. , MESE t_'; t,'{ 104 W k tovik -,, it!.. '' Iv7,Vi:?i 1:.:,:._-;,ortmossFair..'. : ---- ,,,,:: , ',': ,, :',.if:;•%' ; ...;!:,•:. ' ii*iii.o*llil •f4- . ,, - 4. - k Iwp•ir- '4ll e — Ati ANN OWN F.# l !tf!" . l l o P* , } ll ' • _ n'=ll4l 4-ilit;•, l ., 'u- - ::''' ,- .;: . ,;: r iONlie • •. - ;•,•:?...,7.''-- .ifti:. ......4‘ .'eStifviitiai-. soli - ,•;! - 's. , '(:: . ;5 1,1 0Imoir.. , %tif. , - 1 40.10 0 -mictl.. .. .'-‘..:•':•::i.:.-:,i. - ,:tormar-' - •, 1 4,...1 : ~., . ot - t -:,.. , •i " '•:' . .• `. 1 c,..t,..,' '' • v -- ,- 1.=: , ,•:441 - 11001wllid - -7.-`t.. .. - • ~ - ' -, ' r-•' ; ' ,. ' . .:5,1:3',41 ' t - Iti'-'t.,P-ltfi ~~,, ■ tglioA soh d2ri. ' r , r - Y 2 F••I 44I Zt 114 t;!'t.; 5 :;:i•:: , 11144/11111r" 2 1 :0 10 r 01, • Oft [;1•' ; '1 - S -;-iscsaiwbs then - Vim if *S imoripisi impylomitho 0 "' v. 'Abbess lOW` 07 -4 : : `;#o* ittit 1 BEE vtitwslii , tVll‘ll Ata4K9^ 1 4 04 At*, - 4 114. sooolintid' rcd.or fcrodin AtPla of•:seicfato 114i. Prietr(4' 411.d5,'" - $0 JAM -' tbs 1 4, 1 4 4 1 ,1 0.1 4 4 Z -Athfleittfttie; *SW 10:101 - 1 1 — LOti thisiltlgiireopratonr.Ve I ititit*Wti s.l4o * 4 '‘Y . :111111 NJ , . an 444' wkeiltifrel C4sthistit . icitoyani • ' vpatlero v.uw .o ?et .4044104 p, diem*: 'kW!tk - 4 0 = 1 : 11,01 M t, Wit with an axe - .4(Yr4t!,;, q , A1J.;1 . -1 t - giCiiritew -Oiiii,thiot nterivz7,-, al iiihr -capirwaftlikr 4 7 il i k m fiC''':' :;',r,,f ,- f,' , ! lipat as AL , • • .- 41X.1!;:i i'lj:;:.,' - • /./ ? 1ti01,',1.1,: .‘Pullikaiir lb i iii,ltift - T.:J,.. ilia *lots: ,i ' . • l 'l. o - :pvrompr_., t o ..• Irr4 zit .:. - , I, ~:',. Afsitiplia, /feudal* Slew matfyi - ,14 - 1C . -- 1 -1 4; .. !,10,, ,st. ..,,i, -, ~ ~, • r sa ltirrog:o4',,* , 'N , ,; 1 It rf, ,:!, ,_ ~ ...1.,-,i,r;(-' •,- -, _.,•-t. T illkitlitt it lei iiitc r , .E4,11/titistr. Vii •,' •••• - 1 ' -: ;-nuctsretill r , . • -me emad«.... i maw, ~ -... ` - .P r,-4 V pox*, PkliV 1 i- 1 - losii.. 4" , ,A 1 4 1,.. •.'' . M an . ..... - f!; - .• '•-•,',- . ....6e5t jiiollfP* .r- - 2 -- Caßlusaity -Tana OflgaliiLoos Ri% mak L &Low KT My, wirciatratret: . alfs. . t r i a ti mm )3it. x du: Illatumak-.- - . • 7 =71. k ; d r ! ss7 • „x x,. i'=l4 e e kt4 114, 74 . , 109' 44144rT:' 41= 1 "'" :;•• X;77 4' 2 , : 11101 DORM morkryli Y• • - y • a .. . .-volN. 4314 11- - 102 1" );15% , h ' D ‘ Wis. San 118 tri,a4 it. title. Nov soma. str i "itt ri Y • t 4111:01!**141: Raf " ,ariThh,er WU= 4146094 k 0149. Witt au POlailit Lute Iq~~Rf7cab r ~~~ a i~h v rA a ~~ ~i~~banC, ~ t!'dtft- _ ''MM ,: -14 - -4:40,44ic i k T,AFF.,, , -,:•:,„ ~,,1., l ..i . 1 , , ~ l r yl lAt o iliklif4 t ',-,t, ALIIrk. . 11 ! 4: 4 -." ),' I 11, rat • ~.,. ~ oiler ~ . ~,, 474 .AI " ; ita i eti± l*-.Val .`.2:1-. - tif i f I•l6rilig l - re-:- -7:7 r Fr,- iti.. , . ,, ,,„ 1,1 444 . ~i . vir .I~iiiir. 411•1 1 0: , ',jor , 14Villi krill ; i f ~. ';'elie fitii, 'i‘ r . orriA l4L halfyi 44 '.,...4. ;' : 1 1 1 .-0r,q,f61, ,, ,!. p„, ~ .:447- i iii.. •mr,....2.404ini5tr, I Vi• • ig -14:1-,k Pat * "14,, wr«,~w kpt 49 14 1 E 1 . , r' . • ,: l . , , ,fiti . vtro 0 •fi, ~i6 , 1 7 - i if tt ,paran a a.FS! . • ~,, , 1 55 =V. 5.1 '4 ..1. 5.1' li 0 4 .31.1 r fl 5 !" 1. 4 ~;, . 4 : - ..i I•• •-' 77 ‘ t% A . 1!: 71 ~, 1, 1 ° a 1 , !!! ' l4 - A I P' ) It t4 - 1# - 4049 : 11-121ti1,,,;:r" . ' ' 4. ''''' It 3g7 .4, . 8 3 sc , ,•• 1 , A.,— r - Ir e t• , ~,I 1144g,kilii- l'- 1 .,..fit , . , 0." I ' • 7 1 1 __,' rtirdi r Li kik .' ...: i', '• ‘ll . Nu i rliiin • 14.. 1 f:, . :: kuAnui 1., , - .1 -.•!. .•!. otel , usnii, ,6310,.' • sr / /F A 'loser • nit Fln't, :Lut r *r ,:lin derVPI .- ,sro Luorlk. 'Bre - 1 ;lic linda ~ . -Bars -A !LW Ante -Ittat.4 ;61 , . N'llll l :ll4t.Wk] 0 Mitet;,l Mil' lir 01 A o r s:ant 20.1 - 0 1 :4t . .- --,..___- , nun* l ag% 12 I netn as ksiPk If ° al 4 f, : lh ; :': i t e ar a 0 i -.11=0:0,,, . `.1 i, ~:sr , Vi ,:n2 I' ' a n JanlUti a l ~ . 2r l istaltgliCor, i betook •--, , lassi e ' ragnardl7.-Or .... ' eisidosnOgeote --.. e etratlfary - `'" ' ratintPat , ILI -ft, E asuedy Mir , ' , i , , eigi_Elinanilli:',t , F4 t . ::::: tips , bine F2A ~,,.., t it r 1 iti - , ,? , 11111 11171 , , t o ttlaittirt.;. C ;00Marfsgirl !.,/,; “ile w, Uwe •ff• ows.r e w 0 7 --; rn Y EOM W., Wilt , -,-. ii-Beivi p .. r, "v.. B 4 . ALAJohn -.1 dbenCtit,/".. Frio 1 " VA, .;,.:"t u r. ' ,„ u'lt::.4. P I ZAIIIIIbIith'.? .. biltielk '''it 4, 621 Icl J. WM , , " : prt i landhl "Z LaT1V. : 1 1 4 11 ..11.%•,1 , R "7 - .-,` , e t n acitataa, 3pa M.re ..',1,.. , :? -1 hinetitts e , ~, F sg /Lenrs* bouelovAlvisp.../ / fberrna. Allen., ~4 , le-Niatz .:Luerobellartuturt num. ,rerits ,-- • • Ihm*, i -".---nre - -- - -f-' , ..t - 11balur Mary ;- " ' dratA ka l gth.4 - eV ". .: En n ilai L iV ` l' r :till ' - -Mrieltrz - ft e &Rgi ~" - - Partzurr iji i ii r tru:,:prr . f, %r e pr o :Lila: 'CiirifiailV. Lyons Margaret Bmith JIL 0 igrzT...la, ion Lewis Mary M Peones AA , f ta n th Lyons Mies Stevens Nettie& 0 WM, VOW ishmsn Mrs , Sullivan An. Il i !MAI, Dim!, cOuiness 8 4 r t Litman Label rr.,wryi . 000 wan Ellen- Mons" E li sabeth terms-Jana , . _L-fficOnlimemln . TgrOtit en to .1, ~ 01004 Mary i McDonald nary Twin W W emonsr *Mei ImAlleins bt IL Thavis Margaret norm AM Ji Me§tiegge-Mrs-i Ll,Ditinaiil.4naler, - ,- . 'Nei" IMMO. NlctuolttlGNe Trainee Mary J I , PtelMon MIA It McDermott Cath Thou - p i g I mot. i Melliinet litars,, ~ -T. ban , , .. . , , Llemoit i lz EL-movonnts L. I. +.- 'risen Web Ds") re" , Me9abe Bridget 'fortudrins Louisa ~ 11.17 A C oal Pll: l ll:3lrs t g a m strarar " pima Annie X Matlieralareti • Wiltmquia","W ",, GRIP eility:. Mareh , ens-Be Warren Cate e ogrivbeit bin. m ita t ga c tre . way ~,,,,g 1. 1 ;, ...0 , men ri t trt gathering Susaur,„. ,WearitEspnie ... t : inAr A 11Magowen Annie WalLsee Rhea ! vinutr ! ion I t m il a s s Y rr r attkl.ji tl n A t n a nie tt i n a huit : le se r o l±liza Ta, rintt is • Muir Lan' AT VIM M i g ~. • .♦• . l,4lcil . March Mara A D hit" lamer! ratirean ' Melinda btary,E Hilliams,Emllie . lunionull Lo Macon Marys 1 f , h Wt Waal anlY - ' LBd wards 1A i Malian Hussy Witham" 'rho.9 "Engliusd DO , . Mmin Jamul , '',/, With Atatilda - - ' -Rdararile'Anna' M. Manarldni - •' ' Witman Rusts' it . . elan Miirt L Middleton RA. , WMor. Clara n ,' Ittorlitelrpte isl.roarrea 0-- , - ,, Wiiidoldn'XlEof Pis M ar 2 . Mho] Neb./ma Wilson W P Fits main / Llgibutuabstb /y.WHison-An;,V,.11,-, Ewoh.:a. mold P arke ' ___Wdmer_Fintara - meirsdim - - Awns lege _ / rlWillkon • MVP. T", 1,4 111 ” . Vs' r 110r2arbW. - , Williskm " f entS- 11, ay Mr. bal year J re , Wilmer Eliza sougueso. re , _ Moans Carolina '.‘roodr i Inhal t ar7 Err, - 4,itt, fiz t rini ty wrz.,174, ' ..e. ha., ~, Nolen Jane Vansoimu Emit/ Miter Kesimai odor Maggie 8 Unger garah curillaper , gta_M tHeathr*_Alez ,; , g r ams R,Jeitiab --,.., • lImMEMMa',..W &Gob Lain - ~, "nen- Mica . , OituramEntom , Ntettolls Mn A arnMl Caroline , - 11MAn AMID fill. 2 Basle Hannah . -.' '; ''/:-.; DENTLEIdEN'S LIST. • ' ' "; "' -Alien-&-DrcIMA Evans John T MoClathe J At rot!. i Rvanseliet MaGroty Na nny ,A. gn, Cala 21 English two, , „ IdAntesti.T-, , / ; A an' Ito ;','.. 1 Evans Frank - - Memo Rabe - Abbott 0 r -' ~ Ennatton Hen,' F Me Kiernan Sao _A lexadder.Dr ... k tier Calvin _Atolfirrt Wm - Align Hot," 8- Evan . & SOU G w McLaughlin M 'ArmetrOaa r , 1 Penuedt *Mob o t h r ed,b..11,14,0. A r o.), - Enteriale Netball mdblibilb Jame" A ra "OM ", Eau" F McNamee Itich'd Andereon W•Tt Enotcott F Madden-John A ethoep II 0 l Evans Albert mammal 0 e krit s e i r, i Evardll Magee ~9 i=„ 3 . Derr ' Re! Wi'' 1 'Vero t hlA '-- '' ' :# l 3l:i t .104 Amnia Jos,-,- - I 'Ewan" Tittle llt - u-letutint Ohar+si 9 - Dania loam pi . , f. adlaok T Mansfield JV - Ilmley 8A: , I L arson Edward ,:trAtar boroltah aCo . ItitellJohnl - 1 "Men Dasn; - 4. WA , „ Baldwin item p ..Pander '&loF.asildeerotly John"' ' ' mics 4 Dona.d a Fenton J Henry Misne , all Wm Berry NoMotte; ..- e_rgeetel ;AM. <.- Mann IfenirsTO - *semi; Dant 1 'miles Jo f i Matt"ewa Pemy i Ball, ageniel , L L e1 , ..n Patr air !Mgt lava t Hal 'Datum` J ;- ' mow i ,• , lowell t• , ~ , ,tuksis & " Von , 8 ti itssontld,W Ai ' asehr, IT • 'leo 7Ar,,, Baker Wei R. ' - Pitied John' • Meiche 0 . .Day ley Emmet , intebbon Mr* -/".filellosJ ames ' Batter .1 A , , nom Bonn' :,,..Miles,ly...Uberinoy Barton it.s: ,: i teserajd 0 , Mil-er J Anderson by , A ..% ~• Altill Y , ..11i .. ;,' • blißer Bow it a, , i "Mon, I. Mb J B Anpar Ohm A. Ward* cw I Fletcher Ohs" IL! or 'Aaron Barnard 14F. AI peinfollil Wm , Viler It L ~ .: , natty, Ka irwri reitoy & Bons F Mar Wm li " „HerneateN2-- , flukes WA, -- / Miller lc -Roberta BAUM I. H • „ ironer/act me, , Wuhan ibi „- , valtitte OX.Jilio Michas T h os " :111.1tehell. Id AW DrreborAtrant i .Prestnan'tz, CO . ililliob•llPe rry - = tiannet.Ja" H / _ !tarsi -- / ....Milton Tam Deem L ---• ...., l Freeman A, c,,, ~, r w„.. E.Nickson Frani" Jaz onroe W iJ F -.I- i ForevatMb J 15,, , . onttlotnett. It • Lanen/ Porkotter oh.< = • camay. Aat ._.: , 1 Damn 01. ~-; : l EOWIOT Jamb D t ore Joseph MOM, Jells ,;Foster P 8 ~ core James , BigelgrEjobin II , Farallon Clabli . .' , . bilingedeßraggA. Bitola WM IV i . French d: Byrne"M orrison J. I . tk il irit°!:l Frgar-11 1 -) 7.--. -, =ifertir a -sho, an Thiii - mak MI-- .., Milford O.W , :" i krAls c a l l;.:, Mirlastl i VM - r 10 11114 Rev 2 John Bair "John U"-• Clay John "rimy fdtolmal tentorel'Ar Gala" Henry "ruby &Co n I ' . 4 Gambia H".. . Illft.fl Itt' aba.,i - i lindriteA3att'rt t.. ,', turf h ate` : ' 'Bodge- 4)IrJ '' 1 uililland Mr sersJames 8 Dowers John'R Gilbert Mr Myers It Wolf Nogctilp • -, , . Gibson Jag B Mater A 8 WA' ~ Odllana John F , ,NOttlef AW2 WA' A Wined , _ -EherMan Nees Adam • man Dr- DII * EVI neleon Jag ales' Gluten Gluten" lin Eptaic o wn B As Ilt k Jur i 43 . 0: 1 11.111t eyes_ 0 tw n amp Matto; lA , (Jolley i'Vgi lin- a - - lll l iiti n ten, runtrik4; /pm 0 ; limn* K _ Donau WIA' . 1 bluart"Wre ' tOft JAM" nrawa.,...Thoe -, ~- , odde r Nay IC , arias E . Drowsier W -, ; I Gorman Web ." -4(orbvi las - . ism" WS -' / quay Wm.D. ;me nso own John D miens allarkD ~ 0' rwthA . fawn:UMW It i Gnus 0 in- ; . V' ti peet , Jac Hann ~.14 .- /4. 1 Orri . .00401.1 W ,;,;. ' crown 171110 13 it , alt - Ogdby Edwd r r. Hums Wog , • , sp ti" RIG i, „ . OneseboW 1 0 , Brown Frau ,-.' nis WM , ; , 01-laAno CaAjngp : Brown g_ ---- 1 colleY .i.Ohn 011VIUD Dr Mia, W 0,:,-, , , b thmeJ gi , . : p , /GOMM. --; - oghluttm ,OA.t. GOMM Wm F'. „ , raker Castl 8 - 8. 11- • . . g Guillemot Prof 'am Justus L 8°61°141B: a 2 1 S na rtit ‘ B ll .: ' fa m gea B 4 ° j r Lati n a's I GRubb•W i 8 1 ,..'; ' trr Wm al go w , Green Wns ' Alton Jan . Brady Michel ' gralaryki..4d - arker Oliver 8 strA_Vit%lll . , 4 , . , 41Mon John II result eta! _ , r atteryot..B , poet_ ..„ , übr 1 „ airy , -. , ante Joan •L ; Wm__ , 3 1 Hugin AGM / ~ , 4102stt uecov syne Win , C _ aul Nit um ruoutaboltn - A iondlAblv !ivn j inn Hark Harm ' - K et.' W ': Darrows Winli pdAZ., Dial - IIIInh.)01.70/11; M Burden) spa hap 1 1/- act join , Hush Edwin, , Ds is J ' *Don dbl. nu 6kl l J l,O I HoDF. p&binr, L 'Parker dra F or J w , „ _.,, c1 wmams w. J . oasis,' Win J Einsitior.,l-W. -thul m s t)ohn AV -" 24girill nut . rtri ii :-, Z ri l -A i_ - ii2g.llll eo' l._ .E,-1.-- i 1 Mood - C. l ,rib= normal 'pc, ts ` ' Prang .., .-- rhea* '4_l - „ rtier it -. . I Jaist.W WING wit 7 ,rohoook Pant • pan rem - luillbOrf_JA • - Peters Saml •' ' lie Pa th i spesbetz el - • atelet !_t.lldittnle . aWmO . , Ilarrierril.!. 1./Ifir tatitsra f „.' , Igheilin ' ..i • st t arit ' is , •,, •.,,. tlff,RiiiMica 1 .r.A1V.V.,:: l : 1 Er n near ii . li - PrilliVlY4 l ,l° '! Falfr Ai - 4'.- 1, 'VA Ofsei,:: Vtrrii ' rdk ,"'-- , - (Isrtea.Win., . ms 0 -' . . ea r isenittohd t mutes rtithald "wet Its fr o • .... 0 Perkins scot, , Cannon kcal, , 'Tarpon,: he ere Mani A Cams, -OM.- ' ; tual/oTunpthi•Perdr , Wat, - • Deemok•& iniersallsory Isaac - -Perry-Fmdk Care War , retry FrAM '. Penman - Thee J ' 8:= 1 1,r rit ia w i l j ..., _ s , :ddro, /0 1 4 , . .. Darr Jacob E • 1 ill Sir 1 '' , : '4lFilarliku ...', 1111/47 JO° ' - . t DOlOlOO/2 133 - h Mos Henry /,‘ . Cameron sant: f Hooker Henry ' r: Perry.llewrY - '• , Carpenter J 0.; / Hobs Henry „ Zerolvai'Duro . DamonJno IL I Holt James I '.ace Jobjc magma' I'D- ", i Nom./ C ,• • , ' zetorgoA it if i Ohm Ch "." / 2102100" a At' ' 101'0)We " Chords Jai o_. 1 r te kin II B. . IMP GM ." Christina** . , Hand rJ : Arum henry 7 Odell .) -'' -1 oya P . ..'," ! . ant 'Chat A'. . • OlirreAlter I It - -1 it !Mins. - .. eters gem .. ',' I ' a Hess ',: • . '' 1 CMG Martin . Peters Fumed' ' Shmesboti wrii ages Janet 9, i • estalesoit'D - --- ObligDr 8 8 off Andrew_Al qtarlm Jai ri -As F one* Caphld 1 flees* 11 .8 1,1111 L T -' '' 1 041 O v t - rum Glee If. Ask Jo: y 7, IV - OW M 4, , - 11 9 10 1 10. • QM& If - ~, anzeiford m itord ohm .-,; Wilford I isteibitmonlll. , fermi:l.Blmm Olarta Bsuagel bpsortjamj„, _, , ,areeoa ... ~. i u 'ti r ite " r l‘ ?ir i nir agg AKA ' - : 1:1111 Jul ti. -- : iClasit.Theedore) HarignsrvJm -,, YEAO•,,W _''t . _. = . Th044, - , ,,_ 1 grop :: 1,11,. : ri d er vhae es ~P ~_ tan* rs fv . oar War . otter a H Coehey_atial 0 i liter lobe - Porter den f Collis Wm ' Mbar" .‘ '1 "": 01l It Elite • ' Coiling W p m: I Ingtepend terayl. Pott er John .: .- Comp' l i . i /aaer 8 . 4 . - mire And* , • CM* Ca terry s clera - wen wm, - Co* P• ,-- .;-. i Whiwrt (birds °nor 14% rtiorui et i Irwin Franklin -,- rata Pfivist ''' L'ln:kival- ~.. / mpector goes- ; inter ;at --. maim ua i micron Bark . , 1 , owing iWin II MIA* Cold j .j h.. Andis „ ointrote.cms W. wall ' : . " Jaeltomsa Hales , - °wolf Ashton IL ~ -Ca ste. lidutt JAM, .larebtfArthas .' .." oorVonn D. :4 . ga y ,V ; , t JaeksOn_"Berasrd - 'cube H J Vnir, "I i s i ll lii Mi r iF47l. --,, ..,,,....„, Joie. iv* - Pratt It : I, re ..r•, - imila *IVY ", ' floe hoe' - - I rofFit ' i :_' 1 .1.1 ` .. 4 71,;,ti , ItIVIr ir s. • ..., via _- 4 11/0:1 1 If i t,4 ,; g no v a 7 . ~.. icc ii st.b „ an .. ._ 1 1 ,F r o u n dpo wik a EfilL a r 1 . i4 rn e:ot r sk i) e C i as AA.,, , 1 Jon es & neer Erie* , ta A : k co g s , . ' ..,,.r. - tat • , •, , : rreeetkwe, -: ' ' ZE, '- ; I I21141,1? F '. . '31r67111. oh;, se i / rpm - - • : ' ontirkei :ca r ic.,::Ao-i temoot_.Tasspir 'mini .f Mgt - ' men weatw'ta - Prentore Rev WV- Sl i e t io itia - rt . I atiejerltenVe P rice Capt RC - 'AAA I "nee, lOW . _ ysprielol of Or ; rite[ 0 --", ep o John ," aba t e," war raw ford plus, "Al ti . . b . a pm* C .:W I ° "H' I. 6,70 " xi b e t.; .l l,"lteli rel :' ' - ; ',to ward. •ta, :-, ,-. a wl ugh , p „ 401_ .4 , 3 erbottY4lonOe: gni Cam . 1 . W ; s'isaw JO • . "resit John :AM•.•aa F 2 , ; enoartebri p - Link e; Tr ':* ' ti • ,. . 1 ; : : i i em :4PATA ''. i t Au Je g,:iibt 4r • ~. • • p,"" ; 7• - iyik" ( .4 n "V 4 10 04 it , .. r um bel ..B , , :, I. O ra illY 1,114 i teestt e s ter , 61, *gill N, '' ,i i • - I inner ) ' ym.n . ow. - '14,14 ,- t. t inga it . U. , 11 * aDY Ittli m .., , 1 , - Vit tl iSl V ....."7„ ''' es. r er...6.ra i grist 4 / 4 4,: ~.] ~ i f& iiti i, i midis &trier:4A o . or o T r i t i„, , it , , ' U tah j '', ; il&4: IN ; N " .. „ Delman Lt X 1 le i rdeifito.f..k Il i i.if . , -L-• .‘: -, • i alVia l"Ant. Coieo6. l triai W it, r !- Eitt le , : ! pti, ,k,,,,, : Lea avid! ....E.r Zo WA - ir . ' maw ' j M f r l ,- - .;„- -Je itp......,- 4-__ 1' - fur i o Ti ._ .! , szkir , 19P 4 I V k: ,:::', I. 4441 1, 11.iiikt i .', tt iogt. 4 . . John '" 1 -Awl* /' i /.. ~.,,, .: 12. v Ilk ' .d rit Lents; .1), i a ',Dr co HelrT l lo4 l 4 ,'" 3 101 ha . ~_ 1 ' !ii,.l . '.-• - i a eif ni l ~-' 1 '' ' 0 144' ' I • , - ' aw . 4:4 , 1 Oni SA , ealtoll,tit swim tit H,y /' ,'„,.. And ~1- ;' . ' F sr - aittbarsDapt It_ - e 4V• ar„ lh' ts;t Ailn trifs b e an A n n a ga s si - ere - , ‘,... W 7- - t. 1 sea e, - , 1 lax Philip n . o rte Hon A is A , Atm Ai l' i on Tavel. .. ran Jae - I „, h i t y 1 L .1..9, mr ~ >der John: • t-, iu ohdldL . Lonosub,Ejtv,x,,_ q 4 ,rr ~._ . •,. • : 1 Mg 444,.. , .., ~, e t Dove ligc • ~ ~ / tilkgreitb Du- - ligit. Kgrloon ' • M i g t ; i t riV W t ioj ' s- ,';VA P Arowg.6 -, 1 3 , ,,,a i -. I V _ g, i si. -17-- - = . 471 , 4: *v- , i ' ; 4 _ 4 1 71 - . .- . "41 : Tube 1110 ' lt M *Medium ollumMi ; r ,:i., 7 T'' • ' 7 tk c ,'..'.. 1 ?R. is co 4) .f mohwarg E L *. _ '. t a..-,,,i1-I,lasivr ', • ,-, it:Ft:A*llo • ~ , %e s*, i' eAlliaot Jlls He under m F - 4 ; Illtiki„D ‘ i, a " A"' t' fartiM i liZ 3121 - .; A. : , f - '4 I le IA - very it ar, , • ' McCann I Immo t DOM `la ...... 1 t "r'''' 'l . e aulPY ß Adir .. &Yr*" i' l'Oi 1 ; 1 'llr. R NJ; usl a f It gol i gsgne+ - . -10 .tit; Viais • f ~" A & figiArtaa . ...c.it a le GOO 1 7 M ." 0 . 7i ; 14 iotatl ah- ildwit''.hafcir .oaai ammom c Luituatimniti :eau!' ;;FriT :11 — - 1560 1, r.iio. , 1.4 hg - itt It; I ant t t $ fitkr :' 8 ay • , V S % . .", ~ 0 , h ~•....4 A Temple Hon A X it* _ , , 1441 ; 11 rE I R i ltrr 9 =i 1 w , = , 2 ,ci. Ai" ilherwood_Jalinli Taylor Wm J • t, tom" , pm/ prior R & 0 A Mae 0 r ,.. : ., 5y.y,„...: • , 4 ,,, ..,.. 8 ., ,_, t., ..,„ ThonismAnd -• Viet* . - • - Blq el .1 C., , Titus Harry 9,, 4p, Sin? - / glnit&On Jnos Thomeson' Jss" 0 O S 6 . " imowsoh*3 , s Thompson Wm Vie; , th_Rail flueindas •-,• •• , "TinimmaterSotterW &MI writ ~,,, Simmers Dm, e rg • ...,.. slij r... , AllowN.l4h il*, "; Tha & 'win% mu rt =s' ' rats, it L. ~, . ~ / eons i r. , 7'‘ ip t ir VI I , iti Smith S'•if i r :t . Thorne Dr= ^ os. ft - Smith k. , Ch ll' Thaler * ''* Shut' I ' SI wsrt D Townsend V Whio,popayaw - Ann Derma TowasenAtias Williams Adam Mit hisoSs Ton's; ItlN,Witasissillt AI, .., r Smith A a ' Tnbble os * W tioawm -, ' t Smith R L $ iodd Rev Napo WI n Isaiah Smith Andw I . atobimt Ri. .. , , witttriad.tto, 7 - Smith & /arab R odd Them _ Weliesus to it i ti' ilbirroiro 'KJ& u wissiow,' eth i ; ihnitth WA l'' ....Tower Pf , k ,. . 1 , ' lams • ' ' , 1 ,amitn Rey Jae w Tweddle Joint ' Wiulams Jesse Viten, Wm lit ' Mier Oast Dm - Wihne rest Co Smyth Wm ward Thomas , Wyesiirgytnit Boma !dons L A W nitetetiget C P fftlit Joss& Small Cant A 1 1' Wa rne [ Rey .I,_ _ WoolMMl Chas Pli_ p gr e Alglll, ll,,,,gi n l- g` ' "C 4Vot i rr r in r sti t th. r ........,,. 4".4k ; , Wrlsa Thoe ,", S E IPS Par!' it ' ; 741 1i rW" Ti " "tr ir rlf!,, D S venom 3o n , _at int^ tilati, 1 !" S el nosh , '+ & Yeashe * , t .Wri a ialt Joh n: i l i t ttetrVn),,, t f. Ck ! , 4,lrh n el r l i t u , w.itip_e , eggs Wee , T y ' Was t e, WM ' Pleat. h iss ' trque ala 1 * Walters 0 Si* • ' Ann ugh Stauffer ht.• / i Wation R j•s , ri 0 all /I • maul heap r Wardirri DA' , ITM Hobe Stewatd "Most; 'Walton Tho*E, ' ' Fin Joe Steel AW • * Walton Deo umby &Co 7 Al Stpkes Collins. Walton Oeo Windom} j' T Stlkalsitobt ' Warder Ef,l . ' Understood &Co St vista Aar WMAMMI Amo Wiy , • Stocker Dr A L • , ', Co' ' '' •VM nOR 0A , Btete Sam= , . Wedslond IT t via a Stevenson Job A Wept Wm Vstnertir J S i 'Streak Wm i WMIV C . tVattlite Pemt L Stavensun, Wm • Wyly Deal - Ifms, ne Bev .1 Stevens TJr -Went ev rtath'l Vass r Stritaler Cyrus "WantoottYarlf °•c MIMI/Ant WO, Stevenson V It. . Weston Atas li k vmsatins btrong. W Weems Gen kin g My John Swahlen Wm ' ,Wonael4 0 J ,. Ye Jamb Baer* Time 1 3 welter,/ Henry 'Yoe Jose ph • Sutton Dr , Walker-odb P" US John Swabian Wm F Wells. Thus 8 ` 'Soma Mau A Sommers Geo .• w mt. tvßro PW _ ~ ' • ! , pc B. IHROWNZ. Postmaster. ) 1 1 ,1 !KPATATWNIL (Reported for the ?relml , MAYAGUEZ-IMA. Mein liehr ,, , - , , A r lfhi3A,Nuita,t; - ,410 punohPrOin tA2)6 ,l ooiJk`Peqiitoit. ' OIENPUbut/S—Bahr' Henry n01t.107 thkeho 9 t,eroe l lugs: 3 & W 1111 , 133 bitd9 C 1:8 ' 4 0 4.-5Yk-;-B I A I. lth nts-1 1 38 ' rhhdinfirds • "agar 139 Vosohoonilll tan moire+ 3 stp,a9strun John tdorha tro., Ut ENF USG hr Jobs' : 4 ' %lilt) Vida titl9lo AKO rptrAr hhda nitattears tikly , . •• MACK MIMI( .Wrte UNton-ree bblo dinar 20 bb s ginger 0 99940.9iii.r1U9 ei r ,kiee wood D N Weciaar & r j oR N V I A /t ank; . :# ( 1A 1 C 0 ,0.1L41 1 .: , " ! , 111 - sisblil littliOltli - coSigiciiricitoi , ifs mownt, 4,ign.qilrAß.KAW.h., ,_ , .g rail forildt t u k r i v i e lk SIU?1•1161), Pa ., l. av a • IP . il 4 .Shiprbriay. • _ ipljor. - . , .•:::11..a...:::.. , ..;...80ng Kong. soon Eibip Tuscarora, LI unlevy..... 4 ...Liverpool, Jussi . Blini Zeno, Tit s, 1e,.....,—. —,-.... Londonderry, May IS Bark David ri. ilson, Pesoook...,::—.Ciantsesos. soon Bsrk Mann Iton enstosbury..........—....Matonsas,aoos Sark Cheshire Rsed.lsli.:,W•st•Cosst gf Anus, soon Bark Cordell& jt0bert5.....,...7...-11.. —Barbados, soon Nirk Mary Boilabe&n, Bionporn....--.• MontesideO. soon -tong ;tibia( Blur: Cavu11.—.......%5t. JigoMil'Oubs, soon er Matti rehouse... ... —nt Jagrids Chilni,lbon Bii it Triadj ste_ .r. ... ~........... , t ilavans, soon Bohr Pilot's - Br de. C oker .. , • '.:...,,.',...Ssebitdos;soon KAU' 'l46l,GEticig-, PORT OF P 11(4.941:F111,4 : , Mal: 21: -18152: MMMIMRcaMM 4 0 A RRIVEI), d • - • • Brix J Bloke n, Phokerson, 6 days from Bosto n, With masa to captain. Brig Eligabeth Wrote, Bryant, 3 days from ‘ N l fork. In ballast to JW &JP Sten.' rig Ella Reed, Tux°, from 81 Jago de Cubs 3d lest, with sugar, mol asses . &o to 9 W Bernsdbil & Bro. Left barks B. regor, from Boston, Just an Scutum. l Marshall, from A ipinwe)l. for Nov York,„ida,thnite J W Woodrun. Roblnion.' from , Sayantials. ar sat Ideteor. from Boadon,just ar. The R arrived off' the Capes the 18th. and ezperienoed calms and light and variable grinds, with a yr di swell from the eastward:lM en tire passage. y /I, lat 2323, ions 70 , spoke brig Delano steerin g 8. Brig „Tiberiasi Lams; IP diya-Dorn 'Cienfuegos . with angagto Stewart, Carson & Co. Brig Ennuis: Raker, i f t dim from Ponce, PR, with squaw and mohmes to a soon &.430. Left brigs . At /mho • and Rainbow, !or aw Baku,' and hamlet - Churchman, for New York, ldx. Br- ache Arotto. !Amhara 12rds3a/trour St Sohn,lll3, with 023,000 laths to Twang, Mellon & Co. Bahr • He Nutt. Sheldon: le'digni - Nom' Cretinism, viith sugar, &e, to B& W •-• • „.• Bohr A 'I real, ROwaan',l4 days from CharlotteloWn, PFI wiapats and barley to J H McColley. - • Bout u,a,„"yanailder. Maya from us/Minato'', N 0. with naval stores,&e. to D 8 Stetson & Co. ,I3ohr Diadem: Gifford, 7 days from Bath, Ma, with guise to order. Rohr lolls Anna. Harding, 8 days from chaild , Xro_ With oottoo, &or to order. Bohr M R Shliphard, Lane, 4 days triitit NeW Haven, with ludas to order, , Bohr, Allan DeWning, Ries, thud frorit.WarMington. 'NO, with lumber to Sand Bolton tr. t3o. • Bohr NI Bird/Johnson, 10 days, front Pier/emit, NY, with lumber to gam! Dolton & Co. Rohr Florida, Kelly, 8 days (roar Boston; with min to David Coopor. t . • -,, . - ,•• • . Bea csptatr Yorinis, Jones,' dagx from Beittionet; with ffsh to Bohr Meohania . HandrieltsiM,VdAY:front with grain to Co titian Curtim i c .• ••• # Soar Clayton & Lowbar. 1 day kern mxrna, Del, with corn W Jae% Bewley & Co. • colt( Annie trdett."- (new) day' front Doff wit g rain to Jaa L Bewley & Co. • . - Rohr Sallie ills:ie. Lacy days Dom Milton, Del, with snuAto Jai L Bewley in Co. . , -- • - - • • - 1 CLEARED. Steamship Kensington. Baker, Boston. H Wieior. Bark sgf i pti. - Jdnes, Boston, David • Bar k Jo n Aviles . Vaughan;_lloston, Jumiliton C ox. aik Commdrom Barnes, Mantas:3, P R, John les son • or Solar 'harem b. Smith. Savior NUM Co. Bang woo Ca/inter. Somers, onifiagtan. 0, do Bohr Brunette/ Young, Helifam , Twplit.Millitie Co. Rohr Mary Clerk, Howard, Newburyport,t3 &Wood. Bohr Alvira, Allen. Portland, captain. Bohr MOnteguk. Falkenburg, Boston, IlliklMOW Rents sohr Beulah, Hanson, do do Bohr I' Winona, Davis, Fall Riven R It Corson & Co. Bohr R J Mercier. Robinson. East Cambridge, do CBohr It 14 „IV/Ridden, Cain. Salem, Noblemntett /a aldweit Behr Fidells. Wheaton 'Boston. 1, Bl ea tisreatil4 co. - Bohr 111P8inintonss i tilirell Mwton, pti, ththf& Co' SohrLizzie ARM& aley, Magon,Nev a s sarrerk CO Bohr It 0 Porter, Hudson, Danversport, B Milne' & Co robs Island Belle, Butler, Cohaeeett. 0 blilleg,t ntattiller.,/ Jardine, Jerome, Alatiatidna, reb ier. r, • Efts, hiOnfllgoaW, tier, Balttipors. A Cfrpvini.Jr. MR3IOiANDA.•'• • ' BePnelbegißMidi kenos, arrived , as New Y Ork Mth Bat. lbw Lion, Wells,"henoir, arrived np at' Charleston 361Itumit. • j t• •• • Chip WM 'Chamberlain, Knapp, from Cowes, arrived uat Charleston,l6th inst. , • 'Ship Kalamazoo,' Taylor, for Liv erpool, eleared at Charleston 16th lost - - • • Ship Oliver Jordan, Grant, for Panama, olearad at Bal timore 18th mat,. 'Stop Crest of the' Waviii:Colley;froin Callao,` airl6ed pat Baltimore 19thimt. ' - '- • btu 4 Apr RaPtee, Savage:fog Philadelphia, sailed rons ltintore 19th nst. huriotr, • • - 0 Ship Black 'Hawk, for Mort, wiled ;'row Calcutta Mat March.- • - • • • Ship Radiant , Chase, 'galled from Cab:lett& 24d Maze& for Boston. - la Bork Simian, drnith, hence, wax discharging at Rip de Jane ro , „- Bark Wpo tneY, Mittelman, from Now York. ar , rived at Norroik Bth mote - • " • Bark • Browne a, Baster, for .j'arastabooo.olaarea at New York 18th inst. Brig W Crawford, Palken hence, arrived at Portland 170 last, - '-•'•• • • . Ketch ricidont Benson', unmusicl, for' Monrovia; cleared at hiMore 18th inst. Rohr 0 M Neat, Godfrey, home, arrived Wihniag too. MB, 17th inst. - Behr J Brognard, Williams, hence, arrivedat Wash ington, DC, tali lost, , • 1/ohr Stephan , rtsper. COO. for ,Philadelphia, was told to wee from view Orleans 16th inst. Bohr Only aughten Rainer:berg, from Boston,. ar rive at Barannah lath lest, , , Bgthr John Tripe,'Searii, ,, froin •NIMDMilig, arrived id Boston 39th into: Belies Black BHA. Compton Michigan. Marshall. Car rie Boer, Flinn, and Loan, itellect, hence, arrived at Boston 18th Bohr It 'Willett*, Crannior, hones, arrived at Salem rkh inst. Sohn! Smith Tuttle. Mayo. and. 0 A Stetson. Cobb, jailed from Provirmetewn I nil t.• for Phila4elpht s. 4 01 1 1 rbi lifiLiart, nsopil, keno!, fdritinican t at Nevi t it h isst. Bohr, L P Pharo. Creamer and John It Mather, Niok erson, benne, arrived at BoistiOth Ma t , tl' • ,fichir A. Hammond : Paine, o o ared at Boston 18th inst. • Scots Yrank lots. 800 , Albeett-Thunie•. , /Meats, hence fog Ballroom:it. at roirßiver )88t h Th Solos orns/ Borden,- Wridfitinstoif,' Mad Hunter, ranket. ler Ph ilndelp Ma, hniatto r•via ;seacoast" salted Rohl V4 lll K 4 vilf J~th hugs. IMM=MUM VlNGListi' ANP obAssip AL' BOARD 12A IND BOOM , FO,R Y ouNDlaßil AND BOYS JOY. LanaNder " tibt !, - ' • ' MOORE. rtinotpal. • "The looatioti le. fp every reehoot, aver ! desirable one 'COuree tuetrUetont emote and thorough. ,ropils ad Fated at aur time. Vor ,{tioulars!,iferkiA for 0 , Wren W. 3 r . rayggue! ARS : ritEDERIOk lIODGES, _. OF TON, intende opening a YCHOOL FON. YOUNG LADIEIti in this city, oopunonoing tp OeVentor next. Vre. li. has tbadionor of rojerring to that r. ilex H. inton,' D. D . eater of the Chinon of We My tinily. Circulars,. with oil particulars, may be obtained of Mr. 1 , .. U. Hodges. 70)1 VINE street... ~- :a • .0m •• A .01.141411J4N 60401401 , {§11 . 114 1.4 1a a relic rogdiooi throOKO willoO maa; arid Fond Ile, may o oompeteoimaatorrif 4rectUrry , ob =eon, beet , • • rar-rt • • Illtuoll Yr AY, Now York, or rar-rt , ..., 009 CSlESTrltn.Scroor. „thilodelohio, , , liaRY:4lO 'lf StATIVPI'S itAtIONAL KEROANTlLl3.gool.lstiu.s.socoitidi lit' hi i r,, S. E. corner EIEVENTIL And ,011.&544 I ew 1 rk, • Bylfalo, Olevelfitlll, Zrier4o; and N!: 4 qr in% TIAMMVOIO I qrlP 4 . /4 1 -9 , V492 'O. tet• BREAD AND CAKE BAURi, ' No ' sg3 4 44 sar ,ltwzoopLAk. a.vi n g„wow&the Aker7 I ormp o poon en ledl r the k 1 wuh Brba4mado from the beet Flour , pram and AttiegouBNpsll4lpi ka dinc. k. ANC. i v ,FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES. P•r sale bi►ErALRBp.N6II 4,EWIDIII - ti! 4 1n. r 4 C.l 'I Itroot 10 01 NI ARTISTBS QUAYLE'S ' _, • , .L.A. VEX/10101D j p e rArtivfon eicH?De IMieWAVA433I'I44 it Way , 00120.41. : on hotrod 9..krfamoar• 11,441.4114121. , OTtiFOT'S . SATSLEV MA.LT ,:-.4 µn,• 2.trast,:t. 4 9"wslittia Otilef,thy mili-iin 130.80 TIFF 0 ' • Ulna . lr.l ENNEBSY ORAOV 7 a -7011.011 kteN 8g11 -7- , iti it14 4"1" 1%4191V i1t". atidetiti° Q4l 44 BLINDS, DOOREf,,, Si:TWEBS,. w or aco i t iff*,* *n i g .tiR/,431.14F1N,Ark. AP ,----- L 9 - - „1. , ;. riILIP -IklLSollfr. C 0... 432 etERRTNUT 4 . LT.tynxigenclainPaPoo4 - 6 - 7 , 4 3, . •Avd zo , r , , I,..t ii , ..! 44. ;Tor . , .:, .._2l ! g . cif' : 0 41 e , %Vial Vi iii gitai i itid . rAittiThs. yorri 0 igrai Call ' ' 776.iii ` 4 . &at Mt 1 1% 44 414*W i • 0 r , , = , -., , - .i' . •,- •,;;,:, ....I,i mh44611„ n i n i l l.l slrik i St "I l * T ell and eireflVlda 4141MilitAF4P4FLAP: 111 A OWNREL-'-' 80014*14W0, 100 Atli. itaigngsio kill ltv: Who' ieofitT, ald 4C rune „ 110100X181.08.—Mans, Si4e spad 'ithout 'At dbril. ofyeittiopt Innis& ; also, a bpef,aDd Kincaid Mei, cot Wilt b. oa, 114 Mann. 00. Kau Htroott. otonnnd annr Ahoy* amt. Mer pITO ff.-51) Oit:s• . ;:thrt e'TITOEI -Buireire r ee t tfrintt l 4 . ?MHl4 AAVA ' bOFIEBE.-: 2 1;, i• , p eta rinab Javi clone. for * o 'o ,l 4 ' UI I4 V- 0,14 : 4 "°' TITIA Street; " ' • ••• 1110tt nave White FinlOperior ertelo, jest received aiX4r= l o g o 4 A i : OWE& & Oen ARM% Eltrat, ti , DINJAWANE MUTUAL SAFETY IN INoORPOR4 6 47r4VIEbei2I7I4 wpm's B. N. mi t E I 34,,AND WALNUT 11 Wit; AMIE „ To all parts of the Walla. ;• , 'INLAND INISURANoNg 9, ~ .., ,p! o xr Rim OttaalaJoikaa, sad batot aunts* • rek! a llfittitA t tek, ' ' , go37,„„tmatc&-iiiir*A6., ffotromber9ata t Per. itaikirrattie phibutept i ta City cant Loan...emu eo ll l M Pa n Y ZAtl t tri tiW " n *- - • 93 X 6 00 woo, §Pali.itoneiircad "41" tptgreslime •-•-• • • *Oa IN o,ollo'FlitA=oll.lMOtcaOttliazia niter, 11111011•TInsmose.rs 'Gen m ess'-...„.. VlieTity 'Fidjil 14 ' 63 it° I.o.aedi.aitrvotter. Mor 264X19 MOM. North Pednirrvlni:Tailltal'it,r ? uo* e* ou woo to sii,oss. CZTVALTeAItrd "na l 'La* 10 4 Oempany, interest and prinolim • , ••• • 0 /. tAtI PitrAr 4 1 4 0 1.- - i g i do am*, "1" • 'fta Fejin7llrania : itat, -- rfoi7e, OIABIP. tiatta , Ftit BearZiiiifirtal.l7l-,i''ill .aliketothea redid:4lN The Vest - And ' 7 : 77 To. Colossus. kblisdalphia ant SairannalOtesm rfavngnnoniCkow: • tr.4. 1 .T7biAdV:11E112, 4 .,... . . , • race Steep ow Boat • • company: Philadelphia atom • - - Doman= 01 cre4ilortgagea, Bridle.] Nattiti.:olo l " toi-Idaur6neett tmjtr' 191 NB 13 4“ at Agersnea-Premitune on Ma on ' , efts., Interest, and other debts ceskswy--, due , emu ai g am sad stook of tnndry-IniartinOti Oonni • r . . srf,oos.fr " -." 111111 Samuel Btokaa, leut Pa dim & a *IV' • • ialto ram pate. rga j tga i lfr i •''' o,Batua, au Trump., , jaw t61..' &tr. • Binh Jr. 04 Wad • • ea, "' ' cool At. Beal, {amen m'o - afloat. .1. . . guidon, Joshua P. Eyre,. -• LlOlPOr. 10 1$; ffornido; Plitierti; • w . D, Morgan, ~„ ' Mei 241 . dejt. INLBIJ : Boorman.. i .7 " .dreriCh': EXORANGE INSIJRANCE . Fra l le l leNCYM l .V[ l pt r rso. t: d)ddintbaudise geoempy, on , lsvorable tenni, 'either mated or per- Jo b . Aro r ,17.4 ~,,hua T. Owen, en.en C. Hatitt 8501 LL . 11( 1 ,2116,,„. •Ja22, m wr e fiki i :E.... J.KEmital den ' • 4911i1N:Q.; . 001NODO, Y eol'reellent. Eirinan W. DAVID treeireterr athrilitintf • AINANT.iA ITIROA N r M N E NE " Y 6 ---0 .- A M- PAgy r ,9AF N_ DV. I : M 8188 u‘ Y UR P AN S E-N LV =CHANGE IBUILAD'.!- - Oneeinl7l4 - esplta ' Wummists, 4 wuiry 1. 'l "g ter " yea in sound- and available meguittef.eon gritiroTo=o.osMucaeee,Bullang.atooke sway ilLiniermetiOTOßS: arm s, George R. Niftier', Simeon miic z ixter Tebl ~ ils o rezl Grant. Jr... rain IS. act i s, whogau ' ri r tiati, Mlle B 0 smen. - - i teSs 4 ,,,. o.et Z rat. 4.44wril. ' HEM". .. -'e . SEDIRRBRD, President. WII.J4Allii: ILARPNR. meeretasr.. ; , ~. v „iise..wfm St - 1 .. . . THE ENTERPRISE,.-. ,T INSURANCE COM P ANY • • OP PRILADHPIILL (FIR E INSDRARCII ExeLtquyaGy.) I COWANrs BUILDING. S. W 005 NEE 'GUAM AND WALNUT STNNETs. DIRECTORS. F. Itit,CttioßD swat,' ; !totogortl,; TDiO wzioi; slettant zo.N. STUART, 011 . 11 . LIROWN, /Pa Lilt ENT 11 RA T N *ANCEr IDNlMlrgesident. CHARLES W. CORE. Sao n. - tal6 11 4 MERIOA:N FIRE INSURAI4O4 „004 I'M INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPET. 21 310 8 W ellg l e V oTti 4 d Itr i e t ; lll i g tt7t3TAT l A if rested soand and aver a ble Eleouritiex, continue, to Vi pa ,Dwelllnts, Stores, Faraiture.Aterehahillt. Vowels In Port and their oargoell,and other Personal Property. AU lowa lib era lly and word) y adiuste4- . T litts, ''' 9 l:4l. T. tele: Bampel•4111 1 Lt8*I ' l 'Ches. yr .Poultaey; Israel Morris. THOMAS R.lBlAoll4 , Preeldent. ipsiort. C. L. CRAWFORD. Secretary. (e22-tf QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA:: NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 4 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS 11310,746.70.—1nfurm against I.9ex.gr y famsge , 4 Fire, and the Pests or Davao", 101sAA rok giticn Transportatipn. QwRGIE H. HART, Precident, E. I'. ROSS, Vice Preindeat. I,IH. CQOClBRALlialeeyisacTreditita'' t ' 1 /I;II.BUTLER Assistant Secretary. DIR . .. .... ... .. . . .... ECIO 'He IL tan, .1. i i P. mg, ,.... .. A. C S C aitte , - E. W. Bailey, ok ter B._Velkiits, ton.l6l.nair. - goaritieirirtra. eche-tf riliToN COUNTY TIFF AND GENE LAI . RAI/ INKIRANO_F: COMPANY • - PVEIBURO..MIBBOURI. ()bartered In 110:40.—Authonse&Pnintnj, *rpm, _itm.Ectuis I Whlttingtoa t wnslow, .4.-* Oegrgo W. Culver, W 1V h, Fret. 1. K. HOCKADA.Y. Sep., l4td Bpeoti -attention. p u n • to• Oo oddo. and " on pnnoptlyranutted. nsnenenroitt ob2:4m ' - • • .. • .• . , LITE MI:MANOR ANII• TRUST 00D1-' ckstaitall mtfauntelEti, li "aubilTizriftfriltitti of dif.i , 4 4 ";iate ee and 7 inemeno-oeure fife odeivetein te. an Inane au, coatraela maanduur en um aciangenoise o Lila. . • , ~ - . , , „ Thee sat ea Exeentore;•Aentinietratere. Analirterse inottese, sad finardtt„, ,•' -• 'r T' - • ' e - e... , rol,Laff Mors „ r ;TNy Biattee.: -: -, 4 satin caidel. ' • nt S. Newbold. "' - amen .ItraFtlint., X. Ranker, . f- , mph • Trotter.' '' ' •Wi ic reni , - 1. :. ell Beto,p,' - r . ' at i go li gib, • '', " el' I s ,gult.. -! eery 0. °emend. '.' :- el • : line:shinier. Ivan. Kent, W. liprnOr. - in. H. oarr. - to 8. - .6ocr i , p, Dation, oink Alan: - wi am &tertian. °web in. beam. Warner Ba. Ruin John 0. Brenner. P. 8.. Nilo I„:Kam_e„, , , , ~. gAir...L l ST l Vatte l e* ld e lt t; il !. /nix W. 11101/11nit. .- 'tr. , ' , •'%. - '. au 8 NOTICES., O • FFIOE `- OF SOHITILKILIG'NAVIgA- T lON COMPANY. MAY teth,rlBso.--Pr and after Sub' 16th, IMO, and until Beetenther let. NO ' Abe charges for the use of Cent, and. for Toll and'Trans portation on Anthreelte Omit cattiest to , Philadelphia X , WAY of the dohtisliall - Navigettkin.Fill he increased Fifteen Cents per ton on the rates axed March 12th, 1 6 0; al on the let of September. IWO. a. further in dale ofFifteen Cents Der, Ten ralU ite made on said oharses, and so continue until the close' of nevi:Salon . By order Of the Managers. F. FRALEY. •myll.2'at President. Di IL f)P 0 S Q. L S 'NOR: piT r UlttilICIUS :C0A.1.13.--e,ealed proposal! will be reoelVed at the offbie of-the PIIft.eDELPHIA , OAS woxics,__Na. , 2o South SEVENTH Street, until noon of Pit IDAY. June 8.18 d!, for any tart or the whole .of my thousand tong of Biuminous coals, iniftble for tire manu(noture ow Cu, to. Veneered m the oat Works, oaths Behuylkill river, in tilitponfoly quantitice as pqas seecided to the °oral t. the §nadsliyorOnt to culnututtod in the month oy.fuly next. - , The Coals must he fret*, apd dry, apd of q quali ty to he overtired by the engineer. 'lle pro pate must state the wallower variety. Coal j oats ded to fur-. nish. end it of a kind not efore "We at t ese works, samples of •not less than ay tons for tria be re uired previous to the time ofopennur theProtiosal woes Tee Mit of nommen will be °wondered as the weight intended t a propoeale, Mlles% otherwise ex pressly stated , and. it tie preferred to deliver by mea sure, the struck bushel of 2,688 cable lathes will be need: In cue of Failure to deliver the Coal acoording to septa ntent, the trustees of the, Gas Works reserve the right to purchase wherever they may 'deem beet, and charge to the contractors any low or damage oonsaquent pn ounh ailure. The payments will. e made Jo two 'wad instalments, ot four and six months after the 'pacified periods or do hVerY, the Ifilk -or each Month to be taken as the aye rare of the Monthly deliseriell t. qr. at the notion of the trustees fisymefits jet toa d s to cash, with interest Should 'the coritreators pieteito deliver the Coal ear diler than required, it may be received, if convenient to (Bore bat payments will be mule to date from the time Welted. Hot tractor/security for thi fulillaielat of 1h Waitract will hoiswatired. .101tet C. pap 811, • Xl' Bac Works.' 2 • M. , , : 4-ties IN : -.110 RALWAI) QONTB4.OT -11Eno PROPOSALS wilt be reaitred at OM offine of _the EST JERSEY,RAILROAD cOMPANY; at WOODSIIRY, Glouomiter ortun, Now Jersey, for the Vag of Railroad from Wood bory_to Oinosborctub, 11. diatlll3oo 10 miles,) until ,TalignpAy, 10th fi t 7.161 th Alio, at BRIDGETON, for theirading front Bridge ton, In Gurpheriand county; to PittaloWn,in - Salem oinantf, (a distance of 10 inured Imp Tog9.r3BAY,ihe IMA l tdr4ll3Bollol7oll, for the grading from rdtatowni 13 em nom*, to,'Olaaaborough, in the tountor oneeater, (a dietarme of 10 I,niteo, ) matil THURSDAY,the 24th of Mayo 1860. Pro leg, Plane. and Speoifipatiot: of the Work mai to 'see r at the ENG J IN i SER 8 piptl t 0 P 17 ,1 %WOOD t 17L 1 e8lDU {[ PUGH . for the i T ) V i t i givision—lliree Diptnoh My" ,bs4of6 404rtouif each apg6-Imllf ' . " 'Engineer. FFIOE OF THE grli READING RA1471 Tki.vates itflitight a 1 : Ass eomplbev gill bed forth4r Rafts 11114 ADE LPIITA AND Q4U),;CONIYAIIY. , ,t,aing4,#ll. Ahr.ob 14:1366. 711."Yrcrilat To i iiol 4.,................. ostoWn.. - It . . —..., ' :Vermantownit...... igloo or horlkill.,., e . : oho ices... ..... —I ' Da l es n oißT!tliipoi • Unt8100:. .... n n i ..,y0riVF0rd...4......144. r &411:::: - " - ..t 1 , ...,. . ...,,,.:::::......:: otg.r.i'r*li,"f -: " . ?. ---7 " .4 " : ? 7. ~- Orlizid. / .i4ip. fitn49 l4 llt-I. B trt 4toneWtAntZllKo . l3: ~ pm! tp. ~ • 1 gy Glair pf the NT; : . : sial4m , . ~ , ----- prolidtir bail] or salo WETIMILL k lIRO ; CRER. its) 41414 49 KorU 4.8005 D etralt, N.- I,llntllkL;Nrif!gr t t at i kD .0 1 43 CR 0 '' 'l •6 the depo Loft tl gy, , 7 . r co.. Eighteenth ntk hr at/ ,Ot Now P. M. Leave it lie : , ii hg,'', 5 0,1 3 : Freights forth iAli zexemie it 'inemaikitsti L n a l i gn i t; e VKVl,_ l l,g4k. f ,"4 l , trir i a_r dw i , X 4 . .. -;- ilia, and tool/ i. , trein'tronz krldale. m The . go a i d m ellgt r e Y r iln y dolit Mr n qrri . ,ll u td " itrar those looking ., t•e i t i lithrdiog - 4. N. n... ' PhilaelPhi,' , . ~ • . - ''''.'''. , eat* ' •• 44 ' ar p - Itiftelti A tiliNAßDTHElikr4cl4B .61+At ISO. the Paeiteeette.: , Velett n thei • ilegg a el g t_2 fr l g e h eN i g... W arrettorCeineally • 001Tter of pAoAsi ci li v. 164,1404641616. Owitinirl: on, 4 70 f iM4ill - 61 6 r. M. t•- :3 •, 11%64' and ittimosptdat, asotead.) • • -.1„ : order n ol e Mamma of tk• ittadelbluis 11,3 e ttignoy. eV/ " raciLll.llllNRl7. moridary. a m ' Ai: TISAVESI+ :01IESTO; •Poirife, VIA gp : ,, 1"4 - D P ( . .. / 1! . t' l lotiF , E. Trains for West Iteri..r leard .rhitadelphlaVioM the dirt, northetlet corner !of cEtthtsenth .and JO erket :rineadtijl2Bsll4l94llq‹-a"-aul' 616 Y( Ili Passengers forßtat one on die ' ledeirdifaitif Deb Dram Central • Rdilnpad Win Me the Led end 30.61 A.. M.. and 6 MP. M. T 42122 . -• ' • • • 44//422 ,•• PHILA:WELPOIA gilligiliffill AND REATAMV elk ..RoAD.-PASSENGSR TRAINS. far,. 'RE A,DIN_O and RARIUNLG i RG. 1.• MORNING I.lllEs, DA ..(Ilkindrun .I.a2Te New Depot, oorner o tiROAD ert=il7 . '.. RILL Streets, PRIUADELFHIAII PeileeefOr on Thirteenth nd cm_ Oallowlgull• atros_l4ojAaltr oonsooting At anisbutllFßA the T.M.IISILVA a RAILROAD .P.-ht,trean-nannins.ts,Piteemenstils• ' OUMBBRId 0 VALM.L O 6 P. IC tlyliwat r t 1 Chronhontbriy .02- Wpm, n:L2241-the 0 A "CENTRAL A ILROAD I;P: In.,ltetl,l It, , nit.t? l , , Pi .- ..' 11 F.T1' .' &Q. ' j il , 6RT4oolllilillia. “ ' ''' ' '.•••-• '-- „Pape Kew uop_ot,ootner w 'B OAD ;IA CALIVW HILL Stream, rllll,2lo3lll , lll4(Passengerentritao2l ,on Thirteenth and ore Callowhill sheets ) Or MTh. - VILLE and IEI.A.R.RISBUR9, ate.* .t.. 'AL L uAtLY, for JoAu MO, °Ain lit i EAA., , DAIDy. Camay” al oeeaMJ , . RISWANCEB YIA PUILADELPHIAAND ItE4DITM , . RAILROAD., . ram PHILADELPHIA NAM ' ' ' '. ' To A'ficenixvilla . : ... --1.- 21 - • Heading- .;-...'.1....:.. 0 Phlladelatow.d Reedim 1 kebavon.....::.-::-.‘4,.: IV 41211L•batton Whey ILX. '' MArriabarg:...- ...... .in - , , - • , „ Dwurhin ---:.......';'... - .124 • ' Millersburg, - .... • .'l.. ' . 142 , _ Trevorton Junaon. 368 • 1 ' Sunbury.. -. . '_.......,%. :ram , • Vorthumberl4l24l.. 4 -..1111 '.• ' 'Lewisburg 4,.......`.....'..6.178 f , Milton --,..............1er l IIPMPIiViie: 7- 1:4 97 0 army Shore. ... —226 .. • 00k.Ra5ea...."......606 i alston-............., . t . 2.34.) ' . Elln IY I;n::t, Ac.rA e ffli : Tile 7.30 .rro.}. fin. i.• ma at rort ClintondStinaszs 188, 'tIAM.BroRT '', making close sOnntotnnis it Canada. the West And tfonth DEPOT N v i ii 4P ILADELPRI CALLO Streets. an23-tf , c,:€9l.4llL"Mtil F.Eirbriyi,v • 77, MAVEN T • an; sander? at 7.14 A.l-11, Watt Chatter at 145. • --- r,LADELPIIIk.4NIO Ntal011101::-READiNEk- RAILROAD - . • - • nuOTIQN . 'FARE' '. • On mad after APRIL. reditete,•CommutatiooTrult•W, with twenty-sit oeisponot Jtoo,uunled, good for thel holder and any member of haffasnitycea any Fameam Train, and at an, tone. .Theo will:be ,foldrirr Treesurer, at the offinegf p ne emerwry, Bo** FOURTH Strinnoit =WAN 7 1113 tTfiTe Permit. from the ytig(ar fares. ernes wishing to major tan Biladnor to t Conant" Will , findthio a •017 desirable route, the Bo uhl a kin end - Lebanon - Vic t stainir =inn the most basun and hialttirin end 11013011. Whin by four tr um from and to _ l'hilade "Modally. • ,13. BRADFORD, Tresaannit Primonarrina, Marah MOO 18/16., ',2,mrXtOf ==!=l= GIKA.N.KLIN SAVING FUND, No ,, 1 .1,... ' 13 6 South 'FOURTH Storet,lretwgrrinCht nut and Walsh FhiMlelyttla.'ll!ale all Alsic;Me on - demand. i,, .--•- • , - v . • Depositors' money% **red- by_Ooderti_Mmit; State. and /ity:P9anth r tero!Uld:glatil, atoll gagesate. , '' • `. • • , „ .„ = 'tins ComM.lar dams' safety better than' large WOMAN collaequently will ran no mut with ditgo- Ettore' money; hutthsvp it at ea titnel rem,' to v i e return. with per dent. rut/pint. to the owner;ae they have w ays , done . _This CoMPYihy slow , sueranded. • - • • „. Somata, anied or single j abd SllabliOran deposit In th ir awn' tight;ned iMottdeneinta sign be withdra Shur hy their Consent. ' '' eberter ne teeth Ineorporated by the 'State of peons, Iv la. with authority to maitre Stoney from trneteeg and exeontere. '. • - LAB ADM, SMALL BUMS 'RECEIVED. ' Office open daily, from It to a o'clock; and on ;i4e1211.02.1111 illYttllin UMW it 5/'olook, ' t DIRECTORS. Jacob D. Shannon,Cyrus CadMidhaderr, . - ' John Shindler, ,'-' ' 'AI' ~ ' George' Rime i . Malachi W. Sloan, lßdward, .T. g . reat, ... , . Lewis Krumbhaar, MI imasni, - Nieholas Rittenhouse,' Nathan Smedley, Joe. H. klatterthwattejth Lipl Aar.* Yokel. • - 1 Swa W . imwett. :.- lACOM B. SHANNON, President, ,:- Henna Cattle,.4,Lsratit,,Wreenrsr. aplB-y SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT IN TEREST.—IIATIONAL SAFETY TRI:ST COM PANY, WALNUT Street. southwset corner of TM illD9l Philadelphian Inooriporated - .by the Stage of Penal- Money to received in any sum, large or small, and in teres The paid from the day of deposit to the day of with dal. - dace is °pan every day frill; &dock in the morning till avelpalook In the ev e us. and on Monday end:rh ° n Vria n teßAP l LVti i r ron tint XORpRT SELFRLO ice President. Wialagnt J. R IM. Peentary. , . . • 1. , DIRICToIig on. Henry I... l :Benner, F. Carroll Bywater. Ed iarard m. Roliert Selfrid Jollentl Rear— Frar.cli ngl K. Avh nll. tr Orv.rtegia:d,,ll:',u4,-rotrntrz.v.with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate. !dengue , . eiround Rents, and such first-clue securities as will al ways insure perfect security to. the depositors, and whielt eannotrail to give permirenor and stability t. 3 his thaditutlon. au Fr AXING I FUNI:4--IWTSD STATES ii4 TRUST COMPANY,Oornag THIRD' and OR MT-' 14 Eiga tr ar towel mama reoeiveck ales/ bur on de glVagraWrdYgis'i; ouP4i; an5K: 541 6 tiorm.,el frin i s eviry and on 110 if Y".EY12411 (ram wail° a stook. • _ • 'DRAFTS , for pale on England, Inland, and Snocand. from ,Alupwarlgi r fegidant--ET _EN R. CRAWFORD. • • etigurar—JA ER R. HUNTER. LINIt FlSK. , ,Aetuary,-1 . tNA,C4INEptc ANP gyms, • ealGlALNOcisig K x. IL 118 -. 11ICK vatowsak UTE_stainyczi _- tfrsor 32, W FOVNDRY EIFT•fi AND WABAINGTOk trrtssis. __ PIIILAMIL,HIA. HE 894 .. k: ____.-' i ; ;+ , ENGINEERS AND .MAORINISTB, klanrifiobire, Iti h anOL Low Prawns *Beam 4igines, for liand, River. nd Marine service. -- •' - - - : ,Bodera, Gasometers , Tanks, Iron Boats, Bo.: Oaatlnp of all kinds; eaher Iron or Brass - Iron Frame Rob(' for Gui Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Retorts and G Machinery of the latest a y 'samba provedoon,truot on. - Every-desorip or! . osyt4oolo2l Mao . aneii :wadi as Boor, dakr. tlfid q rid Milts, ftouurn tans. Op e n Steam Trains, Defirril,_ritters; EalnVing Eny neat &a:- Bole tiger, ' cr - B. Milieux 5 Patent agar Boihns Ap - pdratuili t asaryth's Yateat -Stearn . lomat; . and Aspinwall -yroisey's Patenreentrilligal Ilegar Drain- Int Machin . and-ir uAlenw rAVICAGO: lIARD WARE HOU - lg.—We gordiossawully cell the t atte i r v alog of .thkei_spio: r f r oi ki lliGita re fint. Via rialf witoigUll% advance by the nactonne• .Orders for dircet imporktm Morillnd 9.00444. w theorist Miner In Dots chi. a 'Y 0 • Ciro's° tfrotw. :i., 1 w 114. F.WIB & Don, th * COM Hint& Stmt. • • 1134rther and Commission Merchant& And Matte or Foreign and Domestia Hardware. ;•mes-irr rl l . W. SIE.ULT..i & ' YARD. B. $. Corner BROAD and CALLOWRILL, na. BuYOHoa 4.}1.1TE AIR LI M.TRUA. atiCIIERIGH I_I(IA_ES POr i titi [IV eK °per ex prelim ly for Family use. paten will ;seem nromet atten • ap3ll am " PIANOS ! PIANOS !,! PIANOS ! PIANO-FORTV.g. AINLODEONB. , ~,PLANO-F,OHTF.B. , . ~ MELODEONS. Made by Haven, Bacon. .k. Co., Nunn 4 Clark, Hallet ..Danor, 4 Co.; and others'. ~ - - _ , J. E. QVILD. SEVENTH and CHEnTE UT. remSTEINWAY& SOMS'lNElirlik. tENT Cl t fit-STRINO_ GRANO -PIANO& .430.1. 1 432 GiItAND, BQUARF, riAPi 03 • how'rer (erred in onneettii Sn privatO cynics by the , beet nerformeinit Re slued the rant prerodnns over the , beet =Orem from judger like GottrohatkLMlSlOn. and Where. Ilhalleneealloonieetition. BLASIUS it ROTUE.RiI i . 46-1 T lOW CHESTNUT Street. ptill HA N4S BRQS.' QVRRS'.CBCING ,GRAND ACTIONAPIANO FORTES. Ever, and finish. 'Every inatrumeet warranted for mix yearc• Hacond-bland Ple.no.! tattetuneenhantre. • WAI.R.ER'S REEOOMS, S. E. owner of SE VENTH, and MICR Street'. la-er • CoRN ',EMMA:NON — BANK; " ' - PRIL4DELPIITAt May 1,1160. The Direatore haveFRIS DAY d.pdared & D.videp • f MIME PER CENT: on the CapitalEprioalitat tate Tax, and pay able op npraand.-. • J. Yir: TORREY. Mulder. CA U T I 0 N !—ASTROLOGY !—LOOK OUT:—ogo.o_Nß:yrkl FOR ALL !—The never failing Mls. VAN 'ROAN is the beet ; phe moots& when all of era have failed. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by false promisee , fly to her for adv)oe and comfort . JA. i r eps,aktfoJits never fails. Shelties the secret. of %mutat -Ins anft.• one of the oppplite lax. It lb this feet whioh induces i i t e lterriXii tiretend e trs to try to imitate her, an copy Ittn: vertigentenl. he shows yolk the pke_ninis ,Tout Pi titre AIINI:IWAIRL ,or absent need. _lt ,111 14 Kneen to the pnolte`algelilutt oho o the- vet op onlyper mon who eini sho the likeness ill re4hi.Y. as oz, r llll entire weboooto :op Milani tioneetint Orli it. Ith to OSH Aill Ailloll art proved, littliouatada,. both= s and Itinglp, who d . afly an eager visit nes. Come 0ne...1 INPUitrV.: r L0rn,..,. , ,,... -.. N.14=1,i,v,i,01 010 ,130 1.30' 141 .10 1 1 05 1.01 144°1E8'':tpt„AirtLLIN03(13APS d .Thartittiar and for sate br , C.7:=RlOOl", 1,16 4 . (411 :-..,% 0 11 i e r :ar a el b till e wa Ar totarer of P 'q 44. * ll ftr i , p itiMuCiV . 4-/VICS, AFIGAS asohels, P • nraericrola;S i liateask, .opialdnk Car4a.9 l riitlnicl/Oafot-, o 1.!.; . 11,10. - .a . , , ~- 4 onbialF. Rr.orantty-doc" ,, r, • , ' - . W, • 14 er 67 "al , 67 16, IN 'ea , 67 s as 66 66 Troight'ana toll or row.- Opr.o4d. 1090. aria -aphis pOINTArRANT FOUNDRY, No'.. 951 •••• BIS,AVUJ3Ir "le Renainatani - Padadalanta:=3VM: lAtt R. TIER tufearna Ma include that, hair • 1,1 1 :110 peolifi`474ll:Wel ltiR, F Ol2; Grist,. and wl ill idaatinga, 'BO:.C. tiger. Ana MON Work ' , .0 nag. Caattnge Aft Tar" PeraOrl PgrAti Filmomr. iv dry at - I • aaad; I • $ 4) gt'tba 0124. ? r 1. /a traj Vh . .ilfiLS • m' hie lastport s ll 4.7l4l4l ,l AinTiorritna for iit_ _e arn "' 18 !- 1,411 ighlkW"lk2 Q i4. ' EXTENSION t TABLES ARE NOW 01110 0, 0 14yea v lir j ziw at t f 4. FREEZE'S • mrar.~u„rnr.;.=~u.RY•aFi e~,wAxf.`: i/.w+~pWfiN~d "l: Sa~fsret~~ A;u‘Poth .~-., ~= ..r~,... tf9tik i t i ni Nutria eunbprr and Eris R. R. (oMiihartliediftuftit ' P. trete comma tettete___,d _with - the AT vend' ERIE ' ARIL ith title to 'lqltithre lAt Daher otßßOAD`tuid tpiltlehlEST; 4s--baur .4111,11, , DitiZe244) pIWI r A rr xt ! cyr..m i :,ZiPlarll SAVlHia%•uie~re. 110114 r owed is twice earned.”, E, PACIIVI‘GE ,Hol7Blos UO&L. PIANOS. DIVIDEIDN hetlNllPerl :Mt I.lOJi-.)a Art4 , IIM.CD , 'IS" t 10 . 1,1, x •• • " • 11., F•JI SR (1,-F.Vntn*: - i• I• 4 0.11 On( V tit.WE':". ,i':,ii;AminritriOniiHtil!4' -, '..r.:' . ,:•:, rairmal.sitistatiVi s p,-.. --- .. - ;; -, •: , r'cr,' eat Ic OP 114POWIPSZA .. sop* -:. ~ li 0 : ,/ • - • 0, , , " '3l *OM lit 10 cealocl ir ' ..."' l ''' -'•" '' ..,.. ..- . cgrQ, 0 ,..A0.k.m0tt,..7,914,411# wv.oloN_l 7, 41 0 116 0tir,, ,-- WireLVAIII F ,(!iOn , ' wii lit!'4"l tk pial - 4. out i va ' . '' . ' ' if rrest ! ? - 4 047r= 9 "" 41%6ft Cat ;i 4 d'oTToPt - HdiTEßV7bP'ittiAitiOii, ritai:v*lfii. Mika, Wprzi. ilia mizadOottqa koptii I,* Ist 'make, • ~ War br?Yr4. J 4 1.0 1 1 0,ral,leY !Kali 44 MO,. . . pe zozx . - . 1349E4032R Dia'o6.lt,lo - - • • • • ,• • , immoirAgel sad' lOU of fano/ sad stud* Freudian' 100,D0ZE11 4 13T11.81.137.101G ECAr