y ; j WHhjr* B,)'~ 15.^l 5 .^ • yt»Utiiy -VrtiMi tojth;yfc.;• TbrlwtraMitt ki-Mua of a ibmlmU* totC aKbraa £w*s»ftr. ; ttiir fciiwntm’rrf'jhTcWfariiiiMti': »**»* IMn Wttnot fin Mttj.(w« «k».«MMr*n M oIHM tacfinttomikto roelhrtasttM Maaoa tor tto *w*ltr.»e. : ot:tkeee »eMie.e;*7t£4e<, the moat a*a >e>eaoa each article of elothint aoid (or nraaaured for.) end frown tiarb) each patron a. valuable, gift—* fwWtitttyiltp-iirno.cire.amgtanoMfi-be Seriated ’rt*n t tbueyendetrag saeh purehaeer a sharer in tbe general profit* of the MthUiebment; or, in other -wards* firing erLote, gotten op in' the Very beet style,' at' leu.cest than they oan procure eUe* then n bonus tor their custom, article presented is mno oaeeadded to 'm dif'• the' gfiroieata eofd , bat is redaoed .therefroß« itaftriy-M.att indoeMoest to eeonre isereaetii natroa ■eea Kothuig of m bogut or meleeilehereeter u jyrea.nvegr; un&ww nrtiote «dd v .n&d ymrnted fiiraateedtoiive ntufaction. GaAnmLnSroau’e ,pu*dffrigo.Oifi Glutting:Emporium* Mo. W:Olirt -nute’ftwU'.' - ,r'i ■ > 'Mr, |**orw« ;**» :Val«4«i1 : . |ivery, fgjrcM or iamily* etpeeialiy titoae going into, the N obfintry erttavtni fefßcirbpet ftot fhjl. to fake jih ihtittff-Bowofa' JS#irbate4jPiKg.“" they; rriU. be l6$S for eoastipeticn, .habitnel, ooetiee* hegdaebOpUd biiieua eameletate (eaerellr 'ltwyenerttfUM by Geo.'O. Bower. 1 Sxtit' afttl >inie anteoUhtS^eeatepertwx. '‘ k -' v - V ;. ,J , , ■?da'‘;BiLidug- Arracitonfli r jHsadichk,’ a^d ooeaeioiiedby aduordered etefßeefaV wTHnTenty. er other caaeeg, l * BrnonU l.dxoiive Troduin”: or ' ohßiaW|»,etedone,and>nlaatae reeaedy.: 'JfiPAJritan .-abb>> l/ome.—Slome Boojees auMl had/olioWern haveeafiaeeeed * their rottta .of ,oiittiae; f h«,ptibbo end prirate inema> > tieiuiof the eity. At the ipeoiel regoestof thepnnei- eriU be '£»edTbrVvi»it to th# Stone Otothiag} Bail 4)f JlbekhillAWilaoß, and M Gheetaniatieet* nbome Sixtha Mr* 8. Ba BnHeii legartteelertr nMdode to ihepeet.tfeenug ‘ciiseateeeelrof eiothfM for gentidaMn Md yonthe, on h— aarttuilhttipaieettfflghwontai ABWVAW Af THI PitfNCIPAL HOTELS, , Uo’daoqKaaraman. OOHTIHBHTAIr-8, .it-ownar l oflilath iad Chaataat faS?MX> Wbl Oibufi, Borliagton K Koeeabtim, N Y BftP^SnßßCh| rt,M -HY FgOroMttJa.'ariiia ■ I9SIM£SSS!i** it Y ; • hariabu'C hraaoroa ' roaias .a ttatetaar’Amrlt ,• i , • »liaa >*niui,«ijstoa .' wriSe -■ _ •' f.anMndßaNiohpla. Sottoa ihUae . Matter B,4dMn>,Mem fegton W AiitS^SSSSore OijUSO HOOK-Miid* udCkMtnt rtrwt*. zmrwktiFtji / i Ln?jMw, n '>i« r ’ I fjL'tortry. ... lOiSirM.gC sa. ;„ J Mn i>£slfM»tor,PiiU ■wr.TnqftAT JMMtßejio*.Ubio «-- to«2«r. ♦ but --7 - - FJLPniSt beading mrtt, -; v M»*Pe*ro, P& |pg|sY - wjLHurokarfl ~ OJtmtits, D#l JfßCCSwii*. H: r .fF>«XT KAGLK HOTEL-Third «t; aboTa Oa\lowidU. Jmb« Grover, Baoke &0.. Au>H,WXiM rtreet, above Third H K Delp, AUentown Mr KJeinemlller ft bro, O Jt bantam. Readme• Hairy O Dnnoan,P* - > ' ' Jno A Side*, Millville Mim M JHI eHttghee, Pa EJPnrMt, Dnrharn - E * «v»rror<], toxub w Miller, Keeton J T Heard, Behoylkil) co.PaJ Mohan. Minereville ,H J HeDdler.PotmviHe ti M]mM HendJer, roUenlle MiaaSßeadier,PotteValle W o Berne, YorV,Pa Mre Dfgenhart Balt ■ Geo A Yohe Bethlehem 1 r> a Hotnmel Selinegrove ' Qeear McGowan, Q.uebeo R a Glover. SehttilktHeo.Pn JohnLegeett, Pa Geo T Hummel, Pa • PBPreti, AUentown Miae Degenhert* Belt Moms VBMOH HOTBL-Riooodat.. abo»« *'ob. Mrftweney,Pa . ABPanLMaaohChunk DK&fee, ra S H Tanner, Newtown W^BTarlor,NJ • HH.-mith>y J £ Meuraw, Alex, Va Mi Bfnkm. Pbi a RM Jenkine, Monroe oo . Jacob Kents. Clearfield JawftßamTbOhio . . »Jr Lord,;Phils Job Carnr» Wmdeqr , John Adler. Phila GB Adler, Boiedsle.... G Vanhome, N J t f qjHTAlil' HOTK/i-Bewnd atreet. above «*'«t Geoiryiaoent, Goeeord , fW«X MEtdMdge.N.Y Thad Flanagan, J B Mickle. Phils - K D Cbipman «. lu. Cinn Jam Coßoellr, N. Y Geow Wintero.N Y,!. f‘ John.npqhea Phils.. ■> P Marphy, •'ike eo, Mim MieeM Coano tv. f'itteb’g Matter Connolly, Pittebarg . Geo Winatoi«e, Pobert Paletbroe,P|Ua , Chsaß Pab-throp, Phila JußßoyoetßußeXpDel John WHadieh, KDaWfdn, Delaware . JH AndereonAlaPhtla .W o>»or^er,Kmyroa..Del. iJorrie CoUine, Delaware John K Hmeon A da. Msm - MABUfB INTJBIiLIOENCB. CEE POVBTB PAGE. ■ -,* AnjatVED. Sohr S M gh&ddiok/Wmismj. 4 day* from Middle town, Conn, with atone to Thoe Mananeld. _ SehrWm A Hammond, wftin,odaye from Boetoni in ballast to captain. // rLEARED.; 1 ' Brig Anntndale, HatehVMe», N Stnrtevaat A Co. ScbrßG porter,Hndepn.Danyerepnrt, B MilnesA Co Ctr week JCHaroond r Allen* N Yprk. W M Baird A Co. Sbr ttiebd Wihing, Oaypoole* Baltimore, A Groves gy vsLWnAPH.' m, *^tOIMSS^ e The bark Cordelia* for Barbadoee t brig Mary E Thom peon, for bearaport, aodtobr Empiro, for George town,-FP I, went to.eea to day. The Bjr achr Liszie StnrvMie now oifthiAplao# in tow of apilot boat.bav iMkwthar foteaaat on kegsidsf l»t. and is otherwise TrlrSi*-.0.' ;< \ HUGHES. , hence, arrived atßiohmoad9tnmet. ' - ;i " . Chip Lancaster. Deeaa, for Liverpool, was towed to tea from Hew Orleaae Win olt. ' , • Ship Herald, from flewport, Wales, arrived at fiew Orleans ffo iimt'- - f '• ■ * Ship Sooth Shore, Latfarop, cleared at New,York jea terday for Key west. .. - -' _ Skip CbaricK of Fame. Knowles* from Callao, was off Severn beknr > Baltimore, yesterday, < waiting %?p&»phen Baldwin,Flagg, Horn New Orleans, wm be low-Boston 10th Inst*- , Ship Medallion,Theobald»for Baltimore, sailed from . New York, via Queens* towd. arrived at Liverpool »h nit . ■ Bark Linda, Hewitt, cleared at New York yesterday for Matansas, Bark Dawn. Chase, from Buenos Ayres Mar 6, ar wss ionding at Baenos Arree Mh ult. , , _ Brig-Whittaker; Noonan, hence, arrived at Boston **§•l g*Ellsn BenUrd, Bourns, from Cardenas, arrived at Breton Utk inst. - -• wj,' Hamaa.flhi*ftb>ynn Onmaui for Philadelphia, FhilaAalpbia in e da,a. vaa a Mir lor Fbi|adalphia, waa towed toaaafromHaarOriaauaSdlnat. ■( ; .. . . fiyribllwi.. Oobb, c*a»t«<* at Haw York yMtarda, t beaea,arrived at Boaton Tarry, hanoa. arrirad at Baltimrra yaa .Baar J J Bpanoar, Dole, from Cardanaa, arrived at Bal rw* Easbark* Donoho; and John Cooper. Hntehins, hence, arrived at Washington; DO*' yesterday. > 4 Sehr W A Shindler* Ireland, hence, Arrived at Boston Leach,Leach,hence,arrived at Castine7th Almtra T. Emmemio, and N- Holinas. Wil hams, aaDsd frOin Providence 9th tmt forPhilsd. jkswmer rhoiaM Sparks, Grnmiey, hence, Arrived at ftßammjSMieotd.Henaan* and Earab* Jones, hence, amvewatNewYotkyysterday. -- ». r- ■ SPEOIAri NOTIOEH- . Draf.Wad* to Rear.—lnstruments to assist the Hearing, in every variety, and of the most approved obustruetton, %\ P, MADKIBA'S Ear lustra meatDepot.Ho.lUßootkTENTflstreet, below Cbest t>t«tt*et»' ••-( . : ■ *• • ■ JaB-«t Mrtrrs’Mibaoplous Vbbmik Dk '•raoyßm. th* old«« »ad t»« raraear known tai Bm- Unniq.tmt PA.TB , and MICE, CgCK ROACHES : S 088. A BtB. M (JtdUITOSa, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN.WOR MB, sa4o ARDEN INSECTS. I Mr ftiuwal Jteaott M» BROADWAY, N. Yi Sold by aUDrassiate everywhere. ’ mylt-Sm ■WATEB COOLSRS FOE THS MILLION, At •xcMdlnxlr lav ,nM., tt' B. 8. PARSON k, CO.’S JUnnfietory, ocra.rofPOCKfcPEAßStreata. ' SAlAßakdrb Firs- Proof Bat as.—A to? l*t*»»**Jrtm*Dtof BALAM.NDKRB far ml. at re. •noHa nIOM,Na.aN OHESTNCTSWFhiladfilphlv US-tf r v 1 WATSON. SArnro Fovd—National Baf»tt Trust OottrAST.—Chart.iao by th. Stitd of BMtuylva la. .xtiu& • .. L Mon.yt* rooalTad ...rr day, and in any amount bu|ttfnlilL' ; t FiVE PER CENT, teUrMt la paid for mon.y from th. day it is satin. ■ R, Th* Rooay la alvaya said book in GOLD wbsnever It is oalled for, and without notios. ' l 4. Mousy iaraoslTsd ftpia HxKstm, Mmmtuntm, OmrdimM* . and othor Traatoas, in-laraa or muUI sums, to rtnain a lovr or abort s.riod. • A TM Joonar raoairad, frop' Saaoaitora ia inyaatad in . RaalE(iau. Hortnrw, Croand Santa, and other trat ttlMiMeiirittMk ■’ I 4 Offlee open srery day-TWALNUT Street. aouthwest at aer'TUrd FbiMslshit «, .t ,(alf •-■ Sswino- Machinss. AH j persona' who have bought Sewing Jdaokmee. which will, .not Perform th# vornx(Mtidt»r» informed thatRINGER'S Ma ehineepcvarfeil todoaay htndafwork. la am disappointed m the KactuuM of * -I, H/amoKRA co.; No. as chestnut bu - *et*» ■ • _- To OoNsojfpnvks.—Qurbu’s Cod Liver OilJillt. ’ This greatspeeifio for Consumption ta feeteuperse ding all others ta Its curative effeotsupon those afflict'd with tubercular diseases, being twice a# effloaoimis ae thecredeoil. Prepared upon highly; scientific princi ples of thepnre oil* sad robbed of tbenatueoas taete of the plain artiele.it is rebeived into the stomach In its jelHfied form, without mastication, and u gradually die* •olyed aad digesteds panioe into the wnatl intestines drop by drop. aapplvlng the wastes of the bpdy by its aatrltiots properties, and thus assisting anti sustaining nature inorerooming the dieeaee. Approved by the New York Aoadesay of Medioipe.. end,recommended by Ae faculty everywhere, this preparation is confidently offered ae a remedy for Consumption and all Borofakras affections. Sold by FREDERICK BROWN, corner of CHOTNUT and FIFTH Btneetai FREDERICK MOWN, Jr. Coa tinentai Hotel ; aad T. W. DYOTT 4SONS. tnbM-stnfSin Ojni PBIOI CLOTHING OF THB LATEST S9ylSfl v made in the beet manner, expressly for RR TAIL' BALBB, LOWEST seUiag.pncM marked in ftalaFigvee* All goods mad# to order warranted satis footer?* Oar ONE-PRICE system is strictly sdhertd to.aswe believe this to be the only fsir way of, dealing AU are tberebr treated alike. _ JONES A CO., eeg-tf . anPIkrARirFT Street MARRIED. i the 11th lest., by the Rev. B. Jones.- asmetset Bums ter or st. Andrew's, Chorob, Meas.imeire Ci F<’Unler (ex-Frenofe oonsut at I/is bwilto ymliaii second daughter of the laLEY.-On th. 7th init.. hy Rev. A. Bnrdjr. Mr. J. R. Stephen* to Miss Mary Sh#rp)ey, both of Moatgotnerv oountj. Pa, * ALMA NA—l»iLKj#.-On Ihs-Mth of April, by JRev. Jdr. Angnstus AJmanato iuise Kusaxma ' died. W-EI LINQTON.—On Monday aftarpoon. 11th met. after a Hni«ringiUne*i.-William W«llui*ton> printer, “Wasp. the jfiaeStulslice of thefattenl vIU ' > VoUif&»-Oa the aOmlM of the 16th ,net. Reheooe JeM.yoMueetoeMh'ertf Reboot* »nd lb* lute J»me« yoviu. iothkl&h yeer of her »«. • rfrMMkltimeMd friewU ofthh femllyere reepeot faflT TaJited to o'tend the hint, from th« reiidotioe of MrnoSoiy MB'Wood etfeet/oa tUatTaviarfatur ioJJ, Itlo’mi wilhoet Author aotloe, To prooeed Stria ReUoere* Geneter*. fltnFtivjtM to' n'teed Mrftneril. Iron hie lot* raii dfice.Jto. IS evaeoe. tin* der. M l tgjUnk ja i the afternoon.. To -proceed to Kthrette (WMidISKEY.—On 8»t«rd»» morolne, »th inet, *t hjc. eoeettp cent. Wntroa. Cbectcr rollor, Po.. kuieiio re'ficSoJjho'ute I«Lo'wickerly, in*Se«»h peerof hernee. - - , Faneral fron herihttifpegdeue, gijtth etreet. firet Diamond; Uu»(Tac*tt»r) nfternooni tho tOth init/llr*. EUon Otar, in the 66th mnrninr, atßO’olo.'k. -- * • on the 6th Jut.,'Williem 0. « F^fe^^Tool&“ K,lb NAVI LL3 GATION COMPANY. , PHItADELPHIi, June If. 1860. An Adjourned Meeting of the Stockholders of the Le high Coal and Navigation Corapan* will b» held, at the Company’s Offioe. Tbl* DAY, June 33th, at eleven o’oiook A. M.. to take a Stock vote upon a certain Reso lution, &a ordered at the aenua l meeting, held on the first of May last. EDWIN WALTER. It >. Secretary. rT3» -NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING >kJ7 ot the Stockholders of the CAMDEN AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD COMPANY will beheld on TRUKBDAY. Ju»e 38,1860. between the boors of 30 A. M. and* P. M., at the omoe of the oompanv, Coopeifs Point, Camden, New Jersey, to eleot Direotor* of said oompanv to serve for the ensuing year. _ _ _ Je9->jeH ROBERT FRAZER, Beo. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA LL? AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. MAucßtiaao, The holder* of the bond* of this Company, dneJuly 1, 1880, can now receive, upon Application at this office, 10 Eir cent, in oasb» upon the terms speomed in the oirou r attached. The holden are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of 0140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 0, 1860, and in pursuance of the contract, entered into by he company mid duly recorded, to carry the same Into ffeot. . 8 BhaDFORI, Treasurer. Notts* to tk* 'Hold*** of Philakelrkia and Beading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due Juhi 1,1880 These bonds are aeoured by the first mortgages onthe road, amounting in the aggregate to 09,806,400. The net revenue for the last fiscal year was sis time* the amount of the annua! interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty rears, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the preoise oonditionin whtoh they are now held. Fresh sheet* of coupon* for the interest, payable half-yearly, wiU be issued; A bonus of 10 per oent. will be given to the holders, m consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signmga reooipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office or the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement Forms of receipt and endorsement will befhrnished °^y P OTdwo t fthe Board of Maimcers, ml-tf W * R MrfIaWV.NNV. H*on»t*rr. CHINA AMD GLASSWARE. PRUIT JABS! FRUIT JARS FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FRUIT JARS. TflE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE FRUIT JARS! WRIGHT. SMITH. & CO.. No. S NORTH FIFTH STREET, Offer to the trade thebestPruitJarsout. Call and see their qualities tested by experiments, , JeH Uyl SEWING MACHINES. W. F. UHXJNQER & CO.* MANUFACTURERS of SEWING- MACHINES. Making the Loop and Shuttle Stitoh. The latter for all kinds of manufacturing purposes, price 060. The others ate from 039 upwards. OFFICE AND^SALESROOM, 688 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. „P-a-MACHINR BILK, SPOOL COTTON, OIL, NEEDLES, Ao, CQn.tuniy on-hand. jaia-gm PIANOS. ef&aa a seven-octave $4OO rose jTFTT* WOOD PIANO for jtfw than 9200 j parable inwaay.aumf of BSmt month. The member* or the .Philadelphia Musical Savings and Loan society will please take notice, that the an- Sftal reports are sow ready for d ietri button, at the office o ltt Chestnut street. Persons desiring to beoome members ot this highly beneficial institution. can do so by aspiring at the office* the Secretary being aathoria fd *0 isoie n, additional eharea to rhs third series, paya ble in mobthiy inrotasnts of 9.1 each. This offers treat inducements to those who may desire toiom the third aeries, as the stock has already advanced at the rate of 3K per cent per month, whtoh will not be charged extra on the SO shares now to be Issued- ‘i bis Association has-within the past three years, tarnished to its members hundred* of Pianos, embracing all the modem improvements, of sapen r tone and finiib»made by the celebrated manufacturers, Sehomsoker fc Co., and warranted by them six years. The pianos can be obtained immediately upon becoming members. Those hiring p aooe should at once cease doing so, when they, pan obtain an instrument upon suoheasy terms, and become the owners ofjhe same, it JL W. GRAY, Secretary, ■ 1031 Chestnut street. . GREAT SALE OF PIANOS FTT*n BSHOMACKJR k. CO, have now at their . , „ Wsrerooms. No, Vo3l OHESI'NUT Street, the follpwiag beautiful PIANOFORTES, whioh they will sell at treat banaias, in order to 01010 the annual accounts - -• \*--- One elesant Ko*ewood Piano, Louis XIV style, em hracias flll the modern improvements, of very superior tone And finish, having been la use only a Jew months, warrantee, for Si® One magnineeut Brudoir Piano, made to order. Dri final 00 t veTO of superior tone, nehlv finished, has been used only,one year, warranted for 9JM. One benuti ul Rosewood Piano, with all the modern improvements, full iron Frame of excellent tone, and warranted, for 9m fnearly new.) One .beautiful Mano, with, all the modern Improve- Tnents-plain finish, of excellent tone, and warranted, for #126 One excellent Piano, fine tone, warranted, for 9110, One do. do. do. do. 90. do. do do. do. 75, One Rosewood Piano in food order, £4O, Persona desiring to purchsa* should not fultooaU and see these superior instruments, as suoh bargains are seldom offerei. C&U and examino. .. BCHOMACKRR A f'O., It No. 1031 CHESTN (JT Street THE MOT ARTISTIC, LIFE-LIKE, and . dandle P»otur*a are made at RFIMER’B GA 1 - IeRY. BFCO"D Street; aboveGREEN. The artists employed are of the V»t \n 'he city. It* COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— Capb Mav, New Jerrer.—This large, first olass be opened, for the reorption of guests, on the 2Sth June, i 960. The House has been completely repaired and refQ.Qished- A new cooking range, ovens, steam boilers, and every modern improveuaeot added. ExtenMve stabling attached to the premises All letters add’eaaed to the subscribers, Cape Island, New jersey, will be promptly attended to. „ LAIRD A.WOOLMAN. JunesH.LairaJate proprietor Franklin House, khila dflpjiiai h. B. woolman. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape island. - jell dim Japanese visiting oabds—Japa nese VISITING CAROS.—In each cow of the PHILADELPHIA INQIIIRER,of THIS MORN lNG,'Tuesday.) is enclosed a perfect no simile of the Vieiting Cards presented by the Jspine e Ambassadors to the persons on whom they call. The Cards are printed on imported Chinese paper, which is similar in texture and appearanoe to Japanese paper, and is quite aouriosity. The PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. Double Sheet. Eight Pages. Forty-eisht Column*, is printed from LareefOlesr Type, on Fine White Paper. Price TWO CENTS. For sate by all NEWS AGENTS. Served by «&*£&&& wtaarivjhour every morning, for TWE< VK CENTS A WERK'payable to the Carner). to all houses in the city, its districts, and all towns within on, hundred miles of the oity. Bend your name and address, and have the _ MFfAT PHILADELPHIA PAPER. Offioe nf THE PBILaDkLPRIA INQUIRER, 131 South THIRD Street, below Chestnut. THE INQUIRER is sent bv mail for six dollars a year, payab e In ndrar oe or fifty cents a month. Office. 131 SOUTH THIRD BTRERT, It Philadelphia. JAPANEIE visiting oards-japa- NESE VI9ITING OARDS.-In each oopy #f the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, of THIS MORNING, (Tuesday .) is 'enolosed a perlb.pt facsimile ofltne Visit ing Lards presented by the Japanese Ambassadors to the persons on whom they 001 l The Cards are printed on imported Chinese paper, which is similar in texture and appearance to Japanese paper, and is quite a oa ’PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. Double Sheet. Eight Pages. Forty.elcht Colnmna, is printed from Large. p le*r Type, on Fine* Wbi e Paper. Price TWO Or NTS. Fora »ie by afl NEWS AGENTS. Served by careful Carriers, at an early hour every morning, for TWKLVK CKNjSA WEKK toSVo»"r!.r“, 10 haoio. in th» flit,, it. dl.trioU, And «li town, within one hundred mile, of the oit,. Send ,our name and have the_ Office nTtHK PHILADELPHIA B \ a kVSlS, 8 R .ix dollars a year, payable insdvanee. or fifty oents a month. Office, 131 SOUTH THIRD STREET. H . Philadelphia. TAPANEBE VISITING CARDS—JAPA hP NESE ViBITING CABDB-In each oopy of the PHTIaDELPIUA INQUIRER, of TB/8 MURN le»G,(Tnesday,ns enoloseda perteot ffto-simile of the Visiting Cards presented by the Japanese Ambassadors to the persons on whom they oall. The-Cards aro printed on imported Chinese paper, whioh is similar in appearanoe to Japanese paver, and is quite *ss« PHILADELPHIA. INQUIRER, Double Sheet, Eiiht Pmm, Portr-.igj!, Column.. J, printed Jrom Large, Clear 1 ype. on Fine White Paper. Pnoe TWO CENT** For sale by all NEWS AGENTS, Cerved by careful Carriers, at an aarlv - hour every morning, for TWELVE CENTS A (pxyable to the Carrier), to all bouses in the city, its mstriota, and all towns within one hundred miles of the oity. Send your name andaddrcss.aud have the GREaT PHILADELPHIA PAPER. Officeof THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, 131 South THIRD v treat, below Chestnut. THE INQUIRER is sent by mail for six dollars a year, payable in advance, or fifty cents a month, __ 7 Office, 191SOUTHTHIRD STREET, It Philadelphia. OILS. —3,558 gallons extra bleached Ele phant Oil; 4 WDsallons extra, bleached Whale Oil s fi.WO ?a lons racked whal* Oil; Wsai oa* No. I Urd T JmWLEY, aBHBURNER.A CO.iNo.IfiSouthWHARVES, JeH TAIL LEMON*-Grass, for sale by WE- 9 BROTHERS, AT aml dfiTferth THE .( TUESDAY, JUNE , 12, 1860. JjWN FOR THE FODRTiy!.!, 1 * Let's be gay and banish sorrow. Lay our cares aside to-day, Laugh and shout, boye, for to-morrow Is the Freemen’s Holiday i" The attention of all who areaddioted to uproarious mirth iadireoted to the fact# that the MAMMOTH PHUNNY FHELLOW, FIVE HUEDRED COMIC ENGRAVINGS, Illustrative of all the stirring topiosof the times—po- itioal, looal , And general—is now ready apd for sale a every News A^enoj, at the astonishingly low price of SIX CENTS PER OOPY. MAMMOTH PHUNNY PHELLOW lathe most attractive and cheapest sheet of the kind ever placed before the publio. It is replete with plea-. •ant satire, sterling wit. genial humor, and uproarious Fun. Boy a oopy of the MAMMOTH FRUIT JARS. PHUNNY PHELLOW, and it will oarry yon safely through the trying season of pyrotoohnioal explosions by oanMng many an explo- sion oflaughter. tSf For SAle by every News Agent throughout the gANCROFT’S HISTORY. LITTLE. BROWN, & CO.. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. YOL. YIII. j BEING VOL. 11. of the AMERICAN DEVOLUTION OCTAVO. UNIFOHM WITH TJIR PBRVIOVS VOLUMKS. This volume comprises period extending from the Battle of Bunker's Hill to the signing ofthe Decla ration of Independence, on the eeoond of Angnst, and inotade* among other things the siege of Boston, the negotiation of England with Russia for troops, written from papers from the Archives of England and France, ircloding letters of George 111. and of the Empress Ca* the'ine; the invasion of Canada, Dorn private letters and papers of General Montgomery sad his family; the movements of Franoe end Spain, from very copious doouments obtained in France and Madrid; the disin clination of Turgot to tbo war; the revolution in the French Cabinet; proceedings of Congress, In part from unpublished private journals br the members; the in surrection in North Carolina,from very fall unpublished contemporary accounts; the purchase of German troops, from the fullest collection of papers, with leftera of George 111. and the German Princes, Ministers, and Agents; the hesitancy of thff Central Colonies; the movements for taking up independent governments; the Virginia Deelaration of the. Rights or Men; the Battle of Sullivan's Island, in part from new material the Resolution of Independence; the Declaration of Independence; the signing the Deolaration. The mass of manuscript materials oolleoted for this volume is very complete, and unfolds the origin and progressof every important measure, tracing the pro gress of the Revelation oonpletely, in reference to er*ry part of the United States*.and presenting the subject also m its relation to the history ofthe world, during the period of Us progress, The History of the Revolution will be completed in two more vo’urara. jeU-tuthsStif rnBE BOBB’N BOY A AJCD THE GOVERNOR. This is a tbob stout of the bof hood and early li f e of GOVERNOR RANKS, and the bnja he knew—how they played, how they studied encouraged by th-ir lender, the hero of the story, who started At the very foot ofthe ladder that Aets shll mrtndtnfe. His schoolmatee- those who followed his example, rise to honorable station In life, while the idle and careless are the poor of to day, or have died in misery long since. _ WHILE IT 18 A BOOK FOR BOYS, It is also a careful LIFE OF THE MAN. Elegantly illustrated b» Billines 1 t PRICE 76 CENTS. For sale by WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, je!2 No. HQ6 CHESTNUT Street. GEO. G. EVANS’ GIFT-BOOK STORE, N\,439 CHESTNUT StrMt. buy your‘houkm atWalnV BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS’ Gift Bo *k Store, No. 4*9 Chestnut street. "fi* the best plooe In the oity. Books *re sold as cheap, m at any other store, mo you have the advan tag* OfTeoelvmg witheaoh Book. MARO*HET MONCRrEFFIJ THE FIRST LOVE OF AAEON BURR.—a Horaanoe of the Revolution, with an appendix- containing the letters of Colonel Burr to “ Kate” andEliza,**and from ** Leonora,’* etc,, etc., by Charles Burde t, author of »* Three Per Cent, a Month, ** Life of Kit Carson,’’ etc., with a fac-sumfe of the celebrated cipher letter and key, one volume. 12/no. with a rift Price <* THREE PkRCFiNT A WO*TR,” by Charles Burdett, one vol., JSmo. with a eirt • ........... Price 100 UFK OF KIT CARSON, by Charles Bur dett. one vol., J2mo, with a gift Price 100 THE LRfTLb BKAUiy. by Mrs. Grey, one voT.. lim«, wi»h ft gift, Prioe )2S HA .VKBVIEW, a Family,Hbtory of our own times by Holmo Lee, one volume, i2mo. with a silt Price 100 KIT KELVIN’S KERNELS, illustrated. one vol. 12mo with a silt Prioe 100 W M T Sw HITMAN’S LEAVES OP URJB3, one vol.. limn, with a Kilt Price 12S COUSIN MAo3>£ AND ROSAMOND, by Mrs. Holmes, one vol., 12mo. with a juft.. Price 100 DAYS AN* WAYS OF COCKED HATS, illustrated on' vol., 12mo, with a gift.. Price 100 EL FIJRKIPIS. nr the author of the •* l.amabsnter.*’ 12mo, with a gift Price 1 2fi PUNSHOPTB SERMONS, edited by 'Mil hnrn.one vol..l*mn, with aeift.......... Price 100 LIFE OP STEPHEN A. DOUGI.ABB, one vol. 12mo, withagift.,., Prioe 100 THE MILL ON THE FLOSS, by the author of ‘‘Adam Bede,” one vol, l2mo,with „ agift . ....... Prioe lco ALL THE NEW BOOKS as rooo as PUBLISHED. t/»«eth*r with ALL THE WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AUTHORS in every department of Lite rature, at the PubHehers, Regular Retail Pried, aid a Handsome Present with each Book. Call in, mud ont trial tout aatvr* you that tk*[bi»t i timer in tki city vthttt you should nurehnu Hooks it GEORGE G. EVANS’ ” GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. 439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Two doorsbelow FIFTH, on the upperside. OF* Strangers visiting the oily are respectfully invi ted to call and examine the large collection of Books, and get a Catalogue. Jel-tf rjpiiE LITTLE BEAUTY. MBA. GREY’S MEW BOOK. SUPERIOR TO THE GAMBLER'S WIPE. Published cliis day, and lor ante at Ratal! or Wholesale T. B PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 300 CHESTNUT street. THE LITTLE BEAUTY. By Mro. Ojisv, author of “ Tim, Gambler's Wire.” Young Prima Donna,” " B> till Lonnard,” Old Dower House," Mary San haui," ' Welle of the family Duke andßouain," “Lima Cau.eron,” "Couein Harry,” “Tie J.ltte Wife,’"' Gipsey’a Daughter,” Mnnmuvtlug Mother,” ” Hy-clntha,” •• Alloa Seymour.” Pennon and Prin ciple,” “ Beronet’a Daughters,” ate., eto. . " What la beauty I "ot ths allow Or ehanelr limba and features. No, Tee e era hut flower;. That have their dated boms, To Ereathe their momentary sweets, then go. ’l'm the atainleae soul within That outshines the fairest akin." .Cnmulele in one large duodeolrap volume, bonnd In cloth,for One- Dollar and .Twenty-five Cants; or in two volumes, nanor oover, for One Dollar. W Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will 1 »lee» tend on their ordeij at ono» fur whatthsy may want of eithar of tha above, editiona, both of whieh aril! prove to lie of great popularity end oommend large mM. ‘ Cqplei of the above will be cent to ear oae« to.env piece, atonce frtt offMvsct oa remitting the price to the pabluhcr*.' , Addreu all otder* tottkifttb .300 OHEBTitpf ItfseL atove HtfSffinSS'e, NEW PWU.ICATIONS. PfUTORIAL CONTAINING ABOd It is not too muoh to so, that the PICTORIAL PICTORIAL NEW VOLUME, 37 KILBY Street. Boston, PUBLISH, THIS DAY, THE BY GEORGE BANCROFT, NEW PUBLICATIONS. An attractive literary ouri. OBITY. [Fao-simlle of a fapanm Booh.) A JAPANESE BOTANY; Containing PLATES OF PLANTS AND FLOWEHB, And thoir description*, in Japanese, with interlinear Translations, into English, with NOTEB AND AN INTRODUCTION, Giving the Japanese Alphabet with the names and sounds of the letters, the names of the months, the hours of the day, and the measures of length, &o. Printed and bonnd in exaot imitation of Japanese books. PRICE SI.2J. This is amost interesting book, both for the ouriosity of it, aid also for the information it gives of the lan guage and many peculiarities of a people with whom we seem destiuod to hold oloso and constant intercourse.— Norik American, This very interesting and curious work will be muoh sought after at the present time.— Evening Bulletin . J.B LII'PINCOTT * CO., Je9-3t as and 34 North FOURTH Street. nJEW'-BOOKS For!a,e Samuel hazard, j*.. . „ 724 CH&TNyT Street. , THE KRLLKYS AND THE O’KELLEYS. A novel by Anthony Trollope, author of Dr. Thorne, fco. One voirnnsLoloth ®j.ya. THE PHYSH? OOY OP COMMON LIFE, By G. H. Levee, author of Life of Goethe. Second yoinme,in.t °D\NE|B6W h !lOlfsil, , THE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR PRIZE STORY. By Mra. Henry Wood, re prHit«d from the Ensli.h edition. One volume. 60 “’the HISTORY OF GENGHIS KHAN. By Jacob Abbott. One volume, lflmo. cloth. 60 cents. LUC 'L. THE NEW POEM. By Owen Meredith. Bloe ana gold. 76 cents. MARGARET MON RIEFFE; Or, The First LovO ofAaron Bu t. A Romance oftha Revolution. THE MEDICAL U»£d OP ELECTR«CITY. By A. M. D. One volume, lStno. 01. HaWKBVIEW. By Holme Lee, author of Sylvan One volume- 81. „ >ORTY YEAR J FAMILIAR LETTER? OF JAB. ■W. ALEXANDER. By Rev. John Hall. Two volumes, 12mo. 09. v LOOKING AT LIFK. Bv George Augustus fala, author oi '* A Journey Due North," etc. A most enter taming and sprightly rolu ne. embody inga large amount of useful ami entertaining knowledge. London. One volume _ 01,39. A MOTHER'S TRIAL. A new Novel. By the Au thor of'* Myjf.*dy.” One volume. 01. THE LjrPLfc BEAUTY. A Novel By Mrs Grey. Author of "The Gambler's wife," •* Prima Donna," eto. THE WfiflT INDIES AND THE SPANISH MAIN. By s Anthony Trollope author of" Three Clerks." " Ber tram." very piquant and amusing description of Lite in tha Tropios. Jell-8t JAPANESE KDITIONOF TBE STRAN GER'S GUIDE I! . , . fffraxger* tn.nttng the city during the sojourn of the " Japanese Embassy " i oils find this Uttle manual of great valuta LI*D AY A BLAKI«TON have now ready- THE 81*RANGER'S GUIDE IN PH«LAGKLPHIA, to all tpepubl.o bui dmes- places of amusement, oonj meroial and religious institutions, and ohurohes. prinoi pat hotels. Ac., Ac. With a map of the city, and mime rousillustratioDß. !6mo. Price in mtulin.. 88 cents. " paper 26 " A POOKRT M*P Of'tHE ENTIRE CITY, _ _ Jbeautifullr oolored,) 87oents. ALL NEw Books oan be procured at VERY LOW PklC*B. Catalogues of our own publications furnished upon ap plication. ALL THE NEW BOOKS OF THE DAY, and a large and varied assortment of MisoeU&neous Publications, at the LOWEST PRICES. „ LINDSAY A BLAKIBTON, e 5 38 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. rpHfiT IRVING MAGAZINE, THE HANDSOMEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES, A SUPERB ENGRAVING WEEKLY. A CHOICE PIECE OF MUSIC IN EACH NUMBER. COMBINING THE ATTRACTIONS OF A FIRST OLASR MONTH* Y MAGAZINE. A LITERARY REVIEW, A JOURNAL OF FASHION AND ART, AND THE POPULAR WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. The first number of the Qeoond Volume will be ready for delivery on MONDAY* Juno 18.1800, with an accu rate PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON IRVING. oomplete in itself; POKTRV, ESBAYS, EDITORI ALS. MUSIC, and ILLUSTRATED ARTJCLES on the Toilet nod boudoir, prepared by the beet writers on sunh subjects known. Single Copies fob Sale by all Newspealees—Six Cents. Hobsoription* for Six Months. 01.801 One Year, 03; Four Copies for One Year. 010. With any one of Irvina's Works, as selected, neatly bound in o&lf, a premium to the getter-up of the club: Ten Subscriptions.. - • 820. With Two Volumes as a Premium. Those desirous obUimns a copy of tne first volume, oan da to upon remitting 02 for it, handsomely bound, erjSifO in monthly parte. SPECIMEN NUMBERS sent POSTAGE FREE on reoeipt of Two Three-oent Postago Stamps. C. Z. POND A CO., Publishers, lfi 8 'RUCE Street, New York, to whom all let'em must be addressed. Dealer* wiU send their orders to ROSS & TOUBEY; . WHOLESALE AGENTS. Jrt-st 121 NASSAU Street, New York, LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES Me CONN ELL. IWd. Notice i* hereby given that ANN MqCONNELL, the widow of the s»ta aeoedent,b&s filed in said Court an appraisement of thereat estate claimed to be retained, by her to the amount of 0800-under the 9th section of the Aot of Kth April, 1661, and the supplements thereto, and that she will apply to the said Court for approval of the said appraisoment on .Friday, the 6th.day or July, iB6O. JOHN M. THOM AH } JelJ-tuthtt Atto-ney for the Widow. RETAIL »HY GOODE. piI.AIN BLACK FOULARDS. BESSON & SON HAVB IMPOHTED ONE CASE OF YARD-WIDE BLACK FOULARDS. MOURNING STORE. It , No. 918 CHESTNUT. JJICH FANCY DRY GOODS. SUMMER REDUCTION, MONDAY, JUNE 4. Li. r. LEVY & CO.. ltt accordance with their custom at this season of the year, announce to the public end their customers they wilt offer the bal&noe of their CHOICE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, AT A VERY GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. In order to olose out the bal&noe of their Spring Im portations. Their Ptoek ha* been constantly supplied during the season with CHOICE GOODS, Which have been purchased at auotlons and at private sale, GRfeATLY BELOW the COST of IMPORTATION. An ioepeotion will satisfy purchasers that, In every description of staple and FanoyDry Goods, their stook is in good assortments, and every article offered as low as it ooold be procured in any of the stores of the city. JeU-St 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. gTRIPED BAREGE ANGLAIS. JUST OPENED A LOT OF NOVELTIES STRIPED GRISAILLES, AT 20 CENTS PER YARD. SHASPLESS BROTHERS, jell-Jt CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH St«, piMBROIDEKIES, TRIMMINGS, &c.— JEd Jmt received, a fresh importation of fine cambrio bands, edgings inserting*, sets, collars, to., «o. SUMMER HOSIERY, GAUZE VESTS, Ao.—Hosiery, Gauze merino vests, shirts, Ac . for sun mor wear, in all sizes and fine qualities, for ladies, g * nS SHE TP A H U. a Ya N WfelTO KN, * ARRISOM, n* 1008 CHESTNUT street, SILK AND LAOE MANTLES. FRENCH LACE BOURNOUB AND POINTF?. . Will open this day. a tiandsomo assortment of Ladies’ and Visaes’ Mantles, of the newest styles, much below the usual prices, at 8. V. R . HUNTER’S New Store. jeU.flt* No. 40 South BECOND Street., Q.REA T BARG A I STM IN CORSETS. RHAWI, "ORDERS. CRncHET BRAID, HAIR NETS, RERUN ZEPHYRS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, LACES, TASSELS, ROSETTE BUTTONB, »c. Good Shirt,, Moran k Co.', and Kellv k Co.’fl, FIVE CENTS A HOOT. .. . . „„„ J. G. MAXWELL SON, Whole,ala and Retail Manofaoturing Eetabliflbmeilt, Eleventh nnd OH KbTNUT Street,. Jell-St TRRESISTIBLE INDUCEMENTS T O ■ onnoM ARF, mm OREiUK EDUCTION IN SUMMER GOODS I!! RICH BILKB, •‘PLENDID LACE GOODS!!!! , THORNLEY Sc CHISM have this day Reduced their stock of Pftn^Bilh, fl T 0 5)) pER OFMT Under their usual Low Prices. We propose #e lint on every vard of p SPHING AND SUMMER GOODS. We also invite speoial attention to our Frenoh Lace Bournousand Eugenes, French Lace f-hawis and Mantles, French Laos Poin ■ and Piooolominies, Cambria Lace Empress Mantles, Blaok Silk Mantillas, Dusters, &0., &0., Wide Bleak S.lk, N.E. Center EIGHTH A.SPhING GARDEN. IRIBU LINENS. A fresh invoice of SHIRTING LINBNB dlreot from the manufac turers, RICHARDSON, SONS, k OWDEN, of Belfast, hut received. .... These Goods are seleoted expressly for, our fatnilv trade, and are guarantied free from any admixture of Ootton. PERKINS k ,00.. _ . upT 9 South NINTH Street. 1860. I0E! I0E! 1860. COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. SC ALB OP FAMILY PRICBB. 8 pounds daily 40 oents per week. if 03 “ JO “ “TO “ “ 40 “ “ 105 “ “ 71 “ “ ITS “ “ Jflir 0 " ord,r * *° U ” offio< "' VfiSS. E.I)AHILL h 8 o4«>, 3DS WALNUT Btr.iL lejond rtorri PlNE islfawv-m'giitr.s.? 'I7‘ANILLA BEANS~New crop, just re- NOTICES. OAIE OF UNCLAIMED GOODS.—On > '^,PRID A Y. July 13th. IBSO, at 10 o'clock A. M..we will nil. for aocouut of whom it mar concern. thy fol lowing unclaimed article., left in poMCMiou of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company: I box. marked AKont^PhilaSelphia. 1 ima.ll blaok trunk. no mark. *1 ** hair " “ 1 blaok trunk, marked E. A, Dixon. Wil., Dei. 1 44 “ “ Alfred ward, Tyrone. 1 small green box, marked M. M. 1 small hair trunk, no mark. 1 blaok trank, marked French Epp, Phila. 1 *• “ no mark. 1" 44 ohroif. 1 large green trunk, no mark. 1 email leather •• “ 1 fair " *• •* 1 blaok trunk, marked Jos. Rees, l plain wooden trunk, no mark, l glaok trank. } [air leather trunk, no mark. 1 black hand trunk. “ 1 black leather trank M 1 trunk, no mark. 1 plain wooden trank, no mark. 1 small wooden box. X large 44 “ 1 bundle clothing. 1 canvas bag olothing, no mark. 1 “ “ “ 1 basket “ *< loanvaabag “ '* X bed tiok. containing olothing, ko, I bag clothing. , , l hat box, containing hat, no mark, 1 band-box. containing bonnet. I pair ■hoe-lasts.* muskets. 2 sorthe-poles. 1 saddle and bridle; lot ot 14 umbrellas and parasols, lot of 21 shawl*, lot sundries, lot of SO coats, lot IB oil-o'oth travelling bags, lot of 19 carpet- bags,lot of oanes, hats, so. 1 black box, X licnt-colored valise. 1 blaok trank, marked.Oen. A. L. Roumfort. 1 box, 2 tranks, and 2 bundles, marked W. J. McFad den. 1 valise, marked A, L, Roumfort 1 green trank. 1 small blsok trank, marked with pieceof light-colored leather. 1 small er-en trunk, marked Michael Higgins. 1 black has. 1 striked carpet-bag. 1 carpet-big. 1 black trunk. 1, “ *■ no mark. 1 light-colored trunk, loti doth carpet-bag, 1 box. no mark 1 black trunk, marked McFoddeu. 1 trunk, nwrkec Pine Grove, Bohuylkill Co. l small green ohest. 1 red box. marked P. 8. 1 black trunk. Lot of umbrellas, gumshoes, hats, oanes, infants’ clothing. wo. 1 blaok-trunk, no mark. 1 oarpet bag, “ 1 hair trunk, 1 small hair trunk, 1 orange-odored chest. 1 na r leather trunks. 1 hair trank. 1 blao trunk. 1 red leather trunk. 1 black trank. 1 fair leather trank. 1 black trunk, marked Hugh Dorsey. 1 Ittrso bUok trank. l blaok trank, marked W, Noohnff. j Jj II “ Ja* Turner.. 1 small black trunk, l «t i« ,i 1 * % u “ marked A. Moulson. 1 larse blank trunk, l black trunk. l «* 1 «* u 1 «. II l old box. 3 Air leather truuk. 1 lane plain chest, marked J. Christian. 1 old trunk. l chest, marked John Gar. J lane trank. X lead-colored ohest. 1 small plain box, marked H. J. 1 blue box. i, h lack trunk. 1 lane box. X small plain box, 1 *reen trunk. 1 black trank. 1 large red ohest. 1 dark red ohest, marked M. M. Couden. X larse plain 11 marked M. Calder. 1 dark red 14 marked Leonard Frank, l small box 1 44 44 marked T.D. 1 plain chest 1 plain ohest. raarkod M. J. K. A. Ismail red ohest. X sailor’s green chest. 1 large ohest. 1 small box. 1 plain ohest. , X small red ohest. X dry good* box. X large willow basket. 1 large box, marked Gehart Frederick. X wooden trank, marked A. T. H. 1 large osest, marked care F. Wieler. X * r 44 44 Jas.Seroull. l green chest. , , „ . 1 •• 44 marked Catherine Gurtler. 1 small r reen ohest. 1 small blaok trunk. 1 ohest. x large plain chest,marked Herring, X small ohest. 1 small black trunk. JsmslJ light green ohest. 1 large firkin. 1 blaok trunk, 1 painted box. 1 black trunk, 1 box. 1 smalt plain ohest. l small ohest,maiked Christian Herman. X hair trunk, 1 small bag, marked Mathew P. Hertmer. 1 dry goods box. marked Matthew Thomas, Duntieth. 1 plain ohest, marked John Martin Lewis. 1 small blaok trank, marked Geo. A. Stewart. X •* whira box, marked W. Grew. 1 44 “ ohest. 1 44 box, marked Marshall. I plain ohest, marked M. C. Kombers. 3oa«petbags. 1 green ohest. X brown ohest. 1 blaok trunk. X yellow trank. , SHAW & BAILEY, Jn 12-togt 102) MARKEI-st., Philadelphia. CLOTHING. g § LI. ELDRIDGE. “ CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” N. E. Corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Su. 19* Customer Work made at abort nolle*. ohJl-Sai-if CARD TO THE PUBUO, CONGRESS SPRING. . SARATOGA. APRIL 16/1860. An attempt has boen nude to deceive the publio» by persons offering what they call “Coroeksb Watxb” from Fountains; and at the price of six (•) cents per glass. The wholesale price of the rMviiu Congress WV ter. at New York, being about 7M oents per glaes, the im*i position of pretending to sell at retail at lees than cost, and without oilowanoe for freight, oartage, dr is apparent; but their probable count to empty one bottle of genome Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby ohriste&Jng its total oontent*. We have nsvxa sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor m vessels of sap other description than ordinary sized glass bottles. Theoork of every bottle of the genuine is branded “ CONGRESS WATER O. k W,,“ and any, without those words and letters on the oork, is couwTßßVßii, whether from Fountains or Bottles. CLARKE k WHITE, , Proprietors of Congress Spring. ; The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, fna x CBARI.EB HLLIB tCo ,TM M»k.t.tre*«, 0. HUBBKLL. 1410 Chestnut street. 4 1 A. D. D. TAYLOR, eor. Ninth and Chestnut streets. Are constantly supplied by ns.with the ussuu *• Coh oes** Wxw»” in bottles, fresh from the Congress Spring. OLaRKF. k WHITE* apUMmif 98 OKD»R Bt„ New York City. Mrs. stills CRYBTA LINE LIQUID H* IR COLORERI , A'preparation new to the public, but which bat long been m private use, for restoring Grav Hair toitsnatn ral color, imparting to it a glossy appearance, and ren dering it soft and silky. . _ . itis entirely different in its nature and effect from any article now in use lor the same pnrpoee. being a cleanly fluid, nearlj as clear as, water, requiring no washin* before or after its application, free from*«J!pA«r or any other objectionable.ingredient, and applied as easily as an ordinary “air Oit. ' Can be had of the following persons! w Z. Harbertucorosr Jumper and Pine street*. E J Fennell, No. 86 North Eighth street. Thomas Lancaster Spruce amfEisfateenth streets. Thomas Weaver, Vine and Eighteenth streets. Wm. B. I hompton. ML Vernon and Seventeenth st’s. Kuward Gaillord, Jr., Arch be'ow Second etreet. E. B. Garmues, Coates and Tenth streets. George C. dower. Vine and Sixth streets. A. H. Bowman, Soruoe and Second streets. Charles Shivers, Spruce and Seventh streets. Caleb R, Keeney, Arch and Sixteenth streets. For sale wholesale and rettulbr FIFTEENTHttuiI cyMSin FbiUd.Hhi*. TMAOKEREL, SHAD. HERRING, So.— I’JL iooo bbla Nos. 1.2 and S large and medinm Mac kerel, in assorted packages, of a ve y ohotoe quality; also 50 bbls. new No. 9 large Maokerol. 50 half bbls new No. 8 do do, ,80 bblenewNo. 8 medium do. 50 do new Eastern Mess Shad. 50 half obis new do do do. 1500 bbls new Kastnort No. 1 Herring. 800 do do Halifax No. 1 do. 200 do new Boston No. 1 do. 100 do do No leoaleFish. 25 do prime No. 1 Salmon. , 100 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 100 boxes new Berkimer county Cheese, Now landing and » -tore, fogfaff * KOONS, jeS 14ti NURTH WHARVFB. TMMEtTSB REDUCTION ON J PANESE JL GO DH—The balance of the stook will be sold with out reserve, consisting of Brocade Satins, Silks, Fine Apples. Crapes. Pongee Handkerchiefs, Fans. Waiters, Vases. Wo k boxes, kc. x ko., at 8 WEST FENn SQUARE, first house north of Market, above Broad attest. • jeB Ct TRUSSES! BRAOICS! SUPPORTERS! Correotly adjusted at NEEDLES’, TWELFTH and RACh Streets. Ladies entranct) IS3 Twelfthstrcet, firetxloor below Ka-’e. Lad? attendants. Frenoh. Eng lish, and Ameriean. in great variety. Belts, Elastio Stookings, huapeußories, bnoulaer Braces, ByrragetC&o myW'tojulri if CTEREOSOOPIO INSTRUMENTS, mamr in every style, for single piotures, or re* volving boxes, to hold »rom 12 t 0250 views. Stbbho scorre Pictures, on'gtitof plates, Amerioan, English, and Frenoh, in great variety. And sold at reduced prices, wholesale or retail, by M. J. FRANKI.IN, Opiioian, at 112 8. FOURTH and 204 N. BECONDBt. 87” Spectacles, Microscopes, Optra Glasses , scr., on he most reasonable rates in the oit), jetf etif PROVISIONS— Hams—2,000 Pieces City Smoked Western Cured Hams. _ _ . Hams—l,soo Pieces City Bmoked Western Sugar Cured Shouloers—*B.ooo Pieces City Smoked Western Cured Shoulders. „ . . Sides—Jso Pieces Western Smoked Sides. Hams—2o Tierces, Gardener Phipps’ Extra Sugar Car ed Bagged Homs in lots. . . Beef-Braoked Beef on hand to suit purchasers, la store for sale by C.C BADLhRfrCOe, Je7-6t No. 103 ARCH street. /■'IOAL OIL. —100 bbb now in store and landing, made by the Walhonding Coal Oil Com- P For quality, brillianoy, and cheapness, this Oil is un surpassed. Samples will befarmshed.andall information givon, by WILLIAM M. WILSON, General Agent for the Company, je7-fltif tt»-8 Market Street. -AgTURTLE AND OL4M SOUP served Street* N. B. Dinners fromU to 9 o’clock. my*B-tf M«S. M. S. BISHOP’S PARISIAN 'tmMILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT,. No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, next door to the tTHE BEST ARE CUEAPEST.—Buy Umbrellas and Parasols of WM. H. myl4-tjylif No. 418 MARKET Bt« t PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, leeyenrv^.cheg.M * FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES, % ■?«-wi8asB#asg«!i hi WANTS. W Situation, by a man, the moit aatitfcotory referenow ae°to intesrjtT* V® r ®T«and busmen capacity■ A moderate HJ SW/KiiT 11 b * "“>**• “B. T° WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS—A tho . "v;f *l®J 3 c energetio SALESMAN, hft 7> n * deilrtble near trade, would engage y.M* g&s pyA 1 !^ 1 “ na *’ "“•'hSiS- TMTANTED—A CLERKSHIP, in an In * so ranee Offioe or Banking House, by atl orough Accountant Good references given. Address “F. Q , ’ through Blood s Dispatoh. ietf-3t* ANTED—A Partner "with from Three " " to Five housand Dollars, in a profitable bnsi ?,%*• w re n d y» esUbiiahed.. Address, *mh real name, •»&»£:* B 'Z *>t Uu* paper. Communications strictly confidential. jpjj ft* "W ANTED—A PURCHASER for an m- T r i®rest in a safe and profitable Manufacturing bu siaew. Toany oerson having 90,000 a good Opportuni lorI or embarking in a bnfingee already °*iite d WIM well. AdJrw. M AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER £ nr ? n ,*n.agem«nt by th< ,od of ihl, month. AdlrtM Book-keeper,” offloe of tita paper. jolt-It* FOR SALE AND TO LET. VALUABLE LOT FOR SALE.—A Lot, * ISO feat by 100, hay ini three front*, lonatao in tho routhwe,tarn part of the olty, in the midat of a«,idlr improving neighborhood, is offered for sa’e on reaeona ble terms. For parrioalare apply at this office. JeH-lft* M COUNTRY RESIDENCE WANTED, within a few miles of the city, on the line of a raesenger Ratlwar, at a rent not exceeoingfWO per annum. Address t 4 E. P..’' Office of The Press. Jeii^t IVEW BOILER FOR SALE —36 inches Arw »n^ff Bter i 24 low for oash or trade, in d JelMt * iwoenee. Address Box HOT Poet Office, 4g| FOR SALE—A three-story BRICK lb® modern improvements: &wwu.&!!* deep - App,y on th 9 prem ses, No 3ld REED JeH tnthsdt* SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of A a Wholesale Tobacco House, of eight years stand ing, and store to rent. Inquire at N 0.3 3oathFß<*NT Street. jeU at* STO EXCHANG*"—Very superior Pri v*te REBI sntirely new, briok and mar- WD ; AiuS\ o ftDn , 9. i ** J !ce .hoaie. Jkc . costing 915.M0 Street,-in the midst ®*.b&na* o ine places. Buildings or sroond wottd be. taken in e ohamie Box 6fio post Office. it* « F)R SALE OR RENT—New Stone K 2. Mami o i, Bar n, &c .with extensive aocommods Hops and thirteen sows of land, on CheitonßlUs la enire at No. S North THIRP etreet. jeil-12t* FOR SaLE—The Goodwill, Stock, and Fixtures of a B r ORB on North DELAWARE Avenue, in tne Fish Trade, wnioh will be sold on fa vorabls terras, to close s. esttte ‘ihe edvantegesof a lmsineH of this oharaoter are that it is a cash and ehort-oredit trade. Address “P. o. Box No. 1561.” jeliat* PUBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WOBKB, 80PB1A FURNACE. Ac—By virtue oj vested in n» ae Ivusteesfor caraln cre ditors or roiiafd McCormick, in pursuance of ade oree of the DistnctConrt of Allegheny count), in the Commonwe&th of Penns) Ivania, in No. S of Nov*n ber term. IMB. we will expose to pnhiie eale, at the MBR -00 f-VRTIi strut, to the fiS of P'UabU'sh, .n tho nth UwelUb) day nf Jone, tha Rollini Mill and Nail Factor.es, a tnated near New Castle. Law- I^V C rS9, l SL i o* Dn * ,W^ll,8k » kno * n “tbe ORIZSBA IRON WpHKS, co taming 16 Boiling Furnaces, 5 Heating Furußces, Bat Rolls, PmMl Rolls, Nail Plate and Mock Rolli, figueexers, 49 Nail Msohines. one Wrought Macnirie. and Machinery for manofsu turing Nailß«ge and Fixeßnok, Also, toe Blast Farnace, known as SOPHIA, ad joining above work*, which it capable of taming out let) tons of Pig Iron per week. .Also, several lot* of ground, adjoining, and several pi >Let of land adjacent to the Los Works, containing Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay, Perms: One fourth of the purchase money to be Earn iu cash on the acknowledgment of the deed; the alanoein one, two, and three yesra from the time of sale,with interest from .hat time; ths deferred pay ments to be secured by bond and mortgage oo the pre- M< CHARLKB J«? a,u c k. m niS? C w k wock - POR SALE OR TO LET—A^Double , ston, 1 oltaye. GemanWirn. kituato on Dewey’. Jane, eeoood honse from Thorp** lane, five minutes walk from railroad station. Contains all the modern conveniences. Apply to F.R. WIWON, Jsd-lm 603 CHESTNUT Street. Mfor sale, or exchange for MERCBA N DlBE— Two two-story brisk honeea and lot of ground subject to improvement- Rent for 872 per annum, each. A email amount of cash, and the balance m merchandise required. Address A. 8., Press Office, myg-lm « factory property for sale.— A most desirable Factory, with large lot of ground, fronting on three stree s. suitable for almost any kind ox manufacturing. Terms easy. For particu lara, inquire of ALFR«D FITLBR, Sixth below Arch, ortoW,.D,ROGBRB,No. 1009<.Iieetpntst. mytd-lm «TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR story house, double baok bnildfnre, aU modern im provements, in complete order; an elesantianeyard. «SJ B y!«i?Sm , 2 a * ood tenant. Situated No. 1924 CHbSTNUT Btreet> Apply at No. 719 CHESTNUT Btreet, mthe Masonic Hmf. myJS-tf FOR SALE CHEAP—A new Ladd, Web ster, k Co.’s Sewing Maohine—the best manu factured. Address ** Sewing Maohine,” offioe of The Press, my34-tf A FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET.—A famished house to let. at the northwest comer of Ninth and Locust streets. Apply on the premises, or at No. X 9 BUILDINQB. * ’ mjg-tf TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a. large lot in the Southwestern section of the oi tr. well adapted for a Noreerr. Terms aeoommeda ting. For partionlare address ,l K,” at this offioe. ap!7-tf TO RENT—Two beautifully situated Si doable houses, well shaded, with eosoh house* and gardens attached* onTaoony Flank Road.one mile below Taoony. and three-quartere of a mile from Pas iw&Mi&ir 4 *•*"«■?»» At ’a,y*to ir TO LET.—The first floor of the fine build tap. No. 704 C 9LBTNUT street, formerly ooenpled for a wholesale (and lately as a retail) fancy goods and perfumery store. Apply at the office of JULEB HAUEL A CO., No. TO4 CHKBTNU C street. Phila, jeA-lm MFOR SALE, ob accommodating terns, the STORE AND DWELLING, No. 311, Arch street. Apply to WM. R. ALLEN* mySl-13t* 83j> ARCH street. g| FOR SAL*—A HANDSOME PRO HU PERTY, in Germantown, within a few minutes walk of the depot. Fine gardeo, with hot-beds. Abun dance of Fnm—Grapes, and plenty of shade. Stone House; gaa and water throughout Stone Stable. Large Lawn. Terms very aooommodatlng, and possession riven when required. Apply to ! 57 B. COMJS6YS, apia-if at the Philadelphia Bank, CO L LIERY TO LET.—THE CELE BRATED LURE FIDLKR COLLIERY, elioeted at Shamokm. in the Sbemokin Coel Bwin. end on the lie. of the Snemokm Valley end Pottanlle Rjulroed, will be let upon the oompielion of the iin,rovemente now in progress., There ore two veins of Red Ash Coal opened on the property, each seven feet thick* The coal is of a supe rior quality, and has attained ajngn reputation whom ever it has been introduced. It Is highly valued and oonunonds a,ready sale in Baltimore and intermediate plaoes, w wbioh it is sent both by oanal and railroad. A market has also been opened for Ihte coal in the North and Northwest. For shipment to the East it may be taken to Delaware City, and. upon the completion in June next, of the extension of the Mine Hilf Railroad to oonneot with the Bhamoktu Valley and Potts villa Railroad, it can beshipped at Richmond. These veins will yield from three to four hundred thousand tone above water level. There are other veins 6? White, Red, and Gray, Ash Coal on .the pro- Serty, which are easily aooesaible. The capacity of the ranker is fifty thousand tons per annum. . The Colliery can be examined on application to D.W. C. Cleaver, on the premises. For further information apply to A M, EASTWICK, mhg-tnths tf No, 2D VINE Btreet Philadelphia, BOARDING. PRIV ATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their families, or sinsle gentlemen, can be aoeom mounted with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, famube l or uafurmshtd, at 616 V fit., south sideof Washington square The looation, b'ln* oppoatte f O one of. the handsomest parks m the oity, is cen’ral, and extremely peasant, 'iransient persons Visiting the elty can be acoomot*ated bv the day nr week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for *u office. JeG-tf COHNTkY BO iRDING—At a firs -class farm-house, thirty six mile# from the City, near Avondale Station. P. *B. C* K. R. s-ocess to and from the city three tiiuvs ad at. Personsdesinug Board for their f&mi iss are invited to view the place. Cars eeve Depot, and MaRKEi* Streets 5Af P. M., and AVONDALE in time tojeaoh the city by 9 A. M. For pa tioulars. address E.W.HiCKfi, Chatham, Chester county, Penns. jes-i9t» ■OAMtLTES AND WISH ING FIRST-CLaSi BOARD, with cool Rooms. can now have choice at 9 *5 WaLa UT fit. je4 lm* SUMMER BOaRDINL Accommoda tions for two or three tmall-size families, and a few amgla hoarders, o&n be secured at Eaton Academy, Kennett Square, Chester county, ifapplieatioo be made without delay. Access by cars three times dsily. _ Aouress WILLIAM CHANDLER* je2»l2t* Principal au i Proprietor. TVYU YOUNG tvENTLEMEN UaN BE aocommodated with good, airy apartment, (with orwlthoot board,) in a private family. Location oen tral. , Address “ TOLBERT,” through Blood’s Dis patch. ap» DIVIDENDS. EXCHANGE BANK, Pna.xnxx.pinx, May 1,1860. The Direotors have THIS DAY deolared a Dividend f THREE PER CENT, on the Capital Stook, olo&r oi tate Tax, and payable on demand. mrl-tf J. W. TORREY, Cashier EDUCATIONAL. Mrs? LUCY R. MAYER and Mrs, R. M. BIRD will reopen their SOHO"!, for Young Ladle, at 1010 SPRUCE Btreet,on MONDAY, Sep. tembor 17th, 1300. IH-lm REMOVALS. Removal small a chandler, WHOLESALE GROCERS, have remored from 00 North SECOND Street, to 113 MARKEX Street, above Front, north tide. | w PERSONAL. CASH will ba paid, and the highest price for ladie.’ and gents' onat-off Llothlnr Please oall »t,or addroae B. D. ANCONA, No, 737 SOUTH Street below Eighth. je6-ot* ■'J'HE FINE ARTS. EARLES’ GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS * AND LOOKING-GLASS WAREROOHS, 810 OHESTNUr STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JAMES S. EARLE k SON have now in their Gel l.ti.iaverr large and intereitmg oolleotton of " PAINTINGS. The works of Native and ForeignArtißta. Among the newest addition* are Piotures by Weber, Ed. D. Lewis, Hoselttue, Lang, Waugh, Moran, Van Starkenborgn, /reites tproduotion tCOKIQL AN U 8 AT THE GATES OF ROME. Still on Exhibition. t A NEW ENGRAVINGS Jnet received, moluding the latest subjects of Landseer, AuadetU Tayler, Faed, «o*» THE PALMER MARBLES. Photograph, of the Marble, of. PALMER, the Soulp tor, comprising Spring, Resignation, Faith, immonan g, Peasant Boy, Indian Maiden, Sappho, Mormug, vemns, fco. , - For sale only at EABIDES’ GXI.LERIESSI, 810 OBESTNUT STREET, FHILAI'KLFHIA, je7-10t X ZUMBA.! AZUMEA ! AZUMBA ! AZUMEAJ AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA i PROF.’ MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING FOWBER. AMUSEHIERJB, OF MUPIC. THE GRAND MATINEE IN HONQg OF THE JAPANESE AMBASSADORS THBIR EXCELLENCIES THE JAPANESE AMBASSADORS J WiUvijitthfi Academy of Mtuio on TOESDAV APTEHNOON, JUNE U, IMO. ■ MESSRS. TTHBATLEY A OLAJtKE, have mnd bo labor or ufmiß to maU thio EnUr tsimnent worthy of tha axtraordmary It will oompriM popular OPERATIC, DRAMATIC, TEKMICHOKSAN, AJfP MAGICAL PERFORMANCE*. Tha fotinrlng diMinaui*hed Artiita will appear : M'LLE TERESA P*RODI, ' SIGNOR TAMARO, SIGNOR NAXNI, MR. 1. s. CLARKE, MR*. JOHN DREW, MR. DOLMAN, MIBB EMMA TAYLOR, SIGNOR BLITZ, 4«]> MANY OTHERS. Tie entire Vocal fore* of tie MSNNERCHOR and YOUNG MAJNHERCHOR SOCIETIES will appear, with tho GERMANIA nd DODWORTK’S ARCH-STREET THEATRE ORCHESTRAS. Mnnoal Conductor*, BIQNOR I/RATI AKD MIL C. R. DODWORTH. Toavoid thopranore for ataittauM, it fa Mrnoatijr 4«« •ired that ticket* should be aaonrad in advaue*. at eithar of toe following oSo«a: ACADEMY OP MUSIC. CONTINENTAL HOTEL, GIRARD HOUSE, LA PIERRE HOUSE, The prioee fire as fallowa - Farquette. Pemuette Cirole, Baloonr, and Fandlj Cirole teata ONE COLLAR. AmpMjhMtrt . P/PTV CENTS. TJie do on will be opened at 2 o’clock. Orertare wiU oommenee at a quarter before 3. u. WTAIINUT-'-TREET theatre. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. . NIXO.VS ROY At EQUESTRIAN MOUP^J NIBLO’S GARDEN. W«Jr”wki ' BOSTON ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ABTLEY'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE, Lsodos, DRAWN CR G» I>felf”uDreNCES, GREATEST BEH&MT** f 1 * r „ m*»bw,ajhkwca. * THE MOS?RIKsHED ACCOMPLISHED ARRAY or ARTISTES ‘ «rn. rON THIB CONTINENT. lftl V or t v‘* f rf7Sr §’.* < J , ]?N®K B f l a»d every nighV UDRINH the * * Ararat the goTgliiM i« the femotu “ ' ; , , gutta-percha RING. Yliigsb la placed os the aUie. beiotifoilr r:r^«»w!iaf=af whoae Ridina and Vaaltina oa a or bridle, are htroad penil'.l, "“eoneeaue •V TpM HANLON EROTHEW. other *OOOll try* rfBJ ««' &> ttieorew The great SUITO. 0 .. 8 * 111 ' 10 *- The Renamed ContOTtiotH.t E * NA ’ Hnpporred br the r entire Trme of C °AmM* E if KR ' ' Mr ' ‘SIhxAND. LEADING FEATURR* . , THE BEAUTIPUL^T^^E^S.^ 1 * Menaced hj ZAIPER, _ . , ELLA ZOYAHA. Each performanoe to he preceded with a hJWPPLiR FARCE, THE DRAM .TIC COMPANY, . PARTICULAR NOTICE. Notwithataiidlaz enormous «xp*om grand Combination LEADING EQ.U e B , mAN*ARTISTie OF THE „ , THE PKICFB REMAIN AS USUAL. '* u emrS'c’lH'Se”*- ON WEDNESDAY AETERBLON AND SATURDAY . A GRAND FAMILY MATINEE „ ‘ will be given for the aaeommodattoti of LADIES AND CHILDREN FAMILIES OF TH3?*ADJAOBNT < TOWNB, . TheMatinees commence at 3 o'clock am) ekes before g P ’ Me - mi-« I?RTOT AND FLORAL FESTIVAL AT *ljh the Mttrket-ctreet or H estoanUe sad will take visitors to within a iboiOiitißM of the Onurch. RATIONAL TIFATRB—WALNDT THIB (TUEBOAYL Inna Hi UM, WiU.t» the celebrated Drtns. entitled THE BLACK RaNG£KB. OR TaEBAWLBOF _ _ r .. GERMANTOWN. mSlSi.TlS'ngfc™. Mt. Pj«J*rald; Gaa. Wajoa,Mr. Stearns; P**a Sullitm, Mr. Cooke; Gen. Knox, Mr. Woodward; Gen. Green, Mr. Welle; 06l HamltSe, Mr. Budi: Herbert Tracy, Mr. .Collina; Gen. Hove, Tfafttr 00 *** Mua RiteheHs KarseryrS^e -. ' B THE MERRY COBBLER. 750t5.; Entire Private Boor. #f sod •£ ' Doors open at 7K o'olook; Performanoe will eon menoe pnnotaally at 8 o’otook. THEATRE. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JUNE U. MORRIS BROTHERS, PELL ft TROWBRIDGR’B MINSTRELS. EIGHTEEN STAR PERFORMERS. THE CHAMPION TROUPE OF THE WORLD! CHANGE Of PROGRAMME EVERY EVENING For full particular, eee Programme, of th, Dej. Admlwon:— », aenm. SeourwtSeats in Boxae———.... h ..ABnanta. Orohartra— ... Beata In Privata Rove. v. cats. Gallar, i.„ .aootte Pnvate Boxes u ...B3aad #«. LON MORRIS, Manager. CHARLEB A. MORRIS, Agent. N. B.—Povitivelr no Orders or Money rMeived' at th* P°"v. jall-«t« C JNI ERT HALL.—JAPANESE FESTI VAL WEEK. WYMAN. WIZARD AND WR-TRII.OQUIOT. ’IREdtNUT StTMt. on MONDAY tVFNTNG. Jomli. . ~ „ PußflX NIGHTS ONLY. meneinc atSo’ci'vk. % Door* pen it IK oVlock; performance to rrantfitwrt ats, precisely. See teeter and progrsmmes for vartioulaxs. AdfQtt- Uaceageerts; children jeli-at* DOLI.IE DUTTON GIVFS LEVEES AT FULTON HALL. Lxrc&ster. Hl* iMtokJ&t and to morrow) AFTBHNOON and KVEruNGatB«aa 8 o’olork. and no longer. jell-Jt* PIONIU EXTRAORDINARY, at 8. S. MARKLEV’S VAU.FYOREE* HOTEI.'on Wi.nhiokon. FRANK RIVERS’ Gnat aLloJwui Company, inoludme the full Orchestra, will spend the entire day at this beautiinl Betieat, on WlMahlokon, June 13.1868 F. 8 —Shoula it rain, the next clear day. jen sr 8. 8 MAKXLKx,Fropnetot. jptiUlT AND FLORAL FESTIVAL, ; CONCERT By’tHE BLIND, • On the afternoon and evening of THURSDAY. Jane 15, 1889, BANBOM-Bt‘rE*T HALL. SANSOM Street, between S XTJf and SEVENTH, In aid of the BUILDING FUND of the “ Wylie Ml.- >ion Sonool.” in connection with the First Reformed t > T*«byteriau Church. T