2 Y • `:" ' 71447.Rraiie a i ii_ •Or - . !*•: 0 --N10y,44: ,.. _ri t e bitthrystimi iii t yeas* it . 5. _,..... 4 , 01 ., .. :,....- ea u .. 1 ~..„ _ , I wo the frilint,Y , Wu: 'M . the otiose et MM it- sristlesl -,,, ' 1 000, "14=!otionisstost, was eireeteo, - - .d t m, ls i ttir tippi l ttinnetso4 in si.cnai Minnie by Oribultr,,Ylol•ollritst -Fa .` Ptiosi htephen --, ,;,,,,, isselhatele , ,rSie tiia,l"" i ii inStnril b! • sSitoitit tieut=f o, ll.- ... thie. Sit . s? Id : ~ ty: ''' ' • lit linistylootot , €1001:tosit It woold 4:1 - , MiliSt-ter.nmosluttis havitussor bunk 1- y i ygy, yoymoysyst wade tis Ahoy float ' * • .. wiz - hes 'ers an hie Wllitsuatzlg I tre il tr ik ell * lira lli qt e §tatSit t =rtriiisat ili citi . . A.ittiir,..„......144413:=6tizi. , 1 , ' ' t 4 1 14 NV 4 141%11M a l iII . lr I I • ' ', - 'l. 6 ilia. hi"! elii'4lo/iTivs. , friVl_ Vi Pit Mug -,U, ° 461 . TM ab . m .' 4 1,: e 'i wi A, l ain ia e ri: . .*:sll t o t , Y ~ " .tWileti ,_,.., l'A V.U . V i rfargr:2 , l 1 1. 0;Z - 1447431-. re - lids bleier met who#, o p, ' ii• '' - is ,-- rx I ,44lUro lY re_% l %asorgl i tin t rei 'l - V 1 .a ......„ . „. 4 1t, .on ta di t q ' 411irTiarrloo tiorsir. „lir prisenstil eiiosseli , .VO-'etiy,,sOutk of ITC Atutot Wien. -. ~ ; *to greet. soil S t egil l 4p l "Aiiy' t c7 it '/`-*- MO thin. Is a *Unit 0. MO II I T3 ' ol l=bi -44 1 0 1 61 , litialeraillie SS fe tp lp elv y r •,' Ili 6..... ..1 , tfdia.yilik.glootai.o.bo' Aatit .. .je ~.1 -' iti.-1,11,_ -467,,trina.,..14, . ii,77:,,tv 2 ; ...gMC„. .., 4 . 7 1 1 ; 6 4.414, 4 "enre ow tel ' , 7 - : • vim ' orkirt rimlesereed setegoorthernesel. • a ith 19.- he, thl , _ OuNspi-JO i'' nr dilio i 0 4 , 041., it obsdose warn Ivor, Ilrameana r. t o ' .. Lite ' ' erli s tilr irl4l,:trutiva7rt ..!iiiiii.n.. min siang ' UM north south ono tyo, Al .usitt- , astlit (4 , ,h. SO till *lie I .sedtilintats port Il i . -- 4 11/410r ' 1011401111 o ' SektrelaesdosirMtyl - is ~,, kossiat. •liii , teffititiitgrra birim, "4,4' I / elk sitr i a lrt t e gO, re r . t . 2, Situ eisysanthey: s tg 4,z7 • 4 I ' l %p tiOs - }ter w 5,12•17 mil Ot -4 4 * tbilltikteili .0 ii;011114110041, 4 0410 mil tbir 4„ . kitiPliOrlKK Oki* 100410(61 lvamvistArk rad t :, L .,tiilqag - " 1 -, Art Atcysity, r t. . rz. . k ', a All.O ,er _ tbietoz i ii ~ 4 Wy l ie tows s josses - u=4ll Oak 4 7,4 l4,ll T°Pal., ariZl e ''r."- , ... '-"' lleAr l"' tarij ' ils I " Vi tirha. - ,sl4 its, - , yholitaa" _ Rah" t i lift ';,.. kilter: 44 . ! s'elotta i s tliel lak ,' le ' , ''''''74; •,„A _ , ~' Auttessed-usisei *CI 'iq - - ttielsost i elt-bidets t,t, elOs tit i ret "Stitssi leoosiatt t• . ta rt' lsto tesobittOs ' rt 4 t•lb&I b. 11.1111.tiMS0 ,Assoesittoit i hed; -..o ae rn i tS-"a=rlo.4 - ' &s, sot i.. . . l=t: le sly A.... „ ....... 50 , ludo r ri -:‘•- 1 - r4 1 4 :Wilurt Autd`, l l= , ' . - 41 %*) ' 1 131111_*i*Itifli; gOis.;ibithititoli" %. lbi 't ia i o gy i , ovite sr AlkPirt,Titie will .as `the; tostaushate outaiso...:y4seyr is il AR twitiourt 4 7ra . , t;tyttrifZeN i rCera i tor.in.l ,„....034.4. fuse... . nesse* - Gam ;spiky Am fill Vilna ' theta' 01 the adti 4:1 1 Rsftli 401141, - ,ideiashittstionf --. its ,tty , lllat aisa-Ihstis wee di ~eltr. - .....:_.....gtf,:i.".....aiteahinviti ... 5. --, t : i t.ot . wessellisli About uotti‘t ' Bated! •=.llllO WWI 101 A.• . r - , r Wo; intim ` --' - ,.• ,.• • • - a" =ag iv nF k t p • • • - it be; •.: amoio - .4v.• 1 or t izi p e r ICI• ' • '. ild.r.roLes ',.- a the 4 stiOa. boos sit io troadopee, , - lt-etsitotetro per alsoastOs ' ensont:- iteosist! __lonsiolor go lorrevsernit ion tritotoboo to awl: ,:, 11,74WeLle.tiirt Vol747,.:itbitoigitinigitekit : attetts:d. e n . uSeestutV k i at it oL sov is dr e gistion ;: ~' tig, :...st_ i it , . ,Itatirt ; 0 VW, M i lo tit& ~ • ,Y*t. 't,"' ~ ''',- ,' to, .sui i.w.si reyouset t : :i l k ) 1 • 2 .. , . 1 Ibin , lol/0/1141 4400101liend: Ili ~ ' , mi, • : ' 40 . , 0 otielikill4 With ittpras Anti • ; 400'0 .... li r 1 000;.!". 0 0. ‘woolly 0000020 C Ida • tattilutelt . tiO tbe iysei Nieto*. irkirtiriover, :; , ~ t i properties: MORA itimitt.4rom ' ii.l . te - -,, t 'Oa thiitojertipailohlysto , -:: ,yyi„ .. ~ te i, ti / it .dr• e l , s i= l 7l,c ~ letkWgeoeft . 7fott, oil 05 41101 01, •A - : , ;. I ).* ....„ .3r4'.„ - ,L, ..-, . - rp & _ , - . , Aar itk l. , litst, y,5,,,i . ,, ,, -9:i, , LAriisisztiosies.-4Z_ liii-+Soner4.l4ourivesdi:yi g ltfo usio rk , srited.' the ikelietteo on e iinitodir soots:. iiir.NrAL., l o*( o 4 ,, T. Ciapeelt. Est. for plisiatiftol4o , - - ,Reoleisiiiidakies7 ot erearkiniiii:''H . o,oo. Obt 1 .11 1 !Wt0 161 0 6 4. 0 1 - ,.., 1 1 1.: 00 that Mlo4ll4ldirorrai - redt - ra r ii t tainitiVooreetio ri nth itj:444.10 t , iStiabotie- bl i hrft i itztr . .4 . = . 4l, do so: if um 4 . :V ot if stood - _ se is ck _ uki4 tOpost- it r_ .., .... 4 = ' W i t i tti7l*alt r s oveiskilt,. the Oft"; ass Vol. , ' tiat *oy , wok Wooer , me Sru:ded the Jorr,to -r errs. t fey OM 'efreaur jyryjetyysetis vs At sway whets esseussits. typithoosouluitylusythe, t 4 , , 4 1 " i Via V. ' eili sio .I. psi-, ea l •T 'r . ..a ,t , fk. ,t JP at . v . WI 111 4 1 . 11. , II reo- . -*-ior 4= 41 4 for brie: -littele . "4 oolo 4abiot. •-,- - , *-' s _ .48 0 = a - :A 24= 4.et - ;pi aur, tt I • -,--. i- , ' ' - " " ~.+UPT/V CR edaklWC.•, ' 0:40-11Wmatia:4" - , - .*: - Amone - OlkeroolL = Am sn , ' to_ rfooror "-'C. Dntntar -i7f4Vgi ar pd t a re rbonw . al=W ;Auk reit IL • .lodotemat,dobi Al:. --- ,Ord' ,100,101 ....thi vial. ;greet ' 11' " tbi lLt a l f_ L D" lii i i. ili a r eYiss i ll riar 4 4 e 'l 1 ? Il li r It ' g-ak=l 1 1 . -:, 1 1 - 141 : 4b, FW XoflPlOliiati tr. i, Xi#o - --ityhyrti , :beti - 4 'yYtistio - A-Aisirthi:'etiti - ki B. ' wo ' irMi; V ei 3f laa telotir for IYMllo.::larAi ror• slol , ltifl. A . AC, a rrblillrice via he'. u , Atoot of, f monis tossedße :, Fite tsportedi ;VA apt kinitr for AL-Ma , :', --; 40440 li ot i _ If, or or .Mladeliehts, 4135: ' 7 Wasp' 4 ,„ ' E t h itt i Vea r iga r yt ,I At Ak till .n— FAO .1.......11/It.ftr,.=ll,oL.iir.4 Wright. z' iiTil=a• alto tbilisteli"7;4 - ,,, -- IttiFirhtilefiii' •• IS 1114_,Jho eaortnsuisolitety - ail 111011ili , iiiillifiii „teal, nabs riasebsoluto,.., -,--- ~ ' , a att ' _ usel . th e t rim t U= I. ca i r. tliik lit *Alf' -, -it 1 ir.,4 la tr if : ll ! ius la roit. 0: = l : l :ii r t ii :t i Ol v eS ~- livonlYroo" , _ 4 zzlik,g '1 , 1,60_025d rule , ' itlite , ort:24sootiiiiii ori idirnid; • 79. :d0 i ' 'All - 'hie: reir iT loa% 11"11.11°-11.14.- Warps.not. :Arldr4l7llollHt '4l4l.*liiiiit=llietrdiiit4if Atisow seiii** - 4iediellaiiiiiistist-410 - iii4 •4 o Ifs •tOW tikthiftkall'ffitig• # 11.61-1- iliff;X**lrrls' ,: ' , .MiodHig ' #l7-11 . 144tittooltt of jt : lntialtillikeiroli lies :'dirsoll so Woo eßtnifidt.o, 40k:rinnity,:prieW MOW., '.aysystyyp 'eh* yuittOitthitAhYsie et *Stow SUM* ht ' ::, Siitt 4oo4 . - frit *aim #X.K I SMST.i..444 ire - enteneed to -loottAtostbilit stee - ".ionetr ,inienek. -I.innee Chamber. :V io w.,,, L lWAll:Ztaktig o ir t. 7 i• trig.ii of steeling - 111100417 G tinl".44lott IV ( 01.1 , 00dr . 7,01M/a • Vat 2tim?... , iiirirer.tur...... -- =..... ~..,..i. -. ~,,,r,r , ,,,,,,,p w. ,,,r , ..... ,„ :.,-...... ~„:.:-. - - , .....wt..,.'- ,4 2 ,6":„i,V1,1;,d athausatimihtg."'. T: ~,, ....2.C,4: - . ...ANAL ,n ielt, i .iti,.1114 ~... were v e in ' lir '' ' 1 14"i i -r4i. ( ''''' 7ir r iklit t r ia . oo l yeatovo - /M i r 4 wry is cis were:bills' !nit ltateult sod . , othatiptittlosityset,,, Ws* enthest. toot -or_sbOstus /I • statV,Veu the :"star . 41 bovobei ry ow sw moss 'sno '• a r 11.01"1„the stitta boy mike* to showed reel oirp,mao.Ak toss oiotoortsmes of 11 Vila/ill iiiiVilltilll/11111101114111 1 11117 eel- ds sore, sod a , , . 41 I mi rt ifo tteri l l ran toi is itc ryi n iusi ntw eitust . a .klinW eNt tl.: : 1 ' f.• ,libill , INlAlitiiiiii' CeititiitithittliO % ow ~ , , . .. , ntitoelo;X•itf4ollfitott• jPileniS*lo - Skiliit":4;bi", it , soltuist lit Otoeitiessi•Ditutiitirtite - "who dist is to uttesd the if ----- Peie#llagiourns -, Cltalrestoo. The lumber - 4 .-Sit :Ai( beau Umiak-te tree , bledred...or .ereiek ier*beflllist beset Ida regbidsit. ' There will tie 101;1"104 , 110146 **reroriromberi * l o.l:_breer.444 - 4*4 "ObleseelA to ' , .-ftsieloKheb , tei Orliefor 41~4: and, iierrri more, soeste. ir.• Amer porgotoesion . ; - Or tVW:gpfrenlik art.4bne in, makat f Pe lla e a ,.. -,, ,ireinegeiro;Peor,To , -- end - Wejtaii.fro riko,nettiso littOsolyor- Allusyhttot WOO Wilt eleetit.:POosidebtorsoimi reboil stwilvasio.- --„. - ssoostuoretie hovoisside othirs ittlit i , syests. ye te imsylimost: in the ulitstopit Otels. ; Nino F : , ..m . ll24 l : l 4bilitrar,=4" l 9: ~.11. - ....irmirthi mi.m., . , i ski 1 0 ,„ h it isitbssoi thetuosel: ' ig inj - -• V i nint Are/ _ I ~rouse. . LELClStfit y ~. .. es . CO rardc.„4,.;_.4 - ', - , 1 7. t .1r 1661 :! , 1 !_ '-'' ::tralitiPi"i***4oift4ll44‘44.- `_•'-' , Rig 4 iwsspiat ilimpisstviciiliiiieinsAd r o - ii O 4 rn •,-is." smolt*, - "lifieiroie*dismito Arco. Bofin -_-*****: _ iceiviora4d.r sod tbd'droeie .,oojsdi ddfri :- Ireadirr - taiiiiiV s me - fiber at ibik ‘IM: : lorrierorliiimitillviirit rirat 7 earne. Tie led - goo purr _ ar4Sor *4l '- trolether Or:Ai Prid0...40: • ,-end oatisafto• as t to u r re • whey:OVAL beriliSllll/110 rrinilail l loit - lbaybytioq Th. eh" esi -, ea... - te a wegViCeglirw; voitOtt 40.ietri'e5,"101".1,16.114,..1.V. - v 3 !WC* tv tt. tooltustoortittri— : =t6=g)gatoso',wo t ttliA :-- ---' - . —•- , 4 1,P 1 ',1 1 Intintillik, 144 , *Alb rin foalefite 'Malec WI.. " litokpitaintho 'apt** of 1 tientsiditm the pimp intidttitintililijittOlpt• for tb• ' Ati „VlitiONOOkelptiti hekle OkiVlitilifitAillitkj;;Tbli 1 I ...... terriliaii, n 'toto tr i z in liilltdoit r i iirilitl tiii .fi.lll`. ,11 itsigroadfarse lsrs Melo ' F .tilli ft brbllik ba l fi V it ha lt otuul l aLori•Wa it7:ieldl3l l. ldl ha -la Ike lower ' itori - thii. - will ' ; ' - beii& iratVoii , titittt•thes• Flit kr% ler tinAlpet- threw mhos wide. A t lass othor a* tit en mo.tririll t " t ly i le pars A Wee: eget Nag. Or 9 .it t tterl7,=skaing Itik 114 it o 1 a . Ttgratel !OD e. Weal' fronting Oil li ttei f i re r . tin asokrim, nainta q •Thnon in9s 9 roe tarsi wind bolus t Qs. dyer timer thar" "roma moan." who lit ttj-qta4.lniat stall six makes byonxi .113MaerC, aro, two stookt,itot, 'feet atA six t otimit,'lma' et 'Throb stop Into ' tigo - , , t' ow I neil a ityliesoo maniS lirti/ol . 4l":llVit d arw i rfre n ri Was stain oelleClanitating— - awe. is s' small tlerlar , or etopChnomt , nom 9195-soom, into the peer. Otsthe ••tionc e pat tbsrat- st• roost, unroll. win , * eontennans ali 6 x Pairvut9rior: Os inerromadans ea rn ers. - Tito — 4 -eter lodge - Of twholytiogli tnoturersneood -aural, natelzweltaktoonassinith Met torso otab.bundanso soon tote 'rioted as the eol9l.ylkyi,daVr. • = - • , c _ I ' ileinr:etano:of the ner Institute wee tolasim been litldssitterday afternoon, bat:ttle.Oeinrutoil s VIM 'Medea' aeieihnt etc the hn- Itivorible eitete at the - 'wither. When finished, the hathfine,erillieneeie a leetitre moot earsablwat esatinS - If.riew Moulted Dermas and a hall-rota kaisatilin Ms -401101: hial!leill be ere hundred arid fi tly feet in lenstb and ststy f r et in width. coseidershheerontese has been nsecerith,the Ontarlattea. Me buibiles. and a large rieentrtier_tWW,rta,Weelleetadjor itelneetetrueture. .vaiihe cif foisi'Cleileeley iefei now' timmed treek7dewa Ntiehhiston - avenue. from Brewed „etreertli -tike' Fiver "Detiera le t it the new terminus. Thie with ib. ATM* us" b by me • li , liilsderibts, Wilmintton i will also be l i t t allo , :itt b i l 4e, dotiblrtl l a t el for •:trahlael mr and down.. - . • • OLOALBiIINCIPAL HOTELS Dr To' rinFal p'ormir. Lux stow. -- Vriqurai,ie.:B: - o , inei 0 r .to ain sod crWithuit: . Oahe - flab Dhieillit - _ 'Wm tox. Potterile w i lt Crewirl. Bat •„.... ;::, il Littering. Ph IS , flierd e dieto l n i tlii ''" iTit il u tlAZg e t P . ' o.olsrkhyone. kilt - -:. ,`: Elit i g i Ftic ., _.thel & wt. NY I J Colo. Haste n , trout Mte .•-• .! , : _-_-;fl i Peger,7,7"HasOa . Debt .11te i tL.: ,-,i , - yids,. yrotntwort . 4" to l ti t ?iir ' , I,l:l ' iran a‘ P i ttil i. f, '" : , P.s we I gikebtm‘.BelC•" ~..w-fliasile• ion nr ! :. Setrm.k4V.....,‘-- - . ::. V iftVs.)',ll`o : r W. Illobipem9sto• . etl,v, Vs - 'RI Bluely- NV ; •,- •„: - m 9 iwoolre.Darton • l'aniel (bark, 190#1..,10ws 'I7F H WI ay. Lanciaster ' Jot Oesittl . Y- • , ~ •,-- J D Brower. hi Y . , 41.1 0 Z 9 / 1 ;!,;, - - t: .;',':..' '.: '`,. D.fram‘7llPAistbel'' -' 1 EL yon &iv mlibt; Pa ,-, r tic& montgomer.r, 1 , . "' A G.lblVii, no, re - • -,-' 9 Clark. in Y , W w Nowt. 2. i - _ • Al llotlan &R.ft p. httsi i moiblifo - :_:: - : c - .lEu to i r i ,.. r zt P. P atm •- • _ ~. ,- -A& Wt tmer. N Y -01 Knill•ii. iCY:'' . - "." •: st Kiel* * fiery Hartford • II Kellam. Hoektlill- - •••,--2-I.IIW Tompkins. Coon :tlHdEleett&r*Ytor•T• -, E rim* tc.: wr. too* marlimr, ,4v=irm,37, ricsei. - , . , .:7:, ! at e le # sto it ." ! r.„.„..:„.„,,„,,,,,,„,,,,v„..:.,: 'rrd,u,.. - .w.._ : . ': c:4 , 4141.E. ', /, fa, N B • P raiiillV .T•j,, - I ,.' • ' ", ~,, - F CtOlibl, CrePla 'I - I,am. ,Pt souse -- ~ , eto.b.s.'n Y' P Wrhday & la. Boston • men Seater, Ny LB Monism:lP.M se , J •!1 Wytruut N se,T l Joat j a• p W ash, D C •r vi g ige s 4 , 47 ,„„.rill . ". 2 ",,c 4 C.I irt i isioeten i l iTZlLr,,ii ,:.--',... ttilliVellrisAn ' er W4l"-Tolleti PAS kW. lilt - , Erts okapwwv. - - - M b.o retreat, rtertolk,llo , W E Veggie, Os H Thomas. P 4— •-` - - basal Freeman, N J ..1 J Hobbies, Va, •- - • -• • --, • - • - ' „001411110tillt-kliwitsist at., bolos Nintho N P Nola*. N 9. - , -- ~ , - - :,0 Tlenry.•Pialla 8 laiekinsoos. ui,;ll CI '- , " W- .Ilex. IN 0 Bllarmon •C: . a ' , It, a, ra ,tosistesi4 Vu, - ---- • • .Jsa Dennison &,1a; Yu 4 1 l a ....gatir r f Y ' raga ' 11. i IT • N J I V_ L . , : , , ;. -.. 11 H...no.it,' •••DieN r,„ . . ... ' - me: A:await lc is,,Ohlo ir*WON, . feliek , ,'-'.,, " faliellsephens. WAWA!" - , YiSaYftNi , ..Plablesal_•.WAisims,, Alradoklyn 11:dro t .-Nosoklyo • , 'W li. Rieke, Ddd - • • -. itttlt i i ` ';`, " ' -ii Wasioteis lai.N.Y. ....- w }kooks, Ohio R J itaathineyd,JemsyCity E W hlotonniss. Poltava§ li A Noma & is; But Plio bluttir. Ptilladelphia Noe *Mop. Philadelphia - -B Chaim, & da, N Y Limes J itea4 ikeerv't,UaN Q_Bager, Pa Dr Luther, Needing-- ••- w Chaplin, N Y .1 Allen 4kia,,Roup- ' Miss Alen, Conn ,_ A GaMoinshaen. salsa , ' ...' ' &Bayrjaon & la, N Y ' John WV: i ll - Ai ' ' '-' ' frehnem Vios". Phila - how Trig f ir = - Aleselooornman,a - ;Tallies Omni ' Y'`'" - ' , s A O'Erio ,Maine • 8 Gelid. lif - _ Mrs (Maid fl y Y hake York+ N:f - w_g Rooliebillow.„N y• - II iiitael+‘ *lia, , Ald.,' .= ''A Wiokersham, Bali TUN. Frano a; Ohms° ' P Mor on , & la. Maslen WA•lowsel, .A 'bane -•-. 'Taill orAast Albany &Williams; Brooklat " - ROOM! 1. Whitaker, aid . Wainer 0.0 Coe& NM,. .1W Paxson & la, N y i'lli m /lopelyartht,-Yelparalio lir u Bunterfont. Conn , B-Tem, Matatiing, (Assn . ti v il rianitiolh Bala , -._ - Pae'rower •, , oreisitenL, ,Ya AlEt io. kkel, y„. ; qatedield. ~on -lit t , u• ;,...., -_. .• . 7 Oll Tt i z a tf ; &w.l ir tdo ',.. AIL& Burirartila t Pi 1',',.... '.. at lilswaban, TAT° • I 1 tw. ~,, V, ,:f ,?, if ~wqiiiiunowif, Bolt J . ' ll ownit lrr . ',' '' J .. ' ' le. Crit Pliaketten, Cal ft - T g7w.11,...--a,_• ~ •- ; 1 1811illeelle, Cal iltY ;,,,•-: - .4_,WW.Alarwriwkatel - 1W r il t4s,' a IiCL ..;. ' ' 4iM i e r g l lti'''• In Di Fisher, By . ' w w Nenhip, Pa . , . , apya a r t. m a , ;,„ -; - -- 0 A Roaneon & la, Boatbil gm 'l4.obilseon.Miss Curtis %Non - " • K J lisidemati. Banistiog •B Li Peat, Ms.- ' '' - ,O thildelion, Nun • • * • • • ~ ••• C L Morris & la, Miss _ , „ - OTILte-.Fwertk stntet,i,beloisqtrett D A Rtowell i PQM', ", , 04W.Fawr, Pultonkiiin 'irillßusetikli.FUltottaiti, Mw. *tore: Siripen, 0 Badate.WealfttloTil fr iltiL t il im Atlllitle. Gi. - -RIF . 8/ot, 'IV" -• • '-' ." Al ' , Bruaawlek Ronlliehd Brodhead', Pia ... ". 1-.4, 0 Pall 88881.• al Y., •! I) Heil. Centre tea, Pa ----• libAilf.thinirageo:DA• ' ,13 T AlVir.B4kallietil"_Dim al Raseas,'Neteer,Ps a i is; I*. t, 1:11 iits a n ~- Ilai-I_Froa a t Y ' , • - • • ' , 01 ar -i ~-.• • 1 -. , ~, • Norm , ibeseliN Y. H . pirwitiai.o::u .•• - 114ilwewarrask ete.o, _ , 1 , ...A.A....,..i,;t0bwi_.: 7 104,1 MeAlLstar./pTeo. ' Ilk — ' "Zr "'y ' 7.r , , i 4f,r_vimpoon - ..L00t Haven, J it t y thit r ie _o , *•.,„ : „ , c. j ill izl h lt r j i r tneseter tli ." vill i ,i= "4.l iFa r sriffiltaiLld Be apitalesa• Twos II- ... .'' MoTeuirtfirsou P o t[ : itt r .fi l a n ntei h y' w TkLi P . ' W r oc i :l e to ' can ea l • : John lell Woodealicitviumr!, MI *Barr; Erie' it TjesollTilledi int , -,, . lit tirNorris, Boston •.• L 9 wag. asneasian- - ~„ leo/ Ilerroo, Patabeit - 3, NISOIMILFItteheII ,- • F Yale, Lewistown ;• Mies auseirtrku A eon ; Cal on - D p Wasioer,Etiston Sal Putt NUM - ' In Slllliißffitt,_vaston a b.' &lb. York „ James B Welsh, York • :F. tales. Oattlabars .. :L o &nt: Pa • . „ a aLatiren, Pa. -- - - W Moore. Pit • ". ' or- Ti&Drowao Cedar Spring ' Bubb. Pa • - SF.lWeiver..rot -.- ' - - - Ito & Cook' - . . IBLous.NJ ' - les-Long,N 1 • ' .I_lll ,* BNo ta it eio NTA y ',' • , 1 . v t , rater, Sitarskersb'll 84 7 4Asirold. Conn , ,, • ' s isitaliZlic, am - Ia ' •" my , . , . . , - beetaat street. below Weventb. ; p1...h.1p e ,' ; '',:" = -': - • - w Pompom, Os' - am! fetiown. HE -...- DR Deeten, le H '•• - L i f . m u .. v. . AL, ~ „ _ . 3c EBowingo,, ' , - - -II lebtotnwtht • • • •it V . Vs» Neeseleer, NJ .Itt obt. 8.3 4, - -, _ ..., l i Flowers: Tons , r.Wtigrt f Phlbl: , - ~,-, ads* Potter. Ma - lAoctopa J, ,- , ~-. rotten .11.116, • :14; •t‘ *Wee, ri Y ' ' Hewer, .. r W W_Dalrwell. PhDs . " , - - ,,-•&sast Donnive,Doeto_ a ~ Tboe kftelokutepoeftel ,- .. w A Marta, 2/ r tli A ~. A m ar ti n Nr_ , ,„ . e ...- lo Ohio Ino 11 So ;Milo --- ,-:, W Will , . & Boroootown 0 et*, - - -,1- ,- .. : , It Monte, fti Woo _- „' . , '--- ' A D inner. Pe • . Ilir • Moll Helios ' 'A net. l'bile ff_ evens, wal —., , - , I N Ooketowneb, hid rWolll4 , olCoolion 'lid fall Prevost."lC Aoo4.l:ilmilf , 1 , - - - Ilemberp & wf. N 3 F. wormy; ',Agee , - - ' , Welker, a C rlleoctwa Weeelnetee ' - . •, . , Aiii l 4.4 l oBli UOTEL - Oillattint street. abov eNM. O C Dewey, Phila. .P Jumbo. Chester eo W 0 Onabier,N Y- , - 0 Sailor. Pa . ' • ' ',F; 't Voeter.M_ chunk ' - ~.P J Alison, Emden J R MUM*, Batt 13 8 Calbreth, Del , - 10•511its,4118-*' ~.. - - ", W M-111iNiGa , 4 DlMOste.- &In P: , - . '-- in Sibak, Pottsville' A Vow, Jr. 74 Y . ' • • IC_ _wiler. Bilt "G arler.lll 4- '‘ " • - ' ' 8 Metrier, Pa . "or Ilismble, Pa ~.., '' .. t r E t ludsar. Jr ~71 0 ' Afar 41.1itertY ' ,:. I) Maurer, Zil Y • } I bites, M. •• " - - , • A Perking, EY - t i Smith k own .'.. 7 Moran, 7 4 J. • ." " A notrineon.- _"'-' '` r. ':-.. R EogWoert , Pe IA James & ia. , 714.Y --. , ' Slim James. N Y . • lastkese. Baskin 0 Witham, Pittsburg ' , '8001111•YillItir - ' ' San's'''. Week. D 0 foplune week, B 0 - T hos Martte. - Wasb:D 0 Moran,J,r Del .• G BPeneer, Mins revile W R 08.14 Y' ...„- . - . evA Ream Brooklyn 1' Thompson. Mass . I L Everett. N Y Tor:.101 8u•rd,,44 f at 14 Cooper lk la, Gs B Wtikioe, Me - - is 'Wilkins. Me J Ohslagers, EY '.. 4 .Ai M Reodrs, Taunton I T Creighton. Alex. Ye Oeo 8 Pay no, Snow Hill leo Bishop, e•now INill - . 1., 8 Johnson, tieow bill Thee Johnson, Snow Rill R R Powell. En Rill Mrs 7 Iserer SUB : 4)eo W Taylor. Ye JOuit X. Y/ imp% Mgt , • .: W A Booddi I , ~ -, ' THE "UNION ROTillireti stmt. above Tbtrd. Elitykshaw. i t a i llt flpre„ _ VR/Fulskir • Hagerstown N R Ruiner., sretewa 21 Owe, y 0 Hey, Massif au, 0 ; Fakes, lteoaillon. 0 w Jolmstpu,Concord; tai 0 W Moore. E Damaged T eigla s her, te : • 0 lyyst, alt Jecasou i r D 0 gateman. Ya _ ,- ' z ;Inst., Bruswitar 's*Treityrouti M. ' Skirgler, rs it noth. (nue ' - • franter, wittesetts g Q Nuiers - Yomions " D Dzok.pr. fais?iqui. 11 4.8 0 144,s eit_ Di qrri: ' - ' l irliiAr II: "• -:,.11 7 .04 1s - -, , g Fun yisadth, Pa ~ Apt pai.4 s•-! in : :' _ _ieletrei l ik i , o- : - 7, ADdelloes_bhte . " .minter: Gettysburg Wzeis tor, re . - , . ..: it.:ll;ficow*,ldd. jii.I.OULS - 1107141.-Okiiielitt.ofitisiis Third. 0 11Dohioa: ,• '- , • r ..Dr Waken; it w Ellio, NY , • • - ' A M P Wills, N J Dt_RD Clilit,f bile - , JP Bridge, New Raven h 1 Wn4 hi, norkw boro, 0 -- IS emith, Delaware ru I:Damn. Oo . • . el Darlene, Phila. II El gebbrook: NJ - - Damn. NJ" ' - ! algrlekensbria, Neseretb Yap E (Soffit' Boston J Dire, Portlasd ~, ' ; = D R Matt 0 09_helter. NY' MI 0 ior. Pkii , Ms . ~: OP Billith. I. nook. Ark irtmi at. rh it '' '..7l ' ' ,110 ' ,0 ' 117; FP; 1 3 ::::t1 1; :: 8 .0t......, :. ,- ,_, 11l P Noel . ,selti wore .D. 0 Beotaa,' Ohio i- , ' - , Jae Doebrae, Ohio T Talbott; pyry laDd - -.- T Rellly. Delayer* lIIT . AM !molt itinEte-Marist !knot, siovo Ellxtb. 4 BarCishoos It 14. LAZO, PO Pi Conker, Indiana. Pa itYnt ft 7_,,rllSM ab li ra 9 a lteaar . lt i oZ tabara B , Pitinterior, , t iork no do oJloln. Winning, Pa - - rime r ,.; Pa t " uts in ,P ir it, ' '`' 1871:41:1 -w or l d ltiF g .J:P rk :11. P*: ill 8 foam legator oni . A - J keneh i li=e Anti Tonto. ra • - Ait Mar. trilireele ' l&TP:ll.; . A_A-14111,, ra , e l- rat:fn. - y v., Lancianter co ra Am rung:, 814 , • It gm, I mentos; Ps It Hoene% Mlllentown Ho es, Pa Grab PO " 11111 woes, Newburg. Pa y Mends, te lA. Mine rev i Weaver. 'rand, Pa, . anon Strata° Ps • ne %roll. Pt 6 • . 4 lti., T r i.vill., Fa. iwA Mon, a ' ,-, Mann g, Lenneigge ill LACK. lei toritalh- . 0 int et.... above Clellownill, y.bnritriOtt, PA , - . - E ',l' Eagle, Newu nn , • Harter. roprorg - A frozen, Allentown Shollenbetget, a , IV Cornly, %berry t ypotAn..... , ' Coo , or. 111 Da rg it r i ripliiibitit i e• -t it e tl . lartn, Millerrlrte '-' ' - f 1 - J Mgretialice=ne 110661111411Nd a Bill - :' g )(rune, b r aab je ro • P a t ara' ' %) r. Pa . "I V fief. a io ;P: . she inset. girtown , ! p en _. 7 . Irli I , Wagalsaljkaritteirit '-- -,.. - lintaltil. PlOrtyltOWn `Ver — u'r"if • - Veri"" 4 lr 9 igab WegV3 0:,.: • • to ion . lODIVI e 4 . l tisupcti l ib c OrT!- 44 a t s ig e nt"" le ~, fi r eri'o:rlieno ,- ... ' • - F 8 0b , .......,n,. 1.. torgeglite eo • intatt.noye_r. Bergen° ~ , Id Wok A entown Jonathan 81.1/geb, Pa . 8 cop ei ell Mlle ‘' -r . .._ 41440 =t !, * itsk Ao HOTEL-Tried .7: l4lg: ._ , ro itir l, be n r ie L f lllo rg eh:ll. ..Albers. W hit e jloyen_.- , - Nole_oke t r. Pa 1 I spz i Milton, Ali' Awls Dis emboli, Ps i l Itke ~. : :,, jeh II Oradw: it Pis , ' 1 it olutivlisomiii; 0- 0 Repay ButlProff 0 1 .. • I a r ,....6„..,0:.: • , :it o.'' 1 . i o n r i : i n VI I I e ! P 4 ''prr: i t ,`- ':- ; ,reim, Psmobin co =l4 O n :"- ':- Berm leortlmpton eo 0F, 66 I 1r- . 011:CArrotr i ak --. 0 Iltrtrt= a lleth'elTn a a I, , 0 wAyi 4 4 .-, ~, ..,-, , ,: - ;&*&-sidui &4, Boob DO . 1 i RA ONAL Balla.,—.gioi stsiia.,abar• Third. , .• 3rd Tiiktsvell ' 'W B tents. lihillitishVlio s iushii. o u t t ,C i i la i ii i i i ,rkierihigaitrouilsbuid tal6ll6lc - " ,:' • ,• F iCroi d al/ 91181d • r, ir Orddit o wdid• a -'.'. '':. v . **at 'birt_ru e in, L Bats% ~ ,illas:_r 4 4o , ';, Mouton uteville 94 ! °cO . .11 - Ilium!: uiffiriiiid-: , '„ ~ l arded'. Lebanon • , u ... ;', 41141 . 1,1114..Akihnitown „ - •• ' ' I L- fLott,r a 7. ° l ... .. ;.,, i :t , ...,,, , ,r Bike, ileitis ~ , 41 C. frea , 7 . .., , - i r k donertowu 1r r. .. - ---- ''.'-:i. - 41 - -. P - , : -Wi la 4 • .i.);)1;e1 ~ . ~it'l A It .4% ii-'ll' W l ' lii' {%. r.:l i. .f „.fA .4 :I__ _ ~, m :, :. • 1 ':, -7- r 4 -.----, - _....-IPll,Eggir.4 - ; L Hlki . • THURSDAY, -APRIL 12 18 t il eOttifetri l l o ; 4lll4 ilii IlliaY• ' 011$01 , 14 le AMelllosig blo' , 'I) RableinapCtio -, W Oiltentlit, lo "- T Smite, 010 ene Darr, la yetittrurN I) Bremner. stet itti 1)) Duch. Plenint. NY John f Penn, ti, 'bin% Mlle' dB Murat Raileton - A "B Light, Lebenon ' r_kk Hill Deaeh Haven ,I T Johnoon.Boaoh Ravin 10:g1t .. 14frg 9w6,0. titlr,„?:: l „ttt , orxed.: , s_Eby,.l.,,n. - J Rhulletkr.nrer, Legation , 711gVver L Ai t 'arni.g go ArgIVAII: L igli t tn;;'d Peugeot, Labile Gas E M Magna, .., lo t ~, 91 , Vow Mine. Allentown Or Ru th , A l l t e h l MA 3°,l6 V ir, ilethibblyi _, . Behind, 1 Moil atiel i Domp as Chas A Mess, a : Coined Whams. Books oo John Nigel! at "yr, hi M A Fell en, Boks co,Pa T Smith, tiy bite Raven atm& Whet, W h ite st Haven S'OLINTAT HOTEL—ltlemmd street. above Market. i wil i Borworth, Mita II book. Del W A Oirbee.Del L wspiee, D e l Hobs W Motu& Del Geo ' , lmlay, Del f i s I es Bandar. Del wt . w Perkins, 00,0 T RD Faton. Somerton P W Watson, Del Sand IllSrore, N Y Ji 8 Smith. NJr 'obit) eg,Del SD (1 ifflo,N, Wolf J onner Pa Jno Monson Ss Ds t lnd Saml Co esentt. N Y Goo Kennedy, Dm Chas Hoe: Reading John Flmnoon, Del h, Slang Mar: t ent eo, Ald EB 81 inn lo or, kle 1F Randolph, Del. JAS I. Voshell, Del Di W Brown, Pet Clark Ellis. Jr. Mass Robt P Collins, Del 8 D MoGonegai, Del ' , NOUNT VERNON ROTEL—Petrone et., above Atoll. PA Phafer, Os C Barr,. Philo P ra Nino, Bristol, Pa 0 R Bash. J.Jmira, Zt Y Clio 0 Van Born, N Y A Tailor, Cal NARLNY IBRRAF ROTNL-Beoond et.. below Vinei A. thAr,N J • • • a Abbott, /4 J littoits Treeton.NJ eRTom okine. - Phile John!. Loveeelly. Pe - Blake l.Welton. Boehm oo feell Bolbany. New Rope . Ruth.Toplestown _ram F Gilbert. Books oo• NY Miele, Books co' Howard, N Eiedford IMPORTATIONS. (Reported for the Prima • RlCHMOND.—Steamship Pennerlsunia-164 b0x440 eine tobrtooo 'I has Webeter.J; 8l dO 31 do on Dohan & Tait t; le do 10 do do' Wardle & Bterenem; 110 boxes do Mots & Boehm; KI do do Mercer & Anteln; 30 oases do swain & Penrose:4B Wee domestics Wellies Coffin & Co; 40 do cotton W P.Rowlin• 3 bble iron A puma; 8 18"t:Frrligagotir:ag.illa z /glidlg L a g::d & M T it l ir m k. B awer. o_f Mellon. & Co; mpty oasts M & Co; Aldo do Citul '& Austin; El bales cotton empty casks Ifl Ogg mtge. coder, - CAR RNAB'—Sobr litirrows C-331 Ithde SS bxe Mixer &" bhde_melado do molasses 8& W Weigh, A RISUIBO.—Brig Robert--281 bhde tenor J F Penis- C lIARLERTOR—Sobi J 48811e-11 bales Ku pipe te)O• '('bit rosin L fieetenn & Co; 1 bole shovels, preset,: Winebrenner & Co• 190 bbls writs turpentine Coebran &',Russell; e 0 bids ale Leeds & Cray; 101 bales cotton R , Patterson & CO. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 311116,PU1LT111.341012.; , • I 1 . ItTC :7 l6o'' • Piinneybrania, , Teel, from illehmond. via . „prole 261rtteli,wit d h:rl ii :ezd passe . ff te Thomas itiro b re?me 3 F Star. r." ."22212122d. Kris Ifelewt,-Jordan. imm Arecilm, rR. veh 22, with guitar to_.3ohn Pettudon. Left brig O'Brien, P umrner. for New Orleans. in 2 days. March 26th. Joe.. Goodie tell out' or the main ohains and was drowned. The boat was Idwered;but before she could teaoh him he mink Jll was a, ruttive of Flom.. one of the West ern islands. holm Burrows C. Clark. 6 'days from Cardenas, with sneer. &o. & W Welsh. Bohr &dim lwaim 6 days from Charleston, with: lodge ti MUG*, & Co. sobr CUlton & Letter.lankson 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn Waal, litiwley aeCo. OLT!&RED , Btestriship Disnabridge, Bowes. Poston, Winsor." Sons Cornelis, Russell, New Bedford. B. It Corson &Co. BORG D Colsis. °satin 4 Osivin. - dt'r Farmer, Clinsoule. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, • (Cloarreininidenr* '" or lat tbe A n iter P felphis E , • • CAPE ISLAND. J. Aprr r * Al 'The gun UMW! liprairtio, bound to Va ptrniso. and **yarn/ aoitieru, wentßes stout noon. The 'tooter K ennebec, from New Port,Bused in same rim•ll hi W._ Weather shower". • TUBB B. Melia I IT TIBLIMAPPI. (CirdlnePOndenee of The Prete.) BALTIMORE!. April It. • Below—Hark Rine Wier. from Rio The bark Wan derer. before reported eanna badly. Also arrived. brig Montimillo. from Rio *Poke Mardi 20th lat IS 26 1 . long Uln k geht Mary 1. hoe, from New Yotk for Forto WAIIIPIO4 ROAD 46111, In s_,_ the Reads, ships Wanderer and Fair Wind from MEMORANDA, Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell , berme, arrival at Riohinnedlool teat Ship Napier, Math for Callao, sailed from San Fran chises Dm pit - Ship Bs Diailley, from Calouttia, stetted at New Orleans 10 pi 'not. • • Emily Famom, Blmee, milled from Bari Fran- Mao.? 1M njt. for Callao, . . . . Bhip Thiiinae Wattsnn.l.aprelle, sailed from Bt Tho. seas rith ult. for Cieufneemt. Snip sorer Stewart. Turner. cleared at Mobile 6th instant for Liverpool, with 3296 Miles cotton, valued at i3/70.1 3 9.' Ship Don Quixote. Nott. from San Franoisoo for POOR Kong, passed Honolglo 1 7 . g b. 11. Ship GaIIOICO. wolf. from Plow Orleans, arrived at Rio de Janeiro Feb. 1 8 ~Bark F2ndersast, Nekton. cleared at Pie* York yen terdist tor maltimore, Her Mayflower. Dents., from IdaraMieSi arrived at sow:York yeaterdes.- • -- Berk F Lennie. Sumner. for Philadelphia, sailed from Messina about 13th_ult. Bark blou W ses. elsh, remained at Rio de Janeiro. FebrlL , • • - 'Bala weititier ' imtaa. Mae., from Richmond, ar rived at Rs o de Janeiro. Feb le Bohr Toro*, hewn arrived at Mobile 6th inst. - Sohr Herald. Knight. hence at Nawbarrport. 9th ingt fleht4Frailbes. Homer*, hence arrived at Charleston 9th met sehr E Jayne, Jayne, hence arrived at Charleston rth inst. r r Propeller Bristol.. Allen, cleared at New York yeater diy for Philedellehia. • k . titosmegii Lae,w, Ilan hence at Baltimore yester day, and clearest to return. SPECIAL. NOTICES. , SEWING •MACRINII3. All perdOnt3 who - have bought Eawieg MiokinNwhiehwill not verform ths:tiorli,expentid. as& Inforriked that BINGER'S Ma 'Alma `never fait *oda *tip road at *mit t „Noon* leaver 'disappointed to the Miolanas of ' 1. M. SWORN t CO.. No. 610 ORESTNVT Et. Loriaorr ,OLus ..Elacoa.,Tlua: celebrated ,Beresesn Samos. lately introdneed Into this country by Parker Brew, Londono and now being general' need threnshost the United statesoessissses an unn sidled Yicheess and delicacy of taste superior to all others, is an exemlent aid to digestion, and is highly recom mended for - drapipais. It take. p•peedenee of the Wei.- besterahlre Settee - . and is sold at half the pries. Sold by A. 3. PARSER, whole's,* agent for the United States, and by all regrettable MOM and dealers in pickles and Pre • mhl6-thgtulen SAL:MANDL% FM-PROOF Sere.—A very taro .samortiont of EIRLAJC4NDRREI for'osio at Too vomit& tritelkNo. `CIEESTNUT Bt.. Philadelphia eevo t{, RVATIN At WATSON. HARRIS' Bounora SWING M.AOllOll. , IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. Praia Psinunit AT EMIT FAIL • Philadelnala Odine, DO AMOR ik Agent. wanted. fella• • ‘ lll7 . ORTANT TO TAT LOlB AND OTDDRS. The Grover it, Baker Sewing-htitehine Ooinpaey have lultintrodeeed a aew and superior Shuttle-Maohine, large Mee, high speed. with latest improvements. Pewee/A Forgiale at P10.7e0 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. fell-tf OKI PUMA, PLOTKIN* .OP THI LATEST Ermine. made in the beta mammy, eltoemil for RP TAIL SALM LOWE/1T selling mules . marked it Plaid ,All goods made to orrlsr warranted satis factory. , Our ONE-PRIOR system is strictly adhere to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES A. CO" ere-tY 604 IKAILKIST Street. , IS IVA I 8 BATING FUND—NORTHWEST CONN= BiCONDIVId,WAJAKIT STlZll2l l e—DOpOtitill re 071Yed in smell end 'erne mounts, from' all plasm of the coranterays and allows interest at themes of IVB CEA. CEN r. per annum. !EMU= °Moe open daily, from p until P o'oloek, and on Mon day and Satorday until nine in the, evening. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer andliseretary. eIIIALL'Id. MORRIS. SAYING Perhip--NATISIVAL SAFETY TRIM doetratir.—Chattered by the State of Pootialiva n 180 lamps. 1. Money is received *inky day, and in any &mount, large or email. ' L PiVE PER CENT. interest M paid for money Rom the day it in rat In. ' a. The mousy to always paid bank in GOLD whenever tie nailed for, and without nodes. 4. Money is reeeivea from Z' x et for S Administrators. Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long er short period. e. The eloney received from Depositors is invented in Real Estate, Mortgagee, °foetid Rests, and other first alum seeurithie. - IL Moo °Soh oveIISsT— , WALNUT &rest. southwest Gorier Third street. Phibutelohis; MARRIED. ; F.VANR—MARDERRON —On the evening of the 10th instant. hy_the Rev. A. A. Willits Mr. George 0. Ivens and Mee EOM& C., daughter of Johnadandeonn, MM., both of thin Pity. ORRXEL—BOUVIER.-00 the 10th lust. by the Rev. R. 1 ., _Barbslin, -Prat:lets A. Drexel to Emote M., daup.h ter of INtioloupi 13..nemr,-E,O, MIOGAT.F..—SWAIN.—On the nth loot., by Rev..f. H. Aida,. Mr. Wm. T. Agitate to Mew Mary Awsin, both 01 Germantown. . . DODBON , -( , iIINNDONN.—On the 10th ult., in Rears memo. Samuel T. V. Dodson to Csetbatine Donn. donn, of Pluladelphts. _ DIED. ERNES.—On the sunning of the leth inst., Angelina, dauttiter of the lat. Themes Elm.s. Fanerel from the residenoe of bar brother-in:lair, lease S. Williams. No. MS Arun street, this (Thuradv) et 9 o'eloolt P M. t t ie L DAtihai.alti ( net.. nthe itiveant in the 78th year of her ape.-Mn. Mary Ann Davis. • Funeral from the reahlenersof hereon.ln' law. Thomas a Steel. N 0.715 North Tenth et., this (1 blindly morn ' ** les.l2lh in.L. at it o'clock. • • klANotne—On the Oth inst., J. K. Mancini in the Sid year of his rote. . • • Funeral from the residenee , of tin father, , No: INS Mount Veynou, street, this (Thursday) morning, st.tgln 0 9 1 5 , 0*. • • - - ' ''BFOERL:—On the 9th root,, Preddriek Snow!. aged 13 years 9 months, and b dm. Funeral from the residence, of hie mother. 402 Rich mond s.t. above the Bridge, this (Thuredny) afterrintt, 12th ins t.. at 2 o'ohick. CORW IN —On the fOth inst., Mrs. Sarah B. Corwin, 'in the sad year of her age. Funeral from tie residence of Mr. B. Orlffee.No 820 N. Elsventh Street, above Brown, on Friday morning. at 10 o'clock. "" BALTON.—On the fOth instant, John Dalton. aged 38 MITE - • uneral from his late residence. Biddle street, west Or weaty-fourth, this (Thursday) afternoon, at one o'clock EATON.—O, the 9th instant Theodore A. Eaton, eon of Emily and the late James Eaton, aged al years and 6 months. . Funeral' from the residence °this mother, No. 437 ,Ilickerson street , this (Thursday) afternoon, at three o cloak. IrFOLEY.—On the loth bud., Mary C. Foley, in the 4th year of ear age. Funs- al from her late residence, No. 1320 lined . tt., this (Thursday) afternoon. at 8 °Woos. innill).—On the gth Inst., Michael bard, in the 46th year of his age. - , Funeral from his late reeitience. thensville, Lower Meilen, Montgomery county, on Friday morning', at.lo o'clock. IDDLETON.—On tiee 10th i not.. Rebecca Thompson, daughter of coital end' the late Thomas Middleton, in the Nigh year of uer ace. Funeral from her late residence, 1864 Pennsylvania avenue, Welt of Eighteenth street, this (Thursdp) morning, at 10 o'clock. WAR.—On the oth instant, Annett Ward, aged 'di years..Fultrril from the residence of her father, 312 Chris lien street, this (Thursday) afternoon. • ULAOK . 13 ARUM ROBE 5, Two, Frye and Niit I?jcineorie; ilia); and white Paris 0-gandies. • titel.eoloi Oros Grain Bilks. lank Oros OraineMika. leek Hernsol and Ail. Wool Harem*, , 'Umiak Bilk IN stand Grenadine Ohawlai rack Canton CrieN d,hatris.. . Bleak Tainartinee and Orape Mirror. ; jtadLOriaddlik - Osoildi of ivrit7 , 4 4 weriltio!lh .10#!0P-', eidee4 , /moon atiolivitititorkillit.`• • evil Tioqiii ÜBLEATti UT lieseirk Nundsvi Ap r il M 6 4 1;; A f t uf t :lt:h s is tv , hibl i l g r t i , ; : 14ER contains tilt the rows o the day I u Tel egr s t ihin n ite P o li a ritY ri p it 'rgict . ligi Fine white tkoi rred forty-eight Calumet! rice by Carriers at TWELVE °EFTS per *Wt. • - rylit•Oß, aCtilMin. WILE, "IIIgUIPIMICIA 12 1 3q0 Pi ga d at t 4f ° ? ;171 Tzi ll Oi l a S t 2 to Y o, 4g ( ofel i t: • Mutiny in Tud.." ". ..akets cent ! t me) be gar at _chestnut-street BoolisturesOlital. o , l "Tir t on.lOW Chestnut street. ond emu 41914•40 , ;17 , rauce Cqtnpor, No. 4toObeilinut atm* , .., 00114 t - .REV. H. BRAT AA 131111INIABWi—; Hu Farewell Sermon' and thdfueymin-e %Wi t / tA VITA of wnti •saavierneet. sing Co fee • 'WO NA? lEeree d t 7 ,II ALF r t 7g;:ik il a riar w Vi g R EI Ftoy wilt 69011 me/ mt , puAn E Ott Pngent eorty.e9g t Onltinvist P egp . TWO OEN re. !served by Calvary at frwEbvE C E NTS per teak. r... T E,/ftIdELSIOR DIVISION Nd. SIALL O tre of Vallell7Bl.ltrlreirigget w dkee e t4 el t c lttl fu n- trier notice. .- apll , 2t • • ROBT. MoqUIJLOWI. R. 8. r-s-••• REV: li. GRATTAN 01IIIPINJESS--- L 3 Dia Forayed Berman, and the Serrano of Mon day night,Anril 7 roublished in full the PH4t,A DIMPHIA INQUIRER of TO-DAY. ri wider I poi Per 71 e l f ta n v ir i c;:k.il g , '' Tg:wtLy w iyigibtili . contains* 1 the newt of the l full ' , one and Tel Reports; Rrnel Arrivela ; &o. New TreelFint white p atter , &a. Poo Ay Shoot, ' Eight, Paget! t . ert/ - eight Contract Price TWO CENTS Betted bt ger tiers at TWELVI: otiviteek. „ It NOTICEe—THE CORIVEIt•STONje OF, the 1 , 4* ()Athol's Mord! of ,the Ammo:nation, TENTH end DICKERSON Btreete,wlil be told de SUN DAY next. April Otb. at a% o'clock in the afternoon. by the Right Rev. Bishop WOOD. Tho Sermon Will be de liver.. dby tike her. Dr. MORIARTY., A large attend ance is entioiyated. asb it" nbrigHEY. H. fIiIAtTAN DUINNESS—HIS Farewell Sermon. and the filimnonof Mandel :April 7. republished in full in the PRILADK- I, VIDA ile - QUlRkat of TO DA y, crimadkr." April. 12. with lenppiement. Single Cosie TWO CNTS Por sale by au News Agents. The 'P DAILY lNQUlti{lt contains ell the news of the OAT; full Local and 'fele graying Resorts; Hotel Arrival,. &o. New Type: Pies white Paper. ko. .Double Pheet I Night Pages! Porgy eight Columns: Prioe TWO 0 SSTS. terved by ear ners at TWELVE OPDTS per week. . . , 8 I 1:14 rittsT'orrtor. PHILADELPHIA. PA. OPEL . 1001, /MO.—Notion II hereby, given, that under the yirevtiloris or an cotpf Congress. AP- Droved April Id. 1860. in relation to rdp Lettats. in , tended fdr city delivers onapect atl nci rhdro elan bo charred for the receip t and delivory of web letteil IT the carriers attached to this Office. To be ri'esa b y POSTAGE STAMPS. N. D. DKOW4.. apll-et , P,ost er' iFr• REV. H. GRATTAN avitsgss—llls Farebfell Sermero.,and the .Sermon o , ..ydeStulyy nitht April 7, republished in full in the PRIPADIstr- PHI& •INQUIR eat of TODAY.,,,,tijour M ,alr/ Aptlll2; with Supplement. Sle CordeeTw so Cm Ts. For sale by all New. Agents. ing he GAILY INQI I IRER contains all the news of the day full Local and Tele- ' rraprim Reports; Betel Arrivals, Ac. New Typo Fine, white Paver. & o. Double Sheet I Bieht Pique: Forer-, eight Columns I PRICE TWO CENTS. Served by. Carriers at TWELVE CENTS per week. It VII.APHPLIOII IMSTITUTE—,SPECJAI, MEK3 IPD3.—Afi, adjourned specie! meeting of the nenitute will he held at DIME, Hall on THURSDAY EVEN - P(0, the 12111 lost.. at 8 o'clock, to la Sti farther action on the financial condition of the Initilhtd, and the plan for removing the debt. Members baying obtained nitrites to the subscription yawn will please report them to the actuary, to be re corded previous to the meeting. - WILLIAM HAMILTON. Actuary.' KREV, 11 , ORATTAI OUINNESS--HIS Fareikell Segirn, and t of Monday ira 1 7 1 . 4a1 u 1t o f e Tt l .t t 4 n f T h h e urs P 11, with Supplement. Alotle Copies Tvs ii 4Y CF.e. th For sale be all News Assn's. The Dailey INQUIRER contains all the news of the day' fall 'Loom and Tele graphicßepents; Hotel Arrivals, dee. New Type mewhite Paper. &a. Double Sheet! Eight Pages! Ferry. eight Columns! PRICE TWU CENTS. Served y Carriers at TWELVE CENTS nor week. ' It DR. 6. B. WlStlglilir. THE STRONG- T Mmit in Amsrum. whltLectUre to eity c li net FRIDAY EVENING April 1, IE6O. at the MUBIO AL FUND HALL. The Dobtor proPilles tollft. eleven hundred minds. to, exercise with a barrel of flour and one hundred and mehty pound dumb belle, oomeanyine his remarks with practical illustrations of so- Ws atreneth. The Lecture is at the requeet of' Messrs. HILDEBRAND & Lb.Wlß.and after the Lectors the members of thoir OLninnotto Institute will perform a number of Acrobatio Feats. We expect to see a full house of Ladies as well as Gen tteirox Admionnan, 23 cents . Doors open at half put 7 o'clOck; to echnmettoe std. . • - S 'REV. Wt.. CAHILL'S , LECTURE . T NATIONAL WALL. EirV.H it DR. CA HILL will deliver four Leetures in the National Hall, Philadel p hia, on the following evenings, and nn the suhlects herein stated, viz: PIRAT LKOTURE—MONUAY EVENING,. APRIL H it—. The Getyrai Character of Ireland in her eti:iota and Civil Associations." 13EgONT , F CTIIRE—WEDNEEDAV EVENING, APRIL, 18 he Tidesz-Tides twins a tar 7 •Spring and Neap Tides—T t Path of the Tidoe—oceent„Hlterp, eurrents. Elevations, Headlands—No apPLeciablo tide in the Mediterranean—Ocean Whirlpools—The Equilib rium of the Ocean omPstatura THIRD LPOTIIRE—A HURBOAY EVENING. APRIL 18.--`• The Constituent Parts nf the dtmea nhere—Chamioal uses of these perts—Height of the At mmehere—lll otioh of the Atmosphere—Wind —Tropical Currenta=eoleir Calotio—Eitorths. P G U 4TH LFOT UR 18..PR1 DAY EVENINfi, APRIL PO—•'Huai:Wino! (If the Alohts• Stttirls--pistantma, Volume. Messes, and Momentum of the Plageti—Vo tome, Megii,_ and Momentum of the nun —Fulorum of the Soler, wrstem—Centre of *wits., of the Hider IllYeteM Wltlllh the body of the, Sue—Ceettmetet and Psvdectal Forcee-0 Moat Motion of the .Plimets— Doctrine of Eclipses in referents to the Path of the Plsnets " These Lectures are to be illustrated by a finished set of Diagrams, Maps. and Brass Machinery. Toe Leotures will commence on each evening tits o'clock. precisely. Doors open at 6 o'clock. Tickets to be had at the door on the day and evening of each Leo ture. Price 60 cents. e66-4t SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA R/ 4 1LIDIAD COMPANY.-1 he ANNUAL AVETING nud iILVCTION. of the Stockholdese of the Schuylkill and Suostiehanna Railroad Company, as resolved by their charter. will be held ht the " GIRARD 11011 h it," in thepity of Ph iledelpKa. Penunylvania. on - MONDAY. Max h. n.ilidpelock M. for this purpose , of ohooelisl a President and Six Managers to nerve for She , 'easels:; year,and shores the contideratioh of Web other businesses may properly be bronchi before *aid meet. ins. PRANK 8. nos D. Sooretnty. t.II7LIgCTURES ON BOTANY. —A COURSE of ditteenUctiires on Saw will be delivered 1111fi and Gentlemen. in the Ilmentiiic and Chum •eitt InOltute..OßissyNln Street, northwest corner of,. nwelith. at it o'clock, P. M., on rmil+Bl. l, A Y 8 and" SA." TURDAY.B, beginning April* and einem g June q. and again beginning Sentemher ie. and closing p ith 0, AU the lectures wilt bri practically illustrated with qg plants, end at least eight of them will be dolivere Le 'the woods and groves in the environs of the city. lb deferring four of the Lectures toMum, the class, will have the great advantage of studying, with an in structor? all the flowers of an entire season. Entrance on Twelfth street. introdnotory Lecture frog. apT-lit .1. l f NlB.,Prinntpal. la. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READINO RAILROAD COMPANY. itc.MO The holders of the bonds of this Compan M y a . due July . I. 1860. can now receive, nn application, at this otfioe.lo per cent. in oneh, upon the terms specified in the circu lar attached. The holders are 1030 entitled to the benefit of a nick ing Fund of 111140,080 per annum. as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1801, and in pursuance of the contract. entered. into by he oompanY and duly reootded to carry the same into ffeot. _4 t p c. itADFOßti, 'treasurer. - OMB trf;;Cit: - Noise. to the Haim sr Praia&lintfa caid Readies Railroad company Morrows's Beads, dye July I,IBM. These bonds ere secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the segregate to 011.908.400. The net revenue for the last fiscal year was sax times the amount of the annual interest on then. bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years , the holden retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the precise coneitinn in which they &renew held. Flank sheets of cannons for the interest. payable halGyearly, be maned • A bonus of 10 per cent. will be given to the holders. in oonnideration of their emoting to the extension. This bonus - will be paid in (*eh to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement., Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished on application. By order of the Board of Managers, mr-tr vt . tr. filetT.BENNv. IgAttreltArr. REV. E. H. CHAPIN'S LECTURE, DE iLis, livered Not nitht, DA lL Ycert Wall. Subject— a.Boelel Forces." The INqUIRER.or MONNINO, conteleir a full reoort. with fiepplement. Pr ati v T WO OP.N Pit For sale by al NEWS Ad EN Tr. Trio DAILY INQUIIt eontains all the News of the day—full Local and Telegraphs° reports, Hotel Arrivals &o. New type Pine white Paper. !cc. Double Sheet . St.ht Pages Forty-eight Columns! PRIDE TWO OEN 18. Served by Carriers at TWELVE CENTS PER WEEK. P ENNSYLVANIA BANK .AND JOBN AMUR, ex•Postinnetor. Verdiot. Ig2T 270 SS. Charge of Judge Read, delivered :. yesterday. is pub lished Intuit in the DAI L Y INQULitigw of this mum log. hies Two Genie. For ells by all News Agents. It II op EV E, CRAPIN'S LECTURE, DE- Ea , livered lamp with!. at Convert Pall._ kubject = Social Foram.' The DAILY INQ,UIRb li. or Told MORNING, coutaitur a full rep , rt with Supplopeut. l'rme, TWO OfolT-, For eale by, all NEW . ' ADEN I d. The DAILY I NQUI E.R. contelna the Nowa of the d‘y—full Local au„ Telarraobio repo, ta. Hotel Arrsvale. &a. bey Type Fine white Paper. 40. Double Shoot Night revel Forty•eight Columns: PRIOR TWO, cktam. Served by Carnere at TVFELY.E OeNTS SER. VirEK. PENNSYLVANIA HAM{ AND- JOHN MILLER. ex -Postmaster.- Verdict. 827.270 9 3. Charge oa Judge Read. delivered yesterday, is pub liched in full in tie s ! I,Y INQUIRER of Ibis morn ing. Prioe'Two . For Bale hr Noss agent. it illit EV. E. Ti. CIL ANN S LECTUIIE, DE livered last night, at Concert Hall. B,itannt— " Nord I Forces." The DAILv INQUIRER , of 'TILE pOFLNINO. cont ins full report'. With BUPPIB.. „,„, TWU CENIB. For sale by all N EVVgt /WEN e. The DAILY INQUIRER contnlnr all the News of the day—fAi Local eon Telegraphic repo, Is, ilotel Arrivals. Pro. Now Ty pe! Fine white Eaperr&e. manna Sheet! Eight rages! Forty-eight ( °hms! PRICE TWO Nerved by Catriere at• TWELVE CNN iN PER WEEK. pENNSYLVANIA BANK AND JOHN AL MILLER, ex Postmaster. Verdiat. 27).5.9. Charge ofJudge Read. deliveredrecorder, Is sub' shod io full in the DAILY INQUIRER. of this morning. Prize Two Cords; For wile by all News AgeIAN. It REV. E. 11. CHAPIN'S LECTURE, DE live+ed last Might. at C ncart Hall. Subject— Social Perees.". The Ds ILY 11 4 1 !GEER, of THIS MORNf •G, empatna a ell report, with eupßlea eat. m., Two cr.NT4. Fnr elle by all NEWS Aix/. N Tits DAILY INit 111 SEE contains all the news of the day—fall Dana and Tole, rsphie reports, Hotel arrivals. tto.dw lax) I Fine white Paper. /So. Double Sheet! Eight Payee . Forty-eignt Co name! PRICE TWO C KNTO. carved by Carriers at TWELVE CENTS YEK, WHIM. PENNSYLVANCA BANK .AND MILLER, ex- Pnetmaster, Verdict, &277.;3. ohargit'ofJudge Rend. delivered yesteregity, in published in Ind in the DAILY I tvialliAEß of this morning. knee Two couts. Pot' sale uy all hewn Agents. It. E. 11. CHAPIN'S LECTURE. DE livered lad night. at C , rieett Rail. subje c t_ II Social Form :14." The DAILY INQUIRER, or 'psis AIORNINO, contains a fall rope, t. with Supplement. Price, TWO CENTe. For eale by all NEWS AGENTS. The DAILY INQiIRER non nine all the r ewe of the day—full Local and Telegraphic reporte, Hotel Arrivals dm. New Type! Fine white Paper, ho. Double sheet ! Eteht Pages! Farty-eit. Coluatne ! PR' CE, TWO CENTS. Served by Carriers at TWELVE CENTS PER WEEK. It PENNSYLVANIA BANK AND JOHN MILIALR, ex Postmustor. Verdict $ 27270.73. Charge of Judge Peed. delivered sesterder, is publish ed in full In the DM by INQUIRER of this 'domes. Fria. Two Cents. For sale by all News Agents. It REV E. H. CHAPIN'S LECTURE, DE livered Inet night. at Concert Hall. Suhjeet.:_. '• Social Forces!' The DAILY INQUIRER, of Tins MORNING, contains a , full report wlth - Supelement. Price, TWO CENTS. For sale by all NEWS AGENTS.The D c ILY INQUIRER contains all therm's; of the day—full Local and Telecraphlo reports, Rotel 'Arrivals. &c. New Typal Fine white Payer &o. Double Sheet Eight Pages: Forty-eight Columns I PRICE TWO CENTS. served by Carriers at TWELVE CENTS PER WEEK. It ' pENIISYLVANIA BANK AND JOHN MILLER. ex•Fontmnatar. Verdict 627,27033. (Marge of Judge Read, delivered. yeeterelay. Is pub. Polled in full in the DAI NY INQUIRER of rids morn ing. Price Two Cents For eats by all News Aurae. It VINEGAR, 250 Barrels Clarified Cider Mogan 160 barrels White WineVinegat. • Manulaotured and tbr male by ROWLEY, ASHBURNER, & CO.. NO. 16 SOUTH WHARVES. IRE:SIZM' PROTOGRAPIIS List OIL A-A are made from living vereoni without the neees , sits of the repeModaittings, or from a Daguerreotype or mbrotype, when &person Is absent o• deceased. The Likenege must he mfalltble. Visit REIMER'S Gal lery, SECOND Street. abovo - ereen. lt* 'RICHARD THE THIND. •-•30 I'll be at charge for a lookine-alseu• - and entertato a /more or two of tat tore." Rood ! We have the patterns all ready to out the kar , manta at No. DOI OH UST ^} Ur Street: third awry, Just , three doont above the offioe,of the fir6t penny paper. atarteeiinthe United State', and triumphantly etstab 'tubed in Philadelphia. spit SO .1. it. SHADI/CLAND. NEW PUBLIVATIONII. 0 1 do not know a writer whore works breathe more of the spontaneotte—tliefila. Beauty' and truth seem to come to her uneought."—Da. 101t47111ING. THE WRITINGS 00 MRS. ANNA JAMESON. IN':BLUE AND GOLD, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. THE CHARAOTERISTHIS OF WOMEN, Moral, Po etical, and Historical, with nnlugravlng of Miranda.' I vol. Blue and Oold. 70 cents. 11. ' MEMOIRS OF THE LOVES CIF THE POETS. Bio graphical Slostahea of Women celebrated -in Anoint and hlotlern Poetry, with an Engraving of Dente's Beatrice, after nil Schaffer. I vol. Blue and Oo!d. 75 coma. THE DIARY OP AN ENNITYEF, with a fine En-, gravineof Ouido's Beatrine Cenol. I vol. Blue and Oold. NI nettle. SKETCHES OF Aim LITERATURE, AND CHA RACTER, with an Engraving of Raphael', Madonna del Slat°. 1 vol. Blue and Gold. 76 cents. V. STUDIES AND STORM, with an Enaraving of Cor. reggio'e Magdalen. 1 vol. Bluo and Gold, 76 cents. VI. MEMOIRS OF TIIE EARLY ITALIAN PAINTERS, and of the Progress of Painting In Italy. from Cima , boo to Buono. with a Portrait of Raphael. 1 vol• Blue and Gold. 76 contd. TILE SISTERS OF CHARITY, Catholic and Protect aut, and the Communion of Labor. I coil IGino. 7 contr. " Mrs, Jameson ,has probably coon more than any other Writer to familiarise the public mind with the principles, of art; and her perception of the Inner spirit of a great Work *Ng so thorough, that its mere state ment was eloquence. Her style bailie richness, energy, and vividnees corresponding to the clearness and M erles of lier inte'itlot. and the earnestness and warmth of her heart. She could write nothing widen was not readable ; and the books in which she discuseen scudsl and moral questions are not only among the most valua ble, but among the Most popular books in the litera ture of philanthropy and refortn.".-Boston Tranaerirt. We The above Books, in sets or separately, for sale by all Booksellers. or mailed, free of postage, on reoeipt of the advertised priori, by the Publishers. TIC3KNOR Sc FIELDS, BOSTON A NEW VOLUME BY REV. IV. H MILBL RN NOW READY, PIONEERS, PREACHERS, AND PEOPLE MISSISSIPPI vALLE X . AY REV. W. H. fiIILDURN One Ilandnome limo Vol. Prin. 51.25 , hem t' <, t frerach. '' I hare 'Mush t, id this PiliVidreird of the plumed cavaliers o IWO in it (feasted I n k °relit River ,and the gold which thdy [ o d dly hope wai to be found IMP its banks . I have floated with Mar , auntie in his bark cannons he went upon his gentle em humor to the Indinn. ; I have wandered with La Salle es he vainly strove to found a French Empire In the West, an 4 mourned hr the Texan grave of one of the most unfortunate but heroin of men; I have sat down with the kindly Frbnph in,.their Frilise of Kaskaskia. end p enjoyed the pll of , their idyl 1,1 have trudged with nor own pioneers, as with a it. h e they clamed the Cumberland Dap. and entered the Dark end Bleredit Ground ; 1 have stood with them at their gunii in thin; Innokhouses. have slept on their, raw-hide beds. and slowed their jerked meat and • dodger.' and I have sought to appreciate the development of Bruton sense under the tuition of the wilderness, and to trace the schooling pf the mind under the aimpiees of Imola l life, in applioaition to the need' of self government ; I have travelled the oirmlit with the first preachers. sat in the congregation as titely.ozbounded the doctrines pf eternal Itln,isnd welcomed them for theft works sake and, last, he summed up a few would what has been done, since the noduisit no( Louisiana., In Iffri, In the tray tif expleration and evelopment, ein the other aide of the Groat Myer:" BY TIIE SAME AUTIiO/1 TEN YEARS OF PREACHER LIFE. Twelfth Edition. 12m0.... . .....$1 00 RIFLE, AXIS, AND SADDLE-BAGS. Four teenth Edition. 12m6. , I 00 COR LATE rulticATioNa. THE LIFE OP f3TEkEEN A f/0110LAIL of Onft ..... 60 'OUR BIBLE CLASS AND TIIp GOOD THAT CAME CO IT,, Bj Cawthis E. FAirfiold.. 1 M WT. CHAS. W. THOMAS' ADVENTUKESON THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA. locbsd Edition 2e WILD SPORTS IN THE SOUTH; Or. The Came ' orthe Everglades. Illustrated— .. 185 MP: PRIVATE MEMOIRS OP WASHFVOTOH. By MVv Me Adopted eon. O. W. P. Cushy. II maraud. 210 THE FOOL OF aIJALATY. By Henry Brooke.' Edited hr Wesley. 2 vole. aOO HOW COULD HE HELP IT ? By A.B. Hoe, author of" rye been Thinktuy."—. 21 BEULAH. By Mm Evans. nst.Thousand........ 125 DERBY & JACKSON, ,td*.W PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK A PPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CY CL. The fdlloWing notiee. in ffilliman's Americus Jour eel IV Ilawkees and Ana for Marob is frotp the pee of the venerable senior editor, one of the highest living authorities on the subleot: " In the Amenean Cyoloptedia- the articles on science are nuniemna and valuable, and elevate the work to the character of a compendium of modern science. These articles are In most panes written with derided ability, and evidently by persons who are familiar _with the to they disunite. While ninny of the less Important eublems are presented with luminous brevity, others are more fully expanded. Among these are many topics of natural history. Chemistry- Is presented with its equivalents and laws of oombinetion, illustrated by many of Its modern discoveries and practical applioa. bane; of the latter an example ie (mind la the full ao count of the manufacture of, gelatine, of beer. and brieke. and in the ample history of gas lighting. Geolo gy. volime eleotrieity, magnetism. and other depart ments of pure or applien science, are *rested with rea sonable feyness As a literary work the Cy oloptedis is writtrn to' pure and chaste style. and exhibits the candor and fairness which snould ever adorn a record of universal knowledge. THE NIN fit, VOLUME WILL APPEAR ON THE lOrin Price $3. Persons at a &nano may send money for one or more volumes at a time.trnailed free.) Those living in the city will find a subscription book at the Agency. whence the volumes, as published. are sent to any part of the city. , JOHN P&PAI7LAN, Agent, sale-film at 33 Booth SIXTH Enact. - NEW MEDICAL BOOKS. Just onblished, and for sale, by LINDSAY & BLASISVON. AL THAUS' MEDICAL ELECTRIC LT y*, Theoretioal and Practical. DIXO VI3 GUIDE to the Practical &tb' of Disesees Of .he Eve. TOVNIIVE ON THE EAR. with Illustrations. BECK'S MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. New Edi tion; RTGELOPPB CLINICALN DIREARB. BENNETTIs LECTURES ON MEDI CINE. New Edition. PAGET'S SUAGICAL PATHOLOGY. Second Edi tion. GERHARD ON THE CHEST. New Edition. HEADLAND ON MEDICINES. Third Edition. & II will shorn) , Publish— • BALLARD on Distates Peculiar to Infante and Mo thers. ShARC"INGS AFTER TRUTH. By it Fhvgioian. AI ARCET ON CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC INTOXI CATION. Teeßl 'HA RDSON on the History and Treatment of the th. anl2 LBS'ONS ABOUT JESUS.— Th. , thr, ie mumished— pa km MA'S LESSONS ABOUT JESUS. By a Mother. With four fine illustrations. DS cents. We corMally commend this book to mothers who are desirous of imbuinr the tender minds of their children with the engine truths of toe evangelical lagtory. It to sauple without being childish, or in Bel way lowering the iligeity of the peered narrative. Nve have seldom met with a book of the kind whtnh bat ,plenocui.Us en well. Let mothers try ft in the Instruction of their ohil dren. Pubbehed by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED htARTIEN, naoo No. 600 CHESTNUT street. CZEORGIE G. • EVANS' GIFT BOOK , LA STORE, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, HOY YOUR. BOOKS AT,EVANS'. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT ' , VANS'. BUY YOUR OOKS AT EV ENS'. 'Tie the be et place in the oar. . Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, and you have the advantage of mons a handsome GIR, WORTH FRORI. to CENTS TO slat with each boon ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS SOON AS ISSUED, and a Gift with eneh. ALL TIIE WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AU THORS, i n every department of Literature, at the publishers regular prices, nude handsome present with oaoh book. Call en, and ens trial will assure you that the hest Plow in ts sity'wher4 you should purchase Books is GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, • 439 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphlet api-tt Two doors below Fifth. on the upper elm pat:INIT.I.N3 PAPER or gl(EdiT DAS CRIPTION MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, BY C. C. & P. U. WARREN, :apl3 Inl PHILADELPHIA, PA, URISTY , S LIMPID BLACK IVRITING INK.—This Ink flows freely, does not clog in the p CH RIST o SB b LUE ifu I AC m a WRIT a NO c FLIH D—Of a greenish-blue color when written with, afterwards changing . to in deep and rmanent blank, especially n . d al i ttla A p t id J llll .lfEldir ill eO74. 4;", INK.—This Ink may end upon f a on m MY s rusty eap c ea a an nd WCHRlSaptßANKoPeN—dapted to commercial writins_and correspondenee. -; , CHRISTY'S PREMIUM BLANK BOOK?.—Premium awarded by the Franklin Institute. South. CHRISTY. 137 THIRD Stout. Stationer and Thank-book Manteacturer. !apl2-thatu tit If. VOA TENT TALLOW OREASE. 450 bbbl. Patent TaSoh; Orem°. 450 half bbla. do do do. Ma or. do do do do. ' 700 1 and 2 qt. Cana do do. Manufautured and for mile by ROWJAV, ,ASKAURNER & Apl.2' 10.16 SOUTH WHARVES VETERINARY INFIRMARY, NO. 1127 ORRERY Street. Horses expeditiously oured. R. EVANS. V. Ecstatic°, No 649 North FIFTH. etteet.. It" pRIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Pasco to obtain the , content.. Adaree. WILLIAM , LINISON, Poudrette Moe, 'ffi.*l-11n* No. 1213 North SECOND greet. - 7 - 300 EMS Prime Halifax and Eastport marring., me boxes Scaled /Wring, 300 halt Ws White Piste, in more miWdl for ste by AIa,ORA CO., IPS itrl . IU ORTU WP ~ . .41 • 'NfAOKEREL —sea Bbls. NOB': 1,2; , LTA hinakerel. In 'taloned pookagee; tor' este b above SMARR 4 09., ARCH &rata, woad door Front, APT 0RY.600 OITS-811211.11 F.JEMNC*I DRESS GOODS. JOSHUA DAILY INVITEE ATTENTION A SUPERB AfitIOATAIIINT OF FRENCHDRESS GOODB; Inoludlng PRINTED BAREOYB, SATIN PLAID BAREGES; HIGH COLORED BAREGIS, BLACK AND MODE BAREGES, BLACK TAMERTINES, • HIGH COLORED TAMERTINES, =pr. TAMERTINER. BLACK AND MODE CRAPE' D'ESPAONE, HIGH COL ")RED CRAPE D'ESPANG. PRINTED, °HAWES, ELEGANT PLORIDIENNES, GRENADINE BAREGES. MOUSSELINE DE CHENEII, CHINTZ MOUSSELINES, CRAPE MA RETEr PRINTED AND PLAIN DE . ' LA IMPS, BLACK AND MOVE DE LAINES, LAWNS AND ORGANDIES, FOULARD SILKS. - BLACK GROS DE !MINKS. BLACK TAFFETAS. From the great AUCTION SALES. TO OPEN TEM DAY NO. 213 MARKET ST. svti•tt TEny, MOE, k 00., ASS MARKETAITAKET, IMPONTX/9 AND MUMS Or OLOTHB * , CABEIIMEREB, so., Have, now on hand a. large and wall-seleated stook, which they are prepared to 'sell at the lowest market yrloes mhS•km 'A . W. LITTLE do 00.„ SILK GOODS. No. 826 MARKET STREET. hi-Sos JAS. R. OA NIPBELL. do 00., voroaviss Ala WROLUALS DHALIaII DRY GOODS. LiNIQU, WHITE GOODS, ODOM, QABSIMBRDB, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, Ato No. NI CHESTNUT Street. 1114-Ihnif GAS FIXTURES. puILADELPHIA GAS-'IX.TURE WORKS. WARNER, !GERRY, & MERRILL, MAIWFACIIIIIIIIis. NO. $lB OHESTNUT'STREET, PHILADKOBIA, WARNER, PECK, & CO., No. 519 BROADWAY, NSW YORK. *Mid rdepectfully inform the publio that they continua 'to manufactrife all kinds of GAS FIXERES, Lllzi.Pd, OiRANDOLEI3. BRONZES, &0., &o. And that their large and varied stook oomprises the simplest as well as the most elaborate patterns, deeigned by their Tirana artists. They aim keep at their store. N 0.676 .tattAoveAY. a large and fall assortment of all their manufaetdred gage. Deshrre and others are in vited to mull and examine. apl2 im RETAIL DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS, ADAPTED TO PHILA. piguilittn, P LAIN TRADE.—EYRE & LAN DELL. FOURTH Red A ftelt Streeta hwve this Benson. se final& n. stook of acinde ( IN ADDITION TO THEIR U: STYLI? )4 the fi rst SiddlitT, Mid floater tiesori9- (thee, a4a .ri crAIIiELPHIA PLAIN TASTE. Very reAtl MOTs , Samoa Neat an Lawns. quint Plaid Drees Bilks. Sill:deed Cnlored Silks. N Reetrained Berle Calicoes. Mode Colored bilk Shawls. 1 , 1:111 Vats', trtoritair, La ipittpuLAii CITY RETAIL -m- DALES.—EYAM, Pcillittß Ind ARCO Streets. have thli !leaked made tt espied to have a nosh of Goods of the first odalitY. dna of thd Most de cided good taste. Mahou SotAh DAPTED TO CITY MALES. t is Maznilleent FiOnneed R'lloll. , I.ittie Flounces. and eredyitf MisM. Urenadines: stetter than or Ina. CI Ow/Adieu, EATele.. and outer& The new style Spring Eaftlessos. - " Black Milk new shape Mantle. Black Lute Pointe Montour; Ste:" apl2:tf NOTICES. NOTICE 'TO THE PtiELTE. Op 1119 second day of November, Mt I resift liff Prisehmuth, chemist, in Philadelphia, No. 1971 Ithr Sixteenth street. the agency of the sale, for the Stem o IIIIIf Pennsylvania, of my Patent right for apringine end Fpurifying apparatus for healing the 'whites. Said Wm. rischmuth received from me. at that time, a legal power-of-attorney fir the sale of said patent right for the State of Pennsylvania only. and one of toy machines, with instruments . Said Wm. Prisohinuth promised end agreed to give me. every week, information about him note and doing. ip relation to the sale of the said went vat for the said , Late. Now, whereas the saps Wm. Frisohmuth has not given me any, information of his Dats and doings of the said matter since the Seth day of eoember.lB6o. 1 therefore revoke the said nower.of. attorney hereby. and bell awn the said Wm, pripoh. moth to return the said machine, With instruments, to me in eight days from this. date. DR. ERNST Bmwrcii, 113 .ELDSTEIGE btreet, New-York pity. New York, April 10. MO. apl2.9t A PPLIOATInN WILL BE . ADE TO -4- 1 1. the Bnard of Director' o' the Mercantile Library Company fot teneltal of Certtlioate No. 8,629, vhich bee been hut or mislaid. apl2-tb-St" YAMEM D. BENNETT. SALES BY AUCTION. BAZAAR, NINTH AND RANSOM STAB WI'A. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE BALE OF HORDED, 1/KHIOLI.B. /co. On Baturday Able o'oloak, comprising near FIFTY HoRSES. Also, s large ool:eotion or desirable new and seeded hand Carysees. Wagons. &o. Alto, palate and double Harness. Saddles, Bridles, &o. War No postponement oat aocoubt of the weather. 3 The largest collection of tight Carriages in the city may be seen at this Fetaiishment. at Private Sale. ALFRED M. WARNERS. apit it it Auctioneer. 3 OSEPH LEA, NOS. US AND ISO CHESTNUT STREET, Invites the attention of the Trade to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. Now light and dark spring tiles, a great variety 800 MESSRS. SAM'L SLATER dr. SONS, SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO., MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also, THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Including Mftl:l7 new standard Pattern NEAT BLACK & WRITES, PURPLES, LAWS, &o BAXONY & SUEPHERD PLAIDS, '& SIDEMANDS. BLACK_ AND GRAYS, AND CHOICE DUSTER SYLES. WOOLLENS. FANCY CASHMERES and DOESKINS, Acs., FROM ROOK 00M., GLENDALE OOM., NEM' ENGLAND COM., ORAWFORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT .8" BONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DO 'SKIN AND SILK MX TURES. _Petitions. plain and Pnnted, of all colors and mill: nes ; autumn , Jeans, Twins, Cords, Cashnsretts, Kersey's Weeds, comprising one of the beat stooks in the country. AMERICAN LINEN COM. CRASH, BUCKS, SHEETINGS, /to. Ja2l4m 11EATON Bo DENOR EA, HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 807 COMMERCE and 410 NORTH STREETS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF OUT NAILS, HOLLOW WARE. OAST, BLISTER, AN D GERMAN STEELS. Wtipoh, with a complete assortment of AMERICAN HARDWARE They offer for sale at hIANUFAOTUREKT PRICES. fre-wfm2m if as NORWAY SPRUCE—Eng. prey nouth Pim% S Iver Firs. and a large assortment of all the most desirable }VERO itERD 8, of extra am and beauty. with a general assortment Of Shade, Orna mental. end Fruit Trees, at the lowest prince. DAVID S. GRISCOM, aptl•St" Evergreen Nursery, Woodbury, N. J. IRIRIT LINENS'. A fresh invoice of SHIRTING LINENS direct from the manufac turers, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, of Belfast ? Jug. reoeived. These Hoods are selected expressly for our family trade, and are guarantied free from any admixture of ,Cotton. .PERKINS era. 9 South NINTH Street. K" PLyNDIXO FRENCH LITHOGRAPBS, Plain and Colored ; Prints ; Draw' as ; Orna r ments ; Setae Prints ; Potiohomstua t riots; Drawing Paper, In sheets and In rolls. h_y the yard, of every kind, for sale, first store on NINTH. street, under the Continental Hotel, by aplo-3t* HUBERT SCHWARZ. LADIES' TRAVELLING BAGS manurnotured and for sale by C. V. RUMP, 118 North FOURTH Street, shove Aron. Wholesale and retail manufaebirely of 'FORTE-MONNAINS. POCK MT-BOOKS, ,crqA,l? ; CASE'S. MONEY.B4LTS. • ' Sachets. Purses. Calm. Rankers Cases. Dressing Cageg, Writing Desks, Port-Folios, Sill Books. Jobbing promptly dons. WANTS. WANTED—By 'II young aloo f who t o capsbie of eseostins at Br oke, and is make himself otherwise useful to Ins employer. a eltins-1 bon in is blernanttle House. where his eommlatron, will depend upon the merit of he services, 4,1 r_efere,nces will be given. Address " .p.e . Pia of, S. Rua. ' ' ' WANTRD —By the lat ofday, an an e ffi cient igagemont In • Wholcaste D ry EMOlig Mo ine b y . &legman. who can in nonce a fan .atneeml of near cash and tear montlue trade. • &dress •• nales-: man." at this office. • apll-et• T#E ADVERTISER. - HAS - SERVED EE-; VEN yearn all Porter in a Wholesale rtore, fade-, aims of obtaining like employment. „CIO Sir? kl! hut trOployere rev reference. Addreu . .rof,tert, WOTSI)77-411,my W old'lri6dl,:to 0111 aind trY_Elly ' .#24rof qhclige 'We", an it gad * NUTS erertir litite l i a tt ' s i g g egilat F air. " Uli6Bl - 30 „ - 110-BLAIR. $500 . _ A-PARTNER WANTED:- TO nt Ado ndso ea pna pano, itlrPri4 a iha r n it Ulla profitable ,Iy2tVre, is , !Aollit,rs will tio requirej. thee, COUNTRY.BOARD WANTID BY A Indy nod thef. children. A location accessible by city passenwer ntilwee itreferted Aclllrese, stating terms , ker." Qtriet." °Moe of The press. 400-3 t A YOUNG MAN: well acquainted with, "the Wholesale Granary and Lignor Businese,, wishes nSi tustion as Clerk or Salesman in that or any , other business. Would tm willtng to make hurnpe .f generally useful. Salisfantory city referenre ester het Ivan, inoluding Mat employer. Andreas J. D., this (Moe. aplo4t• fa ,„ n TO RENT-- - --44stnall house,; LEB. in it pleasant neighborhood. bee d and nithth streets and Goatee Street end Co l om b ianearm. Rent not over Imo. Address " Permanent,' prey, office. apt° 7t LAND WARRANTS WATTTED —High "DlO oMt ggij Yen b 7 No. 31 MtfirlihtDeliieet. WANTED—Good Canvassers to sellibe " Illustisted News or the World" and "Drawing Room l'oterna OsßerY." Cams. towns. sod dinned, mar he secured for the canvass sad sets of this unri valled work in weekly umbers. smrts and Volumes. AF PIy to A. BROWN kC0..14 Hanover street 800. ton. • api.tatheilt WANTED—A MAN who him 'some ex perience in the Grocery and 14a:wipe business, who cen command 81,1kal or axe* to go to a healthy plane In the oountr., take oheree of euOh utak. bailment in connection with the Luietber husanion A =lacerate Smarr cod recurity for the mosey , will be given. "A l le g heny. " et this office. apwst• WANTED -A YOUNG LAD, SIXTEEN • • r e.ms of aka, to do lig dati f a wholesitte Mots. Addre with reference. & Elloodhi D match. hp%) St" WANTED—A thorough ACCOUNT • v ANT. in it Whotelpile will Wcrase. To oto noon s fsir compensation will be siren. Address DRY GOODS. offico °Egos paper. ,aOlO-st• - - WANTED—A Min, who csivichrolhe very beit or reterenee. to act no a Porter ie a store. One who understands the Provimon besmear pre ferred. Address .• Jones.' et this aloe. epa WANTED —l,OOO Ladies to send for DE RUSE'S great book. EVET7 young man and woman contemplating hot/ weAlools should have this book. Enolose 26 cents to Dog 84, Philadelphia P. U. 1419 FOR SALE AND TO LET. BAR A NWSTAVION RBI 6 1 '0E1110R BALE, m a good location, and doing a good bast nega ; moderate capital required. Pan of the purchase money. can remain on time. Address • Bookstore,. Pox 92 Philadelphia Poet (Mee. aPI2 St' $ 2O 00 0 AND 810,000 TO LOAN onid g r AnCl PASCHALL, It. 716 WALNUT btreet. FOR SALT—A HANDSOME FRO PFRTY, in Germantown, within a fee , minute/ l i rflof the depot Fluelarden, with hot beds, Abun dance of Print—Orapee. and plenty of!hada. Mons moose saa lona thwaghbat. stone Stable. Large Lawn. Terms very sooommodattne, and poneecon riven when required. Apply to B. B. COMP:O - I'B. aplg•if at the Philadelphia Bank. BOARDING. BOARVING-TWO YOUNG GENTLE MEN desire to mere a Room, with or without &lard, with a private family. ens central part of the CI tr. Address CAROLINA, at Wits office aplo 3t noARDING.-A YOUNG , MARRIED eljuple can he accommodated with good rooms. Ii a Dimwit location. with a private faMily. _Address HUDBUN. Blood's Dispatch. aplo St' PERSONAL. pOR EUROPE.—Having been appointed JR: Agents for WM. WILLIAM; k. CrVir Ttanist-. ludic, Express we aro now pro pared to receive FRE K lORr, FAOAOE% Ice.. For ail wine of Europe and Axis, at prineg unprece dented to titic any. 0/MAN at CO., ap2.3m N 0.28 South FIFTH Street. EDIJCATIONA.L. A YOUNG LADY, baring a good tnglish A education. offers her. service. am Downes. or Teacher in a private family. •References Siren gad required. Address ELIZABETH. °Bice of 27is Press. 1410 LEGAL. THE 01(PRANS 1 COURT FOR THE CITY AND couray (IP PvILdPICLPHIA. F.atate of ANNA Al AgIA..PrfADIL The Auditor appointed tit the Court to 'Mit. settle. and adjust the account of Edward Peace, executor of the estate of Aurae Karin Peeve. deceased. nod to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, will meet the pathos-interested for the purposes of hlkentanntusent on MONDAY APTERNOGIN, April At. at four &elect_et his office at the southeast corner of BIDII.TH and MICUST Streets. in the oats of Philadel phia. • • DAN DOUI3IILEKTY. Apt;-soffit„ Auditor. ; - IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND'COUNTY OZY.HILADELPH *tato of WILLI Aht-DrUlet4elseassid.- The dither appointed he she to writ,. settle. Sod ult.:int the seseent of E. Morns sm. Adounietrit tor of William Dunlap, steeesoe4l. end to make thetlitm lion el the tie lanes m the heeds of the esteetteteet. tt meet the res interested A c ed Meth . of seuttmen on TVERDAY. Zlth. MO. at 4o'clock P. ea.. at his offi c e. All rHENE, Street; in the city bf Philedelphie. , CHARLES HART. autraitaem . ,:este - Auditor. .ETTFAS TESTAMENTARY. poin .the -K- 41 Estate of 'ffIOSIAS E. fitAGOPYIN, had -the city of Philadelphia, deedefied. hevinc beau duly Aria: - ed to the subscriber; all serous rridebted tosaid E ism!, are requested to woke liamediste pettthel, sod Ideas having demands against the warm to preelnt them, without delay. to CORNELf A MAI7OFFiN. Executrix. Or, ANTHONY SWAIN. her AttorneY. tu-6t* DRIB t OL, Books county. NOTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN 'MAT appneation will he made to the Mime Mutual In aura:tee Company for the renewal of Certificate No 9. for ten shame of the capital stook of the Raid company, in hen of one which bee been loot. fe29-tu3ni BARES' RENOVATOR, - f FOB. CLEANSING KID GLOVES, Ira*M IL ROAD PH aARI ELMIRA ROUTE— AND Al ILADELPHIA AND EL- Removing Grease and Stains from SIMI, Satins: Cloth- IR A A Quic lag p Boling t o Tamagni., Catanriaga. nr• Carpets. Wall Paper, Ste. pett. Wrikembarre,Borantenti: Danville. Milton. WITHOUT INJURING THE MOST DELICATE iitruspiirr. Tray. Ralston, Canton. Retrain, "COLORS, LUS PRE. OtTEXTURE. - Nill , knra Fells, Rochester: Cleveland. Detroit. Toledo, Chicago, St. Louid, Milwaukee, and all points North and For nate. Wholesale and Rata% by West. EDWARD PARRIsH. Passenger trains will leave tae new Depot orthe Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad. dottier BROAD and No. SOO ARCH Street CAL t .OWHILL Burets. ( Paseenger entrance on Cal- and by DRUGGISTS generally. lowhtll slreet.) daily tdaadays excepted). for above points ne follows: DAY NIGH . . 330 P.M. The 7.30 A. M. train connects a t Ruiert: for Wilkes ) arm. Patton. -Scranton, and all ration, on the Lki.KAWANNA AN' , BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. 'the above trains make dl root eenneetions at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Fails. and Buffalo Neil . cads from all pointe North and Wee.and the Canonise. Baggage °beaked to Elmira, Buffalo, and SusPenSion llndge. and all intermediate points. Tic Leta can he procured at the Philadelphia end El mira Railroad Line's a meet Office. northwest COMOt of stxT It and CUES i' UT 81,TEletll. and at the Passenger Depot. earn- r of ROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRE3K VREIGUT TRAIN Leave the Phil.delphia and Reading Depot. Broad and Ca!lowhiti sweets daily tbondav• excepted), do} all points West and North. ate P. M. Freights must be delivered before 3 P. 31. to Insure their gmnc the same lin). For farther information-apply at Freight Depot. BROAD, below VINE; or to CHAS. R. TAPPEN. General Mint, Northwest cornet SIXTRand wisarn UT S'reet4: - mall. tf Philadelphia RAILROAD LINES. , nEm9Y/AL'. E Di•O V A L .—SMITII, ENGLISH, Sc. CO. have removed from No. 40 to No. 03 North SIXTH-Street. nearly onposiie their former location. and directly oppoaite the Car Bank. apl2-3t R.EmovAL,. R. & 0-. A. - WRIGHT Inform their friends that they are now located in their' new and spacious budding. No. 624 I.IIIEaTNI.IT Attest, where their increased facilities wit. enable them to add fresh inducements to the Trade to visit their new es tablishment. We have, opened our 761 , 1 W STQ_RE 'with an )12 , ermined variety of, DRUGGIST'S ARTI.:LES. to which branch if our busmen we intend to daroto particular attention. lowing made arrangements in Europa to be supplied with all specialities and novelties ,p they ap pear. Our • PERFUMERY DEPARTMENT will continue to receive our best attention, and we assure our friends that no exertion will be wanting to produce. se hereto fore, a variety of new, elegant, and soccessfut uesigrui every season, the quality remaining unrivalled • Sincerely thanking alt our customers for their kind pumntinuamels,for we hope to offer new inducements ts conce. R. & G. A. WRIGHT. April 9, 3860. - apto-lmif J . E. 'KNORR & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS' IN WINES, BRANDIES, OINS, ETC., RAVE REMOVED /ROM 191 WALNUT ST., AND SI GRANITE ST., • TO 631 MARKET 'STREET. Four doors hewn SEVENTH. north side. ran-1m HENRY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. R EMOVED from No. 530 Walnut street to No. 258 South THIRD Street. inhSt-am. REMOVAL. --SMALL d.' CLIANDLER, mit WHOLE6AtE GROCERR,b OOO xoro_oved (rout 66 North BROOM) Street, to 11 , 6 MARKET Street. abode Front. north side. . ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BRO DWAY and LIGHT H Street, NEW YOHE..otteldeek above the N. .Hotel. This new and commodious Hotel is now open for the reception of guests, andwill be eondnoted exclusively on the European pltri. The long want of a business hotel, in this portion of the City, has induced liberalprietor to establish the prices on the elegant suites, scale Single rooms, Ild Cents per day ; elegant suites, e 1.60. With a thorough knowledge of the bust nem, and striot attention to the wants of every gueat. I hope to receive a liberal share of nubile favor. aPS-gm . J. B. GOODWIN. Proprietor. WHITE EISH.-194 half Bbla. Illaciki nadfor7B7.Pe g.lxaetrins6B.°, l °Aittnur , seemed door above Fr, nt. er7 [.DEFINED bble. crashed, nc—rgfinerieetien 4 rr,J at.rta..l*? ' • §4611 SHOULDERS.—>SO 000 - pounds Dry4.iat Shoulders.just resolved and for sale - by „C. C., SAD & CO., KUCK Street, second gay 'ftheyi Front. , StiUYTiIE BEST AND: ODEAPESTi TB . AO in the oily of JAB. A. WATIVREI: sole St" SECOND and TTON WOO JAVA COPPRE.-1,000 pockets prime isva Co ff ee. for sat by JAMS ORANAX & 00“ WiWITIA Street 'I II D!;Th3T22 NT A, TIONALan IritigATßl:-AFALPIrr J mairror. OP • Nilv VW o T- P. ' a n. , ..Trivra-egreopir. - THIS 2711 Crii§DAIYInicVSN NG, Apra IL Fim epprorance. le seven yenm, of ROSIN• HOWAS.D., - Where reoseTrforre is Mee Teti Ileedbeit, Mimi hays woo or her ergo/ Otle r es . N 81A OF TIM Nitr . pirg se see. re Oreeff ewe: of Mr. .1/VATIMIra. HOYLE LOTUKFAI 'MK NORTH 0 000TH. Drealetivyl H- wenn,. Menthe mow_ HOD. NOW NA HOIWAHD. • CAFITIn Mr. I N.I. Wl6 'MIN& • .•••• - W0 1 )14. 1111 r. ._PRigwr OF Arictinai: I1:e.1 i e H o ee 2l ~ SIG Tte r aeri Osliery,_te etc; Colors)) Boxes. II etc"; Orohtstramkato. ie. t Nets Mewed In Orchestra aed Drees 011 elallotholie extol' elrirex WALNUT-STREET' THULTRE- . " sole Le , ...--.mis. AL A. 6 0 71} 7 1 " Atage Manager —.__. —Mr. F. f AI NV• nemeses lisest...... _, _ ss r , Init.-D. Pit BENEFIT VF THEWAiiiikOl L 7 FEBAItY .1.5 O: ) CINTION. Tal9 ( TillAß DrA t ti t lehr, Alma If. rib. Dote of eleetir. - Mr. forichei• Beginners's,. Mr. fibewoll; Earl oi Rielmumd. tolrloch ; 1.0 Broasor. Bi r , jobuto n ; Rota t• lizabeth. s. Donau. • BORING B " A. . Felix Foam. Mr. Bowers. Sirrnoes UM W . Door' °Sea llll AB 7 ae:look Cartels will riso ot kill oast 7. WIRATLEY • , MARKT:B ARCM. RT. TPEATI*.—ICASTER MONPAYS.. POIINTIt MOW! or thA great Drams. in fame= and 5 arts. nom in its tth molt% in "kw T 11.0 VIANCE: 05 A Puifit YOUR MAR! _ 30/51ANOK OP•A POOR. VSIINa M ANI ROM 4NOS OP A POOR Y EN MAN!. MOStAlten, OP A POOlt O NO JaAll With Seenftry sad furniture. eostnmes. an!ointefeab: sad inset:anima effete. all entail.? ow. 71e e** iforannae the wiltde (MEAT STAR COMPANY. &we Mai may be secured ma days in advance. .AST WEEK Or SIGNOR BUTZ TEMPLE OP WONDPRv. TENTE 424pA r gratiar STREETS. or the Wonderfol MartgiAl Liam of the Learned Cats Rini& Dobby,and setennilhend Exhibitions every Era= Dorstoirosdos et 73 o'clock. end _ WEDNESDAY AND SAtUEDAY APTRENOONO. Ad talseinn eentit " Otareltieenta *OP tf WALNUT4TEFI r THEATRIL Bartsm vrAkEttir tAlf esacwrin_ • On TiluxaDAY LvERIN April IS, NAL On We esonsks . ALPIII,I3 d a m s ,itreCs_sia, Will mks Ws(11.081%/4 nalinpumeli ?Is, a RICKARD In Waiting to MM. attar staritpc nitenietkini tik of rered—masking tbie the pita a/ tie 44•4116. - ap7 at. MoDONOU6III , B GAISTISS—ILMS Bt. - , hooker TRIED. STAGE MAMAS Sll% ANDEE, FELIX CARL Mr I to Thololol'o Temps wilt Thor ere lb*. siloo.ol , oo4e ig Ar g irqrforiankA dud wore received oe micassiiy engem erUh cieCuridtea thiamin:to spehmai . 11131WARDEZI Ag the tainted Cara, appedr. .-- - • nit a . "4 IMroCAM _Ea TWEET v -SE PEOMMIIIti JOIENNSYLVAREA ADADEIia OF TIM FINE•AITE tii/oO p P a r !( !AMIE , 4.11, anted-134 ; Toadt voiwoo of " totio Moms Vistisia." of Firemen, Admiance auk,. Isodosi 11 IS ion %rim of st oo k dir.tt GERMANIA . ORARZSTRA.—PubIie Re house& every SATUADAir t , MITZUC.4I, MVP HALL- ate totebelt /minim ekets to be me et VB. Andre's, and Bsdr •• Maio UMW, eV the - - - STEDIW/CY 1 SON' S . ,NEW PATIN? • mrsitwrßuNl exArakwag KIWIS GRAND, AND 8611.1 ARR ru BLASI • The :mended D irt.¬ed Dm n:m * If *Mew edritrime fie g Post. damoustratis ee I iebuoirely the his): eemasikel in which Game 'poses Are *ld DI tbe k lir u.s anleteof New Yerkorko. thougkr dee:roes etils their ski% FAWN(' mentywout to do seembee (cm:al TIIZ 031 AND rArravas asexarrY Ili AdAsszst air music. . • At the coneert on Saturday 'resin , My. Sam M peered felons 'he curtain, turd Mated t Br , fiphei i irkuittif refused to play bus toten beam" this male provided by the management or Um Amilemer is am. ooydanoe with elnuosiese comsat) did ern isious. The fasts of the more ism simply noes: 'alto elder aimed were each to hare, played a so.o. They bed eis looted a aleinway (mad PM). for the parsecs*, sat titm instrument wee afterwards tent up to the Asedittler of Music, tuned. placed on the stage, tad made ready firs use in all inspects. The public should knots that in every city of the wend_ it is customary that artiste select the marnmem mime ;key think best calculated to display their powers. At the Academy, however, a different rule presto*. aad they are.tt seems. sconecUrd to PlaT eel/ ea what the teenagers choose to waist. At the laatinemetit. we were told that we muss einiforna to this We or notpday at all. We preferred the latter Ritornelli's, sot out of diarelpset to the Ambit*. bet became we felt that we could not give the satudeonee we wished to give if we Pinged na a strange instrumeut. it things had been so other piano at the Academy, the MO k , a lght^ba ir e 4" deferent; beto er n:A the inniment Me srested are ors. eyes. the refusal to permit it to be played' epee seemed like a deliberate effort to place ea in a dised, yentas sous light before the public. M _MUNSON GRALKVItIf. .. - rolii-stuthltl WM. MALL MEDICINAL. INDIGESTION=DYSPEPSTA. HAirrs,DIGESTIVE. - • CA purely Vegetable pup:ration, reliable nod rubtfee tory. 'lt stnamthem the @tome', gives ease to natau throughout the body, I , 3l7iVlgeritint the vitas sestets. Ina short time it wal sweeten en offeeetve breath, au* well effeotually destroy worms by removing MI immure matter that creates - them. note inanneustnrer and printer. g. H. HART. Roll. abet. by W. HODOWII. corner of THNTH and ARCH. sad Mims Drurviste, , throughout the city pee country. • • silt Int• WEST INDIAN BITTERS:-LTkese -bitted Bitters Ito effliettat - witk soloist - favor They poet °Sec:tinily tied personality ettro ell fuer dere &risme oat of e treat 4f proper tone d heeithfot action cattle dapestive mane They are hit h!t , wool mended by tle taenity of the ennui 01 cities of the United States and-Shore for the epeeti. care or flys 14ver Comdata& Nervous .M.bility, Foyers** A gue __THOILett P. SA .ulLbl, Prineiwa Agent. mhae-tfue - IL W. censer SIXTH and SPILUCC3treer ItE,S.DY4CI.I;IE C.TATHING. E.H. ELDRIDGE, IiCONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOILSE,I , N. E. Comei MONTH and eNBSTNICIT Sta. Customer Work =ads at slont notion. - mh3l-3m-If OPERA LA G 1 ASSORVOM, MeALLISTER'S. 72S CHESTNUT STREET. iipo-intuthslt. WALTER EVANS de CO.'iti BOAR'S-HEAD SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. Superior to any ever imported, in atrimeth.amoarGamMt. end elasticity, for ma;ahtineor handeewing. LENGTHS WARR.3I1 7 T.ED. • "We have tried Evans & Co.'s Boar'e4fro24 Sewing Wahine Cottons. and find them exoellent."—warman & WILSON, At. F. G. Co., 606 BtO Mil/U.N. Y. C. CARVILLE, General Agent, New York. J.' p. mowELL, • • • Agent for rhilddelehla. R a i r g libi hes t rn .i.,YON2, ESWING MACHINE C4ISTIANI & CO.. • MANUFACTURERS OF P.ERPUMRRY, IMPORTERS OF DRUOGISTFP AIPPIOLP24 No. 45 SOUTH FOURTH MERE Have. now open their asiortanint Burin *Mt Oountry merchants would do-wed to eseauno max mbli-he CARRIA•GES. 09 9101 reamr*orm■ 99 WILLIAM D. ROGER* REPOS/TORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT EITRIML 9%1911. RUPTURE TRUSS. WHITE'S PATENT LEVER. Aerated at NEEDLE'S. TWELFTH and RACE Streets, Philadelphia. W send for a Pamotdat. U mILD-Sin NEW SALAD OILS.- ITALIAN AND FRENCH SALAD OILS. Of the moat doltotoue quality. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, Dealer an Fine Groomes, AND Cor. ELEMENT Ft and TTNE, Etreeli MACHINE SEWING SILK, Warranted the beet article for SEWING MACHINES. For Bala by the Mannino hirer, at the LOWEST B. lIOOLBY k SON, No. 1120 MARKET, RTREET, PRILADELPRIA. seam aUST RECEIVED—Three hundred AAR' clods AO'S Tees from New rork, which will be ,sold nt the lowest wish rice. .140. A. WATE EES apla-St. doe. end BUTTONWOOD. . - AALL ,W,lO ASK IS A .TRIAL or _OUR, Fine new Teem - JAB A. WASKItS, .p o.Bt* sfiCO nilß TOPIWOOv. Nfrench snow - white; of ..37A411e MOtitaine & monfeetttro, for' 0 hole b• wivritEMlLL .8R9T1140., 47 Lod '4O 03.BOONICI0treet.",„ „ . .410 (10 ND VENETIAN RED, in kegs. %A snorted meg. for sale by IarEIIiSKILL 310TaUSR, al mad a 9 North ilituvND 98. Lit