: : 1 , • I* -rhyttiter:-.ll‘ll:;.hropt. ■MW , Fjtl3Eß POINT!- lapoilait from Sicily. TBS CAPITULATIOH SIGHED. Akinl» STUUMty ' th*.; KtaptUUsi. aft*j»«S»vr MliiKD. English Reform Bill Withdrawn. tj CqNJOh9.93| |»9S3EX-MVIDSNI). i ;,! _Fa itut£ Point, Juae J4-—Th« ste*ra«r M#IU. l>o«i • imnooU'titkif.Uß'p bj- Mumtli *5 Lngottdnrr lo tin lilt, kntuMdlieu oalMt vn ia WWf! *t*ii jo «rl» tt Nailm, . «L £Mr*m. iWgioi&art 'lo bqctHiointriied .ft c»aan:»_bylH%pbwu»«at .of Patonao vu 4» Ntatf&tu* wArtelUed crMt itroei * ■'amtSP»«MgS«aRU! TSI C*riLnitfl*e*; Wur ajfa malt* «i>d brnfawl. MMM^&aiMUMaaMie^TnraMtokStMkoaH JSWJBffiMU ■H»*3*f. tmttftOu ncriluimtTanii bf KmES. . oT^g ts ,^.g,na f Kaig _'ijria«adsSu«ii?ini>iM Milwrkxt forJfieilr^Thk- Butotkl 0 ffUniuiy BW? 'gtfW of & •ooordiojtto toot ofrnmoe, i« Md a titter to Bir»iorJtertrol. Ikasdvftcnfinr ttMotTftU l UM m w;4*Mj ud mu IkMktku Ml to «ui«fV tllcteuM. ~ AAs^as^-' Tn”™ - ; > ffinaS l /ih!f '-. b/U» iw»t Ma MToy to -Eaibad keWikmadniiH- IgMMMk,.SmSnF iMiUHiam rf Swot u 4 »3i S Jormftr fceoinfiuitM o* thu Coiaateictal ißtclligciicr. Ttt ttlWofCotloafor the feet - (%**« "fl|dMa'-Witk u idru- SgpfepS tm» 3iM Mtiaar; WMm tUaadr&Hownr; ther#i« tlMlfeHVftflmrni; wkittSto m market o!ok« «oi«P wif riitt jjaoceretaedyr -XAid quiet bat firm* ffi*J*S* fljoiwiTiriih in ndnuM* of jy,»r|Hw<>y—» ,«im £|f»and bend- IT'!iAVliT|'jaßiii.*>lfnev ilia rritM ttre Uading upwarde. CoMoSa MW TO WJNJKUf aMig^ika^aa^jKseiJg! for eeconut ex- : -vaM -hoeebtead' HIM. vetoed. HUt ukMl~ror,ib< (nib ter t Thart mora Im former case, but owing .of tiw »*«ton,hfwrtt not re* ba«4aittM n« a fenml loea not poaaesi «h» power to mdiTidaiU*, and ibis wonld ft Miffd a vota Open Uiereload ! Tk&QM*. moved to po«tj*me the !«■ Jfc - • ----- lnm*4 *&#«•*<«- rttd from tfe« ; 3Kshsbs JfiSjßSiv' - ggitim-tondhgaa, .k»v« gfgrailT e*Ste kg M ikgilts oMtolioiof tfag —iii'wgg' nnittst to' tbe old ■ -*va pud tl -2* "at Min MnrJM ok ’ ill tig bii?«ii», tit '•Mdm* f' .Tit wt * m follow i *(Lpl«Fk. Fnatar, ttham. Tern Jvri *, Jofen- Hi* tim-n \ ~m* otTMMNM, that* th« rfnjiiFlo , vonfl iiW PM* in tho SrV-.fOto of biIVWM ooo ’lifiiSl .~ yf''t ~~+ .. MffiyTaSfta aha bill n m r;*wW'v tfcelioa* of reo«H vy »isi?»d.** boforo lho find •ofcwu . .. * :■* * : , ..\, , . , ;;ArtMMWWtto»io>*P» il ';'-■, *?MIM- IIBIIQII. :, ■ > 7 ;_ •. , f“* AtKtwaad Pa * “ lop ' ed ' i.jsr r, ilO»* i ?P”» y tho hn« and ESfiV* izhx\l VV^‘*^ tt ' **■*»•*»>« ■The anaadmant wu dlaairaad its' by the following v^msmsm s^aasiH: S»ro'i* r .3r«nKjck,Trß»il«uTwi(l.,Wifw! 1 -!3 The yot* vu Ihfn/»knn on arreeiu'tothe amend iaolodiar • the rutorlng of tho najaBl* •eroee.whiohwaa But ax read to-yeae u, i? «r#a to tha Home bill, will BSd ■•* for ecnafereope committee. a-Jffi.Jyy- 'aaetatioß raduolßS tha prtoaof pablio pnotiaj forty peroeiit. war patted. ■. . •, _*• war thea bald; altar which HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. t, o ® i y o^o * o f South CaroUhs* the *m fr«i«*t«d to ftmitoh the Houm at (he **** st**?P®* •iljh# inforngUpn that can be obtained »V\oihe diepowtioa byth* British Governmont of the brtbs British navy, and ite disppsi-' ef the, oncers Md crew* of the slavers thoe oap* th^{«iS?TiS$*WWW». , !Wion **"“*’ > fll?Svw!w o^?^e£bsfcim SiP/JraSit ”•*“*•' |u»ntinr,>ureceivedf,om J&arswssto teJKßtaffl* 1 ta » v « to of «■• «W 1 tiSf.PSsOT JkioommlttM tben roaa. The memie from thePreaidcnt «u then retd re ooßßindigttbe alteration of the exuting lav in order i ®rb»e«ter. General mar provide for carrying iSS-Siflfe. oo ' ll ,”'“'PLSS“ nßl ’ reeeonaWe and juilj ceveraf coaphiilce and ehlpcrwaom deounme cervine for theewnpeaeWloß to whioh the department i”iiow re- T* eenemlly exhibited by eniet - jhe Jlouep Main went into onrnmittee. . ki? , 's?J l r“*of. I ' # . w Xo ,, rA l,l die»ted n few point* of iß r*»fr *0 Hr. Mellon, concerning natural- EMM; rtaponae to the recommendation £V i, Z r »!"b»< t ? neeeesii aeked leave to introduce a S4ffS9MW«tt“« WMWt end®?'tntb wsaii-aa ,™iEi* l c #r v*nwei.,;■ : -- .**• rortfat vfsrardftr «ut for Mr. Colfax, the gjfttTgWg UeC-opmiUtM lietheJPnet Office, and ora 3iKS3'S!£f.K ™ l *?.'b < iP*JS* *■>• Portmaatar ihX'ofniiiSSSfi * et if “•S'f/’Lf' M **!• ooeee mail ter , tt2*^2S? i Sls i t.a Mr, . C . o “* ls >4 l .b« matter before' i:st£fSa. - iM2;i. fv*' .tetefl. Mr. ehennan pre oi?usivioVi?!!riS£ isl i* theexteßeionof the contract f. LSJ'SSUWi^l*®' o6 nej*, at tbepreaent rate, which gealr •» Sf6 per annom, bealeee the ehane or the HoraoeP.Clarh «Hd Ihettge .team »?*"« BUiracq other* trotted that tMDepartment woMarrT(maibre mailovtiUod,tindertbsirmnt introducethe «IK and » mtiontr voted vsiutlheiui* oSSoS. 0 W * ‘tfailed, and ifc now beyond reane “Offin. tetiera Will beaddrecaad hj the fett oT^te f^SdS. B fo?ii!sr. o P r ib n ";;*e^® ,,lclnda ® the “S' l JFnwM atUyD9hburg,Va*B -D*!** 23.—Messrs. -Jdpeph and fiobcrt i2S^i®«P { SfeiiSM.'ssag3! ,,, *! ,w ‘? V-T*» offices of both newspapers will be closed for tbe -.,-, _ , i . jrßjf*L?n*Q*b*RB OPfOSED TO OOIXfITO »*LTLHORK. *j JL 1 ? 1 ”*?! 8v * R* * 'eauriasmg all da j, feta “7f to wjiut to Baltimore, llteConveßtion rqacs'mbled 1 * evening, ■ttdadtottrnad till Monday. ■2S&&!?*?*!!! decutedlToppoaed to going to fiSw-satssSf jafliiar'?®? 4 - **• •aSggltegteft;*—fartlwr advic before Ibelr Later from llio. ' ' Nkw ‘i'nMjt. June 24—.Arnv.d Cbamptoti f naolioo, vi» luo Janeiro Jun* id. 8- at.***., SarratnaaaU a*ilad tha iama'da, ■W*j*W*niio'i»Jiiii»id,'d»»'Bl»'.'" Th« U,B. frlsat*Con,T,a,Dric Dolphin,and ateam.r £■ **i!7 ere M Mont.video Ida, Bth. he U. S. B. bri, Bainbtidee ni at Coloni* Mar .- Tomorrow evening, a “ compli mentary” benefit to Mr. John Dolman, when ‘‘.The Hubobbabk” and “ Popping the Question” will be performed, anti, on Wednesday, “ a grand complimentary” benefit to Hre..R. Penisten; in which that lad/will appear as Luerezia Borgia, a debutante taking the part of Portia-in the trial scene of “ The Merchant ofVenioe.” We wish each and every of the three—the fullest house of tbe season! On Batnrday evening, Wheatley k Clarke will open Arch-street Theatre for the summer sea • mm, with tbe legendary speotacle of “ The Naiad ‘Qneen,” one of themost attraeiive.of show-pieces, wftfr. fiew ftsensry by WUer, mush by Dod worth, The. performers will Include Mr, Wo- Wheatley, J. filClarke, Mr. Dewis Baker, (his first appear aSowslcee hia return from California,) Mr. W. 'Wallis, Mr. J. S.'Edwards, (from the Holllday street Theatre, Baltimore,) Mr. Haynes, Mr. J. A. Braves, (from the Southern -theatres, first appear ance,) Mr. Bradley, Mr. Riley, Mr. Btphore, Mr Calledlne, Aa., do.,,Mrs, John Drew, Mre. Wm. Murphy, Mre. Thayer, Miss EUa Glenn, her first sppearanoo. - ... Walnut-street Theatre closed on Saturdsyeve. Whig,, and the season has been unnsuaily remune . satire..;-Daring the recess, the theatre will be re decora It A. - There does not appear any symptom of bringing tbs dramatic season to a doss at MoDonongh’s Qslttiel.Qn the; contrary, additional novelties are spoken of. Tbit evening, Mr. Bradford, trea surer; hasbit beneSt, ami Aaron Jonas, and Matt Bosk will give the’sparring scene in “Tom and Jerry.” .-There will also beavartetyof dramatic and misoeUsneons performances. Rembrandt Plate’s painting of The Conrt of death will he exhibited every evening this week, neepf Monday and Saturday,)’at'Concert Hail It is a striking allegorical picture, executed in the artist’s prime; end is bold, Impressive, imagina tive. , ; The model of Solomon's Temple may be eccn this wfeek, at the’ National Hali, Market street, andds a very Interesting and satisfactory work. ,We have received the Illustrated Netvs of the. World and llfuttraUd Loudon JVcros of June 9, Irons Callender A Co. With the former is given e fine steel engraving of Meyerbeer, the composer, with a very Interesting Memoir. These portraits, wbloh are due likenesses, well (engraved, are very popular, and the cheapest ever issued. Moaio. at Fawmocnt.—lt is at last de cided that the railroad companies running to Pntr ■Ount Shalt have tfae privilege of employing a band Of metis to perform in the park. The committee te whem the matter was. referred have designated a spet for the pavilion for ths musicians, and coma time the coming week the strnetnre wilt he com plated, aed theefterabon concerts will commence. The Cerntahla Orchestra has boon engaged. OfiLfiBfiATIOKOF THE FoURTHOF JULY.— Col. Cdnipy’s regiment of infantry of tba Second Brigade wilt eelebrate.'.the Fourth of July by a parade, lhe lias will be formed at six o’clock in the morning. i tte NatTonai Ariillery, Lieutenant Jos. Sinex, iwtend flriag x national salute on tbe morning of Of Kis i»jUßlii3. —On Saturday, AUlbior, the led who Wee eo severely injured sheet, avweefc ego br the explosion of e fluid lamp, died at Ms : residence, Germantown road, near Ce lambla avenue. Thiele another viatlm to be added to thelerga number who hare been tent to their graret praiaaterelr by the nie of this dangerous sinff. ' Thb Distric t Court have appointed Wm. Sergeant. Fra.y'eommUefoaer to take depositions ,te place of Johoßinns, deceased. I ; ;Ho*»tfAbOAg*B;--Janies Burgoyne, aged m Germant«nrn«Tfitor- *«* ni»Mkto; Hd|thM» aSft'ffep 1 a T *» wKbSadbwn tWowaoiofirtr while si "acimr in the jaraatmohadjafterdwelnoVtig PineeUer. Theapove admitted u> the Feuenaaeia feoemtsl. '-’s Oigtd.—YOaterday, morning Unddeedla bedat the rfnd.ee. of Mm. ; o^ r JjW addiUcndl tee Firtt Pa^e. • AHEIVAIrttOMB OFIH*XeT3TONK CLUB 40a Saturday evening at 10 o’clock, about 180 mem bar* of the Keystone Club arrived homo from Bal timore. They were met at the depot by aboutlGO at their friends in. this olty, who had provided a large number of flambeaux, In order to have a torchlight procession. - The'home party also had a Uitee transparorwy, having oil the front a likeness nf the Domooratio nominee for President, the Little QUnt, and the annexed Inscriptions: ‘ , ‘ STEPHEN A: DOUGLAS. 14th Ward. “ Cinoa ye hear the slogan ? , ’lie Douglas and Ms men.” - Ontho sides: / ; - <* Oar choice for President, r „ Stephen A. Douglas.” * and “ Pennsylvania good for 40,000 Demooratio major!' ty for Douglas.” ' On the reverse side: THE LITTLE GIANT. Traitors and. faotionists fear him Patriots love and honor him. The excursionists were reoeived with muoh en- thusiasm and a display of fireworks, after which the line was formed, and headed by the Pennsyl vania Cornet Band, playing livoly airs, and the men bearing torches and the banners displayed at Baltinipre, they passed up Broad to Christian, down Christian to Twelfth, up Twelfth to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Third, down Third to Walnut, and eut .to the club rooms, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. Owing to the late hour at which the club ar rived, and to the foot not being generally known that they would return on Saturday evening, there was not a great display of enthusiasm ; but. never theless, the exoursiomsts were greeted with many demonstrations of satisfaction by the spectators along the ronte. They were buttonholed along the road, to tell all they knew about the Con vention ; but bs almost everything had been tele graphed up to the hour of their leaving Baltimore, they had little news to communicate. . The excursionists speak In the highest terms of .their treatment in Baltimore. On Thursday night they serenaded Mr: Charles Myers, of Mad! on Square, one jf the staunoh friends of Judge Douglas. .After the serenade, they were hand somely entertained by Mr. Myers, at his mansion. The olub also speak in warm terms of the kindness extended to them by.Cql. McKinney, of Weetmore land,county, Pennsylvania, who kept“open lionBe” at Barnum’a- Hotel—his rooms bring labelled “Douglas Headquarters.” On leaving Baltimore, tho olub were escorted to the depot by -the Young Men’s Democratic Club and several thousand cltfgens, who cheered them heartily as the train' moved off. The members of the club returned their cheers enthusiastically, and gave three cheers for the polloe of Baltimore. They say there is not a better.poiioe force In any oily of the Union. Daring the whole of their* stay, not an unplea sant incident occurred, and they were all highly delighted with their trip. Joseph C. Costello, of the fecond ward, was in jured by the falling of the parquette of tho thea tre, during the sitting of the Convention. He fell 'down, striking his nose against a portion of the railing, Inflicting « severe, but not dangerous wound. Mr. Costello returned home with the olub on Saturday evening. Legal rsTELuaENOJi.— Common Pleas— Judges Thompson and Ludlow.—On Saturday opinions were delivered in the following cases: Joseph Crate’s Estate. Exception to auditor’s report . Report confirmed. Vf m. W. Chew’s Estate. Fxoeptions to auditor’s re port. Report confirmed. Ann Ke’lj's Estate. Petition for approval o' appraise ment. Exceptions to petition sustained. : Robert MoCrory’# Estate. Exceptions to auditor’s report. Report confirmed-*the distributees to give ado uuate refunding toads, upon receipt of the shares. Thomas Tyson’s > state. Petition for allowance of wntoffi.fa. Fi, fa. allowed. , Estate of Grorre Rundie, Petition for leave to com promise. Prayer of petition granted. William Armstrong’s Estate. Petition for order of sale. Order refused. Ryott • Estate. Exception to auditor’s report. Re port confirmed, Glein vs. Lonjtitreth. Demurrer overruled. CitjrFank vs. Csllshan., Deoree in favor of plaintiff. Middleton vs. MoCulfen. Rule absolute. Butler.vaDavis. ► uiedischarged. Ford vs. Safer. Rule absolute. Edward Smith's Estate, Petition to vaa&le order dis eharring exeeir or. Prayer of petition granted. Estate of Ana James, O. C. Exceptions to auditor’s report./ J* xoeptions dismissed, except as to the audi tor’s charge.wh'ctns modified. Catharine Wolf's Estate. Fxoeptioas to auditor's re port.. Exceptions dismissed, except as to the interest, and referred back Tor interest account. In the matter of the eieotion of surveyor of Eighth district—quo warranto. Rule to allow a writ of quo warran to. Rule discharged. Bchellvs..Eastern Market Oompauy. Rule for judg ment. Ruleabiolute. Reading Railroad vs, Thornton. Rule to refer baok an award of arbitrator s. Rule discharged. ‘ Alien vs. Phillips, Re-argument ordered. The investigation of the contested election case of Downing vs. flafty will be resumed at twelve o’olook to-morrow.* Q.uarvbr Skssions—Judse Allison * writ of habeas corpus, in the case of Y. Hofheitner to Co„ charted wnh a conspiracy to deffand creditors, was beard. The allegation on thepart of Mr. Taylor, that being a credi tor of the defendants, who were engaged m the milli nery businers, he called upon them in reference to a note whioh tiM been protested* and Mr, ttofhoimtr re* presented that, owing to the eppresirtve conduot of'ftlr. WilJiam Moms, snptber of the creditors, they were inable to continue in business. The day after'this, dr. Taylor rubmitted a proposition for an extension, and Mr. ,T. slsq offered to use hie efforts to procure that extension. To this Mr. H. teplied that it wag no use, rnd then it wes stated that a debt of 98,00 T was due to M. J otmuss. and the 'goods had beeu com eyed to him for tho sum OOO. Morris, a creditor to the amount of 96,000, testified that he bad never pushed the de rend ania;onlhe contrary, he aided them in a variety of 8, taking up the notes, arm when he found them in volved, he advised an exhibit to the creditors, the pro mise to use his influenoe to procure an extension, and promised further, tha* in ease apy of the creditors were ri iJ>born.he would endorse their psper. The witness estmiated the value of the sooda transferred to Mr, Strauss, st from 910.000 to 915.000. The defendants never mace an exhibit to creditors, aooordins to the advioe of Mr. Morris. Judge Allison refused to discharge the defendant., The next ossa was that,of Benjamin mid Jeremiah Croeedale. charged with a ovnsplraor todefrand uredi ors, whichwasbeardonawritofhaneasoorpas. The »c»«, as alleged br the Commonwealth. »ere substan ially as follows: In May, 1669, Mr. Charles Wright ob tained a judgment against the defendant, which judg ment was entered in tha District Court, on thelfth of Wo years before tha defendants con passed back into the possession of the defendants, acd on the list of March* 1960, this same property wasoon veyed to a pother party, and at the same tune a oettifi oalewflsgiven by one of the„ defondanta thatropro , ceedinge to colleot ground rent nad been instituted, and an order was given to an attorney to insert in the assicnmentof tha deed any name that the bearer of the order might desire. The allegation was, that this con veyance was mMe in order to make it appear as though it was anterior to Mr, Wright’s judgment. The court ramaaded the parties for trial. » Burgt.art.—Some time during Saturday nieht. a lot {if burglar* effected an entrance to the' Pf nnfylvannan, office, in Third street* below Chestnut. They entered, through a second-story window, in the raarofthe bpildingi and* after ft great deal of trouble, got into the lower rooms. They pioked the look of the mosey drawer, which was fortunately empty, so that they received nothing for their labor. They must have been new hands at the business, as their work was per formed in a very bungling manner. It is tupposed they were the earns party that jobbed the cigsr store ot ex .CoronerDelavau a short time since. Explosion of a Lamp. —About ten o’clock Ust evening MsriaDelaney, used eighteen year*, was severely burned by the explosion of a diamond-oil jamp which she was filling at her residence, 1442 north Tenth street. Accidbnt.—Mrs. Smith was seriously bur.oed yesterday afternoon by her clothes talcing firs .while oerninK a email furnace* at her residence on Ger mantown road* near Fifth street. Infamous.— Margaret Flood was arrested on Saturday afternoon .on the ohareo of cutting the dresses of several ladies,in a dry-goods ‘store inSeoond street. Alderman Pallas committed her to enswer. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. ' The Money Market. PmLADBLPHiA, June 23.1860. The week closes with an unusual abundance of nnne*. We bear of transactions on call as low as four and a half per coat. As a consequence, there hoe been a general improvement in the value of almost every de scription of stocks., In New Yorb.fwe team that large deposits of surplus funds have been made with trust companies “on oal1 M at three per cent. At theStoek JSoard to-day the tallness was limited with bat little change in price*. The market closed very firm. Philadelphia Stock Kichnngo Sales, June 23, 1860. Ruomid at 8. E. Blayhaiii», MIX Walnut Street. FIRST BOARD. 4900 City At d cert new.loo4 MO Cara A Arab Cs ’67. 03 fSK n * LeUUh Nav..~.M)X WOO Read 84)4 3 do M»2 1000 do ’80..... 74$ 10 do 64& 3000 do *BtS...fr3. 74« 2 do 3000 da *66 ..rt. 748 lOOßch’UNavCo...... 8X MO Or A Coates 7c c’h OlAf JOO do b*c 1600_ do d0,—...92 W do bJX 1000 Lehigh Valley6e.. M 3B# lO do ...38« JMO d0J.......... OAroh-stR 20 1228*, - loft 107 Far A Mo’s 8’k. ...67H MOON Fa B 10s 98 20 do —67 K 3nooFa l9 Moh’s Bank 26>| 1000 N 7IW 10 Union Hank. 34 WOO fo ........... 7i« 20Gir»idBank..85wa. 46« 2000 Cam A Arab 6s ’63. 96)* BETWEEN 1200 City 6* CAP. 101)41 loon uo O’i w O op on. 19*1 1206 Lehigh 6s ... -lOQtfl i BOARDS. | 7 Peon’s Jt .18 Si lie Mmehill Berip2d*ys. 37)2 117 Cam % Amb R.....138>k Philadelphia Markets. Junk 81—Eveniug. Holders of Flour are firm in their views* and general ly asking an advance. The demand* however* is limit ed* with eeles of some 000 barrel* in lots, at 5f.25 for standard superfine, and s6.6*Xttf.B7Js for extras'; and ICO) bids. Western eitras, and 800 bbls. Ohio extra family at a private bargain, and lowest figure is now generally reported for superfine; and the sales to the trade range at from $6 37)4 to SBM for thet description, and ®ortO4®31o#' gallon. CITY ITEMS. - The attention of parents seeking an academioal es tablishment for their children is invited to the ad vertisement of the Fairfield Seminary, which will bo found in another column. (From the New York Dispatch, October 1.1869.) - SomsTHiNo for the Lanins.—A now invention has recently appeared, which, although useful to everybody, is specially claimed by the ladies, as being exaotly suited to their wants and requirements* They aro delighted with Spalding's Prepared Glue. It brings up no dis agreeable associations of sticky glue-pots end stifling odors, bulls merely a dear transparent liquid, inapret ty little bottle, with a small accompanying brush, fit to stand on the dantiest toilet table m all tho land, cologne, and perfumes, and China trifles. And so‘use ful It proves, too, if any accident happens to the ten thousand little knlok-knacks that ladies delight in. No sending to the manufacturer for repairs, at an expense soaroely leu than would attend the purchase of a new artiole.A few of the crystal, drops, skllfally applied by fair, fingers, will set all right For furniture, for work-boxes, for books, for every'hing, it is a perfect Utile family physician I The amount of money that one of these bottles enn save in a month would seem almost incredible, and ladies rely on their Prepared Cine os a sort of a magician that can effect everything! And they forte, any article of doraasfcio reform meets th* enthusiastic sanction at their hands that Spalding's Prepared Glue baa received, you may be pretty cure iti*something worth having cn your closet •belfl JeM,rtWl THE PKESS-.[- H mm?, Jm 25, 1860. ATRViaH.—Ai3»ji!gbt no b*n*a through r,ry small boles, so little things will illustrate a person's cha racter. Indeed, character coosta.fi in little V*l| Chad noßorably perfornjed, daily life being,the.Quarry r (Vonj wh'ch we bailtj itup,and rough-tow tfcf that form it, Nothing goes fortker to illiutrate Ur amonc bualnnri men than “ little things,’’ the trfetli of which ie amplified in the manper of doing bysineM *ak the '‘Oha trice Gift Clothing Emporium” of Gran ville Stokes, No. 607 Chestnut street, where “ little pro fits and qmok sales” are aooorap&medbjr useful gifts at- ' ways satisfactory to the recipient. .- The moat sk lful ontters only are employed in the cus tomer departments. Parsons and vahiLubb repairing to the differ ent places of summer resort, I should not fail to take with them Bowxa’s Medioatbd Figs, which ate a safe, speedy, audoeitaln cure for oostivenese, habitual con stipation, dyspepsia, siok and nervous headaobs, and bilious affections generally. They oonsistof pure Alex andria .senna, combit ed with the best quality of aroma tics, so skilfully Inlaid m the fig a* to prevent detection in taste. Price 87K cents per box. Manufactured by Geo. O. Rower, Sixth and Vine st*. . r tf MARINE INTELLIGENCE, BEK FOURTH PAGE. % „ ARRIVED. Bteaminip Boston, Crooker, 19 hours from New York, via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to J Allderaicer Pawn ship at anonor on the Overfalls; a bark and afull mged bng off the Fourteen-foot. Bank, the latter with loss of fore topgallant!ma*t: ship George Haynes, for Valparaiso, at anchor on the middle} ship Oliver Moses, for l New Orleans, off .Liston’s, in tow of steamtur JL Fussy: a lull-rigged brig off Reedy anchor, with tteamtug Rover alongside; a bark at aoohor off De laware City, and a large schooner ashore on Cherry Isl and Flats. Bark Margaret, Q.uig, from Faraiba, via Delaware Breakwater, 1 day. with sugar to wellsford, RanUn to Co. Towed up oy tug Matt white. _Brig Emma, Baker, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells. Mellon* Co , Schr Mail. Kelly, 8 days from Providence, with 'mdse to Crowell Sc r'oltins. Schr E L B Wales, Hoffman. 5 days from Wilming ton. NO. with naval stores to D SHtetson A Co. Pohr Knight. Gage, 7 days from Portland, with plaster to Crowell to Collins. i Bohr Roxhury, phase, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Bohr Sarah A Hammond, Fayno, 6 days irom Breton. Bteamtu* James F Starr, Thomas, 8 hours from Dela ware Breakwater* without a tow/ Passed bark Ann Elizabeth, from Havana, and brig Grand Master, from Palermo, above Bombay Hook, and others as beforifte ported. »v TKLPanAni. > Uorrespondenoo oflho Philadelphia Exchange.? CAPE ISLAND. N J. June W-4A3 PM. A ship and a bark passed in this forenoon. Ship Nor way, for Hong Kong, went to sea yesterday At 11 A M, Nqt-ft vessel now in eight, bound in or out Wind NE. * Yours, to. THOB, B. HUGHES. . i (CorrespoodenoeofThePress.i / \ Raw Yosx, Juiiejk; Arr.ved, ship Calliope, from Pernambuco; barkAsin: bridge, from Montevideo; bnglsaao-M Henson, frotn Para: brig David A Caroline, from Palermo; brie.GG Bigelow, from Bermuda. Steamship Cambridge, Howos, cleared at Boston Kd Inst, for Philadelphia. Bteamship Granada. Howes, for New York, via Ha vana. cleared at New Orleans roth met. Shin Charles Cooper, from St John, NB, for Ire’ehd, Sut baok 23d inst. waterlogged, having been nehoreoa lorth Head. Bark Philomela, Ellems, for Ea6t Indies, cleared at Boston 23d inst. - . Bark Helen Maria, Marshall, cleared at Boston 23d inst. for Windsor. NS. . j j Bark New Light, Reynolds from Marseilles,arrived at Now York 23d inst. Bark M Pojero, Reynolds, from Palermo, arrived at New York 23d mat. " Bohr Southerner, Bellows, fur Philadelphia, went to sea from Charleston 21st inst. Bohr Sarah Clark, Griffin, from Delaware Cityi at Gloucester SOtli inst. > SohrC 8 Carstalrs. Somers, sailed from Newburylort 22A inst. for Philadelphia. PobrGeorge L Green, Green, henoe, arrived at Bos* ton 23d inet. Schr A B Hayes, Rohtneon. from Taunton for Pblla delohia,at New York 22d inst. Steamer Thomas Sparks, Grnmley, henoe, arrived at Hartford 22d inst. , Steamer Ezra D Fogg, Gibbs, hence, anivod at Prcvi dence slat inst SPECIAL NOTICES. Elkctro-Magnetio and Magnbto-Edkc raic Machink6, for mediontuss, uianufaotured aud for sale at No. 3X SOUTH SEVENTH Street, by W. O. to J. NEFF. je2J-2fc* Tnu Nkw Pbbjjomk—Phalons’ Pau lownia.— Tljo celebrated JAPANESE EXTRACT for the handkerchief, prepared from the Blossoms of the celebrated Tree of Japan. The Messrs. FHALON take pleasure in stating that the new extract has never been surpassed for its strength, aromatic sweetness and lasting perfume. Copyright seoured. For sale every where. Prepared only by FHALON & BON, jel9-10t 51 GREENE Street, New York. Mbrk n s ’ Miraculous Vermin Dk- STRovB&i the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating RATS and MICE, COCKROACHES BUGS, ANTS, MUSQUITOES, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMS,and GARDEN INSECTS. tar Principal Depot, 613 BROADWAY, N. Y. Bold by all Druggists everywhere. mylfi 3m Sewing Machines. All persons who havo bought Bowing Machines whioh will not perform the work expected, are informed that SINGER’S Ma chines never fail to do any kind of work. Noone isevor disappointed in the Machines of I. M. SINGER to CO., No. 810 CHESTNUT 81, ap4-3m - Halamandxr Fibb-Pboof Safbs. —A very large j»eortmentof SALAMANDERS for sale at roa eonable prices, No. 2M CHESTNUT 8U Philadelphia. acJft-tf KVANB So WATSON, Onb Prior Clothing of thb Latrbt BtTLis.made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES, LOWEST selling pnoee marked In Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted eatla* factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are theroby treated alike. JONES A CO., •efi-tf «M MARKET Street* TO CONOUMPTIVKS. —QUKRU’3 C’OD LITCB Oil. Jkllt. < Tfiis great specific for t/onxnraptlou is fastenperse ding all others in its curative effeotanpon those afflicted wtthiiubercular diseases, being twice as efficacious as The crude m*. n-- pies of tbe pure oil, and robbed of the nauseout taste oT the plain article, it is reoeived into the stomach in its jellified form, without mastication, and is gradually dis solved and digested, passing into the small intestines drop by drop, supplying the wastes of the body by its nutritious properties, and thus assisting and sustaining nature in overcoming the disease. Approved by the New York Academy of Medicine, and recommended br the faculty everywhere, this preparation is confidently offered as a remedy for Consumption and all Bfirofulons affections. Bold by FREDERICK BROWN, corner of CHESTNUT and . FIFTH . Streets ; FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., Continental Hotel s and T, W. DYOTT A SONB. ' mhSX-stufam Sating Fond—National Safety Trust Compant.-Chartered by the State of Feonsylva iar RULES. L Money is received every day, and in any amount large or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest ia paid for money from the day it Is put in. 9. The money is always paid book in GOLD whenevei it is oallod for, and without notioe, 4. Money is reoeivea from Executors* Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustee*, In large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. Tha money received from Depositors is invested is Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first olaas securities. 6. OHoo open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest orner Third street. Philadelphia. (all LAYTON—D KN^Y.—On Thursday, June 23d.,inslanl. by Aid. Gen, if ooie, Mr. Jsmes F. Layton to Mis* Anna L. Denny, both of Salem county N. J. • IRWIN—MOFFET.—On theSd inst, by Rev. Thos. I. Beveridge, Mr. Win. Irwin to Miss Rebeooa N. Mof : et. both of this city. - * CRAWFORD—HARPER.—On the7thinst.,by Rev. J. McDowell, D.D., Mr. James Crawford to Miss Mstil- Ha J. Harpey, both of Radnor township, Delaware co., «ORNRR“WILKINB.-Onthe 38th Inst., by Rev. Win. B. Wood. Mr. Charles w. Horner to Miss Maria M. dsuchter of Cnaa. Wilkins, Faq., all of this city. * HB'VRY-FINNEY.-On the2lst instant- hr the Rev. .£ Mr. Wm. Henry to Miss Matilda L,Finney, •otliof this oity. * DIED. WEBB.—On the 23d itut.. Mrs. Barah Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Edward (J . Webb, Jr., m the 20th year of her he relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from her husband’s residence. No. 284 Marriott et., below Third, on Tues day afternoon, at l o'clock, to Proceed to Ebenezer Church. Obnasiau >trect, below Fourth, for interment. TOWNSEND,—Of dipthena, ou Seventh day“evc mnt, the 23d Inst.. Julia P„ of Qrorge C. ami Beulah V. Townsend, in tbe 7th year of her age. . The funeral will take place this afternoon, t*e 26th instant to leave the house 1909 Mcunt Vernon street, at 6 o'clock. * BUNKER.—OiI the 21st instant, Mrs. Anne Bunker, relict of the late Charles Bunker, in tbe 89th year of her ago. Funeral from her late residence. No Ml Cnateß street, below Fourth, this (Monday * afternoon, at 1 o’clock. ' BUAKHARD.—On the 20tb Inst., Anna Maria Burk hard, in the 89th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Anna Maria Morris. 1018 Olive street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * ERVIN.— n u the 22d instunt, Alexander Ervin, m tho 56th year of his age. Funeral from hTs lata residauoe. No. 1438 North Be strect, this (Mouday)arternoon, 29ih instant, at throe o’olook. . * MOORE.—On tbe 22d inst» Margaret Wallace, wife of Alex. Moore, aged 61 years. CUMMER MOURNING GOODS. kw , Black Bareges and Crape Maretx. li, 6 4,7-4, aud 8-4 wide; Block Bilk Grenadines. Grenadiue Bareges, Camel's Hair Bareges,Summer . - Bombazines, ChaU*, Crape Chalis, Tainartmes, Tammatans. fine Mousseline do Laines, Lawns, Graxhuns, Organdies, Silks, Fomards, Chalisde tomes, Barege Mantillas and Points; Barege, Grenadine Barege and Grenadine-Shawls; Bun OrabieUss, Fans, Summer Gloves and Hosiery; Veils;Collars, Sleeves, Ac. , . BESSON A SON, Mourning Store. Jel No. 818 CHKSNUT Street, The only reliable article— CLARK'S ratent INDELIBLE PENCILS. Tor Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do their work better than Ink. without its trouble or risk of BlotLng. Each will mark 2 000 articles. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by D. C. TAYLOR tc COm Agents for the Manufacturer, No. Oil CHESTNUT Street. jett 8m " The greatest glory of a froo-born people, Is to trausmit that freedom to their ohltdren." |TS=- DOUGLAS CLUB, NINETEENTH 1 WARD.—A meeting of, the Democratic citi zens of the Nineteenth ward will bo held thislMON DAVTovoninß,June SSth.at Kelly's Hotel. FRANK FORD ROADabove NORRIS street, at 8 o’clock. * Several distinguished speakers will be present and ad dross tho mooting. Domoorats turn out as of yore. V, J.MKGOnRGAL, President, pro tem. JOHN W. HERBERT. Secretary. It* fTr* UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, LL? „ . . (DEPARTMENT OF AR'rij.) Tjio Examination of tho Junior, t’ophomoro, and Freshman Classes, at the close of tbe Third Term, wiU be held m the following order: MONDAY, 29t|i,—From 9 to 11. A. M., Sophomores, by the Vioo-Provost. (Chemistry of tho Metals land Fresh men, by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry.) written. From 11 tol. Juniors, by Prof. Allen.(toe Eleotraoffiopliootes.) TUESDAY, 28th.—From 9 to 11, Juniors, by the Vice- Provoel, ( Dynamics.) and Sophomores, by Prof, Ken dall, (Analytical Geometry.) written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, tjv Prof. Allen, (Herodotus,) WEDNESDAY, Wth.-t'rom 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Kendall. (DifferentiarCalculus,) and. Pophomorcs. by Prof, dppsee. (English PhHoiogrj) written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Prof. Coppee. (History.} • THURSDAY.BBth-From 9 toll, Junior*, by Prof. Jackson, of Plautus.) From II to 1, Sophomore*, by Prof. Allen, (tho Cioud/i of Ariato ''fr’dliY,29th.-Frpm 9toll. Junior., hr Prof. Cor- M«.(Juri.prud.noeof theUnitert 510 t.,) Prom 11 tot. Sophomore., by Prof, Jaoksou, (th. OileganrtEptttle.of Saturday. 30th.-Prom * to 11; Freshmen, by Prof. Jooklon, (tbe SutTre. of Horace.r . jea-lt Becretary of tba Feeuity ofArte. rrs» AT A MEETISO OF THE BOARD OK IL3 DIREOTQRS or tho Tenth Beotion of the Firet Fohool District of Pennsylvania, held on the nineteenth day of June, A. D< 1860, the following resoutlon was unaalmou.ly adopted i - • . litsolyid. That the thank* of this Board are imjnentlr duo, and the same are hereby tendered, to BENJAMIN M. I)yBIfNBERY Esq., for the able, aotiye, and suo eessful manner lr\ which* during the last six years Hie has, in his oapaoity of Controller, labored to advance fea? ind mPmMS: of n , ciaimas* BY TELEGRAPH. MEMORANDA. MARRIED. So. on INw»JuneßLiSifc,atb > ,The regular monthly meetinxe are not held m July NING, Utb lost., al 8 o'olook, mtIHIRIFTH BAPTIST rv^ 3 ” PHILADELPHIA AND READING its -RAILROAD CO.-Offlce, 33T FOURTH Street. PhiladilpiiiA; June 2Hh, IMo. To ovoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company due ou the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this office, on or before the SOth insty when re ceipts w»ll bo Kivrn. and cheeks wrll be ready for deli very on the 2a proximo, m eXcaanf.e for said reoeipts. - Those persons who have not yet extended 1 heir Bonds, are reminded that by doiug so now, they will receive a Bonusoften percent, in each.*. *«««»« ~ Jsl3-t3O - B, BRADFORD. Treasurer. |Y*r» CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.-THEKX 37th of June, at 9 A. M. The, candidates must Jm at H thirteen years of age. residents of the o ty cf Phi phla. and for at teaet one year .pupils 10 tbe Public Sohools of the city. The order of examination will he as follows: WEDNESDAY, June 27— History of the United States June 23—Orthography, DefiaiUona,and /kID aV, June 2J—Grammar—Rules and Parsing. MONDAY, July 2—Ariihmetio—Theory atd exam ple* • TUEBDAY. July 3-ConstMution of the United Btates and Mensuration. NICHOLAS H. MAGUIRE, Jet3at . Prinoipsl. rTS=* NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING IL? oi the Stockholders nf o360, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M., at the office oi tho company, Cooper’s Point, Camden, New Jersey, to eleot Director* of said company to serve for the ensuing Year. jefl-tje2B ROBERT FRAZER, Bee. or March 1330 The holders of the bomlo of this Company, dae'juiy I, WOO, can now receive, upon application at this office, 10 f>er cent, in oash, upon the terms specified in the oirou ar attached, . .The holders are also entitlod to the benofit of a Blnk mg Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the etookhoidera at their annual meeting, held January 9, [3SO, and in pursuance of the contract,entered into by ho, oompeny and duly reoorded, to carry the same into fleet. _j_B. BHADKORu, Treasurer. iVrt/ic* to tht Philmtlphin and lleadtnt RAurood Company Morttage Bonds,dui July 1, iB6O. These bonds are seoured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting m the aggregate to 83^08,400. The net revenue lor the last nscal J?ear wsa six times the amount ot the annual interest ou these bonds. The managers propone to extend them for a period of Riders retaining the bonds the the, precise condition in Fresif sheets of ooupons for tbe interest. Payable half-yearly t *will die leaned. A bonusi of 10 per oent. will be given to the holders, in consideration of their assenting to ths extension. This !5 n » l i?«i? ll i^JK! d ,n o?f ?*°A? bearers oftlie bonds, '.-JH I ?L^|sljUVuf a n- rsoe y [, A ßn jJ Rroßenting their respeo ive bonds at the office of the Company, or to Its agents, oronuoraoment, • Forms of rpoeipt and endorsement will be furnished or application, • * Br order of the Board or Managers, ml-tf W. tf. McILHKNNY. Seoreterr. SUMMEB BESORTS. Hf ANSION HOUSff, MAUOH CHUNK, J;*-®" I*A.—This is the moat oomforta ile nod extensive hotel iu Nortitetn Pennsylvania, end the proprietor flatters lumoolf that thus far he has suc ceeded in keeping it in a manner that cannot fail to sa tisfy ail his guests. ~T w L?£o nP a re nB ? ,jr aild elegantly furnished, and Uie Table always contains the very best the Markets afford. The hotel is located on the banks of tho Rehigb, directly opposite tho milrcad denoi.am) At the lias© of ManoU Chunk Mountabt A path loads from the rear of the Jiouso to the top onfatsmountAiu, Irom whioh point, Bojreoignthundrod feat above the Lehigh, the most sublime soeno imaginable is presented. „U^.Van S an a Kn"*°^^f pl,eii Witl * *' 8 anii ytO“ Hot and Com Baths oan be taken at all times. - >rt-2ni GBORGK HOPPHS, Proprietor, AtoERIOANnOTEMUUCII CHUNK, FA.—Tins HOTEL is now kept in a manner af fording every com prt to strangers and travellers. Arrangementihare beep umdo this season to aocom inodate HUMMER BOARDERB., The most sublime moontain scenery and rural eoloyments are here af forded. MICHAEL WILHKLM. . , GEO. W. WILRELM. jo2B-tscl Proprietors. AMERICAN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, Pa.—Th* Proprietor of this Hotel has newly fitiod up his house for (he accommodation of visitors duriug tha summer season. The American Hotel is situated on the most elevated spot id tha Borough. Bethlehem ip toe wel. known for its beautiful scenery and commanding view nf.tho surrounding country, and for its salubrious mountain air, to feqoireoomment. The auhsenber is now prepared to receive Boarders and Families, and promises to do his best to render their stvr with him pleasant and Agreeable. Chants Moderate, je2s-lin PIAGUS HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. -R-d This large and old-established House, known as the •‘LEHIGH VALLEY BUMMER RETREAT,” *s now open for the season.' The accommodations of this House will be found unsurpassed. The ride here, by toe North Pennsylvania Railroad, is one of the plea santest in our State. CALEB YOHE, Proprietor. J*»am . A MERiOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This,xtell-known and popular hotel has, during the nastsedsoQ* been hREATIY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. |tud is now in oapaoity and convenience second to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and liealtiful situation of Allrntowu'renders it a de* lighifut summer resort, iu view of which speotel ar rangements have been made by the prtuA-ielorsTocu onmmodstesummer boarders. J, Y. &KCHTEL, jc2s Uel E. W. BIGONY. INSUItANCE COMPANIES. CARD— NORTHERN ASSURANCE 'COMPANY. LONDON, No. 425 CHESTNUT Street.Thilidelphia. The undersigned begsto inform his tnendsaodthe public genoraUy, that HUGO LIEBING, Esc.,ofthis oitr, is now associated with him in tbe AGENCY of this COM PANV, And the style of the firm being GETTY A LIKRING. The patronage heretofore so liberelly bestowed upon the undersigned is respectfully solicited for the firm. Wi oLIAM <5 ETIY. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital, 96.298,800 Income, over 91.000 000. Losses adjusted and promptly paid without refcreuca to Loudon. Rales moderate, UETTY to UVBING, AgenU. 425 QHJtSTNUT Street, . jeJO-6t Philadelphia dank, "npHS MtJTOAL LTKE INSURANOr A CDMi’AKY OK NKW VOJIK, SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, IMVRtfSn IN fiftST MfiaTOAOKd OM RRAX. MVAtXy WORTH OVER 9U,000^00. The premiama are towxß than id many other Comp* nice, ana the Dividends hare been sbba*s*. This is a strictly Mutual Cfompany, There are n* Btookholders, sq that ALL TUB PROFITS BiL-one to vaa imsprxo, famplilctß, and every infonnaticn, am be kid efiXTis, on application to _ B, W, oorn« nnj , ii7A£t}{!'i' J tSt”«lj FIULADELPRIA REFERKNOKRs Thomaa Robins, John welsh. Moraecai L- Dawscp. George 11. Bluer). George M. Qtrond* E. B. Wlielen, John 13 Myers, J. Fisher Leaminc. Joseph Fotteraon* WilUam 0. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthu* G Coffin, Thomas H. Power*, GeorgeW. Toland, William MoK«e. Tho*. Watleon. nS-lyii’ INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 1- 4M CHEBTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED THE STATE OP 90NF1NED TO FIRUAND INLAND RISKS DIRICTOR3 Samuel Wright, D. B. Bimoy, Wm» W. Walters, L W. Everman, Ohns, Riohardenn, Henry Lewis, Jr,. Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout. O. Wilson Davis, - Menko Stern. Vhos. S. Martin. GEORGR W. DAY, Pre*ldeo», _ . F RANCIB N. BUCK, Vice iWt, WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD. Secretary. }n)) If CLINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE ItAL INSURANCE COMPANY, PLATTSBURO, MISSOURI. Chartered iu IB6o.—Authorized Capital, $lOO,OOO, • DIBHCTOBSJ 11. Whittington. Wiaslow Turner, T. R Bradley, Uoorje We Culver, Jamosll. Birch, Jr. , „ H. WHITTINGTON, Tree, i. N. HOOKADAY, Seo. and Trea*. flpeoml attention paid to Collection*, and Money romptly remitted. Business solicited. mh23-3w* THE PHILADELPHIA EVENING NEWS. PRICK. ONE CENT. The undersigned will commence,TO DAY(Momlay, June 23th. the pub lication of Uio PHiLAD"LP|UA EVENING NEWS, wbioh will bo issued every afternoon, at half post two o’olook. The EVENING WliWf will coutain lfie latest news per telegraph and the mails, from spocmlcorro ■poml-Dtu in varous parls of tho countr>. Its local items will bo brought up to tbe latest moment in the day. Hwill oppose tho corruption* ami (lie perfidy <»f Mis lmsoalled Democratic party.as dooa tbe MORNING NEWB, and will be found ever bulling for the rights cf the people, and tho integrity of American uiou and American measure*. It will fuhooato the preat ami leading doo'nne of Proteclum »n Americ.tn IndJctry. It will support honent men for office, it will denounce corruption everywhere and will provo to bothebetit newspsner published in Plnbidolnhia. ADVERTISEMENTS for the EVENING NEWS will be inserted.at moderate rates, and those patronizing the MORNING ixEWS wi l be entitled to insertions at commutation pnoee, AseulH and Carriers will be supp led with the EVE NING NEWS at tho same price as for the MORNING NEWS. Persons dcsinm; to have route* will apply at Counter o! tho NKWB Office, this morning. It J, R. KLANIUICN. Ediiornnd Proprietor, A NOTE DRAWN BY A J. DUNOAN tc CO.. Nnbhviitc, No. 146. 8 mouthy from 16*b February, for £2,145.35, was mailril by. thorn to GIB BONS £ CANtADOK, on tho 29th February, and which tho> have not received. , , All persona nre cautioned ngaintA negotiating the saino. hb paymont has bnon Ktcipped. It* PLAJN PHONOGRAPHS FOR PER dozon, S 3 per half dozen, or $1 each; Steronaco piu Viowk from $1 per dozen upwards* at JtbJMER’B Uallorr. BKOOND mreet, above Green. it* Every family should, possess a BTER.EoBCoP**.—Stereoauopio Instruments ma* uufaotured tu the lost utyle; Hter-oscopio Pictures, of thd finest qualities, recently imported, aud sold at the lowest prices in the oountrr, by M.J. FRANKLIN, 11'2 South FOUHTJI tit., below Chestnut. B3T Spectacles and Ejcglußses, provided wjth the celebrated Pertsoopio (ilamea. and correctly suited for ait ages. Microscopes and Microscopic rfioto*raphi. Opera. Glasses, Mathematical Instruments, &0., in groat variety, and at ilio most reasonable rates. J< 21» if-6t ! AZDMEA ! AZDMEA ! A2UMBA! AZUMHAI AZUMJSA! AZUMEA! PROF, MORRIS* AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely'at No. North FOURTH Street, and for eale by Grocers generally. my 23 9mif riIiARET! CD ARM’! CLARET! ON DRAUGHT! ON DRAUGHT! Claret on draught. from fill pey gallon upward. Also, all other kinds of Wines and Liquors, imported direct, by VKRRIKR it LEBIKUR, 110 South SEVENTH Street. je2l-l2t* BOOK-KEEPERS can got good Blank* book® and Stationery at TERRY'S, FOURTH and RACE. jc23 lm Qfinn RK*MS WAITING PAPERS, W aeaortod, sollinK from 730. to 84 per ream, at FERRY’S, pOUuNh and RACE, Q W*»i Account books for the i&t of juiv ? made expressly for our Retail Baler.' PERRY, Manufacturing fctationer, FOURTH and RACK. j 023 1m STEEL PENS.—4,OOO l-ross assorted, selling from 120. per gross upward. TERRY. Stn tioner, FOURTH and RACK. JegLlin ENVELOPES. —Over 200 different styles and Bises, soiling from 800. per 1 000 upward. Or ders brirnil promptly attended to. TERRY, Stationer, FOURTH and RACE. JeZMm PAPER, PAPER—NOTE, LETTER. OAT, BILL, LEGAL. DRAWING, SERMON, and all other kinds of Paper, for sale, at low prices, by TERRY, Stationer. FOURTH and RAPE, JeM-lm Burning fluid, alcohol, and Camphene.in bbls. and half hbln, manufactured and for sate by ROWLEY, ASHBURNEH, ft CO., No. "b &OUTH WtraKVKR. ROSIN.— 1760 bbls. shipping Rosin, in good order, in storo and for eale hr RQWI.BY, ASHBURNER. k CO., No. 168QUTH WHARVES. GAROEN ANDPARLOR VASES, SlA tuary, Fountains, Ornamented Flower Pots, Hanging Vases, &0.,0t Terra Cotta, manufactured and hAhrwon. ■ . wji ivmollsTnriß!. , NEW FUBMOATIOJIB. WTRUTHPOL, READABLE, AND IN TERESIING,” THIS DAY IS READY, TRAVELS AND RESEARCHES IN EASTERN AFRICA. During aa Eighteen Years’ Residence there' BY BEV. DR. J. L. KRAPF. With valuable Appendices aud a conoise summary of the results of African Exploration. 1 vol., Goo pages, with Map, 9125. Books of Affloau travel are always interesting. That enormous country, with its assumed population of one hundred and Afty millions of souls, is still, notwith standing the explorations of recent travellers, in agreed measure, an unknown land. The protent volume de tails, with considerable minutenees, the result of Dr. Kraprs missionary labors and geographical researches in Eastern Afnra, during eighteen years, and Trill be. found to add not a lute to the sum of knowledge re specting Alriua, furnished by previous works. • [From the Literary GazetCe, London. 1 “ This is a volume whtoh deserves to stand by that of Livingstone. * * * * Dr. Krapf has met with ad ventures, and has made discoveries, which would yield a fortune to any ambitious author. • * * We thank him wannlj for fhfi valuable chronicle of his labor*." TICKNOB & FIELDS. PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. BSTFOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. t RUTLEDGE. Neat Duodecimo, Price 91.2&. The fourth Edition now ready. Mis* Evans, the author of “Beulah," says. “I should rather have written Rutledge than the Mill 011 the Floss." MARGARET MONCKIEFFE, THE FIRST LOVE OF AARON BUKR. Handsome 12ino. 9125. It is a successful attempt to invest an historical iHotdeot with an air of attractive ro mance.—A'. Y. Times* 111. SERMONS OF WILLIAM MORLEY PUNSHON Kino. 9100. “ The modern Wesley of the English Pulpit." The volume contains an introduction by Rev. Wm. H. Milburn. ‘ For Bale by all Booksellers. _ DERBY & JACKSON, PUBLISHERS, 498 BROADWAY, New York. POPPEE’S ACADEMIC SPEAKER. LINDSAY & BI,»KI8TON. rubUshersAnd 9IXTU Street, THE SELECT 'CADBRIIC 8P BAKES, Containine a terse number of New end App-opriete Piece, for Drolit mation. Prnie Beadlnes. eto. Selected from the Bert Authore By Henry Coppee, A !»., Profoupr of Bnylieh Literntnre in the Uni vomit, of Penuylvanla. Ona vo lume. ootavo. Also— Evwett “ OUNT VERNON PAPERS. By Edward RIGHT AT LAST. By Mrs. Gaakell. I2mo. ISS JP* AnUioryr TrolloM. lJmo. JiERTHA PERCY. By Mvgarct Field, lhno. MARY BUNYAN. By SalHe R. Ford. J2mS! BUY YOUft BOOKS AT EVANS’ gift BOOK STORK. 439 CHESTNUTS treet. BUY YOUR BOOKS >TKVANB’ GiftßonkB*ore,No 489 Chestnut street. ’Tie the best place in the city. You can get ALL TUB NEW BOOKS MtSOON AS PUBLISHED, And a eiftjwith each. NEW BOOKS THE MOUNT VERNON PAPERS. By Edward THE THRfeE CLERKS. By the author if Dr. Thorne .... -......Price 91 flO HAWKBVIKW. By Holme Lee Price It in MARGARET MONORIKFFF. By C. Bnrdett Prioe —— 91 25 COOK BOOKS of all kind*, and a gift with eaoh. ALL THE WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AU* THORS in every department of literature, at the Pub lisher’s Regular Retail Price, and a handsomo Present with each Book. IF YOU ARB IN WANT OF BOOKS OF ANY KIND, Buv them at EVANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, 430 CHESTNUT Street. TtlE MOST REMARKABLE PRODUC TION OF THE PRESENT DAY. ia the volume entitled, THE STARS AND THE ANGEL*. It will Motto a aaneatlon in the theological aud acien tifio world, by the botdnesa and immente extent of its The author soaraintorofMons where the imagination of man has seldom travelled, and by a pro cess of reasoning apparently irresistible, he has ob tained some astonishing results. Some of his specula tions may finally prove to be mere conjecures, but he has fortified himtelf so welt with both Scripture and Science, and so distinctly traced the line between the certain and uncertain, and he has used logic so clear aud strong, lhat he will, in most cases, carry counotion to the thinking and reflecting mind. No one should at tempt to reed this work unless lie is willing to exercise his Intellectual faculties to their full extent, and devoti himself to intense thought, reflection* and oarsfol in vestigation, for the author leads him into regionsalmost entirely unknown before. Price, 91-35* Published by WILLIAM 6.1 k ALFRED MARTJEN, Je23 No, 600 CUESINUT Street. New books, rOR SALK BY SAMUEL HAZARD, ia.. EvoVeU. "ISompleieWone r #H&. VOLUME EIGHTH OF BANCROFT'S HISTORY OF THE UNITEb STATES, befog the second volume of the History of the American Revolution, uniform with the preceding volume*. THE THREE CLERKS. A Novel. By the author “DoctorThorne,” “Borcheater Towers,",&a. Oue VO A u aWP!W. The new NoveL By the author of j "Sylvan Holt’s Daughter," “Kathie Brand," &o. One V °DAfIESBURY HOUSE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. The fiGW Pnzo Story. 60 cents. _ THE FIRST BORN ; OR. A MOTHER'S TRIALS. B* the *utlinrnf “My Lady." 91-00. LUCY OROFTON By the author of “Margaret Maitlaud." 75 cents. • _ THE KELLYS AND THE O’KELLYS. By Trollope. 3 THE REVELATION OF JOHN ITU OWN INTER PRETER. By John Coohrau. 9109. A DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Comprising its AutiauitieseGeography*Biography, and Natural His tory. By William Sadth. Volume one, Bvo.. cloth. 96.00. RUTLEDGE. The new and well-written American n looking at LIFE j OR, thoughts and THINGS. Bv George A. Bala, author of “ Journey Doe North." 91.28. Je23_ ALDINGTON IRVING. SHAXBPEARE AND HILTON. JAMES S. EARLE & SON Have now open, *br a short exhibition, the origina Paintirgs by FAED, of SHAKSPEARE AND MILTON, Which have been so successfully engravod. AFo, POW EL VS full-length portrait of WASHINGTON IRVING, Which is tow in course of Engraving, as a coinraniou picture to the Sh&kspoare and Aldton. ADMISSION FREE. EARLES’ GALLERIES, je!9 fit 816 CHESTNUT Street, Fltila. MEDICINAL. pKOF. MORRIS' KUOEPHALOS, PROFES'OR MORRIS* PROFESSOR MORRIS PROFESSOR *otwB’ EUC K P 11 A LOS, EUOEPiIAfOH, AN INVALUABLE AN INVALUABLE AN 111 VALUABLE FOR DISEASES OF THE FOR DISEASES OF THE FOR DISEASES OF THb SYSTEM, NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS SYSTEM, OF THE MIND (o the researches of Literature, the concerns ol Commercial and Financial Business, and the affairs of Professional and Foliticnl Life, or as oocasioued by aay other aause from which the Nervous System has be* oome exhaust'd and diseased. . .. „ The symptoms covered br this valuable Preparation are numerous: of whion the more prominent are, EXCITEMENT OP THE BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF 1 THE MIND, CHRONIC •• NERVOUSNESS.** NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS HEADACHE Kto.. Ftc. Tlie EUCEP HALOS is oarefully prepared, by per miasirn, from the Formula ofJPROF. w. MORRIS, M. D.rof this oit?.,to which he refers m his Philosophical Pamphlet, "PSUKIKUS." Oq the relations of the Ganguo-Norvoue System to the immaterial soul of man. Having exhibited the priuciplea and commended the synlem of Composite Honiffiopathv. Professor M. cays: “It may be permissible that 1 should oiler, as anil lustration, my own oaae. A cotumous course of stn diea for a number of years had, to a certain extent, produced the ordinary eifeots of extreme mental ap plication, bj attenuating the prime centres of orgsaw and intellectual life, and hence arose a felt necessity pi Sersonat rohef. Having a well-founded confidence in oniprsito Homoeopathy and an intimate acquaintance with Materia Medina oi the Homoeopathic fiohool. I . selected certain substances of ascertained harmonious relations and Approved uses, and combined their essen* tial properties ra proportional unity, and wan gladdened by the possession of a medicinal resource.** Professor Morris describes the mode of application, and then addsi “In this way the desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive Bystemlnvigorated, the tanglio uervous systom restored to its former tone, and mental clearness, tranquillity, and vigor—at the age of nearly three score—are the much valued results.** „ . Prepared, and sold W by MOOKRIDGb ft c;o;, No. 6a North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. „ , Pnoe, 81 per bottle, large aiao-W cents small size, rai23 3mu 7iKMIIMI For the INSTANT RELIEF and PKR AMIIMI MANENT CURE of this distressing oom- plaint, use VEND T * S BRONCHIAL CIGAEETTES, Made by C. B. BKYMOUR t CO., 10T NASSAU Strept, New York. Price 91 per box; .out free by poet my7-4ra ifj FOR SAUK AT ALL DRUUBIBTB’. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. CETS OP JEWELRY, of tho Newest and 1 MOBT ELEGAN A* STYLES. ladieb* a w°Atohes, Just received. THOMAS E. GARRETT. jel6-129 TIS CHESTNUT Street. TRUSSES ! BRAOFS! SUPPORTERS! J^ D 95, r J<£ l| 7 adjujrtotl at NEEDI,EB’. TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Ladieeentrance 103 TweliHintreot, firilWoor lielow Race, l,ady attendant., French. Kna linli, and Ameriean,, in ireat variety. Helti, Eleatic Btookinpe, buneneoriee, Bhbuklefßraoea, Bynnje«»Ao myia-tojnlyl it ’ _____ IVfOWING AND REAPING MACHINES, .-r,., Ho ,. rs! ' jßcke.i ifoor kind.,) Horse Hay-Fork, with blook and rope, for eale at r«JUJ k’oukKs, je23 6t* No. 11l MARKET street. OEWING MACHINES.—Tho finest Sptnn LJ Oi l for Sewing Machine, and other delicate maohi- FRuN'Ft n laT *° or sm * 1 nuantitiee.at 3A3^mlh OlL —East India, for Sale by V 7 WKTUERILL A BROTHER, ,T and 49 ‘North BECONP Btroet. leu WANTS. WANTED TO REST—A sm*ll cotUtfe office * IM '" n^l ’ , '*^d°dfiM^lTAGfif« > Jbta —A young man, eighteen ,1 my or aye. deafre. a aituation in a Wholeute Grocery run! Pniviaion Store. Th# beat of relhiwnM YY" ANTED—A Ooicbman (single mao), and fnriSlS.'Sh® fMpatnled with th. cate ofhorM., •Tnßßifl 1 u, 4 ® . best testimonial*. Apply at No. tf ?oi5S. 8 U» boom of s £d 1, 11 ■ ~~ ——• _____ ye26-3t* M AP AND PRINT COLORING.-Two A. j U6t rom the Coun u tr t> wi.h«l* Situation in a WholMala fitor. a: YYANTED—An active Young Man, as d'«: '• c fflr r .^,TA ,o,t ' Mt WANTEO—A Young Man, as Assist ant Bnok-keeperm aCommissio* House. Ad dress with refarenoe, Co./' this ogee. JeQ 4t* AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER, f*-ot twelve years’ experience as Cashier, Book S keener, and Correspondent, wishes an sngogJiaeit In a rst-oiass house. The beat of rsfsreuee irren. Ad ress “HALL," at theoffioe ir TMe Vrisj. %ttlS* *KSK7*ANTED —A Situation, by ft inftc, IJ , thirty-seyen year* ofags. of extensive experi ence in business, o i good address, asdemnpetent to fiU almost any position, either as a olsrk. sneertetepdeiie. or salesman. Is very respectably connected.andean give the moft satisfactory references as to integrity, energy, andbuslness capacity ;A moderate saUry for the present will be accepted. Address “ B, 0. H.,” office of The Press jett-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. flO,pOp.^ v t7 t h. o “tav£ r .S l .n P nd rt^: strous of making a safe and profitable Investment of &mS™{& l « T° —AU the upper stones of No. 2d Street. The rooms are ISO feet Til’ 1 kky-lighti.water-close Ls hoists, gss, and fireproof. Rent very low. Apply to e—» «« laM A HASSAL. ol south FOURTH 8L • TO LET—The moderate sized 1 Vi 18 fitreefc, opposite uAnRIeON Row, with all modern conveniences. LET—Three well lighted Lofts, at , No. a Bank: street, opposite fitu&rt A Bro. Ap ply at No. 8 BANK street. fs«3-6t GUIKRBHOFER, LOEWI, A CO. M STORE TO LET—The Four-storied BTORE. No. 305 North FRONT Street, above R, l^Sr'r^u L tftb!e . for aDy bUiiness. Apply to Dr. BBAU* MONT. No. Mu ARCH Street. - Jel»-4t* eFOR SALE—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with about ten aeres of Land, and improvements, near the Brandy wine, six miles eouthof West Chester, near the Baltimore Central Railroad. Address J. w L-ON, je 19-lm* Parkev lie. Chester county. Pa. -ITALUABLE LOT FOR SALE.—A Lot, ▼ 150 feet by 100, having three fronts, located in the southwesternpart of the city, in the midst of n rapidly* improving neighborhood, is offered for sale on reseo&a ble terms. For partiaulsrs apply at this Offioe. jeH-Ut* «FOR SALE OR RENT—New Stone Mansion,Barn, Ac .with extensive accommoda tions and thirteen aores of land, on Chelton Hills. In quireat No. 8 North THIRD Street. Jell-lit* & DESIRABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 3X miles N. of Normtowu; s aeres 1 large stone house, 13 rooms, barn, carriage house, large garden, good water, Ac. For sale, or exchange for good oily £. r <>P*dXi rented, 9490 Particulars. 818 North EIGHTH Street, above GREEN. jeao-wfni3t* FOR SALE OR TO LET—A Double Stone f ottage* Germantown, situate on Dewey’s lane, seoood house from Thorp’e lane, five miaatee walk from railroad station. Contains alltfae modem conveniences, Apply to P. 8. WIj>ON, Je6-lm 803 CHESTNUT Street. Mfor sale, or exchange fob MERCHANDISE—Two brick bosses and lot of ground subject to improvement. Rent for 972 per annum, each. A small amount of oash, and the balance in merchandise required. Address A. 8., Press Omoo. ’ myg-lm «10 CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— The Maolnuery. Stoolh and Fixtures of a large Mauufaolury of PAPER HANGINGS, replete with every convepienco for carryrfig on as extensive best nesa. A desirable investoent to persons of energy who oan push the business. For sale with or without the building. Inquire atSta CHESTNUT Street. Jalßwfmtfif HARTTMONTGOMERY, A CO. mi FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— II A most desirable Factory, with large lot of ground, fronting on three suitablel for almost any kind olnuwnlactnriag. Terns easy. For pertiou lata, inquire of ALFRKDFITLER.Sixtb below Arch, or to W. D. ROGERS. Wo. AOQ9 Oliestnutet. injM-lm MTO LET OR FOR SALE-AFOUR story house, double book buildinss, all modern im provements, in complete order; an elegant large yard. Term# slow to a good tenant. Situated No. 1994 CHEST NUT Street. Apply at No. Tl 9 CHESTNUT Street, in the Masonio Half. myta-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a. large lot in the Southwestern section of the city, well adeptad for aNereery, Tejrmsscoommoda ting* For particafiure address “ K,” at this ogee, apl7-tl FYX) LET.—The first floor of the fine build- M. inr. N 0.704 CHESTNUT street.formsrlT oocusied fryr «. / ‘wj H* 1T ** vetailTta»;gJ|^iAUEC~ AC077N0.>04 CHE9TNUj 1 stoHrt."raUa. Jsi-lm PUBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WORKS, BOFHIA FURNACE, tc.-By virtue of authority vested in ns as Trustees for oertoin cre ditors of Pollard McCormick, and m pursuance of a de cree of the District Court of Allegheny oouuty, in the Commoaweeth of FemuylvanU, in No. 3. of November term, 1858, we will expose to public side, at the MJSR CHAwTii 1 BXCHANGE, on FOURTH BtreeL in the oitv of Pittsburgh, #n the, l*t&( twelfth) day of Jape. 1600, Qommenoing at 11 o'oloek A. M, the RoJUng Bull and Nail Factories, situated near NewCaaGe.Law renoe county, Pennsylvania, known, as the ORIZABA IRON WORKS, oo"tainjnc M Boiling Furnaces, i Heating Fnmaoei, Bar Rolls, Smah-RoUs, Nail Plate and Muok Rolls. Sqaceaers, 49 Nall Machines, one Wrought Spike Machine, ana, Maonmerj for manufac turing NailKcgs and Fire Brick, . , Also, the Blast Furnace, .known as SOPHIA, ad joining above works, which is capable of turning oat UOtonsof Pig Iron per week. . . . Also, several lots of ground, adjoining, aud several pieces of land adjacent to the Iron Works, containing Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay. Teems : One fourth of the purohaM money U> be paid In cash on the acknowledgment of the deed; the balance m one, two, and three years from Uie time of sale,with interest from that time; the deferred pay zffi t °*° ”“ utej br CHARLES KNAP, ISAAC M. PENNOCK, Je7 tiyU WM. K. NIMIOK. BOAHDING. PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Handsome suites of Room, vacant, separate or toaether. N. E. corner SI XTEENTH and LOCUST Street*. jeH-it* CUMMER BOABDTNG.—Persons wisbing to go to the country can find pleasant Rooms, with goodaooonmiodatioDfjatthe WASHINGTON HOUSeT, WOOOBURY, d.J. The House has been entirely re modeled and refurnished thronghou . For terms, so., address JOHN P- PHIPPS. WpodouTy,N.JM jc23 m* Late of Mansion House, West Chester, Pa. PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and Jl their families, or single gentlemen, can be accom modated with Board, .with, pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 616LOCU8T st., south side of Washington Square. The location, being oppocite to one of the handsomest parks ip the eity, is ocniraL and extremely pleasant., Transient persons visiting the elty ean be accommodated by the day or week, Terms moderate, A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an office, jell-u FAMILIES AND GENTLEMEN TVTSH JL 1 INU FIRST-CLASS BOARD,.with 000 l Rooms, oan now have olioice at Pfrv WALNUT St, je4-lm npwo YOUNG GENTLEMEN OaN BE X aooommodatod with good, airy.apartments, (with or without board, Mn a private family., lrf»oaUon cen tral, Address " TOLBERT," through Blood’s Die patoli. DIVIDENDS. r’ORN EXCHANGE BANK, \J rHILADKLPBIA, May 1,18(50. , The Direotor* have THIS DAY declared a Dividend f THREE PER GENT, ou the Capital Block, dear ol tate Tax, and payable on demand. • _ mT l.tr J. W, TOBREY, GasbiSr EDUCATIONAL. SEMINARY. —This large 1/ end fiouriehm* institution is locatod at Fail field, Herkimer couhty, N. Y. ThJfaeultyoonsisU of twelve thorough aril experienced teacher., four of whom are college graduates. .The libraries number over 9.000 volumes. The cabinet, philosophical, aiul oheimcal apparatus are extensive and oomplete. There are two regular graduating courses of stuoy—one of three y ears, and ono of five, and also a commsroial course. Upon the completion of either, parchment diplomas are con ferred. and. if possible, positions scoured, tchoota de sirous of we l*qualified and excellent female teachers, whose ability and success will .be guarantied can se cure them by sddreasmg the principal, tall term be gin/ August 22d. - , _x . TumonfromB4toBfiper t*rm of fourteen weeks. Board, washing, and room rant (furnished room) per SSS P R o i“v, t J , ,TvA^FVTrEN, , A°M.'“ d ' I*2o-niSt- Frluoipv. MISS J,UOY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. DIRD will reopen their SCHOOL for Yoiy.g Ladies et 1010 STRUCK Street, on MONDAY. Sep tember mil, 1860. * REMOVALS. KEMOYAL SMAJJ- A OILANDLER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, have TMnoved fto» tt North SECOND Street, to U> MARKET Street, above Front, north aide- l al SAVING FUNDS. American saying fund.—.com pany’s Building, southeast oomer WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 9 till 6 o'oloek, and on MONDAY tiUßiu the evening. This Old Institution has always, paid in full, on demand, without» o }JJ§i KHßST FIVB pßa CENT . AU sums paid book, on demand, in gold and silver. ALE^^HlLLDp.^w^®l*l - WORK, Vice President. John 0. Farr, T. K. Harper. George Nugent, John Anspach, Jr„ Barnl. T. Botlme, Alb.O.Roberta, John Aikrnan, Jodos Vowmuit _ H. H. Bldrldge, Win. J. Howard, JOHN 8. WILBON, rrearirer. JOHN C.BIMB. Secretary. i<>3 °- lm CP&ING GARDEN HAVING FUND, office. 331 North THIRD, Street, between Vine and CaJlowhlil. Incorporated br the Legislature April IJtS. lfiai Open for Deposits and Payments, dmjy, from 0 tn 2H o’clock. Also, on MONDAY auq aHURdDAY KVE N ING3y from 5 to 8 o’clock. Interest 6 per oent. per annum. Depositors caq with draw their. ntonejn by Checks, if desired, Speoial Do * poult* reosived. lAMEa g r ) !INGLIJi f rei id e nt. Francis Hast, Beoretarr. apso-tfif pUBE FORT WINE I N V A I. I D S, FOR DALE BY C. H. MATTSON, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS, rTUILORATE POTASH —For sale >y VJ WETJIBRILL J. BROTHER, 4? anil 49 Nq->h SECOND StnaL j*2t amusements. , 1WGBBABEI) PAWft ►I8 1 3? g 'CTOWOTH. k,x &"h o i^^^E- I K3£»*‘ A,0,„ MyiUL4 *. . . The sreetaetJmmMtaSsmein the Werid. whose Riding pad vaSwc os ft eovee, with—i saddle or.bridle, sjahyawi ■ ~ the most woaderfkr&ymMta ever aemibt Ukoricy SlsteT' , A OH*ND FKlroftiLlCS, f vhthout t§Tf5 C cHAmaii. i«n at A KUH-STKRIT THEATBX. The «%2Si.?orr LA TOUH Uni thwt oymlreM Is’a. ittiU APTS. H* PINE ARTS.—REDUCTION IN PRICE. A ~ rjSgr WARNS 8 BIFLS AND PISTOL GAL CHjBT^ jeaa-im* P BALE’S COURT OF DEATH.— COMMENCINGF^r^AVEvNwfee. JUKE » mi nw. mltS.,iw.udua'Ci^gfiT'r” gures, and is vetoed at _ _ _ S49DOLLAU. Ii er.Mal* u im««iT« ud tlvid Imm. mm. (A. •»il« of InIMOMn»M ud VT*r, tk4 imatjtMlWty af to nw»lift.mu*tnmifA. of CilnrtuUß Fmthorfz tA. TlWff iuurtration cf the Poem of Bishop Fortei, mi Death. It »■ free from everjUiini malms. Ihoee wtjo boo it onee desire to Me it anil aid iiaio. upon from 2 to 6, and 8 to W P. M. Ticket* 88 oeate. B—eon Tioke^a t lOoeat*. HfcDONOUGH’S GAIETIES BACK iTi BTRKKT. IMMENSE ATTRACTION! JOHN JIAOI/GHAM’S LSUMA, THE PIRATES GRAND OLIO, ALL TIB COMPANY. - (SOLOMON’S TEMPLE. S . n ® la theuameseeaaloenof •uiffi h«hUd Iwf#na JaM,wal.theitoJwhT»- »r»«Bnt«4 bt m iwa uium ,ia JmKSm, aarroandmi Hm Tanoaa ftomrtx, *IT. n a EiMOaia OPBM l#isTjl. a l*dT to 10 P. |L UoSwtt U t 4,|Mifi(K|«|t 4iSwSi2f °" s,! «»•>• EXPRESS COMPANIES. FOR CAPE MAT.—Ftrreiu of a Iron 8 A.M. u.ul lIP/MT J«N-F ESLmmmma the adams nwiM g^^?mStfg£aSl3CB; and *»•«!., aitfear bj itn owa.Liaf or n i niMir i M*-tf 0»n»»£ JnS-riiSSlit - CHINA AND GLASSWARE. PRUIT JARS! FRUIT JABS. FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FECIT JABS. THE BEST FRUIT JABS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS, THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS THE FflUn’ WRIGHT. SMITH. A OCX. No. i NORTH FIFTH STREET, Offer to the trade the best J rail fare oat. C&U end see their Qualities tested by experiment*- jett-tiyl pA UTION—FRESH FRUIT JABS.—The JARS, now u aunt. The genome, hare Ibdwi nnnwontho coyer-tort note , JelA-lmif* T No. 13 fforthnprawtot. POISON— FRESH FRUIT JABS.—The acid of fruit alwaya uotvodaa the inrfao, of Mtali be oarefnl, th.rf fore, toparoha*, only Jan oCwlapa reliable and Jelt-lmf* Manufacturers, No. 13N. FiFtlitreX. ThO NOT GO INTO THE COUNTRY brstod cook book, with full directions Tor Mtttutft »p lruits, Ac,, together with