;; :',IY ; Irelltl,llll - 11110eliMiekaatife... , ..Dee. - 2 . WO*loan. • - • 11.74"%::::::"..'.:;.:111,., b(1; 11 , 1,1'i1 dn!. 4 , 1 , - : 6 ,:iiii I,i ' ,' rift it Mit 664= arlllloo ~, do.' .: . '..",•rieiligi tab iti t tio wi, 4 :1 4. ,. ffis A rtfga t it 4 ..... ~,,,,,,,, ../„,_ .4 0 ,,,,...;. gg.,"50 glee Sol, lc. Pitt fiL. 404 Me of, 012 z. ..' '17, 4 1.150mMA pitioectit, 4 - 5 , I ' OO eiditl4 , •4: 4,40 ft . -"Oil , do'. ~,.,...blo 60„ 106' - do --•` ' , Wilt 0 Chtbsato & R.I.R. ...". 62Yi Hed 1 1 .44 , ,1f .A 69 53 150.-,': ,de -"-I . 4PS 6 6 2 :a ..' ' , ll ''iie ~4,-....‘V- . .. .-- 4t Mt_ ,' do ~,...LOW 62 MX) ' do.. .- .'' :...: 1 1„,,..._•d0,..„• ”b/ 0 • 4*.ilt Cebirait:,• . 100 :. , t`s , dO .. • . ~, ' . 266 62 SO %do -..v, - .-.. - . t-,' : 50- '1 de -. 4•-• 023, ' litipetoin . T ' eled:ci L.... t00.,.".' - .de ..... - .•••1:60 83 ! , “.... ,? ' P •,.... VIM MARKETS . + - Alamein unetiansedrad fen:minus heavy et 86 1!34 for Pots and sis.zsgs 31 or reads. Ftritar-..Theirwhet et fi.tifte and Western Floor in dull and he (cy,yettb ti fiar recelSOl.' Sales of 3,600 IMIs at tlit i tie•S•96 , for super tie State. $16.104re1.25 for extra do, Coolo.int for, taper se western. $5,104t5..90 for extra o, 1i1t.An5.70 :spar% round hodti.illito. , Southern limos doll end 'eon , . Sales 01,800 %is at $6.65 e 6.75 far mixed to - „ s , and $690a7 . 2.5 for extrit•• Canada Flour is gale . Ra tios of extra at eaterie GO. tfitette.---WheatAs tvry'dall and deolining. with sales of 10006 bus at 81.25111,30. for Southern red. Corn is dull totbetnehansed, with small sales et iesterday's quotattoas.Oats ate quiet, at 404445 e for Eleuthera ' i petreolvallia,' and Jersey; and Vesinge for Stile, Oa nem. and Pi astern, Paavymeas —Port us dull wed heavy, with sales of I 01) hb.s at $16.855 - 1637 for Riess, and tit V% for ee, *tor Ls - quiet-with 'Muni 200 bble at 8404.441 or country of Prieto; eratazo for bountry Mess t 854210 r repiteked,Western.t 10 We'll - for extra Mess. ne is ummanied. • V olm teats are steady at "Xe7o r Blunklder" , eue,Sel.oa or Bevy.. Lard is more act- t honft , a ales of ddo bbls at Anxn lin. Butter and , slt74:l l grd l arifltt lloiilinat at UN°. ll:killePration at Altoosia._ , Artscioss:: Pa,. Tie.c.l6 —Yestordsy the introdnelon of am and water was celebrated with great rejoicings end display tin the partorthe entertirsins eiti sena of this ,isiountalli Ohl. A' large •processiorr.was formed, oonsistins of militate companies. lodges of Masons. Odd - Fellows. , gett Alen, Bons of America. soldiers of let soldiers of the Mexican war. workmen in several r anehes of mechanics connected with shoe of the ite l t inlet! a l Ting . h t it ite e e n tre7n to h a e n t ZT.i line neatly a do in length. rier,pwoung over, the route selected. they assembled In front of tb • t,oran House. t - • listen to the • rotor of the, day.. t f WEs q. - ; Realtor from thin district. Bin tisstioli. in e rt and to the' point. was wall renewed. In the Manna's the town was handsomely Illamin Med. moiridievshoeStensitre shops of the Pennsylvania Rail goad Oompeny. making aot isnificent display, It was a 'Wade) , for ail teat participated. ; • d.ur vas and water worka are now in full operation. and will add much to the attraction' and comfort of the Mountain City. CITY. ITEMS. `FOR TBB /10i1DAFR. TER:COSNOTOLITAN ART AISOCIATIOR Any Dersoriean bacoma a member. br aubiaribing WIESE DOLLARI, Whieh euin will sniffle the sn'seriber to— let: The beautiful &eel Engraving, "Bhaloseave and We Friends." - 9d. A gen 'Qi" elegantly Illuntratid'Art Journal one year. „ Ai. _Arne Simeon. Admiration to the Galleries, No. lee Broadway, New Vett. IR adilitiop tn.:which. SeVenitl. 'HUNDRED valuable work. br Art iMo etwenfo Nu' earthen, on premiums— oompriehig-clioted Scoljidures Gntinee, &c., by the first Amerttim and foreign artiste. - The ettioo PlettrViu; — which every euhscriber' will metre, raietAnteTera en the receipt of subscription— entitled,' • • , ' - • "exiattaisatit axe sue tRINNDgr " a•chereister to give unquallfied pleasure and eau& taetion.. Pio wort of equal value ores ever before placed within the reach:of the - penile 'at Inch a pane. The Enstavina•iit of a. very taro eine, being PrintoO, on hetivy plate patlir,lo by 3 . 8 inehes, .making a most =- Path ornament, suitable for the walla of either' the library, parlor or &Ida, ' Moil( of it: Enehtt volt, delivered free bf and the Aar .Totts tiAi. One year. for Tares Dollop,. No person is restricted to wrangle subscription. Three remitting 415 art entleed to six memberships. Perunia wishing to form Clubs - will kepis fora Circu lar of terms. I. E. E. fluter & Co., - Agents. . • •.N. W. &met ofTifih and Chestnut streets. Tsuse SotOas'pSrovna TRIUMPHANT. --There has * been no modern invention that has attricted more _Terrdie interest then the oelebrated a Merit Ges-consum trig Cooking !stave, • with the double Hollow eclairs , titeen perforated - en the under - side, oflvtdob Mr. James jpear..ho.llli) Market street, to the patentee The en. `gieriority of this stove over every other in use has lte some universally salroowledged wherever it hue been Introduced. it is not: however. our present purpose to describe the scientific, merits of this stove, as wo have done that already, hilt wither to call attention to the feet that Mr. facilities to meet the imm -nee demand -for them ere Whip largely Increased. Nothing perhaps has more effeetively confirmed too opolerity Of this admirable stove then the efforts it bee evoked on the part of other manufacturers to mesent to the public a similar article,' The tight of Mr. Spear, however, to thin valuable dmoovery in stove manufacture, hat been triumphantly vindicated. Mr. Spear is theiefore the only manufacturer of the genuine article store re • ferred to. and we Advise our readers here, and in every other Dirt of t e Felon, to hoar the fact in oiled in making their Purchases. The same nrincinlir which has made thoropularity of MY.'Speee's 'Own erorld.tride, hat also been applied by him to °Dahlia-ranges, which he is manufacturng in 'all iris* and 'which; are satin front intelllceet arid en ter-Prising builders. are rapidly taking precedence of all others.-There Is dciuble•iiibrantate connected with these stoves and ranges which housekeepers know how to ap p reciate, and that 'L./fret, their decided economy. and lecendly,,their wonderful eonvenienen, Lithe fet ter particular, they have well-nigh revolutionized the • routineofthe kitouen. • /kit we must not close this youreinenotice of ajuatli Popular establishment without referring to another arti ale of scareelf, less merit than those. already named i we allude to Mr Roses highly.impreved Bilver'e Intent heatingcatotote,„far parlors - 7 chambers. °Moe', : ma.. 'with the patent ornamental urn. attnehmant. These beautiful stoves have been brought to the high. pat p4MstGle perfection. by the logenuitr of Mr; Spear ' and es they are coastrueted it( lke* varying to suit all situations and aircamitannes, we commend there to' the public as worthy of the widest patronage, for Tenons name will. fait io *Peraolate on examining, ter .Ithentselves. in conelnaion, we may add. that as the ISP/rent Mvinz season is at hand, husbands would act embolbehlug ,tbe "home department" with I ;reltherrif the above-named articles,- Ouch a gift would make a ithiaishut and utilitarian memento for jeers to AtionittakilearClCiAttfl.—lie invite attention to the advertisement 'of Mr. Richardson (No. 1015 Chest nut street) in another column. . The lovers of prime ,Maysuasorrell.their choicest varieties, den liero be - Milted to a nleeV. His stock of meerschaum tubes and 7:piretir to tiniurelimied;" and . contains , some beautiful no t settles for Presents.' 09111811 - AS 01110.—Would you be ECM of 'pleas. tag your friends, metre them a Chri - imes present of the Stereoscope nod Pinteres. Enaptilium 18 South Eighth St fa& Cromer tc Co. - , „ Pave . our'advertiing columns we learn that the milehreted Rev. Antoinette Brown Sineirwell sri'l tare this evening at the Motion! Fund Hall. Her sub- Sea te, " Men and Women," and a crowded audience May be enveoted. " tai Goon DENSE, that fountain of the Muses' art, Let thextrons mtge of Door/den import; . For if the mind with oleos &veep ion slow. The wilting words inlust expansions flow." Eying one should mid, as by reading the mind, is en riched. and she_ conversational powers greatly 1111- ,oh:wad. The greet emporium of useful and entertain• mg -literature is jib loans' Gift-Book etore, No, 439 Cheataut street.where all the recent publications may be had for 810300. ands beautiful gift prevented to the purchaser, valued at from 411 to" 8100. - Us, UNION MOVE/11BNT is spreading, and ie des tined to make itself felt peer-the entire country. We believe that shortll after the organisation of Congress, 6 grand rational convention will be called at some wont, moot sr.bably PliCadelphia, for the purpose of el larnot ekalt.snent and cementing the brotherhood of the Baton.. Whilst here. the delegates would als o have Ittiiipportnnity of visiting. the Continental Clothing Rouse" of E. FL Eldridge & Co., Northesat corner of Chestnut and Fighth streets. aid Inspecting the splen did assortment of clothing theveln contained. GIST BOOR BrOIN. n 0.432 Chestnut street. Sky your'ffoliday Books at Evans' Boy your Holiday Books at EVans' Buy your Holiday Books at Evan? - Buy your Holiday Woks at Evens' Oiit Book Store, ' Gift Book Store, 61St Book Store, Oft Book Ettore, me the best place In the city. , 'Tis the best place in the city. • 'Tie the best place in the city. 'Tie the beet place in the city All Bootie are llold as olwas as at any other store, - -An Books are sold Mr .:Mean as atenr other stole, All Books are sold as cheap aa at any other store, And you have the advantage. And you have the advantage, • Ar•Ayou ha e the advantage. Of getting a Gift with each Book Of getting a Olt with each Book, Of getting a Gift with each Book. CALL IT, AND ONE WILL CONVINCE TOV Thetitle the beet place in the cite to cerebrum Books, G 0140 A O. RVANA', Originator of the Oils Book Business; d 17.64 No. 439 Chestnut greet. - HOW TO M %KZ 4 1 - Win& HAPPY.—rPrellent her Irlib Ladd, Waiter. d• Co.'s 'lmproved enbinir ,ekie4-7,theuxefulani 4 bertut(fu/ article to be found. Thai Utah numerous Flint ?normals this ycai beer - all others. Cell end see them. 'et NO Chesnut street IMPoitTATIONS. (Resorted tor Ths Press.) NEW ORLEANS—Brie Alen Bernard-129 bales cot. ton Thos ItienArdsoo & Co; 60 do 01 nobine,n & Co; 140 do Knight & Bell; 54 hhds en ar 40 libls molasses Harris 11.71 & Co; 164 hhls molasses D s.lamnn & Co; 90 do E Knight & Co; .100 do 15 ohds surer. White. Brothers Co; 37 bhis Mobilede W rucks lc Co; 10 do oil Wolfe & CO; 6do wheels Curds & kand:2o o velisker W J Ben nem; ors Inds.' Lippincott & Co; Ode J B Amish & Co. 5 do A W Harrison; tau empty casks Massey, Co line & Co:90 Able molasses t atom mdse order.- MO OIL E—Solir Julia Yolt-325 hides cotton It Patter eon & Co; 375 do I)l3shimno Sc. t a; 67 most* essks,Dith mails Bets; 335 do Massey , & Co; S boxes mass* w 1151716011 WI WON') PO, Nr3.4lehr II Moore-170 bids /19/5 /1.1r919 1 / 1 66 SO Bags pea ions -0 0 Van amass. Jr; 197 bbhe rota tursentine 655 do tosm 40 bales cotton Cochran nustell; 366 bbls Eats turpentine ate. & Poster; 41 boles eatton gnitbt & 103 Ws sate turpentine .140wies, 51,601 . 55 r, 6C COI_ 10 1151011 "slieeeting Tinsley oti& An & Co; b boo urine 0 Isaacs; Ito bags 905 11001 to Order. - - ' • „ „ , - BAVANNAR—Nahr Jahn Anrut=7327 bales cotton D BidomonA. Co, 10 do II Sloan & Son; ye do r; Trainer; 66 'do elentesties_7 t fern Elf k Ale Devitt; 05 do domestics d 0 Vint Ct a bore & t.. 0; au CAOII rine D atetepp & Co; 31Meto Sono Toiler, /muslin & Oat 1 sale. Farrel. "terrina &.cieflkmmdee A -Heron. Jr; SO empty oar hope POWAtik , WAlabtruaill -410 empty aeons ittesset, & 0o; el pegs mule DV bales cotton order. . ,-'lfAienz-,INTipLuGEricE, ifEE.NMATIT FADE ARRIVED. min frfin, 8 14 n ti gh tl IP Uit " ltittl t m i g tni l v - 1, 6 f 3 8 lit Loo v .& .rom. pua ten, With in iie to L4 ll ° ? ra 'f' tit with ma. r t , o . ya _ow o to David CO6OIIIY. • • Bohr Pliothe rolgon.yunt, l gay t!pm Salem, ItTiwith - /sort t0.4 1 / 4 Cltt It Wir 11 - 2 d't Lime*, Doi, Bohr -A olteoooi . , 9 : With flru i° "I ke liewl" 2 '4 1 'l3 1 1 , 11 with Behr Lucy' SILK ReArbi r ay TOM a em, , min to Jos L Wfwlot& Co. 4001fteppowleAlle OI l'111113.) II SW Admifel,ltem : Ditere; pnrkßJpheaer, r!r°111e1411904!k elv e r "lri :An; Dee 20. Airltrild:r"ohlt nolidiols! - 1:6311011a144 briS RebPcen. Bibtt,G, ?taw ctetteirs, Deo Xt.. K4riooo,l!hlp*.rtrus, from New Yerk, toksoli for Liverpool, cleared at .lilarstiurk,Yelleritsr• " e.81441:E1i1h19 AtlatitiO. x40_1719,11, !40a , r8 at NGIV,,TOrk Nfsy lot - AbOinriaW . eAsiintinp..fforthistsr t: 7ones, for Aspinwall, clamed 1 6 1 1. 81asin ell irp' Try it. WI is.fo ts:, - Petrie, horn Liver lth inst. aprived a NSW' York estgrak,. _ wuniftip eita , o( New , f or k, vita, lorrh!ladVp!let, =`!' - a l pit d iligi l tjtruilastlgtallortlaii; via Ilalifa_x,* 0rtift , 44A70011141. - 41- , ,1 31 P . Warruatlnttrh ;onus, for Plulitilo ' lettra4 st all e irCiPoi n ottvrie Ramon. rim Loudon for Houk r o of sas oat toonvueo. 6th Ship Elwood Walter, Lone, far Sydaoy, chimed at London 6th net. Bark Crusader, Whitney, from Chi% waS bolow Bal timoreyesterday. Bark Monmouth, Smith, for Philadelphia, was at Man sion 19th ult. Bark Mary. Edson. Niekersov. for Messina,' sailed froth Eastport 9th inst. Bark Rapid. fdarsohal, from Vera Cruz, arrived at N York yesterday. • , Brie Brandywine, Harmont which sailed train Ala de Janeiro lith alt, for Pbiladelohta, returned same day, with Miss onibbooMlwould snit Its soon as repaired. Brig Loanso, King, sailed from Manaanilla Id inst. for Philadelphia, Brig Florist, Orion, hem*, arrived at I ondon 7th inst. Brig Yankea Blade. Darling. from Rio de Janeiro Nov 9, arrived et New 'York yesterday Brie Ormos, Baker, hence for New Bedford, arrived at New Yorkyesterday. Brig Jaseph Park Silks, from Portia mbuoo, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig Queen of the Booth, Chapman, front Rio Grande, arrived at New York yeste , day. Bohr Clifton, Morrie, cleared at Now York yesterday for Brand wine. lei, load for St Cram. Boh vent New zard yesterday.rom Montevideo Nov 2. arr York Left barks WOM- Clllllolll.Whildin, for New York, Idg: .1 W Friend, for Faikland Islands. salad let Nov, to take the cargo of ship Helen A Miller,• brig Mary A Jones. Caulfield, for Belem, Ids. Ihe U B brigs Perry and Dolphin Sailed for &moos Ayres ot s. Bohr Mary Pesos, Blizzard, at Boston 19th inst. from Wilmington. Del. Behr Oraeo girdles*, Paine, cleared at Boston 19th met for Philadelphia. • Below C A tireiner. Weaver, Paugasset. Waples. and D B Mershon, Mani hence at Boston 191 h lost. Bohm It Miller. Oilibrd, for Philadelphia. and J H Wainwright Corson, or Richmond, via Boston, sailed from Salem 19th inst. &lirßaer). H ealey. for Bridgeton, NJ, sailed from' N Bedford 19th inst. Bohr W P Cox, Houck, sailed from Newark Path inst. for Philadelphia. Behr Isabella Thompson, Corson, hence, arrived at Riohmond nth not. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS VP TO TWHLVEI O'CLOCK LAST SIMI? GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut at., below Ninth. Mrs Allen, Fall River T se9treet, N Y Jos 'l' Pr, sten. N y B 8 Carrier, Harrisburg , .1 a Hiestand, Lancaster co T P Fordney,, Liaoning'? 8 Fi Rey noltis,La ncaater,Po, 8 Prich rd. N Y W F Solo ston, Pittsburg Miss Johnston sig. Pa G B Phelps, N 1 N B Sackett, N Y li G Span°. r. Chicago .1 Ft Midard. Omaha W W &Mester. horfolk Miss Bill/ester. Norfolk Dr 3 3 Banter, Norfolk N Barrett, N Y A C Wood. N V It I( Slaughter, N 1' B W Hotchkiss & is, N Y Richird Var.'s. 111 J L Marsh, 11l H A Wile, N Y M It B iaite. Cin. 0 it Gornig. N I . A hi Randall. N Y D Shepard A wife,Chicago Mrs Hobbs. St Louis Miss Hobbs. St Louis E 8 Sanford, Phila J It Bell, Reading .3 HaldAman & Son: Pa 0 P Whitaker Md Mrs oli Miller bait Mrs 8 9 Parso-s, Balt J A Read & In. In R II Evans. Bait S 0 T , ippe. Boston .1 . G VV't man, N Y Joe Bird. charuukin Taos B tumgardner. Lana John F Plummer, N Y E D Griswold, N Y Mr Fowler & la. N Y E G Badly. Boston 0 W Bersey,Boston H K White, N Y ' R D Adams N Y J a Basemen & In, N y T W r vans, Nashville John N Gulick. if 8 N Mrs Gulick. M P Dillon, Savannah 8 Cusick, N I , Toni U Walter, Wash, D C Dr Cohen, Salt A BWItIIII. Balt Gee M Mowliray, N Y M. Boole, N C Edwern Hoyt, N Y C I, mbert. N Y Bola tiamtl. N Y J J Reynolde. N Y Mr Train & It Boston W .1 M v IllVer, Prance It 0 Laakey & la Wash Roht sherrerd. Jr, Ohio J M Fywasees, N C G W Manton. alms T F Borndes, N Y Jos Hobart, Cal -- t - MERCHANT:3' ROTEL—Fourth stroot, below Arch. W D Kline Icy hi G Fisher, Huntingdon Re VS Alder, Pa Mrs Livingston, Pa A NI Austin. Phil% B 8 tumehelo. a,ass W D Wino, Pa' W A Knight, Phila A Grady, Camerae Mice Grady lucerne Thos W Medley, Toronto RTy lor, hag. Pa inn McGovern. .Pa cit. Kimmel), Pa A Mined!. Conway J. , Nlt J H West hook & la, N Y J C Freeland. Meadville Inane •danis. acailini Mote Admma Reading C McKinney, N Y Gen W Bradt, ' N Y Geo W Shelton, Conn Jacob D Nowl taxer, N Y Jae Clark & la, Carl.sle Bhorman D Phelps, N Y . . - AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at, above Fifth, R M liewburt, N Y li. B benrson. Ye J Lovett, N Y 1) Mollons'd. Del OH' osoured Bolter. Al Chunk nos R Collie. M. Chunk Al Ames & eon Al B Green. Aid P Evans. Waah'n, D 0 J he G t leek Del lobe Colton, - sa Y Muse colt, n, N Y , E P Wilbur, M l'hunk Ii .1 Esterly. Newburgh lorleanos . border co Jos Banger. Mealvi le /4 R Gridley, Brien' .Nrelson Hal . Conn John P Cox & Is. Bethlehem W F Noll& N Y R Humphrey Conn E Francis. Newark, N J N Mash NOwerk N i W 11 . Alerriss, s I' II W Pesranns. R I M Molen, Savannah, Ga I) E Itmith, N H JONFS' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. Wm P Hilliard, Ala r. F Anners. Pa Geo Davis, Pa S It °merit!, N J I) GM. Pa C D Hubbird s Ira G Roanoke. Pa John Parse! Pit W A Arnold, N N. wow woodbarry, Boston C Bradley. Louisville A J Fulmer. N J Hon WI, Deumrt, Pa Da , i Morgan, It Murray, N Y J W Seaford, Del P ri Lambe, Pa THE UNION HOML—Aroh street, above Third. Gen A Rooks • . Chester oo Mr Miller, N J R it Hvans Stolmesnurg A Rutter. Jr. New Holland HI. Boyd. Tnntaqua S hi Ray, Ohio , Wells Cincinnati Ras lor. H•Erin L Hartshorn Pittsburg Jlt Soigfried l'ort Carbon JC. Welliver. Wnomsburs D W Hale, N Y D H Mason, Pittaburt STATES UNION HOTEL—Market at. above sixth. .1 111cCrosland Pottsvi.le O W Harvevk wi, Pa I M Del*van. Pa W H Watt. Latrobe. Pa W F Thanardson. Del J H Pearsol, Lancaster Rohrer. Par 4clise, Pa • JS Hel,rer, Pa Calvin Cooper, Pa 8 Q. Poona Pa 111 Owens. Harrisburg 1) Ts Esbonshade , Pa Jaa PBters, .a C Wright, r A Speakman. Conayille InelT. Reading, Pn 'J' L Brown,_Nebrairks Ter It Bildwin, Coatesville J Custard. Yam co, is E P Lowly, •JL Eybensbwie, Pa • ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnnt et.. eb. Chestnut. Dr J Rogers & la. Pittsburg Frod Lauer, Reading N Petty & wf N J D N Barney. Jr, N Y T Greenwood. Boston F F Hemenn..v. Boston F Goodhue, Conn J Danis & la. Stieted, Vs, J W Batley , Galena, IB C V Cic:kegler, N NATIONAL ROTEL—Been street. above Third. Wm It Woli e & la, Gs Wm A Peter .Pa Jeuo Harrison, Luzeroe eo Ii P Huber. Columbia A J Bank, C,rln.le pool, NI) er, a J 8 111..i05, Heeding John B Bolos!, Lebanon 11R11 Clark, Annville Ezra Relit, Lane co. Pa A hiuker. Alt Clare J o.J Gr en, Do) lestown os J W Enlody. M Chunk John Melly, Lebanon W J• Voute, rattavitla BARLEY SHEAF ROTEL—Sesond street, bel, Vane A Pecker. New Jersey' 0 Kugler, New Jere +y W T Hinson, New Jersey C R RIY/WOVV. .11ew Jersey Sir E Harcourt, k. ngland E Frets, Fa 5 0 Rich, Pe. . W ht I area. Pa J .11 Simpson. Pa 3„1 W Simpson. Pa A Knight. New‘own T S Smith, a ewtawn P Corson. Pa E Walton. Pa A Snyder. Pe R It Janney, New None T Walton, Pa 3 Smckliouse. l'a .1 F Brodhead, Pike co Jfirreeper. Mon tgom'y co J A Kirk. Pa It Betts. Jr, Pa A n fim der, Pa J H Endriokson. Pa W A Rough. Pa W Davison, Pa 3 Nickersham, Pittsburg T Ent, Lambertville N 5 ,BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Callowhill. H Hllshman, • nbanen Reuben Fryer, Milltown H Bray. Bninneytown Jae M Hobb, Penrethert H rrner, Peunsbuts Casper Roads. By berry L Roads, B berry Win Goodman, Reading Wm Tkinmpem. ha .P. 2 U Bechtol, Barka co Chas B Knight. Fa Nathan Lands. District J etlb ft Hill Earlyille Beni Schreyer, Pughtown John Lands;Dietrtet COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth et., above Chestnut. WReally .11.1 GAI Bechtel. Pottstown Jos Reed hld Thee Pomeroy. Itosbur) Jos Homan N J ROM II Strawbridge, Pa - keno to raw bridge, Pa Frank Eltrawbrd4e. l'a Inn* 8 Oherholtzer. Pa Amos a Ilanna.Chestar co Isaac Bitches, Chester co Ctos Orinihle son, hid it 0 Nesbitt, hid C W Maxw , ll, v lkton John Kan. MA E Burrough. Balt K. AI M cachou. Chester co Min mar.gle Green, Pa L Paxson, D" I John Creamer Franklin co W Tor ert & In. Chester no - 6 Tierce) at. la, Chester co B McClanahan & la, Pa Dr Is L Brooko, Pa MOUNT VERNON ROTEL—Second at„ above Aroh .1 no Ward, Jr NY J Wood, N Y John B Venalii, NJ N. A Roderook. N I Lewis Heck, Dauphin to BAI R •ndolph. Lewisburg M Potter. Pittsburg AI Tomlinson, Wet no eo R. Conklin. N 7 Than, Struthers, Monroe cc 0 Forearm, West Chester hIERCHANIB' IfOrBE—Third et., above Callowhill X Snerer, Allentnwn Lewis Buehler, TAthiqua Allbright, going J 8 Hen, Hellertown BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third et.. boa Callowhiii J T Berger, Quakertown M Mock., Pennsburi EAGLE ROTEL—Third street, above Race. .7 Pearson, It I H Hll s.k ion. Lances erco J Coy & ht, Harrisburg Miss W. bster & sin, 111 SIJEO.I Al- NtlclEs. ATTENTION BOLIDATS ! Cakes hi xturea, Sugar Plums. Fruit Cake 30 oenta. • Pound " 26 Mixtures, 2d and LO oents. Farley Bozo" eapreesly for tha Ilolfdaia, at. dfi 4t." FORE'S, MATH &met, helow Market WIND OW SHADES—Of every style and size, in gore and made to order, cheap and good. Ma sonic Ha 11,719 CHESTNUT west. d2l It . W. H. CARRYL & PRO. Ilium' BOUDOIR SEWING MAOIIINH, IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD MET PREMIUM AT EVERY PAIR. n7B-&n Phila. Otlica.llo A BCD St Anal* wanted Plartrai Conns, Nails, and Rings, - eels. all colors and sizes. at Marmot r Hall. 719 CHEST NUT Street, sido, bolow Eighth. d 21•41 W. H. CARRYL dr BRO. Owns, it Hewitt b cerainATED NOIIIICLIZAIS FAMILY DnWtss-mAculxr. AT MIDI:ICED PRICER. 790 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TADLA AND PIANO COVIIRS, Wino and Fruit Cloths. W. H. CAN RYL h BRO., 710 CHEAT HUT BS rect o Mow Eighth, Masonic Hall. d2l-St 'film PAWNS oe SINGER'S SEWINH MACHINES tiA7ll 121 , 11cED !! GILT WINDOW SHADES, only S 1 each. with substsntial fixtures, complete, at 719 CHESTNUT St d.71-4t W. IL CARTON.. tc 33R0. ELSGANT FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING— at Robert 11, Adams', southeast corner e Seventh and Stu-kW streets—Drew, and Praak Coats of the hen Quality t Baldness Coats, Promenade Coats, and Ridins Coats, in all the latest styles, and a stock at Overcoats that cannot be surpassed In variety. style, or quality. A' full and complete stook of Clack and Fancy Cean mere Pants, of the beet and choicest fabrics, and R sit verb steak of Ehlk. Velvet, CsSlimere, Grenadine. Moth. Ratin, and CURiMOI.I3 Vests, all cut, made, and trimmoe equal to customer work, expressly for retail sales, as mitt be sold at the moue VI,. marsh le prices. ne•smty&th•to Jet • GILT WINDOW CORNICES alletzeS. from eo Cents to $lO each, Opt llRnde, Rings, dm.. MAsolHe 8ALL,719 CHESTNUT BtrPet. Oa it W. H. CARRYL & BRO. ' SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAESS.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason - able prices. No. sot CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. lan tf EVANS & WATSON To CABINET-MAKERS AND UNIOLSTERERS, —A full line of Reps, Damask', Plumbs", Japanese Lrtatings. Tufts, &e.,..tholesale and retail. No 7.4 CHEST:4 UT Street. r 4121-4 t W. D. CARRYL & BRO. 010 PRIOR OLOTRING OF TB LATEST &vitas, made in the best manner, or:primly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST eating 'noes markea iv Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satin radon,. Our ONE-PRICE flyetem ta attiotly adhered to, as we !Wiese this to he the only fair way of dealing . All are thereby treated alike. JONES *CO., aet-tf red M A RKET Street. LACN WINDOW CURTAINS, all styles and vrieesi wholesale and retail, in the MASONIC HALL, 719 CIIEstNuT street. d2l 41 W. B. CARRYL & BRO. - TN& EAU LUSTRALIII fIAIR RZTORATIV)II re ceives the nippy Wien of the 'moat scientific , men In the World. It cleanses 8,1 renovates the cuticle of the head, prevents the hair falling off, and renders the hair molt, glossy, and inclined to curl. No lady's toilet is complete without it. Bold by all Druggists, and by -11AUEL & CO.. No. fei. CHESTNUT Street. n ailadelphia: > dl9 et Wit GAS-LAISCP ODPOT—MITU AND ARCh. 107A -&e THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1859. B AMA N 8 BATING FUND—NORT/IwgBT 001M13. Sitcoms and WALTRIT Btreeta.—Derosita n omad in email and large amounts, from all dimes of the community, and allow interne t at the rate of Eva per Cent. per annum, Atonal LIM be diven by obeelqi without lona of in ter :,nt. Moe open daily, from 9 until!, o'elook, andel; Moe day &rid Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; THUM! and Beerotary,OßAß M.JdoR SAVING num—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CoaDAßT.—Chartered by the State of Younarivaata. RULES. I. Money le removed evory day, and In any amount, arge or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT. interest in veld for money front the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid bank In GOLD whenever it le called for, nod without notice. 4. Money is reeeived from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, In large or small mime, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depeuiltore is Invested 113 Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other tast eless seounties, 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest order Third street. Phileaelchle. aolit IT umlaut 80 WILSON SEWING MAMMA. —Philadelphia Moe, G 2 CHESTNUT Street. Merohante orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Branoh &Twee in Trenton, Now Jersey, and Easton Koff tkratOnhAsiton. Pat .11.1 re. 61PORRIE11) GASEiLL—COWPERTHWAIT.—On Tuesday, Deo. 20 by Rev . J. F. Garrison D. W. C. ()mild of Forbes. town, California. to Anne Everett daughter of Amh.ose Cownerthwait F 99. of Co and n, N. J. B 11 . 01 , 11—ItlePA KLAN D.—On the lath inst.. by Rev. Bartel E. Smith. Mr. Joseph Barber. of Bensalem town &hip. Books county, Pa., to Mita entit l e McFarland. of Philedolphia. GIVE •—PATTON.—On reorder evening. 12th inst., by Rev, J. II Dales Mr. Alex. \V. Given to Miss Annie. second dsoohtor of Ri chard Patton, both of of onto ;lk. Phi Isilelphin. KiNdIAN—DAG NELL—On the evening of Oct 19, 1859, 9 ,, Rev. J. M. Tar or H J Kinsman, of Florenoe, N. J., to Mies S. Julia Darnell, of this city. RRX.--On Sunday Afternoon, the 18th inst., George Rex, in the rad Yon, of his no. The relatives and frienibi of the family a*n respect folly invited to attend his fimnral from the residence of his son-in-law. I,ernon Shonnokor three 'Toles east of Willow Grove, in Moreland township, Montiomery count .on Thursday n at 10 o'clock A. M. Fun.ral to prowirof ermiintown. " ADA NlSON.—Sildenlv, n thin 17th instant. of con gestion of the brain. Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Wm. Adamson. in the 37th sear of her ace. The relatives and fronds of the family are respoot• fells invite 4 to tattoo(' line funeral, from the residence of her hugh3nd. No. 1021 North Socond Street. ahoy() nxiord. thin l Wednestivv I niternoon ar 13 o'clock, with out further notie , .. Proceed to Laurel Rill. • • . . . rta M AC.—• . n 1.110)1th irritant Mrs. Margaret wife of Inoue CAII.O. in the 40th %enr nrhor a n. • Funeral from the residoneo of her husband. Franklin avenue. heiow Vienna street, thin (Wednesday) nlter noon, n t o eine , . 8.. KE • V.—On the loth instant Elizabeth. wife of Win Iftnkols. in tne nob sea of hoe a re, Funeral from the restdenee of her liushand,Tutton wood street below 'I iloonth intro t on this( Wednos day I aftornonti .t• 234 o'clock. $9l 11 —On the h inst., Mr. A do'phus F. Smith. In the 39th rear of Innate. - • Funeral firm hm t to residence. Earl street. above 'Mika. Eighteenth ward, on Thursday afternoon at 2 Web - intr. f,FA ftY.—On the IRth inst., Elizabeth, wife of Daniel 'di Clenry. in her 420 year. Funeral from the residones of her husirtnd,l43 Frank fort' road, Nineteenth ward, on Wednesday afternoon next at 2 &ohmic, AIURR AV n the 17th ins•... Mrs. Rebecca laurmy a .r 155 vomns n.nd Funeral from her late residence, at the Bridesburg Arce..ol this I Wed Ile r.yl ctn.-woo. at 2 o'o'ock. ih.. 191 1 1 ifintalll. NI re. Parah Lex. wife of Chnr es Lex in the tiElth ‘ol,r nr her ace. Futter..l from her hu hood's reentorice on Pronkford rood. "lone ffarrowgato lane, on Thur•day afternoon at 1 o'clock, . . K 4 tho 19th inst., Vfts. Elizabeth Kane, wife pr John IC4ne in the 0(h tear of ser age. Funeral front the restdonee of her ann. Bernard Fame, coin .r of ..xteenth en d p -hippen streets, thin (Wednes day afternoon at o elor4r. TwENTY-voutvrii ariNivEnstAnv OF THr. HOME IS lON API' SOCIETY. of Philadelphia lathe MUSICAL FUN D HALL, on Tues• dne nvemn,r. Deo. 27 -t 7R. n'rleek. Addreaaea by Rev. Wm. 'P. Beath% D. D., Rev. Ezra E. Adams- and ev. John W. era, craft. Mum tr der the OttAn'il)Tlnf NI 7. C. lAMB, misled by Minns Dnnni on end I,mm and Josephine M, ere, and Manna blue end Wells. Profen.o- Stau.slitnn S. Royln will preside nt thP Pi ano Forte. WhiOil 11101 b.rin kindly loaned for the ocortainn, by Means. Obwkoring & Sow, Nn. Be 7 'hetilnn. Rttoet. THCINI A • T. M ASON, oEo-ft.v. hi. NEWKIRK. J. D. RODGERS, S. MEW E.. Committen un Fublio N. 13. Tickohr of Admission ntriv be o tnnouretl at Ma rion & Co',, 4:14 Market s r ot. .M. Komi - toy. rkroh be low Filth. or nt t... 3 flown Pair...ion otfco, 2191 1 mitt North street. front 2 to 4 o'clock. P. M. 021warn-3V Ir - s—" CUR ,11T A S DINNER TO THE BOOR.—The nowt Men's Central Horn. Mis sion or the "emodiet Episcopal Church. Inlutrine to Redford nod Baker streets and their Intintry. intend givinz their usual CHHIuTNTAtis DINNER to the Child ren of thn Boy and Habitat,' fiehools owl +it their charge, on 510NDAY. December 2t3th. nt the Mission BEDFORD 'greet, above Sixth. (honor out It o'clock noon. Donations in Money. Poul.ry, Provisions. &o timetireDy received no the Mission licluse, or by the un donsianed, memhere of the Committee of Arrange ments. ED N B Y ABU. 202 Semite St. • . . ..GCOR H. BUR. Chestnut St JAB. L. RI iS fl AM. 710 S. Second ed. rjrFATHER. CIIINIQUY.—rm WELL. known converted Rome/4C Rey. Mr. CHIN). will *reach in the e EVENTH PRESBYTE RIAN CRUR MI Ft , trul street. above Chentnnt, South Penn ',mere. TH IS I Wednesday I EVENING, 21st Inst., at helf nest. eleven n'elnelr. it* iiltp h igv x xsT A t vr tlVE r ti vLr, p ari3extenNlve tographi c o l G P rreTr l -711.1 i gl.fe: Becotd above Green, whero none but good pictures are made. It • OFFICE OF VAN DYKE Ss co., No. 62 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Dan. 20th. 'Md. TO THE WECOND-MOR GAGE BONDHOLDERS OF THE w ILI !AWN-MT AND ELMIRA RA L. ROA ti COMPAN V.—lt to deemed proper to announce to those who desire to parttoipAte in the Advitntases of the proposed soor,tonization of th s Company—advan tage/which e Attntned in noon herleray•-•It idnoess• Nor> hat they osmium the power of att , trnm. now Ittrany sirned. and thug tmuome part es in the owner ship of this road when new! °monism!. E. A. VAN DYKE. In.. Attorney for Demand Mort to to Ilondholdere. N. B.—An Assessment of SI per thousand line been laid to meet present co , tingent expensex. (1171-12 t. Li - Ufa' rf. O,ll%"?i'ECtOP4lPiliN CITY PAS. 152 SOUTH VoirllTH 8211211 T, DIM. 21. 1P59. The annual necetinz 01 the ato hold Are of the Phila delphia City Paelen.rer Railway Co•npany will he held at the office ot the Company, No 151 d u l ll FpUNTII Street, on NION iiAY..lnnuory Dth. WO, et 100 elnekA. 51- at whic tone an ection wiil be held for a P,esi dent and sih le x Directors to servo iliaensuing sear. ,WILLI4III biNG d2l-djo9 Secretor) _ OIJRNING MOTISSELINES AMR, re CENTS —BES3oN k FION have reduced 10 000 yid of imported Sleek and White Mouselinee Delmar, to only 15 mite. MOURNING •Tii RE. No. MS ri EA'N UT Street. BLACK - THIBET LONII SHAWLS.- Now la Store, a full assortment of Lunin's Black ninst Lona Shawls. Aso, bumn's bleak Cashmeres, Morino& Satin Deehenea, Velvet Porthna• 'faMO , Vao Velour Reps. Itiousselve de Lames, Bombazines, .co. BESSON & itON &warms, Store. dinSOSCHESTNUT Street. rr7N OTICT.—TISE ANNUAL MEETING ._ of the riteckholders of the OREE 01.1 CUATES-STREET PASSENOER RAILWAY COM PANY wit bo held at the ante of the Company. 423 WALNUT Street. on MONDAY. how rr 9 13 0. at lt o'o ock noon, at wise h Unto and place an election will be kaki her nPresidtnt And twelve Directors. to sortie for the sear ensuin ,. 820 rib DENDY PHA RWOOD. Secretary. REC. D. GRA . TICAN GIANNI:SS, will ...3 Preach I..VERY KVENI THIS WP:kI7 the Rov. Br. 155 he's Cl/UICII. RROi t) below SPRUCE Street. Panic, wit at 7N oNdi.k. 0' Fr, dor ovenin t the whole of the lower lona of the church will he reserved for }cin; roan. d 2.0 4t• "GRACE GREENWOOD" l~ Will deliverher bPautrful lo tore, 11E10 IN 0 .51:00N LIFE," Before the Jefferson Literori Union, Sr ItTU , ICAL FUND RATA, FRIVAIr EVENING Dar:elute), 23d, 1252. At .3.1 before d o'clock. Tickets 25 cent,. A limited number of reserved rents can be had. with out extre chnrre mak. no cart simile mon at Beck .4.l.2.iitoies. Seventh end ehretnut wrens dit st.* r r 11(EF.AND THE TRISII.—nn. JAM b.: 4 :5100n u Lreturenn th interesting ir j oet. In the Ass.n.hl. 'din • Ten. h s not Ira- Chnknut, ON WM/NEM/AV EVENING 21st at Di o'clock. Tlld ten ure ...lit be Iho'or Dal, tad citi tlin moth •f th dottiest interest to alt a boss recollections 1 .1 their n tire vo !Ivy are mv d. Lops of our metro land never diet. AI ClaSieS of our camels will find the Lecture north iheir +Mention. A(11111114.- tionl6 cents. 1112-2: OFICE OP TIIE ENTERPRIS corner(N- rr SU d A F VON 00 ‘I P NY Id. W. of FOURTH and 1951.1‘11.7 Streets. Pon. 411E1,1'111A. ne o eMberl7.lB.l9. NOTICIII.—The Aerie Illeetine' or the Btoekhol. ors of TII P. t NTENPSI-t? INK) ANSP.: COMPAN Vwl I he held on ti (INLAY, the 9 h dry of 1 nu yr IMO. at ton o'clock A. al., at the (Aire of the Company. Ploetion fir elan Direatom to servo thr en -811410 :tear. will ho held on ho woe dry, at the elm place. bey en thy home of to o'clock A. and 2 o'clock I' dl7-tja9 011ARIE$ W. OOXE. Secretary. rr ( IV li h tl r F t 4 . l l :f i lt v F F AR P r Vi ri S UV A. II A, Tho Examtnntio of the eon+) r Chows. at the clone of tho Fleet Tort, . Rilt ho held in the follow/tic foliar : ednoadaY, Deuembot 14' Fjoni 9to 11 Seniors by Prof. 'klorime. ttiaaw's Ftsrlsott Irttoratato.Y and hiniors hv thn Vice Provoat. (StltteL) written. From 11 tot 84homoroe by Prot. Alice, ( Tim doiee--! 4 ici lino h xpoditinn.) Ihur..d 11. 15 h. Prom 9to 11. Juniors, by Prof. 'Con dad (Aunty twill drotootry 1 and Hoplionowes, by Prof. CoP(oo, 11110.1 one 1 writren From It to 1, deninrs, by :he vice 1 1 ovort.( Aitronom).) Pod U. loth. From 9 to 11, dophronor a. by tho Vier Provost Mural Plolos phy,) and Preahmen by Prof. (fond ill, (Al4eli :1,) written. Firm 11 to 1, P.:mourn, by Prof. At en (Hipped, tae of Earit.idos.) Saturday, 17th. From 9to 11..1e:1:ors. by l'rof. Ja , 3lc. son I tionwe—Epistlrs and Art Footrt.) atonday 19th. From 9 toll Santoro, oy Prof. Coppoe, Plolosaph../ From Il to 1, Jontors, by Prof. Jarkson, ( tuvened.) Turatkr 80th From 9to 11. Jon(roli, by Pen'. Cop pen. (Mental Phtloaophy.) Fyony !Ito 1 Freshmen, b) Prof. Arlon, I XOnool,oll—CtrOClall Watlnescly. flat. From it to 11 Frrothmon. by Prof inekron.( i ivy./ , From 11 to half poet I, I:4iphotoores, b, Prof. fienthill (ONIZIetrYe) , 22d. From Stn half pont 1,1 Sophomorea, by P:nf. Jackson. (Tnodus—History From hell' pen ti re half post I,,futiirds. by Prof Allen. (Theocritur.) PT114,1. 224 From 9to 11, Fr:mho:no, 14 Prof. Cop per. ( History.) On Frit°, ow nitm. the 2,Srl, at eight o'clock, an Ex- Ilibition of Derlarontion of 0114Inal colnyottitiona. by Inemborm of the Eenitir Class, will he hold in the Col. tote Hall. ti 011(111 A 1.1,1',N, .115 91 grerstarY. _ trrOFFICE OF TIIE PENN MUTUAL LIP P. INHURANCE COMPANY, N. E. corner TIITRD and DOCK. atr.eta.Phi KLPCTION —Penn Mutual We Insurance Ceirlo'ito • An election for nine truqc,, In twee , or three 'ears, will be held at the office 4.f the company, on Monday, the .ratirl of January. WU Polls open at 10, A. M. null dune at IR M. dl9-mwa.Gt JOHN W. HORNOR, liertretary. PTREV. ANTOINE'rTR BROWN BLACK. W ELL will deliver her aelebrated :ordure. W AND WOMEN." at the Memel Fund Hell. no WEDNI , SDAY Peening, December 21rit.at eighto l ekiek. Tiekete 11.01 , 14-fil)C [flits. For Salo at the prinewil book stores, and at tho door, on the evenbo' of the lec ture. dl9-mw 2t` OFFICE CARBV R INIPKOVE NI.EI,7 CO.—Fnn LA DEErItIA. D2O. JO. WC —A special meetinz of the l'hiekholders of the Carbon Ron improvement Ceinenny will be held on THURSDAY, the 2nd instant, at 11 o'clock A. hl., at the office of the Company. S. E corner of Front and Cheatnetstreets, Philadelphia. to rec:lve a report on the ['resent condi tion of tie adairs. and to caproas their views HS t the future course they wish the Directors to pursue in the matter. Br order of the Board of Directors. B. TILDBN. President r.r. MANCHESTER SCAT ES.—Cou• ter, Platform, WaTehouse, Hag, Coat, and Itlolroad Aloe, Planing Machines (Andrpw's Patent) and Belt ing. for 841. at No. 4.5 Clili-TNUT Street. d2l-rnwiloi tINA ^ I,EB A. DANI Er,s. V,IIAttPLESS BR, , TnERS have now open tho balance of their Fenny Dross Goode. Nousrnhnoe. enheo d , Ankle. Rich Silks and Entice. FEmted Merinos. Poplins. Marked et much reduced prices to sell off Um stock. CHESTNUT AND EIGII 11. I lONS CLO IC VEIN Ts. A-4 All witl bs of t ean Fonds In brilliant blachn. They nre oil - 14,0,2,1 of vitro Silk. and considered ilio boat manufacture Oleg renclinn this market. line , ' toil oxprensly for our rotzllrle A s f l3,4 ,H,is iluoTH.o' rtB d2l oliPPAyr and hif,liTFl Otto , tg loNABLE DRESS A iNI3(.; 1 ,i 111): MAKING, PI in sewm g , and all kwaln Machine work, done at 1335 OItEEN Street. dltl-30 NEW PUBWA.TIONS: HOW COULD UE KM' IT ? By the author of "Bs a Been Thlnking." "True to the Laat" etc.. Ona nont 125.0. Prioe 61.25 The publishers, in 'Omitting to the Public another of this acceptable author's books, promise 011 their port a MOO delightful, touching, and interesting ‘olume—the best by far yet written by him, and one that is sure to Ifs co him in the front rank of those suocessfut authors whose touch of nature makes the whole world kin." Thu nggregate solo of Mr. Roe's books in Ensiled has reached the large number or 120,000 *VOLTTNEVES, a }me evidence that he has teuehedatormeathetio chord to the hearts end minds of the people. NEW EDITIONS OF TILE FOLLOAA INO BOORS 111 . A 8. ROE. JUST READY JAMES NONTJOV; or. I've been Thinking. 12mo V 1 00 TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED, and TIME AND TIDE. 12mo 126 A LONG LOOK AHEAD; or, The First Stroke TbE STAR AND THE CLOUD; or, A Daughter's fore. 12i no ........ .......... 1 25 TRUE I'o THE LAST; or, Alone one Wide, Wide Sea, . DERBY 4- JACKSON, .NASKAU STRILKT, N. L PUBLISHERS d2l-d&WIt HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS. A LIVE BOOK. 5000 Con 'et+ HAVE BEEN BOLD! NOW 18 THE TIME! This is the Nvork O IN nt is N OTEVliin S5/!g ea much excitement COGA E Largo 3.2'n0 mot .4eo wee. cloth. Price el. Oet,,ro edition, piper covers to cents Dolt SA E or BOOKSELLER, AN 0 NEWS AGENTS EVERYWHERE_ AcTo/ F. AGENTS WANTED to eel' theme works the country throush, Terme liberal Soule civics snot to any adurems, postpaid, on re coipt of price. Address A. .13 BURDlCK,Publiaher, dytililt&Wiit No. 14i NASSAU street. Now York, liitin;ll.AS 8000 S. The subsoribers have now ready their stook of Books fur the CIIItISTIIfA 5 HOLIDAYS, embracing tho .NEW ILLUSTRATE!) GIFT BOORS, STANDARD WORKS, JUVENILI...B iN , REAT VARIETY, and nn UNRIVALL) , ..I) ASFORTMENT OF BIBLES, Of the London. Oxford. and Americen Fditione. For sale by WILLIAM 8. & A FRED ht A RTIEN, 01 No 60d CHESTNUT Bt. N, Evy EDITIONS OF SUPERB GIFT VOUS. Jl7s P ISSUED FOR THE Holm) kys . PALI-81'1N,-, Pohl' AND PHESSNT—Supec Tur koy. Lilt or Antigun, $650; Turley. gilt, $5; H4ll , call' .S46U; cloth cot. R 4; cloth, $2 50. TILE Cl I 1" OF 11IF, ("HEAT HING—Samo style xnA Prices. N hAV II 14 °RI OF THE CONGILIES I' OF MEXI CO—Hen coll. $350; eloiop, $3; cloth. e 2 / 5 0. itA OA IN ,sY Itlyt —To rho), gilt, $2; cloth. gilt, $1; cloth 750 NUNV JUVENILE LIBRARY-42 vols., 88 60. IitSTORY OF •liiEr EN DENOE y $ll. JAHES & SON, Puncchers, blichers, o. 35 south •IXTH Street, Second Story For gale by all hooksollorg. d2l EIO 1.1 1) A ' l l BOOKS-INIELDREN'S BOOK R. in .11 styles. suitable fir Christmas Pre sents Gilt BRoks, Air:lisle. Riblea. erayer Books, Tes taments Writ's.: Desks and Cases Portfolios in all styles. lb ek.atntoon lauds. ChAtot Games of all Moo, sod a largo rssortitiont Panov Unitise. et ALLEN' Book and Pt , ttonory gore No. 811 SPRING GARDEN St., ribose lighth. tl:ll.4t* North side. NGR V IN( ;S. —JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 816 CIIESTNUT Street. have now in stock vory large and elegant selection of ENORAVI NUB, P:mbracing el the cowed publications. We nro conatantb Impelled with the latest works of Lnrideeer. At ) Schaffer. nelarocho, Vet net, and others. Anion; ilia newest issues era— Shakapeare in his 6tude. Peed. Milton to Its Stud). Feed. • caved' bye. he wroundlroul. Landsoor. "There's Life in the Old Uo,t Vet." 1 andseer. A Duel atter a Itlaesueratlit Gomm. ••ryi. ht and Morning." Photographs: Thorweldeen. The Seasons. 1 borwaldsen. Ilh: PALMBS MAR BL.S. Photographs of the works of the Bculp.or,Palrner ; anions which aro prominent. tiering, Resignation, Feat, Trnmorml.tr • ronennt Hwy, eco. The Emit and the Puture_ t Uinta, Tho LlokqUO , of Basta y. Banter. 'rho sranons. Chroino Lithographs. After flart, Col man. and Boughton. • NOM o axed) on. sir." ^orhould. &maritime, Conception. Main,. The Virgin of bovine. Muni to. (Two Now Line Engravings of these Wonderful Pgintingej Broken VOWEL Calderon. Alm—deeds ofDome'. Dobson, Christ Blowing lettle Children. Lo Jenne. K tottietty Rome ; or, Southern Life. Eastman Jolant. DANIEL IN THE LION'S DEN. 'Vernet. " imittneu C.w oiin Prime," a Companion Print to Evanxt tine, will be loud shortly. EARLEirI' 6A4.1.8R1E5. 818.ifit 816 C'FIE,TNUP Wiest. cLoTinNcr. E . 0. THoMPSON. TAILOR, N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT BTEI., THE LATEST FASHIONS, THE NEWEST STYLES, THE BEST GOODS Always on hand, and orders attended to personalty. P. S.—Strangers visiting the oily aro solicited for their measures and orders. na-wfm-tnif GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. 14 C. WALBORN do CO.. (NOW) NOEL 3 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very superior assortment of Shirts. Under olothing, Gime, Hosiery, eta. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS, of which a fine assortment is oonatantly kept on hand. 010-Setif W. SCOTT---late of the firm of Win -41 • cheater & Scott —GENTLEMEN% .17117113H 1NG STOII and MIIIRT MANUFAOTOR , 814 CHESTNUT Street, (near! y opposite the Girard one') Philadelphia. J. W. S, would reepectfully 011 the attention of his former patrons and friends to hie new store, and is pre pared to bll ordure for 5111.R7 S at . short unties. A perfect fit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with tee Shirr s and Collars. tr2a-ly Iti'IIIOVAIS REMOVAL. - TILE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE TO NO. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, LATELY OCCUPIED BY THE COMMODWILLTH !WIC/ tHD at W. I. BLANCHARD. Rao', I_EIIOVAL —E. 9c P. V. YARNALL CO. have removed from 129 Market street to 418 SOUTH WIIA VE't and 419 1O St. ak Im. .„.. SALES HY AUC (lON. MMES AUCTIONEER, S. W. my corner of PINT and SOUTH. sir etc A RAttc CHANCE )OH ono° MN AND OTHERS —POSITIVE SA IX OP THE LARGE NTOolf FX- T. RES. AND O , OD-WILli OF AN oi,o fEirA 131.WIED GROCERY BTuRE, the owner declining bustnesu. on Thursdaf Morning. De- II o'clock, at the N. I.:. cnrnor or second end Noble, comprislng a large and well-assorted stock vf— ROCERIES. viz --contra, coffees, teas, spices, scne , r , trvl On • brll.ololl brooms, he, FixTuit •S. elz.—Setn nor counters, gloss mars. toner stands coffee dn., ten teddies. spine do., brass counter scales ler.e coffee and sinnr mute, &o. DRAY, FIRF, PROOF , . cAItRIAI,E, ice.—One ,) two IAT, o h e.pronfs, font 1. curia:a, push cart Also many articles not enumerated, find halo:Lan/ to n w- II atch•k he et. tern. N. II —Te !vote, rood will, fixtures, and stock will he 'dieted in ono lot at the beginning of sale If de sired cl2o ‘'7, TIN AND SILK WINDOW orR 11,', TA INS. rtli colors act! styles I wag's, Fete, Aro cotetlss.. blo-ades Ors. the riches ttesortinpnt in Phi erbelennlo and rani!, in Mason's Rail, 719 CIi!NUT Slyest. d2l-it W. If CARRYL k BRO. E . NEWLAND & UO., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An Nitonitive nlo.k of Oil, PAINTINOS, t All nt v , )ry Low l'n •rs. 604 nitcif Strout, above ftLVIAt. 4 - 1 i WIN DoW CORNICES, all mas t liirrnmalcontl tr. ein.n.a. Gilt Bonds. Rine. so. .11ogonie, 719 C ESTNirr otreot. tl2 W. It. CARRYL & BRO. L I IST -- , 'ertilielt.g.l%o. 118, rlO Shares of Stoat: wontnirsi and Frio Rai toad Company. in the ti Imo of AN vA MARIA it hiACF.. Pollee is hereby n that en neph, Ilion inns hneti made to that Corn pony for the lESIIY of new Certificate. leeem h r 7, MI Efr'Art Faccut (lILT IYINDoW 8 - HADES, ONLY 81 eielt. with sul.tantial Vislures,nomplot., at 719 Cll 1.11 ['NUT 91, , [921-10 11. ()AIM 1'1.& BRO. 11 CASSADY, 1223 MARItiET Street. made and Pie linkers. A mineral assortment of Pies • made of the sets best !nab:mills, expressly for faintly use. Papertor hatnily Bread, fresh, intoning and noon, Brea /howl ovary In.rninA• 66. p ITITURE CORDS, NAILq ANI)I3I 7 vGS, Tahsals,fill Colors and Sizes, at Masonic IBM, 718 CIIEB (NUT Btroet, north solo. holow Biehth. del 4t. W. H. CARRY I, & BRO. DUTell CAKE. made of the very best metorittle, with rt huge quentity of fruit In them, onprerely fur tho bothlnys. 0 0. CedSAuY, W O st" 1223 MA 5, KE o Ptreet. ABLE AND PIANO COVERS WINE T and Fruit Clo'hs. H A RRYI, & BRO.. 719 CH 03TNUT Et., below Eighth, d 2l -Itlmmo Hall. UTIIRSES TAKEN TO WINTER on a At a Farm in Delaware county. Excellent stables rod experienced Groom. Apply No. OR WALNUT t , oet. second otorr. dso-ti LADE WINDOW CURTAINS all Styles nnd Price!. sk Weenie and rotad, In the Moroni° Ball, 719 CfIt.aTNUT etceet. d2l W. 11, CARRYI, & BRO, F AENCII WINDOW GLASS on hand, and corolla by WETHP.I4 & BnoTif ER. d2I Noe. and 49 North BECOND Btreet. 11DEPPER.-4Ut invoice received and for BRIO by Sr BROTHER, d2l Noe. 41,,0d -0 North t•ECOND Street. ‘,IK ATvz, I. 1 , I( ATP 8 ! SKATNS ! 8,000 alsorled, at prices from 2) °tr. to SRI Ladies* Slven,• fine clad Skates. Pole Agent tor the cele brated Netcdrk Skates. Also. skate rtraps. W. W. KNIGHT. 6t.• 819 MARKET Street. °gamine 11..eatiir. REPINED lit )1? X, in stnrc ltnd for sale I.l* ETII I. RILL & Mita WEIL (.1111 Nos, 47 and 49 North SEWN U Stmt. tA lt UM.—h large stock of the best A-fl r brands conitnntlY AVER nod for Rale by FI'CLER & CO., al IV ~k r A Ti% It RI qnel 22V liwlowst re, I, Uosi - A N. PITCH. AM) PAR —&)O blilv. Roam Oil. Fred9s and nualttieb manufrotured rind f o r aqla by Ron LLY, tt, A). No, 0 south WILARVIA HOLIDAY GOODS , UMBRELLAS 1. FOR THE HOLIDAYS,t WILLIAM A. DROWN Sc 246 MARKET STREET. USSR FOR SALE FRENCH, ENGLISH', AND ITALIAN SILK UMBRELLAS. ALSO—A 3 assortment of OINDIIAhL with Fox's Pa tent Paragon Frames, the only Paragon manufactured. FOR CHRISTMAS! RICHARDSON. 1018 CHESTNUT STREET, 800 the most superior stoop of Havana Cigars to be found in this city. 4U VARIETIES OP FINE VIRGINIA CHEWING TOBACCO. A BEAUTIFUL. COLLECTION of Meerschaum Pipes. Hookahs Narshilles, Ch.bnike, Oydrolit, Wood, Gaintneraiolot, Dumeril, and other pipes. SMOKING TOBACCO It VARIETIES, embracing all of the most celebrattnl brands used in extraountry. Cigar tubes., moutn-pleces, tobacco boxes and helm match boxes and cigar lighters, and other smo kers' erticles. Al.!, GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and canal ine the above named. Gentlemen arp respectfully Invited to cell and exam ine the monk of the advertiser. (121 St HOLIDAYS. A VARIETY OF NEW AND HANDSOME GOODS, nUITAnuls YOR PRESENTS, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. THOS. W. EVANS & CO.. 618 AND 850 CHESTNUT STREET. d2O-St STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Being About to relinquish tho STERESCOPIC BUSI NESS, we °Ter our ENTIRE STOCK OF VIEWS, of our own importation, at REDUCED PRICES. EDWARD PARRISH, NO. 800 AMR STREET. 020-tr PATRICK HENRY. WARNER, AIISREY, & MERRILL, MANUFACTURERS OP OAS FIXTURES, BRONZES, kc., NO. 718 CIIBBTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have Just finished, and have now for Bale, an un doubted likeness of the great patriot, mado in Bronze They would also call attention to their large Resort meat of BRONZES, PORCELAIN LANTERNS, FLEXIBLE DROP WORTS, &c., &c., All suitable for Holiday 'Primate S+ILVER•PLATED WARE JOHN 0. MEAD & SONS. Northeast corner Norm and CHESTNUT Ste., Invite special attention to their largo and SUPERIOR STOCK SILVER-PLATED WARE. These goods are fresh from our manufactory. and de signed expressly lot CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS, and BRIDAL PRESENTS, And we are making DAILY ADDITIONS TO OUR LARGE STOCK NOW ON HAND Oall and &asinine, if you do not pureness /le our establishment combines both Wholesale and Retail Trade, we are prepared to oder goods cheaper 'than any other r tore in Me City, Oood Silver-Plated Tea Sets from ever to 866. .417.7 t CHRISTDIAS PRESENTS. Out stock, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 'com poses the followlng articles: STEREOSCOPES AND PICTURES, SWISS CARVED GOODS, MAGNETIC TOYS OF ALL KINDS, FOLYORAMAS, MAGIC LUNETTS, MAGIC LANTERNS. FROM 00 CTS. UP. KALEIDEOScOPES, GYROSCOPES SAND TOYS, OLOREB FROM 251 Mt UF. OPERA GLASSES, ELECTRICAL APPARATUS, And all other kinds of Fancy Meehanfoal TOYS. C. T. AMSLER. OPTICIAN, GM CHESTNUT STREET, dl7•Bt Two doors below N. E. o r. BEVENTH BAILEY tf4 co. HAVE RhOEIVED IN STORE, 'MIS DAY, TOO BiLO4Ol/, 00 01111111 GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. They are by the Ocean Queen and Persia, wtvch srrivou on ihenh. Tioy will hove 1.11 assortment of Marquette Brooches, Bracelets. Farrina, b 0 new st)les of Head Drama and ornaments fur t he Ei 4r, to.ether with a variety of good■ suitab.o for Pre sents all of whioli will be sod at orlon as reasonable !,3 vemble. die-at CHINESE FANCY GOODS. FRUIT PLATES, LACQUERED AND GILT TEA TRAYS, do. do. TEA PM, do. do. WORK BOXES AND TABLES, do. LADIES' OARINEIS, do. do. DESKS, CADDIES, BOXES, &0., do. te Pairs Chinese Costumes, assorted. td Cases Canton Dinner Sets, tr.o. 60 Sets Rattan Clothes Hampers, India Vases, Allitmettes. Toilet Pete, Thebes, Plate.. Cup. and Saucers, &0., &s. For sale at the CHINESE STORE of ALLEN CUTHBERT. Tt South ERINITII Street, d9-fmwet Up Stake • UMBRELLAS gt Are very appropriate and acceptable TIOLIDAY PRESENTS A SPLENDID A'SORTAIENT. INCLUDING RICHARDSON' S Justly Onlebrosd PARAGON UMBRELLA, Von' tight and strong, nt WM. H. lIICHARDRON'S 1118-St No. 08 MARKET ST. CHARLES RTJ M PP. PORTE-MONNAIE AND POCKF.T-DOOK MAN UFAO [URER, 47 North SIXTH Street, below Arch) Formerly of 118 North FOURTH Street. Port-monnnies, Cigar Cages, Pocket Books, Port folios, Cabas SY toile's, Purses, Dressing Cases, Money, Bolts, Work Boxes, &e., wholesale and retail, Repairing done with despatch. dl4-dl2lth GOLD SPBOTAOLES, GOLD EYE lull Glasses, Mlcrosnopes, Kaleidoscopes. Magnetic 'flys, rolyoranias. and other articles. suitable gifts for the, nonson. 11lcal.LISTER'8. do n-inw&stJal if No. 728 Chestnut street. V,TEILEOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIO PICTUREB.—We have just received new and beau tiful sterepecopin elides, groups, etutunry, landsoupss, &0 " .k° " '"" irc7ITIATER k BROTHER. de-uvws tlal No 7213 Chestnut street. 4 ;IItISTAIAS DRY GOODS, %." FROM.:. .e YORK, 50 nieces Christmas lie Leine., W' ets—a bargain! A LOT AT in cy:NT 4 . u, Emmet and other new tittles. 19 to ZI cents. Ony stile Cashmeres for wrappers Moulin , ' and other new punts, Is)ii cents. NI pieces Merrimac I.vy mats. reduced to 10 cents. Buyer linen c.ambrie bakfir at 41 25 per uosen• Finer 11.13 e to 84.60 per dozen, Children's and ladies . hemstitched. &o. A full line ants' linen cambrio, pongee silk, and white bromide pocket hdkfs black silk cravats. Beau ties and mufflers. A fresh supply of aye' and men's shawls, some wry superior. A fresh stock of ladies' medium et 3 le I.lenket shawls, direct from inanufaotorY. Brodie elande in groat variety. French embroideries, sea canto 3. 0. Sleeves Worked collars. Ac. All nt prices to encourage useful Frionott. Clle li LP:IS ADAMS. dle-mwf rf EIGHTH nod ARCH. Streets. HOLIDA Y PRESENTS. -11-11- Paint Boxes. Dietures, Poiternonnales Colored Crayons, Drawing Books, l'inienonoilua Psners, &o. 81n1111 JAYENTZKY, 1114 120 115 Honth 1 , 11 - 111 T. gtreet. irIVERA tiLAVASES, Pearl, Ivory, and 'kJ' Japanned, with the finest Achromatic Lenses, at hi. J. FRANKLIN. Cipttoirin, 112 South FOURTH Street, below (theetnut, re 7" Also, Improved Speetaoles, correctly fitted to the ales; Microscopes, Stereoscopes, and Stereolsocie Viewb Gil endless variety, sad ,REMED /WOE& tt HOLIDAY GOODS. J . E., CALDWELL, & CO., 822 CHESTNUT STREET, Have reeeived, by the steamers Ocean Queen arid Per me, the balsam, of their orders for the Beam. SUPERIOR WA'IIOHES. FROM $35 TO WO ge+OU RICH DIAMOND JEWELRY. REAL CAMEO AND PEARL Ens NULL SETS, I/ALP SETS, AND SINGLE PIECES. BRACELETS FULLY ASSORTED ELEGANT SILVER-WARE, UNSURPASSED IN TASTE AND FINISH. CLOCKS, BRONZES, FANS POLISHED STEEL GOODS ENGLISH PLATED DESSERT AND FLOWER PIECE: 1 . PRICEd MODERATE. dl7-71 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. We 'lave Rug received a new and beautiful as sortment fir WATCHES SVELRY, AND EIIVYLVrARP Selected °aprons!, for Holiday ?r L esen E ts. Geminating in part GOLD WATZDIES, SUITABLE FOR EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. Some Inlaid with diamonds and others enameled. WATC R FS SUITABLE FOR BOYS. Also, on hand a beautiful assortment of DIA hlO *l> JEWE , Rv, Wall kind., at redueederims. Dinmonds Mounted in the most exquisite style. Our etvle of Setting Diamonds cannot be ex celled in this country. CORAL, Our assortment of Jewelry embraces the following: MOSAIC, PLAIN, and FANCY JEWELRY of every description, suoh as Gold Igeok and Vest Chain, Studs , Studs, Sleeve Buttons , Gold Thimble', toned", Tooth Picks, Armlets. I ockets. &0., &o. BMW: tr.W it RE. Silver Spoo_us and Foils; Pie, Cake, Butter. Its Cream end Fruit Knives • Preserve, Sugar and Berry Spoons; Bali Cellar. Naiikin Rings, Ca , d Cas." and miser Bets, consisting or Knife, Fork, and poor{ for Ch Idren. wph an endless variety of goods in our line, which we will sell at reduced prices. Gold and Jot Breeelets of all kinds, of the newels de signs. P.B.—Old Gold and Silver purchased for each or taken in exchange. t lease call and examine at LADoMUI & CO.'S. do-it No. 802 CHESTNUT Street, F. P. DUBOSQ & bON. Manufacturers and Importers of JEWELRY J. S. JARDEN it BRO., Manufacturer' and Importers of SILVER PLATED WARE. AT FIRST PRIORS! WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. The above, Wholesale Manufacturers and Importers, find that the reputation of their wares has extended Do- Toad the circle of dealers, to such an extent that the calls of consumers at their counting. room. cannot meet proper attention. The itilvantaee to them, as mapufao tu rent of direct acquaintance with the wants and taste' of individuals purohasfog for their own use. is too high ly a.,precuated to allow them to neglect the custom thus offered. Pot the more oonvenieut claseification end diepluy of their CHOICEST STYLES. they have fitted up the NEW STORE, N 0.1028 CM: STRUT STREET. Where thnir offer. at FIRST PRICES. every descrip tion of JEWELRY. in DIAMONDS, P o , STONES. GOLD. and a complete stock of 814V1.4t_ancl FLA ED WARE, of the finest quality, in PIECES or SErP. - A fiill sasortment of ExotAsir end Swiss WATCPES of tne most celebrat d makers. will be in the oare of F. CONSTANT HIM - YARD. ro whose skilful charge our customer work can be confidently entrusted. dls-Irn WHOLESALE ROOMS, 304 CHESTNUT ST. SILVER WARE. MESSRS. MEADOWS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF STERLING S ILV E R-W ARE. Would respectfully inform the Public, and their numerous patrons that they have OPENED A STORE at 633 ARCH mow, Where will be found a most extetudve assortment of SILVER WARE, Entirely of their OWN MANUFACTURE, of the latest design, and at ratee m reasonable tte clan be found in the city. n2l-lm SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite ireeolal attention to their stook of SILVER WARE, whioh is now untunially large, affording a Ta ney of pattern and design unsurpassed by any house the United States, and of firm quality than la mantilla toren for table use in any part of the world. Our Standard of silver le 9354000 puts pure The English Sterling 9264000 " if dinerloan and Frond' 900-1000 Thus It will be seen that we give thirty-five parts purer than the American and French ooln, and ten parts purer then the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silveri tad our Foremanbeing oonseated with the Refining De. partment (Attie United States Mint for several reamer, guarantee the quality as above (M, whieh is the Awn tent eau be mad* to be serviceable, and will resist the nation of wide much Uttar than as ordinary Silva massifacrared. WX. WILSON & SON, O. W. CORNER /MD AND OHERRY STS N.B.—Any linenem of Silver manufactured ea agreed upon, but posizinily none inferior So Fiona and AafNti canJlandard. Dealers supplied wan the same standard as used Di our retail department. Fins Silver Bars, WlOOO parts pure, constantly on hand, atat-am FANCY ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY TRADR. W. D. GLENN. NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, OFFERS FOR SALE AT. LOW PRICES, Portmonnaies. Pocket Books. and Purees, In great vftriftf e Cigar Cases. Card Cases. Tot et Howse in yt:th colors and decorations. Panay Pa Bogen, in chi. a, glans, metal. Ao, Glass Odor B see and Perfume Elands ladies"i ravellin Be.a, a fine assortment. Paper hittehe Goods, new style Malachite. Gentlemen's Dres•in[ Cases, rnslish, in Variety. Molten mmon and Chess Boards, Fanoy , nkst.tnds. Portable Desks and Writing Cases. Cabo/sand Work Boxes. And many other goods, Imitable for p seents. dlll-tdtir WAR BURTON'S lON CHESTNUT Street, leoond sore above Tenth, 30•3 South SECOND Street, below Spruce, FO ft T H M )1A DAYS. REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS, IN BRUSSELS POINTE, BRUSSELS APPLIQUE, VALENCIENNES, .110NITON, and MALTESE. Aten, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF REAL THREAD, CAMBKIA. AND ALENCON VEILS, CO.PFURES, AND RARBES. A -. 50, A FULL LINE OP PARIS EMBROIDERIES. And every &antiphon of Lane by the yard WARLIURTON'B RIBBON, LACE, MILI.INERY,and EMBROIDERY STORES, 10 , 31 CHESTNUT btreet. above Tenth, dl4tf if end 306 S. SECOND Si., below Spruce. CURISTMAS IS APPROACHINQ, AND those who wish to make their selection* of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well to call at CHARLES DUMMIG'S, No. SU CHESTNUT STREET. Mr. P. wee tale aunnner in Europe, making a aeleotion of altogether NEW GOODS For his new Store, just opened. Re has an extensive Stock of FANCY GOODS, TOYS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CRICKET, ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS, &c., Surpasses in elegance, verity, and cheapness of semen, anything before seen In this t ity. Such es Prenon China, Terra Colts, Farm Marble, Bohemian Glass. Bronze, Berlin Iron, Lava, Ladies' Bags, Purees, Portmonnsies. Chessmen and Games of all kind., Writing becks. PMIPIO r Maohe GaAs. Tom a of all kinds, Musical Instruments of all kinds. dl Im E LEGANT PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, AT M. SHEW'S PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. SU South ERIIIIII Street, shove Chestnut This store is devoted exclusively to Photograph Frames, where may be found a greater variety, and at ewer mines than any establishment in the United States. Bring your pictures and have them fitted in without extra charge. dla-atif SUITAIN E GlFTS.—There is nothing more suitable for &Holiday Gift, or mor yippreci mod hr the reetpient, Hon handsome tel of TOILET BRUSHES. The subscriber is now exhibit/n:IA peater variety of choice and elegant goods 01 thi. description than ran be seen in any other collection in the world, and at very reasonable prices, and of quality un equalled. }B)1VIN No. 909 CHESTNUT Street, dl7-awe-3tif above Ninth street. O PERA GLASSES.—A large and benuti- NI ;mem tment of opera glasses in every you'll of mounting—velvet, pearldvory, enamel &o. hIcALLISTER & BROTHER, , tEettiblieh Che ed UK/ dEvMIPIi 1.11114 ?arta stnut street. ROLIDAY GOODS. CHOICE GOODS FOR PRESENTS! THOMAS O. GA.RRETT, No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, e OPPOSITE TEE MASONIC HALL, Invitee the attention of ell desiring • HOLIDAY GOODS To hie beautiful assortment of WATCHES A:so JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED-WARE. 0 ARFORDS' CATALOGUE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. LADIES' FURS SABLE, CHINCHILLA, MINK SABLE, STONE MARTEN, HUDSON BAR SIBERIAN SQUIRREL MARTEN, PI ICH, Ice - , &a., ROYAL ERMINE, MADE UP IN THE BEST MANNER. IN CAPES. HALF CAPES, TIPPETS, MUFFS, and MUFFTEES. ALSO, BEAUTIFUL CIIILDRRN'S SETS. LAUIES' FUR SRAL GLOVES. FOOT MUFFS. !ONSET and CRILORTMEI BUYER RATS. YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS and UPC FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. OARFORIY S HOLIDAY and WINTER HAT. FINE lOTTER) TRAVELLING CAPS. CLOTH TRAVELLING CAPS. FUR MUFFLERS. CARRIAGE and SLEIGH ROBES. UMBRELLAS and CANES. All the above wdl be sold at unusually LO A PRICES. aa we are anxious to close out our stook previous to cur removal. CHAS. OAKFORD & SON. dl9 et 614 CEPSTNUT .TREET. USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A PINE WRAPPER. MUFFLER, SCARF TIE, or SHAWL. One of these articles adll be very acceptable to you gentlemen friends. A FINE LOSORT7LIN7 07 STEREOSCOPES. Ar W. W. KNIGHT'S. 606 ARCH STREET. FINE SHIRTS, B.EA'TY UNDERCLOTHING, AND GLOVES, Of all bade. dlO-dral TOYI3. FANOY GOODS, TOYS, ETC., ETC In endless variety , and et LOWEST PRIM. At g 4 Routh FOURTH Street, W. TILLER, Importer. du-dukth IVORYTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. It is well known that the net elegant, artistio, chaste and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS AND IVORITYPES ere produced at lideiCL EDP No, 631 CHESTNUT STREET. By the late reduction in his prices, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, so distinguished for their euperionty, can now be pro cured at as taw rates as otters furnish as 0141414, V a , tido for. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, $l.OO. MC GLEES, ea CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH dl2-lm COMMISSION ROUSES. FARRELL & MORRIS. 7311 CHESTNUT BTREST, IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS CLOTHE, 0488111ERE8, DOESKINS, AHD SPRING AND BUMMER COATINGS. MANTELETO. PANTALOON STUFFS WELLING. COFFIN. & COMPANY. 110 CHESTNUT STREET, • AGENTS FOE THE SALE OF A. A W. SPRAGUE'S PRINTS n great varied, including Chocolate., Turkey Rude ;rem, Blum Shirting*. and Fanny tityLaz •ILEACEEBD BEERTINGB AND IDERTINGH3 Lonatale. Masonstlls. Bone. Washington Union Mille. Blackstone. Cohennot. Johnston. Belvidere, Phrocux, Bmit!Mlle BROWN SREETINGS, SHIRTINOB, AND OSNABIJRGB. Alatoaca. Virginia Family, Groton, Sttriok, Berle, Manchester, Meo's & Farm's, Black Hawk, Merest A, Warren A, Farrows'. Riverside, flare' River, RierelL CLOTHO. Bottomley's, Pomeroy's, Gloat= Co.'s, and other oaken of Black and Fanny all wool and cotton van nothe in great variety. DOESKINS AND OASSIXERES. Greenfield Co., Beaton River, Levrudon PIRA fltearn'e Id. Gay & Sone. Glendale, Berkehive Co.. and other& SATINETS Stattn's Ayres /t Aldrich, Taft & Capron. Minot, Charter Oak, arnonal Bylines. Swift River. Carpenters'. Florence Carroll's, Dultrinn't, Convenrrille, Ao. BILEBIAE.—Lor dale Ca's.Rmith'e, sad other waren Main sad twilled, c. ell colors. Fancy Ronk) Strips,' and Plaids. Jewett pity and Irene Stripe'. Denims, end 'lleldun Rhode IdnadnalPhiladelphisLinsere, Apron Cheek& und Pantaloon Staffs. Shepard's and Mater'. Canton Flannels. Finherville Co.'s Cornet Jesus, Re. son-dtsepl—aeol-ftattertf FROTH.T.NGHAM & WELLS. 34 EOLITH IPBONT AND 35 LETITIA STREET, &re AGENTS for the sale of Goads ltdannfacittr,d hr the following Companies, vie: Vlsseacquserts, Lacogri•, Gazer ?Atari, Genoa, DW/ORT, ?alins, trauma, DLITLIT. Brown, Bleached, and Colored Skeet:lnge, Skirtings, Jeans, and Drills. ROBESON'S BLUE PRINTS, HAmPuI , N COMP CNY'i TWEEDS AND COTTONADES in great variety. WASHINGTON MILLS (Formerly Bay State! shawis, Piano and 'Tab e Covers, Printed Yeti!'" Flenneis, All-Wool and Cotton Wary Ckdba, hesair_ulk and blue Beavers, Cassimeres, and Tricots. Also, 'Car says. Satinets. and Tweeds. 01-stuth-6nn FEOTIIINGIUDI it WELLS, 35 LETITIA. STREET, AND 34 BOOM FRONT STREET. COTTONADES. Suitable for both Clothiers and Jobbers, in Lugs variety. 11LIMIER COATINGS AND OABHAUSRETT B Made by Washington Mills. Orders taken for these desirable goods for Senn. trade nIT-tf SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, Igo lig CHESTNUT ST.. ocanaissioN MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA - MADE GOODS. ONEY LIBERAL t Y ADVANCED.— TO ANY AMOUN r—Upod _Watches. "lowelry, monde, Payer Plato, ClothinK, Merchandtse, do., by JONFR to CO.. Old Estnblished ' Brokers, 1•. W. corn-r THIRD and ()MIX LL Str.ota, below Lombard. (Ape loan from. Pk, to 7r. Rlll4=l AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC THE MAGIC FLUTE. ?NIMBLY LAST NUMBS? ONE OF TEE OP TO-NIGHT (PtEDNESTATqiiri 11. at 7M. FIRST AND ONLY GEM - Of Mozatt'a timid-renowned grand airy' ones, In two ae THE MA A li FLUT E, DIIi ZADBER PLOSTb. rln Italian) th its extraordinary cant and entirely new _The_ inalterable preatiaa of the immortal i n v eNNl,whiohneithr at nor errctoustancea tve iniebed. and their. at favor with which 74 MA - HUGE OP PIGAR 0 ban been received in Pa•l• Was. ha,. induced the D, ma to produe THE MAGIC FLUTE. • Which nts ae TH E to wille Joist. as any other°, Mozart a grand °urea. It be broorlit out in emits, tile sty ID, and with a cent which. throu_ah the greet attar tic rummest the command of the mireetora. will car talilly be found a moat extraordinary cue. THE MAGIC FLUTE bu been liven in New York three tinies t with great en eau, h o t eta rue hid t o intempurd ocineeaupee of the clue of theme/loc.it will be Pri l fBtit a 'S Dr IHILABELPIELL THIS IWEIMIESDAY) EVENING, Dee.MlNt THE MAGIC FLUTE WITH NEW (WENN& ENTIR E R LI taw oot. TUMES AND PROPET EG. And with A cast which. throes h the great lutist% source. at the command of the Directors. via be found a most extraordinary one. PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS. Madame COLSON as The Queen of MAL Madame GAZZANIGA as Namur. Madame ST RAKOhCH as Paisartma. BM eTIGELLI ye i sonteo. Rig. FE R RI as - Panacea.. Sign r JUNCA as Seragese. Signor QUINT° M M MULLER as the novo Monostska. se the Itp•aiter. Mme. MORRA. Mme. REICHHARD. sad M a ri . BE es r he secrod and 'bird tulles and cols, 'The sale of Beats for The Magi° Flute Onlltll2=Cal thus morning. TO-MORROW (THURSDAY,) DEC. V. IL TFIOVATOR W. - GRAND EXT.I.A AND 11. A P opERA NIGEL Admix lash:oho: eltotca of seam. Ono Dollar. Family Orclo. contr. Gather-y. 25 coats. The. sale of Beata for Trovntore commenog tau morning. FRIDAY AND SATIMY,A A COMBINED FAREWELL EtiRFORmANCE. Comprising the entire Nara of kI. On FRIDAY EVENI RNAN NG. December 2kl, - A:17) GRAND GALAMATINEE - • ,ON BAT 11RT1.1.1 AFT R kNOON. December n 4. nt2 seolo-k, Witell, renerel desire, the favorite Ospra eiti a rs,r% pE ge. nilbe riven.with its Zr et sent. nee. and splendid part. arm new peenery and nropertien PRICE OF ADMIEemaO.:IINANI AND IRE . . rIN In eonformita with the plan a d opted daring Walden •eaaons. A GRATUITOUS MATINEE TICKET Wtll bo tiv.a. with every Reeerverl Beet Mar fN Friday's ERNANI. LICALE OF PRICER. Tickets to the Marioes only ..... . ... ~•, el 51{ atop reed Seats to Friday's - Veneto itieln-MeVera tuisous isket.inthout resereed seat. for Eraisi only . _ • • se:/;t. 153 Admission Tic ke t , withut resorted l es t , for 1 00 FomU7 A m I ph t ea tre... . ........ " . A 'ne h lof ems forth. f trove(' oeeinuistHeee aa Friday and Saturday commotion this mama, al AMERICAN ACADEMN OP M 13510 TROPATORE. GRANDERRO Of t US-lOAY., Deo. a.st 7M XTE AND CHEAP OPERA MORT. Last appearance in Phttartelphia of the great dramatis rnms Do nna PRICES MA ADMI R SIO A N ZZ O N THIS NIGHT YL'i: (No extra charge tot secnnac seem.) Adndesson to Parquet Parquet Cif eta, tedeocy, sad Boles, includou a reserved seat. One Do ter. Family Circle ............. Fifty Cents. Amphitheatre vasty-five Tickets (mattediag • reserved seat) 81. nuty air) re had in the esermu, at the door. - The sale of Seats commenoes this morning. Only night of Vordi'stvesular op , pra of ' I G IROVATUD. Madams GAZZANIGA as E. Madame BTRAKOSCit Ma Sig. 8 fIG ONLLI es breft The great baritone, as COUNT DI LIMA. aig PERM_ AMERICAN ACADEMY OF WSW ERNANI. FRIDAY EVENING Dee ri. at 7X. GRAND GALA NIGHT, • POSITIVELY LAST mo ND n OF THE 57A.rx. On which occasion will be v conned the ealebented chef n'izoTre of HENAN'. With the following extraordinary east t MADAME PAC I E c for the first boa Parbtrieirda as Elms. 810. oTIUbLLI . halls esiebratett role of Ernani. The treat barttollo - FEILVL in his treat Ourracter of Carlo V. toi, annooneing Sir. Ferri as Carlo V. the Directors °him for hip, the distinction of boat the greatest resole tentative of the char eter, _ . . the Colebrated basso. as Sitva : I ICE .All slimes purchasing Tertred sesta fqr EXNA %I will receive a gratuitous Last for Ekturday'm grand GALA MATINEE, _ THE aIuILIAN I(EoPEBS PRICES OF ADMISSION FOR EItNA.NL Admisston ............ .... . .. al 01) Reserved same , Inc - Intbg a gratilltOnl ticket to the Smitten Vesperal, on Saturday.. I en Family Cirole.. .................. ...... Amphitheatre . The sale of sesta tornmeneva on Thursday morning- AILERICAN ACADIMY OF WSW. ON SATURDAY NEXT, DFC. PL. AT P. GRAND GALA NLATINLN, CLOSE OF VIA SEArtN. - To comply with numerous ?eeriest, from the estrous of the opera. and to Fire en °pool tunny to persona re - came mat of the cit, . Verde, new an d Topalar opera a THE SICIL I AN VF.SioESS Will be given for the Matinee. Mtn, COLSON as Elena. Sty. BRIUNOLI as Amso. The great Baritone,Sig.FEßNl, as Monfort. the. JUNCA as John of Procida. With the now and splendid dresses from Paris. sew Properties, and in act second the magnificent and ea rerpassed BALL-Roobl SCENE, painted by Mr. Ri mers. ADMISSION TO THE MATINEE, ei No Reserved Seats. WHEATLEY .1 CLARKE:a ARCH firREET TRUATREC. JOHN CULBERT'S Benefit. - TRIS(WEDNESU.tri Si 7 RNlNt3.lhte.:ll, 13hendan. s Comedy of the SCHWA.. FOR SCANDAL. Bir Peter Teazle. Mr. John oilbert ; Joseph Suttee. Mr. Dolman Lady Teazle Mrs. John . ow. ONk; TOCCif OF NATURE. Mr. Wm. Peon voider, M Gilbert; films Cautious Behoove, Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with the read admired DANCE DE BERGEd. Scans or Pal.l.ll — Admwssion. ,6 vents; Secured Seats in Dress Circle 375 i cents; Parquet. to mote. Doors open at, half past 6 o'clock; perlormances to commenoe at 7 o'clock preci,ely. nAN EWE'S UREA'I JIL , NATION/if' THEATRE. WALNUT St., above Eighth. D. hloLaran. sole proprietor. THIS AFTERNOON, creed perforresnoe for Ines niles, when LILN KFNT. the ICII LDRe.N'S CLYWN. will appeal, THIS EVENING. the berformacoos will own:mac* with THE DREAM OF CHIVALRY, In which the entire company will appear. Third appraranoe, in nearly three seat.- of the 6ri. gical Hnuorist, DAN RICE. The new and beautiful Fain flat entitled ria ENCHANTED BOWERS. The rrnd Fquestrian z trainee dinars tire of the RURAL SPORTS 1•F AIERRIE ENGI AND In the o'dea time, entitled Tan Fitch of Rano:L."ln which the entire Equestrian Trouoe w It ' , spear. Las' week of the great IiNLVILLE. The whole will conclude with the laughable Cootie hintomia a of the SIoeTtNEL •N . BEAR Doors opee at 63f, o'clock. Performance to commence at Tti o olork. SATINETS WALNI T-bTREE'r THE klia. vv • oh, Louse ..... M. A 0 R ETTBOI4. Mau% . BusinessA.e~.c Mr JOS 1) 1.11;R:11Y (WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dee. 31. - - Rory O'hlnore. Mr. thrney ; Dr Welchem, Mr. Y. &warn; Mnehk. n _Mrs. Barney NI% LAW F , R LAIh E 9. In which Mra Barnet sat is five Cr toren% characters_ LATEST FROM N 6 Yr YORK. • . . Mr. Pots]. Primrose. Mr. 7 tollsr; 1;.I Mndi can, Mr. Bamsr ; Mrs. S. Y. Sy out. him Walliare& farPr sea as usual Potts .cured w•tbo t extr charge. Ilmors open at 6 o'clock Performance to commence at 734 piGE'S CEIABRATED PICTURE OF vpxus 1 3ttid eg ENE'S end the TROJANS to the (Ann Phore. Is note on V.thastinza et the R 05122.2 over CHICK ER/NG &SON'S. SuS Cheateut St:. et east the °lrani House. Admiesiou 25 CeCtta. d 1 it AN DENS! )1+; 'S F.X4118 I TTi F. 0011", JAYNF'S CoMM:INWEALTH t neer Emth. TEItaT EOF aft T. Fifth week Ot this Eleratt Mechanic! 11 Exhibition with the fel owini scenes: The r Genoa. the F ternal City Rome and i?t. Peters, the automaton Ropes Vstiter, Chinese Illumt netians. fitorm on the Bac, the tatoundt^s chip wreck, with a full and c went new of the Mammoth Eteemer, the Great Eastern. Petformancr 'Wednesday and Idanirday afternoons. rt. 8.--dpecial aco , nont lotions are at the disposal of the •trairl2,lll• ushers. Great performs ces on Christmas Dar, Tickets. f 3 cents. Children.ls cents Do , ra op., at in the aces, ng, and 2 o'clock. P U.. to toinMence at 3 end 73i. AIcIIoNoUGIVS GAIETIES —AALE st.. IT above SECOND. FIREMAN'S DREAM. In Mx Tnblennx. . . The above piece will be produced with new rued, . up- PfoPrt ate ecenere..i print contzlete re,prestn . t.atton THE DESTEL C IVE FiRP. `f NEW \ORE. And the detecoon of the incectlverieS, who robbed end destroyed the burdtne he are. TH^ CIRCE. TROUPE will also appear. PIER'S A N Z. ro all his OLY %INC. FEATS.. A. J. Liivirif will di•eoarse reef) the Beeje._ BAND OF BKRENADERS Rill s so sacesr: PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE AWN H . TOM CESTNUT STREET. Ts OPEN DAILY, (Sunda) excopted,) from 9 NI. till 6 P. let Bartholomew's Statue of • .PARADI LOST'. Now on Exhibition for S a sho ß rt time Admission 33 cents. C1111.1'112 under le years MU Deice. bhereeofftoek 65.0. fIEititIANIA. OR IIksTRA —Public Re v! he3retale every SA TURD AY, at MUSICAL FIND BALL. at Sl g o'clock P. B. A package of mg ht ticks , , ono dollar. S.ntle bckets. IS cents To be hid at G. Andre's. and Beck A Lawt. Music Stores. and at the door. om- m NOW ON EX El lON.-3 he latest works of 11111'11e. Rosa Bunheur. entitled " Los Bortiqueroe." I?Paniah hluleteets croseing tbe.t re nees,l end reinnint in the lii.hhindr. with the eet.tbea ted portrait of herself. be Edouard nebula, on exhibi tion fora shat time, from 9 A. hi. till 5 P. Al. A dmiuten 75 cents. EARLn's GALLERIES. 813-12 t 815 CHESTNU f Sleet. A uA DEN Y OF FIDE Attors, (southeast 1 --u- GALLERY.) t3onntaa'a great raintl nr. "A DREAM ITAL Y ." Lesstneg IrOttrirOUS Nast of Art. "THE MARTYRDOM OF JOHN 111.7135." Mr. also aparini,na of ACHENBACII. STI. I 1 , 4 BRUCK. IiCBNER, C.OLPHAUSEN 111LOERRATID1. and HASENCL a V ER, Will be exhibite alterm 9 A. M. to 5 P M., and 7to 10 P. M. daily on and December 2d, LW. Admission 25 cent/. MAT rilEmpLE Wurs, DEM ii Northeast ranter of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets—Second Story. OR &NOE OF E NTERTAI T NMENT EACH EHIBIION. SIGNOR Etr.ITZ. The great Ventriloquist and Magician. will give tie Now a nd ARtnnishtng Performances at the above nitro EVERY EVENING. at 7.ta(1 . C)04.k. /1110 WEDNESDAY and S &TER pAy AFT ERNOUNI,m 3 o'clock, onasist- Inc of Laughable beenes to Ventyilocurore, inoompre lasnaLble Feats of Natural 33av10. SPiTlt Ravytna a a its influences, and the Learned Canary Birds. Adnineinon to ciente. Children 13 cent. a23-Im. APRIVATE FAMILY livtng in a gel, d naighborhood, in a central part of the pity. would isecommothite two tentlemen. write full or Partial tusrd. Address •• Central," Hood's thspnttti. d:.11-431` RR. C RS 4 O N , REAL E. , .sTATE BRoKER AND CONVSiANCER. NORRLS TOWN. rENNA. FAR II4 to tUnuomerY,Ba^ks, and Chester conn- U.*, for gale or exchange. GOOD MORTGAGES on firms negotiated. • Olrni RAIIRBOALE DWELLIIcos for bale tarrNor•fs. • ani BOARDING.