• • , xtma mob AHDKBJLTt.tm. ■'>•'*;. -; ■ v;. ’-, iuSnuTmint; *» AQSSSSBBSUKSRKRtr. ' _. - I»»NB. '■ .' -■■Wfc-.t - j.v.-f MHTUatn*. •- - .«*»» =••- ; nmmimmt**. ' r --^j^iaillill^flKpW^r Q*lKK*l»t»lV ADAKBAIH "if’ ' '"' _i •-' rsxitoH lac* roiftts,-:.' nucNOßiiAQi wocotoimas, . '' ntXNOa U 9» MAKTU93. Y ' ; -.a •>. -ru' =-r ii • • 7 k ?f . ,V' A;«k« J*;-T ;Q .N? B . '• ; - V *■"";• "•■' iSA it. -* ./ V- ■'i I '- ;!i; ..V. J :' . l :i > *** tr ‘ a.' v.omimwrnhm cmmy**#*.n BUNI>SANI>BHAr>EB. \'.:■ . i- .--. ''•'ifqz l ** "-'A ~ 1 , i— * - 7 ■■ 7 : \_-<:-;»ii •.!•;'■ ?7>f j- '"•? v^.-; u :,-’' '". ;..-'&h~^A-.’ ; t ... ,;, .....' rw-ma'tjia VAkraam ■:-~ -v-* A-jrfi r v«y.r..^r r oaorof i rA,i(n ! T aioioaMßß .= CA»g fiUOK>. , .-,- ,; -- „-. : npo famjum wteiDiNe w tai W«n« ft . ttfllr tvttt^a^artiiiit^'Qitijpiiir ■ r- ‘I?; «At( '-^i^u^png^vWtiM^lii;': Jr A. :: L ia’.iZ: ;..(■- ■-., N4W>RAOO« • M-«f 7. i.^'r'.7. : ~ c - ««» ooMioamgwwM, *■: ’ }oS^xsß^§Mi^ ;? "V'-il No. tmip****-** wwitiinwiiil -•* . - ' j- .a .tii -tfe-.M iwT^K'.’ atfi; ■■ ' . at-#- ?. . 12 *. ?,•!- ,i ‘ffii 'ui».--sM''ij- aKastKiaw? ' ' "ir you ," t~' - Wl, » y~i ~i - '-|_‘n. i .p|»OO3E^3if4!j(sol^ll r.-v : :. Yj . JAFM BMIBWCI, 7* ; »^^Ofc^E;t'BIJSINES.S. ; . ? S&tiMGBTQQMMRT; * 00., ' •ruiMll ««t, tkraMli tkJabteMt M 4 mxi IVriic, Qrttr i;lm»«Mk<(< :’*• PAFERHANOINOS. -■ »f OTw'wijtTMww'rtrtwi m Mm*, ' Y'. as '.■■ 3* nammnrigMAtu rsitcnDn.BK-. wubut tkafcr Iw liiwl. aaa cat mat pAi>ER .EE^e^XN^S.,'; ,'., W*' lanta tk* lUtattoa of i 3 aaraeo< «ko wufcto *MW»W tfirncawi, to wIVf«M4 «UtoiT«*<»k «* runt a*iiQUtas *t AINT1B««, *«.,*•. 'K- :;'-**££»; ammii, .’*urwiiw««s. "&olm 77 ’ - iriUK iiu> mmtaxl dm alums. : ' lABLXS’ OALUCBUS,' •: • ,7-v M«ow*TmiT STtiart, '■jii-tf , JiuUhabhla. vtiicMftanoin. E. O. TiioXipbjbJsr. ::~''V tailor; " W. B. OOJbHKTBMn AND WAUTOT rrutnti. OotUai M* TO<»»Htsalr. A Fum BtoeA of JCatarUla ainja oa kuA ' ' f tk*;.Qii:Wh' KiMtM M .bafuttoirMiiaraK'ws-lni ' J^XeERS. t : j ~ s ’ J \iSm'- •’ ’T„ .'."''V, ! ' ' ' STRAW BONNET B. -- 'A-.«rLßjn>n>;i»omTit»rtP.' : THO 3. KHNNEOY 4t BKO., MACHINERY AMP IBOKf/aVf;’ S° U iSSiffj|y!|gw|jS»M«n. . ;,3j« it: l '- n : jJOYS* DEDtTHft&G.* rockhill & Wilson, - : Mo. SOS AND 80S CHESTNUT STEKET, ■Aim: oftnu to tko o»bUo,Ua «>«»*Mloawlth tk*lr w*»i«t,miM«Mor : men's; clothing. . A «u»«Horotooltof BOYS’ CLOTHING. Of tfc« istolt B»riß|t(loodijuMi nt»d«ln tto *OBTPA*HI6iIAJ9ii»'iiAMNEB, .. ' Motion* takw ul OtnaamtoaUdo to onto*, M tha COXSISSIpN HO.l/«E(ty.' ' ' ' ' BOAB>S-H*ADSIX-pOHD . •j _ 13FOOL COTTON, ' ' riot io ter loot unorMA, ta rtrautk, MooUinf, . . . ‘ ' 0. OAKVILLE. Oononl Amt, Hff» Tort .J. B. JHOWXUu : , Aiut fcr FlUMflii!*, aagj?: gHXPUSY, HAZARD, A mo. us oHKSTmrrirr., 00MMI8SI0N MERCHANTS HI THB BALE OP PHIIiADELPHIA-MADE GOODS- HOUSE' BJEFBIQfiKATOBS,/ '-iloHtatfOTfdiitaiH.' OHILDMNB*9IGS AND dUUUAOKS, \ PDJUOTUitt UFTEMB, VttraoolW im oarMliat'CantHwlHattSac. - WJOWLtIAM; YARNALL/S Mm. MM CHESTNUT BTMBEV,. linawli'itoir ooiootto tho Aoadoiay of Flap Arts, MHtf - f!''-, '~r - ■ *' ; TkefaHed Give* SPALDING’S PREPARED .GLUE! "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES MIME.” ---i - . * / JSOma>» pbk>abk>slot ' -•• • moHollmml ml Boko«Ml>oidoiia»Po?e toteirithoMitp It tmiwyi roodr »o 4 *» to U» rtiok m'eoolnk.' TkoroHMo kMw » tot limoimt ahaln, MiIMM4 ntmri, hm&MtiiVi. 'aai 'btoiia ItMM tk> utuKfortelM.aiuil.udotbn tsibiH. i’ r - TkU*taMH*«MfMUi«ata MU lotd, total oho - aitSt Hi , luUtM'ef ifco MM Hart-Ukon* jrhft, Itoayto ,»«**»-|ii*»iooo.s*«i|oetjt «*uiHte.'e«i>f vmHir ■OlO «An'ra.i-.iT; ‘‘'jflfe*-»" ' •’ V . «»taKnii,ii J »e*mYH«roML” ! jf. A AHMMtttaw&liiMiSfcfcfi. - F JUGS OKKTB. V • 0. \-PALDIHa * 00., . • BCTIU.MM.WwrY«*. win qtttfMt j iW'MM < OoMtofr Mwokikt, «hn»l W-Btf fro.»MofUW ATER pmKWORKS t FIREWORKS! ! ' A LABOK AKO WALL-BEtECtED STOCK OP : BRUUAMT jnSEWORKS, Of tka wbo(Mt«r* of UH, tn' ; atoraud for aUt, ; Wriibl*»»l»«ndß»Ull,i7 Stephen f. whitman, Mtm , iaio mamust arttßUT/ MEW; YOjUC ; APYEKtygiEMniißi^V BBIiMONT> 00.. BANKERS, a*w tome,- " •■ ; (in* Lotton of CiOdif to Tr»wU«i AnlUbfe 1, AH* ftiWtb.pi Ttti WOMJ), . ‘ nuMa rax 1 , iunm;iOTHfKj«iui, - ABlft t-ONBOft, tXAMKro ft* fit MM A. ha ./£*». AMD XHSIA eORBMSPOMOMMXa : HATBI ; MEN’S BTJRA.W HATS. BOY'S BTRAW HATS. EVERY BESUABLB STYLE OP STRAW HAT ROW BBA3DY. LINCOLN, WOOD. A NICHOLS. -■r«-tf TBIS OHMTNUT Stmt. HALL—2OO N*W OtJBHfONS ■ &?. ,’So ' I ,i :-_.. - , -; -i- ■ :-■ - mrH-li . 800 bbl*. Cltrified ~ daer HgIBR «pt*" ■ *" WBflßtiwHi « JPUGDJT * SONS, “: T"- - "' ; .JlrTAKMSY—Bwfamn’a; ftr. Mte by mm r«P ||KN onifa, ip -‘ * *-’-' ■' ' *,’ * • t a ,iiO** J '«•*! ' CLOTHING. IHINGCiOOPfr UNITED • STATES HOT J!lt* q, .gjSS'lgglg^^gi CIJ M M iilio ARDISGO6O BAJW MfcoffißanlaSToa'tirlcr, Mir, from >hilei«likle Ml.gamrtlMirbl the Km4l>| east bebesoaivaUer cr“®^ c«»B ss*?:,t« gj^Wr.wfp, tutiß&n e«tf awkSieo? • W W - ? t^f^SS!BSk &tosxi feSffisSSl«&» Forfu>4«r parttatiiarSi »ddnMSi 55ijfc Albtoita. ■ Janet,Uß, ■.■■■ ■ 7 TOLpRKJC* HBIQUTS: BOTfiL^rka -Jjb*t»MTeHotel,will be qeeaed ter Ike reoerttan of vMsoreoat&eloth of Jape,. , ■ a ,■■ ,<■•,*!•. ,ji He-Bie. eHofter «rtlei..ohtte lewis, will hart *•• HMeTMUaUM, withoit iatradiif aronite errreej of '"KMuSSStSm mt be' tnni [it- ibeiotei, -Urnimi Use neee*eeryanaaeenente rorjjoerderao - „., ,-,-y Jet-Mt • g. Jfioßßf «g, n>ma»7fftw Jerepj,.. OEDPOBD BPBINGS.—This vrell-kwrtrt CfACfiEM’S SCAD HOTSL, ' . ■ dretf &et MMe eerier, waiter aereatr-foer, new bed tooete, aew dlolai rooee lortr.bioae kanOied ,ae* parlor lortsrbjr eaTentr-.KrerT room la See lueet-ie; Lpr/floa Had fijcMiirtwliiHrciX; »tw JnUfiwJUtf»» WJ» thtff. tt»#W>frla ttWMW tettrfter«a»M. »t* —■« ?rs ®fi2MS^SfflJ& D^ J **“mSiiJtff? * #i yp*A MirtSSm! SSu'mSl OMtibaMidv«»cflimbaM«;Mirs£dolMai w>e*rry yoa d rect to th* UoMM. : - ; - * ‘Anewbtto,.onekandred.br Aftr-twofetttfcM b—a odUisfotat aadfreit treee.wilke, fc». ■ 1 The Hour# wiU be .opened for tea reoeptioaofoomea- • ay 00 tie mb dor of/naeaext, .nodes, Use UuMdiet*' eaeenßteaaeaee ofthe owner* - ~, , . Mja--Moeeiutoe»etenev*r«eettaUhiHeiil! BOTEIi. . •' • tmrkiyfit, c0m, ..... tfotjleJtJii title oSMSfift lilia* eu hat* mtaof rooms at«tth*r£ou«#. ss T *** ubiM . ■Ateie.reph hpe pat opat gaohetn'. Hud, 4sj^^qas«aßE |?PHBATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, vutHM of this beautiful raeort are: MoaaUrauewit, »ttr*atr,iad soft wsUr j svsnr-tsristy oTbatfcf.aJW SHAiaict Shiahs water County; Pa, r: .; .‘.... ■wao-lp- „ 1 • : excursions.; ; gmmho pleasure travel. SPCHBB|.4tSSB.'nOreod Exeumoa from FhiCadet-. shla tgJJt*3fi»Ti£liii MontreatTiaebeo i Innunh mAQJfßTforHasuenirßiTar. and imnuJ’lHl-, »hi» vi*Fortl»ad and Boaton 0r8»r»to«» Sprint*. Faroe for tkemand trip u fellow*: • . Prom PilWjfttilntilt. liueb«o, Whit# MomUlm, Boe- - rf -ion.*Sd'SewVoik feiuo F«w ™uidjjl jjt» yt» Moatrp«il > B»r»tojaßpnnj«,^' jo Fromiuebeo to SasiiViUyßiver.Vnd returiu.lV.. 11.00 ggst ms&i,Br% TOsmiipF l Itld-lm ~: „, • ... QueielAstal. faMaiMuß/yOB THli SKA SKSm Mautraiu leave* vln*-*ue*« Ferry..A. M. seturaTnJilsstss AtjaaUoCity., AMP. SL Baereee train leave* Vfne *t?eefc Ferrr 4.0 d f. M. BaUrnins Jaavea Atla&tto CitT. 160 A. M. . Th* above tmnjf stop at all stations. ftSXiuftwtwite ti ~s<*£ for "& re e.dag ■ hy*2 Freight mail bo delivered at OoopfFffoint by 9 JP.M. Too Company will not m Mftoasiblo for any iooSb and reoei^^^.^u^th. Jrt-tt ; ' EXCURSION tick- SBp*Kl!l||Kjs9HE . JFTS to the Democratic Oon t%QhS AV^UjlaiJ! B jSwn3 Trip Tioketetothe above Convention it 91 eaoHTooia mehoinsotSATUßDAY, Jaa« lltk.'.. Ttvu tlakete mu not, tie (odd to return UU on and after tie dUoernmtnt of the Convention. . „ ~ , JeS-lot !• ■ ■ S. tt.FaZrorf, Preildent. 1 SEWING MACHINES, P. UHLINGER & CO,, MAMUf ACTOMKI OF SEWING MACHINES, Making thaLooaand Mmttla fliitoh. Tho lsttsrfot all find* ol fnanaTaotnrics irnrpocee, price, •**.. T&V other* are upward*. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, / •638 AHOH STREETS FKILADEIiFKIA, & SEWING BfAOHplfcfc ; JUNKT COY, Agest,' ms CMWSHOT BtAEBT,, fIJSOOND FbOMbt.mi Bnehlneev with Operator*, am dire to.FrtihtePeifcllf.lv ' i erUWB atrwtt'l - : 'V\ ■ r ‘ r' t Weet BTATB Street* T»ntoi,, RJi i» ozmruL saWAKB, . —— ' • ■'■' i.—’ t.:l*Br ... ■> «’• -i • ' i-.'il'aJt'i <• : Sm HwlMniiW|Mi>««*M»a'»b- S&^ssxm^Si. oHmt-of m»- »• BngtMk (MgM««,K> wip », among othayfoateraa, .tat AnaSyate’Af tor fionadilHcrSjtpMiUofci of f* oooujri.* te ?ag|lnh**t4 <« Alphab.tte .-Jnn &f now typte ,*M potitlble should bo admitted:” Thl«: Ei< Am boon printed. Jn...tto Xrjuuaotlont of '*• WwM?AI , S , !»>7HW I f 3ft.. yWflt.' It onntetm KOfM tha; fruit* :ofj.many, ■iMtfc'te sat onlythn iuth»r l s Yo*t'ifntti|«ihf*f » •'«M» nnwoaritd rsfoaroh, andgraatpowtr ofifiKlf* * ink tli* knatlMgk «M& MWtfgiMM 1 Win ;,tu»» ; fault. tOba-ia . which Profß»rJJ«ld»i«an spatkiofeynaitethon :• >*lo hold, oplalocl contrary ti t«oa« *WKtob kshat .'’/if irt * »*• TMi!., jioiptrwv f *atoplyn matter of .) j.ty te.and thy JJaare rnoalnt.a# far u waoan .I*, Jgi jfc jf It, a valoabli*'ppid oartoni . contribution, tjivte fWg dottnrna tor tig, flWprmo, ®f.; r nk*Jo*T- Had ir# Jlmaof. fpMaii?r.a,ppopar; -V*? tha work.wahafa no} inftilent loam* !'j* ..i» i fep,»te.|^»kmW(iHlM> •n .tfH A6tW#d »re net osj£ ingenious but plan d'-fnll Ify;,BM»a,U«kjof, tha raoandlte nature of tk« krWnykrpKkiM Kodt'-'ttn 'foot' that Mr;. 1 from ~:,a> dt’**w«yttnjinagte : prdtaiootAV] ■'• J»#f A ftijknyf j.k^|a; ; a F«-italic of a in?. IftfQ #nVßonk r ' ! .'*lth i *»iroduolory ‘ N'otei aed ' "^ r .1$ Wjw *Wki : wbij>h I far batter, .tei n^’jWoriptiohr.wlibftra'ji'goodlda* of tha :1m |uag», lijfaaatnra, Mlanoa, and art-of Japan, ijflfl iaA* atom' r' r poj>p'«a i* a», wall s}i>ajifiad ai an j otbar of Utten tomaka a thanmjbly good laleo forpteaa 'deilamatlona, A)Kngluh, Ooptjteaßm. aathOra, Ha bM Mreinmiabt-' li_.it oogd jßdgmdnt, ai great'nambar of, majority of. arhioh have not hitharto «e in any' book of aalmiiar .aharao-; .witk an lntroduotson, raotiaal apon the rabjeot of Kloaddon, ken not only oopkxti Tatlaa of Con-; Aatbora 1 hamaa' alnitebimally 'ar .l a ota*i-t)Ook in adnoatioud inatltn.: TOlaooo wIU bo layalaablo. Aa a ima form | with hpe typo and paper, g jrhiok if neat and atrong. j ;#f»nttHonai Mcaiti,, WaiUngton; : . Stgw Ujvwaj’Soutt, aai.,otkar.. Miaoallaneoai J ii; Pteats.' l ( l !6j’tbe:,tate Oolontl Jamaa Hi ' t Akjalanga of proto and r«no, pablifbod thij, '•kbri ‘n.Uow.' Ifca doto’riptioni.of Soatktrn’ ny taprt than half tha rolttmt, and, ally of ppwokin* kr*Ttty, thirir* m 'W& afftl, and habits pf. th'a?Soath.- graof iiopildttebte: ntarit. in jUt'-jtflminUmMkdki i tool. The book itiil boWntnT •»« J' •'• '. rinmon Life- By Goorgo .ienifri/v of “ Seaside Studies,^-Ao* In : two Tolume*. Vol. 11. Now Yorkl),, Ap-, pletoa £ Ctymphn j. ’ [Tbe fint Tolarnp. of , titf* ; woritjwM pttbHihod a.fov z&Oßtiu, ifo, »ad wo itbonnotioed It. «* readable, tn- UrUlniDf. It.pßto x>ld notorial* fid • £eif and .topnjred manner/. j&d’ communlootei a greafc 1 manjr now. fools, &9 ( ro«Tin of, dose observation and logical deduction. Thi.*, in * liberally fi Science Made eaey.J 'The.Keilys and theO’Kellys. A Novel. By An- Aooy Trollope, authoro? “ Dr. Tbsptt,’t-Ae. ■ ’ New York: Bndd A Oarlton. [Mow Sr. Trol ; laps, ilownright BngHihtjistaai Be Ui, oepld have . . wrltlln snob a itOryaSlhle, In which IMA cha ‘ raster, IMA eoclety, Irleh life, and Irish polities almost ay well ai if LeverorCsrleton ' had bald the pen,wlllpnsile theoritlos. The sceuo : 'opens j early in 1814, with the Monster-Trial elf .V O'Connell, InDuhlln, and ends in Ae bright month of May, that sepia year, withie'hraee cf' marriages The State Trials, though well intro '' iooedi hare Very little ebnneeHoh with the story Itself. Hera, Inafew words, U a reoyihetph, by an ■ attorney’s clerk, of. the 1 Wing forensio drama-’ Ha persona of the trials: 11 That’s Ford—that’s - Gartteo—that’s Fierce Mahoney,” he erciaJmed, ' 'as thedtfferest attorneys for the traversers, fti ,., rionsly busy, with th|ir huge bags,..fidgeted bM el*aeee’; ; w: *?*?■' aaetfaratojaodßbrpert* CtamaU JWSn**,)--«» |, »|4Wftr miii By?, 6; Watlps.‘ , * ll tbe.gfOuai | wiWyii*a* | i>wi««? | w« **■■>' i*' . 'tn*,*f r .the di#o*ltt*i of an tborahip—about a* ' jMeaiasVaifora'ddierantai.teldaae*' in,t'ivMredly .written ei»:leet*r*agaln« eertala: bad biblta, which ||,worth reading -by- ottwre .bepidae: thoee who oliim to b*. eoperinrtoU 1 * pnottoa* .and '' propenettlee wWob-lterralgßi.o Thai Ja, itlin ' 1 readabla—agtwltbltandleg that It U a elaai oom. position.) :, t , r •. ,i„ e *»; .< ‘An OpinioaragawtUi,. IheiVnlldltyof a Clatm for . the Valne.of Stood* Sold MdPelivaied on Credit "to a Married, Woman, **„• f»mi tolt , Trader, and underotber aorptoeeanlbarkiag in ; Mercantile Buelnraa;. By K. J. Baylltf Thomaa, ' lli. D. r Attorney. at-law:Fhilad*lphia.i [We '( are confident that people in bnrlaeai, who - eell , goodi gn\q?edU ; to married wostenj halt ‘much t : oatue for ; telling them upon what ltgalnenditlone ( they cap do.ao.- Ina pamphlet of-Upagea Svo.p he ihopgtha follaey oC believing that, under Ik* , . Married, (.Womau’a Act (of April 11th, l&t^)'» - ; wife eu more competent to embark in builneae "than ahe Vaa' before^that law #aa ; paaMd- - -For •he cannot Inour liabUltlei without her bubaad’l ionttatj eran ‘though ithey igree to Jire aepa ; rataly, and she, by her labor, earn* ltrhintopd. The penon whotriatl » : iiarrled Woman does it : tit hli peril. and withobt the liability of the hits- 1 ' , b^nd-to apyi aotloh- The hilalAnd Id not liable' ; for money lent to bla wife, althos'gh ltirae lent > to fumilb aeceaeariee. bnd nOta-Uhstandlng the may hare aotaally co laid the Uonby out. A married yrdniaa ; onalt)Ot dllpoee of her own pro* i ; pyrty wlthont hef kuaband’l ’ ooneent, nor can a ■ limit bomaUtalned agaiarta'aanied'wbhabfor goode eoli and deUrerodj unleee rtie ie lawfully trading ai a /e»w «ola'tratt*r, iMn the act of 1718 or that of Kay 4,185*.' P6r ; a"'gmat- deai imerebwlU* ‘wo- refer-to tfr- IMaa* >: " pempbtetl] 1 r The' Kellyl ’Ad The O’Kellein. A hovel. : By Anthony Trollope! AnSwt of “Hr. Thorne, 1 ’ ‘ /’jtel . New York i Rudd A Carloton. - ' ‘ ’’ - r The History of Qehghil Khan! : By J*oob Abhd!t: With Shgravlnge. 18mo'. New Tdr» t ’llarper ABrothaU.:-’ > : ■ Ned Buntttaa’s&farieS. The White IPlxaitd—B»ul Babherdey-i-BlfiMa—Soa W»lf. New'York ■F. ' A; Brelj’. 'janei ahdtthe jeptaeeS. ' By an OrientalTrivel- 1 •At, iMeer-YeAV'lii.'WfkfcM* '•* •'=■-*••* v " ’ ‘ ' -mu i —, —i l ! ;,gl . ~ Z, v . o ' t. PEkIODICAM '•' ’ The Kbicitriadifr fcr JulylaS Mtohedtis. The ■- meet fa a ’■iritoslsltfan'" nearly llterai,fc«t spirited, af the ; lip Oheont “ Dies Ira.” - For example. the gist .Miese* - - - - ‘ ‘ Bolratewtiiß in lavilta, ; Teste David cum gibjDa, is closely rendered . , Day of wrath! thetdreadffd day,.: ■ When earth itself Shell peas awav, Time David add the Pi byte wtv. “.The Youthfel LbvedfLudwl* 1 Boirne,” a for-’ thej pertlon of “The; Trout-book oif the ’year,”, a jgood'skafeh, critical nod biographical of Dl ' derot, byOliverSLetand, ahlf uie. varied’ wit . end wisdomrpathos and fun.of the Editors .Te-, ~ He are also very good?; Abhrlisque conoliuion • of Hawthorne's “ hfarble Pehn?’ wholly devoid of homer, ii Very rmworthy if”taeh a magastoe a* this: ■ We UaVe' great pleasuieio oopylngthe following“ The ptwelnt muaber of L the Knidc • ertocier sfemfaencW ’fair'' Pifij/ tixtlt Yolttma! "Wepfopeeetoruakethe'Volumeone ofthayery best which hare been Issued of late years. , Oar i reader! wttl be eineS a hearty wel ■some intfe pafceeto inch welJr£nowa and pojra ' ' lar eohtrlbntore as Rwr > ~ F .,W.: Shelton; the an-. ‘ thor cf the ‘ Si. LdgtrPapsd' ; Mr. Sparroy ? grass | MrCherles G.-Lelaha,. to e new. aeries of the ‘ M~dctr Slopir Papfr?' ; and several other old and favoritWontrlbnt'ors, together with many 1 new ones, whoSocontribbilons will bepo.whft , behind theirs, In attriotton' iind interest. Mr. Gray/the pnbltehebahd proprietor,;Will, 4a he, > always hesfeithfully done/make’ fjte ,eo.ntlnned ' mndadvenclng Jiiretoi of tbf work, wholly pro, motive ofieeraasad interoat;to Its raadars. -Jt la "proposed, to short, to' hi ike the. Knirkcrhacttr worthy of lts tont-tolled : for,end long-establlsh ; pwn oeold do to der merit, '(Hii paper U b»yihg Jdq ibr It now.) , I hsve pnblLely eet forth my riew ol yonr and onr ditty with reepeetdo, Jfadofe,' Hthnaka, and party dmlgnationa, I will not. repeat .any of that. 1 hare teforred alrb to Wccd’s rcading mc ont of the Whig party—my crime being, in thia aa M Km othjer thdnge, that of doing to-day what morn politic nenona.wUl not be ready to do till to* morrow!) : ‘ ' Let my epeekei thc late canyue.l waa ottee aetit to Oongibea lor ninety dayimeroly te, enable Jim Brooke tp teesty' a aeqt therein for ,fpur yean.l think I nenr hinted to any human being' that I would bare liked to be pat forwerd thy any fdeee. ' Bnt jnmea W. White (yon hardly know bowgpod and trne)a Man,'ha la) started my name for Con greae, add Brook*’ peeked defegattoa l thought I coold hdphim tkrongh; so I wae pnt on behind him. But this last spring, after . the. Hebraakre question {had «rim ted anew >itkta of thing! at ika North, oiear two personal fHenda, of ne petltteaV eoneideration, suggested my name ae a candidate {or. ttoTernor, ana I did not dunarag* .than. Soon, the pereoue'who woro afterwahl mainly In strumental in noaunatlng Clark i carnal atone Me and asked if I could eecnry tho KaosfNothing Vote I 'told them T neither; oonld.nor .would touob it;;on the oontrary, I loathed indrepelled it. Thereupon.they tamed npon Clark - 1 said nothing, did nothing., A people asked mV who should he run.for Governor, I eometimei Indicated Pattentoh) 1 eiver hinted at 1 my own [name. But, bjr-eud-bye, Weed eame down nod oalled me to him, to. tell me why he could noUupport tesfbrGorornCr. (1 had never asked or counted on hie support.): u. n ) 1 am eure.Weedjdidinqt.mean to humlliatoma;; but ha did It.' ’ Thy upshot ot hlayttacouree (very, cautiously stated) was thlt-. Tf l ware a'eindidate for Governor, 1 should heab-not isyself oaly hut you. Perhaps that was trua- j But M l bed In no | manner dollolted hit'or yonr support, I thought this might have been said to my friends rather than te me. 1 suspect H ia truajjka* I «mld not hava bead Sleeted Oovernoi; eg a Whbr-. But had i he and you bseil favorahle, there soou/vf. have bean a partyln the State ere this WKlob eoald and would have eleclod me; to, any post, witkeat iejuring It* sair or endangering your re-alaotron. _ It wu to vain that I hlged (hit I had IB nottM* nerasked*nomination. Atleagthl wunettied by his lajwuaßer-well Intended, but wry outtlag 1 a; addressed by him to me—to MJi to eubataoee, Wall, tfeh, make Pettereon Govenior. and try mynamefor Lieutenant; ,1k lose toil pUeeli a matter of no importance; and we oan see,whether 1 am realre'Sbbatons.* 1 *" 1" '' _ ~. I should have l hated to serve u -Lieutenant 86- verner, but I should hsvs gloried to ruanihgftr the put il wsnt to, have my isemls* all uponma at ones ; l ate tiled of flgbnhg them plooo msvl. And, though I should have beenbeatek lathe Cant yaw, 1 know.that my rpnoipf, would; hare helped the ticket) and helped m> paper, ~ , It wu thought Met tolCtthe matter take another course. No other name could have, been pat l on the ttoket ho bitterly humbling to gnu* that wbleh wu selected.' - The nomination wualyen, to Ray mond: tonight loft to toe:’ And, flforsrhor Sew ard, I have made as, though ithe oonoelted to me to say so. 1 What.llttto i&ht tbsM bae stirrsdup. Bvtn WeedhVi'hOtMen(T speak of his paper) hearty ln thli oontea^vtolto-the'joutkil of the Whig Ltautarmqt Governor,hal Ukeaeare of Its own intcroaU and let tM eanvutoke Wf of itself, u it ceriy deolsred it WouldAoP That jfOnt nal bu (beoattce of Ita milk-amd>wator «enMe)etoie twenty thousand snbaerlbere in thlk: city .and Its suburbs, and of these twenty thoiuand l vcntere to say more voted for TTlhnann and' Scroggv tban tor Clark and ;Bgymqnd;, J%i TVfiima fat* 0 be cause of its cbaracterj bu bnt right thousand yuk scribera within tira suaa nididi; and I venture to say that of its habitual raedere niOVieetht voted for Clark andßaymnqdvVyary; to* fcr;ollmann anj Beroggs. Ih*dtoh**irlbebrontof(h Masaffiasaag..- Bad with »>«c'if itHrt,' I «Ur * Mm*,'yon #lll not TO; ofcrttatf «^*^^3s»)W««M“WW»aio' l»i I tnt.UaHUnaTarhjft«»d In o>pn«itioi> w ] tli«Jd^t ; a ?;.»»: : toil! *7 '1 .'!» I" ■’Wmtßrihn* «■«•’«**» wuMCMV**' ' t»j. owirt'f",; • •?.:. ■ » ■»■■•’! Wi#^;:"vfigs»S!!r- •MkMagftcr';? fortCftb of Twnbtrd* sr siWtSM wta mmi i J «itaasafr to tk*M(l*r-«t-*r ''■>'•' Jf . if U »«■ I Hf. jfc is Va»oft tk» «*- Fl—”*k H, A “ !' «tiaZ^jka ( L*u» iff o !*** ,**7. »*■**«* v lNia«an»^«nKsiiff«?igS •; ,3eor*ia CjtotoWfcß; ib»taMi««tdKto»lk»~ toq^-‘ : -‘ abra|>Ujr wUlflM Wto* imi»« ummr ■ .WIW «l»«as>W*W Mkm M! ir fire aa nMnl iWtoi TM HMf*! l WW&-’ ‘ ■ :, 'ffijpaifcf'- 1 - :fht> WM <—bjb'gB ’ :u ’&pTatwn~iaac^yj&An^aftMifeaMSa^ffSSilL ‘ mi dw digwK ! ifctfiti' i Ktfgsg |, IE.aSSE h •' pind a paterf Mtokim* »«i»*aj,toainap»alli«g !<• Sf&SJRiLfiSiSmfcS! '?''" #lib«d tba ioaMrilf' tMa«i«6UF'niuf+m mVmSp-"’? *** • mil, bat, «CH)ay;llMir i frtrta i—» i» luuwtigitut ■ jri|b«n«e*«. Quito to tba OTtta^ fl:l aftaMa(*f/,| get* bar mind made up * v Tt ■ jmig ■■■ hiloil. , m cnr rirfcttohUcaaW, bufpurSiil urWbuitoM' - may ai wajl.ii.to».’b*ew«ut’:!?j»Ubo«taapl»m lw '' foot and Sift OtUMWaii ' .■rrfred nw-Uj* frfftUMutilwwi i«b tot uto«r afr.ir •Sbakaiaaa.i ißto/kbtw'trtbuhTlafcdtM <**&,-'- Ud promptly ,yujfMff IONM* fclJ.BaM.lßtf.siK b«(. Tbaatotfag .aiajjHtopi.n Ska pWßfctaV T l 3 .SQQHSZSDmr; tito*, and waaxtimd car t Mating!rflurttoaanaar - ■■ of (Ufa tothw_,—ClmiaM4 gfrlfdfltr* :■. ■ facts rt '. - -; t Ha* Yoaa.JrtaW.Brt , t 3S» Twr jr* l - r nata tt»rfoiloiri»g InUreatip* ftoti: . ll aoatatn ■ . 150,303. was et; irfye* information .of 45 kaofca, rttk . -. a total olpital br»ro;ra< l Oji; l£f •arlafa'.buta; -, • SO 'benWpJMit KciitlH; U aenetarln lU pleeea , efTeii|dctaaetob*kip : l : Tfri'SSßa|Hiati 4tfcb»rege- Hoanl.ijj OMBh R«fcraied,3'PritoA, W ; J**fck '■ < SpnagMwpFlntbnu, W lliatadtttFytieopal,' & AfHeanj »faiiodUiKpt«»pei,l JlaWKi ftt -1 tettait,, l.Strw- yotatplow, <4B Jtnkptop tab, »■ ’ ifoitpd Pkpthpiapipg,. v itaoetatadjtaftmtd dm| -*• 4 *pl«D9»li' ; »H»naa >; •• Cathoiibti I'Bnilariaaj, 4V« 33 koepilala, 145 iritaVtiitV .'ocaa , panieiT-parinj•«:oapltat *B'- lift, inaniiuwe eompaala*, IA , marine Inanrbabe • -J -coiapaoleJ, 15 pabllo Ilbrariea, 97 nagfciii'" jintß, i.oq manuftstuUg ,o*mpaniaa, : lS;»adiaat--! eblieaet aki_ aoeUtipt, ,T 3 wpeklj, ppAdatljraafa- i, paport, ffi railroad oompaaiiw, 'l3l aeoiattat,!! .' 'ttage Hntai»d !, ijnitei;'sl tre-eoptne nnmp enU«. , 01' how eiiiptniei, and 17 kook aaa ladder oon paifto. I ! !' ‘ ’ ' , ;.. Mora etwpapert !• 'A rtneir Hrtmat tkla non*' i ior that lift Rotj Henry Wart Beeoke tj ti addi- ’ 1 tionto hiddadeeaa preaoker, lootorofj aaa pelitl-' ’ clan, U akwtto amtun* taeeditonkipot t»e* pil; p»p*r, to bo iirooft about -tko lftot'dacMt- i It i» to bp an oTangalieal theat, btttendor.irket namelan|t jret.dirolged., , f<; , „ Anoiiop projoo tit that of Mrenl. Boatiaia. cni t . . ttocion;''wio haH baokod tbo.'oapiial napaanrp to, : tUrt»joaniali= partly poll tlealipartl/litaraij’.to bo oaUadHbO 'JBrtMdfie.' It it to ba prlntad ob‘ l \ paper »a*«i»otam ln Qoorata, and iata be kick- - toned and’coaterTatiTe. It u taid that, eerarakef - b»r b*« nWtntTuid eaUrWi bare baeß .iiia«4 a* ooatribottrei ' Mr. F. C. AJtail It to tnaaaje Uia' aStorWdepartment. Llr.loPa«t,o4;Ylr|[aia,y'., wS3aj a>ovelatte fcr itaooiwa, HMMratdtL B»rtr 'Stay, 1 ’ o»« if tko elararaat •amtiaa? atcn iaitown, oontriWtot a Writ* of ' ' tStoiet Jotitlod fto.Caaatijr.’’ .i-- •taotimefornlAxatiqa. nwt'Boafon*- ~ }afitwMk,|iQ-tflebupb*T'impMrt#or, aommtßdtd by hi* broihtt, Xhd«. «Nittne.’. :! . W fte “ Oeart paiqbahaa kpoa -in Baropo witb Utfanily, ' pleatarW M ~, / n 'lt-.:, -•i'l.-i if.'. ' Onraertnan olHiom pro kottralr ep*a«pd iABKn,, Ottrlatb l faidt' tbt *the opecUoa of a momuneal be Baft»Btaabea,:.AftotiTal ! t4pft»bta«l«t >oWiot' : ' Ik» BttMt'effwH ' ■«* -** v - d