givow :tf,,41/AFPC.I'*I.I,I4 ;1-:',4104041#40,40044_04041-:0; arstipiin the: o+o 0t Oit; &If ofiititittfoo fur evidence' of .. 9 0 1 r444t4ltiilWittlict,tti it nd roeolnteljl a* w ith • IttiltestineffTtoates; 'o "aidf tlistr*blivii and ,brothois igreibt.!lkttio:iihiliti has evil/ , „ • Aiteketkehr r ityto Lniaduslopsat,feateretair from istiat,Minifostod dablSintinstionlo assort their own :rights- in their eltiiol.4ii3Or!(eAdlntparSonalintiereatt iihtle, aids Inf and Anoonragtng the men. ' fieVetal meetinge "th have Min Publio.PMc - sessOon ke.ving Men air Mid ri - KnTthere was another ' ap#Mblitik,tit'Lyleyee, hiStA i stroine,l4lhe arrangements , :_for. , the peeked to itt uturost eapaeity, , iuldspalt - is gathering ggkiiiooo'4lklo-00-4den the tested® of *ma - OFF atert”it :`,A'fewirentliovered, *bipit3lia the..bedYi gellefes, sad ptat testa ;of halli.(whioitholde obiMt fifteei laundred persona beep taken possession of,. by theifiliAtitehers'and binders of Lynn ,- ' = ' The reports of the Oanvassing Oottanittee Were talkde,hyVihiels jt appeased that 1,703; signers ' to thebiltef nrieeithsdlitert ebteined - ', making: the numbor oftentale Atmore:nearly two thituand. WfieniAlier,returtrof Miss Remy, or.ward- I,' was belled tar;` there, came the,resPonea from a lady on Ittallont -.. - Aept,", M that' 4, her deter wonidn't go, is it was tooeett.bnsineact , - - ,InAmordanee with a seggisition made by Mi. tit - tbrra an association, the 001141100 p, ..regard to. 'which should be taken at meetingll6lelield in the various wards 04.11'rld,ay liftortseim neat. - Th e men Ate to oontri, - bete from V te.s . e - eac h per annum ; and the wo men Si to $,3, f o r &Gimps period-rgiving - a fund .of $20,000. • - r F ':•." :1' • ' pgon a : motion seeds', tithe same gintleman; a committee of nne-hundred.lgdiee was appointed di Menforee the rules of the strike, and not allow . In regard to thaprocession'of M. day, Mr. Oliver; wholes been obasen chief marshal, gated that be liepinkertit lady wohld 7 e ready at the tap of the drum; - apt that theritiould biva vac, full turnout. The :Lynn Liglitinfantrf had 'dm:dined taking krqktluit the' Lynn, City. Guards would - perform eroort'disfi-with band, and from Marblehead there 'would come two: ere and one military oompanten If ladles, deolined joining in the .prooersion, he hoped they lipoid not: stand' about, the corners of the streets, about OrO'plOsie the' Wetting adjoiated. ' - ' . 2 . 4.lltestrikp',appeatil to :be ,'eatendlng,, Batton, kW' , and saverat , towns Cr ,lfaine, New llan 2 l)* ibiroand - Rhode• Island being iraported as having eotne,into into line, while sortie ,degree-, of eielte• mentatill exists in; thoti•tovins that were among the teatrike.'_• At, NeirbrltYpOtt yesterday there' tras a great precession :' headed by the brass band of thslihMe,'- and a meeting of the ladles In the evenings - - - • - • • , ,4-Nearly two;dausand thq "oordwainers of Lynn Salim and Dancing yesterday in proces sion, with,banners and , masio, bat nothing of par fratisPired along the line Of mbroh, • • Markets , liy,ll*lcgraphi. BALTIVORn. Ma eh 'inlet; no sales,* Ho-. Ward Street is held at 45 75. „Wheat salve andDeny ant ,• ',noes are 5o • lusher ; , white $1.5561.55; red 81 Vet 41.- Corn sternly, but notaotive t white 71675 a; YelloW,Plordo.. Vorkfirin at en for mess, end Sliders 15 for prime. - Whisker dull and heavy at , 2of'ss.4 l o. Ex , change on NewTotk &per emit. annum. - 4 , ,p e el o ndsg n e .t idw a h u t .. lll4o s ls bo r r z i‘ imeroved demand _ Cstasstsayos, Mareh O.—Cotton—sales' to•day of 1,109 hales. at Woes in faro_r of the Inver. Meares. ildansh IK—cotton sales of 3.V0 hales to-day at lohle,for middling. Sales of th..thre. days, 10,000 , balest Meetete, LOCO bales. Freight* on Oaten tOl l YerDOOl 11-32 d. - SAVA:Iran, March 41.4Coitork inactive; sales of 1,250 bees., oat - „ • arrai Marsh T.=-Cotton unchanged; ISO bales ,Avir aim. keret V i •=-Coltrin is in itnemved demand, with Saimprovement an finer Qualities; 2.750 bales sold. CnStpurroaadargs 7,—Cotton Is unsettled and prices are anoint dolmen r ; the sales amount to tOgi bales; ,NaurOagyrasts. , March 7.-:Cotton nnobanged; IePIX bales sold, Corn ItoTio • freiahta ueohanged,„ , Ciporrorgrr. March -7.—Floar twin at iy6.6omalio. Witham, steady at Ak)ku„ Pork,steady; mess 817.60. Atootkoteady Mattlfa, ,I;i:',::,`,O,I,TY:I.TE;AIf & - CONVB.6TION OP THE Futuna Or Unoir Piteinm , hfensintie.—The National Convention of !befriends of unionamier meetings, now bolding ha iseidline in this city, is being largely attended, and its delibersticem thus: far have been eaccelidingly.intereet , already Mated, tie" seamionawere commenced on TrieederfCthe present week, in the atesom street Baptist Citieli..:,TherConvontlotwee Organised by the iildeti:on4f the .following acme , Preeldint, W. B. Dodge. ;cr , llama York t"-: Moe; prestden ta, Bon. Jame. Pollock: Mi.:3-4 4 41.1Vitittner of Itichinond;l7e,,and George H.etnart, Elm.; monitories, Rev: George DM . - fieldoifftble tr, Conant; of New York, and lidt4ohn Mlllblit,'of - Alloglieny. Pp." At the selion on Tuesday afternoon; erielca was reed by Me Rev. Stephen, Potter,' of, Geneva, rt. Ti, in favor 'of daily prayer Meetings. A. letter was alto read 'Mein Wash ingbitcD.C.,:cconmiiiirigatatements respecting the pro giesi of the union prayer meetings in that pity, which was ftillowed,by me - Viral 'erldreecies , from. gentlemen repretentMeNsality.gtonlii the capacity of delegates.- may here state that the Contention comprises in all seventy , delegates from abroad, representing - the Mato& of NemiAorkad, maincoMisettii. Maryland, Vire ilialobtlawlea, Ohio,' Iowa: Delaware, .Conneotionti CellfornisfPemisytvaida,anirthe District of Colrunbia; ...mof_theNatimie4,Committeic. fifteen of the . nineteen an panted are presont:iimprising brethren from -Baton - to San Prenoumici f TILO discussions during the several Mallone lune bean marked' 'kith ability and driebrilm, and the addreeisafthritisbotit have been alike-admire * Ilientritand insubstance. • • „ -She Convention assembled at ten o'clock yesterday . *dun . "Aftertiiiiiistinter Ming devotional exereliek, "opeembeiwere niede;brxentletnen from 'Belvidere, N. titter. the Hey 'Aildr"TiMiriscia;-cof ffew'rkeek,crearitted,- in behalf of the Miamian CoMinttelw tlie,plan , of carrying out thatdderiti of ibetConverition, to PIM were appended - ;iiiirlosi of remolutlonefor thicipioniOtiorrof the scams. ' report Was accepted, end Noi.l, 2, 8. end 4of re solutions *denied: the 6th having been omitted; and the Bth being referred back to, hacommittes. A feature which °Carded a considerable Portion 'or the morning, wita,the offering of, and ilisoninoon upon, tee folloinur.resolution, submitted by the Rev. Dr. NOYII2, of this city , !'!fteirolved: That it be recommended -to all Me union prayer matins, to mate the union of _(fo rt's people matter ofspecial prayer on the second onday of ascii siouth.". ""11Nrceiiiiitioic wee dieciumeed by Homers. Heath and comitit t oTHOw York, and Res. Dr. Demon, ,of Wash- Inittop, :whir iichumpd'the r ,iloer until the hour of ad drinthent;the'subjeot being made the order for the BS emcee, Dr. Bunion to have the Doer. - ; 7 Th* Oftb misiOnenened at 4 o'chiek P. hf, In the ab. Berme gf , 114,8annion, the dieoussior Mot the pending resolution was deferred; and Deacon Bnow,"of Boston; made sortie litereisting statements .reepoctitur,',the pro._ gleas of the iiiorlc in his " own Dr. Damson, coining le, -Dr. Revues, resolution 'wag called up,- when the former concluded his admirable address.' He, wad fel tdirlid-bitlie•Rev,• Dr: Dixon, -- whose thenie was the Differprioe between, Haiti, and -Uniformity, • True natty, he held; could Only.' be accomplished by return lelddown Budgeted mion by the Asmara!, and the _ early Church.- - . T...Wheitton,l3mithOn an ;ddress full of point. said Hott - Oed meant toPnook the ampere off his people, libitiating his thotight bynti alittslon to the custom of revolving ilOWirell,Peetjegd . jit, MC Miasma drim, for the purpose Ofpincothudgflown their Muth edges, - Remark' were alco`made by the Rev- W. BT. Cornell. - Ofthißelth'end - the remarkable ;Dr. Note. The latter Prireentedialtharphe force; the idea that there are but trio difisions of men in' the world—the friends and the enemies of Christ. . • - - The Rev. • Dr. • Kennard Cautioned the Conventimi agaimkt,inclubtinkin undue Italie' in „seeking mion, ,Itet, Mann, kiir thong* referenie MCP" Opening rosebud: 'The ,rosebad, ha said, when it remits*. the sai/glie e ntiirniht.fill. bathed in dew, might linnet its satire to feme ite,,Opening, lint this Immo olden only detracted from, lts Witting beauty, end was KM to hasten itideaty: Better was' it to leave, the blushing • illtellkilirfo r iV*OtrallY", thp deyeloning rays or the Ho' he thought thia any ittbinst to nobler° alerted rodostoould'uot be lutended with the best re sult-lb-Air it would be itiend in the end to be no union at - The Taylor Wite the next speaker. He wanted to have the fact recognired that the Church ia,tipipmax,cind not. meroty destined to become eri in the Attars:. Alter, the Convention:was addressed by 'Reverend Mr. Hubbard; of - thi s olty, and 'Riivey;' end %Maus 'Monett. of Waehinaton; the resolution of Dr. Nevin wee unaniumisly adopted. , The prayers re commended, Willi I.HI 'understand, refer to those offered tikthe,Dnion prayer meetings only. .It s was thin agreed i& Old the final business eeriest of thd Convention this evaahteat 731 - ,krolook aleoi" that the Vahan "vraver - nitetiagatthir noontide how _todai, should havo ape - Oka iteTereoleolb the'dohise of the CeAvesittQe. and the eoperatton at the delegates. - , 7hero will be three possiope ta:44: sit pia; 6rdat :1:,?4: t ¢titotberat4 r.9L, sild the olomig ontiat 73f tbl* --• ' - - axtioais, taimitst*Ttirkiittedeotds, BiiiiiioFTinger,, , iWiradaw-f Wes, Lai. aid Munn .6tiftithei yrholeisalii M fatynefic 13t0r0 1 ,6110 - , Mzscicatre ,, osit-1111 all'iidere 'for Damasks Curtain Goods, Lute and Malin Curtains, Cords, ; Tap• sem. Loaps. Cornices, Hooka:, Wintkei , 'lShades, "ea. Cash sad six months' lieYers ere inVited tomiamlne our dock, whleyis large !tad welt ielieted. ' (0- • We te, Bee., - • ragg.jet 24) • t 719 Obeetnut litroet. Pram, ;able, and Starlit Covers—the largest end 'hest' assortment in' Cif* "oni—wluileside, 'at Patten's Curtain Store, MO gheettent street. • remission's; Taming ".1010:10/11..liiOTLVIWITIAN A Xma."--Profeseor Agas aia addremedatt eduestional body at Boston, on ThUlli - day evening, ell it The tnie aims of the study of Nate _ rat History,".. Re made a strong argument against the derelOornentAhooly, showing that the animals of the different geologic , opoehe 610 radically different- from eaoh other;end indicate &wombats creations, and not progressive, develonmony materialiats 7weeld haVii 'ialtilieve man *ea a mMitimed Mai:1011-14r hops hie tail Siam asleep the introduction of canoeist oluipm,Jsuit as, easily could they maintue believe that thWeriatfitiliffashroned Clothing medoli bi Kr, Charles StOkeionnder the "Continental KOMI," is the legiti mate progressed edit of P, • Mah,Neboohadnemter, or Ben ' • tatellotol,-or any Of them chart, -• • • , ,• • , s44a,as, • •Ottr WWI, an trolicdstery Seeldel4holosale t at Patten!e curtidrt Store, MO Chest nierstreel. • • •-- Tan Pelailirt,Tarra,,.Dsxjco ynt To Ray CnzatssibaVenvartyrow.=-ThaPefinailysam delega ' tion tamiss Cksriestotl Cdnvontton had a private Meet• inigin this ettgyesterday; It was rumored that the oh ; :tact orthei meeting was to deoide whether or not Judge TfAighiiiehonld be aummited, for the Presidency; but informed that the subject of a Presiden. ii(061141004. 4 0 1 1t4OR bidsohed. The quay Wiliness done 14414_tesplitermanimbesly that, before starting Houttri saisigilidegate'shonid procure for himielf a new outfit at of,gbookhill to Wilson, 'Mead `ltild - Aug' Chestnut' street, .itheim Sixth.. - _ , lllOlOl. SHADES- painted order at Patton ,2,, cliosomt fitreet! Shade F actory , slr.i, s ' 4°Vi` ''' -VraNde.' thistledown, ,itLitrud . aw. the -,1 •.' "lALgihgthrhitiro hitt'istirrir a‘Te'ar'n' k,:sl2,%...lii.,ziiillitre two . ma nor s ia , id lad bitrif,; 5 .....''.-.714,61-*lrtitelip.samnt pi,' L = , . 4,4*, I' `, . + Yvt -,, „,,,T,,,,,,,,p,th,th3t,7": , :, _ ,`.. •. - . 31: - i- , Vt.", - - th0L. , 050., - they in ems n'igerW•s-, .' ' butdeP d 0 so; A f r b:: ‘0,:48441144471t ;: ,, 14L-k. lfi e t t u h: ;It' ?it ,. ":" i c i: it t c terlotar iiiiiiritthiittkr -"l`viionre tk, 1%4140,1 114410.19‘-- '4'iff 16* 40 4 nt i t,g0.4'..*.0r tt .„- .000 sot- -444,0 t 4 o.6ditoltlitiin it0t00k0f0,,,,,,,,f- 1041,440 U - k ", and dot ', --' th_ o 19147,413,N1w:i91,!!'"1,-,.4„,-,-...-i Pal ~, ,tr • ••- •,,•.t '. 'h•tw,,?.,,,..,.. ,t 'paticiiegaMittor'.34'.."l '1 :-.4 '1640.3 s •64,3:4j51 N.. ~310404- wif ~,,, ARRIVALLitIiS,PRINCIPAL 110 S, up To Tinnort.tr44ooKLVlT rppyrigrrytly4l,o,,iip ol u ti ya inth er i d tti C h h u s t stnui.' wl i al lth m . y tta ,.,.: 11 12,":', _: l/ atibbarlesto g n . W Proyed, ttsburg • ''''' ' J 4 v• . Pt Cook,Jr, Tenn . .-W Hoursett lit.l4eston misirgnepmarriMi . ' 1 P iole, Oinoirmati g Pell ,& ya, N „ , N. Bennett, Oleo .. A D Lindsay, 0 • Y A Tiloker• Ya ' Cho 1., Porter, Batt • Vi' pp Ts: for, Ve, B L Idointosh,Ga. et w Thomas, ua , J GI Tay_or, Va H Bedruheim & la, Nl, James HOY. NY IL &one & la,,Boston H Aitken; NY ' D 0 Ormth, N Y Geo T Coulter. Balt- ' G M Fogg &. la,• Nashville A Benda,' rli, Boston Mrs W UsbOrrii, MO D Carenter. Jr. Mo , A Banks Balt Jaa T Lay, Miss • Thai T Persons. Mum - ißilokmalter, Chester ooi I .V Noble, Easton_ W Gibbs, Germ/tutor= ' . WC Forbes, N Y ' - H A Kelker, Harrisburg B Mark, Milwaukee A B Crockett, Tunn '. • 8 P iahlow, Tenn J R Prosser & wl, Hartford . P union, Balt J re•Bira; Trenton -• - "J. W Bake, Boston P_PlTrebein. Ohio ' R R Tremaln & wf, N Y E N Laurence, It Y - It G Rios & son, Balt Miss Davis, Aoston ' . )i J . Albertson, Philp John Trusloiv,..N Y - Jae Saeger. Meade a, Pa J Stair, York. re, - ~ J Wilson, Danville A B Rands & la. N Y -, J White. England 8 H RansonbAlbany, N :It , John A Bolles, Boston .johnjtyle.Paterson,N J , 0 P Thompson, lit Mg t; P Thompson, irt v 7 P Jaooci. s H Randolph, Va - J B Jackson, La Jos Wt Moen Boston ' ( ,l _B Branford & la, N Y 8 r Kendall& la, Hartont Theo Rogers, Del A D Campbell Y, - Y4IW " MM. °. VA Dit Brewer, Nsr -' s• Corning & la, Albany W. Cassedy, -- Albany : - ltmll,omffith i , Ark W Wriodejl,lra Matthew Weddell, N 0 II ;Mon, PI u , J Charmer' olumbus, Ga A moms, Richmond, Va J& Va A.GP Docks,' Bait J Black, Halt • H P Woods Masi 8,1 Platt, ri Y Chas Starr , 4 V B sin.rder, N Y John Hughes, Ky - . Jae It Page, 1,, -- H a Waterman, Hartford 0 a lamitn, N DI, Grav,_N y , , 8 B &liner, Atlanta, Ga Geo J Dux, Pittsburg. . 31 M. tirowener. Tenn J 0 Haney. is Y T Aufermann,N Y Webster Treat, Me - - Mrs Dr Erskine, Ala W E Spottswood, Ala • ,- • , kr Laurent ... A J Mock, N 0 John GrahamLNY .4 Shear, Angusta;Ga N Scottm, Pittsburg S W Greer, Pittsburg , 0 , Bumbenville, 0 JilltatiMinsi, Ohio,- ,- , Wlt Hughes, Fla GIRARD HOUSB—Ohistroat et., below Ninth. RPS Lincoli o wf,'N Y Aliso A Lincoln, N y Alfas biszie tt. N Y W MOrgal n Crosby, Y IL BBhaefor r Chicago ' B Rim' , Pas T Puraiton,Chicago F Rivers & la, N Y Mr South, N 0. J Bevil's & la, N 0 Miss Rivelle, N 0 ,' Air Dobblina, fa Jam N Stevens. N Y 3 draw. N 1i 8 A Allen, N Y W AI Foreeljad .7 J Blocalgood,Norfolk W 8 Moore, /4 0 Jno J Dooley ti pa $ h ?A Tanner, . Pai E . ißrs . rns. N 'V )Perkins. Minh a Mr Aiming'', Mexico Jos Hall, Conic W W Wils^n, Middletown W A Henderson, 11l TB Sandell?, Ala R Crane°, Wheeling Oars T M Hale, Ball J A Fayerivearher. lowa WI. Wil, ox,Springtield J P Wilcox, epnnsfield - F W Bunt,h, N r It Washington, N J W A Cooke, Bowling Green Mrs Haldeman, Pa Mrs Haley, Pa W T Gillespie, Isnit land GI W Bailey, Brookln VT li Brown. N Y Jesus Vatonint, Bolt C Lanier, N Y A Felokie, Balt B Cohon. Balt W 0 Duvall. By G W Skillman, N y w T 11 Duncan. NY J Pi Hyman. ft Y C Tower. Pottsville P W Bennett, Balt 8 H Caught'. BID ' jam M Fiala, Balt Edw Tornin England REL Hutton, Va 01) Harter, Atkinson ' .T.l Reynolds, N Y M Slaughter s _Atldnison 0 .4 bt testa ,r GM J Al Storey Gs C Wendell, Wash G Brodhent. Balt ' A Falls. El C A 0 Goodwin. 8 C - J Meishan,B C Jas Talcott. - N y F Bokstein,Cin, 0 A A) ars. /e Y Vir Amide, N Y H Brown, N Y E I"fileston & la, Boston Sarni Adams, Ala F Hawkins. Tenn iiLtolttenburg, NY 5 N Johnson, N Y F VALI:I.IBI,NY A ROlnalt, N Y (1 la Carla, Md - 1 — MERCHANTS' ROTEL—Fourth street, below Arch R 8 Tornio), M 0 - '' Goo R Moore. Kenton. 0 __, 0 Pennon Finley, 0 a A Cooper. Clark , burg, 'l' It Beach. Urbana,o Jar' Paul Ohio FlT_Leprinok. ero" J Cherrytokas,Milleraburg J S., Koch. Millersburg, 0 VT B 800 er, Brownville, T W Banitatcy. Brownville, T I, D Myers. Mansfield. 0 0 Stewart,__Mansfield.o Ran It Brodhead , Easton I git e a r a r... ire i& city .? 0 .1 tr a rra ye zoster, 0 0 N•Forney, Hanover, Pa W Tripple E L Winn B Lavine, Texas A E Johnson, Boston W A Saunders M M Rios .1 . D McCord, Pittsburg A L Jones, Ky V H Biaokenton, Mau Hon J B Gathrie. Wash it 8 Sproul. Wash J G Price wilm'ton. Del .T C Oatertoh, Pa 0 0 Hunt, Del Mrs Brown, Wilm, Del .IW Gothne, Pa II Steiger, Lancaster J Oberholser, Akron, 0 8 B M Fowler, Texas R D Woodward - J G Gets. Lanoaater Mrs.' 0 Getz. Lancaster Miss A Btirkley, Pa W B Lamb. Camara°, 11l G. Kemble, lowa JAI Brew,ter,j oVra 0 It Parshail, Lebanon, 0 Gen W Lilly, N 1 Chunk B L Fulkerson, N 0 Mrs Charlene Wars, Ind Napoleon, Aubreebon, Mo Thorntosl3,mith. Pa. Jae AI Burchfield, Pa Id M. Bmalling, N Y 'A Forrest. 'Senn Thos B Webber, Mimi Thos Condon. 111 E R Hotchkiss, NY L W Vaug h an. Tenn G B Spunner, lind • J .l MoConnaughy, N 0 . 'AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheidnut street, abOve Filth. J Arndt: N 1 W li Swift T % Clark, Ind W B Ilinslusw, Ind J g Cochran. Erie, Pa W Kellogg, Easton. Pa 'l` J Little, Oa Saml Dillibger, Mt Pleasant .1 D Marshall Phila J B. Hayes. Kr J F Jollte,.N C 3 F Goodson N 0 GM Shernill,NC 0 .Bast, Bolt Get! 4 Wynkonp. Pottsville Wm Clark. C N _l,Jarrett, N 0 F W Burwell, Conn .1 kiageter, N 0 J W KM'. Conn E Mason, Cm, 0 a B Armstrong, Pa J R Biair. Ky Tag Johnson it la. Pittsburg - Mr I.tleabury, Lynchburg Bobt Lockhart, Al Chunk WII Atwood. Pa . B_LW Dodson & la, Pa JR Woodcock, N 3/ .. . W I/ Mendenhall, Pe, Jones Hope. Mass Hiram Hill, Conn H_lt Smith & la. It 'Y Mum Jordan, Conn Wrd B Brandon & d, Maas Jos 331 Stewart. Pa J R Quinn, Cm, 0 . Ron 0 P Stewart. Maas K I. Williams,Mtuis Wm N Berkley, Va. D 0 Bpurlook,Tenn I ri Ross, Pa J 0 hay, Arkansas - . v'P Gage, Mass .1' Brown, m 4 , - _ - J P Stanton. N 0 'rhos Brasil, Lex, Hi i 111. Rose, PIOVER I W a gli g :ll, XI -'- ' ' l i De n e h lriC. ' Y N J I D Hooker, Ky . - .7 aterhon . se, NY JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street, bey Boventh. E J lanlas.N J . All Cattail, J Th i es O'Neill, N Y , litigi d iards, ittaburg E H l or ai r a , l lll r h st o AtreViV h 0 JI, ti r aold,„N Y N M 'ralor, N C T Y Young Texas A T Ulrich: Vs M 0 Rail, Va . i i B Cartright, N J Li li Hammen, N J A Oaks, N J Moms Miller. N J Morris Davis, NY Lewis Magee, Clinton. NI Stephen Roraoe. N Y &Itibeinklin.Loodon, 0 . Buckler, Jr. Bait W H liodineti, Belt , Freeman, N J Isaac Ramapo, Conn Proctor, 57 IC Welton, Waterbury,' Ct Jld Carnahan, a. 0.14 Flettgi.Abington, Ve. It KLindsey, O' Mrs Cowan, Va J B Dowden, /I Y TILE DIMON HOTEL —Aroh street, ribovnTJOrd 0 B Cole, . ft Snorers, MOirt J B Qlluyet. Carliele• ten L Cage, Pottsville 11 Resin ) savannah , Gs 11 Morrie, Lex. Oa J Blineepor, Augusta Thos Fergus, Pa W C Frankf ort Xy • A Glnniury, Rushville , Ind RI) Mangy, Ruses , e Ind R Wilson, hroblesveand A M Manna% Alleg heny, ny, goo litattia, Allegheny Wm Semple, Allegheny • M dt Louis Robt C Stephenson, lows Geo W Virmens,.Ohio P Bolds Mansfield. 0 N 8 Dyram. Indiananolls 08 Aru6ll. Towanda J , Morganstsio, Pittsburg Il_mwoint, Pottsville Miss Maywood, Pottet llle W W Pa • k Barnt...A.lbany, L W Olds, Muscatine, lowa T It•Phillios, Ga Joe Cleaver & la, Del W I,amson,_Plula D A I WS, nd ta, 0 A 8 Davie, IS RO Ind BT. LOMB HOTEL—Chest - nut, above Third. J Johnston, Chestnut Hill A 0 Cattail, Phila 0 IC Mcßusty, Plias B 8 James, Phil& 0 W Totrellas, Citea • Alex Small, Pa . Mike Ili t volly, Baratoke, Ala Btlinson, N Y Henry num, Mass A A Beach Me Henry' ohwarta, Cin, 0 N lmther, lowa J Hibbs. Bristol, Ilona w Lowelitlutl. Ind P Hammond, N Y- .I_,H 60831013164 Co enS G Bunton, Me W M Burgess. Boston Jim Watson. DI J FlBsokwith, Conn W H Oilmane;N y LH Daniels, Boston R Bruner. Portsmouth, 0 Wm Trsay. Portsmouth, 0 Jos H Beater. Balt B Bonefield, England 88 Crocker Mess , • AI la ildteth. Mass C A a B r mith, thiln • , • f Th n orne.N Y V . hos M n Cormi y k, Batt o h U asDetwi e e C , o NJ FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Begondstreet. above Market. li B btay, N Y W Sherwood. N Y W T Thome do la, Balt H Oakes, Dover, Del Jim Flanagan ; Pa J p Doushten, Del Hon a t . Habeimayer, N J Miss Bell Habermayer, NJ 11 m 0 ayor. 11l J Miss I, Cogill, N J MF mith, Newark. N J B. A &Mon. Sa l em, N J rs HA Acton, Salem, N J W W Aoton.Balem, N J DrJ 1 1 1 Fulton, Del A Datilby. Del O Parley hla . Bridgeton 1' Smith, N 3 .1 Allen. N J ' Jos L Yoshell 4 Del Jno 11 Bowman, Del (:)DIIIIERCIA.L HOTEL=Sixth it, above Chestnut. Maim, Cheats eo Pa James Gotham, W Chaser ( Are O EaDaY.W Chester MBharplese, Del eo. Ps Ntopnen Iltaleepen Flula Nam) Fen2mck, Kennel Be Meg E Pennook. Kennel Efq Warnes Toweend, Pa M Pennock. wt & eh. Del Clowes.,Pittsburg Alit Mode, ljoategYillo John Davis, Jr ("nester on TERoe Pennon, Chester 06 jos MiHodgs ntzer, P r ottstown ,N , ht A:on, &rot S Thompson, Philo BF Yost, Fottatown I J Thatcher, Pa - STATES UNION HOTEL—Market street. ab. Sixth. D Englo, Lancaster en Chas A Brady. Marlette. Jas Sondem, Pa W_ Beene, Harrisburg John Pansies , . NY B F Koller, York co Wm Wenner, Plumvple Semi Pearl, Pa W virelleston.Potteville G W Weaver ,Pa Theare Hevl, Kansas W Casper, Pa Sand Cox. Lenosster Haldeman. Pa John Wharton, 0 W Buchanan, Cambridge I D Conrad, 0 • Joel Miller, Lancaster cm TrIPROII(ANTS' 1101.18 E—Third at., above CRIIOIIIIII T Heebner. Bethlehem 13 Whitesell. Pa Zimmrrnan. Lebanon L Burks oo E R Hel rich, Bath, Pa ' N Steckei. Durham, Po I T taker, Durham, Pa I P Cox. Elmira, N Y 5_5 Sanders, k Imlrs, IVY B Yardley. Bloomsburg -Rodgers, Sunbury, Pa IS Kuntz,Lykenstown CLamsr,Lencroter - Col P Kau., Pittsburg Coderkogler, Pa , .OAGLEROTBL,-Third et.. above Rees. O 8 Osleenhaurter, Phila Jim W Wilhelm, Lane W R,Weeten,,N Y ' 0 8 Ilartmen, FiL A Oox 13 Itodstellow. Pa 0 Henry ; Daylestoirn - Join Pettier, Ohio NATIONAL HOTEL—Kane street, above Third. Mira Fanny Hogan, York J S Mnsselman. led CheaCeollraugh, Pa j o a q Erb, Dauphin, Pa carper. Pa H P W Savor, Wilkosbaers H J Handler. Pottsville J H Dub* Allentown Jacob S Dillinger, Ps W Can, Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third st., above rowhllL Uriabßnsolroan. Ohio Aaron Godshall. a Mink r theirsville. Pa Mtn' Homey, Ls oo 8 Brown. Bethlehem. Pa Mrs Bradt, Lehigh co J B Masan:, Books co MACK BEAR E HOTEL—Third et., above Callawhill. Chas A Osneol..fa ' Joa Landis, Cooper:lbws peml Morr s, Philo Jacob A Pohjiobter. Pa Eli Bechte l, Bechtelsville B Alsorer, Beohteleville F E Beans, Pe Dr T B Coceer,Coopernb's W 11 Do &ell, r re rgor, Berke CoMr 8011, Fe nbe BARLEY RURAL? DOTELIOOOed et., below Vino Lewis Donne. N J Q Moore WII, Del Rulioolr.• Pa B 0 bilscir l it B Creamlale, looks on A Dome: J R DER wall. troudebors N Large: T J JannShah',z , D, to . , J TAylor: Wr T ilituralOorl hos Y opwn MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-41%mnd it., Above Mob Knoffnign, Phil& H 8 Hushes. NJ OJ Clerk, Del 1 " Hushes. FE", Mobile 8 Kemmerer ; Joe keep, Bowling IMPORTATIONS. (Resorted for The Press.( BT. JACO—Brit ao— Be, Tux3Bl hhda 71 bble 111.461* IS °rant & on; 21 casks mOlasses 93 tee b on " up bales; o.becoo 4 b is cot* 7 pkas sundries 0 w don & Bro; I _piece madanory 1 bbl J ILMorrie & Co; 4 W 110162 1. - Kirks 1 box Tildes Boyer & Barolay; 1 bbd pollee 1 do mar 10^0 cigars 1000 oranges Ben) Tuco. RICHMOND--Elteamatilp Virgrnia, Helly-54 Mrs 36 on tobacco Bucknor. MoCommon & Co; 1 box 1 cane do D Jayne Ron; 1 box 17 es do Wardle dr Eltavengon; 68 ban es do JTt Bank & Co; 3 bxa 3ea do Bold in & Penrose; 41 bXO 1 come do_,Meroer & Antelo,..• 118 empty bbla Mea ner,. Colima & Co; 22 do .Engle & wage; 31 Imam aced g aginn nt.; i ititt i l p g[it , i lrot 4KO liquor Lang iron A l 'Pargar hi. mol e RA l l:7,lldeurn bb , l ,7 , 1 4 1; 4 4 or bales cotton 76 bbls oysters 41 pkgs mdse various con -111112008. AgARINE INTELLIGENCE. ME FOURTH. PAGE. • • • .aft,BIYED. Steamship Virginia, Keilyarom R.lohmond, via Nor follc.34 hours { with mdse to Thos @'e ou ter Jr. atellwahla etanal's, Cannon, di houm rrom 1!1' York, I.3 .B4Ttrlert Mrs " ! rtoj leStAlt:lerdioe. , go do üba nod ult, ,with sugar , ko e . to G W n ßeTadou & Bro. ireerienced very heavy rweathey on r a valaagai Le , bark Ar 'tnnesi for sale; ling' .7 I ilFoott, Wilson, for N York , n C days; Golden Lead, tordoi via Guantanamo, loon; Leonard Berry, Frith, ditcher aohr Americium, Idei and •an Amerman bark, name nt kaowa, in quarantine. ,Baw istis Betsey Amerind no r trni,fivil. under Ina gua. D'llirclh 0, Cape Henry a Off .W by N, passed a vessel of about SOO Soo n/ lima'? burned nearly to the ,wstneffejge, ~ -• .- ' Kelton uommerce. Ba rnes, from Mayaguez. nt, with r z „i i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,F, et Co I f e le f iai;: " lsrl i t lifinSPai l dit or, PIrYOIK.: r _ akip: InOmfogn, mai 1, 1 .! ifiriVrlVN 64 4.1, - .. Trir. " Ireorimgi visa Mkt{ UP DT tUS no. 4 Ito r le, It Carlisle ; Winamore, a days from N York, t in' Wild WaSettli ', IL ' i czne • ' ' • ' , 1 , „ ,r, ie. -0 ' .... "7,11r. ikn ' 1 / 1 91 ' ''''' ' .11111401TV07:03101.1Mitl.b.tioitrrei.,. - isw OitiVßAlSAA4,ll.7r#mmt 94,l4o # 4 Zstas 4 . Bohr L aoti, kafrskt, Cochran & Rukselle ••••• •—•• • Rohrnllp Priee.-/iiwilooton.BlaO kIn k Cox. r: 4 Aw„Vcr , •do I ' 4 titrotintn. • , ' (COrresporldenos of T he Press.) • • • '• • • ''• •.. BAtmgtosta, Mgroh 7. Arrived, ship Toilet Trend!, horn Liverpool; brig Samantha Hopkins, from Sombrero. The Bahr • Prowess, from New York, before ropOrted ashore at Cove Polnt, got of without damage, after aur• ohargiog a part of her cargo. MEMORANDA. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, henee, arrived at Richmond Bib Inst. hipsTrnm Conklin, Donati, Adams. Dolftaaven. lorries°, Niagara . Stimpoon . from Liverpool; Quickstep, Wade, from London; Helvetia,_ Hissine, and Alio, Murphy. from Havre. arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Howard, Roserst for Melbourne, cleared at New esterdaY. Bh p Amerman Union. Hubbard, for Havre, cleared at Mob lead inst. with sees bales cotton. valued at 6191111.278. Ship Allan, Main, for Liverpool, cleared at Mobile 9d lest, with sill bales cotton, valued at $206.130 66. Bark Liberty, Maw, from Messina, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig fluntailng Bird, Davis, from Palermo. at New York yesterday. 13ri6_tioria lam Penfield, for Rio Grande, cleared at New York 'awarder. Bohr Plo,th Plini6o. Mercy, hence, arrived at New Bedford 6th inst. ' Bohr Pequonnook, Burroughs, hence, arrived at Salem 6ti tiOgAlottise. Thaoher, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 6th inst. Bohr Georso Mannheim. Scudder, from New York. at Galveston gad ult, Bohr White bens% ttheirp, hence, arrived at Boston 6th instant. Bohr Neptune, Armies, from Alexandria,. arrived at Boston 6th inst. Bohr Edwin Reed. Chapman, from Boeton for Phila delphia. arrived at New York yesterday. Bahr Maria Pickup—Baker, from Boston, arrived at Wilmington, N C., Oil instant. SPECIAL NOTICES. SINGER'S SEWING AdeoutNns. N 0.2 Sewing Machines— —4lOO No.I Sewing Machines.— -90 The Family Sewing Machine, In The Family Sewing Machine._... DO I. M. SINGER an CO., .123-8 M No. 810 CHESTNUT Street. RAIBIB' BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE.— IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERT FAIR. Philadelphia Once, 790 ARCH AG Agenta wanted. fell-9m IMPORTANT TO Ti LORE AND OTHERS.— The Grover & Baker Sewing-Mullins Company have Just introduced a new and superior Shuttle-Msehine, large eine, high speed, with latest improvements. Price .S.W. -For Sale at N 0.730 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. te22-tt Tnis " OHAILIIS 1191HEIll CB " CHAMPAGNE —This is the purest article of Champagne now in the market, end is called "Charles Heldsieek." °Bonus WHIMSY. No. Mg South FROST street, is the agent. fell-mth 3m SE AMEN'S SAVING FUND—NORTHWEST OPENER SECOND and WALNUT STREETS•—pODOIIIta re ceived in small and large amounts, from all classes of tho community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE YEE CENI`. per annum. Money 11161 be drawn by dada without loss of in terest. Moe open daily. from 9 until 6 o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Pres-- dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treaeurer and Beoretary, CHAR. M. MORRIS. SAVING 'FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TWIST Oomruty,—Chattered by the State of reoneylvants. • RULES. 1. Money le reeeived every day, and In any amount arse or email. 2. FIVE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from be day it is put in. 9. The money is always paid bank in GOLD whenever is milled for, and without notioe. I. Money is receives from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rente, and other &st olen securities. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT BOOM, ;outlived corner Third sheet. Philadelphia. ONE PRIOR CLOTHING OP TIM LATEST STYLES, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted setts [eatery. Our ONE-PRICE system is serially adhered to. as we believe tine to lie the only fair* way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., sel3-tf Snil MARKET Street. MARRIED. STEWART—DTIIMS.—Vn the 6th inst., by Ann i e R. MOCulloUgh. M. James A. Stewart to Alm Palm, all of this city, DIED. TRAVEL—Soddenly, on Sunday , morning, Marsh 4th, Charles 8. sot of E. W. and Judith Mane Thayer. aced a years. 11 months, and 12 days. [Boston pare 9 13111 E ane MIBT.—On the 7th /net, Edwin thneehund 4 in the 2/4 year of his age. • BTANDFIELD.—On the sth ultimo,Joseph E., eel! eon of Joseph and Eliza &midfield, aged 6 months and 17 da. ' , Dee ys m' from his parents' residence, near Media, ye (Thursday I afternoon, at three o'clock. BECKI,EY.—On the 6th instant, William, eon of Wil li...mend me Beckley. aged 2 can and 2enonthe. Funeral thin 1 Thursday ), at 30 o'clock A. 03.. from the residence of his mother, Osborn street. West Fti tadelphia. 2.IORGAN.—On the Mb instant, Mr. Richard Morgan. of Olarnorgenshire, Booth Wales, in the 08th year or his agt9 . fromthed Marriott be low r eMilh, of thin fiNtiirlmrsal!..f nooni, at 2 o'clock. n RW (CR .—On the eth inst.. Mary W.Alaughter of William R. and Fhebe Bouthwiek, 52443 years and 21 days- Funeral from the residence of her parentsatfervine street, ad door above Thompson, this (Thursday) after noon, at 2 O'clock. • WARNER.—On the sth inst.. Calhariee A.. dauthter of Francis B. and Louisa W. Werner, in the 34 year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral._ from the residence of her parents. No. 510 North Fifth street, thin (Thursday,) the Bth inst.. at 2 o'clock. • won D.-00 the 3d instant, James Wood, in the 65th year of his age. Funeral from hie late residanoil. 1327 Marshall street, this (Thursday afternoon. at 2 o olook. • COPE.—On the 4th rust., Mr. Wm, H. Cope, in the 44th year of his RP. Funeral from hie late residence, Nice street, above Baker. Nicetown, this (Thursday) afternoon, at one o'clock : • • •O . MORAVE.—On the oth inst., Mr. Geo. Moigrave, aged 83 years. Funeral from his late residence. Twentieth street, above hlarket. ilne (Thursday )afternoon, at 1 o'clock. PARKE—At 2 A. M., on the 6th mat ., llannah. daugh ter of the late Dr. Thomas Parka, m the 78th year of her age. Funeral from her bite residence. 018 Locust street, pn this ( Fifth day) afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. 13NYDBR.-0 Beverly, ft J o on Monday, Ste ttih, 'rut , George C. Bnydet, late of Philadelphia, Mee 70th year of his age. Funeral services in the Sixth Presbyterian Church, (Ffonee, above Fifth street), this (Thursday) morning, Bth inst., _at 5/o'clock. SEIELMIR E.—March oth, Mrs. Jane Bhelmire, in the COM year of her are. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, B. L. Leland, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'olook. ^ RE MO VA. l.! BESSON & SON will open their NEW STORE, No, 918 CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, On TUBBS'S', ( Marob tith,) and respectfully solicit a contintninos of tie patronage of their Neiman sod the public. mhs-tr rr" ' UNION PILAYEIL-ItIEETMO CON ' lj MENTION.—The closing devotional services of the Union Prayer-Meeting Convention will he held THIB DAY. at noon, I the Bansoin.street Baptist Churoh. The services to t e conducted hy the members oft he Convention. The meeting yesterday was one of thrilling interest, and the time of the meeting extended hall - All our. PA —The Convention meets for business at 10 A. ht., P. M., and 734 P. M. IL" NOTICE.—THE MACHINISTS AND Blacksmiths late In the employ of M. W. Bald win & Co. ore on a strike for time and half time for overwork. In consequence o f the firm reducint the rates to time and quarter time. N. B.—Tue Committee emsowered to receive nid in v . i i r t igro t r h t . oLt a lte of i,giA l. wAl . l i ttu r t . heir anscalmsrg.ed Erligg'relUltlaatEAttllT: R. PIERIAN and Sprint _ardsn streets ity JOilW r k er ßel f A li g ra weir o . n s r4gAl: Za i gi24Cl it the oth inst.: at 72i dmi lion free. The public of both saxes invited. mhB 2t• WaWELLOOAN SQUARE CHURCH VINE and TWENTIETH Street". Preaching Tills bßit L dayLEVENiNG, at:eight o °lock, by Ray. Mr. Iig:FAIR AT THE TURNER _HALL." No. 444 North THIRD Street. Open on THURB- FRIDAY. and BATURDAY,Yrom 1 till 10 o'otook F. M. A emulsion 10 cents. Eleanon Dakota 46 cents) will be mowed in payment for *Aida putobased. Domed over, nintit. to I tb r on. folkOrtl7S l oga i o q o urne e r eVa n ti he publio in reepeetfu ly invited to attend. Inbi-et' DYSPEPSIA.—FIFTY YEARS INDIC. 1.13 SORIBABLE AGONY from DYSPEPSIA, Ner venetian, Swkness at the Stomach, end Vomiting, hove been restored by DU-BARRY'S delioious, storing REVALENTA ARABIOA FOOD. Upwards of 50,000 cure, end many thousand testimonials. Picked, with full instruction,. In oanistere. 1 pound, IZO ; 12 Pounds. 0112—the latter oarrilait6 free olp re ceipt 0r0641 89 et the Depot, PA South THIRD Street, by 01. 141 NRO Principal' Agent for United States, andy all Grooeile and Drug gins. DYSPEPSIA. Perfect dimitinyi, strong nervne, and refreshing Bleep restored by BU-B A RRY U..I3ARRY S delicious heulth-reetoring REVALENTA A RADIOA FOOD. To be had as stated above, with maulers and testimonials from eminent 0...n05e le Enelood and A merle.. rel3-11mi. NOTICE.—THE DIAJVAGERS FOR THE relief and employ silent or thepoor of the town ship of Germantown, hereby stye notice, according to the teethe of an act of Atuterobiy, approved the 13th der of May, 1657, ontitled " An net reetiring_publieation of application to the Legitinture of thin Commonwealth relative to Real Sotto." that they will apply to the Le yodeler°of the State of Pennsylvania. for power to eell their Real Rotate, agitate on Rittenhouge street, Ger mantown, In the Twonty•second ward of the city of Philadelphia. meld Real Estate being- commonly called and known as " The Poor Ronne property of the town fillip of Germantown." EDW. R. W11.1.1A1118, m3-0t• Secretary Maud of Managers, KrOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. MARCO, WA The holders of the bonds of thin Company. due July I 1891, rpm now receive, upon application at this office, 10 Far oeitkin cash, neon the terms epeolfled in the omen h'llitettlaL are els entitled to the benefit of a Pink ing Fund of ONO 04 per annum. as established by the etookholders at their annual meeting. held Jemmy 9, 1800, and in pursuanee of the oentract.entcred into by the company and duly recorded, to carry the same into "'CO LA fleet. P ApFORli, Treasurer. • CI it OUT. — Noting to thn Holders (11 Phi/adelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1, leso. These bonds are seemed by thofiret mortgages on the road, amounting in the axgrestite to es.somoo. T h e ne; revenue for the Met fiscal y car was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds, The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years. the holders retaining the bonds and the enormity of the mo , tgages in the precise condition in which. they are new held._ Fresh sheets of cautions for the interest. Parable half-yearly, wilt he iuued A bonus of cent. will be given to the holders. in consideration of their assenting to the eatennien. This bonus will be paid in ash to the bearere of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the °fain of the Company, or to Re agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished ori_appbeatiOn. By order of rho Board of ritetincere, ml-tf pI .McILIIENNY, Secretary. MLECTURES ON TIRE CREATION. DELUGS, &c.. by My. OF.OHOE FIELD. at EL And HAYDN HALL. fe25.18t. I 1 .--. • OFFICE OF VAN DYKE S. Co., 11..3 . No. U South THIRD Street. , PHILADELPHIA, Feb.*, 1860 WILLIAMSPORT AND ELMIRA RAILROAD CO, —The Supreme Court have this day deoreed the sale of adopted , i t er131107:43 ? ? 5,9",'Zing1rie1°41:170.1 1 ,4a4 a trargidN'Airtiell:eilltryean li a o r i s k i te n t ihe owne- Whip or the Road after the salm r and P il us protest thee ) termite, under the agreement enters.) into by the se one oloutiy4 of AWPORI, are dewed to present their ends at Ma office, for register, where fhe power of tternep("Aar DO exeauted, an rude' etemed." . ~•. . ~ ~. , . VAN Win. a .r ;log' 4ttoraftylicond °Osage udho. erg .. THE PRESSiPHILANILPHIA; THURSDAY,' !MARCH: " , ;"Si Heti. NEW PUBLICA.TiONS. Mi.„ NATHANIEL 'HAWTHORNE'S, NEW ROMANCE; TICKNOR & FIELDS Have now Ready, THE HARHLE FAUN, OR TOR ROMANO OF 'MONTE BENI. HY NATHANIEL lIAWTHORNE, AUTHOR OP THE " BOARLET LETTER," &c. 2 vole, Remo. Cloth, $1.60. a Copies mailed by the Publielions on receipt of wheel. Er The first Edition is nearly oxhamted by advance orders, and Dealers wiehing an early supply will please send orders immediately. mh7-waSt GG. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, • YOUR 439 OIIESTNUT Street. NAT EVANIY. ..,. Dri rBUit 18(1(8 AT }VAI N . 'Tie the best t. ein the at Books are mom es ahem? as at any other store. • v a nd yoli ti keve b the d t4dvenjue WORTR I IMIOU ' IrCrIMS