, ~ . _.,•:_,liiio - - • .1:111.11AT, , :00TOBKR, 28, 1859.'• ; Finer Pos.—Literature ;,'A'o. Terns and 11384, 'No. 6; - Rersonsl, amij Ponder:l ; Letter, from, New York ; The Courts; Mlsoeileneone Items. ?smart' Peas—Latest Fereie News; ramiuqutelligenae. - :-The News. The colored man Copoland r arrested for his com plicity with the Tia,r,Pej's Perry_ootbrettit, has made a flap oopfeseiorter all he knete'of 'the affair. He,lth „ gang , period heretatbro; not sus pected, and states that a rieing Wait expected about the items time in Xentuoky. Alt the facts are not yet publislisidVand when they are; a sensation is expectek"':'‘: • " -""" ' Caplaint'OnOle, the con:traders' of brown, was taken to Virginia yesterday, requisition of Gov. Wise. The trial of Brown "Iv reported - fully in The .Press today: , An• attempt wad about being made to urge the-plea ,- of insanity in; his behalf, but be indiguaatirdaided the triath'ef such an assertion. Ile seems rather to glory in his present position., , Lawion7Botteri.the model for Drown and his confedirates,lis a son pf the late General Thomas Botts; of Virginia, and nephew of John M. Botts' Pad thiTrineeits Oathorine, D.llnrat, of , Florida. ills Medic - pis a grand-niece of General ;Washing ton. Mt 7 Botts' is did to -be' a 'young lawyer who relies dttilifpiofession for subsistence, and - a man • of good-ability and spotless character. It is thought' that Fred Douglass has fled to Ca nada, to avoid becoming involved in the /Taper's Perry difficulty.' . Both liranobes of City Connell" met yesterday. An ordinate° siae'passed making an additional appropriation ";SCI meet the expanssi incurred' by the Board 'el Centiollers of Priblio Beholds, the origindAlprOpriatiodliding been exhausted. A joint committee, Wes,appolated, oonsisting of three members from eac h branch, to conies with a- corn 'settee of'tbe Board of, Trade, relative to a rev!• lion of tlity regulations of the port of PhiladelPhil,' Bonabin. - iltr,bt, of, Califernia, has _arrived at . • • The International Bank of Toronto, Canada, has suspended. In 'oorifsequbbee of this occurrence a patio was treated' amongthe'depositors of the Co lonial dank in tiro mine , city, and that institution was subjected to a oonsideralde run"- by those depositors whine fears fin the safetyof theirmoney overcame conlidenie the debility of the Mr. .Galitoold, :elating , to the , Cburriar des. - Seats rrais from Paris, Ootober 12th, reports a. talthe idled' that General Guyon, 'comman der of th`o,riipoh troops in Rome,Ariad to dissuade the Pope : 1 60i his projected teur. to,Caetel Gon dolfo, telling him, with, military frankness, that if be quitted Boma, he ran a greet 'risk of ' never 're . - entering*. Novertheleas 'IX departed for hi s ohataaii, OiOtkpit by the General. From Castel Gandolfo the Pope goes to .Porto d'Analo, to meet the King 'of ;Naples. • ' The dlincend-Wedding duelling affair has taken n new turn.; 'Mr. F.. 0: Adams, who, was selected by Capt. Bartlett to bear his message to the offend ing poet, complains that the exhibit made by Mr. Bills, on Monday, in some respects fails to do him 40'05tItesti t iat•Mr ni4e should publish, lette`r, (Adisitis) Hills, bowevir,,declineel to do- - ,this, unless Mr, Adams will edit piusage " expressing the opinion that neither , party meant to fight. Mt: Adams, howevati`being OnwiNtotto : suppress his opinion on this point, publishes as exploitoton' On his own, responsibility, The' controversy, therefore,' is no longer between Capt,Bartlett • and Mr.-Stedman, the prineipais, but between Medd. Adams and Bills, their' friends. Whether - Mr: Hills will chal-: lenge lir,Adanis for publiehing a letter 'contrary, to his wishes is 'a question which is still unsettled. Arad% the paasengere in', the = Persil; at Now York, are ?Simian. ,Grinnell and family, who have beon absent about two years, sad Madame Bodied.; the Widow- of the late Russian minister to Wash ington. Filibuster Walker is li6lug in obscenity fallow Orleans.' . ' Mr. A. L. Cook, employed as a telegraph opera ' for in •Beitimore for ..the hat ton years, ;Fad sud denly in that city on Wednesday. Time steamship Tennessee, which arrived at New Orleans yesterday from Vera Ord, brings a report that the-British-consul there had, received instrue- Gone to • recognise the'. Juarez Government • of Mexico''' The Teunersee brings $37,000 in specie, The *ismer, New. World, plying:, between New York ' end. Al bany," sunk on Wednesday night, while - on her-passage , to the latter city. fol lowing lean menus:a of the accident, copied from the .Poy, of last evening c" - "A terrible accident-happened last night it 7 o'clock to the, steamer New World, of the recipl f 's Line, While ea „bar Way frim this oily, to Albany. She was aPposite Tubby - Zook, about twelve Miles from New..l 2 B.rkfikant wiacyar ed, by--ctrer7D4 . rW' - • gremora at the and, instantly eprlngt -7 1 _Arnwarditho machinery, saw that it was out of or der, sad, stopping the engines, gave orders to the fireman to put out theArco; hut before this could - done - the walking-begin broke, end in its course took die piston rod Meng with it. Thaw 'carried the rest Of the machinery with them,, which fell, breaking through, th e bottom: of the steamer with's heavy crash. , "The noise was great,-and many of the -Omen gers thought that the steamerhadrun-upon a rook. A rush-woe made fiote the dabini to the deck-) but their fears were for the moment 'qteisted ' by the ,- ewew telling-them that nothing was the matter, and that everythingwas - all right: The next moment; _ - howeVer' thecryill,'!' She's ebbing, ainking,i I rang - in their cars.. The machinery bad passed ' completely through the bottom of the steamer, thus leaving"a largo hole, through which the water rushed with terrible force.' , "The - " excitement was -now intense—every one below struggled to get to the' deck ,- and, under the impulse Of - the moment,' t is said that,tbieto ladles end two 'gentlemen jumped overboard and were drowned. • - _ • , " The - -steamer Was rthokingfail; three .hundred Paaaaaiekat-Nere- on board, and -inevitable death - appeared -to be staring them in the faceou no yaw sets were nor, The night was pitch dark, and the - anew fell this* and fact. A small boat was lowered from tifestemeer, when the pastengerserowded in, some jumping from the deck of the steamer into the boat. - As riatiwal consequence the small boat nee swamped. :H i ow many were n it at the time, or how Inenywere drowned, our reporter could not learn. °there seised upon the life-preservers, which were in ; their cabins and above the deck, and, fastening think around their bodies, waned for the sinking-of the steamer. ' - " Thepilot had turned her bow towards the west .bore, in s til the Intention drumming her aground, Int bbe only - Went 'a abort distance, as her ma- Chinon beidglocken;lbe pp:Pilling power soon "Litt - hie, tbie about fifteen minutes after the - neeldentneentred, the - shouts of the passengers on the hurriathe-dielthed"ettraoted the , attention of the Crew Of the sloop: ack, Downing, . Captain Brutus W: bound lOr Albany from Blip,- botirown. wi th a - cargo of Coal.' - "By the exertions of, the captain and Crew she neared the sinking steamer, and ropes were thrown from vessel •to vessel. When within a few feet of the steamer several 'passengers sprang from the deck of the latter to that of the former. , . "With her heavy load of coal the little sloop could not with - safety take one-quarter of the pee mitigate land the ropes were east off, and some tioat could no be unloosed out. - At this moment, the Isteerusir sinking lower - and lower, two tow-boats olso Ohio and ?Tractor) came alongside and car ried off the rest of the passengers. - " On' board the sloop there were sixty-litre, A enbooripdon for Milstein Orate and his crew was made, and, upwards.' of eaverty-five' dollars was reined and" presented ..to him, with the thanks of _ the reeenek: Einiall boats then took them front the deck ettlie' deep ,;to the — ace:4:e Yonkers. ;The roinald7itt t liittenpifie b . 7 :tten."`iretga-tZrawil l s° ! .y their beggagelaell.e Number retarned,tO tbis city this morning to Seethe steamboat axiom respect, lag It." , • • , • - Theio Must have been four or Ave overboard, u tie. night wee intensely dark,. and "every • one was Occupied with their err Safety, it lifeared they were drowned. Two or threw other persons were known to ,he2lri 'one Of the, Wirer eahlin at the time of the seeident, drinking, and' It Is feared that •• they went diorerrerith the. host, as they werev ;observed to be oinsideiably in liquor. Another vim watriying drunk near one of the loWer wain doors.,' fie. Pratt tro.used, by a Passenger and told of his danger, but ho paid no, attention to_the warn ing, likl - ransihein f perished. The passenger list Se still on bsitirtli : The Winitahil the Sin. The leteet hewifroni - Ohina :is to tho effect that gr, , Wann,„tbe Aineilcau Mirdster, had reached Pekin nifoiy; had there been treated with ititarni4 and, eapect,,had ,accomplished the oiled of hie mieslon, and would probably forward, Or 'bring the • Treaty, aigned by the Emperor by the next" mail to Europe.,`; We aphid hot be surprised if, ih steackof there being truth • in, the French ac count thatsF. *AHD had been conyeyed to Poldmihrvbox, he had bent carried in a pi, lanquin;;Witeh - le 'the ordinaTimOde of towel ling for Periona of aey distinction.'• Thl4 reloult tbfAmerican as compared with, • European policy, in China, reminds one, very foreihti t pf the ancient ikble ofthe - Sun and "-• the Viitt !,,.There was nquestion whicli of the • twait'veoulti .make a S traveller: cast aside his blew_ with all and the .wayfrp e, areif the garment closer and yet Oolerigto l l ll id'iltio.- The Sun shone brightly, and the : traveller speedliy had Seat to . loosen thettto,throv away his cloak. • ' /rag' 4 1 ,0' E4 ll !ilran , V Froneh diploinatists ada(4,litr:Vi r ain, :the Anaericati, did, they inighVintie?gOne up to - Ookin,, even sate did: 13 16 0.10 1 tedl,00:PrcA PalPable*- regitei' ited to state death° bulging ..,Of theilllONOestylvarda Hospital for the Immo ,iiiiiK4OlifilthiCtion of eli who V. trite= _reitorifttAKetrilififia the teptitatiee, thhr atter. 4& l 4. l fAiti4eits Az o'clock. Melton will be VoollveyeitlfrQli' illOtarket.street mite Forty-Math ',:_itteellrorirtek•hiritiiisehfirket in( %warlord 4 0 ,401** 4421 7 /114' o f eR414490, •••••=ml .•••1.••16• or - as Neceisary to Parties a to #' Ipdfvfdpais. I , Nething is more injurious teen individdil itarethe reputation of being false to his word, or,-in other words, of being addicted to en- truth", When it is said of a citizen that Company and the Empire Hook and Ladder Company from Philadelphia neat week. Capt. Cook on his way to Virginia. Bsimmong, Oct. rt.—A despatch received at Frede rick city Matrix that Captain Cook imaged throw h ilacerston n thin eveninr, in chars• of ri won; guard, on the way to Chatteatown, where he will arrive during the night. At Herm - stolen the prisoner wan exhibited from the Verendali hotel to n numerous crowd. A minipill) of the Frederick military is still near Herm'. Fortx. to check any attempt at the rescue of the prisoners. Marine Disaster in the Day of St. Law VIVO VESSELS SUNK—LOSS OF LIFE. Rosvo.S, Oct. 27. —Vie eehooney Pacific, of Smithson. Me—bins st nuehor at Maitre.) island. in the bay of St. Lawrence. cot adrift in a gale. and run foul of an un known schooner. . Both vessels were sunk, and all nn board serishel Thirteen need bodies have 'sled ashore. Political Excitement at Baltimore. BA LTIMORN. Octobe • V.—The American party held a largo meeting in Monument square to-night. and the entlinsinsm was helghtenedhy a display of fireworks. the firing of _sum. cannons. etc. Addresses were made by Winter Davis. Morrison, Harris, Judge Crane 01 YI , DOIMI,. end others. The Tenth ward procession was beaded by a knan on horseback. carnal, a large awl. The Eighteenth ward had a blacksmith shop. in which men were encased in making awls. These were de.irtied to caricature the use of awls at the poUa on election day. Financial Panic at Toronto, C. W. TILE INTERNATIONAL BANK SLISPRNOno.--grN ON TUC COLONIAL PANK. TORONTO. C. W. 27.—The International Bank, of Toronto. ansuendod testa- day. The Colonial Bank. an msti tut ion of a similar char acter, is undergoing a great rill:Ito-day ; The doors are besieged by thousands of excited tlepoai tort. From Pike's Peak LEAVENWORTH. Oct. f7.—The overland express from Denver ea) line arrt%cd with Witte to the :Otte inst., and 6; Opl In gold duet The election of Mr. Vti dhamn u delegate to Congress is confirmed. On the 20h the people wore to vote for or egainn Provisional Government. The mining operations are drawing to a close. =ill==l WkSRINOTOX, Oct. 27.—The Lighthouse Board has awarded tie contract for building the lighthouse nt 040 Ann to Edwin Adams. at Boston, at nearly 813 i; the metallic/ work to Adams h Roberts . at IS en); and the lanterns to the same parties at 53 %O. There were thirty-two bids for the liehthouse contract. Senator Owin has arrived at Washington. Itahtratong. Oct. 27.—A. L. Cook. one of the eldest operators of the Mutnetic Telegraph Vompanr. died guddenly in this city yesterday. lie had been in the em ploy of the company for ten years, and was on duty the day before Ma deatl. The Wreck of the Propeller Troy. GM:WWII. Canada Oct. 27.—The life beet of the propeller Troy, in which a portion of her crew lett the wee: k, line been found empty. The cone!. Is helot searched, but there la now only a bare possibility of the encore of those tt contained. From Havana. Now OaLxA]•, Oct. V.—Octec from Havana ha,i bee n recett ed to the 2lth net. Sugar aCC steady but quota bone are nominal. Stock .q Saar in bort, 13e.0.0 t• , xer.. Exchange on London, Mien; exotica.° on New 1 ma, 3.S° ed. Appropriation for a Statue of Ethan ItorimPram mt. Vt., Oet..l7.—The House has pays I. by a majority of twelt e, an appropriation of *2 We for a statue of Ethan Allen, to be erected in the Btate Hoitte. Snow at Easton. EASTON. Pa., Oct. 27 —Blx inches of snow tell here led night. It o rapidly disappearing to-day. Proceedings of City Council's. The regular moetsngs of th ens bodies were held ye tank,. SELECT BRANCO. Communications as follows were received from eitl- Sena. ASSIE4 toot ltreenwood street may be paved. From the Board of Tmde. sake; that a committee may lay appointed to meet a committee of that Board. to revise the port reulstionc This was ~creed to and Masers. Fora, Bradford, sod Lord, arPolated. From the City Treasurer, lit answer to a resolution. as fol lows: hobs amount of water, 9170.0 W; warrants paid. 4;10,78142 • balance. $2•3,216.118,• amount of cut. tort loan. $117,4011; warrants paid, 5g77.373.63; balance, iiitille2d.6l. No part of the loan has been used for cur rent eipensea of the city; the balance will be held to pa, all ietitimate drafts. but mittens else. ;Mr. Benton offered a resolution relative to further le gislation lor the oily. Laid over. The Committee on Markets, to whom was referred the market-house question, reported an ordinance re quiring the Commissioner of Markets, in satin; the old market sheds in Market street, to reserve the trot plugs, the ptllvta, a rod .ht iron work, he., and that the said property shall be removed by the first of December. The sole of the reumieing material to take place oil November Ist, with possession on the 19th inst. TOP ordinance appropriates kleOu to pay for removine the reserved property, which is to be stored under the direction of the oomnutteu until wanted for re-erection elsewhere. The ordinance passed finally. A resolution to piaci, pia lamps in the Smith Second str. et market was ac reed to. ... . • . resolutton to erect bail lamps in \MIOII9 parte of the Tu ellth n ard was referred. The ordinance authorising the Chief Engineer to dis pense with a third assistant wan agreed to The tell autlioria ng the suspension al the Franklin Fire Company stun arced to. The bill to pat s'6ll for ice was concurred in t and the appointment of Mr. Joseph Wood, as Chief of the De tective Police, was confirmed. Itiliourned. COMMON BRANCH. Mr. Hacker presented a petition trom J. M. Christo pher, hu matins the 11311/03 of Charles Clare as one of his sureties ea Counuiee,ner of Rt..liwals. Also, couliuutocation (rem toe Cit) Treasurer. Mr. Wister submitted a petition tur water-pipes on toper and Allen streets, in Franktord. Referred to the Collimate° on Water. oitbronco inaliins an appropriation to the Con t relle re of I'ool.o Schools wail called up. A motion to strike out O,M for new books was 1118- cusa..l at mall lan,th, and was finally lost by a lute of 33 to td. Mr. JUitico moved to amend to make the euoa a Otkh wh i ch 1,-.4 not Ar.reCti to. otr. orally advocated the paesage of the bill w itnout Mr. Baird moved to amend to make the sum 86,0tX), which was ai.rced to, and the bill passed, Mr. W B Thurman autunitted a taint nicatton from the Board of Trade, requesting Councils to appoint a committee to miter with a similar committee of that hod), in regard to port regulations, and asking Mon upon the suns. A resolution was adopted to that etlect. Messrs. Thomas, Baird, and Imbue sere ap pointed on the curonlittee. Tne ordinance pass d by tbotect Council, authorizing the Commissioner ot Markets to serve Market s t reet , cer tain portions ot the market sheds to Market street. we. concurred in. The ordinance exempting the Guardians of the Poor Isom weiblling the coal distributed to tae poor was pined. Mr. Cattell called up the resolution approving of the for en iron bnd,e .er the cen. K., at Chestnut street. but Councils refused to consider it. cli. 0 Neil offered the with:win< : R'sidred, ghat the Commissioners of Thrills's) a It dii eeted to forthwith open tor who use so much of Columbia Street, between Cede alsiter and Fifth strecta. in the Nineteenth nerd. as has been putt for by the Public, and that notice be given to the owners Of pro perty whose (Weigel" have not been paid, that the street will he opened alter three months for public use, an cording to an act of Assembly in such eases made and pl elided. Agreed to. Mr. Cretan ell. al the Commitiee en Poor. submitted a resolution authorising the transfer of some of tne appropriations of that department to out-door-relief. As reed to. Mr. Hoar called up the ordinance passed by Boleti Council, app,OFflill.l4 425 tOO to the Watering Depart- Meet, and it was concurred In. Mr. Pugh, of the Committee on Railroads, submitted report ir, taker Of coact/MR% In the resolution passed by &elect Council. in ro..ard to a turnout at Ninth and Llreen streets. instrileting tho Commissioner el High ws) s to remove the rune.. Agreed to. Mr. Miller. of the Committee on 1 1 4.hways, submit. led it resolution authorizing the repairs to certain Grid se, and the laying kit an additional track of rail ] ood on Market street, between Fifteenth and Eigh teenth streets. Agreed to. Mr. Items, in Place, sot nutted an ordinance extend ing the time for locating the hodses ol the steam fire mimeo, &Warned. ji iivir-- . T 8 11118 EVENDIG. CaDZIAT 07 Mr.tc. limed Rlld Simitat. Aczkibts"- - -Tha Defrases. 9 ' 02—" syn 2 r .:tariff,rear F eld `Geraldine." 45 A" 4 - WB2 tags k Ci.sets'a A2CB-ririll. T 8242134 Arch street. above Dot"—" Kill or Care." Tenets or Wonnass. northeast corner Teeth sad Chestnut stieets.-Bitnor :ttdDopocon s Gsverias Race street, below TWA.— Entertainments nightly. ,Linefsttiv, Wthaa Meese, Eleventh gnat. shout ":1 immense crowd' n i g htli • to nemst in t! Ataltet street. between Twelfth -,gtimo, of t hi s s n.e:tio Trained Dogs, Gook. and th • General It ARS!, 1023 Chostoat street.— "'n nth Istaly attest, 13tataarl, Re ` tLo gall aa•- Diipt PROW Cucacn op laza van—Than vas of people at Jarse's Hall last firs sostalto reception tendered by tlis rtly to the deputation of clergyman foie. hyenibly of the Free!), trrian Church of Ire raced in this country. The body of ao L3ll arias. and the bozos autrouncßes the stage, _tended with anditors thet, even before the yeti hetunionced, there was not to be found, even in the'elaiec. the nth blest apace of Bundles room. On the sta4e, there eras a Large body of :lawmen of donomumnons. The deputation centiatod of Rev. loha kldroar. G. D.. of Belfast. belerd; Rey. B. X. Dill, of &Wysocki'. Ireland; and Rey. Davin Wilson. of Lunerielt. Ireland. Rer. irr. Brantley. tdthe Rartist Church. ispolodiaed for the a...once 01 Re,: Dr. Kennard. whose** "mom on the pro:remote as the person ealeeted, to weed* over the rTgKeMII”.., and to &Wier udroofttory re narks. The reason sunned for the alasesess or Dr. Kennard sae stekaess us' hia funds. After low tsurtrks appropriate to the omega*, Dr. a = 4 4 introduced Rev. Dr. /tart! of the Pretbriariaa Church. . . . . who deltvered a yea.. fervent and beautiful pre) er. Rev. I.lr.W>lia, of the Reformed PresbitermaChnunh. then read the psalm coniaalreCta; an inikktirl.ldUnt vii aunt: by the rant an 'lehre : All people that on earth do dwell. t. 410 to the Lard yaw cheerful colas ; Ram servo with mirth.l.lll pirst e Earth La i Come le before luta said re,otee." A. Fernley read a portion of the Scriptaro u .Pe 1 ciani approprotte for the 0tC341011. ages -tee front the sixteenth chapter of the Prophecy of bush. flea Dr. Alurray. of :See Jetaar. so well known as Kirwan," then made, Pyreeett Intro. acme to thou dience the deputation. The _el:leanest arms is Mantled. .• he roe. to Perlor.e the office aesg:red ten huh. what was the reason of this Treat Ittnenlinltat It vat us poht cal danematratton. Lat a ,ems of the chrtat.tans of Yloladelphia to welcome the three brethren who were unseat betide tim They can,, here on especial mission. and at a petal.ar time. Gel was worithi wart thin-a an the Papal dtatiacta of Ireland. and 312 thin tune of revival they moat await the caneti tos of Philadelphia. He introduced them, ant se Fresh'', rlan nunieters • he introduced them to an Eapet.elical :alliance comae/id of all seats—the ttlbes of Israel— over whom the banner/ of Qhfiatiaa loveless %rated. Re autto.tneed them as 0121341.1411mtaintnan—sta to in finitely more noble than that of Prey.) terian—and as sneh he commended them to Vert cam.. . . • . In the work or erseselisation many things hid totes cou•batted—a feeling of superrtitutuon and of un:Mli ness: and more than this. there was to be dreaded the influence of an un.odiy press--a smart that binned in ;mound: prise fi.hts with their vulvas' a / a nt—that tt!i• rierkin opportunities to break the May of rest. Mr. Ihll then went on to show at some tenth how the Irish setae had falsified the spir.t of the uve rectralikrid.a.Mylans ed mots - the emhistries by which this revirni had been misrepresanted. In conCludint• he thanked the au dience for the sympathy manifested by them. n 34 pleaded verb eloquently for the mission voile be was represeette; He trusted and belies - ea that there was %vast end plonous future ter his beloved country of Ire land. Va hen he tneutht of it as the country of Dolls. of a Burke. ore lieldsmith. of a Shent an. of s Unman, area a Moore. he coo d not taint inesalt of his native land. It needed only that the shackles of Inaper enir,on would tam brosen—that the lidet ht Christiana, would beam upon it—to raise Ireland to the posmon Yro- Ildenve hid Inc. tided for her to °soup, Ker. John B Dales, D. 1) .or the Cuitealf Presbyterian Church then rem] the Csalin come:el:L.4ns: "He took me trout e. fearful pit," which woe suns by the suds once. • Nev. David Wtlson, of Limenett- was then Int-oduned and said it was well. now that the hour was no fey ad- Ain cad. that his excellent brother. who lave thaw the welcome. d.d not dwell upon the extent RIO advents-on of this glorious country. Taey lied been here for fire weal, When they came they expected to no. ante ttang of the country. b t they feared if they prolonsed easy to the paned of a. century, they would not be able to fathom its wonderful resources. lie oatoe_as member of a deputation from a small pertain Q.fa llols Christtan liburch. He bore no enmity to the Ro. 11111.1 Chu.rh or its people. If be entertained souk thous his he would not be here to-nthht. Toe reverend speaker teen went on to explain Ronnie, tem as it existed in I refs rid.!and closed by an eloquent ape: al in behalf of the Ctirtetuut unman there, who* wan knll) eptlaudcd. Her. Dr. Brainerd then offered the following reso lution: .11e.alreJ. That this meetise, Wilts heard with the de„egraoi i n t e r est . no . I the . ' m e m ot e t n et e a r% I: P ar:e ls e e o e f ti%! atels oommend them arid their cause tO , the th ee sad sympath of Proteatant Chruittans thrueshout e ,eoree 11. Stuart. Esc.. setacaded thlreitopttoo of this r •aolution in a brief speech. after which it was usual thicpted. '1 he commenci or "Sit hail the power rifle/ea' ttn.t.e" et.as then sun:. after which the bettechettort wet rrolinnoei..end at a snarler to eleven the rut a whence ty l'agmd FR rued rx TOE SECOND L'arettrtSALlST acs.—The eecorid Crave realist Church. at the ooh nor .f L.htit and Noble streets, vita the scene of a moat d "'...html reunion on - 1l edneaday evening. The - wee pubic nicotine held under the auspices et the Balton Literary Union." The church was crowded to its utmost eapamt•. end the greatest inte rest was m•vnlested In the ex e Sea One feature was n spoken en.ogy ot the lamented senator Brodtinek. by t nico.hor °litho l'mon. Its manly tribute to departed won n attracted heartfelt conio.endation. `• Nothinc to W-ar" ore recited in fine style, by a yours; lady. The am ass . r of the choir. principally of smos and duets, as cacellent, anyone the secaltsts were Miss Pa louse. Min Kromer. and Mr. D. B. Hopkins. whose per Lunar:tees were of a high order cf merit. Duties the o riming. Mr. Hopkins ring a new song, entitled •• I have no Mother, row." nod ;cured i the goat tsta— "Sunbeams are Ptayttar."- and "Come that Fmint of eeery ttlessins." 'rho pro ramose, thross.h out. was one that afforded meth real entertainment to the large and brilliant Audis:trio in atte - .1.1r:e. Tug attention 'of our readers is called to two reports of the manare a of the Provident rociety, to be seen in another column. flea society hair eals.ed for mese than the third part of a century, having foe its object the benevolent par posh of furnishing employment to the deserving poor. It styes no altos, but. what is far bettenpro. k to be per formed and duly paid for. Pince tie - Preantention the society has PrOb6l4 empto7ed no lean than thirty them sand women, mostly the need and those havlng latistbes of y oune children. The society• depentlinr on the benevolent onh'ic to sustain it in its operations, is ;shoat making a further a Pewit for aid through the authonred collector. and tt rat neatly hoped that Nude eutftment mat be obtained Inkeep m operation Putale chunk. where m 4. tin a•dinc the deter nor poor is lr to elevate their condition. and not to make paupers of them. It:nations to tha Prondent ti.seietl will be thankfully received by the treasurer , Wm. L. Edwards, No. a :earth Front street. Narioxm. HALL —Tn this season of lectures and l i terary entertainments we take plersure commegat in; to tha attention Cl those having such matters under ronaderation :National Hall. on Market street. ..tore Twelfth. This hall has been lately renovated, repaint ed. mutt oninruented. It possesses capacity else-ash tor holding from two to three thousand people. The ematz / dion could not be improved, while in the matter of oustica it ta worthy or to commendation. A sheet 1.1 taure lost eight of in lanklms public halls Is retained horn—namely. ample meins of exit in ease of fire. In t matter of necessibillty we could hardly ima s aete rine thun; more cons entent than to hare a passenger railroad running past the door, and connecting vitti all the lines In the city. Ns hen we have said that the terms on which this hall natty be leased are very reasonable. we very fittinyle ennelude oar no tics of an excellent and popular public huddling. 1 1 0111anY.—On Wednesday night the store of Al& nnau Warren, at the corner of Market 'treat and Fisher eat mine, in West l'ailadelphin. was entered by three open the bulk window. From two hundred to hundred dollars' worth of goods. conalsbeg of Julia. chats, a e.. Were , carried of. Yesterday noosing the police of the F.rst ward arrested ten men—an Ital ian and a Dorman—who had crossed they's Ferry Th men bad with them a portion of the atolen property. They were Inched up for a hearing. AN ( h . STIRATS DRIVE/I.—Oa Wednerjey even. into )(Fri rraltr, while driving up Fourth larva near Jetfere, n. refused to torn out for a car which wee coat ing down. The ahatut of John's vehicle pierced th e bre tat of ono of the horses attached to the C3l. Nit did not injure the normal much. An Shores, an ordinance nounst the obstruction of rassenaer radon's. Fritts was arrested and fined the usual penalty by Aldermen Clark. Marcia or Towle eal.l..—A Match of town ball, as trill be seen by an adverttiOment in 10-dar's paper. will be Sipe(' to-day at Camaa'a Woods, trkfine.a Gl4 Qt; Byte apd oats'.