MWM hires ---` ---- "Ir '- -- e. Cdd - refer . ot had „.._„. 1 4, erth . :lo 6 , A net; Ti e ~„__,,, e!** Ahey - opea'ciltL'ffifeffi . WI r=7, l 4: IttA 1 04 10 3 4 S 'Pa‘o• * 4-1 "4 -N, ifitssr _ ,44.1. 4 - ; - tweet a two:MIMS ali • 4,,,. i ~.1144*.aileicidoiptot.74,„„„t h, . -. 74-4,K144, *um iiimb - c w,„.. catering , - ' 4 her vizi:n*44R* sad 010 „ a bid e. ato ,- the Anhui rna the- tlardliNkAL---,..,moisedi w e d est, dad . EitA.Vai„l-= rtliiit4 o ...** l *,* m i - -: wilisit gamelattlmegodiesliSt i rirt, 6 ,l t o e tt il" .owt jill7, =,lttatiak lid wit her that had whited 11, 141 * -14114 . 1 % "1"3.1164bcate 10 kilt her at ' ' 4 Prego44o*.iibeaftlihrfttelmbirtieild added off ;' - ' - '9 14 1_,.... 1111 :14 - t = ba frfltvi akm . -jtr i — *km' l ' t,colored ‘;'‘ , =4 ,-- -- - ihi - home, wllea , :thei a eek the • g--,:' 1 brie 1: f r 0 6 k • ' ~- ' li Ir . thi lt ha tta k,k yir it ia tio id t7 i r er baoonte ''' ' " 44-tteta ttils'atid, id* iiljadia &atrial aa r ,-. i_,.......'4e4101; *ad heft, rather a d 641446444, !walleye_ beteiliteg !di iditoott 1 ' ''otrialitiol": Bareval , Insets. We teen made, bat ~.- , wilder brought before lin. ittday, the trteld net re s; . thew; bit thlekaaiticratd how& to one ''' modes who eo litiefftehiff Heated her; hitere,th,7 , were Indio kr whloh. t his hae ,= 41teldtargeit - Itic soma - Indign ant, sie well , ' ''' '4 A i riitea billimi bti z ied . r . ts te it ,bi e lgot that tie PeePt 'titters - 4ff ' .......'•, :::',ltstieV, JfftifitTe=a-11:ii *rages/It'd as s : l..l =lgaalitallil o 4irma, ll . ,. - - ' -‘, - ell , , a cik- of -- - -,, - •- - ; , - r , e Promise Vamp. • - .7 . -- .! ... A - )4tir 'oic` ricsittr-ritis:„lnnotrans" 28,000 oi A .1 - t • .`,t,- •_. •• wittowsit or- itirir;; o2ll ;-/- ' ' , Ki!iOltihA36ltsAoiA4AlA..; ,_ ' ' • , ,_•l . - n °Bl;i4itil siiiitelAtt Ootinid:-ibwit:i..lisy 2 tad _ iree,-,r,--Berati, B. ,via re. Abel. Pond. -,-- ''-', lilhirwlitan PALO°, brought toreeover deMeges for ''''att allitiorbleaeb' of 'prouitsi of martiage, Both L 'f, ‘lllertlea:Seitclerat soli toe Mew, and the plain ': .-:., Itirb arivinviady of shoot 3 rmintrilirliyhare of um lint: darter, of ' a Wildthir MIMI! Alf that • ! , _OlOO, , Thr efeadalt, at the tine his, ail ' at • -.•__, misiiipat to an plafttMwere paid, *mu ' c, * ':"'aglicilftr-dit" . lll hid, lout Seeldidla ' '''' Bid WNW 'lndira, ittigeed lailashlei pi •, , 1•• bdd mutat lispertant- town ' itiesi;'a ' IV !Med et mall fintiine."'At the -than of lt ten `-, ;'with. tis thi plpintif his and nil. bad ben - dead linuthaniCysor. ' - • • • • ' -=.: • - - -'•-i. Th e illiaz tiff alle ge d ; and introdimod:eridenei to' -' - - prOce t .that, in Juinuary, , 1858; lie,r - sequidatsmoe 'with the" defendant was commenced by the ;re - -".;.• 4tptialf.or: a:polity lotti,', Ishii, 'Nice to visit ' , Av. ; _E v er whinithe abertly, afterwards did, and ,it once . ..`‘"-;:ltila*ltteiniitila itiiirtlige ; , ..that when ihe halts t'• led nentlelhot ahnil upseptiaglis offer on mooing' - of the dispitrittitlitare betweist herestrand 'de fendant, and thitamlilimisess of ,hia unexpeeted.of- • _ few, he'-urged hie ordeals it, by Attiring her how „amok better II Toile hi. to, =arty him, with his '•.'-,,tyPilih and iidlainicrin town s notwithstanding his ' - ,Ma Unit widowhood, than to -marry s. man of her ' :s . miLlis without /nippy; and be -professed great and attiehinentfor her es • plotufand dere 'Wird, and a member - or the, seine church with , :'-litamelf;',Unit gully sheOtepteil hie Geer, and as he waiver, s'As hare the marriage take plans at ease, l a.aiatsiy'made:her , , preparations there . ; , for,nad,ooltatenced parch-Wag ardeles with which --, 'to feral* ,:thvitoitew and ter wardrobof ' that" be i ,Ilitirphirprisetita'af_ntir oldlitat and a wedding 1 1 - rteeiloal was haybig anew hoeseltisilt to Uwe in; -• --Assist thireapinitlea of 'several usenths,difendant told PleittUff he hod Outwit his mind,' and wished . hei to relate. idol-.that when asked for his reason 7ttt-• he said, 4 !bafatett les fselt &Vail withluir; she de • uerred,s unieltbittitrlttiabaad than he could make ~ diet, bit lianitilif never minify hip,'. H.' :and thus he . ' 7 ffssaitylitis her;" that eight ' outlitafter; and' hile the pmestd rail was pelidlZhistaartled lad took , -to Mc iiiiiitonse 'another wits; whor;'s yesiror two beltre, had beta divoreed.hom a former husband: ;!-' ,The defendant, adialtiing the contract , and the broach of it as ohnrkiiii, and the plaintiff's anal : - lint eitiraltor t oeateaded•that plaintiff-could have 01 ,, objeellikilaarrylitg a lain of hia'vers, who was '-`•-• isid;:voledg -upon d - erw age, and whoa thould - ' l .-- bate l#Aiiistiligedtsitidtecare of and nurse daring -.,- b. if 40414141; • thatulie wild have made more money Ii brining eta hospital, and that therefore it was i bad bargain- tor her,'aind no injury bat rather a ,_ Bei* loll* * Bull front it. - ,_- - • '.:Akistiriatio beim:oat ISM-than an hear, "ro• uama a rennet for the plaintiff, damages 1400. `, 1 L•l2-12---"TliatupWand litisi.Thillard foe plaintiff; n"--11;-'11;:tBettihAind 1) B. Pdshardeon for defend; Ti. Gansmaniilio*sion MICORD.—aat old wissipplan ferldshis th4i follewinth ilia' Westville ) - Rsynifiess ' The faecal dast,'ln Whithforty or moregentle ; Ales Were envy& In 1828, is kill 'remembered in - 12aseltiss: - -(soloed dithilowi e" the 'them lighter , ;,ned Inventor of the , knife which been his• name, `" nsedlo maid *great deal of his time in Natalie', - ;liewtutehalleszed by tigeseUelnan of Alexandria, Tbstpa_pisscli, to the numb,er or twenty, , sans; lack lbw tit Natithea_ro see fair play * know* wasidesperatenien, sad had Rwa ktelestaationahis. Allparties went apes; ' - 4 1 the Asld Ithenisabidents took theleylaires in the *OS thilitedelatest thets, Melds 11- th e rear far eieat DU — eisdithger tkenswitktkelthalth Be; ;bold thabettle array thee . MY- • - • theiremaltionsid baildattlane Yards "ilroldnd" tharoplaztendidsismate and surgeon, and : , .opposite thein;_as far behind Bode and thsiesends Odd thWee6. - tw•Offialsreildisslssipplans: the kaijbesef Nidelien.thyongedf with-. o poothtOlis tin river rounded to. 'lto' decks„ Meet witiktsesethigers, Watching with& deep inter = iwaitha tenth. "Allie.ylevof. lisht 'WU to_ exchange, `; rilik_plawder ited , to ekes with' knifes, ;kite "Wan aimed wi th his ewe -terrible - weapon. SAM, both psrdes escaped. At the second" qiitak - aerbsok advantage ctßowie, whowelted•theword. At this Bowie's • *mond oneUthod and sherthe-lsonisianlan The We of **letter instantly killed the 'Ws of OrNe.tifitodPOL-,llowie drove Ms ktdfi into " 2 boiludoolth upwnremed blades. .1. - withfced kettle crier. came on the two, partial of - ...-Adandsohly of - battle kited, eyes: In a me; ' -cited titheliekineethir Webs' eakapd is a fearful "Dlakislitels; and knives were wad With effeet,.undie*O parht dIMI. the ,other from ' the Add. ' 1 &nit know , how, smithy, were Allied hatiCires a_ dreadful' els.; ter. "Sswidtheslii like• • lion, bUt 8011014 id wrrh iroul4ll`Ar9rirmilliatailliimed at Ow Mansion ' Wei* bassi ha lefty theovered - Been' 3 / 4 4141 4 0 a5tM •te it :lady at -Bata*, 06 it ...-traytiglatisonna theirOdai haopenitcrto pl a t ti . 7*i V o itig.l l lNl 14*A - tolls nags , empleseed , visa -14 iu Omagh At wore about a(pfat Fblaibtkuk zat neat. 'Br and-hy, the butt Imiaiinwintangied Wheless, and dying annum th'eeaigo Went Oetths.perah and then mound nsek.-;.TheUW. atter cone time . °Worry% that t bigot trent to the 'o', mod therleina the' Uttlit'.. so thik-sikok It. 'pooh; and of - • ' "" iiK aiulfi t~ 'l :* ci~►l.. EXCHANGE 841.129 . VILILADELPILLII. Ma DT; B.:PLAIT* .iii4lPo :: tii joitis.:-...i1t, .. ~--IrirXtio.,-;'4bAaiii.iall .;.- - .1: ~..=;..-tbe ..... ~,,: SW, , -, i dr.i......1:146 -' :lei . + , do. ' unr.ltiS - • - r e fkit'Amb*CM - rfrtiii is V I ~....;... ..„•-. AN : ; , 1 1 ,"1 1 .! k!' f '!• , ' I r 2 + 4 ..77.-. - ' 4 - -' ,-- '; ii*L7WISEPI 10:104 R 46..1. ...... 10!Mi Xat dr U. ' - .fles W t ee x; ia t • S & a ""1:`1 .t l; rt1..:.211 - ' 1 Wok a la taut-'lo' 41.:: .. .4 ! .. ,Alijilovt*l:3l4' i"4 ,... r . p, mo::.;.. -.•Arr.., iiiid,-6646.04.4—_u , .,-: , • • ... fsf , TAL'l. , : ~ -- - i4C1141104 0 Pillmitioy, —„ I, —. ~,,,,,' -i• - -1 ., - -: ard. Atka. , : • ._. ,f' 'MIL iliktd. ..„ +. 11114141 , ,,.X4M , 4 . 1111 teltYlwriVrt. WI log ..-.; , Iniii.l,,,W w rict i t i g i l . , 07 1 _, ,i,4d ' , I lig e.7k It -O r r Zif P, ttV,!Piti,•ilk fi t. bilf II: MX a yl on g t t - t is . esf4 dritiray..:=4". l , B :"2l"r l • 2-- "sae' • r Irr:etzt.:.-'1.% - : if, ~ a -_,. ,mtrotitttle: NM U • .. ; K : • a-Tld Ste kolpir ti_44 ,!....,,, .8 , ~ 4 ....- I VLSI SUL r/16 . - ah - 7 ' , rhalladopplift • Markets. '-- . , , . , • , _,:Z . ,..„:'.0 '-, .',-:". ,', i'. : , , lint i—ltineono,nra. - . '''''' - isissinalo'uluarifoi Pkor to_day. and the ini iv WIN bids ebOtoo Wpotem sure Ase, Nem 1 7se bade aro bones, moderately at -. ' ' 'ft: ll AL - ilktdOdir atar mutes tO Woe. sum sod - folios as fia gra abti. - AY* ';', Cliett[tos , bleotsr• - 11Yarbettl. OW bletmet st , - it Sot 'Me lattsr,att SAX tity ,bbi La! reitgottiosole - - .. . • , . . I - ,f+- ungill'hOtolli'llOillilloil rillaill th e ddardet ill -- data "MOW quo ed noes. a IS Midi 10t0 of Peon ,,t. el iligllqf (14 111101.0510 for sie to Loot rod. oAd 1, - Mao or • , )A110.1 , 406 li t re two ois4 *sok 1 ." Penes, wows. sitall twos, Vo.,•.Corn oomas W.. . word , or: aledatboat_ 1 Omar solo At MA: 01ie11t......... I sasttsdo - nolari wit h ' farther, male/ of • .1 ---- q Woo ountWtos tballott IX 44[ too for 141;1.1. -- , , Se=brestaskekst amet.Sy • eody et provitase la a Mao mailfteemet.,.. " . 1,11 -Mossoss.—Thete is larroass isorasset . pad .w c so lases *slue ozompithsttiosoloskso Avast. - r0000,000•,....The limirot fellyilNLqmoi, owifirt fill 11011111 3 1111 itlyClOal b ri"ar ill vary sale dosee. ' • Hamm. /Aka. Moot 1111.osallua - Nesse loft Nig Mora; ola V el sessi t to i rtVi d agi sr2eit _ e 74.... 2 .ifire.4 7 ,,„..... st .1%6 1 1004,i market is diui. , ~ Flll,lllll q see aid on* ilflelKworioes quailed mots,' um • Nis mos Solos to IlafOly 4•11: Salatgy, r: t , Illigilr.,l" • __. • • ! - V .- ' 4 .llli4iiiilo : 4n aids 'at iiiittie ' 141*M1Y110,1 0 "4 • 1- OP?"F.•, It ==M2:M!=MM , -- - --:VrtY-4--tifitS.: i- - 1 ary lt, Cif: 3. ht Rag. 'Lame While • ?Cm wet tot. bo house, tw om eet Jisime bed emdd Ad time oitlilinit• „ tapit4rlleireek-Akaaiverserr. at the Choreli:;ear.:,theiMeli;,'l!!ialty! .; a I" 6 :._A I PI I ," 1 ," ) " 'Pa', "V: DR. • ,, 11111r01 1 -IATIMIOTISO anoRATIIonoOL - dionnitse - Thefinin anenTermarr":4the fluudaygoheole connected with the Bharat tiro... H ob .T.. 1 wee hekryestenlaY aßorneea.-Suiniongiing at 434 o'clock. Their Magni , 112. P...., chiareti Oleo*, on the earner of Wallin. street p m ) dltteahciase &Biwa; via densely Oiled on the owe pion, and' the *zeroing, , itlthondk diForing ;sisuewhat from the Mal Programs:no on Undo occatiowr, were of othoopiy ititennstinit iharinster.'. ' - From a neatlYelegultitoillitlar,'containing the oder of oteratimi, we leamid mks killoWing Middies of their 'Oboe' ilk is divldid late two branithein-to Main and: an infant solool.—the Indoor ellithering Otte hundred and ninety.smFW h altd, , the latter idnienti-tiva k Baking a Mill nil Min hilndied slid peventy•two scholars, the •nitintief et %Madre leyboth Being thirty-two; There age, yip time Bible elaiNe connoted with the "Anne,. wor men's. I young ladies'. ands women's Bible clam, containing , to all silty-two members, being pre sided over bY tout Mechem; Making the whole, number connected with the liahooleand Bible classes three hun- dyed and saventy.:,The ansonnt of- their contribution, for iniadoetitypniiniesibiluring tbl iest. Was 41113-53. ' The anniversary_ eximitissa were opened by Singing a hymn, commenter • " •he l' ool's anointed, ' ' greater eon." which' , was suns standing. This impertaiit part of the eerviera was admirably ekeoute , And 'elicited credit . noon those , having cher', of the antiwar-, sari Ipreliminariee. The ' , Angina exercises were we" ducted by Mr. Leirtital Coffin. the superintendent of the wheels.' After this hymn, prayer was offered by the rec tor. Rev. Dr. Vinton, at the :close of which another hymn wee Sang. which was followed by the responsive read rig of the thirty-fourth Psalm. A lesson 'froth the, PoriptUrea was next read by the rector; the passage selected being — as a clergyman in this city facetionelY designated it in public the other day - the "pitch light" between David and Goliath, as non tanned in the First Book of Samuel. Atter tie - lesson. the schools and congregation rode and united is singing eherhaymri. which was MAI' 41d *the brief addres s by the rector.- Its atintatenelikg, Dr. Vinton said that his address ,would be little amore then an &battiest of the superin tin:ideal's report. The relindnarl meeting to often lea a Sosdaygobool, he said, had been held in /Winery, ISlat adding, however, that little progress had been made lathe work until about &year Igo; am in July of that rear thio aggregate attendance hid not reached one hundred seholara. In the main school at the present' tune the Children attending were principally from the congregation. During the meeting of the Dorm Bo amity a' large 'lumberer • beneficiaries had absented themselves from the schools: showing that their pre eenctshofore had been evidently from purely temporal Motives. He thought that this would teach the three tors of the - Dorcas elohiety more wisdom and discrimi nation ID' I* etoWing. their fairorii in Ritmo. As already stated, the stun of all the schools and *lasses amounted to HO, and he Stored than Would not be long before they "you'd niiiiiber five hundred. They have now a library of (100 volumes. The fruit's's° which hadalready gath ered in from these efforts were said to be very en: conrigung.• Of the forty-eight oonfirmed in this church by the speaker, nearly twoAlurde Were from the Biinday *Chad and Bible classes. The sum ititive ste adied. contributed for missionary purposes Within the Year. it was thought would be doubled the .it. As, however, he did not wish to stand in the place of his re- Versed brother, (Dr. Pialston,)iiiiiti Sias there to address Ahem, he would only edit the t they should all contains their prayers and active interest in the yolk so angel oiously commented. To tire children he *Wald say that they deservedgreat oredit for their Onntrjlaitione. lii hoped, alecb that these - contributions had come froth self desk/ that what they had given from Week to Beek had dot bean' 'merely a Sarnia trine which they voila readily spare, but thattbey had denied themselves in thenot. ff they had hot *Me sew he hoped they would Yenrerntierito'do Ito th future. "Honor the Lord with your asertatire" was a Divine command, and no one scold comply with this without rasping honor and bless ing in return. , ADDlngeg BY BEY. BE. PlErrON. ' After anothethymn. the Itev.D Merton, orst. Paul's el:stab ' s:mended the pulpit and delivered one of his characteristic and telling addresses do the children. He wished the little folks before him to understabel that It was to them, and note° the grown people, thathe mimed to area_ tr. • Re mud he never felt comfortaine in talking to children until he had formed a speaking an,, suaentsnoe with tliem;m: he proceeded to Min olinoe Ilia test from tic kabinet,. llith eti'apter and Seth verse, having the ebildtele to repeat the plane after him. The words of his tett *erase follows': "Go DeXtiprevalled over the Philistine with a sling and With a atone, and emote the Philistine and slew him." Children, he believed, were always fond of read ing stones about giants. He had himself read in his boyhood the story of "Jack the Giant Killer" with un feigned delight and admiration for that imaginary hero, as he presumed they bed. He would say to them, how= ever, that the persons epoken of in that story were mot reel.' But en the text which he had read, they had a tors story, having, [or its hero a re*? giant-kiter, the stripling David,' who slew the mighty Goliath' lie then proceeded in le -familiar way to give his little genteel some ides of the athletic proportimis or this twilve-fset giant. Some persons, infidels, doubted the Porsibility of David'shaving been able yo thrust a stbrie through tie foretells - de thatstroig Philistine. One of these doubtsra bag anon made snob a remark on board aetsaatboat,tiad id doing so appealed, to a Quaker gen tisiiistrtwho wee standing by for his opinion in the cane, to whiah the latter replied, somewhat eamestioally, it mast to admitted, "1 should think, errand, that If Go- MO Was as eoft as dune, David would have had nor dillioulty in slinging a macs into SO The general titter which this reply elietted teemed to indicate as the .vii teis of the congregation that the infidel had come off second beet in - thii encounter with the Quaker. • Now, paid he. if there ware no such Passim' lianas t Ake present time, there,were, neverthearien still great Moral glints in the Petite. The first one of these of .11SUM lipeak was named Heathenism. This alma wan reformatted as a . many. headed monster, and the only way to kill tumuli to throw the stones of tenth at him; although he would never be thoroughly outer mislaid until Christacmes the second time. - - The name of giant number two was Bel tidiness. This wiia,iiiso a; Mast beastly. Ili-looking monster. He was a oire-aided being; be bad but one band, one leg, one eye, oiessiar, and wag; in fset, otrasidee throughout. The llicistratJoris - given bi the speaker under this hied were very forcible. The way to overcome this emit was by ionettitia siV-rtesicif. The mkt gnat delinsited was Covetousness. This WOW lee Monate was depicted ae a being large in ooze andmronaialimb.baving a - heart no , bigger then the vgg of &limiters' chicken; add as'kurd as stone. The moat efsetive antidote' recommended to conquer this giant was, for those troubled to tears to give. - Giant- number four Waif named . lll-Temper. Thla igisaie.thei speaker mid his Juvenile auditors, didn't live mar off Heins, perhaps, not quite as strong as the three preceding . Men; but he was quite as ugly, and the way to light' b u d imeoemlully was, by trymil to live like Jesus. . • Hat is in than oonolata he cautioned them not to at•' tempt to eninener Lel their own itrangth, but in the Wapiti' . of the Lord, avast via David had [ought and 91F*TOOMO vas alaat-chaamion of the 'The moral lesson of this addreas was as kepplir con- Mfieed sa 1t was Wheels presented, and the best proof Dr:Newttnt'a wonderful talent for addressing chil dren was had m the fact that, when at the close of his half hour's address he askcd them how many hints he had spoken of, what be had namedthem,and what we:t wilit he had reeommended wherewith to fight them, there were correct and very general responses to even question.; - „ the oloee.of !this addreu another hymn was sung, and a prayer offered by the Rev.. Dr. Vinton. Arovours:lSunoan , SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY.—The alitiviaan of the Bandar schools of the West Spruce street ,Protsbyterlsn Church was held yesterday after nonit in 'that edifice. This school is in a flourishing oonditidn, numbering at the present time 393 scholars. The enrolees were of sir highly interesting character. Addressee were made by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Breed, and the Rev. Mr. Westbrook, of the American Sunday school Union. [From The Philadelphialnquirer, May tth.] Iticositas or DriPs.—Pre have been advised of the intention to put in nomination, the coming Fall, fete this intirilSaut aloe one of our prominent business Men; Mi. Charles Adams, of the Fifteenth ward, and VOIE4IOO information is the dawn of it better day in our politiost World, "I,tr. Adams is an old resident, and hap been in active hustiers for many seam be is in the, prime of life, well intermit of °onset and prompt hi:einem habits, af fair:di is tasonera:and although always s firm and de cided opponent of the Democracy, is not conaidered a, ,Politieiax. and would 'no doubt be &temptable to the' conservative mimes of this city, particularly the Friends, We take pleasure in recommending his nom icatton, as the name would no doubt be a tower of strength to the People's ticket, and afford another evi dence of the adiantage of bringing forward• new and good men to fill our hest offices. IVINTU WARD. PITILADELPUIA, May 20850. NM Walnut &OK MP a` Pill"' 1134 ti ft ' 4 pimniP4-esah-. Us do s ti m ua l ,Bl9 l ;:ric",“" 14 Phil*. • _6 4, • ~74.1 14 16 13144y 4.118 ear rn i_P . BOARDS. ..115 V. int B .. BO &I qousoidation " Bolan's! ifstitoagnu Flog " are exceedingly ouenlar ; they have the confidenoe of PhYeioiatui, and we spoken of in terms of high commendation by those who have need them. They are of great benefit to all Who are troubled with habitual oostsveneas. oonstipated bowelsj,sieltlind nevem, headache, bi limn diseesee. and in owe when it mild and efficient insgalfre is required. Thereto wowed by , B. C. Bower, Sixth and Vine at Mg; amitelper ben. city Gilk cep," •El tr a ts • • I Liss " 5a_....... 2 NNN:rm , a - NA sn ; BOARD.' - Baextuntii.=-Prom Mr. 0; 11:.Giardzier, princi pal of theAfilierclrenialii Institute. New York: "1 haver born aid cud with Bronehitis during the past will ter;gusd foetid 'no relief until I found your Troches.. " Brosers'i Brook/Oat Troches ' or Cough Losengeg, are for sale throughput thellialted Stage. mid-fawn t Dowar. flurrox's Lavine, at the large ball of the Assembly Building, corner of Tenth and Chestnut, thie afternoon end evening, 3 and 8 o'clock. Tea ,Ontatuat, Gorr , Ci.ornina SvouB.—Meisrs. Rookhill k Wilson have frequently been asked why they do not start a. Gift Clothing Storm" They reply that they have built up their very large buatness by giving every, customer the full value in fins clothing for his money, and thee give satisfaction. without resorting to. „Minibus: .The motto of the Great Brown Stone Clothing Ha/ No. eel end NA Chestnut street, lie 'quick sales sod mien profits." ' Toomuras, the famous Athenian Philosopher, is onmaionly said to have lived In a tub. This he never did: his lodging was a large clay pot, one of the o - tat in which ancients kept their wine. Not content with the - simplicity of his dwelling, the philotorher those a cracked pot, to show how lifts a man really wanted to shield him from the weather. Turned on it s side, this earthen vessel formed a kennel, into which he °apt, and tram the mouth of which he looked out on the World, and mocked at its vanity and folly. The cynical philosophy of Mammas survived Min, and has found meat disvieles irven in our own day. They do not live in lanky Crime '511.1114 a but generally in as comfortal. lodgings, as they can afford ; but they are faithful ito their , ,mastspr's teachings, in being as bard and bitter on evirybedy mit themselves , as ever was Dlogenee to his p tub. Dog - manger -liks, they will not Emceed themselves, nor permit ant one else to, Out Mint° is, ramissi to all; aid deal only with Granville Stokes, the faehicmoble clothier, No. etil Chestnut greet. A Stemmas Stuns.—+A young and good-looking , irenum'was arrested by the • police of /3octon, at Ordwitylllll;tn `Saturday_ aveninglast, for being %male attire. _. She stated that she belonged to a respectdble fatally in lime York State, And bad Been about . three months. liar husband ltlAkstated bar Very badly; and in Philadelphia, ivilara:thil week to rolls immediately after their isiniago; , he - paestied 'Nearly all her clothing. They came to Seaton from Philadelphia, and have since 100 1 1 * biifding itleprivate fatally. Iles husband liar aped some pretext' ' and partly by threats, pre veiled aPpitlier to doh male attire. At the time ef her arreidlier beamed was near by and in fact followed the MUM. andlerseif part of t the way to the station basso. She expressed mnoh gratifica tion at ber detention by the pollee, es elle hoped it would relieve herfroto her husband's cruelty., WHISKS! Der4 . l. AT MSSlCSalcir.o.llsfonday last a German and an Irishman at Unsiegon obtained a,quantltt of It h -r i* Vp 1114 went Into a beak yard :ad think C - ott'a wager, to bti Won by the one wbo . gbOldibrink the -buret quaatity. The Irishman dank-Me and a kat( pints, and , the German three play ; The hitenifia, Tholisiettoti, died during lkhe nigbdisbat the thernaw.mtvod his fits by eating quidittly,etArld' tabor; libishalekimed him, and Stook Se Osat ib eentrats. Atutrviutitisihrricirmi HOTELS VP TO, rwava 0'0164219* &UT Mgt. , ooternisferAD-s. E. emmer or Ninth and Chestnut. NG Domaine. Bristol :cf v FnSoler, Del H. Holde, N Y J Corb y. 0 A Thomas „Philo J Corby. N Y V A lTe i t i lPl itta! ' ". ' Pl ' 1 1 Intl iig h .B i s f le " b 3 a r., Wri ht. goton 5 FrPtioll & is, Boston tl, 131'41 1 ,::ilaii, 4 1.1 t y Full, Ohio 8 Bte , ens, Boston Dr Pt li tonsstreth, N 3 R 8 Van Rensaelar, N 3 A Thom on. N J J Quelling, Jr. Bait b B Poulterer. Phila E B ., nder, Phi la ti z tAt t lne n rliany W W Beach A Is, J r Y_ _ Misr Franklin & sir , ri I V h a Fgiel i th & WlVY Y lIDO P RAILE V ..ft,o Fisher, Boston Mist a B Fie er, Boston I Hay den _ Awl. Boston t ittage . 7 4 Veen tt fl Y elrelaM: l l B° N Cartuth. Boston Mr Bnr'ook, MoII 8 Waldo & Is. Boston John Barbee, Louisville Miss A Barbee, Louisville Miss 1., Holland, Louisville B Ballend A wf, Louieviile CH Petist & wi t Louisville Miss Pd Steele. Louisville H Thomas, Jr. & la, Il 0 It I. Wright. Virginia. W H Davie & In. Boston Miss Davis, Boston .1 Cogan( a la. New,York 0 M Ward, TroN Y M W Mustard & la, Balm Wm Thatcher,De laware J H Adams , Boston Cummins, Bo ston Mr B ro ver, lS Washington Hr Haskins. Waahington This Kidd, kr Wind . Prederiok Clowns, it Y 0 Mallory, New York Chan Jaukaon, Boston , .ti etattt Hei kiss John , auell, Fliglstid J Al Warren, Mass f irArTijlee i :oll iand ,J Albertson, Pa its rarnism Tenn W E BdoCormibk,N Y V o_Vol.e, bid rid. Me II Foote, Detroit F W Rung. fiksurnbula H Wesendoftok, N Y Mr Hausconkfiew York Mrs .auecous da is, N Y J .1 Henry, Waalonstmi tri. .elllaolol, abinnati Ono Johnotton Un erWbors. ton 0 W Till Willard Johnson, N r W R Bond Aire, inoinnatl 0 Duf f ield. Louisville, Ky F Townsend & is, Albany Wm Walston. Ira G al Nichols, Conn isAliPalVecerr,' , Rlington AB Evans & la Ve. Miss Smarm, Va W B Noble, N. l l J P Crave, Ps , F J Tomb( /ki r Jaren:, PI Y cl 9 Mauna, Mans T Lane, Me ant lanohattl, Me J Niel, Chinas° no T lord & la, N Y Mrs Hav, IS Y Jan Lon, a la, Canton, 0 3 P Poe, Baltimore Marcus Bench. N Y tleoßenoh. N Y EitKetiff Tlf Ala Mrs Garthwaite,N Y Dr Hayward. Florida Miss Hi. and Florida R Illierrint k on , U P Befall& N Y H ULM 011, Del Chas W Bram Yas W OW F. B Hatch, iota Jos BClenery, Cincinnati JAO ft Hampton, Pittsburg W H Clay, N 0 wrn Murray, Janesv, Wie 0 Febegiir, Wit, Del 7 CI Hall. Somerville F ( if (Inky, Balt N O A Ver A Marsh. mil la, Oa E hi Hall, Gal W Bishop A la, Conn Jots Miarrefield, Balt 3 It Eby, Florida A Graham, Va 0 Hazard, Umin HT.Collin, Boston R Curran, Lyda!, Miss Mies Lizzie Curran, Miss #Vm Fr...short:l.N Y 3 P Clayton, Md - • Otis Tufts, Boson B L Harding, Bt Loom \ .t...._. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnta at. Wow Hints. I Brodhead, If () 3 I) Bytirly, Phila J C Jeffries, N York W C Jones, Ha Miss Wilkins. Go Miss Vralker, Ga Master Walker, Ga Jas MSsilire, N Both Arthur Quinn, Pi Y 0, Andrews, B C W Millkin, el 0 --,,_ 1. gabCdrdy A le, Monte' !dim Atiderion, Montreal W J Martin, Ohio John Robert. Ohio - B Ocues,Brooklyn Miss Coles, Brooklyn A r. Hooker, Vs W M Genevan, St Paul E 8 Mack & w. Lookport W (CD 'lams, Chili X Smith, vngland Hon 1 CBoroh & la. Cal Hon H IL Bien , . Minn 0 H Pendergast. Balt uhas Fernald, Cal Mrs A Bray A ann. Boston A Maynard, Boston W H Morrison, N York 8 Parson, N York 314148:tn . Si l t N , Jersey Ones i I t , Tuth ill, d Pi Y ork II n, Mil ' x Book, itoft gr. fts, N a I , Held ßuffalo .3 Phila Wdohnsonit I les.N Y W Monson. m.. deo Thompson. N Y 8 PdoChntook , N Y - WiliriVigi.7°'olft John 0 Jeflarise, N x ' Oregory m filatis , a r „ Qoo_3 A Williams If 0 , 5, 1 0,vn. :1 yr. po , W Koolle. neadihs 0 .1 Mains. hid ' WThorlinson & Is, Broo'n tux Young. Brooklyn a i Da l l Zpi t 2nn %hirers, N Y E 8 8 1 7ord, N Y ' t fr i g/ i nf is , h . i lkirted I He en. lat Lomk_ John_ Malian', N Y Da Browne 82: eons, N Y ...w H 'nip, Anguita, Os. .1 8 Wil s on. Balt Dr A Milne & wf,N • Ohs Fannin, Peteraburg,Va Geo Whitfield, Fla J hi Patterson, Newark,NJ N tr Duker. N Y Mrs Mathews. N Y C Churoh, N Y W Harrison, N Y . W II Hooper, Obio Mrs J Hooper. Ohio John Gibson, N Y J Q White. Phila E Randolph. Va ' II R La Conte, N . S, 0 L Brinkenhofi , Ala Miss BroWning, All 8 Barrows A la, Malls N Sating, Usr.ada Gen H. Wolbridge, N Y Janice Caldwell, Conn N Uoldkauth, Cohn W Paltkrkolook Mrs Wentiorth..Phila, Mrs Wiggins hint It Politick. Pittsburg Choi Cole, N JohnOkk, N Y las gel Smith, Wisconsin Cochran, N Y It P nah, Phila. J B r °mo ro n, Flub Ms Dunlop. Conn I ll_Balrookley, I. I .c l l3 Buckley, Louisville H.Hayes, Phi l& v itv W : H u a lt. ll :i4t p lo hl itt,k la. k ~ ft Oreen,Pnila . 0 F Timtnliedn. Philo J II oUnol gbilln,Jr, N Y E Davis N Y P Lehohar t, N York F J Bond. N York Copt Wy, ley, N York Samuel Shaw, N York a J B Donn, Va, Alt Oront, N York II W Wei., Pa Israel Painter, Pa. I M. Pumphrey & la, Va 0 M litelnman, Pa H la Leman, Pa . SIERCHANTIP MOTEL—Fourth street, below Aroh. (I W Parsons tockhaVen F 8 Weeks, New York 11 Bissell, Painted Poet II Burgett, Hew York John 8 Boohanan, Pa Miss Irwin, Clearfield I. M Burckes. California M Clasp,,OsliMnia I, I!More,BlBppen, Pa H Mao, Boston „I C Busher lowa Hon L Blobd,_Jefre, Pa Hon P En!, Col oe, Pa 6,,3 limner. Franklin 3 ward, Harnablirg_ w II Johnson. Ohio John ni Motratt,r( Y Mitt C Stoughton; N 3 w 8 Smith , PLY Thok .1 row, Tess! M. W Helton, Indiana on H B Wright. Pa A Bough, Pittston 0 L Cream East tacitly Herd Bown. Ohio Rho Fenneseey, Ky Gan P uank. Pa W r Chauncey. Pa (0 W Bander/on, Pittsburg F R Fritz, Reading P II Wants, N g CD Updike. hi J Idaml MoClearnan, 8t Louis T J Mann, Brownsville W H Rolloson. 111 Jos Ossaway, HI .1 I Hopei'. N C Hon Ass Pac ker, M Chunk AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestant invest. above Filth. A B Hnber. N Y ' W MIL .14 3'H Mblnlyie, Baltimore o hh B Ring. & la, ti Y ' MisirE I.g King, N Y as I.* itard.hg, DI J E H Holtenstein, Pa Hampton &la. Boston hlre Pennlek, Pa rwillienie. Mask J B Rogers & irf, La H. C Townley. Pr J , 1 1. i i i id...... n a' r " 0 Minton, Phila. so W mo n an, Pottsville Bon Ellmunt Arnold, Conn eamuel Ma ckey, Phila James Toadynne. Md J Sebri Jersorillhore J A Williams Phila Geo II ng Higbee,Trenton 0 P Shamir, Tan:moue Joint A Perry,Albanv Al M • Loden Taunton . II T Atwood, Taunton A. Drxtermel..l Shore - A m o It tln. Ohlo Bait J. Eni;pl b reria l l l t e iinTre Aug Uhirot l l Y ttltitre John T Ehnen. Baltimore Gee Brook,. Trenton Geo OIA ay nolds & la, Pa Miu M E Reynolds. Pit Geo If Harrison & de, N j John fi JoicooJ4d Rev T J Hughes. Md Fairfait PCet 44 11, At 4 B W Prober : Wash, D 0 -f D clerk, Alin liorEekooo & get, N J Willeoli E kiss, YIN .O A Wtvv,NY J Wadi th,Ter Ji Wail 84 la, Pi it VY 11,71: N Y IL W Bates, Mimi . - JONES' BOTEL—Oneatnut 5tmt....... below Seventh. Lewis Miller, Ps 0 Dotorth. PI Y C B Smith, Del . Lewis Ritter, Chestnut Hill Ht H Newberg, Min Oeo D Rioe. Pails J D Oilis, rook_ B B Bradly.N4 H D Rowland, 113 H D Keep, PI Y Silas St John, Arizona if i o Little, Ohio N Jc L YoumansY * y Sexton. Canine V Clay. Gardner, Me . 1/I r Williams, Ara John C Clay . Phila .1 H. Laird. Phil& John A Mitchel. Bait J BQregory, Belt Wash Chambers, N Y Semi Swain, Phyla Nei} Smith, N J A 0 Sampson, N J J C Clifton, PhDs Mrs Mann & daug, Pe' RT. LOUIS HOTRL—Ohestnat. above Third. A R Rpeer, 2 1 1 J . R H li Allen, Pittsburg Mr Domit, N y , B Moe, Mioh B R bpear, NJ • A esters, Pray, R I W Peaseneen, Boston A Weir ermaa, N Y J I. Cook; Praia W P Jewel, Newark. NJ C R !Unborn, Mass B R Paxton, Labeleville I. numerate. N Y he D Hill, Pitubarg H 0 Berlin, NY 1 0 &bender, Henterev'e meg sonendm, Hanterav'a Film H Cottrell ,Newport I) D litsoon:W Y W H. De Como, N Y J F Blue, Holmesbarg, Pa T Bush, Pittsburg COMMERCIAL HOTEL.—Sixth it., above Chestnut Thoe. Griffin; Wilmington Chas Palmer Phila Bilge Vandiver.lm, Del Jno }tartan. Doylestown Jno Swope, Lang no Eimon Goodly's,. Pa Abraham Lutz, Lanc co Jecoo Fritz. Cheater co John Derrick. Land co Z Darlington, Del co !Ara N Witkinson, Pa J J Peter. York, Pa It 1, Dili. Del co W C Walker. N Dr JBBrinton. Pa .Alf Crist, Phila C REves, Wilm, Del J W Sampson, Del STATES UNION HOTEL—Market. above Mash. Gottlieb Oohuogoti t _Pa James Major. Newark John W Dollard, Y George Plltt. Harrisburg H.O George, Ind. co.. Ps SII Plasma, Phil it. siloy, Ohio Jae Smooker Burlington Solomon Welsh, Burlington Tho s Arnold, Clearfield Thos E 'Watt, Latrobe Morph, & lad', N Y N B hloLauxhiin, P Y J Elder,N Y P Watson. Baltimore Chas Pimpton, Phila JBlll H Kombly, Harr/Ahura FOUNTAIN 110TBIc-Baoonel 'treat, above Martel .1 B Phi Klee, Del / Kelly, Allegheny city _Mrs in n Kelly, Allegheny J T Jackson, blontg co 116110 W Lowe Ma y, Lord, Camden, Del A W Brown,Pyla R A Ingweoa, Cin. Ohio Alen Smith, 1.4 ereoy .1_ B Bell. N J L Pr. Appleton, N J if B Karl, N Jersey 0 E Btglow. Burlington Jesse Jamee it la, ri J Et Tatlem k Is,,N JerseyJ r ennell, Chester eo , 6VV Manley. PhDs . A 0 Oullett,Alo. Itromere Del - W P Orr. If Jersey Tilos B Jones. Pa J B Penington,Bel Chas Wall, Phila 0 A Cramer, Wmaport Thomas Jones, Del J Vireo', N Jamey .1 Fulton, Demon yl W Walters, Boston .1 'l' Rolling, Boston • THE UNION ROTHG—Areti street, above Thud. Mathias Mentser, Pittsburg G G Gordan. Ye. 0 L Dolittle Va W A Benjamin: Trenton weld, Trenton Nathan Robbing. Boston J W Patton. amorist Ps 011 Hallman, Pittsburg J H Davis, Malta. 0 Col H Whee ler N Y H Haskins, Mew Howell Green .Pa Sobt l Maxwell, Pa Jon shoemaker, Pa MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third st, above Callowhill Obarlei Cope, Ps, B F Caffrey, Beth'ehem Miss C Loebey,N Y Lein Huokraark Pa tl F eliokler,thnomasti H R Hammond, Oinn Geo Koons, klarrisburg EP_ _Duval, West Chester W E Ludlow, Somerset, T M Wiest, Pa )e., P Applebaoh, Ys F Van sant, Books oo E Eram, Doylestown Samuel green, Chose Morns, Mt Carmel Samuel Straub, Pe antnuel Bitting..N Y it BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second st., below Vine. Peters, Deposit, N Y 8B Brittain. Lambertville W Davidson. Cheltenham Semi Groff. Cheltenham W Love, Books oo B StookhaM, Bucks 00. K Rupert,. Tuscaloosa Jno Vitopelt, Monts oo Dr w - rwringstgn, It Lloyd, Bucks cso W T Watson Bucks to E W Bower. Mt Holly, Geo W Shepherd, ill Sidney mmBl.l, I C CMonaY, N J- Honnis Daly, ?hits Jno R Neeley, Brown/Ikm W B Brown, Bros/tubers MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Seoond at.. above Arch. Mr Longebnok, Phila H Gljughes N J W Hawks Pullman 00, Pa J F Vendes,'Pa Evere't H ill, Pa Mal Linos ec wf, N Y Theo Lines, N Y D 'Aver, Phil& O Pendebert, N Y J de Banes H A Buroyne, Va y. Hill, N Y Van Horn, Norfolk, Y. NATIONAL, ROTEL—ltaos attest. above Third. David Van Camp & wf, Pa Gilbert L Brolmr,Pa as L Casinday. G.rmant'n E 8 e erkeelager, ' Higgins. Reading A P Gingrich, &akin° it Cooke . centre 00, P Bart° & wr, N W C Harris. Wash, D C John C Pa k, Liverpool C L Sjnith. Snyder on Thos A Kuhn, Snyder no C FOlney, Fremont A M Chalfant, Phognixvil'e I If Kraemer, Phcemxville RAJA) EAGLE HOTEL—Third et.. above Caliowiiii. J Rooker, Moritey 00. Pa T R Leieenring. Pittibur6 , .11 Smith, Monte y ou, Pa Win Y Boyer, 1 1 / 4 1011ter co MACK HEAR HOTEL—Third st., above Ca Levi Temple, Hartsville D Timms, Pitswatertown M Mrs 'I horn r ed, Firxwatert'n David Beshore, Pottsville artz, e MARINE INTELLIGENCE tsiem Foir.wro PAOE. ARRIVED Br. barque Blaok Duck, Jones, 83 days from Gibraltar, 'with marble. raga, ate— to Viotor A. Garton. Bohr dram', Hawes, 10 days from Augusta, Mo., with rodeo to J. H. McCollm. Bohr Cleopatra, Crockett, 6 days from Chesapeake Bay, wAh lumbar to J. W. Bacon. fiatir T P. MoCollay, Dalpaty, 2 days from Milliard, Del? with corn to .I.JI. MoColley. MEMORANDA. Ste amship Quaker City, Shufeldt, from New York arrived at Nirvana, bOth ult. Shire Beggar, Igtewart, NatiOnal• Boyd, Robt Cush man, Otis, end Now Enslaud, Lowell, for Liverpool, o hared at New Orleans, 80th ult. Bark Helen Maria, (riot liadley) Nickerson, Boston, eth Inst., for .c'hiledelphia. • , Dark Chevallie, Anderson. from Rio de Janeiro, ar rived at New York yesterday. Brig Lydia Frances, Campbell, sailed from Segue 96 ult for Philadelphia. Brig Ella Keed. Ttuto, from Onantanamo, arrived at St Ingo a e Cuba Slst ult. Bohr J C Patterson, Mulford. for Jacksonville, cleared t New York. itch inst. Sohn Isaac ftioh,Crowell, Florida, Kelly , and Morena .White, for Philadelphia, cleared at Roston bth met. Bohr A rims /aye. Nicholson. for Philedelehla. cleared at New Orleans Both lilt, With 7 42 Wee cottOo, bales moss. MO elnyttusake and alma ries. Bohr Butler, reethey, for Philadelphia, sailed from East lireenwie 4th ipst. Soh , R Leach. Leach, for Philadelphia, °leered at N Collth inst, Bohr F j Blognard Williams, sailed from Providence elk lost, for Philadeephiab _ear Ocean Bird, Joie+, for Philadelphia , cleared at Norfolk 4th inst. str Alger, Fenton, mailed from Alexandria bth inst for fbiladebooto, t 6 r AT P " ' PIIILADdrita• 11010Ay NAY 14ho !SPEOIAI.4 NOTICES. MOTELSi — FTORES, 'S'PRAMRDAiE, Pufvxrig 'lDs4lcuaercia andlublto Institutions, In town and coup try, fitted up with WINDOW SHADES AND ,DRA 'PERY CURTAINS by competent workmenait priosA defying competition, W. HENRY FATTEN; ."' , 639-011E8TNOT'ETREET: MODEM SHAVING 'AND SATS•DABSSING ESTALISLIIIUMNIIT. , L. OUTERTHIST, N. E. borner FOURTH and RRANCII &reels. haying opened hie magnificent Saloon for Hair Cutting, Dyeing, and Shampoing; in oonimotiiiii Cud Meet daborate prisms BATHING facilities, would row and nounee to the public, after a y oar's successful operation theit his means of accommodating his numerous patrons have been rendered still more perfect. air None hut the but artists are employed. 1,7' Private Rooms for Ladies and Children. Off" Beet Hair Dyes, and other dressing preparations always for sale. Oar Charges moderate. my 2 If GOLD BORDER WINDOW SHADES, ROW and beautiful &minis, from la oents to 86, In stook or made to order at W, HENRY PATTEN, CRESTNUT STREET. fiemmearmia Fiaa•PßooF SAPIIEC—A very aeaortment of SALAMANDERS !be sale at re& sortable pekoe, No. Stle OILESTPIUT Bt.; Philadelphia, sart-tr tVANS & WATSON. Orly Paws CLoinnio or ism Lerma STYLES, made in the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEt3T selling goose marked In Plain nen res. All goods made to order warranted soda rectory. Or oNE-PRozo mile% ile ettletty adhere to, as We banal% this to be the only fair way of dealing• All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO.. igtt MARKET Street. SEWING MADAMES. All persons who have bought Sewing Machines which will not perttirm the work expected, are infbrmed that SINGER'S Ma chines never tail to do stir kind otwork. Noon@ Ls ever disappointed in the Machines of I. M. SINGER k. CD.. No. 810 CHESTNUT St. a44-itri SIIANB IF • 8 WING FiTNI)--NosMINVIST Qosaaa BSOOND and Wavrog ftraitars.—Deposits re- , awed in small mil large amounts, from all Maws of the oommuntty, and allow interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. car annum. Money may be drawn by checks without loam of in terest, °Moe open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and /Saturday until nine in the eveninr. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary. CHAS. M. MO2tRIll. SAVING FOND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST Conran:.—Chartered by the State of Penneylval us, RULES. 1. Money is reoeived every day, and in any amount large or email. 3. FIVE PER CENT. Interest is geld for money from the diir it is put In. L The Money is always paid be,o4M GOLD whenever It la nailed for, and without nottbe. 4. Money In receiver from isweentors, Administrators, Guardians, and othor Trustees, In large or small sums, to finnan, a long or short nbilod. B. 'kite Money reddivad horn Deposita - Ts m invested In Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other lint els= seonrities. • O. Ottion oßsa every day—ilrmatuT ardet, southwest or ner Third street. Phi Initalshis late ' HABILIS' BOUDOIR SEWING MACHIE7.-7 IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. niter PRIDMIX AT EVERT FAIL. Phllsdelphis Office, no ARDIS SU AMU , wanted. fin 4 FRENCR.-COBILAt NAharti, Mass.. tin *elides day evening. the Mwow, bythe Rey. Dr. Lamson, Pre. derlok %French, of this city. to leabelle F., daughter, cif Jon atha n R. Cribb. Esq., of Dedham. GARR TT—CRANDLER.On the 15th ult., by Friends' Ce , emony. at the house of the bride's father, .Amos Garrett, of Chester county. Pa., to Anna M. daughter of BaM'i P. Chandler. of NeW Castle wimp. Delaware. WEOTQN—CRISWELL,.--rn thin city, On the DLitt- stant,,by Rev. R. Jeffery, John E. Weirton to Miss Sallie K. QQns ell allot this city. ..AITDREWI-41rIfils: k _r.".--On the let instant, by the 11-01 f..Ti A. rermeyi Mr. Edward Andrews to Mies Melly Jane Findlay. DUNLAP—DOUGRERT Y.—On Tuesday evening. May Lit, Rev. J. B. Dales, Samuel Dunlap tu Eliza Mary Dougherty, both of tine city. BOREY—BEST.—At New York. on Tuesday, April 24. by Rev. Alex. Clemefit, k rank 34. of the for trier city, td Maggie V. Beet, formerly Graham, of Phila. dolphin. RIO Rev. Thursday evening, May_ S. liao, by Rev. A. A. Willa!, Mr. Wad C. Rion m ri, Kate e. Maguire, all of thus city, • MABER—AIoILWAIrii , -On the inst., by Rev. Deo. O. Arnold, Mr. Charles Magee to Miss Maggie Mollwain. all of thin city. MILL AR—GIVEN. — On the let inst., By Rev. Mr. Sterrett, Mr. Henry Millar to Miss Rebecca Given, both of thus oily. MAYS—LEESER.—Oh the 3d inst., a t h . °. lbw Vera nod iot. by Rat!. ‘4. W.Bbottr inah. Mr. John Mays td MAR Eli a iabeth Leaser, both of Philadelphia. LUKIC4B—CURTIB.—On the isth ult. by Kw. Abel C. Thomas, Alan C. Lukens to Annie F., daughier of Wln. Curtis, Esq.. all .it this city. C DV—WELCD.—On Wednesday, A pril 25th. at the residence of the bride's parental' by Rev. E. J. Way. Chalice B. Cody, Al. D., to Mum Annie Welch, ail of this ' • ° II.IDDEROW.a-JOLLY-On the Minot.. hi' Rev. An 4roir Cather, Mt. Letmiei R. RudderoW. of ''amdeu co., Neer Jersey, to Mtge Mary B. Jolly, of this city. Melly or Buck* county. Pa. MAGONAGLB—TINDALL.—on the avening.of the lit init., at CaPo Mend. by Rev. Thome Um (Iwo, M. t album! R. Magohagle, and M. Maly E. Tindall; botli of thop former plebe. DOUGBATY—LItDBAY—cii May id, by Rev. Mr. Dalei, Mr Oeo. Doug erty to AllesMary Lindsay, all of Philadelphia. VOLKMAR.—On the 4th inst., William J. Volkmer," in the 38th year of his are. • The relatives and friends are respeotfully invited to attend the funeral. from his late residence, No. 2323 Urea° street, on Wednesday afternoon, the Sib instant' at 8 o'clock, ••• EIVHDIVEY.' h ih6 sth Inst., elth. Atd Ty . Fordney, iii the Teat yay Of her age. • • • The rhlatives and friends of the family areinvited to httend berfdneral, from bar late re/Weems No. IaPJ Vine street. on s uesday the Bth inst., at 3 o'olook, without further notice. WAKN PchullkilLHave , .. - on - ilds evening of Seventh dai_. thearamm7, roargery T. Warner, wife of E. Tatman Warner, Jr., of goobuyllrill Haven, l'a., mind youngest child of she late Edward leans% uf uet., in tho 81th rear of her age. The relative!, and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, an Third day. the tub instant, at 10 o'olook, A M., from the residence of John OillisWeststreet. ingtoni, Delaware. DOTLE.—tin the 3il instant, Muss Meaner Doyle, daughter of John Doyle. Funeral from the residence of her brother, John Doyle. No. 810 Callowhili street, this (Monday I morning, at a o'clock. COO VER.—On the 2d inst., Mrs. Susannah .Coope r. in the 61st year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 218 Quince street. above Locust, this (Monday) afternoon, atl o'clock. _ . . . SAN DGRAN.—On the 3d inst.. Mrs, Sarah Bapitgran, robot of the late Capt. Charles Sandgran, in the 7.3 d year of ner age. Funeral at the 91wedes` Chdreh. Stemma greet, below Chrietiatt, on Tummy morning next, Bth Met.. at JO °Week. PI 11 Sat Int.—On the 8.3 inbt., of dropsy of tUe heart, nee ry Smith, in the 60thyear of hie age. Funeral from hie late remittance, in Gray's Lane, ye (Monday morning. at 10 o'olook. ST RABSBURGER.—On the 2d inst., Rev. J. A. Stress • burger, at an advanced age. Funeral from hie late reeidencemear Sellersville, Pa., th.e(Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock. 81,ND E ItLANI).—At Lewietown. Pa.. April 26,1&19, David Sunderland , formerly of Philadelphia. BLACK BAItEGE MANTILLAS, of the most approved styleidand well made. Black Grenadine Barage Shawls. Black Silk Grenadine Shawls. Black Canton Crape Shawls. Black Barege Shawls, ribbon, orape, quilled, and ruf fled borders. Black Thibet Shawls, ribbon, crape, and silk borders, &0., Sco. Black thick and thin materials for making' shawls. BbBSON h rUN, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESNUT Street. KrAN EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES for the situation of Principal I eacher in Un classified. Secondary. or Primary Soho° is,end of Au eieteet in any of the l'alnia &hoots of the Fire , School District, be held FRIDAY . PFERSON SOBOOI.. ROUSE. oommenoins the lath, et I o'olook P. M., and oonoluding the Dm lost, A.IVINS, myT•mwfiit ' Ch. Corn. Qua! jB. . of Teachers. FALK OF THE GELMAN HONK. TA E. —An extensive Fair for the sale of Fancy an neeful Articles, under the auspices of a number of prominent German and American Ladies is now• open at CONCERT HALL. The Hall is beautifully decorated with flags, banners. wreaths, &c.,and a Band of Musio will be in attendance of comms. - The proceeds are to be applied to the erection of a GERMAN HOSPITAL la the city of Philadelphia. Thn Ladies respectfully Invite the public generally to participate, and thereby assist them in the laudable un dertaking, the object being worthy of the support of the citizens of Philadelphia. my 7.2 t arSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANK. as required by the second section or the Aot of eneral Assembly of thin Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of October, A. D. 1837 t Amount of loans and di5e0unt5................8569323 58 specie.-- .'.... 197.279 61 " due from other ..., 53.975 46 of notes iu omen*. .... 51,230t0 = " deposits, loth 'lances due. to other bankee 474 443 73 . . HILAMLPIIIat May 41 1860. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, ss: I, James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank, being sworn, depose arid say, that the above statement is cor rect, to the beat of my knowledge and belief. JAMES LESLEY, Cashier. Sworn before me, this fourth day of May,A. D. 1860. It* I'. C. ELLMAICER, Notary Public. I:I7NOTICE.fNNUA, L MEETING of the AMKRICAN DAY.SCH UNION b: held at the t oeietoa 0uee,112.2 cHEErrNI.7 estreet, Ehiiadelphin on the leoond TUESDAY of Mav inivant, being the eighth day of the month, at 4 o'clock: P. M. tn)&3o OXOFFICE OF THE GIRARD F. & M. INS. CO , Philada, April 9th, 18.50.—A t meeting e Direotors held ,this daY, a semt•annual dividend of four dollars per share was deolared, payable on and after the first day of May, pros. ALFRED H. GILLETT, avlei-mwflm Treasurer. NOTICE.—THE GIRARD LINE IN -9U9 ANCE,A ANNUITY AND T HEST r OMPA [ N t XF PHII,AOH LPHIA.—The animal eleotton for fourteen Managers of the Company will be hold. agree ably to the charter. at the 01Hoe, No. 409 H STRUT A treat, on MOND %Y. the 7th instant, be ivreen the hours of 10 A. M. and 12 o'olock noon. 3n04 at. JOHN F. JAMES. Aotuary. IrLEIIIOII MORTGAGE' LOAN. DIIH. March 1. IF6I.—OFFICE OF. THE LE111(311 ~ AND NAVIOATIIIN COMPANY, _ ItIIILADRI.I9IIA mar n, Holders of the Mortgage Loan of ihis'Company, duo lot of March. 1461. who may desiro to anticipate the time of maturity of said bnan, are invited to present their Certificates at this office, and receive payment of princdpal and interest. BY order of the Board. myt 3t EDWIN WALTER. Treasurer. ErA MERIII A N . SUNDAY-SCHOOL ANNIVERSAY —The Tjurty.eigth Anniversary of the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL. UNION •w ill be held, D. V., in MUSICAL FUND BALL, LOCUST Street, above I:3ighth. on next TUESDAY Evening, May Bth, commenoing at 7% o'clook. A ddressee wib ho deltvened by the Rev. N. H. SCHENCK, of Baltimore, the Rev. J. HYATT SMITH, of this oity ; the Rev. HIRAM EDDY of Connecticut; and the Rev. Dr. I.W. WILEY. of New jey. T m ic e Zete of admieeion MY be obtained. gratuitonelL at the flocietv'e Hones, Ilt2 CHESTNUT Street _The Annual Sermon will be delivered next SUNDAY Evening, May 6th, in the St. * ark's Lutneran Church. Spring Garden Street. above Thirteenth, by the Rev. C. P. It HAUTE, D. D. By order of the Committee. my 4 et" R. B. WESTBROOK, Secretary. POST OFFICE, PHILA., PA.-ItIALY Ist, meo—Froposals will be realised at this Office not 1 IM. on the 911. of May, 1860, for Cone ins the U.S. Mail from Philadelphia by HUM sun, _ thprmantown, and Mount Airy. to Chestnut ill, Ws miles. and back, daily, anent Sundays. Germantown to be supplied TWICE DAILY, except Sundays. The bide to be endorsed " Prom:mats for Carrying the U. e. Mail, ' and addreeaed to the Postmaster at Phila delphia. Fa. f 6. B. As OWN e., my 3 6t Postmaster. CO;CATAWISSA WiLLIAMSPORZ AND EIMP: R AILROA D COMPANY, Office No, 305 UT & PntLADELYIIIA, April 24, 1640. Ho'dere of Catawlesa, Williamsport, and Erie Rail road Company chattel bonds are notified to depoel their bonds with their attorney at the office of the corrlPttlY, ;08 WALNUT Btreet, betweeh the hours of 12 awl Y. AL, and receive oertificates ordesneit. 10. P. RUTCHINSON, E. 4' BORDEN, ap2s-111 Attorneys fol. chattel bondb-Idera iII:OFFICE OF 111 E AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 3io WALNUT A piomeralmeeting of the Stookholders In the Ameii osn Fire Insuranoe Company will be held. Summar!, to Oparter, on MONDAY, the 7th day of May next, at II 0 ° A look .M. , The annuid eleotidn for Direetdre Intl take place im mediately thereafter . AL, or ap3341" BERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Sestiry. MARRIED. DIED. FMONUMENT CEMETERY NOTICt The Annual Mantling' orths Lothnlders in ' her °tint Cemetely_of Pinlidorn'y will le I st, Ls *LL, of the .triHR Arb.llo ATION,Vith de j2E It ij o atreet, west il ig litrT ,onMuDA fr - A N, the 7th of ay next. At 4 0 cloak. he Anneal Revolter the Measurers 'win be read, and an eleotion held( between tand 7 P. M.) for OPeen_Man are re tq carve the enialns 'ear. R. TAYLOR, as9ni•dtmr7 Neeteten. arAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, AND BRIM RAILROAD CO. OFICE, No. 308 WALNUT STREET, t niILADILIPHIA, April 23, Thea. The First Montage Bondholders of the Catawiesa, Williamsport, and Fria Railroad Company are noti d to call at the Office of the Company, No. 308 ALNU f Street, between the boom aria and 2 Y. 31., . 11 , 1 4deposlt their Bondy "ChM. P. HU VCIIINSON, as u u rdVt t re n cro re' te e im need o r i t n ,a t it h t e ho P r d irn the of saidddM O Road ruf reeeive certaflostes of dePedlt. e. RO V ERT RM Y K I ID F. A. VAN DYR Jr., J. R. HUTCHINBoti, A. W. 311TCorELL, M. P. HUTCHINSON. ap24-12t Committee of First Mortgage Bondholders. SU:OFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL• LEE - AriD POTTEIVILLM RAILROAD CO., AL.NUT Street, Philadelphia, April 144860. 1 he Annual Meatiest of the btoohholders of the Shit , mokin Valley_and Pottsville Railroad Comny will be held at the Wee of the Company. on, the 7th of MAY, et no clock, when a President and nix Manallers will be elected to serve for the ensaing_y_ear. GRIFFITTB WELLS. Hoorahs . lientrmuLL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPADj.—lhe ANNUAL M r ' .12:TINO nod .14LFCTION of the Stockholders of the Sehuvlitill and Strequebanua Railroad Oplet.n/s.„" required uy their charter, will be! M the titAAA.D HUMP e.," in the 'city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on MONDAY, Mayith, at Is o'clock M, for the purpose of ohoosing a Pres! ent and Six Manager" to serve for the ensuing year ; an also for r the consideration (Wendt other Mumma ea may nrOherly lag braught liefore said meet ing. FRANK S. BOND. Seeretnry. icrOFFICE OF THE. PHILADELPHIA AND &KADIN . ° RAILROAD COMPANY. Mama, Ho, The ',Mere of the bonds of this Company. due July 1. 1860, eau now receive, upon application at this office, 10 per cent. in cash, upon the terms specified in the emu ter attached. The holders lire also entitled to the benefit of a elAk ing Fund of $140,006 per annum, as mitablighed by the stockholders at, their annual meeting, bald January 9, 860, and in yurenanoe of the contract, entered Into by lie company aid duly retarded, to_parry the same Into dept. 9. lIHAOFORu, Treasurer. CIRCULAR. Notice to Mil Holder of PiiiiadelpHa and Reading Railroad Co mpany Mortgage Beads. due July 1, 1860. These bondh are secured by the first mottir ages on the road, amounting gg in the aregate to $3 . 808,490. The net revenue for the last fiscal year was ax times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for :the interestdpiyable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus elle per cent. will be given to the holders in consideration m Their assenting to the extension. Thig bonus will he paid in cash to the bearer, of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of reeelpt and endorsement will befarniehed on application. • gi Y ai der ° r e B 4 6 . l4 l: " Vic n trillkrry. Beoretftry. i CARPETING& 1860 L. FOURTH STREET 1860. CARPET WAREHOUSE. ABOVE CHESTNUT STREET, No. 47. SPRING IMPORTATION by VELVET. BRUSSELS, IMPERIAL. THREE-PLY. SUPER INGRAIN, AND VENETIAN CAR PE T MG S. OIL-CLOTHS AND MATTINGS. JOHN LEMON; SUCCESSOR TO RICHARD M. HUNT, noIS-lm Manufacturer, ItOpoitor, and Dealer. OLD ESTABLISHED STORE, NO. 39 SOUTH SECOND STREET, • ABOVE CHESTNUT. TOWNSEND & C 0.., SUCCESSORS OF SAMUEL TOWNSEND & SON, Important and Dealer/ in VELVET, BRUSSELS, TUREE•I'LY, and INGRAIN CARPETS. Of the best English and Amerman tasks. niATTINGB, OIL cLoTlis, ho., 10, rowlindi attention lb !alluded. nikalt-wfmtin CARPETING. GEORGE W. HILL, ANUFACTURER MA N AD D TTING6 EALE &o R IN CARPET MOB, . . WAREHOUSE, 144 NORTH THIRD STREET. arlo-Im . .. ATTINGS 3IATTINbS ! diA TTLNGS LTA- 4- 4 4 whito and ohe . okedi b " blotting', -4 Fofltain at lowest tan PrIOV7 It Elm . parr, udg po th v Street, aititinT above SPRUCE., west side. DIVIDENDS POMMERCIAL BANK. OF PENNSYLVA NIA, FIIILADELPIIIA. Muy law. The Board or Diyeetore have fllB LAY declared a Daeidend of TREE e. AND ONE-HALF PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of the State Tax. myl-wfm2vr S. C. PALIIER.CeehIer. RANK OF PENN ToWNSUIP—PhiIa • delphta, May lat. 1860.—The direetors have thin day declared a dividend of FOUR per cent., for the last six months. psyable on demand, ()leer of F tate tax. arfonet JAME , * it USaELL. Cashier. CONSOLIDATION BANK. PMLADEL MAI May Ist, isco.—The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of Three per cent., payee "ble on and after Bth inst. tny2 who at' JOB. N. PIERSOL. enahier. FARMERS' AND V MECHANIC S ' B ANK, Tie Director; have TRI II I p A a LP cla A e M a y Litderd of OUR PER CENT., myable on cleaned. myl 6C W. ella ',amt. Jr., Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PIIITAIIRLPHIA, May 1. IMO. The Directors have TIIIB DAY declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Mock, clear ol State Tax, and payable on oernlnd. myl-0* J. W. TOR R lE.Y. Cashier. MECIIANIOS' BANK, PHIL ADELCH IA• Mar 1.1800. di The Director, have this day doolared a videed of FIVE PER Ok.N.T. for the last six months. payable on the lith last. AIITCHF.LL. my 2. et Cashier. GIRARD BANK, PIIILADELPZIA. May IBM—The Direotore have cleolared a Dividend of Three Per Cent, for the teat etx menthe ' free of State Tax, parable on the 11th inst., in oonformity with the general blanking Law. my2ttnYll W. L. SCHAFFER. Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADELPHIA, May let, 1960.—The Board of Directors have de olareot a Dividend of Ten per cent., payable on demand. my 2.6 t IF. P. STEEL, Cashier. FRENCH FLOWERS, MONTTIERS, AND STRAW B9NNETS. Just opened, a A ft PLENRID ASSORTAIENT. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO., m)7•t( No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET ASTHMA. For the INaT ANT RELIEF and PER MANENT CURE Of this distreesiug oomyiaint, 100 FENDT'S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C• B. SEYMOUR dr. CO. 107 NASSAU Street, New York. Price $1 yer box; cent free by tawq m77-Em in FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. A HARD TO THE PIIBL:10. CONGRESS SPRING, BARATOGA, APRIL 16, 1860. An attempt has been msde to deceive the public, by persons offering what they call " CONOREaII WATBR" from Fountains; and at the price of six (6) cents per glass. The wholesale price of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at Now York, being about 7.4 cents per glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, end thereby christening its War contents. ' We have moan sold Congress Water In Fountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary sized GLASS BOTTLES. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded " CONGRESb WATER"—" C. & W.," and any, without those words and letters on the cork. Is COUNTERFEIT, whether frOm Fountains or Bottles. CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress spring The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, viz: FRSDERICK. BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut eta., FREDBRICK DROWN, Jr.. nor. Ninth and Chestnut, nARLES hi,LIS & Co, 721 Market ENNA, .1. C. TIJRNPIS sNY & Co.. 941 Sprees street. THOS. J. DU§SAND, 290 South Third Street, O. S. HO RIOSLL.,_ 1410 Chestnut street. A. D. D. TAYLOR, nor. Ninth and Chestnut streets. ATElCOnettiritlY allpylie , l by us with the /tenuous " Cott. GRIM WATER" is bottles, fresh from the Congress Spring. CLARKB & apl9-Steli 98 CEDAR St., New York City. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE AR existing between the undersigned trading under the firm Cherie, Harkness k Son, is dissolved by mu tual consent. The busmen will be settled by the senior Partner. CIIARLEB liAltIENEed, who alone is au thorized to close hie same. GT( AttLiiB HARKNESS, JOHN H. HARKNESS. The business will be continued at the, usual adage by the undersigned. CHARLES HARKNESS. Ai D. WOLOWSKL .17.11... PIANIST AND COMPOSER OF MUSIC. Begs to inform his !Howls and the public that he is about oommenoina hut lest course of Instructions of the Piano and thruttng for the present WIIMIOR. bY hie Extra ord n .11 Method. All those who wish to avail. ehis selves of this rare method, should eerily at once at his rooms. No. 205 WES i• WASIIINOIO74 10.1UARE, daily. at IS and 11 o'nmolc A. M. my 7 St rilJi POPULAR AMBROTYPE ROOMS -11- of IL T. REIMER ate N 05.613 and 617 North Se cond me he Customers' heads taken oil in a style which deiights t FOR THE SEA ,/ ' l7 -4 ' &MAR.—CAMDEN AND AT LAN RAILR e AD. Two Tratne daily, (Sunday es ...opted.) for ATLANTIC CITY. Mail train leaves Vine-street Ferry 7.30 A. M. Returning. leaves Atlantic City .'......5.10 P. Al. Ex press train leaves Vine street Ferry........ 4.00 P.IM. Returning leases Atlantic Outv..—..— ....COO A. M. The above trains a.op at all Stations. .1 1 / 4 111 to At'antio— $1.83 'Wound trip tickets (good for two daya ) .,........ 2 Ott Freight mutt be delivered nt Cooper's Point by 2 O .M. The Company Will not be responsible for any goods until Timely( and renewed or by their Agent at the Point. JNO. O. BRYANT, myl-tf Agent. CANDLES ) • PARRAFINE WAX, PURE SPERMACETI CHEMICAL SPqM, ADAMA TINE. ittleVe t at is ptifn or fanei boxes to suit an market. h ents o t manufaot F 7 %a id ' IKEA ,23 and 24 Er 461/011yES , felB-initt NEwspUBLIcATIONS. LITTLE..BROWN. 8c 37 KILBY STREET BOSTON, PUBLISH 11118 DAYs THE COMPLETE PC/W . OAL WORKS ROBERT SOUTHEY. EDITED DT PROF. P.J. OWED, OP HAAVAAD COLLEGE WITH A MEMOIR OF THE POET, BY BRNILY T. TIICKERXAN In 10 vols. 10010..'... —,— , • Uniform with the British Poets This collodion of the British Poete,of which one Min dred and fifteen volume, are now issued, will inalude the whole works of all the mod distingulehed authors from Chaucer to Wordsworth, accompanied with Me moirs, Notes, and Portraits. and is universally noknow ledged to ha the most complete edition ever homed, and the best in respect of editorship, beauty, and cheapness. The Poets are sold in complete sets, or each by itself. in cloth, and in various stiles of fine binding. ' " We cannot speak too highly in praise of this edition —the only one that deserves the name of ' complete'—of the British Poeta."—[Boston Daily Advertiser. " We really know nothing more worthy of the cordial ilupport of the American public than the Boston edition of the English Poets."--(liew York Times. " We regard It ite the most beautiful and convenient library edition of the British Poeta yet publimbed." (Philadelphia Eiening Bulletin. "We do not know any other edition of the English Posts .which combines so muoh ex.ellenoe."—lßibli othoon asra. my 7 mwtsdf CAMPAIGN TRIBUNE! REPUBLICANS, AROUSE•! We propose to issue & Campaign Edition of the NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Commencing with the regular issue of May 18. which will contain the proceedings of the Republican Na tional Convention at Chicago. and closing with the issue of November 9, in which we hope to announce the triumphant choice of a Republican President and Vice President. TUE CAMPAIGN TRIBUNE will thus consist of fifty one regular issues of Tna SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, being the full size of' the Daily and Weekly editions. and one of the largest newspaper* printed. oontaisiing few advertisement/3, bet giving a full current history of the PRESIDENTIAL CANVASS OF 1860, The 'Plane/mg of the several parties, their candidates, arguments. meetings, speeches, !co., with all the inter vening State Elections, and fall inumnanes of the Fo reign and other news of the day, including letters from our correspondents in England, France, Germany, Italy, California, South America, &e,, &e. This Issue will hot, therefore, be read and prised by ardent politicians otIY, but will be interesting to all, and thus calculated to win the indifferent, as well as to arouse and stimulate those already oonvinoed that the Republioan cause is founded in truth and justice, and, therefore. ought to Drava% THE CAMPAIGN TRIBUNZ will be mailed on the fol lowing terms, payable always In advanoe r Fora Jungle copy (51 icaues).... T.......—..... $1 " 11 copies " to one address, $lO " 24 " $2O " 100 " 820 Whoever sends 810 for 11 copies may at any time afterward increase the number to 24, or from 111 to 100, by sending the difference as above between the price of the smaller and that of the larger dab. Our own interest in thus issuing papers at a price barely exeeeding the cost of the white paper, a so alight that we do not hesitate to urge all who desire•the triumph of the Republican cause to co-operate with us by early and esrneat efforts to give a wide and general circulation to Too OAXPAION Taman. We will send specimen copies to any one who shall write for them. HORACE GREELEY & Co., No. 154 NASSAU St., New York New YORK, April 23, 1880 EviRISII MEDIC .L AND ker. ENTIFIQ BOOKS. reeive/ , by LINDSAY BLA NIS !vs. .P,uhtlehers, Bookee l ee and Importers. So South SIXTH Streer,above chestnut. TIMMS tIN CONSUMPTION ita True Nattue, and Sunotrafol Treatment. 12m0.,e1,gh. PAINLESS DENTAL bußtimar by' W. F. Brind .32ino. AIITOLLELL ON THE CAUSE AND CURE OF DEAFNESS. lIRYAN'T ON .THE T'SURIES AND DISEASES OF THE lyEavotrs SYS pg. pArt xithi,AND QN VI DISEASES PECULIAR TO INFANTS ANU MOTHS/W. their oure,fta. ump. H 013,2 ON THE PREVENTION OF CONSUMP TION. Evo. iyitaitiibt ON THE DISEASES OF THE EAR. 8v0..1 vol r cloth. GRIFFITH AND HRNFRA b IrfP MICROGRAPHIC DICTION ARV. Second edition. Illustrated, large Bvo. BVDANHAM, M D.—OPERA OMNIA, Fdsdit Guilielmun. Alexander Greenhill, M. D. Large Bvo. L & B. IMPOST TO ORDER FOREIGN BOOKS by even steamer. ml 7 ABF OTT S NEW VOLUME.-.A80R1,... ,... GINAL. AMERICA. By Jacob Abbott. Illas trated with Mans and Encravinica. limo. 76 gents. History of Fnaland. By Mu Geldart. With nisi? illustrations. lbw. 76 cents, Carlyle's Essays. New edition, revised, 4 vols. SA Stories from Famous Ballads. By Grave Greenwood. 50 cents. hfastynr of the Muti • or. Trial. sod Triumphs of Christtane 14 the f epoy 00 cents. . quench Not the Spirit. By Newman Hall. 25 cents. Mind Man's2Holiday t or, Short Tales forithe Nursery Illustrated. 50 cents. Henry Willard cr. The Value of Right Principles Ily•the author of " Dmk and his Friend Fidus." 50 eta. For dale px WILLIAM B. & ALFRED MARTIL'N, nut ISo. too MIESTNUT ;street. IfiiLORENCE NIGHTINGALE'S NOTES ON NURSING. Cheap Edition. cloth. Price uf cents. D. APPLETON & CO. 443 and 443 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, Have now Toady A new edition of NOTES ON NURSIN( ; WHAT IT IS, AND HATIT IS NOT: BY FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE. I volonm, 12mo. Cloth. 25 cents. READY IN A PEW DAYS. A Still Cheaper Edition, Paper Coven,lsoents. m75-3t INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE ENTERPRISE • INSURANCE COMPANY OF ntITAADEPHIA., (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING. S. Tr, CORNEA MIIIATH AND WALNUT STILABTS. DIRBOTORS. F. RATCHTORD STARR, MORDECAI L. Dews**, WILLIAM MAUR, Gro.ll. EirDART. NALBRO FRAZIER, JOHN H. BROWN, JOHN M. 4TWOOD , B. A. Fermium*, RENT. T. REDICK, HENRY WHARTON 1 . 21L'; 2 7,7„gi...t..... , • F. fIATCHF RD a ARIL President. CHARLES W. COXII3, Beoretsr*. fete-1y AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 181 D—CHARTER PERPETe UAL. No. SIO WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up iarntal Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and ava ilable Securities, co ntinue , to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, alerobandise, Vessels in Port and their cargoe p r om p tlyer Personal Property: All tome liberally andadjusted. DIRECTORS. Thos. R. Maris, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Chas. W. Fouling.", , Israel Morris. THOMAS R. MARIS, Presideit. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Smarmy. nIIKKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA -4vs, NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS,. 408 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS e369,746.70.—1n5urea against Loos or Damage br Fire, and the Perils of the'Bea, Inland Navigation and Transportation. GEORGE H. HART, President. h . . ' h. Ugh filli e Ltf t e g i oVend T man Ter. S. H. BUTLER, Assistant Secretary. DIRRCTO RB. George H. Hart. F. P. Roses, G_._ Cattail, Feeler 8. Perkins h. , , w. Bailey Andrew R. Chambers, H. R. CoggsAll. Samuel Jones, Al. D,, . n. H. M. Fuller. zabh-tf CINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE RAL INSURANCE COMPANY, PLATT EW URG.,MISSO URI. Chartered in 1860.—Anthonzed Capital, $lOO,OOO. DIIIIICTI.RB H. Whittington,. Winslow Turner, T. R Bradley, George W. Culver, James H..Dirch,_Jr. H. WHITTINGTON, Pres. I. N. HOCKADAY, See. and Treas. Special attention pai4 to Collections, and Money romptly remitted. Business 'whetted. mhZl-3m. Till MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW 1011. Aseets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INV/111/ID WORTH OVER*I3 , O O N ,NOW, 11Lil The premium, are rowan than in many other COMPar ides, and the Dividends have been zzzzz Thle a striae MUTUAL em_pany. There ere no atookholdere, so thet ALL THE PROFITS IMAM TO TOT I$B9R/D renteldete, spa eveiy htfornuttion, may be hell 4424 • 715 s on aPPhoation to F. ItATUTIFORD STARA,A gent. B. W. corner FOURTH a nd WALNUT Btreele. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCED: Thomas Robins, John Welsh Mordeetu L Dawson, qaorge H. 86art. George, M. Stroud, E. S. Whalen, Fieher Learnt Joseph ng. Joseho . ph d n. William 0. Ledwts. TJohn M. Atwood. Arthu. el Cone, b,omae H. Power*. George W. Toirad. WilliamMaKee. Thor. WattiOn. T"E ENTRIES FOX TIIE "SPRING Exhibition" of the Point Breeze Tark.Amooiation will oloso on TUEnDAY next, the Bth inst . at 9 P. IS., at the PARK. and at the _office. No. 141 South FOURTH Stmt. SAMUEL KILPATRICK. &oratory. SPRING GARDEN SAVING Office, 031 North TWRD Street. between Vine and Callawhlll. Ineurporated by the legislature .A oral nth. 1851. Open for Deposita and Paymen THURSDAYIy, oto SH &albeit. Also. on MONDAY and EVENINGS, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Interest. a per oent. per annum...Tepositors can with draw their moneys, by Checks, if desir