NEW PUBLICATIONS: JUST PUBLISHED.! TRH ATLANTIC MONTHLY, TOR- ' FEBRUARY, 18IA „-- . CONTENTS. . - CMOS and Measuring: :4 Last Love ; A Shetland Shawl ; Nobs di Roma; The Amber Cods; The PooVis Fliends ; TM Memorial of A. B . or Matilda Memo ; Some Aoocunt of a•Vieionary I The - Truce of heeds- QM; The afaroons,of Jamaica ; The Professor's story ; Mexico.; Reviews and Literary Notices; 'Rena American Publicattonis.• • Trtams.—Single numbers, 25 oents. Three Dollars per year. postago paid to any part of the United States. wo owes, Five Dollars ; Five copies, "rep Dollars; Eleven copies. Twenty Dollars,—the subscri bers pityltte their own Postage. viz : 18 cents per year. Clero men, Teachers. and Postmasters, will receive the' MagdZlne at Two Dollars per year. as heretofore. Subeerivtions may commence with any number; and as al. the cumbers are stereotyped, hack umbels can always bs furnished. AR orders ehould be addressed to TICKNOR & FIELDS. Pulishers. LIS Washington Street. ['cram. IN PRESS. We ,hall istae In a few weeks, TILE COMPLETE WORKS LORD BA.OON, In 12 .Volumes crown octavo. Price SIM per volume, From the latest London edition, and edited by_ JAMES sitiiffirie, ; _ Of Trinity College, Cambridge; itoBERT LESLIE ELLIS, M. A. Late Yellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and • DOUGLAS DENOR HEATH, barrister at Law, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. It will be the design of the publisher: to tune these works in. the- very highest style ofgnonufactaro, and thus supply a want which has long mated fur the popu lar and standard works of our literature produced in a style tally equal togheir merits. ALSO IN PRESS, THE COPPLEZE WRNS SIR WALTER SCOTT. In vols. llmo. • WITH RIB LIFE BY LOCKHART It is intended to make this edition greatly superior in every respeet to any aver yet hunted, and which will se cure for it ;:is permanent reputation as the very best be fore the public. / BROWN, TAGGARD, & CHASE, PUBLISHERS, jal2-thetu•St , 2Z and 29 CORNMLLt BOSTON VALENTINES.—FISHER eBROTBER. • - Oursplendid anntoil N romortment of VALETINES, now ready, for His wide. We call the attention of dealers to our copular an, AND s2o s.SnORT WENT OF VA= - bENTINES. Each nesorircent complote to itself, and 'which we snit warrant to gtve satisfaction. fiIRBER & BROTHER. 1533-13 t. 30 south SIXTH Street. FROM THE PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT tSc C O VOOTPEKIMS ON TER DOUN.D.IIRT OF 4NOTHER WORLD - HON. ROBERT DALE OWEN. SECOND EDITION READY THIS DAY One Vol. I2mn. Price BIZ. This Work is devoted to in inquiry whether oboardonal interfortnees from another world in tide be reality or delusion. It treats of the phenomena of sleep, dreams, somnambulism. it examines the alleged evidences for presentiments. second.stght, house hauntinge, and am. s.aritions; referring to the most approved modern works on hallucination, insanitr, and the nervous system. It inquires whether, when we net down the narratives of all ages (molaing our own) that touch on the marvels referred to, as mere vulgar superstitions, we are over leokin,t any actual phenomena. " lie (the author) CS mainly discusses the subject with ealinuers. diportminatfon, and ability, and Ids volume must at once take Its Mace as a valuable collection of [Acta and tllustrations on the mystenous &Neat of which it Veats."—N. Y. Tribune. • 7he work before no se one to make A decided sense tion in the in.ellectual world. Its contents are matter that la calculated Sc Paean thrimht. investigation, and criticism. it is inifEcient funs to call attention'to it ns an ea)remely wail-wrttton, clear, and attractive work, no a subjeot in which every reading and cultivated mind that Is not a stave to bigotry must take a deep taterest.” —.F.treking -• • • " Enough hen been said to call atten tio?to a sterling book—one of the few on this subject ch are -worthy ofperusal. • • • If not eon- Willem& is otrialnly entertaining."—The Press. Ir, - COMPENSATION; on, ALIMYS 4 FUTURE. ANNE M. A. BREWSTER. One Vol., llmo. Prioe "It wonld he well for tia If wo could learn how muoh enjoNment and baroness life ran hens when the eye end heart are oveneu to the kindly influences or thebeau- Wel in Art and Nature. and this hook is So full of en thusiasm and annrectation that the, reader cannot fad Piontoh some of its tonial. hearty spirit. • . • wears sure that those whose tastes cultivated will find • C..mpensation• a very delightful novel."—Even ins. Journal. Published this Day, • NICCOLO DEI LAPI; on, THE • LAST DAYS OF . TEE FLORENTINE REPUBLIO. DY_MABSIMO D'AZEOLIO. Trinslated by - H. MALLET. One Vol.) 12mo. Fries $1.25, ft is, Notions. sufficient to stain that this book is written by one o f the beet Italian nothms that 1t is full of tie warmth, passion, fire, Wee, and 'genius which ohnnumerlse the lore writers of that nation. No one can pantie those slowing pages; which relate to events and men of a Muiretriq and grand age, without haring the blood guihken in hut veins. and the heart respond to rude* deeds and lofty Aentimente. In the canaoity of hiatorien and noveliet. D'Azeglio fine woven a literary wobwhioh is as powerful as it is charm ing.'!—Roview. 1n21.4t , NOW . READ' " A GIFT FOR ALL SEABONG ILLUMINATED EDITIONS "WASHINGTON'S PAREWELL ADDRESS" - TO TUE • PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. Imbellished with Arabesque Designs, in colon, and - - RSCENT•VIEWB OF MT. VERNON. , The publishers feel impregted with a conviction that a time hoe come which' demands a more liiiITOU4II and serious examination of the prinoiplen and tr Alm con tained in this steal gitatel'aper• and that it should he more generally ddiuseil among rho people at large. To this end they have striven to give the “Addreas" a form and garb in some measure worthy its, importance. and calculated, they trust. to popularize and siva it patina , The Address" is in amino form, printed in colors, on superior plate paper. The publisher cannot hut hope that with the attractive extentals of 4luminated typo raPby, and,artistaa embellishment, it may be com mended to public taste. and its teachings, by these MIMI, he more effeetivey racominended to, and fast ened upon the p?pulair mind and heart. Price o f the ' Address, single copies, one do:lar. Early orders teepee'fullyeolioitcd. A liberal dtß4olll2t to th rtrede. F I Itaio by all the 11 okgellere in the United Btates. dere and communications may he addressed to DEVER EUX & COMPANY, „/ "4 ,...tuti01m 132 &nab Third greet, Philadelphia. CAkNOCHAN'S CONTRIBUTIONS .10 OPERATIVE AUtI.G BRY.—PART 111 - LINDSAY & Elie ELSTON, uhlishera and Boo!dell: ra, NO. 25 !Dill! Er., shove esk.STNUT, . . EVE' OW READY • ' cONTRIRDTIONS TO OPERATIVE SURGERY AND SURGICAL PATHOLOGY—Pert 111. - 13 y J. AL Carnoehan. Professor of Surgery in the New York Me- Uoliagpotn.. old. With Illustrations drawn from nature.. Price 75 oonut. - • • „ publish— LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, NEW FDITIGYr fIF TIPATILAND'S ACTION 0 - F Amp rum ea ON THE SYSTEM.' Third Amour= edition F.T'S SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. Second Anne- BrADI AND BATHING. A new revised edittoh. Lan , * 32m0. bIURRItI lON MARLEY, FEVER. A new revised Isnd enlarged million. .41„ e leo. !Iwo:tee I nd torso, Complete, and Varied f leirifUed to K iiii open serdiontion. Jai EVANS' GIFT BOOK LIST-NEW 11001(8. IF VW 4RM IN WANT OP Ali h r BOORe. OY THEM AT OBORGH . EVANIP f T4EM AT OISOKOk, .EV •148" y Tatilt 4 - r GEORGE G. hYANSf Qift Book NUM), NO.43ElChestnut street, li Gift Book Store. No. st3C [p ut street. ,--__. 'Tie the beat place in, e oar. Books are sold as cheap as at y other stets, and) nu have the ady tage Of gotsegyiantlme Gift tri seep Hook, it w P BLICATI Mr. LIFE OF,I SI . ENIP EStS JOSEPHINE. By Cecil R. Harthly, Oise volume, 12M0..010th. _Frier, 41. THE Q.UEEN'S FAT iii. A Tole of the DMA ot King Herod. Ono , °lame. l2mo.. cloth. WHY. 81 TH 8 BIBI.IOAL BEASON WHY. .A. Family Guide to Scriptural Reading, One volume, trum., cloth. Trice Di. •.1 His ART OF DANCING. By E. Ferrero. One vol., 12m0.. cloth. Prife el. THE ADVEI TURFS OF JONATHAN HOME REIN By Sam Slick. Jr. One volume, 12m0,, cloth. C I'VIOOMED CHIEF, or . n Yeara Ago By the authoif Gaut Garter. One ,0 '. 12113 P, Price 81. , - ME, Oise OF BOBBRI , HoODIri. Prestidigiteur. Edited by ft. Shelton Maokengie. One wlutne. Limo, ttiN P SOIJeI; •HE HELP IT; or, The Hoeft TH. a gent. Br A. B. R0e., , .. One . v olume , limo, Price BOOK OF POPULAR BONGS. flie beet onllemion of Donis ever entilisbed. - Otte volume. Wino. Price Bt. IRK LIPS, AND ADithNTOBEAt OF HAJI BABA, - the Oriental Treveller,' compng Many' ouriotit de. licriptiOnti of the 'Mysteries tit the Harem, etc. One 'Volume, nino. Price Bt. On OF VIDOCR, Oa oelehrped French Po licemen. Ono volume,l3roo., cloth, with a Gift. Price 4ltl'gs* - - - ...T.HRAPSX.OR,I: I4 .Ai Bl .. ' ----Roil Nov in,lciiiirtriktPt AND PRIVATE _ THEATRICAL 1 0 ,14TRRTAINMENTB, Being a rollectiPn of ()mina l and selected COMEDIES, PLays, CHARADES, feo ' With fall detonations of `Comurnes..Saenery, Proper ties, it a.. and every oirpotion rolevp nt ton private or yabbe aPrformartoe, Thowbule carefully arranged and adapted by SILAS S. STEELE, panliaTifet. Handsomely bound in one volume. i2mo., cloth. Prieic a 'bdxCP HUMOROUS POR,TRY. oontainingdhoioi tippotior from popular authors. One volume, mum. tilfßoLD 10010. MANSION, By Charles "PR aS°OriVirili?lin Loaralinrn, D. D. Pr ce $1.26, - jOWLVACYR - .5 1- BT At t alit 44 otie +of.; itmO. rroce 1. - 4,- Tate- YEARS OR'PREACHER By Milburn. -...iensAvolutcp,l2miN_-_ Price - • , , • t ALI, TIIR , c4 NW BOOKS .oati ,he had. n il you forte ' - the et i t i viintaga of getting Okft with each Zook that yOu • Catkin, and one assure tune eherf- qu a - beet Pitrll la elle it takers you should purehass BOOKS Si - OBOROF G. EVANS' , __ , NATiBLIBH DENT, ' _ aSTCHEd'fiI UT St.w Philadelphia, 'r iILIO-1890 below Piftb.-nnehrt vapor nide.' ~ ..reAV,TAtkPJOTIR Livit:AND •1• • AINTRER nirEEDINO ORTSIB, for MI6. at the Aiiti-tpapery Who. Prr North FIFTH. amt. 1820-6t* irLittm 84110 NY—Virgin, for gale by vi . BiBTBRWLI O & BROTHEL , ft off * OWNS) NUM , . PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TRADE. ItibliAßl) WOOD, ISRAEL MORRIS. COMMITTILII ov vox Mara. JOSEPH O. GRUBB. LETTER RAGS - AT TUN ItHROHANT6 , Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy ..........Liverpool. Jan 25 Ship ()rev Eagle, Hughes.....—. Rio do Janeiro, soon Rork Valetts. Me sonirle London, soon limit Hamilton, Ittoteshary. • • ...• ..• ..,•2datanzas, soon Brig Alice Franklin. ~.... London, noon Brig Black Squall, Jogo de Cuba. noon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM TEE UNITED STATEd. iMPE LEAVE FOE ,DATA E ropa—..... ..... ... Doeton..Liverpool ' ...Jan 23 AIM.. ....New Y0rk..Liverp001.............J an 26 nirlo Saxon .... .P0rtbu01—Liverp001..............3an `3 New York... .... New York.. Bremen.. .. ... —.lan 28 C of Baltimore—Now Y0rk...Liverp001.............Jen 28 Bremen New York.. Bremen ...... .. Jan 28 John 8e11.........N0w York..Glaegow .......... * —Fob I Dhruesia..........New York—Southampton...—Feb li Fulton ... . New York. „Havre ........... Feb 4 0 of Id ancheeter.New York, .01a5z0w............ Feb 4 Nova Neotutu......rortland..Liverpool............Feb 4 Americo., . ....... ..80et0n..Liverp001............Feb 6 EdinburBh . ..,...New York.. Liverpool. —.......Feb II AMA. New Y0rk..Liverp001............Feb 15 Canada........,..—Boston.loverpool ...... ...... Feb 2.1 TO ARRIVE 'SHIPS LEAVE FOR • DAYS Oof Baltimore...Liverpool—New Y0rk.......—. Jan 4 Borussia. „....Southampton..New V0rk........... Jan 4 of Manchester „Glasgow.. New York .......—..Jan 4 Sohn Bell., ....... •Glassow..New 4 Nova Scotian :Li verpool .Portland ...... Jan 1l Fultoe.........Southampton..New York. ..... --Jan 1 1 America. Liverpool :Roden..... 14 itami reth ... Ye rpool..New Y0rk ...... ...7an 1e North Alnerioan..l4verpool—Portland. _ 18 A sin . ...... Liverpool .New 21 North. Briton. ...Liverpool Portland Jan 25 Canada.. , • ......Liverpool..Roston 28 f: of Wasliington.hiverpool_New Y0rk....,... ...Feb 1 Sazoma...--Southantpton..New York.-- ..... Feb 4 Arayo.......'..Southampton..New York.-- .—. Feb 8 The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on tho eth and 20th of each month. Phe Havana Steamers leave New York on the 2,3.7 th, 12th, 11th, and 27th of each month, and Charleston, . 0., on the 4th and 19th. - When the above &tee fall on Sunday, the steamers will sail on Monday. except from New Orleans. MARINE IN'T'ELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jun. 21, IE6O --7 16-BUN BETN-- -9 6 75 wATER.-- . A RRIVIM. withamship Dela:tare. Cann Jamesours from N 'York mdsa and passengers toAndantino. CLEARED , Steninship Dolavrare. Cannon, N York...! Altdordloe. Dark Ann Elizabeth, Neretave, Evans, Win cum mings 8; Bon. Ey TELSOEATII. (Correspondence of The Prose.) rr.Jan 23. The ship 'orent Dmle, from Cardiff for Shouts°, on taco St Simon's Bar Das 4th, leaking at the rate of four teen inches Far hour. MEMORANDA. Steamship Kennebee, nand, hence, arrived at New York 22d inst. Steamship John Bell, for New York, sailed from Glas gow 4th inst. Ship Philadelphia, Poole. for Philadelphia, entered for Indies at Livernool 6th inst. Ship Sweden, Meade, from Leghorn for Philadelphia, which put into Gibraltar leaky. remained 21th ult, wait ing to charter a• yens) to carry forward her cargo. Ship Alliance, De Format, from Charleston, arrived at Havre ad inst. • sp Ship Susan G Owen, Norton, cleared at Liverpool sth -inst. for Charleston. • Ships Sebastian Cabnit. Watts, B B Kimball. Romer, m Pettigrew. Burdick. Wyoming. Burton, and Lan caeter, Ocean, were loading at Liverpool Tile inst. for Philadelphia. • Slam Dindnstan, Tibbetts, oleared at Boston 21st inst. for cen Francisco. Bark AIITOM.(eie) Costa. from Messina 12th ult. for and ` Philada, Ppt hark to the former port on the 30th, Malty. an uld prohattls have to iiiaoharce. Bark John Sawn Puller from Palermo for Philadel phia. wee Fpnicen 37th Mar, let 23 30 Inn* 71 11 W. Behr Franklin 'boat, Crocker, hence, arrived at Bel faat. Maine 16th met - Bohr A Hammond. Paine, hence, arrived at Boston 2lat Behr Bn.lth Tuttle, Mayo, at Boston Met Inst. from De laware City. BfEDICDIALL. N 0 MORE PILLS, NOR ANY OTHER MEDICINE:4'er onnetipation, Elmer/MS (indi gestion). nervousness. flatulency, phlegm, biliousness, liver eomplaints, hyeterin. neuralgia, eleeplereness. noichti , congestion. blood to the beed.!heada hen. lose of memory; indecision, nernua (mote, palpitation, Heartburn, eruptions, impurities, fevers, Irritability, Mw spirits, diarrheas, fiyeentery. noieee in the head end earn, debility, diabetes, game between the shoulders. tramps, spasm', nausea and sickness. sinking. Ste, colds. catarrhs, cough, saints, bronchitis. consume t ior. .debility, gout. rheumatism, hirmorrholds. DII B WS delimemi Health Restoring good, THE REVALENTA A RADIOS., at a cost of a few neat' per meal. speedily eradicates the above chimes. also medicine. complaints. end twee Ally times its mist In It does not interfere with a liberal diet but impute w health, relish for lunch and dinner and re stores the faculty of digention and nervous an 1 mutton- Isr energy to moment enfeebled. We °street a few out of 60.00 , cures Cure N 0.1711. Lord Wart de Beebe% of many yeare' dyspepsia. Case No. 61,511 From the Rev. James T. Campbell, Si dentine Rectory, near Fekanhain, Norfolk, Dec. Isisn. Gentlemen: I have long known mid appremated the vi' tees of Du Barr?* Revalente Aribica Fpod At one time took it for eighteen months and wtiorklnftr I feel unwell, I take it for breakfast. When taken by itself in this way. it invariably relsevee the stomach and prepares it for other food; while at the name time it given the patient Kg good a breakfast ne lie could desire. In all wizened' indiseation. and partionlarly when the liver fe morn than usually affected, I consider it the beet of all remedies. ft residues the bile and makes it flow in cases which would not &omit of mercury in any shape. , In ehort• healthy low of bile 18 one of its earliest end beet symptoms. Yi.n can make what bee you plow of this communication. I am. gentlemen, yoitre, ke., JAMES T. Casiventn. Cure N 0.42.832. Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia, nervonenese, asthma, cough. constipation, flatulency, &howls mid vomiting. have teen removed by Du Barry's excellent Food. Mania Jour. Care No. 475, of Mr. - Serigant-at-Law Wilkins: I have taken the ..itevalenta Maiden for the last nix weeks and have greet Titmouse in bearing vitrifies to its efficacy. For years before I had recourse in excel. lent food I had been s tormented mere or lees by'dyt. pepsin. I am now enjoying pnrfeat "digestionotnil all the consequent edam/tenet,. I am, my dear sir. your truly obliged friend, Cuentes WILKINS. B. L. Cnre N 0.6.1,216. Field hfarebal the Duke of Pluskow, o r a, people. constimon. norm:mem= and liver com plaints, which had riveted all baths and medical treat ment. CureNo.l7.l2l. Aliso thealsoth Jacobi!, of extreme nervousneu. Indigestion, gatherings, low spirits, and nervous fancies. --, • Similar tentimonials from Dr. Ure, Dr. Harvey, Dr. Sherlund; Dr. Cam ell, and many thousand other re spectable parties who can he referred to Packed with full instruction* in eanisten, 81.14 to 812. The hitter carriage free on receipt of cash. Bold at the Revelenta Arabian food Despot, gl.l South Third street, Philadelphia, be H. al UNRG, Principal Agent for the United States. W. Parma. , Chestnut and Twelfth street*. D. L. Steakhouse, iislith and Oren streets. Ha/Wham and E. B. ciarke, Alain street, Germantown; and through nil Grocers and Chanting. jal4-Im-stuth THE ALL-SUFFICIENT THREE 1- - TRIESEMAR, 1 9, and 3, protected by Royal Letters retest of England , and admired by the Seals of the ticide de Sharniesie de Parte, and the Imperial College el Medicine, Vienna. No. is invaluable for eshauation, a permatoniusa, and all Ordeal. disabilities. No. 2 tOnsistely eradicates all traces or th ore disearse that have been iiith e rto treated by the nauseous and Der- Melons ale of covelvia and cubes. N 0.3 bas entirelYeueente4 the Diurioue nse pr mer cury, thereby insuring the sufferer speedr verging all Impurities, and rooting put the venom of dm ease. TRIESEMAR, N 05.1. 0. and 3, are praparod in the form of a lozenge, devout of taste and amell, and can be retried in the waistcoat socket. Sold in tin caeca, and divided into eeparate donee, an administered by Velpeen. Lallemand. Roux:Rivard. &u. Price 95 each, or tour oaaes foroo. wbiph *twee 83 Land in 1821 nes es, where byi there s a saving of 89. To be tutu, wholesale. and retail. of Dr. BARROW, 199 Blseokat street, Mew York. Sold also at RetnAlr CALLEN k 00., corner THIRD and WALNLI Streeter, P and by T. W. DIOTT 80 I, 218 !North SECOND Street, Wholesale and Retail Agents for Pennsylvania. n22-dam ZOLLIOKOFFER'S ANTI-RTIEUMATIO CORDIAL.--,sm: I have been afflicted with rheu matism for a long eriod—a parboil of the time had no use of my limbs. Tried sour Cordial, and in three days I was able to walk down stairs, and in a week the pain entirely telt me. Ido cheerfully recommend the Cor dial to those who are attipted with that dread lel man- Vaint. Yours, /an. W. Newror, Broker, ItiT Pine et. Prepared by THEODORE DILKB. Chemist, N. B. corner PIN), and FiIXTII ate. nl4-3m BREAD pIIRE AND CHEAP BREAD, , MANUFACTURED BY TEE MECHANICAL BAKERY. CAN BY OBTAINND AT TUT YOLLOWINI PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, B. W. eornerof Broad and Vine streets. C.M.I r street, below H. V. th eorner Sixth and Coates street. .I.&1110 le BON, ,N 0,266 North Fifth street. , JOHN Q. SIOXEY—. N 0.1213 Vine street. T. P. MUM.— . —No. NS North Fifth street. S. E. oorner Fifth and Sprnoe streets. W. W. MAT1LEW8..........-13. E. corner Eleventh and Louth areas. D. KNI:ORT...—. —.Broad meet, below Wel-, GEORGE GARVIN ----11T.1 . 419 Lombard street. W. corner Sixteenth _lkrid Pine streets. WM, COURTNEY—,.—.rio, 606 South Twelfth. _ . . , D. R. WANAMAKER—....—F rtg e r t eil street, above Sixth. S. LENTZ..........—...--Coner South Fourth and Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND.— W.oorner Sixteenth an Ogden streets. DAVID 260 North Eleventh street. J.WEIOHTAIAN—..........Thirteenth street, below Thom B. B. TOMEINS. BO 14 & a c t o r :t a li 13 Front • . street. II BROOKS.— W. corner ott Seventh and Pine streets. F. MORRIS.— W. corner Tenth and E. B. TURNER. Ntoth. str o ng h Front _ _ street. . J. W. rer Broad and Parris streets. THOS. T. BLEST elerryi tid meteenth street Ilk B. DOWN N ' . ll E, enf , :e i r v lt u n e tit and _ Federal strati'. L'ldelNTyßK_____.—Twenty.ssoond street, ab. ALES. FULLERTON...—. ditit t r tf Find and Chris tian. MRS. E. RAM8LER............N0. UM Coates NOW. D. F. tc. T. W. WOLF--0.33 Girard avenue. WM. McCRACKEN— —2201 Hamilton street. R. R. BEABLY W. corner of Twelfth JULIUS KLEIN— Ban4.m:.',.":Mtriebnth and Parrish street." M. NIPFEB--... --......—. N. corner of Fourth end Green street. MRS. F. —B. W. corner Tenth and Oreen street. I. L. N. J., store 119 —Arch street. O. PhitadelphiaoSeth st. eve ford road. N, YARNELL,—.—.......llgreurna. Joari BARNDT-- --Tremont mid Pine Grove enn4. OEO. B. TOWNSEND.-- Weet Chster, Poims M.'MaCLEEB..-..,.—.......,At1ant10 Gab N. J. D, HORTON --Florence, N. J. S. F. tf F,BERLEIN Columbia, Pa. JB9- jIECHANICAL BAKERY ] S. W. Corner n- I3ROAD and VINE Streets. This establishment is now io successful operation . day and night. and all are respectfut invited to call and sea the whole proems of bread-mak ng for themselves. The gudersigned takes the li rty of saying that Ibr thirty-live years he has been a practical Allier—five as asprentfite r and five as journeyman in one of the fi rst nausea In. Scotland , and twenty-five as master—during which, time he has had the opportunity of making inany expenments, and observing all the improvements whioh have Peen made during that period. •In this establishment, of which he has now man. 'moment r in addition to the complete sa y i n g labor• ma chinery; he hat how facilities of many kinds not herald fore possessed. • . Being unrestrained In the purchase of flour . none but the "soundest and best shall ever he need and he has no hesitation in saying that Bread of all kinds can he de iiVered, uneurpassed in quality and weight by that matte by the ordinary p.rocals. ' 'Families in which the Bread made by the Meohanicial Bakery has not been tried, or ip which it hes beep tried out/ at Its oommerementi before t h e machinery was in perfect workg o o rd er, l ire reepept utly risked to give it a trial now, the 1311prvia(' believing it would lead to mutual advantage, , JOHN 0. IVIOXBY, getfig-tf Superintendent DEAF MADE TO DEAR.—lnstrumentß in every variety. and of the most improved eon onruetion. to extent the hearing, nt the _Bar Instrument Depot. P. ItlADElittell, 115 Bouth TENTH k treat, below Otteataut. 11° COPARTNEIiSIIIP NOTICES. LIMITED • PARTNERSIIIP.—NOTICE ‘--," 1B HERESY GIVEN, That the Subseribers have formed and entered into a Limited Partnership. under theprovisions of the Lawe of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That the name of the firm or partnership William D. Edson, and the general nature of the business the Manufacture and Sale of Boots and Shoes. That Wit ham D. Edson is the General Partner. and John Saun ders and Macpherson Saunders are the Special Part ners. all residing in the City of Philadelphia. The capital in cash contributed by the Swint Partners is Ten Thousand Dollars. each oontributinz Five Thou sand Dollars. The Partnership commences this TENTH DAY eF JANUARY. 1360, and is to terminate DE CEMBER 81,1841. WILLIAM D. EDSON, General Partner. JOHN SAUNDERS, AIACPHERSON SAUNDERS, Special Partners. jail:d6w letnuari 10th, 1&0. %IDE FIRM OF S. D. EDSON & CO. HAS - 11 - been diteolved by mutual °anent. WILLIAM D. EDSON will settle up the business of the old firm. The business of the Manufacture and Sale of Boots and Shoes will be continued at N 0.12 North FOORPII Street, by WILLIAM D. EDSON, under a Limited Pattners4 thin day formed between him and JOHN /MUNI/ and MACPHERSON SAUNDERS. SARAH P. EDSON, WILLIAM D. EDSON. January 10th, 180. .1.11.1 m NOME OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Wherein we, the subscribers, have this day re newed and continued fora farther period of three years, s hereinafter mentioned, the limited partnerehip en tered into on the Slot day of Vecember. A. D. 1858. to commence on the let day of January, A. D. 1867, under the provision. of the Act or the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penneylvani, approved March 2 ist, ma, entitled "An Act relative to Limited Partner shipi," and nil other enactments of the said General Assembly relative to Limited Partnerships—now, there fore, in compliance with the provoking of the said en actmente we publish the terms of slant original and renewed Limited Partnership. as follows: First. The name or fi rm under which the said original and renewed 'Amami Partnership wan and is to be con ducted is that of J. T. KATE 6r. BCHOTTLER. Second. The general nature of its business was and is that of Men:thaws in a general Foreign and Domestic, Commission Business in the (say of Phil...dolphin, and also in the business of Importing and Exporting end Vending Merehandise on account of the said Limited Partnership. Third. The said Limited Partnemhip wee and is corn- IM'ed ofJORN TR EOPHILUS PLATE, who resides in the city of Philadelphia • of CARL, C. SCHOTTLER, who resides in the said city of Philadelphia, and CHRISTOPRER F. PLA'I'N. whose place of residence is. at present. in the tree Hanseatic, city of Bremen. The said John Theophilus Plate and Carl C. Puhottler were and are all the general partners in the eaul nil and renewed Limited Partnership. and the said Chris P. Plato was and is the only special part ner therein. Fourth. The speeded partner, the said Christopher F. Plate, ciontributed,antually and in good faith, in cash, the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars to the capital or cominonstook of the said original Limited Partnership, no_patt of which has been withdrawn therefrom. Fifth. The said original Limited Partnership 00111- mooed on the first day of January, A. D. 1857, and was to have terminated on the 61st nay of Decemnlr, A. D. 1869, but the same has been renewed and continued for the further period of three years from the nist day of December, A. D. 1859, and wilt terminate cm the 31st day of December, A. U. 1895. Philadelphia, Deo. 811,0859. .1. THEOPII. PLATE CARL IR:BOTTLER, CUR. FR, PLATE, By his Attorney in fact ej eat w GODFREY FREYTAO. D SSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The _partnership heretofore existing between SAMUEL STEVENSON, SMITH BDWEN, and DAN IEL H. _di AMERMAN, under the firm of STD y EN SON & BOWEN Jo this day dissolved by the death of Smile' Stevenson. The limners ni the late firm will be settled at the old stand, 33 North THIRD Street. Philadelphia, Deoember 31,1868. COPARTNERSHIP NOTIOE.—The un deraikned. late of the firm of 8 VEVENSON & OW EN, have this day formed a copartnership under the stile_ of SMITH BOWEN & CO., end will contin ua the Dry Goods Jobbing Rosiness at No. 13 North THIRD MOO. SMITH HOWL N, DANL. 2,t. ZIM MERMAN. Philadelphia, January'2. 1860. Js27.mwtat • DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of B. & F C. YARNAI,I4 ?r, 00., is thus day dissolved by mutual consent. BUIS YA.R.N ALL, FRANCIS 0. YARNALL, Jossru TRIMBLE, Philadelphia, Jan. 16.15.60, LIMITED PARTNERSRIP.—AgreeabIy to the pro- Vigil:Mil of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled An net relative to limited part rough pm," the subscribers hare formed a limited Part , ...hip, under the name and firm of YARNALL & TRIMBLE, for the transaction of the business oflm porting and Pealing in Sods.• Ash. and ether homicati and Conceal Merchandise. m o ttle clAy of Philadelphia. ELLIS YARN ALL. residing in the Tweetv-tintkward, of the pity of Philadelphia. JOSEPH TRIM SLR, re— siding lathe city of Camden. in the litate of Now'Jer soy, and CIIARLe HAW residing in the Eighth ward, of the city of Philadelphia. are the Gene. ral Partners, and FRANCIS C. YARNALLresiding in the county of Montgo miry, in the State oh 'Penns mania, is the only l pool tl Partner. rind ling contributed to hi capital of the sold part nerehi IN and actually paid in oath the gum of fifty thousand dol hire. The said part nership ma to porninence on the 16th day of January, ;6.6 in 0, and torma j. .! i o n the W day of December, 2. AAR YARNALI.. lON KPH. TR CHARLES R RTSRO,V,NR. General Farther!. ERANCIS C. Y.aRNAL. Special Peeper. Philadelphia, January 16,1860. .ll4o•lmw D — • ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIP.— „ M The partnersiOpiieretofore existing under the firm of OR AllB JONES & CO. expired on the Slut ulti mo, hydimitsgig. ginior of the . partnan adl nee the COB Y . JONES and irerirefe Dbvikts;(3. ftolo bummed, mid the temainiuN pertuere havefOrmed9ssrt nerahip. 18R MI. la ANDREW Wligrai Philadelphia, January 1,1660. CIOPARTNEASIEP NOTICE.--ISRAEL MORRIS. JOSEPH. If. WHEELER, and AN DREW W HPELYR. partners in the late firm of MOR RIS 8: JONES & 0.. have Him del fOrrnsd a mart nership, under the rm of MORE 5. WHEELER, & CO.. and will cent:nue the Iron and Steel busmen' in all its hrsunhsges Itere , ofore enndueted, at the old stand, .MalIKE* 0114 BLXTEF.NTH Streets. , Plillade ohm. Januar,' .18a). 114-tf JOB PRINTING. TUE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE "THE PRESS" 1 prepared to exeoute need?, obeePli and exPedltinrudY want DZIORIPTION OF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, PAMPHLET, PAPER HOOKS; BLANKS OF EVEkil OFt3CRIPTION, YOSTBRA, ILANDBILLB, printing for AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, • WERCILANTB, MANUFACT MORI% ..'6 MECHANICS, DANES, RAILROAD AND INBUILANOH 1401. All orders left at the Publication Office of 27ir Press, N 0.417 CHESTNUT STREET, will be promptly ttended to. 1016-tf SAVING FUNDS. RPRING GARDEN SAVING "POND SO OIETY OF PHILA_DELPHIN Office, No.llll TH Street (Oonsolidation a i f But int.) CHARTERED BY THE E PHA URIC OFPENN SYLVA la. Deposits received in sums of Ono Dollar and_upsraos, rind repaid in Gold, without notioe, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Irtitation has log been needed in the Northern pert of t e oily, and "Te Spring garden Savings Fund Society ' was chartered the Legiolature of Pennsylvania to supply this enemas. The Managers. In organising and locating it, have boon governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the Mud nem interest , and wants too the very la roe and enterpri sing population,?jAlahNur i sould§.l. From to o'illook; also, on Mond and Thursday Sofro I until fl o'clock in the evening. XAMAGIgne. iorAtepoilt.gstt, ' Ill'lhil!iin.gtilit. awl Undaricofinr. mons Hart, won't Ptcnke, oesph Leularer An Kessler, it., Hants a neoht. amen 8. Pringle, CD Dna oaaph M. Crowe% ~ . on. Wrattlwardr• Simile Womppor, .T. T 01 later 0. Hilmaner, It, a &on. AMER FINAL'. , reindant i FRAHM UAlLT.Bearetexi. 11100-tf LI SAYING, FUND.--lINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, oornor THIRD and CHEST NOT Stroets. Liargaand small snms retelved_. and rutid, heat oa de, maud without notice, with FIVE PER. INTF, tiliVil o gr t a h 4 747l tr.; tt ot . A tin t d :jel r y 7lit t y hd L e a r on NON mAY Ei.INOS from 7 untni °Wools. oa DRAFTS for sale on Enaland, I reload , and Soodand, from £1 upwards ttesident-13TVIEN R. CRAWFORD. Treaeurer—JA ES R. HUNTER, fluty FMK. Actuary. RAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREBT.—AATIONAL SAFETY TRUTT CONI- Will W phl i a l : N goV4lZeitrilt7t r e n :lATlM 11 16 Money ip raoplyed In any sum, large or email, and in tared paid from tas drawal. 9,97 of deposit to the day of with- The offl a y , I. open every day fy„orn 9 o'olook in the ramp a g y o :too i k il l ie o lv i enie, and on Monday gi n E9l ll d, RIDGE , °DINNER, e l = t it WOMAN J. an, Seeretary. 1111111020R1. In. Mum L . Benner, f, Carroll Brewster. ward L. Carter, o f f:1 0 111/0:rr , ;I r e\ 11. 1 4t rn sdlti , ossoh — artio, Landretn Mums, James L. Stephenson. °nay ia received and payments matte daily. he investments are made, in conformity with the provision, of the Charter, in Real Zstate hfortgasen, Strom' Rant', and such fi nt-olasa securities m wilt al ways JUNTO offset 'security to the depositors and which cannot tali to lave permanency and stability to this Institution. • ant-lly COAL. DICKORY, AND LO CUST AIOUNTAIN. carefully acreencd and pia ed. Satisfaction warranted. th hi, If. BUNTING. x 11.191• 20110M4.0WiiMbSimet. - 11101)8EKEEPE1tS LOOK. TO YOUR -&-Ainterest. Huy your COAL AT 1110K8', where nothing nut the very best ( tUtlifY of Lehigh end Schuyl kill pool is offered at the °Howie' radioed prices: Lehigh,firolfon, El f , Stove... ..... .../0 yo ton. tokuylgll, • Warranted free - lieu; loge or due and full welght. at )11QKS' ,tard,. melanoma corner MARSHALL and WILLO I ... Call and see. one-em W. GROOMS & CO., " Santee 110 Routh FOURTH Btrea. AND Pbn e tl ri Tak i ir dy tgl/YLICILL OY• Loons t MountaiB, ?Anion, and Bohny Iderebandiee taken en wharkee. ole-em HICKORY AND SPRING} MOUNTAIN LEHIGH cdAth_proinred Itithonre, for_plo t ardVaaAg i eng K"W"l6'B ne"t. raNTir .»-tf pEPPER.L—An invoice received, and fo PEPPER.-An 9910 by WEVIERILI, & IMOTHRIL 1191 Na.. 47 and 49 North SECOND Rtront. cl AL AMMONIA—For sale ETII 1 '0 ,7 ERTL], & BROTHEL 4T end 49 NOR W TH RE OOND fit•ent. iato OTL AMBER—Rectified and Common, for sale by WETHRHILL & BROTHER, sad 4i North SECOND BOW. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24. 1860. TO WEST OIIESM. .sm.: - and intermediate colds, via ME DIA. Trains for West Chewer leave Philadelphia from the Depot. northeast corner of EIORTHENTII and Id ARK ET Streets, at 810 A. hi, and t and 4 301', M. On 8 UNDAI'B ntl3 15 A. M.. and 2 P. M. llama ere for Mations en tlin PHILADELPIII A . and BALTIMORH CENTRAL. RAILROAD will talse the 13.10 A. M., and 410 P. M. Tiaias jxlll-ti pilN.l PENNSYLVANIA LI EEr'lt A L RAILROAD. 1860. %tfi - :'.!-:r 1860 THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD 18 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY._ THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and uil points Eant, and in the Union beret at Pittsburg with Through Tnuns to and (torn all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for spud and comfort by arty other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conduotors. All throuei Pail sensor Train, provided with Lougluidge's Patent Brake—speed underperfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the sanity of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train,. Woodruff's Bleeping Cars to Express agd Pest Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Arad and Fast Linen, hen daye exceptod. ...Mail 'Pram leaves Philadelphia at 8 A. M. . Fast Line " II 60 A. 111. Express Train letwee " MOO P. 51, WAY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Acoommodation, via Columbia, 8 P. M. Columbia 4.00 P. M. Parkesburg 1230 P. Pd. West Chester Passengers wilt take the Mall, Parkes burg and Columbia Trains. Paesengers for Sunbury, Willianumort, Elmira, Bun, 10, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia ate A. M. go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Erietward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Maulers ou the Mississippi or Ohio Mere. in , Fare always as low, and time as amok, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger bop. Southeast opener of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western °animations of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicagomake this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN WEB P TH . EAST AND THE GREAT The ootinection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the easing of time,are advantages jeadilr epprociated by Moaners of Freight, And the Travel ling Public, „Merchants rind Millipore entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this company, can rely with coal d e'Ntek?slasTY traesiC. Vrt i .giGMT to and from any boint in the eat by the Penns I Railroad are at all time: as favorable as are charged by ether Railroad C W a leflp s itrt looter to mark packages" via Penna. Rail road. • . For Freight Contracts or Shipping Direetions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany: D. A. STEWART, Piltehurg; H. S. Pierce & Co, Banesville,O.; J. J. Johnston Ripley, 0.; It. McNeely, Mayeville, Ky.; Ormsby & &•ropper, Portuniouth, O.; Paddock & Jellersonvi e, Indi ana 11. W. Brown /r. Co., Cincinnati, O.; Athern Hibi,ert, Cincinnati, 0.,• R. C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind.; Jos. K. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; I'. O. O'ltiley k, Evansville, led.; N. W. Oranam & Co., V1111V,_111.4 R. N. Sites. & Clams, St. Louie, Blo_.l John H. Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt. gleraphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, Ill.; W. H. H. Koonta, Alton, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different nouns in the We IL J. SNSEDER, Philadelphia. MAORAW & KOONS, AO North street, Baltimore. LEECH Er. CO., 2 Astor Hence, or 1 S. William at., N.Y. LEECH & CO., No. 17, State street Boston. H. L. HOUSTON, Conl Freig ht Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT. Gent Ticket gent, Phila. THOS. A. SCOTT, Ogiel Supt Altoona, Pa. JaS4y 1859. Room 1859. WINTER ARRANOEMENT-NEW YORti LINER. TUE CAAIDEN AND thll3OY AND MLA DELPEIA AND TREN ON RAILHOA uo. , a LINEs, FROM PII LADLLPHIA TO NEW' YORK AND WAY PLACER. 9110 M WALNUT-891MT WIZARD AND Inrisineron, Wilt leave as follows, viz : rams. At 6A. If., via Camden and Amboy, Cam. & Am. Aocommodation ..- • -- .--...-• 213 121 At 6A. , via Camden and Jolley Oitydrfew Jersey lAccommodation- ..... ISI At 9 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning a 00 At ICC, via Kensington and Jersey * Ceti, Western_ Express- .......... ..... .... ...... 300 At 1333 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aimommo dation-- .... 2 25 At 3 Ir. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. & A. Ex- AV:VI Cni — inirje 'dig, a °° At 43. P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, SI Clam Ticket ... . . .—..•— 936 At 8 P. M., via Camden and - Jersey City Evening At . AL, via Camden and Jersey Lity,Routhern 15 (Freight and l'abgenger)igy. L0111111 3 f1eket........ 2 Ott Cinag 160 Thee P. M. Mall Line ruse daily. The 41 Y.M. South ern Mail. Saturdays encepted. . For Belvidere. Easton. Flemington. &e.. at A. M. from Walnut-street wharf. and 3 P.M. from Kerman ton. For Mauch Cheek, Allentown, and Bethretiens, at 6 A. Lehigh Valley Railrkad. For Water Oap,Strondaburg, Roranton, Wilkesterre, El,,VT:agfe:ntir "tlignitgl4l43onArl. M., via Delaware, For Moutterally, ate and 9 A. M., and I And Oi P.M. For Pipette 08 A.lll. and WAY LINES For Bristol, wrot44, .Ico, et ,2 and lid P. U. from Ken sington. For Palmyra, IteVerton.Delanco, Dsveyly,Durlingt3n, Dordentown, he., at 124,3, and 4.% P. M. Fitt) pounds of baggage only ahowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Wl gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Y pounds 1.0. be paid for extra. The company iunirt lair faumbooty for baggage to one dollar per pound, any Iftifeetteliell3o mg any amount beyond 9100, except ageoial Ontrhgt. WM. H. ORTSMER. Agept dRi Pronden mid Aplboy 41.4 t. Co. 414114PAri, PHILAPELPIII4, GM' VP MANTON AND NORRIS TOWN - WINTER. ARRANOEMENT— On and after MONDAY , Nov. 11, 1E69, FOR OEIOMANTOWN. 147ve Philadelphia 6, 7,7.40, 9, ID, ii, and 12 A. M., 1, g 6% 87 8 9,10, and 11% P. M. t' 6 , 7: 7)5 q N t h), 4, 411,traNkiefiltii,: Leave Philadelphia 9.03 min. A. .4 1 , 696, and s4,' P. 41, Leave Germantown 8.10 nub . A. ~ LIO min.,4%, and , 9 P. AL GRESTN UT HILL RAILROAD. Leave EhGadelphis 0,11 A. AL, 2,4, lOC 7, and 10 PAC Leavo Obestent Will i 741, (Iv. and 12.40 A. /11.. M 40 8.40 D, 6.40, 6., mei ON SU DAVd, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 A. 41.,11,and 614 P. M. eave 0666tnut Hill 7.68 A. la.. UM, 540, andB.4o min. , P. Id. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. t, NINO rillißoBl,phlM 0,9, 11GL min., A. M.,1.05, 8.46, DX. ari_d 11X P. AL aye Norristown 9,7, 9, 11 A. H., IN. and 6 P. AL ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9A. M. and P.IIIL Leave Norristown 7 A. Al, end 6 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. ,4 1...ev0 7 Ph . nos A. M.,1.40,1.01, LOA t o t: 4V d s rpiik 1 94 9% and 11N A. 31.. 9. 3. ON 8171).9.1 1 Leave Diladalola 9A. b , 3,4 0 . 1 KK K /ASV , raanirtv . at v .a 1%, to ng Y ¢¢ . .19-tr ni ,, ,T.liiiv`flrLd drag strg.: CIRCULARS, BILL IIEADS &IS. VA l 7 .4 ll ° A kt ;t l ii,LRPOENNSYL WINTER ARRANGEMENT For BETHLEHF.III, I)OYI,ESTOWN, EASTON. ALLENTOWN MA LIO7I CHUNK, HAZLETON. • 0 . J.,4 aOpr i VllDAX o .yem t l i m A r' s ltit. IT iv Paean- WTSVafil,%4 mrst or R o n uopt l edli O &mu ' For Bethlehem Easmil, +molt' , Mauelt ()hunk, Hazleton, /co.( Kip. ess,) at 9 .N 'IL ' 4or Bethlehem, ( Literal's,/ it 0.30 A. M. and 5 Y. .M `'of Doylestown . (Aocsommodation.) at 540 A. M and 4151,. Al* Fort W'elnla i ltrootrunodatierily at 5 P.M. Denys Pgralorn, (ExProl l , 1 11 1 48:81. an, 4.10 F. M. ai t o rer ear Wawa, (4,goommoda on,/ at 7A. 51. and Leave Fort Washato s tK i terfflutdation.)atZ A.M. NM :lg. fort g a t i i i II:" A. M. oiViirollli f i o gfel Ph k i f i r 4 A P lllll a p t iAit A , at ' 740 r 141. are to Bethlshala, Or • to Mauch Chunk , . 111 6D' to Easton. /5150; to Voris train, 59 oents. ' ' Through flatlets, must e promised lish,rp entering the Oars. All Paseerger Trains (except Sumby Trains) ans. hoot at Berks street with Fifth and Math-streets, and Second and Third-streets Paseenger Railroads. 07 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. COMPANIES an gown PHILADELPILIA L W LL MINGTON, AND BALTI: MOR AILROAD. On and after MONDAY. November 21,1820, PASSENGER Tfoxis LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For Baltimore at 8.16 A. .51., 12 noon, (Laren, ) and 11.10 P. 91,, For sir tey at 8.18 A. M. U noon, 4.00, and 11.10 I'. M. orilitington at 8.16 A. M.. 12, 4.30, and 11.10 P.M., ti SA. N.. no 4.10 P. M. .CO " ; Middletown a e3 813 A. M., and 4.30 P. 21, ever at 8.18 A. I. end ID P. M. for Word at 8.15 A. al.. and 4..P0 P. M. or Seaford at 8.141 A. hi., and 1.30 P,K. or Laurel at 8.15 A. M., and 4.30 l'.lll. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M., (I?..tpreita,i 10.15 A. M., and 638P.M. LeaptiNilmingto r qt‘t 7.16 A. M. and 1130 A. AL,l.Mand p. save Laura! at WA.. Ai r and 3.40 P. M. Leave Seaford at 5.46 A. ~ and 4.05 p. ht, Leave Milford at 7.60 A. and 4.51. Leave Dover at 9.03 A. hl., and 6.00 P ht. ,eave Middletown at 10 A. M. and 7.03 P. M. ~,eave New Castle at 10.55 A. M. and 8 I'. M. • r .eave ghegter at 0, 12 A. M. 2.22 and 0.18 M., a fre 4 l6 B AI! humors for Laurel and Delaware'Rjulroad : PRAIE/0 FOR BALTIMORE • Leave ChliatAr at SO A. M., 14 yd and 11.41.)y.M. A Lean Wilmington at 9.33 A, M., 1048 P. L, l a d . /d. 19.76 SUNDAYS Oil! at 11 . 10 P. M., from _Philadelphia to Baltimore. 0 ly at 6.25 P. 61,_. from Haiti mime to Philadelphia, FR lanT TRAIN with PASS WIDER OARattaehed. trill run as follow,: Leave Philidaiipitia for Perryville and intermediate einem! at S I'. ht. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and letormediate plaoea at 4.55 P. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate planes at 3.46 P. M. Leaye Baltimore for Stemmer'e Run, Chase's, and Harewood at 3.04 P. M. no S. M. FELTON. ?resident. 1,. 011 ESTER RA 1,- W I SERROAD TRAINS vl.. PENNSYL- A IA BAIT ROAD. Leave Depot eon I. LEVEN .111 and MARKET ttreet". daily, (except Sunder.) at 8 A. Al., 12.30 P. M., and 4 P. 91. Leave Welt Cheater a, 7.20 A. 31., 10.30 A. M.. and 3.M11'. M. la /1-r PIIILADELPLUA AND o fttllM 111 , 1Nt i ft k l LIT.OAD LINE— Maio, Rook Island, giagara wl u s re ult I . l a u , l ll l° r . I ngton, Montreal, St. Paul's, Detroit,' Ilunlieth e , and it Louis. Passeger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Real ing Railroad Ile pot, corner BROAD and DAL LOW h Stre etsDAI LY • (Sunda , . m ego ted,) as follows: 7,,50 m., 19gt EX ratifi. For Elmira, Niagara Fa a. Buffalo., Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, oleos, PauPs.Burlingtun, and St. Louts. &ad P. ht., ItIfORT EXPRESS. • For Elmira,_Ningara Falls, Buflolo,Detroit, CllloBBor ttlittoute, i ßook Galenadit. P'aul'a Burlington. 8 1 'l s t i g. I T Rirßtßii;t4,lll4 . .; ll6 tl r t e t i o n n s . •.',:notehreugg; Valley Branch. e 7.00 A. hi. train oonneots at Report for Wilkes boro, Pittston, Soranton, and all stations o c llie LACK- AwANNA AND BLOOMIIBURG RAILR OA D . Baggage checked to Elmira, Budalo, and Suspension Bridge. Tickets can be procured at the_PhlStdelphia and Einorn_Railroad Line ~_. . Prket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and Oil '',STNI..T Streets and at the P6BBoo' ger DVANif t yrr ACM D. and ti t 'A,LLOWII , II.L. LA rit s k, , SS F. b. 16 1 -1 1. 1 N Leaveethhhhe De t, Br, West " fr e .fh7g3 te nielt or b: delivered Pltg before Pi. "Pnugr further toe apply at Freight Deot, BROAD, below Vine, Or to CRAM. S. TAPPLtkpepev,l Agent, W. ooku4r EIIKTIR and ORJKISTN r PHILADELPHIA AND REA DINO RAIL, R AD, 11.1MLRIE, for rows VILLE, READ LNG and HARRISBURG, Leaves the now Dcoot, at corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Scs, (entrances on Oallowhill,) at 7.30 A. HARRIS' ) _Wonders excepted for POTTS VILI,E, RO, end an intermediate points, connecting at Harrisburg with trains r.Phing to Pats burg, Ohninbershurg, Carlislejliinhurv. o. AFTERNOON Loy. at :vit. At,. DAILY, for P TTSVILLE and HARISBUFW. At 4.30 P. ~DAILY, (Btia.layseXCepted,) for READ. ING, and intermedutta pomte. A , H. Mr 11,14 FINNY. Mnratnrr NOTICE,--CHESTER sigiiillneVALLEy RA I toROMO—PA 3. BRNO KR Itt.lNg FOR DOWN I NO' OWN AND IN. TERMRD AT STATIONP.—On end after alb Decein her, 1869, t e assentor Trains for DOWN iNtiT9WI4 will start from the new mteengor Dopt of the ?lido delphla rind fl GA4411 1 I itiload ()orogen,. rorner or P ROAD and CA LipWRILL litreeta, (paseenger en. trbati,eitralloinNeonyiLAwhilAl for Downingtown, !eaves at 7.30 A. 1. A PYRNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at ited P aL DAILY (Bootle))s egoeptadd Dy order of the Board 01 Memnon of the Philadelphia end Reeding Itharoetd_Commnr. 0 W. ii. oII.BIONY. 80retuT. RAILROAD LINOS. 200 MILER DOUBLE TRACK WINES AND LIQUORS. CHARLES HEIDSIOK • CHAMPAGNE. GEORGE WHITELEY. No. Is 6 SOUTH FRONT STRRET, Is appointed Agent or the utile of the above unri valled brand of, OIXAMPAGNE, And Wore it to the Trade at the LOWEST NEW YORK RATES. 500 Whets, Quarts and Pinta, now in Donn. Ate-tf WECALL ATTENTION 4:11 4 THE rßApti to thin jenny soperior emote ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A nerdy in assorted K. , gases constantly ou hand. y‘gmiierareaelved for th reat importation. a—Honess Cognac., Leßoy Cognac, London and Holland Gins, Claret In Wood end Cases Champagnes, high and low priori,. LON(.I3OIHAhir. Importer. ol(1-43m 517 South FRONT. hilMelphia. GEORGE WHITELEY A No. lea SoulkpßONT Street, Importer of Brandy, wines, &0., alters for Bale, In bond only, the followu2g, among other standard brands of brunly r Ril7:,'Nrtg,Tct. C ,°" Chard D i vau7 Co.. A. Beim:tette, Martlt, isth 212,2128*, Ctirl ' ul'rop'rtetorg.;ll;' ‘ Jas. Henna , ). Apo, Btuart's Palmy Malt Whinge) , , and the oholoest vareties of Madeira, Sherry, Port, Burgundy, and Rhine Wines, Palm Tree OM, /Realm' Rum, Santa erns Rum. Bordeaux Oil. &0.. &a 537-ly NOTICES. ros.—OFFTOE OF THE DELA WARE Am) RARITAN CANAL Aro CAM .DEN AND A M Hoy RAILROAD ANL T3tANdPOR -IATION CONIPANIP.B. PHIN , ETON, NEW Jxxeer , iftrl.l3. MO. The Rireotorsof the etinyto Core_panive have this day declared a, Divulend of [MX PEN CENT. out of the sanitises of the last six months, payable to the etook holdetils their lesai representives, on and alter TCEEI the 24th day o! January inst., by RICHARD SHIP A NN, at the Companies ' O ffi ce, in Philadel2l9ll, and by IRA BLISS, at P.O Office of those Companies in Piovr York, RICHARo STOCKTON, Jar-12r JAB. H. ORREN, Treasurers. NOTICE TO BRTDOE BUILDERS—, Tbe CARBON IRON COMPANY will receive eropotaie until the 20th day of February next far build ing an Iron or Wooden Railroad Bridge over the Le high River. opposite their work. CO Perryville, ix the county of tarbon. The length lei I be about three hun 'dred {lnd Illy (3101 feet, to either three or four spans, ',lngle true . Pro . poarde received. and further particulars obtained on applioation at Perryville to the underidgn ed. DEISINN. BADMAN, President. December 118161859. .1.31..dtfe99 rf9RN .EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel- N-) Pbt&l, N0v.28, nu. At an Ideation held on the'glet instant the following gentlemen were chosen Directors °Mil Bank i telander.g.Cattell, Joseph Lindeay, Alexander K. neir, Be muei T. Canht, mee Steel,. John F. (frogs, around A. Bonder, Fades Knecht, Alexander Whlldin, avid Vanderroer, Rush Craig, hitip 11. Mingle, Christian J. Hoffman. Arid at the meeting of the Board Tills DAY, the fol lowing officers were unanimously 040_0,4 : A: fi:RPTif,',MI, c T r e e i si d d ' e l ii t t. d2-tt J. W. I'ORRL.Y. Cashier. AT 0 T I CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT z the Copartnership under the firm of BECK alt & DELI, Yves dissolved on the fourteenth day of Da anyobor Inst. and MOSER BECKER in alone authorized to totslo the Inntinesa, and min the I tquidatiot r s fi [ EA ER, rhdadelphia, Duo.% M. dal-etu&th lm • . . Nicyriutls tiIVEN TiIAT APPLIOA- A I don will be made for a Certificate of Ponmulvaala lf ,, tati Loan, in place of one dated August.4.lBBB. N 9. 7s, 40, under eat or April P. Mt. to LOUISA JEF -1,.. Y. now lost or mislaid. ntB•3m' DUSINESU CAUDS. V B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • • SU tifiCß I PTION AGENCY, for Principal Nowa pay.ora and Paned 'cal, or Car and Country, N. E. oar. ACT Ftrill and CIiESTN CT. Addrans •" V. H. PALMER," Philadelphia. vuos. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law No, 718 Routh FOURTH Street. WALLACE BRQIIIIE4O, 37 EXCHANGE PLACE. NEW YORK. Stooks and Bonds bought and sold, on Connlaglon. FILAIWIR W.ILLLACI. EDWARD 0. 051.0DRZAD. 038-4 m• A LEX. BicKINNEY ATTOIINfi I y AT LAW, ORICENB UK°, PA. Will igualie Weerreorfland. Artpstrong, an 4 Ip -4110010WAPOI• WINZ PrILE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., 01710 E ip 0116:81'NUT Street. forwards Paroels, Peah ens, Merchandise, Hank/votes, and Seem, either by ite (Ma 05,.0r n connection with other Exyreutorn. troTt e ittfa teas. the principle tosrns ti ailsinin the • General flu eerintendent EDUCATIONAI4. VOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (WITH Primary and Hecondarr.Pentirtment attached.) o'u:Atm/et °noisy of arts Ott.EEtFtStroutu. 0 elfetatttl applY at !Ile Seam,. enxsoN, Principal. ve r m i n° on DT f,LWYN Street. lal2-/in• A INIERIOAN S(!11001, INSTITUTE is -/ - A• reliable medium throne!' which &tools and Fami lies 111S7 obtain oorntetent teachers. Parents may ob. 41, gratuitously, in monition and circulars of the best 8 00IS. 8 till WSIO.OIdAN, qo., Sla SRO DWAY, New yort, or timer 609 CHEST UT Street. Philndelphla. BIIYANT 4k, STRATTON'S NATIONAL hint cANTILE COLLE4F.I3, loonted at Philo ficlphia, O. E. corner SEVEIfiII, and CHENTNIJT; ew York, bulalo, Clevebuld , Ohicarn, and 81. Lonin. or information. call or lend for Cataluna. fee-tf ..Wro P. STEINWAY &SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, HQ II it RE GRAND. AND SQVAREI'LANOS, now pre ferred in oonrerto and in private (votes by the best performers. Received the Bret premiums over the beet mak ere, from jails MI like Gottaohalls,__fila On .~ and others. Cholla:10 all competition. BI.Ahl US BROTHERS, d5-1Y 1006 CH ESTNUT Street. • HOLIDAY PRESENTS! PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. MELOD rorr S. PIANO-FORTES MELODEON. YIAN-RoRTES. M O ELODEONS. 11:e4s hy Raven, 'Moon, k Co., ?inns & Clark, MIMI, Davie, er.. Co., and others. J. R. OOOLD SEVRNTH , __ tied CITESTNUM OLUCKERING & BONS, LIOVACIUNERII or GRAND, 8 CARS Oil UPRIGHT WAREROOI 4 11POVATPr STREET. Gonataz,it Lin gor s e akm 'took() our BEAUTIFUL and ONLOOA . L4D INS.I tt i kIMEN 18. We have Dean erde& at th dinorent Exti tuttons in this country and S ag(OV) AM/10MR FIRST-CLAES MEDALS. PIA 08 TO RI.NT. JaSS-ly A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCHOMACKER It CO., lON CHESTNUT Street, respectfallv invite the music loving publio to (IV myna examine their new and sue oeastul lutpro‘cme PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone Tooth, and Aotion of the brand Piano icto that Of . a @snare Instrument, avoiding &lithe oldectlonagenerally made to the etrle of I band Piano, also dimoushing the coat of the same. volume, purity of tone, great power, brillianoy, full ness, depth, and evenneu of touch, with exquisite deli• SUPERIOR anu sweetness, these SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIPULLY,FINISHED IN STRUMENTS are wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums, and are proaounoed by canoe to be far su• perk), to any inetrunients ever Manufactured in this country. Constantly on band, a large_ and elegant easortment of Our unrivalled PIANOS. We Pave bean &warded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding tho Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York.ldan. ael-tf ItT 3 IPV4If?ti• R EMOVAL.. -SMALL & CHANDLER, WIJOLFRALE GROCER°. have removed from 641 North PECoND tttreet, to 123 MARKET &met. above Front, north aide. al MACHINERY AND WON. SLUM V. anniarci. T. VAV lAN lalilllttelt WILLIAM If. YRPIMP. 017TIIWARK FOUNDRY, e—r FIFTH AND WASHINGTON DTRNEIrd, k ate u rgo MER Na, ENDINE NS AND_MAOIIININTN, . i r ittattif t v l e l , i , s: n inigt o Pr r egire bteam Engines. rn itorlera, Gemmel/re. Taie.irou teats, Castinp of all kinds, either ton or rms. Iron rime Roo a or Gee Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stational, Oro. Retorts and Des blaeldnery of the latest and most ha proved °oast motion. Evergasorip i tion of Plantation Machinery, snob as w Unfit Mills, _Vaoupm pulp, Open Steam Bole Agents foTP l . 4t Elie P o u s T eTte 4 n n t Kl ern e Ar & toitin; Apparatus ; teul, Slaw limomeu eon tu s g piana n ft e Wolsey a Pa te nt Centrifugal dugar4 WI L LCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA- ClilNE.—Tlits Machine never [elle tir_five en tiT tus re lo tion. at Pr.oe iest per m il e nt, Ile tai ES NUn22-I 11 00R8irN, REAL ESTATE • DRONER AND CONVEVAklett4t, NQRRIN TOWN. ITN NA. FARM in :Montgomery, Dinka, and Chester noun tire, for sale or exchange.GOOD MORTIMDEN on forme negotiated. HANDNOMN IMF:WANDS for We in Norrin- Alen. its !Irv, MOLASSES.-150 hhda., tteroesZaud barrels, fur i sale hr AI 16-4 °EI i9MI en i )1 A CHINES which tem per.... the clay, and inakea) wo iyer day, 14,01 Presses. Tile Machines, Clay Wheels, Clay fipaitea. and oaatin . sa for Coal Riles, at IL CAIINELLT, UtlltMANTiiti.N Road. Above Fifth street ia7.6in ELVER. SOAP—A :nipple preparation for oleansine ftrh or Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors, Mar ble, &o. for more convenient and etfeotive then any other. One half the labor 01 Nouse Meaning may be saved by using this soap, which cannot possibly Injure the finest Yono white, and as no scrubbing is required, the eat input the wear of the paint is much greater than the oost of the Nohp. It leaves the surface as pure and ehrteaawhennew. Manufimiured oply Hit A.M Indexical Soap Company, and sold by the appointed ngent...lll443AM) & CO.. Apothecaries. tIONFHTNUT. EFINED BORAX, in store and for tulle WETII ER ILL & BROTHER. dti lin.. 47 and ep Nfrirt It O.IPIII/11111 Flttpkll OIL IATRONELLA---FiTr snle by r w lIERI & •T 11 - ;00 47 ..1.1 40 Nnrth NI):(111N11 litroot CIALuuTTA received, a ruporlor lot of Colnatla Twine, and for sale by WVAVEIt, FIIJ, R. k ct).. ,i 2 NCC n tor mid N. frO RN AN It SDUTIIERN 61 l' MLA li E.—A large and well. asanrleil stook of Manila Hope, manufactured and lot ale, at NOW York Price ,, 1, 1. WrA vER, FITLEII,._/t. CO., dP 6 43 lc Water at, sad SI /I, wilarnpo, INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARt MUT C UAL SAFETY EN- U CE RANIPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1315. OFFICE 8, E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Btreutg, Philadelphia. hIARINE INSURANCE N VEIiBELB, ARGO, To of parts of the WorIL 'INLAND INSUAANCEB Oa floods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Laud Carriage to all parts of the Cnion. FIRE INSURANCES Qn Merchandise gene ally, On tores, Dwelling Romeo, &a. ARBF.TIS ifF THE COMPANY, November I, neo, Par. Marked Tags. 123,180, Philadelphia City 6 411 , cent. 1man....51= 060 00 100,000. Fenner Ivapie State 1' et. Lorin 03. M CO 21,000 Pennsylvania State a or. Loan.— . 21,000 00 25,01:8, U.S. Treasury alti 4lv cent. Notes cad interest due . . 26,203 64 430,000 U. 8. Treasury 6 6' oKNotes and inter est due. .... 30,615 00 $25,000 Temporari rxiin to oft . ; 'ol* .ftifs delphia 25,000 OO $60,000, Pennsylvani:-. Railroad 2•1 Mortgage 4p cent. Donde 43,600 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad !dod ge 6 cent. Rands • . 00 $14,000 West2hiladelphsa Passe nier 80nd5.......,. ISJCI° 01111411 Y 7 IP' et. coupon bonds 11,600 00 SWOON WO shares Welt Germantown Gal Company. interest and principal guarantied by the city of Yhtia dNphta .. . . —.., . . 16,000 00 SLOW, 100 shares Perinsylv . aila — Rahrond Company. . - . scow No shares !genii road Company. . $2,010, abates l'hiladelPbla 10e Boat - andEtteani Tug Company, P hiladelphia and fannah Steam Navigation Com , Etia7. Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Boat de Grepe.Steam Tow Boat mean'', Philadelphia EXohange ..... 2.110 00 *.• ea/I,SM rte ~,a g nil Mortgages, and Rea! Estate. Of ----- lance due at ?igenoier l e for —rremiul6l,4-T. Ma rine Policies, interest, and o ther debts &t ttle Company-- Mal e 8 Bono aid stook of sundry insurance Oompa-"' 05,th on Deposit in 429:106) 31 DIRECTORS. Samuel E. Stokes. .), F. Pakistan, linty 84%36 Edward Parlingtoll,, H. Jones Brooke. rLanz', rims , e p ai t r& B r o,. , ..: James B. orr arlsad t Joshua P. Errs, John B. Biondi, Pit'ab'ir, D. T. Horgan, .. tomer .. rfi ld AAt Wr i t 4 ret).-t William Martn t doimund A. Sender. "heophilus Paulding, ohn R. Penrose, ohn C. Davis, mesT ragV;l;Yr., nmes U. Mang Joseph H. Real, r. K. hi. tioriton, ugh [ Onus' G. Leiser, , harts* Kelly, 3 LIA] 5 - HENRY LYLBu , 6 Be a t FINSURANCE COMPANY, O. JR: 403 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED APRIL. IASB„DY THE STATE OF FENNSYLYANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISES. D/HICTOIR : 141 An. i ir r n e e rri; an Chas. Richardson, ;(ear tiwa. Jr.. Lieityft. West, Rub Pr. Stout, inn It rig . kran Morrie. 5 / 1 1011. S. ' Ma s t Meek° Stern. OP,O T R E OPI W. DIY President. JONATHAN J. LOCUM, Vice Preet. WILLIAMS I. LILANCRA D, Socretarl. Jail -If - .XCHANGE, INSURANCE COMPANY Set —WE'S N 0.144 SOUTH Poll HT% above Walnut t•ie FIRE INSURANCE on Mime and Neroharoltse geaerallv, on favorable term, saber limiti d or per petual. IttLAND INSURANCE to all parts of the Vnlom Losses promptly pabd u rid e j i tte i iiigly &dictated. eremi h Bo lman, 1 1. Dunoan, • C. Dale. 111Tial Irvin, John l h ehinodo, amen Jiionb R. Len, liM. cdunaead, yard W. David, olin D. Nome, J PAVI, ar H eobnNloDowell.Jr. EDWAID W. E eoa oNSAlL.Preildent. y Ja'o-tuthelT LLIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM ANY.—TRE PENN MUTUAL Lum_mistr- RA CP. COMPANY. Northeast minor of TigtfLO and D9_OK Stmts. lets, #009,2241 ge. 11481112E8 . 1.,1 8 for the whole torm Oite—grants re n al Va? lo , and 4174 n erat u rg="jg=tg o vg c u Administrators, lamignea• Trustees. and Onaglans. , . . ... . trued L. Millar, TRUSTEES. PAmeell3. Stoke*, amin Ci.atee, William fdaan, i l eliard Id, Newbold. i liam P. ltnlier, fre e et).l'rotter. ' Williamll. Kern. a ti=liis t rielding. Zlinreplig&l. 4,7,17 • A'nwrieende 5171 V. Nuto u lg r ein , op i l a o m ulKent, , ohm N. H rnor. 'Ol%B. i l . ler, al bristiani pp, Outlaw. mphoning, Warner rioluT,. ih i n 0. Al. irenner. P. BA IL. Mloblikr, salo, BkiiisMlToi.%ll4l4tl t. Joint W. HOIINOR. noormr.ey. anlB-Ir TILE QUAKER" CITY INSURANCE comparryTTADELpHIA,p4. FRANKLIN BUJ D 88,.. No. me W4LNUT Street. 0 PEPETA. CAITAL sumo 80 FLUB .. .• . 1a0.050 IRE, hiliffirh — A, iiiiikiaifiViNanOcE. ire Warm*, limited and perpetual, on nundlnss end Moron Indite of all delPtlOnD. Marine Insaranee, 1 bud and Ocean, on Vow's, Frolght and Cargo to 'IL i frozA t a i ll parrs 0.,f tlte World. fIEOHOE H. JURY, Yresldent, Eip. B o B diftr.e t tgAtiary.__, LH. L'TL , Awr t Heore,orr, DliliCTols, t ra i l. Hart, K. W. IA lei Andrew . ..ttarotaus, . C. Cane . % oder 8. Periam fi h . a lC e .oks i s a W . ,' C. Jones. PI. H.. non. H. at. Fidler. aul INSURANCE e 444 IKI- OO A M I PiNY OF a TU E EIP A NAM-70 11 kaattn: cn o7 rH l i—Dapital—Asses,lemmal,.ngAn invested in sound and available oseuritlee—eon- Untie to maple unViiseels and CIMOCI, Buildings, Stooki of MeTettapillse, kr liberal terra*. . FREVPORdi tpinry D. Shone , George H. Stuart. unarm Tpby, g_ot n l a e 1 giant, Jr.. lithillTllte' 4:grazwßV46... irra B. Buthi. , Henry O. Freeman. Ilia= R. Whit7, oo , c. Charles B. Lewis. 10.14RfD. SlaraßD. President WILLIAM HA R Pe: . Aeeretary le o.wft tr HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSII RANCH COMPANY, No. ell WALNUT Street Philadelphia DIRE TORE. LW. Baldwin. M. W. D.Anita" .4dor Thopupp, 131. K. ilc, 0 In u. Januer. Z., Beau or, iii.W. L UNA, H. Houston. i i u.nte,mhe" W m. H. Lor,s, ries F. Norton, . 8. Warne. ohn Clayton oh H. Addioko, dword* A. R. T. Keninl. Thomas I...l.;nlera Shi . ( r resfent—H. W. BALDWIN, i e rieeldent—E. 8, WARN S . t-a Secrerr.—EDWlN brAiTH. deg LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE A. CITY AND COUNTY OF 'PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MARS 0. LI PPINCO rT, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adJust the account of Joshua Lippineott, Jr.. Administrator of the estate of Mars 0. Lippincott, dooeased, and to make distribution of tne Wane, in the hands of the necountant, will meet the parties in terest ati for the purposes of hip appoinrinont, on MON DAY. January 13.1. WO. at o'clook P. M., at his of fice. No. 215 sout h Fourth street, in he oily CL lalP ituth-pt Whl. 'IV THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE AL CITY AND COUN FY OF Pill LATIFLPIITA, letate of Bfl RAII N. PIIFLI'd, deceeled. The auditor appointed by the Court to Rada, settle, and ad4i.Pt the Recount of DAVIT) M.II. OAN. Isseen tor of bAR A 11 It. PHELPS, deceased. and to mate dis tribution of the balance in the braids of thu accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hie appointment, on FRIDAY, the 27th Joitmry, 18.'0 , at o clock. P. ,at his office, 122 tooth SIX ref in the City of Philadelphia. Ja7•ltuthat 060. A. COFFEY, Auditor. IN pip pIeTRIVF OOWP t T FOR THE IN arty 4r0.) iint7N'ev op PHILADELPHIA. WALTRIt LAING vs. EDMUND qTF.ELMAN. Julie Torm Ira. No. 7fa. Ft. fa. NAME vI.I3nME Ser teuileir Term,l9h9. No. 210. FL fa. DAVID JAVNI . re. E. IMIDND rTE MAN. eepteni her Term, IBi6. Nn. 139. et. la. HA ME ve. HA NI E. September Term, 12169. Nn. 6:1. FL fa. OEORGE C. BARB^ It vs. EDMUND RISEELMAN, pept,, : ,), from. 11.59. N 0.186. fa. JAMES Ita IC 9ft Ye. ETI.II YIN 19TE g ty. LNIAN. trem•e,,il v , term, U 153. No. 2CA. F. la. 0. B. k tr,'nr . Ulf re: EDIUND SITE LIMAN, _Septernbur Perm,l7 .0., o. JOHN DOWLING ye. EONS!, D eTEELMAN. September Term. 1169. N 0.43 3. Ft. pc. JOHN hI,tIICKFI., vu . EDM UND AUL I.:Half. Sopteme court, January Term. 14 , 0. N 0.9. Thai uditor appointed to make diatriPution o the fund in court, rained by the sale at personal properly by 11,1%0 nr the ainqvir writs, Will aimed to the dole. alit, appointment on NON PAY the Seth day of innuntr. ISGO, at 9 o'olock P. hi., at t his office, O. W. earner of eaventh street and Prashinstoe guars. In the oily of Philadelphia, when and where all petering interested are required to present their clams, or else be debarred from cones in upon 101111 fund. Jenunry 16, 1340. CLF.SIENT D. PENROSE. 3x16-Ifit• Auditor. CAUTION !—ASTROLOGY 1--LOOK OUT!—coop NEW FOR ALL!—The never- Gunny Mrs. V siN HORN is the best; she suc ceeds when all others have failed. All who aro to trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived lap t a c i t!: citUr e s l itie fl iinel le .447. ati:;° o 44d the stint of wlpntn thealiatione or the opposite rex. It is this fact which I n d uces illiterate !retention; to try to imitate lier, an copy , her adver isement. She shows you the !Likeness of >our future wt e. husband, or absent priml. It is well known to the public, at huge that she is the Pretend only person who can show the likeness tn reality, and can givc eatiefaction tipall the con earns of life, which eitri folded and proved by thou sande, both married an single. who daily end eagerly visit her. Come orie ! (tome oil! to No. 1. , M Lo u RABID Btreet between Juniper and Boned. tail et• ofattge MESSRS. ROSENTHAL MORRIS. from Cl mouth , En gla nd s manufacturers o the celebrated " Sentaseopto" Spectacles, teepee' solicit the pa tron .ge of the Mlles and gentlemen of l'hiladelphla and vicinity, to thin/superb - 1r ground ;spectacle clams. Thn valuable advantage derived (min them le that o• ,tend of vision becoming waisted. heated. weakened, and in numerous moles sennuely injured, it is preeerved and strengthened, everything at once Ivens-nee clear and brilliant. and very aged persons are enabled to ens ploy their sight at the mold minute WellpUticia. color 0 MVP Cankle-ligbt cad gee gran those lensed of' RaM i i , let. 11l snitYing power, and they do not require the revue nt changes to the clangorous, effects of nattier aismetance. Certificates can he peen aLtbe caw over MI Christ man', store. 702 Street, &bowleg . er mon's Photograth rooms. MS G 3Y DRAIVING AND PAINTING MATE !mix. Eagineere' and Arehlter,te' Stationery, CHeatan Faintlng fdatanak. ra(noTtimitraft es one V ei a n a riLleo far Jattets sad Stugente. flclines and Picture Frames. aying Cards, American and French. '41t41/01U011 gratis to the mute, SCHOLZ & JANENTZKV, ANNo. Its Soma tItt,HTH Strot. WHOLESALE 1) R ETA IL. 010-6 m IvEST INDIAN BITTERS.—These cele brated Bittern are meeting mar& farm. They most etfactunily no I immanently cute nll diem den mining out or n wort proper tone end healthful action of the dir eg.r. mignon They ere hie ni) mourn ,r101(1410 by the Pic.l,llY of tau Vrtheitutl came of tne United Staten Knit rairopr. for the epee& cure of Dye. Whin. Liver Complaint. Nervous Debility, Parer and Ague. ito. THOMAS F. USA Sl.r.Y. Principal Anent, 1.131-Im S. W. rinrner SIXTH and BSSUcE Streets. 3 INTON'S ENOAUBTIO TILES tot 1 oamn ° ltAl Ohtiono Twn for CattaClL .uderl V I.ois /Ma rolltalLina. 1 i i gg ' , h i m 1 . g. . : , v , e , r i . , &nd 'inter oundootori fob Mkt 1910 litA%al Itl F N? '' Molt NEW CROP NEW ORLEAIIS SUGAR. - AS' tii illi'l it Rie &TO. ," VI: iWir 9 setet re ..[." "'V PRIVY WELLS i'LEANF,D AT A LOW yore to obtain the conttnts. Atltlrree WILLIAM TIMBQN iroudrette Moo, 1213 North kik:CO:o arrest. dX4ll3` SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO, _ No. est MARKET BTREE7 ~R SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT_ STREET,. ftmette the Cadent House. between rOORTH and PIFTH Streets. H ENR Y H. LEEDS & CO., AUC TIONEERS. NF.W Y ANNUAL J. SNEDICOR'S FIRST ANNUAL LE. SETTI A L AND EXTRAORDINARY BALE OF on, PA INTIPain, AT THK NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, TENTH STREET. NEAR BRO•D• W AY, NEW WORK, OMFRISINO THE WORKS OF THE MOST EMINIeN I' ARTIB7B IN El: ROPE ANT) • WIhRICA. Wall be sold at auct'on on the evenings of 3114 January end let February. At half past 7 o'clock. newts enenunr at the National Academy of Design. Among the pmntings are to be bound throw of Church, Aonenbneh Rcrhermel. Ken nett, Durand, (laminar. Meyer of Bremen. Ed. Frera. Wm. /Thayer Er., Herring Verbneekhoren. rooper, Leanness. Jayuee. Jame. M and Wm. Hart. Gafford; Houghton. Sluvelt, E. Johnsen Tait. 0.11. Hall, Laity M. Spencer. Shattuck, and many others. The above can be exemined at the above place. bee. petal the armors of beta, from 8 A. AI. 405 E. AL. and from 7 to 10 P. M. Ja?..bmwasn-et PHILIP FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, No.= MARK FT Street-and MO MINOR Rtreet. BALE OF 1.000 CARES 1300T8 ,AND SHOES,FRENCH CALF DIP AND BOLL LEATHER. On Thursday Morning, January Mth, at 10 o'clock pre orals, will be sold by ostalogue. on four months eredtt. IRP taxes boots. ghats. and brogans, consusting of men'.. toys', and youth■ kip and French calf boot/ ; wornetee. mimes and children a kip and colt bonus, lieelenfand springs men's, boys', and youths kip. calf, and bud brogans men g. hots , and colitis' super Con.regg alien men's rusaett t brorang. hunters, grain and wan do; wo men's. muss.'. and cbildran•a city-made goat and me moco welt boot. nf first quality. Alan. LO Ehnen super French calf skins. Also, 1 000 Iba oak sole leather. CJ. WO ',BERT 6r. Co., AUCTIONEERS, • 019 ARCH Street. hntwenn Fifth and eqvith. LAROJ BALE OF St!e_ERIOR. FIJRNITI. RE AND FU,rNININd HOODS. . , This Morning, 14th Instant. at o clock. at 319 Arch street, a large mapirtment of superior household lurmtare, compnsing Jenny bind end cotta,e hedstnads, dressing bureaus. walnut tete,, with chairs to match, sots tables, centre tabtes, bouquet tobles etereres what -not., cane-fast entire', Winer gismos ontuanters, blan kets, table cloths. nnpklne. French-China dinner and tea .eta. vases cups and saucers. :ishee, plates, 'pit torus, Ike., ether-plated ware, C1N0 . 4.0 and tea setue, paintings and framed engravings, toilet set white grs site Alegre kn . he. ?LS" • /81.08 eli Ramose 67 ST. LOUIS, 2110. IVILLIANS & BOYLE. ALTITIONEERR A". 1) COMMISSION itIEB CIO NTS. No. 10 North MAIN Street 81. Lotus, ,Nlo..(rorniprly wi.b M Myers. Ctayhorn. & Phiude)obta,) otrer their services to the merchants, m.nnfacturere, and others of rldladelohm for the sale of dry goc4a. ear. pethoom. shoes. hardware, Jewelry, &u.,*.e. Cash advances mad• on receipt of gore. Settlement. medothree dale attar e. fIEFBRENCEIti Memo. Il , lyera. Clue horn. & Co.. Phila. Megan. Stuart & Brother Blunt Van Wyen,Towitmend. & Warman, New York. k. B. Curt a & co., New York. Wood. Christy, k Co.. ht. Locus, Mo, Crow. McCreary. & Co., Do4llecterty SHIPPING. sp.THE BRITISH ANW NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- IRON NNW TOKIL TO LITISTOOL. cater Ottan Passage .---„,..-- ant 0 beeond , cie Passaic... —.— Is not DOITON 333 LIVIIPOOL. pier 0ac,,,, Passage ----till° wad Cabin Passage— . so Tor o . frorn &atop call at Halifax and C.ork Harbor. PH A, LeNt. JNOWIII. litrj2A, Capt. Lent, AR/ lA, L . J. Stone, al HICA, Cats MAW. AS , Capt. L. O. LOtt. _APLA,Capt. Anderson. AP CA, Capt. Sannon ROPA, Oapt. J. Leftch, SCOTIA, (non' building.) These vessels carry a 'gear white Liget at mast-lusad; greon_on starboard bow; reLn , port bow. ARABIA, Slope. ' OM Wednesday, /ea. la EUROPA. Lenoh, " Wednesday. Jeri. SP AFRICA. Shannon " Tor t, Wedneedar. Feb. 1 AbIERICA, Maar: .... n. Wettneeday. Feb. IL '6141, , Lott. ork. widassdas,geb Lt. :ADA, Lim ".. kkaton. Wednesday. Feb.= Berths not secured tutu pet= Aa experienoed Elute°. SOU • The OWeete or these swim wi,ll Oct be table for G01, , i, Silver, fialtior ra tt o rti m egewelrg. Carisptfias i or A li f y ta n itipathereipegterp rir I ref o ° r pas sage apy to L Q 11114" . i 114.4171,1:k. pHILADELPIIIA ass CRESDENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. gni galk. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OYjHE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, MD AT IRO. 0 MERIMAIITIP Hammel, At 10 o'oloek A. M.. September 7th. 1819. the follow ing gentlemen were nnattimonslr sleeted Dime= the Company, viz: GEORGE 11. STUART, B. MORRIS WALN, MATIREW W. BALDWIN, CRAB. MACALEBTER, Gas AMR EDGAR TROMBON. The BOOKS of 61759CRIPTION o the OAPITAL GTOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named °Moe, where aD, persons favorable to the enter arise are gerseetfulls trynted to auhaaribe. e!-tf FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— NEW YORK AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP AltANy. The United States Mail Steamships AHt9O, S. m to Hand Linea, Commander. and FUL ON, .I,SW ea James A. wottoa4 Commander , well ears New ttor Havre, and Southampton. for the year IAM, on .1 following days To meet new requiremeas of the Post OSepVeVta ment, the dem of whet the A ADO and i L from HAV&K and SO AhIPTON. will. after their felt voyages, be o anged as follows from Nym -01( . save in the case of the present departure of the UL ON, which will take Pi , oo on the 17th December, the schedule remains unaltered: 11 VAR!. . T .CO: 17. -jry7 BB iF I / 4 q_:1141. " rt: hest summers , built expreesly for i.m.sru'ineot ser vice, with double engines. under deck. every attention has been taken in the construction of the ti a and ma ineure safety and speed.. The shied lave five irstar.•ttht rofillar.fments er.Olosinx the engines. so that in the even oi collision or straine, me water could not reach thens.and the pumps being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Recent experience has demonstrased tha &Wo w, necessity of this mode or construction. 14e aocommodationa for parecogers are bellevetto combine every comfort rind convenience that can be de wed. From New Tork taiir Southampton or Harro—First Cabin. VW ; Second do., era. Prom Havre or Southampton to New fork—First Cabin, 700 franca; Second do.. 350 (mum. To pitmen; erg going to London these steamers offer the adiranta,ie of eoonomy both in limo and expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage secured until paid far. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and newt Pakere) , :nuet pass through the Yost Offuoe, wii...vrt r i P m ° ,:n3 n +lvey. New York. LIAM SALIN. Agent.. avec 081(EY oth, Ageuts, tiouthampton, AM 911 CAN EVItOPLAN E.X.P.R.EtB COMPANY, NELSON , Agent. Othoe, Tobacco Warshonee. DOOR and FRONT Streets. nuladelphil. Plans of the shies can be seen. rAPtmli3l STEAM DIRECT TO ALL ' afipAßf i l i alpi dA ß l NTAlN AND t PA6krT COM ' ROrs STEAMSH B. i. lA, Capt. V. F. Schweraert. AX lA, Capt. H, jitors. BHA Capt. merman. sp hese learners are all hut eines Clyde-built veneer, are intended to sa il from Pier 71, North River, N. V., asfollows FOR LONDON, BONTHAMBURGPTON, HAVRE, AND HAM. The elegant and powerful Imp Sores Steamship BO RUSSIA, Capt. N. Trautman. 7,400 tons bonne°, arl:1 rail no above, op BATUADAy, DEORMBERaIst. at lio'clooi H. Panay. including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to hew orb, and from Southampton to London. Fiat Ca :lir 0, :ti b ei'.% . ..trglrlerit„til February 1. WON. u ßkp LAT r , iki l archl. TELrTO ...moNDArA,p;ilycs 15. air Passenger/ forwarded toLiverivol. Dublin. Bel fast. Cork, Glasgow, Paris, and Antwerp, at through 111,11113. ghost' steamers are fitted up with unequalled azoom modations for irst, second, and third-olus Passengers. The Second Cabin acoommodations of therm Ships are e t a itiacVei r cq -° p l rsita o g f e m iltvrif.: , ; i 4cdosi South are'fcelelitloWl':,Pe'd—garisittetd-„tincg,k,;„ „rt. of Ellnn.4l at MUM. OW Mtn. Fretgllt enkavnd Philseelptua wall. be Jimmie; aratiaeo to by Vie /sew xorg Agent. &11.1 attired ace orall nomnussion. For Freight or Passage, firmly eiolusireli to V 4 A. HA Agent, n3l7l , l c O i rt t h a t:e ri st OV4I cra3;l4,lt. itat SOUTII.—AJILARLIS TONREGHT R AND SA_VAED YNUCED.A STE.' stymy& F Heavy Freight at an averate of it . per cent. be low New YortAtearnskip tett CRAM. & C. The V. S. Ititerunahns drift E STATE. Cu min Charles Itlerstunan, wi' salt on Boards; Febrility 4, IEIO A.M. Through to V tours, mty 40 hoary at Sea. bAVA.CIr44IiI• Oe. The 17 S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain Joan J Gevvin, wtS sell on Saturday, January le r at 10 o'clock A. M. Th ___ riart i l In fin to CO hours, °MY 43 hours at Sea. in ng gays changed front Oren Saturday to eve rp Ave days. Hoods rooeived. and Dills of Ladieg maned " fe rl trepTind'ejinit-olagos side-wheel KEY STONE STAi.' and ErreTy. 43E0/4/16 now run ea above every ten days, thus forming a ve-day oonums- Ligation with Charleeton and Savar.n and the South end Bouthwest. 941 MsFe h ig l e e t=r Wor i la Ta Xeng e rn= ' CZ on all place. in Die , oeith nu _lje. weft. • iNsURAri r. Fret ht end Immune on a terra proportion of Sends shipped South will be found to be lover by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium toing one-half the r& lV:ll.—lnsurance on an Ituttroed Freight entirely Rat 'l l e ran Y iiis f i r i t i ilesr ta ken a 1V4117 1 %M thes e point Fare by this rants 1.5 to re per cent. cheerer then by the lnitnil Route, as will be se fn by the following sche dule. 'through Uoketa [rpm ChVes.. ton and Savannah oteassliol, NCLIIDING ME.A LS on the whole route, except trom Cbaneeton and Savan nah to Monllorner7 IVLAPED 7/.7.i. IF. Rt i :I S Z .-.."""I ll g E i t i ra:nt 4 ti n '......:? g Augusta-- ou oo Augusta-- ——l6 00 Macon.._—.,,, 11 91 Flacon— b 75 Atlanta'..., Lt 2 LT4L7 -- -- -. 11 CO i i ....... uO. Tang --, $ T CO #oaiary —.. 12 CO ontgomers.—_ SS CO o t 6.—.”.. oft) :1 °bile—. _. 46 19 ow Orleann ... 59 7$ New °rime-- 11 60 go hille of ladtrig signed Oar the ship hsa sagleti. For freight or passage apply on board, at seoand wharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr., Aouthweat oorner FOUTH and ell s:ATtillfg A E entala g k e i rit t n e terh n. lliMa t it . GAM ELI. For Florida from EiLsrleston. steamer Carotin* OTerl T.,eaday. 'or Flonda o's. from eAaesw da nnzh, steamers At. Ater's and t. /oh emir Ti and elan HAT. 131 SALAMANDER SAFES - . A large saxortmsrt a EVANS. ik. WATMIVA PHIA,ADFDI L PHIA ,MANITFACTBIEND bA_LAMAIIPER AFF.S. VAULT DOOM. For Backs sad story. BAHL LOCKS, h:ennl to anzqoar In ma. IRON DOOR SHUTTERS, ate.. Os am gctol tonna at nay other estat Lehman! la &a Una./ Mles. lATAN WATSON. No. Ma CH.' :IL'T Street. 1.1,F er moor ral A nett Pktladelehte, .." " VA COFFEE.-1.000 pockets prime •P IA , It Core.. for sn'.e. by JAMES GRAHAM A CO LETIIIA tfttret SZYttITP :SIOL.ISSES, &c.-500 NI,. choice and medium Str . cps. A`snpnme !ihs cov , b! , . 110 ASP ! or aa:a by JAALLS ()KARAM& CO, LAT/T/A Suitt, ibLa MALES BY AUCTION. 1F11"110M.A.8 & • NPII, aa la 80t;TI1 7011KTE! Ertimt. ' Yormerl • tlrye.Qano H REAL ESTATE AND STOOKB THIS DAY. At. n &clock not.s. Pamphlet eatstomes now to eontelnins (tin do. h sonpona of all the pmpettiet to be mkt oe Tut Play next. 21th January. at 12 o'c'ook. nOon. nth a itst Of sale: Vas January and Tru Pelt - earn and a Ti large Let of real °eat. at privet' We. CARD,—PUBLIC NeLirs Heat. ESTATE ARS STOCKS AT THE EXCHANGE.--gale' eof real estate and stocks every Tuesday, at the Exchanze. ear Contnnntors nari,ng to. upnun of weer see. 116 F" Handbills of each proPertiingd "1413" addition to which we publish. on the Satardat . prev to the sale, one thonaand catalogues, pamphlet Insttis on full descriptions of all the proper!, ft to be noel on this folloving jnefiley REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. sir WI, have a 'arcs swam of nisi oasis at private eels, includteg over/ dessngion of city re'rjoW property. Pnnted blitz may _ had et the auction PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. Wl' Real estate entered on our ynvate sale letieter and aitertieed nennnionany in on/ nabhe sale am.. rants (oltwluettl,ooocopies are printed vaekly,lfree deluge PALL HALER, STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. WA Fait Bale, Jaz. 17, °Teams. at the Kzehea4e. R' Part of the }medulla for each of tie stove ealta bow ready. (SEOCIS, LOAN I4 .I6OXIS t Thu Day. Jan. 21. at 12 tieleek, DV'S, will to sold, al Cue Plats .setts Pnehaner— first me/tense horde. /s&)e.eb. of t7•e lean tr %etas anal Manufaenanne Company or For account of 'dem n may e,ntern— SP cuo Citemsta. VriltrimPirmt. eat Ene Ea , irnad Per cent. wooed mortice re scare rt.blo loan. Also. for =ratter &woos t— elt Oro Catawisst. =sport, end Erie Reit-n-1f percent mort: ate eoerert Ns Irvin e. 1.1 shares Greet:inch Improvement and Ealltnal Co per .93.0 elO 0 rsion Carol barsts—e. -, tylt attrzltal. vEIV—QC 11Agli'r , Pew No. 19. m:dd e aisle, St. M trirs Charch. Bar. Dr. Wilmer. rector. 1 ori•iaal share (Lt new stores) Sas Pranstsso Laajli Ak.lool.ltdOL. 1 share Philadelphia Library. 1 share Philadelphia Atheneum. REAL ESTATE SIALF—YANtARY 2. At Id rat. PeremetorY .raceAant of whore it nay eost• cern.—t tot ACRES L D. TEXAs.- 0. 3 of land. coot-nal= 4.42 semi. !Campton:le. the welt be kof the Anyeltos rarer, 2 mars frzaa Ne. a" l d irko h ; s e l f r .fi l l aa. L i ft ti s k i l e J a ti - LI: AEU LOT Or r loath Ede of • Market street. writ ca Twenty drat, 65 feet front, 12 feet dses, to Ash elei. Two fronts. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY Al 11 &plonk'. noon. ogo.°tb , —Estate of NVC,I , -tm Cs:rari daed. DVSS! LINGS.—SQL three Cory blink cod three fume dvial are. Germantown toad alai l'anot street t tote Nos tears lobe rt OIL) • renew' Con t •We—Estate Afar" Day:e, deed. IRREDEE M A BLE GROVEL RENT of Ste A YEAR—par 41 kit—Mrns oat of Int. eta: of F.v. frond Wert, 'moth of Chrmunn. Meer of LeAest seemed by IWO throe story brick Oolongs. FLEE/ANT 911.44WN-9STONE RESIIVExCE. rideyard. North limed street. Welt wde, ahoy, Easter. SO pot by 20e feet. en th two fronts. Hpisen met frm-. Ar.Latued with 'Veil modern imprerentsr.L Lima amble and ooach house on the rear end of L:8 "tot. ea Cerhate Ewe. /Fir See bat". Truete Peremptory 9 TWO I AROE AND VALUABLE LE BEILDLCG LOTS. one at the northlrrel coreBB of Amber Ind tersesst ser"ets,..ith 1 , 1:42 LS Mt the Frenkford trill and Una ,tree t. the nti,•r si the northeast m.rner of C..rel 14.41 Fercaenirvresa. vita a I spat on Ltot d street, Nmsteenth vent. Tee two to be sold as one tot. wlth nee Doom. nor- abtointe., SALE OF F.OOKS ON VARIOUS bT:BSECTS. PThoT,Errenoo. January 24. at the aor Poll store, seoZtegon of books on rart ae tntarsatrnj 301 lets. For Sartleuts:ll Ste cat.S.Joggel- Alan. et • o' , !nck A share in Mercantile Library. at Nra.L4 eutd 141 tioata Fo=la ift•ot t. ETEP)I4 F 1 1 R-11TM. FR.Eltpti-PLATI4 Ihll3. ruaio-F9RIT. BRIASAIS CARPETS. 091 lharatny Moramt. At II o'clock, at the Auctati StotT d or actilept second haad fanrratart. t lades, fins lemon , wpm, sta., from es &er , mi eosins/4=i, moored to Use acre for occsesussee of sok. SALE OF SUPERIOR FCRNITVRF. EWA PIAN4- FoßTg_o,clioot,Roosl FtletNITLN:c., LARGE. QUANTITI OF BEDDING, Aa. Teursen• Moraine, At the Friction 'tote, will he found the furniture of a person deehning hous,kne; or, rcmnved to Va. atcte tor conceniancte of este. ince - ail:11r interior rime - cod ria. no-forte made by etoddert.2 imp Or Mietrovti Plana fOltri Up( e by Cluckernic. superior Unngla forte, ecnool-room iuniture, beddlcc, &a. Peremptory Sale. ANCIENT AND MOD. PLY Olt, pv.,tTINCI.I. TER-COLOR DRAorINtiS, &o. • Friday Monimer , January. V. at the auction store. eonwreuerar at 11 Volook will be sold a collection o, ancient and ini:dersi oil painu ere. comprising VITIOUJ actereetin Also, a member of water color drzelus bJ tinellea merman is ts. Will be errang art ed for inerection with cataloine. tire days prerione, tilory Sale—by order . of the Recall-et. COLO t A RN, INDIGO...ANL ARYS is TESE A 1. - 60 F.AR FELAISRFORT3, On Moods, Moraine. Jan 93, at II o'clock. von 14 sold at publin 114. Ivy or der orals reemeer at the A ranun to .41114 near Prank lord, 1542 Its. blue and brae yarn. 1311 Er. red Ihe. blue tarn. 21S lbs. gray yarn. /D7lsa. inet4.o ly rate.Muarpe In loom*. rarbenlare In handbill,. ffir Bsl4, peremptory. Terms rash. Receivers Fal.—No. 825 Arch street EITCOK OF LOOKING GL }hi AND picTURE FRANIhB. ENGRAVINGS, &c. On Tuesday Murmurs. 31st instant. at 10 o' .1 4 :9 iSdrch ■ tr ret. b ercer of Joseph A. Clan Bag, recarcer. triaentfre mock of Earthed and unSaished leakiea sots and picture frames. Atm, a number ef VIIITSVIO2 Wre"Fto partiouLtrs in eatalotuts three days phrriana to sale. JU6EB NATHANS, A UpTION lAA -Tin AND ccock-ISSION ATERMANT, sandisall comer of MTH and RACE Slaws. MONEY TO LOAN.' *030,1100 to loan, in la•sFe or small amonnte. dili atooks. gold and elver plate. watches. awed TT. fowling pieces. dry goede. elothing. grouerthe.m. Ebanisters, cutlery.musical inecrwments. farm time. tag. horses, yelaclan Larnese, std on rd! aruc,es a. for any Iminth o f time agreed upon. on more liberal term than at say other esistialmeat LOW/ • GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAIN 3. At Titivate sal*, splendid pi no forte, to rich rosewood case, cost 810., price IWO; tine lg caret gold haintrete , ease Patent Meer watch. double time and indecende.sit second*, only 8119; flue gold hunting-ease Ensitah pe.• Mat lever watches. or the most ape/owed and besr, makes. from OS to 4109; bne told double bottom Eum bah patent lelier warchea, beat make. from 431 to 500; fine IS-Caret huntin4-rose detached patent laver watches. 13 jewels, from S a to 533; open lice from 510 to 4M; fine t6-carat gold Low s mistime gr.*, watches at ezt: oren face do . from 110 to em; saver Fluidal' patent lever watches in huntua t asaa and doable bottom. of the MOSS approved sib; beat make, from 410 to STD; Amencsn hunting case rarer patept laver watebee at Chi; hunting ease Bayer duplex watcher; ditto double time. from 812 ts 53t; custane oat. miter lever watches. (Oa Jewelled- triads with ht. a key. from 816 to 419; Lennie do., from 511 to 510; Minting r m 410111! detached lacer wa , chee. balawsks, front *9 to 112; o;en face do.. tram $6 to IS ; banns; case cleat Levine watches, toll Jewellpd. from sr to 4 1 0: open face do, from 53 to od; silver scattier .' watohes, from .3 to $3; saver French watches, frost 81 to 83; gold patent towing case and open face lever and Lepine. English. Swim, and French watches. from 41 to 520 ; Erie gold rest. foth and neck chat as at 30 ter is per dart. ; fine old unto of ear-rinps, breastpirs. and hraceleta • bends, finger rinse, amliewelry,ot every de ecnatiom.for lea than talc the natal prices. 8/30009 to loin. In swila to so t ancbcarde. en dr, sat or good.. at leas rate of charrau; [Coil airy other estalelishutsst in the e‘ts. THE WEEKLY PRESS A NEW VOLIJMEI THE WEEKLY PRESS enured apart a Nair To fume with the New Yaw. To say. marshy, that our raver las Nan saacaufra, would be to give far too weak and indahrf.t. an :Ca& of our poamon—for, not only ham TUE WEEKLY PRES& been establi_shed on awl rerminett (coma tt,n, but It is, rn reality, a marvellous example of the degra s of favor arluob a rightlpeoaduoted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL oan receive at the hands of a Mani and enlebteriel public.. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for tho patronage already bestowed upon us, acd weahei 67-1 r e iso efforts which may serve to render the rarer even more attractive. naefed. and popular in the future. The POLITICAL course of "HE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlarged upon here. Independen!....ealf. and fearless. It has batted, unwaveringly and gesiotig • li, In Serene/ of the EIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE &Vilest EXECUTIVE UEURPALON. en.l uniVr el 1 tyrannies( logistettot ; aver daehrin.7 as. I sdherinz the doetrthe thst POPVL AR SOYEREW •TY c•oxs: - tote' the rehas-tentai Ma s of r+3r frees treltutons .r thst the totelluenoo and or oar eat/tens c il .:arils eresemetive of elll9*.jaet Vd6l:llt.r, - ernmene Vase are the pritetp es to which TEA WEEKLY PLEBB has been coccii UN!. Ltd to Leese ,t rill sdhsro OUR NEWS COLUMNS w it contustur to be the itiNget of anterr.iitirr care ac attention, and all diligence be emirdoyed al make teat rarer a compendium of all the princirii erers ci in•e - teat which transmit at home and abroad. The LITERARY character of THE WEFELY PRESS. new universally ack-nocedged he of an e , e.. rated r.amp, shall not mils maintain Ltll tresoct L.€a standing', bat shall he ft:them...ll.7 ...Portant and oontribatione !rem able leviers. Deming P77.:TT OF Non,L, the gnat tif,VitrA Of rnrate kulf ?In eN. public progrimt7. we 4 , 13 earefulq encinde Nottlr-na evitrythins which may rtasomat4 to ceore...l roen the wore of improper ce,deney. rho ReMs of pure ateremrs airaoisaitcient material to goalie an AC CEFTABL F. FAMILY NEWSPAPER. cotriitms the elements of •X..liann•, NE:thaw a task WEENet.o, eh'. hoe lad the prognetor of the TR h PRESS may justly dam that 10 Reg.! of a feraly rtZ heattate roiet tta eslomns go ar.Ger the twee of member of his liconeho:d. This aenarat features of the par.:. fn aislit!on e+:•1 POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTNIENTo, Pastry. Sketches. Stssesphy and Ostrennt asst fe kcstd Tatce.chosen for their lessons of Ere. i2nseo.—_- tiOna of Metes!. depletnre of manners, as.l genets! nterit—and adapted. in these variety, to the east's J i Moth sew and all atu. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMEAT Due oars vmU to taken to furniiin oar re-den cornet end reliable reports of tee produce and c.v., markets, made up to the retest hot:-. Among the anises:le rariety art.elre tare for the patrons of TIM W.LERLY PRESS. it ,sic .a mentioned ere shell gar Ne. the pule:ninon of TRIALS AND TBIUNPES: O. AttCIENT 7/NIFS IN OLD VIRGINIA; an Or:putt Noreette of surto,. interegt, a^.-t,tet an author of ac to owlet!, ett aldity. The sire c , through seta al numbers cf the gager. gt.t. Itself. worth more than the et= re tu.rel ft:r • autcrtruen. In a word. it will he the eazlaNcor cf t 5,53 cancel - , ot to mete TILE WEEKLY PRESS c:attcua a for., - . a FAMILY OFR-NAL. embody In; all thwcherszter of a cwafully-Preptred newyco7er. fT Slitd , TlP:lol. are telpeZtt,l”.Y c ' T.• Ella propose I/tenni 7.,ne t. „ WEEKLY prompt tide in fors.sr4 ns tkr.r 0 ,4 1111 toe Votrur. a eameatly TV,ol:nr,—ded, am, zo-ii ere,- ind.cni.oal. It i. be'ieve..! Vint :s•te a.• tn. e.21.4:4: wd. to !meted,:: V. re•ieiaG furn.ab t.lek curn-ers, to wt..cS enen tr.e:t meet 04.0,1 f. TER.11.5 I.Sce Csny.ol:o ye• , . Three Coe es, pee Fly, Cove, cee pear . . T•D Cop:es. ree ........ Twer.ty tra ono a.ll:es.. at tlta , of el let . c.) Tvetit, Cotes. to usit a.V.rea, of rtes stb.- . .'l3 An- :erron rentling as a Ctrs of T•t.l4 or mcr... be entaled to an extrt rarroans Lorene THE WEEKLY PR ES C.ertitnra Li 81. Bobeeriptonr rasr [o.2.***o U aay tae- 7.11C1 &Art, a cask. La rarascrr. 14 letting to be .....m.sest t. JOHN W. FORNEY No. 417 CIIESTNIT srREEr, P Izi I 1. A. /2 XI Z. X' EC I .A. i