...~ h 'L J [ei~.. '- OICa:1 7, ItijS RE= :4'i '.. _ ._ 1r ;'~~.; -;-rv~ _ i-- r-"i` :'~~-"~- :-;.,-_.',, '-•,- F,7: - .' , ' , .:::1 , ',' 2 ', - , - , -- . ( ~. V;/::- ..: '.', : .. ---:.•-•_,;:-.-- mi . ~ -.Ala .*A • b." 4.....1 1 10.*,011 111. ' a 01 , 4 * Vinomtum"*,litiouyinimioim, oui =ma mai isoccro.,4 - , Azikor - lowilw io , 64 ,l4o,oriti IL _„..arma 100 ,zA7,4„,• . 4 . ...411 - .0. 1 / 44 ilio t.imic.•P/ 854 1- 11 X-Viltfr'in7ls r' ,•I'mailt ii . iiit„ :)iitg 0tt0pf4047,014.40' ,VAnti," ' , ._ l66 *liiiii varle7 ,7, , 4 1 ! 'T,B::n ,- .4 --- ;iskivo",ftylogi* I& V a tZ ho ii"Z` ' 4 l l l i :ftg:', - .5) . .',1 likwioia 4tloo - 4* - os a ,V , T:, -, - .- ~ lin ifil* - 0 41 0 61 . 3 ,Vt4 .11,41 0 1 0 111 0 11 0 1 -; tom,___ ~. ; fieVeillosistlegistilr war hwirtlpsitaystika - refue; t . 1.- -. . lid "f IV4 I - ' , O U- ! th i* 4ll.ll/4 0 1114110 41 ' tl , - ' - h"..=- 4 / 01 ' 41 Mol tob ooo iln. of the rdi --4-- - r - ir- - .' ' , ' huroti!ot e ittoeW 0 0 1 4 0 altlO,Nioot la oorrob‘ 4 , ' . 4t.1.V - ' - 11 11 1 .4 41 ' - nig" is w 014 ": f g , !& - , • Or i t=cloottal ird a i i.T l 3. : , PC_Vo 4 snotWeir thatrocriek „ .: 4_ - ......,zrega =MI ';ptuSs~z z~ ~%iw'.ns~.~c<~~'+c~.~!: F:;Rex,2~.zen~:::as,t:.~;~:-: ~.rant3ww.~.n MIM=E :44 , 1:i r ti „ wiFoliiilio 41 , 106ii -, 4 , v ,„, ftet t i =ri•iZ l it;WeltiZ th t= At #.#05.: of a St! . ..l tro - that ea d_ ... ,,e - fe.Li'Ablintal themsel ves Iii1141:r"!"-:i4.:!:.$9.14--;*#..-f,,,,, w ithin tthilmir'At4.44tn'oaa*.#4:Wpoi. *pi 'fii.,. ;off thei;noloi - 01 i Mews* 'Pre' ‘4,'ldiketaillo_ltlik, MO kootop** , ar -three r--3.--,r,'...,,.,W.mi the Mayer, of the vilty, MiiV, - iit - mm telitap the Miser lit iheiittooto. li ifieelteletiWiiieteitiMtibela i nej t li eoadlii t ießa laaanellakrleeliale - ofai • ao f t he gmitleilden tiOldiveniedd betatiwilded• ... ifalatiteingagiln‘reetered i - • ' , fidlfe.; - . l '4llwmovilKli umia i iiold ':'lt. bat* Ittte , 4, ltraoi MIR Jib. pe_Mifilir, Stephens,- of ' , gt oorg i a -• ar b oi l.b i gk i mir, At oonoodektoltic One; 141 414 ,4= 1;14"1111441th1irdith'119411.4 0 11 N1NW .:1171 r 1 i ne l !lf LMtift L iielkilTranilltil:44' ; fr"lih tl i i .: veroniwYmbalt, then -leo 'mere, Amet, in,R.ent•i• pkwetisesithisirestkat as- o thipt i m t rtilig l i a tli reillfro,riagir.=: - .7 1 4. 7 .4::C t a WW I " . ' -,booki,lsthbit from it,viial l L made tilleationera_ bls Senator: frets Delaware , qiiii.. diaHltf: i a:J*4V tble,Caaffrai lad a letetseitietealttaf - *gar b ( i ' ,44 . BACCPIr" ,11000:00 , 10O,P,MODI . ; itto&,.iteethieh 7 :,lay atiptaidftur eladerees the ; Ma tittivindoimailAttlespeetee. flielOW/a. liY ciaielyilLthi- doedilite 'Of rod-intarrention by Con greis.-24-hatt idea the ' h of Elanstat - Badger,' at Ildithitlinellet, sedhr-Senitor -Bader, of South' oaMlbelti lillimitguiliwilmitieetwit of the galling st4 t - ti i f ir ld •aftdoe andoniing tits doatride'• A tatke iit.' _ - fief" iiiidoWyria hefithriths ironed et aaa. " ..twakaf:taferrlng 'the whole gum% ti c & y et ' ," by the people of the Tent: gisok:- , ,E. - hieee,alsio an •extraet . opt' iio r ieh of AaPaWilaiirta c e"l nr it i al a i oot PI the, wisest; .etimetiluid,rem'atiolintion the - Denioarteir now stetiatent . - 4 14 10 _ 1 , 1 g 'Ns jewels. - .. In that: tesolti A tai 4 ••••rolk fizstif'dir 4trobituity, - 1853,, he says : •=' , Allithdlt.feei' s tidettellelet i pPetel,ttoreOPr WO ti a tizsmai 4 01relkieb 'lO tftisitts over all . juts ofreitiela Ole Consistently with the lionstitution: " And; If they should'smarm pewee! iiiiiia Ms thouglit'to hi itwordisteht with the Oonl jitliattaie'llis "Minte:Will ,decide' that question "libikeitirikmae, ;be, ' ." - ,•": '• -• ~ ... • . 1 i,,,ltlliiitailWtepreiedintertwitith to &We the Miner-ofthitiiinotity,of i the -- potimittio; I could ,Itave'llandliothincinaye ditelet l 7„le'llatat th aa Aliiitefithitint lit idetitmt,"hit!liamitai the floor of ah,"&*1114:;-ItI4 ttite*letikao (Miller: than he has: We tiT i d at mdifiedieildalll - Stryword We use in the - • , •I eve also „ • speech - of tratgliq'lcieofilihenciet - sraquat;4iiii 'Of ain %I& Wand ablest men uPen the.fitor of the Senate, in which he silt: - • - .- • - - - - : .---,i!,Wis. intend that thotiehed boliajida settlers ?of list 3 obe li be. protected ht the fall exercise of all the; Ms ef freemen ; 'that, unawed and unacn. trail ' ,i''thal, eddied freely' and:' of : their '. own Will 4egifistitlor thimeeivisteetery extent all Owed by the Colostibitiosi;Arbila they have a Te rritorial Go ! porunient Itiet when:they shall be Innotindition AO rime inte,thilliatin,:and May 'desire it, that they • shidr MOM into tbiNsion-with whatever. republi, ,eati 3 Oonitlbation they may-preferand; , adopt, for -theuililvel v.thlt In tht.exeraiseof them ditto :they ;ball ba4ttriested. against insurrection front ;within aid Invoiloit'frOte-erithOtit."..Z.Tho:riglite are menrdid to them without anyy_ reference to, there; mit, and will be maintained , be my opinio n, by the South ,and At Worth, f mood uPoit this ground MO bi ll . MOM of the , I-thug maintain it with fidelity and, oner tp:ths lilt extremity" Why, li.literidenttilituld.l extend these quo'. Wawa ? I repeat *where le no distinguielied Waitaki - if fried tbilktuthere.litatek :who figured on thellooreol daring them discussions; or who cam to vie Ohio, upon. Ike ."•Itnnip, as we ealtitMfbo - F.114 not tabs ground 'in favor of noullateete!4, s4- ' 4 ; ' °9 l l " ' urn ..,the . floor 4.4olutatee. -:" It went I nto 14 . Cincinnati .Platforia;' 4. lt- went - te_ the people • f flat lee Of lonofiibnltinenif qoakor - Who a ddress 4We l.TboNtirtielmmind hag Moods 'thorough* ilittesidNeith thit gloat goitirisktrAonulat ene i'ehiliti:: l, :To`ifoogoiof tilig4Cont or their heart, Botts yam tear ou t their.heartstrings AbeMsebriei e.; :What:thin? : Deevi ail the! ditla ,dtiotiiialtliatil '4a„ - Vilt in 'der action .:at ' your at nstitutlWiil Age*? "lfig - ',God'ilorbiC': :we hivi laid the. piicii; '"Ole:iir-the Tenitariiii ADS bnia. nothing bat what thiCosatitutitivill. give thetetrelethilt them. to hail.•-_ Mem:TF*l% WWI shell , be eubjeot to the - Ontiditilltlim'ollthellulted States; and in the 'teetr iiiiionio ; whilih 'Webs* brought. lit:htni we hive ' 'mid that herein laive It MAIM course of the cone. trylo decide what-thei."Coustitition- does lertnif, and, I will Melitsin Mid abide' by ,the,doolsione of 'tlei sourte:;- 2 -lisi,if thejedlehiltribunels of the 'ileileitry;dirtail that the people-of. the ,Torrihnite liaviivio melt : rights,: we ogres, to . abide by that. - •Ilaalik a aaa4 - ,A la 'a a kar•t t cane 1 .00 4 filtb.' - non* Ni,O'Aitsliai Aid100thir,b...4'.140.41 Aims brthe authority Or Settling' sailed as Nerthein , state meni , Tiarmarem„pan ,. .that ', reitioto with : knot -,',;Wia,`lto4l'aii tetfiehifeat of **option; from 'llliaothelltiforitik - of one von' which the tioP . . °MU* Sotto. be waged, I hold a raw lecto`a .77Ze Dealooratie State Convection of-my 41ate-inrier!haadr; - ,andll,' still - read: it tot the jinipti*,or,•appristng "vow of , the mad, position i ol, 4 s #. 4 -10 Pete-,lkPetimaaf the .1 4.011 hetu I?eato . lefitlY ' -'' .. ''..wßiinelvid; ASIA'S* iiineiPlis Of &biotite jam isqlealited . .- 1 stedic4rvention: by OcrogreM 'ilia davery'-lithe Selig:lad Virrittnitek,rootigibied in '3lo : l3outpresnlac mourree4;lBfey distimitly . deaedeill ";:hOthe;lLMweeNibraeltit bill of 1414 Aft roinniekKOKroriltal*lft.Tfee=i l vocally approved' i trite &dime Or fOr 4/11#8)1ffion!nrokilaittittilarlavfiriiltatmea ""0 Pfesaisa" =Led' b 'tiny Minn t -. i.r .f. -1121- ' -" ti ` D " - " " • l l ' af , 44 0 0 fig* and , 1 ealesrac/ •• Ohio ta.4ts, nbeaulannet,i 210 0 - oltion„.or aroblesre!!, - . . .-„ _, . _.: • -i: . :ItweeMt yalmee - stineCnieiluire ere, fused. *lileipauttat ofilete*Mi Maim In .theTerritorai has 'biiiiitrMaeAtillefae:',Mere inlifiwitine;-4 mom altori. -• premium murannemmoti et ammo heart-barn - ine l ; - .11 the other tnihreambinid: eines' the. '9lnityl!ttt , , , Wat..4 , `' 1 2, 1 404 abs a0a 0 :14 6 Allettlatkat;l 3 o l lainetatireennon,Lyreari -eoieflittedf'4 400.4..Cesuriiis; an are • eme• Waif liy tlua:tatta' of NatiOnd' Deniooritio 'eon'. filiffrOt 11,Citiiiiiiiktflati,li Wltha,t4iiiio44aii , ' 11. 4 1 0004 1 1,i',4 1 gir , kik*lti If. 4. , Yli'.wfil natifi r ,' iiiiitiWeithata. , Vetoes, "'NO da w i lt nger 4 .". IIfeW B VY•, ail ibleltd file youtliat it it eanotann iretemetifesi rests-thet it is a etniM"efisi . or, youtpereamd.henor, and len bound bk tillint.:7o l- 4. 46, cot that 'on are Mutat. ,t.kzetetaramlegotee,lisit .I• "Inimbly 09nonitcp,:tiat ielt.elategeneUtmletelms;',:ond,,l 'Waite :Yell to be. diermitleen I say thit. the principles 'of hetet "4 . ,10 1 Vilekiwilta:d* - 3 6 . me hearts warm the "Ala ~ . ' RaaaaraaAk tor 'froi.7o - iit.owd :tutroo':4o.o o ,: .Tkor Ofpoiliailikt of that • ' '.. K. ..i.ihe, SemindirAtims .igtosiad;• would ~be vitte se it& 'this immediate'and Inevitable diem: ".me sat blerietimitelthignesiaidiatiO 'party' Of lb+ leoltitatitr,Toef, to iiiike solemnity ot:ray ifil imert, 4 4/MfVtitef; " presented here 'Vibe otzta Jeeaiefinfettha ' b e Alta , / 4 91 this Con! ' 'alla4tattoialareet name , expect im_y set 110 / 00 Marliottitelterthera - statt4 Iti''.,iliateMirenteir': - ..ai'lii'membeit - or Congress. Tura .year getlllate •'kikiiiiiiit ite lb* condition of liffeire.' jerillmof gearrelq wide my - freed - froze ... 1 410 1 714 1 0 1 44 4 4 , Gar=1*.A3tetest*Iilob girl 4 .atateeMuititeiutiOriiii• ~14 1irft.iluit I the Southern litstenareominieft DelleeraleN mid : yet. I could , git;irealr „hirliZeitatiyieriedMiamber4ou thiamine ;or 040 ; Ohba litatijkloeviclailed ‘ at, in - their ram. Ii Ygo bent to ISO; I Ind the Northwest 4.l)=Voler .0%114 fa* theitiedidateof the wet* vmty - .AIM front the - Southern-States vet. Wier: voter, leititt. - •Or,"'erreatv tier:_the 701111°? 4 1 1 0 1145C4 Niel WA. .eltio: 4 g a, Alinalt -- Pialimilespipor. - -101 7 iolid-45011inn their ihni illinteifee ti* !lentil: - or the Dail* Wink nindlillninl46ll* Ifentiaelif and Tenn wee f a a a a' t iffitOaihr Al** 1 ': , ,i •r , '" - .„. , " • ,Toe sal Wit Melfet get along &wilt; .orn iiiti- jlppie.64lk9dkiliii'aifyinket Stalin' ti) gets icht without be Seitiiiin `Pte: and yet, he PiAble-enieettitiiiiiiitierriiWitreelitaitmerould htio ,Meetati um** PiettielfliMirl Southern Wtklitallan*Oitaisat laki_ ~ ~,;',' 'Tedlanaiat by Ufa 47 .iiteleaM etuase,thal MY. otniiitOtti. brethren are not tellable ia - Ais ., thieelhey , are fellable , But I ark your to look at my OM State Ohlo; when Abe: , iitifolete, rave noiri44ll*Allia madly as *any Other portionof this liipubtle; Yon talk 'about aglitlag at hotale•i yeWao:tookdowenythingabantit. 'Nom of)tittliva in army of 200,000 mend fanatics to ifouleter with. Ifium..tbo Mismini • Conn:Vendee 44 -itc o o•Plidiat AA! ;,‘ldiol,th. State of Ohio berfonStio,'4 lm ( 44 e 00. 1 itktY. ot trout one of the a el-ooingres iiaMthat Smti *ate; leE-totsi tillt„ , ioßablitten • PielY• ,• We have theatineemimit4ms to a mors. - triding majority, Sod .obiete note,a-:.litillinetritiel State, or nearly Si ; tat* * e tigialiallaf le platforti_ ) alen:will urquile , tleilibly'Werkbes toes fit. OW Dettlooratia aaadt• idate fa sousing eleattou_ and so I; 2.W say'in reference to nearltall the iortherriStatec-r-Olao friteibie Alma atte.mileMeitied Wang hi Jaime; Ation;letili.thes, whet elm litopp voting fat "Au. 4telf.alikkoatc*lrer goy ' any otter than a Nine. - briiiii eke lallie Zile Ore Volltipi; and at she mid I twit dit ilit t iewii/VM-give-us for atirplatform the root-tiesfif-jpophisrommeilpty. We hire already tltatedliiterei**4rossof,Congreat; but Si '=on t l . lo t4*thie:lteffiaterreption, oa I: th e pat off ax on ipla4 Oil 'I aelit,:teltie,ltrihat, emMinew hi the With of riketreay,Atit , t,dol not , bitters as trai isteet'l e *Oa losioallier 4 Congress in _hie WWI* 1141:100aWytaliatAt belie tioWei.efillpe.'" NO, Mr; *ik - osiiiik, ,eirry,tllo_ Diesooreitie ' party:with sae. taile,-Wedsiiilii - Itati the` *wind. ortion.igtervott• OM rti.tiittiiitibriti: -- '.,,.- - :' , ' , 7. '..• ~ ' ,' per,, Kr„Preeideat, ire are about tit'aittlei 401 perhaps the most maven; tirt , deepetife,,politw fti , ..4404 kir nir:lllesi, , .,iragel idiom me Mull. a i teztneM.,or 41,iafterimitamwV;Ifiver have.ef• I, _ b*lttigglit ; sit iOnr hands sew* are about enter mion, it , casein; us, but 11•11 yotonly 1 0414 g lait SAO; wi th " no unkindness,' th at ft Mitio, 3 3i T iolikilidtely mom than it dose us.. liVe I± it . itimier A Itormblialt tote; we am Maud :It..tik •114 3 / 4 411roan Semen* Mart ;we oak tr , wit*A - ;_jiolkwiltaiadittii,4 departme nt. ' ' You havepFiliora it,itil.Nct* wihavoi, 14 SW I** wit Ant* (0,: - . dirid." ii. c 0n ,,4,6„ ~0 dimg ,,,,., , _._ . memo tionettio eneo ti unterl Neteiti abide by that deoision. Ent it iriblefthetthe question has been already.settled in the Dyed Meat decision. Well, If It haebeen decided, - are you area to trust thepame Judge who made de olstari it again?. riepist that Whenever that deelelon tilde, we yin imaintala and abide bylt - As honest, loyal, and true-hearted Demo crats, we pledge our faith. Is not that suillelent? Why not, then, continue hiltand upon the platform oport,which we have stood and have triumphed? uponstidtemaittiumphedlit,lBss(and Man hiuniph again. In Hod's name, what are you to gain by any other course? ,How &mob better off will you be by the adoption of, the report of the majority of, Oiliaotansittem? Of *hem in these South - ere States , are you afraid? Are you afraid of the Amnion , party-,--Atte, se-selledlctiow-Nothiag partyl....You have,sti Black- Itepabileanshere, and .if theY•oalne here you would not let themetay, L areyou afraid? Sir, I appeal to the patriotism of my Southern brethren, not to-plate upon eaten& a weight as neither our fathers nor ourselves are able to bear. Let us run this iMei Without Miming a weig_ht, let int-Mtn , it Upon the Ppletform of 1855, And 101Ors,tta netettered, and unhampered ; we will bear our.plrt -in the battle, the result of which is to destroy forever this Biaolcltepnblioan organisa tion ia-theNoitharit States. - ^ - - • Now; MerPriiident, not Pibpose, to detain' the Convention long•V 1f what rhave said shall( have the erect of enforiang upon them the convic tion that upon this platform alone is our safety, If - strait beiiatisiled; eill'upon -you, gentlemen of -the &Ink toAssrioutly eoulden , —lbr If lre 'fail 'of; • tabonle, *MI your heads will vest the ootisequenoinr tar heAvier than upon dr bf theltortholf you eita-1 blish the platform - reported by - the majority' of the' tiouseilttee, we will go home and fight the ,baitie best *emu ; and I can ask no greater rtiek, heavier penalty of my gallant friends of the sunny:, South, front the lend of - perpetusi'ffoweri," as is called, than for them, during their summervaos lion, to visit Ohio and go to the Western Reserve; to old Giddingig_ distrlet c and light our battles ,with the common enemy, •,,EApplausel PHILADELPHIA BOARD UP /HAM , IoHNARMOR% To It t PHILOI%.. compiiis. Or mu Noma, t • LETTER swan. a.TTIM XIMMANTS'iIiMIMMI, PRIMMILIMIA. 1 Sam Norway, major ....... —.. ! .....H0ng Konr. good amp Tens mead .peitiias,:.:. ...,..i.,lLikamepi; May 1Q Bark Cboalitti, ad. . ...... W a i t Coat or Artl6ll., soon "lark Cordoba, beris .....---„ ...Barbados. sooi Bark Joseph Makerri1tii.i....a...=.......-...Laguagra, moo Brig Black &mail. Davis —..—BL Jago de Cuba. goo MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 04 1 0111,:gigli 4 +4 1 % 1 0 1 04.1:Milot 2 . MI6O. 317 • - ' sa=at nr SETE '654 - ABM Vi tab Steamship Kennington: Baker. 48 hours from Bodoni with nubs and passengers to Henry Winsor. Bark Mary Elizsbetli. Itiobbors, 17 days from Cien fuegos with stigar; lto. to Stewart., Carson & - 00, , Feb I Ist. at t 11113.10 n 3030 W. spoke Br ship John Hogrelli fm Fly mouth, H. for Madras; eth, let 7 S. ton 84 60 W ex, °banged signals With an Amerloan ship showing Baton Nos 66 ID, bound 13. Sobr Emma BrookN, 1 day from Newcastle, 1/el. Witt} oats to Jeslittrrett 'Son, - Bohr W B Baxter. 3 days from Providenosi with Inds' to Orowed & Collins. Bohr Nihon, Weaver, 6 days from Newburyport, with mdse G - 3, Bohr Smith -Tattle,. Mayo, 4 nays from Boston, with aides to Ulm A Wood: - Bohr R Gilfillantinclth,6days from Boston, with m d se to Crowell & Collins. - .Bohr Governor, Chaim, 6 days front; Boston, with lodge to Crowell & Collies. Bohr Chas P Stiekitey Garwood, 6 dais 'firmit'Ensi CenthridneltAb.r toißoor...&oo. Bohr Geo wa :•Baker, 7 days from Boston, in bat> Last to N Sturtevant & Co. .ahcE tavid Williams, Taylor. from Boston. Bohrnmith, Douglass. from Boston. , . 1 Bohr Wiwi Kinnht,Endioott. from Boston. • , Bohr; IS Hewitt. Rom, from Boston. Bohr Fidel - s . Wheikton, front Boston. . Bohr Jason Porter, Yates, from Selig Blast isoiond. Yonne. from yersbort. ' Staantsr Masi_ Nisbole. 24 hours from ow Pork,with mdse to W Baird In Co. !Daslype Rind!, Manus, California, Workman Desiditis: W k J g Bier: Rear Chas ?ilitioluteg.Garirow, rail River, R R Cost , Do • RAT do do Mohr Borah. alma--Penland,. do - do nohrlt Willistna, Tailor. Roston, I, nudenned•ls Co, Bohr Datil Smith. Douglass, Boston,.N obis, Ilse:unit; & • . . Nair DP, Tititff,Pititirniaith, - - , 2 'do" _ - Rehr Reber, ,Wilikto ;Eudioott• ,DO4llOll, • pr J il.seigia,Davis; Roston, NRiernsiest &lie ,:"I:ll37erm a jihTtui a llost s cur a L Kll - 9 ,,d (1" L b514 • Bohr Joseph sorter, ?aim, Gairteston, ot4atios 4 Gloms. Rehr iiutgeoe, itioltiond; Va, Bonine, •, - • - Votir Slack Dialatiaaftrooriir, Deavorsonza B kW= a 13 4 1 14." A 10r4hor-Wvalrari„Rhar , York ,. r& Len ', Collins, JIW•s, (TtEE. may.l,l*. lchtuneston lin with 8 boats. laden andeonsugued .B.,Mithar4er lumber to Serunel Itolian 'Ota gii tin-do:to Cad Mist* Co; Goy A G Curtain, do n to bt Trump& Bon: t let Eludi do to Gambit & Gamin; _ Maros% do tO,Plorordo A Elliesten Btrangetand R. 4 ltoie; wed to Dislitentre City; United Mates, do to do. Y o . . . W. W. -(CltTffsetdiFt ',Y l4 l l 24l%,;Anrilall. I The folkariee boats from the (men Olunst to the Sohnylloll Genii to day, boon to phi= lii laden dad eosteisted.me & , Meta: - Mary. lumber JO melons a Taylor' Only meter, bt; coal to Benoist A CelL.Pountruitan & orsos , lum told, NSW; &WO c coot. do to elot A berdeen. elting l rel to beml eolltdayilitddert *mbar E Miltw & /OM; - ' - . • . -i dllhill.PMPolk ~Math, town .„1 1 telbounrar;ardvad .1 Gramm= 3911;1113, - ^ -, - , , Ship Kau; (Dmett.) Rebalbeling, ;for - Phi ladidelicri warn loadm atigt s erds . V: th u l t- f or ig s - i m ,t ec , Roadei - :,41. 14 chin Angie. ,or anietan Roads, sailed Doi MIA ry. 11 :ph a VielasHie,' olinaon,hom Charleston , arrlYed al j ilf4.l "Cingiy il l4P. ". ;%Righen; for Ravens. remaihed at nid MaJanelno, Watch fa t - - itarkatragilieraw:lkanter. from pentarbooop arrived al New Yong Mir int: . • -' . ' Bark Ihirietta. Drown from Rio de Jimmie, Marva 93d, arr -A airliniltinione wy nit, Bohr W 43inn, Bacon, for Wilmington, Del, cleare d as sottontstotet, u 3 Bahr 8' rilollidar Beaman; from Boston; arrived at Alexangrlat ult;. , , Pohr n. crime, for Thillidefahlit.'astiad front Alex/swirls Mk _IOU ' • Bohr btrog - whlmi, limy. henorp_er Providence DlM ult. ..Bong Norm ems, hew. at Pell Myer. Vrli Mt.: , i Bohr tr t it nfge, t re n n e ct lit t iet v / i ntl i to_ c4 rr ant: Mk Bo r limy. ennr, hence, it ew Bethord NM alt i . , 4 Bohr F C Smith. sm ith, Smith, for FMl64BlO'lO, gall from Providence Seth nit— - - . , , Sohrs Moat likd O,F Rairley. for 'Ph. ladelphia, from New BiklWrd Skit Wet, , NACHLINERY 411,11 IRON ._,_ -. MILIIIVAL Ari lIIMICK, 7. VAINOLLS lIMMICE VOUTlPiriNTAffiry c r, ~—; la Firritiaro•vrAsstriertill ortzitio,:- In ea t rir gothini. • T- :- lthiernsur mem Masullititara 11416 414 . f ir Via m re eltasm . Etigitialp 1:4 0:6 war, and s m q• se Mit maydror,•tpifflitiagil _ . .lron 2124 ' for gis 40%; *ark 11 . 1 . i0r;21.44 Wo="Niohiaiii 4 aisiiit iiid eios . i in 1 ...VirrißrOtitogiatun teo g ia tratuk Deleastors ileti,!;:Papgße ig eV is t li 4 t 6,31• Ages% for tworitLy. '''' ° ,` R ain j u ' e t; i s ' rP l ic CariFs Potent n sal Nagar Dam. tor anhing, , , QILVER:MEMIAL Awarded by Penney vok '464irrieelleral Sooletz .of Wee for HARTELL'S de ALLOLAF:Ii PAMIR FRUIT JAR. DIRIAPIKAAwartIed bree_roterlvanharrihlloral thk. °tett of ISA forAIART4LL'B ALL , OLASo AIR. Ttet(T ritl t ildrA T Ter: rt „ ttriti,li:ir O r . rtVE: o outlaw or Cormiiit reinititi• tt : flutild4u/ Poteatife put klettleol wee -to,bernejrothAll the op teetioriaorioie swan the 014 stAis or Jiim--1111saufaa tarentander the patent. -; RARTRIA'a-lATCIIIWORTH, rGeneral 3,,8 Olga P IRT Wikro Itree ntlies t.' No.lorth: ~ azdi-lm" ' QT..'LAN-RENO)I.MOTEIWBRONDWAT N 7,14 EJRATINIISW,ToRK. (moral r Akio sky- nowM-L, sad ootounpdloot ots s now open for the reoept ono meta, and will be WaWeil so veitiif on4ho t areara eri. th lb e l&planal4 t ai l . a Os prop t:latardMe priVillsori the ollonn= liberal stialeurteele 00114 00 Mere ear day elegant atateba i l4o.o:l4bltliorgb .lmowle4g• of the burn t= to 414 li f teriletrorteliritiro a g ealt•Sen . 01 D . Fannie/or. i CAGITKRENNE - , ,:eoootoroto to P. 1... beguer • - lof Bogge 0 r tittooi Offeiforeoli..fromATnitsolition ofonooso . of their owo importation, • ' -• • ' B co randies, gnacs. - _rout. Quoilloa it Co., orvalions vintllfigoa 110 is sit es rralUONl3llOlll i, " " P i • A I M ) u • hamoikoao *lam o Tort/via briatfo, brand. , mon Olivo Oi. n duvets. tr. L. Lotuvvvvvil ,- • - VANiihtfa 11a ) ,M L. E! ,IELEBRATEI? 9 91 4 git PULL( G TOTImT, ko, Yo Vitri relllBlllllrgehleittrille. RAVANtV 4 IAT I eggIiEE D , petit AND ELAi• INE , • . 4lB-swtr; '_ ~ . LADIES' TRAVELLING BAGS marts" sad forma% tiyikPailAttP. North FO fret, shove:Amok. • . rows at • I pilit:PocriMPATO 0104.6 AS 6, .010.N.E .84'LTS. &whets. 144)gini_ 9041, Dresaitle crgi,.Writing maisb Fort-r - 9,ltqs, Miu 000kitt. i or -4M .. . . . . „ et ARDEN. SEEDS , FOR 11360: . "- t .i.x• vitovirc SEED& u_spolziitlit , , ; - . LOW/ Sa if* ulariattNektql*ti* j ..1 EMENTEI sa d Rikaad Rolm ,Orspe Vines. 0. ke. - - - ' Tab ti e""4ll" .. -'!' - '. ! Ti l a ti dl n trane d Ala g ealthtalt . i _ 'CIitE.A.SE. .—, ',, ,—k • , '.' ~: I ‘JF !lotto raraaeltilfa;r:Griase. „ 1 ambit bbur 44' -do do . --. I , , 4000(do, do • ... do,' do . . •; • e --, , , go kika:- do. „I: .- do - • 1 - NMI at Clitlll - • do_ . i A 00p6flor aralot• ; for BrikWilgoodkodititortlitoM:;#lo. k nmegfkoturid 41 for ado R Kir AlSa l : PrEA. k OM. o.l6Boatk. -RA a Angie Mil vote I heartier at , lo a roOotfoo we Demo : ,root tbs Booths= allaw . 0 a". .QOAP'AND OWLES.-.AIO Boxes dOfl. IA f.°,°,camt mur_Nm;ol,prt7simill Olo' NO TROUT .• DAM - AND , NAL.i c r ut 4NODEL— PHILIP 1111.614 & , C04 7 1 air si lkg the r= Dar, an , SI,. 1144%41,01 ' 6 a 4 ' It kipof : 1 4 41111 I the (Sot a lan. It we ask tAidiP l *--•• • raters— ist of the 41 4 7 11 4 tilYtt lir rat eabom." fete* EVA' N, plot T. l'e_ v ikffitgar;, I °rifle , ..: de . liot roll ift A 001410.41 P; ott it we Rut , NVltitihes; the ow. in will Ittity)iiiklt,L. 7 ,463 /lblio,Nos.:l, 2, &,J mor kg ro Zrzr io nerAf o or I:I2LA A0311 . 1,-PITPLI. TAR.,=-8150 Ira' fl tura RNli. srbbLfitehLUO bblx, t. IVennViltvsarvritY. 141.8. E ' Is:- • " *magi, vid- Arikal I,DighlOt prtricLut 0141000:4 LOT t-j4rslit6lolllMr,"4:- dirk,4-4 „t. • 41 . ,' , 7 1 I,t .4 _WIWI* 14.4° ot sit e ly wratEvra, tigurnlEß. aeN 476'449 ortitiIEOUNDIM C; 5 Z,7 r ...e I~' i.. ~. - . ifiIXCHANGIif -110 — hAVANdk OOMPANY FlatgarlreWeiWitttetlluind- ts• generally, on svotabkk terms, 'atm ten o vet yawl. „ t , ~..,,,11 , ~ xii ii& ol k, Lua ~,,..-:: F .,,,,, 1 / 21. Jeremiah :„..,..,:: wag B,,,liar'' Johnosus T. Owen, en ~•• Bal*. esti l 1. "E .0 ?-, LT . i gilflitie EitXkltal UCLA ,Presiliont., VIM Q. 4 ptionorv. PrOlidinto' ZDWAZD . DAVID. ihoretaii. inhnl-what[ illi 1911 WAIT 011 li 0 /if P Allit'Or TIM 11- SPATS O,ZERNMVANLAr_VBX Agalik 1 Et 2 IzillUILF!?Erplo: ~4 ,15AFIANIAR DU LUM- Znia;tinin in if 1441,1 tigifilinints, Jiminq,ll. Th ili r=i la t th ' irsilablwz:s. , kr_ We ti t 41=6 .1" • nu. 7 1114' , , , 14. x. , 4 ill ff . a l i t ' -ri' , .:, I , ;:, ;. 4 ,c l ikt em; 2 .ti. ""•1 ' ; an . Intikl: • 1' ! • • i t Sa al*". .''.-7.ATABICOkiD prolg. wn. l A N - • PR. aireratarv. , 'le 11- if DII,AWARE MUTUAL SAIIIITY , _ In INcoarroaffkilrismarmitßi WITHIN O. . ' AD WALOIa ON VMS If h‘ Vert I A ti ANCIE i gfitra rr,, ITo all war of the Wadi. IffetnitAlfoEff ' x ' ' . da ' folds ' ,14 ,‘ itrapilleff aati laud Oantail to . ootrN ute o, glk 14411JAA/10oe i On Moro PmallidY, h . i., . ..: (41316 1kwa r lefilirdaPAIIT. ifomawl. laaa. par. ; , Maria Nam. IMOM Tldladdibii bilij. !Vit. L00n....01100 SO loopoo l eoo r ia r ato Wats IF ot ra Ltr...—. _AI_ a 21" g Strita lf,' ot. ~,,.,........ iiraw ea SM, • to g era i , oraez ovmana was “ 110000 U. El:4" rf . ,. ...., °E .,....._a ii t i . r .': act* Od osomalt , 7,Loask to Ow 91!T of , volikr ac i i s i # 140, ' , a •u , ' • 1067 + 4 . 111 " ' -110 M 00,00, No Pommy va Rogood Mort- . - 4 6 1 U U SUMO WOU I RYZAW . Pooligui•TitiOr suss, se ' :I=arlielimr.• Isal 4 1 Conway . Wag*? , • . ooed-or *ft tr € l4 7n= crotua.- ' .- .. '' UM !Xt - 0111610 aliartavPriTasy — irrararltral • • ii , , ~ , 1e0ra1Vd......,:,.... 4 ...1...4,5. •....,... z .,.. VIII , OWL LOU% /*IMAM* LW me WAY eas e' e w e O , *l* a ' 101 "cno at i nt r i Totroirra • ' '-- ' :, lia'ralaag u nf I 1 Wloialtr. mi.i nt • • ins as- tkaok Steam rtzami. Pailadatabie.' ir • ' ',... L_. ,_ .....,.........„,......,,, W.F. Bondy 1111AIFOIVIONT awl Reiq Ifni* 01 . - . '''i las N I LL arooro Szl ima , nada ....... of ..ri ALA intoreirini s grtetx dui . ' ' ' 1301 i AVAMtiatiqiiinlin-4-do'niir, tri, eakitiiigitOlrin...r.....Z ere ri .. PilUrq Mag4 l.. „ , l otit ram. o hn i am Tinh • . ji lli Aein r77?" rim tr. !wiper. _ , ,y L .,14 Ewa: IfirlAW' IOTIOD-40 RAILROAD CORIUM , tRALRDPROES ALS Will lie maned atjna'Aßett or the WET .1 RORY RAILROAD COD rdklllWat wOODIIII l•-., IS trot egrj Row -.lornat a for to gdrilltion of VA ...Ma Tatieweshil rOrot . 44. ... •., ai:ORTON. forliurpadinntrOT Or grri ry il , ( a b =l o of-ti :1141 ;raAi ti 'P i flUidit # ' ert r t , , . ~ , . I Also: at 11;ASEIBOROUGR, • for the nrhan . O dra Pittatowncpp•oonntv - , t el (Rurrboradinto./.ln the count'. or tarc throe 'ot In swamp Aunt pm ink ; the 1110 , .Mt i •,,.: l e •.:. 'l'e 1.14 rli ng 4° Jr PErm t ri war 0 , 111 at Oka ItiL _ i ,_ 11_ 4 Y. for Ma .1 , ..mt DIVIIIIII6 jat int GET2N, • t im q hand Omsk% ; and at MAORI ODOR; • t ...„It r 4, Divieron—Ouen daya Wore tho_letropa o swum. •t , . .- .0'•,- , - W. ODO. •' ~' • sis.rmin4 • ' - - - - - - , Rrunnitr.'t k rORN EXCHANGE BANK; ."APRIL 39 ) .18410,--ew-Inetalintwit .Pivw Do i t o ras ehire on the capital stock orints Beak will me pettibie at thf !ell/ eikotboote the two se, °T°l" I, l %. l lo T hiri, Clii . blfls I MFIOE OF *THE lizanme:;twL Taw +i to qffrehrAs wed • 'shit eselpang vin be . • fill flame sniff i t mod 8117or i Ctoyuctu,7::: vide Ftunsos....... n 5 . , 1#0 haegor. ... "4 7 . 7me p 7 assa st y etelicii== ;Volk:7=111: - After Jolllotp to Septa to Riehromd 141 be tsi Oltor kiptembiir Ist, on .d , Per Pa..l. • , •117order of um oilat-trit W. ripBEISURERT - D rP4 RI lA' E A T A. imam it. L'ointemnr.ti - Li t / i e ' s ; . , 'll4,Mathiiiiiiri'E tr agiirtursi imra.roliaro t thaw ! x—sey!k i m. ea and aft,. oirettaiiiiiiierferibe c A4 „ Ve ef,ileedis gee' 41 lls2VOTtresi i" La 9 sae wepier. mi els -Im a Hos. T i ring. Trimmer. ' 'Ev!'itEsl,l g i . P . IIINVIIIADIt" ( ::' vi...?". ziSIPEED, ISOOSlywiltyry.:„..; „H.; ;A.A •, PAN. -. . situ CITE' I ._ - Heituatfultv gjorigiuMvsrap are empared.wla ittorinum4 raollir (kr thin lag 0 - -, -, JUNG- r AMES; , • MY Passonaer rame. to a I marts of the_ • '' ' - WHIST, SOUTH , AND IPUTHWEIT. , r RYCJILP2II GIVEN, •Vtritb rAtenvinnentad to gastlnationvarideb wo toarjan tee wilt be allow ss MOH of any Other' respriarnms Sa moa COMSAT. The dogma. with winch gm vat all &solutions fit merobandisq. rough to Pittsburg. Cincinnati, Cohan- O. Olsen . ,ChrZo. tentington.-14AlsolUe. St. ki, Ntialivil ei art of er Citing land Towtui in the est, Tnnot be exoelled by any other Oomminr. Mao, y our Southern Empres.4 which has hVely been *stabile ed over the great line °Mahouts, via, . Grand Amadora , aqd AliginseArin Central, through ti. New (Moans,. to Baltimore, waidungton, Arnittnfin,' unable g, Bristol. Knoxville, Chattanooga, Ashville, Huntsville, blemehle, Grand Juno non, Canton,,Joakaon, viaaaborn, op New Orleans, and allAttigy entail Ina toeing in Me lzlfttinghltplift, :'•, - - ' ?iinorms" rite Lille Welt and South from our ll."!•! , mine , dilly. at 7A. M. and at or NewLOrli, 4111. ill, mut 11 A. 1.1. ind grind 11P.M., daily, (Bun ya , oxo•prod4.• 8 IP .YuProssa fir Charleston anittlatnittnatti 010, att Ong Owoe at 7v. M . osemildaya before sailing. ' ''. _. • '' • i Our Wagons will oall Tor goods In any part of the olty vain: the ollowlai d I mite. Oebterate,ld Snit; rrereoggid take ro, tp iambi; moo de.Jno .be WV:W% re:it ,ot TLTU6I4:g: am! 4 I v 4:4l4lVartl"l" - , , 'A A. sgT e ' Philim.-Feb. 0, sso. am- . 7710pilitilpittug, 'iet zikitara: & -Co.; • S. Corner BROAD. and CIALLO*BILL, 84 , orii?r WRITE' O azd . (A LIS • '1' . 1 4 /0110 kettlPair cover szorisaly for Penni lisp. Witt. wmpro by 'mumatoh will resolve prompt Mien ; .spltt.3ui rmu. r. mum, r, mon. KR,p 4 1,,,6 AMORY ' " 60 z 4 0 4111 Efredartt.." tit rtgllll g t t a t i l i r M and talk ekut from lohaTildlean, PIANOS! FIAN9BI! Pl#No4ll , . PLArfo-FonviLL. " Nair& l arrit ts ; • ".* 14 2 4' • PAM STEGbIitAt*VONIS P.A. F atrinen f cr A w N i Gram DT A, " 1• 1 = pal f 7 f T rr y : ' •, „ - , , r ciethigt'l'opAcCO; , - HAVANA CIGAR S:—Ail linusually handsome ansortment of the most celebrated brands, snob as , • , ~ -' ' ' -CI =-'''',_ ''' ' fattsses, PIM:101C . : irlltlelit owo , ., .14m 0 /wok • . '. . rg:D Y ILT10111 ,and ~' ' '' ' i Cl i Attes, Ike et Revile, niaulak. Koplin .144eVrimss, ton- Igrargatliare i j r il l u t Vitan ign ame-Im c', • 1 AR At. PT Ntroeits FIIGUET OM k 7. ,:pielqveittomis,- •:>;„• 6A • p eatm ot '.got . 14•16 tor • or so . ,1 0 .E . N.P110-drAgf0011,11::610008. •.4t": .. ..: 71 , . + l 4iiit bt ilisAttni of :Win- 4 , : /..,..3.i, ~ ,ii ... ommeni k i iito;„D i l.ttt tr i lf It 44. 1 % 0 i c m: ,,Jmit_ 00,0 . ,0 t Warta ed. wkommulp mu NM 1 1 2 40 and Qo „. - TR,T. , .l4 , fftic: q' ill , Fill . eta* 7 i-' -,,,-,..! , nit 0: •L.l 1 "; t rt r i : l : ''. ashuskßi:o ° I , .1111: spri 1 7e:o 14 Ift 0.. Va. il: I - oli , , - ,144iTICE6; HIJADELPIIIIVAND pnuriCOMl,lditY., Mara" MI stis toil trasivertarbir MOWS • - 72 _ R IN NS freight an r toe. oe of le • u'e do• COAL. rLiNpp., (4 lig° ,f‘ ift7;-`1 „ ` . WHONESD.4I,y, MAY 2, 1860. FOR MALE AND Ir 9 LET, ggi FOR B ` iitE.L-T6 very:dairableand FAB h 1 ofeboutiW items, si Mated i n plop mery,ooun adiolalng lauded R. ratites, lid:dies Writhe; John and iamb. Janes. au other*? - rtj,willelt rural et street. mad lig' led out vdmi-ugLe.mrid sue station, .tbieNorth ecroultukia Railroad. FTh est ro , Cljuis ,dopuctetproperty of a H.er Esq. It is ma good state of ,tialtly It ation. w dv ith goo . d m ; t r inplovements. , and fa n ar e e r gataigrat Of a wer,. beauty. The I mprorentioonal e t a very good House, with 10 or a s rodre .plemeantly chided, large stone Baru, with several good oast houses. IrOp Mahar particulars apply to - • • •- - t 7. H.PtUrRHEID, • ap9o-0t 203 South BIXTIi Street.- 4-011ESTNUT-STI RET:HOUSE TO' 11111111FMT.-41.- wtodetate'isiier hotiqe. With oncriert one of tys A mo i st dot loottimijn f i ti tt S7 l efiStiTNU tt biget. " t Premapativ. 11 A?:I,',OME SITE FOR A COUNTRY s-a HEAT—TEN ACRES—three minutes . from Ger Station, on be North Penna. Lit., adJoining & we 1-oonduetlP•male Seminary.- -AS the triune atop at th •stattnn • poly to - JAMES _LYND. sp iscu t 6 south SIXTH Street, (second store/. ; MROOUN TEE RE'ITDFNOES FOR SALE. —Two new nOVlMß;l4,Ttautiow on the Pgii r :oggarri=air e vierolt c tiliteg: river, and is in a healthy neighbor ood. The boubee have all them cident conveniences. The moresii/d onramodation for reaching that station be ad atonal trains, which are to run on Monday, the aid p A prili recommend It to parties desiring &country residence. Also. soma forty mores of LAN house•tote for saleAt the same elso_e. Anal! to R. • rust. at the station. coiner or BROAD sad PRY'. treets. rts*Aw* , ' • : ma, • FOR :SALE, IN HADDONFIELD maN, I several very' desirable Brioir and Frame Residencies. wells haded'. and' handsomely improved, Also; the beautiful nrstrY kW), 0 0 " rove. together +nth r. tun t welt- oested cottage sites/ portion el the property nnll be exchanged for city real tisate. T erms easy. Apply to JitMEIN IiI.TRVTON. • WS Booth FOURTH Ftrtet, _ ' Between 20 A. M. and 3 Y. M. go PIRST-OLA SS STEAM FORGE. FOR BALE.—WiII *old etrblia Stale; tit I on the 29th day oflley, 1980, t egubile bona Or WM, ts 10 it Rn, in tiny oi tyro R A 011 , 10. the property known as the RE AIM NG a! FORGE, in tb i f said sity. • Said forge is substantially built, and oom els', equipped with all the modern improveme. Ina udiim is seven-ton Naeyinth steam, hammer a ndthree Kirk steam hamtnere,i eaoli with • heating' unateeit and bolters attached.. A tirs.bonding - - machine and oven ; three.puddlthe furnaces ;-frve blimksmitbs' forges I two thiity ton ,cranes one largest Idea shune mill ; slotting pasohine • turning lathe. and s nty- home engine. Maki building Bibby 11)0 tee t, with g i mot -. a carpen ter shop and brick ethos, with, fire-nroof, ie.. on the premises, which contain oVer Meares. • Bald Forge is most conveniently looatqd for business, adjoining the Heading Railroad.. and • so -oonnweted therewith that locomotives eon take away . and deliver cars of iron, coal . and other freight without cost for hauling. Shute' run outside the building, by which oast, wrap-bon. & 0., can be &untied close to each furnace, witnout extra, oat for hauling or labor. Th q Forge is oapable of exeontinit.tbe heaviest work, haying tolled and finished the main shafts of the Adriatio." a be, heyed tribe the largest ever made.) besides complete) sets of forginge for ninneroon steamships for Govern.: meat and others.. . _ , Th. city of Reading premiental peculiar advantages for the solocessful operationtif such a forge. it is 68 miles of Philadelphia. connected therewith by' the Reading Railroad abd the , step ton) Canal 128 miles by rail drect from New York; 138 from Haiti more ; 54 f i rom Earriabiirg. and SI from the likshuy)kill omit region, whence, the beat anthracite anal can be placed at the remove doom for about .12.26 per ton, Reading ie situated in one of the finest gig woulturat dis; Wien' of rentisylvanta, has a mrlatioa of 26,000, and is noted for its general health and he mufti of its water As Berke county contains more urnaoes than any other in the United States, Iron of every description can tw prooured by the forgo at the lowest pricing. • ' • fide clear of alt inhurabranoe. iseseion given im mediately, and' tempi made easy, o eas t ptirobagers. , The Forge to in complete Order. an dls funtistied with every necessary tool and appurtenanoe to oompsenee work immediately on taking possession. it is a proper ty, well Worth the attention ofthose engaged in the above business. 'For-any farther information. appli_to - - H M k - Cashier fragment' Bank, Reading. ra - ;Aprlll2,lBoo. apletmM ItTO OAPITALISTS.-FOR SALE-, The- Idaohinery. Iltriok, - and IN:tares 'of a large annfaotbry - Of PAPER • HANGINGIS, replete wilt' every nonvepierioe for oaming on an extensive busi. nem", a desirable Investment to persons of energy who can pun me basin% e r i g s a l ikl474ll 3l or putout the bi rai l atitil?" " HAAT, iitowrooftglir, si co. FARMS AND - COUNTRY SEATS IIfFA FOI g IiALE AND SOME TO 'RENT.—PARSI of of Ault LW miles Worn Norristown, In is good nhlgh6o r od .' For este a bargain, Immediate Withell mFA gr . or 00 ACRE& on Edge Pito. il'if miles from rattroad daunt, good buildings, Epeuti lint osiate,di and say, its per .fter s : io ntO n can rema it at 0 per Gent. s e or t Y BE24,lrutt nBoTell, bentifellylooated, V BA Or R t , NT..thres miles from otirtistown • H OW.; O RENT id s moan village four miles from Norristown; minable fors anumit tenders. 'HANDSOME PROPER:kr:of eight sores, on a Pike, 15 notes from the oi ty, on easy terms. - The undersigned, among a great variety of FISTMe and Country Eisais [or sale, tatters bimietlf that he oan ao ormunodate ast Nebo may favor tom with s on% R: R. MIRROR , ael-mwt aw , Real Mere Broker. Norristown. Ps , • : FOR, SALE-THE LOGE STONE MANSION. with B,ithlins. Tenant, and Series goorie L hy the healthy end improving Motility at Clifton. nabs tterleArtaid tf wet Derby, half an hour's nude la the new est uhes er Railroad ears from the 'qty. It as nearly a sores of and, fenced in with a variety of had Woman's a :on, Tns of water..ltwould make a 'mini Humbler' Hoartnt mine, .It has the edsantagee of a Wilniteeplaos, as t e rear end of the lot is adapted for the coal and lumber tauenesit,withoet interferenoe with the hisneion. The weighing reales and offiee are on the 'Femmes; it war wit . for a t lintel or a Coa k otry i ntore. eaV a iriare4 t l46l;74l46 P W=Fron . 73.Nait i i fro. 4 home B IRD Ftrees - • aan-s& Rs • TO, LET-LIN CIERMANTOWN—A deeTtbii Dwelling Douse, itch' well•elewled groande.frent. shrubbely, IEO.. oaf !Inmate's souk from solit, Dome of A. leitgkAliggt&FJß., 432. MAR -11F....1Fr Bane. - ep23-mwtet• Vow- RENT OR ', SAT4W—Two pretty -Olv, ViStraismr; iltrib;*. etnrilmit miles Aortk or Second 0 Mili streets. :ano rooms and hair acre lota each. " yis 7r9 Lwegu P lll,c , 47ll , rkm i fi s fg 1 4, air street. tilmoso Mon.) .' . skie ...t pro. , NORBERY3fp — ANR , F4LQRIETN,+ • AL- ror sates i' lane Ist in t u ks timathwestem section ot. It i ls e . ' grit Viati,trrs.N.ltTalV=.mgalli ILLS is 'IZ LZ Lir 1.01 I•Lin Ma l! 0 , tt—Two besut y situated ' doable Maui *sit shaded. -with want' houses sad omens Si on -quart Platik'Ropit one mile means Tnooot. mem eile-ennetees orA from ea,- t r o r e eirat iletdeetetts. APS!! at . 717 agar , GRAMANTOWN iitopEßTy. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE FOR RALE. Theoeial t rieble Farm sad Country Beat, eontaining ids sOrsa ly shit' oultivrteed Wed, 'Masted in the toWn ahip of Germantown. Phiiadalphia 'eotintri and within m asel tua rio d o e to r ° 4l , p nri ttL. ' " l g7erk to be, surpassed, ' t ilt: Donn : ea in the m i na w i napington APO. on the west try • towtahep lAue coed, and on the south by etinalFtlefet, and within, one-eighth of mile of the nekiin Turnalle, and es quarter of a mile of two eta tullrPA tgl i t Al i vtai n ht fothippiiii"Takt°7 'Le loOstion in the above propistty is high and heal thy, the lend well wittsreaf al:airing vary 81tVantli it eemteands aft extended ere.lif fppgy su llig. n B gic fr toooatcy, end is by the street., rennin* front oimalentowEi inia down otitis Bunwyrrr saw not that district. The propertr is laid out fp bye- sore lots. lithographic- plans-of which OS/ us obtained on application to either of the antler- - N aid. lea. a Tainebhigratd handsome, Building Lot,'ainutted chlntulrictntie,eilinield P it ga r° o • Pertr ator: ;Ir a % feet, a...it en area tof &bola 4 urea • she groan& ea high end slopes towards Maienn street, upon urtnish front macaw of tame end elegant ahada , , vi icy' temp, I Hop Building t ixte adjoin i ng audio the Fishes g-htle 13% on. Gorniantown. ° !' l ! 4lmr _r4 t tetta r nil t lefi r k a llittotnal e irtia, nor, PLUG end _wel,uT &teem Otto GAMUEL, B. 'HENRY, GERMANTOWN, wOA SALE,!--,Thirty Acres of high, Wiwi. lifai land, two miles north of the Armond street pavements. near anew and hendeome settlement. Per sons deeming or bedding s. Vet-Mese ooudtry seat or parchmentyn epseeletion. willl ded here a rare oppor mum. wainimittrere it will be divided into lots or from one to Ave ores, lovable in easy instalreents, city ern rte Parr peniert.ai, paseenserlailimid H. Gill );.' ta k en H s r in 4 P fth 71103 0441. u" 8 " . svra°l4P, IN THE COURT of COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA- DsLFRIA. - tazABETILaNDRAID her next friend. 'JAVIER MAGR, n /ORR REND RSONs September Term. 1P39,•N0. snits Bubo. In , D roma.' And now. A lord Mith ; legio, the mut grant C rule on the of to showoeuse wti,% Gismos from the bonds of matra. moo should,not be diotreel rsturrAble May Dth, At 100 almik M To JUn rt ar DERBOX, Respondent. OLOROE H. EARLE, A qyney f ort ibollant. aria-inr It' ESTATE OF JAMS M RONNELL, DEDHAM:3D, • ' Letters restamentary on the estate of JAMES O. DONNELL,deoensed, haying been grahted to the un dersigned. all persons thdebted to the said estate are requested to nmee.ea) Meng, and those 'having churns &gaunt the same are to awesome them to BAH DLL H. PER MINH. ' • egr Walnut Street. ADOLPH E. BOWE. NH Serum+ street. - Executors. adat-wet PSTATE" OF 40SEKI LESLEY, DE a:A.OE4BRP. ta 'ago the estate of JOSEPH av,„,A,... „anted be the Re- Oster of Willa to the undersigned. ell persons indebted thereto will please into payment, and those having els the or demands against the said estate aro requested to matte known the some without e 4Ahl I,BLFY,_ Rolle HT Le nen'. 268 Mouth FOllkTkl Street. ME= IN THE COURT OF C •MMON P.PgAS IN ANT) FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. I}AROI INE METZ.ONER, by her next friend, GOTTFRIF.DOKOBr itTera F.DWAICDMETZGITeR. denti:ober Term. 1869. No. LI. Babe. in Divoree. And now. Apri l Seth. TESO , the court Ireton a rule on the re epona•nr to chow (111111116 why a divorce from the b on d. or rnatrintriny should not he decree d. Rule returnable May nth. NM at tO aiTtit t eig A O gs P lli t )l VaiiiG K reF ri lßietri r re' You titiVier basceetuit toyr .14,..tj0e: 3.1.E0h0r% IL EARLE, 4t* • Attorney for Labatt:int. . _ A WORD TO HORSEMEN.—Ds. PEA SON'S RA NEER'S EMBROCATION is soidedll the boat "renovation in. age for the aura of bra sea, sprain*. oats, pills, old or 'fresh wounds. 'marmites weeny. vole eW, le. v aies t me rbotile iii Dered 147111tree . t, below tZeiel l ii: In t% i tt o d..M i lt i o‘th r 0 4 ,,R ap r s e i . Of BERT Thin i lst i re r trt e . i tia t il t )34 E , it.crzgrer:wivay. eO2. n where' meoloinee me kern for Wei generally. spl -waront". HELMBOLD'S EXTRATUDDO r E4T DIU#E4IO. livumßoLwa Vc . r.ltricT_ , 13 i , T ruftEAT DIURETIC. ILELMBOLD'S V.XTRAUT it MRS, TINOTEAT DIvRETio, aNLIABor,DM ErriuoT v r,E A4T DrUltrne. ' 410 a Pmlitivo Mid 4 401 4 /WIWI tor Daemon of thew /Weir, Kiditgi Gravel . Oritiktio Weakliest. ". , This Ifiknoirri s loorero eh/know/9rd' Thgeetto% and exottem the A Oiti NTS lilt, healthy aotion, by erhien dm WA N Y AN CALCANDNEI d_e_positons, and ail UNNATU Al. ENIARTINInIOTS gee re. dued.as well aa PAIN AND triFLAmmATION, end ra good for_ enNTI, 147/111ENe l rt CHILDREN. pot i &loth IrSN.IK Street, • ' }ow itIVIT UT Street rpatulelptits, AVIN L I.RI I NORLY4 I I/ 1 1110110, , Who gdesvor to &wee .op limit AWN" Slid o. SFAL.l4llPl e arirriTati t illtVigr. " . hst.i. FAIRBANKS, PLRATFORMAKB SOALEB 'Far,sate by FAI (111KPITI wr 4400. Yell* JAVA' 00117 .EN.-100 pooliots "Prim r a int i rAtt.r 1,4 ill TANTS vit_Aw_Am ak, 300 'EELS Prime Halifax and Ea etport Beijing soo bolts, Jloslod Herring. Whalf • sr 94 , 1 1 , ” r 1 (444 CO.. VEFIVW:I ------ 111a)514- Per' male by eart tu, & eanmosit, ay." and 49 Notth'SECON Elmo: MONEY 'TO LOAN—BY PENN SAV ING ASSOCIATION. Southwemt corner of RIXTLI NA ARCH. (501-6011 11.8WAINedeer, . . , aitamm, HUMMER BOARDING. PLEASURE REEKERBA: ri 44whiski, to wail Otortasiar u ltOr - Vitrit,ww And GPM, aug a a tad , • - p NSYLVANIA RAILROAD..' - • ' 1 " W l ° iv " te "eftlteavrre 16`47"h"[§° "! nrwriMgat cop e ° r '&Z41.11;1 ° 24 li s . N g i f Ana . Dsn io wou ws v w mi. Vb qtri a jtrgwa rai &UAW Ai I h et :nr Pr ► l :oFri It tip TOE PER_O B HE , R i I" AR " i n semilarn intr a Tli Ind a v"n14411.1114 Fl ir at ° r"un tro l = s-- 'of tuf t: Ituf.",ma e l WM:Y. ,"°.. f"*.,, 1 ' ; . - -.... -.... ., ___„_ : T t o k in i qu o l : Damn: 2; thip•domm t gon i.y.... um, to tiittN, oFavinNttMa ' Ter:44:." 4- .04. ,TaohlAd IF: Amt. PHILADELPHIA i f ROA ,- ANA Naßtitt ginevlNTs ,, R . olla 0 L I NA I L S t aiundaya once . v nifty: rer?Nitnreparp. titmAilrin T on I. ro bir ibil t Hi nd l4 C.ll° L . l:4 l %i t rE t iiß l VAN§i, girltvo I F.M. a l lt futunew to Pt tabar ; BERLAND tra1..1..1t LOS P.p. tral.t grine k t i q 11 Wit? haat 1 A liffnatenju roL- torl'.`&o. - , ' • AFTERNOON LINER': r ' - ' benTP New Dekol, earner of BROAD and CALLOW .llll,leotreets, P Ri LAD ELYRIA. (Parroner eig n vir ' on Ttn _Month and on eallownill stoma 3 tor VILLE' and HARRIS/I'OQ, ate.lo;'. aid. DAtIVX 'IIE,AbIN4O, only. at 0 V. M., Dena, ; onnoaye ea °noted.) • PRITANOES VIA PII A LADELPHEALKD manila : ~,, t _muk. ..Triobi Prc.LApnrmi. Mies. , • - , . To tonixville ....111 ~. eliding ,--....-. ihs rhfind•inina imd NAladtan ,i b n a . i= r ...— - • Ilii i d and Laprinon Vallty.A.F, Y V tuph;n...-..........134 .TA l :g i rinaatliiii:: l 4 2 o ' ' 1403:1ir.the4 . .. tnii ~...,;„ n0nv..... .....100 .. • , orthatutodand 171 • • ' • - • • • . , ;Mon *shun.. —......,170 . ~ • ...AU = • tinny ----/r 0 811310 nr/ and Ens It. E. Wa1iana5p0rt..........301 aver 0h0re..........,...rn • - . • of Haven .........335) .' . . LT, oult . : -- : - . 77 - : . :: .si i. Wallin:or and Elmira ' t ' Aeltrit.. _..;' ~.,;:::97 `. kc roid• • Thi TAO !U . N.. nno t he BM P. il Os; connect 400 at Port Ctioton.lBoltat sxoepte(k):w tk OA grit- IVOltta, WILIAM RT and' Hi *MLR. , making elm connect mu intli tined; to 101141100., , ()anode. the Wait:and &mamma , 1.1.11P0r IN Pttiboi.DALPflin: Comer, of /40AD., line' CAGLOWIIII.I,III;nhaW. - •,' ••-• , ' - _ .• tookitt ,' 1 '''! ~ 0 ...'111. MoILIIRMREP.sowithoy. • TO WEST .OEIESTER NTEIL - 11(141I.1 . 1. Trams for West deter leave Pialadeltddii from the depot.' northeast eorner of • Etehteenth and - - leirset attests, ra ys 7 and XX P. sad Id; sod OM P. M. On Sunda as I A. M. and 2 P. M. - Paasensere for atstione on the Philadelphlaand thnore Centredltsilmwst will take the TA' and , 10 X A. M.. and s Trams. - - • 'utile . ~. a : Wig 8 7 OHNATER _A I'L 1:0 A TRAIN'S VII PO :AIWCVA A ROAD. Leave Devot. comer BLEVEN TR spd,: MARKET .otreats. daily Dozoopt Rynde.t) at 7,115 A. M., MA P. M..Apd, 4P. M. /Aare Wad ChsatiOlo iL4SA. - 11.00 aA. EL. "lad RV) P. M. : ask ,8111111 Ct N S D E bt- LiANTA9 RAI L 6U .— Trains limas VINE Street rerry for Atlantic tidy daily, (Stuiday• . ex- - ....... 710 A. M. For Mower= (only) 3 43 r. On and after. MONDAY. May 7th.' two trains trill lawn for Atlantis City daily MandlayliexVirited.) - • Mail train will leave Vine Street Tony • 7.14 A. rt z er= i 4ill le;:vrt P A:. t t , . 6 . - • ilO r. NI. JNO. O,ANYANT. Agent, PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. KEDucrION-41, TARES On and ifta r fid, ileo. Commutation Tjeksts. with twenty-six °Capons, will be Issued, good for the bolder and any member of his fatally, on anY - Paissear Trelui and-at any Aims. They .be sold by the -Treasurer, at the office of the company. No, elf South VOURTH Street. at neduanon of tAlrenty4i9li per cent, front the regular fares. , Periwig wishing-to *Mat, the Returner in the Countsyll find ibis a very desirable route, the Schuylkilt and Lebanon Valleys bat* MOMS the most beautiful aud healthlin the fluite, and :WM- Able by four trains from and Philadelphia daily. 8. AuPomil, Trinkorreir. idlite . l9 Egli, ISM. nit9-If 1113Kli1CINA.L.; .4M,}IPLE'I3 'REIEUMATtO - Rlgblitrit,= 0, -"` As, intstible. istkiit for aroma and inflammatory RREVeit Attest This ,fplhufrose area leis eissree the toter who hive been eared ht_tbis reirtsry7atrplenter, of whieb eau be ger MU the °MCA t Capt. Wlttialtt A. He.mbrunt, Us Smith Seventeenth street. Philadelphos. • • - Charles Yo Northlourth' street. MAW.- , Neon. U.S. ung. Lighthouse. ethnic° city, rt. - I.6ohohts Newlin, NW AterSet stimeti hulls; C. elf Wahotertoset, ' - Leonard Bauer, aid wile, BIS North Fourth WHO Philadel him. DEMST-No. 819 FILBEAT itvestibtitrenn Eighth and Muth streets, ihilsdalphis.. 5i616612166-010.,t00 North 61 111TH street, canter of Thompson Street, Philsdelitus. wag1 8 1: 0 / 1 ig R." 411losed Noose ." No. 619 16Ji N BO ht stteet, hilesielphos. . HOYATIC.ONG- ItIiLISK/i;Y • 0 PA T, KONG wininoim •L_• - • • , NOYATiONG _ Thiel dellotteut ?exit Asteleatutt, °fainted , front the humble, of ephtes, }apemen, deelgoect tor the mot the Mattel Preftessolt hed the Parnell', het mem stain( the Vii" Gina," " hers been ea the pantie es livvin6, • It by_a I the prominent • PliYtll 0141110, lattad ati ccoomsgsuiklui =b i ly al t!e:ash he v g to agile ". It telive in elegant 004 in targe,bottlee at Th Gents each; is the aheeeeet end thejetteet-leint note In the etat , '4. gjinah &Am.. - w_ *Nr4G/to Alke te, •spla-lre = "-• • ' Ne. 'Rosa ElMtlenatieet. felyrrrjar RlN l.'l ibM*ll. . AS tioreerasily jsup'plariteA.L all . other *turned, liedieu weeliouldope, is both the Platens Weetire. Renifereecee, Imenever intro gi 4 egp *marooning is ice One mann of no " mou e estiusreysif afsetiew. *rattled the O&M tal aka. Pr . Mil k& 0 eat.oli : : - . . onzoish• , l oth' tlttus m irAlro n gogg..., postsoo or this' Ina : eel ow_ Adder l et the a, eih teresewedne ate ? * " fnb b - l irlEgin v ii l' rifflismay. %Mon • are tregyiest g marring extern& in iTrwhii ' Tel " Irm2. ' "d and caaum li to; t_ e o .th o i ate o t izerz . .o az u d a tte l gtmid, hi t kiwi ita i r v ere a sent gutoicg g g , ( Ater zrodt h t i l , ia:t4 or TO I wet .i, ,sx& A NDE4D.,_ A di ' W ma giVelo t tla -2, it:lrftWiegilr:rl7; cluitted;ro loni a eat go L: 1 , s t a t tossoc t Ar a zt4 itt7l .l %. °l4 , r liittli . _I. *LI Matto th .tee nag is gee, * te ever 1;4.1110 S 4 01 0AW4 , ar *414 ril =fry kiItrIXIFTIOL = al d'ir ".= iligArbeian o 4-7.": 11 VAILITVILd s tr 814.&r whnth cthal i tattill- CAL PAIN EXTRACT OR OR is • Vg I:1 la urn a* CURE trams, Tura. Sores of all kind,, Brume, , in - • Shot Wounds, 13otls, ' root Ric ' , Borofula, - Woken Blew. - ever HON% , ' !learnt 16lites of liteptalitit. tr . , • ~ wa t t 0: 1 4= Mee, ; a l , 4 P .- ' Heeds Chappe tilit.- reedit! Bore* le, . Chllbthins. - • generen,i,' Pen. Contracted ' 4•11, - Tilt Cords. • • - . 1 - Titter. Olinfes. .04, ukatil, Dams* of floe loomultifot, .10Woivol Borns. . *Min, • ' , . ' ' do. •-, and le g ril h n.,..:6ltt!latmlltri,l7,l , w&IGRat &Co., coral Agent. It tied also .• 00. tuned o all tarts Ors' and klerchant* . throughout the United BULL** a OkeLada. .' T . row & moN . - . •:- ni rorthßECONli - etrt 4 felt ' ' Wholtisale Agents for Pennsylvania, A NEW AND , WONDERFUL DISCO. ' VERY for the Cure of Rheamatiate aid Goat. pESLIE.I ARTHRITIC P.ILLEC .- Thie medieine is o eredivith the attniket madam* of Its beleq the WOO* sousl rented, the the above dis eases ever yet dieeovered. Nottauger need be Appre hended from its age by the - moat ,delioate. Price-et Vet box. Cat; be swab, mail, as encliumg-one postage stamp and pnonof Pdli., Bor l Ex. *AL 1 RUN Str.tho Inkont. A . kin •• • . Nu;..149 South eet ' ' Ph iadelehie. SAVIN4 F.RANKLIN., SAYING, FUND, Wo. tarkamith FIV.RTPIi *rpm birria Cliellt aUt and Wjiliint:gihilitdgalitigli 4 all/Privoluts on demon , lleyogiwilie money , seemed by _government, iltato. and City Loans, Ground Rents, MOM gages, rte.' • 111; VonitianY dosing eafety better-tbsa large Yoh , consequ•ntly Will run no F la k with depo sitors rapn 3 , but have it At all times ready to return, with Der Gent. inte_reet.eo the owneraw they have woe dons. Tete Company never ,suspended. Prt males, married or single, and Minor .'ean deposit in their own right, sod seen, delimits inn be withdrawn ONLY br their consent. Charter perpetual. inoorporated by the Mate of Pennsylvania' with authority to reeedre wormy From e rt s trli d B ° 4ll.°Angn REC E IVED. open artily , g tog 0,100, and on Wg TIP , APY 'evening until 8 o'olnek, 018ZOTORFi. Cyrus CAdwallador• facothEl. Stigipos, Oeorge Rocas% %t t iPaoliiVtosn, gdward T. "Witt, Lewis Kra rabhaar, Henn Delany., Nicholas RI ttenhottse,tb.thsp,Smodler, Joe. IL datterthw luta . Jones 1 arkos, Joseph W. Lippiaopkt. JACOII D. SHANNON, Priiooll4. OYECTS CADWALLADII, l'pknoilroz.• 808,1 " A Dollar saved is Wee earned." S 4 NVINO -- FUNDFIVIt PEE, CENT I.N. e— , TERNST.—arATIONAL' SAFETY 'TR , ST CQM YANY, WALNUT Street. southwest corner of slini D, Philadelphia. incorporated by Ltl? qr Pennsyl vania. Money)* reoaire.fl WY Inn?, 1 11taa aLr ajl4 IP tarahj'paid 4.4 tlto day Of depos i t to the day of nritn draV,l. •Yhe °Moe is opOlil 0 , 03r5 , deli . from nine eolook in the morning h till o olook in t o ovenang • and on Monday and Thursdaya . migall.e g i tt,k4kml „ . , President. EIMIERT SELVRIDGE, lee Precdent. WILLIAM J. AHED. I.ooTergiry. Din IICT01111: Bon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carron Browder, Edward L. carter. reph B. Barr, Robert Se'tilde°, renek. Let . Samuel K. IteMtoq, ample Yet . P. Landreth Innate, antes L. Stephenson. Theis ream% ed and payments made daily. The invest:nears are mid% In oottformlty with the provilipos of the Charter. ih ROM Estate Mortotsgeo, Bround Bente, and ,uoh first-ollum securities as will M alty. mama perfect seouritY to the deeming!, and vettleit cannot lett to glee pernpaiaertay asd staPility to this Institution, mil IT FUND.— :Com ;LT' Milft 'l nf u gl i rs ln s t g e.."'42 e a lt driig n %o74l ll l . o'olnOir, and An MONDAY tilt aid the evening, hie Oki. Institution has always paid In full, on d emand, without notion. IflrhllEBT FIVE tfin CENT. • Al{ aunt, paid hnislic, on liomnno. on `old and T e. WHILLDIN, President. MAN 1,. WO RK,YHiII Prelgent. Johit C. Pen, X. Hirper, Oeorse usent, John Anspaoh. Jr., thtml. 0, Roberti, John Ailtiusu. Joinsirtnan t - H. H. Eldridge , Win. J. Howard. JOU 8. W ILBON, Tres/dreg'. JOHN O . BIM ,Secretary . , • mil-at SAVING . FUND-tUNITEI) STATES TR UST COWAN y.'epiair WIRD and CHEST NUT Stree s t Lace ea mall sum* reeeived. awl paid taok on &- AP 11 110 1120tioe , With FIVE PEE CENT.PITE LB nom ;no' dor of deposit to the dar 01 111111 - las!. " Office hours. from 2 not 5 o'olocr very day. aad of MONDM EVENINOS from 7 until p o'plook. DRArTS for , Weep, trounot, o j oittioogsmi, from St upwards. Eresideop-S_THP HEN A...saaroliD. • Ii&RD,WAkAtb PACILAC4E HOtislBB. . ..... 134.tatAvs, itAltbwaitt would respectfully oall the attentioa of the !kite cal liardwaro:Tuide to our extensive nook of•Mx- P/111441ir nAttpWARE, whloh .east sham:man +Amino. y the putkeau. " de. Orders qr dusof pusorttgou soltotted, d livered et ch er tam cats, new Yo nit.el_ IE4 es j W. O,IAW 411 00se ;emoting and 00 OIL itailag, And Agents or FOrfiz al a•d 00! • MOW% - a ts, ft/ USTARD SEED, White end Black— ly. For sale by. WETHERII,I, k 141;t0THE. 47 44444 Illort4 ascoxr swo. SAI4IIIII 4113111T10N Fititti6M; BRIN a g lfi r IWO DIA In gllENdlt - 00,111: May 4. 40 0. 10 Y 1 - PARIS Pififtrib 41aitiTIBtirialp !MOON ra4riiiiisd*rev.t. • - - VlNlejlAttimara".: - . M tritG A M i l t rLMCill itlo P*l4 947,111-Mieh VIAZKOIAB; 190 'o l4o 4llarsr-wixtid irolowsio& NALit,11008,Tra m Ila800118; On Toolfty „ t . at la •o'alook. •by oafalow-n 400 iota of &soy ana fame unpopaa azy pmucloßD-owronmagk Street. aad MOW. rhok notzia jiaLo or lAN Oho= so 800 Oftreffibele, AAP BTILkW GOOD& Oa Tharp:My Mcmaing, =AM o'elook Treomely, Intl kw wed by: ,ea r atgathe _end* liepa_paee maw s tn . , sod loaf WI sad kip beets; ow aaciagout lestkir etmp h ell, Creed till, Wean= oaten , bad; ood Ids Oronoth i nt: ilotitor.valldso Ohara: womegi% mums', aval e aelf. gear, moreeea. and kip Marla; Wiwi neve sa,4 boob, lerilre, mid talon tiea. - • - •• • • - flare, amihrtmene of Ibraelieme isaty•mad - W Ineindmil VIM ba found a' tovvitai of dott Fotaelt ea flatten% lestkor,Brenok moreetareeekum m e linings, anger saalitsid 'minas, rite, Mania L,L4.8. Also, oitailto orUO mom' Sisoto orotwolloa. 61; 6 17 1 F7 134" -Monint May I. at re o'ek: will be Dom ' Of wicruovig r 140 moms ladies' and mina Tool' sad yeady..Colawg pearl; Du oat dile, split straw, and film bonne hl. ladies inhume, and thildrenesuritorn,e4ogatnaa, Joker; Palatable. and pedal braid Bata, Woomera, &e. braids and boys' calm leaf bate, Canton, Lathan, gotta braid , sod' lodger trimmed Mts. • - • . - The attaation of buyers to 124 W to the above 1 • my' Chitaloadae ready earl Mt 111411111$ of sale. • XT. LOUIS, ..4 vEnTaxAmli b BOYLI AUOTIONECREI • v r.D omega North 4IN Btrgt, Plitt , r arr in tervfos eni 'tg u t i h r rl642_ . re ' r4471 others of , rioloielphee, nd fen Ofide. - 41114 , Pete boob,ehose,parAears.Jrwalß._ta:Re a 3 Ceehadvnor ode oa Sir Sistliimses sada One ' • • 4 • _ MITT Myenh k einglioni,& - Qp.tibiisielpbla. Braker., Pluiatelphts. • • , trp* ToirogeoLits warrens, Now York. . re & Illtrw York. " oete. flan C, at:Losjtis, Mo. - .r -"' Crow, oCrearr.,&• eshie..thissai sinPruto. -, 'apt' TB BRITISH' 'AND: WORT# Aldsvp,,A, MAL' %La. ITAAIti - 151"4 Alligat miettswirrotirfllLlVlllPOli- -. ! : , 76a - holt lOspolrpoattnpoo - "" " .-- r..'' . '., • , Okiet Cabin P=.............-......„....118 = -ape silos Von lbw York-sill* Cart Amboy. "Too shift onn n 101 l at natuaimO,Cark Xfaz b. PE oj RSJA,Vap Ca t. i J imithia,l6o41 r ,ll a ,. Capt.ap I t. X p, &RAMIE, =ay - traic, Clidiri fi l kalt thicH ' il l 1 14k ar Aj t "lS - • -, , fhArKrAilnow Imillding.) - - • -•- These vases Ours a clear isn't,' listt at niaitleatat green on starboard bawkridos rod bow. - AMB dICA, MOW, hays Bottoa,WialaaadayOlay 2. AFRICA, lihimusol4 ''' Linii.W•deliMdlif, r L p L A IDA: Land, • 7. ' . 0 4 . ;at 111 =1„: m ill, s t 1 itOPAniatlob. - : lin W ed Sir 10 .1 4,VA, Joanna, ... , . Of Wooramosy"lnno S. , lA * StOtiO, 11. .11f .-Wennsiday, Inns U. , • A ICA, Obsanow " It V orli, , Wiy, Jane 24. , , Berth a set immured moil esl i ima- - - ,ti• imiellillogil Pease& ell . . .. , • owners or taw eiir gal not bcoooaantatolo far Go d, lALsr. Italban. A I=ll , Proemial Stones i or ble anion Man lading are gin•d,litn and tho Worm tAeroil ...Fl l 9-41 tor gemerimernmilv le - ' -- Yi. .d.ik i- - ~ 2•1241da1e ' ~, • : ' , ..T. , , 4 iimelhi• Gnaw iiw. a rt. FOR TIM .9011111 '44: I HARLIIitiI, T "MI I NVESW_V BAIgiIIunk ' j pr i a r 01 ~ ! k il ta . !of Irbrawam , par goat bill 114" VAIV au tACItB. UM l aiitite - , • anauli. . as mama?, 814ritzle Li os t , - . ''• ' st as. . , Th e u : ipigumirdp PrViqiXollolA.-. Cassia Jabs . — .I — iii r TatiliikWumisti Miltiti at NJ o'oUat A Y. ~, , .1 1 AwAtihrl ai lliamailit eri livirdiyi:. • , r 1Q,a8 4 71 4 111. , 1 7. 111, 0 . 4 im ro rA4484101 . B t l o W re AtaTAi t sat Aym- ' ' Amd B u l- nmll3o3t a' i %ovMthas A vi r o in vi plitto is _ 4 1 ; a rtaildhamems buir• paroortioier to to laws Sy t l a titat trt "WK.' Voiatrarloalhitt,beits Oar N. 11.÷Ittotalprohiiiviazittroty =oy, , tho I c li MRM , ea Olklir s — . "1 .. taNZ i roltt i ti t air . ' , t' Ve t 414" A., Thomas sioE n s :oak , ~ , AA:- I . rar i ____P"murmint=. .1. ,1) ' ' 4 ash to=oisty tr • ~,: • , . -,, . . - ' 1115"31 ,... 1 ...1U Ai mu". .... II eat ;:......1.-:..:. •U 0 Vo lati t..... 1 Uri pa , ..:........-.. it iii in -!....77.7-.' 4 ' -.........-- sa 75 -,..... as GS kw ....-..... IS 0! aiaboa—:-...-: it AP - taw- .... Si er .-...... ........ it MI rbt „.zr....... e a .m min— . pay - - Now liiiiiiir. .--i t. - - ago , riumr7.7; . - a sp No MIL of lattat, mow AMR Us idloo kii ...... v mmi l t. w.=,,,,,,v,, f , .1., t,..etsgef - : . - - "ma w . 1 • 1 • Annta Woo' ft It.. A I. , • ...... i ~_• _ . ~ i i -A L f , ,• 1 ,irof 10$48, sistim . - Min 'la lima from FlGna. . . Iti, liszVe aul! AL Jon% wren Taeoftraaa . MT - . . c9rARTNE II 44,I I `'O,I)IrIOiES. . , NOnO II "44M/TAD PARTI4 I / 8 11IP.= Tfir abaeribra , lava' abi fOrialid Naltan Saftual i t laannor frema eke_ Ira h, 4. 1966. A. • t0.,.n01t ef flarab. foe th e traineties of yar Coaleetioarra, FSultsfYtjell Cruatoad - usasarast banuas gene. MIT, in uennantawilk ektY knylatinallo4 anntras zuuge arsi Ana raj. Ie.IIAY sip rSbn. a yarn area of rbelarasnolui -of the need Uri:ably Gras Slat of Mara; LW Witted an set relatrato uoifed Arta , Taloa: ransran Laasaretb• la the only spe to thested in as.d liaaitad.eartoer and common of - Mao; rive wltoneigiol-, lam., Jamie eq,Kay sad Joan R. Jar in WI ph _nersi pittaort interested lima awisarallijr. • • • , • Pholadel phi ra7th d. of lasten. UM. selbaret* IV 0 'l'lo .Ir--.4111C WPARTNiiIIBBIP :.;th.her.treiLithqrSper o t soloed br mt i plont l l i t, be, .• - • ,L Toe- taxi of OHARIAL. To /Inv Zneld stood. , MARCT, Stmt. v xro vvvons, la Plegelli for oottlossont. Oa4,lltoro , ins o l aZ ciani. • • - I JMITED .... - PARTNEMIAP.—NOTICE •-i• is hit. relsr;Vospm that - Um beerlllers hi named a Ismitedparaterstup, womb to.d. Wit Ot AMID% or the Commentrealth of forbad issamod Ka UK. 18311. eptsded An aet Ye lit aaiat earfaer. ih A ll? sad 7 1" 61 4 0400, - e name the rah r - Mk the ehm is ti be mat fa . ar'9ISILTILIE, u. urttilr DART.' ': • ' •_- •• ••' ; ' , -' -' .' b; r t he ?Air 2 I tile u o 11 = " 4/N t btrrat s ti lt in Wanes ..e. Litman in , q ottf 'Pada& Ala. F. The nawn of the • hese partner Is Cl/AXLES F. TAGOARf. whitest Mae. o reeidomm is at no. 1610 Cheirtnnt M the elts , .of hundelpbut,ppd the name of the Tot pett74 L,.,A anmlibl, TA6I3ART,Ir Illteerute dee in the city of Pinta deAltht, st NO. 31 30il t p 1 entkeireet. T A 0 6 61 1 r1M 1 h=t; i butot aM to dZ o l :ll l4sl L E lr d :ls' arm the sum of tan Anousand doinire in c ash. The period at which the loot gsspartnerphin se to menee 16 the ath day of-Mml. rms , and us to teriPWAs on the tth It/ at Apf.lt ilie. g4AituEa P. T . flbhAltT .' , • .• ; a - '' - ' err LLI - -148 • - ...r. TA • DART. ! - - ,I9[IIL.ICAT.IIt/N,Aii. . _ .A .,B 4' L, Fa l :Wca SC ialt_ 4(l ita ° l4R. L ' l PlD ß AV!AlpS:ll l2 lothil.nind.tebeir PIiIt.ADFAXIIJA etyy • INfiTITIIM. A Kowa attotobtr othoittoi. Ctrootsto And torttgt_partionlars O_lntoitti_tttAko Litho!' !spout of Art. . corner of EIGHTEEN/1i ond OftIATNUT St.oets. apt !V THE'lsll , Vikli. SESaIoN OF A. -ROL mAree 'BOARDING 7 •IICHOuI, for , 1111 m, Watt Cheater. PL. will !ova on the lot ondii mt. a016.12t, • • MRS ArkeiPSAVIC fOANIES. OF BOS 9penban a 6011001, FOR YOUNG IiADI in tna h alt'. noma:PaninPS /111 soratber 'Mon; lreeltaaatfaithittihtfYill'. Alex. Lye 7 1. 3 1 ; ViVr i alitit " be "tsianginarna4r: A'AitililUAN &WOOL IN - STITT/TN is s :I•Ja- reliable medium th i fratirrbi:hra Vang tor m a ttl=nri 0: 3esph mike: 8 1824 f to on , t. PI *WA& 'BR_ YANT 411311ITTi:)ii 2 131 , 'NATIOrtL t e a l rt ree; a 9 4 46 r. Otto For in nomasion. oath or ofto . fa- JOs PRINT/N.6h THE NAP JOB PRINTING OMOB "THE PRESB" otooatod to ozotoltt MUT. simply sad olpoditionly Rim assoiurnox Qt PLAIN AND OENLICIINTAL PRINTINS. PANYKLEIV. PANSI sooxa, BLANKS OR EVURY DFBCRIPTION. mr--71-1 WANDB/411 PI/Ulu Ibr AUCTIOM.IIB. L.AWYEIia, MERiMI/MTB, MANVPACTUIUSIS. MECHANICS. RAM, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE ICS All orders lett at tile ADM:lath:la OMle of Tha Prin,No, 417 CIRESTNUTIITREET, will be aroma* ttondol to. . JeurAt- '19$E8 i :1161111q--. The subscriber would f , reeeettaltllibrith Me Meade and the Dahlia, that ha. Caro helled the lease sad Ammo, of the Jones O et, titteonant additaraa are /lOW being oases t. 0 0 1r 1 11IiitrIrta l b Comfort insueeretetgAZintiaa_Ne eoond to none in ihiladelpino, and ever 7 ha Sada toottent thif entneng.io.- - - Liberal larreereaftenta will betoed* with 11 0 = 0 U di .- lIICIDE Board by the Weer. Monti. or Yam. • • arthal-etwft AARON GAON. (I A I PrION: —The'undersigned , heving o+ mDlled with -the reiniternants of the Act. sit the' Legislature of 24th January, 1849. and sopOemenearp thereto, caution all persons against buying, spiline, 6t fining nil' bottles. I hereby 11111120UZIO0 my determina tion to Inforee the penalties. Betties, fisiksid_Wiltiate Riddle, X. Xiddli. so WM RORERT AWL*, fl.. r'a...... ~:~,.::, " i.=iY :_.x - J+i~^t,-.tom ~`-~:i'~[!a'Se.:~~~s'.[r=~ _ _ , 17 Eifrorommit guittstatras. g-I :.***; jpboif 600tia-Ingea t to m i:t ta . - A u Milt . .ap.= 111 . 0 in „kw= a ?UMW/42M &li:±tilVAßLlk'ttitril i tiM i DENekopinliKA=o ,oa Maur 'wow, •• SteutogiXtthwouttWtor Dr. i r i iuttl WWII • W •••”wWW. OW, sattwoith tpatet grou •Mit• 41 4, : 0 •.. - Oztualsoraw /bbla r i rseiwied br ohs Etrwrit,_ , _•• ,i !wept& .P• 10 Itspe-thiv-smai or _Hfizso - M - o a th wrrits.rnit ... AP os.Djis ?math* sweet, nww wasit,itp poste* presume Ovum Lot St reek' treat. _Mr OM • absolute . - Etaßitant COUNTRY BSAT. CRIIITI4VRAILG. -3 . acres..wwb wwwoor poioted woes wurowl i kt Lotter wwww . wwwatt t Wtth fr•a,,_ _t. of tit,frort ow"; • 72 8 plioured elitrait_twilm , - the el a * ilesetry r ~. 0 .alt_ COS. MILA.III,ROVI* RE- D p_rzar.,Loo;.l UMW. as jwiuwitraet..towA of Niel most s SDI mut , in tostags.witli !A modern soraren ooreewoort.: --- ' • - NEAT ' 0 • Isl. INO, DIP Fir•• Illtrast. txttwsuuFrouttlutStaolati wrests. jutatwastu Parses- TWO • ,- E TWO 110kuEN0B8., iIIEDIA.-,-twi iitiweitery oVrit,=rell oi to i rt, traded irartz..., county, Pa. ' ' - . , Fauoutora's Wrier of Josulph lloWorte.ifird. otrr w a rtot .ll 7:4WM. l l ;Itiollwi. talll4lll°ll.4 611 jigegt, " " C Bass' tutwe-TALUitBIL,,j_t"D - Four-story brick butlddw,tortheast ~not ef . . wahilat an it!Fi r l oak trearrn i firft a rtlt.tittLß,with IM smol t nu the rime. Delaware. It. eider Tram, •Pwlaslel= , .., . l Att i lritA d ieDM IMMIDNIVOIif, CA MIMIC -N. L, with lane Mae tw kW foot„beautUfel wirittui with finfuLfruit,tdmihbffrr. as, wortipast tooter yaw sue lb:Ardor' otet& Caamtot. st.o. - Ilosamitst• , pt,NWoo. NEAT AMAIDICNOVorTbroti stary'ptiOltifffi, I itotth Fourth stWoutibsioirCanowhtllstruat._ - - --- : Jamm. -POllll-gtOStY FE-WIENCF.,-,Wo.:11117 .11 Osakiip street, VALUABLI3.IIUMNIQsB SFAND4 thWie - airy Brink Store* sea Dweilluta, New ISseed tei WrionS m ue. *net of TouDwtepet. . -.- -:--, • - . , , n 1.46040•7 FOUR-81 . 01 , 1 DVS MEMOS: Pfa:lol4 Locust -wrest, :orwestts Bt, Marrs. Virwreh;fiwiatted throusbOat wtWitsuutiatodtnt imenovearut itadeounnt- Bianco Intend to Bors~ NEAT , .bIitIDOIX NOW*, 1500%* *Wet, sbovalkno. , -,. -- ±. .•.• - - . P IIN M H t E 14,71, e e OFn IL mi A iSir A ; y ILI FAORBE 'ALIM 1414Vai , . lr 1 _ _.; Moy 2, st Dm M•itisp irtri-Mi%.i ice of mirk Mi.- it't.sod Ultimatum Mons in swims leagranitem mir Pot pittlealsni lee astalonnes, - --• ", ,' BALE 'OP ntre'Spall. li URN ITU urn', RANCE( PLATE. lit API _L - AND °YAWS R0Nb,214110- .FOKTBB,- ' PIUSII-- -DRAWING- 00D- ruin 'TURN; C it/NA , AND '6I,AB2ItURS DigPB• AND Bmtinme,lutuAszis canr,a4p. - 1 , CARD.-ome sop to: aintrow unaptign.nt thi 41060 n Stow lei n anions* brides Wats ellin-ele4l.l.mtnieenid habd rEctithror tWoIB , I I FrAso it piste kolaw MUMS. Mrs* - 'revel, !dog /vat mirrors, slot, ot. mos satmst "2...tall:bd.., .7„c415, faturelirtro-ne, zi gilliviinig. /mad Venetian elli&to11=1.- • imi, a, amislibie..lllwOmilll, W 01122 •••••••Imis of WAS And °Mils itimoslis or orimassimm . .-- -,--, , • - _ • lirOstalistoorsioMo n sitifir. lad t hi kant.htel. l 7ll4 ' ,CII for exisaodutioll. , -.- • - -,---- •.,- -- - .., -1, ,_ ar Yt i to „IVA- t i eVss ai fil s; VA fit PL: _ 1120i - L - :.--, -.••.' -',:-. t. - .. At 2 o'illoalt: At me 1 .... OM tOl imminent mioesChand fps , mirrors, olimmits, • Mo., _ -- tries • - o•Maiim limmskimppum i ritosirs2 to t" .•0•2•262•01,01 Ws. kists, milt as& 42ilisibilt violin; Midi is' Dii 'six . -- FtROOTOR4 IlAtit-1-.3IIIBOELLAFtOII3FATFIA.- 'RY OF TUB Ls•LD DR. amity A 443 Rau,. - • 4 02.7binday -level kis Oki aseiser ewe, Ow Fiisi e r Um Dt..llOgoy,V. Cesesstifeis *emotes( val.abi e nultu=s4fiss.wares bes=2o resesobt ana r kestuati es, bibs sold by Des 'Mors. F 01 :1 111 0 1 016_ US - Webb. 1W1Pap"" 110 1 tibt. 44472714 - ! 1 -Ca 1.,.. — _,..,' .'' . .,,4 i i 2; 11 111.1.11gi kil Oiioollllll, 94 Jia.illa, • Filbert iirracomi. mom. • 1 "L ai lW ai ttl, 1106 . .1.44 . 1,111111 K : Inl il u e"feW' . b00k,m147, of a ileat . raiz& git ta i k aunt toaaaadkitabralf -..--- Fwd on the ma'am of lab a t a --- o'eloalt. la ~ . -' • . d .&l!o; l lal:l7.lllltiaafataaat.. '- - • :-'- 7UOP XLlSOlart- PtattOft.-. -,' 'i 'i _ - Medal litatatal, - -' '.';'•': titat 7 ;v a=trat, at , 16aPart , Wataat_ . _ _ __ ,atraitittit- Parlor. IMILlion; 7 aetattia.;atat.a.maa 97 beat Colowt-lbr-watertualt:of owl anal*, adactataaraaat:aaireareasamd. -- , Or Pao partatakin la eatatakkitala , - r , , -, J - ,,,,.. •-:,,,.- -, .•, _t .-_,' - 81106-43LLOWliart. riklkrt,VM. sub': utit4zoi 49issook.--b —et " ! I N Illpmes wad, ib• savaiof Valuttarni,: u 4 s r o ur4ing mu gleam wive, bedWuttiable &a Mambo kitchen fiumAtiors: 10, ;. 14117 . 1, Mal" 4 11 - 0 '04 1 140M imams of kn 'S N . a l tri Ea3e ntail _ TAO L'As Arvin.; 1 1° . 0 .1 1 10010144,4P1a11ig, 5 z etb mt. at to bY Went Vinson: street, the sewerAlsirk.r. iiiusitAgoos, Asa oh unbar. newton., Assadao .. .. ... L __ . ..ieosatoot C l e tr oArl i ft e tPabhieet fitii;• wan "Mt kitia.- ibors ion. sae blaiii s wiebut "Zarkitt_ R NOW ieclpot iedorkia ' '•' :,:-.""'"=..,...,,.."- ..; striiii* rnienT•Mtirrtfil:ol;*- . . ~, • ~- ,•• ' -vm,AL.ll,l_-, ! - -, - , .....„,,,-,i,_ , ,-,_.,: ow irehombr wreire ~•,- . meTe.iste-treaba,_st iiii-4*..A. trgiiii - ' miaow. tie"eitix, cra101210" 1 kW" ~.. • eksakber triarattaitek lotlum i _ 'l ol * - as, -, tied and aim am . am. amo.iiii kstOlmt.,_ • '• ` l l V , ltsit' be lod *l,l* • * 11 ' . 1 4 44 .• .hie.ek,i4k ' , , .*,- 'ft _ikicittli: , "AßOrttir t eit*Lil o ;s4l2 B OF 10 N•__iT ll7 7lk_f : -• RENCH , PLOWyraja s 4. -! 0 , killiWpi.ge. GOuDtg, Le" • • • - TM, Manus, nay 0, .67 eannaiae, oa a crank eistiemeiwe' se 1 0 Vomik annuity, aiLaawwnasit orylow own dawn "4"1744411 Wi1t&D15.111138. Ladies' new Elias entiabionwianbms'nesiaimuct book minx pad sen. , /soniet, sad innane Dude, a rants' ta me sad wants. mos Alm Ittuaiitivudfos.4. Also, aarinasnekeyem nt.'s itAtrocesti4Oksio' andPIMA 49 ecii,nmain rdneix „ WMte am amnia taw Wynn inipab *afar Mak Mullah do. ' ' - • - - • . • 'FRENCH FLOWERS.••= - En merlons newßenew TheeraWn nensewisennee. TIMMS xiSBOKtt .0 4d ie so ri l nx IlLne,14 :Nagy alik TUSpfrit. ;NM a and s mit de =La mar AttD LAWN ZOBEE. Also. Iwinvwof _W ' ein en mad organ, doubts sentand mount Tense. • • '-• * • •-• . . - MANTILLAS:AND LACS POINTS:, ' Also IskiW new gills hisoit silk snankil.4. Vick Fr" 41 Inc. invOliVAlll) BLON4S. Wide black silk%OH, white silk blond., We Joined ko. 14 BRILLIANT& —04444 " 14 4 ItnrKso,r6(.,dtvioata, ' at e eeniningent of sake. giil4*.glosil Bre.- Int l it t OP Biomiiret .A'sn, intuited is this sate, tip; tiiiit t ; trimming and vans's' stekni - limminristos Atis nasal ea s°"l"Bt / 1 " 3 0 , NRIINIslok bbfrtias- riboon fringes. fumy' articifill. Jew•ll7. tik#ll.44.d.ilie Wove., *atm hootoodi war loss, - • • au,4tl3 -1 1A,T8A1* "AU 0 Trio it ZEN An c itrilw Of Ks oto iii, ~f 00ii A Area viserwa Th et aat„ _ -0, at %two/Lea Wigs s o i Wain &Ikea ilminallittt, lonmeeLi . =ea o k. Towel oprisrtruoTh eat Oftiti m it tbk, , ''. 4181 to 14/ the eaotSeamo r at MT kW ae. pti c t i i=nerAtii .4tee lOC 4 4,m% 4 l.k tv ars. the 8P ENO RITAYB I CATI I t 801PATPleT etaEN AlVitk 808 kara Ase. extra Jewelld. e most apersived and list makenh Mos COP to 8110 leek, at Iron $ to 8 138. . NOM PIATILkrit. MITEL 0. SLOAN, _ RA _ "-.' RVAI. NOTATE BROKER MID Cl4.l2.ltrenN6ll Mile.N ~,, naltr-Sia • - or. rams,. AllboxinfetA. I.IOB,ACE; MN,.- ~ MFONANICEL ENGINRIM"MuI .1411. ... - _ 24 ' 7 1 : 47. leriZrEa r iii Strige._t. , - Ne.N. l 7 opposite the.soustr COUttmorue.) rm. es 'peericattofte. Vrawmia. co:, and ItaarEgeta all GE Imams couswets.d with thi! oliirt tont tent. I_l4lOlOOK. CAMP, & CO., ,PIir.DUCE AirriGENSEAL COMMIBBI9NUERCILARTN. No. 47 North' WATER Btroot. • _ th C id i ggittrailiti ' ! it ! '4l°Lt94. - Ast;l3l74P JWAGNER-4N IttN, • • • ATTOltni rt rj AND 0 0 UNSELLOR,AT-IWer. 1454„, e... 118 tiouth dixrat Btseet, r - V.ippositcladepndenee - Pattamossaque. - • ' thy* aza of reliable Attorneys, et Oak* p o b't a i n V.° llium° Mates. Is tabbed' to araeseate sad oolloot els ens of every dee.rie l . 4 oB. PlllllO War atietttioatfieat tp ea alicesaloa sect re covery to the wean of Latedees tad Nienaece ;ad the crimp Wien 4 , 1' 1., 1 / 4 mt Tittles eed eeeureel the laterals ahem arid all pen/um tateresta Pi a the Woe pa . La all ns or the I.ltost. 114 a the theatre B tsr tia acetates melte Cciatealaa to swat of theta taken under Oorazautsmana.- ait eta earigally HENRY K. KEENE, u titmo * E tiviry-v-Law Eloamth THIRD Street.. °. la° 4141" '142.16 jet . V * L URM Axv, -..... Dui ' 8.: tr 81 . L , 8R:1: .......,. eau. emend blind , „ fr,..GVLEO.,; - , T iclthlig it ger;tritil=aol l ' to, F i r. r:otigioloosttontliot mato ontio B ln o .o Otod IB" ooted „ aziouLess, BML IiSADEI, ' ale,ol* Aare' for ode at press Amin from 11Xfp ate par sere. tents socorot anAgasitiaid. - - • . la.""au. nw - sad iparinelais ton-Ira =IOXM •• - • GREINER & RARENESS. - cotinuesi * ox astral sou? w a - roli-ten las LAD ktA. LABL ALFRED- L. HOUGH. - - - ',..• PAPEtt MANITPACTI3B,RNIP NAN% Orders solicited tor eirsrz damortien , .- PAPER AND rAPEVIAKERII mATERLILLat. rio.o Botta BLX asset, Pniladelphur alias' AWSON dt NIVHOL,OI4,- ROIL 09 AND i9l IN lITULE7 Between ' M p alt . Onte, :AMES PAWBOD. latigoLicat 00)LrANDAL R R. G'ORSON , lISAVIRSTATIVIIRO "PIP* ILIIR AND COLWIaII.: a _NEV i dt s ,. •DO FILMS Wogs nt II -Wife' or counties. Gs slosenir tom sent ST TRAIL 7. r fsflis friolOs. M. BIDDLN, Attonitly . 14:11Firs No. VI Swath POIT WTH 04m/4. WHITE: IFISll."-L194 half *DC mtfV saviWeiteiheeeiseitftict or sale bj en 'ISADIPDA - ,ea# Q- • EIOUL -2- DERS.SO - 1 t an . ry alt - Shoulders, itist re6eived sad f WS to, C. C M. ILADLER & Co., AJtWit Mat t NMI dour aim% itt. BUSINEVii CARDS.