Tun Pikb’b PsakGolD Minbs:—Notwltbstaad* ieg the dlwburagetaeuls of last year.thoasandgof emigrant* ore nowon their way to.UioFiko’ePeak gold inlnos. A letter from Denver, dated'June 7, whiuh we saw yssie'rday, sayß: “Everything buoyant and Hfo-like at Denvor, and the mince—glowing reports coming in daily— -1,000 per diem, or ono thousand teams arriving weekly—tldo of emigration fully aet in—property running up—many freighters coming in—all buatlo and business—ono hundred and thirty milla here and on the way, (four to elx damps only daoh.) Minos turning out riohly, surpassing tho mines of California, which will bo soon demonstrated to tho world. -Emigrantsare also coming in from Balt Lake end Now Mexico. Money or mills will placo any man in the way to largo fortune. One house alone will recelvo this season 23,000 sacks flour, taking 500 teams to transport, coaling at St. Louis SlOOooo—freight $2J0,000-*-thi3 is Major Brad*, ford's, 000 hundred and fifty thousand people Rto en route and hero, and it fifty thousand only remain during the winter, they will want 75,000 cuoks flour botVo it can come in tho spring, we havo at Denver ois thousand population, aug- five hundred per week—will have fifteen thousand stationary iu ninety days. Two banks now ready here—ono to assay dust. Two millions duat in circulation. Eastern capital will yield a large reward.” Shooting Avfbav Bbtwrbn Editors.—Tho Lynchburg (Va ) correspondent of the' Baltimore Sun. describe* a desperate affray which ocoutrod in that town, on the 23d, between Q.W, and W.H. Ilardwleko, of \bo‘tlcpubhc(z/i,wa,ii C. W., Joseph, Kobort, and Ueorgo Button, of tbo Virginian. The difficulty grew out of au articlo which appeared in the editorial columns of charging Mr. Slats*, political editor of the Republican, and postmaster of Lynchburg, with dereliction of duty fa attending the Democratic Convention. Tho next morning a paragraph appoarod in the Republican denouncing 0. W. Button, proprietor of the Vtrgi nian, aa a coward, Ac. This brought out a card from Joseph Button, local oditor of tho Virginian, charging a tbo SKinecvc nmr. Oaktohds TuumriUNr,—Messrs. Chan, Oak fold A Grnis, under the Continental Hotel, have solved th« problem most efleutualiy of having nil seasons for tholrowc. Midsummer and midwinter uro with them alike au2;mioU!>, as to deprlvo Uio ladles of O-ikfords’ superior furs when the iherniometer is at z*ro, would b« very like depriving our uilizonu of the stonier sex of tbeir inimitable cool nuiumor hats when (ho tharraomotFr V.nud.l "ninety in tho shodo,” Dy all odd Oolddrds'Block oflmis for the Eccso/i is the most varied, nniquo aud complete In tho country. Ladies tOOjtre fir.jkitfi to their elegant saletwooint to supply themselves with neat fitting rhoo3, end handsome run umbrellas L'sfyra leaving for thoeouhtry.. TaE Waidi Skabok appears to havo fairly set in, and apis'is tho timo tolook forthos3 things which will add to pur comfort, and teud tb make tho sultry weather pass plonauGy ns possible, Thoso who are tnwantof Housekeeping artioles nuitnblo for tho season will End en excellent assortment of silver-plated ico piohera, poraalsm-lined water coolers, Dr. Kano rofrlgeratoro, ioo-ereiin freezers, Ac,; togolhorwith nlarge stock of furaiehiug koedaef $ll kinds, atE.B.l ; ar«o& A Co.'s, N. W, comer ot Second and Dook. Terrors, ahd' families repairing to tho dlffer- Cut pUoas of cummer resort, should not (ail to taka with them Bowna’a Medicated Fins, which mo a safe, speedy, nnd certain euro for costivenesa, habitual con* itlpatiou, dycpojwdn, elck ami nervous headacho, nnd bilious aflfcntioiM generally. They consist orpuro Alex andria senna, eomblicd with tho best-quality tif aroma tics, so skilfully inlaid m the fig aa to movent'detection In taste. Trioo S7)tf cents ror box. Manufactured by Geo, C. Bower, Sixth ami Vino cts. tf 'ATnt’xs.v.—Ah daylight oaojbofoen through very email holes, so httlo things will illustrate n person’s clm rooter..,lndeed, character consists’in liltlo acts wall and honorably performed, daily Hfo being tho quarry from wluoh wo build it up, ami rough-hew tho habits that form it. Nothin* goes farther to illustrate charat~ tir amour husineoi men thin "little (hinge," tho truth of walolt is amplified in tho manner of doing business fctthQ “Ono-prlco Gift Clothing Emporium" of Gran ville Stokes, No, C')7 Clicstnntetreot, where " httlo pro* fits and quiok rales" are Accompanied by useful gifte al ways sAriifaetory to tho recipient. { The most sk Iful flutters only ere employed m the cus tomer departments. Joogb DocfliiAS Declines !—Mirah oxciteinont hasbeftn caused inpoiitioal circles by a cunent report that Judge Douglas had declined tho nomination for tho PremdsacT, The statement arose in this way. A gen tlemen was eiion in very earnest conversation with iho Judgo, and Urn latter wan heard to f&y very emphati cally “ i (IccUno l ,; "i 11001100!" It seems that the geutWM recorcmenr.mj the Little Giont to get a suit of clothes of hi« tailor, instead of at the Brown fc’tone Clothing lUllcf ftookhilt & ‘Wilton, Not. 603 and M 5 Chestnut f, met, abovo Sixth, whore the distinguished Iflinoistan in iii the habit ofdcnhng. J?IKB-PibATED ICT. PITfIDERB, lO ?!5. Fine I’Jatcd Tea Rats, §2O to §75, & Fins Plated Castcis, $3 to §23. Fine Plated Cake Baskets, §5 to §l5, Forks, Bfccone, Butter Dishes, etc., of our own plating and the best possible Quality, at fair prices. .JJ.'W.CarT)) &Cf>.iHonse FuTniehera and Manufac -tafisuofSilVoT.PmtedWares,n4Ch«>tnut«rect, ' : I29POHTATIONS*; •tk-eportad iorTh* Praxs.l P . JUCHMOND—sjteair.*hipFeiiUByivAnlA,ToftJ“^b3.ios domeft'cs w ellipff* Collin A Co; 31 do Wdqootton omn In?, Hazard & Hntohiuqon! <0 rtu -am I H Woodward * Soil,* 2 bxs mts&’D JKyre A Son; If bbils tpbiOco hoidm fc Fooroai; Whx*2scs tobacoo Ihoa Welter* Jr» JA IjnbH csdo Uohw A Taltr.; 2J3 bx« J7oßdc> t|uoknor. McCaimnon &Co; 25bxs8csdn Aiproor & Antet., Hi piRS load 0 J Adams k oo; 33 hbjo fruit Bro; 125 do Cox, Woodworth Co, U bbla old iron A Pnrvea; 211 empty casks 1173 pkß® fruit, Ac, \atious coDaigneea. . R2AHINE INT£LjLI«ENCS3. |EE FOURTH PAGE/ ' v ARRIVED. . Btcftn»«hJoKonnebeo, Johnsou, 20 hoiirafrom N-York, with mdso and passengers to J AUdardioe. Pfissed, in ua bay barbs Laron, from Pernambuco, and KU, from Kiq do Jaueirnt'sohrs BaTah Cullen, from n urks island, Althea, and D 8 Mention, below Reedv Island; BhipSa ranak, for Liverpool, In tho Bight of Now Castle, going down in tow of t * o steamtu&s. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, from Riol»mond»m Norfolk. 25hours. with mdse toTnomas Webster. Jr. pour Caroline Knight. Parker, 8 days from Eastrort, with plaster to K A Souder & Co. . Pchr Oioero, Burrouglis, e days from Providence, m ballast to R R Corson & Co. B*fir Mary. Rlokarde, 2 day from Camden, Do!, with corn to J L Bewley & Co. Sohr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Camden, Del, with grain to Christian & Curran. „ „ , Rohr BaUte.VeaEie,liSoey.2 days from Milton, Dei, with grain to J L Bewley k Co. CLEARED. Sohr Cioero; Burronghs. Provldenco, R R Corson k Co MEMORANDA. . t - . Steamship Biston, Crooker, henoe, arrived atN York s'h?p t Nortliorn Light, Tinklepaiigh, from AspinwaU June l3lh. arrived At New York yesterday. ■ ■. , • Qtearaßtnp De Boto, Johnston, c.eared at New York rostordar for Havana. .. , .Ship. Sierra Nevada, Foator, for New York, sailod from Ban Franoisco Ist inst. Shin Stephen Baldwin, FJagg, oleared at Boston Sotli m«t, for New Orleans. , Bark Vindolana.dlr) Lorau, fm Ceylon, with oofiee, arrived at New York yesterday. . Bark Zingarella, Bunker, for Riode Janeiro, cleared at New York yesterday. Uark Cora, Latham, cleared at New'Vork yesterday for Loando. Brig N Blowers, Rico,for Philadolyhia,olearedatN York yesterday. Brig Bafgicue, Douvras, from Rio dc Janeiro, arrived at New York yesterday. * . Srhr Ligh'iiiur, Daniels, from Buenos Ayre« vis Rio de Janeiro May H, arrived at Now York yesterday. Bolir J Cadwalador, Naylor, hence, arrived at Danvers Schr Arotio, Tucker, cleared at St John, NB,2lst inaL for Philadelphia. * „ T , BohrC R Vickery, Hopkins, from Indianola, arnvod at Mobile 22d inet. ■ t , ; SahrllPßtouey, Bergman, hcncc, arrived at Charles ton 25th mat Bohr O il Tolley, Mitchell, hence, arrived at Rich mond 23d mst. , - Bohr J A Bayard, Higbee, cleared at New \o?k- yes terday for Wilmiueton, NC. Solus i "Woodrulf. Robinson,nnd Franklin, Robinson, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. ' Btearaora Coneord.Nonimn. and lronjudc»,vandor» ver, hence, arrived at Now York yesterday. ; • ■> Steamer Anthracite. Jones, olearcd at New York y oa-. terdavfor Fluladalpliia. ... . Norfolk. June ai-The slup Jane Henderson, previous ly reported asliO'O south of Capo Henry, remains pretty muuh in the same o-mdition firet stated. Tlieomoers ami passougers (have baen eafoly landed on the beach. The Bteamtu/s Tlios rtoanejr and F W Johnston had ar rived at tho ship, and the Youn£ America would bo do apatJiod on Tuesday eveutng with tnore men* in order to get out au inucfi of tho cargo as possible, NAVAL. bon Rio on jAjiKino— * ho bark 'Wheatland. Captain Peaoonk, for fliode Janeiro, will sail on Saturday next, 80th jnst. AU letter* and newspapers intended for tho Brazil Biuadmn or others, will bo forwarded, if loft at the 118 Navy Yard, or Foreign Lettor Offie, Philadel phia Exchange, on or before the above date. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, cr to 12 o’clock last kiobt. CONTINENTAL HOTEL-Niutb Ami CliOßlaut els. Ij T Cutler, Phila M A Moore, N Y John Moore, N Y Thoa Webstar, Jr, Phila S Musselman, Pa Rev N 11 Mo'burn, N Y W Hasty Jr, Hollidaysburg L Whitney. Toledo, O M F Lackey, Phila • 1, parryi kfa, N Y . J w Broatlied, Md Miss ** Breathed,' Md Mib-s J Breathed. Md Miss F Brenokle, Md HB Colly k lft,NO Geo G Waller & la, Pa VY Groves, olex. La Miss C F Lewis. Alex, L& a Cammaun, N J C Dinsmore, N Y Mr Peaßloe k la, Boston Lieut Snyder. US A Ja* MaMilfon, USA Dr Wfison, Norfolk Mrs Gardiner. Norfolk Mias L Oardiner, Norfolk F, T Watts Selina Ala K B King, BeUna, Ala Robt LoWitt.N Y Dr J A Taylor, Jia • J A Taylor, Jr, La B W Taylor. La J P U Hall. La W B Dunlap. Naahvillo J Meigs. Naalivillo J HStnuffer k wf. N O MrGittings, Balt Thoo Hebert S; ch, La G Jliobort, La R A Hebert. La 800 A Boston Mips H M Fiske- Boston Miss A Santos, Norfolk P J Pillus. Mobile Chaa D Gibson, N Y W D Barrett, Balt J A .UMdemun, Lcavenw’lh H Smith Bait ; T B King M a lA s Serrou, La TCo Inian k familr, fa Dr DDu Pre, n O W p Libby kda Brookljn M P Taylor, Va II B Bmitu k la Elmira,NY John Hobday, V& W T Sewell, M D, Va TIII ewjsson k 2 cli. Del Miss E Lewisson, Wil, Del G H Loker k wf. tit Louie Miss A Roberts, St Loais T Williams, Jr, N Y J J Carson A. wf. N o TSanbaton, NY Dr J W Clark, Misa J C McNairy, MUs P Minor, NY WRKibbey,NY M Btituyvesant, ÜBN 8 A Buokmapter, 111 • (3 L Mobs, Carbnndalo 8 R Knapp. N Y J L Graham, N Y Rufu3 wattle. NY T McCarthy, Chnrl€Bton,SC 000 Kendall, N \ K J Daveo. Smyrna R C Luckett, Halt W Pales, Bristol, it 1 Dr W G Smsli, Balt 88Clayt'in.Balt J B Clayton, NY * Carpenter, Poston «» P Gruner* Port Rico EOWriell k wI.N Y Alnet Russell, N Y . w Shoemaker, N Y JCuz'c.Balt. MrHwilt, Mass E on Kerr, Va w Sv Bay ton. If* , AueßchoH.NY _ Jolm A Leary. N Y . J’ W Piorco k la. Boblou M Burnes & son.Naeliville Jaa EUio. Nashville H G Griffon. Nashville Mies Griffon, Nnshville LH Gloss. Wash . A G<»wdy, Luuisvillo AIP O’Uorn. Baliimoro f’ti tiwarto. N Y iitiinith.NY W S Fletcher, NY Dr R L II Dobyns, Va Mis3Graltou,Conn BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, ab. Third. J F Silver* Holmeiiburg •. UI, Sponcor, Providence G E BanUU.ProvidPiico lIH Burton, uroit’o, C A BFFooks, Del K R Wolker, N V h W Murtiu, Wa-lunutoii J L tiwajso, N J V Loynax k fnm* N Y i’r K Hernro, N Y F Ostaga.N Y E Carpenter, Germnnt n Mrs Dale. Burlington G*o Ames, N Y, r J Cnsfty k wf, Har’burg Master Case*, Hamoburg J McDonough, lulu Cnas Davis, N Y ti S Enstm/, ItenvilJa T O van Allow, Daavilla i- P ThumpKon, Pa f* L Huntzingar.-Pa B Mi 1«, Jerecy City Geo Mardman, Va JONES’ HOTEL—Chestnut street, abovo Sixth. 'l'liob Thompson BaK. J R. Andrews. N J Chun 1* Goiaon. Pliila • tfaml Uarilt, Bolt KlWTiiruor,Memphis; JluuTSßoli. \VChester ilir&m Kocht. Pottsville Tbos Birk, Md Kobt Waul. Canton, Ala«.A Brennan.Pa CH WhitejCmni , J ilMoFee. Georget'n, X) G H J Ki»K, Wnoh, JJ 0 J’JUvhes.i'uUburg AMERICAN HOTEL—Chcoluul. above Finiu CIfo»o, Alljany WHFlitcraH.Phila H P Wilson. ManoUcslflr E W ’Laylor & wf» N H i, Hnkes, A 0 Voorhos & 'a. N J J C Vatiderumn fc la. N J JVf Barnard, W Chester 0 F MoKiuuey, Ches co, Pa J Mnmiloy A- la, N C W J I.ougto &. da, n C It Hollyday, jr. Phils II BimpHuit, NY H D 8e«»ly, p.oyidence, fl] Nelson Hall. Comi , ,1 R Milbum, N Y J M Frick. Mineraville Geo HBtoveno, Pliila H Brmth, Conn J Locko, 'villianitpoit MrsWillmms, Balt E Mann, Balt C Afciuith, Conn FOUNTAIN IH/CEL—Second street, above aientm, K 0 McOonigal, Hover, Dol B Truitt, Groeusbnrougli Win il Herring, Felloe Jfiow Parry, Bristol Jnn MoCornnoK, Bristol EEdel, EBq.Timoum .1 WCuPew. Dover, Hoi J ABtovenson, Pliila 1) Gregory, N J All Hudson, Bel Z 0 ftierrikcn. Del A INCook, Hover, Dol E Carroll. Camden, Del "W Walker & Ift, Dol Miss L Walker, Dover, Del John Jonca, Del BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third et„ abovo Callow-hill, II A Mawelman, \Y Chester J C Lester, I*a H Thomas, Bucks co T B Loifinnring. Pitlsburg Goo Kopp. Catawissa Geo Snydor, Catawissal W Dornoy, I.ehlßh oo JJ Norton, Enston 0 BBumghton. Salem. NJ L Jacanaan, Milwaukscl Miss Dornoy. Allentown Henrv Dorney, Alleutowii 1 M Lco;.n«r, Pa C A Rapp Doylcatown J Leonard. Deposit,NY i'IUOi9,N J John Coburn, Easton * OOMMFKOIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chofltmit. Dr Wrinton, Wost Cbeeter W W Rankin, Burlington tj Wilkimon. Cheater co RnbfcJacktomLanoco, Pa Mre Henry Baird, chio JIWatle.NY W 8 Willmnia, Chester co ChnsAuthur- Montco, l’a D Scott. Elkton, Md |] B Hough, Pliila Geo R Dickson, Phila w Torbort, Elkton, MU STATES UNION HOTEL—Marketstrcot, abovo Sixth. A L Hughes, Norristown Jas Wilson, Norrietown A E Bsyloa, LI Alex Thompson, J.otnnon John MoKliutorr, wis W W Walterfl, St Louis Francis Hide. Chicago Wash’n Davis, Flushing O W Smith, Hoilowayab?: B Pitzaimons, Phila Jro.7 Morton, Richmd, Pa Geo'W Baines, Pittubur* Jno p Jones. Jlnntinsdv 'J'hos Graham, Huntiusdon Jno B Haines, Wash, D 0 Jas Bimpeton, Portland Peter O’Haforty. iletuim? JnoiBnmii,MayflVilic t ivy das Wifson- Dublin. Irel’d floury King, Kittanlog J B Jonea, P» Tl< " |]9?f Jim Armingstrong, 111' Wash L Blason. l'liila GW Mult)?, pa Wm Williams, Springfield Thos Johnnfon. Ohio W W \Villidm3, Augusta Jos V/iliiamn, Tft J» V ?ney, Harrisburg Jan Kutp, Harrishnrg Thilip^Somers Atrs.R Bobbins, Conn John Humphreys, k ork co Jos Dewalt,.Perry co, Pa JAT Wood. Carfielo John Fitzell, Perry co, JV. J,ftvi Wngenfleller. Ches co J Brooks, Cameron co K C,ark, Lenoasler MOUNT VEBNON HO'TEL.-Sflooiid, abOve.Arch st. Tobins Myers.Hiickßco Air Minson* Hancock B Pur fee. Carraonavilje JoaWood fc wf, Eldred,F& Thoftk Boyea, Eldred, Pa Wm Callrm, nllioorm 0 Sampson, Damascus b Soiinsbaek, Georgia BARLEY 83IJ5AF HOTEL—Second et.» below Vine. DJwre.lt, Horsham Brnjnnwpll. N J MiM J Bpnwel), M J j V KSnr, ■Hntboro Geo G Blmsnnkcf. Choltflnhrun A B Dosne, flew Jfopo HJlliotigh, Phila. NATIONAL HOTEL— Kaoo street, above Third. n 1 Shainbera. N J John Boltta. Pa. . ' . Jt B Burk. Pa JlHltawhi Frcoburff.Pa A BAloCua, Wabash . Mfea A u rmitn, Hnrris'by GW Williams. Canton, 0 KRA Imaon. W’msport Altss o O Manderson, Pa Mibs A Perkins, Pittsburg Jl Darlington, Coatosvillo JunosDavis.Easton Isaac Bear fcia.Leboo A H Afann, Look Haven MERCHANTS* UOTEL—Fouttli strodt; below Aruh, Jos Junto- Decatur, Mioh J O Rbrnbaolc, Albion,N Y J J Far, W'msburK H P Potter, Pa R F May, Elktf>«. MJ • .1 G Butlor. AYa.ren, O o Haydnok k la, Ta; . Jan Armstronp, Pa , Rb.Deenofcla, Alompbis A 8 Wall & >a, Pittsburg A Thoman. Pa , Jacob G Deahlor, Pa P J. F I)e*hjer, Pa :H Garfo'tl, Plymouth RPauire k la, Phila 8 WetUcrill k wfo, Bot’lni M L Graham, Conn 8 M Wherry, Bhip*nBburg Tbeo H Foil. Galveston fi T Thorapa h, P& T lahara, NY It M Walmaley. La vV W tiharr, N Y W Richardson, Minnesota JO Wright, La fiKflmitli.Pft D Kirk, Allegheny J O Welton, Conn THE UNION HOTEL-Aroh street, above Third. W 8 Batoheldor, Mapa B Z Strawbridrc.lnd F B O Irwin, Allegheny City J* Oborholtaor, rhauiixv’lo Jas T llebor, Reading I) Torry. Phila Jas W Long & la, Easton Mrs Prinkltouse, Easton G R Slaglo, tit Louis F B Weed, Trout Run BLACK BEAR HOTEL.—Third at., above CaUowhill. Henry Glees, Balt Chaa Harper. Jenkentowu C Fetters, Soufhampton W F Dodder, Vottetown Poter PureTl, Pa John Sehnnts, Phila SamlMorriaiPJhla MERCHANTS’ nOUSE-Thud at., above Callowliil!. O F Wilson, Pa H K Reiss, AUontown Jonas Stover. Bucks co H Vluok k la. N r Samuel Hans, Snhloo, Pa AY II Combs, iexas J Kirkpatrick, Pottsvillo SPEOIAIj NOTICES. The New Pbrfumf,—Phalons* Pau* LOWnia.—Theoolobrated JAPANEBE EXTRACT for the haiulkcrchiof, prepared from tbo Blossoms of tlie celebrated Troo of Japan. Tho Mossre. PHALON tako pleasure In stating that the now extract has never bean surpassed for its strength, aromatic sweetness and lasting perfume. Copyright secured. For sale every where. Preparod only by PHALON k BON, joW-lOt 51 GREENE Streot, New York. Meters 1 . Miraculous Vermin De -BTRoykr, tlio oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating RATS nnd MICE, COCKROACHES BUGS, ANTS, MUSQ.UJTOES, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN AVORNIS,and GARDEN INSECTS. &tT rrinoipal Depot, 61‘J BROADWAY, N, Y. Sold by all Brug&(Bts everywhere. Sewing Machines. All persons who have bought Sowing Machines whioh will not perform tho work oxpcotcd,nr6 informed that SINGER’S Ma chines never fail to do any kind of work. Noono is ever disappointed m the M&ehiues of I. M. SINGER k CO., No, 810 CHESTNUT St, Apt'3m Salahander Fire-Proof Saff.3.—A very largo assortment of SALAMANDERS for salo at rea sonable prices, No. 804 CHESTNUT Bt., Philadelphia. eu3J-tf EVANS k WATSON. Oub PniOß OLOimua of ins Latest Struts, mado in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST eolllng prices marked in Plain Figures, AU goods made to order warranted Batis fftelory. Our ONE-PRICE eystom is strictly adhered to, no wc boJievo this In bo the only fair way of dealing AH are thereby treated alike, ” JONES & CO., seS-tf SCI MARKET Street, 3BAM B H ' 8 SAVINB PtIND—NOBTHWKST Cokner SKCOxnatid Walnuz Strebta.—Doposits re ceived in Email and largo amounts, from all olossos of the community, and allows interest at the rale of FIVE PER GENT, per annum. * Money may l>o drawn by ohocks without lona of in terest. Ofiioo open daily, from 9 until B o’clock, ami on Mon day and Saturday until nine in tho ovemng. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Seorolary, CIIAB. M. MORIUP. Satinq Pond—National Safbtt Trust Compakt.—Chatlorod by tho State of renuaylva m, RULES. 3. Money n received ovorj da/, and in any amount large or small. 3, FIVE TER CENT, intoroot is paid for monej from the day it is put in. 3. Tlie money la always paid liaok in GOLD whenever it is called lor, mid without notice. 4. Mono? IB reoetvea from Ezecuioi s, Admininratcrg, Guardians, nnd other Trustees, iu large or small sums, to romain a long or flbort period. 6, The money received from Depositors is Invested In Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other firat olacs securities. 6. Ouiooopon every dftj—WALK amer Third ttrftAt.. PhiladMthin. I«,W MARRIED. RIVAL—MORLEY.—On tho 21st instant, by Rev. Fnmuei Durborow, Mr. George W. Rival to Miss Eliza Morley. butli of this city. * SMITH-81 Mpf'ON.—On tho 191 U instant, b* Rev.U. E. Gilroy, Abraham B. Smyth to AmeliaSimrson, all of Pliilnda phla. * MITOHEL—MoDONN AL—On tbo 20th inatant, by Alderman Anthonv Wilkinson, Mr, Alexander Mitohel toMissSutah MoDonhal, both of this city. * l;.RViN.^Sudilenlr ? on Csth ljistaut, Joint Ervin, gun ollato Alexander Ervin, in the 25th year of his ago. Tlio relatives and friends of Uio lamiiy are invited to attorn! his fanera 1 from tbo late reeidonoe of li e father, No. 1138 North SsooDd streot, this (Thursday) morning, 23th inst., atUo’cfock, without further notice. Inter ment at Laurel *■ ill. * BERRY.—On tho 25th imilant, Mias Kate C. Berry, youngest daughter of Wm, I. and tho late Ann Berry, aged 15 years and * months. Tno relatives and friends and thoso of OS family aro tcspcotfulW invited to attend her funeral, from tho resj-'ono- of hor atint. Mrs. Mar* Cormick, No, 504 Houtli rront street, on (Thursday) altomoon, at 1 o’otocK. * RAND'LL.—On tho 20th instant, Anderfion L. Ran dal], eldest son a* tho Into Hon. Archibald Randall, in tho JUli year or ms age. Thernalo frienvs of the family aro respectfully in vitcd ; —On tho 24ih instant, of consumption,. Mr. Henry H. B!cv, aged 33 years. .1 uneral from the resilience of his brother-in-law, Mr. Philip Hess, No. 1312 Olivo street, this(Tlmrcdttjr) aftor noon, at 4 o clock. CARRuLI,.—On tho 25th Instant, Hugh Carroll, aged 63 years. btmerol from hiu lato rc-ildenbe, N. E. cohncr of Twenty-fourth end Sprilig Genlfln etredts, this(TJmrs dayJmornjng, at‘J o’clock. f WcCABE.—On tlio 2-th instant, Patrick McCabe, in tho Cutli year of his age. Funernj from bis late residence, Clayton street, above Loatcg. between Twenty-second and Twenty-third, this (I hurfiday) af at 2 o'clock. “ 'RYAN.-On tho 20th inatant, John Rjan, aged 25 jears. h uneral from the repidonei* of bis mother, No. 32 Byardatreot, below Eighth, this (Thursday) morning, at V o oiook. * HaGGENBOTTOM —On tho 2. t \, D. BROWNE, jelftSSt rostnmster. JV3 5 * (JEIIMANTOWN.-A GRAND CON. (13 CEHT OF HACKED MUSro will boeivon at the Church ofST. VINCENT DE PAUL. GEFtMAN i'OW M , (Uov. M. Domonoo, pastor.) on THURSDAY juwi; ja.iaa.ttf eo'ciook. a dimcoßV lection of oaored music, irom' tho -compositions of RoFßUiii Kcolhovoii.' Donifsetti, Wobor, «c. will bo given by Professor THUNDER, organist and conduc tor. ns-iialcd,by the beat prolbesiounl and amateur tcilsnt ol' tho city. Tiokote, One Dollar, to be had at the Orphan's store, PMlado phia. nnd at Tourtolot'a aud Amro's drug t!©toa, Germantown, at tho ohurch on tlio evening of ■are concert. Cara leave Ninth and Grocn streets at 7 ‘o'clock, and return at !Q>» o’clock j 05- St* rrs=* UHIVJJIISITY <>F PESINSYLVA!VIA, lV , ~ .(DEPARTMENT OP ARTS.) Tho Examination or tho Junior. Fopliomoro, amt Froohn an Classes, at tho closo of tho Thud Term, will bo held m the following order: MONDAY,r-sth,—From 9toil. A. M, t Sophomores,by tho Vico-rrovoot.tCliemlatryoftlio Metals.JandFroah men. by Prof. Kendall. {Geometry.! written. From 11 101. Junioia. by Prof. AWon* line Electraof SophooIcB.) T UEbDAY, jJth —l'rontO to 11. Juniors, by tho Vieo- Provost, (Dynamics,) unci bophouioroa, by Prof. Ken dall, (Analytical Geometry.) written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, nr Prof. Allen,(Herodotus,) WEDNESDAY, 27th.—From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Kendal), (DifTerontml Calculus,) and h'ophmnoros, by Prof. Coppeo.(English PiiilolojryJwrittcn. From 11 to I, Freshmen, bv Prof. Cnpooo.(History.) TiIUKSi-AY.23th— From 9 to >l,-Juniors, by Prof. .Taolnion, (tho Monmclimi of Plautus.) From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Prof. Alien, (the Clouds of ATiato pnnnftff.) FRlDAY,29th.—From9toll,Juniors, by.Prof.Con §ce,( Junsprudancoof tlio United Platen.) From lltol. nphomores, by Prof. Jochcon, (the Odos and Epistles of Horace.) _ • ' MAT URpAY . 80th.—From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (tho Batiros of Horace.) , „ „ GEORGE ALLEN, Jo*s-6t Pccretary of the Faoulty of Artn. fTy* OITiUK OF THIS FISIJbABKLi'itIA LL3 AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. The holders of tho bonds of this Comrann dae’/ufr I. 18C0, can now ropoive, upon arpiioation at this office, 10 per cent, m cash, upon the terms spcoilicd in tho circu lar attached. . The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Bir.k- Ing bund of $1(0,000 per annum, ns established by tho utockholdqrs at thoir annual mooting, held January 9, lw), nnd in pursitnnco of tho contract, entered into by ho compauyand duly reoordod.to cmry tho aamo into i Ve/tes to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Ronds, due July 1,1800. iheso bondoaro scoured by the first mortgages ou tho road, amounting m tho amognto to §3,303,(00. Tho net revenuo for tho Inst fisoal year was six times tho amountol tho nnnualintorcntonthccobomln. The mannaon) proporm to extend tliom for a period of twenty ream, tho holders retaining tho bonds and the security of tbo mort«wwi in tbs precise oowlilmnin which fhoyatonovr hold. Frosh sheets of oonpono for tha interest, raynblo half-yearly, will ho uwnnd. A bonus ol 10 por cent, will ba given to tho holders, in considoratioh of their assenting to tho extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of tho bonds, on their signing a reoeipt and presenting thoir respec tive bonds at the office oi tho Company, or to ita agents, for endorsement, Forms of reoeipt and endorsement will be furnished on application. By order of tha Board of Mnnaeers. mHi tt.W. MrtJ.HKNNY. Hanratarv. l*ll IL ADU C.FHT A AND READING IL3 RAILROAD CO.-Oflice, aa 7 South FOUUTH BGeet. PmtAPRi.vHiA. Jnne2Hh, 1369. To avoid detention, tlio holders of Coupons of this Company due on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this office, on or before tho 30tli inst., when ro cofptswiU be given, nnd checks will bo ready for deli very oil the 2d proximo, m oxohango for said reoeipto. Those poreons who havenot yot extended their Bonds, are reminded that by doing so now, they will rcoolvo a Bonusof ten percent, ineasb. m j023-t3O B. BRADFORD, Trcnsuror. ffll, PKESS.—PHILADELPHIA,' : ;-TH.URSPAY,. JUKE 28., .1860, NOTCH Id.—THIS’ ANNUAL MEETING )3 ol thofitoakholitarHof the CAMDEN AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD COMPANY will bo held on THURSDAY, June 23, IftlO. botwemt tho houra of JO A. M.'ttttd 3 P, Moßtthe oilioo of tho ooinpanv, Cooper’s Point, Camden, Now Jersey, to elect Directors of sam conipaur to servo for the voar. - _ jo3-tj«23 ROBERT Q.RAN3D RATIFICATION MEETING BRILLIANT DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. JOHN O. BRECKINRIDGE, VICB PRESIDENT, GENERAL JOSEPH LANE, A MASS MEETING- OF Ilia Feoploof the City of Philadelphia T/ill behold IN INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, ON MONDAY EVENING, 'JULY 2, 1800, The National Democratic Nominations for President LET ALL COME! All who are in favor of tho bravo BRECKINRIDGE and daring LANE. All who stand by the Constitution and the Union, and opposo SqUattor Sovereignty and Sectionalism. AH who adhoro to tlio established prinofploa of tho Democratic Party, and are oppesod to Abolitionism and Black Republicanism, however disguised. All who aro in favor of preserving tho Regular Or ganization of the Patty, and opposod to the attempt to disorganize the City Executive Committee, by tlio se cession of tho frionds of opposing candidates. All who favor a Just protection lo our oitizena, whe ther uattvo born or adopted, and their property, whetlior in the States or Territories of tho United States, Thsdiil'eronl Wards aro requested to moot at cnco,. and organize lo move in procession, with banners, to this Grand Rally of tho Unconquhkku Democracy. Tho raoetlug will bo addressed by Hon. BENJAMIN FITZPATRICK, of Alabama, tbo Statesman, who ro lused tho bogus nomination for Vico President; , Hon.HENRY C. BURNETT,of Kentucky; • ’ Hon. J. P. BENJAMIN, of Louisiana; Hon. CALEB CUfiHING, of Massachusetts; iloa JESSE D. BRIGHT, of Indiana; And many others, who •will be announced aa tlioy signi fy their acceptance. Our friends aro requested td obtain from tho Penn, x'jlvanian O/lice printed headings for signatures, and have thorn signed and roturnod aa oarly as possible. j023-U COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. WE HAVE I'UTS DAY PURCHASED » » tho.stock of the lato J. B. KOON3 k CO.,aud have associated for thO purpose of doing a general FISH, OHKBBIS. and PROVISION business, S under the firm of AYRES k MaM"'. No. 210 NORTH WHARVES. WM. AYERS. nun ,1V , nh ta>A MALIN, Jit-. Phl!ftdolp v ia, Juuo 20,1650. je23-3t' ItETAII. DRY GOODS, LADIES’ WOVEN WATOH-SPR'NG I OOpmßTti. LADIES’ SIZRM. from fd oontsto 81.60. LA HEB' WOVEN »KlRTB,lohoops,Wclß. LA )lEB’ WOVEN SKIRTti, 19 hoops. 70cte. LA UKB’ WOVEN SKI RTS Sb hoops, 81. LADIES’ Woven SKIRTS 25 hoops, 81.25. LADIES’ WOVEN SKIRTS. SO hoops SI tQ. And all sizes of MIBBEB* WOVEN BXtRTti. CHINOIULLA ZEPHYRS, of all kinda, 200 por oz. •TRIMMINGS, JtJBBONS. k LACES, HAIR NETS. CORSETS, Ao.» AUroatsaonfioos. J. G. MAXWK>,L.As PON, Tw V , ll P, l . o . b M.l?., nßd ReteilMaiiufrioturingFctabUnhmont, ELEVbNIII and CHEBTNUT Strsota. jo?g-3t if. •• LAWNS.-- Tijj-top assortment fast colons figured LAWNS And rich BAREGES, Lilao Lawns, Barege Poboa, Lirrie Flolmecvf Pink Lawns, Uoublo *kirt. Brown Lawns*, Gay Styles, Black Lawnn, Noatntylea, Chocoteto Lawns, Ulaok Bareges, lrincr Grades, Uretindinos, Fine Mohairs for Travelling i»rPS6 Goods, Excellent end oheap Man Ulla fiilkn, f.lanlleshnd Diuteifl. Laeo Points ard iMantles,' Good Black Silk Mantles, N. B.—.iome bargains m cheap Dress Goods at 12 ttns conls. , , COOPER k CONARD, Jc2B .8, E. corner of NINTH nm! MARKET. |||EN’S WEAR, BOYS’ WEJR, Oloths, Fancy Oapsunores, Choiii> CdfiSlmereU, Linen Drills, . Marseilles Vestmgn, . . . . . Cheap Coafin'S, .A large Block of tho best quality, mid at cheaper rales than ovor sold. „ COPPER & .CONARD, Jo2B S. E. corner NINTH am MARKET. IPHILADELPHIA READING RAILROAD. Un and after July 1,1839 Mileage will bo isrued at Bi the lableulwayeoontama tho very bast tho Markets aflord. The hotel is located on the banlse of the Lehigh, direotiy opposite the nutroad depol, arid at tho baao of Mauoli Chnnk Mountain- A path leads from the rear Of tho house to tho top of tins mountain, from which pom’, aome oignt hundred foot above tlio Lehigh, tho most ituhhmo scene imaginable is presented. The House ls abundantly supplied with tee best aftd purest Mountain (taring Wator. ifr Hot and Cold Baths can be taken at all times. jeHC-gm GEORG ft iIOI’PCS, Proprietor. A MERIOAN HOTEI, MAUOH CHUNK, Da. PA.—’This HOTEL is now kopt in a manner af fording every com ort tb strangers arid travellers. Arrangements ha'fi boon made this season to aoaom modato SUMMER BOARDERS. Tho most sublime mountain scenery amt rural onloymonts aro here af forded. MICHAEL WILHx LM, t . , GEO. W. WILHELM. je2fi-tsel ... , , Proprietors. A MERIOAN HOTEL. BETHLEHKM, Pa.-The Proprietor of IhisHritollms newly fitted up his house for the accommodation of visitors during tho summer season. Tho Amorionn Hotel is citifnted on the most elevated spot in the Borough. Bethlehem is too wofi known for its beautiful Ecenory and commanding view of tho surrounding country, and lor Us nalubrious mountain air, to roqulro comment. Tho subscriber is now prepared,to reooive Boarders and P'amiites, and promises to do his best to render their etvv with him pleaaant and nsrecablo. Charges Moderate, J. W, R, PHARO, jo»-lm Proprietor. Eagle hotel, bethlehem, pa. Tnis large nnd old-established House, known as tho “LEHIGH VALLEY SUMMER RETREAT,” ; s now open for tho season. Tho accommodations of this House will be found unsurpassed. The ride hero, by tne North Pennsylvania Railroad, is one of the plea santest In our State. CALEB YORE, Proprietor. - J a 2dj3m AMEKSOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, •t*. PA,—Thid well-known and popular hotel has, during the past reason, been gREATIY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, and is now in canaeity and convenience second to nono in the interior of Pennsylvania, Tho beautiful and hoaltofut stlnation of AU?ntown ’renders it a de iighifulsuininerresort, in view of whicn.speoial ar rangement* have tieen made by tho pro.»nMors tone* oommodat©summer.boarders. J. Y. BKCHTEii, je2fl-t*el K. W. BIGONY. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC 011% JJJLN, j., ISAAC THAYIiR, (lato or Surf llousa.) Tjiis House has been very much onlarged and im proved. Hjis now a largo number of Family Rooms, not RUnusßCd by any hotel in thispity. It is lighted throughout with gas. Now and fine walks havo boon laid to the ocean, which will bo lighted nt 'night, from the Hotel to the water, by splondid reflect- to the house (but separate from the main building)malaria.Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-class 100 Cream and Conlectionory attached. Over tho Hull there are forty sleeping rooms for einelo gentle men. Thero is olso a play-ground for children, well islmdedand enclosed, with nwtnvs, &o. '. The catering dopartniont will be under my own es pecial supervision, and I trust that my reputation is BUuioi6ntfy established to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. Terms will bo 812 per Week- Transient Boardera $2 per day. Carriages attached to the House will take Boarders to and from the Ocean free of eliargo during bathing hours. je23-tf ISAAC THAYER. LIGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE, NEAR ill. THE LIGiIT-IiUUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (the neirest beveo to the stirt), is now open tor tno ic eeption of Boarders, . Tho proprietor rcspeotfullT solicits a continuance of the patronage of his frionds and tho public. , , . je?3 inp; JONAH WOOTTON. Proprietor. ftNITBD STATES IIOTLL, V-- 1 Mn-LKRSBI)nG, UMIPHIN COUNTY, PA. This well-known Hotel Ims bfiou loaeod by tho sub scribor. mid b«« been tluirottglilyrcrOvHteUand entirely newly furnished. Millorabut,T is situated iu one of the most roinauiic regions of Penr.oylvaiiia: the fcusquo lisnnjv river flows immediato’y by the to’n, and aiiords fine fishing j tho mountain scenery is unsurpassed in tbo titate. Uamc abounds in groat plenty, aflord ins fino sport for huntsmen t tho mountain etroatus abound with trout in groat plenty. City visitors, who rtrti desirous of spending a fow lhonthu iu tho country, will find this one of tho most dcstrablo places in Pennsylvania, fhe North Peirnsvlvapta Fidlroirt passes the town, and it is in daily communicarion .With Philadelphia, Baltimore, ami Now York. The eucseribor will use every effort to make his guests oomfort&blo. . - - A. J, WAUFIEi.D, Proprietor. Miliorsburg, June 20,1SP(<, lm dEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL. CAPE CAPE MAY. N. J. . , Tine lino, largo, and atrj house is NOW OPEN lor visitors. Jliadistinguished fdr comfort, looulitr, nnd Bitporior accommoitatiouN, with amplo room for 200 per sons. Terms modomtO. Je23-gm AARON UARRETBQN, Proprietor. BLfEATH HOUSE. H-Jd. SOHOOLEVS MOUNTAIN, N. J„ la iltiw upon for tlio rocoption of fcomp'anr uommuoi cations by letter will be promptly attended to. jo2Wm D. A. CROWELL. Proprietor. HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. *• y —Tjiis popular and eminently avorite Housa at Attantiu City has, since tho closing of last season, beoil enlarged, refitted, rofurniriied, and completely re juvenated in every particular, and is now opon fur the season. From its delightful situation, near ness to ail plnoss nf'interest,close proximity to.the safest and best part of the beach, it rendered one of the most convenient and dooiueUly tho pleasantest house oil Uio Island. .. , , Terms— 810 per week; $1.53 por day. Children nnd Torvaills halfprico. T 1 , . JOHN SMICk, Proprietor. It, Li FUREY, fiitrdiinlendcrtt: jesl-2m OOTTAQE KETREAT, Beautifully S'.td cmtvcnicntly loeatoffat ATLANTIC < ’ITY, N. J. Boardera accommodated oit rcnfiohnhlb terms Jc2d-3ni M. MOCLEEB. Proprietor /rnm;Ri:ss hall— atlantio city, N- J.—'This Epaeioiut Houso. situated at Atlantio City, will bo reopened with every Befc»m?,nodfttton; for vKjtors on Urn £3tli inktant, by the subscriber, iho Hotlao trdnta tlio beach 12’jfcot, sivici? nanlondid view of the Ocean- ari l is near the Fishing and .Sailing point. N»> pains will bo sparcu to eeburo the comfort aha con- V s?iS of ‘“ tt '; . THOMAS C. GARRETT. STAR HOTEL, • n'eav.i.v orrnsTTß tub tr. a. jtotel, .• ATLANTIC Cl »*Y, U. J. _ SAMUEL ADAMS, PROPHIRTOR. DINNER FIFTY CENTS. ALSO,. CARRIAGES TO HIRE. • , ■ UP Boarders docomuibdrvtcd oil the most reason able ■tonus !e?0 3m QGA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— DELAWARE HOUSE is now open lor tho season. jal9 : 2m» ■ • JAMES MECKAY. Proprietor, qpBBUONT IFOUsE, ISLAND, N. J.-HUMPHREY HUGHES, Proprioter.-Thiß house, so Pleasantly situated in olos© proximitj to tho beach, will be opon for the reception of visitors on tho 2Cthiii3t. The large, splendid lawn m front of fho house J the flno shade, good roomß nnd tablo, render it the mogtdefiirabbi place on the island. Attached to tho • pretoiflOß are bowling frv'uoiia nnd iiarber chop, jolfflm American house, cape island— M rs. M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor.- This favorite hotol willopril for thß reception of visitors on MON DA Y, Juno 23th. It has bncit fitted up iil tho best style, Rnd every attention Will bo paiu to the comfort of its gUoßti. JolB-dtfiepl WHITE SULPHUR AND CUALYBE* ATE SPBINGB, at DOUBLING GAP, PA. Thcsa tipriugo aro in Cumberland county, 50 miles Avcatbf Harriebitrg, albl areaecoflsib’o from nil tho East ern and tiotithern cities bv railroid to Harrisburg, thcrioe on tho Cumberland valley Railroad to Ncwville, ihenco right niiiesataging, in now and easy coaches, to 'Passengers leaving Philadelphia. Baltilr.bro.or Wash ington, in the morning: cars, arrive at the Springs tho Bame evening at 5 P. M. This property lias changed hands, and has undergone n thorough repair; a largo building has been erected in which aro Warm and bold Baths, amlevory arrangement has been made for tlio coihfort and convenience of vi sitors. New stabling ban been erected 5 horses nnd cnrmjreß wilt alwava ho on hand for hire. Terms moderate. Mails daily. For circulars and particulars, address tlio proprietors, JolMm KENAGA, KOSER, COYLE, k CO. f EDANON VALLEY HOUSE B-A LEBANON, PA. CHAfi. W. KUJINLE, Proprietor. t fiuimncr boardorn taken. Tho house is now ami 00m .utodumB, with grounds uttnohed. Surrounding country benutifuiand healllty. Railroad comimmication with theoity twico aday. Charges moderate. jelO lur ripUß SEA-SHORE—ATLANTIC CITY. 4L McKIBBIN’B U. S. 11 *TEL. Tito undersigned, proprn or ol tho above-named house. being now proparoi to receive guest*?, ro- BpeotfuUr colioitß a phare of tho publio •patron age. Ninco last hummer tuoro has been added to this hotel a four storied wing. HO feet itt length, con tsmiiißlbceido tho bed-rooms,la suite ol threo Parlors, for latliea, ami iwo for goutlomcn; also, a reception room, wntdi-toom, autl (spacious bar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Koonns, uud hot and co'd Balt-vntor Bath Hooma have been constructed lor tho accommo dation of visitors, and tlw v.’liule Itolise will bo lighted with Kau. Tho Itonso has boon nowly pduitod ami fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it havo boon put in complete urdor. A well manned pleasure Yacht, and an cxcoilont dam! of Music, Jmvo bean 011- gnged for tho season. J. MeKIBDIN. Jel4 If • irit'iTE!) SPATES HOTEL, LONG HJ BIUNCE, N. J.-Tho Bubsorllitir lakes thin mollKul otinConninK Ilia rnemlß and tlie publio. that on and after JUNK SUtli his house will bo open for tho re ception of guests, -when every, ollbrt will bo rondo to ploaao tlioso who may favor him. Tho liouso is plea santly situated on af.uo blnIV. with lawn in front. A lull view of the ocoitu. good roads, alablirg, lev., inako it ao aitructivo ns tiny house in tlm country. Tho com munication is accessible by two dully Imos from foot ol "Wfilnut-(drool wharf, vir„ : 6 A. M.,r.nd 2 P. M. Keforeiive-t>r,\Hd;rV»'«rdcn, Ar Co.. vtuil Ojirstjjiit otreol. 'B. A. yHOIiMAKLn, Jeg-gin Proprietor. «TJMMER BOARDING.-0L1) SAND K* BPIUNtf uoarWomolodorf. ‘'orlifiommly.l’a- Tho liirio and commodious HoTKii AND I3OAK.U TWO liOUQlii at this delightful Bmmner Rctrenl. is uowoonmlotcd, and will bo opened for Boardoro on the Ittliti' JUflE.lfifO. Sf&* Coninm’iioa'ion twice daily, from I’mlndelplim »ttd Harrisburg, by tiio Rending and Lebanon \ alloy ltailrofldtf. iloardorH rocelvod bj tiio week or through tiio Beiicou, on reasonable terms* joB*lm JOHN MANDEllßAClM’ropnclor. 'Dio favorito resort for those 0 vbo iwreumts Omul Scenery, wiTi'i*i'' mih pnnif Vuro Mountain Air* Invigorating ’ ■ ipiM v/jc: U IJatha, Largo and Voll-vontilnteu Cupibfrf/uiJ uo.!Pn. Cfoc-JSooisty.nuaa hood Acm Taylor, Eaq,, with a Prefatory Essay upon Lebuk. na an artist, and a fist of his Pictures* together 'With Selections from his Corrctrpofldonoe with numerous friends. With a pine Portrait. Thin very interesting and important work contains tno author a porsonal remmisaonees—lioverboforc given to the! world—with original anecdotes and fragments of the cnnveraation of many of tho most noted literary men ana artists tif the present century, whose faimhar acquaintance the late Mr. Leslie enjoyed. Among these are.' . COI.KIUDCi:, SIB WAr.TEB HOOTf. CHARLES LAJfJI, BIDNB7 fiMlTft, WASHINGTON IRVING, WASHINGTON ALLSTON WORP9WQRTH, BENJAMIN WEST, • SAMtJPJ, nOGEHS, WILKIE, TURNER, PLAXMAtf, CRANTREY, RORTHCOTE, BIR THOS. LAWRENCE, LANDSEEII, STOTHARD, CONSTABLE, PUBELT, iiaydon, newton, and others, or this portion Of tho work The Athtnaum saps: D ‘ y'l o ty l '’? Btr i{|KB of anecdotea.on onoh personage— nAnM® 1 !^ 1 • 15 a J £G °f Wellington, and scores of «ra‘r 0 /l7T« • ,J I uok is one of themost genuine and dolightfui oooks of the year.” 7ho Selections from Mr. Leslie’s Correspondence are in tho highest degree mtereoting. They giye to the world, for the first time, a portion of tho familiar cor rcspondonco of Mr. Leslie with Washington Irving, extending through a period of several years, and pre sent several original letters of Mr. Irving’s, hitherto unpublished. sy FOR BALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. TICKNOpr&T FIELDS. vM-tli 8 . BOSTON. Bur YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS’ GIFT BOOKSTORK. 439 CHE'TNUTBtreet. buy yuuk. books .t bvams 1 Gift Bonk Store, No 439 Chestnut street. ’Tis tho best place m the oily. Books nre sold as clieap as at any other Store, „ and you Jiavo the advantage Of receiving a handsome Gift with each Book. NEW BOOKS. TBK THREE. CLERKS. By tho author of Dr. lhorne. Trico SI. THKTHRONE OF DAVID. Price .*5l 25. .THE MOUNT VERNON PAPERS. By Edward Everett. Prioo $l-23 TRk KELLYS A*D O’KKLLYS. Price si. 4 MARGARET' MONCRIKFFI.:. thd first love of Aaron Burr By C Burdott. Price 31.25 HaWKHVIKw. By Holme Leo. Price SI. THE WEST INDIES AND SPANISH MAIN, By Trollope. Pnco 31. LIF"- OF STEPHEN A DOUGLAS. Pricesl. LII*E OF ABL LINCOLN. Price 31. •* an,J with each. -aI.L THE WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AII •THORS m every department of literatUTO, at the Put>- usher a Regular Reiuil Trico, and a handsome Present with each Book. , IF YOU ARE IN WANT OK BOOKS OF ANY KINlf, . Huy them at EVANS'GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, JQgd at 439 CHESTNUT Btreot. • OPIIE PIIHENOLO'JIOAL JOURNAL for JULY contains: The British l’oets—their load ing Organa: Col. T. B. Thorpo-Biojrrn phy and Phrenological Character; Euj irica of Braiu; the Hon. Join) A. Mao^ona’d—his Portrait, Phrenolo gical Character ami Biography 5 Physical Culture, by tho Bov. Henry TViml Beeonor; Now Bolf-Tiißtruotor in Phyeiology nud I’hronulOKT; Moral Philosophy, ortho Dultos of Man coneiuorocTin lits Individual, Pocial, and DomeGtio Ciipaoitieu. &0., &o. Price aaly Jjl a year. Nett volume commences with tho present number. IYoty ib the time to subscribe. Itxloso tho amount and ad dress J. L. GAPEN. 92S OIIKIftWT Blreet, Philadelphia. jc£S-3td3tW E W SVM M E R BOOKS „«%3, FRESH AND . -• ATIBAOTIVE Til 15 If ELLV•?. AS3>:6 f KiSI.L.VS. A capital uev FneltaU nifrof, by Aulhoay Trollope, author of *‘ l}oo^oi•'i'hornD, kc. ami-reordera are fast ctinmig in for llil*fiploml.d boot?; which [b called tho lie&t Hjimracr novnli t!nt},yee.r. ; I voL. olutji bmiiinjv ftl ” '"hu«bolsl''e iuiivAte LK'fi'iiflg. : T ranw'ated frmatsiaon?inr,i Gerniati. A roiimrkaliiO and k'OK!:ip oorjesimndauea .hfttweSn,Ales«hdor : Von Humboldt and Kiirope'in' coiptmuo* • v,*:. . • 'WOMAN. A new worse, tracti’atmf Irnrti iUa French tff Michelet* nntnnr of."J/ovov” (t>’Araou.r.V ffh book- baa;caused afi uLmaimanmmitofißicrorEsrdcdtic'sm, and Its sniff bids hir that of jtn 'prodec'sejoiy " L , Jtif}<7Uf. ,> 1 vo!,. ciotii binding Frioo -Si.'-'• "■ HABITS OF GOOD 90CJ.8TV.v- An attractive.. upon tietfi -Maad ■ gomf man-, nerfl, dcpr'.ntcu from tho.-* oiuloß edition- ,Tl*b beat, v/ittufrt, and ni'-st imcrtstifi? :li:oh ,<-n mamioLj over pr.iHed. 1 va!., cloth bind-cg./J/r-co §31.65. *« * Coplcc sent by nisi l ,' ttdstae.a froo. • Apply V. ItUttl) A. CARW-TOm, je27-wstf rmUSIHRS; XZ\\ r - YOKK/ ACADEMIC SPEAKER. 'D LINDSAY & BL.iKISTON, . . Publishers and Bookse'lors, Nrf. 25 South BIXTH Bt., above UiIKSTNUT. Imvo received TUKSELECT ACAUISMIOBPBAKEH, Containinga larse number of New and Appiopriate Pieces lor Beola* matron PrCs3 Foadinse- eto. By Henry Coppoe, A. M., Professor of English Literature m the University of Pennsylvania; One volunie, Wtavo. THI! MOUNT VERNON TAPERS, B» Edward Everett. RIGHT AT LAST. By Mrs. GaskeU. 12mo. THIS TiIR K E CLERKS. By Anthony Trollope. 12mo. BERTHA.PERCY. By Mavgarct Field. 12mo. MARYBUNVAIK. By SaIMR. Ford. Unto, h. k B havereceived, andr'roposo.rabljsJmjff,BAL TKlt ON ASI HMAJTS rAIIIOLOGs aNDTREAT MENT HILLEB, THE POCKET ANATOMIST. rfllUß YEAR OP GRACE. JL 'IH.I3YKAR.Oi‘f!IUfiEj A Hialor, of the Revi val in Ireland. A 1). 182). Bf Re?. William Gitaon. 1), D. Witli nn Introduction by Rov.D-inrT Stow, I). D. 12 M0'uSn‘]NQ HOU Rami’ATMOS; TlioOponins \'V sion of the Apocalypse, and Cliriat’a Epistles to tho ► even Churches of Asia. By A. C. Thompson. 12mo. S '\’he fWNUT ring, and other gems. By Itev.J. Do Liefde. 3?rno. .03cents. „ . TRAVELS. RESEARCHES. AND MISSIONARY LABORS DURING AN MGHTEBH YEARS' RESI DENCE IN EABTERN AFRICA. BythSJle*. Dr. h Lewis K rapf. With an Appendix respecting ihd Sources of tho Kilo, Languages and Literature of Eastern Africa, Ao. 12mo, §L2S. tSriMJAM S. 5; AI.FRED.MARTIEN, j(!37 No. OQGCHESINUT Street. lE¥ BOOKS, 1™ FOK SALK'&Y SAMUEL HAZARD,Fa,, Hi CHESTNUT Street. THE MOUNT VERNON PAPERS. By Edward Evoiett Complete In oho volume. 12m0., cloth. 31.25. VOLUME EIGHTH OF BANdItOPT'H HISTORY OF THE UNITED BTATBO, being the second volume of tho History of the American Revolution, uniform with tho preceding volumes. , • , •• „ THE THREE CLERKS. A Novel. By the author of “DoctorTborno,” “ JL-rohosterTowers,’ 1 feo» One V IIaWknVIIsW. Tho cow Novo!. By tho author of “ Sylvan Holl’a Daughter,” “ Kathio Broad,” fco, One '°DaSe«BURY HOIJBE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. The £5OO Pri23 Story. CQcents. „ THE FIRST BORN : OR. A MOTHER’S TRIALS. By the "Uthor of “My Lady.” BLCO. • LUCY CROFRON iiy the outhdr of “Marg3refr ‘'the KEULYaAND THEO’KELIiYS. By Trollope. ®THE REVELATION OF JOHN ITSOWN INTER PRKTER. By John Cdchrnri. 51.05 ; . A DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Comprising its Antiquities, Geography, Biography, arid Nariirftl His tory. By William Smith. Volume one, Bvo., cloth. The new and well-written Amonoan N °rdklNG AT I.IFE i OR, THOUGHTS AND THINGS. Bv George A. Sain, author of “ Journey Due North.” 81,25. j*22 ifitiAt. BN TIIB OJIPU Am GOURT FOR ’i'JlE -Q. CITY AND CfiUNTY OK PUfLADEM’HIA. Eatato of CHARLES L. OARI'ENTKR neokj N> tice is hereby given that ANNA ELIZACARPEN- Ti’ R, Urn widow oftho said decedent, has filed in said Court an inventory and appraisement of articles ot per sonal pr,»pcrty. clcotod to bo retained by her under the provisions of the not o! Ulli April, 1851. ami that unless exceptions thereto are presonted on or before Friday. July ruth, JSW, the samo wiJi conimned. jo2j-thsU Atto*noT lor the 'Willow. fN THE ORPHANS’ GOURT OF CUES- Ii. TER COUNTV, and Coinmoinvoallh of Fomi3jl* Vl r ! ntho inaltor of the Eslato r.f RICHARD McFHER 80N, Into of the township of Sadsbury. m tho county of CJios or. ami State of Fenmiylvuma. deceased. Tlio heirs mid l*cal representatives of tho said RiOHMID McFIIEHSON, doeonKod, and espocnlly MARGARET BARNES, (late MolMiorstm.! tlio wife of bENRY BArtNKH, aftd u isisWr of said deceased, or her limrs uiid legal loproseiitalives, if any, will take notice, that tlio uudersi? nod lias boon appointed by caul Court, Auditor to distribute to and imioiig the partiea onliUod Uierbio, tlio sum of two hundred and aixfy,-six dollars, and thirteen oonis. (SStIS.M.) with Ms interest reniaiiiingin tho hands of tlia administrator. A0..0l the said Richard Moi’iiersoii. deceased, and'Hint tho said Auditor will sit at his uifico. ill tho borough of west Chester, onutitv nf Clieator. and State of Eonnsylvanm, on tlio I'TIIST DAY of AUGUST next, at lOo'oiookA. M.» when all partios claiuiinz to bo entitled to said land will present tho evidence of their title, or bo thoreofter debarred from any ♦Loroof.; I’. 1- RAZiiR SMITH, Auditor. Juno 2d, lB’Jl). Je2B th 5t ffoTj 7 v 3. HOLT—O."c. P. M. T.. 1800, j3-JL No. 7.— I To CHARLES HOLT, respondent. Fleana notice Rule to show cause why Divorce a vincu lo ;;iair»;/io;ut should not bo decreed, ’■etumablo 011 SATURDAY, July 7, Igi-o.at 10 A. M. E. HOLT, tlistt* Libellant, by her Attorney. NOTH I.S. (T'ORREOTION- NOTICE.—By tlicrcsig nation of WM, DWIGHT, Jr., as Direotor and Superintendent, all connection botweon him and tho Ulouoostor Manufacturing Companv oea'es from this date. LEO. JANVlER,Treasurer. By mutual arrangement botweon tlia partior, nil con nection ofWM- DWIGHT, Jr., with tlia In-use of DAVID 3. BROWN & CO., noosoa from this (Info. david s. rhuwo & co. WM. DWrGHT, Jr. Philadelphia, Juno 22, ]8d!). je2B-R* TO HOLDERS OF BOND 3 PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO„ Duo Ist JULY, ISM. AH holdore of above bonds who do not intend to extend their bonds on tho terms of the Company’/! Circular of FEBRUARY Inst, can find purchasers lor tho same at par and accrued interest. After Ist of JULY no intorost will bo allowed. Arply to I) 11 UX E L ,t CO., 31 SOOTH TIIIHD STREET. gPARRING. JAMES WILSON, TEACHER OF THE MANLY ART OF SELF-DEFENCE. t Is nowinthißcity, for the purposo of giving instruc tion in tho above urt. For terms, cle.» apply at the BT. CHARLES HOTEL, THIRD BtreeL bolow Aroh, wiiore all desirable information will be given. 3025 31* lUST RECEIVED—per ship “Edwin For oP rest ” a *nl*ndid assortment of JAPANESE. n«d CHINKSB GOODs d consisting of P. » i i,HI» IMJ'MWIiI ai»> EXCHANGE BANK, : K'J Tiulaukiphia, Maj 1,1860. Tho Bireotois have THIS DAY declared ft Diyiden«l -f THREE PER CENT.outhe CapitalStook,clear oi . tote Tax, end payable on demand. , .. / Turi-tf . . J. W. TORREY, CaaHier EDUCATIONAL. rpHE SEMI-ANNUAL EXAMINATION ‘ ■«- of Cimlidutcs for admission as pupil 3 of tho Girls’ JliEh-Fclioul, will bo commenced ou rdONDAY, 2, HVJ.jiiyo’elbokA.W. , •io lifl admitted tho Candidate must be at least 14 vc&'uof ago, and pans a satisfactory examination .in Orthography. Definition of Words, Reading, hnghsU Grammar. History of the United fttates, Gfiography, Atifhmaiic. and Pomnanshhi. , „ . „ _ , All the Candidates must have bcop pupils of the Pub lic Bolioo s of the Pfrst School District of Pennsylvania, fo» the term of one year. , mf . . Tho Candidates will bo oxauuned on Monday, in Theoretical Arithmetio and iJoQmtion of Words; T»eed4v, in History of United Btatcs and Orthography; Thursday, m English Gramma? ami Geography; Friday, in Practical Arithmetic and Parsing. . Tho examination in Reading will be oominenccd on Mouilay, and continued from daytodayuntil finished. j027-3t i*. A.OAhOAR. Principal. MISS J.UOY R. MAYER and Airs. R. M. BIRD will reopen tboir SCHOOL for Youps Ladiea at 10JLO BPKUOE Street, on MONDAI, Sep tember 17th, 1860. le»-Im up EMOVAK—SMALL & CHANDLER, Us. WIIOI.EbAI.E GfIQOERB, have reiijsvoJ from C 5 North SECOND Slroef, to 111 MARKET Street, above Front, north cido. *«« pROF. MORfilS’ BUCEPHALUS, PROFESSOR MORRIS’ P lOFESSOR MORRIS’ PROFESSOR MOillllß- ■ KUC E PHa LOS, eucephaloh; an invaluable an invaluable AN KEMEDY, EXTERNAL REMEDY, EXTERNAL REMEDY. FOR DISEASES OF THE FOR DIBKABES OF THE FOR DISEASES OF TK:b NERVOUS gygTEM, NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS SYSTEM, THE MIND to the researohea of Literature, the c»noenj» of Commercial and Financial, Business, and tee affaire of Professional and Folitroaf Life,, or as occasioned by anr other oause from which the Norvmui System ha? be come exhausted and dise&eOd. , Theeymptons oovored bv this valaable Preparation If n A(I®TION AND ■DEPRESSION OF THE MIND, CHRONIC "NEhVOUSNESS,"NEURALGU,BHIMIATIaM, NERVOUS HEADSCHR Eto.,K,to. The EUCEF.iALOS is oarefallr «ep»roil. lir eer mission, from the Formula ofl’ilOF.W. MOR RIH, M. D., ot this city, to which ho refers in hm t FjHUuephieai Pamphlet. “PSUKIKuS.”; .On, the relations of the Gangno-NervoUß System to the immaterial soul of man. Having exhibited the pnnoiplsa and coinmended the eyetem of Composite Homoeopath*, FrofesßOrM. »ya: “It may be permissible that I should offer, as an ll lu’Jtratibn, my ownoasa. A'continoufl ootiroD of stu dios rut aunmber ofyoars had, to a certaindstont, produced tfid ordinary o/leote of extreme wontal ap plication, by attenlmtiik tho prime oentrea ol orjemo and intellectual lift, and JWnoe aroae a felt ocoossity ot personal relief. Having a well-founded confidence in Comppfdte Houucopatliy and an lutimato aswiamtonco wttu Materia Medina ol the IlomcEopattiio School. I nolootod certain aubstmioca of uaeerriunod harmonious relations and approved uaea, and oombinod Ifioir euen tiiil properties in proportional unity, and was gladdened hr the pofiiiSßßUm of a medicinal resource.” Prolosaor Morris describes tho mode ot application, and then adds: “In tb*« Watßie desired relief has been ob tained, tho nutritive aystom invigorated, the gaiigho nervous syelcm restored to its former lone, ami, uieuLii olearneae, tranquillity, and visor—«t the aged noarly three scoro-aro the much valued results.” i’repared.and Gold W by MOOKRIDUL & CO., No. bii North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. .. . Price, 82 per bottle, largo size-R) cents email[size. nijic 3mif 1 nmn|5 1 For tho INSTANT RELIEF and FER jlMllMt hIANENT CURE of this diatresaing com- plaint, UAb BIIOMCHIAL OIGABHa'a’JBS. Slade I). O. U. SEYSIUUIt A. UU., HU NASSAU Street, New York, l’rioe 81 per box; aontfreaby Ptwl mi7-6m ifl FOR AT ALL DRUGGISTS . J)YSfc*EPSIA REMEDY, Dr. DARIUS ItA.BI'3 aromatic invigorating spirit This Medicine has been used bv thtpublic for six ytan with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure D>jsptfsia> Nervousness, Iftart-JSurn, Colic Pains , Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in (he Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low spirits,. Delirium Tremens , Intemperance, li Siimulaths, Exhilarates, Invujoratet, but will Nor Intoxicate on Srurnt v, Abu Medicine it is quick and, effectual, cur ijk # tho rnOßtftßgravatcd cases ol'Dlspopatu, Kidney Lompjamtß, ar.il oil other derangements of the tstoinaoh ami tfowola in a speedy manner. „ , , , . , It will instantly rovivo Iho most lucluiiouoly and droopii.t: spirits, and rostoro til© v.’C<, nervous, and sickly to hcnlth, strength, am! vigor. Fcrßoiiß who, from the injudicious uao ot liquors, have become dejected. and their iiovvous cystoma shattered, oimatituiions broken down, and subject to that horrible oureato humanity, tho Dkmiuum Tubmens, wn!,.al moit immediately, loci the luippr and healthy invigo rating cflicacy ot nr. Ham’s Invinorating Spirit. Dosii.—One tvine gfosa JuU ns ofion ao noccmary, Ono doso will remove all Bad-Kpirits. One dose will cure Heart-barn. Threo doses will ouro indigestion. . One doso will givo you a Good Appetite. Ono doso will stop tho distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One doso will remove tiio distressing and dinagrcouble cfloots of Wind or Flatulence, and as eoon n» tho stomach receives the luvlgoratnn? Spirit* tho distress ing load amt all painful feolings will bo removed. Ono doso will Tcmovo tno nmßt distressing pains oi Colic,oithormthootomaohorlmveh. . A fow doson will remove nllobatruouons in tno aiujicj , Bladder, or Urinary Organs. , ... „„„ Persona whoaro seriously afllioied ?’*M l h 5 ny tinaa nr t'oinrlainta aro assured of speedy two.nmlamitalm lor 's,®,?® Persons who from dissipatins too muoh over night, andfedthoov’il °MSn? headnehcß, eiokness at &0 . Will find nr.oilcae Will I -IHOVO all IlilU i oiiiino. Ladles of weaWnd sinkly coustitutious .should take Iho ii vfsoietingSpirit throe mucaaday? it will uiako t ein strong, hoallby.t and hamy, remove all obstruc tion!! and irregularities irom th? menstrual organs, and rcstoro tho bloom of health and toauty to tho careworn pregnancy it will bo found an Invaluable medi cine to remove cisagreeabl* sensations at tho stonwrob. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to indue® this, be lr*H put up tho lNvmoii.vriNG Spikit. in pint buttles at n\ coats, Quarts ,51. Genoral Dopot, 4S WATEII Btreet, New York. BYOTT & SONS. Wholesale Agents in Fliiladolplna. and for saio by all Druggists.^ jd?>thßtulr ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA I AZUMEA! PROP. MORRIS' AZUMEA RARING IWUKR. Manufactured solely Rt No. 63 Street. and for sale by Proner* generally. m>23-grmf Mowing ani> reaping machines, Horae Kakos, {four kinds,) Horse Hay-Pork, with block and rore, for sale afcrediwe^vnoMy^ J®23 , 6V K No. 11l MARKET ctreot. WANTS. BOARDING. DIVIDENDS. REMOVALS. isiEDICINAt. FEn» T ’ s wiDjDoT WHAT It amusements. "PUNE ARTS.—REDUCTION IN PRICE „„ ATffl 1 * of tho Aante " • o ’° l<,ofc A ’ *'■> until 7 P.M., apd r.Q U , 8 till 10 r. M ■ JeUStl W'AHNF, 8 RIFLE AND PISTOL GAIr v» LEBY—Now open, corner of EIGHTH and CHtSTNLT Streets. '»hia Galloijiiie a distance of thiUr yards for Rifle Shooting, with two JoTgo B§y lighta. The most complete Gallery in tho Union. Jc2s-inT • M GAIETIES R AO E street. • . IMMENSE ATTRACTION! JOHN BROUGHAM’S DRaMA,- . THE PIRATES OP THE MiSSISS/m. GRAND OLIO, . ALL THE COMPANY. SOLOMON’S TEMPLE, - ' Ajlargo, beautiful, and pertsot model of tae grand est and most interesting building ever built is eiwted .in the immonne saloon of „ |EovE I TWEi J A Fi'fl ei'REiiT. The Model is 33 feet long, 2i feetwide,.and lflfeM high; lighted by»io gas jets,and tliewor*uJpperB re-' presented by 600 figures arrayed in Jewish surrounding tho various oourla, give it a lifa-liie co pearanoe, , Read tat Jtif §b, Bth to Bth chan.; l Ohron.,2Bth ohap.t 2d Citron.* 4th and 7th chaps.; ana Exodus, zathonap., for contents and description of Solomon’o Temnle. all of whioh is faithfully represeuted m the Modal, 1 o P a E S t 9 VISITORf 5 , with explanations, from 19 to 12 A. M„ 3to and 7 h to 10 P. M. Admission, 23 oeuts; ohildren, half price, ickots,in packs of 12. at lower rates to Bohoels, Oulu, Socisttes, &a„ until July T. mrl-tf CHINA AND GIiASSWABE. fBUIT J.AB'SI FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FRUIT JARS. THE BEBT FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST EJIBIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JAItS. THE FBTJIT JARS! WRIGHT, SMITH, & OG„ No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Offer to the trade the best Pratt Jots out. Call aud ace their qualities tested by oxperimonta. (TJADTION— FRESH FRUIT JARS—Tiio 'y'piiblio are cautioned aeamottho various imitation* of JIARIELL’B PATENT ALL-WLABS ALR-FoHT JARS, now iu market. The genuine have ifartett'o iisuio on tho cover. Manufacturer* under the patent. KARTELL & LETGKWOKTH, No, 13 North FIFTH etreeL jelMmif* TOOISON—FRESH FRUIT JARS.—The f- acid of fruit always corrodes the surface ofjaotaJ; bo careful, fclioreforo, to purchase 'nlr Jars oiLlesa and Covera of Glass. HARTELI/8 PATJJNT AIR- Ab-L-GLAbS JARS are admitted to be the only reliable and portcotly safe farm market. . , . r „ . HAHTBLL & JoI3-luuf* Manufacturers. No. 13 N. FIFi H etie-cL ThO NOT GO INTO THE COUNTRY ,?1* tl I°Ut Ourp I;asiner HARTIiLL’B ALL GLASS. | ATISNI AIR-TIUHT JAR?.7-Miea Nioholson’softle- r r A® 1 * cook cook. with, full directions for putties: up iruitst &o». together with 600 other useful receipts. IIA.RTELL, ft LETCHWORTtI, florin FIEXH fitreol. INSURANCE' COMPANIES. rpiß MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE -*■ COMPANY OF NEW YOJUT, _ Assets? fllX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. IHVBIVPD IN PIBJJT MOBTSAQE3 ON REAL S9»^f» WORTH OVER QVIWMSr ■ Bhe premiums sro lowbii than, in manr other Cess* roes, and Uie Dividends hate been eEJUsas, ,fc "* swim Mfer BBLOBO To TUB -HBOBBD, Pamphlets, and ©tcit information, av b? srasib, on applioatioii to PEILADELFHIA RFFKRENOE9r F/iomasßobioff, ' John Weieh, Mordooai L; Davrso?*. George H. Bbs»*. Oflorge M, fitmud.. . C, S.Whelen, - Johnß Mysx? ? . J. Fisher Leaminf. Joseph Patterson. • William 0. Ludwin. John M. Atwood, Arthur G. Conlsi, VhomasH. Posvere, George w. Toland, vViiliam McKee* Ehes. Wattson. n£M ji£ - Anthracite insurance compa- N £- AnHoritcd Oasital SWW-OHAJIXER 1 UAli* Office No. 3UWALHUT'Btrooti'botWB6a Thitil end Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company wilUnauro against loss or damage bj hire,onßuildiuge*Furniture, and Merchandise can?- inllr. ... Also, Marine luanranooa on Vessels, Cargoes, end Freights. InloLd Insurance toallparta of the Union- PIRISOTOJU,. Jaooulisaer, Joseph M&xfioM, J). Luther* Dr, George N. Kokdif • L« Audennod, Johnß. Blakiston, Davis Pearson, Win. F. Doan. Potor Sieger, J. K. BAum. • J AUOH RBHBR, President, _ ~ \VM. F.DEAN, Vice PresldenL W. M. SMITH. Secretary. ftp3'tutfcstf EIAME insurance company, no, •a- 4M CHESTNUT Sliest, PHILADELPHIA, INCOIIFORATED ArMLjMMjDy THE STATE UP CONFINED' TO FIRE AND INLAND RMM „ , UIRBCIOas BHinao) Wright, D. B, Birnor, Wni. W. Walters, J. w. Everiaan. Ohas. Iljohardion, Hennr I-cttib, Jr,. Geo. West* Jacob W, stout, a Wilson Dayi*, Menko Blem. who*. S. Martin. GEORGE W, DAY. President „ . FRANCIS N. BUCK. »W» WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, 800 rotary. tfolSiftf CLOTHING. jg a H. ELDEIDGE, << CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” If. E. Corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Bl* BSr Cuutomer Work made at short notion. mh3l -Sm-if ' SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SATING FUND—Com -£»- pany’c Building southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Opon daily from 9 till f o’oloclr,Bud on MONPAY till 6in the evening. Tbia Old Institution has ahvaya paid in fnli, on demand* without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. , All Bams paid gold and wlver, ALEX. WHILLDIN, Presidont, SAME. WORK, Vioe Presidont. John C. Farr. T. E. Harper, • Georg© Nugent. John Anepaoh, Jr., Sami. T. Bodme, Alb. o.Roberta. John Aikamn, Jouss Bowman, JL H, Udrulge, Win. J. Howard. JOHN S. WlLBoN,Treasurer. JOHN C. SIMS. Secretary. joSO-lm SPRl m GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April Hth, 1851. Open (br Deposits aim Payments, daily, from #ft «< o'clock. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 5 to 8 o'clock, ■ lutercßtflpercont.porsnnum. Depositors catj'with draw thmr.fiJoneys by Cheoks, if desired, Special Pe sosita received. JAH ,, g s fiUf(ULJJj rtsiidant. Francis Hart. Beoratary. ap3o*tfif SHOEMAKER & Co. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Northeast Corner FOURTH AND RACE Blreat". m?23*6m CARD TO THU I‘UBLIO. CONGRESS d’PRIEG. SARATOGA, APRIL 10, 1800, An attempt lias beou mad© to deceive tho publia>,by' persona oil'erins what thsy call “Coaunsss Waikb *' from Fountains; and at the pries of six (6) couts per glaa*. Tho tcAolwafs price of thegenutni Congress Wft ior,at New York, beingabout 7ft conUpor glass, the im position of protending to soil at retail at less than cos*, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course has been to empty on« bottle of gomuuo Congress Water into a Fountain filled frith ilieirLaMt.flmlihetfiby ohrislenlns ilsiofnl contents. Wo hevo wsvkr sold Congress Water in Fountain??, nor i»i vessels of'esy oshtr dadrilon than ordinary eiaed glass sorxLßs. The oork or every bottle of the genuine isbinudod " CONGRESS WATERO» & W..” and any, without those woids and tetters on the oork, ia courirKßFKif, whotlicr from Fountains or Pottle?. CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. Tho following gentlemen in Philadelphia, vis 1 FREDERICK BROWN, cor. Fifth aud Chestnut etc.. FREDERICK UHOWN, Jr,, our. Ninth and Chestnut. CHARLES KLLIB & Co , 721 Market street, J. 0. TURNPE 'iNY d; Co., 941 Spruce streef, THOB. J. HUSBAND, 2 f J3 South Third Stieet, 0. S. HUBBELL. 1410 Chestnut street. . . A. D. D. TAYLOR, oor. Ninth and Chestnut attests, Are constantly oupplied by ns with tho genuvtt Lott 011E33 Watbh” in bottles, fresh froin tMCongiesi Bering. OLARKL.» vvnxi!,. aplfaniif 08 CEDAR St.. New York City. ! GETS OP JEWELRY, I K? of tho Nowest and i JMOBT ELEGANT STYLES. Also. LADIES’ WATCHES, THOMAS C. UAHRETT. Tl 9 OHE6TMHT Mroet. Jtiot received. iji VERY FAMILY SHOULD POSSESS A JLi STEREOSCOPE.—Stereoscopic Instruments ma nufactured in tho best stylo; Ster oaoopio Pictures, of tho finebt qua! tios,reoonily imported* and sold at the lowest prices in tho country,.by imjmLWi 112 South FOURTH St., below Chestnut, B0"SpeotaclO8 and Eyeglas3oß, provided wjth the oolobrnted Foriscopio Glasses audeonoonyauited ft*! all ages. Mioroscopos aud Microscopic Photograph*. Opera Glauses, Mathematical Instruments* Ac.,m greet, variety, and at the most roaaonanlo raio3. jfgl-if-61 TRUSSES ! BRAUNS ! SUPPORTERS ’ Correctly adjusted at NEEDLES'. TWELFTH and RACK Streets. Ladicsentrance 102 Twelfth street, below Ka'te. Ladt attendants. French. Eng lish,' and Amerioan*. m great variety. Belts, Blast. o atookiugoj Suspensories, Shoulder Braces, 3yrictes«4.o mrlS-iomlTl 0 •' AND CLAM SOUP served “rSaSK up ©very day throughout the season (Bandaj r « accepted), by JAMES PROPER, No. 808 MARKET Street. N, 13, Dinners froml2 to 3 o'clook. myga-if M. S. BISHOPS PAKISIAN MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. It 16 OHESTNUT ctreet, next door to the Bt. Lawreuoo Hoto*. ■ mv2g«lm Jgfet THE BEST ARE OdEAPJEST.—Buy •"T 3 Umbrellas and Parasols of »• WM. 11, lUCHAKPSON. No. 416 MARKKT fit. nvrli-tjylif PAM SOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, • hiBV*?.f 1 1" *• WRI. H. RIGHARPSON’B, 41SMARK JiThu nwHHirlif gr FAIRBANKS* PLA'iFORM SCALES- FRUIT JARS.