTY FIRE GERM ARIA FIRKfi&’SoH 1 0& MBsr“{ißC?* ”- HUMBOLDT Fiß^RM^ffi^^"; • , .: Cwk C»«|M*ed nnlu fsssjM n. rpHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY . Qt riiILAMPHIA. 1 (ftJffc lJMUiUncfi E*(3l,UBtyKl,Y.) ... •• X*l&koto'#s; , • ;■ !: • K RAit&vox7> gjji *a, teonvncA} L, DAWipK, WILLIAM MoKb*, GbO.H, StPABT, « r . Nalbbo Fkazibb, 9mwHi . Joan M. Atwood, £, a. Fah»m*ock» ~ ,fe T «55’.,,, hSTxk c ,T' : INSURANCE COMPANY OFTHE of Merohandi y t Ao,. on Hheral terms. «• -■ , ;. -• ' '• .|SK,W k «* : . . mSfpjlimL ptt"' ..r TOXOHANGE'-INSURANCE COMPANY -OIEo« No.dN WALNUT Strut. ■ ' SIXK INSURANCB m Hoags* ud Herotisnilisc generallv. on favorable terms % either limitsd or per- Wtehl. - . ereraiah llonwll, Edward D. HolfcTts, . oho Q. GinnodOt , . John JgGriratn*, 1 . oshua T. Gwen. Reuben 0. Sale* fereftflu ■ ismri&te. w„n «. atJzmg Kpwabp Wo David, Peoretarr gMI-wfmtf • -A ME RIGAN FIRE. INSURANCE 00., lBlO-OHARXER PERPET- N 0.310 WALNUT gtreert. above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital 8 took and Surpliis In vested In grand and available Beojmties, continue' to insure on Dvsllint*. Stores, Furniture, Merohandise, Vessels in Fort and'thsir catgoee,-and other Personal Propertj. All losses Übejallj and promptly adjusted. ■■ . - , . . , SIXjCTOKB. ThM.JR« Marls, f ' ' * JotmlVLewi*, John Welsh.' ; ■- James & Cam*!*!!, Samtol 0. Mortoii . Edmund; G, Dmilh, 1 Patrick Dratfj,., .Ohm W. Poulkney, .ALBERT C» Li CRAWFORD, Secretary. r nitJAKEB OIIV INStJKAKOB OOkp*- ■3fca£fMi2|^ PLUS 9Ss*,746Jo.—lnjure* 9* Damage by Firt; aed thp Penis of the Sea. lnlAadNavigation and H.H. §^dBgiif,aee f f and Treasurer. S, li. BUTLER, Asnstant Secretary, - George H. Hort, BrßßW '*** 9MM* MO ** read Company, anoo *l,oB,shares Philadelphia loeßoatandSteam Tug Company* Philadelphia u 3 Savannah Steam Navigation Com* puny. Ooean Steam,Navigation Company-. Philadelphia and Ha- • Tie ae Grace Steam Taw Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange : ■ Mortcaces, and Real Estate* of-****™** fioe Buldms-*.. , —,—— - IJMN MU receivable for Insurance* made.—iff jw m BaiaAoft due at Acenaiea—PrMMßma on Ua» > rute ruume»r-s»t*v«eFtUBa other decte due • the fy»mp^ny-^—, 18 Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa 9Hk os Pepoeit in Bank——. ~, . ,njm »1 ' tmiMUi HIHECVORB. William Martin. ’Samuel B« Stoke*, <. r - Edmund A. §oud*T. J. F.Fenifton* ‘ fheoshilus Paaldlif• Henry Sioaiu • John Penrose, - Edward Perunvtea; John C.Danse* H. Jouee Brooke. Jam«a Tuaonir, Spccer M’JjTnine, William Kyre./r.i Thomas C. Hand* James O.Jtand. Robert Burton, WiUiaui C. Ludwl*, Jaeob P. Zoned, sze&BsiL. jaM.®?*"* kfi?%r ett * br ‘' f harlea Kelly, . A, B. Eerier. 11 JTItWAMJtAfeTIB, jreeiqeM. XJWB. 0, HAND, Vioe l’letident. MKHRY tYkBURN. Beeretarr. dl« I IFEINSURANOE AND TRUST COM INSURES LIVKB for Tho irhole term of (life-eraate apmaljM and endotroientf-imrohaeee lifeintereeti (a *•***• «•»"“« “ *»• , - AanieiEl Miller, . B. State., • William Martin, effiVi Jainee B. MoFarlas* . psytear .jssmsss?*"- •. „ |ug*it Terra,lB6o. ; - • tpopy of Writ.] Montgomery County* as. , [skalJ . The Coratßonwealth of Penniylvania to the Sheriffof Montgomery County. Greeting. * We command yon that »ou summon Samuel Fis*, Ann B- Clark. KhsaFits, Isaac Fiii, Joseph Fibs, Mi riam Fiss, John Evans* and .Sarah ms. wile. Catbance BoydJßannah Fiss, Bamuel Rord«n,Jonii Borden, Jo seph Borden-Ann Bordeu, Louisa Borden* Benjamin Berto, and George .Bevan. U*)Ute of your oounty,io that they be and appear before our County Court of Common Pleas, to be ho’den at Norristown, in and for said poyntjl on Monday theanth day o''August, A. D.IwO, to answer Jacob B. Hpffber*. and Caroline* his wife, in light of the said Caroline and *.Uxfc Morns ou,.nd 5.- Her,book of te*tti?inr»fale.vlll be riven on applu cation., ,Beijt free,to any part of the United States. He .signature is on eaoh article. ; ■ . -rpytg tf tjORTO RICO SUGAR,-250 hhds me • dium and strictly prime, quality, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM A OD„ LBTITIA street. Account books for the ut of Juir, (made expressly for our Retail fialo®- Manufacturing Stationer, FOURTH and RAOK, .^ OURNEBS, BRINLEY k 00., Wo. <33 MAKKBT STREET. . ’ B 800TT, jR., ATjqTIONBER, No. 431 • CBEHTNITTStr oot, ovprmta tb« Cmrtom Hoj*., 4MtM«4JMttKuiiviakttfe«n. : , . . - ft 00, AUCTIONEERS, MARKET gtTMt.aad *3l MIWOR fißtia OEB4LBOf‘ BOOtS AMD eROEOOR ‘ ~THlfi FALU OF-MW- , ''■ - - Animit 2d. »t iff o’cloSfcpreereeir" ire will, offer by * 5L n credit** rooet extensive and sMorJoicnt oC Foots, Shoes, .Gaiters*Hr© .*«£kV*--} «™priW3m*^boa ts,Bwease* of the roost jolrfi? W 7 ern manofaowiree* aadofelty-iuade attraotivbto and 9 Pm tjculars in fatttto - '. «t. liOina, mo. WlLlUm, BOTIBj. A. C 0.,, Acca TIOfIEEM fc COMJUSSIOW MKaUHAWT?, No.ffNorthMAJK* flt, HTa £OUT9,'->MoX lfortn*rW miti'HmprMTinh Ciagfeoh. A Co„ 2h&4*,)&ftt -t- a* ' .. - • •-■ .:: 1 'CIK®OC v "':- ■ <■ Crey.'Mooroort. jfyo.t ./.. j'^wppinc. '-' flii SltmSH AND NORTH SHI AMMICAWAOYAI*M*IL pTBAM * .no* MSW Vokk to iamroot* Chief Cabin Passage—lM. Bebo&d.Cabis Pae»ge 71 _ no* BCSIOK TO ItVSKTOOK, • > Chief oaMaFaasage..... fill , |Qlri>|((fA|fi.i PIMMt i - , - - - ’ . f| Thtf ihiWUqte If ewYork call at Cork ifaVbor. Theshifimrm Jtattencau at Hamhx and Cork Hm-, bor« - - PERSIA, Capt. Jadbinf, ifIANAPA, Cast. Lane, jrk*« *""}*?»/? * -tfiwr wfitiiriM aUni*U»»; ttfen tort bqir. , , - KifUAIA. Millar, Imvm BoMm. ■vrjdniwtar. June J f. .. ■ l*._ftrtiJ»?d»Sd»T. July A PKMliSipiiS.’ ■• *PSK!A,'BhsSn(m, “ Aoj*. eMsfti&asa: , Sdrth. w* .waredaatil wfldto’r, "T" 1 ' 4n diMriaiMM SdifMn on tnart... _Th» owwi of thwiiut* triUimt In uoecataUe for' U»wl«^toMM»«SAu .'"•'. u4 Maels, tha-rsmittm beint Fare by tMi ronte Vto « *r oent. oheayar by- T «gwW^i-„—•» r. BB tgSSaftrnri: SIS ■ g® ~ nm 'is ® “ i■> w. 1 ,' *VWMS. HDWTES A GAMMEIiL. EoiFlotliU from ChOTloctoa, >t*u»r CsroEoa «rr»rt £.o' NOTIfcES. ’wjdXlOE TO BOXLDEIRS.—The Board of A 1 Gomiaiuioaera under oaf ct ol Anrablr ontttlrd •rfonon otPuNio Baildinn la ths City of Philadelphia,” eptfovM inri *, ickiT hereby lavite»laneandaetiiuteaerf eottfo PT the inte aropoeea ta bo erected. .There baiUtnyfarede- the eoarte of Joatica, • TN»M of the county, aod also {or the aceoroaiodauoa of.the eeveretdepartmepte and ofieere of' the niatici p»U©rem»entofthecityofajiidejreia, * i They are to be placed on Fecn Benare: the bnilditire rTSir; aectlonofeaidSeoare ; ■ - Aetateaestfin detail,of tbereteatof tion reaatredfpr the reepective dspartroenta and eflcoe to be located: ta these baildinst bee been printed, and cerreM deaigoißf to prepare plsm are hereby referred for copies to aay or the Boanlrf ConaHSoatn. Ground plena, sectians. eleraiione* aad perspective views of eaon< bnildinc will here*anite,aoeompeat«d irito dear and full explanations . The eeuroatee are to be.aecoropanied by complete specifications, and with explanations of the whole to sitapfotjalnate, that they roar be readily oota prefiended by persona not epeolally instructed in ajclu* Each person Mbmittinf a plan roust radicate the rrv tertafs to, be employed in constructing the buUdinie un der his plan*. , . . . 3 . No compecMtion will be awarded pr paid by tho Qom mienooeTS for the plans to be subatttedTas hereby in-* ▼iU»d, until the means of oaming the said actof Assem bly into effect shall bejproyided, m accordance with ita 0 ' _ HBftJty, President, _ ■JAMBS R., LUDLOW. Secretary. ; Philadelphia, July It. ZMP.. ■ jylh-jw f'|FF>UE< | F.THE Pllfl*S OE t,PH LA. AND vr. REAPING RAILROAD COMPANY.,-pim,.- DWjPUia, July, II,ISSH.-Tiw lAUiafFnirhUnlToUa on Co»l irajMorted bltliii comwr Till beM follow., from Jolf 16, until farther notioe s .. To Richmond. Philadelphia^.^ InolmedFlane-..~~~ Nice town ■ Germantown R. R..-~ Faltsof Schuylkill. • «£*±±:~ . Qbnshohockcn.-.... Bwede Furnaoe....— •. JUrabo’*,.,....— . Norrist'n or Bridgeport Fhmnixville ~ Royer’s Ford.—.—^ Aramihgo,^..— Limenor., Pott* town.,; —. pottglassviUe*~~.— " Monoeaey . ffird»boro,_...,— Reading-. ~ 71. _ ' Lessport Mohrsvilie.. . Hamburg. , OrwlKgb r g and Auburn. By order of the Board <>f Manager*. w fili im W, H. rtcILHJBNNKV, B 25 7 do prime No. I Balmon. , - f ' 100 quintals ©read Sank Codfish. . v ' - too boxes new Berkimfr oounty Cheese, r r-r “~smNm^ HAVANA CIGAKS.—Just i&eived, per bark Arm Elizabeth, a large |*d. varied amort metlti comprising several new braMb, together with others of the most celebrated— / *•BlaekBea, ,, Adoracion, Figaro, Neptuno, . Cabahas, - Partatas, , Lightning, Arroyo Hondo, Arqueil?, , Pruebeee. &o, Ae.. of all the Regsha, Opera* Londres, Milhir, Figunnes, and pressed sixes—now in store, and for sale lo *lo b lw 130 H WAliWUT8tl^t gTAVANA CIGARS—A LARGE, HAND- M.M. SOME anA VaHIED ASSORTMENT! cos sis* SaP^(OLA FI ARO^KIXBB', &VA B, 4!£.T^ , aflS!l^^ street- • “ leia-lai nRIVi-WELLS Cleaned it a low price, «. j. a ■ ai' -iv tuC MaTBODWS a SONasr.r 'eALBa AtmßKHimiwn^inuiiy; uS xLfc'TztfZltitf flts/S 3sut .rwrtl, faf which >n maM wmUt,) (ii. ol enrexe*, • - - TO SPOKBRLLBBS. wiUcomaMiee on MONDAY* Bepteroberl7.lM. Cetalogiuß m preo. V .DBAli &TATB BALB J ULY 9C SSS^a&tirwsSsssws Ki&ra'ur.- of j*M. B.'U itoSS^JftiSTlS 0 AC#EBTiIibE»IjAIwKioirrif. .. B t?SR. I < , SJCU.*9 t 'r(JBiS.F*EWCH Platemia i lllot'lyfKGS**? AJiB CAM®Ta» : »t StrMt, bt low EIOfITIL ihtf Walnut Pnrlor. Ihnini- Sooin. and CMml.r Pirninra, 6m Erannk Plat. M ir >m», Em TaM.tr> BraatclaaM VmaLaa CaiMta, las . Karrarjor*. Ckmm G/a*awa, Ac. ca thsaonini of a I I * s a si.si«fija L 63 L 8 I w . 3™ lO , •c' £ ! J rUiut lOf l.» a-;-, v. - .. , «•■• 'Sale Thursday at Store.’, Also, a Canton China Bluer Set. to be sold iu sevarete lots. Also a large OUt Frame. ~ UfOSKS NATCAN3, AUCTIONSKB joatnuin, w.tkaw ‘ 833,000 toioaa,a.tto. GwM.' ratM, aa Mamoad., *atdbM/jmbr,«lwrMM«,aT MltMac- tro orrier, Mgan, haWmia fii/- sitsn, Imldinit, aid on load. or.Tn, WRlftioa, ib P WTHkii »tm bear, Irom.A.M. to7f. li. ' ;:SpSwraS^«tt(|E taS mt MBti •tortloooA 1 81 ® •“ ■l’®*' « oaa micmi, for .. ■ ' ATP.aiVATKSALg*. 1 r.i' f thaureairellmrpiiere, gold lever mJSSre-watAee. mlver :tevar and tepins Bwise, and ».at uiofiMhinn t‘s. sKS?*a , aJkSlsy^“ to “ , »«^*f n ’ “* r* MACnnnsnr and aim. jf!v«f7ttfl Statewry. Bnu wu of SWry or diftwai am,—lwiwwi to-exocwU on rstMfc <*iek Ky*jt* ttaomUta of Fattar* issgEaSfeteftsa agagagagasaaSTr aad tpofi|rnHiTrfot aB wufft i<*< 1 tteir MMhHobmont. fro* ofol»rsv* mii wwfci—tiatfod. T'ho mbNnnn tort «ul« wJMrfda«rjHa« for fh paira oi t-oata. abort tiMf eta Itm ia Milwt aaftlj, ard are snro4r4 «Uh ibtin, bloats,nttb »•-* 4a-, ht miha he*a» «t UkUiA Q «Mnß» gKACHaod AHm Hmti. pyiNT PLEASANT FOPNbjjUfyNoJM rirj. h. (. now amnd to xoeoivo otwowr Bq&iac. Onot,>.ua 5. Ifuj Owtin,., Sow. =M Hon. .Work, Smi. mMtea imr boratoyj or OaooiaOnroi.M, in Orr or tar MO jiMM.^r MMu, t. onaicav .. . i« nw.Mf >min. ■ , » ftni Af.B-WABHm<3ToA BT*MTO kWHm . . BNGfIfSEEHr AND MACmiIBTB, Mannfectuxe High and Low fisesureBmm*Ea§!**•? for Lmh, JLver, and M&ric< Mince. Bmleis, Gasometers, Ttep; Iraq Boats, Ao.; Castixa* omuFkinds,eitherlnm at Bnw*, - , , Iron-Frame Roofbfer Gga worka, Work Shot*, Ralk* road Station*. Ao.‘ • - *• Retorts and Gaa Maohiceij of the latest aud meet im~ provedoowtnietjpn. ‘ - - . Every description of FlanMioa Maduaefy, nch a* Sugar, saw, aoa Gtm Mills, vScsnm PensrOpea Steens Trains, Pdmpmg Knruoee, Ac, - Sole .Agents forN.Jtillieiui's Pateatßegur Soiluif HOTELS. «T. NICHOLAS HOTEK, BROADWAY ■***' * YORK Whep coral), ted, tix ;nn mo, the ST. NICHOLAS Wuniversally pronounced the moat macmfioent* con venient, end tfiorougblr oixanisedeetsb&hsient of L« kind on this continent, hat rt was then it remain* to fiy—vithoata rival iniisa. m and m e*en«ral, elements of comfort lad sajormtnb The otel ha* •oeotemodntkuM for oa* tfcMiikacsU, in one hundred coopldte hmn ttmmmmuioi famUies. but hondred persons canbe ocauSstaoiy wrtrt at the tables dr ltktbree subhe-qiarn* .rooms, end no .thin* that modern art tea Muieed for the eoavesWneeaitd social trstifioation if the tiaveilms fuuia ku been omittedin its plan,oris neeieetad is it*praot:cai det&ik. The cart; reputation of , the house at home sal abroad* denied.from,its asgroltudo. its swath appointment*, and its home* like eomfort* ana luxuries, has been *p naaeed every year by. the unvearied wart Mas of the proprietors.„ - JMtfita TJUSASWBI4L. WHITCOMB, & CO, EXPRESS COMPANIES. SOMM): ,THE ADAMS EXPRESS sSKSSBaco.,O*O.32O chestnut street, tomorda Fnreeli. Packacea, BankNotea. and haeoie, either toy )U own Lane* or reeonn*cUwo with other Exeroaa Cnmaamec, to all IM jrinotfel town. and oitiee of the United Statea. , . K. 8. SANUPORD, ieM-tf - General Surermtendent. EDUCATIONAL. - [Mas. FSEDEBIOK HODGES, OF BOS* f*«*- TOJMctejuf* optnin* a BCHOOI* TO* YOVm (JLDIES in thie city* copuaeneiax m September Bext, Mjr*.H.hwJbshoßor ofrefemnx tothe JUr. Alex. He TmtOQi D. D-i Hector of tile Charon of the Holy Tnaltr. Circular*. with foil sarticßlar*, may be obtained of Mr, F. H. Hoogeg, Toi vINg street. aytt-jhn* AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a -t*- reliable medium ttiromh whioh Schools and Faral lieamay obtain eomeetentteaoboti. Parent* may ob nll-tf , W CKESTSut Street. FMladelakie. IJRYANT * STRATTON’S NATIONAL •aA .MERQANTIiiB COLLEGES, located at rhn»- delahia, 8. E. corner SEVENTH aHCHESTNOfs So* k >rk, Knffalo, euroland, CMoaio, and St. Loela. Pec ini nudum.aallamend torOaUiMme. fa»-tf PIANOS. dfc PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO-FOJiTKS. : . MBLODEONB, . „ . - P£ANO-FOigfKB. Made by Jlarem Baeeo» A. Co., Nonna aPcilirfj Sail* ♦,©»▼», * Co., and olheta. 6BY3BNTH aa^ffEOTi^T. gBM STEINWAY & SON’S' NEW PA' wrfjxl la OQBMrta and in tnvatt mraSrbj th« l+mi REFINED SUGAR.—I,OOO Barrels LO a BERING'S Crn«hed,o©ar*« and iaepulv®ri*ed. .Qfjm reams writing papers, naag- to ««■%£*?• BOOK-KEEP EES can get good Blank* „book* and Btalioaary at PERRY'S, FOURTH ay sack* joio-i ijf /NHLOBATE POTASH—For sale by »«^“ 6nai '" - 4 » PARIS GREEN—»Ground in Oil, and for Ptf-MSS I '®®* ll ' l ' * BROTHER, 47 »nd ,9 north SECONDBtrret - j,u CSTEEL PENS.—I,OOO Gross assorted, u *” r ‘ t HENNESSY BRANDY.—7O; casks, in hiilf »i»«. garter s"**- X,i»«ju,!2r.ml« i» COAPB. ® VAK , . , CHEMISAE OLTVE, - : PALE, ; B F&LJufoB TOUJST, *O.