, , Ihringe, bUt Tthls2 ' L ove Story. 111 1847, there lived in'. the town of Landehut, 'Bavaria, sprung inoohed° named Louistit--L-, who had just arrived at the age -of twenty-one years. He became sogrudnted with a young woman, the daughter 0f &wealthy - eitisen 'noted forher beauty and many strreoinPlishnierito. The two were aeon deeply in loge, with eackether, and were living In thelliatfitl Sortleipatiort of soon enjoying a world of happiness in wedded blisi.' "The matter Was men tioned to the girl's father, /rho beoexue very. in dignant at the preeumption of the young man, who was pool; In asking the hand of the daughter of ' one so wealthy is he. •The young man wee driven from his house, and threatened with personal vio lence should he return. • With -a eorrovrful heart and eyes wet with tears, Louis bide d ato Susan, for that was the young girl ' s name, set sail for America tratheatb of April, 184.. 8 , in the ship Odds. The-ship was eat two Week wildly tossed on many-e. rolling billow, when one stormy, dark night, the 27th of April, 1848, she was struck by an English vessel, and.in leas than, twenty minutes sunk to the fathomless depths of the ocean, carry ing several of the passengers and crew to "that undiscovered country from whose booms no tree, Yeller returns." Just as the vessel was:golnedown; Louis S— and John Hershberger, who in the voyage had-become.intimate personal friends, plunged into the briny deep, - and fortunately al met imMediately got upon a large plank, and were quickly carried far from the scene of disaster. • TheEng,lish ship hovered around for several hours, sad gathered up a number of the passengers of the Caleb, but Louis and Hershbarger had, in their frail bark, got beyond hailing distance, and the vessel went on her way without them. For thirty six hours they were on this plank in the middle of the ocean, enduring all-the. horrors of anxiety, hunger and thirst, when they were picked up by the since ill-fated ship City of Glasgow, bound for Philadelphia, 'whore they arrived on the 6th of May, Hershberger hired with a barber in Philadelphia, and Louis 18:-- came on foot to our neighboring county of Stark, where he worked two months,• and then came to this county and commenced work at his trade, as a partner in an established shop. He was avery fine workman, sober and industrious, and' soon gained the oord dense of his customers and neighbors. The result was that he soon had all the money be needed; and some to loan, which he was always careful to put in safe hands. In the year 1850, he made the serguallitanas of a farmer's daughter, of this county, And, on the 29th of November of that year, he was married to her. • He trontinued to prosper, and, in 1852, pthelmeed a fine farm, end wont to farming. In June lest, his wife 41ed; leaving four children—two boys and two girls—to battle the storms of life without a mother. News had been taken back 'to , Germany of the lou'ol the Odds and most of the' passengers, and among bent Louis and young Herehberger. 4 The girl, Louis' fret love, was *threw stricken with the tad news of Louis' supposed death, for she still hoped that fortune would favor them so-that they might marry at some time: "Hopp springs eter nal in the human. breast,:' and it was this that strengthened the young girl to bid farewell to her. lover, and prey to Heaven that he might safely be carried over the pathless ocean; but - when sad news of his death reached her ear she was for many months almost frantic, her rosy cheeks gave way for a death-like pallor, and her friends feared that they would soon have to follow her to the grave. Time, however, had its effect, and she finally apparently forgot the cause of her. troubles. Many were the suitors that applied for her hand, - but she refused them all. In the year 1854, Hersh berger, who was a scholar and a fine writer, wrote a letter to a friend in Germany, giving an account of the voyage, loss of the vessel, and rescue of him self and Lords S. This letter was published in a paper In Germany which fell into the hands of the faithful girl, by which she learned that Louie had been saved; but whether he wart yet living, and if still true to her, put" her in great suspense. Her father died in 1858, leaving her a large fortune, In July, 1859, she was in a store in the town of Landabut, and while waiting on the merchant, who was engaged, to sell her some pods, she picked a copy of - Der Dueteelli in Ohto, a paper published by brother Baby, of Canton, formerly of this comity, and. it notioed the death of the wife of Louis S. She con cluded this Louis was her old lover, and immedi ately she began to make preparations to sail for America and seek him out. She arrived in this country, at the house of Louie, on the 21st of De. oember, and on the 10th of last month they were made happy by being united in marriage at the house of the bridegroom.—Rolmes County Par• IMPORTATIONS. fiteported for the frees) RICHMONDamebic Pennsylvania., Teal-332CH tobacco 21 as do hoe Webster, Jr; 94 has do Dohan A Teat; 119 do Bee or, MoCemmon & Co; 15 do Wardle & Stevenson; 2Sdo Mercer & Antelot 60 bales domestice Hasard & Hutchinson; 26 do Trediek.Bokes & Co; 13 bags flaxseed 2 bble bowman Miller & Bret 16 bags dried trait Tuxtla & tbewell; 1 box mdse Dien. dreth & Co. 3do Cornelius, Baker & 00; Jounce 2 lead J &MIS le Co; 26 locomotive springs L in DWI: ig bas flaxseed 10 phi mdso order. • TRINIDAD DE CUBA—Brig Chas II Frost-173 hhaa 140 tee i bbl sugar 212 landigli tea 20 bbla molaans 8 Mop. rui_aln & C o. - TRINLDAD DE CUBA—Bris_Rarali-302 bads moles• seem kw do 138 Obis do B W woo). RIO DE JANEIRO—Bark Charlotte E Tay-4811MS coffee Rtter. Newhall & Co, PERNANIDUCO.—Earh Margaret-4000 bags sugar Webtford, Ratiken A Co. PASSENGERS SAILED In steamship State of Georgiajor Savannah—thee 8 roster and lady. E B Elhleg, W Starr, Mrs Alexia Ito. bens, Miss Nancy Morgan, Win Butcher. Robert John son, A Rancroth, F Pord,J Turner, D M Fold, It Myer, W M Miller, ..1 tugh, R Deal, John Stench, H Ntak rum, Win Harms, B Busher, J Kelly, and seventeen in the steerage. FMLADELPILIA BOARD OP TRAM FORNID WOOD i fits.zu MORRI COMICITH of Tail Mom ! oesra 0.,0RU Ac LETTER BAGS 7113111 1 09ANTIVIMOShillalel'IMADYLPHIA4 Ottly Wnk, R0w,1nnd.........,...—Liv0rp001, March 1 Bins Island Queen, Mr...», ...Sisvans, soon Berk Tremont, —Barbadoes, soon ilohr Vienna. —....»..Barbadoes, soon 31ABENIE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHEGAILDF.LPILIA, Feb. OA. 1880 R18E8—.....--.0 325-81:1N 6 25 SIM If ATER—. .2 su RIVED. Inetunship Permslvania Aß , Teal, from Richmond, Via Norfolk St hours, with mdso andatiasengors to Thomas Webster, Jr. At IP3I on Monday, off Marcus Hook, passed the City Ice Boat going down with bark Joseph Maxwell, for Laguayra, tear. Bark. Margaret, Q.Big. from Pernambnco Jan lA A via Delaware Breakwater, with sugar to Welalbrd, Ran kin & Co. Towed up by tug Hero. Bark David (4 'Wilson, Peacock, 17 days from New Or leans, with cotton, Eliot, and molassea Jairus Baker. Towed up by tug America. Brig C Frost, .I.,owrev, 14 days from Trinidad de Cuba, with sugar and mols.sses to 8 Morns Wain &ao. 4th moat , Ist 7108, ' long 8601.sppooks brig Arabella, fr - Sm Aspinwall for New York; 10th, Ist 3061, long 7731, saw bark Jean°. of Boston, bound north.' Brig Sarah, Griffin, from Trinidad de Cuba 2d lust, with molasses to 8& W_Welsh. - Bohr 8 B Wheeler, McLaughlin. 14 days from Con faegos, witheager and molasses to & W Welsh—be. sug fore reported at Chester. Bohr M A MoNsiilTurple, 8 days from Mobile, with cotton, &o. to Pettit; Martin et Co. Bohr Cameo Cooper, 10 days from Wilmington, NC, with mdse to, 8 Stetson & Co. Behr Oeo ales, Pliokerson, 6 days from Providence, with indse to Crowell & 1. Bohr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, 10 days from Provinoetewn, with mdse to Cleo A Wood. OLEZIED. Steamship State of worms, tharvin,Savannah,'Alex limn, Jr. Steam= pPennsylvania, Tsai, Slohmond, Thus Web ster. Jr. Steamship Bennington, Baker, Boston, H Winson Steamship Boston, Crocker, Pi York, Jag Allderome. Bohr Vienna, (Br) Colson, Barbacloos. Outerbridge, E rr e k. k i,%aw, Tier, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. - • BAILED. The Lj 8 Mail steamship Mate of Georala, for Savan nah, sailed at 11A. M. yesterday, with &run freight and a number of passeasers k whoee names will be found un der the proper head. BY TELMISAYL (00fferPODdenCe ofthe Philadelphia Rsohangs.l CAPE MLR% Pi J, Feb 21-4 P M. Thißr bark Fame, of Liverpool, arrived at the Dela ware Breakwater thie morning. Ohs WU fallen in with (dribs 11th inst. by bark Charlotte E Tay, from Rio de Janeiro for Baltimore. Cant Hughes put Mr Brown, ivirdit mate, and two men on board. The pilot boat Ha d put four pilots on Ward, to ambit in getting tier to biladelpina. Wind SW. Feb afternoon. *l, CYO h2,—//bark and two herrn brigs went in tais Yours, &O. THOS. B. HUGHES, MEMORANDA. The Br bark Ferris, Captilitoe, salted from N York 4th inst. for Liverpool, with a carp of naval stores, ho, and envenomed very severe weather ull the g ,when, finding the vessel leaking badly and laboring heavily, eke was abandoned. The captainand crew were taken oft' by the ship Forest City, which arrived at New York path inst. from Apalaohloola. Bee arrival of bark Char lotte H Tan at this port. • Ohio Joseph Fish, Young, for Philadelphia Bth, add Tonawanda, Julius, for do Uth, were advertised at Li " moot eth Ship Juniata, Wilson , Baltimore , a, for Baltire, wag in ri m river sitl.iverool 3d Met, outward boned. Bark Warren Fisher, Crowell, from Providence forty Orleans, wee at Newport 18th inst. Neßohrw id. k tir M ngliali at. d, nom Wilmington, NO, arrived' at York 20 Bohr Mary J Hoyt, Hamilton, hence, arrived at Butte la Grande 6th inst. ilehrJohtt' Fenton, Hall, from Providence for Phila delphia. sailed from Bristol 18th Met, androbitbly went into Newport. Pohra a ()garter, from Delaware, and C 0 Saddler, ?fipple, from Milford, Col, at New York Pith inst. Ship Forest City, Tyler, at New York 20th inst. horn ealaehlools, reports having, on the 18g9 last, In lat 29, bog D A fallen in with the bark Farris , Sillitoo, from :lOW York for Liverpool, in a saikidg condition, sod took froyer the captain and crew, and brought them to port. w it hrrin C stores , OM New Yor expe ri encedin 'Liverpoo , naval Bio, end had very heavy weather until the 18th, when 'Wuhan the mural leaking badly and Laboring iisavilh,ritioolorted 0 abandon her. .. . . Behr geniis' stonaTil to re iats b 'lt at Tbiladal- Sail In 1817, but which km nil bleb- n r airl ui ll sold at auction in Charleston Ma um, for li t tlig ut, 7" _Fp Morastil,..llbdth, before reported arbor. at LI . ) o ttrat o lVt e lt o roat 20th tilt, sold the, green fruit at merchant ourseyors, and wag con demned 96th. . . . , MACHINERY AND IRON. ' ALUM V. MESII:ICA t T. VAIMIOADI MERRICK WILLIAM 11. BASICS. OUTIEWARK, FOUNDRY L P• 7 FIFTH AND WASUINGTOICBTREApi MERRICK & SONS, • ENOINNERS AND SIACIDNESTS, • • • Manufacture ,Mgh and bow Presatire Steam Buenos, for Li n d, Rivet, anal DIATIEM IMMO. 0/ N AVlZl C triedi n e a r ta l r Ai T rr itAig '"° , nl3"U Y * f ‘; Iron Frame Roofs for usa crocks, Work Shops, Rail road 84at10121, &O.__ , BelOtte and OM Machinery of the latest and moat um- Fra b yed oOnstrlnatloll. very description of Plantation Mat&iner) , , atiok as Sugar, Saw, an Orrla, , V aanum Pads, tmen Steam Trains, Ilettoators liters, ramping Bugloss &o. Bole Agouti_ for Rillteux's Yatis62 nagai Bailing APPOnitusi ftastnyth's Patent Steam Rammer_t• and Aspinwall & Woliey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain- Ina Machine. 2•11013.01.150 N, • - •Ir •Manufaeturer of • on - uat LINEN and MAMBEILLED Bp 80M8 COLIABS. A large atm anotoe assortment, end Piritra.:histat, !d -yer on 'land, unt i l whioe I particularly invite the st let F. Liteittlirditrrifi n fit7l42. dent jalB-em. tOAP AND OANDLES.-50 boxes Peter , shill &illy,. 100 boxes Olive &sail 200 beim' Ada: =saline_ Candles i r be boxes Sperm Candls. in "WM I* . akr4fI+BYstaIIIBORNACR ed. CO. ) No. - - • sel3 1411110:0D SUGAR.—:6OO " Crushed, Jr.! , lit's•A'azd behaverilekA_Qofree ettAlleir Ktua A l t. ' " le_ by ,T A S , Ir examaK pt!„ ; 21p SYRUP MOLOSES; h4ty. and bpi& e i ttouse Lad mogul Igyrar. timile May. MATZ? " G Pait' 11E 11.E01.1. 41-1- ciIIESTNUT STREET; ,ILAF , ' above Fourth, ?totth:sidoebss s floe assortadiat Moor lobs= Tom °lsar WiibootOttorry ilitomft,Oenur WIWIDing Osseo ao. e $ aSS•lis ripen AND race.-25grbbo.: , OP filming lY~819: NEW T 'ppOLIPI.TIONS. fI_BORGE a .EVANS' 800,11 LIST: ...PI IP YOU A i ftE IN GEORGEF ANY BOOM • ' UY TH 44 AT G. Evan , i Mei ii , tin.? 4, 'a: ry,Ap • 1 Ur THE AT GEORG.. G.. v. S'` olft kook Stare, Oheetuut street. ' ; • Mit Book Store; 49 Cheat:int 'treat. i GiCtEook Store. 439 Cheateutetreet. nooks is the beet place in the city. o are cold as cheap se at any other store, and you have the advantage woßYliF• et prdit i a ' crati n is G .76 lIM N..., W 11,Q.0 K r yi each book. , .r. WilertBLETiEi • Wohl.AN (LA FEMME). Ono volume,l2cao, With 8. 1. AN I (Eretillt l YUß), - One volume.l2mo. With a I °l TITLE P o IA w I NT i ti r a Go im ßy P E rloo L. Bl ll s w . ytten. pae ee- A 6 ..IPE STAG GLE. By Milßll Pardoe. One vol., Lbw., with a Gift. - Prioe $1.26. SIR BOHAN'S GHOST. A Romance. One volume, .12mo. With . a Gift. Pim $1.26. II TWENTY' YEARS AGO-AND NOW. A now sac interacting book. By T. 11. Arthur. Tide bookie auto nor to any ever written Otte popular author. One volume Urno. With aGi Price . 8 1. .THE VOYAGE OF 'P "FOX " IN TEE AROTIO it lirlVlEVENOl n ti e di l ir AB W IgOII C IB it. rioe aI.M. &MED, Calt:in, meet one trial tot I assure you that the Oast prate St Vie sty tehere yes itiould yurchtpa gooks ie . 1 . GEORGE G. LvAear - GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, • as ORESTRUT St, Philadelphia, • te2l-tf Two doers below Filth. on the upper ode. READY TOISI)AY. The inoetintereetheg, and the molt 'wonderful 1167116 tive of Alotio Lite and experienee eter Written. AN ARCTIC BOAT JOURNEY DR. I. I. HAYES. - LATE SURGEON 'TO THE KANE EXPEDITION, Tins volume describes aJourney merle by a MU at eight persons, from the brig Advance, during the Kane Expedition;in hopes of communicating with the omit ized inhabita n t. of Hpernairik, and thus finding an escape from their winter quarters, whine they were blockaded, the journey of over 1,000 miles to accomplish this purpose, the failure of their plans, their consequent sufferings and narrow escapee from death, and their final return to their conarmlea at the brig. It formed the most exalting portion of the whole Hone Expedition, and at was prevented from appearing in that book by the , await of Dr. Hayes, who was thus unable to pre-. Pare any aooountef it at that time. The chapters demtiptive of the two weeks of famine, of the continued plane of the Esquimau.% to murder them, of their 'escape tor 'tune firing their enemies and blockading them in their snow hut, the mope of the Esquimau% and their pursuit after the party, the long and continued journey of hundreds of miles back to the brig—these cannot be equalled for interest, and are sor rowfully acocpted se the experience of human beings. The deeeriptione of the habits of the Esquitneux, their mode of life; ko., are not based upon casual visits, but upon a long residence with theta in their own huts, while' the deserlptione of scenery, and the eireUm stances attending Aro tie Life, are peculiarly vivid. A large portion of the profits from the book will be given to the outfit of the new American Audio Expedi tion, which sails in a few =tithe, lender command of Dr, Keret. In 1 vol. Ipio, Prlee 81.16. BROWN, TAGGAZD. 86 ORABID, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. TUE PEOPLE'S GREAT BOOK. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, BY PRANK CROSBY. OP THE PHILADELPHIA BAH. . • Equally adapted all the S t a t e s ; its matter entirely reliable and easily underetood, and decidedly the beet book Ev ere kind ever publishd. y Merchant wants it. Every Manufacturer wants it. Every kleolnuoie wants it. Every Professional Man wants it. ' Every Bank Officer wants ft. Every Bill and Note Broker wants it. ' Every Creditor wanta it. Every Debtor wants it. t very Insolvent wants it. Every Inventor wants it. 'very rdagmtrate wants it, I very Lawyer wants it. very Law Student wants It. _Nary Real Estate Owner wants it. Every Agent wants it. Every conveyancer wants It. „ E l ven Nook-keeper wanta it. Every Collector wants it. Every Politician wants it. Every Editor wants it. Every Author wants it. Every :bish wants i!hrolNeer wants it. very Clergyman - wants it. very S hip r wants It. very Owner wants it. A'very Shimmuiter wants it. . Avery .Or i ctioneer w ants it. 1411 . Land iga wants it. trrl TeelgdWgit t i; wants it. Everyr VP Tai n ti n iG ra ! lt4 it. Ivery Master wants it. very A ppprentioe wants It, very Steamboat Company wants it. veryßailroad Company wants it. very Express Company wants it. very insurance Company wants it. very Guardian wants It. very Minor wants it. very Rotel-keeper wants it. Every Administrator wants at. Every Executor wants it, Every Arbitrator wants it. ' MP; ( 1 1 :gi:n n igill:rt r . want, It. Ivery Citizen wants it. very Alien wants it. verybody_everywhere wants CROSBY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BU SINESS. It contains tibtia end simple instructions to Every body for trarniatiting their business according to law. with legal forms for drawing the varmus necessary Pa pers connoted Therewith, together with the laws of all the States for Collection of Debts, Property Ex empt from Exiseution, Mechanics' Lane, Execution o Deeds mid Mortgages , Rights of:Married Women, Dower, Unary, Wills, am. It will be sent by Mail to any address, , imstampald, on receipt of price, 101, or in law style, 1.26. For jin gle copies, or for the book by bundre s, or by thou sands, apply to, or address JO ON E. POTTER, Publisher fati• , - •6t ‘No. 017 SA NOM Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PORTRAITS ENGRAVED ON EITERL OF EMINENT PERSONS, with th e ILLUSTRATED I'4E t virtl OF THE WORLD, Published Weekly In London and Beaton. VA a Teat, t IR: a q_narter, 3 1 1:pante anumber, with 1111 Pgr e trai ti.S with 13 Yortraite. trip re Portrait. al tE ad E dr p ess ß m a t F e u n D o s n TO SUB PONTNA PEA i fi e E e NT 13 RIDERS. A /ample number of the Journal, with a eteel-plate Portrait and Memoir, tind a circular containing tenon and a lint of all the Portmita 11210/ mibliebed. will be ITlfflanll o Gr.nggestig r iti u Tie l lqiWre United States. to whom alt sulworiiions and trade or dersMe should be sent, at It RANO Stre Tebt e t,.wsti Bosto. m. It .n gOENES AND IMPRESSIONS ABROAD. N 7 By,R. J. E Hookers, 14 D.J. Emo. 1. - LECTURES ON THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. By Rev. 0. M. Beth% 11, D Emo. SM. AISUBJ.,_, THE ROPHE'r, AND THE LESIONS OF HIS LIFE AN TIMES. By Rev. Robert Hale. Emo. 18 1. THE BIBLr._BY ITSELF. An Addresadelivered be fore the New York Bible Society, November 17th, LSE. Briam Allen Butler. 18mo. 21; cents. ILLIE AND .NELLIE ; or, Stones About my Ca na es. 60 cents. THE FAIRY TALES OF SCIENCE. 'A Book for Youth. B John C. Brave,. Illustrated. lemo. She. MAN--MORAL AND FEYBIOA.L. By Rev. J. 11. Jones,D. D. I2Mo, $l. , For Sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. 620 No. 6C6 Chestnut Street. QTEVENS' HISTORY OF GEORGIA.. Nom ready. Vot. gd. A /Liston , of Georgia from its brei i discoyeil a m guroyeane to the adoption of the present Constitu ti on , in isnesxrout. By Rev. William Bacon Steyens,. i . D. P. 8.. formerly Yrofeekor of Cellos Leitrim, Hstory. eta.. in the universal , ' of Geor gia. In S vols. gmo.. with ittatraihe of Oglethorpe and linbenniage. Volume sellout vbAlldAil t aL. 181 . fe2o-It 137 Booth FOURTH ht. HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS FOR sale. at the Aati:Slaeetar 0E1%0.167 North FIFTH Street. Also. the LIFE OF oAI.T. BROWN. feMet.. HOTELS. CONTINENTAL HOTEL,. PHILADEL PHIA, CORNER OF CHEBTNIIT AND NINTH fITREETB—OPENEU FEBRUARY 16TH, This.tnagnlfficent establuMment hea been erected by eubscription; the etookholders comprising a large num ber of the most enterpneing batmen men of the City in which assembled the Continental Congress that gave to the world the Declaration of American Independ ence. The hotel has aocommodatione for about one thou lsand guests, and is supplied with every 'Peden, im provement for the comfort and Convemencie of farm tee, business men, and the entire travelling COMllitl- Ear. A vertical railway is being constructed upon a novel and scientific, principle, which renders accident mpon el ble, affording the insane of reaohing the highest sto ries without the fatigue of amending continued flights Of attars, giving Maly amen to the purer Mend Quiet of the tipper rooms. The spacious corridors for ventilation, and every proteption pgainst the clangers of fire, have been libe rally introduced. An extensive !Imam room and business exchange, withtelegrelph °Moe and connecting writing row, have been rovided cm the Snit floor. The who le of the interior arrangements and furnish ing have been under the personal superintendence of PAEAN STEVENS. under whose manage:mint the success of the Revere House and Tremont Honig. Rot ten the Hattie House and.Poipt Clear Hotel, oblle eirie the Filth Avenue Hotel, Piele York, ham en es te. tithed. The various departments of the Continental will be O°llllllOW upon the same liberal scale which has earned for tbe above-named hotels their well-known and ex tensive share of nubile favor. All communications for apartments or iymn. any busi ness connected with the house, shouid be addressed to Continental Hotelan order to insure Immediate atten tion. 1(817-120 J. E. BTE VERSA CO, pATENTB PROCURED nr TES UNITED BTATEAS AND EUROPH,_ at H. HOWSON'S at co, Forest-Place, Wag B. PoURTII Street. The pro prietor vudte Washington twirls,' month, and attends gier all gr i eer ee entrusted to rum. Residence amputate on the management Of rejected aPelloa- Cons, fereign patents, owe of Into erenee. and a mr °Mr Or reference, m i sty be had at the above adieu. nizarta,rox, owe,. Oat. Ida= Dna Sus I take t ie occagton to, state to you, that Sol several veva Doti have Won .soquidnted 'frith the manner inwhioh_roli have conducted your business se Patent Solicitor. Tine hag alwaym been highly oredltabla to Youreelrand slaw eatery tO the Patent Olnee..Tcrann dersteiid yout cease yell, and presented them in that intallielblejorm„ which generally insured imam. 1 to and this nertifum, boning Iliat h it may ho fier'note able to you in eoliths pit to un that it IMP oyment your Profeteion to w Loh your etenisenee, industry, and 00Iarteous bearing, aojuetly entitle you. Yvuro , , traul ta nt te lY oo . mmitou °ltes o n ti n er s Ma o( P s i m te'nte. nanny Howson, Em. fe3int. 11111NSDIJRI LAND! 1.3 a. B. E.131L8R017011 to CO.. Oenerai r Land end Abed Estate Agents. Northwest :OILMAN ' ra r t n a t an fi t i reete, ST. Lo in - - Sr Particular atisiition paid to entering rua L tsd Lando. 600,M Acres for gale at prices ranging front We to 76 cents per acre. Patents secure 4 artd taxes said. Enclose stable for Flat and particulars. felt-Stn STORAGE—Largo Stores to Rent at Ken- Cotton Borew Dock. Ships' carom taken at low VIOL AMY to • & co„ • VENN Street, aboVekAUHEI Or Pio 16 &lath WHARVE.O. 11RIGK-BIA Ri NG MACMNES Which tcm- Ec oal tirovv i vl,cove,d. ,BriokPrei t ses. 00_ y d LIARNEL,L,T, P G Ton • • e7-lfra BW,YORK KRR - — OMB OlL.—ioo Able - Tor tale abiandfsettitrefe_primiti. YARNAI.II.. &. OGDEN. 472 Norm THIRD Street. DE LEON, 411 VIISSTNUT STREET, irke' ve d Ratit=g e lti l agahtl e ." °°" reis•ifa" HA. A. M 8 AND SHOULDERS. -1,900 - 01 - 6 Pima Shy-Smoked Rams aud Shoulders. Also, Merit VIGl!WiRri tir ' erg f d o rtnnito b v i e P'm I%IAOKIRRET. —5OO bble Prime' No. L, •"- 44 , - 416 'lb& /Apo No. 0. 200 Mae Small No. d., and sp f itifsf at omulgeo. _ . . 4"97 '' ' ' ' ' - WlliiitFaititivels°4, THE : rAL . I 9B,O 7 PHITJARg.PHIA.; WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 22; 1860. msykaii"C . :l6 . COMPANIES. SAMNE do DUY, AGENTS, 424 WALNUT STREET STATEMENT OF THN CONDITION OW TIM HOPE FIRS INSURANCE COMPANY CITY OF NEW YORK, EIGHTH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1860. In compliance with the laws of Ponneplvatim. FIRST. 1. Oapital • - $200,000 2. Number of shares of stook sub , saribod for Amount of axeenmenta or instal ments on stook paid in cash.... Alt paid in. SECOND. THE PROPERTY OR ASSETS HELD BY THE COMPANY 2. The value, or as nearly as may be, of the real estate held by the Company. ••••••.......•••. Rene. 2, Amount of cash on band...... 81,805 70 Amount of cash deposited in banks, specifying in whatbanks the mine is deposited: Park Bank —.....—... 800,000 00 Mechanics' Bank. ............ 2,213 M 802,143 M 4. Amount of cash in hands of agents and In course of trace mission d 0 2,5 5. Amount of loans secured by bond and mortgagee, consti tuting the first lien on the real estate, on whioh there is less than one year's interest due and 0wing.........• 145,900 00 6. Amount of loans on which in terest has not been paid within 7. Amount due Company on which judgments have been obtained, None. S. Amount of stooks owned by the Company, whether of any State or of' the United States, or of any incorporated city of the United States, or of any other description, speoifying tho number of shares, and the e, par and market value of the same: Par Market value. value. United States 5 Per cent , loan of /263 . e 5,000 oo 0 6,037 ao 9. Amount of stook held by the com pany as collateral security for ' loans, with the amount locoed on each kind of stook, its par and market value: Par Market Amount value. value. loaned. 13 shares Shoe and Leather Dealers' $1,900 $1,430 $l,lOO 00 20 shares Harlem On Light 1.000 1,000 000 00 4 shares Clinton Fire In ternee C0mpany........ 400 420 EC 00 lA/hares Citizens' Fire In stitute* Corrleans-- •.. 300 COO 450 00 18 shares Washington Fire Insurance Company."... EV 290 700 oo 00 shares Ent River Fire Insurance ContganY— • ••• 760 766 000 00 *0 shares Citizens' Fire In serene Coming 40300 8,000 90 shares Harlem Da Light Company •.• • ..... •• •• • 1,1300 1,500 8,500 00 $12,050 00 Premiums unsaid on policies ... 83,2 33 3 3 Bills 133 25 10. Amount of assessments on the atm k of the . . . . oompany called in, and due and u None. 11. Amount of premium notes due and unpaid None 12. Amount of interest on investments made by the pommy, due end -19160 U. Amount of interest Roomed, not dye._... 2,030 62 U. Amount of other property belonging to the 00mpany....... 1,760 00 THIRD. LIABILITIES OF THE COMPANY 1. Amount or Losses due and unpaid.. ..... None 2. Amount of the olalum for lours which are in suit or contested by the oompsny.... None. 3. Amount of tomes during the year whiok have been ...... $3203 9 4, Amount of logien during the year which have not been ..... 11,3 H 64 5. Amount, of loam during the year which 6. Amount of loess' during the year reported to the company and not acted n00n...-. None. 7. Amount of the iintdende deekared.-- .. 15,000 00 0. Amount of dividends declared due and un it. Amount of dividend/ (either cash or scrip) declared and not ye t due..._..... None. 10. Amount of money borroweed and the na ture and amount of swan rity given None. 11. Amount of all other axiality g claims against the oomnuny, oontested. or otherwise.... FOURTH. INCOME OF TIE COMPANY 1. Amount of sash premiums yeeeived.— eLSO7 S. Amount of premium notes taken by the 6,80110 3. Amount of premiums 40,070 00 4. Amount of Interest money reoeiced from the investments of Ors 00mpany......:—. 11,317 41 IL Amount of Income of the company from any other sourcos—..... Nothing. FIFTH. EXPENDITURES OF THE COMPANY. 1. Amount of losses paid Minns the year... 522,101 69 2. Amount of tosses paid during the year, which scorned prior to the . 97 86 3. Amount at which the losses were esti mated in former statement, which were paid during the year.. ....No former statement, 4. Amount paid and owing for reinsuranoe premiums ........... .................. 801 94 8. Amount of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid. 2,098 01 O. Amount of dividends paid during the year.... 15,000 00 7. Amount of expenses paid during the year, including oommisziona and fees paid to agents and officers of the company.— 22,301 8. Amount of taxes pail by the Company... 2,0992 0. Amount of all other expenses and expen ditures of the 00mpany............1...... None 11. Amount of promissory notes originally forming the capital of the Company.— Nona. 12. Amount of said notes held by the company as min or whole of the capital stook thereon.— .....:- .............. ..... ..... None. JACOB REESE. fe2o-mw-2t TILE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PEILADEPIRA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMP4NY'S BUILDING. S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. , RATotronD STARA* MOI•DAgeAI DAWION. ILLIAX_MOKEL • , EO. xI.NIVART, ELBSUI FlltztUks