.V" , " . 4 .l`'!] ' :14; *OO4l -- iii - i o 4lo4*ltitilloiio• :Xelif - df - 6111i on .e 9 1 7 4 .. 2,6 c.,44049,7044gia..45%:',,, ••t 1/...1 , fhillionpliatirt;ghe meritheart. • hied: And hitortici feid* its pleasant throb, Thoegn dash hietetAitili - hti4iit.` - : Owes. sustained; - ..-- , -11pcn the pets of reason tame: • Breiet tII Bathe at lor .. - - - 'Aitalfhirel4reath. plume ' ow* blurt Breritotheui tatitlizus War. ` i ; =fl - 41 , 41Uhain vtilkalltrzotitiunuthe.leis 4 1 145 111 04Y -' l , eikifith havehaen Invoisolctsgativ ftetx' co - 1:4400444ff • • es*ltts'itAitit'i hikes** I.4;!thif - . laltnehesol the tido 1, Let, otberselioaelheasitlitkriegtoys. 'l"ltnellit`the ' idetithiait • : y Pro iii,uut to, M., kkisbamm gotsrylltilllkie agate 'whit - ant:lw atederit'onil ; tiferpeatiekel. It ittliiee it - st44,;'leacog4;..yi , e tnia stie betteipart,.: Addrairpiiitiathi • 1. -, Wottli all ; `i : - ..glaa reset life I hr soinefood-of °orator!. stilt It straws. .111, ben darkinishifeigns.itainiiihort-lived owor ." But inceitoepikthiiekiral light ,-, rat iiinthealiate , !ntleePolvonre., • • - 'sea a pro of that cum are bright. vie to Beauty half its power • ' {' The nameless charm, worth all the The light thatileigenileer a Mae, • • End spes*Cof suastunein'tho brim. „ t!lt Veehty never set her '• • "It well "opal* her, Absence toe. Arolipiun . ip frioelooka passing fair. ; Ileitinie it inerft:lieart elilgioe throitgil. - filry fitneitbould Oer Nklikihil digit Pre500,48441; Mid imoinet" illakm; !Mold proffer Her wiind'mtut sift of. miisfq 1 would not aat Aladdin's lawn. . , ist-TrortuliVe bc scalak . HutßombtbinLetterPat!hitigot4,- - ns'er growp &wive! Ami_. l ,ktetre.-433. the lhande• of I pepicqiiiijse lubld...P9.lollieaMze , ealeletient with the: poeticalilho;:tdetriru. of an undytig tiwkeentre,ot busy",,atorld,:leiging 4411 nest; may be takatile-oflrodnetneittO / Oadancliat emotion. ii St. :ndiehgie ilistjayiiiis, and nitilthigindhjiOntl leo expansion ofhid,OsiWeraktradnally sinking of lorielhieen and° desolation-la 40100. !- Nviih7ii*ili - kit0444ifiViglarian imart And a train drlonching -and- moninilli , elOqUence. -Ppfkospp#r,tplu, says Landor, who never liee:id • of pidbisophy, - but to ,enee; At it ofOr ', dinner„w4l those: 43'4i which their 'Own ,yonehty; and. ,norr . uption have eu gendered, "nid not fiO . ,MisnyeAtit,of falsehood, Anktri:ii:indoniisehme,:ot, judgment and re- itecgort. iu • othir ' , iirorde r thg, coOomn art »2,14400 *tat PO 11P4;inable ,1144ersiitid - - •••• ISAIIIHINGF - 01P1Tritg -='- 400 - 13Akt --- ,11TELIVIE1811 -- ~i P: FROM THE Ittfitg77 BTATB7I. „r, 't ', i'' s, • _., e r sil ltd . k i‘i n jel l eit e 77 -7 Y C iri. l t.iitg :ll rw tit'::l;.l :..”'" ':::: b r4lll t o • orto Amerimm . ..Prdelld.S.lovimpoqi....-...= eo 81 oafs .....:..• .. New 0rtr.A05111,1.171141,4mr-e-t. r s [MOIL •...., new. ,ore...e.ontnempionli ...., .1 ea 1 p oil am ,b4;47": " Lin 0 ......" . :a: r j4 :::1 8. ": :0 91 r 1. r i r .:'...41: T a a b bB t r i a 7 l ta t 3 w. r i_ .. .'. . 4 ... i' l ' 1" : ... - 4 - " . .....L . : . .. :: :J . 3 :e a nn n o I i t Amem........... ew ork.;Beere ...,...„.,.......Jan 7, 1 2117Str" .. ''...N..PcttliQerelegmtt...'::.....4.- an - 7 7 l a ' , ''r oigtigrii44l4lll4 I TAlltgb:74t# :: 4 1 L ' ,4 n i t . •;.. , ' 7: - .7 7 .r e , 14 . 174701• — ;. -- .....4:::11 •w. 0: ..„-;.le)r, 074.;180nne5..!;:-..-...,- . ......-len7r; r ~..}.2,__. ~........•. ref 0rk...131ea54.1-4.tt..Jas M 8 .."'• ... . 4.t1 . :_4 017 X9r1t. agaithampton --Feb' 1 4 - 4-•4- - %481 ,- . 4 ; . , TO AR: fVE,,,, -,- .;.. ,"-4 E .11111?"1 - -.: 4.1k#1 - -•, 4011„ , I2.tYlit ? - tiltotthArttotk..:-;,Tervo(...rpramut, V., - .:...Y.'...1.11101 / 4 ruer-14.-' le .‘. iveresotf:new York% .................. euls.-- ....... serpool..floston ...,_-........> tett 11 ,:‘,. Itkdthmere.L.. _ Iversool-elew Yon; .c....'.4....:r." se 21 ungsnesm......mteroook 10rt1t5d...„......., coy orm, Lte'll, kulettsLeless. Oft 1,..,.. , :1.....Dect 21 ' **lA.., ••01011ii=ittiri:R I ttit... 4 7.3:4121: ohe 11,,;,..,„..-.-,- Oeuvre:. eir York ................Oeo tot urope- -..... Air Toilworn 8611.3... , ......-..Ded 81 ars - • ' IL. sereotd..lieer rk............71e6 81' r adeolaa , .«.436athemetos. Yew.: ark.. - --lad 4 itszOnla.,Sonthampton.,New York.— -Yob 4 Iltt - lifiiifit'''''" r• -- ,-- J -1 - e on/ tOweem eell.from ,150N.York xle tbLeth ksh o east month. • ' - Tn. va ns at 054771 leave New York Do ihildl7th, - lith . altb4 sad v i a oz east month, east Cheneiton, 11. 0 • cat/Teo the show; dates-fell on Int din the :steamers eau cta eloridayistaer; from NewOrtssmo. •,, • ' , • rail,* D414 . 14034,RD OF MB ; ,4. • q!'","7" ° ' vim Bt"Ta • • i;rairti.,iiii+l.64 • A 7 411.1c01 3 / 4 .IrO,II2OILIMIJMILIADELPIIII. Pr. ship Ivan. riallara iPirerpool, soon Bark Ludt; .osalbsgoa, Dam) , . , ni_tiAA" rosy tr!i,49mkomigi,p,a0 4 4.; 'won. 4, . 6 23 „-12 ' - , . Sob 11 . 4 - '' -- ', 4- .. - City Ids Boat.. SobeifigngeTjrom Flogger Sim e al. (it 3 P Akonlfondattt Mut Reeds Is at 6 A M yesterd3y. wit 3 P3P.L330 bass gon - eft, osuistot of sans asd rigs I:4. 110 m th e sprpekedlng-May ot.aeen. Ceti:4ll°hp' - Wass marts tbrsl at havo2g both stnehtup out. with wringer tip to , h'er um th.atait hsecabta o had been -firfilitinad!ptirpg i Zkgerner d , il n erl 4llltt,warid , O r ea ' A Now iastle, wichisrit Axes alto's, x o th ers. 'Phs , ice, Capt states, ',pots° bpappp.s toßpassustssessts4ss., - towed either swot amen • • ..., . • o .AulssAtaso tiltslivralhefinrdieStillo . iihisttin, stith' • , r.. . so,ctoposate•Couitta„i..u,•• um spa.: , .7. - . I- . , .t. , ....,..- L--- - ifitlbiatialtriiPtiatistsenta,'Pea;j liiiebtuottd;Thos eto titaamOil, Pilivititsf - Obtiss' s;liew Posh,' A\ derdise, . . ,p': , ..-. r• • ,'',-':', ,:i.::7lf - !-' , ' :- ',. .. 4 -SAILED: , , The City Ice haat, Elhellircror,"aPerbtodhts a PONion - of tho cargo of wreaked bnr May queen, nomad at l'lne , Au% woart,and prooteihtplown at IS-P M ynatarday r - wr;lll.iia. Pill ' Coorrattiol . utintolattit,Uftrife . *.i t ,:.,- I lo s tramolthilvabllarlAcarth Kt in i r , PoWto-doi.‘ l 'A' aro are some twoo l ly in al d ill art int i4p a rrot, The ebb I Inueratirli=L 4 roraortlt I . M e nd Vr 6 1' °°1- _,Youli& o s, a 441001. N. Kuez4s, - - , ~, -,T ELII4IIL6III. ) i.. k .' , , ~ I Ocirroupondastoo of rag PAO ~..,...... Nr.Tan: S. - ` ''''Pheachr 0 NE Pettit. henOo thi Mobilo, hiltrosaa up al , R. '"""P c i t- , °th ifihr wit° l 4 NV , 0 4 011 "1 ..,.. Ibill. hricilititti P h oroL- Hardy, Noose lot' iti;turbse, Nowt setotto orihnsda, 0414.- ir „,. '', hip Repititli aprattuk, rseeeet. alasrett at litYlliPlX/1, $7OlOllllO - 111h ift for mutton.' , „.„ , Ipip M 116116611 thll6ll l JAnoaln. troth littoroaot Nov fita r i thig :nall m t . gErp , P , 4 3 o v: leFli nit, liakiiiid attltylth thb 011irOA Tr 4 oln Bonne 14 4 f,frigo! I I! 11 ' ; ° /12 " loTtta ee tl.. .196 Lb ----ti Wattieeitiltimbon. oi.. Itithuraro loading Lat Litatrpol,) ON for,thit t. fonZiol=4 " Ttift:4ls4l) l 67ls! ", °l* - Mtn *rem, C °ugh, at inflict Oat Irt from; Van ..,,, Ationaut, Norton. ogled, front Fershow Lon 12 for ow I Oit a .., j }, f ~ O hio ' 8 011 unlearn t .rotation rtir NOV' York; monad 'rota lir Rale 16th Wt. Ohio nor laitli, Lloyd front Now York, for Batavia, Tenon traits or Poona Oct. a. , 0 8zurt,,Wttabartet #0;41 touted tPooohowitSthlUt; fi.i trkinfl t. t alati: , 42o,lllnar horn Han ~Iprartoicao. at flong' ,- - , - - m Plutarch, Harkert Pro_Pl Now York. Nova.tor Athwart. rank on tholnot or Deo. 14, on a bantrgir of - Patent itn o lknethorna water I ornw wad. ,-, , , t ,,tod 41 or oncost crone, ite ;Shanghai Ole. v, , '. .k, kf Algar liter ' A i r" , a Rialinon,tiova. from Ban , ' Il e Hartßobalnall i guitorth for Plabulelplna. 4116 d •"`Veltlary *to Itill Pimier iioeftirtr fol. „thin Noll, readtti i ;fo l gattluZilarilo ' lt r o m fala , 1•04wo u, , &till be alta4d-and•uaulraol, re. ~-, I V ,i a •r 4svitirgra c riultoito -) nriti Ba ' i‘rli Plat • rk Ms 'Virginia. Nook*, ham fin Janeiro 'All a Bat ni .",, ,, FAlVOttoltriPott Attil s ONOT.. ----, 7-7471 0 1 1 .-or gm: tad ult. rro .. o m . itnge/Plint 01f1116rellail f ral puny 4 1 77f1iPr4 1 1:t 4 1 ; kir wiliinne" ! 14 el ' II ,wia,oiti. 0...- 0 n i feipth Of 1:lotobar, boat "..7 oat,* ehritolaatr: at v 'it Patriainirai r a the titelttlot Wal74 hwastuerad e at , thar oolong um tri 11 4a1. Fro t i yg i VtiTi l ot l 'Ariot=iho i l egl ' - C a , AtlMATittiVis Nt r a , 0 t 44 ,„„ , d•ENdtg e bi e x . ".....?Atise *boa or toororowlrrotteoea I nun 'TOO "mu* icktal bMkeiteW-rataadotAicirrsho q "WIMP. ',-, , • . , ~. yreni~~s~ix - = -.'. ', ..,, 0 ' • - "kintLLIPS, ':... ,-;VAttit' - ' 08-84-Matat Tr9144-' .--... , liatt„s • _ rid' otti . . TititPur &owed tAIMI AT i ri... -,.-„Jk1iggkm...,,,,,1z5i,„,4,6rit,t, ar ~_ 740114 bilei".l7:--'*-- ;7 -iiiiiiii ruZ -; l.lg 7 i7474siliii ir rit ya sd Ism ,. , -,...;4-_-bwoishmit 1 E Elt.illb,"ll3, , r " `-'hlVEiilrillkf#,Mo AP c a rtioloi la r 1110, Lxit 710) ota' Ilarar afi 4.1.. *A!, , fignotig 40 wt, t,''1.,,,, diettrina.ii, ors wird- i, 3 2!111t• ' '., ' ' ' ' -'414 V other aSqt. ::. 1 4,, h mt l 4, of, 'a 6 f 1 4 , 7 ,'-''',7q, ,'` EA lte% ,- ~.44,,, thwr. higt.tATIEE. , aii, - , , , ; 444.1,1. . , 4 14 0 TA& Ernoth.ritt s-, t a '),* t ia lL,ltEd- Anii4sl4o. if am C If rikr44:lo6 .l. Nt ri t..1N1k71,,,..,, ,"--,-,',1,7,14.,1",,LtY-o" -E . 1 10 '..: ' "'ttilirelilElECEtS,l,-, ,tinliciajoia:v# . masa • - ---: ,- attLatswalnalraufaat•OP t 4. f - '' -,01 4Wid•p".7 ,, f , ,„:',.: ,1,,,),‘,:, ..:_.:___' - • , . `Aktfie.' aktifit mrottitttr':l: . : viir.- -„ ,, t:-, ~kdi ife,C*6ii tiat*irlinvi:ionn*eihbefiriiVel .!-; • ~ ' If. 4l l l44 V244MVAtiis WA; - .--,17.4'. tfrIVIIMUIVERVZ _pt.rf!' If:: - .1 rci••lo7 tiff tx.l , 4°tif. m : tii, tirl" 7 ,:6:::::,,- sikapi emi is 10 0 .? 1..,„,er. k .4_,-,- - -VA lid , -9 4t - zi a - I, •-°• , . t°l gr-t igt I °'° - c,',l°4°,,eileilit. , 4 . iw i .: , ..-.:,ii., , ° 14 1 ?`' ;:. ' - 471.dVat :a:, .4 i v ( ;.4;F; - , .. •' _ R. il fr rtA l t ir l tl nlil %got -', ' - ' 5-, " 4,,, -›'-- '3,L ~,,M11 , 1'.- ,' ! '',,-i_aPlai poet. ' .41 - ' .:*ttlitliiitribti . the _ mmim • -'r' 1 1 . 44 1 -! ' ' : t l *- , 'l4O. • ' t , ' - ' 1 144:4 ' 4 : 1 1414 °f . 1 •.04,Va*fikt — ' . ':-; -. •: -- ,,,- - - - ,- - :.1:-, , rtrAtror. - - - . • - " ,fdt. 6 :1 , VP• 8 ; 0 1tt . ; , A.1i1, -, 4 13 4 5 ,°P 15 4 i ' 3 ' 4 ' ..r4 '''' " ,1 1W:411414M idirstoti s it ,-• ••- — '"FAEEPTEiTo*'E' -F4tilyirELC .,- 10DAssap, .-•• ,I-.•.•• ~- ,•„ . ••• so 113 •• . • , :PE9pVf ionflriLE IINITED,ETATES. gmbrillislied'W th kalleSsae,Deileiss, in colore r Ivy' , ialit . NU*lloPid.T.Vg.liffolf. • , i :; ilieiabl ' aaii:ifia:3lM;;;Oilintii-loolviatioa that ' ,t une liaa come remelt aelaSalat a M0t6 , 1 Orfaliti and, ii t wens examination of the gripoiele nn , .tr ‘.thestop-i ',fi n ial°. this great fitalhPater Avid t a I „a r k ..e01447 . , , fliltit Mal i 1 4 ( ,iti r ogl I Mi ß trt 4 e tir ? ' 4,l`tiall'tgrm i ~,3 garb - in eothe re` measu orthy it s ' mportaniie, and ; caleulated, tliby4rast. to potatierine a glee itporma- 1 F .llll/" : o iddroak' is iii'.6ertoil4in i iWinieff in °Ahid p - oil *ripener plate 'saver, w he publisher cannot but Merl .that with the attractive lexternais of lornmet t egi trim-, Iligil l i t lPWe l lilitr i galel b ririTs er tliicluns ins , r by t e lf:se' mesa; be more effeetively reoommended tt, and thetl ened npon, the. popular mind andheart. . • , Price 'or the " Address." -mingle comes, one do lir Early orderiCrespeetfuily Solicited, r ,11. 'lberia discomit t9 .ls l olla r t i tilill toe nopkoevaisn the United States. , Orders and committaln:Di kir rogi t ined t4 4?- ; • Jas-tut am 73210optitnird,streat. rigiadelptda, `agLLikti' iftihrwngitz _.„ . . ::::‘;-,.'' ; lo;pp,H4T:Titlau - pyrrox; DR. o_authl. irli`Ntyyr 'ioluthei -trhioti henalreadi atTR 'heti MA'S prottlpthe excitement throughout the ertg l itotg eirtununtty.-• --'; .....:..-.,...,1 ... A :;....-'....... - • Pa= dERISS. one vepe,llmo. mushn. Prioe I. -'.: 't The greet ofirreaohor hops getiforth ha view, , :flye r T i vre in nt u r r r VAg o wArde, yin' the niter end geed Itrill i ' e teed I. 4tti %hitting iittorest,-(N. Y..oll:oer. ', LIFE AND TRAVELS OF -HUMBOLDT. • With an jar/action by BaYAR'D TAYLOR A popular and intereatja iogreohy; a summ a ry of his Wallet roomntt,of ; bia works and axtraoto, from tOa nopf.t portant oust.. One YOL,.With stee portrait. M n. Prioe 81. M. liool3B - 11 1 `01t,IiRENVE FOLKS. , . A 110f.IDAY BOOK. A nein and attractive Chiistnunt Voluine. Pylnted on tinted men. noth fronttepipoe Dr Billings. Elegantly Imundln fanny muslin: , Prnae,76 °ants. GREEN. A rdev• and' taketeh of adventurerr In an English University, EntstrateiV.lpth 'nearly 99U hu • ntoroun :wood cute. One vol. • Nindtuth thousand. Mos lin. • Fria., $1: ••••••• • • Any of these Books will be sent by mail, pealsge ! free, to any Part or the United Eite4is, on thecetot o the ryori,py , , • - RU,D and ETON, " • • Esiblishers and heelers, dl7•the-t7 " ffd.l3o ORANI:r Bt.. neartiroadway. ri.Y Tise4ei4ri: 4- pikitral In on *Wei be obteine4, .3 0 DA T! dollar . so h • tf HARbilltreft.'`BML.l, •BICIEDICILNAV. ffiCip AND COLDS:, 'bona., cod., cotigh., c6ngp,, 6445, Gout, c ouit he, emits, cows, Cons . . Phthisio: , 'Bronehitis, Hoarseness, Brom:antis, Hoarseness, c HrAistotts,Hoansiness,BronoOtia, Hoarseness, Aatbms, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Criiiio,Vll 0001ig Cough, Croup, Whoop. Whooping Cough, Croup, Couun, , . Quinsy, Liunim, Consimpthun, ContuniptiOn,' Consumption, Cowl ustion, Colunnuption, Comminution, ..-:,Consumption,, Comminution, , and all Lilre dis payee, And an unfailing antidote, a ready relief, and a sure - and speedy cure, in that groat and universally approved Remedy, "WIE,TAIMIIiAtBAU OP WILD °HURRY, 1471111T4Riff BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. • • ~ DitcWariat's BALeVe on WILD enzatty.—At this sannon Of' NM year, as well an at all seasons, it is impor- Lint td handbd n' remedy for °noodle nod colds. 'We' 'Meek Tor" The benefit .of nor readers. when we re - equagenti :to them tile above named remedy, "Molt has beep edterthayl fn , one moor for S ome time. Vre h.maebed bowmen te nee it in oar family' lei , nowcha and •Mberthmet afeetions. and in all mph ewe it has cured the comidsint,, .„We nowideem it an indispensable art'. Ate; e t reit i s i lways ore for to have &reliable remade b on rith+Pr e eto s eFlif:Cattiitly &hot!? in le,— t Vfol ink Lett alema a nm. reepeetalde etr Eibiltel --mimed Pe“Oet. 22. Ha& —mimed by e-esral le teriafribat ; l;vialitiiiionni_- severs Physiehuts its eonSUMptive, h ad all the irtnititornspi 'the dieease in its , worst - torre,OUottlig sonstrips, Navel* Pettus mem chest, shortness, ofbmath. ahrests. an extnon ft weakness arid issidtpde jn, my w ole sys tem. My family nearly all having died of the iseaea. I had even veal' hope of recovery; ac nothing rave pie relief; but throti&ttbe iirsuasion of r,„ oo d ~ w „ ,„. dueed to try Da wtstar e Datram of Wild Cherry. The fiat bottle vellelied mo eoeslderably, and the third bo o, ilnyed me entirely. I now [mass well Re lover did in my lire:ario ant able to follow my emanation se flamer se ralliYeanny ohm:: ;„, , , , , r also had a roster In amnia advnicad seats of Die dis ease, having been confined to tier bed for over a year.. and pronounced beyond hope by our best physiciana., islotimmeentirely eared by the Wild Cherry , but it Ma or eight bottles: atinahe still takes it occa td2Ollll/ %IA Preverattve. being naturally weak.° heath& would tuuooroly igho 11,11 who .lire similarly afflicted tOgrriesWievaa'i gtenegie wits, Centel- i lia lam entilitied that , but for your own valuable lamed.. .xi' gutter and myself would not now be living. • I will Miner- Jolly answer any - mes who may address ine - on theasb- Jed. and stela cur cases more fully (Alined) ' - JACOB ISILLER. 21,,S3111s iT E ' r RF , TI 81-, ; $ 51 1 , 12 ,,g4 1 :1 ,I,u! o uwtofir From s merchant, are • llnvono. Delaivare;Ooh 16, 1810. fic.W . arowt.gt & Co... Hostel; +lease send me a ,sup ply of WIFTAII. BaLliAlts ha lAM nearly out , and t here Ia ,groat demand ;it is doing-wonders; it owes Coughs, Asthma: Whooping Mash, and Consumptson, without fail.- There bail-ever been any of the genuine beret/Mill you SePt me p foto some time scone , but plenty. et,* eounterreit.-.. - , - Yours. trills. JACOB Y. FOULS. TUNItt7O3III, all Who seek health, that tbo ogly___MMUille has the watyrgit signature o fl. BIMS?' well ital.h_c_printal name of the Proprii tors' BETH , W. -FOWLK Berton on th e out. side's/Meyer. draws Ito etyma ; Aware Money wasted and health loopordizOht , MALBAMOEILD MERRY. Awirrews BALKAM,OF WILD CLIESKRY. T ' i r V u / a 4 B 'att l i f il * a /f ' ; ll l . l3 ai No a g riE a doWS BUlet. 11i3EtspOiEBH,TTY OP 'ME SYSTEM, E DEB ,ITY OF THE SYSTEM, ' MYER COMPLAINT, ACIDITY, LIVEN COMPLAINT. Amin: BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, BICE MEADAORE,' BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK ILEADAWM, ..PILITILLENCY,,,LOSS OF APEETITR, "FLATULENCY, LOSS' OP APPETITE, - I A.ll the motherless other diee ariodng. from /edi realm arl i lunetional dirords of the Stentath find when the d tee it not tnyon the power of medic ine reedy -MOM eetebhsh and Marling rem edy, OXYORNATRb zarrEßs, •-THE OXYGENATED BITTEIW. , RBLIABLB TES/WONT. t,. tAt.vtvA u , e• foliol.lle avetrvif.tii n.. :filiDDlscroWX, Conn„ lieb.Xiases. 8s 2u W. FOWLS & Co.—Gisirtsmon t 2 Bret made nee of She ClxjjthirthsViginte. some 'even or eight thir4, 4 44i 1 4,.. 41 44n 1 4 'red or twenty yeern from e form or Dthespels, which mo o nswasettendeillt narrow' di headao a/ On annverage of not less than ne day in a .week,' was reduced hi the unpretending recoMMende• .' Uon Dr. linen .` to try one both? ? and if no benefit wanreceived to diethettene the use. The use Or one bottle warranted a further trial, to the extant osome three of four , With ',parent 0hter441760 Of , UM micompenying direetions. The inerilt wee BO almost entire relief from the usual dyspeptic symptoms, and their depressing, painful, consequences, r behove these bitters produced an entire change in the habits of my system , and upon the active energies of the di ns. tive organs. 1"now deem myself es exempt from dye papeif, fill ,moet persona. Thoth bitters have also beep of 41111 , 140 to other members or my gamily. Very respeotfully yours, . AUGUSTUS W. 81111TH. . -*. . ..Yong, Livingston no., K. Y. Oct. 1. toto,, usseae t a. W. FOWLIt & Ch..-81111 4 / have been Phi cited by your art to yrbeencto jou a testimonial of,the ;:titrtiavami,t;mompiri, in griailnlzz,ititg:alstt in the Imo that mans more may experience tutinviso rating meets. Itespeywia, with lthitunbarlees associates, took up its abode with me. inupposition to the skill of many of the nibst oelebmted phallicism". until the spirit was Willing (if no copi e d be found) to surrender, and hid adieu to Its earthiy-tabereaste, when I was induced, .by the artlftB r ilta r eirti t g i t t a, au= o rris gitaireir bines, olk 'lraq the pit draught I wart ever ndmied to swig', bettitluinks to' God, was a balm, and &Most emment and grateful one. too, The most aggravating symptoms mint case were thethutiodenthe and ithe en • lair beating QF the . heart immediately after taking food, ithter pt l a g g i gttfpitt a tair fatal 'MI frequently twentv-rour flours. leaving the stomsok so perilsotir Powerless that even a epoonful ci unk or rice water would eeem burdensome, 2 comm e nce dthe use of the Etter* by twang Latta. telVegnonnil—t e extent was a Wooed - I*as yen persevering until Inad taken three tie" all2oo.tfifitiOth Interyels, I. We' taken two began to ieslizeite genial erects' IMmithately , ; be si es it to extremely gratefolng w refreehie4t as a here- - r ort gril l i s i ii i isfl a tneti hot kand tm edicines rfielyie-1, boast are 'MOW vr th Dyspeps i a in any form to tes b r i our Oxygba B thtery,,tus Ido esteem them invalua e. -.: very' reeeeetmov, , • Miss m. EITOO*I O. - •V - -- ,'` .- WHOLVtitat AsiXers: . T. W. DYOTT & BONG, 218 north Second street, Pbueoelp :..•:. .• ,• .A.. i g 8 es.oo:, New Yor. C GitLPItS; k CO.; fieltimore. Bo d b yeessiah! and Merchants everywhere. . ilso daw BUENETT'S 0000AINt: followtog teettooootal isoonoltutve i hf jti efitiaertu the ate of DAA.011.1.1.P.F. MeisraTorigrw Mttarrum, de Coßog TOX, Oot. aft, MA , exitimicin t I havellid Yon? COCOAINE about six weeks:. and its rivet is go marked exh i p m ii nm . i . that deem it my doh tontati it to ypu. i My worst complicit' for savant! years Mu beau Dittnithr t with honing, and irritation of the sealp; AcerlAnsbmg my, tiiir, my omit-oollor would be env- Mil! tvieniOnunolli."4l.l. (dandruff,) which i")1',41 ldy oitrber r tried 'lllllolDfabbliaationi tbout effict, His ahtm ilt eof your Conoit : and h s robe nate refusal to use it, provoked me to procure end try At i r j . , i , I hayethed lips than,a,ko4lo. , The,dan , tr, and the lrritatimpurhion Caused It have entirely' is:type:lnd. and rey heft wag never be fore in so goad condition. _- - ~; Your obedientservant, A. A. FULLER.- ' ' ''' ''.-' . '•Billtitig'Plilt COODAINE: , ' i t t einigetili t ztio: n r d eniztli s t r hgr , IL msttir pow Oono:1 led r j• all who. ii i i,ve i aged Ito . be rg: Y liest r t aii.; eisaptst ah Dientig is tliciror . par by JOSEPH MIAMI?, to Co.. BOSTON, all fig co by altdialeri generally. At 00 cents a Vat _ r 4524-am 112121 Pr EPWCATIONAIso }linlifErtlOAN - SUIWOL, INSTITUTE . 18 raUtpmedism *wish which Bolools urn* figs maps tn sorispt tomboy. ,„0.. toor, Tr m t. ? oho, „.. fr, W 0„- , - • -•-• , BIS %rd. 7 or 1 9r Airktt • ' T street, b WittildtS 011ZGARAY AMY D'IIER. voTt airp.:!.llNo AND DAY !spfco9, FOR • Wiff 4 .O.ficIAN'SQUAR•i, , VINR i f inUMMl L lZp4„ ll4 ra t tilitpt in liq ui o r t I X 6. attiAlndir 0 h e w., air 1 it',:fmwroo. , MAcboUtiton TIRrAN'TtSTRATTONiii NATIONAL MERgANTILE cpbkligM . , l6steg t 'YoleVevai, - 61r,_,4avyjs ; For muidiation: orien got Wiwi..., 4.110 tIiMIStI44.AND NB , YBAB:—Firie No-,ooline , many tan be W, etu o et to na'Y °the , Allibtnetit- , s, reitT—ris : n , e-b . %date. otida4ers reo. , isa—apantleelit p yeiteL, • zee. tAt at RR R. 4 '4k,V. rio.7lB a RktiT Mtreet) betireeit Mot and &atm .. r. , , 1, dIO-Int .. .____ IRPRIUMW--155 . hhcis. dry salt &WO '*GrANargetatratfrWroania. ~•l►~~" BOOKS. ''~•, 13:=11 DYSPEPSIA. c,idpittitpititO*Eny. . 1. ENSK.I),IIILADEI-1 1 11.1A,. "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1860. ESIMI R!R~PA.SED. Gi~i~D•~ SPALDING'S PREPMM}A3LUE! EPALDING% PREPARED GLUE! BPALGINTO ?I,!EI' t #k..RED . GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! DESPATOR: YEP Vet firma nt TIME SAVES ECONOMY! As mitten,. will haypetheven in well-resuicitedf ami ties, it is very desirable to have some cheap and eon- Nenient,way for repairing Furniture Toys Crockery, . . SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all each emergencies. and MO komphold can afford to be without It. It is always ready, and up to the ,tiek ine.point. There le no longer neoemity for limping °haul ephntered veneer', heedless delle, and broken cradles. It is Just the article Cor cone, shells and other 'ornamental work, sow popular with ladies of refinement arid taste - This admirable preparittiorrle used eold, being (Mena i:ally bald In eolupon, and possessing all tee YaWable finalities of the beet cabinet-makers' Glue. It may be used In the. place of ordinary mucilage, being vast T more adhesive. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N. B. —A Brush asfoompanies each bottle. Pries 25 cent,. WOOL'S/Lill DEPOT, No. 90 PLATT Sr., NEW YORE Addreea HENRY 0. SPALDING & 00.. Box 3,800, New York Put up' for Dealers in copra containing four, alibi. and twelve donon—a benutirsi Lithographic Show-Card , aooonapanping oaoh.psakago. „ er_A bottle' of SPALDINing PittPARED GILUEWiI save ten times its colt annually to *very; house hotrldy ." w ßold by. ell p ro i minauf S tatio ners. Dprrpeu, gis f ts , ale 7 end. m Funqe ,poealers,• erooat° and. 'IIFB PREP*REDOLUE nko m aMngup_ S P t A ,l li. It wil stood any elopate. - BPAI,DINCPB PREPARED 'MDR' USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE. SPALDINGT_PREPARE OLUE, SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PRE;ARES.GLIt. BOLD BY DR 0018 TS. SPALDING'S PRRARED GUB; BOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS.: SPALDINGT PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY HOUBB-ruarflogorci orcutEe. PALDING'S PREPARED GLUE,' 'BOLD BY FURNITURE DEALERS. SPLDINGS PREPARED GLIM, BOLDBY F A N C Y -GOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE , SOLD BY GROCERS. • . , , • SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIM BOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY manufactured by . HENRY C.BEALDINic CO.. 80 PLATT Strut, Nee wYork. Address Poet 00300, Sox RO. 3,600. _ Annexed:ls an Alphabetical List of, Artielea whioh, i• denutged, may be restored to their original strength and ruefulness tiff SPALDING'S .ERBPARED GLUE. A.-:.Mends ACCOUNT BOOKS:. - ............-... B....Mende ,fiIIRRANIS o....mende CR A DL85.......... -. D.... Mends D0LL5,..:... ..:,_.. -... E..„Mende ETAGERS ' . ....... P. ...Mends FANS • ‘ ,L a:, +Mende °MASAI- ...... . -.......' VI, „Mends 11A RPS ..... ....... 1 .:. - Mende INLAID.WORK. 1.-Mends .1 1819 L....Mende EATAF9-0R,K... AL.:Mede h !RR -FRAMES.- N „Mends NE WE .P05T5......... o..... Mends OTTOM ANS, ...,.... ... r: Mends ELPLellt FORTES .....„...... ....Mende endstuft, FRAMES.. ... - ..... ..panda A. OCK NG-HORSES . OFAB ...............- ..., T.-Mends ABLER.. ..,' . T U....Mende UM8RELLA41T101113.........-.......- U V.-Mends VASES _,..,,,,...,...---.• • ••-...... -end WORK-BOX ICEI.. ~.,„,............-......W X..,'. Mends .XYI,O GRA PRIO-WOR K.--.. -- ..... K Ir., .Mends YARD.STIOKB ... .....--.........Y Z.... Mends ZEPHYR Wthlii-WiMi 9 „ ~...„ . .z fr.....1n conedueion,a 4 nimiNols PREXRED . DIUE le useful tei , Librarlse and Hohools. 8 A . • ' ... .1 1 1.......1y...i1 e e n n d de l' 61P.Iii - • '1::. 9 3...% ....Mende AOOQ,RDEQNS.,' A..... : 3 4.... ~...Mends LETTER hisALTzl? E ' -•- - I '' 7.. t it..... l l ). ..:ls: i iigiflitalt i7P CABr4 " -.. ..... - - .1.... 6 7..:.N....Mends NEW BREAKAGES... ...... .... 7 8-Al-Mends GUN 8 rooKS„ ...... G.... 8 , 9.... B.... Mends 130/1001.-13009/3 - -. 8.... g 19....f...MendsiA_R POLS. ..... -........-. f is 30 ? 8 11.... ...Mende Ul.. ..... 1 ..... .... ...11 12... ...Meade LE RreAt. ADMIRES.. ......11 13 .., :-Mends PAP ALM/01GL OS-- ..... P.... 13 itA. Months AR -CHAIRS .... . .... .. ....It . :::/1 . ...Mends RICK _wry FußNlVuitt....#. ...ir 17.... E.., M end s FRASER HANDLES .. .....1 17...X....Mends DESKS -- ~.,...'..- ........."-- v5....0....Mende • WALD LEAVES , pp 1 10 8 ......tf . ..... 1' M !e e n ti d ds L D&IsenIi s tr A eO rz FU ' RNITURE:: - .g:: 22:. , ..: ... ..Merule ACORN•WOR K.. ......- 23..... ..... Mends Off R911.130ARD5....... - .. gt..... ..... Mends FRItE4 7 I oRx 26 Msn" i keLF/P WOll4l - • ••••-• . • - F e l: ROrIiORS •-- 21---- ''' f en jo t E Do4Eir ii — -* 29 ----Mends HO BY-00 ES .. . : ...... ...... SO - -... . .Mend# PICT UR h A t A 64E9_ _._ .111..:.....-:Mends SE_OR_ET_ IEB ........ ..... .. 11:::::::.:14:111a15 ititittiitit:::'..7. 1 4 5:::7 - ' 041: V1AY'ha1g a ,'„, — ..........._ • i 5...... Mends i A VAN, MAR........-...-... 37 -....Mends a 13 ' ' _..., . _ .... ... 38....:-.. Mends A V4III4IFLUI.--....-• 39.......- Men s 1110.81.W0 . ..........., 40..... • Mil mATCIIIIA. : ..... ..... i l i .. : .. - -.. Mel ; igil l Aigitt • Er ::... 63 _.......Mends 0WED.RA098.....- 41......... 0. ands AS 13 AND5..........._ 01............110nds RED ADS-. ..... 48.... --. tend. A OT-80KE5.....- - 6,.....-....Mends NERD ARM M 8................. en......... Mends BACKGAMON-BOADS. " .. " ".... ends 1 3 3tVii g RO C ATD8 ' 1 W 7 ..... ends% I MA Yiukt — i" ...--7 ' . " 7 '''''" -"el: Br IA . vs: an..._10. 11. 1 .0 11110913 -...•-, M.... en ds B' OK CA a P 2 1,./1 ........ ...... ..... 19—_....Mends ir BOOT-OR M 9 8 1 0...- .... ends Bluswa DLEB...-........:. . .7...K.1rd: SyElt! ... : .: -- - . --:, 68 ...... ....Mende OL 09:„ASES 65 .... - .. ' • '"" g " NWITCV/t h at 66. • .. en d ' OUBTA iNt3 .“......" 1 68..... -. ends.° SIS 1 18 08 ..........................0 69...-.., ends 0AD_D11.5...........- 60 70 .- . end' GAM it A 5.... ....... ..............7o n....,.... tads - CHAIR gl 711....:-.1 Mends CHARTS 73 -lends §Lr aes.nuacts . ::.' 7 -• ... • :Is 4....._-. el. 4 R-0, /WEIL. - ..... .............74 76.... ends DrAR EX, 77.- , Mends WoIy.nTANDEs 77 7.. i',.. -, Mende DEA ART-BOARDS- ... ..... ....74 DA .......: Rhode DIR ES 8) .-. ends ')IVANS . .................00 81..,......- Mends 1 04,-BOXES-...................81 m: ..--* :. .t 1742 BRtifilikii.." .."... " ---- ::1 .::::. .. Mende flß.•,s,,,Aßtir .•-• '" •* " . 7.,.....n, SS Mende LUTES . if 83."..:,..... Men t BALL UATER,11....-.. - 83 ..... - Men a 121_LASS WA RE................. --.K/' 83 .:...-.Men s HANDLES, ~-.,_ ~,,,...... ..... Igi 80:.. Mend ' s OUTTA•PERCEA W11RE........89 90,.... ' Mends Er 08.....— ...... ........2. l a::::::::::0 8 4 0 triii--.--- --- -- 03 le 114,....; Men IBE (1-MACHINE STANDS..„U 96 ...........Men ii .PAN IR 83 ...... -.Mania Vg, VARD WORK -.........014 98-- • Mende SIDEBOA De .....,..90 99......... Mends :121 1 PP.D.,P,N_ WA 8:8....... _ ...". ,„op 100.... ..... mends NY PIA" W WARE...•.........., - ...,100 , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, BOLD BY bTATIONERS. s: • , , • , BPALDING% PREPAIRED 01,11% BOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING'S GR O CERSALUE, • SOLD BY BBEttiOSStliftlEndibM aPA_LDINGT PAEO,REP 01.1 M, SOLD BY ItOUSE-rultratiliuNG BruitEB , „ • • SPAM:ENOS PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BYNDI FANCY-GOODSS r DE.SLER p S. • STAG MERCH ANTS yiutP.AR SOLD BY qoururKY ANTS GENERALLY. • - Manufactured By_ • EN D a. APALDINGO., ' • oo rLATT Strait, Newt ork. Additiall Pout Moo, Box No. _Pot; up; in Orlin oopta.inlAg. tither Pour, Elett, or 'Kira Ve doien ea/h—A bruDrul isHOW -0400 aooOMPanYing .814 VOLOkaga• .114-oly S LDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "A STITOIII IN TIME 9AVXI NINA" DULTATIR 13,471 WiLII 11111111111 KIIONOTIST I 48 medic* tan Aaspen, nes et sesil-ssitelarod families, it le very desirable to have some ebeap and eonvenient Way for repairine Furniture, Toys. Orooko Tr. &ea SPALDITTG'O PREPARED GLUE intootooll saeh enaargenolea, and no hboimhold can afford to bo without It. It Is always ready and up to the stink ing point. There is no longer le necessity for limphis chairs, splintered veneer, hsadleoi dolls, and broken cradles. It is Just the article for °one, shell, and othor ornamental work, so popular with ladies of clansmen* and tests. • • This admirable preparation la used sold, bathe she. wimpy hold In solution, and posessalng all the valuable aitalttlee of the 'beat cabinst-makere glue. hula/ he used in the chum of ordinary malaise*, being vitally more adhselvs.• USEFUL IN'EVERY HOUSE.. I 1. 8. ♦ brush ithoompanies eaah bottle. 'Molt TWENTY-FIVE OPINTB. noising* Divot, No. ft PLATT Oftset, Now York Address 0, 51011400.13N4, Neer York' Put up for psalm Is OW/ oontrlnum four, eight, and hielvo docen t a bonding Lltboaranilao Snow-akin eMom➢anriai *rob Olorlmge. Wir A, single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM wid wee ten limas its eat annually to syrej hotunhol4 Bold hy all prominent dtationere, brunet*, Hard wars and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, so 4 Foner awn's, C.sissitry Merohants should make a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE!, 'whom making up their list. IT MILL OTANI) ANY CLIMATE. Ale-roff-Y 'GENTS , FORNISUIPIG GOODS. R . 0. WALBORN 63 CO.. (NOW) NOB. AND 7 MUTE SIXTH BTABBI S 1:2614 pow s verl euperloi eauniment of BOMA, Under• olothfof. (Room Hosiery, eto, Spesial attention given to ''SENTLEIEEN'S WRAPPERS, of . M f a6ne assortment le oonstently kept on hand. 74;0300 TTT•late N lAtfifra t 144Mal T osEtdEgi prit•id • n o t it o i a , 4ll: f ori 0, ,k 1 ore as g ! .., Wltiti Off OWV 0 IffOff Siklatitlo 4 ,4 l 4 04V00151, FUND 80 onrrari w or . _ si c ,',, 074 craii*VV. 3. A iivrenx• De • e . . fitted i Thlin ,Pati o ..f: ' ni": Xto. 4 - iv' 4 ' a . ' lli ble Saving I otitotton hut j., g • ' , if: 1 : i n . / t a t i d ti OIA 8 r n , E 2 a t he oity And u l tt: f r- ~ "f or, ea a9 Beisisize raid oty " wan o non toY * • r Pa Trtin a an4 t l=l, l 0 1 ItTVZ cnro s rn" ad= i triiiiiiyo l in mom= e a ' th bind t§u, 6 1111011 tamest anyapts in of rely Iwo onetort ii" I"Wn p AZINAPTAT ' l l * 4 ""agtatlf a 9L'inifti;V:l.l,' and . 111 r a " pith, . w. IKANAWIRM. • 1 S i r at r 8 r . i phek..3 17 .!, a st s aeon Lide it , 1 ohn Keno , Jr,' 1 4 ' 4 91 4 ' ;',.. mph ou, h:, Al rn aPh , tl g t, " o r s' .--r f ' JANES SCA 6 / 44 e0 t. ' • Fluxing Mir, Bearotarr. i 4LI gAVING . PIIND:-.-117NITED .' STATES 1 , 7_211,1181 . COMPANY, comer THIRD ea own: It B iquirt na nsurr v ittliTi s iO a reMprit V n . 12 / Sal l E m akt gi it do nsTI; Q •Ir3l IN Tank oo' ok. ' or on land, It andBoatland. la:arfllEN tatr t yORD. . rar— A R. ' TIAIWY. FISK, Aotnan. , • .011-1, SAVING .FUND-ITVIA TElt CRNT;.IN NATIONAL• SAFETY TRUttalltni lpinprin atttSkt..*QUthyoSt Gana/ QUM, S ID, a. Ineorpomtea , oT tho State of reensy Iva! , , ' . -ken e flare:aisle friday 'plasm 'grill, tadip :Mt tila IT MI Tag dal of UIIDOLt TA ta 'gr ill , OL trith • The' dill* ill, QM "Vidal front 9 o'eloolt_ln the :OAPS tat go week to a 166 • • , inse ea mammy holiday von's ti t Q 01.. . ' BEA V • ',.' , E•,: , i,;,,Tagt. wnimig J. . fleeretary. DIAZ= 11, _ , twat.g i r c i t, 7 te tll6l', .1111Ir ri rirt bark Undo, reati s Ikea, "1 ' & I E24, . aim serter. on; is receded and payMeteade dally. , -, ' 6 in vestments are mop, ookformity_with the pros' ens of the Chaftey il la , I r..stme our wound Bents, sid mien n t.elass !empties as sl. ways nunne t te opt tor ty to the d•po ri . aid itirgliTlLL. w e ""'" 1 " an' ..13y"' PURE AND OHEAP BREAD, • MANUFACTURED BY TRH u •, .N 0' :At •Y CAN 111 OISAINAD AT SEX roLLownia PLAOEB I MBOBAIaIBILL BAKERY, B,W. corm of Broad sad Vino struts. O.M. —PII lis h r street, be low 1. ;emir Sixth and Coate. street. JAME° & North the atmr. 8, 910 Onring Claiden t JOILN O. MOXBY —.1. " 11% Vino streitt. • T. P. —No. 110 North Fifth *.,t. JOJIN' corner Fifth end W. W. hiATNEWEL—.--B,ll.7olo s e t iV t tooth and Locust streets. D. KNIOJITi... —....--Broad street, below vra: GEORGE GARVIN —N l ir.lll9 Lorabariatroet A. 001JRTNEY.....—. —.N. isnd PW. corner eixtrooth _ine streetq L WM. CIOURTNNY—,,—..No. 606 Booth Twelfth ......... •• • • . 1 • • • .. . - street. 8. R. WANAMAKER.—...F oder al street, above Sixth. Z LEETZ............................0?aegVg1 0 Y e rth and . L, HOLLAND-- .-.9.W.oorner Sixteenth an Ogden streets. DAVID SADDLER.....—.No. 200 North Eleventh street. .T.WEIGRTMAN---8. E. rson st oorner Eleventh and effreets. ' 8. 8. TOMKINB...-.. --No J . 1 00 North Front It 8R00K5...-. —. —B. l i.r._tomer oft Seventh AXE MYERS. —.. lAte ld ligig re . arils Thii tenth street. P. N. WOOD, —.............,11. W. rano. iFrauldin and Conlin steets. . P. MORRIS...-. --N. W. owner Tenth and Shippen strets. E. B. TURNER. —.—. No. 1211 South Front street. J. 8RU5TE 4 —..................8. W. trier Broad and Farris streets. THOS. T. 8LE8T.............C0rner tneteenth ehoet 1 Rids,' arr. B. 0. .. BOWE— ...N. E. sinner inth and Federal etre, 1 MoINTYRE Twen a ty-seoond tee. dreg, ib. Go ALEX, FULLERTON...-. Orr of Fifth and Mutt nl J. L. RICKS---........,......-01: a t Pi. t. lr store 110 O.K. RAINIER . - witA ' !atm, et. R. L. YARNELL............ L i enit ,r 62116. JON BARNDT—..- ....... Tremont and Pine Grove arms. ORO. B. TOWNOND.—W r eet Mester, Penal dalantio Oity, N. J. D. HORTON--..... 4.. Plorencat, N. J. B. F. EBERLEIN —.—. Columbia, Pa. !JIHE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFIOE "THE PRESS" 1 prepared to aunt* rafter, sheerly mad expetidoeill PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTINCL MOM BLANKS OF lIVIRY DBOORIVTION. ?rioting for AUOTIONEERS, LAWYAIUS, NERORANTB, KANUFAOTURBILL INL, AU orders left at the Publication Moo of TAt Press, N 0.417 CIESEITNUT ATRIUM. will be ntouivtli ttanded to. idd-tf • TN TUE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE da• CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PHILIP MAGOVEEN. deceased. The Auditor appointed Pt_the Couri )o to audit, petite, apd adjust the actopat or 'thonlas one and tame McCoy, exeonton DI the last WA of Hip Magoven, deceased and to make drstrilan on o the balance in the bands or ;.he sooountaigits, inset the partill writ for the ge l rr o tr 4 hlh pris3ent. /La k oitßu A llti tre.: LL 't &°. " DAL r alf dle•mwt At w LLIAra -a; dr, Auastor. . "IN - THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TIIE gEry AND COUNTY as PLEI.P_RIA. 41,EXANDra YOUNG ve J AMESROYLEN Ad ministrator of Robert Cunningham, deceased, witli i no tine to tarp-tenant . Rept. Term , 1359. N 0.910. ev. Y the And t orn _ppo'ntod by tho Court to report distri bution of Jae fund in Court, arising from the gab by the, fiberiff.under the above Wit of All that , certain lot or puma of ground, with the lone brick messuages or tenements their Greeted , merked in a certain elan No. 3,lllb:tate on t e welt aide ofreasypnk road, between Yitowater en Catharine Streets, m. the late distect of fdommenomo, lojelaning eta etake by the side o the said road southwesterly 40 f l rettr:Gg i widn,r3cldoirniresearili t inGyg.gVigf,";; former o. Thome' )(nook, westwa,u 811 eat 7, 4 Inches, to 0. 15. feet wide alley, _thence by the same oouthward le reef 11116 limbos, m a lot marked in Said pica No 4 , formerly of Wilham Morrow, thence by the mine eastward Id feet ISM inches, to Passyunk road elbressid, and thepoe by tire same northeasiwardly ID feet to the piece of beginning, (which lot of ground remelt blo-, Eliaoli,and Ellen his wife, try an Indenture dated thorn day _of February, A.t 1542, recorded in deed book ft. /IA L,N Robert e in, 0., granted su b) nd oonveyed said Cunning am in fee, ect to the pa y ment era yearly rent charge or sumo! twenty-two dollars 11. ° 11 e —Ylielutli o r l ig la g r iLd Improvement.. on the said li , °ripest of .four, three story brick houses—one of t em fronting on the Pea not road, and the Other three o them fronting on_mi alley laid out over part of the rear end of said lot.—Wlll attend to the duties* of his an. ppirtirt on Tuesday, the Iptp of January, 7_4.1 4 oe oo r. At., at his mime, 9. fed BOU /I toxli street, in the pity of P t ttladelo g hla. Wnen and W ere all partiee interested Is . saii:Ve r oan ! t ie to pre sent their claims, or else e rred an excluded therefrom. I 0 MYE /a., 41.15-10 t 'Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, Jane Term, 1&. N 0.48. WOOD HANNAH WOOD, by her next MOM, ye. GEORGE Dee. 214 1849. Rule for divorce a =ciao matrimanii, returnable Jamul nth, 11b0. Wernontlentplease no tion. Whl. NICHOLSON. 41118-mf4t* Attorney for Libellant. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE A. CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADBUDIA. In the matter of the &tate oj CHARLES YEZ IN. d tor appoirit i arylhe . Coug to udit, sett ' e and e afst i the sixth aisoonet of EMI L Y vsg. tit it3E4SIIIITANT Lid d io a e n d d eri ri, hi the first account o ...hartee Johis Federica Vegan en u Benjamin lierharOsurviving executors of said de e• dent, silo thp st t and seventh seeonnts of Otierire J_Ciliti Federick_ esio. Bras% Besenolever. Same! Urant. r., and Benjamin Oerhard. trustees under the last wil land testament of said deeedent i also, the third swot of Emily Vesta. Charles John Frederick Vesie, and Benjamin Ocrhard, guardians under the last will andtestament o said d ecedent, Emil Wein _acting *air an ,) all e fir/ en t rant o Charles John F redo i en iNift wilfin a d n isitainln & t r oitg l igegrit, d 6 " . l 3° P. und e r sn, acting gumdian) and to report distribution