7 ,404... holt' *#4o-1 tlq#:,4o*34liii4gtekxalto•Ye94.„ ec ick:**lwekii lialltio-`q.foliliai'lkti 4 r'4l- 11 4i ,ibiliktico,i4Aol , 4tif , r;isao4cleFt Ai:l4*o, - littwttau oaeiti!iduilif*: dui wi.'slitiqiiA.r. , ! ;113coldeelia6itiiittiOki A ioiht last 4 140, a i, (that ,11111811141k-in i tit4 - ,Higibi:jiMe;7#4,to,Rzk AVindmartiliu44.::lo: eui: - of. the , eilier, greet watering places of.the cetintrY.A.'''. - F.;;-Vt -*Yk-f.l'•' we hint.apieit,illorlene?Oelehlation'et:the 'tile riousEntirth.' ;The hospitality - of , our retnisterref Constautithipl6,llMk-Hoti! - W:WillitMei4Mas'Otiver," more 1aY.44.17,14P0104.3The spot he for the fete - was. the`, nelebratcd,... volley '4 nunitier- Skelessi, lAS ,SWAMila,,goy,'-theitiveliest of all the, lovely valle,l4 gik , ....Poilphdrsii.•;;liv , thi3Mtittli" interesting to alltrayelletsitelo sits 4 'lk itoreekeihr palaoe, heltiOlte lfgyidinna,'-hnt ,nover. finished and never intabiti4;= , :la - 0 thetlitorlawas the platen where thelimans treaty _of . the same name was madifwith thell,trutelanir . wbok • they,,eame ,at. the call of theAbtr4sed :WWl' tn,savo him , the-. anum.44:4114 - initellioua • hero.:ltioheinet . . Alit Paaha er V-theret Where Turkish intlep e n& ' 'once explt4,,liri meth:. 'Ciebihmte the birthday of :seer eire boloved-reptiblie= 7 and a goad limo we had of le: , YoUtfi - prineo*of ,hatereisi - George', Eetter, himself,abier,ftwiiiiihed a - better, table, 'cud , the ; pu r ity:of the liqttoriand Pinot We - suggestive only of: the matititipellad'petclo thin: - lid Oita latter or ticle,liveCip-iti Ihribt.:" State,f Will hardly boar so long mi . Ititilliko:**iti',:o4: froterOthistantittople to ` -elliiodelibitioo ..ithat.tosete we 'Aren't., nod Whet speeches werenhule,Tlema.to Yout nuiatia• • BO= . 8f;t1A;01 - xiI.Itelairnedlilth tir;l Wi lli ams: to' , his residence at Husiikdore, which was handsomei' lyillutelnated k and in front of, which kJ:land dis coursed geattliiidaki ineill - midnight... ...".,-:. -,. • ;*:: -... I ought,aettejleave this seibJectwitheut one more expression ef.the opinion Whielrhes been so often, expressed' hYAteteneari,traveliere in Duran) -.Mi -1 earning the inadequatepay bribe American repro- , sentatives abroad. ; . This is: p11.011041881j1 ; ,8h8 01418' t. Villlllbel4lllBl,lll 88 VIOL 4. ''oBBlBtllllllllllplo 4 o&.' like ell capitol cities this reetrieet, that the 11090- • reign' beide neipourt.."iiinshataLef , state:fee - eptione andd - the sway elsewhere exercised .ores the - multi-; ' tude by' exhibitions of regal Magnifieenee,i'you A l a , , . in - Oonstmittlepte that innliAltese, resPects Abe, di- 1 plomatista reigni..l Wein out ant atfsts,:`the Turk, ! lab gratedeeeekinet taffeta to indulge', in thm.ei. - .: 1 pensivolnapritotef)respitelitv The Sultan gives"( I netedisuot,lnehtilid- Kit nobility , follow, the exemplar:Beg esillie habits antsenitereit oflhe !, Turks are a te tote ly 'diverse 'Ws to - interdict:their free association n.ittretteh other and with strangers, t as is the cue in Other capitals. A rigid adfierepre . to etiquette end formality Completely Wrens WI iinntuailidenionrspi ' Hence it follews that the• nul -1 " tunt4Ore it Oon4eatineple have no ocpials '. Out 'of t Abet , own apbere t rereen they, are kings ,'; Their , e aware! tiabsolu ,Over,einry thing under their '., protietion, - Witbo t: reference to Turkish !swede :I authority. , T i lee'libinse of Mr ambassador will Jiro-- 1 ' toot even a Tartish' criminal.. --No monarchs in lateEe ate more considered by their subjeete - than' anibustedoreare in Constantinople._: They; are to t the Turk ;there, the representatives of the high: - i' est state;lirid Virgin - rite type for expressing any tunusual author i ty, or Maglifieerate, or pride. , ' I - The natural..,oonwsprence of: this state of things . ' la.feidfly 1188.18;:: lbareeidencesi or rather pelotas ( of all the liiiropeein„ ambaniadore vie .with each, li other in rdiaind,lbieu i ty of arobliecture.as well as iin the extent and inignifleinice Of the gardens at ; taebed. Thu hospitality maintained bythesaMi. 2 3 / 8 18r11 ii ' always litince l 9;•ftia -11111 - Wags* ex.! t tended by all to Om , American :minister; who is lobliged in •tiorainen, courtesy M . reciprocate these; attentionsi addition tilthe- heavy charge of the usual attentient tohtspountrymen. No man worthy, of the name of,an American minister is willing to' demean his mission and hia:pountry"in the eyes of. • his associates; and still less '7 willing taking it into E the contempt of the half - barbarous people who mir e ronnd• Min, sad ...who •watok his every morement with Argureyes. , `Every minister' to coretentitto,- e l , e - far , yeare Imes been almost forced to expend ,i- three or four times thu amount of his salary and i outfit during his stay, and the present presents-,, i tire will certainly form no 'exception. she paltry economy,'.iif Our ' Government in regard , to the pay 1, of its foreignministers, while it mast p its expen diture in every conceivable extravagance et home, f. is a propper subjenit for reprobation. . ' - , . ; The Russilin ambassador 'here, for instance, has' It furnished him,Tbyhis - Governinent, two palaces for :a his summerand, ibteeresidelices, - with extensive ~l' and deliglitfOl gardens,; ornamented ,wtth plying V fountains; • every, variety Ofillowers, ' singing lade, i 4 ho., and a - WM, of a 'hundred ,theusand - dollars A per annum,;exclut4vo :. of :hie fetter emoluments:' fe Of course, he is exceedingly popalari not .only k among the members of the diplomatic corps, hut, , 1 , what is of more oonsequeuee, with the Turks and the 'Court: :Witt .tint the _Preneh 'and English. ministers 'tan 'compete on nearly equal terms, by fr reason of the liberality of their Governments ;, but c; the'Ameriese f minister who would not be platted , . on the level of krepresenhitive, of a little,German • 6 ,arincipalitii:inustler a , man. of princely private fortune. , Bpeaki4eprivistePrlncesor prinoelyprivates, 4 remind' me of the gallant and gay Lord - Duffetio, 1 whose amount of tiMlisett, voyage :rin - - , ..‘ Waters I , from High 'Latitudes," has;doubtless, cretin's been 1 devoured by, the reading public in America. Well,. .. his lordship. la here, `with his yacht and Ida lady, 'iri mother, alines made himself eitremeti'agnies- S tele 'to all the 'tidies -Of . the diplomatic circle, ... 4 . giving them an occasional w hop " on boarhia tentutlful craft and sometimes a sail into theMak, ..t Eta, or upon - t ir e , ever-gorgeous. Golden Horn. the I Amble key of, the Ma ck' Sei and -the Mediter -1 - ?sneer:. ' • '' '- " ' - '' ; ' ' - The weather has been rather Mad forinch's ort "ho - waver. Indeed, it has not been really war n` at i any time, and: the recurrence of gales 'and sarong , winds from= the Black v tHsaie , b.nilide - the'alr so 1 . chilly that shawls - are in indispensable:necessity. 1 i The worst objiiligi'icr:Sermideneti at - Constantino- Ci ple, in fiat, is in the irregularity of the climate. One frequently experiences, a variation or pventy, • degrees in '',lt, few hours,'-fromr the shifting of the P A wind wi nd ertlf Alas] - that north , wind—that • terrible tor poor•Turkey;-thewind•that'irrii. ~,.' sistiblyttepeleth'Runs upon. Coristantinnplo. -?.- .By the lifiy, , ,i e! b rou ghtas one _Russian and his •-g• Ififlo the other erayikaho was received iiith'imnsnat" • wsnatb. I allude to the %rend Duke Constantine. ti, - malaise Daoheles,'whinie Visit was., preps for,by t. the Sultatf. - - leish llMlthe pen of a - .Jenkins to; ..,--, toll yon an shoo ix -The Grand Dnite receiinithe yf gentlemen of, the diplomatic cortisone day, and the Grand Duchess received , the:lndies..another. day,/ gEvery one who was so fortainate 'as to see or meet:. , her is ID ecatasiesnbent4ket„ - IShmapeaks English 7, and French Manny :liinisamily,- and her manners correspond-with luirlovely'ebaracter? flak of My t. lady friends says , she lisit,a,tne fern", slieulders A faultless, pereon.tall and-, graceful,. dazzling white Y . , complexion,wlth , blue , eyas al4-light brown hair g arrayed in the most shop!. Yrit'ltiOst teetotal style. f Her taste in drese4e - 416 the.* or universal one°- , idurna-ign feete-Afr is so .surpasslngly beautiful i - Akat even the ladies cannot ilmi. words to • express 'Abair admiration.: -,--.. Y . , -7: • ~, The Sultan give their highnesses a dinner at the A palate. The Grand Duke dined at the, table With. ti the ministers4the Dneheisin the - harem with the /adios, who vinst,hive had a grand• time- admiring . her beautibittollet;dindene of di4nonds, and other rich .1010018) 4 'Ainong the latter-was one presented by the an Immense emerald surrounded by • diamonds. . : ,'- - - .• ,t One morning the Sultan hire - Self breakfasted with P' the Duke /124.91110180811 at his Eloskof the Heavenly '6 Waters-the first in his life, it is I said ; that he ever'ate witt Mty,onto I n deed herd!) , add that the English ari l Eni '`Yeri,,robie-Aout au :this display, as they, cannot- refrain from contrasting, llwith the traelmenC4f;the 'Duke of Cambridge, who ,went to the Crimea ancl,Ceristentinople among Turkey's defenders AVM $188011118: bayonets: ' -_ - But 'I fear I .: Will -) : exhaust, your p atience, cand, • therefore,'Aop.'• .„': , ~- , - R. Is . wt T.r :„ ip Itikala tlf I)mcovnay Sutra.--Tice little semen' yaiilit Fai 4oir &Mons, arrived in the Bad i r l r • India docks ` y e sterday. She lay:alongside. the, •C quay, withinthe basin all day.: Her appearance is as quiet and purpose-like - es the narrative of her X commander., Captain MoOlinteck, - et w the theme of every tongue. - -. She Seems 'absolutely witholit'a •-,,, wretch on her blank hull; and looks more sober,* It to speak, than yachts in general. There is very tittle ornament about her, but orb. t she has hi in '. wonderfully_ good condition. - The Fox is a round sterned screw; has:three slender, rather raking , masts, Is of topsell-Sehooner rig,And smell poop a ft . `i, Indeed. everything is - mean shout the ship, save her achievements:. oho le rather, sharp -forward, , t and her - bilis - !tie - platted' over "with iron. As k one, actunkthil,",:, Fox,. :More, - closely, wo , detect ?..k preparation...o6UL ~ ,ber-,•,for other da ngers - than beset the Englisti , Waters.: , She lecke' not unlike a bundle' , of - heavy ' handspiket, „iron -pointed ~.',- at each end, as . it. for fonoing . off drift =ice. ti A beautiful Ennio/ant canoe is lasted on her 'far 1. board quarter. ,A small anchor banging over her side; amidships, besides the customary ono at the bow. is auggeative of dangers riaked:And• over ?.. come.' °Weide the ship, at the bottom' alb: ropes • that stay the foremast, are=-a' couple of lee saws '.44 ready for use. ' They greatly aid the mind in pie- I taring the sort .of work -required , of , them.• -Ano i- dor singularity in - the - aspect of the,Fox is a pair It of small antlers, fixed at the end of the betvaprit doubtless of atone meaning' to-her crew, and con. 1 faiebtini with the dimovery. r The sole ; evidence of ~ dritna'ge part, a newly-broken Spar, which Iles on her T 'sbisik, a of her jibibriatii•barriad siva', some - Where tin. thi.English coast.: In short,. there Iles , . the Fox, looking- as : r ousts/Wog among the mu -1 i - T imm/ding craft as ever hero does among Atia'sons of '. - men, whoW,bitWorii;.Wilmocessfully achieved and his rest 1f0n. , -J.pirthiwS'ear;ept, 31, - -, • . - i g,), - ,I I ALr. SET,L ,ttalni."—' it •- will ' bor'remem.. - 1 • - bared that abint : three iribidie -- 40 .Mrs. 0, B. •P T , Edward/4'ot Westboro', Massachusetts, was thrown 8-• - ' from a carriage And almost blatantly klited: 2 :She ~.k 4- loft property, whiettie'eathitted at skint' S 30,000; 0 ';' iler - hualnancl, lornierlY a elargymnn,-, and , now a 1 portrait painter _of this -city, took • out. letters of • administration.'-' - . 4ty.liitt .-..;cifif -- afferWard ~, ills-. - • SeVered, 'whiuh,FtiPesrti,to‘hive r :l 6Bll . written to r y the lady.,:lierself,. j ust before , -her - departure 'Air - Enropet.!-1n..19.56: - - -, i The- Fitchburg -Ifterille elates that the within/Of .the testatrix arab:4,re* , r t .definitely, expressed, of that she phew the il greater mirti Of, fier. - property in - the heed/0/4- E Goole - w..10f, h er. Si ,isle 'William, 1.,,, l• . - Tilden , - .and Frederick:lX linntingdoh, - to . ini ap. , . led by them far the =education o[ needy youth - of :icons,,sexes., - On Vednesday; T ath Inst., ther,will was f iiiiiiiontodlor Miptirettethe:Piobate Court this li - .obirity end mintested,"otiStio'grentid that there Wei' • - „rili A ridelieetif :Priblhation,Abitt :the two wlteoeses ~ lirarliteeklla,bott knotr::sibetber or, not AO demb W blent . weSili• .ad hy 410. Phioirdit, When they wit:'. mated I ~,7 i ,"-i: *titer the document 'presentinflq, •,,,,, Ulu eon ~.f?.. t r Agethatttlid,::One they illiesmid.' . Ibis :10 IV: ,iltol-•'iar:Saintrate .balt, /sheets 'Of . - , ~ , 1 '...,, , l- ait , i'aeitT:'-`.;ileurge V. „Ele,-A brOther, .11 ,'., '. gr.' iithi'atici:4:4l4"eaeoiltoit or true. ia .1' '-`, 4 'h ' lilts 'Oren , 'neticalhatlwiehitli',UpPeal F.. t,..- 1 ,- ; decto?K.Or Ofil t4 o l l ,- TF -41 09(er -14 ,1/i ' ' Feloter,lo.'' , . ',, k ::::-: Tii*.- 2 ,.i--136. gim.:"zi,rm)i.N..—.A. setintifh) gentleman -thugitrsaltikorigitthf:,ilils • 7 iistatilha vbilati.,Wherr. the tneitifygisti r e temera:. t We o f Abaliefleati to sorb' as to osiortolse tba iin. r : •;pttfiellf , .'llidetilation 7,0 f ,, the - lieudiplieriejoialogi , ,,, itb4 ColtilideillW.the ',lioriailinrbistusThecoutes ter:, ';. , :'tibaraini: aitteltdinitaiiihnistai: 2 whiebilire therein , i•"? , 11 - atiltiswitt - de ot, T beit,TlFsitiret disquisitionla':Thte °NI t ' 'q 06 4 14 t A 4444.00010 Is in, the dberaMl , ; •'-tet'•°V l / I ‘ 6 -111 6 0 0 llittili b l fik is il i ,- Viblob - oausee - ' -'4Aketiekettleub)i-lqfitehetiggeneVapANithiei of thef \ :-':'lithiiiglithi-4a4Mi,,Orsiiii.,-.Thitileua then bedtime = 1 :1-'ilf ,, illUir, - Or'ideodististihUI-Apaiultei•Of eemlorittlet 1414,1itt.letiffqtaily,itelflaVOltlifitiai* ; „-. i -'olo,lt,,Oeiftwettiti*liWts=343 'thiake t si'letiltiOn- 1 .'-littsileillipilsigthild,erileilday Or Sistxtrilitt, '=: - ..10 fiCti4f.o4o ll ll44r - mir °toss .reillerN. , Yii , . ':;._oo4F,Aiiiikf, - 7441)p.idaikpitett at Whitehall, the r : ,5 111 0 011141 $4:. . rAtott, to 04! report of the;Al; * „ ,e-',#nts7-;40 'it oAllielforiit arer - 111 1 / 1 0 004, In :r :, ;~;~ . ~nxt ': xs~eSt : kA~.~.~~vF't; .six .R_xid:.-, ss_ 4 1,,i. ._: A Auip:thistAßirf,Tb# AtiOaally'llitiOini . f*tipmaii - fir."Ot"thi ."14tithir42 . eimaeailve te s lioule;. klP'Weland others, that facilities for heading oil the ladostr diseconfortiof-a wild ante should now bastioned [ ~-• edarlier,,tha hatter, as varT *non Mit' stnva dealets ' '' liaibltanieried in the rush of bilsineis that prompt li rrlirtnie toordersr will •be-alinolit inirossible. -in View ,OrdlOßCOol l aididatlOna WO *bold recoisitiseid ouriki tren:Cto,pall and . examine ,the teally superb stook of Stoves: isienuferitured and sold by Mr. Sohn S. Clerk, at hie'. Ivanhoe's, No. 1009, Mattet street: It will he recolr• hided that Mr. Eifein'yeeitild apyistatareiniume at the lens Pair for the sapeiirir excellence of bin popular make ofltilver's Patent r Oas-oonauming Parlor Stoves, to Mr. Clark' 'has - Oda 4ition added 'towered Pitiable Improve meala.; • The' new Pateuti.lrn which he has introduced in the' manufacture of these - Stoves is certainly one of tho•mom complete anongemente ever invented. By it the haat of timploko le mbch more .onnveislontly regy -1141;rs and this .011/V.oolll63lning , properties of the stove • `.Ara rendered Mush more effective. • The draught, by the aid 'of thus Urn-register ' is from she rep ofthe stove, as Ye •eitsf . 'tdearlitdeminietrated by fielding a flame near the apertares, which Prim ; at once drawn into the stove, -A , Unironn 'tsfararsoi;or the whokstove is tkui Ineiertied, and isecordingly the , radfarbrir surfac e is largelyincreased., ,This I.lm Is net only useful, but also onsismentalv. and will, doubthme, this season be intro , &feed into'general use. ; ,'''' ''' - ' '.: Mr. • Clark's 'Cooking Stove; '• Anterice," in also avert' popular' article, It es constructed with& double hollow, 'Centre.pleee, which prevents its warping, sad really Priatlyi increases iti:ges-oonsutning,ocalities. By, Its usenetenlY Any Per cent. of fuel is hayed, but an venal nerventage is saved to wear and tear of stove. A first premium wee also awarded, for this stove at the, Stale ANN POLITICAr, CANVASS is, drawing to ehlose ; and in T d e 'Press of to-morrow our readers will find full aid reliable returns of the election froth all parts of the State., Beiddie; the venal amount Of interesting reading' matter, and the eft-repeated admonition to consult John Ifebseri the artistic cutter in the Tailoring Eitablish meat al ? R,.. T. M. Estrada, .No.,2lSoUth Seventh street, when in Want of in elegant and faultless ,fit. The latest styles of fashionable JEadj made Clothing, artistioally • &shinned, always ;on hand, to which attention of limr- Chasers is invited. • ' • ' Tea WiLikOX AND Cling SEWING MiCOIXE never fails to give entirii . satiefaotion. Price If3o. For indent 115 Chestnut street." , . .WotinnaFtrr. lite,novnuntur.74 gentleman an nonncea Olathe will deliver a lecture in this city. in the mums° of which he " a model of hie steam battering-ram, by whiCh two men can whip out any war ;ISeefel tloW.ltGord. without bring a gun or losing a man. ilnd,also a model cannon, that will load, sim,fire, and swat) itself out.') • He has also nn eihlbition a model suit of clothes from thaPidatial More of Granville stokes, No. OM Chestnut Itri.t~ that have, as yet. never been equalled by any similar establishment in the country: Bonk.--The - artesian well now con. struoting at the "Continental,' on abialnut etreet. has 'reached the depth of sixty feet, and the pipe (one foot do diameter) han already, ehtered the gneisa rock, so an to exclude the surface water, prepiratory to drilling for .Pareyriater. On Monday, the auger brought up a smooth etene,yhich upon Ulan closely examined was found to beatnpon its eurfeoe the following remarkable Maoris non t " Buy tilt Ymir garment, at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Rookhill & Non. 603 and 605 Chestnut street,' above Sixth." Tux Et,mOrtOw °van, successful and unsuocessful candidates, With the rest of mankind, will breathe freer - and deeper. • The lucky ones.will be jubilant, no doubt; whilst their lea fortunate brethren will have to solrice themselves with the hope of"better luck next Meanwhile our advice to all is, " preserve your equanimity, be not cant down, walk erect, andibuy your clothes it the elegant istablishrpent, yalept the Conti nental Qlothing House' or E. U. Eldridge, northeast `coraerbf Ottestnut and ,Rightb. street'. " SII:VDE-PLATED WARE OP THE BEST NIANTPAC . Fine'Table and Pocket Cutlery. Fine Britannia Ware, `in sett or single nitres, Bhcothrt Dishes, Soup Tureens, Hot-crater Plates, Fine Japanned Tea Trays, Plate Warmers, Toilet 'Sets, Cake and Sugar Emu, ho., together with a nem pieta' assortment of gengral Rdusekeeping ertlclos,"tit Messrs. E. a. FARIBON & mouthwed - comer of Peoend and hook streets. . . SHOULD CALL in and see Cream's 'assottraint of Stereoleopes and Views, at Booth Eighth street. ABtereoscope and - one dozen Pletnres 92.50. STORE TO LET and flaturee for Halle by J. B. & Love, Seventh and Brown 'Arista.' Bee advertise ment. • • MARINE INTELLIGENCE. .811 E FOURTH PAUL. ARRIVED. &At E F Lewis. Yorke, 10 days from Portland.with 180 torloyilsater to .Tairus Baker. Bir Ruth Ballow, Davis , 4 days from Jersey City, Wit ceMeat to captain. Behr Chief, Attoms, 2 davit from Aecomito With gram to las Barratt & S'on. Bohr Vandalia, Cooper, I day from Smyrna, Del, with train to Jas L /leader & Co. Behr Bohemia. Clark, 2 days from Chesapeake City, with grain to Christian & Cumin. ~Bthr Y ; On.IIIAT T. erg, T e a, 2 days from Port Deposit, v ile"h i t ;. .7l n izaeth7Litatl ii nt_,t day o from New Castle, with wheat to Jaa 1.4 Bewley & Co. DT TILEGICAPIL - (Correspondence of The Press.) CrtAILLYSTOX, oat -Arrived, Iznik PalmetM, from Boston. tmair, ' Arrived, steamship Florida, fro m , viti ew York. Oct 11. • MEMORANDA.' Steainshlp Delaware, Dims, hence, arrived at New hock yesterday . - Steamship Yiikinia, Kelly, hence, crafted at 'Rich mond lath :cult Strip /airs, Lott, cleared nt New York yesterday for Laverpook Steamship Boston, cleared nt New York yes , tardily for Phlladelphot. Bark Campanetc, DobeL cleared at New York Yester day for Richmond. , • ' ARRIVALS AT' THE 'PRINCIPAL - HOTELS, or T o itti'ciogiaiiprlneut OIRARD HOlRlA—Chistantat,beloßlfinth. Semi A Coanei St Loth, m Joy:: tt Pittsburg 0 Wilson, Pittsburg W P Br antley • Mre floydley etehinevannah RW - ood,-Honoluld Inn Dodson &JA. Va -John Mann, Vv. WS Giltann:: Al V Ruisely Ilnvnll. DaN, ' WO Giles. Pt Y A Sinnielotod.N J FA) Townsend & wf. NY. W7' McClintock. Ohio Aitken.lr & vrf. Y • `Mrs IT A Braden. NX. W Alseri Weet. White, A_Mann, HAnclolph A ll_Belknato, - W Hogetv,Ohio M Brewster; N Y " ItlleCrea: Nashville C Drown, N G Tracy Dr3fl Part, Franklin, Tenn Miss May Manny, Tenn Miss Panel() Park, Tenn Miss Alice filoEwen. Tenn .1 Anderson & in, Savannah .1 Henry, Ga S A Blake. ChaNeeton HN Y Collis. Philo - Gen Hamilton, Arixops kepi). Deneaster N Modell & wt, N i tchants.Harrisburg Jae Cotterall , N AB Hall. Boston RAI Bletabford, N Y Jame" Miller W Wyek, 8 0 AugYakWyok, C - A Bridges & vrl; N 0 Joint etweiler,Harrlsbg ,T Dawdle MD. Eaet'n W Erne W it Cone, Hartforil,Conn WT A Duncan, N Y 0 reajsou, N 0 C Tvlar. Boston Oeo II Darr, N Y W B Richards. Boston John Webb. Wash, D Mr Iluldstrd. Conn Aux 1 rine. N Y Ja Boardman, PI , miss A liblhorni N 0 En Pittman, N 0 BA Fisk NO W Miller, Oa B Ford. Va Miss Prohaseo, N J Geo W Dobbins. Belt El Hart- Charleston Z 1) Galina., Alex , 3 Y M Jordan, Vs. 8 B Goodwin. Ye N 1 1 . L Johnson Miss Miss Jounson & eta, Miss Jots Perry, Vs A !Arkin ie la, Its W Ya Davis Thompson. Term D Jamison, 0 Mr.Btaokbouse. N 0 Mast Jamison. N 0 II Me Cloy. N Y M Fp Le Grand. Ala A F puller, N Y • And 3 Watt, N John V Stoddard, Ga Jos Willcoxon. Texas A 1, Cronbr, JB NCrane. NY It Hawley, N Y = Oen I, Bolcom. Nlf B It Soi_myer; Boston Inewler, Berllnston Mrs J bompoon,_Waten,DC Mies Wiley, Miash'n, D C CHN Y • MBRCHANTB' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. C B Jamison, Minh W Henan. Milton D in Williams, Pa I. N Nixdorif, Md C P Call, Conn 3 Waterhouse. Idea. W C Borland, Plttstairg Mfg Nherer & eon, Pa J Pierce, Halt .1 11 Frantz, Dalton, Md 8 Foster. Boston J Mesh:name. N Y Haws. Carlisle Mr Moyer. N C D Behalf & wr, Pa W Lonasker . & wr. 1) Blair, Jr. Lane. Pa it W RhenY. Lana. Pa C Rowe. Birwsintre A MrClor, Straeberii 18 Brown. Erie, Pa Jll Putneni. Mum Nit Coffin k to. Pittsburg Cat RS Sella% NorriePn J W &shall, York, Pa - A .l ierr, Lana on . JONES' ROTEL—Chestnut street. above Stxth. ER Utile. N_Y ' Lewis Ritter. Ch ' atn't Hit R A Ryther , Washington D Ropkins. , Butralo 'At Height. & yr. Chicago J Slew ht. Chicago lants A OHM.. Chicago Jame Davis. N .1 R Mugu, NY 13 Pond A. le. N at . Master Pond. N Y " W.l Williams. Chester lien Doman. Pa PI It Pennington. Newark "J P Yickridge, Norwich I W Carlton. Boston .I't Seam N Y Mn an . D lii, Btuiton J Francis. Buffalo J R Coal, N Y J limn. N Y DI, Routhard. N V Thos Williams. Miss R il Malone. Naas I Winchester, Dalt Jun Boyd, Geo Twaddle. Bait Vitit St F Fallon. N Y J C'rostey.jr. Conn . ' WI G Esehmilm, N Y W C Dana. Charleston ~T II Conner. \ eMitig loe T Norton, Wheeling EBtasAman, a ~ Ant MAN 'HOTEL—Chestnut. ot.. above Fifth. W H liekNJ J W Lewor,N Y Heßice.NY- T P .Tenkine & la. Md 0 B Mowry, Boston - J E Wolff; Vit (len Reid. va p Pomrov. Mase .1 W Littlefield, R I Thos C Haltom, Troy Bran C Hall, Del W M Morris. N J F B Chet Wood. N J David 0 Nivling & In, Pa B Fahnestork Isvil, bane Mrs 114 I. Bauman. Lane Win Walston. Via J_E Churn, Va. TF Humphrey & la, Vit Min Sarah tjpeneer. Ye - Mrs Bnege,N % - .T 0 Miller. N Y H T Battles, tt ' Orn S Cook. Philo ChasHeys,N J ,- . D Corm?. Del 11 t V a li ' 1 1 ' I .TI 1 ;I T 1 1 Kl W lc a i nn" l a r c l, P H 4 .l' T . n at ' e . & r. 'Balt . RH r eorlime n , n 4 r V i, Rev W P tOrtria & la, Del . D K4ingsland, N' 11'. 11 Read & la, Huoungdon JOR 4 _Hutimbroyfi, , f I i. M . Rhodes, Mass - . Rent El rottlierS, N Y r 0 F Watson & dam Va DO Macomber, NY D Stevenson & la, Bolt - M T Powers, Pa NATIONAL ROTEL—Ruse street. Above Third. Xfl Draker,__Wilkesharre E 'Wood, Wilkeshorre J Flask, Wilkeebarre A M °Tabor. Po 0 Blaasil, Pa P Dallas, Pittsburg C A Young, Pittsburg' E A jacobv, Pa icsler, rpol x ville FS Bons & la. BA Aaron Ina Bonder. D Wilrox; pentad, PA Gen Teaser, Carlisle E ktiller,lork P C Eichholtg, York co , Thee Pringle, N lLiherFr 0 X Kline, Marks co Jos Whitaker. kit Clair A Lighti Letainea ; • g.hilt Molzi.Bloolns l l4 Hafmell & la, Pc W Weidman, Pa Jobe - yeeatrove .1 r. Pa V Kern. Butler co !oho NOVI. Pittebure J oe X Boyd, Pittsburg E Fah enberger, Lone co' Mark Connell, Jr. Lone no PHANKIAN HOWlE—Chestnut street, above Third. W Hughes, Tina' - TIM Pomeroy, Oin, 0 T C Hood. Newtown "' l u ll . ° l,oorn Rand, Haverhill tio.'erkill ' Ins Ines, Ils4 mimic Horslin M. Pa Dr Weston, N I i ft din ait ' 4 -r4tos E.Abbott, Afsee 4,11 .81. 4 t ater, w ar v o 243 4 1 41 , 4 %motto D litgr Trenton L Bajn, N Y STATES lIRIONROTELIdarket street.ahovel3teth. - .4.6lBeeiiltrielreort, PA 0 March, Otnn, 0 ~ ottiddle r Dayton, 0,. - J Monism), Pa fWligri,illt i triN Yrilli t FAZl„irr, r 4 H I R . .; 1 1iff,, , A,g,,..... J E n o n i y rn itapsitio 1y - ijnieq, ' Clelreland. 0•. It K og e'r, 01e ,460, 0 thn %Ilea/non. If JAUF P UTVIN...O yv 2 ,Yir.go.y 4 .,•,Virr'and railtzgatts: ? p„hy.e. ~„.....0,,a4-. -,.. •.,' B Brenman rs. ,3. : Taii UNION ROTRL—Aiah street, above Thud. Ll 4 Min, Itfferitorti. Pa , J 0 Kayser, 7.1 "Yr .y Stoner; Pittsburg A K Heirmeir. Lancaster A , ltitle.• Pi tbtby ft, ;', "R. Crawford, Pa li aster', Ohio , 3 A Holeombe, N I N. Wale, N J P S hleTaime, v. DDowin,N J . T Foy.. obit. O W Stun!, N J ~ - R Irwin k In, Ohip Oit Petah Ohio ' R. Peek. Conn 41.Rtontnel, Harrieburg .'_ A P SWarts, Harrisburg . ; EARLEY SHE AP Hi/TEL—Second et., below Vine. I T Ity i l i t trgria t b . ug y , 514 I:l 3 4l o at i z il , Dnes tow n z gttmonre.i. c irakz,no kiMeT'kenmimbeorcr,ille )13 Paeietc:Boottsvnie , hn Fritz', Cat vv Davolsovi, ottettenhoni 'P Davidson k in, Diltrott.'untOoro AP Jarrett. Hatboro Doylest'n Jvvlleiltern,Buidraeo' _ 0 Shoemaker, Pa - NEROTIANTi' iiOl.lSE—ThiA - st., ab. Callowhill. ritiAbitek.ltearfotroWn • J hertz . ACME. Shamokin J Shi l v i .. , Shamokin SroJnier Er son. PA .1 a aulfinan, Snyder co ChW 'snow .tla. Fa ' ' , W L codeine ,Pa P Ang titlit r ig u ilte; • to wn .'' . , Arwinolaigveltig ,1;,...9h0pit, , A e oPg , ' ' .41.!': 7? r: IV! 7 ' 7 p' 111LADELPEta . IirtDNESDAY, .PCTOBER.,. 12, 1859 MOUNT VEENOIL'z riaandeVeetiribeVe Aroh. hereitoFateDel City Be ss , c n t on cor s Chester ' A Lagranoe, Monkoal reer, Norfolk, Va 9 W Pomdexter, Miss W Buokman, D LumnlA., Camden J Lain, Wihn, Del EAGLE HOTEL-Third street. above Race. M Painter, W Chester 'l' Ely ea, N Y Williams. Mass , '1" Tloine Albany, N B Simpson, Balt J Bcy to, Jonesville N Rmbree Camden .1 Vickers, West Chester LW Steer , Balt H Wigton, Easton T W Barroushs, Laminator BALD EAGLE—Third et above Callowhill. tneg l ikf lee Lebanon ieadiii eo .1 3 oVi ' Vr n jit a kr Pa fr a ti o n b lfltieto l t n illtgo g n illegt r n y t,?; 7 /7, n 1V, 1 1 1 :mo„ R Crater, Lebanon tiolomonS Woire,Labonon Min A Greybill, Lebanon W COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth it., above Chestnut, Chandler. Concordville J I,uokland. Cecil oo il W Taylor. °coil co,,Md I T Shantz, Canads:West . A °l 4 PtillOnTßTl "niata " Mrs Todd, Newark, Del J Hoffirutn, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third' at., above Callowliill. Ctrs Tinney, Hartsville Win Hamer. rennsburg BTubb, Lansdale Jas Krubb, Transits, Easton J Wolkord'ennsburg W Morrill, ni N Landis, District SPECIAL NOTICES. JUST OPENED—WHITE FRENCH CHINA DINIVE4 Bare, at the unprecedented Mesa 824—coin- Plots to dine twelve persons. Also, 100 Dozen WHITE FRENCH China Dinner Plates, full eine and beat quality, for 81.60 per dozen. ' Also, 100 Dozen WHITE FRENCH China Breakfast Tiaras, extra Adze, for 81 per dozen (petrel prize 81.751 Also, for Economical Families, White English Stoneware Dinner Sets for 813. Likewise fine White Tea Sets, complete in 46 pieces, for 83.50. Theo bargains, for cash only, at the old CHINA HALL, CHESTNUT Street, directly opposite Old Independence Hall. W. J. KERR & CO, MATRIMONY CONTINUE/D.—Every person, whether married or single, should not fail to hear PRON. O. S. FOWLER lecture tonight, WEDNESDAY, Oat.Sl2th. at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on " COURT SHIP AND MARRIED LIFE," commenang at. 7.45 P. M., and cloning with goblin examinations. The lecture will be replete with the most meth' and nraetical information. Tioltets 25 canto. Professional Examination. Deily, for a short time only, at fPla CHESTNUT Street. It THO ()nowNnia GLORY." —A flowing, soft, luxuriant head of hair is considered the crowning glory of either sex, but particularly of woman. JULES HAUEL'S EAU ATHENIENNE HAIR RESTORER will produce this, even where baldness has existed from age or disease. It also restores the hair to its original life-color, black, brown, or auburn, and yet is not a dye. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES lIAUEI, gt. CO., No. RH CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ocle-gtdlcltW lIOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTRRS Win pOSi- Booty cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, NOTVOUI De bility, &c.., &o. B 00FLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough &a., &o. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACXEION & CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists and dealers generally. Price 76 cents per bottle. se24-tf THE BRST $5O FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EVER MANUFACTURED. W. B. JACKSON & CO.. 724 CHESTNUT Street. Agent* wanted. 0e4.12t* To TITS LAIMES.—W. H. Jackson & CO. respeetfully Invite the ladies of Philadelphia and tioini ty to cell and examine their now and improved $l5O FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Their Machines use the Straight Needle, and make the look stitch alike on both sides of the cloth. Office , 724 CHESTNUT Street, over Ilazard'a Book Store• oc1:121. GROVBR & B4ERM 7 13 OSLIBRATID NOISRLIMS FAMILY BieWnie-MAOHIMIS, AT REMICHE PRICES. Temporarily at N 0.601 Broadway. Will return to No. AS In a few vast& , Tan PRICKS OF SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES HAVE: BEES:: REDVCRD II I 1121-3 M GAS-LAMP DEPOT—bIITII AND ARGIL se24-3ru ONR PRIOR CLOTHING OF THIS LATEST Sams, made in the beet Planner; expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling prices markea in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satia rotatory. Our ONE-PRICE System fa strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. An are thereby treated alike. JONES h CO., sait-tf 5)1 MARKET Street. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAPRTY TRUST Costranv.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money la J./calved every day, and in any amount, arse or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. IL The money Is always paid book in OOLD whenever it Is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Abuja firraro,l, Guardians, and other Trustees, In large or smalteUMe, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money reeeived from Depositors Is Invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rent', and other first , alms securities. S. °Moe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest earner Third street. Phileutelobis. " apL SIANIN S SAVING FOND—NORTITGEST Cowin SBCOND and WALNUT Btreets.--Geposite re ceived in emelt and large amounts, from all Masses of the oOramonity, and allows interest at the rate of five per tent. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without loss of in tared.' Office open daily, from 0 unfits &cloak, and on Mon day and Saturday nutd 0 In the avowing. Preaulaut, I'MANKIiIN FELL: Tremuror and Beoretary, CHAO ,E,MORRIB. SALAIKANDBH, FIER-PROOF SAPRS.—A very line assortment of SALAMANDERS for 'sleet reason able pricey., No. X South FOURTH Street, Pbiladeb phi& ast23 tf " EVANS & WATSON WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. —Philadelphia. Off o 3. MS CH)•,STNUT Street. Merohenta' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Branch °Mete in Trenton, New Jersey, and Eaton sod Westebenter. Pa. . eel4-4,n MARRIED. MeGILL—CONTHOR.—At Weshington oily, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Dr. Pinknes, Mr. Wm. W. McGill . to Belle R, daughter of Inane contnor. late of Phila. WESTERVELT—GA ILLARD.—lnChatleston. 8. 0., 6th inst., by Rev. W. B. W. Howe, Mr. Harman Wes tervelt. of Cheraw, to alias Emily, daughter of tho late Dr. T. 11, Gni hard, of St. John ' s . BerkIey. GRBEN—GAILLARD.—In Charleston, 8. 0,. oth Mg., by Rev W. B. W. Howe, Rev. J . Mercier Green to idles atary.aret E. deoghter of the late Dr. T. S. Gail lard, of St. Jolla's, seamy. DIED. BMlTlL—Suddenly, on Monday morning, the 10th inst., Wm. O. Smith, in the Nth year of hie age. The male friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral. from hie Into residence, No. 204 Federal street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. DORNEY..—On the 9th inst.. after a lingering illness. Mrs. Eve Al. Dorney, in the 99th year of her age. Funeral from tier residence, I',o. 2W Franklin stre!t, on 11 1187 1 1 4 ! y afternoon , 13th t at 1 h t o m K Brown. relict of trill Wee ?Lev: BrOwn, a nsea n itirtriends of the family are invited to view the re inning. at the renic'ence of her son-in-law, Dr. Hoed. No. litnl Atilt street, this ( Wednesday) morninr, at 9 o'clock. The funeral will proceed in the afternoon to the Great Valley Baptist Church. FOSTE.R.—On Bu day. the 9th feet., Margaret B. Fes ter. daughter of the late William Foster. The friends of the fannly are invited to attend her funeral, from the residenoe of her brother-an•law. John Biddle, N 0.2344 Pine street, this( Wednenitav,l the Hillinst. at 11 o'clock A. AL To proceed to Laurel Hill Can :dory. TERB ' ETT.—On the Stli inst.. George Terbett, in the ' 28th year of Ins age. Funeral fro,. his Into residence, Twentieth and Han cock lames (formerly Harrison,) thin (Wednesday( .af t EL —On e 811 lust., Mr. Ezekiel C. Russell, in the 23th year of his one. Funeral from the residence of hie parents, corner of Corn and Reed streets, this (Wednesday) afternoon, ti . t. 3 o'clock. OWEN.—In York, Pa., Ith met ., Abraham Owen, sied e) yearn and 1 month. BOWNE.—At Now York, Oct. 10th, Capt. Jonah Bowne, general agent of the Board of Underwriter's, in the 45th year of life age. MOURNING STOR, LT-IL No. 809 CHESTNUT ment 0 1 . Black Velour Rape, do. Mousseline d'Lainee. l ‘ do. Ccekineres, do. Merman.. do, Rahn de Chines, do, Etombagines, do. ?unisex, do. nromettax. do. Taw Lustree, do. Thibot Long Bhowls,__ Dleoic Crape V Second Mourning Gonda in E! BESSON & SON, Street, have a full wort. Black Gros Grain Silts, do. Noun de Boles, do. Venetiennes, do. Oros d'Ecosse. do. Patent hoiled Bilks, do. Irish Poplins. do, English °eaves, do. Crape Ckdiars. do. " dlepves, elle, &0., &e, every variety. - 07-if 10. MASONIC NOTICE.—THE MEMBERS of RISING STAR LODGE. No. W, A. V. M., intend:r_to participate in the dedication of the New Hull o Hiram Lodge, _No 81, Chestnut H.ll, are re aneete to meet at the MASONIO on TO.MORROIViThureasy/AIORNINd, ttalrUM tort.. at 8 o'clock precisely. Full Masonic dress to be carefully °hawed. Mack dress ooat. &c. Ry order of L. K. DELL, W. M. B. FRANKLIN JACKSON, Secretary. It CONSOLIDATION BANK.-I'IIILADEL trxr PHA, October 11.1242. n eleetinn of Thirteen Threaten', to nerve the RINO .en ftllolll3ll/.. il e ti l t ! e h rnta h 4 l B l l. weep the hours o 10 A, M. end 2 P. M. .10S. N. PEIRSOL, vaclder. enl2-oltatn2l The annuallocating of the Stockholders will ho held at the name plane on TUESDAY, November let, at 12 o'clock At. oh-wave tnl JOS. N. PEIRSOI,, Cashier. A MEETING OF THE STOCICH,OLO- I 1 ERR of the GREEN AND, COATBS-ST. PAR- R! , fit4R RAILWAY COMPANN will he hold nt the office of the Company. 423 WALNUT Street. on TITES BAY, October 18th, et 11 noon. to confoder the queetion pf rtinning the care on the Green and Coatee-etreat Varian of the Company 'a road on Sunday. By onler of the board. 0112.13 t DENBY SHARWOOD. Secretary. MMITCHELL LODGE. NO u9a, A. Y. AL —Germantown 'inquirers Intending to participate dediention of the New Hall at Chestnut 11111. will meet on TH URSDAY MORNING, 13th met.. at &doe k, at tie Lodge Hoorn. Full black milt, white gl ev e e , w o e 4 p ity cler ?f Committee, AXIS,At.IILE I RIITR. 1 3 , 4 14: BOOIKIIIB. "" A. FLYNN, 'MR B HENRY. W. Al BA I R. 012-2 t• ry -- FREE LE IEFA I I I I. I3 E, m S EVEN? N(1, t ontaTt r iel l idita Eve," EdrVtqfcPauOßV sixth find eamtriepeeta at 1).1 I'. M. Medical o lnce. l4 P VIIESTIeUT Street. MINDIA—ITS RACES, LANGUAGE, AND RELI(DON.—The Rev. HENRY M. BC UDDY, tlnct., will lecture on this subject on TUE - PAr EVE 11 , 10_, the lath inst., at 6 o'clock , in t 8 MIIBIOAL ND }Mit, Tickets. ENTY-FIYE CENra. To 130 had at Messrs. 'parry & McMillan. Wm. 8. & . m Al Martian, Proshyterian Board Tract House, and at tho Roos of the Young en's Chriatian ABIO ' . two , lOU Chestnut. oliNt* ry - • CONCERT HALL—NEW LECTURE,— THE win give his NEW LECTURE. oic THURSDAY EVENING, October 13th. The eablent is a novel one, YNTITLIM WHAT A BLIND SAW IN ENGLAND." It lino delivered at the Cooper Institute, New York for tie first time, to an_ Tickets 25 cen IMM s ENSE for 8 AUDIENCE. , or five 1. For Bate at elf the usual places. Lecture. quarter to eight o'clock L 'MEETING OF:111E YOUNG MAN'S lit the foliowvis .nnineni go t ninon in the Board in 'rms. AT THE ANN UL ,totCo tnhutotw ho TE, held on the Al 10., mevAvore itle/?ted,to yaps tees: WiSham .1). Kelley, • John Biddik' 8h Morrie Waln, The PRESI Board h i newrionetltu , DENT William Welsh. TREASURER, S. Morrie Waln. SVili en D, Kelley,T Rvs John Biddle, John Pernum, Samuel V. Merrick, John M. Ogden, Jacob P. Donee, Thomas S. Stewart, Philip M. Price. James 11. Whetliam, Henry B. Tatham, By order of the Board 010-St J7lbtgr t r . Mb, M. D., toseplt Jr, ted nn followei ‘ ' • VIOE Pitl i f i lT e E/1"1", y ea . P A :P/11.1', 1 Ism ste LES. P a TVP l Y r 7e l. r i rne, Milan Edson. i'lfred L. k;lyisn, AL E., oeepn Harpeon, Jr., R a rAt l l9l. A.lf;i D., willtum P. erasion, John .1. Thompeon, ohm Williams. AM L. REIM. Secretary. 11081(EOPATIIIIC COLLEGE OF PENN i ric rSYLVANIAyFiIbert ntrpot, above Eleventh. to ntroduotory Lequroo will be deh in vored the rot . low ng ordor : Prof. J. AL WARD, MONDAY, 10th, 8 o'clock. even thilief. C. J. lIEMPIL, TUESDAY, Ilth, 8 o'clock, ovoning III; J. R. COXE, ILI WiDNESDAY, 12th,80'clock, e WorTHOS. MOORS, THURSDAY, I3th, 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. W. A. REED,PRID AY. Irth. 8 o'clock, evening. Prof. J. BEAKLEY, SATURDAY, 13th, 8 o'clock. eyrie!. . rof M SEMPLE, MONDAY, Mit, 6o'oloolc P. M. 'Medical and Surgic.ti Choice, WLDNESDAY end SATURDAY, 12 o'clock M. oB.ll' , J. DEAKLEY. M. D.. Dean. crJEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE.— Soscon of 186940.—Order of Introductory Leo- turns. Prof. Dunglisen,Monday, October 10. at 7 P. M. prof. AMAMI. Tuesday, OctoLvor 11. at 7P. M. Prof Oross, Tuesday, October IL at 8 P. M. Medical and Surgical Clink, Wednesday, October It at 19 M. Prof. Dickson r Thuraday. Ootober 13, at 7 P. M. P , r r of f . Thurada6, Oitob.r. 13. at i B l, .. M. • t e t 8:11;14! !`,`, p M . • Madtoal an ' a Bor.rjoal 3 uliio. Saitirday, 'October /54 at 11 M. ROBLEY D NOLIBON, Dena. oa7-7t 1174 PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE—MEDI caI Department, Ninth etreet, below JJoeust. The introductory Lectures will be delivered as follows; Prof. Hartshorn, Monday,, October 10th, at 4 P. M. Prof. Taggart. Monday, October 101 h, at 5 P. M. Prof, Oobrecht, Tuesday, October 11th, at 4 P. M. Prof. Melee, Tuesday, October 11th, at 61'. 31. Prof. Harlow. Thursday, October 13tIOat 4 I'. Al. Prof. Rand, Thursday, October 13th, at 6 P. hl. Prof, Ilitlaoy Friday, October 141 h, at 61' AL Medical and 'Surgical eludes on Wedne+y and Sat urday at noon, The public is invited to att nd. 07..7t* LEWIS D. HARLOW, M. 0., Dean. OA. P. A.—HARMONY LODGE, NO. 20 will hold their second annual festival at the MR HM' HALL. Fourth and George streets, on THURSDAY 1 YENDIG,I3II, met. Doors open at 71i o'clock. Tickets. TO cents, to be had at the door. J. BOYD. Chairman of Committee. WM. THOMPSON, Secretary. 013-at* [IicrIPAIRMEHS' AND MECIIANICS' BANK —pIIILA October yd 1339. eo s hereby given that nn e action for Thirteen Ditectnia will he,-held at the Banking Moue on MON. DAY, Novemberflnt, IMO, between the hours of go'clock A. M. and 3 o'clook ht.; and n general meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November let, at o'o/ook 111, at tho—Bankmg Hoene. 04 Ktn2l W. RUSHTON, JR., Cashier. SOU Till - VARA BANK—PIIILADEL PHIA, October 3d, tss9. 1-l o:iee is hereby giVen that an election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MON DAY, November 21st, 1839, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. Id. and 2 o'clock P. M.; and n_genQpil meet ing of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, No vember lat, at 12 o'clock M. 01,1tn21 F. P. STEEL. Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK,—OCT 4, ISA s annual meeting of the Stockholders of thin Bank will be held at the Banking Douse on TUESDAY, the first day of November next, '412 o'clock M. And the annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Douse on MONDAY, the 21st day of No vember next, between the hours of it A. M. and 2 P. M. 03-wfamtn2l 11. B. COMEDY/3, Cashier. MMECHANIC S , BANIC—RIIILADEL, PHIA. October 4th. 1869. e is hereby given that an election for Thirteen rectors ,to serve the ensuing veer, will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, November 21st, from 10 A. M. tog P. hi. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, November Ist, at 12 o'clock M. 05-wlr& m tn2l .1. G. MITCHELL, Cashier. BANK OF COMMERcE7PIIITADEL - - • - October 1. DM—Notice IS lieret;r at an Election for thirteen direotors to serve for the ensuing y ear, will he held at the BANKINO HOUSE, on MONDAY, November 21, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. ands o'clock I'. M. J. C. DONNELL, • oe.l-mwf tn2l Cashier. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be hold at the same place on TUEsDAY, November I, at 12 o'clock M. .1. O. DONNELL, oc3-mwttnl Cashier. CLOAKS AND FURS. E LEG ANT FALL WINTER CLOAKS. OPENING WEEK PARIS AND LONDON IMPORTATIONS, AT TUN PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET .T.. W. PROCTOR 8c CO. 10 Wirm 61 CAHPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. BAILY BROTHER, NO. 020 CIINSTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TO-DAY A LOT OP ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS. OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, ENGLISH INGRAINS SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS d4-dtde7if TO MERCHANTS BUYING 0I 1 CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLA.BON iSc SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of &Were to our large stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for shades. Tha largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and DUFPHOLLANDS in tht market. at paces which defy competition. auSt-gin GERbIANTOWI\ PASSENGER RAILWAY "-i 7 rzel—, r • n P - -Pli COMPANY —On and attar 6 - October 12th, the ears of this Company will earn the Diamond-street elation, to, Germantown, en follows: At 6, G' and 7 A. M., and every twen II minutes until o'olovic P. ht. • and ovary fifteen minute,' until 8 I' M.; then every ' hall hour until 13 o'clock M.—at which time the last car will leave the depot. Leave the Germantown station, for Philadelnltia, at 11A3.6.49. 7.09, 7.19. 7.73, 7.38,7.44, 7411, and 8.13; then every twenty minutes until 81'.M., and then every hell hour time until 11 P. M. Quarterly School Passau to and front the city. and Package' of School Tickets, Owens!, Germantou n, for ante at depots at Germantown or Diamond street, and office, era Book street. By order of the President. 012.41 W. M. SINGER'S. Secretary . REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.- c. DOGHUE, la South WATER Street, of for sale. at the lowest each winos, a fresh stook of Re fined Sugars end Syrups, of various grades. 017 at" - - - w—ztr : TEETH INSERTED in the best rieetiol manner, el prim lower then one be laid else wh.re. Pee epeolinene el 4119 office, No. 11i) North FOURTH Street. 012-R' C. 8. 9ORFIELD, Dentist A LIFE-SIZE Photograph in Oil is al. %viva a hicancom, and if made at REIMER'S Phn togravtly Geliety, SECOND Street, above Green, it is gt superior picture, tie none but the moot okilful per• sons are einelwetl. It. CifIE4PEST WINDOW (mass in town. 1..) at DICK'S, 8. W. corner of SEVENTH and SOUTH. oil 3ne - MADAME VAILLANrSSehooI for Saptomher fand l 1 1 1(t E8uT e.t..... received. NAVAL STORES.-50 Nils. Spirits Tur pantine. )1) Store. 100 Ws do, do. and 444.10 m 810 Des Itonin, to arrive. For sale by .110WI.NY, ASIIBURNER k CO., 010 N 0.16 South Wharves. MIXED PAINTS, of any Tint desire 1, a 08.6t 110. 34 North TWELFTH HOW. BR A DDOCK. (Late , ) ( I‘ l ,= . ll;:tOgnee.) ( hate e s iree'r` . ; tiPe l ger. HOVEY it, HENRY, ATTOIINF.YS AT LAW. INDEPENDENCE, JACKSON COUNTY. Al I OU RI. COLLECT/01YR mode of Eastern Claims i SS n an) par of Western and Northwestern Misenuri. lIRVKI2 TO Mama. R. Wood, Marsh, & Hayward,) .. Caleb Copp & CO.. Philadelphia. Biter, Prtee, & Co., 67' Merchants will IdOMI.IIIII Oa 011 t the above and paste at the head of " tills Recelva le." oo 11-Ini - - 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 EITEREOBOOI'IO BAZAAR,—Oreat Eroporiant for Qtereoseepos and Sterooidopi o yie we..A inertoon. French I 0 English, Opera Gif1360.19. At I 0f1400561. and Improved P t"i" ' 64"1 1.1. 4n i ' Y te kki l iaM a illticittn, in SLAW treet,beiow Chestnut. is. Artificial Unman 'Eves ineerted. PEARS—Five barrels very choice Do thesse ,l'Auyontome. Rearm Biel. Louise Bonno to Jemli Ant , teeelvett anti for ante In lota to suit. Q. N. 1111.100.9. 011 -3 t * 30JSouth NINTH Street. ITALIAN HEMP ROPE.—ltttlinn Hemp Rope, White and Tarred, for Inalined rianes• Ma nufactured and for Sala by WVAVER. FITIXR 3t. CO , 010 03 N. WATER se., 'tad 22 N. Wharves. TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER CHANT:I.—ManiIa Rope, all 'Uses, neatly packed, null for sole by the mnnufacturorm nt the lowest Now York Prices. WEAVER, FITLER & CO., 011/ 13 N. WATER St., and ra N. Wllnyvelt. $l6 FORA Lu o y, op ? ? uga iin iN nl rro A U 7 metio. Ae.. TWININVS !SERCANTiLEP.INStI TUTE, r+. E. corner NINTH nod HYMN° liA111) :N treet& 08-Itit" _ --- A Leollol,, 13URNING Ft (JED, and PINE OIL, in bids and 11n1f-lible. Manufactured find for sale by ROMAN. AtOLHURNER h CO.. 016 /40 leBoatli Whemee, NEW PUBLICATIONS. EVERY, VOTER wir6 nzara•e'T RiRfiVG PUOM THE BIETtlr POLITICIAN TO THE STATESMAN. ' D.—APPLETON' 8o CO., `348 lo 348 ImoADWAY, 2 . 4EW YORK, will pultHoh, on the not of Januaiy, TH.E MUST VOLUME OF A RE-18SIJE OF BENTON'S Al3lll - DOMENT OW TUE D &BATES OF CONGRESS F i rem 1780 to tece. One volume to be hunted every month, and the work to be completed by 3laroh , 1&31. 13 VOLUMES, *3 PER VOLUME CLOTH; tee 50 LAW, l'he publication rif this work was commenced Just be fore the panto of MT, and it is believed that numbers were prevented from subscribing at that time by reasons that she not now exist. Since the first volume espearel, now nearly three ) ears ago, a new Congress has been elected, to every member of which it is a necessity many young men have entered the arena of active life w ho mar naturally desire to possess these volumes, whioli contain the most sati•factory political history of the United States, and the best Biographies of our Ora tors and gr at Statesmen. For the °envoi:derma mall, the Publishers have resolved on a RE-11313U1t, to the resil ient', of which there can be no Interruption, as twelve volumes are completed, and the work will he finished by July ISO, when those who truly prefer completing their sets, rather than wait for the regular issue, will have on opportunity of doing so. f From the Philadelphia North A morican.l In this work the PEOPLIS will have, for the first time, an opportunity to become acejuainted lath the manner and spirit is whithipublie affairs were discussed in the early stages af the Government, This Abridgment, or " Annals," trill be an invaluable part of the history of the country. The ro•ioou+ will contain a memoir of the author By subscription only. JOHN McFARLAN, Arca& Hotel, 621 CHESTNUT STREET, (Mod of tho New American eyelopte din. ' ' Agent for Pennsylvania. Agents wanted to Canvass in every county, 012•w2t " Miss Evan:may well he called the Charlotte Brom.. Of America."—Tray Wing. THE SEVENTII THOUSAND NOW READY Cl , BEULAI-I; BY AIIOUITA J. EVANS, Mobile, Allt. One large and nentAnnitecuuo volume. Pace $1 p. From the Emitting Post.) " She /nix, nt any sate, established is rank among Me best novelists of her sex 10401/1 our country rmi boost, and tee do not rementbes any wink af fiction which has been produced in this country for years, which is wro te,, wish mere power and is more full of promise than ' BMW.' She hoe shill:red a decided literary success, surress which will at least be as cordially rerognised at the North as nt the South." Single copies sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of the price, lry DERBY A JACKSON, Publishers, or-ltd&W No. 119 NASSAU Street New York, MERCHANTS On their was up town from business will find THE NEW BOOKS, As well as a large Stock of ROOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE, AT ?CR METROPOLITAN BOOK STORE Op SAMUEL, HAZARD, JR. olt-It. 7it 4 CHESTNUT START. HENRY • WARD BEECHER'S SERMONS, VUBIASIIED WEEKLY IN THE INDEPENDENT. In addition to the interesting mutter contained in every succensive number of The Independent, the pub lisher is happy to announce that the Sunday Morning Sermons of Rev. HENRY Worn BEECHER will appear exclusively in its columns every week. They are the only reports given to the preen which receive revi sion from the Author's own hand. Among other speolal contributors are the following well-known writers Mrs. HARM"' BEECIfER STOWE. Rev. GEO. 13. CIiP,BVER, end :JOHN O. WHITTIER. TRIMS-TWO DOLLARS a year, payable in advance Address JOSEPH 11. RICHARDS, PUBLISHER, No, 5 SEMI/LH Street, Now York FOR BALE BY ALL "NEWS AUF.NTS, ell lothlst pUBLISIIED, ON THE BTH INST. -K.TIJF LEADERS OF THE REFORMATION. LUTHER, CALVIN, LATIhIER, and KNOX, the Repreeentative Men n. (Jemmy, Prance. England, and Scotland. By Rev. J. Tri.Loott, D. D. 12w 0., cloth. JUST PIIBLISHED. BRITISH NOVELISTS AND THEIR STYLES; Being n Critical Sketch of the History of British Prose Fietion. Hy Darin Masses. M. A., aqthor of "The Lift atm Thnes of Milton." Itirno.. cloth. ?scents. English and An erican Roviewers unite in unqualified commendation of this work, as one of the mut enter taining boot, of the day. NEW EDITION. LECTURES ON METAPHYSICS ; , BT H,Amwritn. Dart.. Profeesor o 1,4410 h,. n and Metaphysics lue University ofEdlnburg. two., clot ea. - The rapid sate of the (Mai thousand of this masterly work attesta the to of the Auterican mind for mental ohtlmoplty. TN PREPARATION. • Ir. At ANSEL'S MISCELLANIES ; C . lrprieme P ulto rologon Logien, • Philoaophr of Knot. Psycholqey, or tho Test of Aloud nod Moto phrefool Phtlonophy. ".kletnohysdea," ,ko., 4o ; under tho editorint supervision of the author. LECT_GRES ON LOGIG, BY SIR WILLIAM' IIAhIILTON. GOULD k LINCOLN, N 0.63 WASHINGTON Street, 012-wswat Hatton. GEORGE G. EVANS' BOOK LIST. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' • OIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, 439 CHESTNUT Street, where vou can get BooKB IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE, and A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from 50 cents to $lOO, be given with each book sold. Catlin, and one trial will assure you that the only plate ill ills city where to pureha.r Rooks at, is GEORGE 0 EVANS' GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Phillulelphia. Two doors below Fifth , on the Upper side. Stranger.,visiting the city, ate respectfully in vited to call andexatunie the large colleation of Bootie, and get a Catalogue. Inv! POlLtsllst_ THE GREATEST HOOK OF THE SEASON. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-vocpix. Ambassador. Ambassador, Ambassador, Author, tip z i a ii i r d. Author, wizard, Wizard, Oonlurer, Conjurer, Conjurer. Magician, Illaxtmnn, Magician, Necromancer, Necromancer, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Enchanter, Rocha tear. Enchanter, PROFESSOR OF W S LEritlen GH T-0 P-II A ND, etc., eto., eto. by'Himself Edited by copious LTON MACKEN4IE. With l nde x, carefully arranged This book is full of interesting and 4Vitertitining anecdotes of the interviews of the great mord with the moat distinguished personages of the present day. and gives descriptions of the manner of performing mans of his most ettrioun tricks and tranttforniationg. Bound in one volume OM pages, Igino., cloth. Price, S L I. ECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE.. By the Re v. Hugh &own Brown,llaptist Chapel , Liverpool. Ons volume, 12iiin., cloth. witji a girl. Price $l. ITALY AND IHE WAR OF 1559. By Maimme Julie de Marrnerittee. One Volunio, then„ clod., with a gitt. Price SIMI. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT WOK-ESTABLISHMENT, Where_ NO. 09 et CHESTNUT STREET, ou can a BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITE RATURE. AND A HANDSOME PRESENT Worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Donate, is given with each Book sold. Call in, and one trial will assure you that the mil) place in the city where to rchnee Rooks at is GEORGE 0. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISILMENT, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. Two doors below Fifth, on the upper aide. Strangers visiting the cior are respectfully invited to call and examine the large collection of Books. and get a catalogue. oil-3t THE AMERICAN LEADER AND Jl. WORKINGMEN'S ADVOCATE will lie Wiled on Saturday next. oil-It' CA.LLENDER & CO. will suppl y the city and trade with Mr. Flake's new lloritins mea's Ail vomit, MAIO oviax of the first edition will he pubbstied this week. -- NEW BOOKS For Male by GAUT & VOLI{MAII, Successors to H. Cow perthwait & Co., No. ow CHESTNUT Street, • above Sixth. North mule. BREAK!. AST, DINNER. and TEA. Viewed classi cally. tsketically, and practionllY. Containing mime toes curious dishes and musts of all times and coun tries. THE WHEAT PLANT: its origin ,codere. growth, development, composition, varieties, diseases, he,, &c. fly J. Klippart. Tlihi NCIENCk, OF EDUCATION, and Art of Teaelimr. Ily_John Ogden, A. Al. DF, MUINCY—THE LOGIC OF POLITICAL ECO NOMY, wed other pap re THE CRICKET ; or, the History and Sci ence of Cricket. P RES IDENTI AL. CANDIDATES. Containing sketches Biographical, Personal. nod Political. of pro minent ciambilatea for the Presidency in 40. By P. ' NAV& WAR. A tale of Disunion. By J. B. Jonee. THEMISSISPIPPI BURST. A memoir of JOHN LAW. By Adolph Tillers. To which are added au thentic accounts of the Darien Expedition, and the South Sea Monne. Translated and edited by Frank 1. Fiske. SYLVIA'S WORLD, Crimea apiirti the Low aloes n li e ttiOr. By Le stn J. }till h. Ansa ammetwri wiritio u er, and other pa perm. fly Idle. Mark Peabody. With humorous illus trations. GUECHEEK. Sketches of Borellyt Travfkl. KNITTING WORK. A Web of may Textures, wrought by Ruth Pendleton, RECOLLECTIONS OF tiAMVEL RODGERS. ALMOST A BEROINE. By the author of (Merles Ancliester. SMOOTH STONES, taken from Ancient Brooks. By Rev, 0. H. p purge an Being a collection of sentences. illustrations, and euaint saying% from the works of that ' riPierittE t6 h l E h AWßX as . STREET OR HORSE-POWER RAILWAYS: Their location, con struction and umcagenient. with general plans and rules for their organization and operation, aio...Ac., inclu ding copies of Municipal Ordinances relating literal°. By Alexander Rutin, O.E. At" a very large assortment of Books . of every de n Pfihn \ 'darn a b n AVl d E ll aC s At WA l) ll4l i ff ' kß Y. .BIBLEs I !'LAYER and HYMN OKB, at ovary 'a d& R)ll.F.,.oonlaintnit all the daily pavers, with many Magazines al Periodicals, oilers an advantage f ofillt d - I IAMIVIT Witt do well to a tthe TEACHERS' HOME. No. 6th ciaisTeurr e etre t t. int ornnons ou r large and complete assortment of amid Books. oen-It O BOOKS—OLD BOOKS--OLD BOOKS 'L.' The undersigned state!! that he frequently for i awlo booktrzintp t Pet4 en tno 1170 and e he between the Hero:more ~,i't°l7.llndel• in Law, Brant L_yttleton Puliendorir pok y ., Hal., ° i i ke Year Bo . oke, Report!! I!;:W B 4:l_,VigelutriTili t , l l2ittgy s . h f.O v e l litl, C l l llqt e olgf, Balance, tplitioal Eoonomy, Government, Atobitectpre, Nature!' istory.. Treatiscaupon these and other kindred guldecteare hung continually dealt in by line. Books, in large and small tia t gtilaWalin f ell a ti t t t r h e e et eu . n e w tom ve - P2M,loll.ftria. mrlB-1141 JOHN CAMPBELL. NEW PUBLICATIONS. f_TODOE ON 2n CORINTHIANS.—ExpD'. Poa6tion o i lalie e meaowd Veda to the Cminalane. ILYVE g (IbRFE'L 8 0 11.,11 4 VE. Vol. IL $l. OENIB. By Rev. T. Reniatend. Second Edition. 12mo. FORM THE ATION OF WASHINGTON'S FARE WELL ADDRESS. By Mortice BlnoeY, Esq. arm 1:1 24 RO • OE FARM '.the Amusinx and Memorable of A ffe l ie.Rgirgig 'Lite. ATADte n t C. M. Trow• b rVfiti 4211.714 1 4 . MAROONERB ON THE FLORIDA c ?.WelllfK - TenagaIRDIST. By Alai. Rill 12nio. 8 • For sole hi' WILLIAM. B. Sr...ALFRED MARTIEN , otl No. 60d CHESTNUT Street. McELROY'S PHILADELPHIA CITY DI RECTORY, Imo. Experienced and ?rumour, iitx-ye amp canvassere are now engaged in making an entirely new and special illynse for the , s a gf e pTitil k shing of the who) e work will be sieet to the personal supervision of the under- Aisne and every name will be carefully read and com pared, so thnt the Directory for lure will be prepared without resort to praviousty published ilireotorios. or regard to amount of labor or expense. The sulworlber confidently believes that, with the very efficient aid he has retained, and his own personal experience or 241 years, ho wilt to able to present to the Public hleElroy's Philadelphia City Directory for MO. as entirely worthy of the patronage heretofore extended tort. A. hIcEL,4OY, 011-3 t-if 33 South BIXTII.2d Floor. TILEOPHILUS FISKE & CO. will issue on Sunnier next. at the Northeast corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. the larsost and hand • inmost paper ever devoted to the cause of hslx,r. 011-et. RETAIL DRY GOODS. WINTER STOOK, STAPLE AND F ANC Y. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared tom t families with their WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MERINOES. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNEWRINKIND FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCK OF BLANKETS, CASSIMERES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. 11.—The above Goods are all et the low rotes or the season. 0034020 ALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. /1- Newest Patterns Fall CMOs. Winte Cloaks daily opening. Black leaver Cloake. Black 'mot Cloaks. Blank French Cloth Cloaks. lir Cloaks made to ord -r at one day's notice. Prices 86 to 813. COOPER & QUPI At Iltu, oto NINTH and MARKET CASSIMERES, CLOTHS. Thick Plain Cassimeres 110.17 Black Cassiinerea. 14tout Fancy Sty)ea. Rugged Mixtures, Plaids And Stripes. and 8-4 First-rate Black Doeskins. Mark Ilrovdelulha QI 50 to es. Lathes' Cloaking Clothe. el° COOPER k CONARD, NINTH and MARKET LIAI,L, AND II'INTER CLOTIIS, CAS- A: SIRES EH. AND COATI:WS. RUMEN STODDART & BROTHER CM' attention to the large and versed stock of knots lot principallyD BOYS' WEAR. Which are purchnsed at Auction and sold at low prices. Nos. 150, 452, and 151 North SECOND Street, 09-/t nbove AUCTION SILKS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES, At 68, 70. and 7.5 cents. Prices very much redneed. CURWEN North SECOND BRO.. 4to, ita, and 4a4 North SECOND Street, 09-4 t above Virtllow RICH PALL AND WINTER BTVLES DRESS SILKS AND BROCADE ROBES. CURWEN STODDART h BRO., 460.462. and 454 North SECOND Street, _nog-41above Willow PRIURED AND DAVADEDI: SILKR, of choice styles. CURWEN STODDP.RT & BRO., CO, 4.52, end 151 North DECOND Ntreet, 03.4 t shoo Willow, B LANKET SHAWLS. LONG AND SQUARE, In French. Scotch, English, end Ainerican fabrics, or all the leading sty lea LaIRWEN STODDART & BRO.. 450, 422, and 451 North SECOND Street, oft-It above Willow. FRENCH MERINOS AND CASHMERE'S, of desirable MOTS. At 70. 75, and SO cents. Wi th a full stock of in ohoice ordered 4111101. LUPIN'S FABRICS . . . . OURWiTht frropDART & BRO., 00, an , and 454 North Berard Street More Willow tiOULARD SILKS, In Black and Colored grounds, choice designs, CLIRWEN STODDART & SRO., Non. 450, at. and 434 North tit,COND Street. 08 -4 t above Willow. IRISH POPLINS- In Black and desirable Colors. CIJRWEN STODDA ST & BRO., 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street. •08-It above Willow street. LONG BROCHE SHAWLS, Of Saris and Viennese Fabnes. w and elegant designs. CTIRAYIBTODDANT aRo„ CA, 452, and 454 North SECOND 'Street 08-4 t ntkere Willow street. CLOTHS, CASS!IIEItES, AND 'VEST- N 8. Fancy English Cassimeres for snits. Cray de. dp. for Femelt, German. $4l I American Oassiingres, in great variety,ine Black ?tench Cloths and Doeskins. Bilk Cashmere and Velvet Vesting& SHARPLa.,BB BROTHERS, 07 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. QUARPLRBS BROTHERS are offerjai far Fell awl Winter St)les— IRISH POPII,HI. FANCI A 11,01 ,0 11141111'll LAINES. OURS, SILK POYLINE VEL WHEIE.9 . , PRoiTEcCASHMERES, SHAWLS AND lIRLOAKS, kimilfta.nHait.a AND 01 OYES. 07 CtitATNUT and DMIITH Streets HOSIERY GOODS. J. WM. 110E -11.-•-M ANN. No. 9 North EIGHTH Street, bee now opeq_his Fall Stook of Hosiery Goode. via: Underveste snd Draw° ra of Gartwright and War ner's supe nor inanu- Mauro, for ladies' and tames' wear. Morino Shine and Drawers, tor gents and ydothe. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Gaunt lets, and goods generally appertaining to the Hosie r y Lumen. J. W. H. respectfully solicits the attention ot• families to his stock, assuring them that his stockllllU excelled for variety by any other in the city. and that his prices are as low as those of any cit'oer molar house. N. 1.1.—N0 abatement nutde 4mn tho'brloes niuneu. s2l,sifintf iIIIIAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! ! ! TIIORNLEY 4 CHISM oFymit Titis nAy Very rich farm Silks for 71, and ai cents. Exceedingly rich for 01 : worth I kg. War* Ileyederes and Plain color as, Ac. TH lIEST MACK SILKS lAIPORTED ! ! ! Over 81,000 worth of Brochea Shawls. Stella Shawls, in Weak and colored centres. French, Scotch, prod American Woollen Shawls. Plain and embroidered Crepe Shawls. New styles of Cloaks opening daily. All the above goods being BOUGHT CLOSE FOIL CASH. WE CANNOT DE UNDERSOLD. Our store, being neutrally located, it is easy of access from all parts of the mly and country. N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. nob THORNLEY & RAPSON'S, CORNER OV EIGHTH AND CIIERRY STS., Rave now open a fine assortment of BERLIN 'ZEPHYR WORSTED, SINGLE, DOUBLE. AND SPLIT. The whole from the °C01...1.16d manufacturers, Mertz Weger.er, in Herd.. Our etttouteru can depend on getting the best article over (glared at retail in Phila &Whet, lit OD tOncut pflUtlg. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. A VARIETY OF BLACK CLOAK TASSELS. HANDSOME. CROCHET CLAIM( FRINGES. NOW AND BEAUTIFUL 1/HESS 'TRIMMINGS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, ALL COLORS. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAs ANTI CAPS. ZEPHYR KNIT OAITERA AND SLEEVES. A PULL STUCK OT STAPLE TRIMMINGs. AT ItAPSON'S LAOICT TRIMM INGS AND _ZEPHYR STORE. Car, OF PAUHTH AND OHERRY BTB. 818-2 m MILLINERY GOODS. ARBURTON, 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, AUOVE TENTH, 308 S. SECOND ST., Bimow SPRUCE ST Has Just reoeivail &beautiful supply of COIL PURES, CACHEP SIG 'NES, CROWN prEcns, AND BAR BS in real and imitation, of the newest Paris Fa:flent WARBURTON, 306 SOUTH SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. na-tf-if m RS. M. A. KING will open Winter Mil .ll-a Item au THURSDAY', October 13th, et 1V0,27 S SECOND Street. :tic y° Chrtetuut. ocB-et• REMOVALS. REMOVAL. The Subscriber having REMOVED TO 25'6 MARICET STREET, (The store formerly occupied by J. IL Ellison & Sone, Would call the attention of but ors to his large and well selected stock of units, OVTRCOATINGS, CASSIAIERES, SATESETTS, VESTINOS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, And all other goods adapted to Men and Boys' wear JOHN V. TERRY, eel-lie 215 MARKET STREET. JEMOVAL.—MARTIN & WOLFF have Removed to No. 334 MARKET Street, Booth side, below Fourth, where they oiler chore° assortment of Fall and Winter Goode, at very low prices. 1113-2 m HAMS .A N D SHOULDERS.-1,700 Pieces City Smoked Dims and shoulders. Also, sup clones extra Buser Cured Hams, for sale by C. D. SADLER & CO., ARCH. Street, second door above Front. BUCKWHEAT.—NEW MONROE COUNTY FLOUR, in 11, 25, and 103 pound bege t Sweet Potatoes put up for ehippan g IV. P. RETLY orb-6t. 113 Market etreet, near Benond, non no t e. TUE FIRST PREMIUM AT THE LATE -IL STATEerett__nwardett to AI,LMAN & ZEHNDER. for F A lR ks e beet ILare gx%Fainity Flour and fie- AstlitZ bleat Vpot FOUR TH and VINE, u~epf• WANTS. WANTED- TWO OOOD SALESMEN IN TIM CROCKERY JOBBING BUSINESS, one for Near and one for Western end Southern trade. With a man able to influence rash and abort credit buy ers a liberal arrangement would ho made. Address at thia office." Crockery." 012-wfm-t1 ANTED—A German Designer for all • r kinds of Woollen Cloths. A permanent and lucra tive position is offered ton German hevi Me the follow ins qualifications. viz.: A thorough knowledge of the French And English Languages, an accurate knowledge of Woollen Manufactures as carried on abroad, and greet skill and taste to getting up new and fancy sty les of Woollen cloths. A practical Weaver and Designer. and none other need apply, to as Booth FRONT Street. ole-rnal-tf 3.5 LETITIA Btreet. A YOUNG MARRIED MAN, who is a good. rapid penman, and who has a koortedge of aonounte t wantli employment in any eapaaity. Ad dress.' Honeiity,' office of this paper. 012-ft• AMIDDLE-AGED MAN, who writes a fair hand and is *mod at Spare', and has some knowledae of kee ping am:Punta, deatrea a minium in a Wholesale Store or Factory, as Storekeeper or Porter. Address "X, ' office ot The Press. 011-it• _ _ _ WANT.ND—By an active man, of good address, a situation as out-door salesmen; would be vrillin3 to accept a commiasion. &Arms Perseverance. office of The PIM.. WANTED—A young Man as Assistant Bookkeeper ma Wholesale Dl•p Goode }rune. Good referencei required. Address ' • tr.. Co..' this office. 08-3 V _ WANTED—By the Ist of November, a House with all the modern improvements. Lo cated between V,no and Brown, and Vieth and Twelfth. Address" Box 2342," Philadelphia Post Office. 06-7 t. FOR BALE AND TO LET. 5;52 FOR SALE—A Pair of Northern-Bred BLACK HORSES. 16 heeds high. G years old. Warranted sound and kind. Price A3OO. Apply at Street. abo v e 012-3 t. CHERRY Street. above Eighth. TO RENT—A handsome Cottage, with fine lawn, three minutes from depot, eleven rooms. gas, water, and heater. I n on the premise., 8. E. corner of PRICE and HANCOCK Streets. Ger menton n. 012-et IS NURSERY TREES-AUCTION SALE. —On FRIDAY. 21st October, at 12 o'clock 91, the Nursery of JOHN SHERWOOD. near Colley° Wharf, Do!evlve River, 2 miles below Bristol. Bucks county, and near Schenek'g Station, on the Trenton Railroad, comprising about 1,000 Norway Spruces. from 9 to 25 feet high. Lnely formed, and several times traneplanted - also. a choice variety of specimen Pear Trees, gra Heil on Pear stock.; large specimen Apple Trees. large Balm of (Bleeds, Jumpers, Onlden and Siberian Arborvitaw, Silver Firs. Austrian Fines. rOftif oollll ,COOMpletlON Also, a quantity of rare and valuable Plante. Sale pe remptory, and to lie continued on the Md. if neves. nary. fhl VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC .t.a. RATA:. RICHARD R. CORSON, Real Estate Broker, will sell, on SATURDAY. October la. Dksp. nu the Premises, in Worcester Township, Montgomery county, n handsome and highly-cultivated FARM of FIFTY sere,. more or leas. bounded by lands of A. Morgan. George Ibrlliftll, Homy Welk's, and °there, airtime on the Germantown Pike, five miles from Nor ristown, quarter of a mile above Fair View. The im provements are a new STONE nwtuaso HOUSE, two mind a half stories high with 13 room, well adapt ed for a store or Well), or both, Molt of good material, and highly finished, with spring of water at the door andpump therein, a frame horn , stone stable high. and neatly new, built of good material, two waggon houses. corn-crib, and other neeerfaary outbuildings There, is a fins stone barn end SMALL DWELLING on the lower end of the fan o. Would make two handsome properties if divided ; 3EIII well sell the whole together or separately This is a very desirable property. Lunt beautitully located. in a gots! neighborhood and conve nient to churches, boarding schools, 'Owes. Stn. The proprietor being ado fulled in years is determined to sell. Persona wishing to view the premises will call on the proprietor. teeitlitis thereon, or to the under signed, at Norristown. hole to commence at I o'cloek P. M. Conditione made known on the day ante. Carriages will be provided for strangers from the city by calling at of fi ce, before 11 o'clock on day of sale. R. R. CORtiONt. Arent. 011-at For Abraham Hendrick.. OATAIVISSA First-Mortgage Bonds will Le Laken in payment fora neat daairable reardence in a good locality, clear of incumbrance, and in the oc cupancy of a good plying tenant. For particulars at,- ply at No 1208 CA I.LOWHILI. street. A COUNTRY SEAT WILL DE SOLD AT P ÜBLIC SALE, the Lath Inst.. et ONE o'clock, in Drell town, Hatfield Townghip. Montgomery eonnty, Pa., pear line Lexington Railroad Station. It contains DI acres fine improved land. The improvement* are all Rood. and nearly new. The location healthy and very &Nimble. For further parheul are. inquire of DAVID BRUNER. otRAt" 115 North THIRD Street. FMK FOR SALE OR EXOHANOR.—A hand wine Cottage and grounds ott _LOCUST Street, hetween Mary and William Wiggle, West Philadelpent. will tie exchanged for in plangent and convenient eity dwelling. 1,01 ashy Mg to a tine et ree t, stable on rear. The holing hag all modern concemerces, and in in perfect order. Poggesaion given immediately. Apply to ROBERT REM. on PmisPs. ro 08-6 t. or N. W. corner RACE and JUNIPER. $lOOO IN CASH ANDSI,OI')4) IN , Merchandise, tfi be Imei,l nsi secarity„ Address 110 x 814, Plilladelphin Post Office. 08211. OR SALE—A medium size Fire-proof Safe, Ferrel k iletrisee be gold ate low price. bnvitr ferllkfty FRONT t street.y REHIi Jr. EVIRETT. NO, lee Nortb o7-51•11 1 1 OR SALE. The Subscriber will dioole of the entiLe Stook of FINE MONUNIENTS,STATOAHY,. HEAD AND FOOT ST (eq_E S., &o. AIL AT THE MONUMENT MARBLE YARD. No, WC ARCH Street, West of Eighteenth street el- Whl. HILL MOORS. 6EMIAN TOWN PROEVATY FOR SALE —A large. heroism') pointed Stone House, 33 feet front, by 43 feet deep, with ache', beyond, and capa cious Colter under the Wags. and Piazzas. which ',Mend on three mks, alas Parlor, Dining-room. with large Cut atone tins Window* in each Li liter,, inter snit Bum. en Kitchen on the first fl oor. Ton Chambers, atith-room, Water Closet. and Conservatory on the UP pner floors. Store-room. Pantry. and numeroun Closet!. e pieta with all the modern conveniences. nad 'hushed the molt substantial and tasteful manner. Hand some Bnleony. front and rear, ar,,,t commanding a one view of the surrouniling.countrS. The Lot hoe two fronts. 100 feet on Tulbohoeketa street, and Itird, ;test on Washington street, by 378 feat in depth, OM al tuatian is one of the finestand most desirable in aerltuPttown, and preneuta an opportunity rarely to be luot with of securing a delightful residence. Apply to BOWLo\ Sr. CO., No. I Farquhar Building, 0-wren-at. Opposite the Exchange. NEW STORES TO LET.—Three largo I Foir-story Stores, on the east side of FOURTH - Street, a little South of Chestnut street, are now ready for tenants. These Stores have been arranged and constructed with much care, with a view to appearance. strength, and convenience, having abundant light. and all modegp improvements to adapt them to a large wholesale busi ness, for which the location is peculiarly appropriate, being within a few yards of the Custom gouge, and sur rounded by banks Aret other yubho testatation. For terms apply to e3O-finverj.. No. EARL SHINN, 618 PINE Street. Is AT PUBLIC) SALE—On SATURDAY, Oot. Zi, 1869, on the premises "A Valley Farm," in Chester county. adjoining Cala Station. on Penn sylvania Railroad. three miles west of Downingtown. containing 12.1 Acres of excellent quality of Land. with good Moldings, and possessing many advantages ot water, roads, and other conveniences. For further par ticulars cull upon JNO. E. FOX, Executor, No. 11 South THIRD Street, Phila. TO LET—A Second story Room ? conve nient to the State Mune. suitable fore Lawyer's Office. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. sle pig FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE.— The subscriber, in coneentrating his business on Chestnut street, west of Tenth street,oders far sale, upon reasonable terms. his large manufactory, with out buildings and large lot of ground fronting on Sixth, Mar shall, and Master streets, suitable for almost any large manufacturing business. For particulars inquire of ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer. No. 5t N. SIXTH Street. or to the subscriber, No. 1009 CHESTNUT Mt. ■te-lm %VAL D. ROOERS. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Subscriber will offer for side at public auction. op • T. 1113 l o h: o l r allh day of o O t to t be om r next. o raegal the in the Stae u e s o e f . ken land, the follow intoPtrfltrei.l-1 liti z i;i; n fine timber and wood tot, consist inaaof ?,. 2—] f)7 , 4 a o rer o, a dg 15 111 x pe rches.ty oacre, of fine cleared arable land, the balance in timber, and being in the whole 210 acres end 13 perches. Lot No.3—Being a rood farm, with suitable hudd le.. consisting of 2G3 acres 2 roods and 21 perches -100 acres yood wood and timber, and the rest cleared land. Lot Nn. 4—Consisting of a fine WOW and timber lot of 101 ncrea 2 roods and 23 perches. Lot No. 2,-c-Also very line wood and timber land of 124 acres and 20 perches. Lot No. 6—Consisting of 74 ncres and 2 perches—f 2 eggs . doi t t Pip oo be ro h . sla o n o c d e h oo n r e c t i llbeL. l of are Amsted. except about 12 acres. Nn. B—Being a farm consiatiug of 181 acres 1 rood and 33 perches, with all suitable buildings upon it-100 acres cultivated land, and 84 acres in wood, easily cleared. no. B—Being is firm of 197 agree 2 roods and 31 perches, or which there 131 acres of cultivated land, with good buildings, the rest fine timber. No. 10—Consisting 01 132 cores of verY fine lend/ with suitable buildings. No. 11—A very fine wood and timber lot of 93 Itemell and G perches No. 12—An excellent farm, with good buildings, con sisting of 992 acres end 13 perches. all cleared except 40 acre. Of WOW and timber land. No. 13—A serf fine term consisting of about 208 acres, with an excellent farm-house and suitable out-build ince. . . No. 14—Containing 114 aeres 1 rood and 19 perches of land, and boa upon it a large steam saw mill in good rep N0 n . r 1 . 5--A wood and timber lot of 58 acres 3 roods and I_percheo. No. 16—Also, a lot of very fine timber and wood. con taining 193 acre. and 31 perchea. This property lies inn licoity• and ie situated In the low er or southern part of New Castle counts. Delaware: it is about equallv diatant from Philadelplita and more, between &land 7u miles. The road front Memei's X road to Smyrna runs thmuol, 14, It to matant tom fimy me about 6 milem in a nurihwuatorn dtrerlion—it about 8 miles from 51111,114,3c0wu. and IA .. ; ';unted between land miles from the 3.olaware Rtliraid. This proper ty lies on tile ',reheat portion of the peninsula hems eon the two boys—the Valeta on the one mile running Into 4 the Delaware, and on the other into the Chesapeake. 110 situation of the property is believed to be var, health), and there is not nit acre of swamp land in any Part of it. Its nattwil soil is very Hoe, coronation of a loam of clay mut sand, and when worn, monis anleePt ,- bla of troproyearient. Every lot or farm has an outlet tIPM B Cnblio roml. The wocalt consuit for the niost part of the various kin& or oak, chiefly the white which is very fine. The terms of the gala are one-fourth the purchase money to h s e paid to cash, and the balance in metal in stalment& of 1, 2. and 3 years tram the de, of Nate ; oterlll payments to boar amm-annual interest. and to lie sepured the bonds or notes of the plachuar. Chose Who wish further information will apply to the subscriber. or In, event . 31r..1. 11. It rLA . who re sides at 7114loorton, Kent county. Eastern Shore of Ma ryland, who will show them the land. U. 1.. DULANY, al 1-walOt N 0.59 Courtland at ree t, Baltitnore. BOARDING. VIM-CLASS LODGINGS for a Family with n private table if desired, nt 1.239 SPRCCJ one door below Broad street. ]t• BOARD WANTED immediately for a single Gentleman, in plain, respectable Whits in central part or the city. Address, •' Girard Home. No. BOARDING—Taro handsome eonnnuni eating rooms on the second floor, at IMO WAL NUT Street. 1,11-2 t. BOARDING.—EIegant and airy - Rooms, tingle and in mites, can be had with first-olaxe Board,. for the summer, Fail, and Winter, at 1316 WAL NUT entreat. anB-tin GRAIN MILLS - GRAIN MILLS r the Fatm and Plantation. The IRON-BURR MILL has no equal fur Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, thr ees, etc, , by hand or power. Price 68, 825, and 845. Now in operaton at ITS South SECOND Street. Agents wanted in every county and State, by ault-am FARIUAL & CO. HERRING. -2 70 kb Is Pickled Her e j i t Atit:. i t l irltait' 4 l3 l t 11:1, r i 2eCo r n ' i r l 113,t14',,?,A MACKEREL. -725 bbls. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, iu u4surte4.l OriKinnk n;e Pack y, olthn latest cateb fur sale by C. C. SADLER, Zr. ARCH Strot.second door above Front. od VENETIAN BLINDS—To give satisfac tion, nt ERONEBERUEWS. to North TM' ELF Stroat, Old UWI3 Ono op eyttst to now, (18.6t* AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. Sole Lessee M. A. GAHRETTSCIN. THIS (WEDNENDAY) EVENING, Oct. 12, MACBETH. Macbeth. /O. Barry Sullivan • 32*a:tuff, Mr. H. A, Perry ; Lady Macbeth, Mrs. Ddirreld. To conclude ari th SLASHER AND CRASHER. SCALE or PLICES.—Ores Circle. I beats secured vulg.. out extra charged 60 cents; Ratline!. (Seats secured at 6 ° "ale. /NM Second Tier and 6 . 3 MIFF Circle. sad Third Tier, 23 cents; Private Boxes , according to their locals, 416 and 112 ; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private boxes.7s cents. Box 011ie. open duly, from to until Z o'clock. when seats can be secured in advance. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. BENEFIT OF MR. COLLINg. THIS (WEDNESDAY, EVENINO. Oct. LL SOLDIER OF FORTUNE. - Captain O'Rourke. with songs. Mr Collins. HIA Loarr LEGS. Felix O'Callnhea, Mr. Collins. THE LAUGHING HYENA. SCALS OP Pa ca 4 . — . Adtruatioa.2s Ceuta ; Secured S. to in Dress Circle. MSG cents; Parquet, BO cents. Doors open at T o'clock; performance to 0001111 4 / 1 48 at 7% o'clock precisely. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. RAVELS AND MARTINETTI FAMILY. THIS (WEDNESDAy I EVENING, October 13, UELLb. OP MADRID. Don Basil'o, Gabriel Ravel. THE THREE GLADIATORS. Grand Er olutioas on the TIGHT ROPE, by Marietta Zanfratta Wang America and Mona. Paul. BIANCO; OR, THE MAGIC SWORD. Bianco, Gabriel Ravel; Don Albino. M. Mai.hteu. Pro c ka.--Parens t. Parquet Ci rcle and Balcony, f 0 eta. Family Circle and Am phitkeatre,M cents. Box Office open from NIA. M. tilt 4 P. kL. when Seat. .:an be secured without extra chute. Doors open at? o'clock. Performance to commence at Ti: o'clock. USICAL SOIREE AM) BALL OF THE " M.ENNERCFIOR VOCAL SOCIETV."—Tbe tiIAiNNERCHOR beg learn %nano-centre to their fnends and tha_publie. that they will tire e G RAND MUSICAL. SOIREE and BALL.on MONDAY EVENING, October M. lOW, in the MUSICAL, FUND HALL, LOCUST Street. Tickets, ONE DOLLAR, (admitting a Gentleman nod two Ledieei may be 614 of tne following nAnagersi Geo. Dufour, Col. Mnekle, C. Liebnch, Prof. Seoden sticker, C. Drimnitg, J. Pfaff. W. Gellert. H. Tike. Cots Fitzgerald, A. Lafore, C. Vetterlein. C. Matlaah. H. Volmar, C. Lindner. A. Schwainmer, Prof. Jules Mar tin. Prof. M. Htaeko, 8, tchloss, J. G noun, A. Getty. C. A. Tndmm, Prof. Rowe. P. C. Schmidt, h. Benkert, C. Schick, Dr. J. R. Jones. Dr. Herring. G. Vol Liner, C. Grossman. C. Beni. rt. M. Feunng, A. Reinsteto, J. Neff, J. P. titemer. Mirk Hassler. 11. Fox. L B. H. !Lawman. J. A. Bauer. A. Reichenbach, C. Mohr, Jos. Drexel. H. Von Essen. Schuessel. H. Erschersgerg.r. A. Foster. L. Herbert. F. L. Johns. E. Hering. C. Berg ner, A. Fans, P. Weber. J. Thornley. D. Russel:etc% A. ilippman. Jos. Die/ringer, or of the members, or the COMIIITTLII OF SICA.coiItICNIF•: Schrrudt, C. Goebel, H. G. Trenbner. F. Reseg. ollbwfacelt 'VIE MARTYRDOM OF HUSS is now exhibitinr. with otheintinrr the RUSSEL_ DORF COLLECTION. in the&mill.let (Wier, - of inn ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Open daily. from 9 A.M. till 5 P. M., and ? to 10 P. M. Admiarion 39 cents. 01.1.1rn 1110ESTICKS! DOESTICKS ! ! STICKS!!! MORTIMER Tilt/MTV. ESC/. t" DO ESTICSS..",, vdl deliver Iw humnroce Poem no PCK" halms the !min e Literan- L le.tant.... on THrRSDAV EVENING, Oct. It. HO, at 311:SIC:AL FUND HALL, commenetne at 8 o'clock. Admtaaton canta. Tickets for aa'a at Lila putietead bookstore.; also at Hasard a. N. W. corner. nrainik and Chestnut: Caliender & Tforl and Walnut; Geo. C. Rowar'a, Sixth And line; H. A. Borer's. Soxth and Green, 011-u• CONCERT HALL-- LA FhTE DES SIUSFS. GRAND MELANGEOF DANCING. SINGING. AND STAGE EXPECTS, THE MARSH'S JLTRHIL R COMEDIANS, Wb hare removed Rm. the NATIONAL THEATRE. TO TIP CONCERT HALL. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AETERNCONS, Grand Pa,formanes for the accommodation or Cluldran and Families. commencing at : &Irk. FRIDAY and SATURDAY SIG T, The Doors w il l be open at 7 riehvk. Performance to commence aLIS. ADMISSION.? csx'. 1%1 cDONOTIG lI'S GAIETIES—RACE ST., /TX below THIRD. GREAT SUCCESS Or T. D. E. ORIGINAL. 'JIMI CROW." Al AO. IIEANANDEZ THE \FONDER. EVERY VkRIETY OP ENTERTAINMENT • 21011 IF HE COMPAN L N IN PHLADELPHIA. 10. 13 AND 25 er.421. ANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELE VENTH street. between Chestant av! Market. 11010 p_e D'38TA R TO UPE. . the largest Company In the VOTIti. In their excellencies every eiretaiti• SANFORD apw,ris Every evening in Eta great Hme cy charaeter.. Doors open at Vt. Cosept f once & Admission 25 cents. Olittdren mints. °et-1m HOUSV.FURNISHING GOODS. R. C. WALBORN 4t -CO.. OW) NOS. S AND T NORTH SIXTH STREIT. hare now a eery superior assortment of Shirts, tinier clothing, Mores, Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to OENTLEhIEN'S WRAPPERS, 010-3 etf which nur n fine 11113011111001 ia constantly kept on halal HOUSEKEEPERS, AND THOSE COMMENCING lIOUSEICEEPINO, Will End by far the largest and most useful stock of housekeeping and useful articles in the city. eompriemg many new sway. Just received from Rurope, of a kind TAM' before for sale to Phikadelphia, at the Newsrooms of JOHN A. MURPHEY ez CO., 92 2 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE NINTH. irff-f m w tr SAYING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND COMPA. NY'S RUIN - VINO. S.F. corner of WALNUT and FOURTH streets.—U.pen daily, from 9 till 5 o'clock. Rai on Monday till 9 in the evening. This old institution has always pod in lull, on demand. without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. . AB gums paid hunk on demand , in Gold or Silver. TRUSTEES: ALIEZANDER. Woman:v, President. RANI at. Worn. Vice Preeident .Tolin C. Farr. E. Harper, George Nugent. Louts A. Godey. Thee. Sergeant. AILA- C. Roberta John P. Sin.oug, Jonas Bowman. IL H. Eldridge. Wm. J. Howard... =e= Jon,: C. Silts. Sec 08-6 t if SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. . Office. N 0.331 North THIRD Street Woosoildatlon Rank Buildotr.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OFPENN SYLVANIA. . . Deposits received in suing of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid in Gold, without notice, with FIW. PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till With drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and" The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society" was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania tosupply One neressitY- The Managers. in organizing and locatingit, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the tom- Ames interest and wants of the very large and ante rpn sing population by which it Is surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9to 2H o'clock; also, on Monday and Thursday from &until 8 o'clock in the evening. NIANASISItS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy on. H. K. Strong, Yuntil Underkorer, Fredenek Stack., rants Hart, Joseph P. Leclerc, ohn Kessler, Jr., George Knecht, James S. Pringle. Jacob Dock, Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Wm. MiUward, George Woelpper, Goo. T. Thorn, Peter C. Films - key, Robert B. Davidson. JAMES S. PRINOLE. President. HART, Secretary. faxi-tf if ALL-ENULAND ELEVEN. THE GERMANTOWN PASSENGER RAILWAY CARS RCN NEAR CAMAC'S ESTATE. Upon which the GRAND CRICKET MATCII Is to he played• EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCIIZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. ILIVPS hot exclusaie attention to the medical and aureical treatment of the El E and EAR. DR.. PNE.B of the longest standine removed Lath he medical and surgical operations on the latest scientific principles. Dr. 5 1 . would he pleased to receive them- Nerd of the medical tsculty who wildb to witness his rn method nt operating for the reiwalot eraness, or an) operation on the E • E end EAR. ARTIFICIeL EVES INSERTED. Office South NINTH street, above SPRUCE. Office hours from 9 A. M. to P 91.. and from 4to $ P. M. E. NEWLAND & CO.. LOOKWO-CILARB AND PICTURE-FRAALR MANUFACTeRERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive strock of OIL PAINTINGS. Ole- AL gt very 1.11"0 Prices. 604 ARCH Ftreet, above SIXTH, ftl9-ttnltt 650,000 TO LOAN, AP, upon Diamonds, Watehes, Jewelry, Dune, Mer chandise, Clothing, &c., on moderate terms, in JONES CO., Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and OAS KILL Streets, below Lombard. Estehhshed for the las -36 years. Office hours from 7 A. M. to 7P. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by enalteut makers, warranted genuine, for salse heap, at one-half the nrlirinal not DOINGS ()P THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR FOR IV A. SIX FIRST PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Best Furnace for Warming Buildings. To Anvino & WILSO\. GAS CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. FIII-7 PREMIUM. BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. To ARNOLD A. WiLto , .. RICHMOND'S PORTABLE FURNACE. Fills? PREMIUM. BEST COOKING RANGE. To ARNOLD A. WILSON. CHILSON'S DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RAXGE. FIRST PREMIUM. BEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. To ARNOLD IC WILSON. LOW DOWN and BASKET GRATES, Pins? PREMIUM. BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. To ARNOLD & WILSON. For n very handsome d mein of Enamelled I.qlete Klan• tele, very highly finished. and °fanned - ler wortnsanshly, FIRST PREMIUM. ARNOLD it WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT street., B. M. FELTWELL, Supt. WARM AIR FURNACE. THE W CONSU CONE FUR MER NACE GAS Will thoroughly Warm your house with on , -shish Lass COU. than is required by any other Furnace. Satisfaction in all elms guaranteed. Beildlass WarineA and Ventilated br ARNOI,_ WI WON, itho e n - STNUT Street. LATE MANTELS, „ f p.., The 'behest and moat Beabilfol Specinacas Enamelled Slate Mantels. ever offered for stern th , e country. manufactured by us, from Pennaylmnaa State • atone, and for sal. very low. ARNOLD & WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT Sorer. COOKING RANGES. All in Want of the Beet Elevated Double Olen Cocdong Range, wilt do yell ea/I at AR to NOLD WILSON'n. es 10-ITnif lob) CFI ESTN l'T Stree.t. MANILA ROPE.—A large stock of Ala• 11 - 11 . nila Rope, all sizes. taanotecluied and for sala, at the lowest New ork prlefs. by wEAVER, NTIER, of :ie. X /it WATER Lod U DELAWARE AY