-- - g liW,t . 4 It-IVi VT ;_;;IJITT (irk 0• 4 •1 't4114500141' lif" 44 ' ,114 R. PIMP PIAIL - 04104 Paigioslior 161- 114111 gems ; hotterfeoliulidlliaribarg ; wensvf&sikily et fAthe , Pidaisipids Maas*, 111**111 Pasii.—aimeral News vtliiikia• paec 4 , 1 tiego rLT ) 4144 liiiii'Veltitsylinatis be Representeil ..W5_411/EaiIinIMOADOUVIIRINI.*" . P , a• 411%4144*-Alqkitoa,:wbteblßV ek gesit Muth seem to be propitiates, because It will be innasmiseni that la- It &e number of our 44 1 140 4 V t° 44 01 b Y 11 00" r Eidii)o l /0 1 iiil.o ll ,v secede Conveittonyin the: event , that Virginia ink 1 °o:44 4 o4ektii f iii'Onts *, : so*. It 4 * taleitystYls lientocifidid eet go out. Dot Ike grievant* rrh,lnditoed the ex-Go-; Tert t 4', A 4d _ 1 4 , itaniannt te * itiA We* teritiNr to aosm . onthe Democratic umilikimsuon liite,nois, l 7: - redrefeee - thnfinkreef Welch of P 144414 Perinit44o • oharie*iii; Gottventios in vesdieStiniftip,Oineinneti foffeiekenhann:ontn t iOnP on , thoDo4Ang of Stein- in'teothM, we, • cannot. , corm:Ciro I*w - they ean':knig# continuo their *mum -0101.11nntion• * Airmw gentlemen espeutillyAssirst to co operate 4 1 i1 11143 / 4114 ';IWIY ,4baY ;i n in ' IZ:Miralei* ind-.iteeirith'Uni on in*. tin*** wlilcli.artint i Bort Oniention;: IffilPittinAlrenont) nnnsfen4intne - Po n viter' *nit' 4Whiviken`:jhelib i , ,thOY; not nei o ßo t :- with him and his 1 2sfileagnes it Richmond 7, If Biezna; Mir; 'liscrie,*air" Aaiun, ihkowns, and 'ithern,leallilsillS:re' that the Cincinnati platform iswot a sound iXpoidtion 'of Democratic Prifssiples---ead if it lsonslitukml good grounds tor thir delegates from the extreme South to withdraw from the comfenion:i4ski ,if many ;'teetabina'...ef ,the ISansilva nix delegation in their opposition to tlihr platform , Aped 'a paper 'binding them. selves to withdraw lioin the Coiriention, * with Virginia and Pliineigt Winn *Wag ea, eatiket ode kmw thetaul, confignintin es, min of , prifxdplii retain4hefr places in the Baltimore Convent/6n hey should go where their principles lead them, and shonkl affiliate with. those with whom they voted 'and co operated in theConfention. If the course of Telex! and his sisociatetWei right—utd if the principles; enrinciateit in the platform w sit thii"tut Jortiard: - hi the', Convention Were•Thrinoefatiel (terel'ffiefunnd hi° A v "fi t r . * alloefaten said theY ToP m q einaot " divine hoW he 'and they,can refuse* tlante choral** Strigheatil iin oitee.44l.*Dend- ' ,'" ' WeAieffiff thire.fe not lifuß*Do.inPninft° piperOilieuwiiraiiThici his noisteid the Of 16. tairiii r fa Co: nittliarlei ton., But wt bign int monde of eonlioninstiOn 'Mitered * OO ll4 the men from Pennsylianin who aided, abet-- tad ? and fully cooperated with taiturr in all bin movements, which they .Aeierve. Kr. Tun= nap plead in extenuation of his nentirthe'efief ted fhhifilii thil Peqtinnhoto represents-;'PO itt- , mbara_icAoftr ?iexellOO um be given' forlte , `*Pr — eser:ftaiiies.from ennesivative State our, own' gocig' Coto.; monvreeith- r whereleve of our Union lee *Ai *IS*, religion—for their•'ca.:operation with grin fies-entimisnot disuidoinsts We ** oaf brother edifors, teettain itnW Aulltaal t.l l o. l 47 o Wrerga. afiriihering deoutation Of TIMOR, nntu you' dojo** to; thala 2nPrani State; who nit's.* 'voted with l'imoniAnt'Weivitincens- trig inthelreffordinipennuitrietheina **BewinTaforai's lead.; gour the h.* ,h*,thitar, isviroi: your fidignaihre before You denounce -dicsie 602 ether Mateo, where publi opinlini re semi nlfinfitiiintifke ' ffiteir .50s4udiet. -„ Let Vrata testation nod libber** of %elms **it ye* official' **own hin.shouidersocon4 conned **won ''',and * nil* in. the prospect ilatthelleill of di;tmimi m*lit through the loes stdWo t ee n / 4 09fOofifed PinPerih,eoinj vit7TlT*tias•tti win fa 42 Y. *War* Mai tkiii Soak "Vita , Lot jun goi, .doubtless. been struck with the novelty of alionatantly.resening flouring mill on our most fashionable thoicaiilifare:No• ad Chestnut street, hove and it is to the in spection of what we then saw in a recent visit, that - we are moduli indebted for , tile; matetialelifiehinirti4m We may say. moreover. k 4 yusaadt, that stir larcest4pa which the proprietor of thia establishment maySkinie perpetrated upon the socustomed tenon, rOotion pf that avenue, is more than shame, for by the inatiesied *Mention which it dear redid ernefrone the uninitia ted, and the really elegant style in which the - mill lea been rotten up. ,Hoodreds of opr Onion terovilflibli it daily to gratify their earioatty.• Is feet,theinit-einen perhaps, 'iv new things out that are:inveched within:* interest to observing -pedestrians than this' euhnifobie mill on Chestnut street. the great ",international'aillre and " The Mill on the FloasP pot egeepted ; Put to ogr subject. 11 is Cal* themilttwhich en alga a romarisimmnion pf Mr. Jimpe M. "Mork, patented - withia-theidiment year, and Vali worthy &n eared. in itself) that' we nmild pallattention - at We here r_ but tether to attetefiseeerro which he has made. as already stated, for Wtuteneing and Purifying Wheat, The process by TWA' this . im provement of the mama in its original state is effected, is at once aimed* and //festive, end when tht 'GUM are made acquainted with its modes apercedi. and the al most incalculable advaatsuree which Mud *whom it, there willprobablelm muck Islewie• the* it idiettO have so long escaped thi ea* eye of humiliate gentle. It is, however. not our present wpm toestelatitabeemoress suffuse it to say, that the results realised aterlentnet to all who take the trouble of examining for tteemesbras. The wheat mauled to this whitening and varßiren operation, although enick'y sad cheaply dose, itufar gals a transformation almost' incredible, she white wheat being rendered more clear and baaatiful, and the ordinary red and dark shades being actually trandbizied into white. • Tfi • boat judges WO, and it ins. in Oat baccersa hen By demonstrated, that the wheat-thus pacified is thereby enhanced in, market valet from ten to .twenty cents per bushel. It will he wee at a illeste.th•ffh• transforming of red wheat into white, would be of im mense value. luso for this reason: The red and Medi ierninean wheats Constitute the great bulk of the whea t oropi of this eountry, the whits being; us reanyleies comparatively an uncertain crop; although. tram the, treater-whiteness and beauty of the dourwhiek• the latter melds. it always commands a higher prieo. Tide addition is price is, hOlrever, not really (51 *apt of itinumior intrhisno value. On 'be cot sty, it in via kdown that , red 'wheat idefien a airdetter than white, from the fact that It contains a target propqr tiqu of illufeft and to:antique matter. the, 4arknis 91 ifs oqlor Calf being tagentionnble. By the whitening! proem, here spoken of, the red wheat is raised pato the mandard of white in its emu pleeion, thus mikineit edUatly destrabistma the eoprp or appearance, and. se we have already 1111,14 more IC in point or it. ziettitintle +leading. Minix itself is a wonderful eohievernent, Particularly when we consider that the whole expense involved in the operation does not exceed oae• sixteenth part of a rent per basha,whilet the actual enheneement of the market Talus in awe quenoe, au above Intimated. will average from tan to twenty cents per rlawhaLT . This gams reormae applies also to the floor imincbairel made' from; the 'Purified wheat, as compared with that groand from the grain tr its natural state. Fraoticat dealers -tit the sistiere, who have paid attention to the reb:ect, Wotan we that the difference bet Ween 4he two will range from 11. ft to say etltr -fire cents per barrel in favor of the former. From the subjoined certifies tes of medical gentlemen of the higheat standing in t its community, it also appears that the flour made from the wheat thee purified is more who/from, and that it will keep in a perfectly sweet Mats much longer. These points are in them sel•es of great table. The most curious feature of the process is, that while it is performed upon the grain ,changing it externally to a much lighter shade. the iiticritateontentgof the grain. undergo an 'anal; If not a still , greater degree of whitening, ai we MAI for ourselves by subratming the wheat before and after theoperation. While, therefore. it raises common red wheat to the standard of white; sad makes rye its appeariace eirnal to ordinary whoa flour, the flour mid!, from the finest white wheat mu passes in - whiteness and beauty any flier OW Inv have ever examined. That tars disedvery of Mr. Clarl's look, towards a total revolution in the manufacture of" the *tarot life." can hardly be doubted. fade ed.when we madder - Abe be aggregate advantage which must erten from the general adoption of his discovery. we question if five years will elapse before it will be universally intro duced in all the grain-growing nations in the world. The wheat orop in this country alone, assuming the same increase upon the amount mined in lath ail was experienced during the ten years 'medi a / 4 1mM amount in 1880 to 116,781,23 kindred sad sintinin seven hundred and either-one thousand, five kindred and twenty-id:A buslaeltorrhloh at an inereiros invades of ten cents per bushel world. as already2staholiren knee the manual value of our chief agrieraltaraletalria almost twelve million dollars. - - - - That a discovery capable of tumonipliddlig 'lrma im merse" results should be speedily adopted in all oil Ptorninent milling distrusts may resaonably be expected and we learn that MOIIIMMO .haio already been taken by several of the most 'prominent Hoar manutieteters o Introduce this celebrated Whitening goad Pirifying apparatus into their mills. The met of them, ranging in Pnee from one hundred to one hundred and My dollar', is no trifling compared w th the service whiehlhey ren der to the wheat, that it will probably not be laze before L even the most moderate sized mills throughout the land will be supplied with this invaluable appendage, espe cially when it is kept in view that by iii use wheat and rye are absolutely increased in value on an average o en cents per bush I and that at the mediate of from Any to two hundred bushel, par hour, so that the defray ing of the oat of the metrumentrby its own labor wall itetnally be but the work of a few days. In further Illustration of avant advantages arising Item the use of ble.Clarlesuv ten; diorvery, we sub join the following certifinateei - _ Certificate of Panl B. Goddard, ht D J PHILADELPHIA, lMcetgber ll, U6O. I hove made &chemical examination of 1. sample of whew, bleached and purified by means ore taw pro cess invented br James M. Clark, of this titiand find it entirely frog from any acid. resident. or 4417 Wane of such, analog "tram the armless. to which it had been seceded. I believe that the gram 'unproved by this Process, will make more wholeenpre bread then in its crude state, and will keep longer in eaniste N gt re of the destruction of against germ which the _p_ natures, • , PAW. B. GOinive it 11.111. D. Since writing the Above, I ;have • lid ' the flour made from the purified wheat tried in my family • it makes very superior bread and dices; the dough rising well, and becoming veryti ht.- The floor is very whirs and handsome, and worth, to ne Y opinion, at least, one dol lar a barrel more , to any o than the goer made by the same wheat before itnecerred this punficatton ; mote , over,l believe this plan and process to be new. PAUL D. GODDARD. [Certificate of Dr. Washington L. Atlee. trormerie Prof. of Chemistry of the University of Penae7lesetia.l I have end:Mil t several - speoimens of ,whist pre sented to me by J. N. Clark , and have been greedy ear 'wised And grunfi in geeing the ImPrOVeMeamaile upon tae grain after hiving been subjected to` pro cess of bleaching. Mavuur bad the brogan e rad, I contider it. not only a bleaching, but a eleataatte and deserving proem*, grithoet, th the least. hewn.; the healthful sweetheart( the trader baton the gloomy, rather oontributinik tb , its,wfio The dour from the grain is most beautiful, saw. (gibe, wa s k,,d, and TM Whit, breed ged lama hkre need it at table. and believe it. destelves th e commendittion_that che•be bestowed non WAVIIINGION L. ATLlfilr., . _ N 'MS Arch street. rffILADELPtI,A. Feb. It will be seen from the a ve that; s in a' eiderittretal pointer Vial'', the advsiltage. ll 4o44l3l from the ateheai non of Mr. Clark'. diatarretYletUbe 'idiltda, from the feet that thefteiggtirititnte x animal and vegetating germs. to which allnsion a dads, affectnalleaninhi lades fte lapdepepteet- t thegain, either to germinate Orke rate deativetiveqiiiiehito *Lich It intmiftiarily liable in long voyages and even in protracted storage on 'land. It lequitievident that Mutt sithlestwa to this Melee 'Will perfect Late_ say Jot* 01 t. 1111116 Tons tlwt. 400 DM ] O M B 20 DIA 07 2,173 •••• • _ 103 Of 061106 06 . 728 200 09 ---.sa.amt. 4. BOARDS 100 &them Mining.s3. 30Oftchayl Pena& N ay pr-1.6 Pi BOAVD. 4 Lehigh Val R..... 50 9pniee& Pine R al 11 2 Penns R 39 ' 40 Lehigh scrip 133 &hey' Nerpr..te. 20 BO Hazleton 47 - U Phila 8ank..2dy5..117 CITY ITEMS.