thii watt !ht if should tint deeper itgalps fie ofthe merohante un tit the funds Should' be large enough• for every possible' and-praetiorible purpose. -We.nannot•properlr 'adore God and ignore oherity.‘ • - " • ' n igrisPpi Ors weak. but our WeakOS', igthiseause, of f our moo, ohlitlatiod: to ago Ste most look to the Ryan ithtes o r toolop : We roust took to the tavola of more preaperettitnett.,We who have means shoe feel' :ourselres4ionlyettsal to edpport those who ate unfortri- We - miest not threw overboard the man isho: Startee:WSth es but wag unfortunate in his voyage, lied been Wild by it., intini.te friend of General Jackson that ono time-while man ortend through the wilder nese. a man in the - cot:grimy got atok. The otter mem.' iiisre of thianompany wished to prOooed and leave the unfortunate. • Gen. Jackson, tij the peculiar energy of his claraliter, nonfpelled them - to remain , and protect their, need from the nitserientif eieknees and the raga -: gee o the ehvages. - -- -" • • He knew at no one Who was more miserable than a broken-down merchant. Incept, perhaps, a broken down preacher. Fut a carpenter, a lawyer: asi editor._ or the representative of any smack „ria a emotion of iAitficultY, and he will findj meats of °soaping. of aria,- /iota We misery. The merchant must have capital an credit;homolt have stook in trade he mat buy an soli, and in misery he outwit Obtain the asiVantages necessary to begin life. - The charity of the Alstehantre Fund was a eatholio sharity.; it looked to no man's religion Mid no melee hirth•piace. It only naked who her the reolPient was' 'worthy of , the ^Wised, when poesiblei aided him. The reverend - - gentleman concluded. ti. aroseitting the claims of the Fund to the benevolent. before 'him. , oney nand in chnrity mingled itaell with the concerns o ,an immortal sent, sad lives with it throughout ti tety. . b lie assemblage. after listening toe glees of musks by the Germania Orehestra, slowly dispersed. • HAVangORD 0011•SGIL—Yesterday tnotrangg the lourth annual exhloitton was given at Haverford Col - ege. Tee following wu the order of exercises r 1. A Latin oration,Diainpuerum gonflusione," Thomas -19 r, Lamb, Amities B idge.'N. C. 9. An Enallek ora tion, " Alexnuder von Humboldt." Frame A. Wood. New York. 3. A Brack dialogue. -Pickle and Tristram." Charles prattle end Henry Prete° P 4., 4n . - trotltel”ornttap " Alexander Hamilton. ' Alfred' ellon, Philadelphia. IL A Latin version. " Civil ar," from a speeeh of William -Wirt. 0. Henry Jones. Tannin:ea. - Pa. q§, An i n , glish oration. Wolter W ore the Amnia of quebee. , • Joseph K. sh m) Murray, reishlng. N. Y. 7. A Latin alo. ' Erni HdWard 'Errol Warwick." Win. B. Bmomsll, Chester. Pa.. nnd 9m N. N. Potts,. Philadelphia 8 An En fish oration, Palestine and its Anisseietions. ,, •Edward Bettie, Thilatlolshia. 9. A Greek oration. John 0, Thomas, Minima. Aid. Id. An Englah _orntiert. •• Passion and ,Principle " Harlan Stuart, Westminster. N. C. 7, '1 o morrow evening n public oration will be delivered - before the Los anion Soc et y. M o'cl ck, in the not - leo tiai room , by L. AI. Choir, of the senior clam 166138AT11 SCIIOOI. rifillITING —On Tuesday eve ning the thirtieth ortivereary of the Sabbath school of thi (4,1m1-street Hazlet church. wag commemorated ldrea of the Auntie of the Infant and Mission Seh-eig.neyrly ruled the entire edifite. and presented a most, interesting an .Pearanee.. The exeronies of the er.ning were oconed by prayer, offered by ra r. Commend Kennedy. a I , outir of eighteen) eare of age. wid ly known as the dor - Yraaeher of New York." The school limo Joined in -singings h, um. alter which Vie report of the year was read. The edhoot tine been highly prosperous, and has organized well-a tended % mission aehool. After the report tied been read, the children of tke Minion Scheel Joined the hynin- - ..tenelareetTic to alif /uteri:Hang - aurirese-e were ele Vereg by HAW. J. rs. ,Uastle and Reg. Y. Hyatt Smith. The exercises were closed with the benediction. BUILDING Penults on JANUARY —The number of building. permits ieeueo Mainz the Nut month was 'Ml'4-011;13. of...which fifteen were for the eteotion of three-story Whams. sixteen two-story. one school. -honsa, una factory, one depot," one shop. one 'tore, two stables and one dye-hones. The stormy weather of 'tbe early part of Jalluep made betide a / 18414 " 0 "boutut taltioson permits. and hone were issued be f ore S h e 6th. Pal ot,tne three p cry dwellings to be emitted are to be put up at Twentieth and Pin , e n.reets; the (loot .Is for the Pennillesnla ffralrood I,,ompany. and to be constrUoted oa irteenih meg. below Market, fifty , ;by eighty feet. one Eery blab The factory is 'logo up en rwrnty- fourth_ street. between Jefferson and la.- ford streets.- the 'Ohara house or mple litres, be. twean Twel ft h and Thliteenth. he number of per faits used to Jormarh - ) 8 / 5 9, was thirty-seven, one less than during the past is month. Thus far, the prospect of the coining bui Mtn It season good. . 87.311-AanUat. 00iilfarlealizer OA Ma liratt &neut.—The semi-annual commencement of the Cen . tral High School will take piece on the 16th instant. at .the Ace.demy of Music. The introductory oration will delivered by Frank W. Groeiw, Esq. The valedictory has been awarded to Mr. C. Derry Brock. A number of talented teeny- genWenisn are among the gradustae, and the Academy will of course, bs crowded. The usual semi-sanest meenng of the Alumni Asso ciation of the High School mil be held on the everting of February Mu. An °lepton for officers will be held, and a lie.Alumnl speaker for ISM will he chosen Among , the eon Lenten for the latter Weir we liable with plea sure the moo of Charles E. truckwalter, a ming men of ability and prom is ing talon... We 'learn that his, chances of e lection as lushly favorable. ' ELnertnik Of Ogrtesne.---At a large and entrltbd meeting of the.. Senior Girard Brotherhood ," held last evening the following gentlemen were unanimously .leered as officers ; P resident, Wm. Allen. LL.D.; me President Witham Deno ; Treasurer, Professor ernuel etephens; Trostees Meseta William T. Sulli van, George Orantm,and, Joseph Bowie) Recording w eeeretary. , Samuel ' hits. Daniel Kane O'Donnell. W. T. Sulliranotarld Stockton, Walter D. Smith. U. ehan. Baron, R. E. Overdeer, and others, mace interesting addresses. after which the members partook of a collation, prepared in the excellent style. whisk hes become famous at these hem reunions of the Brotherhood. _ Tag thonwar DEPAUTMENT.—The aloe of the Commissioner of Highways Is crowded by anxious bid ders for the job of carting off - the refuse ashes. dust. and mud front the sticets., Great anxiety is manilesteu on the pert of contractors to secure the lobs. come of the bide were MI Mir as 841 010 , for the cleansing of the entire city , and but few p t them molted the amount Asked for by the Committee on Iliehways.(BB6 0001. The bids will le reported to Connell' to day, when the con tracts will be awarded to um lowest bidders. if Councils shall deem the epouritr offered for the performance of the work sullleient. Tun PaNASCAWASIA Lntrinu i rrrinclor held fie semi-Nimes' elootion on Tuesday !Riming last. It re. 'salted in the following gentlemen being elected to serve for the amino six months: President. Chu. E. Buck waiter; vice president, De Angell Dellegre ; recording so retary James W. Powell; corresponding secretary, iohn K.liromer; treasurer, Thos, T. Eng land ; editor. °ward v .liurr ; comn.ittee of investigation James . Ferguson, chairman, kvencer M. Janney, nf,m.lL Hiner. nos Rtrat.. CAIIHS.—A yotioß wan, about 21 years of age. named Richardson H. Vantauell. hid his left hand tadly Injured by haring it caught between the bumpers of one of the ireishe cars of the Reading rail at oventoenth and Willow streets. Matthew O'Connor. agod ity ears had his left leg factored by hating it eruahnd in the machinery of the CernOtive manufactory of Matthew Baldwin 4 Co., on road street. A man. named Dennis O'Brien, was badly injured by being gricelted down by a coal mitt which he w I day , ' log nt E'eventh end Carley streets. Allot these suf. Melt were conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. ' Finn LAST BiIBSING —The alarm of fire, at six o'clock last liveable, wax mused by the butninit of n one.story frame buildine in the roe' of t lord street below Mont.nnowt. in the Nineteenth word. owned cad occupied by William - Fey. weaver. The Outwits.' eons situ, of bairns, &c., were totally destroyed. The unmet extended to ...nether one-story frame building, owned by Theodore Bsrriewitx. and occupied by Jacob Foy, for the same purpose,' It watalso dertoyed, 'with lie contents. The fire orixinated by one of the lambs akin: fire rem , a spark from the stove. Benry Fey had his armeend bands very badly burned. Total loss ty I oa.i. which Teprineleally covered by Insurance in the Idenufecturere'dasursees Company. .lEuICAx.CtT ULTY6u Ir FOR CitnRALTAR..—Cap . t. Jl&ce tbq gentlemitn eorntnanding , the charity ship hued to (Most ar with fm d and raiment for the afilint. id a grocco.refusees, Is now at Jones's Hotel Chestnut street He is the fully authorized agent to sub scriptions from, our pityHe comes direct to the order of our Ed of delta, from the Grand Com , tininde^ At New 'York.. We stay wilt he one of short dur,tion. he is forced. to return i 4 the mldnisht train tu-nistst, and is to sail from - Mar lark this week. . A FIRS IF New, Jeassr.—On T r deeday after noon the dwallicte-house of John Luau. of Orbbeliiire'," neer the horse stet ion on the Ceniden and At lustre Railroad. about twelve unites from Canton. took tiro from some hot ashes which tied been Maned in a bstrol,'and was entirely destroyed, Coother with its sentence. , • • . FORCIGN AND COASTING TRADll.—Daring the . tnonth of January there arrived at this port, from forebn and domestioports. four hundred and twenty bna vessel!. of the (amain= denominations arks 21 brie. 10, schooners 110, sloops ISO. steamers 47, twos H. MEETING OP THE AGRICULTURAL EMPTY.— Te4loloa7 morniny, a stated meetine of the aer cul tural comet, was held at their rooms on Chestnut at-set. No business of ifhperiance was trimeacted, save the election of new members and an aduitional viois Tresident, TUANICS PROM' THE NIXTOII OP LAWII.IINOII.--, The Mayor of Lawrence has written letters of an hncsrieri mast to various parties in this say, returning thanks for the timely' aid extended by them to the nut eastern 'by the late disaster at Pemberton F ills. ACOlORNT.—Yeateiday tnorniog, at an early hear, a Garman named Schmidt fell on the pavement 1,, Tomb lame, shove Chestnut, and 'motored ono 01 Ins le a. lie was convoyed to his residence In Chest nut street. Alen BALL.—Next Monday evening the Pe -0011(1 annual regalia and oltizens'.dresa bane !fief. Pe dent Council. p o le. 0. of U. A. M. will ne hold In sue upper and lower eitleteli of the Mechanics' RAU, Fourth And beorgo ktret tr. A ?Mir AngitS6lll6UT.—On and after today, the fire slam gongs of each of the ateam•fire enOns companies wilt be streak twelve times in succession, twice a Wit', at OM O . * ItIOL to the ureenlne r sod twelve o'clock MULLET OF AN ALLEGED MIIRDICRER.—j/1100 0 Milleweho to charged with participation In the tour der of He ,, ry Gawkily, on the Ind of January, wasar• rested In Baltannre yererday, nen brought to as uty last evening: of is atwompliee, Eddie, is yet ;alarm To Tax-Paxens.—Tho 'duplicates of the taxes for ISM here been plaited in the henas of the Receiver of lazes. end the oolleetion will he commenced at one. Those who pay at ono. will receive a discount of eleven per cent. SLIGHT Pins.-on Tuesday afternoon there was Girard alarm of ilre caused by th e partial burning of th e Girard Flour Mill, in Ninth street below Girard avenue. /t °donated from the boilers, but went soon extinguish ed, with but little damage to the building. POLITICAL -A huge number of citizens have *ailed a meeting to tie held on, Satardsy evening at Na. tIOLOtt dad. A unn,lies of eminent apeakera heve been invited, anent whom are Hon. Millard Fillmore, Hon. John J. Crittenden, and Hon. John M. Botts. GENERAL DODOS or Jows.—At a late Demo oratio meeting in Darlington, Dos Moines county, lowa, to appoint delegates to the Democratic State Convention, a resolution of instruction was offered for Stephen A. Douglas for President. An individual objected to it on the ground that a °Si nn of that county, Oen. A. O. Dodge, would be a candidate for President, at Charleston, and that he on ht to bane 4 the county. Thereupon, Mr. ,Dod , being present, arose an d stated th at he we . rat, last, and all the time for Stephen A p 1311, and that he, moreover, favored the rem. 5, buttons he believed it was eminently pro at the people, in their primary or mus txteet • 'fitsonlci specially enunciate their eholoo, so as . Ire the delegates in no manner of doubt as to _constituents' wishes. The generous reeponew '''? aid loader met a hearty approval from the union. The resolution was then unanimously Id / and nineteen delegates, appointed, and s , ‘ ,3 nvention adjourned amidst a general erpree. A r f good feeling and harmony- i 'ls, sr.tronsis Panic—We ace by a late St Att thonla (Minnesota) Empress, that Miles Hills, Esq.4f Minneapolis, has recently sold to Mr. W, E. lir in, of California, the undivided belt of a ranch i Monterey county, Cal., oonsieting of ~twenty r thousand tour hundred and forty-two acres, for 9 sum of $17,000. Mr: Watkin had proviousl,y robasod the other half, 'so that hie farm now slats of foriy.eight thatuand eight hundred an bty-four acres,un', which he is ee gaged raising are . t t l / 4. A CASE OW ' • APPOINTED LOVE—RUNAWAY CitaLCauotar.—A uog man, named James Kent, arrived In town, ye rday morning, from Canada, in scarab of Ids east 1, young girl of about seven teen, who had aboaniat4 from home, and was sup posed to be in this elty,ltioh is, we believe, the haven of all reinantioally posed young Canada wads. She was :traced , . the niel of Officer Cin * ,:""` P IP) Il lwdrev .., z t ell, to otogod on omi ot .......'7 ( -- -Y; a , kat! aw,,..50GY 01 14 in bin March until he foetid an omilVitt litrigay which had taken her to a boardinb.ti Z d. ..,e ... elm was found, sadly ruminating on t obscene of - trelug ""liarntui Mit of doors • for want•of money, • having already been in the' city serlmal days without finding employment. She seemed to be perfectly 'tangled with "her experience, and em braced hoe blether 'with great fervor, declaring herself Trilling to'f,o home, and glad of the chance. lithe mad every' fine-lookg girl, with considerable enorey and determination, and the faculty of Making beraelf at home under any circumelanoes ehd in any plebe: .' `.' •-' ' The 0an,19 or, her oseapade was a love affair that she bad tit:hento, Whieti is dinneWliere on 'the line of the Groat Weaterh Railway. She bad set her behaves( &young Man - echo', she seemed to think, -was 91rbut right', *id , being -thwarted in her de - :tarsi* her Obdurate, parents, -had concluded to run - away pad See what die could dolor herselfa .Conciallen teWhlll AS tfai urgtid by the existence -iaf that bane et young and loving maidens; at rich, suiteXlSho' suited:oe old folks bettif thatilie did - , gor.,.,,gatd „she, had - made - tuntiereie,so l4,o 4o l liffshai rdoyment s t imidag,,whieh wiuS me ouly'aa -' rinwint. 4 4 99 4 l4- F 141 9 il'flatiblei sad be 4 Mali ,'2 ' , 0 2 0 . 4` , .' • 15! , 1.: F,'.:l - . ,f.`;!, , , , ~ v., •-, Li, irtth numerous refisala and no Particular emu ragement. One man offered her work by whir& she ionic' have earned about six emits a day by 14 hours' la bor, which 'she thought was rather hard, in view of the foot that board was $1 a week at her very un pretending lodgings. Another one allowed her a pile of incipient oorn sacks, which he said she .might try her hand at, but she said she hadn't got to begs yet, and turned-up her pert little nose in 'disgust. Her city experiences were not very en °enraging, and she was heartily glad to go home. She declared, however, that she would tear the eyes out of the odious individual whose money bags had won the favor of her parents, if he dared to renew his attentions.—Detroit Free Press, Jan. 29th. • 'HORRIDLO CAINE—APT BM vo POIROP A WIIOLIS FAMILY—ARREST OP A FR-AU ON BOWKNOT.— Our citizens were startled this morning by the ari -1 nouneement that an attempt had been made to poison the family of James 0. Pettinglll, Esq., of Ogden, a gentleman well known as an ex-member of Assembly and prominent as a citizen. He re aides at the village of Adam's Basin, twelve miles out of the elty. The Democrat this morning contains a letter in relation to the affair from which we extent and add snob information as we have slue gathered. The poison usql was strychnine, and it appears to have been pit into the food of whioh Mr. Pettingill, his daughter,Mrs: -Marshall, and Mre. Lewis, her - nurse, al l partook. They were all suddenly taken ill yesterday, and as the symptoms of poison ware too evident to be mistaken, a were physioians were sailed. Those in attendant's Drs. Bad lan; Slayton, Olden, and Craig, the latter a owner of the deputy. It was thought last evening that Mrs. Lewis would not survive, while more hopes were entertained for Mr. Pettingill and his daugh ter. This morning we are happy to hear that all are likely to recover In due time. Suspicion fell at once u_pon a girl employed in the family as a domestic, Her narze is Ellen Grant. Juetioe Dresser issued a warrant, and Constable Burditt took her Into custody last night. An exa mination will take place to-day. we presume, when more facts will be developed. A letter was received this morning by District Attorney Stull, requesting him to attend the examination. Ow log, however, to his being engaged in the unions, ho could not comply wtth the request. As the letter was written by Mr. Patine!, we infer that Isle oundithgt has much Improved sines last evening • The motive whit* could induce the commission of this diabolical act to not apparent. The affair very naturally creates great sensation In the vil lage and vicinity. and cause no little talk in the oily where Mr. Pettinglll is so well known. As there was an inquiry being made in the city to-day Idl about the girl eis suspected of the crime, we suppose that she has not been long employed at Mr. Petfingill's and went out from hero. It has been intimated ' that the name she bears is on the police records, but it tumid not be found on the multitudirems_pages this morning.— Rochester Ad vertiser and Uniort, Jan. N. GENERAL QUITMAN FOR DOUGLAS —The Mobile Reguter, in Eghting the battle for Douglas, has dug up a letter from the late 00DOTA1 Quitman, - written in March, 1860, commending Douglaa as a sealotut pro•slavery man and filibuster, in these words : - Woro ho elected, he would be President. He would not come into office with a bodyguard of old fogies and politledans, ready to seize upon all the offices. Ile Is true to the South. He is, too, the man of progress—with us on the Cuban and Central American principles." A ST*VROM TEE RIDICULOUS TO TIM SUBLIME. —During the late term of the District 'beet, in Parker, Texas, a man was arraigned for horse stealing, wee tried, and every one thought that the verdict would be against him. It is said that the judge bad already prepared to pass sentence upon him. The jury returned, and instead of pr o• nounoing him guilty, brought in a verdict of Re gains!. A paper was handed to his Honor, com• mending any lawful officer to perform the rites of matrimony between the late aoeused and a young and handsome woman, standing by his tide. Imagine the blank astonishment of Ins Honor, who, without the loss of any of his habitual sang froid, stood np and united the late unhappy couple. The sudden transition from the depths of misery to the height of happiness was enough to shook the morsel of any other man and woman; but they stood the ordeal very patiently, and thanked his Honor for the favor conferred. The faithful girl had promised to marry him if he should be acquitted. nettle horse for which he was arraigned was taken to carry oft the fair Helen. "Oh ! say that woman's love is bought," &a, &o.—Dallas (Texas) Herald. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. ProttIIZMITA. Feb. 1, WO. Elmira Railroad 'wild mortgage bonds advanced Si at the stook board this morning t North Pennsylvania 6a gainna g, and oily tin of the new issue)(, being in demsnd at 103. Railroad hares were timer. Pennsylvania Central sold at WM Reading at 19%, and Beaver Mea dor at mg. City %massager milirma were in better re quest, excreting Bynum and Ptnc•etree'e, which h had a fan, gelling at MC tacond and Third•streets brought ➢9M, and West Philadelphia 66%. We noticed some days since that there were rumors afloat respecting the Union Bank of Tennessee, which had had a damaging effect upon the stook. Forty shares were sold to-day at MX. The Hazleton Coal Company announce a dividend of one dollar and a half per share on their capital stook. A few days since alone editorial appeared in the New York ;emu/ of Commerce. complaining of the coin age of small pieces of money at the Mint in this city, aittesimmilyx that the character of the pieces coined Was dependent solelr upon the tri.i of the director. Colonel Snowden write. the following plain and colic factory letter so the complaining journal, which we, cony in full for the benefit of many other, whose com p Dints about the surplus coinage of the sickle cents - are weekly embdilied In note., to newspaper editors' • -- pats. Jan. 2's end ditor Ode Jaime/ oer/smote, New Y ork: I ou nerewith a cOpy of tee tut annual report on the operations of the Mint. At pages six and seven ou will sae that i reeks some remarks in teferstme to the propriety of rev:doing the thick sold dollars win h were issued from the years IMP to BM. inolustye. Tha remedy , i suggest will. if adopted by Corium, remove the in- onvenience to which you refer in your article of the Parb instant. and .0 which my attention has been called to-day. The assistant treasurer in your city. Mr. Cram. woul d at mom be relieved from the large amount f gold dollars now in his vaults. As saeneral remark. I may state that the denomination of coins struck at the Mint and its breeches is dependent Open the re quest or demand or depositors. In ot`ier words, we pay out whatever coins the depositor wishes. The large amount of gold doilars demanded by dope triton, fromll4P to leaf was in part one to the scarcity of silver twine ; silver hams. tram causes which I need not now state, bill chiefly bonnie i old was so largely produced, appreciated in value and thus the sliver coins of the United Mum became more vales le se hellion than eoin. 'I he passage of the act or February 21. tag be reducing tee weight of the silver oohis, Tema • died that innonven tines ;so that now there is a full elm ply of silver coins; but the circulation of the gold del -1 r has become less uscul and necessary, espeemlly in such parte of our country as permit the paper dollar to Circulate freely. the new cent coinage law. to which You refer, in ad dition to the authority to strike a smaller and more convenient cent ihen the rimer coin of Cornier manes, was intended to relieve the country from the Ireationat parts of the Spitni•ty and Mexican dollar; end es a means of ecoomplishing this object, the law authorised the Mint to receive them at their' nominal value in ex change for the new cent. This part of the law was limit, d to two years from the passage of the act, and therefor* expired on the Mgt of Yeh.,13119. At that time, le the prineipaLe Hang° C.ltfei, the pouters, eighths. and sisteenthelsf the deanuth and Mexican dollars boil in a great measure disappea ed. but a fonts amount to • outii.ed in the country,med found a ready circulation in various ruts of the UlllOl3. Under these aircumetancea, and In response to the re. quest in writing of r. considerable number of bunkers and busmen men In New York and Pliondelphim the provision in reforenoe to the reeeption of these coins wee renewed for another period of twoyears by the act of March 3d, lea. fly the law, therefore, unless it is repealed, we are, until the Stet of Fein - nary. 1681, bound to receive the Spanish and Mexican coins to question at their Lemma value by tale and pay out the new cent thereon If the owner of such o ins desire at. payment may be made by the Mint in elver coins ; but in each cases they are received by wefgrit avd not by tale, The anima of the coins purchased at the Mint and its branches. inolut leg the assay oflice, and paid for per ounce In sliver coin, Is Upwards ul rdt.o9o MO; about 0 tale n exchange for the new have been received bythe new mint. It thus appears that t eiciunity hove been relieved from this depreciated mutilated lo reign entree ,Y to the amount of one in and a half o. do by the operation of the law referred to. The option by law rests with the owner of the coins whether to sex returns in silver coins or In cents The demand for the cent continues to be very oonsideranle ; as an evidence of which, I may state that there to due to depositors, at the present time, the sum of 814,346 In orAt s.. hilst It la very certain, as stated by you. that there is in feew l ork and Philadelphia a pit Mora of these come, it not by. any means clear that the country is fully euvpliou. Where oust ofnecessity be an ore sup • ply at Philadelphia and New York before they will find their way into more distant parts of the Union '1 hers were St aeon cif the- copper cent issued t and. not withstanding this largo amount. there 111 an average annual demand of 11140400, to supply loss, and waste. and in erased of population. When the country is re hared from the Spanish and Mexican coins, which is now very near'y the ease we s all confine the ex nuances to the old copper cent. and gradually withdraw them from circulation and thus this new Sent will find its way into all parts of oar extended country. tem, very respectfully, your obedient 'meant. J.Ullt• Ross batimmx, . Director of the Mint. The following Is a ointment of the Wimps of the United States Mint, In this city, for the month of Janu ary, 111i0 itOLD col:l*er No, e ?Sates. rolue. Doable Desist. . --......... 4 .2.11 090 160 Eagles .........,...—....—. laid 31,221 Half Elutes ..... Three Dollars... ill 010 1,004 Za Cris 16.104 1117/111 010/lAol, lanattor li n arDimes TotaL ....... ..... MOO Canto IMPITULATIO% No. o f rgoigs, ra/af. Odd Coinage-- —• ••.• • • • 41.6'n $1 02460 Silver Coinage IMAM en 660 Conte—. $ 400.0g0 114a0 1,4190#21 We (tree batow a statement of the business of the Pluladelphut Castom /Rouse for the Month of January I 13441. 1350. 1800. ,WarehoUpo Jan. lot 112,681,023 662,427 6610423 st arehou'd oreisnlto, 146,20 t. 0002 172.144 Other linnets. 65 688 11.614 21,232 Withdr'n for oonsomption 45.3.248 WAR 30.90 transportation., 12,384 24 481 10,162 exportatioo.... 2,,970 43b0 766 la Warehouse Jan. 31..... 11,085.368 478,671 689 443 Aiterod for consumption. 23u,223 301.126 4361.473 'tee mdse. entered Ancli 132,24) 177,268 ' 267,113 11167: 1808. " 1860. WO. January...... 8370,123 140,4 99 21t,477 297,189 During the month of January the deposits at the Plow York Assay Moe were e3A10.000 In gold , and 647,000 in ppoolp—total deposits, 89,667,000. The gold bars stamped amounted to $833,930 I sent to Fhlladelphia for coinage, 8837,396. The following is a statement of the receipt/ and dis bursements of the Auietant Treasurer of the United States for New York, for Januery,llloo: Jan. 1.1600. by balance 83,000,013 08 Receipts during he months Ou Itecolg t of Customs $3,091,211 09 II ronitgei 90 pe part m't 111063 et Trans erg 2,3,0,t00 ou hllloelleBe99t. 197,0:111 03 8,755420 68 Total- • • • Payments during thp menth I Traaeury drafts,.— ..... ........ 83,738,253 60 Poet Office drafts - US ~ ess 03 3,871,492 0' Bettina' J an. 31, IMO.— —1 44,619.601 no PRILADBURRIA STOOK BRODASIO2I SALEM. Fottrassy 1. MC 11111011111 D we 13. B, 111:8:118•81181, 8146 Walnut Street. FIRST BOARD; VCO Penns 65..........‘92.4 26 Ileo & T'd•st R. IA S 9 I n abt 17 YDS 3 Yew% It 3313 7 du 3. 31 OO Ca ~ new .. 1% 3 N. Pot 1 1/1v Oar i st 14 2 3 803 do I A Elnit ) .iloiLt7:A l g 1 um g.. l3 . k ' . 71° 21i IND 1 W I'llll6 n......... di MI d 0... 16K 6 do mai 11 01) N Penna . R 05.... ID II do.". " . ....' . . Ea% ;attending lusso on r 13 rat & 810 . 811 . /3 . 1c... CAM 11 6s• 63. •86 Al Yee & l'ine•st tt.. 95( DETWERN BOARDS. 10 Cord ek,... ~ , . 0. *SNIP) Otrard Bk.. ~... ~.... stig SECOND WO City MO do to 206 do NO do.„ ....99 1900 do It, 4 09 9 lOMdo 99 IMO Cam & Amb ris 'B3. 82 8 Morris Canal ',ld, .109 CLOSING PRI 4d. Askid. Phil& la .—...99 —99 .. . • N -- ew-...103 enne. Se DM eating R. -1% log bd. '7O ... -TS 78 " Mort '44.94 90 " do Ise.tym P 8 PenVs2fiEFEW::-.. deX ... 6Yo~JulCood[ 6: se m ...all vox t 01.6 76 .7 Philadelphia Markets. rEttitUalti I—Evening. There was a very slim attendance on 'doings to - dgy. on account of the storm. The demand for Flour limited to the wants of the trade at prices ranging from e 6.60 to s6tt7 26 ifY Lbl for aupersne, extras, cud Piney brandy, mmordins to quality, Nothing doing in Rye Flour or Corn Meal; the former is held at 84.26 and the latter at 8975 4,9 , bbl. Wheat in dull to , day; in the absence of gales we quote red at el soollt arni white at 81.4001.50—the latter for prime. Pennsylvania Rya is wonted at 22a gfr bu. Corn is but little Inquired for; small sales of yellow are reported at 740750. the oars and in store. Oats are steady at tt1541460 for Pennsylvania Harley and Barley Malt are unchanged. Bark is rather lower; 16 Hula brat No. 1 quercitron sold at 8294? ton, and imam :ram dat en. Cotton is dull and unsettled, with a small business doing at about orri mum rates. Groceries are firmly held bat the transao- Rona for most kinds are limited. Provisions—The mar ket has an upwind tendency sales of Mess Pork in lota 8184? e t bid ; pirkled Rams at loft oileStio ; Sid's in salt at go ; bhoulders 7ge7.1d0 ; and Harlon Bides at Ittito. oash and short time. bee e—There is very little antes in Cloverseed ; prices MO itkr 05 . 25 4p on, m a in quality. the inner for choice lots. his •ey moves o slowly at 22,221(0 fot drudge; 230 for hl'ds; and 233ie521.1ic for Pa. and Ohio bbls. New York Stock BECIOND 1000 N Carolina Os.. • • 94141 o 04.1 Tenn 6s '9O &N. 0000 Vir,inot 61 92N 4000 111i13ouri et 83..14 81 60440 do. n6O tOX 6000 do a 81 bJOO do .........150 81 6000 00 .........15(0 8i) 1000 Brooklyn Wtr 800 111 Coot4al 1L.... 89 6 fun Exalt( 8k..... 98 CITY ITEMS. TRH DRAMS OP ?HS West END. Abou Wmß•end (rhiskorsd be hL taco I) Dreaming of Reading bona, had reached hli pisoo Of business, when within hie oounting room, Making It rich with Bourbon's cholas perfume. Be saw an a, sr t, writing In a book With brasen ewe. West-end's utterance 'hoot As to the F. F. V. he faintly eald, What writeet thou ?" The visitoreeratohed bls heed, And shifted the tobaooo in his month, And sold." I write the names of those who make splen did clothes, end lo I Rook hill & Wilson. Nos. GO3 and 606 Chi stein street. above Sixth, lead all the rest." PRIME COSTOIIa, Ile a genitor) , regulation, is attracting tome attention in the Old World, where the health t f woman is generally much better than in the baited State.. In a report lead and adopted at a meet ing or the Ladies' National Sanitary Association, held in London. in July last, the following language occurs: "Believing that a great part of the weakness and die ease which the Association aims to prevent le causea by improperly made clothing, the committee are pre. Dating a complete set of patterns for every part of the dress of women and children, with special reference to health and comfort, with an explanatory treat, which van be cheaply sent to any psi tof the country." Were similar attention mud to gentlemen's dress in this country, we should expeet to read resolutions adtitiGr. all men to wear the gay and elegant costumes Granville Stokes, the National Tailor, of 007 Chestnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. UP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST EIGHT RIR ARD HOUSE—Chestnut et.. below Ninth. W w Wrisht, Phila David Lane, Phila. I' F Barnum, N Y H A Jeffries Boston Jr,o L Andrews, Boston 0 F Adam,. Bolton M Smith" Ps R. Scala, N Y John Huinnon, Louisville Wm H Calvert. Cin, 0 W c Macfarland, Cin, 0 0 0 Taehan Louls_ville .1 W Hughes, 0111,0 .111 Eilmouon, Memphis I Palau r. Pa P H Smith, Newark, ti J Jas Watt. Phila. W 8 Wise, Augusta Oa Wm at Oars, Va Joe fi • oilmen. N W B McMaster ' Jlt Sherwood. Bate John W Shaw. Boston John B Hoffrnan.N Y i; t,i Lunber. Newark, 0 Wm Healer, N Y John Conklin A wf, II Y Miss Conklin. Port Jervis H. H Fawn Ala, N 1 Mrs Fuller, Bu.svillo Oen Fuller. Nun wile Chancy 'l'homas, rs A E Leman, Lancaster Mr Weir & la, Ps J Wine, et Louis Coo Rogers, St Louis 8 B Buckner, Louisville W B Boukareliow. N 1 : E Chno, N YR Utildings, ..hio J Stevenson. Va V R Hunter. Rending g 'Limb rinViv.iii 11 Coated. Pottifvjlie ~.. •I yson. Pottsville 'oaten . Pottsvate R N Da3ard,_N Y HO Hulsted. N J RS Tildon N Y Wm 11 Clark & la, NY Wm rn Or , nnell t N Y B Fisher, N Y A. W 0 Whitiker 11%, 0 ire@ Dpsh,,r, N J Jae Hastehurit, N Y H hitevenson. West Mo W Carpenter, Lanoseter 1, A Osborn, N Y II (1 F.litott, IN Y .A 1, w tone, Albany Oeo D Fowler, Washington W D Maxwell & wr, N 17 A A Cohen, Ban erenolsoo W F Knowles,_N Y & S W Hats la, N Y CI W blown, Pottsville E Hindle, Pottsville .1 Harm Pa U MoCullooh, Louisville . COMMERCIAL HOTHL—Bixtb it, above Chestnut. W 8 Thompson, Oxford,Ps p w Hutchinson, Oxford L Chester oo I MRosenberger, ill j Jaokson. Pa Jae Brown. MA John Yocom Decks oo Jesse A Harvey, I's J L 'flonnpoon, N Y Z Hook, Allentown, Pa BALD EAGLE ROTBIr—TbIrd et., above Osßowhill H Keeler, Books oo J 0 Berl/a, Moat 00, pa A W Borah, Cherry/sae, Pe FOUNTAIN HOTEL—aeoond street.'sbove Market. Col 8 N Davis, Shiloh, N J Pr N R Fall, N J Alfred Weston, NJ tut W Ijssel'. Del A 0 Pepper, Del Pepper, Del I 0 Ashley, Newark U Jameson, Ohio_ J A Stevenson, Del ~ B Borroughs, Did 1 Evans, Dover. Del F, Jones, Wilrn, 1)61 813 Allen, Aurora, NY 61a1 it T Miller, Maw MOUNT VERNON HOTBL—Bsioond stoset,abovo Arch F Lazarus, Toronto, CW Harris, Fontliill, OW W Boon & wf, Bufalo, N Y W Bosto', fit Louis John tl Lee, N J J M Paxson, Pittsburg W Franklin, Easton Tat; UNION HOTIII,--Aroh street. above Third. Hanoh.,.Yerry no, ?a Vet Robt Rate'BET/manna E ()nest. Bellefonte, Pe, Abt Hench,Ferry co. Fe Mrs RA Bole, nominee .1 E Oraetr. Pine D rove C A Relneking • Indians 0 al Ford, Cu' 0 Chas Heitehu. Lancaster B E ;winery. enambereb'e 8 T Leonard. TILIIISPIIO /Stephen ions'. Tamaqua, NATIONAL ROTYAL—Race street. above Third. Dr A Lorena. Ps ri Id Chambers, Plias Itobt Darlington. Ps Lewis F Schmidt. Ps T T Jenkins. hltrieretille .7 Rohrer. Ronrerstown J P Talon, Rochester, N Y H.l Handler. Pottsville J Hunsloker Pa, J Jameson. liarrtsbare ,L W Paine, Vs Celt 0 C Dolmen. Pa G L. Rube , Allentown D Peels,. Allentown_ Ti Rube, Allentown Wartmen & is. L Valley P bouncier. ticohneotady• t i t Li keno. Pottsville W Male, Pottersile Workt, Pottsville s howls, Allentown KJ Jotter, Boranton I II Keim, Lebanon, ro, . MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, be Arch. Geo A So ith. Pa M Taggart, Pa Robt 1., Elliott, Pittsburg M F Lamm star, ET H .n H D Foster. Pa A hi Hill, Pa James k. Huey_. Pa C F Williams, IT g Beal F May, Md James 51 Butch fields, Pa Jan il Graham. pa Charles L Green, Pa Win Young, Jr. Pa .1 Sue anon, Pt Louis li Van Pickle. Goshen Ron 0 P titeelA, Pa Henry Meredith, La John Malkin, r( Y P it SOT, Indiana Slimet, Pa A Jackson, pa Ysa M. Tuompsoa, Ptilliads Jas it King, N J BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second at.. below Vine. Col Johnson, _Elia Wm Crook, New Hope Chu/Crum( ' New Hope p Suatlxtrough. bid ' Edo!. Pa • John tiutob. tiertaville John Pennon. N J Al K Walch,Mouroe P $ Kugler, Prenehtown 11 Hunt, Lamb •Ilvi Ile, HI J EAGLE HOTEL—Third street. above Race. John Larawel. Boston T 8 Brown, Northampton I N Yeomen. Easton J Dowe, flute Morgan H Jonee. Philo $ Hess, Lewisburg, rig Mrs L.lark. Add Miss Adkins Del Oeo Livingston, Look Hen C Vandike. N I Edgar Yrtoe, N J John Stokes, Monter oo s edtTll.lUfalg-witstrittitiirrTagg', A Hall. Allentown Jan ”igley. A l lentown 8 MelEtnney, la York Jno one thon, Tamaqua C E Roberta. Moots Co It C r'rink, NI Hon e Arne 'd Conn J It Compton A Is. N J M naively, Bo l t M N Haab, Portland Janes 'Ferry, H I Wm Yeener, Pa 1., Bturdevent, Danbury C Furroor F'l rent. Ma H .., jiv y .T )b ch e so r r t mri bi ot v , i . . 1 al y tt i I i e 0 W 8411celd John Harpers& Is, N Y MIN Harper. y W 0 McCord, ,r alt F A Coadwin, 0 P B Manly, Man Co r don, D 0 (1 W King, Mau JOKES' HOTEL—Met Wm J Johnson, N P androit k lam, N Y G Friend, 111 II Harris. Ya Geo Mull in, Pe. John Hots, N y G B l'horntenn & wife, Thom A Hardy. Norfo, Ya .1 Brown, Jr, Prov, K 1 D It lik IST. LOMB ROTBle—Chestnut mt., ab. Third. Thom O'Neill, Phil,. A Hustle'. Phil& CIF A MoKuiley . Clifton ‘i . ..h a larehall. N J D J Murphy, Dalt eerier. Deacon Palle 0 Lichtenberg. N Y rreteon, &hurl en Wm T Carter, Tamaqua m 8 Kirkham Conn Z 1: harmed, N `I 8 0 Chadsey, N Y John 8 Dyer. N Y T woke, N J li '4 Dansteer,N Y Jae w.m MoClark, N J Jules Sesame, NY Wm P hem, Newark, NJ Wm Kind, N Y BLACK BEAR...IICTRL Jacob Bohan, NNy H rneeter. Landsdale Stimuel Morri.. Watson Cowley, BiborrY 0 Plowmayer. Lohieh co John Kline, Ye MERCHANTS' 1101110 E—Third et. above Callowerli. Win B Kemmerer, Pa Mns Laubech. Causation& W Brown & la. Books eo Jno Marshall Barks co N German, Jr., & la, Pa B Bauer, Danville STATES UNION HOTEdr—Markot et.. above Sixth. p Penrie,Readtog Tstoga, Reading Ft Small, Ha n. erstovrn, Pa t Drown, Phi P Cron, Ply oe Kent.lltd A Worell, d ti Hoover. Ps Dr Limit, cheater 00, Pa JWilliams. Philo R P Atherton, Oermantogn BAr draws. Delaware no Jll Pane. Glouereer, 14 J W Matting. Pinta D P Anderson, Phila J Humphries. Pa 8 0 brone, Harrisburg A Wolf kill, Lewistown.Pa 1) Neff, Rendmz./..a Jno T Oreen, Carlisle Pa J 011oSer e tc 's, F a KO MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BBR FOURTH PAGE MXBBE:D. Rhin Tuatara, 'putties's, Liverpool, Cone Bow Br bark hlarseretta, 800tt, Sat Johns, NF J 8 Bhaw. Bohr Ivy, Henderson, UftWeston and tudianola, I Baker. lon Boh Coaa Hata, Dunham, 81 John, NB, Twits, Mel 80hr Alabama, Vangilder. Charleston, D 8 Stetson & Ce. IT ITLXOIi.Pj. (OOrrespondenoo of The Press.) BOSTON. Feb I. The Fronoh bark limas wan driven ashore Just be low the olly iv the heavy snow storm this morns. She w.II be got OM HAMPTON ROAN, Fob 1. Arrived, oohs War Eagle. from Sombrero. nOnnebea, Maud, hones, arrived at New Ydrk yes erdiy. Steamship sensington, Baker, cleared at Boston gist ult. for rhiladelphle. yoteamship Circassian, Campbell, cleared at N York eeress tor Osman Steamship Teuton's, Taub., oleared at New York yesterday for Hamburg. , mop tmenbndge, Howland, cleared at Boston Slat ult. for ItiOle daneird. hAip Winged iMcer, Trundy, for Hong Kong, cleared at'ew i rr a t t l i= t regfince, from Liverpdol Deo 13, ar rived at New York yesterday. Dark Ilya, Dario, from Maracaibo, arrived at New York yesterday. Hark Mustily, Penniman, from Fort Dims, arr;vqd at New R ork yesterday. Sark miapta. tioreman. cleared at New York yes today for Bremen. Bohr Qv Harris. Cagey, cleared at Netv York yester day for wilipirigton. Oar J A Moil. ewtotti cleared at New York yestar day or Hiehinond,_ Bahr NOTOICITO Light, Corson, °lasted at New York yesterdny tor , Wilmmiton. Bohr timy Chase. urovoor, cleared st New Yolk yes- MOT ;9; Louvre, 367 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1860. BOARD. 20 Penna. It 36 20 d 0....... .18'.1 1 7 .5 do .3 1 P Reny Mead 1 Wed Phile R 66 7 d0..._........ 66 8 do PHILAIMUMIA, humeri 15, Mums. FARM, }Unarm" & Co., et 9 thlinirriOT EITneRT. o)lXTLEargrr ; We have recovered the Herring's Patent Champion Safe, of your make, which we bought from you nearly five years ago, from tho Ming of our building, No. 716 Chestnut street, which was entirely destroyed by fire on the morning of the Intl inst. Bo rapid was the progress of the flames, before we could reach the store the whole interior was one nines Of fire. The safe Irving in the book part of the store. and surrounded by the most combustible materials; was exposed to great heat. It fell with the Ovalle of that part of the building into the cellar, sad remained im bedded in tho nuns for more than thirty hours. *EB—IfTBAD T. Bola Npiettf.. Bid. ...10 A i s le kid . Wzrurp t am,l Pi 14 morCts4 W" 241 wort.l3 ki. 11 Efghliatria;;.ll) 11 N P A nas 64 ll—. :eV 02 " 100 M do ua do bit mg bdu.SIA ea l i t tit t - 1 14 etc ine-stelL2o 90 The Safe was opened this morning in the presence of a number of gentlemen, and the contents, eomprising our books bills receivable, money, and a large amount of valued° papers, are all safe ; not a thing was touohcd by fire. Reepeotfully yours, THEO. H. PATERS & CO. The above Snfe can be seen at our More, where the publle are Invited to mill and examine IL FARREL. REARING, It 00., ANA( 62.2 Chestnut street, (Jayne's Hall.) M. FINALE'S SEWING MACHINES ARE WAR ZANTID the beet for all kinds of Fatilliy Belitfilt Or multi factoring nurposee. If they do not work welt they will be e.xchaneed, or the price refunded. Pnoe $6O, and upwards. 912 CHESTNUT Street.up tan. 18.31-tuthece Ot* SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST Ckniramt.—cbutered by the State of Penngi►aatr RULE/3. 1. Money is readies.' every day, and in any meant, arse or small. f. FIVE PER GENT. interest le paid for money from the day it is put in. 8. The money is always paid beet in GOLD whenever it Is called for, and without notice. 'change—Feb. We BOARD. 17.111LTT,Inutr." DB 220 N Y Central 71 100 do 01)0 71 250 00 eon 100 Mich Oen rt...r4aP Sou Ocl& Cluo R..opg 700 Clay & T 01... .b5O 20 800 Chit; & Rock tbau • L Money is received from EXtesllol4, Administrators, guardians, and other Tnutteee, in large or smell mune, to remem o long or /Lott period. L The money received from Deiiiritore L Invested In Reel Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and other first elms geountiet. e. Ofttee oven every day—WALNUT Street, withered orner Third irtrriet. Philadelphia. aplf Gwyn, & BASER'W OILMILMID riOlslitlasi FAMILY azwalf-buoinnu SHAMAN a SAVING FIIND—NOIMIWBOI Goalf as Bloom/ and WAINIIT Streets.—D.Pagita Is 011iVed ill small and large aroonnts, from all Maus' 01 the oommanity, and allows interest at the rote of !IVO Der rent. per anaam. Money may be drawn by decb without loss of ll tared. °Moe open deny, from 9 until II o'olook, and on Mon tag and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President PRANXLIN PHU ; Treasurer and Bearetzuv.ollAP NI. MORRIS. SINGES.% SEWING MACHINES. No., Sewing M ma lawn .-„ .100 No.l Sewing Maohmes. The Family Sewing Madan.), I. The Family Sewing Machine.-- -- 00 I. M. SINGER & CO., No. RH CHESTNUT Street. ONE PAIGE OLOTKING 07 TRH LATEST Emus. made is the beet manner. aura/4 for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling Drum marked in Plain Figures., All Koala made to order warranted WWl &dory. Our ONE-PRICE System la strictly adhered o, as we believe MU to be the only fair way of dealing MI aro thereby treated alike. JONES & 00., see-tf EX MARKET Street. 'SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAYRS.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason• able prloes, No. 301 CHESTNUT Street, Pitiladelphla. nail tr RVANP k WATnni. ROBB—JONES.— On the 91st ult.. by Rev. Robert J. Carson. M Joseph Robb, of Baltimore, to Mtn Roman C. Jones. of r. this city, WIIITTAK hR-11AhlMAN.—On Tuesday evening, January 3ist at lir. Philip's Choyeh, by tee Rev. Choi 0. Cooper. John Whittaker to Emelino A. , daughter . of Mr. John Hammon. l'IlluE—RYAN.—On the 17th ult.. by Rev. J. 11. Kennard. Mr. Harry Pries to Miss Mary Ryan, of Philadelphia. TOOERI Y—LYN %H.—On the 2)th tilt, by Rev. John K elly, Mr. M. C. Togorty to Anna Lynch, both of this cit. LATHROP—EMI:REIMER —on the 28th nit., br Rey. James Cunningham. John Lathrop to Anne J. Eppeheimer, loth of Philadelphia. • Pr.TTIT— ENDICOM—On the 30th ult. by the Nome. Bkolrnore W. Pettit of Tookerton, N. J.; to Ave. B. Endtoott, of Philadelphia. BENNEBB.—On the morning of the 90th ult., Mu. Mary A., wife of James M Banners. Tha ralAres and friends of the family ace particu larly invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband. No. 00 North Fourth it., on Thursday morning, Feb. gd, at W o'olook. To prooered to Laurel t heta OILPIN-00 Sunday morning, Pith ult., Henry D. Gilpin. In h year of his aye. The male friends of the family are Invited to attend his funeral. this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'elielk. To aroused to Laurel Gill. VANL,BC:H.—on the Mb ult., Emile,. info of Thos. Van leer. in the 27th roar of her age. Funeral from rho residence of her hueletnd, No. 111 oru•on mu sot. botween deoond and Third &Male. on Thursday Morning, at 9 o'clock, cCOW AN —On the 30th ult., Mrs. Hannah MoCarr on la the 'nth year of her age Funeral from the mildew:le of her eon-In-lag, Alex. ander Wrison. Harmon strret. below Weet, Csnul , n. N.J.. this afternoon. nt o'clook. • • • COWDEN —Un the 3Oth ult., John Cowden, In the 34. th year of hie age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1171 South Ninth street ,abare Federal, tale afternoon, et 2 o'clock. • X EEti ..-613 the 314 uit., Richard Keegan, in the 34th rear of big age. Funeral from hie late residence. No. 1221 Canby et., below Thirteenth, this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. • YA , E.—Ott the Out ult., Worts J rase, in the ath year of hi. age. Funeral from the residuum of hie brother, E. 11 ?sae, • 0.32,2 Green street. Ws morning, at 10 o'oloot.• JUNES—On the Stet nit., SolomonaJonee, In the 77th year of Ire age. Funeral from hie late residenee, Cheltenham, on Friona afternoon. at 2 o . UNCOIT —t'n the 31st ult.. Ann, wife of Goma rn cot t. abed 41 year,. Funeral from the residence of her husband. Fisher. larbEoermantown, this afternoon, at 3 o oloott. it wEhNEY.—Un the 31st ult., Ann bweeny, aged 26 y ew% .e ;metal from the residence of her brother, Paula' Sweeny, 130 Fitzwater Street, below Seventh, this af.. teranon. at 2 o'olook. bObitOY D.—On the tOth ult.. Ednnh, daughter of Thomas end b liz a 110 l roy d, aged 14 years, Funeral front the residence of her mr.ents, corner 7 ar and Green streets, Frankfurd, this afternoon. at ?)6 1 .4 2 1 1 54 . 1.N.—0n the 31et silt , Edward, son of Michael end htnrearet Donlan. aged 1 year. Funeral from _the residence of hi. parents. Filbert Street between Twenty.second and Twenty third'sts., thi4 nnernoun. at 3 n'olook. • JEN KS.—lui the 31st ult.. Mr*. Maria Jenks, wife of Mr. Edwin Jenks, aged 41 ream Funeral Item the reel iencie of her husband, No. 201 Onstltl street. on Fri , ay afternoon. at 3 &aloof. • PraiLl..—On the 31st ult., zinnia Paxson, wife of George F. Nall. in the 26th sear 01 ber ase. Funeral from her late residence. Fraukford road, oppotito Otter street, Eighteenth ward, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. BLACK AND WRITE FOULARD BILKS, 6)% cents a yard. A Ind rtaeortruent tug rewired. Ale°, kllack 1403.0r:tin ilks. t to, Punk de 8010 Bilks. . Phed and ntriped Bilks. a. and whtta neat Cheek Stlka. ht. and white neat Striped Bilks. o. Patent Boiled Bile.. o. and Purple Foulard Bake, BkattBoA k liUtl, .11.0111111 AK Blois, ASO . No. kV CIINSTNUT titreet. irr GRAND UNION MASS MEETING. A !Westin of the citizen' of Philadelphia, favorable to the organization of a CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY, will bo held on SATURDAY r.VENINO, February etli, at T o'olook, at UNION (late National) HALL. All who Kel la sympathy with the movement are In vited to attend. lion. JOHN J. CHIT TEN DEN, Hou. MILLAR D FILLMORE, Hon. JOHN M. MITTS, And other roe:there, are expected to nddrou the Meet. lag. fedbat • DR. SCUDDER'S THIRD LECTURE ON !SDI rt will be deb eered on TIVIISD 4Y ffENING, February 3d, at MUnIOAL FUND HALL, Commencing at 8 &cloak. Oruro open at 7 o'clock. Subject—The Urannmo Priesthood—Caste. Poser's tion or a visit to a Temple covering more than 'ten enrol or ground—Mode of Worship. Tickets for the enures For a gentleman and lady 1 00 For a gentleman and two ladies .Ou For a single Lantern, ..... CO Mar he haul at the prlneipal Book-stores'and Publioa tion Homes, and at the Soun s of the Association. Noe. 1049 end iOll CH EeTN UT Street. Also. at the &toe of the Not the tit Assurance Company, N 0.12.1 CHESTNUT street. It taut it.. Wow Seventh. Wm Wilson. Plink V Mtn Braiding, P Foes. Va Levu, N J Henry Wtloe, 11 NoDaniels ec, 16, N Y B CC L A v r i elhe Y eul, N Kirby, ot Josepa, lilo azTHE HOLDERS or T. P. RENTING. TON & CO'S. paper. endorsed by George Cal . are iovit-d to ntt.nd o Meeting, to be held at tho Counting-room or Robert Callaghan. No. RI :tooth FRONT 3tieet. on TRURO!) Y MORNING, Feb. Sd. at It M when a propointiOn will be made greatly to their advantage. rlasku,lpfoln...ll4ll. 8110,1880. fel It' T.Vtd et. . above Callowkill . Temple, Fiartsalito if Koons. Ledge oo A It. &maul, Ain W Tkomp.on, Zionsville .hoob Nowmeyor, Ohio r t , r LECTURE ON WEDNESDAY AND intu.y Evenings, of this week, by Dr. M. CALKING. on Disarm' of the hunts, before the Meeheoloa . ',finery Affencietforf, GOA rei abefre Els. youth. he public ore invited. 07. INSUItANCE 511. ANY OF TILE WIATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. JANCAAT Ifith.lBlo. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be Id 4t the Company's (Klee, EXCHANOL - (NON, on NI ONDAI,_Fe brun ry 6. IWO. at 1 o'elook P. Ja23-dtfe6 WII.4IANI lIARP CS, Secretary. REV. U. GRATTAN otIINNESS will preach.on MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and P 27111 L VElit NOS of this week. et 751; o'cloolt. in Rev. Dr. Wy Ile's au rob. B ROAD Street, below Elpruee, roeervine the other evenings for meeting inquirers in the lecture room of the church. je.lOOV. [ ir OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND RArt.ROAD (3.iMPANY. Ft tea Annual Meeting of the Stockholder, of the Phil el Ai 1,11 Rending rtnilmad Company. held Jann tm 9.18.80, the following gentlemen were unaninloully sleeted °Moore 10T /bed : GEORGE B. 81.0 AT it CO.'S -44/4 EIEWINO Ja3l et' No. )02d CHESTNUT Hireeta RUSiiTON'S COD LIVER OIL, . _ MOSS, BROTHER, & C 0.,• PUBLDNIENI 11101(8134LERB, AND AT ON EREI_, HO. 430 k A ET 4 TPEET, ARNOLD'S cIENUISE WRIT , NO There being a spurious article offering in the nmket, it in Important the publioehoeln know where " The Genuine Article." is pure to be obtained An invoice per snip Ann Y. Hooper, ditelfrnm the rnanofeaterer, must r , neiVett. min fb , w , le, who owde and Ttiolhef with 'aria assortment of C MMER OEM: ATATION ARV. at the lowest prince. Jrt3l-tuthe3 AUKEKEL-485 bbla. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Lai Man Orel, In assorted °naptrao,icaler, cpf thAr latest eaten. Mr hale hr U. C. nnan.,Bß & cu., &licit itrer.t. dom. Rrnnt. WM. O. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. 00Ertir, A tttorasyji at Law. bays removed to lil9ottth epag attain. botow Wootton. 04-3101 SPECIAL NOTICES. TUB FIIIII IN CIIIISTNIIT STRIET. LETTER FROM THEO. IL rnmits & co AT ANTOCI]) PRIOR'. 130 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADIMPHIA. MARRIED. DIED. ritsaIDINT. A. writ xp....1". vies PREIDANT. t _ u, J. DUTTON EITEsL, Ati,lp RS. J. s ON I BTEELII. BORi m R7eI IS . E ILLT O lAS. E. iII ITH. H TRtt R. . BRA in. ORD. wm. li. MoILILEMM AY. By order, lo "lir. H. MnIf.IIIiNNV. Rneret.ry, POR CONSUMPTION KrOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PIIIT,ADDLrIIII. ilnuat) 1 4 , 18 M NOTICE TO STOCKIIOLDbRB.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stookhonlere of thle Company van be held an MONDAY ,•the nth day of February PIN, at/0 o'oloo2 A. M., at the EANSO M-STREET , The Annual .slec,lon 113 c MfBOCOIII will be held on MONDAY, the oth ay of March, IEO, at the ()thee of the Company, 214 South TIILH I) Street. Jal6-tFO EDMUND SMITS, Secretary. W4.11C11-STREET THEATRE—NOTICE. —rhe normal meeting of the Stookholdera of the atreet Thentre he held on MONDAy, Feb ruary Oth, at 3.30 P. M., at the hall of the Plm= Hose Rouse ZANE Street, above Seventh, north aide, at whleCti time an election for Lye Arent, to nerve f or the aiming year, will take place. Tolle open until 6 o °look. A dividend of $37 per share has boon deolered, 11) a ble) then. Ja3l.6t S. 7. CISEISTI AN, Secretary. WCARIION ILIJN 1111PILOVEIIIENT COM.. PANY. Ptttt enncPttu January 23. 1660. oe ig hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Otookholdere of the Carbon Run knierovolhalkt Com- Da lltr t ee e t t eA c iralv . .l m u " R° MONDAY, p the 6th of February next. at 4 Wo.o l ok 1 1 , M., when an - Election will be held for Ftve 'greeters to serve for the enrlnt r zear. HIRAM D. TIbbEN, President. OFFICE OF THE RA I LROAD VAL. irr LEY AND POTTSVILLE RAILROAD 00..309 VT - not street, rItILADR 'MITA, AL IC IMO. ollhilridelphia and Sunbury Chateau due February I, IMO, on Ist molts& re bonds Railroad Con any. will be frTon and after that date, at the Rank o Conimeroe, h adelphia. JAS. H. II DDLE, 10130& PI Ant President. __ NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. he A h mo t ruis i of o w a strziier.or this %r i m i tsp . y ot ril i ! street, on Tali Da. the ethiet Co mp h nv ,o t i 'Arust7 nes j: l at o clock. A. M.. for the purpose of electing ktve Directors of said Company for the ensuins) ear. HENRY ROBINSON. Pecretarr. Philadelphia. January 211 t. latO. Jale.dtfod OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STRAM NAVIGATION 1 0 1 IANY, No. HO North Wharves. rim 016LPHIA. Jon. 29,1860. The Annual Tifsethig of t i lio litookholdors of th Com pany for the Election of Five Managers end for the transaction of other lisinose. will be held at No. 30 PHILADMATIA EXCHANGE, g third floord on TUESDAY k.VENINO, the 7th of February next, et half pad seven o'olock. WM. DENNIS, ja24.13t lieorstary and T 011411,411.. SLINDURY AND ERIE RAILROAD, Philadelphia, Jan. 21. 1350.—NETEM—The An nual Meeting .1 the tßockholdera of the Banbury and Fria Railroad Company will ho held at the Orro, No 324 WALNUt Bonet. on 310 N DA . the I3th cury of Feb. Mary next, at 10 o'eloik A. 31. At thin meeting an Electron will km held for ten Mana gers ot the Company, to nerve for one year. The mile to omen at I o'clock P. M. Jan tabs IBS W. EDWARD frl'OP FORD. See., NOTICE.—TIIE ANNUAL MEETING [Von . oof the 9t~okt:otde { 7 the f O gy a e n PAT N , l a l pv l ,i otner busman, Ina he lade% mit,eiT6 ui iltaA next gu A o y z u ct , n on TUESDAY, the 7h l l. DENNUI, /01-llt Pearetary and Treandar. Ilia TAt N IMPItOYMENT t2OM AIMLPIII . MnuNry 211 MO. 13 ; 1 0:3 e I. hereby given that the annual meeting of the Etookheldere of the Sig Mountain Improvement Com pany will he held at their 1211100. Southeast q roes of Front and Chestnut street', Philadelphia, on hION DAY, the 6th of February next, at Is o'olook, M., when an Election will be held for fire Direotors, to serve for the enamor year. fa:le-tree WILLIAM P. JENKS, President. NEW PUBLICATIONS. READY FEBRUARY 15T11 The molt thriland. the meet inteteitirig, end the twat wooderfel narrative or Arctic Life and Ex perieere over wntten. AN AROTIO BOAT JOURNEY DR. I. I. HAYES, LATE BUROEON TO THE KANE EXPEDITION This volume desonbes ajourney mile by a party of eight persons, from the brig Advance, during the Kane Expedition, I n hopes ofoummuni eating with the civilised inhabitants of I.7pernavik, and thus f riding an escape from their winter quarters, where they were blockaded, the Journey nfover 1,000 miles to accomplish this purpose, the failure of their plane. their consequent sulieringe and narrow escapes from death, and their final return to their comrades at the brig. It formed the most enoiting portion of the whole Kane Expedition, and it was pre vented from appearing in that book by the illness of Dr. Harts, who was thus unable to prepare any account of it at that time. The proof sheets of this new work have boon critically examined. and pronounced for superior to any other work in its power to thrill and electrify the reader, an he follows this small party through their varisd strusales between life and death. Had some superhuman power enabled those persons of Sir John Franklin's party. whose lifeless bodies were found. to have written.a few hours before death. the hor rid sufferings they endured, we doubt tf they could equal the experience, of Dr. Ilayea sod his party, as they faced death itself from starvation, from the native Eequimaux, from tha intense °old neromit which they had neuron any protection by wood or clothing, or from any of the pecu liar trials which attended them. The chapters deecriptivo of the two weeks of Cornice. of the contrived plena the Fisquinnux to mu-der them, of their escape by etuptifyina their onomioe and block ading them in their snow•but, the escape of the Esqui- MaUX end their pursuit after the parry, Oolong and eon. Untied iouniey of hundreds of miles book to the brig— these cannot he equalled for interest. and are sorrow fully nocopted as the experience of human twines. The descriptions of the habits of the Esquinviux.thel mote of life, aro., are not based upon casual vista. but upon a long residenoe with them in their own huts, while the descriptions of scenery and the oircumstenoes at. rding Arotio Life are peer harly vivid. Thu book will be waited for with much eagerness by the lovers of the strange and nvirvellotia. Atari, portion of the profits from the book will be given to tits outfit a the new Ainerloon Arctic Expedi. tom, which sails la a few months, under command of Dr. Hay et. IQ I VOL limo. Pries 81.26. BROWN, TAGGARD, ty: (MASH, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. 1117" Order. from the Trade eolteited. fel-that ALL PIIMADELPHIA BOOKSELLERS Have now for sale THE AUTHOR'S EDITION I Printed from early *biota) OAPTAIN McOLINTOCK'S NAMIATIVII Voyage In the Antic Ease, and Thaoovery of SIR JOHN FRANKLIN'S RV:TAINS I elegant 12mo. volume. Price SI ta e With la foll nage 111utttations and 4 Maps, the same as In tho English edition. TIORNOR di; FIELDS. js3l.tuths-113t PUBLISHERS, BOSTON' G REAT bIIFSIONARY BOOK. SHELDON h. COIIPANY Publish on Wednesday, February let THE DOal'KL IN BURMA By Mrs. hisoleitnl Wylie. 1 soi. Ynaa $l. 'louses front the Enilish Prom "The work is written in et clear rind simple style, abounding with happy Iticrirture mottoes and pertinent Quotations I while the story Unit porvesses an interest so deep and so fascinating as to enchain the reader's at. tention till its close."—Nonoontortnist. • • • . "Mrs. W)lie lt•s accomphibed her work wilh much distinctness and literary ability. lho order of the nar rative is admirably maintained, while the incident' selected are characteristic of toneral features so that the historical plan in never lost sight of in details. We cordialiy commend the book to the perusal of our read ers."—News of the Churches. . . • . • . " A more aßreeable hook on a misnionary subject it hAR rarely been cur lot to meet—more full of attractive information on Its theme, more hcrietoral en 'te too and substance. and more unnff ctedly graceful in eta stoe."—onteutta ehrist.nn 'Ltd!' curer. Mrs. Wylie brie performed a most aceeptnble iser• vice; simdereld: do we thank her fir her trouble."— Freeman. " A charming volume. which we would ronommend to nil who era interested in this singular hoopla"— Book And its Absalom'. For lisle by all Bookseller,. gr 1W (V 7-14 MUSIO AT MARSH'S MUSIC / STOIV,IIO3 CHERTAUT ST EF.T. b A Dream ot one, (Betted 1 la osnts Dlrliat banana. and Wanderer's :dusinzs ^r 'Tie Rad to say Farewell ,yo I know, Alai: Tito Hitter Fooling.. For tho Mother's bake oho only corroot oditionl.23 " Thy Smile i like the &abeam 23 Thoughts n and Bonny Jean t 26 ceu 6,0 r Farewell to Thee... .26 " Oen. Hem nil alarigh, and Clara Mnsurlot —4O Amman Ladies' ainsurka .. . ... ............... 23 " Patti Waltz. and X. Y. Z. l'olkn " Orders by mail will be filled end gnat-laid. loliit O W ADI- N A UIFT FOR ALL SEASONS. ILLVVISIATUD BDITIO7II OF "WASIIINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS" 10 2111 PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. Hinhetlished with Arabesque Designs, in colors, and RECENT VIEWS OF MT. VERNON. The publishers feel Impressed with a conviction that a time has route which demands a more thorough and serious examination of the principles and tr the con tained in tins areal Stole Paper g ai d that it should be more 'generally Massed among the 1,07te at Igo. 'Po this end they have striven to give the Address' a form and Korb in some monaare earthy Its importance, and ealoulated, they trust, to popularise and give it perma nent/0, The "Address" is inarto form. &tinted in color& on superior plate paper. the publisher cannot but hope that with the attractive externals of illuminated typo graphy. and /gavotte embellishment, It way b y com mended to piddle tnete. nod its teachinss. by these moons, be more effectively recommended to, and fast ened upon, the popular nand end heart. Prie, of the " Address," utast° copies, one do hr. Early orders rompee fully solloitegi. A [dieml discount tOjj , r trade, lasnlo br all the 13 oksollere in the United States. ( dere and oommuumanons iney be 11011 to DEVER EUX h COMPANY. JR3duthslin 132 Bouth Third etreet,l'hiladeldhla. N E BOOKS. TIIE GREAT TRIBULATION; Now complete in Two Volumes. Reprinted from the London Edition. DR. CUMMINU'S NEW WORK. which has already awakened suoli a prodigious excitement throughout the religioue community. SECOND SERIES NOW READY. The Lectures onntalned in the ftl:CO diner somewhat from theme that preceda them. In the amnia at the antlior, they " teMte to 'lie oliaraoter and condition, the hopes, happiness. and destiny of the pm.. Pie of flat. • • • There will be found in this pert rutioh to oheer, animate. and engem them, In Or. cuanatemme of unpreoedented trouble." One elegant volume. Muslin. Price ;51. IN DEEM. WOMAN (LA FEMME.) By hi. MICHELVT. A sequel to LOVE( L'AMOUR.) Thu book ballast berm publishod to Pans, and a now in press. translated by Dr. J. W. Palmer from an opy. Ready immediately One volume, uniform loth .ova, by the same author. Price el. TUN HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. An interesting end amusing 111%nd-hook of Etiquette. Repnnted (torn the EWA 0011. which, nithnuph Just published. Mot already passed into set oral edition.. One volume, 12ru0., muslin. Price e 1.26. RUDD k. CARLETON, Publishers, lalt-eathtf l3O (WANT/ St.. New York. THE EIGHTH THOUSAND.—THIS DAY is published tie Fig hth of THE yoUNa mAituordoui ON THE FLORIDA COAST. Si F. p. ()nubile', With twelve itinet rebo•e. Itmo. 73 oents. Bo rapid hes been the sale of this book, that the Riot edition wee exhausted in less then ton dlt 4 after publi cation. It lea Cory of rttwortong Intermit k on Vilfitlllisubj , .ots, much useful and neemeirr tn form. ton. Any one who hat read it will not wonder et almost unmeeedented novulartti, We knuw of no wort' of the class that we eon oemmend in warmer terms toots i evonne friends. The illustration' add ,o the interest or I sedition. Rublished by Fei !LILIAN. 8. fr. AL.Fit,?al mArvilEN, No. GA way4TAUT Eitrvit. INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY IN SCHANCK CO.. N0.4e6 WALNUT STREET. FOURTH ANNUAL 81'ATEAIEN1 or TON BUSINESS AND CONDITION QF TEE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. ''"" As Presented to its stockholders. Jnn. 3, 1803. Capital Stock M , Bgpp 007 00 Surplus. January 1, 1889., 121.361 4.3 Premiums repaired ni 18591 }farina• • •• . 1.60,00.3.1 , eland N a viga tion 11 .05 7 . 9 Transportation . 43,012.10 Intereat reamed 12163.38 Selvage and reinsuranoa— 33.33249 (8 1 0.0d27 LOSSES, EXPENSES. Ac. Losses paid in 1330 ....•' 8103,471 83 Dividend, Commissions to agents *I axes, !loans's. [los rent . .• .( 83 983 AS Printing, advert sing & expenses. Salaries paid in 1959 ........ 6,483.7.1 Reinsuranee 401 return premi ums $ ri0,226.00 ASSETS. Bonds and mortgages on rail estate 9100 100 141 Ground rents in Philadelehia 1,500 00 oo shares Continental Bank, New Y0rk.......C0 shares Bank. FhiQiipl;:a 300d.00 300 do Corn Exchange Bank. Philadelphia. _ - 1.300.00 DO shares Union Bank, Philsda 1110000 23 do Consolidated Hank d 0... Tad 00 13 do ',armors k Meonanime Lank. Camden. N. J. " • 0030 share ßailroad, Canal -, and other stocks, all rasing a per cent market value ....... 81,65000 Hewn' bonds bearing 6 and 7 per of 14,10000 Negotiab • bi de receivable 91,03t.93 Oath in hands 01 agents and In tmnist.... 2001 29 Cash on hand and In bank - 30 837.46 16869,146 70 This Company continues to make against Loss on all kinds ot Fire. Marine, and Inland Rats, on the most favorable terms OFFICERS, President—GEOßG P. H. HART , Vice President—E, P. ROSH, Becratarr and Treasurer—H. R. COGOEIRALL. Aasiktsut Seoretan —lB, It. BU rLE it. DIRECTORS. Norse II Blot, Foster S. Perkins, E. P. Roan. 90. 14. Coggshall, A. C. Cattoll. E. W. Bailey, Andrew R. Chambers, Samuel Jones, M. 1). Hon. N.M. Fuller. H. It. COOOSHALL. Elearetarl. Tilt; MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Mmets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INTROTio I r 14outoaelIS nN 6041. TTTTTT WORTH OYER smoco,oco. The premiums ere 11 OWER than In meal other Cornett nw, and the Dividends have been This le a strictly MVTIIAT., Egozmill. Fri are 110 Stokhohlve, so that A L THE P /TS 1111.0610 TO TR! MI ID, Pamphlets. and every information. may be had ettavte. on apeltgatiorido FOR 8. W. oorri:i As' kiki .N11:11[1.014:16. pHILADELpHrA ATTER _VICES I homas Robins, John Welsh. Mordecai L Dawson. ttr.Vdetn","4 AT IL T A1 . 1 „,, 1 proud. aleph PaTtenon. WI 1 Zit ' 0 . Luling, ohn M. Atwood, Arthur d Cogan. homes IL Pore,., Poona W. Toland. ilham McKee. Thee. Watts*, .011-lyif" VAUHANGE INSURANCE CO3IPANY —Onloos No. 409 'WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merehsadise generally, on favorable terms, either limtU d or per petual. . _ . DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonn 11, Joshua T. Owen, John Q. Oirinodo. Thomas Marsh, Ben). M. Iloginshead, Ham'. L. Nmedky, John McDowell, Jr., I , dward D. Roberts, RV. Hale. John J. Griffith. Jams T. Hale, I Bellefonte,) JERErn I till bONSALL, President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vine President. EDWARD W. DAVID, secretary 1526-luthsly RETAIL DRY GOODS. MOURNING. GOODS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTILER Stare a large and well-eeleeted Stook of the above Cloode, of mprising— LUPIN'S BOMBAZINES. THIRION & MAILUARDS' Do. LUPIN'S SAWN DE CHINE. LUPIN'S MOUSEIRLIN DE LAINEEI CANTON CLAIM ORLEANS CLOTHS. ALPACAS. LONG SQ PARE THIBET SHAWLS. BLACK CRAPES AND VEILS Buyers will find tho above Stook to be under the usual olives. 460, 02, and 464 North SECOND Street, above Willow. 1860. 1860. ;NIOURNING GOODS. 13ESSON & SON. MOURNING STORE, NO. HOD OSIESTNET MEET, Are Sally opening their SPRING IMPOItTATION:3, whloh they offer for sale at reasonable pricer'. at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL fel St COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. JOSIIVA W TAYLOR and SAMUEL B. 8111NN, haring parted with their interest in stock. iteturoe, in the Rtm of TAYI OR. SHINN. Jr CO. to JOAE L JONLB. who is authorized to collect and receipt for all oltiltrut of the old firm, JOSHUA W. TAY( OH, SAMUEL B. SHINN. Philadelphia. let txto ,15th. 1&O. fe2 lit • TREPARTNERSIIIP UkRETOFORE exietinx under the firm of PRICE. FFRRI 9 . ilc ^O., expired, by limitation. on December Slot. IPO. The busineea will be continued under the same style, by tho underchned, from tint date. FOSRPH N. F. PRICE, 'CHARD PRICK. ft, EDWARD F FARIS, JAhlb.B U. COCHRAN. Phil adelphla. Feb. 1,1860. 51.31 _ _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the CopartnershiT under the firm of BECE:v}t & DELL Mite dissolve( on the fourteenth day of Do °ember lost., and MUSEEI DECKER is alone authorized W petite be busmen, and ingn the heulation. IdOltr bLEOKSR, JOn. 8 Dh(LL, Fhalsdolphla. Dee. 19, leek 1131-etee2th 11,0 AVE, THE UNDERSIUNED. HEREBY give not et that we here mowed the hmi ed partnership between up. which COM , T00.0•011 0 ,, the th of DECEMBER, 4.5 e, and expired on the let of NO VS:Itt DER, 1359, agreeably to the pro.. igiong of the not of Aplomb of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, appto• ePararch Tl, andtitld '• An Ant re'ntive Limitedmerghipg."tit gopp ements thereto The mid partnership is to i.e conducted as heretofore, under the come or firm of W.O. LW Alt D. The general nature of the Mildness untended to be trannacted Is the manufacture and gale of Hats ny wholes, le, in the City of Philadelphia, lit tenforegaid. WILLIAM.,, HEARD. who resides at No. 626 N•rth EIGHTH fittest. in the Thirteenth ward. of the City of Poiltideiphia, is the general partner. and SAMULL G. WALTON, who re sides at No. 754tiouth FUliliTil Street. in the Third ward, of the City of Phtladelphts, is the special part ner. The said Special partner contributed to the common stock of said firm the sum of thirty thoutuld dollar., which Was actually and to good latch pod in cash. The nai_d_partnership commenced on the fi , st day of NOVEMBEI, A, D. ISSt; , and to to terminate on the first day el NOVEMBER, A. D. 1,360. WM, 0. BEARD, did-fet FIANIIIEL D. WALTON. pIIOTOGRAPHIO COLORING AND IVORYTYPINO taught In the htshest style of the ort M the LADIES' AttADF,MV, touthwest corner ,f TENTH nod ASCII Afresh. Third Soon eintrance on Tenth Street. fe2-3V WIWI YOU SIT FOR A PAINTED • • PORTRAIT. you are not certain of s lateness; buts Life OM Photograph in thl must look like you at mode by REIMER, SECOND Street, etawe Omen. It' FISHER & BROTHER'S VALENTINES. VAL ENTINES.—We oall the nttention of Neter', in town and country. toner ejilend,d 8 POCK OF NAL eNTINES. Whioh for variety. beautt • and quantity cannot be excelled in the world. e 1.% and em VALENTINE ASSORTMENTS terms a W e warrant tne trade. andco ld ow cy n b . eral ribliEft k mturimit. • feh2-at-r• 10 South SIXTH Street. DR. SCHENCK U°N BE FOUND AT his office, No. P) North BIXTII Street, on Fri day and Saturday of each week.. Monday, and 'Nes dabs are sot alma for visiting patients in and out of the oit). on Wednesday and 'Flimsily ni eaoh week he 0 , at hie cam No. lOi Bit.i.Tl3lolt ki Street, Baltimore. hid. Isle term. fur a thormith examination with the fiesprionieter, at his ottlee or any part of the city, are 03; TORICar visitations afterw rds,N) ciente a visit. All odelue at his olie free of chine; and, in all ease' Wbara eamcns do not feel able to pay for having their hinge examined, they will be oared for, and have the seine attentions' the more fevered, (el-Intif• SALES OP ♦NT KIND 01 MERCHANDISE XY/SCTED IR TWENTY,POUR HOURS I ! (For moll or othorwine.) wiz. H. WEEKS, MERCHANDISE BROKER, 103 CITISTNUT STREW. litud.thtf HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. WILLIAM YARNALL. No. 1020 CHESTNUT STR4ET, (immediately opposite the Aoademy of Fine Arts.) Invitee the attention of lIOUSIMEEYERS and other. to hi. estensiN e a...Ms:lent of USEFUL DOUBEREEFINO ((CODS. TABLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, CI(AFINO DISHES, FIRE SCREENS. ?LATE WARMERS. JeAduthstf TEA POYS. hc., &t. BURNETT'S COCOAINE. The following testimonial is conclusive of its 61T.0210) in the cave of DANDRUFF. Bovrott, 0nt.911, MBlllll./09111 , 71 BCTINE.Ef At Co.: GINTLIIM/I3 linVe and your COCOMNE about intt weeks, and . &fret is so marked and eitrsordinarY that I dgetn i it t my duty to state it to you. My teseret complaiet for leveret years has been Dsmenopr, with itching and irritation of the ocalp. ABertirtiehimy ins hair. my coat-collar would be cov ered with the white mules, (dm.drutf,/ which looked like &Phil:kat of saw, My barber tried various applications without effect. Ilte alre of your COCOA Vllt. and his obsttnate retinal to provoked me to procure and try it. have used less than a bottle. The dandruff. and the Irritation which caused it, have entirely diaappeared, and hair was never before in so lord eouditicui. 'sour obedient servant. A. A. FULLER. RI. I .IINETT'S c,IICOATN E. single sp,pliention readers the hair (no matter bow told drr) soft end glossy for several days. It is needed hy , all who bare used it to be Me best and , 4 6 .opsst Hai Lair Dressenf l in the iro./.1. rrqoared by JOSEP BURNETT ~t Co.. BOSTON and for sale by all des ere generally, at en gents a hot tle. dot-e3in u XORANGE INSURANCE COMPANY. Mammy nfileit, 144 South FOURTH Street F i rieNtr B t i t r ohy t. to removal to their otii , t‘le . e l , , t A iVii i, A , J . 4.4-vrtinft zal Pacretar'. WA2 , 7"28. `W.ANTED.--A young man front the • country wishee a situation in a Mora where be would metro himself generally allele; con come well re commended. Salary not so much an object as a perma nent eituat:on• Adams "D. R... otboa this nspar. fal-at• SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG ► man as an alscanurt book-keeper. or entry clerk would work Ilkeston), learn the wholesale Dry Goode or Notion Bustneu. and make himself generally useful. Address. ALMA, Press (drum fel 31. ST. LOUIS TEN PER CENT. INVEST MENTS. ..1110 OCO and 820 000 wanted for Ilse years by rraportsi we parties on rnortgaae of business properte c v er y neutrally situated, worth double the amount. Interest note. payable send-annually an Flailed& pbiai and punctuality suarantied. Apply to E R. JONES. 1 . .1 St' No. 1010 South SEVENTH Street. gA wit —WANTED—An active bust- Nt'cre , ,vl. , • 110. n,l with th's amount, as Partner in an aetabljahed Mercantile House. dome a safe arty trade paying 23 fee coot. profit. Address Mercantile. ' thw office. Jan 30 WANTED—A Salesman Ina wholesale dry•ew , dsJobbing house; one who can Influence a good Houtharn ar.d glouthweetern trade. To one •ho oan inguenoe a good trade a liberal salari will be men. Address A.,' office of this paper. WO nith•3l' WAN'I ED-.1 SITUATION ASBOOK v KEEPER. by an expenenceri frown. Bert ot reference given Address Box 1136. Post Offlos Ja 31-3. WANTED—By& Young Man who writes a fair hand and ie snick .e figurer, a attustioe u Aleitant Clerk in aurae klecoantile Nouse. Address " Porter." office of thu paper. Perk et• A YOUNG LAD, WHO HAS JUST inrad-L--Lated h l * Pi p tu p, sti pt en oity of obounims a knowledge of Involess a . 4 ° accre ti on " Templeton." Blood ■ Dispatch. JaWllifit • LAND WARRANTS WANTED, RIMIEST PRICE orvim DREXEL & CO.. A. 27 14t 84 BOUTH THIRD eTREEr. FOR SALE AND TO LET 11::)R SALE—The Stock. Good will and FIXTURES of estabilthed Wholesale DRY GOODS E—eentrally *anus ed. The rock wu very jud cloudy purchased at Auction, and cost y tun seven thousand dollars. The owner declining business. None need apply except thou v h 011313 pay a rsuonahle croon. in cash, and give satisfactory security for tbe balance. Address •• ;Merchant," blood*, Dispatch. last PCTIILIO SALE OF A FARM, LATE THE vontrer of Abram FOTO, deceased. °Weaning about niEvzsTy ACRES, in Upper Darby. Delaware counts, beautifully situated on the Vetivers oonoty (old Baltimore , turnpike toed, 4l miles front Market street bridge Philadelphia, end within a few rode of the new West Cs ester Bruiroad. at Darby- be road &tattoo. The improvements are extensive sad sutantial. and good variety of (niacin the place. It will be ehsiwn. opt application to ABRAM or RIBBRRD POWELL. residing thereon. lhe sale. which will be positive. to commence sit 3 o'clock P. M.. precisely on 6f h day, the ninth of*frond mouth , (Febroary,)l66o, when the conditions will be mane known. .1a2i•lot• BY ORDER OF TUE HEIRS. VGERMANTOWN PROPERTY —For ale or to Rent, a large end eommodines HOUSE, with all theodern improvements, oorner of AR Lie Street and WILLOW ttlrr NUE, within lire minutes walk of Church - lane Stoma. Inyuire at HENRY S. TARR'S Marble Yard, GREEN NUNS, 0. - me Seventh. Philadelphia. Jan TO RENT, THE STORES UNDER TIME OONTINENTAL HOTEL. ON TB NINTH•STREET FRONT. Foamlott will be given on FEBRUARY let. MO. Applications will be received at the odic* of the Own yany, at th• 8. W. COH. NINTH and &MOM ISTREETS, J.llOl Second Floor. el, TO RENT FOR A TER.' OF YEARS Zia A Heidi Store end Axtures, well locatea for buil Ileac A Mill, 78 by gr, feet. three stories high, with water power and steam for 'rearing and finishing c00.'.. A Dee House. 80 by Z:3 feet:with good water for dyeing, and plenty of dry room. The property in Fisher's lane, near the Germantown Railroad, be in g so very accessible to the otty, makes it Very desirable. A TTIOMAS R. PIFHER. JATI-ti PIY t° Fisher's Lane. FUR SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Cbri.tien and Twentieth .treete, haying three front.. mintable fore church or factory sits. For Wine adeireu J. B at tine °Moo. Pal ti pACIORY LOT FOR SALE.—A valua bleeorner lot lta feet sward. hawing three fronts, admirably loeated fora factory site. It Is situated in the southwestern wart of the city, In a netsbiaohood. will be sold on reasonable terms. For partteulant, address "K.," Oleo co Th. Pres, HOUSES TAVERNS, and STORES la.. real Estate of every deornption. for We or to rent. • pply to Real 111 A EstNaX EV.'S, tot Arent, Ng. try North SECOND Street. In L. TOUIlly A CO.'• Seed Store. All Orders will be promptly attended to. En11:111, F inna n, and German spoken. Culls:tor of Ornund Rents. 1118-3 m 01IR A, DAVIS WA SIIING-MACITINE Mi fOr Pala by PLOWSI & MoBRITTE. Mann fae turers..7 fiTRAWIIe,R It Htreet. Philadelphia. By this machine a week's Neagh of on ordinaryaized farthly ran be done before breakfast. It is equal in ea wearY to four H u nd r eds saves at least 60 per oent. It and tear. of them are now in U. and the demand contain:lie. C.ll and examire for yourselves. County rights for elle on teeaunslee tame. Hee of machine 810, tie to 81 5 . FLOWSISN & Ma BRIDE. ja2-Im` ST STRAOVItIeHRY Street. DRIC-LOUISJOBBERB T C. HOWE & CO., No. 240 SIARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Oder to the Jobbms and Clothing Trade J. T.EMAGRAVE tr. CO.ll GRANITE MILL. BRADFORD, TAFT, fr. CO.'S BLACKSTONE MILL. BLM-STREBT, MILLBURY. hIERRISIACK, MILLPORD. And venous others or the etwioest and most desirable makes of American PLAIN AND FANCY CASSI MERES. Also, a lino of very choice high-hatred BLACK DOESKINS. Colored and White CORSET JEANS. DleeohM and Brown SHEETINCS, SHLRT -INi:id, and DRILLS. J. C. 1-HOWE 6.1 CO. Are also Agents of IL* SIANOILESTER PRINT WORKS, And offer the various goods produced by this Company DE LAINES, CHALLIES, OPERA CLOTHS, PRINTS, Ac., Ac. j%.sthstolm JAS. R. CAMPBELL ez CO.. INPORTKR AND WHOLISALN DIALERS 11 DRY GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, CASHMERES, BLANKETS, SLUFF GOOD 3, Jelr-setif No, 717 OiIBSTIqUT Street. MEDICINAL. TIIF. CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. DALLEI: MORCAL PAIN falltACrOß IIAS universally supplanted all other Ointments rind hOnling applicatisen In Toth the Eastern and Weetern. Hemispheres, woorerer intro duced; and its tsomstc merit is he true secret of vs nieces.' In all sutanrous qifeclioA I. wh,t4 a, the cause bo 0110d11111 Ordisco's. BURNS & ed. SCALDS 0 ore instantly relieved oft' their mimed, polo and inflammation, by a timely application of this mar vellous Plnier, and the flesh is renewed no tt by a charm, DO blemish or in. f a , remainne. THE FRIEND OFTH E NU RSERV. Children are frequent notrere-s from eyternsl Junes. especially from Forld and Ce-apdens £z rdo,iont—trierefrire every T mother should have this healing preparation con- Cliteral on hand It heals or. Ertgut.. and quickly n, removes the ThTTER or RINGWORM. so prern- , het in ths a ors, ry. TO TRA Vk LLERS e NY AEA AN D LAND. Tho Machinist. the Tr% t, vellsr.and ever; other In dividunl wrings lot in life throws him within the chance of accident from 0 r.rp/ot:co. An. or relit imi.nhould banns nund ,1 4 th at 'his Matte ivatractor is is hoist and only friend. It is both aortftho" and cheap. and should ever bo to his companion, as a friend In need. Thera are thou. sands of living witnesses to testify toll. marvellous 41 a Ltue. who owe their sound limbs and muscles 4 to Its saving efficacy. rho following are a few ,4 of the Lindens"' for which DAbI.TreIMAGI- CAL PAIN EXTRACT OR is a PREVEN LIVE 0 as well as CURE: Burns, Erysipelas, Sore, of all kinds, Brumes, Fistula. Shot Wounds. Boa,. r ruct Bites, Scrofula, Broken Breast over hors., Burn, Sites of Reptiles, Felons. Scalds, (lancer, Glandular Dt-Scurf, Cracked Ilps, ease, Neald Head, Chapped Bands, Mercurial Sores, Sprains. Chilblains, Paine generally, Smell PO:, Cramp, Pimples, 'E Li m 0 r s , Contranted Corder, ', attar, Chafes. oison, Ulcer,. Mammas of the henmstism, Venereal Bores, Skin, Bashes. dic, Po.d at the principal Depots. II Broad way. New York. and 21 end 131 Chartres street. New Orleans. br J. Va RltillT ,k CO., trenetal Agent It can also be ob tained of all rcspeotable Wu., ista and Merchant, throughout the United State. and Cansd A. a. T. W. LVOV!' SONS. 213 North Ss COM, street. fell' Wholesale Agents for Penner Irma. MM=MI TWINING'S MERCANTILE INSTI TIM: Zhlrthealt corner NINTH and MIN.) GARDEN Streets. Book-keeptne, Penmenelnp, Cal °Anti. n. ho. Applications receoett Iran Nte.chente for Book•keerern. fe2-12.t. REMOVAL. THE AGENCY OF TIIIRI ON, MAILLARD, 0., IS REMOVED TO No. 104 CHESTNUT STREET. Buyers eon now find a toll and oholoo ogoortment o the ethoN o •olebroted make of WOOLLEN GOODS, no hand nod for sale bY F. W. MELIZET & CO. Jet24-thstuat 31ACE—For sale by w HE RILL, & BROTAISR. i.3lNna. 47 was North hECION I/ Fltro.t. PIN FOlL—Light and heavy Entgh and IN French, for eele ez BTRERILL & B OTHER, Ja3l WA. a and d North SENN atm.. DR LEON, 411 CIINSTNITT STREET. above Fourth. North aide has has the very beet beta' an and ChoWiel T 030014 rintaielphts. ten 112 l AnIISI:NEIiTS. D R A Y T O N'S PARLOR OPERAS AND LYRIC PROVERB?... OONCERT HALL, CHESTNUTSt.,eFar Ttra.flb, rust A VRY IsHORT TIE NL. EVERY EVENIN E G. at?) o'clock. M eXeO Y spt Satanlets AIso—nATURDAY, AT ONE r. open half an hour an adsaose. novel ard elegant Entertrnmoug. E GUSH BLIP, OPERA. CO.RELY, A.N LYHIC DRAMA. Is pronounced by the . F.nalish and /netime Area the moat elegant nod astir lino l entartaime a t p x s, t. /SENOR °LI VEI the ORE AT Feb. THIS (THURSDAY) EVEAINO. Feb. st cmock. The Etsaant and Malay Operetta.' NEVER JUDGE BY APPEARANCEd. AND LOVE'S LABOR LOST. Ity Request. •• 31140 N THE CELLARER.•• ORCEiE IRA conducted S a t es RR ENGELKE. Ti,. Byte rttunment te rms at tan o'ckes. Tickets at Cluckents & Bona'. PliT Chestnut rtrset. Beck & Layton's. CR LbestoUt stree ts and at the Hall from a A.. 11 to a P. st. ketcli.—Body of the Hall, Rs Gents: RaleonlY. °sot& wALNUT-STREET THEATRE. NoteLesaeo..._...sln. M. A. DAR RETTBON. 8inge...... Mr. E. F. KBACII. Buirisss Agent. .. .. D MUMMY Taft! ( 1.11 , 1 DA Y EVERIZ.D. Fab. s. OTIIF.LLu. Is. o, Mr. J. B. Roberts ; Orhello. Mr. L ; Dud mono. Mrs. Arcs Covetl ; troths. Mn. Deletd... To oonehmts with BRUT BKER. Betsy Baker. Miu Jefferson A ; Mr. Mouser, Y. Boyers. Wrenn' sa nsuiu 13441.• scoured without *nit shares. Doors open at IDS o'clock ; Fetionnatie4 to uosisrAsem T o'eook. WHEATLEY k CLARKE'S ARCM STRE ET THEATRE. THIS EVE:NINO. Feb. 2. LVE. Dales. Mr. Dnlmsn ; O Haan. Mr. Wieestla7 Tb CoUlltellt ?AMP Jane O.ombt. To conclude ' , rah thr DOL'dLE-BEDDED ROOM. &ALI OF 111CLI.—AOLCJiloll, 36 cents; &oars& Seats in Dress CI rele.Xthe cents; p ervert. rents. Doors open at halt past 6 tilt.;! ; PfalanOl2lo64 SA socurnane• at 7 &sloes precisely. TIAN I(UE S I,KEAL Stlt". NATIONAL, THEATRE. ViALNET L. aces Eishtb. Fracta —Dress Ctrele,lo cents; X Ceuta,. Sesta in PTIVOI.O Boxes. Ta macs ; Whole Pri vate Boxes, 1 , 3 end ae, CHANOt Of TIMM .—Doors open at half Put II iii . 4 o .4k. To commence at!. TB'S iTILUILLIDAY) EVENLY() Feb.l, MAGIC s l lloittr THE SOUK EL E.111 , ..NTE FIRE, WATER,I.ARTH. and sift! HeTtnin Mr. W. H. Susi Arnrasra e. mike,: Gotish. Mr. J. Dame; kvelioa. Miss Resisissadt A/nano, Miss Admaide Seim of tse Waier 314. Miss %Otos ; Ent. is Miss Wells ; Stinvi of 4/t. !dm Tailors end Miss Ell elle. Lest week of tbt *statement of HERR CLINE. Second espeareitee of the vonderial Mau Mor.kee. Mr.5Mllll. NEW ACTS IN THE ARENA. Tandem Maness Let ably*. PAN NICE tEir Peazs can ba snared for the Napa dial dee* days to advance. ML IISICAL FUND BALL,—' AND CONCERT. On THURSDAY EVENING, Feb rertry 9th. SIG NOR pAucnitne. and SIGNORA AL- B FRI 1:41 HAUCAR DE Ton' hare toe tumor orrnshlns thou First Appearance In Pholndelphis in a Grand Concert. the parnertsra of welch win soon be an nounced Tickets One Dollar esch, tJ be ha d at the Bookstores. ler St “ T HE HFART OF THE ANDES.” Yawed by P. E. CHURCH. PAVA7Modz4lirami?Krt:.-,AcADE-f7gP r tI RS. EMILY J. REED—lies the honor alt,Wllnt. • , F SiT CONCERT r'.; YIELADELPIaId. 011 VRID.SY EVENING. Fe' -uari ,13A, at CSICAL FUN MALI on tibieh OCC6/100 w: tit 'aerated by the foner - se RI : Mire OLIAW, Mr. FR ASSH,_iform , srls of the to -0.1.:To. 'IL Trooped Mr. J. X, EN .1213. .I.r. J. J. A. HERR STOOL. P A WO -P RTE. Prot. RUM:for 1. E. CRUM.. JCR ETS . ..... • • Fipri cs:11-6. To be had at tie.. Munn Roms of hears. Lawton. Lee & Walker. Wm. H Coolaton. and Andre. end Chickens:go' Piano-forte rooms. Alla,. at the door on the OVBllille Of the Concert. Doors open at half put T o'eleok. Commtste at I o'clock. isst-40 SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS. 3 .- 7 Jayne'; Cosamoniretlth CHESTZ{.= Street. near Sixth LAST WEEK BUT OVE."U THE FIN En EXHIBITION N AMitiRICA. MONDAY EVENING. Jan. 30, First fleene—View of the Corn of Tanow3s. Second —Washington at Valley Forge. Third—Naffonal Fra sentman. Fourth—The Ftensal City of bows. Ti7:ll —Napoleon Cmssing the Alfa. with an armt ^f ro±:w solemn; Nlonk• and Bogs f Mount et. Bernard. Math—Automaton hope Vaulter. Seventh—Pa - P. at Bee. Eighth. the Finale—The Steamer Great Eastern. Admission. 25 cents. Children, IS et/Ma. Ferformomes every Wednesday and eauPri.Sy After noons. cornmeneing at 3 eelock. Ettetnit 16.13 aERMANIA ORCHESTRi.—PubIic Re hearsrat every 8 kTURDAT, at MUSICAL FL - ND BALL at 334 P. M. Tickets to t” h a; O. Andre's, and Beak c Lawton', 9lnalo St.rte, and at the door. ,jll-.7u IidIETLIS--AACIE. below THIRD. LOEBLE PERPoRNIANCE. ALL THIB WZEIC THE BRIi-ANDY beserformed. An encasement watt Tit E ORSEK RHIGAS. Whose wonderful performances futon:al ere:7 e - holder. He will introduce bie eelebratect CANARY Bt. DS AN it Doy Es. HyRNANIPFZ will outdo Wm. Tell by Cattirg an Apaie front elf tile bead of a Bor. at a diatanoe of Cycle feet. YROPESaOR NICHOLLS AN D SON will wear la all their JUROIILIALeg uu 1.1% 113 Otyys pan Art. Best Performance in lbw country. rIIESIPLE OF WONDERS. Northese comer or TENTH s cliVrflirl Btresta. tireat lad Novel Attraetvm. dIiJNOR DLI CZ. • - l_n_m.deffuLllspeiva az.' V eitr Nnit. it EVIRLTION EVERI EVENINCi THE WEEK. Comaenew at Di o'clock. and oti Iit r f7DNFZIALT pad eATL't DAY AFT ERN00:•13 at IL Theca:ideated Automaton Rope Taulte r. one of the creatett esw of .Nlechanoan ever exhtb.tedortil sepaar eveee ejthibt ton. and perform hLs astotoshlue feats. :seems. Ctoldren iSsents. pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TILE AL FINE ARTS. 10:5 CHESTNUT STREET. It OPEN DAILY, ( Sur..iay exeeotecl.) hoist A.M. LI; 6P. M. Wentel—The TestS volume " L'etis Esesetze Tost.atts Piraa,t. Masson LS cents Chl:dres aster 12 yes kilt P rioo . fibs,. or Ft.ot SSC. A NNIN'ERSARY OF THE JIaIiCHLkNTS' s. FUN D.—The ivith anniversary or th , a Asmara tion no held on W EVLN iNG. Feb. 1. atTS; o'clock, at the ML.ICAL FUND HALL oa *bleb oecasnost the manual ninon of the Board vt Ua na se re aril. be read, aad addressers. dells-end b Use 10zErli R. INGERSOLL. Rev- Dr. BR-41NR* D. anus OLORGE 1. BuzaY, Tb• Mar o. b. the G. r IDAPIS bard, wifl Ls tau *it &root no of CAVIL SRN 1 Z. Cords of admottoots mg. be bad. rrnotiteasly, bjr op pl) tog to k.D.II,UN . D E•OI.7DP rt. N 0.3 PuC.E Etnt4 SAMUEL E. STOKES O. It °. FRONT Street; WILLIAM LI."DW TO. Nu. 34 N. THIRD Ryan. COMMISSION HOUSES JOSEPH LEA. NOS. 123 AND LiO CRESTNIT Invite.. the attention of the Tre44 to It , ' to of COTTON. WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS MADDER PRINTS, Nor hat aaddark min( trliz, &grist ranaLy from MESSRS. SANI'L SLATER SONS, SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO.. MONTESELLO COMPANY. Alio. TRE ATLANTIC CO.'s MOURNING, Inoluthag inlay rev otand - .urd Pat!erte NEAT BLACK & Will ES. PURPLES. LAV.'S.Ic. SAXON Y & SHEPHERD I" LA/PS. & S.ID r RANDS. lIIAcK AND ORAYS. AND CIIOIOE DUSTER T 1 ES. WOOLLENS. rANcy CASSIMERES A.c., FROM ROCK COM., GLENDALE COM , NEW ENGLAND COM , CRAW FORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & SONS' 81 PERIOR BLACK DO • SKIN ♦ND 9 iLK TUREB. S•tinetti run ultt of et colon Lad cul'i tee: tet.t JP2E. I Cash,sr