- •'', , ,',l.T.' , iiiti , :.,tibitTsoiOnito;;, ,. :l. ,, -; . ;, , .. Nattistite.-14t4grieves, Ue...VE- 00#10:it4 , 4. 4 i:!1301.3117ilitorrelatl• deroga tOrYfe'iaeltaiseteOf eite!Oftlie rriedicalprm: feaskeirind , ,yet , titir dUtyss ikaithffil phrbni.. o.oliobe;illiteui,b4i.lbrjecM.6,ll44. present, will; nofi~;at~lti~r "ni Cased to coisoii our owiiintitiiduid***ofeelito4al: feelings, , ate bp } cast, aside the mantle of prej udice arid arid partialitYpand stand' etibased only in the armor Of truth.-- , •-' , Doter PhleboteMY dwelt' in a wealthy and populous , village.-fOn , thi blinks of , the . 77 ,—; wherithif inmitensivo and lucrative pee. 'tics not,, nly embracingtheyillage itself, but overatMlles Of the surtettuding Country. Ho enjoyed the entire xonfidence at the ladles; WhickjoieVerirttillitilLthP iTikake:9!) , 90' elne4ettephysielari, having the gr4:pginkon of the n forattle portion of the comrinudty; May saleulaigon thearippOrt of the unite sa smatter of course. :Such was the geed 'intone ofDoe tee was about hoine,;to r 'be - the greatest dector in.,the aad made mowaylike dust. ', ' Yet; with all these advantages, he cOuld'not, be. satlstlettwith - his - ,proPer mad lawful galas; but fell into' the* habit** charging two visits where had Made but only one:: la this way his Oceanid .had Swelled to an amount little to be expected in: a 'countlYpractice.. , kat, tri this Signet; success, an incident took-Alio vblch convinced the Doe. for that; ,u - spite of "his growing wealth, in spite of the powers of medicine, and the won. derthf gibed wrought upon'others by hie skil fhl ovm lot hour had come. It was a ableinnAhing. to , bo cut of in the . prime of life ; in the midit'of strength and the increase ( of practice; Making money hand ever was indeimi ri, 'Solemn thing. It was a potion too bitter to be omild Scarcely be thought„without shuddering,: And yet, dreadful t ea, 'was 'the contemplation *was brought mosttbarfully to the mind of D l r..Phie- One dark and stormy evening he had retired to bed , earlier than usual, and with a slight at tack of sore throat. He had bathed his feet in warm water, rubbed his' throat with 'Volatile linknent, and taken' i'dose of, paregoric. „Ito was just beginning to get - into a slumber ; ,when he was aroused by I horrid MA Most appalling 1110i110, as if proceeding from a' cistern, which was 'situated within a few , feet of the house: It yias as the noise * of sonic heavy, body falling into the Water ; and succeeded by a 'deep, hoarse and dolorous groan, every now_end then interlarded with an iadignant - burst, twit' pro ceeding from the Mouth of a stuck swine: . Doctor ,p,bletOtoiny 'Was net, altogether a belleyer in supernatural warnings. and-ghostly preinonitions—bit the state of his health that evening, the Partial effect of the paregoric, the gloontinear of the weather, and the conscious ness of fraud In his dealings towards his -pa. tlents, united,alorig with the amid &die, to convininhim that his earthly aceothitti were nearly closed.„ ,His imagination became pain -'fully- The Sound seemed , to him not only like , tbat of a drpwning mortal, but as if a body were rudely let 'ion into a grave, and the clods , were carelessly thrOWn upon :the cOilisttltan,'there were the groans of utiqiittand troubled Spirit,' as ,if reluctantly parting with its teneidint'Of ,-; • Mrs. Phlebotomy waifjast getting into bed, when 'Doetor, aroneeZ :Dom his incipient slumbers, and giving *Mica to liismorbidfancy, started up and exclairued : that, my dear I'? • ' • "Nothing,' pres Mite," said the good lady— "it's merely your, imagination." cc_lifyimagination 1 Mrs. Phlebotomy? Why, do you,t hi nk my imagination can 'make such a noise as that F, 'lt sounds ominous." Do lie dowii; Doctor," said the affection ate wife; gently - laying her hand on his shoed derLif do,, lie down• and cover, yourself up ; you'll take fresh cold." , • She ,suceeede). in making him lie-down cc Don't yon bear that Soiso,My dear ?" said the Doctor. , , "'Why—why-to be sure—l can't say—and yet—l dare' say—l presume, my dear, it's no thing ' but thend. You know the wind is _ wi. uncompiPnly high Thus; Mrs. Phlebotomy endeavored, like a loving wife, to; calm the aPprehensions of her husband._ _ Bat _ she was not without, fear her self: She bad beard the ntsise;and was a film believer in eignsandforewarninge asiproacif ing mortality.' • - But she wished •to •allaythe fears of her husband , lest • they might have an injurious effect ,I)11 . hie' iienith; and_ perhaps carry'himi to r• the' grave before hie appointed was therefore botiO natu rat and pru dent to endeavor, as well as 4to ' could; to soothe his apPrehernilens,, aid • to' 'persuade him that he was deceived by his imagination. The dieinal..sound oontieued; and seemed every.Momentto war more and more tearful. But whatever it the iitaieituithili and marvel loui the imagination of the Doctor might have conjured Up; there was something in the sounds particularly vulgar andiiivtl h. it was #-a swine were indignantly grhnting fOrth a male diction-Innen italintiznel.Y and cruel fate ; as if it wore . briathing its last, and' sighing out a hoarse adieu to all things earthly. , , But Doctor >Phlebotomy had other thoughts than those relating to *swine. He Verily ima gined:. he was summoned away. He hid wit -mitered the erdl to Many a mortal, but never, until this hour, bad he been seriously 'affected. There wasa wide digerence between his own . Case and that of his' patients—he could look upon the approach . of death .to others un ahrinking and =walled. But nosy thc.caso was brought home to his own door. Ile'was not exactly.,fli .to,die; ,xsir *Ming to go even had he been 'St.- He - Wanted ',to 'make more doubliFeharges and he - Wanted leisure to re pent, afterwar4.. :With 'avarice unsatisfied, sore throat,, excited nerves, and conscience fU at ease,lis agitition las extreme. "There! there!" exclaimed he, starting up again,'' 460 you hear it, wife "Do lie dime, Doetor,"..agetri entreated the good wQmau, and compose yourself to rest. The noise, I dare say, is nothing but tho wind singing through the great buttopwood trim. • I beg you'll lie deli, Doctor," • "No,, my 'dear," :said the Doctor,, mourn fully shirking his head, "the wind never makes it noise like that'. .I've •been out Wall weathers, and tinder all circumstances; through foreita and-,glens, among cliffs end mountains ' and never did near the wind singing. such adirge .as this. '. _Hark! 'there again.-again My dier",4 have butsShia time to - "Oh r donknow,•Doctor Phlebotomy, take au:winch notion into your head,"entreated the' good woman; w you• distress me very much— I can't trear , to hear you talk so." -. • "There i there !do you hear that / There's no use in mincing the, matter," said the Doc tor; with anothermournful shake of the head— w we're all mortal—poor, miserable mortal creatures—and I must go as.well sa the rest of 'the world. Yon must, be a widow, my dear.', Mrs. Phlebotomy burst into tears. . w Don't cry " ; deaiden't cry. I hope been a kind husband to you; and though I must now leave you it. widow, I shall not leivilnu-destitute. You will have a good jointlire•?, Oh Doctor,- you'll' kill miff you talk of dying'," sobbed Mrs. Phlebotomy. , "I've made • some money," resumed the Doctor; bat therein one , thing lies heavy on riklisart.:4Elybooks-r•nly account books.", .egtoti't troubleyourselfaixeit your accounts now," paid the w11674 ° ,i it only .make You worse.- ~D o fie down and composeyourself; I dare say: the aceounia4lll, helaken care of." She ,prevailed' upon him oneemiore to-lie down; but the idea of, his apPr 0 4411,4 disse- IntiOn, and the account book, ran miserably in hie hood. _ ' 'it 'M groping worse,. every moment, my .0 OW,' MY throat 1` my throat! X emit , le,treely get ,my breath. U hive but a 11t.ilelitowto live, and : I mt striae that little In ', , 14 4 .44, Justine to late e m ployers, .70 ae .:'#oxiiliKeStia4Ai ermine 1--:oh thiraCof gain litif,oo*ltiioOks mut bikaltereV' t altered I" exclaimed Mra. Phlebo ,. Thad, no- atlaidefork, of,. the, twin Woke ateimded: - , elt , ,pti.eluiried too much, my "".dentr!' nontnrOi an agonY Of aakiemorlie. 1-4.4 f e made two charges °nett to have' triadt bat eaw." S. this deair, aohtindeclllie s'e =f Th e • -.litniiiiiitanVii!'•-• •did. ( as elm • 1 4 8 6;44 i 1, - -, riii4,loMiitwbaltlingrai bed.poll4'. ; , ;tuattue , Itsfitk# l i3Ort4o Vc l 44'. I triPtif - tyiAitclos, a delaiotte , groan, I'mfait tiour is at lisipeette his $4041." jriatirk , stared, and the Doctor went 9 n. 'kcal know, _ Tristus,,l've done a good deal of practioe' and Made a" good 'nsanY charges ; but you;, (lord kirOW that I've charged double in a great Many instarteel..Thit it's a that, Justus— a',fact: *now I want you to take the account beoks, sta. — whereon _I have made aouble, dirges erase one of them. Do this quickly, Justris.i' "Now ?" inquired Justus, who suspected that his master was a little delirious. ." Yes, quickly, , Justus,v said the Doctor, "set about it this moment. Don't close an eye, Justus, untii you have erased every other otte,ot the twin charges. " :Justus, who was a student under Doctor Phlebotomy, had no Idea brithis master Would get over his 'strange notion before morning. /34 he was willing to do as he was ordered, it It were for nothing else than to witness the Doctor's, chagrin when he should flnd his ac counts so miserably mutilated, and himself not dead orAlkely to die. Re set busily to work, and before sunriSe bad expunged many an un lawful hundred dollars from the Doctor's books. In the mean lime, the appalling noise had becopte faipter and fainter, and at the last to tally died may. But the warning had been given; the Axed impression- had boon made; and the Doctor endeavored to make such pre paration for death as the very short notice would allow him. The 'Squire was sent for to write ' hie Ivill, and the Minister to give him spiritual consolation. Sundry good old ladies In the neighborhood mere alarmed, and came to witness thellast end of their favorite physi cian. Mrs. Phlebotomy did nothing but weep and wring her hands. Peggy, the house-maid; looked on with amazement, not conceiving how, It was possible for mortal man to get ready for se long a Journey In so short a time. She nevertheless acted her part as well as she could; every now and then wiping her eye with the corner of her apron, for decency , a sake. As for Jiistus, he scratched all night long at the twin' charges, separating them with as lit tle remorse as a surgeon would the Siamese The , Morning came, and the Doctor was pre paring to go. Ah !my poor mistress ! she'll be a widder I" said Peggy with a sigh, as she went to the cistern to get some sot water pre paratory-to washing. The cistern, which had no curb, had boon' left open, and on letting down her bucket, Peggy perceived the old sow,lioating on her side, bloated like a drowned creatureiand dead as a herring. She dropped her buCket and ran in, exclaiming— cc Vie old sow! tb.o okt sow l" “Whist! ?add I" Said lira, Phlebotomy, cc you'll,disturb the Doctor." "The old sow is in the cistern!" said Peg, gy, louder than over. - cg How 1 what! the devil!" exclaimed the dying Doctor, as he started with surprising agility on his feet. "The sow in the cistern, did yon flay ? You careless jade, what did you leave the cistern open for t There's a good ten dollars gone." He rushed out, half dressed, to explore, the watery premises ; and there, sure Mamie], he beheld the cause of all his alarm, the drowned old sow. The Doctor lived many years afterward, but he never fairly got over the story of the death warning. Mrs. Phlebotomy and the minister did what they could to keep the report from going abroad; but the 'Squire, whenever the subjeet was broachedoput his finger mysteri. onsly beside his nose, gave a knowing wink, and merely said--cc Did I ever tell you that story?" "Never, 'Squire." "Then I won't" he replied. Peggy was dismissed from the family', and therefore had a good excuse for blabbing ; and Justus, the sly rogue, thought it too good a story, to keep to himself. IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for Theyresel CHARLOTTETOWN. P. E. ISLANID—fIohr Pia kh leyr re l at it T ri h i s o y e e o rirl y .24lo . bushels potatoes, 2,100 bushelanbtir! • FHILADELFEHA BORED OF TRADE. JAR. ROSS SNOWDEN,) HENRY AN B CAS UDD ,TER. • CONMITT3II 07 xsts Morn s J. B. L LETTER BAGS air ?u Xrileacrts , sicussus, Ship Tonawanda. Julius. Liverpool, Deo 26 Fox WEST COAST or Antics.--The shin Julia Law repos, Cast Spear, will sail from Philadelphia on the litth December for the West goast 4frtce. All letters and papers intended for the U S Bsuaaren e.n .that sta tion, or other persons, will be forwarded , left at the Foreign Letter Office, .Phtleidelphia Exohange, on or be fore that date. 'MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. S. 1859 SUN —7 42-81111 BETS— . Ss WATER... 4— —.— .1 16 • ARRIVED. Bahr HA &ten, Rogers, 6 days from Salem, bal lass to Noble, ammett & Caldwell. BehiLidia •• Ogden. Fisher, S dare from Baltimore, With wheat to nos Richardson & Co. Bohr Vandalic, Cooper, A day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to ju Barratt & Bon. - Bohr/ le Raved'', Pne, I day from Dover, Del, with oorn to Jai /Arran l oon, CLEARED Bohr G W Comm Ina, Walden, Providence, D Cooper. TT TXLTORAPH TO TOT Ppigi _ . . • lerev Oerkerm. Deo 6 Arrived chip CoMpromiee from Philadelphia. (Corrsopondenos of the Philadelgda Exoluismo.) - „ LEWES . Del, Deo 6. We were not able to visit the harbor. yeatenlar. on ac count of wind and rain. which baa continued mot , Sun drO, last. dig wind varying from N. to accompanied With think fog. Last evening there were three brig. and about*) 'threat harbor. Wusd East, and for Yours, W. M. HICK (Cnreinhanding,MP E hne l leret . e e h e arpred oc The Wyoming left here this morning with 6 Iniats, den and consigned as folios's! Baratont, wheat, Cattail to Qt,t Verdilla, lum ber to B T Janney; H B Thorn; do to le Bolton; Jtdells, Alex o . rag y a o n u d n t3 t we e tare , , oust t , o Delaware NIBMOBANDA. Ship Zephyr, of Boston; from New York to Ban Pran else°, wee spoken lath ult. let 06 30N. lon 3730. Ship Amazon, Hrst. at New York 6th ,net. from jmtidon.'reports lot , , let 46 20, 1n 83, fell in With a brig or bark in distress ; one had two bright noun/stand leg, white meet header ran close to her and found her waterlogged. The sea was making a complete breach over the after part of her Leaw auveral persons on the forecastle and in the fore rigging. It blowing a furious gale at the time, could net reamer them any assistanoe. Alter which experienced a tremendous gale, the ship hove to for 48 hours, under close reeled minuteman, and during which lost eight of the wreak. Bohr ole , Daughter, Falkenburg, hence at Charleston ad inst. '. Bohr Dne 0 Patterson, Hand, hence at Charleston Ith inst. Bahr Feurdealer.: tievereug, from Dunne for !hie port, at Portland/Kb Inat. Soh? Black Diamond, Young, sailed from New Bedford M iltrilflatit " .goularius, 4 lfaskell, from Delaware C rih r rA ß ec c = t : ru'erhggfttPA.l6, at New York 6th inst. , MIEM=2E=SI Theirs Is a rumor that a r anal wept to pieces. and that all hands were drowned, between RtamPtoo Beach and Salisbury Point. Large Dwane oft he wreck , cedar Pelle* lumber, ailitigiee, lath and bark. are etrewn Mons the bench, a considerable portion of whioh drifted into New buryport harbor with the flood tide on Sunday mornins. Str N Smith, Hazard , hence, arrived at Norfolk bib inst.' MEDIVINA.L. THE .ALL-SI3I7IOIE,NT TRIESEMAR, I L S, end a. • Protected by Royal Letters Patent of Rngland. and secured by the Seals of the Pooled, Pharmsoie de Pans, and the Imperial College of Medloloo, Vienna. No.l ip invaluable for exhaustioe.smormatorrhoia, and all physical disabilities. N 0.3 completely eraditiates all traces of those diseasee that have been hither to . treated by the nauseous and per nicious use of cocaine and cubebs. N 0.3 him entirely enpstanted the in'urious usepf_mer. curb thereby insuring to the sufferer speedy tell ef, vetoing all impurities, and tooting out the vbnom ofdis- Sale. • TRIESPAiR, N 05.1.2, and 3, are prepared in the form of ja lozenge , devoid of taste and smell, and can be ogled i f: the ,e waistcoat pocket. id S i ol i d t r tan h aver. and Mes.gieen,ol,:rlg; cues for S O, wh ion caves 3131 and in $ D oases, where by there is alum: or $e To be bad. wholesale and retail of Dr. DARROW, VAI Ineuliprireet, New York. So also et Retail by CALLEN ER & 00., corner THIII I D and WALNUT Streets, P itadvlphlit, and by T. W. DYOTT at SONS. 313 Nort SROOND Street, Wholesale awl Retail Agents; for Pennsylvania. ,d3itt 7OLLICKOFFER'S ANTDRHEIIM ATI() I have been [aided with rheu matism fo limbs.g periods portion of the time had no nee of my 'fried your Cordial, and In to day. I was able to walk down staire, and In a week t e paln °Mindy left ins. Ido cheerfully recommend t o Cor dial to those who areAffiliited with that dresqut com plaint. noun, JAL W. DI SWLIN, BIOKO?. Pine EL prepared by TIIBOOORE ELLEN, Chemist, N. E. corner PINE and SIXTH its. rirRAIOATJ. BAK.ERY, S. W. Corner N IRQAD and VINE Streets, PHILADEPHIA. - This establishment is now Tersibl operation, day and MOIL and all are respaoll invited to call and see the whoa propags or breid-m g for thogre.olves. The undersigned lakes the Aro!' loving that for thirty-five years he has been a pincitigal Ilakee--11ve as apprentioe,, and Ore cur Journeyman in one or the lusthouses in fiootiandi apd twenty-five as waiter-40ring which time he had the opportunity of making many monuments. ltadoltvervlaS all the improvements whiofi b rn e tiri e :ya;b i li e sg r og 4 that rod. Mei'. has now the - ma- Attw ..in ditto to the °apostate labor-saving ma ie a hts as h n fardlitias or many kinds nat hereto tor riimod, 7 toeing nnremralcie' in the virohus of flotlrenona Mit ke imundest and bast stoili ever be used; and ne nas no agitation in saline that Bread of all kings can be (le vered, unrarsaased In meats and Weigal , Di that made the ordinsry moat , , f =hi 'insill:tithe Itread made In the kfeahanlold . Elakerrim not en triedeor in which It ha o been tried oul perfoPt‘inig a jp e giry, e & ro lo" oteit e ll m =y,;in ' rt 6 mai n 0ir,,, 0 0 orom o on fitevin Y iiimu iad to mutual advan tage . onN 6. Vox Y I : moor ? - - . fiaperlntenaent . . . A. CHANCE FOR ANY PERSON TiIAT bus hes to, - eniege in the COAL AND LUMBER. -iness., The lubserber, about changing his business, offers ferule the slosh end fixtures, and lease of a 'COAL AND - LUMBER. YARD situated on the weet side of aduYlkill, two and a halt mites above Alanayunk. 'PI.O gob, consists of-liendoolt and Pine lumber, l i rextdree hOrsie.Wwsons. carte, 4 / 0 'Yet/ . thlr thatts neoessary for carrying on the LVNINEN A ti COAL beameis. • Ttatiatd is an old established stand , and now doles a Wood airless, which the boots will show. There ill a Inning the P.At R.N. Road, and a landing on the Sehttrbll. 'lt will be sold at a very low rate, and only , two o indted dollars in oath required. - I tn'• • • • W. GAMITR, '' Pdlgi'L • - as above, *r - ocoivOd„ "5,,111 in 2 'of we jar, bkimperiorintE r ig t i vi ela, 0., for el No 24 . WftTER 3111 /4. D 1 4.W' Ain THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA,' 'll RAILROAD LIN Es. e . NOTICE...-CHESTER VALLEY. RAILROAD—PM RE TT! Effit p_owrINGWOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE BTATIONS ; —(ht and afiapeth Decem bar, 1859, the Passenger Trains tor DOWNINGTOWN will start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadelphia and _Rending Railroad Company. corner of BROAD and VINE Btrute. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown.' ItiaVes at 740 A. AMFT. ERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at L. 39 P. M. lAILY (Sundays exceted.) stuf yili e l i g n o g f ke ll ßoartlldanagore of the Philadelphia W. 11Y4 ' 17-ii,IO.:I4NV. Panratir, ail PIIILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD, MOMPNE for porrLLE, READ ING and HARROD:Q. 0# Leaves the Depot, at ovner of 13 OAD and VINE Streets, at 7.30 A,M..DAI Y, (Sundays -emoted,/ for POTTWILLE, 'HARRIS USG ; and aik intermediate points, connecting flt Harrisburg waft trains running to Pittsburg, Ohambersborg, Carbile,SunWn7, ke. APTBRNOON LINES, Leave at 530 P. M., DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and HRISE ORG. _At 4.30 P.M., DAILY, ( flundaysenoepteddfor READ UV 0, and intennedia tw. E te poin . o kt ts. d 5 rLDENNV.Reetrebtry NORTH PENNSYL VANIA lIAILROAD. WIN 1s ' For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, SIAUCH CHUNK. HAZLETON. Onand after MONDAY, November 7th, IMO, Passen• ger Trams will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, DAILY, (Sundays excepted i) Fbr Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. Sr. (Express,) at 9.30 A. M. For Bethlehem, o. (Expreno,) at 9.57 A. M. and 8 P. M. For Doylestown, (Acoommodationd at SAO A. M. and 4 P. M. For Fort WashingtondAeoommodation.) at 5 P.M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem, ( Ex proud at 8 A. M. and 4.10P.M, Leave Doylestown, (Aocommodationd at 7 A. M. and 3. 1 0 P. M. Leave Fort Washington. fAeoommodation,) at?. A.M. ON 1811NDAYS Philadelphia for Fort Washstotir.at 9.90 A. M. rhiladelplus, for Doylestown, at P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for o; del at 3.40 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, SIM; to Mew% Chunk, 0.60; to Easton. SIM: Doyiestovrn, 80 oents. Through tickets must be procured before entering the as All Passenger Train,' fersiept NOWILY Traimil con nect at Berke street with Fifth end trath.etreets, and Second and Third-streets Feseromor Railroads. 07 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. Mal PHILADELPHIA, GER -: MANTOIVN AND NORM- Yn .AILROAD- WINTER_ARRANGEMENT- On and after MOND AY,Nov. 11, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 7.50, 9, 10, 11, and if A. M., I, 2,3, DC 4,5, 6.14, 6, 7,1, 9, 10, and DM P. M._ Leave Germantown 6,7, I, 3,3, 4,04,6,6,658.1 8 9.10 M. orl du'N Leave Philadelphia 9.06 nun. A.M., 3, 614, and 10 P.M. Leave Oermantown 8 .10 nun. A. M., LIU On., ON, and P. M.. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. P. Leave Philadelphia 6“7.60, 11 A. M., 3,4, ON, 7, and 10 Leave Chestnut Bill 7.10 7.40, 8.65, and 12.40 A. M., 3.49,5.40, 6.10, 400, and 8., _ ON S UNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.06 A. M., 2_,and 634 P. M. Leave Chestnut Rill 7.60 A. 11L, 12.60, 6.70, and 8.49 rean. FOR CONSMONOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphl4 6,9, 11.4 5 , hill., A. M., 1.05, 045, 4)L MG and 11,14 P. AL Leave Nornetown 6,7, 15,11 A. M., IN, 434, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, W i g fi c uAligelii i 9 A A.M. !Id a P. M. FOR 1112N a rgrek M . Leave Philadelphia 6, 75‘, 0,11.06 A. M., 1.06,9.0 d, 3.05, 45( 7,f. and 1134_,P. M. _ 5, / a tv a s z lotty . tlit ON, IN, eg, sg, and-11f4 BL, 2,3, Leave Philadelphi2KTl A M . 5 t P M. Leave Manavunk 71 / A. ~,141,1,Thd T. M. 10-tt BbEAT.Viairgilmatenindtlns. :u" . " , " IMORrEA L OA . D IfALTI -42n aml after MONDA I , Nomber 1 , 1,1601,. PASSENGF.II TRAINS L E AV Erimautabrlifitt For Baltimore at 8.15 A. 19 noon, (Express ' ) an d 11.10 P. M. For Chester at 8.16 A. m.,12 noon, 4.90, and 1130 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 12, 4.30, and 11.10 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M., and 4. 0 0 P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. • For Fiver at 8.16 A. 1.1.„ and 4.91 P% gorllford at 8.15 A. hL, and 4.30 P. hi For eatord at 8.16 A. M., and 4.80 P. M. or Laurel at 8.15 - A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR F3ll LAPELPEUL Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M., (IdaBkees,)4l,l6 A. M., and 1.2,5 t i t vellM 1 03:011 at T. 15 A.M. and 11.40 A. M.,1.46 and Leave Laurel at AM 4. bh, lad rive Sanford at 8.46 A. 01., and A PM. aye Milt !!ford at LIO A M., and . P, . ave Dover at OAS A. M., and P. hi. aye Middletown at 10 A.. 51. and 7.04 p. M. save Now Castle at A. A M.. And 17 r. Leave Chester at 8, 12 A. 3L, 2.22 and 9.16 P..M. Leave Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.10 A. Al. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave ch ester at 8.'45 11..28 and 11.10 P. M. L i tiave Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., ULM P. M., and US Oat Only at 11.10 P. M. frona_ptlEelpia to Italtimore. FRVIAVITeAIii!,7:II‘ Y.l4exkVittllleati l d, follvra: Leave Philadallibla (Or Parry vale and intaryikediate places at P. M. lo&Ve Wilynien for Parryville ivonpoiss. PtleAfilmi-,7t.tt (pr Philadelphia end intermedist. plFwee at 3.45 P. Leave Baltimore for Sternal:l4l Run, Ohaaa'a, and Mare Wood at 3441'. M. n 5 B. M. 'FELTON. Piloident. PHILADELPHIA AND I kUIRST ROUTE thEenliiritiAVAt i eWA D tar, itigimr•mweltgisaTELlZgixt:ciallile,Lijalt. - 10 1 u1s. , - Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphip_and Reed ing Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DAILY, (Sundays exoepteddas follows : 7.30 A. M. DAV EXPRESS. For Elniira,Niagara ane, BulTalo,, Detroit, Chieego, Milwaukee, Rook Islan d, Galena,St. risers, Burlington, and St. Louis. 8.30 P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Butrato,Detrolt Chleago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena,St.Fatil's rung n, and Bt. Louis. The 7.30 A. M. and 8.30 P. It!. trains run through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch. The 7.30 A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilke.- Wire, Pittston, Svanton And all snitione on the LACK AWANNA AND SLOONISBURO RAILROAD. BN pago oheoked to E norm, Bahl°, and Suspension lm e tinVidts oan pe propnrod at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line ingot Qtriap. Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Passen ger Depot, corner BROAD and VINE, THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, Oust dor eseeptald To all vows West and North, at P. M. Freights must be delivered before P.M, to insure go ng ror the same on a,pl at r Freiht He niOAD, below Vine, Or to CHA. SIXT H AP Generel_Agent, N. W, comerand CHESTNUT Streets, clet-tf P j adelphia. 1859.1E4mm 1859. FALL p a RANGEMENT—NEW TLIE 0 DP.N ON BILA DELP IA A_ND BEN ON RAIL CVO LINES, FRO PH LA.DEI,PIife. TO NEW Ybßic. AND WAY-PLACES, /HON WILLNIT.INSTHEET wusas, Will leave as follows, via SARI. At ILL IL, ma Camden and Amboy, Cam. & Am. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey Car, (New * 62 28 JerseylAccommodation ,„„.. ..... 34 sy M., via Camden and Jersey City, M.onung .... , ..• . .. . . 300 At tl b'y SteambOnt, via ....... aria J0144Y City, Western Expre55.._...... 000 At 3.3}4 P. M., via Camden and Anitio . y — Acoommo. • 126 At? P. bI., Vja Camdea andar . ll.o7; Al 4 P, i4A — Vatio aid—l se.y City, Evening Express.- —...— 00 At P. m. by Steamboat. via Taeony and Jar 10 117P ° . Vir, Jersey City 1 At 11P. l ... M., via Camden and hinter Citi,Gihern Mail.... At P.M, to Camden and Amboy,Amminmodatlon • (Freight and Pulse nger)-Ist Class Ticket. ..... 216 24 Class et...„„ The 6p. M. Mall Line runs daily. Thell P.M. S ou th era Mail. Saturdays excePled. For Belvidere, Futon, Flemington, &0., at 6 A. M. and 3% Ma P. M. For ash chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at 6 A. Lehigh Valley Railroad. d . or Wator Gap A Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wittesbarte, otos:, Great Bend, Ste., at 6A. m., elaware, aunt- and Western Railmail. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A. M., and I and 4 P M. For Freehold, ate Aht. and 3_r, M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, &o, at 434 and P. M., from Walnutstreet wharf. For Palmyra, Delatmo Beverly, Burlington, Borden. town. /sp., at 1214,/. 3).‘ P.M. - Steamboat John Nealson,for Bordentown and interme diate PittoOeSt at 2N P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate pleuies. at 11 A. M. and 4 P M. Fifty pounds of birage only allowed P. ;monger. Passengers are IMO Rotted from taking anything 44 bag-. gage but their war appareh All baggage over tiny Minds lobe paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar e M u nd, an ril e; , except bY PeCia aontraot. 00t.1.1129. WM. B. CATZeIEIt. Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL . RAILROAD. . 1859. :,• w istimig 1859. THE CAI'ACITy r i 1 TRE1,..R84.1).143. EQUAL TO THREE A TWMIGH PAdgilakß 'TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, onneoting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Gin einnatitSt. Louts, Cleveland, Chioago, Burhogton, Sp Paul's, Indianapolis, Louisville, New Orleans, and all intermediate mite in Ohio, Indiana Illinois Kentuo ky. ? ? Michigan, Wisootain, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and com fort by any other route. Armen and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train • Woodruff's ErArhs c rlNti DAILY: ' Mn i ar i a " 4. l? t r l l ig l ei, The Sun daysaf ' tr i g; leaves Philaitelphia at 8.00 A. M. ast ine ' 11A0 ,M. WAYTRAINSes " FOLLOWS:W I s WAYLEAVE AS !kesburg Accommodation at 12.30 A. M. amsburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P. H. CQ umbis g P. M. Passenger' for West Chester will take the Mail, Parkesburg, and Lancaster Train, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo Niagara Palls, and Intermediate points, leaving Phila dephia at b AIM., go directly through. Tickets Westward may by obtained at the ortioe of the Company in Philadelph.a, New York, Roston, or Bal timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad °Man in the Wen; also ont &mpg-any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers, ai " ft 1.11:1 *° ,7 the Ve/11 °therithat t e. of the pea AflaitrP i kilVw`Vihrhfr n 1 1 1 .1 1 1141711; GREAT NORTHWEST. The ootineohon of,trapks by the Railroad Hilda," at Pittsburg, }voiding iilt dry or ferriage of reight. together with tlhe saving o t ma, are arantagge rety apvreolatijd by harpers o reight an the Trave llin g Mho. FREIGHTS WESTWARD. ' By this Route , Freight/. of all des:manor's can be for warded from Phladelphia. New a Yprk. Doaton, or Balti more,di to . any point thel n t , allf w a a d: s ot s% tgigelgu i va l mad dont. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittatiorg With o n o he by wigich Goods cam be forwarded to any Curt on, the Ohlo. Muskingum. Kentucky, Tennenee, cumbormo, Him* Mississippi, Wisconsin, fdisoun, Kansas, Arkbllng, and Rigd Rivera; and at Cleveland, Bandung, gnu Chicago, with Steamers to anyone on the HOrthWeStern Lakes. Shipperso t ti th ottlfr h* Pr l g ' dj. , e1. r 001p71y, " ,,,, I..V.Veh rt .tr %IVY/WI oitAiliwr to any point 14 th,e West Ve t e:a rroTatUrt s y ° .l,:ltarr e o a ,ll. l ot li pla l l u es. lavo"- !. %,11e particular to mark packages ' via Penna. Rail . wi7erchants hi - the West ordering goods from thei_East, do well to dant them to be shipped by this Rout*. Or Freight contracts or ii§hippii 4 Dimtioncupir to, or address either of the Inuovong Agents of the uom panp D. A. BTEWA O RT, ligshatill Dore & Co % Steubeninlip, .; It. S. oroe Co., Zane*. Pil 0, 0.; J. . Jobniton. Ripley, O.; It. b1i1401111171- vil 0, Eg:l rrnabg.. Cropi r r,porposwit , U.; r 4.x& & Co., Jethersonviiia, in is a • r .,,,y, Drown ,Uo d , 911 3 .10 " rn 'u lu ° 441 1 ::iii n d l iui:rn' at% hoilina ' 'lle: Ky.; P. GY. O'itiley ft C 0.,. Event:llle, Ipl.; ' .W. ore ,ifailit,,,a.litilifilitil 0 11.V . ,: ,. ; 21 . 411 F i f tiFi n fl . t s: L . r Iiii . g t h ' 7 ? 4, 4:viitl n gte n p , lton, ill .. ;Libby at o f tI.Le, aun, I n or reight Agents of' ailroada at different point, In the est. Parties attending to their own shipment:l rom the East wilt find it to their interest to call on the oof the Comeau at the following places before shipping ils ttors rossed to either of them on the subject of ithteg t i e i tit uttiniwilt attention: • ,• ... MA 414 14 1 617 1 8. e Op: I tli sirelialtimoyei.... i tit Wit So " 2 44 t illi i si i =iliiistn. "4 11. ' 41 ' K. ' = i l li t Pd .2Q;...llilckgi4NAgttif. l4 l' ) TB ill, A. 8 via, Gen'll3up 0, Altoona, Pa. )53-)r NOTICES. NOTIOE.—Tho PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ' ROAD COMPANY hereby Wye' nottoe, ac cordance with the protrusions of an Act of Assembly en titled "An Act relating to Liens of Common Carrier. and Others," approved March 13,1115(1, to the owner., the consignees. and to all other parties in any way in terested In any of the geode. wares, or merchandise, mentioned in the schedule attached to this notice, that th e 'ame roma i u , come at the leitmotiv, Stations named helow—thta the, were carried upo n the line of said Railroad at the dates and to the consignees men tioned in the sohedule, and there is due upon thppame the respective Amounts elated in said 'Oe uta. of oe is hereby given to the said owner., consignees, and par ties iterested. in accordance with theprovigione of said Act o Assembly. that mum said goods. wares, or mgr. (Man lee are claimed and the charge. paid, they wi ll, under the provisions of said Act of Assembly, be sold by Public, Dale, at the Depot of.the maid Pennsylvania Rail road Company. N 0.137 DOCK ntreet,in the city of Phila delphia on MovpAy, December 19th.1869, com mammas at 10 A . and that the proceeds will be applied to the payment of charges and expenses, apd the residue. if any, will be held guldeet to the order cd the owner of the properly sold: DATE. CONSIGNEE. IL ARTi CLEO ELPHIA.. FR EIGH T AT PHAD 1864. Nov 7, John Hibbing, 2 bbhi liquor, 85 61 2 2 4 b xx u u n s d rli t t. e i n ii t ,ki poles, 7 1 .65 856. Feb 20.3 W Peters, Fait, 1 1413741, 6 31 nly 20, den. Smith, & Co, 2 bbls puttl, 525 ' a it c A: ifirWA:ll); 2 boxes of ate. bag ggf base, 27 2 5 8e1421, D Dimond, 1 butter, 76 2 75 : 26, 218 Rooker, _ . Oot 10, A ioharoson &mute. x tobarmo, , 760 D eo 2 7 , 1.4,,,,,,,,w&1ie & Co, 2 bxa I poi marb'e. 15 32 1858. Feb 11, ,inc, Johns, box bitters, 90 Helmbold box drugs. II 60 A PP I A: P3Bneedir, • d t gry hi e, 16 " 30, 14: J Pneeder, 1 wllielm, 126 sday 26, Drg &Janke, box merchandise, 1166 July 16, C Streoh & Co, child's aosah, 110 Sept 22, It nwlinir, ? 3 :mpty bole, 110 Deo F 63, a kit:aid., 14 merc h an di se, hid 7 4 gra 1857. . 1111 9 1 , lin u e n r, tkrother, ax IIIVAIL'`d l i::: 1 . 0 3 8 T Mar 7, A Price, S bags barley,l 97 June 26, li Harley, box merchandise, 3 41 .141 y ?,4 2. B C Bradfield, ~b utter worker 2 81 box me-chand'ine, , 236 Aug 1,1 B Woolipan, bundle gas pipes, 75 Sept 26 , I IfiLamblin, lot twins fixtures, 870 20, 1 L Lambkin, lot steins fixtures, 606 Oct 2, E ;186.11"bdtn, 6 boxes glassware. 131 iron safe and prose. 79 72 " 18. 8 Benjamin. 3 boxes merchandise, Et 64 Nov 26, Thompson & Stew art 1 box merchandise, 206 16 25, 43 11011imrshead, -tie eide r, _ cs l 114 Lloyd Deo 19, E Sc Co, x bool, . 173 " 1 9, 1' W Obtain, 0 ell, f 64 1858. Mar 12: 7}lllEirrZ . .. 'foil tl7ol.':g:i. 6 14 1 ! iy " 26, Burnett & Snyder, trunk. ' 6us '. 27, T 8 & I RPue, bale wadding, 80 Aprlls, Burnig, C & 8,, barrel oil, 3 28 " 24, Do do. do, 436 idity S, Adams Express CO, trunk, 2 09 I il° rnig oas xi, barrel oil, . 283 " 13, 14Wasan, stand. 230 June 26, 0 B Rodgers,_ 2 mowing maohlnee, 14 30 Ails rel; l e tiyel c r i h(ll;l4, i ba i lrl . l merchandise, 323 2 M - - LOCAL PRI:1011T. Jen a 3 . 19, Steelman & Co, 230 epokes 215 Nov 5, B 11 Book, 4 wind mills, 1565 • 1838. June 13, it McAdams, obeet merchandise, 63 Aug 5, .1 MeLelland, bbl Bedford water, 2a5 Out 11, J conrod. box and barrel, 135 Den 23, Bringhuret & Co, ornumut law, 180 1857. Dim si, A Mppgah, °beet, m 6 1 , If .111 1 b1 6 2SS , Pl!PO. 1 19 /806 Aprl2l, W R Hardmg, bbl Bedford water, 411 June 23, .s, Mere, b 1 36 dry goods, 44 July 7, 0 Solomon, tripod, .134 AT BALTIMORE. 1836 Deo 29, Magraw & Koone, barrel and bag, 396 AT LANCASTER. 1&88. 86 bau b, M r 29 ' H R Ph i ba t h rontlLinor. 70 2s, 121; _... na , barrel liquor, 73 41 A l il; 11 1j ir b t ' aer. box potatoes, 167 Jll7 10, 0 'Hopper, 2 bozo' liquor, 23 10, J J RBIs, R R map, 46 AT lIARRIBBURO. Jan es4. 17, I Winebrenner, reaper. gO3 Hessf. I Winebrenner, 2 respers, /6 04 . , PVT 56, I Leohman. ttrunk,l June 11, A Wasoner, box merchandise, 4 14, 8 Reckabaush, 1 dozen rein!, 0 " 25, I PLT nab, iron furnace, Sept 27 A ,I W Keith, 2 bone', , 635 • 27, Stewart. 2 boxes; 205 " 27, Brown & Co, pump end tub, 676 1366. Mar IS, Masidin & Roberts, box merchandise,3 05 June 3, W Joioe, 6 chairs, table & hod , td 4 63 Nov 25, I Davie, D Machine, box and wheel. 1 65 Pl7 l. _81:1 ... 7 . , /' if _.., ~ _ .4 frown, Juno 71, AB °Una, tirl ' l7l 8 gf July 7/J, Ann e Furgovn, e a ligt, t _ .. Na fjl l a g t p . 1 1 3 .a rTe e : Pit% ; I ...114, lumber, 31 Oat 2a , J Jamegoli, bps. 7 i ' E Titylnr, lial gundrigei 36 1368. Mar 1, R Reiland, box D eking, V! April 7, H Gilbert, barrel oil, 9 Meg 25, 11 Payne. 8 boxes merchandise, 5 18 June 5, I WWilkeeon i 1 " ~ 63 July 7, IDRielrlei;il, cannon & carriage, II to 2 trunk. 1 01 AV 10, 1 0 / egg n eVOTrit, c2rfxl,lleilleiltiOr. 1 50 so Eberler & Miller, 'wash machine, 23 l l', h a li s h, F r i f l P, pr ' & Co. ; to 4 :o3 o g r u i grttre, I ili Sopa 9 , D Tape, I 1. D Urick, :l a si . g r t , t . ipmer, 160 te Qi4 1, E Parker., AT DUNO or eohHell.erk.PlastarllT• .y 4 1068. 31,ay V., 1) Millar, 4 barrel, liquor. , 221 Ashtn, 8 bag peyerl box xl 11, 1 10 Aug 91, J mi ller Ii barrel hewn. gu AT NEWPORT. PDS. Aprl 17, Pry to ßriner, earn planter', l Deo 23, C Deoker, box drugs, May 11, I P MoNeal, bee of Imes, Nov 2. 1) Clelland. • box merohandime. AT PERRYSVILLE. der 4. 0 Meson. piano box, Oot 227, Maier lc Meager, orate queenswers, Sept 21, J Gehl empty kph end 1 Jar. AT MIFFLIN. 18&5. lilaut IS, J Dear, box cigars, PO. Jan 4, H Out, l Aux IL .1 0 Burns, alc l ivrenn ' 412. 1858. lblay 21, Oaason k Hann, atovio, July 27, Simmer, box drugs, AT LEWISTOWN. 1664. Nov 20, 0 C Jameson, winnower, 1655. Deo 6, M Fabler, " J Grubb, 1657. Ur i 1 1 I J ( Il h 1 11 T r igt . is , Os, sheet, 89 y pi.'4lll4ehinerr, ll 70 Jan esB. 12, I A Manny, ken liquor, 45 0 Foust, 2 barrels liquor, 2 70 " I C Yeager, 1 & 234 Ws " 3 Pli " J Muter, 4 kers - 70 " 16, R Mann, box axe., 45 " 21, D Foust, barrel liquor, AS July 7, J G Vearter, IST Aug 3, I N Chase, c.yer Package. 37 " 19, MA Benner, 6 hxo H H goods, 71 in 70, 41 Thomplon, reaper, 79 70 Rent 13, J Drookhabr, 2 lms 04vor 1411141444. 4 &I stooMutter, AT 7117U3PT VtfIRN. store, 7 A) 21i barrels boor, $ Die ms Dlld ill, D Galbraith, liar 111, A Stumph, AT MILL OREZK. Orin, A 0 Greenland, LlAT:eV i l l y4 , 29, W Drown. AT 11UNTJNOPOW Sept I, W Whittaker, box. 1 ee act 16 Rli Price. 3 barrels cracker,. 160 Nov 12, A Stewart, eider mull, 1 02 :: li, 11: fllg.t., dove, 2 20 bone Power, if 22 . .. .... AT PETERSBURG 1857. May IS, I Bally. ro'l caster', 30, I T Smith, pot and plate, June BBB 16, Mrs Reed, AT iiIPRUCi Cann 1854. iiRIC. Mar 9, B ,Tonel, I bl cti f. j y pi6o6ll pie 9 44 _ J 866 Mar 13. R Henderson, iron pot, 67 July 3, I A McClure,AT TYRONE . box hint, 60 1854. Sept 29, Barger & Hooper, plough oaatinga, 3 3.1 1366. Feb 16, A Burterbaugh, windmill, 93 19, W Wilreman, box, si May 8, John Woodward, box rafting toola, 76 Deo 19, George Ouger, corn *bailer, 82 Jan et 1. Baldwin Hatter, smut machine, 360 " 3, Tc & 0 Lewis, box machinery, 182 May 17, It Marston, Juno 10, 11. F Rolla, ' oic a ie r S:l4 l ;q;ols, 111 1657. Feb 24, Isaac, Ulrey, wrought sand stone, 17 M Apr 44, Thomas Lawman, box sundrie4, 70 May 14, It Rathbum, bundle roes, P 1 20, W Dent,.77 " 80, John White, lope, ox.undries, 174 June SW, .1 Copenhaver, ma ll barrel liquor. DO July 2, II Stroup, 1102 411/101Y1114, 3 On Nov 28, W Leible, trunk. 34 Dec 11, I MolClnley, barrel sundries, 30 " 186821, I T Bloom, box " 68 Jan 14, J Moak & Brown, box oaatinst, 9SO April 9 , Amos Knot, box sundries, 8.5 ' .... 26, R_lfoover, box and rope, ea , " 26, 1 Moore, stove and box, /I 03 " 26, 0 Gates. rope, 72 ' , " 36. .t 3 Gamble, box and bag olden, 1 13 " 26, Gammen, box smadries, 72 M a y 1; VirSOyei4, t)1 %%ro e s, 72 1 td 3, B Manny, stove anif:beti sodas. 100 4, Mk J Cathem, box Illendrite, 211 " 14, 1, 0 Bloom, box mdse., 36 30, Bygham & Mattel- Inob, " ,II G Revile, box, 70 pe. 22 70 26, II Snyder, ro box sundries, 1 13 ' 28, W Follicle, , box sundries, 1 08 " 29, J Davis, box ann rope, 3ee Aug 96, Samuel St A' ., bu TIPTQNndIe rope, 66 A, 1868. April 38 T Washburn, box merchandise. 76 AT ALTOONA. ---- 1868. April 4, Harry Mann, tax rnerota44ile N box mere 11.11d1110 A Keenan. 5 bundles Iron AT HOLLIDAYSBURG. 1857. Hoyt 2, WalterskWestham, harrow, 562 Ort 18, 1 Ilboads, barrel online, t 17 AT WlLlel& . . har rare, . _ . . . .. 1857. June 11, Banks &Wcsalford, box railing tools, 1 87 11, WAilller do do 90 AT JOHNSTOWN. 1863. la of glne,groceries, Jan 1, W Orr, nails, oil, glass. var- 707 nlsh, box, sad 4 kegs. Aug 99, GI W Munson, Soheataemlgr't bas'gs, 1 25 1855. Mar 10, A Babb, 2 stove plates, 30 Oct 18, 11 A Johnston, 1. 02. 76 Den 89, f Bhultz, ghost, 3 24 1117. &Rt. 5. Et Hoover, Indow bum 23 ?o l rli if ro nde . I 'll n 5, 1 Bosh, Oct M. D Morrison, of IL If goods, Deo 18, Al Kotler, box 11545, 25 ~ 186799, Al Abbott, Shags osta,l3 do oorn, 760 OctB6B 5, I Olion, 3 pew and bundletron, 52 1. May 15, A Jellino, 9215 1r7 goods, 75 June 3, DO With. AT DLAIItriBVIITEr 25 18.52. De l o 93, 0 W Lloyd, 2 521 07 barrels, 1 00 865. Jona 27, 11 Yealin, (empty half Aux 35, IDr sbaugh, grain drill. 11 25 742 23, A Willete, 110 Nov 7, 11 Collins. 1 3 ' plet i e n s d i r r i g.' 25 1857. Jan 4, T Cunningham, mowin ins. 8 43g and reaping mach " 83, B Johnston, trunk, 30 58. M 18 a) , 1, D Markey,AT LATfttfi, 25 Oct 1, bar steel, AeNEW aLtitnnWn. /838, Nov 2, W/3 MO A T GREENSBURG. bag or wheat, lot Deo 21, A Oroximan, trunk, 390 1855. Due 13 , IW W iluntingdon,3 bolter', 179 1856. Deo 16, 0 A Carr, 2 boxes marble, 2 5 1857. ARg 4, il v YClia r , boxes cheese, 25 „ 06 boxes. i attest, . Oct li: fl 4 5 4. ' 4" nR. I wit s , 1 bundle iron, 63 MA April 11, II Kittanning, heir Ipirrel liquor, 1 26 1 AT BT , CLAIR. 1858. June W. James Burkholder. 8 bundles V oalr. 55 AT DIAOK WOK. 1868. NO7OIII, D 2 Bear Mons, al timber whesi a an d AT PITTS UR o_t m U achinery, 2 57 1857. Dec 14, No mark, lips small Iron, o manifest, r 51$2;Aff A. SCOTT, dl-dtdl9 meta Superintendent. OTIOE IS GIVEN THAT APPLIOA . I tton will be made for neertjfinate of Pennayiyanla tatate Loan, In place of one dated Miguel. 4, lea, leo. for _l3OO, under not or Apfil_e, 1834, to LOUISA SEF VEttY, new loot or llnflata,lllll nl9*bto• IUitSDAV, • DECEMBER' 8, 4859. voric E Affliet OF THE COMMONWEALTH INBURANnE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNBYLYANiA. PHILADELPHIA, Deo E. 18b9. The Board of Directors of the Corn monarealth I nitt rand@fern pany of the elate of Penpeelvania have td DAY Palermo a dividend of SIX PEA CENT. on the capita gook of the Company, clear of elate tax, for the six HlOEtelenthEE Nov. SO, 186 e. payable to the cook holdirs or rleaapreeeitiv. on and aar tlei i l t o n tg:ofttonr kel aEglNUT sheet. tAML. d76t Neoretary. CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel ohm. Nov.lB,lBti2. At an Eleetion held on the 2lst Inetantthe following gentlemen were chosen Directors of th s bank: Alexander G. Cattail, Joseph Linden!. itohert K. Neff', Painuel T Canby. mes Steel, John F. Gross. Edmund A. &,uder, ChaTles Knecht. Alexander Whildin, David Vanderveer. Philip IL Mingle, An U it hur4 a ih tie : m j ee l ifn li g m o a t n t . he Hoard THIS DAY, the fol lowing °Moore were unanimously Wooled: • A. 0. C eTTEM., President. H. R. NEFF, Vice President. J. W. TORREY. Caehler. NNOTICE.-HOLDERS OF THE MORT .gaSeitonds leaned by the Catawiess, Williamsport. and Erie Railroad Company are invited to call with in twenty dais from this date, at the °Moe of the Company, SUS "NALNUT Street. between the hours of 10 and 2 o'olook, daily. and sign the power of attorney under the resolutions passed by the Bondholders, at the meeting held on the Ilth ult B,lltl I , EL V. hIERRICK, OBERTiitAYA SD I P. A. VA byx E, r , J. N. RC , A. W. MITCHEI.L. M. P. HUTCHINSON, _ Committee. WM. D. lARWItI, Trustee. nl2l-1m Deoemberd, lON nEFIOE OF THE THIRTEENTH AND N-Ar FIFTEENTH-STREET PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY, No. n Exchanae Buddies. PUILADILPIIIA. NOV. per The Third Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per Share on the Capital Stock of then bove Company will be due end pavable at their Office, on the 18th day of December betwee i the hours of I) and 3 o'clock. By order oft aboard, IL N. FITZGERALD, nit-tuth& lid 5 Treasurer, INSURANCE COMPANIES. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. PIIILADELPIIIA, INCORPORATED, MARCH, 1869, Is now prepared to make INSURANCE upon DuSd Infs. Pqmitgro, emit hierohandiee gener4lli. AOAINST LOBE OR DAMAGE BY FIRE This Company transacts rte Business on the MUTUAL FLAN EICLUNIVELT, all the insured being alike rote cited, thereby offering great inducements to those who 4 ish to insure economically as well all OfPIT* Further tortleulare 'Toy to ohtateed on fleet:cation to any (lithe Direotore or at the Oltato of the Coippeny, No. 3 BOUT/I FIFTH STREET. Itenjamir Malone, illtrAg l r) 111411, . away erne ey,, d f Marra Hawains, Caleb Clothier, homes P. RowJett. Robert E. Evens, war Ellwood B. Davis, ! , 782. h ,z01t BENJAMIN MALONE, President. JAMES SMEDLEY, Vioe President. JonX J. LYTLE. Treasurer. T. E. CHAPMiN.SooretarY. o7!-stuthtm DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN witytc4F. fr p l oy, 1110000.1 t in EDD 3880• tzh y . i. fo p l u la b w h i g n h 6 oci a i t:t o s a mmi r e v th w e i t A h v o itohno oft hatter. PREMIUMS Received from Nov. I, 1868, to Ont. 31.1969: On Merino and Inland Risks. —8366,216 39 On Fire Rinks..... 116,729 90 0871,966 79 Premium' on Poliotes not merked 06N0v.1, --....-- 391.848 38 PRENIIIIIIB Marked off an earnee, amp Nov. 1ic , 1 0, 4? ....,.,1699: On Mari e. lola pl . On Fire Riau- ..... 1 4. 8433,02 23 38,84 9 89 42682,327 / u i° r in s ; x ye [ x i risa n 'ato t C ve . Marino and Poland Navigation Loma 12228,998 70 Fire Losses...-.....-. ............. 23.172 se Return Premiums ••• • • •••• • • •• • 33,1,50 13 Reinauratioes, Commiuiona to Agents, Taxes. &a.... 43,225 84 Expenses, Salaries, Rent, Bin tionarY 33,210 27 ano,as4 30 7.432 67 Intero3t, ko., rapeived during 'pow penod•- Syt4lui- Animas OP Till COUPANI4, - Iguveinher 184. 0133030 Philadelphia City Sig per el. L0an..8135 050 00 100,000 Pa l litti, State pm, per tient. LIMP.... 93,11,55 10) 21.000 Do. do, Six do. d 0... . 11,000 CO 30,000 United /Matte Treasury 514 per (se Notes, and Interest due -.. 23,263 54 30,000 United States Treasury 6 per cont. Notes .. . .. ~ . „ . , • 30,815 00 16,066inporariloan to the day of Phi ladelphia 25,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 30 mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 43,500 00 21,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort gage Pox per vent. 80nd5.... 12,300 00 U. West Philmlelphia Passenger Rail . jay , 2 0 0131111 7 Der cent, Coupon 11 0 1 ;1 3 oil 4,0Q0 ° AM : 6S Btoek 06tntantriwn • Company, inte,relif Frid Price' 111 griarahteeripi the pity of Phi a... 14,ftj CO 5,047 Iop dbarei 4 ennsylvapla 14droia CMS en ......... • 3,77; 00 5,0,70 P 0 Shares firth Pennsylvania Rail road Co pen, •.•., ASO 00 1.400 80 Sharelyhiladelphla ,••,.'atm Steam up Company 1,100 00 1,000 2 Shares Philade!phia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company..... 300 0 0 190 3 Shares Ocean Steam Playma , lon Company. 19060 P h 250 5 Shares iladelphiaand Havre de Grace Steam TM/ boat Company, 000 00 100 1 Shares Philadelphia Exottemre Oem any to 93 a0 1 t 9 90 F 33,330 rer• 8411 919 39 Cost. Market Va1ne,13408,313 M nd• and Mortgagee..._ it AB pp .4l Navas 41.363 31 pklls Receivable, for insurannea tnaiie........ 181,03 10 Balances due at Aganaies—Premiume on Me nne l'olimes, Interest, and other debt' due the Company.. ..... ...—. ..... ... ...... 6501 68 Bprlp and knock of sundry insurance Cornea- wee Cash on deposit in Banks.-- 3100 00 37,000 31 00' 4 9- I ( l . , :ll ' 4 ' S:i )re v DAY led S e r i no D o ' r vi l l golnp l e i lt ili . ' I C : a t: 1 ; 4 1 on the 50 , 1 p of the Company. payable on an after the let proximo. T' -Pere; Mt l on BtntrieP Dlv denL:ijW.t2T.E they ear en me October 51.140. ftermeate. e .4% oleo will bete emo bythrt parties oupt, to the eagle. on and otter the fiat of De c tinfla r neer. 011. William Martin.ElMEC St atin 4 et E . Stokes, Edmore) A. Bonder, J. F. pgriston, Theogliilua Paulding. HIM ) pa n tota K. Penrose, Edward Darlington, n C. Davis, If. Jones Brooke, nmes Tmentilt• Spencer liPilvaine, ilheiro Fl re. Jr., Thomas C. Hand James C. Hand. Robert Burton, ' William C Ludwig, Jn,aie,llLi.in,P.lnrkro, Joseph H. Sent, j Dr. B. M. Huston, Joshua p. Piro. George (1 1 Lell". John S. Semple, Pittsburg Hush Crain HA . Morgan, Ity, °hart" 1" wILI IA M 4Ahliqesident . •• THOMAS 0. HA D. ee President HENRY IrYLBURN. Secretary. nil-1m ____ H OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU- Philadelp h RANCE COMPANY, No. 02 WALNUT Street, ia. DIRECTORS. Thcm.L. Older', Rad. W. D. Truitt, Wm. K. Ileunlm. ti V. s iVait i g7rn' H. It. fihillingford, to v ira 0. Je meg, 0. a.. aenelea• oSeaton, H. H. Houston, Hilton Iteignel, Wm. H. Love, Charles F. Norton, .tiEnE. Warne.ks, 'sane Myer, Eclwerd A. Warne, R. T. Retool. rexident—THOMAS L. LI I _,DERS, Vhle President—E. S. WARNE. !keret/try—CHARLES A. Oil Y. dela A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00,, 2- 3 1 1 UAL. INCORPORATED DUO—CHARTER PERPET- No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in Sound and available Securities, oontinue to in sure on Dwellings, Stores Furniture. Merchandise, Venial' in Port and their qargoes , and other Personal Property. All losses li b era l y and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. i ll i O u s i g l V.. l l . tott, John T. Lewis. Jame' R. Campbell, moel Z. Morton. Edmund G. Dufilh, atm& Brad), Ches. W. Poultney, :erne) Morris. GIi , JR9P. ABBOTT, President. THOMAS %MARIS. Peoreture InY3-1e If FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. tu CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATE PENNL LAIS, BYTHE STATE OP SYLVAIYIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS DIRECTons: - - . - SAINVIL WRIGHT— .....otWrksht, R MS., & CO. WILLIAM W.WALTISRe. WIIIMM yan & CO. enmities RteliAl/DeoN— 3. O. Rowe k 00. BORON A. WRIT-- Weil!, Folyeo, & Lloyd. AlI M CLAY LIPPINCOTT... LINDOO4, }Writer, & Scott. LOß W. STOUT.—. —. Chatioes, Stout, & Co. tenni LINVie, J r......., Lewie , Wm. Er. CO. AVID B. 11innny........ Davie & Onmey. to. H. Roolusissin..— . Rosenholm, Brooks, & Co. onyi B. R1L1N0N........ John B. nison & dons. nn W.EVXRMATI...--. John W. Everman lc CO. HOMAN S. Ml. T1N..... &Nape & Martin. GEORHE W. DAY, Preekdont. tH JONATHAN J. .00HNI, Vice Proal. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. SOC'Y• an{-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE -a. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE GS. INSURANCE—No. I EXCHANGE BUILD IN Chartered Billet—Capital slloo,ooo—Assets, January I, Me. ik 317 AM ISO 'WO. All invested in sound and available securition--oon tipue to insure on Venal. and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks or Merohandise, &o. on liberal terms. !RECTORS; Henry D. Sheerer, GeOrge H. Stuart, knieon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., belles Maoalecter, Slims S. Smith, Tobias Wagner, Thomas ItL Wattson, John B. Budd, William R. White, Henry G. Freeman. Charles S. Lewin, O r en C. Carson. HENRY D. SIIERRERD, Preeidept WILLIAM HA Rotett.t4,,,,it,to e-wiro tr lAI KE INSURANCE AND TIICST WIZ PAYY.—TIIF. PENN MUTUAL LIP'S INSU RANCE COAIPANY. Northeast corner of ninth and DOCK threete. Assets. 2994.223 26. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of lifc—xrants annuities and endowments—purchases hie interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the ountingenoma of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators. Asclenees Trustees, and Guardian,. ... _ TRUSTEES. Samuel N. Ntnbee riltatr i Marttn, ' i., 4 nil d'3 e eP e l‘ f l : i u . e r'.l.F to r n F° , rtreb'r''ad. ,heenhilue PrmMin abound A. Bowler, " antqlL. ileletunso, IllsW. Irma, 11. MO ler, !tunnel J. Q Iriatian °genii AI. "fliornea . . Jolla G. Brenner, . , !°E. igtint• • S. 8T EH, , President. we Pree't. tom attla-le tanqel L. Miller, amm Coates, io aril H. ili, yt,ola, Sham P. soker, William H. ern, Samuel C. Huey, Charles Hallowell, tdear, C. Townsend, olphus Kent, 1 1 . TAIgarr, ilium _Solarium, Warner M. Itasl, Y. ff. ADol SAML E .. Seim W. Hoannu.Searei TH EE QUAKER CITY INSUItANCE COMPANY, Pg , I..A,I)ELPIIIA. llgt. . FRANKLIN RUM tiOrt,NIF. os 'w.ALNur Street. ox&A lc /4 4 0E1141. SU h it P IRK, MARINE, AND INLAND INlWifil . Nilkl. ira Instvanoo,limited . and perpetual, on Etiddinga and proaandise of all dos;nptioni, Mama Insurance, Inland and 01161111, on Vomelo, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World. _f TIMMS. rORON If. HARI, .Premdont. 4 gRSIe d V j aP a s , sogL/Tt ia ..lElU'rLillt, Molt deoi:ett r 4, notrolotas . George R. Rut, 1111°Z1 E. P. Rosa An drew . Lintnbers. t. C. Catt pl. Charles 0. Imlay, • °stet S. etbanc 11. R. Coggsliall, lantual Jones. M. D.. Ron. 11. M. Fuilpr, nal I , 4/CATIONAL. LADIES' ACADEMY OF ART, S. W. corner MITI; and ASCII Streets, entranoe on Tenth street SIN E WATER COLOSIMO, PROTQ ORA Pli COLORING. and IVORYTYPING taught in chows or private Inseam (16-30 C. ANNA BURROWS. 1 SCHMIDT having been so often requested to devote his time again to the instroo- Sion of MIIRIC , and oapeoially of the PIANO &pd.lll the 10181100 0 1PONIPOC taken TION, now ken pleasure to 111101 his kind friends and an honored Po blioLthat be shall hi happy to receive a limited number o f pupils. Mr. speaking the FRENCH, 8P ANISE. EnoLlin and ORR matt LANDUAOEII with like fllOilltl.lBllll be happy to employ either of them at the desire of the num'. Classes will be formed after Logi er's celebrated EYE. tem I which has proved ea highly successful in Paris and also in New York under Moan. GOTTSCHALK. MASON & GOLDBECK. and Which is in fact the eyelet, of all the celebrated conservatories in Europe, an early applica tion for which is resctfully solicited. For terms. a ir. 8. would renpeotfully request to apply to Menrs. Cutcgaetao & NON 'd PIM/ Ware• Louse , No. ao7 Chestnut street, and Mews. ANDRE it Co., PM. 1104 Chestnut street. Zl►xaa 111011. As Gustav Batter ElCl.rlf. rm. chick. n; 04 Sons. H. A. Walton him pt, Esq.," Lee & Walker, Maurice Strakuseh. Esq., " " Andre & Ca., W. V .Witilloo,E.q.. " Hall & Son, N. Y W. Mason, " Mr. S. would also respectfully request the perusal of the following letterset Mr. Gerrscuabg, the eminent Pianist and Composer, (the first to is distinguished gentleman of thin intro when Mr. 8. came that to Phi lael e halp a Dion ober F—. Mon aml Mr ALPltill SCHMIDT. se conduct a Phila. delphie, Jo pin remoter no plaisir de me roomier a votre amiable souvenir en you. ()meant eonniutre oharmant Mame et uu artiste distingue. Mr. tionsribg Oct du Conservatoire de Leipzig; son talent est tree eminent et eitinuis gentleman onus apprones bleu vito les qunluesqui lee diaunguent. Vous etea a, aunable et di &voile nun artistes, qua caul ne doves you. en pron re qu'a eons memo de mullet your toes recommender ; el quelque foie vous aces munnu re centre cos manes do laurel de °bangs Wee, par tamale our tamale quo l'on sessile lettres d'introduotion, oozes d'avanee per suade gee oelle•ei ne TOWI procurent alumna des amass sue enchant perique touter ire relations de la somata. T'ut a veils de ewer. Males chose a T. et agrees me: compliment/ alfeetueux. Trinidad de Cuba, I Jui1.181.4. OOTTP,CRALK. Habana. lee de Cubs. 24 Febrier,l46l. J'ai examine even infinement d'interet le plan d'etu des pour l'harmonie et la composition a Mr. Alfred Schmidt se propose de faire swore a s eecloves, et Jo suit haureux do declarer, que le le erois tree clan. tree conois et le plus favorable a on avencement rapids. II eat du roue. ideutiquequant au fond a milts gee suit le oonservatous de VATIC Je Cron nues, devour' 11100M tnander eholenreusement. Mr. A. Schmidt comma pro (Osseo r de piano et de chant, nAlm L. M. GOTTSCHALK. A IHEItICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is a 11 - reliable medium through which School., and Fami lies may obtain oom etent teachers. Parents may ob sotain, g hrr atuitously, t 9 orms twin add on reqtats of the best MATnl24f Ste , or CO9 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. MESD AM ES CHEGARAY AND D'HER VILLYII BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHLADELPHIA, N 0.1869 LOGAN BittILARR, VINE BTiVT. lihrinTrie CHRO ARA reepeotfnlly Informs her friends and the pain° general. that independently of her Hoarding and Der Bohool, directed hy herself and her niece, Mine. I'RL v OST , in NEW YORK ehe in tends, in connection with her piers D'HER YILLY, opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institute on preoisely the ELMO plan as the one above mentione d. ob-Sm RRYANT STEATTON I B NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, B. E. canter SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland. and Chicago. POT ill ormittion. null or *end for Catalomie. fer-tr SAVING FUNDS. SAVINQ FUND.---UNITED STATES w ri T gi v eTs. COMPANY, corner TRIAD and CHEAT (ince end mall mete reopwed, and pal book gn_d_o firliirtotguttiongrot‘Tetreh FIVE the i df l iy C o iriidT f rit Omon hours,frotn anti. li j o'oloqk every day. nau on MONDAY EVENINGBjrom 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on Ungland, Ireland, and Scotland, fr rett i:MPHEN R. gRAWFORD. f ree R. BUNTEN., PLINY FISK. Aornarr. ~ A little, hpt. °Nu, fills the Pune." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND-- No. 136 Smith FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits on demand. Depositors' money meowed by Government State. and Otty Loans. Ground Rents, Mortgagee. o. • • This Company deems safety better than large profits, oonsequently will run no risk with depart ten money, but have it at all times ready to re turn with 6 per cent. Interest to the owner, an ,they have always done. This Company never sins de t in F ih ' el a r7.4 .6 l l r?s r h e t, "t a g a i d B 'sa " ,e d li d M epon inoni ts gait he W ithdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of lonoVVania, with authority to meive mo ' MI /A }ATE Wy s 8124fierhIlli RECEIVED. thrice open ally Dom 9 to ; o'olook, and on Wednesday an Saturday evenings until 8 o'olk. 8763,814 67 • • DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, T rims Cadwallader. John Shindler, G eorge Russell, Malaehi W. Sloan, Edward I'. Hyatt, Lewis Krurnbhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Ratenhonse, /Nathan Smley, Joe. R. datharthwalta,_ Ephriurn Blanchard, Joaaph W. Lipmoott. JACOB B. SHANNON, Prealdont- V. 0410#414434z,Trooapear. " A. Dollar saved is twine warned CAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN Ps , TERE9T.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, Southweat corner of Till ftD Phtladelphis. Incorporated by the date of Nombre • Money is reoeived in any imm, large or small, end In tared paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawer. . . The oilloe is open every day from a o'clock in the morning till di o'alook in the evening, and on Maeda, end Thuraday N e t ,v 4i "St i V a Pty , 'i v ' It i c 'I3I , D ;iI E N , F il l ! . 1 ro w gl i. wELLui, J. I.llo:Stior tBvr . . liim. Henry L. Ramie?, o r . Carrall provider. Edward L. CTter, amyl is Harr ben Iltlfri le, rano e.Lee, kti.,, , dr.;toigq:' , oseph 1 erkes, Henry Darenderfor. Money is received and payments made daily. T in invectinent• are made, in conforputy with the Provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, liround Rents, and such first-class seounties as will al ways insure verfett security to the desolator!, and whicji eannot fail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. sui-7y WOO. 'STEINWAY SONS NEW PA. TPNT CiVPR-B'pRINO 0 RAND PIANOS, qqu • RE GRAND, AND SQUARE riANOS, now pre ferred in (Awaits and in privnto circles by the beet performer": Received the met premiums over the beet mnkeni,froiajudgeg hie Gottschalk. Maine. end ~t here. Challeno All eon/petition. lIL "Wirt kIXOTHERS, 115-ly IVO3 CFI EPTNUT &test. HOLIDAY VRESF ! NT§I rvtrip,p - Fet,Popei , . • VANU-VORTR3. AIBLODI'O §l. Es PIANQ-FuRT • . pES. Hallett, b.Pe!.vitir4""Cole4lnd (41"Po.":•,1141;712.10-415:1" BEVENTII arul OFItaZ. Mir °BICKERING &..80N8, KANDINte_7IIIIIIIII Off GRAND, sqUARE. AND UPRIGHT ANO-FORTES. WAREROGAIS &17 CRESTIi T STREET. Copfitant pin store a large stook o our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED I NSTR Uhl E 18. We have been awarded, at the different Exhibitions in this oountr7 and Europe 00L ANDSILVER FIRST-CLAES MEDALS. PIANOS TO HP.NT. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. SCHOMACKER Oc CO., ion CHESTNUTStreet, respeelfullv invite the mule loving public to call and examine their new and sue oeuful intesoyetnel— TMs PA LOR GRAND PIANO. Having eouverto the Tone, Touch. and lotion of the Grand mano Into that of a Square Instrument, avoiding all the objections generally made to the style of Grand piano, also diminiehine the colt of the same. In volume, purity atone, great rower, brilliancy. full ness, depth. and evenne ss of touch, with exquisite dell oa I WANT ' g }NUT! FULLY-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS are wholly unesualleil. They have reoeived the highest encomiums, and are pronounced by critics to be far su perior to any instruments ever mnnufnotnred in thin country. Constantly on hand; a large and eleeent aseortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been awarded the n inn gi N:l e 4h tutn/ev V tbi ig !nie iell.. ta. eneinos Exhi bition. New York. 11163. set-tf GAS-BURNING COOKING STOVES. What is more important to the comfort of a family than a good Cooking Stove? Gallagher's Morning Star gives entire satisfaction. It has two !arse oven. for baking and roasting. itpouesse. more conveniennes than any other stove, and never fails to operate. It will bake bread, roast a turkey, boil a din ner. broil a beefsteak, and heat water for washing, all at the lama time. For sale only by CHAELESIONrs.sas North Second street, where the splandid now Cooking Stove Day light. unsurpassed by any flat top cook, ng stove. may be seen in daily successful ()potation. It Mien large ex tended oven which bakes in the moat perfect manner. I would also call attention to rnt first manhunt Silser gas-consuming parlor stoves which are manufactured in the beat manner, of heavy Rusin. iron. n3O-tElle CHARLES JONES, 305 North SECONDStreet. 42 STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES.. SPEAR , !So. 1116 MARKET STREET. now prepared to meet this wants of the public) more completely in all the details of the Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of which he IIIVIlf111COMP•RATIVE EXAMINATION. The following are among his own popular inventions. several o f which have already obtained a national repu tation as screw/sit:ism excellence andrconerny any other Stoves tn JANIES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gas-burning Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be the best Stove for family use in the world. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated (3ruboonsuming Cooking Range, now rapidly corning inse. i o AVITSItY Rto the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's Air-tight bias-consuming Parlor .rove. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Iniproved IPateotedi Or.eamental Stov Urn. which from its bbeeauty and utility is likely, th e is season, to lie univer sally adopted. JAMES SPEAR or the patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and (lomfort-aaviug Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR is the inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-car Heater. For all of thp above the Inventor very Justly claims advantages whiehrequire but to be understood by the Public to be universally appreciated and prelerred to any other articles of that elan in the market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons In want of Stoves to call and examine fur themselves. Parties wishing to exaine have every attention shown thew, whether lnteediug immediately to lur chase or not. ax- IR rl l O WESTERN AND SOUTHERN 'UR ohnnts.—A large stook of Manila Rnpa, all eiyeir, inanuraoturad and for ante. at the loweit Nem York orteee, by WEAVER, FITLER,k CO., nAI No. xi N. WATI: fry Dwinsr,tratv SDOAR•IIOUSE MOLASSES.-150 torps,:and bArrolayiktir AoAm co., --- 141•1` A N..... Via LCODOL, BURNING FLUID, and PINE L+ OIL, in ltli af - lrytkren4 Co.by iwV . Zi ß olgl Nn In Ranh Wharvon. NI EN roN LEMONS.-250 boxes Ilenton H ERR IN G.-270 bbls Pickled Herring, KADLi , l" . &‘ l2" c t O:liTait a gtg:i,`"Wia r a' a jLra C hi4 Prnot. 1119 MACKEREL ---125 bbls., 180 halves. 115 quarters, And WOloa me No. Is • 300 bblti. and 9Uhn.l-es large:No.3s. store ! and for 4/)o by WM. J. TAYWIR • (N. 177 194 North I VIN If Rll ng rzIECILER & SNIITII, corner SECOND ff-A and 13RIP.EN, have occulted a great reputattep by the wise and prudent counts they have punned since their nommonoemont in hostriont. by million first-rate ortiolo nt • Inn , C.. ..a •If tt WILIAYM & GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE...This Mnottims nevi fade it, glve en ate eat4lautioa. Price Sul. For sata at HS CHEST NUT tAirtmt. ntl-tf f iLIVR3 —Spanish Queen, in prime order in store, and for sale b A. MERINO , 110otp South FRONT Street. 11'44N00• STOVES. SA.LEB BY AUCTION. pamEss, BRINLEY_ ,_& BALMNo, 499 MARICKT RTREET. OF FRENCH GOODS. On Friday Morning, December 9, at o'clock, by catalogue, on 9 months cradle— • 4 paCkage• and lots of fancy sad steels Preach dry gond.. 8 sale, amples ead catalogues early on the moraine of REVERSIBLE WOOL BRAWLS. , On Friday Morning, SOOI2-4 Al l-wool T. Vernige shawls. BCO'f CFI ALt.-woo, LONG SHAWL'S, Ate. feld Scotoh plaid lona shawls. SOO children's square armada. I>.oB AND EAmg. 100 pieces 6-4 and onlened Ter!eh me CIRO.. 80 pieces 8-4 n BLACK 011 0 4 VFL acß IN4—str aobat bran iL —Di C N EN S LLES kM WL e ANDbCARF&adsea• Inll4-4 rich stele Pans chenille shawls. WO rich style Paris chant le teeth. B SCOTT, Jr. AUCTIONEER, No. 431 ~ CHESTNUT h TREET opposite the Custom HOlllll. FOURTH and Streets LARGE fI,A I C S, F ITALIA ARTICLES E CHINA, O MAN MOS F_ANCY , CHINA, kn. This Morning. Bth inst.. commencing at Rig reelect. all recently im ported. for first-clams city sales. consume % of richly carved large to medium sized Etrueetua and Halm mar file limes, large and rico marble mesas. carved marble carat receiver.. alabaster end marble mtperweighm and inkstand. Also a small Invoice of real Roman. ma'am atones. nlabeeterli cures rich. China fanny roods, vases, %barman shun ware , An. The whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, on-Wednesday pre vious to sale. SALE OP FINE FANCY FURS. FOR LADIES' D A118.318' We AR. On t rm.., Mon nig, PPO. 9. commencing et II o'clock. OW Catalogues ready and turn anetued for scannas tion early on the morning diode. PHILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET Street. and an M MOH Street OF 75u CASES BOOTI. SHOES, BROOA-NS. GUM OVERSHOES, &u. This Morning. Dea. 8, at 10 n clock, will be sold, by catalogue, 753 c • so* boots nod shoe., as (allos,— Men's best unable soled grain•d toots. no 19 inch wag bunting boots. Du fancy top hip blots. ro custom-mane French calf boots. Do thick double-sole boots. Boys' best double-sole thick boots. Do calf and kip boots. Youths' Do double-sole thick hoots. Children's best ki p and calf boots. Men's hest thick wax and kip brogans. Women's d misses' kip boots; boys' and youths' brogans; 210 pair children , and misses city goat welt toots er.o. The a. tontine of buyers is particularly requested to the above saie. SHIPPING. pHILADYLPHIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. daSi /T AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP.,TELE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, =LLD AT NO. 8 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'olook A. M.. September 7 th. /MI. the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously Gloated Dirsotan the Company, vLs: GEORGE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Odloe, where all persona favorable to the enter prise are • entfolly invited to anbaoribe. 28-tf FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— NEW YORK AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP C tal ANY. • The United States Mail Steamships ARAGO, TAW tons, David Lines, Commander, and FULTON, 2,500 tons, James A. Yvotton, Commander, will leave New 'fork. Havre, Abd Southampton, for the year 1369, on the followln g day : Tn meet now requirements of the Poet Office Depart ment, the days of sailing of the AR AGO and FULTON from HAVRK and SOUTHAMPTON, will. after their present vo>ages, he changed as follows from NEW vo. IC, save in the case of the present departure of the FuvroN. which will take place on the 11th December, the schedule remains unaltered: snots MEW YORK'. RAM •31: , SOVIRAMPTON. FULTON....Deo. 17. FULTON—Jan. 10... Jan. IL ARAGO —. Jan. 7. A RAGO__. Jan. 31.—Feb. 1. _ FULA ... Feb. 4. FULTON....Feb ARAGO.. 1. ARAG0_,.....7dch.117-.Meh. FULTON. .Meh. 31. FULTON....ApI. SC— Apl. These steamers, built expressly for Government ger vice with has +eon iti:bsle,aeinhgetn=nmdeeLiteglit,treahriaslt:dn ehinery to insure safety and speed. The shtpstare five water-tight compartments enclosing. the engines, so the; in the event of collision orstrandins, the water could not reach them. and the pumps being free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Recent experience has demonstrated the abso lute necessity of thismode of construction. Tne accommodations for passeagen are believed to combine every comfort and convenience that can be de sired. From New York to Southampton or Havre—Feat Cabin, sllu ; Second do., 575. From Havre or Southampton t o New York—Pirat Cabin, 700 franc.; Second do.. 300 francs. To passenger. gran,: to London these steamer, carer the edvantave of economy hoth io tima and expense. Secie delivered in London. No secured until pai d (or. An .:pert. cad 'Maori on hoard. All letters and &ava tril 01 1.0" Pete through the Poet °Moe. freight Ir : ittrgitse appl; v. D A VON. Agent, aroadvap, New York. iLi r SALIN, Agent. Mitre. OE9B EY CO., Anemia. Southampton. AME WAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS COMPANY, Agent Parts. WSJ. NEILSON. Agent, Office, Tobeeco 'Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Street., Philadelphia- Plans of the ship. can be seen, ta = STEAM MEM` To ALL rs 1 1 ItALBR MAIN AND utt•t..A. 1, vithrE o, N ER 44: ART .31017.8 r.: I kilt_ PAcKE_T CoM si it HA CNA, at 11. 1.; Bokw alma. RI ' 81A.A. ii.,lllanu&a. Iti )41/._ Capj i l !amen. a hese Steamers ars . ratelan geds•leitlt vassals; sreaends4 to mail Noss Ner el. North Raver. N.Y.. R•IR"`". • • • . FOR LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAVRE. AND HAMBURG. The elegant and powg rful Iron Sorts" Sltes.wiplip BA VARIA. Capt. H. T1'00.1417 tore tolrtaeu. RW WY ea atmveon TI , E4DAY, NOVEN DER Nth. at n'oloak M. FeeFy. Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to Ne prk, and from Southampton to London, Firer a re. SUP) &anal Caton.. eget Steerage-4M The BAVARIA will be siumeedid by Ike Whits 1;17 gip A „ Dumber L Ea' OA • ••- • • . I 4 Agi A tlDN,_ " gt.tia L HA al NOMA... .....THURSUAY, Mare It I. " Paagengem forwarded to Liverpool. Dublin. Bel feet. Calk, Glasgow, Paris, and Antwerp, at through :aye. tT n.tonn for filet, second, and third-olaes The Second Cahin atmommodnuons of thee. Ships are equal to the Ent-clan of molt steamera C.ertifirates of pasaase tuned tram London, Banta, ampton, Havre, and Hamburg, to New Oft. Freight engaged Nowhiladelphia will lie. DrolOptlf attended to by . the York Agent. and algtpzed free of all gommisaion. For Freight or PaapageopV . f n2PtMi c ifrt t ll ' w e e ir sio m o m' rnef It111 5 1711Za . :1 1 ktIVY47It. THE BRITISH AND NORTH , tlf PB. AMERICAN ROYAL ?WI, STEAM- TlOlll NTW TORT TO LIVIIPOOL. Met Cabut Name ILI, Second Cabin Plumage.— TT TROY 110sTult 70 LIVIStOOL. Chief Cabiq Fuses.— --..—.-111110 Second Cable Payne—. —..— . dB The shin, &stepson saltabfax and Cork Harbor. PERSIA. ps Capt. Judlnne, I CANADhOsot. ARABIA. Ca_pt. J. Stone, AMERI . caMar, ASIA, Capt . E. G. Lott. NIAGA . Ca n t . Anderson. AFRICA. Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Cap J. Lotted. These v cigars carry a clear white hitt at mast - head; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. A F RI C A.Shannon. leaves N York. Wedrilledar.V. T. E CROPA, Anderson, •• Boston. Wednelalar, 0. 1 4 , PERSIA. Judkins, '' N York, Wader/War. a 01. AMERICA, Millar." Boston. Wednesday, Dm 23. ASIA, Lott, •• N 1 ark, Wedn es day, Jan.-4. CANADA, Lams, " Dor Wednesday, Jan. 11. Bertha not secured until p at for. An experienced Surgeon on ard. Tke owner s of these ships will apt be aceountable for 001 , Silver, Banton, Specie, Jeweirp. Precious Stones qr !totals, unless bills qf lading or therefor and the Heise thereof thereuteae . or freight or pas sage apply to E. CUN . 4 lelgA Oreen nol et Yor k. daIFOR THE 13011TH.--(3HARLFS TON AND SAVANN_Aff STEAMSHIP& FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of Y1V711.111 nor mit. be low New York Steamship rotei ral FOR CRARLE . S. C. The U. & Mail Steamekin KR 'STON STATE. Con tato Chad.' P. Alorolimon, will owl on Thwacks. Dia. 10th. at 10 A. M. Through In a to 60 hours, only 40 bonne MEWL FOR SAVANNAII,94. The U. S. Mail Steamship, STATE OF GEOROIA, Captain John J. Garvin, on BatUrdab December 10. at 10 o'clock. Through in ad to 60 hours, only 48 hours at Sea, IlfsrSaihne dare ohanned from every Batnry to even Ave daya. Goode received, and Bills of Lading signed every da , . The eulsudid first-ebuis side-wheel Ststonstupa KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days. thus forming n live-day oommu nloation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. • At both Charleston and Elovannah. thesis Stops Nee- Deed with steamers for Florida, and with rtulrOa&. &0., for all plats.' In the South and SURAN C Southwert.E IN Freight and Inguranoe on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these eines than by sailing vessel', the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—lnsuranoe on all Railroad -Freysht is eating, unnmsemarY, farther thlan Charleston or Savannah, tde Railroad enmpanies taki az all risks from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by tide route 23 to .33 per cant. cheaper than by the Inland Route as will ha aeon by the following sche dule. Throush tickets from Philadelphia via Charles ton and Barminalt steamships. INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route.exceet from Charleston &MAXl nab to Montgomery: INLAND 1/4111. Charleston —... —.4SS SO Savamealt 31 00 NAugusta- DO ieman 73 To Chnrleuton ___.lll CO Savanns.h.— 1.3 CO A 1201114 11J Co ?dawn... W VIbIII itL.=:: aii AtiiLia.— .1.. - .1.1. 31 03 lumbna—. 33 (10 Co l umbus --- 36 03 Albany ...-..... 34 no Albany —. 17 NI lanntgornary-.. 26 01 Montg omery .._._. . ll9 00 3101...1e 33 OD Motu e.._........._. 43 93 New Orleans.... 36 73 New Orleans... _„al no No ll „ la n f lading wetted altar th e atop has ruled. For freight or passae apply on board , at seoondwharf above ine street , or to MAX. FIR_O Southweet corner FOUTH andI_CFIEUN UT: A V nu"' Va‘v‘iirt'n"aT.lTilll4Elle.t: VADMELL. Far Florida from Charlezton.M.eamer Cunha& every Tueeday. For Florida from eavaroalksisamors gt. Mary's and Bt. John's. ever, TuasdaY and Saturday. jOl3 afficasmaa WEST CHESTER and PR ILAIIELPRLA RAIL ROAD VIA 111_FinTA• VALI, ARRANGEMENT. On and after MON DAY. December 11. 1459. the trains will leave rn,lndelphin, from the Station, N. F.. corner of EIGHTEENTR and MARKET Streets, at 810 A. trt.. I. and 4 30 P. M. West cheater, from the DEPOT, on EAST t FLARKET STREET, et r,15 and 11.21 A. hi., end 4 II P.M. ON SUNDA ye—Leave Philadelphia at II A. M.. And P at. tsave weal A* 7 48 A. M.. and 4P. M. The Haire lens inn rhanclelphin nt RIO A. M. end 4..,0 P M. conn.ct at Penne:lon with the Yhilndclphin and ntlem ,,, m Central kailroarl, fort onenrd Chnifitsford, Kentoltegtinre. and Anandale. HENRY WOOD, oa-aa ...eared Sumalntendant. - EaNCAUSTIO TILES for LTA 'adore. rnaiuental Chimney Top. tot cottage& nrden Vasde and Fountain.. tried Pipe for drams and Water eandnotora. Imeui Mil and Mr gale by re V tf SAU. 6 4fi1l lifiLS, No. 1 HERRING-100 half bble. extra !if aein nal, Whits natl. In st)EO and for sate ' 6 • W111..1. TAYLOR a, CO.. 1 23 and I fillorth VITRA P VW" TENV YORK SYRUP-300 blds. assorted, for TI br JAMES RANA br .0 TART—At. QALMON.-25 bbla. prime new No. 1 Sal k-3 mon, landing from steamer Kensington. aridf Loeb by WM. J. TAYLOR & C0..113 ma d Le 4 N. wHavr.e. SALES BY AUCTION. THOMAS & EIOA Noe. Wart 141 80 JPOVITE BU.llrL i I oneerle aa.117 awe 0.1 egglefrArila EI A MO R L IAI 4 gr ae I a eaNa c id stocks tmti r h t, ld at. 12 gloat sees. Verri a toraluertaz the Wien of Gabor oak. etir Itandbi of eaeh:geopeng tamed addition to vgnigez i gnag, OS the illateniag pretnoes to the We, ate , is paaspois ken. giving dew nose e i Mr geopertees so be ma on thejllo EA. ATie AT PRIVATE RAWL Idr • lureslarge inapt of estate at mints We. iaelading erery dear o, etty sad emus, erropertg. Piloted Isde eta had &M i rka agora PRIV ATE 8 REG! ItOr Real mime entered oa eau ,onto stela .=l, and advertised ocommealb in oar es4le eels (01 1 ateh Mamma are getr-tedvaetb.aree ofeharge PEREMPTORY GALE—RAILROAD BONN. Dee. U. at 12 o'elockOa Tueeday. change. wilt wad— woe, at dm Plutglielleas bz Without teams. tor acaocat of whom it my too - eein— geemid mwit&ge bonds t eume sub ) of tke Camdss and Atlantic Railroad Co. For other meoaate--1 g shares Amerman Academy a Katie. vitt, deist. Ushers, Mlnetall Sailmed Ceeemay, Sada Delaware States' [manatee Compute: OMNI Item* Mercantile Leman. Froexa. Wawa. a.. o. Tuesdy, Dee. To, SA fl *Agee*. nom. vall be sold. ei Oa nu- Isoat"...- • x •nange— For amount oral oro it may *astern -13 eou Does I RIO cacti tototber Rada. Rookok. Yeast 'levant, and Moaratate Railroad Company, dual Ja nuary 10169. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEWBER IL AT 7 O'CLOCK. EVENING. PeremitDry DE R N No 2.31 North Tenth street, south of Vise. ea. Ras absolute. BUILDING LOT west side of Twenty-sixth Wawa, north of Ja ffsrson,_Tvreatieth ward BUILDING LOT. law side of Bade, stiett, sixth of Jefferson, to the fur of thsi shoes. orphs.sis' C..ort Sabs—Ensts of Ewe Lewis, dee% Tito-STORY BRICK DWELLING. ~newest oorner of Wulusigtos sod Grasse streets. FOGraetatil Ward. Same Estate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK .FIILL IN G. north side of Wastot ;ton strut SW of e. _Same Estate . -2 THREE-STORY BRICK DW LL IN GS, east ode of Oruro street. north of Waaltth nos. Same Rests. t THREE-STORY BRICK D w ELL INGS. south side of a urn-feet atter, between Gnus and Twelfth and Washington sad Masco struts Same Estate.-3 THREE litTuRV BRICK DWELL INGS. southwest isomer of Niath .sd Brows innate. Thirteenth ward. Orphans' Court Ssie—Estat• of J. Itoes Hoortisiso% 1 REE-OTtiRY BRICK DWELLINSB.. Joules street. north of Ram Ohaeue Coon Sate—Estate of Jacob Oswald. deed. rl 2 FRAME DWELLINGS. south side Coates street, welt of St. John, bite Northern Lobertawso NEAT MODERN DWELLING. No. RN Lombard street, west of Etahth. Two floats y Immeatiats posso.lloo. PrTOMIKOTTSsIe.—NF.AT DWELLING, No. U *a dieu strut. between Susatuall sad Euittaestit sad floe sod Lombard streets. Cate sheaths& Trustees' &ths—Estats of R. ILdsed. S THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. sortlesse corner of Somerset sad Badthiot streets. Twenty-thud ward. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,. N.. less Menthe street. between Muter sad humus aad Eleventh sod Twelfth streets. BUSINs 88 STAND.—Turse-s tors brick store sad dweUiss. No. ate and Cosw,w{th T A X ' " ris s i= l 4 . l2;Z: gm: It MI. Fe tultitorL &le.—WELL-SECURED 'YEARLY GROUND RE uT,_ /NUL on IX of sr lad turoarde. town road aid Brow stmt. abou Be kmr street, Twenty-third ward, SI feet on Blrad street ht rut cts Germantown road, /II feet dthp. Two (toots. dl Bile lib elate. REAL. ESTATE SALE, DECEMBER NI. AT NOON. Trustees' PeremptoryWe—Estate of .kwetilii T. Batten doomed. FIRST-CLASS CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY. Toe voluolde property, No. Oa Constant wow, west of the United Plata Custom HOOJe. between Fourth mot Fifth streets. Bole absotnte, by order of trustee& Par ticular in handbills. The three properties between the 'bore sad Fifth street are mulcted. Trustees' Peremptory Sale—Estate of Jll.O. Pit/Tatar. deceased. 6 TWO-STORY BRICK inTORFS AND DWELL -INOS southwest corner of Fran mad end Mud lane, Nineteenth word.um_ Nate snaohstn. Same Eetste.-6 BRICK - DWELLINO HAMM' at, north of Prince. Eighteenth word. in_ Sate truest.. Same Estate . —TEßEE-VOKY BAICK 0W1311.- 150. west side of Fifth street, numb of Noble. eaLeelD . VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT. in acres on the Bethlehem turopite,% n Ile retard' Moot it °mar! BoUaret Montgomery county, Pa., ato auks from FbiladelPh.g. BUILD•NG LOT. Brides Went. 'west of Thirtv-aac. sewn Twenty-foorth ward.so fait front. BA feat deep. Two fronts.. V . ALUABW , ' DI-MINES* STAND.—Sena-story bnek atore and dwelhag, N 0.179 North &weed garnet, between Arch and Bad, having a hallway into Hl frith', alley. SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE RUPEXIOR PIAND-FORTES, FlNk FRENCH-EfATS MAN- Th I. MIRRORS, BEDS AND BID 0. AND GLASSWARE" A LARGE 1./ 'AMITY OE CARPETS. A 0 CA • 11—Cur sale to-morrow maraiat's at the audios store, will comprise, beside' &B by of eseellial Woad band funsdure, elegant rarevond piano -forte, made as 1, N. &herr, superior niabouns. pikecr fort,. male bl Esther. fine pianad and pier mirrors, is gilt MUM* beds Isi'd bedding, Clues sad aluminise, a. Large anus tity of Brunets sad other carpets. scab ears, An. form ins an attractive assortment. rthy the atunitim of ladies and others deeireas of as for ass•mes as 7" Cstakunes now toady, and tae artishis amased, See at Nos. Ws.' WI Rooth Fourth Ettr,,eL SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PIA:WI ROBS. PIANO ORTE. BRUSSELS I'll P This "Lorain. At 'o'clock. at the !annum Store,.s aasortara, t et rasellept world-head fureutare. eteract mix, lona'. minors, carpets. Ito, hole Maass decismay sale. covekertrak, removed to tha some for eciailiaL4oll of Also, an elegaat roassrood piano-forts. made by &herr. Also, s suponor malooganiAso-rons. rude b Esae•c. SALE OF ENGLISH AND Amuiciat BOOKS, BYA.NIBH WORKS, COINS, te. Dee. S. a colection Th ca P n I a TM En tlen and Amtriipszt books, Scanlon works, ilke. Aleo, a small collectiita of 1134110.311 coins. MISCELLANEOUS* BOOTS STATIONIitr. AND BLANK BOOKS. On Friday Brining, 9th init., an tuortraent of smseelisaaona books. sta tionery, and blank book. Receiver's Seamed Sale, Nro. 16 and 13 Booth Kith et. STOCK OF ELEGANT PIANOS. Chi EaturdAy hiorium. Doe. 10, et no'c'ock, Nof. 16 sad 138 oath Sixth it.. by estates-on, by order or the receiver the entire Una of :dawn & Schuler, eocuprisius teserat asecutuntat of grand action and Lotus &IV style el sad 'Eor.lare pianos, is Csgsat "Ltd Owl rosewood mama. yort Nirticulars is eittlto t worar Mr The attention of purchasers in persindesty 711- qa•gmbelr.. thmsale. Thili entire stock Wee nalkafeebired with Mat WO by Mews Wilhelm 4 echoic'. im prove,. for wararoom males. and wan be sold without re feree. n» twbss Exacoto4 Sue -- OeTtnitatesa. DOW) OLD FILTIL4tTCRY.— ik. eestay Manus: 37th init.. at II o'clock. an R.ttentunle stmt, kartti bonne above Green Street. Gerteuracesa. be o•der olio exacutorsof Mama Curren, deceased.* general sawn meat at bouarbekl and kiscaca furniture,. LT May be exammed oa the motaias of sale* YAIXABLE - MEDICAL LIB/ARV. On 'ft',way and Wedneeds) herniate. pee. is and K, ire roll tell a llamado library of math ea) books. sn•R7 Miaow goatee Aunt =mous. all good oonditlon• YRr oolleetion u particularly rich to ?meet'. Fattish. ar.d American journals, and in works on tare nit , sior For particulars sea extalorael. and the boob. win lb grlll be arranged two day, previa'''. MOSES NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION, _ msitcaoir, .oatheort corner of S and Street.. . GREAT CHANCE FORRA CE CHRISTMAS PRESENT Op ;RIVE ' I? tgi k IA S T A E L ft k A L. On Tuesday Mring, November H. at 10 o'clock, at Mourn Methane Atm tion store ; "multi/am corner of Bath and Race athlete, to veaerd-at ogr sales-room. entrance from Race at. Coststat na. in part of magnificent memo ease gold went larer wotehes extra full jewelted. and of the moat approved and best maker". full H karat cases; Minutia ease. double sass and doable bottom fine aoLd patent later watches. of the moat approved and test lookers. the n oat of them heavy U karat cases; fine gold dem -bed patent lever watches, and tunas do., in huntlng oases and open fires best wallets. Li karat fine; elegant to karat hunting cuss patent lever situ es, tylrndlilly enamelled and set wilt diamonds: do rtehly enamelled and La ruisespe ; do. act with PIMA 7. fins Id Carat hold hunting case double time and lade pendent se , and patent lever watches. for timing fuses, Ica.; bunting cue, double cue. and double bottom Encliah sliver patent lever watches. of best makers ; hunting case silver duplex watches.; double time and other silver ouplita watehou brume MAO ald outs face detached pat' nt l e p er sad tepine wstrbea, some of them ward and set without the use of key ; bunting ease, don hie rue. sod other Enghsh. Swiss. tad French watehes; diamonds; Sumer nua and breast was Lae gold vent. fob. and steed chains aid chatelaine ch ains; gold 110m.11 and keys; fine gold pencil cases, with pets: tooth parka; cold and silver erectaeles ; ladies - firm cold necklaces I fine. gold bracelets and buds: seta gala.', lava, French pamonus. and other fine sold breastpin. finger nuts. medallions. log tete, studs. a'eere buttons. scarf pins. he ; watchmakers' tools, Jewellers* tools: fine old Tubas, Some r erp valuable; eavordeons. brag. horns, s leer 8 koy dotal, and other dates, matuutal in strumena. CIGARS. cco tape nor 13avansvgara LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS. 30 fine cloth cloaks. Isar hi. eqtaety new. The cloaks by at 10 elect pteeieely. Re will then emceed with wile of watches, jewelry, ho OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR interest. Buy your COAL AT HICKS'. 'ober* nothote but the very beet et toldity of Lehteb and Sehnil kW Coal offered at the follow.. reduced erect.: Lehigh. Broken. Er r s, and Stove.....— -- .44 IS nor Lou. &buy ital. *. Large Hut..........._.. !e0 " Warrantefom tete or dust and Bill wet ht, HICKS' yard, eradetoult oorner MARSHALL rum WILLOW. Call and we. °Wean W. GROOM & CO., NJ* Moe 14 South FOURTH Street, •ND WHARF, PINE. STREET, SCHITYLIEED. Dealers and &usPen OF Loma Mountain. Le A bzh, &tn &ill Merchandise Luca on em:fails. 'HICKORY AND SPRING 310IINTA - ER LEHIGH COAL,sriktbared nth taro. llK..asile ti 7 beat terms. Apply at KNOWLES 9 DONK. riINT and WILLOW Streets CU- MACHINERY AND IRON. ILIUM V. MIILRICE, J. VLIIIILLN XX1.317.1. 101kIATAII N. WIDAILICIL. SOUTHWARK FOUNDR Y FIFTH AND WARRINGTON SUOMI, itadr i c go NS , ENGINEEERB AND mAclus, mmurs.oturis High and Low Premare Btear,2 Emma. for_ Lana. River, ar.d Racine mini m ilea G &somata re, Tank... Iron Boatv.., an.; Caatmra elan kinda, either.; ton or Bran Iron Frame Roots for Gan Worka,Wort nom Rail road Stations. to. Retort* and Gas Macadam .4 the Isteat and most im proved ooninrsionom HverLdeseneuen oclaatntion Maehirers , each ur Sugar. Bans .r and Gnat 'a. Vacuum Pane. Open Steam Tram. Demeatoe. - Rem Pumping Ragmen &_p. Bole Agent* far yawl Sugar the 71,111 P teat Steam Runnier• and MSS "t T i i Wohiere ' Patint Cermrderal Bagar Dram' - Mg gis. *a COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES, NOTICE IS HESERY GIVEN THAT theCleartnershitt heretofore ex stint between Mr. GEO. wr COLBY and the salrenber, ander the style of GEO. W. COLEY' A. CO . t• etc...tree. CHA& A. DANIE.I.S. al9-tf Pin1666166in. Nov. 16 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th e firm of WA BMOC, CHADWICK, & BRO. is Mu day diuolved. The Ranter. Ranee, end EttaNro bystnews will be continued under the name or CHADWICX BRO., at the Borfleast corner of SECOND and BACH threat& JOH V K. CHA Mi' I CK, ki16153 . 7.. - 61111 - * C . Philadelpltia. It& 11. UN $l. rtu-ti MLAMANDER A large sanortinta • of EN d ANS WATSOMM PHILADELPHIA . ANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VAULT 15.,`07U3, HAM LOCMCS Par Ranks and &arse. ,_ Ritual to nny noir to t-s. IRON DOORS, elf UTTER,-, Oast food terms 'thy other essablishmezt La do 111214.141 Stat Pl. by EVANS & WATSON, No. JO4 CILESTN P I 'T luladia Str lieug eket, „ PLEASE GIVR OS A CALL. iniIEADEST WINDOW GLASS in tos - n, soir ru. DICIC•8. 8. R. oorast of B.EVENTEI sad ROSIN. -861 bbls extra Nos. 1 and 2 Loop Rosin; 3AOO bbto !Minim Batirs.all m rots. sad for solo Or ROWLEY t ASHBURNRR. k co.. Iloai South WHRVES. COAL.