• _TEE PREW. xpLl4lo4lfidiAktommatsk 4A51/Plv,„mcrvirrimiti*.. - - , „. , . Isorsait rokr)4 'mobs ,to th e autism , Malta SO 11044otibili aikt of (ha Sty litztin,Lans ?t Itoisi,fakroik 'Pogo Moms Tazooffp9_ ,444 , 3 11 !, ?NIL' ,INSI - MINSLIILVI 1 4 - van& fonts thoi tir4ersd. ' PRIla; , • Malist Risitit6riimii Out of tink Tiklis 1 : 11a :M19 41 ,°, 11 9 1al l i al l +, ` • ' DRY...GOODS JOBBERS. SEIAPIMIcII4, RUE. CO.• LINENS, 1 0 ,14111 090 DB, LAOS% ared 110. U *MAT STREET. Br our wont stoak.seleetad hi the toed BUOPIaII Markets by , oursslirea, is the mot ;ootimists we have Stet offend. • • , , , ' halm • PAirE W • RAM* 00•D ' ' - • 1200,32111 OP "IT N 3,:i Be, NTIL.bo Noe. 1595 - NAB BTanNToto., Nig 061iNetkeiTIINET. I : Vac atook feleoted, iv' a Ermbsr of the lira DEBT RTIROPI42! MABli,lllll. tf.34m sppo- - 'Bat OHAFFEES, STOUT '& - :OREIGN' AND •DOKEEITIO • DRY GOODE, ' • NO. ass,i4AßK*BTAiuq; Italut WM. -S. - STEWART 41 fOO., IMPORTERS AND JOSBERS OP , !PAW MUMS 000D 8 , - r •, - 306 MARKET !Ansi. AsitS sow la Mot. sad ,sys..oosetssaly reostvuli s MlSCorta4tat_of t3 riatiezVe„ MN ithiprrite the Miss tsklirmaßallaTi.VB4. tee, inw stoat 04 Ytinled rabdas °on/tautly 013-3 m JOHN B. STRYIKER &CO., NO. 1110.1f1.11111T 8T..801/Tll MD% LLB. THI/tD4 -WHOLKULIII-DIALIBB mirrna,"intina; AND AMIMItIAN DRY GOODS. Alm ‘Oapet', Oil-Olotbs, sad Wilting', bought duly at Ibuolion,APA_ auliv AT BRI1J0111) PRIORS. tis3-fm DE COURSEY; LAFOURCADE, & 00.. NAME VSkt01111:1 TO 0111.0t1BEITNUT STREET, JAYNE'S HALL; yam tun due Now asouritso TRIMS SPRING INPONTATIONS MEN AND BOYS* WEAR. Wo ertioh they Invite the &gentian of denim in etteh tootle. JNO. B. ELLISON &SONS. 11119;N6RKET 814.11 ET, illimowldoorb,low.Pourtbd I'xiosysigs• AID :10$11101.11 01? moms. CdaaMnnee . .: 4o lllBTlNGlL aM *ramose! puhunitott, Would Welts tW,attentoa of bailing' tO thaw WWI Buaa atom? o,wasEßso, ArstorNels, and diS knot list's of F=.BIGN OLOTHS and DOESKINS, in Nada *ad Onion) and offer the szolusive eats in Balladalplda of MAWS aolabratid 'oaks of Cloths and Dialkisa ; Wan; La Favorite flowinas, (animated VS Oh b tiN MAL )4,114 !Wnp TWIST in su ion). , 14.421 NITER, .PRIDE,. & ();),„. imiokraits ANIiJOBBORii dr. FORSION MT DOMINO D.R_Y. t) 0 D ; Re. 41.1RIAr SIRERT. •PHILAIfELPHIA. SPRING GOODS. BA.BOROFT a co.. NOS 404 A 1 9 .407 MARKET STRUT. IMPONZNIII3 AND'.7,OBBNNB or FOREIGN AND DOMSSTIO 4RY 000015. Stook sow otoordeito arktroody for burin. Mow SPRING. 1860. • - Lhimky i ,tr 4 Rer, ,. • EsgtEginzeos. fo - NTOSNOO. ALPO= FL, POSTON. R."WOOD,,MARSH, A HAYWARD, • jaw:999mA 191201esala . D.E Y. .6 D S MID' • • CLOTHING, to3-8m No: 309 31.9Ri8T Street, Phigdolehts. WURTEL AtATIE. & MoVEIGH. IMPORTER'S ALNP 'JOBBER:AI DRY ,4 x cibbisj„ . ' No.g e le tt orr yaw.% Nior. 3 .%p%ve,fi A , l . • . 1 - fe3 Su FrpqmsisT,,,ToN - g,s. &,po.. WAOLMALE - DEALERS ' FOREIGN dNDDOMMTIO DRY 0005D8. N 0.140 MARKET fiTitBRT. N*W WON reestriatc Gm/ liar for • • CITY AND NEAR TRADZ. 1 , 16 • ' •PAPER HAN9ING9.r 1860. SPRING STYLES, 1860 or WALL PAPERS. • HOWELL BOURKE, ' gsmuraosurog and irnootters PAPER HANGINGS. lio.ll South FOURTH Street, below Market, Of.r nwasual facilities to Southern and Western May ers, 'Weida stock of goods to select from, and all of the amnia and beet designs. WINDOW CURTAIN PA 'MS ineadless 'variety/ TO CLOSE BUSINESS. HART,ltorrooms* & CO., No. su ograrnui nazi?, Will oil ort, !lavish this 'Antos and sett sodas. thstr tint Moot of PAPER twisting of systs mists oonnsoted with the Dogtooth AT GraIIATIAT ANDIRMD I b itto/Nt - INN ;MENEM FAiinfl AT 10 PI4;InINT. LOWANXIT: fermi% wanting' thatif itousti nt gigs 14AROAIIIS. HOOTS kw SHORN. • . - BOItER,de BROTHERS. idANfiIiAOTURBACOD VOIOLISAIA , Orrtiliii,E4BT.El6l44l,ADß BOOTS• AND SHOES. Noe. 4.30 Auld 24 't4A,REIty MUM% polo": FIFTH titipst,BoVl lode, nu6g...n7a.rrui. LEVICKRASIN, ,& CO" " • lawriamoniavi r ka*npuss MAZONAgITOAT,... . 606 3tAkK T 13UREtiPitILADILPItlii aow oa kond an ixionolva, stook of B9CIR :•,oalLIFINFA;01 oyertaissotiptin 'ot. , omeeffluArtir RASTIRN httaIiFAOTURS, 46 . 14 / 4 0 4 -'.04;40. 3 .1 af Itthira and 'F,tkelp aanalltglPrOLWlEli 4,1,0 004h W witim,e ! .:,Adanowyarat i ti _VOL. 3.-- ! N0, 174. BRY*GOODS JOBBERS. SPRING TRADE. .• • • pen ..• ROSS. & WITHERS. 651 KARMA .uth 518 COMACERVE ST., : puttarigulmt , . , - IMPORTERB•AND JOBBERS 'or BILK & 'FANCY GOODS. Atv;?• now a motets stook, to whiolt they . . invite the • attention of Won. folo-1m BMBBpIDBIUBE, MoOLPITObi,, PRANT, & LiIiPORTBRS ANI:1 WHOLESALE DHALNIIS IN OLCITHO, 0/11380113iiBEi, VZ9T/Natl, . . AND ' TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, No .1!3 *Am* MEET, (tp Stain) Are ow oyetilnt their Spring !Hook, to whloh they la rge the attention of the trade. hI-Sm J; & SONS. • - • $9. 081 MARICIIT Fr RUT, Are no* oeeniag their I : SPRINR.,STO,UK OP tb 0 ODE , Adeoted to qUEN,"I3*WEAR. In *Web 'will be toned a fall aelortment of CLOVIS; pcataxltle. TIUMMIN 08. Ao. fel•lm • • C. SOMERS ' & SON, 110035 Inti Al4o.l)*Ab3Ell 324 iwyrns, aissitiaNits: ' vssTINGB, „•.-, TAILORS' TRISIMINOS, Re., No. U 101:1iN , F9IIIITN OTRANT, fpiKweeit Market and Mob:Est Btreeted rEIitADELPWA. t.3-jm vshwrix 2. /022211 021TALIT 1107.12211. A . W. LITTLE & CO.. BILK 00,ODS, No; 112 NIARKIIT STREET. foll4m A SITICES ASSORTMENT. LINEN GOODS. OF MY OWN IMPORT/I.IION. AND FOR BALE BY JOSHUA L. BALLY. !MPORTBR AND JOBBER, 213 KARIM BTRIthT, PJULADELPRLi fel3-tf .51ERRIMACK PRINTS. TWENTY NEW 'STYLED THIS BA.i. FEBRUARY Urn, TOR PALI! ay • E. BAILY. • , No. zuvidißKßT MEET, telS-If ' ' PHILADELPHIA CAN TqN VLANNELS. V MAS , SHOB, Blomhod. Unb itad, Colored CAN TON FLANNELS. BY THE 2111011 OR CABS. J.• OISITUA DAILY. • EIS MARZET MUT, ' POS-01 , PHILADELPHIA. SHAW ArEfitOT.H.E.II HAVE REMOVED TO . NO; 303 MARKET STREET, Where they hsy6 on hands oomyleto assortment of CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VESTINOS, &0., Suitable for ' the,' SPRING SEASON, To which they invtu the attention of buyers feld.lm M L. HALLO WELL & CO THILADELPHDL IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS • • AND FANCY ram GOODS. IMOLIMIX4I FANor DRESS FABRICS In every Mists, BLACK ft Piney DRESS SILKS of all desoriptrons. RIBBON 6, GLOVES, CRAVATS, Burro, ,Bracve, , • SHAWLS' MANTILLAS, Lecsa. EMBROIDERIES; vr.arni GOODS, &e., Au., - • Hsu now open for the SPRING OF -1880 • Their assortment otitis above GOODS, puree:LW by their Buyers, DIREOTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, IN THE VARIOUS EUROPEAN MARKETS, Whist, they believe Is Unsurpassed In variety and obespnose by . • ANY JOBBING HOUSE IN THE UNION. Their stook of DRESS GOODS Inoludes an immense variety of fabrics, embraoing the LATEST 'PARIS NOVELTIES. -TER Al 5 : Slit MONTE, OREM to merchant" of undoubted standing, or SIX PER CENT 4 Discoust for Gash in ten dim TWELVE PER OENT, yet ANIMA; disootutt for ad ' vane, payments ' feS-fmikullt SITER. VAN OULIN. & GLASS. Importers and Wholesale Donlan In HOSIERY. GLOM, RAM GOODS, fen-foralnk No. 4911 WAR= 13274121 ET. 1860. .BPRINCE, 1860 i9I , .MOLTEN. & WOODRUFF. MONTANA AND JODB3IIB or SILK AND FANCY GOODS, • NO. 01 MARKET STREET, "PHILADELPHIA, Area Deeparad to oir i ttlyerl , generally , a eery lam and desirable Stook repirnialed by the aroma/ of 'rem amen rem Burcrpe, • feb3-I'mwita wrtir TAMS &CO. S MITH ' Noe: 513 MADICNT and 510 00515111R011 Have now in store, and are daily reoevriag addition to one of the LARGHST and moot 00XPLETE LSEORTMENTS 4.IILBRIOA.N AND EUROPEAN FAIIIIIOB to b• band In ant house In the eolattr. we have ell . stries'or Staple Goods epeotaßl adapt tid td the SOUTHERN TRADE• ilraanfietwd" rot, and Goad:led asoluattstlys to, Or ' , , • ..fittitkwyft ir • • ; . •••.; -,k, 7 ,, \4 4 ' 1 . -- ti l l • f' - :•• „4., •: -.: . ' --- "- / 4 -, / t I .1 , ... I . , ' . 4... •On. di 1 • , IW -.,1":. . ;‘[:' fl.illilirr.i-k t ol l lrlifi .l '' 4? '? • / 1 1 VD s . ) . •„a Illft,ll, IR pp .. •.. ~, , . Iri . re , I . L __ .lll • s . ',..'.: 1‘ ' ' 43 " " ...........• - •'''. n. , ' • - --e. it_ v i , - ._.. . ( i ..0 7. ~. . . , ' O, - ..—. - •„ , . , ~....., 7 "',. ‘....,1_ ^- 1..,, . . 1 . , ,„. • . - NOW OPENING, AMOBREAO. RENNEO2O, DOROAS, MUMMERY GOODS. NO OOK 1860• 8 " l ARRANO S R T D. 18aL 0111 ) Of the largent and most complete Anoka of goods In our line Ia thin country. The beet term and the cheeneet prisms. O. H. GARDEN & 00., htanuraoturers of, and Wholesale Dealer' in, H'ATS,.,OAPB, FURS. SILK and STRAW' BONNETS, and STRAW 000D8, iNATE/It, 111101111. &0., Noel SOS and 60d MARKET STRUT, 8. W. donor for -gm WRING OF 1860. MARTINS, • PEDDLE, HAMRICK, & CO., No. BO NORTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store, and are dells reoelging, complete lines of the following desirable goods, visa HOSIERY AND GLOVES,' SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, ' PARIS AND CANTON 'PANS, SUPERB BELTS, PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS QF EVERY KIND, Adapted to Smithern tad Western Trade, to which we invite the attention of drat-otsse 0010111. fed-Sin 1860. STRAW GOODS. 1860. THOMPSON & JENKINS. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRA.W GOODS. HATS AND OAPS, BILK BONNETS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, • ROOMS, As, omB MARKET STREET. BUMS age rednestetl to exeodne 0 , 41' • , THOMAS F. FEALRY le ensued with the AbOTO booze, and notions the patronage of Ms friends. fel•lm MILLINERY Ann STRAW GOODS EXCILUSIVBLY. • , • ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & CO., . !4el MARKET STREET, NORTH OLDS, 4re now opening, for the Haring Trade, the most en tangly° and ohotoest stook to their line ever oollsoted together under one roof, 4111110. NS of every ooneelvelle deeortptiots. SONNET MATERIALS. FRBBOR ARTII , IOAL FLOWERS. ADORER, and all other mft inmr artioleg STRAW BONNETS IN IMMENSE TARIBTY. °BILDERN% AND MISSES 00018, DO. BLOOMERS, SHAKER HOODS, Am Comdata of our iteperio7 I'm:ditties in obtaining our supplies. we flatter oureelven that superior Induee. merge, ooth as regards ohoiee of seleotion and mod ora tion in prices. cannot be met with. fe3-3m F °R ' • EVENING PARTIES BELRTHAB, OAPBO, SSTS, BLEEVNB, and CUFFS, in flag Lam Cram Illusion, Blond and Imitation. In meat vscietioa, of tba PIRMIST BrYLBS. Also, 4-4, 6.4, 8.4, 9.410.4 ILLUSION, TARLATANS, GRAPES, to., Much below the east Moe& WARBURTON'S. ' 'lOO4 OIDISTNUT Street, above Tenth Street, 306 South SECOND Street, below brut Jell 4; STRAW AND MILLINERY DODDS. LINCOLN. WOOD, It' NICHOLS. , . . No. 'I 05 CHESTNUT STEP% Have now . I Between Seventh and Big hth,t in More s COMTLKTII STOCK OW SPRING GOODS. money! tto im, 1 14 Tt B A &IN IX' ?It A W GOODS. tt i lig i ie 11'.1. 11 . rg i ii nEd 1,1, 114 0 $l3 I OEN& ji , Tow hich they respeetfulty Lnv,to the attention of Merchants. Usah and abort-time tweets will End 'pedal advan tage in examining this stook before parohasine, fe3-Soi fe HILLBORN JONES, Importer and mattureeturer of PAROY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, Iso. The attention of City and Country Dealers is invited too large and vaned stook of the above goods at 482 , MARKET STREET. fe3-ara Below Fifth. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. B A. FAHNEBTOOK Bc CO. DRUGGISTS, • IMPORTERS. AND WHOLINIALS DRAWLS'S IN DRUGS, OBIUSIOALS, CORKS, SPONGES, A/I=IOAX AND yonstan DUNDITAt oILS, ao., And Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors of B. A. FAMNESTOOK'S VBRISIBUGS, Nos. 7 and 9 NORTH FIFTH STREET. Rut aide, a few doom above Market, (0-7nt DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, km. ROBT. SHOEMAKER & CO. ItORTELEAST CORN= FOUNTH AND RAON STUNT% WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Imortore soil Dealers In WINDOW IPLABB, num, ha, Invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS to their Imo stook of Goode, which they offer et the Wrest market rates 000lf NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. 1860. 1860. SPRING SHAWLS. ALEXANDER CLARK, 81 WARREN STREET, NEW YORE, AS NOW OPEN, AND OFFERS TO THE WHOLE SALE TRADE, on liberal terms, a large end splendid gook of PRINTED OASIIMERS SHAWLS, • STELLA SHAWLS, IN BROORE AND PRINTED DORDERS. tho LARGEST STOCK of tWOVZ BROORE BORDERS, IN SETS, aver oEered in this market. AS THEASOYE WERE ALL EMMET PERSON ALLY, on the moat advantageous term', by the ad vertiser, he te enabled to &Ter them at mien that mum command the attention ash FIRST-GLASS BUYERS fee-1m AUGUST BELMONT & CO., BANKERS. NEW YORK, Luca Letter. of Credit to Travellers available In ALL PARTS OF TRH WORLD, ?aaotrolt tae Manz. ROTIiscHILD, 01 P.e.RIS, LONDON, FRANKFORT, VIENNA, NA tzs, AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS 6-6131* A FACT WORTH KNOWING - TIM .13-421=Lindith,° fitirtlitaifehlisen Xr.:thg.„orth 11 e e fON. r teeite bui ven beat ota,hemd, A WWI? in Ir/ 11 4)9nv/no° pt that Mot. AM-1m PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1860. COMMISSION HOUSES. WOLFE & 00.. WHOLESALE • CARPETING, OIL•OLOTH, AND RATTING WAREHOUSE. NO. 882 CHESTNUT STREET, OW Amoy for Philadelphia, Oarpet Manulhaturm . fe3.3m FROTRINGHAM & WELLS, 86 LRTITIA BTRIIIRT, AND 3S, BOUT% YRONT BThSRT. COTTONADES. gettable for both Clothiers and Jobbers, la large varlet. SIMMER COATINGS AND CASEMEILGTINI Made by Wuhlostou Miii. Or u d i r tl lakea for these desirable goody for Salina trade. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HIITOHDHION, NO HO OREFFNUT 87,, • • OOKNISSION XEROHANTB •• FOR TR& !MLR OF • PHILADELPHLMYEADE GOODS. FARRELL& MORRIS: I OHRSTNUT STREET, IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS GLOTRA, CAB& itIERMS, SPRING AND " SUMMHR CHM-TINGIL IdANTBLETB, LITTLE, STOKES, do CO. NO. 237 OILESTEUT STREET. FOREIGN AND PACIFIC MILLS DRESS GOODS By THIS PACKAGE. ALSO, I3IOLLEY CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, AND DOESKINS, With a moral auortmont of !roods for men's wear. f.B-wfal mkt SILKS & WOOLLENS ! MOILWAINE 61 BACON. No. 186 CHESTNUT STREET, Have, per the latest strive* received a huge stook of MKS and WOOLLENS, adapts* to the Clothing and Jobbing Trade, among which Cr. the followlpi Mabee of Moths PIRLLISISEN (Bon al. M.) Wlmide and Ralf Enda P. BIOLLEY & BON'S NAIRIEsT, OR AUSTRIAN " . RAXONY CLOTHS, or all grade*. Also, 84 and 8-4 DDEBKINI3, CABSIMBRF.B, FAN CY do., BIOLLRY'EI BILK MIXTURES and TM 00T8, BATIK DR CRUMB, BLACK BILK SATINS, COTTON BACK do., BLACK BILK VELVETO, BLACK and FANCY BILK VBEITINOI3, &0., AC. All of which are offered for ale on favorable Wiwi. fee-wfarnsm CARPETINGB. MIDALLIJM & 00., CARP= MANUFACTURBILB, OLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN. Also, Importers and Dealers in OARPETINGFS„ OIL CLOTHS. MATTING.. RUGS, &C. WAREHOUSE SA CHESTNUT BT., (Opposite the State House.) Southern and Western buyers are reepootrully Invited to oall. fell ern CARPETS. P. A. ELIOT & CO., Nos. 32 and St North FRONT Street. are the BOLE AGENTS In Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY, and have eonstatittr formals a fan assortment of VELVET and TAPESTRY OAEPETB, of ohoioe patterns. Also, a large supply of the various limb of OBJI. PETS manufactured in Philadelphia city and county, from nearly all the best nianuflottirers. Dealers will find it to their interest to call and alumina these goods, whiob are offered for sale on the moat favorable terms. .N. 11.—P. A. ELioT CO, being the Bole MOMS in Philadelphia for the sale of the Worsted and Carpet Yarns spun by the Baxonville Mills (formerly the New England Worsted Company,) and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton, and Abbott Companies, have peculiar feolhties for keeiffng conetently for rude the various kinds of carpets manufactured in Philadelphia, o the most favorable terms. SHOE FINDINGS. SIiOniAKERS' /30©D2. I would respeotfully molts the attention of BROD AND GAITER. MANUFACTUDSRB To my large and welbseleoted stock of SHOE STUFFS. • These goods are, as a general thing, Imitated by or,, direot from the Manufacturers, and I have reason to believe, from my experience in the business and nip knowledge of the wants of the Shoe Trade. that I can offer inducements ' i st.e`a bold of Lim Cat it gar a fl , l in IS; 1:130felt/I and a terrible. nrewkly carte-sir,. to Us .(onntentrate. He hod known many earst , :x..t sea amiable yera , rs cider this inrtecca co cave their energies .rushed, lase their a; rett•E e iir7lTl3 of deep, find their self control awl-07 E-1, end their badie•wwsting away and (heir mit.ri; etlee'Zie.l. as if under some fell disev.e_ Mr. 11,:;t:. /hocking amount of the rr_rralf tha doctrine he has jutrt attanicted, aid ye lace doubt be (greatly czarzerates i:„ wlth the tad natural to a new eotteri PEMICtININTT IN a Derv.t.—T.z., young lady. daaghterof I.lexal traA ter of the Central Rai:n. I 1-.er s -- -. after ehe arm. that e r ht 1 drev=tl tielt that Mr. Heist, who atter it th 2. tf.dzr Allen', creek, eras kined. and R..: came to the hoer to tell Sr A ‘—t af:er retatitz. this .'rear.- , . a^ al e. c! • fsr..)v were at 1.11V3V9•11:. r 3 berbilaband wa• luile be I e. t•zh: . • 13rght:in.-f••:.Se, :-a brce ef her dre.stn. Levi mrit when the saw ths woman to ;Ye felt lure that the het & !) }le. Kieft V&A a i..;,,rzian, •nh, f-t s number of Tears on a fai.r‘i of hie. Miller, eel his nifs rf: st hone. When hfi 11 , 7 , r t - :1 Miller Lei nr , t hesri rf a f ; 3. tha coroner baying ehstv elf I.._\!: did IZ , , ef who the ur.f.. , rturs'.e r-tri war s'a thetieledi f are.tirr eT. 't ;7(7: and then there if ths: t. t.. ovr !us , •• • . . . In•!iiental Qith attatl • dreamer Irmerr FREIEIa The SuLt:-..rrn C. Alt ttAlta for it.s b; irk i' iR bllrg ch_tnit!cr:: • We regret to Er the, small, it is true, and we are t`,sekr - ..1 :ur I t — iG Smith, who AM endeirorir: by meant AD reprehensible, to turn the exi-zirg :I=l t die*, and divisions to rrrsxai s•::, - ant, ty blank mail upon Northtra 2e ehan'a •. The men who their* by such m.,trt place in the penitentiary. and rill find it, if they get their deserts. ruey are a 7t proych end disgrace to the iCeti'JZl they lice. • •• • ~ * t• Our Northern friet tIST thSt transactions they bare esp , v4 lent or palpated by the people of the Ser.th:.'