• .4,tt-t•t. this mace ' a pilgrimage to this hallowed spot sa finelm% (says* N, villa , .7knoter:)'and apen s tarf;hotte. gr po "tintbliaglitiongli.the gravelled walks and flowery 2.:; , :iiivoira9lllctEo ricieitY Of the tail) of the immortal , t.here,-,Yeekocat: -. Weeoeld but think of the neglect thet,hos been S tong manifeeted by ohr people in the improvement and fitting up of these grounds, •-• now the property' of the State, and of the preserve. flow from the. hand of the deielater of a spot so "dettr - te the heart of - every Tennessean. The grounds should be properly ; laid out and decorated ~ . ..i'vrithaltrubbery; and a keeper appointed to receive' andsgourd • and protect the monument and the "Ina, hddrnments Srbicit 'Tirana it from the !ends =hind s : Cif, ,desioration., Undoubtedly, the - is'one of the Chief objects of interest to the traieller.viliterte burnity.' • " is a delightful drive of,twelve miles :from the over the-Lebanon turnpike. We approach the • , :traerad spot-with the reverence due the immortal ease;• , - - :The farm, the grounds, and all, are.in a perfect state of preservation. In the garden the old hero reposes. Beneath a modest temple, all that is mortal of:. the great Jackson lies buried. There, beside the wife he cherished with more than manly - --'sifeation—beenns•,, whereas he was all sternness ,aud-iron wilt elsewhere he was but yielding fond . ^ neje to his Ileoliel—he, is beried. We could but stand mute observers of the . scenes and places where the' hero of New' Orleans had walkrd and talked: A, flower we plucked, the fragramee Of which wilt survive even partyism. ' r. Thellertnitage estate is now owned by the State of Tennessee, and it is proposed to establish ea ag tioultiteal college there. A better tribute could not be paid to the chieftain of New Orleans. From the farms and firesides oflannessee and Kentucky he drew the riflemen who shot down l'ackenhaut at New Orleans. We notice that a resolution offered by. Mr. Stokes, of Wilson, has been adopted by our State Senate,. appointing the Committee of Ways and Meaos to inquire into and examine the matter in relation to the Hermitage, and repott to the Le. gislature. We are truly glad to learn that this re solution has been adopted In the Senate, and trust it they.-meet with a similar favor in the lower House: We sincerely trust, also, that some plan map bodevised for the rejuvenation and fitting-up of these grounds and we shall await the report of the hommittee with no small degree of interest. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. VP PO ?WILTS O'OLOOIC LAB! NIGIET CONTINENTAL-8. E. oorne ' r of ' , loth and Chestnut. 000.8 Scott, l'hils,W M. Boycott. Reading ft H. &Imes. Philo • ' LI W Heals, St Louis 2diso A P Healy, &nitration Miss H E Cunningham,Bos 7,, int 'T n iohole . , Boston 1., .1 Albertson, Norristown r.. Orwig. Union go. ro. •e. Potts. Jr, Pottstown. ohn F Bennett. Pila. Oeo P Ramsdell,Pitila hint Ramsdell. Philo hlisaßamsdoll. Ph la 1 caPii itlinZ:6V.3 J Orlncktx,l3alt It N Me lieu h, Phil& - 0 alitohell, Phil& r Sam! 8 Thompson, Phil's A.I Bern ^e Boston W HLoeo , Phila Rdw B tirulf,Burlinston Gap F Atkins, Boston Chas Vann, Torrsdalo . Alfred Venn, Tomidale _ W Hanna tc ta, Balt . Cleo It Potts. N Y 18 Bowen A la, Balt ..0 WhloClung,Lime Crook ' - 0 &airway , - . B Harnett • W And , swo,'N - Y - c wiDoh. Jersey MP ' Jen T Walling, Tenn .. W M 4.lttrint, a J l'hoe 'lord'', Tenn . Antos W Werfield, Tenn 'Wm Blanotond, ft Y A H. itosenhenn,N P Tyson, BaliC Luckett. Balt It : N B OME Balt L Pletneady,to la. N Y l,eo '. honth, Hartford IVAN MoCroady,N Y W W Fairbanks Columbus Wilson, HI UV:, I li=s, N Fl ' lo,ift 1 , ,11,, , vg,km0, York, Pa W L V aticewoott. IX x ..A 0 Brayer, GM I. j-fdook. Pi . . E T .ff Glisten A la. N Y Jobs Bohol!, Woolen .. P A Faroe, Alabama Josh R.Drydeti, Bolt A W Gibbons, Balt B Brown. IX V O Vrtick Jr. la, Ohio, Rfl Cole & Is ~.N Y W it, Balt - J Belnneyer, Balt ihas L Amerson, St Paul Sn.whrX,rl.4o.lV Paul II Turner. comas°. lit IS Rooney, Chicago, 11l A 11.11. Cblo{{AO, 11l W LI 13.188ner Wlllt II Merlon's, N u i ft ItrnivN O TV R AV i t i lrt& - tr. a llalt B P Gardiner. Salt W w Forman, Pans, Ity f li T Louden. Batt. WY i lll. l ,Vg",' £37=, ° o H itll n so gh le, M , 111 ,4 it ftlt!ra°ll John Johnson . Boston ,to;,lv J P wow., .. . - • GIRARD HOUSE—Obestrmg at.. below Ninth. /03 Curtin, Pa - A W Fowler. Nashville • WII Barclay & la, Mist A Maynard, Boson -ltittlrMii 9 .l( c , - , ll , i'lLeolly'ajb.iio; N 0 inn A Rairibieton, Bolt A Myere, a C t O C Gray. Del D J Dimieks Del .1 Proctor A la.N Y ' HI) Mayer, Jersey , Clty - MaYer & la, Amor erty ft A Cowen & wf, N J rs 3' Ii Marsh, Jersey city J J Hoppe. hit Louis P Broadbent. Bait T II Whitney. N J 3 S Washburn & lagA Hegemtio. N Y ~. ti It "legman. It Y. A Fenney.& la ' lir Joys, N Y A Daley, - 1 7 Pinney. N Y A la Y A Baker &I_,,a CO= W Vtil lams. NY ila t Jones. N Y M Paola, NY. , T Norton Va B Deady, Wfuh,D 0 - Morgan, Warh, 3) 0 Lete.h.llayeisburg La A Yea . rn. re Y Thompeon, Moss Miss J Yennt, la Y T So mon .r N Y ' ::M'Clleg'iri N Y hi .RI - , m Whi.lng. Mass tcy.flood. Goan P Jordan, Gs A D Ford. N Y P Blatt, Ga. ' . .Beild. Da .'' . L. uis °ever. St Louis ''D II Fowler & le, N Y W, I _l.. . lite . N 0 taukson, NY - . , NI li - Bette. Venezuela 4. r,, De Trevino, - Charleston A Pitch, M.D. Charleston P Dausty . J T Hale, Bellefonte m HHoyt. NY ' Saud Hurlbut, Baltimore AItonFTSPCO - ' T vinuenau, aritzu r C ham b e rsrkin us Stow, Baltimore aml S lark. NJ" t 3 N Depue.N .5 trairiler, N '1 Temple. Del It Mall, Us B r oath. Ga IiII Bredemeyer, Bait 0 L Preston. Wail', D C M Preemie Wash, D_C k i l r .V Rubb, Ky 1. Crookett;Newark, N I C Baynes, N Y ?tKarrrson, Ohio II Elvin, Tenn Stone, Detroit - P 'gemstone, La itan. s Y 8 M Johnsou,N 1- M Benjamin, Paris 0 Girod. Paris rjestredte,rans, Saud kriohett. Tents ts N Robert. N 0 P Luanne. N 0' Schley. Milwaukee 3 W Bailey. St Joseph M i l Bateman. N Y Chas B Milner,. N Y , I rains. St Louis .1 W Parker & la. Ky ' , t Lindenbergar,Ky _ ,' T 8 Stewart, Washington ..: ttykee, Phila. . . JII Holmes, Mass . - JONES' HOTBL-51heatutu at.. below Eleventh. %; 0 Lloyd, Pa, • • . z Adam James, Phil's glt Brown, Lax, NI cud Clark, Lax, Ky • D Brown, Pa. , . B 0 /MOS. N J Laws, N GB. Rhodes, N J J , .11rJ Oilman. B alt - , A 8 Shaffer. Va 8 Dielciusen, Pl 3 L C Diokineon, N J NV ,thßopbeli Je. art, Ky JP Lewis, Va , .._-- MeMiller. Texas 8 J Aston, N Ig_ a I, Nelson, Ala S B Penland, N C ..t. Rosenburic. Texas Jesse Heenan, 1, I - 4 Campbell, Texas IS illialell,N Y MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Yotirth street. bstins Arob 1 hoe E (Beeson. Tenn - E - R - Pennebiker. Tean B Donsherty. Cm, U Thos I. Smith- CM, U Arthur, .Pliilads ' Pdias -Size*, Ohio ' F Coffee N Y . Jodie' T Blakelee Pe; . , rthur (Ifs:Madison W Cowes. 0fi1... • ' .14 Booms. Assausna 13 W Mullen, Plulads - on vi FL Welsh. Pa ' A K.McClure & la. Pa .Dram., Tenn , - JuOilner ar, la. P& Rogan. Miss . ' B Clemons. Easton - Phelps kis, Pa i3eo .1 Bolton, Harrislolg W M Bagley Texan I. grant am. lowa .1 V i ililifser.lllehmund J p i tap il iev e s en 49 Tjgrell. IV I BA l.tadt i :Brooltlyn .1 R Jounson. Miss n :- J 8 Coulson. Natouez .7 .1 Locke.Bt Loma Mtn , Taylor. Mass Chez Heebner, Maas J W Clark, Philo KA/FIN Clu AMERICAN HOTEL—Clitestnut it. above Pink. A Osborn. N J , JW 8 MarthaiY Campbell, Altoona, Pa .8 W °cream. n Z l ,Rushton Marrville,Tenn E Cowan. Roe ' urK vent J erinamoed..Va . II Aiken, Pranlihn, N H iM. Watkins. N Y EE vans. Pa o • Johnson. Conn . W D wilson,N Y . hn A White. Phila - .W Darlington. W Chester B Griffin, Brooklyn 1 F Orinan.sDrooklyn Armstrong. N Y B Billings, N Y tChadwick. N Y nos Harvey, B It Brown. Ind Tens B Hauck. Warning tn P Kl.intinnit Wilmingtn I+ McCloskey, N Y Win Merrifield. N Y • Jai .IBrooke, Balt Sae 1. met.oodwin, Ry John 14ioket HY ave Vile, N Y H W Van Wagner, Brookl Wm ii Folk, Brooklyn FOUNTAIN HOTEL,--tleoond street. above Market. E Rushee. Conn Cot RJ Higbee, Mt holly Dr C it Bune,ll,Xorktown,Va 0 .P tildley, Fla bhlansfleld. Camden, N J John Tomlinson, Dino. Pa Igamt C Our ter, Aurora, Os Tnos nalsorn. Va Jno F Clement, Del Wm Kirkostriok, Lam CO ilsoar ') homas,l.anosster Wm 0 eolith, West Point 4 Thomas, Richnuind,Ve. Chen F Wharton, Vs a t 9 7gg i Z7 n l l 'i etd Felton. Del S Smith Jame stl ohn Eaten &la•N J, , .R. C Virtight. N J • . 4 Etlornons,N;Y , IH. SNlrpfi J - G W lisll.Vt - ' •- Dr N W Wells, Cardiff, 0 114_P Wiiiol2a He nkel , k John Higgins , N J Miss Legate N J A W Fa James Ford, Ala,' ST. LOWS BOT,Blr—Chestnut street above Third. CI Trailer, zt N' Mrs Bartlett ' IL Robeson .14 it D Sullivan. Newark, N I dild VO ills, 4J NI kl)ers, N Y W S Smith, Jersey City M Richard ilnAll . e Zap: , ? toy i 11 4 041e i r, 3 1r u lv, r !lJ 'R / twit . N .1 . Jalapa°, 13evert9C. air hem 1, Adison,_Reading so a Levi , Chicago rie T Carter, Tamaqua Ueo II Robarta, hots EIT•TBB UNION HOTEL—Market at..nbove Sixth. • Id. Mayan, Philo, Bold tvenedlalt Bona. Balt Bloom, N Y .And Jaakmell. N Y B 0 Orono. Herrietarra ,A Lawlatrorr, T Johnl ton. hii(9in, Pa A B Irvin. NOloy. Pit dna Bennett, Coal Brook kes Pa - THE UNION HOTE.l.—Arohjareet, above Third. Pffirnirb & le, Buffalo - 1 C Rai; Newark, N J Fre 1, MShe dd J P L Wor.,iward. NY talinlas Wolf, Cinalnnatt Jacob Tint+. Cincinnati Jt Warw-ok, Clevelnot }ld Overbolr. twerton, Pa. itkOverbott, Overton, Pa J Perlin. N Y W Poulvon, Bait Jim Mot/4mnd, Ohio Ise 11)J Kunkle, Ohio iLACK BEAR MOON.—Third et.. above Olillowhill Heideman. Warrington John Foott, N Y P iihott. Warrington lit Haldeman. Plumatead oadgra.ader. Piumatead .1 Italdernanir, Wamnston °Oxon, New Briton . B Roseland. By lorry Ms. K Jones. Penn'a . ' Casper Roads By hem' ~ /L Yuckens. Rooks co Albert Young , oo 1 EttrIRANTS' ROUE?—Thud street. elb Cellowhill , 0 E Cope, Qndwertown 9 HreMeer. Redding Dub. Chesnut Rili D A. Albright, Heeding ev jonee. Roadie; , ,D 1 i. Ntooblae. Bucks co Sas W Welder . Books oo M k , uhrer, Lebanon Stotler, Lycomius eo . • BAGLE HOTEL—Tend street, above Bane. ChM Gesenheimpr, N Y 8 Marshall, W Chester WEt FieffM Weal Cheater JllB ) Otke..Pa .?N P a r ' / ;11'.7'ial . tel'ill v g i , - Pae,Al',Pii. COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Pluith et., above Chestnut. lawn[Via Cowell; Del Wm H Brown. N J Dr Dutaeld Chester oo Isaac Bertolet, Reading 1, 11, Stout. Fotyaviile ~..eses King, Ps AV/ Bunter, Vs - BNightingeue, Doylestown _NATIONAL 110TRL—Rabe inset. above Third mi P Fisher Pa Cita, Wilherneon, Phila et Simplon. Roxborough Jae HokUlati. Lebo non no B &moil, Lebanon no, Pa B Biewitt, Lebanon no, Ps , Crouse & lady, Heading. - ' ' • - BALDRA iIL - B—Thitd street. above Cellowhill. Chapin, Baltimore. BB Behocia Books no Bent Beene, Biwa, 00 , B B Mack, Raton , Chapin, Reston MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—OB*Ond /treat. above Aron Oen Martin, Ps Moo Martin, Pa Pb shee, West Chester ALIFLINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH L&OR. ARRIVED. • Bohr M A Brad,. Ross, 2 days from Lewes, Del, with grim to 3M I. Bewley ktlo. , . • 0 14 BARED. a rk J.os D e f r a n xigh Davis, lonaltara, Danett Bros. • AV Vataanasn. „(Conespondence of the Plumueighia - Eubanks.) CAPE ItMAN o_, N .1, Feb /7-4 P M. The ship Ann .E; Hooper, for rtevr Orleans. barks, Con , rad. for' Hlohmond. John Payson, for Olegfo ogmh ig, milton. for Matanzas, and H Manderson, for tmrdenas, _ igs Allen Franklin, for Cienfuegos. Karnak. for Hagan, ta - ;Ronde. and schr M n. for Or - Pierre, mart, 'went to sea this forenoon. The following messing are at te nt :reakwater: .Barks Margaret, from PI nombnam airld Wilson: from Now Orleans; J iette. (Fr) for n; brig Calvert, for_ West Comet 0 1 'Airy, via ...'itarleston i p monis Corot Pilot, for Montavidgle; Harlan toh. for t John, NB, and tanner), from Vrli ogtOri, 0, win norther*.' Youtatikoi - THOS. B. • • st rattrinnprt. • (Oprroorrondonoo of Trot. Priori.) • - • - • fikVANKailf. Feb 11. - steanishipa Star of the !pink, from ri York; •• And rotoines, tree Baltimore. - bIIMORANDA. • ' Steamonio..nennaboo.Hand, hence , arrived at NeW fork yesterdrty.rtad mooted to return. ,Storiniship Cdr ofWashington;Jeffiey. foeLivorpOrd. • .:01itared at New York rosterday. V - Bala Ocean Pvarl t for danprOnoisco, sailed from Now - Norirgebtrottir. Imo." &chard lit. Suitt.' cleared at Charleston Ibth I.. t nattor t with IMO bales cotton, to MCP' , for Bonbon cleared it Hos- Vill . r 4 1 1 094 I V oe *, kgt • 4 1 4 1444111 ii d ,- - at.ra Bark Fame:Kennedy, for' Philadelphia, was loading at Matanzas Bth met. • Brig DM Stockham. Gill. for New York, cleared at Wilm inston. NC, lath Inst. Brig Mary Cobb, Roes, forThiladelphia, was loading at Matanzas Bth inst. Brig Samuel Churchman, Aokers, for New York, w • at Monter t uo Deo M. Bohr Courier. Crowell, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 16th fist. Bohr Julia Smith, Crowell, for New York, cleared at Jacksonville Bth mat. Bohr It Balwinkle. Prenoh, from New York for Ports mouth. railed from Edgartown 16th inst. Bohr W f. Normal, Buokaloo, for New York, cleared at St Marks 34 lost. - 16011r0 Eleanor. Townsend, and Stag, Loveland, for N York. were loading at St Marks 9th inst. Nohr 8 0 King, Andrews, hence, arrived at Richmond 16th inst. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS At FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. City of Philadelphia. to the use of JOSE vII M. PAYNTER. vs. WILLIAM P. JONES. Levan Facies, September Term.lBl9. N0.'828. • The undersigned. appointed Auditor to distribute the fund in Court twirling from the sale by virtue of the above-stated writ of 611 that certain lot, or piece ot ground, situate on the north side of Marker rtree t _, 317 feet 4 mohair west from Seeond street. in the Fitst ward. of the Ci streethiladelphia, nom/titlin ext e ndnt no mid Marker SO feet 4 Inches, and ng northward of that width 60 feet ; bounded west by sr.und of A lbertson east by ground of John Donohoe, northward by a 4 feet wide alley. and South Marker street. aforesaid, will meet all pasties In Interest at 4 o'clock P.M., on Wednesday tho Mtn day of February, 18M at his office, 118 South SIXTH . Street uh•ladel phi,.. -stntidit • GEORGE A. CO FEY , felB Auditor JANE WADE, by her next friend, BEN JAMIN M. PARIS, versus JOHN WARP. Common YlP**. NlCiiiiMbfir TE11110859. To JOHN WADE—Stn: you Will take notion. that the testimony on the part of the libellant in the above case, Will be taken before the Rxeminer upon Tuesday, the sixth day of March. A. 11.5060, at 4 o'clock P. M at my offloe. go. MO WALNUT Street, when and where you may attend if you think proper. THOMAS DlEliri j Attorney for Libellant. fell3-16t NOTICES. 'NOTICE JS HRREBY GIVEN, That the followine Certificates have been lost or destroyed. and that Application has been made to the Company for new Catifientea Nos. 746, 095, 007. 008 Penn Mutual Life Insarance Company. in the name of L 4 L ZABO.TR B. BOYD. fiflB.36t* RETAIL DRY GOODS. HROCHE AND STELLA SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Extra Super Chain Leine Broohe LONG and SQUAB E SHAWLS of the celebrated make of Tbirion, Maillard. & Co. BLACK AND BROWN CENTRE STELLAR, From 83 to 815 each. New Styles. White and Colored Centre do PRICES ALT, REDUCED. • Also. Blanket Shawls and Genie' Maude. Bed Blanket,. Romance of French Merinoes and Winter Dress Goode, all reduced. Mous. de Lame,. good stiles, 13ki dents. Rest 'Wes et MS cents. Good mixed Madonnas and Plain Da Lainee, ttx dente. NEW GOODS being daily reosived. Printed Foulard Silks. Brilliants, now Print*, An., &o. Irish Linens, a good stook. CHARLES ADAMS lalB EIGHTH and ARCH streets. LPIN'S DE LADIES, &a. Fine mode de lames. 3754 Excellent blacks •t 36 and 38 ctg. Super quality, et 48 and 60 etc. Sublime quaiity at 66 etc. Printed wool de lagoon, ST to 02 ors. Black bombazines, auction lots, al up. eulk alp Wan. &o. Blank French lace veils, $t and 83. Also. MUSLIN& lip thopiece and yard. SHRET , NOS. by the piece and yard. LINENS. hr the niece and yard. 11 A NI •SK Table 'Linens. in cloths, all alas. NAPKINS and Doylies. by the dozen or quality. TOWELS. 200 dozen. from 660 M. to 86 Per dozen, RED-BORDERED Fine 'rowels, Napkins, and Boy- Ilea. FLANNELS. fine. lone-nrleed, and silk mixed. A MARBEILLES for collars, bosoms, bureau covers, 04 MARSEILLES QUILTS, also Lancaster, Allendale, LINEN MEETING& some extra good and cheap lots. TICKINOS, of every grade. Alert, MERRIMACK PRINTS, And AMERICAN DRY PWOOR GDS GENERALLY. COO k C felB NINTH and MARKET Sta. EDUCATIONAL. NEW METHOD OF ALEX. WOLOWSKL / —Mr ALEXANDER WOLOOKI. Pianist and Composer. honorable member of rho principal Phil harmonic, Societies of .Eu rime: Ac.. has arrived from Paris. and opens a. coarse of Lessons liy hie extraordi tnary method.which has produced the greatest sensation in Europe for tinting and the Piano Forte, By Mr. We method a person having only slight knowledge of music will be enabled, in a very short time. to read music with great facility, and et the same time execute Operatio as well as Classiest Mus a with a rare per fection, and make them able to accompany themselves from every tore, by a now march of harmony. As to the vocal part. h• has proved. by the erect number of musical stars that he has brought out before the Eu- Tolman public. that, by his van of vocalization. he ar rive. at most extraordinary results. renders the voice powerful. and the singer lei enabled to vocal.sa the most difficult passages with the greeted facility, an. many. and the quality of tone. Mr. W. wilt give a Course of Lessons in Philadelphin. and all Demme who desire to become artists. goad model , ne. or tiro.- rate "meteors. can slimly ethic residence. No. 204 West WASHINGTON SQUARE, second door below Walnut Street every day, precisely from 10 to 11 A. M. fell-6t MEDICAL. DYBP 4 TSIA.—FIFTY YEARS TNDE. FORMABLE AGONY FROM BYR PERNA, Nommen. Slickness at the Rtmnach. and Vomiting, have been moored hr DUB ARBY'S delicious health- Teetering REVA LENT 4 ARABIC& FOOD. I.Errim the Honorable Isidore J. WNW SYDNEY 43 Elizabeth street. 17th August. 1805. BaksSluei I am happy to inform YOU of the great benefit my daughter has revolved from the Bevalenta Ambits. She was ver thin and delicate. , eing too tall for her age. between tea and eleven, whoa she com mented taking It. It has made he- mute strong and heat. by. I consider It the most nutritious restorative fond for children and deli/late persons. Believe me. dear Sire, truly yours, I. J. BL ARE, 83 Union street, Third district, New Orleans. March 13th. 1866. For seventeen year° I have been laboring under an ipsofferable alllicd•on.depnved of 'deep, and so dizzy at times that I could not help myself; my stomach would fail me. and I thus become a helpless. enervated inva lid At last, on the lath alone, 1861. 1 'WM taken dawn with an elv'ne flux and killing pains in thn bowel. Often as I wept to lid at night. I thought I ehonld never see the morn' ng. My medical attendant and friend. in whom wan all my trust, could do nothing to Alleviate Tiv aufferini e. and sent me to one of hie colleague. *hose attendanceproved as nnaucciessful, all the reme dies prescribed falling to afford Inc am relief. It WAS at this stage of my disease that. on the ath of September hat, T huddle met one of my friends. who told me that Mr. 1. B. Ittonier had passed through the some ordeal, and had been radically oured by Du Barry's Revelenia A nibie4. Thereupon I Immediately began to make use alt. and. goon after. I' elt relieved: and the extrnor dinarY change for the better I have gradually expo. rimmed since, owing to that excellent Farina, induces me to believe that I am armlet els mired. F. B. BERNARD, Commercial Abstract rk Cle in the Collector's Office. CANE NO. 64 816. (From the Rev: James 'l'. Campbell. Ryder stone Rec tory, ndar Fakenham, N orfolk 1 'December ath. 1865. OF.NTLEZUNI In all oases of Indigestion. andpartied larlywhen the Liver is more than usually effected. I consider Du Barres Revel.nts Ambles Food the best of all remedies. You can make what use you please of this communication. I am, gontlomeo. youre. Tee JAMES T. CAMPBELL. Perfect digestion, strong nerves, and refreshing sleep restored by Du Berry's delicious health-restoring Revs lenta Ambits. Food. Upwards of 60 000 cures and r any thousand testimonials. Packed. with full instructinns. in misters; 1 lb 8160;12 DA 812. The latter carriage free on receipt acne'. Pold et the De.nt, 241 South THIRD Street. by U. MUNRO. principal agynt for the United States. and by all Grocers and Druggists. realm* HOTELS. CONTINENTAL HOTEL PHILADEL PHIA. CORNER OF CHVETNUT AND NINTH hiTREE ffi—OPENt. 0 FERRI. ARY 16TH. This munifieent eatabliehment haa been erected by subsoription; the stockholders compriking a large num ber of the must enterprising business men of the coy in winch assembled the Continental Congress that save to the world the Deolaration Of American Independ 'Tie guests.ta accommodations for about one thou 'sand and is supplied with every modern im provement for the tunnfert and convenience of fem me. business men, and the entire travelling comma nits. A vertical railway is being constructed upon a novel end 'scientific pnnciple, which tender. accident impos sible, affording the means of reaching the highest sto ries without the fatigue of ascending continued tithe album, giving easy access to the purer air and quiet of the miner MM . The spumes notridors for ventilation, and every Protection against the dangers of fire, have been libe rally Introduced. An extensive reeding room and in:minces exchange. with telegraph office and onnneoting writing rooms, have been provided on the first floor. The whole of the interior arrangements end furnish ' ing have been under Om personal superintendence of PAEAN ;STEVENS. un'er whose manasenvut the rumen of the Revere House and Tremont House, Roe ton; the Battle Hone. and Point Clear Hotel, Mobile; and the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New Fmk, has been eas tablished. -• • • • The various departments of the Continental will be conducted upon the same liberal soak) which has earned for the above named hotels their well•known and ex tensive share of public favor II oommunicatmna for apartments, or upon any busi ness connoted with the Muse. should be addressed to Continental Hotel. In order to Insure immediate atten tion. [fel7-12t) J. E. tab i/.1018 ta CO. SOARS. e.) . VAN HAAGEN & hteRFORE'R cELEBRATED ORIENTAL DETEPIEVL, CH EXTRA EMLPAI, PALE, PAI.E! MOWN. PULLING TOILET, &o. Potent° In the sole agente fer the manufacturers. TRAIN & hIeKEONE, 22 and 24 1. WHARVES. Also wholesele dealer!, in Caro , NUT, CO TTON SEED, PALM AND ETA. IRE OILS. felB-ewtf LANDRETII'B LARGE YORK OAB ...A. Landretheads. e r arty York Cabbage Seeds. arl, I '4lllook Heart coths,e. new vanety, very fine •Ytivaec::4,9ltaeur; r ( n 7 tle fi d . Tianti an the tweet and best quality. Fey 'Me by D. LANDRETH SON, • Seed and Agnoniturai Warehoe lt• Nos—nand 23 South SIXTH Sheet. iga MILES'S IMPROVED PLOUGUS Wiggin's Ploughs. Posen.* Ploughs, Harrows Cultivators, Agricultural Implements, in grant votriety and for sale by T. LANDRETH & SON. Seed and Irnnlament Wa•e ,, ouse t It" Nos. 21 and 23 ?owl' SIXTH Street. PHOTOGRAPHS, ALL SIZES, AND AT MI prices. Ambrotyves to please everybody. Frames for Photographs. Stereosoopee of all_parts of 0! world. at REIMER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GAL LERY, SECOND Street above Green. It. CHEESE. - 460 bosee Herkimer County Chemin. In odor i e and (orals by C. 0. SADLER & 00.. A ReliutrA4t. 2 d finer ahem. Vrnnt (elB TTHEOIT'ZENB OF PHILADEL- A. PMA.—The Director. of the NAT ATOM% AND PH VeICAI, INSTITUTP, considering the ob jects of their Institution so highly important. have deemed ir proper to issue an Address, in pamphlet form. to the citizens of Philadelphia, which in now in course of extensive circulation. and it to hosed wilt reach the hands of, and be read by, every peyann kindly disposed to lend their aid and in behalf of the (pollute. Tim Address sets forth the value of the Institute to Philit delphiene. de beneficial influence in respect to health, and also the general plan and design contempl a t e d by the charter or incorporation. Swimming Pools... B at hs of every variety. including the Russian. and Gymnasia, for both seas', will each be perfect of Its kind. and form important features of the Institute. The sty of hoe been placed at fifteen dollarsper share, and each subscriber will be entitisd to the benefits of the Institute, in eiteer depart ment. to the extent of thepar value of the amount subscribed, on surrender of his certificate in pay ment, and the rates will be greatly in favor of cub aorib•re. It is hoped that a liberal response will be made to the 0413V8aletil duly appointed, in order that a very early commencement may be made in the erection of a build ing suitable to all the wants of the Institute. Each canvasser will have with him written credentials, duly attested, empowering him to obtain aubsoripiions, re ceive the amounteubsoribed, and deliver the eertifii "TreOfteTrikand Directors of the Institute are ne fol lows: resldent—PAUL B, GODDARD. D. Vice President—EDW. SHIPPER, Treasurer and Secretary—JOS. W. DREXEL. . , DIRECTORS Paul D. Goddard, Fltilaeiniamg:od Edw. Belem, , Merl Mo_bilehttels oseph W , reset, orgiund Diner, alp 4401 vett, . VVPIPSIi LoWthecnaw 441 THE PRESS.b.4HILADELPHIII4" SATURDAY, ,FEBRUARY 18, 1860. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE ATTENTION BOOK BUYERS II INVITED TO AN INVOICE OF CHOICE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS BEST AUTHORS, Now In Store, and for Sale br SAMUEL HAZARD, JR., 724 CHESTNUT Strut. Stir See Book Cotumn of this paper THE STRANGER'S GUIDE! ! LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publiehere and Booksellers. N 0.25 South SIXTH, St.. above 0 fIFSTNI'T, Publish THE 8 MANGER'S HUME IN PHILA DELPHIA; to all the public building,. places of amusement, commercial and religious institutions, and churches. principal hotels &a., &o. With a Map of the City_and numerous illustrations. 18mo. Price On muslin)... M (untie. Do. (paper).- 25 do. A POCKET MAP OF THE ENTIRE CITY, (beautifully colored) 37 cents. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers. W ALL NEW ROOKS can be procured at VERY LOW PRICES. Catalogues of our own publications furnished up.on isnPlioation. fen MICIIELEVS L& FEMME LA FEMME. NEW BOOK NOW READY LA FEMME.] WOMAN. [LA FEMME 818 SEQUEL TO L'AMOUR. Just Published in Paris, and translated from early sheets, by Dr. I. W. PALMER. 1 ranelator of • L'Amour." One vol., 12m0., muslin. Price SI. subieets are elegantly treat The f dinning interesting itet in Me mark : The Workins Woman, The Woman of Letters, The novernees, The Aotress. Tho" Dame aux Camelias," " One more Unfortanati," The Book of Women," a continuation of the Book of Love," Woman a Religion. Revelations of Heroism. The Woman Who Lovesi, moet• The Nan Who Loves Best, How Phe Gives her Heart The W47. Yount Wife, Arts and Bonk., How Woman Exoels Man, the Heroin t es of Lev°, The Communion of Love, Woman an A nEel of Pesos and The Last Love, Woman the Proteetress of Woma n. Womn, the Physician. Childien,To7o, Dolls, Ito. Tivesty-Sixth Edition of L'AMOUR .] [L'AMOUR. . Ono vol.. l2mo.,muslin. Prime 411. The unexpected eat. o f this remarkable volume is everywhere the subJeot of amazement, and has hewn pronounced Bathe great foot of the publishing year. The New Orleans Data says: " This remarkable work has produoed an impression upon the reading publio, almost without parallel in late years. Ruch an (Meaty end delicacy, such rigorous analysis and tender sentiment were searcely ever before so artistically and effectivelf combined. Phe style of the work is fit for its Important theme—dignified, elocuent, vigorous, and chaste." . • Either of these books will be cent by mall, post age...fres, to any_part of the United States be RUDU h OA Iti.ETOY, Publisher', folit-s&thtf No. 130 GRAND Street New York. SAMUEL HAZARD, JR. 724 CHESTNUT Street, BRA now to otore and for mile, an invoice of CHOICE ENCILIBH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS of the PRior AUTHORS. to which he invites the at tention of noojt apy!iEts. . THE ABBOTSFORD s/AVERLEY NOVELS. Corr elate in twelve v„ lame.l half oalf, full milt or moroooo, extre. 7 COMPLETE very /manse. THE WORKii OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 96 vols. Hal calf.Adt. Containing hie Life. Prose end Poetient Works. Lives of Authors, .ko. A very beautiful copy. THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. Blaok's Edinburgh edition. in ad volumes. Beautifully bound in tree mar ble salt. • • • . CLARENDON'S HISTORY OP THE PI:HELLION and Civil Ware in Enfland. A new edition. in 7 vole , Piloted at the Oxford 'University Flrean. Fall °Or, neat. SHELLErfi CoMPLETE WORKS. Contiunine the POEMS, EBBAYB, &o. of Percy %Bebe Shelley. In role. lemn. Half calf.' . . . EloBWhlLii '8 LIPS OF BR. JOHNSON. Inotufts his tour to the Hebrides, fan similes of letter., Auk, graphs. yo. With illustrations. Notes by Croker. 10 vole Calf. CHARLES LAMB'S WORKS 4 vols. Half calf or full calf. Alrixon's beautiful edition. R.'•I.IQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY. Containing old Heroin Bail oda. Pons.. ha. Br Bishop rho.. Parer. 7he Edinburgh Edition. In trl volumes. Elogantly bound in moo - coo, tooted. POPE'S WORKS. With Notes, Life and Illustra tions. Edited by William Rosooe. New Edition. 8 vols. Null calf. extra. . . THE INGOI:DS.I , I LEGENDS. Br Thomas Barham The English Edition In 9 vols. With illustrations Elegantly hound in 101 l Galt. GOETHE'r WORKS. Translated from the German With an Autobiography. 6 volumes. Half calf or full calf Tr RCRIL ELR'S WORKS. In 4 volumes. Half calf. enslated from the O orimtn. TEE COMPLETE WORKS OF ISAAC VIERAELL Containing Curiosities of Literature. Amenitiee. Cala mitien of Anthem ko. 7 vols. Male nett: outzors BIBTOttY OF CIVILIZAVON. from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Frenoh Revolution. 6 vole. Half onlf. extra. TITE MONO° . APHICRNCYCLOPEDIanfroienee, Literature and Art; edited hr Spencer P. Baird 4 vol ume• of letter press; two volumes of steel plates. eon tainlnvl2 GOO moven-me. SOUTH EVII COMMON-PLACE BOOR; or Choice Passages from Chows Authors. I volumes, flvo., half o,of. THE COMPLETE WORIiR OF JOHN C. OAL 11.‘11N. oetavo volumes. ull calf. THE (WM PLETE WORKS OF C. C. G. BUNSEN. Translated from the German. 11 volumes , Bvo., half cal f GIBBON'S 'HISTORY OF THE DP:CLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. 8 volumes, calf, and half calf. MER IVALE4HISTORY OP THE ROMAN UNDER THE EMPIRE. A valuable book in eouneatlon with Gibbon's Rome. 0 volumes. half calf. . . FaftlON',3 HISTORICAL WORKS. e volume', If calf. . . . . RH )(APRA R E'R WORKS; Chalmers' beautiful edi tion. In volume., half calf. extra. 41CRPEA RE. Valply's complete library edition. Half orilf or cloth. 14 vo mem . . . . . . . liks RM . 'S HIeTORY OP TIM UNITED :ISTEFL 7 voMmes. hmlf soot ROLLIN'S ANCIENT 'HISTORY. 6 volumes, cell, xte, . THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF GREAT RITAIN. by Jeremy Collier. 9 volume, hair oat .ntiqua and numerous other vahinble works. PUNCH'S CARICATURhB ; THIRD SERIES, Net summed MR. PIPS HIS DIARY, with comic illustration, from ;inch. 'mg WIDE OR PROVERBS, comic illustrations CAPL.MBES, THE YOUNOER, to search of a Wife. 'fo me 1. n T ted. H ig Y NEW BOOKS RECEIVED AS FACT AS SEWED. I -1 ELPERII IMPENDING CRISIS FOR sale. at the anti-Plaverr ('tee. 1(7 North FIFTH Street. Aloe, the LIFE OF CAPT. BROWN. felB-6V HUGH MILLER-HUGH MILLER. JUST PUBLISHED. AN ANSWER TO HUGH MILLER AND 0 , 01.0018 TV. Br THOMAeIt. DAVDEIL I rot. 12mo. Munro. t'race $1.22. EXTRAC P PfRO CONTENTS The Fa'se and True Records ; neolor 0 ertlinnnx Kingdoms in Lines of Exlsienoes • Woat the Mositio account of Creation Confliet of . the Otioloria Faith with fteienee and with the ecriptures ; The wxpuprlnir the Mosel° Account of Creation, and the thibetisution of the Geologic, by Hush Millerl Forms its the Fossil Kinrdom ; General Confliota of the Geologio and Bibli cal Christian Faith, &o. The object of the work le to show that Geologic Faith is inferior to the fliblioi4 Christian faith, which Geolo gists are endeavoring to overthrow and annihilate ifnot in all its ports, at least in its foundation and material element. The weight of the argument. as may be judged by the title. is directed a..ainst the promotions of the Into HUGH MILLER. which boar upon the over throw °film Biblical Christian faith. In disausaing the subject. it has been tho intention of the author to treat it in such a manner as to draw the attention of Chris tians to the importance of the principles involved. .* TO above book will be sent b. mall,ostage free, on reeettl of erica, by RUDD & CA 11 LETON p Pub lisher*, No, 130 GRAND Street, New York. fell.etb3;e at THE VOYAGE OF THE " FOX.” • LINI2BAY & IMAKINHTOPf,. No. 25 Pout h Street. above CI.II:Bk'NUT. have jest reoetved freah VOYA G E Copt. al oChetock's Narrattve of the " OF THE FOX." limo. fee NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS 1860. 1860. SPRING SHAWLS. ALEXANDER CLARK. 81 WARREN STREET, NEW YORE, A 8 NOW OPEN, AND OFFERS TO THE WHOLE SALE TRADE, on liberal terms, a large and splendid stook 01 PRINTED CASHMERE SHAWLS, STELLA SHAWLS, IN BROCHE AND PRINTED BORDERS. Also, the LARGEST STOCK of WOMB BROOM?, BORDERS, IN SETS, Ever ollbred in this market. AS THE ABOVE WERE ALL BOUGHT PERE/N -ALLY, 00 , 1 the most advantageous terms, by the ad vertiser, h is enabled to offer them at prince that mug oommand the attention of all FIRST-CLAYS BUYERS fed-Im AUGUST BELMONT & CO., .BANKERS. NEW YORK, Moue L4tora of Credit to Travellers available In ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, TIIROIIOII THU MESSRS. ROTHSOKILH. INDON, FRANKFORT, VIENNA, NA IND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS PARIS, L PLEB, 1e.% iSm" coLoßiao PHOTOGRAPHS ! IVORY TYPES. DAGUERREOTYPES! AT MoOLEES'. 21111 111 096 CHESTNUT STREET. Balms Seventh (opposite Jayne's Hall). $l. PLAIN' PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Time who desire a really splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should nail at this THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND MOST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE STATE. Copies of DAGUERREOTYPES or Ambrotypos, of any 11120, finished In Cats" OIL, WATIM-CoLOII. PANTIL. or MI IVORYTTPXB. dl2-am STORAGIL—Large Stores to Rent at Ken sinston Earew Dock. Ships' cargoes takes at low ratan. Apply ,!,os ROW LEY. ASHBURNER, & On PENN Street, abovelA UR% Or No 16 South WITAR B. A N EXTRA AND SUPERIOR IUNOH, - , - 31 cow:Wink of Oyster Ple. finuer.Xrout, end Sweat Breads. to be nerved up Ma tnorrunn, st GEORG'S WECICERLYIS, 402 MARK Wl' street. It* MAIJKEI4L.-490 bbls. Nos.l, 2, and 3 Afaoterel, In assorted OrtginatraokapS, of the latest eaten, for mete h./ 0. 0. SADLER & (Al, ARCH street. 24 Ann , ' eV novo Front. felB MEES )3 .—Choice Herkimer County Cheele,ta ne &plot° and Swage Cheese. Bupe rtqoahen rat4tet, mi mni Market chokes Refi t, le -QV OLOGMB MASO INSURANCE COMPANIES. SABINE iSc DIJY, AGEN TS, 424 WALNUT STREET STATEMENT fri TUX OONDITIOX OP rns PHENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1869. In comphanee with the laws of Pennsylvania FIRST. 1. Capital stook, all paid up, in cash »« 11400,000 SECOND. • THE PROPERTY OR ASSETS HELD BY THE COMPANY 1. The value, or as nearly as mar be, of the real estate held by 86,000 00 2. Amount of cash on hand .. 52,000 6.1 8. Amount of cash depo sited in banks, spe cifying in what banks the same is deposited. State Bank. 25.283 Farmers & Mach's... 20,000 00 Merchants & Manu facturers' ..... 5 000 00 11,370 02 4. Amount of cash to hands of agents and in course of trate -31,131 38 6. Amount of loans secured by bond arid mortgagee, cioneti tuting the first lion on the real estate, on which there is leas than one year's interest due and owing.... ..... ..... 24.200 00 O. Amount of loans on which in termit has not been paid within one year, (paid in Par t). • •• • 11,000 Oir T. pmountdue Company on which Judgments have been obtained, None. 8. Amount of stook, owned by the Company, whether of any State or of the United States, or of any incorporated pity of the United States, or of any other description, seem fying the number of shares, and the par and market value of the 868,843 00 Par. Market Value. AD shares United States Trust Co.'s stook. New York $6,000 e 6,100 CO TOO shares American Exchange Bank stook, New York.... 90,000 10,800 00 )31) shs Metropolitan Bank stook, N. York, 20,000 22,000 00 200 shs Bank of Com merce stook, New York . 20 OX. 10,400 00 SOO shares Manufactu rers' Bc. Merchants' Bank stock, N. York 20 000 20,030 CO 160 shares Continental Bank stook, N. York 10,4E0 10,460 00 428 shares Mechanics' flank stock, N. York 10,700 11,412 00 800 ohs Phronix Bank stook, New York.... 10,000 11,020 CO 200 shares Merchants' Exohange Bank stook, New York.... 10,000 0,800 00 100 shares Merchants' Bank stook, N. York 6,000 8.300 00 100 shares Ocean Bank stook. New York ... /SAO 4,600 00 MO shares Farmers' k Mechanise' Bank stock,lleirtford 30,0 0 34,209 00 SOO shares City Bank stook, Hartford..... 20 000 23,400 00 200 shares Attna Bank stook, Hartford...... 20,000 21,700 CO 200 'bars' Merchants' and Manufacturers' B'k stook. Hartford. VOM 20,400 00 000 shares Mercantile B'k stook. Hartford. 00,000 20 MO CrD 200 slot Phoenix Bank stook, Hartford,.. 20,000 19.030 00 Mc shares State Ban k stook, Hartford-- 12.600 16,116 0) 60 shs Hartford Bank stook. Hartford...... 8,000 8,000 00 60 shares Conn. River Bank st'k. Hartford. 1,800 3,200,00 10 she Hartford oounty Bank stook, Hart ford 800 000 CO 100 shs Citizens' Bank stook, Waterbury.. 10.000 11,100 OD 88 shares Waterbury Bank stook. Water bury 1,000 2,109 00 4 shares Stafford Bank stook, Stafford...... 400 411 00 100 shs Holyoke Water Power Co.'s stook.. 10,00 D 10,388 00 20 New Britain Water bonds 10,000 10,700 00 10 Hartford City bonds 20000 10,000 00 10 Col., Peg., and Inn. 12 It 10,000 f,OOO 00 Amount of stook held by the -361,043 00 mammy as collateral se• amity for loans with the amount loaned on each kind of stock, its par and market value Mar- Far ket Amount value value. loaned. , 23 she R. & N, R.R. Co.'s clock..-...... 82,300 $2,876 $11,300 61 she Charter Oak Bank.... 8,780 6,03 6,650 03 she Mereh'e & M anufactu rem' Bank.... 6 000 6,150 3,600 30 she Connec ticut River Bank.. —..... 1,300 1 960 1,601) 61 she Mercan- , tile 8ank..... 6,103 6,181 6,900 73 she Atari Bk. 7,300 7,920 7.250 13 she Farmers' k Mechanloe' Bank —..... 1.200 1,399 1.200 9 ate City Bank 000 1,000 800 25 she Esolian'e 8ank......—... 1,230 1,1.50 1,0001 --$31,100 00 32,250 34,649 Amount of all other loans... 11,700 02 M. Amount of assoisments on the stook of the company called in, and due and unpaid.— .. Nose. LI. Amount of premium note due etd unpaid.............. Nene. 12. Amount of interest on in. vestments made by the company, due and unpaid.,. 6,171 61 THIRD LIABILfTIIIB OP THE COMPANY. 1. Amount ofLosses due and un paid None. P. Amount of the olaims for loss es which aro to suit or oon tested by the company LOCO CO 6. Amount of loans during the year whiob have been paid . 188,065 M 4. Amount of leases during the year which have not been settled 6,704 LS 5. Amount of losses during the year which are contested... None. 6. Amount of leases during the year reported to the comps , ny but not acted upon MOM CO 7. Amount of the dividends de clared 8.0 000 00 8. Amount ofilividends declared. due, and unpaid Nose. P. Amount of dividends (either cash or scrip) declared and not yet due ..... None. 10, Amount of mosey borrowed. and the nature and amount of security given...........,N0ne. 11. Amount of all existing claims ageing the company, non tested or 0therwi5e........... 1,000 00 FOURTH. INCOME OF TILE COMPANY 1. Amount of cash mem um' re• calved 0931.714 92 2. Amount of - premium notes taken by the company...... None. S. Amount of premiums earned. 903,608 17 4. Amount of interest money re ceived from the investments of the c0mpany............... 23,193 79 B. Amount of income from any other m0urcee............... • None. FIFTH. F.7tPENDITUREB OF THE COMPANY. I, Amount of lessee paid during 8:11,470 2. Amount of loaves paid during the year. which accrued prior to the year ........ 71,411 77 3. Amount at which the lone; were Mimed' d in former statement, which were pawl during the year 28,232 86 1. Amount paid and owing for reinsurance premiums. • None. 6. Amount of return premiums whether paid or unpaid. No account is kept; deducted from premiums received. 6. Amount of dividends paid during the year.... 99,000 Oil 7. Amount of expenses paid du ring the year, inoluding com missions and fees paid to agents and °Mears of the company ...... ............. 97,000 46 8. Amount of taxes paid by the 7,29169 9. Amount of all other expenses and expenditures of the 1. Amount of promissory mace originally forming the capital of the company.. ....... None S. L. LOOMIS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF FULeU)EPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING A S. W,, CORNER iv FOURTH AND WALUT STIOSETS. DIRBOTORIL ,1. . , RATCHFORD STARR. MORDSCAT L. DAWSON, ILLIAM Ala Kim &so. H. B•UART. N.u.slin,"), mit, JOHN H. BROWN, JOHN M.ATWOOD, R. A. FARRIS/OM BRAD. T. Tuantnc, ANDRRW D. CASH, HARRY WHARTON, J. L. WRAITH:MR. F. RATCHFORD BTARR, Promillent. CHARLES W. C O t , &cream. fels-17 TIER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 001512 ANY OF NEW YOILE. AsS SIX MILLIONSeO ts F DOLLARS, 111111ITTID IN PTIST MORTGAGES nri REAL 1111•51, WORTH OVER 4113.000400. The premiums are Lowrie than in many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been GREATia. This is II gently MUTUAL oQmpoi. irre STII DO Dtookholders, so that ALL THE P PITS DELON% TO Till INBORN% Pamphlets, and every information, may' be had ORATIe, on application t o F. KA PCHFORD EITII.II_,R Agent, 13, W. corner FOURTH and WAL NUT' btreets. PHILADELPHIA REPT ItBNOM Thomas Hobine, john Welsh. Mordecai L Dawson , George H. Stuart. doom) H. Stroud, H. S. Whelan, ohn B Myna!, oeeph Patterson, J. Fisher Leamlnh William C. Lp.dwig. ohn M. Atwood, Amour d Comn, omen H. Powers, GeorgoW. Toland, llllamMcKee. Thos. Wattsou. nM-Irlf • FANCY DRY GOODS. BURNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN S Moaners of FANCY GOODS, ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIKRY. MEN'S FUrtNISHING GOODS, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. SKlRTS—Shetland Wool. Zephyrs, and VARIETIES. No. 411.1MaltnEr STREEL fell tmv3 STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT. "BELLE OF THE SOUTH," The moat retreat and Beautiful Skirt ever product MADE WITHOUT CLASPS, and warranted not to get out of order, in 8, 11,14, 20, 03, 30, 30, 40, and 30 HOOPS, EVERY LADY 18 REQUESTED TO EXAMINE THEM BEFORE PURCHASING OTHER MAKES. Wholesale Dealers supplied by DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD, 51, 63, awl 63 WHITE Street, NEW YORK 1860. B PRING. 1860. NOTIONS FOR TRH SOUTHERN TRADE. M'OAULEY. BROTHER, Be BREWSTER. No. 2$ NORTH FOURTH STREET, Rave a large and complete assortment of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, FANS, BELTS, WOVEN TRAIL SKIRTS, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, and FANCY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of ftrst-olsee H. DUHRING & CO., ee end 29 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now ref:miring, by aucoeseive arrival/ from Be rope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS os ENGLISH AND ONR.M•N HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, Altolune Sewing Bilk and Thread—and cohort en in apeotion of their omPlete cad @wok— HIPICULLT AUAPTID TO 800111aRN AND WxaTtCN TRAM UO-]ul MILLINERY GOODS. 18600 8 P it I A 1 1 2tfgET. ° " 11360 e One of the largest and most complete stock' of goods in our line in thin country. The beet terms and the cheapest prices. 0. H. GARDEN & Manufacturers of, and 'Wholesale Dealers in, HATS, OAPs, FURS, BILE and STRAW BONNETS, and STRAW 000051 ARTIFICIAL st.owxas, 'BATHERS. RI/CIIZII. Nos. 600 and 604 MARKET STREET, 8. W. corner Sixth. SPRING OF 1860. MARTINS, PEDDLE, .11 AMRIOK, & No. 30 NORTH FOURTH BTRENT, Have now in store, and are dolly reeelving, °omelet. lines of the following desirable goody, vie.: HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS, PARIS AND CANTON FANS, SUPERB BELTS, PARIS COMBS AND BRUSHES, NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND, Adapted to Southern and Western Trade, to whieh we invite the attention of Stet-claws buyer,. fo3-3m DRY•GOODS JOBBERS. JAS. R. CA M.PI3ELL 8e 00., IMPORTERS AHD 11110LESALE DEALERS DI DRY GOODS. LINENS, WIIITE GOODS, °LOTUS, OABSIMERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, bo. )all-amif No. 717 C}IIBTNUT Street. SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER Na WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, as ORESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. niaohluee, with Operator', on hire to Private Famines. EIR•NCII OF/ICII t 7 Went STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 130 CENTRAL SQUARE, Easton, Pa. 12.1941 m 15682,911 91 WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE.—'fhe great and inoreaging demand for Wtloox & titt,be' Sawing Machine is a guarantev A f its t u Sl i ek e ß i ol e l l il e Cebl n" , nrenreill e dl , Vtreet.m roa_tr • CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. TURNBULL, ALLEN, .& CO., "IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHIN A AAD IM QUEENSWARE. Noe. 23 and Bo SOUTH FOURTH STREW. (Between Market and Chestnut greets.) gir PITTIBUINI OLI.IIII AGENCY. GLANS OPIUM OE IST rseraos, as MAN UFACTURSRIP PRICES. fel6-101 BOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS & JOBBERS, Rave now on hand a complete Stook of QUEEN SWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ENGLISH CHINA. At their Old Stand, No. 3 NORTH FOWRTJI et, four doors below Merohante' Hotel. to which they in vite the attention of WHOLIGIALR bin sae. Kir AGENTS TOR PITTSBURG GLASS. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. WILLIAM YARNALL. No. 1090 CHESTNUT STREET, (Immediately opposite the Academy of Fine Arta./ i n vitee the attention of HOUSEKEEPERS and others to has extensive assortment of USEFUL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. TABLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, CHAFING DISHES, FIRE SCREENS. PLATE WARMERS, Jal-tothetf TEA FOWL ace.. TO DEALERS AND CONSIIMERS.-Al -- WOVI On hand a stook of 1,000,000 fine HAVANA CIGARS, of the following Mande, viz Cabanos, Fi garo. Upmann. Portagas, Travtato, Normende, Fiyo fly &medial. Programme, Mucha, Conguitto, ROAM, ice., ato. Offered wholesale and Retail, by 0. 0 UM PERT, 400 f CHESTNUT Street, below the Custom House. fel6-Im. M ONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED.- ) 1, Itx TO ANY M er VlATE l Upo , n m W:to a h n e d s i . rei..:l:4 eittn'A l S. Bl ) h E IltVeßfli e amta i rt c ar er Moan ~ms A. . 1 rl 4 . .1. . nli-amv, _____ ONIOKERINO & SONS, MANU FACTURERS of Grand, Square, and Up right PIANO FORTES. Wareroome, Bur CHESTNUT Bireet„ Pianos to lot. taken In exnhenge, tuned, and repaired. Also, in connection, a full nook of Papule, Mum. Mum Hooke. aim Ti A MS AND SHOULDERS. —l,OOO Pieoes City-f a m t oked tt andihouNys. pADLUK v,waldarnil 74,29% taa I'ABEIIDZATI THIRD-STREET JOBBING HOUSES 1860. SPRING. 1860. FRESH GOODS. RIEGEL. 13AI.RD, 81 00.. IMPORTERS AND :JOBBERS 01 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, NO. 47 N. THIRD STREET, !PHILADELPHIA. Would respeotfully invite the attention of Country Merohunte to their LARGE AND WELL•SELECTED STOCK OF FRESH SPRING GOODS, Which they are now receiving in Store. tl9" Merchants would find it to their advantage to oall and examine our stook. fa3-3m 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. WAY & 00., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. 98 NORTH THIRD ST., Are now ready for the " SPRIN G TRADE, And prepared to offer, to cam and prompt mix months Hume, one of the LARGEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCKS In the country, and or Prices toot writ dry comysti tion, not only In this. bat to any other city. Purchasers wilt find our Stook well monad at all seasons of the year. I. T. WAY, W//. P. WAY, tea-3m 3A/ 11. D. DUNLAYs OEO. P. WAY. 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860. BUNN. RAIGUEL. & CO.. , IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN CFANOY DRY GOODS. 137 NORTH THIRD STREET, .Are prepared to exhibit at their salesrooms the most immolate stook of cootie ever offered by them, present int unusual attractions to the trade generally.l The stook commas a oomplete usortment of every variety of SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS, CASSI2IIERES AND VESTINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND TRIMMINGS. Also, a full and general usortment of Oaring SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, To all of whloh they Invite the attention of CABE AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS. B. N. DUNN, V. C. BUSH, H. R. RAIOUEL, W. W. KURTZ, H. P. BUNN. fe 13-im y ARD, GILLMORE. & CO. N 08.40 AND lf NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, WHITE 000DS, LACES, LINENS. EMEIROIDE RIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND 43-3 m SHAWLS. ANSPACH, REED, 8c CO., WHOM:ULU DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. NO. 130 NORTH THIRD STREET, (CONNER MID AND CHNINT PHILADELPHIA. J Alteracti.Ja., CHAP. E. ANAPACTI. WN.ANAPACII. J►l. H. RIAD, DAVID H. SWAM fe3-ain XILTOR coma. WX. X. TARIIAIi. kOIT. D. WORI. COOPER, PARHAM, A, WORK, IMPORTERS. MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS OF HATS. CAPS. AND STRAW GOODS. NO. 31 NORTH THIRD STREET. Irir Constantly on hand a large assortment or Strew and Lace Donets. Panama, Loam, and Palm Leaf Hate. Bonnet Tnmunnes , Artificial Plower., Ruches /to. FAUST. WINEBRENER, ed CO.; IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE. NO. 49 NORTH TRIM) ISTREET, Above Market, pew Brown Stone Store, erected on Ike Old City lintel LoY IIILAL ELPHIA. DAVID 'AVM D. S. WIN ANINNXII. W. M. CARTYR. re.3•2m lIAZELL & HARMER. MANUFACTURERS I.IID WHOLE/ULM DEAL== pi BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 188 NORTH THIRD STREET. A tall sooortmea t of City made Boots and floes oon stand/ on hand. ald-tf LAING & MAGINNIS. Whnlokll4ll nIIIO6TIII in IRISH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTING& SHOE MANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES • sa"WiNG MACHINE SILKS. THREADS, COT TONS, NEEDLES. Ae. SOLE A GENTSFOR Trleg!!lrated IXL Mach . and 145eld'a Patent toot 1 14.. e1 3 . 0 North THIRD Street. (es-3m SOWER. BARNES. Ss CO.. BOOKSELLERS AND rUBLISHER , O Or FELTON'S OUTLINE MAPB AND KEYS. EMMONS' GEOLOUT, BROOKS' NORMAL ARITHMETIC% SANDERS' HEADERS, &0.. No. 87 NORTH THIRD STREET, (Emit We, below Aroh Street.) 1613 m TO ME 1W HANTS BUYING . CLOTHS AND WINDOW MABEL BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF 011,0 LOTUS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of dealers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTIIB, GREEN GLAZ , D O.L CAMBRIC, e beautiful article for aides. The laraeit stook of WINDOW SHADES and BUFF HOLLANDB in the market. at proms which defy oompetition. 143 3m JAMES. KENT. SANTEE, 00,. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Or DRY GOODS, NOB. 239 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, Respectfully Invite the attenual tion of buyers to their us LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among which will be found full boss of BATES' MILLS AND YOU_ COMPANY'S ON. COT- Also, a LARGE VARIETY 01 New and oonlinint Styles of PRINTS, MERRIMACK SECONDS, 4-e. fe3-2m HENDRY & HARRIS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. N. W. CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STREETS PHILADELPHIA HATS AND CAPS. HOOPES & DAVIS. No. 517 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, SILK, CASSIMERE, STRAW, AND PANAMA HATS. CAPS, BONNETS, BLOOMERS, RUCHES.PALM & WILLOW HOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &c. We respectfully Invite the attention of cash end prompt-paying buyers to cur large and well -fell selected stook kit COLUMBO ROOT—For aalo by NVRTHE RILL R D WTSBR, Q siul a North NEOnND Wrest, toLl WANTS. A COMPETENT BOOK-EEEPRII, will A open. rloss, post. or examine banks. adjust part normally businras, or neatly and expeditiously execute any kind of wrifinc. Address "A. Y. AL.. , Bon 176:1 Philndelphin Poet Office. Ale tt• WANTED TO RENT—A Modern Cot tage with five or six rooms, intriated between the city and Germantown. within fire Inmates walk or railway station. Re •t. $173 to Vie per annum. Ad dress "A. H. K.," Box 1235, Post Office- fel.s-20 WANTED—A person well acquainted with Lire insaranoe and having experience in obtaining applications. A good opportunity is here offered for budding op a handsome income. Acktresi Box Mr. O. fet7-0t• ACTIVE, INDUSTRIOUS 1,000 Agents emoted. in alt parts ot United States. to wholesale and retell new and useful patented arty Iles; profit lures, and business exclusive. Omuta are damnable, and will sell to everybody. Addrese, with stamp• 1. J. H INGLE CO., k N 0.213 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Penna. feL3-2t* WANTED—By an active young man. a v situation in a Wholes le Store az en Asideteutt Clerk. Would be willing to make himself generally useful to his employer. Address" K. L.," at this office. fOl7 -1t• WANTED.—A Young Man from the country wishes a situation in store. Has tome knowledge of b - ook-keeping, or wou'd make himself Se riemlly useful in any capacity he ma y he Placed. Willgive the bent of reference. Aida= •D. J ." thus offsets fell 2t WANTED—A Partner with Capital, to take as interest in a Lumber Manufactory In this State. near a railroad. The business 111 established. and y'etds rood profits. l•nene! is required to extend the business. For Par ticulars add reu, with full name. 201, West Cheater Prietnffice,P. fete 3t WANTR,D—A Financial Partner with " 1215.1303 to 825 000 cash In en established legitimate Anction and *Commiseson Busmen!, now rhino over $3130,CW per annum. $6 OOO will be guarantied the first year. A young man preferred, and one acquainted with counting-house dunes. Best r f reference required be fore interview, and only with real name..• d strictly confidential if required. Address ''AitOILOII Rumens," Box 290. Post Of fi ce. fe l s suf ABOOK-KKEPER. who will devote his whole time to the interestiof his employer. wishes a situation. Address T. 8.," oSlee of Ths Press. fell 6t WANTED—TO RENT.—A modern will e hg ti t o o n o t as. 6 ttt t red s: ln the western pert of the eity d . 'M..' Box'fte. Post Bffies. a Per linannL FOR SALE AND TO LET RCII-STRKET PROPERTY FOR SALE. Store and Dwelling No. 211 Arch etraet. rf.Tlllll exay. Apply to WILLIAM R. ALLEN. No. MS ARCH Street. tale 7t• igg FOR SALE—THE STOCK AND FIX Mal TUREB of the old.establishrd PROVISION STORM: of John Harrer. southwest earner of LOCUS I and DEAN Street.. with every oonventenea pertaining to the bowneea. Dwelling and atablint attached. It. ga Ti) TIN AND SHEET-IRON WORK EL.I. ERE.—FOR ROLE The entire stock in trade of the late OSEPH FEINOUR. compnsing an assort ment of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. More., Henteri. Camhoottes. /to, with the tools and Sutures of stores and work-hope. Also. to rent. the Stores and Dwelling. An opportunity Is now offered to !meets the Imasin•es of this old eetablishad stand. which has entoted for mane f ears a large share of the patronage of the ship ping interest of Phi adelphta. For tams, inquire et the Kseentor.s at the Old Stand Nos. 345 and 347Ennth FRONT street . . 1413 atilt/tat poi COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC CITY FOR PALE.—Four Cottages. bade eapreestr,da nag the butt !lemon. by the C. end A. Land Company, to cult families animater the eumwr at this deliaktful watering place. For Rube:Aar/ agelLto JuLIN S 1 SW R Arolutert. Iff WALNUT Street. or ISAAC LLOt D. Secretary. fell-et Cooper Point. N. .T. JONES' ITOTEL-PII(LADELPIIIA The lease and furniture of thin noted Hotel are for pale et a great bargain. The furniture is intim!, new , having been put in within a gear. and the hones now doing s successful bylines*. re Inqui of D. NI IGER. in the Hotel, or of F. O. SCK , DA. Pio IS hIURKAY Mt.. N. Y. felt-if 1.4101{ SALE--Ten acres of LAW), on •- FUME WEI Lane. adjasent to Station on the Penn sylvania Itallro‘d, five mays from tae city ;stone house on it ; be improved eons to make &desirable ; price 87,600 Apply to JOHN R. HOFFMAN. fell -12t alt WALNUT !greet. P')R SALE —A Cc untry Seat of 4 Acres. hindsomely Improvtd 6X miles from Market-Irma Brid, n e. Apply at 10.1)deRIPG GARDEN !trait. fo.w& • 2r.• fitIINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS.— A large quantity of Chinese and Japanese Pine Ap ple Bilks. Sato*. Cri,pes. Pongee Handl , arable'. and Cwicunties have just been reoeived by the chip-. Fairy." "N. B. Ps'iner." and "Windward." end will be sold at 6 WEBl' PE •N Square. first house north of MAI( K rig titres'. at moderate prices. A splendid Oil Painting of Pharighae, with a view of the Custom House and shipping. elso,a Japanese dog of great beau ty and curiosity. suitable roe a Lady's vet. fel4-6t" FOR SALE OR EXCIIANG . E FOR CITY PROPERTY.—A valuable FORM. on F. R. R., pear Gen. Wayne station.l2 miles from the pity, front ing on l ancaster pike; contain, 110 acres. The land is in a loch state of cultivation; fine stone mansion, tenant and coaah house, all necessary out-buildings. with fine spr t nod stream:f water :r the throughl! fximit,irm,,thote.cet. fi nest : : o within the mine distarom of Philadelphia. Also, one Delaware-county Farm. of 75 acres. Ens location, near Lai:lnwood etation. Thorpe who want a country residence. having property to exchange, had Getter examine this property before purchasing oleo where. A Lot of Ground on Pule street, west of Twenty second. Some fine Lots on Trenton avenue and Clearfield street, clear of all incumbrance, will be exchanged for small houses. A groat variety of property . ground rents, and Loads fur sale and exchange. Apply to LEVIS & COFFIN, fog-Xs 9015 WALNET Street. FOR SALE— THE BROADWAY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE-SHOP, BT. LOUIS. filueouri, ESTABLISHED IN mkt. This long-established and well known Foundry IS fared for sale on aecommodatiug term.. During the last eighteen months the Building. hare all been rebuilt, in the twat approved modern style. and new machinery added. making_ the most eoniPiete er tablishme at of its size in the Western country. The Foundry Building is 36 by as feet. and furnished wlih Cranes, Cupola. Core Oven. &a., Ito.. complete. The Machine them is 111 by 10 feat. two and one-half storjee gh,an4 cantatas a large and well-arranged vet of Lathes, Boring and Planing Machine., &c., wually found in Shope for doing a general Machinery tonneau. Tae stock of Patterns is the largest and most veins ble in toe city of St. Louts. nuke, 0015.n.0.. about Black smith shop. Foundry, Machine Shop, and Boiler Yard mbunclenee_. A most exoildent opportunity is offered for two iv three Cracticul mechanic.. with a s manufacturin g [ Capital. to embark in a well es ablished businese. For particulars address, at St. Louis, !do fel-tmif CUDDY. CARFENTIA, & CO. _ MI TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS. Mil A Retail Btore and fixtures, well located for bud- WPM A Mill, 76lry .13 resit, three Marie, high, with water power and damn for ...infirm and finiandra A Dye Hodes, 110 by .18 feet,wltb good rats, for dyeing. and plenty of dry roym. Thla property in 1. isher's lane near the Germantown Railroad, being ea gory acoesatble to the cat?, makes at very desirable. Apply to THOMAS R. FIPHER. Ja33-tf Fisher's Lens. COAL LANDS, &c., Ac.—About 748 Acre. Coal 0.5/1 Building Lots. 3 Farms, Lana New Rotel, Store. Stabling, &c.. &c. This proven, is Iscated in Lucerne county. at the Junction of the Sus gu.ehenita end Lackawanna rivers, at the head of the Wyoming Valley, directly opposite Pittston. end the lands of the great Pennsylvania Coal Company. Ihe Lends have been bored and proved. 'I he great Pitts ton vein underlies the same. The Lackawanna and Bloomsbury Railroad runs through the property, sad hes Station, Depot. &a., &e., located therein. The property will he sold a bargain. to close a con cern. Apply to K. C. KNltiliT, President West Pittston Coal Co., tief-sBt Cor. CHESTNUT and WA'r St... Pella.. taFARMS! FARMS I I ARmai t_ FARM .14 . ..•••r11•7 1 . near WalU Station, in ' "grk4 n . ° e at teourVeyo'n f ge u r n an o =ciVi ks,:.'t.l7nuinte (nem Norristown, highly improved, and good location Terms 154•1, mid immediate possesaion given. FARM of 49 mires. with good improvements—land "VrtirrVitVi`o i r":llr ra7L i ,"l4V:rtntA4l'-lt gnat hareem —arid terms very CUIJ. MERCHAN T and GR LOT MILL, with 4 run of stones. for sale, 12 miles from the city. Also,other tins: and Saw Mills for sale. STORE, DWELLING, and !Wilsons of land. donee. in a mood locallty. where a good tiosiness can be HOTEL and la •Ore, of land, miles from Norristown, • very eestrable business stand. FA Rhl ao Scrila.,Meronant Mill, &e. ka. situate on Readint R.,ilroad, for gals , qI.IISP. Several fine Farms to exchange for City Property. in good !mantle.. trot Mortgages on Farms negotiated on reasonable terms. Money invested in good first Mortgages. F.ir a catalogue of Farms. Stores, Hotels, and n other prove', apply to or &Area* R. R. CORSON, Norristown. Fa rOR SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Christian arid Twentieth 'tree% hawing three fronts, imitable for a church or factory 111.41. For Wipe &0., mildreee J. B at tire office. jalS FAIifORY LOT FOR SALE.--A value,- ble oorner lot, Ilis feet square. haying three fronts. admirably located for a fa c tory site. It is situated an the southwestern part aI the Say, iq a rapidly-m -orainal neighborhood. R will be sold on reuotabis terms. For particulars, address " K.," office o: This Pram. jald-tf IaROUSEi TAVERNS, and STORES. Real Estate of every desemition for mile or to; rent. ADDIT to ?,lAX thaws, Real Estate /gent. N 0.127 North SECOND Street, In L. Tourny 3 Co.'s Seed store. All orders will be promptly attended to. English. French, and Oerman spoken. Collector of Ground Rents. nlB-arn REMOVALS. REMOVAL. --SMALL it CHANDLER, WHOLESALE GROCER°, have removed ft= 66 North nECOND Street, to 126 IdARKST Street. above Front, north side. Jal WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. a PRATT ea REATH. N. W. CORNER FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, 1111PORTER8 0 WATOHES. JEWELRY, PLATED RARE, 8:o., &c (a-im SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Inuits 'pealed attention to their 'took of BILVEIi WARE, which ls now unusually large, affording a Tlk not/ of pattern and damn uneurpassed by any bowie the United States, and of finer eaalt7 than is mamas. tared for table use in any Part of the wor ld. Oar Btondard of surer is 9115-1000 parts pan. The English Storting 924-1009 tt Awe= and French 900-10041 tt Thum Itwill be seen that we give thirtr•tive Wawar than the American sad Freud ooin, and ten parts Parer th an the English Sterling. We melt all oar own Silver, and we guarantee the quality as above wkaoh is the itnist that can bi mods to be serricsobis, and will resist the action of acid/ most batter am she wa in/ giilogr meatysot rnd, WY. WILSON & SON, D. R. CIORNICR TEM AND OBIBILY Kg. A. 13.—. Any Anensu of Silver maaattabir ad as lima apou, but rasitisoily sass its/Wier to hassli sad Man* sans standard. Design supplied Inth the same standard ea seed la ear retail department. Fine Purer Bare, WWI parts per., eonetently ve hand. anit-dm MONEY TO LOAN BY THE PENN String Assoclatlon, at the El. W. corner Si rra awl ARM. 1417-It" eAML. !WAIN. atolltAlle AiII:ISERIEMTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF =RIO COOPER OPERA TROUPE. THID (SATRDAY. RTENTNEI, Feb.ll4, DER FREIRCRUTZ: OR, BEVt:eTki BULLRT. Agate, Kiss &tarter; and° ak. Mr. c iew. Mr. r cep. Conk ; Kano Mr. Bnodinot r - Fey ars. t • ear, Mr. Warne; Zara:Ha, Mr. Pagdra Kyle) • Iteeteassn.Leelies.Peassate Mucmal Dt recur r... M IL C. coormi.. piglet OF A DM , 11.710N. Parromm. Parquet Circle. sad Brame No extra charge for resorted seat& Family State mar be had it the Amens,. beck & Lamtolo6 sod C irk ars nx'a daily. from II WI A DOOM apse at Thi o'clock. Opera corposmass at L Chasse of emirs eve , ' aisht. DRAYTON'S PARLOR OPRRAI3, PRO VERBS, COMEDY. CO DRAMA. CONCERT HALL. CHASTNUT 811 LEST. B T•rollth THE LAS elt T PERFuS Si ANCE. GRAND ISATIPIEE THIS AFT} R bOON, st & First and Anly Um iTO T lagi•lptua.. PUT YaUR IiOULDERILE vrasEL3 WILL WHERE THERA'S A WLL Torun • 'Ay. emeelado with A CONCRRt . In vhioli NIRB.II DNAYTON. MIL H DRAYTON. SENOR OLIVEIRA, HERR ENGELKE. HERR gu, A. AND THR ORCHESTRA WI LL APPEL*. M. DRAYTON will wen .` 311121ae," MX' tint:Oat denim, Tiekon at Chiekenng & !kw-a, SS Cliestaat Beek & Lastoo'll.fget ciesataot stmt. sad at tio gr a e lan Pneaa—Body of th e BO at Bakaay. . WALNUT -STREET THEATRIL Polo re. M. A.B M. atiße Manager—.— . Mr. F. BACA. &moose Arent.. ....- ...Mt. ice D. in P PRY. Anus IBATLIIDAY) EFENIPIe Feb. Id. lid). THE 1 1 0 1 3BEB8. Cherie. do Moor, 44r. J. M. Peocucch ; MAW, Mr. ET F dome ; o conclude with • H Dort, Mr. Vining THE Rowan oUßE . DOG. ifirrtlollllllB Enid soccanat art th9ct stint clam& DOOM OM mei o dock Poutonwoo to MMUS at 7 o'clock. WHEATLEY & CLARK E'S ARCO ISTELEEM THEATRE. TWIB INATURDAY) evvinam. gab. IL pt i th night of 110IIRCICAULT8 NEW PLAY. milled the DEFnILOON: On, LIFE IN LOLIFIANn. 000111111 Fence. Er. Wheatley,' lao-b SoCkeiter. EL Dolman: Zoe. the Octoroon ErnieMa Drew. Scam. op YlLlCZAL—Admimavei, al maza, /wound Meats .a Dram Care/. sni eanta rarlaiat.N anew Doom open an tE potioratanerm k 11121611•11011 lle preoimety. D tli RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THILATRE. WALNUT It. above PtlCLl.—Brea Cirra. 11 bate i FalaiWeal cope• &tau is Promo Bozos. 71 coma t vita dean. 33 and IL Ca (sea oir Tx - mi.—Doors apes at hall' paatt Oslo*. To enamours at 7. THIS AFTERNOON mid Win Le presented the thirteens bretaala of'Ves ELEPHANT OF •1M; OR. afili FIRE R•NG*II Vt/w. A linsardr. Mr. W H. Page ; Me. C. IL Lye"; Chittagong. io Wh nat Thai. Mr. J-Eas heat; Korot. MLL Murray; Btai. Mr. NODS : Theophilas Ch- M!" Mr Freak Drew; !sib. it r. loostnoLgaberlaiaL Mr. Mad eta Herod Mr. r Kist Althar.lllr. ow, Danko. Mr. O. Holland; Pyromania. Mr. J Dame t fa derrorw Miss Rees:hood Atimednot Pnootrut. Mus ; Lola. M Hack. ; Ross Quota. Mins Cher" Robins.° ; Zelah. Musa Amos Loosdens. Fire alarm Amazonian card. It/besot lb. N C /um Dene'ne Gil.. Priestesses he. Tha s fr i p Court or the Queen of Roses. ha a bars of beast/PH Cheri's'. Officers of the Irtit.nier horse. Sotto a of the Bit/nese and Burmese tiuuda. aneadasta oo Ele•Eant. Priests. Dement. V. areas oh F re. 21, , abet Bearers. Black mania. Be. Dr eh. Ealsoinhri4ll morn and One Hundred Auxiliaries The Yerformenee iil aweelode with sae Iletims ACTS IN IHE in vbieh rho °navel Hum rut. DAN RICE. silesani A 4,RAND cost:FRI IN ATP OP sT. LA. VI IiCENT.II HOME .011 NENTIYEIV. PEEN. va , l b. a ora_oa TYJE 4 DA E'Tb..4*o. tnator.t at CONCERT kl ALL, Caocavt. abor• Ta,cd , k k meat Tb• dobecoisboo sod sootra , l4 . 41 0 eel Vonalot Noe RICHINGII, baa . tlo kioduot ammo,. rob:owned 4.r samosa (or as onea• on eh t. Bondi- Protsaaora Tkondar a, d lug y. and a az.- bar of leadtna amount," kajrs abr. offered to aa.b4 Ta coamoaeo at 7% o'clock. Ttckax 111 coat& tali It ANIIEItbON'S EXHIBIT:11)N XCA MS. /syne's Commernalth Handing, CIS11717! Btrs'tc eau Guth_ • ADDifOfilZl. ADD 710VT,L_A al TTILACTIOII3: The Massa. meat of the A T.W ti argil . barber aeon honored with imayerwa Lad trl mat sad...sees &nett tho past weak. rrepertleily U 1120.01.01116 it 3 tawskaa of reannoeg :n Philadelyloa a f k.W 310 h D.Y3e art order to enable all to wi'atese the s *Mutt Aroma of the orzeoue apactitele, entitled "I.IOH r AM) 118 EFFECTr." Before wavier lbw uty we voatd throk the prise Ltd the audio Syr the high is which they have hitherto heal the talibit t eo .. 3 Arks sad hope we Easy be able to sire combated as tufactingi. Adartecoa—Adults. 11l pests t_Dtkildr, le Dar Y 'hilarious ea WEDNi.DDAY sad bang- DAY AV t ERNt/O.No. at 3 n'elock id Mcllul‘OUtiti'S IiAISTISS--ILAOI below THIRD. 13111.11/0 1 13 I.L'CCEES 01P STAR OF EIITTI SILVER TIOIVERS. Wu Pantomime is pronounced . try All to be fejr nor to say attempt at tar EffeCtik la d kept. ta_coattaaal roap from and. The labia= otitis butt= ras=g beauty. IstlV 'LYING .PIL EVOLVIN PI I Wit VOLNO PILLA.AL T E 1A8L7 . 1 ATLAS. AT AT ATLAS. EOil Diens. app ADCI MAPES. ALCILADt.S. .831 A AB R I. above 'bateau ME form a grasp LIMO PICTURt& CAST OF CHAXACTUA r RARLEW:LN A. N. 71;►r .... Columbine— ..--. —.l_ _ULU Star of Besati.r:.. W LIT. r.: d th Alio, will be pNeee Nwiltar or DAh e o ietta PENESYLVA.VIA WOOERS. .Hartearteat. AlierirearL Btim Jim..._ CI .rer Top. Cramps disc &max lied Damoitsz. HERNA.NDEZ a kui wow:lariat Usti of Patteuine. totsther val NICHO ES & p 024. fIENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY ON Till a• POE ARTS, vas taIMTNI./T BT/LEET, 1 Is OPEN DAILY. (nandays smelted.) from • 1. IL bile P.M. Want ed—The Tenth 'ohm* of " Ureis ihernaa Pamela " or PA/BAAS& kintannon to imam atuldren ender 18 SS* 1a enter. Shane of Stoat US. 11. t! CIERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—Pubhe xa boartials EIATITRDAY, *a TL7II) HALL ac Shi o'..Nelt P. M. llekets so tot Itad 10., Andres, and Bonk & Lartan's Mons &norm and -In at dryst 6.413 CIIIJRCII'S PAINTING, " THE EVART SF THE ANDEtt Now or 1 Ntior tar ACADEMY br PCM A HT , . MS LETN t,T Street. floe A. X. tla Aut. Cd iniaston St anti. utters ars mustard to briar Opera Maros- ha ti rpixpLE OF WOM)ERS. Northeart aorqpr of TENTH sad ana171177 Stmts. final's' ACTS' Annaba. siONOR The voccierfal Mifi ExHIBITIOn EVILKI MRI 64 Bt IniniaTTHE wEEJL . . ---- - Commenet it rtfaeckak. aad ea W BD?, sad BATTS. AY AYTERIIOO:43I at 3. The Automaton Ps 'twill. ,r ass of the Freataet ' Meohanuao titer extu be taeotillanzie-t. noi t a t ... d 316-12 UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & .FENNER. r7111771T19 UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS, No. 336 MARKET STUNT, WAI. A. DROWN as CO . F!nMIM..T . , ' 7I7MI MANUFACTURERS. No. 944 MAIKET STREET. fe3-lm PIIIL•DILPHI• J OSEPH LEA. NOB. US AND 170 CIFFINTIMT ETTLISST. (untie the &motion of the Trade to lus Stook of COTTON. WOOLLEN. LINEN AND PELVTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. Hem tight tad da7Y ',nag a 1... a great Tariatr Not MESSRS. BAWL SLATER & BONM. BUTTON M&NUFACTURINO 00 , MONTE BELLO COMPANY. Also, THE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Inolndinn nasty new standard Patterns. NEAT BLACK & WHITES. PUHPLV:B. LAV.III. Ste. SAXONY & ENIEPHERD PLAID& & tdDr HAMM. Bk o NWD GRAM AND . CHOICE DMITRI. WOOLLENS. FANCY CASSIMERES sad DOESKINS. &a. FROM ROCK COM., GLENDALE 00M., NSW ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD 51M1.% BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DO'SKIN AND 811 K ma- TURES. Satinetts. Plain and Printed, of all calory and teen ties ; 'mucky Jeans. Twals. Oordi. Quitman trar. Kersey's tweeds. compriatng one of the beet modal to the country. s AMERICAN LINEN COM. MUSH, RUCKS, SHESTINGS, &o. 1.21-Sm CARRIAGES.. OP TEI X.L.TLTACTOZI ON WIT:I - JAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT STREET. Nt://, THE PHRENOLOGICAL CAM:ET. *"'ffDITAIILISHID 1T FOWLS'. WELT-S• kls open day and evening, gar the sals o ks on Phrenology, Thies°logy, r. &ter-Cars, to.; and for PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. The importance of Phrenology in th i trning of the Yang, the selection of oocutistiona egm e g ull ow. wedegvenyd=vat; yersona lilik o ts !elf m are e a t- . ed with its facts. WrAten desoriptiona frog daguerreotypes nfl be seat by mad for two dollars. Catalogues of boots sent gratis. JOILN L. cAtior. No. tI:HEISTNUT Street, stayed stagy, d'f-era•Sin if-Wanes DR. SCHENCK CAN BE FOUND AT hit odic*. No. M North SIXTH Street. on Fri day and Saturday of each week. Mondays and TIMI days are set apart for suiting patients la sod rat of the On Wednesday and Thwart*, of each week he is at Ws °Mee. No. ha BALTIMORE Street. Baltimore. Md. lice terms for a thorouch examination with the Ressicornetet, at tits °See or say pert of the set:Nese $3; Jocular 'aviation* afterw rds.lo seats a suit AS advice at his ollioe free of ohms ; apd. to all whets persona do not foldable so my for Tuts law swathed. they will be. wed tor. hark attmaAttallitOttlit the awn minral. FIM2Yri PHMADEL.FILL