of andwa* • •An»it is prosecuting those maasurerwhtoh'hsvi ee : epred its prosperity, v «-. s ,iy3 i V v 'jNT’ oherieb the memory of. our V iatePresjdenhijirito,tyhia many deed* of benavolenoe, - - Mi,|crnimlqaB ConsolapUouiiadMfiß the' (U®oh®rge P* ’ pubuo duties, Ao4 hj* dignified , , ou* bearing, well exemplified tiid graced, of; the cniis • •- * i-"' . ; That wd tender to,tH v 1 ® * oe&Mds'the expression of 'cnr aympathy in the hour of their Weaveraent,and thefc’Dry IVF*Cofl a oommlttee to - • . Thanheglrlng day is but a Wele UVely-iirepMaUoiiearo afoot for the oK .- tbetfeitival. Wagon loads of poultry will, . xbme’to' toftf i#, 'the interval, and there wjUbe many ttie noteiof preparation, for the holiday & mentioned the fact that a large: number-.of-persons are. procuring new suits at the 'Brovin ‘^6tbnh^Clothing-Hall of-RookhiU,4c Wilson,[ Nos. {3Q3' Bas.6(X Chestnut street, above,Bixth; ' ; . AitorHßK Excitement. —We are an oxoi table people, that,ts afoot. What with our elections, parades* . balls', etc.', it ieS&ardly to be wondered that the entd - . nvn» should be a large and rapidlr augmenting olasr, ■ Theda test and- greatest excitement seems, however, to' .be.oon&ned to fashionable Oiroles, a.nd is caused by the beautiful new styles gotten up by E. H-. Eldridge k Co,» 4 l he enterprising proprietors of the “Continental Cloth-' \ittg'3fou*e,” northeast corner of Chestnut .and Eighth streets'." YTeadvise qur readers in r wantof something realty beautiful to give’them a call. . ' ’V; WAB'-,IT 4Jt 'EiRThcfCAKB OH A METEOE ?—Oar ‘ exoh'angos from New York and ‘ New Jersey are full of - descriptions of - a'singular phenomenon that occurred m th'eso localities, attended with a madding like ■ that of an earthquake.- In Gotham, they say they have pioked up in the streets Urge quantities of phoapbores -cent- ornebulus’inattcrjsupposed to be the relics of a meteor, .Acountry paper cays that, in its vioinity, the . heavens presented a hudihdus appearaaoe at noon-day, and the usual nohoe in Tht Press to wear only the ele gant-'and':graceful ? *tyles of Granville Stokes, the \ celebrated Clothior, N 0.60? Chestnut street, was clearly disodndble. • - - . . ( '*•& W; Cabbti. A Co., 714 Chestnut etreet, sell . allkindaof House, Hotel, and Ship-furnishing articles, •wholesale and retail, at moderate prices, - and Coppeß. ,Good, better, best. Cheap,'.cheapen cheapest. John B. Love’s Tea ."Warshouse; Seventh and Brown. * ' ' This Stereoscope, .and Pictures are without ' doubt'the’most pleasiig entertainment extant. The largest variety ih the oity at the,New' Emporium, 18 South Eighth street. ;> Jab. Chkmhk Sc Co, - We would call attention to the advertisement of 8. E. Cobon, in another column, of his notice for copy fox printer, , Lossofthe Ship Virginia} and JffeJan« ' ' fcholy Fate of the Captain* * Intelligence has been reooived, in Liverpool, of the total loss of the ship Virginia, belonging to James Beasley, Eiq., on the 10th of .May last, . while oh an expedition la searoh of guano. The vessel was wrecked on New Nantucket island, and • fourteen of the crew, after remaining oh that island until the 25th of July, were token off by the Ame rican brig Josephine, and landed safe at Honolulu, ■ on the' 14th of August. The rescued crew hadfpre wlously, on the 11th’ of July,- boarded, in a boat, tho whaling bark Andrews, of New Bedford, the captain of .-which vessel promised to stand off and on thelsland'uutU the next day, in order to give the'shipwrecked mariners tune to oonsider and arrange about tneir departure. The next ‘ morning,' however, when everything and evenr body was ready to take their departure from the island, no ship Was visible, the captain of the An drews having in the middle of the night steered . clear away from New Nantucket and the unfortu nate br&w, leaving them to their fate, whloh, how ever, turned out better than was anticipated, for, os before' Btated/the Josephine hove in sight on the 25th of July, v and the captain, warmly reoeivod on , boardthe iu-servedlorew; - But the most intereit t ing and affecting part of the narrative remains yet ?tobetold. Captain Withers, the master of tho ill ' fated.vessel, with nine men comprising the remain dor of .the crew, after being nineteen days at sea in an open’boat, enduring innumerable privations, all safe at the Eqjqe islands, and from thenoe thoy were conveyed'to Sydney, N. S. W; . On arriving at Sydney, Captain Withers learned .'that the Itqyal Charter was at Melbourne, and about to sail for Liverpool. Ho accordingly went to Mel ' ’ bourne, and embarked on board that steamer, little thinking that she. too, like theVessol he comraand ’ r ed, would meet with a similar fate. He is the samo Captain Withers which one of the survivors of the Royal Charter described as ll behaving himself with l suohnoblefortitudeabdunfilnchingbravery” when all seemed lost, and when it was even a mockery to hope for suooor in such a fearfal tempest. Bat he . was evidently doomed to die a sailor’s death; and the last.seen of him, was as accomplished a gentleman as he was an experienced sailor, was when he called out to Captain Taylor and his ohief officer, Hr. Stevens: “ God bless yon, Taylor! God c bleas you, Stevens! Keep firm.” The Royal Char ''ter broke up immediately after. The remainder is . alreadxtoo well known. . Thooo&unittee appointed to receive contributions in behalf of the Garibaldi.fund for ono million of muskots appeal to the United States press to for-. ward their noble work by reproducing their circu lar, os follows: v - * * ONE MILLION OP MUBKETB. Pursuant to the resolution passed at the Italian meeting, held on -the Bth alt., at the SLuyvesant Institute, we, the undersigned, appointed a perzna - * uent committee in order to second the subscription opened by Gen. Garibaldi for the purchase of one million of call'on the Italians resident of - the United Staten, and. on ail noble-hearted men who befriend civil and teUgteus liberty to unito in realizing this our undertaking. Tije Btrriggle in which a-great part of Italy is at ' present* ongaged is not, only one of national liberty, bnt also one of‘modern civilisation against tho baneful influences of the past—despotism, ignorance • end superstition;. We are not, in this* noble work, actuated by selfish motives, bnt feci we arc making . n sincere and solemn appeal' to our fellow-eitizons . in behalf of this ancientmotber of modern nations; and'We are assured that their mite will not bo withheld by the freemen of the land whose, liberty is the dread of Governments whose polioy is to de base humanity;' WO appeal in the -name of pro j. gfes& ited bf tho supremacy of the'mind. The \ sanotity.of onroause encourages ns to tho belief - that our appeal will not be without effect, and wo ' anticipate the liberal answers by our thanks. Subscriptions .can be mode In money, or in &rti . oloaof fine art, , Any sam of-money, even were it r a three-eent postage stomp, will bo welcomed, and may bo'addresaod to the treasurer. Articles of fine Wtii to be forwarded to Mr. Patrizio Piatti. * Bnbscribers are roqnested' to give their names and address. • ;■„<* 3 « ».* - Subscribers’ names will be registered in a book, ,■ TVhioh wBI .be forwarded by the permanent oom mitteS to the Italian Government. ' j ' > • Gen. Joseph Aveizana, President,-24'Codar £ street,N.Y. . .. • ? ‘ v . Domenico Minelli,' 1067 Broadway, New York'.' r « Patrizio Piatti, 1033 Broadway, New York. f Miohael.Yanm, 204 William street, New York Prof. Achilla Magni, 04 West Warren street, Brooklyn,. ~ - ® 1 v G. B. Sangainetti, 753 Broadway, New York. '. , Jamcß Gandolfo, Treasurer, 49 Exchange place. .! - R. Ancarani, Secretary, 24 Cedar street, New - Yorkr'-": •’ ■ ' New York, Nov. Jts, JBMb < A PItECBDEXT FOB THB Harpßß’S FiBBY Af ' * fair.—The capture at the United States arsenal at 1 .Harpor’e Perry waa.not unprecedented even in our A -woont iistory. .On the 4th of December, 1853. . | ~o*ptain-Leonard, of the- United States army, had / ‘charge of the United States arsenal at Liberty, ! A " j&issottri. Judge James V. Thompson, of that . ’i State, asked of the oaptain permission to seethe » -arson&l; and -while there a party-of Missourians, - numbering more than Brown’s'whole fotco, sur ,, the plane, took Captain Leonard prisoner, forocd opon the arsenal, took oannon, guns, and ; .powder, and then lefc Leonard go. The arms were ! : used in the attaok upon and burninc of Lawrence. ; A. We haye not yet heard that either State or Federal ! * authority was exerted to apprehend and punish the i ' ’ruffians: —Cleveland leader. v MARINE ; INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE. ' /, * - ARRIVED. - 7 pit/ of Richmond. Mitchell, SO hours from i l Richmond, m Norfolk, with mdse and passengers to T y-Web*t«r, Jr. -Passed ship Arthur Whits, from Livor -1 -j, pookoff the%oy ontheJMiddlej a herm brig aground „ > on the bar off Bombay Hook;, two Herm brigs in the ri- r ßnrhtofKewCastle.bouDdQp; brigßanlMalony,from Mobile, and & sew light hsirk, off New Castle; a full -1 ' mged brig, in tow,- on Chester; a berm brig aground on ' the Jorser shore, opposite the Lazaretto; and some SO sehrs in toe bay and river, bound up. ] Scbrß B Sumner,Tsyior,4days from Newburyport, 1 with mdse to Oeo A Wood, * . : ; Bchr.Crisis, Renear, 4 days from Chelsea, Maas, in bal { hmto Van Dusea, Norton ‘ . - J r,W?Com«UaL Bevau, Peterson, remained at Bhang ~ has Sept 7, uncertain. - : Brift Molonkus, Mitchell i henco, was at Barbadoos . /-;> 99th mt-“arr2sth. 1 -Brig Ava; Bennett, henoo for Boston, arrived st New , '"% ,e ;» n ch»rd, Bjlanchard, for Philadelphia, , . . otearedfltfort«mouthl«hmet. . , * - Bchir G M Robertson, Feder, henoo at Barbadoes • nlt,ands%Ued.2BthforStThomu. A Bchrs i^O-Knight, Wbirlow,, Hi rayson. EldndM, - Alice Lea, Foster, a Cordery, Allen, Mary.Haley,Ha ley,«nd Argus Eye, Sharp, hence, arrived at Boston /-;• 18th inst. 5 v Vt ! __BeiiT Marth& Nlobles, Sawyer,hence, arrived at Salem ,<,»' ' IflthmsL' "‘ail ;> -i i- 1 », ■ . •ii.-...- Sohr Geo J Jonas.Crowell, from Boston for Philadel xv.fphia; at Newport iflth io*t ■> >.- r ' ■ j-i *zyj sow JSATcytarins, Haskell, sailed from RooWand 10th • .liwJor/praoeHeaditoioadfor Philadelphia. • . Field; Phillips, hence,arrived at Taunton - A . fr ;|feswoorfmff B ims,>laaon', hence for Boston, arrived ' Mif Haven, arrived at > ynrlcyesterday., . - - ' \ Barrjhenoe for Provldenoe; arrived at -W JMW'-VprkyMterday. .( - . . 1 , r/. v-,- ?? L* -. : Rhodes, fromDelswara City, arrived at > -'7 ‘ v '4\fi‘NSw,Xofkyesterday. ... - .:. - F Cushing, Green, rrom.Ohicagofor Pbi- v : -- Block, piaJnondj Younff/Cohassot :! T Hnikht/LansaVo&^powers, Frances, A ageliae Avery, Shibboleth; sohra • -i -Gtlfillan, -Governor, a Kliwii atnntagni«n'»FblMolpiii» 'Tnhdelen . Havener;'Boston for Philsdel- Q ;andPjadem Chllofd, aw Bostons : Sidney PriM,Uodfrey, Pliila-. SatotoijMnrx-MiUer. jAWSfdo.lpr Quincy; arrivals j at the principal hotels. ur *0,12 o’oigoK ljst inaa». ; ( •BIBABB HqjJSK-Oh«.tnot.t..l»lowNinth. JD Comstock, NY B F Knduoll, Phila. , A O Curtin, Fa- ■ ... Gao G Davis, Cmoumnft Tho©Sturaca. Ohio DP White,Cal WH McKee. Cal - j P Samuels, Milwaukee BHardinge.NY . „ JF Stevenson, N Y Geo MLaum Hn *’ la* fa Laumnn, Reading A Sinnioksi n,N J Jhlrlandreau.N Roohea’r HußhLßov»wi,xiJt juim 8 Berry, Bolt -• L w Fairchild, N Y • F B Harnnkton, Boston C B Smith, Hartford, Ct N B Bar. NY t , O Heyer,.Pa Dr T H Wingfield, Va J Bi'Bhey, Va Lewis Toro.Torto Rico , C Robinson, Portsmouth L B Bearn Sc la,Bostoo.. W H Coles, NY -- J WWeirAwr.Hamsb’s HR. Worthington, NY. 1)1* JJinos, NY J E Super, IU Qto N Dana, Boston JGS^ jthAlo,Paterson,NJ J Hi'ooiCjbsieni J M-Freeman, Jr, Va Richard dross, Ga M Downey, Va • Git Francis, N Y A J Mobos k la, Monts, AU F, J Mosss, Oolumliun, Ga J W Moses, Chnrleston.SC SB \ Mrs Osgood, NY n n° n ff.hfl.nAK nv WltPyle Til) 4 b D flayer, Jersey City O Peck k la. Washington HP K Peuic Wasn'nirtoß W Hewench, N Y J R Grout & . TC Broughton. N V w.HDftnforth kla n Y GW Fairman k wf.N J M Canderfs v M W tinith, Hartl’d', Conn 'DJGregorjJnJet.oyCity liavidWnbkNY ’ H M Hooso.N Y GU Allison « la, N Y Lewis G.Morris, N Y D A 1 Ed Palmyra Hon A Paoker. M Chunk DHNeiman, ra T JM® ron ®?iNC W W Ward, Pittsbnrg H Shinn, N Y G N Black k la, 111 Mrs Romann, 111 A B Chapin, Mass L 8 Parsons. Conn JRMiliner.Vv F Marburg, NY Thos ThornWg, Va i oB^^ ftrojr,l n 0 , S 8 Jamison, Pa , #r R Frame. Del C Partridge. Mass E M ClaTk, Mops D Currier, Mass H A Currlor, Mass E A Clark. Mass _ ShßtoalM.Vii Jacob Gould, New Haven Jas Morledgo, Ohio AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st, Fifth. *W H Flitoraft, Plu a Geo M Weeks. Del P Marnknl Tlfll gßeavnoK, West Chester fjSISsST BI C,l '“ er J WHiiidsrfsW ’ n SinnickswiTealom,NJ Hon Burnt Arnold, Conn . Jns B Stewnrt k la, 80l • John H Kimble, Del £F Wilbur, Bethlehem Issno Goddard, lowa M Mann, lowa Rodford Sharp, N J W A Bourne kvrC.NJ WmCKnrsner, Md. DPonn.NY A WycVofT, Elmira, N Y G Crossman. N Y Wra G Baker, Waskington B B Weed, Mass T C wrlght. Now Bedford Beni Debeck, Me.. E Debock, Me H Fellors. St Louis J F, Goiuar. 111 1 Jos b' Chatelhor, N Y Geo Wells, il Y ' _i Fetkor, N Y FRANKLIN HOUSB-Chestnnt st, above Third. JB Miokel, Phila Dr W Schimth, thlla C Pratt, NY D Berlin, N J O S Houghton, N J G Sennoit, Boston E M Madden, NY J Ziikennnml, NY 11 Brown, Cinn A.Woodworth, Boston J Morse, NY m jLDusenlmrv, Del C N Hoag land, Troy. O a Hoasland. Troy, O J MRice, NY W J Holland, Conn RevF B Mnrnson, N J HenryJConoerre, Conn D Knowlton, Me Rev AH Barton, N J H Harrold, Fhila . JONES’ HOTEL- Cheatnntetreet. at»ve Sixth, JTurnham.lt, Liberty,Mo L Whitney,jr. Maes D Bell, NO ~ ,1 Coiulmi, ir,Md H C Whitaker, Md S 8 Moon, Fliila MrKimher, Pa „ Mr Biddlei N Y JaoTrippett, NY j Llndsy k la.N J HFAnnere,Pa SCorponier, NO V Bu'inohartl, Washington WHHeMhiNi H Murfer, NY J T Lloyd A la, Pa J W Appleton, Ky S Curtis, Norwa k, Conn 8 B Williams, N Y J M Mason, NY S Winer, N Y Meyer Stein, Balt W M-yers. N J 8 Me) era NJ O J Wise* Riohmond MAilou,NY THE UNION' HOTEL—Arob street, above Third. J Lanti. Lancaster „ Bcnl.F Risler, Chioago 8 O GroffTLanoaster co, Pa J 8 Eby, Lancaster co, Pa LS Bowers, Lancaster co J GrAbill& la.Lancasterco DBSeidel,PottsviUe JasTKeber, Reading EDuyer.NJ ' C C Bolville, Dayton, O JStookstele,Dayton,O, DWG Sharp,balem J R HeroingwaT, Del St’n J V Hammond, Va H Ray, Baltimore Isaao Rnnolda. Wheeling J K O'Neil, NY,. „ J S Reading, N J NSBroer,Memphis.Tonn WSSharpe k la.N J O D Stewart k la, N J Mr Clark A la, Fjnla Jaooh T Kent, Bothleh-m R Kent, Gwyneod, Pa R House] k la, N J P Uliler k la, Uhlorsville Mr Wolf, Richmond, Va EAGLE HOTEL—Third streot. above Race. A Haines, W Chester J Weston, Boston 8 Peterson, Balt . G Wilson, NY . T Christ, California W Bell. California J Behaffle, California J IfSimpson, California MHeisly, k la, Pittsb’g OTBaker C Bpenoer. Pottetown H P Weldon A da, Ohio H Morris,NY H KThoma,, Northiiltlpt’n Miss K Jones, Boston Miss Si Y Fling, Boston B I, Kistor, Easton L M Watson, Balt J Parker, NY COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. A Green, Balt O P Killmgswortti, Md j, hlirgood, Ohio J Chandler. Flula LSeabChestorco F Bruner, Ta J Shaner, Pa W Wolterton, W Chester N Ellraaker, Lanoasler J Wheton, Pa CB Houston, Pa I, B Hoopos, JDol C.C Phillips, Del R G Pine, N J BALD EAGLE-Third street, aliove CallowliitS. Henry Sterner, I’ottstown G 8 Btraaborgor, Wis HSlamakor, N, J . 4 11 Shu Her,. Reading M. Kemmerer, Lehigh co J B Miller. Pa Barclay Brown, Fa Mrs Troxel, Pa STATES UNION HOTEL-Market st.. above Sath. J Findley, Perry oo J ThomM, Perry co E Coultoil, Bolivar Wm H Watt, Latrobe, Pa D Neff Kehong, Pa Geo P Walton, Pa Philip Leouard, Pa J M Buor* l a MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Tbird at,,ab. Callowliill. J Perkin, Jonestown W H dmith & wf. N J H Bitting. Allentown V Hillburn, Easton B Hwnrtz. Pa C M Rader, Allentown SJohn, Shainokin. Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st., above Callowhill. M Cooper,Coopersburg W Gerlmg, Amity U Y Gerlinc, Amity H Jllbslnniin, Lrliarion F C Butz, Rending Miss M Achuff; W Marsh W Grme, Reading JKinith, Sumnovtown , G W Wolf, Danboro N K Treichier, Kmtnorev’o »■ NATIONAL HOTEL—Ra«e st, above Third. O U Alyers, Easton ~ O Dufur, Pottsvillo SilasD Edgar, Espy, Pa J H Gilliland, N\ Hiha Granger, N Y „ TP Carpenter. Lane co, Pa Ellis Oliaaaler, Yorkco, Pa Jodiaji Irish, PotUvillo H JSaeger, Allentown ChaeW Copper, Allentown O M Rank, Allentowu Jno C Darlington, Wash T, Y, A Depoa, Easton , R Thompson, l’a Chos Fooht. Rtnggold Mrs Elliott k ch« flula _ O C Dettneh & la- Petersbg C H Johnston, Wash, D C JohnPrw®) Indiana G W ilioner, Lebanon L CEofolt, Phila MOUNT VERNON street, ab. Aroli. D Jayne, Monroe co, Fa Tims Kern, Pottsrille James Miller, Norristown John McDermott, N z H Miller, Easton BARLEY SHEAF st., below Vine. H Reading, Hatboro ’ WE Tourn, Phila J Comfort, Backs co ' B Chandler, Yorkco 8 K Huselton. N J Dr R Yost, Doylestown John Fret*. Doylestown H Morns, willow Grove P Smith, Philo Isaac Merrick. Pa W MoDoweii, Pa Jacob Reed, N J ChasAtohley, N J . SPECIAL NOTICES. .Tire Great Fibb at Marianna, Fla.— WnATHSBnino’sFATBKTSAVKS ARB Doixol—£ioh> rain BafksTbstbdSincb Jamiary Last. M.riasna, Fla,, Nov. 4,1&59. Messrs, Farrell, Hrrrieo, k Co.-Gentb: Or Ootoher our town was visited by a very de structive fire, and the largest one which has ever taken place here, destroying a whole block of the finest stores in theplaoer I had a Herring's Patent Safe in use, which was sub)eoted to a most intense heat, and fell into a cellar below. After removing from the rums and opening it, the contents were found to be wholly unin jured. I would here remark that they trnly merit tho title of the Champion Fire-proof Bafe*. You will please ship me another immediately, as I do not consider my books, papers, and money seoure without one. Respectfully yours, D. ft. LESLIE. The above testimonial, just received, makes no Icbs than eighteen of Herring’s Patent 8/ifoa which have parsed triumphantly through large fires since January I,lBft ■ FARRBLI,, HERMNQ, & CO., 829 Chestnut Street, (Jayne’s Hall,) Philadelphia. Holiday Presents. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, has sold over FIVE THOUSAND (5,000) of those instru ments. PIANOS, made by Raven, Bacon, k Co. MELODEONS, made by Mason k Hamlin. PIANOS, ' made by Hallet, Davis, k Co. MELODEONB, made by Mason k Hamlin. PIANOS, made by Nunns k Clark. MELODEONB, made by Mason k Hamlin. PIANOS, made by A. H. Golo k Co. - MELODEONS, made by Mason k Hamlin, Old instruments exchanged for new. nl7-thsa&tutjal Bronchitis. BRONCBITIS.—A Chronic Inflammation of the small Mucous Glands connected with the Membranes which line the Throat and Windpipe; the approaoh of which is often so insidious as soaroely to attract notice—an increase of Mncna, and a sense of wearisomenessaml loss of power in the Throat, after public speaking or singing. It arises from cold or nny unusual exertion'of the voice. These incipient eymptoms are allayed by using BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, which, il neglected, an entire loss of voice is often oxper.enoed. nl7-ttisafctu St - . Elegant Fall and Winter Clothing— at Robert H. Adams’, tautheait comer of Seventh and Market street*— Dress and Frook Coats of the best auality; Business Coats, Promenade Coats, and Riding Coats, in all the latest styles, and a stock of Overcoats that cannot bo surpassed in variety, style, or quality. A full and complete stock of Black and Fancy Cassi more Pants, of the best and choicest fabrics, and a su perb stock of Bilk, Yelvct, Oanhmere, Gronadiae, Cloth- Satin, and Caesimere Vests, alt cut, made, and trimmed equal to customer work, expressly for retail sates, and Will be sold at the most reasonable prices, nfi-smw&th-tojal It is not a Dyb.—Jules Hauel’s Eau ATHENIENNE, or nAIR RESTORER, changes gray hair and whiskers to a beautiful life-color, prevents the hair falling off, causes a new growth, whero exists, of softilaxnriant hair, contains no deleterious properties, and will notsoil tho ekin or linen. Its beau tifying effeots are peroeptibtoinavery few application Sold by ell Druggists, and by JULES HAUISL k CO., No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. nl4*otdltW Onb Prior Clothing of tub Latest Sttlxs, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prioea marked in Plain Figuron. AH goods made to order warranted satis factory, Our ONE-PRICE System is striotly adhered to, as we believe this to be tho only fair way of dealing* All are thereby treated alike. JONES k CO., ■es-tf Committee on Instruction. A. M. STEVENSON,S nl6-3t* rYr* LECTURES TO LADIES, BY ONE OF IL3 THEMSELVES.—A lady graduate of the Phila delphia Medical Colioge proposes, daring the ensuing winter,togive lectures and private lessons on Physio logy, properly illustrated. Sue will form classes at her own rooms, or at tho residence of pupils, and, os her mam object is to benefit herjsex by imparting such knowledge in regard to the laws of health, and the duties they owe to themselves and thoir children, as her experience has taught her they stand most in need of, the terms will be very reasonable, and will be made known on a personal interview with those who may answer this advertisement. Address ** Improvement,” at the office of this paper. n!6-9t* ivv» Anniversary of themehcan 'l3 TILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. —The Eighteenth Anmvorsary of this Association will be celebrated at CONCERT HALL, on MONDAY EVEN ING, 21st mat, at 7H o’clock, at which the annual re port of the Board of Managers will be read, and ad dresses delivered by __ REV. RICHARD NEWTON D.D., M“RTON McMICHAEL, Esq.,and JOHN WELSH, Esq. The music, by the Gerniauia Orchestra, will bo under tho direction of Cai4 Bents. Tickets of admission may be had, gratuitously, by ap plying to the undersigned. No. 88 North THIRD Street, As the number of uokets issued will tie limited to the capacity of the hall, early application will be necessary to prevent the nnsleaiant disappointment which oc curred at most of the previous anniversaries. m>lo-dtn2l WM. C. LUDWIG. President. TSf* THE PHILADELPHIA BANK,—OCT 4, 1869. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will bo held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, tho first day of November next, at 12 o’clock M. And tho annual oleotion for Directors will be bold at tho Banking llousoon MONDAY, the 2lst day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M, and 2 P. hi. 05-wfr&mtn2i B. B. COMKGYS, Cashier. T? 1 ,,'',! ECHANICS* BANK.—PHILADEL- Jw 3 PHIA, October 4th, 1859. Notioe is hereby given that an election for Thirteen Directors, to servo tho ensuing yoar, will bo held at the Barging House on MONDAY, November 2lst,froinlO th ® Stockholders will bo held on IUESD AY, November Ist, at 12 o’clock M. oS-wfr&m tn?l J. G. MITCHELL. Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSLY ,JsJ, VANIA, Philadelphia, Oct. 16, J 869. Notioe is hereby given, that nn election for THI RTE.EN DIREC rORS to serve the ensuing year, will be hold nt the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY, 21st Novomber. be tween tho hours of )0 A. M. and 6 r. M. The Annual meeting of tho Stockholders will be hold at tho same place on TUESDAY, Ist November, at 12 o'clock M. H S.C. PALMER, 0017-mwf-tn2l* Cashier. (Ts=* THE MARTYRDOM OF lIURS, UJ? . AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. WILL CLOSE IN A FEW DAYS. n)4-tf LECTURES ON AS IL3 TRONOMY. • AJrof.O. MITCHELL, the eminent Astronomer and gifted Orator, will deliver the following Course of Lec tures in the Musical Fund Hall, under the auspices of the t oung Men’s Christian Association: Tuesday, Nov. 16th—Tho Structure and Perpetuity of the Planetary System. Tuosday, Nov,22d— I The Motions and Revolutions of the Comet*. Saturday, Nov. 28th—The Number, Distance and Magnitude of the objects enmprieing the Galaxy. •Tuesday, Nov. 29th—Tho Motions and Revolutions of the Fixed Stars, und tho Translation of tho Suns and Somr Systems through space. Ticket*fprthocourse,one dollar. Tickets lor the course, admitting a gcntloman and two ladies, two dollars. Tickets for a single leclaro, fifty cents. Can lie bad at the pjinoipal bookstores,and the roomsol tho Young Moil’s Christian Association, No. 1009 anil 1311 Chest nut street. nol-tf rr*s=* GIRARD BANK—PHILADELPHIA Oc- UJi tabor 18,1860. Notice is hereby given, that an oleotion for thirteen directors, to servo lor tho ensuing year, will bo held at the BANKING HOUSE,on MON DAY, Novomber 21st betwocn tho hours of 10 A. M and 2 P. M. The annual meeting of tho Btockholdor* will l>e bold at the same plooe,on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 12 o’okwkM. 0018-tn2l W. L. BCHAFFER. Cashier. notuue.-tiie boahd of mana jbo G.ERS of the Lolngh Valley Rnilroml Company Gcclarod a Di'-idond of THREE PER p.iKr’ 'm «;° ;K. nnd THMBE FHH CENT. IN LASH, on tho stook of the Company, clear of State tax, for the year ending Sis; day of October, 18*9. Payable to tho Stockholders standing on the Books of the Company il»» s ..i«l l , 0 r r -n h »?L r A?ft l .r^ prcg * n . tat ‘ ves » on and after the NoVMtYALN^TKI!S"L a ‘ tho o,liooof th ° F 1 ,i 1 ...N0v.,.i^ M - 11UTC111WE0W - Sffiiat 0X : -«s™ n "9 inkol,l ' h,i ' adei ’ , ' ,ua •rlid annual election tor Directors of this Dank will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, November the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’olock annual moeting.of Stookholdora will be held at the Mine place on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 12 o’clock M. O. M. TROUTMAN, o4tufcfr-tn2o Casino r. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS' BANK ILq —Philadelphia,October 3d, 1269. Notioe Is hereby given that an eleotion for Thirteon Directors will bo heldattlie Banking House on MON DAY* November2lsL 1869, between the hoursof Po'olook A. M7andBo’olock F. M.; end* general meeting of the Stookholdor* will be held on TUESDAY, Novombor Ist, at 4 o’clock P. M., at the Banking-House. Q4*dto2l W, RUfiuTON, JB., 4 Cushier, rrs=* SOUTHWARK BANK—PIHLADEL- Ik3 it PHIA, October 3d, 1869. , r . mi is hereby given that an election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 21at, 1860, between tha hours of 10 p ciook A. M. and2o’olook P. M.: and a general meet ing of the Stockholders will bo held on TUESDAY, No vember Ist, at 13 o’olock M. 04-dtn3i F> p, STEEL. Cashier. PHOTOGRAPHERS AND AMBROTYP *. IBTB.—Now is your tune toordor ft supply for tho Holidays, offanoy and plain oases, Chemicals, and ma ‘.e%l7 ooscriT'ftqn used in tho art, at GEO. ATP‘b,^ anu Ji wtu .L erß °i" Cases, io , No. 1 G * fouith, aliove ChosUiut street, A lai ie supply of tho host Cameras on hand, to be sold at reduced rates. N vAl aood * of ever l desoriptlon sold low for cash. nlB-af •OYAOINTHS, TULIPS, double and sin gla; roliantlioi, N»rpi»«uß. Jonqmll., RanuiKin lu«. Anemone., &o„ for Bale br F. WALTER, Mo. 230 Obureh Alley, it* NEW PUBLICATIONS' COMMENCEMENT OF THE twentieth volume. H A EPE B’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. No. Cxw] CONTENTS. IDkckMBKR. WASHINGTON IN 1859. . _ , With Nine Illustrations of tho New Public HOLIDaYs'iN COSTA RICA. By Thomas Fbascis MEAOnKH. With Sixteen Illustrations. INSECT* DESTRUCTIVE TO WHEAT, With Twenty-three Illustrations. THE ENCHANTED TITAN. AN ARMISTICE. * THE FORTUNE TELLER. I Illustrated.) THE GREAT LIBRARY OF STONKBUROH. OUR OLD PEW. WISDOM AND GOODNESS. REGULAR HABITS. Bv Firz Hugh Ludlow. NOTES OF CHARLES LAMB TO THOMAS ALL SOP. By Georok Wm. OfßTis. "VENI.VIDI, VIOL” A BIT OF ANGLING, MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS. LITERARY NOTICES. EDITOR’S TABLE. EDITOR’S EASY CHAM. OUR FOREIGN BUREAU. EDITOR’S DBAWER. SPRIGGINS’S VOYAGE OF LIFE. Eighteen llumorous Drawings by McLenan. FASHIONS FOR DECEMBER. With Two Illustrations,. Tho present numbor commences tho Twentieth Vo lutno of lUrpeh’s New Monthly Maoazink. 11l tho Introductory Notice prefixod to the first Number, tho Publishers announced their intention to present a peri odical “whloh no one who lmd tho slightest relish for miscellaneous reading, or tho slightest wish to keep himself informod of tho progress and results of tho liter ary genius of his own ago, would willingly be without. And they intern) to publish ft at so low a rate, and to give it a value so much beyond its price, that it shall make its way into the hands or tho family circle of every in tolligentoitizonoftho United States.” How far they havo sucoceded in carrying out their de sign, the 115 Numbers of tho Magazine already pub lished will show. Each of these oontains as much mat ter as an ordinary octavo of 499 pages, costing, If illus trated in the Btyloofthe Magazine, at least threo dol lars. The Ninoteon Volumes of tho Magazine are thus equivalent to a library of more than a Hundred Volumes, comprising the host productions of the foremost Nove lists, Historians, Essayists, nml Foots of the day. Without on toring into a comparison with other Ame rican periodicals, tho Publishers may bo permitted to say that Hajiper’a Magazine contains7s per cent, more matter than Etaelrtcood's, Fraser's, or the Dublin Uni versity Magazine. While giviug plnoo to many of the best productions of European Novelists and Essayists, Harper’s Magazine regularly furnishes a larger amount of original matter than is contained many other similar periodical, whothor European or American. It has published articles from moro than Two Hundred American writers, residing in every section, and in almost every fltato of tho Union. By thus welcoming contributions from every part of tho country, tho Pub lishers havo effectually prevontod the Magazino from assuming a sectional diameter, or becoming tho organ of any “ mutual admiration” clique or party. As an Illustrated Magazine, Harper’s is wholly without a rival. Tho volumes ntroady published have contained moro than Six Thousand Engravings, most of them executed in the highest style of the art, from Original Drawings by Dopleb, Pausons, Hitchcock, Fredericks, Wallin, TinvAirss, Hoppix, Chapin, Losmnq, Voigt, Bellew, McLknax, Strother, Hooper, Dallas, and other Artists. Fer these the Magazino has paid not less than One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars. Tho cost of its literary contributions has considerably exceeded this amount. Harper’s Magazine has therefore, in less than ten jorts, paid more than a Quarter of a Million of Dol- lars to American Authors and Artists. The Publishers gratefully acknowledge that this targe outlay Ims beon remuneritive beyond their most san guine expectations. They hoped from tho first that the Magazine would “ mako its way into the hands or the family oirclo of every intelligent citizen of tho United States,” but the number of theso readers has proved far groator than thoy anticipated. Thor behove that the circulation of tho Magazine will continue to increase with tho growth and population of tho country. For the spirit and manner in whioh it will hereafter be conduct ed, they can offer no bettor guarantee than the contents of tho Volumes already issued. While tnc M-jgazine will continue to bo sustained by tho writers whoso papers have gained for it its distinct ive character, a hearty welcome will be given to new Authors. Almost every Number has introduced fresh names to the reading pubhos and the Editors trust that tlioir list of Contributors will be yot more enlarged. TERMS. One Copy for One Year $3 W Two Copies for Ono Year 0 (X) ThrooormoreCopiesforOne Yoar(each).. 2CO And on Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of Ten Sub fiCIUBEBS. Harper’s Magazine aiu! Harper’s Weekly, together, ono year, $4. It HARPER fc BROTHERS, ruDLmiKBS. NY OF T ll"~E XT FOLLOWING STEEL PORTRAITS"®! Will be sent with a sample of the paper for 16 els. each, or stamps, post-paid: CHARLES DICKENS, MACAULAY, PWOI.BMI JY/, EVERETT, HUMEOLDT, PAUL MOR PHY, GLADSTONE, THOMAS WRIGHT, CARDINAL WISEMAN, RVCKSTONE, CHARLES KEAN, AIBONI, MDLLE, TITIENS. mr OR THE 13 WITH THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF TUB WORLD For 13 weeks, alt po»t free, And Portraits cent in ad vance, neatly packed, free from folds, tJT FJR TWO DOLLARS. “VU Each portrait is cheap at 8), and the paper acknow ledged to bo the ro»at Ikjaulliul aod mterentipv illustra ted family Weekly journal oxtant Tarmi of subscrip tion: Yearly J%7.60; Quarterly g2.a1l post tree. HENRY A. BRO an A CO., llHanovor st,, Poston, American publisher*, to whom all ontejs,subscriptions, photographs, ko., intended for this London Journal, n ust bo addressed. nlB-fta-4t D APPLETON & CO., • Nos. 346 and 313 B RO A DWA Y. Publish Tips Da.v • A now and most interesting novel: MARY STAUNTON; THE PUPILS OK R MARVKL UAL!,. EBy the Author of” Portraits of My Married Friends.” 12mo. gl. A great popularity is predicted for this most agreeable and excellent book, by those who have had an opportu nity of examining it, Mary Staunton is introduced In hey tKmding-school life, and, while the evils of that fa shionable system o’ cdaoation nro illustrated, the char acter of tho heron\o is so skilfully developed through heraftor life, ami with such grace of style and purity ol sentiment that it acquires a fascinating interest for tho render which increases to the last page of the volumo. _nlS-3t crUE PORTRAIT OF HUMBOLDT, En jrravod on Ktoel, and the Oet. 22th number of the ILLLISTRATKD I>EWB OF TIIE WORi,D. Among the illustration, in tbie number are tho Ftaulclin lithcs ; the Great Eaetern at Holyhead; Oueen’e Visit to North Wales ; Paris Improvements; New Stylo of Omnibuses at Havre; View of the Valley of Jehouha phat, and numerous others—the whole sent postpaid to any address fof 19 cents, by HENRY A. BROWN & CO , 14 Hanover stroot. Boston, to whom subscriptions and orders should bo addressed. nld-finw-St ROUEN’S PHILADELPHIA CITY DI RECTORY.-NOTIUK. Copy for Printer, comprising names commencing with tho letters A. B. C.,closos to-day. On Monday next. D. E. F. G. H. On Wednesday next, T.J. K. L. M. On Saturday, 26th inst.. the balance of the alphabet. .. ~ final call. 8. E. COILEN. Compiler and Genl. Supt. lIAMULIN ik CO.. Publishers. It* Office CO3 CHEBTNUT Btroet. npilE COTTAGE AND ITS VISITOR. *• The Cottage and its Visitor, By the author of “Ministering Children.” Illustrated. £orents. Tom Brown at Oxford. A Sequel to School Days at Rugby. Parti. 12cents. Twelve Years ofn Soldier’s Lifo in India. 12mo. %]. Fidgetty kfikoert. By the author of “Timid Lucy.” 60 cents. Little Annie’s New or Third Book. 43 cents. ' Duty and Reward; or. Tho BlesiodneKsof Doing Good. By Rev. Washington Baird. 20 cents. Vaicni’sThouclits. 12mo. 81.25. Stories of Other Land*. With colored illustrations. 75 cents. Tho Angel of tho Iceberg. By Rov. John Todd, 75 cts. For Bhlo by WILLIAM 8. k ALFRED MARTIKN, n!7 No. & d CHESTNUT Street. f UST PUBLISHED—LEADING OASES IN EQUITY. Bvof«.,Bvo. Third American from tho socond London edition. Much improved, and on* larged by tho adddition of cases cited, and tnoro than two hundred and fifty pages of notes by tho English Editor. A lnr«o amount of matter Ims also been added by tlio American Editor; all tho m«ro recont American au thorities have beon;oom»ullcd and oitation of cates brought down to tho present period, soas to present the reader with lull and yet compendious Accounts of enoh of the subjects treated of. „ T. 6c J. W. JOHNSON k CO., Law Publishers and Importers, nls-et 635 CHEBIN UT Street. George g. evans> book list. ALL BOOKS are sold at the lowest prioos. And BEAR IN MIND, that besides getting j our Book at the lowest retail price, THAT A GIFT, Worth from 60conts to 8100 accompanies each Book. NEW BOOKS, MEMOIRS OF RoreßT-HOUDIN, Prestidigiteur. One vole. limo.. cloth, with a rift. Prioe 81. * BOOK OF HUMOROUS POETRY. One vol., cloth, with a cift. Price 81, BAYARD TAYLOn’B SKETCH BOOK OF LIFE. Scenery. Mon, Mnnners, «to. One vol.. 12mn., with a gift. Price, 81.26. BOOK OP PARLOR PLAYS. By R. H. Steels. One vol.. 12mo„ with ft silt Price 81, RECTOR OF MORKI,AND. One voi.ilSmo.i with a gift. 8l.?\ GOLD FOIL. By Timothy Titeomb. One vol., 12m0.. with n eric. Prico At. THE MINISTER’S WOOING. By Mrs. H. H. Btowe. One vol., 12m0.. with a gift. Price SUM. A GOOD FIGHT. By tho author of “fluy Living, ston.” One vol.. J2mo., with a gift. Price 81. PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID. One vol.. 12m0.. with a gift. Price 81.25. PILLAii OF f’IRK. By Rev.J.H. lntraham. One vol.. J2mo..witJi a gift. Price 81.25. LIFE OF DAVID CROCKETT. One voU 12m0,, with a gift. Prico 81. OUT OF THE DEPTHS. A Story of Woman’s Life. One volume, lihno., witli a gift. Price 81. VANDF.NHOFF’B STAGE AND GREEN ROOM 111 I -Oil A 1. Ono vol,. 12m0., with ft gift. Price 81, ADAM BEDE. By George Elliot. One vol.. 12mo.,v;]th a gift, Price $l. BEULAH. Tho Counterpart of Jane Eyre. One vol., 12m0.« with a gilt. Price 81. ALL OF T. S. AHTHUIt’B rOI’IILAR TA LKB, Each in one vn]., 12m0., witli a sift. Price 81.25, ALL OF MRS. BOUTHWORTH’H NOVELS. Each in one vol.. 12m0.. with a sift. Prioe 81.25. ALL OF MRS. HUNTZ’B NOVELS. Each in one vol. t2nm.. with a gift. Price 81.25. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS’ GIFT BnoK ESTABLISHMENT, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Where you nan get BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, _ AND A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from SOoenta to 8100 is given with caoh book sold. CtriJtrt.nnd one trial icill assure you that Ih*only place i» iae city where you sh ould purchase hooks is GEORGE G. EVANH’ „ GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, _ , m No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, n!2-tf Two doors below P ifth, on the upper side. LOSSING’S new wobk. MOUNT VKBNON AND ITS ASSOCIATIONS HISTOHIAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, AND PICTORIAL Ordors received bv . . 8. McllKNflY, 400 WALNUT Street, who is agent also for DAItLEY’S ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF COOPER’S NOVELS. nB-jot PAINT-A very superior nr Pure French Snow while Zino, (Viollle Montiigno ComranT’e.lßrouml in oil euro. w Chrome Green, various shades, in oil, pure. “ , follow, “ •• “ Venetian Red, ground in oil, pure. Spanish Brown, *• “ “ Drowc Kino, “ “ “ LilnoZmo, “ “ “ For sale by. r |''THEiilLL Sc .BROTHER. Manufacturers, n)8-tr Nos. 47 and 40 North SECOND Street. ALU SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, BE IT Life °L Miniature, Colored with Oil, or Water Colors, a« wollae Ambrotynoe, from the loweer toi the hi,beet prioea fo'mt orervbod,, at Rg|ME,R’SPhoto trarhio Oallery. BLCOND Street, above Green. It* TIIOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Ho. 273 SouUt FOURTH BLnoL aMCm* KETAII, BUY GQOI>B, rjiO THE LADIES. Our Wholesale season being over, we have added to our choice Retail Btook of TRIMMINGS the surplus of our Wholesale stock, whloh we are at once marking down to prtoos that would tie forced on us later m the soaaon, by the excessive importation of Fancy Goods, Having made our profits on our wholesale trade, wc content ourselves with sacrifices to’our retail customers in preference to carrying over Fancy Goods to another season. Wo hnvo an immense variety of SEWING SILK FRINGES, SADDLERS’ SILK FRINGES, CROTCHET CLOAK FRINGES. FLUTED RIBBON TRIMMINGS, DRESS TRIMMING RIBBONS, SHAWL BORDERS, HAIR NETS, BEST BLACK LACES. I.AROE VELVET BUTTONS. NEW WOVEN CORSETS o.lmpkovxd Slurs, at Low prices. A MAGNIFICENT STOCK FAN Cl' TRIMMINGS, OF EVERY CONOEIVABLE STYLE AND COLOR, And tho best CREFELD VELVET RIBBONS IN TUB IIARKRT. ORDERS EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE. J. G-. MAXWELL & SON. TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS, AND ZEPHYRS, WUOLVftALE AND RKTAIL. &TOBK AND VACTOXY ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. |JOOF SKIRTS, In the Regular Stylos, a• welt ai the Latest Novelties. Tho privilege of a choice at ONLY TEN CENTS A SPRING DOUGHTY'S WOVEN, MORAN'S WOVEN, THOMPSON’S WOVEN, THE PLAIN SKELETON SKIRT, THE ” DOUBLE TRAIN” BKTRT, THE BINGLE TRAIN SKIRT, TEN CENTS A HOOP, From THREE HOOPS at 30 cent* to THIRTY-FOUR HOOPS $3.40. Our Wholesale Heaion being over, we offer to the Ladie* ALL OF OUR STYLES at the above ENOR MOUS RI2DUOTIONB. J. Gr. MAXWELL & SON, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS, AND 1 ZEPHYRS. wnoi.Z*ALK AND RKtAIL. BTOBK AND PACTOIIY, ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. nIS-181926 INTER CLOAKS, TUB PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, THE LARGEST STOCK IN TUB CITY. NET CLOAKS "OPENING DAILY, RICH VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MOUH WNG CLOAKS, ELEGANT STRIPED CLOAKS, MISSES’ CLOAKS, OPERA CLOAKS. ALL IN UNPARALLELED PHOIIJsiON, AT TIIK PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. nl7-dxa-tf LADIES’ FURS. AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. HUDSON BAY BABLB. RUSSIAN SABLE, AMERICAN MINK SAULB. DARK SIBERIAN BQ.UIRLBL, MARTEN, ROYAL ERMINE, AND CHINCHILLA. IN MANTILLAS AND OATES, HALF CAFES. MUFFS AND CUFFS, ALL OF WARRANTED WELL SEASONED SKINS, linportcdaud Manufactured by the Subscriber*, j. w. proctor & co., 708 CUESTNOT STUB EX. nl7-dx»-tf yERVJET POPLINS V. , , . AT REDUCED PRICES. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. fIAVE MARKED DOWN XUE PRICK 1 OP TIIEIII HANDSOME ASSORTMENT or VELVET POPLINS. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. nlll-.lt gAPSON'S. UOHNKtt OP | EIGHTH AND CHEJRUY STS. Have now open a fine assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. Tlifl whole from thn celebrated manufacturers, Hertz A WeKOQOr,in Bertie. Our customers can depood on totting the (>e*t article ever offered at retail in Phila delphia, at the lowest prices. A srLKXDID ASSORTMENT EMBROIDKRKD SIITPERS. A variety or Black Cloak Tassels. Ham>*o.uk Crochet Cloak Frinobb. New and beautiful Dhkss Tbimminoh. Woollen K.nittino Yarns, all colors. Zkphyr Knit Talmas and Caps. Zephyr Knit Oaitkrb and Slkkvks. A FULL STOCK OF STAPLK TRIMMINGS. AT RAPSON'B LADIES’ TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE. Cor. OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS. RADIES’ FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCH STUEI2T, HAS NOW OPEN 1118 ÜBUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Mitde o 7 .took ..looted b, himielf in Europe durm, the pruitSprinff. (H'H 3:n JTJYRE # LANDELL, FOURTII AND ARCH, Are prepared to suit families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MKRINOES. LAOIES’ CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHK J.OftU SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LXINES, Do. ri.AID BILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKING FLANNELB, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE BTOCK OF BLANKETS, OABSIMKRES FOR BOYB, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.—The above Goods are all at the low rates of the reason. oc2o-tN39 REHEAT INDUCEMENTS TO SHAWL VR BUYKRB. In order to reduce the stock of BLACK,BHOWN. AND COLORED CENTRE STELLA SHAWLS. Tltopnoos liavo all l>ecii marked down, making a re duction of SI GO to S 3 on each Shawl, according to qunlity. ’I ho fit)lce aro fretfh and doiirablo, the assortment I into, and the prices will amply repay for purchasing a littlo out of season. CHARLES ADAMS, nlfl-wfm EIGHTH and ARCH Street*. HOSIF4RY GOODS.—J. WM. llOF mann. No. 9 North EIGHTH Street, has now opBnbiß Fall Stock of jlosiory Goods, viz: Updervest* and Drawers ofCartwrizlitand Warnor’ssiipenorinanu fiKsturo, for ladies’ and misses’ woar. Merino Shirts and Drawers, lor wests and youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Gaunt lets, and good* generally appertaining to the Hosiery, business. J. W. H. respectfully solicits the attention of families to his stock, assuring thorn that hig stock is un nycolled for variety by any other in tho city, and that his prices are m low as those of any other regular house. N. B.—No abatement made from the pnoes named, sat-wfmtf Havy bleached shirtings made from African Cotton, warranted in all re spects tho products of „ ♦ FREE LABOR, for sale by ELI DILLIN. 1318 GREEN Street. nl7-.it* Opposite RuUe avenue. T\TE\Y-STYLE CLOAKS, XI OPENING THIS DAY. at 8. V.JL HUNTER'S New Btoro, No. 40 South SECOND Street. N. B.—A vanoly of Cliildren’s Clonks. iilJ-fit* TV EAT FRENCH CHINTZES. II Very neat Figured Brovrn, wide. CluntzoH for Friends’wear. SHARI’LESS BROTHERS# nlO CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. ■■ENGLISH FINE BLANKETS, X-i Superior quality, nearly square. Largo size and Heavy. Ribbon-bound Twilled Blankets. American fine Roohdale. Cnband Cradle, van™, DR(mIEM nlO CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. i~iASSIMERES, CLOTHS. \J Thick Plain Cassimeres. Heavy Black Cassimeres. Stout ranoy Styles. Rugged Mixtures, Plaids and Stripes. % And 6-4 First-rate Black Doeskins, Black Broadcloths Si,6o to 88. l6S ' Cl °“ k, “‘ COOPER k OONAKD. Old , NINTH Md MARKET. retail dry goods. NfiW GOODS OPEN and SPR.NQ 9M°¥a"Ssa l ‘'"' 1 ' 11 ® B ’ *“• *“■ *“• «“■ »«■ Square Broche Shawls, Stella Shawl*.fto., to. 0^?.^l?^ lsr '?Q, lank , et ? haw !f. LadlB * *nd Miftses. j£?at* and Boys Shawls, from $3 80uo. Bev-orßible Shawl for #6,worth 97J0 ! m « 3y the boat New York and Philadelphia Wftnufftoturera,fromB3.60up to 825!!! * Wide Silk Velvets, Beaver Clottis, to., ko, BLACK hiV K al i l Setu ’ *®:» Keen’s Md Boy a’ Wear. a.iir K ’ 10 P ®J.oent. under regular prices { Fanor Silks, unusually cheap. Beautiful press Goods, in areat variety, n i l0 » friTt- 1 ™ ,0 X P r ‘°®d Delaines m theeity. Mttm^faclurJ^ , * ho English end Amerioan THORNLEY t CHIBM J3uy only for Cash, They can’t and won’t be Undersold! N. K. oorner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, 020 WALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. Newest Patterns Fall Cloaks. Winter Cloaks daily opening# Blaok Beaver Cloaks, Slack Trioot Cloaks. Black Frenoh Cloth Cloaks. Cloaks made to ordJEW STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHING. DAVID RAY & SON, Having completed their , FALL AND WINTER fcTOCK or READY-MADE CLOTHING, Are now offering every variety of GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Made from the most desirable Fabric* in the LATEST STYLES, y at vßnr low miens. DAVID RAY & SON, NO. 1018 MARKET STREET. n!8-3t* MERCHANT TAILORS. O. THOMPSON, TAILOR, N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS., Devotes entire personal attention to orders.and keep® Always on hand a desirable variety of GOODS FOR MEN'S WEAR. N. B.—PANTALOONS, as cut by :ne,arewar»antcd to give satisfaction, and as many Gnd it difficult to ge suited. I issue this speoial notice. no2-wfm2mif RAPHAEL P. M. ESTRADA, MERCHANT TAILOR. FINE FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING, SUPERIOR FABRICS FOR CUSTOMER WORK, NO. 31 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, RAPHAEL P. W. ESTRADA, having associated with turn as AUTISTIC CUTTER, Mr. JOHN. HOBSON (late of GrnnviUo Btokes’,) respectfully invites the at tention of the public to his now establishment, and tus splendid stock of FURNISHING GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. Ho has on hand a choice selection of Fabrics especial ly for customer work, and a varied imsorlraeitt of fa •monablo READY-MADE CLOTHING, to whioh bo invites the attention of buyers. Kaoh artiole warranted to give enure satisfaction. *&-Jm JOHN HOBSON. Artist. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. gUPEBIOR DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFACTURED AT W. \V. KNIGHT’S. 600 ARCH STREET. The newest and most beautiful styles always on hand; very suitable presents for the approaching holidays. Just received a lot of PURE SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY. TIES, SCARFS, Ac., OF THE NEWEST STYLES, FINE SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, OR MADE TO ORDER, AND GUARANTIED TO FIT . n9-djl __ C. WALBOKN & CO., (NOW) NOS. fl AND T NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very superior assortment of Shirts, Under olothlng, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, rtf whioh a fine assortment is constantly kept on hand. 010-3mif JW. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win • ohester A Scott—GENTLEMEN’S FURNIBH- and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, BJ4 OH ESTmJT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia. J. W.B. would respectfully eall the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A oerfset fit guarantied. Wholesale Trade supplied with one Shirts and Collars. Ij2l-ly NOTICES. [\TOTIOE IS GIVEN THAT APPLICA- X y tion will be made for a Certificate of Pennsylvania •State Loan, in place of one dated August 4,1M8. No. 69, for under act of April 6, ISJi, to LOUISA JEF FERS , now lost or mislaid. nl3-3m* ATOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The X l Fourth Instalmentof FIVE DOLLARS upon cash •haro of the Capital Stock of the HKBTONVILLU, MANTUA. AND PAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAIL ROAD COMPANY, will bo due and payable on or before the 31st day of November, at the Office of the Company. nl7-dtn2l S. M. ZULICK, Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. NOTICE TO STUDENTS. DThe Evening Studies by gas-light, from the Casts ol Antique Statuary, oommenoe on BATURDAY, October Ist. at 7 P. M. The Life Class commences its studies on MONDAY EVENING, October Sd, at 7 P. M. JOHN SARTAJN, sPMf Chairman of the Committee on Instruction. TVOTICE.—An application will be ipade X v at the next session of the Legislature of Pennsyl vania for the incorporation of a Bank, with general banking privileges, with a capital of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY.THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be culled the MANUFACTURERS’ BANK,to bo locatedinthe oity of Philadelphia. j)2-*6m NOTICE.---Dialora m Good *3 year’s Patent Vuloanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids. Webs, and ell othor fabrloa and articles made by oombming fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United Btates. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, whioh embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im- P aLsb?LICE.%ts¥oMANUFACTUHE unci BELL —and tho Terms—may be obtained on application to ine at No. 23 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. nl4-lr HORACE H. DAY. MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED— ifX TO ANY AMO DAT—Upon Watches. Jewolry, Diamonds, Silver Plate, Clothing, Merchandise, Ao., by JONEB A CO., SCttahltskeil Hroktrt, H. W. corner THIRD and GASKILL Streets, below Lombard. Office hours from 6 A. M. to 7 P. M. »15-3mif Family grocery store—The new Store or ROBERT DONNELL A SON, 804 WAL NUT Street. is now open, with a very extensive end choice stock of Groceries. Wines, Liquors. An. The attention of the Ladies is particularly requested to the advantagssof this establishment. n)7-3t* IMPROVED SPECTACLES, with the finest Ferlscopio Glasses, correctly fitted to the eyes, at M.J. FRANKLIN’S, Optioian, 113 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. •3T Also, Microscopes, Telescopes, Opera Glasses, Drawing Instruments, Stereoscopes', and Btnrenscopio Pictures, of latest importation and afrrdueed price t, in a great variety, nU-iflm BUTTER. —74 tubs extra quality Goshen Butter. Just received on consignmentAfor sale by 0. C. SADLER A CO., ARCH Street, asoond door above Front nl ROSIN.— 2,350 bbls extra quality ship. ping Rosin, cargo of J. P. Lamed, "float. For sale t), ROWLEY. ASHBURNER.fc CO.. „J No. IS BmiUi WHARVKH. Tl/lACKBREIi —125 bbls., 180 halves, 115 IyJEL quarters, and 200 kitta prime No. Is: 390 bbls. and 90 halves large No. 3s, in store and for sale byWM.J, TAYLOR tOO.. IMand Iti NVitth WW4HVFX • 08 LOVERING’S SYRUP, in hhda, And bbls., at reduoed prices, for sale bj JAMES GRAHAM A 00„ OM I.ETITTA Street. DITCH.—3OO bbla Best Pitch’, Wilming -1 t XBH n &'!;M b I cn.. nfl . in SOUTH WHARVES. OUGAR-HOUSE MOLASSES.—ISO hhda., tieroos,!!aud barrels, for sale by _ JAMES GRAHAM A CO., I.KTITTA HtmaL Win BBLS, No. 1 HERRING—IOO half tnAJ bbls. extra Maokinaw Whito Fish, in store and brWM,J.TAYLOR A CO., IHand I*4Nojh WANTS. Y*TANTED—DRY GOODS.—From 8300 * to *K» rarli of Dry Wood, „jlf b« tnkon in ,x -change for a first-class seven-octavo Rosewood Piano Forte, winch may be selected from a large assortment. k CO.’SWarerooms/No! 1021 CHESTNUT Street n!5-3t* A CLERKSHIP WANTED—By the Ad vertiser; has some active experience in business and tue conn mg house. References food. Moderate views as to salary. Address '* L, 1a.,” Frees office. n!3-finw3t* gg WANTED—To sell at a Bargain, the K3.most desirable Hotel Property in Backs county, 1 a., situated nt New Hope, equal diatanoe from Phila delphia and Easton. For a view of the Property o»U on V™ Pfsrni l **. Por terms, Ac., call on or address 8. W. KiRK, Danville, fa. aid PARTNER WANTED.—A House esta . Wished in the Dry Goods Commission business(Ftr Il f 2 Domestic), and now perfectly unembarrassed ana doing a flourishing and growing basinets, would take, gentleman of integrity and business capaci- A«.°°r 1 . ( l 00 )V! ftnd from $33,000 to 830X00. Re- Svfnifrf! » H»ir?»oet character wiD be offered and !^?nE.lti« rraa A 0n riven that may be desired. All corn- SLr2,V cat w.?i # .•‘•w to .“ K* 8. * C 0.,” office oftbis tmff f ’ * k® held strictly and honorably oon&jep- WU’ANTED—A first-class Hotel, either in tnwn«f.?^u/lJ lar I l * b,,r S» f ftneaster, Lebanon, or SSSfflfeif jjSMMg .safe WANTKD-By a young man, having an excellent, knowledge of German, and several years expenenedtn a British Dry Goods House, a Situ ation m some importing home, either as ontry Clerk or Bookkeepers* and Buyer*’ Assistant. Best references given. Address 11 0. P. H.,” this Uffico- al&-6t \ST ANTED—Employment for a respecta *7. y«. intelligent Boy of It—where part of his time won dbe occupied in writing. Beil referenee given. Apply at lus home, 3u3 UNION Street. nleUt* WTANTED-To EXCHANGE for Unin «r-».#..-W ,16 I #d £ ity Property. One Hundred acree ANTED—A German Designer for all * v kinds of Woollen Cloths. A permanent and luora tive position \* offered to a German having the follow ing cualificntions, vis. t A thorough knowledge of the Frenchand Enghsh Languages, an accurate knowledge °f Woollen Manufactures as earned on abroad, and 5f WmU. ®C?oih!“ *•“*“ D * .cd fancy «tjle. A practical Weaver and Besiscer. and none other Deed apply, to M South KroNT Street Oio-in.f-tf MLETITIA Street, FOR BALE AND TO LET. mNO. 1924 CHESTNUT STREET.— Ktorant four-story HOUSE FOR SALE; three }o£^,V ul finished ta the be.t manner, and replete uitn Ml modern conveniences. Let Ok feet 6^?K»2i® an * 0 I n i Etrß ? t * The yard is well supplied with shrubbery and dwarf pear trees, plums, Ac. The whole complete order. Possession given wn- B Apply to Messrs. GUMMEY A 80N, 620 WAfNUT Btreet. opposite Independence Bcuare. n i2 tf M HOUSES, TAVERNS, and STORES, Ro.aj Eitatn of ererj dnacription, for talc or to renL Apply to , MAX HEIN’S. .. Res) Estate Agent, No. 22T North SECOND Street. , in L.To, on the Premise*, a superior FARM in Burlington county, N. J., containing lOOarreaofUnd.Wmgodboth sides or the Burlington and Mount Holly Railroad. 1M miles from Mount Holly. , rjiewestern section, 26 ac r es with the Buildings, is a desirable Country Seat Will be .sold all together or in parts, to suit purchasers. • sale to commence at 3 o'clock P. M., when the con ditions will be made known by nM St* » KIRKBRIDE EABTBURN. m ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. -M. „ THOMAS A SONS will sell, on TUESDAY, the ? 3 t3L9C.i:P T ®m b « r i 13 o'clock noon, at the PHILA DELPHIA KXCkANGJ-Lthe Handsome Residence, No. 34 North ELEVENTH Street, 3 doors above Fil bert. The House is m excellent order, ana has alithe modern conveniences. Immediate possession will be given. Two-thirds of the purchase-money may remain on mortgage. Keys at No, 1102 ARCH Street. nIS-4t f'JOPPER FOR SALE. Proposals cn- V„& r !? d ” B J dll fo I .Copper,” will be received until the 10th Derember eddressed to the Treasurer of the Mint, Philadelphia, for the purchase of aboat 60 000 pounds of Copper Ingote, from the melting of old cents. Bidders will state the price offered per pound, and the quantity proposed to be taken, to oe paid for in god cmn, on acceptance of the bids, aa the Copper is de livered at the Mint. The cost of packing, unecessary, must bo borne by the purchaser. JAMES ROSS BNOWDEN. Mint of the United State*, Philada., 17th Nov., 1539. Pl3-fAw-tdlo ift9 non TO INVEST ON MORTGAGE. Ap pj, JAMES n. OARTLK, It* 113 South FIFTH Street.' SALS—A Portable Steam Engine ■■ and Pump,six-horse powor.toyetlierorseparsteiv, nearly new. Can be seen at the P. A R. R.H. Co.'t Warchonse, WILLOW Street Wharf. Will bo soldlow, -ia the owner has no lurtber use lor them. For further information call at 316 South SIXTH Street. nW-6t* r |3o LET—3d, 4th, and sth Stories of the row building 4)3 ABCH Street. Wei) calcolated for a light manufacturing business, having two sky lights, and water and water closets; also, gas and gas fixtures. Apply on the premise*. nl6-6t* rpHE UPPER FLOORS OF STORE No. 21$ CHESTNUT STREET , FOR BENT. nls-lf FOR SALE —A valuable Lot of Ground, 1(8 feet by 100. three fronts, water and gas laid on one front; suitable for aohurch or factory. Ibis situa ted in the Southwestern cart of the city, in a rapidly im proving neighborhood. Tenpseasy. Address, for par ticulars,** j. K.»” office of tlua paper. n 4 tf TO LET —A Second-story Room, conve niont to the State Honse, suitable foraLawyeFa Office. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. aIS BOARDING. TWO Coinmumeating Rooms; also, One small one, vacant, at 152! WALNUTBtreet. pI7-Ct* WANTED —Furnished Apartments, with every facility for Housekeeping, Bath, Gas. Ac., for Gentleman and Wife: or Board ‘a a strictly Private Family. Address “ Merchant,” Blood’s Dis patch, with full particulars ol price, Ac. slO REMOVALS. Removal— Mrs. m. s. bishop has Removed her Millinery Establishment from 91$ to 1018 CHESTNUT Street, next to 8L Lawrence Hotel. □U-lm Removal .-henry stevenson, TAILOR, begs to inform his numerous friends and customers that he hoe Removed 10324 CHESTNUT Street, second door below Fourth, South side, where he will keep a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres t Doe skins, Overcoatings. Cashmere Vestings, Ac.,» hioh he wilt be pleased to sell on the most reasonable terms. .n3-lm* . DANCING. P BROOKS’S DANCING ACADEMY, RIDGE Avenue and COATES BtreeL His “Ball room Monitor,” Second Edition. is out and for sale st his Acodemy—Pnce 23 cents—and wholesale and retail at JOHNSON’S, No. 7 North TENTH Street. n!9 4t* MACHINERV AND IRON. ) 7. VAUOBAN KUIIOX. •OXPSL V. MSASICS, WILLIAM H. KIUKtCK. COUTUWARK FOUNDRY, O fifth AND WASHINGTON STREET?, KER r sic&*& U &6NS, ENGINEERS AND hUCHINISTS, , . Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine servico. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iroaßoats, Ao.; Castings ofall kinds, either Iron or BraiL Iron Frame Roou for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Ac. . „ , , Retorts and Gas Machinery ot the latest and most im proved construction. «... Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw. and Grist Milts, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trams, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines. Ac.... Sole Agents lor N. Rillieux’s Pateit Bugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Btevn Hammer; and Aspinwall k Wolaey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. aag-y jgYE AND EAR, DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCHZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. gives his exclusive attention to the medical and surgical treatment of the EV E and EAR. DEAFNESS of the longest standing removed both by medical and surgical operations on the latest scientific principles. Dr. M. would be pleased to receive mem bers of the medical faculty who wish to witness his method of operatmr for the removal of Deafness, or any operation on theKYKand EAR ARTIFICIAL EVES INSERTED. Office ‘2«4 South NINTH Btreet, above Spruce. Offioe hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.,and from 4 to 5 P. M. n7-Jmif I7YB DISEASES. M2J Da. OS.MUN. OCULIST, 1619 CHESTNUT BtTeet, lias just returned front Europe, after an absence of eeverni tears, daring which time he has paid especial attention to the treatment of Ki e Diseases at the better medical achools of Uernmny, France, and England. The Doctor is provided with all the newest and most improved instruments necessary to the practice of his Frofession; among others, he has brought with hun rom Berlin, Prussia, a roost perfect instrument for ex amining the optic nerve and the internal membranes of the Eye—the first instrument of ths kind ever brought to this country. . At home every morning till 10 o clock, and even •''fi ning from 5 to fi o’clock. [Sundays excepted.) Every MONDAY. WkDNKoPAI, and FRIDAY, from 9 to 10 o’clock A. M. Dr. OSM UN will takepleasure in giving FREE JJNSULTATIONS TO THE POOR, u4-tf ItffOßE PROOF OF TIIB WONDERFUL XYJ. EFFECTS OF MONELL’S AMERICAN HAIR REi Fegtember?7th, 1859. This is to certify that I was ba’J for many years, and was recommended to try your Reparator; and haying procured three bottles, used it for three months, which bos caused rny hair to grow, rnd .although not quite os thick as before, yotitis oonstent-y g^jrinj^^ No. 7) North Third Btreet» rmi.APKLPii'A. September 17th, 1839. Mr. J. F. Monkli,: Dtor £(<-Bome time since my hair commenced falling cut, niich bo,.that I was, in fact, fearful of becoming bald; Ut hearing of the won derful power of jour Reparator, I was induced to buy a bottle, and after using ono-half of it my hair not only ceased coining out. but commenced grttirinz finely, and I have now as thiok a suit of hair os ev?r Ihod. JACOB EVANS, No. 334 Cherry street. For sale byT. H. PETERS & Co., Sole Agents, No» 714 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. se3B-6m WARM AIK FURNACE, v v THE NEW CONE FURNACE _ GAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm your house with onx-thtid less coal than is required by an? i?ther Furnace. Satisfaction in all oases guaranteed. Buildings warmed utdV.aUl&ted b, slate mantels, The Richest and moat Beautiful Specimens ol Enamelled Slate Mantels, ever offered for sale in this country, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Slate stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD A WILSON, 1010 CHEBTNUT Street. ROOKING RANGES. vV An i n vast of the Best Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, wiU do well to call at wiD-Amir g t NEWLAND & CO.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An Kttn.iT. .took of OIL p AINTINOS^.tt.AIUt pffl»d 0 | ir bi£ ieea * 604 Str€et * TLIEsS'JTaCKEREL— A tine invoice of IWL Übl... hf. . 0r,., snd kit. Ne»borjK>tt iupOft. Instore ona lor ki m m KURT[[ wllAa v t^ OgENTON LEMONS-—250 boxes Renton ITX t , em o M , r u^l^ic ? riy ig l„ A fa,yl.b, t /^HEESE.—679 Boxes Ilerkimer-Oounty Che.ee, for Ml. bj U. C. 8 ADLER k £»., AJWH GtrMtiWOond door hbovo Front. u AiniSBICEHTS, wo. bsasjiai"" ‘ h * ruU «tS. To eoocloi. with tb« FarM.ntithd C o *- Mr - =“»*■: J* Prices as inwii, threedov*in ****„«*_ • WCLARKE’S AROH THIS U'lSilYt KramNO, NoY,mb.r u, yt Bgjw. m™. Join eu- The MifonOMcM mI«S2SS?Si, k To coootmlovith th« A JSSal£^f E ' . „ THE DUMB Olfifro ctmi RICE’S GREAT SHOW ¥ifh lh , n T M?? Al ' THEATKE. walnut BL, iixrrt InwflSf OnUioutKH The ( FRIDAY> EVENING, Nor. XB, Ine performance will eommeace with the u ekurgar, The highly-trained Elephant and Rhinooaroa. by^cSmlotfgf^ l wSflSir utks ACADQIY OP MUSIC. on m . , . Commencjsf at l o’clock, ih. o ««VtoA“k l t^te? , is! r S M * di««.fro« The loltpwTiyrftronte art’sts win appear: agnkse Natali. bov*aui» 818881 iSjSSffiilfSSS CARL ANSvHUTZ. Mriicii Puirtoi, The enlertaiament will embrace the principal and Cavonte portions of Verdi’s celebrated Opera of . . latraviata. •tHK , BPA?(§H i MI£¥Rf , Bt COBTUME. “ LA JOT A DK LCS TuHEKOS."^^ By FRANCESCA NATALI ud BIONOR ROCCO. t| To v coucludewuh the moet admired MkcLoaa fres the bnoiant Opera of „ LA figlia del reggimento» Forming an entertainment of the most unexampled attraction. F IfcJ Y HOUSE. Door* open at lx o elock. The Matiqnn vu feiiii*eene at I, precisely. n!7-4t TgIHE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA BE . JLPWtfulljr announce that their FIRST GRAND FoftTV M PMKOkMERB. Price of gubecriptioß—Three Tickets for 83. Seh •cnptiou Lut open at Andre'* and Beck k tLawtsa'e Mosip Stores, and at hLF. Hall. &sgle Lokete, (HIK DOLLAR each; to be had at the door oa the might of the Concert only. For particulars see programme. at-tdl M cDONOUGIFS GAIETIES—HACK ST. ANOTHER NSW PLAT. THIS EVENING, and dans* Um eatuv vttk, foul ed upon the thnliinr iaeid«ots oi THE MEXICAN WAR, A. M. HERNANDEZ t t . .HONS. CALADINE la the principal parts. great band of . v w SEBENADEBB, Gmst the best ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITY. aMf rpEMPLE Of WONDERS. Northeast comer of TENTH and CHESTNUT 8 treeta Second gtorr. MGNOR BLITZ’S NEW ANT) WONDERFUI* DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENTS ofXAQJ CAL METi MORPHOBEB. VENTRILOQUISM! and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. At kisKKWHALL. EVER\ EVENING durtac the WEEK* ooaatMUtf at 7W o’clock. nnd on WEDNESDAY sad SATURDAY APTERNOONB at 3. Admission g cceta. Children 13 cent*. c3B-lsa* \M7TLL CLOSB IN A FEW DAYS. * ▼ The Exhibition of UU93ELDORF PAINT INGS, at tba ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS- tndEadU* THE MARTYRDOM OP JORif HUSST Open daily, from 9 A. X. till S P. hL, and F to VF.IL AdmissioaseenU. il-tf . r^ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC V* Reheareals every SATURDAY at MUSICAL FUND HALL, at 3K o'clock £*. M. A paekac*ofeSkt tickets, one dollar. Bmgla ticket#. S eeata. Tobeaaq aCG. Andre t. and Beck A Lawton* MaficBtarM.au at the door. 0194 m 9ILUNBBY GOODS. W MRS. M. S. BISHOP, of 1016 CHEST* WBkNUT Street, has nov opened a splsadid asaort meat of Fashionable Millinery. eV-la |w J. HAMBERGEK, No. 116 North IJIsBCOND Street, ia prepared to exhibit the amt complete stock of Millinery Goods, comensme Ribbons, Plower*. Feather*. Blond*. Laces, Kachan, Velvets, and other Bonnet alstsnals. Alao. a handsome a*soct meat of Pattern Bonnets, to all of which ha voaht in vite the attention of Merchants and MiUutSrs. N. B.—Goods daily reoeived from Auction, and sold at the lowest prices. 729. new 729. FLOWER & FEATHER STORE 729 CUBSTNUT’STBEBT. Just received per late STEAMER, a sptaadid assert* HEADDRESSES, BRIDAL WREATHS, French Lowers. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.. T*9 CHESTNUT ST.. AND 4S S. SECOND ST. 0c99-3m] 1004 CBESTJNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. 300 a. SECOND ST., lIUT SPRUCE BT. Has now opened the largest and moat beawtifal umt- BONNET MATERIALS That can be found in the oity, ALL COLORS, QUALITIES, AND PRICES. GOODS CUI BIAS A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO MILLINERS, ocSd-tf-if TVOTHING CHEAPER! NOTHING BET II TERM Having the very best facilities, we are detemised to furnish, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, the best and most seasonable jrcod* in BONNETS, trimmed or nntrimmed, RIBBONS, PLOWBRB RUCHES, Ae.. Ao. We have now a splendid stock of WINTER BONNETS. in variety of style and quality, sure to please the most simple or the most faahiooable. Also, a most complete assortment of Children * Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Beavers, Flats, eto. „. Beautiful Cloth aadVelvet Cepe (or email boys. LINCOLN, WOOI?, & NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, o»-tf NORTH SIDE. SAVING FUNDS. American saving fund— compa ny’s BVILDINS 8. K- corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Street*—Open doily frv>m9ull 8 o’clock, and on Monday till 8 in the evening. The old institution has always paid in full, cn demand, wtthcatnorice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid back on demand in gold and (river. TRUSTEES. Alex. Whilldiv. Pres. Sax'l. Won*. Vice Pres, John C. Farr, T. E. Harper. George Nncent, Lotus A- GcxJey Tho*. Sergeant, AlUrt C. Roberts, Joo. P. Simons. Jonas Bowman, H.H. KMndge, Wm. J. Howard. __ nl4-6t John C. Sims. Sec. Joun 8. Wilsok, Treas’r. ePBING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO ® StrM, OHkRTKRS°BV 4 TH™LEGU OFFKRR sylvania. Deposits received in sums of One Douar aud. jCtyarde. repaid in Gold, without notice, with PlVa PER jENT. INTEREST from the day ofdepoeit LB wUh- A responsible snd reliable Savings Institatian hae tong been needed in the Northern part of the city, and The Spring Garden Savings Fund society ” woe chartered bp the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply tht* neoeemty. The Managers, in organizing and locating it, have bee* governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the raa nen interest and wants of the very large and eateipri“ OFsSdML^ From ftoVf o’clock; also, os Monday end Thursday from l until 8 o’olook in the evening. Fredenok Klett, Stephen &uth ( John P. Levy. Hon. H. K. Strong, Daniel Undernffer* Frederick BtMke, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeCiera* John Kenlar, Gcorte Kneoht, ISStanhK*, PSJfcMSr* tSm-lfetton. James s. feiKolr. Ptkkiml Fnaucis Hast. Secretarv. .iaap-tfu Doings of the Pennsylvania BTATK FAIR FOR 1889. EIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND BIX DIPLOMAS, Best Furnace for Wanning Buildings. To Auxold A Wilsox. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. PIUST PaKWICM. _ BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. To Auxolp A Wiljov. RICHMOND’S PORTABLE FURNACE, First Pkkxium. BEST COOKING RANGE. To Aaxots A Wilsou. „ CHILSON’S DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE, • Fixsr VasJtiow. BEST PARLOR COAL GRATEB. ___ To AaxoLn A Wilsox. _ _ LOW DOWN and BASKET GRATES, BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. To AKXolp A Wilsox. For a very handsomedisplay of Enamelled shte wa tele, very highly finish**!,-pj^'|®7 0r rorka * aitl# ’ ABNOLD & WILSON. 1014 CHESTNUT street? B. M. FuLTwaLL.Snpt HfINTON’S ENCAUSTIC TILES for IIA floor*. „ , * Ornamental Chimney Top* for oottef M. Garden Va*e»and Fountain*. Vitrified Pipe for dmio* and Water oosfaeton. " 4 “" 'Mmtßu. V\fEDDING, Visiting, and Professional ▼ T Cards, executed in style, by 8. MAEOT. Kn sraver* 4M CHESTNUT Street, 8. B. corner Fifth, 2d story. Door and otUer jdntes made to order. Seals, Jewelry, &0., engraved. nll-lm* TWf ACKEREL.—397 bbls. Nos. 1,2, end 3 Original Pakk&gei, for silo by O.C. SADLbR « CtX, ARCH Street, second door above Front. n> DEFINED SUGAR. —500 barrels vnriotui ROSLN —bbis. Shipping Rosin now „ Boat, cargo schooner TJ*. Lerned, from Wilming- ASHI&RNBR. A CO. MSooth whTa! ri\4B. —Just received, a large invoice ol