~+.:9r;~.n- = .;. tYs :+:• , p; :,r.t a,l>mrr-rs•s:..' 4Vt , tIVAItS 'lip PRINCIPAL:HOTELS, LAM ' MILT. • " 1 CONTINS AL-8. E. corner of Ninth and Cheating. , , , •-• A(7 Wentwarth, Cin, 0 • -It L Poster, Alex, ?do - P Hem: Ptttaltura , W C Rtobatdion, Tenn ;": ;I fi f il l iV v ;l:l7 c h i S o 3 lo :4lo m e n i n : ti: IV A l D 4m6 7 ' l l'lo l l Tr d lio n p n . a , B y P o t i n t o n, 0 ,g, g Brown, 001 ai t e o h n uti, 0 'lpp i s e Adat i ns A H o opon ... -414 4 viztr.1, 13 ol o i s ton . ' ' I' H W r il e son, fh '- 'CI r Wescott, Pa ' P I.Deviea,N,Y I, Moore & la, Hy ' C 33 Smith, Del ' I) II Wood, Newarki N .1' T B Whemer;Albany_ T, 0L 8 Oorpening.A O Q . - W M Rico, Houston, Tenn •• -i OW Roberts. Pa ' W Millar, Lancaster Thooßnhertsou, Richmond W 8 Robertson, Ye. ' Mr Sanford & ls, NY , II ATEITIOCIr Gorton - .I Ii Meteor, Banbury, Po. .1 J Foster, Norfolk, Ver W liSwartts, Norfolk, Va R &Mader rI A Winder, Ind ~ , , itl Chandler. Bel - Jahn Barston, ProVldenee 2 D Stewart & la. Phan, NILO gtowart,Plom 0 rtenlee & In, Plum, - .Jae Boyd, Norristown. Pa . IL Preedley, Pa ' James W ' Wall & la, NI • Win 3 Peek. N'V Boni Allen, Pldia W F Peterson, Ya -Win H Smith. Coon • P•T Stanley, Conti 1j Greenough, N Y Col BotterfielstrWash Aire Win T Cary & la, N Y I, El Cary NY • If Porter, Mies Mr Rogers & in, N Y meat. Kendall, NY Miss B R !Citadel!, N Y • lass C (LlCendall, N Y Arthur Bard; England - .P H Honker, Pittsbnrc Lion OMR, Kr . - Hoht 00xdon A, 11, Di Y R.,1 0 Dunn, Di Y W tigould L N Y J AI Richmond. Bufiiilo ' H. II Kirk:T.lllo ML Woodward. Tana . • John W Gibbc, Gerttlant'n .1.1 Bally, Phil% -, win Gihon.N Y_ • It 9 Hollowell. Plilla -; W g Biliott,fran Prancisoo E Lantlitere.lleigtum AII Lewitt, West Cheater .L_H Davison. Ala • 'W A OalbralthoEria, Pa 'W D Pennell; Del p r P P Whitehead, /luta Geo It Holowell. N Y -- TAi Heiler. NY ,• W A Robincon. N Y • ea Match & la, Lex,l34 John T Dell. D' Y .11' Robbins tr. In, Pa John At Larkins, Tenn It A lintresen, Petetshigg .11) Matthews & la, Balt lair fiefdom, Pittsburg .113 Boone, Charlotte, N 0 w Rl:kaki:llford, Ky A C Belch, Tenn ' Intl E Cook, N Y N K Adams, PI Y ,1 , 1 .1 Aston Capt Myers, Rd A - ' Cant Mo Nally, 11 g A CAI Orottle. New alexia° 11 14 Duff. Texas Lem Showell, Md 8 Messer. Clarksee, Ten Mr L Loomis Male W 8 Weis, On Al B Wilde's, Boston 13 Blackman, N r John G Meem, Jr, Vii - Clinton 4Yagner,M D, Balt Thor, T) Armstrong, N I A II Downer, N V A Mitchell. Ulu. 0 .) G De Mott, N Y -1, B TM Witt & son, Balt W 11 Bailey, IlliB3B 13 Stewart, NY , Airs 9 H titewatt, NY Chia A Converse, Gann '' Walter Harper, D 0 W Gihon, N Y .W G Cain, N 0 ' - A 0 Richards, NY „ - .W NI Richards. N Y • , W 1 Donaldson, N Y • -,- ,'P I. '''Ottencr, 11T W .1? Caosey. Del ',Albs Tufts. Boston - J 9 Laurade. Jersey City ki W Rankin. itr W P Maul', Harrisburg ‘' J . Q. Desbrow k. wf, 11l - - , . - -- GIRARD 110IASE—Chestnut it,, below Ninth. R Bonner; N Y - T Dorsin, Marietta, 0 Mies Dorsin, Marietta, 0 Miss Sue Damn, Marietta ,tas A Walker. Eltutndo - R. Alexander, Tenn ll IS Crain, Tenn R W Andrews. Tenn F P AloWhirter Nashville MIV Foliar, N 'y Alisendler, N it Gantt Wnlbridge, NY .1 0 Burch, Cal Inaj Hensley, Cal. h Al is Latham, Cal Thou B Lewis, Phila Alai P B Reading, Non n Paehioo, Cal Judge 0 Hole,Cal B Murphy. N Y Mr C Wnrd ; Washington Mr It Clark, Washington -Al Morrison, Huntingdon It Bruce, Petrokui, Pa Col Ales Me/Caine:, Pa Gen Storms. Pa T B Thompson, ,To A ft Cs - Wroth, Pa BF tstgyers, Bedford, Pa B K Phillips, Boston Jas.ll Hanford, Pa . AM Densmore & la,Boston ~4 lex MoKensie. Pa N Hennteues.N Y ./.11.1 L Soler, Charleston Joshua Vansant. Balt , W B t haw, Richmond Win Gurney & In, N Y .3 F Manahan. Balt W t. Tanning. N V' Mateo Rms. Vanopielt Panoliez. Venezilela —... Venla,.Verier.usla _. II Quveldo, Venezuela 8 Martine. Venezuela . Mrs Jamar 4.. de, Atd N. 8 wastaw,l,aneaster . 0 B Wooldridge, N Y J McKnight, Ohio Gen rintthrOP. Obio John McGowan. Ohio y. D 0 King. Newport. It I aVin • inery. N Y H 'Tyler, Pullen, N Y A .1 . Steinman. Pa obn G Brenner, Pa Vincent AI Brown, N y Mr Blake. Pa joillt M Pendleton, N X Honjohn W Geary, Pa T 'cis ry, Kr - Jos IV Herding. Ky 41) lamer, Flkton. Md .1 I) Chandler, Vilna, Del' Penney, Wilm. Del P. G Sykes. Germantown g • W Bar Ito , . Huntsville, Ala John ti Brian. N Y G it Smith, 8 C 0 Mneher, Jr, N Y A J Planers Balt F W Ilannetri t lialt Wm . Bryant. Wash, DCI P S Ayhwort . Lonisvillel Mr Leeland OM A N C • 8 A Stems r. a. N Ham J B.ewart,N R At Blachford. Ni A Jones &isiAld . Alms Jones Mel 'I Masan. N Y James Reilly, Ohio Chas A Beoliteld & la, pia Miss 2 Bonifield. Fla Alm A.SCOffied. Fla It Co' nellr, Phila W C Hsylman. Harrisburg F T Weldon. N Y A V Rutland, Nashville Mr Simons & la, Conn FF. Shattuck,Phila . TWA Whyte, Augusta, Ga I, M. Thayer. Bunion ; Geo Shattuok, Milwaukee Baud B Brock. Alin Chas S Edwards, Canada Waiter 8 bernionr. Pa Col Allen. Boston Alias N B Allen, Roston It W McClellan, NY Win W Young, NY Wm W Gilbert, N Y .I Maxwell, N y 84Ive•ter Schloss, Mobile Wm M Fisher, N Y MoKimmon, N C Wm G Delano F Martin. Ala MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. A gal. Ili J G Elkin, I • • R a .meal. Southington Geo N Harris Tenn Jairld PueliGel6, Pittsburg ~13,,,P w neellei• Bath. DI 7 i vßA B gratny.aLoaillaven VT(....ltVi c ot l tio P e f t Raven - , Hon J Cummings. Pa Ron JR Danver, Pa Virus Lowell & als,Paiaton Hon J 1., Gillis, Ps, ' V F Pioltet Pa Edvf Carneboll. PittChurg 11l Pll , llM.Pittsburg Jan 4 (Silicon , Pittsburg_ mods , Patterson. Pittsburg .-, II McGee, AtLec'y City John Swan. Allegheny City Dr J 8 Callahan. Pa 4,:n A Plomer, trenanto co lien W Patton. Columbia ', on if 8 Mott, Pike oo -C P Mesmer. Cananike,o R Ronal. I'. V F W Staff ,rd, N Y ' - : Wlf election &wf, Wen 0 N Smith, Johnstown - kilt RiAksrd. %blue. Io • 3 hieLe‘n, Mt Pleasant b't Clive Ala/ W IGtrna. Reading N Montgomery. Tenn 'J D Fry. 'Tenn Leoil eals. Aarkannas - Wft Rochester. XY , - B Wilson, Muldlotogru D E Martin, Middletown ,D Xi riser, Pittsburg R li Bunteers. Oxford BRAI ul homier. nab's, , W R Cole, Miss R. Miler. Ansel J I) Evan. Ind 't It Cole, Lcd Li Olunge, Cadiz, 0 - ij, Cole, Tenn 811 flenrr, London, Tenn 3 8 Moss, Elontigfield, Ido W &Gibson. glo G Sloan, N C D 0 Parrett, 11l N P Norris, Philad'a AMERICAN HOTELL'heatnot street, above Fifth -4,i3 M Clark. Brass s 1, Billiard, Wee ilvt.J Smith„Rithim,Ky Can 'r Stage, Rtehm, Ky ' . Batley.'Penn . W T Stamper, LU V M owler, La Orange R M Hilts ic la. Boston - t Stooks as la Lex. ass 350 Taunton, Mass , ', &lows, Tannton, Maas Wm Verner, Bolilk on, Pa L Bnoditr, Tenn W D Rankin, Tenn Obt'A Burton, N C . 3 0 Rey, Ark 1 P Shoehorn, N C J T liowns.N c r i B BartholYmem.SL-Lonle J C Poo, N C 'IlLt V kinuto. Beading HI Gregory A la,Aler, Ara • rhos Poltemore. Va W W Prager, All navle, Ky - r . 3 011, Ai ientville, Ky • MI, 0 Brown. By of el Rill. Tenn J., V Monte, Tenn Martin, Tfem A P Green, Tans _.., , 1 itlC Gwn ietirfoittri -- • --41 ,4 E an te 0. 1 21 461 " X L"- A B Patios. Ten lc n At It Orr, Hillshom.bhte Dr HP Strewn ht r ,l 8, Pa WAt Campbell, Keene, Ky J Woodward & wire, Pa WSI HI tehetiot4ohlo Wm annum, Boston ''. real Price , Balt ~ ` Tir 11 Ford, Ban - pen if t yofiar i l i fianOti. 0 ,ri l t ,h k ,, Pijklie t,, l t ir P y ras',' il .1 8011, D ud e s . Wanta A rit,lrst John M. Brewer. N 0 APf Belo, iiidem. Di 1:, ' .111,. Coward, Tenn W/Borse, Janesville, Win .. —..... St LOUIS HOTBl,—Chestriut strearo.bo.. - Tbirdi 813 Matthias, Pottsville w Corvin:lihinliertv'e, NJ Wm K r...,...inviuting Gen W Ware. Ira , iamb Wilson, Idd'' -' 1) Biolrfoid, RI ' . . ,Al Bard, Phtla AW Wn slit. Cinoinnstl Midis, Cinntnnati P Johnson. ef Y John AI Moore. Ili 3 .1.: R Slonsker. N Y 11 Believer, N y Ste T Scott. Wheeling. Vs • Ade Leforene, Paris 8 Sidoone, Germantown C p Morton. Delaware oo Min 0 W Gross, Baltimore • Miu A B Gross, Baltimore WEL NowLsa, Jereeility ' 'MO Nowlen.Setsey City - 'JONES' HOTFar.Chestaut greet. below; Seventh. G L Mann, Ohio 0 0 Rhodes, Ohio • M T Texas 0 N Allen, Danville. Via I'l3'l)l=4'4,Yr. hire Backler. Bolt Alfred Thompson, N J John Marsh, Y Wlenryllandarn,ll Y 8 JDarwin, AN -W wilson, ny W L Hardins. Kv B Evans, Wools John Poet, Ohlo P Smith. N Y B Martin, Mme N 8 Lamar, bites M Sim th,Ala .13 Riohards; canton,Mtes J Morris* Jc In, Eng H.Kihler. Aid J D Cook. Philo DOBaines,NJll °Harris, N Y THE UNION HOTEL—Arch Street, above Thud. C Wegeforth, Pitt - Matra 8 Hoobler. Ohio 'JiSPenoe. Spring field, 0 A Bosnian. Wheeling. Vis Miss Beggs, Pittsburg • Wm P West, Wean, 0 otio Mendel, Wheeling, Vet M VBennett, J W FL White, Lens, Po Do Poke. Lsfayotts, Ind .. BLowrenoe, N .3 Mrs Shaffer. Beading "Sties Bstoman. Heading C Hamilton, Cinein 0 I,b Baton ; hunestan, 0 . John M Wilson,lll John MoKinaer . 11l J Mclcinney, 111 W K i nsioe ID Miss B A Siveeser. N J Chas B Day.lll J Boston, Middletown. 0 II Holmes, Indianapolis ISTATES UNION HOTEL—Market street. ab. Sixth. Wm ItradburY.' Boston L J Cram k son Clearfield Oen Stuart, M,tlin tua, Md W Remi,Hatristrore tie° Plitt. Harrisburg l' Bush, Lancaster, Es, M Louden, Altoona Alex Port. Itantl gdon, Pa av Mpor.Lanciater, Pa P Wende l Lancaster, Pa Jagy,l) 8 Fry. Phila A &Mlle. wiimington, Del W Mahe% ins Orr, Pa T M Charlton, Chester no James Andrews, Mdt J*4 Johnston. N Y I, B Storm, Canton, N Y Thos Fisher,Buntington W H Spangler, Lane on , EMILE PIOT EL--Tlinsil Bt., &hare Race, ' 'Phoi B Gable, Lanc. Pa '' James 8 Wliitsen, Paxton C Bissell. Lane co. Pa - B. Lllia k Son. Boston .. T Olashury, N T ' - 8 Jones, Jr, St la, Trenton 000,NI.Berns. Mania, Pa ) M Ilitaren,Ys lAA, Maul, Eio, Mies L Martin. Balt Vies Payne. Roston bliss Ellen B own, Balt l' i3 1 :1, 11Pgairl. B Y I Bennett. Carlisle ' NI !Amok Montg CO, Ps D Kenna 9, Reading - Samuel 1' James, Trenton 4 Marshall, Watt Metter . Ono 'IV Williams, Easton Q Z Silki, 14 1 7 ' Lawrence Nicholas, Balt NATIONAL, HOTEL—Rana street, above Third. 31(1Virtilimns, Lancaster Jos 0 Bak, Denville j P Yeirer. Pa A N Johnson, Pa Idlest 1-ittilier.Logensnort Mies A r. Mule r, Loganset OP Henry &son, Allenern 11 J Handler, Pottsville JJ eloyantikor, Pa John (J Park, N Y COMMERCIAL IfOTEL—path a, above ChoStull Brown hid ll. !farad, hid rßahn ',n, Chests'. oo WOMEM.PtuIs r('•trattoQ,Pottltown iallashan Es Pnilo Johnson. 4.Lttureztsosino I. :m on, Del A.Astittna, Health. Mt Joy sum IMOLE 1107E1r4bird et, above Cabowl' Beal Degas, Bucks oo 8 T Docks oo irLORAN SQUARE CHURCH, 'MAN. 0 t4Trelt i tti D' V oltlC . : lVoq: i ll Men. t i v i liet t RN I'aTTON, eater. peetal *emcee Avery Iye • alto' oil the Weak. at 8 q clock, Piraduated by several alArritriarr arras atty. 'Tea Paella are °cordially in. matted_ ta attend. It* *obtFitAirrotv OF AND SCRIEPTIr. AaNNIVT APA7NST TEE Tilt- I 'w" TIG TY,-RtltlklOn lay the Rev- Mr. 'KARCHER st RendeLand Hasda EIOHTH end sPRINIR N W DeEDEeeds, TO•MORROW leandayl et M. ,Ototaing services at lON o'clock. Rests free. It. firPRXIIRYTERIAN CHURCH. BROAD. _, WAY BALL S. E. corner of BROAD and se rcro trtrenta—Rev. E. F ADAMS wal preach To..oftßow wohAtto moRNINO. 10% eteloelc, and EVENING at Hi. rrayer-aleetlne at 7 P. 741. React free. eLIifECIL OF THE 'MESSIAH, (Unit. tVTERBAIANT.I LOCUST , oast of Broad.—Dr. opLeMoONT expeota to be able to offlootte TO-11101t de usual. The Lecture no Reasons for 1711).• Versaliern." whioh was postponod on account of illneen, Will be delivere4 In the EYENItt 0, st 7% o'clock. It* trf. "THE TWO SIDES OF THE DRAMA:* Rev.l HYATT BMITII on this s it bleot, to tartrentr (SABBATH) Artertiong, _ at ke 0 0 0 4 in American Meahanics nett, FOURTH and HEOrtOtt i nvited. Stalots.i/Slaus,gota of, and,Aokire at, ThoitTer, aperient lt" 5T4, RECOGNITION OF FRIENDS IN ITIE FUTURE STATE," b* , e4ne t, TO- R ROW EVEN!. 0, at the Et sIITH.STREET is CH above Noble, at 7% o'etoett, Moraine ear- Ape et 10%. Pastor—Rev, B. et, TiL,LOTSON. It* , Missionmr Bishop In Idnoa, preeirh in N p aft l ifa t g t 3tl2arm i llira he eublio ore invited to attend. It. no. OEO. STORM— OF NEW - YORK, Rill preach TO-11000W, at the frALG, 8. B. • , erne' Bprina (4arden and, Intl: Weds, at log :Meek °Mit. dal quarter elpt.l Eeeeinv alibied: " The tate alien in Doubt ttif Revealed in the Bible." lt• Cilnnen or THE oorrNAu... ' • Porvicee CONOMIT HALL, ruiEs a vo TWEI,FTif street. EVERY suNDAY. at Mc Id., and Di P. by . rho Rev. TAXES PRATT, rector:- . It. PENN SQUARE kRESBYTERIAN ORURGE4 BROAD above OtIISTPRJT street Et ba 111 for Divine Service TO-MORROW *Ellie Jr QM?) ffermon by the Factor. Roy. JAMES OROI Lib; , • , A*, ItrSPItt.ITTIALISSI.—MISS.EIVIMWHAIt. Vit' l o6, or Now :York. one of me most elm. htfoit hiratojAge rbi t-vl , l a tztro A s , !lA:NM farAdmlttion five omits. F . r."--- `Ate ~ A: €O9EIIIIAN WILL PREMIII iti 0 Ohne.* or IvOsh he is Pastor, POILtElli titeid below Arch, Tm , A 14 "W SBPlilc" MORN ' NG, at /Off o ' clock. - yS, iN0 , 73„ 0, c9O . ekilis . • THE SECONH NATI u ONAkCONVEN. , : sanu pußo i ir i ti. 11,UOVO Arent. t en Tnead4 7 , mmh St ; ht.l2 At - - An in pa ty in the 1./infad elates deer Atli r re r e L h Cll 4 4 . 4r445144F; 41 order td,insoro pill attend '''. - -la r itPL , tranzars4l7 MAW* MOT: -e 4 • 1 1 -5. - 44t444 . " . . &GROWING INTEREST!•-rkiIIR CII OF THE NEW TESTAENT.—T. IL STOOK VW etMe°074.41111210)1.4147: end ureaphitur lOti, with theijosnr plum. Lecture end tyi n ging ow l s every hurisuiritt( Oman, ni faLEcirunx.-113Y t.'QUEST OF THE MECHANICS' RETREAT ASSOCIATION. thaRev.YRANKLIN MOORE will repent lite lecture on The. Future Rene Anterico," at tae ME ORANIOB' HALL, N. E. corner, of POURTII and GEORGE streets. on TUESDAY I.VENINti next. at T o'clock. The object of this lecture is to aid the Me chanics' Retreat Association—a society making . efforts to secure an asylum for aged, infirm, and disabled me olmnies 'who are in destitute circumstances, Tickets 25 °mfg. Can be had at the door. mtt3-3r. IYM, N ICAUR LS. SeeTatayy. rob IN.. RICHE, AND FRANK CROSBY, Bove', are expected to address the e.orle at the REP UHLMAN HEAD QtrARTERS, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, THIS EVE NING. at 756 n olook. FREE READING ROOM, °ion every evening Irn t re 7 to ID. to 'which ail me invited. I r - IVOTICE.—THE MANAGERS POW THE re lief end employment of the poor of the town tip o fG ermantown. hereby rive notice, nooordinit to the terms of an not of Asuninbly, approved the Mb day of May. 1857. entitled " An not requiring publication of alvirleation to the Legislature of thjs Commonwealth relative to Real Estate.° that they will apply to the Le malature of Eltate of 'Pennsylvania for power to sell their Real Estate, entente on Rittenhouse street. Ger mantown. in the Tvrenty second 'ward of the City of Philadelphia, said Real Estate being commonly flailed and known an" The Poor Bouseproperty of the town ship of Germantown." EDW. A. WILLIAMS. 6t* Secretary Board of Managers. fr.r. A STATED ]VEEP. INO OF THE 311. - einr Anti-Plaveri Somata. 'unit be 11411.1 at er:ARRBON HALL, on SATURDAY EVENING, March 8. St* Lr.,54A 1 ,174 1 11,T.Y.T.1tgr01 ( , ) ,A1T,V0c"..f the 138nerni nnembly of this Commonwealth. approved the 13th day of October, A. D. 1857: Amount of loans and di5c0unt5.............—e621.177 78 syncie, due from other banks.- 94 085 39 of notes in oironlation 99,155 00 " deposits, inolnding balances duo to other banks 3701118 77 CITY OP PHILADE LPHIA,LPIIIA, March x,1860. , ss I. James Lester, Cashier of the Union Bank,,heins sworn, derma and say that the above statement le our reet to the beat of my knowiodte and belief. JAM 8 LESLEY, cashier. Sworn before me, this 2.1 day of March, A. D 18s0. It Y. C. ELLM AKER. Notary Publto. I rs -- • PO/SON—POISON IN LIQUOIts,— 11-,1 DR. HIRAM COX, thereat Analytical Che mist, and Liquor Inspector for Hamilton comas, Ohio, will deliver a course of Five Lectures in National Guards' Rui Mims. Race street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. on - the evenings of March Bth. 9th. 10th, 13th, and lith, on the Poisonous Nature and Ingredients in Liquors; the Mode by winch any one can readily Ana, irse the same; the Pernicious Influence on the Human System. He will also manufacture , in the p-esenoe of the audience, some chew hut—Liquors Each Lee ure will tie illustrated by experiments with suitable apps rams. Tickets for the course, admitting a gentleman and two ladies, 81. Single Lecture, admitting a gentlemen and lady. Td eents. Percale by the Janitor of the National Guards' Build ing; Mr Rants. Franklin Hall, Sixth,. below Arch wort ;Wm EL Styles, S. corner of Third and Vine streels; Andrew] and Whiteman, Germantown evenne and Barks (late Chatham)street, and at the Hell, on the Mains of the lectures. mh3 St" Lyr.. LECTURES ON PALESTINE AND TOYPT.—Rev, Mr. Mario, of Pitteburc, will Weer Three ',enures on " Scenes and inoidente of Travel in I he Rely Land end Foot Lecture, on MONDAY EVENING, eth Hot.. in Rev. Dr. Dales' Church. on RACE Street, near corner of Sixteenth street, sII " Scenes in and around the o Deed ff City—Bethlehem and Rna." Second Lecture, on TUESDAY EVENING, 6th inst., in Rev. Dr. Motel' Church. On "Lower Pitypt• including Alexardria, De!ta of the Nile; Scones in end around Grand Cairo; Oriental M Th ia dLe ee u mo , n ion :T, RIRSDAY EVENING, Bth Inst. Ulmer Root ; Visit to the Great Pyramids ; Ascent of the Nile ;_ Ruins of Thelmawl ; Tombs of the Aent Pharaohs; Cataract of the Nile; Nubia; Arab Blood Mt for course ofThree Lecturers.-- .• Sin Admission Lecture to commence at 36 to 8 o'clock. miie 4t Tr" OFFICE OP THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. Mann, 1860. The holders of the bonds of this Company. due July 1. IEOO. can now receive. upon application at this office. 10 r cent in cash, upon the terms specified In the mon leper attached. The holdera are also enti annum. benefit of a by Pond of 8140 WO per cc established by the stockholders at their annual meeting held January p. IROO, and in pursuance of the c entreat. ante red inte by the company and duly recorded, to parry the same into effect. 8 BRA !won,. , Treaciror. cutout...AC Notate to the Marrs of Philadelphia and Readier Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1. 1850. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages oh the road, amountln; in the &semen) to StS 308 400. The net revenue for the last fiscal *ear was six times the amount of the annual inbarest on these bonds. The manarera ;impose to extend them for a period of twenty sears. the holders retaining the n b line the seourilY of the niche ages in the precis oonnition in Which they are now held Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest. payablehalf-yearly. Will be tanned A bonus of 10 per cent. will be given to the holders. in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will he paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their sieving a receipt and presenting their teepee tive bonds at the office of the Company, or to its taints, for endorsement. ••Forms of receipt and endorsement Will be furnished on application. Br order of the Board of Manama, ml-tf R. IL. Mel LIIENNY, Reoretery. a y. OFFICE OF VAN DYKE te Co. No. la South TKIRb Atloot. Pim DELPII RAILR OAD WILUIAMSPORT AND ELM IRAO. —The Supreme Conn have Ibis day deemed the sale of this road. NOTIdR le hereby clean thet the Power of Attorney adopted at the meeting of Second Mortgage Bond holderst held December 8.18" and already executed by a u.Nortty in interest is still upon 10r mgrottnre , sondhoiders who desire to participate in the owner ship of tae Road after the sale. and thus protect their interests, under the nereernont entered into by the ve nous °lmes of WiTI/GITS, are desired to present their Bonds at this office. for *mister, where the cower of attorney may bo executed, and the bonds "damped." F. A. Yap DV Kb.. Jr.. mh2-6t Attorney &mond Mortgage Bondholders. MCOMMENCEMENT. THE ANNUAL OoKMENO RMENT ON THE Iti EDIHA 1, DE ILENT OP PENNEWI.V ANL& gOLLEOE will be hnld at the Mtintom. voilo #4 , ..!,,b, on SATOH DA y. Mean 9. nt 12 n'olir.k. FP deUe.eartri The Public ut Prof. I n. E tio Go 4. ll . RE e. 6lltTrieefir t iri' 47 :.*-- - -7--7-!_ .LENVIIB'D. ° MARLOW, M. D.. . RAILROAD ,:.1 -- Wii,l7,ir, - Z-VE.ner,pni February 13. Isso. NOME TO STOOK HO 'MERE —The Annual Elec tion for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the fifth day of !dutch, mad. at the office of the Company, No. Bnnth TEI Street. The polls will be opened from 10 o'clook A. M. until 6 °' Elggrreil; shares transferred within sixty days next preceding the election will entitle _the holder nT bolters thereof to vote. ED.IIIUND 8M inf. fel4-tMc. Fiecretary, /WLEC TURES ON THE CREST.ION, DELUOP. &c.. by_ Mr. GEORGE FIRLIo t M arid lIAYDN NALL. fe21.48t tr.r Beß l ir.VVATintg Iftsl7.Bl, 4 ,'?4f; newness. Sickness at the Storneh. and canting, have been restored bj DU-BARRY ' S deholous, health-in hering REVALENTA ARABIO.It FOOD. Upwards 4.f, , 30.000 es and end many thousand testimonials. Packed, with full instructions, in canisters. 1 pound, 741.30 12 Pounds. 612—the latter carriage freeru TO oeipt of cash. Sold at the Depot, 243 South THIRD Street, by 11. MUNRO, Principal Agent for United States, and by all arirers and Druggists. DSP.,PBIA. Perfect digestion. strong nerves, and refreshing sleep restored by, DIJ-DARDY'S nehmen'. health-restonng RE VALENTA A RADIO& FOOD. To be bad as stated above, with circulars and testimonials from eminent persons in Ilmaand and America. fel3.lm* STATIONERY. STRANGERS VISITING - PRILADEL FRIA are invited to call and examine one of the LARGEST ASSORTMENTS of ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY to be found in any astriblishnient in the UNITED STATES. Sold Wholesale, and Retail, at LOW and UNIFORM PRICES. WILLIAM MANN, MANUFACTURER OF BLANK BOOKS, AND COUNTING HOUSE STATIONER, rnh3-tf . 93 SOUTH FOURTH Street. CURTAIN MATERIALS. 1.860. SPRING TRADE. 1860. W. HENRY PATTEN Invites the attention of dealers to the large stook of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN MATERIALS, and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, 03 ISAND AT 030 CIIESTNUT STREET, Which at* offered to Were on the mosf reasonable term. rnh3-It. WINES AND 'Ammons. pRLNUE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, FROM DE VENOGE & CO.. EPERNAY. FRANCE. gold by AR Respectable Dealers throughout the nountrY This fine brand of CHAMPAONR, which until th; vast rear was confined exclusively to the best tables or , the Continent of .e; rope, hue now obtained the most unbounded sum's and porin.erity in this country. It is recommended by some at the fir 4 phrelaians of the any allow Yo r k, over all other wines, on account at its:ex treme purity and delicaoy, and those who once try It rarely use soy other brand.Atthough only ono year has warmed slate its introduction into MIS country, the demand is enormous and constantly increasing. Our arrangements aro such Of to Insure the quality of the Wine lying maintaed at its oresent high tvandard. The i'rines Imperial is imported solely by us, we being the sale Agents of Messrs. De Vence & CO. in this country. .tlO Nos 4M,490 and 412 BROADWAY, Now York. T HE stria, HOUR ; OR, CObINIUNION pith God. ByAnetm Phelps. lano. 98 cents. The Power of Jeans Won to Save to the Uttermost. fbe Er Rev. A.. 1. Camabell. Game. Babbath Chimes, ormtainina 100 tunes and StO hymna, for Babbath liehoola. Paper. lu cents, Bound, Ikeenta. No.°. of Travel and Study in Italy. By Charles Elliot Morton. 73 cents. • Preeeliete and Pretiohina. Dy 14. Murray. D. D. 12mo, 76 cants. Mary HoWiten Watery of the United States of Amerina. 2yous. l2nis. 82. Wataon's Annals of Philadelphia. 2 polo* (15. Foy W Hale by ILLIAM 6, k ALFRED AIARTIEN. mh.l No. too ORES t NUT Street. PATTI WALTZ, respectfully dedicated to the youthful Prima Donna. Mlle Adelina Patti. by F. Tiedemann. EPA • published at MAESH'ii Mum Store,llo2 OffI3BTIWT Street, Prep° 46 ciente. ni3.6t Oit9.-1,600 gallons Extra Bleached Witter Whale Oil; 'LOW gallone Extra Blenched Elephant oil; ZOO gallons Hacked oil; 3.800 gallons No. fdaohinory oil: xOOO gallons Refined ()mein; oil; Bo barrels Dro.l. Lard On, In Wore, and for tialaiv po aowi.xy, AnH.I3IIgNER. mlt Id 801.1 TH WEIARVEH. VAN HAAGEN & hicKEONVS ORIEN TAL DPTERSIVE BOA!' is possessed of elms log propertiOevrhush render it eminently auperior not more economies( then, ott other sooPsr to the mar ket. mh34t* • BLE DISTILLED BURNING AL" Fluid, Alaohol, Pine 9Aor A tekcvmail, &o , - No. 120 N.WRAELVPS. ACAUKNREL —545 Mils. Nos. 1,2, & 3 Mackerel, n easorted ortginal_packstgee, of the bteet'ottah. for sale b 0. C. HAULER & CO. , A Rell strast.sd dAer aeOVe rnll3* TirAms AND SHOULDERS-1,90D Pieces City Smoked Thou and Shoulders ;also EOO Pieces ~rtia 27:arfoarb8oV:Pfg,i.Q.8ADI'Als. fIHBERE.-330 Boxes Herkimer County . OALS6 , IO till store end for stile 0. 0. BADLEP 00., Au.= 110.rolot, Iles door Ow% Front. - atm • NEW PUTSLICATIONS. FROM THE PRESS J. B. LIPPINCOTT ds Co. PnXISCSOT'Is o f3 Messrs. I. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. having made ar rangements for the future publication of the works of WILLIAM H. Pnescorr, are now prepared to furnish their NEW DAM= EDITIONS in various styles of biiidiat. MUSLIN, SHEEP, HALF CALF, GILT, AIABBLE EDGES. HALF CALF. ANTIQUE. MARBLE EDGES, FULL CALF, ANTIQUE, MARBLE EDGES, ETC. Tat.. SERIES consists of the following' works, any of which will be furnished separately, in such styles of binding as may be desired, or the whole complete in 15 yob:, Soo., in uniform etylo PRESCOTT'S HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO. with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization. In three vole.. 800. PRESCOTT'S HISTORY OF THE CONQUFST OF PERU, with a Preliminary View of the of the Incas. In two vols., Bvo. PRESCOTT'S HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF FER ' DWANE) AND ISABELLA TILE CATHOLIC. In three Tole., 800. PRESCOTT'S HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF PHI LIP IL, King of Spain. In three vole., 800. PRESCOTT'S ROBERTSON'S CHARLES V. Ilia• tory of the Reign of Charles V. By WM. BOVERTION, D. D. With an account of the Emperor's Life afte r his Abdication. By War. H. PRESCOTT. In throe vole., 800. PRESCOTT'S MISCELLANIES. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. One vol., 800. BULNVER'S WORKS. LIBRARY EDITION. Messrs. J. B. L. & Co. beg t, announce the publication of a UNIFORM LIISRARY Erwrior; of the Worms op Bea EDWARD flUtwE Lyrrosr, to be elegantly printed on tinted paper, from a large readable type, in volumes of a convenient term. The series wid be issued in rapid succession. Price per vol., cloth, 81; sheen, Library style, 81.25; half calf, 81,75. Now ready, TEE CAXTONS. In vols. A New Work by the Author of " BRIO ; OR, LITTLE BY LITTLE.' VIII be published March 7th, JULIAN HOME; MEMO CIOI.,ILN,CWEI LIFE. By Rev. Fazonfo W. Farman, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, akthor of "Erie; or, Little by Little." Olio v01.,12m07 J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., o 2 and of North FOURTH Street, A NEW TALE. THE GIPSY DAUGHTER; TILE EINO AND THE BOROEIRBSS Comprising an elegant assortment in 4,5, 7, and 9 flOuneee, and double lops. Chine and Droohe Robes. KT Catslosues and samples on morning of sale. No. 14 VESSTStrest. BY 6YLVANUB COBB, in. I NEw Wax, Minh 1. WO. mb3 91 BEADY ON TUESDAY NEXT. A NEW HIBTORIC/a, TALE, under the •hove tale, will bo oomrnencod in the next number of the LEVIER The Bold le n new one Tor 'l,lr. ColOs powerrut andnro- Bo pen, and hts numerous admirers need hardly he assured that ha BUNtainn the lateroat of h). interesting esrAttve from the first chapter to the conoMaion. It In Prepe, and wilt be rnblishe HEAPrch 10: A NEW WORK BY T DISTIN GITIRHED AMERICAN AcTROR ERR. MER. lIMMA D. E. N. BOUTHWORTH. A THE RACNTED lIONIESTEAD With en Autobiezravhy of the Author. By MRS. EMMA D. E. N. 89,1111WORTIf ivir „ 4Au lligi,;;; T ede!". 3° / .t i n e cirM. , vt g e r V " i ' elory," ° ' Retrilultion." "Curse or Clifton;' " Vivin." "The Three Baauces," " Lady of the file," eto. Complete in ono lame duodecimo whine, neatly bound in ninth. for One ram. and Twentr-n re . dente; or in two volumes. paper cover, for Ono Dollar. The Pubßehave take Arent pleasure in being able to present to this American public. another new and charm ing work by the vomiter American authorese. Ake. FM= D. Routhworth. She in excel'ed by tio Toro mum itg ear IMP e je-noa airri iatweed me e t Vig t V o rr le e , h w araOtVir ev aie ra • tely.under, hut never overdrawn. Her scenes are I.re pictures. hey incidents rounded on fare. And her sentiments me cliartieter. zed by a singular purity both of conception and epreetnon. She lois the nye fatality of easing w'.at she means, and of mayincit in such manner as that her meaning cannot hs misinterpreted. In short, she Possesses in an eminent degree those qua lifientions which are the peoullar prernnt lass of a good writer; while err delight' the reader immination with her deseriptive beau r, t he noolteo home truths to their understanding with he force of rational 00n viction. The *• Haunted Homestead', hue been pro nonnced. by those who have rend the proof-sheets. to be her beet work. Title to soffirient to roo•ulaad It to ye. meal, and We vaticinate for it merit popularity. so - Orders from Booksellers, News Agitate. and all others, will he thankfully received . and they will plame send in their orderer Mime. and they will be filled with Promptness and despach. Order( for the nbove work will be merited in the rotation in which then are re ceived. So, person. reading thia advertisement had bet ter order at once. Dealere sending theiro•dere to midi ' rent 'minis entitled to copious aupplies of Show-Cards and Circulate of On work, as wail tie copies of the work for the Editort of newspapers in their towne. 117 - Advance copies of either edition or tho work. m samples, will be cent to any part of the 'United States. fres of peones, on remitting trio price of the edition they may wish to the publishera. In a letter. Published and for sale at the Philadelphia Publishing Establishment of T. 13. PF.TFII.gr)N & BROTHERS. NO See 011eSTN tirtt E ET, Philadelphia, To whom ell orders must come addressed. to reoeive ira mediate attention. 10 - F,ditore of newaempara copying the above an nouneement of Mil Southworth'e new work. " The Haunted Homestead," as in wets, in their columns, on sending a copy of their paper marked, with suoli notice tn, by math to the Publishers, will have a beautifully boned copy of the work rent to thorn on receipt of their raper, per first mail, free of postage, in advance of its publication. mh3,lt 1860. THE ART JOURNAL 1860 The February numb ( e r ; ° ortili l s .) popular work is now . ready. The January number commence!' a new volume, and eoulaina, aielition /WRIER al attractions, a • A NEW OF PA PEA B. DECORATIONS OP THE COURSE OF THE HUD. SON, FROM ITS cOUROE To THY sp,A, By Sewn Lossins, profusely illustrated with original engravings on wood from aliquot 'Matches taken In the Autumn of the past year. THE COMPA NIo SOUTH WAN 11111Thl LES.DV RAILWAY IN. Br Mr. and Mr . .: 8. C. Ha!!. Illustrated by J. D. Harding• Dirket Poster, Ao. The number for JanuarY also oontalos the following three magniecent •-tfret Engmvinra I tIN 1. Engrave/1 by P. Lightfoot. from the Picture by W. B. F.TOat. A. R. A., in the /loyal Collection at tb.boren. . 2. TH E LADY CONSTANCE. Engraved by T. Vernon, from the Picture by Winterhalter, in th e Rowel et nthornn 3. BEARINO THE CROSS. Enslaved by W. Volt. from the Picture by Reffitlle, in the Royal Gallery at hinArid. TI , DPIER HAM bong the sub set ibers to Tun ART Jot RNAL will obtain engravings from pictures by tire great trie THE ART JOURNAL Is a work /imolai] v suited for connolosourn. artists, and all lovers of the - 1 , ,n0 Arts, Each number contains three 'Arra Dteel Enspnyinss. and numerous Murata- Hone on word. Subscriptions 8d a Tsar. or 75 cents per month. VIRTUE Co, It No. 25 JOHN Street. New York. Atm SEWELL'S NEW BOOKS. iTJE pqrStrig TROMDTS ON RYLrGION. Ey the Authoress of " Amy Herbert " ho. One vol , Meth, red edges. 76 cents. MOUT LIRSONH PROM fIORIpTURE; Or Short Paws!! *sleeted from the !this. for the use of children and grown persons, as Evenlos Devottons. limo, cloth. to e.s LO nr ß e. P ENO" N'S At t 'S "NOTES ON NURSING. What It re and Whet i 11 Not." A most gasket book, centslmng hit is for life iu the sick room. 61 0t13 OF TR AVM AND STUDY TN 'TA TX. - mess Diet Stowe. A delightful b ok, desonbing " Art Life in Ithle " 76 cems DOCTOR 01,1)12 A ensAT OREYSTONES, AND 1118 TATX THEHF. 7nts MIO C 4 Ebe T'S NEW IVOK ON ":VVOIti AN." whiah isroadtn ettrove bin oriv , ion. L'Arnooy." RI. HO MAY HOUSE. A Novel, By Maj. Aielvillo, gt of The interpreter No. T. BUCHANAN R13417'8 POEMS. 2 vols., cloth. Denmining el , hts mince IRraer tome. For is .le with ALI, VARIED lit nonto.n. wan. h LARDS AND ASSORTMENT' OP BOOKS IN EVESY DRPAR URE TMEDIC OF LITERA- T. In every style of blipiloss. be DAMURL HAZARD. 721 CHESTNUT Stiest, A BOOK FOR LENT. Ea MISS SEWELL. D. APPLETON & Co., Nos. 346 And 348 plioja, WAY 11118 DAT PASSING THOr the UGHTA ON nf MAHON. li Author " Amy H v be M" o., Thonug h ed foozhe 1760 Wte. &o " The writer of the followingpapo , a trusts that a reason may he found for their publication in the mr iminstarices which save rise to them. In their original form they were morels pnvate thought/noted down for personal use while reading the 22.1 and part of the 23d chapters of Pt. Luke's Gospel. As such, they were. of muse. wholly unfitted for any other purpose. But after pnblishins a lilt le book, called 'Thoughts for the Holy Week.' the writer wee urged to complete the work by adding 'Thoughts fettle, Remainder of Lent.' and though it WM not easy to comply with the TpgUgato which was, therefore. or the time, set nettle, it sug gested the enlargement of the notes before mentioned, and they ware in consequence brought into their pre sent form."--FExtract from Preface. Also, by the game Author. Min L OWNS FROM SCRIPTURE, COSIVIVED 'fly the Author of "Amy limbed." 1 vol., Alio. Cloth, red edges. 60 eents. Thepassages Wanted are short, for the weariness of night doss not admit of lengthened attention to read ing ; but medttation upon a 'taw venire will tench WI mor e "' l ') a haste perusal of many, and it cannot but be profitable to us all to endeavor to fix in our Minds Some one definite lemon gathered from God's Holy Word. which mar remain with us at our last waking thought at night, end may. through the aid of the Holy tipirit, motive us to nee with a more earnest devotion to our duties on the morrow. mhe-gt T HE LIFE AND TIRES 1-1 F, non 1' la GREATS! LIN OS AY & SLAM/41'0TC No. 23 South SIXTH Vtreot. above CHESTNUT t Pliblish tide da_y. THE JAPE AND 'PIMPS OF HE ROD THII GREAT. As eonneoted, Historically and Prophetically With the Corning of Christ. eutd Incidental Portraitu'res of Noted Personages of the Age. BY WAS. u.WILIAM'. 121 no. Pm° el. The principal design of Oda work le to give pfioni• nence to the goer event of time—the birth of olio sa- VitlT of the World. This event is linked in wish the mootpopular portion of Roman History. that of which the principal fapts are hest known. and with which the popular mind to most familiar, It hoe been an object with the author to concentrate the great POlllOlll/p S. the current events of that varied, the literature of the age. around the birth of Christ, to give interest. and to which ha freely tram - Wedges to have been his great design. [Extract from the Preface.l LINDSAY & SLAKISTON. inh3 Publishere, cc THE INDEP %NOE NT VIOLIN PLAYER." Justpubtishod. Irmo 31 1 711 : MARBWitHND gnu 1103 Otrest. Tag PRESS.-PriILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 3; 1860 SALES BY AUCTION. EDWARD J. WARREN, AucrzotmEn AUCTION NOTICE. VAN WYCK, TOWNSEND, b WARRENS At 30 ololook, at their Sales Rooms. IMPORTANT. SPECIAL, AND PEREMPTORI DRESS SILKS. Of the Importation of MESSRS. CHARLES PAYEN & CO., Of the most ahoiee 'Wes and qualities PARIS AND LYONS DRESS SILKS 600 ELEOANT FLOUNCED AND 'DOUBLE JIM Con►tettnt In Dart of oases plaid, griped, and ohook Oros de Naples oases eannello lance Oros do Rhiao assail plaid and striped Potdt do Boier easOstioh tarots f twin!. oasee rioh Gros de Athans, rape. oaseurioh Droguet huge imprime cages rich Orisatile lance droguet oases Broolie Damdeso cam solid colors, small figured fillks. (mem extra rich Chine Pekin oases 'mall plaid Foulard' cam Peals printpd Pouludo Enlumina. osier *null) figured twilled Foulard Enlundite oases black broohe damasso Silks meg Week broahe figured Noire Antique. oases mall figured blaalc Silks oases plain colors roan do Soo in all quaLties and oases blsok Oros do Rhino mid- Tafre tali (2 1 ...REAT OATALOGUESALE OFBOOICS X.S IN WASHINGTON.—The subscribers are now arranging for male. to commence on TUESDAY. March 20th, IMO, at 10 o'clock. In the large room. second door woo of the .auction TOO , /1. about leo vplemea of books. (principally second-hand.) comprising the enll6o - of the late Mr. Tetnplemen, and the late 8. U. Death, of Georgetown, D. O. The coil ono embraces many rare and valuable work, in every department of litirmure end *menet, a loore full description of which will he found In the cata gue which may be obtained on apelleation to J. BASIN, No 27 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. JOSHU SITCOM Aominlotrator. J. C. McGUIRE dc CO.. auctioneers, mlig-stutli-tm2o I Washington, D. 0. RETAIL DRY GOODS. BEAUTIFUL NEW SILKS!!! THORN WAY &. EMIT!' and SPRING GARDEN, Would invite attention to a LARG.E BTOC,K OF SILK GOODS. Neat checked and plaid Hike for ago. Good quota. , Foulard Bilks for 62a. Very nail Foulard, for 76,67. and Pio. Beautiful brocade Silks. solid colors. for $1 11. Rip% chaos Silks, Pod de Sol!, /41 . &o. THE if REM ill, ACK BILKS 1151 PORTE. From 61 par yard up to 44/ 60. New style, of braes Goods, embraoing overt, novelty of the season, 01411( ri .11S daily'. Awte!! SHAWLS!!! Our catablishment has beep rendered fmnotts for Shawje of every deaaription. STELLA. BRAWLS. CRAPE SHAW , B. TRIBET &RAWLS. BROOMS SHAWLS, and trMS BLANKET NBA tVLB &o. POPLINS— Silk Chain Poplins. Cherie Poplin*. - vemandi Poeline , Plaid Norwleh Poplins. Stripe Grenadine Poplins, Dot Oheno usmandis. Plaid OUDMAD rapfini, Satin Lustre rOPlirni. Danl. Plaid and Strin.LaTeitae. Chow tifirenikevAnkeiMe. t itafrulrPereales and Grililants. New Printed Challis and Plaid Drilltants, eto. PR INTs. 2hd ns. new Merrimack.C° styles to chic°. Manchester. Pard do, 1 . % Le Gloucester. Sprague. audEnit i suit all testae. Whtte Grottod es v a CHARLES ADAM b h EON. tutGHTH and ARCH Streets. mastuth• tr lOU LARD SILKS. Just received, a choke lot of MH,I).vM 5PY),3 4 .3 FuCLABDB, At 62}6 cen , s—usual price 75 oents. Dieusinated Bouquet Faulsr.is, at GRA IthtsB ADAMS .tr. SON. mhi-stuth tf Ell3lllll apd ARCH Btu els QPIONG GOODS.—SBARPLESS BAO- 1.0 11.1.61 1 N ere ornins new and lutridsome etook 011 , ring and Summer &fake. Walt Organdies. Very neat Lawns. Foulard Rotm.y. (Amain Cloths. Groutthes. Bareges, Wen flounces. newel% Black yttll.s. tank Taffetne. xed Travellerios. dorms filinwle. inh2 CHESTNUT axid Eunrim Rtreets. SHETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY, Cv.NTS VI OZy BILKTLAND WOOL. ,X PHA QUALITY, TWELVE CENTS PER L. J O. MAXWELL 24., SON, TronnanAs .skirta, and Zaphyys, ELEViNTH and CHESTNIJI". LAST DAY IS FIXED FOR SELL- A- inn first quality AE0U1414.(1. LIERLIN KNITTINg ZEPHYRS, DouGle. Single. or S lit. A'f 16 ormre PER. OUNVIL The price elsewhere Lain( 20 cents per ounce, Ladles who secure an assortment for future use will do well. MAXWEI.L'S, fe2o-tf if ELEVENTH and CH‘ , t3TN Ur tits. LUPIN'S DE LAINES, &c. Fine mode de lames, ST% ate. Excellent blacks st AY and sa eta. Super quality at 48 and ao ate. Sublime Quality at YA eta. ttnted wool de lames, ST to 62 eta. Black bombazines, anatton lota, $1 up. hßlack silt camas, &e, lztok French leo° veils, $ and SIL Also, MUSLINS. by the piece and yard. tr:ET IN . NOEL by the Mane and yard. ENS. by the piece and yard. Ati IC Table Meerut, in cloths, all else!. NAPKINS and Doylies. by the dozen or euelltY. TOWELS. WO dozen from 66 ots. to S 6 per dozen, RED-BORDERED Finn Towels, Napkins, and Doy lies. FLANNELS. fine, low-nrioed, and milk mixed. MARSEILLES far collars, bosoms, bureau covers, ace. MARSEILLES QUILTS, also Lancaster, Allendale, LINEN BEEETINOS, some extra good and °heap lots. TICKINGB, of every grade. Also MERRIMACK , PRINTS, And AMERICAN DRY GOODSEE& GENERALLY. feIP CoOP CON A HD, nUNT , I and MARKET Ste. REAL 0 A SHMERE KNITTING ZEPIMIS, in double, e axle, or split, are offer ed. for the present, at TILE SA ME PRICE AS THE IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OP ZERILYRS ARE Bold elsewhere 20 moos nor ot. J. G. toroctvt•ao, t SnN TatruNos, VittTs. /t ND 24 , flyits, feva-tri ELEVENTO and CIit:STN UT. PAPER ANOINGS. Just received. a large end select aesortinent of now styles of Wall Papers, Decorations Borders. &0.. 131 00 French Velvets, OM and Vol eta. &I:7)W Go. and hold and Velvet Decorations, Mr superior in richness anti design to anything ever ofleredin thot ottl. JAMBS BURK. Jo.. (Successor to Letts Belrored importer end Ittnoulneturer, It• Ma CS ES fisltT Street. WA L b PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, Wholesale and Retail . , nt reduced prices. 143 NORTH t trent. below Knee. Housekeeper' and others mould il, well to vivo sto actin, and examine our stock berme purchasing elsewhere. Rooms papeed at the shortest notice. be "Siete' workmen Don't (for t the nuntbei—liB NORTh ItOllllT eet tre. belo w xxise. MeEVOY 8: ru3 dim THOMAS itt MARTIN, 217 CHESTNUT STREET, HAYS Yon SA.bll APAQUAO SEAMLESS BAGS, IN ALL SIZES. fo2B-t'in AWNINGS! AWNINGS!! AWNINGS !! WM. F. scHEIBLE, do SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CIIESTNU Manufacturer of Awnings, Flags, and Fanoy Window Awnings. All Awni age made at this establishment are proofed to proreat mildew, without extra charge. fete-Itn ITIOTIOLSON, Manufacturer of BUIRTM, LINEN and MARKETLLES 11080141.8 AND COLLARS. A large and choice assortment. and WILL MADS, al Mays on lutud. unto which I particularly Invite the at tent 101101.21•51.1711111 prompt-paying PiIIORT TIME buyail 8. E. corner ot tACOND and ARCH. titseeta. nin. g Pinta dainty. I• REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.- 0. DONOOHIJA, will continuo business until Max next, at 16 South ATER Street, and now offers for sale, at the lowest maritet prices, for cash. or on ap proved short credits!. COO barrels steam-reaped BumpaadtSlntpe , andgisnips, ot serious grades, Including Lovering Crushed and ralyerised and hollers Patent•cut Lost kr VielOstoPtVelhall?-arW6Anlianasmalii.ge*n. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR LOOKING the Storeasoonlo ViewiataVlMEß'SCiniintY, OtTeet. above ilitEkiN. INTfiee the Wa ste° P otosiaphe in Oil, 300 BI3tS Primo llalifax and Eastport nerrtag, aoa boxeyosied Herring, 10.0 hall bbl. White Pith, in 'tore r 3 „of u9tut Asi ttillingrihs NEW YORK. TUESDAY, Oth INSTANT, OE 81X METRE' CREDIT, SALT; OF THREE THOUSAND PLECIES ROBES, WASIIINGTON. PAPER JINNGINt.S. DSY•GiOODS JOBBERS. TERRY, PRIOE, tt CO., Safi MARKET STREET, IMPORTBRA AND lORDERS OV CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, Have now on hand a large and well-selected stook, wlnolt they are prepared to soil at the lowest market yrices. mh3.3in jW. GII3BS SONS, No. 691 MARKET STREET, Aro now opening their SPRING STOCK OF GOODS Adapted to M N WEAR. In whiob mill be found a full assortment of CLOTHS, DOESKINS, IMF/TINOS, =MAIN 08, Re. fee-21u A . W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS. No. 825 YLARKET STREET. twain JAS. R. CAMPBELL it CO.. LIIPOTITEAII AMP WIIOLEBALIS DIALCRII tIi DRY GOODS. LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSIAIERES, BLANICETS, STUFF GOODS, aCI, Jali-Smlf No. 727 CHESTNUT Btreet. FANCY DRY GOODS. STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SELERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT, TKg hBELLE OF TUE SOUTE," The most Perfeot and Beautiful Skirt ever uroduoed MADE WITHOUT CLASPS, and warranted not to get out of order, in 8, 11, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 50 HOOPS, EVERY LADY' IS REQUESTED TO EXAMINE TEEM BEFORE PURCHASING OTHER MAKES. Wholesale 'Dealers attached by DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD, 61, 53, and 55 WRITE Street, fold-lm NEW YORK. B URN ETT, SEXTON. & SWEARINGENI it:porter/for FANOY GOODS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY. MEN'S FUdNISHING GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIM 14 INGs. SHlRTS—Shetlarld 001. Zephyr". and VARIETIES. No. 419 AlAltaEr aDREET. fela.tmra fl• .DIJH ttING & CO., Hoe. 96 and 48 NORTH FOURTH :irREF: Are now rooolvins, by suooorrive unveils horn Eu rope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS or ENGLISH AND ORR M Art HOSIERY, atom+, AND SMALL WARES, Maohine Sewing Silk and Thread—and cohort an in rpeotion of their complete and well-assorted stook— ISPEMALLT ADAPTED TO BOUTEBAN AND WKIITERN TRAM te3-3m RAILROAD LINE'S. ESIPOPIN MARYLAND, VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are prepared to forward Freights to lIAGERSTOWN, Md., without change of Cars, and at low rates. For list of Freight call at P. R. R. Freight Office, 413 CHESTNUT Street, or THIRTEENTH anti MARKET Streets. H. H. HOUSTON, . GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. .WASON, Agents, HAGERSTOWN, Mn. Pal [ADA.. Feb. N. -gt INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE INSURANCE RELIANCE MUTITAVIIgURANCE COMPANY PRILApLPIPA, ON IWILDINOS. I.lfti TEO ,OR PERPETUAL, IsIERCHANONE, POKNIURt., Jr TOWN OR COUNTRY. OPPICE, No. 30S WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 81.610 , AHEM $303.608 86. Invested u follows. arl2: First Mortgagee on Impraved City Property, • worth double the am0unt..._..,.,....5153.0 , 0 00 Ground Rent, first class .... 2 4"2 20 City of Pro Mel um 6 per cent. Loan. 30,01.41 OJ Pennolventa R. R Co.'s 6 per cent. 20 Mort gage Loan. t $3O OM 27.900 00 A !leg heny county 6 p•r ot• R. R. Loam...—. 1000000 Collateral Loans, well secured 2 fan 00 Remington and Broad Top R. R. and 0. Co., hlo, Nato Loan . .......... 4.000 03 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. Stock.. 21.350 00 Cho County Fire Insurance Co. ntock 140 00 The Delaware hi. S. Insurance Co. stock..... 70e 00 Penner Impala R. R. Company Stook-- 4,000 Commmmal Bank •• • .......... 61 i 5 01 Mechanics' Rank Stock ...... 2,611 it Union hl. Ms. Co' Scrip, 10000 Bills AC001V11140.,... 10 Book Accounts, accriiled . Infernal, &V.:1...—. 5,216 61 Cash on hand and in hands of Agent 5......... 11.386 15 bran rolls: Cram Tit:aler t f Samual Hierphalth NV, ham K Tiimnesor.,l Robert litosn. Fredoriolc ' Brown, WiJham M usaor, Cornoltun Ihwrenson, Kent. W. Tinister, Juno H. Worret/, ritarultall Hal, 1. 1 ., . Z Lathr op hulas Leland, 'roderick Lanalg, Jacob 'r. Bunlma, clianes H. Wood, Nil ith Bowen. Jame 8. Woodward, John Hmeh. Barbara - . 11 M. HINCHMAN, deer 0 Lad at d ary TINHIA,Y, President. February H. 1 8 60 . falthetetwatif THE IENTERPItISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADEPLIIA. (Mg INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COM,P.OrS BUILDING. S. STREETSER FOURTH AND WALNUT DIRECTORS F. RATCHFORD BEARE, ATOM/ECM L. PAAVECITet WILLIAM McKim, • C4R0.11 8 , OMIT. tYncepo Fri A zma, tourif $. DRowm, Jogm SE. ATWOOD. • V. A. PAIINASTOCRI BENZ. T. Taxiact, ANDREW D. CASH, HENRI WOAR7OI/11 I J, L.Unumaii. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. CIIAXLEO W. COXS, Booretary, really TM MUTUAL LIFE INSURANUE COMPANY OP NEW YORX. SIX IDILLIMITP DOLLARS, WIMP Volt O VERI a i; Ort , Rif . it. SITAPT. The yreminma !TM TOWIR than in many other Coln:A re% and the Dividend' have been Imo r an. This is a strictly MultraL company. tir.,e ern no litookholdors, so that ALL TIIE rhor ATS anima TO THE IXBVNIT. Painvideia. and every information, may be had OAATIS. 011 applioation lo F. /tit 1.011 FORD_.SI . AJi ii T r ent B. W. corner FOURTH and WA I,NIA.' Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFER tiNC.Ph : Thomas Robins. John Wol., . mordnai L Dimon, sie o t rll v , I l. Atzl.ar 14 comp 1.1. M. Suomi, . i .1 hn li• Myers, '4/1;1 ' lt, ' 0 1 :11A , , gfirtil. P rtrat' Arthur ,i , Com% 'ahomaa .11 Power*, Heinle W. Toland, VirilliammoKee. Thos. Wettson. n214711* - - CARRIA.GES. 01 . Tr.l MATVFAOTORS OF WILLIAM D. ROGERS REPOSITORY, No. 1000 DILESTNUT STREET. NoC, 1011 . eO-4lf GUIIPERT, • IMPORTER. ALWAYS ON SAND, 1,000,000 tiABANA CIGARS At N 0.1311 CHESTNUT Street. Above U. S. Mint?' £ND No. 1,./O; CHESTNUT Street, Below T. S. CUSTOM HOUSE. fea-tutha-13t• FLAGS! FLAGS!? FLAGS ! ! U. S. 11_,Aer DEPOT, 49 SOUTH THIRDSTREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, FHLADELPHIA. WM. F. SOFTEIBLE, , moles/at end retailmanufacturer of Naga, PAU. cal B3tlllo/1, and Tranaarenel es, Flaga of oil sizes on hand, mu made to collo as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be had elsewhere bile oily. f038.1m tIMOKEItisTO & SONS, MANU. FACTURER of Orand. Square A l VI, 'lett 1:141tiO FORTES, Wareroomi, 807 OHM NUT Btreet,Canpa.t9 tken to etsAinzat , 7l, ma: is tri t a i oe ,l n t rtion• 103/21Wr WANTS. A MIDDLE -ACTED WIDOW LADY DE sires a Situation as Housekeeper. Good references g Pen from her present employer.. Address " M. 8.. , Blood's Dispatch. mh.3-St• K-7 .ITIJATION WANTED By a Young man twenty-three yearn of egede the Commissi on. Produce, or Eihiuping Business. H.s.B been fur three years Entry Clerk in n leading lin -grinds hour'. to willing to make himself useful in any capacity, main object lvsJinr, to neoure a situation. Clatisfaetory refer ences given. Address '• C. R. 8.," Prosy Office. Its A YOUNG MAN, 21 NEARS OF AGE, deelres n F,l CUATION. Would prefer Collect ing, but is wining to do anything for Mosaics of em p4a4,3;i; ; p g r t s si o e f ilt c o e ry references riven. Addirttes WANTED—An expeneneed travelling SALEHMAN, in a Paint Manufnoturinn Ea tabllaiiment, (nee naqueintsd with the business pre- Cerro, said with e'outhern unite.) None but seed men needRPPIY. Mamma " Industry," with name and re ferences, Pre” ace. nP2-2t. A YOUNG MAN, 21 years of age, de *fres a. idtidatidni had five rears experience. Wholesitle cirocory . " or I.:immesh:in businces preferred. Addreac " Rent at the office. mh2-60 WANTED—By a Young Man, a Situa• tion as n Sale;man inn Retail Dp•goods stole Address" "%legman," this arise. nih2 WANTED— A Lad in a Silk House, to V learn the hominess. A ffigh-Nohnol Boy preferred. Add retie in own writing, gating age, &c., Box Poet Mee. ninu. AN ACCOUNTANT. a graduate of Duffs Culler °, Pittsburg., nod of four yenre experience in keeping . books. 'wishes n petm+nant situation', Let ters from former employers, end from some of the best houses in Pittsbure Also, o u r references. Address " J. T. IL." Prosy office. mkt-9t• SITUATION WANTED,;for a young man, 19 years of ago, in acv respectable business. Has had three years experience in the "Notion." trade. He writes a four hand, is of illdlistr.olle habits, and would endeavor to render himself useful. He can fur nish satisfactory reference as to character. Bali ryunc cordoz to worth of services. Address 'Notions at the office of The Fres% mhl at. 18 MS AND OTHER SU, TO $ ,000, invest on mor tv r e g. HITHER, mhl 4t 206 9,,,,th FOURTH ~trea t. WANTED —l,OOO Ladies to send for DE RUSE% xreirt hook. Every young man and woman contemplating holy weilock ghoul,' hove this book. ?noloao f.Jur stamps to Box 84, Philadelphia P. U. (OP Im. Q 1 ick TO INVEST, in an establish ed business. (anywhere in the etate of onnsylvania, I together with the services of an expe rienced busi noes man Address, with ..tutt parsieniarr, " Keystone," at this office , feat 6te AAMIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES AN engagement ae compsnion to an Invalid ; govern ege to young children; nr to superintend the affaus of a family. No objections to hove the cute. Hieh-st testimonial , given. Please address, with particulars. "West." Blood'e Diepatch. fe2B-10t* $12,000A. PARTNER WANTED • with a, cash oceanl of from 4112,000 to eta 000 in the Iron Foundry bueirese. Address A. B. ft Blood's Dispatch. with ma/ name. And state where " an interview may be had. fe2B It' WANTED—By the Ist of next month, a Warehouen on the whar', Broad or Market eta. Address'. Broad," at this office. fe25.6t• MILLINERY GOODS. 1860. 1860. MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING, 1880. The subscriber has now open a superior Wolof MIL LINERY 000 DB, consisting to part of—. RIBBONS. SILKS, CRAPF ACTIEs. FRENCH now PRE. an d LACE 00008. —ALSO— STRAW BONNETS. FLATS, BLOOMERS, AND BTR A NV TRIAIMINOS, All cC the latest and most fnehionai)le styles. to which he Invites the attention of Merchants and Milliners. Thome wishing to save money by buying cheap will do well by calling, on him before purchasing elsewhere. M. DE RN H.EI No. 01 SOUTIT SECOND STREET, mhl-2m Below Market street, 1860. STRAW GOODS. 180 THOMPSON ed tTENKINS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW GOODS. BATS AND CAPS, SILK SONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, MILES, ,Lo, NO. 428 MARKET STREET. Surer' are reeneeted to examine our gook. THOMAS F. FRALEY is engaged with the above house, and whelk the patronage of hi. friends._ __ fen-em . „_ AST -- t n. GOODS • ROSENHEIM, BROOKS. & CO.. 431 MARKET STREET, NORTH !BIDE, Are now opening, for the Spring Trade, the most ex tensive and ohoioest cloak in their hoe ever oullected together under one roof. _ RIBBONS of every conceivable desoription. BONNET MATTA lALS. FRENCH. ARTIFICAL FLOWERS. RUCHES, and all other millinery articles STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE VARIETY. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES GOODS, DO. DLOOhIERS, SHAKER HOODS, Ism Conscious of our superior faculties in obtaining our suppliee. we flatter ourselves that superior inalnoe menta. ooth as regards choice of seleat4on and mod ora tion In prime. eannot be met with. EVENING PARTIES BERTHAS, CAPES, BETS, SLEEVES, and CUFFS, Iva Real Lam Crape, Maim Blond and Imitation, in great varieties, of the NEWEST STYLES. Ahso, 4-4, 6.4, 8.4, 9.4, 10.4 ILLUSION, TARLATANS, CRAPES, 0., Mush below the usual prices. WARI3URTON'S, 1004 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth Street, 308 South SECOND Street, below Some,. Jan -tf 850,143 96 STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN. WOOD, ea NICHOLS. No 705 CHESTNUT STREET, (Between Seventh had Eighth,) Have now in store a COMPLETE 01000 01 SPRIN(* GOODS. EMBRACING f:',11; RATS A vl5 BONNETS. 1188 AND QHILOIII.,N 8 R MAW GOODS, ANC AN(' CRAPE BONNETS, RENCH FLOWERS, 11111BONS, and MILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL, To which they resneotfully invlte the attention of merchants. Cash and short-time buyer' will find eyeaial advan tage to OTARMIGIN this stook herore purohna,nr. fea-1m Jr • 1-1..1 , 141,130RN JONES. Importer and Mannfaoturer of FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWRRS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, An. The attention of City and Country Dealers Is invited to a large and varied stook of the above goods at 4:32 MARKET STkiEET. feS-dm Below Fifth. 1860 . 8PRIARRA NG N GED STOOKIB6O One of the tersest and moat complete stocks or good, in our line in this country. The beet terms end the cheapest prices. O. H. (3-ARDEN & CO., Manufacturers of, and Wholesale Dealers in, HATS, CAP-4, FURS, BILK and STRAW BONNETB, and STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERN, VFATIIIIRS,RIITHRe. Nos. 600 and 604 MARKET STREET, S. W. oornar Beath. fe74zn SPRING OF 1800. MARTINS, PEDDLE; HAMRICK, 53 CO., No. SO NORTH FOURTH STREET, Rave now in atore, end are daily receiving. Complete linen of the following desirable goods, viz.: HOSIERY AND OLOVES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, PARIs AND CANTON FANS, SUPERB BUTS, PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHER, NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND, Adapted to Southern and Western Trade, to which we invite the attention of first-olass curers. fe3-9m 2tTHE PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET ESSALLISRED SY FOWLES, WELLS. & Co., Is open day and evening, for the sale of Hooka on 1 Itranologn Phymology, water-Cure, ko. ; end for PHRENOLOOIOAL EXAMINATIONS. The importance of Phrenologyin tho training of the young, the selection of maculation* and compamons, and in every department of active Ill . Q, le feltand no knowledged by edltnteiltgent persons who are aosusibt edt,t7iltleitsfeascotair facts. r n d ptions from daguerreotypes wtil be sent by mail for two dollars. Catalogues of hooka goat grotie. JOHN L. CAPON, No. 923 CHESTNUT Sr. second story, &I -artr.n 3m irws,,,, Phllwinlrhut, TWO PLEASANT CHAMBERS VA 1 CANT, with Board, at is KI WALNUT At t. BOARDING. FOR SALE AND TO SET.I FOR BALE.-A MINERAL WATER MAC BINE. in complete order, cambia of bottling from six to eight bond red dozen. oleo, several second hand ones. will be sold e heart. tpob , ro ORO. MCORP. & CONS, mh3 JidkitW• Sul BRANCH street.' ril'J LET—A large lot and Counting-house -I- with fixtures for a iiinani Yard. adjoin in; the Dian inx null Ilrund and Hittndton streets, near the Resale; iiniiroitd depot. notable for a factor/ or any business rectum ag )ard room. Apply to /NO FF.RinrsoN, m3-s to th 6t• No. 206 WALNIi r Street. FOR SALE, AT VERY LOW PRICES, Six Panne and Tracts of t and. from 10: to too acres Pooh; beauhfol aitaa for country seats, at Cher oot Hill and Chilton Bills. joet outside rf the city /units. Rome very fine mites as low as SWa)nyacor. Also. a number of ithwow and unimproved 'lt Lots, worth from S3OO to 815 COO each. All to be sof very cheap Cad soon at 424 111. &Rh , T Street. mbh-tf TA PHYSICIANS —TO RENT—A neat- IY•furnished front PA RLOR, suitable for an Office. ReferencePisan and required. Apply at 156 North FIF I'EtNTIf Street. ft" sit EVERGREENS AND ORNAMENTAL TREES-By ilia dozen, hundred. or thoirisnd. At very low rates. at ROSE oaLf.: URSERJEJ3, DA Itßle Ito.d Packed fur transportation to !MY Part of the United Bintes. The Parbv Railrond Cars pas. tho Nurseries every hour. order* left at our Hasa War.hoose will meet with prompt attenVon. R. MST & SON. It Nurseryman and Seed Growers. To LET THE LARGE BUSINESS ROOM, SECOND BTORY, 712 CIIESTNUT STREET, Being well lighted, front and back, and atoesaible by a yids and easy stair-case. Also, rooms over It. Apply on the premises, to mho-9t THOMAB C. GARRETT. SPLENDTD FARM, CONVENIENT' TO TO THE •Crrt. AT PUBLIC BALF,—Crattetha 91 afire's. 1.1 mils. front the rite. in thevillage of Het boro' and IN mile* farm the bomb villue of Willow Grove. OD the old \ ork rotd. Will be Fold under the hemonr. TVESDAY. the n th March. WO on the VT , MIBOII. The improvements re: Larne stone ale, Le • on , with convenient suit of rooms. bu h of the best nnate r l - .. els and workmanship; stone kitchen ndioininc, with good aptrtmetits overheFilrood water near the door. Weather with a never- failing sp, ins c 0 soft *rater. which tone be cal on Into Oh, Dart of the marmo" and which is introduced I mo the kitchen end horn without the use of a 'Hem' Coo - P. too-house. he., to corre spond. "twice selection of fruit.shade, and ornamental trres...to. Large .anne.coilar flarn, with stabling. carriage bons.. and all nereo , arr out-buiidizire, Afro, stone tenant-hones, new leirn, spring house. Ae . L,o. To be sold altogether. or divided. with the mansion. tee. and 155 acres in one int , and the tenant houae, ao.. and 38 acres in the other. The to, is called the Lotter k'arm;" is near one of the best eeminaries of learnmg in the Ptate, with a widely-celebrated and were exiegsive t mni hoses pa , m the door *very few boars to the N P. R. R. for the city. A great chance for a oily gentlernanAseek mg a pleasant country seat Persons man eXX1:11!;is the property at any time, and will be chlerfelly shown the me by JOSIAH AIARKLmr. Bale to commence at 1 o'clock P. 11, I C. A. Gle - SPE. the= Hotel Arab street N. P 4 TTiT 2c, CO 230 Booth Sewell street. 3 ,1 23.1. K. OX.. Geementmen. mi2-.3t• Fn K SALE—The two 1104>ES Ina Nos. 412 and 414 Reit Ptreq, T A swims STEAVA R nsoN. 415 PRUNE Street G • ERMANTOWN PR MTV. VALPAELE REAL ESTATE FOR 86LE The valuable Farm and Country neat. contemns tOS acres of highly cuinvited bind situated in the town shin. of Germanic) n. Philadelphia county, and within 134 _miles of the depot in Germantown. The situation of this property Is not to be surpassed. being bounded on the north by Washington Pine. "the west by I ownship Line road. and on the stint be Haines street, and within noveithiti of smile o the Limekiln Turnpike. and a quarter o a msle of two •ta. t ons on the Chestnut Hill branch of the Germantown Railroad. High street, and Witehin.to lane The Irocatiin of tiie store property is hi- h and heal thy. the tool a ell watered and Ives very sdvarta geously for Crittue Sites, it commands au ext•nde,i view of the eurrounsing country. and a 'mew° ed le the streets running from tierntan.own, ns Isio down on the Surveyor's plan of that distnitt. The preps ty mu laid out in five acre lots. lithostaphin plane of which MI be ob tuned on application to either of the Odes emoted. Ante. * valuable and handsome Banding Lot. s. tasted nd Manttelen street. near Plant road. Germantown, cnn • telluric in front no said street 197 feet, arid la depth about 830 feet, !levier an area of abo.nt 4 sere*. T he gronnd ilel les It and Anne, torten". At*nnelre shade- want ',Won root. te a tow of Lao and aleeanl shade treee. - • Alga, serer II fine Building Lott tußoining and in the view' y of Fi.her's I ne &Blinn Germantown. For further particithrs god r meal:l2lr to IikORCIR JUNKI'N. Jr.. bottoms', B. E. cor. SIXTH and W I.N UT Streets. Or to BAAII.IIO, B. II KNRY. m4l-im• Eftatelli CO W&. • INIOR SALE, OR TO RENT—A FUR -1-' friatiKD COUNTRY FIOUSE •f nr•derate size, one and a half miles from nld Yotk Rood dtat.on, N. P. It R. A beautiful p rove of anode trees near the house. Also. an ule Bower, fruit. and veset•ble gardens. and n. good orchard. A foie stream or grater ruse through the grounds. Rent 3600. Apply for directions to “Ensle's Store." Old York Road station, or IBIS LOCUST Street. Philadelphia. fe7B it. totes • ADSIINI•TIt4Tf I RS' SALE. ROUES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AT AUCTION,—.WiII besoldat auction. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7. Plio. at 1035 o'clock. A. M. on the premises, the beautiful cotin,ry residence of the late John M. Brewer M D.. situated in Beverly, New Jerser. on the southern hunk of tee Delaware river, consisting of Acres of Land, Bonne and Barn. he House It of brick, two and a halff toffee high. with Cupola ; and cantata!' 11 rooms. It was built hout.ten years since br the late owner (or his own or - cunmoy. and is admirably located at a bend of the river, commatidins an elecant view. The Land ex tends to the water's edge. affording a good oetiortunalf fox.Doi erection of Bantle c aeit..hut-Roope,. ntannt ......t— ne LtelNktfntiltseVerar time a net) thus mating it a moot desirable residence ter gentleman doing but tons in the city I mmedthL It after the sale of said house. will tie sold the eUrniture, Medical Library and other Books Medi cal Inatruments• tee. A LeD—Two other smell hen•es belvaing to the seine owner, in the immediate vicinity, lima of wood, two stories hish, and worthy the attention of any person seeking n residence at &moderate cost. siel" Hale positive to settle the entire Estate. .oncl hoes l i beral and made known a• time ornate. _--znarly. N. J.. Feb 13. ISO). 1e23-th sat to t..alTern .14 El? SHADE. and FRUIT TREEB. F 1" " 4 " , a, SH'ItURS, ROOT., fg r r e t*MiiiStel . e tit z ,74 Tre tra r t g: VutrTrly' 2 ,'VVld bury. Aw Prney. - t._te.A3t. TO PHYSICIANS—A RARE CHANCE. - FOR 134 t LE—The Property and Practise of a Ph'. 'Minn, in good practice. to rated in wneuhbonus corpo ration on the (ilmare river, one hour's ride from Phi- Indelphia—conSiliting of a handsome t .ttage. fitahle, and every convenience for a suc.essfui businere.and one of the most destrante !mantles en the It t imsese. For further mforrualion, mina° at 131}9 NV-W.4IST BtTeet fe29-ws3t itiff FARMS! FARMS !! FARMS!! !- FARM of 110 acme. Dear North \Vales etation, rn Montgomery county. for Pate OalterLens, terms. FA R of 27 urea nn Germantown l',ke.43f. melee from Hometown. highly improved , and good looatdm. Terme easy, 'gt inuneilinto ponneseion given. FARM of 49 urge. with good improvements—land under rand cal n vstinn—ctunte pe a pike. FACTORY for sale near Norrtstown—a great bargain —and terms very easy. MERCHANT and ORIST NILL, with 4 run of stones, for sale l2 codes from the pity. Also, other Grist and Haw Mina for enle. . . isTORE. DW ELL' NCI. and half sere et land, ror in a ;mod local, tr. where a Rood business catl be done. .110TE], and 111 'tore' of land, 4 miles from rfOrriceien, e %err r. ble business mend. FARM of 60 &Jac:lsiah:sheet 2dtit, &0.. ice., stoats on Iteentne Mond, for eel ree 3 t. Veverrii fine Ftrine to exchange 10/ City PIOPOTiY, in goon localities. First Alorteages on Farms negotiated on reasonable terms. Money Invested in good firer Mortgages. F•v a catelocue of Farms. Stores, note'', sad other propeity, only to Or 11...th00s BLLTA RD TABLES FOR t A -LP fret-ches Billiard 'bibles. with I 3 inch watbi• bed., nod Wein motored euefitons. undo_ tut May— now mimic at the Mount Vernon Rom, Pennabove Filth rreet, Reading. ApPly to R. A. 1,..ti IZ. 23 East MARKET Rquare. fat tf Reading, Pa. A YELLOW WARE POTTERY. rim -4... in operation in 'hill city. with Toots. Moulds, Ma terial. SC 0 •on hand will be sold on reason , ble terms, exchanged roc Merchandise. Hee the beat eila in the d' wee, and can be leased to protect OCatl pstg.% if des, cable apply or addrese • W. 1t.," ..No. 1010 WIVE street. fell th.• 141 OR that Valuable Property known as the 13LACKWOODTOSTN &CADE ‘I located in the healthy and thriving value of Bluksvootl town, Sow Jimmy. TM, rum ed flee o f brick. 4811 en. three stories high, with basement for dipint room pad kitchen, and is v.ry complete for a bosta3nl school. is especially adapted fora 1461 , 1 a seminary • has ample bein; well shaded and will be sold at auction Tri tige 15tb eprohtat one o'clock 14,06 Ow valises. itetuita.9 Y. JuDiAS LIVRRItIORE. te27 , 14t. BLACKWOODTptcw. rOAL LANl'S,c.—About 7. /tents Coat,m. Building eots. Penns, Large New Hotel. titer°. lataidine. &0.. &o. This property is lecated in Luzern° count,, at the Junction of the Sus quehanna aud Lackawanna rivers. at the head of the Wyotnlor Valey. direetly opposite Pittston, and the lands et the preat Penns, teams Coat Compan.. the Lands have been bored and proved. Ihe crest Pitts ton vein underlies the sante. Toe Lackawanna and Itiounistintre, Railroad rune through the property, end haa ißaton, Depot. &.e., &c., lariat d thermn. The property will be sold a bargain to close a con tom Apply to b.. C. 1011.414 T, President West Pittston Coal Co., jar -sat Cot. CiIErITNUT and WA I'ER Pada. HERR'S ROTEL FOR RENT.—The proprietress of the above well-known Hotel wishes to rettre. and olfere the HON tor rept. The furniture will be sold, or rented also. For roirtioulgrg. gdd r e.. feat too • J. 0. HP..Rft., Harrisburg, Pa. TONES' I.IOTEL—PIIfLADEI.PHIA, Cr The lease and furniture of thin noted Hotel are fur sale at a great bargain. The furniture is entirely new. haying boon put in within a year. and the house now deme a suceePalui humneati. Inquire of D. Y.l isTlGhlt, in the Rotel, Of of F. G. tt, RA. No 13 1111 RRA Y Bt.. N. Y. fell•tf TO RENT FOR A TERM uF YEARS. twa. A Retail Store and fixtures, well looateo for bus-- Le rUdl. yd by .15 feet, three at.rine high. 'with water power and 'noun for ago° ng and handling panda. ADoe House • e 0 by 29 feataritblo,AVater for dieing, end sleety of dry room. Tide property in I , r's lane, near the Germantown Ragres.O, being so very aoceasible to the mti, makes it very desirable. Altair to THOMAS R. FISHER. Flahar's Lane. FoR SAIE—A valuable Lot at corner of Chrietian and Twentieth ' , treaty, hammy three &once, suitable for a rch or factor, arts. For terms tco.o.tidreeci 8 . at thisofficio. tf 1.4 -I ACI FURY LOT FOR SALE —A valun ble oorner lot, IPS feet square. having three fronts adtrarably looated for a factory site It u. situated In the southwestern part of the city, In a rapidly -in"- roving neighborhood. It will be .Id on reason/age P term. For periwig:lra, address "K.." °floe of 214 Prom PERNONAL. MATRINITNY.—A genii man of ample A.V . A. fortune, tell , can appreciate the comforts of home, is desirous to commonce a cones MTh donee with a lady a education and rehnement. Address " Dentine." Blood's the patch. tad-St' et,,N,NTLEMFN WOULD DO WEIL by 1-+ ooiing on DILKS KENSII 4 39 North NINTH, end hare their old Garments made to I . ok equal to new, by cleansing or dyeing and 131AiT -11q.• tuta CASH WILL BE PAID, AND TIDr wheat priee, for ladies' and rents' oast-off CLOTIIINO, adolleening Al? Blood's lliSpaleh. feZ4 lit• EDUCATIONAL. AiAMON SELECT SCITooT —I OCOlted SIX Miles West of Carlisle. on C. V. R. R. Princi- Fal, F. M. 1... BILL isiN. Locality health's , ratal,free rom temptation and vice, Circulara can't* obtained at the Boma ache President f the Board of Bowi e ._ Von or the Y. Association and at Veit office. For fa• that ir formation trtqlttre or rhe H e y . F . H . PirWli it, N 0.1113 Off h7B r Street . beta March the 16th. or at the place. wears , Cavubt, are left. mh3-let. 1 -I .I2ITTEN DEN'S PHI LA V I- LPLITA CONf m—/ MERCIM. , Co 1J E. N. E. corner SEVENTH an d CHE4TNII r Btreete, —The reveler r, s edente torn.* shoos °rot' 230 vow to attendsoc, , re h‘,.. au . tared from Jen. ist, 1560. to Feb. 28th. 1.860. Ali aro it , •true'ed, intbvthually, in the dnures of the Ow:Wind hoot.. sa 4' /le tall and anamina adtandamen Lo h & a. tanklit•il AMERMAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. The *ale of Bests for either of the first Anse eters nights trill commence 'hien:km/ins at the ersof•so. moi,e. end et the Neve Bloom of Mean. Be k k Lnwtop. and Messrs- Chiekerin , & &SR. A d twain/1. $i ; Fermis Clete .e 3 cents; AsseMlyee o • tre,2s rents; flesersad Seats. et fa THE ULLMAN OMPAN AND eT It Y tKIISCII O OPERA C Will rive a seasonq of intitt week's do rttion • *mouton. week's on MON DAY, Marsh 6. and cos .104iat on SATOH.. DAY, Merck Itch the season cannot be attend-d on any uctuint as the I)ireetors are bound by t.atMat to ',pen 'n Baltimorean Monday March 11th. Duluth the week Moe PAT fI will make her threwelt xt.ovirani.r, bating signed a contract for her debut in LOCIacCi in MONDAY. Marche. the first of the three krowe'l •w.1. -""" ° of 1. "" P'r n, prior to her departure (or aundon, on!, night of TliE 4 R BER Oo SEVILLE. Which will be Oren With the mut perfect and extra ordinary cast/war presented, Min ADELINA P 4- 111 BRIONOLI. FERRI,. AMOTT • St 'SIN!. Miu I Intim et. to addition to the mune ethe Opera, Eckert's ropolar Iche Bons ; comno.ed for Ma dame Soothe ; the popular Comte Enelthh Palled. " titre the Ry " and toe Adelina M Utz cote po4ed tor lior by Ptencr'vus.c. 0 t TUERDAY. first and milt neat of Wehe.'s hirlile celphrated Opera of DER PH El!!C RUTZ, wine h will he given for the ti 4 end only tune it. Itellete. without cur tailment or ebridzement.with cow recitstiese by liatide Re tbo4t_and a comptete e sc. incleetne COLSON. STR a KO. Cu. 8 ri 4 i h t,Li, Rated. mu,,t,RR qUINTO. On M r EDNEKDA recond and meet PuitthTle tut tth tw ranee but o-e of Mtn PATTI eel,' Usht of I PUB ITA NI with a Ethel otht looted et PATTI. BRIGNot I FERRI. set tti lltT_ PEKERIMS UAY. mite night or the SICII lAN VER which will be comae-lib the tame sesutifithsee as in December last. Ott PRI tAY, lut appearance. and ben'fit of !due PA'f7f. On SATURDAY. close of the season. VITALNUT-STRKET THEATRE v tole Lewes— —.3lnr. AI. A. GARRETTPOII. Stage Manager....-.—........... Mr. E. P Btu - mesa Agent .......• Mr. JOS. D TlllB (SATURn (SATURD A Y' EvEN)Nt. march 3 190. rag ocFAN CHILD Ham Helm. Mr , 131ektom ; Mary Balm. Mts. Da etl..L Kate. Miss C. Je&Tann. VA.RI ETU". Carwin, Mr. Chant= Yaate4 Gel, Min C. JOE' ferscm. r:onclude with THE LIMERICK ROT. arrPt..s am asset e•atal 000.1 , 0 d vntbrt extra ocarXe• Doom open at 7 o clock ; Performance to oottutosto ISM o'olook. WHEATLEY & CLARK.WB ARCH STREET THEATRE TRIG (SATURDAY' 13913NTN0. March IL -. Thin+ week of souctcAuers ABM' rLdr, called the (10TnROON: OIL DIPS IN I t OUIPIANI Georre Parton, Mr. Whestle) ; NtoOkokey, Mr Dolman; Vet. the Octoroon Mrs. John Drew. ecer:sor rawer —Admiseten. aeon, become zeta' There Cite'. 3114 cacti; racquet. 60 6e ts Doors oven at 6X ; perfornaar.cee r. commence at r 4 ergo ieetr. lIN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. . 11 ..." NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT Its.. shove Eistith. Pattie.—Dreg Carole. 60 tents; PIS center Seats in Pnwe 13ozes.-711 cents: WhNe Pri vate Home. 83 arid U. Clliaa s 07 Tilt, —Door Open et half past 6 a'oewk. Tannawnenee etni PUMURMANCEn APTERNOM AND EVENING. Tea: InfOrrnaziee Will commence wi Nvs IY TIP . O'RCN. SILL,PIZA ZQYtilt Whose Unprecedented Feats ef kenestrisnNin etched the treat st senaltioa. Will appear both After poen And DAN HIC G.. rhe Oveinsl Enmoriet. 'near. LECIRLL, Pe HII....HUHR. The performances will conolusle with t h e Gorreont Spectacle of the EIMIIA NT OP ° I . OR, rah FIRE Jr.. NG'S VOW. CUUR ( 'H'S GREAT PAL4-NL4GARA. GIGNOGX'S 01 EXM. SO Ftl•trs A IN WI N NTER, - rit,w , AT 'EARLE'S GA Lit RTES. m69-13t ',is cm Earn UT arsrrr. A GRANT FON(TRT WILL BE GIVEN L.L.by t`e '=raduatrs and Pupils oaths Tniti sake for h. blind far th• benefit of • fort*. matron tax Tugs,,Av NI bla,all 111? a• 063 t, at b• Winn. TWF:.TItiTEI and RA ( ' R r trett Ttetata .5 0 vats ; eh larrn haltpnce • to be t at. Im ti ita on btore, Ao.ll Bom t b tot 3 atreae d a. 'he door 1.0 , en2t. CJICCEXT H LL. FgnK A AFORT SE' FON. COMMENCING MONDAY I.VENINO. Match Lae the Celebrate , a. d vernal BIN Kid. F'S SERI . NAD"FiI AND ETHIOPIAN H"NtieSQ.• ► OPEN -morre, Together with the distayoisbed Prima beans. Mine SU IL GOULD the oats emnplete sand of Nirnm•els iet the world. at d the may Company in rides atm that performs BURL. SQUE OPE s4S. The liinalaere love been acknror !edged •y the entire Etoeihare pram and public lc be the only true delineators of the • M'ENUI YE FOI , THEItie D •Rif • Y. The best FISIMIFI, the beet I amen, and the meet &t -ithed else mans. each ever t ing will be performed Nem. Mitsti tiler in aft to perform forms. t .eotae r sera oaf of Bll'llfLEY'n PENI.E..B"Ii'M u! 1111" Admission. TWENTY- F1V1... C , :;TZ. al" Doan open at Leven; perform,ara to rem - am:or at 1• iehe o'clock. nahl 3t SOL SOEbgTfiN. A, t. DAY AND EVENING EXHIBITION. "THE HEART OF THE ANDES," On 'Ayr at THE ACADEMY OF THE FMB LET& From 9A. M. ti113F.11.2ad7 tiIISIP.M Admission Z cents. Visitors are re • •• • . vINGENT Lb-- I cuEsvorrr erengsr. Art ZwElrra. MR. THE GREAT MUSICAL • O'SIRDIAN.• Flattered by the kindness thst has teen extended hp him. mid the brilliant andaigosleneoes.oehsead/salsi in Philadelphia hm, the _Measure of ennOttlieleg t b. will sone, r for SIX NIG lin MORE. to his ik.IOVEL -NDNIQ FlNTlMsTatNhalkfT, With a NIGLITLV CLIANOu OP PROOILASOM Cm n. on 31()NDAY. FetiAlith. Those er.liposiusely be his hotappeassmens Pht.. isdistphia. es hie Boathetn and Western engagement, commence stogy) h :March. Mr. SAM COW EL. L. assisted hr Mr. and Mrs. lAMBS [ HICKS, LA , FRY EVENING TR is VIREK. - N. B.—Ml the city psesenger oars commot with the Chostnut-tt line. pawns the doors ever 3 firs minutest. Tickets for retest Chi:dieting & ^one. Lew &Walks r a, and Beck & Lamina's. Commence at II detect. C. 72 4t FIFTEENTII WEEK-:—S,sNDEsSoNI3 EXHIBITION ROOMS—Jayee's Coterrietkeestrk 'new; Latilding, QUESTA U I Street. aear &AL.* not* de. a MORAL, UNIQUE. AND Z_ CHARMING AMH:I3- hIF N UNPRECEDENTED BINCEBB OF monora ANT Al UShi V if. In the proeramme for this week wiL be taeladed Tangier. the meat of the preseot war between @pale mad Morocoo ; Washinetret at yell- y Porte I: anon* upon dais. are ; Nnycgeon crooning t'e Alp, eri hits army co *OM men ; the IFlereard , ne Monastr o ; the eritoronton :lack rop , Vaulter - 'be Storm at rem UN A RY YR MTETRNeN o F 9 op WhDNLBDAY aria BAT• tvenme Erlcelainment—Door open at 7 &ilea commence at 71( fest Adirosioon—Adolts, 15 cents; Chiarch• 06 cents. ILL aDONOUG IFS GAIETIES—RACE St., below THIRD. S LOTTWO I u TTRGHTSACT2nN. OF IRS PEW COMIC PeiTONLIMSI OP RTAR OP BRLUTY. The fellewine artists will also at I Wk/T). Mis, LIDA W Wes J ULIAPRIM Wet SIN 'LAIR. tIERNANDt TN MAR. LT.LIA S, NlCaottS. CaLLADINb. 808 IMSF.I-P RN RILL BLOMI , R. and a FULL and POWt.RFUL OFt ormiTFA. led Irtr Prot. SiliPtOlr. IICIENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY Of THE -B. PINE 101 CHESTNUTS STREET. 19 OPEN DAILY, ttiund939. exoepted.) from 9 A. AL bil a P. M. Wanted—The Tenth volume " QrB4 Swiss &Wrier "of Piraane. Adonision 1 mita. Children ardor Y&S !Ft( Bhares or Stook au R. R. CORRON, tiornalown. re G ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PubIic Re. Matta% avers SA.VRDA.y. ► t MUSICAL FL"I'll HAIL, at 4X ologr .1..14. "notes to to. bad at . Andre e, and Beek Lavton'a Mane Stoma and at the door. 0,11 Sm. 911EMPLE OF WuNDEfia Northesat corner of TENTII and catsiNint Streets. tireat and Novel attraction. SIGNOft Bt.( f 2., The wonderful Stanemn and Ventrilusaws- FxtilllTlON EVERY EVENING DUEING TEOI w FEN. Commenotne at TX genet. and on W RD'S ERDAT and SAT if ROST AFTERNOONS at & The osiebntted Automaton Rope Vaulter. one of the greatest pieces neehametn ever exhibited. will appear meter, &shi hon. usdrrform his astonishing isms. Admission Pe cent*. Children tleente. JOSEPH LEA. rms. US AND IX CEESTNUT STREET. invite," the attention of the Trade to his Stook of COTTON. wooLLE.N. LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. New haltt and dark swum tyles, a great variety fore MESSRS. BAWL SLATER k SONS. BUTTON MANUFACTURING CO. MONTE BELLO COMPANY. Also, THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Including many new standard Patterns NEAT BLACK A. WRITES. PURPLES. &a, SAXONY & BILEPHERD PLAIDS. A &Dr BAND% 13LACR S.AND GRAYS, AND GROICE DUSTER STYLE WOOLLENS. FANCY CABSISIERBS aid DOESKINS, de., FROM BOCK COM., GLENDALE C. , 3f `l7ll - COM.,CEAVirpoRD DALE AND OXFORD EBERBARDT Zs SONS SUPERIOR BLACK DO SKIN ANT , 3i F TURF& Satinets. Pinin and Printed. of all eolors and qua lles ; r entuelty 30944. Twat. Cords. Casernar,cs. Kersey's Tweeds, 0017191i31.14 one of the beet ateeka ta the eotuatry. AMERICAN LINEN COIL QUASH, NITGBS, SIIEBTINGS, &a. Jan4zo VAN HAAGEN MeRFQN - EN CELEBRATED trRIENTAL DIORROIVE, CH.gIIIIPAt, OLIVL, EXTRA PALE. 13RoWN. FULLING TOILET. &O. For gale by the We agents for the m.nnt,etny.r.. Tll IN 24 NtclC EON& 2:ano 24 . WILARVES. Also wboierde dealer, in !NE O C9CL& On NUT, COTTON BE ED, PALM AfD k• Id-e-sti C ANDLER, PAR/X[ ll E WAX_, MS RmArlsTr car—nu:At f3PkVol,___ ADAMANTI2I.IS. b.ssotted sites. racked to plaio or nose . boxes to erotism marts", Forssle by the neents oldie rosourseturens,. THAIN 11.1cKEON E. 12 end la B. WHARVES LEATIIER.—PREN `ll PATENT C L. SKINS. " Wamcwv" brand, 11 snpermr art'nle also, an invoice Cana. Tampico end 31a4 gas tdcoocco, on consianme et and for sale, low by the ease or doaen Oak and lierninot dole. Zlime ektrtlus, al t me Iva Calf and Kipp m. la. W ai Upper Etsita, Roans, rink 'Amin, &c. legate or retail. IP' Cash paid to Countr• Tanners for lii.ather of ail WI. It. NIMBOi.D. feu 441. * N 0.333 .orttr tit:4lOND Et. TO COLN OJLLECTORS.—United - tatei Caw and Mobdala pan:hated at a 1 oh 0„..,, ,,, Pa0ut • r ertite•ed tor Hooky at ., by IY,DW•tt D t-se•A.A• II Not h TISNTEI Otruat amp, icr safe, LS* folmwttie t. etateenre Pnoed Catalogue devils of I. N. T. Lov*oleo Cotes. to cell , Ault ate etore Cards. (430 ) lasts. J. J. 21,eltiey's, I:ht. and Droves of Rarity of 1705.. d Stitt 6 CO' as.l3 cents. The three Cetalottues for 23 cent& fe2l tm" 4(7312"41 4Y344,5N. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MFR• Week CHANTS Iri - o parinutnylv invited to call add examine the ew end triSuifj,Ta. d . of eutt.aerf', "'41.13 5 . 0 VgNen. giectizzarmi oiaam eee. et o oar to to St. onto* iiosoL ARUSEBISIITS. 1645 CHESTNUT Street,