The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 13, 1860, Image 2

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    7 • 111 r• 5
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*M I M I, / 3 1 ,/8 1* .
L.. ![ads" Piave:644* ; 'Ahathetit
Ethiopian Convention.; iik,Oairgtia
(talekEilver s lgine tad At,taii,lo Ciaaitaf Moak ;
Tha taniCand
hal PaC14.14-4.lV,.Teroay_yfesialatire.
i l asa--ckaiaaral fitcirlue
Importitrit:iPtetil Mineral
Our California exchanges
,c9ntain - alerthis
cit: the Alert ."Kasbee
silver mine region; and 4.,aieltetient
subject greater than that created. by the dis
covery,of;the raseriivrett'aelit mines appears
'to exist in Ilia. Oeldekptate. ,Timie mines are
locatedhi:the Weateru portion of,the 'l'erritory
of 'Utah, the principal one_ eing ab'oitt twenty
miles east of the eastern boundary of Califor
nia. The terra Xashoe is applied to the, ais,
blot because' that was the:nine of. an . Indian
tribe ihhabiting the" neighliorhoddi A number
,of towns Lave already Sprang up, and it is Sup ,
posed::that before' the first of 7ulythe . sliver
,coittain penalatiOn,,, of twenty "thoniand. , lame:d'art& experienced
tide miner, wholes heen on the ground, eatit ,
mateszthe probable production of the veins al,
readyropened at nOtiess thin ten million dol
lars during the present year; but this eati
mate is probably an exaggerated one.' Solna
of the . ere le said to yield five thousand dollars
of silier to the ton; and the silver contains six
- thousand dollars • of. gold to_thelon;,' there
have alreadybeen sots large fortnnettrapidly
made, and for sinne:ailitiallver ?e1411;'0041c1
very high prices are offered.- • 3 -
The California nowspaPers' attach great im
portance to theirs new, dise,oieries, and have
concluded that, after making due allowancer.for
the excitement and exaggerations Usually ac.
cotapanying reports of such discoveries,
ferias '-may confidently , count upon 'having
establithed in successful business' operation,
immediately upon her eastern frontiers, silver
miner. wtiichvilll anattally, yield Many millions
of doilars,`nnd' 'One torn "an important alos-'
ment of California wealth by greatly increasing
her interior trade and foreign Commerce. In
fact, so great is the apparent confidence in the
wealth 'of these new mines, that the advantage
of exporting silter:dirent from California to
LOA and China,- instead ; of. continuing the
present circuitous commercial ,operation. of
exporting :American gold to gland and
France, exchanging it there tor silver, and
tbenb transporting lhe latter to Asia, is 'seri.
onslr discissid-44 the p ci* enter fain ed
that in this manner California :may, be greatly
enriched. The Most serious drartbaCk. to the
Waihoe Mines appears -to the severity of
the climate, The winters are said . to tie inde
scribably cold.
There hai also been important disci:4aq'
ofa quickillver mine, in the neighborhood of the
Geyser Springs,' In California, from the rich
ness of which veri extravagant finites are en.
, tertained. . It appears that, upon breaking
large boulders in that ieginri, the ore is difico
vered inlayers varying in thickness; but indica-,
sing that the rocks" are very rich - in ore. ''Al
ready,severtd thousand claims to Portion's of
these quicksilver mines have been established.
The .41ta California contains the following
deicripthin of ttiom. c ,
.1 , A large 'tan-ton boulder was -.examined, and
eller digging down some• three feet, the parity
knocked - a nutabe - rof pieoes!off; arid= each . con
tained the ore in layers which Varied in thickness,
but which gave every indication that the rook 1/11f
very rich. A piece handed' rue. by our informant
felt very heavy, and was at lout half ore; and, as
far as we can edge, -Is very rich. On the an.
nonnoementef this discovery, the , lead wactaken
up in - cleints; each man, being !entitled to one
hundred and fifty:feet in-the direction 'of the
lead, by nine ' hundred feet' -across • it..- Some
flfteoti conipanies:. had beetrzformed .to work
the rook,- and: among the owners-are -many, of
the, merchants et ." this • city, '-who mere ~repre.
'tented, some in • person, and many - by- proxy:
Two or three companies have called in assessments
for sinking chain and running in tunnels, ix, as to
dx at once the character of the veto. As might be
expected, the. discovery of this vein has caused
additional excitement, and the news spreading has
called together hiunireds, or; •aa Our interment
sap, from fifteen hundred to two thousand.psople,
many , -,whilst, talkingof .their ,olatms,
simak as though they were , millionaires already,
oven before the character of the orris fully deter-
mined. - • . • . .•
"The riooommodatione for so large a number, of
personsieby mimeses ample, - but they get along
as beet tbey.can - some sleeping, In tents,, ethers in
horns, /beetles, and a large , number at the - Geyser
Hotel, where he pays therele loom for more. - Por
the information of enettnewcay, desire .toitlelt. the
qutokeilier otaintryOltere are two_ rontse=one by .
Reply- to.. and Petaluma,
'Healdeburg, and Rork The exPelitlelii ne t t Mu
pared to w trip to -WeehOe,faud :when at e flop,
oar's gOod accommodations, had. ?' •
Public Ainusetiients.
The indifferent i' , *eatftei :did , 'not` keep play
goers away, from": the "theistres . , = _ last - Eight.
Went the rounds, and saw them well attended.
'At 'the' Arab; Mr, • Collins :brought oat a , new
,threr;-net oomedy,,by, Mr:Brengbatn, tailed:" The
Periime.itiiriteitt.": - Rio fail of incident aatilen
The dWogu ,is „liVery: witty.' hir,:poliins:
played an Irish .pert, a Mixtureof doh end inci•
dent, and introduced several; soar, executed With',
hie Masai aireetnest:-. Mist Emma Tailor, , Mn
tohn:il ll bert, , , "George Stoldait, 'Hrs. Wm,
H4P4.7 (pretty Kate' Nagle), and , Mr. Ifiphore
played their respective parts very
Ilellitte also prayed in another Irish piece, and the
capital eomedietta of "The Doubleßedded
Was played lee!,
Valantntreet theatre, Wes Davenport
-played the Tait of Lennie Arneutt, in 1 . Hegel;
- 11anoe",idaged by herself from the Rretteh: It
, Nitrated to ns, front the half hour we were able to
'remain,' that Mils bavenipert never pittiad with
more thought 'and delioasty, 'more truth and effect!.
This ',veiling she - will appear as Doe, in "The
Cricket on the, Hearth "—a pert very unlike the
.hut very' true; tender, and
natural. , -
•-• Dan Rioe has gone and done - it." - new
• speolacle, representing, with singular fidelity, the
- various inoldents of an English Steeple-obese
brought out lest night, beats anything of the Cott
ever Prodtioed. We raeolicet,that Daorow
• tempted it at Asticy's, in Londe s, and did not 4r
- within ' distance '.'• of the reality , which Mr.
aloe Imiortnited., The pleoe4or it iiquite dra
' -matio—Js full of incidents, but we speak' now of
the Rate. • 'There were the- Jockeys •in regular
- field gestame—red poets; caps; buckskins, and tops
horses,'well ridden, and the arena not
Dratted to the Opole; but ever the stage,, again and
again, with leaps ever five.barred gates, 'fences,
and other impediments. The Boone extended back
to ithellanaomistreet 'entrance,' and at last , the
idiaer,pirelter is iron ,by Le - June' Burt, 7he
comic !dementia introdumidtargely, in the penton
-- of Mr. and Grandy. - -who mill ride,. and motif
with ne'etid Kfunny twoidants. Among the
dente whiedifollosiett, taverYstfikbg one was pert
formed BY to :Conti
,Biirt, :a:bare-backed
steed—the Ant -time Of tici,noble Maniere ajar
- running inthe ring. _ - •
Pin PoiRITAIT or Dn. 'I3TEPItEr K. Tyra, on
R#wTonK. — Tbe,ninilt'of our series of tt Pulpit
.Portraits" :will appear , Th.mOrrow, and will Nave
, fo;; ; Ata..iiideot ,theJley. Stepheull. Tog, D. D.,
,ottf - 74; trrrork, formerly of ' This city, and well
iinerwOri Arco' hemispheres as one of the most
ideated' atid - Vokiiiint.'diTinea In the ,Protestant
Elpiel4al chureh inundrY. ;
Diornhig'st , lo:-ii'oloqk at tilreh4, Son's Atlattozi
". item; 914 CfX . itextstteet, will be so l 4 alarge se
sortmont, otelegent roseiseoSreozitivitent b4nee
,,11414 farriltizte:, 13114tgofiabrIc , Ylitivit.- 7 -14 12
- e large - oolleetion ste ;
iaseoeitei vielis'and boxes: .
Tultitr,4lstis °O'DAY illdons:i—O j J. Wolbert
& sell,: this etneSdaijr morning, at 10
;Aloes; at „their itore;". '619 Arch street, two
handfed and Arty:late imported, and dotnestio fen:
oy ati4 stoplogisy goods, &o:, in lots adaptedto th e
.city autcouttittt r ade, Whiab Your attention is
inrited,l',And:on,pridisy 'nsikaitit 'neat theY will
- veil orie hundred - Atcliest gentlemen's - ready-inade
shirts,' ' • „ ,
74 61. 17 1161 , -:•RISAL BATATII,
'1,3r0,05;:64.pit o'clock, noorf. - -, ••• -
, BAniimp.Emixtici—Exmoamr LoNnon BOOKII,
arranged for, examination ) , at the anetion
, .
._ . , . .
The nipror Walnut.sdret ratideniiii and land.
taro 'nay .. ba.onamlned tii-day, trot t 0,i0 • 2 Otolook: ,
Sae Thomas 4 'Sons' oatalogale aid adifintion•
nzentanUtbellifee'oilec. - . .., :,, , '. ..; „. •
• "
SALE ow; Proionas, 63,-214
iritirraoli; "Soo ,
481 01eitillit'
street, will sell ' at 10i
,o'olook,.an assortment of
4tereospoplo vibtre, riirolviog•bowiik ao'&o.
,„, We are indebted to Willadiargii / Go for
,an()14. 1 01 California papers:re. '
„itar,;_Car.; Oinks are: dne Adtune'-Zaprega
'''Opiapaytor:eariyaOldeo of NOrt.Crib . atia paper .
fl. , n—
tTAux - f - --roes -
~C., •
Donnell, ' 2ti,,
,:_oiiiier °Okiil4i OleglllleYde.
(Ilea amidellii et LW
1. : ~ seindiadt le 01404 ki_stind4 7 Wlt , . The hlehliet
r Mr.,:.ltonnell,had ,lestrh . deelihree for come time, Mit he
~., ante nqoalandar, Nett ' attended elinteh throe' time.
; Q M•r,, Donne ll !ea a meseir.hoetieht earth offiher, aka e
1 , eeetieene enlohbilevaltnijilityalehr aeiteehthteee— •
..,,,,fartie Yatt , Batiaterehiiih , ens et the olarka hs tho
.!.., octet tea Heather e Tamar naltoe eitr. dialod
': an)1 4 rtatertntinkratna• at hiappaca lath* 4.,
eq. r-IntittiedirMei vile: irtet W ild Mans+ AP01_....1
- tweetploar year* or ma t tat: totetteicataa,_ taunt
•an sleet savants 01 the OriOtioO-OUXIIfpF OM,
and it it 000µht that eipomar• sad exertioa that
*imp* gq. hadthaionftdatton of the diem* er, onto
—. ilea .o_,,.. u t t on, iie wall & reitnfol and a 011 . 1 . 14 ,
, , ett?lle tenor Wt a einelt - eateettlad geatteman, •,- .„...
— 74 ,-
Letter from 66 Oaettaistlltal."
j4 r ,imimes of The Press.) ,:.;, .' , -
• Was
:,,..- . .,7 ultimo; Bina' h 12,11860.3
-, , ,Xotuvrill reoolloot that in'Alds OorrespOndenoe,
soars iiionths ago, I predicted that great ilialiallty
:would f result front the aelection of Charleston for
themeetleg of the Demoaratio National Conven
ilea:: and yon,will, also remember that this state
ment was assailed as an exhibition of Mello* pre
lieteseion mitailiaro,*avidenee of et' disposition
'4§, 'ft:hap/no the , operations of - the Democratic,
'partiin Seliciiiii- a iindidit& for the Proildiney.
Biiiy day, however, has , - served to confirm the
',ltistiois Of My reitleotione... —• •• • . - '
-; 'The Democratic, National Committee; operated
upon 'by the pnblie senUment created by the eP'
,Prohcimienti in regard to the health of, Charleston,
at pertain beasontiof the year, at its last meeting
seleeted an
-early period as the time for the assem
of the ,Convention, and, It Is even now be
lieved that,! . the' yellow' fever ;having broken oat
With great virulenoe at ilavana,• it may not he en
tirely safe for Northerners to-,go to Charleston
on ,the - 28 d of April: Peat ' • Bat ' the diplonity
. suggested ~ lit' , my early.-letters, on this sub
ject, '. which is creating the
-moat feeling , at
present;": is" the ,-. prospeotl ineapaoßy. of
Charleston .to accommodate ',the . large • orowd
'which will itnqUestionably be thrown into that city
trim; the 20th: to the - 211, of , next month. „ Nearly
everybody here identified with the Demooratio
. party Intend, to go to Charleston. , I have seen,
with' .the last week, gentlemen from allParte of
the Country, - and,- with few exceptions,. they are
;looking forward to the meeting of the Dhmooratio
National Convention aeon amnion full of interest to
theniseiVes, either politidally or personally. Those
*he renal the ekeitement at Baltimore in 1844,'48
and 158, and that which prevailed at Cincinnati in
1856; need' not 'also be reminded of the immense
"massci of people congregated at these two points,
Met' the uncertainty of obtaining accommodations,
as wiall'as ille exorbitant charges of landlords and
others. 'lmagine an army of from twenty to fifty
thousandSpeeple wired into a silty not mush larger
than Reading, in your State, enrrounded by
an unmiduotive '. country, and by no means
fortunate in conveniences for travellers, and, least
of all,: for a sudden inennion of hungry and thirsty
men. Speculators are already on the gui viva to
make 'Money - out of , the necessities of the ease.
-Even the ehividrio sots of the South anticipate
that, whatever the Charleston Convention may
do 11 to polities; money will ilow into empty
coffers Ikom those i• who may be attracted
hither by , the great game which is to be
played Out at that point. Wintid it not be well for
your enterprising fellow-citiseit, Alexander Berm.
Jr.' Esq., whose line of. steameri between ?hits
delphleand Savannah are the admiration of the
•emietry, to -change the destination of his Ships
from Savannah to Charleston prior to and during
the" Bitting of the Convention, and t i put on en ad
ditional fence; in order that those who may prefer
Bring on board of hie Vestals may profit by such
faeilitieer - . . - ~- ,
;1111 :Ii:-.)',;`:141h
•-I understand that PIMA Leslie's artists are al
ready on the ground, at the capital of the Pelmet
to'State, and that full daguerreotype sketches of
nt+ principal , building, andj all the striking and
stirring events will be forthcoming in that paper.
Leslie hone of the newsPapor wonders of the day.
lib will despatch on Wednesday Dr. Rawlings, his
ttnrivalledoorrespondent, with a oorpiof artists, to
Great Britain, for the prrrpoee of sketching and de
lineating the great Astio renoontre between Heenan
and Sayers, which is to take place about the mid. ,
die of April;
.Colonel Andrew ,Taokson Curtin, the Opposition
eanslidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, reached
Washington,this morning, and is staying at Wil
htrd's Rate'. Vie friends of General Poster an
nbucioe that he will alio shortly make his appear
aims in this ,city, which has for" years been his
stamping ground.' • Col. Curtin speaks in the high.
est terms of his adversary, and I am assurenhat
General lodes reciprocates, , with distinguished
consideration, the same compliment.
ill is now stated that Congress will. adjourn, or
practically do no business, for an entire month.
negiruting abent , the 20th of April, and ending
'about the 20th of May. It la prepoaed, in order to
tint 'through the appropriation bills, and other imp
, portant business, that the hour, of meeting for
Rouse shall be *hanged from 12 to 11 o'clock
A. M., and that night aessions shall be held, In
Order to alien , the members to ventilate themselves
on the ,yarions issues of the day.
: The defeat of the ' Mexican treaty is said to be
ascertained, , Among the reason! given Is stated to
be, the feet that a vast plaudit - 1r scheme is concealed
in this other Wise unexeeptionable convention.
Some slob developments may be made, involving
more than One of those poroelain gentlemen in the
Renate Of the 17nited States, who have been to free
"in denounCing others as corrupt and unprincipled.
kapeomplot, said to 'be of the most formidable
oltaracter, is o,n foot for the purPose of Presenting
the pains Of ,blathaniel D. Banks its the Itepublioan
ican,didiM for President at Chleage.
The CalifOralantells being the moat astounding
' of the riehnees of the Wishoe sliver mints.
Potost sinks Wei' insignifloanoe compared with
the' aline* fabulous riohneas of Western Utah
The lucent mewl in, flan Franehoo exhibit the
iiiraordinary yield of $13,000 of silver and
gold to the' ton, aid it is estimated that the yield
of the already opened • will amount to
;$10:000,P00 'for the ensuing' year, and no possible
conjecture can cover future developments. 30,000
Californians aro patiently; awaiting the disappear
ance of theenowe To . precipitate themselves upon
thie new country. ' ' " "'
,From the' Vioterie IBritishr Times I extract
- the following, front which it appears that new
causes of trouble are Springing up with our British
- neighbors; and our friend, David' 31011661 n, is
playing a part to a new it/awful : "Information'
has just arrived that an American officer, named
hiclfibbin, marched with a, sergeant's guard to
Langley, and arrested there two men whom he
claimed ae prisoners, and took them with them
ever the boundary. tie seta, be stated, by or
ders from life commanding officer, and wasreadfte
resist any attack" made on him. is'eupposed
thieviolatien or. our temtory
‘ io , pit of a system
whierdereral Horner pureuing for the purpose
*forcing his country into a war with England."
' Occssiorrst.
ByT eleirapb. to The Press.
lfrom ,Washington.
WASAINCITOK, Maridill —Wm. D. Shipman, R144 1 / 1 8 confirmed eta United States Dtstrint Judge of
Coneeetiput. in pekoe of Ingersoll. deceased.
The tariff bill, which Mr. Morrill endeavored to re.
Vert to the House today, under a suspentlon of the
rules, is the same et that. brought forward by him
Met rear. With several mOdineatione only.
Mr. Wyatt: in aisoordance with the order of the Senate ,
has beau _ lodged in hul.
Major 1,5, French, S. J., Coombs. O.A. He% and
Lewis Clapham, have been appointed by the Republic
can - /inonlation of Washington as delegates to the
Chicago Convention.
- The case of (tenet-al Cullom, ex-Clerk of the Donee of
iterulnl n ViiMitt l i a t r i l p e gti!d i art ra t i hr O n rho wi n t tl em Ci t wift. -
dbont witty wltuessentwere celled, so or whom. for
the United States, did not anrwer to their m
names. .oe
floral Cullom was present, 'ends tor trial. but as the
courtße fornd a Postponement till the nest term, the
second Monday In July was imperatively fixed for the
case to be proceeded with. -
The Homestead Bill,
Wienntsison; Muth 1f..-The Womestesd bill, which
was passed by the House to-day. provides—
' Thetas! Person who is lhe head of a family, or who
Marrived aLthe areaf twentv.nae sears, and is a
op of the United &MM., ny who shall have bled his
ftentions to become snob. shall ha antaled to enter.
ee of cost. One-hundred' end sixty (NO) acres of the
psblia lands upon which the said person m.y have filed
a pre-emption olelln, or which may at the time the ap
plication is mole he subject to pre-emption at one dol•
ler and aloarter or less per sore. ormehty acres at two
dollars en a belt per sere. No cerildeate to be Oven
or patent spied until niter the usynratiOn of Are years
from the date of said entry ; and on the payment of, lea
dollar, the right, spouted by the maul le; shall
issue to the heirs and devisees, The In ns thee ac
quired In no nose to become liable to the esrection of
any debts contrasted prior to the inning of the patent.
fihe Rio Grande Difficulties.
TER oogossioromm pwrivalsx 00V1GRIOR HOOP
New : Olgraws. March le—The Austin (Tests)
triiitrecer. tee alma despatches between
Governor Houston and heeretary Floyd.
Gove.nor Houton write; under date of February 13 i
• T have used all necessary caution andprudenee, and
may now en upon the facts before Imo. Unless prompt
Meeetlnee Cr. taken by tbe Federal Government. cir
eumptacees ealF impel Texas to adopt aeourse p he
wishes to airoid. 1 exec cannot be invaded with lin.
vanity. but If Yetise thrown on her own reeoereel. she
may not call t. but adopt mimeses to prevent the
"' W.. n ag t r h e e p s lte c a u . t i r gdel! ' ;l.,M,... of the 28th ult.; that
liurnedlete action will be taken. avd able officers de
spatched to testa command of the department or 'feniui.
Strong reinforeements will be sent rtesoun as the sown
call allow. •
Gov. Hourton'adespeach to IdeCulloeh says there will
be stirring time, on the Am Grande ere long.
The California Telegraph Line.
' WAIWINOTON. March 12—An earnest. and probably
imecesefal, effort is meting by the cIIATTIIII3O4II. in con
lunation with the leading telegraph gentle men of the
country, to nsurel the prompt **An pletion or a an Osten.
Old flee of telegraph, from the Missisinsmi river to Ban
Franc:min. lheie ere now present in this city, in eon
eultittion um this nottleot, ifiram tfibly. Esq., presi
dent of the Western Union Telegraph Company Zanae
Rantuni, Esq.,. pre eident of the American Telegraph
gempsnYWalker. Eel., Rrealdent of the New
York add bliinalo CompOW Cr. Pl. Oradea, prsident
of the New Orleans and Louisville Company ; Co t. Bee.
ril.osident of one of the California lines; Pelden,
o Rochester ; T. ji. Paxton. of Utica; 0111111 W.
ield, Est, , or New hark; Rare, Cornell, Row of
Ittlicit, and others.
Arrival of the Glasgow.
HEW Yong, March 12.—The ateamahip City of Ohm
OM from Liverpooi on the Sti ult , amved at Oho por
thic evening. Her ativioes have been anticipated.
Railroad' Accident.
Ecsiok, ra.allarch I3. —Wm. • Ritchie. an engineer
on the Central Railroader New Zersey, was run over by
train of titre, near New Hampton . this morning. and
instantlY lied. He was a single man. and highly es
teemed, be ng considered one of the best enaineere In
the omintri. lie wee well known lit New York.
Western News Items.
Pt; Lorre. Mare& 11,—The steamer Belle , from Pe
- gehltrflitltnhj!rerstfir-riley,' fT•gyrergl4ll6NVlld,o7.`
1 11, d 4 Great We t sr Ani farilVe t re °(), ;'w h in. an
rocer. , itoicdninki-Fore burned at Naples, 111.t,ayestOrd
rtty rtivt , amount o lose is unknown.
the Baptist oburolt at,4llton, 111., was burned rester
.=LOSS* 410,600. •
7:Vgitilairl'atlolll. at Hoesteu. Texas.
•"- = was $170.000. • •
'lloviteerTexes,'Saturdsy, March 10.—ttre squares;
p . rignfitAirty bondinue. were destroyed by fire to
c Erie Nee is eatinutted at $310,000.
.The Ohib
rtreetettio..Marob 12.—The Oben nver. continues in
foodn4T)Parlill Order. with pine met et wenn in the
°panne! and a 'tend.
'no Ministe4l Budget &Web:tad in the Houle
British Channel Fleet Gone to theNediterrinean
Prom. Ohina—The Provisions' of the American
Treat' Extended to the Other Powers.
Murex( Alsiekt2.-LThe royal mail steamship Ame
rica arrived at this port this morning, bringing Liver
pool Wee direct of the 25th ultimo, and by telegraph,
via Queenstown, of the 26th, ibur days later than previ
°ugly received.
The newels interesting.
The Canada sailed at six °Week this morning for
Boston, where she will be duo on Toesday afternoon.
The Boom steamer Anstralaimn, for New York, was
to I•ave Liverpool on tho 23tk.
The steamers North American and City of Baltimore
arrived at Liverpool early on the morning of the 27d.
The royal, mill steamship Asia, from New York.
arrived at Liverpool on the 26th.
No list of the wreaked steamer Hungarian's passen
gers Is furnished by this arrival.
The iiimengers by the Amadei% repeTt that Captain
smith. who eommanded the
Indian when
that veleta was. wreaked, was tutting Etat officer of the
liunitarian. GREAT BRITAIN.
The directors of the atlentin Telegraph Company
propose to raise twenty thousand rounds with a view
of attemptins to take on and restore 111 wort/Int order
the in lured portion of the table off the Irish and New
foundland -enact. 01 the £610.000 of new capital
authorized to be raised for the new table, the amount
air vet reaches only £7O 000.
The London Herald Bey' that Mr. John Aright is to
be Postmteter General, in plane of Lord Elgin, who
goes to Mina. '
The following was received by telegraph to Queens
town on Sunday. the Path Met
In the House of Common/. on the 24th nit., Mr
;tone made various explanations relative to the Wreneh
treatv. after which the adjommed debate- on Mr. Du-
Ana's motion oeposint the Budgievrits resumed. The
principal speaker was Mr. John Bright, who defended
the Freneh nommen:dal treetr, and predicted tune in
calculable edger tares would be derived from it by Eng.
land. Es argued that free trade with France would
Raise that country, toe level with the Unite* Stotts*, the
new twill' with France being as liberal as that with
Mr. oeuldwell spoke in a similar strain. and pointed
to the results of the great inteurse prevailing be
tween Enyland and America. rende rco ring war all but ini
nnaelble. The name relations might be established with
Sir F. Bating, and other members evoke againet the
%drat and the ,treaty, when the debate wan fUrther
The debate 'ISSN resumed the following mnrning, the
Disraeli. In favor of Mr . Daoaae ' e mntlon W alpole and
Milnerflibann istristone. e.,^a Palmerston. against it.
The Rouen divided. and the resolution VIM negatived
by n vote of 319 to 231—the majority for the Govern
ment bring 116.
Mr. MeV:very made a violent attach on the Govern
ment for its proposition! on the Italian question, SS
entirely oommed to the spirit of non.intervention,
Lord John linseoll said theoovernment rated with a
view to nettle the question in the manner hest calcu
lated to encore the future grace of Europe.
fArd Palmerston said that the hndget would be for
mally "mutinied with nu the 29th nit.
Fir 0. 'Wood stated that the total force to be sent from
India to China would be 6,500 Europeans, and 4,13C0 na
Mr. Hadfield exiled the attention of the Douce to
petition cornpleining ors mediteted bretieh Otto, nem.
between a 'British subject end an American citizen for
the en-called championship of England, end asked
whether the Government intended to take steps to put
down the light t•
Ir G. 0. Lewis maid the subject had been brought un
'der the natio° or the Chief Commieaioner of Polite, who
would take steel to prevent the fight within
them, metro
politan pollee Menet. but no pledge could be given as to
the steps which would be %hen beyond that limit.
In the House of LAMS. Fail cernaryon called atten
tion to the statement that, in he r in , proposed condi
tions 61' Donee to Morocco. demanded an extension of
floanieh territory in Akins. end asked if the Govern
ment ha anonotice or thus departure from the °ital.-
net derdara of Spain ?
Lord Wadehouse said the Government had been In
formed that Spain's demands were a large indemnity. ,
for expenses Incurred. numerous commercial adva
tages. an extension of territory. the establishment o f a
ui , man catholio Bishop at Fez. and the admission of
dlolommio mantra the same pimp].
Lord Dungannon moved a resolution condemning the
performance of Divine worship in sundry London thea
tres. After a debate in which several Billiton, ursed
non-intervention in the movement, the resolution was
The London TOUR. In an editorial on the French
commercial treaty, refers to the immense impetus
which will he riven to the cotton trade and says. if
Entree be Imibited by Germany and Italy, if America
be 'lamed into following their example, there ill no
reason why Laroashire should not tts number of
looms within the next five years. It also predicts a
great impetus for almost every other branch of mann
The estimate of the rum required to defray the ex
ofnses of the China war. during the year ending the nit
March next. is 1150 riY).
It is stated that England and Prem.(' were about to
sign a camvention relative to prices resulting from the
coming expedition.
Queen Victoria held the second lance of the tension
on the 24th. Captain McClintock. commander of the
Dud Arabs expedition, wan presented and received the
honor of knighthood.
The British channel fleet: composed of nine vessel,,
had left Portland for the Mediterranean. This move
ment is said to have been oaeamoned by the demands
made be Spain coon Morocco. requiring a large regio
of territory from Morocco as one of the condition* o f
The arrangements for Lord Eigin'a extraordinary
minion to Chips have been co d.
The English silk manufaoturers have pot forth a
statement, skewing Olathe French treaty Maims them,
as respects amss ato the French market, in a worse po
sition than heretofore.
A toingi tack place ondoo on the g;tal ult., in
pannt ot Waahington'. birthday.
William Atherton, flolleitor General, Los been made
a knight.
The Aferein Caron/de publishes the following in
their second edition ' Intelligent's hes been reoeived
from a sure smartie in Vienne to the following erect
Mink bee deoided on renewing
C her 0 . 1111 1 ml :1 wall
lirpr Princl i Aaraider.
o Hesse. We have eerie lent reasons for believing
that Oa provisions will be foiled to be a. follows t The
matt ample ooncessions as to all that relate to the hole
plans et Jeruralem will be made by Anstrie. Second.'
-with lonely the eventwilities thither. every pro
bability of iminSHiftlied. Antrim agrees to oonterm her
Dolts y to that n, letiasi lii, es to the thanubian providers
and Semi& Third. es compensation for these coons-
One in the East, Reale will Rurality to Augtria the
whole of nerlerntory, inifindlogliun earl and Venetia.
ageinet insurrection and foreign foes "
The Paris correspondent o f
tf Daily News roars It is
MG too true that at a ministe al meeting held on cri
day, 'tied presided over be the Emperor, and _w wel c h
levied four hoer.. resolutien was take n aialnst Its UM
unity, on the pretext that Russia amid Freesia (Mint to
the annexation which alone can Rebore the Italians.
The French Oevernment, it ill dieted. Imre resolved
that the pi de et ofennexin e Piedmont to Trisolny meet
be abandoned altogether. The people of Tuscany will
be called upon to chooses sovereign. amid there will be
no dentition to their choice falling Uncle the Duke of
Genna,VictorEinmenuel'elnephew. Beeendly, thenuoh
lei of Modena and Parma may be einoexed to Piedmont
be the conga:it of the inhebitente. Thirdly. the ques
tion of the Romania is to be revised, tied willpronely
be subnetted too Coeference of the Powers but still
the idea of creating a separate State of the eoyereignty
of the Holy See. and annotating .object to that mover.
°lent,. either to Twomey or Piedmont, not abandoned.
Piedmont will be required to adhere to these proposals
made under the threat of withdrawing the French army
from Italy, and tandem her to the mercy of Austria
Nam:FY.4Feb° 1g (via Genoa'.-,e. decree of the kV
meter of Wet orders (doers on leav e to join their rem.
mention the oth nr March Part othe prloimal guard
have been mobilized. Agitation prevails I n Palermo,
and In the Atoned.
MADRID. Feb. 'Spanish squadron has left
Algereiredin order to bombard the seaport town, of
Mori and will 4 protobly commence operations by
the bom rdment Arphilla.
Pants, ,
eb. 24. he Monogr publishes &dame on
the organization of the artillery. suppressing the list of
storehouses for field artillery, inornaging the nu m b er of
Materiels. tied of infantry by creating the three new re
giments. and the re.establlshment of artillery trains.
ilia Nsnitcer also oubliehas the proxraintne of the,
opening of the Lecislature on thelgt I net.
it also enneueces that the two Moorish dentine ar
rived yesterday at the ramp of Generel O'Donnell, with
a view to propose an interview between th e Marshal
O'Dminell on the part of Spain. and Melee Abbas and
the Minister Katehloo prt the part of Moire o . Tale
interview took place on the Wail to Tenders. The first
point &mussed was the occupation or 'retain hy the
Spaniards, which wee °noodle, obleeted to by the
Moors. whereupon Marshal 0' Mend! wu on the point
of breaking up the conference, but, at the request of
Mules Abbas. itasionti need, without. however. Pro
ducing soy resul t . %Spore 'plied far a further de
whi hems refine by etaret t if e Cenonnell. whode.
elated the **see to be termlna . The Marehel re
barned to Tetuan, and immedietely sent for the coin
niander of the Spanish naval force. In order to concert
with him farther active operations.
PARIS, enter ' s... 4 J se T. hl—The market has been
very dui l. The lignites opened at 68elee, but domed
rather fiat at 671:86a.. or about the unie price as yes
LONDON. Saturday Evenin.e.—The feeds opened to
day at yesterday's cruise. being supported by the
large reinurteriel majority end the favorable bank_re.
turn.; tot a decline seine tuebtle took place, The
share market was
I t i rrn. The Hoard of Trade return.
iued to- tiny.
against £9,393give t e exports of January at A 9.300,497,
1.23 or the corresponding month Last
The definitive reply nr Austria to the Eneigh proper
/Rion for the settlement ef tee Italian question is li
ned The reasons are elven why Austria cannot ao
oeptve Heel ind's prepared as as a hum 'or arrangement.
Cot Seehre bu explains that the coronet does not
only essentiellyalley the hags of the Kuropeen aqui
iibyinrn which seen weaned hr the treaties or tele. out
it is ahio in coneltion to the fundiamentnl principle upon
which the lee itimacy of Governments in Tend, end
est/eaten, Abe Austrian menarche. are Men ed. In the
third instance the. proposals destroy the righ ts of the
lmilan priories. which were placed under the guaranty
of Europe, and which the Enreeror Fronds Joseph hes
sisaered ditty to protect. In his quality or dales of the
Reu flepsharr. Ir. induced b • ail these motives.
ileetines the reposed negotiation...he declare.
nevertheless that for the present sit e will not endeavor
to undo. by force of arms. that wich she cannot pre
vent, although pmervieg to hersf led entire li
berty of aotiog Count future.
The tone en Souther/re reply is exceedingly
(muttons And moderate.
A Paris telegram confirms the statement that Regina
aed Paresis had joined in a propoul for a Conference
of the five lord Powys, leegotiatione between the
Po ere on the Italian question were, it was said, being
naredly carried an.
A Vienne despatch, of the Pith, gives further partia
Tars of Reehterei h. r r reply to Enernd's t re e poritir a re.
.e 4 gfri r attra t attn i t li from IrrTne l e o , n aiid
says the Austrian cabinet reeognises that in the present
oimumetanoes there is no opporeuelty either for Austria
or Fran. to interfere in Central Rlf.
The application of intervention, spoiler to vrenoe.
Anittle. having withdrawn from all parts of Italy not
under her dominion. The organization or Venetia
must renierin extraneous to the negotiations between
the Powers. tot the Emperor loyalty main tains all the
promises of Franna , mid if theyhave not been
reali aed, the fault eau only be attnhute to the Italian
Revolutionary party. Austria' confines herself to the
einem/ion of her oonlotion that the renestalilisi-ment
of tee former dynes unh and the realization of the too-
Int of all Italian Copfederation. would mush better
guaranty the future of the peninsula.
The Paris correspondence of the Times gives count.-
ne pc. to ar mor e that Napoleon Is endeavoring to con
ciliate the Pope, and that an_ arrangement respecting
the Romagna. likely to satire), both parties, has been
proposed. A Vioarate and Lay Government is spoken
o dthi r al The ty t h
Parts. ,,ochancei o g r r o e sf st
per p o g d eli eorne. bre a k i ngtt o r
b h p e e o o L et. o r
tsni don abt s
:: G iukts i nies e i
nfn„ sttat t heoy, s
same drain.
mu reply to the demands
The Minister of Commerce,
for a preliminary inquiry res_peating the alterations in
the tariff. shows that the Emperor had enlightened
himself by consulting competent pereons, end olds that
eke duties will not he definitely decided tine grail after
an inquiry. in which various opinions will be hoard,
The t i me Henri.) had ,butyent. and the Teems at
one time reached edf. Secon Out 11th ult. it was
heavy, and recites declined tonlf. 9oo.
13 t'AIN.
The Corropendentio Autographia mentions that Mar
shal O'Donnell had submitted to the Mears the following
basis for the - ooncluelon of peatie_t—Posension of nil
the territory conquered, including Tetuan, an Indemni
ty of two hundred millions of reale, an engagement to
respect the Catholic rpligmn, and commercial stipula
tions favorable to Spain.
A majority of the tatulridjournale are opposed . the
conclusion of peace, and demand the occupation of
The Moorish loss In the battle of the lith ult. Is tell
mated at LOUD. Upon their defeat the Arabs committed
great excesses, and nocld not be restrained. although
elyteen were pat to death on the spot delay A hbos.
with his defeated torn, wee half way between Tetuan
and Tangiers.
r The Hint of Sardinia and Count (favour remained at
Milan. end w Theo nly received with the greatest
enthusiasm. clergy The presented them with a
complimentary address The deoomtiou ot the An
nunonids, which had been conferred by the King of
Sardinia on Marshal Raudon, wag expected to be also
conferred on Marshals MoMehon and Niel.
It is denied that the King or Sara is about to noun
a proolamat on to the inlifbitents of Central Italy.
Letters affirm t c iat the ope bed received a communi
potion from the King o Bardinia. demonstrating tie
Impossibility or treaty tention of
e n d lmbrian Marshes,
and propo•ing es cif oesteen. that the negative
reply or the rope pouched in the strongest terms.
The steamer Louise, bound to iMartsilles, had
foundered in the Mediterranean, by Which fifty persons
were iltOWllOll.
The London Times announces that -the cleoulation of
that paper has been suppressed throughout the Austrian
of Common
A conspiracy against Pnrme pante' has beep dlroo
verod in Montenegro, and the principal participant,
sentenried•to death,
A Constantinople despateh says that the typhus fever
is carrying oil the fugitive (Accessions at the rate of one
hundred per day.
A telegraphio deepoteh by the overland mail. dated
Bbangnae. January 7th r says that Cis ports of Swath*.
and Klemm had been opened, and the era visions of
American treaty extended to Brest Britain and the
other Powers.
A. Canton despatch. of January lith. says there is no
thing new in the state of. an'airs at Japan. but it was
honed that the firm attitude of the commis would reas
sure the Japanese.
Foreign Commercial Intelligence
port the market for Amerman securities generally firm:
'United State rag 92A1
Massachusetts 6S, bonds. .... ..1030103
Maryland 55, bonds.. •
Do do. bonds of 1877 86581
Virginia es. 1888 83M 80
Bell & Son report the market arm, and an average
business. without quotable change.
The Time.. of Friday reports the market °enhanced,
and quotes sales of U. EL Os at MN; Central Freeland
Bonds at 87 ex. int ; New York Central 7a at MC and
Erie shares at Mt
LIVERPoOL, Sunday, .P. M. Feb. 80.—The males of
cotton yesterday were 6000 balm
__ of which 1,00 0
were to speculators end exporters. Thsarket closed
quiet. Breadetuffs closed steady. Provisio m ns quiet.
LONDON, Saturday, P. M.—Console closed at vein
to for money. and airettO4 for account
Circular reports the sales of the week at 61,000 bales, of
which 2600 were to speculators, and 7000 to exporters.
Tilemarket closed very dull , ard nferior qualities
were irregular and rather lower while i prices for the
finer qualities were fully mainiamedi owing to their
soaroity. Tao sales of Friday were 6,009 bales, of
which 1 000 were on inoculation and for °grunt, the
market closing quiet at the following authorised quo.
tatione &Fair Middling d; Middling do.. Me ; F'eir
Mobiles - 7}id ; do., 6 11-16 d ; Fair 'Uplands.
7 1-16 d ; Middling d0..6 7-led
The stook in port was estimated at 620.000 bales, of
which 471 000 were American.
STATE OF .TRADE.—The advice' from Manchester
are favorable, The market was quiet but steady ; Cot
tourroode Indeed tending onward.
Richardson, %mom Lk Co. Fort American Flour dull.
but steads at 23sittgla 6d Mil. Wheat steady at
'Tuesday's improvement; re Western Os gdelOsajd; red
Southern IfissolOsdd ; white 104641012 g. Corn quiet and
rumble, though quotations are unchanged; yellow 33555
Ma OA.
land, Althea. & Co and Richardson. Spence, & Co..
report Beef steady. folders offered freely. but showed
Yi n g o d oir o fi s g stiidSles". 0555
Cheese slow of sale but, prices unaltered. Lard firm,
and all qualitiee slightly higher ; fine, 690616. Tallow—
Butohere'. 600.
Circular reports Pot Ashes quiet et 31031 1.63 ; Pearls
eulet at 33530 ; Sugar quiet ; Coffee qqlet ; Rice steady.
Dark quiet; Philedelphia 9s 6d; Beitirnere Rs ed. Clo.
v.rseed quiet at 48 . for American. Linseed Cakes Clem
£lO teal ; Cod Oil ,• Seal Oil in better demand at XBL
re 34 ; Linseed Oil Oat but stesey; Rosin steady at 4.
endor common ; Spirits Turpentine in better demand,
firm at 36sa3es
LONDON ni as KRTS —Benue' circular reports
Breadstuff, firm. White Wheat./64548+; red. 44e43/
e lour, 226261. Iron steady. at Xs lasesX6 las. for trot
rally and hers. Sugar quiet. but firm. Rice firm. an
slightly Maher for some descriptions, Tea quiet, and
declined KU, but nubroquentlr recovered r!ongoo,
6d.014.61id. Spirits Turpentine firm, at 13a. ed. lin
seed Cakes firm; New York, £lO 7..6d . Boston Lin 3s
Fish 011 s. £3690. Sperm Oil held at £BB. Linseed Oil
quiet at 27..6d Tallow quiet, at 39e.6 , 1.
MAYBE MARK". T. for the week minding Feb 31.
Cotton firm; New Orleans tro b ; , ndina ire 11
les; .0111'; ditto Da:
MealallPebiltrh74lBlol"fgr 130 11 e
firm. Coffee buoyant. Oils. little inquiry and _priee.
weak. Sugar heave. Rice dull. Lard heavy. Tallow
dullard heavy. Whalebone quiet but steady
market was AMY at unchanged rates.
corm!, closed on Friday at 90096 for money, and
e60r95.14 for eccoun'.
The Million in the Bank of England bad increased
Mr. TEN EYCK. of New Jersey , introilmed a bill
for the more complete equipment of lifeesavine ele
vens oh the coast of Long inland and New Jersey.
Mr. KING. of New York, pregenbid the petition of
merchatte of New York, favoring the estahliehment
o steam rte
line between Charleston and Havana
• %sr West.
Mr ICING also introduced a joint resolution utispeed
ing the operation of to mneh of the recent Poet Office
neoropiiation bill as relates to the printing of th_e poet
°Moe blantin.until further action of Coneress. He said
it lied receive(' the unanimous assent of the Committee
on Post (Mee..
The resolution was road three times and finally
Mr BRIGHT. of 'miliaria. gave notice of his inteniion
to intr, drum • bill apropriating ha'''. million of dollars
for the centinuetion tne Capitol
Mr MASON. of
it moved that Mr. Theddeue
Tlyett be again brought before the har of the Senate.
Arend to.
The resoluti-me rffered Friday were read. pre
mie's to summit Mr. Hiatt to fail until be consent* to
tee tly.
811MNF.o. of hTassaehnsetts. said It was ra'c'ed
in Fnglish Tenementary Motors that. upon a ease
elmilar to the perwent ono. the Speaker be f ore putting
the qu•otion. volunteered to say to the House of Com
mons that they sh•uld muse he ore und•rtek ng to pass
ntio• a question so mate,fal to the liberty of the gublect,
That Very question_ now b.fore the m &te, When
they commit Me. Hyatt to the common
they este
bile)] in thi• body it precedent. for the first time, which
wall be law in other mites bereagtor• They must fied
the power in the Corneae Lion, if Dot In express words,
at least implied, before they have the. right to exer
cise it.
There were three Caler where the Senate had this
ewer--rinmelv. In the trial. of imrifiechment s In the
exeminetion of elerdion reterne end hheqnalificetinns
of its members. and in Judging the conduct of tie mem
bers and punishing them• even to expulsion, All throe
three mores were Mdielal In character. and glen in per
mitter. There are two other cases where inch Power has
already been exercised by the Semite—vie First. an
inquiry for analleged infritetion of its privilege.: and,
"armed, en timer, into the conduct of the marmite of
the Renate. as publie printer. &e.
All five of these times were serictioned by precedent this bride. in the present cane this power had no
sanction in the Constltetion, none in the great richt of
self-refents, Inherent In this body, and none In prece
dent. There were radical defeats in the reenjoision
ceder which the select committee were actine , ft had
eseumerljuilielal power. hut, without any Judicial per
pose or intent, thee gat le motet, like an inquisition or
seer chemlesr:
Mr. FESSENDRN, of Maine. replied. arrulate that
certain power" maybe exereieed ant specifically granted
In the Conititetion. if necessary for the .purposes le,
glotation. lf the Senate AM the power to appoint a
eommittrie It was neceesere thitt the orimmittee should
Ills authringed end empowered to disc harge its duties.
This renders It essential that a onmoulwiry process
should be issued, or else nothing would result from the
labors of the committee where witnesses are °Data.
n 7.3 1 41,E, of New Itempigire. said it was Proposes
to genteecti It Cities:l of the 'sited Metes to permite
imprisoement on e mere Dc nt • r etiquette he wit
ness Is ready to twitifyMat refines to an
aver under oompnleinnt hut the Senate will tint heat
him testify veustarily No despotism en earth tiger
, wee mere. power than is here clal meet t fee arirWl
that the nenete has all the powers neeessary, and they
are themselves to be judges what power. are nessioati,
The Constitution express'_y states. that powers not
eranted are reserved to the State. end the peogle. He
1 l o P nr 11
e s
7. 4 1.174g;i: Illu b erittl!, l A l l, 4
to be Pent to Prison, but he washed hie hands of the
mntter, believing , it enwarranted by the Coostitutton,
and uncalled foe by the exigeenies of the nose
I envIONS, of Rhoda Island. thought the inter
, ylty of the Secate would be best promoted by resceete
Int the conecieneee of citizens. Thie map wan willing
tn testify. but mowillinf to he coerced: so a Quaker
wield rot lee II rather than take an oath.
Mr, CHIT END ttN. of Kentunky. advocated there
solutions. e said no nen had the nicht to set up the
dictates of hie own conscience against the laws and an.
thority of his country-
Mr. H A mired what law Mf, Hyatt had violated.
Mr. 0 R ITTRNDFN sold the Conwitution granted all
powers neoessery and proper to muter oat the powers
seimillonlly conferred. An fluter of the Senate, acting
under the Constitution. in equivelent to a law. Either
breech of Corwin/4 bits ail the power neeessery to do
what it to sotlioneed to do. Thlis witness. teethed of
rendering an execute for his diimbedlenee rot rte runt
' mons. calls nit the Semite to amount for mooing the
summon.. rt . the &mate have a right to Institute in.
peiries, they have the right to make these inquiries
efibetneil. Mr. Crittenden thomiht thee the Seator from
New itempehire Mr. Italia) went further I n tarot of
I Stet. runts the most ultra Southern Senators.
r SIMMONS replied. and eubmitted rubstitehr
for Mr. Meson's resolution that h a ir Hyatt be dis
charged from custody, and placed on the same femme
with the other witnesses who have already spetared he
fore thatcommittee and given teritimony, he laving
cumbered his willingness to appear before them voinnta.
nil, ^
r. PFARCE. of Maryland. geld 'Mr. Hyatt', oder
to ripener volunterily wait coupled with en impassible
that the Permit, than timegnlee his Tightens,.
eiti see —t hat is. shall confers that they heti ea antherite
to arrest him. Now, this power. althongli cot express:
le conferred le the Comtitution, bag been recognised
by the Monne taw,_
Mr. D OOl IPTLE of Wisonnen, was onovieelid the
power existe rename nel witneseea to appear and intik.
and gave his foe that °Pinion. Thee might want
to gammen Governor WIN). and they should not •Itild
tee rinewion of power. it was a power which. of te ,
°essay. must *met. teph enwer has been ezeielmed hr
almost every Stets ,erleletnre, end be should Midst
m m
um Its exeroe t .8 Senate.
Mr. SIM AIONB withdrew his amendment.
shallowAVlS. nf Minlosioni. thought the plea a very
one, that when a wartime is ht here for it
great public Citrons!, he should ear big conselence is
to o te n der te tell the truth. If the Senate should thins
proper to withdraw the power from the select nommi lee
to send for p.m"m and papery. he. es ono of that eon,-
mitts.. wreild still diecharse his duties as be hest nosid.
Mr. MASON. or Vire Mts. briefly creed on Pie Senate
the importance or adoptine ion wilts
iivety ripin
who could give information wits hound by duty to his
country to do pq. and pm Idea that men can set op
their oonseientiobeconvictionn rie 04011e$ for timid
ing this ditty should
he tolerated le TeStlldiced
0 evernMeht.
Mr. MIA?. Let me tell the Remain from Virelele
that we are here as a reeuhlean Government to day.
Imputes teen were felted in olden times Who sir
their immelenotut *dentin the law of the existin g -
v° lll n r in . e lqa t. gon's resohdonne to commit Mr. Herat wAa
then adopted by the following vote:
YliAll—Mereni. Anthony. Ileyard,
Rear,. Bri•ht. Brown, Cameron,Cherdler, Cher,
Cline man. Collemer. Crittenden, Davis . Doolittle. Fes-
Bandon. PI ch. Fitzpetrick Pmt, holder. Green.
Grimes. Peon. Ne mrpoo 4 , )I.metull. Hunter Iverson'
Jnhason of Arkensta, Johnson of Tenn ..... . %speedy.
King, Wine, Latham Maine, NiCholene. Peatbil. litre.
Sebald:a.. NUM'S, - Ten Heck, 'I hereon, Trumbull,
grail. end Yuleo-44.
N Ts-110w*. Sinehem. Dixon, -Hells, Hemlie.
Harlan. finuirions, Sumner. Toomi s, Wade, and
subs The
oentl Rennte then went into executive bengal, Sad
ey *ed
Mr. WASHBURN. of Wisconsin, offered, 'a pre.
amble setting...forth the moat eham!ful femme parte
trated on the Menominee
t indinne. by eaglet:dog men.
reduelng them to utter estitntion t and resolution
asking that a select oomm Use be appointed to legatee
into the collect, end asnertaln hr *hat authority R.
W Thompson received 5t0. 4 00 of their MOTO.. These
Indiana bed Aware been on the moet friendly terms
with the United Staten. anl Joined nur rows in the
meek Hawk war. A few years aro. then owned emelt<
all the hints of Wleconein• but, !Simon bee n de handed
out of their lands, they have been tit need toe Very
mall reservation.
Mr. I.AR RA BE g.of Wiseonsin. desired that the rve,,..
Mon be emended so es to call for all the correspond.
emus which has been bad nn this subject. In the course
able remark' he said that Mr. }Cordials. who name
here In connection with those Indians. did so In direct
contravention of the.wishos of the Interior Department.
He (Incubi that the adoption of Ow resolution relative
to tide matter; by the Wisconsin Legislature. after onlv
a day's consideration, and by a strict Republiean vote,
looked eimpinioug. • A
Mr. WASHBURN, in replv to a remark of Mr. Tar
rebee. said the reason why the latter bad not been mi
en ted on this subject. was because be Imo gone to Wis
consin to attend the Democratic Connention. expecting
to be olect.d delegate to the Charlemon Convonnoo, but
n b r ° . nt tliit e llitm. That is f
Mr. WASHBURN. I dolt% know anything ebout it.
Mr. LARUABEE. Then, you should pot speak on the
Mr. WARTII3I.InN I believe, however, that the
gentleman Whin candidate theta, but d'd not succeed in
being elected.
tier furtherproceedings. the Houne refused to con
tend the rules for the lotrOadOtion of the retehltmli—
yeas 113. ears 60.
Mr. DAWES. of Massichugette. from the Contrite e
on Elections. reported a resolution that M. Wa ikm
ann. who is contesting the right of Mr. Sickles. o New
York. to a gent in Cone rem, be required to serve nn Mr.
Sickles. within ten days from the sewage of this revo
lution, a particular statement of the ground on which he
bases his contest. and that Mr. Sickles serve en answer
on Mr. Williemson, within twenty days thereafter. and
that both. within sixty days, take teatimouy In the man
ner provided by law.
The consideration of the resolution Was postponed till
Mr. GILMER, of North Camila', from_ the seine
made a mipority report that Mr. Williamson,
having tailed to oomply,witliparliamentarY mien, and
not benne proceeded with due diligenee, have leave to
withdraw his rapers.
Os mot e n of Mr. OAWEP, a resolution wits adopted
that Mr. 'Williamson have leave to occupy a seat it the
House peed lee the contest, and have leave to speak to
the merits Al the queoloo.
Mr, CARTER, of New York, rose to one a resole
htr. JOHN COCHRANE, of New York, said if it re
ferred to the Seventh Regiment the House woe ready to
regt b A tafirrizotts n
e .
ER hop ed his colleairue would save his ale
IN% i d
i h n e , k ortrie w r l a t ,i t u h t747 3 4:rr With laugh
ter. It proposed that a select commutes be ripsoloted,
to report whether there hen Wee ally violation 21 the
order of the House in the repent alteration of the farm
tore of this Lail ; if to, by whom. at whet coot. &o.
ti r h o House refused to suspend the rules for its recep
Mr. CA ItTER lent or tient er reeolution. first quoting.
by way of _preamble. Mr. John Conhrann's letter to
Colonel Letterte, saying that the Eleventh Regiment
would he the principal feature In the Inauguration of
the statue of Washington. and that they would do honor
to thentseives arid the cowry—have free and princely
" a r e e il s ltlMl: ° o'f i gio 'e r t tit Carolina, rose to a point or
Air COCHRANE hoped that there woof} he no In
terruption', It wee the best readout he had ever heard.
IL IV. S 4 r iNCII qhJeoted, unbolt, Mr. Coolirene was
permitte to explain,
The Clerk reamed Om readlrig, but
Mr. MILKi. or south ii•l•w ri. t id_ rel , int
Proposition eta plop joky a nil
Ir. SOlKL i clit ... jeected se the flift‘ter re n di ng o f t h e
proposition, regarding it es !mulling to the Seventh Re
concerned. he
Mr. ADRAJN sand that Colonel Lefferts had written a
letter regretting that censure hod been east on the Con
gressional Comml
Mr. COCHltyff. remarked that the reading of the
preamble was o valve to common sense and deem/.
1 4 t a w d in o ld td b a rr e e l at r ' t U o t t m he rli e r e a te s o h t e t w h m edignity of the - Route
WOO d permit. The time would come when Mr. Carter
won d tenet he had introduced it
Mr. SICKLES said the Seventh Regiment were anti,-
Aed with the distineuebed reception they met here.
Th.y did not come hither for champagne end O m er .,
being able to get these at home.
Mr. GROW. or Pennsylvania. maintained that the de
bate was not In order, pending the motion to suspend
the rule. Ite wanted this obleetion to stand.
Mr. HOUSTON, Of Alabama. at t empti Mouse should
not tolerate the reitding, ae the to get such a
Paper Into the Mobs was a fraud on the ruler, [lle was
celled to order by the Republican side.) He wanted to
make a motion. •
The SPEAKER.' You din do so.
Mr. HOUSTON.) demand the Yeas and nays. Job-
lent to inking op the time of the House by the reading
of much Wendel?' stuff. a
Mr. CARTE There to no offence intended. fly
proposinii—Mi I i of order from the Demooratio side.]
Mr. MILLSON, of Virginia, onmended that hlr.
Sioklee' motion to suspend the reading of the paper was
nit of order.
Mr CARTER said the House had heard read for in •
formation nchnrgp /velum ono of its rompers and—.
Mr. SICKLES, interrupting, said he refused to yield
the floor to his enllsisaue.
Mr. UNDURWOOD, of Georgia. remarked that he
had never known a day no unprofitslity spent, and, for
one, would not su , imit to these proceedings.
Finally, the further reading of the paper was di..
pawed with.
Mr. HARKIN, of New York, concurred in the wise s
expreesed by Mr. Million. and asked that the resolution
attached in the preamble he read
It provided for a committee to inquire how the 510,00
AmPopriated fo expended OPPB of inauguration et the
etatue had beep tiesatived. and the subject
'' ne
Mr. LOVEJOY. of Illinois. celled up Mt motion to
renonsider the vote by which the homestead bill wee
referred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of
the Union
'rho question was carried—yeas lap , nays 07.
Mr. !MANCH moved to table the bill. Negatived—
yeaa 62. nays 1 , 3.
The bill was then pained—yeas 111. neys fo,
fru °MAN. of A rkanaas. presented the resolu
tions of the Arkansas Legislature in favor of a Peolfio
ritilrowl. to beonnstruoted on the thlrte-flfth pendia .
He briefly stated the reasons why that State shnuld have
It MOW of the seleot committee on the subject. He
moved their reference. A greed to.
Mr. MORRILL. of Vermont from the Committewof
Ware and Means. asked leave te ifitrodoce n bill pro
viding for the payment of ontatanding treasury notes,
authorial nit a lean. and regulating and fixing the duties
on imports. and for other mamma.. He said it wail
merely vomited to have it printed and have it referred
to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the
M h r. BA RICEIDA G.1.1.0f
r. MORRILL, of Vermont, moved a suspension of
the rulee.
Mfaiissjpoi, objected.
Nagatiood—yeas 105. nays 69—not two thirds.
Mr. BAftIfeDALP; euggested that the House adjourn.
Iniquitr enough hod he n oomtnltted to-day by the prot
ease of the homoetead
On motion of Mr. TAP PAN. of New /famish' re, the
Banat. h 11 wee visaed, refunding 41140 paid Into Patent
(Moe h• a orazo men •
. .
Air; STANTON, of Ohlo, from the militirr committee,
reported a hill authorizing the sale he auet.on of the
western Military Ceylon! at Harrodsburg. Kenitral.
Passed, And the Nouse then adjourned.
The following is the vote in the Ronne on the mo
tion to seepend the retell tos how Mr. Morrill to intro
dune his tariff bill, which felled, two-thirds being ra
Yzeri—ltreser.r, Admin. Aldrich. mferenn of Fen
tuoky. n•hter . , tistibitt. Bin•hap h ti ne _
tow • Buffinton. Burnham. Burroughs. Cempbell, Carey,
Cotter, Ca •e, Collets Conkling, Porwin.COVOile, Corny,
Davis or Ma.ylsnd, Dawes. Donn, Bonn, Ed
gerton Plot. Ftheridse. Fenton, Ferry. Florence. Fos
ter. Frank, French. Gilmer, Gooch, Grow, nurley. Hale,
Mall. Par Hoard. r lend. Harkin. Batton
Ilinknon Humphrey. Hutehins. Junkie, fret
less or Michisa-.. Kellogg or lll.nots. Kininger. Leach
of Michigan Len, Loomis. Lovejoy, Mallory h 1 !triton,
Maynard, MoKean. Monnishr, McPherson. Millward,
Montsomere. atnorbend, Morrill hTorrie of Perumlvft.
nla, Morse. Nelson, Olin, Perry. Porter, Potter, Pottle,
Rice, Elam flobireon of Ithode Island. ftnyce,
Sehwartz. Scranton, Shermen filnvth 31 . North Caro
lino. comes. REMIton. Stokes, Pier:mom, Tappan. Thar nr,
Tompkins. Teem. Trimble. Vendever. Vanwyok. Ver.
ree, Waldron. w Alton. Washburn nf Wisconsin. Wash.
borne of Illinois, Washburn of Maine, Windom, hnd
Nays—Moser.. Anderson of Missouri. Ashmore,
Avery. But oda!, Burr. Booonk. Bonham. Britten) Har
nett. Cloptos. Cobb. John Pochrann, (lox. Prate nf Mis
souri. Craw Ppd. Perry. Davis of Indiana Davie of
Mesiseipoi, Dohtrustte. Edmondson Peaks, amen.
Gartrall. Hs milton, Hardemon.lllll,llindrono. Holman.
tionston. Howard. Bushels. Jackeon, Jenkins. Jones.
Eel% Lamer. Land r, Larrnbee. Lesko. Logan, Love,
Mackie. Martin or Oh io. Morlernand, McQueen, Mo.
Rae. Mlles. Minton. Moore of Alabama. NirtisOk. No
on. Pendleton. Prynr. Pooh. 11.-anon, puffin Scott,
Ambles. Simms. 8 n.leton, Smith
_or Virslnia. Spinner,
Stevanson, Stont. Underwood, Vallandigham, Vanc),
Woodson, and Wright.
Th. vote ou the passage of the homestead bill stood
as follows:
• •
zas.ridensre. Athol , ' Aldrich, Ashley, Babbitt,
Barr, Bingham, Blake, Briggs Buffinton, Burch, Burn
hem. Campbell. Carey. Carter. Ca/1•, John rochrone,
Colfax. 'Conklin Cooper, Corwin. Coveide. Cox. Craig
of Missouri, Curtis. Dante of Winne, Pewee ; Delano,
Buell, Dunn. 'Edgerton. Eliot, F•nton, Ferry.
Florence. Foster. Foulto. Fra . French. ()omit. Gra
ham, o.ow, Burley. Hale. all, flaakin. Helmick,
Hiokman, Hoard. Holman, Mower.', Rtimlirey.
Hutchins. Dunkin, Kalloeic of plchfgan. Kello p gg of
'Mimi", Kilgore, Killingar, Arratine Letyiti of
Michigan, Leo. Logan. Loomis Loner, elaclaY.
Mention, Martin of Ohio. MoOlernan , McKean,
McKnight. Me Merton, Millward, Morn Morris of
Pennsylvania, More, 'block. Olin. Pendleton.
Porter, Potter, Polite, Rica. Riess, Robinson of Rhode
Mend, Robinson of Illinois, Royce, Schwartz. Scott,
Remittent. Sherman, Sickles. Samos, Spinner. Stanton.
Rout, Stratton. Tappan. Tha•er. aumpkins. Train
Triinhle, Valiand,shain. Vandever. Van Wicks. Ver
ret', We'd •on, Walton, Witalibmn of Wisconsio,_ 'Wilson,
of Minnie. weehbote of Maine. Wells, Wilson,
Windom,nod Woodruff.
N4Tl—M a werced..ine of Kentucky, Anderson of M•ae
iumpl. nderenn of Seninakr, very,e itaikadale. Bo
cock. Bonham, Urchin,,Branch, firietow. Burnett.Cop
ton, Cobh, Curry, Davis of Maryland. Danis of Monts.
slop,. De Jarnetta. Edinundron. -Etheridge, Garnett.
()Hirai'. Gilmey. Hamilton liardeman, Harm of Mary
land, Holton, Gill, Hindman. Houston, {inches, Jack
ann. Jenkins, Jones, K. Lamar Landrum. Lenke,
Lone. Mallory, Martino( Virginia daynarii. hletueen,
Mcßae Miles, Miles, Millen. Montgomery. Moore of A la .
Mina, Nelson. Noril. Peyton, Frsor: Pugh, Reatan.
sump. sum,. Singleton. smith of Virginia. bmitii of
;Zonal Cain Ina. Stevenson. Stokes. Underwood, Vance,
Webster, Whiteley, Woodson. sod Wright.
Ilastatiarato, ileroll 13.
The Senate met at Dn'elock. when several bine were
reported from the committees, and others read in plare.
The b 11 relative to. suits in may in the Dietriet
Coulter Philadelphia was taken tic rod postponed [or
the present.
The bin relative to the toner, or the oily of Philadel
phia pagred a•oand rendinc, afro, ccetteerable debate.
The bill to incorPornie the Mimic Counts RYA led to
'is lone and animated discucence •iind: without coming to
et vote on the [lunar." adinntned.
The bill relative to the 'Williamsport and Elmira Rail
road Company was taken up on second reading, and
passed finally.
If being bention ?ay, tmicli lime was conaurned In the
presentation of got flans, magenta. ko (oleo &num
ael were are.Ml9ll Born ei ti eerie nfrbiladelphia. ask-
ing for a Mikti
aon the Vuodny was other. for a
law /banning the rights of fa n ners in the market-houses
of Philadelphia; also. n number of remenstranees
against a railway on lwelftli nod lirnaff situate.
An effort wyt mime to make the hill relative to the
Sunbury and Erie Railroad the epeolal order for Wed
needs y next, bui tho motion woe disagreed to by a large
Quite a number of hills were reported from the stand
ing committees. and eavoral read in plane, but none of
sydfOral mien*. Adjourned.
The Governor hrs signed the tall for the registra
tion of births, marriages and deaths in Yhtladelshia,
and also the bill to too aliorate the Delaware Market
From Arizinnt.
New Oatatn• Mesabi ll—Advice. from Magilla.
Arlstme, state that A grave and terlolll ildrionltS had
wourred between the American and Ileum tethers.
whmh tyulted In M 1 combat enver.fil were killed on
both aide.. the Meeisans toitituraering and 'mooed.
in. the Americans. The latter had bent to Fort Fill
more for troore.
Later from Mexico.
Nave OPLEAIIII, MVO la.—Tito schooner Arromant,
from Vera ['run on the Init.. tote arrived at Ma port.
General Miremon reached Han Juan, whioh is three
leagues from Vora Crux, on the 24 in 4.. and age
threatentni an immediate attack on the city of Vera
vermeil had Aeon rated out at entnpenehy, and
sent to VeraCruir, to milt the Were!, in the trans
nortsPon of pro/mole and munitions oh war, They
had arrived at their deetivation.
The Virginia Legialattire.
1116 113811110 N UNTV1111:1),
RICIIMOND, MAtCh IL—the I Governor's rnessaso
show n[ that tho financial exiseneiss of the Common
weak r equire a I °Tibor extension of the session of the
' , Pen mute. a reaoluttora has beet) adored to emend
the session to Opt' of ApTit.
Th e appropriations roads 'dotter tho present session
ere estimated to exceed five millions of Wings.
BEI.PAST Me.. Metall 11 —At the mnniclett elertinn
held in thin oar to-day it tchard Moody w elected
M. , ort by :9 majority. Tho demi n wee ettodu tod on
strict party around/. Last year the Ilepubltontis had :It
Wsayrisma, Conn., March 1: —At the town electina
to-day the etitire Democratic ticket was PleCloll.
BANOOII. MO., March 111.—Isnieh Ptetson.'the Repnb
(men carld , itate for Mayor. was' *etc I to-nar. The
Republicans also slated n majority of the Welds of
alderman lIL4 ClllOOll.
U. S. Storoship Supply at New York.
New Y. Mame it —The United States etoteship
Supple, Commander Welker fortv•ec days from St,
Nal do Lando. ernved at this port thle event°, with
Pa3Sengoii, lavelids. etc.. from the a frieeg Settedron.
The U. 8. Steamer Brooklyn nt Norfolk
NontoMt. March ll—The UMW Btittse itteamer
Brooklyn. twenq eight hours from New Vora. arrived
here to day. In animas up In the nil, she ran mtn
bark, commas away the upper mainmast and Tarifa
of the latter vessel. No dulare Mue line to tne
WAxn.—es wan intimitted In an item In The Press or
yesterday, in narrating a brutal nitoir on Sunder eveq•
ins, the eastern portion of the Fifteenth want it
infested by two rival squire of tufhann. who can them
selves, respectively. " Iluffers" and " Sockets"
There is a bitter feud between these two thetione. and
whenever opportunity offers Rome end brutal encoun
ters occur between them. E' en the women and chil
dren in the netahhorhood. we learn from the ptiioo, are
afreeted by the spirlcor rivalry, and they lobe aides as
. Beers" and " Bplekets " On Funtiny night the
Bookete" drsoovered that three "Buffer , " were in a
house in Penni sheet, neer Twenty-fourth, end the. no
cord'ngly ley in wait at Twenty•fourth and Wood
streets, to attack them. On emerging from the house
and reachins the embroil. the three .• Butteis" were
saluted with volley of hOok•lonts,threwn; by the sknik
ina "Bpiekets " Two of (ha' inns who were attacked
escaped by running off. but the third, mimed Jobe Rime.
was eausht and beaten to a frightful manner. tits:Atoll
was fraotitred end he received other very ter ous in
juries. The injured man was taken to the tit Joseph's
liospitel,wiere he lay loan insensible condition during
the night. it Is thought he will not recover. Two young
mon, mimed McGuigan and Cassidy. were crrecrod
dome the night, on the °huge of haying been with the
attickinsrte. Titer hod a hearing. y enterday morn
ing. limn, A lderman Hutchinson. by whom they were
oomrnitte in St (h to answer at court.
TiE STEIREHA.—A meeting or the employeeN
of M. W. Baldwin. who have hoes on a strap for turn.
time past, wee held )estorilay mprning at Spring harden
The entnmitiee on subscriptions reported that they
RTC daily ITCCIVIUK atnounta fnr the support of the
t.•trikers.” from all parts rattle country
The President then announced that ho had renewed a
letter Pout 11 firm n; Richmond Ya , asking hint to •end
sic of the best men.whe era on the strike, down vi that
ear, as they oafish:a them nrnplof moist Alan, a letter
"Wear , 0:11 1 11U,Zt 1 11'11 ° I/Vaill d r= rsa in t l Nte u e t t i blg ail.
journed until today.
the Fairmount liege Company will house their splend
new hose carriage, and fOO ten•lneh forcing hose for the
steamer.. Thehostilssupiiteduiththellliss conplind.
The iron work of the carriage to li.hed, and the wool
work le painted black and gold The root hag !la belle.
init• Inneed, a Miniature figure of Joan of Are. The
elite badges are Gorman silver, with the name of tho
companyOn then[, lime carriage coat grl fhn
company will ;wade through the at Mete before housing.
and in the evening they will partake of a grand supper
at Bering Garden
A TERRIBLE lios3.—A. countryman, last
evening. lodged a complaint at the office of Roca der
Enelit Mitts lose of a buckskin nurse enetainnut eeeentr
five cents, which been taken from him by a or pm,
MI the niAt previous at a place of amusement. Otijoer
Trolls to whom the complainant wan referred Ibt the
neoorder, condoled with him, mod then advt.ed him
that hereafter, when he visited the theatre, he ehosibl
be careful not to take so much money. with him. Tt.o
missing sum wilt, we guess, never again reach its !au
ral owner.
farISI.D TO ANSWltit.—Yosterilay nflOrnooll,
before Alderman Swift. n final hearing Was hod in the
case of Stratford and Malay, who were chimed with
having robbed a North ~ arolinlan of Ws valunblen, at
the nondlqoy or Music on Saturday eveninr kat. Dia
triot Attorney Mann appeared for the Connoonwealth.
and Lewis.fltuisidy for the prisoners, who. upoa bombfully Identl et], were laid in 51,r00 bail each to newer
at the present term of the Court of Quarter Samoa..
A STATED mooting of tho Dorm.' of School
Control will be bald this afternoon.
ix.:IrAL COMMENCEMENT 01 TD Janaaun( F
nual commencement of this extensive and popular in
stitntion took place at noon yesterday at the Musical
Fund Hall The Jefferson enjoys the best reputation of
any college in the Union for impartitig thorough medical
Instruction, Its glances at, most numerous, and at tts
annual commeneements the largest number of graduate'
receive their diplomas. In consequence of events whroh
are familiar to all, the graduating glass the present year
wag not so large as on' former occasions; but, notwith
standing those circumstances, one hundred and seventy
graduate* appeared yesterday In receive rhea parch
menNi. The graduating class met at the College
building on Tenth eirset. and, preceded by the faculty
and carters of the College, thee walked in procession to
Minimal Fund Hall at noon. The numerous friends of
the young Ad D.'s land among them a very large propor
tion of ladies) ware
_present in force , and the saloon.
with the exoeption of the front ranges of benches, was
crowded The seats in front were occupied by the gra
duates when they entered the Hall, and the commence-,
ment exercises then began.
After the performance of an appropriate air by the
&drumlin Orchestra, s fervent and eloquent Draper was
offered by Rev. Dr. Howe. The degree of Doctor of
Medicine was conferred upon the following-named gra
duates be the Hon. Edward Xing. Lt.. D.l
Abercrombie, Geo. A., Ala.' It nuilierhockor.Boliver,Pa.
Adair. J. Todd. Pa. Lackey, Benj. F , Tenn.
Adams. Patrick H.. R. C. Imngenderfer, J. H. N. J.
Addieen.Wrn J.. Md, beater ,Inmee Pl.. Tenn.
Andrews. A. E.. Georgia. Lever, John D F.. B. O.
Arnold, A. E. Louisiana. Lewis, Daniel D.
Atkins, Wm. L.. Ky. , citin„James Merrill- Ga.
Bache, Dallas. Diet. of Col. Mace. William G., 8. C.
Bailey. L. Philip, Va. Mann, to. ustine A.. Mass.
Berl sdale, M. fl . Va. Macy. John 11, •,gorgia
Bus, James P. Tenn. Martin. Ft. 8.. (M. D.) Mo.
Bass Joseph F„ Va. Mathew*. Fleming R., Ga.
BeeeleY, James P.. Mist. May , ard.P. 8.. Maryland.
Bigelow t It, J., Florida. Meador,. James 8., Ala.
Memo, Milton. Georgia. frl °Cul crush. J. W., Del.
Riaokweil,Nicholat Miss. Me %Cory. A. H,, IM. D.)
Illanok, George A.. Pa. Missouri.
Blocker, John E . Georgia. NlcKinney David. Pa.
Winton Darnel 0.. Pa. Mobil e, william P., Ps.
Burkhalter. C. Id., 0 . C. Mitchel O. W., Pe.
(14.11.)Mi1. Malt, William.J., Tenn.
Butler. b M.. Florida. TAMAR', KIIIID/I011i.• Ga.
Butler. Matthew Al ,Tenn. Morris Wm. Wade. Va.
Butts. Junsnn A . BA Morton. Chas. B.• Va.
Ro a be rcu s V Te xas, i
Mu l l s h on l n he D m i W M
Chandler, Joeeph H.. Del. Nelson, Wm. w. lowa.
Childs. B. F.. Georgie. Niolicle, Pecnnoli.7., Pe.
needepin Win 0.. N. C. Nicholson, Hugh W., Ga
Cline. Undfrorll.„ Pn. NOMA. Alonzo. N. Y.
c„,,,„ B en i 1. . obi., Owen. George A., Vs.
Conhran. E C. Tenn. Gwen, W. T. Va. •
Collins. May B • Montour' Parham. R. .1., Miss.
Comstock. Lucius L.. Ohio. Parchment, aihs,t it, pa
Cooper, J.llllBll D. Va. Phillips. h. D.. ?dim
Conner, John A. Ky. Puget'. Robert B , Ky.
Cowin, John H. 'els. P. lee. Newton C.. Tenn.
Crawford, John D.. Va. Italia ci,Roiwit G., Pe.
Cuaninshard, John El., Pa. 'Balta.. ' , sorsa 11..111d. .
I nvis. Wm N.. Pa. linher re, Wm.j.l. F., Ga.
Deane. Jae R. Ark. Robinson. b. W.. N. 0.
Debiney, Alfred, Pa. Rowell, F . H., Ala.
Dennis, Jamb A i., Va. Ruilialll. Benj. F.. Ga.
Dixon John AI, Pushier. Greenwrod, Miss
Dula. F. 0 . N. ri, fiale • loh n Alexander. Va
Den an, Thom F.. Pa. Saunders Samuel A ..Ark.
Dunlap, D. Ct.. N. C. Sellers. Hiram F., Ps.
Donley. Jas, C., Va. &TOL A. Meares us
Elkin. Thos. 8., Miss. brinfiner. John it,. N. 0.,
ining. Wrn. el., Mo. Shaw. D. w., N. C.
Fntrieigh. BotiL M.. Kr. wile e. 0 . W • pal
anthem, Tim. P., Mesa. Sim, J. ',.. Md
Ferguson. Jas. P.. Va. dpang. Fred. K .P 6.
Fiedler. Albert W., Pa. Stewart, C. 11l .M. D.,111L
Footer. Z N.. Misa, Stewart. P. L. 1 111.
Fo(ton, Pitunders. n. 0. Ptuart Relit.. k i ,
Gaines.). M.. (M.D..) Va. ITaggart. John .. Ind.
neither. W. w., N. C. ITate. i brie. .1., Alm.
Gann R. Pwin g. Ky. - raider. Daniel W.. Ind.
fltblinney. 8. Rueh. Pa. Taylor. Fred P. N. Y.
Gordon. John, Miss. Thninnn. Wm. '' , 8 0.
Graham. Dan. Ma 1,.. N. C Thompron. Davie, Tenn.
Greene. Fronk M.. Kr. Thompson, A. p.. AN.
Hagerson, Angus C., Gs. Taman JR. rAI, D..) Ind.
Hanks, BIM. M.. Ga. Tilmsn Joel 8 , lad.
Barns, Alonzo F.,Ala . 'Van Buskirk. J. T . Va.
Hatler. Mon (M. DA Mo.W
lalker. pl. etword, Ga,
Hedrepeth, Josiah,r4. O. welter, Frank
J Va.
Henderson. C. R. , Miss Walker, Wm ~ Ala.
Hendry. Bowman N.J. Wallie,Push M . M.l.
Jr.. Hereford. T. F.. Va. Wirth.. 1
F. 8,.(M. D., ) hfo.
Rawer. David W.. Pe, Warren, LP .. "I. c
Honntisok. Wm ~Mo. Warren, vr m. C . r e .
it ii a•er, Ches. 1., a. Watson. A. J . Ky.
Hunter. (len W.. Va. Watson, Davld R. Ky.
Ilytuts. EL Houston, Tenn. Weldon, A. 3.. Tenn.
Ingalls. P. F. Me. Wheeler, Levi 1,.. Pa.
Ingraham. Pir m„ A.. N. C. W i Moron. Jams', flit.
Jirkson, G. A , Va. wing°. Thom a., Tenn.
Johnson. F. P. fn. Wood, 1. aeon B Ala.
Jones John M.. Pa. Word. Jas. C, Miss.
Jones. montior,t , Ve. it? ri glit...l(r. P.,Pa.
ludklns. rises 11. Ala
Ilellt y. William 1., ilitilci
Kerns. Criarre M., Oa.
King. W illlem, Jr.. Ca
Of the above. there are frc
Promsylvanla li&
Virginia.-- Ii
heprain....„..... ........16
North Car01in5............13]
si4hini•—• •• Ii ]
Tennessee. 111
al insulin pp).• • - • • • " " • • ' to I
if week, 10
Missouri—. - ... 6
alarrlml.• 7
Rooth Carolina 5
Ohio 3,
1111n0i5.„...„ Al 170
After the degrees had been conferred. the dean of the
institution (Professor Pune harm I congratulated the
graduit'ute no the distinction they had Attained and
wished them a lone career of happiness and prosperity.
In the spring of 1180 the number of students who
graduated from the reffersrm was 258 This wee the
large.) clue. with a Biagio exception„ hat hat ewer gradu
ated fr , in the College
yaii 4•ii7iirt, •
Venmsne. (Same° Pa.
Z , sharma. J. Forney, Md.
Total, Ile.
Delaware —......
A rknneal
New Jersey.-- .......
New York
Nstriet of Columbia.— 1
Texas. 1
Marne 1
lowa 1
Nicaragua. 1
• • • - • •
after trio cereny of conferring the decree hod been
performed. vale mo dictory address was delivered by Pro-
Wiser arrow There woo benediction and mane, end
the audience iron after *piated.
•In the Supreme Court. Chief „Tootles Lowrie and Jus
tices Woodwerd and Read, the Twee, Bradford, WYO
- Potter Luserne.Besquehanna. and Wayne m
tie list wee ;ailed. Non pros. were entered In the fol
lowing cease:
Kimber vs. Cormslt. Northumberland Anthraeite Coal
Compeoy vs. Kirlin es Co.. Bally re. Phelps.
hteltion's meal: aPeeal dismissed.
H. P. V 40111111211, plaintiff in error, vu. N. P. Fassett,
°emitter of S. Rexford defendant In error.
On thn ffith of October,lBol. Henry P. 'Yeomans, the
plaintiff in error. who was the Ilefenpan below. pur
chased of Samuel Rexford. the plaintiff be a tract
o r . ,, , , lri t i„a r tA i lt;: re rl e let of th e consideration
psy hiYeortulgs
Sank of Commerce:TlT:ge l :ll7 or 1 1 1 . 4 r a Me e
one In twelve months one in eiehteen months. end the
what'll% twenty four, menthe To stouts the vas ment
attire* antes." with Interest thereon," he executed 10
said Rexford a the land. This mortgage
contained avower of attorney to the minims.. in 116110
of default in the payment!, to eel the mongered pre-
Imam and apply the proceed, on the mortgage debt.
This DOwer or it•torney vas di ded by the mort
'twee and on the ont of Janusty• 1811. flexibld twined
ref. fa on the trortrage, noon which a judgment was
entered for the sum of Ju dgme n t
677 e xe cu t ion tate December.
Upon llog Judgment an wt. Issued and
the land mid. and on the ash Moll, lean, Rexford re
-0040 the ludement. dole ieterest. and cost in felt.
On the loth July OW. Rexford brought a snit in the
Coed of Co moo Plea.. of Taiga county. end filed his
statement en the September. Mg. noon the three
. .
• . •
notes Mentioned above. rated the Interest at 7 per rent,
rave credit for the amount of the Judytment on the mi,
fa. on the manner'. end enimed its balms.* on t`mt day
toolue in Rezord of te140.70. He afterwards on the
t of the amiss amended his statement. and claimed
interest on fp We from t'ntober 90th, 3615. at ohs per
,oent.. to September eith 1061.
Whether the plinintiff was entitled to tide one per
cent. extra interest wee the only quertion before the
court. end the errof assigned is that the Judre bele w
erred in charrin, the jury " that payment upo the
mortrnre isttc6ed ern tantn the notes and ro fur ther;
that Rexford br the tonne of his eonlreet with 's romans
wee 4vivitlee to me 83 iso nod interest from the 80th or
Olober.lBl3 at the tate of 7 pe• cent. Per annum; that
neon the mottle.° he reeeived tut 6 per rent, and 'a
therefore entitled to the additional ono per cent in this
The tau was areeed and subtnitted.
County or Susquehanna vs. William Gibney. FRO, to
Common Pleas of Susquehanna county. Judgment re.
versed for the moons •min in Susquehanna vs. Deans.
'ePnrted in 9 Casey, and judgment entered for plaintiff
In errne. lientio• end Pitch for, plaintiff in error; W.
ar d W. if. Justin for defendent to error .
Murray vs Kayos. Error to Common Fleas of Wayn•
county. • hired ',fun. the, wife , became the owner of
tract of lend of 7y urea. in da3 to Dismueue town
ship, on which she hid her huataind arms a Musa and
other huildinrs. and he went on and cleared end tm.
mired a pmt on o[t he land. AO early Ken,.
became insolvent. nr several years. in the white., he
worked tor Murray. driving his teem and hauling lum
ber, end a oortion of the Itimhar he drew from Abigail
Keyes' land. n the yearn 1151-1 end 6, all of the any
plies or thn family were obtained foam Murray & Co..
and were chanted. n book to John Keret. On looking
over the accounts, there wee a balance due visitant's of
emit Jemmyd
1651. On this list was brought
John an a h Kati Kist ea,
The use wee arbitrated. and a general judgment ten
d•red übmit defenders for the amount&'saimed Prom
this Judgment, Abigail Kees appneled fnr herself, but
no emu) was Made on bohnlf of Jnhn Keyes °nate
trial in the court below. the plaint Q's minuet nhiected
to the trial in that form and moved to strike off the age
peel. which the mitt denied, and dirent4 d the Jou In
I sworn to try the cue an arainst John and Abigal
Key. both. The jury retorted a verdict in (acne of
plaintiff. as against John Kerns for the amulet claimed,
nod in favor or Abigail Kaye, On a ppllcation 01 de
fendant's riming/it. en orecotion was issued against
plaintiffs for all coat, which execution the court after
wardssuateined. Theplainliffe excepted to the &fusion
of the o-utt nverruling 11.4 milting to wine oft the an
peal end Intbel chores of the fmy' , g•nualir•ed to
there error wee nuorned. O. P. kO. O. Wa ger fey
plaintiffs in error; Earl Wheoler for defendants in
atavism B. Itmith. elelntiffin error. redrew R. Buff.
defeedent in error. Frror In the Common Fleas of
Bradford cone.. A ring and subm.teil
Nisi noes-Jostles Thomonn -The Commeinweelth
of Prone' !vent The Manufecuarers' end Mecha
nics' Rank of Philadelphia. This was
amicable an.
lion bronchi in determine whet mange Diens was due
to the Commons...lM from snot bank. under the p•rs
visions of "an sot euthenist:lz the restoration and in
ereese of the Nitritel nook of Manufacture.' end
Meohemes• Bonk of the eat, end cosunt• of Oblige!.
elute " Reproved the 721 d•y of t M 18.17 The Com elermed three per cen mama the amount of
the they.e of the marital stook while ihe eefandents
contend that the set vented knave wee
points of t he carttal Wok to the amount from which it
bed been reduced hi awomen, not
As the enmatidi we. one of law. a verdict wan taken
for plaintiff foe 88,104 ZO. suhisot to the point. re
The Mutual Beneficial Life Insurance Company. u
wens.. vs. Joseph L. Lord. A eci. fa on a MOratege.
On mil,
RA !MIR RTSPION.-Judas noun is
still sawed with the liquor elan. Last week the
a Monti t f look int rowed Was *0 ISO.
Ann Ken. Needed setup yt• epees morning to WI.
.ng liquor w.thoni license. In this raw. the defeadent
is the widow or John War. artpuens kit ed hy of ant
th, . Ohs am • epresented .11 Leine t,l very humble en
emontancoa end the roof, Rood nor 915 nod no.t•
Into Vool. "nil lame, MCUtnOl4.
pl•ndpil guilty evers nned 1103 Ned Coati.
J. Carteir• nos hoed 8 1 3 and coat , .1. drivels, ad
are tint, s resent Sinned out
Donald Baker was con•inteh dfi Rifling an..
in Hitch , . 0,11 R,•qiiiitOd RR It was is art.
&non that ho had the re nireit .monse.
Martin Loire was cpn node of the lateens ofe I/IWO.
end sentencom to an imerieoement of eighteen months
the Philafte.phia roue. Herrn.
Sever'{ liquor Caere were die/used of by plea' of
ty. end statements ,i• eiteellatin• elteurnidanees, after
whinh wswo fi ne . wpm imerwad•
Hitch Moimon wee ...quitted, it appearing that a false
return of Lie pines had been made.
A swot widow woman, named Mery E. Tie rsen. pie ad
guilty. It appeared that she lied poll a few Doti!es of
port Cr. Sent need to pay • fine of ten dollars and the
enete of prosecuben
William Upton was acquitted on a charge of Sang
without imensis,
Simnel Patterson waive* tried and tiegnitted on a
medlar charge.
Filen O'Connell wan tried for selling wehnut I o'n'e
.'ntharine street. No. 814. 11ar coons", E. C. gum,
nimbi a, strong appeat in her behalf, and she was ae
T be he liquor calms will be resumed to day.
Jury trials in the United States Limped rent. before
Jed. emigrated°, will be resumed en Monday morn.
ine next. at ten n'elock• govern{ nounterrettmr - Aimee
non to be Illtoo•Ml of. the eessione of the United States
rOnlt (Jn
na. for the tri el of
Aprilasr. will be re.
corned On the first Menday of Joel 'thou , Ow.
tone. the deputy mardolls in the office of Marshal tort
have little or nothing to do. The legion of applicant ,
Mr the gut, of moms taker. remain in a sl..rlnes
oat. of Inumrtaint• as o the determination of their
Maims. the 'islet oflinial having. se yet. given no defi
resounse to the cart-lied of written petition. with
which hie rooms have been flooded.
Purifier COURT - .1011 ,, e11 alhatalrood. Tina. end
Iltrinul -The general motion lists were called yester
day morning.
PLICAI,-11111[011T1111111piOR Rllcl
court wag engaged with the Orphans' Court list.
Member. of this DemPoratic organisation held a Public
ineetigir lest svonieg, at their headqurieters, at the
southweat corner of Twel‘th and Chestnut Streets.
Notwith,tending the inclemency of the weather, the
attendance leg my hum and the P.oceedings spiri
ted Speediee wore mode by the president. William
MeCanillers. Eugene Ahern. and other,. The a dregs
en which referred to terms of encomium
Convention barmy*.
ninuu men' of the antion of the recent State
sit Bending. end to the exalted charneter n the noml•
nen Urn., Ti. Foster, for minority and nbility, were all
loudly nod f equentl• nopleuded. An enthusinatic
e to the dm nen of that Convention. several /4pr akar!,
plo clued, would bo heralded by the sillfreges of Pintafiel
nlila on On UR) of the next general election. The tin
portanco of earnest effort to tho urelimmery municipal
contest for mains WAS UrtOd. and United action In Man
Dnd oefobrr would be a certain guarantee of a. great
em memo triumph in Oennetlvanin on the Fresiden
tml In November.
The beet feeling prevailed throughout the meeting.
The Chili hay made arrangemon.• ror hobo- a e•rtes of
sheen gatherings during the otiMPSlBll.lllllohr judging
thorn a *termination on ........ HoOlblP
win and Union clubs, will be eue" acti ve l n nl 'iv° an d lII'
Hannah Per: Ay, of this city, who :Bea on the dth Inst.,
moons other bequests of It private nature, elves the fol.
lowins for public purposes: To her executors, to be dis
tributed as they may think bout for benevolent purposes,
$lO nue ; to Bonnyylvertin Hoapttel, S 4 COn; TIMM. of
Refuse. S 3 nYI: Foster Home, $31.004: Union Benevo
lent Asrocietvin RI WO: Orange 'Bort Monthly Alma
ins of Friends, 860: Orphsn Asylum, Cherry street.
eon% Widows and Single Women's Asylum, Cherry
street. s'6dl: Southern Dtspensury. $lOO ; Northam Die
pensury. SIM t Shelter for colored orithenst $lOO. 'rho
eseYotors of :hi estatte AnthonY Y. MOMS, Charlet,
Willi ttnd joattutt Monts.
Minrrula OP tus GIYARDILIS OP we Pooe.
—A stated meelerol Ml= Quardlessor the
Poor was held yeaterdalf :. la At thr e e °'e r leek•
Maris, Esq., preeident, tD the *hat , The census
of the ho'Se. Al *resented bf,ibe ham agent, shoved
that the population of the' house on laitasterd Si was
2 Til same ti me last year. 2 P6S—making sa decrease of
IThe decrease le athibuted to the Act that work
is now soma on In the atone goarry.l , Admitted donna
tiro weeks past. ITS; births dear 4l
I de .; dinhargad.
VS; Hoped, 69; lodgers. 220; .fonall ed with mete.
803. The operation' of the out.door Tasitera may be
gleaned front t hat table:
Sent to
Adults. Chda. Dip's. Alm li. R e nt
let—J. Bungsll . .. . 411 8= 8/471.10 14. 20
35—A. E•dstranBe 747 144 579.50 V 30
33—N. Bir itb...." .545607 811.60 70 151
Geo Stone... 644 - 652 1,171.60 19 - 69
4th-1. Lowry.... 511 . 343 .50.15 38 11
6th—J Huff Ski , 231 'al 87 19 19
6th—B. Stahl.... ast 127 -- Mt or -17 t 20
7414--0. £ 410 ,01,. 7O IN 4 7
8th — F.N00d...... 1 66" - 11 1 _549.20 - • 8 6
6tll—S. • lentos,. SI 63 78576 20 20
I.f. Hooper. • 0 8 19.00 ..
199ervice... Never reports.
10th.J. Hnrri I.`• • • 61 102 114 37 6 ••
,L. Emory... 87 142 61.77 -
3,633 4 814 et ni.M 237 36
The committee on the parted' the Board of Utiardlans,
which had acted with committee. of Councils and the
Hoard of Prison Inspectors, in relation to the esta
blishment of a Rouse, no . Oorraetiou, made a report
through Mr. Dickinson, its chairman. After organize: I
tom the committee proceeded to their conAderation o'
the subject 01 erecting buildings suitable for a Rouse of
Correction and employment fo• vagrants able-bodied
Paaperr. disorderly persons. and habitant drunkards;
also. to devour a plan whereby separate acecintnotla
dons end employment caul. be siren trifle unfortunate
but worthy p or, who are now compelled, under the pre
sent arrangement, to associate. with degraded , self
deetroyed criminals who have forfeited, to a great ex
tent. their social privileges.
I be committee met 'leveret times. and visited the
almshouse tied prieon, for _the purpose of obtaining
such information as the officer' of these institutions
possessed. end conferring with gentlemen who have
given this subject much attention, and who have
vetted. in this country and in Europe. institutions
similar, in manyrespects, to the one herein contem
Plated. 3 hey unite in the opinion that it is expedient
andproper that bullion. suitable for this Far .e
Should be erected without unnecessary delay. In view
of the fact ithat the committee of Caormils havng
Charge of the matter had recommended that the de
nastniect of poor anti prisons make.pplication TO
Councils for an appropriation cal lent to enable them
to carry this object Into effect, and, in order that the
Board ought take the initia•ory steps towards aceorn
plir tog the important work. they recommended the
adoption of the following re... Into-in t
Resolved. That the committee be authorized to make
application to Conrail. for as tiottroprial ion sufficient to
enable this board to procure plAns and specification/
for erecting new buildings. or altering and enlarging
those already erected, at the Almshouse, with the view
of adapilnii the same to the purposes of a Rome of
The resolution was adopted.
M r. Evans otter d
the house
in electjrig physi
cian. for any peat in the house. graduates from Phila
delphia medical schools shall be preferred. The resolu
tion led to some debate
Mr. Dickinson was of the opinion that this resolution
would cot oti many der rving and poor young men.
Mr, Is vane did not thing that the inatittoion was for
the purpose of educating omit young men They impala
n t impose theee msu on the citizens of Philadelpnia.
Mr. Merit would use every honorable means to defeat
thni prosomti,m. It would oat off from the ildvantag
of [fahom a large elms of deserving attune men. who
have lust come from the medical colleges and who are
everting the decision of the board in relation to the
matter of the payment of the hoard,
Mr. Robb ns was inclined to layer the argument of
Mr. Marie. but would rather have the matter postponed
until the next meeting.
The resolution was defeated—yea. 3 nays P. Messrs.
Cresson and Evans voting in the affirmative.
AI r. Cress it thrived that the office of the farmer he
abolished, and that the gardener attend to the duties
powder/Acing upon the farina.. Mr. Robbins woe of
the opinion that the innovation proposed was one that
might got lu . ..iodic:ally to the best interest, 0, the in
eritation. There was enough for the gardener to do
and quite epholigh to occupy the attention of the fumes.
Mr. Creme replied hr showing statistiee to prove that
ther• was lab r anoogh wasted on the farm and mils.
1 4 manages farm tea times as extensive. The
lion was laid over.
. .
On motion of Mr. !diehard. the Committee ott Perini
sites were discharged from the farther emindenition of
the matters entrusted to them. Adjourned.
the oord mune is of this city was held at Franklin Hall.
last evening. for the pewee of "terming sympathy,
both in a theoretical and material manner. with the
shoemakers sf Lynn, who are on the sty ke. The in.
elemencyor tha weather overruled n lard. attendance.
The president made a few introductory remarks or
tektite the ahem exprealne hie eymeathy with the
shoemakers in the Kest. reed regretting that the attend
ance was so slim. Resolivions asp eagles of the sense
or the meeting werepassed. /beeches were rates by
Mr. ^mill, of the Mou lders' Union : Me. Shenden. of
Connectient. who Lat. ly arnv d from the seen , of the
strike and others. after whiek then:meting adjourned.
REVIVAL or RELIGION..--A remarkable reli
gions meatier has been in progress since the first of the
year in the Bristol Methodist Church. Multitudes are
round nightly at the altar seekine a change of lan
Mane nt the oldest inhabitants of the place with whole
returnee, have been brow ht under its marked influence:
over one hundred and fifty have beet received Imo
ehurch.membership. The meeting still continues with
WITIttiIUIVS.—We learn that lion. Richard
Yang has withdrawn hie name u a candidate for the
Democratic nomination for mayor in the aelirnaehini
municipal campaign. The other gentlemen moot promi
nently pushed for the nomination hr their reapeettre
friend.. eve Hon John Mobbing J... flu. J^eesh guy,
rodrder of the city, and Major Charles .r. Biddle.
The Money Market.
The stook market this moraine wee very dalL IL.I
mire tsoond. mortgage sevens arid at 110‘. P.llll4flea
Ole Railroad socond-moitsage sixes at CO. and the stock
at Srli Reading Railroad stook midst 2113:, and Reboil
kill Navigation preferred at 171. Omen Led Coitus
street, Railway stock advanced from 1731 at the firs
board to 1.9 at the .eoond board.
Money eantiones very pleat/, sad the lemur homes
do not care to receive funds on intermit. unless fee lees
time. 7he bank statement showy an mensal is inlets
item on the list. the loans bent Increased 880.61:0. The
amount of loans reported this week Is larger than stony
time (or a year past. and the same is true of the spiels
and simulation. The deuced* have not inereaited mush
his weak, the Increase being only #ll4Bl, though hist
week the amount was six hundred thawed dollars
greater than in the week neweed,us.
msrchs. min
Lhits...l4loas. 93,430190 39599 .1413.406
North &mottos. 2.818.2.02 vas 427 at 146 866.33
arm & 5169 h. 3 691444 3397 446 6041411 79%34
MlllerCial.... 1.101) 1:01 Lai 000 251.191 9EOOO
letc kam ea',..... 1.710 641 3,711.607 266 WI 303.91
. Liberties. 1.9 ADO 14164140 23ts 050 39106
thwark ..... 947.166 93=9 101143 59.99
211111n_onn. IMI 816911 163 077 111 691
Penn Towilaiii• r „ 631 619 223 131.97 1939
este rn 1.,r0 et* 1,361.748 394 eV 363 9441
Man. & Mech.. 1.169.14 1.1411 176 137.510 twsto
Commerce ... . &AS 991 6116 69 14.663 1.36.19
ryirard 3.111681 2,121141' 14 011 14.741
Trade sme o's... VD MI M. KO 119.114 116.991
Consolidation.. 486 OA 661.119 74 063 65 711
City 794 119 773,903 1374134 19.906
Coml6ons - 961th 99,936 461 176 19.166 113 611
Corn Exchange 410601 1/31.119 ' 101.6257 16,136
Ucti0n......--, DV 09 673.691 70.761 0.312
T0ta1.... 12.811/77 11,762.46 41034191 BT -- 1r . 03
29946118. CIICOLAVON.
Mar. 11. March & Mar. 11 1111'rcli 6.
P,biledelobis... 41,417.022 211413 OM 5933491 sus ow
I , .!orth America 1 - 161,951 1.79,45 244 440 1329,1143
Farm & Mech. 2.70.943 3.721.266 MG .15 411.341
Commercial—. 741 COC 704.000 14 tlxl 143-900
, " .:::::. Ai 0 4 Llill 1111,1 10. 44
‘....torahlrark ..... 113666 661.708 101.668 39,140
Kenn 054 4110 623 24 131.633 147.333
Penn Township. 110 323 618 44 96 1 ,96 63 illo
Western. 631611 est ma I $Ol3 116140
Mao. & Shooh.. 121.60 641060 11144 116.9551
Commerce .._. 611 466 431.M1 VSW 84.=
Girard .... 6617 731 966 494 16,114 391.311
Tratleamorea _ . 591.114 373.975 3390 ' 74463
Consolidation ... 279 967 118.99 t 66376 •66 ato
City .... .. . 91 1114 419.441 103.175 90 170
mtnotoC • eactit 111400 190.917 19 his 13, .2.6
l'. nyt-Eschantte 1.63,301 310.89 303,93 3.2,n3
'm0n.—...... 764937 211.97 91 94 93673
Total —......... .15 1115,19 I 1339471 2 74,163.
The aggregates compare with those of erimots state_
inent a as Gatotet
?der. b. Mar It
Capital Stook-- ellies 216 all 106 920.,,Eee. 'Mee
Loans Wilts t 7 26 ant 077..1ne IN 6 , 1
verve 4 11:6-/U2 4 t 3439.. Teo. P.3R
Duo he other Henke.. IUR 466 1 704 . lea. 136 063
nee other Banks 3.131,312 3 lee 61.3 lea. 74 21
°et:mite_ 13,122.1211 13 6 1 6 432-146. 12.461
...... 2,6/7,106 2,753 31.5..ifte, 6613?
The follow:nit vetement shots the condition of th ,
teaks of Phdadoishis, at ration, timu. sows Noetex.
ber, 1857:
Loses 1366440, CI roulaiin. Deportee.
`for. 4. 1817 11.199.462 2.1 n .4st 2.141.1 16.635.7ar
11.1&541 11..luptV4 6,216,761 1.011 11.04.20
aly 6 —14.311.922 6.414.317 2434.181 11.556.842
fan. 1.1869. 21.461 147 ' 6.063-2511 2.741.754
luly 6.....'.8.443.446 4877 . 691 2.916.1F6 16.451.194
MI4. 8 ... 21 744 706 3.534.466 14141.415
14340.746 8.436 030 7X6.89 14.201417
rfet. 1..... 15.479116 4.111 lid 3142 446 15 660
Nor. 7......21.663.1811 D 01? 911 2.732.134 15.460 461
flea. ... 24.963,166 41444.443 2.616.9 V. 14.861 CIS
1411.3. 184111...2 4 384 DI 4.460 961 854 .13.. 141~7 1.9
Fob. 6... . 26.433 976 4 669 979 1161316 16.406 341
13.... .13 168 384 4 4 4 . 364 1,4 4 167 e 1460.303
70 63 664 640 4MS 382 1,94.47 16 742.119
27 13 541.014 4.704 103 3.483.193 14 681 371
4107. 6 21 743 447 4 814 261 3 617.1121 la lel P7l
• 11 33 1t53,477 4 876.417 3DO 343 15,393,463
Ths Follorta 4 laa ahtems et or the Irseautseos of
the Phtladelphis Clearing' Hew for Om • sok oath's'
Much 17.1860, 1 14 furnished by the romustr, O•orio
Arnold, R 14.1
Climrinve. Psisotma
147 4143.161
s StS.oo Toi
. 3 43.3 *ISIS 211 043 'A
9 MS MO 13 stir 34
LIPLOIS IS 111 073 11
014 CS IN Pi IsS 13
VOW 21.1 a a 1.1/3 Ira is
eXPOITIIto at 5. B. 5 .... 3 I.' Waisiat Scrs•
41 q t . en t en‘tat-a. Roadtag R. V
2)u N P•onril R 5 .. a
R /1 &I 55 nava 1241 15 Girard Bk
Uq Rewilog R 65.11
TOO Can now.loiN
1004 rel/134. H 64 9.1 Cam tc Amb6a Ss
a3OO 16..61.16
bw W Cheater Es. • • Id
lOU Sus % Canal-- LE 334
00 ao tit Ssi'
E 0 •
6 Ra h
Nay Pd.l . iv
160 Stan R Own in.han l / 2
Bad. 6 , 966.
PHIS off 109 1611%6
.IL.tot aid" Sus DNS
14want off 196 )064
Palma sa. tat 011" 92
ReadtpFA— 61,5
30 Re3dins
We do
Pldla ..... •
10 do . I h
110Ome do
be n & Coata4 33
vinithill &rip__ Si
, Harrishorg ...1.307,4
, v3' V do
'l4 do -.33A
Boh. Ilso stook. 81.
Preforred.lni 17%
WoFrp't & Mat 1 13.
• Is be mod td ..
2d mon.. • ..
Istadxl 11.0 i
high 4 3.).J&Nav42
Poem ca
" 10. ....
Catawical R. ,4
do let cacTaii . 3a3i 92
rfink & tit R. 31
ed &Third -at R..PAI • •
" snort Os '41.98 99
" do '811.7 8 1 9 2
l'annt —.39 3&
'dor Onl Con di off,i2
prei diotr:lo9X 110
SohnTi li&w r r p ' u kel. TI T 3
Philadelphia Markets.
• MARCIE a—Evening.
The Flour math, lit flnn. Fut without activitY, and
b ierw rs fglg;;;ll=NANT=gs=
I.Nal bble extra family. Kern's flour sold at 11651) per
hbl. Ike trade are buying moderately within the above
range of mines for superfine and extras, and 867607 25
for piney brands. R. floor to held firmly at ftte 373 a,
end Penna. Corn Meal at $3.50 per bhl.
WIOL•T continues SeAree and firm. and about 7 800
hug prints red sold at 81.59, meetly afloat, which is 3
further advance. White is held at el Wel 6.5 without
much doing. Bye is gnarls, ar Ye one. readily gem
m g , de 930 per bus. Coro is rather more intuited for.
and about 5,000 hal. yellow sold at 13w74,... chiefly at
the latter rate %Boat. me are Mode / 000 bee. NOON.
sold at 4430. Barlow and Barley Malt are unohauged.
BARK —Unercitron is quiet, but not very plenty at $29
45 , ton for Ist No. 1.
Corrog.—Tne demand is limited, and prince about
the rime. zpirineia buying only to supply their intros&
ate wants. . .
Otiocsente.—There is a limited Imminent doing in
sugar and itloluxes at fully former rates. Coffee con
tinues canoe.
iROV —There is very little movement in fork,
Bacon. or ard, and the market continues at a stand
still but without cur changes to note.
riming ore quiet. and about 2111) bus Cloverseed sold at
14d4.62S 41' Nit RR in qualitY—the latter for NUM
Timothy and Flaxseed are lightly offered, and him at
loaner quotations.
WHISKEY meets with a moderate demand at no for
oruce,2lho for bads, fib for Easton bbls, and Ito for
Ohio do.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
MANC7II2, 1A)1.
The receipts of Beef Cattle are small this week. only
reaching about 160 head. The market ut good. cad truism
tea the lee Its higher than Got quoted. The foLlowiag
are the particulars of the gales:
33 lease Abrahams, Ohio, 1,8010 t o ' 100 DA
hlegatild A. Carr, Ohio. *Sae Th.
30 Kenneey h edeCl•ese, Cheater....
41 V.. Fellhamer, Lartimater co.. 8789.73.
Ors , . Lancaster Co.. II 3 3003,
111 Dots Co.. ap. •
A. Antobaugh, Ohio, lam"
267. er
.atsf.a ,r j 4*31
itmettbi Or* ' .
2 4 W-rnifer 1.1042111. '
Si Warklear, Ohio, $7441.. --. •-^
23 Striehland,ohi_,?7449.34 trapk. 117 - - - .
211 Baldwin. Chester Co,. s2le2. -
33 C .
Earns. Ohio. /seam
42 .1. Caldwell, Ohio. 8&6149 30.
II Newhouse. Sr llothoway. teximetey tn. . #11114910.
SO .eyrnoos k Bott-o. Vtranita. 0744411.75.
19 lodge Bailable. Vorinia, *msg.
48 adame,pbio. 4115.50ena0. _
41 Peldotarto A Co.. Lancaster PO.. $11.2112111 -
SO J. eerier. ilat.lsoway. • aneeaseree..
19 B. Hood. Cheater es, tietoay.
Sa Poott Konole Chester co.. 8 26 04110.
Monism & Co.. Chester no. 892019976. ' -
- 221. Fumes. Chester en.. its.sorata.
_l4 Cochran & McColl, Lancaster county, $9,60:
tl cao l hroaA _Megan, Chester OadDeUware ems, 419
• *. . .
WEIL:I23'S VAIOS 211.072 7820
. ii Xiat hrt I
oado k
' Wallsce Cbesiet4o., east Sig;-
298. Barka c0..56.X919
36 _ $9 _
10 1sym o kerandBro.aa.$1110.
21 Harsher. Laneaster 00.. 8411060.$
17 Keller. Latusaater no. #B*9. •
16 Coghilt, 4. an.soetertle..4.B4Crr''f
ta vr, Maas. Lancaster eo.. 8826041 - •
73 N. %Partite, Lancaster no. 43810.3.
35 Strickland, Berko no.. 88x9. • - ,
1.5 C. Tomlin. Delaware, 410030 M. -
COW 811119 arrived and saki &Hine tk9 ' re ek 6.t PM*,
hoe, at from 6to alio •Itr It., awes. -
100 Cows arrived and sold at Plthlp's at 4118 Pa V
bead, ea l 2 snalttr
MO oleo sold at Worntes at shoot the muse odors.
• ' he arrivals of fat Hogs at fL G. Imhod's Union Drove
Yard were 1298 head.
81111 ^ors sold at from 87 to 08 50 102 Int. net. II
head of Cora 110452011 st 415 1 *.1. and aver/ 444301 011,
net. -
C .17 Y ITEM S.
MOBS AB017? Till Sans-OlteSaillerl POITSPLII
GAS-BVINE/t ANSI 7arrrete.7Binete oar but mikes
aeon the Patent Self-generating liffirSand flitomir''
of which Mears- Witter. & Co., northeast corner or
Eighth and Filtert streets, ere the hole msneseturers
aad proprietor. in this - city, we have had numerous .
quirks renewing the safety, cost, and haat-sir - Mg
qualities of this novel invention. Oar fagrorableopisireh,
in the main, has been already exorereed in there el.
Jamey. We tray add. however, for the information of
the ;oldie, that, notwithatandinx the gar easisma
generated in the lamp. candelabra. or ehandeller, as the
case may be, from ordinary bonnet Auld. they aro so
.onstructed as to render their explosion anefutele Im
possible, and in giving this opinion we are sustained by
the decision of scientific gentlemen in this city who
have made the teat by utast experiment.
With regard to expense. the eoet of Melds, Witting& -
So.'s light te largely in favor of any other portable gas
hibt in nee, the cost being less by nearly forty per eent.
than would be the same amount of light oink:mid Nos
the co nen ni piton of ordinary coxless. This itae:f is no na-
Important feature in the matter.of f et and Vihanti&
ate, es pe ei ally as the eon of theft rte.'s. either for the
city or Want , : is no higher than for those required kr
the borniug of common gas. For the maitre. this drier -
eovery to sepeesellywalsulge..es_iy_eleires area soetiria
on an *qualm in the matter of hating '
Public halls, or private dwelling. withal light si
tient, and fully as ornameeta„ so fares the fixtures are
ooneernad, as the moo favored met. ipolia.
80 far as in newts the beauty sod nnablY of the
light, it is, to My the least, equal Many other. II berms
a beautiful full flame. very Steady, is certainly quite as
luminous ai the best oval gee. and emits neither smelts
nor smell. One hahly adrentageous re :hal in .berme
of this light te. that eseheommener ta his own prodneer.
and be is. therefore, saved the .vexation of baling •
gradually Inereming tell thrust upon him at the rerun
of each" starter-day." for FIE. which he may, Graaf
sot, hare reallyconsomed. And stilt snotheradmatage
attached to these fixtures Is, [hit when a teartnt - res.
moves. he Ends it perfectly COOTS:O4I% to earrrihem
with him. and meats e., lora in doing so. as then beak•
adapted to new tuarwers does ant depend at all upon the
nine or character of the stuntmenta to be lighted.
' The small hand•lamp. which they hays lately Wolf
to their lilt, for domestic. gee, we andarstaad has at
ready become very popular, and it eemaintris the moi4
convenient. and to sit respects the most It eszrablit.
Portable hand-tight in see. la passing their attractive:
Light Erni/Orhi rU 7SAtardly, we forted their s ilea- morns
crowded with balers, s. d the orders that ate aheastiee.S
is noon them for sets of fixtures of every trade. Inn- •
lot in cost from 4. foe / dOll4ll, to several hawked &i
-tan, is COttlpell•nt them to employ a constantly morose
lad ford* of operatrrea to meet the demand.
ffo ! TOR GIRToRD'II, tritogn Pita Costnirsisa
-TM." enablishman is ors of the proudest raeiropcb
um achievements of theme., Their 'aimiosoishoossio- .
meets, of which we have already spoils is tretat. are
each models of eompletesees To dai so sash more
especially to direct me attendee of oar fair reader. to
Phu r " L114411* elembittest. - - Ercry bey Is
Pl~ladelphis *Ned be aware of the feet that tt a News.
Oskford bare soy Ombra...NA is their Metiers, ems!.
lishatent probably the most comP!sts, consist!, the mime
West, hoe of goods in the say of **Lsclair Mien Is
di toned a this moan. Their masters eests'S sit
the choicest kinds of Preach. Ear fish. sod Amerman
manufacture, to shied addition asp US; ailda bir
ono arrival from El 10,711. W. Rte nets tint las
rinse of conducting this branch. ben. as It Snit
dental to Gni tlissunst tess seas is nisereirdii" itoons.'
paratirefy mammal. sossl i tkst their prime as Mu 'Se..
most are probably mom rasnasbas tksa Ike sass
Low's maid be obtained for is rots other saaAsit:.
melanin " Lathe.' non' Bazaar like this it. is This
coustry. a uorel,y.
(From the ?Caw Yorker. ialr 3r, 331rJ
most the mama a metal • Me. seas etess. awl arra•
onl aad anirerssl art so thatesaredMstallMe.. -
mockery. sal other morillosbM sel woes,
we tat purposes. Ths prim asstarsowe good ilea asse.
teemettasta roadies's kw sae at alt Um", ad rheas*/ -
as a holdlart. eed tam ,a the smote wkie'S 314. 1 / 1 .1314
Itsa!dan g has Irma so fortasats as to talsedasia Is ono
arsatast bottler with s Mats break. ktekirmes
eand Glue maims wa MeNarstorr ea:mu la
water ; ao Matra; Mr ass. sad go mama !stays to se.
rate Its janetioa tad eolsasioarmas held en aketsra
ebeatieiar tad tuella et bew avow instaany. t 4
to army rarist) of work and erect:maw. Spaltmea
Gae.thaa sames itself to ha a toat fleasslo d roma.
and wall be wsMomed heartily fa an parts of tbsecoatarr
We Sara Ores It a teal. and Ire hare Load it trash as
Amager as takiss hod. and firm as amok la twa'abseg
fast. •
E. W. Catlin. Ili Chesccni
ROW in Mors their Satire game loa - Portatil of
Trays sod Waiters. Their stook embraces tha largess
assortscoot to to find II diceity. rams" la Pries
iron t 0 seats each to Igaa Per oat- 'Jostler* and Wool
s& esstaisots Ina lad it to their intsrost to wit be
fore parshasut; *lnviter*. sativa.
Thy AILS'S Wes rozs.--.4.e Sae & tratillet
describes tie steroid's. aotazeaseat with which a wild
Arab *bier of the d. etc: watched la a Vitt sear Calm,
t+e deselopassot of a r httograph of the 6rast3pbstis
Wien the features of the cayatensaa sealstare were re
noted on the clam, the Arab laiiipd to Ilia SalltpLICOD •
and. pawns to ths - photographer. szetaimedoAt sa to
the shis.t moo of Salsa.' Had the obcdotrapber irora
olebratel ela hier. :La. Chastant tercet. tro &aid
the eatetered etrabibeid Mom Wen him foe big
tole Majtete" himself.
TICE 11 8saer BAATi2.3" NO FAUX - RR —Not
or.thstsaduss the awry ereekirso reepeetme this tit
p. she arbl yet make her appesrakee right &de SP.
and pmeateei not may to be tee wile Ike meet
meltable Bale afloat. Bar satire oast of ramie;
Par rode. melodies army memo ; seassaetatil. rttk
2,00 passeagers aaross the Etlaarte, at oak) $B each
she via clear. on graesealtere stove. SUMO a lap. Bar
aeoomodatiovs ars steal to three hotels the ITze of the
" Conttseatal." and her pnaoipal dada: awes ia teases
and width win cinema leadombly with krr Chaska
&okra's one-7nm) clothing store, located scaler the
Common tat."
WiIAT Ax AsAs Tiorcal or Pacrroaairmrr.—:
An E-thalt [rat - alter Ceserares thf spearb'eas at a Ire-
WIG with which a trikt Ara alai of Um desert trateb
ad. is a tact beat Cairo tlar detalopmeat a ykoto
frith or tba Grrat !plasm. What tNa feantrra nt,
mystarioos Nablus* wers rarea'ed or , tb that lA*
tab Weed too him eotaaaaioa. amt. Keetioe to the lee-
Natasha,. aid& mod, I. the slim see et Woe'
What troakt have hoes the dame of aaroataltseett of
the Arab, coed la Ear *oddest} behold as itteticas
gentleman clad In anal lour of the tradeadad mimeo
made at the Brown Soca C *Wog Hal of &
Wilson, Noe.= mid or-5 Chastest, sweat. a`mve Slxth
ANTRONV—P , :i.TZ —On the Rh , ttst , 1.• Re'. Pht-
Ite JOstpliVr Maibly re Reeler... B..clanther
of the tats era•re , d Pet's.ef Pheartelphts.
B`:AV—CONNEe.-04 the Ist trey, hr .L H.
Kennard Mr. W.diatn L. beim to *Ha Mary Ccrant.
h •h or firm-It..
OR Y—FlOO4 —Th Rienheilmk. on 'head •• helms?.
the Sth Mat be Rev A. Ca r. Mr E. eh C i'tee
HORIMAT , PA. Chemist costly. ta Rua Mary
8erm...4 Mammy. k•
V' The aorrues moue , . Irlia%sssonr•4 'ores.
d.. s Priv. I.ItVOSII &OP PAW -91 ale is.. A.
WILL Ls fins. no sLub mums, anTiVS .
• ins. A. way.
itNMEe--M.mei 1.9., Me. NftrE23samet. b lave
22a_b .vi• t 0.....
Fits rest vaa ta,l fy1.0.!, a-, re v *.
ramt,i , /rags tS• res.:s•••-•. ea It • ratser.
st•rt.•ea Pa.t t't•t•t. Way Fa, T woe,.
r arta ...M. a% Talm , e
1ay• ., n. , 41". a* I e•-:
r , a••••1 •••••-••• ••• of ta•L‘ •I .ase. W••• 2 ..1 1 Pa.
Cha•e4 vrat,eik trefal • " •
t4' .- Wt..:r - r -"IV/sirs • •5t...1 . .i1t •Il alarm .1.1• a.
tla Harry a alas «0 a
.1• a. Pi.. Wt. - _ _
-.1"):, N. PA ijOt . 11
"Sit• s+ + rd VIA.
o,v , 9 , 1 IllAnat. ar4l ,• cad
Fames! (rout 11. MP
tempt %tore Carostel. ae Tlarsday ar:s.a..-.• .11
ORE 2 NWOOD —Os tie IliCrst ,V ,e 9 Oa, 1.
ter's( Paz? Rai .12M 711111.004. 6,014 0.0 , 1“2:4
:Hama 111.— , e the 11th Met.. Mrs. nvelatth
mhe re. in the atth sear oth•r ere.
Portent s t em the meioses ef her navher. tin. Ais-
Nut. nen htrest corner P(woad end Smartt streets ea
Wed•eela• mor reg. •t SO &ewe
OW Rl . .—on the 11th list. Jan s Lowy. in tigt I•Ra
yearn( her—se.
Ventral from the Yesidecee of bar itusba-d Thome:
Lowry. northeast coornov of istaire" • ',el Lornterd
al(••••• this (Toesdn-1 afternoon. at 3 n,
ALLM•ty.—Ort the 9th ma. 3.1 r John Q. A. AV.0.17...
in the Eli ye r ef eta age,
Pun(0•1 from tee re•i4a•ce of too meth••-tot
Mrs RI, 4. ht, Ens revh erred (tam Ca.reli•) on Ida
(Ta•allt• • afternoon. a , 1 o'cloos.
TiNNQY—ort that 11th mac. Beth. initet •on of
Charles W. And Irate llama,. and erode t of the tato
I.lnrh Moller - a 'seed 6 months end 11 days.
Funeral from the restdonee of het llamas. 1061
o!rost. above Luke!, this (Toteiday) afternoon. at 3
o clerk. •
Y.10331'9 —On the 14th inst.-Xmas T. Moens. dxngttsr
of John and Saline Morris. in the 17th leer of her age.
LA RWAY.—Oa the 11th utak. msulwa
Funeral from *he rerdenee diher hellbent). at'. Henry
Larway. No. 09 German street. this (Toesdnyl
hoon, nt elnek. •
MINS TER.—On the morning of the !nth that, nt
residence. in Itnsboronskt- (Twenty. first ward I Gecrses
Mingleron the dtti year of toS nito•
His frienda. and three of the are invited to
attend his funeral. :hie (Tuesday ) afterneon. 1.3:h 1r et,
at e'ela-k. To °reveal to South Lama Hill. • •
Afift.—Ort the . Rerah L. Mb, rehet of Jolla
T. Ash. in the 74th year of berate.
Fe n•ral from her late residence. No. 53) S'iranYon at.,
th;. der, (Tuesday.)
OBITIJA • he annonneerment • f the sudden death
ef EDWIN HMETIIIIRST. in the first flesh or n an•
bond end when all gave toortutte of atilt of I:martin, at
end honor. : hag fallen with ernshing force upon lb*
hearts of his grief etnekee famtl. and friend, Toni
hly hard is it to realise that the b•lnved son nn'amm
hearted friend he. been thus Trilbies ty torn away by
the hand of death—that one so loved Is sane forever.
" We sport at eve.
And playmate's lime crow gale—the time ttanZs Mil—
lie roes away in silence."
To the companions of. his youth and manhood those
who were the participants in his plea.orrs and the el rn.
it Bharat" of his trouble.. the fearful tolints hove
earned Manila' end horror. Om marl' noble i II lice
had endeared him to them. and rivetted tee bonds oC
affection past the power of human =emu to tsar asun
der; It remained for Omnipotent Death to snap 'hose
fraternal ties, and emsh. wren overwhelm:on:. force.
those feeling. or f.iendship that rioted so the promise
of &lona eauterme To the bereaved tennis of the ce
ocaaed they tendor. in this aneroto. boor of sfE crion.
the sympathies of braised and stroke," the
soothing consolation get their loved son ani brother.
hoe but been removed a world of trial to one 'M
aternal peace. 'where ais
• A float( or beauty and a joy forever."
A. T.
G. W. H.
will open Our NEW STORE,
No. 919 CHESTNUT Street, shore TINTZT.
Oft T V ESKY, (Marsh OM.) end reepeettar eohnit •
continuum of the patronage of that sestommrs and
chcpublis. Whit(