M18l» (tt. TWputfwas otdered fo ta file* ;. Mr. Haokerrfrom, IhaOommiUee.oaFluenee, reported suonHaspueDiskingsn appropriadou.to Bdwuri iMTOi'i W-cellwtw,) J. D.HaVen, and Howard Bperaer.to pay- oerteia judgment obtained duringthedjlpliehseot offlolel buijlncM. AIM.» msoloUiijptorsy tpg for »loan for tbooi- Ucstm oftte 'BhiledalphU !> . ’ Mr.’Quen-C objected- to the psssege of 16* ortl* Hence vary strertww«ly,aud ufter-wseo debate W*; tween him ea t Mr. Potter, a motion Bpa the for* mer to postpone: the*opsU»»t«o.Of it *t pretest Wes lost. ■ Tbe orOlusnoe wa* thea agreed to. A beHtlOn.srss p>esentud,;enWerp,ui T signed by aaerabeets; shopkeepert; en4_ ethers, asking that the erdioanoe prohibit!”* th« ; display of boles, goods, to j on tbeside Warn* mlgh t . be modified. Referred,py,Committee outivw,-; Mr Potter, siihiaiUedebilt directing the Hlgk tray Deportment sto enter loto s oontreot with a •nltgbtgpemoato pgye Cenal etreei.froa Front fo Bearer. /Aimed to. .. Also, a caahuiotoetloa from tfce Chief Commissioner of iUigbwaysk in relation to the boo jbvon bf the flnaueesof that department. Referred.to CoinHnUteeonmghwaja Mr Moyor, chairmen of the Committee on Fire eat Trane, reported an ordinance for the causal appropriation to the fire department. A motion net presented by Mr. Quinn to appro , prlato $1 fIOO. to jbe Hopd .Jfogtab Company, la. aletd .of ilOfl, ae-provided by ;lhe, ordlnenoe, on the ground thtt the Hope Company ha> m‘ Herat ' engine ip rotive sorrio*. end although not' yet 10. eased, abo Wilt be shortly, unit-tbsreihre.he thought that company as jratly entitled to 31.000 as’ any of tba other onmpanie*. 1 . It wasurged io opposition that the committee hed not yet l-wated tho engine, asd that it we* ne. oeseory to makeapplteatlon after location before an apntdP'Uiion eoullbe obtained ' - * Qtanametlonwas rejected, and thebill mu Aarbnllnatibe to make an appropriation of J 175 ■ to the Sapbrioteodeot of Traits, to pay certain ex ptn«ae.«e* agreed to: - Hr .Freemen submitted a resolution, changing the piece cfTot.rfp io tho Kightb precinct oft he Mints ward to tbs-fowtheast corner of Twenty saurndstid Cothhertetreets. Adopted./' ■ '• Mr.MoCieary presented a resolution t|hiog that 3re ping?, supplied by .the Delaware Waterworks, migktbi epdUtt st stated ieterralsdaring the ratumeriilouarat ls /otdar to psrify the 'water;, Agreed to. 7 / . - -W ■ * . Mr M«y»t V3'n*i u reeetotlon of thanks to the mllUary Mid flfe dsparhnsnts of the oily for their proßptilude iorespondtag to-the rtqaest of ponn ell to psrtioiputu in tho’ reception sad entertain.' meat of , tho embassy ftoa Japan,' whteh was elopted.'"' ;■ *'-■ A resolution , providing , that , tim regular stated meetings,of. Coaaolb.^between tbe nineteenth of / July ku<) Sfibttitbcr bo disMDMkt wbh, wjsaurapd td'.' .' ’ . A resolution Was offcred reoaesting the Ooamit* tee on City Property to make inquiry ss to the poo prletyof adding to, tbe Falrmount Park that plot af gwani lying,between paid .park and' Pennsyl. yaola uyeoue, audio report ,'the cost of thu same /to Oounoils as soon as possible. A creed to. Also/ * resolution directing tbe Ureter of Wills . to eaM al! btlls against property on Ninth street, between 'Spruee and Pine, for laying tra-er pipe tber*tra«- AdCPtcd.. , , • . . . Au ardlnaaee appropriating thrfe hnndred dol lsrs to the pnsrd of Heslth, from Bslest Council, wasooodUrred ii 7. A resolatioo from SeleetCoanoil, eutborisingthe eonstruetipi of tam-onts on Ccatei atreet, near Landlegairenue, wasoonoarred In. / ■ Tha bill authorising tha ereoiion of s stairway at tbe Morris eoboojfconstt wts oonmirred in. AreeplttUin Instruajdng the Chlef of the Bighwey Dspartmertto noHqr.uepioperty*holdem between Ntoatown lane and Turner’s lane. before opening streets in tbst vicinity,' wis referred to Commlttee oo Righeoys. , . , The bill approving of the course of thu City Con troller In refu’irigfo itqdit Warrants hot itemised, from Select Council,, was concurred in. A resolution from select committee, to whom was nferredtfee petition of tie West Chester Railroad, asking for, a sHling on Market street, at their de pot, w»e presented. The eommlltee wore not in near of tho sidUeg. aod were discharged from the forth»r siia«idsr»tfou of tho sobjsot. . Aresoluthm wes tead thut no ear of any efty railway company shall - be allnwed'to stand on the highway, under a heayy/penalty, at the espirstinn et sixty daya'erter the passage of the ordinanoe. Ordered t o be printed. • An ordthus^,providing for the paving of Laud* inn avenue waa egreed to. Select Council heramitaesA the ohaaber, tor Hie purpose of going iejo Joint oonvention tat tha pur* peee of olediiog a flaperihtemlent of City Railroad, Oommiisioper or City Property, ChisfCommUsioper of H>aiiir,ij.i,AniistaSt Commissioner of Highways, and Chief Eoginesr of the Water Department.' ~ 1 Mr .Qainp e*id- he understood that complaints had been made against certain candidates spoken of tor Soma of. the above positions, and that aE-. davits had been reed in Seleot Chamber in teirard tothasuhieut Ho wtmld, therefira, lilra to have them read for tho benefit of this convention- Mr. Noal, of Select branch, repliod that they did not apply to the first named offioer, or any person' let named forlhat office. The only affidavitwhieh hud been roed referred to the Chief of the High way Depurtment,- • ■ ■ ; Mr. Qainn's motion io hsve the aSdevit read wes lost, and the. Chamber elected the following oEcers to serve (or ooe year: “ Snperinlcndnsl ef 'City Railroad—A, Bartho lomew. ". - A motion to vole for the two nozt officers at onoe, In order to save time, was defeated. Tbe conren fienthen eieetedfor-. -' -- : < Oommiaipaer of City Property—Jasse M. Chris topher , J _Mr. D«uj*b>riy moved that the election of Cblef Commlesioner of Highways b» postponed nnftl Thursday neri lbost. Mr. Dooaborty said that au eMdayit ho_d bsan read in beleot Chamber, reflect, ing eery the ohancter ol Mr. Joseph Sbuuts. tbo present ipoumbeut;.' which, if true, would xopder bim obwortby of Ibasepport of this body, and lo though t. - tbarsfore, tbe elaetlao should be postponed until ..ail. turestigerfon could beaaed£ •, ■’ " ' - sttd Mr-r Shants had not yet been - , Mr Doegberty saidhtheid a'riip ofpapetin bia ganlwuhihatnaiieupba it;.'. “ , Mr Qdinn'the’fi reading an aflldavU, -fariwes oatted taorder bysUveral membarv. The. Chair decided that the gentleman was in .wjder, whert Mr. Simpson appauied ftom the dcci*' Mr. Simpson than 'submitted bis appeal In wri una. ent.subatquently withdrew It Mr. Thornss moved to have the reading of the eßlavlt pcetpoaed until after (he nomination bad been made, ;j , , Qaloa aaid.-hedid not think any gentleman Could make a motion to postpone his speech, ahe Chair to decided; Mf- Quinn eaii the liberty and freedom of speech wee one of the dearest rlghts of American citizens. *»db»F»|™«yipriy tunse tbst any .member of Jbis fibsßiber, nomaiter whet Ms pcregaal or/po* ntloat fejiilogs mlgbt bs, should try to enforce ika «»**“ >»>»boaha.»er»ly Wuutag foenltgblentho m*ttets that are of. interest to tWteJiizenepf Philedetphla n< large. That was thu cotywtysutfce uteed-at.'' He trusted the tines-. t*on JtUttid prevail, ao. that every memher nould have titna to direst himself of hfi party prrjodtees.and be ready to eleet man wbo would diraharga their dntles bbnortbly. Be held la his hind an affidavit, sigsed > by, a ruspe.-table eltfa m, charging a certain mu with Hand who wa* eeckiogiblspcsltion. Mf -Quinn thrii prOMcdsd to read tho affidavit' of • Mr. Brin,, alleging. that Mr. Sbanlz end Mr. Boaud bad aeoapretP imrMln. saiSS for nrobUriu* eentraotc. Thisgara.ri*a to,an animated-debata Co thug oss’ioo ol poatpooiog tbe election, whloh was finely lost., . . •. Tim. Obsjbbar, then |>roeeaJ«d to elect a chief and two mMstdnt Commissioners of Highways , Joe. Rehirais raeeired.. 63) M. Fi5her.........38 Johua(Ue»fcoo»e.,,....fii | .Tohn Ale*«nder....37 John D.,Me Lean 641 John Ke1«h.......3T _For Chiefßjkieecf .°f-the Wster Department, H P-M.Di/kinbloe waa aleeted, eCVer whiob the Chamber adjourned ~ "■ Avuteran novel-reader i» Mr.——, of Bos. tea, who hsi read every aovel~lnoladlnir Bulwer'f, Dames', and James’—that has bees pahHshad for the Jest forty yesn He pewbssess copy of every aovel, and has- thns gathered a-large and nalqne Bbra#|kef.wsrki.of Hetlon. - Bis wife bet the same MealHflty is himself. Ibeyriseethreek of day, tehebreasferi or walk to tUepost effloe end resd- Ie( room ; «bm threadl novels tin. After wef ts; a yJ*St;fo ,thi bebkriareinsmiraeyaeW novtle'ersi'oiit, andla the evening novel-reeding again;!;,Th* oorrwpoolent of .the Bomba Trou ser i/g,'(owhom wean indebted for these naftien lere.ssys: “ K!|* *** nothappiptih discovering upon an old hqakstoll■ same..eboioe aidplay er treatise, or Old-snob la obtaining a rare ala broadside or balled far a . mere trifle; fhtn is tke.snbjset of this sketch' Inproetirfng apewnovel from the pen of Jsmej, or llamas, or Bdlwbr I heppeae l to. bo in. the store upon the arrival of a 00* work from thepfollSo pen of Jim's wfcteh. it ssentfL-had-- been * long ‘balding ,in ndvertlseinfnt,’ end .’-rite > publication impa tiently. waited for by Mr. B—. Day after day. kebadgone, botas srftbou t It, bat at last it boa notes > Think God yon have it.’ oeid.tbli omnivor, lees reider, of novbts to tbo bookseller, as be epened the bundle; and withe oonntenenoe aglow with delight, be paid for the work, pet H ander hfs and, end sw.llied .oat of the shop, saying, as be Weed his wif i ahon the ride-walk, ‘ I have got it! Xhavegaili■. T*RRtßtEoiii3iiTrs»AslTKird«g,N. Y.—■ A eorfespoadoht'or the Vrnann Journal writes tbet ono dsy lsst Week Mr. UeOrgseehwnb, a wealthy and reSpeetstSS firmer, Tending save nor St mnesaortb. #-Newark.:wei bnreingover a eof fellow. Htftwo dspghter* bsiog neerthe by some moans it eengnrln their dwthes, end before SnyasslsSaaas oseld be rendered, they wete Vs’li bttrnadfia-.g most shocking manner. One oftbom has sieeedied of her injuries, and It in said (Ut tbenther meet eoenfellow. i-etebla the week Pro fine - fcotsee beiotigiog to Mr, - Schwab were bl!led-byflsktalDg. r i, _ •'. ' MahS.—Tfte ft? nlttv tk«: MlnnsHbUmi f«t*ifartM K> H«>m J4«»n bore d«& of M«*«» tbit work, /tolnnUr U tmo td iiwil-wtt. farioMtoMhorr In -tbr. ConmOß-. ; imgneamM±i ’ *'IJfAKCIAI» AJfB COMIIISJBCIAXi. S' - ■> , UlZi" t . —. N . v .*AtJ>lr 9t lQdP, /, Tli, .tuikmwttt «• v.rr "^:^^° h ,“.! , . 1 !' llr Navigation, preferred advanced .^bawlwwa lUilmad X, The market geeerejly appeared to be yet and?t tbe influence of-the Fourth of July .and the heat of the weatwr inoreaeed the di«Uolih%tioa to activity' aumqg tbe B4embere>»f‘bebrtard.- , ~ ■ pettr*™' sweeter.report* a new cooo terfaiton ?*uu Township, Fhiladelphie, Pa, y«,'i&itation vigfleue, an agricultural soenOj a group ofd*e per*OQf ;neme of; bank In. centre of the aota r a b«t of Pena bit the middle of the (eft end; IWiwhfQgto.Q on horeebaok pn the lower rischt end, very eoereely engraved. Paper in hard; better reftee all at present. - \ \ ./The Planter** Bank of Tennessee has deolired a divi dend'of thirtr-seven dollar* end th*»e-uuurters per thereoutof theeurplusofiabbauk,payable to the Phi ladelphia stockholders at the Weitero Bank* in the manner specified io the ossfcier’e notice, which will he fcmndm ouradvertising column*. Tfta amount of the dividend thee made ia fill ,T3s,ihe capital stock amount ing io ";#1 Jls tOO We, congratulate the stockholders npon tbif great dividend, wb>oh folly jostifiesthe price that the stock has, for a considerable time, oommanded In pur market, ‘'‘,i , . Several of cut city passenger railway* have made' dividend* of font per eent. or two dollars per ehare for the las: *U'months. Of these are the Second and Thirl ■treete, the : Teath end Eleven hstreets, and the Frank fort and Southwark, or Fifth find Sixth streets. The Chectadtand Walnut street Company divide $1 JO par •here."'"' ' --' , ‘ The County Fire Insurance Company. *ud the Spring Garden Fire Insurance Company each divide four per rest.; Shipments of Co&l by the Barclay Railroad and Coal Company: For the weekending JuneBo,lB6o Previous shipments. . Amount tor the ee*ion ........ Amo rat shipped to tame date l&tt seat... 1acr055e....•«... to Tli* followio* are tbe earrent quotations for specie, domestic exobnnfe. &o..a* furnished br Croaiss 8c Co., bankers, No. 40 SouthTbird streoti . Old Amer. Kd0115.... .UfcK Old Americansold....l OS • “ *? « I.Q« 5t0e»r*i*n5.......4.«*4.6f Mejdeaa dollars..—. I.M Napoleons— x* francs.* 80 Spanisn “ 1.08- Ten tha1er*.........7.8d 8. Amer. “ Prussia*) 8-00 Fiv® franc*...o3 " gnUton..~\,,,MB German crowns..—.loB BpM^i*haoablooa..,..lB.lo Freaoh “ .—.1.10 Patriot “ ~‘.16.70 ■ ' * XXCBJUtaS. r.y.Exeb’g®. par ' Pittsbar#~— XtoXdit' 105t0a........ , k die. Cisoiimnti..... xto*** Wtiroore..;., SL Louisville iltol '* „ Uohmofta..... Ktofk**’ St Louis..B u>*k*‘ Jharlestoa..., xtoft “ <3hioa«o..—’ .8 tea* u Savannah...,. Sto 1“ Gleveftnd... .»1 tolltf" M0bi1*..*..,., itolk " Nashville......l tol*** New Orleans.. 1 tol£ “ to IX 4 Philadelphia Block Kuhanje sale;. July &, 1860. Rkpoitxd it S./*.'StATiut*m, 814# Wslnst Stmt. . / JPIRBT BOARD. SOiCitr6a.a*B-.......tf1U( l Itau«„—,«# 190 do joH a rtl»bar* H. 5^ 1(W do ..iowh.M«vJ|OCK Js*oh M*v.SV «U Re*d R9* ...» 6 rtfc 2 Nomitom R ..... • 7 Boht Wav Pr«fd.... « ! SECOND »oo oitrß HOBoh’oMiDm,.Wfd • 100 - da .... , 6 9 1 100 do ~~*bß 9 I dLOSIVO PR Bi* A*&4 OTii!adef»lilft6fc..lol# tffl#: Pennies Tat off 93 94 fteedin* *>A-W Rending; bd« *99.84 B*k BrndOTOintoffM 00# fend nD 71# 7<* fiwnsß...: «# -38#i nriuts Rsd mtt» ton to Jlorris Cal oon.. to ' MK Morns Col pn.Jl* .. I fettNtt’auu&nx rsx SohoTlWsvmss.Si ' BOARDS. - IU flarrisbury It 68 1013th Ruthß,Wpaid2l BOARD SO Del Dir Canal ....MCO 68-chl N*vPr«fd...ltf 21 jg UPeae&R. —— ....38# [CBS.-DULL. Sid. AiM *ohny!N*vSUr... 8H 9 Sshuvl N*vprf...2SV 22M LonglsM R.—. 12« I*V B»M lehCl A I* Ports 3*k 36S Nor'h Penn* R. ..» 934 W Penn* K riy 71 v fffenn* RW5...97V .. Prkfd A Horatb .... 62 Sec JfcThd.et* R .. 46 Race ftvine-stft... 31 WestPhilalt 68 ■ Bpruce 4 Pmc 12V >6reen 4 .. Philadelphia Markets. Tb* Floor market ©ontmues dull t there is very tittle export demited* and the sates r t b mostly oonGned to the wants of the trade, at from R 6 3734 *>s6o for supeifine, SS9tHo9 tnrextn ead ext n Ami}/* including a rate of JOObMaof the latter at 95.67 X. end fancy hmrds in smalt Me at from QCM&7 & bbl* scoording to qua ity*' Rye Flour ie steady at RS.7O, and Penney vania Corn Meat atJs 3 &H & bbl; *OO bble Brandywine sold on private terms., ■' WHHAT,-rTbe r a ig very little dolne. and the market i* doll end unsettled, with sales of 4MX? bush-I* to note stlllSelttfor 'air.to ynne old » red. Wfl 61.40*1.48 tor White* indudißs about 200 bnaheU of the letter, prime newSonthern. at tl 46. Rveis scarce end wanted »♦ 78a. Corn is steady. with a moderate de mand; about3,ooo bushels ve}k»w aold at 87a afloat and B*3 inat?**. Gate continue doll and unsettled; eome 6.000 bushels Pennsylvania sold at from 37a to 400, as in quality. - is unchanged, and 36 bbds Ist No 1, sold nfc4M74Pfon. < * Cottox—The market remains inactive, batwiMiout any. particular change to note, and a small business i oiag. - - - - Gbocbbibs.—We hear of no sales to*day to alter quo- UtIOBS. . _ ~.raovisioiM.'->Tbe • market oonhoeea buoyant. »*»d ti«ms are iiwited owing to the blfb views of holders: a «f Sboaldere in salt w*a made atSVo, and 100,000 IDs hoihsMesSonteraißkeptpiivate. Butter tsdull at IMf» tPJb, as In quality.- ilFjl l ?** wovce ofTae Ranted at KM for drudge, tie lor hb£». andjro for Ohio bble. - Penn* bbia are Q noted at ttaflVo j JOO bblssaM at the latter rate. Hew York Stock Exchange—July 5* sxcoxo BOABU.' JWOdVirgin(eHfcds 9t SOV rie Railroad,..,,, 19 .*MoTeim«a>»: ~.mx W»ClevfcTotedaß... 31 IWOQ *0............. Mg lOft ,do .... blO Stjtf WJW tthi robr hi... TO Si Galen* * Chi R.... «? IWO Mteh'H 2 1 mt*.... MK MQ do.. 6Mtf • a do goe /30.. at 10? V YC«mtral.....baiB»itf awr. do b«0 SiV ’2l Mich Central R.. 48& }Q0 Chicago & R [... . fir tft -d0...;....iwi SO do .MO7l MMmhS&NlGfet. ra UXT .id*’ Vo do i.*. bdeyoV XttChi Bfc Quincy..;' 7*t ** d0..7. aC*O76 £«111 OnJUtep^..*» 68 •<«»' . d 0...;.. 106 rtIHJ MABKKTB-—M»ks are npiet at 85 for Pots, moderate sales. . * •. Afoue.wrh# activity fiotuwd at the dost pt Tues days martet has enttralv subsided* sad r>ntwnhstaad-. mg the favbrsMe'aoeonuts per ’ Persia' rtesived this raornlrg 1 ; the market for B:ate. and Western Hm* is [**• activasPde arcelysofi m.7Tber#eeip eatefiM wi, whifo the sales U bbls at SBmt *6 fo ; superfine State; 86 4f W 5 M for ext ra do: 961006 35 lor sope'fioe Western: .tj|ps6M for-agta a». had 9«rse69Q for axfira roikA-Ooop Ohio - fiohthsrn Flour la'WDll#wim s*i*el»f )M>hbisAt9BJiwASol.>r mixed ■tosoM.and Bf the eon* tmued small receipts. asgregAtmr. to*day. hut 13.176 bg*bel«|» rule a ehaoe firmer; the sates Amount tojt*oof> bu etdie for Western mixed, aeddio for yellow west ern. Ota are *m«. at 8?« i o*for Southern end Jersey, «ndeort4lo for Northern and Western. RyeTs «uiet at - wSiskv steady, with sales of 300 bbls at 2i>«o. ■ CITY ITEMS. SoLOXox’a Tx«pab, bp fpaoiu) finest ef a number of tehool* sod eitlsens. will remain here until the Iteh.insfc We advise all to embrace this lest oppor tunity to behold the gram estouriosityoftheage. Fa n)Uee,'!arfe'col.—-July j| J&VMr* .—.....New York .{jn’t’iifcLiverpool.Jaly )9 G. Idem Fleece-, New Vorfr. .G*l*»y~ July 19 Pu'ton....v— New Y0rk..Havre.............. Jolr si Arabia.,.. ....Uostontiverpool July 28 —« ‘i«tw LBAVB*.';. 90S - „ PATH Persia: • Xirervool. .New York-,..—.Jane 93 GoldenKleeoe— fork—....June33 Atom—,. Liverpool. .New York.... as Palton-—.Sonthwapton..7ew York..—.»...Jur e 97 Palatine—......Liv«r«>ol..CLaehea —-.—. Jane 37 Arabia —.......Liverp001-.Biwtoa.June 90 *«Mo_.„9oo»hA*pt>,»..Now v ork.e-.—---air 4 ..^SoathampUm..NewYork July 4 Vanderbilt.....-.*; .Havre..New Yortu —.July 4 Jura—..—Liyerpool..New York —.June 13 J^i f 3^o^*mSt e h”“ i! &0, “ Ymk “ JKAJMMK INT£Jit,IU£NCK. Bn* J|W ‘ d*yf from New York Mbulwt to tt Mteudet & Co. Keteb pofDiMro*,vamp*. from MayMoe*. P H »th f tto ?L* rt k to John btiltoa&Go. ur* 6<»rd*»vlHet £ jag .* B. M*ea*ar/rp? ftiittaelpbui at Soo. The »ohr w dwlphia. .JM«2J.UtM« foß7l^,tp3k«bnatt HMo 'lT**'' 70 * l*dal»kt»,«atiedfrom • Fabbtrd. from Ha*re. *niv«d atNew York ,**to«l*y., 99th alt Ortoa Hart af Ph’ta- dt ** * rom ,D^nM vwived br iriling iron* J Ship Busan L Fitsgerald, Greeu.fi'omCbill, arrived ppatßaitiaiom. yesterday, » . '< BMp GonnsetiMt.Bpedden; from Ltverenoi for Woo fatiF, pot into Plymouth. previous to S3l bit. leaky: would probably discharge part of her oaigo (obalj to re pair. ’ - ■ V. g*tk Hamilton, hence arrived at M**>iw»a* «th ult. Airlc Aberdeen* Cochran, hence at Matansni*7th ult. < BarkAntorioao Christian. henne at Havana wn ult. Bark M Williamson, Bchsffortb, from New Yj>***w&» 2!fcl from (u»» i3B*h hit for fiasua and New York. > * Bark David O Wilson, Peao *ck» hence at Ciefft“*g°» Slthnlf ; . Bng Oriswi, Pendleton, from Delaware Cm* at Portsmouth 3 >th ult, . . \ Bne 'i iberUs. Lacoq, hence arrived at Cienmgoe Slfh ait. ’ Bdt«I«, Reed, Tueo, hence remained at St Jago de Brig 8 Thurston. Lampber, hence at Cardona* 17th ult. Brig *r«o. Aoid.’henoe'nt Boston 3d Inst. Bn* George Amos. Niahol*. henoe at Salem M met.'. gcbr* Rebecca G WMlden. Neal; CharlesB Carsttir* Somers. and Northern Light, Luka, hence at Boston Sd instant. , Bohr Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, hence at Dightoa • Bohr 0 M Messarole. Bmrh. for this port, sailed from East Greenwich lit inst. ... „ T ~ ; Schrf'tranger,Blackwell, hence at New Bodford 3d inst - Bohn* John Jones. Hogan* r and Horizon, Jarvis, hence at Pawtuaket M inst. Bohr e toni*». Thatcher, hence at Portland 3J lust. S<*hr John F Crouch, Anderson, hanoe for Pawtucket, at ProviasnoeS* in"t. .. . „ Rolit Hiawatha, Phillips, for this port, sailed from Richmond 3d Inefcr 1 • \ . ... 3otiT Julia Pox, learning, oloared at savannah 2d ins*. for Boston. . , _ „ „ ' Hohr Alex Bus; Haskins, from Fall River for thr p'»it.**»lert fromNewportSlinst. . Pchrs David Faust. Mnstwder. and 8 B Whee'er McLaughlin,from Wilmington* NC arrived at Boston Bnhrs C A Greener, Waver i *’lora King. Tr*worey; W Wallace. Pcall; J Ireland. *»tee|man: and Madonna, Crockett, benoe arrived st Boston Minst, Sohrs Joseph Porter, Yates? lassie M*uLH*l«y.*nd S ; dn»y Prm*. Godfrey. hence arrived at Baf*m 841 in-t, Sohr» B Fri Knsiiilii SW B nt'n. T.j10.: N B T Tliomwwn, '■t.elman j » V w Siffimnns. Sniff.., «»il 01,rn M.rriolr* Montsora.tr. suited from Salem 3d nut for Philadelphia. „.• . \ Polir P Boloe. Boioe, henoe arrived at Beverly 3d Bchr bellow Craft:, Lane, cleared at St. John NB, 23th u’t for Philadelphia. f?ohr batitia. fiartmrie, for Philadelphia, oleared at 8t John. n«,3o ....^.947,03 10440 13 $44103 ARRIVALS AT THS PRINCIPAL HOTELS, - rr to 12 last night. GIRARD H r U^E—Ninth and Chestnut streets J«s Hume k la, Ark M|*s Corseaden. Ark Mm«»'owden. *>rk HQ,Goodwin.NY 0 B Scranton, k Y - JMilfor, «V Wm 0 Green & U,. Wash Miss Green Wash Master G een. Wash I Jameson Ala K Caw. Washinglon Ajocacda Nubet. Wash Robe Hamilton, Maine Win Ai laokwood* Pa A fiinohir. l*s > p Olersworth. Del BK»nn,NY.. . .. John Burton, i a Baml Hughs, Memphis Nat etewatt. N 0 '*has Bunto >. NO , WmMcCajr NO J tftewirt, NY J At wow', Bridesburg Sami Grivsfito, Conn John B*k#*, at Lom»* « H Gibbs, N f M SimoennoEnglaud Mr Codes. Phila Thos ChiUqn Ohio J sChilson.Omo ThosO Andrew*. NY J Maher, Harmwirg K b Witman. Harrisburg H Turner. NO . _ Mr*Fillmer * sen. N Y M WoMhead. Lock Haven « M Matthews, NY G * Awards, N ,V MraoQMriTho*Te*t,Va w McUvaine. Brandywine ' R MoOowen. Md tiiss Mc'fowen, Md Miss Warner, Md levjasj meson.Va jjlr*Juwisrn*dftu,Va R Ni&nar ok, Oregon - B N Hradfoy, s Y HKink. >‘hila i , „BForayln.PhUa Jno vflj son, flenrwitown M w Henrr, IM/ 0 »OWi)lwto.U-5C a J 8 Bland, U C C ?fr Sc Mr* ‘uoStllan, Bor'tn Mr* rh«ma*. Bordent n Col lAihrob.Meaiea A J Foster. Ha-naburg aT c tner, Harrisburg O H Ardityon. Bait Tho* B Lanoaater, 111 nesdibg / Mathews. Baft-, KP PtrWp. & la, AC 4«» Armstrong, N C, j B Mont ome v, Pa W Korn, A two hi, NY Mr Atwood N Y F R Louts 10 Dugan. Balt, A Gordon, Halt Wra Rogers. Balt . , 0 A Smith & la. N O W D Oavidge. Woth J Tlnmssla & oh, Bslt oral BTho os,Balt TG Flo’d. Halt J W Flood, Va HO MoOoPam.N Y /T Bradley NY .>‘ Howard; N Y D woloomb. GreenstruTg Hr G R SaUivan, Md T 8 Flood k la. Fla Mies Flood, v la AlfTLaoey, Mo _ . , Jaa MpL*ugh!ln,Ohio Tim* Ohio W Roberta, uhio G MBtvntn«D A wf. pa Mi*« VhFsMarr Btemman. w a Mr* Matbiot, Pa M is* - Hagfir, Lano, Pa F K Bos*. Harrisburg W G Gibson, Pittsburg F J McCann.& wf, Cal Jame< Frame, NY A Wjdlnms. N J Miss Williams. N J „ ; MTsCHtewart ,N Y HonT Jones Yorke, N J Alts K Rea, N $ Mrs w m Sudevan, Ird. MissSttHevan. Ind W C Templeton & wf, N 0 MiMj;ewpleton A sis, N 0 J RFals-jb. N C , ' .JHBicti,NO T W Wil iams & wf, China Mrs Ne«l, Bale A PBoHn*on. uel .. Wl*» Bollock. Va J M Merrill A la, N Y dfs* Merrill, N Y Mis* K Merrill, NY T Winer. N V Albert fclfa, Cliirleston J F Church. Charleston G A Carter k la. Pa w 0 Cr**iK * l», N Y Ml»s Crsia, NY W M Wha»to-* Wash J 8 Porter* son,Wash 0 Rehson. Hoatou . . BenJamir Roman, N O Cap? W F Smith. USA JOl va«. USA James FTavlor, Lynn AlissTayfor l ynn Mi»* Rayrd nd. Lynn J Atwood * wf. Mo B Howard,Bat Isatolmvf, Balt.. .!«* Yoaue. Al'ddletotrs MniS Youo* & child, Mid 8 M JoH-*ob. N V J B Hetty. Po&tsvtlte W W Willard. J W Hamea. N.Y Mr* Hume* A dang, NY R 8 Morris. N Y Mr Jons-Ala. Albany Miss Jones, Albany Mis* Cook, > Ibany J*« Crawford Md. H l.ukens. Md D 8 Kmdal, Honghton Va H Brown, Lancaster Mr fit. vena. Lancaster .1 T K-adiev.N Y HiramBowa*d NY John W Tbare'.StLoala 8 Gaddes k la, Balt —MoMurtere* N Y Isaac G Haber. Missouri JS Mills. Cal Jas BCoo *,BrookUo„ fho* N Cook. Brooklyn A A Phillips t U, N V JTBrma.NY Ron JohiU RMhin. N Y Gov A C Horton. Texas R W Horfon, 7 exas J B*l o A la. Minnesota Miss Hello k sis, Minn Muter Bello, Minnesota W A Shepard, N Y Thos Rawlings, Belt July 3—Evening. CONTIN ENTAL HOTEL—Corner Inth and Chestuut. 'A N Wilson, BO fytne*. Phila SHOwena.Jr. *wf, Jtiohin JJ Wsmpole ~ Chain Webb* Phila W Warren. PhUa RflPftUi MD.fft , JoaG Web*, pm Kennedy i J K Zook. Port Kennedy O 8 P«t»er*on. Pa l/Oiim W Hall. Blair on W W Bridge*. Chicago : K H Wfoho'a. Cincinnati A Hill Cincinnati LERatle Savannah Mrs la Hawkins. Cin. O J W Cincinnati Geo A Wnodbrd«e..Tean PJ Woo*' burv, Worcester M H Lee. Haniebnrg J W I uek. NY P G rfMon k la. Brooklyn n O’Lnnueli. N Y Fov J 8 Ko ler & la. Pa W.M Wtlejr, G T Lsne. Laoouter B Brookley Lancaster Ch«**teoan Easton Th/o i.aveme.Ft Mr* Lavejlle Ach, StLcuU C 1 Cheney, "'ashv lie W M Morris. Hy WGByk#sAla Mim ‘ FdwdFoM. NY r D Warren & (a. Richmond JC w Phila WH H Kioear Lane eo FamlL Trexell.Pa, . MlasTr«x*ll, P* .. John p HnflVnjer A la, N Y Dr CO A orton k la. N Y Cap* Johnson, NY ** Rowland & I*. N Y J J Fe’t. • al J Thomas & In, NY T bo* G WiJdrooc. 7Vn*#y Alf E Lewis, York . Hr >‘WBo\s*fela,lJoetoa R e Fdgeytnn. 'iremont, 0 Juhus Dom. N Y T Carrot. N Y 8 LPoha U.Harrisburg *• Rioha'daos. NY K Whitman. Balt Pu'aos, Balt 1 J O V iUa A wf. NY A F Bead. UuA wB Partridge & la. Boston * w Cox k ia, CaL K 0 Ko**om Texas Jos PlcVett , GeoYsl*. Cal CG Prentiss, Afaei PamlComfort'Jr. P» i.eviTayinr. Pb'Ja Joehu* Passaos. 0h Brrnemtn. Laaeastar AT Hsmifom N Y LM H« r th, l ouiivlliO W Little, Nc R L Badssr. NO T Haywood, NO I< LiHle. Tror N Y Cpn s Cans*. N O FsLane.VY T F Randolph. Jersey City 0 F Randolph. Newark John Donaldson k la A R Bonn. it W PDonaMson, ‘iamsqna J L Mollvaine, N 0 T Mathews, Phila And Wigut, Phila AC Dayton. NY G M Wrnno* k la. Balt •• A Charlotte &Ia.NY H Hupfeld k la. Bait Mis* K “oli'Hionn Rilt 8 Johnson. Jr. Boston Hr 4 P Heaton,CHlT Mines R M La BsnJ Fr*nk>m* V Y 111 Brent, Va Mis B Myers, Ya Dr Gilwon, Richmond, Va MCanhelH.NV Win m f :ivjn. Jf« Cal A M Powell. USA Oao Onnbsr, Chicago C R Dimond. lowa Jssfi RrifiMp. Relforonto Fdw * avis, NY N W White Sc wf, Va G P Greener, Porto Rico J M Htooker. Charleston 0 W fforwiu. Cm. 0 Js* LBPeslr, Va Sami G Brown. Va A Van Swe*rJ**»n, Phila M M*nsehlem«% N V 8 Gintennan* NY J> W Woods Ic H. f/ewi«tn Ana Woods.Lowietown Mia S Vimwiok. L>-wUtn Mrs.K Jacob*, towmtown Jo* w Parker, li«wi«town J Brown. Jr. Prov, R l Fdw R Ponniqgton. N J W A Galbraith Frfe, Pa Wm M W*dler, Mia Gjo RTurrelK N Y JosCrookett NY Wra B O'chran. Va j. fimrsenbers. N 0 H L Mannicc. NY „ w n Geo Owen k la, Prov, R I Mies 8 A Ow*n, Prov, RI M|*S ft X Palmer, Frov.K I Max Wed. H Y ’ G well, N Y h Wolf, N Y LLithanor. NY T J fiantherd. Va Capt HA Bennett Ale, Balt Mis* Ca ho*rt B< i Mis* Kimberly, Balt A K Buck, B* t u 0 Arra*tron«. Ya Ml»s Myerc. Va liMlnskeep. Ba>t H I. Gordon k la. Wash Mi*** D Hall. Waah J Morton U U v a Val A L Mrats k w, U 8 A Jas Martbnd. Balt J Davl*, NY , Mrs L Q Coi'ina, N Y N 8 Brcßton k la, Balt MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth afreet, below A rob. JJGhsmber*& lit, Phila F W«hattuok. Fhila J OChambstiin. Phila L M T buyer. Phlta JH Phillips,'lll h 'Jartlo, Conn JW Holcomb A 5 tyuy»»tM J$ kEtoff m«r, Lancaster H B Gl r -W, Bradford oo H Allis. Bradford ou A ►penoer* !J*d J*peno*r, M* D 0 Jones, Phila B * r*a«OT, WoKoan 00, Pa T> G p enoHon, Boston J K Friend. N y JW Primrose. N«wh**n A H Rnwa t " , l'i), K V Ju* Farrell, Atlantia City F Hopkins. Balt R R Brown. fwsdlnx FSso«r«. Ph W B 0 Huisrove. Indianapolis 01, Green. Pittsburg M H*» ins* Phils W w w, a.J*ce Phila Jos %f Me Boll? £fO floott P?* R .A Kni'tot.-Vt W Bowers. Berlin. Md F C Newbatt. PUIW Mrs Power*. B ookl»n Miss Powers. Biymklyn Hot) Geo B*o*.t Otawsssa L N Freeman. NY FU'S fffeyra. ph«nixville D ttehan Jr. NY Jos R PhdHve.Cfh ciRO C D Brodhead Monroe oo n We*d r iok St la, Pa Mrs Hams A oh, Gelena Daniel Riel, vt HR* ovejoy* lowa • Bstni Freahet. W y J T Painter, Money. Pe J Browne, Pittsburg AMERICAN HOPBCi—Chestnut, atwvs Fifth. Mn «s»le <• da, Brooklyn H Kennedy. Maine ** T> Porter, Del H Bmjth. Conn H F epioar Phila JH C tann N V 01'Depen. NY a > BeUler. Trenton l MHf P»ngs.Lnc«*t Grove M *UxAiid*r. Wa*h, D C B‘mlßunmn. Boston PK Wants, Trenton u 8 B£urra». Tre-.ton fl w_“ntohms/w, •* renton J -D K*en. Trenton .T L Rian, T rentnu R H Combs Trenton „ TN Po*tarpon. Pa G H SmaU, la- A oh. N Y QFPirot. MtUmt WR Walley, Milton. .. RBW.UBA .7 B in. Sc rh,M CU W J?Webb Sr l*, B< J«u**e**fr> la.lfY a Heavier NV JEfloyden,NY SMHIbV&.Ny J TT-lfer. Jersey Oitr . John Walter Jeraer City • PB Winter Ala, Jet City W«. Benney, Mo 3 f(Jw»n. J n Gregory, Toxas ,Diio» Streets. Md JPZane. Cat Miss M E «mith, N y £ j Yerkes. Pittsburg A_;rFflhneetook,Latio,Pa F LHervey, Wash.DC w Curt)*. Del ' Mr Loflanif, Del W Pohuvlklll oo JWs*J K Fnsira. Mass Mrs Morteonwy, Chfli oo T L H'-Aston. N y J Brown. Md „ JA Wall. Md JssC Watson, Milton, Pa W n Ree’y- "rovldenoe Roht NY O O Boxer* Sc eon. Md Auc C Stanton, * Y Js« Day Roobeeter D W *tek*r Newark, N J K A Clark. Newark, N J Louis Dttr» NY Jtsterhoudt, N Y fl Moßenn', Chester. Pa n Miller, Chester Pa W P Bdntos. Lancaster J Koenan, Farrington JONES' HOTEL-Chestont street, above Sixth. A V Wh te. Phils, W RhieMa Va H'Wiltbank.Ph la t CO Mender. Va 0N f ' New York J Brown. New York W L Barland. Pblla J Jewell. PhtU. J Jewell, Jr, Pbiia J Jewell £ la New York W OHennum. Pa S m H K Games New York B n Jewell. N J H Baoon.New York R Nott, York G Atkins. Md, , »T Cushman. New York OWNMds. W Chester W n Hopkins. Hartford a *^ a , _ J Angler. Harrishurc ¥ Wash. D C H Palmer, ew York A*■ Mills, New York J K Morgan. Md EMaloney,no MA*malUGa , A, 4 Aioore. N R B B'utt. New Vork Jtfrs Johaw»n &Sch t N Y Mr Johnson. Phila 8 RJhtrkhnnt, *J.Y M Easton, Mass Dr Thne RymolJe. Md j Tome, Jtfd Chaa D Seldtnir, Wash AS Bead,Del . ST. LOUItf HOTEL—Cuertnutetrest above Third. C Durham. Hartford, Conn H Hamill, Mercer 00, N J jSfWSttelfWJ' s^»ss n ,, ?) Mi,. E A Elneo n, B»lt Ml« J.onlo Lmoain, Mt jirD"l niif. BMdeiltova ,)».id Olive r JWw.Til ClfitVe gamp,. l r “"!i r , , fnn U Pnnnoa.t, Phil. . P Williams. Tauntotfl J llfr'dea. Sr, Afjtfordt W J Emilio Ales Nortoa, NY J_ V Bllva, Kofm.ablltg BALI) EAOLEHOTKIi—3 hird •!., abov. Callowhill. Jut Graver. Ugob. oo Mr. Graver, Bookeoo RTOtf-W* 0 '■ 6, I 860: - STATES UNION— » srlt.t Str«t, above ■ttCloOeUv.NV WIT If Koberl. PWI» ' •T> Hamston, Pa, AJ.'hwiok, Potuvi la Gi. Plitt, Harrlsbnrs • Ktoith.r, Ne»,« ,t . J R. Davip. Perry co W * Bedford. Milftmtown W Wright, Pa ~ • Augusie, Ga ThosO FiiSie aid.NO DC n'er* Laooon P buler, Wi,eii,DC V « Smalley, Lano oo OLon«.v>bm . . G W Knowles, Pa _ M E Crons, Bethlehem ' Amos Townflendr J r > FS , v P Roatoh, Phds Jas H Ptinton, Pel H AjOArapbell. Centre co Fjfopanshade, ?» _ J. C Walker, Pa W BJMendeiSiall, Pa H P Dunbar, PiUsburg Geo W BheyTLebuioti NATIONAL HOTPLr-Raoe street, above Third. K Boofield. Tioga 00, Pa • J) (1 Watson. Atlantlo Cfty Ch*« i(»h. Lanoasrar H Beohtold. Mt Joy,. H J Hennter, Potfsvllle I» 0 A Clarlte. Aouuille , C WSohroop, H-'thtehem H ORnh nyon, Wdkefo a D Rosenheim-Phila G W C Harris. Yor*. Pa 0 0 Dittrich. Phila Jno Jam**on.Li v eriw>ol Jno '. Shoaoker. Readidg P Bartow 4 la, Belvfciere T V Rhoads. Ahentown P OUpUaut, Liverpool ' sStEEtef' issasnai •*T Higgins. Reading C Hiair/Blfliroo, J w i«lfly. Phila Geo Glnkrloh. Lebanon A GJobnaon. Hoylrsfown Eli J Hager. AHfUtowu E D Lelsenriug. Allentown M 8 Grunner. Albany Rcbt DarUnaton. Patkesb’g JF Bomberger, Pa J J G Park. Nashville W J Howard 4 ,' Y T Worth k la. Lebanon Alsj 1 yben*, Pottsville O H Jamea. Boston J H Kami, Lebanon ' D Oliver. Trjnumt JR Charles. Pa_ A H Mann, Look Hav*n H Myers, Look Haven Gab'-iol Hirsh, Lancaster !' THE UNION HOTEIAAroh street, above TUrJ. Chrs Rr»oht, Balt B J Bails*. Plttsbort ' W Upper. Pink T 0 Worth. WilPa JHaok, *-eoW Ashenfalter. Pa Wm Taylor. Pt®nixvllle Jo* Baush. PHmmxville Geo Nyc*. Phmnixvllle it Ca'lavban 4 la, P ■ - - T M Johnso*. Chester oo W B I eas, co John Cf x, Jr. Pa J M Ouut. Phcsiixvllle H B Pa F Crook*. Chester co Vies H»ok#f Cheater oo GW Lmville, * a«o co. Pa Benj Frick. Montg 00, Pa JVajdeMice. PhmnixviUe R Hodfion. Pa RW l.evjs. Md J L Wheeler, NY K Pnter, Doyleitown' FOUNTAIN HOTEt*-Beoond street, above Market. Wm Pune, Md John P Av*r*on. D*kw«re Thos CRo erta. Smyrna H L Pempl-. Bmytna, Del J McVa*. Jr. Naw Castle Delaware K Prott Konton, Del Jamee Devlin, N Y Jo* t'vaas. Delaware Robt Kees. Smyrna. Del F W Denning, Bm* r na.Del James Jones. De’aware . TH Jonas Delaware fiatnl Harmer. v uivrua : R Courtland, Phila P v Mo Donegal. Dover \ L R Rarlor * fy. Phik Geo Psyson, Illinois J<; Baml Sobuyler, Illinois BARLEY ROTBIr-Beoond st, below Vine. Goo A Carhart, Pa J Carter. Sssqneb’a OOi Pg/ RobtGiuir.NV JtasVenderrr.fc, p» • B Shedeoker. N J wm Boon. Hniboiro JC *a*gfra. Colnmbio, 80 H Bru>s Columba,6C ,4*o W nuclei’. Md MUsCC Trust. **a Henry Lovefe. Talieytown Jno Hrelsfora. Tui|eytmr?i Tho* Dyer. Doylestown J 3 Balderston. Doyleitowa Col Johnson, Mo A B Large. Columbia, Pa Jvsse Comfort. Bucks co K \ Hoffonn, Reading \ 8 P Hamilton, l ories'owa Jno Roberts Byberry y L Mundy, Bradford co, Pa CP Scott, CatawUn MT. VtfRNoN HO i EL—8»ooml str n et, above Arrh.. N H Wit Hams, 'l ronton J*e Twaddle. Pullvan oo T aniel Laliar, N Y ' A !*x Riebl. Trenton Ja* Reune». Wilmington HKjJ*al t Pa B J Smith, Bucks oo ’ fi G Edinrer. Allentown Geo Read,Hancock, NY Thos Johnson, Chester co Jas Philips CbPß'erco M Stinson. Hannook. N Y G w Lord, Jr, Phila Lewis Whipple, N Y MERCHANTS' HOUSB-Third st.. above Callnwhill. D Saylor, Pa Tbos B Moore. M Chunk M B Hyndman- M Chunk M P Graff 4 wf v Pa Mrs HSohmirman. AUeni'n Mrs ? *obnu*mvj.Pa J FHalbaoli, AlteuPn J Stahiionmidt, >. Haven 1 A W fihober, Lano oo H f* Buok. t>anc oo M as c Frank, Pa h Fiiekering, Berks oo Mr* Lonahsn, ailenfowa , ’ < BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Thinl at, ab. CallowhlJl, J r iestand. Easton Hiram J Bha*-te. Pa H OPnesier. i anerdale Henr BhUde>. Fa Jon fichantg, Lehigh co J K finang. Atlantio C ‘ BalAmandsr Fire-Proof Safm.—A very large assortment of BALA&I/* NDERB foT sale at rea sonable price*, No. IM CHESTNUTfit,, Philadelphia. itvANR k watson MARRIED* BCHOFtELD—CALLAGHAN.—On Monday. Jjjn* 33. br the Fev Charles A. Maioon.reo’c ofnt. Jams* 1 Church, King* a **ing. Mark Sohnfisld and Ellen CalV gh*n, b rh of Pi»fchftViJle. * WOBR—ROBERTS.—On the 3d in*t. by Rev- Abel • n. Thomtt*. Mr. William R Work, of Philadelphia, to Miss I oclsi M..y< u-'re3t daughter of David Roberts, i formerly of Carnarvon. * KEGFHIES—KBLI^G—At the v e r ohai)t** 0 hai)t** House, Third street, on the sd met., by tne Rov. IS. W. Mr. BeniaminB. K gejea to Mim * nth* Ihe Kblmr, bo'h of West Coraheo, LAnd q ster eou> ty. * Ha>W^'OD—VlCifrH>/-Oa the 3i in*t. by >ld. Shoemaker. George Haywood to Caroline Viokers.lftte of England, now of ihitoHy. * DIED* MIDDLETON.—On the morning of the 3d in*t. at his late residence. Cronwiok*. N. J., Samuel Middleton, in thjißkl yearof h»s age. . The relatives and friends ar* respectfully invifod to attend the funeral, to me** at tile Friends* Me-titir Ho<>|4, Crosswicka, to-day, the 6th inaL, at 3 o’clook MASON,—On thMth inet., Robert Mason,son of Capt. Jas. J. aud the lata Martha Mason, of Ltwistown. Del., Ie th • 34*h year of his age. Funeral from th* rerinen e o/hm father, *1 Wsshiag ton *t*eet this (Fnday) afternoon, *t6 o'olook. * JCK4INEDY —oi*the4tb in#t., hlixabeth Kennedy, in the SBth year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, back of No. 9 Elwin street, late Webbs Alley, this (Friday; aft;Tnoon, at 4 H V * WICKKR4HAM -On the 4tn lost., Wm. Penn Wiek eraharn, need >8 *ear*. Funeralfr> mtheresM*noeofhisbrother in law Rev. Franklin Moore. No. 1231 donth Fourth street on Batur dey aDernoon, at4n»o!ook. * ALDRhD.—On the 3d instant. Sarah Ald rod, aged 21yenrs. „ * cam pman.—On the Minst.. CaUianno Campmah, in the 77th year of her ace. Funeral from her late reside roe Nloatown lane, near the liermantowa railroad, this (Friday ) afternoon, at \ o’clock. * C'lYL.—On the 3d mst., James Coyl. in the 33th year of his are, * FIJNK —On the 3d inst., Mr. John T. Funk in tbefthli year of his axe. Fnnem' from his late Tegldenoe No. Hancock atreet, above ’jlrard avenue, this < Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’olook * GARDNFR--On tha 2d Inst. Maurice Ei«ood. son oi John H. ar.d Ellen Gardner, m the 4th year of ilia** , * HOUGH.—At Norristown- on the 3d Inst,, in the 88*h rear of he ace Mrs. Khzabeth Hough widow of the la*o Hrv, Silas H'tJ/h. Fnneral from the r*sidenoe r>t her naphaw, Thomas H. Wentz ootnerof Rwede and Oak streets, this (Fri day > morning, at 9 n'olnch. * opWLANT—Oojheld only sonofNi eholas a"d Msrr NmrJan. aged 8 months * PRIOR,—On the Ist mat,, Mrs. Angelina Prior, aged toyeara anq R months. * „ RA G-fludde'ily.on theBd inat .Franols John, son of John and Kate R*ig. atari 1 *ear. * , RfCR> ho^.—On tbefdmst., Thomas M. Richard*, m liseifitvear. * BCUURK.—On the 24 inst.> Peter Sohurk, Sr., aged 39 tears. * W.-i.Ti'JIS.—On thefldinßt., Mrs. Ann Waters, aged BO ears. * * BW F,av Y .—On the 2d Inst., M&TgfwetSwraa?.daugh ter of Patrick a d Margaret Svreany, aged 17 years, 11 month*, and 21 days. _ , • WKJ«g.—on the jstinst. A’jeron Weiss, In the 86th year of his age. _ * Wit-Ll ANf'i—On the Sdinst., John Williams,in the Mthyearof his ago. * WILLIAMS.—>kt Milton,Del..on the Ist in»t.,Msj gsret Cattail only chiioof RotiorC if. and Hannah E. Williarns, acod 9 months. * WOOD —On the 2d lost. James, oeoono son of Wm. and Agnes Wood aged 9 years, * CHMMER MOURNING TyOODS. Black 1 aretes and Crape Mftrets. JJ, 6-L and 8-4 wide i Black Silk Grenadines, Grenadine Briww, Camel’s flair Baje«es ( Bainmer Bombasines. Chalis. Crape Ohahe, Tam&rtines, Tammatans, fine Mon-seiine de Laines, Lawns, Ginghams. Organdies, Billts. Poniards, Chalis de I aines, Barege Manil las and Points) Harare. Grrnadtne Barege and Grenadine Shawls: Sua.umb ell**. Fans,Summer Gloves aad • Hosiery ; Veils: Collars, ble vos, so. . BKBSOH Sc pON. Mourofagßtore, Jel Nn. »1« OMnnNiiT Riraat. Tub only reliable article— CLARKS Patent INHELIBLK PENCILS, for Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do their work better then ink, without its troub'e or risk of Blotting. Kaob will mark 3 000 artiole*. For •ale, tfbolegale and Rrtail, by i). t C. TAYLOR Sc cou Agents for the Manufacturer, No. dll OHPBTNUT Street. I*l2 3m IY~» OFFICE OP THE PHILADELPHIA IX3 AND HEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. The holders of the bonds of this Company, dne’July 1. taeo.o&anow receive, upon application at this office, 10 oent w own, upon the terms specified in,the oiron* The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a link ing Fond of 0140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, UfO, and m pursuance ol the oontraot. entered Into by goompui, Ld dulr ”^ulSF ooiS.%nSmr 0 oiS.%nSmr. t 0 Nolle* lo (A* Holdtrjjof and lltadiHg Sflitroad Company Mbrifas* Bonds, dm July ], IMO. , These bonds are eeonred by the first mortgages on tue road, amounting ip the segregate to 03,308,400. The net revenue for the last fiscal year was six times the amount of the annual Interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty rears, the holders retaining the bonds and the security 0 f the mortgages in the pieqise condition in wbioh they are now heuL Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be lFmed- A bonus pflO per cent, will.be given to toe holddn, in consideration of their assenting to the extensipn. Ibis bonus will be paid in to toe bearyrs of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting respeo tve bonds at the office ofthe Company, or to its agents, Form* of rwei®uadeodo/»ement will be furnished QiappUoation. W d, '" f,! ” Mm.' PL AIM PHOTOGRAPHS for 86 per do xenj 03 per haTdozen 1 or 01 eaoh. -gjereoeoopio views (rorn 01 per dozen upwards, at RaIMe.R.B mi leyy«HhOQND titreet. above Qre»n U* ■DiTCH.—37S bbls. Pitch, io store and % k SUMMER RESORTS. VEI.T.OW SPRINGS HOUSE, CHESTER *7. COUNTY, PA* , • ~il££P ov V»Vrtierints in auvanee, ]L»6w r Eood bolt 10 rae "i, , i e vviS‘r, n s'fK ,^Aiu f . d ' gEA BATHING. , OOBAN HOUSE. CAPW ISLAND, N. J. .Tnls well known establishment, the favorite resort of Timor*, ia nowopen for tho reception of guesis. It pxe been qouk deraoly enlarged and refurm iieu, the ileopififf ronrnesnaeiott«and airy, aud eouunumcat* to tut families. Ihe buusa wnl be supplied with wat r from ttm.> old springs Person* desirous orependln* 5 r w weeks of the sum* • ra il l? ft ?» agreeahie manner could not do better thin to giWjha Ooeau iiouee a trial. IdRAEL LBAMINO, J666-6W* Proprietor. , A MERIOAN UO ; fB f , M\DCH CHUNK. PA<—This HO TEt, is now kept inn manner af fording every com on to vramere and travellers. Arrancements ha\e l>een raaiie this season to aocora foodateSUMMEß BOARDER' 1 ). The most sublime mountain scenery and raral onjoyments are here ef- MICHav)L WILH LM, . , GEO. W,WIL**KLM. )e2Ms&l Proprietors. AME RIO AN HOTEL, BETHLEHi M, Pa rh- Proprietor of this Hotel hastiewly fitted up hts house for tho accommodation ot vtmtor* during rhnsuu.iner Benoon. The ctierioan Hotel is situated onth«most elevated «pot in th-' Boroaxh. F*thlehrm is to 1 wei known for its beautiful scenery and commanding view of .the surrounding country, and , lor itssaiubi'ous mount*m air, to roq ireoomment. > The subscriber js now prepared 10 receive B ia;d*rs and F *tmli»-». and promisps to do his b«et to render their w * t ' l him pleasant and agreeable.. V Chants Moderate. J.W, R. PHAHO, , JeiS lm Proprietor. TTAGI.K UdTRB, BBTWLRHBW, PA. la«o ,ud oid'i.,tAbUBhed House. Icnowu as Ilia ; “ LBHIGfI VALLB/ BUMMKH «BTRKA I 9 now open for lho,sea»bn. The noooromodAtions of this House Will be found unsurpassed. The ride hero. ’lt e North PentiB>lvania Kaiitoad. ia ono ol the p'ea santoKtiu our State. CALEB YOHE, Proprietor. JJ&3m AMEROaN HOTEL, ALIESTOWN, ■4** P4.—This well-known and popular hotel bos. duriniuhe past season, been i*R»*-ATmV riOiLABGED AND IMPROVED, sou is sow in oapaoity and convenience second to none in the interior of Peansylvan'O. ’Jhe beautiful ana h4*lt fu l situation of Albntown render* it a do-> lish ful rutnmor resort, in view ofwhmh special ar ransemente have been made by the j>ro’»rfotors tof 0* cwnm^tesummer boarders. J. Y, BKCRrHu JQ26 1 el KW.BJGONY. fiSEA BATH.NU. national hall, ; „OAPK ISLAND. OAptf ItfVy* N. J. This fiiie, larxo. and airy house is NOW OPEN for visitors. It i* distinguished for comfort, locality, and superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 per sons Terms moderate. 1 jea 2m AARON GARRETBON, Proprietor. m LIGHT-HOUSE ‘ OTTAGE, NEAR Ml THE LIGHT-HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY. N.J.. (tbe ti«.rest h.u.s to toe RUrl ), i. now open for the ie- Qpption ol Hoarders. Th<« proprietor respectful!* solicit* aoontinuanoe of the patrona,e of his friend* and the public Jet) lm* JONAH WnOrroN. Proprietor. HEAiU HOU.SE, 80H00LKY*a MOUNTAIN, N. J„ Isnowooen for the reception of corapHn? Comroum ostiot * by letter will be prompt y attended to. Je3lUn 1) A. CKOWELt.. Proprietor. jWEPrUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITT. L * —T)ii" populir and nminontly >avorite Homo at Atlantio City h*s, snioc tho cloving of last season, been n nlar«ed. reG'tod. reforn|*br>d, and completely re juvenated iu every pamouhir and is now open for the eewtnn. From its de'ichiful situation, near* ue*s to aft place* rf interest, close proximiti to the safest and best part of the beach, it s rendered one of the most convenient and decidedly the pleasantest house onJJio fa smi. Terms—SW per week t $l6O per day, Children and servants half price. JOHN BMICK, Proprietor. R. b. FURBY, Suporintsndent. )ell-3m q6txaqelietkeai\ : BeautifaUy end couvenioutly located at ATLANTIO » ITY, N. J. Boarder* accommodated on reasonable terms JgSp-21a M. MoCL£K9. Proprietor. C'JNGRESS 11 ALL— aTLANI 10 CITY, N J.—This eparaou* Hc'se. sftuatod at Atianrio Oily, wIU l*o rropenod with every accommodation for visitor* t o thv 36tb-ia*Unt. by Jbe *Hb»eribpr..-TaM-i oftUo riooa nxnMfl near the Fiabin< and Saiiinc point. No puns will bo spareu to sedure the oomiort ana oon vehlence of gtletts. Jo»J-tet , THOMAS 0. GARRETT. CTAR HOTEL, kbablt oppourn Tit* w. s. worst, BAMui£ , ADAISs, i'ifopßl.'TQß. H "also.ViakliiAdtis To bike! v 0 Bv* Boarders accommodated on the most reasonable terms le/o *ra TriEVIONT HOU-E, 0-PE IftLA>D, N. J.—HUMPHREY HUGHES. Proprietor-This house, so ~to**4ntly tituved in ofose i>rn*imiti to tbe beach wi \ be open for the teceptiou of visitors on the 26th last. The large, splendid laun in front ol tbe houce ; tho fine sh&do. gob a from nil the Hast* orn and rpnthern, etties by railroHO to HaTrlsouT*. thence op the Cumberland Valley Bail road to Nowvilln, thence * uht mties etagmg, in new and easy oooohea, to the Springs Passengers leaving Philadelphia, BAUur.oro.or Wash ington, mthe mormnz ears, active at the Springs tho same evening at 6 P 51. This property has changed linnets, aud has undergone a thorounh repair ;*v arse budding has been ►reoled in which are warm aud cold Baths, anrfevery arrangernen t has becu made for the comfort and convenience of vi sitor*. , Newatabluig has been erected; horses and carriages will awn be on hand for biro. Terms moderate. Mails daily. For circulars and particulars, address theproprietors, KEftAGA KOBKR, COYLK, 4CO f EBANON YALLbY HOUSK U LEBANON, PA. CIIAB.'YF, KIJUNLE. Proprietor. , Bummer boarders taken. The house is new and com modious, with grounds attaohed. Surrounding country beautiful and healthy. Railroad communication with the city twice a day. Charge* moderate. Jctft lm* rfUirt BEA-SU- RE—ATLANTIC CITY. Jt McKIBUfN'S tr. 8. H IEL. The underload. propri* or o* the above-named house, Minx now prepare* to receive guests, re sprotfullv solicits a sb*re of the public natron- Kinoo last summer fnere has been added to this hotel a tour scried wing. 140 feet iu toiMh.con lamina (beside the trad rooms,) a siuto of threo rar'ors. for ladies, nod »wo tor gentlemen ; also, a reoepUon room, wash-room, and spacious bar room. Bowling 8a 100 as. Billiard Rooms, and rot and cod Roll xr ter Bath * g, Ao., make it as attractive as any houso in the country. The com munication la aocrßejble by two daily hues (rora foot of Walnut-etreetwharuvia.i 6 A. M«,and2f M. Reierenoe— orandy, Warden, * Co., tf<*9 Ohestnut street. % A. SHOKMAKB". Jefr-aro Proprietor, CUMMER BOARDING.—OLD SAND SPRING near Womelsdorf, Verks county. Pa-. The lor»e and oommodious HOTIBi. AND BOARD ING HOuSh, at this delightful bummer Retreat, is tmw oouudcted. and will bo opened for Boarders on the 15th o .IUNK.ISG). Coramu’iioa'lon twice daily* from and Harrisburg* by the Beading and Lebanon Valley Kailrowda. tut" Boarders received by the week or through the season, on reasonable terms . jefrlm JOHN MANDEftBACH* Proprietor* /CARLISLE 1 Tbo favorite resort for those 1/ 1 who appreciate Grand Scenery, P». I «ood boo 3 AccominodaiiouaforS 300. { For particular* *auu for Uirou- IgBI * S OWBN, otitIDEMN- & VISSCHEH, JeMn* Carlisle Spring. Pa. BEDIVRD SPRINGS. —This well-known and deli#Sommer B.iqrt will bo noened for the reception of Visitors on the FlfcSi OF JUNh-, and kept opeutljltbe Ist of October. The note! will bo under the management of Mr. A. G ALLEN, wnose experience. oourteooo manners, and attention to his guests- give the amplest aasuranoe oi comfort and kind treatment. „ Parties wisbint rooms- or any information in regard to the place, will addressJheisubscriber, JNO. P, fIKKD. Seo’y and Treasurer. tny&Mm Bedford Mineral Springs Co. PPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, -Ci Dsuoaster County* Pennsylvania-ThiarsUb l shmem will bo open by th» Jltn of June The ad vantages of tins beautiful resortar**; Mountain scenery, pure air, ano soft water; every variety of batns.auu amusements; a good stook of livert horses and oar ri&geß. For further particulars call on. JOShPIi B. MVKRB, ooroar Third nud Vine Streets j JaMLS 8. kARIiB.No.el R Chestnut Street. Phtlndelpnla, or to the proprietor. JOSEPH KONIGMACHER, Eohrata Pont Offine. Lancaster Count*. ra. ' tntSD-Sm COLUMBIA VOUSE, GAPE ISLAND— \J Catb May. New Jersey.—Tins largo, first class DOT* L Will be opened, for the reception of guests, on the 25'h June. 1860. The Bouse has be?jt completely recaneu ami refurnished. A new oookiug tmu«. ovens, ■team boilers, and every modem improvement added. Island, N.W Jerwy, will t>» >‘’^<^l‘ti{ti to Yrooi J UAy. Jam.. 11. Laird,lnt. proprijtor Franklin Hobs., i hllv HAIL, CAPE ISLAND, \J GATE MAY, N. J—This well-known, first-class note! will tie opened for the reception of guests on SA TURDAY. thcfwthlnst. The Bowling Alleys hare been removed, and new rrovr , eto „. csea bathing, cape island, n. 0— ® s.%fVAR B SUMMER RESORTS. JJ ED LOG’S HOTEL, ATLANTIC OJTY, NEW JERSEY. At the ternuuna of the Railroad, on the left, tarimd tlio Depot.—Thu Hdua* ia NOW OPEN for Boarder* ami Transient Visitors, and offers accommodations equi! toanr Hotel In-"tle-Dtio Cit>. The i liambers have been verr ».«■- improved, and rendered noro comfortable by Yewr* 1 Minds having been put up at tile WlouoWm Char** s moderate. Chffdran and Servants, ff/iff Price. . Parnesriumld keep theirssrps unt l the oamarrivo in, fro it of iho Hotol. The signs a;e oonspiudoas. Jyr-lm 4 kOY* SiI\UFI.EB f S RAILROAD HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, opposite the Rail road "enot. THE Kfi«T 81TUATTON ON THE ISLAND. Newly fitted up with new beds aud beddfag. Boarding and i odgmg $1 per day. JyZ-Im MAMMON BOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, i TA N. J., ISAAC TUAY) It, < late of Surf House.) Proprietor. 1 hu Douse has been very innob enlarged and im proved Has no v a large number of Family Rooms, not surtjuued by «uy hotel in this city. It is lightsd throughout with ens. New ami Cue walks liiT# beinlmdr the ooean. which will be lighted at tush... from the Hotel to the water, by aylomhd reflect me lamp*. Attached to the bouse (but separate from the main bonding) J* a far'o Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-class Ice bream and Couleot onery attAohad Over the Hall there are forty sleeping rooms for single gentle m«u. There is nlsp a play ground for ctuMroa, well shaded and enclosed, wiih swings. Ac. The catering department will blunder myowne*- venial supervision, »nd I trust that my reputation is sufficiently established to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. , Terms will bo $l3 perwe&k- Trausient Boarders fS per day. Carriages attached to the B-mse will take Boarders to and Dorn the t’ceanfree of ohargacurnß bathios hours Je2J tf laAap THAYER. fINITED BTATFB HOT ft L, MrLLERSBURH, 1) iT'PHtN COUNTY. PA. This well known Hotel hoe been leased by the sub scriber, and ha® been thoroughly re» ova ted and entirely newly furnished. *' illersburg is situated in one of the mostrnraan'lo regions of Pennsylvania: the 'usque h uns river flows lmm<*diat* j by the to • n. and aliords fine tisiiinv; the mountain scenery is unsurpassed in the Sla-c. Game abou«f'fl in great pi *ntr. affording fine sport for huntsmen; the mountain stre tin* abound with trout m great plenty. City visitors, who are desirous of spendiug n few months in the countr*. will find this one > f the most desirable places in Pennsylvania. The North Pennsylvania Railroad pauses the town, and it jb in daily onmrnunica'lou with Phtlncelphia, Baltimore, and Ndw York, The subscriber will use every effort to make his guest* oonifttnablo., , _ A. J. wArpiUT C, Proprietor. Millersburg, June 80. jna lm Mansion hous", mauoh chunk, OaRBON CO,. PA.—This is the most comforta ble and extensive hotel m Northern Pennsylvania, -nd the proprietor fl it’ers himself that thus far he has puo- in keeping it in a manner that cannot fail to sa tisfy all his guests. , , . . . Ibe doom* are newly and elesautly furnished, and tlm Table always contains toe very best the Markei* afford. The hotel is located oti the banks of the Lehigh, directly nppngite the railroad Uepol, and at the base of M&uch Chunk Mountain- A path eads from the rear of the house to tne 'op of this mountain, from which pom', son i* ei f nt hundred feet above the Lohigh, the most sublime scene ithduinAble is presented Th* House is abundantly supplied wirht e best and purest Mouorsrn Water. t&~ Hot and Cola Baths can be taken stall tim*s. je;6-3m QhORU- HUPP fa B.Proprietor. tt&CHEH’S HEAD H >TEL, *3 GUILFORD. CONN The proprietor of this well-known urs'-class fnsh'ona ble Bummer- House would infer*” it* former patr-ws an > the pubho generally, that ho has built on three hun dred feet this spring, rmtsttK seven y-four new bed rooms. neW dining room forty by one hundred new parlor forty by seventy, bvery room in the house is newlt furnbned with ntto Carpet* snd new Coitsg* Furniture. The Hotel is of mode n construction, built nnnn extensive soale. with accoramodatiors for lour huudred uuests; heautifuly Inca ed sound. A new yacht of forty* five ton*, and several snub tail boats, wil be constantly on hand, ready for parties. Going from New York to Baohcm’« H**od. take the 8 A. M. tram, and 3 P. M. train ; rhetk and ticktt to Bft ohemsi'cad direct dunging oars at New Haven time through hours. From New Haven to the Head at tSi M- ll v. M. and OP. M—time forty mi utes. ,\t the fiaohem's Read depot will be found one ofCook f s l>os r four-horse omnibuses, new and dean, to carry you d reot to the ilou*o. A new barn, one hundred by fifty-two feet, has been built this spring, which will nooomodate fifty horses Eight Aores of land have been enolosed and filled with oru"mnntalandfruittieea« walks.&o T he House will be oprnod for the reception oToompa ry on tbo SOth day of June next, under t&e immediate superintendence of the owfl'-r. N- £ Mosnaitoes are never seen at tbs Head. JeB >7r ■ Tontine ootel NEW HaVKN CONN. The subsonlier has refurnish'd tins fashionable first cLss Hotel entire this spring; remodelled the o il Dining Room; added a new Ladies’ ordinary; and put in com plete orner h e MHfaid nad Butti Kooms. FaraiVes can have suits of ro ms House, as lowosotan> fir«t-ola»8 House in the Country. Uoaiders oansoto and from thelOO'TfNE to the HEAD, ’hree times ad«y. by rail, stui take their meals at either House, without oxtra charge. Harms purchased and stocked n large farm At 9v chetu’s Head *his spring, the two Houses W.ll lie fur nisho t with meats, poultry, milk,butter, vegtt'tb'es and fruit < ally, from the farm. A t-ile-rapn line has been put up at M.tohpfa’s Head, and at the Tontino. at the proprietor’s own expense, whichooaueoti wuhallthebnesln the ) nited Atates. je3-m H LEE SOKANiVN. IIOUSR, ATL >.NT!O CITY. N. ,T. This spacious Hotel, possessing tbo most advanta geous location at AtlanMo City, having been recently enlarged will be opened for Iha approaching aatuonou rhol) h instant. , A new wing throe stones lugh and SJ feet in length, with verandah n.tirountbrg it, has been add'd contain ing 4A largo and ai*y rooms and extending to within 60 yards of the ocean, a fine pri’Bpeotof which la afforded from almost every room in the house. Goa b tKin« introduced into the bu Iding, additional bathhouses vll be erocto* l ,a Cf j aumeroue ollioriin provomenis made, it being the aimof the proprietor to make the 6U rnu hlareh 11. S6O —The rat'sof Freirhtaod Tol s oci Coal ttsasnuriod br this company will be ae follows limn ftj<*»•»•**■ Ik. n«.til fufthor notice .* To Richmond——— ; Vhd&delplwa.—. Iqclmed Plane-.. . Nioetown Germantowu R. R,— . Falls of Bohuylkill..:. Manayuiik Ejihert’a Obnshohookon.—. Swede Furnace... ftnmbo*» Norrist'n or Bridgeport Port Kenuedy.. yallcr Forge.... PhcßDitvillo Koyvr’s rbrd —- Arammso Limerick...—- Potato wn Dougln«svtllo.-_.. Monocscy Hj nlsboro - . Kxeter...— .... Taokerton Liesport nlohrsville.. Hamlmrg Orwlcfildg and Auburn. lahtand Tola on Anthracite Ipbm. liv lined Plane. Nice- Hlroad will be raised 150. per After July 15'Jtthe Froi Co i| consivneil to Phtladel toWn.aud Ge;mm’own Ra ton. Mnnasers, By order of tho Board ol 1 U ti&jy w. H. fticILHKNXKY, Sco*y. pi^ANTKcS' BANK Of TENNISES. * . „ .. Nashvihr. J»ino?0-l&J*! 1 hiß Rnuk hae tltla dai de.larod & divsdoi.d of th- t». seven dollars and Uir-e-quiitar* i«r rhare out of the »' rpins or undivided p i fits of the Hank pawibl* fo the Philadelphia Meckholder* at ihe W»HTtiR* RANK, as follows nr i Pou per oenf. find fractional parts of nt o share in CASH on and ni.er the 36th July neat, sad the bvaiioe v ther m cash or ntw Stock nt a*?, at the option or the Rank, on or *fte r September 17% 18W. or ordor of the Board Jjd-lrn l\ WEAND^CaBhler. f}FFt<\E of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurances od Live*and*rr-,r tin* An nuities, fio. 30* WaLNUT Street * Philadelphia. July 2. MW Th* director* have this da/ declared ft dividend cm their capital sfock nf feu* per efftc. tor *h« l*sr mis monthn, mid au • xtrndi 'den ■ t»i id Brcse lor 3474 W h&vnu been Inst or stolen anti the p*i mentot wh'Cb twac stopped, the pubho are nor* by caulionod ajtuinst negotiating the same. j)0 2t* SAWBT. t. WITMER. CAUT*'OV. —All persons aro cautioned acainst trusting any of Urn Crew of the French Bark F!eun«nde Bellevue, Sanlny. M*Mer,fn m La Ho ohelio, ns no debts oj tin ir enutraemg viU lie paid by Oftiitun orConeuJieetf. HEA’RV (!Offt*FN r«>n W. Whibrtm, witUoive Areh*fcfreet wharf on SATURDAY NEXT, 7lh iust,, at 9H o obok A. M., arid over? Tuesday. Thursday, and PRtt'rdat thereafter: returnine will leave the Cape every Monday. Wednesday, aud Fri day. Fare osch way (carriage hi e included) SJW Pare each wa> Bervan’s.oM ria*e hire included 125 Season Tickets.carriage hire nxtn..* 8 no Horses, Catnagts. and Freight taken. j? 6 2* ALLEN’S NEW BOOK AND STATION* £M- RUV BtORK.8 t ORK. Wo. 1074 CHESTNUT Street Just opened. New Hooks. Magazine*, Reviews, and Peri* oaioals are now being received and Railing at the lowest pneos. A large assortment of French. English. and Ameri can Stationery, or the finest am) best quality, ircluding rap. Letter, ndios’ Baih Post.Noio and Hillet Papers. Allkindsandaiylesof '-nvelores. Wedding CaM». Vi sum* Cards. Gold and Btsel Pens, fine Pocket Cutlery. Porte f«oanabB. Parses, Bags, T ravelling'Cases. Port folios. Ac., soiling at lII* must reasonable> Call nod examine. * t ALLr.N’tj. 1074 CHEHTNUI Street, noa-L opposite ihe Acad*)))? of FtnoAtt ». }}6-2t A. Note. Ladies’ Bath Post, and Billet Paper, gilt and piaiu* tinted and &«on»d eolnyg, inoladins Oi-er hml, hubgrantt. Ouadnlle. and Reticulated styles at * 074 lihfctt fNU l btreot. Thu bsssc of wbt- JINQ I’aPBRH AND KNVRL, P'S in t! ,e oitr.. including the oelelirat' d Da un Rue nrnnnf.otura. can bef uml at ALLEN'S. No. 104, CHKBJNUi Street. If6-2L VINEGAR.— 465 bhls Ohriaed Cider Vi- Y nem.fcObbls White Wins Vinegar, nianufao ♦uredand lor sal*' hr KoWLtSY, Ae« tf b'RNLM. «t CO.. 'nifilm.thWHtPVKS 136 WPIRITsTURI'ENTINE — l7sbbla fcpta. rurrentlna, in htora and fo' .fda ’ ASHBURNKW. ACa.Nn. ICdODIH WHaHVES. PORTO KICO Sb(JAK.~2So hhds nie ilium ond slrloHf Pr*? 1 .?,,?? Bale b 7 JAMES URaHaM t CO., lib H U a atTect HENNESSTi BRAND'S.—7O casks, in If 1 WWMI* lED in a dry goods jobbing house, ft man who un-ierstnuat packing,or who *"os a kuow'edxe of d rt oo»tie soous. re guired. fN D» tf PH /at Pt 6 ss Offioe?” j?e-at* —A situation as Salesman in , ™ aWbolesHle Boot amt Shoe House, *>p ns Tr»v» 1 Bite Agent. Has had a srason of • xperienen. Ctv nr sivpn. PJ.ftap ndarei, ooi J 1 Mnnt ingdon h-etoffiow. nuntm rtoo. P*. jyg VV~ ANTED— A situation by a you, g ." L man from the inierio r of Pennsdvanja, i n a wholes'.i- H»t nnd Cup Hnnse. (tin influfiimea lair arnyUntofcskbandauinnnrhs’trade# Add es?* .1 */* this office. j>4 2i* a ooinytent salesman, ran influence oosn andgoed six mouths trade. Address •* Nations ” «t tula office • jyf-wfm 3t* PARTNER WANTTD.—The Advertiser wishes to negotiate, with an aot*ve busiuets mm. hay ng aoaab capital of 9t <&>. fo take an interest w a safe and profitable manufacturing nosinesi. yielding already » handsome income. Particulars will be «iven on on interview being had Address ** Profit,” office of The Prs s, . Jer» 101* F.)R SALE—The Stock and Flxtu'e. of a Wholesale Boot and Shoe House, now dome a good liusinOcS. This is a good opportunity for any one wish my to go into the business or a house waiting to inorease tneir tr«do. Batisf otory reasons giviajr for B»bma out. Aedress ” Box 280/’ Pmladelphia Post Offioo.wubn-Mfte. jo?g-ti A YOUNG MAN who iias hap 'uueb exparirnofi m the Dry Goods trade wishes ft situation m a whMetnle house as Book-keeper or 9i!es man. Undoubted reference given. Aduress *’ Wil liam/* at tois paper. &%*_ Oif AP AND PRINT COLORING —Two -Lfi youa* ladies wo have had oraeidcrableexpe nance at Map and Print Coloring, wish to secure work of ABinufar fcin'i. Can fu'msh so.a re/orencs. Apoiv at w- uih *»>XTH ft«reet je2B-Wt* W 'NTED*-A Mtuation, by a man, tkirty**4r?it years of age. of expensive experi- • enco in lauiners oi good ad- revs, and competent to fii: almost any position, eitiier os a clerk, sunenttendent, or ealosmau Is very respectably conneotrd, and cap give the mo't satisfactory reference! fts to integrity, energy and business capacity A moderate sal*rv for the present will bo acoepied. Address ” B. G. iL.” oflloe of Thn Presr jelf tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. nnO au, t 82 000 to loan on Mort a. T • onnMAN, IDS Hnuth FOURTH Bite.t, TIO MAN UK AO (UREHS.—FOR SALE r3O inch Cnnd*n*er, m»l, hr A. Je&fc. da Son, la good order. Apply to EDWIN M. Ml 1 UL. J>4 fit* Oenrantown. J..ANJD!! 300,OO') Aores for Sale, ftt priors renring from 13X to A 0 cents per Aoid. ln-nny quantities required TAXES pud, And Pa fKilTd procured for purcha sers or) snd under the Graduation Act Plats furnished gratis by er.olosmg a potftigs stamp. For further mformat on apply to . WJi.BoN, RiWLfNOB k, CO, U. S. and General Land ft-> CH u STNUxßtreet, Between THIRD and pot R-iH, «*- LOUIS. AJO. TiA**D WARRANTS foughtreold.endldoated. Jy3-3m ®TO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALS— The Machinery, Stook, and Fixtures of a laiye Manufactory of PAPER HANGINGS, replete with every oonvepience for carrying on an extensive bnei noss. A desirable investment to persona of energy who can push the business. For sale with or without the bmloin*. Inquire at 523 CnF.STN (JT Street. JalHwfmtnf HART, MONTGOMERY. A CO FDR SALF-—A desirable COUNTRY SIRE-TDENCK. with about t*n aores of t-snd, ani i m provemen s, near the Brandywine, six miles south oi West Chester, near the Baltimore CentraLKAiJp'ad. Addiees J. W I#*ON. Je 19 lm* Farkev He# Chester county, ra. FOR SALE OR TO LET—a Double Stone * ottase- Germantown, situate oa Dewey’s Irme, second honsa from Tho’fjre lane, five minutes walk from railroad station. Uontams all the modern conveniences. Apply to F.WIL" Off, jed-lm 603 OHKBTNVT Btr»et. m TO LET OR For HALK—A FOUR. ■3 story hoffse. double hack buildings, all modern Im pnivemeut*. to ooropJetd order; ap eleeants»r«e yard. “ erms low to a good tenant.. 8 1 tostod No. 1924 CHluBrP*UTPtreet. No. *#l9 CHESTNUT dtreet. in the Masonic Half py3|-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a, large lot in the Southwestern section of tho city, welt adapted foraNareery. Term* accommoda ting, For parttoalsn address •' K-»t this office. aplT-tl f|Vj LET.—? he orst floor of the fine bai!d- A ing, N 0.704 CRESTtftJT street, formerly for a wholesale (and l&te.y as a retail) faftcy.MQ&ds. and peTfumen store. Apply at the olfioe of JULKs HAUEL k CO., No. rot CHjbSTNffi'street. FhiU. Jed-lm COUN'JRY BOARUTNG at a first class farm hnu«e, e«*r of access- Call rhisdsy from 8 till 7 at the Commercial Hotel, SIXTH Street, above Chest nut. Inquue for Mrs. H. 11* SUMM FK BO aF DlN^.—Persons wishing to to to the country can find pleasant Booms with good ac-’ornroodatroee. at the WASHINGTON HOVBE, WOObRURY, The House has been S’tire y re modeled md refum-ahed throuihou . For terms. Ac., aildren* J\»rtN 1* PH>PPB. Woodbury. N. j., j aZi T2t* Late of Mensioa House. West <‘heater. Pa PR IV «TE BOARDING.-—Gentlemen and their fnmriiPa, or single gentlemeh, can be sacom mnCated with Board, with pleasant and handsoeie rooms, furuishe 1 or unfurmehed, at 61ft LOCUST 9*., south side of Washington square- The location, b*uu opposite 'o one of the handson ost parks id the oity. is ooq ral. and extremely p'easant. Transient persons visiting the city can be aooommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rmt, suitable for an oflioe. Jeil-ti Families v and gentlemen wish ing FMBT-CLAB! BOARD. wiUl 000 l Room’, nan upg l.avfl rhnioe at 9-'3 6t. JC4 lm* TWu YOUNG oENTLRMEN OaN BE aouommodated with good, airy apartments, (with orwitlirut board.) in a private family. Looataon cen tral. Addreea ” TOLBERT.” through Blood's Die patcli. __ .... djiIKEWABD —Lost, on 4th July, a wlu SO’ D CRAIN BRACELET. tntrAvM »n o • Wolcott to M«nJ-. *h. »bov. be Ljtid.for its recovery by w.p wHlrr, fr «u.»or nergcoruiy y og Bouth SBVFNTH Strsot. OEMUVAL SMALL & CHANDLER, JY.^m»YS!!^rf«RaiSP«SK abive Kroßl. nnrtb ■>»». ’W A FOR THE STEAMBOAT „ l N> Publisher*. Book** lera, and I No. 23 Bouts tlXl’H et.,aboveCHEßlNUr* FOR THE A*D RAIbHO l), ►eeoted f ont the best authors. titled by an Old Travel er. I3ra". eOceuta. Alto, the foUowmc, tor Summit Jieedios '• APRAfA; OR LIFE AND LOVE IN NORWAY. Trauala’ed from the German by Hon. fc. Joy Morre. 13mo. 41* • jjj RHf-NRS *ND ADVENTURES IN THE UNITFD RTA TES ARMY ; or. The Romance of Military Ufa. By Col. P. bt. George Cooke, Bucond Drajoons, U. # A. l*mo. $l. _ J>* Buy your books at kvans* u have the a e Of tpo ivtOK a handsome present. Worth from 6> centa t • 100 hundred dollars* With each Book, „ . Boolre of Past, Ho.«k« of Ftotmn, Bwksof Hiainry, 800 a for Farmers, Book* of Sio*e, and Christ s > pw ie* to'the Psvca Chur.hes of ami* By A. O lhoropjon. 1?tqo. *IGN R T AN'D OTHER GEMS. By R Tpi-^L^ f Ki s'^RC^S^NU. MIS-lON Ah Y J.ABOHIc "URI V U *N i IO a IE Erf Y BA "S' KRSI iIKNUE IN EASTERN AFKJCA. By the Rev Dr. 3. Lotm K*apf. With an App* adix reap-oum the Source* ot the Ntle, Languages Ana Liieratare oi Lssteru Africa* Ac* Wrao, $125. For Brs ®^ illiam s, x A* FREP MARTIEN, No 006 CriES i NbT Street. claret wines. ALBERT G. ROBERTS. FINE GROCERIES. jX card to THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA, APRIL IK. 1960. An attempt has l-eea uiade todeoejve the publio, bj persons offering what f\«y c ail “Cohouzm Wats**' from Fountains; and at the price of siz (6> cents pel glace. The t ekoUsah price of the ftwiiM Congress Wa ter, at New York. be-ingabout7* cents per glass. the tpi* position of pretending to sell at retail at If m than cost* and without allowance for freight, o&rtage, or breakage* is apparent; but their probable course has been to empty ont bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby uhnetenio* its refo! oontents. ■We have navaa. »o\d Congiau Water in Fountains, nor in vessels of any otktr d*stripUt» than ordinary sized glass BOtTLin. The cork of ?vV genuine Übrunded ’‘CONGRESS WATEH o. * Vf„” and any, without thoca words and letters on the cork, is coTJKTKRkxir, irliethor from IJgmuitti or Bottles. CLARKE 4 W^HlYh, Proprietors of Congress Spring. The followius eiratlem.n in Philail.lphia, vis i FREDERICK BROWN* cor. Fifth and Chastest fit, L% T Ki O OOBBBIib 1410 Chestnut street. a’ u. If. TAYLO R. onr. Ninth and Chestnut streets, Are constantly supplied by us with the scant*? *'Uon eußso Waibb.” »n bottles, fresh from the Cnnfretf Spring- . „ ..**vCkAHKF. & WHITE. VvißSmir o«t:KD«R Ht. NewYoHr tb»*. inanu r ncturedin every style, with tbe latest»m* provfroeuta. fr'Cer rosoou o View*, comprising Land* scapes of America and Europe, Mstu&'V. Groups, so* recently imported and s«»d low. wholesale orr&tAnb; SI, S. h UaNKI.IN. iipttatan, HU south FOtRTH Mreet, below Cheuteut, tO r Femcopio Hpoowolet and * i ’ya-GliM*«, Opera* Glaives. Microscopes, and Mathematical instruments, in great vaticty. JjS-mww« RO-tFIMJ.—J >HN WELCH, ENVELOPES. —Over 200 different stales i !nw rale-?, 'a! 1 wi jwrirrnn'rd and sires, eellinr from 600. per lOOOupwßrd. Or* | tlufuetioii T Order* re-1 ti. Tntßlr Mreor -tod OtH dura br m&U pnimitlr ptwn'Jc.l to” f EHRY, Stationer, M * NTO .. M Kuad r.ll !* promptly attended to- POUR'HimiV Back. l»l» ■>».?•". O HE MS WRiTfNG PAPERS, /'"MSTOR OlL— Fast India, for sals br s*°$ *° ** USES?' ■KoSSiSSS! * BItOTHi4K ’ 4T 49 %«• WANTS. HOARDING. LOST AND FOUND* REMOVALS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. BEiUiEB Oonior KLF.VENTH Mid VINK Slr.nU, AMUSEMEHTB. WHEATLEY & CLJEKE’S ABCH “TRKKT THR-T E. FRIDAY "-•IS'TVR:-'YFVEIiING;, JULY 6I& and7th, 1W), ’ 1 d H**ery Lvoninx. TH«. NAIAD QUKKNi Ur.’Jlie My*ivne»of the LurlitbOT*. Hit lluveit Mr. Lewis Baker! LurLce { the Nsia# Queeii Hr* John Itpw. To eoromence wth the tkmic Drauift eftt-tied WON’*. JACUUS.S. Doors open at half-u,iet7 o’clock. Performaaos wii n r Bproaisohv Admimon Sets. Box hook open P* A PAkB ipadvanoe COLOMOS’S TEMPLE. o ecoofijndate a number of that fatead tb-;iRMPL>' f itwill remain 00 n to visitors »ntii ti#e 16th in»t. Tickets in packs of five sed res. for mV!!» -IT® *»f* cinhe.aro sold hriow the ref alar rate. Alt -J? 8 r wltho P t debik. School* oat of the oity era * £s** low price. Admittance 16 oeats, children half prioe- /jf-tf PE NN A. ACADEMY OP THE FINE /RTa-* 03 * OHKBTNirT Bcr.ee. uooMininff a large eollectioa of Paintiftte iftd Srsl>> (ure. is now open o-ulp from S * M. bllS P. M» Ad missioaUcU-: children soderU rears, ttoeßts. jyfl-tf WARNEaS JBIFLR AND PISTOL GaL- LtSPY—Now open- oorner of FIs rri ® f° r R'fl® Fhoorinr# with tvojarge tjgy hghu. Ihe most complete GalJpryin the Umo a. JegSlm* SOLOMON'S TEMPLE, A Urge, Jceantifoi. and perfeoiisodslof taeerand*- est ang most interesting ever m the immense saloon of MARKET. ABpVE* TWRlfp&i STREET. Tbo Mod.) M MfMt lo as. U feet nie.taA U loot hi,h i lKhtsd b, »9 ku jeu. uid the wor.hiM.ri n presented by ®0 firaTes arrayed in Jewish ooetaaew aorroasdmg tnevimoss courts, give it ft life-tikft ap pearance. Read Ist Kf we.tthtoflthoh» ;.ICbro3.,»b ebap.j3iJ CumQ., 4th ana 7th chape; and Exoous Serb oeftp., for contents aud description of Bolomon’s Temple, aft QJ which ir taitVifuUy represented m Model. OPEN TO VISITOR* .withexplanations,from 10 fe* Vi A *L.au’'.aad7tftnify-j'm /.CmlsaioT). 55 nems; ch«lor“n half price. Family 'rickets aud packs of tea sold at lest th*» usual rvee. . ' n»?Ltf By the request of n number of Fthfidi* snd Fmoiitim the F xhibitioa w}ll be continued aatil the M.h ImL (Tuna and gi.asswahk. CAUTION— FRUIT JaßS.—The yah) o are cautioned ageiast Hie various laritMMXM of HAR * ELL'S oji3njW JARS, cow is The gs&ame have HaruL's name oa the cover Maoufa. turer« n* d*r the eeteafi, BARTELL k JeU lmif* No. IS North FIFTH street. POISON— FRESH FRUIT JARS.—Tho aoid of fruit always oorrodeethe surf-toe of soetal? be careral. therefore, touarchase nly Ja.-s of -.1003 ck. payable 10 the stooxholdeift, clear of the tneto tax, on demand. JNO. y, 3AXW, Actoftry, ?PHE MUTUAL LIFE ENSUE ANUS X COUPAKY OP MUW YOEC. six mLudfi&oi dolulm. The prenuuma ars Lowsa than in many other Csete alee, aad the Thvldondii htra been esrxTsn, nto &&h® ffM“ to top JNBVtvn. Pamphlets, aud every isfonuatiecL mftV to tod PHILADELPHIA JREFERENpifi fhoma* Rotmw, John Welsh, Hordeoai L Dawsop. «JeonreH. Stsjit George M. Stroad, c, 8. Whsles, John B Myers, LPisher Leoadcf# Joseph PfttUTsoti. Wißiam CTLatvia John M. Atwood, Arthtr* gCtfra, Thoihae H. Power*- GeorgeW. Tolaad, WiHiantMonee. Thee, wqttww Twto^irit* Fame insurance company, no. INGS, irom*L>B o’clock. lnt*»Mts per cent, per annum. Tepoeiton oan with draw their, oonsys by Checks, ifdeurvd. Sf#efal De posit* received, JAMES B. PRINGLE* President. FSAWria H»VT. sato-fVtf MEDICINAL. pKOF. MOBBIS' EUOEPHALOS, MORRIS* PhOFE&OR MORRIS* PROFKSSOk MORRIS* BVO KPHILOS, fUCEPBaLOS, KUCEPiiALOs' Alt INVALUABLE an invalua&le " * r«s®®isii; OR DIABASES OF TEE FOR PIBEAtiLS OF THE mm wwfff: NBRVOUS BY9TEM • THE MIND to the research** of Li ter* tore, the c.nosrM cf Commercial and Financial Easiness, aod tne affairs of ProtM*ioaal And Political Life, or as occasioned by nat other oause t om which the Nervous bystem has be come exhaust d &i d diseased. The syroptons oovered hr thisvaluable Preparation are numerous: of whico the moreprofiuaentarc, T OK THt. BRAIN. AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THk. MIND, CHuON G ♦' NK 1 ' NEURALGIA,RHEUMaTIsM* NXRVOUS HEADACHE Eto-.^tc. The EUCKP*>aLO* it carjraUf ntepared.bT per roisstrot from the Foasmt AorPhOr W. MORRI*, & D.» of nit oitr, to which he refers mbit Philoeephtoal Pamphlet. "PSinClfu/S.” On the relations of tie Ganeuo-Nervoas By stem to the immaterial soal of su. HaunxexMbi’od t:>e vrinciplesand commended the system of Composite Hotnceopatb*, Pro'essor Id. says’ It may be permissible that l should offer, as »n il lustration, ur own case. A connnoas (-carte of efu det for a number of jean had. to a certain extent, pro need the .rdioarr effects of extreme mental ap plication. b 7 attemiatins the prime oeotree of on ante and intellectual life, and hence arose a felt reoeesity cA perform) relief. Havu; s welJ fonnded confidence in Cnmp site Homoeopathy and as intimate acquaintance with Materia Medi a of the Homceopatnio School I seleoted certain substances of ascer amed bsnaootoua relations and approved nscs, sad combined their esses t/al properties in prop 'rtion&l unity, and was sliderseo (it the possession of a medicinal reer-uroe." rrofemor Morris describes the mode of application, sad then addii “In this way the desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive listen invicorated, the taarho nervous system restored to its former tone, sad tnr Qtsl dearness, tranquillity, and vnor—at th- ace of nearly three score—are the much valued results** Prepared.and sold A HOLE aI K. by MCHJKRnWE &CO., ,%0,«2 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Drowists tener+Uy. „ , Proe. 91 per b-'ttle, laiye tixe-M cents small site. m>B Smif Hr,LMB LD'S +XTBACT BUOUU. THE GPEAT DItTRhTJC tor D Bfl&se of tb** Bitdder Kidoeyi. Gravel, Proper OHGAMC WK sKN'-S?, Ac . Ac. Sufferer* with disease* o» thoee or?*ne experience ftIANV* ALaRMINGSiWi'TOAIS. Amort? wh*cb will be fr*uod . Pam in the back, Week Nerves. Los* of > emorr, DimeuUjr of Breettua?. VMVERB?”*L£sSljri?%'B OP U iCt'L4R sva---ai. These d'seases or strupuroa, allowed tg to ea, waioh iIbLMB 1 LD’H EX » KaCT Bl Cdtf In • artablr removes, Sooa follow Lfasof Cover. Patoit*. end Epileptie Fite. IP YOU ARE hUPPEWI.nO. P»OCI>E Thß at o twenty rears’ standing vnl accnrapanj tt e Med cmt, end en aenoe o( the most reliable am* responsible charterer is open for inspection Price $1 per tot?le. or ux i* r $B. Delivered to any address. Depot* 104 Booth rrff'U Ntreet, helow OnEfcTMJT. itSS tf tCTRU 1 For INSTANT RELIEF tod fEfi- AM ulAt MAX EXT CURE of I2us distress tem^ plaint, oat r E N D T ’ 8 BBONCHTAi CIGARETTES. Made by C. B. SKYNOUK Jfc CO., 10T NASSAU Street, New Yofx, Price- Sip«r box \ cant foe by post WTT.ftmin FOR SALK AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. HARDWAHR package houses. Package hakdwarb bouse.—w« would reepcctfollj call the attention of the Sen* si HardwareT/ade tooar extensive Stock cf BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which We Oder M atx&'i •dyaiioe by die package. Qidetafoy direct Importation solicited, and Goods i» tiwerti «f*Mr ta Uie aitj, Nnr ? o|,New O'fo n» «jiCOMMERCE St' cat, latoarting and Ccrmuacon Msrot aa« And Al*ats TerVereir* a«4 OrtsrW’* Hardware «,n i J| shoemaker A (V. GLASS. PAINT*. UllS AND VARNISHES Northeast IVrner FOURTH AND RACK Boosts pygP-dm AZOMBA ! AZbMEa ! AZUMKAt AZUMEA! AZTJMEA! AZUSIEA! PKOF. MORHIH' AZU.MEA JMKJNQ POWDER. l*o. 6*3 North FOURTH ...-* •« IK %n' f Manufactured snietr ,• «* fn* «,U V- CTU. lIIE'TH-■•ROH’ 1.-BKM) ThO'- AryVTIN!? .VI'ALLIO.V. AMERICAN star, will ft.iud fur m\r<«« th* cosu o.- week at (be a afo of Cbas Lin,«», Bnc Bail, Barb-. Any per*oca the *orvic*aif this yoocg aiMl on %Ul find turn there d.‘Tin*tbA%«ek. L» tL CONKLIN Fropri-t»r. Jolt }, »®». ;