The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 12, 1860, Image 4

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    ' tywito* s Wwi*mA3*§s!„~'v I'.
-- n'ilTiT'i P’fl V "*. > r ,
Crime IN CH4RI.WBtA'n; , "'!I!EW V¥ORK*
LTRcarao or B«. Af
, TMiini Tb’cSMmf stridlb*.
We ooadsnsefwia tfcßajdltfgtWrfdwa)M>«&,
2r« of tie THi aaeoeoaot of thalrooblweT.John
ephnrt, for ib#amr4ef »f «ri.’'J«m O' WIIIU,
areas, woo planalMo and ptoekwuin eonvateettae.
to poetrta htoMOlfjOfheT' «W|e fWpiW; ,i“ r e
ftmoad an Idanfhatlt
factually end*arortaK,t« : .**toto *s*“_b*r. *•:
4 gives thii aeooontof foplwrt i attMipl «t <
"when Kepbert wtiahwaiM*? tte:!Wi Ws opjh
tor* eeoe* With bla on horsebfob. iallortpgto
pldly to avoid theaielted etnHttpde, His f»«}
*>•» tied
to allow bin to iron tnto the jslt.andhebaetlly
earned Into the oelKwithibs r(ft>e drag»lwr'HM to
tbe other lag. Tbll pleae or ropehe aeetoted; In
the ban* end aalteraeatit was nohathonatht of:
again be 'he «*i«rHf or anyone: 'This pleoe of
lopo, baad-onfrd e'sbe was.batledto bars of Ws
prison diw, andelipplog the peoapnrottndbis
peek, standing on the edre of hi* bed dot bis b»dy
le’l. By drawing hi* knew -np ! he, kept his feet
from the door. » i.f-
When found -be wu speeobieas.audrem allied
'spasehlaa* until oeelhcnr
the! he wifi recover, H« evidently mi determin
ed to dio. mhe could hare relieved. the cboklbg
by standing onhl#ieek. -- - -■■• -
Tha Kutrkeye ofthe 7th inst., thui*deserlbeb,th©
At early hour of July 5 this' psppte bfcgan jo
assemble upon tH ground, wheta. according to re
port* Kephart'wouldbo bung.. The place chosen
was on the left hunk of Cedar creaky upon tfae road
feeding north from Batavia to, Abingdon, about o,
hundred yards ox more from the bridge, that sptas
the ereek r.-%\ *?' •- L - -
The writer arrived Abon the ground about ten
e’etoek A. M.. nedPalrmtily ahtmdredormors
people were waiting, and the scaffold ,was ju patet? l
of erection, whUe two men were busy digging the
*By noon two thousand people at least had gathered
to witness the attention, which was a novelty, per
haps. to the majority j and. on. the right bank" pf ■
the ereek, fronting the
when the bodies of-the.murdered woman and chil
dren had been fmad.'tbe 1 women,-%bo'numbered
three or four:huhdJW,'-were:.hea6id;'ahd; L -%fcf£
shamed, were as merry as thoogh.lheybedbeofl
Incited to a bridal scene; but,Jf/oheata distance
had been deluded,-. upon drawing, near to, listen
totheehattinf.he would have learned, then and
there, that tender womTO r kitid-h'«arteo f mild, and
lovely, can be jray, even'when an engiso. Ofrdetth
ftareetbemlu the flsee?'yes, s ead amen
dangles in the air, whose neek is broken bv the
fall from tbe of "the gttfowr, and'wW,
hangs suspended by a rope until the Isit vestige or !
breath Is ohoked out ofblm, and his spirit-goes to.
the world of shades,.. jt/"< ?? ,
At 12 o'clock, a messenger arrived with the In-,
telllgenoe that themob had. broken Into, the jill,**'
Fairfield, and taken the prisoner from the P9werof
the law despite the ‘ tbat bad
been spoken In,behalf ©f'legai justice, and wero
fast appmaobfng./
At 2 P. M. a distinguished etiisen of Agency'
stepped upon tbercaffbld and made a ner
vous harangue ,to the multitude, fa which be ap -
proved the proceedings throughout! and in which
he remarked that he professed to be a Oed-fearitij?
man and law-abiding’eitfsenfbat'whbnOdevHfi
• came tma bell we should send them beck,—"" . ~
At 3 the mutderer, the vfotiaireltaibed
the ladder and stood upon the engine of death, iw.
more to bresthe upon the «artb; ,Tfmo bad beet
gives him to.make a oonfe , rtonV and as It'.bnd.
not expired, ho was allowed to sit do wo, to- pass a*
eaaUvas .fewrcnulnlng moments' of
hit life. ‘ '
* At a quarter past three he was forced upea tty*
trap-door, a wbite^Wndheri^l^r.having been tied
•round his bead to hldebta face frCnTtlie gase of
iba eager spectators'' . .< : Y,.. r - t ,..
Bf calls from numerous voices the handkercbfei
was removed for &f«w 'mpmenfe,.to> altofe the raid- ’
tihide to look .upon his eauptenehee,fitt4b> allow
him a last look t ab the . bright sunlight and th*
beiofy of nature* and while J»e thud stood, his cvp'
caught sight ofhla grave,: which • yawtftd-befaea l 3 l -
and then, perhaps, a .volume -ef thoughts, -tb*,
thoughts and deeds of crowded,
his memory, and he ob,
know that the sins of his Hfe. thS eorroilriSDdjoy?.
the light and darkness of bis "career,‘ciflmlnatrd.'
then and there. Tbe handkerchief < was replaced
and, uuconfeased, without a word, the fope c
cut, and he hung suspended between heaven and
earth. . . - ■
{From the N. T, Timecof ?eetordaj,l
The day fixed upon forth* execution of the nolo
rioorplrate Hfekt U Friday, the 18th instant, «rio
the place Bedloe’e Idsnd, in Use :harbor of, New
Tors As the time for this execution approaches'
something of the excitement which was produced by
the first details of the awful srime fs renewed lQ
public mind, and thousand* bare already applied -
to the tJ 8 marshal for tfofcetsto witness it.. JThi*
feeltox wilt be brrfxhtenedwhniU is knows tbV
fikks basdlctafedtooee folk
confession of. the triple mnrden on the K.- A ;
Johnson, and in a complete history I which' be bwv
given of bis life from Me boyhood,.b»B”al»>eor,-;
reeeed his agency to nefcries of rbbßSrtef, mupierr/
and other high-heeded crimes whtehstomp him ns
one of the most hardened and desperate men ever
known. ; - Wv -
If hh statements an to be believed, and they
have bMn made with a partieolarity of places,
dales, sad other oirenmetanof s' which strnpgl.v.
favor the eapnoei'lna of thetr troth, he hat been n't
parts to the eommimionof. neaplyro** kmirrt
wtnrrfrrs. The'hare statoiseot of snot -as, ap
palling amount of crimp. committed b;aaeham»n
being Is ealcaTsted toeterrer belief, eod to ratf ,'
the sosplelon that a mnrbM draft* for orloilnst
notoriety mav have led biHltoeiacgerste MseTorv
5a order to ure#be narrative a wide'aele tor th*'
beaett of Me wife and child,-- Bathif ee it may;' 1
the murders on the tlnno are fally deaoribod.wltl;
all their horrible end hloody detalli, and then--
melnder of theieonfenlob. which Inolndeehis life
from the age of fifteen pears, has been given with,
sash pertlaolaritv of narration—such as the'.' men
tion of veueir, places, nsmss of parsons, and dates
—sa to Impress the person who took It from his lips
svitb the Idea that It is enbstantiaHy trne. ;
Jlioke is evidently familiar irttbtbewbolewesi
era eoaat of Aneriea. from Oalltonla to Chdi.
Tbongh nnable tojtia<Lor,.writp, hCidied-Wlth s
pencil a tolerably eorreot optima of the. shaft ;of
the Pacific coast, locating the principal parte,head -
lands, and harbore;;a» well as giving thenemers, of
tha interior tows* In Meiieo and! South - America,
their dUuooer ftmh the' eoaat, 1 and a de»ri|ittan' (>f
the roads leading to them. ,
Theae oonntrier, it aeema« have bees:the theatre:
of many of fata crimes, when ho lias been.engaged.
alooo or with, others. In robbing and mordent;.'
simply for plunder,' Beiog'exoeraivelyavaricien-:
the love of money seems hihaVe'bean theoveraas
taring paasion, and to obtain whioh he has always
been ready tofescrt lo tbe roost desperate means
Trains of males, richly laden; find prooeedingfrora
the mines of Mrjtiro towards the' opasttqvrnS.he
has wtylaid andmhbed, kill leg tho-rinleteera and
ethers who were in ejtergv;; Jle wits ip the Mori;
o*n war, and relate* many desperate adventnrei
la that eoontry. ,r :;" ■: - ' ,>'
Benias wenttoCalifornia Intbe,early,hfaloryef
the gold diaeoreriea, andfbnnd many sir opportt:*
ultier, it ia pre«iiried,tonpproprtite the ;hard
earnlnga of minora andothars who earns In M?
way. He alao eortlßes to haring > hand in tin
•tare trade, and relatra a ease -where : hla vessd
area cbsaei by aßritiah ernlaer, when, la order in
aaoape tbe conaeqaeneaecf a eaplare wifi Blares on
beard, the unhappy creatures were all got op from
below, ranged in the waiat of the Teasel, their feet
eelied to the ahlo> rhaln, whloh, with the anchor,
waa then let go by the rad, ari;l the whole eerricd
to the bottom of the ooeao, Aa thia horrible expr
dleat ia aafd to hare bepn adopted In fonn'ertlinca
to eeeape tho eenanjnebeea of.bslng detected to tbe
alare trade,.U'fihot -impossible that'flteka may.
hareaotnilly participated ip fseh wboloaaie alaogh
tcrofhnmen beiaia. .. j,
Tba whole confoeeion waa made in the pretence
of the depa‘y .Hotted‘Stotea'mnrabele, and waa'
written downjsnJ prepared for the>preee,by. Mr-
Q. W. fllaekner. connected with,, the matahalV
eSie The copyright has been purchased by R
M DeWltt, by Whom it wEI beisaued on ’ the day
«f e*esotl"n.- t: ,i'j• > -- .. ■< ■<■ j l * -
No ponot», txeopUaif Il.’ftethollo: priest and.
two Sisters of Mara;; haft Kant 'jutoltuyi ti)- tit
aall of the condemned teui elnae Hobday.”. Bioko,
arhan net engaged In sate of devotioo, manlfeate
the seme stolidity arbloh has marked him everaiacf
his errest : fatal,,. of monoy appears to absorb all
other ~ : Io arranging the -nrlae of Ibe
aopyrtght of thehookaed other details; fae awni
fated all tbeiihupaeSsof a teen who was going,
to lite to eoJoy Uie ptogte of the transaetien. ,
Thin far h. appear. oalte iodlfferent to bis fate,
and looks toreardjo the dajhof'eaefotioniia to an
otesnon when •be wili attain tU oflndd or nofo
riety to which he'ssolres.' A sutt efWob cloth has
bMn ordered forWov't<riß«fce*irp»na anpeSrimce
io; the shirks wbioh (8 (o have a wide eelisr, ]j{j e
that of a MtlorVy will have *n archer— tbs ere
htam of Hope~jwprk«d; fn white ineseh eorpar.
The jcalfowi intended to do servlet on this ocosalon
I* to be the one used aMheTembf. Khll already
beeQ earrUd to thxisU&d, aoi to-cf*7 the prepan*
tloos will have ieso eorapUted tor the fitting ter*
ruination ofthepfMfp’acamr.,
Tbe prisoner .wM ha escoTtsd-froa therfombf
bj a file of (Jolted Statespnriw, the marshal, bis
deputies, the and otber,offi«UK xolrijt
oo board of tajg -from one oftheNorth River
plan, aod prweedfpgtotlp fatal J«le«d< thoexer
oatk>D will teJcA plaoe between. the b«u»©f 10 ,A.
M. tad 2 P, M-.,.-. v r;V it
[Prom the liowf fPmjfcjpS'.,*)’'!
On Ibe night,' of the? SlstofApril. a-horse wea
stolen from Mien Meek.of. tbit ooantjritwo or three
, milts north of WasiiioetoD. The.tbief made bit
•Maps, bat «u tracked by. a brother of Mr. Hook
to the rloicitjr of St,.-Joseph, Missanri Bon the
thief had disposed-of the born, and. shortly after
Hole e pair of nmies, lo «rhteh ;h»i wesdeteoted,
and felly Idpatjded asthorogttawho hadetoleo
- the bona fmmthtr «eant»,‘A raeetla* of ih«l blti
«eo* was held, and the’ tbfef triad >fad: 'senttnead.
to be hong , A committee wasseotwliti; him into
In woods for the pnrpose of lynoMng Kim Or ex*
. ♦orting a eonfeßd«p.;'; , Aftrr oneof ftn awingl at;
_ the rose he etSofeesed.'.lp" stealing tha' malea and a.
Mttbor of other animals, among them the one
. ■ from Mr. Merits•••■-■ * ■' ‘
He was tskendooii and a hundred and twenty
- lashes administered fo htm, aniTpbt In Jell at St
Joseph. From.jalJ, bpwtiTertfcrereaptd the ses
; eond night, tbroaeh aid of aceomplieea outside,
letiiog ont, at the 7 'same' time, fortr erd»s other
sg. .s&ssaistessseae
' ? ,n fn® Bt. Jnntitrat the tame!pariob whb bad
S l , d “ d - _? W ' the thief waa Martin T.
■s® it soKsesgagsgsrs
wjPM3* tint - 1 ■ - r
L From the oU»fle»tin * k
0»c(«il.B t rwbarf. by MiohMlO’Bneß, wbo'klllM
hisownoblH, moßtb*
street for protaotion. .Mrs;
BidonnHl eho thoughts Wbi.n«b*d retired,,
wben abo entered the honw bT«''"° w "« ««,!“?
fanoo. thVgato having boon looked,,,irpon goiog
up etMre.ber oldeitoWWjmotijoliothrreyenwnf:
'are, callndbor. .nd eoMrer biby “*ta nndor tbe
Mm' O’Brien looked under the bed, end
there found the beby oold dead, with Its Heed beet-.
MetlaO' Brim wermurderedbythe henda of her
;dmjr«tber'Mlobiel O'Brfeo. A post-mortem ex
eauietlon held Ob lb« little tody, by Dr Prlo
lera. - The ekullwee entirely broken, toring no
lose thin ttfelvd freotaree i vibe, bask, of the in-,
Yant was alto broken. O’Brlen hae been • arrested
an4opmm|tte4tpllftp , t.til,*\;V.v i.v .
- Anotber nmrder: wee perpetrated on Wednesday
-nlebt. or ‘ro’ber veeterday morning, about one
Veltak.' it, N'o , .lB' , 'Cumberlend ' street, a man
' panted Dennis O’BrießtolbgUie,victim. Coroner,
• Wbltlng beld en loonest n ftwi bonre efier lbe
deed WsseOmmltted:. ApOst-iiorUni egimlpetlon
■ of the- body ,wae, teld-by ijtywtore. F'MtsAti. end
Kltuiock, from whlchlfc eppeered that deceased
bid reeelved i St»b In Ike left sldev froa'a dirk,
kotfe/whioh penetrated the body six loobes,
Shi -heart, and canting immediate death.
O'Brlea.wei vety nnmiy. and disposed to be.qnsr.
teleome, tor some boars,prerioas to bisdea’b, end
eatered tomo rooms, ofcother
boarders, looking, ,aa be said! for .bis wife. 'ln one.
of these reoms,-,lt Is aliegod/ he .track. nisvn
named Brady.- and upon, re-entering the -room
tome' time, afterwards,' Brady dealt him tbe fatal
stab. Thi'vordlsl nf tbPJofy woo, that Dannie
O’Brlee eagie tnbli destb.bya wound uom 0 pplfo
JhUbehahds,of Patrtak-Brady. , : „
‘ f The- edroner’e lory Id tbe osse of Bennet. the
who wnYsbot oh; Tueafleyl rendered, thrir
vcralot on Weduesday. to theeffwMbat John Ben
net c*ra© to Mu'dehtk fromapistol-ban fired from,
B O Browne, while'thoy we're engaged to aa ,®P*
: -s :
'< The Tkvitt of yesterday savs: The oorottCr’s in
vestlaalfoo in theoaseof (beWelton and Matthews
double murder was eentibaed on - Tuesday, in the
Fttperior court-room. A crowd of spectators was
io aUendtnoe. ’ Br. Joseph H. Foster testified that
be MW’tbe murdefer running. and tbat bB had
ligbtolothes and alfghthat. "Henry HessMl, who
•awtho marderor b?th before end after the.pjscnr*
re»eOi ; keeognleed Charles Jefferd .as > s lookinfl:
iihkf'- tbe mafi that committed the mnrder, anc
thoUght Charlea Jefferd’s coat; found in his trunk,
warlike'that worn by the mprderer.
tßanlel'iFrahbls,- the oondnotor the Fourth-*
avenne Railroad, testified that , about ef
theimnrder his ear wia at Sixteenth street, where
heheaniuthe ; pistol Aoti'and that at Seventeenth
■itrwet r jom'ped oa b\9 ear and. passed
Inride; that subsequently, when new* nineteenth
street, he went to. collect. hie ‘ fare.- and foacd he
had pamed crat of the front door; he
thooghfc tbe man’*reeemblei Edwin iJefferd some
what, tmt he ooold pot identify him. The driver
Stated that his horsM were frightened at the tyjand
of the.pistel, : and hta attMtibn up with
tbemrhe.dW not notice anybody getoff.
GuVtiii, a merchant on Third avenue,
#UM that he wasstandingon the northwest eorner
'of JStgfcteenth street, end saw three men coming
Yogetherup Eighteenth street.- ’ He -next heard a
report, one of’the three fell
and tbeipuiride man ran.’ in.ehase, being,
at no'time more,than twenty ysrds. behind him,.
givingthV clam. He states that Mathews was
walking up Irving Plat*, and was not in pursuit,
but hearing the alarm, he attempted"to stop the
murderer ksbe approached, when the latter shot
him; Hesitated also*that young Paschal Intimated
him after the murder that,he (Pamhal) “ had a
‘guess’’’; who the,murderer was-—that’ “It Vu a
jft'mlly difficulty;” Mr.' Curtis oould not identify
the Jeffords. ~ : • •
.. A young lady, who was standing near Mr. Cur
tlsiit thrtime, concurred In some of his statements,
but could hot recognise the murderer. %Sr r Bron
son, the: proprietor of tbe ; Johnson House, whore
Sdwlo rtatcd thofc he wea i plaving cards on the
night of the murder, stated that heknew of no such
f-tot.; and - from inquiries hehad made of bis em
ployees, he was satisfied that be bad not hr on there,
ai represented ihbfs statement. Mrs, Walton gave
farther testimony* which referred principally to In
etaneaa to which persons had made threats against
Mr. Walton’s life. • The inquest was further ad-
next Tuesday.
‘, At, Wotceater/ 6n Friday, according to a* .ac
count . in the Spy, one John McNulty was eohuuit
ded to;the, House ofCorrection, for non-paymonfc.of
f 5 fine and oof ts for disturbing the pesbe on Spring
•treat, iir that city, on the 4th of July last, and-on
Saturday he! was tokenJail Bpd put into the
care bound for Moutreal, under charge of a Cana
dian officer, Deputy'Sh'Criff John,ffibbard, of St-,
Johu. ou .a oharge of befog nn ac-
io two most fppl murders committed near
that loeality on the’7m day of April last- Officer
Hibb«jd -had long been on his track, and had tra
yelled over 1.800 miles in pursuit pf him:
The murders r eferred to. were eommUtpd about
seveti afles from Bt. John,, and about thirty-three
mites from Montreal.' - The personsmurdered were
Mr*. Adelaide Baarillon and herdaugVevrMarie
Bstelllon. Mola* Colietteasd Flavian
'Vdrep (the Utter.* formerly Worcester
by the nsme of* John Morey),'were* seccmp|iees
with MeNnlty to ihis' double- murder,'-' They
in jaii to Montreal, awaiting triab .lt wis one of
(h* most'brutal murders on record, perpetrated In
the weed* at romfc: distance from any hoose, tbe
bodleiof the vUtim* beingmosthorribly mutilated
and manjried. ■ The. cauto- of IV was a jnest per-,
*iatefit 'rmjtfl*l on the part of ; fa* daughter, a girl
k of fifteen, to'yield '-to'the demands of the;perpetra
tor* of'the ontrage._- The bodies of
were not diseorered until nineteen day* sftey.the
murder, wars ft übd covered with leaves
, aud limbs of Y /-
iuut ob raw‘Chau a a : ov .)«trdxb ahp.dis
"/-''J CfiAßflß/: -• . *
•,Y Thomas vu arrested on Ba
,turday sight lastjrby-Officers Groves J and .New-.
comb, on the oath of Bawh McNeil, charging him j
wUh the murder of a mau to Philadelphia, some j
duee, by drowning hint to the river. The 1
aeCuled,~wben arrested, denied- the. charge, and <
informed that thecharge bad been pre
fe'red through malise.3 He was locked' up, and 6
telegrem/rent to'Pbllsdelphin, informing the nn-
Jhorities.of requesting imormatlon.
No sttUfaetory information being received, be was
taken before Justtae'.Showaore at 10 o’clock on
Sunday mornlnr, aid, on examination, conducted
by Frederick Pinkney,Esq", deputy State’s attor
ney,' ’ eliciting no*hing to, rapport the charge, he
vu acquitted.— Clipper; * ,
y 'j-\: Hoffman, thePefmiUer.
~sx*rcß or his 'AFPSAiuircv, habits, ’Ac.
(Promthe;Jlew YorkTimet ( of Tuesday*} ■/’, .
Frcderick Hoffaian. wbOM arwt at IHlea, fey
deteollveefrom tMi city,.has alresdy been noticed,
istohare hls preliminary examinatlontbis morn*
in*,atthe Police Court at*Jefferson Market.
Hiß otßo ls'eancps. andexoltes a good deal, ofJn
'tenet - .Hoffman is a native of this city, and about
thlrtyranof ace. Be la a eon of one of car oldest
and ffib*t worthy citizens, Mr.' Anthony Hoffman,
who died some years sinee.leavinff inrhonorable
naae and-xepDtation io pig family of 'six sons and
two daughters. Hr.' Uoffmarr was for many years
of the well-known firm of. Hoffman A Van Baren,
•ndTewAUamhoat men will be unable to reeaU bls
portly for® and gealal smite. Of his six sons whom
he left, all; hare ■ filled pwilioosjpf Influence And
respectability. Two am lawyers; one la a teller
'4>f,th*iMebhanles’~ Bank; Augustus was untll the
first of this; month <( transfer olerk” with the Fa
nama Bailroad Company; and Frederick was,
until htfSoddeu flight, oocupylnjjf a similar position.
.with the Paoifie Mail Steamship Company, ■, -
-The ohanres brought against him, and for wbioh
be will Mthls mornlnc arraigned at the bar of the
JeflbrftftffMerket Police Court, are the over*lssuing
of lillSshafes of the Peplfle MaiL Steamship Com
-pany'setook. valued the forging
or alterteg of two ormore nfltos.iiriongfjig to nig
company. \
'Had Hoffman been one of thorn reckless, un
scrupulous, dissipated yonng men, in wbioh our
city teems SO to Abound, we could, easily, dispose of
the question, Why dld he fhus involve him eeU?
and.We should content ourselves with - chronicling
bUarrtst, his and the malt . His, however,
isßpacuUftr case;hjad.ujiub deserves special, at-,
toutton ,'-j> Hoffman hadafioe education,'graduated
wellat Columbfa'Coilege, and gavo every promise
1 ueefaJ and honorable career , .
At uff’early age he became connMted with the
firlS|Jp|f•HQwlaod , A Aspinwall. andbn tho forma
tloo of the Pacific MAU steamship Company, some
ten years aiooe, be. was appointed to. the. very bone
. rablo position of secretary. To all appearance bo
‘conducted himself with great propriety, winning
by'bU^lndustry and falthfainess, the kind regard
of fats ;employerfr.until be became,"in addition,
transfer-clerk of the same company,
entire-charge xtook-feager.' For a long
while Mml-annnal dividends wero declared by this
company, and the entire amount was deporited by
him. reaching twice a year the sum of 000.
Besides this great trust, he took' exclusive charge of
the affairs’of Mr. Vim. K, Aspinwall during Ms
abeened In Europe, drawing bis dlvldeods, collect
ing bis rents, and accounting for the same faith
fully and jatlsfaotorily. He also, had, charge of/
Mir. John AsplnwalPe affaurs, and In part those of
Mr Edward Woolscy. We mention these facts-to
vfaow'wbat entire and great confidebeewas reposed
-In him by people who are pot generally Sopposed
to be careless In disposition of tbelr properly, or
Of itheir agents. ■
noffman - has neverbeen a favorite on. Wall
street In person he Is tall~oertainiy six feet and
over—ln manner disconrteous; in conversation,
°ort, brief, assumlog, and disagreeable. His por
80BM habits were singular. He had a dislike
5£ oa A to aversion’ for society of women. He
did not like horses, did not keep tbemj ran them,
rid*.them, or bet on them. He was fond' of read-
J® B r very oboloe, uuiqu'o, and costly library,
fl'eatdeal of Ms time, and of
was very Still this was rot ao ex-
Motive, nor did ita .wAlMioed shelves afford evi-
Aance pf great extravagance; and we are at a loss
to,account for the dlttppHranoe of the vast sum of
-money Jn .any other, way than to surmise that ho,
.yank,lt al| in that tempting and deceitful vortej-i- ,
stockapadulatlon. This Is the general impression.
An .itamenw amount of mohey.bas
.somewhere, and ordinarily Its'difappisaraQCQ would
crcate*y» caDO y flomewhera;itmt In this.pool. not
only hundreds and thousands, but millions oan be,
FHflf Nth** leaving no tracer behind,
-**®ff2fl'Uo rippio on the surface. : -
! \ Hoffman was very irritable and excessively
brandy, in
4pan(Uies, can undoubtedfy be,
tamper- It fs said of
the direotors was
about to b« M^K J^W>tArifbly, rortiCy Mm
self with a strong doee of opiam and branuy to
Steady his nervesand rirebgibSnbisflfoulties; 'His
safary was 12 sflo par annum,' And his expenditures,
stf far as wea known . were<nnsll, r snd domnara
tlvely trifling. lUs said thet he saved, nothing,
and can in no f way iodemny^thtfeompapv. wfcoSe
tfost be eo wantonly vielated.ffraat efforis are
being made, and will be eofithmedy. shield him
'ltem Mbitd trial Mod punishment.’ Forihe sake of
hli wldohed mother and family, this would seem
but in this age, when Behuyters. Lanes,
"Asa Hf ffmaos are so numerous : when young men
Are constantlyfpleced ot Inflaence,
wbere meets tfcejp, ,■the,pnblio safety
demands that ne ecohl offecdera sbould .go un
•pUttlahetTf ; /. ‘
of MemphlS| Temioaeee, hap voted
In fa vor if pacing tho aldtraaa of .the’city' a salary
of.s2fitf»raaHm ; «b ok . *
-A,Btotm paaSed Kook,
CLepnontnJuia t(doff«WD# ; ln on
Bomewhal tkc iallltaols-and
Ohio. A haj?kC4Wj,ofit!i* spramiges of Egbert-
Stft&tin Era.; DBar TiTOli, wu.blown downj and »
eevorftVponwnslrholiad takas shelter in ifc froii
t\ii gtorm r hlofrn ind Somo dWtAnoe:/ ■
Samuel Simmons wm eererely injured. havJngfcn .
I and brok*h,and hia keadana faaemdah brnued.
was. earned l between thirty- And-forty. feet,Jbnt
*seapdcM»jntfl 'A trainable fibrsewM found In the
rutefl wltbbneof-1 tolcfcg.-broken. A large elm
i tree heay the Hrtdebce w Mf. Btaatsrraa torn up
by the tofts by theforefpf tip storm,
Mr* monhis Bkahiwl*y, a prominent bneU
Tiess man k Syracuse, f N.-, T-> 'disappeared' f tast;
for ribree;months,hla friends were
dnable.tb obtain any information ip regard to him.
On Sqnday evernlng lait, a man and hia wife who
were p&Agfng the yfilsge-cemetery .at Batavia,,in
that State, diseorered a man upon the grass, within
the enclosure, apparently ln‘ the agonles of death.
He lived Jbfeg enonghto tell bis reside nee, but died
before medical aid could 'be procured. The dead
man was found to be* the missing Mr. Beardsley.-
IthaSnotbeen dlsoovered 'where he was hidden;'
,o?" what he was engaged in during the . three
months of his abfte&oefrom home. ; >■
-V Adlib, named Ellen Welts, aged 12 years,
was Seriously injured in '.gyraouse, on Wednesday
weekl by the fragments of be exploded jnortar,
nnar whioh she . Was standing.i Yhree ribs were cut
off. and the lung bepeotb torn and cut, so that the
Ultf nishM through .with great force at eaoh breathe
Another wound .below this was found,'»■ if made,
by a bullet, but no air esoaped. At first it was
thought ’that she coaM? live 5 but a short lime, bat
after dressing the- wounds She beoatbjeftoorc cojn*7
fortable, aod is getting better;. although,the air es*
capee at eAch respiration. : > '
• Kkfrsdig to j( AxBWsb.. —tTnitedStateg Mar
shal Johnson has beent obliged to commence two
ralta against persona for refuting to answer the
‘questions propounded by assistant marshals- under
me census low. The oases are in Trumbull and
Cuyahoga qojjritjes. "Aoothor suit will be brought
against' a’ person in Cfltwford county, who set a
bulldog on the assistant, ap'd you# cot permit him
fo hla gate.’ The penalty under jlaw, Ip
‘paid-case, ip tMHy doll^ta.—Cleveland National
Vemocrtt. .»:•
The On. in Ohjq.—Th© late oil
discoveries at &seeca, iu Trumbull county,'Ohio,
have oreated -great excitement in that heretofore
placid township'. Two teres of oiWend were sold
the other day for two thousand four hundred tjol
lars an acre Two. poor Germans arrived at Mecca
recently, effected a lease, and are now turning out
£ypnty barrels of oil a day. whioh they, readily sell
for''forty pepta. a gallon. . It is believed there are
upwards of two tfropgapd asres pf. rloh oil lands in
Mecca. Speculators are flocking in qrowdg tp this
greasy Eldorado. ’
The Great Eastern, was visited on Von*
day by 5,124 adult persons, and 347 children. The
deck is covered over.wltha large awning, beneath
■ which seats are plaeed .for tho accommodation of
visitors, and aboaotlfalshaded promenade is open
nearly "the entire length of. the vessel. Several
ftmall shows of gfanffi, etq., have -already been
started on the dock, and “together jre/Veeh*
ment saloons, Seem to bo doing a thriving business.
—#» F* tSuh .
Postal ArAas#ement. —By an order of the
23th of May, from the Poajt Qffice Department, it
fs deoided . that; under existing laws, the postage
upon all transient printed matter, foreign and do
mestic, and upon sii letters’, foreign and domestic,
(except where the prepayment on foreign letters is
optional), including those sent to State oncers and
members fifths legislature, must be prepaid by
postage stampt / and no exception can be made in
favor of any. *
THb Forged Pardon,—From the Secretary
of State at Jefferson City, a confirmation has been
received of the discovered faot that the document
on which jToseph Cadman’s release from tall was
procured was » tyrgery. The details of this sin
gular affair—singular is seyera| particulars whioh
appear not yet on the fjjrface-r-will be impartially
and more satisfactorily disclosed by the legal In
vestigation to be held In the case,— St. Louis Le
moor at. * 7 J ■ ,
The Sound or Gunsat a, Distabok The
guns fired In Chicago, lest Saturday. In honor of
the nomination of Douglas, wore distinctly heard
jin this place. The distance from St. Joseph to
Chicago fs siEty-fire miles. The reports of cannon
on the fourth of July, end on other occasions, when
the air is favorable, come booming ever the water
from Ctlliago and strike upon the ear* of opr olti
zens with grant distinctness.— St. Joseph Tra
ptlleri 27M7
A foreman in tho Toulon dock-yafcl has just
made a discovery whioh is anticipated to becotpo of
the greatest value to nantioal solstice, ft is that of
a means whereby the transmission of signals at sea
may be oarried on withont limit of words or sen
tences, and with no more eomplioated maoblnery
than. fpnipoles and two balls, wbioh, by tbsir end
less change of position; are made to convey .every
order, or warning, op inquiry in usual requisition
at sea. '.; '• •
A -TESCAB pater says: “An organized
bind of Abolitionists is said to exist in the vomer
i Of Oiark and Wayne, of this Ptate, and Chootaw
i and Washington, of Alabama, who aro defying (he
people and the authorities Considerable excite
ment had been created in Quitman and other oon
tignons totalities, and the citizens thereof were
preparing to 1 edopt the means reqnired to abate
the nuisance.” ■
If i 6 a fact little known that, for tho flrst Oyo
years 'of’onr Governtnent, the United States
Senate always sat Inseoret. Thp first time the
doors were opened for pnblio dismission was on the
contest as to the rizht of Albert Gallatin to a seat
?0 the Senate. The seat fras oontested on tbo
ground ,that Mr. G. had not boon, astbo Oonsti.
tntton required) nine years a oitisen of tho United
Blfttlf. ‘ *
Nobmal-Scbool.—Tbe commcncemant-atthUiu
Btltutlorwlll take place July 18th. The literary
societies will be addressed by Hob. ,Tobn D. Phil
byick, of Boston.. The address before the Alumni
will be* given by E. D. Bsssett; Principal of
Friends* Institute foy Colored Youth. In this city.
Mr. Bassett is a colored gentleman of liberal edu
cation. . * -
Acoonoiso to Edward Everett, the nse of
alcoholic bevefazes cost the United Mates directly
in ten yesfs 3120.000,000 : has burnt or otherwise
destroyed-35.000,000 worth of property; destroyed
90 000 lives ; sent 250.000,. to prison and 100.000
children to’ tbo poor bonse ; oansed 15,000 mur
ders and 0 01)0 snlotdes; and bequeathed to the
country!,'orphap obildren. . .
Woor, Growisq is Niaoara Consrr.—Mr.
Stephen Mead, of Somerset, Niagara county, New
York, is probably tho largest wool-grower In that
connty. 1 ast Friday he brought his clip to market,
at Johnson’s creek end sold it for forty oents
per pound. ; He bad ,3,302 pounds, 'realizing $1;-
:817 98. The yield was a little over five.ponnds i
per head. , , '■ . |
• Gohherce op New York Theanniial cus
tom-house statistics to July 1 have been made np,
and show that tho impprts have heen for the fisoal
year, ending the Sflth of June, 1860, $223 728.016,
«nd exports $138,038,450. Of the exports forly-two
fior cent. was in specie and bullion The gross
tnporta are slightly- less than for the year ending
June, 1858.
The . citizens of Kent county, JXd., have
held a meeting, and determined to resist, by force
of arms,; any attempt to rednoe their oyster beds
to the possession of Messrs. Long & Co., who re
cently. entered all the oyßter bods in tho State in
their name, under-whatisoalled a ‘'swindling”
act of the Legislature.
PAiSFBt Acoidebt From the Galona (111.)
AdmUiter we learn that on Saturday, the 23d nit,,
tw< little girls, Mary Ann Ruby end Mary Flinn,
were burled In a shaft, while ploking mineral in a
hole about four feet deep, by the oaving in of the
earth above. When taken out one of the. little
ones was dead, and the other insensible. ■ ’ ■
There bavo been alarming symptoms of a
mutinous spirit in the prison at Portland, England,
where 1,600 oonviets are confined; 600 ot whom
are undergoing psnal servitude fop,life, An, addi-
Uon has been the military-foroe, and a
chip of-war has arrived from Portsmouth, a threat,
ened outbreak' having been discovered in time.
Since tho; commencement of the present, nineteen boiler explosions have been report
ed iq a single J.oJldon journal, causing the death of
twenty-six pcisips.' flf these, seven occurred with
in two weeks. The mi fiber of fcqllprs in factories,
and locomotive?, however, are very lapse—esti
mated as high as one hundred thousand.
Krauaious Exercises bear the Central
Park—lt is satithat the J_,ocal Preachers’ Asso
ciation (Methodist) intend to ercec a large tent near
the'. Central Park, New York, in order to provide
for the Gospel wants of tbo neighborhood, and to
lnvlta tbo attendance of those who visit the park"
for pleasure on the Lord’s day. -
- It is said that tho whole Wpct, from tjie
Ohio to the Missouri, is one vast grain field. It
is estimated tjiat the State of Ohio will have thirty
million bushels of wheat, fire millions moro than
it has ever produced before, and that it is of the
best quality.
The New-York State Teachers’ Association
will ooDvene at Syracuse on. the. 31st of July inst,,
for the- purpose of furthering the pnblio sohoot
interests, throughout the State. Extensive prepa
rations .are la progress for the reception of visitors.
. The cooperage establishment of Messrs,
Dubois A;. Bookley, in Saugerties, Ulster county,
N. Y., was entirely destroyed by fire on Thursday
night last. The loss is estimated at from $lO,OOO
to $12,000.
: Prompt Census Taking,—Official Informa
tion has bcen'recelved at the Gensos Office of tho
completion of thalr duties by some of the assistant
marshals iu several of .the Mates. The work will
cost about one and a half millions of dollars.
Excursion to Philadelphia Daniel D.
Tompkins Engine Company, No. 8, of Albany, have
determined to visit their friends in Philadelphia
the latter part' of September. They will be ac
companied by many prominent citizens.
. The Nashville (Terns.) Union and American
of July Ist says: “From fill points of tbo cotion
growing region accounts of tho young crop are fa
vorable ; in some sections the drought continues,
bnt tho prospeot is fair for another large orop ”
An urhappe young married woman in Hart
ford took stryobnine to kill herself. As she began
to straighten out, lobelia was froely administered,
and through Its influenoe her life wa.s saved.
• In some parts of Ireland, particularly Erris,
there fs much distress—many having lost their
means of subsistence from the failure o( the hay
crop and. the. prevalence of disease.
Buffalo papers form estimates, based upon
the number of names in the otty directory just
Published, upon which they olalm a population of
107.000. ’ .
. .Posy Robte.—On route 8,809, Port Tobac
.oo .to Leonardtown, 'three additional trips have
been Ordered between Choptlco and Leonardtown,
twelve, miles. .
Artesian Well.—A public meeting oi citi
zens is,hailed In Natchez, for the purpose of taking
steps to bore an Artesian well.
Cotton FaotObV In Houston A company
has bbeu organised in Houston, Texas, for the ereo
tiunuf a cotton faotory.
: LThe census of the city of Galena, which has
just been taken,* shows a-population of between
8,000 and 9,000.-.. ? • .}V) .
The Great Eastern Ship is to make sin * ox-,’
euraion, the New York lleratd says, to Capo
'May. * 1 . -. * - ' _
■ ’ The office of the City Treasurer of Carroll
ton. near N 0., was entered on the night of the
21 inst,,and robbed 0f.51,617,
' A nzoro ilave was shot by his jealous wife,
Ala., in consequence of hla In#*
TgTffy* IVA r ? -r.Tp~y-
BrecklnsfdgAfor ttqnatter Sovereignly.
(From the Columbus Enquirer.] . . ..
«I »m connected with no party that has for ita
Scolding' the >jne-t!6n ofUs existence or non-MlftL
eMewlth-thomW-thomeelyfeß'; :, ' - - T
r „ ;\ ; • ;,V -, Ehi!Ckinbiuoe. ,j
'''TheaboVe wooufc from a'Georgia Diznoorfctlo l
Xhtßome Southtrncryyrhivh putt'it jb: L *V
collection of extracts, from % number of speeches,
arid letterSi'under the head’* Democratic Hoctrine
<3n,*Bss f[ V ( the object of which i*to. prpve that
squatter spyerelgnty was the prevailing sentiment
party time;' It does net
jrtv'e thdtfthe or oconsiori of this declaration by hi if
Breckinridge, batw» believe that he made it ra A?
stump'fen,«oh in Indiana, in 1855.
, • H» Is “ oonnwted with Bo yarty that has for ila
OVjeßttbe extension of slavery!” Did eyer John
Bell'ntier a sentiment of.that import ? > Did ho not
demandin'’ 1850 faolllttysfor the-” expansion” of
slavery? and hna ho' evor. in any Iwallty or on,
any occasion, repudiated .the* 1 object” of extend
ing the instltntlons 6f his section? If so, we want
8 oitatlcin to the reiord.' y.~' , ’ • " ’ "
And Mr,. Breckinridge says that ho will leave It
'to the people of d Territory to ’decide lor them
selves whether they will tolerate slavery among
thhtd. lie stakes no distinction between a State
and a,Territory, but 1b willing to concede to them
similar and equal powers over this question. Then,
why was’ he nominated by a Convention whloli pro*,
fesssd to repudiate squatter sovereignty, and which
olalma protection by Congress against the license
which Mr.' Breckinridge eays he would grant to the
people of the Territories ? What is the Seoeders’
. .platform worth with enoh a candidate mounted
upon if ? >IS not Bell, with Mb consistent record
" .'for a platform, incomparably more reliable and
’ trustworthy than Breckinridge, with a platform
’which fra'pannot honestly occupy ? •
TnE iyasWngton Exarpijtcr nays; TUe hat
vest may be said to have fairly commenced In this
co’nnty. 'A oopsldornblq^quantity of hay, as well
as barley, has beep ent, apd within the last few
days a number of the farmers b A Y c commenced the
wheat. The hay crop will be an exnellent onp, 11)0
only thing.’now needed being favorable Woathor
for swnrfbg It. The barley also turns out well,
especially the fall variety.- As regards the wheat
orop. although the amount eown is, perhaps, not
eqnal to that of some former years, owing to the
diSoalty of procuring seed last fall, and althongh
some of the fields, were put in late In vie"
season, bSve'boon more or loss injures} by the vee*
vil, yet we ore pleased to learn that on the whole
weehaU bevo at least An averdge yield, if hot
more Tb? ret't crop will be moot-abundant. The
ooro, for a few weeks past, Ija&'hpen jStafded aom£- -
what In ebnsenuenoe of dry weather, hut the seat
sonable ond refreshing showers with which we have
been favored within tho last few days, have started
it forward with most astonishing rapidity, and
ebonld the season prove favorable from this time
forwafi ;h* crop jennet fall to be a large onr. •
f)s Saturday, two girls, 9f M r -
Abraham Crofts, of Cedar Hil!„ In the town of
Hedhoojic, Dutohees N. Y , wero drowned.
While in the creeps h a fo*Jng, pjio of them ventured
too far into the stream, and’ wee ci'rovrnihg, whop
her sister went to her assistance, and she going be
yond her depth as well, the unfortanate young girls
were both drowned before assistance could be ren
dered. . The bodies were recovered shortly after,
but life was extinot.
A u?x£E £irl ? three years old, was found in
a alough fn the northwestern part ef Soott county,
lowa, near tho mar Wap&penjcon, and probably
a ooaple of miles from the track of the tornado.
She was seen to fall, and was found with her head
buried In the mdd. When taken ont she was found
to be alive, and Is now apparently wejl, excepting
that aho ie ndt altogether sensible. She oannot tell
anything'abont herself, and 1? utterly unknown.
' Thr
poaluiops. • .
(Reverted tor The Press.l
MAYAGUBZ—Bark CoTdelia-374 hhds 10 bbls sugar
J F Paniston .
WILMINGTON,NO~Bchr J 8 Lee,Corson—72tons
oldironPhoenix Iron Co; 27 do old oar wheels A Whit
nev k Foas: 29 lib's epts turpentu e 9 bales oottnn Kates
ft J'oster; 038 bolaroam 93 bales ooHon Knight A Bell;
147 bblv sets turpentine 100 do tnr Howie?. Ashburner *
Cifi 22? *b!a foam'iffdo fcpls turpentine R H Ronner; 52
bbU r-i>ts turpentine 5( do resin Coohran k Hassell; li
p&les yarn «ar A MoOjftvift 1 box mdse J Baker: SS
empty Wes's EEnirgs mdse * - *•
T. FROTUINGHAtes > OotmiTYXi ox m Uohvfi.
Rupert s. rked. \ .
At Liiri&Gthts* Mxchanggf Philadelphia.
Ship 'WyorulitK, Hiirtou Liverpool, July 25
Ship Southern nihhth, Harwood.. J.. Liverpool, soop
Bark Mat'caret, ftuig - ■) Pernatobnoo. boon
BarkM James. Orhse,.. Rio de Janeiro, soon
R&tk Joo Davis Lacaayra^oon
Bri« BMaH'u* Carver... 1 C'enmesoe, toon
Brig Alien • DemeraTa.soon
tins Mary E Miflikan. hord^n.........‘Cardenas.soon
Ketch uoniroerce. Bames .Moyhgweh. PR. July 14
fiohrKvelin. Vnrke HavAoa.eo^n
So hr Fannie, Vanoe Havaua«soou
PORT O? PiJfLAPIfLP|IIA. Jwlf l« 1600.
-^?:. 8U . N . S 1! 8 r.s 11
Yi^, niR ; Toijd. 6 days from Deep Creek,
Ya. STorcro*s k Sheets.
►ohr W F. Martin.'(Talker. 20 days from Meherin
with 70 Cooshinelee to Roreroes A Sheets ‘
Ji« l «e* Corson, 7 days from Wilmington. NO,
with naval etdrtj. fco. to Jairu • Baker.
-.?.i hr^S fI . nT Lj ,r r o K (B “ i L l Hi nB -* d& 7» from MiUon, Del,
With oott, to ChrftMin A Curran.
rohr Elisabeth Jane. 2 days from Faston,Md.with.
tn Jna L B«wle« k r*o. -* r
Bohr J W Early, Bippl«, 1 day from Frederica, Del,
with otto to Jas L * ewl«y A Cq.
gehr P Boice. Bojoe. from Salem.
SchrSlHioandoah. B'aokman* from Br'ntol Ferry,
gohr FA Saunders, Somers, from Boston.
Bohr Wm H Dennle. Wheaton,from Boston.
Srhr Hannah Matilda, Pr>ee. from Boston.
Bdhr HRJonee, Jones, from Jersey
Bchr Flrkwar, Davis Irora Sax Harbor.
Rohr Ever*- een. Potter, from Providence,
nteamer Sarah. Jones, 24 hours from New -York, with
mdse to W,M Baird A Co.
Rteamship Kensincton. Raker, Boston, H Wiusor.
. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, New York, via Cane
May. J Allderdice.
-Bark A A Drebert, Hewitt. Antigua, Jauretohe k
Catataire .
, gohr R P Klne,T.eedH Richmond. T Webster. Jr.
■ Sohr Jplmß MoFee, Townarnd. fiufToik, V& captain,
Sohrßatip Johngoo,Nassau NP, Perot *C ,
Schr P Borne, Home, flalem, Gniloway & Morris.
RRCo "“ en&n ° oa^1 ' Blackman, Proridenns, Reorling
Sohrßß Jones. Jones P ovhLnee N °turfevant* Co
HohrP ABnunders. Pomers. R.stnn, Ropplier it Rro.
Schr W IT Dennis, Wh#*at'»n. Boston. llaum.Osle k Co
BohrFl'rawar, ' avis.FaU Rivor. Novln.Sawyer k Co
Schr Bvergjeen, Potter, Stoninston, Kothermel k
Sohr Hannah Mgmda, Price, Weymoutn. do
Pohr Sbirtha. Raster. Providenoe. R ft Corron k Co.
Rohr J MpClrakey, Bt*bh'n*, Providence, do
Bchr 8 M fihAddiok, Williams, Norwich. do
Btr J 8 Shnver, Dennis. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr,
(Oorrespocdtnoe of the Piuindciphia Exchange.)
rrn . , OAPB ,I«LAND,4..JuIyII"I3M.
The ctoftmftlitp Cambridge, from Boston, and a
name unknown, are now passms in. The ship Bor
teneia. for Liverpool, is going out. 'Weather fine.
Yours, THOB. i». HUGHES,
Correspondence ofthe Philadelphia Exchange.)
M,. * • * * » , LEWF.B. Bel. Joly 10.
The harbor baa been clear of vessels since inrlast
The following passed to seaTesterday! Bark Ann Eliza
beth, for Havana, brie Dorothea, for London, ami sohr
Twre forlfovona. About fifteen schooners
passed in. Wind a 8 W.
Yours. Ao., Si. W. HICKMAF.
Ship Ocean f xpress. Hale, for Ssn Pranolsoo, oleared
it New Vork 10th mst. q
Bark J w Brockman, Brookman, from Oaliao, arrived
up at Baltimore loth mat. -
-Brig Ocean Isle, Morris henoe, arrivea'at St Thomas
to*h nit. ana remained tsth.
Brig John Welch, Fifield, henoe, arrived at Mobile
Itti inst, • - -
, Brig A G Cattell, Wataon.hence.amrcd at Boston
10th mat.
Bohr M A McNeil, Turpie, hence, arrived at Mobile
sth inat,
Schr A H Brown. Edwards, for Philadriphia, soiled
from Providenoe oth lost
, Sohr J II fceymour, henoe for Boston, at New York
lOth FDEt ,
Bohr ETrent, Hasson, from Providenoe for Pkiladel
jhia at Newport &th in«t.
Sobr BO Sonbner. Carlisle for Philadelphia next day,
yas at Trinidad 24th ult. '•
Bohr Knisht, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from Ba
cer's Landing oth inst, '
Bpbr.Olanwia Budd, Hose, hence, arrived at F&wtuck
it oth mst,
Behr Plehmond. Pitcher, from Bristol for Philadel
phia. at Newport 7lh inst
Bohr Hfclo, Newman, for Philadelphia, sailed from
Nowbury port tth Inst.
Schr E Pharo, hence for New London, arrived at New
York yesterday.
r John osborn.
' THIS CORPORATION, miaitorinK amongst its Share
holders fourteen hnndred Proprietors of the best Vine
yards in the Distriotof Cognao, its extensive Establish
ments being located in the centre or the town oPtbat
P«W)®t was orgameed for the express purpose oi main
tamlpg th.e staTidard oharaoter of
by AftiHe. W ofi lfe nfctiye purity and ex
apltenbo, to Cbrrepw>ndents m Tofefgn CoaptriM; oad
is bound down by lirStAmm of Rfigwanow tof Spp
its tranaaerions euttrelr to WitfiktHe
Distnot of Copnao. and wholly tES produce of Vine
yards in that highly-favored ioaamy j on po (Kmainon
whpteiei admitting into its storehouses anyT«anoy
said°Di«t?lot. aTO b€en srodQoecl without the hmiuof
!. it L th *A^ eot of extending the Just reputation of
tbeii brand by suoh means only as will meet the ap
proval and co-operation of the moat respectable Wine
WmD n * t M^ l l n,tod B^le. 8 - ?HB ViNEGROW
EBB COMPANY has authorized the Agency in New
York to put p» their choice Cognac Brandy ih cases ol
ope doiipn fail-ciifu tottlpp each, and the snCie will be
disposed or to the Trade and the P»Wia, by the under
mentioned respectable firm, n ** '•* fn
Every bottle is sealed with the oapstileof the Com
pany—the oorks bear the same stamp, and ihe labels
Ck-nfom an exaot description of tho quality, 'duly signed
in fao-eiimile. by the Agent of the Company.
3 The Brandies now offered consist ot two different
ualitKis, both guarantied to be equally pure in quality,
ifferiogon y in point of age, and degrees of strength
depending thereon, the oldest being the.least potent.
One description, termed THE VINK-GROWEBS'
THREE YEARS is an ezeeUeilt Article ofthe
age repiesented, suitable for family or thedtoinal pur
posestand another Quality, is designated the VINK
GROWERv ANTEDILU VI AN, so called on account
of its extreme age,and because the remote yearoi its
aotual produotiop is beyond positive venfioation.
, Obieotions haying been urged that thS bottles are too
large, end the Brandy of a greater strength than Is usu
ally supplied to the public, the Ayeotof the vOrapany
ventures to exprAtp the opinion that a urge bottle may
be preferred to a smaller and that io obtaining the
article of the exact strength at which it was exported
from Cognac, consumers may reoqgnito foe advantage
of adding water to suit their own twit#* Instead oYpur
No. U» WALNOT Street. 3m*
TER COUNTV i and Commonwealth of Feitne)!
Vania. .
In the matter of the Estate of RICHARD !acPHER<
SOX, lain of the township of S&dabury. in the county of
Ches er. and State of Pennsylvonm. deceas'd.
MAH'f -KKT B« RfIES. (lata WharuS Ithe wire of
HJENRV BARNJSm, and a eister of sold Irs and legal representatives, Tf any. will like
nptioe, trnit the undersigned has bean appointed by and
Ooiiri, Auditor todlstnbute to and amour tin parties
entitled there'o, the earn of two hundred and sixty-si*
dollare. end thirteen cen'e. with lie interest
remaining in the hands of the adrainiitrator. *o., of the
ea'd.Hloliard MoPli/ition, dp,.eased, and ‘hit the said
Auditor will eit at hie omoe. in the boron<h of Wost
Chester, eonnty of Chester And Stale of Pennsylvania,
on theKIRHT DAY or AUGUST io<?c «5i
M.. when all parties olalniini to be enlllled to said fund
will present the evidence of their title, or he thereafter
debarred from any part rherAof.
, f>. FRAJSe.II SMITH, Auditor.
. June 111.1M3. ■ • Jr 23 that
'N~irp T
•Estate or CKARLP** &. OaTrpENTRR Pesd
- M* tiwj is hereby givenihftt ANNA KLIjSA OARPEI*-
T*» R, the widow of the said decedent, hu filed in said
Court an inventory cm* Appraisement of artioles of per
sonal properry, elected uv ne retained oy her under the
provisions ot the oot of 1 th April, iflfil. and that unless
•xpeßtiitpeMi relo are presented on or before -Friday
Jal/*Xh, IMOithe semetnli endoot^nncd.
JeJS-tii&tt Attorney for the .
r W- ' -—jr'i'Tt’ ’T"7TT“^"
X .BAILROAK. . ' .
i860.' &mmm iB6O.
-*thu*hKttMniTjlWjmttei fot-tte transportation or
spsed apd icomfbyt bj spy 1
TCLSaMud Fut Lines run fhropgh 'w ;PHtaVdrg t '
vuJumteU*B*<>f OattorConductors;' • Allthtfrogh Fas-
Huer%'n' provided with ’Lottghridgefa Patent
Prato- sssefl ingoer perfect oontroFof the'engine*?,
>Ww«nTiVir muah to the i&zetT oftrayenen. ■ - _ ■
are attaohed to sooh Train { WoodntiPa
’ “ _ 10.48 V. M.
H«nlirt»r» AoooromotoUoji, via CotamSU, » F. M,
(MnniUft' ** ' ■ 14)0 n 'Mi
•PaSS*l»rs ! “ 1.40 P. M. ■ *■
“ ia 50 P.M.
Hallroed Offices in the West» also on board any of the
regularXine of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio
Ti JSr'Fsre always u 16#*and time Mquick, üby any
°S?or farther information apply at the Passenger Sta
tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets,
The completion of the Western connections of the
and Shippers entrusting the transportation
oftßsirFreJiht to Ims Company, oan rciylrith oqnfi
iS^£iSpS& e P?' FLIGHT to and from aw wint
C particular to mark package* 16 via Perma. Rall-
Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply
tp, or addressisithcr of the followup Agent* of the Cou-
P^ or, D, A. STEWARD? Pittsburg; ..
B.S.Pierce fcCo„ ZaneiviUe,o.i J. J. Johhston.lUpiey,
O.t Jt. MeNeelyJttamiUe, Jtr.; Oriusby *„Cropper,
Portscjouth, 0.; Taddook % Co., Jefipisonviue, indi
ana; V, W, Brown & Co., ChhotnnaU, O.j Atheni ft
Hibbert. Oinoortaii., O.:R. C. Meldrnm. Madison, lnd.;
Jos,-E,feoore,LoniBvillg Ky.i P. groOTcT fe,Co.,
n 1.5 ertoFreifht Ageuti of Railroad* at different points
si i|M Philadelphia,
MAGRAW ft KOONS, SONorth street, Baltimore.
LEECH A CO., f Astor House, or 18. William st,,N.Y.
LEECH, ft CO., No. 77, Slatestreet, Boston.
' f:t
E. LEWIS, Gen’l Sup’t Altoona, Pa.
i»s-i* ■ _
and balw -
For BnUimoiostAl. A. M., I, Boon.OStpm.,) ud
11.10 P. M. ,
1 For Cheater at B.VA. M.,’ 13 noon, 1.11,5.00,7.00 and
“jFor’wimiiirtOT ,t B.U A. M., U noon, X.U, 9.CO* I
yj, and 11.10 r. Mi
VirN.w CJMtI. at AW A. M., and AOO P. M.
For Harrington at 8.15 A. M. and 5 P. M.
«or Milford^^BJ6A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays,and
atp 13 A.M* Mondays, Wednesdays.
and'FiidajsatS.COP.’Mj ' *’ 'IL 5 .
•'or Bedfordat&UA.M. Mon4ays,Wednesdays,and
’■ >» •• i
• 9™ Halisbutr atBls A.M.
igr Train at 815 A. M will eonneot at Seaford on
Taesdaic. Thursdays, and naturdays, with steamboat,B.So, and ILIO A, M., L 45,
4io, ana (LU P.M.
Le&veSaheouryatlJS P. M.
»eaveSeaford. Tuesdays, Thmaiays, and Saturdays,
atUi A.JL. and 3tor. n«
Leave Farminston, Tuesdays, Thurad&ys, and Bitur*
days, ato 00 A. M.. and 4.15 P.M.
• eave Milloid, Mondays, Wednesdays knd Fridays.
atTJO A. M..ana4iCoP, M.. , '
Lffivo Harrinptoo at 3.15 A> M.. and 4.56 P. M.
Leave uover at M., and ot£s P. M. >■
Leave uiddbrownat 10.05 A. M. and 841 P. M-
Leave New Cost!* at MB; 10.65 A. M„ ahd 7.55 P* M.
A Leave Chester at 7.40, 9.10 A, il., If 3.2),'f.30, and
9,1 V P. M. i.
tar Leave Baltimore for ftAlisbnry and Delaware
Raitioae at J®.ie A. BS., and 5 25 P. M.
Leave Chester at 8.46 Ai M. } XUS and 11.40 P. M.
Leave Wilmington at 0.25 A. &L, 12.55 P. AL, and 12.20
* l iSave t Wilininston for PerryviUe and Intermediate
peaces at 8.03- P.M. •• a ■
Leave Havre-dfe*Graoe for Baltimore and intemedi*
ate places a. M. • u ? {r '' •-*'»
Leave ft; and Intermedl
ate places at4.® P. li, ’ ; ' •*••••
Only at II.M P. M., froniPhiiaSelphia to Bjdtlmere.
Only at P. M., from Baltimore to Philsdefphla.
i>7 B. M. FELTON. President.
TMrs?th«trMU. Weal FbUnuelehra, iliilr (Srnidert
train »t>^
OrorAat and 9JO A. M., and P. M.
• ’i tre f3O A. M. 'i ram trum Pnuadelpbia connects >M
reot w4n a tailr line of htap*s via New London and
Osiotd. Returains leaves» xfordat BJO, A. M., oon
neotinrwuh the 8 eo a. M. tram from W«tt Q ore
The beautiful soencry and wel]*known beaUhittlne^s
3f Delaware and Chester oonnties offer tapariOr m
noeiponts to those looking for summer boardmt.
Frflgbu for this lino reoeivetf At No. mm Market 8L
Philadelphia, 1860, taul? Bu^erintehdQnt.
“ A little, bat often* fills the Purse.”
A. 136 South FOURTH Street*between Chest
nut and walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits
on demand.
Depositors’ money Moored by Government,
State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort-
deems safety better than large
profits, consequently will run sonakwith depo
sitors’ money, bat have it stall times ready to
return, with 6 per oent, interest, to the owner,as
they have always done. This Company never
Females, married or single, and Minors, can
deposit inthoirown right, and such deposits cad
be withdrawn okly by their consent.
Charter perpetual. Incorporated bjr the State
or Pennsylrama with authority tcweoelve money
from trosrees and executors. X
Office open daily, from 9toBo*olock, and on
Wednesday evening until 8 o’olock.
Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus CadwalUder*
John Saindlor, Gsorge Rtuusll,
Maiaohi W. bloan, EdwardTVHyatt,
Lewui Krumbhaar, Henry DeUur,
NlouoUs Rlttenhouse, Nathan Smedley,
Jos. H.Satterthwflite, Jones Verkes,
Ctuvs OanwALLADSB, Treasurer*
’* A Dollar saved is twice earned.”
'tkhest.-nvtional safetv tritst com
.W\.WALNUT Street, .oathwoitoorner of THIRD,
itadeiphlo. Jnoorpoxuted by the State of Pennsyl-
Money .is received in any sum, large or'Vmall, and in
srest p?ud from the day or deposit to tns day of with
The office is open every day from nine o’olook in tlie
lormng till five o’clock in the evening, and on Mondny
ad Thursday evonlngfl till eight o’clock.
Hon. HENRY 1,. THINNER, Prfisidspt.
*« ROBERT BELFEIDGE, Via# President.
WILLLLM J, Reed, Secretary.
Hon.'Henry L. Benner, F.Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr
Robert Belfrulge, rrancisLee,
Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerbes,
C. LandretU Mnuns, Jumos L. Stephenson.
Money is received and paymonta mode doily.
Tbeinvesttnentunro maue, in conformity with the
B revisions of the Charter, m Heal Estate Mortgages,
round Rents, and such Crst-olas* seouritios os will al
ways inspra perfect security to the depositors* and
which cannot fail to give permanency And stability tp
this institution. qai-ly
NUT Street,
Uarge am] small sum* received, and paid took oode*
m&ndjnthoutnotioe, with FIVE i'Ett CENT. INTE
REST, from the day of depcsit to tho day of with
Omoe hours, from 9 until 5 o’olook every day, and on
MONDAY EVENINGS from 1 until9o’olook.
DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland,
from £1 upwards.
PLINY FiSK, Aotuarr,
°UT!-a°OD NRWfcJ f'OR ALL! —Ti>o never
wiung Mrs. VAN HORN is the best: *ua succeeds
waeaall others hove failed. All who nr® in trouble, all
woo nave been unfortunate, deceived by false promisee,
fly toner tor advice and comfort In love affaire the
never fails, Sho hr.a the secret of winning the afleo*
tions of the opposite sex. It is this foot which induces
ilirerate protentfers to try to imitate he., and copy her
'A I * 0 >°s the likeness of your fti
»or,*frsept friend, it is well known
iS£siS^£*fc%s£iws*r e first and only per
rft®literiesain reality, andean give
tailor wttiefwstifc bn 'fir tWconSattp of tirerwiioii
O*U t» tested ami pfoyod by tholicanaa, boih reamed
and sfngre, vltodSly ares eagerly visa her. * Cores© pc l
oome Ail! to No. UM LoMdAHD bueet, betwseirioni
per and Hroad. jyit) fit*
road and 1010 COERTNUT Street. Vitrified Drain
!L d JM? r PipeB J Vfiatratinp.Flues, Hot Alr Fines, and
Smoke Flues made of Terra Cotta, andof suitable size
fsF fiycty ohws of buildings. This artielo is worthy the
a-tepfon of al parties putting up buildings. Lar«o
else sewerage pipes for city dramat'c, ripen war
ranted to eland’s severe pressure. We are now prepared
to cpntraot with cities or corporations fur ting artiole In
any quantt y. We warrant our goods to beeaualifnot
superior to any other made in the United States or
Europe. Ornamental Chimney Tops and Garden
Veeee - JeS3-tf
GUFFEE’S patent
For Plain and Fancy Knitting ;
Machines for Shirts Ao.,
nib Machines of land I°, s And 1, * and J, and 3 and 2-Rib,
«»r L. on hand ftQ fi « <we order.
aJl h Ssl. Maohl . n^ i uBe ) he p l?' ,n English Bprhz Needle.
K^'ft’uns^‘ffjfi? ctmpMt aad moBt rapui
r?iL a fl 0 ! e f e D) ,at ? ll ' Family Knitting Machine, /or
;n r l ? a071 «$*’ 18 a , E , ew and successful
? ,h n Bi^ QBo [y 1 inventions of the age, and ranks
With tho Sewing Maoune,
Agfcnoj and S&lC*rnor,i,
I.Hm • StT SMS
ht a »h!l, i 5 rtr ylkmumhl Invajds having lioen advised
js !' P [ , . ,JIO J, SD * °“ 8 bar Surgical Appliances. She
Merchants and others against pnrolmihg
«° B P ta V>er residence. 1039 WALNUT Street, where
daily, between tha* hours of
and fi. Her hook of testimonial* will no riven on apnli
2. A -*i-7A.® eilt free l ? Br, y ? nrl lhe United States. He
signature m on eaoh nmole. n >v» t»wH* if
The abo\o patent ia dpemed, bjr -scientific and praoti
ti 2 B vory t>o4t •wor t.Per®{ltP t|*e public,
and coeua only to be seen in Actual operation Tur it®
mentstobe appreciated. Nothing ever introduced is
«o peneotly adapted for ventilating private and public
buildings, sohools, hospitals, engine houses, mince,
fiailms vessels, and lor the oure of smoky
ohimno?* they have no equal.
» L ¥rJ ,, L» ture 4 Sfid For ealciWholesalo and retail, at
M I*WMY B ilt.lAUmr Warerpoms of
p2Ll&i ,HAIAMq. nai MARKET Street, rhila.
Personal attention'wilrfce given to alt descriptions of
heating and Ventilating: by: the undersigned, who has
been many years practioafly engaged in the abor •* busi*
ness, Also for safe, Cnlur’s justiy-oeleunrted wami*ftir
f r ) ra,^ m,,an "’”' hMh b ß , fesf^ft , EvS : SN.! ,T
f'JASTOn OlL—Fist India, Cor sale by
BVoM^ R . ,U ' * MOTHER.,rand 49 N./h
"ENVELOPES.—Over 200 different styles
.w*SSSSf 4 * lfe " fMlw Ssr
gABINiS &. DUI. ;7_' r \v;
luasra.Htimt lura or dan»«, bf.rire. on Cotton ami
WooUoii<MiUff. anil- other , Manufeotonen, Buildings,
'Merbhanaise r Fupiittn , e...Aga other property, on favo-,
, nurf..«*jiA c y|,M ftQ4§irpio« w-umsi:
' , , ■ Cash Capital and SurtTus £324 $O3 77.
‘ Caen Capital and Nurphis'AzlS 399 07.
, Cash Capital and Surplus fSSff.ttß 61.
Applioationa in person or by note will receive prompt
attention* 1 . aABINE Jt DUYt. Atente*
Je4 3m 1 No, 484 WALNUT Street.
,01 ,
JL Kamb»o*d Shkb, MobbboaiL. IIiWUK,
Naibbo Pbabibb, John h. Blown,
jss. &4HKK:
CHARLES W. CORK.Secretary. feu
Np. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia.
Having a large paid-up Capital Stock dndSnrpius In
vested in sound and available Seonmied. oonfinne to
on Dwellinie, Stores, Furniture, Merohandige*
Vessels mPort and their cargoes, and other Personal
Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted.
. naaoroas.
• Tho«.R. Maris, John T. Lewis,
Jqbn'Yelsh, James R. Campbell,
& Horton, Eamdr^G. MtTm,
Patrick Brady, 1 B Poultasy,
.rmraTfr „PrMld.nt,
ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Seoretafy." fog-tf
OUAKEB oityinsurance compa-
STRE^?|ft!Ao¥fpHVl^ D OA?F+A2 AN^Slffi
PLUS $m9,74A70.-~ Insures against Loss or Damage by
Fire, and the Penis or the Sea, inland Navigation and
Transportation. _
k. P. ROSS. Vioe President.
11. Jh. bOGGHHALL, Beo’y ana Treasurer.
B. H. BUTLER, Assistant, Searet£ry.
ftM" |XVy»e».
ft&ffKHltw. famml Jopm. M -
£» NY.-A«tliortjed Capital fItOO.OOO-CJIARTKH
Office No. 5U WALNUT Street, between Third and
Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
This Company will insure against loss or damage by
Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gins-
Jacob Esher, Joseph Mufield,
p. Luther. Dr. George N, Eckert,
L. Auqenned* Johnß. Blakiston,
Davis Pearson, . Wm. F. Dean,
Peter Sieger, J. K. Bourn.
JACOB tSHEß.President.
_ , „ WM. F. DEAN, Vice President.
W. M, SMITH. Secretary. ■ • tpS-tuthatf
OPKOK 8. if.cpnjh* YTAMIW
\ Wo all parts of the, Werls.
Os fvodi,by Eiver, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage
fim'/te.' • *
OnMerohan(pe4cfinsHdy, T ■ * ■ '
November LUiST
JlivSs), Philadelphia City *S
loojoooj.Pennsylvania State gw ot, L0an...., nw tt>
«• “
SW.OOOU. VotTHote* and inter
•> - ertdae-~~....; 4041100
sZifioo Temporary Loan to. the City, of Fhilft-* ’• *
delphia ~ . njjoa qp
•tt,900» Nortf JUllfoid Mort- •
swe elr. cent Bond* IMKtt
•14400 Wort PhUadelphia Passenger Railway
_ Company T # ct, ©oopon bonds..,,. IMC9 M
•U400.M0 •hares stool Germantown Gay
Company, interest and principal
guarantied oy the elty of PhiTj}-
fP.WC, 100 ShtrU J k&Tfroa4~ *** w ® e ®
Company r - r . *, tll ■. n ... ~ ■ - 1 4.774 00
09,000, 100 sham' north Pennsylvania Rail*
» ■ n3sdCompany . MOO
si jßO.sharoa Philadelphia loe Boat ard Stc&tt n
7U MtM«WUai*M
SaeannxhSteam Navjfetioi? Com-
panj, Oo«qn .Steam .Navigation
Oompanj, Philedalpbia ana He
rr* do Grsoo Sieam Tow Pmt
jjjgTftjjlp H * A * a^ lJJo m
Nortsaree* and Real Of-***’*** **
floe BttUdin?....~~._64tttt
Bille receivable for Itunir&noea ldljse M
ualailfta d lift at A«noi*o—Premiumi on Ma
vine Policies lnfcerwt, and other debt* doe
Son! ***£l2
- rww.
William Martrn Samuel K. Stokes.
f&s&AtsSßu. p&nasi
Jam** Tnyittair. Soancar M’nvuMi
William Erie, Jr* ThoniAaO, Hand,
{tatftfisU; • Hfes: ; ■
fet*«L. ksr
fesSr f»T
DOCK Street*. A»iel*, tmjm a.
INSURES LIVES for the whole term of dife—grista
annuities and endowments—parohase* lift in teres tsin
Real Estate, and make* all oontracte depending on the
eontt&genoies ofldfe.
-They oot m Executors, Administrators, AwiiMM
SsntelL.MiUer, 8u&,«l B. Slckw,
BMuanunCoatM, WUbem IW&rttn,
feofsrd A N.wboU, juaee IS. MoFerlssle
wm em>. Haatert JoeepTi il. Trotter,
William H. Kern. James Kpetott.
gum!®! Of Huej. yheophifiiiPaeldißi!
®tatietHiill(r»en, Kdmnmi fLßoutlor.
KS'jO.'fnwMer*. ptuuetTi. Hatohtstvtt
was. iiss^XT.''
William |jotj«rt*o3f 1 M. Thomas,*
Varner M. Rvia, ~ John 0. Bretmer a
P. 8. Mlehtar, Easton.
Jew* w. noump. H*PT«rap* ao!9
, T , No. IS3 BROADWAY, New York..
Davids eatablisred e>tensive Ci.rrrepondence and
Agenoiestbrpughout Leland, will, fake oharre of the
collection of Claims. Legnoies &0., and ntteud to other
nusinres in any part of that country. jeto-stutbSm
• AGENT. FIFTH and CHESTNUT. «tv»« hi*
view* of the principle and tpst mode of Advertigrag,
daily, between 10 and 4 o'clock. Address
mril-Sm . V. 8 PALMER.
hm removedibis office from Wo, 633 Arch street to No,
42U WALNUT Street.
.Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan
tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wills,
Conveyances, Assignments, Briefs of Title, and other
Instruments cf Writing. The management of Executor
ships. Administratorships, and Trusts, superintended;
and the best securities procured for the permanent in
vestments of Money. Satisfactory reference given
when required. ' apSQ-cm*
Hu EEhlOVEDjiis office from No, WJ Walnut street
to No. «ae Smith THIRD Street. . nthSM-n*
„ , No. U 4 Bourn SiXTH Street,
LNearly opposite the County Courthouse,)
Prepares Ppeoiuoatiouff. drawings. Ao., and transact*
all other business oonucoted with tho obtaining of Let*
tars Patent apM 4m %
J Wagner jlbkmon.
Offioe, No. 110 South SIXTH Street,
(Oppoeito IndepenUeuoe Square,)
. . Philadelphia,
By the tudof reliable Attorneys, at different points in
United Stator, is enabled to prosecute and collect
ciaims of every description.
Particular attention given to the examination and re
covery ol the olaims orLegateos and Devisees, and the
examination of Land Titles and securing the interest!
of heirs and all persons interested in the same, in all
parte of the Union.
„ Hu the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner
for roost of them.
Depositions oarefully taken under Commissions.
. , No. fii South FHuNT Stre.t, ’
terolaTly a full assortment of desirable CI
»ARo, Which they offer at low rates, tor cash or ap
•revas nredft - -
. No. U South SIXTH Street, FnilidelphutT
Between Market and Ohestnat streets
Ja27 ly*
Mrs. still’s
A preparation new to the public, but whioh has lone
been in private use, for restoring Orav Bair to ita natu
ral color, imparting to it a glossy appoaronoe, and ren
dering it soft and silky.
It is entirely different in ita nature and effeots from
any article now in nee lor the same purpose, being a
cleanly fluid, nearly as clear as water, reouirlnx no
waehinr before or after ita application, free from rubhur
or anyuthsrohjeouonable ingredient, and applied as
easily HairOiu
Can be hAa of the following persons i
W. ZrllftrberU.corner Juqiperand Pine streeta.
1\ J Fennell, No. 36 Nqrs Kit hth olftet, .
ihomaa Lancaster Spruce and Eighteenth streeta.
Jkomas,Weaver. Vine and Kigbteenthstreets.
S”L®j H.TSS 01 ’.* M V Vgraon and Seventeenth at'a.
toward Gaillard, Jr., Aroh l>«iow Second street.
>*. D. Garrigues.’Coates and Tenth streets.
George C, Bower, Vine and Sixth streets.
A.H. Bowman, Bpruoe and Second streets.
Charles Shivers,Spruce ahd Seventh streets.
Caleb R. Keener. Arch and Sixteenth streets.
For slie wholesale and retail by
' FIFTEF.NT{Una LW3uSf r 6UM%,
ittTMAm ' '
i.yX 1000 bbls Nos. 1,2 and 3 large and medium Mao
kerel, in aborted packages, of a vo.y choice quality;
ShSfb&^fiWno 9 " 1 ' 1
ao bbls new No. 3 medium do.
W do. new Eastern Mess Shad.
60 half Db*s new do ’do do,
IMO bbls new Kostpoit No. 1 Herrini.
SCO do do 1 do. .
200 do new Boston No. 1 do.
100. do drr No 1 some F Sh,
23 do prime No. i Balmon.
luO quintals Grand IJartk (fodnih.
• 100 boxes new Herkimer Bounty Cheese,
Now landing and in itoro, foi ealn by
JAVA COFFEE.—I,OOO pockets prime
Jnvs Co#Tm, for sale br SRAO4M & CO
vfs vtrast. ’
WKTUKRtLL * BROTHER, »nd 49 North
BKCONp Strept. 1 , I<*
-*- - MA»*feT STREET.
"•«.^ B o a uTS^!. e h l ’.?r^! , , , . 1> ’ lh< ’ Uar -°"> Ho-.
**‘ * . On Frida* Mnramg,
• Jnir ?*• coittraenelog at 10 o'clock precisely.
Consisting in-part of— .
Kiohly carved marble mantel vase*. Parian marble
and bisque figares and busts, riohlv decorated Rohe*
roianOa*»«are. PrenobQhma tea set*, cot-ilM*go&-
lata, decanters-Rite Parieeloohs. fee. ‘ * wu
; • Wf Now i*pen for examination.
JL No. 530 MARKET Street, a0d.21 MINOR
Street , < . * . - r
HAS uniTereally frapplantod "all other
Ointment, and lupine a.,11 cation. in both tha
Eartam and Waatpra. Hemi>,h.rM, vEanver intro
dnoadi and ita hunnnt turns u la. tzpo aaorat of ita
nooeM bi all cajaniMin tfKtltnu. whether tha eaaat
be icidtnt or ausast,
BUFtfe4fc* ; BCALM r
rillciu twin-, and tha 2 flMhtiKcavadaatrbja
•nffiSW mvfaunr.-.
Children are frequent H seirersft from external in
uriea, eneoiauy trom * fluid and Cew»M«te'je*-
f.cricH*— therefore every R mother should have this
nee line preparation ©oh- 3 stantly on hand. It faeale
•ore quickly 2 removes tbTTETTER or
ohanc® a accident from 3 eapieswii. firt.or colli
rfow,should bear in mind < that this Stogie Extractor
is his host and only-mend. S it is both portable an*
cheap, and Should,ever be to hia companion* as a friend
fnneed. There are tboo- of living witnesses
to testify to it* marvellous £ virtue, who owe their
sound limbs and muscles 3 to its saving efioaey. •
gnrna. fcrj«J»«iai t • .. Bona or aU jaada,
grosaaa, FUtuK., Shot Wound.,
g°il., „ From jßitMi . Boroftila,
gfokon Breant. Form" gotta. ' Scurry,
Bitns of Keptuoa. Felon., Boa!4h '
SjJKSII.,', Olaniluiar Bia-gonjrfT
sSfe, a., so™, §&,*“■
BS“* - ter 1 * 5 * fc,“-
D k'hm,** ° f th “ VjMraal soiaa,
Bpidat the nnnolpn! D.poU, 14 Brradwar, Naw Tort.
m ;k«&,
J[et» Wholesale Agenta for Pennsylvania.
This Medicine has bee* used by the pubUe X 9? sU iiu»
vnth increasing lavQr. It is woi&mendtd to Cure
&V*P*psia, Nervousness, Heart-Sum, Colic
Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in the
Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney
CtoiWainfr, Low tpirits. Delirium
Tremens, Intemperance , •
1 Asa Medicine It is.quick and effsotoal, conns the
moetassravatedoaMSofDyspepsia* Kidney Comelamti.
atd alfotaer dsraagemeats of the Stomach and EowiU
in a speedy manner. ;» k
It Will instantly, revive the »ost melaaeholy and
droopingspintsf tod rAfotlfthe weak, nerro»s, and
sickly to b|altbv»tfoßsth> and vigor. •*
rjrWTaohs who, from the fnjudioioas nee of liquors, have 1
become dejeoted. and.their nervous systems shattered,
constitutions brokeo]down, and aubloot to that horrible humanity, the Danmiuit Tn*»ut?is. wifi i\"
and healthy uvi«-
J,»S ** °™ n •! aoceuarp.
ddo«» wilt remoje all Bad opmta. -
sdos# willonre Hsart-bum.
ree doses: will core lndigesrioa,
uas dose w|H give you a Good. Appetite.
One dose wi stop the distressing pains of Dyspappia.
remove the distressing and dusgieeable
offeots of wind or Flatulence, And as 'soon is the
etomaoh receives the IsruhranaK Spirit,
ing load and cl! pautfalTeslings will So removedT
. Sfß , »^»d^|r^ i h.a,.„r r o g .or t* o^
Persons who, froßdissipstnig too much over night,
and feel the pril effects o. poisonous liquors, m violent
htadsahas. aiokDMi at atiuiaoh, traakneu, lid&nM*,
4c0., ardl find on. duse will i. move «11 bed f-.liMrk
LadieaofWfakTnd.amklf coattitntrdha ahoaM taka
the lnvuoiatm, Roipi tbna umaa a da, i it will make
themttrosk.uaalthj;aid aaaiy. temovaialhobsiruo
asu Ur.sulMifj.. frnm t!i> meostnial oraaaa,aod
the bloom of health and tcauey to the c.r.^f^iD
Dn'rin* meinano, It will b. fdMdiaianhaUamedi
toruaatawVl- aauJaflou at thaaiomacti.
, All the anjotiJtos uks » a trial, and ID imlno» thur, he
Saavntntua liiviaoaaTuro Snail in plnC buttle, at
1 cents, quarts S 3.
General Depot, 4d WATER Street, New York. -
* m , , • j»yorr a sqmu.
Chief Cabin Passage., —Rite
' Gecpnd Cabin Paeato.- - n . .Wire
The ehi» a ork call at Cork Harbor.
-us snips irom Boston oali at H&mr.v and doik Bar*
l>or* *' ■ •
PERSIA, CfJSt. ludkiuf, | CANADA, Oapt. Lass,'
|AMskLOA tCapt MuUr»
These vesssU carry a dear whiteugnt akmsathsad;
green on starboard now; red on port tew.
NIAGARA. Malar, leaver BosfauuWe&sedar, «7.
- Sjg^SßSggtiSM:
PERSIA. Jadkms. ; “ 'N. York, We&reday, July 18
arXbia, Rtene. Boston, Wednesday, salt a
AFRICA.Shannon, ** N Voik, Wednesday,Aug. 1.
CANADA-Lang, Boston, Wednesday. Aug 8.
ASIA, Lott, j “ N York* Wednesday, Aug. 1A
Bertha not secured until paid lor.
An experienced Surgeon on board*
The owners of these ships will not be SMountable for
Gold, Silver. Bullion, Speoie, Jewelry, Precioas Stones,
or Metals, unless bills or lading are signed therefor, and
the value thereof therein expressed*...For freight oi
passage apply to • ■ • E. OUNARD.
myl 4 Dowling Green, New York.
Heavy Freight ac an average of mnKi per cecL be
low New York Steamship rates.
The U. B. Mall Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Oa»>
tain Charms P, Marghimn*wiU«ailon Wednesday, July
25, at 10 A.M.
• Wnm
The U. S. Mail bWamsiup BTATTR OF GEORGIA
Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Friday, July
20. at 10 A. M. , , -
' through in 63 to tt hour*—only 43 hours at Sea.
ftf’Sauisg days ohanged.moaevery Saturday toevery
five days. Goods rcoeived, and BDla of Lading «meo
every day.
apoVe every Un days, thus forming a five-dar commu
moation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South
and Southwest* ±
At both Charleston and Savannah, these Ships oon
neot with stcaiLere for Florida, andwith dto..
forallrliee. m ,
Freight and lnsnnmde on a large proportion of Soodt
shipped Squtn will be iounia to be lower by these ship*
, than by sailing vessels, the bains oae-haifth*
N. B.~lturaranee on all Railroad Freight is entirely
unnecessary, farther than Charleston of -Savannah. the
Juntos S. s, [*N SS^r
, Fare by this routo 26 to 40 per oent. ohe&per than bj
the Inland Route, as will be seen by tha following soha
dule. Through tickets from PhilMelphia, via Charles
ton and Savannah stevnshipe, IN CL UDIN B MEALS oc
the whole route, exuppt from Charleston and Havan
nah to Montgomgry.:
_ _ INLAHD vain.
To Charleston-,514 (W Charleston.-. ..fJI S 3
Bavanuah. 16 00 fiavaimah 8100
Augusta———- 20 00 Augusta—. 28 00
Macon—— 21 00 Macon— —... 12 79
Atlanta— —. :*2 00 Atlanta— —« sioo
Columbus—_, 23 00 Columbus— -8S 00
AJbanr 14 00 Albany.— —, 87 oc
New >B9 79 New Orleans 3190
No bills, of lading sixned alter the ship has tailed.
For Height or passage apply on beard, at second
w barf above, Vine street, or to
Southwest comer FOURTH and CKESTNUTf,
AftnU in Charleston, T. SUt T. G. BUDD.
„ _ . Bavannah.HUNTEß AGAMMELL.
from Charleston, siyasner Carolina even
„ For. Florida from Savannah, steamers St, Mary's anc
gt, John’s every Tuesday and Saturday.
THE (OOPONB CF THE green and
COMPANY fall ngdtie on the Jflihirst. will be paid, on
presentation at the uffice, on and after the luhinst..
between tne hours ol 9 a: >i.and3 P. M.
jy3-tnthsa6c DENDY 6RARW. OD.Treoeurer.
Nashvtllb, June 30. 1860.
This Bank has this day declared a dividend of the ty-'
seven dollars and thr»e--qu%rters per share out'oi to
Bn rpius or undivided p efits of the Bank pajama t > tee
Philadelphia. ctMkholders at the W>6t£R* BANK,
as follows, viz ; Ten per oent. and fractional parts of
one share in CASH on arid after tbe 13th July next, ami
thebiianoee.ttierraoasliornew Stock at tfte
option or the Bank, on or after September 17,1860.
By order of the Board
D. WEAVER, Cashier,
T^JOTICE- —My check on Commercial
•hv Bank, No. 1110. dated Philadelphia, June 14, 1860
payable toorder of Uotielßrose for 947465. having been
li'ator stolen and the payment of which being stopped,
the pubho are hereby cautioned against negotiating the
T. W. NEILiI. & (Jo.,
Superior WHITE and UEHIOB
Prepared and kept under oover expressly for Family use.
Orders by Dispatoh will reoeive prompt atten
tion. r apSJ-im
5T".. w0 “' !1 l rospßotfullT call' tha attoation of the *5-n, ; V’ rk. 1
advaace by the paokage.
. .Oraeiß for direst importation solicited, and Goods 4» -•- - * -
either la thlseiky, New York, or NewOrlov «• ; 1 IAJSOh. ,
W. w. LEWIS A B .•,»***•<*., v,t
Aa4 JUents ler FerslnHCed Dexcshe fesrdw&r*. aril!
«a-M ! Fiano-foktm,
> . ‘ nifiLODKONH.
QLATE ROJFfNG.—JOHN WELOH, : ‘ Hano-fortes.
hLATt'R, is prepared to put on any amount of , „M*de by Raven, Baoon, & Co„ Nunns A Olarfc
roofing at low rates.. All work warranted to give sa- HaUe7*,Davia, A Co,» and others. • M
ttßfaotion. Orders sent to THIRD street ana GER ■ - - J, E. GOULO.
MaNTuWN Hoad will be promptly attended to. . ny|l-l SEVENTH acd CgESTNt k.
tr.. rttn,-, ALt • At fea
yANDYaK BKOWN—Gronhd Pure ,n ;
ACCOUNT BOOKS for the Ist of Julv
K. JAM US fiBAHAM ACt°. ; ilstion.r, FOUKTH *cU RAC*-’. -
PARIS GREEN—For sale by WETUE- :
•RILL * BROTHER, 4T and 49 North BECONT) :
BtreaL ' |nS9 • I
Havana otQARs, of dtf- i
ferent brands, all eiges and pnoee,
in store, by re oent Brnvals. and ' by 1
°oc^ional»a]e»f 1 ' ieM MRtoa l n July and'August or^ly
addiUon^E?^whloS^w!' 8^, p ' lra ‘-' l r* In
to each sale one thoiisand ,^Sii!l!. &tor ? 1 ' T previous
loro, giving foil de*o«Minn« i®. M*n»hUt
•old on the following of eU to U
Sale atri?Jffl C^AN il ESTATE
Jntf V/,at 12o’clock noon. at*tba P>.UB>f»imVi. l*
New York Ist of January and Ist ofJalyT* w *"*. m
xirecntor a Sslt—tilthi of LtiicisUr, Bmm
Handsome mrtdern
Aroh street, we*t of Broed street 24 fci o iKniuira
Slf—I 35 fC 1 " •hromf’i >« Cufhi.rta?rwt“^S
crmsejias the modern and ooore» iemaZ
Nwt DWELI *vG, No. IS I'llv.s street
mkCL® rceo B * re ‘.L be iewen
-nrS™' n j""'!;? l " rMB '* c ! ♦**» mayrmnalao*
mortitre. •
UK«oa-or«’ P.rempCorr of Jama, Ball.
JBUILntNn LOT Sp ', C K o «‘S'; t .- r^, n . tii, ■
.iSS’S^TSi^w 0 AUK/STIMSEB LAhil.L/m..
4t”‘ fisa^asi
. . ,» E A > • KRT> TK- • r 9118 v 14.
Orfhaoa’ Court •a'a-Pitate nf iobn E« t .n»n.d»sj'd.
T^n° { , fourih^' t r<l ELUNO, Cl
jofutn* h.wto—Two-story Brick BWELL>NO, M
jo^ma’E«teto-Tw» afbrT Brick DWELMNS. ai-
B ETOtNoBc6^ER N v
_ ACARD—Ourssls this {^hOTul^y>nominz. At thik
•not on store..will cosugripe. ls*yi«tM irii of eiotHant
h*nd farm tore, schoed desks, goods -
,t * Ht l*l r Atd r ODe". two sett Csston
JSrnhfiring 4ll4lllloll 01 lsdlB ‘ *“ d otbera
'“ 4 th " *rt“taa arrausol
a Sale at Nos.l3»and 141 South FOURTH Berea*
ROSS, pxaNo-fortbs* 6russi2a CARpil^
. : « : , This Morning*.
At 2 volook, at the Auction Store. u aMQThDMtrj
s*®® eoibi* ban d fora-tßre, etesant^ruuio-fofteei
<a>pete, etc., from tsmiliesdcolining
removed to the store for convenience ij
Also, a superior liar and fixtures.'
A*so, a meat stand.
Aie*», two Rets an too sod Ngnkis China dianAr wara.-
order of Truateea.
On Tnealay,
al U ®’«-l«‘ tha,PliWfhi.
dw«llS3 ”fiSm , * (! .VSm t ' «««=«■ oaarl,.NO
Full u.Ttionlam ready iuha-idiulla. ....
B “TOM in thi« oirir. •
a Ri^ecdupyardsat two per o«rr
*** >. ******* *f one wren*. So i
T * - A’l' PurV’ATE S*T T?
Bpm. of tha’ finest GOLD FATENT f.RVRa ...
tt>.® uiual uUiaa »Im*. jold^ witohS
l ! .nr n1 1 ". , 1 f,' l M<l Vfh>h». ESah£”sSi?sS
Fmmb watohea. at aatonishica. lev trie*. Jewelry os
Attauded to jemonally by thi
with MeswAMyere, Cat
»h«*r Ura»a». jrw.ltr,
= SpSss&&i*-»-
- T22?\9 t W» , I’ * 8‘- Lonl.. Mo.
A L «» x^lg-tiutar/
suMessful operattoir. and been exclnavely easaredin
building aau repairing Marrae and Rive; i- aglaas, high
yd low presrare. Iron Boats, Water Tanka Propellers,
Ao.. fto. rrapeotfnlly offer their aervicee to the
as being fully prepared ta contract for Kncines of ail
aissa. Mariae. River, and Statioov?. having sets oi
jaterns of different sires, are prepared to 6xeeot* or
ders with quick despatch, t very description of Patters
£ maxing a de at the shortest notice. High acd •cw
reurtre, Flue, Tubular, and Cyliodn Eoilera, ofthe
wtFeunaylvamaobarcoaliron. Fortin** ofaflsiso*
andklnds; Iroa and Brasa Caatlnr*. of alt desuriptioc*:
Roll Turning. Asrew Cutting, and aU other work ecr\*
neoted with the above busioesa. . .
Dmwutss and speelfieauo&s for aU work dona at tkeit
estalHiahoiect. fiee of charge, and work guarantied.
Toe subscribers have ample wharf OAcx-rooai for m
paire of ooate. where .they can lie in peiteet Safety,
and are provided with soeara. blocks, foils, fco., ii,
foT raising heavy or light weights. ' *
JOHN P Lt* vY *
Jelftf BEACH and FALMKfr strasfo.
BEACH.Btreet. Kenrington, Phiiadel»4ra.-Wrir-’
■waM H. IIERB icfbn&s his fnen& that, haviag pur
ohseM the entire stock of Patters* at the afaoT»Fmm
to. reoeive ordera for RoUiag,
w d u a “ l}l Uaaunge, hoop, Chemical, ani
House Gearing. Castings mace from Rever
beratory or Cupola i urn&oee, in dry or green sand, or
toeitt. myp-Kf
SA.MVXL V, KUUCK, I, u««six SOUglUg.
. xxx£ioF L * s ßbziß,
Iron Frame Rods for Gas Works, Work Shops, SaiF
road Stations,
Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most i*»-
proved construction.
Every descriptipn of Kacraiion Machinery. ««h se
Sugar, Saw, ana LristMi'ls, Vacu\un Pans. Open Btaam
Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pufopmy Engines, Ac.
Bote Agents for N. Jvdiieox * rwlent Boiling
Apparatus: Nuwyth’s Patent Bsmdi iDuwer: asl
Afvtowdi It Woigey’iFateai Oeatrifoxal Sugar
far Maetnno; , . • « s *i v
When oonmleted. ox years ago, the BTT NICHOLio
was umvereally pranounoed the most magnificent, con
venient, and thoroughly organised establishment cJ L a
kina on this eoctinent. vt hat it was then it remains t&-
day—without» rival in else, in tumptoousnese, and m
the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The
Hotel has accommodation* for one thousand guests, in
cluding or.e bundred complete suites of apartmonu tor
fasulies. bix hundred persons can beoomforteoly eeatvd
at the tables of its three suWie dining rooms, and no*
thicg.that modern art hae ao vised for tee oonveuienoe end
sooial gratification of the travelling pacha has bc-n
omitted m lU plan, oris negleotediu it«prsatioaldetails.
The early reputation oi,the honac at home and abroad,
derived front its magnitude, its superb appointments,
andite home-hireoomforta ana.laxtiries.jbM teen en
hanoed every year by the Unwearied 'exertions of toe
ffficawgwß THE 43 AM* EXPRESS
iUdLiHlSSffl* Co.»Offloe 320 CHESTNUT Street,
fonrard* mc»li, Mere band w. Bank Noras,
and tpeotp, either by rta own, Lines of in DohUfouon
with olhar .J-xpresa Companies* to all the prmoipsl
town* and ottiac of the United Htates.
15. 8. BANDFOBD,
General Superintendent.
TON. intend* opening a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG
LADIES in this otty, commencing in September next,
Mrs. H. has the honor-of referring to the Rey. Alex. H«
Vinton, D. D , Rector of the Ganich of the Holy Trinity.
Circulars, with foil particulars, may be obtained of Air.
F. H. Hodges. 7UI street ap^-Sni*
rdliibi® median tKrosih which flor-oola &ra F&mi«
liesiuf teacherx, Parents msj ob
tain t cratjutoufi?, information and mroaiara of the b**i
■obeois. SMITH, WOODMAN, & CO.,
»tt BROADWAY, Now York, or
CHESTNUT BtrMt. PhiisdeijbJ**
||tNNitHsY PH ANDY—7O casks.
*»•*• "jiKni-h r.v*
BOOK-KEEPEES can get good Blank'
tpe I.&Q& tßi 5u,t,01,r7 >£ «*«’•. fourth