-"-CiejlinAltiliTh' 70-W*lll,ll.7 :4 -, , ,..a ., ‘, .' , icat, vaski.iisht,„„„,,„„o,4.-;•"-- ‘-'-`-''''. "'two"' ...gap*, . -- , •-• A - - 4 6.- 7 .: ... c4,•qr --0., .....-_,,,,-.1 ............... . ,7 i .01 ' ::.1. ........- 7 ' A.......„„ -7. '........,...,.7•,:*., ,r-,.....:.%L„.1.- pi e.:4lyeal,-, - , t . tkr ~7, "sl. , ~„ ..' ir " % ~..2r,,:,1 ..,..,,,.,..,....:,.....,-..e, ,_.,.._-;_-,.:,. .:.....:. .iizeiwrialTO. II ' ismiaa.iNKlNEst gin, --- . ..-1, 1 000 0 00 6- " . ' -, ','-'...'• , c -- -. - , : - iiiii.Wiiiiili IliWiiit.. - .z., Ns ..=, 1 1 40 ,1 1 1 / 1- ;...,', .:-‘ -, - • ..i.- - i.lif _ a _t! , :?!.."i - -..••••75',-• oof , • Niiiiiir '''''' '- ;-1k471 - -N i f:' n 'r,G a o i ' i lkl ' - tea t: 'is r siiiiio - .:t.t , : mFil :. t 4- • :pct Alf .1 1 11 / - " ,41111 ,, ....• Isivt‘ii- , .. 1 . ,' L ~- •^,11 06 : ,we ' ..;;, "i',:fin. - 4;:::::, - ;; ....:-.,, . . ak:• 4, ..?.. 5' ''7 , 1111147141414 , 11041201. - --'. 7 , -; -,;:;',, : liaCiiiilakatiti:i . i.94lMi A 1 4 014 0. 6 . 1 0 6 4.*: 1 - 1 * . t 4.714 -,- :Ak - .:—.. ,!., ----, , : - _ -- i-`:...-;.- --- .•., . c , , , , ," --nogux y - - -- , : -,-,' ms .. .&•__. -- 4i.:: ei a-do - ..t:7:::::2 . sal TH a w eitirAN,7-Ati tl i,b , 1... 44.. Ark X _VP•L gir..lll .gk l2l, ' .fiil. Aiimilaidi.474lllr ' " ".:'-. -- • :--,,.' ' .c ~ *-- ;' , 10 - it. , ;.,:,: ipii. Af L ib;rl pmt - ,t -. ...ii. , lia,_:ll4o ,i“ W m 4., iatink t ,A , ..,._„,„..„„ ~.. 7 . 1 r,.. ~........,,_„,, - itnwt - 1i . .. l i, ~ ~.. i i . 4„..,.. 40: ,_...,, ..... 1.. ~...... ... 7 , ' ,At..:•;:al ' at : zvilvt„,„ 11 31--- 1. , ---v.r.cr, N .,- 1 re ev •,,,„ ...i . 404.*:. ..„, ve.• or A as La -N. 1 C:qt , ,A114111 . 1111114411," - - -- , l'i - 7 !1:- ., ~;,, ' ~ A kijii4*-Enajaii." , Tiaiiiiivi iiiiirlpi. iii.ll;iiii,oo MVO aftiviv to 0 0 461 4 t=1* 411 ; " : L W:IL Ilitaafet. onotilaiiimoii iiisiiiorktatiagioasaiaritly. ratast*l•Clittalitit taiga t 11.9#440150ad-otrdolit do at Sta40111;100 , ativiribt asai,"airkakilviXisea ' , mei Ituilikat Ow aid lailliktio.'faytimitamOtro'. as esir*iiisis' fr - i . ,=":"lliii, fade i» builif:ators - friiO4, -, vidift tllO, OloirrithigOiirprlasilla mimeo to 'Mod aoitiostastrailiatl:lool44l r iall • ibrAiiiar . lOW in 111 011001W*1111101ii afkl - k..loditiNistitan. V' takt .;faia,fita a1. 7 111.100t. ill bah aro niaoto, at At' hies °, olo l *."s4l*lter kl l - 1 14 1 i if( - .10 1 .. 11.14 it ',.- ' -.., " tlie ''`, • - - a .- , .:. . PO* ON :.s• - i V& • 1 .01 ' . .. 4.- ~ . n' AOC' piteati„ • - .alawatir ... .b,L . ; . mow. a t fac es pare. 1a...',411710, ,, - .14 .co mos Una &put poi OW tOtioloomill , l larernts w it ." : - Itt aamellas" & "- a qz t iiiraiit." ~ : a . a ttitiai Ili a Ztilial Law 111110111911, Allirillrbililid 1 iiill , . 01. 1 1 ear mom Ale 0 a r o T1112: Int ; I! .. . . .1,04--rill4. Lis glom x is "'"' " " 1 " 1 " 1M1.814 . s ttrutigutblitmse rauttinsiaw Outdo iffedgig• ..,,, intweiloinA. Awn A J ae me A viiii tit tittle ISO WPM Week thaw' ill" 11" var. ........ lit • Lanouestr wash . ili • sa umet•tooko *D tt..* Is •a rostalr• *mg ll• ;Mr Ili las ' s a l * 134 1314 ' : F ..... ..,._ , I ki. ... , r 11 ~...,..... 1 6 vat r .. epl. Nt"w"wl:74:11." at ...f. .l Ar i LOP 04 a&11014",00 U• ' . lA. , opelese. • as -"' "44 % ID• st.t. . O ra gD. stati, o'"' 4 /71tiNrks *l l lif =k e n Si t . .,egoaaw, u5d62.21 1 _ mato. oitai i inift inrot ir to colts WA traii. l is =lt Tar: toroZ ..,,altpakst Mat , W m D. lighrPfu Ir-Pg ti' 'le , o nix g a i i* swig* eA t ttre trAlt mere oottior wwutiot to tftre am altilytiii*te. *aufts mod *** . . ' April= 24. ;New 11412441**selkilige"! '144010/16 " 1 - 4-- - - sess iisek'sssellgi'MPl,V,l4ll-1.:-1.10--ft ' seta 0111 et 71 .0":' ra. -;'' r....i“-- , 41 5 1 ., 3a, 00011,,--ile : lir-;:- "-t•lrribe % , ,,,:,... v . t verb 41 — w• " ' ser = 's ce i i : ::. i * i zi r % a. e viiir : ..,,; 1,777,........,..4.., -: tatf-- , de. II o.i . .."-. :tt 1, - &, , ,361waii, r y t aleit. ::-. • ' 19 . 3f IS tliklik Clid a, -- /: Lai 160 i t ..- - 'ail 11. :!?._ it" t:' .l 7 - yes _, , -....... do r .. , ..7414 rot ~::44.-1,111! Ini * itirol i ,,,, ~ 2- it.,:::::::.::;:: 0.,-,:...11-,-..—k* ~.i...,•„„ . . id, I, if laid ii, se : • •- , t..,---7,-...iii.dx e% 7if lit .1111:-.7.,'. 418% MO . ' - •• .. ,•„, . - - , •-.' . • - 411 ..' TEE WA T S. =cb : : ne, ' :' . Assnaq i nir s alms t .... wow irW4 , • , 1074:••Tho 2414477 maw 4w; Vona , . 'r u i r egim e sTC:=4:llt riur at raw 4. Ws Wk. W ,:-, t . .. • ap , mt. SD ''''' n• ' ••• • 404` W ip . . _ _ . a , -0 - - 4 - - • - ..10. tae ..., WIC 171 4 tarb*,.., . 1416H ,,. .ri1 i',ll st&s.k:er Je, -.13..-w-...... a •_ ..... id ffigr„ TWWWWI tin - 4.6: - • '-- l!;04 •01.--410.4-W .ft wi r4iten ' ' • it'W• i* !".) o ,"t .... • : ibilit arai r ;-‘iihriaisi et Up, :. att u ta '. liffir.X. ; VA."• ; • * " OW .ea is. ' tar pc do.' meet - . . ' I. . lA°. ' ' l4 "Irlianuo .: ''' n ' ~.....1 111. 14.Wa' n. '..n.5t... ' j p . ::", " 7 1 11 4. • "4:1 , r aii ; fa irtita' fattikiiser,' imalblitrnskat SliiSAlssuSiossit t a e anion of iridai, todinidookinkr ii. aM Owitishiss lad oiler oessfrepos mrsti .thS sussatiotors owls essinst of oar *oat ratirakr• Irma_ Amos "ottbsos sins irs)sost isoss?piskii44ssilloT•iPSlTarstisse• tor. issentassoiiiissisdisistspossis , The.MOVVinkilitilf aro sagoilti, kst difes`saktowitikAiss! • Meal 111 e iraisi oeprrN at, afoot es is 00Wei -4ioulitOribi,"4ooBl. boistritsik -*MAAR ;Milt b" I " 11 15 4 _,L . 1 .4.11 Of WIWI. ZillStlllrk 1#1111POIWOOt•if , litiella.1.104001111“011111 einftiiffit to 1111dO• is eltimuidar*Billtriatjamictali is weir $16•001**101 , 1***0. itamilairs ihstsfikasaiiss‘ssissellnid.: wilt* Imb rim NM, g`' I issislifaissis Asmajogresid tossossci MN* !Imo vitiolatit4.oo4lo l llo.4oo**/*X•St, - off Tommesovidomm. 4-tottibtooluou hoot: torn to to setts itooottoomoollitoo*soo trout- L es solOONl Thr. ll4l * 'lll4 * Mailtek ttlf 4 Nt U stmt. aboLiikeakt 4 4 440 1 -41 1 00 1 M74 - estaktfrialliilli; gir A 4 ,4 'fin*tas 414****Mbit. Taw to* hat psylisso:bitati*O4 1400:40 St 10 0 4 soiliatint*Ssilleleks* 4114400=it'ler• tintb ri l l o 4o olll 4o o /11414 1# n*. : drn arat " r=a o"4ll "161161"5 Vreg • 40 - 411 , • - $ 0 0 1140144. **IX'`OSIA Ofil#oooo lll o &WOW *As :tar ilitstir*Pkiriori-*•*4o hunfiwltemic : luny •LoiallifO inu :S u r**(_*tar: witallsminewet Itilaity4:o**robati bait mo ttatii4.l*. *** , t oulittv ma* Igor. zio ,l6lBoo'sisisSiossiSt' lbw ,{OlOOl4lO iisTr '4lo* :zit*** 211***1.614110040s; AraedlitlirlkslOrairliPto)*** --taits**ollll.;aiz• iohnilionsan Madinat - tine sensation ow*** thiloiliintr:Sniiesiiil of ihner; yisinn anktlis feat that great pains titian Won to render tbia, ,7.4lPronslinis. gestalts:leo bill li ast -Saar, in en- Asitlibasint ititairiaVelt r ixiihnitst Way be aitisipined, Antes OS traltsgs liasp , boas,AsSid at the Widirati pipinartwintylins , Son% "Asidanis - . - Otatord gone, under the-, COntiarkatal are -nee sersrieliS eiverebOdi -With their liaise ha' articles in their- different department. They - thinkJherbpeaad orronkr froth Morisseo - from MorMiares dadiableartieles for the !Mies, in Meshes of Ladierf and nese, ,gitildren'e Hate. aksi Patio's Ind Om thibrellien Out lady readers ann. ofeearrintre these novelties WO earitrot *thin ,Sl,•; c • Bovrriei'l 'etre 'endeediney pointer t they have the estafidesee' tif :attracting, and areisolrea of in terms of high orenettenainiotChr these who have and thena„They are Of treat ,ltnefit to all late ate treabled with tiebiteal mrat,iVoi•isoionittooted borreleeliek and nerriessrheidaehei` Whose diseases, Cad m wee erhire atothi gad elftareiWrantative is ro od*, 'Thy ai• trrigaredhie: o.llovrent; tliitti and Vies lawns: eta% agate nor box. tau, LAtasT • IPSOIC 'OpistiadmoN BPsciAL 71PogoirOn 'rei- Tani Pnirsi.•:-At 44 *ingot, of going to inn, Sa an io ronoigi Of s v•ry , importsit kicaphies dispatch trait ottiirciirs of ampoist opium:km *lla attaxidsnos this tharlesto . Cotrenton. It solos WA* sista platform has boon determined noon, • iMd Utah** tkamessat, after laying downs sat of win eipisic,isosearliOlg Vargas..other :Important mitten, *Was orritb Sig arising toommendationt of dm gyring style of paktosidsr - forAmtbstaina sae Youths: made * Bnovi Slam Olothlic/latt of Aoothill & Wtt monAtis, Nl* cbsitiatiar*, ighits 'B4tar Phi- • • - !I'm aria aid stemma of Whiter all are terst9', And samba apiineio wawa with satilidiand Boxers : Arke dwk earth'noW Pets en its green OrOWn I_l4 earlikraem r the tedfter DINq SIM; - thy Taunt lroVis i nib railfilit laugh. dtiaktilibiickt tnisk " 14 n Wrn 80 , 1141 r it 11114: tilt SIW ilwirptiaiiiiig herb , with life. , Tbe figit leiod bo*a,neli*polla humntsr.6atn TOW * stio.a*malabii,•*#* glad: - :ANIS*" Ms nate ; geatilik Mee Withjet . ;1106 vitlitwelautie• triad* to oke !cc not ae . guild& see. • hie'broed asses with trent western toren& - Rtetrttne roach; in hewn of that Gad' Wee leads with etrederthe iteeeme the fruitful vine, Freernes hilt Bandy snit of Getieettle Melte*, the Tailor otsentran,ior Oren - ant Streit." ' • AiRIVADIAT 11113 PRINCIPAL HOTEL, yr to **Twig' oNtouic sem sum. *semi actuat4eirdisit it.: beim Ninth. 7 . 3.4 k Ist 0, 2 : ;: . ',..,Tleo r t , t 3 43tratt, (Itn, 0 r fro kl&Atlgiteli t r a z!..aa)....Marristeg* teem: re P at N Y Ir ',- rider leJ -AM Meese it tl ey ‘ N Y : of w t . 1 1 '"--'- 171Wer a r" 1 1 : rate„ AI : , nn iloartn ii pst = , itt h llm t d - . -- . 1.4 - u. 1.4 Ata ,ir IL `, Til iißtYsitti6C t ty it i rialteN Y ;'' : ' Yiq witonSpn jkim ,Ll/Z n atiLetto tnni a ' l i r . eldA r e n daton Tr m agOirtr .‘,. ,re 474% , ppriFigt-E‘4 ,1 04 , -. mic Vim ii -A se i cteer, ..rit ly ivewa__ __ 'NY et, '. 8 papplia i N Y • , t. I N Y ' ' ,', - Oev we or, Md .-, _t. Ie N 71,, lerco llet 11411 zioxrei , J 11l kraals, NY ' roirgskreree rr it y'• : ' ~. - 40 t latai la . N e e n , xi tr , , 7 161L er i lsi, Mai • Pen Care Ifieree, :1 1 8 6 : ail • -" , - el - ' - re t rma it t r , ilC:: : , 0 :i rr e • A ww ilsolt ahaiti. ards N T,o N A Y -"' it =XIX rad, , Itigh.Wallh - N,N 6 r 0...... 0f oit lkial it r air' Iil "' 4 11 11. ' rj 4 Vi a liftn rSl N O aiu re eor i l a t 6 - . •-. abl. 21 o , ' , , . .' , • --. , • , 4giquiwiro4yAL-e. M. aorasier Nide aad Oieset pa Obeiager. Regan" 'Jo ' yegel, Pittsburg_ f t , .11 Rompouyierstea' rit , emu. 13ife'i ittiN ,),....... -, ,41., . . . '2l Y j era t P it i' iri j i4 Peat rt Jen d prrei e r .r4,,,,,0„,„c (Irk • • t"Misr 416.08 ".,, .111% • kerf,2l Y ji Mtit , - ;".ter_ al t e r n ' IIR Pic.....i.i., . w ilk da Pi Y Ow rade: N. , ,-- - - ' & tall y urea • .T l ir t• 1 79r= t 1 4 , 1 -N i : rgiwte. we Pa SP. tier dilly* K _ Leith geeterrea:led jiftkr .?. 4 tii -- 2 - illn i rentt il ir 11, '' • ftl .)4 Y ' ,- 1 orehrs.A. A.u..... . Yeireeet -., 0 Item k lan, led 24 Edw Me, , M7 l Dm6 krr !tiebP B , " ' l i lunar. PI Cali* fitronee.BBt . '• ' ." • ' ' WM Mailhi l iaM , , . V i Nitat i lit i erCD'c W Val.' j 7; R I / - rel:esr . sw ill a 4 l6 3ha rer 'l47lriF IN" ' ■niostoe' ll Are set 11 " -I n elmi Wi" it All"7 ,_ bi lionto•-. *% * .1064 ~ Borten r t:=4,leitenitanutt, bile: I Iletwee r i=ste %to n , b ea u , Stirsoly ',. row, Ott, Whine LAI' Wine Oats - . I ! !k !' o,34tex k wif•N 0 i 3 f ir aud tas, _ , , ,:.r. '.4048r J t 81717-link Seventh. itfametvi q w wd's, Piiile illsv;8 C BJr sto J 8 0 4 Y Mph rm; R Dicks.). j ,n N Y W tenet*, PhDs • SU O, 1 (' XI 1 9 ; Bomar, Phi% ' Asont4s:N.Y SIGENNI THE 'UNION ROT*L-Arek stmt., &bore Third. A 8 robegliaL laselibx W /wet, /Nadia( l i g*rk bert o rd i , ri5.c=1 , 4747 " j ne obi - , irr siit6., nr itr ai xam ituaw s. . t ow _,.. riazoteo, t o 1 , 1 1 , ' Iteldsuill.o M Lr=d. VS abt• 0 - • LO Repaklt t bt Louts . RillNZiiiiret, 01111 now yeammuerger. Pa Gybes Marirk.ta. Jobe Good, Pa , ' Ore Zgl i t . Z VF curalife....iii I rod-ead ik Tr. Pa S_Stokee & yr, Stroudsburg E Stoluisjibrondstairit ~ W T blebeo, &varicose A L him, arum C.isetle H H Weaver, Franklin, 0 a SitaltnalW 110T6t..—F rta song. bektgrAgeh.l `John A. 11:sh i r aa ttrib'g,111 J Vali, All_fttown Hervisburi' 1 8 4 4 ,Pnieg, Vik '' : es a , _Nestling I W ggs,, Wm tavithe A , diem , sit=lllr. ofLr's '. . ,Mc Joy , ' ,gagi t io t Ps: : ,P4 i figentius,Aft ler W rimpui r mas N ve a Dommi r. rittliplire fi lliaWAi i iir i ari • a 11 1r0 1. , gtel 4l l.l i r rig ails . trtg 4l kMei 14:01 . II El:tin:6 : figlis'Psellit: Irsisk ~ r is, rt issiherly!Pg gstpleg a trt i - 6 tlii - i i.; l ., ii, 7,1 01 hiyiltyi 'cli=tr. 141 ... w pis tirselititorews t ig ' _ 'Cir Rem. atkeidolgarg ' D salm i hughershg , _gh,T7ONAL, ROTEL—aste l itraiii,lbeire Thitd. J Wigs. Wheytiyag , O,WI. •• e its 0 I T A, a Berlin, 0_ w on. At. yd. 0 Oip,/,..b%„„.0.01,1.: J a p k talith,Liverplas Um riVilit arg - ¢4l:lgt * A rra ' : Ps John go* g ge ChM. IMAM' JON Abnials. Ira ao, Ps . Goob Hatalve 0010 pis aohdenia. Minding ••T Jspkins. l men insgsgals ' , l e a a gtorPtiriC - ' °I". M r" ' Cr ' - t i . iist ricrivii , M ow %i v:o s ie r a nA r P a s f 4/ 11 ;1=46, , -abled ' , pi m Aiiiet i MAitiloTlap - 7111 lid di , i, oYi CsUoWldlt, gig Oiled_ mon_llW : ", TB limilmoritig, Bashing Moab engfer.esysorgettle • JAO a anychiry denrailie laltlayelerAirdstrilt• • wig BWI g Madero"' itidlii,• Hil - _.- yheialif, tzwauntown AJ B•llows, hi .:. ~, _.(l,agikpa .„ --_, airs alli. Ps ' - Holienhaab alohrgville Wit t l[ii r e t tr:trefit i eryls Iff w gqpln ftt: p CO Ins &home, ligmeerg ' = fligherfaMlD -_,_11"1144,111 Odeon 'Debut Residing ~I..rirt.sl l thigu m• . Jai ernith, Anmouville, Pa —.— nits, ot p..s . gr. LOITIN WEEXtrsChandt. *boys Third. Wts Cianye, it g , .x:1 , 14004 ,4 tra L'irf t ! oh • Ps p o isl it pig Si t tf mote; 0 % swims :t v dr As iv e i f t , Ar , Ps lava Ara Y 44 D. , -re "T e : N' l t tiriii 1". mute mop IitOTELL-Market. etyma. above Sixth. P s i rewayogg L v : 4 y xi= Togui . a , 1 7, .14 11 4 0 , M r ivtrb, pa, , 'd oniatri"""'" 1 4 s ?.Plte it= P or r' i ck : Ir gast o..;:in: 6 ' JI B e c C4 t:;. :l ;ewoo rliazat4 rt. t r ht 7 AL !rower is its. Lisboa, Pa a Ikitstaiger,i'd, iiiiiiiii:Aili i ii . . 4 lo ili.s.t:igive Pith, V 1L : 7 61 ; i::4 tit e I I F49 k - narti ut -i -- ir JAW! IggiZili P''''' 1 ' fa.n i a r ''' ' r -reramw Al . =,,,.,,,,,.. 1 ,,,,.„ 3 .4r....7„ ft r.itiitiOnyi. 9 , ir k eroOrrra rlniftl r *k: '.;, Ira% • . 1.1 Y ow. ark riga. *.. No* ant xel)or i t - Cook . , , i er-sti ttwawilf; 44;541 1 .itter4.l6o** , :eztr , 44 1frgifrietts frii.thlf*lfiko:o4-iitsteet iiifloser Petrie* Aright *Dolt yid 14;teliettottiON IMO cvalef the *Melt iftf 1 14 1 4 4iii ~itioi s atitte:- 'stoat* , aidit, la relaxed.. firiiett et hiespu . liveiii•it ilit sait_ 4 o•Torthi ions ; liere Ao • reeporti , fer -*Oro* Air inifetiterivish 144 depute., the in. Aloe ttAi, ate'. tql . tit** reagidec. , „ „ . -„ 'is***FAY4 l • tip j evening br insinsi Initeitliilllloi:ifffrn*Oyen iit the hy'th. , ioAiit ` , Maw 80hool; 000duitorahle CIOMIROCIAJ... RD . TIKIi4xOII .14; above CUM*. t i . It Baku- MUM. - eo- , ,, -. .1 Tra7ll.lr, theater eo. - i g . sADeChaster no --, _ - 0 glainle au 'ri oi s. ter eo" K, Pa - , W Corlie m ln Pe m .'hUt a ir o 3 ' t kVA Mi n h - . IS ./12:r, 6.44; Grove Immix.* .Fs," R Rriaserr* Is, Norristown 5, gatemen'. Pa Ityliplevsnoilia, pa. arvi t i t tieVrgi r " - D Y S lines _ I T t r jaiVr i t, Ptirsogn., Laromter co P 011iley, Reagies. gs roy. Reagingas • , i R. 11 Jones as Isr Berk. so - INN Rlnegiblikli Co , - 6 Kitt Cleertild • ' ' P gormte. Felton. Del ' Dt T Taylor, W Chester ....,,.....oester. Chester oo - , .- , W*Tsy ler, Ceoll no. MI ' r Min C l i rlio n itireo , ' YID ntrALPlreff ' B7l77 l 4 =4,iflZ l PV l°°, .' tikloOL B ,a1141_.. , trtlrl, ars! Chestere mr: NrOlLibel. as Ramagql4nosAts, roo W I , lltriteherAtare,Pa , la Brown, MUM. Ad -, Dr AS It samond, Del . . 1 1 171VPAIN Itroint street. above Raiget. tII Igleekime J ,', - Jur ht Vaidegritt. Del ' 6 Wildest Del. ~ ,• . Wm T Chasse, Del F Garman, 1 ~ -- ~W F R d, Min A_Adicine. Del ' -', • 3elin It Basegarld wtd It Betts, Del " John 0 Slay, Dover'. Pal Cl , Wethirrby ..Dever, Del Gm Dein.. Dover, Del j umelles I. Is. W Conon .1 Dowen, ft .1 AL Istard,l4 J , , , ' . • - ARUM' WRAF ROTll.l:—Beesond it.. below V as C Suley.,Phila ' . ' , , Ban t. Pa LLomiatiore, Pe, ' - , Wm Borten, Phils ,„. ti Z Om, Columbus. 0 . Al, Angle, savannah. Do 1 . 0 Yarliel r., I, Ds , , A • Glitib, Gs, . , wis Bo .Da, . : John. R lishissfer, Gs ' ea L' !Deports., Westsort • D Kolibri.... Cheltenham gismos., Wilnetonr DO 11. Gill, Br. Bucks no !',1111,4111.NN ' ■sm rowan PAGE. -• • -,. = gy p 11.. • - (44K tt i k e PrIfL t Zit i'i der i jen reSTIP:k . Thobri_ge Rake. for Havana. Stoinnans, for endear.. 'anew's Garr. from Providence. and several schooners. passed to 'ea this afternoon. No vewlels have gone in to-day. A Best or about seventy sail is at the Break meter: Wind B—weather has a stormy Sipeeratioe. Yonne, THOS. 11. HUGHES. MEMORANDA. Btesinship Hammonie, Sobwensen, from Members. VIA Southampton, stylised at New York yesterdaY. BarkArnaop,_Kirwan; from Rio de Janeiro) Mamh t 1 arrived at Baltimore yesterday. • Bark Paladin, Wilson, from Buenos Ayres, Mareb SO, Was below Baltimore yesterday, Berk Bt James) Cress, wee waiting at Rio de Janeiro elt. Brig South; Eltiokneir, eleisred at New York yesterday ro ...rlit i rt e irs i :Teiok_ ten Lightbo r en nut ieat for mateinzu.' urns, cleared at Bevan - eobr Me y, Nickerson: henna at New Raven 224 but., at ßa Ctis E r at: 111: too I b h = l , cotton ;61114 cleare d nee, 30 bales yarn, 23 do rope ends, TA gamin nth, a tons `Pennseyin m a rble; IM tons iron mid sundries. Bohr W Carol, Hawkins, hence, arrived, at Charles ton 20th inst. Bohr Btreamlet, Downing, from Brandywine, arrived at New Have 2251 inst. • Bohr Kadash, Lewis, hence, it Riohmond diet inst. kkr 2 B. Moore. Ingersoll, thorn fisvermah, arrived ek Wilmington. Del, led inst. ' Bohr ;Daniel Morris, Hoover, striver] at Wilmington, Del, Mil met. *mama Beverly, Pierce, heads, at New York yea lerday. nteameikdaiditie, Großiley, henoe, arrived it Hartford 21stinst. • SPECIAL NOTICES. , MADMAN'S IND DRAWS—Advertising ropikleisod.—lverybodipublfsfieg SIARRIAGiES and DEATHS in the DAILY INQUIRER. Double Sheet. Otto* 101 South Third street. Notioes of Marriages and Deaths twenty-fire cents eaoh. , . aptt-8t NARRIADES AND DEATHS —Advertising Popularised,—Everybody publishes" MARRIAGES end DEATHS in the DAILY INQUIRER. Double Sheet. Ofilde 121, South Third street. Notioee of Marriages sad Deaths twenty•Sveeerds each. aplt•9t MORLLOEti AZID DEATHS Advertising Poanlori:ed.—Everybody rubilsbes • IdARRIAOZEtind DELTIIB in the, DAILY 111QUIRMS. Double Skeet. Moe 121. tenth Third street. 14ettoes of Mullane and Deaths twenti-five cents each. ap2l3t RADPellteS PEWEES,. s SURE AND SAFE ours for. Malignant Scarlet Fever, or Putrid Sore Throat. Apply to T. W. Ilyidt & Sono, No. 21S North &woad attoet. ap7l-stuth-6t* . . NORTON'S OINTMENT, tOT Salt Rheum and Seragula, permanently cures Tatter. &mid-heed. Ring- WOW, and all. NOM" end Burning Eruptions of the skin. This Ointment penetrates to the hams of the disease, goes in Ms very sours., end mires It from the desh *oath to the skin on the Indium. Large glass boxes, prise 60 seats. • GERRIT NOTITON, Proprietor, No 15 Beekman attest, New York. Sold by T. W. DYOTT & 80N8. 515 North ONOOND &Diet. - aplt.tutha-Ito DR. MCCLINTOCK'S COLD AND COCOII Mirriran is guarantied to ewe an ordinary cold or oougk, catarrh, influenza, MOM throat, tto., with aro /eta oertainty. and* dogma of rapidity that will sem-, abli astonish the patient. Pilo, itaente. All Dr. James AloClintook's Fundy' hfedieines bear the signature of °RESIT Noeron, sole proprietor, No. le Beekman street, New York, (autiogagor to A. Cushman k Co., sole proprietors.) Sold by T. W.' DYOTT & SONS, 11S North SECOND Street. - apl7-tutbi-lm J. R. STAFFORD'S OLIVIA TAR ) the best family medicine known, cures all Throat and Lung af footions, and Catarrh, by inhalation. In oases of in ternal pain or sorenem. a few drops, taken incoming, affords immediate relief. In Rhaumatio affections, Neuralgia, Boles, gruptiona. Bunn, and Skin dimmer", an external appliestioa of this salnabbl article ill at tanded with the happiest remits. I. R. STAFFORDI IRON 'AND SULPHUR POW- DERR. These valuable adjuncts to the Tar revitalise and purify the blood, invigorate the liver, Strengthen the di gestion, and regulate all the secretions. No one should be Without them st this season of the year, Bold by all Druggists, arid by T: W. DYOTT & SONS, 218 North BECONDAtreet. Powders, ID; Olive Tar, 00 cent. apIT-tutlup.bri LONDON CLUB 8111011.—This celebrated xeropeaar Osumi Weir introduced into ttds county by Terkel' Blow London, and now being generally. used `threarheatt the United Stater, wassesses an unrivalled riehuml ewe delioaos of taste superior to all othen, in an excellent aid to digestion, and Whisk!, recom mended for dyspepsia. It takes precedence of the Woe cesterihirs Sauce. and is sold at half the price. Sold by 4: 7. FAMISH, wholesale agent for the United States, 0 1 11A . bY all reePeetable groom and dealers in pickles and Preserves. and G. J. B. BUSSIER & CO” Nos. Me and 110 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. apl7•tnth-lm To OONSIDISIVES.—QUBIOn3 COD LIVDD Orwixtti. . This greet speoifie for Consumption is fast superse. ding alio:hers in Its curative effects upon those afflicted with tubercular dim's'', being twice as dhoti:mg all '• the crude oil. Prepared upon, highly scientific, print& pies of the pure oil, and robbed of the nauseous tinge of the plain article, It Is reotived into the stomach in its jellified form, without mastication, and is gradually dis solved and digested, pealing ink/ the =all intesrinille hap by drop, , supPlring the wastes of the body by its nutriefomgyiroperties t and thus witting and sustaining nattire L in,elveroOlning the disease, Approved by the New York Aeaderny of Medicine, and recommended by the him* Over/where, this preparation is cgstidently offered age remedy for Consumption and all Iffirofulons adhotions; 'Bold by FREDERICK BROWN, corner of CHESTNUT and FIPTR Streets ; FREDERICK BROWN, Jr.., Continental Hotel; and T. W. DYOTT k SONS. migl.stnnin Oxs Paura Ourrinnta OP ma LATIN aTTL nth made in the beat manner, expnowly for RE TALL SALES. LOWEST palling prices marked to Plain Figures, All goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhere to, an we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, dll are thereby treated alike. " JONES to CO., seg-tf Kid MARKET Street. RARRIED. , , SMITH—MccbELLAND.—Anciut 19th, 1829, at the residence' of the Non. Henry Kink, Allentown, by the Rev. Mr. Judkins,Jerome Onuth to Annie, daughter of John M oelellandr. * b_ onis—H mix .-1)n. the Stith March, by Rev. Frank lin PUN:e a Mr.,A_ ex..L tkibb to Mum Sarah Henry. Rteitmtpeori—BlJOHANAN —On the lath inst., hr Rev. Alex. lieberton. Mr. Amer& R. Richardson, of Philedelphlikto Mae Elias ii. Buchanan. * - OFF—Rs hilLTOrs.--0n the 27th November, by Rev, Geo. chendler,Mr. George Oltto Mimi Borah Jane amino t f lq, both of dos olty. * RACKMAI,IO—ON if DER.—On the 19th nat., by Rev. Win. 0. Johnstone , Mr. Joseph Beokhaus, of Xhtlad:l- ohm, to Mrs. Annie G.Bnyder. of Baltimore. DIED. FICRWARTR.—{ht - the Met inst. Mr. Samuel R. BOwarts, Printer, to the 3t4 year of hie age. -SIIILADIMPSILTTPOORAPHICALBOCIETY.--/ ne MOM bore are regyeattfaily invited to attend the funeral of their late fellow-tnember. Mr. Samuel It. Schwartz, from his late residencieblarshall street. souther Ye nitrte street, Twenty- third ward, thee Tuesday after noon, tit 3 o'olook. By order, W. R. Jonas. • COLLINEL—On the eyening of the 2.3 d Inst., Mrs. Flijaabeth Collins, &gel BO Yews. 'rho male friends fu n era l from are respeatfoly vlted to attend her from the regadence of Mr. P. B.Rowlsed,lg7BDrgoe street, on Wednesday mmn in et c'elookiectsely. withATON.— Monday monde', gld April, at his late residence, 12.' yob street, Walter V. Wheaten, surgeon R. 13. Army, in the 74th year of hie ag Hi e s remains wilt be taken to Providence, 8.. 1,, for i Nintliti --On the 234 Met., Aaron H. Radicle the tad earn ' his age: The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services at the Rev. John Chit where' oberehi , (Woad and !Ransom 'trees.) on Wednesday' the Seth Inst..at o'clock P.M...The fa. natal will take place on the following morning, To proceed to Allentown, New Jersey, on the 9 train. CHARLTON.—On the' Zitd inst., Michael Charlton, and sis . Funeral fr om the residence of John Smith 20 South Water street, below Walnut street, this (Tuesday) rooming • at 8 o'clock. CLARK E.--On the 21st inst., Mrs Jane Clarke, widow of the late John Clarke. in the Bith year of her age. Funeral from the residents of John T. Dial. haue, 1111 Ogden street, on Wednesday morning, at e 0 °look. • OURRBIL—On the 21stmet., Mr. William Curren, aged 46 teen. Funeral from his late residence, hloyamerhing ave nue, Ortenwith, this (Tuesday ) morning, pOUL.R.--Otind inst., Thomas D. Pouts. afters] from his late reading's rio, 1010 Costes th ifirtiVrAV,L n B r a ll igigh l° goi. °° , 'teeter, wife of Danl. P r:Vdi'rbg° t ittfe l e t igt:? " l e ' be (1 614 N h o her ms n ort Ttilit i ttf.titeet this (someday) morning, st 100 olook. * 0 s ti RD.--un the Mil /net., Mary Ann Howard, wie o ussel Howard, in the 22.1 year of her age _Funere from the regidence of her mother, No. 1118 Moysisenenis avenue, above Federal street, on Ws.d • nodal afternoon, at o'clock. rtErP.—en the 2114 jolt., Mar v Amanda Lewis, daughter of Samuel and Ellis NUL in the 26th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her threat.. No. Balch street, Vine street, above Second, on W ednel . day. afternoon at S o'clock. McFADDENthe 2lst Inst., at T °Wink A. Mr, Jaime McFadden, in his hid year. The relatives and friends or the family. and members of the Rearthnd-Rand Council No. 79. of U. A. In.. ersrer i teothilly Invited to attend his funeral from his Irate r t 9 f R fa b al 1 1 07412, re al nottoK outf.rther es DES.—On, the 21stinst., Paul Henry , son of Wm. Fail des, aged 3S years. The relatives and friends of the family, and United Mate. Lodge No. at, 1.0. of 11. F., are respectfully in- Yio4 to attend hisfunersi from his father's residence, llo; Ste Christian Street, this ( tuesdni) afternoon, et clock, without further notice. MoGRATIL—On the 10th inst.. William McGrath, in the 76thyear of his us. The relatives and friends of thefamily pre respect fully muted to attend the funeral, frost his late resi der's*. o. 416 Christian street, above Fourth street, tem ploy) morning, at ag walook. Funeral service at liitch of lit . Philip De Neri. Interment at St. Wiser' Cemetery. • ipmAIN BLACK / - BALZORII4S, 121-2 .8. ' Oebkg: 160 k Balsoripas. lag nenta, Black and nralte f e ri oted Halsor i gee,1234 cents. 8 sok and wade bane Tanta re Lustros, 12)6 oanta. 1 Ciiii i rgeg ed rted Itrn i i! 2 llZeg a t . .. , ilitgq d l r . "l:ls:BThCrti t eagranjib l renir t l . Mao and white hare plasm: 26 dean.. Gnat and bleak Orandnlla. 26 cents. . Orissille or gni , inizeKlßarogQMll6l6,Blg cents. 1168160 N & NUNldournincjitare, apfl , No, 918 4 0ILEBNUT atreet. EXTENSION TABLES ABB NOW sold. at VetTL_low Vices. at R. FREEZE'S Fao :tom 814 CIALimwRILLe Street. • azill-bre ILIDTRO•MAGNETIO AND MAGN.L. ac 7O-IZEOTAIO4IIIAOIOIIBI4 for Idetofigal I!"th BEVBILT4 . forsavictirn Irk': essolettie 'iovuocaria AND - I,oAplbool..rlY - , -The fifth sled wet- , oe rill be tolid_set-'Wf Ntill4l , Y, EYEeti ix April Rath at Ward a Hotel, Elt Street, rtho e Third. The Cetalthetth tering the, ooterelt liberal erthatelee, the gooleti Wail 'terminate or about beim ream &ham elSyr moth, tad OM be subeoribrd for oo the evinihs of t tiffiffting, ~ ; A. H. DIETRICH, Problem'. J sr vomEn&R,Seeettaly. , sigr.sry, 077 • talre.Wlloll4_wlLLlAmorowt,..sain roam ItiI I LROAD GO. , • , , J• • • :• , uric lio.-308,WMAIIT STREET, ' rrineretcruie, Apra 1111, 18110. -1 The Firer Morteere Bondholders or the Ceteveteest Williamsport, and Erie Railroad Con4inny ere nota- Sad to oral at the Offiee of .the Comm:ly, Me. 309 gALKU'V Street, between the borne otle and 2 WM.. d del obit their Bonde with M. F. MUTORINEION tie their Attorney, to be used in the purohase of said .111:4d_i under the deeree of Conq enthorizilltr the so*. nun. receive eertifioatee ofdenosit. s v. rt . iiinx ROBE WSNYAR.II,' F. A. ANDYKF,..II., 'J. Ti. It uTeinntsori. . , , • a,. W. MITOWE_LI... hi_ , . RUTQM I r 4 MN , an2t-12t - Committee of First Mortgage liOndholdere. - - MSUNION CANAL compArer OF PENN YLVANIA.-tFiret Mortgage Bondholders of the aimed oonntann.diepored to 00-orerate ingot fug on a fatthful exeoution of the trueds in their favor, °raided by the company, end oypored to farther. pe centers saorificer in Avor of the floating debt o f the company, are raqueeAd to send their respective names, addreuer, and amounts of bonds to either of the under - signed: _ Yt. M. DREXRL, NnoSt South Third Bt. EDW'D'MORLEY, N 0.5 Av. of 29p Walnut co., VINCENT L. DRAW() 11 D. No. 7'07 hansont Bt.' J. R. B. SUTTON, NO. Beaoh St. AWht. K. RAhLBOROE ft, No. d Av. of 230 Walnut fit. IM At. .v..ILTIIE • ANNUAL MEETING OF THE' YEkififfIrLYANIA,BIBLE 13001ISTY, f the e iTifition of Twenty4our Managers_ WALNUT be held et the Bible Nouse, Northwest corner WALNUT and Elle-' VENTH. streets, on Wednesday, Me 2d. 1860. et 12 o'clock, noon. , • ' JOSEPH Fr. DULLES, VrejndingkeoretarY RICiAID NEWTON;I•OOTsf . Itl LT:PEOPLE'S STATE COMMITTEE stawrtriG.—Al meeting of the members of the le's stets Central Committee will be held M the GIRARD 110U8E, g hlletleiphis, on Thittedaf the Nth der or Aril, at S o Mock r. A full attendee's° is requested. ap23-4t A. K. hieCLURE, (Thurman. ir-e- TICKET. EIGHTH WARD DEMOCRATIC SELECT COUNCIL. THEODORE OUYLER: COMMON COUVIL. ROBEIrr P. KANE, DAVID BA LOMON,I. GEORGE FLITT. SCITooL DINScTOISS. J. 'FfEATLY DULLEB. CHARLES A. SHARPE, ROBERT YOUNG, JOHN A. CLARK, For the unexpired term of E. W. Dailey. JOHN Httri l dß ANTHON H. REYNOLDS, • conexAstme. • JAMES INGRAHAM, • JAME.' DONNELLY. • etinuoyee_illlßD DISTRICT. D. C. BRENNAN. spl4-18.21,113,18.23 ,t 6 27.28.30* OrGIRARD COLLEGE.—THE masc. TORS of bind irard Oolleseglve notice that they are prepared _to out, in the State of rennsybrimia, Twracr y ORPHANS, in accordanoe with the will of Stephen Girard, to mutable ocoupatioes, much as Agri culture, Navigation, Arts, Mechanical Trades, and Manufactures. The master will be required to teach his apprentice his resteutive art, and to furnish him with suitable board and lodging to his OWnplace of re sdenoe,(except where, for special reasons, the appren tice may be allowed to board elsewhere.) . The master will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not exceeding one month. Persons desirous of obtain ing an apprentiocoen apply at the College, between the hours of 3 and 6Y. ht., or, if not T.sidects of Philadel phia, ban .address the undersigned in Irritin. game, residence occupation , and reference, t e - ratter, whenever possible, to he residents of r_hibuieln HENRY W. Ale, apl9-Et Secretary Girard College. • 3rl7;r A im. OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LE ND POTTEIVILLIS RAILROAD CO., AL lIT Street, Philadelphia, April 14,1E0. she Annual Meeting of the htookholdere of Abet She. inoinn Valley and Pottsville Railroad Company will be held at the Moe of the COMMIY, on the 7th of HAY, at 12 o'oloolt; when *President and elx Managers wi ll be cleated to eerve for the enimingiear. • 891e-tntr • B. GRIFFITTS Secretary. Tr! SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD coMPANY.-7 he ANNUAL 'llittT/NIIN and NURCTION of the Stockholders 'of the Schuylkill mid Susquehanna Railroad Ofimanh_ise regary their oharter,will be held at the . GIRARD HOU IS," in the city of Yhiladelpfda, Pennsylvania, on, MON AY, Map Ith, at IS o'clock al, for the purpose of choosing a Preaiderit and Six Managers to ewe for the ensuing 11,613 and also for the iionsiderabon ofsuohothrr asutm as may properly be brooght_lipitorp and meet ilnerm re. MOl4 ap7-Im* Secretary. Tr Ant" OF TAE elf l et! ENT IA • Magi:mlM The holder" of the bonds of this Company, flue July l. 1950, can now receive, upon applioatton.at this office, x 0 per cent. in cash , upon the term spetuded in the ores laratached. - The hoiden are also entitled to the benefit of a Pink ing - Fund of $110.090 per annum, as established by the stockholder' at their annual meeting, held January 9, MO, and in pursuance or the contract, entered into by be company and duly regorged, to carry the same into ffeot. EttADFOrtm, Treasurer. MACULA& - Noises to the Holders of Phi/ads/pate cued Readies .Raitroccl Compose Mort sage Hoods, due Jlllll 1, MO. These bonds are secured by the first mortmes on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 13,..W.g00. The net revenue for the last fiscal year Was nix times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. • The manager, propose to extend them for a paned of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now hot._ Fresh sheet* of coupons for the interest payable hatfoestil. A bonus one per cent. will be sir In to the holders in consideration or their assenting to the extension. i s bonus will be paid in cash to he bearers of the bon on their signing a receipt and presenting their respeo tive hoods at the ace of the Company, or to its agents, for ndorsement.' Fo e rum of , receipt and endoitemeot will be fungal* olepelicration. ThiV er Of the Ei ttrie f Moliilxktt7r. esamtan. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. -0. DONOORUE, 15 0. 'Art...TER Street, wilt remove on the lit of mai next to No. 1,13 Snuth tvAT Mt Street. and previous lb removal offers for sale cow barrels stoetn-lefined SUGARS and SYRUPS of variotut rades. balattos of stook in store, at reduoed pries - t o r c oath, oi_an_A. proved credit. Tat. attire, No. 13 South wATER. Street, to Rent. apttat REMOVAL,. R. & G. A. WRIGHT fur their Inert that theyn:noirireNn their trhe te n eh l e i r l Atere Wi tt i g hilte irriL C enahl le; ti add fre•ti inducements to the Trade to visit theirnew es mi/drama. - We have opened our DPW STORE with ,itix sq creased vitriety of DR UGUIST4 A.RTItiLES, to which branch cf our business we intend to devote particular attention, having , made arrangement* in Europe to be supplied with 411specialitiee and novelties at they 'ap pear. Our PERFUMERY DEPARTMENT will continue to receive our beat attention, And we assure our friends that no exertion will be wanting to produce, hereto fore, a variety of new, elegant , and ince deidans every ireseon, the .ettatity rerunning min Sincerely Manama Mt our 'customers for their kind natrunage, we hope to offer new inducements for its continuance. R. & G. A. WRIGI-IT.- April 0, map. arilo-Imif RtmovAr,..—SMALL OLIANDLEI, WROLBEALE GEOCERP hay* removed from North SECOND 14treet, to l it MARKET Street, above Front. north side. let PrESTIMONY BEFORE TELE INVESTI GATT COMMITTEE—FLORENCE ON THE STAND, M RE CORRUPTION EXPOSED. Latent New P o r g; ' , l lll B d teo inK Ll E it u rr Y grf i r uirer at CHARLES/IL, CO e r.VENTION n . q Full Report of Foreign Nen% In the PRILADEI.piE A INQUIRER of this morning. Double Sheet. PT/00 TWO ilKi*Td. Containing an Telegraphic Local, and General News. Served .by Carriers. fo;Twelve Cent, week. in the City and Dis triote—Germantown, Manayunk, Camden, Wilmington Re., &a. It TESTIMONY BEFORE THE INVESTI GATING. COMMITTEE—FLORENCE ON THE STAND. MORE CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Prof. Binding's EMI/ on Time. Latest News from Special Reporters of Inquirer at CEA/MERTON CONVEN nom ' Full Report of Foreign News. In the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER of this morning. Double Sheet. Price TWO URN 01. Containing all Telegraphic. Local. and General N. &Med by Carriers, for TWMY6 Ceuta & week. in the City and Diane a....Germentown, Mansynnk, Camden, W liming ton, ice.. &o. /t TESTIMONY BEFORE THE INVEST'. GATING COMMITTEE—FLORENCE ON THE STAND. MORE CORRUPTION EXPOSED. Prof Binding', Essay on Time. Latest Newe from Special Reporter, otlnquirer at CHARLESTON CONVENTION. Full Report of Foreign Ns* e, In the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER of this morning. bonble Skeet. Price TWO CENTS. Containing all Telegraphic, Local. and General News. Served by Carriers, for Twelve Cents a week, in the City and Districts—Germantown, Manaimak, Camden, Wil mington, dcc., Co. It IFELlNERY—Advertising Populanz i ed. Everybody advertises .MILLINERY in the DAILY INQUIRER —doubIe sheet. OlDoe 121 South TRIED Street. Advertisements SIX CENTS a line first Inseytion, SOUK CENTS a line aeon subsequent In sertion. ap24-3t MlLLlNERY—Advertising Popularized. Everybody advertises MILLINERY In the DAILY INQUIRER—doubIe sheet. Moe 121 South Tat HD Btrees. Advertisement. sit X °EN ran one first insertion, FOUR CENTS a line each subsequent In sertion. ap2t St MILLINERY --Advertising Popularized. JA-x• Everybody advertises MILLINERY in the pAILY INQ,ISIHER---double sheet-Ise 121 Mouth 1111 RD /I tree t. Advertisements SIX CENTS e line first laseytion, FOUR CENTS a fine aulaegueat M oorhen. apl4 3t ' CAMPHORATED' yETIVERT, For the Preservation of Furs. Cashmeres, and Woollen Goode from the ra vages *f Moth", Ante, and other Insects. The CAMP,NORATE,D VETIVERT ie a combina tion of Camphor, Vetiver' and various A romatics. It has bran long and favorably known in Europe, and has been found superior to other articles for the purpose. Prepared at PARRISH'S PHARMACY, apli-Imlf N 0.500 ARON. Street, T N AGAINST THE WORLD." VIOTOGRAPIIIQ 001.BRY in coneidere Photographs io the most complete in the city. All kinds and amlootypee are mace. It* MRS FREDERIOR BODGES. OF 808. lON. intends opening n BCROOL FOR YOUNG ii_ADIES in this city. commencing in September next. Mrs. H. has the honor of referring to the Her. Alex. H. Vinton, D. D , Rector of f the Church of the Holy Trinity. Ciroulsys, with full pertioulais , may be obtains of Mr. F. H. Hodges, 701 - VINE street. apZ4 Sni" MATTING'S !MATTINGS ! MATTINUS! 4-4 white and ohe4kel __ 5 4 " 51attings, -4 For sal e at lowest cash prices, br RE'N,V L. KNIGHT, 202 Mouth OECOND Street,' ap23-1m _ above fint ()UK. west side. CLAIUVS PATENT iNDEL IBLE PEN CII 8, FOR MARKING OLOTHING.—Thie article has the following claime to nubile attention: It oast be used with great case, by any one, in wilting upon all kinds of oloth. Neill not dry up or blot like ink. will last for yearn, ana each will mark eoo article., Ira neatness. convenience, economy' , and effioiency will make it a welcome and, wherever known, a noes. 111411artielein every house, For side, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, D. C. TAYLOR k CO., ' ap24-/mif 911 CHESTNUT STREET. AMSPECIAL SALE OP IiEW PARRIAGES. BEOOPID SPRING SALE FOR JAM. On Wednesday. Morning, Mee 2.18fi0, at 10 o'olook D , OlUilan : ininjAm AN HANSON 8 Will be sold without reserve, for oath, a collection of NEW OARRIAtik.B, Comprising nearly two hundred. ir Fartioulare in ume. MAFRED M. RERKNESS, aell•gtif ifuotienesr. mmit PEILADELPIIIAAN to LMIRA RAILROAD LINE, E EX t hrIFETS TO BUFTAI.O will he !Wad to Delegates and others wishing to attend the General Conference of the Method, et EttnenettlChureh, to he held at that place. Fare for the trip, ®l2, for sale at the ,Depot,lloo AD and OAI,LOW,EiIId4 Ertrests. and at the Ticket Mice, Northwest earner SIXTH . and CHESTNUT etriteta. CHAR. ti, TAPPEN, ap2i•6t' general Agent. , , 1_14.146001k. CAMP, & CO., PRODUUE Ja _AND lIVIERAL oommisstort AIEROHANTS. No. As North WAT.Ett Street. • Cemptgnments end Agents golloitett. Agent, for tot b e 'different Fe:Wiser* Ben be 14 ,r,.0§6iit, , -i AP M -.240,-,:11166;,:, NEW leuntlatiTioilit , 'VP.F i tIITONIS ' fiEW AidaILVAN Vi r :. pk. CLOPEDI a • .! - . '' = ' . ' VOLUASE hero. J r P.tter+lßßED, '. • :_' Trion i ~...,... Vont*, In*. among others, e following_artlolee :.,__ 'war sn i alimma I: pan, and ROMllig Yotirio)- W. . s.. Bilmare Simms, L D., rolut° l), It tO. try-Siohaird 0. teller. .1) - i New ark., SANT-E. Brown-Penuard Mil, London. =OI. ity-Levi Reuben, M. 21.,' 00Per ingtitstai ew • • York. Hintlaws-M Hailmln. Es .New Yllrig• HIGNI , (0. W. P.)--"Pref. H B. Smith, D. D•r Union Theologiosi Beininery, N.V ' Hain, ( Ka, enti cn)--Chartes ( !. Leland, Esq., PhtleiGel- Nhia, Penna. "HaNalt (Hinge or England)-Charles C. Tinseweil, Esg., . Holton. Mass. HENRY (Kings of France)-Paul, Arpin, Hai., New _,,- York. . Jallisar (YA.raxol)- Joh n Paten Cooke, Esq., Bich mond, Ye. Haaparotooy-121. Kneeler:it, Jr., M. D. Boston. Mese. Hignooaggatos-Charles ratting, M. D., Atorruabia, New York. HIMALAYA HOUNTAINs -James Thnoher Hodge, En., Cooper Institute, New York. Htabogrsi-Robert garter, Esq., N ew Yo r k. - „HlstOity-William L. Symonds. Req..,Portiand. Me. Hogan-President 0, O. Felton, Lao D., Harvard Um xertiltY, Cambridge, Mass. HONDO aAs-The Hon. E. 0. Homer, New York. Hoior-S. Kneeland, Jr.. M.D.. Boston. Mass. 11031$81(ANSIIIP.-43110. Charles F. Henningeen, New York. Kollaat (DA.FII),?; D 4-Jobs' W. Francis, M. D., LL. D.. New ork. Nowann (Jouri)-titiaries 8. Weyman.gsq., New York. HUDSON'S BAN TanalTORY- Marlin! Lindsey, Esq., Toronto, C. W Snotuirlors-Charles 0. Leland, Esq., Phlladelphl", HULL s. (Commodore ISAAC)-.Cast. Oeo. S. Blake, D. B. • Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. 'Uw.j. (Gen. Wimdsta}-The Rev. James F. Clarke, • 43cieten, Mass. litierx (Dal/Lai-Eugene Liwrenoe, Esq., New York. IlinfOi.RY-.M. Hollprin, Eeq., NeW,Yeirii. - Itu)ipaarati Lgitonacix-Oharles Amitair, M . D ., mor- Totowa, N. Y. HUNT ( Lwow r-uharies 8. WeymuL_Essq.. New York. liirsuram AND Wiva-Professor T. Parsons, LL.D., Harvard nage relay, Caiubridge, Mass. Hymn (Waren von )-Clutries 0. Leland, Egg., Phi ladelphia. Penn, , _ ..._ llylltocHrltAl.l7B-Ealllaralla W . Hollres.GYs M. H., ,New York. HYDROORAPKI-Edmund P. Blunt, Egg, New York. livongetlcuanice-Levi Reuben, M. D., Cooper Insti tute', New York. Hins.ornoma-Benjamin W. McCready, M.D., New 'York. ICE-Jannia Thatcher Hodge, Esq., Cooper Institute, New 'Sorg. • IClrrayoLoGs-S..EnaOland, Jr.,_. 4 M, D., Boston, Mane. Imakeis-Richard 8. Fisher, M. D,,Yiew York. IansACULATS CoNelsr SION-Rey. home S. Preston, New York. INCA—Hon. E. 0. Smiler, New York. Inman Larequaoxs ( Aswriti)-Charles Kraileir, M. D., MOTTlllaaill, N. Y. lantana-Richard 8. Fishe r , M . D., New York. INdIANS (Amexicaso--S. Kneland, Jr.. M. D., Bos ton, Maas. INDIABa-{La.lloyAoag OF Xlia)-CharlGa liraitair. M. D. Morrisania, N Y. Isno-Cuismin LANGUAGES-Charism Kraitsir, AL D., Morneanli. N. Y. INDOHunopatis LANGDAGES-Charles Kraitsir, M. D. fdorrisania, N. Y. 'mouton:ma-Prot Alexander S. &hem, Dickinson Col- Nee, Carkele, Penn. hinearrr (sr la.wi-Prof T,, _Parsons, LL. D., Harvard Univereity, Cambridge, Maas. INFANTILF-Motnel Mart, P. D., London, England. INGEStsOLL (Jaften. CIiAILLIS JARED, and Jossvn Mato) - Henry Carey Baud, Esq., Philedelphia, Fenn: Ink-Janne Theoher Hodge, Esq., Cooper DultitneiNeW York. • lao-insision:-.Prof. Alexander J. Rehem, Dickinson Col lege, Carlisle, Pawl INSANITY'-Binjalnin W. McCready, M. D.. New York. Notors-_-13. Kneeland. Jr., M. D. ion. Mass. Instrassiox-Prof. T. famous, LL. D.. Harvard Uni versity, Cambridge, bless. lowa-Ric s I hard S. Faker. M.D., New York. Ingssu. ( H amad-Prof. F. H. Hubbard, D. D., Dwyer city or North Carolina, Chapel 1118, ti. C. lashaien-Jullus Bing, Eat, New York'. Icon--James Theoher Hodge, Ego, Cooper Institute, New 'York. Isom', (Enwaxo)-Rev. J. S Davenport, New York . Jayne ( WA an inolor ) -JOhn Eaten Cooke, Esq., R ch -mono, Va. Isoisireisw-Frank H. Storer, Hen., Boston, Masa. iyALy -.lloronan Heater, Esq., New York. ITALIAN' Lithium's -Prof. Aohilli Magni, Brooklyn, . . Irob Ar robs- The Bon. John R. Bartlett, Providence, R. I. JACIsON (ANDENw)-C. C. HaZeWell, Eel., Boeteo, . Tam M am eagi. -Robert Caner, Req. IV, New York. Janine ( Kings )- C. C. Hitzeweil, Rea, Boston, Masa. JANaZill , ra-YrOt. Alex. J. behem, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Penn. lapin-Ro bert Carter, Esq., New York. IME!. JA ( ANIVEL FAlllims, D. D.)-J. A, Spanner, D. D., New York. LLYgIII . II and WILLIAM)-Robert Carter, Esq., New JAVA-Rabatt Carter, Esq.,New York. JIFFERSON (rklOatna)--John Estee Cooke, Esq., RBA mond. Ye. Among the living characters of whom blOgraPhles era EVAtal.)4l.) Deemer Merv. William) Igemiley (J. .1 Hosuler (W. H. HWY (George P. A.) Houston (George el) BeiSkil 1 Rev y t. T.l Houston I itlem) Hedge (Rev. red.H., D.D.) 110V0Y (41Va4) Helps, ( Arthur I Howe ( babas, Jr.) Hetiningeen (Gen.Cluoi. F.) Bowe (Boma& 0., M.D.) Henry (Bev. 0. 8., D . D.) . Howe (Julia We rd) Henry (Joseph) Bowitr (William) Herschel (Sir John F. W.) Hewitt (Mary B.) Harts (Henn) 800 (Rev. Father) Hibbard (Rev. P. G.) Hughes (Ball) filekook (Rev. L. P.) Hughegf Most Rev. Arolep) Ricks (Thomas) lingo Of Iota!) HilGrath I relettisrG) Humphrey (Homan, D.D.) t11(R ev . Thomu) 'Hunt (Thome." Stem ) hird (GeOrge S.) Bunter (Robert Hi T.) Millard (Henry W.) Huntington (Daniel) ind (John R.) Huntington (I.Vigoerit) Thiehoook( Rev. A , LL.D.) huntirgtonViev. Fred. g r .) Ribbons° (J. C.i. Ingraham ( apt.,Thens. .) odge(hev. Charles, D.D.) Ingnehain (Rey. John B.) onnkirosan (Esson) •• Irving (Theodore, LL.D.) on (Blohard M.) ' Irving (John Treat) ohrioh ( Rev. Josegh,D DJ Ives (I..eyi Ullman, LL.D.) (Plana (Josiah G., M.D. Jackson (Chas. T. M.D.) 01enes (Mane Edward Jackson. Jamesld.D.) Holmes tO. Wendell, .D.) Jackson (Hew ) opkins l i te.v. J. H. MX) James ii . P.R.) opting Rev. Matti-D.P.) James H eart') Roomer ( mullet) Jayvee James Jackson) The Subeeription List for Pennsylvania already num ber', I. names, showing the great popularity of this national Work. Persons at a distance may send money for one or more Tolims it, a tine, (mailed free.) Those living in toe city will 6rid a subsoript. on bookat the Agency, whence the volumes, as published, are sent to Bayport _of the city. JOHN. MaPARLAX4 - , Azenl for Pennsylvania MEI DelsWare, , , 33 Built FIXTH Street, Of whom may be hod- Banton's " Thirty Imam" K volt. Se: ' • . • PRWATIS- , YO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. ciabiorthers To THIS nastrovfor the above Wotk are NOW AND FOR THE a FUTURE Supplied wit arty Book or Mane of any pub lisher, fesoettentwortstion Booka 2O per cent. Ills cor.trtagiut taalp es, AL riC IMIAMOUS OCIENT/FIC, Reliatekt,,sleielcAbf iirvisAlLs b Sceoot,, CISLA.ANY, US, and al tie NE V OURS or DAY,,ADIERLCAII Cr ErraLlall, are cubical to e above Viscount. Or °beagle the ad No. No. 33 South SIXTH Street, It"' (Second entranee store Chestnut at.. east sae.) AARON JONES ACCEPTS THE ORAL _LEINER TO ' FIGHT JOHN WOODS, of Heston. Also, onellenge from ' • TOM SAYERS to AARON JONES. Fu partionliinkifjho_ stir Or KEENAN, 146Liiiter* from the ", • •-.• " EDITOR WILKES' SPIRIT. Also, crow ' • • . SAYERS. the ENGLISH CHAMPION, JOHN MORRlSSEYe_exChempteit of America, and JAGS MoDONALD. saISENAN'ad TRAINER, in W/k/i'ES' SPIRIT. ' CALLENDER & CO., Agents. INTERPSTING RELIGIOUS AND THEO -111)0GICAL WORKS !" Lately PahlMed bp LIN DS AY & BLAKISTON, No. 26 South SIXTH Street, above Cheetnut. 'THE ELOHIM REVEALED, in the Creation and Redemption of Man. By Dr. S. J. Baird. ()Mayo. REV. ALBERT BARNES' WORKS. THE viny OF SALVATION. 12rao. Now Edition. THE ATONt AILAT. )2nio. New Edition. PRACTICAL SERMONS. 12mo. New Edition. ELCH ER S HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF HYMNS, Their.Authare, &o. V 1 v01.,12ra0. A T S eD. D. IL ise, E GO SP ELT IN LEVITICUS. By the Rev. Toe. . o. BOMBERGER'S INFANT V. SALVATION, in its rela tion to Infant Depravity, ' Regeneration, and Egotism. CARRIAGES. OF ra■ MANITFACTURA or WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT STRBET. No.loll. falo-4mif E. H. .I_,DRIDGE. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE," Corner ENHITH aml CHESTNUT eta, NV' Customer Work made at short natter). mh3l.3tmtf A - 7WIE7T - 0 - THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATCOA, APRIL 16, 1860. Au attempt has been mado to deceive the publics, by Persows offering what they call " COMIRUSS WATISIO' from Fountains; and at the price of six (6) cents per glue, Tho wholesale price of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at New York, being shout tkf amasser glue, the ha- Position of pretending to cell at retail at less than cost, and without allowanoh for fre fight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but their probable course has been to empty one bottle of. genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby ohristening its total contents. We have Pavan. sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor in Teasels of any other description than ordinary sized GLASS DOTTLICI. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded " Congress Water' r-" C. & W.," and any, without those words and letters on the oork, is couussawar, whether from Fountains or Bottles. _ CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Bering. The following gentlemen is Philadelphia, viz: FREDERICK DROWN, oor. Fifth and Chestnut MC, CHARLES EL IS & Co , 724 Market street. J. C. TURNP ENNY & Co., 841 Spruce street, THOS. J. HUSBAND, 290 South Third Street. 0. S. JIUBBBLL, 1410 Chestnut street, A. D. D. TAYLOR, nor. Ninth and Chestnut street. Are constantly angelica by us with the genuine 4 * Con OVUM W ATER" In bottles, fresh from the Congress CLARKE & York City. 98 ORD. R St., New York City. T. W. NEILL it Co., YARD, B. E. Corner BROAD and CALM/WEILL, DE.LINNI IN • 81101'10r WHITE ASH, TAMAC-111A, end LEHIGH F r O v OlSZ l Nf t p= l ;naligTg r igriTl r tg: : Sou. ap2l.3rtt SILVER MEDAL Awarded by Pommylva. nia Agrionitural Society of Mg for HART ELL'S ALL-GLANS FRESH FRUIT JAR. DIPLOMA awarded bt Pennsy,lranin,Agyioultural So aietY 1159 for BARTELL S ALL-?LAS! AIR TIGHT JARS. Fl RST Pith.MILIM awarded by Dauphin County_Airl anitural Snotety of ISO for BARTELL'S PATENT ALL-GLASS JARS. No Metal used or Gement required. and unneeded by Soientifio and Medical men to be free from all the oh. leetions urged against the old style of Jare. Manufae turers under the poteßt i HARI ELL & LETCHWORTH, - General Ways Warehouse, ap2l-Im* No. I LI North FIFTH Street. 1860. " " - t" ' 1860. COLD SPRINO ICE COMPANY. SOALII OP FAMILY PltloBB. 8 pounds dai "ly 40 *eras ear nck. 12 " 66 15 " "83 70 40 .. 1 05 .. .1 re " " 175 " Seed your orders to the Offices, 5 .! may 11 gjvou.to.the driver.. rilos Warm', Offites. 325 WALNUT Strset, se and etory ; STREET- TW ENT Y W Bohuyiklfi. thty Depot. LOM BARD and , F I P PH Btreefs. 0 L 3,460 Sabi, extra barreled Elepbaut Oil. 2 NI gills. extra barreled Whale! 01, 2.866 gale. racked Whale Oil. 7a bbls. Na.l Laril Oil, 4,000 gals. No. 1 fdaphineri Oil. 2.4g10 gills Refined (Reining Oil. 700 sale. Gee Oil. .10 gore end for sale by AfiIIBURN_BR k_oo SY 2 3 ' Ne. 13011 Th wwvis, Mirir.l4ool6ll* mucks* s , H A W JOSHUA L. BAUM NO. 213 MARKET ST.. INVITES ATTENTION A SUPERB ASSORTMENT OF STELLA 'SHAWLS; PRINTED AND BROCHE BORDERS, In Black and Colored Centres. " Also, BLACK DR LAINE SHAVIMM, MODE DE &UNE SHAWLS, BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS, MODE CASHMERE SHAWLS, PRINTED CASHMERE SHAWLS. BLACK 'MEET SHAWLS. MODE THIBET SHAWLS, BLACK RIBBON•BOCND SHAWLS, MODE-RIBBON-BOUND SHAWLS, BLACK SILK•FRINGED SHAWLS. _HARBOR SATIN STRIPE SHAWLS, BLACK CASHMERE LONG SHAWLS, BLACK THIBEI LONG SHAWLS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, BROCHE SQUARE SHAWLS. CHILDREN'S BRAWLS. From the great AUCTION SALES. FAR BELOW THE COST OF IkiFORTATION. Apu-tt RETAIL DRY GOODS: LADIES I REMEMBER THE CHEAP ALA Dry-Goode Store of S. V. R. HUNTER, No. 40 South BEOOND Street. 'Opening. this day, entirtly nevi lilies of Sununu Silks, MEN cents. say2i-tit* NOW 'OPEN, AT THE" UNRIVALLED Cloak Bfenufsetory of 8. V. R. HUNTER, ell etylea of Syrian Cloake'4ool6 a low 84 -13. anq. worth double the money. ffo.. 40 mutt' nECutitt Mutat. W . P. CAMPBELL; NO. lint CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING CLOAKS AND - MANTILLAS Now OPENING- DAILY. Embracing all the NEWEST STYLES and Choicest Materials, at the LOWEST PRICES. spitg-bn LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW GOODS. , All the new atyla now open, end eonstantly MOM og every novelty. PLAITED CORDS, ALL COLORS. ORNEE KNITTING BALLS. EMBROIDERED CUSHIONS. - EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. BEST QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. GILT BRAIDS, TASSELS, AND CORDS. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER OP EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS. ap3.lm 1860. OPENING. 1860. THIS MORNING, AND DURING TUB WEBB =l* VI IRLe.ao f41:2.104t w 341 NEGLIGE OLOAKB. it 01114 ValietTo et the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR. I No. TOS ONESTI'IIUT Street. WARBTJRT.ON'S. 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, 306 SOUTH SECOND STREET, NELOW seance'. SILKS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS, CRAPES, TARLATANS, ILLUSIONS, RUCHES, AND LACES. We have Just opened our Spring Stock or the above goods, and feel confident tbnt they cannot be surpassed, either in style, quality, or price. apl4 4m OUR STOCK OF LACES IS UNUSUALLY LARGE. RBARPLESS BROTOERS P.- , Aro selling out their FOULAID ROBES at a reduction of 26 per cent. from recent priciest. yard wide Goods, Chintz colors. Blaok arid Brown Grounds, Neat end medium styles, Carnayeur Browns, New Friendly styles, Goods by the Yard, Full length Robes. ap23 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Pis 'NEARLY MEETING. 13HARPLE&8 BROTHERS. Offer for Friendly Wear Very neat styles of Goode, Shawls. flendkereinefs. Plain Colored flake. Layne, Gingham, Ilareges. Clussimeres, Clothe Vesting'. Furnishing 0 00 416 Vita' apiary Cling NUT and EIGHTH. Etreets FitFaTOH FANCY GOODS FROM THE late large AuQtion Sales, at very reduced rates. Eode Crape Wkspatig, 28 aeitts. gli Colored Mihnsiss, ra ciente. ode Satin Bar susses, 31 oents. Satin Ste Mode. high Colors. and Black Milinaiss, am cents. New Style Silk Striped Ramon, AS cents. Grisaile Poplins, Pa mini& Printed do., " Foulard Silks and Chellies. Richly Printed Satin Bar Saralee. Pane Lawns and Organdies. Lupin's All Wool Delaines. they Goode in every variety. Neat Mohave, &a . &o. A full stook of Stella Shawl.. Barcelona, Cashmere. and Thybet Shams FOR PRIM oe, With the usual stook of Cap Stuffs, Book Muslim, end Handkerchiefs. TARLATANES,,ko. Black Silk klantlesjilatfrom New York. CHARLS_S ADAMS & SON, aplCututhtf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. lIRISHLINENS. A fresh invoice of SHIRTING LINENS direst from the manatee,- tams, RICHARDSON, BONS, & OWDEN, of Beirut, lin‘t received. These Goods are selected expressly for our family trade, and are guarantied frea from any admixture of Cotton. PERKINS & as? 9 South NINTH Street. COOPER & CONARD v•-• Invite attention Lathe largest stook they have eta offered, oomprisinge.in Part, LADIES' OLoTif f1L041 .4 Of Plain, Strmed. and Mixed o.loth of the new est — 6 u - in th e and V A PID ' MANNER, and to jell at very reasonable rates, SILK MANTLES are in proportion e6ll' tebadjllafadsys. kOl4l lgAra. Also, MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, Embracing the following, via: A tlrst-rate 519111.4* Cloth. — Bloat Cloths of superior quality for $l.OO. Finer" %ll .u lPMW D OESKINS. Erny Fanny ~p lallimerea for young gent& west i n CLOTHE!. First rate, at elm; be OCß) tter nods, $l.OO and tn. E R CONA , asl A:1.'8.111N 11 and & MARKE R Sta. 9111.010LEY & Cali special attention to their Stook or— DRAWLS. DRESS _POODI, (SLOTH I) BTERE, _SILK At BARGE AU LA ' DUSTERS AND DRESSES. also A to the _Richest Stoo Philadelphia, of— French Laos Somalis. French Lace Pieeolominieg. Frenoh Lace Eugentec Franc& Lace Shawls. Frotip_h Lac noh Luce e PointeMa'.ntles. re F French Lace Telma'. Cambria Lases . Chanting. Lanett. m, ice. BOUGHT FOR DASH 1 We invite attention to our Stay Goals, viz Rest Family and Fronting Linen". Bent Shirting, Sheeting, and Pillow Mastitis. Spring and Summer Flannels and Ciiiimerea. Mixed Clothe, Black Frenoh Cloths, &o. Best Rid Gloves, Silk Moves. Roaery, Linen, Hand Northetuit cornei s mt hi ll e creit ' d B a hr DRDEN. Wag THE ' HARRISON UILDI.NOS." DRY GOODS, ADAPTED TO PUHA DELP DIA PLAIN TRADE.—EYRE & LAN- D ELlo FOURTH. and ARC H Streets. have this season, an onus!. o stook of Goodi 1111 ADDITION TO THEIR GAY STYLE ' ) 01410 first quality, end neater & scr ip_ Home adapted to PHILADELPHIA PLAIN TASTE. Very neat Foulards. Veat Eames and Lawne. Quiet Plaid Donbas. Subdued Colored Bilk.. Non-oolumittel l i tans i . wea Dset re Mode l ait AVERS Stood,. Plain ged Neat Carsurreres. Plain Mitt., Cloves, HAAN, ho. sers-tf POPULAR TRADE. CITY RETAIL RALES.—EYRE k LANDELL FOURTH and Alp Streets, hays this season mode it a point to have a stook of Goods of the first quality, and of the most dn. oided good taste. ADAPTED TO CITY BALES, Rinhest Spring Hilts. Masnitloent Flounced ;lobes. Little Flounces. and many of them. Grenadines. noher than ordinarr. Inanities. Darese4, and Foulards. T e new style Spring YardeOlut SOk Milk new shape Semitic, Points Hustnnalt. , , sow wists. SITGLEL MAN, AGED 27, .WBLL oequaluted with thit WbolustothOolirr and Liquor busikus, BookMumnisit. fro., wimhom mem e oittmtkoi rtrue hemmed lulus humor 'enormity useful. WM BMW/ astrodittanatirmin tviren from tut mod former mumoyera. Awns Woollen melt Itt., IATANTED-4.*Tyoung man, a alba. , v Hop as sasiotaat Do*-keetsr, Clerk. Mown gor:thrht rortor, or ro as ' our useful to any oa psoity. Addres s .• Piurbry," Press albs. ' WANTED —A PARTNER; - with $1,200 ai4,lU ll l h t:a mir in brP insgX74l"mtrolbtgV" WANTS. Advertising Popultirized,— ftvery body advattireit WANTS br,TIILDAILT INQUlSMll—tioisbbs sheet. -*Mee - 1411•Eog THIR- Street. Advertisements SIX CENTS a lino ham- Hoe. FOUR ChNTB a line each sublennent insontion, sot St /.ANTS. Advertising Populttriied.— Evetybody adve= RI WANTS in THE DAILY INQUIRER—doubIe Otboe. 121 Bouth TED Street. Advertisements SIX OENTB aline lest inset tkm• "Int CENTS kiln* sash subsequent inset on. asitant WANTS. -- Advertising • POpulatized.— Everybody advertises WANTS m TH ft DAILY INCEILIaL22.--double shoot. 0.30. 121 80I.MR THIRD treat. A dvartsementa SIX OEII4B him frwisper- Cod. FOUIL CINI3 a line each„ anbaianeat. Warta:al. ap244t AWANTED—By a YOUNG NRAN, a grad v - site of Bryant & BUM:toles Mercantile Collaao-e: sitostioe se Bookkeeper, In Wholesale House. Can' buns reoatninendstiorui sato honeatt...industry, sad so briety. Aoldrims ".1.0 , nuiparch. ardsse WANTFID—A , lad in a Store to run' _ errand,. Addrris, "B. B." Press olloa. sal DV WANTED—By a Young Man, a Situ • • Mimi no /migrant Bookkeeper, and to be other able useful to his amok:ger. Bs was • of th e gra! High School, SA4 IX • graduate or Crosendere Commercial Cullom Addrom " Le.," at this mass.. 571/1-61. WANTED —A man, who can give 'the v very best of reference, to sot as w Porter is store. OPe who understands the Provision teugnews Prw- WAITED -1,000 Ladies to send for DE iLtlgE'ts groat book. jtoory yonot t maa o.* woman oontomplatang holy wodrook snook! vo this book. &Won .111 coat* to iloz.B4,lMilaglekrkia foal rm. FOR SALE AND 'TO LET. GERMANTOWN.-FOR SALE OR °`;; TO RENT= STONE COTTAGE, eight rooms; GAL Water. Barn. Stsble. ow+ ROM of Ground, hood gomtly improved. Apply on the plane. MAW Btree:. Third hout.e Almve VArpentcr's, or of .B.I,IENDEL BON . 19 13 NI( atroPt. (Wp spit-At., IDUBLIO SALE OF VALUABLE REAL EBT s —w,ll bn e&A at Public Bale on th e pro misee. On l'1111.1(gt, A May 10.18 M. ate P.M., at the. Junction of the, LW cork road and Oaklane , in the twenty-second yard, Philadelphia city, between the Bth and Otti mile moues, Oro following property. vas Two-story manskon house, with the necessaryout buildings. ecntaintng twenty acres and twenty-eight perches of land, three acres of whioh is covered with heavy timber ; &stream of water runs through the pre mises. and a (codpiece for a lish'or is fond; there an several never-failing springs of.smeldleut colt water on the premises. The yroperty is well 'calerdated for a eoentry resi dents., in sgood and healthy neishborhood,A awes , Bible mans Lunge daily. by railroad and othe . to the central fang of the city, it being only about ye mi nutes' walk from Oalplane shako, on the North Pstm gylvenia Railroad. The Lend is In a lughatats of eglAtion, with. good apple orchard, cherry, par and plum trees, all In bear intorder.,- The enmerty le well suited to be eat lath a,number of building lots, )(dented by the purchaser. Any Orion desiring to view the promisee may call on Joseph_Kulp , readies thereon. who well give all no ceesary information. One-half of the purchase moue r may remain, secured on the premises if desired by the _purchassy,_ Condo tient at rale, eigetuftit fiEWROR , LIOR, BALE, or will be exchangedfor good JR: Railroad Stook a &nimble LOT OF - GROUND on SPRING GARDEN ntroat,Eaat of Broad, le feet front by 100 feet deep to WEIITI RALI, Street, APPLY to . HORACE FRITZ,. Conveyonosr, rtY2l-3t. 144 Porde FOR nT Street. DOR SALE AND TO LET—Adver -m- lining Ponglarised.—Rve_rbody advertises For Bale sOufgol7o in OI R D 4 ' I III D NE rRta tt. Adver tis e she et. NIX CENTS a line &rot insertion, and F OU R CRAB a line each subsequent insertion. agll4t VOR SALE AND TO LET—Adver tieing Popolerize2.—Zversbody advertiess For Bale end To Lot in THK OAILYIN Q IRER—doo bis shoot. Ofllloo 121 MOUTH THIRD Strut. ..advertsamsals SIX OVNTB a line firstinsertion, and FOUR CENTS a line total tabeassant Insertion. - -att. 11.4‘011 BALE AND TO LET— Advqr- A: tising Popularizsd.—Fverybodt adyertasse Forth& end.To Let in TR% DAMY INQUIRER—doubIe shim. Office 121 nollTlit 'MAID et , est. Advedtesmsnts aiX Ce:NTB s luxe first insertion. and FOUR CitrlTS s line each subsesnent insertion. son St $ FOR HANDSOMEIC PRO PERTY, in Germantown, within a Me minutes walk of the depot. Fine garden, with hoj-heds, Aben danae of Pant—Grapes. and plenty of shade. ston e ßoma ; gas and water throughout, Mono Enable. Leine Lawn. Terms very anoommodatiar, anietwrodten_tillot when matured. Apply to B. .CO Ova, aeig.if at the Phtladelph Bank. $3,000, $2,000, AND OTHER 5.0011 flume, to invest In Mortgagno on City l loperty. Apply to JOHN B. COIJAss AN Apil,ycalbSt. No. lel South BIOME Stmt. FOR SAVE, IN HADDONFUILD Pf. J., several very d esirable Brick. and Frame Rethreneee. well shaded and - h eat h onr ,tosproved. Also, the beautiful property knon t Tulip Wave:. together with a r.umber of well-loested cottage age. Portion 07 the property will be enolheaped for pity reel estate. Terme easy. Appy NM E. ,PSWTOII.N South FOURTH Street, apP4m M Between 10 A. M. MIS P. AG BOARDING. SUNNIER BOARDING.--A few boarders oan be comfortably aooomynolated for be summer I n the Identity of Chester, wathaartlfew minutes walk of the railroad depot, or the steamboat wharf. Apply t0p21.4t JOSEPH TAYLOR, Tiokst Agent, Chaster Depot. a. PRIVATE 110ARDING.-- 2 Very superior sooommodations can be bad in one of the Most delistitfal lo c utions to the oity—neishborbood of nix taenth and Walnut streets. A 4 entire house, with parlors and dining- room on first Boor, ail COMICIOOII- Ong, with elegant beA•roorne, will be let to a party of gentlemen, with breakfast and tea only, if dm . rah or to families, in Ault; separate . iliteneeptionable fir forename required. The houses,_for beauty and eon venienoos, have no superior in Philadelphia. Parties preferring to finish can do so. Please address "K. Press Office. eple-ffit. O A RD IN G.—Advertising Popular- B advertise* *BOARDING In the DAILY IA QUlRES—double sheet. lithoel2l South Tlll RD Street. Advertisements SIX CENTS a tine first insertion, FOILS CENTS* line each nubseauent insertion. ap2l-31 1110 ARDlNG.—Advertising Popular ized.--Vonlabodr advertises D.ARDING in the DAILY INQUIRER— doubIe sheet. 0160.121 &sum THIRD Street. Advertisements SIX CENTS a line Scat junction, POUR CENTS a line mot subsequent Insertion". moat BOARDING —Advertising Popular, used—Everybody advertises BOAASINGdt the DAILY ISQUIRER—doubIe sheet. 011100,V1 South THIIID Street. Advert:sea e,ts SIX CUM a hne first insertion, .FOUR. CENTS aline each subseitisent insertion. apit PERSONAL. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN 'HAVING CAST-OFF CLOTHING to dispose of for Cash, will receive the highest•prioe by halting at or address ing 13. D'ANCONA., 137 oi n attest isoavist . ' POR EUROPE..—Having been app -T ointed 31 : Agents for WAL *ILLIAMS & CO.rsransat lantio Espiritu. we are now prepared to receive FREI 011 r, PACKAGHtIi &0., For nil parts of F.urope and Asia, at pukes unpreee dented in this otty. OAIIMAN & 00, fr4 , l-3m N 0.28 South FIFTH Street. mERcuANT TAILORS. O. TI-101\IP6ON. TAILOR. N. E. tA it. SEVEN rit AND WALNUT STREETS. Clothor made 'lO ORDER only. A Rine Stook of Materials always on hand. N. D.—Strangers visiting the City are solicited to leave their tneseurea. 803 READY.HADE CLOTHING. W YY V I OLOTHIN A FULL ASSORTMENT OF READY MADE BOYS' CLOTHING, On hand, and Manufactured of the BEST MATERIA LS. T F. A. HOYT & BRO.'S. CHESTNUT, Corner of TENTH Street. serl•etuth4mif ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. INSUMANCE COMPANIES. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEPHIA. MIRE 1148151 LANCE EROLUPIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING. S. W, CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STBSETS. DIREOT•RB. RATCSIVAD BUZZ, MORDZOMI. DAWSON.. ILLIAZI McKie , Gro . R. Elltraat, ALBRO FRAZIER, tall.B=Mlt onzt M. ATWOOD, BM. T. Taamoi, RaPIRT WRAIZON. .I. LL Cum, F. RAMO RD Eirklite g gimident. CHARLES W. COXl3.BsoretarT. • fel/1-17 THE MUTUAL Lin INSURANUI COWART OF NEW TORE. eto: MX mu:wpm OF DOLLARS, Maim is Wirt IA,ORTQAAVIA OPI ARAL WORTH OVER 011,000,000, The tietaltuar SIV/OWZR his In many other Come . aloe, arid the Dmidenda ve Dean einareh. Tide le a striatly Mama. Centilfi~ Sto3kholdera, so teat ALI, araume To Tan resales. Pamthieta, and even latormatioa, may ba had .taste, on ARlPlipn 4:700RD BitifilMtk L W. donor T.• and W POILADRIdIiIA AngartNitat tieNare m diesti. rel . Stroud, tt. h s len. untit Are. • Co H citi o niP a m kt Al p D4 oot Howes, m t e ir m s.„ To d>-mi. TO THE PUBLIO, CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent in deemed, by "dentin , ' and "Tact' oat men to be the VIM best ever offered to the public, and need" only to be seen in actual operation for ine merits to he appremated, Nothing ever is Hoed to ao perfectly adapted for ventilating privets and pahlie building", school', tempitate, engine hones., Mines, steam and aathnc venoms, and for the cure of may ohimneys they have no equal. Manufeetmed and for sale wholessie and retail, at ooMe of theatZnVlnVttgA MAAST Street, OE& repose! attention will be elven to all deaorm ona of heating end venttleging tOO undersigned, "rho hes been Map, yews prnoticsaVy engaged ie the iteo7* bttu nen. AU* for sate , Oulu , ternase uma onoking ranges, USA boils niaste 'WfiNATIAgi & CLARK 'S ARAN= !WREST_ Tytent BUT WILSAT 1.14. T 1 1111rtir • Isll ? ltg ala hrt A A nal ihA N I Eli Pint itis i t4r,a4V oo ° l t tl nza fea mode, of Mr.l. B. CUitirKt audekdeleiter • . WlNutinr "LIND B•Oure your seata. WALNUT-STMT,-TtLICATEE -.. eoielesse•o--..—.Mze.X.6 illaseassr.....,•--.7.---f i r oktrWit re A tlfti3Difikiitriur . Arlin. 19Y • r Amq ever, evening donee' tie le:Ht. .41 ,Giast volute Garden adaptation of Diolielnim=lat • 1 OLIVER T 0 . 7.!. Haney SykroOdatida Heron • evn• kb. Ara' , J. lr• WaGeelr. Jr.; Hill ekes, Mr. ' era; Oliver Wets Me:Jefferson. psogrforzanoes to conclude wall, a faworiti carts . Doors open o 1 °NAN*: Curtain will rise it Pas; T. N ATI ON AL THIATRI-WALNUT J. • EITRE_ET, ahoy o EIGHTH. N (VI Fitil/AY) EVkNING. Ar il B, I*, And ever! toibt this weak, if. Wstkom's Pawed's' Drama, founded on thw bnlkutt, Lodger BbfaX/200 of .be PIONEER. „PATINOIT; OR, Tin MATO OP TUEWAX-PATH! ROSINA ROW ARV the Maid of tb, Wax:oatk. H. WATKINS ail': JOOKO.' The Pioneer Patriot wan onalsoßl Prodlao•li Is NW York, amialsied to RODEO% CROWDED FOR . , EIGHTYHiGHTS, # l l P Watre4ll Dasma' LIBERAL 'WALK OP P.,CES Ot i =l Parsost, X oats; Family Circle. oak_ Owe, sociumi, mos; ()aimed tilsosrki 2 1 Mt4 Villas Eases s Whote Bow, Hai Hal Haa. aIaIPI seat, ra cm*. Doom (man at Ohrtatit na• at 411121Ftet boron o'clock. WHE-GERIIIANIA OROIER4TRA WILL giv."Aiitt bud public rehems#l of Tali Room, qt the ma hier. Tickets for ask is tee west Places. . magain MUSIOAL'FI;IND HAUL CLARBIC °WARMER:JONI:MIT. THE mismpsLasomm.HVI.MTSTTE CLAM, Of Boston. at the anifooduon of the anotieal pubis° of thiladelptde, will love one store Concert on FRIDAY EMIIND=/F4 ' A?mnsted by the aottarenthed V LOn-- - • - Masts 110 Gents eaeh, also preetramotee malt be oh tallied at the usual planes, and at the door.' Contort to eortusenee at precteeti. mid Id - EVERSOF "THE LITTLE FAIRY." miss DOLLIE The smallest girt iq the work, of her ass, I 6a6nlohl. 25 inches hi gt,and wei Rine' is niter.oti nosity then.Oen.Toas itauda She singe the rammed sous et men beree-.: Mary had Lgtle Limb. B. Whim /Mae Runde. S. The Evening Atm. 4. My Grandma's Adrian 6. I'm Buty.two. 6. Willie. we asytseed - yee. • ~ Mire C. LB B. MURDOCit, _ eßostera. monde at the Pismo. sad sun severs] Ballads—misotusg frost tilt foam/trig :- 1: Jiver of Thee. S. Do Bandung*. 3. Rath Mod Pre.- one. 4. The Ir than Muster. a. I've Lakihessethosis. 6. 0 Take Me Beek to Switzerland. .f. 8y tie Bad riis Waves. 8. I, Breathe Onus more My Own Near* I,r. 9. pay Fatherland. 16. Child of the West. U. The !May Ids. M. Let Me Rim Res for Ilie Mother. .i 3. The n 'r to Niagara Fans. Ohs will give LEVEES at COMCINT KAlt.,Cheet roletreet. PliilB.BBlphis. Wedreseday, areday. /War. an Batoillay, April M. M. V. sad. 18. the Aftszsom an Everneur of each dav,atS end ' - Manama 15 mate Claim les.p to - J. R. lALLIE, Agent. ALBERT NORTOM. Manlier• *en ES TWENTY-ITBST QUADRILLI PASTY m A SATFAF I A7 3IIIIII4II 7 I°; A—ir4.ou• A be . 6 El * AVM X. at tau A • ser Motets rot traaatorablc No tlokoto sold at the door. Jab, E 8 MAOISM NUL N Twltika &mac Abort, Elo a ron lda ta, Wow Amway. HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY. The THIRD and LeNT CONgENT'VIN SON wat ham pleas on TUESDaY AWN 24, at YIUNICAL FUND BALLierhen eri be a Aimee mmoellenecea pro/memo of NACItIVaii DECULAN. hIUBIC. from the most =est ;Li t tit e hings s ffirmrit n ilitg! V tiLeD BAN NER, as a fall 0b0e,,. awhile will perform two OXBII4 Oretteree, demme-, rige th =r 2 rMer the dinralien of Mr. D. CAME ONDedpplanf. eo:dnotor of the Bowen% - • - &It is tv „Air t a b & CZ° ll3. Tickets &room; forests at Berk ertea%Nevewth and Cieatant einertaL Cie 114 Cenlaton'a 347 .Norte mdehth street. the dose. Doom oven at 7; oommenoe at tea 1804 LNICsYL 'ANL& AuAD: YOf ' ARTS, 102.9 CM9STIW7 Btrset. - The 97th Animal ExhiMa9mg as Nov ems Iry 9 o'clock. A. . until 6.4 Y. M., iy , 41(1907.1(tia talcOmuon II 9sents. ffeasoa WU% 199 MIR QW &en. ball . ..pries. • Matook hoiden will receive their tia6tio at Oa maw of Us Academy. , ri.Attb WOLireOliN AND GAM; BOHN 'L./STOOPS SIX'I4I - Alelitiffr CTOAL will tete pbae• oe TRUItI/DAY Sop 3 1 . 188), et tM Foyer nr the A r unDkYY F BMW: Pew programmes end emulate 11116 the mane storm Blvje tickets el. Can be bed on the •••11ili at the The owl eventuated Steinway Pistols from Mem Blume e wareroums, Caesteet elm& AMERICAN AO A DEMY .0? ..MUSIC . BROM) aid L 0048: Skeet& „ ORAND MIMIC ENTERTAINMENT. M.ty Wog SP. Pg.. by 7011111 181111•4 et Eke ZANE-ATREEIRLA' 4,I,IImAII.BCROOL. Conductor—Prof. JO RE RO E 'flakes X tante. For NU at Kula Mart& alaamalt MoOONOUGH'S GALITUIS.,—/itA4XlBk, ANAL below Tr. STAGS MA24 SM. . GABlitiatroP PELIA aailn is allar i M m The above one wilkappiter Thor aro Os moat ircourna IllentlMMO irmur. ll 2l were mewed ea Satowday arvesias with Se iroutea• thalami/4 • KRMANDILZI Awl the tier:deli Oman wear. • rust emrsersaezf e .,..... Tarn' Y -13tAti MintlitlLL STEINWAY & SOWS NEW PATENT tkvElurr oe IKULMIS GRAND, AND 84aU SL IMS ue, 91V,. INS CIIBRTN Strait. The appended card, °opted growths New ork Row fox POnt demonstrates cronehardvoly the bid oetumatiorg in whmk those mama are had Dv Um frekartiste et New York, wko. though &Mimi of embibitilit Omit ski% preferred martyrdom to Um imoniod gelompio fcAapj TIM GLUM FESTIVAL 11111:01.71! At Tll ACLIII/1111 snow. ' •At the smelt on ?Maude"' oresiag, Mt. SAW eo peered before the rtain, and slated Ma Mr. leillekmd refused treplay his solo, treatise the (Weltering pima f provided by the ummagement of the Academy I 4ea oordenee with a business custWat) did riot amt. Um • The feats of the ease are empty thee. : The under signed Ave re each to have played a saki. They had mi looted a Steinway grand piantilor the parses., and thin instrument was siterwards sent up to th e Academy of Mum, tuned, placed on the stage, and made reedy for use in all respects. The publio should know that in every city of the vrozid it is customary that artist. select the imuumeat lama they think best calculated to display tMit powers. At the: Academy, however, a &limo rule pr..awls end they are. it seems, compelled to play only op 'what the managers choose to psi mit t . At the last goriest. w a s were told t pr e fe r redst eagns to due rile or set Welt at all. We the latter aberseitve. sat at of discomeat-to the nubile, bat became we IS that we could mot give the satisfaeliessw.tri w isie if we played en a strange instrument. II Were boom so other piano at the Modems, the owe might have boss different ; bet, with as isstremesit we rooted Won, our eyes, the refusal So permit it W be piped epee seemed like • d**, otrott„ to Sow so la Erri vantatoona light helms tAll Wil k • M. JO SON GUMMI. Wil lgin t s • El, mb2Catathldt] MEDICINAL. WEST INDIAN BITTERS.—These cele brated Bitters are meeting with general favor They most effectually and permanently ear. ell dime! dere arising oat of a want of prpper wee sad keatthfhl mitten of the digestive organs. 'lllOl are hid4t, mended by by the faculty of the principal eines of the United States and .Earovi for the i ril oar* of Wo rming, Liver Complaint. Nervous ty, Fever aixt Ague, &o. TfIOM&P PnaanadAteat. mlilitifita S. W. corner BLICTEt sad SPAUCY Mmes. WALTER, EVANS & CO.'S BOA.WS-BEAD SLX-OCIED SPOOL COTTON, Superior to any ever imported, to strength. assoothnen. and elasticity, for machine or hand sewing. - LENGTHS W.HRRANTED. We two tried Evans & Co.'s Boar'e l pead Sewing vitze ot catir .: te c tdar ro =n z t surnani Y. CARVILLE. General Agent. New York. J. B. HOWIILL, Agent. for Phlkidelehte, a U m F B l3lC 2 .l, 6 E hea tt ina l i ti e iZl AEWINO MACHINE rekt7.3m. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. NivibLIAMS. No, 16 NORTH BIRTH STRUT. Is the most estensise maisafeetetvr of VENETIAN BLINDS •ND WINDOW SHADES. The laigest and finest assortment in the city, at the lowest pricey. STORE SHADES made and lettered. teptivins orofttptir attended to. aitelties CA U T I 0 N I—AS.II%OLO°) !—LOOS OUT!—GOOD NEWS 'Olt ALL!—The never failing Mrs. VAN BORN se the best; she Jroiooeede when all others have failed. All whe arellt tftwible, ail who hare been autonomy", deceived by falee p osuses. fly to her for advise and comfort. Is toes airs ski serer foils. She Ma the wort of winning theOffeC. lions of the overwrite sex. It is this foot which indiums illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her, and oopy her adverturement. Phe shows you the likeness of your ;h -one wile, husband, or shallot friend. It 111 via known to the public, at lame that she is the first mAonly per son who ean show the likeness in reality, cos olio entire satisfaction on all the eoneems o Ii ,•1 , rtn can be tested and proved by thealands, both and sins's. who daily and *stet visit Ms. Co si r ooine au fto No. /011.40MMait Street, hetwee it and Broad. -illt• PEIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW p r i.Lo s ttrivbit i v4ta.Sdreis 19MinaVraitlille J'AIIANESE AND OHINESE . G OO DS Receive4._ per atop Horatio, &e., °mudding of Crapes. Bilk, Jirosads, and Prneappls Dienes. Swam, Jt 0. • impious Work-boom. Wagers, to,. nobly in loid% a curious Nissen IlstfifJads dloweatehly norved, with vanity of imitates. notse finely : executed Pantie of Shattehae. rip. 8 WBBT r" r i MERRIOH Street.) L it hams above ALA Stmt. -mole-let JONESJIIOTIL.—The subscriber would ' isspregfully intone his friends and lb* pulite, the ha has purchased th e isms and Arrogant of the Jones otsL Important additions ars sow lions rarnis to it or the ape vepiapee and aerated of Russia. Individuals or families mama t,be orty be *mite Slot a - home second to none in Flutadelphis. slid every stsslion will be wade to meat their satrosadil. Liberal arrangements will b• made Wi th perm ais &l -r a,L tha Week , Month - h3l- anent or lt e tt r oN GAGE. 5 1 A WORD TO HORSEMEN.—DA. PEARSON'S BARBER'S 'EMBROCATION is bruisd the best prep/wittiest is o n fo r ti o , ow . o f es,prains, cute, gaits, old -or fresh irouerhi, scratches straese.y. splint, tale Orli, k.e. Brie* 40 cents per bottle. Preled (Abe W. R. BURTON, No. NO North SEVEN Ityl Street, below Greet. and_sold at No. Wil Nor OUR If Street. JEN lac OODhN. No. I NortAJAird West. OILB RT A. CO.. Pier.3B, North Third street. A. wi rim RoEyt, No. 211 North Berretta street. J. S. E saTori,,Secoid street, Weir Booth, No . .. 4011. And Where ritedloines ire kept for ISIS leilerelii. sell-Inteek" . A II aI L N ° G A M I A ‘ CtINBEt a : S - - in. ithift Mtn rNIIT Street. G ER/LIND BRO "Itt ZINO—For sale - b SECOND RUN& WWI' REM". & BIOTKER. aad - 4S 240 a.loltEti : -74 bbla.' tip !Its of .I.‘ Twins sip Mills teem, .• k t _aa ars, sad rot ask r SURNaL Phs /11 802uT