Vr■ -> u - i>-V>r -vu^w IPor The Press,] ' . - . The Free Press. xt a. n: tiipLAw. Hark to the Press’s thundering frame ! Its shuddering shock—its giant stroke. With inky Wood and breath of flaroo. It groans beneath Its mighty yoke. Its jetty blood in torrents flows, Enriching though it soils its sods* ' Till sunk in mind its current flows ■ Bright as the blood of- fablod gods ; And mind or man may fear no blow, . Nor tyrant bid us bond the knee, Long ns that proud stare’s blood oan flow, Or strong' arm strike for Liberty. That groaning serf isyetaking. Whose very minions boast of power; .His children round us jewels fling In princely, bright, incessant Slower. First-born to him is unohamod Art, .That clasps the world o’er turf and tide. Binding all nations heart to heart, Although the swelling seas divide. Before its birth, yon starry ceil, A map of monsters vilely feigned— ,Tho lightning's flash, with thunder’s peal, An airy Gorgon tameless reigned. But God to Art bade Newton rise, And Franklin to the world proclaimed ; They framed them steps to mount the skies, And heaven was scaled—the lightning tamed ! Then twin-liko Science o’er tho world A glory like the sunlight threw; While Freedom’# crimsoned hand unfurled . It# bannered “ stars and stripes” to view. Beneath tboir beams our land at length Her millions marched through War’s Red Sea; Then struck the tj rant’s rock of strength, Whence sprung the stream of Liberty. From mount to mount, and bill to hill, Fast rook-hid hut, o’or peoplod plain, Itgoes and gathers, rnshing still Resistless to the roaring main, To give fresh vigor to the globe, From inland town to skirting shorn, Till all resuino the royal robe, That kinj or kaiser claim# no more. Tear down jon daring warrior domes, That rise up heavenward taunting high, You piles, tho towering hopes and homes Of kings, who dreamed they should not die. Tear from their blood-bousht, slave-built base Those mocking, shame-recording stones, And rear ye broad, on earth’s green face, A mark for her deserving ones— Her lightning-chaining heroes bold, Heaven-plunking souls who spurn tho clod, Earth's wondroUß-brained and saliont-souled, Who, in man, make man see his Gob. Proclaim the reigu of art, not arm#, ■ Whoso outstretched arms not blight, but Mess; Whose words will calm the world’s wild storms— With powor regird the mighty Press! FINANCIAL AND COMMEKCIAJL. The Honey market. Philadelphia, Nov. 21,1859. Tho bank statement for this week shows tho re sults of the contraction noted by us on Friday to bo a diminution of loans to tho extent of nearly a quarter of a million of dollars, the immediate effect of tho loss of a similar amount of specie, and the cause of the decline in a similar degree ef tho amount on deposit. ,ThO' other items, circulation, and tho sums duo to banks, and due from othor banks, have also been lessened. OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. VVSBatT AVEBAOBS 0? THE PHILADELPHIA BANKS. LOANS. SPECIE. N0v.14. N0v.21. N0v.14. N0v.21. 53,252,000 $3,211,000 $595,00q" $631 000 North America. 2,669.935 2,601,311 638 840 677,076 Farm & Meoil.. 3,931,027 3,94tU35 1,053,330 JM.47T Commercial-... 1,667,000 310,000 24b.000 Mechanics' 1,816.121 1,766,554 239,651 245.603 N. Liberties 1,330.000 1A05,000 143,000 165,000 Bouthwark 970.069 ,982,256 232,670 218.350 Kensington 799.825 806,264 190,097 227,890 Penn Township, 882.626 BHA93 165.4(0 178.654 Western 1,292,889 1,296,615 236.962 302.213 Man. &Meoh... 1,180.605 1,171,650 136,635 127,700 Commerce...... 660,533 654,714 247,477 180,631 Girard; 2,171.283 2,123,495 245.222 240,204 Tradesmen’ll.... ' 594.500 572,982 05,531 102.523 Consolidation... 493 261 493,633 65.672 54,161 City.. 835,727 830.236 83,796 112 290 Commonwealth. 880,392 825.270 93.819 73,065 Corn Exchange. 411,333 398.610 63,693 62.590 .Union -858,791 365,059 70,693 61,077 Total 25.401,033 4,755,883 DEPOSITS. CIRCULATION. Banks, * —— Nov. 14. N0v.21. N0v.14. N0v.21. Philadelphia... $1,478,000 $1,424,000 $254,000 $252,000 North America. ' 1,625,415 1,020,144 264.113 240,215 Farm Sc Much.. 2,800.591 2,779,495 871,250 353,695 Commercial 901.000 776,000 147.000 145,000 JrfeohAMCß’ 937,765 - 907,615 160,125 150,375 N, Liberties 886,000 887,000 127,000 127.000 Southwark 674,270 fiJW.OOI 101,130 99,785 Kensington 668.422 619,797 125.635 123,245 FenuTownflliip. 684,028- 692 269 97,080 90,880 Western 903,376 927,697 320,980 121,675 Man. 6c Meoht.. 6*9,830 686.940 119.105 120,895 Commerce 0’,.073 460 724 80 240 70.206 Girard 957,823 9*1,515 201,095 196,320 Tradesmen's.... 403,847 380 202 81,120 83,748 Consolidation... 272,700 274,237 97,63) 87,890 City 424,464 444,110 M 5.410 111,820 Commonwealth. 224,229 211,325 95.785 96 585 Corn Exchange. 261,462 242.914 91,765 86,326 Union.-- 206,693 191.312 85,855 80,440 Total..- 15,212,918 15,978230 2,724.358 >2,654,119 The aggregates couparo with those of former statements as follows: Nov. 14. Nov. 21. „ Capital Stock $11,645,830 $11,640.890..Tne. $1 060 Loan#.. 25.621.723 25,401.032... Dec. 220.691 Specie 4.973,574 4.755m.Dec. 217,685 Duo fro other Banks.. LS6S66O 1.263.733..De0. 100.127 Hue to other Banks.. <2,778,891 2.063.867.. Dec. 115 034 Deposits 15.212.918 14,978,230.. Dec. 234 CSS Circulation... 2.724.353 2.654.119..D0n. 70 239 1657. Loans. Specie. Circulation. Deposits. Nov. 4... 51,199,462 2,073,464 2,141,113 16.635,788 1858. , Jan,. 11... .21,302,374 3,770,701 1,011,033 11,465,263 July- 5... .24,321,933 2,434,181 16A66A48 J3w. Jan. .3,..56.451JJ57., 6,03,356 2.741,784 17,049,005 Feb., 7....26,472.069. 6,979,439 .2,786,463 17,007,167 . March 7-.A6,7J3A8S ,5,926,714 2,901437 16372,868 .. April 4..-27437A47 ? C63884M3 .8425,196 17,154.770 - May- .1...27,747339 - 3390313 ? , 3,081,102 17,781,229 7 June 6...3W77375V-W15387 -. s* i J»2,l93-’ ‘ 16386,995 < July ■ S.I.WmMO- .•.-.4387,053 808.203' 16,49i;054 -Aug, a..347M^5; ?A,5803» .- 2309,466 34,623.433 « r16....2Mip» 1 4.996.61112*736303 ' 14.243.768 22, fi,Cm,lBY 2,724,001 14.(P«270 " 29..,^4363,912 ••3,235,976, ' 2.M5A01 14.292.308 SOPL .6> ..-24,640,748 6,435390 c: 9,702337 14,901/172 . **.. 12.-..24,685,621 8,431*009 . 2,780.146 14,909,709 , , 19...,24,916,413 ... 0300.992 - 2,766370 10.056.418 V 26....25,125,114 5,437,722 2.780,815 15.243.009 Dot. 3... 25,479.419 5.321,163 2 742.446 10.6fiQ.766 “ 10. ...20,687355 5,233,022 2310,908 15.459.055 “ 17....25.816,137 . 6.217,706 2.873 402 15A«,414 “ 24....*,634.237 5.023.745 3 809,742 J5.0983M “ 81... .25,680,(13$ 6,030.242 2.788,876 16 234.821 NoV. . 7... !25,G53.256 6 017-93$ 2.737,160 15-4 SO 4G2 41 1t;..26,521,723 4,973 674 2.724,368 16212918 “ 21 26,401,032 4.766.889 2,654,119 14.978.Z3C George E- Arnold, Eeq., the manager of the Clearing House, reports the transactions of Jast Track as follows: Clearmjrs, Balances paid, M.JM.688 91 62M.8-(5 M 3773.324 63 244.439 03 3,860,060 8* 30f.197 01 3,332 090 73 223 020 23 3,431,661 17 ' 242 73123 3,543.707 08 212,972 80 November 34. ........ “ le «* M .*• 17......... “ 18.1 J. “ 19 m , . , *21.951,411 48 *1,483 022 74 To*day is the day of the annual election of diroo tors for all the city banks except tho Bank of North America. The elections, as usual, have been unoonteated, tho tickets gotten up inside the banks receiving all tho votes polled. Tho several boards will be oomposod as follows: F-armkk*’ and Mecitt.vitV.-S. A. fiercer, Edwin At. Lewis, John Ashhurst, GeoreeW. Farnum. Anthony J. AntfiOj Joseph Harrison, Jr.,Wi!lram 11. Woodward, Robert V. Massey. Joshua B. Lippincntt, .Tarnes It. Campbehj I. Pemberton Hutchinson, Francis Teto, t Pun.XDBLpKiA.'-Thomss Robins, Samuel F. Smith, Joshua |>onpBtr6th.. John W. Claghorn, Banmol Wolsli, Marshall HilJ, Lewis R. Ashhurst, Abraham Hart. Fra derickLenmg. Eclwnrd B. Clarke. Richard Wood, John F. White* J. Gillingham Fell. Gi baud.— D.B. Cummins, Stacy R. Barcmft, Charles Rutran, ©amuel-Norriß, Edward 8. Itondv, Washington Butcher, Alexander L. Hodffdon. William Hay. file phon Morns, William Gillespie, James Brown, Isaao Barton. Both Caldwell, Jr. Oomwefctai,^—Jos. Jones, Jothna Linpincott, John Garrett, Rlchara Williams. William Moiwor. John Trunks, limmas Williamson. P. Jenks Rmith, Michael V. Baker. Samuel Bauch. Charles H. Baker, Thomas H, Powers, Joseph w. Bates. MErHAtJCs’.—Joxeph B, Mitohell. Wm. R. Thomp son, John C. Davis, Charles Lelnnd. Lewis C. lun«e -nch, William Gaul. Bertjamm W, Tin*'ley. G. D. Ro njnianen, Isaac F. Baker, Ebenezer Maxwell, John W. Gibbs, Edward O. James. Joseph Msxfiotd. MANcFActurers’ AND Mechanics'.—John Jordan, J>., Beniamin F. Iluddy. John A. Warner. E. V. M-d -dlston. Wjlliam Early, Joseph H. Seal. N. T. Claim* I*. C. hrben. D, D. Jones, John Gilbert, CurwenStoddart, Mmhael Mover, Lmmor Weaver. NqitTTfsax Libektiks.—lsaac Ko oils, Bamnel Grant, David Kirkpatrick. Eihanan W. Keyser. Charles J Hut tor, Joseph B. Myers. Peter A. Keyser. Jo»enh Baker, Joseeh W. Milter, Kdwm H. Filler. Robert B. Cabeen. Joseph Moore, George Lippineott, Israel Peterson, Jns. N. Stone. City.— William F. Hnghe*. John Pries Wetheril!, Conrad H. Grove. Edward H. Trotter,Samuel L.Creutz* npTB. Josmb Kifterbook. Edward P. Kaetwlck, George Gordon, B. A. Kahnoßtock, John Baird, A. Boyd Cum mjnes, Joseph Wharton. Robert g^lfriilgo. - -Wimßnx.—Joseph Psttarpon, William Camm. John Wrisht, John R. Worrell, William A. Blanchard. Clms. 8. Wood. William A. Everiv. William Miller, Samuel E. Stokes. Moms Patterson, 11. L. Carson, Isaac Jeanos, John J. Thompson. Tsxx Tnwxsmr.—Elijah PalMt, William C. Lud wjc. Charles. Shoemaker. Collin Colkei. Gillios Dallett, William K. Bray, William P. Sharpies*, John 15. Ad djoks, John TL Campbell. Henry Budd, John P.Stcmer, . George Williams, John L, Hough. Consolidation.— James V. \V«t*on David Dftvi*, .Robert F." Taylor, George M. Kins!or, William L. Springs, Joseph H. Collins. James S. Wntsmi. John H. Bnnsa, Robert Ceane. Taaac U. Baxter* Jr„ John W, Thomas, Jos. Francis, Thus. H. Moorc, J. D, Dloodgood. £. J. Kenney. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, November 21* 1869. Rbpoeted bv 8. E. Slaymxkbk, tUH Walnut Streei FIRST BOARD. I* ] 2uoo CiU Cs t newoash.los im do K s O bS.HWK Mi Leliijch Val J168....U7 1000 2h Ashed. :: *« - New ics losJtf Penns. 'flys .Readro* 19,, **• feu fro * m " mortfa *44,.. 90 „ . tr dd .*85.68 68W TetmtTL.s7si SIX “ Jfitt«m.a.. 87' BflS Mftrns OaD&!Cqn;iB?s M “ . pref.iOCJa NHtf, B o>uf» Nav 6 ’82..C9M 70 BoJ»I Nnv utock 8 I 7 Minehill R.. ggy 300 Reading R bft.l9 70 do lis 19 HO do 1)6.19 20 do b 6.19 75 do ... 10 26 Hazleton Coni.-..-..42’^ 21 Penn It 37?4 tICES—DULL. ■ L «, „ , Bid. Ask4d. iSchl Nav.pref-.. .is jo Wnißp’t&Elmß ; “ 7s Ist mort.47l* 42 “ " 2d mort. 7U 8 X ton* Island ft lo’.y 30?* ; Lehigh Co.il«Nftr.6
2 WPennaK. 8« 8* | " 62 r M lQe. 80 81 , I Catams&a R.- v m \# “ ittm bd«.S4J* 84L [,Fnmk & South R. 60 60 »MfcBdßtflß... 41* „ « ißocoAVine-sts RJU, L j 33 Philadelphia Markets. , - . NorevßKH 21--'Rvenmy. t.i.o ilirm.-n m i\.v Moiii*market. The relftil- 3itd luker*» «h‘ nwonl Hie only buyer*. at price* j§Udle p ' fwji 55,25^3 5.&)&},&) for superfine eatra* and fancy brands, a# to quahtyS a sale of &I 0 bbls good Woßtorn extra have been made at $0.70 bbl. The market close# rather dull. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are steady; small sale# ol (he fptmerat $4.25, and the latter is held al $3.87 for Pennsylvania Meal. Wheat is in moderate supply and steady tty price, with nates of 5 000 lm# at 127ei300 for fair to prime yeda, and I4ofrl44ofor vrhito. Rye—Pennsylvania m selling, on arrival, at 92c. Had but little offering. Corn is dull; 6 oto bus new yellow sold at 68®750 for damp and prime dry lots, mostly At the latter rate, afloat: 1600 buahfls old sold »i 90c, afloat. Oats Are unchanged ; about Il.tOQ bus sold at4lso, 10) bbls Pennsyl vania at 27c, drudge 250, and hhds Wo por gallon. Philadelphia Cattle Maiket. NoVBMBBH2O,IBO9. The receipts of Beef (Jettle reached nbrmt 2.0U0 head this wook: prices oontinue about the as last quoted, and the market rather dull. The following aro tiie particulars of the sales: 31 Isaac Abiahatns, Ohio. $809.60. 15 Eckroan, Ohio, $333.00, gross. 70 B. Baldwin, Chester county, $B3B <5. 26 Kennedy Sc MoClees. Illinois, s7«sB.flo. 90 E. MoUuaid.Ohio. s7rtB, 40 Jos. Aull, Ohio, $738. 06 Hnyder, Ohio, s3.£oct4, gross. 70 Mooney Sc Smith, Ohio, s7ove Fifth. Thos Bwain, W Chobter P Eldridge. W Chester M E Parsons, M Chunk E L Pratt, Thila A Btewart, N Y Geo B Bchall, Allentown D Delong, NY „ C Brinton, N C D llollcnstino, Coluui.Pa Mrs J Arnold. Wi# E P Boweu.Md F R Force, Newark, N J W Cowles, Boston J tiarlos 4: wf, Brooklyn M M Malzolf. NY NM Hall, N Y L Lambert. N C Robt Bpiers, Augusta, Ga Oeo L Stewart & la, Del Mis# T BCooko, DM Jas II Brown, Bait . A B Alston, Newark, N J Ellis Reeves, Pha-mxvillo Geo Wells, NY „ . E P Kmc, Boston Henry Howland, N J Simon Coouor. N Y DMPesley, Va E McDonald, Pottsvillo H Williani»,lialifax f Conn Goo II Burbank, Mass B Oakley, Jr.N C JF Curran, NY* W II Flftcraft, Phila EG Buckingham, NY . Tho# J Brown, Richmond T J Lewis, Smyrna, Dol John r Hargis, Md W J a Clarke. Md E Johnson, Conn J B Conrow, Phila FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut st„ above Third. iTTNeaI, Lynn, Mats C N Haldeman. P« w ? Truitt, Md E 8 Hoar, Concord, Maas Wills, Baltimore .1 P Bruch. New York J H Hnllett, Mass . T Glove*;, \\ aahiiiKton, DC F Gibbons, Now York 0 M Wilkin*, Now York COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at,, above Chestnut. 'IC b tump, Hartford, Md J Soott. Che* co J 8 Kirks, Che* oo D Kimble, Chrs co T W Husband, Del L Cooper, York co M Smith, York co J G Moses. PhasnixviUe H Shafer- West Ches A Guldin, rottstown W B Stanford, Pottstown G R Clarke, I’ott-town L B Platt, BullHlo C H Hartshorn. Ches co Bonl Stratton. Pottstown Geo M Beobtel, Pottstown )ani Nerh«rt, Pn L D McKinney, Pa . ohn Kyle, Pa STATES UNION HOTEL—Market st., above Sixth. Juo J Thomas, Bucks co, Pa John Bixler, Pa . „ B Mercer. Kennot Square W B Mendenhall, Fa .To* S Eieber, JJnoka co,Pa C Walton, Pa . olm Patterson, Bait H j) Patterson, Balt I Esliloman, Strausburg Alex Saville. Del . ohn T Greon, Carlisle Samuel Carothers, Pa , ohn H MoCleese, N J w L McCloose, N J . larvy Oatcrlo. Montx’y co L N Wagnor, Phila ASpeakman.Coatosville.Pifc J N Hammoslv, Pa , i L Jonea, Lebanon co WT Boone, West Phila A Horton. Harpor’aßerry M Fry, Perry co 8 Groan, Harrisburg 8 Weaver, Doj lestown EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Race Nl* Wilson, Ches co ~m„ .1 L Homes, Hanover C P Kastman, Easton J E Spooner. Readme T Kirk, Bel co T Jem!!, Wyoming, Pa J Whitbeck, Va W F Whithesk. Va B M Painter, West Ches H Lewis, Chnrlottiviile B F Whitbv, Phila C T Hama, Richmond Mis* 1j F Slone, Mi! H M tiuick, Boiton Miss S L Gibbs, NY 8 Richards, Texas /, Harding, Ky . J York, Wilmington 8 Hodgson, Lebanon MERCHANTS' at,.ah. CallowhtN. 8 S Backus, Berks co I) Steckol, Durham T M Fisler, Harrisburg J Kemmerer, Allentown Cyrus M Krall, Pa B A Albright, Reading G W Wolf, Germantown Rev J S'ino. Lebanon oo Mrs C Derr, Lebanon co Joseph Grossman, Pa Jonathan Reitz, Pa Jos n Edwaru. N Pa R 8 SloHoso, Allentown .1 Giger, Allentown A GieSH, Allentown John Paul, Fa Owen McHoso, Pa Joseph MoHoso. Pa- Charles Osenbach, Pa Josoph Fiona, Pa Wm. Chapman, Bath,Pa NATIONAL HOTEL-Race st., above Third. I DSlmfor, Harrisburg E PLutz, Pa,^ Win Miller, Catasaqua M Hinckley, Westport Moses Hmokley, Westport A A Putnam, Westport J C Ralm, Ashland Henry Bechtold, Pa Mrs Bartlett, Pottsville J H lielleustfin, N Y Jl J Hendlor, Fottsviile R A Watts. N C Juscph Whitakor, Pa W C Harrison, Pa BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second st..l>olow Vine, JVI Tailor, Pn W Tobias. Cedarvillo 8 H Parmer. N J J llill, Germantown C H Hill, Hatborn J 8 Peters, Pncehurc , W Carmichaol, Now York 1) H Carmichael, New l ork A C Van Lnrence, Pa C W Dyce, Boylestown J C Battersby, New fork BLACK BEAR lIOTEL—Third st., above Callewhill. N Weiser, Allentown »8 Frankenfiold, Cooporsb’g J B Graybil. Pa J M Coffin Sc la, Blaiinzton M Cooper, Coopersburg J) Thomas. Upper Dublin J Milter. Hamburg J Bailey, Port Carbon J Kolb. DouKinssviUe B Mem, Easton J Harple, Doujlassville C Dodder, South Easton BALD EAGLE—Third street, abovo CallowhiU. H B Newcomer, Pa J Zepp, Lanesdato G Lazarus, Jr, Bhoenersv 1 © G V Snyder, Bhoenersvillo J Afwsl & la, Easton 0 0 Bowman, Pa J Stopp, Allentown HStrassburger.Fa MOUNT VERNON JlorEl7-Becoml street, ab. Arch J C Trice Del T D Neal, N J Mr Stanton A la, Pa Mr Stewart A la, N B J Doty, Pa R Coates, Pa J M Cuffin, Slatington C Foraheo, West Chester MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE, ARRIVED. U 8 mail stosnialiip Keys'ono State, Mar«hirmn, W hours Irom Charleston, with cotton, nco, and passen gers to Alex Heron, Jr. Tawed a ship at anchor on tho Overfalls, aud a bark and several aoliooneis oil Bombay Honk, all bound up. , . ~ , . .. Pehr ATct»,XP r k»na,6 days from Nowbun port, with indue to Gen XWood. . Bohr A C ilMf. Kelly. 1 day from brnyrna, Del, with grain tu Jas LjKrloy A Co. , .. . ... Be hr Vaudrta, Hooper. 1 d}> from Smyrna, Del, with oats to .Tas LBewlev A Co. „ ~ , ■ Schr Polar Star, Mobray,3 da's from 1* oderalsburg, Al*i, with ties to Ja* L Uewloy A Co. , „ ~ tI Schr Sarah Warren, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek, Del, with oorn and oat* to Jnn I* Bewley Sc Co. :• Behr Mechanic, Hendrickson. 1 day from Odessa, Del, with Wheat to JauLßowloy A Co. SSSchr John A Hazzard. Laws. 2 days from Milford,Dol, with grain and bark to Uiclmrdson A Ororuian. , CLEARED. U 8 M steamship Btato of Georgia, Osrvin, Savanna] A Heron, Jr. Bark Rowena, Wiloon, Lacuayra, Dallett Brothors. Schr Mntanzas, Crockor.-Carrfenns, 8 Sc W Welsh. Sclir C Poodleton, Church, Wilmington, NC, J Baker. Btr Rich’ll Willing, Claypolo, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BT TELRORAPH. (Corre«p'' , ulenco of the Philadelphia Exchange.) t , CATE ISLAND, Nov. 21, 6PM. Three horm brigs and several schooners went in tlii afternoon. Wind strong from the southeast, with indi cations of a coining storm. _ * y cure, THOS. B. HUGHES. BT TELEGRAPH TO TJtT! PRESS. New York. Nov. 21. Arrived, harks Laura Russ, from Singapore; M J Col cord, from Grand Turk; brig Europa, Irom Ply mouth, Eng; «chr Amy, from Uenm. Nov Tho setir, J Hnthorne, he nco for 1 I'hrladolphla, ami Gnllogo, from liichmond. rsme in oollman on Rntiirday night oil'the Highlands. The former lost her Jibboom, nad her bowsprit cinmagod. and port bow stove in. the latter lost her bowsprit ana jibbopm, with sails and rig* King. The Hathorno has returnod lor repairs. The slop Goddess hns arrived from Calcutta. On Sa turday site struck on Peeked Hill Bar, Capo Cod, thump ing. heavliy. She threw over some of her cargo, and came oil on Sunday mornir,*. „ _ . . Arrived, harks Amanda Bpeftr, from Cnuiz, Glyuen love, from Norway, Bolow* Br bark Irvine, from Ardrosaan. „ . MEMORANDA. , , Steamship Kensington, Baker, thence, arrived ftt Bos ton yestordav. Steamship Atlantio, Pearaon, for Aspinwall, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Ariel, Miner, cleared at New York yester day for Aspinwall. Steamship North Star, Jones, from Aspinwall, via Key West, arrived at New York y esterday. Ships Ann E Hooper, Amerian Union, Tueoarora, and William Cummings, were loading at Liverpool 6th Inst, for Philadelphia.. ■Ship Great Republic, Limeburnor, cleared at N York yesterday for San Francisco. Bark Robert Ponnell, Huxford, from Dartmouth, with oil for Philadelphia, arrived at New Bedford l?tlt mst,' THE PRESS.-riiUADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 185§. Brie Molunkus, Mitchell, from St Thomas, was going into Turks Island Bth msU „•» Brig Abby& Elizabeth. Phmnoy, from Bahia Oot 23, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig Fosoa Helena, from Rotterdam, arrived at Boston **BohrJuiU Auna, Harding, henoe, arrived at Savannah A Tittle. Adams, from Jacksonville for Philadelphia, oleared at Charleston 19th mat, having re paired. Bolirs F C Brognard, Williams, and Louisa Gray, Weaver, hence, arrived at Richmond 19th mat. flohrs WSaulsbury, Hudson, and Anna Magee, Whea ton, honco, arrived at Boston 19th inst. Bcnr Governor, Hooper, hence, arrived at Portsmouth 17th inst. ___ SPEOJAL NOTICES. Table and Piano Covers, Wine and Fruit Cloths. W. H. CARRYL Sc BRO., 719 CHEST NUT Street, below Eighth streot, Masonio Hall. M. Finkle’s Skwing Machines Received the first premiums at Franklin Institute, October, U6B: New Jersey State Fair, 1859; Illinois Btate Fair, and United States Fair, Chio&go, 1859; two silver medals at American Institute,Now York, 1859—0n0 for superior meohamsm. and ono for greatest range of work War ranted to do all kinds of Family Sewing, or Tailor'#, Saddler’s, and Seamstress’work better than any other macluno m market, or tho price refunded. Price re duced to $5O. For sale at tho office of FINKLE Sc LVOV, 912 CHESTNUT Streot, over Lo Boutillior’s new store. nl'J-idufcthOt* Window Shades, of every stylo and size, in atoro and mado to order, cheap and good. Masonic Hall, 719 CHESTNUT Streot. W. H. CARRYL Sc BRO. Holiday* Puksents. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, has sold over FIVE THOUSAND (6.000) of those instru ments. PIANOS, made by Raven, Bacon, &. Co. MELOBKONB, made by Mason Sc Hamlin. PIANOS, made by Hallot, Davis, A Co. MKLODEONB, mado by Maeon Sc Hamlin. PIANOS, made by Nunn# Sc Clerk. MELODEONS, mado by Mason !c Hamlin. PIANOS, made by A. 11. Gale St Co. MELODEONS, made by Mason Sc Hamlin. OLD INSTRUMENTS EXCHANGED FOR NEW. nl7-thsa&tutjal Pictuhe Coiids, Nails, and Rings, Tas sel# all colors and sizes. Masonio Hall, 719 CHEST NUT Street, north Bide, below Eighth. W. H. CARRYL A BRO. Bronchitis. BRONCHITIS.—A Chronio Inflammation of tho email Mucous Glands couneoted with tho Membranes which hue tho Throat and Windpipo; tho approach of which is often so insid/ous as scarcely to attract notico—an increase of Mucus, and a sense of wearsomeness ami loss of powor in the Throat, ufter public speaking or ainging. U arises from cold or nnj unusual exertion of the \oico' These incipient symptoms are allayed by using BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, which, ii neglected, an entire loss of voice is often expor.enood. nH-thsaAtu 3t Gilt Window Shades, only SI each, with betantial fixtures, complete, at 719 CHESTNUT bt. W. H. CARRYL & BRO. For tub Mother's Sake—A young man who had left his homo, in Maine, ruddy and vigor ous, waa aeized with the yollow fever in New Orleans, and though nursed with devoted care by friendly strangers, ho died. When the coffin was bomg closed, "Stop,” said an aged woman who was present, " Lei me kiss him for hi# mothor.” The’Poetry and Music of the abovo ri one of tho moat touching and affecting compositions over before produced. Published only by J. MARSH, 1102 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia, Price 25 cents. n2l-Ct Lace Window Curtains, all styles and prices, wholesale and retail, in tho Manomo Hall, 719 CHESTNUT Street. >V. H. CARRYL & BRO. WnKBLKR & Wilson Sewing Machines. ■Philadelphia Offioe, 623 CHESTNUT Stroet. Merchants’order# filled at the SAME DIBCOUNT a# >y the Company. Brnnoh offices m Trenton, Now Jersey, and Easton and Westchester, Pa. v #eU-4m Gilt Window Cornices, all sizes, from 60 cents to $lO each. Gilt Bands, Rings, See. Masonic Hall, 719 CHESTNUT Streot. W. H. CARRYL Sc. BRO. The Prices of SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES HAVK ! BEEN l ! REDUCED 1! I #2l-3jH Satin and Silk Window Ourtainh, all oolorti and stylos. Damasks, Kepi, Brocatellas, Bro cades, ice.—tho richest assortment in Philadelphia—at wholesale or retail, m Masonic Hall, 719 CHESTNUT Street. \V. H. CARRYL A BRO. Grovbr & Baker’s CxLxr.EATXD Noiseless l'AMiLitßEWine-Mxcnmas XT REDUCED PRICES. 730 CHESTNUT STREET, pniLAPtLniM, To Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers—A full lino of Reps, Damasks, Pluslios, Japnnose Cloths, Ladings, Tuft 9, Ac., wholesale or rotsil, 719 CHEST NUT Street. n 22 tilths3t W. 11. CARRYL A BRO. Saying Fond—National Safety Trust CoMrANV.—Cliartored by the Btate ol Pennsylvania, 2. Money in received every day,end many amount, arge or small. 3. FIYE PER CENT, interest l# paid for money from tho day it i# putin. 8. The money i# always paid back in GOLD whenever it i# called for, and without notioe. 4. Money is received from 22xecutors t Admini»traters t Guardians, and other Trustee#, in large or email lunti lo remain a long or short period. 5. Tho monay received from Ueprinitor# is Invested il Ileal Estate, Mortgages, Ground Renta, and other first cldi# s e °urtties. 6. Offioe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third street. Philadelphia. apll This w ilt.cox and Gums Sewing Ma chikk. 716 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. 0021-tf Hookhakd'h German Bittkr3 will posi lively cure Dyspopsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Do bility, Ac., &o. BOOFLAND’B BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively euro Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough Ac., Ac. Prepared by Dr. 0. M. JACKSON A CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists and dealers generally. Price 76 cents per bottle. *eJ4-tf Seamen s Saving Fund—Northwest Corner Second and Walnut Streets.—Deposits re oeivod in small and large amounts, from all classes ol the community, and allows interest at the rate of five pet cent, per nonum. Money may be drawn by checks without loss of in terest, . Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday uißil 9 in the evening. President, PRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary,CHAS M. MORRIS. A Char.minu Article for the Toilet.— Our lady friends whose hair may incline to fall oil, or bocomo harsh and dry, have only to use JULES HAUEL’S EAU LUSTRALE HAIR RENOVATOR, which will permanently arrest its further decay, give it a healthv tone, renclor it beautifully solt and glossy, incline it to curl, aud impart to it tho sweetest odor. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES IIAUKL Sc CO., No. 701 ClioMnut street, Philadelphia. nZI-CtdltW Onh Pnioß Clothing of the Latest STTLP9,mnde in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling pnoes marked in Plain Figures. All goods maßo to order warranted satm f&otory. Our ONE-PRICE System is strictly adhered to, aa we believe this to bo the outy fair way of dealing. All aro thereby treated sJske, JONES A CO., seB-tf 804 MARKET Street. Salamander Fire-Proof Safes.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at re won able prices, No. 304 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. au23 tf F.VANB A WATSON Harms’ Boudoir Sewing Maciunr* IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. ,28 3m Phila, Office, 720 ARCH St. Agents v. anted, Gas-Lamp Depot—Sixth and ARon. se24-3m MAURIEI). KAfGIIN—SCULL.—On the IClh instant, h> tho Rev. JI. M. Brown,.Mr. Alfred A. Kaighn to Mws Cornelia S. J., adopted daughter of Samuel Heitll, all of Cam ilen.N.J. * DUNN—RHOADS.—On the 16th instant, by Rev. J. H. Turner. J4»/*tlwm D. Dunn, of Onimicn. Del., to Miss CntlMnno A. Rhoads, oi PhiladelidiiA. * BATTIN—UOLDKY.—On the 17th iiistanl, iiv Re\. A.A.Willits, Mr. llonry 8. Buttju to Cecilia o«dije\, alloftluacitj. _ * S)IKI>. .MORRIS.—I>n ihofOih imtant, l-'l-Tcncc Allun. md child of Evan and Alary Mmriu, ni;cd 2 years nnd months. Uio friends of tho family aro respoctfull' muted to attend her funeral, Irom tlio residence id nor parents. No. 110 North Seventeenth street, mi Wednesday morn ins. at 10 o’oloi-k. without furthor uotk-e. * McFAULAND.—On the idth Inst., Andrew McFar land. The funorc! will take place from his late rcsidonoei southwest corner Fifteenth ami Cherry streets, this (’I uesday J the 22d inst., at Hi A. M , to |)riH.-L-cd to Lam el Hill. Ilia friend* and relatives: also the members ol llje Mount .Moriah Lodge A.. Y. M., nro respecttully in vited to attend. * TOWNBBND —Ontho inormng «.f tho P.nh msl., Mira wife of Nnniuei Townsend. Tho funeral will take place from her Into residence, No. 622 Race street, this t tumidity I afternoon, t’-’d inst., to moot at the house at SoVluok. GREGG.—On the 19th mat.,Almira Reed, wife of Ro land O. Grog*, aged 26 year*. Her relatives and irmmlsare respectfully invited to attend her luticial from the rosidorico of her uncle, A. 0. Wilbon, No. 180,5 Chestnut street, tins (Tuo-day) afternwoint 2 o'clock, without lurthcr notice. KEBBLEH —HutJilonly. on tlio 2J*t inntnnt, Samuel Kessler, aged 62 years. | Due notices'ill bo given of the funeral J . * KI'INCHMAN.—On tho 20th instant. Mis. Riichel Slinchman. widow ol the late Casper Btinclimftn,m the 8!M year of Let age. funeral from her lute residence. 1017 Hanoi er f-treet, nlxjvo Queen, (late Kensinvton.) on Thursday after noon, between the hours of 2 and A o’clock, * DEVLIN,-On tho 20th ihstant, Hu r h Devlin, agciUO jnara. funeral from !ua lato rf-nideiioo, Master street, lie low Gorrnnntovrn io;ul, this (Tuesdar) morning, at 8 o’rlock * AIfCLI’BKEY.—On the 2uth instant, Lydia McClus kny, m the7oth year ol hor ago. Funeral from the resuletmo or Mrs. Biddle, No. 123 I'edorai Hlreot, this (Tuoadny) attornoon, at 2 ° GAlfltETT.—On tlio 19th instant, Elizabeth Garrett, in theSJstioarofhcrago. Funeral from her late residence. 212 Juniper stroct. this iTuosdav) morning, nt. 1»» o’clock. * YARDLEY.—On tlioSUth mstnnt. Edwin, non ufjolm 8. mid Caroline YarcUe), in the 22d year ol his ago. Funeral from the residence of.hia parentN. J 427 Girard avonire, on Wednesday morimig.at ID o clock. BAKER.—On the morning of tho MU instant, darnh 1.. Baker, witeof Henry A. Baker, m tho Mb year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her father. Mr. Bonjmmn Vickery, Jr., 2132 Jollemmstreet, tins tlues dayj altornoon, at 1 o’clock. „ , . _ GERETY.—On the 19th instant, Bridget Gerety, m theCBth year of hnr age. . . Funeral from the residence of horsim-in-law, Jutiioh Glenmng, Beach street, above Poplar, this fiuosday) alternoon, at 1 o’clock. Black and pukplk Valencias, S7‘6 conta. Black and Purple Velvet Pnpii„ n . “ “ Cannllft Cloths, 37J« conts. 1 ,* DressHilks. *‘ and White Lupin’s Moußßeiines,47,'i cents. ‘ ... Imported De Lames, 16 cent*. “ Velvet Topltna and Velour Reps. Lupin’s Cashmeres and Mennoes. " Matin de Chines and Tarmsns. “ Bilk Warp Cashmeres and Bombazine*. “ Thibet and Bay fitnto Long Bhnwlj, Ac. Just received bv BESSON Sc SON, Mournln* Store, n 23 808 CHESTNUT Street. nfIPRBV. 11. Gil ATT AN GUINNESS will preach EVEHY NIGHT tins week. (Hatur day executed,i in the Church Broad am! Sar.som streets, (Hev. John Chambora’,) On Friday the eermon will be lor Youngmenonlyi .. VTt* COMET.—PROFESSOR MITCHELL’S ’k3 second Leotnre before the Young Men s Cbria tian Association will be delivered THIS jSVENING- in MusicftlFund to 8 o'clock. Subjoot-” rjie Motions and Revolutions of the Comets.” Tickets i«>r tho three lectures as follows: Admitting ft gentleman and twoladioq. $1.60? admitting ono person,76 cents; can be had atThe or rooms of the Assoda tlen, 1099 and JQIJ Chestnut stroet. H rrs=» CHILDREN’S FAIR.—THE t IIILDIIEX 1 Ljy connected with tho Sutnlnj-school of tho Church of St. Matthias will hold a. FAIR for the, mle of nseluj and fanovartioles.atthe llallofthoSPßlNG GARDEN INSTITUTE, N. E. corner of Broad and Snnnu Garden Ktreots, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, amt SATURDAY ofthiswcok. n 22 51^ VVESTEHN I’R«> IDEM’ SOtllfrY IL? AND CHILDREN’S HOMK.-The MnnasiTsiil this Society take thin method of informing their fncndi and the public, ‘hat their new IIOM Ein completed and will be opened for visiters on THANKSGIVING DAY. A Committed will be m attendance to rer oivo donation* —furniture, (eithor ulil or new.) clothing, lood, or money. The Managers are very anxious to ha\o their institu tion furnished as soon as pusmblo, so that they may mine the children to it; nlso, to be ready for the poor women whoct>mo’here to work during tho winter months. rite HOMK m in LOUAN. (or Forty-first street,) nliovo Markot street, West Philadelphia. Tito Market street earn pass the door every three minutes. The Managers will be glad to send for nnv articles, if DOtined through tho Post Oilico. Address' Mrs. F. BACON, President, West Philadelphia. n 23-31 ’ Mim K. I*. EAXIN, Sforalar) Vi accordance \v itiTtlikljs aok ' h_? oj" former team. a Union l'r:i>or Meotm« will bo lieTdoii THANKSGIVING DAV. Nnv.2Uh, ftUoYlook I\ M., in the UNION M. K. CHURCH. Fourth below Arch.al which Chii.itiaus of all demmmmUonN are invited to he present. Rev. John Chambors, Independent Church. Rev. Chits. 1). Cooper. Prot. Rphnopal Church. Rev. J. if, Cuthhurt, ilnpmt Climcfi. Rev. Win, 1. R, Tajlor, Dutch Reformed Cliurcli. Rev. C. P. Kruuth, 1). D.. ljullfnran Church. «ov. J. H, a liomberger, D. J)., Gorman Reformed Church.. Rnv. John MoDowoll, R. D.i Presbyterian Church. !0 8.) Ron*. John Pattern, Presbyterian Church, (N.S.) Re\. D. W. Bartme. M. R. Church. Rov. <». ]), Carrov. M. K. Church. Rev, ALFRED COOKMAN, ) Committee EDMUND J YARD. } of THOMAS T. MASON. \ ArraiuemnnH. Philadelphia, Nov, 21.1859. n22-.U* rrif* PROFESSOR C’OPPFX’.S FOURTH > kj> Lecture, at the HANDEL and HAYDN HALL, on the2sth inst.,attar 1 hanks nm:, .Subject—“ Henrik Hudson and NewNethDrlands.” Tickets, for b Indy ard gentleman to the whole course, .$1.75; riiiclo ltck<*|s, i's cents; fora gentleman and tun laihen. W cents. i»l!2 3t* rr-s=* NOTICE.-TOWN-BALL PLAYERS 'm onga ed in the grand matcli on Thanksgiving nftomoon, at Germantown, will pleano npponr on tho ground at i!j o’clock precisely. it* THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS 'k.l were 0.1001011 nt a mcetim* of the FEMALE ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY of Philadelphia, held No vember 16, ]ftr,9. Resolved, That,in Iho recent insurrection at Harper's Ferry., wo see one of tho natural fruits of ttir system of American Slavery. which, m robbing inillionnof human beings of their umlionablo rtsrhts. movitnbli arouses re sistance to itself in the heaths of all trno lovers ol fiee dom, which resistance must bo manifested in accord ance with their various characters mid principles. Resolved, That we cordially sympathize with JOHN BROWN in his intense hatred of Slavery and ardent love of liberty, nml in tho noble object to which lie de voted his life, viz: The emancipation ol the American slave } that wo honor tho fninl nf hormo solf--icrifioo which lod luni to fnco mortal peril m it# behalf; that wo reverence the deep, religious sentiment winch inspired him with strength ; and now. wlulo he stands doomed to death bv tyrants who traffic m “slaves and aouls of men." wo hail him as a martyr in the glorious cause ol human liberty. Resolved , Thatworecnrd this insurrection as a solonm warning to this nation to abolish, by peaceful measures, its si stem of Slavery, lest that system should he over thrown in blood: and that the leason which it teaohua Abolitionists ia. that the wellarenot only of the slave, but,of tho slaveholder, demands that they shall pursue their work with unabated \iynr. Resolved. That in our conflict against Slavery wo re ject. as we have ever rejected, the weapons of physical warfare, believing that moral reforms are accompli/,bed only by moral power, and that wo confidently relv on tho preaolm;* ol the truth, which is “mighty through God to the pulling down of tho strongholds” of error and 01a, and to the regeneration ami salvation of tho world. SARAH I’UGH, President. MARGARET J. BURLEIGH,! «< nftrft « HP - ~ MARY GREW, { Soorotanes. R JOHN G. SAXE. ESQ.. lk_3 Will read Ira Humorous and DCHCKU'TIV k punx. “YANKEE LAND FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25, IMP. CONCERT HALL. Tickets, 23 cents. (Ts=» MASONIC NOTICE.-TIIE* MEMHEUS IL3 ot Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 165, and the Order in Koiioral.aro fratornall/ invited to meet at the Hall, (Chestnut street.) on TUESDAY’ MORNlNG,Novem ber 22d, at 9 o'clock, to attend the funeral of nnr late Brother ANDREW MeFAKLAND, (from No. 132 North Fifteenth street.) Bv order of tho W. Master. n2l 2t* AARON WATERS. Secretary. LECTURES ON AS !_L? TRONOMY. Frof. 0. MITCHELL, the ominont Astronomer nud gifted Orator.willdolivcr the following Course of Lec tures in the Musics 1 Fund Hall, under the auspices of Urn Youmr Men’s Christian Association: Tuesday, Nov. 15th— I Tho Structure and Perpetuity of the Planetary System. Tuesday, Nov.22il—The Motions nud Revolutions of tho Comets. Saturday, Nov. 26th—The Number, Distance and Magnitude of tho otijocts comprising the Galaxy. Tuesday, Nov. 29th—The Motions and Revolution# ot the Fixed Stars, and tho Translation of the Suns ami bmar Systems through spnoo. Tickets tor tho course, 0110 dollar. licketa lor tho eouruo, admitting a grnlleiu.m nud two ladies, two dollars. Tickets for a sirnrlo lecture, fitly cenls. Can l>.i Im.l at the principal bookstoio&.and tho looms of tho Young •Moil a Christian Association, No. 1009 and lull Chest nut Ntrret. not-tf \Y~--r* PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE.-- The sixth Lecture of the cnurM* will bo del*\erod oii l HURyDAY EVENING. Nov. Sllh. at CONCERT HALL, by BAYARD 'i’AY'LOR, Esq. Subject—“ Alcx uir'or \on Humboldt.” Lecture J* toB. Tickets adimtt'jiß one. &> cents. Tickets Bdnutting gontlomau and two ladies, 50 <-cnta. nl't-fit rf-p* UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— ‘-3 Department of Mines. Arts, and Manufactures- Course of 1559-1860.—-The course of Lectures m Hus De partment will commence on MONDAY*, November I'M, 1856. and will bo continued ns follows: . MECHANICS AND CHEMISTRY’.—I’rof. John F. I* rn/er, Monday nod 'L’imrKlay at 4 P. M. GEOLOGY* AND MINERALOGY.—Prof. Charles U. Trego. Tuesday- ruul Friday at 4 P. M. CIVIL ENGINEERING—CONSTRUCTION.—Prof. Fairmau Rogers. Monday ami Thursday nt 5 P. M. APPLIED MATHEMATICS—SURVEY’INU --Prof. E. Otis Kondall, Friday at 6 P. M. MINING.—Prof. J. Peter Lesley. Tuesday nt.'»P, M A course of Mathematics may be lollowed by those ■who tl©»tr« to do so, uudor the direction ,»f of Mathematics. Tho courses mav l*e attended oithor singly or together. The J.ecturc# will be continued until the end of March. For tickets nppb to Krodenck Dick. Jauttor.nl the University—North Building. And for information re specting the studies,to FAIHMAN ROGERS. l)onn of the Faculty. nI9-fit 202 West Rittenhonso Square. HENRY RILES WOULII ItESPEOT- J.Js FULLY nunouncoto tho citiznna of Philadelphia tliftl, bv special roquo.it, ho will deliver n Lecture mi “Charlotte Broii'e. and r/m Bronte Ennulr.” in CON CERT Hall,<■» WEDNESDAY EVENING. tlie.’kl mst. Tickota, 25 cents. Lcctuio to commence nt eight o’clock. n!8 5t THE IMIITYHDOM OF 111‘N.s, AT THE ACADEMY OK FINE ARTS. WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE ON SATURDAY, 26th list. nU-lt LECTFREH TO LADIES. BY ONE Of THEMSELVES.—A lady giaduato of the Phila delphia Medical Colioge proposes, during tho ensuing winter, to give lecture* and pmnto leason* on I'iiynio loiy, properly illustrated. She will form chimies at her own room*, or nt the residence of pupils, and, a* Lor mam object is to benefit her;«e.\ by imnrtma such knowledge in rotrard to the law* ot health, and Mil* dutios they owe to tliomsolvo'’ and their clutdrc.i, n» her expenenco ha* taught her they stand most in need of, tho term* will bo \erj reasonable, and will tie made known on a personal interview v,ith those who imy answer tin* ndvertinemnnt. Addrce* “ Jmprov omont,” at tlm office of thin paper. nls-9t' rNOTILK.—THIS BOABD OK MAN V GKRB of the Lehigh Valley Rulrond Couinimv ha\o tins day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. IN 810’K, and THREE PER CENT. IN CASH, on the stock of tlio Company, clear of Statu tax, for the year ending 81st day of October, 18'9. Pay,Mile to tho Stockholder* standins on th« Books of the U >mp:mv tlu* day, or their loenl reprer.nntHtivf s, m, mul after tho 12th duv of DECEMBER proximo, ftt tlio office ol tho Company, No. 303 WALNUT Street. J. N. HUTCHINSON, ’1 rcasurer. Phila., Nov 9, 1859. nll-tAui-li.it JOK I*KINTIN<«. £HIE NEW JOB I’IIINTING OFFICE “THIS IJI1 J 1 ll'iSS” pieparcd to execute neatly.clieaply and expeditiously KVKRY DhfCRU fIO.S OF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, IVAMFiILUTS, I’AI'KR BOOKS. BLANKS or i.VhllY I‘KBCmrTION, HANDBILLS, Printing f«>r AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, manukaotdkkkh, MV.OHANICS, JIANKH, RAILROAD AND l.Nyt’KAN'Ji* fc\.AU oidcrn left at tl.e I’ubhentiou Office ol 27*• i6it, No. 417 CHFSI’N IT tf R EKT, vill l o promt I’y ttended to. ieW tf fN TIIE COUHT (IV U PLEAS -■■OF LANCASTER COUNTY.-ln tlio matter of the petition *>f the Harmhunr, I’ortßimmth, Mount Jos, .ui'l I.aiiCMKtor Kniiro’ul Comp.inv. to hi' e r-itisbu-ti-ui eu tnred on tlio record ot a veil uu mortgage ol ».jid Com pany .tOctnbor IMii. IWI-U!M'i’LMrni::i"thpi.mul l*» tho j'Oti tiu» ol Jim JlarrM .nr.:, I'orl rmnutb, .Mount J«»> .and L m c:r»tcr H'iilio'iil tint tl.o Haul Cuini'Miy ho* lulu lmidamlKatistlcd tot lb' lioldei:tlheronl..ill the Immb id liio hml Cvimpany 't'cmcil In .11 citnm morl j.u,e. o\o ciiteti by the s ml Company in Jnbn .Mo'll, <| unit in Cmm Ml, mid Im.'im.-mn Hi win Whwton, I ruMem* for t ItO Haiti boinlhohb'ii:. dill’ll llm twenty rulilli dai ol April. A. I). IMS, Mini reeoidrd m the Kreurdci's Oihen of Lancaster roimtv , in .Mort„nz<> Honk No. 8. j, i ;c Ac.,tuid tlmi no Mtiuliiction liras been entered mi the roenrd of * ml inorUiiM*. the Court, on i■ lotion of TJio.i JO. Franklin. Ksn., tho Attorney lor *.aid Conn* mv. emit a rule upon all parties intorritml, to aitpenr in Court on MONDAY,tho l'Jtli di> of DKCLMDKK, A. D. K/>. to allow cause, if nm (hoy have, why iDtintm CampMl and Frammi Hawla Wharton, llipis., curuime TrudooH Tor iho said bonillinldorn. Bho tld not outer ••at’affietion on tlic record of llio tnnrW*''** referred to lit tho said peli tionj and throe! notion ol tlm? Mile to be x»ion to all pirtios interested, by juihlio.Hion weekly in Th? /V", the A ’oith 1 nuncini unit t'ml'it Stutu iiu'.itt, the l.itiiraUtr Hnifun-t unt It ra/J, and the Lnncash r In ttllmtnrtr, for four niece; ui o w cok* in each. Certified from tho record. Attest, W. OAKFKNTFH, i'rotlioiiota n. TN TUB COURT OB COMMON PLEAS i.aNCASTKH CorNTY.-ln llin matlrr nr Uic petition of the 11 ni riaburc. Port mi ion Ih, Mount Jo), niul |j.iu n anter Kniliu.id Company. t«» have MitiHt.iction en tered on tho record of acertam nl tmul com pany— OeinbertMih.lV.?-It appcarms to Dip Court, by the fctitiou of the llarmhur.?, Portsmouth, Mount Joy. nmt .fiucnstnr Kailro.ul Coinnatn. thattho nnwl Coimmny has full) paid and salishetl to the holders thereof, nil tiio Kim)aof the said Company. (.‘•cured by tv certain moit v-ago, executed 1>) the mid Uoinprny to John Mom, Ouintiu Campbell, mid Francis Kavlo Wharton. K*v«is . Trustees for Uu> Hind bondholders, dated tho f»r«t da. oi January. A. 1). 1611. and recorded in the Recorder’s Of fire of Lnnousttjr comity..u MnrUairo Kook Mo. !>. pa- o Ac., nndthatno hatisfaetiou has been entered on tlio record of tho mid mortgnKe, the Court, on motion ul Thomas K. Frsnk'm, Ksnt lintr amt tfrrald,mu\ the/>u/ifnj ttr hittlliiifnctr* lor four successive weeks in each, Certified Irmn tlio record. Attest, W. CARPKNTKK, Prothomdary. TV'OTIC'E. —Whereas a rertifleate of Stock ±1 in the Pittaton ConlCcnymny, No. IW, in the nntr.o of A. J. Derbyshire & Co., tor two hundred and f*it> ahnres. Imß been lest or imalmd, nil yorions intPrPHtAd ore called upon to show eniiso why n new certificate Rhould not bo msund in lieu of the sunn, and Rive m»- tioo of tile flfvmo at 2*21 Boullt Sixth btreot, Philadel phift, ©27-thtt JET THE YOUNG ANDOLDREAt) IT— d , N ,9 1 /J. E THRIVES. By the author of “ Charley J 7 r & n .” Illustrated. iBmo. 60 cents. .....‘V, 11 R J fl le n > deep interest, well conceived, and ® < l nB tr u eted. Asa tale for youth, it forcibly portrays the evils of deoeitnnd falsehood, and on the contrary, the advantages of 1 strict adherenco to truth. l,et the young and old rend It.”—[Presbyterian. ... A very prettily-wriitet and polished tale, well 'VI. .I 10 r°acing by young people. Its moralise.x dained bv itfi title, nnd the point is well made out liy tlm >t<>rk.”-||nquiror. Puulishcd by WILLIAM S, k ALPRKD MARTIKN, Jiff No. i-M CHESTNUT Street. rjGIE LIVES OP EMINENT PIIILADeY- A l'lllAXS. „ m JUBT PUBLISHED. , . I,l>. KU. ,I Portrait.. Price S7.HI. to lip liail only ol WM. UIIUTI1P;KI1I!AD. lilU-H!f Xm. 315 ami 2H South EIUIITII Street. fa NY OF THE W FOLLOWING BTEKL PORTRAITS’XB Will be sent with an impe of the panor fur 15 ols. each, or fatamis, post-paid: CHAUI,ES DICKENS, MACAULAY, PICOLOMI. Nl , EYKKF.TT, HUMBOLDT, PAUL MOP PDW CLMiS'roNi'., THOMAS WRICHT, CARDINAL WISEMAN, RICKSTONE, CHARLES KEAN, ALBONI, MDLLE. TiTIENS. uroil THE 13 WITH THE ILLUSTRATED XEYVrf OF THE WOULD For 13 wools, all post free, and Portraits sent in ml \auco, neatly packed, free from fold*, KjT l’jß TWO DOLLARS. Each portrait is cheap at Al, and tho paper nckuow «d,'Pd to be the must lioautifnl and interestiru illtistra tid I H'jly weekly journnl extant Terms of subscrip §7.6ll; Quarterly &2, all post froe. HENRY A. URO erN k CO., 11 Hanover #t., Boston, American publisher*, to whom ~H ordeis.HubHcnptions, photour.iphs, Ac., mtoiideil for thin London journal, ’i ust bo addressed. n!8-f tu-4t GEORfiK G. KVANS’ BOOK LIST. ALL BOOICB are sold at tho lowest price*. And BEAR IN MINI), THAT A GIF T. WORTH KROM 50CTS. ro ACCU.MI*AN(EB EACH BUOK. NEW ROOKS. BOOK OF I’ARLOR PLAYS. Bv Silas H Hteele. “ Tin* 11 the host boos of the kind that has ever l*con pulilishod.” MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN-Troßtidigitour. Ono vnl., 13m0., cloth, with a gift, l'nco dl, BO )K OF HUMOROUS J’OKTRY. One vob. Kino.. <*loth, with a gift. Frice $l. PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID. One vob. 12nin.. with n c ilf. l’nco $1 25. PILLAR OK FIRE. By Rov. J. H. Inuraham. Onevah, IZiuo.. yvith a gift. Price $1.25. LIFE OF DAVID CROCKETT. One vo)., Ijfrno., with « sift. Price $l. OUT OK THE DEPTHS. A Story of Woman s Life. Ono volume, 12mn . with a gift. Price SI. - HUY Y'OUR BOOKS AT EVANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, \Y hero you can set . BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OK . LITERATURE* „ AND A HANDSOME PRESENT, , , , YY orth from £0 cants to $lOO is given with each booh sold. Vail in, and one trial will assure you that Me only r/«ce 1/1 the city where you should purchase Rooks ts GEORGE G. EVANS’ GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, , N 0.439 CHESTNUT Stroet, Philadelphia. ulO-tf Two doors below Fifth, on tho upper aide. J YMAN’S HISTORICAL CHART. , REVISED EDITION. , I'riro, with Question Book. $1 fiO. Containing the promiu*nt events of the Ul\IL. Hk- MlJlOl'ti, AND LITI-HtARY HISTORY OF TIIK WORLD, from tho earnest timos to the present day. Hv liio use of it in Immlies tho reading of ;uiv work or History can ho rendered more intorosting nwl profiti- Me. and in tho work of teaching Ulster) in Schools ami Colleges it is an invaluable aid. It presents the ground work and nkeletou of tho subject in such graMim outlines, that the tnachor can mterweavo tho detail and philosophy <>( history without confusion, and with increased interest to the pupil. An) teacher who tries it must soon fnol convinced of its undispensuble.worth More correct knowledge nud more clear concepts ns of tho facts and erc.it moral bearings of History may Iwi gained froi|i the study of this chart in vim month than could bo gained from more text-books m otte y:n r. A liboral discount to teachers. * MOSS. OKOTHER& CO. rublishors, BooVnellera. Stationers. No. MU Market street. qpilE COTTAGE AND ITS VISITOR. *- The Cottage ami its Visitor. iJ j the author of “ Miniaturing Children.” Illustrated. fit) coats. Tom Brown \t Oxford. A Beuuel to BcSiool Days nl Rusbr. J’nrt I. HI cents. T*pKn Years ot a Soldier's Life in India. 12mo. #t, KuLotty Bkeert. B) ttio author of “Timid Lucy." tU cents. Jatllo Annie’s New or Third Book. 45 cents. Duty .iml Reward; or. Tlio Blessedness of Bom; Good. Bv Fev. Waahineton Baird. 20conts. Pascal's Thoughts. 12mo. .*f| 25 HtonPH oi Other Lands. With colored illustrnHona. 75 cents. Tlio Ansel of the Iceberg. By Few John Todd. 75 cH. For salo hv WILLIAMS. A ALFRED MARTI EN, nil No. 6-«> OIIKtiTNUT Street. rflUlF, PORTRAIT OF PAUL MORPHY.— Tho supcTbMool-i'lato portrait of I’AUI< MOU THY ami ilio UiUVriUTKP NEWS OF THK WORLD, n kthi pie n amber, u ill Im sent pout fr**e on receipt of 15 i ini' cull, or Fn*t Uflieo «l tmps : nUo fjTKKL I’UHTRAI T OF IIOX. EDWARD EVERETT, aml the Mount Vornon i imil »*»r of the Illcstka i» n riiK Wojvi.u, may Atili be had. Trice 15 cunts, <■];, p.oru 30 ( ENTs. JIENRV A. BROWN A 00., 14 HANOVER Mrcet. Bouton. FUST PITItUSIIKD—LEADING OASES *® IN WU’n'Y. 3\tds.,Bvo. 1 lord American from tli<> second London edition. Much improved, ami en- by th« addditinn of r»iei cited, and more than two hundred and fitly or notes by tho Ktijlisli Kditnr. A lame amount of matter hat also been added by the American Kditor; all the more recent American au thorities have been consulted and citation of casus brought down to tbo present period, so as to present the loader with full ami jot cmpendiuus account* °1 each ol the subjects treated of. T. & J. W. JOHNSON k CO.. Law I’ubhahera and Importers, &3a ClfhS I NIT Street. _ NOW JtKADY : TUB TKUi»)LATION ; Dr. cu m - MiNtra Or. THIN'iS COMING ON THE KAKTH. By the Uev, Jon* 1). of the £oottieh ■National Chinch. author of “ Apocaliptio Sketches/’ •’ Morning ar.it EveiMiijr Travers.” Ko. FIRST SERIES. Ono volume. lJmo. Muahn. Price $l. An American edition of tins inimh-talked-of l«ooh, re printed from mi curly copy published m Loudon by Kirlmrd Ltontley. Tho uotlior m his prefaces su>bj '*Jn this vo’utne it in in> object to shmi that tlie prlieo : es of tho Redeomer wminciulod on tins Mount of O.iies. and other preilio t u.ns relorable to the s.uuo category and ora, nro beum Call) tr.iiintHtiMl into history.'* Also* New Editions ol VKIUU.vr lIHEKN. A clover And nmusin; sketch of mUenltirei m an Kiuhsli I'nuurmiy. Illustrated with nrarly 2W bn >tioroun vruod cuts. One vol. Sttieiuih thvuftaul. Mus lin. Price SI. Lin: AND TRAVELS OF HUMBOLDT. With an uitunluction liv Bm mu> T Attain. A popular ,uul nnereitiiK UuiTaphy; a summary of his travels: res ime of his works ami attracts irom the most im ixifUnt one*. One vul.» with btoel portrait. Muslin l'lieo $125. Another Itmimnd of Michelet's •• sensation” w»fk (ho ■ucoes.s of which has become tho great fact a I the I‘uM'siutirf year One \«d.. lihno. Muslin. Prico $l. Any of those ll«><*ha will he sent hy iiuut, po»uso tree, loan' pirt ot tUo United rttMnH, on the receipt of the price’,hy REDD A CAHLKTON, Publisher# an.) liooksellorit. nl7-lhvtf No. VW (iK AN D St , near Jlruadw it, N Y pUKE AND CHEAP DREAD, MANIWACTUKED ltY TIIF. MECHANICAL BAKERY. CXJi BK OBTAINED AT TUB KDLLOVV3NI* FLACKS: MECHANICAL IJAKKRY, H. W, corner of Uroadand Vino Htrnrtf. C. M. OLA It K. ——-..Pit pin r street, bo low Tenth. 11. McNEIL..-. —— —«S. K. corner Sixth ami Conte* street. JATHO tc SON, No,lKVtNoiihKifthstreet. S. FANCOAbT..—..No. 92(t S pn u g Garden street. JOHN 0. MONEY——. ... No. uii Vtuo street. r. I*. SMITH.. —..No. 1W North Fifth street. JOHN 5M1TH.......8. K. corner Fifth and Spruce street*. W. W. MATHEWS 8. E. cornor Kleieuthand Locust stroets. H. KNIGHT.- .... Broad atreet, below Wal- nut. GEORGE GARVIN—.-...N0. 1113 Lombard atroot. i). COL*RTNKV. ..N, CIRCULARS, \\ M. COUR I’NKV street. S. K. WANAMAKKR Federal atreet, r.bove Sixth. /„ LENTZ.— —....Cornor South Fourth and Johnston st rerts. (~ HOLE AN —-..5. W. corner Sixteenth and BILL W’.ADS, DAVID SADDLER..., J. WKIoHTMa.N... Jolloipon etreotn S. 8. TOMKINS No. low North Frnnl itreet. U BROOKS. -8. W. cornor ofiSevcnth and Finn streets. JANE M VERS,.. Civites street. tie.ow Thir teenth atreet. F. M. W00D...—. —... 8. W.oorn- iFranklm and OoHtot ttreota. p. MODKIS.—...N.iW. coiner Tenth and Nhiri'on street*. I. iI.Tt.KNEH, . No. 1-16 South Front street. J. SlMal'Klt —b. W. corner liro.td aud I‘nrrish struct*. niOH, T. 10.1181’..—. ..--.Corner Nineteenth atreet and Ridge .ivrnue. D. S. DOWN N. F.. corner Ninth and Fodorul street*. J. MelN’lA RF. Twenty -aeooml street, at*. COM I’AMhS. Coates. \!,K\. FULLER TON.. Comer Of Fifth atlU Chris tina. J. L. HICKS Camden, N. J., atoro 119 Ar.Mi street. C, H. RAINIER Wen Philadelphia,36th et, uh. Hxverford road. R. E. VARNKLL .l.eitui, Feaun. JOHN DAKNDT Tretuont and Fin® drove I’enin. GJ*O. V. TOWNSEND...—. West Chester, I’enna y. MoCI.KES AtLinliu City, N. J. D. 110 R I’ON —. Florence, N. J. S. F. EHEULKLN 102 11 MIX'HANII'AL IiAKERY. S. AY. Coiner DItOAD mid VINE Streets, I’H I t.ADKt.FH! A. Tins establishment oi now in am . enalul opor «tion. dxy •uul in-lit. and ill are icpeetlnll.i muted to call and «c« ll.e whole process of bread lunhnik lor themselves. The undersigned tnkei the litxsrt) oT ay ms tint f°r thirtl tno years ho has boot, n prnctw il linker—hvo »« apprentice, and bio ax journe)i|un in one of thehrst houses m Scotland,and twenty-ti'o ;ia master -during which tune he has had the opportunity of ma-uux man/ exyerDnents. and ulw«rv me nil the unprov onwntawhich have tmen made during thiit period. In tliisestabl.sJiiucut, of wntch he lus now the nixn aremeut.ni addition tMhe compio'e l , 4 ‘ HV , r «'\ind »*'• ciiineiy, im In*, how fvcilitiea of many kinda not hetelo n»re poxscKßcd. . ilouK unrestramed In the purchase of flour, none tail the soundest ami best shall ever l*n tired; and he haa no t.eaituiion in sayinx that Hreud ot alt kinds canbede iiccred, unsurpassed in quality aud wei/ht by that nude hi the onhiun procenn. 'Families lit winch th® Dread made by the Mechanical Hikerr h n not been trunl, or m "hteh it has t»eeu tried onl) at it" commencement, bolore the m ichmery was in porfoot workins order, are respectfully asked to ;j\eit atrial now, the underarxnod bAliecitu it would lead to mutual advantage. JOHN fl. MUX KY, Fuperiutondent. $ I 0 0,0 0 0!!! NOV EM HER 2dm, USA Circn’ais. tu ins full ipfonu.-tti ii,cnn l*e had ircc ol expense, to mUlressiim ■jlOll THE API’KOAOUING HOLIDAY, ■ * present your wife with a'pairof those Life-size Photozriph* in Oil. nmde nttho ox tensive and co tuple t® iIEIMEK GALLERY, SECOND Street, Green. riIAR —Just received, a largo iuvoico of -l Tar» in «up#rior order and large.banal*, and for Bdlft by VKAVKR. FITLKR, A CO., ■ ol Wrt « M WATKH unit 82 N T>l«'l,A WA RK A* K"~ OSIN~OHj.~76O iibU. Rosin Oil, all KOQit ja&U?*. *n More, an-l for wale l»r JtOWLKV, ARMIWRNKR .V CO., Wo, JO South WHAKVJES. NEW PUBLICATIONS. LOVE (L’Amour.) mu:Ai> W. dorner Kiiteenth mui Pme RtreelD. No. M*i» South Twolfli O.mlcm siroefa. N». ao North Kloveni Hired. .8. K. mriiftr Eleventh tin-. Cnluml'i'i, Pi, T 0 Ii K II A 1> V 0 K S2O. oNBATU K D A i , wool), i:iH)Y. A CO , WILMINGTON, |»LL*WARK RETAIL DRY GOODS. CARD TO THE LADIES The undersign'd lake pleasure in calling the atteiHu of the Ladies to thoir lullfand cuinple*© nock of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEING THE ONLY ST OKI i tho city with an exclusive stock frointlio celebrate lauufaelurorw, H £2 It T Z & WEHKNER, IN BERLIN, known by all deplor* to be the host make in the worh Our customers can depend on (retting the Lest artic' ever uttered at reUtl in Philadelphia, *t the luwe prices, together wnh an assortment of LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. PLAITED CORDS. PARIS STYLE, HANDSOME CROCHET CLOAK FRINGES, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, A variety of BLACK CLOAK TASSELS. WOOLLEN KNITTIU VAHN RAPS O N * S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORK, C 'KNER OP EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS nWtliMt IpALL AND WINTFR CLOAKSi Newest Pattern* Kali Cloaks. Winter Cloakßiiaily opening. Black Beaver Clo ik«. Black Tricot Cloaks. Blank French Cloth Cloaks. Clo iks made to ord *r at one day’s notice. Prices Sfi to 815. COOPER k CONaKd. old NINTH and MARKER fiASSIMERES, CLOTHS. V-/ Thick Plain Ca/wimere*. Heavr Black C&ssintores. Stout Fancy Styles. * Rugged Mixtures. Plaids and Stripes. & and 8-4 Fi rut-rate Black Doeskins. Block Broadcloths 31.50 to £5. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths COOPER k CON A HD. NINTH ami MARKET. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. j§ P E N O E R’» GEN FURNISHING STORK. NO. B3'J CHESTNUT STREET, GIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. DRESS SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, STOCKS, TILS, GLOVES. GAUNTLET MUFFLERS AND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY. n5-fituth-?m-if jgUPERJOR DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFACTURED AT W . W . KNIGHT’S, COG MWH STREET. Tho newest and tm>t>t beautiful stylos alwaysou hand \or) suitable presents fur the approaching holiday t. Jlist received a 10l PURE 81LK HIIIRTS AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY. TIES, SCARFS, Ac., OF THE NEWEST STYLES NE SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE. RETAIL, Of MADE TO ORDER, (iUJIUNTJED TO FIT. O. WALBOKN & CO., NOW) NOS. 5 AND T NORTH SIXTH STREET have now a very superior assortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves, Hosiery, eto. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, which a fine assortment is constantly keptou hand dO-armf JW, SCOTT—late of the firm of Win • Chester k Scott—GKNTLEMK N’S FURNISH INO STORE and ‘HURT MANUFACTORY, 81 CHESTNUTStreei,(nearly oppoa.tc tho UirutdHouet, Philadelphia. J.W.S. would respectfully call the attention of hi. former patrons and friends to Ins new store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. J perfect fitguarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied wirl fine Shirts and Collars. It7l*lt NOTICES. OFFRVE OF Tllfi DELAWARE COUNT! PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY. —Th Fourth Instalment on the Capital Stock of tle&bov Company will be duo and payable on FRIDAY, the Jt or December, at the Otfioe •>! TIIOh. T. BI’TCHEL Treasurer. No. 112 South FOURTH Street. n 22 did 23 A. L. BON NAFFON. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE THIRTEENTH AN) FIF f EEN'TH-STREF.T PASSENGER RAM WAY COMPANY, No. U Ksohxnte Building. Pnii.ADKLniiA. Nov. 21. hi?. The Third Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per fclui on tho Capital Stock of tho abme Company will be do »nd parable at their Office, on the lath uar of Decemlt prox., between tho hours oft* ami 3 o'clock. Bv order of the board, H. N. FITZGERALD, n'.'Z-tuthAetdlS Treasurer. TOOTH'£ lri GIVEN’ THAT AFFUCA 1 y lion will be made for a Certificate of Pennsylvani State Loan, tn place of uue dated August 4.1M8. No .v lor S'W. under art of April 5, ISM, to LOUISA JEF FER\ . now lu»>t or nuslaud. _ ioB_3m* T~" HE PE NNSYL V AN IA ACADEMY OJ THE FINE ARTS. NOTICE TO STUDENT!?. £Tho KuntiiK Studies by gns-lisht, from tho Castso Antique Statuary, commence on SATI RPAY, Octotio Ist. at 7 I'. M. The Life Olam comnionceg its studies on MONL>A\ K V E*VIN »-tf Chairman of the Committee on Instruction. CPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Good ie year’* Patent Vulcnnixed Rubber Suspenders ilr&tds. Webs, and all other fabrics and artiolca made by combining fibrous substances with threads or shoeu ofvulcAuixed rubber, are notified that unless tho same >}re properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex* amine specimens now in store, and to give their order* for the iSpnnc Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or tml oorteiJ. and mint others. 1 ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SE Lit —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to m e st No. 33 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. nW-lr HORACE H. DAY. MLDICINAL rjMIE ALL-SUmCIKKT TIIRKE!- TRIKHKMAR, 1,2, emit, Protected by Royal Letters Patent oi Kixland. fti:« serurnl In Die Seal# of the hoolede lMurmaeiede Far is ami th« Imperial Colb*'a of Mcdmro, Vim.na. No. 1 in iuv nimble tor exhaustion, ■peritmU>rrlicrft»am •all physical disabilities. No. - completely eradicates all traces of those diacase that Inivo tieon hitherto treat cl hy the nauseous ami per nicioususe of oopaivia and eubebs. No. 3 has entirely supplanted me .n’urmus u«* of mar entry, thereby maurim; to the sutlerer speedy rebel di' versing ml impurities, and rootin? out Itie \emmi ol dm esse. TRIKSKMAR, No*. 1, 2. and 3, are* prepared in t'l Torm of a lozenge, devoid of Mate am) Miiell. ami can L carried in the waietcoit pocket. Sold in tin m.i divided intoaeparnt* do»ei, as nd mi mate red h> Velpeau l.alleiurvnd, Roux. fticord. Ac. Price >3 each, <>r f.u; casei! for £9, which hiv ee <*3: and in ??7 cases, whe e by there is a savin* of £9. To l*e had. vvlinlesale an retail, of Dr. HARROW, 191 Bleeckrr street. New York Seda alio at Retail by CAI.LKNDKR k 00.. conic THlßDaml WALNUT Streets, PhilndMplna, and b T. W. DkUTT fc sONS.ns North SECOND Street Wholesale and Retail Agents for I‘ennsvh ama. 8n22-d3m SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, lIIP DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HKAD. Eruption of the Skin yener vllv. ntid all llumori and Impurities i the Blo.hl, are radically and peruuueatiy cured by lh celebrated IMPERIAL PKIM’RATIVK. Itltas Wen a very iinuortaut .izent in tlie cure r CANCEROUS DISEASES h) D*. Lminsli'rr* A Co.,U a nmnb , »r of je in pn*t. and it» srevt v alua in tin* cur of Cancer* H abundantly established by the many cure efleeted h> it. In SCROFULOUS nff—tioni He remarkable euratiV eilect hna never been equalled. It cures the uiusl o' sti nate eases. TETTER, SCALD HEAD, and nil Eruptions of tlx Pkin, re.uiily y leld to a moderate me of this Medicu.- Malirnant Fleers and B»»re* are roadtl) cured by thoua ol a few Udtle-. ~ Prepared and sold by MacNICHOI. Jr HRo.,(Lale Lnunnberry A C 0..) No. 80 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, For sa'e by the following DruycVt*' J. F. Long A Co.. Lancaster; C. W. Kptinc, r..tt*ville J. H Ra«er, Readme ; S. S. Steven*. Rendui* ; I\ A.. 'K Clintock, Fuaton ; Ja«. Given, West Cheater , V. it hlahler, N’orriito* n; Simon Ran. Bethlehem; Dr. I.i \t ze>, New Hope; Dr- leal:*, Hns’id, Schmidt A Co AllccliMU); Ulji A Bell, N'n.iyunk, Pa; J. D. Jnm-» Trenton: Do L.v Cour, Cinulen; Rrewiter »t Co Hrnketou; Knhorfson A r*nui:ootf. >’ tW:r. ,V d.' .»i Iniill, Wilmington; L. S. lioorce, Wilm.ngton , 1. r 11 iinmorMlt. Milford. Del.; and Prunaet* pane rally, iell-atiitlitlmif SVDDLI.KV, HARNESS, Ac. fl A<’KY .t PHILLIPS. Si lIAR.NKSS.SAIIIM.r.o. ANl> RUBK'i. Trt> Fki/i Mrt'xt. at the World’* Fair, held in [. m don. in l\s», vv is awarded It, im for the b*et Unincsa TiiK I’Ki/r Mi- i*\r. at the h air. h »'«! m York, mlvd, M.o it-o twaided to in h-f the Ivfct liar ness. H I'vui,: mime then zre 111) e 111 At ..'.lour m inn l act uni. I tali ties, " uro i->w i>repar>'>l to oiler ‘to tSr fuMm a ,„ir EXTENSIVE f-' m.UMWKN P No*. Wand di '-m.th sEV I.N I'll M , ,il>ov Vh*btnnt. F)U l. A DELPHI \. The most« <•! pro e» UihKl nUiti serviceable single harness tro M i *).’ to •• (s iu*> •• s:SwUto£« Phin itouold ImrnesH ” Cmiutrv harueis makt'is, ml”' Mipp’-edwitn ntrnes cheaper than thev c in m omi ir»nrc lliem. nil) stuAth3ni INSTITUTE FOR GYMNASTIC. ORTHO PF.DIC AND CAT.HrUKNIC lIM’.RCISKB tor I.i dies and'•entlrmcii ot ever) a;e, Northern corner. Ninth ami Am atieets Numeroin nation leu hr already louml the ben*liei it eilect* derived |rom the* exemsOH received ever* diy. t'rouh public inspci lion Thursd »». Nov • 2ilii. inar. V HIM.KUHA.Mi A I.)WH, P.S. Feuctnt mid A, tdei.it .it the aim b'lildmir. A now Has* will bo ton :ed. mat zenticme m mhitiz to join will find an excellent instructor. J|f ENTON LEMONS.—2SO boxes Jlento IfX Lemons, sound and in prime order, for safe br • MKRlN’M.Unv.mih FRnNTStwMit •)/UV BBLS, No. 1 HKKKIN’n -luO ha OWI bb!«. extra Mackinaw White Kuh. in store an for sate b* WM. J. TAYLOR A CO..IJJ and 134 Non WWAMVr* o* Hf.VOKEKKL.-47'> hhlv. Nos, 1,2, an.l EtA Mackerel, in anrorlcd Orumcf Pickaees, of ti latest c.iteh, for sale by C. C. BADLb.R A OU., AKi' pt»ret. eoruvnd floor \lavr« Front. Hams and siioulders.-2.uu Pieces Citr Smoked Hams nnd Fhoiihlert! H sale by C. C. BADLLR II Cl>.. ARCH mreet, senor door alvove Front «J> HF.BRINU.— 270 hhh Pickled Herein; also, S3y hoses Smoked Herring, for sale by 0. t NADLKR It CO., ARCIi Street, second door ahov Front. nIJ OLIVES —Spanish Queen in nrin.e ordt in store, and for sale by A. MKBIN’O, nlh \ 4,5 Row I h F R t >_NT_m ' SPANISH OLIVES—In bulk, in priiu for r , FsomranM.