lie adirdredids °Mirage and his talent. yet he could not hut believe that his eieetion em Speaker of the House Woadlend to mischief, it behooved us all to guard against the spirit of disunion that is now being engendered. If we would answer Ildly and truly the duties of American gin seng, we should recall the administration of Washing ton, and profit by the wnrie of wisdom that fell from his lips. Nest to4he Bible of inspiration he adored and admired the Farewell Address of Washington. [Loud and lons-contipued cheering. I When he Raw men ar rayed-one against the other--the men of the North nail the South opposing and abusing each other—when he heard calculations mnde as to the Union's valuo, or the amine of,isven a portion of it. hie mind reverted to the aderetwikC our courktry's father. and the wisdom it con taing— said about gawky and sectional divot long, and how he warned us of the dangers of sectional lam. We should hear Ids voice now, and it would ad monish tut against these dangers. We should guard againtit these approaching divisions and this sectional strife.. We should have a common flag. a common cause, anti a common glory—everything that could make us brothers and friends, fAmilausol When he looked hack and saw how the God of our country had blessed us, when he saw how we have grown into greatness, how we have magnified our commerce, how our Sag is respected in every nation of theglobe bow we are honored and esteemed; when he saw before him and around him, wherever he looked or wherever . . he went. so mane cheering and wonderful evidences of Than be felt thgre could be no more criminal folly than elite eternal emit Of wrangling. He trusted that we would oppose these wars of motions. and that we would organize a party whose principles would - rise above all sectional distinctions, a party that looks to the intemate of tide great country, a party- muter which we will fight, and ever which Will float the glorious standard of the stripes and stare. [Great eheoring.l_ Can we not ilgnore the elaverynueLtion ? [Cries of fee.' , "Yea.and cheers.) 'Have not you of the Republican party con quered ? Have you noVgained evervthine yen could elai'm as far impractical freedom of the Territories could ref Anti now. when we see men applauding Brown's foray and the Helper book. why don't you strike hands with ue to reticent this country from the thraldom of a pro fileate and demoralized Democracy?? Let him gar that. hisown humble way, no arithmetin could calculate the valve of the Union. [Lop; and loud cheers. with arias of " Good," " Good,' and " Amen."] In his very coal lie regretted to see this war going on in this beloved country. No mortal man could calculate the effectors dissolution of the Union. It wee utterly im pestible. even in dollars and cents, to tell its value. lle would not. for any thing human, see one State emitted from the g alaxy, . south Carolina, with its nullification and disentoniem—even South flambee, he would not on with her for worlds, [Cheers.] Mr. 'Nelson cloned with an imintealoned and thrilling appeal for Union, which no reporter's pen could &Me tice to. When he sat down, from amidst the greatest enthusiasm.. Loll cries were mode for Mr. Maynard. of Tonnes /Me. who rose to remind, and was loudly cheered Mr. Maynard came here a stranner end clone. If he . felt disposed for sentiment he would visit the moneroug retire in our midst that revive on many recollections of our tinily glory; but, it was neither the time nor the Place for sentiment like this. We were in is free coun try. and the children of those who made this country an experiment. If we fail, where amour the tone of Ailem wet it be renewed? (Cheers.] Allusion had lutes intle to the disorganized condition of the Heinle. Dol it ever 000 Ur to US that we were living wttitout the power to declare war or defend s against the common invader ? What other country that the Pun ever shone upon was in the condition of our.? There was hope, however. foe wore every tie to be broken. and every land-mark iwept array, fho American people would nee in the in tuition of soil-government, and recover their truant grandeur. [Cheers.] Alas; theta fatale spectre in our path. When Belie Peyton 'made hie grand and fie shine entry urea the ate co of public life—and Salle Peyton is not an old man—the questions that animated nor country wore, questions of eemmerce, of finance. of busineas element.. But for the net few years we have had nothing but this min i-able negrequestion. He did not stand hero to discuss those nnestions; upon them all he steed recorded upon the public, records of the country: What have we gain ed by three slavery imitations Borne people leave rot into power, some are in the Renate, end some in the' Howe. and mime in the State Legiglatnre, and this is all., "UN naked them to look at it and answer as rational mon. Has one' free roan beep mode a slave or one Slave a free mane Mae one inch of territory been male free nr slave that Ran not otherwise so? [Ap plause.) The one msult IR this: An invitation sonic time in June, to attend a " National" (not a" National" buret Sectioned; Convention at Chttowo, n convention to which the People'spertv ofiVennselvenia ere invited, butte 'which we of the Southern Opposition are not, and ff we WEITA irnuld not accept, a convention which will. in all probability put in nomination a man, Mr. Seamed. who, however distinguished he may be. or . whatever talents he may 'tossers, would not be able to .Iffy on this Government for a single week. [Sensa tion. applause, end fusses.). I ern glad andeer that Ines. LA voico—" Hurrah for :Renard," three deers.) When an ancient Gre eion woe stricken down he said„" Strike. but hoar me." he emulaiion of the. anoient T hay. "Hiss. hut hear me." LCheenta crier of •• Go en." "We will," You're right." " Hurrah for Maynard!" &el You who differ from me, I beg you will hear me and then make vonr decision. I ventured to utter an opinion which I did not intend to elaborate, an opinion to which Non have attached more iniportanoe than it deserved. liet me say new—suptaiso the distinguished Senator from New York wee chosen President. on " higher law" or an " irrepressible conflict" fibriform, could he in the fleet place get a Cabinetntaining one Southern men who had the respect of hie section ? How would he collect lits revenue?—lie mild not get the officers to do it' and during his administration every port from Portland to Statham& would lie a free port. Mr.° Maynard continued to denounce the spint of Northern sect ionelism. rind concluded by imploring the people of the North and South to stop the slavery coda nen. end tarn their attention to other interests of is mote important, vital, end enduring character. While we aronettling ourselves clout the negro we neglect and for get the plough theta in the furrow and the slop that's on the sea. (Cheers.) It was time to legislate for white men and their interests. [Cheerslt Wee time loom° talking about the wrong; of the edam an d try tie elevate the condition of the white. Believing this, and thanking the diligence for their attention, he concluded by Prososnix this sentiment: " A Union of all Amerman patriots to oppose sectional agitation.' TM, sentiment was greeted with loud applause. Mr. 3lcaTichnel arose and sold that. before adimaninv, he would like in any a single word He agreed until ell that had fallen 'from the lips of Mr. Payton. end with most that hail been /mid by the other speakers. He reminded. his homers Met ho had been requeeted to not es chairman of the meeting in the unavoidable abeence of the Meyer. He would net leave the building content unless he publicly expressed Ms dissent from the meet that had been uttered by the gentleman who had Met token his teat. [ Moore and hissee.) Ho yielded to no man in devotion to the Union. and he did not believe that it would ho destroyed merely because a majority of the people should choose tofelect a certain man to fill the office of President. Ho might object. with Mr. May nard. to the choice of a certain man (Mr. &want.) but he did not believe that Vie eleotien of the gentleman re ferred to, or PAY other would oedema, the Union. These remarks caused a greet deal of exeihement. Cheers after cheers were given for " Maynard, and a large number of gentlemen surrounded hint with their onneratulations. Illy. Mefifichaela course wee also att. pleaded by others who differed from Mr. May nerd's views. While a great many differed 'from Mr. May nard they thought ithardly consistent with ' hospitelitY to critieise Ms sentiments eta table where he wee pre sent MI a. guest. All regretted the occurrence of the Meting as a eircumstanco tending to mar the evening's nienenres. Tee excitement lasted littlethe company bad disputed and even then eacited groups were scattered through the lobby, discussing the merits and dements of the sentiments of the Northerner and South erner. , BURIAL OF TER LATE REV. DR. RFDER.-011 Saturday the obsequies of the Rev. Jemes Ryder took plena at at. Joseph's Church. The funeral cervices were performed ht .presence of a Piece concourse of People, end wore unusually •im preasi ye. The remains of the deceased lay in the "sanctuary" of the edifice, dressed in the priestly "alb" and " amine" and " dal matian " On the lower aortion of the coffin lid appeared the golden chalice of the church. Surrounding the cof fin, which was exceedingly rich-looking. were a timber of candles, which seemed to eonQentrato their light■ no the morning advanced and the day crew gloomier. The church was draped in mourmag—the funeral emblems depending from the galleries._ from the altar, f•om the fromof the Virgin's statue, from the crucifix, and from the pillars. .At 9 o'clock A. M. quits a number of devout parsers had taken their seats in the edifice, and. 111 a few minutes. the pews, both in the galleries and on the main floor. were cempleteb filled. The enhance of the officiating clergymen dispelled the silence soon. Two by two that entored, clad in oas seek and surplice. and taking their stations fin front of the alter. Thu aloe for the dead" was then performed be Bev. Messrs. Dominick, of Germantown, and 1. 0 Wolfe, of st. Josoyh's Church. The celebrant of the mess woo Bishop mood, of this diocese; the deacons of honor were Rev. Messrs. Rosenbauer, of New York. and Stanton, of St. Aucnatine'a Church; deacon: of the inane, Rev. _Messrs. Dominick, of Germantown. and Richard O'Connor, of West The clergyman present were 1115 fellows: Pittbere Ward, Bourin,l3lox, Stanton. of St. A ligustiuo'n ; Gal - lather, of do.; Martin. of St. Mary's; Klerns. of Rt. Ann's Dunn, of Theresa's; Reath/in, of do.; Roan. of St. Gregory, W. Alcrinany, of '• t. Paul's; Whe lan. of St. Philip's; Bidjio. of Trenton ; Bowles, of Burlington; ollarre. of fit. Pant's: Toner. of Ao smnptinn• Kelly, of St. Malachi; Welsh, of lvy Mills. Delaware county, Pa.; Coyle. of Ilaverford ; O'Reilly; of St. Philip's : Hamel, of linverford ; Mul holland, of Manayunk; Dr. Micola, of St. Alphonsus' ; McLaughlin, of Bt. Ann's. ohnevrald's inane wee erns by the choir, composed as follows:—Leader, Dr. Cunning ton. Oreanist, W. A. Newland. Soprani, Miss Cuntlington. Mina Ducombe. Contralti, Mica iii, Caffrey. Mrs. Cook. Tenor/. Mr. From.)). Aledo. Bassi, Mr. T. Harkins, Mr. Meeny, Mr. Holmes. Mr. Walsh. and chorus. 'The scone during the mass was solemn and itrieree sive, and the immense congregation seemed spell-bound under the influence of the solemn music of the choir, the chanting- of the priests , and the marmite,' of other Participants in the iniposing service. The crowd was very KTOlit, and one lady was overcome by her feelings and the confined sir of the building, and fainted. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Br. O'llarra, of this city. After the services wore over, the body was re moved to St. John's Church, and interred in a vault in the northern side of the Church. The weather was very inclement, yet the attendance at the grave was very Br RENADIS TO SENATOR. CRITTENDEN.—OD Satur day morning Senator Crittenden, of Kentuoky, was serenaded at the Girard House. Despite the bad, which woe falling heavily, there was a large crowd resent. Mr. Crittenden made his appearance. but deemed to speak in nook n storm. Dom C. AL Conrad, of Loui siana, made a short address. There was considerable enthusissin among the parsons preser t notwithstand ing the drawback of the shocking weather. .„; , MURDEROUS ASSARLT.—Un Friday two men, named Lynch and Mulligan, were arrested en the charge or twine been enraged, with otherr, in an ma mmal attack upon a colored man, named Allen Dm bury. The accused and three others made an uncle yoked situ* 1100111)isbuty on the Darby road, near the Illookloy Almshouse, and beat him in a shameful man ner, The accused were uommitted to answer. SI,1017? „Ftnn.—Thero wee a slight tiro last eve ninr at the home or Mrs. i/uhlot. on Twelfth street above Pine. occasioned by the burning of a quilt and window curtains. The firo was ektinguirtied without any damage of a more than trifling character. Beam! OPPIOE, Jan. 14. 18110.—The number of interments in the city of Philadelphia for the week ending January 14, at 12 o'clock, cc........_21 6 Last week— 'Decrease I I3urne•... Cancer, • • Cativaties • 3 Congestion of Brain.... 3 Lungs. 2 Croup le Consugnption of Lungs.. 27 Constant one In ..... Females.— .1.1j0R4 4 Chest 4 rage of Heart ......... 7 13 aver. Boariet, ... 6 11111ERMatIon, 9 ronofii..... " Lungs. • • 16 " Larynx..... 2 ....... 7, Mania-a- .... . lyarasmus 6 8/?; • •II tinder 1 year.. Botwean land 1..-- 44 Under b.. Old age, ''''' Stlll BoTn.-- Unknown.... Prom the Almshouse__ it People of color —. 16 Other ARTHUR RUOIGFB, Realth ()moor. Total.._.. THE COURTS. SATURDAY'S pnocEznixon (Reported for The Prese.l EttritEME C01.7111 . .--In this court there wee filed a bill in equity by Robert K. Neff, for himself and other stockholders of the Philadolphiatand Gray's Ferry Pas. genet Railway Company, against the Philadelphia and Gray's Perry Passenger Railway Company, and Wm. p. Lewis, president, John Miller, treasurer. arid Janie. Knees, William V. McGrath, John n. Hutch inson, John P. McFadden, Henry L. (law, John Eisen hrey,Jr.. James 0. Hand. William It. Barclay, George W. lifohishan, Charles Lafferty, and Jas. McGehee, directors; and William hl. Reilly. he complainant avers that he is the bolder and owner of fivo shares of the capital stock of said corpo ration defendant, upon which he has paid all lawful cads and subseriptiops. He ablo avers that he became the owner of the said fivo shares of sock, by appear. mg before such of the commissioners in the act of in icorporation named as sated, at a meeting by them duly advertised and held; that he then and there subscribed fur snit stook. - and that , after the eubsoriptien books had been open Per a competent and legal time, and when at least ten per cent, of the stock of the company had bsensnbsanbed and paid for, Ititduded in which wore his own five shares;) the Rebind ption books were, by such satins commits:otters, declared closed, further avers that in the latter part of the month of December. A. D.lBOB, o. a meeting of the board of directors then held, motion was made, and carried Icy a majority of one vote. to open the snhscription books •of the company, In order to the issue of the reinzumng -stock of the company. Of Width .mitionty so voting, one vote weaved in the affirmative b John Miner, which ssid Miller had been elected to fil l a vaosney in the said board of directors, caused by the resignation of William H. Holnibold ; and at the time of so voting ate riforeerild,it is averred that M Met was not the owner i of spy stock n said company, and therefore notentitled lawfully to and vote as a director thereof; thereupon one of the directors there present, whom this complain ant acerb and believes was Jno. 8. Theckray, primented a Written protest to the passage oh said resolution. Immediately on the said motion being carried. one mem ber of the board, whom the complainant believes mid aventwas George W. Middletne, declared that lie would take ten thousand shares °fetich new stook; and another member of the then board, whom the com plainant avers and believes was Edward R. Ifelinhold, de la ed that Will iam V. McGrath, John Miller, and J. utahlbson, would take twelve thousand shares; thatmeeting then edjourned, and immediately thereupon -the said William M.lteilly (then riresident of the companYlproceeded to remove the eubacriptlon beaks and Seal of the corporation from the fireproof and othce of the.companY, but. being (Mooned by one of the .directom One -J, McGehee, with phYsioal force. a spurge eneueil,and while the then secretary of the com pany (George H. Armstrong) engaged the attention of the moieties director, the said president escaped with the Ileokaanit oOrtawate seal, ne he desired t. 3 do - It is adenektitat afterthe. eald heiuks heel been so removed Mel Witt ;Igen at night, first to the Aka or the tatd Witham v.metlratli. unit thence lo an of an aloe of the company—where certificates of Stook Were Issued as follows, as nearly as the complainant can learn. that is to eay Shares. William V. McGrath J. N. Hutchinson...—. --..... 2 000 John Miller.. . • • • ••• • 2010 John P. McFa dden J. 8. McMullen2 000 William D. Lewi5.,...,,..... James McFadden 40.1 N. P. Murplo• William M. Reilly —l,lOO G. H. ......... G. W. Midd10t0n................. ............ 000 Well. Cooper ski James ....................1,700 William H. Helmbo'd 700 The complainant alleges that the onset of this issue Of stock was twofold —fi:r sf . to raise money to effect a settlement of a suit in equity, commenced by one Lewis Scout, which suit the then board of directors feared would expose a urge portion, if not all, of the fraudulent transactions of the company's officers; and, secondly, to control the future elections for officers of the said company. The complainant avers that at the time of issuing the said stock last nientioned the entire capital stook of the said corporation, or very nearly so. had already Coen is sued, and woe outstanding, and that the said issue of stook under the resolution of December. 1051, wan large ly. if not entirely, an illegal and fraudulent over-issue. Thu complainant avers that of the persons who re ceived the said stook only a _portion gave any value therefor, and he charges that William M. Reilly. G. 11, Armstrong, B. R. Helmbold, G. W. Middleton, W. H Cooper, James McCidisii, and Wni. H. liellubold, paid no money for the seine. The complainant says that after end since the issue of said stook under the resolution of December. 1853, the holders thereof have °lithely controlled thn electiono for officers of said company. and that at the election held on the second Monday of January last past a ma jority of the legal stock of the said company voted against the defendants mimed in the 101 l as the present president and directors of the said company, and for other persons for such offices. The complainant charges that the present incumbent officers intend to declare and distribute a dividend of one dollar and fifty cents per share on all outstanding Ste •It, whether legal or fraudulent. The complainant sake for a decree that the stock Is sued under and by virtue of the resolution of Decem ber 1848, was and is fraudulent end void, and that the said stock. whether now held by the original receivers thereof, or their transferees, is the property of and be longs to the said company ; and that a discovorY MAY lie had of the said original receivers thereof and their transferees, and that the complainant may have leave to charge such TeeelVela end transforeee, when disco vered, as defendants. And that the said defendants may be restrained from declaring any dividend. from transferring said stook or any share or shares thereof, and I rein doing any corpo rate act. except the giving duo notice of the time nod place for the election of directors, aonortling to law. without the leave and permission of the court first had and obtained. And that a receiver may be appointed by the court to take and receive the books. Pappm, and accounts of said company, and hold the same. subject to inapeatton at all reasonable tones by the said defendants, and to take and receive the rents, revenues, tolls, insane, and profile, arising and to arise of and from the property of said company. sad to hold the same for distribution in pursuance of such order and decree as the court may hrreafter make. On Saturday, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, Joseph feeton was before Sedge Allison upon a writ of habeas corpus, charged with highway robbery. upon oath of George Weal,, The prosecutor tostili.d that lie arna walking along Coates street. between Twenty-first and Twenty second streets, upon New Year's night, when two men came up behind him and caught him by the threat, after which they proceeded to rob fdin, They took from him a valuable watch and chain. He charted the defendant as being one of the parties. After a hear ing by the court. the uelondant was remanded to await his trial. Chillies W. Brook°, Est., represents the de fendant Daniel Matte rton was before the court, charged with false nretencee, in alleging that a share in the lamp business was worth more than it really woe. The pro secutor. James Cassiday, testified that ho sow an adver tisement in one of th public newspapers for a partner in a certain patent for lamp banters, in winch the de fendant alleged a large amount of money was to be mole ; that he bougEt a share, which was worth little or nothing to him, After a hearing, the defendant was discharged. The case of William MehafTey, charged with assault ing Martha Jane Yemen, with criminal intent, was heard on a writ of habeas corpus. by Judge Allison. in the Court of Quarter Sessions. The phisecut' ix Is a small girl, and, according to the testimony, she was sent in•the evening to it store near her fat her's residence. On the way home, the defendant net and behaved in a •very improper manner to her. bile resisted. and a atrargle ensued. during which two of her teeth were knocked out, and she was scratched and bonged badly. The defendant was remanded to answer. Tln Penal Code. [From the Loot Intolligencor.l Before us is the Report of the Commissioners who were appointed, under a resolution of the Legislature of the 111th April, 1858, to revise the Penal Coda of the State, together with copies of two bills incorporating the results of their labors, and which are submitted to the Legislature for its approval. We have jjad time scarcely to do more than to glance over these documents, and aro neither prepared nor willing, without a more care. ful examination, to criticise a work of such magni tude and impertanee as this. Wo will say. how• over, that tho high and honorable duty which tho Legislature imposed upon the Commissioners, has been discharged with a degree of ability and fidelity that entitles them to the most unqualified praise. Six years ego a commission was appointed by the British Parliament to revise and consolidate the Statute-law of the Realm. It was composed of some of the most eminent and practical men at the English Bar. They called to their assistance a legion of subaltern draftsmen, to whom were con fided the more mechanical parts of tho employ ment. Twenty thousand pounds have already boon expended, and to this hour, it is said, the Statute Law Commission have not borne fruit In the shape of one consolidated statute. It is tree that the undertaking of the British Commissioners was more gigantic and formidable than that of our own; the sphere of their duty was infinitely wider. The whole corpus of the English written law was submitted to them for revision, arrangement, and consolidation, while the Pennsylvania Commission ers have had to do with a special, and that not the most intricate, department of our Jurisprudence. In lees than two years, Judge King, end his nese. elates, Messrs. Knox and Webster, have returned to the Legislature the commission that they had received at its hands They have presented for the acceptance of that body n cosmic system of criminal law, wrought out with rare skill from a chaotic mass of enactments that had boon thrown won the statute-book from time to time, during a period of a hundred and sixty years, as the necessi ties of the day required. From these confused and heterogeneous mate rials they have selected all that is applicahlo to the existing condition of society; they have ex purgated what is inapplicable to its present stage of civilization, and all' thnt hail n temporary aim, and should, therefore, have a temporary ex istence ; they have supplitd omissions and cured defects; they have arranged the code under ap propriate titles and divisions; they have brought to bear upon the great subject of crimes and pun ishments, which, close Bentham wrote his im mortal work, has been the earnest study of the greatest English, 4inerioan, and Continental jurists, mach of the light that is born of pure phi losophic speculation, and all the knowledge that may be obtained by long experience in the prite tient administration of criminal justice. They hnverdone all this, while the English Commission have been six years at work, expending one hun dred thousand dollars, but without producing single tangible result in the arrangement and simplification of the statute law, or even develop inn, any plan, clear and definite, by which their object may be attained. The Commissioners, as our readers know, wore not entrusted with the Codification of the crimi nal law, in the technical sense of that term. dare not advise to mist the law into a new mould," said Sir Francis Bacon (not then Lord Vorulam) to the king. " The work which I propound tendeth to pruning and grafting the law, and not to ploughing and planting it again; for such a remove 1 should hold, indeed, for a perilous innovation." Our commission have contented themselves with I- pruning and grafting the law," and wisely, too, we think. "A multitude of penal laws," the great lawyer and philosopher again observes, "are worse than showers of hail, or tempest upon cattle, for they fall upon men. * *lt is ever a rule that any over•great penalty, besides the acerbity of it, deadens the execution of the law. There is a further inconvenience of penal laws, obsolete and out of use ; for that it brings a gangrene, neglect, and habit of disobedience upon other wholesome laws, that are fit to be continued In practice and execution, so that our 'awe endure the torment of ozentius: 'The living die in the arms of tho dead.' There is such an aeoutnulation:of statutes con cerning one matter, and they so cross and intricate, as the certainty of law is lost in the heap." We could think of no better way of expressing the plan adopted by the commission than by em ploying the quaint but admirable words of Bacon, when advising his sovereign with regard to the amendment of the laws of England. They have loft the " entire body and substance" of the criminal law as they found it, and have sought only to die. charge it "of idle and unprofitable or hurtful matter." The objects proposed to bo accomplished are embraced in two bills: The first, "An act to consolidate, revise, and amend the penal laws of this Commenwealay, " the second, An act to consolidate, revise, and amend the laws of this Commonwealth relating to criminal pro. oednre and pleading." A very important feature of the system submitted, relating to the punishment of climes, is that the maximum amount to be inflicted is alone defined in relation to any particular offence. The intermediate de grees are to be determined by the courts. This provision is wise and humane. The eircumettinees of each One ought to determine the amount and severity of the punishment propeeed to be inflicted upon the guilty. The criminal law should be made as flexible as the oonstitution of society will per. mit. and should be so constructed so to bond easily in the hands of those who administer it, and to adept Itself to the multitudinous characters, dispo sitions, and capacities of its subjects. Wo hope, whatever else the Legislature may reject. the fea ture of maximum punishment will bo retained. A comprehensive section, repealing all existing penal legislation, concludes the Mond bill. We have the assurance of the authors of the Report, that "no sot has been repealed which has not been supplied, and none left unrepealed which has been so supplied." These bills, thus profess to em brace, in one consolidated act, all the laws of crimes and of criminal procedure ; and the exam ination, a very hasty ono 'tie true, that we have given it, is sufficient to enable us to say that. the Legislature could not do bettor than adopt theta, leaving it to future experience to detect, and to fu ture legislation to correct, whatever faults, of Mis sion and commission, they may contain, News from the Paeifie—The °verified California Mail. BUTTERFIELD'S OVERLAND MAIL ROUTS, MALLORY'S FTATION, Jan. 14, 1800. The overland mail conch, with San Francisco dates to the December 23, arrived here at 8 o'clock this evening. The reported sale of the Pacific steamships to C. Vanderbilt is generally credited. The unex pected turn in steamship affairs, which this trans fer necessarily involves, has been the subject of much and grave comment. The travelling public are expecting, as the consequence of it, extreme rates of passage, as it is not believed probable that any opposition will attempt a struggle against the new order of things. The destruction of the old line, when a strong current of population had begun to flow into California, is regarded as a pub lic calamity. Considerable anxiety is felt at San Francisco on account of the non-arrival of the clipper ship Col. den Eagle, which sailbd from New York for that port in May last. A brisk competition had sprung up against the California Steam Navigation Company's steam ers on the inland waters of the State, and rates of tentage between San Francisco and Sacramento had been reduced from five dollars to ono dollar, and even lower. Among the recent importations at San Francisco from Japan are some of the staple articles of that country, such as sacks of sweet potatoes, equalling those of North Carolina ; n largo quantity of rape seed oil, whioh finds it good market for supplying better burning fluid for the light houses on the Pacific than any other used; samples of leaf to. beoeo, exceedingly delicate, and resembling the Havana leaf ; and fruits, isinglass, chestnuts, /to. The latest news from Carson Valley represents the weather as very cold, causing almost a total cessation of mining operations. One hundred miners wore reported to ba at Walker's river mines, but the snow sees three feet deep, and there was no work doing. Provisions were scarce, and the miners were leaving in consequence. At the head of Monroe Camp the snow was five feet deep. The reported duel between C. R. Godfrey and Win, A. Stoddard at Okada did sot tome off. Stoddard failed to appear, and his second, Marquis Levi, took his place. Levi was wounded. A mooting of-the Railway &cativo Commit. tee took place yesterday afternoon, December 22, at their rooms on Montgomery street, San Fran cisco, at which the artioles for preliminary or ganization to construct a road from that city to Stockton, according to the general railroad not of 1853 and 1851, were drawn up. The distance from San Francisco to Stockton is 320 miles, and the road is intended to run through tho country of San Mateo, Santa Clara, Almede, and San Joaquin. By the not ro. farred to above $l,OOO per mile is required to be subscribed before a company can be organised, and a bona Ale payment of ten per cent. must be made. Mr. Charles It. Pollhetuus, of the thin of Alsop ,is Co.. was chosen temporary treasurer. The amount of gold shipped by the steamship Sonora on the 20th of December was $1,812,530, and by the steamship Orizaba on the same day $230,000. The latter was destined for Now Orleans. . . A. number of ears and a considerable quantity of railroad iron wore being discharged from the ship Morning Light, for the Sacramento Valley Railroad. A great quantity of tho pieces of a ready-rand° bridge wero also coming ashore for the mum destination. There is no improvement in bu s Mess. `From the country there woe a moderato inquiry, and the oily trade were buying small lots of goods from first hands, but there was no life in the mar ket whatever, and rates of provisions had further declined. During the week business had boon without a noticeable event, with the exception of reaction in coal, in consequence of the reported purchase of the Peel& Company's boats by Com modore Vanderbilt. We quote anthracite nomi nally at twenty dollars per ton. But one vessel from NOW York or Boston, the Morning Light, from tho latter place, had arrived at San Francisco within thirty-three days, yet prices for American imports had rather deolined than otherwise during that period. The quotations by last steamer's mail require no special change. The oily is given up to preparations for the holi day festivities, and crowded with people and goods suited to the season. The display of diamonds, Japanese fine crock ery, silks, books, anti other holiday articles, for holiday sale, exceeded anything ever known in San Francisco before, end the disposition to pur chase was in proportion to the unusual display of everything offered. Bailed, December 21, bark Eliza Adams on a whaling voyage; Hamburg bark Zanzibar, for Iquique. Unfortunate Altuir at Cankbritlgo Col lege. [From the Boehm Courier.] For some time past, certain "college tricks" have been practised by the students of Harvard which have been quite annoying to the faculty and not quite eivditablo to the young men who have performed them. Still, they were not banging matters, nor acts requiring the employ ment of armed force to suppress them. So much for preface. The particular misfortune which has involved respectable people in trouble, and plastid the university in an unjust relation to the students and their parents, is this: For some time past, the Bibles of the chapels of Harvard and Yale Colleges have been missing, and it was known that they bad been abstracted by the students of the respective institutions, who desired to place the New Haven Bible in the pulpit of the Cambridge Chapel, and, in like manner, to place the Harvard Bible in f,ho Yale desk. The Yale College i•jokers " had perpetrated their "joke " At two o'clock yesterday morning, a Cambridge student, Mr. William B. Forbes, (son of John M. Forbes, of this city,) attempted to enter the chapel, with a view of "sustaining the honor of old Harvard." So far, this was harmless enough, although a violation of college law; but young Forbes, while entering the church, was seised by Polieetnan Hilton, who wee placed in the church to detect the authors of certain pre vious misdemeanors. "A vigorous resistanee was made," and now wo give the narrative of a person who has a close knowledge of the facts; during which the detective discharged his revolver, without Injury to the student, who struck him a heavy blow with a Baltimore billy and then sur rendered, being apprehensive of a second shot. The two remained in the chapel till night, where they were found by the janitor. A hearing was had yesterday before Justice Ladd, of Cambridge. port, who committed the student to await the result of the officer's wound, which, we understand, isnot an serious ns et fret supposed. The affair is greatly regretted by all parties. Mr. i Forbes is a favorite n his class. many of whom have experienced his kindness during sickness and doancial distress. His first act was to send a class mate to the officer's house to express his sorrow and to offer any possible assistance. Wo have hare given what we believe to be a faithful statemerrt of this unfortunate affair; and we do this itt order to avoid misrepresentation. We cannot place the foots before the public, however, without expressing ' our disapproval of the conduct of those who placed un armed officer in such relations with gentlemen,. who, though they may bo guilty of sets quite re. prehensible in themselves, are net to be treated es burglars and highwaymen. There was no necessi ty fur pistols in this cuss. No one snore keenly feels the consequences of this misfortune than young Forbes. He regrets it on account of the injury done to the officer, on ac count of his orris family, and on account of the college of which he has been a member. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 11, 1800 The wretched weather to-day seems to have Produced a tack of business at the stook board, as well as in all branches of commercial (radio. At the first meeting, thirty-four chores of Beaver Meadow stook sold at ; Lehigh Navigation, twenty -one 'hares 957 4 ; two share. Second and Third-street Railway at &s' s ; fifty shares Rending sold at ; 4(4 shares Girard Bank stock at 453 i ; and twenty-eight shares Kentucky Bank stook at ltd. At the second board, there were sold two shares Farmers and Mechanics' Bank at 667.; ; nineteen shares Bank of Northern Liberties at 61; three shares Bearer at aa!4t which, with .56.260 of City -Roses, and ST® North Pennsylvania Railroad Sixes, made up the business of the board for the day. Tho discussion about closing the transfer races of Reading Railroad stock in New York and Boston, does not exert:egged influence upon the stook in this ma•kot; the opinion of ninny experienced brokers being that the qu.trait y of stock that would he thrown upon this Mar lot for sale, in Alio event of those odious being closed, would be too great for its stren ;tli, and that the price would fall heavily. On the oilier hand, the advocates of closing the agencies offer several strong reason, tit favor of such notion, and the question bide fair to be very thoroughly investigated. At the election held on Monday lent for president and directors of the (Meant and Walnut Wrests Pastengor Railway Company, two different tickets wore voted for, and some difficulty arose es to Willett One was elected. We learn that since then the dispute, has been mica bly nettled and the direction hen pninscil into the hands of the following named yentlenion President—Charles Harlan. Directors-1.. Johnnon, Charles Combos, ft. F. Neff, (Meilen P. Lex. Zoeller Howell, and Charles 1/Vieter. The h/Oeldleldele mar be congratulated that the management of this company has gone into the hall& of neon whono only object will ho to Promote its best into resta by a faithful administration at' Ito affairs. We could Wail that some oilier companies that wo might onion might have the same good fortune. It is alwaa a a favorable sign to see men of cap tat take the control of affairs in which part of thou moans nro invested, instead of trusting thorn to incompetent and Irrewonsible PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, January 11, ROO REPORTED BY 8. E. SLAM!), KItR, 314 X WRIAUt Street El RBT BOARD. C.) Cay 04, R.. 00 do . 1 Bon Med, 10 do 12 do 11 00 ni); tut Reuling II IS 111% • • • ..... 1 1 61 i. 21 Kentucky Bk Iln nAtv 2 Sen'tl h Thtnl•ntn 12 32 M!, 21 Lelnnli Nay..... .15 .1811: M.; A) Uirard Ilk ...... ..• • . 4A}, 555-11 • BETWEEN BOARDS. 6 FartiesSAVlccliti Bk.. Gs?; BECOND 16 Lehigh Nay. lots 48'; BOARD. 5000 City 69........N0w 102 14 Boa Alen ll —lot9 My; two do 202 19 N Libortm 8k...... 6 70 1 1 City 63. P It 93t: 1 15 Nurri9ttiwn It.. 2,lya 496' 2 Pam & Much Bk. o'l'l 4 do .... ......2ily A 49,5 g OLOSINO PRICk3-BTEADY. Birioa Bid. Asked. Phil? ea . ew Solt) N, prf f., lo' ..g Wmop't & " 1025, " 7a lgt, inort.o2 04 Yoram be " ZI 1974 'tending )95; Long lal4tnd It, 118 14,1 'TO .• • •• 188 , Lehigh %.,oftl&linv.43,l 49 moot no '44.92 93 !pi l'enn% It. •••• •• • " do Potion '1 , 5•671; 6814, , • 3 6 7 7 31 i jettlawis MOrrln Onnal C0n.493 4 &I th, 1 4 8 t mg Ulltl.:vj 33 Frank & South It. BR BoLluvl Nav&l '0..60 67 leee'd&T,liird- ,t10.15 stook Ha V me-ets 115 CITY ITEMS. SCENES IN AND OCT OF CONORENS.—Out ex• changes onion to us teeming with excited comments en the wild 9C01109 onacted in the National House of Representatives, and a variety of suggestions aro made in regard to the remit available remedial agents to ap ply. With duo deference to the sagacious statesmen who cause all this excitement, No 0 would point them to the world outside of "Congress;' where over)thing goes smoothly Mimi; ; no bickering*, or contention, but porfect pence and harmony pervade the lettuce of the people, who will continue to pursue the even tenor of their way, despite their vein vapor, nes, rind, as hereto fore, view the graceful and seasonable styles of Oran vine Stoker, N 0.607 Ctiestaut street. Tun Tune GENTLIIIIAN.—The true gentleman is ever cheerful, for, with a quiet mind and on cony con science, he can may life and xectety. Ito can Halt Ins manners to the hour. Laugh, listen, learn, Cr With joyous freedom in his nnrt h, And candor in lea speech. And he allllo6t invariably procures log g eminent N at the Brown Etono Clothing Mill of Itockhill & Wilson, Nos coxt and Chestnut street, above filxlll. (From Life Illnetrated, New York, July IC, latp.j SPALIMitt'3 i'llt:l'All)a)01,1111 —We have examined %chemically prepared glue spcoialiy designed for repair- MI furniture picture frames, shell work, el', without the trouble °leaning in the cabinet-maker or pr. - Gaited repairer. A reliable article of lids kind has long been an uneupplied want orthe hosseheld, and if Mr. Bcald ing has succeeded in discovering the we, to make a re liable prepared glue that will remain soluble, and unin jured by [line and temperature, and that will supply a cheap, ever-ready, and sufficient means for repairing household wares, as lie seems to have done, he is a lucky men, and will he sure of the hearty gratitude of all goad housekeepers. Millions ordellars will be saved in the preservation and expense of repairing furniture alone every 3 ear by the general introduction of such an article. Jae 16 w2t. SPECIAL NOTICES. ONIS PRIOR CLOTHING OP THil LATEST Sr rota, made in the beet manner, megregaly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling moo' marked in Plain Figurae. All goode made to order warranted mine factory. Our ONE-PRICE Sratem le strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., seg-tr 534 PgAII.RI?.T ¬. Guovla & BAICHIt'a CI,LII33IATML NOIYILREIB FAMILY BEIVIM/V-MACIIIIYA, AT REDUCED PRIORS, 130 CHESTNUT STREET. PIEILADELPHIA. SINGER'S SHIvING ISIACHINBS. N 0.2 Sewing Itlaohinos... , . No.l Sewing Maehineu The Fanoly Sewing Meelii no, A ..., The Family Sewing hlaohine..... • •-• I. M. SINGER k CO., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street, SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES. —A very loge matortment of SALAMANDERS for Bala at reason able prioaii; No. 304 CIIEETN UT Stroot, Philadelphia. Ed! tf EVANS ea WATSON BouDOIE SEWING MACHINE. IMPROVED DOUR' — .THREAD FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY PAIR. ca - 3111 'hila, Moe, TV ARM ASS Ase Ats wiintvd THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1860. "ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, DP-TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAOS NIGHT ---- GIRARD ROUSE—Chestnut et., below Ninth, Thee A Willy, Wheolin& I'm.r , AIM Dr F E Bond 11 Wilder id, la, boninville N T Bainbridge. Kv 0 W Clayton. Kansas D A &Indere, Cin, 0 Hon J I. Darlinx, Id IC E D Neill, St Paul C Haywood, St Louis Geo S Drake. St Louis RC (nirdner. Nashville .I'P Hood. Hy D Winter. Memphis W li Levy, N Y D W Bellows, 11 Y Alex Leitch, St Louis w Bro wn , St Louis Gen W Parker. St Louia T P Vi .1 Clemons & wf, Chicago N linnverford & In, Vt A W Duchniann, London Geo F Delius. Boston Geo W Swain, N V . W A Davis. Louisville Chas Hewett, Pottsville A 0 Comatock. N Y W Spume, N Y W T it Duncan, N V" Chas Ro l l urrier, NY . it Sanford & Bost o n Y Dll ett & avf, Boston DP . Vanua, S It Bradley, N Y .1 A Moseley, Boston Noah Lincoln h. la, Boston ll P Johnson. N Y Win Belly, N Y A 11 Conger. N Y A D Napier. N Y J 0 Price, Md j 'Thome, Mil Thos Adams, Roxbury mi , A F Sprout. N Y Mien Hornet, N Y D 5 Gray, Coluinline. 0 II G Heil ron. Tenn W Stokes & wife, Ed John G Milli°, 8 0 J r) Eghort, St Louie J Schultz, Cincinnati 0 M W Warne, do V Wagner. do I, Wilson, do W Taylor, do 11W Stainber, NY J I' Delay. Clarion , 'Penn E G Pratt, St Louis Miss 1, Wikon, Mo D 0 Tint. do 'V Jones Perko. NJ Chas W Kuser, St Louis .1111,e ROW. Newark, NJ Dr W . If Stockwell. Hy I, Branclu, NY Geo W quintard, N 0 Joules L Sutton. Balt MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch. 11 B Beardstee, Pa • 8 S Casey,Bradford lion J L Dawson, Pa lion A K McClure. Pa C W Davis. Indiana W A Knight, Philo i J Straborgh & wf, Pit 'V W Marklei , Phill 1 Smith, Now York 8 Pinson. Mess 1, It Nash New York It MoGino & In. New York 1) Lewis, Indiana 1: A Harding, Phila A M Austin, pule, Eli Hotchkiss, NOW York JONVB' 110TEL—Clichl nut a t.,bolow Seventh. 1 Lewis, l'a' 7 Phillips. Arkansas S 'l' Mourns, Ark 8 Haribulo, Ark ALGro ;Id Sire A ndrows, sN II Immlnum Bolt . Whitehead. N.l 1 S lwd, N Y 11 Morrison. N Y 1 R Winton N Y 3 W Proctor. Shits II Watkins, Bethlehem E A Bother, Wash, 1) C 3 Kum. l's It Iln'l. Mass A Tlimnuson.N J I) Harm' G It Waite 13 Muffins, St Joseph .1 B Myers, St Joseph Nn Cusick, 111 d VD Reed. 13utla lo T F imterstroth, Pliil,3 F Gaston, Boston A B Smith. N Y 8 Stanley. N Y 13 Johns, N Y T Strons, N Y (1 I' Miller k. la. N Y .1 al Wills), Conn J 3 Cnebran, Mil W 11 Lairibson, Del A I' Robinson. Del Cast 1) Edwards, Pa II Bluer St toms 1 13 Dodd, St Louis II M Jones, Mo J Hartshorn, Boston D Miller, N Y AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at.. above Fifth. W (I Ilalentil A: In, N J S Y Crooker k son, Conn ME Pesideo, ATaino AlcCart).Bl'ndink .1 H AloNelli. Now York f, Dinelow. Muss W Verner. Ulan rbon J Devine. N J I M Stowort,N Brunswick 11 1. Boorish N Brunsu iok C Lewis, N Brun.wiok AI II Alnlauiw. Scotland S I) hinkoy. Scotland Nov Dr lltnuplirois & In .11 Hollingeboad. Mow York Also Dalo nude. N York A Elliott, Jr, Washington R It Clark, 15 8 N ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut at., ab. Third. W ]llvtho Il iebard PT7no. Bost o n Jan W Young, Balt W Ii "roams, Phila Hiram Focht, Pinta Alex Wzßen, Col on. Pit A Croolior, Fitoliburg Eon M o.d, Fitebburg Mr Jardi & In, N Y II G.1(4111.110 N Y lionhard, do A P Borate, do C V Choknor. do Anthony h'..ohbach, Pa M Hughes, Nola A Kimball, N Mrs I. Fendle & eon, N EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Rare. C Mut or. Chnten 'n, Jri Jan II Ladd, Into en, Pn .1 13 Strohm. Luzern° co .1 'l' Morgan, Pr W Brooks, Ohio P Kinney. Bradroni en John W Wookson, Pa Sam] K Jenkins, N Y Noah Caldwell, Pa , I', Its vile' I, Towanda, Pa II W South, Carbon co, Pa Goo Braddock. he. 1) Stroh, PR W Wiggans, N J Jacob Ibtmlhar t Pa NATIONAL HOTEL--Bane street. above Third. bowl P merlon'. Pa A B Kann% NJ Geo P Melly. Ps Benne Heilman, Pa W Hillman, Pn II J Mn•ly, Pa W N Brown. Futon Jaime, Wood, Pa 3 It Grail, Delva•are John 13 Mouse. Del John Giber. N Y 3 Bannerman. Ps 3 VT Bates. Pa W 'p Volsta. Pottsr•llla ii It Sterner, Pottsville 11 L Sermon & In, Pittalig F A Basnler, Pa THE UNION HOTEL—Aroh street. above Third 3 N Rica ti la. N J Mina Dolt Caverter. N 3 Moses Heir, N J C D Wood, flarrisliar; 3 Leland 1( In, Milton, Pa P Hammond, I'luln J D May, N J. Ii Concord. Pe Jan Lyon, Cin, Ohio STATES UNION 110TE1.-51nrket at„ above Sixth. 'Phustilltulutrds. Pn II It Poll Pr In, Pa II (tray, Chests! . co 1 1 7 II Mitchell. Boxing° Knolone, Roxboro .1 Monism,. Columbia Th e . C F or . N ew N or k John 4 Stoddard, Boston II A Gray, tY Cloontor Wo, II Walt, Lalrobo ins Dtnwobbn• Altoona Amer Cordon, Psi C Ragnot, N Jorhoy John :McCann, N Just, Pugh, Plums. 11 Dunbar, Pittsburg MOUNT VERNON 110Th1..--9eennd st.. above Arch H C Stn lt, Poston Piy Tarr, BORII.OII Wlll It 'chards. lainercsier JAR )1111pr, I,ohan n n 17 IV Dirnintek, Harrisburg Julius, Wornor. Del Mal Croli, Willa, Del Bola Tlnn a, lit Paul John T Marta, Jr, lisvarly Jan Ward Jr. N ji hnT Marta, Br, 'Boa oily Peter Durns,M D, 8t Louis M. Bark, N J FOUNTA fit 1101'EL—Fecoml btreet, ntne Market, jap Foorninv. Dovcr, Del A D Thnoplinultz, D e l Jonea, Wthe, Let Benj Coombe, Galena, 11l COMMERCIAL 110TEG—Stxth st.. above Chestnut. .lasi Chittick, Pinta W C Imhoff, Phil& Ohne Arthur. Montg en 11.tvut Snider. Pa J W Pratt, Chester co 11 Ituct.loy, Chester co 'f Coates, Lancaster en Ellis Pratt. Lancaster co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., 100V0 J Vanartatialen. Fonsteree Lei r'euivleJ3Lllttrtsville (dirt Trlnple. Jr. Hrkrßivillo D Da v,9, la T Shafer, Itarrlsburg AI ERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third it., above Callowhill. Thos Canso, Jud Sohn H Martin, Baltiuh,re A S McGill, Nashvillo.Tchn N A Final, lid MMaN=IM BARLEY SHEAF 110 TEL—Second et. below Vine. Win Ronne, BiOA en B CllOll, Liontwittlln, N W W Lodor. Stroudsburg jog 11,11. Gernintitown 1) 'Wooltnttn. Uertittint wtt 1 1ritt 1. Smith, Conn (I White. l'n W D Wr.tton, Stroudsburg Elizab Stroudsburg BALD EAGLE 110'M:4—Third et., tIiKIVO CannWhin. John Klemm. Germantown J C Schropm Germantow n SATING PIIND—NATIONAL 81,711 TY Talmo 6ott CAN T.—Chartered by the Etat of Pentundrama It Ul.l:tr. 1. Money Is rewired Frey, day, and in any amount. urge or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT. interest is old for money from the day it in yut in. 3. The money in always paid back in GOLD 'libellee.] it in oalledlor, and Without nntioe. 4. Money is reoeired front Executor', Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, In large or small numo to remain a long or short period. IL The money received from Depositors Is Invested u Real Estate, Mortgesea, Ground Rents, and other Prst ohms enouritiee. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southren corner Third street, Philrol.lph in. nal SHAMAN S SAVING FUND—NOIIIIIIVII37 CORNER SECOND and WALNUT &root/a—Deanna/1 Id °elver' In emnll and largo amounts, front all glasses of the community, and allevelateregt at the rate of five per Cent. per annum. Money may be draws by cheeky without loci of in erect. Office opon daily, from 0 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon 4117 and Saturday until 9 In the evening, President FRANKLIN FELL; Trending and Secretary, CHAP M arll ßßrf WHIGHT—MITCHELL—On the 111th trim., by Rev. .1. Hyatt Smith. Mr. Edmund Wright to Mies Harriet Al. Mitchell both of thteke count,, Pn. LANOHAM--SW KEN PX.—On the 1211, met.. I), Right Bev. Bishop Wood, Mr. Henry Latighton to Alts., Martha E. gown°, . 01 thin city. AIeF.WAN—CHAPAIAN.—On the %It undo John 1). 11ro sinter, John Ale Ewan. Jr., to Allan lazdoe Chapman, adopted daughter of Johoph and Mary Di, pnicottof this city. 11 FIED-1311.0KRBA CK At Oermantown.on the 2d Inst., by Pm J. 11. Aldan. Air. John K. Reed b. Mary A. Bildarback, both of thin city. SANS ON,—On Saturday memo sr,l flu rout., SUMIIII Albright. oldest daughter of John S. and Emma It. Sim eon. in the 16th tear of her ere Duo notice of the Gullet al volt lin riven. JONES,—At the residence of her eon. J. Pringle Jones, in Rotting, on the 13th mat., Elizabeth Hugel! Jones. lior femoral will take place from Christ. Church. Phila. dolphin, on Itlondnv. tho 16th thin... at o'clock I'. AI. • 811ANTZ.—ln Philhdolphot. nn Fnturday. the 14th tug, Abraham Nktutz, Jr., um the 47 th 1 oar of limo alto Duo notice trill be given or the Whom!. MILLER.— go the 12th inst.. Clara A., thtothtor of Charles 'l'. and Clam A. Maier, le the 18th year of 1101 . ave. Funeral front the remitenee of her patelitn, Na 971 1 oinbnrtl of root, thlti Morning'. at 10 o'clo ck. &HOWE 11.—thi the 12th Inst., Charlea H. Brower, in the 4Utli your oh line are. Funeral from his late residonce. No. 133 Rielinion.l street. Eighteenth ward, this afternoon, nt 1 o'clock. NARK.—Uti the 13t1, inst., Mrs Elizabeth MTh lA. to the kilt yen r of her ego. Funeral front the residence of lint' son. Porter, 1621 Lettiner street, this morning, at o'uToe %JOURNING MOUSSELINES DELAINF, 16 CNNTB —BERSON h tiON lon o Tottered io,ooo yards or Imported Dlsok end White Motthelmeg Defame to only 16 cents. MON 11NINIl t'l'Olt 15, No. SIM I 1 , 1 Ili tit root. BLACK THIBET LONG SHAWLS.-- Now in Btore, a full 0000, [went of Lup , u'n flack ! Ni hat Lone harm le Also, Lupine I)lark Cushitic:rub. Amnon. Satin Deollonet. Velvet P IMI ]'online. TCLOS e Velour ROD% Mons:mime tie Llonue, &u. 11E880N & SUN. Mourning titors, dI6 lure CHESTNItIT Rt runt. IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for the Prenn.l CAR DENAH—Brie Thurston-101 1)1))11) 11101 a.... 24 ten no 7 Iddit honey 2do Mors d & W Welsh, 130:1TON-0testinship l'hinudn Norm.. Ma)(hewn -2.2 canes boots nod nhoen Brown & Platt; 700 keen Deane. lied& Co; 01 pkgn oldno 11 Cooke; 11.1 do 1 , A Rho) A; Co; la to Fitlitnn—lonon ar, Co; 37 do FBrllll.lll. KUL. II.M& Co; 160 do Ilothinglinto Welk: It 9 Conn. I.note and nhoon E' Ford; NJ no imlns T tt MU; 3 ranks on ml llotlgnon 7c hoe)); 10 kiln paper, 1) Routh; 121C'INAS toot nod shorn 11.1111tock. Reed a: Co; it 0., 1101. c, lamps. Kent. Nantes On Co; lon I,ann N i4Vetro , Jnnh , n .F flro: as then wane hen. It iehrodnon k (.0; 17 to Lade A, litoken: S 3 d)1 ghee swim) Oluzzco k ;Munroe; 03 case» older) Ridgy, at Flinn; 77 ikon do A Slade Co; 90 do Wain, Leations h Co; !II ennen castor otl Wetherell C»;1011)1)In ell 1. Lock h Co; 213 goon. Into J 11 Rommel; 359 phis puke Continentlil Hotel; 010) do Leech A Co; 70 NIROn l ot din hi do hook nod nlioan 2511 u cantor oil 73 thin nitro dg . :00 Pkg. Onion order. MARINE INTELLICIENCE. SEE FOURTH PAW. Steatnnlitp Flo:lona Sprague, MatthnAs,6o hour); from Boston, with 111(11 , 0 and parArtns ore to Henry WIIIMIOr. Steamship lientintteo Hand, from Now York, via Cana kt ay, 'Hs hours, with nalsa nild passengers to Jns Alklertitoe. Bremen hark Elizabeth. Bimini. rat days from Bra- MOD, kith 111060 and 34 ripsongerig tin Hades Brother, Bark Robert Sonnet, liiixtord,4 ,13)11 from Now Bed ford, with oil to Nhotier, Bunting k Co. Bark Helen Maria. Niekereon, G daps from !Swami, with rialto to To oils & Co. Thurston, lottol.o with mnlnssng In 8 ec. 4;01..r1; 9 da)" from C""n" Bch r I a r.7.t0 Maul!, Handaraon, C days from Wilif.thst ton. NC, v. ith naval stores to 08 Stetson & Co. City ten limit. ttehollinger, R hours from New Cardin, with bark lilcrabeth in tow. Towed down to Reedy lel find, on totunlay. hark Canton, for lirtmewiek,l3eo, and sour lanpire, for tit Thomas. BY 7131.1{071AP1t. (Correspondence M The Press.) ?Into )(MIN. Pin Is. Arrived, Plain; N B Palmer, from Woosung ; Pain ho from New Winans; brigs Anna Premien, from lialvel. ton; Mary filowart, from Mamma; Wins my, from Pa lermo, Wir Ifoln Knighton, Jai Mailed, IT 8 steamer Iroquois. The eaptn in 01 thn Anna Prentice reports a btro ship :Inborn on the Florida Roof, which had ripparentlf Just none on. , . NYW ORLRAN.. inn II Arm sl, slaps Macaulay and Far West, from New York; Cavalier and Mongard, trout London; Amx3 vin and jp,oph Lamar, from Liverpool; Canada, from Bath. steamamp IKAystono Htltte, Mar:Oman, hence, arrived at Charleston 12th met. shin Reaper, Kelly, from Ndw Oilcans, arrived at Dead 20th ult. Phil, Caravan. Penile, cleared at Savannah title inst. for I,iverriml, with 4221 hales cotton. Ship !kWh Shore, Lathrop, hence, arrived at Mobile , 9111 Plop Brithicwilier, 'Mildew, filial New York, arrived nt 90) MO. Ship V” , 1 011. 11C1114.0, I . Now llileann, arrived al erpnnl alt.. Blop N Thompaon. Mekerinan, from New Orleank, ar rived at Idverpool2dth alt. Bliip Parthenon. Welcome. from Chili. with copper ore for Baltimore. wee in Hampton Roads lath nod. Bark Amelia, (Brom/ Oldelank, abated at Norlelk 1201 not, for Weal India. .1110 BUCIIOCker. AllolltoWll MARRIED DYED. ME= Bark Nnoces,lt, fur lialvoston,:clearod at Boston lith inst. Br, ki°l Unknili Mitololl, °leased at Boston 11th BM, for Alnoltlaa. Schr tomi. Kelly, for Pinladelpina f eailmi from Provi derma 1.3.t1t •• • . Bohr Baran M Pharman. Sherman, for Baltimore, ald from Providence 13th Mat. Soh r 1". M Clark, Mirk, for Philadelphia, and all othere hound south, sailed front Newport 13th met. Bctir John Price, Beare, front Boston. arrived at Mo tole 9th Imo. Rehr ll M Aleriihnn. Allen, front Beaton for Savannah, NMI at Holmes' Sole 12th inst. schr C AI Aldrolro, Bateman, cleared at Charleston 11th mat for New Orleans. Mohr liehpae. Cooto, cleared at Richmond 13th Inst. for West (rllers Schr 0 D h R I? Shannon. Bowen, cleared at Boalon Nth inst. for Wrialoncton. DO. Rehr finorge J it/11013. O'Neill, cleared at Boston 11th inst. 'or Wilininotnii. NC. Selir J It Wanwright, Corson, front Boston, arrived at Richmond 13t h inst. 0 FrIPE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PHIL ADPLPTITA, -January 1.1,18G0. NOTI PI TO DTOCKIIOI,DE (Mr—The Annual Meet -11111( of the Dtoeldio dere Of this Company will be held on MONDAY. the nth buy of Foteliinr., 1660, nt 10 o'clock A. M., at the 8 A Ndo %I-STREET HALL. The Annual Election for Direetors will be held on MONDAY, tho day of Mandl, JEW. at the (Mien of the Company, ID 'South THIB D Hfreet. EDNI UND !SMITH. Deorelmf. SABBAT 11-SCHOOL LEUTL RE.- - 4 Third !Adele will be en MONDAY EVEtrlNra, nt . 4 before ti &vied,. in FIR sT RAI T isT enuii C IL coiner ARCH and BROAD Street, by Rev. JOHN Cli AM URBS. Teacheix nowt vre:4ent their tjekrtx at tlf. donr. MATHEW , Nt.WKIIi.K. rDWAIII) (MirifiliFll,Y, WILLIAM BUCKNELIJ. r") , . OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU. INDURANCE COMPANY OF Mita- DFLPDIA, • Jarman . 141,h0860. The enitiptl nihntingilit the Inockholderr of thin corn ti Itn held nt their office, Na. 31k4 WALNUT Streot on MONDAY, the hth tiny of FEBRUARY next at 12 o'clock 11. . . And an election for Twenty Du colors, to Force for the ',quo: 3 e-tr, soul ho held on same day at the same Place, trot, eon 12 o'clock AL, and 2 o'clock P. M. It, M. lIINCIIMAN, jald malt fe6 Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOR '1..4 E DEAR AND DUMB.—The annual Inert not ofthe Contributors to the rentottivanot Inettiotion for the Deaf nod Dumb, will ho held on WED:VE:3IIAV next, et 4 o'clock P. M.. at the Institution, corner of BROAD and NNE Streets. The Annual Report of the Board of Directors will be submitted arid an election will be hold for olTioore to sere. tot the oruming year. )aid -3t JAMES J. BARCLAY. Secretary fiiiIDAY.SL'IiOOL MISSIONARY MEETIN Wt.—Union Ilunday-trieliotil Missionary Ateetings will tra hold D. V.) in the First Presto. terorn Chirrelt, Washington squere. TIIII3 (Monday ) EVEN ING. find in the nt. Merk's Lutheran Church. Noti underi, 'Mere Thirteenth street, on lt.-MORR OW I Tuesday ) EVENING, commencing at half past seven Addreel... re exported from the Itev. IL W. Ghildlaw. Olin,nl Mr. John MaGullaqh, cf Kentuoky, and the Rev. Charles C. Goss. of Nehrsslia Territory, Mission linen el the A m Ilea , ea n is t u rd Union. Mans intelestine foots turd incidents presented in regard to rho work of Sunday-Sehool extension and improvement in the West. R. B. WE9TI3OOOIi, yalrLIV Hen. of Missions of the Am. 8. H. Upton. urv. 11. OR A IL'AN UINN PAS • t.. 3 will preach in the Rev. Dr. Wylie's Church, Broad, below Spruce, street on MONDAY, WEDNES DAY, and PM eV EVENINGS, of this week, nt o'eloek, reserving the other evenings of the week for meeting pthately with Inquirers in the Lecture Room of the Church. 1416-bt• OFFICE OF TIIE UNION CANAL COM PAN V• PHIL:I imz,rutA, Jon. 10, IB7A. Ilia mutual meeting of tho 9tookholdors of the Colon Carnal Connie.) ot Younsr lessea writ inn 110'd at tine of fice of the cot:irony. Nun.= Wffintut arre on Tuesday. February 7th no,. at Il Woken A. 31. et which lime MI election for officers annul unease's senil Inks place. isle-111%1117 O. TitONIPBON, SoeratarY• ft PERFECT PERFECT I) I (I EsT I O PS . STltterit) non O.S. sound lungs. refreshing sleep, and func tional regularity restored, mithoin medicine, inconve n tenon. or expense to the "list disordered or enfeebled eonatitinign. by DU DA RA DELICIOUS H HALM( RESTORINP s'J'A ARAIIICA FOOD, which at a few V.OlllB per moral. ran on fifty tunas its cost in medicine, and removes indigestion Id) seeps's,. lisle ual constlpstien, ilatuleney, 11011.011$111M1, biliousness, bet ors, catarrhs. colds noises in the ears rheninatimin, gout, impurities. eruptions hysteria, neuralgia, irrita sleoplewoiess, acidity. parturition. heartburn, headache, delohty, diabetes, despondency, cramp,, spasms, nausea and tookness, sinking, fits, cough, asthma, bronchitis, constunption, also children's relit- Fit tv y ears' 111.10 Se ri battle agony from DYSPEPSIA, non °moss, sickness at the stomach. and vong havo boon removed by Da Barry 'a excellent Food. Testimonials fruit, Dr. Bright. Dr. Urn. llarveY, Dr. Plotrlnnd. Or. Painpbell, and mans thousand other respectable parties who can be referred to. Pocked with hi I instructions in vomiters. $1.60 to $l2. the tatter earn age free on reeeipt or cash. Sold at the Be% sleets Ambles Food Depot. 213 101:T1I street, by 11. Ml'Nft 0, Principal Agent for the United Stated. VV. roma, Jr., Chestnut and Twelfth streets. P. 1,. Stlicklionho Eighth nod Preen streets. t. klarktnson and F, It Clarke, Maul street, Perman town • and through all Grocers and Chemists, T=t - - - .• A COURSE OF TEN LECTURES ON _i t PRACTICAL PREF:NOD - WY to a eines of La dles end Gentlemen will he commtneurl on TUESDAY EVENING. Jan. Me, at the CABINET, 922 CHEST NUT Strout. TICKETS FOR TIIE COURSE, e 2.. To suture seats apphentuatt should ho outdo imme diately to J. L. CAIRN, Stitorpsor to FOWL, n, Wstl.9. A Co. . Phrenological Exrunlnntions With Written orverb3l deScription4 uildo DAY and EVENING. OF THE WYOMING CANAL I COM PAN Y. Philadelphm..lnnwtry 12, Isee. 1 1' ho oninl-nanu!..l interest due en the bonds of the Wy f 111 1 111( Canal Conipam will bepout on pre.ontation of the Coupon , . at the HANK OF' NORTH AMERICA. on and otter the 16th !rot tat. ytl4 2t CHARLES PARRISH. Treneuret. - TATS follo wwiti (1 111SY OF Till; sr iemnl p l lAtj OlV vl2 18Z0 Thethe'ear gOntAvfoonro- iedll! rectorstor 18O: MUM:Tolls Ilene) P. Sharron!, Mmeon Toby, Charles Ntaelletter, 15'1Ilime R. Plinth. John II Redd. Willintn H. White, , ;f• orxe H. eltuntt. Plume) ()rant. Jr., ToIIM N Wn ner, Thomas R. Wattson, Henry (.I.l , reeinan, Chtrles 8. Lewis, Ororge C Cocoon. At nineetine of the threctore. held thin day, lIENRY ft Hlt Mt. !MUD. Esq.. was unanimously re-elected President of the CompinY. jal3.3t 'WILLIAM ITARPEft, Eleerettlry. DA. SOLGEtt WILL DELI VED A U COlll.O of Six Lectures On the First Four Centuries of the Christian Era in their Beane,. upon Modern Civilization." to commence on TUESDAY, the 17th of January. nt 7i5 o'clock, I'. U., nt Chieker mg 0 Bons. No 807 CIIESTNII P Street—to lie eon lulu,' on Flll DAYS and TUESDAYS. 'rickets 5 . 3 tor the Cour.. Adtnittom n Lady and Gentleman. And el for ovary . : addittoxiai told at the ihmksteres Messrs F. Lonvotrit. I,linstnini time it Not. rye Chestnut; Smith & It:m.1.01,10 North Sixth Street, and at Mr nsre, Cluckennx t hone, NY,) Chestnut. Jan ,It." OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU. i rr Tun, IN:it/RANCE COMPANY OF rifil,A DELPIJIA. J.,• 111 N 11,16 , A. Thf. Directors Eire this day &clued n Dividend of 811 C PER ChNT. the Capttal Slot k of the Coin too 01, mat on the ..:ortiliontes of Profits outstnnilivg, for the )(nu endino December 31st, 1309, without deduc tion for t+tnte 'Fax. pn)nbie an cash to the etocitholdors, on nod Liter the 15th not Also. n Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT., paya hitt pro 'ma un tho Capital stock and Premiums earned, out of tho orofaa of (ho Company Ins (ho :I oar on,line December Not, Iht,9, for which Certificates of Profile, bowline intorost, bo delivered to the btookholdere, and to tho insured ontilled e the name, under the proem...lof !hit dinner. on and otter the lath trod. No eerbflealo wdl Ito named for any la.. hum than ton &Ina rg, nor for not fraelibithl pail of ouo dettm. bolo fete flinn fon doll 110, wad not lean Om, no donor, are nredded to the insured on the Ismike of the Coinoun.e, oud il, warh,n env ti , riod of ten )core, rhr mud eroditi to ton dodlre, condi° ties therefor will he ta nned. t.erlaiotles of Profilv linbln, rqually atth ihn Caudal 8/...k. for thu loqsow Find p!Knzelocut.. of thn t'ompnny, :001 may toy totto.ortett Into Colotal Stock at lily MOO, at the option 01 the hut/tor. 1.t12 6t 11. M. lIINCIIMAN. Secrotnry. orricE PIIIL.IDELPIIIA. AND 1.3 DEADIMi RAII4IIOAD CAIPANY. At th Annual Alenline of tlin Stockholders of Dm floaglinglinilrond Company, bold mono ary 9. loon. Din following - gentlemen wore unanimously electna Officers for lecki : • A. ti F IVN,U . S. VIC% PRY:SIMS:ST. J. 11TrON StEELE. MA) tn6n i. .1. DI: f lON ST EELE. A. E. EOM CII AS. Al ACALESTEIL IV al. NE 1.1, 7h s. 11(111 I'. lib I,l`i CHAU. E. HAIEN!. THrns: pry. S. !MAI/I , OIID. Fri 111,P.1,1. R'l, H. MeILIIENNEV. 1k order, ixlo flu 11. Mel LH ENN V, Seorelm. THE LATER PRIsE 11 , ,9uRANcE L. 3 COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Jfilltl al 10, Is6o. At tho annual meeting of tqookholdern of this Com pany. held on 9th January. ISJO, the tollowinir gentlo mon worn elected Directors for the omitting year: RA'l CHEW( D STARR. WILLIAM Alai EE. NAL6IOI CHAZI EH. JOHN Al. AT W 001). BENJ. 'l'. 'l' REDICK. HEN HY (VILA nuN. mouw , e,•l I, I), wsi)N. voitGE It, HTCART. JOHN H. DROWN. It. A. FAUN K. ANDREW D. EAtili. RI riGER At it oievting of (he Brood of Directors, held tins 01t1) bTA II 11 A, OS nvpotntod President. fallout ODA R liF•3 CoXE ForrotarY OF F - 1 ir ET (IF THE FAME INsUIt.I,NEE 1 .3 COM PAN Y, No. Aid CHESTNUT Board of Directors hn,e declareit a dividend of throe vier root., pA)ablo on downed, out tho profits of the Comro,) tot thin lint NS months. Jit nt VV. I. BLANCHARD, OEFICE OF THE DEL.IIVAItE TY PASSENGER RAILROAD CONIPANY.— l'hu fifth inetaltilont ul FIVE DOLLARS per elooft on the capital Work of thin Coinpan) will he due and pay able on TUESDAY, the 27th dap of J nnetiry. at the utile° of T. T. ir , TUIII.I2, Trelvoirer. No. In SOUTH 1 , 0('ILTII fitrrot. A. L. DONNA ' , FON, Secretary, TUI PIMA DELPHI 1. WI I.IIING 'PON, AND HAt.lvatOLtL RAILROAD CUM PAN Y—J I , CARY 9, letle —At the annual meeting of tho Steckholdni e. held THIS DAY. the following yet. none worn unaniniuurily Charted Director+ for the en among year: tOtinual 4 roton. nlnnourottohili4Oli t Wlll. Littleton SaVagel John A. Dunuan, 4esao Lane John C. Groome i J. J; Cohen, Jr.. Thom,th Co',imbue O'Donnell, Enonli Thomas Donaldson, Win. W. Cotentin. losnols Broderick A. Curtis, Edward Austin, At a inootoin of tlin Board of Diroctors. hold THIS DAN', NAM CI% Ah. FEW'tlh was tionntinoutil) elect od Prosidont, and A LIRE LI'REU HORN ER Secretary and Tronsurer. ALFRED HORNER, I t10.6t Soerettirs. 31EISUII1NTW FND.—TIII: A NNVAL .v Of tho ' U .o .t A PAU:HAN U FND FOCI E ho held on TUE:4I)AV A FTERNOON, 11th in ,0,0a..0 4 o'eloek P. Al.. t ho lioonis of the hoard of Tr ida, ;Al 13111:STN Ft cot. The amino al report will to) Atiltimitted. and nn 010011011 held for ollicers• 117 F. DRAM Secretary. r1"=" OFFICE OF THE PENNiIiLVANI II COMPAN FOR INSURANCE ON LIVES, AND ORANIING ANNUITIES. Piimsewinis, January 2, 17C03 The annuli ineetin; Id the Stooklionlers of this Com pany will take Ida,n at their office. 301 WALNUr St.. .0 MONDAY, loth lust rat. at 12 o'clock m., and at thy Came tuna nit election rill be held for thirteen &roo ters for the entoung WILLIAM It MILL, Actuao. • . . trIOLORED PHOTOGRAPHS ! IVOHYTYPES, nmiuEnnhoTyrrs; M.OCLEES', NO, 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Seventh (nnensite Jaye HMO. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS Tan en who dekire a really splendid PIIOTOGRAPH Ehonld call nt Nor TDEOLDEBI . -VSTAID 1.511 ED AND MONT }A . m.( SIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY EV THE STATE. Cow,: of DAGUERREOTYPES or Ani‘drotypes, of all 3 sine, finished In OIL, AVAIBIL-rni.nn t PASTII.,(n AS ItoRION., tin 2ln SIMA MONTH MADE BY ANY ONE Walt .410 Ntotivil Took. First Pretnutto ttwnrtleti, thiniplott and full pat Ocular. Iron Stoned stock of nil kiwis vitro per Ono okowheue. Addrnw, D. 1, M11,1,1KI:N. ttprouttultl. Vt.. rtio cons; COLLE(IrOItB.—Th, printed lowed eltalwoo d Ow •On of the (.0141 .nit AltiPi 'eau Conn 110,1 Modriht, Irmo thu uttlottet ol .1. N. 1,1,1 e. 1.40 . how 101 nolo al E. COI3AN'M, .0 North. TENTII Ntron., Price ru 1 . 011111. JUN :lII_ Arou tiAvE ALL THE ADVANTAGES .1 all 0 111 ' 411111in.: nut] r. l'hotto:r,pll m 11113 1'11. 0 0,90 019 in itt.t.lo REIMEIC6 Utdloq, Scrod eruct, tiburo Cam. It' COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. LITTLE & STOKES Have this day aseothated with them JOHN F. BODINE THEODORE A. MEHL, And will continue the IMPORTING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS A. heretofore, r t N 0.231 CHESTNUT street, under the sty le and title of LITTLE, STOKES, & CO Referring to the nhove, we respeotfully invite the trade to an exurnintionof our Stock, which vollembrace a full and complete assortment of FOREIGN DRESS AND STUFF GOODS, Together with the various products TILE PACIFIC MILLS, PORTSMOUTH AND HADLEY LAWNS. We also have the exelushe Agency for this Market of JAAIES BLACK & CO.'B CELE BRATED.PRINTINGS, In RaiditlOn to Wineh, we would call tour attention ton complete aeportment of (300D3 SUITED TO MEWS WEAR, Ine'uding tho various grades of DIOLLEY'S CLOTHS, CASSIMERES , AND DOESKINS. Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1840. jag.mwflin THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exuding between the undersigned m tho BT. LAW RENO?, 110 fEL, under the limn name of W. FL CAMP BELL & CO.,_ bun been thin day thasolved by mutual comet. W. B. CAMPBELL 111 authorized to wind up the business. WM. B. CAMPBELL, A. GORDON MULLIN. January 13.1860. jald-3t. INSURANCE COMPANIES CIFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN SURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, January 9. IWO. STATEMENT of the AFFAIRS of tine COMPANY. in conformity with Ir vrovision of its charter: Premiums from January 1, 18.59, to January LIMO . $21.1,32093 Premiums earned on Marine and Inland Risks duntig the year ending as above.... 173.1.18 b 3 Received from interests on inveutmente 74W 89 Lossee, Return Premiums, Re-insurAncest Expermes and Comnumone, and amount touetoed to pxy tonnes unadjusted—. Ili 208 89 Net ga n .................. ......... 5.TJ,146 92 Balance against the Company previous Years Balance to the debit of dividend account.. .. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1, MO 6 000 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. loads, at cost. 85!055 00 10,000 Philacietphin cif) 6 per cent. loans, •• 10.300 00 7.000 City of Pitts' urr7 6 per cent. loans, " 6.700 00 7.0/0 a " " " 6,66.1 00 11,670 Camdes and Amboy R. Company, 6 per cent 80nd5..... 41,71,1 00 5,1100 North Pennsy lvania R. Comp'y Bonds 6 per coot .... 3.750 03 100 Shares N. Pe ans)lvania It. Company.. 5 000 00 117 " Philadelphia Dank 14 700 u 0 11,610 Cheaapenke and Delaware Canal 68 . • 11,6 1 0 00 88 tiIIIITOS Delaware Mutual Safely In surance Company. 2 700 00 45 Shares Delaware R. C0mpany......... 1,k7.5 00 Sundry stock. of Railroads. Steamboat Com panies, and Telearaph Companies. and Cer tificates of Profits of Mutual Insurance COMpany•••••—• 13,872 00 Estimated present value Bills receivable for premiums Cseh in 8ank........ ........... Due the Company for unsettled premiums, ■aßmges, and other accounts. ..... ..• •• •• • 77427 57 RICHARD S. SMITH, President JOS. COLLISON, Secretary. holders of the UNION MU PAN I' Of Philadelphia. hold , IMO. the following gerlOo s Directors for three years: Henry Lowe, Jr., Edward I. Clark, 11. F. Robinson. W. F. Washington, el, for two years, ,with . At a meeting of the Serpi TUAI, INSURANCE COM nt that,. office January 10th, men were °looted to serve H. Dostouet, A E. Bono, War. C. Kent, liamoal C. Cnok, and Henry Sam who, Charles Vezio, Godfrey Freytag, 3. P. Ramer. lhe Yarnell. Thomas Miles, Chat'. Aiewlxwkl. I Goo. W. Bernadou, lomon, Color. 13. CULL !SON. Secretary. Richard R. Smith, llugh Campbell, FT31,C15 'fete. Newberry A. Smith, Ivan 11. Irwin. Albert Worrell, 13eorge Lewis, P. Rai constttutothe Board of Dm Fill lit if JO: QTATEMENT OF THE BUSINESS OF TIIEI GREAT iNVESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, for the year ending January Int, 1800: • . Authorized Cavite! ... MO 00 Cnottll p10t..... ........ tra.,t , tto uo Pronoun'. tor tho fi rht six m onths of the * year. 45 " " 56,44.5 6.4 Fire Prennutns during the year. ...$68,783 11 hlanne.Prennume during the ear, (mostly Cargo and Inland) ....... 23.015 07 $93,201 09 Bente (Great Western DAWine. above ex?enees—no estimate for CompanT a office rent).......... 4 Gen) 52 Interest, ko. . . 7,1:4) 00 L0.4E5 DURING THE T 2 1R AAPET4. Ft en) Estate, (above znetlinbranoes). Bonito and Mortgages. I fast Bills revolvable. &e. Amount duo by individuals and corpora 10,193 S 7 Cask on alma, in Ivonk, and in agents' hands 21,433 93 Odle° furniture .................... 913 98 •. • • JANLARYIO. The Board of 'Directors have this day declared a Divl demi of SIX PER. CENT. on the Cash btook of the Company. payable on demand. Nir 0 T. sonrntnr C. LATHROP, Preeitlont. I. 11A1LEIIU RST. Solicitor. jal2 Pt O FFICE OF THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSCRANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, JAIVARY 12th,166i. The following statement of the affairsof this Com puancile>, eo on f t thhe e 31st ofharter December, ISSZ, is published In fur n c, viz re Capital NINA, paid In •• • • 8/n3.100 00 Certificates of Profits, con vertible into Stock Contingent account for pre lIIIUIII3 on Fire frisks, out ntendlng Dee. 31, 1354 e 1,720 59 Do. do' received t❑ 19 9 41 719 14 Interest account, net, re ceived in my) • 721$ Policies, transfers, and other profit/1 . . . . . ofits and foes, December Mot, ISM R) Dividend Acoottut i pa l l for Ilio m 5.4... ... 19,537 PO Profit; nd Loy; for amount eliarod . 0,707 13 Return Premiunor, Commis sions. hr 1,9 g RI Losses hr ra 15.59 4 901 35 txponsea, 3ludim; airencrea and Taxes 9,701 11 Aciat 02 Romlining with the , Company, Which is invested alfe!llows, viz . . In First Mortgages on City Property, worth iloubln the amount $1:5,6m Co liround rent. first elm 2,f6 3 city of 6 per COnt..Loan 1;06.000 I, . , ... . 29,973 75 ronwiyivallll Rat land . Conlplllol 6 per cont. 2d Mortgage Loan (f 5 27,000 1 1 0 Ileghony County 6 er cent. Loan 100n000 Collateral Loam., well encored.- ' 3,500 11) Huntingdon and Broad Ton Mountain Huilrond C001155.0.Y, MortsuoLorm • • •• 4. (01 00 The Reliance 61, Ine, Company 8100 k ... 21,19110 'rho County Fire do do .... 1,060 00 Tho Delaware M. 8. do do .... 700 041 I'enni.}lsunlis Itisilroiid do co .... 4,ttV to Commercial Bank Stock-- 6 i 33 01 Illechnincs' Bank Hock— .......... 2112 50 Union M. lne. Company scrip . . 3^ooll Bills nem , . able Book Accounts, Accruod Ini' erest, 11:c ... 5 216 (2 Cash on hand......._10,902 30 The r Directors 1111 Se this day declared a Div.dend of SIS R CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Compacts. and on the Certificated of Profits outstanding, for the Sear ending December 31, 18.1.9, without deduction for tate Tat par able in cash, on said after the h inst. Also. a Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT.. parable 1,1 , 1/1,11 on the Capital Stock oral I'feil/111MS earned, out of the profits el the Compan), for too >ear aniline De cember ab,t, 141,9, for which Certificates of Profits, bear ing interest, will be delivered to the Stuckhu'alers, and to the insured entitled io receive the WIMP, under the pn,omions of the charter, on and alter the 16111 inst. No certificate win be leaned for any less mini than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar Sums less than ton dollars, and not less thanne dollar, are credited to the insured on the hooka of the Company, and It, within ins Period of ten nears, the said credit ninount to ton dollars, certificates therefor will be waned. Certificates of Profit are liable, equally with the Capi tal truck, for the lows and engagement, of the Corn pan) ,mind mar be conrerted into Capital Stook at any tune, nt the option of the holder. DIRECTORS. Samuel fluiphain, Robert Steen, Witham Musser, Rom. W. Tingle), Nlarshall Hill. V.. Loth nip. Charles. ',eland, - - - Clem Tirvearr. NVlllotin R. Thompson:l Frederick Brown. ComoOwl Ater onson. John li.lVorroll. Ili 1.. Corson. Robert 'foltind. Frederick Le nwg, ineol, 'P. Hunting. Charles H. Wood, 1 4 mith [owan, Jamp.4 S. W Julio Woodward. Bissell. Pittsburg Cif TINGLLY, Prrsulent. 11. NI. HIYCHIIAN, .•, , aeretsr.. )all fm&s: 12. t T HE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORE. Meets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INvgBTBD I W rq ptupT MoßTCAalis RHAL ESTATE, ORTII OVER ,911,000,000. The FMIIIIII,I Rye !WEIL (1011 in many other Corwin mos, and the Dividends have heap ORFATEIL. This is it striotly MUTUAL Company. Thew_ are no 13talkhohlera, an that ALL THE PROFilti DILONG To THE issraro. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had GRATId, on application to F. RA feIIFORD STARR, Agent, S. W. corner Flit/writ and WALNUT Street& PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thom. Hobins, John Welsh. Mordecai L Dawson. George H. Stuart. Demo, AL Stroud, F. S. Whalen, John 11 Alma, J Fisher Lemming. Joseph Patterson, William C. Ladling. John M. Atwood, Arthur 14. Coffin. Thom. H. Powers. George W. Toland. William McKee. Thos. AN'attson. all-lyit NEW PUBLICATIONS. c4ECOND SERIES OF DR. CUMMING'S Great 'frabulat:on; or, Thinvi Commit upon the Earth. It e m. & L flue Veiltele Perone the eettehehoe of Dr. Com o nne. work. It diner. somewhat from the former for, whdo the lint:ller dealt with tho nature and the marks et the :treat Tritothtion. the present volume re• Idiot to the character and oontlttion,the hopea, the hi:P pm:ma and deem) of the people of God. I,ixt rect., ed and for a tle 1 , 1 WILLIAM S. tc AbFREP MARTIEN, Int& No. 606 CHESTNUT Ntreet. "NEWS FROM HOME."—New Editors, new Proprietors Will he issued on SATUR DAY ;MORNING. 'Sinew Foreign Fedor is one of the 'Went and most popular 'A islets in Amencm. 1111011 lIEDUCI-11).-1 he " News from Home" will hereafter to sold for three contsisfaiile copies. IRISHMEN, ATTENTION! --The Newt from H o ," [IRS been place.l under the editorial Super s nnon of a distinguished Irish confederate of IA ho will boar aloft the old flan of Irish narionalit). 'flie first number of the new series will ha Issued on SATURDAY AIORNINti. Three cents, single copies. READ TILE NEW SERIES of the "Kars Peui How," on SATURDAY. It will contain the Intent Intellmente front Itelnnd, end all puts of the world. "NEWS FROM ROME," on SATURDAY. will give a seething rebuke to the Deify A errs for De etro. clout notice of the ihehop'a funeral. IN " News from Home;' on SATURDAY, will he found the commencement of a series of immune Tales, choice Illtscellsny, original and ftelectxt l , copio extracts from foreign tournato, and a compem Mout of the news ol the dot. fries three cents, toht C - OAIJ—LEUIGLI HICKORY, AND LO CUST MOUNTAIN. candidly ccuienail and pick ed. Eatiaraction m meddled. M M. 11. BUNTING, all-120' 74.11CALLOW7ULL Street. A YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY AC quainted with the dry-goods bum f , u wishes . good situation in a wholesale house. can command some trade of his own acquaintance Will refer to any of the merchants or business men of this vicinity. Ad dress W. 1., Williamsport. Pa. jelS-St A GRADUATE OF A PIBLADELPRIA -A. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE .. rifhle tOnation sa iceeper. I' ease address w. G. E., at oil Jeat :t• WANTED—A SALESMAN FOR THE Routh and Southwest. by , an Importing and Jobbing lime in the liquor husinecs . ; one who can command a good rx mouth, or cash busmen among druggist, and dealers, and who can give teapectable re farences. None other need apply. Address •• T. 8. 8.." Press office. P41.1-St• WANTED—By ayoung man, a situa tion in a Wholngle Grocery or Wholnman Dry Goode House. to learn the busmen. Salary no object. Address " J. 5.," at this office. 1,111-at• WANTED—In a Market street Store, an active, energetic, young man se salennan. One who can command a Six-months trade. Address DRY GOODS, at Press office. has-lit• FOR SALE AND TO LET in HOUSES TO RENT.-TO RENT- The neat &rents, No. 312 LOMBARD Street. Gars and Beth ; inx Bed Rooms; two Parlors, and Base ment Kitchen and Cellar; good Yard. Rent $250 per year. Alan. to Rent, the small House in the rear of N 0.240 LOMBARD Street. Rent, +l6 per month to a family without children. Also, to Rent, a small House in CHURCH Street, below Morris street. Rent. 87 _per month. Six Rooms. Also, to Rent, the Store and Cellar, in FIFTH Street. Lelow South. Rent, 810 per month. And for Sale, The rood will of Two Dealers' Stalls. in the SECOND-STREET MARKET, below Lombard attest. A opiy to THOMAS MARTIN. Real Eetate Agent a nd C.lfeetor. N. W. corner of THIRD and LOMBARD Streets. • j311.-3t.. figl WILL LET—The FIRST FLOOR, IEINECONC STORE, and, if wished, the THIRD STORE of my building. which doom are Ito feet deep. (reserving the Cellar and fourth Story for my own use,) for a Wholesale Grocery, Grain and Feed. or Provision ((tore. If rented, the entrance to Toy Office ,Alcohol Iliatillery, and Liquor Store, will be ion NEW Street, above Front. Possession given one month after taken. Apply to EDWARD WRIGHT, 250 North FRONT Street, below Vine. The two Stores will be entirely ee,parate. and. in the manner the building ig constructed, wi.o hare all the convenience.. Jal4-12t poR SALE—AII the MACHINERY be- Inn King to the Distillery, TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, Shafting. Cog and Spar Wheels. Mills, Spindles. Bolt and Elevator, Still, Dublin. and Worm ; Mash and Yeast 'rubs, Cisterns. Hot and Cold Water Tubs, 4 Pumps. &c. Wilt be sold at one-half their cost. Apply on the premises. istiAt• VALUABLE PROPERTY, WALNUT Street. below Fifth. For sale. Non. 4:17 and tin WALNUT gtreet, about 4d feet front by 132 foot deep. A very denaable property for inveatinent. end from tie lune peculiarly adapted for profitable/ improvement. Terme accommodating. Ap ply. to N. La BRAIN. goo PI I"htladelphi a F. :charge. 3cl elory. between 11 and 'clook jal4-3t* HOUSES TAVERNS, and STORES, ma E eatEstate of every deaoriotton for asks or to rent. Apply to MAX fIEIN'S. Ree SECONDgent, No. 227 North Street. In L. Tourny & Co.'s Seed Store. All °niers will be promptly attended to. Eneinh, French, and German epoken. Collator of Ground Rents. nlB-3m 'TOR SALE—A Valuable Lot of Ground. 148 feet by 100. three ()lots, water and as laid on one front; suitable for a church or factory. ft is muta ted in the Southwestern part of the city. in a rapidly im proving neighborhood. Terms easy. Address, for par tsculara." J. K.," came of this paper. watt ROHR & DAVIS WASIIING-DIACHINE for sale by PLOWMaN & MoBRIDE, hlanufao • turers, .7 STRAWBSRRY Street., Philadelphia. By thus machine sweet's wash of an ordinau-sized family can be done before breakfast. It is equal in ca pacity to four women. and eaves at least ao per Cant. in wear acid tear. Hundreds of them are now in use. and the demand continuing. Call and examine for yourselves. County rights for sale on reasonable terms. Prise oh machine Stu, up to Va. PLOWMAN & MoBRIDE. ht2-Im . 37 BTRAWBBIIRY Street. 8125,712 22 e 100 ow 00 81 438 57 16,488 77 8173,716 91 A PLEASANT CHAMBER ON THE third floor vaottut, wah baud, at No. am WAL LY UT Street. rslo-bt• FOR EVENING PARTIES BERTHAS, CAPES, SETS, SLEEVES, and CUFFS, In Reed Lace, Crepe, Illusion. Blond and Imitation. in great Varieties, of the NEWEST STYLES. Also, 4-4, 6-I. 94, 9.4, 10.4 ILLUSION. TARLATANS, CRAPES, Ac., Much below the usual prices. WARBURTON'S. 1004 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth Street, :3105,651 64.1 306 South SECOND Street, below Spruce jnl2-tf 5.13 VS qi 24 72') 44 $61,965 33 6111 19 11.1 716 33 67,765 l'3 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! MOM A ETITC.II, IN TIME SAVES NINE." ECONOMY ! As accidents wilt happen, rern is waß•resulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crocks ry, --- $ 11'7,721 00 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to thc ;stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, Wintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken emotes. It is teat the article for cone, shell, and other Orn amental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used sold, being she laically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best cabinet-makers' slue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vcaCg more adhesive. " USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. B. A brush aceompaniee each bottle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. lEEE Wholesale Depot, No. t 8 CEDAR Stoat, New York Address lIENRY Cg, SPALDING lc CO , Box No. MOO, New York. .51.3 771 33 Put up for Dealers in Cues oontlining four, eight, and twelve dozen, a beautiful Whop mina Snow-roan aocompant ins each nautili.; e. B' A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE Rill save ten tunes its cost annually to every household Fold by all prosynnent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers. and Fano,' Stores. Country Merchants should make a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when nothing up their list. IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATE. d2;-mwf-y MIMI -R. THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TIIE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADbILPHIA. IN ALTER LAING vs. EDMUND STEELMAN. Juno Term. 1339. No. 78:. Ft. fa. SAME ve.SAME Suteinber Term, 1859. No. 210. Fr. fa. DAVID JAYNF Se. h.lisoUND bTEELM_AN. September AMEvs. Term, 1!.5 9. No E . 199 . Fr. la. S SAM . September Term. 1859. No. Qs. Fr. fa. GEORGE C. DARB , R re. EDMUND STEELMAN September Term. 1959. No 196. Fi. In. JAMES BAKER Ns. EDMUND STEELMAN. September Term,lBs9 N 0.26.5. FL fa. C.B. A. P. Itt. SMITH vs. EDMUND STEELMAN. September Term, 19'9. N 0.998. Fr. tn. JOHN DOWLING on. EDMUND eTEELMAN. September Term. 1.59. N 0.433. Fr. fn. 3011 M. BICKEL Ns. EDMUND STEELMAN. Supreme Court. January Term, 1&0. Nu.s. Fr. fn. The t uditor appointed to males distribution of the fund in Court. raised by the sale of personal provertl by virtue of the above writs. will attend to the duties of appointment on MONDAY. the 30th day of Januart• IN,O, eta n'tdock P. H., at h. office. S. W. corner of Seventh street end Washington equate, in the cite of Philadelphia, when and where all persons interested are required to present their chime, or else be debarred (ruin Gomm,. in upon said fund. innearl 16, 10:11, CLEMENT B. PENROSE. info-10V Auditor. L EWERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM RIDDLE, deceased. header been granted to the subscnber by the Re toter of Wit% he.. for the city tint COI3IIIT of Philestelghta. allper/10125 trdebted to the said estate are requested to make oa) inent, nod those haring clams against the same to present them to ROBERT RlDDLE,Executor. d 24 set 618 vINE Street. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS -a, March Term.l?W. NO. 'Si. Eut3dlVOTCe. IiELAR C. HIRST, by her next friend, dm, vs. HENRY it. 111118 T. s,r : You are requested to take notice that the court have 'muted a rule this day on respondent to show catnip why a divorce should not be decreed in the above Personal service of this rule having failed on account of the absence of the respondent. the court ordered the Publication of this rule, returnable RATERDAY, Jan uary 2S, at 10 o'clock A.:11 J. WAGNER JERMON. Attorney for Libellant. To lignax H. meat, R espondent. jat6 inthit TO CLOSE BUSINESS. w. offer from now to the enl of the year our LARGE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS. AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. periwig wishing theLr Houses Pepered,csn get nest BARGAINS Br canon early on lIART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., JAS. R. CAMPBELL IS; CO., imroitrErts vo IV ROLESALIC DA kLERS 1:1 DRY GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, &c. No. 721 CHESTNUT Street. HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER on a Farm in Delaware county. Excellent stables ant expertenced Groom. Apply No. 611 Witj,Nl7T Htreet.nermul loon. tt,lo-tf CINS AND MEDALS OF ALL KINDS, Minerm.• shag. Fnararinga. Auto rra[hg, Sta tionary. and Fancy ArDales, Bouiht am) .IDLER, No. 111 :forth :UNTIL near .ARC.II et. WANTS. BOARDING. MILLINERY GOODS. DISPATCH! SAVE THE PIECES LEGAL. PAPER HANGINGS, Arc. NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET AMUSEMENTS. DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT Ett., mon Eighth. Faicas.—Dress Circle,so ciente ; Family Circle 25 cents; Seats in Frira.e Boxes, 73 cents; rate Boxes, 03 and 36. Box tithes open from 10 A. M. tills P. 51., when seats can be secured without Extra Charge. Cuenon or Trig s.—Doorg open at half past 6 ierikreh. To commence all% First Night the new and gorgeous esctaele of the MAGIC RING OR THE FOUR ELEMERTB: FIRE. WATER. EARTH. and AIR For which a new and distinct Company of the most celebrated Artists has been especially engaged in eon ;unction with the present um-walled Com , any, Ever! Scene. every Costume. every _Appointment and all the extraordinary Meebanical Erects ENTIR ELY NEW. The gorgeous Scenery. brilliant Costumes. splend id Alilta and Decorations. and the superb and thrilling Ret - ects MAGNIFICENT mbmno E P n3d 1011 " .11S 'IZ .E Ever presented to the Pubic. First Night or the beaTitifill. high yl -trained. And THOROUGH-BRED DANCING MARES. Which will be introduced try AIRS. DAN RICE In Novel &Ed Elegant DOUBLE AIAIIEGE ACT. MONDAY EVENING. Isn.lS. And EVERY EVENING THIN WEER. will bepresented the gorgeous Bpectacle, in Three Acts and Four Elements of THE MAGIC RING °PTAS FOUR ELEMENTS. The entire spectacle under the sztnerintendenoe of MR. JOHN DARCIE, CHLIACTIOLS. Herbert. &mused as the Minstrel of Cassel. Mr. W. H. Page Arm:4h. Hnicht of 80hemia............ Mr. Whitt ter Galati, the Wizard of the Four. Elments.Mr. J. Dame Fresco, a Charcoal Burner, ...Mr. Frank Drew Whirl/bars, the Stare of the Ring .... ....Mr. Holland tiveline.the Enchanted Princess.. ...Min Kate Belden Leela. her Waiting Hackett Annello. the Feint of the Mag ic Ring.. Miss Aoebtids Spirit of the Water Mist.. ..- Miss Wiluza A Pull Corps da letrind Aundianes SYNOPSIS OP SCENERY, Ac. Element the First: FIRE. 11C1:11 1. CITY AND HARBOR OF CATANIA. IN SICILY. With Mount -Ens smoking in the backgro , nd. Online side a matte atibergs; the sten of the World's liii7l; Groupe of Sicilian peasants ; dancing and drink ing. _ A RUSTIC BALLET. A throes ef 'rounded knights enter from the suberge. hhout to depart for their several homes, all ham: foiled ill their attempts to secure the Magic Ring. sad resells the lovely Princess Eretine, who has bees spirited slimy by a fell wizard ; they are met by Her bert. the 31instrel of Cassel. who cowls to obtain the nut and restore the beautiful Princess. THE 2. CAVERNS OF THE BR-AZEN HAND. In the centre stands a rode alter, formed of rock. upon who h the Brazen Hand is seen holding the Rule Ring; Herbert, strong in honor and in love. resolves to seize the prize ; thunder and other fearful ncases; the charmis broken ; asset music is heard; the rock algae open, showing THE SPIRIT OF THE WHO. The Spirit, to reward Herbert for his courage. honor, and love bestows on him a Golden Wishing Branch, and Whirliburg, the Store of the Ring, to attend tam rsNE INTERIOR OF TRIP CH A RCOAL COAL BURNER'S ABODE. Franco. rising from his own ashes. pretty de awake, dreams of his lost sweetheart. the ttle Loeb'. who also has been sp.rited away by art city, saucer eyed sorcerer, along with her mistress, the Rumors Erehue. Nome. beard without: Herbert, who wlthati to se. has brother Ftante. is led thither by W tarlrterg. and they start in search of tbe long-ket Evehus ; a fearful road to take. &ENE 4.—TRE REALMS OF FIRE. The lovely Pnnetes Enloe and her faithful attemletst, Leebs, fast in the power of the mighty Godah. pins and sigh rimy their melting moments. booed Tidos the bosom of ITxt..'l , *resign ueocirghlw. Xing Cupid.qpick descending. arrives with Herbert. Franen. serf Whirtiburc to the reuse of the diwit damsels; Herbert 'ekes from the Princess' finger the first of the rune whirl, pees the Wiz rd power Weer the Four Elements : Sets her free and they ascend on THE DaiGoN C ka Octe. a SOLLING site OS LlQttD //IS. Element the Second : SnicNe —FALLS OF NIAGARA: Seats 6.—TRE Cava OP g e t cu t, MOXSTZ.7.II. Tranon in a Fix; Cannot get and flunks of basics:s ing a Shell fiah-man. &Eta 7.—Tua CITY or FOUNTAINS. And Coral Rome, of the Water 'Phyla The Naiad Queen end her Court; t , e Pnutene Beeline broorht in a eaptrce by the Wizerd of the Slemeats Wonderful vower of the Mario Ring ; Breaking op of the second charm. RIPISYG OF THE WATHRB. Ascent of the Lover on the Bosom of MS DIM. Element the Third : EARTH. &ENE B.—THE 811. 1 13,R MINES. Of' the Gnome ltlexiett. THE MAGIC CIIA•GE Tu n ME GIANT SILVER ST I CAE. tip which Herlilrt. the Prineeen and Frame 'Aosta to Earth 1.1113. FiCX:CE 9.—THE SICILIAN VINEYARD. Element the Fourth: A I R &ter i —THE PALACE OF RAINBOWS! The Last Wsh ; Herbert dares the ski. t seat his brlde ; Appearance of the Mane Eszle. Fosse It.H ALL OF POE Rt72.IDR ED KNIGHTS. Geontanasrncession and Triumphal Entry of Her bert and the Inn en Erehne the S pi rit Chsymt drawn by Ma-While tteeds ; Assent of the Spirit of the Rum ; Fame, Victory, and the Spirits of An tenperbTabisan- The whole will co'clude with ft Choice Selsetios ACTS IN THE ARENA, Equeetrien, Gvnicenie. And Aerohttic. tit which the full 2:math of the Company will appear. WEDNESDAY AND SAITRDAYAFTERNOONS. GRAND DAY ENTERTAINMENT POR FA MILfER. When Extra A ttractions Inn he presented. Doors open at 2. To commenes at hall' pant S o'clook. SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS, CHESTNL'T Street. near Ettxtb. THIODON'S THEATRE OF ART& THIS EVENIG. Will be offered the following elegant 'ernes: The Port of Genoa Waslungton and lids Genera's, are truly tis- Presented. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. 'ln Irbieh 20.000 Morino Figures are retregented—to g ether with a life-like 'Mir of the General and tug Msg. e hats . The Arine on its March. MONKS OF MT. ST. BERNARD. After which the tem& seene of the Storni at &a. The exhibition terminating with the model new of the monster steamship, the Great Durum. ',Afternoon performances on Wednesday and Saturday. Tickets, 25 cents. Chtidren, IS tent.. Doom open at 7. To commence at & iall-lw WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Role Lessee..._... •.llrs. M. A. HARRETTEIOII. Stage ..... S. F. HUM 5010n...a Agent - - ...Mr. JOEL D. MUMMY FIRST APPEARANCE OF MR.!. W. W ALL &CIC. kSHVENTH NIGHT OF MATILDA HERON. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. Jut. if. Lesbos. Mms Mattldg Heron ; Oreeolo. Mr. I. W. Wellack • The Doge of Team:l. - Mr. George. Johnson &Mono. 31r. L. R. Bheafll ; Rasp°, Mr. l own ; VIOLS. Mn. Ames Cowell. Pnoes as nsusl Sesta sees red Inthont extrs charge. Doors won at 6Si o'ciock. PetfonsAnce to oostumooe at 7 o'clock. W Ii s E T A RE T E L T EY ,rin; & ATR C E. LARKEYS mum. THIS +MONDAY) EVENING. Jan. H. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND. Mr. Feathe rly, Mr. Wm. Wheatley. PETER WILRIAS, Peter Wilms, Mn.s Drew; John Adam, Mr. Doi van; Nicodemus Crowenill, Mr. Clarke. Scatat or Paimia.—Astmlumn, ZS cents; Secured Seats in Dress Corele,..Ttli cants ; F.rquet. to Dent: Doom open at half pant 6 o'alock ; potion:mutes* to oemmen^e at 7 o'clock preciaell. AIcouNOUGLUS GAIETIES---RAVE St., ILL below TRIED. NEW FEATURES ALL THTS WEEK. Pmt appearance of Masa ROSINA MAY. 1:..a Beanti fel Ca. tatrlce. late of COOPER'S OPERA TROUPE. who wall ems a Choice Selection of 1. M FLEW,' ANDe Z IN .311:1W MITS. Miss MARIE, .Mina HOWARD. and Ma WHELP LEY. IRREpIt.SIBLE CONFLICT R THE IMPENDING CRIBIB, With Beautiful Peeper' New Cognmea. and Tableant. BILLY THOMAS as Mrs. Heller J. LtAVITT se the Et:ranger, in the LnushaVie Burlesque or the STRANGER. GARDNER in hie Great Been, Eonentrietties Comic Pantomime of MOTHER Grand Celebration of the A anirersArT a the o_pening of the GAIETIES on THURSDAY LYENING nest. January 19th, on which occasion there will be a 'Dobbs Performnce. TICKETS CAN NOW BE PROCURED FROM. THE TREASURER. AT THE OFFICE. SECOND WARD.-COMPLIMENTARY BALL to tho UNION ASSOCIATION of Second NINI at the Musical Fund Hell, on MONDAY EVE- O. January 1303. MOW of Ceremonies, OSCAR THOMPSON. Floor 3 mowers. CHARLES B POTTING rR. 6E09 OE B. MILLER. Tickets, One Dollar. For sale ry the Conartottee of Arotngements, and at the Daily News Office, Jalat 911.'„IPLE, OF WONDERS Northeast comm.. of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. treat sod Novel Attraction. 11APPV NEW yRAR: SIGNOR BLITZ. The wonderful Magician and Ventriloquist EXHIBITION EVERY . EVENING DURINO THE WEEK. Commencing at 73L o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY A ITERNOOIs Bat 1 The celebrated Automaton Rope Vaulter. one of the greatest pieces of Mechanlem ever exhibited, will appear in every exhibi tion. and perform his astonishing feats. A,lnoscon is rents, Children /Scents. THE CELEBRATED PAINTING, PARISINA, illustrative of LORD BYRON'S POEM. :r . . LIIMS PRIZ: NOTRE. THE PILGRIM .rATHERS VIEWRTYRDOM OF JORN OA FOR FEW DAYS OAla. tbs D ['SSE L DOR F .6* xxr.strio.N. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. EVA CHESTNUT Street. Ort (rem 9A.M. to P.M. Admission 25 cents. P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Or THE PINE ARTS. I= CHESTNUT STREET. la OPEN DAILY, ISumleya exaepte4.l from. Lit. tall 6 P. M. Wanted—The Tenth volume of " ribia Etereeet rfl/1 , (10 " of Parusese. Adualasion RS coats. Children ender 12 yea half price. 11harel of Stook 830. .25-tr ORCHESTRA.—PubIic Re. ILA hearaala every SATURDAY, at musiva, FUND HALL, at 3.41 o'eloek P. M. A paskagEof eras tickets, one dotter. jtirte ttoketa,ltti mate. To be had at G. Andre's, and Beek A Lawt,..n'a Marie Stores, and at tits door. old-sat GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. JW. SCOTT--late of the firm of Win • cheerier t, Boort—GENTLEMEN'S FURIVISH ING STORE and QUIRT SWiLTACTORY, 611 CIIESTMIT Street, inearly opposite the Girard Hama Yhrtadelphia. Et. would respect call the attention of his former patrols end trie tQh:s new store, and is pre pared to craws foe ,111R7t3 at short coves. A t perfect fit sausage. Wholeaals Trade anyphed Nritit Ens Bhlrta and Collars. MORE PROOF OF TUB WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF MONEL.IIB • Ai ERMAN RAM REPARATOR. PRILA_DELPHIA, September, This is to comfy that I smut bald for maps Tears. and was recommended to tl7 your Reparptor ; sodOLSTIES procured three bottles, used it for three mouths. which hes ceased my hair to grow, and elthoush not IitUUI as thick u before, per tt is ommtantly yorf o, E 8 No.= North Third street PRILADYLPFIII. September rat, iga Mr. J. F. 3lovEtt: Licar tame since mY hair commermed falling out, so much so, that I was, in fact. fearful of becoming bald; butt eanng of the won derful power of your Separator, I was induced to bay a bottle, and a ft er using one-half of it my ha not only °eased coming Out, but commenced groirualr. and I have now as thick a snit of hair as e` N J o. 636 o Y rry i street For wile be T. H. PETERS & Co.. Sole Spent,' No. 116 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. WS-am SILVER SOAP—A ample preparation for cleansing Silver Plate. -fewer/. Mirrors. Mu- Die, Etc., far more convenient and en - ecure than am ether, Mte half the labor of House cleaning may be saved by using this Soap, which cannot soambly Entre the finest Zinc white, arid as no scrabbma is restored. the won as. in the wear of the runt Is set , ee greater theft the cost of the Soap. It leaves the airfare° as gem and white as when new. Manufactured oat by the Indexical Boa/ Cc.capay.. sad sold bythei vr assM Meats. ASS ARTNIIT. D a nu—.Apetaaaarom tut CIFIRR all- RR. CORSON REAL ESTATE . BROKER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRIS TOWN. PENNA. FAEMY In ,dsnaomery, Banks, and Chum noun glen for sole or nwenstiza. 00411) MORTG A DEB on farms netotlnted. HANDSOME DWELLINGS for in.:n in Norris nvn. TO BUY CHEAP WATCHES, shirt Stud.. Sleera Buttons, Coral, Lara, and ttnacan Seta Gold Chatna. :hirer and Plated Sons. Fork. a. Catooil• Cake Baskets. Etc., a cr. and steel rrectaoles. co to tali tit ItUdS.ELL'Zi.= BIXTIi Matt.