11.61185.1NAL AtND r9LITICAL., ft , A Monstue -NtOns.—lt is known, to , our,:reaneis that South Carolina has sent a commissioner So Virginia; inviting that State to call hoonvention of the Southern States to take into consideration - whit means of self-defence are required to protect the South against the anti-slavery sentiment of the North, and that said commissioner had form ally delivered hit message, to the Virginia Regis !attire. That body, it, seams, howeter, look some what coldly upon the proposition, sad, perhaps , deem it also scarcely - respectful of South timeline to assume to instruct lila Old ,Dominion in her to herself in the delicate;poiletea in which she bah been placed. - In point of fact, it is tole rably certain that Virginia; will somewhat curtly refute to do as. South Catolina says ahe might to do. The Richmond Eniverer. is terribly chagrined at this - prospect- and, in the course of a very angry editorial, exclaims ' " Bat what effect will the rejection of this request fora conferenee have upon tho Southern people? Will - Virginia increase the confidence of the cotton States in the planting States by rejecting the cour teous request of ono of them? Unquestionably not,, -Will the Legislature bat reflect upon the me tivel that induced South Carolina to ask this con ference? The wrolig was done to us; the injup , inflicted, not upon South Carolina, but awn Vir. glom ; and, in the spirit of sisterly affection, that State comes to Ms fee syrapetl4,, and, asks us to meet our sister Southern States in conference. The questions to discuss she does not propose, leaving them, as all propriety demanded, 'to the injured party. _ This act of kindness is met with the un feeling rebuff of rejection, and her commissioner is sent home to toll his pae that Virginia has re jected the sympathy of South Caroline, and will not trust her sister Southern 'States in conference. What will be the effect of such a reply? Having by it unnerved the arm of our friends at the North, wo have also repulsed the advance of,our friends 'at the South; and VirginiaL-withonesympaillY; for this she will have spurned; without counsel, for this she has rejected; without aid, for this will not be offered where sympathy and counsel have been repulsed—will. stand, TUB NlOllll OF STATES, friendless and helpless in her voiceless woe.' " Pathetic, veil. - But somewhat too sentimental, 'nevertheless, for men of strong sense, of which' there are a goodly number, it would seem, in the. Virginia' Legislature, who,caring 'little about Niobe, or any otherelassie tcar,fountain, desire to' attend to their own business, and would fain have' others do io also. They see no need for any such' oonvention as South Carolina proposes, and having StiONVD, that State the courtesy of formally receiving and respectlally listening to her commissioner,: deem themselves perfectly at liberty to say to her, -" Thank you for the suggestion, but we see no ne cessity for the step, and having a good deal of our own business to attend to, respectfully decline to' 'comply with it " The modern Niobe—''the Niobe of States," so patho.poetieally planted by our :Richmond qontemporary—may. spare' her fears. The end is not yet. ' Virginia dime not mean to go out of the Union. She has more patriotism and, good souse, and we doubt not she will yet agate' be the mother'of a President of these United States.— N. T. Com. Ado. • JUDGE BREESE:6N BESAsu-OF:TEOEISE OASES In a late case concerning a breach of promise, de• aided by the Supreme Court, and reported in the twenty-first, volume of the Illinois Reports, Judge Breese, in a separate opinion, says : • "My view is, that once an action ex tenement, it Would be regarded throughout all it stages; and when it is proved that a contrast to marry has - boon legally made by parties capable of contract iug, that there are mutual promises, and no impu tation, upon character, and a readiness to many, or offer to do so shown, and no cause appearing to justify a refusal to perform the contract, materials' for the ,formation of a 'proper verdict should be found in this consideration. What is the value of the contract? This, of course, depends in a great degree on the circumstances of the parties. • The wealth of the defendant would contribute, essentially, in these mercenary times,, to swell the value of the contract, and enhance the damages for' its breach .; for, as a general fact, it may be safely; :alerted that a contract to marry a rich man, all else being - eqiial, is 'of Mine Wm as the world goes, than a contract to marry a poor man. Put ting, such a cane, the plaintiff herself being free from fault and ceaselessly deserted, fairly before , an honest jury, no danger need be apprehended of the result. Ws have a striking indiums of this in 'a late case in an adjacent State, where the fair plaintiff, a respectable spinster, received a verdict of $lOO,OOO. the defendant having been proved to be worth $1,000,000. This, doubtless, was a nit on speculation,. as such oases generally are, and 'money was -the-object. I don t belleve,.myself, that the feelings of the plaintiff wore very much lacerated by the desertion of her lover, with the frosts of sixty winters on his head, or that they bad anything to do with the suit, or that the jury considered that In making up their verdict. They looked at it as a valuable contract width she had het, and awarded accordingly." " THE CIULDICOTER Sur. "—The following pie. tare, though English In some of its features, could be easily adapted so as to form a tolerably correct representation of many an American family. It is taken from " Framley Parsonage"—a pleasant sketch just begun in Thackeray'a Cornhill (new) Ilfagasipe : "The Chaldicotes set, -as Lady Lufton called them, wore in every way opposed to what a set should be according to heildeas. Sheliked cheer ful, quiet, well-to-do people, who loved their Church, their country, and their Queen, and who were not too anxious to make a noise in the world. She desired that all the farmers round her should bo able to pay their rents without trouble, that all the old'wornen should have warm flannel petticoats, that the workingmen should bo saved from rheu matism by healthy food and dry houses, that they should all be obedient to their pastors and masters —temporal as well as spiritual. That was her idea of loving her country. She desired also that the copses should be full of pheasants, the stubble.fleld of partridges, and the gorse•covers of foxes—in that way, also, oho loved her country. She hail ardently longed, during that Crimean war, that tho Russians might bo beaten, but not by the French, to the exclusion of the English, as had seemed to her to be too mush the case; and hardly by the English under the dietatorship of Lord Pal. merston. Indeed, she had but little faith in that war after Lord 'Aberdeen bad been expelled. If, indeed, Lord Derby could have come In !" Vests TO NICHOLAS LORGWORTH.--The repre sentative!! of Kentucky. and Tennessee concluded their late'sojourn in 4,lnoinuati by repairing in a body to the residence of Nicholas Longworth, the Cincinnati Cunene, in compliance with an invita tion extended them at the banquet on Friday eve ning. Ample preparations had been made for their reception. A number of tables were spread, covered with tempting edibles, and bristling with bottles of the venerable host's famous Catawba wine. The universal , sentiment was that of the poet " Very good in its way Is the Verse nay, And the .ollery soft and creamy ; Hut Catawba. wine Hach a taste more dieMe, Moro dulcet, delicious, and dreamy? Mr. Longworth having been toasted by the Hon. Mr. Underwood, of Kentucky, as tho representa tive man of the times, when men counted not the value of the Union, Mr. Flagg, or the Ohio House of Representatives, responded with the following Sentiment : "The Three Trees—The Ash of Kentucky, fur nishing the wood of lance, emblem of chivalry ; the Hickory of Tennessee, rock rooted, storm defying, emblem - of thought; the Buckeye of Ohio, blooming and refreshing as woman, emblem of beauty. Chivalry, beauty and strength'. the Vine that has its home on the hills of Ohio, Kentupky, and Tonneisee, shall twine around them all, bind ing trunk•and branch into an emblem of Union— not the bundle of dry and sapless WWI of the Ro man Republic; but in a living fasces of perpetual growth. The guests, after being handsomely entertained, were conducted through Mr. Longworth'a subter• mean vaults, where they wandered for some time amid pipes and butte and 'casks Oiled with the delicious beverage of which they 'had just parta ken, and then returned to their hotels to make the necessary preparations for leaving for their homes. Cincinnati Enquirer. . " WAS IST DES DEUTEICHEN VATERLAND ?". [From the National Intelligeneer.] What la the Patriot's Father-land ? In't Maryland ? Virginia land? Is't where Potomac's rushing tide Swift through the mountaln-gorge doth glide? Ali! no, no, no! Greater by far that land, ; trow. What is the Patriot's Father-land ? Is't Jersey land? alissouri land? -Mt where the clanging serifowl scream ? Whim mile the Miseissirmi's stream? All! no, no, no! Greater by far that Lend, I trow. What is the Patriot's Father-land? WE Eastern land le't Western land? la% where the granito mountains rise? WC where the flowery prairie Ilea ? Ali! no, no ' no! - Greater by far that land, I trow. What la the Patriot's Father-land Is't middle lend I liet border land 1 Is't where the iron forges glow? Is't where primeval forests grow ? Ah ! no, no. no ! Greater by far that land, I trow. What in the Patriot's Father-land? • Name to me, then, the glorious land. hit where the anew-white plant expands? bet California's golden sands ? - At,: no, no no! Greater by far that land, I trow. • What is the Patriot's Father-land ? Is 't where onne stood suable band The freedom we enjoy to gain, i" - On Bunker's height or Eutaw'e plain? ' Ah ! no, no, no! Greater by far that land, I trow. What la the Patriot's Father-land? Name, then, at last, the glorious land. - Where'er the starry flag doth - wave, North, South, East, West, that land We have, That should it he--that /Mould It be, True Father-land to you and me. The whole should be our - Father-land, lloseVeed by the tranofil hnnd— Unshaken by fellatio zeal, "i'f.here all Audi seek the common weal. That shall it be—that elan it be, True Father-land to you and me. Pitmenurnt,t, Jannam,lB6o. , ' Dn. ILtyr; otr Iforgr. Ltvirm.—ltt . , the last am biz of his Journal of Health, Dr.-Hall says of the system of flintily hotel living: ti When a wife or daughteelesCaothiag to do, and thi apictliels stimulated day. after day, by' c:11 the sap Of . Bolen , , tabs, ddoltery'—when tho Ave ;o'clock dinner is nni ''veraal, and whoa the stomach it 'raving' for roi4 koOnsequenee of the alneast entire abridnoncri since : doable work . throwilipon • labor during,tho greater part of the night, 'Making whatong til'oe the haunt ot peareful rest absolutely ::,hldiptlebyrtirribledrefilits, and the morning comes without' the' blilied 'since* lof Strength "lthieti healthful vro ptetCoulild haVogiven, and thus for okt*d *Oahe together:.. Yerd,y,ltigiao wrin = ,deft thatlbe thatightful physician should apply:the -,,,':_tcpitheto 'holt foOl i t44 airy ~ payelit,*ht. would ex' — poseAfttrUilY;teaucli'a Andita the light of it wo gathOS , ,that 'Abe most certain" lutiatikof 4•lnahing Was failure, igtoloiotrtlie pert of any tietiik:,rierriestLoottplo,' .te,..f,ga., to boardi ng;' Altetttili - theusand' times,, racially; ntorallyo and hires two-r66med thentMlitVontiOsd. end : - Potatoes,' and - do - thiS hereihriskli - ,- without inid 4 continue to do theta ttdriffir udtirniasis aro toot:mutated to take aetop higher." PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. • RiczAßD.woo, moßals, Commas OP PUP MOXIII, TOBBI.II O. GRUBB, LETTER itliGIS • . AT THE MEILOHAII TS' VICO/016E, PIitIeILDELPHI.. Ship Tuscarora, Dun . LIVOTponl, Feb 9 Bark Valetta, Menoniale London, soon Bark Hamilton, Btoteabury..............Matanzan, noon Brig Aline Franklin, Clemente. • • ... • soon Brig Black Berm Dime ...... .....Bt Jago tie Cuba. soon MARINE, INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 2. MO. [ vim). ., ==a , l .. wigait=l;m q BAILED• Btonmehip Phincsa iiiprnitue,Matitim, for Boston, and Virguun, Kelly, for Richmond, ended yesterday morning• (Ootiespoadeuee of the Philolielphle Radom.) LEWES. Dbl Jan M 1860. Tho eteamtug Atiantio. satire W Rotan, John G Ferris, Moderator. Frannie Brady, and Marina tt are at the harbor. Wind SW and pleaaant: Yours; Wl4. HICKMAN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. lost or Foreign and Coanmee Arrivals at the Port of Philadelptue for the month of January, Stearnehip . a I &honors MIMS ..... Total... coAsTw eB. 91 ..... Blows .. 2 Steamers .—..41 • 63 Sh ßa ips 80h00neri........ T0ta1._...., • MEMORANDA. Bark Mary H Kendall, Shanklaud, uric, was at Ha vana 22th ult. Brig- 31 Kenn!, Ogier, for Philadelphia, was loading at Cardenas 21st tilt Brig Thos Tileston, Burrows, for New York, Blips , delphia, or Baltimore, was at Havana 25thult. Brig Resolute, Hill, from Saco for Yhiladelplus, re- Bohr It .1 Meroer. Robinson, for Philadolphm, was loading at Matanzas Mat ult, Sour Albert Treat, Bowden, for Philadelphia, was loading at Cardenas Hst Bohr J H otroup„ Corson, for New York, was loading at Cardenas 21st ult. Bohr Reporter, Oinn, for Philadelphia. was loading molasses at Cardenas list ult. Bohr 11 I. Berry, Weaver, fur Boston, cleared at Jack sonville 10th ult. Bohr J H • lien, Higbee, cleared at Jacksonville 23d ult. for Jersey City. Bohr C Wieser, onow, cleared at Jacksonville 26th ult. for PlithulelPlita. Behr Saratoga, Hunt, beams for Boston, at New York 31st nit. emir Fannie, Vance, hence, was at Havana 25th ult, uncertain. &bre Franklin West. Crocker, from Frankfort for Philadelphia, and Amelia, Marvel. from New Bedford for do. remained at Newport A M 30th ult. At Bombay Deo 12. ships Jacob Badger, Staples, for N York; Southampton Austin. for do—gets .4:1; Rims, Boyle, dlsolig, to lead for do on owners' account; Rieti'd Robinton,Robineon, for London—gets .4.1 for nearly a' full cargo; Addison Oilbert, Congdon, for do at about the mine rate; Waban, liartridge, for do;' Bard, Bird for. Bull, at vs ed; Edward Fly Weaver, and Plonk Amerman, Clark. for Liverpool; Timour. Camp poll, fordo; Bt James . Williel4llB,dischg; Geneva, Barnes, one; bark Quickst ep, Odell, for Boston—takeli part of a cargo ..n owners 'amount, and will fill up balanoe of capacity at Colombo with coffee. MARINE Loans IN JaYtirsnY.---The New York Jour nal of Commerce publishes a list of 30 American sea going vessels and 7 foreign vessels, bound to or from United States ports, reported during last month no wrecked, or otherwise lost. They comProle 8 shins. 6 barks, 10 brigs, and 13 schooners. of which 16 were wreaked, 6 burnt, t punk at sea, 6 abandoned, 4 missing, and 1 sunk by collision. The total value or the Amen can vessels is estimated at 41465,4100. BREAD pITRE AND MOM' BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY TR'S MECHANICAL BAKERY OAF BE OBTAINED AT TUB YOLLOWINI PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. corner of Broad and Vine streets. C.M.street, be low H. MoNEIL.— E. •torner Sixth and Coates streeL JATHO 11G SON, Me, MS North Fifth street. JOHN G. 1223 Vine street. T. P. ......—. —No. HS North Fifth street. 8. E. earner Fifth and l 8 rune streets. W. W. MATHWEI.—....-19._E. corner Eleventh and Locust streets. D. KNIGHT.— street, below Wal nut. GEORGE GARV1N—........—N0.1419 Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.— a n d [ cornet Sixteenth str e WM, COURTNEY—....—....No. 600 South Twelfth street. S. R. WANAMAKER....---F e orsi street, above 8. Sixth.d South Fourth and Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND...—. W. oo rner Sixteenth an Ogden streets. DAVID BADDLER--....—.N0. 260 North Eleventh street. LWElGHTMAN*Thirteenth street, below Thompson street. 8.8. TOMRINO. Mid North Front - -. street. H W. corner °fifteenth W. Pule stres. W. corner et Tenth end 'Misses streets, E. B. TURNER. ---No. 1214 South Front - • street. I. 8111J8TEIL.--......13. W. corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. 8LE5T....,. ...Corner Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. B. BOWN—.—..N. E. corner Ninth and Federal streets, J. bIorNTYR.E.----Tirenty-spoond Area, ab. Coates. AUX. FULLBRTON.--.Corner ot Filth sad Chris- MRS. E. N o 11$1 Coates street. D. F. tc T. W. WOLF--. 6,13 Girard avenue. WM. McORACKEN—.. —2202 Hamilton street. R. R. W. corner of Twelfth and !do.on street. JULIUS KLELN— ---..8. W. con of Thirteenth and Parrish street corner or Fourth and Green street. MR& F. ELLIOTT —..»J9. W. corner Tenth and Green str. J e L L. N et.. , store 119 Architraet. C. H. Pluladelphia.fleth st. ob. Haverford road. N. L. YARNELL.—.......--Lennn Penna. JOHN BARNDT—.—...... Tremont and Pine Warta Palma. OEO. B. TOWNSEND.—...... West Chester, Pam M, IdoCLEEB—,, —......Atlatitio City, N. J. D. HORTON. _.,..Florence, N. J. B. J F. EBERLEIN Columbia, Pa e5l-tf MECUANICAL BAKERY j S. W. Comer 8i1.0.4,1T and VINE Streets, P HILADELPHIA. This einablishment is nowtn successful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to oall and see ii , toe wholo process f bread-making for themselves. The undersign takes the liberty of saying that for thirty-five years e has been a praotial basket—five as apprentice, andfive as journeyman I n one of the first henries in Scotland, and twenty- fi ve as mentor—during which time he bee had the opportunity of making many experiments, and observing all the IMProvementillrhie have been made during that period. In this establishment, of which he has now the man agement, in addition to the complete labor-saving ma chinery, he has how fitoilittes of many kinds not hereto foie possessed. atone unrestrained iu the purchase of flour, none but theaoupdeet and hest shall ever be used; and he has no herniation in saying that Bread of all kinds can be de livered, uneurpassed in quality and weight by that made by the ordinary process. Families in w hich the Bread made by the Mechanical Bakery has not been tried, or in which it has been tried only at its commencement, before the maohinerY wall in perfet working order, are respectfully asked to give it atrial now, the undersigned believing awould lead to JOHNGI mutual advantage. JO. MOXEY, rarnt-tf Superintendent PIANOS. STEINWAY A SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, ?QG aRE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS, now pr bee erred in eoncerts and in _private circles by the et performers. ' Received the first premiums over the beet makers, from judges like Gottschalk. Blazon, and others. Chantal,e all competition. BLASIUS 11,• OTHERS, da•lr 1006 CHESTNUT Street. --- MtHOLIDAY PRESENTS! PIANo-vonus, ALELODEONEL PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIAhiEhoNO-LoD FoRTES ria. _Mule by Raven, Ekon, & Co., Noma & Mirk, Julien, Davis, & Co., add others,. • J. E. GOlTl 4tr o_,_ CEVENTH and CIIHSTrii, fitemi A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SOROMACKER & 00., 1011 CHESTNUT Street, respeotfullv invite the Mile knoog gip& to call and examine their new and na oesattd improMOneat THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square Instrument. Gvoichng ail the °ldealise's generally made to the style of rand Piano, also dimralshlng the cost of. the same. In volume, purity. of tone, great power., with exquisite tidi ness, degth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite dell raillgentgliftlealFULLYPlNlSEED IN PITRUAIRNTS Me wholly nner i ailed. hey have resolved the highest encomiums, so are pronounced by antics to be far am pariOr to any ammonia ever manufactured in this muntrr i Cons ntly on hanA , afargnag a tl:g tr a e nt assortment of Wr;fltrelnil l ettlr i Ar 4l: ll . at a2 3 _xhibitlons evel n eith r itteed i , t i l l i a! eluding the ' ,trine Medal from the Crystal Palace Feb l bltion. New ork.LMS. sel-tf SAVING FUNDS. PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CLEW OF PHILADELPHIA. Moe, No. s3lNogh UM Street OHARTEMI id gITLYGIBLA'AVE OFPENN - . - BYLFANIA. Deena* rooeij o efl error Ono Dollar aTI p_pwrisLi i D'WII±I I 2RF,B I I front let Vint with , Irt' th eme. A responsible and reveisavhige reetitption hee been needed in the No in Part of the city, and"'gpe t i nt,AfivisArirot.o= l , l 6 l,:; ? lnginegat e meaner.. In organising an l ocat ing it, have bet governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the buil! ness interest and wants of the very lame and enterer population t v i nh i nkarn i rpL , From NYI/4 o'clook; also, on kort BY end Themes from utile o'olook In the' mann . . MA.II irObt* Klett, eiephr Smith. c a l atTll 4 .4%oSar - ' ii.lieri . of . 8" 11 11 ' rano a arag. ' ohd Keailar, 4., antra &Pringle,. Staa a, mark P Leering Ergo trht, Joaonh 4. Trou t n. An. killataria 11117 b% all'aVerl iAlSES eiliiii4s n 'a,v IPseri 1 Pser i e hva L4 h FRANCIS HAR.T.fieoretarv.. SAVING} ' ITED STATES TRUST COSITAXY,eornor 'THIRD and WlEST liFTStreets. • 11 • Ean "a giirou s e n roge n ,.. m griNit ‘ and paid k 12111: x.„o3.from tne day or deposit to the day of tritantawah VMOIS , lipareffivail Ili 5 9_ elogit _ey,ery day, and on MONDA Y gv.Erim tom 7 gam g o 000 t. DRAFTS for galena Wand, Ireland, and Sootland. 141 unogarib, - restdent-fla E lf s Er . f ilj O r ralrOßD, : _ INVailaß.-aotoarr. SAVING FORD.--FIVE PER CENT. IN- F... 7 TERWATIONAL EIAPETI TRUST CO,M rANY, W UT Street. Etouthwes.. corner oTHIRD, rhUadeleille. oorporsted by the State of renneylvi nbt. - Money 31 raoalysd In any ram, large or mall, and in terest raid from the day of deposit to the day or with m: .02„, ,a open try day from 11 o'olook in the morning title o'olook to Ts evening, and on Monday and Thureday evenin K M tit _B o took._ DiditYf i a YkYrieJla IgillAtt, watt Ax J. REID, Seoretary. manovo6. 1 _ n. He L, Banner, .Oa II Robert Ilelfritige, rums Lee, ' Vg l itt s =_, ' ' TlT: i i i E.l3 l irplie neon sl l m9l reoetved and payments made amm. ' go vili n° Vi n e O a aWk _ . .. 44 r4 iferigaVlZ6th ff tt l e. rowi t ritt n ts, and snob .n w obiee aeon ) ties an will io wtticitinimrelterfeet remit, to the depoeito il , and & , 2agit t, ...., gi vs !we:m[6nm' and eta.t:gitlyto V fitEBE `--875 bores 'Herkimer County C Cheese, in store, doortersaleby C. C. SADLER le CO., ARCH Millet, lei above Front. Jeal COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING relinquished hie Retail Vs sineas to Mn.. JAS. BORK, Jet., Has this day formed a COPARTNERSHIP with JOHN MARSTON, Jr., under the firm of BELROSE dr MARSTON, For the Manufacture, exclusively to tlr.Trade, of the floor sorts of PAPER HANGINGS, DECORATIONS, &C. Office, with samples, • N 0.807 CHESTNUT ST., SECOND STORY, FRONT. Jan. ZS, 1860-ja3o.6t* 1,01/IS DELROSE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY -PL formed is Copartnership under the firm of WORK, OLENDINNiNG & CO., fqr th_pt s ranseetion of l ßan k ins, &tokens°, and ColleoDon lu u mem at No. 43 South THIRD Street. GEORGE F. WORK, R. GLENDINNING, Jo.. n. C. lidcLEoll, Philadelphia. Fob. IRO. roust. nISSOLUTION OF 00PARTNERSEILIP. —The Coparteership heretofore exietlos between GEORGE T. GALIN and JOHN C. BOCKIVS. under the firm of GEORGE T. GAON & CO., bee been die solved by the death of John 0. Bookies. The bumnees of the late firm will be settled by the subscriber, who will continue at the old stand from this date. GhORGE GAON, Tailor. No. 803 North SECOND Street. January atm. ism. fia-St*, THEODORE AUNER withdraws from -IL our firm this POLLOCK. BACON, k CO. Philadelphia, January 31,1810. DISSOLUTION —The copartnership hero. tofore existing' between the subscribers, under the firm name of BROWN & RINGER, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business wlll be set tled by either of the undersigned. BROWN. rhiLs., Fob. 1, WC r. R. ERRINGER. _~.....~ COPARTNERSHIP. --The undersigned have thia day formed a copartnership. under the name and sit) name of BROWN & EWALD, and will con tinue the wholesale prooery busmesa, at the old stand, N. B. corner Tluird and Vine streets LOMB BROWN, fel-et" OliAd. J. EWALD. DiSq6LIITION--NOTICE.—Tho part nerstop heretofore existins between the under gigue& in the late firm of LENTZ & SHIRK L m this day , tissolved by mutual oonsent; and debts due and owine by and to them will be settled by JOHN S. LENTZ, who alone ,s authorised to settle the swot, JOHN B. bENTZD Jan. 30, 1860. N. E MIRK. THE UNDERSIGNED will continue the No Wino and Lteuer business, at the old stand. N 0.230 North THIRD street. Phila. Jan. 30.1800. (fel-et*) JOHN S. I,VNTZ. C 0 PARTN ER SHIP. -J TILIUS SMIEL and NATHAN WEYL have this day formed a copartrierehly. under the firm of BICREL & IhrEYL, for the transaction or a wholesale and retail business in Millinery and Fann_y Goods. Embroideries. and Lanes, at 107 North and, 'treat, above Jam Philadelphia, Jan. lath, fe1.31 THE FIRM OF MoILVAIN & KELLY is this day dissolved by mutual consent. , Philadelphia, January l,1&0. JOHN KELLY, The business of MoILVAIN & KELLY will be Bat tled by JOSEPH KELLY, at the store, No. lon CHESTNUT St., to whom all persons indebted to said firm are requested to mike PaYmPrit• J. K. McILVAIN, JOHN K LLY. I have bought out all the effects of McEosin & Kelly, and will continuo the Tailoring business at the game JOSEPH 22 KELLY I'IVUT Street, under the name of KELLY & BROTHER. JOSEPH KELLY. January 9th, 1860. RaB-6t. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Subscribers have formed and entered into a Limited Partnership, under the provisions of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That the name of the firm or partnership is William D. Edson. and the general nature of the business the Manufacture and Sale of Boots and Shoes. That Wil liam D. Edson is the General Partner. and John Saun ders and Macpherson Saunders are the Special Part ners, all raiding in the City of Philadelphia. The °mutat in cash contributed by the Special Partneri is Ten Thousand Dollars, each contributing Five Thou sand Dolla JANUARYership commeneesthie TENTH pAy OF 18'4U, and 111 to tarininate DE- CbMBEB. /1,1861. WILLIAM D. EDSON, General Partner. 11 1 1 1 1? tURIIKIINDE peolal * Parhs. Sanitary 10th, 1800. Jal THE FIRM OF S. D. EDSON & CO. HAS -w- been dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM D. EDSON will setts up the business of the old firm. The business of the Manufacture and sale of Booth and Shoes will be continued at No. 13 North fPOURTH Street, by WILLIAM D. F,DSON, under a Limited Partnerahlp, this day formed between Min and JOHN SAUNDERS and MACPHERSON BAUNDEES. SARAH E, EDSON, WILLIAM D. EDSON. !Annan' Elth,lB6o. - ------- LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—NOTICE A--A in hereby given, that the golmribere have form ed and entered into a limited partnersb.ip t agreeably to the act of Amembly of the Commonwenlth or PeoPill vania, mined March 21st, 1836, entitled " An An Rela tive to Limited Partnerships," and the supplement th gt. t f iho name orthe firm under which the maidpart melon le to he conduoted, me "HENRY E. SIMP SON.tr That the neral nature of the business to be t rens noted in " Dealers in Cotton and Linen Canaria, and other Goode," in the City of Philadelphia. That the name of the General Partner is 111 , 1 RV E. SIMPSON, whose place of residence is in CHESTNUT Street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of Um City of Phila delphia ; and that the — name of the Special Partner is THOMAS ROAM whose clue of residence is in the City of Burlington. in the State of New Jorge.. That the said specialpartner has contributed to the common stook of the said firm the bum of five thousand dollars in cash. That the period at which the said Imuted_partnereblp is to commie nee. is the twenty-first day of DECEM GER, 1839. and will terminate on the thirtr.firet day of DE CEMBER, 18511. HENRY E. srmrsorr. d22-th Ot THOMAS ROBB. DISSOLUTION Or PARTNERSHIP.— :rbe partnership heretofore existing betsrm the subscribers'ender the firm of E. & F. C. YARNALL & is thu day dissolved by mutual consent. ELLIS YARNALL, FRANCIS C. YARNALL, deblalf TathIBLE. Philadelphia, Jan. RI, 00, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—A , ,,•ttnthIy to the pro visions of an act of Assembly of the rtomnionwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled " An amV 'AG' • to limited part nerships," the autumn bets have formed A limited patt y °robin. under the name and firm of YARNALL & TRIMBLE, for the tuneaction 01 the business of Im porting and Dealing in Soda Ash, and other herniae's and General hlerchandism in, the city of Philadelphia. ELLIS YARNALL, residing in the Twenty-first weird, of the city of Philadelphia. JOSEPH TRIMS ,LE, re siding in the city of Camden, in the State 9( New Jer sey, and CHARM. 8 HAR 811ORNE, residing an the Eighth ward, of the city of Philadph .a. are the Gene rat Partners, end FRANCIS G. 'AILNALL, residing in the county Montgomery , in the State of Penns, yards, is the only Special Partner, end hoe contrtbeted to the capital of the said partnership, and actually paid in cash the sum of fifty thousand delimit. The said part nership is to commenoe on the 16th day of January, 188 D, and terminate pn the 31st day of Deoomber, 1861. ELIAS RN A JOSEPH CHARLES n AnT9ORNE. Generl f:ertners. FRANCIS C. YAR A Special Partner. Philadelphia, January 16,1880. ja2o-fmw 181 NOTICE OF LiMITED PARTNERSIIIP. t- Whereas' we, the subscribers, have this day re newed and continued for a further period of three years, as hereinafter mentioned, thejimited partnership en tered into on the 31st day of uenember,_A. 18,141, to commence on the Ist day of January, a. leer. miller the provisions of the Act of the Donors' Auenib yol Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved March gist. 1836, entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner- Maim" andpll other enactments of the said General Assembly relative to Li noted Partnerships—now, there fore in compliance with the provisions of the said en manumits we mibligh the term of said original and renewed Limitdd Partne rship as follows: First. First. The same orfir m under which the said original and reneweo Wonted artners wail and is to be con ducted is tiro. of J. T. PLATE k BCHOTTLER. Bement. The general nature of its business was and is that of Merchants in a general Foreign and Demesne Conarpluion Business in the. city of Philadelphia, and also in the business of Importing and Exporting and Vending klerehandise on account of the said Limited Partnership. Third. The said Limited Partnership was and is corn tio.ed ofJOHN THEOPHILUS PLATE, who reaides in the city of Philadelphia • of CARL C. IdCHOPTLER, why resides in the said city of Philadelphia, and CHRISTOPHER F. PLATE, whose plane of residence is. at present. in the free Hammett° city of firemen. The said Joh heophilus Plate and Carl C. Whittler wore and are aftthe general partners in the said origi nal and renewed Limited Partnership, and the said Christopher F'. Plate was and is the only special Part ner therein. Fourth. The sputa partner, them d Christopher F. Plate, contributedototually and in g faith, in each, the um of Fi ft y Thousand Dollare.to the capital or common ittoolit of the said original Limited PartnershiP, no_part of which has been withdrawn therefrom. The said original Limited Partnership com menced on the Brat day of January, A. D. 1867, and was to have terminated on the gist day of Daemon', A. D. 1861. but the same kap been renewed and continued for the further period of threeogre from the 61st day of December. A. D. 1864. and will terminate on the 31st day of December . , A. 131. 1853. .Philadelphia, Deo. Mat, ROL J. THEOPIL PLATE DAHL C, SCHOTTILER, CHIL PR, PLATE, By tile Attorney in fact, lag-6wGODFREY FREYTAG. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -E. CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN FOnTER, deceased. Notice to siren that the Widow of the said decedent hastfiled her petition and an apsraisement of the per sonal property sleeted to be retained by her under the provirions of the not be of Assembly of 11th April, Mil. arid that the same will approved, utile.. exception. are filed thereto before the rrth day of Folirnary. A. I). no. joll-tuthit TIIORN, for Petitioner. TN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a : CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADFI,I'IDA, In the matter of the Estate of EDWARD BM I deeeesed. The auditor appointed by Iho Court to audi t A settle, and adjust the amount of THO hI AS M. 8111ITR, acting Excoutor of EDWARD SMITH. deoeaeed, and to re port distribution of the balaripe, will moot the pestles interested for the purposes ot Ills appointment, AL M*, office, at the southeast corner of LOCUST and EIO Streets, on MONDAY, February a, IIXO, at II o'rdoeh in the afternoon, HOUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR A—Kinterest. Buy your COAL AT HICKS' where nothing but !hover) , beat uality of Lehigh and'Bohuyl kill ()oat le offered at the hollowing reduoed pricey: Lehigh. Brok.en, Ear, and tit , ove... ..... ...gl4 23 per ton. Bohnylkill, Large Nut • Warranted free' from elate or'dust and full wet ht, at HICKS' _yard, eoutheeet corner MAMMAL, and WILLOW. Call and gee. o -Put SW. GROOME, & CO., • Moe 116 ffilth FOURTH Street, AND Wi!ARV, PINE STREET, EICIILTYLKIIder P I NE end Shinners or Locust Mountain. Lehlph. end Schuylkill 0 . Men:handles taken whar age. 015-11 m hICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL,_propored with Duo, for sale t lz i a tturz bv tga e g KNOWLES% Depot, NINT H MESSRS. ROSENTHAL & MORRIS, from Plymouth, England, manufacturers or the eelebrated " Pantasoopio" Spectacle' respectfully solloit the pa tronage of the ladies and: gentlemen of Philadelphia and "'mien'', to their superiqr ground epeetaele glasses. The valuable advantage derived from them is, that le. stead of vision becoming etrained, heated, weakened, and in numerous oases seriously longed, it is preserved and strengthened, everything at ono* h000me• olear and brilliant, and very aged persons are enabled to em- M gr sTe n iZlFlTig i l i gie e s it o h f e e much !au magnifying power, and they do not require the frequent obanges to the dangerous effects of further powerful Resistance. Cffuneates ran be seep at the offices over Mr Chrixt man's store, 703 CHESTNUT Street, adjoining (ter mon's Photograph rooms. dig EFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS C. DONOUIIUE will sent inue business until May :eV' a l ? gesfulcrin'ara, l l 'llT.' aux gffr,-;::: proved short ejedits, 410 barrels' steam-refined ;sugars andayrups, n various grades, including Lovering's Crushed and niverised and Mnller's Patent - cut Loaf Sugars. Also, Rio and Java Coffee. Adamantine Can dles, and Kelly's French Brandy Coloring. .1827-3111* N E ,r N , li ga A • • CAR. _ AMA Pinlf r A l gi e k97o. ° A D P.VlT C" WtVi r "If.P7 DEFINED BORAX, in store and for sale WETHEAILL & DRQDTRA., al Mne 47 and 49 Oinrth RECION RIreeI OIL OITRONELLA—For sale by WEI HEtt_ILL kliEfrrprgre, Id g and 49 Diorth 131600 M atreat, THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1860. --! TO WEST CHESTER and intermediatelointa, via ME DIA. Tratna for West Chester Wave htleulelphin from the Dspot, northeast corner of EI lITEENTH and Streota, at 8.10 A. M., still and 4.30 P. M. On SUNDAYS at B.lb A.M.. and IP. ht. Passonsors for statinns on the PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE CENTRAL , RAILROAD will take the 8.10 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. Trains. isl9-tf 1860. TILE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL r u AIa tA SEN A G N E D R I T ITT RA B INA RG, TO ANY IN THE_ CUNTRY. B Oo E n T ri TW e ll ot Eß ini NE di T r r e hl or at with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the Union Depot at Patel:pry with Through Trains to and from all point s in ttsbu, the est, Northwest, and Southwest —thue furnishing facilities for the trammortation of Paasengers urururpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fact Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Carew Conductors. All through Paa monger Trains provided with Loughridgeie patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus lidding much to the safety of travellers, Smoking Cars are attached to each Train ; Woodruf's' Bleeping Care to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mall and Fast Lines, Sun days accepted. ided Train leaves Philadelphia at 8 A. M. Feet Line " 11.60 A. M. Express Train leaves " 1 go p, WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOPVB Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia 3 P Columbia '4 to P. fil. Parkesburg 1330 P. Al, West Chester Passengers will take the Mail, Parkea burg and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, ElMila, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 8 A. M. go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the (does of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston. or Bal timoe ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Olfloes in the West; also on board spy of the regular Line of Steamers on the hlmemippi or Ohio rivers. Cr' Fare always as low, and time as amok, es by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Street,. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania litrUlleiteLM ChMago u make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of traoka by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of' time, are advantages readily appreciated by ffellmpers of Freight, and the Travel ling Yobbo. otPgg.-Prt:inlr Tontg:l,:ggsn';',l,ll"glN,PS,V, l le.' deuce on its speedy_transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the West by the Fenna,lvania Railroad ars or all times as fayorabls as ars charged by men Railroad Companies. gir Be particular to mark packages " via Penna.Rall road. For,Freight Contraote or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com: D. A. STEWART Pittsburg' LEGAL. DANIEL DOUGUERTy ER7329 RAILROAD LINES. .1 - 111 P.ONSYL ANA U RAILROAD. 960 MILES DOUBLE TRACK 1860. H.s.n•ree anC; :Gh"rigeon Ripley, 0.; R. MoNeely, Me7sinus, XY.t Ormsby Q croPrer. Portaniouth, O.; Paddock Co., Joilersonville, ens; 11. W. Brown & Co. Cineinnnti, O.; Athern & Hibbert, Clneinnati. 0.,• It.p.modr.. Madison, hid.; Joe. E. Moore, Louisville. Y.; P. O. , & Co., ind.• N. W. Omni= & Co., Cairo, 111.. R. F. Bug, nolo j Wiwi, St. Louie, Mo.; John 11. 'bu rin, Nashville, Tenn.; Barris g_Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111.1_ W. H. H. Knonts, Alton, III.; onto Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the Weet. E. J. SNEEDER, Philadelphia. MAORAW KOONS, 89 North etreek Baltimore. LEECH & CO., g Astor House, or 18. William et., N.Y. LEECH & CO., No, 17, State street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen . ' Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT. lien'l Ticket Agent, Phila. TRo. A. SCOTT, Oen't Bup't Altoona, Pe. laS-1y 1859. animin 1859 WINTER ARRANGEMENT—NEW MAK LINES, THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LNES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES YllOll WALNIIT-BTKltlif WEARY ANL KENSINGTON. Will Rave ne follows, : VAIL At 0 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cain. & Am. Aocommodation .... . 82 M At 6•A . ill., via den (law Jolley )toomninodat i Ori 26 At 9 A. M., via Damien 404 Jereel City, Morning blind . 600 At 1114 A. M., vie. Iferiiingion end Jersey City, Western HIIPIrm • • • • •"n" ' ****** At ISIS P. M., via Onnulez spur Amboy, Anoommo dation—. A. . 26 At 2 P. M., ;hi; Camtleir eirufTritraiic 600 A Fi s ) 1 : TR . .; 74a — ie Gii - in . d .-. J . Weel ' airy , vening Expreu.--. 00 At 4)4 P. M., vie Kensington and Jersey City:24 CleekTioket.--. ..... —......100 A A t t il u P p ; 71 v 1, i a g m ai d n e d n e n azi l l 4 Jersey :4 ft,5 1 , t y y ...„ .11 1 Mail . 3 03 outhern Malt 16 rer.(Fight and Paiweager)—let 100 &I Class T10ket.... 2 . 2 - 2 1 DO The 6 M. Mail Line rune daily. The 11 P.M. ISouth ern Mail, P. Saturdays exempted. For_Helvidere. F.aston._ Flemington. &0.. at A. M. from Walimpstroptwharf. and 3 P. Al. from Kensington. For Sitwell (Aug, AlltniniSti, and Betlilenem , at a A. vie Lehigh valiisy RRaall For Water Oep,Stroudeburg, tremitton, wIRIArre, Montrose, Great Bend, & o. at lA. M., Via e ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad: For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A. Al., and l and 4.% P.M. For Freehold, at 6 WAY and 2 P. M. LINES si Dirtol, Trenton, & o, at 3 and Of P. from Ken- Yor leftfOlMl,Delanoc,Beverly,Burlington, Berdentown, tre., at UK'S; eta 04 E. AL Fifty pounds of 066500 TO altorxreaati Rarer Passengers are prohibited from taking anything' asi al gage but their wearing apparel. All basses. over Ily pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their reePonsibilitY rpr beigKate to one dollar per pound, and IrtU not be liable a for any amount beyond 8100. exoept cr l oio gpmrct. WM. H. OATZBIER. Agent 4129 - 01+1 den e d boy K. E. Co. PITILADELnia, GEE 141ANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWRAILROAD— WINTER AR RANOF.hIENT— On and ally MONDAY, Nov. 21, 1869, . Fort OERAIANTOWN. Leave philadelpi k a ii, 7,7.60, 10 9, 10,14 and is A. M., 4 1, 3,3, 3%.6, es 0 , „ 6,6, , and 11s P. M. I, L t e s ti , v 4 e , G oi er . m c it e n , to wi ern .7 6 :1 9 % i Tf, sot, io, A. Al.. 014 SUND Leave Philadelhia 9.06 min. A. m., 1,6%. and 13 P. M. 9 1' Leave Derman to wn 8.10 rain. A. 1%., 1.10 min., ON, and . CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. P. Leave Philadelphia 3, U A. M., 2,4, Of, 7, and 10 M. Leave Chestnut Rill 7.20, 7.44, 540, 0,41 , 40 A. 14., MOJA, 6 40 S . N 4O, and 8.,P. M. UN ODAYS, beans PhilAdelphia 9.09 A. 1%., 2_,and ex Al F . /ava Gllo4z4t Hill 7.60 A. tid., /Lao, 6.20, and 8.40 min . P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN kW/ NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,9, /1.06, A. M.,1.00,0.06, 4.%, MC and 104 P. M. Leave Norristown 6,7, 9, U A. M., 1%, 4)4, end il P. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia 6,7%, 11.M.A. 1,1.4.121,0.03,3.06, 6%. 7%, and 1114 P. M. Leave Ma ne . yunk MC 7A, BM, 9%, and.. 11% A. M., 3, 6,6%, and 8% P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave ?hiltulelohin 9 A. N., 3, and 41( PM . Leave manny nip m r , and 7% H. Wee 1, De o ral Superintpodent, DEPT. IN 'll aad OR hial Streets. Nolan PENNSYL MRP. ARRA VANI NGEMENTA RAILROAD. 111 . For__ BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALL - prrowir rilAumi CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and atter\t i ONDAY, November7th, 16M_, Palma. ger Trains will asp FRON'I . and WILIA)W Streets , Philadelphia. DA LI. ( Sumatra °scented : ) For Bethlehem, Easton. Allento'lrp, 14.9120 h Chunk, Hazleton, to ( lapreu.) at 1.30 A. AL For Bethlehe e., m, ( Expreeed at 9.10 A. M. and 3 P. M. 4 P. For Doylestown. (Accommodation,/ at 8.60 A. M. and M. For W qr ash in g nunn i a"" VA at 6 P. M. Argil/ t f) ILIAD LPII t rt ,v r: It t y l l i eltO e k atti=4 . l/ I ,Teri l i " M i lt SAO P. 111. Leave Fort Washianton.r.fmoommodationd alt. A.M. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia for Fort Was hing tonat 6.30 A.M. Philadelphia for Doylestown, at 4 1'. M. yleetown for Philadelphia. et 7 A. M. Fort Weald Won for Phi Melphia, at 2.40 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, $1.00; to Mauoh Chunk, OM; to Easton, 41401 Doylestown,Bo cents. Through Goleta mast be prooured before entering the O&M All rampager Trains lappet Spada) Trains) con nect at Berke street with Filth and tlizth-ttreets, and limond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. n 7 ELLIS CLARK. Agent aPntiIttREPIIILADELPIIIA, 1V IL ANI) 13ALTI MOR PAEagand after MONDAY. Novembef - 21, 1a69, Nor.R ' DRAINS L EAVE 6 Y For Baltinaore at 5.16 A. Ai., 111 noon, (Expresed and 11.10 P. M. For Cheater at 8.15 A. M.,12 noon, 441, and 11.10 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 12, 450, and 11.101'. M. For New Cantle at 8.15 A. M.. and (AO P. N. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M., end_4.39 P.M. For Dover at 8.16 A. and 4.30 P M. For Milford ,a 8.10 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. • For Seaford at 816 A. 01., and 4.3) P. M. For Laurel at 8.16 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PIIILABELPIIIA Leave Baltimore at 8.20 A. M., (Es erased 10.15 A. M., and 6.25 P. M. Leave Wdming ton at 7.16 A. N, and 11.30 A. M.,l4lland 8.40 P. Al. gaye Laurel at 6.15 A. N. and SAO P. M. ay. Seaford at 6.45 A. M., and 4.06 P. M. ave Milford at 7.60 A. AL, and am P. M. , Leave Dover at 9.06 A. M., and a.co P M. Lave Middletown at lo A. M. and 7.06 P. M. Leave New Culla at 10.66 A. AL. and 8 I'. M. Leave Chester at 8, 12 A. M. 2.22 and 9.11 I', Al. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave gheater at 8.46 A. M., 12.28 and 11.40 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.26 A. AL, 11.661'. Al., and 11.30 A. M. SUNDAYS Or at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Rai timore, 0 ly at 6.2 b P. Ai.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. PR lOR'!".CRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia far Perryville and intermediate pima, at 3 P. Al. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate place, at 4.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate planes at Bal i P. Al. .Leave imore for Stemmer's Run, Chase's, and Rarewood at 5.64 P. M. 06 EL AL FELTON. President. WEST 011 ESTER RAIL ROAD TRAINS vt PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. Leave Depot nor. ELEVENTH Rua MARKET Etreete, texeopLtlunday.l at 8 A. Id., Mad P. M., and 4 P. M. Leave West Cheater at 7.20 A. Pl.. JOAO A. M.. and 5.110 P. M. In 14-y PIIILADELPIIIA AND u RNIAMILi t i FAN I R A i kt i li t lL&OAD Ililrgli— tlotto, Lek Island, gliagt a iGtlls R1ii,j46:, 1 1114 1 .! ninon, Montreal, St. Paul's, 'De Detroit , Dunhe th, and St. uls. Paasenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read Mg Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and OA LLD W HILL StreetaDAlLY. (Sundays eseeptert,) as followe : 7.30 A. H. DAY EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffelo,Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook !eland, Galena, St. Paul% Burhng ton, and St. Louie. LBO P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS. For El 7 ., wau ea, lra,_li lagers Ftlle, Buffalo, to Detroit, Chicago, klil Rook Island, tialena,St. Paul's Burbngn, and St. OW/. The 7.90 A. M. and 5.30 P. M. trains ran through to ILAREIBBDRO,ItoPPing at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch, U 07.90 A, AL train connects at Rupert for Wilkes berm, Pittston, Soranton, and ell stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. n 9graggi ? h o oked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension _ - 6.1.. 1 gl ilekete can be p let red Ikt, th Ailed Iphia and nallilrfLnaurosa Lineve r Tiliet twe e , riortnw e eet corner of SIXTH and CHERTNU Streets, and at the Passen ger Depot, corner BROAD and CALLOWII I LL. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the De pot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, IS en der axoepted,) for all points West and North, at ti I'. Al. Freights must be delivered before 3 P.M. to inure g l n of ac:frig?"' mi. apply at Frei? De ht, BROAD, below Vine, ON ! ,11. ' PPEN, General Agent, Or Pi t° W, °outerSIXTH and CHESTN DT Streets, solAf Philadolphis. M N PIIILADELPIIIA AND R_IIA_DING RAIL ROAD, AIME, for POTTJOIVILLE, READ ING and ARSBURG, of BROAD and OhnllVVirLElß D : p t o s t . , tentWiligs on Callnwhill t ) at 7.30 A. M.,_DAlLV4Sandars azikested,) for PU'ria viLLE; HARRIO Of and all Inferincliate ' , pints, oonneeting at Harris uric with trains running to Atte burg, Ohambetarigarli c ib i Suppug. &o. Leave attsl)P. AL, D R AWLY, l' or I f terTSVILLE and HARRISBURG. I NG, At 4.30 Y. al.,DAlLY•(Ntiinnnte. danegoepted,)for READ and Intermedate e d 5 w H. MoILII EMMY. Ranrstars ______ NOTIOE.---MESTER VALLEY RAILROAD PAS BRPIUMAAII Nl,Pqft DOWVINUTOWN A IN TERMED ATE STA lONS.—On and alter ilith Deoem be IBt the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start fro Reading ew Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Railroad Company. forcer or BROAD and onuowHILL !greets, (passenger en traneen on Gallnwhin A . MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at 7Je Nl._ AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, lessee at P. NI. DAILY (Eipndate exeeeted.) and s i r o rgUlt i n i sMit oi Managers of the Philadelphia .ITNIOILIIENNY.Seerstsrr. WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK OHAMPAGNE. • GEORGE WHITELEY. *No. 185 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Is appointed Agent or the sale of the above nen vatted brand of CHAMPAGNE, And dire it to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATER. 600 betakes, Q nada and Pinta, now In Donn. dZ-tr WE OALL ATTENTION OF THE • v TRADE to Ole really Bu_perior article s ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A spoply in ismorted pn,kagee oonetantly on hand. Orderereaelved for direct irtation. Also—Rennew Cognac . Leßoy cognao London and Rolland Dine, Claret in Wood and CRUM, hampagnee, high and low pricer. LONUcilAkti Imnpter. olOrdas 217 South FRorcr. Yhiladeiphia. G EORGE WIIITELEY, No. 135 South pRONT Street, Importer of Brandy, Winex, &0., offers for sale, In t o i r egy t the following, among other standard brands fner, • RasilllOn. & Co., Thos. Hines & Co., Wes, °hin t & Co., Olardi OuPul, & Co„ &m I . . ecca°, sired, o moee, ellevsin, . . Dupontl a B r ' t lia', U nion Proprietors, t Jae. ffennes.y. o, Stuart's ?limey Malt Whiskey, and the choicest varjeties of Madeira, Sherry. Port. Boreundy. and Rhine Wines. Palm Tree uin, Jamaloa Rum. Planta Cruz Rum. Bordeaux Oil. &a.. & o ell-ly NOTICES. O rPFIDE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. HILADIELPHIA, Jannary , lBoo. The holders of the tONDR of this Company, due JULY 1.18 G), can now receive. upon application at this (nee TEN PER CENT. in cash upon the terms spe cified in the Circular attached. The holders are eign entitled to the benefit of the SINKING FUND established by the Stookholders, as met forth In the following rem lotions. passed at the Ille•ting of Stockholder' held January 9. taw Resolved. hat the sum n 1 8110,000 of the tutor. net Proets of the Company, rate/ pat meat of the into ne cessary for the extension of the bonds duo in lino, the completion of tne rowl to Dauphin, toe Cur loans, the necessary rolliax stock/mil improvemeMs on the line of the road. and all the liabilitiee of the Company, except the bonded debt not 'natured. he set aide in each year as &Sinking Fund, lin addition to the ISOM already provided ' ) and shall be appropriated to the purchase of suph the boucle of the Company for which no Sinking Fund is already provided and established, in the order of the priority of the mort..ages gi,en to secure such bonds. no lons they min spectively be obtained at or under par. nail the bonds to purchased shall be forth with cancelled. Rego/eel:. That the Board of Manaters be. and they era hereby, requested and doomed to enter into such an exreement as shall ob l igatoryrovisions in co n tractoing resolutione en and binding of the Company. In pursuance of this resolution. the Company have executed the contract therein referred to. r. BRADFORD, Treasurer, CIRCULAR Notice to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co. Mortgage Monde, due Ju1y1,18,60. Those bonds are secured by the First Motif axes on the road, amounting in the aggregate to $3.303 CM. The net ref onue for the last flout' l ear was Cc times the aliment of the ennead interest on these bonds. The Managers propose retainnd them bond, period of twenty years, the holders ng the and the eocurity of the Morttagee in the precise condition in which they are now liColtl. Prep!' sheets of Coupons for tee interest, parable half -7 early, will be issued. 4 A Benue of ten per cent. will be given to the holders, la cionsipleration of their assenting to the extension, This Bonatiwill beyond in cash to the hoorere of the Bombe, on sir signing a 14,001yt Unit presenting their respective Blo nde at the Mho° of the Comte', or to its agents, for endorsement, Forme of receipt and endoreement will be furnisheil on application. Ili order of the Board of Managers. W. 11. MeILIIENNEY. JOS Im Secretary, TIC E.-OFFICE OF THE DELA WAR RARITAN CANAL AND CAM ARV 4np A M IIOY RAILROAD AND TRANBYOR -IATION'COMPANIED, PRINCEIoN, New JRRIST, JAL 16,1 , 160. The Directors of the above Companies have this d•iy declared a Dividend of SIX YEN CENT. out of the earnings of the last six month;, payable to the btock holders. or their total repteeentives, on nod alter TUESDA Y. the 24th day of January Inst., by RICHARD 111111'PEN, at the Companies' Office, in l'hiladolphis, 01 1 4.11 , /RA BLISS, at the (Mee of (hoes Companies 111•010 w Yora. '• RICH AR STOZIKTON, .1823.1 i t JAR, OREEN, . Treagurtra. NNOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS.— / The CARBON IRON COhIPANY will receive proposals until the 20th day of February next for build ing an Iron or Wooden Railroad Bridge over the Le high Riyer, opposite their works at Perryville, in the dbtftily or CarbOil. The length wid be about three hun• deed and fifty MO) lbet, trt eit'or throe or four spans, , • single track. Prop^cab reoei veld, end further particulars obtained on appitentton at Parryville to the undersigned. DENNIS BAUMAN, President. Deoember 196.18 W. $.131-dtfeS) CORN EXCHIANGE BANK.—Philadol- At at h l a le l e i atinl i aliti the'llat I n etantOtos following gentlemen were ellosen Dlreatiirs flatus hoick: render Q. catta il , Joanna Linden? berg K. rim Ketmuel T. cwiti , amen Steel John F. °roan, dmund A. Bonder, t;harlen Knecht, Alexander Whildin, avid Venderreer, Both Craig, 'tulip H. Aimee. unrioan. Hoffman. And stint( Wanting al th e Board THIB DAY, the fol lowing °Mom were unanimonaly ninfittell: A. ( I .3WITKUL, President. It. R. 1.4 EFP Vice vresident. J. W. TORREY. enabler. rtioTruE IS GIVEN THAT APPLIOA 41.tion will be made far certificate of Pennsylvania F la an, ij% vialo a of on• dated AugusteMC No, xi, 6.l:l::tag:d2l. s. WC to LOUIVILIif- qvfnqfpss CARDS. VVB. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, for Principal News papers end Pertodoserle of CRY and Country, N. E. oar ne r Fl rr II and CHESTNUT, Addrene VB. YAL,NIER," Philadelphia. jel3-3m THOS.4I)I)Lf, Attorney at Law No. 271 Elontb FOURTH btroet. WALLACE & BRODHEAD, 8? EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Stooks and Ronda bought and told, on Coinnliggion. Pvgacig W.q.L4CI. EDWARD C. MOULD A LEX. MoKLNNEY ATTORNEY AT L AW. EENdURO, In, Will pritokiee in Westmoreland, Arniatront, 111- cann counties. cell- T HE ADAMS EXPRMS 00., OFFIOB Mg CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels. Nak ao., Merchandise, Bank Notes,d Spam, eithir o • by D o a own Lines or In connection with an other Expreu m eanies, to ail the principle towns and mills o the W Malted States. E. S. SANDFORD, tul-tf General Etupentitandent EuuuATtoilm o . MRS CAROLINE M COUR. TEACHER OF PILE PIANO, Ja3) at* SIT North NINTH Ftreet iNSTRUcTION IN OLAt , SICS AND RothNTH. LABLIERTON, Fit. 1) . is now open for an e sasernant for one hour daily. Allermanunlcations addressed to No 403 booth Eighth street, will receive prompt attention. Rat ERE CEi—Prof. Oeo. Allen, No. 215 South Seven- Meath et. eat; Dr. George Vuhrtn.r, 61i Arch street; I'M hp l'hlblak Nandotph, Esq.. 219 South Fourth street; Lloyd F. Smith, Librarian. l luladelphla Library; James Lesley, Jr., 611 hlarkst street. 1a27.1m YOUNG LADIESINSTITUTE, (WITH Priteary and Seonnittry Department attaohed Southeast corner of DILLWN N and OREEN Streets. For Circulars apply at the dohnol. E. rAXSON, Principal. Entrance on DILI.WYN Street. AmEItIOAN SUIIOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable medium through which Sohools and Fami lies my obtain oomteteut teachers. Parents may ob tain, gratuitously, in omiation arid oireulare of the best schools. 8 UTH, WOODMAN, 346 BROADWAY, New Tort, or 600 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, HRYANT STRATTON'S NATIONAL 1./ MERCANTILE COLLERES, toasted at Phila delphia, H. E. aoroar SEVEN - Tit and CHESTNUT; New York, 80, Cleveland, Ch oars, and Ht. Louie. For information . call or sand for Catalogue. (10-tf REMOVALS. R EMOVAL -SMALL & CHANDLER, WHOLESALE 01100E11. 0 .1tavo removed from 60 North nECOND Street, to .133 MARKET Street, above Front. llllrth aide. 02 MACHINERY AND IRON. 11C/IVII. V. MERVIVc. 1. V411.11L11.1141X114E VVILLIAK PetllitlVX. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTILAND WASHINGTON STSMiII. MElNlVo i rk u goNS, ENOINEER3 AND AIAORINISTB, Manufdature High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, fur band, River, and Marine carving. & m niers, iliumeters, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Outings of all kinds, eithorlron or Brass. Iron Frame Roots for (sag Works, Work Rhos". Rail road dottions, ho. Retorts and Gas Maohinory of the latest and moat Int• proved constipation. Every_ description of Plantation Machinery , sank cc Sugar, BOW, and Griet Mills Vaoupm Pans, Open steam Trains, Detonators, Filtersramping Engine', ho. Bole Agents for It, Rill evz's Patentflysar Boiling Apparatus' • Nasmyth Patent /Ream Hammer ; and aspinvrail & Walser 's Patent Gentrangal Bazar Drain ing MaOltlne. an i-y Eel SALAMANDER SAFES. Almse assortment of EVANRik WATSON'II PHILADELPHIA hIANUACTUHH2 BALAMANDERI4AFER. VAULT DOORS. BANK LOCKS, For Danko and 8tor". Equal to any' now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, reo.„ yam good terms eto any other estaldiehment Ia tke United Stew, gVgN3 k WATSON, No. KM Oil BTNUT Street, 441/1-If 9111 E CONFESSION AND EXPERIENCE of an INVALID, published for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to yowl; lean who collar front Nervous Debility, Prernstllro Decay, o.; 1140711 w, at the same tune. the means of Bell Cure, by one who eured himself. after having been put to great eXPebse throughmedical unposition and yunckery turtle copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAY FAIR, Fun, Bedford, East Brooklyn. Kings cunty, New 1 ork, by enclosing a post-pa , d addressed ant elope. Ja2a. h. ILVER SOAP—A simple preparation es , for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewelry, htirrors, Mar ble, Ito. for mote in e convenient and elleotive than any other. o ne h all the labor of House cleaning may be saved by using t Is Soap, which cannot possibly Injure the finest Zinn whitp, and es no sorobbina is required, the savi ns. in the wear of the paint ill men greater than the cost of the Soap. It leaves the surface as pure and white as when new. Manufactured only by the Boston Indexioal Soap C 0713 pan y. and sold by their appointed kitente,llABSAAD & CO.. Apothecaries. TWELFTH nti FIRTNIIT .21- MINTON'S ENOAUSTIO TILES for LTA- floors. Ornamental Chimney Tops for oottatez. garden Vneest a nd Fountame. Vitrified Pipe or drains and Water conductors /molted and r by .1.14A4.114A1inn. REFINED SUGAR —5OO bblm. (rushed, onarea. and !Ina fpulgarixrd A coffee and jallmo Sqnar for male Si JAMEd GRAHAM & CO.. LINTI• Pi A At trAnt. lAD 1410E.—Priine retailing Charleston Rice . 1 -k , for male by JAbIEB ORAHAM k 00., LETITIA eet. lag INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1035. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Sreets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, GOIIT, ( °AR To all part, of the Werl4. FREIO 'INLAND INSURANCES 00 . 0ooda, by River Canals. Lake., and Land Carnage _to al pans of the Lmon. FINE IN 7 SURANCE6I On Merchandise generally. On Storea r Dwallina Houses, ice. A.BSETS OF THE CO7IPANY, November 1,1160. Par. Mar}st Pahl r. /mow, Philadelphia City 6 3/h' oent. L0an...3166460 00 100000 . , Pennsylvania State 5 ii , at. Loan 27.555 00 21,000 Pennsylvania State 6op at. V Lou...—. 111,000 00 20,000, U.S. Treasury 10‘ cent. Notea and interact due ... —,. . ... .. . .... 35,263 51 830,000 U. S. Treasury 6V . at. Naas end Inter est doe...__ ....- - .. • r _.• • •• 60,614 CO 810,003 Temporary ,ortz to ........ of Phila delphia . . _ 26,000 00 vao.coo, renne l ivaiiii iiiiiirmiiild rsongage 6 IF oent. b0nd5.. . ..43,500 00 9121,000, North Pennsylvania aroas mort gage 6 V cent. Bonds-- ...... UM 00 1311,003 Weet Philadelphia. Passenger Railway Company 7tv ct. coupon bonds 13,600 00 .11,000,100 Allays", stock Gerruantown tie- Company, intermit and prtnoi 51 . 1 1 e p ri l a i n a tted by the olty of rti - ll.OOO to 11,000,100 'beteg PennaYll7a.nra—itillic:rid— conwany .. . 8775 CO 11,000,100 shar 41 es North - Penneyliania Rad ioed 111,1530, share' Phdade phut any loe lloeiend Steam Tug Conglny, Philadelphia and giiVarTiaKirelim pany, Ocean, Steam thvigatlon Company, Ph iladelphia and Ha vre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia &change Company 1,210 00 436 ,30 Bond 8 s and Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of eld3,llB 51 fice Building Rdle reoewable for Insurances made.....„.... 181,698 69 Balance due at Agencies—Premiums on Me nne Poltoies, interest, and other debts due Vie C0mpany......... 65,M4 69 Borip and stook of sundry Iruir.rance dumps met .. Cash on Deposit in liaak— .--- 1,250 00 ;LOGO 31 DIRECTORS. William Martin, Samuel C. Stokes, Edntund A. Sondes, I.Y. Heimann, Theoplultis Pauldisis, Henry Moan. oho H. ramose. Edward Oulu:stony ohn C. Davis. H. Jones Brooke jamas Tratmaar, William Lyre, Jr,. Spencer M'llrainli. Thomas C. Hand, James C. Mond, Robert Burton, William C. Ludwig. /sea H Inn., Joseph H. Seal, James R. AO Harland. Dr. R. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre, tieorse 0. Leiper, John 11. Smuts, Plush's Hugh Craig, D. T. Morgan. Charles Kelly, A. II liergor, '. WILLIAM MARTIN, Presdent. THOS. C. HAND, Vice President. HENRY INLBURN. Reoretare. dl6-dtf TAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO OS CitEBTNUT street, PHILADELITIA. NCORFORATED ENN APRIL. 1N.4,.8Y THE STATE OF FsI'LVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS Remus! Wrght, D. 11. flange, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Eserman, Chas. Riohardson, Henry Maims. Jr., (fco. A. West, lira W. Stout, O. Wm!son Darnl f Evan Morris, Thos. B. Alartm, 'Mena.", Morn. OFOROE W. DAY, President. JONATHAN J. NI.O(UAL Vlee Preet. WILLIAMB 1. BLANCHARD. Reeretary. mall -IC UWE INSURANCE AND TRUST CON. PFNIS MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. Northeast corner of THIRD and IK Streets. Aanets. .9241,225 26. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of gife—e rants annuities and endowments—purchase. life interests in Reel Hetale, and makes NU contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They ant as Eneoutors, Administrators, Auignesa Trustees. and Guardians. TRUSTEES. Daniel L. Miller. Samuel S. Stoical, Wiliam Martin, 1 ,; , : ` 41 1 : - M. C ire t w s %14, James B. MeFarlanill. ahem P. Hacker,,. — JoliePh IL Trotter. William H. Kern, * James Ellbtir9, Fame! C. Huey, Theophilull Paul,lint. Charles Hallowell, ff Edmond A. 8 i u d er, Renr7C.T.Val"4 bDanolL.ilacMum sVa '9lKdt r,loll: T.hu:o r' . leiN.dai4 l lArctr. I'.V, Durlow, Samueld J. VI nstiati William Hobert:lon. Joseph N. Mimes, Warner At. Basin John O. Brenner, P. B. ' Allehier, Easton DANIEL L. :MLLES, President. SAAIL. E. STOKES, Vine free t. Jour: W. Itonnon.Seeretarr. anlB-11 NSURANOE COIPANY OF THE -11- STATE Og PEIINSSLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANGE—No. EXCHANGE BUILD ING& Chartered in 1194—Capital s2oo,ooo—Aasets, January 1, 1643, 4347,te1l An invested in gonad and available seenritiee—eon tinue to insure on Vessel' and Cargoes, Buildings, looks of Alerehtuidise, An., on literal term. Henry D. Sheyrerd i George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel tirant, Jr., Charles Macalester,"robiee Wagner William 8. South, Thomas 11. Watteoll, With B. Bud d _ A Henry C. Freeginne Witham It. White,' Charles S. Lewis, lieotge C. Carson. HE N ESH RR ERD, President. WILLIAMHA Rl' .Hearers', le 9-w I'm tt ti OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COAIRANY, No. 41J WALNUT Btree6 l'hila.lalphlo. pilascrolis. m. W. Baldwin. Mott. W. D. TInlIt: tEdtar Thomson. Wm. K. Hattilia. ohn o.3rtints, C. E. Spangler, Min W. Sexton. It, IL Houston. illiam Raquel. Wm. 11. Love. k.. m Ito hell. Charles F. Norton. . B. Warne. John Clay ton ohn B. Addioks, Edward A. Warne, E. T. Komi. It. N. Bhillingterd. looms," L. Luaqq. president—AL W. BALDWIN, Vice resident — K. B. WARN& Beoretarv.—EDWlN 1300 TE. dee MEDICINAL. No MORE plus, NOR ANY OTHER MEDICINE.—Foy eorstipation, dyspepsia (Indi gestion f. nervonstoss. flatulency, relearn. biliousness, liver itnAvnu, hysteria, neuralgia, sleeplessness, aolditr congestion. lilood in the held, heads hes, lea of memory, indecision. nervous fancies, palpitation, eartburn, eruptions, impurities, lever., tirritability, ow diarrimea, dysentery, noises in the bead and ears debility, id:abeam rains between the shoulders. cramps. spurns, naves and sickness. sinking, fits, colds catarrhs. couch asthma, bronchitis. consump tim ' debility tout rheumatism, lromorrholds. P It Rpi dolm n. a: Health Reatoring ricel,THß Itti.A.LEkil A ARABIOA, at a cost of few rents per teen speedily eradicates the Mewe oiseaues. also children s umnpledete. and saves fifty times its coat in mettioine. It does not interfere with a liberal diet but imparts a health. relish for leech and diener and re stores the faculty of disc...lonand nem out en mum lar energy to the most enfeebled. We entrant a few out of 60.(%) cures: 4ure N 0.1771. Lord !?plait t t ,e Di3.3',eg, of many years' 2qtralf aae rim Recto ry rom the Rev. James T. Campbell, Stderstona , near Fakenha • , Norfolk. 6 flee. 1849. llenelemen: I have lons known Bed appreciated the viques or Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica Food lit one time ' bark it (or eighteen menthe • and w hones er I feel unwell. I take it for breakfast. When T,,k, n Itself in this way, it invariably relieves the stomrtoh and psepar a a It far caner band; while at the SAM% time it than the patient. as toad a btov.r.ut nilcou 4 dollars. In all cases of indieettion and eartivnlarl, when the hoer la more than nirvana affe.:ted, I consoler it the hest of all reined.... It regulates the nile and makes it flow in MINI which would not admit of mercury in any shape. In short a healthy (kw of bile is one of :Is earliest -ad best arnintoins. You can make %hat use Inn pleas. or thin eemnruntrabon. I ate, g rotkuleo, y .1 axes C I .IPIIIILL. oeu7il LO., 832 Fifty yearn' indescribable asony t tom dyspepsia, nervousnegs. asthma, cough. constipation, flatulency, spurns sickness and vomiting. rose removed by Du liarty's excellent Foal. slset• JO-1. Cure No. 472, of Mr. nerjeant-at-Law : have taken the Reonlenta Arabica for the last six weeks and have great pleasure in bearing witness to its efficacy. For years before I hail recourse to tn.q excel lout 111011 1 had been tormented_ more or team by dr s pepsia. I am now enjoying perte...t more and all the consequent advantages. I tun m 7 dear sir. your truly obliged friend, Cll , llll E, \111.11%11, it L. Cure N 0.63.414 field Marelisl tha Nike oil Floakew, of dyspepsia. constipation, nen °wino., end liver com plaints, which lied eforted all baths and ineutcal treat meet. _ Cure No. 47411• Nils. oth Jscotw, of extreme nets Quinn.. intligestiOti, inthettnss. low •tunts, and nervous fancies. tlimilar testimonials from Dr. Use, Dr. Harvey, Dr. hho•land, Dr. Campell, and um, thousand other re speotable parties who non be relorred to Packed with full instrizotions in °smears, SI.SL) $l2. The latter carriage tree on receipt of elei hold at the Revalento Arable& Food tisrmt, psi Eolith Third street, Philadelphia, NItO, Principal Agent for the Drilled States. W. l'nrvin. Jr., Chestnut and Twelfth streets. D. 1,. hmektionse. Eighth and (Doan streets. .1. Ilarkinson and E. H. Clarke, Maui street ? liermautuwu ; and through ail (Door's nod Chemists vs ALL-SUFFICIENT TIIREE!— THU.:3IOIAR, I, 3, and 3, Protected by Royal Leiter Patent of En tan secured by the Seale of the hole de Pharinae 'ede fa r t s, and aro) the Imperial College of Vieun P 1 h. 0,1 ts tti val,t,tl,lo for billet's bun, steranatorrhtra,and all ph) swat d 1.4 o,,taten. thNai'ertve(e"Vrt!'tl4ll, l ,l , r tho erarlicates all trnoes of those diseases rto treated the nauseous and per tumult use of corn, to and cultebs. . . . •. N 0.3 hns rntircl) supplanted tho in'urinususo of mar oury. thereby insuring to the loiterer stieotly relief do Penang all impurities, and rooting out the venom otitis • • • TRTEBII3IAR, Noe.l, 1, and 3, are prepared in the form of a lozenge. (legnid of taste and smell, and can be earned to the Witisteent pocket. Bold in tin eases, and divtded into aeyeatata deem., as admintetered le Vo Lallemand, Roux, Ricord..3o. Price .53 each, or loco eases for 89, which saves 53 ,• and in B.r/ eases, whare. by there is a saying of 59. 'l'a be had, wholesale and retail, of Dr. BARROW, 191 Illeecker street, New York, Nob d also at Retort by CALLEN Ilh:lt A. CU., corner Tut RD and WALNUT Streets. Phila.lslehia, and by nvoTir HUNS, 113 North RECoN I) Street. Wholesale and Retail Agents Car Penney lyams. nail tUm 701,LICKOF'FEICS ANTI-RHEUM ATW COMDIAL.—Efut : I hare been afflicted with rhea mntiani for a font period—a portent 01 the time had no ace of my limbs. Tried your Cordial, and in three days I woe able to walk donn admire, and in a week the run entirely lett me. Ido cheerfully recommend the Cor dial to Ow who are afflicted with that dread fp! com plaint. Your., ,fay. W. NE.WLI`I, 12 (Oker..d.q 1 4 113 a Prepared by THE01101th: llll,lld, Choi:oat N. E. corner PINE and nIXTU ate. STEAM DIRECT TO ALL PARTS OF GRIIAT BRITAIN AND ArtiItIARNOC"),AILIPtigAMI.I4\ COlll - IRON MAI STEM, dB t'B. IiAMMONIA, Cap), U. F. Soltwonseo, ttAXOIK, Capt. I. 11. 1 hlerq. BORU, IA 1 - .lnpt. N, reetmen. BAVA A:Clapl. H. Taube. TEUTONIA, Capt. 11. Essen. Thee. Steamers aro II brat - elitesrepeals; are intended to sail from her 41, final! River, N. 1%, es follows : . . . . FOR LONDON, SO NAII UTII A PTON, HAVRE, AND 1 BURG. The elegant and powerful !tun Screw Fla:nosh] p BO RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trautman, 2,444 tone bunkum, will 1 11 1 . 61 . 11/ 4 1P, DEcEmBER3Int, at 12 o'clock M. Passage, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York, and from Southampton to London, First Cabin. 8100 Second Cabin.. 460 l Steens... 'SU The BORUSSIA will be suoceeded It the Adlowinz Steamships: lIAMAIONIA—..—.WEDNEBDAY February 1. 5AV111A..............7111;R5DAX, !il i a rah I. TE nroh 11. ARIA-.............N0NDA_i * Aprd faillre:ClOrkM6lBlß;lreidtelli In , 61 '1 (17;0 1 4 1 i rate.. These steamers are fitted up with natqualled accom modations for first, second, end third-class Pegsengers. The Second Cebin aooononodations of these whips are equal to the first•olass of most steamers. Certificates of passage issued front London, South ampton, Havre, and liumburr, to New York, Parcels forwarded from niladelphia to all parts of Europe at reasonable mice. PreighP engaged in Philadelphia will be promptLy attended to by . the New York Agent, and shipped free of all commission. For Freight or l'assage, apply exclusively to W. A. Hain)Agent. °Moe of the Hamburg Amerman Mall Stearnehme, ul-tf Northwest corner FOU R'rH sad CIIESTNIIT RR. CORBo REAL ESTATE • BROKER AND CONVEYANCER, 'NORRIS TOWN, VRNNA. PA Rhlm in Montgornety, Docks, and Closter coun ties, for sale or exchange. 000 D hlO RTUAO Es on farms npollaled. HANDSOME DWELLINGB ca.a in Nome- nRICK-ItIAI(INCi 31M.IIIINES which tem der the clay and make 20,000 lardny. Brick Pressen, Tile Mines, Ulny Wheats, Clay Spades. and canting! .ek Coal Binh at C. CARNELL'I3. IiERMANTOWN anad. above Plitt, street ta7.6,n DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE EngiAL ‘ r i ct B tind Archaects' Stationery. Qropiotior Petintlp s CZaforabirdlT., .4, d 1 Oleo for Artata ao' 4tudento. r i , r ; i d i ,r, d ,x ( it r a e rtare e nli French. Vogues gnttt° to th plott l ek & WHOLESALE Aliriii i Tift. th • ° o7l!61 SALES BY AUCTION. FURNES.3_, BRINLEY, & CO., Nn. as MA RXRT STRIE7. FIRST SPRING SALE OP BRITISH, 151511, SCOTCH, GERMAN. ANI) AMERICAN DRY GOODY. Feb 7th, at 10 c?gloc T ir, l o d n a inl ' ln n glig i credit, by o ln ats,- 401 pm:leases and lots of fancy and staple imported and domestic dry goods. ati?" Catalogues and samples early on the morning of sale. UNDERWRITERS' SALE—FOR CASH. On Tuesday Morning, February 7th, at 10 o'clock -8 eases, 130 pieces. London plaid gingham& 21 pieces block alpaccas, damaged on the voyage of an portation. LARGE BPECIAL GALE OF COTTON HOSIERY— JUST LANDED. n Tuesday Fell 7th. at 10 O o'elock. Ilurningy *r Particulare hereafter. BSCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET, oppoolte the CRAM] saahe. POURTH wnd iStroes. SIA LE OF A PRIVATE M USE CNI, UPON THE PRE MISES, No. a2l MARKET ST.. THIRD STORY. On Friday Morning. Feb td commenom: at tatj o'cio k, ombrazio( ml c y valowble specs men. of birth. animals. fish, and reptiles. air Open for exatrunation on Thursday. 24 ins!, PHILIP FORD & CO, AUCTIONEERS, N 0.532 NIA RICF.T Street And 221 MINOR RtreeL SALE OF 1,000 CAMEN BOOTS AND SHOES, FRENCH CALF NNINP AND 80LE LEATHER. This Morning. February 21, at 10 o'clock pre 'self. wilt be sold by ostalogne. on (one months credit. 1000 cases men's. boys', nod now h.' brat quality calf. rms, and kip Wm' and brogans: znen's sad Consreas boll and patent leather; Oxford ties lour s' and 1:131.4411 . oots, shoes g raters, slippers. gum oN erstsoes be., ern bracing a large and desirable assortment of eits and Eastern manufocture, worthy inn attention of the trade. At the commencement of rtle, an mcmee or French cal ■kms and oak too leather. Oleo, at the commencement of aV.e, 60 dozen ➢rise kid and goat eking. V J. WOLBERT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, N-J• 819 ARCH Street, between Fifth and goith BRILLIANT DIA MOND JLW ELRY. XTRA FINE DOM) W ATCHEri, AND ASSORTED JEWELRY —MORNINti AND 1. V.1.1i1N.1 TALE. This Morning, Feb. 2d. at 11 o'clock. and At oh o'clock in the At 419 Arch street his rAt . eoill.. alorte sasnrlment of nitre, hnespannlit7. to it Jewelry set in b..l;lsnt Ca nionds of the first water; ova fine ,01.1 thinsonieter and other fine Indies' and sentient/ice eretchu. and a senerslessorlinant of ...her rewery. tar May he estnanNl, with cstalonees,ca Wednes day afternoon, and tort) on Thu rah, morning. OW. .543 17 1101: Elf' D FI , RNITURE. On Fr! ty 51Gralat.. Fab ..141. at WS, 0 clork at 611 , mob street, a largo aa.ortment at b.-wan...ld furoltura.Q4l2a. !Er. MUSES A ,IATIIdSS AU A T :7 l . ),:i c, E tt E e. l corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. MONEY TO LOAN. 0.130,00 to kw.. In 'rya or attad aanoanta. stooks. Fold and ether plate, di anemde. watehas Jewel. ry, fowona pteces, dry gouda, elottuni. (rVter el. eb jinni hnrdware.cotlorj, increal instruments. form tare, horns, 1, ehle.ea, laarnem.•ad on all articles el mph a f o r any length of paw - agreed 4.pon. OD Litere liberal rem a than it any other eszabhsament in ids pity. GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. . At private sate, eptendld piano forts. in then rosewood nate, coat Itou pn a ALIO, line In caret cued huntint rate ut lona waroli, dontito lime and indei.entlent occon.to, milt $111; Eno go'd hunttag-case e.tChols ow tebt let et wetohco. the meat oproved sod 1,,t tnakes. from 4 11; to .51.0; t.na 0.1.1 dout .e t.,tt.ar Env loh potent w,e wv , ties. I , a; mob,. Iran t to 361. hnn 14-crtret hunting-rose dot tched potor.t I , •so watcher. 13 Jewett, 1 root 315 to 333; open face do.. frorn 310 to iSZI . ; fine IS-caret gold Lecire minimscase watch,. at 530, open face do linen 510 to 4.3..; t.ll Of English potent loner watches in Letting came and double loAtom, of the moat appro.ed sad torn make, trout 81,1 to j.kt; Amerman hum,. ease ',dyer ;vaunt Inner Mate hex at Itult,ng r sr. •Ilter duplex Watdit,. d.tto doubt, tune (torn el 2 to $2). huntiri4 pr. to% wtrehoo, full jewol.od. wind. ei key. Iron" nla to 531; Lepine do., loom .$ll to hid, hunting case ..her er detached lever watch-m. 13 tetre , s. from 59 to alit; open fare do.. from 3.5 to 53; hunt,' rose sitter Levine wat.the", full jewelled. Irons alto 310; open late do., Ito. 33 n, 6; alit cr quaruer watches, from $3 to $3; other French watches. l'orn $1 to $3; gold Wont lt..mmo case and oven (tee love, had teptne. k.111,11,t1. MVIEII. and French watcher". from $1;,,,,,0 ; hue gold virst, lon, cud neck uhiw ant .S.) neat. pert:lkt.; fine ,01,1 nets of ear-rm.., breast - omit. and limordeta ; lands, (inter :true, and toweirs, of •tery de scription, for leas then half the usual ream; ttncee. 3.1600w0 tomoon, in turns to stilt Applicant!, on dry and elm.) , hind godo. at lase rate of charging than ant other ettatAirliment in the city. Mi=l=l Attended to personally by the auctioneer, st very low charges. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. . . - -• Coniiignments of all and every kind of goods solieitett for public, sale ; two-thirds the value of the goods will be advanood in anticipation of the sale. MOSES NATHAN. ST. LOUIS, MO. & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS' v AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. RI North MAIN Street. ST. LOVIY. Mo..lfermerir with Metiers. Mpers, Ch.gliorn. hi Co. Philadelphian offer their sertieen to the merchants. strenalacturers. and others of Phdedelplos., or the side of dry r, oats, car pets. tools, chose, hardware, jewelry, ate., he. thr en, h advances 1116 d• rue receipt of KOnehl. !fTNettlemeute made three ,!ftaftor We. Ia:FERENC '4. Messrs. Myers. (Barbera, &Co , 11,14. .• Stuart tr. Brother Phda Vag W),k•Tollasend. & Warren, Now York. 1.. Sr 11. Curt.* A Co., New y nr k. .• Wood. Christi. A Co.. ht. Louis. Mn. M2l=== AWL TILE BRITISH AND NORTH ,WW:IIIIbAMERICA?I ROYAL MAIL STEAM- 110111 nrW TOILS TO LIVilrOoL. Clue( Cabin Peatutge --. Becond C. ' , in 110/4 Borron CO LlVEnroot. Chief rarialise Second Cabin Pusage--....—„,. Tee ship. from toe call at Milli and Cork Harbor. ft Juarini, I CANADA, Capt. Leap, AEt A. Capt. .1. d tate, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, RIA. Capt. E. 0. Lott. NIAGARA.. Capt. Anderson, AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Oast. J. Leitch. SCOTIA. lame building.) These vessels carry a clear wads liens at matt-kW; green en itnrbOard bile ; red on port tow. ARABIA,Stone. N 1 ork Wedneal4Y..jsn. La. EUROPA, " Bostott.. Wed sada.. ism 13. AFRICA. Blasunoa, " N Wedn ' eadai, Feb.l Api It icA , M . 1.1 4°4 1P:i Uti n n e :e l d 3 / CANADA, Lang, " Beaton, Wednesday ' : F e s b, Banns act cacti red until paid fen tin experienced Surgeon on board. Trio owners of these ships 11111 not bt immutable for Gold. St leer, Bullion. Specie, Javan, p. Stones Or Metall. unless hills of lad, are Tilted therefor and the value thereof' thete t uspreised. For freight or las- Mfg apply to kit CITNAND, Haulm . ; Omni flew York. p lIILADELPIIIA AID ORESOENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. gni AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OYeTHR ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, IXLD AT NO. 5 MERCHANTS' EXCHANON, At 10 o'olOOk A. M.. deatember 70,1.49, the folloer tag gentlemen Vele !mammal, elected Daemon the Corneae!, yin GEORGE H. OTUART, B. MORRIS WALN, Rw MATTHEW W. BALDSIN, CHAS. MACALESTPA, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON the BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL. STOCK of sahl COMPANY are now oven at the above named OElce, liners all tremora favorable to the enter prise are rer pip:An:ay invited to sr.bacn be. eS-t1 AtkFOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.- NEW YORE AND HAVRE BTEAYd9IIII' ComPANV. The United States Mall Steamship. A SAGO, tatu tons, David Line., Commander. and FI'LTON, tons, fames A. ot ton, Commander, will leave New York, Havre, and Southampton, for the year laNi, on the followina day. To meet new requirements of the Poet Office Depart meut, the 4 3 a of mime of the A It Mill and FULTON from HAVRE and bIICTIIAMPTON. will, alter their present voyage.. be chanced tui follows from NEW YOn K, save in the case of the present departure of the FULTON. which will take plane on the 17th December, the imhedule remains unaltered: PROW NOW TORT. U•VRE AND POPTHAIKPTON. FULTON....De Con: wh noir rer.5.,11:7 he c!,,:eit tin the ecora of Inn r , ger tends.••. rga f.*'..l Pura literntwre afford sc:ficient mtrwri%l to make 1% AC CEPTABLE FAMILY :NEWSPAPER, sit the e'agnenut of ea letkr.ce. without sirr-:o ult*Ag.i.c %Ea !me; *nil thu proprietor of the THE IrNAIL PRESS am ;witty thins that uo hest of % fitoo.r hesitate tolet it* &Aaiun% go under tlis colic" r member of hte hodsetto:d. 07:z; Tha senate! fastotes of the plan ae.K v i,, rarneAt. AND NEWS DEYARIMEp rt; Pery, Slretekos. Ssagraphy e.l Otir feria Tufts, ehoeen for fags, [inns of history. depletura of mann to les meat—and attsr.te..), to their vsnety, their both sexes end ell aces, CONIIIERIC LtL DEPART tr pr, Dee Care Will be tetra to furnish isareLl or: correct lead petrebie report. of the groilit h market+. made up to the latert hoe•. Amon the egreartile variety of ertio:le(‘'r• the pumas of THE WEEKLY PRESS, mentioned thst shs:l commence. 011 r e 2 ‘fit: the pa bhestmn of TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS' .1 Os, ANCIENT TIMES IN OLD VIRGIN A t an Original Noceette er stunspatc; laterusizikl ttea by an author of acknowledged ablitity. The s y will run through several numbers of the paper. ant well be. in itself, worth more than the stun lava:ray for a yeses subecription. r In a word. it at - ffl be the esdeloor of the' l4, ooneernsd to make THE WEEKLY PRESS conltinue a ratorine FAMILY JOURNAL. embody ins aL theSobarectertsuca of a carefully-prepared nett spell: if / IQ' Scleeriptiona are respectf ' ; sohotted. To these who propose patroniairk the " WEE-4.Y PRESS:. j I\ promptitude in forwarding del ordare for the Ew llettalis is earnestly room= need, lu, rem pres.nt indications, it is believed th rite as the ediLen may be whiettenll be printed. e i, notions beta our power to furnish bank numbers which sass disappoiataiene Meet OCCII. R M S 7: One COPY. one yea ..-- . _—. --Ex iill Three Copies, o year.— - -.- std Fire Copies, olp 7 ear. ... .._ .. —...-... e tar Ten Copies.Xe 7 ear-- ._- ...... -.. . 12 03 Twenty Comte!. to one address. at the rate of 31 por'annum..._.. _. . —. 21.)4 Twenty' Copies, to oaa address of each sal- scriber..—... ..... it) Any person sending um A Club Of Twenty or more, s .l Oritttled to an extra copy. We contlr.ne to sent TRH WEEKLY PRESS to Clernt men for zit. Babecriptwas may commence at any tame. Terms always Nun, to anYance. All letters to be ai.ireene.) to JOHN W. FORNEY No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, P - /-1 - I X ..A. 7a 10 X. P H I _A. HANH AND SHOULt Ens. _...2.3 1 )0 a--■ Pieces City-Smoked Hams sad Shou'.!ers. RV Pieces extra sneer cored Hera% for roe 1r C C. SADLER tir Ct, ARCH Street, Al door above Frott. To IS EsTFItIs. AM. SuLIIIIIILN 311 R tiNTS.—NIANILA ROPE.—A large &ad so% arsortect stock of Mazola Rope, inanufattared and for sio. as New York pugyt t3„, sit. a s A,__k. CO.. d3l I IA Al. *sun it. ilia tt, whams CIRCUL.A.F.3. HILL II 5...114, COM PAN F.S.