Z=aV 114 , 4 iiigiataittas =wiffwm , ...,— - ---- - ..ptf, tor soak, _. . 1 40 11 4 sad.. k' t 0 0t i0 ir ..,;:..,.,-.1.„,„.... WPM" ,s ~ , ~,• ~ 'AV, ,i .. .... :..10 , 4 . 141001 - , fr if il l :l&..' :2 Ili, ii*illip***—.:2, w 111.6*-'ol=4*l .w#4)t*.,ll4ttlairom :" dmitoolo 0 , - .liiV,Ullrmaiii - iiiiiiiiviir to 6 gailli iiii -100,e4 4 *0 1 . 1 :0 1 ::-*W illikt;*:iiiii:' 11111111L 'IrI bill. 1. 4 1K : 0 . 1161 1 11111 , j r Pl O - ...Q.4. , 1A3, ** o . 4lol i 4l4r i ii .- ii ima ii i i, iiiii4 - 44iliocrihtiiii ' r e st :441.* 4oo4iiiiiiiwA7ik*46" it[ I: 'isellial4o.94.,;_ :4,11**,*- 1 .isuinui-natoit - "1""S 1414.:**rlbri* 4iittaiki 3 / 4 41iti*soisiiilirslat hokiittovilvllAli** b .ia ii l wi k i , .1 Natk iCalklit:4.W icaz-41.- Irk iittgagMitiOkiAWL l 4o : _, , , , i ,•.:.,, =,_ .1 1 i 1: hilli*****l*-44*bi4 it l i t '' . -IN,' .11# 1 1V4 46 1,01 r liiih,ooso..o4.itokiiii . *is*, 4r. -- **k‘iiiiik4loo4l4ll)lo,ll* 'in; violi b e, Oa , -4,04.4 . - .100104a:140* - Aikk it illiMetk *sok bay . , its*Off. . 101111 41'. Ilia dr - 40m* ''. '*" . ftsaielrift-. 1100 1 1 .MX - ,,,,,„,„ 6 =? w ,**,*./; 4 , :..4 - ::.0*.: : " - 'it_AbitiON'ile#4oo"ll, -14 . 0 0 6 444***441CAlf.4iiiiCCroiiii+; jilatoile-irifi , .iiiii*NlMo4ol l l l *, - .1 11 4 . 4 1 • 41 1 ‘olliikija**Pasiiii:«ol4li, *44 eliiinin Lk, " 0 oil( .11111i4pitiolit of es $t t.. UM. tliiiittiiimbi 4),i_l!CrOscof ihilVe4l ilik* . :piss st . ,kkm; . - ~ pctit. t tit . .. 01 00.410 1 1*:00fiv lei. ibiu~)o44o iht ilWitsiiiiritai,til tkii ski. ,4**1442* littiil*** . a -.it ta ieaT4lo - ~441,,_ , . to till 4, 4 6 t, - W .V.CPitufftli*uoivi**** -- , 40 1 1 01ikreiLariniii41011. - Weiiiii4o : ooii , WWI/ i ..: 1 4W0**Ai,i - 000.,50,C . :* f k iws". 0, 1 1 , 0 !:Plog ":' - ' , ';':,;l: 4 - 'rota* - ° iiiiiiiij6tii:Lsitiritintiiititt;' 111.4 billy #44,1004, mon - liiiiWisatlireitaiwk gad* . 12 - ~ 1 , 4114!, 4 61101k sitiO4',:-Ibirktiiiii . Adbart.'- Tl*l: 6l ,o***A***CAt A ,,- bifek - 414 - frickr fliiKii* - ifY44# 1 4.f.:40t 1 6 iFik'sit tiptf WNW lillf kiwi it )0 14 4 - 10.1401- 1 0 3 / 4 1 17-: ti2l4 1 - 4 4 * - 11,4** , -4440Aiii:444: Irmoiiiiiii 4. 0 ,k, 8 0.1 41 * -11 -10 4 . 1111 - 40. 41 0 0 1 r : bil) mew .114.*00.1141164...'111i Names .1441 1 014C*1#0,10ftit buried j•faltligerie,::C. , 1 L ,„,„ ~, ,-" ,- ,-,:,., „, :-,...,. i, ~-:, 1: libilmWormiiiiicififtioitoirii Ili*: oimni=ltiamithiciritwooiti.; = eel' ins, aim but_mOotik All atestilitAeltietrYkt,ritidiC, AMC illiiilliellia*Sid OC Ur PRialt-' anis NWT** ;_itelfinkt it iiiitoi: ligoliXeiiiii gla D 6 1' 41 ".i . '4 1 44-!***7. -.*/ . ,0 1 4; Ware. .IVi - - ipol4# 4 l4lo,le:;44 ; p4;Othip alum.. -:, i ..-,: . ~.i.- , ' -:, , i - ---; - " - , -- 4 - , iZ-`', , -.:, DA4g '' #/ . / 7 ‘ . ' : 9iiiii*Figifl*,7l-ieit7. -- -4!0 1 14 6 1 .14 -011 Ntilif: tditf if tbilift,, leildk-10101Vd.hr friiii:.*lkierosq44 - -**: - 414.6010104*tv.#00010kskuoi**4 - 1 0 mi• ki 10 04 4 0 1 4. - - - :-,*,#t thogu,:. - 4 6 , :i, L'o mainiik - 44142 004 Wey . 7,lii:g Init sot 14*. _ . - 41:1 " 1" , 4411. br* 1111- M I W H. is senolist **haws_ to.. amnion . 0 4 . - p....it , ..tga.0.1 , 44. 11it ,11 4 11 ,k- +kaki that hi hitid" . --.:':' .'''.-'2";.. ''.::.5.1.,'.' - - - PoutleAli."Theirkwill be's public meet ~.1 sgottlial raylioiapillab ibirawitagattlude hall . MI Tastrik W.* bsolow. Hob. John Lope, cf. , •1/111..11 0 10.04r50 dissitissuoftha i c4 " 114144 ::• . T 1 P-1 1,14°,01 " . • 117 A' " - 7,3..‘ .•,'- -; ili tOifir,44l 44415'Buifock.`-f° well/ Imisithi' tilieittdrisktakt* Cisaivaskril(l4.lo,l3*,_ isigiat et Adme,Pligisisabie Augusts, Warrifitit hotostevv tr iddi;'.; ~- iLao*i. tiiiiiiiiibilo - I=-ViisiOSriisi:Dsr, • lame Coarat.—Klitrlsk asiTilollllllPliaa - aste* se ins' swisoni*,ol**llsakassOsialai-, loofas lassWlLlitstatainan Vassisassmosalsd_ tits United illit*p.•• ~ • pi, —l4, ••••-•-, .•• A ,-- lint (War ilaglid alit. ate, the iiMiCititNiiir 1 441161111 4 416 . 1 ' OM , Afteliii theta reel *iisialla ,0111, sag sasar i ff hi ss isrittaad soasessassratt Asia'' , 'ssastsilisaall**,,,, Thaw MOW 111.)40•Wis, 1 0841011VIVII issas.ssifakfasialaisitglaaa. - '' re1d 10 .7: 4 1` .- "` 't •,..• aid aHiliti a lli mii • 1 , --r;r•••• ' k•,. , ~..11 POW , isms - l e l i i _ - , astrqig i e '4l visiss irm d t is eo6• — tr:, ' Jaw at smog AL riato• , 4 020,_ ery UM-, l'Amirt-- • Qui) h 1 1. 0 00% ~ ~ 1 1 . 6 0 1 th i V iw : 4. 1: 0 11 : - iftilierrAli , , Amis . , ;"/10 6 ~..441. ' linfilklibilt••••Wl-1••/ , isiviOvideitylit fii awl hvoitia.st 4,610104 'opt - 1100•0••••• The . ••01-111Kas•Clistaliiiie 19. • ' aiiiiffroirilfor stito:o4l P afti ll iviiii i p. isiiatx " sa al JPl .4e aiLim itook ;. ; dm. beatiMill iritlc VW ii• eitif* !Mos : •Issiti: W ows•fa iiiiere wiliiitliiMirry*frogii•irmitsts •I' Maw ^,l MOW Mllolloll6m niili 4,158 1 OWNS. rbiak kifin.,44:~lll: aPisi• •• ••••Ougm•••-• :Akilis•MAMMti Ai. ••••0 1 -•••*-il btio.vl ' - AB ilifiriuktillimr-bir j , bOiliCoolial•K ilikiedit'fieikiita•- -W4l' "•aPIA111044:11•441•Mis. Apirliair .is imp . Amor bit •i4k11•••4540/itigat• rseestkik of se s' , ' ~i AittleAMON l N. ! ' ••••:•,•".. • ' v , il., 0100.141 1 4•••-te ON* r •Pbell•Al•Sialiffillikikt"ri n V 1 201. 40600 4 Fr , - ,, i lievNitatirign Oft e rNijabit isdi . fZ„ mi 14 tb rel ik M, livir 132VOCIIMM .., , 1 .a *Wow ...,- 4 Wilda ; thou inow ili k vi. supra:l4 la Ciaa - fiiiia*iaollipsinin - Wilid. Ma: dilideitio glib Wei* aide about -1 intik , whisk blown onw-wlwa • logirot Jape bosoms a. Mit- Simians* alit ,tbs• arm, to lot rillbilka" aft Mark SAW' alestioni and arts amiNiral, &inn** *SW itittuiliOtti kint* : 1111 4 1 . 61 . 1 4 dillibili 'Wien- of , sameastalbe seitassa int Orlon at'ths Motif-brae Chisthiss itall it Virtues:Nei as andialWatimervitel own -, mustoiewimotia mom aiwolasaus , 4 1 . aigaoi ~r odae., ,- -. -•,-- - • , ,:. ~:, . ,-, .. , ,:.; ~ilt ii iiiiitt, Auseavxstania Illsomism.— W. Witt, ,-; . , Alis,sat iiol7llll lbii< adtrortimassat , of ib1304.4111**-610.0,41elelikwirloielt all his fait tagoksy seises. Ilireita4Wintasy & dedin.ltn, Mia lialiratvbsel Ila"ctliP *la*, ' tii: blibibban , sat a. sensiand So &utast eras assists stint, law mai ay lb* Misehla this dist ts thornalkly Mai from ear silisaitter, ON ~iiiis # WSW- It i 0 Pot 10,,thtitt ,thaS al Ines been aside& a isoa. -,- .1. - , '. , Iromnits)m's Tarrybi.—Por, , ,laisbaV , ObablOP al .aaiia l epa to Ala shwa a. argofa-it most be sera", , sea fat riemtt.- 1, " - ' , %' ' • ,' : Sit iss.!--Ono pai l jirodi•pbbiSj email to -OMB ilisSape' bribe ailesk sad assitillty of a r eas of, this fasitems, ekt do stoinser sat heals: - What than pill Is ressierlY polar *radiate for air atm& bf time, - Dstrocia. is esams of iti • laima." is ore alma& an to Fitton Naomes Zomba Veda or,Crthalitis LessansOdt stostally shillalas to rottrithess to* lailthyrober raster= who lan tteaKiagredisats rewsif sera:mai them • , ~,..-,: .-, ,•••;-.- i. , . , , &MIS'S "MSDISSISS 1111117' , 117 ! oszoP o 01 01 Ski'Pia& Alottaattia Onsair•oraNned 'with, ether .. , sat inlaid it the sanund &nib SAS MIMS] Tbl 7- 10;i011 : at. tits - tare*, tietweitaa, siek and •MirObio, ,„laciarths. and bilker ateetate sometalip, ' ,thilybrint ournatial. "'Tam se but hale sante 'beet thins aril they as bs sates hi alibis enrolls' grata hemisite 1 lissoretial` bn, !oar Sixth and ' Ties, %WM( wits sto biz ' ~,,, , , „ , ~ . „ , ;! *Vara -thblithar 8,11 , 11 “."T 411 " Writ '',' tat,,tlJolOrrist-idaireis to isiai L lar - I fa dsys - AI olobit Nowt. Amass atisinnos of nalass isistAni tits Mart Itillbria tol, • , ' • l'i l ,304111.111nIgar f:, T * 4'1,_ 1 1. 14 ' ‘'.'"*!7' . - '.1•" 1 "4".•" ' . ,' - --. • ;. : *-1! 11 1/ 4 0.1+S 1 4 • MID, PO/1111EACIAL. /10 ' itioiei alarkitt, " 44sith, Pisersivials, si sa aut baste salmon hah* 4 advames it the Stook laud bp smut salsa, Mt* tinitie is Par Prissy Naar, Itailroad • shares arerstr a t r tastrody et about It Tai waist martasso a ids, eir, rimiest id. oboist at lON. Camdsa sad braly,sisirse told at Mildi iihniaathinoni Chula! Wad Iratosterall, Ps. rogii Mans, shires advanced 2, scam Stalk•issaiss Ines dill. Vies mows market is "1 that gam la ISTSfrb Is abandsist, sad good paper setiont, , Tars ininit to to, within tits haa t an well us labeet, a wait ottbst elisieenstardel "MOM SatatitAle, arrears New York rusk•bass have ihilinger able* mat s warier of dollars dorm tits , 4 1 1b-wiefiLomerases of taaistafthirsity. of New Oboe wer: Ilan IL lOW, prams rs the spin- Batelle' Maria abuses Arm the imam exhibit of libot,...._Mtl -,-I;',._' - • - ,„ '.,,, - - - ~ APPWriiktpii, ' ''' -.' ' .. r ..;:... . !Wit' 41111Viridla ll in i s t ii.:: • . : .17 ' t..; Ex ; 46,„-.. sayst " ThetattsLit . ara u tr Cret` ton. Woad a 'Oliers — air 'Mlle - rd. erre frosl' il lsi - is ig gibbir sirs 171 . 4iiist PE 4° l •••rmulatretar.' ac t or t.totr 10 Naas rOSSlOJETElarliiig k .• t to4tny la rare- wobsessiii iiii - Pabusd lam iv 4 tiesearsi Nod Rs rata mak Sil r ie oat., These rilicesom its issusuiesit ads= a issamit *ism wiewner mills, gm inum, , militt s ;, ra t , ptt , 177% *A l it a llitst o cr ban 1"k j bliellil r it• ="27:', l eti • ne ••4•.; •;. ?1 • .. /DELL,* : short li i., IS 1.10 - ' • , ~• 1 ' 'figs ivy, York Ceara oar ziwtoo iiila ; 16 1 ~,,t 4 ......, zi 0t „. 1 , =44 ... v .... 411 -„,, ; „ „„,,zr some • sais7,pardis . "N riirg „,..„ Siir r , re to reek A_ ' li•Weirla i rt;____thiss , TA% ' muss alt niarrtairid, thin tam is so ove rs ew.. re.= sttis• ligalliin Sillil s r rid most 1 itie tbo rk r , id is aid ie ili to t ti t tm eN "l VlTMekt r ie da m d tr fNmerw, Z i rl i t be so to sisamotr. 04,1 JtWWtt c:books Ave insairsztA T • 'strisysi, r• surierbo= &tog MR SR SW IMo77osli limo is It as IsoW roseveten.” ' • "•Tea Ihosurbast el era ~ hes aseiret Mood WASS tress tio Undid Mars Cosset at liarsiof a dation jr thaStibssel'at dailaStos a than ea, " that ta siesbkof 006112 sad Oita MASS USN. to bi SibliSS by 'thiamin the cabins ot treassis,erai the peop desk, is liet"earrimit pat Newel sad medal tamers !Witt* Powys: 'lt sloe &mai. Mai pee ammo's * **l I**,l be and Triansi, sahlishel i ta&Ham thew If ta disease tha tow tote 6 dilMO trail in, inuidenab;o t the acesisimis ' will set altiset to wnies it." ' ~ -, tortit rrii *hiss. =hick , Eselloiii is ~ , Ilities, ..,. ~-,,A llayll.llll. . ' ' '.' ' ' ' " q 4 7 1111 :: a 314 1111111T illt""Wril lIOARD "1" , - 1 ! ,i 6"“. . it"" . , itik..i , ge ~ 3 lioldsh Notn. ' ...:II , •' ~ _ , u t . 1 s s Nommegra % i . — ft - .... 1 ...., '..' ... , ,...t 7 ;tri I 1a . vt . . ho lr ......--..., i n ' rensf f i t titer.ißt .. ' r':::::: 1 1 ~ , tura Miriam mm 061.11 m 1 i . k ee l . r_ ~.,A"'M lim. ~.., 271/.., 7 ,II heir Mob Bask z 1 boa; 4,, , ..;..; do /.44 a 1111(0104101010St ... IS • , 1 , •• ifo f ,'. #............• •• 1 ' , im • - all 4 ' •,..-" 1 frea•tebbi Bask - . 1 1, 1 11 1- #e 1;,...1die.:111 - - Iliteta Deak... Ili .... , I'' i e '''SSTWEIT , N.IIMIUM • Ifinritei..bi. awns ileiDir Owl ...... . eag .13,f..... MI • r Utiles lb C oa t e. ..bs. 11 ... - -•l a ii " '' ; , letllE479lT WAND. ay tif t i`. . : i 1: i Pe*, 11. .-- --, os IN -..........:. UN 10 Lori b Val it, -4 ..... tt ;Os/ . Nser.siet __ ~ to a 'era. 1 Nev ilyr , M,' mi NRNSOI krildu , j e # WO sirifiVVC: AFt 41.4...... NM „, .., ~, 12... WO . L.L.... , Sot , ja, t. ,-,. • - va' ifigi,.- , do., -.. Is Aly= l I! . .rm a i l l t . -4,,,ri0i &coatis -- in it;::sl:ii 1; ,c4ML.2.girialh , DULL .8 , 4 Pittlitialialr ' Serail twist Ili l iti' Si 1 ' is .1-44'111131 := 3 , ..g rtr34 . ....; I 4 4 I IL. . ]lam 3 , r,.. lii --- • ,- ..,...3 Ibbt leap s itr. NM ill 7,:.., ter AI • _te . OM ..., 0 Sit( i Si iii .- NS - JIM I NOIIII te, sow um "... 11!'14 7 4 94 g)I ":=1,. 1 % .1 , - •. At* I tici e stri i U - giii i ti Lj . lids sic 116 1 ,--- 1.0 4 ,,,,51 i . , -;, lidi'fb--Illaalas. VMS insiiiiiikOt attatiaara !lama siwegic tba Wee bilis WO sir intairli -Via wwWeat ilia Wadi, Wird Itar. aboWitt. abed Thsi Si for siderflea. :Oita SI for extra, iSidt„ -.OMUN $ ms to, 07,011 4 , , bbi tot limey beads se matabilldr liidißkoar. sad Corwiteel , ere re,y, quiet ;, ve1114.54110 fellosela S4II - t eed 10: ?4t0iet4350 fit SOO FiliONMaa . is atria. • l aroc i Ttit.Hrxiiwx=itgaziuntatia , ANlJSruililvlJl4', bay finThrisii •rt d r at kil. ilii. emli.slatior - On. jilt .14111340:1111111111, at estiv:ilad. wait* la sawn at 01.40 a ot OW: trim non trwr,- Mid A. litieln ON of moss Voillente Me. , Co's se poteßlaity ; about 11,1 M bus .11 , ..4111.:, *Tee *sr need *at so • Seatbant yellow 1 wee , 'lwie Jarrow lots, wlta ti ism very tonatrablit i r ltitleeital - wktta at lic , ars dull: to loofa II 1110;."101 . N4'll'l4,l'lo 4116 widiotas much, 11A--771, - 1. is ''il '-' Utd igi f Ul a teld 112 Sin& 1 Zal Q (M ei rljardsli , 'lllO St. lord: , ” " ' - -.010110114... t .r flier' 111vajittle baiinstiort,tiot OW war- , --wk. ,--... i ra . woo t ficts.. A . , ..v....1...„,14.,..., ~.„„s t k ver is r ,„... 2 , l 4, 7lwww: k e •A i maitios. ta671. 2 m ew-Mtd 6 "6..4, /27,_2,m .""n irs .. 4 . 1 %11 1 SO3llf-mma et lbw - Loa. iatattar, aad us thom k.... atild at trial ItOt mot; prima is IKOrdia e li ISL4this gi iW ili digrat - :. 14111-IHE HOTELS iiiiitti' PRIN CIPAL'' • , 1-:T HE I=l !";`'"" . ''''., ,-,- - ' , 4 1 ,..' — ` 4 ifir j ,1,,-"' - ' 4itao . au akaitat i st: :'' %stiff i ; A: eir , c . itt br .,,,, k . : c „,,, 0 e r er n 1„..-,..-. , A . _ ,, r tadi ilfrl . ' ' - P 91114 v eileint „ .. , it %mai eft Vil- Manic' .. NIII ' Il_ -1 - . 4 ,. , bilk .. ."2 . ~ Law r- ... N; .. ' i an MP. it 0 sum Fa_ ' -- Ds It lik:ir soi totott f ,_ il Wats i 4 , ' J. , iwy ii:lit Wla_, • ‘ll4 &Ili, 4steir" I . Ir g l a T. , vrit.t4tun r ft. la, 1117 1-1 ; ...... slt*skh r illa ; if Fi& ia. It ' , vi atiott ll r a ',„„ it =56..117. _ ~,,,::: —,t,v , ~ mdu.d.v. , ~ If Y ,- 1, ' t ki : , • ;41 -Iggh :sr_ laVt., a . f a Iraish— . ,t. e . t• ( Int.ma, ,t. "liltrirtatut 11.-Adi,NAI Areit, atm** Ikea - I gAtll attV"t ' t tut. il gli f ivin.. 0111 1 / ir.. at4;til ..„ ~ Wie ik.-001 , 0**; 1 4 ' • i ". ifl o le• ; . t ,‘„,. x e. ` - ' I • ',I, taloa F eche mr - wr NI .v.mre. - I.Yekr4\#, , r !-Tc!, • - -• -••••••-• - --••- •••• - • - THE,-,PRESS.--PHILADELPH/At ...WEDNESDAY MAY 23, .1860. IMO '- •; G I lA VJ NO InOs na4oo•o4no. ,- , a j'Alla - ,•,. * ,'. a I I r r ,,,,, I 0 ' i fis. :•...' -.:: -) . , 4. ioTs, Go ' ' ,* ' unaor u 2 , 1 . , .V. , .- 4, • : , 7 • ff k 0 4 . :, '' • el l 7 16 ,0 ~ ,- ~-,,, I I Duerinairo And , , Wink °ha, O a r 11c :4W* POW; Ai ' - itoooa. a J - • V . ., * A' jit "; • ~ trWilla,Pa r iplCKa,," , o ,„ fr tir ~...„.7.74mir • 1 1 11.7 •e: calyx n 0 , , Vrik, *es • Ai . :autar.i ' l kt rtor, Is ' ,tkiii_anT a . 'N 0 ''-,'.'' J . I m u tilr • - snwirewe r - Air 0 . : D m; ? atom . - ', 'i.m . c6: 41 ,47,Ti6, - triatinco. illeum Conn Nrsorig: t4 s . , is i attilim, G rk , ang !re: . .. Tall.laa, 17 ', •• • Mae Or O 0 0 retnrormt o ll e to - .f i r w e*. ' oat. 0 Blinj ak ."." ' .." . li al nal _iifk_tieir r i ztillil , , : , ,Au lo ,1Vw1,4-o rokrolit, Corbolo Photo •is Cobden, Minh A 0 Cain, o rit Aliii ' r4 . - • LEhmir 4 g y es • al Jots f /Sp, Billetonta TWa i ra l itivri 4 . t.ccr C isoi li u & r li; l i t bI Is S P .14714 1: 1 1 4 14 # 2 " U i i r ' ll „. l4 , Y N Y w r I srottoll orts. NY m R il u riillnutirl ' : r V i ithd.: 4 w r ivisitos ; Eigittili more , in f il lt t" .r . '. . Y iiiallig lilr : i t a tO i lt t: ::% . it - , ' i ;i t . n e Ves i co u . . P ts, Ira ftt... 1 .144 . 1,.... • tixpipal.'d Peabody; Br,' .1$ arentql...var a 4:zitywd,.„T. MaGRICAN, .HOTEL—Ohortnuc aro*. aim' FOUL ,7,7j_prioo;Lo: - IN 0 i'iliz t l4, Z C FroSoghlisst. NI , railer Naitton, MAI W 8 ling!. : 4 J Brno*, ft 4 AGryintio4 N Y `, - Ran, OW, 0 , 4 ,T e c t= l iihr L it 11,4eilear , s . 1 1111 Noll yilislzaf'4 - qick IliaPitabl,,• °Fkal.Pa G J ones . Ls '', ':. ',' 4 , a i ry, 0 0 1 g WritatirL i lia l rttam: Pr G Wogs r !Jr , .., oickerrn. ....mown N Stool, Po rt 'irk, ..... A ' iil l ettott ° WA" - Kle*lgi..e.r - lim n ., J ai: iff, l Buton ISo •&; et Chink hos I, Y ito e r i reliecrt, N Y N. /oaf:: p.m. . . ~..... . . A _Bo=l, Pena _ ir Lmi rit t. I' ' li p ?Irk T stsolaSU. Y En _ el__ . e s . D 0 , v ve n traton lONEW NOTCL—CkaGnas stage. *pm thxob. ' . itTP.RiI i n f.' ik. 11. N.; et s 1 I v i Ilei s Walk aGan.. :Wanton '/A itollij, , T . noon 'a . .!_s i cra ..; . I ' • Clark, It ''' . • P Loader lt Y kiition N r i oiA, R CATFlo Wainer, York ; Fe it* mann wen , : r 8 A Brown N_Y W R May, Wen, 0 A Borrobor:NY .- ' ' „Oils sow . 101 1 1 Nonswri Aiiiirta *lvor, '4AM se' .eib OWL Wailer 4ints.gler Va.* Of - . • LOUIS HOTEL—Dliestaut ab. Third. L'.." 1 .`"..4 MI? Paa MM. Nd Alm G R Md Ppbll P, Atop. Md Meat W Lavy*Not, KW. y_ °Jai:ulna. k, 0 R ti2* afford. 12_1,7 N Clark, NolmeeNes, Pa Megan, Wilmington 4ttitili/6411P- Area. P Stevitimin, •15., Coaradr'.llollldayabl Clads. Pittibaeg "r Kennedn ritiannir BIIMIIIParker, • ow J i ailuay*,llrowaay mot* Nankai*. Pa ' Hamm Fa W Chorine. Mil ton, Po , j Duni_ Afloat:liar ait v Mns DevoikJo, MarAriney, Alleth city sail 01.14rib/ill. Ohio 3V Reif. hi FObe White. Va , ' W MaCioaryi, Patellae' loilts buten D eirialSa Chlem I Robertson. lowa A elan Doves, Pa W 0 Patton Columbia, Pa It near, ininevaie 11lettleti l‘k t.1 . :1, 1 % ' ?.I,ll . l l l:Vitubu't .o m ad r i rilzd Vaela iw a t tan t ilVi d arriti e f Y - 5 4 B j i 2t i l ad k t l i terls' r* V 2lll • yid Poimtb,„ Ohio Lou ~I . ll l l,lPelier g Tillie rtes. rbenixwaS p a asom 412( 1 1 11 7 ' AU .I.oa Gomm York al. a obn A 0.,„ , ion Osmizoliv Ih ik tie Pa * am* R axons, Miniungten,lid VaaNllnl N titYwhilltiClAlr BOTHIA-Dizth qt., above Chestnut. try Andrews, Lam oo t tas Dagen. W Cheater vileir i t o Ll o f 00 . - se l o ldleu, ftelsed . 11414 -.. a Armor. md Heart oistrer, int cuseter_bi r ituder. Chester no R InriN Vh•tta Pele Whotoside, Chester oo .1' li r lordley k te, r uoit ' - i Eltareleee. °honer oo rd _Num, Chutes. no _ &toot limo 00 B wit* u, Lams do Jolt's, 000 l ot t i r par : gester, Pa ' Iro n ft r M roll**, Wihi. Del "Nylon, H a. B ripp z iT Chester Dam 14 . .p.4=4. . AtliZit CI, MOP. , litirous Rook . • HOTEL—Ase• •• • n toll Thivd liMvolot Pottsville • vr , era i di!ff a y :bA ii Al a ro l o=_ L LA:Pri t . , ilhe Mo , ••••ew• geoSigneh k moot " t: WOW, Chaffenown wi mon, iteding " Imre Seise. Newport as art "0. usc'Zilrcarzu. °V l l, o ll cptunidAtan' ra okt•ei *oho, Cataerise• Lewis • emee4l....ativirm IIdIdrEKOLE HOTEL-Tend at., above Calipwhill. T 8 lonseinor, Pittebarg • LLsisenirlag,:.Pa . • - Z7 s ll . l f trod de, Po- -alynaisorer, LAMA oo . II Co SR brew : OM - # f 9 3:14 1 1 11 001:714 Co pikti l icj iuski lr_ ri r a , a bero iah b, Lehigh op .. •il ha, ishdown A4Wsitsm dr, j ekenzunan,'Llhlehem - , . _,• - Eamon te , . ......-- . , • •.- . , . SLACK WAR HOTICL-Thlrd et., aliks Gallowthl. 0. a'raktlcroa iit t itcrelne.,_„l,o' r ow elle, -, - • •- , ta, Landiaamanoe. _ no Ms... District - &nen, iMassimrs; , np oUbsitra ny "4 h url ; JAW .i: p i* mum Weaker. Psonsbure re Lis TogiV, Brberry _B_ • A . , Doke RI r nom rata ~ w sloe, rtmildi ' k iii. Baby amilas ~. WDobwares, bad* , ~,. Saw e, ve rtu 6o •1. „low Kenneled, Pa. • i „ . „ 48,Aii SqUilit-Thinl st, above Cia3lowbill• a ,a 1 ,samon . 0n1 , 51ame. ,4 2 • r • ; my, Wm suer. vs - ftitiebor, ai; tiA i i veni nin : 1160 iDlKlter,._Olinbon so IS, Au 5 Vl7Tri -- - witit i Vaioai I mdamn, os - li. r tootbvis -. ii II 4.11 MAsb *sibs . ii: ).e. 1 Mi1i..14 a ma Wi 'Tremont . - '. Geo diustaop, mop oo ' "itil'Al f i 31""4.-amei r 'U r alir airset, ni is'ir i ttlif "i: ' ''711:1.(41,1%.,!..,D4 IDWall WWII. fr. la, Dal Mks Loskwood, Del - O Mimeo t. Mile - - , Wielicreard., lid Die bl_Poteroo6, S y . too ,06 rlt t i t y ~. , /so W Ira, Toe p l itas P losea tu r 00, Pa Mr& er.l ren ' -Geo rt iVidain.. .) . D W Obie , Newuk.N 1 -ZS Adailtlikit , Jai il WI %Did - . Id oil eB, Deo Atm Canby,. Did, „. _ ua _Coo • 1 ... I Quirbri kirk Pe '' ' -'- b ARUM, D, Del - ' W 0 DrOK, Falco, ltd iIaiLNYI SOAP ROTSL-41koad at.. below Vine. iiiThomisi. Pa ' ' B.66l6r. • Wtpkidne oo lb Davis, Pa" L WSW, M 18 as smiip,K 7 . E. r Watson. Pe _bi estop, PP - 81es. Pa Dodionbowor, Ps • C id hat, Ps 7°Pkiir_i: Montt*: ti J Jarrett, re t IParrY,Attieboro ' CI blob, Pei obbina. re beat Now Britain Th a P i iAN t r iell°4l2 1 1 ü ß lritel e Pe kfigrn, ‘ ,6616,em - .. teeten, , glow Hoeg MT492 Aso i•Ps 'J Yirdlry, oaks oo faillotbirrriPVistK" km -ra Davison, Obaltionham - How nAZ tiorttn:liaadlat . TIBUBION BOTBId=7. 4etnsf.abars Mr& Joet Trottel, leers City I. Beltilliay,ealato, Ohio, J W Beeermerhora.dals If !Ikon. Oh i o day re, Manch Ch e anir , Mut ,iuman. - Ireetott• p a H Brown re J agen4 r hno Walla. Bait - eCook. Ohio wArsattpa.: r Kennard. oorfolk N zwes:nanzu ow; ido o Jonas Newtowt, Pa ohs Boarao. Buten oleos A! each. Pe ?WM WOrati balm. NJ, 1, Moo use, Brownrr 117 - c. 7 41 7' fiLitilbica°,Rotikiille. Ti IMPORTATIOI6II. . • (Reported for tie Fress.l BOSTON.—ftearaship Cambridge, UninW-1114 Add domestic goods Farnham. Kirkham & Co; 64 do Lee, kishatilsop, P ants & Co; 2640 Brenner, Reichert & Co; 14 do Frottnegimm it Welts; ;0 do Fithian, Jost, & Co; $1 do - T it 0,11, SO do Harper & Aiodit; Aldo oast, flitMee & Co; 62 do D W Jones & Co,. 12 do rhos Fatten MI do Gtorso F & tto• U do ,Reirmil. Dora Co; 13 do U W Fobso; 111111161 0 1ish order; 44 oases bosts and oboes F Cif); 46 illydrs, Olog sore & CmUdo Hroma & att; 10 do Tamen: 111 do 20 26 Shewell; 16 do They..l4 Csireerawatt; ES Ws doh John Dump Neu 16 do J 141 Kilistedt & Co; 40 bdlis sootase At,tor & igt eases oil 000 5.1070 & mitts; 0 bOldieuthes Sandy it Dresser; 101 bass Wipe; re Jor dea & Isrm; 20 bbia nil Z Locke & Co, 110 ;Mile furniture Mom, Fedikbaut it. CM 60 do glass Musser & Monroe; II eases tabs kilerrick i cons; SP bills paper C mega•te &Cott" cip A Prokitly it • 0140 ootionthworth Manufhtp. toEtCoi 12 taddeskind E D C Ilpoonert WO half bbhi Kdigt&S.M ire 01 furniture W Sairderdon k eon; 04 cue &CoO bags rudoes Rigby & Coil° SOW eo RIM ft Co, , .BRINE INTELLIGENCE., VN#grAez. , ARILIVED. arly; g Thompson. Csurm , 10 days from Trinidad do Cr midonolasses so to lb SPIV F /1•141041. g.llom. 14 Oay from Cardona', in[, ngtansr 10 Coo Nolinuth. ay 114. lot MP u. ion% Tr smaa boat Kass Mostar, from mumston for MIMI. SOWN out, Sabr W Mard Saulsbury, Nudson,ll days from Boston, is bo y lsaS to 0 A Haoksebor & Co. 4101 44iry Eww,. tiondaraon,ll days from N York, wits lads, so David Connor Wm- Sokourdo, Clark, team from Citomposko City, will anus to Obrisuan arrin. Smarnar °sword, Boman, 24 Mon from N• YOrk, with soda' to wm M Bard 4k 00... ' . ' 1 , Sestaablp ntins, .te r olimeMdi T•Webeter. Jr: nir 1 &raw, -: midst do unto, litewart, aWilioupdint Depo,ll.l4llo44,Dviirly, Van Dixon, Norma & co. • ._ pl:pro lt rat i m s pr=2.aving, t ; :grw 3 it ir t i tt i t i r i rd". Pitarit do l i ti r rlofir a pnte,:nti7ill ' Illott ant ol Dlatittote& co d :, - BUJ a OtttlVer, #Ol/1.• galtnri;ol A Drov“." 4l '• ‘., . _ . . - - mEatollaffDa. Itemithip Dentisstoa, Data, hew, arrived at Dot trel VII terdll7. itteamshre Asia, Lott, for Liverpool, Mewed at New York lesterdar Stipasttalitp Posmsylvants, Teal, hence, arrived at Richmond fist inst. _ • ittemostdp_ City of Richmond. Mitchell, willed from Diatoms a lit um for rhilaaelphis. , 1 s ei tAlvessit Fish, scons, hence , was b elow New Or ipiiiiik ve rest Quell, Crooby, from New,York, st. Ban VI it n r c ArerTiron Booth, naiad. for West Coat of 8 a regt ',...n0t, tvirectrtm.,.... we. tm to Ina from - New inane 13th itst. , - - - Bask at:la Pannonia.' keratosis swum Arms, ar ririrs holtts, 7th ult. •• ~ , T sum ind a till , arta litritrlitiCAVO l* l3o. 'illi at E t t: ../ .. Virsinla, owry, for ir im Janeiro, clamed at TO twits 7. . - iiiirtimpross tormaralker, from Pornainimoo, t o Iry in is o,, iMin e Mg. .. . . . . • • Wig w it it. , Op . 0/,hilidOlPloop elearml at Behr a St Intel Comoi, from fiaiveiten, arrived at !tor leik eate r .r. - - • ' • - - • ' i lte is tAi rw e Demi, eist, *liter fterior, and j Ponder, Jr . Of% UP% (1 1 ,11 0 0 Weis Bak inst. , niat + - noir tor, ir Mee mated from ft&oh, *lnk Fritßia, Toitcasi t s Wsinwright, vsd at ail a rroallwr at New York yes lair bu ir a. , for Philiwisleda, was Virihr. 7 rd ir ri m , .1 otmetr dm Pm "ak in *Do b a.' it sin villa ra- Monis of watitr. ~ Jobneas bat Menu' to tot ves sel, to hrir ...a Mtn soasiunas from tete wreak. swam Asa Akita; 'Robinson, besot, arrived i t New Torn I rimmom.. , 80144111 r MUM, JAM ,1.8 - 1 le-Air satin' David J &ar; IliailslllM torinowtont L Bturterent do for Inah,Ar brig Ana; linstopixindriairis lid I, . . Warwtok Gar do . .wai *Millet,/ tl-, ,do; Jaw' Jtoitifj.. for doj 'P los. ra llfOr balm , On o, do-for haoth May reitT it TWMPr i9I 4I i t ill rilt; tr:L i rgsti l i i g. i u gt. l . Pl o i j r4 hover ,0. limos, Portnold fin , do. . s I .... .mt e ye dam 44 I m. .._ ny • .1 , aro, ii‘rir rammit, fll finds „ min. ii Aerie ed, ritiledelphis for Boston; Onin Isnind and Jahn la. Go nor nowberivort; Astivo Amnion, do pgruthi c if i erth Peel i lilioLif te llltanf r Z i tag t . do tsruralittjd. fo i rler4aitork 1 4;.." ilUmMlintet ill'Aof HMOs T Smith. e. ' Ord Pair liwerith enrol. " , r . 3're i g Artr li FfirweY; EirrE:Pr .Z P . **ye eitleeil td miNeji .r, i t• aVer, Elliott. John lc .srod Northern Lisht, V i e 4•l he r eehrlfFre 0 Smith, Are Al dna ar, Find Need, Gertrude Morton, Pena.. mon, y . _k3FIECI4L NpTIOES,. 0.017 a LAlfr 'Fateins,=-4tOONtet the 1110 aornyoundenewoffering to our lady frond!, there aril* the! we eel ao readily reeomnteid ea ikon eatemating from the celebrated: beastbf JOIMPIE - BURNETT kCO • , The)" nosapsa two itigalitiee to .. which : dt• - wmald eeneelaly gall attention; vie: the entire' abernat Of at i delaterior aubetaacna, and the oertainty that they Will perform 111 they an said to do. , The unitomant aid oftentimes painful reunite attending exposer, to oar moat changeable climate upon the aldni mci-be entirety obviated by the ties of BURNETT% KALLIIITON, which has now become eh useful an auxiliary to the toilet that no lady ootudders her drawing Uhl. 'tem plet/ *then% it. 0. Tree Mita. " MODBL SHAVING AND HAIBeDBISSING BasAaranticany. . - 1.. GUTBNUNST, : N. B. writer FOURTH and BRANCH Streetst having opened his maguidoent 'Wean for Nair Cutting Dyeing, and Shampooing, in canneation with thAmos &borate pricers BATHING facilities, weak! ,noir and wanes to the Dublin. after a year's suconaful operatlon• that his means of accommodating hwnumerottalpattwan nave been rendered still more perfect. - I/Or None but the beet artists are employed. rikir Pritate Rooms for Ladies and Children, "16` Best Hair Dyes, and other &ening- prepinetions always for wee. 117' Chimes moderate. tnyn-tf M MYERS /-• MIRACULOUS VERMIN Di IntOTXßithe older! and beet remedy known' dlr tenninatom RATS and RICK. COCKROACHES BUOB, 'ANTS, MOSQUITOES, FLEAII, MOTE% GRAIN WORMS, and GARDEN INSECTIL shr Priempal Depot, 612 BROADW" N.Y.; Bold by all Druggists everywhere. • myn-Sua ' Orrr. Phial Owntora or Ml ' LATEST liTYLIIII• made in the bat wanner, azawiesly for RE TAIL SALER LOWEST selling prams marked in Plain Fishtail. All roods made to orderwarrented WWI& Eaton% ur ONE-PRICE syebint Is strictly 'adhered to, as we believe tide to be the only fair way of deelini all are thereby treated ahkee IVREA & NOV Ilea MARE= liitnest, &VINO FUND—NATIONAL atlrNit Tipart Goeuratir.—Ohartered by the State of Penneylva is =Lk& -1. Money to reasived every day, and in any among -large or ulna% 1. FIVE PER GENT. intermit is paid for money - moo the day it Is nut ' S. The !nosey is always paid leek in (kW when Brat it Is celled for, and without noose. • 4. Money iereoeiven froin Nrsentews,Achniaireigerya estordimis, and Other Treatises; In large or small mum to remains long or short period. , S. The money received froze Depositors is Invented in Real Mite, Mortgagee, Ground O u ts, and other first. clams securities. • • L OfHoe:open everyday—WALNUT Strom*, Bentham* artier Third , • ISM S X 111111 X a SAVING FUND-1 , 4018811818 Ooze= kIEOOIO and WiaNt7T Benume.—DePollita m ewed In inaail and large &manta, from an &wee of the comaihnitf, and allows Interest at the rate of PiVX CENT. ear annum. EMi,Eii2==l22 Moe mien 'daily, from 0 until. o'olook. and on Men• day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Frei• dent: FRiNELIN FELL ; Treasurer ma Secretary, OHS& Mi . MORRIS. MAOHOMS. All poisons who him bought Sewing Machines which will not perform the work lexpeoted, are informed that FINGER'S Ma chines never fail to do any kind of work. Noons Messy disappointed in the Machines of ' I. Hi BINOER & 00., No. 1110 CHESTNUT Et. 1614-am SALAMANDER Frea-Paoor SAFI& —A very largo assortment of SALAMANDERS for eels at rer tunable grim, No. SOP CHESTNUT St. Philadelphia. ism-tf ; EVANS k WATSON. Hesatar Bounont SIWING MAOltume. IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST PRl:ilex AT EMT Philade*a Woe, The ARCH St. Atteutt wanted. fl#l4 MARRIED. WESTGOTT—SEIBER.-00 this 10th Mgt, by Rey. G. A. Wenzel. Mr. ThOMDIPOII Weetoott to WIN Map Leiser, both o this oiI. PURNUIA.--BENON.—On the Mb last., by Rev. Joseph Jones. Mr. dward S. Purnell to Miss Liztie T. Denson, both of tills city. 1,18 VER—WARNE.III.—On the 11th inst.. by Roy. S. W. homas. Mr Theodore Lister, of Milestown,.to MI , Emily G. Warner..of Germantown V A NDERS LICE—SINCL AIR.—On the 20thinsl..at Kensington. by John G. Wilson, V. D. M. Mr. Worse Washin, ton Vanderslice, of Philadelphia, to Mpg , Gath rug Putnam. ginclmr, of Baltimore, Md. A.DE &FOR 9-30.0W.—Ois the stet_ Row. .f. R. Keyele_,r :lAf i Frederiok T. Pedelford, of auz* Mass., Welles argent E. Brow , dalightilli 0 Os James Snow. of thu. city. • • 1/11.1622. FOUNTAIN.—In this oily, the Dith inst. t Julia 19. - : daughtersf William 0. as rhiistut 1.. Founinan. sod Years and 1 month. [Delaware canine will please ooPY.I uparast infantAbou bast left ns ! were Dadoas we deeply fel: But 'us that bath bereft us— He can all our mouton heal. Yet again we hop to meet thee, When the day of life Is fl ; ' • Them, in heaven. yob Joy t greet Mee, • W ere no farewell tear is shed. RIBOOI-15 Moult Bony, on Monday, May nit, fmao N. Won aged de years. The relative, and Wench, of the family h are retrp ?illy invited to attend the funeral. from his la - pos. on Thursday, may nth. at 1 o'clock, tr out urther notiee. hIoPIULTY.—On the 110th Met., Mrs. Isabella Mc- Nulty. sired yeare. Funeral from ner lita rrdenee. - flitteteg art. between Vora and a , ,01 1, , DHOW Mellteer gra Itn a ger, ) — n gtriftagg litarS;ti Ati /11.145, offaineiftldde t e 7114 kear m . q• age rune,at from the residence , or %Well luta. dell ah feet, they not RIM r mai dOOPE I II—ta the flat irk, Elisabeth Dawson, Wife ofilemuel user, sired .10 pars. Fireral from the madame of her hushatid ? kft Nora Dipt street, on Fifth-day afternoon. at 2o a oak. FriLTON.—un the alai Mgt, John Felton, Jr.. sired M years anal 3 months. • Fuserld from Ins late residence, Peltonyille. Seemed T M and Fisher's bunt, Twenty-second ward t .en Thursday afternoon, at 3Q eIect. KOESEL.-04the (Ist tut., Theodore D. %Oahe', In the 23d year of his ago. Funeral from his late residence, Ito. CM Poplar street, above foutth, on Thursday afternoon, at II o'olons. •• ROOMS.—On the 70th init.. hire, Lydia Ann, wire or DenJamul A. Roomy, in the 411th year Ober are. Foamed from the residence or her husband. No. IN irandpr o d street, below biome, on Thursday afternoon, at moot. "(LACK DAIWA MANTILLAS, of the most approvedntrlelland well rude. Blank Ounadate Harele Shawls, Fun Grenadine BULL sok Canton Crape ennw l e. Bed no look un., Bantu Shawls, ribbon, crape, quilled, end ruf- Black Tbibel Shawls, ribbon, crape, and silk borthirirs &a. Black thlok and_thinsatrials tor l ittaking shawls. my? jib" 111.47).bellkONVIVOIreare.t. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— Department of Arts.—The onantinatlon of the Senior Class for degrees will be held donne six days of the present and ne at week, in the afternoon, beginning on rowto day et 4 o'clok. WEDNESDAY, Md. by the Vice-Provost, (Physical Gl fritailiArill e tt, by Professor Allen, (Demoethe• see.) FRIDAY. 14th, by Professor Xendan,antegral Colon lu a 'written. +4 ON tr AY. 18th. by Profespor Conroe. (Ilttaw's Outline of For lish biteratit - e.)writtrn. TUESDAY. lelb. by Professor Copme,(Evidenoes of Christianityrerition. - WEDNESDAY, Mb, by Professor Jackson, (einero'R Tuhanlisnie) IiXOROS A bibEN, 23.130 Seorerary. ry" - • OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND NWT. ' bAT , ON CO.—Pe ILAtELPHIA, Map D. IMO —A Dt todoad of 1 88 a ttE Pll3 OEN r. eon& to ONEI)OL LAtt. and FIFTY CENTin nee Antra on the I noitel Stook nf the Company, hes thisdar been declared bi the Hoard of Mennenable on demand my2:l-3t ED WIN WALTER, Treasurer. SPIRITUALISM.—MRS. A. M. 81 , 13N05. it Trion...Medium 'lnclemnt rower hit and eloquent epeaker will Leeture at HANSOM &CREPT HALL, on FRIDAY LVENINO, the 26th nut., at 8 o'olook. Adinnotion Ave (Anti. St' ST_ON.E _CLUB ATTENTION.... drrres N W EAINTA.Venitt instant, at their WEI.FTH rind CHER'. NUT Streets. WM. bl D cOANLESIL President. I Lr SEVENTH ST. GEORGE; BUILDING AND LOAN SOCIETY —Th. Sixtb abated meet ing will be held on WEDNESDAY EVEN ING. inot A st e, Moak, at WARDS HO TEL, No. a DHSS ST Sweet. above Third to receive the duo* and ham the fours. 7he Colatitution of this Uoototy is based on liberal principles; the borrowerspay interest only on on the amount meet ed, yith an allowance of interest 'yearly on the amountpaid en stock. and when the not amount loaned pai d his Indebtedneu ceases and his mortgage cancelled. The platens of the Beyond It. .INOTR..• MO satisfiatonly. In nine years, isalmre suarainee that th i n enolety will terminate in about Dour years. Shores It per moats, atid can be had on the evening or the mel t ing. AM D H. DIETRICH, President. JOHN VOLEMA , Secretary. iny2S ft' 53.6 orrice o_y THE PIUILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPAfff,._ MSM Tie holders of the bonds of thie Company, aims; I MOP, can now receive, upon application at this oleo., /0 c r ret. n h i e leash, Upon the terms specified In the enroll. The holderi are also entitled to the benefit of a flunk- Fund of $140,000 per annum, as estebfished by the stockholders at their annual meeting, heldJenitary 9, WO, and 111 pursuance of the to entered into by he company an d ditty mooted, to carry the same into dent, Et Ma DFolltd, Treasurer. CIRCO AL • Notts to the Holders of Ai/ado/Aid cad Reading Attib& Company hfottitato Bonds, doe Juts , 1, lea These bonds are ssoured by the first mortgages on _the road, amounting in the aggregate to *CANA*. The amounten fur the last fiscal year was sut times the of the annual ini erect on these bonds. • The managers ',room to extend them for & period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bands fad the security of the rhortgagecin the precise condition in which they are now hew,. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half -yearly, will be issued bonne of 10 per taut. will, be given to the holdal gontideration of their assenting to the extension. Is bonus will be paid in cosh to the bearers of the bon ds, on their signing a_reoinsit and presenting their Teepee -I.,ve bonds at the Whoa of the Company, or to Its agents, fit endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on onPlication. or tf der of the Ikia r U,dAA Managmers l- blefEelle V. georetam IMPC'RTANT TO flOt SEKEEPIRS. • PATENT CARPET -HEATING MACHINE. NO, , 1903 rime, F., Street Cte WPM of philadelphia have- experienced grist Moon- Iremence end suffered much lois for years Jost, in the °smitten; of houtekeeping , ror the want of • ?BOHM, artta•t4 and aceromniat,i 'nomad of having Disir CARPETS CLEANSED. They will. therefor be r t ied tr, learn that a fdaohltie hen been incentad foe - Purism, tay.ne bun in imooessful operation u on and New York for some three yeAre Wit. eying emeersal satisfaction in those cities. Tke_proprietors nave every confidante that the wit tit rtinetknehla wilt awar d to it their patroness for my own advan tage g its merit is its own reoommendation, Expsrianoo Ice 'loved that the • &tent Caraet /SWUM Mantel§ batten on ttrevnel to ea o'nll2l{X 11 1 1744 pot too l . too e tom 01 the „finest ompets. as they ate Gestic,' testa flexible tokip a. It iglibalif cilOrs the eantet of duet and vermin, all parts nig UnIfOrMIT beaten, sack Mars and receiving some seven - hundred even and uniform blows. Patrons. are resreatfully incited to cull and see the Maninne ny operation, and bow the work is eutalutlid, Oraern tbronnk any of the City DiSplitoll6B Will mein, Prompt attention, by addr"M WH-KNIKY & COFFIN, mkt Silt No. 1903 NOBLE Bt., (late Willow.) Pin la it THE BEST ARE OURAPERT.-Buy UrabioKea and Parasols of Whf. RICHARBIOR. .royl4-tlyMf No. 1118 MARKET Kt. d tPARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS in every variety, cheap, at WM. H. RIOHARDSONT myli-tjylif 415 MAXIM bt. SEW PUBLICiATIONS. Bur YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT Nr; 41„, 11, Street. : : e e fi ,• '- (IR •Eook Store, o. 439 Nhiatatit street. ' ,gw Apo More, No 439 Chostout same, airSA . Writ, No. 439 Ohertant etr4o3. • • ' NOO/61:410 - rig i tr . ..,_ Ira;iiitos., . -., ow* Tine vantage ALL l girko I4 I I I 4"t it .kB e St I NTIAND, .IF, you Aix 14 9 14AZ13,110023 OF ANY NM , them at BYi oB ' an' 7 it RATVILisNMET, I . v : 4 39 VIEISTN Tor r .p, _„, /11000 INAMi e g .l6 rullyTmENT OF • AT .• Aiiiitiiat tr ou advanrien of reoeiving a - Gi ft with moon Osi 110111Cous front mit asetire von eiost Ma test OW in HIV when 1011 should irstrekars.nnabS is nr,inoir,m ° ""tirdisz w. .b, .__ . Two door oellw .triwill, on the tipper att Jir o Veal visiting t the pity are resapatllia - Ind get a Clatal= " i in. mr" collecuo"ml2s4lr. MART BUNYAN, THE DREAMER'S BLIND DAUGHTER.WIT ILLUSTRATIONS. ..11. Tele of Heti Wm Persecution. tly Sallie heater Pfabititafkßl _Since Truemen. I vol. Pnoe 611. 1 71poiriale . by. btflUtt r Ar .15bAirt8TON, Publisher' and Bookselleiv, 96 South Sixth street above Chestnut. RR QBN thy riumaeit-ED ,Tvaar i i on; or, The Inquirer after Truth. Ift,Z 7 l 7 lifit PIT. lirbliss . Afolfeever. CA/LOLOVE PL l VATBS. Bl Thrggisitrul i ng. T. B); Mni.llll. ;. THE. 0170% 8.6'4410N. By John Young, ALL ?ot'if T hi h t ifOrogierd, Rolle ,an d oatmeal's, or vales. scones published.- ous, ntyll TWO DREAMER'S BLIND DAUGHTER. .1 9 A 1 1:Y BUNYAN. THE DREAMER'S BLIND DAUG TEg„ A Tale of Reli g ions Persecution. By the r or Graoe Truman.' Ilmo. 11. • H W ENJOY LIFE; or Physics,. and Mental Hyg emit. ,_I3I.WM. SEASONS. D. Ilmo. 78 *eats. SERMONS ON THE By Rev? Fronton Moore. With tiodnue. wants. 11tH now Ism Tus )NS. By Aunt Friendly, 40 oents. PROF`. MITCHELL ' S POPULAR ASTRONOMY. Ihno.E_ ABBOTT'S ABORIGINAL AMERICA. Illustrated. " TH IwI I'PROVINgg OF REASON. A Critioism on Manse Limits or itehmeils Thought. By John Young. OUR SUMMER AT SUNNY BROOK. 16mo. 60 oentik For sale by_ WILLLAM & ALFRED MARTIR.N. my! N 0.806 CMS STNUT Street. [Fart First of the 11 1 ti m ed Mae Azithmetlo. New • Mon.] NI 4t. J. B DbE CO., NO. 508 JR-e• 1111 OR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, have re. " fa im kiLtZ d ENTil OF PRACTICAL. ARITHME TIC ; Wag ettglanation of the tandamental pro ammo or ntthme r tt, rid Viet: applir4on hoorpound Weist m ig i nl i tsr7s. P . ft:re:47r Art l itemssttes da z e ' : jg aro g ! Passel pf ihilastelpht!s. and author of 6 on nseunration end Prentice! (isometry: 'and pawn AU'S! , author of •• First Lessons in Al. rerteV t i kt t Gni!: Treatise l o g :Pi r rrin f ti s?. lll ,l 4 n e . a. P i r il ls h . 11: 71:Ne;04 Agnettepts and United States Gazette safe of ii: , • We have examined this elementtry Vent's e with much ewe, and consider it as exact, well arranged. and Prasltictal,Aq any work award kind we have seen In dew, we might safety it the palm. Its !lapis, natiolis, Mess and *nannies ate remarkably full and clear. s Or Mottle opium for examination, math d to teach ers, postage paid, ea receipt of ten cents. mg 23-6 t REAL ESTATE. al FARMS, FARMS, FARMS, FARMS. 13RS ST CHANCE 1011 FIARGAINB.—Some of the finest Properties ever offered at Private Bale in Montgomery, Cheater. and -Bucks counties, by B. R. "CORWN,itsal Estate Agent and Lonvoyancer. Norris. town, Fa. No. It, is a Fenn o[7B acres, within a mile of Norris town : will be_ sold a bargain. n o fliis a Farm of Macrae, in Lower Providence tp. 1V0.7,, ma handsome property of 35 acres, near Centre Om. . . N ura o. 11, is a Farm of 109 acres, in Gwynedd township. No, 18, is a beautifitliplooated Farm of 103 acres, in Lower trovidonoe.wita bee improvements, wear and fruit plenty. No. IC is a very fire property of 89 acres, in White inarah. on the turnpike, la a good neighborhood, and improvements very fair, No.llB,is a Country Best with 32 mire., neer the bo- Te l .ii!,7l ° ll d la d Z o grat‘eantifully located. with SO sores of good lent water plenty, fruit, .ko ; near the borough. :. Plo. gog, is kflrist Mill, Lumber, and Coal Yard. with 10 gores. near Norristown, where a large haziness can be d one. No. Kr. tea handsomede little property of 210 g acres, only two miles from Norristown ; i mato , . Meats nearl ynew. No. 93. is a hangsoms little property of 10 acres, with privilege of 14 sorer , in Lower Providence townsh ip. No. us Farm of nacres, with fine improvements, good sail; and Wry proawative, near Line Lexington. Aisle, te a Farm, Tavern, and Store, with 66 acres of land, in Upper Frovidenos, alt in good condition ; for " As a . SlM l sel l e - rm of 41); acres, in Norriton township troplovementa mite fair, soil good, and water and fruit plenty. M a very groduotive aro handsome property o 14.1[1," ii i t i los t lv a itli ; S w ao ate re "l 4Prr i npitTegients in Lower ProYidenoe, in a village! no. gp. is a humor V% sores and very - good imtirrre• monis, soil very productive` also. 1 Lot of 91 cores, and 1 ot 10101108, adjoining No. 43 N 0.41, in s very productive Farm o f 06 acres, in Lower Providence, beautifully located; improvements good and enhatintig ; terno easy. No. 0, is a Farm of 90 acres in Montgomery county, IHlLmthis from Norrlsto_wa. • Mo. Ki, is ig splendid Farm of 87 acres, near Borough halite. very convenient to the town and very Pro ductive. .. _ No. 41. i t a Hotel and 'Caere', BM miles from the bo rough' a bimetal kieation. No. lai SO n Farm with new and handsome improve meets, sores of goolland, on the State 11 0 .4, musts, as. Arm, Country /Seat, and Se acres, one mile from Norristown. No.le,ia a handsome and productive property. near the borough, with 112 sow. NO.", ge sepleeMlangion with 17 acres, near Potts -I.°Mll,rigetitirnirti sores, in Norriton township; Improveinents goat and water plenty. leo.r ligm W. is a Truck -PFeke. arm of 7 acres, two miles from Itlesen,pistie . Mo. 90, le a MaatifalOotintey Seat and .5 seise , at NOt ntonvillet No. 69. la a Country Ilea, and 16 sores. within the bo- Itlingh 1111171: I 0190 OS tile handeoMellt eroperites in that mouthy ; nun easy. N 0.72. isga Farm of MX acres, in Gwynedd township, ith fervements. vre ivi a no Mansion and 9 two aores in a village T fro m °Milgrim. . 4.25 Vans o t t c ;4l mir i le, net:, buildings and prime 411, 131 gte °l =llleeraa,in Plymouth township, with ' beiMingi, imolai Dom the rorOUgh. IL Ws landsomely. located Farm of 118 acre., SION PerTilopeen Creek. 10 metes from Norristown. _N0.17. la a, hilshly-lingroved and beautifully-lOcated Fema 0150 soma. la Worcester, on the turnpike. NO. 73, is re. Stone Grist Mill, with water and steam m . ser ... _lo miles Iron Philadelpteng, and doings large ' r=11.,111 a stry_ine and produotive property of 303 i Mires, near Port Kennedy ; for sale !Atop. N 0.89, is a Farm of 165 sores. in Limerick, with a met water mewing through it. str 4 . ..13,is s Fula of 119 g sores, in Lower Providence, h very good improvements. 0.87, is a highlr-oullivated Farm of 711 sores, in Lower providence township, with new improvements. N 0.93, ea a Farm of 133 goree, a suites frown. borough, Mee buildings and would divide, making two very hand some rums No. MI a Fierisof 83 psres, in Norriton township; a first-rats arm and will be sold low. No. 96, a a L ot of 11 sores and improvements, near Centre nylons N 0.16, out, Formal 108 cores and very fair improve- Menta l , in-Whi t tf v emlowleslup; the land in very good and al t. tr. rFarm oteomere/ and 9 li me. kilns, en Fir mouth ; some of the beet land in the State. N No,retoovelle 10C, es• • Lot of 18 gores and improvements, near or. No. 101, 15 6 Farm of 40 sores, in 1 °triton, with good buildings; .6 beautiful location. No. 10 3 ,. is a Farm of 02 sores, in Cheater county; I V:. 6 104, l ie a d i u t tlit i g e let y .; containing 10 tiaras, near Fort Washington. No. 106, is a Ana. class Farm, in Worcester. of 21 mites and improvements. Kilo. 119, is a Parch of 74 Weil near Pottstown, on the pike, and must Demme very valuable, owing to its pro:- iMity to the borough. 110.114, is • Farm of 61 sores in Upper Providence, witja improvemente nearly new. N 0.117. is • handsonseiy-kicated Property ili We:roos er, on a vim; Oun th ishop on the premises; it scree Of Land. h 0.114. is s beautiful Couotri Beat, with 17 acres of prime lend, in Plymouth ; Windings cost over 020.00; will be sold low and on easy terms . . . Mo. 119, or s good Farm of BO cores. in Lower Provi dence township,with B(st•rate improvements. N 0.131, is a Farm of 85 mires, improvements very good. lend Ina hub state of cultivation; only 3 miles from rtorristown. • . No. 113, isa Farm of 40 sores, in Whitman twill be sold a Martin if applied for 4001. No. 113, is a very lane Property with 63 acres, in Ply mouth ; land very good end terms easy No. 134, is a Farm 0140 sores, in Whitpain ; land good and improyemente fair will be sold on e.er terms. N 0.123, ma Farm of ST sores, in W torpain ; a good lo caltt.niar N e a n iVdel w AriVZ?ri ' ;i v r:v. ". . v e: r r ' tow. ; 3 sets of buildings; would divide conveniently, and must Osceola very valuable, owing to its proximitY to the borough. ~ ho. Ir 7. isri handsome Country Residence, oneike, 4 Miles from Norristown, with 6 acme 01 prime lan d; will beAold a bargain. NO. 444. a good little Farm of 21 sores, in Worces ter: with 400 d improvements,. o.lSu. is a Farm of /0 /OWN in Norriton, improve ments new and .slidgood ; tep ins cosy. slim 131, is a Fans 01 an norm., in Whitpain, one pike, an. improvements, land good, f. int mind water plenty. No. 1.4. tea cheap Farm of 34' acres, in Liu.snok, on a pita ; will be sold a bargain. P. 0.1.13, lea very Kos Farm in Whitpain, of 64 acres, bah, uttfully located, and in first r .te order. No. IN, ma Farm 0(83 acres, in the borough; witlbe sold a bantainaind on easy terms. No. 135, m a Whey( and S acres of Land, with basin that latddes canal beats ; stone house with store and bar rooms. and? other rooms, opposite Pottstown. No 3X, is a Farm of 116 acres. Lear North Wales sta thm, wit h good improvements. rfo 136, ma model Farm of 163 aores, in Upper Marion, 1 intl. frail' a depot on 'haste( Valley Rat !Mad. No, 130, is a Farm (Insoles, in Whitimin, in the best of order, and will sell on easy terms. No. 140.3 s a Farm of 6.2 sores in Wlntoin, 1 mile from a depot on the North Penneylvauia Railroad ; Improve ments of the best kind, and no finer farm in the town s Na 163, is a ohs_ eVMercer n county f 100 acres, near the town of kerg i en good chancefo r a man of moderate means. Na 146, is a handsome Country Heat, with 81 near Norristown ; a splendid location. No. 146, is a Flour Mill of 3 run of 'donee, saw mill, an4lo sores of land; mill newly new; on a Railroad. No. 147.1 s es Farm of 60 sores In Chewer county. o 149, is a Country goat and 16 acres of laud, on a Dlplo. 167, lIIISTIITM 017710 Na. in Gwynedd township. 0.166, is :whoop Farm 01 74 norm,. i•hearer county; 60 lore, of timber land—will soli a bargain. op. 166, is a Farm of NU acres. in Chester county ; niter Fhtenixvilie. No. IR, is a cheap and productive Farm of 116 acres, near Zloglerville, with fair imprevernena. No. 158, I I a handsome litte Farm of 62 acre., in Gwynedd, near a station, o. 168, is besurifuilir located Tarn, of 49 sores, in 13stedd, with very flee improvements, on a pit e. T e above properties are all for gale, or some will be exo mod for larger, and some fur smaller Farms. I have some vets good More and Tavern stands for sale, not included In the above list; also, smith end wheel wright shops, where a large bungeee can be done. I have several private residences In Neriletown to ex change fur Forme. Hous• a for sale in all parts of the Borough, ranging nom 8600 to gm 000 Mortgages no retiated at reasonable rates. Brooks bought and sold. ouses for rent and rents collected. Publics Sales of el and Personal Property made, on reasonable terms, „ For Catalogues and full desermtio.s Farms, &0., lell.llB &WNW N. N. Colt ;ON_, my -24 Magid & jel Norristown, Fa. WHITE C ISTILE SOAV: ZOO BOXES, Warranted cam' to the bon Imported. Itfaminatured by - vAr. fix/LOEN & McKEulai. • T I All? INM. O NE myill-N9B. N9B. 2 and S 4 SOUTH WHARy ES. JUST THE , THING —A life.sizo Photo. tograph in Oil, to leave to r l our children or friends mar h ; i lh:airgra i rsy. F Wee are moderate ap SPECTACLE GLASSES, mond with two different focuses, which can be used both to read wit) and to Me at Mite", thereby teeing the trouble o neetacies. For late by O. rilattyl,rdurNila ° , Sao (11YRATIS UT Bt. rurin•Ft* _ CARRIAGE LININGS, IN EVERY rrytE,t shiti west ash erica,' ONSPFARD. Ir ' sZN KARL:MORN. ARRIFON. lt. No. 100 PS CRF,STNUTetreet. SUMMER COUNTERPANES, CHEAP rs.7 HOllll,-00Mb Allondele. LatIORSItIIf Aimn, end PliSIO• Albert counterpanes; new sod demirable snail SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A./at/1180N, 11" lOOl3 0' ESTNUT street. AWNING AND VERA All STRIPES —ln colon. warranted Nati mertinotured for It EIRICITARD. VAN HARLING ARRIEION, No. 1008 CREB nut stmt. HEAVY TABLE LINENS-Manufactured a l iarfilol7vA r l i tgrack titteaN it. 9 , 005 cHISIIT.UT Meet. . POLITICAL. GRAND MASS MEETING! TO RATIFY THE NOMINATIONS WADI NT THE NATIONAL C OSVICNTION AT CHICAGO. THE PEOPLE OF PHILADELPEZAf 1020:03 DIBTINOTION OP PARTY. FAVORABLE TO A PACIFIC RAILROAD, PROTECTION TO AMERICAN INDUSTRY. FREE HOMESTEADS, THE PERPETUATION FOREVER OUR GLORIOUS UNION. ALL RIG3iTB OUARANTZED NATIONAL CONSTITUTION, AND lIT 0171 LOOAL AND GENERAL LAWii, INTERNAL, PEACE, UNION, AND LIBERTY, TO •ASSEMBLE IN MASS MEETINa, INDiPENDENOE SQUARE, SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, MAY 28, E1=3321 j NOMINATION OW ABRAM LINCOLN. OF ILLINOIS. FOR PRESIDENT, HAN NI 13 A. 1., HAMLIN, OP NIAINE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT WARD ASSOCIATIONS OP Pint PEOPLE'S PARTY Are requested to meet forthwith, end Make hreparatlons to march In procession to the TUE PEOPLE'S WAVE COMMITTEES OP lIIIPERINTENDPINO7/. Are also requested to meet and take Ration for the •Bme purpose LET THE PEOPLE RALLY In theiratrength, tot them forego pereonal preferenoee, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GREAT PRINCIPLES, And let them at ono* show to the world, by their mighty nembers on this 000asion, that they are deter mined no longer to submit to the ramble despotism, whioh has been fastened on them by Mr. Buehanan and but minions. There will be a grand DISPLAY OP PIREWORXS The following eminent CRAMPIoNS OF THE PEOPLE wilt ;waives , be present and address the meeting, baring elmillied their intention to do so, Hon. liftdAN TRUMBULL, United States Senator from 'lids. Hon. THOMAS FORD, late Lieutenant Governor of Ohio. t lion. JOIIN P. POTTER. of Wisconsin, United States House off Representatives. Ron. JOHN SHERMAN. of Ohio, United States House of, Ropieesntati• es. Hon. HALUSHA A. GROW, of Pennsylvania, United States Reese of Representatives. • Eon, 011 MILES IL TRAIN, of Pdassaohnsetts,llnited State* ROnse of Representatives. Hon. WM. M. DUNN. of Indians, United States Rouse ot! Representatives. Ron cif.RIRIAIODRICR, of Minnesota. 'United SWIM HMSO of Representatives. Hon. JAS. H. CAMPBELL. of Pennsylvania United States House of Representatives. By order of the Committee of Boperlatendenoe, JOHN D. WATSON, President. JOHN 1 4 • i t i ITd ANA MN , Seoretariee , THOII. J JnySt St LEGAL. IN THE ORPHAN'S COURT FOR THE - 0 - CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Einateof ROBERT AtchtENAldlN.deeetieed. UThe auditor appointed by_the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of hiIATTHIM TNOMP.ION and ARCRIBM.I) ORA UAM, Baeoutorsof the last will and testament of itched hfomenamin, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of ; the aocouutant, will meet the partial for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY. Jones lan% at 4 P. M., at him Mee. No. 04C Smith FIFTH titreet. in the City of Philadelphia. T. J. BARG . F.R. my23-wfmtit Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' -COURT FOR THE CITY, A ND COUNTY I'P PHILA DELPHIA. Estate of Crmmodore DAVID CONNER. deceased. end Th e Auditor appointed b f y the_ Court _to_ *Ada. settle., Nx R ad gin 'l e e ? i ti l ail w bi _ N S Samu el Emleu Randolit. Administrator cum testament° annexe , Ihr of said Susan yn Conner. and to make distribution of the balanoe n the hands of the sonountant, will meet the parties interested for thepurposes of his appoint • meat. on MONDAY, the fourth day of June. teen. at 11 o'olook A. at.. at his office, No. e3O WALNUT Street, in tip city of PaiLdelphia. raisti..yrfmet JOAN M. THOMAS, Auditor.. IWOTJUE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters testejpentary 90 the estate of TilkftESE E InHELL ANNIE D I BREUGS LAVAL. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons haying claims tominst the said estate are resounded to Present them, and all persons indebted thereto to pay the same, to CLAN IA L VAL, JOANNA LAVAL. Exeouirises, 108 PINE Street. I.l_;%raill. DRY GOODS. REAL IRIs H POPLINS. B.owna and Modes. Blues and Blaalca. „ . , 8 gLECTe D SHADEff. Gray English Puebla Chine, High Lustre. Plaids and Cheeks. SILK STBIPEEI CHIN?. For Suits and Dresses. BHA RPLESS BROTHERS, rn>2l-if OBilitiTel UT, orner of hIGHTH Sta. VLOSING SALE. IL. , No. ti pERkICK Street,west Penn Square, above Broid, north of MAR K hT Street. The renrot der of the Japanese Dress! Goode, Curiosi ties. ko., ko , will be sold at very reduced prices. re gardless of cost, for the next two weeks. sele•St. RU pNETT'b' 0000AINE. dURNETT'S 0000AINE BURNETT'S COOOAINE A compound of Cocoanut-nut Oil, eto., for dressing the Hair. For *Slow and astreableneas, It is without an e TI IL PHEYENTS THE HAIR FROM FALLINO IT PROMOTES In HEALTHY AND VIOORSLIS GROWTH. IT IS NOT DREARY OR STICIY. IT SOFTENS _DISAORREAR IC ODOR. irTHE HAIR W EN HARD AND DRY. SCOTTIES THE_ IRRITAXED SC ALP SKIN. IF AFFORDS THE RICHE T MAITRE. LC REMAINS LONOEmT IN EFFECT. IT ^OATS FIFTY CENTS FOR A HALF PINT BOTTLE. vina le opplioltion renders t heir (no maltarpow eta and dry ) loft and glow or several days. It Is conceded by all who have weed it to be khe BEd L' AND CHEAPEST HAIR DReSSINO IN THE WORLD. BURNETT'S KALLISTON,' As a wash for the complexion hes no equal. It is dis tinguished for its cooling and soothing properties and In admirably adapted to all unnatural conitillOni or the skin removing tan, sunburn, freckles, redness and tong hneu of the skin, etch, curing chapped hands, and lag the Irritation caused by the bites et' ugewesitnes. an_ other annoying inseam. Prepared by JOSEPH BURNETT Sg. CO., Boston, Price, CO cents endued*. 'or We everywhere, • inyia lit gins SWIFT-SURE HARVESTER: The above-named Machine la undoubtedly t h e very best Mower and Reaper now offered for sale, It oonibinealightqeas of draft. 08110 of out adaptation to all kinds of grain or ernes, simplicity an i durability of conatruotion. The machines gold last season gave un qualified ea' tafaction to the purchasers, and we are Safe in gu aranteeing i a et min", result this sear. Alt persona in W Inc to purchase a first clan mowing and Swiftexamine San Hartleter. Manttfotturedandfor site bit D. LANDR.IsTILes SON, .Agrioultnral Implement and Bud WCrohotian, ill and 519 tiouth SIXTH avant, It. between Chestnut and Market streets. 1860 . JOE! I 010! 1860. COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. 80ALB OP FAMILY PRIORS. 8 so9nds dsAly 40 ovate per nek. IS 68 16 11 16 es as II • en I. 11 70 11 16 To „ id la 16 41 76 11 41 17 6 .. d A ti nd , rour orders to the 0f5614, or my 11 evv i v the TROT S . VA 84 1 BY- 117tr i g4if n eght ill . l art BA RD end TW TY. Stmts. ri:oe.froo - CLARK'S PATENT INDELIBLE PEN OILS FOR SkARRIN 0 nOTRIII9.—Tius eatiole t a hos the donne limo to to attention i wow It ietb wed ir tango; rase, by any ones be al a ll dm of oloto. Will z . l 4,:tregb b lit o o t k l tteikst trill last for Ylienh, AO eson will mark LOW &Moles. TtAsillsetT:rafnooT"leltrirligglyinacontint ..:= man article in awry ~once. For sale, 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 431Y+IMVIAPihrtmaT PIVR DOLLARS REWARD will be given A. - for the recovery of en Agreement between 100 partnere In busmen. which wee Met on4l am of s March, by applying at 80. 770 South BIATIf. Bt. It WANTS. WANTED TO INVENT FROM -TWO' toll , * Wowed dow. altiprif • ".it.` IA !misses 0 .„ !rasa *Moe', Ili real isms lad umunew. st7/S2t* . WA N T E D—By: 'a '' competent , Book: v • knsr a "Mallon 11 that - Opacity. or as EMIT Mark for a stantaatila, _ _ _..naiir at howl; is thirty years srasi a l l i " l iaarosim 4111 1 111111 lisd. is aa J.argatio, actin; miaow matt. MGM. 'at WI • t . . •- , it•_ VII/ANTSD—By an experienc•?dSalsonan, BITUATIONin Ant•rat• Dry Giodo/obbiog kown, in Ow oity of ew.Yorkt kap s pain amok am g eoo mmtr ai lice-payas, install, Atm' Y M-at WANTED—A.PARTNER, with $2O 000 a t cegaitia,t 9 i amaw NM whicte wi ll Vim to IF Ix 1, 2 rt:: rilr Pur k the v irg r a,.." A 1.,. WANTED—By e Bober Young Man, s tituition so Porter is s Wholszt m er or no tary. Can Fors his boo employer se le AMreat • st this OZes. A N .EX4III:IIIENCED SALESMON WHO OSA IbEne•ee a fair amount ot law esik.trado, wighla ag en ems by the Lit of Jar in • Arot-oloot fobbing Du Woe Homo. dAdroos F. D.," Olk* of ne Puss. - ou2llol* WANTED ~ TO RENT-A MODERN . bouoo,:withidditoon shako iodic from Third and Meant Watts. _ ant sot to exceed IGO. Ad-, dross **Lurie," Prase Ollar.. my2l at. FIEST-OLASS SALESMAN WANTED iw ajobbioshat house- To ono who oaa Wows grad six -wombs tnyto liboralehory bo Adkins Box 1319 thiMatathillP.O., with awns awl 14111101111100. Ne7l7-11• FOR SALE AND TO -LET. POR Firttires, and Fraiiture or TORTONI HOTE No. 520 WALE NUT tptrot, and hoturee g as . iwz L now. • my2s-9t.' No. 5 leeroaalNe Library Builduy. Ft 13AL10-,A very productive Farm, JR. - °Outlining 80 sores, gnus •in _ltsidnor rtnel i t Doinwars sonnty._twelve miles from noladelo is, a one mile from montan'e Censer and aegis Limnos, on he ' , analysing. - Refire's& The old Lancaster /Load Pees.. through it. It has ail neoessory buildings, in *D.' mulch lepalc ; We soil m of the Ann quality, in thigh state of cultivation, well watered. good on:bird of vari-' one Muds (of °bolos fruit, about ten sores of woodielid. li t We divided if desired. Apply to Pig rwit _. on the eromilms tor, PHAiII,FA KIM it, A I El• Post mygdletadt* gFOR SALE-THE LARGE 'STONE FOR with Stabling. Twat: and ibirhtg Bono in the healthy angroving locality at Oliftm, a tat gpnitgheld Maar Upper Darby, half au how's Me In the new Welt Cheater Ka ease !tow Moony. It as Mali, eons of and , ip= in with a variety of shade trees; a good wing of water . I t wyeld sake • Bummer Boarding Rowe. It has the advashigea g oip btahltsa Plate. as the rear end of the lot to a pled or the coal and lumber biumeasorithoat interfaces's§ with the Waninop. The weighisrapplas and °See are on the rimless; it would ant fora Wool or a Country Store. TOMS anootaciadatio. city property glen in op. change. Income at 011ee NO. 6 Washington Bolding. 80. 274 South THIRD Street. my= tam** II OARDING. BOARDING -TWO YOUNG GENTLE.- men Oars to IMMO boarding Ina norotablo Rrir g i t ) i e s e p n a t ti rg vett of the s it s iny , PRIVATE' BOARDlNG} .—G entlemen and them faixtV. or single gentlemen, mug he /mom ntodated with ard,with pleasant end handsome rooms, tarnished bei ng weighed. at 616 LootilaT ntreet. The looatlon, opposite to the Waahington Square m eenttal, and extremely ointment. Transient nelsons seuntine , the city can be accommodated by the de or week. Terms modergte. . My b-ut TWO YOUNG OENTLYMEN OaN BE aeoommodated with good, airy apartment.. (with or with.ot board : Lin a priest? family. iteration ,kets, Addrew • TOLBERT,' th rough Brood's Jna mitoh. agar REMOVALS. REMOVAL.—SMALL & MANDL/ER, WHOLESALE OROCERF_I,Imeyeed Noe IS North SECO rth niND Street, to um MARX= etzt, oh Fnmt. node. CLOTHING. BOYS' CLOTHING. Rocamir.i. & WILSON. No. 603 AND SOS CHESTNUT STREET. Are °Onus to the pUbllO.:in 0011000tiOn with their regular busmen of MEN'S CLOTHING. A superior stook of • BOYS' CLOTHING. Of the latest Spring Wade, sail made in the MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER. Meaaures taken and. °arrant' made to order at the SHORTEST NOTICE. misel-lm GRANVILLE bTOKEb' GIFT • CLOTHING EMPORIUM, ONE PRICE, AND NO ABATEMENT, NO. Err CHESTNUT STREET. GRANVILLE STOKES would return thankito the yobbo for their appreciation of his efforts to please, and their liberal patronage. In order to keep up this kindly feeling. he has yielded to the solibitattons of many of hi. friends, and inaugu rated a NEW SYSTEM, OF GIF - 18 ' WITH. EACH GAR MENT BOLD. To his choice selection of fine Fabrics and made up Clothing he Invitee the scrutiny of the nubile, as well al to hie new mode of doing bulimia. Each article is warranted to be, in FABRIC, STILE, AND MAKE, EQUAL TO ANY GOTTEN UP IN THE CITY. and ONE PRICE, (lower than the lowest,) marked on the Ticket. Each article sold, or measured for. is sooompauled by aMilt, varying an value from 81 to am. N.B.—None but the moat skilful Designers. Cotters, and Workmen employed, and satisfaction in Fit, Fash ion, Fabric, Price, and GIFT, guarantied at GRANVILLE STOKES', On PRICED GIFT CLOTHING EMPONTIGS, royl7.6tif No. 807 CHESTNUT Street. E • H. ELDRIDGE. de CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,,, N. B. Oarn•r EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Ms Ifie Customer Work made at short notiort ualtti em-if SAVING FUNDS. A 111ERIOAN SAVING FUND.—Oom rm. _sum , . Building, southeast Timer WALNUT apd FOUIiTH Streets. Open daily from 9 This o monk, and on MONDAY tilt 9 in the.evenine„ Old Institution hoe always paid lull, on demand, without notion. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT AU gams paid hack, on demand. in gold and silver. TUST h ALEX. AHII.I.IIIIN. President. WORK, Vine President. John C. Farr, T.,E. Harper, George Nugent , John Anspaoh, Jr., eaml. T. Hotlloo, Alo.O.Rnherie. John Allman. Joras Bowman, H. ff. Eldridge. Wm. J. Howard. JOHN H. WILSON, Treasurer. JOHN C. Seoritary. SPRING . GARDEN SAVLNG Office, 331 North THIRD Street. between Vine and Callowhill. inoorporsted by the Lesishttute Seri' 14th, DOI. ()pen for Deposit' end Pments, daily, from 9to I% o'clock. Also. on MONDA Yand THURSDAY RVR et INDS. from a toe o'clock. Interest a per cent per annum. :vocations can with drsw their noneys by Checks, if demr,d. Special De coatis reoeived. JAMES S. PRINGLE. President. Passim Ifser• Roomier', A OARD TO THE tIIBLIG CONGRESS SPRING BdItATO9d, AFALL 16, 1860. An attempt him been made to deceive the public, by Warns offering what they call " COICIREVI WAT/111” from Fountains; and at the price of six (6) cents per glass. The wholesals price of the gamine Congress Ws. tar, at New York, being about TX cents per glad:. the tm position of pretending to sell at retail at less than coat, and Without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent: but their probable course hag been to emp t y am , bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trub, and thereby christening Its total contents. We have naves sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary mined omiss BOTTLIS. The cork of every bottle of the genuine le branded " COPI 0R8.% WATER "—" C. & W.," and ma, without those words and Letters on the cork, is CoUrtirdemer whether from, Fountains or Bottled. • CLARKE & WAITE. Proprietors of Congress Paring. The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, : ;14Nskrtfil: oor . Filth and Cbeetnat stn, rL Co Market street, TTH 13 .4 . 117 . 13i!1i h 5 E 1 es treeeti, . A. Oeletsgrfltiffienadtristitut struts. d—atotantiy mo m i.ely mi with s "mums ". ts anWse Wasian m boI ' Aj bLARPI Var . • 19-11 mil 98 CEDAR St., New York ty. TIIII PIERENOLOGIOAL CIABANNT. BITABLIIILID IT POWLInt, W ino/ a 1. p,oo.tigizi roil , f , rUm ' Q 6 mMee. - s• WIN " rh ili a -. ' ,•: '..: -',... V s TIOn yo Tbe . brerne ti : . i . .. .:. ~ , , of the , o i fereni ti I .• • ''''' ... -: 715. • iti l ear * ig ttit e s . ~•, ,, ..„. v. ~ - ' ,1:11., , ,,' ...*.--,... , vat ti N iWW ' 4146- ra 4 tig4 4 L. cur Erl, No. - .•••• enit-itle :„ . 4 7 ~, t ,t, ~ ...:1,,, , . MITI QTERIMS f.f . :- Ci •c'i -, . ' , ., i' . TS, mg/mu t...7 footuied in ivorililli • : I , • qpio view., , of remit itsportationoold alert • t. , , t getartees. Of Itil I. FRAN • _>. %ran, 119 8 FOURTH. and 204 .. 85100 D Moro. Mr Also, the w_otut renowned ' anew, o Simotiolne. oorreOuy tented, fillOlooooeetr 0Perii01.1.0.. 1 10,41 , tits, lowest nosy. InsWittr 12,000 REMLOOKP, from ono to three foothigh, for Foam, Mrdgu, Margins, &a. also, 1,000 Whititawrifergrolg,l3, & snyla-70 clor. of anY MARIEIT 13ts. AMUSSMENTS. cOTALNUT-STREET " TiIEATRE v IF' gol• L0w5.,....- --Um At. A. 04.9 urso tr _ •" t — ",77: '''' S. falt,CY' Ea BE sill : rEINGTOPI. II ' Mi l l Dik 'V T Q u i ' kr E!. IMO.' i r ltsetk in tir:ki.AlQ tr = m . “: Ohs MIAS. ~. . THE WE E CE,AMHOEB. : - 'maw Ber t ram . Mr. L. IL Bbirvoil ; Alla Myr w — Prizeil la mast, , • .rie 011112 at f o'clork s Caritert will rim it nett feet 7. WF firpg p KE iiyi MN% May a. Ma. DAN n o , tl r r e rtatere . 0 7hipir l lart. A spi ll a r Tay -4 "li petlNJ AND wraucluo. - Dl,rerw • ,„ 0 „ 0 , inn moan; Kahului", Mrs. Mu . Doors area sit Vi o'clock =alibi will rise at TX. EXTRA NOTICE !-RXTRA NOTION! htoDONOUGWEI GAISTIEB U S E Bor. iNTE„,,TA P ariT. he Faroe now helms d in London, with great amootoe, at three , on the owe *mind, sub tied _ B. '13., - bbee twd ate tki ic ° 4 4 a he iti to . wsva ' 318 vAi r L7oTher a inth the Original Colors o f Bays W and em • Nire fgriVA P T A V I Za . Ispresents F lE ßArna G NouN ,BOROUGH, Tonye thel'reee ins passible , !feet, an eninie mint has been made in AAMO JONES The Celebrated Po that. the ()ripest Trainer of jOEN O. HEicriAle and the competitor of OM SAYERS Who mill condnet the FIGHT as it really occurred, and rill TOIPTOSOUt JOIN O. HEENAN,_ ' TEE CHAMPION OF 'AMERICA. MAT NUDE, the old &vont° or the Wnrtbern Liber ties. and the Champion agamst FREbI, AND. the rmiebrated English Prize Fighter, in 18M, will, for this ciegasion, represent TOM BAYERN. CHAMPION OF ENGLAND MUSICAL FUND HALL; THURSDAY EVENING. Mar 24.7930, KARL HORNAITOCIPS FAISSALL, COMSAT. Cis eihteh oocagioa be will nave the valuables/sat. ane rleAD.4ollAlinft‘. CARL WOLFRR_ JAABSAU WAXERS ceitt, BENTZ. Andth GISeRMANIA. ORCHESTRA. teenaged to the number of 'FORTY. CARL BENTZ—. PROGRAMME PART I. I. Overture Oberon.. . . . Die Sonamer-blitobii. • cre•Panimer:ni g hte Legend) ad lobannaen..• • • • Grudav Batter, L Violin Consent" t a. Andante. b. Allegro motto vireos. with. Mestral scootossoiment Holinetook t. Fantasia. for Pistr, 8010, DonMendelasohn• Giovanni Mr. Ware r *Bar Ls Met. Fantai l Don nalb.rg. nom:mine, for Grand Groove •.• . Karl Kohnstook. PART IT. 6, Bolero, from the Sicilian Fee- Pere. with Orchestra' accom paniment, Mod. JoMumma.. GfillOOMl Verdi. T. Piano Solo, ler Pa mount. (the ekstere4 Illustration of scene ' from Meyerbeer's Prophet, - Wolhohn • Frans Llart. 8. Violin Solo. FantaisieHeroicoe our la Marche de Ferdinand Cortex with Orchestral m 3. eompaniment, compared and • immured by 9. German Lied. Madame Johann- Karl Hohnstoek. 400 . ..... - • •••- ..... • • - • Schubert. 10. Fredonia Over. are , f . r G ran d Orchestra, composed be lf Botinstook. For description see the Programmes et the Matto Storm • TICKETS, ONE DOLGA fr EACH. To di kid at Itadrids, Loa & Meeker r.Chtokerina'a. Book k Lawton's. Soboudes. Mr Ifolotstook's, and at the door ea tho Evening. Doors opera at 7 o'clock. Corf:ert commented at 8 O'clock - • M ET re The yrand Over-etrinyeli Steinway Piano le from Wareroonw. litt6 Chestnut street.. j,EVR4B OF "TIM LITTLE rAi " ALA MIIM COLLIE DUTTON—LAST WEER. - The smallest girl in the world, of her ate. 9 year, old. Minebeekothand weighing only ponds—ea infinitely greater otuaresty then Oen. songs Thom& gibs singe the following songs at each Levee 1. Mary had a Little Lamb, e. Vann I wee Single. h The Evening Mar. 6 My Grandma's Advice. 6. smtg-two. & Willie. we have mimed man. Mum E. L. WELLS, of Philadelphia,. will ,presido at the Lano- and sing, both in English and Italian, select in eiVg." l :l%7?:-. l r airsi wt. the ware of Meows. Cinchonas & Bona, S OT rheinit stmt. 's' Tickets may be obtained at the MotielMotes of Chick ming & Sons, SOT, Sufi 0. Andre & Co., 1104 awn susti= give I.EPEES at the ASSEMBLY WILD 12(08..00rnerT% Tenth Rale yeasts. AFTER. kliggrinl WRUNG Tilt WEEK at .r ;Id 8 o'clock. °Wet P rottfor d Le o n ' fl s s ek Levie fte = it v 94 &dock. • Admiselon 16 mints. Children 10 cents. .T. E. LILLIE Agent ALBERT NORTON, Manager. inyT if S °U) " ON'S TEMPLE, A large, besetifel, ead perfect model of tee grand est and moat interments building emir bent le mewl in the illintenee Worm of AL HAL el'_ L. MARKET, A BO VE TWEL.FTEI STREET. The Model li Of feet long, It feet wide, and IN feet high; 4hted by IN PIS Jets. and the morahleeete ro- Wrenn by Ne Emmet 111737011 In Newish mirrotmd ns the minim mute, give it a life-sos pearanoe. Need lat Mr 'LIM to Ith alp; 1 Chrom.leth obey.; gd Chiron.. 4th end VIM Miami Needing. Nth Mee, for eters anoriptaa e Nolommee TOMPIo. in Of Ith hill IV l _reereeentad la the Model. 0 EN TO Tigwrom 10 to 12 41, AI.. 3 to ft and 7 te i .r P. !Actors at 11. 4. and reolnek. ming ma, Si seats; two elikkra. 20 Oolgiti ltellill child. 1 Oentlit. _ • Liberal arrangements MOO with aebooTe and ell:tribe', with privilege of lecture by their patter. nirl-t1 ITIEIE , GERMANTA ORCHE TRA WILL itivio_ their last Dahlia Maternal of THIS SHAWN. Duithe MM of May. Tickets for We at the usual Wawa. higatatrat pENNEITLYABLi. AOADEMY-Of FINE .A. ARTB4O9. li:IlT Stmt. The RM Antral attics is saw open dily. host If o'el4t a .it . 'Bildt r. M.,, ar_d Acta TAi till M. M. Ad Sif assts. ' , Masts, SO cents. Clul drone ha -pre& 81darliters trill mein *sir lariats at the colloall the Madura. INSURANCE COMPANIES. 'PAW INSURANCE OOMP&NY. 10 . 4O C HESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA.. INCORPORATED EAPNNSYL RIL, INS,BY THE STATE OF PVANIA. ONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND Mits. &MD WOOL DIJON'S D O . II . Wm. W. 'Welters, L W. Evertnezi. bss. Richardson. Henry Levu, Jr.. eo. A. West, \ Limb W. Stoat. 0, Woos Davie, Menke Stern. now F. Martib (IRORGE W. DAY. rreeidett. FRANCIS N DCK, Vice start WILLIAM( I. WILLIAM( 1. BLANCHARD. eseretsrs• fait-0 i TILE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCO COWAN? OF KEW YORK. SLX MlLLlOV e dtli' DOLLARB. oforsaasto Ilaitireaf e Arl. MITA. . The premiums are rowan than in maw' other (tomb% aka, and the Dividend/ have been GILIZAni. Tidyguise, MIITVAL ar7,47. lett Mir .6 tookholdere, no that A PR FITF MONO TO TIM 11.11101.10. liimphists, and every infornt&tion, way no tss " Ain ' an "1 11. IMIIFORD .11.crtt 11. W. corner FOURTH and waist ut btrent, PHILADELPHIA REP ERENCEA• nomad Hotans. John Welsh. Mordeci' L Dawson !horse H. Hiner. Georgia ' reg Ig.,:g. S oud E. R. Wheten . Fisher Leeman, 'met Patterson Wilhain C. Ludwn. John M. Atwood, Arthe- .; CorAn. mu H. PowersSsorge W. Toland, Daniateiten. Thos. Wattle'', n23-h I f ttiwiciN4), PROF. MORRIS' MTGE , H OS, MOPRIS. E lICEP ,ALOe. PH OF. M - ORR 1 .11 - C - EPHAICti. AN INVALUABLE t XTEII NAL RE E. y. AV INVALUABLE ERPIAL R , MID`r AN INVALUA SLR EXTERN/ L Ml'O\ Rik DI EASEk OF THE N E.V01713 FOR DISEA-F8 OFTHI N VOU r•YDr. FOR uAREs OF This NED VOUS SYATENI. As °mug° ad by interai APYLICATIO • OF TBE MIND to the reset, ehas of the !o'er-cure, the a rearm o' CoDurneroiel aLd Fanencyil Damara% philter, affairs of Frolevitinal and Political f ifs. or a.m.-roamed by a other muse I.om whinh the N. rreala Lynam tier be aernele exhausted al a ditaPt sad. The symptom' cove, ed air this vel 'stile Preattration are nem-roue ; of whim the n or. prominent are, freXCITh le.••1` THEe BRAIN, a (11'. ATM) AND DEPRE9,SIOI OF TDB 11ILv U, DEIN ON C "NE VOt • VOD AD bd." N LIJRALIAA, RVIIIO al I'M, IS A Rti HE b-to IL to • The - A 1,04 ie carefully prepared . hr per miseirn, from the Foam y/ of P I.OF RI • . D.,of Vats cite, to which he refire t, his Phitmaph eat l'auphlet. " PSIJKIK , S." Oa the relatong ci tan Gengdonliervyais System to the In 1114 ,0 rl I 'out 4f man. Having sznitmeo t o rincinles nr d eototo . rtfed the fy NOM of Comp Hormoopath . Pro 0.,: :a • •Na , "It may be permissible that I sheuid rarer, asn il lustration, MY own Mt*. A coor tits 'our. of*stu dais for a number of years tad, to a certain axial t, produced the ordinary elfeot of ...air mental ati- Dlicsation.lly attenuating the prime ci ritres of nr an c and intellectual life and hence arse a fe t r eyes, It) nl personal relief. Having awe I. founded conic:ince in Comp-sits lion cecina:lly and an intimate acquaint, re with Mitten& lidedra al the Hon (Ls Thtfde of selected certain entedgrocee of aster toned barn 0,100• relations and envoy, d us s. 'nil combined their oaten- Nal properties in mop rurnal unit.. mot cr,s g 4,1,1,111,1 by the possession of Is medicinal team', co "r Morris describes the mate of a pplian tron. and then "In this way the desired relief has beenco— ttoned, the nutritive al stem invigorated, the nervous system restored to Its former time. and in, n tal cleanups', tvanuoillity, and vicar—at Ch. age of nearly three score—are them ath valued results " Prepared. and sold vv lir) I.K - e i v • by MOCK RIDGE; & CO. No. Nor th FIA T S TII Street, Philadelphia, and aeRIiTAI I. by DfnUiVfn setter iier.liv . Price, el per b tile, large -6U cents small nine. m/23 ninit A zuMEA! AZ t: ! AZ CI.ME ! :AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! Azusrr...k! PROF. MORRIS' AZITMEA BAKING PMVDER afanerantureti solely at No. 63 Nnrth Fttuß int Erfrear, anti for 'As by 0 rocers gonerAllv. int 23 Soo( For the tNrT ANT IthLIEF and P.Ftt ASTHMA. hialiENT CURK th a “istreseuta cool plaint. an FE NDT,S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Mad* b 7 0. B. SEYMOUR ex CO.. 107 NASSAU Street, New York. Price elver box; sent free by poet aly74lat if] FOR SALE AT ALL DEIJOOISTIY. CAMPHORATED VETIVERT, - For the Preservation of Furs, Cashmeres, and Woollen Goode from the re veers of Moths, Ants, and other Insects. The OAMPHORATIED VETIVERT is a oombina kort of Camphor, Vetivert sad various Aromatics. It has been May and favorably known in Europe, and has been found superior to other articles for the punoss. Prepared at PARRISH'S PHARMACY, apliateiif No. SOO MICE Street, TPIO-NIO AND OTHER PLEASURE PARTIES —The beautifitt shady_ grove and babd, at the terminug of the Hestoncnie. Mantua, he and Fair mount Passenger Railroad uommay. eaa outraged. without charge, or pleasure sarnea doses cat be bee eve r y few Wastes by ereOa and Coeur, Bans and Ifine. Areb and Market ogre. and extra ears ran be ob tained on application at the one. of the fgaitiosa ann. Mari at Hestonci inglll4otii, TIISSES ! BRAG'S ! SOPPORTERS ! Correctly 'started et NESDLIgif, TWRLFTEI and RACK Streets. Ladies ontrancr 144 Tarallth street, Eirsedoor Mow Java. d-adv attendants. French. Eng lish, and Amman, in erect variety. Bette. Sienna Stockings, Itenentiones, Shoulder Braoes,SyringesZho. nollll-tojulyllt NDUOTOIL Carl Von Weber