the ,SoitthaTpte _Tragedy-•-Negro OutpTrcak g 3 1 . Theveientplot:rd-liarp_erhaerry:retallellttenx _ tien to previous disturhauoos,of a similar oharaoter _in this Ootuatetile :ritost nlitia:.if which was„ the Southampton tragedy of Val. - - Vas described as „, follovis by one of the editors of the Norfolk Ifpuld ; : ;ete - 0111.1811. have a,horrible and heart-rending' tale to, relate. end het es'en Its Worst feature should he distortedbg rumor and eXaggerfitiobr I have thought it proper to give you all anti the worstuiforntation thitt.has as yet resehou us throu*li the beat spumes of inteiligenee,Whieh r then , tore or the CMe will admit. - A gentleman arrived-hereyeaterday express from Suffolk, with intellispnee from the upper part of South ampton counts, suiting that a band of insurgent slaves (some of them believed to ho runaways. from the neigh-, boring ewarops•hed tinted out on Sunday oteht last. and murdered several whole families. amounting to forty or fifty individuals. • Some of the families were named, and among them was that of l'irrs.Clathartne Whitehead, meter of our worthy toirnsinan, Dr, N. C.hitehend, who. with her son and five daughters, fell a saorifice to the savage feroo ty of those demons inhuman shape. The insurrection war represented as one of a -most alarming character, though it le believed to have Origl• noted only, In a design to plunder. and net with a view to a more important obroct=asMrs. Whitehead, being a wealthy lady. was supposed to have had, a large sum of money in her 'tense. • Unfortunately, it large number of the effective male population was absent- ryt a ,oanlp meetioi iii Gated county, some milesoff, a circumstance whioh lave a temporary security to the brigands in the Perpetration of their butchenea, and the Dame they street: at the moment prevented Alio assentisingot force sufficient to check thou eitreer. /teapot as this intelliA once was received. our antiqui ties met, and decided on making an immediate applica tion ti, Coloner Home,- commanding at Fortress Monroe. who. Marx. o'elook this morning, embarked on board the atesifiliont Frampton. 'with three odmpantes and a mane of artillery,,for Suffolk., Those troops worn reinforced in the Reads, by detachments front the United States. ships Warren and Natchez, ilia whole amounting to nearly three hundred men, To-day another express arrived from Suffolk. con firming the disastrous news of the preceding one. and adding chit more to the number of the slain. The in surgents are believed to have from 100 to The mounted men. and about the name number on foot. They are armed with fowling Memos. clubs. and have hod - a rnicontre withe. SMal I number of the militia ,who killed nix. and took eight of them prikoners. They' are said to he on their wl!Y,to South Quay, prubably making their way for thDennal-Swamg. in which they will be able toremam for a short timo in security. For my part. 1" have no .fears of their doing much further mischief. There in very little disaffection in the slaves gtherall Y. and they menet muster a force sulfieient to , .3110 a Roy oblent of importance. The. few who have thus rushed headlong into the arena, will lie shot down like, crews, or captured and made examples of. The militia are col lecting in all the neighboring counties, and the utmost vigilance „prevails, I Pullout a het of the IrlOiline Of their musics vengeance: - Pare, Waterii Anil family 14 Mrs. Whitehead - • • .... 7 Mrs. Vikkvzha , Jamb , 5 Mr. Travis Mr. V7kllgnme • MT. Baines :... Mrs. Turner.. IInkoogA: • Total Sa Besides these, a private letter adds the families of .Mr. Bartow and Mt. Henry Bryant—numbers not mee t oned. Mllekilt4:9iBto4l. liValtdB;and ammunition have been forwarded to Sullelk to-day br Commodore Ws rrington. at the request of our civil authorities. and a number of our citizens hare accoutred and formed themselves as a troop of mtvalry,a nd set off to aseist their fellow-citizens in Southampton ; I trust the nestnews you will hear will be that all is quiet again. ' • - • Prompt and effiment manicures were 'taken be the State and Pedentl troops to surress the insurrection, We gather-from letters pub islied in the ftichmbnd Whig. ..of the ultimo. the allowing statements., A letter from the senior editor of that paper, who is en the spot. states thattho number of the insurrectionary ne ernes had been greatly exaegerated. but that it was bardly within the power of rumor itself to mower:de their atrocities.; whole famibes,father,mother,dauyh ter. tons sticking babe', and echool children, were butchered by them, thrown into heaps, and left to be devoured bflines and dors. or to- putrefy on the spot. At Mr. beet Walter's. hie wife and ton children were murdered—he himself was absent, but approaching while the dreadful scene was rioting, was pursued, and escaped with_difficalty- into a marl& How, or with whom 'the insurrection originated, is not certainly k Viie preenlent belief is, that On Burnley the 14th ult. at Barnes' church. near the Cross Heye, the negroes. who were observed to be disorderly. took epee a r edmthine. andthet the plan was conceived and matu ed in thasourse of the week. At Mr. Welton? one child escaped from the rnthless fangs of these moneters by concealing herself in the fire place. and another woo found alive who was badly Wolltldmi and left for deed by them. He has necomennied matt-t his letter with a jest of the killed, einnunting to wo, but it is not yet auger tatird to be correct. He thinke that the insurgente never exceeded amts. and that twelve well-arm t henn resolete men were competent .to have quelled hem at nee tram • , . Hen. Eppee. who is in eommand`of the troops, reports, under rate of the, Zeth ult.. that rill the insurgents ex ceet. Nat Tamer. the leader. hail either been taken or killed: On the Vi Gen. Broadnax reports te the Go. vetoer that all was suet and free from visible marau ders. He thinks all have been killed or taken, except four or., five. - Be states' that Nat, the ' ringleader. who cal& ht general. and pretends to be u Baptist preacher, deelnree to his commies that he to 90161T11811innod ley Jesus Christ. and proceeds underlie inspired directions—that the late sineular Terence of the sun wearies elm for him. He is riot fa - en. and the' accent of his battle killed at the affair of t o bridge is not correct. The General thinks'" that there has ex tiled net . * enerid contort among the eleves—rircuin stances impossible to have been feigned demonstrate the entire ignorance on the stildect of all. the slaves in the counties amend Southampton, among, whom he has never knewreinore peewit order and quiet to pre vail." He believes " that at 11,11 P time twenty resolute man could have put them down." , He enetplimente. to terms of strong •appmbation. the adMirahlacenduat and spirit of the militie. who haveuverywhere tprned out with the utmost,prompti rude. and Rives the most unquestionable evidence of their at ibtry, instantly and effectually. to put down every such attempt." The families who had eought safety by flight - had generally returned to their homes. THE COURTS. TtIT,SEpAtT'S PROOXEDINaII ißelliMted for yhei Press.] Quattrzir Szseione—Judge Ludlow.-4n the cans ofThoinee, Risley, convicted on Tuesday of the infamous, grime of incest, the defendant was aentonced to ono Year's - confinement in the Moyamensing prison, and to pay a Sao of .£5, the utmost penalty of the law. Charles Holmes wag charged with burglary and lar ceny. In enter-my the pronises of Davis Envenson. on the Darby road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, and taking therefroiti a carpenter's rule, a coat, a hat, and a cane, alteraetber valued at 86.76. Verdict guilty, William M. Ball. lEsq4 Appeared on behidrefthe Commonwealth in the case, and urged the - prosecution with commend able zest. Holnica is an old convict. Judge Ludlow sentenced hint to three years in the penitentiary. Jeremiah Driscoll was tried upon a charge of tumult and battery noon 'Bridget Hamterty.- Verdict not guilty. Emanuel Frazer was charged with committing an as sault upon William Fraser. Verdiot not guilty, hut the defendant to pay the costs of prosecution. . John Dahmer was charged witlfmaliefous mischief in deritror ins twelve watermelons. valued at elm. the pro perty. et Saran B..Nlaroboy. Verdict guilty. Sentenced, to an imprisonment of thirty days. George Wilson was triad upon the charge of %laminae counterfeit five. dollar note. purporting to be the moue of the Bank of Commerce. - Verdict not guilty. Charles Schreiner, alias Charles Atkins, was charred with the larceny of a silver lever wateli,.wilued at the property of Thomas Wllace. Verdict guilty. Sen tenced to six months in the 'county moon. ' Witham Thiel was charged with the ladillany of e 3•60, the prdnerty of Ann Dorsey. Vordiet not guilty. • Josiah Knorr was charced with committing en assaidt and battery pn Divinin Shultz. , Wm, 10. Bull, Esq., for the Prosecution, and G. Remelt, Fsq,, for the defence. Verdict multi. Sentence deferred. Frank Poser and Conrad Eener were charged with larceny in having stoles several articles from the Block /of Almshouse. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to undergo ay Imprisonment of nine months each in the county pri o so Jh n n. Harding wai acquitted of a 'charge of toe:suit and battery. Anna Sapper was acquitted of a similar charge ; - Albert Baker, n colored, wise found not 'guilty of It like chargealleged against him. Adionmefil. DrSTRICT COUBT--Jlltlito Sharswood.--0. Jones tre. Titlow and Feeley, before reported. This was an action ro recover on it promm note, eory given tip one of the defendants. plaintiff being given to understand that a partnership existed between the runes. The part nership was denied by the defence. Verdict forplain tiff-for 11310.19. Longstreth for plaintiff; Sellers for de fendant. Mary A. ifolt vs. Griffith Yam%A feigned issue to try the ownership of certain monortr. the poritents of a livery stable at Manaruni:. Verdict for plaintiff'. Faulk for n14111.13* and..l. T. Owen fordefend e nt Philip Bi Themes vs. David Dimean. An action to recover freight altered to tie due nn the transporta tion of a cargo of coal. Defence that the nonlinear and A d the shipper was liable: Molgurtrio for plaintiff, and imorre M. Wharton for defendant. With the fury ; John .F. Yocum vs. -lames A. - Freemen. A 'feigned issue to try the ownership of a horse and wagon levied on I ts the property of Ilsnoroft, Haynes. x. Co., but claimed Sur the plaintiff in this cense. Thompson for plaintiff, and fiche for defendant, On trial. DISTRICT COURT—Judge Here.—ln the 'once of Peter Pemusen vu. Kiln-or& 11., .f>titilkner and George Hoopes. reported in The Prw of yesterday. the Jury rendered a verdict for the plaintiff. G.L. Dougherty and J. P.' Johnston for plaintiff, and Blackburna, and Smith for defendants. • - - William H. Whitney ca. - Emanuel - Peters. An action on aprop/mom note. - Verdict for the defendant. Du bois for plaintiff, and Fade for defendant. - Charles Murphy vs. The City of Philadelphia. An no tion4by the plaintiff. who was the steward at the Block ley Imehonse) to recover mule to monove expended by him pr promotions supplied for thQ use of the amshouso. on trial. 0. P. &S.A. Common for-plaintiff, and H. T. King for defendant. CONDON PLEAS--Judge Allitiod. - --Exeoetrix of J. Ross Hoopes ve: C. Wharton. An action to recover amount of interest due, Verdict for the plaintiff for 8151.7. Diehl for plaintiff, and Bunnh for defendant. Joseph Bose vs. Joseph Fierce. An action on a pro minor, note. Verdict for plaintiff for .922.G0. Varmint for plaintiff, and Juvenal for defendant. Leighton vs. Bancroft. Before reported.. Verdiat for plaintiff for te2L2l. Fletcher for plaintiff, and Anion .Briggs for defendant. Charles T. Manly vs. Charles Meagher. • An action upon a recognisance.. Verdict for plaintiff 'for 8493.60. T. J. Clayton for plaintiff, and Brincle for defendant. William Parka vs. August Nippon. 'An action of tit ver and conversion to recover damages for alleged wrongful detention of a quantity of lumber. On trial. Utirrefi STATES DIRTRICT COURT4- , -.TUdge 'Cad. walador.—The ease of the seamen of the ship Efir John Franklin, who were bound over to answer the charge of muting. was to have been heard yesterday morning on halves °ernes. As the District Attorney was una ble to be present, Judge Ciulwalader said that he would read the testimony taken by the Commisidoner, and if be could &Otiose the men upon it he would do so. If not, he would hear the case on Monilty. Four of the o men originally committed made their escape from the debtor's apartment, the o'llers Elie still confined thorn. We are glad to understand that our young friend. Wil liam Vogdes. Jr., No, 131 Shutt, Sixth street, has volun teered to appear as the counsel or those unfortunate sailors. The sudden and melancholy end of their bane facto O. eolith, has left them with out any legal counsel. Mr. Voiales, young, talented and energetic, knows full well how to espous e RIIICCOB9- fnlly the tease of the oppressed against the wrong', of the oppressor, and we reel assured, that his well-direct ed energies, prOmpted as they are by a good heart. most terminate in thin instance auccessfully. Mr. Vogdos has our belt wishes for the future. UNtTED STATER CIRCUIT Colityr--Judge Grier. The closing aignment in the Baffin MO: for an alleged linfringement of patent, was heard yesterday,_ Mr. KM er. of yew York. for the Plaintiff. following Mr. Blum pard, who spoke for the defendants. Mr. Keller's argu ment was a noble and masterly effort, and was listened VD with the deepen attention by a , crowded anthem:o. Thin gentleman came to us with a reputation. which lie hag well sustained throughout the progress of thisim portant cause. - THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR 1851, IFSIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. • Best Fignane for Warming Buildings. To ARNOLD WiLsON; BAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. BESP . P FI ORT RRT ABLE FURNACE. To ARNOLD WiLsoN. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. FIRST FREUD:ISL - • BEST COOKING RANGE. To Al Not Sr, Wmanv. icantsows DOUBLE-ovvv-cooluma RANOJI. PARLOR RghtiVse. BEST COAL ORATES. DOWN SoL BASKET os LOW and GRAZES, , FIRST PREMIUM. • 6' BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. TO ARNOLD So WILSON. For a very bandscanediaplay of 'Enamelled Slate Man mg, very hlghbr finished, and ofauperlor Roitalanship, - - FIRST PREMIUM. ARNOLD lie WILSON. IWO CHESTNUT street. B. M. Pst.rwat.r., SuPt MORE - PROOF'OF THE WONDERFUL EFFECTS MONE4'B AMERICAN HAIR REPARATOR.- PITMADNI.PIirA, September 27th. 1859. This is to certify that I wait loud for many yenta, and aas reecimmended to try your Raparator ; and haring procured three bottles, WWI it for throe months, Arita' nee patiaodinynnw g!onr, and although not . qtnte as thioir belere..rot it is oonstantly towm hr. JON ES, _ • No. 39 - Noith Third street. - Pnc..trintmtm. September 27th, ISO% Mr..l. P. filoner,hi Lear Sir—Some time since rilY hair eornmenceil falling out. so Much am that I Was, in fact, fearful of beanming bald ,i, but hearing of the won derful power of tool . Reperator, 1 Was induced to buy a bottle and after using ona.halr of it my hair not only penned coining out, but coinmeneed growing finely, end t have now ea Click 4 suit of hair ati eyer - f had, , = - JACOB EVAS, . - N o' 624 Cherry stree ' Fcir sale by T . tr. PETERS k Co., Sole Agents, ..o. 11; CHESTNUT Street, _Philadelphia. man-en TO WESTERN - AND SOUTHERN HER. ealiiNTS.-4Canilaltive, n 1121222, padked, ind for 0212 AT hn manufno.piretp r it Nesr Y g1i 131 .. ? 21 ' N. 22 , N. Wharvill. rZLEGLEIC ,SHIT' ~ corner. SECOND -drat and 'CIREEIis bays ar;quired great reettintion. by the. trite and ,ptudent. dountd they pave pnrsned addle their commencement in Inamem, by 4,first- - rnto patois at low - • slB-tf PRILADELPIIIA BOARD OF TtADE; TAB. ROBB SNOWDEN, HENRY BUDD. COMMITTEE OE TEN MONTE J.-.II,LAIWASTER4 LETTER 'BAGS kT TBB ISIBBCIWIITI' gicIi4soB,PHILADELP)II6. Ship Beranek. Rowland... ..... Liverpool, scion Bark White Wing, Ea1ing...........• • ..LeguaYra. soon Bark Island Roine,Jeftrey— ..... . London. soon Bark Reindeer. Kerlin.... . 'Rio de Janeiro, Oot 21 Brig Thomas Walter,Hiciith St Berta, goon Brig Zee Nymph, Schap per,• —. Cap° Town, COIL soon Behr W L Syringe, Buokaloo Havana, noon- DIAItiNE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 90, 1559 SUN RISES. -.0 35 f BUN 3ETS-..-.5 25 ...... 41 ARRIVED. Behr Mary Miller, LOMB, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to Q_Miller & Co. Bohr Thos Potter, Glover, 3 days from Now York, in ballast to contain. Rehr Wm Kennedy. Christy, 4 darn from Georgetown, DC. In ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Behr W G Bartlett. Connelly. from Bo s ton, (. Bohr R Corson, Ludlum, from Boston. Behr Wove, Barrett. from Boston. Behr L Sturtevant, Dole, from Boston. Bohr J P Cake, Endicott. from Hoe .on. Bohr B V W Siminons,'Oodrey, from Boston. Behr J H 'Moore, Ingersoll,. from Boston. Behr Jos H Risley. Boyce, from Boston.' Bohr Restless, Smith. from Boston. Behr Revenue, Gandy.. from Providence. Bohr Sophia Ann. Smith, from Providence. Bohr Albert Photo. Cavalier, from Providence. Behr Nellie D. Studers, front Stamford. Bohr Paran, Clark, from Now York. Behr limos. Roby. from New York. Bohr R J Mercer, Robinson, from Fall River. • CLEARED. Steamship City of N York, Howes,Boston, H Winsor. Bark Azelia. Power, Pernambuco, Lewis & Damon. Bark Amy, Hammond, Boston, Twells & Co. . Brie Sarah Elizabeth, Haynes, Bath, Me, Bares & Godshall. Bohr S V Simmons, Godfrey, Galveston, Bishop, Si mono & Co. Bohr J H Moore, Ingersoll, Charleston, Noble, Ham mett & Behr Win Kennedy. Christy. Washington, do Behr Nellie 1), Studer., Richmond, do Behr R L Tav,Shebpard, Boston, , Bohr Union. Libby, Boston, . do Bohr Mary Miller, Laws. Boston, C Miller & Co. Bohr R Corson. Ludlam. Boston, C A Heeksher & Co. Fehr Parana. Clark, Boston, W H Johns Bohr Wave, Barrett, Boston, Tyler. Stone es Co. Behr Sophia Ann,Snuth, Boston, Blakistou & Cos. Rohr 1, Sturtevant, Dole. do do Sdhr J P Cake, Endicott,l3oston, Van Tiusen, Norton & Co. Behr W G Bartlett, Connelly, Boston, Sinnickson Glover. Behr Revenue. Gandy, Providence, Tiverton Coal Co. Bohr J H Rioter. liloyee, do do Rehr A Bharo, Cavalier. Providence, It Mines & Coal Salty Restleas. Smith, Weymouth, 1.1 Rothermel & Co. Rehr R S Dean, Cook. Taunton. do Bohr R J Mercer Robinson , Corson & Co. Bohr T Potter. Glover. Norwich, N Sturtevant & Co. 13tr HL Gaw, tier, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of theThdadelphis Exchange.) EWES. Del. c lg. The schr Good Tidings, of and from Philadelphia:with coal, for Petersburg, Va, came down on Saturday and anchored at the harbor, but twins to the strong NW wind. dragged against the Breakwater and sunk; 'hull and cargo will prove a total loss; some of the materials will be saved and sent to Philadelphia. She was 115 tons burthen. and four years old. Pilot boat E Turley spoke on the 15th 111111.05 miles E SE of Cape Henlopen, bark Texana. from New York for Mobile, and ship Louisa. for Charleston. Ten ochre. which name in last evening, are at the harbor. Wind southwest, with rain. Yours, • WM. AL HICKMAN. BT THLEOAAPII. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE 'SCAN D. Pi .1, Oct 19—OPM. The ship Carioc), for Rio de Janeiro. and two berm brigs are now going to Sea. No vessels iu sight inward hound. Wind NW—weather cool. Yours, THOS. B. HUGHES. MEMORANDA. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, hence, arrived at Richmond 17th inst. ship South Shorn, (of Boston) Lothrop, from Calcutta for this port, before reported at Cape of Good Hope. sprung a leak (luring a heavy gale July 16, lat. 958, long 25 40 E. end lost i Mom, fore topmast, store bulwarks; and started wood ends from the stem. The ship leaked 16 inches of water par hour in smooth water. The cargo was much damaged. The injured part had been dis charged and sold. After trittking temporary repairs, putting in new pumps, and shipping all entire crow, the 84 also( Aug 30. Ard . ridrm e grv,w, h veri o gl, s ed from Gibraltar 19th an. fo r a New from reported -clear or Charleston. Brig non B Wattson, Monday, from Now York for St Thomas. 3 days out, was spoken 10th inst, hat 37, long 70 30. Brig Unicirt Blab),cleared at Wilmington, N C, 17th inst. for Rio de Janeiro. : Sohr B B Wales, RoMmixt, hence, arrived at Wil mington. NC. 16th inst. Behr J C Baxter, Babcock, hence, arrived at Charles ton 17th inst. . Solite Joe Crandall Merathlin, and H Mayo, Wardhence, hence, arrived at Charleston 16th Inst. Bohr Martha Moore, Bennett. hence, arrived at Sa yannah lath Inst. . Solna Amelia C Reoves, Lake, White Squall, Sharp, Jaa sStroup, Corson. L Audenried. Bartlett. and E W Perry, Sampson. hence. arrived at Boston 18th inst. for S d 15ehr 13 inst. Shaddick, Williams , hence, arrived at Hart- Sara Inane Rich, Smith. and Watchman, Benjamin, from Boston for Philadelphia' Governor, Hooper. from Eastport for do, and Maria Hoxann, Cox, from Calais for do, at Newport 17th inst. Behr Casper Heft, Shoe, hence, arrived at Providence 17th inst. Sok Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, henoe, arrived at Taunton 7th inst. .. • . . Steamer Union, Taylor, hence, arrived at N Orleans lath inst. COMMISSION HOUSES. EDDY'S CASSIMERES. SILK MIXTURES, CHOICE STYLES, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY ROBERT E. EVANS, 216 CHESTNUT STREET. 018 tutioat FROTHINGHAM 8o WELLS, 34 SOUTH MOW ' AND 35 LETITIA STREET, Are AGENTS for the dale, or Goode Manufactured by the following Companies, viz Atgasacnueragra, LACONIA GHAT FALLS, • LIMA N, ()ABM DWIGHT, P/SARINII, IPSWICH, BAHTLET. 11TOHII, Blollollod, end Colored Meetings, Shirtinga, Jamul, and Drllia. ROBESON'S BLUE PRINTS, nAmPo&N COMPANY'S. TWEEDS AND COTTONADES in great. verinlY , WASHINGTON MILLS (Formerly Bey Mato) Shawls, Piano and Tab e Covers, Printed Feltinss. Flanntos, alt-Wool min Cotton Warn Cloths ' heavy_blk and blue Beavers, Cassieleres, and Tricots. Also, Her sera, Satinets. and Tweeds. HENRY D. NELL, 'CLOTH STORE, NOS. 4 AND 0 NORTII SECOND STREET FRENCH FANCY CASSIM ERES, 'And Mixtures suitable for suite. VELVETS, CASHMERES, An., An., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Cm• SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON N 0.112 CHESTNUT ST.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF _ PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. T • R. GARBED & CO.. . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SPERM, LARD, AND WHALE OILS, FLOUR, DRUGS, fro Ad - The attention of Manufecturere ie ispecianY celled to our SPERM OILS. • aulf-Sin No. DR N. FRONT STREET, PHILA. CLARK'S SPOOL COTTON. Just reoeived, A PULL ASSORTMENT IN WHITE, BLACK, AND COLORS, For satoby CJIARLES FIELD, NO. 20 NORM SIXTH STREET, AGENT FOR PHILADELPHIA. e9-7m. SMITH. MURPHY, & 237 MARKET BT., AND 226 CHURCH ALLEY, Are nom opening their PALL AND WINTER STOOL or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. To whioh they mite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-TIME BUYERS, Augvuxt, 1889. aue-am CHINA. AND QUEENSWARE. BOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Dave now on hand a complete otook of- Q,UEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At , their Orm STAND, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH BT., four doers below Alerebante Hotel, to whit% they tallith the attention of WHOLESALE =YEAS, Mir AGUNTA 'MR PISTIBURQ Wage. ace-am LADIPS, CHANDELIERS, &c. 'CORNELIUS & BAKER, MANUFACTURERS OP LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, GAS FIXTURES, /cc. STORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. • MANUFACTORIES, 821 CHERRY".BT., AND FIFTH. AND COLUMBIA eB-the to-2m] AVENUE. HOPE COAL OIL WORKS.' FIRST PREMIUM, AWARDED AT PENNSYLVANIA STATE PAIR, FACTORY WOOD STREET, WHARF SCHUNL KILL, OFFICE J 27 WALNUT STREET. 0070 9m R. S. DURBARD k SON. ItEFINED SUGAR.-500 barrels various grades. 160 bble nrushed, Milted and ko r i dc a for salrby ,440 JAMEB gita_llAliJ LEMITIA Street, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY; OCTOBER 20; 1859: INSURANCE COIVIPA'OES,, DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY:THE LEGISLATOR 4 PENNSYLVANIA ISM. OFFICE B. E. CORNERtsh THlRTl elpgia AND WALNUT Sree, Pilad. MARINE INSURANCE 094 VESSELS, CARGO, I FRE To all parte of the World, IGHT, INL ND INSURANCE On, Goode, by River, Canals, Lakes_, end Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES on Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Housea, &e. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1868. • far. Market Value. 81030350, Philadelphia City 64?' cent, L0an...510.5,144 00 $llO,OOO, Pennsylvania State Loans 104,420 00 $90,000, U, S. Tronanry 49i V cent, Notes.:.. 90,112 VJ $OO,OOO, Pennsylvania Railroad 24 Mortgage 0 41 1 cent. Bonds 46,670 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort ga4o 815000,100 shares dock Germantown Gan Company, interest and prowl pal g. mantled by the pity of Phila delphia 14,920 00 $l,OOO, 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company ....... 58,000, 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company 52,600, Sundry shares Philadelphia lea Boat Company, Havre do Crane Steam Tow Boat Company Sa vannah Steam NavigationQum bans, and Philadelphia Exchange 8340,700 8319,199 00 Bonds and Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of 71 983 35 - fico Budding Bilte receivable for Insurances made whecos 38 B a i n/ ice due, at Agencies—Premiums on Ma rino Policias recently issued—and other debts due the Company 81,'2133 I Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa nies. • Carat on Deposit in Bank- DI ItECTORS. William Martin, James C. Hand, Joseph H. Seal. Theophilus Paulding, Edmund A. sander. Jame., John a Davis, Wlllinin Lyre, Jr., John R. Penrose, J. F. Peniston, George C. I.llw, Joshua P. Ey r., Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. HUM% Henry Sloan 'William C. Ludwig, James B. at'Farland. Hugh Cralq . , Thomas C. Hand, Spencer AP ilvaine, Robert Burton, Charles IS elly„ . John B. Semple, Pitteb'g H. Junes Brooke, D. T. Morgan. Jacob P. Jones, .b WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOS. C. HAND, Vioo President. HENRY LYLBURN, Seerotarv. 1111126-11 U THE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA , 409 WALNUT STREET . This Company insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks ofOoods, and Merchandise generally. The fol lowing provision in the Policies of this Com any guarantieo their security when assigned as col lateral: " This policy obeli not bo invalidated, or in any wise affected, after its assignment no a collateral security to a . ground-rent. or mortgage, and the approval °leech as sig,nment by the &hen, by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged premi Dl ses, by the R owner of the same," RECTOS. Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Hulme, Robert Clarke, Isaac S. Waterman. David Salomon, Edward 0. James, William Vanderveer. Joseph Janney, Theodore Cny ler, Joseph H. Collins Samuel Costner. , FAUL T. JONE.S,Tresid WM. VANDERVEER, Vice President. OILREET N. Brgnir Nu. Secretor.' inv7-tf T.l OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU -1- 1 - RANCE COMPANY, No. 419 WALNUT Street Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Thne. L. Ludere, Wm. F. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, AL W. Baldwin, Win. K. Hainlin, John 0. Jaines, IL H. Shillingford, A.S. Buckner, C. h. Spangler, John W. Sexton, H. H. Houston, William Rioguel, 'Wm. H. Love, Edwin Booth, charier F. Norton, John Garrison, 11M1113 Myer E. S. Warne. Edward A:Warne, John E. Addieks, It. T. Komi. President—THOMAS L. LUDERS, Vice Proeidont—E. S. WARNE. Secretary—CHAßLES A. BUY. • dale A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., 1 -3 k. INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPET UAL. No. NO WALNUT Street . , above Third, Philadelphia Having a large pid-up (medal Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Seouritisa, continue to in sure on Dwellings. Stores. Furniture, Merchandise , Vessels In Fort and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. • GoorgA Abbott, • John T. ',owls, John Walsh,. Pima It. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, 4 Edmund G. Dula, Patrick Brad), Israel Chas ; W. You Snob Mums. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. TRONA R. MARIS. Secretary. 1a23-1y if AME INSURANCE COMPANY, No -■-• al CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL 1668, _BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS, DIRRCTORR &MUHL WHIG Wright, B WILLIAM W. WALTERS, William Ryan k CHARLES RICHARDSON.. J. C. Howe & Co. OZOROE A. We5t....... West, Fats, & Lloyd. PARCLAY LIPPINCOTT... Lippincott, Hunter, lc 800tI JACO)) W. STOUT ...- • Chalices Stout. & uo. &SHY Lewis, Lewis. Bros., & Co. DAVID D. BIRNET. • • . NAVIA .t bulgy. A. H. osenheim, Brooks. & Co. JOHN B. John B. Ellison & Sons. JOHN W. HVERRAN....... John W. Everman & Co. THOMAS 8. Mawria.. .. Savage & Martin. GEORGE W. DAY, President. Jr/RAMAN J. SLOCUM., Vies Pres't. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. See'y. ant-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. EXCHANGE BUILD INGS. Chartered in 1791—Capital e2oo,ooo—Assets, January 1, 1868, e,317,446 50 , 10(1. All invented in sound and available securities—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, ece., on litteraterms. BIRECI. ORS Henry D. Sharron!, George 71. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Maealester, Tobias Wagner, • William S. Smith, Thome 11. Watteau, /On B. Budd Henry 0. Freeman, William IL White; Charles S. LoWia. George C. Carson. 111:19111 - 1). SHERRERD, Prenident. WILLIAM HARPER. Seeretarr. in 9-svfm tf LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.-- PENN MUTUAL id +E INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner ol THIRD end DOCK Streets. Assets. &!'02,221 26. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of 'life—grants eanuities and endowments—purohnses life Interests in Real scat, an of Life.d makes all contracts depending on the contiencies They net as Executors, Administrators, Assignees Trusteee, and Guardians. TRUSTEES. riot L. Miller , Samuel S. Stokes, • War= Coates, William Martin, Nigli l ilqi " P. N ge w e i lVe ll ; I Jones 11.1! B iL l eti r r i i ', nd. Wilmail Kern, James Euston, Samuel hasp, Theophi Ins Paulding s C. Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Sumter, Henri C. Townsend, Erni e' L. 'Hutchinson. Rodolphus Kent, o in W. Boer, William 11. Carr, 'I is S. Archer, P. V. Duflow, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner B. Ruin, John G. Brenner, P. S. Miehter, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLET, President. SAML. E. STOKES, Vice Pres't. Jons W. Ronson. Secretary. nion-liir PE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 40S WALNUT Street. - - --- • - CHARTER PERPETUAL CAP1TAL.......... . ' '' "'' 8200.000 IiUR PLUS FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND lAMIRANCE. Fire Insurance, limited and perpetual, on ugo Merchandise of all descriptions. Marine Insurance, inland and Ocean, on Vessels, Freight and Cargo to and from all parts of the World, GEORGE H. HART, Promidont. E I'. ROBB, Vice Prosidont. H. R. COG4BIIAI,I, Be:2rotary. B. H. BUTLER, Mo l t Secretary. piRECTOR It. W. Bailey, Andrew It. Climber!, Cherlee 0, Im lay, • H. It. Coen.hell. 1.. Hon. 11. Id. George.H. Hart, E. I'. Ross, A. C. COW, Foster H. Perkins. Earnest ..101:10P. D LOOKING-GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSES/ Now in store the moot extensive and elegant suer ment of LOOKING GLASSES, Foreiery woe end every position, and at the mos moderate ;atom LOOKING GLASSES U n the moot elaborate and the moot simple fremai. LOOKING ULABBEB Premed in the beet taste, and in the moat autistantia Miner. LOOKING GLASSES Furzusbed by us, are manufactured by ou rselres In our own establishment. LOOKING GLASSES In MAHOGANY and WALNUT frames for Country JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 1.16 CHESTNUT STREET, arl-Lf PHILADELPHIA MEDICINAL. DR. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have been thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, flatulency, heart-burn and headache, costiveness. diarrlima, fevers of all kinds, rheumatism, gout, gravel, Worms, scurvy, ulcers, eruptive com plaints, salt rheum, erysipelas, common colds and in fluenza, irregularity and all derangement of the female system,pilee, and various other diseases to which the human frame is liable. For sate hy the proprietor. Dr. W. 11, aIOPFAT, Mn 11110ADWAI , New York. and by Druggists generally all over the country. $2l-d&WIY DGLENTWORTIPS PILE REMEDY, Jur For the cure of Remertheida or Piles, Comb pa- Dori, Fistula in Ano, Olcorati one of the Antic Prolamine of the Rectum. Eire/urea, Excoriation, Ulceration. In ternsl and External to the Anua, Pruritus, and all Dm eftileS peculiar to the Rectum. The great and uniform auccesirwhieh this Remedy bag attained for the cure el the above Dim:macs is unprece dented in'the annals of Medicine. The rapidity of Ito curative qualitlea and the durability of de cures are equalled by no other Remedy of the age. Ninety-nine canoe nut of an hundred are alleviated and cured of thin digressing complaint and are reatared to comfort here tofore unknown. Full and explicit Directionn accom pany each Box. One Dos is NU fitment te perform a cure. Prepared only by DR. GIiENTWORTII. N 0.817 RACIi Hlre ot. Prioe 81. Can be sent by Adam' Exprose. 66-lm ANOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER FUL OF TROXELL'S NEURALGIA SALVE, - Force., July 7th. PM Mr. B. W. Taoratu—Dear Sir .1-1 have been troubled with the "NEURALOIA" for the tact 14 years, and have suffered Om most immolating pain, compelling me at times to give up niy business entirely, I could noi eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eyes. I auffere more than tongues can tell. I had the advice and aid o parfounphyeimans, and used other remedies, but all of no avail ! Having noticed your advertisement in the papers, I concluded to call on a person whom I had learned was cured of 8 case of 20 years standing. He wh i rl the "SALVE" but once, and I felt immediate Mu, --a second applioation removed the pain entirely, and now feel like a different man. Since then I have slept well—something that I Ie not done for months, being obliged to tut up all night in a chair. My appetite has returned , and I feel grate ul to you for the restora tion of my health. CHARLES H. RAKER., Tobacconist, CARROT. Street, above WOOD, Kensington. For sale wholesale and retail, at S. W.corner SIXTH and PARRISH Streets, and at T. R. CALLENDER Co.'s. lc W, corner Third and Walnut eds. arlo-tf FAMILY CHOCOLATE OE SUPERIOR qUALITY. EDWARD A. - HEINTZ, Manufacturer and Importer of Prench and Spaniel' CHOCOLATE. Store S. W. corner ARCH and NINTH Stream. eg-em I Anatory 014 Pllbort Etreet./ 1110 GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS.--500 1 Cases Saponifier or Concentrated Id o. in one Pound air-tight iron boxes.( the only welt•eetabllehed and re liable article.) Manufactured by the l'ennsf !vaunt Salt Manufacturing Company, and tor sale to tho trade as follows: 6 Cases. 13e. per pound; 10 to 2.5 Cason, .5 , 12.80. J. R. RA ir ES. Soap Manufacturer, N 0.9 North F HON e Street. SILVER SOAP—A simple preparation for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewelry, Mirror's. Mar ble, &c.. far more convenient and effective titan any other. Ono half the labor of House cleaning may Ira saved by using this Soap, which cannot possibly injure the fi nest Zino white, and an no scrubbing is required, the saving in the wear of the paint in much greater than the cost of the Soap. It leaven the surface as pure and white as when new. alenufactured only by the Boston indexical Soap Comanv, and sold by their appointed Agents. HASSARD & CO.. Apotheeariee, TWELFTH and CHESTNur. /121- IMMEZII JAMS STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY GEORGIE 'WHITELEY, Importer of Brandy, Wino, ho., HS SOUTH FRONT st ree t, o rr ers ib r pale, In bond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY, 627-3 m IVY, CALL ATTENTION OF TIIE v TRADE to this roall) Supaym Itrtiole ALFRED RENAUD LOUNAC. A enmity in assorted packages constantly on hand, ((ribald 1151:01VOli for direct importation. Also—llennessv Cognac Le ftm Cognac', London and Holland tints, Claret in Wood and Ca en, Champagnes, high and low proms. LONGCRAISIP. importer. 015-Gin 217 South FRONT. Philadelphia. -GEORGE WHITELEY, No. 135 youth FRONT Street, Importer of Brandy, Willoll. e cc, at the contend 101IK and RICHMOND titroot.. TIIORNTOK 131111 111 1 1 TII. r • PHILIP AllX411:1 0 .1,..1R. Oct.Pl Indxlvhm. 17.1F09. 13 -60 IVOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN, that the firm of WA RNICK. CHADWICK. & RHO. is OD dap dissolved. The Heater, Range, and Stave business will be confinued under the mono of CHAD WICK & BRO., at the Northeast corner ofSECONand RACE Streets. JOHN K CHADWICK. FRANCIS A. CHADWICK. Philadelphia. July 11.1869. irll-tf BUSINESS CARDS. J. BROWN RONEY, (Late 01 iioVo)4l(llliellanun.l (I,titerlpir i ou ' r;,.;!r u ß r;;;„. t iovEy dt, lIENRY, Arl'OlitUfriti AT I,A I Ar. INDEPENDENCE, JACltharl COUNTY'. - - NISSOIIII COLLECTIONS ninth, of Ercaorn Claims in an) par of Western and Northwestern 1l Moon, BFFEII TO Maims. It. Wood, Mnroh, A. flat ward, Caleb Cope 3c Co., Philadelphia. titter. Paco. h Co., tEr Merchants will plenee rut out the above and panto at the head " 111110 lineeivrilile.' , oo 11-fin MARTEN & QUAYLE'S STATIONERY. TOY AND FANCY 00003 nr o U 1035 WALNUT tinthliT, BILLOW ELVIENTN, Pplit/WLITIA. Constantly on hnnd Perfumery ant 'fonut Artmleu, PURE CON MOTION ER Y, MANUFACTURRD BY EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Lnte of S. Hannon. litikre H. W. corner ARCH nod NINTH streeta. 3m i ' , notary 814 Filbert stmAt.l AMUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase b and Sale of Real Eslute, nod the Collection of Ileide. oa-Irn" No. 210 WALNUT Street. V B. PALMER'S ADVERTLSIN( • AUENCY, N. N, calor FIFTII and WIEST NUT. nr-a.Subseription• taken for the beet City and Country Newspaper.. at lowest ens!, priors. ee3-3;11 ALEX. McKINNEY, Arr 01INEY AT LAW, GREENSBURG, rA, Will prantlee,in Westmoreland, Armstrong , and In. atone, counties. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 320 CHEBTNU'I' Street, forwards Parcels, Peek axes, Merchandise, flank Notes, end Sperm, either by its own, lanes, or in conceotion with other Express Coin xintes, to all the Prineiple towns and citiesof the United States, E. S. SANDFORD, nut-tf General Superintendent. LADIES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI- Jut BETTS, end CURLS, manufactured in the very best and newest Pane styles, and of which we constantly keep very large assortment cn band.sold wholssale and rebut t h e l owe d possible prices. Ordere from all parte of the country wanted, and promptly attended to, Alen, a new HAIRUI 'F, tmperior to any in use. M. liwrois, No. 12 TENTH Bt., ,between Market and Chestnut. 113Z=IMI LEGAL. EIA,cATioNAi RiD,AXIE ArAILLANT'S School for LT- 11 - a Young Ladies, 1118 CHESTNUT Street, opened SePte ol2-15t* nthsr 14th. Scholars continue to ho received. MESDAMES CIIEGARAY AND D'HER VII,LY'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, N 0.1809 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE S TREET, Madame C ft Ea ABA Y respectfully informs her Mende and the public in general, that independently of her Boarding and Lint School, directed loy herself and her niece, Mute. PRIIIVOIiT, in N SW VORIC. she in tends, in oonneotion with her niece Mum D'HER MIN, opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution on precisely the genie plan as the one above mentioned. . . 05-3 m R EV. JAMES I. HELM'S School for the higher education of a limited number of Young Lathe., 1313 CliEtiTN UT Street. Circulate, with Wino, reference, &c., may be lintl on application. AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. FRIIIOIOI4 Schools, and Culloges, supplied with competent Teachers, tar Department ; sod Toach• ore with positions. Pnrento gratuitously supplied with urbnnl circularo. Rofor to Faculty Amherst College, Moan.: Dr. Lowell Meson; Mason Brothorn; Hon. Thom Fret:nolo), non; LL.D.; lion. John C. Rivoo. it al. SMITH. WOODMAN, & CO., 301 BROADWAY, Now York, rind se23-6m 609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. EDUCATIONAL.—AIiss ELLA WATSON 21.5 North TWELFTH Street, Ntqll recommence giving Instruetione On the PIANO, at liar owe resittenoo or those of her Pupils, after 6eptember let, 18.59. uti2s-ths&iii sino• wirE HALL ACADEMY, THREE MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG,. PA.—The 18th Senn-Annual Session will commence on MONDAY, the 7th of riovemper next. The attention of Parents and Ouardians is invited. The location is pleasant, the course of instruotion extensive, and the terms mode rate. Hood city references given. Tho Principal can be seen every afternoon nt the UNION MOTEL, from the loth till the 11th of October, inclusive. For Circu lars address D. DItNLINGER, se7L-]m` Harrisburg. Pa. EUSTON'S WRITING ACADEMY, 8. E. corner EIGHTH and HANSOM Streets, Open daily I rem 9 A. M. to 9 I', M. To Gentlemen a rapid and elegant business hand is imparted. Ti) Ladies a neat and graceful epistolary style. Clams, Private. Cards written, and every de scription of Penmanship neatly executed. al3-din ITE,MAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the -11-1 VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen mar be applied to at the renolenee of he father, Profeaeor Allen, No. :18 South 8 EV EN'PE ENTII Street. stl-2in• .pRICE-STREET' ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. The Fail Term of this Institution commences Beldam her 6th, 1859. The course of instruction comprises all the branches of a thorough English Edueation. together with the Latin. Greek, and French Languages. auV-tf ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORD A PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. The coarse of instnietion in this Salop' is comprehen sive and thorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to plans their daughters or wards at this Institution w dl do well to make immediate applwatlon to 3,110. E L. THOMPSON, 53-tr Principal and Superintendent. BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COW:OES. located nt PI ila del9hin, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chloago. For in formation. onll or /lend for Catalogue. fe9-ff DANCING. CARD.—Prof. SARACCO begs to inform me elite of Philadelphia that by an arrangement with Prof. Sierra, principal artist of the Royal Theatre of Names, they hays opened a prime Conservator ) of panning, at No. 35 South ELEVENTH Street, for private lessons and classes to Ladies and Gentlemen, and n special chug for Mums and Masters. ever) Mon day and Friday. at 0 o'clock P. St. They will also open, on the 26th inst., another ConservatorY at 0. E. coiner Etuu'rx and WALNUT Streets, where, on 'Canada). Thursday and Saturday afl ernoons, clone for children, and on the Wile evening a gentlemen's PractiemS Claus, front fi to Wo'clock. Besides all the Intent modern dances and new figures, of Herman Cotillion, the Tiller mitana and Quadrilles, 1101 V ill fashion at the Coo rt of Turin, Will 1,8 introduced. 019-6 t• WASHINGTON HALL, 810 4511t1N0 GARDEN Street.—C. L. CARPENTER. the Society 'leacher of Fashionable Dancing.. now ready to take Pupils at any time. either Private or in Classes. For reference, call and ()Norse the respectability al ready begun. D.L. CARPENTER can be seen daily and nightly for terms, Re. This is his tweet)-ninth year air a Teacher in this city. 0.3-115* PIANOS. MARSH'S * MUSIC STORE, No. 11D2 CUES TNUT Stroot, 711p 1 :411;:mr i rn ' tke of PIANOS, MELODEoNS t and MUSICAL INsTRu mENTS, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Can be obtained at the lowest Miinlifacturers' Prices' Constantly publishing the latest Choice Compositions and Popular Ahone of the day. Alan, receiving Now Music daily from all the catalogues in the United Stales. Denlers i 'Poachers, Miminarios, and Cleat men will be eu plied at l,y t,lll be w promptlyuloil rotes.ird Catalogues of Alum or Price Let will be forwarded free of charge when ordered. .1, MAIIBI - 1. Agent. EDITORIAL FROM THE PUB ITYITIMC I DOER.—" .Mr. Santos itellnk Ins nn exhibition eel oral of J. & C. Fisher's pianos. One of them is a seven octavo rciitownott piano. lull iron frame. handsome, let pinto finish. '1 he tone to most excellent and powerful, and the price nnly Sat. Ile has also one iminewliat similar in appearance, which has all the la tent IlnproVenionla, besides a new patent damper.v.hich prevents the piano front getting out of order. It is fin ished in a splendid manner." These lamina. and a splendid asimrtmetit of various makers, are for 1111113 trop 6175, or upward, for each, or on inStaliilmita. nt .f& NI Ed BEL I.A WS, ' Mend 231 South Ft toTti St., above sararn. Now and second-hand Pianos for sale. t3-ter" CHECKERING & SONS, MANUFACTURURR OF • ORAN% SQUARE. AND UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. ;WA REROONIS 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Con:stant yin store a large stock of our BEAUTIFUL and UN E UA I,ED INSTRUMENTS. We have been nwerijed, at the diderent Exhibitions in tins country and Europe, Ss GOLD ANDEOLVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO REVT. Ja.2B-ly KMRAVEN, BACON, & Co.'s Ramos h Clark's. & Co.',, tun, /. . N . Gale h Co.'s so PIAISON. Also, Ma son Sinnitin's unrivalled AIELODEONS and HAR MONRIMS, so desirable for Ohureiles and Leoture Rooms. ilihr Pianos and Melodeons to Rent. J. E. GOMA), Inst:4-11' EINVRNTH and 011ESTI4IT.C. ------- A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS. HCHOMACKER & CO.. lon CHESTNUT turned. respectfully invite the music toying public to call and examine their new and SOO cessfill improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, nod Action of the Grand Piano into that or a rhittere Inetrninent, avoidlek allthe ob jections generally made tone Melt of Grand Piano. also diminishing the cost nt the same. In volume, purity of tone, groat power. brilliancy. full neon. Herb, e mid evences ()Road', with exquisite deb- IVITIATITIFIII.I.Y.FINISIIF.D IN STRUMENTS are wholly unequalled. They here received the highest enema:urns, and are pfunotinced by aritiaa" to he Tar su perior to any instruments ever manufactured lit this ()omit Y• Constantly on hand. a large rind elegant assortment of me Intro:Mod PIANOS. We have been awarded the Fi rat preaduina, et all exhibitiono ever exhibited, al ehtilitax the Price Medal front the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New Y0rk.1863. set-tf STOVES. THE I, FIERY STAR," GAS-CON SIIMING AND RADIATING AIR-TIGLIT S'COVE. for Parlors. Offices. Stores. Re. The ihost econetweal, elleorful tied healthy Morn in the hlsrbut. Alt who wish a limiting' 01000 thud will love entire OhthifeCtlAn hill InVihlti io cull Fund Bee one of the FIERY STARS in Operatton at our Wararocand. Ever) analy of Stovall bath Plain and OAS BURNING. for Parlors, Hitcllons, Climoborg, lialla, he., may be fulfil in our aaeartinent. our celebrated ROYAL, BEA.RHELL,, and Cooking Stoves are DOUBLE-OVEN WARRANTED. and. for excellence iu °boredom, they CHALLENGE all comPelltion. NORTH, CHASE, ANL/ NORTH, 013 jut ary North S VCO.V S' reef. STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES spE A No. 1116 - MARKET STREET, le now prepared to meet the wants of the mail., Inure completely la all the details of the Stove trade than any other estatillslunent in Philadelphia, in proot of which Ile invites comity n ATI 00 a% 4MISATIos. The follow inn are among hie own popular inventions, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation an !ori. el' ng in ercellrece and eronemy any idler Btoves in usu. JAMES tillflitß in the Inventor Anil Patentee oldie Improved Oak-burning (looking Stove, acknowledged to be the het Stove for fatally nee in the world, JANES SPIIAR in the Patentee of tho celebrated One-cOnsuitting Cooking Range, now rapidly coming intoment' Hie. JAM ES SPEAR in the Patentee of the Improved Bit oar's Air-tight ling-consummg Parlorigove. JAM ES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved Patented I Ornamental Stove Urn, which from its beauty and utility is likely, thin season, to be mover-. sally ado did. JA.MEti SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Oritillort-stiving Ititning ran, JAM ES Sl'llAlt in the Inventor and Patentee of the eolahrated i talway -oar Heater. For ol the 'inure the Inventor very justly Halms taloa/km-mu nitwit require bat to he understood by the public to be omally appreetztted and prel erred to any other articles at that class in the market; and he would herelO 011,10 a unrdoti invitation to all persons in w.nt :ILovoli to onll and osmium) far theniiieli es. Parties washing In o=llllllo ‘l l lll 11V0 8010, alien clown thorn, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. "r 1;11Al1ILES JONES, No, So N.o ih 11E0ON1 titreet, 011iceoesor In A. J. Lialj.ather, would rimpuntlitilY call the atten .-- tom ten 'r' thole desiring iO.OVOII 10 11111 ostensive assortment of Conking, Boating, and Parlor cloves. I hove purchased the exeltutive right to the rote tt sales and rtrairs. in Plitlndelphia, of thdlaglier's Celebrated ti Attuning Star" and "Sunrise" 11/01-1.11,1/111; Cooking Kan ett. well known for 'OHM as (Inc 111081 81a1141. 1 1.011 natives it the market Also, his now Flat-top Cooking Ston e " DaYlt-ht," whitili combines all the useful Ira provemonte, and operates nituurnbly. I also inanu• mature, iii a Pugorior manner, Salver's ties-burner of the best It uss,n 81100 L Iron. ('boon are the moat im eronooal and easily manage Parlor Sloven in 100 1 . 11111-311) fIAUTION.--We hereby caution all per sons not to euroh.oin any Cooking Slot e or Stoves with Hollow Coot ,r Hollow Cross Pieces on, except mote mewl, by 1,,118 we ore the eNclion a owners 1)1 the Patent for waking Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces, tool we gird! progoeute all persons who tnt range otr nor l'ltent to the fell extent el the law. STUART 3, PETHRSON, Iron Pounders, o - WILLOW Street, 'shove Thateenth. lIIACIIINEItIt AND IRON. SAIKORL V. MERRICK. ,, 7. vAua HAN 'CARRICK WILLIAIt SOUTHWARKOUNDR Y, FIFTH AND WARRINGTON EITHERTB, M Ydre I g ‘ O N ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, hlanufaetttre Digit and Low Preogure Steam Engines, for Land, River. and Marine service, Bailers, Daeamoters, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Castings of all kinda, either Iron or Braze. Iran FllllllO Roofe for ana Works, Work Shope, Rail. road stations, &a. Retorts and Una Machinery of the latest and moat im proved vonstraotion. Flyer) &iv:notion of Plantation Machinery, snob as Bogor, Sow, and Unlit Mulle, Viumuin loon, Open Steam Trains, Derecators, Filters Pumping Enemas, Re. Solo Agenh, for N. Rilliaux.'x Patent Hognr Boiling N Arparatnej aginyth's Patent Stettin Hammer; and Aspinwall & Walsey's l'atent Centrifugal Sugar Drain -6naohnell-y SALAMANDER SAFES. i , A largo moan - lent of EVANH h 'WATSON'S A PRILADELPIIIA MRANUFSAFES. ACTURE' SALMANDE VAULT DOORS, For Dunks and Store.. RANK LOURS, banal to any now in UM IRON DOoRS, SHUTTERS, he., Onas good terms Rh any other eatabllahnient in the United States, by EVANS ,g, WATSON. N 0.301 en EsTN [yr Street. Philadelphia. PLEASE mvp I'M A OAI,I, AttlA tr TAR t received. ft ldrge invoice of Tar, in Nuperio t order !Arco barrelo. nail for vale Iml oti a. 21 N. WAT RAILROAD LINES. THE PENNSYLVANIA ()ENTRAL RAILROAD. 1859. awl • 1859. 'PRE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct qt Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New 1 ork, and all points East, and at the Union Do pot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cin cinnati St. Louie, Cleveland, Chicago, Burlington, St. Paul's,lndianapolis, Louisville, New Orleans, and all interniedisto points in Ohio, Indiana L lffinois, Kentuc ky, Michigan, Wisconsin.Alinnesota. Missouri, Kansas, and Nobraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and nom tort by and other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars uro attached to each Train; Woodru re Sleeping Cara to Express and Fast Trains. The EX PRESS RUNS DAILY: Mutt and Fast Lines, Sun da) a excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.13 A. M. Fast Line '• 11.30 A. M. Express Train leaves " 10.30 P. al. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkesburg Accommodation at 12,30 A. 111. Harrisburg Aecominißdation, Via Columbia , 3.00 P. M. Columbia 4 301'. M. Passengers for West Chester will take the Mail, Parkeshurg, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. Passengers tor Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate poi nts,leaving Phila delphia at 7.15 A. M., audit P. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office of the Company in Philadelphia, Now York, Boston, or Bal im,re and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Rail roffil Offices in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Strainers on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivera. W-7 Para always rut low ea an) other Route. Tim completion of the '7esterri connections or the Penneevaniu_Railroud phiengo o teke thietbp DIRECT LINE EA rw LEN THHEEST. FAST 'IND THE GREAT NORTW The connection of trache by the Railroad Endre et Pittebery, avoiding 0.11 drayage or ferriage of Freight. toeether with the saving time, are advantages readily itur u rgiated by Shipper, o Freight and the advantages FREW FITS 'WESTWARD. By this Routo Freights of alt descriptions tan be for waided trout Philadelphia. Naw s ork,_ K Boston, or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads or Ohio. entucky. Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, or.hlmouri, by Rail road direct. The Penns; Ivania Railroad nleo rv,nneets at Pittsburg with tltennien, by which Goods can be forwarded to any part on the Oio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland. Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Mumma, Kansas. Arkansas, and Red Steamersnd at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with to all ports on tho North, astern Lakes. . • Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to tins Company, can rely with confi dence on rta speed,y transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to any point in the Weal by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as favora ble as are charged by other Railroad Cain putties. , ro n : , lie particular to mark packages via Penna. Rad- Alerchem wel ls in the West ordering goods from the East, will do lto direct them to be shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directeons, apply to. or address either of too following Agents of the Com pany: D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H Doyle & Co.,Stoubenville,O.; .S.Pie & Co., Zanes ville. O.; .1..1. Johnston, Ripley, 0.; it. McNeely, Mays ville, Kr.; Ormsby & Cropper, Perbowouth. 0.; Paddock Co.. Jeffersonville, Indiana; H. W. Brown & Co.. Caseinnesti, 0.: Athern Sr Hibhort, Cincinnati, O. R. C. Atcldrum, Stud Min, Intl.; William Bingham, Louisville, K).; P. 0. &Riley & Evonsv;lle, hut; N. W. Gra ham & Co. Cairo, 111.. R. F. Elitas,..9t. Louis, Mo.; John 11. Ha rriet,'Na Nashville, Harris Jr Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.. Clothe & Chicago. Ill.; W. H. 11. Rooets, Alton,'lll.• Murphy & Waite, Dubwlue, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of 'Railroads at different points in the West. Parties attendant to their own shipments from the East. will find it to their interest to call on the Agentsof the Company at the following places before shipping or letters addressed to either of them on the subject et freights, will meet with prompt attention: .r. :of EEDER, Philadelphia. MAIiRAW & KOONS, 80 North street, Italtieliore. LEECH & CO., 2 Astor House, or 19. William at., N.Y. LEECH & CO., 451 Riney street, Boston. H. IL HOUSTON, Gen'i Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gent Ticket Agent, Phila. la 1 THOS. A. SCOTT, Oen'lSup't. Altoona. Pa. . NORTH PENNSYL e_Rirmag YANIA RAILROAD. — SUM AIER7 ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN. MAUCH CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and after AIONDAY, May 16th, 1859, Passenger Trams will leave FRONT and WILLOW Siren's, Pio huielpina, DAILY, i Sundays excepted:) For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazolton, ( Express,) at 9.30 A. M. For Bethlobein, (Express,) at 4 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 8.15 A. M.25d 5 P. M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 2.15 P. M. and Gal P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem, (Expreen,l at 8 A. M. and 4.10 P. AL Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation./ at 8.30 A. M. and 4 P. M. Leave Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) et 6.30 A. M. and 3.36 P. Pd. ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia. for Doylestown. at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Do) lestown, for Philtula., at 6.30 A. M. and 3.45 I'. AL Fare to Bethlehem, 91.50; to Mauch Chunk, 62 60, to Easton. (41.69; to Doylestown. 80 cents. All Passenger Trains teiceopt Sunday Trains ' ) con nect at Berke street with Filth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. (6 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. ate .~, =at ELMIRA •,: ; _,y AND Quic - firgT ROUTE to Elmira N'All i e L at i Vl e L lot o u lN 'tba E lo — , Chicago, Rock Island, Niagara Mil iing ton, Montreal, St. Paul's, Detroit, Dunlieth , lind u S r t: Lou!!. Pitionger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DA I LY, I Sundays egoepted, l RN follow 7.34) A. M., DAY EXPRESS. F For Elmira, Niagara Falls Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Mil wauhee , Rook island, Ga l ena , St. Paul's, Burlington, .ind St. Louis. 3,30 NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Iludato, Detroit Chicago, Milwaukee,•Rock lialena,St. Paul's B rlington, and Ht. Loma. Tho 7.30 A. 114. and 3.30 P. AL trains run through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch. The 7.30 A. Al. train onnnecte at Rupert for Wilkes boro', Pittston, Scranton, and all stet tops on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Butlalo, and Suspension Brake. -1 wi336 Tickets eon be procured at the Philadelphia and E re Railroad lane a Tii_ , lket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CH EhTN lT Btreeut, and at the Passen ger Depot, corner BROAD arid VINE. THROUUII EXPRESS FIIEIbHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily .03un doe exec pted,) for all points West and North, at 6 P. 31. k'reights must he delis ered lyefoie 3 P.M. to insure going the ramp day. For further information. Ror at Freight Derit,l3 R OAD, below Vine, Or to CRAM, B. TA PPEN, General Agent, N. W. surfer BIXTII and CHESTNUT Streets, 001-tf Philadelphia. arimasei PMADELPII EA TTV~pN AND , (4ER TOW It A — l - L ROA Li HUNHERARRANGEMENTS On and after Monday. May 9th,NT9 TOW 69. u N. ntil further notice FOR GERMA . Leave Philadelphia 6. 7,8, tiX n, 16. 12, A. Al., 1, 2. 3, 3 3 , 4,6, 040, 7, B kk lO n O, and 1U P. Al. Leave Germantown 6,7, 734, 8, .4t, 9, 10, 11, A. el., 13X, 1, 3,3, 4,2, 6,6 X, 13i, 119, 10XP A . ON BLIAWAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.06 min. A. Al., 2,3,6, 7X, anh 1033 P. Al. Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 mm., 4, (1/4 end 9,4 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. • • Leave Philadelphia 6. B, dX..11 A. M., 7, 316, 4, 616, 6,9, lig P. M. l all . l o C , k . e c ltyi l t o, lllll o 7.lp ) . l 7.113.4110, 9.40, 11.66 A. 111.. 0N..913DA1 Leave Ptnladolphla 90 6. lulu. A. i1 1 ., .,1. el. and 7,‘ P. M. Le4ra OhNitnut MU 760 A. L1.60, 4.10, and 8.,14 I hR CONSITOROCK EN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Plnladelplna 6, 406 min.. 10.05, unn., 1136 A. M., 1.05 nun.. 3.05 nun.. GU, 1136 I'. IM Leave Norristown 6.7, 9,11 A. 31., 1,3 X, 436, 6, Lq, P. M. • ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelpiu a 9 A. M... 3 eel 4 P. M Leave Nometowa A. I 9)1,16 P. M. WM= . Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.03 0w.., 8.05 min., 9,4, 1006 intri . IL% A. Al., i 05 min., 2.05 mot., 3.03 non., 45, 576 60. V.,1, 84 94 PIN 11% A. M., 1%, 3.00 mm., 4,5, 8,9.05 nun ON SUNDAYS, Leave Plutedelellia 9 A. Al., 3, 4 It Al. Leave Alak,a)unlc N . A. N., 1!, 67 85 P. M. H. IC 8511111. General Superintendent, my 7 DtPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets._ WA “ Y 3 FALL ARRANE mENT.—PIIII4DEI,PHIA, WILMINGTON, AN ii IlAwimoni., RAILROAD. On. and niter 5105 T DAI. Ogtohor 170, 180,_ PASSEN(II,II TRAINS LEAVEPip I.A DEL FRIA, For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 18 noon, Express,/ and 11..111 P. 111. For Otioster at 8.16 A. N., 18 noon. 4 and 11.10 P. N. Fur Wilmington at 8.15 A. 51..12,4, and 11.10 P. M. For New Cmdle at 8.15 A. 51.. and 4 P. 5.1. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. 51., and 4 I'. N. For Alilforil at 8,15 A. M., and 4 P. AL For Seaford at 8 15 A. Al., and 4 P. 51. For Laurel at d 15 A. M. and 4 P. 51. TRAINS FOR , Leave BBltnnuro at 8.30 A. M.,1 Express,' 10.15 A. Al., and 525 P. M. • .• • -• . e Wilmington at 6.55 A. M. andll.3o A. M.,1.46 and 8.40 P. Al. Leave Laurel at 646 A. :11.. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Se alord AS A Al., and 401 P. M. Leave At tlford n t 7.50 A. 31" and 44 P. N. Leave DDVIIr at 3.0 A. AL, and 5.40 P. M. Leave Maidlotacen nt 10 A. M. and 660 P. M. Leave New Castle at 1063 A. Al.. and d P. M. Leave Chester at 7.11,13 A. Al., 9and 9.16 P. M. Leeee Baltimore for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. AL . . . . TRAINS FOR sALTImoRE Leave Chester at 8 4.5 A. M., 12 28 and 11.40 P. M. I,eavo Wiloong ton at 9.26 A. M., 12.18 P. M., and 12.20 A. M. 81 1 1.ilMit; Only at 11.10 P. N g , biIatIMPIIIS to Baltimore. Only at 69f 111, from 11.41‘lmore Phdadelphot. r RAIN withPASes FNC. ER CAR attached. will run as follows: , . Leave Philadelphia far Perryville and intermediate place. at 645 P. b. Leave VViliiiiiiston for Perryville and intermediate planes at 7.30 P. Al. Leave Baltimore for Stammer's Rim, Chase's, and Harewood at 641 P. M. 016 8. M. FELTON. President. PHILADELPHIA ausf.7.. AND READING RAIL ROAD, A 10111170; LINE, for POI"friVILLE, READ NU and tiAItIWIIUHG. Loaves the onot, nt center of BROAD and VINE Streets, at 7.3 u A. NI., DA I lA'.t elundays excepted,/ for HAR RISHURU, and all intortnethnte tannin, connecting at toriabur; with trains running to Pittsburg, elvonbersburg. rlnge. Sunbury, ito, AFTERNOON LINES. Leave nt 5.30 P. M., DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and HARRINIIITHO. At 4.15 P. 51„ DAILY, (Pundayeexaepted,lfor READ INti, and intermediate potnt, aultl W. It Alcll4lENNY.Seoretarr. 1859. Nisw 18.59. LL AR RA NGEM ENT—N EW KIRK LINEN. 'l'llE CAMDEN AND AAIILOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RULED/AD CO`d LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORE AND WAY-PLACES, Tatra WAIN V T-6111.11131 WHARF, Will leave pm follows, via i• 911111. At 8 A. M. via Camien and Amboy, Cam. h Ant. Aceomandatioi, .. . ... .... . . ... 82 25 At a A. M., via Camden and Jena; City,(New le rseqAeoningoodat ion 2 25 At M 9 A.. via gallldell and Jersey City, Morning 300 ail AL 11 A. Al.. I,y Steamboat, via 'flioon.l and Jersey City, WeAlein Moro. . .... 09 At 121.,i I'. 21., vin Camden and Ainlioy 'Accommo dation.-- • ..' . 222 At 2 1 . • Al., via Camden nail Amboy, C. Sc . A. FA. prima 666 At 4 P. M. by Steniulioxt, via Tammy and Jer sey CRY Es ening Ex preys At 4 P 2 1 .. hi Steamboat, via Tacony and Jar- 333 soy 6t), ad Clans Ticket At 6 I'. Al., via Camden and Jersey City P vening Mail 3 00 At 11 I'. M., via Camden and Jersey City,Southern 218,1 $ VI At 5 P. M via Olinda n and Anibev.Accominodation, (Freight and Pastongar)—lst Ulnas Ticket. 226 2d Class Ticket........ 160 no Q P. M. Mail Line runs daily, 14611 P.M. South fir atall.S.iturdaypesoepleil. i•or Beim:tem P.;:ieton, Flemington, &c., at 6 A. M. and 2Y P. Al. For Maueli Chunk. Allentown, and Bethlehem, al 6 A. M., vin 1, high Valley Railrold. ?or Water gap. Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkenharre, Montrose, Crest Bond, &e., at 6 A. 31., via Delaware, Lnekawanna, and Western Ilnilond. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9 A. M.. and 234 and 4 P.M. • For Freehold, at 6A. M. and 2P. M. WAY I,INES I'or Bristol, Trenton, An, at 2K, and 4 P. 31., from WalnuLatreet wharf. For Palmyra. Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, &a., at 121. i, I. and 31. P. M. Steamboat John Neilson, for Bordenlown and interim , Mate places, nt gia I'. 31. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate planes. at 11 A. Al. and 4 P. AI. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger. Pnanengere are undulated from taklng arOtillag as bag gage but their wean ng apparel. All baggage of er fifty pounds to he paid for extra. The company limit their reaponailoilitY hir baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not he liable for any amount beyond $lll9, except by Summit' mintrnet. W3I. 11. GATZMER. Agent. Oct 1,1869. NOTICE.---CfIESTER VALLEY RAILROAD—PAS SENGER TRAINS FOR I.OWNINUTOWN AND IN ER3IEIB sTNTlON , l.—liiinniinfter )aJarion-), 1869. the Paegmuor Train. for DOWN INti l OWN, Will start from the Passenger Depot of the Philtulolph•a. and Rending Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and VINE Streets. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 7.20 A A . M. FTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 4.46 P. 31. IDAILY (RumMyr; exec tad.) r) order of the Managers of the Philadelphia and RoadinK Railroad Company. (IV W. R. blciLHENNY.Seoretarr SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, Jr. CO., No. 4.V MA KATT STREET I.o® PIECES SAXONY DRE/AS GOODS. Of the Ns ell known manufacture and style of MESSRS. C. F. ScHIGIEOER. lc On Friday Morning, October ?let, at IU o'clock. cOnaisting a rm ribbed Fa, rst ' doull'a width, very desirable. Ps double-width b asket Pa 30 inch l a double•width demi lainee, 50 inches wide. s •, coil il'eclat, al inches wide, very de sirable. N. 11.—Tho atm, arr all in orseinal assortment& 15L) LOTS NEEDLEIWoRK EMBROIDERIES—Just landed Also, 150 lots of new and desirable etylee 'accrual em broidered collate. alcoves. and sets. SALE OF FRENCIi GOODS. On F7llllt, Morrison. Oct 21st, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on sin months credit— WO packages lie lots of fancy and staple French dry goods, comprisiny t general assortment. MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS. On Friday Morning, 500 cloth mantles, cloaks. and Raglans. WOOL LONG SHAWLS. 40) fine 1111-wool long shawls. IR SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 AL" CHESTNUT STREET_, opposite the Custom Henna. between FOURTH and FIFTH Stre,. SPECIAL HO S IERY ERMANON DR AWERS IT GOODS,SHIRTS, AND . On Friday Z.Lornins, October ale. lo catalogue. on a credit. commencieg at 10 o'clock, a desirable assortment of the above Goode. pIIILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 1 1 MARKET Street. and 221 MINOR Street. SALE OF BOOTS, SHOBs BROGANS, AND GUM sHoks. Thin Morning, October 20th. at 10 o'clock, wtti to sold, by catslogite, on four months' credit, 920 cases boots, shoes, bro gans. gaiters. and gum shoes, comprising a desirable assortment from the best manufacturers of city and Eastern goods for city and country sales. Illar Catalogues early on morning of sate. SALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, SATINETS. On Friday Morning, October 21st, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, a large and desirable aasortment of ready-made clothing. of beet makes, for tall and winter sales. On Friday Morning, October 21st. link la sold he catalogue, on 6 months' credit. 100 pieces ingrain and Venetian carpeting. SI - Catalogues early un the morning of sale. SIIIPPING. p lIILADELPGIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY; di& Si= AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP-THE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, WILD AT NO. f 1 MERCHANTS' FACHANGB, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 7th, 1959, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously 'sleeted Directors the Company, vls: GEORGE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, sap JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, whore all persons favorable to the enter prise are respectfully invited to subecnbe. sB-tf THE BRITISH AND NORTH SHIPS. AMERICAN ROY AL MAIL STEAM- TROM NSW TOPA TO LIVIgrOOL. Chief Cabin Passage— .. —..-1130 second Cabin Paasage....—.---- 7a PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage— Second Cabin Pa55age...........-._.. 60 The ships from Boston call atlialifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkine, ICANADA. Capt. Lang ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA Capt. E. G. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt„Anderson. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Capt. J. Leitch, These vessel, carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red on.port bow. PERSIA, Judkins, leaves N York, W_ednesdat, Sept. 264 ARABIA, Stone, " Boston. wednesday, Oct. ASIA. I oil N York, Wednesday, Oct. 12. CANADA. Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 19. A F RICA, Shannon, " N York, Wednesday. 0ct.26. EUROPA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 2. PERSIA. Jbdkme. N York, Wednesday, Nov. 9. AMERICA, Alillar, Bolden, Wednesday, N0v.16. ASIA. Lott, " N York, Wednesday. Nov. 23. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on hoard The owners of these ships will not be czeountabla for Gol i kSilver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Pl'oolollll Stones or tali, unless bills of lading are visited therefor and the 1, lee thereof therein estranged. For freight er van tage apply to E. CUreARD, 4 Bowlizir Green, slO-tf New York. FOR THE SOIITII.—CHARLFS TON AND SAVANNAH STEAIUSHISS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at as average Or /11111-1 W MOODS. be low New York Staamshiptetee. FOR CHARLESTON. 8. C. The U. 8. Mail Steamship KEYBTONE STATE. Cap tain Charles P. Marshmais, will sail on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, at 10 A. M. Through in 49FORKurs, _only , 40 hoots at Sea. NNAH, OA. The U. 8. Mail Hteamehip STATE OF GEORGIA Captain John J. Garvin, Intl sail on Friday, October 21 at lo o'clock A. M. • • • • Through in 68 to . 60 hours, only •18 hours at Bea. iGr Salim: dins changed from every Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bi lls of Lading signed e very day. The splendid first-clans side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days. thou forming a five-day commu nication with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and &thanpah n thesa Ships con nect with steamers for Flonda and with rallrOa, &0., for all place, in the Smith and outhwest. INBII CE Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goode shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by salting veuels, the premium being one-half the rate.. • N. B.—lnsuranoe on all !Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companiee talon/ nuke from these point s. GREAT REDUCTION 1N FARE. Fare by this route to to 40 per cent cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the foLkiwing sche dule. Throush tickets from Philadelphia via Charles ton and Savannah steamslops,INCLUDING hit:ALS on the whole route, except front Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery: INLAND DARE. To Charleston_._. 566 03 Charleston ig) Ravage.— to 00 bavannah.--- 63 03 Atoms ...—.— 30 03 AuewOs....—.— II 00 31 00 Alaron.— —.. 33 75 At1anta.......... 13 00 /Weans— --. 3i MI Columbus—. 23 ts/ C01umbu5.........._ 3600 Albany ••••• • • al Oo Albany CO Alontimmery.... 36 CO Montgomery.— _ 38 00 Mobile 33 00 fdobile....— ..... 46 90 New Orleans ... 39 75 New Orleans.— 61 0 0 No lolls of laslingsiened after the ship has sailed. For fremht or miasma apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr., Southwest corner FOUTH mid_CH ERTN T. Afpnte La Sitrte n aton,T,R,yr, T_:o BUDD. ah. HUNTER di GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah; altkalTl2lll Bt. hiary's and St. John's. every Tuesday and Itlatun}ay. h2S GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP - COMPANV=STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY—for $3O. PIIOX W e d roan. OLAfiGMTllompson, Wedneaday, October 12. at 12 E 71727 B RUA, qummlng, Wednesday, October 26, at 12 o'olock, noon• 111031 OLAPOOW. LASGOW t Thompson, Wednesday, September If. EDINBURbIi. Cumming, Wednesday, September 28. Rates of Passage from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, 'Belfast. Dublin, orjmn donderry, first olio. SIP. Steerage, found with an Minn dance of properly cooked provienons. An experienced Surgeon attached to each steamer. No charge for med:clnes. For freight or paagogo, appl to ORKMAN CO., No. 111 WALNl . Btreet,_Philadelphia, OBERT CRAIG, No. 11 BROADWAY. New loYlk. ask U. S. M. STEAMERS TOIL HAYS E AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAGO, Captain Lines. will sail July 23, September 17, Noi -mhsr FULTON, Captain Wotton, willaall August 20, Octo ber December 10, Find Cabin paimaxe— OLIO Second Caton For freight or passage. apply to WILLIAM NEILSON, Matt, At the Warehousing Company's Philadelphia Otnee, Tobacco Warehouse.l)OCK Street. Phila. jertain COAL. 'W. (ROOME & • Office I 4 Foutl, FOURTH Street, ' . . WHARF, PINE STRF i:T. FCIII:YLKILI., Dralersond :Th.ppors Locust Monntain. Lehi ch. and Schuylkill C 0 A Moroliandiso talon un n harinze ICIiORY AND SWUNG MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL, pre Bred with etre, for &MA on beet teen& App'y nt KNOWLES'S Depot, NINTH and WILLOW Streets .21-t1 F LOUR ➢TILLS. NAW :%1I LLS FARMS. he. As I cannot attend to them, I o!Ter 1,,r wile the follow leg proportion. sin: A Impel ior Flourwith 3 run of stones.and ample wator power. 'no profit. of the null well manned, would po‘ tor it. Thorn In a Store and siojernt hun dred omen land connected with it Also, another Water-post or. with Sty and Grist Mill, militated too toiler from the beautiful snit health% town of Smithfield, Isle of Wieht county, I'irginia. Also, inhuming the town, a vor, Pittierlar estlte nt FIX) trios. MI, ball . under CIIItIN:r• nn. vitnated "rone,1•11e). un the 1, Ater; with a Isroe brick thcc!hnt. It rooms, Loa requiiiite out Luddin,r.itil in perfeet beautiful faun of MOT ao., porno. good Hindi:arts 1111 Nllllll'lllollll ricer, near chop— ntilek. to nnlea , lmm tiniitlitield. 0, stem, crabs, and nth abundant' %Val ho sold together or in parts to suit purchasers. Tema en al. li the Finer Mill n not sold soon wish to Oct gen tleman, men r.rper,enre,/, to tale Hal of it. For furtV, particular.. sddre•s MAJ. S. JUNIC3 WILSON. Isle of It Co., V. Reference—LIPPINCOTT PARRY. N. W. corner 'Alnrket end :ascend streets. . oAstutti-1 in Plidadclonin. WAMIING AND VENTILATING BUILDINGS EIIOUSE. Itt2 MARK ET St., Phan.. Oh ALL Dh:SCRIPTIONS WARMED AND VENTILATED BY CUL VITC'S NV,II, R FU GAN- N B A UJ: () MN IVARM-Allt E. The above Furnace has now been in use during the last two Wintera in this nityond ham given univerealant figactien. The large heatinz aurface beingdirectl> over the llama of the fire, and the conical tubes, through ell the draft a pmts. are ci, arranged an to conaunie 0.: part of the givsea trom the coal, be,n4 en tire') of cn r =t Iron, with deep, sand joints, is now of fered to i the public n. as the moat complete heating appa ratus now this market. C. W. being a practical ' h e e haw°, will personally attend toed! heating and ven tilating. ALSO, His eizell of Caok;nr Ramos, adapted for hotel and prate new. Collins' Patent Chimney Cape for ventita ttg and rare.f annokey chimnem with a full assort ment of Registers nod Ventilators of every vise and pattern , Piro-place Stoves, Bath Boilers, k.e. IQ - Jobbing promptly attended to. C II AS. WILLIAMS. euV-ruche-3rn Late HAKIM 2E WILLIAM• NEW PLANING MACHINE, Embracing The Andrews Patent of 131.5, with matching uorla for dressing Boards. Plank, &o. New Principle of Feeding. Groat Swing of Power. 'Machines of various eines, 2.1 to 30 inches wide, for single or double sminceing, with or a .:liont ruching bends, for sale nt N 0.23 North NINTH Street, Phila. Call and examine. me_thetnea, Gro. N. COLON' CO AM PREPARED TO RFUEIVE EVERY deseription of Fanoly .111,1 roicestic Goode. having Sewlog Maclonto of the 1,0 I.l.laultatorers, as tits° the Approvokl sod Ldltd 01...r.10r5. N. All esettetes tioit.hed oe ,t,tene and despatch and at suet, prices that def 3 coloration. Mae M A. BNIITIFEM AN, a 77 Im FL E. corner of SIXTH and I'll LN W E. ry I 1.. St lltl'l'S TURPENTINE.-75 btils, Spts. Tvp t .pttne, in , And for flAk: by ROWLEY, ASlflibliNEH. (I V, b. I•oob u NARVER ni CUE , PEST WINDOW GLASS in town. at DICK'S, B. W. °mar of 64VENTII and 013-dne BALES BY AUCTION. M TIIOII.AS./ 8010 , Am. Nos./Sand/O.SO YOURTE STREET, (1 2 roitee el and ellai t• - CARD.-1 , 1151,Al LES REAL ;perm AND STOCKS AT THEE CHANGE:434Ies of - raid estate and eto.3ke will hereafter be hold at /2 o'clock moo:, and in the evening at 7 o'clock. trar Contributors Lanza the option of either sale. INT Handbills of each property muted separately. in addition to which we Publish, on the Saturday mylocaa to the tale, one thousand catalogues. in pump deb form. givin the g f full lltnru descr4ptions of a il the Properties to he sold on AEA(, m E.STATa AT PEI VATE SALE. B' We have a large amount ot real estate at private sale, including every description of city and country property. Printed luta mar be had at the auction sums. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. Rir Real estate entered on oar private male register, and advertited oca.sionally in our publie sale abstracts, (of which LOX come are ponied weekly,) free of charge. TWELFTH FALL BALE. OCTOBER 9S, AT 11 O'CLOCK, NOOZ., At the Excbanse, will ineladis— Peremptory SaIe—VALUABLE HOTEL, know* as the "Second-Street House. and large lot. 263 . bY ZV feet, No. 42 North Second street, above Market. tit_ Sale absoute. Peremptory SaIe—HANDSOME MODERN REM DENCL, with side yard, No. 304 South Eleventh street, beiow Spruce; 24 feet front, 143 feet deep to Quince street. bald absolute. Only a small portion required in nbh. VALUABLE BRICK STORE AND WAREHOUSE, No. 3.13 South Water street. above Pine. IRREDEEMABLE GROU.l'i D REN.TS, .1d and 4113 33-100 a T ear, secured by four story brick building-s Bat and 619 South Second Street. ELEGANT RESIDENCE. NORTH BROAD . ST. Two four story brown Mono residences. with superior stable and roach house, and large sada yards, west subs of Broad street, south of Girard - avenue. VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT. 51 acres. on Old York turnpike, ri, miles from Willow Grove. • • . Peremplory Bale—For Account of whom it mar coo corm—TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. SHOP. AND LARGE LOT, N. W. corner of '/ hirteenth and Poplar streets. Also THREE-STORY BRICK groar. AND DWELLING, adjoining on Thirteenth street. Rs/..Sale absolute. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, No. HZ Vino street. • oar Lorin square. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, with ride yard, arable, nd conch house. Nn. 1511 Girard avenue. HANDSOME RESIDENCE. No. 343 North Front treed. • HANDSOME BROWN STONE RESIDENCE, No. 1510 Pine street. 11B.Imtneniate 1/065 , 91011. BUSINESS STAND--Three-ston. crick ',tore and dwelling, southeast corner of Twelirli and Lon/banl street. • THREEESIDENCE. No. 1 DWELLeet. STORY BRICKNG, South Fifth street. Peremptory Sale—PINE-STREET MARKET 1101I8E. Pine street. west of :Nineteenth. Also, THREE-STORY BRICK DW ELLlNG.adjoin ins the above- ItsA.Sale absolute. both properties. HANDS° OE IttSIDENCE, with large garden, No. Mg Spruce street. ELEOANT COUNTRY SEAT, Chestnut Bill, with four sores of Isnit and fine Improvements--the residence of Dr. Smith. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, TORRIISDALE,vIt Oa acres and socad impro‘ ennnts, admining the res, dence or Charles Alacahster, Esq. THIRTEENTH. FALL SALE. OCTOBER 25, AT T O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING. Executor's Peremptory Bete—Estate or Elisabeth Lentz. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1315 Pess3unk road, below Wharton street. Da. Sale abso lute._ - • Executor's Sale—Estateof Mans Ride. deco& HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RI'..SIDENCE, No. 'O4 Walnut oreet. . . . Peremptory Sale for account - or whom may concern. 'rfiItEE.SIORY MUCK DWELLINC, Latterly St-. west of Amber street, Islinat,eentra Want. -RIL.,Sala ab solute Peremptoyy Sate—Estate of Ins. Hoopes deed. THRBB-BTORY BRICK DWELLINti, I Noyth Sixteenth street.. stove Cherry. WI. Sale &Leo lute. HANDSOME DWELLING, No. 823 Juniper street, bemoan Spruce and Pule, and Thipeentn and Broad et recta. NEATDwELLING, No. 1925 Callowhtll street. Peremptory SaIe—BUSINSUS STAND.—Teree-storr brick store and dwelbas, N. W. earner or Twentieth and Lrtnlnld ottreets. lk.t. Sala absolute. THREES:7OAV BRICK SIIOP. Sartain street. south at Girard avenue, between Tenth and - Eleventh s'rests. TWO . BRIG' DWELLINGS and VACANT LOT, Foull:rod street. Twents , bird ward Frank ford THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No 1707 Addison street. enuth of PI qp street. TAVERN An, LAGER BEER SALOON, AND DWELLING. Callowhill and Carlton streets, west QC Ftlrfflptl! street. TWO DWELLINGS, Federal end Etta streets, near Hampton. RALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. 5 LARGE MIRRORS. 3 PIANO-FORTES. ROSEWOOD ME LODEON. SUIT DRAWING-ROOM FURNITURE. SUPERIOR BOOKCASES. LARGE FIRE PROOF CREST. BAuATELLE TABLE, VELVET CAR &c. • CARD.-Our • A . Our sale this mooing. at the sue- Win atom, will comprise, besides. &O tots of ex cellent second-hand furniture. 3 larp , a French elute mantel. avail, and pier mirrors, in rich gilt frames. elegant rosewood piano -forte. superior mats:many piano forte, fine-toned r. second melodeon. suite of drawing room lunnture, sup , rior walnut large in. proof chest. made by Frans and Watson. bagatelle ta bles, China and glassware, beds and bendin,c. e legant elvet. Brusse.ll. and other carpets. Ac.. forming an attractive etakirtment. -worthy the attention of lathes and others desirous of purchasing. rnir Catalo;nes now ready, and the articles arranged for examination. Sale at Yoe. U 9 and 141 Booth 'Fourth Street. scPERiortILTILNIT URE,_ FRENCH-PLATS MIR ROES, PIANO•PORTE. BRUSSELS CARPETS. TM. Morning. At *o'clock. at the Auction Store. an assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano- Loa hoi, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families declining hocsakc removed to the store for comremomm of sale. Administrator's Sate—Estate otJaeoki OinriAL deed. BREW.ERY r'11( TURFS. CASKS. COPPER KET TLE, HORSES, WAGONS. On Fruity Moraine.' Oetot,r zot. at m o'clock. at No. Cam tes wet t. order of thn a d ministrator, lot of large beer east% quar ter casks. ei‘pper kettle and water Lankr. copper pump. copper hollow, : boar canters, breartni; utenarks, 3 horses, and 3 t a 3 one, Lioness, .to. VALUABLE ENGLTSU AND AMERICAN saosa. ILLUSTRATED WORKS, Re. Co Friday and Saturday Eveniera, October 2lst and =l, at the Auction Store, a large col lection of ‘alnable English and Atuenean works, drat trated rooks, Re. Ifir For particulars see ciatakcriee., SALE OF GERMAN 8111.130r3 ROOTS. Ou Saturday Morn nr. October :73.1. at 11 o'clock. at the Auction Store. ono ease of superior German darer roots. comprising the usual assoitment of hynetnita, tulips. narcissus. 1... crocuses. &G. JM. GUMMY k SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEE No. no WALNUT SWEET Gtizusey & doss, enotitossers, will itoli r u mp: ea t lej e Ae:l ui Mat, Stooks. &e. Also bane lEll. Os oar Private Ws litesister nU slims be !Dent a very lugs amount of rev estate. uichacting every de scription of tar sikd welly J. AL GUlsdin . SONS, Reel Estate Brokers, No. 100 WALNUT Street. beam M OSES NATIL4N_ _,S AUCTIONEKR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. & &earner owymil nel RAPE Streets. NAT HAMS' GREAT SAI.t OF FORFEITED GOODS. 2,e00 LOTS OF FORPErf KD COLLATEJItALS. On Tuesday ittomtne. November lat. at 10 o'clock. et Moses ?rattans' Aun t on store. southeast corner of Sixth and Race atzeeta. Alll be sold— utat LOTS OF FORFEITED 0001)3, Consisrin r in tart, of superior orer.cata. Raieseits, sack costa, frock and dress coats; chub, cassimere, and other pantaloons: sews of Vartoun kinds; sure nor roar. pant. eindwost patterns; elegant silk velvet witin.ol34 silk dresses aril dress waterrie superior broche, Bat Pte, Caxton crape, silk. and other shawls: kill velvet eh ate. circulars. Marques ; irdk and cloth dusters circulars. dusters, La slues, and mutt geutteinert a shawls. boots, shius, uallsollas, dry gods. Inmpungs, hrocatellea for enlanet-maksrs, un der-clothing. quilts, blankets, spreads. patchwor k c-au terpanea. canfoatables. she. Vs. le.; fine io.ther beds, iris rain, Brussels, and other carpets, fire S-kes al flutes, fine out violins, soconleons. opera Klass Is. cutlery, car penter's tools, mathematical Instruments, must., Medi. Cal, historical, and other books. travail!"i trunks. carpet-bags. doubt's and sinsleiitorrel fowlivr pieces. Pistols. leather. harness, watches, reweiry . and a thou sand other arucles. ILI. NA TriAlCd, MONEY TO LOAN. MoNIT To LOAN. IN LARaz oR ¶31.11.1.L ALMorSTR. OR merchandise generally, and on all articles of sake. ALL erns OVIR oNa HooDit.aD D01,LA.14 TWO OSI CO T. rya& soars, including storage. aro., at Nathan,' Princopal Establadintent,R. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Et* GREAT PUBLIC At , OMMOQATION. MONEY! MOVE !! MONEY!:' Money liberally edvaneed large or mall ILIOLOROtS, from one dollar to stionsands, on gold and laver plate, diamonds, watehm, jewelry, fewhe r t. -nieces, smaical in : furn iture . t n ril.Vow 0 hY44 r~r goods, o clan. harness, arid all articles of , for any lens, h of time armee OR. lit NA Tllll4l' PILICIPAL 110111.11ead 0010111 . of Bath and Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with co ll ateral. dtsoonnted the lowest market rates. DENTISTRY. Est DENTISTRY.—The improved sets of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, gull manutsetured at rarr ARCH Street, Yarladelphla, b I. LUKENS, M. D.. Surzeou .•• . • • The Mmes! rtite sets of Teeth are superseding ail others, epode:My from the following reason,: Aar, miner al is wed in place of told or silver, for plaice, making then). mos-third lighter. and at the same time inueh stronger, as their greatest thickness is where the ;urns have shrunken away more. thus perfectly restor ing the anatomical shape and contour of the mouth sad face. and giving the exact original expression to the features ; they will stand better in service, and never let out of repair; they era responaibly warranted for a ifetime • there are no crevices for tho accungtutation of partic)es of food; they are wholly free from all gal van, action, and can never produce palpitation of the heart. headache, sore throat, neuralgia, or nervous nes]. D ENS' office. 907 ARCH street. Pkluielnein eIsoANS 1-I,, , ,NSYLVANIA Avenue, Washington...l).o seZi-]m IfOTELS. 31URRA1 HOUSE, ENE - ARK. OHIO, la the largest and best arranged R N otel la central Ohl o, is centrally located and is wog of nevem' frees all the routes of travel. It contain, all the modern Improve ments, and every convetuenoe for the comfort sod se commodation of the travelling public. The Steeples Rooms are large and well ventuated. The Sm:essl Rooms are sell arranged and carefully fure:shed lot families and lance travelling parties ; and the Rouse will be kept as a first-class Rotel in even- reskeet. H. BRO., _ _ • Provnetom. THE UNION: ARCH ETERET, ABOVE THIRD PHIL.ADELIIHIA. • UPTON B. NEWCOMER. The sitnsoon of ttos /TOT utnody adapted to the W to of the Mut nese rul,hc; andts ope o time in aeareh ofpleasure. Parser, er ntch n4 , er run yea!, and to o: , •re P tit afford a cheap nut pfeeLeartt rxla to all eacee of Interest in or ehoat the tors. 111 WWI DASHING AND IRONING. WASHING AND IRONING DONE it: With NEATNESS and DESPATCH, tor Single rtiz- Sohrola Ladies and Gentlemen, Fattubes. Boanittyg , Hotels, Steamboats. m DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, N . VS South SIXTH Street, corner of Prune. Faintly Stunts and Cohan patent poLyhed. Everything washed by hand, on the rota mon wash-Gard. 'flu) whole. trnaumu Is strictly attended to t.l fetr.als ,-.seratirem Mn DONOVAN, IT 110-1 T Fig r wri r3i.n<4.llt. at ,,,, mm WEST CHESTER and ROAD viiAIEITIA. PHILADELPHIA HAIL- FALVARRANGEMENT. On and after WED.\ EDSAV.Oetober /1. 1553, the trains will Mays Philadelphia. front the Statin. E. eoraer EDIRTEENTH and NIA RK ET etreete, at 7.1 e and 990 A. M and at 233 nad aP. M. Leave West Chester. from tae DEPOT. on EAST MARKET STRbEr, at, and 10 A. M., and 2.'0 and 5 P.M. ON . BCNDAYS—Leave Pluladelphia at g A.M.. and 1 Y. M. Leave West Chester at TAO A. M.. awl 43) D. H. HENRY WOOD, 5 tf Genera) Superintecdent. DRILLS AND SHEETINGS FOR EX .III-. PORT. BROWN, BLEACHED, AND BLUE DRILLS, HEAVY AND I.IIIIIT S.REETINGS. Suitable for Export, for sale by FROTHINGHAhI WELLS, 111 South FRONT St. and 3.6 LETITIA Street. INTON'S ENCAUSTIC TILES for boors. Ornamental Chimitty Toga for cottages. Garden Vases and,} wartime. Vitrified for &sine and Water conductors. Imported and for sale by GINR. A. HARRISON. If ti . tOle 1111414.4T75i1.'r Rtroatt. I OVERINWS SYRUP, in hhds. and A- 4 at reduced prices, for sale by GRAHAM it CO.. VTITOI, OUAR-110USE MOLASSES .-15 U hhds., tleroasZand barrels. for raala by Aafl GRAHAM CO.. I.FT ITT A At ro.ot SALMI)N.--25 bbl,. prime new No. 1 Sal •—• mon, 'anthill, from stelmer Itemsy. tnn. wr.,4 fn• Gralw W NI. J. I'AS Loll , IJ2 and N Wit AR WH4, SPANISII OLIVES—In bulk, in prime order, for sal±kty ell A. KARINO.I4O booth FRONT Strmill.