t'4 so man :the- , thgagemant . tho'l o teril• JIM " o:*rtite.;:v titles, 0, thrtiiis.;•l4 - , !Aitelueoy,,ustoks. I - Marla; the.thenitth nut* named Bloom, ! ‘ Mi te gbgthilipmetty. riniteathr the isinthet the_ - , - -_,oMyivintedatmbisP7.locasple As* thitel, And:S iinkokr-ParayMent- tell» thentrent nigh:. iVOtOtfritc*inikAtyir i i.tur n ed , .46. tiolOtherti` bey - Word Wigged ,:inpurth, rution'.until tharlykrmit e'ehick. - ?Jr. rithiroons hay " 10iirethistidettlit4a2 mittnentio - lestvether Ober, Mr.- Miomonirellid bimetal-4AM opporhtidtr, and had ' lotervtewWith ilarlbridelifiti adjoining rook. PiPtatialr-vria istepthatthb/ timparty *nth a omit.' ,ItlePeed, intE ol6- 7 titlititidit.' a. I Flldt'rtt - ;fitt 'tete/ I ;3 l mi •: nothing Medd be , lir. filunstene, on In: gut* ithitlitinitioe, was inthrmed"that' the emits and Iniriithly Arbon cif in a - :titi - tiraa then that: thte_...twith, of the. faithisththies o L. , of the, bride! : Inished_npon Wen: and' 4 rheroni untraspeotedVelOml seninue, and,' liangnaof billets at thetheathe was ads Idciittiklp was known of: ithe th mittbabout vs -- Valoolf - thitlithaiday; Same letter wairvicebieti • treat Mrs. thistraons, diritoted i)obari dq band,' ripbrdinCthid pleading diihisibrglireithr i;...%Anotiber- letter. Man received; and" eironltifter Vito •.• laitnleproni. berself,earne,: wittier • masa adsiet- - 'thane thithiredi *thitotheated 'Mot had --- been le& ; astray . to he, du. sertithAtiiklath - to return repentant and implor, ; Ng ,fortilerny: . ' The eonpfeirer• left althethr the • "- resaradei)ed, OM day, Withal ertht - , ag we ewer - tainedmiliatien had b. %multi about; esidUlthinthriegi which hat tielthisentheely rob 4 4 41 6 . 1444-- PIT"!' .ffirkiertilaide happily. ' her.thaltisemio or * al M s.Y om it le baPc. ll4 l al l;- thaVithirbed'Colea` spent ele-Mithtiogether. Mr 1311 00 1 Alethidei be a . wuth; and teepeetibly eound. „ , • , fer: ' the vereen'of these leitmotiv* asnt ," threnOtioed, a fair *miller ado t . th irelotetherit • . *ftaltttitith-aeuplefrote Eththosiv Ohio,-who here .te: the ~Metccith - Thum, and. Vat to wart - - diestindie. fn :a` harry "end :got :married: - 'W' falba' et the long „man, ithro .. - ; -4 .3llo,:thear Bart Ronnie, had ,ite6ii-Aioarthtg c hin i'..',..3treemscdatighter-Italarr mite 'tithe: 40d ;re esidtrengegth . hiumelf to her., in the judgment:at his eni,me eon-. rdisend him down in As Conotry where:the s 4pin ladf . midtiod;' to taki AA: look at her before :thtt.,eelete t esation of the marriage eontmet, The won t► retiirning,thinimixid himself - Ou' . ..Mghlt*plessed with- the young woman, but • wounselled athirt delay . . z! 111 thaitedthne. to learn' more et Ms " motber•tn-law," and eontimied .to -.nisitaith, apparently for that purpose.The' old than'imurPlise; when fiend that'hie - eon bad +sloped-with _the girl, and'victimised his (the eon's) - othildineparen t. marberimaginid. - "Won lint. ens t Pssarrimattu Ds sof— Ohs B. Britton, E 1., thrt.oditorof the bar: Soper tiukt has Atifesided . ' . . :awl:muse of the Rational :Administration; id an -' ratio% calling tars attention of his readers to the 11 0. 0 0 0 0id0 t I ereakier• or :edge •Vonsles moulds an that; thh . Nstionsi , ?savestion .stad)r arosohine. when a tandideto or the eresaletterls to r n selected. Jadre - araratte steed for the nomination . b y .--,erliso.theteesstbil epthashano fri end*. - Whst,the Penn . • - lostiie - tteleetititto will do at Charleston , we Snow not. A estaiorofthe destines we know to he Doubts men: earn s are for Mr. Illmltrorithow Oseeral Lane,- and others. if, howeier. the delegates fmrathia Nohow Mier, atria* eiSholitiotOo• --- RW Zedge - Doeeles htototol)f the 'Melte n.the hew Cpsland.' and mewls ail Useeiortbem, seyrell a number *Me South , averlttates. it will he their Only to fall in with thereto. -;,-01vs4Innywontiatent, and give him the vote of the State. WsktelveratY -hove the delegates Core o dennellesniit, • _ are et - Whom honorable asen.ditd $ Democrats)- en -t-drirtS their sows in the . Convention. forma Jail former- thesataW,ded'de den they eon thelsorraw,Let thaw Imitate .. .the ,eitalople of the - eipint Conventioit. anal gall Mgt bevel &)ssotedii rgILAPICLPH : LitOAX . D" OF,TRADIL lecautiresiell'lllllloXlll C. IttimarilLlS • : Y- i/'• ., - ,1 • . ' '-Z . '":' Zarriat. , am, __ , te nalteilearettekitheltettes. rarsznameta. • E t ~,..r j Ip l yet i thtv-Dertegt„,- 7 ,,, 7 1, :mal• i = latlM l 4t rear m6 4AL irr a e te ree' :- .: * Aims': Lane% - ' riiiiittre9; kei. b 27 • ,p , ix,* Cailtilli,l,&lliiii*L....,,, , . 4 P:"1605 4 9 1 4 "Oa . -• . r. 33 : 116 •KaW TAIO. - -4"... •• Alt iSSO IN UM. soon ,;•2.,.i:....-I,„ , i' Weir &AST "or•Azottio4S•tab.ssr a tig . .ID be --.-, ,2. pas=had reeekate Feriae' LothatOdke; PlbUsaslphoo . roil. siss Ist Stows°. Letters sod ptoisrea ~,-it- 1 7 ,, *Op for, the, Africa* Bquadroa. or woos, se the easy w lOW forwarded. sr sent to- the Makatea tree t' - '• ,4 4 rit la detettichild -111xut- the suns' tons Ibt al sad yenta ea , th e - , • , ,ix,oriettretet °Meath Anteatea,,, -. ~. ,• -, -1- . , • 0011111 , tow ' luere Yolk York..lllml*A. —April -1 ‘:,,11.1.48t,....;:„;;;..._. ..•.--Avel 4 - •"" • Portlited.tjvergeo aim . ~, -"Mew 11 -.A**7llk :4.4;41' ...4:**A.11. 3 31' - _ .• , • . . ins. ;...,...,...Betee TO n.41vere0e1,............Aent 18 ':. - . JVltt 1 or 7: ..Livotpod.....—.ll,nl 18 WM. '' C ' s o 'l l i Zelai44 — trre vl apok..4g 'wk.. .:..-tat, hll 1 ±,Ati1e5:...:.:...... *ew '..14i, ortl—'„:,: hl7 '],Br=il ! :-... .. .. - irzroir.ttitr 414.....:t ria net 11, eetpealh...,des anutitealinv Ye7k..:7::: - ..." - :•Ahle1 • - renteL.4.4. :....,...: roma: AttnoYeth...4.„.ltarehU - • „. the Celifigleyett ea heti Sine York tie , Alejth mad seek . c r,)-- ' - - 71. 1 1 11=11t aa r i Zettrel= el e& yr • 'P.:. .: ••..A.l lli liet . ' add . UtL , -,„ • ~- : • ' . above deter elesday the eteemien ...vi mittetidnedaeWetteell i gue .1- 4 ..-• ',:-. , ' . . MARDIS porniuGzsc,g, 4 1111* . opm!!Apitir4mp1umwevirrN1m4 LRAM*: in claw ••• - • Helm Alenott.Hinittrittit. 10 &to from Watlnotion .PtC. SAO !oak iittloW pin• boards tot:gown ton in Co.. • ,• 7 1. • Rohr J L Trinvne , Maim: titan fro"' Derwin Doi, trittingll47.non_stt & Sea. • . Beeto Anion; Connutbsa,- dots he, Deep Cote :one Wilma loostootn. HIM Onthato.3 Gts from New fork, In WC to it grottovont & Co. , Anil% Bonith.i davit tons, starnfotd. Conn, in FrAioltimitio 101tolootind & Cos. gem enrah, Inmtnin.Conwoll,3 digs from Camden, ;,,Im.,loo.forere I H MoConny. ethr T P-MeWteY• D•pay.2 dams froillitfo:d. Del, Awn to Nagel*. , .. , . . . :',, c' , - ;%.,1_ -, • - ,'-- ._ - OLBAREp_ - " him martillon. CottinebnaLDsap emir. Titerosiray .., :- i,-.llsar . t:asolims , 'MX, Gralmmt.s&smastikstrNSMOdfasit ‘ - -,. -, i , t . '..vPiortmatii.iiisiili;lipsii;lirilli & Co.:;:• . :1 `er esink" 0_ ;apse, Jinni , I._wtort Pau% Mar -- -10lif &MOT; itlimarjSlMAWliiiiii lilnOolle7. ' ••• ,1 - , , :i . ': ,vr E. , - ;,. r ~ _. -. ingstifiANDA. . . •• , ' - 'lttOiropilli If - - oltitokkett: !titbit. bttoo: osrliotfat 800-- „-',.. ; : fitritokiltitoom:Ak ' er,ienos . , sniped it It York .`,- ie. Wt • ''' .-,--- '- 1 , ~,,,, zbistinishi a 'Arial._Mimm &tin- NW Witt myna at - ' Ansilasdi kith inst. F ' -''''''' 'Wes Poothern lltiehta; Oliver Neves. '!Metter., Mil ill:ha fog Ploindeiginaorsos loading MAdminmol "”' ' -''- 7 ii.., b Sio.lPOntnifr. Knowles. (him Dolton Oetii Wigan '-'* response°. was spoken Deo?. laS 14 OP. loatig 16 W. ' c" , = L. • Phip John .e. tewsrt, its poke from Now Yorkpee la -.... ; - ,- pir- lon p!sjilgibeo, vs. spoken Jim -`,lst 4TO hi • long .:".'::: - t l ki iilts 'lithe. Ifewes. from New York Zan tr. for in ''''.- :' ''':'' Tl itrlliotilo7itTarnirt . ll h • rlt..T i grilt B o3olllll * itrh Lt. - -,--,,,- ggitrAorwii Price, for Witill,,ghil.tkttitiath4l at gamut -.- -.. + 3lo ttarr i Vir _ T imm : ftsMitt; fOr - PliiM.4faile;olsarest -----' •:=" '" st , Pleirlomn.‘ ' ;43. Seth ' Inst.' , ..-- -_. . _, , - ^ --- -..'._,', &MO -2 illoottne. Webb. otiorP A illisondegs, Somers, ''," - ‘' ":" penes. *Mood at Boston Mk inst. ' ' .. .._ ' ~. .: ;_ ';, , . ihs ' Egl r ltl i n inis i t i s m w d laspougr ) . for Phl_tlnig!da k Mimed ~,,' •. - ',.' ' Petri' inlet gmoi n tor Pitiladdlobts, oleirOd lit Itotos *Or itot. •'' ~- :': - - ' - ' " Sogrflitresedat. ' I) +lr. itg.' fonnt Iffil!ningtosi, DM, se-- - " "' "y. , tared lit Meitandria soh inst.- " • - • - , - • -.. *oar viirr •opn mopro. Maotyfor, fkortkroot, ailed 'lr.m Allitaallnis Ufa inst.': . , looms, '0 0 Alter. yestoa, for Titiladalgida, nailed i!; - fm ti ,i•iatotriltlttb pat.'- - '. ' ' -, r_ '., =..14 1 / 4 . • -loolionet- itownikio Mophis, Cigtoin Wilanz,:of --.1., la /adsall'sfinal fin&i.Pisor . Orises fro Imolai, With h hi ,ca.mif mem Onteded lit per puiphinsry on Abe nth - lent. - 7 SottiflaidnriV &tin c ,imstvg, mitti s, roost, = v-s. .drivwcos Mom mots was Ithorsoow of Ms dsv 1",., ,,,:, lFalt . :=l. end* WC:nom of tit* vie , ot sad of, i. ed -- ' - , Ankies. sod ilt *CLAUS ' . IM 7Qt- _ Ave the Water in A , • ..,...„:„C."....,". _.sestirHtere immolator: '''''' - ''' ll i t e tZtoda i rrrgatrattarai t ilie riA lN ltii ll = tr:4 o. 7 o le e t ri r i v .r. nr i . , ,,Fra ni l i tirtleli, r ra mil l, 1 11: l i - ' ' -iiii: f ro ' rkto 1 1 i loped ti l ialle t ship liirpo i t h, be A "iih , I -I" - • ._..., , , , , : , , , ,v54 ..„. ;, ...:4 71 0 44 1014.1= i sav rivi za .... MIME .h.V1149 '..' IMMO—V - 101'ND -- STAITS wz , $ nyar , 004IdrAttlf, corner TitIRD and 1p11138T ,.., „ ~ I,dtt• inuettasertimd, itekokstllk es do: - l‘ed *Mesa se, in PIVIt PSI C INT. INTL 1, ~, , ..1_4_,.1? froin . $lO *y fit to per Of with " '''''* 3r4144t0e0f•• ostitiVoleitirmlay. and on NOMXtt ithillirotin 0 __lr lisembad for. ates es , Naar - . TWefts. , rio n -4 x ?AR 14 4 11 1 1. 19 " . LtdlY Ain: newer". • - , .. t , t g ai7. l7 , _ la %ViNG FUND - FIVE . RED. CIiNT , PC, k- .13 : 11.P.15T.-twiIIICOVIII. NAVlttlf• Thin, cow. „ . .., .2_,Ast , Illtel.PlUTAmisti est eon's, HIND , Tha Ilith. fnoor ID Mote o Pennell! Wool is pools/4 l ima fin. tufo or mooll, INN io teretilrd4 fonittbe der OT deposit se the day or with. . I . l . l 4gelitrie.s im p r iop keen isine4 4 o' °goo rho - !noi r' Maims° toeltAit e trAlp e 4l:i 7 I) " . r e igil %An i l; A= wit.moti , r , . itod. IfeArfkiletuter, ~ . ' epic if f ,t or , --jigwiff t e r. , - ? Afire • Letrioth °Mi ta ' 41. , r-{ ,, ,* tritteii=rr fettj s , ' l4C a bitti the _ 6 , . . psosorotto he, stn. ill , Magna. - , 40 / 0 0 1 0 01,11, 4 fool i am Da Will at *. '` I % t.1311(1)}11 AMP* lIPI 011 debn 6l l ,lo flta Ups, sod wows cannot fadid dile Pert, elessittf to , s ~" tino i dttotw o o - , , : -= eel ly - , faiCalo`aAßDElC BAI/NG jrprip, 00. LA - To or pxtet `-:` • • .~ J ''+~~~ • 1 , 41 IFttor:fittomoliotiv.,ol*, REV:OI4;MM, p tatistm L01115M). appipsimOM ' 111-Imagraville• C0N101440. boa nr i k" L 'ilje iteitto4 411111A-11t*:: . 4 '7' • m ritt: RAY" ALBERT- BARNEt ! !, ! , . No* sna i rsuret rwrow , ' • • " VA: !alit Sooicsittlis. Ing Buisfeopre, Chsftwat. • 1 20 ;4, I, 'TEMirAT'OPIALIri t Frio' '':TltSi:4TilifSitOly.At i to; PA.;! 111• , i l.llAoFi l. biL b tfildON 4. d lirliitiirjitk.) otriOd: at tr aeo loar Priori. 'Urge mem Nodgiont find • ; amount to Chkr • • • MIS 4ELLANEOUS BOOKS, CM be *Woad at tbeyery_lowaskatieee or ta& 01_4.V & numuSTON, • ' ' NO. a &al s trritiateet. above Cheetaitt: , 111/1W40(a& faiabdold ea *La - ea sob obi. • WiU MQ teld Dn Ih nn d sl, ttis Nth Widish ' S. ,4t-SD:ASCA ; • :L7Tisaattiorof WIDE WORLD," 1 3 tie Antlinkpf "DOLLARS AND CB NTS."/ ak., Mop ...... ers ... aSolth bps , An tutirlutoi that this work 'raj nd; reedy tstiNstnbuttouss, th• Whet Nisroh. ors linking an. gailywill vim. mint! in *nit ordinswiilkost n•w,.y. • -- - • • • • .1. B. LIPPIWOOTT,Jk CO.; ,- taiditl4Athait 211 sad North 70 MTH Attest. (2 M. 'ZIT4NS 2 ,-, , , GIFT . BOOK STORE viii , , 464 - • 0 : . litionitirtiT Stroit. ' --- - it Eds-A taig;:. • • - utiNg e A ,sv , gp., plata/ is do °M. , • • Moab air ak a oma IP IMISI Other litOrfar Mkt S INIMP I C traf te d "I" ern ' • mitt auk book, VA . . . _. al antli &UP ' HOMESTEAD. , 4.fieleetios of met Hera. • De Mrs. seatikerorth. with a oitt. • - toon&OSIDEEDUL THIES& With.' Sift. Prise THE THE ittIAILELII,S9I4IIt.. By 1111711knilk With a 4I TH? ~ 4 4f t. P itial44 1 9ilipoi SOCIETY . With • ei,ft A' Ar tit- TETitieEr ,A. 24 THE 1101.1' Mg . l it , .. 14 l a , . IDAw, and ailatied, edition. a:ALL - Tit W AIMS - Al lioOti _AS DISUED. Vriiilial witi tie sa triiiiain 'as . s;e6' ' vo te best WI". iN we Mir 111011“ pm sh e • . • ie ' 1 -., .- .i i . oig. .-‘ 4 , .. .: " 0 „),, , ,_ • ..ku-if " :., , .-. , • .!* • amr , E. ICNORIt & CO., IF , . L orms AND wiloimaims DIALEJRa WINES;,BWIDIES, GINS, ETC., 1111 - WApivr 1T. , A1 D 111 GRANITE ST.. 681 MARKET STREET; Foortinomie*Wantmm.woriheac • FIENVE E. KEENE, Hea BENLIAViraV ET. Iik AW ' south . rnt D ert. ,o. , int street to No. In mho-syn. , AVM; VICILLEY AND GEORG 4 A. , , COYERY, Altttorseio at law. lave removed to IS &to* StATti Otroot. Wow Ohootnett q fete- tot* tpove.t-amera, & CHANDLER, fis4nobEs_ALN GROCIERa. hots omo_ood form as SBCOND Btre43, to ils MARK= 19Enigt, &bole* rot. owe side. Sol NI XORANtIE INSURANCE . COMPANY ii--• --ohm rich IN WALNUT Street. FIRE 108USANCE on Howes ea X•robßamlise ;ocuish lar.= favorstflo term', etteibr luottod or per -'DIRECTORS. Jerwitiai Boma . Edward D. Robin% Jaw Q. Oineftp: „ r ,„ 1 Enar /oslitts T. Owes, -Re uben 0. . Thum* Man*. - ' ' Mtn MoDnan, . Jr.. SamL L. flowil it as. T. Hale, Billeronfi. SigmAii liONSALL,Prestolent. EIKE Q. AIII 000, Vies Pristidoht. SIDWAND W. DAvrt., Secretary itllal ()CAREX CITY IN' ANCE COAIPA ,u6 Nt—rItANICLIN BUILDING& 40e WALNUT BTNEET. P H IL A D E LP HIA . CAPITAL AND BUR PLuB 1869,746 70,-Insarris Halloo Looker pittorige by Pile. goad the Perils of the SW Inland Bovinstion and It TAME 'IL BART, President. sues. vio• primate'. ICROSHALL. Dee y SIM THISMIIIIIC, a LER. Assistant fleersiteey. DlEl=Oll 4 ll,, 1 1 V_ n. l7 ' kster 17erkitis, E. w.p.m. 8.. mord MENIVAN INSURANUF; JAL, INCORPORATED 3101F-CltatTEß. FERRET- HarWALIiUT Tkird. Phi itlpht k lifarge pald4. pitarElinek sad sorpitis ri; nested in socumt - sad , deftwitillf,oolllAUe. mien op Uwouinrs, Stores, uraltner, nrarorotadilio, YAW& IA Port and !hair eargooa, old other Ponental helm,. All Immo Aborall. aad pitauptlyadjetatid. MUN Tt d tr L ia;ria • a awes a...Cami ta tlh art 141 ARIL Pan it. hnsh. ALBEIT C. L. CAA . 'Moreton. PRAM INSURANCE OOMPANY, NO. - 11 :. 10 MEM= amt. rmwainntr4L. LNoolllrileriliAM E , ypixsy VABIA.THE IT4TE OF ABOOY oosFollizTo inits — AND I 1 LAND men - - • . sew.. orn. 61 • Trio. . • " J vice bos't." A mars. Jail -tr ,IrypAWAME' MUTUAL SAMMY INI. ir l i a ilfflplilatAl t ' 2 I S : R 8 iILATViti OP Wiwi- is. .. ' . WAL21137 ..: , 4 •NOB . . 1 , 41 a. ' To ape:tad ths Wadi, Oa Illembh tilitil L roarEVaLini Corrias; ....- - or i ” Pr i iftl. i filteraJt. ... 1/ 1 11 0 412.481r, - ' • ' . member 3. WA . .. 'Pon „ „ . . ounkst Talus. E.. Olt/ I gir Ainit..1L0aa.....101,080 at Ais k rautrylvivoi mum •vr ot; Loam—. OAS a) n 'mu r d n= a l ot• CO' r oot L SI im" i MOE CO riCgal . • - smog so Sa!iiii tr. , _ Sir erNaitritid ;lair 4sits 7•EZitailliititi iliiiiiiii: 8° 2 311 cci *A* i 0....... •.. az il . .... A - lit - m - 0 - 40 . . : la .. ...0120 SO fe:** - 1Z2 * 14: 2 41 . 3tirt- 4541. °C. Sig* I r 4iiiini lits •0 a itirtilirii . " .."14 imioN rris atc, &gam ma A r . WOO al ' . ell;i i ty am City Nl= , um.oo fossik see rai iiiiiiritiilintillniid 111410.10demartlinrs,61ii;iva iiiii:- 11,n. 00 IllaboliamltiWageWititilii; ii. Ce 14---ftnlpluila willrolt Cop . • nitats. laVilita v g a irei 7 na v elliki 1 26PMfatti. Pradellobis t."4 frals k l glogggg4l .........:..................».—... 'An gg Cr —""--- Amons......d3tasi maw. of "'" " ...i4griwiti= -- srre 3 . .. f 4 t74`, =s al t, mid caw dols dui; Snip sad stMcValiatry I — natriumiiiiiV "4 to ordriaSiiosli ---: eare n ... R --- - .'.. .AVit g : „ Tatum!, ,i a x rso nos • go , l o ' : • * I glogZe. g n o Pro mit zarlisroUr. • , : MIRY LYl.:llMiiiii; ff.I4BUAANOE 0 ObireN Y or TILE iyl,. AlleafflaVeytiltaffnitrian: rein Eille—claintalliell,o%)-Lnannts, dinar/ ile 111.121. . , • = i t Averted la -ikni Artilabl , emil e l= V i rint=iN an i term* RS: . eery D. Bbsrrirri, George 11. aar% W w r .,Wiuit, Jr.. - ' ' * IL I I; tra r st ern , . lit ini7" . IrWill. '' ' ': _ . _'l ' ik,l, MAMA% Prete' 'dot, Wiliam" .An • P . Neeriptinr. Je a-wing ft • 801011MSS CARDS. ___ ___ _ %Awn 0. sLosiii i . 7 4. A UAL lawn; Bpotout. ANA COLLECTING i . ' AuENT, ' . ' Gdayike z ' er. PAIL, MIXICISSOTA. ESSOURIL A. • ILI ! emu NC,1,11,100t244114D .Ik, *4604 Sir raftlealsr itleatfact ssid O U rloatod Leads. WWII Mimi for ails, at rum Twin freak 7161 to f' tia.4 . .tat_sitral Seines stun or rut ma Partionlus. WAG Y. lILIFIRRIL w. ISAILIGAVIL Eigianlio & SJOHARNITNISS, MI ILISHOBANTS, 1/11 CO 1 , 11 M 0i,JT IO # WA I V A t vise DELP • 1 4.l4olthip L. lil) (111, , iLA' MORTFACTURgit, MIER% nraliffirrairilubt:tm Jim 0, , I A /10' A ,NIOIIOI.BON, .... 0 "rims?, . L A wf el : :',, pi:nacticoulont. :11.;:;QO ;T5 ZVTATZ BRO ILER AID 001 011YAMIIIR, tiorrbitOpre? gurCa V t : "4 / . garasorri. oclia a. L tor lasi . ' T 11 3 .1 r . .-sy mir l ! • o r iz , == i itsr... p.'Rrirp ' tny; BOD Of Attorssit st LSW. Wii:lftAsistlirOUJlTN Stmt. h asm• . 'c - I ND, - • VIDAMAI f• • ' 1 .': , .. 0 7 .-- 7 Ansi. : ri ' -- 4l: iri otit• , ,' et, • ,4 ti' l C ' ' "Vrit rt r aY ' 0 Aii itzmoviais, NAVA ENJOYED PROM INSURANCE 'COMPANIES. -1 11 1fi sainell Z. Stoke, - . F. raniAWE, ft" lintinsteri n lo eTrAn k arns. mew C. Hand. aoobnßroil, . n r• met "P. !heft* RR ,Sr re, . s'aomple, Pittsb's, I , D. VI. 4 hiji.Ag i . r .fresitak muloo it* Pres at, __ , illi-dtl . . lOW AND DESIRABLE DRESS . 4100 frorillogr-York,thailgoMitltton eV& T. STEW ART & Co. • • JUST OPHISED, Cowerll l lll9 o flo got handsomest usortments bf di l Medium a., gay sag Vain dross foods ist tam oity. Woven waregestbatick Bar. Bongo Articles, Yoglialigua 7.11 Berens Anglabblor shawls anal travelling dresses. Parts PrtotedJacockts. , . Chintz °met do.• ftoush Mined Modal:was. Chamb ay etasimmi, gmi., km- Alia, from the lar ge st ation MU of Bellbird & Hut ton's goods— Elegant sairibarrd , ohinni Anired Same& 9 flounced , IWO Robes, kik., oeibud gone Olow-ohrok :ropy mOl4. - ffiatikl (L.!' u"""4"cHAit i ,ta a l i irsdrattm," - . BIQA JtC Streets. rIPHORNIsEY & tHiSki, - 4i t _ attentiOh 6 tltoir Monk *Urn:GOO' - of - • CLOTH DUSTERS: • ,• 'IOUS MAaTTLES, • • RA.RGE„AUGLAP. DUSTERS min DRESSES. skai r r e kfloLt. Stoet.in of-. • • - rresph Lamp E i tsepiw. , • arre - PrU p t e l . 4 B % * L ;: c h liatr iza . c w, . • - • • French Laos welmas. duabvis Imes. • Anntille Lune, ke. BouGHT FO it CARR ! We invite aitentina to due Stasis Goods, vle Rest Family and ?manna Linea , Bost Shirt - Inc SbeAtim . a n kriitr.idinlma. Mixed VlO i tt nn i n ilsek Fre net a i,loWsri m s, e Best kid Glom., Silk Gloves. Hasory. Read kerchief., Ai., S.O. Northeut earner EIGHTH end SPRING GARDRpt alba THE.' HARRISON BUILDINOS.' gPILING CLOAKS. Slowest Satins Styles. Striped Cloth•Oloato. " • BOW Style silk Roods. Plain •Cloth Cloaks. Cloak, made to order. Primo from 44• 0 0 in 4810 16.• , • = OIL RES. ii. Mir bring eislnitia. .I,tg e aid , a ono s'ad SPRING Nee. Jest °mod, lit, 1 seisprir. 64% 41 1 A l um' . '4 11:4' %aim' trivia ClaCkillts Ladisema eat,G NO ride. TbFFICE OF.;E. S • WIIELEN •E' CO., No.. ' 4 -. Nia_WALNUT Street. - FIRST' MOWIGAOS HONOR WILLIAMIPORT AND EMMA. RAILROAD COMFANY'...whoden! of First Mortgage ' ends of the Ouraphatt.haVe •onotituted Fdward B. Wheleutheir Attune'', ear gowned forthlth_to deposit their Benda at hill '0 lie, NO. SW WAb VT Street, Malay an alepienie%ol 'ONE PER OE T. thereon ; and ell Bontlhoidert t ho have.not.iin•ted intim tineretof arryleg tO M. h.', l o w, led desire tb do so, are le ;Witted to call a his with aid latallrgerte. tents, and ei, erEglVll)Veniiall; APRIL', if*, ah alter that day signatures to the tame will bo.geoeieed by him, and and,all who shell have trig .',pa ll d. stiiiitioef their Bono, before that 'Mit*. 11 be lion end As *climes to Unite in the eon tem'Oaied Mohair* of the Road, under the decree of the Court. - ELLIS 4 EWIS. Chairmn. . MINOLTAS RoBINBON, ' _ CH ARLES GIBBONS, - WM, H. DR AYT.O4_, . , • RDWARD S. WHP.LEN, Committee of First Alintgage Bondholders. Philadelphia, March IS, RSA mhl7-tapithstuth THE PHILADELv Elk; WILIESG, , BALTIMORE RAILROAD COM PANY, March If, IB6o.—The Directors _have this day declared semiltunual Dividend of THREE. PER COT. on Olt Capital !Doak of the Company, payable on end atm' the id of April nest. mkt7 antieth toga ALFR BURNER Reldtei'y, • NGTIe.E IS BEEREY GIVEN TN AT applinatien *Eli be made to the floe ni iyanulte company for the ,renewal of Cerp Owe NC. 9 ,, for ten shares Of the capital Mock of the laid irk to title' of cue which hew been loaf. recg.tHAY' opoguyLrr-piii, GAII oFricg OF MR SOB VIOA.TION COMPANY. Marsh or the nee of Oars and for Toll on Anth ed on, the Bohn Mill Navigation wil To Philadololus....--............ M-0n5punk.—.—.....—.......... fnmonEi ai Mill— ---- ..... -- th abokoore .-- --.-- —. oft Konriedy....---...... ... Alf Po ri IMMO DAM. .....—:........ ort Pr0vid0n0‘.......-.... ..... .... balniXVllllll-•—...........—...-- yeeo,Ford. ......;....1.:... • MatoWn Lirdoilliii " — —...... cot Unilliki...-. .......... -..-....... lreabormimb....-..-... ..... ..,..... t dig e i:« ............ ..... ...... iieriivilli ...... .. • "... ........... pburgigiocifoi . The charge will ; per ton of 3,940 tbs., lees five _per cent allowance for waste. as usual, and Ito themeless than twenty-firs cents tier ton will be made for say &m -amma tip order of the Manasera. T. PRAT Y, President OFFIOE OP THI PiIIIADPIPILIA AND ' RUBINO RAILROAD COMPANY. , Pam xaLriu. Marsh'', If" - 11% - illtif grPlllll2 AFILCIOILI lin two - prompirOmilr VW 9 94591,41/499 *de be els foiletbs frinn Mara Illtis Lis ast fewrAer To itartig ii ..-......-.. neliarad r floaL...=. tram. - iell ymastowii . WA. editor Vehitylkiu.... aril& • • •••••-•., fang tt'5...... . . 7 - . rrica ub iti keli. : . : :: : : Nll- •_•,,r-,-..-__- •• • orris en or anagem Fort Kennedy.. ..... .. alley POTge..-- ... ppilia --- -.- Royer's Ford.. .... - . Araming0..........-.. ti . :stiolt..- ... t:l i t.. . ..... --. 011001161:17 ...... ..... .. ' pirdsboro.....—... Reading... ..-: --. atetton.. ... —. Poli es rsvilleters. —... Rambo rir . Orwigsb g and Auburn .. ' mlil2-8113 Ky order of the W. . SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING' MAOHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, • CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, Natthinon, with Onorston, on hire to Private Families, MANCE 07P107111 I' West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 1141 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Ps, Ixl9-Om LOOS & GIBBS' SEWING MA 01111M—ThO great and Merealing demand for Wile= k OMbe' Sewing Machine IS a guarantee of ite sop i rior exeenenee. Pries 11 C H ESTNUTI at FAIR ", scar &tale TiVaretormaala Street. eg-tf GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. I W. BOOTT--late of the firm 4;f Win - J. ogise e r t Witi tr Offoßit t raii Etteostdetear y emote • elm * . W. a. would reepeettally .011 the attent4 et Wm forum. lire and frienthi_to ß hln new rpm. he Pit r p ar ~vflitoir t uTd.ceißDlX f142:110, «NA nue ertirta and Collar.. 1,11-Ir MINERAL -WATER APPARATUS, OF the Moat almoved ffityle end Lech. He would also call the nileeittion of all draggling and ditaleie in V ilarateg, Jiwer n ial to examine his new Una :4 0 1 alt ...swam& inzept, works:malted. N. LL—Pitrtieular attention paid to rewuring of ell bads of Kineral- Water Apparatus. 4e. JOSE? AItiDENTIRR, PI MINOR Rtrost. Pbiladolehin. lIISOATORTAL SPORTS. ' raw ? witmo N cit„ 432 CHESTNUT SPORT world invite the lovers of PRICATORIAL SPORT_ tx, the Dawn assortment, and Rut quaLty, of TACKLE over offered la this city. Much as Burgess' world-renowned Trent, Bess, and tiflOP Rode. Sa penor Trout, Base, and Salmon Fume uper extra Limed°, Carlisle, Selma*, and /gook'. Reels, Beiaketa, artihoial Bait, lidk, Bilk and Kam ems, Linen, and Cotton Linea. m hiding BURGESS' TROUT BASS, AND SAL- K(); RODS.— WILSON fr. CO., CHESTS 4 Sirtat,havina taken the Solo Aganai of my eirlabrated Trout, I l ia', and Salmon Reda, Endla, nrat - aid "aes!.W.'ittitatlis," A NEW AND ' WONDERFUL DISCO -4m. VERY for the Care of i rontathrm sod Rost. . - gig.4.l ARTA TlO FILLS. This umdmine is • tired pi the utmost ooalldssoe of As being the moat • se tts rizte for the above dig =rg tram "Itedurise° by .0.1-32,17.4 ti`L'''lll per box. Om be Ns rAlky mail, on. erligloaing 090 postage stamp and prtoo of Albs. Forams the sole agent. ALEX. . ARITA, Na HO Booth FRO throat, AtilLtria • h ladelshia. BRIMMAKING MACHINES Which tem- Varin ria = Writ.;;;WlCtat. 5. GS "iaZr HigS, smoked p r ifOULDEßS —1,900, pieces ear". amevented kistus ama i l i ri l i l jele ler j. l 6 lll lrATlr aftuit street.lll door shove Fr ont Fox* !inn Bble. and 349 kife. largeNo, 3 Meek are. 10044. arid 4do bta. mall No, Nook eilt raved ear TErL i F m nr+sAiw o sidk I nd tor vehJ as and Ll 4 pronlefirwunairitic SAL SODA, JOB. ELKINTON & BONS Ognit prim* Sal Pod*, in casks or dirrolhdolivornd free of porterano, in quantities to snit lure ern. Tifl Booth SECO Stow GE Al 3 E.-100 bbla patent Tallow Orem*. flia Waif do., do. SOD qt do do. SOO kag dO. atom, and for mato by ROWLSIG4SOBUR.N.ZikIt 01(), nLff , • no 16 South undAII.V.SS. V OGNAO SOKI N B A, tDoM in 12n, 34 s and 1-na, YaIeMEEK i GORMAN & nin +own . ROM LIBERTY ntront.Raw ork. on NC ,bble..extre Mulch:um White 1 - 4 . 0 % , Fish, la %eV lir t 7 . ll.l37 iLoß vsh atiS WHARTiIs. HUD= SUGAIL-500 bbhi. crushed, ligreAlg u ttittrarsitterrot a ajg fro NSW :CROP ORLEAI7B fittf(iArt.- a mor rani catir is tr silo by ABIDICINAL. waii iffiicted a short titrokelnee with , ptikid sons throat, so that my Hfe was despaired of, and had the beas medieal tnitinind no rellat_ was Indueed to try R AD FUR 'B, Powder, With A few ap i llinatioss I was ra nt° to portent health. -. L PL S. KENNEDY, No,9Bleout tocirD st r e e t Prepared only by Wild lAN BATTER HWAIT, mhS/Alt* No. 947 North SIXTH ntreet.. LIELUBOLD'S EXl c ßACTlltelltr E outer Dtuisino, iliso&BOLVB ft , ORnAT DIURETIC, 1 tthEAT 11C(111, E Ol RELMOOLDI EKTRACT C ,T E OR EAT DIDRETIO L And a Positive and BPeoille Remedy for Dieecisnt the • Bk e l atil. • b`tss:l6-artaiiiio. "' sr ' misoiein• !nemeses the power of Digeation, and excites the ARSON HENTB WV. healthy nation, bY which the WATERY OR c_a.LckkEous dep sit ons, and al UNNATURAL EN LARDEMENTB ° are . re - (Woad. as well at PAIN AND INFLAMMA LION, an d ig good for MEN, WOMEN. OR CHI LDREN. - Depot, lOC South TENTH. Stree t Mow_ CH '4IIT Street, Philadelphia, BEWARE OF COUNTKRFRI 18. AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALt , RB, ,A,lo4l,deft,c o .l to dispose •• Of TIINIR owe " WON /I EL foI ' IMIA B. I II4DYN I M A IWAVISIVI D . " T. APE W011.11.-TAPE WORM.. Y.ILtIYB'S Ara WORM Hee berST peen known to fail in a innate ' , instance Iss *emote this troubleiome eirlynal. It is as *snip taken on on °edit's'' , purgative, snit up fohossedary no ;males sant effects. The worm is initially expelled in freM throe to sight hours Misr the medicine is taken. It is put up DI doses. with directions for its nee By writing to Dr, D. JAYNE & SON. 201 FIFSTNUT Street, vkiladolphi a. enclosing two dollars foresail dm, the medicine will immediately be forwarded by mini to any part Of the world. READ THE FOLLOWING OFRTIFIOATEa SCHINICTADT, Ni. Y., Nov. 23. Dr. D. /aims—Dear elm marred the upogage, your Bromide for tape worm. and took it atmoreing the direetiona; About four him y r; r a zitt ft:e . r had Ar ta o ke a n T :t.. passed a tape worm suetuMring full aft,. tr feet In length. Iftgisimbrpit Y. an d Era stead. .• • , /b, hays Origin/nog boo anr44 With that ter ble hairder—th ,tape wita-M. During , at time I bilk, ed.va oak plate the belt Med eel Skill ikt le and the led*ebt oonritim. without obtain, 14g any TS 'sf. L was advised. to send for your remedy. ,that time I wasalmest 'reduced toe skeleton, unable to attend to busineu. and nay pilfering wan. boymid•de mention... / took two emcee. sod then emend fifty feet Of the worm. lam now,ntMag and in good health. • • Almon Filial& ' Dlr. Pirry Brewar writes Four GinsOn, Ark.i Fab. 3d. 1881. "After taking your Specific; lbr tape worm, It had the effect to expel a Worm measuring in all twenty-four feet." Fattest oft letter from Mr,. George E. Roak, anted .oswoott, Tioga Co. 11. Y., Feb. 9, Ind. " Omit a year since we recinveJ from you a doss of the Tape Worm srecitio, which my husband took ae irording to direetions and the molt wee, that be passed nearly gutty feet of tine worm. ' tt Ihtibanit.tr i t hlnntit 04 13 114 Dr, ~,Yaye—D ear Dear bitt ,notd n for some tour Years Maimed With thnt lortiple tr ewe, tam worn*. AnYing tried Toyota remedies without snows., I*** it lies co gelled see yoor tiPECIFIO, I saycompelled. tir great repusanoe tondrertwed inedioineeois °own ered them ail s humbugs, eo it waa with gmatdii oulty Iwas induced ,to try your relpidy. I took three doses, and the runic has been the * replete electten of my tormentor. I here pulsed wine eighty feet—the last sight br ten feet tapering gradually until it waJi no thicker than sewing cotton, With a head tut bagel.' the heed of a pin, I believe if I had taken your medicines in the begin ning, before my etomeah heel= accustomed to drags, one doge 'rebid have been sufhoienf. Feehtig it to be • duty I owe, net only to you, for hay tug saved me from an early grave, eskers my dieters would have, inevitablyplaced me, but also to mop wpe are adUoted a* I was I make public these facts. Your.gratefully, Louis Wsermst, Otthe Arm of Wagner & Itialleetan, Lithographers, Fifthand Chestnut streets. Ifmianwrs,_ Vs., June 1?. 1819. Oantlemen Your TAPE WORM sphcino been admiroatered achbildillit to &noble: Pilsoist sils rl i V i eXre Ati*Waltiritrgnsitse tuned prelenaloni, andl have no hesitation in re: idminending It to the public. , „JAYS. B. Wrytirritna, Tenn.i July 1 , bgh— oar Oat AI httle girl about riin Years old was en enter with raps worm, and had Men sneer medical treatment fur some time, without beriout. Your BPECIPtO was given according to di motional, and in about. three howl' fifteen feet of the worm same away. which, front the description, I think must be the entire worm. • R. McDo,t. Ditnartm.n, N. Y., Aug. 18.`1•69. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear I took your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC according to directions. Eight hours after wards 1 discharged without pain) hie soormship, who meeurured -twenty-a ght feet in length, and *untamed more than NW links, ' . . . Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Air Last week Mr. Myers made inquiries offs about. your TAPE W 011. M SPECIFIC, and immediately 'wrote to you for some. Tuts morning he called upon ue with a battle containing the lopri worm. WARMER di RAT, Druggist.. COM KILL NA- Tb• obars• • Coal.oar as followr NEW BALTIMOHN. Mich.. Dept. 21.1891. Dr. D. Jayne h. Ron- Dear hire: I took your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC woording to direction.. The worm wu expelled In siz hours; length twenty-six feet. Town, fee., - Lours Sprit.' Day ewr, or, lido., October 7,)160. 13! i D. Julie & Nem— type, Trip* !Anklet to luta frit eothe ,yeiro. a ee t .t.e Ilene . kitosAl the bimetal. WO tontine emUlaUpli. an ain dad Pettus* . up 111,1)00L 'MOM-jive ro o t, or upggrorrg, It tanks, a urt remainteiin hla atomioh• We procured some of your . r4el WORK brECIPiC, winch toe took woording to direetione. He soon drecharged shut ilixteen feet of tape worm, end dunk* he la .nnw „ free Yours, kg.,. 'SUM & DOVOLAiII. I. AVINPORT. /0416 & le A • Iked. Dr. D. Jayie—Dear Pit : took your sticemo for tape worm,woording to directions. and In four hoar. the wore wee expelled. KIIIIIMABINT10110(D& Douro SVC°, 0411IfOrM11. Oet.lll.lent Dr. D. Jayne & Son—Dear Sirs: Ido not besi.ste nor do t delay mai...fly testimony toAhe treat rxerilurnee and suparionty of your " TAPE WORM SPECIFIC I lately had an occasion to hers the virtue of this ment ors. heated, Om result of which arse the expeditor or • Pre worm of enormous tenth, which had worn the pa tustor.down to a steleton. hut who now look. Realty and Mira Whom this Led a quarter snatibn ot it now on ek Ibition at my of ee, mutat hrOor or irlud i have written. It has been wit hered by hundred* who have galled to see it. • Yours, trey. E. O. B.IIKACI. If tumisnovai. , lll. : Jan: M, tall). dautder, tong Mated with &tape worm, was en- Vitt r itlMP76lllC o . ne d". or DR. j iislity 'a gg r ig s Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & BON, 21i CaxlX. NOT street, where att Dr. JAME'S VALIJABLE ME DICINES may be obtained, nthl3-10 COUGIV. COUGH ! ! COUGH !! ! ErAmivitix, stock co . L. !Mit. a ifid. - Di. D. isxxx Dam 84-Idr. Nathaniel Bunker. ,4f this pbree.autborlsedrne testate that hie wile wit. taken to her bed one year imp wai h I,uns, Disease., whist' she Physioiaits proaonneed Constunpnon. It• dobtoted for six indnths to Co purpose, du,ing whielt time he had beard your f.XPECTORANE spoken of very Inside, and ooaoluded to try it. He bought of your Agent a halt doaen bottles, and his wife nines taking it. and has bsen seating better ever sines. alio can go oat even now, and is gamins daily in strength. A. it. Wray & CO. 1.16 I 116 I I X 1.551.20 130 'Jo 1 1.06 I as EXPE3TORAXT FOR LUNG FEVER. Roe urn, Ohio, Sep t. S UR& Da. D. JAANIC I have made nee of our EXPEO lO RAN a for Lung Fever, care . with the aid of year eioallent d' awl it ideate a care . .Pi G. W. Rowans?, THE SWEDISH. MISSIONARY. Extract of a letter, from the Ret..4. daied °cutout. Sweden, March 10 M. Your invaluable Medicine, the EXPEOTOR A Ne, has been of very num:Alga service to my throat and breast, and I can scarce ydo without it a single day. Several of our friends, to whom we have oacasionally given some, express themselves as being mash benefited. THREE YEARS WITEBROSCHITIS. Sib c xvon..owen go., Indiana, Kept. 4, HS. Di. JATSS My wife having been severely afflicted lona three years with Bronealtis,_ and having heard a the wonderful efficacy of your I.DICPEO ORANT for coital, Asthma Difficult, of Breathing, nnnies of Mood. anu other Diseases of the Lunged cure haaed one bottle of it, and one lwx of SAN ATI YE Pill LS. and era happy to inform you. that after rising the EXPECTO- RaNT, her cough wanlmmediately suppressed, the dif ficulty of breathing an d pain removed. produiling a free and easy sipsontration, and In UNE MONTS, offeotad a COSILY lATE OURE. J. I'. egorm. Pr:ogling.' only at mitts lm JAYNE'S. CHESTNUT Stmt. RUSHTON'S - - THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND,_ DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR HAEI universally supplanted all other Ointments and holing, applirotions in both the Eastern and Western Hemisphere' ' wherever intro duced; end its tartaric nest le the One 'sera of its Scales" in all rotartersir Alsolea r s. whether the owe be amides; or dissam. XURNS X. IA SCALDS • • to t ns wetutir teliev t e i l o yf 6. MeV Iran/ aid Ci g n a , r. eats.. lial:r; ind ° the g a1b1:,..,44.d. if by . Shailln,i2o blemish or soy ... moat, XY THE FRIEND OF L; viE NC SE. Children are frequent i i i warmers rem externatin- Aries, ermimally front !NW and Caravan* id plosions—therefore every M mother slipukl have tits heal? propsrattorl *Oa- . stantly on tisipd._lj Mats lOrd room , lad unfair e i ., removes the 'rETTRE or 1114 TO r° 4 t ß i t. TVLIM,II ryliti"ArkaND. The Haelintst. the Tra 0 yeller. and every other in dividual whom jot In life -. throws, him within the ohanee of accident from 12, explorica. Am, or sent :Cm, skottkt Mar in mind Lul tat; this Male Extractor Mins best and only friend. RI It is both portable end cheat, ask shame ever be oi his oOropooloo, as /*Mend in need. There are thou- sands o hang witireolgil to wetly to Its roarvellour virtue , who owe *ea sound mho and mosolee to its Wring etrlpOry. The elleerlyre aII of AO treskororekbr wlueh DA1,14. SHAG - CAL PAIN TRACT -1 OR is a PRE ENTIV Mas wen as OU i Ram. radmilaa, Bores dell kinds, Brume, Warr., Shot 'Wounds. rdm, rost Bites, Eatable. oken*eat. ever Boren, ti a rg, ttes of Regales, *lons, Cancer,. Glandular Die-Scar greeted Up. eases , Real ' Read, rbiltCl u- , 4 " . prAit,tir , p i f:inta, gtrrtuid Cord., par.' Mort, olecni. gdil. t' tO B I6 of th e ilirttsga. Ul cers, Sores, Skin, he. Sold at the trinrilftlt Brrdweg l New York, Wit fil a r& CO., Cha rtres ol3i al street. New :IT toyoi: tame o all respectable octants an Merdiants throughout the Muted Stew and Canada. T. W. fIYIPTTSONS. !Be, North SECO N D Street, fay Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. NITA PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIANOS ! ! PIANO-FORTE& MELoPEONS. NANO FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. ?LEWD 4giNn. JUNO-FORTS& O ingt.ODENS, M by Raven Bawl, & Anna a$ aluk• Wait, Da,* & do., and oaten. sayl4-ly and. GOULD. asvEwm CHESTNUT. STEINWAY & W)N'S NEW PA TENT BYRN:STRING ouzo PIANOS. SQ.lllait GRAND, AND BQUARE rIANOILIiow pro faned to cannons and is rivate melee .by the Peat Pperformers,Reatived the Bret premiums over the beet wake:l4llnm judges like GotteohallkAlaintyl other& uhLuent• eneompetifion. BLAB US B ERB, lad DBES Stre it. - - - - _ AsLARGE AND VALIIABLE STOOK Seale• selling ont et Greatly Redueed Pneee• e 426 CHESTNUT Street. escooo worth r fita i ttard Weida Seale', eozeprielea ar boanter. worm ro t riell i e Itt e iorm, Wareham , Hai, 0 0 alt Cattle. and Ratimad 8o .es rulesers flirt ter their interest tO banana 81 10, 8 41 16 07thillUT I EITREET. Philadelphia. OHM& A. DartlELB, The attention of soentiv merchants m totem above stook. fen lot a g e FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SOALES. For isle b lliNtWaletittrats6 442-2. Sw. GROOME CO., S Moe 14i Bolan A F ND OURTH Hirt* WHARF, FM ATRIUM, 8 0 IUTLIIhks Dealers and nipper. or hoonxt Monnrap o , Lehigh, told Illottsylkill 0 A Li Marehardhr. urn on wharfage. 0115-do VARB9E.-330 Boxes Herkimer County citeite Mum. aed form:lle by 0. 0. SADLER k 00,1, AXON i Soot loon float. Nat COD Ll,Nit OIL CONIMEIPTIOR PIANOS. 5,~}0 LINER 'JIM " '''. ' , NORtiV.PF24I I / 3 Th. vea&A.A3I.IAD. ,•- - - , NTF I ARRANORMERT. AMEAMIItregaTp276I6AT!! 6 On and after zaom.. r . stovemoe 7th WA Passau gertßensi:ilLlZl7 13 RONT and,lkAtiOW Stmt.% 7 i) lor 6 13 1 et leberA, Eelto u n '2 , th ilite e ntlytt eli rkiMuth, Chinki leton, a., (Express,) at Lao A. m., . gl ay ef i grn.q=gatt l it P itt.t i lti. li kla 4 ' • or Fort Kngtondanooniodationitt .3 P. M. T MP FN. PIIU.ADEL.PHIA : . 2Ye Mt sm. (E)taMstlo) at 8.4. AL and d.lO y. M. ,et t uel . ell Wa. (41.00e/MeeetiOtir) at 7A. M. and Loewe Fort Ntruhinxtog,fKooramodationd atT. A.M. ON Hurt DAYS: piladelahia for,Furt Wtsitungton, at 9.10 A. M. otOoloblk. for.l9o , logo#ll, or 4 P.M. glestotra tbf rilmdttligitft, st 1 A. 7.7„ port Weehington for khdadelphia, at IA P. M. are to Bothlohont, 41.50; to Maus& Chunk, SSA; to Easton, 47140 : to DoglegtoSM,l3ooents. Throqgn tidal* mull Ue prpottrott IMMO e*tering the oars. All Passenger Trellis (eqoept Sunday Trains ) con nect at Berke street with Fifth and Oath-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Rearm's. ter . ELLIS CLARK. Arent. Silt PHILADELPHIA IL Nfi R.RA_DING RAIL ROAD, ELOIVIRIE, for POTTSVILLE, READ ING find HARRISBURG r V 'BROAD ikod GAlLWltkrki i rtl . (tra i res ° on Callowhm,) at 91 . M. , 0 1 0 Ind 6 Va anOOPted,) for POTTS VIL HARRIS , erl4 ity t rEntmodiate rotas, onntiO c kg at Harr ti *ad t 4 ratotprig to rim "'smbennaklitlVlNTL-4. Leaye ;sr 8.31 4 rd.', DAIL!, for YuccrfiVELLE end W.RISISIJR . At 4.80 P. IrI.,DAVAT, (Bdridersezzepted,)for READ -010, end intermetuste pants. as W.Ø. Mdflar PINNY. &wormy PJID • A DDLEFILA AND l i r tifflMo ß blit r li i rM i eVa l ?r A e D 11 511; oago, Rook Island, Niagara Falls, Milwenirao, Bur n a, Montreal, Bt. Nara, Detroit. Alinheth, and Bt. t it starer tralas vill leave thejailladslel d lianiVirkM H in fLL egi d tsp er D MF D Lya ß ad j e fif t AD V an ? a:titc):,?,g -vrttki.nigntial.,epaitzi.i69lritg: , 4, 8. Ild.,,ittr - EKBE uf falo ffell. rtilw i lielloli g . Illitid, B ll4elta,Bt.ha t ielarlTnetet must; ' tit Arid .so P. M. (Tahiti fah , th ogh to R.A RIBS ILO, stopping at all Stations on the re Dan= Valley Branch. The 720 A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes-. barreittate_ ,n eerardon, and all stattons on the LACK AWANNA AND SLOWS:BURG RAILROAD. Bartage °hooked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Buspeiudon Bridg e., arth, Tckets be mitered at thelhiladelphis A and Elmiraitadroad tpe u Todret Stre et s, an d Northweeleoraer of SIXTH and ORISTNUT Streets, and at the Faesea ger M Bllt MT Meal d F at a If 1 4 1 .11A d IN Leaves the Depot, Broadstreet, below Vine, daily, Man dar excepted.) for all pont. West and North, at 4 P. M. rreighte must be delivered before S P. M. Willmar. g l i g=er l yttpa Lion, till At _unapt ifret a , oIOAD, below Vine, cPriel , ..galtiiikPZ oNeliefilii.irAMAi t isal4 , . . - - -Yhiladels.hu. - • PRILADELPIiIA,GER, MANTOWN AND NOR,RIB - WINTER ARRAN/3EIII4NT— : On sada:tar MOND AF,Nnv: 21, Felt GERMANTOWN. „ Leave ildladsl7ttla 4, 7, Mt 11 10 9 11, and if At M., 1, 11, 8, IM, 4,6, Eft, 11, 7,8, 1 1. k. and GM P. M. Leave Germantown 0, 7 8, gi, 111, 10, 11, A, Id., 1,1, 6,4, IMO, 1, 1.141 : 4110 1 ,4. P. Maya rldladelabis9.o/ ma. A. 11,1, M. and ID F. M. , kr Germantown 6.10 mm. A. M., IXI mm., 6M, sad p !,,rie Philadelphia 8, I TNUT a 11 A. RA ILRO AD . L : 4, 17, and 10 _ .. Leave Chestnut Rill 1.10 7.40, BM, and 12.40 A. M., L4O, 1.40, 8.40, and 13.40,P.& 19IN N‘ , OSO, and SAO nun.. P. POlt priNOWEIN NORettOVN. Wive o 1113 0, , 11M , Wirt., M., 1.014 9.96, 1491, a M. Leave ornetotin 0,1, 8, 11 A. M., IN, 44, and 0 P. AI. 6ONDAYI3, L eave ABMs' 'phis 9 A. AI. and .3y. Leave Norristown Lk.Al, d P POII.4MANAwaYU A. • - Lnn Philadelphia 4, MI, 9, 11.011 A. 80.,1.00,!.00, lA, 439, DM, VX, and 111 f P. M. Leave Mantiyapk 634, 7M, BN, 9N, anO.llM A. M., 2,8, 21, 04, and 87t P. N. ON SUNDAY!, •• Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3. and 83( .1' M. Leave ManayikiVN/ it l! MiL r ed 74 M• d n 1941 B iiEPO4 l . NlN i rra:d R1PA111746. iir t ams TO WEST CHESTER sind intermediale Points, kta ME DIA. Trains for W est Chester lea ve Philadelphia from trAa l aggs s e h tet krir of in°tHsitTtalliMand On SUNDAYS Biala... &wit' . Passe? erg for statione patios PHILADELPHIA and BALT! ORE CENTRAL RAILROAD will take the .to A. ?1 , .. and ale P. M. Tama*. tats-tr Ma NOTICE.--CLIESTER vALLEy ,RAILROAD-PAR BENOBE THAI_ 15 I+ It DOWNIP.GTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE BTA lONB,—On and after gth Da007%. ber, IBM, the Yeesenger Tram! for DOWNINGTOVM will start from the .new Pawnor Depot of the Phila.- delphia and Reading_ Railroad Company. oomer of BROAD and CALLOWHILL gltreets, (passenger mi -1 " ItifiViilltrl l li for Downiturtorria. !eaves st Lei A. LL. A TFANDON 'Til.Afil for Dirindegkrien, iiiiii6a at r ( o the Ro l ord x 4e" e- of the Philad I bie li it i Eh e and LIT RAI twi e . p a tt " rig • " .. n ! . r , . AstinelYN7 %mamba,* TILE PENNSYLYANIA . 4 unatoo. ... 200 MILER DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. 1860 . TILE CAPACITOPr IPIII I 4 N TO Y I TIV C ANIIII7. W EQUAL TRUE TTROUGR PAIRIENO_ER TRAINS kirF.TWISB.N P ILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, nueoting direct at Philadelphia with Through Train, m Boston, New York, sad all int* East, and in the nian a irpot at Pittabutg with 3. rough Triune to and palest in the Wit, Nort west, and Southwest bat amiable's fact dm for t e trarurportaelen of Passengers aneurpsemad for speed and stwirOtt by stir of ter ran ee. -- Praia and Feat l,liu. ran Oirokg3 to Pittkburg, inthont ekgmene/ atra or Contllzetors. All through Pam :yew Trains provided with Lorgbridgo's latent Brake—speed under perfect control ot the engineer, thus adding much to the nitrate delefty_esters. Soloking Cam are attached-to esti, Trent; Woodruff's Illsomp_ Cars to Enuresis_ and net Trains. The RESS RIMS DAILY: Mall and Feat L i es, Ban dar-a egoested. gad Train Isayes Phlbedobleda at 3IA. M t . Fad lane ' Ilan A. in. .. Espes, Train Mav . 4 10 oor. M. is wAY TRAINS LEAVE AO FOLOWS: Harrisburg Acoominodation, vie Colombia. I P. Al. tomb's 111 4.00 P. M . Columbia .. 12.30 P. 1.41 West Chester Passingius will take the Mail, Parkes burg and Columbia Trains. Ppaseasers for Sunbury; Williamsport, Elmira, Buff*. 10, Niagara Falls M. intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 8 A. M. go directly through. Tiosete Wayward may be obtained at the °Mosier the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston , or Bal. timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Ofloaa in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of bteameni on the Musalseippi or Ohio rivers._ - . . . . . Mk' Fare always as low, and time as smut, u by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast oomer or Eleventh and Market Streets. The oompletion of the Wooten . ' oontions of the Pemarrlyania Railroad to Chicago. mete t di the DIRK= LINE BETWEEN THE EA STAND TTIP. OREAT WEST. n, emmutisotinp of tracks by the Railroad llndge at Vittsburg, avoiding ail drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantasesieadily appreciated by hilOPPPers of Freight, and the Travel ling Pliblibt _Merohanteand Shippers entrusting the traftsportation of their Freight fa this Company, can rely with amid , dance on its speedytreinsit. TRH RATES FREIGIIT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are or at, times as favorable as we charged Lir other Rai/road Companies. ltir ro Be particular to mark packages " via Penult. BAB. ad. For Freight Contraeth or eihippints Directions, anal, to, or address either of the fo ll owing Agents of the Com- Pang D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; 0..5. Pierce & Co., Zaneaville, O.; J..). Johnston, Ripley, O.; R. MoNeely, Maysville, Ky.; Ormsby it Cropper, Portirmourh, 0.; Paddock st Co., Jeflersonvillo, lndt age; H. W. Brown & Co, Cinolnnati, O.; Athern & Ribbon, Cincinnati, O.; R. C. Meld NM, Madison, Ind.; Jos. B. Moore, Louisville, K. P. 13. O'Riley & Co., Eranspille, Ind.; K . W. Graham cairo,_lll,; R. P. Bum, S haler & Glam. St, Louis, Mo_4 John H. Her ne, Nashville, Tenn.; 'Harp It Hunt, Memphis, Teen.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 11 LW. H. H. Knouts, Alton, 111.1 or to Freight Agents o 'Railroads at different Donate in e West. E. J th . SNEEDER, Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, SpNorth streel,_paltimore,_ GRMH & CO., 1 Astor Hons., or 18. William st,ll.Y. I,HECH & C0.,N0. p Ti State street, Boston. . Et. HOUTON. Ge4lFreight Aget ka V its,lacToAeci.Al3l,4tl,44,l;.B4 aIiftAMPRIBPIIILADELPIIIA L IV IL hiMGTON. AND BALTI MORE ILROID. On and after MONDA_, Nigeither M r LBo_, PVBENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, or Baltimore M. 0.10 A. M., 11 tool, (Enigma ' ) and 11.10 P. M. For For Cheater at 8.19 A. bl., lanoon, 5.118, and 11.101'. M. Wilmington at &di A. 51.,13. Sa t an d 1140 Y. M. For New Cut!. at 8.15 A. M., and 4.1) .M. $ E 1 or Middletown at 1.15 A. M., and 4. Y. or Dever at B.III A. M. and 410 P. . or Milford stills A. M., and 4.90 P. P.M. or Seaford at 8.16 A. M. and 410 P. or Laurel at am Aii p io P. TRAINB kon I' ILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.00 A.ii d.. 1 ~ (Exprosad Mai A. M.. and 1.95 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 7.111 A. M. mid WWI A.M.,l4lland 8.2. M. Ye Laurel at 6.111 A. M. and ILO P. aye Seaford at 6.48 A. lei., axid 4.01 1 1 .11, , Ye Milford at 7.50 A. M., and LW P. . taavo )ov er at 8.06 A. M., and LOU PM. ye iddlotown at la A. M. and 7.05 r. F. v• ew Castle at 10.68 A. Id., and IP. . ye Cheater at 8, If A. M. 11.11 and 9.11 P. M. Ye Baltimore for Laurei and Dalaware Railroad at 1.8.15 A. M. TRAIN!) FOR BALTIMORE rial: l a a irb r i Not 4 :ttr lo .. 1 1d 28 . , 17 4 15 1 1'11 1. .. rm . % 15.11 A. M. surfuA t ig 1 to Boa . '4l: 2l l s l .iPP ? ..A'f f rgirll P tillmoenr h t a mPhiblirliZ. FREIGHT TRA,IN, with PABSENGta OA attached, will run se follows': Leave Philadelphia for Perryvillo and intermediate places at BP. . Leave Wilniiiglon for Porn villa and Intermediate places at 4A6 P. bd. Leave wilminglan for Philadolphla and intermediate Planes at 3.0 p. M. Leave Baltimore far Stammer's inn, Ohasea, and Harewood at 844 P. M. na M. M. FELTON. President. 1860., an t ielegil 1860 WINTER ARRA NdElif , I4T—NE YORK . LINER TR. , . CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND pnit.A- D ELPHIA AND TRYNTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLA.IER, From Walnut-street Wharf and Kensington Depot. Will leave se follows—vis: FAIL At 6 A M, via Camden and Amboy, C. k A. Aseom modation • • • 313 26 At 6A via Camden and Jersey City (/‘..J.)Aci oommodation....,. I 26 At 9 A M, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning 11 A BY, by steamboat, via Taeonv and .Teeny Atlnl 1 .3 11Y, 1 •14: F e l anifiO s n and * Amboy, A..;;0r.0.in.0. 800 dation. .... 23 At 2 P NI, lie . . C.a . mden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex- Arim.o m, via Kensington and Jena . ; tVri,.- 100 Ara Pat e :TO . JerseyC f 83 Class Tionet 11 20 At 6 PM, vain Camden ard Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 00 At U 3.1 , via CemdeYand Jersey City, Southern Mail . .. .. . . ....... 226 At 6 P ht. vii. Camden and Amboyooommods- Don, (Freight and Passenger, y--1,4 Cl " eor Ticket. 226 1 60 The 6P AI Mall Line run. daily. The II PM, South ern Mall, SaturdaYl o x o ePte (l . For Belvidere hasten, lemOtton, ke., at 6A M and L' ir rf. 48114'afgITC11,riinitu t-street . Dothlahem, at A m,vi. Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Cap. 6troudgburiti Sararitalt• Wilkea Montrose, Oreat_Dund, at 6A. M., via Delaware, Laogawann and Western R R. For Mount Holly.at 6 and 9A. AL, I and 43 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M , and f P. M. WAY LIMES. For Bristol, Trenton. &a.. at 233 P. M. from Walnut street Wharf. 43‘ and 6M P. M. from Itemongton. For_Palmyrit, Riverton. Dennis°, Paved', Burling ton biordentown , 00. , at 12)i.3, and I' , Reiramboat Tram on for Dordentowo aid Intermediate Places, at 2,tg P. M Fifty Pounds of * Baggage only. allowed each Passion - ter. fassensers are prohibited from takinq anything as memo!. but their wearing apparel. All baggage aver nounds to bo Dant for extra. The Company limit their reasons/1)1W fur baggage to 0.. e Dollar nee m,nnd, and will not De liable for any amount be, mid alb°, ex- Gspt by special contract. fir2l " R. GATZMER. Agent. PRIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW oWia tht oontents. Address 'Wi lAN eamsvp s routta Ontete__ wit no. nu NortikllBooDlD ...„ . , Atilk•lPOß 111- , BOI7TII.—OHARLIEF ToNipis ViyANNtit rabitIKIPL REIG ICED CE . Heavy Freight at an average a rtruisll per Pea. be low New York Steamship rates. • • FOR CRAH.LESON, S. C. Tho U. S. Mail Steamship K '.i3TONE STATE, Cer tain Charm P. Marstiman, null owl FtidaY, Maroh 30 at 130'e:took A. M. ThrOugh in et to SO hours—oaly MI hours at Sea. • . YOR SAVANNAH,GA. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Ctiptalp /ohs J. Garvin, will sail oa Tuesday, Aprit 8, 010 o °look A. M. hrough in 68 to lationri—olly honyll at Ilea. 'Taal hng days ot mired frontavery Saturday Wive° . five days. Goous removed, and bills of Lading sigoW *vary otv.. The spfstidld flint-04m eide-whfirA Steatiahthe KEY STONE STATE and STATE. OF GEORGIA now nom as above every ten (lays, thus forming a five.div somme- Moncton with Charleston and Savannah, and tkol SOUS& and Southwast At both Charleston and Savannah, Aare Shied om ega with Meantime ( I F floral% and uth railmaa, km, for all Maass in the Mb andflouthweat. NSURAITCEi v..ei. , ht and Insurancea on a large proportlai cif Gryeds shines Bouts ;12 be found to be loWer by these MPS the premium being one-hall the than by sailing rate. • N. R. — ththranee on all Railroad Freight L entirely 11 _ 11 4, 33 farther than Charleston or savannah. the mamma wmpanisa taking ell mica from these Relit'. GREAT REDUCI lON IN FARE. Fare by tint ronto MI to tO par meat. cheaper than by the Inland Route. as will itess l l . 3l the following sche dule. Through tickets from Phi titn.hip.iros Charkm ton and Savannah steamships, INC UDINE' MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and BOUM nah to Montgomery To Augusta.-- 21 00 4tlonto...—_—. 23 (0 • Columtnuy 23 00 Columbas—..... 3$ CO . . Ss 00 Albany.. —. Oo ontrusdery...... SS 00 •montgorierY—. 38 00 New e 0 ..... Do New °thane .... 73 Bele °tisane 01 00 No bills of lading signed after Ulf *Mabee galled. For freight or pastsvo apply on board, at nand wharf above Vine or to ALEX. HERON Jr . Southwest corner FOURTH. and Ulf ESTNITA Agentrin Charleston, T. 0 . & T. G. BUDD. Savannah. Pi UN TER fe GAM M ELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina eery Tuseday. For Florida from Savannah. steamers St, Mary's; and St. JOhlell, every Tuesday and Saturday. 'AL- EOl2, ENGLAND Asp FRANCE.— 1 w YORK AND 11AVRS sTKASISHLe ,coNti , , The United Stgte9 04411.0{tealrolhipo ILRAGO, 2,100 tons,David Linea, Oemmfinder, atid FULTON, tem tons Jame, A. Wotton, codinlantler,,will leave New York, Havre,_ and Sout h ampton, for the year MS, on the, following days : To meet new regnirements of the Post Orllee De rt meat, the ears of sailing of the AiL/030 and PUL. ON from HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON, will, a ft er t err present voyages, be changed as follows from N W YQtt K , save in the owe of the present departure o the FULTON, which will take phut* on the 17th December, the salted:de rereaum unaltered: FROM NXW TOll. ILLVIII ANN BOXTNAMPTON. PULTON—.Dee.Ij. TULTON— —Jan. 10.. „Jan.ll. fatTBPl7:lPet. 0 1 . P 4 6tVgi.77.43 1 14 1 .....Je e 1t21... MIGO— Yeah. O. titAGO.......aneh.fff...l 4 lolt. W. T011,...hte1. XL PUOTON....ApL PC— ApL alk. T *se ettlisters.beilt expressly for Oovemment :n -vies, with double enittled , adder dealt, every attention law been taken in the oonettnetidh fa thee hall Mid ma obinery to losers safety and speed. The Nelda have rive water-tight compartments enclosing the engines, an that to the :Went of collision or @t rending the water maid not reeth ISO,, and the pumps being tr ee to work, the safeo of the vessel did pamengere would be se cured. Repent expenenee has dila/wet_ raged the shoa l:lM necessity of this mode of oonstrienon. The 4 seeommodations for peasengere are believed to oom ILO every oomfort and Oolitrenienne that pan be de id From New •ielit be Doutamptem or Havre—Phut Cabin. MN; Sewed do. El l . FT.OM linXll6 or Southampton fr a nc York—First Cabin, 700 frame L Dewed do., 800 Topessengere going to London these etymon offer Me advantage of *SODOMY both IS timeand expense. 4peaie delivered in Loudon. No passage secured until paid for. An experienced anngeon on board. Ail letters and news , sags f melpais throzgh the Pr (Mee. W. r Ei. re litiVlO a rA e g l eil. I Broadway, New York. WIM.:10118A.8101 1 Astit y Nairre , Ii t IAICAN IG aIIid e RAAMM.OI . OONIPANY : aiin it tratie. EILSON,. Agent, fiieelobeeeo Warehouse, D9ORanil FRONT Streets, Phil shalt, / 11 .9 32 ,t2f thkeh_ipepan beseen. _ a9O-trahll THE :RUM. AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MALI, STEAM- 01 ," if T e lt a VE n yW T g Olt; TO LITE/POOL. &Wow!, Cabin Yeee:a..7 .. "." •• T h i n POSTON TO X.1 . V117 • •"•••••• 73 Chief Caine Yeasage..-- "°L• &mond Cabm Yesaage • '''''' • • •• • • ti tS bt Trt • mange from 13oaton Her PERSIA. Capt. Judkine, CANADA, Capt. Lao ARABIA, Capt. J. titone, Abl E RICA, Capt. Mi g llar, APLArCapt. E. O. LOU, la itlo A RA,Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, (now bupding.) Theta 'ceases carry s Clem Irian hcht at tnattbaad t g tl e ßri a , t a r o b tF6 4 , r icVe ii r . e l4arir t e,, b 4l7, ...lay , Fe b' y n EUROPA. Leach. Ilogop, 33"04111811day, blush 7 AFRICA Shannon, " li. Yorkt WedrireMAY, fflarch 7i AMA , AICA, Millar, " Boston. Wdnesday; Plata II ARIA Lott. " N. York, Wednesday, March Ed CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, April 4 ARA B.A, (Rona, " .14,,Y0rk, Wednesday, April It NIAOARA, Millar, " 'Holston, Wedneaday, Apr .1 16 PERSIA, Juokias, " N. 7 - (7a. Wednesday, April 26 Berths not 'soured until paid tor'. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be aeo?untable for Gold, Salve. Bullion. Bosom, Jewelry, Precions Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor. end the value thereof therein expressed. 'For freight or passage apply to iserß. MYNAS 0, f Bowling Green, New York. I N, triO,ORP)QIAI4S' COURT IOR 111 E ••• CITY AND GUIJNTY Ot , tHlLAypaßrtiA. Estate of MARY EAC U 8 CeCtleaetb The Auditor appointed Or the Court to auOit. nettle. and adjust the account of HOKAGE HOWARD F UK NEBB. Administrator o Paid deceased, and to make distribut , on of the belence in the h .nds of the account ant, will maw the parties. nierefted. for the purposes of his appointment, on WEGPIC.K AY s the th March, 1840. Pt 4 o'etock P. M., at it ( iteit, r flo. /Zs &nth bIiTH Intact, in the city of Peiladelpni GEU. A. COFFEY. Auditor. ,w_ vE N 'l' RA L mhl7-sta/cthat LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon th: Estate of THOMAS E. MAGOFFIN, Gib of Philadelphia, dammed., wins been duly trent ed to the sttbeeriber all t ewes indebted to said Estate ate requested to make tmtnedi.te payment, and Mose having demands agiutuit the cane to present them, without delay. to COHNEtIA "MAGOFFIN. Eieentrin. Or. ANTHONY SWAIN. her Attorney. mhl.• tu.St• HAW OL, Bucks countY. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ix CITY AND COUNTY OP PHIIJADELPHIA. WILLIAM S. PEIRCE, Assignee of John M. Pomeroy , Ti. CHARLES M. REY NOMA& Lev,FA. De0..1=9. No. LOS. HENRY W. GULT vs. CEA LF:B Al. REYNOLDS. Vend. Ex. Dec., 1819 No. I,oBf. The Auditor appointed to report dietribution or the preeeede of the property spld under the aborkwrite. stir exesetions filed to the seethe t rtithrne of the Sheriff, said property being described ae follow': All that certain unfinished three-story brick messuase or tenement and lot or piece of ground. situate on the south side of knee Street. at the distance of 99 feet west ward from the west side of Seventeenth street in the Tenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, conteimne in mu front or breadth on the d Race street N feet 9 inches. and extendins in length or depth southward 144 feet. Bounded westward by ground now or MO of Rebecca coolies, outward by smiled formerly of Henry Pratt. and northward be said Race street. The rear end of the mud lot, to toe breadth of 10 feet north and south. W eather with s .me other adjoinir g ground. by a cei Von indenture from Samuel It tabards and others to Samuel Wetherill. Jr., recorded in Deed book M. R.. No.=, page Out. &L. way agreed to be opened in continuation of a oertair -feet wide Om, as therein vt forth and stipulated Heine the same premises which Thonirui M. Wellheri and wife, hr their attorney in fact, Mar garet S. %Abend. by a eertm I indentured d grant and convey unto Charles M.Reynold' in fee.] Will attend to the duties of his appointment on THURSDAY, the 29th of March, NW et 4 o'clock P. M., at hie office, No. 418 Walnut street, Philadelphia. when and whore all persons interested. are required to present their claims, or else be debarred from e arn i ng in on acid fund. CHARLES 8. Pert COAST, mliff-102 Auditor. COP AKT NER SIIIP.-01.1ARLE8 ARtmitta i lh . is d o siktdontted into Partnership his "d. Illistylifof the Ant will CHARLES ADAIR& &S MON. De who will ocotillos the WHOLESALE sod nsTert DRY- .DS RUSIN EBB at the old stand. S. E. earner of RIGHTH. and ARCH St CHreeuAi RLES ADAiita. CHARLES H. ADANA Philadelphia, third et0.1.1/169. CIROULAR, The subsoribers reepeatfolls inform their friends and the mine that they here made important alteration, to the Old Establishment. and are now prepared to exhibit a large and splendid etock of • . . . . . . FANCY AND SEAPLE DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants of Families. Particular attention le also given to the °holes et PLAIN GOMM • Deem", not ent , y or retsina's all the old .eustopters but of enlarsing the business . the usdatstened true that, teith additional care and attention to the want* o purchasers, they will receive an inoreened share of p triunes. CRARLEtt ADAMS k BON. mhl•lns R. E. corner etAlt. t R and ARCA eta. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES, pAURAGE ILIRDWARE ROUSE.—We tA- zmrorvotr d in o call.the atteatioN t ofee f fint riLHA re llArDWAill, tirenr: Tattoo by the paekago. rders for direct paportalien rotted. and Goode die Mem{ ether fa tau *kr, MOW erk, orfiew Orleara. W. LEWID en, 411 COMISERUX etreet, Inmerilng and 00MIBilKiOrt Merstutneg And Agents fur Foreign and Dotne•ua Hardware. WILLIAM N. ILlCatict. • SOUTHWARK FOUNbRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STIMITS. MERRICK ,k SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manefaotnre High aud bow Prewar* Steam Engines, for Land, Hirer, and Maribe service. Bolton, Gaeonsete rt. Tar4o. Iron Boats, Eon; Outings of all horde either Iron or a►e. Iron Frame Foote for Gam Work, Work Shope, Hail tout &attune, kis. Retorts and Can Maehmery of the latest add most im proved eoristrection. Every deseription of Plantenion Machinery, soak aa Sugar, Saw an d Grist MAI Wtouum rank. Open steam Trains, Defuntors, Fillere;rll4 , ping Engines, ko. Sole Agents, far N. Rlllieux's Patent Sugar Soiling Apennine; amyth's Patent Steam Hammer; and AsplncraH Wolsoy'ahMent Contrifuni Sugar Dram leg Machine. aub-y TO THE PUBLIC. CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent is deemed. by soienli So and pra.sti cal men. to be the very best ever offered to the public, and needs only to be seen in actual operation for its merits to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced is so perfectly adapted for ventilating private and publio buildings, wheels, hospitals, engine houses. mines, steam and sailing vessels, and for the cure of smoky ehimners they have no equal. Manufactured and for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Heating and Ventilating Warerooms of Cif nti. WILLIAMS, lISS MARKET Street , . Phila. Pegsenal attention wilt be wen to all desorption', of heating and ventilating by the undersigned, who has Dash many year; practically engaged in the abo7e bun new, Also for sale, Csalur's Justly-celebrated warm-air Nimes, cooking mum, bath bag, amateur ite. i by (CIA stotharn CHAS. WILLIAMS. To "*IIOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND PHYSICIANS. Mrs. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS FOR LADIES.— Approved of allli highly recommended by the Medical leroleuaion throughout the United States, Thirty Thou sand Invalids having been advised by their physicians to use her Surgical /indiums. She would caution Merohnnts and others against purchasing except at tier residenoe, 1039 WALNUT Street, where she can be consulted daily, between the hours of 9 sad 5. Her book or testimonials will be given on application. te EFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.- ..RJR , C. DONOGHUE will oontinue business until May next, at 16 South WATER Street, and now offers for sale, at the lowest market arms: for each. or on ap- Droved short credits. 4.000 barrel. steam-refined Sugars andfarruvs, o f _ various grades, 'naiad:in Lovering's Crushed and Pelversed and Moller's Patent-ent Lost Sir . V°4l74Tdjavaatftl AdamantineC- Ms;i2l.luehitrr r eri„ —t STEAM REFINED SUGAR and SVRUPS. C. DON p - Lam:, 15 South WATFR Street, with the view of closing tr o unce, on theta! of May next, now offers for palm at reduced prices, for cash, or on ap- MO short credit. the balance of hie mock of steno, tefi Pinar. and :tutu's, tocludin, a lame and seneral asso rent ot Philadelphia New York, and Baltimore manufacture. Also, Ada mantine Candles of units, Os 0 Kohl , a Proffitt- orandv enforitr. niii92.laD2T XI - AUKU - Ult., —645 Bbls. Nos. 1, 2. & 3 'Mackerel, to snorted orKinnl vooksot, of fla• Wait onto. for r sale bj 0. 0. BALL A& & &ROB 9Arl floor salkw" mhB. CUIABS---For sale by WITIIIRRILL 4 aaoTalia. a ant a Rua SWAB ism& 10 MIC 3 • INLAND oa 76 ?Manta.. . LEGAL: COPAN. I'NEIISHIP NOTICES. k ANIJ IiALRIVIIICIAUCTION.-, - PT4' PJ3B, BRIINIMErw: . ,t 115. tta:us statiotte:sErit,mtw a - SALE Tl3lB (Tooddsfi.MORNING, 111,AX.Pttinb. ,I 0 O'CLOCK. A COD.- , -TbeAsttentind of lotrehment IS .74:quested to our sale of ve vaeksses and lost of [shay sou staple dry goods' to be sold this (Tuesday) itlollll , lB.Paroh 17th, M le &monk. on six mrtntles' credit. comerierne large assortment of dress silks,' Wrests, lobos, shawl., handkeroweio, &o. -TO DEALERS - IN B vIiNET RIBBONS. Thepartionler attention of the trade is requested to our sale of HO lots of super quality noult de sole bonnet ribbons. , /10T40E.—To Merchant Tailors, Thin Morning, 40 nieces all wooly 4 Paris black dray d'ata, of lope liar quality. BALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOOD& • This Morning, Marsh MIN at 10 Co oneek= Ol!paohanes and in. of invented Ary goods. PA MS DRESS slum. An invoice of Paris chine and stripe point heals and Poniards. RICH PARIS SATIN PLAID BiREORS, FOR CITY KAT/AL TaADE. • This Marnoes. 2241 pieces satin plai'd Parts 'Pit-sited bionaen, Milan aise,PAAe. WS BAT/N FLOUNCE BLACK BARRON ROBES. 1.16 rich Paris satin flounce black barege robes. FANCY PRINTED LAWNS. 4 Genes 9-8 fanny printed lawns. BLACK BTh LLA SHAWLS, PRINTED BORDERS. 160 Vrintel &indent, blank eels skslrhr. FORTY PIECE® FRFNCR ALL WOOL DRAT' D'ET.L—FOR fdEttOki AN L' TAILORS. • • This Morning, [di pieces superb quality 6 and 8-4 elf eitiefiredeh [diet Opp d'ete, of the vary nest hake an finest quality Unbolted. BRAW t B. SOO 12-4 and 14 4 Frendir btenk muslin de Wile thibet and clubmen' ab 4. seil: 1141 ulid BONNET RIBICONS. Also— Se lots No. ieldo new style plain, figured, and *hide peult de sole bottom ribbons. 70 nieces Plittfli...PlatAralg.rentlines, 000 DOZEN HANbkEACIIIEFS. 1 hie Morning, 11,400 dozen men's and wonieu'n printed borderg gam brio handkerchiers. 1.204 dozen cochineal madder, polka spot, and Turkey red handkerobiele, RICH CHANTILLY LACE MANTILLAS—FOR crry HET ett. TRADE. A large insole* of new style black charitil/7 Los man tillas. New style bleak chantilly tehuss, turnovers. &e. Double ;alma*, with hoods. CASSIMBRE 8 ACE qiiets. This Morning. 21$ Lenin eassimete sack coats, mide for eity sales. NEW STYLE EMBROIDEii COW.AREI AND SETS—OF TEE °BLEB H A IdAl% FACIIIRE OF B. *USE LEH rtmErriech. On Wadi:leeway Ale:Ding. An invoice new sole high coki needlework em broidered collars and sets, fur ci ts ty trade. BLACK CfIANTPiLY LACE hIANTILLAIS. On Wed echo , Morning, • An Invoice of chantilly black lase mantillas and tal rose. rlitax HEMEITITCHET AND PRINTED LINEN CA MBRiC HANIABItCIIIr Yd. A fall line of women's plain and hemstitched linen eambrio handkereadeli. A full inns of men's prin ted borders handkerchiefs. rAltlb BLC .I , ILLE.L . mr Pra. An nttrattive and dagrablo assortment of Paris black long and chart mutts. Pale HI.AOI Laols Malt rEtzis. Pourrs. be 1.41 Wednesday !dome's, 50 lotsrarts black silk laes mabtelets. —lots 'Perla black silk lace smuts. lots Paris black silk talmas led boarstaft 10. —, l Paris black shawls. —Lai Paris black kuienies. FR 1tE1011... I z MI !SHIRT BOIKIMIL IGO dosen Frensti 'art bosomi. BPEt lAL SALE OP DRY doolit On Prodnesday Monaing, .10110 rob 28. at 10 o'clock. Si" Particulars hercatter. BALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. On Friday Moraine, March 3e, at 10 ci olook on six ;smiths' eredit— GOO packages and tors of fanny 1111C1 staple Fran,'" dry goods. Sir Samples and oatakernee early on the morning of sale. val 30011 Jr., AITOTIONEKEt, No. , 431 A-PEI CaLtSTN , UT eTtErr. moik to the Cute* autism botwen frOURTH ant FIFTH Streets. Etherinl Bale et 80. C Cheitnut Street. . . . SHERI. Efr , 'st Baba OP A 'LAMM STOCK OP ENG LISH AND AMERICAN SILVER-FL ATND WAKE. i?si 'Wednesday Morning, March h. 006 g. Dv .na , itiorue. eonemencing at 10 o'gtoek, by order of Wm. H. Kern, , heriff, The entire stook of a tafad and *elt known manufac turing firm. comprising every fariety of 611 A miser ted ware, conesting, in amt. of fib* double and treble sitter-plated tea sets. single nieces. *attars. pitoberg, castors; cake, fruit, and oard baskets table, dessert, iced teaspoons; and forks, fine eMlerY. &e. Also. a ,greet variety of fine ohms and slawirare, Pence, bieque, and bronze ornaments and tigureg, Wont° elonke, raw , fang. &0.. &o. UNPINISHED WORK. Alinicidofnced sAle, at same place, a large quantity and cndfplete &ism' tmen tof lee ithoYe-mentioned a:b eteg, in variong g fades of enropletion. Also, on the morning Of pie Safi testy PrilYions tattle abets sale, upon Om premises , ins Chestnut street, ttin• der •"I'ke, Continental.") tbe.fixtdres, good Will, sad leass bf dom. • MACHllittl Y APB M'ATR RILLS. On Thursos, Morning. Marsh 29. at 10 o'cioca. will be &Olt, at the faetory Nos. en end 414 Prune street the superb)) enoth'unsty o the establishment, together with the toots. Motile ghtsswate. galvamo batteries, solutions of liquid sil ver and gold, lona. dies, /So , kg. PHILIP FORD ik CO , ALIOTIONMAS, a. No. NM ItA.RlZAtamot. and 02 MINOR Street. BABB OF /ABC 7,08. 13rri8., BROS& BRO- On Thdredg7 March lad, at 10 o'clock pro 'eel,, will be sold by diateJogne, on four months ' credit, 1000 oases men., tan',.and 3 citified' (pair abd kip boots ; ear. ban: gut, ar,d Inn brogan. cad dad patent leatber gaiters. Ox ford ties, patent leather waiting i ofill sad opera hoots: women'', nindeee , and ehildren'a dOIX, bog., mu- rolloo,;kid, and enamelled boots, lisebd eat . iprte. luau aapiltior sewed goat morocco and awed kid Congress ?leakier boots and slipped Also, a large dormant of first ORS aity-rnads roods. Ibe above sale will embrace a hill dalurtffient, of trots and shoes or the Slot toolity, adtonsd to flia 030 and oountry trade. Also, samples of 110 cues &atoll glingliditt brellaa. _ _ Wir Goods open for examination, with catalogues, witty on tt•e morning of rate. At commencement of We— n large end deetrable invoice of balmy' and names' "Legtv rn blooms's, Sate, &o. H UBBARD A GORMLEY, AUcTioNEElits. •1 anARINET Street. SALE OP FOREIGN AND DOIIIESTIU DRY 000DS, NOTIONS. AIILLINI•RY GOODtr. BONNE 113. FLOWERS, HOl - F-13IE/R S. HOSIERY. TAILOR ING GOODS, READY-MALE OLUTHING, he. Oa Friday Morning Metall 30, eommeneing at 10 o olLok, we will sell, without reserve a desirable assortment of the above tocslt, to whiphlhe ettentien of the trade is inVited. V J. WOLBEItT do CO., MIOTIONEERS, • 610 ARCH Rtreet, between Firth sad Lath. REGULAR SALES. Drygoods, clothing, straw goofs, carpets, boots, shoes, Bro.. in lots adapted to the city and country re tail trade. by catalogue, and for cash, every Tuesday as Friday mornmg. purdittire, china, glace. &a., every Wednesday morn ing. Trees. plants. vine i, girt" Thursday and Satur day morning during the 'emit. Special sales of all or any desorrpholl Gfprewrty at any UUIO to suit the convex.enoe of the owned Without. NOTICE To , .Plllteft *BEM In addition to the large assortment of imported and domestic I &nay and staple dry goods. tot sold at our store this Tuesday) morning, we will include the steak eta say fancy or) goo s store, nom prising a I.6llollllas eor.mpnt of seasonable sonde, lately purchased, to whisk we respectlully invite attention. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS—FOR CASH. This Morning 27th lost, pt 10 o'clock at 819 Arch street, In lots adapted to and country retail Wee. by catalogue. 250 tote of iKpl. rind trimly dry goods, comprising— Ladies' anJd mines' linen and cambric hendserobie re large assortment of hosiery. elastic suspenders jeer-I nane, inuslits ; ladies', missies', and children's tine bone; union shirtimg. lawns. neck ties, t nominee and collar', pongee handkerchiefs, French prints, large iss sortrnens of glossy. broohe and etella shawls. embroi dered Corte, linen table cloths and napkins, hoop-akirts, ladies' night caps, net skirts, s itobeba calms, porting beles hair nets. braid.. velvet ribbons, buttoner Esc. SKI It'l S.-400 cit -made skirts. COLOGNE.-4410 dozen fine Cologne, swotted size bottle*. FOB P.-180 dozen fine fanny soap. EP,V cases puns Imp ruin. WINDOW ebtaDati.-200 fine gilded and ornamental window shades. Ladies'. misses, and children's oity-made gaiters. shoes, and slippers. Alen, elegant new style mantillas. choice stile ohintzes. Foulard ' , Om, nett plaid rood de ewe. moon lit' de Woes, parasols, lawn robes, needlework braided collars, infants' waists, printed , he., no. STORE FIXTURES, DRUGS, Se. On We.lnesday Morning, 2Sth inet., at precisely_ 10 o'clock, at the southeast corner of fenth and Thompsoq streets, the entire stook, fixtures, and good will of an established drug store. sir Sale panties. LARGE SALE Eor FURNIT M UR ! C EINA, es. On Wednesday ni. legit inst., at le o'clock. at co Arch street— A large assortmont of household furniture. strerior Franca chins. Liver-plated ware, painting, engrav ings, ingrain earl eta, oral mirrors, lco., SPECIAL HALE OF STEREOSCOPIC PICTURBS, BOXES. As. On Wednesday Evening , Marsh SIB, 11011111101101111 at precisely 7)a &sleek, at re Arch street— Coac.ting of a fine assortment of but colored Eug- Itch groups end scenery. London, Irish. and hangs views. AMOI/011 asenery. illuminated pictures, statu ary, kg. BOXES. Also,patent reentries Loam Ana single wiereesso , raseeroiW. and walnut stereoscopes kn. TREES, PLANTS,_VINES, As. On Thursday Morning. 119th inst., at 11 o'elock. nt PIP Arch street— A large assortment of the finest standard anti dwarf fruit tree', evergreen,, grape vines, email fruits, &Le. IMO MOOS AND HYBRID PERPETUAL ROBES. On Friday Afternoon, &nit inst., at 3 o'cloik, at 519 Arch rarest -I,SISI Ines* and hi br.d perpetual roast,. all hardy, and Frown on their own roots , !rum the nursery of . A. Alamo A ni.usta. DT CatalchNee on Thursday. SUPERIOR FURNITURE AT PRIVATE PALE. A large quantity of very superior 'walnut furniture, manufactured by first-chase any •tvorkmea, for tale at very miaow pmts. .31 usE,b ATILA.N AUUTItINIS 1d Jk• AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH mo end ftACE O Streets, NR 1 - T LOAN.' 1.9110,000 to loan, in livge or email amounts, oe rtoeka, geld and silver plate, diamonds watches, Jewel ry, tontine pieces, dry goods, olothliag, [marines, et gare,hardwars, outlery, mr z t i o i a:l instruments, furniture, wafts, Ittorms: L vehioles„ est, and on all articles of value i lot any earth of time agreed upon, on. morn Ilborai tonna an at any other eamblummont in this GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS, At private rude, splendid piano forte. in Oen rosewood use, coat 8100. roue Its.; fine 19-ogret gold hunting ease patent lever watch, double time and mdeomadent monde, only VIM; finegold hunting-wise Engheli Pa tent lever watches, 01 the most approved and best realm, from 435 to $100; fine gold double bottom En 4 fish petent lever hushes, beat make, from a ss g fine 18-oaret hunting-dam detached patent lever watches, 131ewels from SM 10 , 130 upon tace Otto from .10 to $111; fine' LI-caret ge ld I.epine turnbagmme watches at 11610 ,• open face do., from 510 to $ 3O; silver English patent lever watahee, in hunting cases and double bottom, of the moat approvod and best make, f ro m 810 to $9O; American hun ti ng oaae ether patent lever watches at $10; hunting oase silver duplex watches; ditto double time. from etl2 to em; hunting ease silver lever watche s , full jewelled. winds without a key, from $ l6 to $ 2O; !opine do., from Ole to Glit; hunting case silver detached lever watchee,l3jeweis, from $9 to Sae ; open face do., from es to an; hunting cane over Lepme watches, fhll jewellod, from ta to $10; open fa.oe do., from 94 to ea; silver quartier watohes, from $e to $6; silver Frenehwatches, from 51 to 53 ; gold patent hunting case and open face lever and Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, from $1 to ..310; fine gold vest, fob, and neck °being at to Gents NOdeVi46.lllllr, gets ld erifOat rairPTAßLarVeivnge sorirtion, for leas than hal the wawa 'elms prioae. 82010030 loan, tmeurns to anit applmante, on dry and every kind of goods, et leap ratoof *barium than any Other establishment in the ody. OUT-DOOR SALES charges. Attended to personally by the auctioneer, at melee" CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Consignments at all end every kind of goods 'solicited for pnblio gale ; two-thirds the valne of the goods will be advanced in anticipation of the sale. DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE RLALS. Engineers' and Architects' Stationery. roowan Fainting Materials. tioh i .. aura if Del and Vases. Lint : i ea for children, and aim for Artlinn and Beata. cages_andPicture,..'rramse. laying uarclit i American and FrOLIO. topes gratis to tho te, • tTROLZ et e lirk i Ts witouraws aili lll tAl ad te h Miti THOMP49 - 119 10 V --- . VA tolaosoW e l _ II ' ' DY.4 -WlrAt Ks pin! DAY., ,_At. o . aeon. - . - - - tr , . motioning ton 0- so l VtralningTroverties to DIP lOW WWII.Mow. a.' V i tt. "meat.. at to waist*. soon. with a hat' of Woo 29th oth..d ad, wk. asth. Amara. mi. ort Mk teamof 2 , 12 MAWR at mon • &alai_ yomPrisalt. • aat at•ahaable pnit+oti. ISPRID9 'IIALES-11TODK8 AND BAAL BRAIN Ei flitffit this—Tadey, (March IttAjai nano, as the unchain.. - . Ningi apnio Bale. eu thiaprasista. Gm - - den. .J. the " Cobalt sad Maul Works,. and tract o f tOO acres land. • - Tenth Barton &Lk—A pril td, sesa. t tiie Facbawco. Eleventh nprinn Bale—April lid, sundae, attic Js. change. welfth Spring Eate— Aril 10th. loon . at the Exr chT Plihriof the haodDilti for *fa of tier alien algae =nit retulty. tJAKIL—PITBLIO SAL M RAIL' EMT % AN. nom AT TIER ffi 6gErreieaefreW &We and awake eases Tesedsr, at the aleheatelk sir Contributors Storm Vises/non ot either sale. w Si Randbills of eat& yorpritz MLitt ._-6 1 411! addition to wine& lee Pllbbfk, ra• ..TW OZAVIr 7.....iitkan7=4. t. b. 2/ t it the illt e iffrrieriPAT )IJYATZ sr We hare shoo mama of fool ornate at o =4 Inehottoo evoVoooln i of OUT and property. Printed mai Who sos leers PRIV/. lit SAL 11/18TEIL- ST Real estate entered an our novo* sae sod odyertiood ocamiosaily, ix oar subtle We :MI (of watch lAN Doyle. are ynnted nsettri) tree o al _ _ 'MOORS,. WAND, to. Th u Dar. - WO. hut, at 11 o'clock, non, win be sold st the BS. .11.45'07 1 crime) vague (20 new shares) San Francisca Lanai All2ohlattaa4 22 shares West Philadelphis/dutsal Playing Fund and Trust Poulton; Par, SW 2 first marl:age coupon bowie, OWN each. Harclaw Railroad and Coal 000 3 0/ 10 r• a second mortgage 000902 Ponds, 8100 each, Dane Coravaaa4 co aha, 6f Bsrelay Railrod4 sad Coo) CaaasaY; gas zo. full paid, revue Costinsated Nona 1 Share Philadelphia ~ ilsairy. • I altars 01..rcantlistdInary. EIGHTH SPRING SALE—THIS DAY. ?MAT MODER N tE O IDENC n E oo , n ao rthaen meant or Tenth and PltaWatar streets. Executors' Yeremptary dski—ltstass of Ann i. Taliar,- - deceased. THREE-STORY BRICE DIWKWNO, N o . Sipe Bread street. I:simmers Arob and Race, and Soornd and Tord stree,e, 8;r84. 4 0. 0 1 % ,.. TWO BUILDING I,oTS.aonthersot wide of flenzwrs, town rold. northwest ofr.inthatreet. BUSINESS BTAIID..-Tfaaa -nary brialt atm; and elhos. No 1013 Loo-et fleet. "glii r p-STORY FiLA.IIF,PWELLLS9. (monk west side Greenhill great. between Master aa4n. bert. sad Sialaenka sad Savaidaaata Arno. 'breathe ward. "Ct . IXAIILB LOT. northe ast comer of Fronklin sad stamen streets, 4a feet ..n Franklin Street, and et feet ■ Jeliteon Street, Twentieth e and 'lwo fronts. VALUABLE LOT. north aide of Jelfersoit street, met of the e hove. N feet on Jefereon. 40 feet dose. VALUABLE LOT, regthwest comma Bever th Bea Jefferson otpatta. oil foot Oil liovoati, If fin oa Two fronts. "' FOUR. 11118ItO STANDlL—Fosihrwstory frame stores and dwellings. sootheest soma of Front and bonipson streets. late Kensington. CAMDEN.—Two story frame sonata, aertbseat ride of Fini street, so*Mbesstof Vanhook street.' Katthn's Point,' Camden N. J. NEAT MODERN DWELLING, with thre•-•tory lank buildings, No. rde North Eleventh street, slimy Parrish etrelw VALUABLY BUILDING LOT, east milleof Trl street. nwrtla of Choir,/ rarest, SI fest frost TWO VALUABLE LON, Ghillie NTOWN,=- west side of Jefferson street, anathwest of I smeet,eaeh lin feet 'root. - a.DIDOI DIABLE DWELLING. sti r j us ztible leash beam, No. ling Filbert tenet. wart sf GBOUNLI-JLENT. Ofte a Teas. on 644 toot on Germantown road. ft feet on Broadatmet: above Bat. ler street. Three frosts- - - 64.0 1 / 1 0-ftEreT. $ll5 s yew, ea let Int feet on le. W. side of Clearfield motet at feet ea sotaisaot lads of Tulip street and at feetatie sorthwest aide elAgste street. Nineteems wart Three frosha. VERY VALUABLE PAR*, 114 soros, lets of -knoll arena!, &cosmos, with good amsrommente.. IBOllmslat sonar, New Jersey, mow Cmeeter's Landon-, four Rows Wolf Wdodburv, eugener fmit, very extensive craven]. sopte sod Boar °Miami, Was garden, he. lt Is wet. watered. basin Menhanstable marl pit. sir ow, el,coo required in emit. O.GAPIT MODERN EFEJDENCE, No Eill,Chist.. nut street MI feet front, lot age feet doer eadSra street. finished is beet manner. , With all modem int provements. Terme-1114 OW may 'caroms. Will be sold to-nay, the Ath inst., at la o'ohndt, at the Bee dhange. NINTH SPRING . ALE—MARCH Ind. essienee's Peremptory &ale. "THE CAMDEN CuRA LT AND NICKEL WOMB*. AND TRACT - OP IWO ACM LAND. On Thursday. March 99th, at 12 o'clock. nom. win t, eohl atriddie sale,twithent !reserve, at " West Jrrser Hotele * . Cowden, New Jersey, the two following described pro parties' . No. 1. The "Camden Cobalt and Rio woche," with lot of two kerig land, awl wharf on Co par's steak. Also, two wick dwchnze, conating-hor se +to., me from ferry. - No. Z. Tract of three hundred cares la .1 with frame evening, rrei4ht house., and passenger dr,,ot, at Wins low wat,ed. Canteen And At saps Ammar!, Winslow toarroli Po amdes county. N.;. efar Sada of both dissokde, without rellieraa,bl esdair of Assignee. 4 Trani' SPRING NALR—ATRIL ed. - Jit , ee • Orjannue Corot ewe—blasts tw o it rins. Retrain. doe% one-tostk, of Lan* LOT OF GROUND, -booodlid Greilk, Mama Yams, Twoutioth add Tirig, irid Four from. orphans' ''oust Hale-.:Fetsto of Debora bbarer. trail math - of large WT OF OF=ND, boasted a 7 Greed, liteent Versos, Twsratietk sad Twenty And crests. sour heats tins ontor's Yerempts% tials—Fatike of Jew Grits, TALUABLE NUSlNklitt. BTANDA —X tliseaSsis brick Ocoee. Noe. VIP ergs 313 Freed goes. ex tendingA thrtßipit Ur Water etsest. - Isrs treats. 'sir Sada 'hookas. Et.EGNT RFSIDNNCE - WALNUT ATRIUM. No. tae &sub sick. meet eflesti soma. feet trusts og test deer. with loads at Carl Ness is tits sag. Sir Ismer ista pose its. - FURY FAO:USIA BUIIMINS • &or, Netts .0. of 15pruoe street. east of Eighteenth ass, IN Lis front. lea feet deep. Tgrofrottte. itti DdiLISIS stODARN ISFIDENON, Ns. BO Bross attest,spet of 'reteltS get..'. Lusidaser possesecsis MisDcrat ANSIDENCX, esutbeeirt easter *Fags tnesto end •Lisdes pturess, obese Mumitset stmt. "filitteut muomet ntonavt—raw brink hotel sad dlrCit,ng, Iternessoomer of Broad amid eh:miss streets. wi th bait easifectioser7, Serdellis too. house. and largess, site Ss* oasts Peremptory Psis —ltAramais MODERN VENCE. with marble frost and eids yard. No. it 'km* Battiest sheet. - store , Hams. W t. dm:Asti. OAKENspessmon. OAKEN sTNEIST Narsesoiss seders four Sorg brick residence, Hp. 3711Gidezt 'Anatolia of osess- Swath stmt. ELEVENTH SPRING siuks-Anz 311. At 7 o'clock Evenings, Or_p_kane Coal; dale—, state of David Scott. deed. TWO DW at.d Was-dies , WWI dwaliinte, northesat cr•iner Poona and Masker attester Bsme kst.te—TttiO DWELLINGS.-11 ivrtntorr. brick dwellings, north aide of Aisatar !treat._ east ed Fourth street. • . . . . Same Eat.stoWO DWELL'N- tiro•-•torf brick Owellinirs. N. W. tomer Maste readFmk klairokkr east of Point:, stmt. . . . . Same Fatah.—TWO-3TORT FRAME STABLE, weer aide PID k dreat north of Master tame ?:state—D WELLING AND srA OLE —Throe story brisk d wellini, seat side of Fourth street, north of Master, with frame stable in rear on Pisk street. eame'Estate—Et6r,T DWELIANDS —Tsree three *UM. and tars four-start brick derailing'', sass sides! Fourth street. north of blaster street. MODERN PIRELLI...ND. No. ele South Eighties* street. N. W. corner of adder* street. below Pius et. NEAT MODERN ENSIDENCE. with large side lard. No. W /Irwin street, west of Tweittla 96 teat trout. NEAT MODERN RESIDEN6E.Ne. NM Tine street, between se and aid Third streets. Ta'O DWELLINGS AND LARNE 1.117.-11 !brim story Melt emptieand tarts vseaat lot OK feet we Bwn redt. NM set we guise avenue, end inst. O. Fifteenth street. Ti..l fronts. • Vannistratrix's sale—NiP. 711 Foal Ninth t treat, Sling! pA yuktitTUILIC, &AO. - %8 , ' Tina IdomthE Nth inctaat. at 10 o'clock. at no 111 Pea* •11111101 street,. by order of adromstratrtx. the an farm. tars. plane. gas fixtures. Brussels carpets. ke. 00" May be exceninertoa the morauti of the NW at o'olook. • Pols No. OA North Ellistoonth IlAroot. NEAT FURNITURE PIANO-FuRTR. AfitIIRIELE c A ItRETS, he. On Wedessalay 'Komar. lab inetant. et 10 o'clock. at. No. e» - Honk llliat..9Plik street. the nest formers , paw-torte. hreeeele ear pe s. &e.., et a family limns% th•AmAY. ' - /T May be exannned as I *Vomit on the 'WWI f t sale. , Fele at Neg. Mo and 141 Sent)Crearth IlirjerM SUFI:RW.B FUJIN .PME..IicatPLATE Igor RORS.PIAI4O-FOtti ICS, .9}11788.K.LE CAII%II. On Thursday Yorlune, At 9 &sleek, at the Ai:Lotion Moro. se aesemetent al excellent second.hend furniture, slept rano-fortee, hue wimp, carpets, etc., from • lien cleelierni houlletoteMilir, removed to the More or warms's, et 11111!.. . . Al.a, largo oda: arm•chaira, &a., mutable for ► bil. hard room. Afso.seveyal large and inmenor bookows.sttlemint &unman dining. table, KM chandelier, as. Fieestenre Sale—!(n. Norsk Nletteentk Finset. U 1. R 1 oit FURNITURE. FLOW. al• ND& MESS. FINE NANKIN CHINA, CUT 6/....tiaßs CRINSSE GOODS, Re. Os Friday Mersine. 80th inst.. at 10 o'elock, at No IN Nor* RisYteilitlk street, above Arob, by catalogue. by order or the Es emir orsof tt• late Commander Oil/11151M the eiti/O tionseltold furniture. imilimints s stsgtsty of firs Ag e, kin ebine, Chinese goods, to. Siir Full partisalare u eatalonses. Sir May be examined on Om :maw si au. it o'oloet. ATILT Mg & BOYLE, AIMTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MET • FHANTS. North MAIN Eitreet. BT. LOUIS, formerly with M ena. layer., Clurhera. Jr. Co. hiladelphia,) o they semoes to the merchants, =WI Isetarers, tt others of Plaladelphta. for the sale dry gook, no. pets. hoots, shoe., hardy ore, Jewelry , &a., a a. aPir Cash advances mode on mutual gond& Wf Bettletne nut route three days after sale. SETBRInCII. MeV& Myers. anthem; t Co.. PeiWaal& Stuart & Brother. Philadelohla. t " Vert Wsch. Townsend, Warrdw. Now Teak L. & B. Curti.. & Co., New Y. st. - • 4 ' Wood, Christy, & Bt. Lotus, Mo. Crow. McCreary. & Co.. .• mlll/.0.'1811 AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium thronah whish &Imola ana FE...W iles LIMY 0 bidIII competent usecbere. Parente lisp or,- gratultottely, mionnktion and earcuiara ed the ban Behoois. amas, wocomaa, & CO.. ja.ocIDWAY, new Sort, ar dal offirS.TNITT Fltrtet. Philadelphia _ .NEW BOAKuibili beilUOL. TUSCARORA FEMALE IN Will bit opened at ACADEM.I.A. Juniata euusty, Paq on the let is of MAY ant. For atutotaberemente mot mining terms. Ice., apply by hotter or personally. till to the eybeeriber. at 1711 VINE Street, Philadt& woe; after that at 101.5,11111.111, Juniata oonatY, Pa. *. e. E. AGNEW. fert-dttayl* 1711 Ftreell. 1/RYANT s is'iltAl‘lol4% NAIIOI4AL RIERCANTILR COlU_l,looatrist delhia, corner azd C T Now York, Buffalo, CleraLond, insao, real 1. 101. For information. call or mend for stadorna. fot4f FIIGITET tr. SONS, • IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CISAIIL No. !16 South F ICON T Street, Rewire reNalarly a fall astorbaont of fisairabls Gltif, GARS* Which that ear at loaf moo, for each or at; DrOvulerodit. Akllhar PAUL P. P7L1.11.. KELLER & EMORY, Offioa N 0.14) WeLitrUT otrort._PhOodalphia, Pm. BOLE oGiliTB FOR N. kudos' superior Broad Moustrun White AO. and R. Rookohor & Co.. olgobrated Block Hostk and One 0 L. Shipped bpianal wad sailrwut tiont Sokiaritill &hal Wit 00.. Pa. fels-Sul HOUSIC 'ERPERS LOOM TO YOUR intetest. Buy your COAL. ST HICKS', where nothing but the very beetimelity of Lehigh and Schuyl kill Coal m ontrsoltat the °Hoeing reduced prices: behigh,Bropn, Big. an Stiliva----44 s gej team Botiginnil, —.— a 00 Lame Nut ---.......--- $r u Warranted free from Mate or thutAnd a ffirryht h l alealS' _yard, southeast earner ma a wiLLG•vr. tlall end see. ut-dm MOORS NATHANB. MITE ROOT AND HERB DOCTORS' OF- Mit le North SECOND Street, Barley Sheet Retch Philadelphia, where he Gan be c , ortiltM the first Six daya of every month, Be has °cooed -an office at tr J.A. .A. SlATOit'li; rites where bees° be canal dories the swath of Merck. Mao, the 25th, 77th, eT. 75th o / APril. Alio the fah, lath, add 50th of May. Be treats ali diseases that gosh le beau, Children itith weak iGlatS !nada to walk in a short time. All diwaass of a ~ al delicate haus rarte43 , oonideattal. N. .11—bee liilFta4l DI/ WO lia/NOSTOMI ST. LOUIS, MO. kat U42,11it DUNAJ". CIGARS, TOBACCO, are. COAL. 111100• D. 7{O].