• kiPS s l§•`" " pußif,mtp Ditty tsuNDAysimoßptan - 0FFEW1110. 1 4.1:7 OIiBISTNUT EiTREICE. DALLY PRESS. , Twittvz ammo roe Wino, payable to tho'Crioriti " - -koithmt to BOtocirlbere out of the City . ot thilleeLeee v orrocrp r ; lioeeDOW•eie *OIL TaßiirßOX: l 4iße 1 . 02 Bri litOiT/Fg . -oYarilb / Y: 11,3 ' - ' . .9 5 49044 4 , , time °Nene. • TRIWEEKLY MEM Malted au Aare aat of the City at Tama Dort aaaa twit sAxnu, to advance. liiiTIOIIIERY. iggnit` , - NEW: P,IRMS I.9tiati NEW' _FIRMS WA/k r :li:StUttrPHY & SONS, , tweatITNUT 81103101", ' • ^' Below Fourth, PRACTICAL ISTATIV/PACTIISIIRS or .14 A N K 33:0-0 I_C S) - Made otLlnen Btoak. Special Orders ptempili - exesptiM. Cheeks; Drotts,'Notes, CopyinK'rresses,'Lstier add Note Papers. rusd,Bnvelooes,iwith- ohms stook 0 ; '41 17 : 31 4,, COUN T4N 6010 (18 STATIONERY: AOPOUNT :BOOXS. •otal AND NEW PIRMEI. W L OR - PARTIAL BETS „•• , For the coming 'anion. will find on our shelves LABGB:AND COMPLETEAkSOILTIdENT from *Mob So road; or can have them made to order of ANY DESIRED PATTERN, - .of FEET BEST QUALITY OF MATERIAL .OtD • • , .. 'WORKMANSHIP, - - ' I Toget,l!or with's toll assortment of ON ANp DOISESTIGIi COUNTING—HORSE' STVITIONE4r, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICER. MOSS. BROTHER. ea' dlO im '• No. 430 MARKET STREET. HILLLITERY GOODS.. '729. E '729. -I . I4QWE,It'&. FEATHER S' T 0 It , - _TicLolizsVxtr , r STAN E,T. Closing out. at 61.14TLY REDUCE/1 PRIOE,S, our _ with° dock of - . I " 3 I4 I SSE g iaWWEITH A TR4B . . ttri . , ' AilLutra RiauyoDB, THOS.RENNEDY & BRO.„ 7 9 9 SEIDSTNIIT ST., AND fiIfISCK/ND ST. 0029-9 ml KEROHART TAILORS. RAPIIAEL P. lg. ESTRADA, MERCHANT TAI.LOII. • yrtirs FASHIONABLE RE-ADT-MADE OLOTflhl G, . • , . WBRIBR FABRICS FOR CUSTOMER WORM, N 9.2.1 Bouni SEVENTH switang,, ramiumLpiri, RAPHAEL P. K./Ina...ADA, having assooliktetwitA ptm 01„TArLert7,,tieNaf,c,A.TV°A.„'" ntion o f nubile to _h: e new estabasnmeni, and a nts splendid stock .of FU HN LUNG CiOODs for Gentle men 's wear. lee ban on hand °twine selection of Fabrics espepled or customer wqvkiabe, vaned assortment pt fa onabla RHADI - D CLOTHING., to whieh he invitee the attention o f r buyers. Ranh article warranted to give entire sawaraction. JOHN HOBSON, Artist. BOOTS - AND SHOES. HAZELI. I do HARMER* MANUMIT - BM AND l 1 :4 y: ,BOOTS AND' SHOES. ' NO:128 NORTH THIRD STARRT. A follasic:rtment of Citimsde Boots and abee!sson 'tautly on hand, • 40-tt HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. H4.NITT & BRENNER, Off. 43. )O, AND p p IiORTiI mA PIFTH woLittax COMMISSION Knostarre, For the sale of all kinds of tanittiCen MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, AAD DISPOSTIBIII OP UMW; BELGIAN, FRENCH', AND ENGLISH DABDWARE AND CUTLERY; teen ootstantly on hand a large dot& of Goods to so ' - • .ntr Hardware Dealers. - :BUT,OIIBR'S ?11.010, ' the cask or otherwise. BUTOVEiVit EDGE TOOLS, BUTOHER'S ETEEL.OF VARIOUS HIED. WRIGHT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, BRIP On 4trut other kW. to every Terletr. PE4,TE 11 PIBT9L, • itmennqa ONLY PM OUNCES. `ml7, tfOliPil. - RIFLE'S AND Envious. 21/W/itrif;.ll.4.lDT. :NO. a. 211.112111112. . C. T. IMMIX= 1p W idOKAGE HARDWARHOUSE.-LWe -••• iiiid reszeotfelly WI the attention or the 98m-, "iniirivalarz&nok.g.tl •Oa by ;the nag a. kvi k A , rdere for direct pnportako v a Initiated, and' Qtecds do livered either In tateY k k r oil alts, OW °c i f OW roans. & So, , _ 411 'COM' R Street; Em had Commi on nrohantn. . :And Juniata tor Yoreign and Domenic Hardware. - - • - agn-tf cAllifszT WARE. CABENEiI FURNITURE AND BELLIARD TABLES. - • MO'ORE & CAMPION, - - - iv.;: lit sovvi BECMDOI . II:Ert, in ootineotton w4h Mir extensillbinet Manors, rue now mnantaotanyarMoyy g s f • , , have now on hand a - 61 snazv t itii ooßs & CAMPION% I VPIED 8 ON L w • h sae proneed by all who have nut to be 'manor qualit y , • For the arelel foes' hof these Tables the anann iMaranowlger to t : 3 2: r anf i ce t r e tTathroughont the Work. ' '. -, , , , , ii-raae DRUGS. CHEMICALS, DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, &a. ROST. SHOEMAKER & CO. NORTILiIAST OORMIR PODiall AND RACE STREETS, WtIOLBSALB DRUGGISTS, initiatere and Deaden In WINDOW °LAN, POTS. drek. invite the attention of COUNTRY , MERCHANTS To their large stook of Goode, whieh they oOer et the lowest market -rates. ,LOORLNO,OLASSES• LOOKING -GLASSES, - - at redneed prices. LCOWPLAND,No.alSouthFourth milord. pas on band a large stook of Prenoh Plate Mirrors in gilt frames, nehly,ornamiinted or.,.plain. which jam offered at vOrk low prom - Holum and oval Portrait, Ploture, td hotogra h frame, French Platte on hand from hy oti up to LT Di 3d, numb below Ibrmeroes. dem solioite 10dflUd. CQ_WPLAND. • d9.lm Pim63 South Youth street, LOOMG GLABSEB. • . , - Now in store the moat extencive ea4i eleeeet eisert meet of - X,9,0K111,0 GLA.OBBS, For even w m oe end every padtiou, and at tat 'scat panderate pria lARINO %AMMO the most °Mersa, and the most Pamela firlago , LOOKING OLAIInfi EMIMIZ=I LOCIERICI quezarts =i;=M=E LOOKING GLABBES ILMAUOGANY and WALNUT frames for Chili:art ' JAMB, B. unix & 80N, 16 OUESTNIIT STREET, a➢i-fl. RILIIADELPHLI. 'HOPS COAL 01L WORKS. FIRST PREMIUM. • AWARDED AT IMINEYLVANTA'OTATE FAIR, vAcriurty 'WOOD ISTRE;it, WHARF soutryt, iveLNvr STAMM, TV 4 . I.IRAT ORS• „ . ..A simple. apparatus, to be :worn 'Dyer the mouth, 'toy liltdting and "niaitnhig the Mi t ' trithout impeding -;•;, respiration, - •,• • - These are admirably adapted to PROTECT THE fram'COLD end DAMP. on teIPing,HEATED and generally in INOI,ImExT WEA THEE. . . "InliPorted 'and iota by ” EDWARD PARIIIBH. scoUCK V I " I !a , 4.11:1, - PAINTINEf 14TE• i• si : ataerailantihrgtah,"l. "open'. , . .i , '-',',-. lircittmoatopowf end Yeses. '• ' '' i .` n , vdddi tor unudrent and GIP. for Aithda and nti, • . - {ii , q4; t VOlc il g ilelat ' a it na tt Piaui. 14 ,4ciaanedgiUttagurkt _ ',-. . sego v&typricy d , '''o l 3 ''l ' )Viiii" ..- ' 4 : i,ii atinAft : orki-t - . n 8 .I 'isi) f InkBi.l'lerk (bunt rrl:l;ist:;e er t l bC D R i OP f itt 4 04010 i y , VOL. 3.-NO. 122. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.—Fin© CONFECTIONERY can be bed, equal to ani other eatahltahmeet in that otty—vs: Bon non, Choolate, Almond. &o. Also, an assortment of Fancy Bozos. Call at JEFFRIES o CO.'S, N0.7/8 MARKET Street, between Seventh and Eighth. d2O-1m CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND TOYS.- Pule French Mixtures, 00 cents per pound, worth .ra coma ; do. TO cents worth SI. Plain Mixture. 23 cents and 37 cents per pound. also, Duohesse d'Am troulame and Vicar of Wakefield Foam. 1,47 C. N.MOGS, 903 South NINTH Street. y,AIIRENT & MARON'S CONFEC 1-A TIONERY, Northweet oorner SIXTH and ARCH Streets. We have now on hand one of the finest stoops of 'HOLIDAY CONFECTIONERY In this city, together with a great variety of TOYS' AND FANCY GOODS; TOYS FOR ORNAMENTING CHILDREN'S TREES; Fancy Boxes, Cornets and other artioles mutable for CHRIS rmAti GIFTS. As we manufacture all our own goods,* with the ex ception' of those we import, our prices wtll bo found r tbAll usual, for Ou r assortment of Fanny Sugar and Badinage Toga, • • ORNAMENTING TREES, Will be found unequalled. dlg.at LAURENT & MARON. CHOICE CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY. E.INE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, PRESERVED FRUITS, FRENOR AND AMERICAN. BON-HONS, SUOAR - , TOYS, NICIL NACU,. &o. Mannfaottitad and Imported by ED. G. WHITMAN datD 25 SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets. PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS. FOWLER4O-T ET ONSEND, RK ST W REET, Ae on N n W m NDcl urn e g VARIETIES • • • o FE r , c BON DOM CREAM ~; TIONB, FINE BIIOAR ALMON 875 Ato., kn. Also, Fran Nick-Nooks. Christmas-Tree Orna ments, ku. We has* ilso fine Figs Aami, Paper shell Almonds, & the., suitable fpr ' m the coming holi days, to wluch we respectfully invite the attention of buyers before porchsstng elsewhere. Don't forget No. Ma MARKET street. dl4-tJal ZWISSLER & FIORILLO. 126 NORTH THIRD STREET, HAve for We 'large stir* of OIGAR OF TILE AST HAVANA BRANDS. • TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Sco. AGENTS FOR GAIL & LE, GERMAN SMOKING TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ocSI-Sm -A e MERINO. 140 UOUTB FRONT STREET, Has in Moro and bond, end Orono for 6sio, a Lorre dossortmost of QIGARS, leoeived direst from Havana, *Main and favorite Brands. HAVANA SEGARS.—A handsome as sortment of the moat celebrated brands, ails : Moja' de Oro, . tante! Webster, Neptune, \ leeKe. Zeugma's. rileDBso, LlNAUsids, Taros, illeagoehea, us de *ries. &0., Of various sizes an d ;mat es. Dowteding frots,_the eatiooner ' Fagnie, and des y exted per perk Hee 'ninon.' and for sale low, by 0 ftl.EB TETE, n2O-1m DO WALNUT street. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. T r il r! - ARCH STREET, ATE ntilet ULLA 111. A.•-• • UPTONIzE._ NEWCOMER. 114 idtnetion of this HOTEL is superiorly - adapted to the - wants of the Business Public ; audio those in search of &lows, Passenger Railroads; which now rue pest, and in close proilnuty, or a *heap and pleasant nde to all 11116011 of interest in or about the city. 17 '&4EI FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES. For sal° biuMIRWEAFaiRtia. 44, HOWE'S STAMM:SW SOALES.— • errßoxe& 8088 PATENT'.—CoaI, Catt" and Kay &ales require no pit. Plotform and Counter Sales of eve rz desorption. They receive all Friction and Wear on Balla instead of Knife }Ages, as on othet 'l3eales. Call and examine before gureheseng elsewhere, and see tho Imenrovement. PEXIINGTON GREEN, Agent, 111 South SEVEN TR Rosat i biladelelna. MARTIN Jr, QUAYLE'S STATIONE R RY TOY. AND FANCY Of lODI id P / 103 WALr &T STltiusw, - 37110117 ILBVErrrit_c n4-emrp PHILAPELPHIA. Conetautly on hand Perfumery and Toilet Artietes. THOS., M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Ja• N0:,271 South FOVILTH Street. nlB-0m• WALLACE &"BRODHFAI), ST EXCHANGE PLACE NEW fORE. Stooks an_d Ands bought and sold, on Commission. FRANCIS WALLACS. EDWARD O. BRODEUR/0 oßir-sm" A LEX. McKINNEY ATTORNEf AT LAW, EIRKENId 1.7R6, PA, Will practise In Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In gram mantles. sell- THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE Sao CHEBTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack ages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own Lines or inoonneation with other F.:prase Com panies!, to all the principle towns end gities of the UUnited fitatee. E. S.SANDFORD, and-tf General anoarintendent LACEY & PHILLIPS, HARNESS, SADDLES, AND ROBES. Tan Parka MEDAL at the World's Fair, held in Lon don, BM , was awarded to us for the beet Harness. THE Paine MESII.4 at the world'a Fair, held in New York. in 1863, was also awarded to us for the beet ESC ess. linving since then greatly enlarged our manufacturing facilities, we are now_ prepayed to offer Oa th übilo at our —EXTENSIVE:t,EITAbLISHAIEN Nos, SO and 83 South SEVENTH St., above Chestnut, - • PHILADELPHIA. The most complete assortment of articles in our lino of business, such as Ifamem,;Ladies' and Gentlemen's Riding Saddles, Bridles, Driving and &dins Whips, Ply Nets. Horse Coveni for Summer and Winter use. Buf falo and all other kinds of robe". Our goods are manufactured in the very best style of workmanship. and with hut ONE QUALITY OF LEATHER, which is the best the 'market can furnish. Attention is asked to the following coals of prices : Good piain serviceable single harness fr0m...512 to /95 [coot -" e 3 B 5 Plain double harness g 0 to 85 ra to 83 Country harness makers can be supplied with harness cheaper than they oan manufacture them. • niti-stuAttiam furße. wnisLow, MR. AN EXPERIENCED NURDE AND FEMALE nirsitnani presents to tbe attention af mothers her -SOOPHING SYRUP - FOR CHILDREN IEETHINGp rebid greatly Diointaters the IP t 906111 of teething, by soft mmllggilließfunudi, Isnit26 . Arnern , Tation win allay 1317ReTO " tt a rGULra n aE l AOWEIA. Petrend noon rt, mothers, it will give rent to yourselves RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. It.. We have nuto y and gold ' Mc P i t Vrl i ciy , Jai: liiir,giiffle,.T.?Fid ,n , , ,, r , ......n y any r $ InTerm e n Onilign efreotetrimedle vir ' e a tp t rfeneei,ZUlleirgliotr ment of what we here de metenee where the intro exhaimbort, relief win be animates =or the Brno i Vuevaluablemenkra 0 glatiltirefilifilni ' *ever-ail ng enyees in THO BANDS It net Only re 'vote the w Zrti u tgirgt n ergl Ib li kr - 44 ftill tle i tt l e - WrAZii4it ' a itiVignaldirlii i , teething or from any other every mother who hay the for r oinneomplainte nor t h e PrAindlber 0 iali r e l ,4lBoftW co. o us. me4io ne, i bone, or bong will carom ' M ul e, re,Pliogt,ellao°, Bold by Druggists t . "yinfidattele°bWß R. A. NINIBARD & SON ILVER SOAP—A simple preparation for cleansing Silver Plate, .Tewelu, Mirrors, Mar ble, &0,,_ far more cow/mint and effective than any other. One half the labor of Howie cleaning may be saved by using this Soap, which oannot omen My injure the &wit Zina white, and as no eorubbing is required, the saving . in the wear of the paint is muoli greater than the easter the Soap. It leaves the surfaoe as pure and whitegawben new. Manufactured only by the Boston indemlo t p gompany. and sold by their appointed itaßtA) B NUABB & CO.. Apotimeance, TWELF rat- TH .v.0.401L.-10 bbls. extra quality goal 0114 vary aupolior atlioln for buridar long and diving bvitlitliqhl. Juslrivek For sappy AMYL ,AS q co did 0.16 UWA VARVEB. . , , ..... „ • . _ •\\ ' 1 11 / 1 - . , N„ . \ % % , ' /// /, ' t \,. • s k' '• •, , II .._... ; r. 7." ' N M s - 4 1_,......e.,:. .471 1 h S, ..___ s 5. 5..,4 \, • , 40 _, , ;0114 f ' 5 4, ~,' '4 ' ' , i , • ' ,_.* -,', *.. ...- - , 1 - 0.... , ' ,L.......mm......, , .„, ''..--,"" '-- ~, ' - -- 1 ,b !...,5,,..7 ., , ,... • ..„,,--,---- - ,r-„„-,...: -.-e, .. '.,. - 1 "" / -,, .„ . '.: : A . .f .::' ', ' e1t .'. ...7! 4 • ..!. ! Ili. " ~ .. ''''''%:::::"V;7:*-.V.._.,Vj1icr,..;71J1,..., '''': r 7 : :. , . _, ', , 7 ' '. l , '" -, •(kr,, • i P•••i, 4 1:: ' ••. ' ' ' l '. : 1 10 - '''' '7 * • 1 (.0?1 . •":: ...' r " !1,.• ' " 'IA / .. , . * * * *i :— . --= - ---7- --" --;>'-,-.,* s : — .. " 1i•..:•.:,i,, ',;• _,,,,..... -.- ',- ..4.1.ii ,, ; ~.. lii.i.•_-,..:_ ; : - .....,;,.:. '.• ...44, 0 ,-,, - . , 5"‘r,_--., ....:-.., _ ---- -- i ":•••—• ,----.,.... .___--,, ....—. -- --------e= ~.._......_ ____..... CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. SCALES. BUSINESS CARDS. SADDLERY, HARNESS, &c. MEDICINAL. r;:. re ' VA 'l l ructirlMil, I T e F t h taiD.,.° l l: l .l SIN! FELT A Outn, when o know an Instrume or wits need it. On the con with its operations, arid mmeudaeion of its mas twee. We We orpeak In this knots," ..after ten yeare reputation for the bal samic In almost ever is sego isc from pain and found in Aileen or twang administered. VlVEli e t ri irglfi r lt hes been nsed th OF 0413E13. hild „from Pala, bii! in' Om. Trreate so dig, to the ye syetarc....lt neve IR INO LN THE COLICan overoorneom speech 7 reMedied, end in trAVISFEII e ll n i d n WA l ß whether it crime iron] eause. We would say to oluld imffbring from any of l itre li l y :4W att e ari the ritlief that will be .4Y id RE—to follow the timely used, Full ibrao pony eaph bottle. None simile of QURTIntr. l'EN the Witold° wrapper, nshopt thillorprid. Prinal t, Dint YOTX. 17,24.7 RETAIL DRY GOODS. ELEGANT WINTER CLOAKS REDUCED PRICES. PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 ORESTNIIT STREET. THE SUBSCRIBERS, in accordance with their anal custom at this amnion of the year, will otter the balance of their steak of elegant PARIS, LONDON, and }lOhlE-MADE CLOAKS, at cionsiderably REDUCED PRICES, with a view to the termination of the aeanon'e trade. They have still remaining a thorough and com plete assortment of all the leading styles, on the whole of which a bonafide redaction from the prices hitherto demanded has been made.• RICHLY ADORNED VELVET CLOAKS. REDUCED PRICES HANDSOME PLAIN VELVET CLOAKS, At REDUCED PRICES. IMPERIAL PLUSH TARTAN AND WnUPED OLOAKB, AT REDUCED PRICES • ELEGANT DRAT" DE VELOUR CLOAKS, STRIPED, AT REDUCED PRICES. PARIS CLOAKS. IN PINE BLACK BEAVER, ALL AT 25 PER, ' CENT. REDUCTION. MOURNING AND OTHER PLAIN CLOAKS, • ♦7 REDUCED PRICES. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, IN GREAT VARIETY, AT REDUCED PRICES. OPERA t3LOARI3, • BALL CLOAKS, EVENING OLOARSI REDUCED PRICES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, d12.12t ELEGANT LADIES' FURS, AT LOW' PRICES, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE GITY.. RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON BAY SABLE, EASTERN MINK SABLE, DARKES 1' SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FINE GERMAN FITCH, ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, STONE MARTEN, Pco., IN GAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. HANDSOME MINK 'MARTEN CIRCULARS * AND MANTILLAS, 34 to el inalel deep. 476, WO, ant am, *No, to Wed J. W. PROCTOR & 00.. CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. dIS-Ht DECEMBER REDUCTION IN PRICES. L. J. LEVY it CO. Announoe to the Public and their Customers that ln ao oordanoe with their usual °Worn at this lemon of the year, they have reduced the prioee of their stook of FANCY DRY GOODS. *Li o h oompthiss many oholos and beautiful descriptions of goads 'unable for CHRISTMAS PRESENT& L,./- L. le r.A. have received, this week, a very ohotee collection of Embroidered Cambria Rafe, New Lae* Goods, Embroideries, &0., to which there enll be added, on Monday. December 19, several oases of Nouveautes, esDeolally 'elected for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. dl-tf EYRr. & LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. RICH SILKS AND ROBES,' REDUCED IN PRICE. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENT& LEAVER ELVETS, CLOTHS, LACK CLOAKS % LOP MERINO I 8 ' N E WOOLLEN SHAWLS, vEhvi,T POPLINS, ISl4ull ET POP DE LALINS, VINES. 1 , 16 RED MERINOS, _IN E BLANKETS dikuthetjal , TABLE LINENS, &,3„ LADIES' FANCY• FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOB. 415 AND 417 AROR STREET, HAS NOW OPEN HIS USUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Made of steak .aleoted by himself in Europe dying the put Spring. onlB-3m CLOAKS! CLOAKS I! BSIMENBN ATTRACTIONS. EVERY NEW STYLE. EVERY NEW MATERIAL. THE LARGEST STOCK IN ME CITY. !Er Prim more xemonsble than at any other eatab lishment. E N S. nl9-tf S 3 SOUTH NINTH STREET. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! THE GREATEST, BARPINB IN OLOAKB EVER OFFMCHD. IVENS, Ul=trNM:M CLOTHS—CLOTHS. JAYNE'S HALL. A ooniplete assortment of CLOTHS, CAtSIAIERES, VESTING% .to, 810 to 820 saved on a Gent's Snit, and 82 to 810 on LADIES' CLOAKING. (Patterns furnishod.) Call and sae at ESHLEMAN'S n3o•td3l 625 CHESTNUT STREET. BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS. Cheap Cloaks, from $4 to 86. Full Black Cloaks. 66 to $lO. 131itok Beaver Cloaks, 810 to $l9. Black Tricot Cloaks, $lO to $l9, We are now selling Urge quantities from a large, fresh, and clean stock. Cloaks made to order anilv,gua ranteed toil and phew. COOPER & CONAR dl7 NINTH and MARK IP, CLOAKING CLOTHS. Fine Black Cloths and Beaver,. Ladles' Nook Cloaking'', $1.20 to 53.50. Overcoat Cloths. el to 155.0. I Drone-ooat Clothe, VA to V. lack and fancy Ceemmeree Extra heavy fancy Winter &spume.. Satinets and Union Caseimeres. Good and cheap Veatinam,Ehlk, Plush, Valencia. Iloya' wear—goods espoolei irlt r adapted to. C N OO IN C d 7 a & n dUrAftlailf 1859.—REDUOTION IN PRICES! THORNLEY & CHISM, Corner of EIGHTH.sod SPRING GARDEN, Will try to offer tempting Indueements during this month to buyers of DRY GOODS. WE RAVE PUT THE PRICES AUGHT DOWN! Very rich fanoy Silks reduced to gni° ; AB wool Detainee reduced to cost. THE caEArEs . r LONG BROC L HE SHAWLS IN PIN LADEPHI CLOAKS OP THE NEW STYLES, gangin it f i r erStYla t :tlirvelvet. Beaver Cloths, Tricot Clothe, &0., &o. GOOD BLACK SILKS, HbAVY, RICH LUSTRE adies', Misses' and childres'a Shawls; Oentlemert's Sha , wie in great variety, &0., &0., at THORNLEY & CHIShPS. dg RAPS ON'S, CORNER OF NORTH AND CHERRY BM Have now oven n fine assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, BINOLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The Whole from the celebrated manufacturere, Herta & Wegener, in Berlin. Our monomers can depend on getting the beet article ever °tiered at retail in Pinta alpine, at the lowest price,. A SpLENDID ASSORTMENT EMDROIDERED SLIPPERS. .11._yARIETY Or BLADE CLOAK Telling. SIAM:MOMS CROCHET CLOAK FRINGE/P. Styr ANn HEALITIVUL GRESs 'TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KIDT TALMAS AND CAPIS. ZEPHYR KNIT GAITERS AND SLEEVES. A ROLL BTOCIL QY STAPLE THIMMIS9II. AT EAPBON'S LAWN TRIMINNEI AND ZEPDYR STORIC., uor. OF. EIGHTH AND °EMMY ST& 116-111 M PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1859. NEW PUBLICATIONS. BEAUTIFUL BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS GAUT 8a VOLKMAR, ( tiluooosso in to R. Cow y p a e r r t i r l=l , t ) & Co., to Retail De NO. 809 CHESTNUT STREET, Would respectfully solioit the attention of their patinae and the public to their SPLENDID ASSORTMENT HOLIDAY BOOKS. Prepared and arranged expressly for the FESTIVE SEASON. Their stook comprises STANDARD. MISOELLANEOUS, AND JUVENILE BOOKS. In many beautiful and elegant Allen of Binding. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS: CHOICE ILLUSTRATED ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS AT LOW PRIOES. PRAYER BOOKS AND BIBLES, (RAGMEN AND AMERICAN MARIONE,) Bound in VELVET, CALF, MOROCCO, CLASPS AND RIMS. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT This department uomprises the moat complete, and the most extensive stook of BOOKS SUITABLE FOR TILE LITTLE FOLKS To be found in the city. GAMES ! GAMES 1 • Of every doaoription at low prices. MOVEABLE TOY BOOKS In Great Variety. WRITING DESKS. ROSEWOOD ♦ND MAHOGANY PAPETERIES, PORTFOLIOS, kr., dec. Persons desiring it can make their 'Wootton* now, and have them sent any time between this and Christ mas Eve. Purchaaera will do well to call and examine the wall 'elected stock upon our tables. AT 609 OHJESTNUT STREET. N.B.—CATALOGUES OF FINE BOOKS GRATIS. del!-tf TICKNOR eic FIELDS, - BOSTON, HAVE IN PRESS AND WILL PUBLISH IMMEDIATELY 3 THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE With the Story of Inc By OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. I vol. Ihno. $l. Alto, a fine edition, ele eantly printed on tinted paper, in Bvo form, tuid bound_ in bevelled boards. Prioe 33. NEW MIBOELLANIES. fiv CHARLES KINGSLEY-1' Uniform with Sir Walter Ralemil. 1 voL 12mo. 411.., SELF HELP: With Illustrations of Matador find Conduct. By SAMUEL SSIII,ES, Author of "Thn Life of Norge Stopliewion." 1 vol. Dino. $l. , SEVEN YEARS. A ' , loyal. By JULIA KAVANAOI4 Author of "Nathalle,"&e. avo. Paper. 60 osatg. TRAVEL AND STUDY IN ITALY. By OHARLEt ELIOT NORTON. 1 vol. lamo. $l. POEMS. By HENRY TIMROD. 1 vol. 18mo. 00 coati; THE LIFE OF JOHN COLLINS WARREN, U. Compiled easily' from hie Journals and Correspond- • snot. 2 "roux. Bvo. 83.80. With portrait and otherk steel plates. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. A Sequa I to Eohoo-- Da,/ at Rugby. By 2110 MAS RUORES, Part IL, 12 cants. CAPT. McCLINTOOK'S NARRATIVE OF THE 'VOYAGE OF THE "FOX" TO THE ARCTIC READ, AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE FATE OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN AND HIS COMPAN IONS. With a Profitoo by Sir RODERICK MDR ORISON. I vol. Mina. With Map hnd Illustration. THE BOY TAR I OR, A VOYAGE IN THE DARE By Captain MAYNE REID. IYINtal Illastrationl by Charles Keene. I vol. HMO. Maints. ERNEST DEACEBRIDOE; A Story or &hoof W.,/1. G. KINGSTON. With 14 Illtottationi Oeoraa U. Thorits. 1 wit. Uno. 76oonht. THEI t'RIJOADER- AND TB. 11J49ISADWIRI. By JOUN U. EDGAR, Author of The Boyboodof Great Men." With 8 Illustrations by Julian Felt*, 1 vol. lemo. 71 oonts. STORIES PROM FAMOUS BALLADS. By GRACE GREENWOOD. With a steel vignette by Cushman, and 4 Illustrations by Billings. 1 vol. square 16mo. Red Cloth. 60 cents. dlll.lll A SPLENDID BOOK FOR TLL HOLIDAYS, PARABLES OF OUR LORD. In•one %vim° folio, beautifully prjnted in gOrnate Saxon Trims% tinted paper, and magnifieently illus trated wait ellngsavings on steel. Turkey, Buper Extra . 810, FOR SALE BY BOOKSLLLERS GENERALLY. IT. B. LIPPINCOTT ec CO. dl6-stu&tlift A N EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS PRE SENT. PERSONS CHRISTMAS PRESENT SISOILD SUBSCRIBE TOR THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. VOLCSIAN NOW READ} ' . To be completed in Fifteen Volninee. PRIDE $3 PER VuLUAIE. A Subeoription Book now open et the A cF nent% HN AIARLAN. ARCADE HOTEL, 821 Chestnut street Tine Is an admirable Present from a parent to a son, from 'etiolate to their teachers, rota aoonarepatinn to their pastor, froma brother to a brother or sister, or from a friond to a friend. tiff-if - S McIIENRY, 406 WALNUT STREET, . 1 12t E uCTU N L T, ANI) V ALUABLF, BOOKS. BARLEY'S LLUSTRATED EDITION OF J. FENI MORE COOPER. Two Vignettes on Steel, and twelve sketches on Wood, in en. h volume. loan, /SEAM.). 600 DRAWINGS. En raved from DARLEY'S DEtiluiNB,BY mes E TH BEST ENGRAVERS. Eleven Volu are out. The Pioneer., lime Bravo, Red Rover The Pilot, Last of tlle Mohicans, Wept of Wish•ton•oneh, The Spy. The Headsman, • Wyandotte, The Prairie, Lionel Lincoln. Others will follow at intervals of a month, until the entire sat of Cooper's Novels is published in this Helen did style. Price G 1.60 per volume, in plain cloth, uncut, °motioned cloth bevelled edge.. hubearibere regu larly served. MeIIENRY, RA WALNUT STREET, IS BOLE AGENT also for the PICTORIAL FIELD-BOOK OF THE REVOLUTION. By BENSON .S. Lomita. 'l ime Theory, Slogrimliy. Scenery, Nebo., and raditione of the War for Independence, Illustrated byl'en and Pen cil. Eleven Hundred Engraving' nn Wood, chloSl from Original bketchee by the Author. Complete in Two volumes, Rosa! Octavo, various bindings. et 4.7. or la dollars, Highly extolled hy Edward Everett, Jared Sparks, George Ramat, Worthington Irving, Re., Co. • R. Mciltmer hat al. MOUNT VERNON and ITB anBOCIATIONB, Mea tiest, Biompldeal L and rintorial by Demon J. Lomna t 139 Itineration.. Bound to various style'', 83.60, 84.60, 96.00 and 86.69. Either of the above in 81188E1111 HOLIDAY GIFT. Remember 8. McUENRY, d 104143 IN WALNUT Street. A SUPERB GIFT-BOOK ! JUST PUBLISHED, GOTTHOLD'S EMBLEMS; OR. INVISIBLE THINGS UNDERSTOOD BY THINGS THAT ARE MADE. By CHRIS lAN SCRIVER, Minister of Magdeburg ip1671. Tranelated iyom the twenty-eighth German Edition, by Rev. BODERS MENzizs. Bvo. in various styles of binding, viz Oloth i lllain, Pl 51. Beveled rod edam' ELEGT TINTEdEDITIONS. Beveled boilde, plain edgee. 2 00 11 41 fop ealfka y.. . ~90 00 " • 00 Germany, with its inexhaustible mines of devotional works, loss produced no treatise so rich in thought, so qusint in style and go tender in sientimentoui GOT- I HOLD'S ESIIILESIS. It is ono of the precious trea sures beq_ueathed to us by the piety of an earlier gene ration. The minister may learn from it how to enrich his sermons and visits by natural and striking Iningery the business man and the mistress of a family how to rgraeargleimnels into dailythro‘nd ai wilt iasnuoi amusement Xint tames u to the allegories of Bunyan. The novelty and noliness of its contents, its elegant letter-press and superb binding, make it at once the cheapest and most desirable Gilt-Book of the season. GOULD k LINCOLN 09 WASHINGTON STREET. BOSTON. d2O-tu thke St HU MBOLDT -_EVERET T Theo superb portraits on steel may atill bo obtained and will be sent, post-paikto any address, with the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. A sareoe number, though cheap at one dollar each, t a FIFTEEN CENTS EACH. - U BROWN & dlO etuth 14 HANOVER Street. Bostom READY.-Itt 2 Volg. / $5, 16 Engraylnge DIARY OF THE AhthRICAN REVOLUTION From Original Documents, and the Whig and Tory Newepapere of that time, BY FRANC 111001411. JOHN McFARLAN, Agent for ravineslermia, a-ISt Amain liotehon oßDurtuT NEW PUBLICATIONS. An Howlegless To come to pees On hie &thee/Jaen There never wee, By day, nor night, it a W A . u fi i n hieie flrei like et hornedg a h e e ; upright ,arep And crooked shape, With owl on fog And gloss et wriat. [Llies !onion THE MARVELLOUS ADVENTURES AND RARE CONCEITS MASTER TYLL 0174LiaLA.9et Nowly collected, chronicled, end set forth in our Eng blih, tongue, by KENNETH R. H. MACKENZIE Adorned wlth many moat "'Averting and Cunning Devicee, by ALFRED CROWCWILL In ono elegant volume. Price 82.80 " Till Owiglans' fame has gone abroad in to all land, time the narration of hi, exploits bee been published in ;nnumorablo editione, even with all manner of learned glosses, and translated into Latin, English, French, Dutch, Polish."—Carlyle. "The biographical appendix which the editor has added to the volume will be of great interest and value to those who are curious in researches of that kind; but to all the reading nubile this edition of ' The Ad ventures of Tyll Owlttass. will be very welcome, as one of the prettiest and pleasantest volumes of the sea zion."—Crit it. Among the folkbooke of the German nation no one hex obtained so wide and general & ci reulation as that which chronicles the adventures of the strolling vagabond and wise jester. Ow[glass. It has been read by all °lessee, and by all ages. A favorite with the young for its amusing and quaint adventures, and a study for those who strive by the diligent comparison of different eru of national literature, to arrive at a due appreciation of national character, it possesses a peculiar value for the old. In offering the present beautiful edition, clothed in its elegant holiday dross, the Publishers hope that many reader. may find amusement and profit in the quaint humor of Master Owls fame. TICKNOR & FIELDS. PUBLISHERS-- BOSTON 110&22-2t BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS ___ A large and troll selected ageortment of ATTRACTIVE BOOKS for the HOLIDAYS, Now open at the depoettory of the AhIERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY WO ARCH STREET, BELOW SIXTH. JAMES S. DICKERSON, dmot Depository Agent. aHAZARDIS" JUVENILE imoiol. OVER ONE THOUSAND VARIETIES! Of Which tho following are some of the newest and . . pretttest BAIL NIGHT CAPE. By the author of • Ntght Cam,' , Aunt Fanny's Sto rms." dm, ko. II vol.. saner° lemo. 00 cents. CONTENTS. pp Night-Cap letter from Aunt Fanny. tie tort' told to Altnnio. ails sayings and Doings; or, The Effeot 01 a Good &le. Alarittleg! riends. . /How Little duels was Lost and Found. A book jut suited for a little child just commencing to reed is one of the mutt difficult things in the making ofohidren's books. Aunt Fa nny has succeeded in autle.lus herseifit hofnewith these little youngstermod we cars bo IJOU t Knee Krangle will secure a large number of -eon eV ii. _2.... 'NE. IWILDREN'S PICTURE GALLERY: 3 . E.NORAVI_PI PRPI 100 PAINTINGS OP EMI NENT k...NtiLlsli ARTISTS. ,-..,. I voL eta. Bl5O. .`,: ~ Thls la an admirable Pieta re Book for Children. It „ke on y neeess_e,re to mention that It containelarge En. eof_Aterrt-Siarinn an the Olden T ime, Roest% / ran Far CinderellnbyCrulkahank:Sea my b 7 W ebster i Obtldren of Edward, by Paul do la oohs, to., to. -,. , , llf. `, , HA ON 114ONCE(AUBEN - .7 3 11.13 ANO ADVENTOREB OP. Illuatrated Kiri rod rbwaulll. Wlth 10 finely-colored Plate'. and wit 00 Weodlsnvravinga. one vol. avo.. beautifullr liri f tod, extra oloth t gilt edgier, 8180. Tho athlete °Ma ealebratad tiev.tee * l en saw W ei% minualate a ahape that will render THE BOY'S BOOK OP INDUSTRIAL iNFoRMATION, BY ELISHA NOYCE. Illustrated with 310 Engravings, New Edition. 1 voL Ilmo. Cloth, " This Ilan exceedingly useful book for Boys, render ing them familiar with the various important manufac tures and inventions of the present day." D. A. b, itN). RAVE JUST RUdLISHED ROY'S BOOK OF TRAVEL. BOY'S BOOK_ OF MODERN TRAVEL AND AD VENTURE. By Meredith Johnes. With eight illus trations. 1 v01.16r00. 70 cents. BIBLE STORIES IN BIBLE LANGUAGE. 1 vol. email quarto. Rau *km. With ten Muatrationa. /1. MARY LEE: A STORY FOR THE YOUNG. Dy Kate Livermore. I neat v01.16m0. Illustrated. 63 cents. THE 111k.W NIGHT GAPS TOLD TO CHARLEY. By the author of "Aunt Fan ny's Stones" I vol. aquare Ptroo. 90 mite. THE BOY'S OWN TOY.hIAKER t A Practical Illustrated Guide to the Useful Employ ment of Leisure Hours. By E. Landells. With nume rous engravings. 1 vol. square 10ino. 60 cents. HOUSE2IOI D STORIES, Collected by the Brother, Grimm. Newly Translated. Embellished with 2,K) illustrations by Wehnert. 1 voL Cloth, 82; elethgli. 0 s° ' T . BO Y”ti OWN BOOK. A Complete Encyclopedia. of all the Diversions, Ath lotte, Scientific, end Recreative, of Boyhood and Youth, Now edition. I think vol. Cloth, :9 2. MARTHA'S HOOKS AND EYES, A charming httle atory. I vol. 18tno. 22 vents. ENTOMOLOGY IN fil'OET. AND ENTOMOLOGY IN EARNEST. By Two Lot , •in of the Science. I vet limo. 8g126. THE ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS. Translated by the Rev. Edward Foster. Illustrated with 603 engravrto. 613. Yublished by The APPLETON'S," of New York, AND FOR SALE BY SAMUEL, HAZARD, Ja.. de2o 724 CHESTNUT Street. "ji A ARD'S" ELEGANT ILLUS TRATED IVORKS- F ESTI V Prgi'lliWN OF lUl' PUBLIIIIIID BY D. APPLETON k CO. • • . THE WA VE Rl, EY GALLERY. Being a aeries of engraved illustrations of portraits of characters In Mr Walter Scott's romances. 1 elegant volume, eve.. with 36 steel engravings. Morocco an tique, rich style, $lO. RhYNARD, THE FOX. Ater the version of Goethe. By Thomas J. Arnold. With 60 illustrations from the designs of Wilhelm Von Kitulbaoh. 1 vol., Avo., beautifully printed on the finest tinted paper. Clot h. gilt, 8360; morocco extra, $5; morocc_HE 1300 j 0F MODERN BALLADS. A Book of Favorite Modern Ballads. Illustrated with AO illustrations from drawings of the first artists. Slash cage °momenta with a gold border. 1 vol., Bvo., cloth, gilt, 86. RUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. With illustrations lq_ Charles Bennett, and a preface by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. 15 01., Bvo., cloth, gilt, 68; Antigua morocco, $3. THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The most excellent Historic of the Merchant of Yenta.. Written by William Shakspeare. I vol.. 000.. with elegant illustrations. in the style of Gray's Elegy. Cloth,morocco, 84 10. CAMPBELL'S PLEASURES OF HOPE. With 25 illustrations by Birket Foster, and others, in the first style of art. 1 vol., extra cloth, gilt, $1.75; mo rocco extra, 83. MERRY PICTURES, By Comm Hands. Being a collection of humorous De signs by Phu, Cmwouill, Doyle. Leach, Meadows. Hine, ho. With over MO illustrotions and illustrative text. Oblong folio, handsome cover by C rowan% fanny boards, $ 34. AI ERRIE DAYS OF ENGLAND. Sketches of the Olden Time. By Edward McDermott. Illustrated with 22 large Engravings, from drawings by Joseph Nash, George Thomas, Birket Foster, Edward Corbould. /to. Quarto, half morocco, elegant, $6. L'ALLEUttO AND lb PENSEROSO. By John Anton. With upwards of 30 iliustrations, drawn and etched by Birket Foster. The text printed in red. I vol. super-royal /Ivo., bound in morocco an t iqq a, rich stile, es; DorIES . lit L RA ev aE.nt morocco, $ l 2 I In Thirteen Ortainat Versions. 15y Abraham Coles, At D. One eloyant volume. Yon.. morocco antique. For 6310 byVEI LIAZ AHD. JR., Agent fur T.lt ' E A PFIpFTONS," CIMITNOT titrest. CHRISTMAS WEEK U HANDSOME HOLIDAY EDITIONS 011 MISS McKEEVER'S ENTERTAINING WORKS LINDSAY k fIAON, l'u L bb K M abers and DonlanSem No. 23 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Cbeitnut. Publish CHRISTMAS EDITIONS of SUNSHINE; or, Kato Vinton. By Miss Harriet B MoKtiover. Idmo. cloth, gilt edges. Pace 81. In this work the leading character, who is devout, has Loan described as uncommonly Joyous and happy, and the book has therefore been named' Sunshine.' In order to divest religion of that aspect of gloom which many worldlings are disposed to throw around its path. Anything professing to cheer people up and drive away the blues is certainly deserving 01 oneouragement."— Lvent ng Bulletin. TILE FLOUNCED ROBE, and What it Cost. By the above authoress. Idmo. In Red and Blue Bindings. Poise 60 cents. "This is a Juvenile Story, 'pleasantly written, and full of interest, and certain to become a favorite with those of the rising generation into whose hands It may fall."—Boston Post. And Just published. EDITH'S MINISTRY. 12mo. Elegant Holiday Edi tion. Cloth, gilt. 51.23. "The Authoress is already favoranly known to the reading community by hor, previous works. They all sustain a high morel and raliainus tone and are not only safe but salutary in their influence in every family. The present volume is of unusual interest."—Christian Chronicle. THESE ENTERTAINING, INSTRUCTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL. VOLUME:B ARE ALSO TO BE HAD IN PLAIN BINDINGS, TOGETHER WITH A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP ALL °TURK BOOKS SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATION. LINDSAY Sc. 111,AOKISTON. Publishers, i 123 No. 25 south SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS A LIVE BOOK, WM COPIES HAVE BEEN 80LD ! NOW 18 THE TIME I This is the work that is °rentin g so much exoitement IN CONGRES2 Large 12mo. vol., 410 paces. cloth. Price 81. Octavo edition, taper corers DO cents. Fox Sava DT DOOKIDLLERI AND NVNI AMMO ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED to Bell these works the country through, Terme liberal. Single copies sent to any address, postpaid, on re ceipt or price. Add rens A. B. BURDICK, Publishe d2l-datik.Witt No, Ha NASSAU street, New ' fork. NEW PUBLICATIONS. CHARLES DICKENS' WORKS A BEAUTIFUL PRESENT WITH OVER FIVE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS TWENTY-NINE DIFFERENT EDITIONS NO LIBRARY CAN BE COMPLETE WITHOUT A SET OF THESE WORKS. Published and for We by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 CIIEBTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. " PETERBONS' " are the only complete and uniform editions of Charles Dickens' Works ever published in the world. They are printed from the original London editions. and are the only edition. published in this country. No library, either publio or private, can be complete without having in it a complete eat of the works of this, the greeted of all living authors. Every family should possess a set of one of the editions'. DUODECIMO ILLUSTRATED EDITION. COMPLETI tN TWLITY-1111VIX VOLVNIES. The editions in duodecimo formers beautifully Minim ted with over five hundred ideal and wood illustrations, irom designs by Crnikshank, Phis, Leech, Browne, Maolila, McLean, eta., Illustrative of the best woos In each work, making it the most beautiful and perfect edition in the world, end each work is also reprinted from the original London editions that were Issued by subscription in monthly numbers, and the volumes will be found, on examination, to be published on the finest and best of paper. This duodeoimo edition alone has been gotten up at an expense of over Fifty Thousand Delius, but the pub helms trust that an appreciative publio will repay them for the outlay, by a generous purchase of the volumes. All they ask is for the publie to examine them, and they are confident they will exclaim, with one voice, that they are the handsomest, and cheapest, and best illus trated Bet of Works ever published. This edition is sold in sets, in various styles of binding, or any work can be had separately, as follows: PICKWICK PAPERS. Two vols. cloth. Price, 82 60 A I T H LE ANCWOg Tt . wTwo vocloth th ..... 2 660 DAVID COPPERFIBLD. fwo vols., cloth...—. 2 60 OLIVER TWIST. 'lwo vols., .. 2 60 BLEAK 1101181 b. Two vols., cloth .........^..... 260 LITTLE DOR IT. Two vols., cloth. • • ...... 260 DOM uf:y AND SON. Two vols.. c10th... .. 260 . SKETCHES BY HOZ." Two vole ., 260 BAB NABY BUDGE. Two vols., c10th.......... 2 60 MARTIN CH lIZZ LEWIT. Two vols., cloth.— .. 2 60 OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. Two vols.. c10th...... 260 CHR tl 6l A$ STORES. Two vole., slab. •..6 60 DICKENS' NEW STORIES. One vol., c10th.... 126 Price of a set, in 27 vols., bound in black oloth. gilt books, 362 60 Do. do., full law library style 43 00 Do. do., millet, full gilt sides, edges, 640•• 6 8 02 Po, du., hal calf, antique... 65 00 Do. do.. hal calf, antique heel— .... 66 00 Do. do., full calf, BU 03 Do. do, full calf, gilt edges, beck, eta.— 00 00 PEOPLE'S DUODECIMO EDITION. Published in Eight Different Tyleg. This duodecimo edition is complete in fourteen vo lumes. of near one thousand pages each, With two files traumas to each going's, and contains all the reading matter that is in the illustrated edition, printed from the same large type, loaded. The volumes are sold sepa rately, pries One Dollar and Fifty cents each, neatly bound in cloth., or a complete set is thin style will be sold lot Twenty Dollars. f ' me o a set, tn ho vise of a set, in black c10th..... ... . .». .• .820 rice of • set. in lull law library styeY le. —-- 25 '.'jealf or half Turk..,_.• al rice o a eel, in ha if calf. marbled edamFr. In isi erica of a set, in halt calf, antique 35 J'rice of a set, in half calf, full silt back...—. 55 Price Oa set, in full calf, antique la hire of a set, lull calf, tilt edges, backs, sta.. a 5 ILLUSTRATED OCTAVO EDITION. Issued in Biz Different Styles. THIS EDITION IS IN FOURTEEN VOLUMES. and is printed on Very thick and fine white paper. and is profusely illustrated with all the origins' illustrations. by Cruikehank, Alfred Crowquill, Phis, Ac., from the original London editions, on copper, steel, and wood, as well as by original illustrations by JOHN McLartsri. of New York. Each volume contains a novel complete, and may be had in complete sets, beautifully bound in cloth, for Twenty dollars a set; or any volume will bo sold separately at One Dollar and Fifty cents each. The following are their respective names: A TALC or Two Civics, I Dowels. s:so Sim. Lima DOKRIT • leicnogs• leicsgssy, PICKWICK "'Apgar, CLIIIIMIAII &roam, BARNAIST KUDOS, MARTIN OiIZZLIRTIT, OLD thralioerrif SHOP, Ulna's elf "Hos,' Bucks Rouse, OLIVRIL TWIIIT._ DAVID COrriRYIRLD, DICIVIIe New Smites. 1 Price o a eel , in back Moth. In It volumes .....820 Price o a set, full law librair 5ty1e..—........ 2ii frice o a set, half calf or half Turkey 31 rice o • set, halt elf marbled edges French. 35 rice of a set, half calf , antique-- ........ t 2 rich of a set, half cal full gilt edges, Am..-- 43 LIBRARY OCTAVO EDITION. Published in Bevan Different 6tylea, This Edition is complete in SEVEN very large ootavo volumes, with a Portrait on steel of Charles Dickens. containing all of the above works by Charles Dickens, handsomely printed, and bound in meows sty's/. /MO of a eat e in bleat sloth .• , - - - ... - —ors PO rice ci ase , scarlet MOUS. extra...._. ......... 11 ao 'rice o a set. law library style ....... ... • ...... IA co rice o a set, bal Turkey, or half calf... LP 00 rice of a set, hal calf, marbled edges, Franck.. 1100 rise of a est, pal calf, antique-- ... .. ... CO co rice Of a set, half WI, full gilt books, kg....... 70 00 CHEAP EDITION, PAPER COVER This edition is published complete in sixteen octavo volumes, neatly bound in paper °over. Primo, 80 cents a volume. A TALE or Two CITIES. !NICHOLAS NICELISIT. LITTLE DOERIT, CURISTII•I STORIES, PICIIVICIL PAPERS, MAITIE CHOZZLEWIT. .AISERICAVOTTS. S•REATIT REDOE, EICEINS . EW STORIES, OLD CDRIOSITT Ono LEAR HOUSE, BE:rouse ET "Boz," DAVID OOPPERTIELD. OLIVER TWIST. Doarasy AND Son. Plc. is P tor Conies of any work, in cloth, or any set, of either of the Twenty•nlne Editions, in any of the various Styles of bindings, of Charles Dickens' Work,, will be lent to any person to any city or town in any part of the United Wattle, Ines of Poitags or any War crptise, on their remitting the price of the Mama they may wish, to the publishers, in a letter. Published and for tali by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, N 0.308 CHESTNUT Street, above Third it., Philadelphia. Kr All persons are Invited to call and look at these beautiful edition, of the work, of Charles Dickens, complete and entire sets of which can be had to suit all tastes and all pockets, from six dollars a set upwards. HOLIDAY BOOKS HAZARD'S 724 CHESTNUT STREHT, OF EVERY VARIETY AND PRICE, To whioh the attention of CHRISTMAS BUYERS Is invited. STANDARD, ILLUSTRATED, JUVENILE, BIBLE and PRATER BOORS, In every style of bindings, at LOW PRICES. Catalogues now ready and Books conveniently ar ranged on counters, extending the length of the store, thus affording to customers the opportunity of MAKING THEIR OWN SELECTIONS, At their leisure, of many (120 RARE, ELEGANT. AND CURIOUS 1300K8. N E W A.noe BOOKS SELLING EVERYWHERE. TILE GREAT TRIBULATION; DR. CUMMING'S New Volume, which hat already awakened euoh a prodigious excitement throughout the religious communitr. FIRST SERIES. One volume, 12Tno. &natio. Priorisl. " The ,rent London Preacher here lets forth his views of the future in burning wordsortth the energy and zeal of ri prophet sent from God, • • • leis sermons will be road with thrilling interest.—[N. Y. °Carryon LINN AND TRAVELS OF HUMBOLDT With an introduohon by B4YARD TAYLOR. A Popular and interesting biography a summary of his travels; resume of Ms work. and satraote from the most Im portant ones. One Nol.,.with steel portrait. Musli n. V/100 $1.26. MOTHER GOOSE FOR GROWN FOLKS A HOLIDAY BOOK A new and attractive Christmas Volume. Printed on tinted paper, with frontispiece by Billings. Elegantly bound in fancy muslin. Price 70 cents. VERDANT GREEN A clever and amusing sketch of adventures in an English University. Illustrated with nearly 210 hu - morous - wood outs. One vol. Ninetieth thousand. Mus lin. Price 81. Any of these Books will be sent by mad, postage free, to nnypart of the United Htntes, 9n the renetpt of the knee, by RUDD & CARL Publishers and Booksellers, dl7-ths•tf N 0.130 GRAND Bt.. near Brondway. N-V LEV E LAND'S COMPENDIUM OF IL/ AMERICA LITERATURE. 13°Iud In blue nTai book. IDDIE. lulco E.C.&J.BinorguNo. MI M eet. THE RE-ISSUE OF BENTON'S DE HATES OF CONGRESS, in monthly volumes, will commence on the First of January, ISM Subscriptions received by JOHN AIeFAHLAN, Sole Ayent, Arcade_ hotel, 621 CHESTNUT Sr., diei-FN (Mee of the ew American Ennyclopedia.) HOLIDAY BOOKS! C lIRIST NTAB _IIOOXB ! ! ALL BOOKS OF KINDS!!! SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS For sale by LINO:3_ & I3LAKISTON. We No. 26 South sixili St., above Chestnut PAPER HANGINGS, Ac. TO CLOSE BUSINESS. We offer from now to the end of the rear our LARGE STOOK OF PAPER HANGINGS. AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Persons wiehing their House, Papered, oan get great BARGAINS Dy cation early on HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., dl3-Im NO. 322 OLIESTNIIT STREET. ROSIN, PITCH, AND TAR.-500 bble. Rooin Oil allnia t las end utilities rnanalnotured and far able by ROwlAdY i AEIRBUILNER, it 00.. Pici, II &Kan WHAIitTEL 419 TWO CENT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,1859. Mils Brewster's Art-Novel.4" This unpretending narrative, so llfe•like that it seems rather like the fragment of a real antohiogra pby than a work of !lotion, differs in kind from every other novel with widish we are acquainted. Almost destitute of plot, It yet charms the ;reader by its elevated tone, its refined taste, its uitudeal periods, and the quiet artistic beauty of the pic tures it presents. The story is simply this : An American woman, Fanny Fanvette, who has been overwhelmad by a great sorrow—the loss, it would seem, of so 4e dear friend—retiree to a valley in Switsterland to seek quietness and pease away from so-oalled Mends. There she settles down in the family of a Pipfesacr Bouvreuil, and Ands a tranquil home for, many years. In her book she simply paints the @Sentry, and draw, the characters which surround her in that home. Miss Brewster adds to an acquaintanoe with French, German, and Italian the knowledge of a language seldom, indeed, mastered by British and American writers—to wit, the English. she is mistress of the art of word painting, and She in terprets the language of music into the language of words in a manner which shows her mutely , over both Afa natiea per la vrusiea, when she touches upon her favorite topic she is always eloquefit: "Music is the only true language fit to Impress some emotions of the soul. Such is the inferiority, of oar mortal nature. that our words never express to others. nor to ourselves, that which we are feeling deeply. Let the warm tide of some noble feeling, wins generous ap preciation, some tender sympatnnwell up ia our; heartr, and we are speechless ; or, if we attempt to speak, we utter only the same words and expressions wil should use hourly in tho most insignificant conversations; the hot tears rush to our eyes, our pubes throb, out whole being palpitates, but we rest dumb. We elan produce the physical cries of the animal; but we cannot. when expressing come keen emotion of grief or Joy oti admi ration of beauty, ea seen in works of Nature or 'Art, at tain by words the delicate poetical feeling we Wish to expr ems. We cannot give the cry of the soul, A grand generous emotion does not ask to be materially repre sented by words; these are too realistic, and siva either an Ines ni6cant or false impression of that which is stir ring within us. Only in Music do we find the exPresaion interpreted intelligibly." The thing has often been geld before, but who has ever said it so well ? " Compensation" is full of little touebel of ge• nins, the outpourings of a heart purified by "groa t sorrow—sad, but not morbid in its„sadneu. I abound' In pathos—a quiet, refined, natural pa thos, like llawthorne's—no sickly sentimentalism and the spirit which breathes through it scents like» the pure and delicate fragrance of the ml netts It will be especially a favorite with the 114 sex. In this world roan does not lire by bread, alone; still lees, it may be said, does woman. It is true that, to a person ignorant of mute u a science, there is, perhaps, too much art-talk ; but, then, the style is so perfect, that one reads with pleasure—even when he cannot wholly understand. One gets a pleasing glimpse into the artist-trorld— a world by itself, like that formed by the drotees of any other branch of human knowledge. The writer is an accomplished Philadelphia lady. •Compensation; or. Always a Future. By - Aurae M. H. Brewster. 1 vol., Moo., pp. 227. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. GLANCES AT NEW BOOKS The crowded state of our columns, at the Season when an army of advertisers will oomonMicate with the public, compels our literary notices to be so unusually brief, that, when the pressers La over, we must return to many volumes now Naimoli men ttoned, and speak more fully of them. Frank Moore, of New York, has brought out hie long-expeoted "Diary of the American Revolu tion," with numerous portraits and views, witeh i. the first work upon the American Rev°latlfm out looted from the Whig and Tory newspapers 'lot the day, from January 1775, to the earrender of! Corn wattle, In the fall of 1781, which virtuallyiended the War. This book is published by Soribner • Co., New York, and Mr. J. MeFarbin, thej slant here, whim. entrepot is in the dreads Hotel, can c h ow opocimm «plea Nut supply subsetibert When tplealterntits, we shall have a long aches of this remarkable work. Ticknor a. Fields, Boston, have publlahed'" The Crusades and the Ontsadere," by John 0. Adger, with eight illustrations by Julian Punch. ,It is the very romance of Idatery—all true, yet reading like the work of a brilliant imagination. From the same publishers we bare another of Captain Mayne Reed's exciting stories in the Robinson Crusoe manner. It is called "The BoiTar ; Or, a Voyage in the Dark," and takes the, guise of an autography related by Philip Poster, an old mariner, It has surprising vraiserrib4anee, and relates how a poor lad, eonoealed in the hold of arose', made his &et voyage. We particularly would draw attention to the twelve illustrations by Charles B. Keene, a rising English artist—some, with the single figure of the boy, have the eEeot of Millais' designs.—We also have from Ticknor k Fields, "New Miscellanies," by Charles Kingsley, a bold thinker and earnest writer. It contains his more recent contributions to the leading English periodicals, and his graphic introductions of, Bun yen's Pilgrim's Progress and Brooke's Fool of Quality. A great book, this, with its depth cf thought, picturesque grans, and wonderful power of expression. Gould k Lincoln, Boston, have published a charming gift-book, which will probably send one half of next rummer's wanderers to study the pio turesque of mountain scenery. The book, vary beautifully brought out in all respects, is named " The White Hills ; Their Legends, Landscape, and Poetry." The author is Thomas Starr King, of Boston, and there are sixty illnetradons, engraved by Andrew, from drawings by Wheelock, also a Mi s' sachusetts man, we believe. The White Moun tains stand in New Hampshire, and author and ar tist tell us and show us all about them. A more luxurious volume of travel has rarely been pro- duced. The author describes what he has seen and what others have seen, and illustrates his de sariptions by copious and apposite selections from the best poetry of America and England. The le gends and traditions related are full of interest. The account of Ethan Crawford, the gentle giant of the White Mountains, is imbued with peed° feel ing—yet we believe It wholly true. We dismiss this beautiful volume, for the present, with a strong recommendation to buy it. From Gould a Lin coln we also have " Gotthold's Emblems," written by Christian Feriver, Minister of Madgebnrg In 1671, translated from the 28th German edition by the Rey. Robert Menalea, Haddam, England, A remarkable volume which is now first put into English, after nearly two centuries of unbounded popularity in German homes. It is a volume of brief apologues in which, with high devotional feel ing, whatever meets the hero's notice upon earth points a moral towards something beyond the earthy; f. e. the invisible is illustrated by the viel ble. Truly, a rich book of devotional literature. "Sir Rohan'a Ghost," a romance, published by J. E Tilton it Co., Boston, has excited no small attention in that Athens of the East. It has mart* any incident, and very few dramatis por.sone. It is, in fact, a psychological story, written, in part, with great affluence of language, but deficient in the element of probability. It is a strange book, apparently the fruit of a scholar's fancy. We read every line of it, and lingered, now and then, in ad. nitration, over some fine word-painting of scenery. But the great misfortune of the book is that the thoughts are overlaid by the multipUeity of the words. The writer, if he try his hand again, mast prune this exuberance, and mingle the actual with the faneiful much more than he has done here. T. B. Peterson a Brothers base sagsolottaly re membered that, at the present genial season, peo ple have to feed ILI well as to read. They have accordingly brought out, in extra boards, with gilt edges, their three popular books as cuisine. These are Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book, which has long had a deserved popularity; Mrs. Male's New Cook Book, which has a capital index; and Mrs. Wlddetield's New Cook Book, eminently practical, and mat intelligible in Its language. Messrs. Peterson have a new edition of " Courtship and Matrimony," by Robert Morris, formerly editor of the Inquirer. From Messrs. Peterson we have "The Old Bat tle-Ground," by J. T. Trowbridge, one of the very beet juvenile stories of the lemon, published by Sheldon h Co , of New York. -.9150 .200 Petersona hare also sent to some publications front Mayhew .t Baker, Boston. These are " The Skater's Pocket Companion," which can almost teach any one to skate before he ventures on the ice; " Home Songs for Little Darlings," a well selected collection of poems adapted for young people; and "The sing of the Golden River," written by John Ruskin, the art critic, and illus trated by John Doyle. This last is well got up, and the story, which is wild and wonderful, is well related. It was written, 1111841, without any TN, to publication. G. G. Evans, Chestnut street, has a new took for young folks, with colored illustrations upon tinted paper, called "The Child's Book of Fairy Tales" containing nine capital stories, not one of which we ever read before. It is neatly got up, but Its great merit is its originality. Lindsay A Blakiaton have reissued "Aladdin," with barley's illustrations; "The Boma Story. Book ;" and "The Young American's Pioture THE WEEKLY PRESS. Tau Wrizif Pomo .ill be not to Ilaburflion by weal (wet &anus.adclaite.) thrice Costae. " " Flee Genial. 'Tea Trent,' Ce;lisso" Twenty Copies, or event " ..eh Babsoyiber.) ewe— POT a Ma) of Tweati-ime or imenvo will mot am wan 001 , 7 to the setter-or of the Mob. Ilir Peekaaaterm are 7•41:61044i kr aet as avail bt TY/2 WZILLT PIUS. c4.I.IIFOILNIA PYLES& lamed 4.d-Maa44 4 time far tie Cilitarada IStaamirs. Gallery." This lut hAs seventy eavariAp en wood. Charles Desilvor relented Peter Parlors Take about Europe, Int published thirtpose ;win age, arid the Life of Columbus, by the sane author. Both ars illustrated. The Asa slim Baptist &Sat, pablisk tho fitoty of Bethlehem," finely illustratsd, and printed es tinted paper—it is &maga!, a book foe tits young. They also publish, in small 4ta., "Tim Holiday Wreath," a eolleetion of tales and sketches, &dip. total and wear, with nnineroas angratins on wood. Appleton A Co., New York, have republished one of the beat scientific works that have appeared in England for many yaws. This is Philip Henry Gasses "Evenings at the liimoscoe, or Re searches among the minutes organs and forms of Animal Life." It Is eopkouly Iliustrated with wood engravings, and the singular simplicity and felicity of its style, as well as the embus of its investigations, must make it a book for the parlor table as well as for the library Above all, it must delight the inquiring mind of youth. It is sold by Huard, Chestnut street. Rudd & Carleton, New York, nutmeg a tram- Luton of Measles's new work, Woman" (La Femme), as • companion of his " Love," translated by Dr. J. W. Palmer, which was so remarkably in:ceased a few months ago. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. " rd, Th . st we are profy at tached to the ßena Constitution of .the tilted S ndl tates; that we honor and cherish it as the pen.Aient of our liberties, and as &jut, wise, and liberal basis for the continued and perpetual Union of the States." The above Is one of the neolations anaalsoeily adopted at a recant meeting of the people held in Clark esburg, Virginia. A imitation looking to ■ poi:tibia dissolution of the Union was eo eneeeedelly opposed by the Rm. John 8. Carlisle, formerly a member of Congre from that dist:dot, es to lead to its withdrawal Bo may mar fare all sash trai torous movements! We believe, this day, that Virginia would rebuke a proposition for dlisinioa fifteen to one, if it were submitted to a popular vote.—Baltimors Or' Frederick Dopes:is, the well-known slave Abolitionist, is now in Yorkshire. He Is the ees • of the Rem Dr. Crofts, New Connexion Halifax, who for many years was aadadonary is America.—Liverpoof Courier, 7th. iGis• The last billet-doux from Garibaldi is as °toot., Nor. 26.—Dear Captain Bane, o: I en tirely ooncur with you in the plan of - an Itahaa crusade, and I think It a =emirs worthy of a people which I. resolved to nomads' luau at AO hazards. What I would not have is the title of Generalissimo. Say that lam with you, and that is enough. Whenyou want me, send forme; but let it then be really for action. QUILL= re- The Cluter Comuy Times nominates he the Govan*r of the Key Eon. State the Son. Tommend Reba. Fi g ' The Southern Opposition and beitpendent newspapers are beginning to speak out beldii against the disunion clamors. The Itiehatosil (Va.) News, for example, says that if either Wise or Hunter can see the way to a nomination for the Presidency, we will bear no mare threats of dis union, and that no man of any sense belletta that such an wont as the dissolution of the Union la likely to happen. Bays the News: "He who professes to hay* deliberately weighed the consequenees to Virginia alone of a &moieties of this Constitution—viewed even in Its conse quences to Virginia, and her slave property, and her other material in terses--mni professes to desire disunion, is a eonosited simpleton, et an empty blockhead, or something worse than either. "Of all the States of this Union,'lt is demonstra ble, even as to her slave interests, that there is no State In this Union that would gain as Little and endure so much by disunion as this glorious old State. Calm, deliberate, pains-takins and inform ed redaction, will satisfy any impartial mind that email the theories—we mean the oonunercial, and linancial, and manufacturing th eories of that mind who advocate disunion—Virginia would and no Ow., hare no intone., and possess no voice in a purely Southern confederaoy." Tan Co: rase fon ErnAins.—The Wheeling (Va.) Intillignsogr Pays: The Democratic cowomm are still talking about Helper's book, at trying to the Roue. They are woomplisbiagee for what he never could have areornplidted for him self they are meeting a demand for the book which the publishers are enable to supply. In this our Democratic friends are certainly pluming • very suicidal courts, if they would consult their own interest For the whale two years that tide book has been before the peddle, if weMt phew any rellance in the staterneots of mu there has not bean ea moth ingot r C ei rrit as there has been in the part two weeks. owe is now desirous of seeing and reading it, order to know what It really does eontata, that that. should be so mach time and money expeaded=r, it into public notice. This desire, we is not. by any meant' confined to the North, tat I. equallextanaire in the South. now moth better it wou ld be for all parties if this clamant was thrown out of the House altogether, or at least till snob time as the Howe is organised! The votes that have been recorded for Speaker don't baud* that the South has gained a shirts vote by the discussion, or by the speedos that hare been made against the book—for thaw has been no dis mission—but have only staved off a malt width Is inevitable, sooner or later, if oar Information is correct, and that Is the election of Sherman as Speaker." M"The Pans correspondent of the Leaden Literary Gazette says that with regard to ladies' ammo there is a system established in the Imperial Court at Compiegne that ISOM something positively wicked. Peer toilettes a day are about the gene ral requirement, though there are days when only three are necessary; the invitations ars far eight days, and no lady is expeetsd ern to be seen twice wearing the same gown. Count this up, and you will And an average of thirty or thirty-two Mi• bitted to be carried down to the wart Suppose a female inritis not to be alone, but to bare a daughter (or two daughters) with her—you come at ones to ninety or ninety-sir dresses ! How, the Image of them gowns will be 254 francs (£10), because, while the Atter ones coat 300, 400, or 544 franca each, there may be same which cod only 120 or 160 francs ; but put them all at 250 frames, you reach, for each person, the figure of 1300 or £320, and if two persons, /600 or 1540; if three, £9OO or £O5O. Air linssorm ADYTIMIILILTIOX.—if any per. son doubts that this is arrest and glorious country, and that we have a remarkable Government to oontrol its affairs, let him road the sere from the Rio Grande frontlet, published In another part et this morning's paper. For about two months a rabble of armed Mexican vagabonds and horse. thieves have been plundering, pillaging, and murdering our people in that region, and now the Sag of Mexico waves above their fortilleatkw on our soil. In the mean time our Government has made a most stupendous effort to repel the invaders and protect its eitisens. It hu sent to the seat of ear an Imposing force of some fifty L'aited States troops, who cannot, aoeording to the command. lag officer's interpretation of his tub actions, stir outside their barracks. Sueh lineup :Tied promptitude and energy de• mend for oar Administration the most unqualified admiration, of muse. Next thing we shall hear that Old Book hoe shouldered his musket, as he did on a former memorable ooeasion, and proceeded In person to the teens of dlsorder.—N. 0. Crescent VIRGINIA AND PILININLVANIA.-00T. Win en 3ionday sent a message to the Virginia Legisla ture, enclosing a communication from a eammittee of a public meeting of the eitisess of Philadelphia, tendering to the State of Virginia, as an uprooted= of their sympathy for the lite invasion of her ter ritory, and of their devotion to the Union, • ban ner, which the Governor, in hie reply, promised should be presented to the General Ammo Sly. The tag is the gift of " the eithens of Philadelphia, irrespeetive of party," who pledge "a Union of Hearta, • Union of Hands, and the lbw of oath Union forever." Gov. Wise, in reply, says: " With that pledge, I gratefully and affection ately swept the beautiful ling which has been re calved, and is now unfurled in our Capitol, for a Commonwealth which gars a 'Lennon to Carpon ter's Hall for the day of the 4th of July, MS, and a Washington to make the declaration of that day, from that good. " Your sympathy, air, is the sympathy of patri otism. It 13 the beating of hearts to hearts in bo soms which feel as our fathers felt towards each other. It would have bean strange and unnatural Indeed, if any other feeling than this had glowed forth from Philadelphia. And you may rely upon It that we still hare oontidenea in, and love for, the patriots of Pennsylvania. Your State, in the lat• disturbance of our peace, has acted the part of • sister State. We rely upon her loyalty to eonser votive principles, as they are embodied in our Con stitution of Union, and we are assured that the mass of her citmens would be our brothers in arms against any wrongs to either Commonwealth. It is for that reason that I 000ldently appealed to the authorities to be vigilant to restrain those who would assail our peace and safety ; and it is be cause of our sincere desire to preserve the Union that we are impelled to ask not only 13t sympathy from the people In their primary , assemblies, but for the unction of conservative laws to anions the obligations of the Constitution." rir Mr. Grover, on the 13th, introduced into the Legislature of Kentucky a resolution instrueting Representatives and Senators from the State, in Congress, to urge upon the treaty-mating power of the Government the necessity of inserting in the treaty of 1842 * provision making the rendition of fugitives from labor equally binding upon Great Britain with that of those from justice. The reco. lotion was unanimously adopted. Iltire are some half-down slaves living In Nebraska, owned as house servants by Southern officeholders ; and to prevent Tartan eneevaeh ments of slave property on free soil a bill has been introduced into the Territorial Legislature, providing for Its abolition, which has paned to a third reeding In the Bootee, and been referred to a select committee. ......, .......,....... we .—............. LIS rpm (toow is NA (to Wilma et