I:,TBTS: T;ket,i_sani.:r4 ri6ON,pettits: Iti Is% -CIVIL POVRIN7 ''TRIAL 01 0 :111% co,Tax itomotpu oesm, (Reported fot The , • No/ razes--Justice Strong.—Whlte vs. Weish. Before reported. - Theletter order, of the Session was coupled by bin. Gerhard, who de livered add:mate Oar,. , SOerilatu Woes tit MariO-4a. ' MON Just i ce Low rie, and duetted Woedivard'. and Thompson —Non pros. were entered In each of the following oases ; Gaynor ye:Johns ; Body vs. Alspech. ; paraili .thapewell ; York 'County Rank vs. Carter ; _ifelistrnm U. Gilbert. Bach of the three preceding eases are continued, to be heard at Bar rie:lug, 25th /Key, TM; • ,' • Chalfant vs..ogden. Submitted oh paper book. maephy vs, Potts. Saute vs Same.' Argued by Prancis W. Hughes for' plaintiff, and by,R, 0. Parry for defendant, and. by James Cooper for plaintiff. ', Commonwealth vs. Strarb. ,Argtied by A. V. Panne' for plaintiff,, and, by Chris. Loeser for de fendant ;by Cumming for plaintiff. - Russell vs. Silvers. Argued ,by o.'Parry for plaintiff in error, and by Pranois -W: flushes for defendant in error. Dnudaave. Millet: Jae. Dundee and George W. Stroud Were owners of a traot of ooal land, which they held as tenants in oommen, in oral undivided moieties!. Dundee owned an adjoining: trot of coal land. Dundee and. Stroud leased to Bittingur a right to Wine a particular coal vein on their land, for widish he was to pay, as rent, so much per ton, and was to be used on an adjoining tract of land, which was wholly hie and upon 'which he agreed to suffer the - waste, or refuse coal, to be deposited. It Was also argued that Bittinger in consideration of opening the coal vein and sinking a elope, Was to refrain from the payment of rent to his landlords, to the amount of $500: After this amount had been retained by him, be was to begin to pay rent to the landlords. Bittinger accordingly commenced opening the vein, .to., on the, ground' of his land lords; nnd .after mining coal to tho'agreed value of $5OO, which he retained, paid to them, from time to time, $512 92 Stainer owed his landlords $2OlOl More thin ho had paid, and when. be beanie on. able to pay, ceased to work the:mine. After he had ceased to work, Dundee and Stroud; by means of an exploration and annoy, diseevered that Bit tinger bad gunk the slope to .the distance ofone hundred and forty-six feet, half of which bad been on the trot demised to him by Dundee and htroud, end the other half on the lands of the; ppllaintiffs, and by an engineer computed that Bit giv! t m r i o n s p ed au 3l ol s ß b iVn o g f- e c r o ra o d n bee a n r ' i l l f e p e an ain wittingly, from a mistake as to the bound:ill:be tween the tracts.' had noted not only without the authority of his landlords, but his trespass was unknown to them, and they boom° t riequalrited with it only ifter,Bittiegor had ceased to mine. Plaintiffs, /after ibis discovery, brought their ac tion, and on the trial olairsed payment for the coat which Bitdoger, wording to the calculation. of the engineer, bad taken from, their land. Per diet was given in their favor for $1,098 45 in the Court of Cetrateori Pleas of Sohnylkili county. The eve is now up on' writ of error from that court. Argued by John Batman for plaintiff; and by Fran cis W. litighes and Groin for defendants. Appeal of the Commercial Savings and Loan As sociation. Opinion by' Thompson, J.: Decree at- Armed at °este of appellant. ' _ • " Oa motion of Francis W. Ungbes, David ft Green, Bal., wee admitted to practice 'as a coun sellor and attorney in this court. COlftiOn Pisan—Judge' Ludlow.—Finley ve. Kemble. Before reported. Munday and Budd for plaintiff; Gee. A. Coffey for defendant. Vet diet tot plaintiff for $15L73. , - ' O'Neill vs. Kater. An action for rent. Vetdiot for plaintiff for $38.00. Armstrong for plaintiff; 801 l for defendant. - ideleher sts. Pox. An notionon a book acoourd. Pearce, for plaintiff; L. Guest for defendant. Non snit. • There will be no more jury trials in this court this week. Manlier. Consx--%Judge Here.—This court was in session but a short time. No business was transacted: No jury trials will be bad until Mon day next. • ,`' - - , In the. elute of Martin Ye. Blaylock, before re ported, the•jery rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for four dollar,!" Morris for the plain tiff, and Dardi Dougherty for the defence. - Dunlop Comm-4;14e 'Strotial.--Collins -vs. Thayer. (Before Reported.) •Verdict for plaintiff. -11. C. 411.eillartrte and Paul for plaintiff; O. W. Davis and Wm. IL Ledyard for defendant, The Globe Billiding and Loan Association of the City and County of Philadelphia re. Coyle. Action on a bond and mortgage. Verdlot, for plaintiff for • $3OO. George W. Thorn for plaintiff, and Win. B. Hood for defendant. Flood vs. 'Baker. The plaintiff resides in the robed precinct of the Twenty-third ward. At the lots Butte Woollen there wets, considerable excite went among the partisans of the several candi dates, excited by the enolientlng strains of the Ennio which the several potties employed to visit the different portions of the Ward in an old mini. bus, and anxious to obey that portion 'of the pendent rule of. conduct • which eoins free men to "vote early," the plainti ff presented himself at the precinct house and' offered to vote. The defendant and some bystanders intimated that "blood of BthiopP flowed an the veins of plaintiff that is, he was partially it Ogre,' In consequence of these suggestions the plain= was not permitted to exerolso his politiail frastohise, Pa this action is brought to recover damages from tbe defendazt who was Jeclgoef the election. Plaintiff suffered a non-suit. Earle for plaintiff; Letohworth for de . • fondant. • The Centre Building and Loan end Saving. Asso ciation ve. Young. - 7 40 action one bond and Mort gage.- J. .11. , Afarklind and White for plaintiff; Gilpin and Quinn for defendant, Jetty out. Bentird vs. Rushton. An action en. a book suc-", donut for goods sold and dellierod._ William R. Lediardfer plaintiff; Greenbank fordefendant. On TRIAL OF TORN Sli'L'EtißY FOR MR AIUR ORR OF OILiRLES CARTER. VERMCP QP Vie 71TRP., Conuv OYES. AND TELLUINER---JUdgeS Al 2 116011 and Thompson.--The trial of John Sweeney for the murder of Charted' Carton, in the Fourth' ward, on the 30th of November lot, was resumed at ten o'eltak, yesterday morning, in the Court of Oyer and Terminer. The room, as on the preview! day in the trial of this ounce, was densely crowded by interested spectators. Tke prisoner.osoupled a sent at the and of the dock, and manifested but little or no concern in the prriceediaga. Distriet Attorney Mann and Win. Brantley Banns repro tented the Commonwealth, and Meters. H. R. War ricer And William N. Ashman appeared for the prisoner. The following additional evidence was elicited : Charles Dongberty . swern.—l reside in Nugent's (mart; know the prmener by sight; saw him in the court on the Sunday before the murder; he came up shouting; he WAS calling these people that kept the house names; said they kept an "ornery house ;" -he went down to the end of the alley, and said he'd " take a life in that house, or lose his own ;" he add " all he had was to lose his own ;" was in my own bonne the night Oar ten was stabbed; I heard the noise, and opened the door, and looked out; I Seen Sweeney; he was the roan that opened the abutters; saw (tartan come out of his own door, and went about two stops; then I eaw Sweeney snake a rush at Carten, and whatever lie done; he said, " that will do you;" Carton theri went in the lonseotnd I heard be wits stabbed; Sweeney was gone when I came back ; I want to get on my those.; Bridget Gorman reettiled.—Mavy would always send the prisoner away; she said she was not mar tied to him; she old she was a widow ; the pri soner bad on a coat the night he m e mo and an old Kossuth bat. IMPENCE OPPNED or we. WAllll2feR. Thos. Roach swora.—l know John Sweeney; he Worked sir weeks for me; lived in my bons° ; did at the timed ibis 00061141340; hie wife ;same to see him several times ; the is the woman (pointing to . Mary); I wee only shortly acquainted with them ; 'he wanted always to be seeing her; he treated her kindly ; 'whatever he had he would'give her •; seen him give her some , money once-or twice; I told him-to let her alone and not mind her; it was all in vain, I believe ; he was always queer *ben he would aot see her; he would get some drink when he would think of her ; get drunk and could not .woek; after she left him he would work ; be al wa,vs wanted Ma Mary ; need to sereain in bed at night for kle Mary ; when be whuld get drink threw himself about ; be acted bonen for me r ways acted right ; went bonght and irold Strong. Who*. Revlon sworn.—l know the prisoner; he worked for me in February, 1839; I lair the wo man, be called his Wife ; she came to my place twice; the askt4 ter him ; he went to the door and went out ; they talked together; he sometimes went to 'her to, get shirts; he Came back like a crazy man if he was treated Cool; be was all the time talking about her, and wanted to get her out o f that boom; :tol d - inc to put my band on his heal, and the skull seemed as if lt Wet broken; he told me the atoll was broke in; ISIS net See hip on t h e day of - this dominance; his conduet •was good in, my house) be was' eleitable; he would rather give Ids - wages to hie wife; he said "he would go to hell. for her."- James James Boonton evrorri.—.l" live back of 714 Ship pen street; never knew the privoner, before that day ; knew where Carton lived ; I lived opposite him ; could see into his house from the tap Boor ; I saw Sweeney terming in the alley ; I war at my own window ; he shou tett op t "where is ray child ;" he wanted Ms child out of that place ; add it three times ; said to hell with the alley after.letting my child ant-;" he did not go up to thorteere house ; he did not pass the second door ; carten'e is the third ; I saw Carton in Me door, end two Women striving to 0400 out ; he turned them, t o end said he wouldtome out himself, clear himout of the alley, and knock the head off him'; Gar. ten ran down to Sweeney, struck him a hex on the bevel, and knocked the hat offer him ; I saw no thing else ; EtweeMay said not a word, picked up his hat, and walked away ; was looking at, them all the - time ; if Sweeney had• said anything I would here heard him ; there is a fano between my home and Carton's ; I wee in the third floor ; the alley is about six feet' wide; Sweeney cupid have stabbed him without My seeing hint' Swee ney said he wanted his child ; made no threats ,• dan't say 11'1 wag - home the Sunday before; I did not bear him Mock at the door ; he did not reach Carton's door at all. Mrs. 801111thll sworn.—Am the ' wits ef last wit ness ; live opposite Carton's; was home this night; / taw the occurrence; I was in my room on the sword foot sewing ; the two windows were open ; I seen darter, Ms wife and sister•la-law at the door; Swathe? wee doming up the alley ; did not . bear him saying ilisything but otoWng out, for his wife and child ; semi Carton dome cut, run down to him at Mrs. rtridya deer, 'truck him, and knocked •his, bet off; idid - rot see -anything In Secretary's band ;.'laden 0017 walked quick down to hire; he did not run; be etthek him ohne. Wetted Sullivan sworn.—T. know the prisoner ; known hint about ttra,yearei 513 rot know Car 'ten;. en; never saw him; was eemitilit Shippen street; heard a noise in Nugent's court ;11 steed there and looked up; saw two men;;_theytc 40% ,„ edits be in hells"; sate theileet iitoggling; could not INS ITS 3 dark ; stead these; Sweeney came delta`; to Its hand; he was was walking down smartly; - he seemed to be In' Oxidated he 3 1 /4 0 a.° 11 t leVl9w; Ronald walk fetter. _ C. Collins, Req., sworn.—l WO on OM 04- 7esaknile tber hones °Manisa ; it ie three stories b.;ethey live in the third Amy , Mre. a. drinks dajaahmally; Mr; S. dolet drink any; he collects , 4rfitird eells them; ,he is an Indust:One man ; atethre of the' house are ,not high; =can't de ilsiba;',wisplow ; ears' tkef live. in the third eafto• .„.; , • .=• • ' derern.-X knew Sweeney; he lived 4..' nee' et: lholattio NW this woman gee :ULM LSO .gOt 4'oo-detft et 'to= Jam erne in ~, ze./4ttdOl'Oe t ioid dieted her . ,a,SA note. tehnstailfi irdid• get drink; e es • dtenskitnit ,daa e • eatiorro - r oven betties of , .„C'Oesdart healled.7—kt theliras ot.tkle Wu' , 46 t''' • 4144 gwAtkiriotoprom nit to tin scoria story moved since the oacurrence ; no lamp in the alley, only the window - light; can't say if Mra. Brady'a window was open; this was about eight or nine o'olook there was a light in a win dow over the alley, in'the drat house toward Ship pen street; did not notice a light; I moved in the second story about a week after the 000urronoo; it IA a frame hones ; the window is like the second story windows ; Itis something like the window like that, (pointing to windows on the roof of homes on Sixth street.) - Mary Bartley sworn.—l know the'prisonor ; never married to him ; at the time of the court renoe I was living In Carton's house; lived there twelve months and two weeks; was there on the night of November 80th; up stairs part of the time; I heard Sweeney's voice; he called for his child out of that alley, and then the alley might go to the devil; I don't know who he meant unless me; I thought he meant me; I ran down stairs through Carten's kitchen ; the front room ; I did not go out; .I wanted to; the deceased man was on the settee; he jumped up; I thought Sweeney was coming towards the house • Carton said he would go out; his wife said not ; 'Bridget caught hold of him and. said ho sin:Mid not go out; his wife held the door by the knob, and cried; his sister.in•law patrher arms round. him; I went and took Casten in my arms and tried ,to pull him from the door; he then said "ho was able to role his own house;" be wont to the top of the stairs of cellar; looked 'around, and said he would knock the " d—d bead off of Sweeney;" be went towards the door, and told me to go to my own room and mind my own business; be went out and I wont up etairs ; he used to come often to the house' "I knowed he was army;' : he always spoke foolish; be seemed to taro a greet deal of me ; I told him not to come; he used to cry, pull off his coat, and get quite crazy ; he often asked 3/10 to live with him; be went away crying; I told him when he got in his right senses we would get married; I was at church the Sunday previous. Mr. Kerlin recalled.—Sweeney worked for ms; ho sometimes took his 'hears away with him ; so did the others; perhaps they might get a job aomewhere else. Mr. Mayhew palled by Commonwealth.—Went to look at the premises; the fence is six feet high; the east court Is five feet six inches in width ; the west is six feet six hashes; the alloy is twelve foot one inch ; the house is two•story, with a high roof; the third•atory window la thirteen or fourteen feet from the gpaund; the sooond-story is eleven feet eight inches - front theground ; the bottom of the second-story window is about nine feet to the front roof window; front ground to second story Is eight feet ; from that to the floor of the attic is six feet; from that to the window one foot; can see the pavement in front of Brady's house by looking out of the window. The evidence on both sides here closed, and Mr. Mann addressed the bury at acme length, preening I conviction of the defendant for murder In the first degree. William N.' Ashman, Esq., opened the argu ment for the defence, and earnestly argued that all the evidence in the ewe would, at beat, justify a verdict of Involuntary manslaughter. Mr. Ash man referred to the degraded aocied condition rf his client, who, amid the votaries of vice in the lowest 'haunts of the city, had sustained a oha ter for honesty and fair-dealing that spoke volumes to hit credit. It might be deemed sentiment only to prate of this fact, but the jury must remember that the humeri mind is fallible, and human testimony uncertain ; that they have bat an im perfect knowledge of the defendants who are brought before them, and that the man whose blood is sought after may be as pure from crime as innocence itself. Mr. Warriner followed for the defence, and spoke at length, and with great force. Ho went over all the evidence in the ease, and argued that not one Benton's° of It could bo tortured into an implication of Milo° on the part of Sweeney. lie referred to the fair doabts which were sug gested by the conflicting nature of the testimony elicited by the Commonwealth as the property and benefit of the Roomed, who, unless clear and posi tive proof is adduced against Mtn, Is entitled to a verdict of acquittal. Sweeney loved, with tender devotion, the wife to whom he had given his heart, and, goaded on by the idea that oho was in a house of ill fame, was reedy to go to any length to take her therefrom. This love was his excuse and jus tification. "What lost a World and bade a hero fir ? The timid tear in Cleopatra's eye, Yet be the soft triumvir's fault foram; Poe this how ninny lose not earth but heaven, Consigned their acute to man's eternal foe, And sealed their own to save some wanton's woe." Ur. W. considered the threat used by Sweeney as idle, the expression not of vindictiveness, and not the result of a deadly bate, He appealed eloquently to the jury to look at all the facts in the case, and then restore to society one whose poor life justice could not properly demand. Mr. Mann closed the argument In the case at six o'clock last evening. He ridiculed the defence of love and insanity which had been eat up, and ar gued that a clear ease of murder in the first degree had been made out against the prisoner at the bar. lie sought no man's life, but as an official and as a man, no matter what his sympathies were, ho be lieved that each a verdict should be given Ito re ferred to the threats and tho subsequent conduct of Sweeney as conclusive of guilt, and spoke of the behavior of the woman alleged to be the wife of the prisoner as disgraoeful. There was no love be tween them, but a concert of wickedness. She was not one with the peerless eye to launch a thousand ships—no Juliet on the balcony in Nugent's court, awaiting her llomoo, bat a hold, bad woman. There was a determination to take life—there was the - murder and its aeoompanying exclamation: ".Take that! " there was the weapon, sharp and ready to execute the deed of..hdood these were fatal evidences which' the 'defence had failed to an ewer. Judge Allison charged the jury fully and fun partially, stating the law and the evidence as ap plicable thereto. A few minutes before eight o'clock last evening, the jury came into court with s verdiot of . 6 Onilty of Murder in the Second Degree," a result not altogether unexpected, although many were led to tonere, from the 'chamfer of the evidence, that the prisoner would convicted of murder in the first degree, twee lft bowed politely to the jury When the result was announced. lie was sub sequently taken to prison in care of the tipster.. Another honcleide ease wilt be taken up to-day. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PIIILADELPITIAr Jan. 19, MR A slight felling oft in the price of State stocks and in Girard Bank stock, are the only changes worthy of re porting in the stock market to-day, Green and Coates• street RaddsaY shares sold at IS, Chestnut and Walnut at 18, and Second and Third-streets, at 30. The money market is easier than it has been for some days, and the demand is no longer greening. Pirst•clesa payer in still qnoted, however, at S to 9 49' cent. Mt. Wm. B. Ogden, of Chicago, has assumed the re ceivership of the littebtirg, Port Wayne, and Chicano Railroad Company, under the compromise made by the conflicting interests, and assented to by the courts. Mr. Ogden is exceedingly popular, its well as able and influential, and his appointment ammo to give uni versal satisfaction, ' The following are the current quotationl for grow, domostro exchange, kn., as furnished by Cronise CO., bankers No.4Q South Third street: Old,Anterqi dolls,— 4./ tapo Old American g0id....1 Od " •• • ..1.02 vereigne......,e.8304.86 bles.tcan dollars 1.04 Napoleous—xx trancasas fiptatish ' Ten Osiers tAmer. " ......1.01 1 Prue:nen t Sao ire francs— .... • 0 guitdere .396 arrnan MOWN!. ..... 1.08 BDatlitlh deublomul..•l6Ao French " Patriot " NICIIANGE. N. Y. Exah'ee. par to dia. Pittsburg. to ! 1 4 ' di a. Boston " to , " to% " Baltimore "to '' nto " Ridimond Ito " St. Louis..... tot% " Charleetoo.... to " °lmago Ihfto 2 " i litTr h . 7 . to . 4 " " tt : New Orleans.. .4 to " . 7. to t ie 7JILILADII.I.4IU.A STOCK SIONANON BALS.3. January )0, Ina Ritroarso ar 8. E. niaxst.tkke i $lO6 Wealiiil l sll9 l 93. 'FIRST BOARD. /00 P 09113 39. • ..M&P 91141 6 Girard 8k.,....0a5h 45% 1000 £ Okf 91% 10 Del Div CM—, .4669% 400 do --.. .Cdt 91% 16 Farm & Mach Mc,. 86 1450 .....'.. Mk Ng lo bklierties 8k..... 61 1000 Ponna Coupon 9a. Bo 190 ILimita 1000 •do ........95 23 do Buo City 6( i , New 192 9 Forum 1t.10t5...2dY9 67)( 1000 Elmira Istmtr79.O23t 00 Binding R 1614 /WO Frink&B•ol9 Is.. 81 no Omen& Contosket It 18 10 Comruerciol 8k.... 49 0 Bea hies ... . . • 26% • 100 L Wand B. 11% 2.3linahill R... ,s3wn 35 3.988&27889 R,, 08 BOARDF. BETWE WV Reading R 673: MI I:lsland R ee...... $1 30 Bee Nes , Reading R 19 11i 6110091 D 400 CU; di, New:..... ...JOS $OOO ...... —lO3 340 City . 9335 2300 Cam b. Am . 03 837( 00 Iteaoino P. 83 Ili.. 93 WI do 43.. 93 UL061.90 PIE Bid. Askul. sem .. te1r....),, te q 102 rafts fit MAlt tl in L ii * .... .ll4 filt d ir o t 4; 117 03 9 9 9 69 Pervia .47 , 201 8-I°o' 114415r te .. i f°1 11 -1 1 ° 11 67 Sol Nay LI .66 6'1,4,1 .00 Eimirn R 600 Item:110K R 03 6 Meohatifos' Bk.— • • 21 Clteen&Coatatvat It Id 62 Norristown It...tota 42 Min atoll Soria ..... . ad% 3 do .. ..... 23% .EB-BT.EARY. Bid. dated. ' &hi Nav00t.....14 1634 %met az 810 t... /M. Ta kat mor.6l)i 32X, 0 24140n10 21 Long bland R..... 11 113 i i:to•s/t6tar.4B #2,i6 Perms it.-- 102 031 I" la. —.63 .. 06teneta . do tat MK 32 tricltlrdltibi% .7 etc tLe•ttsB to V CITY ITEMS. AtttIBIONARY LECTURE LAD EXIIIBITION.-By card in another column it wtll be seen that two enter taming lecture will be delivered in the Green-street hiethndiet EtnaaoPal Chinch, above Tenth street, this afternoon and evening, by R. B. Sutherland, Esti, His subjeotwill be "The Manners, Customs, and Reli gions of the Chinese: , These lectures will be illus trated by a large collection of idols. The entertain ment ate this afternoon will be more rsPecially adapted to ohildrea, and that this evening atl)f to adults. Few suldects are more interesting to elm rot-going audiefßea than thEi above, and we doubt not the house will be thronged on both occasions. A FEST DAYS NORM and the subscrlption•book of the Cosmopolitan Art Association closes for the sixth Tear. Only three dollars fora fine large steel engraving, a beautiful magazine, and a change in the award of 600 oil-paintings and stattutry, valued at 820 We. For Par ticulars drop in at E. 11 Bunt & Co.'s, corner Fifth end Chestnut. Tan FRANKLIN STATUS.—The statue of Franklin la front of the market-house which hears the name of the 110"tnIng-tamer is generally admired for the faith fulness of the likeness. the pose of the figure, and the grace of the drapery, The clothes are of the true an tique entolith saucer-sized buttons on the coat, and affording, upon the whole, a laughable contrast with full suit of the elegant modern garments such as are gotten up at the Brown Stone Clothing Balt of Itooklitli & Wan, No:00mA 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth• Quills a gala appearance was presented by our fashionable thoroughfares yesterday. The weather was Mild end spring -like, and the promenades were crowded with roar• oho eked, bright-eyed dames and demoisales, Sally attired. The chops seemed to be doing a fast-rate business, and fano' dry goods were in great demand. The great attraction to the " lords of creation" eeemed to be the elegant display of fashionable clothing made by Oranville gtoke a, the great clothier, of lio.Bol Chest antatteet. ills reduced rates and exquisitely beautiful Styles are doming immense crowds to his palatial esta blishment. Useseaseorns, Opere-glaesos, and Stereoscopes also tlnuyoyet: %mawlmeorreetly fitted to the eye sight.at M. T. FRANICIA 01, Optician, 112 South rough street. betow Chestnut. OrlAlta'a PATENT CARPET SWEEPER.—This va luable new invention fur housekeepers may be obtained, wholesale and retail, at hi. S. Parson & Co.'s house furnishing store. stnithwest, corner of Second and Dock. Twurtstd'a litsunanytais Dragrrnyz, northeast itOrrter Ninti and Spring Garden streets:4'o those who desire to Omura therough krroplede of book keeping, and each commercial information es will fit them for the eiranling•room,we would advise them to esti On Mr. Tanning. and enter upon a course of instmction, as ha establishment possesses AGOG artrantsgel gr fird -914440c0.u. amtilcclioso, - Jr - 7;1 - , MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PARE ARRIVED. Bohr Marinah N, Gautier, 11 days from Washington, N 0, with lumber to Samuel Bolton & Co. Behr C W Holmes. McElwee, 10 days from Norfolk, with shogles to Band Bolton & to. Bohr Wm Hone, Scott, days from Now York, with rodeo to David Cooper. Sloop Goo Burwell, sinithers,a days from Milton, Del, with noise to GeoW Baron. Breamtus Atlantis, Mason, from the Delaware Break water, watt brig Black Squall, satire Chas Hatch, and Marinah N in tow. Towed ship Morning Light to the Buoy on the Fourteen-foot Dank. Left at the Break water, brig Norfolk, front NinKeton, Jam, and Bohr Ma ryland, from Laguna, both for New York, tafiteamer S Shover, Donnie, 14 hours from Baltimore, via eanal, with Wee and yaseengera to A Droves, Jr. AY RALIOAATES. (Corressondenee of The Press.) Paw YOBS, 321)719. Arrived, ship Realm. from New Orleans; sahr King fisher, from Jaamel. Below, brigs Prentiss llobbs, from Cardenas; Alma, (tom Bermuda. BOtTOII, Jan 19. Arrived, bark AreibuSa, from Savannah. Below ship_ Mary Glover, from New Orleamit bark Maria, from' urks Island. (Per steamship Ansi:Saxon, at Portland.) Arrived from Savannah, ship Medallion, at Fleet wood; Amity. at Liverpool. Arrtved from Charleston, ships Odessa and CordoliP • at Liverpool, MEMORANDA. Steamship Boston, Bellew, cleared at Now York yes terday for Philadelphia. Steamship Moses Taylor, Grain, for Havana, Nailed from News ork yesterday. Steamithin Persia, Jedkins, from New York, arrived at Liverpool 330 P 31st ult. Ship Congress, from New Orleans for Liverpool, was at anchor MI Fleetwood 3d inst. with all her masts out away; she to also leaky. Ship Vitula, Burnley, cleared at New York yesterday for San Francisoo. Ship Finland, Jones, from Apalachicola, arrived at N York yesterday. Ship Atmosphere, Lunt, from Calcutta Oot 24, arrived yesterday Dec.. 8, let 21 El, long 2E. e eke shit/ Dragon . at New York 0 1 1 6 t'lgargi`gr:lClhrtzif,i,f N e w Orleans . Jan , Wandering Jew, from and Herald, from Callao for New York, steering NE. Ship Snow Squall, Lloyd, from Now York, arrived at ni u mgerie Nov 1. Bark David Langley, Bishop, for Palermo, sailed from Marseilles 25th ult. Bark Mahlon Williamlion Schariforth, from New Or leans, arrived at New York yesterday. Jun 4, experi enced a heavy gale from NE; at 4.30 P M. white furling foresail, the hark pitched forward, submerging the whole of the topgallant forecastle, earned away Jib boom. and lost both tiles, 'with gear. Another sea atrook her, and took the starboard cathead, with best bower, and lodged them on the topgallant forecastle. The gale honed until the 7th.oir Cape Hatteras. encoun tered 8 heavy gale from SW, and stiddely chilling to W . , masted 10 hours. Bark F Damming. Higgins, oleared at New York yes terday for Para. Bark Conrad, Salsbury, Was ',vatting at Rio de Janeiro 11th ult. Bark Palermo, Ingham, supposed for New York, was at Palermo 21st ult. Bark Belle, Ryder. (so, gowned) hence for Boston. was passed 11th Inst. in Vrnerard Sound, RorkMerrimac, Fitz, for .Now Orleans soon, Was at Janeiro 11th ult. Brig John Welsh, Fifield, hence, arrived at Galveston 7th Inst. Bohr R L Tay, Sheppard, from Boston, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Geo Harris, Dazoy, from Wilmington, NC, ar rived at New York yesterday. Bohr C n Reeves, Lake, bleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. Bohr L B Myers. Cobb. cleared at New York peeler oay for tlizabettmort. NAVAL.--The U S gunboats Mohican and Iroquois ended front Now York 1 esterday for coast of Africa. At Rio de Janeiro Deo 11th, Miles Champion, damson, from New York for San Frnnoigoo; Indian, Averiht, for Cardin', -wts,• Sam Dunning, paho fi eld, do, Miele; harks Julia Cobb, Ross, from Cardiff for 14 Orleans soon; Ann 11 Grant, Swam, ftom Riolanond. wtg; J )1 Chadbourne, Mason, from Pernambuco. wts; Speedwell, Howes, I rom Boston, lo; Parthian, Miller, trom Iliohmori, do; Ade laide Pendergast. Nelsoa, from Bahia, wtg freight ; • Co nlin, Petters ill from Riohmond, do; Chase. Raffia, tin Baltimore. do; Sophia, Jones, do do; Panama. Graves. from Now 1' ork, for Batavia soon; Clifton, Lewis, from Baltimore, Machin Sohn Winthrop, Eldridge. for Mon tevideo, wtg; Creole, Buck. Jul Baltimore, condemned; Starlight, Richards, wtg; Oen &linker, McDonnell, fin London, disci's; Adelaide, Wingate, fpom Baltimore, err Dee 0; Charles Edwin; Littlejohn, trom Boston, do; Win li Newman, Gavel, from Richmond; Muss North Point, Smith, for New York. wig; Amens, Rogers, from London, do; Ocean 13riee, Burgeon, from Monte video, do; Faustina, Berry, from Bahia. do; Win M Rice, Crowell, from Pepeitriola,arr Deo 1; Union State, Fox well, from Wilmington. NC err Bth; Crimea, Partridge, from Montevideo. arr Bth; colors AMA, 13 meats) Vence, horn Baron, wtg; Calliope, Hopkins, froin —, do, tARRIVALS AT TIM PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO TWSUIriI O'OlOOX LAST SIGHT GIRARD ROUSE--Chestrint at., below Ninth. D Lane, Phil& H 11 Jones, Easton F Furman, Nashville .1 11 Copeland, Nashville At Malone. Pa Luther 3 Ball, 11l Ales 3 Frick, 111 T P Buckner, Louisville 11 8 Buckner, Louisville Win E Curd, Loui sville N W Conant, Lomentla E Name & la, Toledo, 0 R L Madison, Vs B F Bluing, Lancaster, Pa Z D r umm o nd , St Loics A N V 8 Peterab'g, VnJ B Betts , Charleston John E BYrne,N 1' JCLayala,NY ~. T W sires la, Kansas E.'dw C Albertson. A 0 R W B Jeirvem,N u Miss Jarvis, N C Mr Rolland & la, N C Mrs Chapman, N C A C Wood, Staten Island Dexter ii Follett, Easton D F Farm. Boston 8 C Boughton tc la, N 1 - C E amnion & la, N Y J B Goraten & la, N Y A At Knight at, la, N Y Eli Brooks & la, WY Hies 1, A Broolts,.N Y . Chas E Levendg. N 1' jolin wi Nil Garth, N r Johnmeg. N 1 N 1) Stoddard, Mr Williams & le, Pa Miss Wiliam*, Pa Oeo P Whitakor, gad Jae Daffy, Pa C Heltensteim Pa E A Abbott, Concord, N it H Low & Is, re 3 John hilgour. 0 Col it P Black. Easton, pa WNI Leslie It ism y 3 Ward &la Mass .1 W Stone, N Y D Seel ton, , Cluveland Wm 8 Bradley, Meriden El N Bradley, N 17 ft al Shoemaker, Balt W C Poster, N f W W Fowler, IV Y Cam C.l Whitney, 11 B A P Duchy. N Y tt 0 Talbot, Me C Craft, N Y it Hal os , Belt A Atobard. N Y 3 W alacomber, Mass tti H Sayre & la, N Y J 8 horric Scot and .30 Worthington, thin, A P Howard Bonin ( 3 0 Tennant & ram, 8 a - J it Sneed, Savannah,, On, 11 al Bassett. Conn 1V P Bacon,Rl E 0 Tat t, Boston C B Barnes Boston Mr Dobben, Balt A 11. Jones ic 15. • Jno T Doyle. el Y Chas Stebbins, Richmond - 3 amt Stevens, Petersburg W A attar, Petersburg GOD 0 al Steinman, Pa II ELanaan, Lancaster Oen' Smith, Pa P Haldeman, Columbia B 14 Harden, St Loins 1.11 Terry, St Loom B Bumphreys, N Y CH Tyler, Chamberaburg ti Porter.N o BA Bradbury. N'l 33 0 O'Bryan. Nashville A G Curtin, Pa Alit Baron, Edenbura IidiERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Aroh, L E flheafrer, Philo H Faneost dr la, N J Thom Johnson ,14 Chunk J H Cooper Long Branch A Fortes, Jr, Hazleton Hon J L 01Ilia A dau, Pa Col W W Ftradeo,Nj 3 L Johnston, N Frank Cellos, Long Branch S Clomm, Bolt J Thomas, Ala W T Hyatt, N Y Oen W Lilly, Carbon oo W Ororfiold, Easton thrum Veazey, , Conn B B /loamy. Wilkesbarre Gen Hann/A , LS Watson, Mass Rem B Neither fc la. Easton Albert Field, Mau Hon E.L Blood, Ea AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut it., above Fifth, M Breaver, L 1 11 N Colton Pc Is, Ohio Tess Cohort, Ohio A Prater, Cincinnati R Mitchell, Cat WH. Bartlett, Maas H B Leach, N Y W T Clarke, Bath, Va NV B W udKon, Ind W lleavennort, Ind Tao Dahaldeon, Tamaqua NV It Tooker, Baltimore .1 Branton, Cleveland W I.llrtolc,N J CC Derr, N T 11 T Voun.,NY II Cowan,Warren, Pa .1 W_LowSer, N Y D Blom. ri Y Geo W Thalami, N Y NI b Griswold, Boston ti VS Woodward, Boston II A Stockton, N Y H P Motley & la, Balt 4 B Amnion & dau, Masa JONES' BOTEL—Chestnut at., below Seventh Thna J Williams, Pa F Loom. Gin 0 W F Mollvain Zs la, Balt Jan B Oakley ,N Y Dant Blobs, N Y . 0 N Litirn_pson, N Y Wnt IL Boas, Del 0 Rose, Del W m L Bouthworth, Woes° T M Blount, Jr, N Y M Iferriim, Ytt W M Traver', Ald W Wells & la, Bovdentown Joe Megrout, Aid R Beacham, AM Thou 0 Dorenno,llY John 8 Buser, M I), Al .1 F. II Crane,N .1 W Bannister, Trenton C B Frlsor, Trenton N C Benton, Trenton Jacob Wells, SI I' Wm L Salmon Balt Demi Spandenen, Balt E A Itytber, Salmon D C ST. LOWS flOTEL—Chestnut at., eh. Third. Jae ht Murray , N Y If 111eia L Cincinnat1 T Garriaion. ps. Robert Middleton. WIC% C VralTl. N 300101 11.11 , 1 Yearn. N Jersey Alfred Vesin, N Jersey J 13 Caniptield, N J D Vie'd, Weet Cheater Jos Taylor, V. eat Cheater I Needing, Trenton 'wiles Hooper Milt, James Sprasue, N York J E Steranson l Y. Di Jersey Wells, Mau B Richter, N ' Y. It &mob, Cincinnati FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Floorm4 street, above Market. MeJ 8T Lou,e Mt Jackson Dr B N .Isekson. N.l John ROW., Dei Robt Calbert, Del J Baron, N John a 8 Berger, Bel Asa TreArbard, Vt Jos LI Nickerson, Del Jas Hawkins, Camden, Del Chas Hauge, Pottstown e Detwiler, Ps Oen W Holbrook, Batt Jae Al thunders 3c la, Balt 0 W_Oollms. Del Thom Moms, Del Jos West, Ploy Height, BARLEY SHEAF 110 TEL—Second st.. below Vtne W H Ebert, Pa Thos Dillon, Pa Peter Clark & la, Emitsri ytobt Beans, Books er, J D Scott, Pa W E Magtll, Beaks co WIC Doane, Bucks 00 Thee Cromer, Bucks co H B Bough, Phtla MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third st.. above Callowhill Wm B Wells, Pottsville John Moiling, Bethlehem Chas Long ec la W Marsh 8 D Fltelinger,Lano co John Brunner Jonestown Oen Id Me:tro t - Mita, Del Chas Coates, Berrisburg Mrs A Long, Pa Josiah Treum, Bethlehem TJiE UNION ROTEL—Arch street. above Third. J Chambers. Cincinnati, 0 Cleo Whigs% Tamoqua.Pa B Picket, Po ttsville, J Heiberg, Pottsville, Pa ft Roll; Pa J b Robeson. Is 3 Chu Warne. Altoona, Pa Beni IWwood, Pottsville I' Uhler, Ilhlorovilio, Pa John P Babcock, J ROME HOTEL—Third street, above Raoe. Thou $ Diem, Pit John T Wilson, N Y leash Bowman, Pa John P Preston, Ohl) M Ii Jones, Philn l'itr Didier k la. Phila. Y Daley. Vail% zi tioldsborotigh, A y W R Sailer Ns N A Ludwig, Pottavilis Fl $ Speer, kiiiis E IC Wsand, Pottstown W A m i ntt e ,, potutown Alien Al A Cope, .0o) Jaen B F Within 1111PIIIIV1110 COMMERCIAL 1101:RL—Smrh at.. above Chestnut Ames spencer, Md James Mahn, Chester co Amos jticnble, Chester co Al Devoe+ 801,1 co Wni T Sionards, Sonny! co Isaac Sertolet, Reeding p_ll. Junte.tte, co J Swift, Lancaster Wm Sayler, Chester oo Jas Conner Wilni, Del S Graham, Chester co If Huber, Laine co Thoa Humphreys & la, Se STATES UNION HOTEL—Market et., above Sixth. J P Smith, ew_Yorlt W Shubert Trenton W Haggerty , Trenton It Fulmer, West Cheater B Oobsohalk, Pa 3 Dunlap, Mercer co 0 L Mann and In, Pa II N Pa IV II Watt, Pa Jne Dinwiddio, Pa Miss Dourless, Norristown Philip Parsons, m Md 0 W embalms, MA 0 8 Mitelane Baltiore D Myers. Pa T Campbell, BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third at,, above CalloWhill. Win B Bailer, Tamaqua 9 Heffner. Pottsrilfo John D Risco, Pa (leo P Mohr, Bethlehem .11 Stem, cooperation John Rutile r. Reading ' 11 Dangler gnskertown John Treiohler, Backe co J Housemen, Mont4ons'y cu H Fisher, Beading MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., above Arch. John T Kona dr. It Jos AI Collins, N J P Anderson. NY Moms Allen, Easton S Whitaker. Pa C Williamson, Want. Bet A Bond, Lebanon U W Hutoimmon, Pitteh's M A Peterson, Scranton It Smith, Lucerne co A Tram Sohaylkill co Miss Leo,tle, Wilkesh'e A Milohell, Wilkezharro Mrs AI Pa J It Young . , N J BLACK AFAR HOTEL—Third at., above Callowhill D Engle. Pa It Freed. Pp Ohne Harper. Ya °wen iturigieker, Ya T II Bteokel, Allentown D Sieshole,Bunumi town J Hollenbaoh, Cloudaville 0 Miller, It OAdinlit Nam) Morrie, Phha H Maurer, Beehtelavale B Haina, Traxlertown Geo Grout. Reading A Btoulrer, It eaMtie I) Oteinnieni, Pa Thon H Wolf, Danboro NATIONAL 11011.11,—Iteoe street, above Third, I Grim. N I A 73 Conrath,Del John Armstrong, Del ti ml Howard , 11 D 0 t3wartz, Lancaster P Htesine, Neadins V a T Drlolt, Palmyra 0 I , liennr. Allentown TD . Illard, Welieboro J W Hauler, Lan c aster 0 Wady, Mtn itobt Dungannon, Alin W It Vont, Bch Haven SPECIAL NOTICES. Tut GUAM FIRE IN BEEKAIAN STRUT, XXIV YOB Z—FIZREING'S WIC FIVBDAYS zßrae FIER. —NEw Yon's.. January M. 1860.—Genre r 'The llorrinee Bare which I puralumed from you come time ninon, and had is use in my Mhos, No. SG Ann latent, at the time of the reeent great lire in Beekman and Ann greets, woe tented by fire, and preserved all my hooka, imperil, and precloue atones, after remaining in the burning ruins nearly five day a• You will PliWitte send me another of arger Rite, to my present office, No. 121 MOW greet, and oblige, your truly, JOHN P. SIMON, Diamond Jeweller. FARRSt.L, iiiitißlNO,A CO.. Ca Chi *tnut street, Jayne's Hall, Philadelphia, are the only makers in thin State of FINIIRING'S PATENT GRAMPIAN BUIE. 1/110 -If BLLAKANDPIR FIBS-Pnoop Bmege.—A very large assortment oritALAMARVERB for ode at reason able altos; No. IN 011IESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. lillig tt SVANA k WATSON THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 18601. TAYLOR—KAVANA.UON.—In New _York, pri , _the . 16th telt, a v oi ßev. se fM. 1 ,';,,11.1 . KT.17. 1 14°Ajty I liLictig—w7tra to rorll.—On 19tH inst., by Rev. Ifenry J. Morton, Mr. ROIL Morris Jr., to Mote Miter . Matbon, daughter of George At, Wharton, Eve., al .t" I Philadelphia. BVF.AR—TATMAN.—On Weilneady. lath January, J. 0, Sonar to Hannah Tatman, both o Delawarik ft,--On the 9t h last. by .1160. F , ~.iz t ", Behant s, Elmentl thutth, Rag. to bath, daughter °Vivito Fehr, bot h of Headingg , la. the ittlt tut., b North Rev. I J. A. Clay, Alt. James l3ll.lollX, (miner Y 0 Carohnn, Mita Anna Barnard, daughter Cl James Barnard, of thin oily. DEANEY.—On the 17th inst., Mary A. A. Downey t daughter of Bridget and the late Charles Deane:. aged 19 Rrrlilatives and friends of the family ate invited to attend Ult. funeral. from the residence el her mother ) N 0.317 Christian street. Olt Saturday morning. at Ws o'clock. Funeral services at St, Joseph's Churcn. In• terment at At. Mary's Cemetery. St. Joseph's Sodality is respeatfully invited. BROORS. the Ith hod" !Harbin Elwood, eon of John and Bather Ann Brooks, aged years 3 months and 10 days. A blossom from Life's changing river. Snatched to the bosom of the Sitvloilit On that Saviour's bosom bloom, Waiting till thy parents mime. The relatives and inends of thejamily are Tessera. fully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of toe parents, Qllosll street, Germantown, on Sunday afternoon next. at 2 o'clock, Without further notice. `• BEYLARD —On Tuesday. January 1701, in the 07th Mr of bia me, - Henry Du Barry Beylard, eon of John Bevlard Jr., formerly of this oily, now of Paris. lIM friends are invited to attend Me funeral, front Mt late residence, No. 121)5 Spruce street, this der, the 20th instant, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Bonaldsou's Cemetery. ETRII3.—On the 17th inst., Mrs. Mary Jane, wife of Robert Bills. Funeral from the residence of her husband, rooter of Diamond and Second streets, this t Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, BURKHART —On the Jath inch . Borns° Burkhart in the 30th year of his ese. Funeral from the residence of his brother, Theodore Burkhart, No. 1327 Mount Vernon street, this (Friday) moritink, at 10 o'clock. GOll DON.—A t Beverly, N. 3., on the 17th inst.,Tho• nice F. Gordon, formerly of this city, in the 70th year of his age, The funeral will take place, at Beverly, this (Frid ay) • • afternoon at :o'clock. CA.B.DEN.—On the 17th inst., Nicholas Carden, eked 5t veers. iCeLATJK. AND PUIffiTETtIVITSSELIN i ES. -2-4" —Duet received ell-wool, Perin printed, bleeko and Purple Mousseline Del:tines. Dark gray mixed Mohair Debates, 12t cents. Dark gray mazol Ilfaeonoa Clotbe, 25 eta. Bleck and white English Chintsoe, Wit OM Plain black English Chintzes, 1254 Cray m711).410( 8n fligh Uffiltzeff,l2)4 Meek Algacne, in,. 25. 21, aid 37 eta. Clack and White dotted Deltone. 1551 eta. BESSUN is ON. Mourning Stare, dl3 5 5 CHESTNUT fittest. P:MADAME LOLA MONTEZ. TWO NIGHTS A r MUSIVA I. FUND HALL,- NESDAY and FRIDAY EvENINOft, Jan. Zed; and 77th.—On WEDNFAPAY the Winglve herl4N ture entitled ' JOHN HULL HOME,NIO OA.Y "EVENING her witty and amusing Lecture. en titled "FAEMIUN." Tinketa 26 rants. Dom open et 7; to oonnnenee at 8 o'clock. 1a.21.10t• DR. SOLDEftS LECTURE ON THE NUNFIPIAri OP HOMAN AND OEHMANte WV AND OOVEHNNENT COMPILED, Lecture Second. nt thee course. on the First Fonr Centuries of the Christian Era. Wilt tato place this FRIDAY (Dm Mb) Evening'. at /54 o'clock, at Checkering Ii Bona, NOT CHESTNUT Street. Tickets for the remaining lire lectures, 192A,admItting lady and gentleman. *1 for every additional lady. Single admission 60 cents, or i cords for a lady and gen tleman It' OFFICE OF RECEIVER OF TAXES,! Pon auxuritie. Jan. 19, pagi, Wee Is hereby given to the owner of the hereinafter described property , that claim for taxes for the year We has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of the openly of Philadelphia, and that a writ of Noire facial will lie issued the, eon, after one week from the above date. twine the same is paid before that time toJORPf O'BRIEN, Reg., No. Et Booth F VTR street. F A. I. LOMERFEUP, Receiver of Taxon. The City of Philadelphia vs. TilOlll6llF. Evans. owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be the owner: De. e ember Term, 1809. NO, 4W, claim for State and City Taxes for the your HA 71.01, alma lot of ground and mealtimes or tenement t hereon erected, nitwite on the northeaut corner of Currant alley and Spruce street: containing in trent on laid Spruce street, Si feet, more or less, and extending in depth northward TO feet 10 inches, more or IMO. Ja2o4t AN INTERESTING LECTURE TO Punday School Children and Teachers, and their friends. on the CII3TOIRS AND RELIGIONS OF TRH OIIINESE, illustrated with a peer and large oollaction oC Chtneee Idoteand Quriositiec will be riven in the GREEN-STREET M. E,CIIIIIICII. TIGB AFTER NOON, at 3 o'clock, and EVENINS at o'clock. The Afternoon Lecture adapted to the old [then. Ttekets for adults 25 cts.; children Dies. 3t* fa. FERFECT DI GESTION, STROSO nerves, sound lungs. refreshing steep, and funn• Donal regularity restored, without medicine, incense. ;Donee, or expense to the most disordered or enfeebled constitution, DU BA.R.RY'S DELICIOUS HEALTH BESTOW NO REVALh'ITA ARA BICA FOOD, which at a few rents per meal, eaves fifty times its cost in Inetheine. and removes indigestion (dyspepsia). habi real conseipeition, flatulency, nervousness, biliousness, fevers, °Mardis, colds,, noises in the ears, rheumatism, gout, impurities, eruptions hysteria, neuralgia, irrita bility, sleeplessness, acidity, palpitation. heartburn, handsel's, dnbihty, diabetes, dermoplonoy. (gamin, spasms, Mum!. and sickness, sinking. fits, cough, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, also eltildien's com plaints. Fifty years' indescribable agony from DYSPEPSIA, nervousnees, eicknese at die stomach, and vomiting have been removed by Du Barry's excellent Food. Teaumonia)a from Dr. Bright, Dr, Uri. re. Harvey, Dr. Sherland, Dr. Campbell. and many Omura! other reepeciabls parties who can be referred to. Packed with fit I Distractions in canisters, eilto to $l2, The latter curl lase 1 reo on receipt of cash. Sold at the Revatento Arabian Food Depot, 213 SOUTH 'EH I RU street, by if. ht Ul4llO, Principal Agent for the rated Stoles. W. Perrin, Jr., Chestnut and Ywalth streets. D. L. Blockhouse • Ilwlithand Preen streets. J. Harkinson and E. B. Clarke. Main afoot, Daman town; and through all Grocers and CIIOI,IIEII. Sals-Im-faca• KrTHE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS, 800/ AT/ON OF PiIIA,ADSLPHIA.--rtoileB. Tha annual dues of members for 1860 are now due and Valablo at the rooms 1000 and 1011 Ott EISTNUT Street. from 8 A. ht. to 10 P. at. laG•feBt JOHN WANAMAKC3I., COY. Sao. if , OFFICE OF ME RELIANCE MU. ...A TOM, INSURANCE COMPANY' OF MLA- January 140,1&10. The annual Meeting of the atookholdete of this com pany 14111. be hold at their offiee, No. Sue WALNUT Street. on 'MONDAY, the Oth daY of PEDADARY neat at II o'elock And an election for Twenty Directors. to some rot the ensuing year. Will he liel+l on name day at the came place, between hi o'clock AI., and 2 o'clock P. lit. D. M. late•mtaftfee Seortitary2, qOFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL COMPANY, Pit ILADELeIIIa, Jan. IL 1860. a.IIIIMII meeting of the stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be hold at the of fice of the company, No. VS Walnut street, on Tuesdev, Fehmays 7th nos', at It o'clock A. M. at which time an election for olilcere and managers will take place. irtligntettf7 O. THOM/130N. Hearers:7. OFFICE OF RECEIVER OF TAXES, VIIILtVELPIIIA 4 Jan, IS, 1800. rPICR TO TAX PAW:I'M—The Make of the me 'oral wards of the city of Fhdndolphia, will be opened for TNeOlVirll the TeXOll for the vroment year, IWO, on WEDNEfiDAY, the /at day of 1. chruary luggt, onnolnx. PLOMERFELT, inl9-0 Boreiver of Talton. rGa•AT 2'HE ANNUAL MEETING Or THE Btooniavra the contg,lidntod Coat Comps , hold nt their onion in Philadelphia. on January JO, Itm, 1110 following Rondo me!' were unanimously elected Directors, to serve the ensuing) ear: UMW:Ton s. John H. Brown, William it. Merritt, Chas. l'arish, Robert Ntnitli, Edmund Deacon John Ely. Wethertll. At a subsequent meeting of the Board, Jun. IL Brown way chosen President, a n d J. Henry Sensor. rieoretari and Treasurer. Jail Std ItW (r - f • A GENERAL MEETING OP TIM BONDHOLDP,BB OP TIM UNION CANAL ecrm PAN I' will be hold at Room No. N 3, MERCHANTS' P.XCHANOE, (th i rd Atom/ on WEDNESDAY, the 2.5 th inatant, at 12 o'clock Al John Welah, * John A. %man. W. A. Blanchard, J. V. Willinonion, P. AI. Broach W. B. IlaNedrino, JO.lllOll Magee, • W. Wooduutt. lalB-d125 —Tbn annual meet ng of the etors eintlinentnl lintel Colman'', for the election of of mane ere; and the trepection or other etinineße, will he held in the Parlors o f the Hotel, on NVERNESDAY r January 26, MN, et 12 o'i , tnek 1417.1.005 J. SERGEANT PRICE, Racer. U , OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Pow, &Ma' tllk • /anent, 11 , 180.). NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—TheAnnuet Moat jno °lola Stockholders of this Company will be eld on MONDAY, the 6th day or pahrun.r i , isno, o'olook A. M., at the BANSOM-BTII. Mil` MALI,. The Annual Election fur Ihreotela held on MONDAY, the Bill day of Marna. 1860, at the Oillee of the Company, 224 Pooth THltiD BiT•et. jald-tat EDMUND SMITH. &oratory. rig. REV. 11. ORA T TAN GUINNESS will Preach in the Rev. Dr. Wylie's, Chureh, Broad, below Spines. street on MONDAY, WEDNEN DAY. and YRIU6V EVENINGS, of Me week. at 7% o'clock, reserving the oilier evenlnse of the week for meeting privately with inquirers in the Lecture Room of the Chureh. ja.l6-40 rife. ONPICIR 1411 LA DELPIIIA AND REAISINO HAf5.ltOAO cohleArtir. the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Phil:11101We and Reading Railroad Company, held Janu ary 9.180. tho following gentlemen were unanortousli elected (Moors for few: PRVISIDSNT. A. VICE PftlO,ll,BST. J. ,Durron MANiaitt, J. 1)151`1'ON fr.TEELY.. A. E. BORI HAS. AIACA LESTER. wet. tlEl.bEitS. ROBT.KILLTuN. CHAS. littlITI). TRBASURRN. S. BRADFORD. SUCHRTARY. WA!. If. IdoILILENNEY. • . . Br order, Igo., into Iln I.V. MOILIIENNY. Secretary. rau OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE COUN TY PASSENGER RAI I.ROAD COMPANY.— The fifth instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on the (MPIN stork of MIS CIIITIDMIY will hu due end Pay able on TJIESDAY, the 2/111 dip of January. at the Office or T. T. 13 ITOIEft, Treasurer. No. 112 sown' ro RUE Street. A. 1.. DONNA PI.'ON. Jal2 tja2l Secretary, HAYAVA CIGARS.—A handsome an sortment now landing from loge " harnack " and "Alfrod ExalL" and fur ealo low by CHARLES TETE, ja2o-13t. no WALNUT Street. clan ma lilt VANA CILIA RS—Oom tRJOU'LI HA Fmaro. Partagas , Noma de Oro, Naptono, Upmens, Prue hem, Palma. Vaguer...l. folinidtain, YMMI), Sce.. A, e • of different BIZOS and qualltien, now lending, in store, end for wile by CIISRLE% TETE, la2o -10t130 WALNUT Street. IF YOU DESIRE A SUPERIOR PHOTO -.I- graph or Ambrotype, resort to REIMER'S Photo graphic Gallery, SECOND Street, above GREEN. It. OT i C.t .11-01TIOE OP THE DELA WARE ANTI RARITAN CANAI. ANT) CAM DEN AND AM WY RAILROAD AND TRANSPOR ATION COM VANIER. Pitrararcol. Nrw JansEV, Jan. 38. MO. The Direotara of the above Como:melt have thou day declared a Dividend of NIX PEN CENT. out of the earwigs of the last aic mouths, panahle to the btook holdall!. or their legal reoreeentlyee. on and after TIJNSDAY,tha 2ith day ot Tannery tnet„ by RICHARD BIIIPPEN, at the Companlo.' Oltice In Philadelphia, and by IRA BLISS, at the Office oethoca Companies! in New York. RICHARD STOG REEN CKTON, JAB. . , Jn2).l2t Transom... VALENTINES.—FISHER & BROTHER. Our splendtd ennuel n.n l orttnent or VALENTNES, now reedy for the trade, We call the attention of dealers to oar popular 85, 810, 816, ANO $2O A seORTAIENT OP VA 1. ;NTlNliti. Ench Rapti linent complete in itself, and which we wit Warrant to atve eatisfaotton. NIFTIER & REOTIIEE, jo2o 6t* Ito eolith SIXTH Street. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. .11BNItY COY, Agent, ealt CHESTNUT STREET. SECOND FLOOR. Machines, with Operators, on hire to Private Families. EitIOCC(C °Mega: 7 West STATE Street, Trenton, N. 3. 110 CENTRAL NUARE, Easton, Fe. Isl6-6m pV VI ERA p ,NARY 1.1 It G 0 N.-R. - REvA„ ii„.e fitted up a Pharmacy and Horse airman'. at 3127 CIIII.IIY Ftreet, similar to what he had in Wattle, Street ten sears since. and 'which gave §eneral sallsteetion. It is provoletX with large linx ta ns : t oo necessary Bathe. Jima. aball ho oarefullY attended to, Ket a sufficiency of the harlot foratte, and being under hts constant methcalmsnection,avery exer bon shall ho made to expedite their recovery. e Charges moderate, which can he atutertatned at Infirmary. No Horse admitted with any contagious discase. As viol, tit Condom abrod, 0019-St" MARRIED. DIED. INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY INSURANCES ON LIVES °RANTING ANNUITIES, AN ACT OF' THE Lrg '6 ',ATV RE, STATEMENT OF THEIR ASSETS, Ist DECEMBER, 1859 CAPITAL STOCK, REAL 18TATI• Longue lalend, in river Delswere,l Office Building, 3114 Walnut etreet,l BONDS AND MORTOAOSS. First Mortgagee, on unencumbered property.. 638,825 67 Ground Rents, well secured .... ..... ~..... 64,6cd 47 Loans on call, with notes and collateral! 910,22 a 75 bite lnterestx and fiery dr vidand certificate, ai 30 61 ebte due to Company, i ncluding advances in Tract Itstates STOCKS, LOANS. AND TREASURY NOTES, VIZ: ra 80000 Philadelphia 4P4' cent. loan $40,065 00 do Guardian rentoor do '551,30001 do City 0 do 8000901 do 05.% 5 41. 1 ' cent. do $137.1,0000 Penns 5 •ir cent. coupon bonds. . ar750.082000 du 44. ... S2J 66000 do 41. i Vg Cont. do u,62470 do guarantied interest.. . $6,148 00 Soh urlk ill Nay. Co. Boat Loan $32,00000 Camden and Amboy Railroad 6 CO cant. to an $24 000 110 Camden and Amboy Railroad 1646' cent. loan Co. $20,00,100 North I'ennsylvania Railroad Co. 6V cent. Sonde • $22,000 00 l'ennsylvania. Railroad 2,1 mort gage Bonds $61,67263 Chealpeake and Delaware Canal Co. 0 to' cent. Loan .. . . $28,87000 Lehigh Coal and Navigi;tion cent. Loan $11,84100 Lehigh Coal and Nay. Mortgage I,oan. $5,00000 Allegheny 4:5. 4 cent. 80nd5.... .. 65,00000 City of Pittilburo do , do • • •• • $12,00000 do 6 40' cent. Loan. $l5 00)00 Cleveland and Mahoning Rail road 7 tr cent. Bono. 4120,00000 Hamilton eo., (MID, 646' rent. do. 8 8 ,00000Fayettecount, Ky., V' cent. do. $21,40000 Tenneuee a cent, Loan ¶2, 1 00100 do 6 cent. Donde 012000 Pittsburg Coupons $llOOO Bank of Pennsylvania notes 810000000 United Staten Treasury Notes.... 103 shares Schuylkill Navigatiou Company.. 104 do 4:Loveland and Motioning Railroad 104 do Commormal Bank 2.53 do Vartnera' and Mechanic,' Bank. 101 do Philadelphia Bank 45 do State Bank at 31 do Delaware Bralve Co.. Easton.... 300 do Inaurance t o North Anyone& .. lo do I'eminylvania Railroad Company 270 do Bald Earle and Spring Crook.- 00 do Penns y lvan i a nd Nov. Co. Scrip, 1040) do Company for Diso Canoes on Lives, Sco $20317,074 76 WILLIAM B. HILL. PIIILA ' , LLAMA, isn. 16, ISA) (IPFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA 'LA' COMPANY R INSURANCES ON LIVES AND ORA NT/NO N AN C ITIES, 304 WALNUTStreet, Piiii,AUELPIIIA, January DOM. At an Election of the Sloe Iceoltiers, bald on Monday. the 10th invent, the following gentlemen were Imam. tuously re-elected Directors for the ormolus_ year: Charles Dubai. William If. (lett, IVllliem Kirkham, Wllliam 8. Vaux, Henry J. Williams, William Harmer, Kent. ifutobinvon, John H. Wueherar. F, ranc,. Hopkinson, St. Chu. T. Camyoeli, Joimpli Swift. Adolph E. Berle, Norris. s Directors, held this day, fa ously re-elected Pro ~LlAht B . rtra, And, at a meeting o am f 6, uel CHARLES MITILII wan Mont, and WILLIAM B. Ja2o-3t WIL PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Office N. E. corner of THIRD and DOCK e treete Philadelph3l.—The foliowing statement of the lawn of the Company is published in con formai with a provision of the enactor: giErillpTA 100 THE VILLE, ENDING IntrintHlTl ney, 1859. For Premiums andFoiiotee .....e1ba,776 21 For interest on investment arid M alden& 78,123 ZI 4.5 Lfi , egs AND 2lrENsis 04. W. p.m:Hop, Loom /9, mountin g, to e 40,200 00 Expengell,valarlea, advertiains,ico 10 817 25 Kent, Mate and city taxes t 2 220 a Amoy charges, commissions, taxa*. &O ... 9.478 48 Au-insurance and interest— ... , ... 2 833 17 E 66,460 70 AAiETS Or TOL COMPANY LIABLE TO rAI 1.0 , 4211, /ANC Any IoT, 1810, 5,001 00 United dlstar Spar cont. Bonds. . 60 40.000 00 Cniied 83 ' "2 Treasury notes.... ........... . . 40,165 00 2,009 00 Pennsylvania per oeni. !wen . 2,106 00 20 1 00 e 00 'Fenny Lennie. 6 1100 k Vennsylvanla 5 per cent' 18 ' 64 69 Courant Bond,— . 1035 on 10Cag0 per cent. 43,150 CO ithiladelphia .6.Pr''c'eni: 9 ' B" 99 Loan. eh b1,83S i 6 0:0,000 Philadelpilin it per . cent. Loan, exemption ... ......... 78,366 po 20,000 00 Philadelphia 6 per cent. 1 onnear. tax._ 11029 36 10 OM 00 Pittsburg City 6 per cent. heads. 10 oce CO Washington County 6 per cent 80nd5.,.....' 22 .00 3 0 Allegheny County 6 par cent. Bonds - . 10,043 (13 21,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad lei Mortegle 6 Per COO. Ronda.— 20,90000 20101100 pennsylvani, Redrual 2tl mortgage 6 per oent. 80n04.. 16 010 00 30.010 (oNorth Pennsylvania Rail road 6 per gent, Bondi 22.500 00 20 000 00 Union Canal let mortgage 6 per 1 4Tf 00 100 Mimeo 'Western Liatik' Stook . 8" 8/1 LO 201 " Commercial Bank" . 106,E1n 25 76 " North America" " 10,186 IW " Manufacturers and Me th/noes Bank Mock .. 2.784 40 600 " Pennsylvania Redroad. 20 ,442 71 212 " Oiratd Life insurance Company 5 675 S 3 Mortgages and Ground Rents, all first Ilene 255.780 93 Loans Onlsoo OU Loans on Collateral s„ ... 60.994 32 BOA receivable. Prend ... um .... 110 niti 56 Real Estate. °Mae building 37,00 p; 70 Scrip dividend' and Insurance Companies. 65340 14) Agents, balance of their accounts nue 17,040 71 el nett erlyparnients on Policies le• sued 12,105 01 Cnela on band, and in Rank., • 52,108 47 lntei est on inveatmente to Jnn. 1, 1660 21) 222 40 Moe Furniturel COli 41 Franklin Fire litannince — Ciini 14112 t""*." $959.G91 as Deduct two looses In IeGO 1.000 00 el 937.691 Fllitannt.sut a, Jan. 17, lead. At an Election held at the office of the Company. on MONDAY thetd inst., the following gentlemen were duly elected Trustees, to awe for three years Rodolphue Kent, Elbe A. Archer, Samuel J. Christian Daniel L. Miller, Winiare Robertson, Josealt hl. Thonine, Warren M. Basin Pierre V. Dutton, taiitnuel M meeting, of the Board of Tr twain., held this eve n,nil. MILLER. Eq., was elected Presi dent, and SAMIJEL,I. 1410X1.0, Esq., Vice Presi dent, for the enstting year. The !loud of Treatises have Tuns DAY declared a Borip Dividend of TWtATY-FIVE per cent. upon the rei' isms paid in Into. hey Na ve also tleelnysol a Cash Dividend of AIX per pent. upon the Rorie Dividends of leinto February leo o . Inolusi v*, payable at the office of the Company after the 7th day a February nest, to those who have paid their whole premium in cash: and to those who are indebted for premium notes or otherwise it will he eatable at the tone of settlement of their next premium. And hive also ordered the discontinuanee of the Guarantee Capital atter the first day of April next. DANIEL L. hll LLE R. President. ttithlllEl, R. STOKES, Vice President, !WIN W. HORNOR, Secretary. 1120-twet CIIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSIJ vg R AlfiCE COMPANY, No. 115 'WALNUT Street, TIM COMPANY NCE COES DV ON AI LY I A FIRE INBI.I RANE9N. 6TATEIIIENT OF ITS CONDITION. RECEIPTS. AND DUSBURBEMENTR. FOR TILE YEAR LNDINO DECEMBER 9lxt, 1869, CAPITAL 8200 600. BURPLUR AND RECDRITI Es, °vim Imo 0). ARRETB OF nu; COMPANY, Leo. 31, 1839, CAtlli IT) M& cash..... . ... 00 OW: 00 1. 4 4 ,1 1 40 , 1 in Itonit4 of Dog loaned on cal, souureil — i;; 9491" —.... 13,399 CO 8394E2 39 OTRER BECURITIEB. Alarket Vacua. n Bonds and Mortgagee, well secured ..e126,00) 00 n Bank &nolo 10,292 00 n Lireguid Rents 6,579 16 a City Aixen... , —_. 2,1900 00 I n Railroad Ronde 10.000 00 In andhame Unindon di s h Amboy, Pe nna. , other R. Co.'s stock ~ 10,01h1 CO 11001. shares Nahuylkill And Lehigh Nay. Co., and other Stocks, Ronde, and Bills Re newable ......... .• .. 106,600 00 Total .8517,861 bl, RECEI PTri FOB. THE 1' PAL Received for Fire Premiums $87.97228 Interest and Discount ..... 7 1,21 91 'C0ta1..._... ... I)IBBUB9IvDfk:d2'F Pardon Loss account,, . - . Reinsurance account, C•unmission . for Ealarist o 00 Dividend Eeturned Premium account... Contributed to the Fire Department of Phila.. dolph a, paid Taxes to the titate of Penn sylvana. Lieennes In other States. °lnce rent, Postage, Printnt Stationery, tr. 0... 11,621 31 LIA LIT/ am All lowa adjusted have en paid before maturity. 'bosses madjusted, but reported . • • • 81 COO 00 We hale borrowed no money. We ham no tiptoe or Acceptances out. *A sinal loss nocurred in New York city, on the =slimy :if December 2V. The creditors for another Party siovented ue, by n gernishee. from liming the claimant otherwise every loss wou , d here been dis posed of We halal cerlity, thnt the foregoing statement a thonondttog or the GIRARD FIRE AND MARINN INSURANCE COMPANY. is correct and Doc. .lAMED It. ALVORD, Focretars. ALPIUD 8. (ELLETT. Vice President. DIRECTORS. Hon. OWL W. Woodward, N. S. Lawrence. Win. hl.iwnin, or Ledger, Thomas Dlllard, Franck lows. Charles I. Dupont, li a . , N id . lig, d ,V „ , Jerry Walker. William C. Rudman, John Ansiaoh, Jr., Joseph Klapp, M. D„ Thomas ernvon, (Merge H. Ashton, John W. Cleghorn, J Eh JONES. Proficient. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President end Treasurer. jraf.at JAMBS D. ALYORD. Beoreiary TILE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMFANY OP .NRW YORK. Motu: SIX AOLLIONS OF DOLLARD. OlVOurt. O M TH M YER 41 % .000 u, The premiums are towsa then In many otuer 001XIM• Wes, mut tlutlltvidonds IHAVO Goon OEXATXX. This Is a strioUr Muluet, tsmhani. Thus ere no litoakhoi vs, en that A I. TIIE PiIOFITS DIXONG TO TMX IMMIX% Pamphlets, ant every Information, may be had GUAVA, on appliettion to F. AToitrOßp sTARR,Acant. S. W. eornerFOURTH and WAL.NUF Streets. 11111..A.MLEMA BErERBYWEei RMAra6on. IC i n 731 1 1heatt, 0.0.. N. Stroul i %. ° N. g w helm'. Johnll Myer' . Fisher Lyainina s illiani C. budmis tri l l 4 !M t :rill Arthur fr. GAIN 11Qmo.a . Powers , tleorso W. Tolnoi. itliam H. 'rho.. Wattsor . n -1111• NWIIOLSON, • Manufacturer of 13111n11, I,INNN and MAW9FII.I.Es 110901118 AND COLLARS A larva and choice assortment, and WELL )11,02, nt ways nn hand, unto whloh 1 particularly invite the at " Il it r, ;Ogg:ilia% P 117 1 7 4 19 / 1 13VAIT ' ol l, t E i L litli: slelph joe-trio INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Paimnutramin, 171.11,1240. AtnAcnent nf the Aunts or the A I FIRE INBI.IYIANOt, COMPANY. MI the let instent, published an conformity with the net Of All/embly, van Nov, .108 addSlo Walt l iat L ail l ree l r and No. WI Wood Jaws in Moony a Phanele)phim.... SM OW GO AL SOliOf Mita Haven 2ml 00 MOOTOSONS. liolni firet :watt agee on pro: in Oa, of Phint4e)phis. . .. ... , Mortgage On proyorty in comity .(Balti mo re I,Thi Uround TOMO, well•necured...— .... ........ 01.01 a aa BOA t 4. 610.000 0 , 0 Lehigh Valley Railroad compa n y. 8,700 0 0 13,1100 01.1 /reading Railroad Company. • )9,800 to 19,000 00 Harrisburg, Pottornouth, Mt. Joy. apd Lancaster Railroad Company 9,300 00 7,000 00 Philadelphia end Trenton Railroad ..... . • . 6,000 00 SAW 00 Dahtware C . cnpany, guarantied,. ......,_. •• ••, . • 4,260 00 10,000 00 Brsapeske 'and Delaware 'Anal meal? , 8.4100 00 /0,00010 Cl e o/ . o.ll6didgillia. 6 per vnt.... 9,860 00 100 00 00 Sta 3 enneasee, 6 per eent.... 7,9 000 6 000 00 Do. do. 6 per cent... 6,400 00 2404110Cleveiread and Alabotting Ratiroe.d Company 11,240 no 10,003 00 Schuylkill Navigation Company, first mor l Kage. 10.350 00 1.120 00 Itelluyllal NaviantiGli Comp' E. ate 6,1M10 00 Philadelphia and Delaware River Railroad iMmpany.7 per cent . • 4 173 00 /0400 00 Lehlgli Cool and Navigation Cnin• _ $400,000 pany:'ffriiirrinrte age 00 Alleeheny County, 0 per con. -- t ow nu I,lctle Benny lain Kailrond ConiPl• .)111 per coot 2,911 18 Loh,lgh Crane Iron Company, 0 per 4,000 00 cent 6,0X103 Bureueitann . a Canal Company, 8 per Dent 2000 00 rranklm Institute, 3,000 00 Union Canal Cuu 10,000 011 Delaware Diviaion 10,000 00 Ilazleton Coal Cr 10,000 on .elnelt Lucerne 3,163 00 Sundries, being Luau, !3190,000 00 80 shares Union Bank of Tennemme.... LIZ 00 " Schuylkill 14,avi merlon Company . 3 0113 g 0 lOU l'onnaylvania Railroad Company. 8,773 up het " North Penney!yam Rai lroad Company SIO 00 100 " Atn lo9 ergean Fire Irtiurseee Com -7 IS r haute) phitt Exchange Company. 943 00 to " ilttladelnltta and Laneaster ',turn pike Com pa nY. Galoo art teaggs Nxoxl. Loans on collateral... tittle Receivable...... Cull on hand end In bangs,.._ Se 2157 ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. o7 DIR6C7OIIO. John T. LIMA', James R. Campbell, Edmund 0. MOM, Charles W. Youltney, Israel Morris. THOM aR R. MARIS. napident. It ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORO. Baeramep. Thom. R. Mari,, John Well Samuel C. Morton, I'. Urndy, (FFECE OF UNION MUTUAL IN •-• BURANCE COMPANY. JAAUAYI 9. IMO. STATEMENT of the AFFAIRS or thta COMPANY. tto coaformi Ty with a PrOVlSion of Its obarter Premimne [Torn !skim 3, 1659, to January 1,1660 .• • . •• • • ....... 8233,1X1 93 Premiums earned on Marine and Inland Rieke during the year endine as above.... 173.148 33 Received from intermits on investments.... 7 9)4 03 Loewe, Return Premiums, Re-ineuraneei. Expenees and Commudons, end amount reserved to may lowa unadjueted.... Ul 205 Ff) Net ilOn• • • Enlance altainat tt; "r e Cm . '" reviou . e 899.11 a 92 yenta _ P 45 115 85 Dolance to the detot of dtviderol aooount.... ABSETS OP THE COMPANY, January 1,1360 • ...• 6.000 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. loan., at cosi. $0.125 00 10,000 Philadelphia city percent . loans, " oo TAO City of Pitts , urg 6 percent . " 6.7 0 0 00 7,00 u P • " 5,800 00 41,620 Camden and Amboy R. Company, 6 per dent Bondy dad North Pennsylvania R. Comp'y Bon d . 11;77:013 CO 10:1 Shares N. Pennsylvania R. Company.. 5 101 00 117 Philadelphia Bank 11 7to 00 14,5/0 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 05.... 10,010 00 84 Shares Delaware alumni Safety n surance Company. ......... 2, 70 e 00 45 Shares Delaware R. Company.— .• . 1.125 Sundry stocks of Railroads, Steamboat Don panics, and Telegraph Companies, and C. panics, of Profits of Mutual insurance Company ..... 13,629 00 ACT GARY. j a2O -3t elso,ra oo Estiinsted present value • ....... e1c0,020 00 Hilts resolvable for premiums 81.43067 Cash in Bank% .... . . .... 16,430 71 lire the Company i'er unsettled selvages, and other accounts... ....•••• •. . 77.827 al RICHARD S. SMITH, Presider 4: JOS. COLLISON, Secretary, At a meeting of tbe Screholdere of the UNION MU TUAL INSURANCE COhIPAN V of Philadelphia. held at their office January 10th, PO, the following gentle men were elooted to serves,' Directors for three years: S. Destrinet, Henry Lewis'. Jr,. A. E. Bone. Edward I, Clark, Wm. C. Kent, IL Y. Robinson, Samuel C. Conk. W. P. Washington, and Henry Samuel, for two years, who, with Richard R. Smith, Charles Eosin. Hugh Clenisbell, Godfrey Frey tr.', Prancis Tete, J. P. Steiner. Newberry A. Smith, Eilis Yarnell, John H. Irwin, Thomas Miles. Albert Worrell, Charles Newbold. George Lewis, I Oeu. W. Be rn futon, D. Rellotoon, cogir a the Board of D j iLe s utr e , r4 LL ,.. , VAL`4 Secretary. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TICICNOR 8c FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY : i. POEMS. llt THI AUTHOR Or "JOHN HALIFAX," &c. One Volume. 16mo. 76 cent,. It. POEMS. BY SYDNEY POEM, MT/ UDINO " &NOLAND IN TIME OF WAR,'. "BALDER,' "THE One Volume. Hp° and Gold. 76 canto. It CAPTAIN SOHN BROWN'S LIFE AND it v.t.rEws 1111PleINDING CRISIS. for Bale at the Auk -Slavery Office, 10 North F11•"f11 !Wed. A2U-Gt' THE ELOIIIM. REVEALED. THE FIRST ADAM AND THE SECOND. LINDSAY x BLAK Id fON Pilidi•b this day TUE EI,OII (hi REVEALED in the Creation and Redemption of Men. Br tile Rev. Samuel J. Baird, D., Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Woodbury, N. Large bro., tki.4Price 42.3 d. INTRODCCTION.—n p.p. ictorical Sketch of the Doctrine of Original bill. CHAPIMS I. Triune Creator. ll he Eternal Plan. lii .The Providential Administration. IV .A dam, the Ldieneas of God. V The Law of God. VL.The trinci pie °fait, Law. VII The Nature of din VIII Death, the P0131.1g7 albs j..aw. IX..'Phe Law, a Covenant of Lite. X Adam the Covenant Head of the Race. " XI .katent of Adam's Parental Relation —Origin of the Root. XII The APostacy of Adorn. X I L.The Pe rnfloston el Mo r el Evil. , XVI of Ottgintil Bin. .X V Definition of Omit. and of Imputation. XVI .The Omit of Adam's Post dim XVII .NittiVeDepravity. " .Propegation of Original Bin, XIX .The Eternal Covenant. X X The /Second Adam. XXI Christ's Obedience to the I.mr. Xx 1 I .The Last Adam a Quickening Spirit. XXI./ Christ's Kinsdom sag (Dom LINASAN BLAKISTON, Putt/others and Boobeil,ra,, left-tf Ni. 13 5,8111'4 St.. above 0 tit EITNET. EVANS , GIFT BOO& LIST—NEW BOONS. IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF ANY BOOM BUY 'THEM AT GEORGE G. hVANs' 1111 V THEM AT GEORGE G. EV • NS' BUY THEM AT GEORGE G. nVANS' (tilt Rook Store, No. 499 Chestnut street, Gift Ltook Store , No. 439 Chestnut Street. 'Tis the beat place in the cite. Rooks are sold as cheap as at any ether store, and you have the advantage Of getbnif a handsome (lift with each Book. NEW PUBLICATIONS. LIFE OF TILE EMPRESS JOSEPHINE, By Cecil B. Hauler, one volume, En o. c loth. prose 51. THE Q tt VEEN'S FAT , A Tale of the Days of King Ilerotl. One Mum, 12m0.. eloth. Pram al THE BIBLICAL REASON W HY. A Family Guide to Scriptural Reading. One volume, 12n10., cloth. il igl i itßT OF DANCING. BY E ik Ferrero. One vol., 12m0., cloth. Price 8L THE ADVENTURES OF ..11.YOTHAN 'WAIF:- BRED. By Sam Slick. Jr. One volume. (Imo.,cloth. Price pl. 'nth DOOMED cHIEF. or SB Years Ago By the author of Gaut Gurley. One v01,12m0. Price 51. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. Prestidiziteur. Edited by R. Shelton Mackenzie. One volume, lamo, cloth. Price 81. HOW COULD RE HELP IT; cr, The Matt To. umpliant. By A. 13. Iles, One volume, 12mo, Price 81.26. 80 K OF POPULAR BONGS. The lwst collection of Bones everublishod. One volume. lino , Price et. 'IRE Li la: AND ADVaNTURES OF RAJ' BABA, the Oriental Treveller. compriging ninny curious de scriptions of the Mysteries of the Herein, etc. One " IVATO I NITOP r irtACQ, the celebrated French Po liceman. One volume, 12in0., cloth, with a Gill. Poo 61,20. THE BOOK OP PLAYSI FOR HOME AMUSEMENT AND PRIVATE THEATRICAL nriTERTAINAIENTS, Beina collection of Oriental and selected COMEDIES, PLAYS. CHARA DES. kc., With full descriptions or Cosmnies, Scenery. Prober • ties, Ike.. and every eireation relevant toe private or Lublin performance. The whole carefully arranged and adapted by SILAS 8. STEELE, DRAMATIRT. ' Hetailsorualy bound In one volume,l2mo., cloth' Priee B ROOK OF HUMOROUS POETRY. Containing choice leleations (runt popular authors. One volume, 12ino. Voice 11. TIM OLD STONE. MANSION. By Charles J. Peter son One vohitue,/2nto, with a rift. Price Ti. 23, PRINCE OF nibHOUSE OF DAVID. By Rev. J. 11. Ingraham, D. D. Price 51. Z. THE PILLA H (IF FIRE. Prise 81 29. LOVE, (L'AMOUII,I By hlichelet. One vol„ 12mo. Ponest. TEN YEARS OF PREACHER LIFE. By Milburn. One volume, limo. Price ALL TIM N. , IV BOOKS can he had, and you have the advantage of getting a Oat nith each Book that you purchase, OW in, and oar trial will snare you that the best Were se the city where yam sneak( purchase Books is tiEORGF 0. EVANS' GIFT BOOK_ESTABLISEIM.ENT, 439 CHESTNUT St., l'inladelphia, .1020-tr Two doors below Filth, ou the upper side. ... 895,44 67 $4 1, 1,4447 03 701 6.1 6,993 39 0,400 00 12.261 46 1,411 Da CARPETS. F. A. ELIOT & CO., Noe, S 2 and St North FRONT Street. are the SOLE ACitliTB in Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CARPET COMPANY,and have constantly for sale a full assortment of VELVET and TAPESTRY CARPETS, of choice patterns. Also, a large supply of the various kinds of CAR PETS manufaotured in Philadelphia city and county, from nearly all the best manufacturer& Dealers will find it to their intermit to tall and examine these goods, which are offered for ants on the moat favorable terms. N. 13 —F. A. ELIOT & CO, being the &le Agents in Philadelphia fiir the sale of the Wonted and Carpet Yarns spun by the flaxonville Mills (formerly the New Ens'audWorated Company, h and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton, and Abbott Companies, hare PielliiaT facilities for keeping constantly for sale the various k ode of Carpet.' manufactured in Philadelphia, on the MOM favorable terms. lal7-sm D EAF MADE TO HEAR.--instru - , nts to every \ Att. , ty, and of the most improved eon striletron. to amid the hearing, at the Eer laltrunlent below PePot•Che P. stnut MADEIRA'S, 115 South TENTH etiset. . )sIU st• CIDER BRANDY.—tt Bblv. Connect cut Color Brandi, extra qunlity, for toll!, on entwin- Innnt by C. C. NADLER & 019 ARCH Id door &boy. Front. 46 par cent:::.: I COO 00 many 600 CO n Canal Company 16.600 VO '7,riVraLia• .6111600 c, of "t" $7.78.741 91 CARPETINGS. VVANTS. eIARDENER WANTED—Who under stands laying ont Grounds, starting Vineries, ,to. None but a skilful and highly-recommended one need apply. Stating reference and resolenee, to "B. E.." at thou o ffi ce. .ia2r at• A WELL-EDUCATED YOUNG MAN, having travelled through South America and the Island of Cuba. and converses in English. French, Ger man, and anguish. de urea satinton in same i.otamer rntl house ea * talesman or assistant 800 -Imeggsr, Would also make an engagement fur the South. A large salary no object, but a respectable and Eermatient em ployment required. Address A. 0. 8.,' Press Office. M2O-2t• WANTED—By a young Man, a SITUA TION in a Who:el/ale Notion Idolise. Salary Dot in much an object an a knowledse of tho business. Writer a food hand. Hest of reference Pree. Address $Ol Tin Yost Onto*. It" WiltED—A Situation Itmm Y me, or oung Elanuse; has been raised in Marke on. t etreet. is a first-rate balearnan, and can glee the eat of reference,. Ad- dress WILLIAms, Frankterd. jam-Yt• WANTED—In a large Dry-Goods Job. lin; House. Salome who thoroushly deratanda the Near Trade. Address •• S. C.." Press omee. lal4 St. WANTED—Art holiest and reliable per. ter iii a Wholesale Cloth Rouse. One With some experience in pockine preferred. Must be well recotn. olendeia. Addreu "Btertdy." Pass once. 1419 3t. W ANTED. s4,ooo.—The Advertiser waahee to commen d n ititereer in hie tweirieur Derwin Who can Three or Pour Thoasetui Dollars in cseh—the husineu pleasant. profitehle. and well eetabhehed. Addreta "E. M. 8.," Box 1101 Ph, ludelehla Post Office, talB et. $lO7OOO —WANTED, A MAN OF • Lemmas integrity, With the above LIM. to take ober,. of a safe bimetal'. Security satis factory. Address BOX VA Phiteda. Poet Office. ALS St• WANTED —By a young man from the wintry, A SITUATION la * wholesale or ... tad Groceq. Gracenr. Address "t 3." at tam atfice. late Gt WANTE D-A SITUATION IN A first-class Dry Goods Jobbins house, by lin ezne• rimmed salesman who can command a tai -dal s and six-months (rads. Mittel's "binder,' tress office. jaie-8t• A GRADUATE OF CRITTENDEITS ...A.. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE desires e fittustio4 le some et ho'esale house. Cnn we city reference* or the first tespeetsbiltty. Address X.," thts office. teld-fit. WANTED—In a store in Market street, ahoy who has had some 41SNIT1t0Cti 10 the can of White Goods and Embroidenes. Address 0 IR hits Goods" at Pm, alas*. JalB-St• A YOUNG LADY having a thorough Eng lish Education desires a situriCon as Islam:awe in a priests amity. address" Alice," Press atm jalr-at• WANTED— By a first-class salesman, a situation in a Wholesale Jobbing Dry Goods }muse. doing Western trade, to which quaruir he r an influence a fair amount of business. Andreas " Tem plekm." at thi• caw.. jartlit. WANTED—A situation in a Wholesale Hardware Ftore, by a young man wbo has some knowledge of the businees. Address " Iron," office of this paper. 417-40 FOR SALE AND TO LET. T 0 RENT. THE STORES UNDER TILE CONTINENTAL HOTEL. ON THE NINTH-STREET FRONT. Posteuton will be given on FRBRUARY lit, MO. Application, wilt be received at the office of the CM' pang. at the & W. Cii3ll. NINTH and RANSOM bTHEHTB, iati to Seoood Floor. To LET—A very desirable four-story Brick Fire-proof STORE. located corner of BANK Street and ELOiW Lane. Apply to STUART & BROTHER. WO 30 13 BANK Street. 61 FOR SALE OR TO LET—A neat, MIL convenient Dwelling . , No. 524 NORTH SIXTH Street. Lot IS feet front.2o feet deep. Apply at No. OD MARKET Street. ja'olmw- ft fra. FOR SALE—A Splendid City Resi; BLit deuce in READING. Berke Count, Pa... Eishth Street, near Chestnut. Lot is aS Pet be "2:40 feet. with a ohm(' selection of Fruit Trees. Shrubbery, .tc. House le two-story brick, 24 feet by 22 feet, with a two storbrick dining-room and kitchen attached, IC feet by 36 feet, with a one story brick wash kitchen attached, with bake oven sod smoke-honse, gas in every ronni. hydr.nt in the yard. Prize 85 COO. Terms Easy. Inituire or MATTHIAS MENGEL, Alderman, ja2o-2t Reading. Pe. TO RENT. THE SECOND AND THIRD MAIM or A LARGE GRANITE numorma. No. 5 NORTH FIFTH STREET, 43 sr 100 YUT IN Darr! AlS.wfmtf APPLY ON THE PREMI3E9 a l 70 CAPITALISTS.--FOR SALE,- 1 LThe Machinery. Btoek_, and Fixture. of a )aree Manufactory of PAPER HArtOINUS. Violete with every oonvapienee for earnuns on en extensive Liai se.. A desirable investment to persons of enero who can push the business For vale tett)! or without the buildots. inquire at = CHESTNUT &rest. laldwinatf maTO LET—A desirable DIVELtIItiO. ims modern improvements, end lar.ze ordon, tittint,d on BRIDGE. Street, above Tbiry-Pixotb, mama. Infinite on the Pretnist`n. AV 71* 'VALUABLE WHARF ON THE DELA- Y Wit ft F. 10 LET—Sauere near the VINE-Street ferry ountable for Iron, Lumbar, ern btearebott Lace i es. For Particulars address,lntli real name,lloX Ste, Phthealatua Pcsa Othos. jati-et• rip° STRAW HOUSES.—A large second story room to Rent. at 129 CHESTNUT St•jalll-11* FOR SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Christian and Twentieth streets. Wing three fronts. suitable fora church or factor, site. For terms he.. address J. 13., at this Mice. istS tf L'AOTOItY LOT FOR SALE.-A comer lot lye feat Renate, having three fronts, ndyntret.ty booted fora Netory one. It to situated in the eouthveetern Pot of the oily, in s ratodly-tm towing ueoshborhool. It will be gold on reeeortable erms. For rtrticuhrg, Redress. "K.," office of The Yrerm tale-tf difiß WILL LET—The FIRST FLOOR, REISECOND STORE. and. if wished, the THIRD STORE of my building. which Soon are DO feet deer , . ( reserving the Cellar and fourth Story for My own use.) fora Wholesale Grocery, Grain and Feed. or Frovunnn Store, If rented, the entrance to my Offire, Aleohol Distillery, and Liquor Store, will be 106 NEW Street, ahoy. Front. Possesainngiven one month alter tate n . Apply to EDWARD WRIOHT, 250 North FRONT Street, below Vine. The two Stoma will be entirely separate, end, in the manner the building is constmoted, will have all the contremencos. 704.13 t IIOUSE' TAVERNS, and STORES, ma. R sal Estate of every deseription, for sale or to rent. Apply to MAX HEIN'S. Real Estate Merit, No. 227 North sEcpiv II Street. an L. Tourny fr Co.'s Seed Store. All orders will be promptly attended to. Enslish, From* and (Jarman spoken. Collector of Ground Rents. ntnarn R OTA & DAVIS WASIIING•MACIIINE for sale by_PLOWMAN& difeBRIDE, Manntse turets..7 STRAWBERRY Street, f'hiladelphis, By this machine nweek's wut of an or marl-sited [emir con be done before breakfast. his equal in ca ntinas to four women, and urea at least tO per cent. is wear and tear. Hundreds of them are now to use. and the demand continuing. Call and examine for yourselves. County tights for into on reasonable terms, Yrioe of machine $lO, op to ffla PLOWMAN & MeBRIDE. fea-lin• 37 STRAWBERRY Street. :MILLINERY COORS. FOR EVENING PARTIES BERTHAS, CAPES, SETS, SLEEVES, and CUFFS, In Real Lace, Crape, Iltueion, Illog,d end Imitation, to greet gametes, of the NL:WEST STYLES. ALIO. 4-4, 6.4, 9.4, 10.4 ILLUSION, TARLATANS, CRAPES, Ac., Much below the usual gram IVA R B TJRTON ' S. 1004 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth Street, 306 South SECOND Street, below Spruce. jalldf GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. I W. SCOTT---late of the firm of Win. a.• cheater Soott—GENTIAMEF FURNISH INg. STORE and SHIRT to.A.ri AcTorts. 811 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly °manta t e Oimrd Housed o. / 1 . 1 0 1 .7. ste Hotly tall the ettention of tut former potrolfrks to his new store, and ie pre pared to Sti o 8111)trd at short notioe. , pelt - sat fitsumn ed. [Massie Trade travelled watt fine Shirts and Co ars. (y2l-17 COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS ! IVORYTYPES. DAGUERREOTYPES! AT MoCLEES'. NO 088 CHESTNUT STREET, SelOw Seventh (opposite layee's HAW. $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Those who desire n really splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should call at this THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND MOST EXTEN• SIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE STATE. Copies of DAGUERREOTYPES or Arrilirotypes, of any size, finished in CRAYON, OIL, WATER-CoLO2I, PABTIL, or as IvoartyrL,• JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO.. 111FORTIMR AND WAOLIS9SI.3 DICALLII3 IN DRY GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, tie 3sl4.Bmit No, 727 CHESTNUT Street. IVMONEY LIBERALLY IVANOM.— oc' R;ooll,Atetpakerit, cx, w,aarntt 141 El and GAB I,Btrets. low Lombard. Mae gown !ram A. M. 17 P. M. Mallanf COINS AND MEDALS OF ALL KINDS, Minerals, EMAIL Vnittevings, Antoersohe, Sta tionery. end Fancy Articles, Sought and Sold. W. IDLER, 1.04-1 m • No. 111 Nnrth NINTH. near AkcH Ft. R EFINED b .Is. crush , ed. firtiritriiiitWre•3l47 AMUSEMENTS. VVii t ef:atee N u UT-STREE . Z . TMA O I2 I I 3. E. state Minager— bt r. F. Sturtness Agent ........ At. 3M,.. D. MI ItYlil THISFR IDA V.1..E . :17,E t ra,N0. Jaz.. ZS. - • 81171: testis. Mtu Mabid. Heron; Oraolo, Mr. J. W. Wallack; thsj• of Vetiee.Mr. Ilsorge Jokte.; bir.l.. it. Showell ; aUF. M. Young 1 V/obll. Mrs. Anus Cuirall; Spolatru. Mt. Dams; Uttatu. Mr. Reach. • .- • . leirPrices u oust. Ikeets secured erdhout extra ekuss. .00rs open et th". o'clock : Perforsunce to comeasces at 7 o'clock. WHEATLEY it CLARKE'S ARCH. 'STREET THEATRE. T3llB (FRIDAY) EVENING. Jam 50. Mr EVERYBODVS, FatEND. Fonthette. m r . W. rETER Peter WOkins. Mrs. DterwAJOilll Adsene, )h L Doi yea ; Nioodenins Crommull, Mr. C Luta. BCALII 01 PEcxs.— Ada Is cents: Scosr o 4 gents to Dram Circle St% pm., p artget. , otaa , Doors open at ttsu pest f o'clock ; perhomasecta to commence at? o'clock mammas. DIAN RICE'S GREAT 5110 w. -.a. , NATIONAL THEATER. WAL:HYT Ett, above Eithth. Vitcse.—Dress Circle, SO cants; FarellEghvje. 26 centa_; Nett Ite ' , verve Helm U earns wae4a Pri vate Boxea. a 3 sad ale. CHa NOS or Theis—Dom open sa kall plat 0 . 40 et. Toeo.nmenee at 7 THIS i FRI PAY I EVENING. Sta.lo. Fourth Nut ht of the COA4rufieent Spectacle aril ger- Deus Show Flees of MAI)IC BING OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS: FIRE, WATER. HARTS:Lead AIR ! Herbert. Ate. W. H. Pao ; Aranipit. Me. Whittaker: Gods}, Mr. J. Darele beeline. Mtge Este Udall ; Annello, 111/1 Adelaidel. Sptnt of the Water ILO.. Stlas otton ; Knrshe. Mai Weße ; Sainte of Air. Miss Tafford a nd Miss FroPErk. _ _ _ Am" MUM:t= !AN ACADEMY . OF MUSIC. Tug FRENCH OPERA COILIQUE. MONDAY IiVRIONO. Jen a. Will be preseeted for the firs: time is PitilnaeZphis. LA 011ATTS MkTAMOSk'IiCkIEEt Spora CGM2241144 Mane by Offenbacb. a n d words by Scribe. as per formed Li Madlie Dero . for whom it Ina aompoaedi at the Opera COMIQUe. in Pane. for upwards of X.l nights. to clotted bonitos. and which was warmed is .11• W York for twelve nights Ina cabman( *atilt einem. and universally pronounced by the pitta and Pablre its one of the most Diarist and inrenettraj ann eal prodacttons of the DISTRIRCT/ON. Mianreiattne. (La Chats de Gordo M DA RCT Gwdn.Mn" .`a Gorverunto......." d A(MU AVOS (M niut OS,Din Dip' oeadteut.—... M.DUD. To bit foitoted by Tar+ ET of OIDLETTA ET ROMEO. MAITLE ANNA WIESLV.IL An Romeo. bey ant appearance in opera to Ammon. To coaohied• volt JEAN LB SOT, Operetta In one act; words of Julien. mane of A. Pilate. DISTRIBUTION: Marie. (Ftettnite)...—.—.. DARt T, Tancred DEBOS. Jean le sot .. .At. tat:MR. ,M. RBITTER. hfusieal Conductor PRICES OF ADMISSION. Parquet. Parquet Circle. arid BaleoCY- •• No extra charge for reserved imam Family Circle.... ....... A mr.hliearre. . . • . • Cts. ORDER OF SKl:E.—ilia Boni suie' . tile Parquet and Parquet Circle. at Beck R Lawton's. The COAS•6 of the Parquet aid Parquet Circle. at Chick/rifles; the other portion' of the Loose at the Arademr of Mug v. THURSDAY EVENING, Farewell appearance of the French Opera Comigne, with entire nonage alp orramine. Donn open at 73i. Curtain will rise at S o'clook precisely. Opera Books will be given. Dee of charge. to ail Purchasing one dollar tickets. JOS it oDONOUGH'S GAIETIES—AAUP. St., below THIRD. ANNIVERSARY BILL. MAMAIOTEI PERFoRMA?iCE. TERRE. COMIC PANTOMIME& DECHELMAC. Ale,. the DESERTERS. HERNANDEZ AS THE FRENCH DANCINo MASTER. MISS ROSINA MAY. - of tha Cooper tietrgi Troupe., will appear. WALK AR NANDEZ.OUND. Come Emit end see the best Performance In the cirr. rriiIRTEENTII ANNUAL BALL OF TRR PitiLkDELPRIA (Beak's) BAND. Mo. 1. Will be gtern at the NATIONAL OVARDS . RAM, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, January' 25th, The Managers takepleasure in stating. to the patrons find friends of the Band that no eflort will be spared to render this Ball as brilliant as thaw heretofore arlref. Tegkete *1 eeeh, admitting a gentlemen and Isdtes. ea' be bad at Beek & Burna',B2:3 MARKET Street. of Janice M. Beek. No. 7 1 e FLORIDA Street. &bore Fleventh. and below Fitzwater. or of any of the Managers. or Members of the Band. IaRO-f.t• W M. C. VINYARD. Director. VRENCII BENEVOLENtBALL. LENTSOD E REC TORS the the aFsuRrE NC IH fi BE m N E t V he O friends and the patrons of their Chantal)]e fastitatine. that their 'IRIRTEENTH ANNUAL BALL IQ take place oa TUESDAY the 24th of January. at the MUSI CAL FUND HALL. No panst Intl De spared to render it equal in splendor to Ats prederessem sod vorthr of the kind patrontute of the public. - Floor Man/tam—l ULEB M. MARTIN. Tickets. ululating a Denton-an and two Ladias....t.Y. To ebt. had of Ens. Roussel!. an d Pre attetti 211 S o ut h Eighth street; A. Ideate. neere larr.36 South Fourth street. LIMAS= P ROFIESSOR EARACCOS' GERMAN Jr- 4IHTILLION SOIREES at and CHESTNUT Street, MONDAY. THURSDAY. and SATURDAY EVENINGS. Hosea and Mamma MONDAY and THURSDAY AFTERNOON; PIITSte 1.140 N t 11111 hours unoccupied. Gerttaritover. TUESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOON for children. and e'reetug for adies and centlernen. )a]3-St• SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS, CHESTNUT Street, p ear SLIM. TRIODON'S THEATRE OP ARTS. THIS EVEING, be awed the following elegant scenes t The Pert of Genoa. 'Washington and hts Gotten's. are truly re presented, NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. In which LOAM Moving Figures are represented—to gether with Life-like slew of tee Gemini and tus Mar shals. The A nry . on ash/arch. MON),P, OF MT. ST. DERNARD. After which the temfic scene of the Storm at See, The exhibition terminating with the model rievoj the monster steamship, the Great Eastern. Afternoon performances on Wednesday and Saturant. Tickets, Z mote. Children, le meta. Doors open at f. To commence MB. „EMPLE. OE WONDERS, AL Northeast eorner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. weat and Novel Attrt t etlon. HAPPY NEW I VAR! BIONOR BLITZ. The wonderful Mapoian and Venteiloanhrt. EXHIBITION EV ER 1 EVENING DIMINO THE WEK. Commencing at oolf'. and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY A FTYRNOON Bat & The celebrate,” Automaton Hors Vaulter, One of the greaten pieoee of Mechaniam ever exhibited.will appear inavery saluta tion, and perform his astonishing felts. Atlmmaton 8 cents. Chllarer, la Mnta. THE LAST WEEK OF PARISINA, LUCY'S PRIZet PICTURE. TILE PILGRIM FATHERS a NIARTVRDOM nd or JOHN LIUSzi. at the DUSSELDORF EXHIBITION. AC ADENti OF FINE ARTS, lt,ds CfIESTNUT Street. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 Y. SI Adnumon ffi Dents. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 0? TIM PINE ARV. wscIIESTNUT STREET. ttil P. Is OPEN DAILY, (Sundays eszeste.l,) from 9 A. M. M. Heated—Tbe Tenth ro!arne of " (Wit Stounde Venst ia " of Punnet e. Adman:ion 2.3 coots. Cruldren under UPM kill price. italtaree of Stock all PAPER DANCING% &c. TO CLOSE BUSINESS. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., HO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET, Will salt out, throu,sh am litter and text wins, their tarts mock of PAPER HANGINGS, Ca'maistin g or ever, Variety connected watt the t,wra ea AT GREATLY REDUCED' PRIC&S PINE FRENCH PAPERS AT 33 PER CENT. BE LOW COST. Person' wanting tnair llouatig Paperej, can get Haat BARGAINS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIII).- The 'partnership haretorcre etistlns tweoz the subaratbers, under the firm of .E. & F. C. YARNALL & Ott. d .11 silo ved b i y ia l l i t o .s ara : FRA?iCIS Y.& J 0515111 TRIMBLE. Phatidegh4s, I% Vat LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—AgreeabIy to tho qto vtstone of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealtu of Pennsylvania, entitled" An act relative to limited earl nershipe," the entictitiers hate formed a limited mut. mettle. under the name and firm of YARNALI. TRIMBLE. for the traneaction of the tusinesa of Ira portins and Dealing in tkeis•Ash. and ether ahemieas and General filerchand se. in the ear of Philadelphia. ELLIS YARNALL, resift; u, the Twenty-first ward, of the city of Philadelphia. dIiSEPH TRIMBLE, re sling mai' city of Camden. in the State of New ler soy, and CHARLVS If AR SIIORNE. residing in the Eighth ward. of the city of Philadelphia. are the Gene rat Partners, and FRANCIS C. TARNALL. rew.dit: in the county of Montgomery. in the State of Penns)! - ania, is the only Special Partner. and has contributed to the capital of the said partnership. and actually paid in cash the turn of fifty thousand dollars. The said part nership IS to commence on the 1 1 1th day of Sanitary, lb% and terminate on the Dist dig of December, Isdd. ELLIS VARNA LL. JOS hPLI TRIMBLE, CHARLES HARTSHORNE. General Partners. FRANCIS C. TA RNAL. SPeclal Part per. Philadelphia, January 16.13x1. Jaa)-fmw ISt LITTLE & STORES Aare this chs as/oat/tied rah them JOHN P. BODINE AND THEODORE A. MEHL, And will co Dunne the IMPORTING AND COMMISSION HTSINEIS As heretofore, at No.lt - CHESTNUT atreet, under the at) It and tllle of LITTLE, STOKES, h CO Referring to the above, we rerrectrullt - +write the trade to so examintionot ear Sto k. which trilleatheace & lull end complete s....orment of FOREIGN DRESS AND STUFF GOODS, Together W/th the ranonePTCOUM TILE PACIFIC MILLS, PORTSMOUTH AND HADLEY LAWNS We also hare the exelative Agency for th.a Marks! of JAMES BLACK h, CO.'S CELEBRATED.PRINTINths, In ,utdOtion tow/nob, ve Tonld cel your sttentton to 1 evrttlifidte icssortracit of GOODS SODDED TO WSW% WIIAR. heeding the 'micas evades of BIOLLEY'S cLorns, CAB3IILERVB. AND DoraKtNs. Philadelphia, Jae. 2.137 D. HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER on a Il Farm in Deiworpro eovinty. Eseedlent ptAlAni pid experienced Groom. Apply No. AS4 WALNUT newt. e4w,eed nnti. MA( SI.LVSIt SOAP—A simple preparation for Silver Plats. jeeretry. Mirrors, Mar ble, &c. far more convenient and efecuwe lima end other. use halt the labor of House obviated null be missal', emcee this Soap, which cannot scantly wore the Inset ?oleo white, and as no entlibbAns m *alerted, the new i n the wear °lda paint Is sine inmate them the oast of tee Soap. It 1 the el:trisect as sure act "lute es when new. MansfeeThred out , be the &wins rapt Wssaaal_Smj ai mgrar sold ptuaenM. thektnyritai ist•nßCm