EIBERIE - OfT,Y"'ATE*9,:,' , _ Tony N 0.1014 Mariet - alieet;neyr ` atandine the !atoned of. the eastern. le still zellinrlarie -quantities,. of hie, celebrated Silver', inf I§Coile, - .with, his - Oen' adedtahlo 'im = broventente. All who are hot yet "Applied &mild bear in mind that hts stook, in all sleet, ie stigrvcomplete. Within the tniaentivektiefe learned by a esenal glinoe into his waierooms yesterdays he Eta beeitintroduoing his oelebrs.Md; Heaters' into' t- large amber of our wholesale stores on - friarkeretriet , preparatory to the opening of their spri4 trade. There Heaters, we may add, havenivea the monk entire eatiefaehen to all Who - have tried them, ,Theyarrietngulesty economical I per= feotly proof againstaoatdent by ffre:and are, mersoPer, , gold at astoMahinaltlow prtoea. Alerohente and others should omernbeytkie. , Of some three hundred emoted - by, Mr, Olarkwithin the - prey mt • areason, , ,thikro has not been a, single :complaint ntered, to the Mainfaottirer. • Wohams heard of several leakiness where brick heaters of ten times the coat have been abandoned, and those of Mr. Clark intreducod instead. Rtirreferenoes are there fore numerous and unexoentlintable._ , EMI:MAWS On/mans:L-4:4. Eshleman's Ora- vats, and the mystical initials'. G. P. B. C., are beriont ing almost ns Much the topio' of oonversation as the .fights in Eshleman; howeier, has this advan tape ; Eshleman le orestilied. He is, himself; a fluent speaker, and so are hie clerks, Mill cravats are eniver nallyPomilar, and irriOart a degree of grace, and elegance wholly unattainable without them.. In'ehrire, Eahleinan Ss great on the neck. - Me collars people by thoucende, but never intuits them by letting them leave his store (No. SO Chestnut street), unsuited. Everybody 'says "Fghlemen'a a trump," so you see everybody becomes his trumpet, but, after ell. hie inimitable cranatslare trumpeter. Out devil, who roost ved one of them for a Ohristinas'gift, indulges in the original remark at our elbow," Thai's so." CHEAP CLOTIIB.— , We invite . the' attention of oar, readers; ton large istoole of general cloth goods, now offered at NO. Mg Chestnut, (Jaynele Mild at rate; for. below the usual pt Joao* As all grades of - Mettle and ens, mimeo's are included In this lot, buyers; at either retail or wholeanle,vsill imonomise by giving It their attention. • Hiii.intuus Hortrsottowknw..-19e anticipated, now that the .holidaYa are over, that the tremendous rush of customers at the widely-known confeotiOnery tstabliehment of Meagre. E. G. Whitniim & Company, Permed street bolo*, Chestnut, ;would experience, at leant, a temporary lull,but, Judging from the swarms of ;madmen that daily throng their. More, this is not the fact. Nor is it to be wondered at. Such confeetiose an sacs manufacture are Just as tempi ing to the palate on the isth of January as they are on the 'nth of Mani be r, Add to this the fiat that they manufmiture the Me rest, firiest,,and riaheat goods of this class in the World, and the mystery Is at once explained. ' CLASS FOR THE STUDY OF PringNOLOOY.—On Stiesday evening next, as will bo seen by, a: Adver tisement elsewhere, Mr. Sohn L. Capes, the efficient and 'talented practical Phrenologist, No. P 22 Chestnut Street; Wilt commence s coarse of ten lectures on the . eubleat of Phrenology', with the view of instructing a. classof ladies end gentlemen in that highly interesting and invaluable ectenee. , As the initial lecture will pro bably be no ImPortant indeala this course, the names of apilioantu should be handed hi.withoud delay. We are happy, to state, from personal knowledge, that Mr. Ca pes is thoroughly skilled In his science. ' Tan great phtlanthrOpist; Dr. Livingstone, in his African-Trivids,Via'irile;lo his comnumleatlons to the Geographical l'ociety, , the foot that the people of Angola made their staff of -Woof the 'plant from-which Da Butes Refatente Axabled food piepared, which keeps there perfectly' free - from cough, oonsumption, asthma, debility, indigestion (dyspepsia , constipation' nervous, bilious, and liver omineeinbt. and restores the faculty of digestion and nervous and muscular energy to the moat enfeebled. In England, likewise, this ex cellent food honoured thousands of these annoying corn- Plaiels. as Prevail by testimonials from the celebrated 'Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Andrew Ure, Dr. Shetland, Dr. Harvey, Dr. Campbell; Dr. Oattiker Dr. Wurger, Dr. Ingram , Lord Stuart de Deeies. the 14:maser Count ess of Castlestuart, and fifty thousand other well-known individuals, whose health has bees restored by this MOM and econoinioal diet, after all other means dome bad been In vain for many years, and all hopes of reoovery abandoned. We are happy to find that Messrs, Du Barry & Co., of London, have at lest supplied a want long felt in this country, and ettabbshed a depot of their Revalenta Arabi= Food, wider the care of H. Munro, .71.1 South Third street, Philadelphia. prinolpal agent for the_ United States.- Packed. with full instructions, In cianieterei,DLACtiifeln, the latter carriage free on re ceipt of cash. Also to be obtained of W. Parvin, Jr., , Chestnut and Twelfth streets ; D. L.Steeklicaue, Righth and Green streets:l. Harliinson and B. ff. Clarke; Main street, Germantown, and through all ranee table grocers and ohemiste. ' TABOR; LIVE, AND MONET-SAIUND MACHINES-- In other words, Bemire , MACIIINZI.--The universal use of these really .beneficent instruments cannot be too warmly recommended. We are glad to - notice the foot In this concoction that the "Harris Bon ; eir"—the ad mirable machine, for which Mr. B. B. Esker, No. 73a Arch street; is the agent—is mead g with a daily in creased 'demand:The , high , onoore.ame which have been lavished upon this Insuument at all the late fairs, over all oompetitore; have not been improperly be stowed, and we are balmy to find the Pubile responding en generously to the officially expressed preference for. the "Hanle Boudoir." OELNE S B PATENT CARPET-SWESPER.—T his Dew and highly -improved article, may be had, wrioresaie and rstail g at B. A. Eamon Jr Co.'s House-furnishing store, 113, W. corner of 8000 and Dotal( streets. Fartsogg with impaired eye-sight should use the improved-Elpectaolanorrectly suited, by M. J. Frank lin, optician, IL south . Fourth street, below Chestnut. Zurninuirsnra.—We desire to call the attention of our merchants and manufacturers to the advertise ment of William 11. Weeks, in another column. Mr. Wife extensively mantilla with 'our busmen mon, and pantiles the faculty of advantageolisly disposing of more goods, and in a shorter space of time, than any other-man that has - ver come under our notice. Mer chants who have quantities of goods to dispose of could select no more reliable medium to effect halos. If our Prophecy be a arrant one, Mr. Weeks will soon be a leader in commerce. - ‘,SOCCZAII Ili OEN - ORALLY MORE INDTIOTID TO Pannantxvnan sr SUMO TO as," and they whoari io Prudent es to cave and deposit their money, either in large or small amounts, at five per cent.. Interest; in the .Franklin Baying. Fund, No. 136 Smith Fourth 'meet, below Chentnut,. Phladelphia, aye sure to be eaooeaafal, for their experience teaches them' ,panning such a Operas AO - Franklin pointed out, to wit: " Spend only when neoess .ry, and-make ro waste," they would soon 'aoeuniulitto abundanoe, if net aftlueitoe. TM: Company always paid on demand, and fWVIT suspended. Bee advertisement in- another column. PiatonApinr.—A &avian, named Bleeeikaitsob, hair subliehed, gt Vietuia; a 'curious little book, in:which ha nerocater the rum, tor telegraphic purpose, ota new universal laintuogo, 'entitled ",Pasigraphy.". ThO words aro, to be forniad 'by" the ordinary Amble ciphers, em played in :Far,. ingenious combinations. productive, according to the author, of an immense savinecif time and trouble in the telegraphic lutereourse between the different 'nations of Enrope. Anything that serves to facilitate an interchange it, thought must be beneficial as It will give all creation a chance to order the itegan, styles of clothing gotten up at the palatial store or Unurrillo Stokes. No. 607 Chestnut street. A TttnlLrasb ApWarrtritm,—A few Melte Aloe a railway train was dashing through a mountain gorge In the interior of- the State; when the engineer heard distmetly a loud" Milo!" eche through the pitchy dark nese. The train was instantly stopped, and all hands ' strained -their oars to listen. Boon •a second oiy o " l" rang through. the air, and a moment after came the Words, uttered with thrilling dittinottlegg. *Bay all your garments at 'the Brown atone Clothing Hall of Rookkull & Wilson, Nos, SW and Goa Chestnut street. above Sixth." The train artin gottinder way, and finished ito Journey without farther adventure. Fire at. Brunswick, Ga. BaVawaiu; Tan. 12.—Tho Brunswick ffiredd *Moe wea destroyed - by fire on liaturday. _ The loss is from $O,OOO to $7,000 . ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. 17,P'TO TIVILVZ O'CLOOIS LAST IFIGIIT GIRARD IllnUßß—Cheatnut et., below Ninth, . fit Shaba!: A - ' --N fl Biggins, Philo , poodoil, ei Y ad A Apes rii Barrod,N Y. : John W Bail, N Y T P Bowen, Nowark, N I R J Thildeman,Harrieburi See 0 /broth, Balt , L.R 'Goodwin. Boston 3 oTnoer, Cal •WM US Hitler. St Louis 011 ibson, N.Y • P B Hunter & la. Lemon Mtn 33. lilblintbdtll, Pa J T Latta & la, Trenton . Kra ..ott, renton - Chne Janobs, Cheater 00 W J Bays. N Y lonic Wibert, Paris CbLts Ofen'; /I Y . Badob M Hyde, 0W 8 ord ions, Bolton Miss filiMill & ineter.Boston l'rtguittlWbioaton eo l, Peabody, Boston Ifnennent. Charleston i l fra, ri f',a rini . . ea . D Cameron, Pa . . Cameron, Ir. Pa tt. Phr, eanoinnatt B A Houton, Waehington .i fin Br o w n. l 't. f l it r / V0 8 4= 1 :1 1 ,. C Del h Img° Thomas, Ineyr Bedford- N'Brown L ßAlelgh; N U e* A bevitt.ei Y - , - J abakb, Beading .: lir. HardoaatleAt a Mils Hombre,. Burlinatn Broadbent. , /.Bteerbaoh. Ban Antonio hingenne, o nd - Tfl Saber & la. Boston frW Eldridge,-Boston Daniel Miller; Balt 8 Williams, Balt - ' . John Burton, Balt Hon .1 J Ortttendeu, Kr Bon C in Conrad, La Chu Forman. N Y PaLow,NY - Wngraig,Balt •„ .. 3 11l Logan. St JQeeli, C i i i write, nt C , - 0 A mornson, id N r nem , k la, Conn - AMBILIOAN ROTEL—Cllelitirt etLaksTelAirth. '- 1:114a Oho' V v /I VadrArhPo noi, %don., ' N U tate a r Y Zo h i' , 1 1l J ' —1 ?1b1:11 g l a T rd ', l ll Nl : ' 1 Harrls..Ya . Wiebeaton & a nt, Wash Trpt i T i r e .tt N 7 .:'' ,'' ' illinTrirt7,lY/' Bait Wham, Bunko eo ,' • 0 D Brown, Y : MIIRDITANVY BOTEL—Fouth iireet. below Aro b. D 0 aathonar; N Y , ',' 17. II gotta'. Louisville A Whitman; Mao - w a Minahr. ?Menus tarrh a ht l itti t athignim I ':V :l grr i l utitdn Y G"llllle Ar4 f i b eilli s i ll atpaid, ia ~ IR ..ISV hilt?* 0 [ o - bn weloe. Wand - ernes ul_,l froleod B Ham ton, eon it Malt, W Y . THE UNION NOTEL—Arab street, above Third Mji{lnBal6aWAstou,NJ %Is gem 0 NI 111 ' 91 3 "74' Bftiem. trailer eave. Balm. N J ainagrui BoVL I 311 i? E"t" BLACK BEAR , 110TEL7Third et., tibovo Calloivblll. /Olin flieplpnd Easton Ram Shia; Snail on W Shutt, Buoka Vialdoonft; Oa* on B. Gibson' MOVr_ tein 0111111 , 1110 n, •.6 7.6.dins ui Bur, yt h Eddon v hlottland gai'tehiter, IiATIVIt..; ff:j.; Eathl von' JamooM,Thomax, Ya &mom Boyertown bampton Smith, Madam. Castle atifitdwigudtorCastlC Tfre Malle;Windllot Caatle FottNTithilOTEL—Booond attest, above Market elietdon,Cona il 1° Bkehan , Brooklyn ~ -ratifia):ll 14.01MtVERtiON HOTEL 4 ABocand r et; abova Arch lackeon. N „ Myers, Lebanon As Muller, Itiudager Tplia Yra4e, D Frabk Smith, Harniburg - . - : MERCHANTS '. N. 0118 E-Third et,, above, esnowlllll- 1,113,4,0-loneatown ,;--. -A. Plight; Pa /4 weasel, Norte no, Pa .- .1.. Neuman, Allentown • '•J A flztevana, moorstown " Miss A IMeypnii,moorstwa 0 amine , ;H Sehuy I no. Pg. Coo Scott, NY Y. J hllO4 la, Lamm Egan, etor , Peter Eva,' - fa I' - • oodring,-201 go, 0 . . -BALD EAGLE -.H0TE.14-Third Cl,, ahoy CWl°l4llll, . }An Iffousnum; Pa --. -..-,, . ''. ( liven MaHoen,lliigh t o 4rsil ulltll?etUelly Lehig h Virl m i e , B ili V'. 'ii "Y. _ .: ''' J - Ohnituaman nuoke ow:f - Paml Jtannlnter, packs oo ...t.p t , o f- , TRuett- -, • - 'John ouyer,, , imlugh oo 6-3 , -,,- BT,'"L'OVlB.2oTirliettiot it; O. Thud. , 50.011, rujik.„ tij. : y e t Im'et i N , - ,Al - 30Villiney ' Alio .-, • --- , Johnl4, 4, Paining --,_ ‘lcro§al, nenteffet. POitei: 19 " "" r. N. Y " * ` fir./trtr'Cl "t°ll' 0 ' B W RlN:l ne kt na"& . .., 0 , ... w . , w 4,llt . leatn , n t .. e era y t! - - .,,it ,, 1.1' I 1: 2 '4 ,'A - •-,-,',..--- f... . 5 - „I ;..- A : ...' - NApt:g gOTr e ,ti-piii4 itrobt.ibpvoltsoe. a oin,.f ~,. ':' -Cy 3i-aa., r. -,- ! , -P - ifu'lrekt,i , is - . 61T„..DC(T E bitlt.IV" 1 n il 0 0 . he e or t tno e tw e,_ tha W ruz fl %., r_ h as es to te: , . pil lo Ki e et a mo d nt ;: tc a ti o r n y . To P kis h:a r a ' oe enoe, - le York. 3 _NBenteit.Waibington .>. .- " ifWo. 0940) ooMILEROIAL ROTEL—Sixth et., above Chestnut. .Dllliek, filsa , - L Malin. Chester co Mrs Bunt, N /An* . Wi. it Brown. kid 3 P Hillard, Wilmington ' L Speakman. Del co tvß Borth, Ceoil oo B F Underwood. Meet co BNevinoChetter CO g Pennock, Wilmington Lewis. Del QA, Pa J F, liinn, Lsno 00, Ps jaeohJeFerce, Wilmington rennett. Wilmington I El Kirk, Fremont, Pa Ili Duffield, Chester oo Oeo Jones, hid Beek. Clingier co . NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. John A Ouildin, N Y Dr J O Kehler, 8 Haven John Young, NJ Hem Kutner, N Y B 0 Blake, Ind .1 . 0 'Herman, Walborn, Lebanon R Thompson, Pa P 8 Higgins, Reading John Laniard, Pottsville C H Habil. Pa STATES UNION HOTEL—Market st., above Sixth. A Taylor, Parkersburg. Pa R Burton & la, N J Willhouse, Tyrone. Pa W Eerier, Michigan S W Wright. Michigan J Killinger, Harrisburg H Martin. Polombia R W Patton. Pa John McCann: N Y T Williams, Pa David Wasson, Pa O'T Jeffries, Chester no M Soliseffer, Lancaster BARLEY 811EAP •BOTEL—Second et,, below Vine. P Dutot. Mauch Chunk E G eedele, Bunke co Dr W ringston&la, Phila Jno E Perry, Pa Jos Eastburn. Attleboro E O Hughes, Buckingham F.ll Engle Cheltenham 0 B Cope. New Ito_po .1 Paul, huckg no ,LA Kirk & Bucks co 8 Brown & la_, Brownshurg lira' James, Backs no Jaeob Able. Easton Dr ft C Btatlalliter, Pa Wm al Wharton, Bunks co AlllO9 Corson. Bucks co JScully.,•Bucks co E C Parry, Attleboro B Bunting, Attleboro Jno Farren, Bunke co A Gorman,Newtawn T Woolman,N J H Yarkaa, Hooka on Antos Snyder, Snake Co Jana Vanhorn, York, Pa J 0 Burton & son, Pa Wm 0 Watson. Bunks co Chas Bannock, Bunks co Broadhurst, Bucks co 'MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. (oOrreapondeinee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) COHANSEY. NJ, shn The brig Evelyn, Capt Ray, from Cardenas 26th Deo for Philadelphia, was so badly out by the ice in coming np tho river, that she sunken this place at 10 A M yes terday in five fathoms water. The crew landed in gaiety, and start to.morrow for the city. The Us cargo con sisted of 251 Mts, YX toe and sa tibia =dames. Capt Ray reports having sailed in company with sohr Matanzas. for Philadelphia. Your*, &c. J. Y. DAVIDSON. BY TELEGRAPH. MOTtespOndenee of the Yhiladelphia Exohang.e.2 CAPE ISLAND, N J. Jft. 1 3 - 5 Two someveral 'ohm went in this alteration. A bark lbwout. Wind N—weatherplessant. Yours, . THOU. H.HU(IIIEtI (Correagg i gni F ilis Frees.) NBw You, San 13 irar .`,;'!, d o'4's Enerotl, Jan 13 Arnim& Irk Bounding billow, from Smyrna. MEMORANDA. Steamship Boston, Bellew, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. - Steamship Kennebec), Hand, cleared at New York Yesterday for Philadelphia. Steamship Kangaroo, Brooks, cleared at New York Yesterday for Liverpool. Ship Queen of the seas, Crowell, for Cork, sailed from Callao Nov 28. Ship Milton, Amesbury, for Table Bay and Boston, failed from Alma Bay Nov 18. Ship Scotland, Hurt, from Callao for Baltimore, in en deavoring mi got into a place of safety in the inner roads at Anrutoolia, was out by ice, and had to Jettison about DO tone ammo. She is now in safety. Bark Teresa, Foster, for Maracaibo, cleared utNew York yesterday. Ship Southern }tights, Hayward, for Liverpool, old Oharleston 9th mat. with 8015 bales cotton. Ship Harmony, Champion, from Malts, arrived at Sa vannah 9th fut. Bark M Williamson, Schatforth,.for New York, was towed to sea from New Orleans lot mat. Bark Waldemar, Rruutm, from Havana, arrived at Charleston 10th inst. brig Eliza, Grieve, from Pernambuco, arrived up at BaHimoreyesterday. Brig 1i u Wright, Hughes, from Rio de Janeiro. via Pemambuoo, arrived at Mobile 12th met. Bohr Mary Habil. Haley, front Georgetown, SC, ar rived at New York yeaterday. Bohr W R Newcomb, Bacon, front Fredericksburg, arrived at New York yesterday - . Bohr Fair Dealer, Devereux, hence, arrived at Cita tine 10th inst. SPECIAL. NOTICES. M. FINKLE'S SEWING MACHINES ARE WAR. ranted the best for all kinds of family sewing or manu facturing purposes. If they do not worktwell they will be exchanged or the price refunded. Frio., $Z and up wards. en CILESTNUT Street up stairs. jali-stuthat" lIIGREST PREMIUM AWARDED AT TIM WORLD'i FJ.iB, LOADON.—JuIes Hanel & Co., No. Tel Chestnut street, Philadelphia, established IMO. Alanu lecturers of perfumery, cosmetics, transparent balls and shaving Bonne; liquid hair dye, and Jules linuel's oelebrated Rau Athenienne, or Hair Renovator, also J. liauere unequalled Eau Matilde. popular throughout the world. importers and Wholeßale dealers in French, English, and domeatie perfumery, fanny goods and druggist's ar ticles, shaving, hair, cloth, nail, and tooth brUshes, oombs in all varieties, etc. id-121 THROAT" AFFECTIONS. [From Rev. E. Rowley, A. M., Free dent Athena College, Athena, Tenn.l—" I have found great benefit from the are of ' Brown's Bronchial Trochee,' before and after preach ing, es they prevent boargeneen. to which I em very subject, I think from their teat ergot they will be of permanent immense to me, Several clergymen amp aeatiaintarere to whom I have given the Trochee have been benefited by them." jal2.thatu.nt Tun Rohm; Ham.—llow many persons abuse this delleato and beautiful ornament, by bumint it With alcoholic triunes, and plastering it with grease, which has no affinity for the skin, anx is not aheorbed I Burnett's Cocoaine. a compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, ho., unrivalled as a dressing for the hair, is readily ab gorbod, and is peculiarly adapted to its various condi tions, preventing its falling oir, and promoting its healthy growth. Rae advertisoment. d34.a3m ONE PRIOR CLOTHING OF TILE LATEST STYLED. made In the best manner, expresol for RE TAIL SALES, LOWEST salting email marked in Plain Figures. Ali goods made Warder warranted untie buttery. Our ONE-PRICE System II strictly adhered to, as Nye believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. ZONES & CO., sell-tg BOd ARKET Street. Gao & Bexaa's Ouzenivran NolexLses P4)ULT Ozwiad•BM&Qaiaae, AT 111DUCIID ?iliac 130 CHESTNUT STREET, AIIILAMILeIIiA. SINGER'S SEWING 11.101IINIIS. N 0.2 Sewing Maohines-- ...... No.l Sewing Machines The Paton) , Sewing Machine, A.....—..._._.. 76 The Family Sewing Machine—. . be I. M. BINGER & CO., 423-3 m No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAPPE4.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able prioeKNo. Mt CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. auittf 'EVANS & WATSON HARRIS' BOUDOIR SMUG MACUINIL IMPROVED DO ÜBLE , TIIREAD FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. oEM•am Pkils. OlTioe. 720 AROII Bt. Manta wanted. WING FUND—NATIONAL &MT TRUST Ootranyt—Ohertared by the State of Pon ni* veal a , RULES. 1. /toner , Is received every day, end In ens amount, arse or email. 2. FIVE PER CENT. Interest Is paid for money from the day tt la put in. 3. The money to always paid beck to GOLD whenever it ie willed for, and without notice. .4. Money is received from Executors, Admixiseraterr, Guardians, and other Trustees, in lame or small sums, to remain a long or short period. B. The money received from Depositore is invested in Real Rotate, Mortgages, around Rents, and other first ohms aeounties. 6. Office upon every day—WALNUT Street, southwest tomer Third street. Philadelphia. apiS SHAM II N S SAVING FUND--NORTIMIS? OORN6I. SECOND and Wanner Streets.—Depoclus re ceived in email end. large amounts, from all Mame of the oommonity, and allow interest at the rate of Ave per Mit, per annum. Moue, may be drawn by checks without lei et4n tared. • °Moe open dolly, from 9 until; o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until D in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FRLIL;; Treasurer and Seoretary,OßAS w unpnrs MARRIED. Mei,AUORLDY—CRAIG.—On the 104 h mat. by Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Mr. William MeLaughlin to Mies Mips Joe army both or this tatty. BOYD—JOHNSON.—By Rev. William Cooper. Mr. Robert , Bord, of Delaware county.jo Min Rather . daughter of Robert Johnson, Roe, of Yhdada. • DIED. AR MST ONO.—On Thursday morning, 12th instant, Mrs. Maria Armstrong, aged el years. The relatives and friends ot the deceased, also those of her son, 800. U. Armstrong, Esq., are respeotfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of tier son in.law. James Baird. corner of Second and Ger man streets, on Sunday afternoon; tt I o'clock, without further_notioe. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. • BOONS.—On the Ilth instant, Judge Wm, F. Boone, ar ft i o& Y ririlatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the .fpnerel, from Ins late residence, Walnut street, west of William, West Philo. delphia, this (Saturday ) afternoon. at 3 o'elock, without farther notioe. Judges and members of the bar may meet the funeral,between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock,at St. John's Church, Thirteenth street. SCHNIENEft.—On Tuesday afternoon, the 10th in - stant, ylizsbeth, Wife of J. 11. &limner, in the 18th lear other age. The relativeir and friend* are invited to attend the fonerat. from the residence of her husband No. Ott North Fifteenth street, above Poplar, this iS ' aturday) molplot..l .o oo n clook. the 11th Instant, Annie FL, wife of Janot7e. Naafis, in the 11th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of tier husband, N. W. eorney of Beach and Palmer streets, this (Saturday) mornin at 10 o'clock, • BANNS—On the 11th !Want. Mary L., wife of Wm; Barnes, Sr., in the 77th year of her age. Funeral front the residence of tier husband, No. 710 Poplar 'treat, this (Saturday) afternoon, et 1 o'clock. • TYLER.—On the 11th Instant. Henry Tyler, aged 77 Mere. - Funeral from his late residence, No, 1212 Cuthbert I o'cleek • 9114 41 1 .iVi l lip 6 Iitt it tlira o n n e, tr. Walter' A. Swope, in the Reth year of hie age. Funeral from the residence of hie son, Mr. Charles Swope, N 0.753 South Third street, this (Saturday )after noon at o'clock. • DONA HQo.—On the Itth Instant, James Donahoe, aged 50 year,. • Funeral from his late residence,No, 8 South Eigh teenth street, thin (Saturday) mornig ate o'clock. • PENROSE.—On the 11th instant, Joln Penrose, aged 40. years. ventral from his late Tftliftftftfle. NA. 21 Barron street, South 'above Second on Sunday afternoon, at I o'clock. THORDITOIV.--fiuddeniv, fut the 10th inst., Mr. Jos. Thorntoe.in the lath year of his age. Funeral from his late resideece, corner of Bath and Wiham *treefs, Nineteenth void, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. 011RNING MOUSSELINES DELAINF, 15 OVITB.—BESSON & SO N have reduced 10,000 yards of imported Black and White Moueelines Damao to only la emits. NOURNINI STORE, No. $OB OREIsTN UT Street. BLACIE THIBET LONG SHAWLS.— Now in Store, alien assortment of lamin'e Black hibet Lone Shawls, Alin, leiton's black Cashmeres Merinos, Bette Deohenee, Velvet joelins. Tameses: Velour Reps, Monseeline de Lallies omhazines, &o. BEBBON & SON, =roma Store, dI3 800 CHESTIYIJT Street. rirREV. J . W. enikErairr, RECTOR OF F.PIPIIKNY CHURCH . , will preach TO-MOR ROW (Sabbath) EVRNINO.' , at 736 o'clock, in the PiXTR pgm3BYTEßlial CHURCH, SPRUCE Sreet, MI Sigh ; after which a conflatn will be taken to ,nr a th en e d H e O v m r. eMie . denary THOM AS its wieeion to the It" T. MAtiON., Chairman Committee on Public Meet ings. _ acr"UNION SERMONS TO THE 'YOUNG." The 12th of the course to the young, under the auspices of the Y. H. Christian Association Of the NOT th Presbytermn Chur MTH STREET, above Green, will be preached O-MORROW (Sunday evening./ he theloak. Rev. CRAB ADBWORTII, D. D. Bervines t ni &c ' . ...,,110Fi1V.E1k - Itlhi OF OUR RELATI V_Eit. R. —Rey. .A. CARDEN on two 'minuet TO AtOß (Sabbath AFTERNOON. at B.til o'clock, in A il .gß ICA N BMECHANICS' HAIL, corner FOURTH and GEORGE &mete. A eolleotion will be taken in aid of Air, WOO: new Chusah. Room for two thou mud, 8* {CrCHURCH OF THE NBW TESTAMENT. T. 11. STOCKTON, Pastor. N. W. earner Girard Avenue and Thirteenth street. Preaching SABBATH MORNING. 10N o'ol ok Subject, i• lie thanked Gal and took courage." Sunday School, PM A. M. " Conte over and help nu!" t. riCrCHURCH. OV THE COVENANT.—SER. vices in CONCERT HALL. Chestnut Above Twelfth street, every SUNDAY at lehi A. M. add TM P. M.. by the Rev. JAMES PRATT Rector. Anniversary services of the Sunday School TO-MORROW at Vs P. M. lt• IirTHE MODEL MEN op vie BIBLE.— The next Monthly Sermon an tips course will be preached in PT. PAUL'S CHURCH THIRD Street. below WALNUT, TO•MORROW EVENINO. &moo at half past seven. Young men are respoottulls invitod to attend. lt. 17CHURCH - OF TILE INTEIIXESSOR A . Melon above Twelfth .— Rev. A. A. CARDEN wi . at the request of his Vestry. repeat on SUNDAY EVENINtf, January lath, the terinonmeaoheil by him last kfunday morning . &hied, "The Home of Peace. Young men invited to attend. lt. nrUNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH ST., nituow A RClT.—rybY-chins by the Penton Rev. 000KMANTO.hIOR ROW 18.ibbatIG MORNING, at 1034 °Vali ;';VENIroCi nt 7)5. Young' Men's Prayer Meeting et 61. L. o 'clock. A Protracted mooting, of doer) interest, in progress. Seats free. _ PRESBYTERIAN ENTERPRISE.--- REV, E. E. ADAMS wJt arena at BROAD rWcrV HALL. Soutimaat corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN STREETS. TO- MORROW (Sabbath) MORNING, at 105;, and Rev. R. 0. WILDER, ne aten:try from India, in EVENING at 7t.. It. BY REQUESTOF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, the Rev. Dr. Jr.. will deliver a sermon (D. V.) on TO MORROW ( Sabbath I E V ENI NG. et 714 o'olook, at BT. MARK'S CHURCH, Spring Garden street, above Thir teenth street. It iIITOMORROW EVENING, AT HALF PAST SEVEN. by request. Rev. A. C THOMAS oture on "linquonohable Fire " Churolt in LOM BARD above Fourth. Inquirers invited. It" . _ ry• FOSTI , OI"4IEMENT. — FILEEDOM AND SLAVERY IN IR9; OR THE RELIGION OF (immtr , neil from !ma Sunday evening', by Ray. Mr. KANO H F.ll, at HANDEL A N u uroriiN MUSIC HALL, Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, TO-Mrt 'MOW Sundav at LI; P. M. Morning Berme at 10)4 o'clock. Santa free It* SPIRITUALTSIII.—MRS. AL S. TOWN -8I N% ofhinseaehtisette. a Trance Mediate, ii - ian.lnahlv intelligent lady will leetwe at BANSOM STREET HALL on SUNDAY, at 10S. A. AI., and 73 P. M. Admission 5 cents. It* KrIIEV.II.GRATTAN GUINNESS will preach THIS (Saturday) EVENING. at 7E ~ in the Rev. Dr. Wylic's Church. GROAT), be low Samoa street and on TO-MORROW (Sabbath) MORNING. at tSR o cloak. in the Rev. Dr. Dales' Church. RACE and SIXTEENTH Streets. EVE NING, at 7% o'clock. in the Rev. Dr. W)lto's Church, gwoAD, below Spruce. For the sake of the anxious, Mr. Guinness has con sented to remain in the city, and will preach on MON DAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAI EVENINGS of next week in Dr. Wylie's Church. reserving the other evenings for meeting privately with inquirers. It' 07CLOSING SERVICES OF THE GREAT WEEK OF PRAYER.—In addition to the noon - meeting from 14 to 1% o'cl'k. at sANSO‘I-STREET CHURCH, there will ho a meeting of ohriattana of every name. at 9% o'clock. In CONCRRT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. Ministers will please enter at the rear door of the Hall, and occupy the platform. Should the capacity of the Hall prove insufficient. there wail he another meeting held in the Rev. Mr. Crowell's Church, BROAD Street, above Chestnut. It. ra. A COURSE OF TEN LECTURES ON PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGY to a class of La dies and Gentlemen. will be commenced on TUESDAY EVENING, Jan. 17th, at the CABINET, 922 CHEST NUT Street. TICKETS FOR THE COURSE, $2. To secure seats application should he made imme• diately to J. L. CAHN, Suorossor to Fowmtn, WELL', & Co. Phrenological Examinations with written or verbal descriptions made DAY and EVENING. jal4-9t , DR. SCUDDER , S LECTURES ON IN _ DIA.—By request of the Yount( Men's Christian Assoniation, DR. HENRY M. sny DOER will deliver a mum% of Five Lectures n 11ND A, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, commencing THURSDAY EVENING, January Roth. This course is now being _delivered the stared time at the Cooper Institu o, New York, to crowded audiences. . WILLIAM GETTY, It Chairman Lecture Committee. STATEMENT OF THE UNION BANK, II 1 3 es required by the second section of the Act of the General Assembly of thin Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of October, A. D. 186 Y: Amount of loans and discounts ................1990,806 01 Resole.... ......... si clue froot,oitier . . . . 14.1.56 11 9 of notes ciroulation 91,215 00 deposits, including balanoes due to other banks.... 274 061 67 PIMA nni.rulA, ADM, 34 36601 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. 33 : I, James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Rank, being sworn, depose and say. that the above statement is cur root to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAMBS LESLEY, Cashier. Sworn before me, this 13th der of January. A. D. Mao C. ELLMAKER. Notary Public, OFFICE OF THE WYOMING CANAL COMPANY. Philadelphia, January 12, IN6p. u Ttle semi-annual interest due on the bonds of the Wy oming Canal Company will ha paid on pre , ontation of the Coupons at (lie BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, on and after the 16th 'Patent. W4.= CHARLES PARRISH, Treasurer. r7INSURANCE COMPANY OF TIIE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, January I?, The following gentlemen have been re-eleoted Di relators; for the seer 1,350: DIRECTORS )fenry D. Intoner& Simeon Toby. Charles brawlletter, William S. Smith. John B. Budd. William R. White, George H. Stuart, Samuel Grant. Jr. Tobias Wasner, Thomas B. Watt;on, Henry 0. Freeman, Charles 8. Lewin, George C. Carson. At a meeting . of the Dirootors, held t hid day. HENRY D. SHERRERD, Eaq.. was unanimously re-elected President of the Company. Jald-St WILLIAM HARPER. Beereutry. LT:DE. SOLDER WILL DELIVER A Course of Six Lectures "On the First Four WIWI of the Christian Era in their Bearings upon Modern Civilization." to cotrimenee on TUESDAY. the 17th of Januar., at 734 o'clnek, P. M., at Chicker log & Bone. No 807 CHESTNUT Street—to be con tinued on FRIDAYS and TUESDAYS. Tickets SS Inr the Course, admitting a Lady and Gentleman. and 7311 fnr every additional Lady, cold at the Hooketores of Meters F. Leupoldt. 7323 Chestnut ,• & Stag, Ski Chestnut; Smith & Eighth, 40 North Sixth Street, and at Ms inns. Chickerms & Song, 800 Chestnut. JOS 41. ZOFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL, INSURANCE COMPANY OF ( PHI LA . RIA. I'ART 11, 1950. The Directors hove this cloy declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the Capital Stook of the Com pony, and on the Certificates of Profits outelandies, for the year ending' December Met, 1859, without deduc tion for Plate Tax. peyable In cash to the Stockholders, on end after the 10th ana. Also, a Divideod of FIFTEEN PER CENT., paya ble pro rata Gn the Capital Stock and Premiums earned, nut of the profits of the Company. for the year ending December Met, 1E59, for which Certifumtee of Profits, bearing interest, will be delivered to the stockholders, and to the insured entitled to receive the same. under the prompions of the charter on and after the 16th inst. No certificate will be issued for any Ins sum than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Sums less than ten dollars, and not less thanone dollar, are credited to the 'insured on the books of the Company, and if, within ens period of ten seers, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be is sued. Laitifioatee of Profit' are liable, equally with the Capital 'Ronk. for the losses and engagements of the Company, and may be converted into Capital Stook nt any tune, at the option of the holder. Jal2-et S. 111. H I NCH NAN, 6! tioretary. DTOFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAII.ROAD COMPANY. At the Annual idectine of tho Stockholders of the Philadelphia and fleadingßadroad Company, held Janu ary 9. 1860. the following gentlemen were unanimously elected Officers for IWO: A A. wn PRIPM i voIy ENT.. Y. vtp: PR.I3IIIDENT. J. DU rrool 8 FEE LE. MANAGER.. A. E. D IZU r f O OM toN .STEELE. A I.IACALESTER. WM. SELLERS. RM. XL'FN. CHAS. E. SMITH. rnr.AaS. BRADFORD. 1111CRRTART. WM'. H. MoILHENNEY, Br order, Ao.,__ 010 fin w. H. TiIoILHENNY, Secretary irrTIIE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Janual 10, At the annual meeting of ftockholders of this Com pany, held on Bth January, MO. the following gentle men were elected Directorsi: the ensuing Year F'._,RATCHFOR WEAR% WIThLI McK 'E. NAL BRO Firri ;11t. JOHN M. AT OOD. ENS. T. TR IDICK. RNRY WHARTON. MORDECAI L a'WHGN. tivORGE 1/1. taIIART. JOHN H. BROWN. B. A. FAHNESTOCK. ANDREW D. CABII. J. L ERRINOER. to meeting of the Board of Directors. held this day, F.RATPHFORD bTARR wan _appointed President. CHARLES W. CORE, [Secretary. _ . Bcr OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. YHILADELPIIiA, fitnilary 11, 1800. At a rneeting of the Board of Direotors of the Amer-. eon Fire Jailor:ince Company ..held thin der, Mr. THOMAS R. MARIS wan elected President in plate of Oeorite Abbott, Feq., deceased , and ALBERT C. L. CRAWPoygnialected Secretary in Waco of Thomas R. Marts, resigned. JOHN T.I,EVVIB, ptl2 It' Secretary PrO tern. ity. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 4H CHESTNUT ST.—The Board of Directors have denlared a dividend of three par cent., payable on demand, out of the profits of the Company for the last six ninths. 111-at W. I. BLANCHARD. Seo'y. MNOTICE ,—'II•HE COUPONS OF TII,E Bonds of the GREEN AND COATFA-STREP,T INTER RAILWAY COMPANY, doe January 15, 1860. will he_paid on presentation at t h e Office of the Company, 425 WALNUT Street. on and after that date. HARRY CONN ELLY• Treasurer. d3l-stukth !WS WOFFICE OF THE DELAWARE COP N. TY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY.-- fifth instalment of FIVE DOLLARSper share on the capital stock of tins Company will be due and pay - able on TUESDAY, the 77th day of January. at the offies of T. T. II uTOHER, Treasurer. No. 10 MOUTH FOURTH Street. A. L. BONNAFFON, Jan. tja27 8001Nltiry . MTIRE PHA 11 TON, AND D ALT! —JANualty 9, IWO the Stockholders, held Till sons were unanimously ale. suing year: 1= 1 ,406=1 . 1, 7, m. Littloton Batman, John A. Duncan, Jesse Lane, Creep!' litingliurst, derioir A. Curtis, ward Austin, At a mooting of the Bon DAY, SAMUEL M. FELT ed Yremdent, and ALPHE I Treaeurer. Jalo-6t ELPIIIA, ANIL:WINO h10118 RAILROAD COM- At tho annum' meeting of 18 DAY, the following, pot. .eted Direotora for the en- John 0 Grooms, J. J. Cohen, Jr., Thornme I(e IRO, COIUMbII , I O 'Donnell, Enoch Pint t. Deans Dor:Maori, Wm. W. Coeoran, rd of Directors, held TIDE UN wes unanimously elect. D HORNER Seeretery and ALFRED HORNER, Seeretarr. BIERCHA PITS' FUND.—TILE ANNUAL rt.;:lurtale,r,ttruinialtagruvuo'ux,l7th in etaat, at 4 o'clock on TUESDAY M.. at tho Room of the Board of Trade, nO3 CHESTNUT Street. The annual report will be submitted, and an election held for olficers. lalo-tl7 THOR. P. BRADY, Secretary. H. GRATTAN GUINNESS WILL t9IN Urn t this rol i tio a k ij , f in " °Rwely! This i (MONDAYftiie Church, Franktonl Road, above Rev. W. on WED NESDAY and FRIDAY NVE.NINOS in Rev. Dec. Chandler's Church. Franklin in above tin over street,' and on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and bAT DR DAY EVENINGS, at 7.4 o'clock, in the Rev. Dr. Wy- Des, Broad, below Spume street. rag-61.• WOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVAAIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCE ON LIVES, ORANTIM/ ANNUITIES. PHILADELPHIA, January 2, BM. The annual meeting of the Btookhoidere of thie pan) , take place at their office, 301 WALN U r Ht., on MOIYDAY, lath instant. at 13 o'clock ht., and at the game time an election will be held for thirteen direc tors for the ensuing 0.1, ja.S•let . w ILLIAM B. HILL, Actuary. ITT. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS SOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA.—NoI The annual duels of member.] for 1860 ore now One and payable at the rooms 1000 and 1011 CO EttThlYl' Street. from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Jae-fiat .JOAN WANA MAK ER , TO BUY CHEAP WATCHES, Shirt Studs. Sleeve Buttons, Coral, Lava, and ktruse.an sets, Cold Chaise, Silver and Plated Spoons, Forks, Castors, COB Baskets, &0., Cold, Sil ver. and Steel dpenteelesigo to GLRUSdELL'd, 42 N. SIXTH Street._ PRIME PORTO RICO ORANGES.—'I he rr° of the brig Commerce, from Aloyagties ani Forto Rico. copaistins of 160000 prime selected Porto Rico Oranges, to now landing at the foot of Lombard Street, and for sale by JOHN MASON & CO.. lt. LOMBARD.STREET WHARI'. VOU WILL BE WELL PAID TO GO J.- an inconvenient (list/mho to REIMER'S Photo gcapbto Callers'. SECOND Etroet, above Green, with ts superinr Photograph or A inbrot)Po• It COAL—LEHIGH, HICKORY, AND LO OUST 15IOUNTAIN, carefully wafter/ and picl ad. Satisfaction varranted. %M. BUNTING. jalf -12t* 2017 CA 1,1,0 wit ILL Street. COINS AND MEDALS OF ALL KINDS Minerals, Shells, Frigraeinss. Antorraphs, Ste finery, and Fancy Articles,l3ought and Bald. W. IDLER Jal4-Im* No, 111 North NINTH, near ARati It, THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, SA't URDAY, JANUARY 14, 1860. THE WHITE HILLS, THEIR LEGENDS, LANDSVAPES, AND Illustrated with sixty oxquiyito Eruttatono on Wood drarn by WHISLIOCK, °waved by ANDRVIV, tainted in the most elegant st)ie ou tinted wiper. . . CLOTH GILT. EXTRA MOROCCO ANTIQUE . PUBLISILUD Tills DAY T. B. PETERSON Sc BROTHERS, he publishers present this work to the public), es be ing in every respeet the moat beautiful of its kind Her issued. The name of the author—a name en intimately con nected with the mountains and their vicinity by nil in comparable detonations of their scenery—is a nu(Nalent guaranty that tho text is ell that can be desired. In carrying out their plan they have secured the assist ance of Air. At. 0. WIIEELOCK, nn artist whose de lineations of Mountain, Lake, end Landseape Sooner! aro unourgatied, cod of Mr. JOIIN ANDREW, whose skill as an engraver on wood is unequalled With this combination of talent, the publishers feel confident that this will be pronounced the most attrto five, valuable, and popular book of the season. The Newark Doily Advertiaer says "We have seen few more attractive books the present season than Vim Thu soft tint of its paper. the clearness andi distinct nese of its type, at °eon command the notice et the connoisseur. and the wondrous variety and beauty of its illustrations of a region of oar country 'which abounds in charms for poet and painter. toyeilterwith the careful details of its history, presented by a NM, larly pun. sooure for it, almost irresistibly, a perma nent place in his favor." Tho Boston Daily Travalrr sayer "It does not often happen that' loft, books,' or • books for the sea ton,i2mitlintellectual excollenco with samba hotnty • Occasionally a work of that kind an ymore that appeals es we'l to too mind al to the eye, to that deeper nano of beauty whioli lies beyondpictrisl representation. Such a book is that which Air. Mx has furnished for the formation and instruction o the world." The. The New York Christian Inquirer:—" THE WRITE 1111.1,8, their Legends Landscape, and Poetry. • • In thin book Mr. King lies evidently done no tank-vo but performed a labor of love. No mountains ever had so cordial isdevotee. an able to portray their countless beauties and miblimities, and none limier deserve en eloquent and poetic biographer than these greed old hills. Tho reality fitted every way to panfuls , the very high expectation. which had been raised by the provisos announcement of the work. • • • How eagerly and impatiently the w.lume will be gaited and devoured by that long line of travellers who have climbed, in 81100011111 re years, to the lofty intake of the great Washington and his fellow mountains! We Wel come them In a feast of sense and soul." The Salem Reg Islet . •—" This small quarto. printed on tinted paper, in the moat elecant style, and richly bound and adorned, is one of the handsomeat, as well as most really valuable books of the season, splendid enough in external appearance for the cent re..tablepf the most hunidious, it is moreover filled with exquisite descrip tions of the mountain scenery. interesting historical facts, romantic legends, poetry of the highest order, and sixty views of the mountains valleys, lees, and water falls, finely engraved on wood, from original sgetokes, by artists of the best reputation in their respeetive de partments. • • * The chanters on the I.xploration and the Vegetat'on of the White Mountains are con tributed by Professor Edward Tuokerman. and add to the acientifie interest of tbe book. winch Dermot hut to meet with the success which its unique and extraordi nary merits deserve." The New York Independent •—', We here mores* more holy our ailiniretion of this gift-book Just Issued. Rev. Timm. Starr King is monarch of the mountains of Now ilempshire. • • • • • Wo are sure that how in quest of books for the Holiday's will go !sway without it copy of this treasure of literary and mechani cal mt." 'All nio Invited to coin. and examine not beoutlfol book, iiluotrative of the \Visas Mountains, Red all their "n°5 1 ; :11. PETERSON & BROTHERS'. peuisHED THIS DAY. JAMES' NEW .1100 K. THE MAN IN BLACK, BY O. I'. R. itatas Author of " Mery of Bureimity, ' Artah "Lord Montague's Page," " 'Dm Cavalie." Mo. Com plete in ono largo octavo volunio. Price F ifty Cents. IL MARY OF BURGUNDY, Ilv O. P. R. JANIRS. Fog.. -- Author of "The Alan in Black," "Cavalier," "Lola Montague's Page," " Arrah etc. A new and beautiful octavo edition, having been out of print fur Years. One volume. Prig If tfty CBtan, ARRAN NEIL ; OR. TIMES OF OLD, fly G. P. R. JAME 4, Keg, A now and beautiful edition, uniform with oho above n books. One volume. octavo. ice Fifty Cents. Ihl Bookeallorn, News Agents, and all others, will Please send tot thotr orders at once for what they may wont of any of ono above works, all of which will prove to bo of great popularity. and emomand large sales. ILO - Copies of any or all of the above books will bf sent to any one, to an!, plane, nt once, free al postag, on teruitliav oho price to the putilishern. Address ail orders, fei receive lal mediate and Prompt attention, to the Puldlghers, 'l'. B. PETERSON & BBC/THEM No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Jall•3t Philadelphia. T ILE MAN IN BLACK.. BY G. P. H. JAMES, Author of "Mary of Burfundy." "Arr3h " Lord Montorun's Pose." " lho Cavallo'', eta., err. Compinto noel im.tbridred In ono kill° octavo volume. Prioo Fifty Conte, Published milfor salt tple day: at T. B. PETEresoN & BROI Jalt-St 908 CHEbTNUT &real. JAMES' NEW BOOK. THE SIAN IN BLACK, 1W G. P. It. JAMES. Etict.. Authorial' "Mary of " Arrah Neil." "Lord Montague'e Page, ' " The Cavalier," eta. eta. Complete and entire in one large mist° volume. Frio, Filly Cents. Is published and for sale Holiday at T. Ili PETERSON et. BROTHERS', Jeli-St 30e CHESTNUT Street. N ENV . 1 At op BOOK'S THE GREAT TRIBULATION; Now complete in Two Volume.. Reprinted from the London Edition. DR. CUMMING'S NEW WORK, whip,' hoe aiming awakened such a prodigious excitement throughout the religious community. • SECOND SERIES NOW READY. The Lectures contained in the SECOND BERIP.B darer somewhat from those that precede them. In tie words of the author. they •' relate to the oharitotew aril condition, the Imo.. linemen. and destiny of the pe*- pie of sal . • • • There will ho found in this matt mush to cheer, animate. and sustain them, in cit curristances of unprecedented trouble." One elegant volume. Muslin. Price $l. IN PRESS. WOMAN (LA FEMME.) Hi M. MICIILLET. A sequel to LOVE L'AMOUR.I This book lutanist been puhliallad in Pone. and a now in prim. translated by Dr. J. W. Palmer from an early nap. Ready immediately One volume, uniform with LovE, by the same author. Price el. THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. An interesting and musing Hand-book of Etiquette. Reprinted from the English copy, which. although just DUblieliod. has already passed into several editions. 011 e volume, nino., muslin. Price $1.25. R ODD dr CARLETON, Publishers. 130 WRAND St.. New lark. BIBLE TIMES!-WHOLE SERIES FOR TEN CENTS !—Suberribern ondjothure m%y now Minim tho whole verses of the BIBLE TIMER to Noe.) for FEN CENTS Book Stook selling off _ut reduced STOCKTON'S HIBLE ROOMS, lfrt South Tenth Streetl3 "fJEWS FROM lIOME."—Now Editors, new prepttetore Will be issued on HATUft- DAY MORNItIO. Ile new Foreign kaitfir le one of the laden and most popular writers to America PRICE REDUCED.—The Nttos front Horne" Will loroniter to sold for throo conte,rougle oolopc IRISHMEN. ATTENTION " News from home" by been planoo under the editorial super vision of a dietinguished Irish eonfedoreta who will Lear aloft the old Han of Irish natio:Wits. The first number of the new series will he issued on SATURDAY AIORNtNO. Three cents, single mews. READ THE NEW SERIEB tho Neter from Hume." on tiATUIt DAY. It will eontain the (*test intelligence from Ireland, and all parts or the world. " NEWB PROM ROhlE," on SATURDAY, will gyve M 1 lientinnft rebuke to the Daily mars for its etre otue nonce of the ilshop'n funeral. IN THE " /Vries from low," on SATURDAY, will lie found the emnineneement of a series of amusing Irish Tales, choice Miscellany original and selected, copious extracts from totals n 'cornetts, and a oompon• diem of the newt, of the dal, 'rico three oentr,, NEWVOLUMES OF I3OIIN'S LIBRA RY—JIM, imported, and for sate by JOSEPH SABIN. No. 21Nnuth 81 XTII 'ft req t. above Chestnut. C J. Pit lON having oonnoeted tumu li with the above [merlons, in *Nee the attention of hie Monde to his new . . . • THE REMOUEB OF FATHER PIIOUT It P. P. of Watergranab ill, in the County of Cork. Ireland. Col. tented and arranKett by Oliver Yorke. t eq. (U. Prelu de Malle i 1 ny.) Illustrat , with Mothers by D. Matinee, R. A. hew edition, roVnied and largely augmented. dot h. 111 Hi. Ott BLAB. TrAnslatrid by Ithrollett. New edition. direfully levied!. with 21 thin ethrrstrinca, niter Smirks, nod 10 etellinge by Orange Crulkehank. 1 vol., 12.00.. cloth. NI M. Coinpletosolgof thut valuable uonev of titotndnitl work. arenow on hand, jnriuding the mould/int. Moon-m.l, fir Piii!.1040111, C 14113104, Illuntrated, nbd Anti quatantl I:ihrnme. Having mode amogoinonts wtth Mr. IL 0 Bobo fir( a constant supply of the same, the subscriber i n enabled to offer them to the public and the trade on the most favoiable terms. Any of the volumes can ho hail sopa• catchy, in cloth, oall, or lialrmall biudins. Petalled Cit. laloifues of the whole collenoom comp:mune lucre than 450 volumes, can be lied Irmo, oo application, JOSEPH BAH IN, Iloolmallar and Importer, jal2 St 2l Houth dIXTht tt..above Chestnut. G EORGI?, G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK I.IBT, All Books aro sold at ma putgialters' lowest Priool., AND ftMNllll:.lt That you ban the advantage of receiving a Hand -001-ne Present worth I rom b() CENTS TO 5 1 00, with each Book purchased. NEW BOOKS. comITNsATION; Or. Alwa),, a Future. By Anna H. l 11.11rewater. One volume, 2211,0., with a Olft. Price 6. THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKPASy TABLE. By 0. W. Holmes. Ono ,volume, 12m0., with a Oilt. Price el. BEULAH. By Augusta J, Evans. With a Gilt. Prom g 1.25. BELprotiB pENDINO ClllBlB. One volume, 12mo. With a Gill. Trion HOW COULD HE ELI' IT: Or, Tlig Heart Tri umphant. By A.B. Jtoo. Ono volume, liatio. With a 0111. Prism 51.26. EM01)03 OF _ROBERT HOUDIN, Conjuror. One voluino.l2,llo. al, a Gilt. Pime BOOK OF POPULAR StINGS. The boat eolleolion of songs ever published. One volume, Nitio. Witha Gift. Price till. ROR ACE GREELEY'S OVERLAND Juttrimr To cALiFouN IA IN 1(29. One voliono, llmo. With n lim *Fr i .Moll, AND PARAGRAPHS. By G. U. Prentioo. One volume, 12mo. With a (IHR. Price 91. BOOK 0 PA,RLOR PLAY. By N. B. Steele, Ono volume. limo. it a Gilt. Nicoll, KINGSI/EY'S NEW MISCELLANIES. One volume, 12ion. With a Gift. Price Si. HARTLEY NORMAN A Tale of the Times. Ily Allen Hampden. One volume, 12mo. With a Gift. Price .S I. THE GREAT TRIBULATION; Or, Thing. Coining on the Earth. By Fey, J. Cumming. One volume, Ihnin. With a (lilt. Pane THE LIFE AND novePronEs OF HAJI BABA, the Oriental Traler. comprising many ourious de • enriptiOnn of the letelley of 00 Harem, etc. One t Mila, WIIII It Gill. Priee 81. A LOVE,1:101100111. 11( Michelet. One volume, 12ino. With a Gill. Prim). I. TEN YEARS OF PREALHFR LIFE. By Milburn, Ong volume, 12m0., with n uul. Tune el, BUY 1 T IF \OU ARE IN WANT OF A BOOK, AT EVANS' GIFT 110 O}LESTABLI8IIMENT, 439 CHESTNUT BTU EET, Where you call got 1100K8 IN EVER DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. And you have the advantage of getting a MR with each Hook that you purehma. Call in,end one trial mitt assure you that the best place in,he city where vim ghouls] turehnin Books is VEollith Etrytti' GIFT BOOK ESTABLINIIM .NT. 419 CHESTN DT Bt., Phil MO is, Jal-tf Two iloorm below Firth, on the upset 'elde. ANNA BISHOP--DIORENS Thesa suserh portraits on stool may r atill be obtained and TP , l , Vsna r eg t oDOZOilVAlTilfwallt, l 66 A 6aVerannozeionwilingkilach. it A " &co, dlO atuth tf 4 itiknov.Klt B ° tr • et, Bohn., NEIV PUBLICATIONS. POETRY, BY REV. T. STARR KIWI 1 , 14 (yrs AND FOR SALE DV 34 CHESTNUT STREET No. 303 CHESTNUT ATREET. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOW REAM.- A OIFT FOR ALL SEAtiONS ILLUMINATED EDITIONS or "'WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS" TO TIER PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATF:S. Bulb. Melted with Arabesque Designs. In Mors, and RECENT VIEWS OF MT. VERNON The publishers impressed with a onnviotinn that ft time hansom,' which domande it mote 'Untwist' and sermons examination of the principles rind troths win - telned in this grant Retie 'tenor ; a, it that it should be wore generally diffused among the people at large. to this end they have strtron to sive the "Address" a form and Farb in stone measure worthy its importsnce, and oalnulated, they trust, to popularise and give it perma nence. The "Address" is fn quarto form, printed in onion. on !superior plate paper. The publisher cannot but hope that with the nttractiveexternals of illuminated typo and artistic embellishment, it may be twin menaea to public, taste. and its teachings, by these means, be more etrentively recommended to, and fast ened upon, Thep"pular mind and lama. Price D ot i Address.' entitle copies, one do !If. Early orders respou" fully soltcited. A liturrol diseount to the trade. Formate by all the 11 oksellers in the United States. Orders end oontinunintionsiniy be adittehsed to DUVXIIEUX & COMPANY, 2a3-tuthent 132 South Third street. Philadelphia. NEW SERIES OF FRIENDS IN COEN ciL, Friends in Conned. A series of Realm.. and Oil COl l / 6 0 Thereon. A new series. fear 81 50. Rehglous nod Morel .I.lstracts, BlNG:memo. 76 Cents. The Book for You. Hand-hook of Frescos' Re ceipts ,• or, Useful Hints in Every My Life. 38 cents. Belf-Itelp, with Illustrations of Charsoter and Con duct. Sly Samuel Smiles. 16me. 76 cents. Nell, end Her Friends. Illustrated. CO cents. Sir Rohan'a Ghost. I2mo. 41. Compensation ; or, Always a Failure. $l. For sale 1, WILLIAM B. k ALFRED MAHTIEN, Ixll No. eoe CIILSTNUT Street. PORTRAIT GALLERY PRESENTED GRATIS WITH THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. Subscribers for this favorite London Journal for 1850 can have the Until series of the " Dumont-Room Portrait Oa!tory,. delivered at once. arid the papers RENT POT FREE FOIL FORT'. WEEKS. tfr For $7.00 to any part of the United States, or the Paper and Portraits for one year for $7.60, or the Paper and Portraits for 13 weeks for $2, with the Privilege of having the portraits nn advance in paper wrapper each quarter, or a selection from the back Portraits (Polelrealy published. Any single back por trait and paper can Morals be had for 15 conic eau{., nn cash or stamps. N-o—T—l—C—E. The Illustrated News of the World may be ordered of US (a complete stock from the beginning being con stantly on hued, in numbers, parts, and volioncs) through mar RE9 O ECTABLE B001(81,LLEll in the United Staten at our regular rates, or direct (rein us, free of extra charge. RV" Mr The Firat and 5r,,,. d Series of 40 Portraits In each, can tie lied for $O5O each, or sent free for II& The Third Series can only lie sold lo subscribers for 40 week.. The volume cominenoes January FAVORABLE TIMIS TO SUBSCRIUR. The " Illustrated News of the World" le publathed WE bICI,Y IN LONDON AND SOffl ON, and in edition to Its Id penes of home, Foreign, and Co• Metal News of general interest, Conn News, Town and Table Talk, Ao., a superb PORTRAIT, ENO RAYS') ON STEEL, from life, with Memo:r In prenented, as a SUPPLEMENT, WITH EACH NUMBER, ORATIS. For hate of back portraits and otherlnformation, address the undersigned, Amman pnblisnet and agents, to whom all ordure from the trade, Imbrium" tiono, photogra e., should be sent. HENRY A. BROWN & CO.. Boston, talo.tuthmilt It HANOVER &MART. PrillS FOUND! SOAIETHING NEW PORTA, TRUE, r INTELLIGIBLE AND IMN PROFS'S. CHAMBERLIN k BOLLES, I Late of Buffnlo, N. Y.) Hare permanently located at No. 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and nre introducing their new and important discovery in the uric rind application of Elea (Getty for the cure of the most obstinate acute and Tonic ilisensee. They solicit no patients except those Von up everywhere else cc incurable. The reader might here ask, do they really cure such oases, or rue their statements table e In reply they would say they hare cured, and are cur ing every day,Just such cases. They have restored to health tbeusarcis who hate been eutteung from various diseases, five, ten and fifteen years and upwards, in a few days. 'They have cured end are curing a eines of Munson that have baffled the skill of the medical pro fession in all ages of the world. The rouhir might here inquire, by what means such wonderful cures are per formed) Not by irritating the delicate membranes of vital organs by drugging the stomach, but by direct nlii piteation of tire positive and negative polarities of Eleo trimly. Again it might he asked, has not electricity been employment's remedial agent for lasts. both 111 Europe and the United States, with iedielerent success. Aptl are not numbers now using it, in our very midst, with no better result? This le all very true, and when we consider the ignorance and reoldesiness displayed in its tteplieation, the result line been more favorable than (mulct have been ant letpated. It line been considered as beneficial in a few MUM' (MIT, and uncertain even in those. There has talon no fixedprinciple for applying it, and therefore no uniform result could have been an ticipated; but owing to the friendly relation earring between electrleity and health, reninrsavle cures hat e been perforated, which have been looked upon rue lucky hot, rather than the result of a fixeillaw. The ignorance displayed in the administration of this mighty agent is unpardonable. The current has been general]) applied through the heeds or feet, in Bitch power ea to cant Mee the nem our and inueculer system, and frequently producing rue parable injury; sometimes It bee been applied by insane o motnllic conductors to dillerent parts el the body, which is equal to a precuts of ealiten.tion—and the etfotit upon the nervoue system is similar to that pro duced by over doses of Stryohnut or Quinine. Ever,) thing connected with their mode of Reek Big electricity to new and original with thenisolven. i heir philosophy for the eleotrical lawn of We, health and the ease, Is new. Tile.' relottde teethed for the tit/tip...lml ard.me.e by elect neat contact. in new. All is new and unknown to mittenl men and other!, except the few matt noted by them. • BY this mode of applying elect, wily, there is no guess work; no uncertainty; and no matter of doubt as to the result that will follow. The diseased are larked to milt and witness the won lead cures they are performing daily. me 6t• RETAIL DRY GOODS. BARGAINS FOR SIX WEEKS. THORNLEV & CIIISM, N. E. corner vtaiiTH and SPRINti GARDEN. would reopeetfully inform the Rubin , eenerelly that from now (January IL litle.) unit] the let of March they will REM. OOODH REOARDLEBB OF PROFITS! They have an excellent stock 01 bong Broehe Flterle. English and Anierimen Beet emirtlne and &bootie, Wehrle. • Linens of our own importation. Flannel,. Clothe end Cesalniere , . A good many Binekneilli on hand. A LAriGE caucK OF FANCY Boat make of black ilay. Mean lee, Da Lamed/amen Poplin Plaids, &e. Many of the above roods will bo mid uun UNDER COST PRICF.! N. 11.—It will pity to, cave us a call. matt WAMSUTTA hiIiRTINGS, SOFT 4 - -sA FINISH, Just opened. 4-4 ntsonville Santiago RE WI, CCIIOI 4 4 Irish Shirting and Fromm.; Linens. 3,1 and 4.4 Unshrinkable Flannels. Sinner do for Infanta' Shawl.. Large Stock of Paris Engirt:alarm. very cheap, viz: Bette Collars and Sleeves, Collars, Embroidered Linen Cambric. Handkerchiefs, &c. Ladies and Gents' Linen Cambria Handkerchiefs, in great variotr. Dents' Silk Handkerohiefg, Black Cravats, coil Neok liei. WHITE GOODS in variety. WINTER STOCK reduced in price, of all kinds. if REM (1006 S. Blanket and Broohe Shavls. Bed and Crib Blankets. Blank Cloaking Clothe. Cloaks. Ready Made. Silk Velvet, &c.. &c. (MEAT REDUCTION until February lot, whilat taking clock. cHABLES &HAMM, Ja/4-ti EIBITI H and MICR Streets. BLEACHED AND BROWN SIEET INII4 AND 8111RTIN08—Of all the most ap proved makes, selected expressly for caddis Oar. R.WEN BTODDART DHOTIIHR., Jal3-2t 450, 455, and 454 N. SECOND et.. eh PANCY DRESS SILKh , .--Several lots dust rabla styles at Ca. 70, and 75 oenta, with a large sad varied stook of superior gooda,whioh we are selling at lase than recular prices. CURIVEN HTCDDARP k BROTHER. Jals.st 00, 4.52. and 458 N. SECOND 81.. at,. Wibow. 11113 LAIN FRENOII MERINOS, at 55, 60, • -IL and 76 cents. Rick figured do. at QS and 65,cent.. CURWEN STODHA RT h BROTHER, Jall-ttt 40, 462, and 04 N. HECOND FR , an. Wtllnts. QUPERIOR BLACK SILKS at Hs C. and el. With a large stock a sunoilor gradas, embra cing all widths. OURWEN STUN) R'V h BROTHER, jalllt 450,462, and 4.51 N. SECOND St., sh. POULARD SILKS.— Several lotA, at less A; than penal OURWEN STODDA R'r t BROTIII{II, AM It _4W,452, and 454 N. F.CON 11 St., nb. Willow. BLANK ET SHAW lA.—Exeunt purchases . enable us to offer good ett lee Blanket Shawls at Considerably reduced prices. dt.lftW EN STOODART k. BM - MU:R. alt-It 450,452, and 454 N. rilliCON D St., ali. Willow. WINES AND LIQUORS. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TILE PUBLIC! JULUIS MIIMM & CO. CIIAMPAUNE. We have been Informed That in many canoe when our wine. (JULES Mullah! & CO.) are celled for, ninny of the hotels and the trade do their host to reoornMenit and aubstitute another wine of n amilni name in vise.) ~f ours, es said wine can be obtained at lees prices. We now most urgently protest ligation such proceed tins and warn the ritidluagot to accept any other wine when ours in celled for—that is to Etiy. which him not our firm, JC1.1.7.51 MITAthl it, CO., with the !rn., of our Agent, JAMES MITER, Jr., on the labels, with our autograph signature in full around the neck of tne bottle. We furthermore request our cnoomers and friends to pay moat particular attention to the mho, o mehtioneil disilnetion i as the other henna of a cooler name has tripled our, ativettiging or show card.. gaol eel tusking the contagion Wroth names much ewer. • • • • • We ',repent a ruipotior article to tho puhho, and de sire to Tun On Out own merit, without bring in toiled with any EinitlAr name Or brand. With such wines as those we Bond to Amon. a. con noisseurs will recognieo that we can only admit the %mesa Vt n CLIQUOT to bo of the moo purity and superior sunlit% as our own; stain. it still stronger ea i donoti of what we stele, we refer to (lin opinion of the 'tinted States Appraisers of New York, who neknow ledeed to our went that, after a most woeful esnunna lion with other brands imported in this port, they were obliged. owing to the g rust superiority of the .1111. ES !%11.1111M Or CO.'S OIIAMPAONE, to appraise it, nob withstanding our protest. at higher pricey than first•olass Champagne root.; t-Prt here. lilllsllll t CO. Our Chnmuagno lanndit constantly on halal aro n■ fol !own: MuMl5l & CO.'S VERZENAY CABINET JIILEM IIUAIIII & CO.'S 14.11'f:111AL 'Nut other branrin. mach nn VERihtiAli, DRY, & MUMMI4 PRIVATE .only to Permit! order. The above Wince can be and et all the principal nine dealers throughout the United Staten, nu nice the ItiltDir. mai MOSELLAI WINRB of Peter Arnold MEMMXI Sole Agent for thn L'elteil States, All 'Slat 3t No. 49 HEAVER Street, New York VOLORED PHOTOGRAPHS IVORYTYPES. DAG UER 11E0'111'1:S MoCLEES', NO. 69U CHESTNUT STREE Below Seventh (opposite Jay no's Hall?. BSI. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS Thou' who demo a really eplandul PHOTOGRAPH Should call nl this THE OLDEST-I:STA MASHED AND MOST PATEN SIVE I'HOTOORA PH GALLES V IN THE eopiel of DACIUBIIREOPYPES or Ani6rotypot, of any siao, filllelled nr CltAltol. OIL, WA TER-00l on, I'A% or 111 111 , 111iTliral. 'llll JAS. R. CAA/WI - 3E1 . A., & co., 119= DitY GOODS, LINICNS, WRITE GOODS, CLOTHS, OASSIIIERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, de No. 727 CHESTNUT Stroet. wEsT Ch ESTER RAIL , • f 4 a 4 MIIOAII TRAINS to PENNSYL VANIA 117)1110A D. Leave Papal eat. ELEVENI'II and AI AILS to. t , trorts, loxcept_Bunday.l at 8 A. Al., 18 30 I'. Al. and I'. Al. Leave Weit Chester at LW A, AL, 104 1 3 and 3.60 IL Al. is 11-y INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN• BURANCE COMPANY. 1111, OCLPHIA. JAMMU 0,1360. STATEMENT of the A F I' AI R 8 of this COMPANY, in confortnily with a provision of its charts!, From:urns from January 1, LISP, to January 1 1 1tlik ........ ....... 8113433 03 Yremluins earned on Marine and Inland Risk. donna the year endina ax above.... 113.118 83 Received from tolerant.' on Invollmonti.. /..1/1 P 9 Lowing, Return rramium.. Re.insurancen. F.xpen,e. and Commtscorka, and amount refer , ad to VAT 10/111d1 unadjusted 141206 89 Net gain . • . • ........ 41.W,115 92 1141311.1 amnia the Company previous ........ 45 3.15 65 Balance to the debit of thruleinl aceount ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1, 19.,0. LOW Pennstrlvanta 6 per rent. !cane, nt colt. On 965 00 10.600 Philadelphia cit) 0 per cent. loans. " lo.nuu no 7.000 City or I'llte' WS 6 per cent. loam 6 700 00 7.00) 6 " " " 6.1)0 1.10 41,620 Camden and Amlaly N. Company, 6 par emit Ponds.• .• • .. • 11,713 00 6,000 North Pennyylynnla R. Come,' Bondi 6 par cant 3.764) on 100 Share. N. Penr [(Anis Colnlntnl • 66W 00 117 Phdade phia sank .... 1 6 710 16,0(0 Chesapeake nn Delaware Canal (I. . 11,610 ed filigree Delaware Mutual Safety In Rumen flompanY,••• ....... 2201 Qp Bhares Delswarr. tt. COMP. Y. . 1.123 in Sandi.) , stoeigs of Railroads. Steamboat eon ',aides, and 'F.letraph Commie.. and Cer• tifinste. of Pratt,. of Mutual Inrurance Company.... 11.673 u) Estimated present value .... Hit!. reoetvelde for premusms Cult in flank . . ..... , .. . . Dun the Oninpeny for unsettled premiums, salvases, and otner account. .. TI AZI nl RICHARD H. EINIITH, President JOB. COLLISON, Secretary. At a Weetmg of the &richeWert of the UNION MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. held at their &fine January 10th. ISM, the followtng gentle men were elected to serve as Directors for three years: 8. Dennuot, Ijenry Lewis, Jr., A E. Done, }Alward I Clerk, Wm. C. Kent, 11. F. Robinson, 8111111101 C. Cook, W. P. Washington, end Henry &urine!. for two years, who, with ! !chard P. Smith, Charles Venn, Leh Campbell, Godfrey Frey tag, , rannis Tete. J. P. Steiner, Newberry A. Smith, F:ilis Yarnell. Ivan H. Irwin, Thomas Milos. Albert Worrell, Cherie. Newbold. George Lewis, .... J Geo. W. Bernadou, demon, rectors. 19. COLLlSON,Beoretery. P. Hat constitute the Board of Dire Ali lit if JOt FIIIIE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN -IL NUTTY, AND TRUST COMPANY OP PHILA DELPHIA, m conlorintly with an not of the Logisla lure, publish a statement of the Assete held on the let itanunry, IRO: eat Estate hoods and Mortgages biround Rents. . ...... . . Loaned upon collateral security LOANS. 44,000 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co II per cent. lam 07 fa) City of Philadelphia, do. 7 as) Allegheny County. Pa.. do. 35 IMO Harrisburg Railroad Co.. do. 4.025 Camden and Aruba, Railed Co, do. 7 to) Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., do. GA* Delaware Railroad Co., do. UN N. Pennsylvania Railroad Co.. fit). QC Clovelend and Mfthomng R. Co., do. 23,160 37400 Pennsylvania a per cent 11,200 Cit) of Philadelphia do. SI OCKB. 30 shares Northern Rank of Kentucky. la) do. thank of Kentucky. 74 do. Bank of Louisville. 19 do. New Orleans Das Co. 111 do. Ilmon Bank of Tennessee. ITS do. The thrard Life Ins. Annuity, and Trust Co. of Philada. 230 do. Beaver Meadow Railroad Co. C 4 do. do. do.preferred. 0 dd. Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling. 30 do. Philadelphia Bank. 29 do. Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. 65 do. Phil., Wilm.. & Bolt. Railed Co. 110 do. Pennsylvania Railroad Co, 313 do. Harrisburg Railroad Ce 111 do. Western Bank Cash Jinurtry 13.1990 Inll-ituth it Ig= RETURN OF TILE NORTIIERN AS. NORANCE COMPANY OF LONDON on the tiny-fast dny of January. 15.9... 11,1 D umber .....26,29a 90 , 0 W Number of shares 011,..t . <;ZA roub scribed fnr It!.103 Atilt. ol msesements or Instal ments on Mock. Dsid ‘n. nigh .C 1 or 45 per follaro 62,493 Sscoan, 'the value, or as near as may he, of the Real Estate held by the Con panty Amount of Clod; on hnnd Amount of Cash deposited in Bkis. Amount of Cab in hand. of Arente and Drench Rotor.- lishinents, and in course of trensminaton Amount of loans secured by Dori!' and Mortragen,eon stituting the lien on Real . Estate, on which there is less than one ) ear's interest due and owing . . . . . Amount of loan. on which in tercet has not been paid within one year Amount of Stocks owned by the Company .. Amount of Stocks and other In• estmontt held by the Cu, as collateral security for Inane . . . . . . . Tutee. Amount of theClaiins for losses which are in suit, or contest ed by the Compana Amount of Losses during the year, which have been paid, (Fire and Wet. Amount of Loess during the year which have not been settled . Amount of Dividends declared Amount of Dividends declared, due and unpaid.... . . Amount of all other existing MAIMe against the Contpani. rontested or otherwise, being Fire duty due to Govern ment and unclaimed Dim demis Fol amt. Amount o f C. 4 4.0; • N eis y sins ceived,( Fire and Life Amount of Interest Money re emvott from the Investments of the Company., Amount of Ineome of the com pany from any other sources. FIFTH, Amount of Losses paid during the year, which occurred prior to the year. .. . Amount paid and owing fur ilte• i nsurance Premium., and or Return Premiums, whether Paid or unpaid... Amount of Dividends * depleted, and paid during the )ear . Amount oftaxpenses pant during • year me 'Mine Cominimons end Feesianid to Agents and Office , s of the vonienny 173,447 42 /aving complied with the law nt Pennsylvenia, this Compan is prepared to effect insurance on Buildings Contents at moderata rate. of premium an ie , SSES PAID AT TINI c. OF ALINSTNIENT WITHOUT REF FRENCE TO LONDON Office in the new building of the PHILADELPHIA BANK, No. 425 CD ESTNIIT Street, Philadelphia. juts-tha tip lit WILLIAM (JETTY. Agent. STATEMENT OF THE BUSINESS OF T 1 !E; GREaT (WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUBI LOMPANY, for lho year ending January ht. Authorized Caeilel . 00 Ottani petit In .- • . . :57.1000 00 Premiums for the first six pionthe of the !ear. M,333 40 lii • .• 55.416 63 Fire Premiums dutinK the year . $68,735 II Marine Premiums during the year, (Mostly Cargo and in1and)........ 35,015 97 Rents (Groat Western Redding, above expenses—no estimate for Company 'e °thee tent!.._...... J ana 52 Interest, ......... 7,i50 w It.ALl*ll'wsUU AnnITS. H eel Estate.( above inounibraneeel . . Honda and Mortgagee. I first Ihlls teoen•ADle. &v. Amount due by individuate and eorpora wino .10,195 :7 Cash at hand, in bani, fin d it; 'age,' tie . ands 21.485 91 915 93 ezis,va Uri JANLAAY 10, 1860. The Hoard fThreetnrs have thin cloy declared Vic ol NIX PER CENT. on the Cash Mock of the Company. payable on demand. CHAS. C. LATHROP, President 1. WRIGHT. Secreutrr. 1. HAZI,EIIU HST, Solicitor MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 00NIYANY OF NEW YORK, NIX miLLiwill, DOLLARS, INVIATIDP WO II4 RTH O V ER CIRI 813,000.000. 666666 The premiums are LOWER than In many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been GREATER. TIIII Is IS strictly alovvat. Company. Thaw ere no Ilti:iokholders, so that ALL TITS PRUFTrd DIMOND TO TUX INSURED. Pamphlets, and every tuforniatton, may be had GRATH, on nOpnentmn to S. W. oo r n ' t: tatra I n l d D litg PtAttgetia. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh. Atordoom I. Deweon, Ciorge H. Stuart, role M. Stroud, E. N. Whalen. oho M.T 0 in. J. Ftsher Learning, osep Patterson. Witham C. Ludwig. John M. Atwood, Arthur U. Coffin, Thpmas H. Powers, tleorge W. Wan!, William aloKee. 'hoe. Wat fano. n 33-11 it• NOTICES. THE MANAGERS OF THE WESTERN HOUSE OF EMPLOYMEN'r. in bringing their in• ablution before tl.e public, tender ninny eapteuions of wand. for post Ilhoralit) . which the) have endeavored milimouely to diapense in giving employment to worthy Poor. Hails applicationa •rc now made. for isilmittnnce, which nt always limited to the amount of funds op hand The, would call the attention of Dorcas some:lea and others to the large collection of Coalse garments for rile et the Store of their estnlilisliment, :no. 7, South 17th street, which they will dispose of at low prices. together with those of a superior quality. Any donation will be thankfully fOOOIVCII. either at the Institution or by Mrs. M. H. MA IILE Directress, 1731 C [nth TN UT Ht., I\ll,lB E. NI. MORRIS. 't reaeurer. 77S NINE'IIEENTO St., Miss 11.11. V.E1.1.. 237 S. EIUIITII St.. Or 21ny of Ike Managers SALES (IT All KIND OF MERCHANDISE At FE( TrD tV lITNT F 0 U 1101.712 ti ! ! (For cast or otherwise.) WAL H. WEEKS, E CIIAA , D / /I it u I: , 105 CHESTNUT STREET. 101 l stuS. tho PATENT FUR AND SEAL SKIN COATINGS THE 8UBSCRIBF:103, E AG! N IS IN THE UNITED STAIN. For the abOVO description of good■ of the well-known manufacture of NIEhERS. EDWIN FIRTH 4 &DNB, II ECK MON DWI K F:, YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND Are erepor no to exhrlot sample' of the venous goal:- e, and to take o dere for immediate or future Jell rely. to scot the non Veen nos of the trade. The goNls cannot he purenahed through the 0011001- ;try °normals in England, and all orders for the rioted suttee must go through Ile solneribera. WRAY & ttILIAOAN, Philade aloft and FANSIIAW MILLIK EN. TOWN3k New York. FUME BEST SMOKING TOBACCO EVER imported, at N 0.123 SOUTH THIRD Street, np- Forum the (Ruud Bank, It* A BOOK-KEEPER, TITOROUGHLY ;oriented in the !moo/tots and Comenis.con Lueinrres end In the Dry Goods Jobtong business. iv open for nn engovetuent, The highest lily reference given. ♦ddrees K.." thin ofEee. laLl.2t• A GRADUATE OF A PUILADELYDIA AL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE vides Biteatton ea Bookkeeper. Pleue address "W. 0. R.." et tht• Odiet Alfa. WANTED—A SALESMAN FOR THE South and Southwest, by an Imports; and Jobbing House in the Looor business; one who usa oonirnsnd a good nix month. or Dash Wetness moue Irugaista and denture, and who can (IVO rlrpOOribili re • ntents& Nona other need apply. Address T. Pm.. P.. Ono,. Jal3-3t• WANTED—By a young man, a situa tion In A Wholeale Grocery or Whohswe Dry 004A11 }IMMO, to . learn the helmets. Wary no otattet. All , l/014A J. 'nt tha• erten. ja1.131.• WANTED—An active PARTNER. with from $5 IA) to $lO,O 0 mutat, in the Who!Amato Whim, alanntacturtna 1.11112.• With 14 potion having an extensive eatablithad trade already, and pommels., all the experience and appliance' !enemas. Addrete note, with real name, to " Manufaoturer," Box h%B Post °Mee. Jell4l' 041(1eui 11 —A GENTLEMAN OF IN tsettv and business nunlifiestlons roas or enterinz unto some luorative bustneu, trans his dune. would Iv Ilsbt. ovitat th• above sumo whirs eVer)thing erg, ed antuifactory. Reference required, as well as even. Addrtss "S. W. H." PIIIII Otto.. de-tuthstSt• IVANTED—In a Market street Store, en settee, eeerestin young man as sale men Ono vim enn command a Fla.montha trade. Addraaa DRY GOODS, at PI.. aloe. Jas-12t• $126.742 00 eliX) 000 00 81 tai 87 18 CO 77 FOR SALE AND TO LET . - 1 HOUSES TO RENT.-TO RENT et The neat dwelling. No. 312 LOMBARD Audit. Ong and Bath ; ail Bed Ronnie; two Parlor". and Haw meat Kitchen and Cellar, geod Yard. Rent 8130 per " A ‘ dUn, to Rent, the small Homie in the Tint of N 0.310 LOMBARD Btreet. Rent. 416 per month to a family without children. was US 91 •.•• • • . Also, to Rent. a 'mall House in CHURCH Olt root. below Morris street. Rent. 41 per month. Si: Rooms. Also to Rent,. the Store end 'teller, in FIFTH Street. below Routh. Rent. 810 par moeth. And fnr Sale, The rood ~MARK E T TwDealers' Stalls. in the SECOND STREET below Lombard street. • Apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Reel Estate Agent and Collector, N. W. corner of THIRD end LOMBARD Streets. /1114-31.• TO PHYSICIANS--SPLENDID - 6 . CHANCE —A Physician. Imni in a beautiful .0.1 thriving town, having a lucrative garsetiee and Ent-clue rug atore, doing an •seellent business, wail daapose o f both at a sacrifice, and on gall 'arms if applied for "aeon. ttattsfactnry reasons siren to , selling. Address OPIUM," B. F. corner Fifth and Green Street', Phila delphia. It• MaWILL LET—The FIRST FLOOR, SECOND STORE, end. If wished, the THIRD STORE of In) building, which Snore are 110 feet deep. Ireserving the Cellar and fourth Story (or my own used fora Wholesale Grocery, Grain and Feed, or Froemon Store. If rented, the entrance to my Orfice. Alcrhot Distiller,. and Liquor Store, will he 115 NEW Street. above Front. Possessiongiven one month after taken Apply to EDWARD WRIGHT, V.l) North FRONT Street, below Vine. The two Stores will he entirely separate. and. in the manner the building is constructed, will have all the conveniences. 1•14-12 t McI)ONOUGEPS GAIETIES—Ii.AVE Si., AIX above SECOND. Oka:AT BILL TO-NIGHT. SIOTHER GOOSE; rm. GOLDEN EGG. with s oast of character, not to ha evtalhal to tha cocnui. antaloon.. HHH . COLiumbine.. . - • • rob br.— VALUABLE PROPERTY, W LNUT I 1,1„„, c , E B ~ .1112./ Tikosaa. • • Street. below Fifth. Lames. -- • • -- - pOR SALE—AII the MACIIINERY be- AL - lonring br the Distillery, TW h LFT II end PRIME Streets, Flhafbnit. Cot and Beer Wheels. Mille, Hp‘ndles, Bolt and Elevator, Stull. Dobler. and Worm Mesh end Yeast Tube. elltol7ll, Not And Cold Water Tote, 4 Vomit. dro. Will be mold at one-half their Cast. ADPII on the pretroare. Jali-et• I 1 co For sale, Nos. Of and 439 WALNUT Street, about 43 feet front by 132 feet deep. A very desirable property for invectonnt. and from its size peculiarly adapted for profitable improvement. Terms accommodating. Ap ply to N. LA BS UN, No. 31 rbiledelphis Exchange. AI story, between II and LI o'clock. To LET—A Chestnut-street Store, (No. 810.) Inquire of P. D. MYERS, No. 115 geoth Seventh street. 110USE4 TAVERNS, and STORES, La Rent Estate of every description for Bile or to rent. Apply to MAX REIN'S. Estnte Agent. No. liortb ßeel BECOND Street. Tourny A Co.'s Seed Store. All orders will he promptly attended to. English, French, and Batmen spoken. Collector of Ground Rents. nl5-3m e1,41.,421 47 FOR SALE—A Valuable Lot of Ground, 113 feet by lOU. three fronts. water and ices laid on one front; suitable for a church or factory. It is Ska ted in the Southwestern part of the ea> ..11 a rapidly im proving reithlarhood. Terms easy. Address, for par ticulars." .1. K.." office plans paper. nottf (10AL LANDS, &c., ar.—About 7CK I— , Acres C0a1,330 Building Lots, 3 Parma, Large New Hotel, Store, Stabling, dtc. This propertz t. lacated in Lu Berne county, at the Junction of the sus quehatina and Lackawanna mere. at the head of the Wrominc Valley,directly opposite Pittston, and the lands of the groat rani:lc/1i nun Ceti Cornwall. The Land. have !wen limed and ;roved. 'I he great Fact ion vein underlies the tame. The Lackawanna and Railroad runs through the property, anti has Statton, Besot, Sr,., Ac., located thereon. 'f he property will be sold a beirYilin. to druid a CJll ctern. Apply to F. C. KNlttiff, President West Pittston Coal Co., raToOt Cor. CIiESTNI;E and WATER Stk. rbi:3. pARMS FOR SALE, ranging from 20 to Ira a^ res. ut sod lo,nlittes, on ens, terms, FAH MS for rent, from Mures upward., HAN USOME COTTAIiE:3 and DWELLINfiIi for sale or rent. Apply to H. IL CORSON. 4.117-sow Ln Norristown, Penna. ROHR DAVIS WASHII4G-3IACHINE forsaiebyPLOW\fdNd. AIcBRIDE. Maisano , toren. *7 BTRAWIIe.R RY S tree, Philadelphia. It, this machine ',week's weak of an or dinary -sired family can be done before breakfast. Ur. equal In ca pacity to tour women, and eaves at taut to per cent. io wear and tear. Hundreds of them are now m us.. and the demand continuing. Call and examine for yourselves. County rights for wale on reaeonable terms. Price of machine $11), np to $l3. PLOWNIAN & ItIeBRIDE. jat-]m• 37 STRAWBERR Street. B OARDINCL-FINE LARGE ROOM, ON second floor Ind one on first &+or,►t 13.3 SPRUCE BOARDING.—To rent. with !Wartlin a double house, a edits of handentnely furniehed rooms, on fir't fl,or. Alen, other rooms, 225 Santh Broad street. The house hes changed tenants recently, and le now ready for hoarders. dri set' TtOARDING.—A Very Fine Suite of two or three oommunicatain on setord floor with or witnot.t prima tittle. Addling, ROO +lB. pLoll tuthettebt Box =ea, P 0. A PLEASANT CHAMBER ON THE rm- third floor recent. with toArd.st No. I=l WAL NUT Street. fllO 6t' .UST—A CF,RTIFICATE of two shares A—A of stock (No. 32) on the Coneolointion Beek, Philedelphta. WILMA:SI LOWREY. Coltman., Den 29,1e59. d."3-the9c• MILLINERY GOODS. F R EVENING PARTIES BERTHAS, CAPES, sue, SLEEVES, and MPS', In Real Laze, Craps, Illusion, Blond and !natation, 5D3.801 03 I=ll=l 1105.661 60 to gzeat vartelise, of the N6IrRST STYL ES. Mao, 4 4, 6.1, 5.4, 9.1, 10.1 ILLUSION, TARLATANS, CRAPES, de , Much below the venal MOM WARBURTON'S. 1004 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth Street 13.2 , 5 94 24,729 44 S3l 1160 69 I t 3 730 33 67,760 lU 306 South SECOND Stroet, below Spruce HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. WILLIAM YARNALL. No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET, (Immediately oppointe the Academy of Fine Arta.) Inutee the attention of HOUSER HEMS an other. to hu exteneo a n.sxottolc•ot of USF.M. HOUSEKEEPIN ,, noODS TABLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, CHAFINU DISHES, FIRE SCREENS. PLATE WARMERS. J.3-tuthelf TEA FOPS. &t.. &a. NO AIORE PILLS, NOR ANY OTHER 1 1 MEDICINE.—For constipation. dyspepsia rind, lest'oni, nervnuanese, flatulency, phlegm. loltnusneYs, iver complaints, hysteria. neuralgia, sleeplessness. acidity, congestion. blood to the head. heads- heck., of memory. indecision. nervous Proem, ',llya:iron. heartburn. flu pitons, 1111pdritl es, fevers, irritaPil %I. low writs, diarrhea, dysentery.noises in the head and lu tare, dally. diabetes, pains between the shothlers cramps. spasms. nausea and sickness. sinang. Gu s colds• catarrhs, court h. asthma, bronchitiy. consump tin• . debility. gout. rheumatism, hcemorrhools. DU If • KR V'n ttelleloo• Health Restoring Food. TI IM R E VA LENTA A RA RICA, at a cost of a few cents per meal, speedily eradicates the above Madman.. also children's complaint. and saves fifty times its colt in medicine. It dies not interfere with a liberal diet :wit inlpartl a healthy relish for lunch and dinner and re stores the faculty of dice ion end nervous an] lee energy to the most eullebled. We extract a few out of hi we cure• Cure N 0.1771. Lord Stuart de Device, of man) years' drivers's. Case No. 64.813 Front the Rev. James T. Campbell, tit deretone Rehtory near Frikettharn. Norfolk.. Den la:St. (gentlemen: I * have long known and •ppreciated the virtue', of Da Barry'. Revalenta Arabica Food At one time I took at for eighteen months _j anal whenever I feel unwell. I take it for breakfast. When taken by itself in this way. it invariably teheVOS the stoinach and prepares it for other lootl ' • while at the Same time it gives the patient as good a breakfait its he could desire. In all cafes of indisemion and particularly when the liver mu more than usually effected. I consider it the best of all remedies. It regulate, the bile end makes it How in eases It loch would not admit of mercury in any chore. In short. a healthy flow of bleu one of it enthest end best symptom.. Yin can make wlint use you please of this conimuntcation. I am. gentlemen, your., he., !Sagas Castragt.i... Cure N 0.49.1192 Fifty years' indescr,bable agony from dYstiePeut. nervousness, asthma. cough, conatrpation. flatulency, tome, sickness and a omiting, hare hem removed by Dit Barry's excellent Food. Mania JoLY• Cure No. 475, of Mr. fierjeant-at-Law \Patna : I have taken the Revalenta Arabic. for the tut eta weeks and have great pleasure is beanng witness to ire efficacy. For year. before I had recourse to this excel lent food I had been tormented more or less be dr.- Pepsin. I any now enjoying nerfset digestion. and all the consequent advantages. I am, my dear air, your truly obliged friend, Cte st.ce R imr ins, 8 L. Cure N 0.53,816. Field Marshal the nuke of FluskoW, of dyspepsia. constipation. nen orisness. and liver com plaints, which had 'existed all baths and medical treat ment. Cure No. 47,121. Miss Elterthoth Jacobs. of extreme nen omen, indigeetion, gatherings, low spirits, and nervous fancies. teatiinonia's from Dr. sire, Dr. Harvey, Dr. Slo,land, tin. Caurveli, and many thousand other re spectable parties who can be referred to. Packed with full instructions receiptstrs. :ILA) to $l2. The latter carriage free on of cash Sold at the Ha v Montt A rabies Food Depot, gay Ranh Third at Philadelphia, by If. MUNRO, Principal Agent for the United States. end I ' w W. Servin..lr„. Chestnut s irth streets. D. L. Steakhouse . , Eighth end Green streets. J. Ilarkinion and E. Clarke. Main street, Germantown; and through all Grocers arid Chemists. deli-lm-stoth STATE OF JOSEPH DIESINGER, DE CEASEP. I ettets testimentary to the estate of JOSEPH DIE SINGER, deoesiied, having been granted to the sateen I,er, tin pe wins indebted to the said Mete are requested to mho on) nient, and those flatlet claims to proton% them to JOHN P. PERSCH, hxecutor. No. 608 SPRUCE Stoat, Or to his Attorney, F REDS:Rick HEVER, Pitt eat • r(0, 241 eouth THIRD atm', WANTS. BOARDIN G LOST AND FOUND. MEDICINAL. LEGAL. AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. • Ro:a .11. L. thylitlMMOM. thus 51aver.._._...........Mr. L. P. nEACM, &LW MIS Ajeat- - _Mr JO& D. Krill% . Talus (BOTTifokiiiiirifLNG. Jars- It. Cauxa:e. Hems; Pritkmell. ,Tier; Araulad Dural. Hr.it. damn:- Ts outaluda nth taa M 'LI. ER OF W FIETSTONM. Slaatar Calia Clooluglov. Mr. Vial's BOWIZI. airrrio4lB tuu%L. ¢eats wand anther artzs alarm ~re opals at 6h cialock terfaraasea to emam.aao• at i o'clock. W- HEATLRY & CLARK'S ARCH , RTSIRE'T7BIt•TiRF GRANDJCITI.74kit THIS AIPTERNOOV. TH 7S '" TURD.*I'I Y.vEAiYq . Jaa. U. EXPAYBODY'S FRIk :ND. Mr. Fintiortr. 'Wm. Wuntl. v . PETER. WILKINS. Pater Wrttiaa, 3dra. Drm: Joan Adamta. yr. Dot •an liicodosassCr.traajd. Mr. Quilt.. tictts or PaleacAdnuest ra is te wad NI ate :a Dram eirtlß,373% ems: ISart. k i. Ikon clot: at hag par a .'k: periomaie. 10 rOnatn one* at 7 o'e:oek preetsely. DA N RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE. WAENCT shove Eighth. DLem. eel* proprietor. Dr.rrs open R7(°Waggle. Perron:moos to earencesgs •t t ag e AFTERNOON gull be gi re* • Eigeatt4 Lam t sat for Famihes. mudoltog the Ea traelgiunta of W M. BUTTuN. sad DAN RICH'S PETIL To moments at hilliest rda lock- THL4 EVENING RAND I;:sHIG„IMENTARY TE J TESTIMONIAL to A ER W. DANCKF.R. On whlgh OCCIA,)II* haat of Vogt:rarer Talent van aPirrhr, inc:ndinc FRANK DREW, the plealsr Come dian; ERASE BROWER. R. H. 81.1Telt„ and tam+- , on• other voil knots artste- DAN. RICE. Alga DAY RICP. aid lbw Ker.:tar Coccheer hers eux teem*. In adds tient topm.66 ,, ,•rrar of teem!, SANFOITYS ENTIRE OPERA TROUPE haunt generous!! volunteered. grill geyser. HERR CLINE un the Tl 4 lat Rope First night of Mre. DAN RICE and t po he Thorouzb-bred DANCING MARFA ECONIaI WARD.—COMPLIMENTARY K- 7 BALL to as UNION ASSOCIATION of Lkse.mi NO, the blareal Fund Hal), on baONDAY ISTr. NINO, Jenaery:le. WO. Master of Ceremonies, OSCAR THOMPSON. Vtoor}rumen. CHARLES B POTTINGeII- LIROPOE S. MILLER. Tickets. One DoWr. For mate ey tie Cardamum of Arrangement", sad at the Lazar Nice Ofme. A rneet,eir of the enemata* of Amerce:wets all] be bold THIS EVENING at WARAld'ff HOTEL,et I o'clock. WILLLAX D. YOuRE. It Boeretarr Committee of Arrenteaea u. SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS, cuvencirr knot, mar gatk THlODol.l7 B lWicl i g rc y . P AULT& WIN be offered the follsonns *lrons osetthe The Port of Genoe. Waehingtott and hie trammels. are tne!, re presented. NAPOLEON CROSS.INO THE ALPE. In which 20030 Moving Pftures are repreeente4—to t ether salt s hfo-hke view of the General and nut Mar ,has. The Aron ita hfareh. MONKS OF MT. ST. EEILNARD. Altar lueb the temfie wane of the Burns at Si.. The exhilation tercrunailna with the model Iles of the monster ateantship, the Great &Warn. Conon performances on Wednesday sad batman, ekes*, IS coati. Claddren. 1, nerds. s open at T. To eatanarnee at a. AS A POST " • l i tiirwh • li DEA DANCING AND A WILL 81uRTL eCmah ln DVf.YD 00ICFL.c-r. riIEMPLE OF WONDERS, Northeast tortir of TENTH and CHEBTNC Bireta tutu acd Nor . ' A_tiretitt: HAPPY_ NEW 1 EMI /MINOR . BTZ T trooiltrfo. Alaptila LI Vta.irikreant. EXHIBITION EVER 1 EVENINO IURTh(I THE WEEK. Comment= et TN n' took. sae on WEDICMDAT and dATURUAY AFTEENHONS ail The tele! oitti Automaton Bops tisolter, one of the vaunt manna of Nteetuisoam liver estribitaid, will arleaf *KkAL. - tote. and perform his aatomehodg Hata. Admission Se tants. Children 17 asaa THE CELEBRATED PAINTING, PARISINA, LORD IRO alhnstrat• TIP of N'S POEM. ninth LUCY'S PR 12 n• PICTURE'e, TES PILURIAI FATHRIS an d THE MARTYRDOM OP JOEY BM ON VIEW FORA F E W DAYS ONLY. at the D SFr DOR 5' sx - Frrsrno.v, ACADEMy OF PINE ARYL 1.113 CHESTNUT &rent. OpeefromfA.M.tosP.Y. AdansaLen Ite cents. YEN NSYLVANIA ACADnIY OF Tll PINE ARTS. tars CHESTNUT STREET. Ti OPEN DAfLl".tErciaJayetutepv.l.l frcqat I A. I!. LlifM. {Canted—The Tecth colama Efesz, of PI ra n e j e. Admission ZS oazsA. Children antler If yes Lei Shares of Noel' SSA d3-cf .ER3I.-1:CIA ORCIIESTRA.—PubIic 41e 6esrresevery SATURD&Y.M.MUIC4I4I .. ) HALL. 1.1.3 V o'clock P. M. A vr.ck.aze euitt. - one thllLsr, tir...kets.l3 cents. re. I.va Andres, eat Beck - .t Lortua's Mama 3t...xei,st4 at 41 11.00 r. al&-sca COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. THE FIRM OF HEL3IE. MORRIS. k CO. this cis ? &wired by matirtl cmaiest. .I"h* bua.riims w:11 be mulct! by the he , . Irmo WM. HELLS. till.At".l. W. mert.RbS. . W. T. W. DICKE- 4 4.)N. rb.:.klefphis. Jan. 1.7 10A The Imai.am of Oka stave firm s-.11t.) costmu3 `,y and W. T. W. DICKFAIS 'war 6% tants HELM E k DICR•e-ON, not," Coal Ot; Wnrks. THIRTIETH .5.tr...n..%0rrl et Haan 'St . It• Wes: 1 1 1 11 E COPARTNERSUIP HERETOFORE extatlet betersee the set:embers *W. the 6re% of B. Lt. x 3. XOl3 F.ItTS Ise:molted b, rxttetalcoheest l'he instates' of mot pm wXI to sett'e4 CT Jew. , Re r.o9l.3ltTS. An. 14. ➢ CABER CS telli coatkcita tta lamber tatiltadia at heretofore at Chestnut Hill 11.113 t. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE_—S. SIL BERMAN bas this day arsociated ar.th HENRI' ICI ILINUER. rho tasmeas bareaftn De ~., ad acted under tta am* aad ayy.Y. of r. kIL BERMAN k CO. Pallado!phia. Jar, Id. I. LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP.—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Subscribers here fommel art entered am a 1.:(121, , P4 Earenershie. under the Irovmons of the Imre ei the Camencetvellta of Pennetleenla. lett thek name of the rut or yertnersluaW:l7.acrt D Eason. end the resent nature et the trakineee the Manuiseture and Sale of 11,ots and Shoat The: NY,- hem 1). Edson tithe I.eners/ Fatima, ..1,1 John dors and hleepherson Saunders are the Speen; Pen nine MI teedne to the Cay of Fhlls-lenh,s. The eamtai to rub mmttlbuted hr the Spectal Pannera to Thensand Pelle., each nontnteattra Ftv• sand Dalian. The Partaershtp commences thaTENT DAY OF JANUARY. lirk, cad to to term:mate DE CEMBER mom. WILLIAM. D. EDSON, Gatersl PArtsar. JOHN SAUNDERS. si s.c PRE.RBON SAUNDERS. Srseml Partwirs. Jnnosry 10th. two. THE FIRM OF S. D. EDSON It CO. HAS Fees du fired by mutual 00IIIIPLT. WI D. EDSON will settle up the teemeas of the old hrs. Tao boss:eel of the Maaufsetura and Sale of Room sad Shoes wilt be costumed at No. U North FOURTH Street, by WILLIAM D. 1 , D80,1. under a Limited Partnership. Mite day kirmed Levities b.m and JOHN SA UNDERS and MACPHERSON SA Cli DERS. SARAH P. EDSON. WILj-lAhl. D. EDSON. tall Ist Juitiary to)t 114,11 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The partparytup heretofore enstate haler the tam of WM. APOGNER, Jr.. k CO. in thin daycne aolvad by mutunt consent. Wm. Spooner. Jr., ra s : ene auil.orival w sign rn litoltletri i it. m. pooNER. ji I. I. A'ADIGHR. January to. IS.:YX GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JW. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win• • cheater & `.toot:—GENTI,I•:MEN'S FI:ANISH INCI STORE an 3 nit e:r &I AN UF.VTORY. 614 c lotgloo rNt.; r Street, ( nearly crows-4 the wined Hoene.; f.ylnielpota. J. w. S. n•could reinee4,l7 rall the attaabon co: Lou W strop fr e to WI new cora, sad :a pro pared to 611 or sr 11111T8 •A snort woe. no perfect St una Wlsontaaale a reaft anloptoed vita tna Shona and Co r * ,.. 421-1, MORE PROOF OF THE IVONDERFUL FECTS OF AION ELL'S AMERICAN HAIR REPAR.VIOR. Yu/Latin's:a. Septe=ber rut. HU. Thu is to certift that I ens bel,d Six.” 'tan, sno ens leonlintaended to try our ReparltOr ; 12.1 hssi procured three bottiei. need it lot tame months, trttion has owned ply bur to gm.. and ea** not Anne k• ea rk is Wore, Jet tt Ls constantly 30:"TES. so. Nor th litre street. van•anTalA. sesamter rzh. Mr. J. F. Mont!.: /Nor SI, —.l.,me tone mos us hair commented falLng 0,4 so much so,. net 1 vie, ta fart, fearful of be.,:,11.11_14 Ned ; but heanni of the voc derful power of your Rettsfettlf. }vile inched bar a bottle,. end after acne one-half o it tny hair not en!! tee.se.l eninillg oat, bat nowtemenewd arowlas at I base now se inlet a mot of hitt as a~q JACO :VANS, No. ilia t„, arty etzezt, for esle by T. B. PrrEas a Solo Agerm , 71.1 F.STN 1"T P•re.t. eriA-da THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABiNET, is E fi t 23 .17r f; 17, E t i , ; L ' I; a a:et-Cars. . _ PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMMATIONS. The importance of Parenesgy In theirs:writ t:re young, tee se:ectr k m of mt-nyations and nosrr-ar. , ,r-r. and in erery dip:Gluiest of acLre Lae. le lip:lnzd It iinowleSsed my maul:to...Spirit nervosa vita ed2rtn It. farts. Written Liss,rl;tions fr.msk dasserreao nee 1r..: ta sent by mad fot two doLin. Cetiloitres of booms met grate. JOIN L. No. 912 CHESTNUT aciret , eec CAP ,nd smar m. d 7 4-W we.v. Pitttda!DLAt. SI.LVER SOAP—A simple preparation for clew:mac Barer Kai,. !ewe rrore. Mar ble, Sa t far Iraq* convorArat and edoeure ttsa other. Ore hell the lehor of lose eiehair.; col be saved by using this &Ay., which recant possibly goer! the Great Zinc white, hod es no scrub:me it rech Dist. the saving to the weir of the peat is =soh )racier rasa the oast of the &ap. It :scrim the sarfate m yore sod white es whelk new. Misenfarrare..l only by the 8.. a. a Indexical Are p i'ocr.pan_ I. and mold by [Sea ly/eled Atellts NAMARA) & CO.. AretateatlSS. ad C Fessvi UT. gn- RR. CORSON. REAL ESTATE • BROKER AND CONVEYANCER. NORRL-- TOW N. PE.NEE. FARNI4 Mor.t4ornerT.Baaks. wad Clatter tiee. f r es:e or ticle. 600 D MORTGA G E oa formanegoste:... BANDSOMJ LUNGE or sal* en 4 31.. MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED.— TO ANY AMA:IL - NT—rpm" Trucks. 'evs:rl. t t Prr i n:g7i) Ite. l s . tz: - , 2 .4A • e. k ft t / , 111 p az‘t GAS L,Btrefits. below I.leibard. et -.0 goer" from 4A. M. TV. M. •141rAli nn ACKERF.L.-525 bbls. Nos. 1,2, and 3 iv Mackerel, LA snorted Oriziegl FseksAN. 01 !h. latest catch. for sale by C. C. 5A1q..131, ARCH street. 2.1 &tor ^b.....e . Prmlt. Jut HA ms AND sIioULDERS.-2.100 Pieces City-Smoked Earns and ShcAt‘ders, 9CO Ploces ex CH R tra mut-cured Hu.. for eats br C. C. BADLNR , w) A ein, CiiEEsE.-315 boxes Herkuntr Count; Cheese, to store, and forsale by C. C. SADLYR k CO.. a R larva. 21 dm,. %Arm* Proakt rals WICK-MAKING MACIIINTS which tem -s-Pper tha clay, and make 2),000 ter day, Brick ?r t ., Tde !dactonea. Clay Wheel, Mar Seneca. cad caviare for Cdal Kilns. at C. C AFOUL'S. ti RIEMAN TtiWN Road. above Fir Lb street. ILLtx,X s, GIBBS' SEWING MA CRINE.—Tlits Minium, never Gals to Tint , en si r e .mt eyvioa. !LK For *ay at. Ili CITES r MIT Strvot. OAMBER—Rectifiedand Common for OIL sal. by WETHERILL &H 1101 HER, )at d &Ad d Porde 9iiwAL? BMW. A. M. Ilivni.c4tr. tiTY Mrs: ntiA