SA'GWKtTjEiWs^ Lbctubh to lirotA ’ ofauceitizenSrthaßev.Benry Vfcottdfler wilt repeat hiiweoderiul lecture on 4 ' India* Races, J&rilittage.ani Region." Fund ■-' H.thls (Tuetclay)evewng, commencing *nX o'olook, • bidder's intimate acquaintance with his subject In ' ■ - r details, having himself been ft life-long resident of , n|ry of which he ib to speak, render* this lecture 7 ■' /> -absorbing interest. Those who heard it on a for / ' occa»on, wiH not willingly forego the pleaaure of hearingit agaiii, and thoee who have not ihouldnot mil to embrace this, opportunity. He will be introduced to ‘ the audiehoe this evening by Dr. Edgar, pf Belfast, the distinguished divine now cm- a visit to this country, as oneofthe deputation of the Irish Presbyterian Oburoh, to enlist the sympathies ofoorchurehes in behalf of im .portant missionary enterprises now in progress in the Emerald Tale. ' ’Mfiirof hon6*ty,-©ntorprise, and persevering in dnstry are snre of suooeas. flaoh men not only build themselves up, bnt enhance the,welfare and prosperity of those around .them. They oonsider nothing more con ducive to a healthy prosperity in business than the ju dicious application of time, without itmay be a judicious applioatfon-of money in favorably representing their business to the trade ; and Butler’s influential “ South ern and Western Trade Dirdotory"—through the reliable Meroanttl&Agenoy of B. 6. Dun k CO., successors to B Douglass k Co.—in the pockets of five thousand active) 'responsible merchants visiting Philadelphia for the pur ohase of goods, r ireoting them to honorable dealers, oan bnt be of the greatest advantage in its design, to call the attention of the Southern and Western trade to Phila delphia as possessing every faeility as a groat manufac turing'And mercantile oity—and. to its patrons, indi vidually, aa prominent, enterprising, and liberal, and in every, jray the entire confidence of oorre" fcf eponddnf oritfireojujlipurebase rs. This enterprise ro pflects hfr* Butler, by whom it was w ctotemriatareVhcjjpwlcCß are at No. 108 South Fourth street.and iT'Sufcfiir street, Boston, who informs ns he is meeting the same entire appreciation and support of the leading lidO*oa in Boston, which enables him to complete so satis'aotoVily his second edition here, now held in inch bigh esteem by his patrons, our most pro minent' dealers and manufacturers, supported by our best-house's. We wish this enterprise, with a hearty good will, the greatest sneoess. Hbxut WAup Beecher never used a more ex pressive’metaphor than when he spoke of Wendell Phillips &s the "silver-tongued oratorof America." This eminent gentleman, one of the first soholars and orators in the United States, wilt deliver his celebrated lecture on the "Lost Arts.” before the Harrison Literary In stitute, on Thursday evening, at Jayne’s Hall. This masterly production, which bos been delivered over two hundred times,'and‘whioh is regarded as one of the greatest lectures of the day, needs so praise of ours to aoomend it to an intelligent brder to neoom- great crowd sure to be present, the Harrison ;ftawjntewmin 2 , N J WM Tamer A la, Del ILQnJnu. Del E T Brown «M**a DV- Domjan, Mass _ J Satrent, Shelburne Fall* 8 Greenleaf, flhelb'e Falls Parnell Towdwin. Md B Morse, NY OH Perry, Liberty, Va FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Third, E T PlvcVmn, Phita MmK Kimtoll, N Y jT)ohertr,«oh Haven WKljOiw, Readme VTCowm.N J GW Horses, Del JE Marshall, NJ J Warren, Pa PPiame, Washington lIW Page, Conn G P Manitj NY..- E Lan?don. N Y O M Hill, Pottsrjlle , J Lake, Del pTa»man,NY JONES* HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Bixth, ! W Gibbs, Albany , J Condon, Md leoDavenport, low* Copt TT> .*hsw, U 8 N - 'D Pcamnt. Scranton, pa Hiram Temple, Boston 1 WhUams. Bait • Chss Montgomery, Balt T Brown, N Y C Moors. Wash, v C Mrs Bridge, N Y HOTEL—Race street, above Third, JOlfiSHßliifcvirttoVß J K James, BeiwTek ~?VillPw8sI& Newtown Q Heubner* Le Maris JlinmraPr PY Bendlmgej*. Pa, fomfJlMp&flPa- ' ** RSbalters Readme sj>aWHwm.Readlaf A Ri*ewhard, Allentown C HGrow.Trapo . CHHershev, Derry ft W Uhlw, Barry, M Hocker, Jr-Pa A BMnbpwer, Pa l a Weyloy.Lenannn AV*Baghsr, H-T Handler, Pottarillo - Lebanon LOWholt*. Pa T WMcokly. Pa- t JHGUtcland. N V strfl9t l!i smtahaurh, Kansas J Clare J T Baldwin. Easton R F Frank*. wUksbarre . Hon F. Taylor, Pa BMyera, TS«tf»n . H A Baucb.LUi* JGrasfT, Lebanon , EWlfron. Danville JGeerhart,Cstasanana sFurnhsufth, Jr.Pa A F White Haven w MeCiacksn, Hamburg BTATKB ONION ROTBL-Market street, above Sixth. ft M Urie.-Mifilin on * WB'Fortney. Middletown ftfCejrn, Meobanicsbnre ' _ N WRamjle.Paradim-Pa R H Thomas, Mechanojr A F Brandt, Meoliamcab’g John Patton, LauqxJO, Fa N C Sample. Lane 00. Pa L C Crossdn k h, PA Georso Graham, T.ano co G P Watson k IJro r P* Geo W Hinkle, Pa J Bansr, Middletown. Pa C TRober, Beading Wr7 J p4fe"Wn.r>F.,r, Wm Robinson, Greenburg. S Ralston, Armstrong eo /Ralston, Armstrong oo MERCHANTS* at. above CallowbiU H mtiekt?* WomeUdorf C W Bright. Look Haven spYßrJ'ht,Banbury D Reiob, Willmmsport. . oha Ohddss, Pa A Yoeom, Sinking, dprins Jlss 0 Hrtffman. Backs co Hfiohnurrasn. Allontown , aeobStwet k ladr,Porry oo Mrs C Albrivht k son. Pa .I fl MoNabh. Bjjleviuo 'Jacob Hartaler. Belleville James MerreM, Tiora eo, Pa Mr Renn, Treyortnn Mr Knmer. Treverton J M Howor, North’ncq RDlflkey, Carnonoo;, '• Bidding. Ashland , wash Verier, Colombia, Pa Mark Williams. Coium, Pa Jesse Bnoher, Lancaster .oo P Kline, Lebanon co John Yeaycrjr, Colombia co J Yeager. Colombia co W.aah Parr, Colombia oo , . THE UNION strset, above Third. Geo Nosa. Waterloo, Pa J M MoMina. Wmsport p Bigler, Betluehem 08W atsonrDei 5 PfiJ«. • ,Ww Me Conns}’, Pa Col R RatoUffi Tamanua Master S Raroltffe, Fa BAL’D BAOLD—Third street, ebove Callowhin. - M L Vo.l, Lehigh «o, Pi WBierfried, LeSlorl - HMNmcT, Klcokner.vjllo (Joo Sctioeti.flerks co. I’a MS»;fl*MW>6*».'vok .oSMMNiBmtaM tLihWiuppa GsnmiiAcoVFa; Chat Morton, CJmton, 0 r* : : . P JJUch A.lSj Backsco^ .. . J ubll«, Laserne co,?» COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth *t, above Ohestnit T Coates, Lano co j N Blundin'. Phils , J Trayne, Chester oo p Humes. Chester co D Kimble, Chester co J Scott, Chester co A Kimble, Chester oo Wm F<>v. Chester co M Kegnze, Reading • A Sp?*kmaa, Contesviiio 7* Lamborn, Pa, Mrs Middleton, Pa C C I'auffmam Lanoco Hugh Jackson, Chester oo Sam) MoWiUiams, Cbeaoo F Snyder, Jumataoo David ttmor. Pa VV co L Paxson, Wilmington,Del W L James, W Chester Geo Richards, Pottstown . r, JBAGLE HOTEL—Third street, abovo Race. JSTouaar, Hartford G W Brown, Chester oo C Fairbauk, Del oo L Cook, Del oo Thos Cook. Del co W Layers, Phila S M Zaoharias. Germant’n J K Harper, Ind J Pratt k da, Harrisburg S Lowry, Lancaster T Russell, NY . Mrs Elliott k da, Pa H Sawyer, Washington M Saylor, Brooklyn T Davidson, Va D Child, Reading JN Marshall, W Chester W Kime. More.ibury S Kline, Moresbury ® W Cook, Phila BLACK BEARHOTEL-Third st., above Callowhill. D Bruner, Chestnut Hill Danl Cinder, Maoungie Peter Lentz, Lowbill M Eisenbire, Reading Thos F Holloway, N J CLan H Lenhnnl. Albany John Gerhard, Reading Jacob K Hilt, Earlvillo M Cooper, Coopersburg OMnmlel, Reading FHuyett,Exeter,fa EDtves, Exeter,Pa IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for the Press.] BLACK RIVER, Jn—SchrSahwa,Small—l76tons log wp >d 63 ha.'S pimento 25 hides 1 bbl old brass 2pieces do a lot of old iron, copper, &o. D N Wetzlnr & Co. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. „ ARRIVED. Steamship Pennsylvania. Teal, from Richmond, via Norfolk,29 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thomas Wehster. Jr. Passed below the Buoy on the Brown, barklrnm: below the Brandywine, a light brig; a bark and three deep schra above; saw about fifty schrs and three bnss jn the bay and river, upward bound. Ship Calliope, Goodwin, from Liverpool Aug 27, with mdse to Stephen Baldwin k Co Bohr Bnhwa. Small. 27 days from Black River, Jam, with logwood No, to D N Wetzlar & Co. SchrElisa k Rebeeon, Price, 2 days from Now York, with mdse to Crowell k Collins. „Bohr Tonrnh, Anderson. 10 days from Eastport, with fi«h &c toEASouder&Co. „ Bohr March, Crosby, 9 days from Eastport, with fish, Ac. to E A Boud»r k Co. Schr Andrew Manship, Bloxam, 2 days from Camden, Del, with corn to J H MoCoilev, Schr T P MoColiey. Deputy, 2 days frorti Milford, Del, with corn to J H MoCollnv. Behr 8 M Bhaddick, Williams, 4 days from Middle town, with stone to Thos Mansfield. . _ _ Rchr Yoimg America. Tuft, 1 day from Port Deposit, with wheat to Jas L Bewley k Co. „ Schr Alechanio. Hendrickson. 1 day from Odessa. Del, with wheat to Jas L Bewley k Co. _ _ , Bchr»Gen Russell. Chambers. 1 day from Lewes, Del, witncomtoJasLßowley A Co. . , _ „ Schr John W Hall. Morris. 1 day Creek Landing, Del, with corn to J L Bewiev & Co. Bchr Ann C Gray. Kelly. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jns L Bewley * Co. Bohr Pearl. Doputj, 1 day from Milford, Del. With grain to Jos L Bewley k Co, MEMORANDA. , „ , , Steamship Boston,Sellew,hence,arrivedat-N York Cahawba', Smith, for Havana and N York, cleared at New Orleans26th inst. , . . Ship Guy Mannering. Dollard. for Liverpool, cleared at Mobile 26th )nst, with 4120 bales cotton, valued at $242 m. ? _ .. , „ Bark Paladin, Wilson, for River la Platte, sailed from Bark Ad{fie*SwH?rAvery, for St Thomas, cleared at N York yesterdnr. _ ..... , Sohrs D B Bayles, Tilton, from Apalaolnoola, and Transit. Knowles, from Jacksonville, arrived at New York yesterday. . . Bchr Juba Fox, Learning, from Newport, arrived at Mobile 26th >nst _ , Propeller E H Herbert Dawes, from Bordentown and Bridgeton, arrived at Baltimore yesterday, and cleared to return. 4 „ Propoller Vuloan, Morrison, cleared at New York yoß terday for Philadelphia. . . „ The birk Roanoke, of ond from New York Sept 16 for St Jagode Cuba, wns totally lost during the hurricane of theSdinst atlnasua. Her passengers and crew have arrived at Cumberland Harbor. The Roanoke was built at Portsmouth. Va, in 1856,400 tons register, rated A l>a» and valuednt $25,000. , , . The steamship Potomoo, at New York yesterday from Baltimore, reportsi-~3oth ult. at 4 A M. about 16 miles N W of Cape Henry, passod two steamers having in town large vessel, dismasted. SPECIAL NOTICES. McOj.bes’ IvorytypeB Water Color Cray ou, India Ink, and plain Photographs, Plain Photographs and Daguerreotypes for 91. No. 626 CHESTNUT Street. Jules Hauel’s Aiiomatio Vinegar is not only a great disinfecting agent to be used in sick cham bers, Jco., but is a oertain cure for sick headache, neu ralgic pains, Ac. It is a delightful cosraotio, and has obtained a just celobrityfonts many oxoellent hygi enic properties. 8o!dbyall Druggist*, and by JULES HAUEL k CO., No. 704 Chestnut streot, Philadelphia. ** Harris Boudoir” Srthno Machine- IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. o2S-3ra Philadelphia, Office, 730 ARCII Street. Diamonds 1 Diamonds !! Diamonds and other preoioua stones bought for cash at LEWIS LADOMUS k CO., 802 CHESTNUT Streot. 029-3t* Tins Statb Agricultural Society have awarded the FIRBT PREMIUM to the Sewing Ma chines of LADD, WE BbTKR, k CO. New styles, with rooent improvements may be seen at their rooms, 820 CHESTNUT Street. os4-tuthslm Hoopland's German Bitters will posi tively cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, itc.» Ac. i OOFLAND’S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough Ac., Ac. Prepared by Dr. O. M. JACKSON A CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists and dealers generally Price 76 cents per bottle. se24-tf Grover & Baker’s CXLSBBATBD NOISXLSSS FAMILY SSWIRO-MADEIMM AT BBDUCSD PRICES. Temporarily at No. 501 Broadway, Will return to No. 498 in a few weeks. Salamander Fire-Proof Safes.— -Avery lorge&ssortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able prices, No. AM CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. anJStf EVANS k WATSON Thb Prices OF SINGER'S BE WI NO MACHINES HATS ! SKIN 11 SXSTCKS MI The Wn.tcox and Giubs Sewing Ma chine. 715 CHESTNUT Straot. PbilluleliihlA. oeJl-lf Gas-Lamp Depot—Sixth and Abod. ee24E^* , H!A,Oo- U J? toiler 18,1859. Notiot 10 berebjr given, that an eleotion for thirteen .u rc fw A O »F e . r V?, tli o ensuing year wilt be held at tho BANKIN » HOUSE, on MONDAY. November 21st. between the hour* of lu A. M and 2 1\ M. riie annual meeting r»r the Stockholder* will beheld at the same place, on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 1? town brohwta without lon of»- » «. wL , ecHA FFER, Cq.hior. Seamen s Saving Fund —Northwest Oobnss Sbcond nnd Walnut Streets.—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all dosses oi the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, Office open daily, from? untile o'cloolr, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Sooretary, OHAS M. MORRIS. Onb Price Clothing of tub Latksi STVLBB.mads in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALEB, • LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. Ail goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our 'ONE-PRICE System ie strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES k CO., sed-tf 6M MARKET Street. Wheeler & Wilson Bewing Machines. -PhiladelphiaOffice, 623 CHESTNUT Street. Merchants’ orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT a m by the Company. Branch offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton and Westchester, Pa. *el4-im Saving Fund—National Safety Trust Compskt.—Chartered by the State ol Pennsylvania, RULEB. 1. Money is received every day, end in any Amount, erge or small. I. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. • I The money is always paid baok is GOLD whenever It is called for, and without notice. 4. Money isreoeived from Executert, AdminUtrator*- Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 5. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first olass »coaritiei. A. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third street. Philadelcbia. aoIS MARRIED. COOPER—KNOWLES.—On the evening of the 26th ult.. by the Rev. A. A. Willitts. Mr. James B. Cooper to Mirs Annie M.Knowlea. all of this oily. * PISHER-WATKR*-On.the fithulf.. by the Rev. Wm. 11. Benade, Wm. H. Fisher, of Albany, N Y.. to Caroline A., daughter of the late James Waters, of this citv. * MOTT-WATERb.-On the 23d ult.. br the Rev. Wm. It. Benide, George W. Mott to Mary A., daughter of the late Jas. Waters, of this city. * PRICTL—At Gennantown, Pa., on Momlnvafternoon, Jacob Frick, in year of his age. . *‘* l s relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his, funeral, from the rewdenco of Ins son. John H. FrioV, Linden street, above Germantown avenue, on W ednesday afternoon. Nov. 2, at l o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Monument Ceme'ery. *♦ GRAFF.—Monday. Oet. 31.1859, Paul Prnncis, son of Paiil and Rebecca Graff, aged 2 rears and Bmonths. The funeral will tike nlace from the reaid-non 0 f bis father. Nn. 1809 Mt. Vernon street, on Wedncsdiy morninc,Nov.2, at 10H o’olock. *■* mormng, Oct. 29th,atSrrmg Valley, Montgomery county. Bonjamm Martin, son of Benjamin L. Berry need Ie years The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend bis funeral, from the residence of his grandmother. Mrs. Susan Berry. No. 417 Lombard street this (Tuesday ) morning, at 19 o’olock. * MURPHEY-On tho SOth ult., Mrs. Mary G„ -wife of Dr. 8. Murphey. The friends are invited to attend the Tunera! services, at the house of her husband, Broad, Mow Arch stroet, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at half past three o’clock, precisely. Charleston (S. 0.) pacers please copy. * OSGOOD.—On tiio2Btn ult., fn Canwen, N. J., Mary, wife of Wm. Osgood. Panarst from the residence of her father. Mark Burrnugh, Fourth street, below Federal,this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. • * McCLOUD.—On the »th ult., Daniel McCloud, aged 47veir*. • Funeral from his lato residence, IIW S- Eighth stroot. wonE*,. ? ra U on Wednesday morning, at fl>< o’clock* YERKhS.--On the 23tb ult., Lydia, wife of Riohard L. Yerkes, aged M years. * Funeral from tho residence of herhusband, Moreland townsh'p, Montgomery county, Pa., this (Tuesday) mornmf. at id o’clock. /f • JOIivSTON.—On. the 29th ult., Alice, wife of Mr. , Andrew Johnston, in the 02J year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband. 1836 Lom b w,Vs?& lrt Jl ,B .{ T, i ea . dft K ) afternoon. ftt2o’clnck. * B ,sP. f |bmt..KateO.,daughter of Mar and the late John Wiler, aged 25 yea s. «.Y u wKl, ,rora t ,ie '■csidenco of Mrs. Susannah Barns, ftrt ° n itroet ’ on Wednesday morning, at 9 GREEN.—On the 29t)i ult., Catharmo Abigail, daugh ter of John and Rachel P. Green, aged 10 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 70 Federal street. * MURPHY —On the SOth ult., Mrs. Ann Murphy, aged 68 years. , Funeral from the residence of hereon, Edward Mur pliT. Prime street,east nf Gray’s Feryy rood, on Wed nesday morning, at 9 o’clock. * POULSONr-On the 29th ult, Kate M., wife of Francis M. Foufson. in the 25th year ot her ago. Funeral from the residence of her husband, 840 Snath Second street, tins (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 ° LEViLTNGO.—On the 30th ult M Mr. the 62d year ofhis Age. .. Funeral from his late residence, No. 2211 South street, onThursdat afternoon,at lo’cloek. ef L{pG.-0a the 29th ult., Wm. Long, in the 66th year . Funentj'frmn bis late residence. 1323 S. Seventh street, below Wharton, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. TVfOTIRNING STORE! BESSON & SON, IT -*7 No. 808 CHESTNUT Street, have a full asrort mentof . Bl&ok Valour Reas, HBlaok Gros Grain Bilks, do. Moafisehned’L&inea, do.. Poolt de Boies, do. Cashmeres, < do. Vanetiennea, do. Merinoea, do. Gins d’Kcosse, do. Batin do Climes. do. Patent boiled Silks, do. Bombazines, do. Irish Poulins. - do. Tamisat.. do. English Crapes, ; do. Paramattas. do. Crape Collars, S t d °- ■ S '* e ™’ < B.wn3 Moantfui CooS. i feiis, &0.. ko. 1 every variety, oT-u iy?»iurri\on literary institute. WENDELL PHILLIPS, Esq.. .rtiWill deliver his . V. C.-T II I! It EGU L A H monthly mectinsoftho Young Men’s Democratic Union Club wUI be held at the CLUB ROOM, Military Hall, Library stroot. on THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Nov. Ist, at 8 o’clock. By order _ WM. C. PuTTERSON, President. FDWABP W. FLOOD. Booretary. It* fyT=* GERMANTOWN. MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. COURSE OF LECTURES. TOWN HALL, MONDAY E VEMN6B. November 14, MORTON McMICHAF.L, Esq. •* 31, Rov. A, A« WILLITTS. « 28, Dr. R. SHELTON MACKENZIE. Dccombor 8, CHA*t. S. PANCOAST, Esq. •• 12. W, H. ALLEN. Esq. « 39. Rev. J. WHEATON SMITH. Tickets for sale at News Stand, depot, Ninth ami Green; Parker’s, Main street, opposite the Depot, Germantown; Coates, Main Ami Bnn-churst streets, and at the door on the evenings of Lectures. N. B.—Cars run up and down tho turnpike, nl-12t ORPHANS’ FESTIVAL.-A GRAND entertainment will bo given on the Groundsof tbe Orphan Asylum, West rinladelphin, on T HURB - Nov. 3d, for the benefit of this large and helpless family, numbering now more than 3 0 noys, anu lor whom tbe Manngor* find it difficult to provide the noces sariesof He. The iarzo and spacious buildiug, occupied by tho Orphans, will bo open to all. and abundnDt Re vrxsiiment* provided forlhepconsion. The prograimne of exercises will consist of Instrumental Music, Sinking by the Orphans, and '’ddresaes by Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood and Rev.E J.Sourin. The Comrmttoo having oharze of tho arrangements confidently trust that a generous response will rewArd their efforts and cheer the hearts of tho helpless Orphans, wi osa appeal is never made in vain. The Second and Third, Greon and Coates. Race and Vine, Market, and Arch-street Lines connect with the Hostonviile Care passing tho gate of tho Asylum. Tickets. 25 cents ; Children. 10 cents for salo at the dif fer nt Bookstores. Orphans’ Btoro. Twolfth and Chest nut. and the members of the Board of Managers. nl-2t* rAN ELECTION FOR TWELVE DI ■L3 RECTORS of the Philadelphia Bohool of Design far Women. toeervefor tho ensuing i oar, will be hold AtHie Sohool, No. 1554 CHESTNUT Streot,on MON DAY, the7thof November, 1853, at 12 o’olook. nl 2t* PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— Third Lecture of the Course at CONCERT HXTiL. THURSDAY EVPiNING. Nov. Sd, by Rov. JOHN LORD. Subject—“ Galileo.". Singlo Tickets, 25 conts. Admitting Gentleman and two Ladies,so cents. nl-3tr rr=r* GEOLOGICAL LECTURES. Dr. BOYNTON’S last five Lectures, via : “First Created Animal Lifo.’* Coal Beds: How Coal was Produced." " The Period of Reptiles." “Warm-blooded Animals." “Tho Present Order of Animals, Ac." All illustrated by large beautiful Fniutmgs. Frico for tho five closing Lecturoß,7scents; single tickets 25cts., which will admitto the great Experimental Lecture on Saturday afternoon. Lecture quarter to 8 o’clock. 031-6 t (Yy* A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE “ ME -1 •vjf ohamo Pnvinrsnnd Building Association of Phila delphia" will bo hold on TUESDAY EVENING. Nov. Ist. nt tho corner of Tenth and Spring Garden at half past7o’clock. WM. HOBART BROWN, o3t-2t* Beore t Ary. fTr* A MEETING OF THE JUNIOR ANTI- H, * SLAVERY SOCIETY will bo held on TUESDAY EVENING, at half past seven o’clock, nt Clarkson Hall, oil-lt* E. N. HALLOW KLL. fV’s=» MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSO ikJ CIATION OF PHILADK» PHIA.—The annua meotina of tins Association will bo hold At tbe Rooms o* tho Union Benevolent Society, N.W. cor. SEVENTH andSANSOMSta..onTUESDAY, NovomberStli.atStf o'clock P. M. The annual report will bo submittal, Oba an election held fora Board of Managers, to serve the ensuing year. WILLIAM A. ROLIN, $ o2J-tnt>B Secretary. rr?“ OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA ILJ R.E.BAVIVOS AND LOAN CO., N. E. Corner TENTH and CHEBTN UT Streets. The annual .meeting ot the Stockholders will bo held at the Office of the Company, on THURSDAY, Nov. 3d, at 10 A.M. An election for Twenty Directors will take place the same day, between the hours of IX A. M. andSP. M., at tho office of tho Company. 029-flt S. L. HUTCHINSON, Seorctary. tf&YLVANU COLLEGE OF I>EN URlxKßY.—lntrodactoncs to tlio regular lure* vrill Ihj delivered in the Rooms, t&i MONDAY, Oct. 31, and TUJS-DAY, Nov. [Uo'clook, W. CaH’prt, Prof, of Mechani i onl Dentistry. . Jj. husseiott. Prof of Prin ciples of Dental Surgery and Tnorapeulics. 6 J. H. RlcQiullan, Prof, of Ana tomy and Physiology. rrsr* PENN LL3 TALSI eouras of Lectt ARCH Btreet. i Ist, as follows: MONDAY, f 4 “ C. N. ,Pier< e, Prof, of Dental 1 vhjsioloiy and Operative TUESDAY, < Dentistry. I 5 “ T. L. Buckingham, Prof, of l Chemistry and Metallurgy. The publio are invited. W. CALVERT, Doan, 133 North Eleventh street. rrs=* WESTERN RANK. OF PHILADELPHIA UsJ? —October Ist, 1869. pie annual election for Directors of this Bank will be held at tho Banking House, on MONDAY, November 2lst. between the hours of 10 o’clook A. M. and 2 o’clock P. rtl. Tho nnnual meeting of Stockholders will be hold nt the stmo plaoo on TUESDAY* November Ist, at 12 o’olook M. G. M. TROUTMAN, 04tuAlr-tn2Q Cashier. TO CIIATTEI, UONDHOLUEIIK OF !ISTHBWibLIAMSPORT AND KLMIRA RAIL ROAD COMPANY .—A meeting of Chattel Uondhold- SBLFiIU* hfW at Room No. 24, WASHINGTON BUILDING, (No. 274 South Third street,)on TlJrS* DAY, Nov. 1. at 12 M. A genera) attendance is request* ed. o« matters of importance wilt be presented for con* aideration. ■By order of the Committee. n rs* INDIA-HER RACES. LANGUAGE 'jwJF, AND RELIGION,—By special request, the Itev HENRY M. BCUDDER, D. I)., will repeat the above pvL’MiJ&A he iu MUBI ? Ar< FUND HALL?on TUESDAY EVENING. November lit, at7>f o’clock. Tickets. 25cents: mar bo obtained at the bookstores of Parry ft MoMillan. wni.B. ftA. Martien, the Tract House, Presbyterian Board, H. A. Bower, Oth and Green, and at the rooms ol'tho Young Men’s Christian Associa tion- ______ 026-Ct* FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK Lk3 . -PnjLAi»BLP«iA, OctoberSd, 1359. Notice is hereby given that an dootion for Thirteen Di/eotors will l»e held at the Banking House on MON DAY, Noveiuberaist, imp, between the hoursof PoViook A- M. and S o dock P. M.; and a general meeting of the Stockholderswill be held on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 4 o clock P. M«i at the Banking House. oi dtnai W. JIUSIITON, Jn„ Cashier, fTT* SOVTHWARK BANK—PIIILADEL LL3f , FJttA, October 3d, 1839. Notice is hereby given thatnn election for Thirteen Directors wiU be held fit the Bunking House on MON DAI, November 2J*t, ]BW, between the hours of 10 o clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M.snnd a general meet mw ol the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY. No vember Ist, at 12 o’olock M. Q*-dtn2l F. F. STEEL. Cashier. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ■MERCHANTS’ DINING SALOON, -LIA No. 318 CHESTNUT STREET, _ . PHILADELPHIA. One door below Adams A, Co's Kifpres* Office, Has been htted up in iim-clans strle, with Dinin? Rooms on the first and second floors, whero gentlemen will bo furnißiied with llraitklaats, Dinners, nnd Suppers. from A. hi. to 12 P. M., singly or in parties, and at J’nb'ic or Private Tamos, as may ho desired. Tito Catormß Dejpartnient will be under tho control and direction or CoionollHAVhß, late Proprietor of the Surf House, Atlantici City. Ever* delicacy and substantial, including choice (?AMh, FISH, and OYSTERS, will be provided and constantly on hand. To men of business who dino down town, this Establishment wid ooinmend itself, os they will moot with no delay in bein* servoii. The Bar will be provided with the choicest WINES, LIQUORS. nudCI(jARB Colonel THAYER requests his former Patrons nnd Fnonds to visit this Establishment, The undersigned having been familiar with this busi ness for many /ears, fools confident o! giving entire •atjslaotlnn. and solicits the patronage or his Irionds and the public. • !?T M 9.WrEW B, i! O, »Me. THOMAB DYES. LUNCHES PAHA from IoKtol2 M. 031-fit IIfUKRAY HOUSE, r *1 , . , NEWARK, OHIO, I« the largest and best arranged Hotel in central Ohio, is centrally located ana is easy of acoess from all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern improve* menu, and every convenience for the oomfort and ac commodation of the travelling public. The Sleeping .Rooms are large and well ventilated. The Buites 01 Rooms are well arranged and onrefullr furnished foi families and large travelling parties; and the Ilou&e will be kept as a first-ol&es Hotel in every rosoect. / H. A, MURRAY & BRO„ Proprietors. nruE union, A ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD. UPTON S. NKWc'oMKR UKI^,I,A ' Th* situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Public; anuto those m searob of pleasure. Passenger Railroads, which now run past end in close proximity,.afford a oheap and pleasant ndr to all plaoes of interest in or about theoitr. It JW.ftVr IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY. Office W WALNUT St. , Ptm.apßt.pHU, Nov.Lift’d. n Tl»» ?tfs, clorB h ? v « deolartd a Dividend of THREE HOLLARS per ahue upon the Ctpital Stnok of this Connany, for the last six inonlhs. Ratable to the Stock holders on and after the second dav of Novcmbor. at this Oflleo. ALFRED S. GILLETI’, nl-tuthsflt Treasurer. I~JEAF MADE TO HEAR—Acoustic An riclea, Artifici tJ Ear Druina. Cornels. Soniferous, over forty varieties of Ear Trumpets, Ka Instruments in every variety, and of the most apprnvod construe “on*6t P. MADEIRA’S x, Ear Instrument Depot. , No. 118 South TENTH Street below Chestnut, Philadelphia. PICTURES BirstlNLlGli r MAUK ARE .. ...,rl a l ,noro valuable, because infallible likenesses; • -ro ore you should decorate your parlors with Life id dSr' ,a '' LMER ’ B “•'ftp* T ARU.—IOO hnrrels Western Lard for •*-< Snlo. WM. 11. VOODWAJU) a CO., “•*« r .13 MARKET Street. "WASHINGTON AND MT. VERNON. MT. VERNON ANO It'S ASSOCIATIONS. Historical. Biorraphicai and Pictorial, by Bcnron J Lossin?. 139 Engravings. Compete in om» volume' Specimen copies may bo seen at S. MoUJSNKY’S o2v (3t 40* Walnnt Street. LADIES’ HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI -BKTTB, and CURIAS, manufactured in the very best and newest Pans styles, and of which we constant!) keep av?ry large assortment on hand, sold wholesale and retail, at the lowest possible prices. Orders from all parts of the country solicited, and promptly attended to, Also, a now HAIR DYh» superior to any in use. RI. HUTOIS, No. 13 TENTH St., fietwoen Markotaml Chestnut. Drawing and painting mate rials. Engineers’ find Architect** Stationery. Grecian Painting Material*. Potichomania Designs Anri VftM*. Faint Boxes for Children, And also for Artist* And Students. ’ Pictures And Picture Frame*. Plating Cards. American and Frenoh. Catalogues gratis to the trade. BCHOLZ 8c JANENTZKY, • Wtmi fn.T W .^‘iiJ lB Souih EIGHTH Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. oSn-Sm 112 •SOUTH FOURTH STREET. JJ2 BTETtEOSCOPIC BAZAAR.—Great Emporlunl for 5i t, i r i o *2[ , ?S B^A Bte A? 08c °P l ?Ji QW »«Amerioan,Frenoh ch'eit'nut Artificial Human Eves inserted. 011-tinif t|I£RG ; S CHAMPAGNE, in quarts, pints, X and half .pint*. The celebrated brand “ incom parable” for sale by F. I). LONGCHAMP. oSI-lm 317 South FRONT Street. THE PRESS.-PHitADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1859. HOW THEY DIFFER! The great merit of Mrs. fltowo’s new book. THE MINISTER’S WOOING, As a work of art, is admitted by alt. There u some diiferenoe of- opinion, iiovrever, upon its orthodoxy, among orthodox editors. Bajs the New York Obaerverd’reubftorian)! "It is well fitted to bring intooontempt the old j fa* shioned dontrmesof tho Gospel, and is therefore, hailed with great satisfaction by the enemies of the truth. The Christian Register, the Unitarian paper of Boston, and the bitterest of that school, says or this last work of Mrs. Btowe. * that it will do more to breakdown ortho* doxy than all the direct eflorts of our Unitarian pulpits and prose ould possibly accomplish.' “we do not doubt it. And )t is for a grief and lamen tation that profpasedlr religious and orthodox papers wjll aid in sounding the praisos of a book thatisonarged with deadly poison, and aimed with deadly intentagainst. the most sacred truths of God's holy word." ' Per contra, says the New York Evangelist (Presbyte rian): “Nowhere have we mot with pictures of New* Eng land life so exquisite, and yet so true ; of its cairn,still beauty ; of the household piety, the tender love, that beautify and bless its homes. uow noble is the portrait Of Hopkins, the simple, grand old man—so grave and silent, yet so gentle and so good. “Wo observe that several of our religious Journals have attacked ' The Minister's Wooing' quite fieroely, on account of a supposed thoologioal taint in one pas sage, whero Mrs. her despair at the sup posed Ipssoi her son At sea, breaks forth into bitter ex clamations At the thought that ho mny have made also oternal shipwreck. This, they think, is designed to insinuate a doubt of future punishment. But it seems to us rather hhrsh judgment to measure words placed m the mouth of one of tho characters of a story ns ri puil) ns if they were deliberate opinions avowed and defended in a Theological Treatise. It is not at all in that light that we look upon the book, but as a simple tale tf relisioits faith, and tender, trembling lor*— a tale as sweetly pure ns that of Ruth, and as sueh we pronounce it one of the most exquisite rreationi ever woven out of the finest tissues of a woman's heart and train." "WHO SHALL DECIDE WHEN DOCTORS BIS- The Publishora appeal to the people, who, m less than a fortnight, have ordered One handi>omo 12tuo. volume. Price $1.25. DERBY & JACKSON. NO. Ill) NASSAU ST., N. Y. CALDWELL ON THE PSALMS.—PA , ROCHIAL LECTURES ON THE PSALMS. By the late Rov. David Caldwell, A. M. Psalms 1-60. Bvo. $1.60. It has been tho wish of the author of this Exposition of the Psalms to put tho reader in possession of the wealth beneath, a s well as that upon their surface. It is hoped this volume will in some measure meet what has * - een felt by many to bo really a want in the literature of our Church—viz: a plain exegetioal, ovnn sehcal, and practical exposition of the Psalms for the laity. The author hopes that hia exposition may prove acceptable and us tut to Ins brethren of tho clorgy; still he must sar, that ho has not wnlton for tho pulpit, but for the puw. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, nl No. COO CHESTNUT Street. EDITION—MOUNT VERNON.— Now ready, new supply of the Mount Vernon number of tlm „ ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, containing tho History of Mount Vernon, wntton ex pressly for this paper by Hon. Edward Everett, with \ lews of Mount Vernon in 1799 and 1858, photographed bv Messrs. Whipple Jc Black, Boston, from the beau tiful ciotnres belonging to Mr. Vvcrett, and kindly loaned lor this rurposp. The numbernocompaniod by a feteei-Plate Portrait Gratiaof HON. EDWARD EVERETT. WITH MEMOIR. This superb number will be Kant to anv address in the United Btatks. post fkrr, on receipt of . . Fifteen Cents Cash, or Postage Stamps, h. the PubliMier. mill Ar«nbi m the United State, of tho Illustrated Nows of the World and , DRAWING-ROOM PORTRAIT GALLERY of Eimnont \ orsons. See Notice to Correspondents in tho paper. Addresi HENRY A. BROWnTcO pl-tuwPjt 14 HANOVER Btrear Pn*tnn. BOOK TO PROVOKE THOUGHT! __ Just Published: THE CRUCIBLE; OR, TESTS OF A REGENERATE STATE. DF- H/GNED TO BRING TO LIGHT SUPPRESSED HOPES. EXPOSE FALSE ONES, THE TRUE. Bv Rov. j. A. Goodhue, A. M. With an introduction by Rev. E. N. Kibk, D. D. Urao. Cloth, $l. This volume cannot fail to stimulate religious thought and discussion. It presents novel, original,nnd startling views. It places within the Christian fold many who claim no place there; cuts orffrom it many whoconsider themselves entitled to all its .privileges, end applies tests of spiritual character. wtuoh are virtually distinct irom thoßo whinharocurrert in the popular religion of the day. It is one of the books to beroad, marked, and inwardly digested. _ GOULD k LINCOLN, c 9 Washington street, Boston, rjpilE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. ' ThirtwnrnitraU.n-iJMoinmrii in AdvfinM. from tho UIUKIWi ROOM I’ORTRAiT UALLERY ~ of Eminent Personages; and the ILT-USTR A PUD NISWH OF THE WORLD lor thirteen wetks from tho ihtoof Ruhsonption.will be sont to any address in tho United States, cost free, on receipt ot two dollars, among tho portraits for the present quarter will bo found-Hon. Edward Ererett, L iron Himilmldt. Hon. W. K. Gladstone. Rtr John Law- J. U* Bnrkstone, Madame Anna Bishop. All orders, subscriptions, and manor* of business con nected with this journal m the United States must be addressed to H. A. BROWN ft CO..H Hanover Street, Jki&ton, where aatook of ihe Paper ami Portrait Gallery is constantly on hand, in weekly numbora, fortnightly am! mon* My parts, and volumes. Spociuinnnumiiers will be sent post free to any part °I the United States for W cents, cash or P. 0. stamps, cZMhitu’lift f UST RECEIVED— •f A LIFE FOR A LIFE, in the favorite Tnucbnitx edition, m. «... ,3 v °k* 76 conts. The complete " PauchniU Collection of British Au thors constantly kept on hand. Terms, Its cents a vo luino - „ . „ , F. LKY^OLDT. a,» ,««, .-..Foreign Booksellef and Importer. 031-3 t 1323 Chestnut sU.cor Jumper. bel. *l f . 8. Mint. (QIIAMBERS’ ENCYCLOPEDIA. lEDINBURGH EDITION.) A DICTIONARY UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE, Illustrated with numerous Maps tyid Wood Engravings. IN MONTHLY PARTS OF &4 PAGES EACH, special arrangement with the Messrs. CHAMBERS. Printed frwntho same plates, upon the aame quality or paper, and executes in every particular like the Edinburgh edition. The wholo work to be comprised in six or seven volumes Bvo. Parts I to VII, inclusive, already issued. Frioo 15 conts each. For sale by Booksellers generally, or will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the price, by the publishers. j. b. Lm’iNcofrr a do., ,22 AND 24 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 025-U P»tILADKI.rHIA. QEORGE G. EVANS’ BOOK LIST.— ALL BOOKS are sold at the publishers’ lowest prices. \ <>»i can get all tho luteal publication*, and recolleot A HANDSOME FKKSKN't, worth from Fifty Cents to Oue Hundred Dollars, with each Book. NEW BOOKS. THIRTY YEARS IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS;Or, The Adventure* of Kir Joi.n Franklin. One vol., 12m0., cloth, with a gift. Frico $1,35. BKULAU. By Augusta J. Evans, One vol., 12mo. doth. with a gift. Price 81 23. , the CORNER CUPBOARD; Or, Facta Tor Every body. One voh. 12m0., doth, with a gift. Price 81. FflOM DAWN TO DAYi.IUHT. R, ■. Mini.tei’a One v0;..12m0.. cloth, with a gift. Price 81. .Tilb MINIHrhH’S WOOING, By Mr*. Harriet iJepcber Mtowo. One vol., 12m0., cloth, with a gift. Price SISS. , BREAKFAST, PINNER, AND TEA. Reviewed Frac tion ly, ciAfcsienUy. and Poetically. One volume, 4t0.. oloth, with a gift. Price 81 50. .MEMOIRS nOBERT-HOUDIN, Preetidigiteur. Edited hy Dr. It. Shelton Mnekenxie. One vol., 12in0., cloth. 415 PA«p*tVith a 'itt. price $l. Ol> oiV THE DEPTHS. The Story or a Woman*. Lilo. .Quo vnhimo. 12m0., cloth, with a gift. Price $L George Elliot, author of ♦* Scene* orctorjcrti Lite. One vol., 12iihk, cloth, with a gilt. Price#). ALL OP DOKSTICKS’B BOOKS, and It sift with eack, l rice $l, ALL OPT. 8. ARTHUR’S WRITINGS, And a hand eorno gift with e*>ch. Pnco 81. SPUBGFON’S SERMONS. Now ready. tho sixth eerie* of the Sermon* of this celebrated Preacher. One volume, ISmo .cloth. Frico $1 »fj on want it, oill or send to EVANS’ Gift Book vJOM.JprJL’h, V»« have the advantage of getting a HANDSOME PRESENT, worth from 50 cent* to one Hundred Dollar* with each lu>ok that is purchased at GEORGE G EVANn' . GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. ott-3t N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. SAMUEL HAZARD. Jit.. , 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Having lieen appointed AGENT of the „ AMERICAN STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY . hot tho *ale of their Stereoscopic Picture* in Philadel -81 WeJ t 0 >,B BOOK STATIONERY BU *l * .’STEREOSCOPIC DEPARTMENT, In which, fit n l time* will be found a large and varied assortment ol all tho moat boautiful and popular 8 ereo soo|io Pictures, of Anioricnn ami Fnroivn manufacture, «> to 9® »t yles for vesting. o« cHE^r^a^u TO THE LADIES. JUST OPENING, AT S. V. R. HUNTER’S n«"oulh MUOOND. above CHESTNUT. ni»i Hnt i n *M*- Cloak* on Thursday, anjong which will be found all «isea end style* for Chiidrei*. o»-6t* Fall and winter cloaks. Pattpra. Fall Cloak., B eok Tricot Cloaks, Sytffe» Pr S“° fc 9 lo ‘h Cloaks. 10 -ster, NINTH, aid MAMET. y'IASSIMERKS, CLOTHS. Thick Plain Cauim.ra. * S [ . 0A !V B]aOk n Ca , Mlra&T ® l ‘ Btout Fancy Style*. Ragged Mixture*, rbtldr * n A Udie*’ Cloaking CloVjjJ lo * B, WS» « 00, Boses Herkimor-Counly nn AROH direst J "*"t* "^YfANTED —By an intelKgent Lad, a „ " Situation in a Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing House, to learn the business. The best testimonials nl Address” Adder, ** office of this paper. IWfANTfcD —A Purchaser for a Patent .J J Ripht of great utility, upon which a fortune can Address,.for three daye, “Fainnan.” Blood's Dispatch. n j jj- Sfcji 000 55.000.—A Partner wanted with this amount in ready oash, to so -55'?. in . a V™* business, already established, in the West. Apply to J. W. DALLAM A co . 031.3 f N. V.. ear. SECOND nj OALLOWHILL Bu. FOB SALE AND TO LET. TO RENT—The large, well-lighted Room, ,3SPS ni flo.f!p v .r Hazard’. Bookstore, 721 CHESTNUT Street, wide entrance. Apply in the Store. o3i-3t a FOR SALE—The Mill Property, late of BENJAMIN PARRY, deceased, situate in the bo rough of New Jiope. Books county, Pennsylvania, con sisting of a Grist and Saw-Mill; the former having two overshot waterwheels and three run of Barr Mil) Stones, with Dorn kiln, and the necessary machinery for manu facturing Grain, either for Grist or Merchant work: the latter has a convenient Log yard attached, andisdnven by an. overshot water-wheel, with cast-iron soaring: there is also a frayie tenement on the premises; Ihe Mills are turned by the never-fading stream of water known as •* Great Spring Run,” and are capable of doing a large business. The Canals on each side of the Delaware River end the Beividere Delaware Railroad afford facilities for communication with the cities of Philadelphia and New \ ork. and for the transportation of freight at all sea sons of the year, which make it a desirable location for any kind of manufacturing purpose. The above will be sold low, as the heirs are desirous of settling the estate. For further particulars, apply to O HA KLES B. KNOWLES, on the premises, or to OLI VER PARRY, SEVENTEENTH Street, below Grew, Philadelphia. 031-llt* m PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE TAVERN STAND.-Wll be »Utt Fublie Bele. on THURSDAY, November loth, A. D. 1859, etSo’elook P. on the Er.mi.ei—All tint Old tit.bu.bed T.vern Property: "NIGN OF THE RED LION,” .itnnte on the > r.nkford any Bn.tol Turnpike roed, near Po4ues ■in. oreek, at the junction of the Byberry road, about one mile front Tornsdale.and in Bensalem township. Bucks oounty, Fenna. The House is large and commo dious, and is considered one of the best stands od the road. There is a Barn, extensive Btabhng, Carriage House, ico House, Sheds, and all other necesaary Out Buildings on the premises, all ol which are in good re- Eair: together with 13 acres and 93 perches of land, in a igh state of cultivation; boundodoy foquessmg creek aforesaid,land of Ferdinand Sarroiento and others. This is a valuable aud desirable Tavern property, and fur ther comment is deemed unnecessary, as any person wishing to purohasewiH undoubtedly call and examine for themselves, previous to the salo. The safe wifi be positive, and without reserve; title indisputable; one third of the purchase-money will be seenred on the pre mises; possession given on the first day of April next. Partner conditions on the day of Sale. By order of the Heirs of JACOB HALL,late of Bensalem town ship, Bucks county, deceased. ELIAS T. HALL, Agent for the Hens, and residing on the premises. oli-ftuat* JKSSK O. WEBSTER. Auction”?: (CENTRAL LOCATION FOR RENT.— 3-' .Well-lighted Rooms, Second and Third Stories. Southwest corner nAGHTII and CHESTNUT Streets. Apply on the Premises. o*Mt RENT—Tho 3d, 4th, and sth Story Rooms and Basement of No. 4J South THIRD Street. The Rooms are welllighted, with gas, water, and water olosets. Inquire within. oIS-tatMf TO LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the state Home, suitable foraLawyer's Office. Apply ill CHESTNUT Street. ell Flour mills, BAW MILLS. . . FARMS. k«. As I cannot attend to them, I offer for sale the follow ing properties, viz: A superior Flour Mill, with S run of stones,and ample waterpower. The profits of the mill.well manured, would anon pay for it- There is a Store and several hun dred acres ofgood land connected with it Alio, another water-power, with Saw and Grist Mill, situated two miles from the beautiful and healthr town of Stmthfield. Isle of Wight county, Virginia. Also, adjoining the town, a very superior estate of 800 acres, one-half under cultivation, situated immediately on the water; with a large brick dwelling, 1) rooms, and every requisite out-building, all in perfect order. Also, a beautiful farmofover 300 acres, good land, im mediately on Nansemond river, near village of Chuek atuck, 10 miles from Smithfield. Oysters, crabs, and fish abundant’ Will be sold together or in parts to suit purchasers. Terms easy. if the Flour Mill is not sold soon. I wish to get a gen tleman, i cell erpenented, to take eha’ge of it. For further particulars, address . HAJ. 8. JUNIUS WILSON, Smithfield, Isle of Wight Co., Va. Reference—LIPPINCOTT k PARRY, 3. W, corner Market and Second streets, oS-etuth-lm Philadelphia. BOARDING. Families and single gentlemen dosinng Board, ,*n a first-class House, containing all the modern conveniences, will find superior modatmna at 1623 BPHUCK Street. nl St* BOARDING. —Two pleasant Rooms may be had by early application at U2l WALNUT Street. 027-M" MEDICINAL. OCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HlP disease, TETTER, SCALD HEAD, Eruptions of the Bkin generally, and all Humors ana Impurities oj the Blood, are radically and permanently eared by the celebrated v _ IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. It has been a very important agent in* the ears of CANCEROUS DIBEABEB by Dr. Lounsberry Jt Co., for a number of years past, and its great value to the ears of Cancers ts abundantly established by the many cares effected by it. la SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable curative afleot has never been equalled. It cures the most obsti nate cases. TETTER, SCALD HEAD, and all Eruptions ef the Skin, readily yield to a moderate nee of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are readily cured by the use of a few bottles. Prepared and sold by MacNICHOL k BRo..(Late Lounsberry k C 0.,) No. to North FIFTH Street, below Areh# For sale by the following Druggtsts : J. F. Long hCo., Lancaster; c.W.Epting, Fottsville; J. H. Raser, Reading: B.B.Btevenn. Reading; T. k J. McChntock, Kaston; Jas.Given, West Chester; Wn, Stabler,Norristown; Simon Rau,Bethlehem; Dr.Livs icy. Now Hope; Dr. Leatie, Bristol; Schmidt k Co., Allentown jLUis k Bell, Manayunk, Pa; J. D. James, Trenton; De La Cour, Camden; Brewster k Co., Bridgeton; Robertson k Lippmcott, Salem,N.J.iMp- InaU,Wi!mmvton; L. S. Hoopoe, Wilmington: T. F. ilammenly, Milford, Del.; ana Drafguts generally. jMI-stutnomif DU. GLENTWORTIi’S PILE REMEDY, For the core of Hemorrhoids or Piles, Constipa tion, Fistula in Aco, Ulcerations of the Anas, Prolapsus of the Rectum. Fissures, Excoriation, .Ulcerations In ternal and External to the Aaus, Pruritus, and all Dis eases peculiar to the Rectum. The areat and uniform success which this Remedy haa attained for the cure of the aboTe Diseases is unpreee* dented in the annals of Medicine. The rapidity cf Us curative qualities and the durability of its corse are equalled by no other Remedy of the aye. Ninety-nine cpsea out of an hSdred are alienated and eured of this distressing complaint, and are restored to comfort here tofore unknown. Full and explicit Directions accom pany each Box. One Box is sufficient to perform acare. Prepared only by DR. GLKNTWORTH, No. 817 RACK Street. PricoGl. Can be scot by Adams’Express. od-Ia DR. MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have beea thoroochiy testod. and pronounced a aorereiKD remedy for djspepsia. flatulency, neart-beru and headache, enstirenea*. diarrhsa, fever* of ail kind*, rheamatism, gout, gravel, worms, •curvy, uloers, emptire eom lamts.aalt rheup, •rysipola*. common cold* aadm uenza, irregularity and all detanxement of the female lyntein, pile*, and various other dt*ea*ee to wbieh the hammy frame is liable For eale by the proprietor. Dr. W. R MOFFAT, S3i BROADWAY. New York. »nd by Dmcgist* rcperally all over the roantrt. e^t-dftWly Medicated vapor baths. SULPHUR. HOT-AIR, «nd STEAM BATHS.- cf Dr.T. H. RIDGKI.Y, IIJI SPRI'Cp Htreet. Highlr recommended hyalithe principal phyti einn* in the cily for Rheumatism, Skin ihib*. Couxha nni Cold*. Female Dueasee, Ac. Ao. •lipecial accommodation* for Ladies. o!71 m C°AL OIL. PHILADELPHIA PHOTIC COAL OIL WORKS BURNING AND LUBRICATINO COAL OIIA hired .nd for rale by HELVE, H'OBRIS, k CO., THIRTIETH, NOBTH OP MARKET STREET. NEWLAND & CO.. LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive stock of Oil. PAINTINGS. «te. All at very Low Prices. hO4 ARCH Street, above SIXIH, PhiUAMnhia- *ly»tialif ®50,000 TO LOAN, rN BUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamond*. Watehee, Jewelry, Gun*, Mer chandise, Clothing, fto., on moderate terms, by JONES A CO., Broker*, northwest oorner of THIRD and GAS KILL Street*, below Ixmibard. Established for the lae- Uyear*. Otfiee hoar* from 7A. M. to 7 P. M. Seooud-band Gold and Silver Watch**, by eminent maker*, warranted genuine, for oae-h%)i the ortrtnaf e>mt ao4-S*>->> NEW PLANING MACHINE. Embracing The Andrew* Patent of 1344, with matching work* for dressing Board*. Plank, fto. New Principle of Feeding. Great Savin* of Power. Machine* of various sites, J 4 to 30 mcne* wide, for iin*io or double eurfaoeipj, with or without matching head*, for aalti at No. J 3 North SIXTH Street, Phila. Call and examine. _ _ *U-tli*tu3m GKO. W. COT.R\ ft CO IC|UU|HOXE.S AMERICAN ANL) WIN! OWGLASS—Themo*t atiproved brand*, and or every «ixe and quality required for city and icuntry trade, at trice* asymishinglylow. Send your ordora to ZIE'iLr.R ft SMITH. Drag, Paint. (>•***, and Varnish Dealers, corner SECOND ami ORKKNauefts- Grain mills —grain mills—Foi the Farm and PI" ntatton. Tte IRON-RURR MILL ha* n > equal f.’r Griudic? Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, tipt oes. etc., hv hand or power. Price $6, 956, and 813. Now m oper.itoa at 126 Bouth SECOND Street. Agents wanted in every oounty an 1 Sta’e. by ftiiV-am V. FARR Hi. ft CG LOVERING’S SYRUP, in hhda. and bbls., at reduced price*, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM ft CO., a»e I FTJTI A Srw*L ]U ACK£BEL —125 bbls., 180 halves, 115 quartan, and 200 kitt* prime No. Is: 300 bbls. and W halve* large No. 3s. in stor* and for *a'e byWM.J. TAYLOR % CO.. IZUndJM North WHaPVVfe a q OLD COGNAC BRANDY, h,*.A«>>and S'* Pmeta. Do, do. Otard. Do. do. Henoeeay. In bond, and for tale by A. MERINO. o» 140 Bonth FRONT Street. jIfENTON LEMONS.—2SO boxes Menton Lemon*, sound and in prime order, for sal* hr v a P.SOWTWtr*»> OAKUM. —A large stock of tho best brand* oonatantiy on hand and for *ale by WEAVKR.PITi.ER ft CO, nM V\ N. WATF.R .anOMN Delaware av_ All the best brands, at low nlwiv .1. T. FLAHERTY, liDUi’rt.'uC Cig»r«, CHESTNUT street, adjoining Girard lioo*e. oJS 7m NAVAL STORES.—I,2SOBbIs. Shipping Rrtjiin 100 do. Spt*. Turpentine, land me from Hchr J a! ria'nrd. FoV.ale by KOWLEV, ABHBUR NKH.ft CO .'No, H B«mth Wtf ARVKS. op Mackerel.— 650 bbls. Noa. l, 2, and 3 Mackerel, m oworted Original oflhe latest catch, for sale by U. C SADLER ft Cu., ARCH Street, second drnir above Front oS ARTICLE OF COTTON » | r S p« f amusements. eet theatre. LEGITIMATE TRIUMPH! HOUSES CROWDED FROM FIT TO D^KXI Second Week of the Greet T ratio MRS WALLER. BRILLIANT aso COMPLETH legitimate triumph OF ¥ JKLGERAU)INE-GFRALDrNE.-a _ LOVT’S VICTORY.’—LOVE’B VICTORY! PRONOUNCED BY CROWDED VffnigWn— MOST PERFECT T ° U *• DRAMATIC SUCCESS THE PREBS UNANIMOUS MOCESN TIME* THE PUBLIC UNANIMOUS JN ITS PiLUaK - Mr.. WAIW UNA N?M 0 T l?§ cE D _ THE PERFECTION OF ARTISTIC BKjILT . The new play, by an American aotiioreee. ba* at oaee. by its own mt intrinsic mejriU. d*epel£d the iliac on that Amerioe bad no dramatic literatare aheeooldufl her own. Mm. BATEMAN, Intbla, berlut, crand work, baa proved hereelfetmal to asv dramatist of the are. and the BRILLIANT TRIUMPH With which her efforts were rewarded* by both tbe PRESS and PUBLIC OF NEW YORK end BOSTON* Has been ENTHUSIASTIC A LLY ENDORSED BY THOUBANDB IN PHILADELPHIA. E ART, SCIENCE. BEAUTY, and FASHION Hare been _ NIGHTLY REPRESENTED Tin., in I THE DELIGHTED AUDIENCES: >J turn the lotanaelj affectine situation*, andfitaati' this new Tragedy of thewert. theme of general admiration, alike is ARTISTIC, Sola Laiaee.~ Stag? Manager Btuwai* Agent.... ASD _ CIRCLES OF SOCIETY. GENEiUt The tcansferoeat have, therefore, the rreateat pie*-* _ rare id announeinr that THIR BI'PERB PLAY will ha repeated on THIS EVENING,rrh Mr. L. R. Eh.*3 Hubert, the Crusader Jdr. TL p v^ll Oaraoo, the Earl’* Jester... - Yininc Bower* de Ijicr, Earl of Chester Mj.DuboU Huko de Branch, Earl of Shre'wsbuij-. Mr. Yocax Oervaae, aSteVard--.... - Mr. Thaw Kdith de Lacy, auter of Geraldine Hiae MaryM&er J«an.a cur5e........ -.. .Mra.Tharer Cruaaderv, Retainer*. KniphU, Ladies, YaasaU, Bud* Ac.. Ac., Ac. wr PRICES AS I’SUAL.%I ttA. SEATS CAN BE SECURED THREE DAYS IN’ ADVANCE WITHOUT EXTRA CHARS) WHATLEY ft CLABKE’S AEOH ’ Tktbket theatre THIS N'oTemb., 1, Kn - iota M ' WSIM M*P S n> AT , Robrneon Crusoe, Mr. Dolmas; Bluff, Mr. John &J -bert; Ine*. Mrs.BtonealL . EcaLsoyFaicz*.—Admis\oß,Se«BU;BMur»dßM» in Dress cents; Parquet. 00 eenta. Doors open at half past to S o'clock; performance to commeoeg at 7 o'clock precisely. T)AN RICE’S GREAT SHOW. THEATRE, H'AL.MT Bt, lb,,# " TpKSDAY EVENING, Nor.mW>r In. The performance will commence with the Eqnsatnaa Speotacle. entitled the FOUR OUARTERS OP THE GLOBE. • ,1 p * rK . 0 ,? °TEi,»h*at»;“ I*ll* RookhtfetTalk. iw- Ejtcelsmr t b. PerformtiiE uen. Putnam, and camernue scenes in the eirde _ L „ . DAN It ICE, The Great American Humorist, will appear everTerc* nine daring the week. Tae Educated MoV*. w „ PETE AND BARNET DCPFET. win foatnbnte to the amusement of the audience. TIfADAME ANNA BrSHOP WOULD ,~l rrspectfullr inform her friend*, and the rftlmr of r'hiladelphja. teat the will sire ONE GRAND CONCERT, AT THK MUSICAL FUND HALL. OS WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. *, 139, *s*3 ~ . ox wrnirH Occasion she will be assisted by the followtnj eminent artists: ARTHUR N A F^E*B!?."“' !,of The Wonderful Portuguese Pianist. W H COOKE, The Favonte Tones AmericanTeaer. BIGNORINO NORINO, Mo.ies) Conductor B^E^RKffc Ticket*.flOcrnu to *]lp*rti of tb. H*l1 1 to b, k*d 2 Ice princittl Mono Store, tnd Hotel* Doan om >1 rr.M, Concert to eommenca et BP. M. tf G. THTEB. Atont, JAYNE’S HALL. POSITIVELY FOR THREE DAY'S OBIT. SIG. BOXNKTT! A COI,. WOOD'S TSOUPI OF EDUCATED „ DOGS. MONKFYB. AND GOATS! Will appear at the abom Hall, and fire FOUR ONLY pf their unapproachable entertain meets, which via positively he theirla*t in th'iaeitT.os MONDAY. TUESDAY. AND WEDNESDAY, October Jilt, Nor. Ist and ad. DAY AFT£RH«)N m “ ** liT * n “ Cards of Adtmseioo, S cents. Children, 19 casta. Doors open to Evening Entertainments at ooct* meneesat 7>£ o'clock. Doors open to Afternoon Entertainments at S; eeaa* manors at So'eloek. 031-3 t MAI. BURNELL,* Bmxbcss Agent. ]\l USICAL SOIREE AND BALL OF THE JAA m *knxerchor VOCAL SOCIETY, oa THURSDAY EVENING, Xovembe? *. 189, at tie MLBICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST Street, on whinfe occasion Schiller's Poem, the LAY OF THE BELL* mutie by Romberg, will be performed, with a lane Chorus and Orchestra, under Carl U*ertaer, Eeq. Tickets One Dollar, admitting a Gentleman and two Ladies, may be had at the Piano Store cf A. B. Radnta b\cn, IZ3O Chestnut street; CoL M. R. MnetwTLarfgv Buildings; G. Gabel, northeast corner Fourth and Cherry streets; B P. Schmidt, 119 North Tbira street 1 h raft A Teabaer, 83 Arch street, and the Committee of Amusements— JOHN A. KOLTES. H. SCHMIDT. B. G. TEUBNER. T. RE&AG, MSrst.HlU 0. GOEBEL. fI*IRST GRAND CONCERT A OP XHX UNION ASSOCIATION. AT MUSICAL FUND fa A IL, On TUESDAY EVENING. Nor. *, IM, „ TICKETS X CENTS. ABC Fee Programme. OF WONDERS. Northeast corner of TENTH nod CHESTNUT BtreeU—Second Story. iUJNOR BLITZ’S NEW AND WONDERFUJ, entertainments of magi cal METAMORPHOSES, VF.NTRILOOUISM. as* the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS, at his ES'ERY EVENING dunne the WEEK, ecsttpeneiac at and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFIERNOON3 at A Admission Ji cents. Children U cents. oH-Im* (IERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC N Rehearsals eren AATIHDAY at MVBICAL FUND HALL, at IS o’clock P. M. A package cfeijht tickets, one oollar. fiinxle tickets. Seenca. To be had aCG. Andre’s, and Bsek A Lawton’s kuieStows.and at the door. r’f he CAKL and CARL IiUiiN BTOCK’S 8 L RlCd OF SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES, At the Foyer of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Bsbecnptione will be receind at the Mere Sterne of G, Andre A Co., ]IH Chcstnat street; Lee A Walker, 78 Chestnut street; Beck k Lawton, eorssref 6er**tS and Chestnut streets; A. Shmidt, S Soata Fiesta street, where the prcepectee and proframaaee can be seen. oli-Ia TUE MARTYRDOM OF UUSS is now exhibttins. with other Painting* of the DUBSPL DORK COLLECTION, in the Soetheast GmHery of the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Opssdulv. from 9 A.M. tiUIP. IL,a*d7 ta MP. BL AdmimonScenu. oH-lm SANFORD S OPERA lIOU^R. RLLYENTH street, between Cheettmt ood MirtM. Oytnjff the Seaeca. SANFORD'S STAR TROUPE, the krre«t Com easy iq the world, la their exeelieneiee every eTwniag. SANFORD sfM*r* Every erecins m li* crest Ro> of Chareetesn. Door* open at T*. CoamemeeatA Admiseioa M oeste. Children LI eeate, oof-lm SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND COM- J-VpaNV'S BUILDING, 8. K. corner cf WALNUT a«.d FOURTH Street*.—Oyee dqiiy Lom »tnt 6o'clock, •od oa Monday Ul! 9 m the evening. Th:t otd :»ecta lion ha* alwa«*»q:d in fell oe demaed. w\the«t eeii-cw. INTEKLST FIVE PfK CENT. AH «338 i F4LKJ taekoa d#ra%«d, ib tfoi! or Silrtr, TRUSTEES. _ „ AISX. WHULBI't, Pim. SaxT. Woh, V. Prt*. John C. Fmt. T.E-Harder, Georj* Nartal, Ixhii* A. Goder, Tboe.Serie*at,i A'**. C.Roberta, John P.SinoMt jiovnan.* H. IL Hdndjt* WijlJ. Howvd. _ Jons C. Sms, Sec. Joas S. Witscx, Tr*»a r. c»-6t CPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND BO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. „ Ojsc*. .Vo. SSI North THIRD Street (Consolidation Bank Boilrdiaii.) CHARTERED BY THK LEGISLATURE OFPENW -BYLVANIA. Depocta received is no cf One DoJar ' end retold ip Gold, without noace, FIVL FaR CENT. INTEREST from the cxj of d*?o*:t all Vith- end reliable Benn** iMtitsbo* ku lg** been needed m the Northern rsrtcf the city, end ** T># Ppnnjt Garden Savin;* Fond Society wa* chartered by the Lesiilawre or PeaasjlTac.a towppll toBMMij. Th* Mscazers- in orxamxie; and Wva&rs it, here beev «ov*m© Front to 2S o’clock; also, oa Monday and Tkandaf frosaf sfttuto clock in the aTtainx. Senok Klett* Bteryhea Smith. P. Lery. Hen. H. £. Street, el UnderkofftTi Fredenet Staoke, &j* Hart, Joseph K LoCtem, Kevlar, Jr., Goonre leecht, Georsovvcelpeer. Gee. T. Thorn, _ P.ttrC.& JSr jAMEg Fwajich Halt. Secretary. __ ttßFtfir COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES, IVOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th© firm of VTARNiCK.CHADWWR. A BRautkj Aar dissolved. The il? »tar. Kan:*. sod Stovebee see* will be eoaumied indcr iLe came of CUADw IIK fc RRO., at the Northahit comer vf £ECOND and RACE Street*. JOHN K. CHADWICK. FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia. July 11. lies nli-tf CAUTION ! ASTROLOGY'—IOOK 01TI-GOOP SFWS FOR AIAI-Tb. nsrer f.ilint Mu WAKtFIFLF. ,= '» >'r.. Y.NBOKX. is the Wit; she succeeds when all eiceri have laaed. Ail who are in trouble, all vqo have Wen unfortunate, deceived hr false i»rom:«M, fly to her lor acme and comfort. In ten n/mo mtvtr/au*. fhebsaUi* secret of winoine the affect’o'-e t»f the opyoeite eex It is this fact which ircuce* illiterate rreteoder* to try to imitate her. and copy her *.-e show* * on the likeness of )our lutoie w.fe, kintaftd. oe friend It it wedkn»»in U> the purt-c at Ur»e that is the firstand only resale o eao wow ibelikea-wui reality and ean sive entire satisfaction on all ta* con cerns of i>ie. which can be teeted and F'OTedb? tnco~ sands. both earned and single, who dadj ard eaxer e vmt Couieone! come all! to Na.UXLOV'.bA&D rJtrtet. between Jonipe* and Breed. ni-ft' WARM AIR FURNACE. Will thorenibly hotme with owrTTTa mi coal, than U yWCVfrwd W bar other Furnace. Satisfaction insli o>Wt(»iyartaed. Boitdmn Warmed tad Ventilated by ARNOLD* WILSON, MIS CHESTNUT Street. OLATE MANTELS, The Richest tad most Beactifnl Specimen*id Enamelled Siata Mantels, ever otfered for n-etnjhie eoontry. manufactured by os. from PesssjlTiaia Blaie' rto«, ud tor nl. y»i, * wiuox. jm CBE3TXUT Strwc ROOKING RANGES. V 7 /J 1 jB rxst n t tit B«t FJ.T.U4 DoaN. OIK Coob« Km,.. ■riU do WllfOX-g. MlHißir IOIHCHFJTNPT few. r , UOICE PURE TEA.—LOtT, FOURTH \_J uB CHCSTNVT. h*. reduced bi. Dollsr Blm, tndCr«.nT.«loiH:.°awf poaad—Aßwm. rg SPANISH OLIVES—In bulk, in prima raowiami, . • ■ . .ji