eA x tilt.lo, , tAirilg it 0 ellt Illp,pri fi ld• , `-'•", ", --a - 1. , ri•,_ , A , .; 5" .i. , '''• i • • ; ~• -i • , ~, , _, ' The SUliiitifitililrOifid 4.oitli"'Y,"? l ! -tl g e • - - LUdrgrierli t t4t l lrill# ll • l ') , " ;:. '' - ir - - tele.? , Tillie Lug-- it ' h t il Pl th' " l.-9 ? ;11 i tue ease of on l ow d e ,1 1 .tAi ir , 3C - t4ii‘le. a driver on , , thnruno -s• - - il g 'Ritilroalt,Wittitraltonarged th° °m it tt t y,„„; ivie s bit Oat en Sunday,. with a , , , „ -.Sakes aIiVPAV" ' liAtOti#4 , 1' ?path. It COM/10108a iss. M. • e - , 'the Pole -liiisleft dant in thie ciao •be _ te. bit I_ ••lay a iaik, ell eieitY,A.cir having , committed a Ire ush n , e eon n ttAhniril Sear Of the'Greete and 4osies-straots Plun g e phth PitemOgerltailstaY.on Sari ) , day, the Ink otlgity, oehd`ttio ace hearing•hoot -re turned to thin court in duo course of !awl Was heard by roakflt , length, at the Angue,t e vasion , and Is halves ho -deemed, ,b' - . ,'• ", The eiteitlr,bmierithar - tind o,f fact, invelvea in the ' &weep g • moegaattrapf,,vaatimpertenee, - ah t trge excited in rittlicateno dzideg ternm e itr be ~,,r a ire e lrEgrii7 4 t 6" • ma?. all that l; said i tilde n lei Not. nee , . get 0 •0 . o , oindiO3, • t i iil . 4l l ll 4 elfatiti enn ssj ey d lc il etig, aierrahilatee ef in own conscience: , ,- z • - --- , ---, s.' •o f "It Will beneriesiery, first, to c onsider the , ouea ton 0 . law, and sccondlysthe Mete et thlageuie , +. ; .1 - ~ The authority. 16 n tt demand' surety of the penoe is co rived from the common lawend • from satuterY e as meats, and a distill:nitrate to.be otwercsitbetween seen , d much es sirm an are held to MO to kellil the 'Sao° an - held to hail to keep ttitt - coXiest Mut • he of. good.ht.ha, behavior.' Any IristicoMf the•peKe .MII7 ilf i *ie. hira , l o ll2 B ±l , , r i t keep the,Penoerwhiriee=ettede a witliir t i - 1., oases enumerated In the- b°olll, and • to : foun d lbw. k1.C..y0 Spftwhile in virtneet the a um. caase n d .. ,in the 04th year et Edwanl3.4thoM is in f i 51"15 n for sylvapt minstusti alb* peace,may Intl o surety to geod mi avntit obeli 'Melina be to, -go o. Cop /ft the intent that•the pate be, not ierinetieu. , Th e con s:moth:pis kWeitto the Ramage o this statute as ex tended its operation rand on original Teatime, so that by-Virtue of its pro tons not only anon no - be not Of good f leme, in theoralitary acceptation of.that !en .. sue.t such as atspeeted of itittouling to break theyeaooland c ithers 00 are , guilty of mithohavirdenot De compelled to end strictly thlatin YO V poke, '..elay -goody for vo ,he vtor. -i, row. P, C, 484, ;,Corn. vs. Diine. I Men. 99;y1 te '' ' • , It is obvious that /stall tineettonsitieting to euretyship to keen the peace, or Sir good behamor(trineh depends, and must neeessairily depend, Aron the dim:Th en of the particular mavistrete vibe has 'jurisdiction o the minim; 11QT San any prates° roles he Ingsested kr t 0 direetloll Of theCipaglattate7 mid especially). shin remark - trne, with rofereneb AO the offepeeti artii i im the• etiante 44 F.dwd. 3. Under thirlibeml conetthe on given' however. to thels,neutige either, lite-tate, We ate no doubt that if thie • defendant halt committM an actual breach of the peace, he may be comillied tO OW surety ffiyhis future . good behavior._ , -•-• „ . • • . . , The mientign pestle be etilhalll t ed le.'what ma mimeo of thaptutealander the , hogs ot t i s it Cohnoprtialth, as applied to this mule? The w 4) , puma, an the eon: tense ' breach of thejpowee, a a rolattte MGM ape most be interefetodyylth yeferenee to Surionnding mr cutest:laces. Ihusr, fltsegiajd is had • eiip d ply • to the time at wh i ch a broach of the Praha in 'gal to hilAie been committed, the ealption 4/the gee:dila at itatue_ytin..fle ' nendutiontlin Nolnboxier s ' quethori fol.waerner the offence was conimittedderingth hours Of the din" ordinarily egealled, tig tit UM' deed hour of the night. for Ile nannean or ill doutikthat In maisy cation thetnot vtould amount to e. Wraith of the Peecp, at night. whieb, would , bel Innocenti(' performed 'deringths den Set It refeillms had-to stare alone. Dist act would bil a • brea m o ,the peace If controstted in a eemeterl. and at a hurlii ' rex tcpolitteiti. imolai, or resident meeting, whielit#4 Oimunithid, elimarhere, *Mild be inneoent In - each nftheeistantem MatTeferred to, noettitute will be round -14--iorteti. of the -precise tonne of which the °Weeder mar be arrested and punished fore Smack tit' etc fidgagi boaLlot the wages of the people here este lilished,wlat'mny be baled the • common law of the Paten which eanmet be violated with iinennity, and this commen law recognises a Metinotten behire en dt f -57itl:MltTII as hours of the acme day : to ,on-whether % thin defendant has com mittal an edema; depond the Wall gilniti, the bete when. and placerither_e, as eon, manner in whisn the act WWI donentd admitting - that the not - would have been nit innoc ent rinelf dono at acme other pleat., or at ano ther time. min•it be to tonsideredlt oemmitted 'upon the " Lord s Dny." commonly celled Sunday, and. in the bahlto streets: • - - - The. answerlethis question bringedirtietly into consi defigon then - nun minittif law tnvolved in the decision of is cartso; and it aisto be answered affirmatively, at be go, beoause the Jaw of Pannsricanut has elotlisd the'first 'day of the week with peculiar sane trity'atag Made it a saw Of , extraordinary quiet and rest, • preetely la the JAWS o f Clod and man have devoted the • hour sof the ittcht,"uhtni each and every day of • the ' Iv Year t -ffl , the_mervice, of man for his necessary relaxe tioatret, rid repose.: . .Cella aid y has been decided ' td a part of the com mon !my_ rit the Commonwealth. Ilmiegraff te. The Corninonwealth.il Sorg. & Rewle,394. And although it a "so in a restricted or qualified sense, yet its divine origin and truth are admitted, and " therefore it is not to be mate-musty ,and openir waisted and blaeoliomed areinst,te the anneymico of believers or the injury of the Public." I find that the first legalistic's act in the eolonyetl'entoolvagie was the recoithition the Chris tian religiOn'enirthe "Lord s,Dar," end, sleo, the es tablishment of liberty of conscience. Bale Judge 'Dun can. in Dodos:raft vs. The Commonwealth, referring to this find leinsiative . sot" '• It is called the great law of the body of laws. in the province of Pennsylvania, passed at an Assembly nt Chester, the 7th of the 70th month. Dgeember.” - - - The language of •the preamble is no striking that I am tempted•to quote It at length: " Wherees Ye glory of Akio ehty God, and ye good of mankind, le ye reason and ond of govornment,end therefore government in itself inn venerable tirdlnenon of God.and rename:di as it in enacts-41Y desired and intended by ye proprietary and governor, and ye freemen aryl' province 0. Penn syl ca. nie r ,end territory thereunto belonging, to ppake and es tabosh such kiwi; en ehell best preserve tars, Chtistinas and civil !Mart, in opposition IA all nnehrtian !icon- Done and unfelt preataces, whereby God mar bays hie due. Ctessr his due. aoil ye people thniril tie. from tyreq ny and opprossien on ye one side. and insolence and li contieustiess on ye othe. no that ye beat and firmest Mimi may ho mid for ye present and' future hap piness bent neye sovorror andpeople of this province and .terwterys aforesaid, and their posterity. Be -it oneetedacc," „, , •• • I3y aeleinie ct section in .this act, the observahoe of the "Lord's Dar" is pterded for. • The firateot.ef the provincial legislature. upon the subject of labor upon the " Lord's Day." or first daycf the week, was plastid in 1745. and roads ae follows: " T o the end that'll( peoele within this mooniest may with creator freedon devote themselves to relimons and m ows oxottoses. bo it enactede; ke, and then follow these sentenceet " That according to'the example a I the Shirai ire Christians, and for the ease at creation, every ~ brat day of the nod, commonly called Sunday , all the peopleahall abstain from toil and labor. that whether Inesters.parents, chi limn" servants. or others, they may fiettne 'dispose themselves to read-end hear the holy ,V,tptarer at home, and frequent spa 'matins* of re /. vett i teetship abroad, ell MaY heat salt their reefirm tive persnasiens."• , Tho acts of rtge, an?l,alsu• of 1794, contain eubstan tally the seine pro - vamps in regard to the first day of tie weekrtli the'. LoolOs Day." It will he thaerveri so fat mithe legielliticaef the elate in concerned, as well so that oftheprovince and colony of Pennsylvania, that the." L.od's Day" of recogrosed i not only ell eday of most and qn et. Inane nawnfrettlifeas rest And quiet. These various ants are illustrative of the views lied feelings of the , founder.° f the colony of Pennsylvania, and at .1U , tincient inhabitants. rote who sustained Caratianitv an toe ese,hand. and civil and religious hbrtg upon he pilfer. so that the act' themselves are but theem bodimout or the wages and customs of the people. - and tiro; therefore: alto. illustrative •of the eopasnon law of the L ifitojer iTbs, right-to, repose and,qtuet emitt the ord a Day" rests open the same basin with the law which declares Chnstadety to he a part of the common law, endwould have existed though the etatuteg pro. lohitingararkmad ii or useeithe 7LooPir DayT had never been enacted. In further illustration Of-there views. it will appear that by the Constitution of the State, which is beyond all questien . th e great embodiment of the customs. use -11;11.47,11414':, 0ti1.;0. 1 41,7 ii.ir 11114 Sent. , 1 th 5 side ml - 'cl:AlilaVgrb'itilYlegrluva:tigrg to it Zinextranetdi wily yealtloranthrealerla ' r o f f'daxii and hick, coupted hi t nitil l it -' ; O T oi a t t ne ur igitit INgelga n tas t4 oreet,ma i ß getuantied by the sem Constitution, goes far to nettle the question now ender consideration. , , ~ All of the ledges who pave eper written 01, spoken • non this Mieleet,haye uncut c given bathe Lord a Day" the position note canton ed for. GIL J, Tilghman declares" that the violation of the Sabbath is a crime which deserves penahment Bra when work is done without noise or theorder, there in nothing in it like an actuathregolsof the peace.".lB. k, 347. Judge Men mid,, in DepurcsA he 00M111011W8Mth. Brlght'll.fter. IA; ' dig i g i n e B B o ti r_ip e.s erd e el ) lY r l e n r:Vl:l'4l n e d e I ' e l fs 'C l l . f I tVeVO . l:l n . ine,„n,We,alth raJolinatin, depletes thatf - the Sabbath is a Christian Inuit...Rion recognised by the common taw and the Constituttoni.ulan tburground alone have the Legislature a risk to pals laws for its observance." 2 Ate. Law Rag. 010. It is unnecessemto toter to the opinions of other able jurists. nor to the class of caseewhmens contracts have been held to be void beoeuee exeouted upon the "Lord's Day," Nereus° these last demsions are based upon eta totes which are themselves based upon the common usages end Oladattleetthopeople, go farce the driver a disttacf portion Ctsmii sti cbacerned. - s '‘.' If Christie - fifty 18 a part pf the common law of t h e State, and she olsiervance of Sunday, or the first day of the week, os e distinctive feature of the Christian sys tem; if the ancient, colonial, proviocial, and State tem laten. and the Constaption Itself, are all based open Christianity as a tartar the common law, and distinctly reconnect igundai, or the first day of the week, then it follows.that the sy itself is clothed with peculiar gene t-At' tuft le tutee talky taw to be a day of extraordinary goateed repose,. 'i. , i •-- : ' Br the common "tea at Die Commonmearth, than, every citizen is entitled to enjoy the first' day of the week inendisturbed quiet and repass, &lathe may 9.1 . - crew tqs , " taterel and itideferaible right to worsnip Almigh god neconling to the dictates of hi. Own eon amence,i. Mel whatever a,aseil noise or disturbance hinders seribally ordestrayt altogether this teariostabe right, fa, and always has been, a breath of the peace. It follows he a result of thuryiew of lhoeuldect, that the offence, lf coninitted, commies in the some or dusturbance actually Made, go that whether irte the result °two/Idly employment or not.whether mews:geed by is car or any other wiholie, byth• rich or the poor-it natters - not all are alike amenable , to• the. Jew, no natter in what method they disregard its provistmui or break ita i irtel- Thiesiew of the law wearer*. in my ludgment,thei eX4le,..,tt,.,ba , see u r ren thop f o t iodhe eel l of • 1741m d,rirOdtalre.Y°fofVAgee l retre r nV n on cssanly involving a breuCh,nflthe peace, T he eels of April 7:1, 1822. March 78th; 180, and April .14th,1851, ware all mailed tot the purpose -of• proteeting the ph mous. 'octal, and political meetings er the citizens from disturbance., whether revolt:ins a breah al the motes or not, and eachpreatee an offence unknown to the com mon law, and inflict, a penalty where -there may be ab solutely use breach of the peace. Nor can we regard either the peaatices of laws of any other country. nation, or, state. We are to be milded by the laws of •Poritarlyani& clone . Sunday, or t e• firet dayef the Weel•is, as we have before acid. a part of Chestienity: • Upon its peaceful observance Clinstiani ty,m &poet reasSure, depends for •Its. euPPort. De stroy this day, and a revelation of the most astounding altimeter is matinee. Whatever orinoluaion tray he arrived et upon the evidence submitted in the case ba you, the court, we can not assert NI 181 V 421/1101 , 218 wh WI meet lead tamest dissetrou s results, which must shake Chostainity itself. ph Christianity. in the ex measly° language of.Tudge uncen. "is not proclaimed hy rtieliommtindiorrnice 0 any superior, but expressed lathe •ealni And mild aliments of matomary law. Its fonndetionalsrelaroad, end strong; and deep. Theyare laid in thirhtlioritxr theribterests, the effeetlooti on the People , witivintiorldleetleMs of hereafter" It is the poreneistem Cif orelitl. the Ann, seedier/ and on• ty Mehl° support a all human taint' Xrdettations the views Whipb wis here lust expressed of the late' by *hush this ease is to he governed. we have oxperiehged thegreetestembarrassmont In arriving at it oonolusion upon thelactepresentad upon the beering, becentset s a tweet:ears to determine whether thus de'. fondant, s,committerLeurtual breach of f..a.riettee, for-whir hellion?. a - to be eld reasons le. he goon mum of the 'repine of this, country Dee tatetotore pre vented there Dorn ettempting Montero,' a perfectly cor rect pritiMple In dottbtfid eluiee,lind thus faiottioism arid bigotry hive never yet driven the mart/ to deogercgui ex tre reee. r • Aliberalsentimeht has Prevailed. and con" servative men hate united, in eustaining the spirit of the Ws, while they have accemmodated themselves! to the trantaandiaceasities Or a roealsta Ott/ The evidence for the proseeution mile to connect this defendant with the. transtwitions of t h e Suudny mese dins hie 'wrest t ho ortherotore not resimosible for the alleged branch of the peace Which occurred upon that I day, mid we dismigs that testimony as irrelevant, unless the running of a single Oar , at its usual rate of spsed, I to indeed phreeeh of the peaceta ißlestien. to be here- I after animal and tisteraiintid • - -- '.' , 'the evidence for the-proseCution, relating to too on currencea of the day and at or about the time of the arrest, has also (idled i io conYinee as that this defendant committed is hreach o the pentie, for the car which he drove movedwittiontatnal Tidiee or diStiobance of any kung, for mu distiMes a two squares, when the arrest took,pacip; nor,..sp th i s defendant resimesible for -a ?oak 014116 , 1atie, , beetuse a crowd of pereons as south ed at the western termines of the road, or at the 10111 t fa which the arrest took place, because there is no ',colonel' of atingle emit rittlisorder occurring at either spot; for the gross misbehavior of those iti the oar, Sitar the arrest -took-pleee,We entle‘ed• ItOld the de fendant responeihlei bectinse if hi Was improperly ar rested. the occasion of thie misconduct wee not the act 'Alio doindrot itt ,any., legal sortie, and for -which he slicing be puniahed/ seine testimony was submitted ;eliding to prove that the Imes of the ' g tegatig9TS In the car Intel disorderly immediately before the arrest, Male tostiroonynt e deteetitlet hes comPlateir,lefuted th e evidence for th e prosecution, or ren ereu it e eneshon of doubt, en r . l therefore; unreliable ' as proving the labial- bretoth ef tooPeirdo, , . - • ' ' ' '' = • ' ' ' ' ' The On, testimeny.jherefgreoponwhioVwe on be raked to raw an herr -- co et guilt, a • wide, ore,- -s-the mends." - Alskicti fiat/4,1W iireiiiirai v iaf guilt; fa - ifiiiVIITA ;1;v -ea rhea-tire de fondant was driving a steals oat tit the tweet tete of lined, ~, -,. 1 -- " v't - • s' - '?" , ' -,' * ' Now' thdevldenei* lier the prosecution' tlefabl [NW the fdot Vint reeeh ofxtho poodle. summed Jaz the wo. zielows tO ems been oolnoolted To Tepteoedinchtini! , 44 , Titee d aorfroot-tbe.tann ns a o a Inhale oar i but t i ll n o r litytina i trrging open th i X: gtatre is tt:f "fondest o:v i tthst soon ha day or this Ittreitt got Apil NR:irkwa' TanDumordint a to.A.llBlf mated Mee, O Ty. etoomemy r , en totes e •to 'prevent An Mt , ' .T.f o tretttlep .f ,":2,l,Tl4.ililt.lll l 4 ts ta: theromer o peor a coutoe ti. matter-of mere-ebojeo —re, - Vil l y7 r e e e =Mar it&f:Vrogkra-FlitscsOPM rano:slat dateadeat is ha atTofd o upon the titi , - = dance ;moth:toed et tholnierdig of Weldon, and we will ,'hot adopt as a stagdhnj or oqmpatitionihe dote dotmit ted urotan t vatfamfoit dighind which nio4 hove ti con- . : neothon with ot ?malign tat ite.sate, pot eittattlp , cam ', milted trot abota JO .ISt teinThltteS , Or. the de endant • 11,. Arles , hl' arrest. , -,. ,; . . . ~ , . htt Are lihi t TOW .PhainaitO inititel64t imr , wheforq,ik ik ,7104;4604,, 1 , ;noPithun , 'liitigur toil letifp g reo vi r t o A0, F 4,...ditur,.„,,,,,„ n r , i : .4 6 J) , 0 demo 07T, A tug ettanthijua to *ittne,P7.!Stf:l.9?,.,Y,lirfs,,,!,,doat!nfttig ni„,,,, - ' tiiiLlihavicatiatif itifaitiahed i4i6jiiiiiitl rant taatitnon .. that odarandOttkonirial „has , annin ' Orl in a AolooV e ahlOgualblonoh Or the" OAMoI, : r it,Co 1 . 11%144110re sonsumei L itot s . , . eott rite, We of t ot tela*. rittrO.; . - b eat ,Vo altittP 0 • the oaegoomtlyehfoh, ale r ..ge „ . ett,eidente taeferra astax. Jr° 141. 1 dP,t0 kV i , ere Ir., , uoristiely .4401 ..witeeAtit an •,, tv ti t o _ltio obtnitin miter dot Wets eohol.th . er_rith fiwitz , _ e 1 , 11,04 lre Mot e t teee thlli 'A, Vii'- 7in .. wogluitArkatitlon,Witi ,:, , l t , ,_,,,.. t .0. A $4 - 4 , 41.4tAk,, , C-Al.,:f: - F: -,.. 1 ~e 4R~ffitb"~}y~'4 - The arrest having is..sfenluturut .Dotelefendant is entitled to his discharge. Prius—Judge Strong.—On Saturday application 4ftit made on behalf of Daniel Price, James Vegan, George Alexander. John -C•arreind Jl.lllatch, oharged with murder:for their discharge...On tha ground that two terms of the court have elapsed since their anent. Mt pet of 16th of Fo.bruaryLDss, allows the unlo aro. onsonerittfres the tapes or two terms, ,unless, t continuance took place by reason of the eb faTlOo of material witnesses. Mr. Lnughend said' that -Ita bed paid some attention to the 011es,arp.1 that the_first oopttnuanoe took place by reason of the look nese of Dr. Maar; since dead. Judge btrong thought that the re -704 setting lorththe ground of enntinuancq westt oo - I Lye upon him ' and that he could not be charged.clo he leaner is shit under argument. I T T,,r Y. 4 Ink , STATE? STl.ilf.E4' PAwrhtll:-:-Ttre leas a lerge e orhyrd.l people at the navy yard on turclay to witn ES 11) e la moh,c,f the maw United litatoreteamer Pearnee.• This vessel has beer ,finished but tately, and is regarded as a pester-piece of rorktnauehin. Bheis of the clipper build. and ninon , structed with:lie view pf obtaining a light draught of ;w oo,. o onihrti with great speed, .Bhe said to' he the , -greatest plankedycssel that has ever been built in thin • o ity. Its onermeueekneseiseven inehek) add. greatly' tri - her strength. 'here being no eluting, and a beam to evert . w ittrenta, tour itniting knees to each , sad' all diasonall3( strepp don t surface of the beams with • iron, ranker,' her deck-frarne quilt° etnial to the task of supptirtingliiy enormous WiterY of four eleven-inch eked Lictina. er quarterdeck, which is over fifty feet Ig,ts laid' a naw strakes, without butt or knot in tae whole deck, ends much admired._ Her stern le rio oht-like thitt it is surprising how astern so well adaptedlo so large 'avowed, ahopld i;alMO small, The rtillarontid and Boron tbe s'ern is of oak and be be ink _without enrolls and butts. She has a neat nut- , Water at the paw monied With the bast of it Pawnee 'abler, Her head-board isms a netting through whioh air 'passes to the ventilating flume). 'The hood-Vamps, tut Well as theta et the forward brake of the deck. are 'sell arranged,, 127.7t,'SizIl.htltaee: f?!„ditegßginnegd to %trig iva er-tight comeartmente. as troll as of washing decks and supplying the seamen with wash-Water for their clothes, etc.: They are taus relieved from the filthy and' disgusting practice of washing at the head mumps, nem thhe is a treti: n ei h n e e r d v :rth: ilidearT Beneath th¢ee f pumps l entry oa t water to the main deck Jr. P Am a matter of intend we inaynay that to amount, of lumber used in the donstruebon of the hull of the Pawnee was as follows,: Live oak timber In the vessel, 5,890 pubic feet , live oak lit the keel, bent,buttooke. Ac, 3,00f00t *lnte otar kneee.4lB; yellow pine,l7,lBo feet; ,white pine.l.loo; iron mew bolts. U , 285 ; copper bolts, 10,870; Pounds of oakunt, 9,452; number of gross tone of ,angle and plate iron in keleon.stmpping, and bulk , heads; egeltunve of propeller allele and coat bunkers. ' ; number of pounds of sheathing paper. de. Oneof -the peculiar features of th e . timber and plank used, ie. its ..aupeOr t quality ni3 . d i e , rer ii l=ll . . B the . lo o n u r t r i l e tloar n m i 7 ,: b el4ti ' ltai lt rep. 70 ; e and 'e ; l ieeee of rag. Th l e nittba; of - days? work from commencement. ctober 1.1668,0 Sep tember 1,1859,0 n hull. wertill.l644ays. and cost of whieli amounta ra t i ? $K1.959, being ' s frnetion over til2 per day... The p ass of" christening," weieh hag been NO blue describe (and never more poetically than by an even tact contemporary, who opens tip an entirely new as ' sorttnent of reeptehore to do honor to the occasion) was lne through with: Miss [brace Tyler. the grand,daugh= ttf ex , Pregident Tyler, broke the bottle of-grine on theanw. Thera was a great crowd on hoard at the time. 'and avast amount -of enthusiasm when the yes ' gel touched the water. The launch look ,plane at me ets* twenty minutes past twelve, and was a perfect Onintint- MA'rc n.—The grand international oiickei rilatehbetween the Players of England and tune. flea come off to-day, at the ground near Catrien'il Woods.. It will he et:lntl:wed oh Wednesday and Thurs day. there being no play to-morrow. The-following gentlemen have been appointed a com mittee on behalf of the cricketers. to insure perfect order tin the Geld, and to provide for the aocommoda tion,of,the voltam: p Hartman_Kuhn,3doh., ,W. F. Warburton.' .I.l)aval irons,, Beni. W. Riehards, EPA. IC Hama. Jr., John E. Addtoks, glienry_N,BarloW r A. Rosensarten, enry, C.H. Bin nes, Ft; F. Stevens,, Charles Provost, J. Hinkley Clarke,. Wm. Robb, J. S. Fisher. B. M. Dusenbury j Zrateph Canon. Jr., Henry Jones, LCVni. B. Rogers, Richard L. Aahust, T. Wainer Johnson, , Thos. C. Hill, and Jas. B. England, J. Grant. ' The eleven of all -England ar rived at the Girard House Saturdayoir f 'evening. It is to be hoped that the weather will be o snob a character tie not to interfere with the Playing. ' DROWNED BODtIB ILOCOVKIIED.-011 Saturday - • morning the body of Wm. E. Moore, who committed suicide by *moms overboard at Vine-street wharf, a short time amen, wail found at Maiden•streot wharf. Coroner Febner held an inquest. The body of a man was found at Jeanne Island on Saturday morning. The deceased was about 40 years of age t he was 6 feet 9 Mellen in height, end was d ressed in check shirt. blue knit Jacket, nark pants, and heavy ahem It la believed that the deceased was one of the Themen vhowent over tbe dam during the recent freshet. coroner held an inquest. Tu r n Sroum.—We can hardly consider ourselves out of the equinoctial, the wind and weather being ex tremely disagreeable. .W 0 hail something f a storm on /Saturday, which commenced about two o'clock in the - aftertoxin, and continued, with slight interruptions, until yesterday, Tho rain wee very heavy, and the wind raw and fropty. During theWallaceevalenoe of the 'storm an unoccupied dwelling in Wa street, be tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, - was ;Amok by lightning. and badly damaged. To nit RETDBNED.—The Southwark Hose Com ysay bank intend ir."oll:"Ar t ill,fart'age;V l :Tigigilp= they will run a steam fire-engine simi.ar to that o the Ludlow Asaociation, whieh Messrs. Lee & Lamed will supply. ; SUSPENSIONS Exmniao.—The three months suspension of the kloynntensing Hoee Company will mime on Thursday next. ISth instant. - • The four .months suspettlima of the Niagara Hose Company will expire to-day. NOBODY TO Dr./a.m.—The driver and conductor of the Eleventh-street car, by whigh young' Arrison wan Funoversnd killed a few due Were discharged rom custody on Saturday. The verdict of the coroner's Jury was "nobody to blame." Smarm FIRE.—On Saturday evening the wheel wright shoo of James Brown, in Moyamensins avenue. above Washington. was drummed by fire. The fire is SuPeosed to have been kindled by two boys. POPIIIATION GF tag City.—lt is said that the Population of Allis city is not less than 6.30,000, and that of Camden is over 10400. A azurrr-serroor. has been opened at the North wee; Urammar lichool. Race street, west of Broad. ARRIVALS AT - THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Ira 'To 12 O'CLOCK LAST NM?. '-- GIRARD HOUSE — , Chestnnt at.. below Ninth, 4. Towles. Ala A II Quint Masa P4l Bacot, B C , W H Trete:l747fmk 111 Smith. itialimond,llB, John Parrish. Dr Blake, Wash • DC Mr Snow, N -CC Woolworth & wf, N y .708 P Wilmot!. N Y , J Dolor, IV J -A M Fauntleroy. Va ' .1 Bdakert. Cum, 0 - ' ' Rev Jl, Cook, Md I Garrard Zs wf, Cinn, 0 B Cover • -HA Mdler &la.N Y A A Miller, NY W T McClure, WY H Crittenden, St Louie L- Ketcham, N.Y - 8 Shepard, Al Y .9 Cox. On _ i II Brightwell. Os ' ' W_B Watford. N, C C B Adams. B 0 D - P Itarnseiir & me, N 0 T.l Tate. Ala . Hl' Matthews. Ala , 8 W MoKensie, B 0 • Thos `Hodson, Ilawm__...--Epi n fliAtriVal a r tter H Bowels_t v y4l,. - ITZ J 8 foie, Vs ' AB otoui . gan, Charleston yo E Bunting, N C Miss Willkins.La itirs Conning - 11am 8 0 Iti H Lance gr. la. 8 0 Capt ilitlEnten • England MrDickeileon dc !CNC, Airs Wright, .N 0 • :Mrs Walters, N C Mies Walters. N 0 .J P 0 Foster, NY • ' B B Miller, Oneida.NY Janssen. Greenfield, Mats II W 'Willard. WilUamsp't II Croaker & fm,hillentukee 1 H Hough, St Louis E Heys, N Y r Poullaine, Ga I 1 Heald & lajleltimore ' B Alussrave. N Y L 0 clioir, - N Y - - M lierrY & lai NJ #F Shenk, I.enearder H Wilson, MT 0 Swain ,N 0 S B Ruggles, Y HoW,Littlblit JastangleY. i. Boston 0 F Parker, oston W 0 Carrier. Boston 0 T.I Culbertson Conn II Crocker. Boston Miss Croaker, Boston Master Crocker, Boston i n , nmi ano t & hoiosto k 2 Misses Balland, Boston A Ehrenberg, Arizona' Alf Diver, England Jno Lillywlnte, England Jno Jackson, do lOro dy, '.- do Thom Lockyear. do - inos eager,.._ 'do II D Stephensonolo JnoWisden, do Geo Parr, do Wm Caffyn, • do R. Carventer, do - 1G P linker, • • •do Wm Pile. do Wed LIIIYWhite: do H Idlirwhite, do A Monheuner, N 0 W H Winder, nub, li AT Nobler & fa, Lynn J Patch & fa, Lynn F Mares -11 l Rum • M W npd.gos, Gov. I W.Tonloa. Oa ria W Leeds, Trenton a Stevens. Lana B Clapp & la. Boston J W Clapp, Boston rt Davis. Miss . .Tan Adam. Wash. D 0 I J Bylandt, N Y . .1 Boyd. Belt T AI Ingraham & ht. N Y JIL Underwood, Ala . ' W C Allen, NY" N N Clements, Ala C I, Moore. Cm .1 II French, Cin O W Phillips, Jr, Cin. W II Falconer & son, 1) C -- -J.-- , Moncurti. Ya .1 . Jenkins. 8 0,- 'll B Woods, Ala - . , A I-1 Callaway, Ali J S MoAdory. Alit J Miller, Ala ,I Cardin°. Miss _ 5 p i Mitchell. Athens, Oa VSl T gr a- g e ,Vi t i, Y' s ll6 ' 1 .; drgiti;?Fi d eaviirk. N J 1,1, Jones. y.' Aaron Jones, England J F Waring. Savannah. Ga Miss Waring, Ga Chas S Clark, N Y MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et.. below Arob. D Morwita, Philn W J Sterrett. Ps G W MordEChamberallurg ~J Q Henry, Roston H Foster. Tenn' H D McDonald Ohio wm G9fer CGIL. O - Geo McOill, N 3 V 0 Wililania, vs 1 rt 13 Bailor, Balt 8 R Bryant. Indiana . T It Winne, Tenn John Rankin; Troy. N Y • OM Brooke, Ny. W W Snodsress • • Jaines Reed, Milton T Ir Birch, Wash, Pa Joe W Connuorhala, Pa PHe io n. Tippecanoe, 0 " Hailing , Ohio Win Mason,W Oin. 0 T 7 Reid, Arkansas 8 B Morns, Lebanon, 0 _-- . RRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Third D Woodward, Me ' .1 Wynne, Ohiesgo II H Appleton, Del -• H Paine, Oin, 0 I C PeiniersaM,N Y ~ H P Thnman, Ala J It Sieben, M a , B 8 Hour, Mw Real Welker. N o,' 1 Damon. Phila 0 7-1 Pierce. Monmouth II NI Wilson.. Ohio JVI Biers, Ohio . H 8 Roll', Ohio I 0 Ferris, N Y • W Watts. N Y P Jerdines, PI Y . .1 A Hoyle. N Y 1 H. Dewey. Hoboken R P Abernethy. Cin, 0 M J oh n so n, Brownsville Mra T Dina c e, Pa 8 s 8 Hall, N Y THE UNION HOTEL-,Arch street. above Third. Thomeson, Pottsville MA) M E Dlei, n •d e , Pa Mr. N D Crettes. Ohio ' Greo, Ohio Evertv, Nostwillo MeCulloh, Mt Roily JRBhelly, Prest.rt, 111 Beni I. Cook, Ohio Mrs Itirermen, Hazleton Bawd Thamne. Jr, Ohio FlTehtide4dliz, Pa J 0 Webster, Va 711 Morton, Va A 8 Vaughan & ovf. N C R'I4I,,VVIA, 0 W. 7.y. Moss Musa R Pander, Boston W_IRA Petrick,. Jr, Va P Cin: 0 3 J Bnolliin, Oin. 0 Winflehwaitz, Thsorstoern Robe Brldeer. N Y - Meg Wallooe, Balt R Grant. Nova Scotia Mush Cameron. Nova Beata *Wm H Rhodes, N 7 GPO L Haines, N 7 Dr Mooney,. Gs I Elimbee, mos Corning, Dee Moines T Wriebt, Indiana Leminser, Pt Carbon [Malt Gana, Pt Carbon JONES' HOTEL—Chestaut street. above Sixth. .1 A Marphey, Ba%Mora Heiman. N Than Brodno. Ala Theo Davidson. N 4 James, Tioty t N - HAWhitingion Ark M Hanna, BaJtimoto J R It Conner le la, Va P A Preeman,..NJ GPO Cramer. NJ -Mr Johnsen, N Y A Kimball. Pa A Davis. Pa mill Sutherland & AM. NY J Nt•Youna t Paris, Tann II B Joy ._Benton, - VC W Oddie. N Y alias 1,, Wrlyht, Y• • It Litd, Wheeling, Va J Lodar , N Y • ,Tlma M. Menton. Pa_ tames 017, Va H MMilgomare, Va John A Trualow, Va ;Bla‘kburn Heap, Boston U N Kearny. Zanesville. 0 Farquhar . , tnranoport,lnd 'r hna Horner, N Tae Wllileme, N Y W Bmithßon. Boston :W Saunders. Boston • B Shield. N Y Bennett, Hodson J Saylor, Conn it Ashfteld. Albany . T Brown. Hudgon • Stuart. Me 'l' Russell, Me I Charles, Baltimore B Jacobs. Balt i more .111 Hilder;hlcl- • ' John Groan M Handal, N Y Jae Sargent', Maas •W B Roland,ll.l - MOUNT YrNON HOTEL—lascrind at. Mlhollt Arch. W B Mann, ethlehem g B Shim, Min 'Coarad Die hl . Chicago !legit Miller, Lancaster 'Major blues, N Y ' E Brubaker, Clearfield Wm Fisher, Reading 0 X Johnson,' Reading .T J Andereon,Bristol fl Mama do la. Wilm, N C .Tames Reed, Pa Mrs Bradford. Pa 'James Vandyke, Pa Oeo Watson, 8 0 .Semi Ely, N Y Thos B Poster, N J istATYOMIAL ROTELr—Faeentreet. above Third. It Uncoil, Ynelihultay, Pottsville•o 'Vont°, Reading • llt Peirce. Pa O Gingrich, Lebanon ' JOhn_Colp, Pa A Tel..), Allentown 03 11 rei., «SP Mor Pa 11.? t Vir eire,Va 'Pa / 1. 4 RE lR Tf in n er i' 49"tQwn "II Marker, ra . ' S ' gl ° l4nrifi?eirllnft i o ' :e r 4 vifs p olvi b. - 'Phos M Clark, p. Laneaster A P Hibarnen, Pit " ' fi l liriVri t a n e t , bersciek, Po C Lloyd, Menne Sterling . - ---. AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheetnut'et.,abova Filth. is . p Gibsim, cuneeid, N c W- It Flitoraft. Wash, DC. '.O D Worth. Phila , - W. Sandford, D C . • i Gen Newt, D 0 : ; . , ti Ma hard , Wilfn, Del , ?S'lL C° , l l7sit 4 , X o _ J &Wilson, Meoklenburs . .Tit A e bornellq, rt a — - iIT C: K IL"11 Y? 0 ' ,ro Hell; Bn. ere, No' - ' ' : 011 Komar, 8.11e L m, 2( C:i ' N 0 itliara, N C • • B.eio R Ranson N 0 '- aunts ,' 26 orfleet, le ri,E r tttr . t-t4T- ---- ',, - -# itLomber. Auburn N Butler, Wilkesharre" - D Nurtleet. V W o_lllll, VI" - A C Pretzfium, Midi _ LD Ttler i Vs ~., Thee crucon..va ' ' T P lipketurst, Jr, ve. 0 M Dixon, ri Y, . , 4 Bli fileUttdere; VI% ' 0 Ryan, Phila. " ' T 1 /10rorteii i ; , . . • ' • . „ Ditili,EY SHEAF' HOTEL—Second fit., belovelirket: i r lt6l k , I,s ili t ' at l it r . : T V ' It i t v at:]Tir l Ang 4lT ' l ' 4_,D•tluse,..alton R Frets, Doylestown ' . , a 12.. A7Sig , r A Centresulle ff Bartley, Abington ~ ' KMUM, rn ' ' J W Dhultz, ,Pa„ -- __ .boittittaieL it,, VittitlyVilet:town, flu ti tietekso3 l OVA? r itobt , C44sluboll, ' - 671 " ' , r=f= EITATES VE5104 1 -da&ei l ef., t abirs4 hicti. '' !Itch, Carbine , " h Jeffries, Harrisburg - llooket Vel. i''.: ! i 1 n an tl i l ''''' e I W hailer. P Ila 8 Flaunt & la, Va, onal e_n,lrs ' A B Bullock. Va W Bole, Cm A Benqon, Kutztown, Pa 80 Orono k la, Harrisburg JW Rigby, 111 88, Bonlentown Jac Wilson, Bordentown Jea Dturaiddie, Pittsburg Robt Sproul, Pittsburg E Weetfall Geo Rankin, N . J Jos WiCunnitigharn, Pa EAGLE HOTEL—Third street. above. Race. BMX+ ce, Chester co J M Baker Cheltenham Wm Donovan Albany • r . r ArP FrrokiLaneastar gg li a l ' Aif ! _ r btra a 4 ° r V I M lief:ll:Fit._ Pa 11.0•FArlaruh, Del co W Garrett. Cue 00 (11revu, Del co W Brower & la, N 0 MEE HANTS' HOUSE—Third s sp.; above Callowhill. 388 Els, Col en, Pa Ono nag. BA Louts Bob' onnnr, Philo Mre L Homers. Detroit 3no Rohland, Pa B B Shnllenherser, Pa S Law II Burks co Job Heilman, Pa Chas iok t 3r, Reading it t)OT EAGLE I" ? ALII •E Th rd e•, Rb. aow t Brow . n. Phila R Bachman. Dauphin co no Bachman, Dauphin co H Drown. Phil.% erree Dinninger, Bucks co B F MoMichael t r a •t— • : • 01,A0X BEAR HOTEL—Third et.. above Callowhill. OeratoOarner, Warrington 0 810 ugh, S Eatton IMPORtAVI610113: 1 tltdported for The Preee.l SAVANNAH—Steamship State of Georgia. Garvin— finales eaten' Ctd3tet &Sot 70 do:1181°1m & , 50n1 , 770 CP,Relf; 433 do'Slitcirtis Waln & Co: 03 do Cochran & Rumen; Bdo J Palmer & Co; 93 do 1) Salomon & Co; 206 do order; 10 bales domestics Brown. Hill & Co; t; , l do 0 it MbOre; tio do Hay & hlal)evitt 0 holes weetn Jessup Monreteo bus feathers JO4 EL Perot; 16111 mdse E .1 Elting & _Pro; 148 pkgs surdnes td others'. .1 CARDENAS—Bark Louisa. Jarman-286 hhde It ice 19 Ole whines 10 bide honny S & W Welsh. • PHILADELPHIA BOARD OS.TFL4DE. COMMITTEE Of TUE MONTI/1 SAX . L REEVES: I LETTER.", SAGS . , AT TIM MEtt.CIIANTA' IV:MANOR, PIITLADRLYTItA. ahtp Sitranak, R0w1and............ ...... Liverpool, anon Bark C B Tay. de Janeiro, soon Bark Sachs, Power —Pernambuco, soon Bark Island Home, Jeffrey London, soon Brigtrio. fierce............80gus Is Grande, soon Bahr w L Springs, Buakaloo Havana. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 10, 1839. BULIMMER 931 ON ErtTaLL.... H WATER.- -- 0 ARRIVED. 1.7 Fl mail steamship State of Seorga, °Arvin. from Sa vannah, 63 hours, with Indio 'and •passengers to Alex H 4 on, Steamship Delaware. Copes. 224 hours from N York. with mdse and passeneers to Jan Allderdire. Paned below the Ledge a topsail enliooner. lumber loaded: two harm Miss off Ready Island; brig Thomas Walter s from West Indies. nlf New Castle. • • . • - • .. Steamship Phineaa Sprague, Matthews, 50 bows from Roston, with mho and pneaensere to Henry IVinsor. Sark Reindern, Kerlin, from Rio de faneiro Any 25, with entree to nos A Newhall 4 Sons. Ann 27, let 25 21, lone 4201. gooks bark Impetador, Heanl, from Rio do Jenesro L 2 days out. bound to New Orleans. Bark Louisa. Jarman. 16 days from Cardenas, with ;boluses to 8 & W Welsh. .• • . ' Dark Mary Edam Niokeripn, B days from Boston, with mdse to Twang k Co. • - Brig Jae Crosby. French, 9 daps from Portland, with plaster to E A Bonder k Co. Brig 0 AV Barter. Gilchrist, from Boston. Bohr Starlight. Yorko, 9 days from Portland, with TOOZO to JAMS Baker. Behr C A Stetson• Cobbp &ye ,from Provincetown, with mike to Oen A Wood. . . Bohr Adn. Iferhort, Purvee, 6 days from Wellfieetowith mdse to Gun A Wood. Frehr B. W Dillon. Matts.6 days from Boston.vrdli mdse tope° A Wood. • • Bohr Silver Magnet.. Perry, from Boston. Behr Jag W EririT, Sipple. 1 ilaY frcen.Frederioa, Del, with wheat to Jae L Bewley & Co. • • Bohr Ratlooo.3, Anderson, I day from 8t George, Del, 'malt wheat and oats to Rielinrdnon & Overman. Behr John W Ball. Morris. 1 day from Little Creek, Del. with corn to JI. Howley, & Co. • . . . Bohr Sarah Warren. Hollingsworth. I day from Cam den. Del. with grain to J Bowles & Co. Behr Harriet Baker, Webber, 8 days from Portland, with mtlze to B A Bonder k Co. Rehr las English, Neal, 4 days from New Haven, with rodeo to captain: • Behr Jonathan Nay, Cobb, 7 days front Boston, with linseed to atotain. Sobs Adeline Townsend, Townsend, 5 days from New York. with salt to W Bumm. . . t3ohr Geo Fides Nickerson. 4 day/ from Providence, With mdze to Crowell ,& Collins, Bohr ➢lvry Anna, (Mg*. 8 days fromllew York, with n.dzo to Crowell & Collins. CLEARED. 'Steamship Easton, Sallow. New York, Jim Ali Wilma. Steamship Kensington, Baker. Boston. II WI usor. C Bhip St Patrick, Falco, N Orleans, Bishop, Simons & o. • , Bark Car&lin. Roberts, P o ston, J 'Wk. J F Starr. Bark Frederick Lennig, Sumner, Now Orleans, Pettit, Martin k Co Orig Chas Hatch, Dunham Bt John. N B. Twells & Co. Co. Brig Triumph, Outhouse, at John, N B, E A Bauder & }iris J Nickerson, Baker, Boston, Noye, Hammett & Cn~d. . Brig G . W Barter, Gilchrist, Savannah, Noble, Ham matt & Caldwell. . . Bohr Martha Moore, Bennett, Savannah, Pettit, May tin & Co C Sokr .1 C Baxter, Babcock, Charleston, D S Stetson & Behr E L B Wales, Hainan, Wittnington, NC, D S Stetson Sr Co. - • • . Behr 7 Alarttn, Harding, Providence, Crowell dr. Col line. Behr Silver Magnet, Perry, Bolton, N Sturtevant & Co. Behr W P Williams, Akins, New London, RR Carson & CO. Schr Courier. Crowell. Boston. P Cooper. Rohr Wm l' Cox, Houoh, Saugus, Blalciaten & Cox. Behr A C Reeves Lake. Boston, do. Rohr Volta, Cabe, fircenport. do. StrJ Jerome. Jerome. Alexandria, etc. T Webster. Jr. tar HL Caw, tier, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exellanae4) LEWES. Oct. Col. 8, The following vessels were at the harbor yesterday morning and left last evening. viz :—Bark Rehm Maria; brigYißori with Iselin Juliet and Julia Maria. Ship Esther . in tow of tug America, came down and anchored at the harbor last evening,4rul still remains in company with America and three ochre. Wind KM Yowl, WM. M. HICKMAN. MLMORANDA. Bteamatti p Pennsylvania, Teal, hence, armed at Rich mond 7th met. Bark Palschn, Wilson, from Rio de Janeiro Aug 77th arrived at Baltimore Bth inst. Bark Cordslia, Sheer, was discharging at Rio do Jan euro Aug 27th. Bark Jeddo. Wheeler, hence for Boston, was a Holmes' Hole 7th inst. DANCING. A L VASHINGTON HALL, BlO SPRING -- GAIMEtpt strget.—D. L. CAEPENTER, the &iota! Teacher of FaiblonsldMDancitig;ii nelr reitdY to take at any time. either Private or in Olionten. For reference, call and observe the respectability al :ready begun. D. L. CA ItyENTER can be neon daily and nightly for 'terms,. &a. This is his twenty-ninth year as a Teacher in this city. _ PROF. SARACCO respectfully informs the elite of Philadelphin,That he will open his Con servatory of Dancing on October 10th, at 35 South ELEVENTH Street. At the raiment of many the services of Assistant Ladies will be dispensed with hereafter. For term, apply at the Academy, on the 6th, 7th and Bth innt. o 3 fd. 11-IFAZARD'S DANCING ACADEMY, N. E. `confer of ARM-land BROAD fits.—Mr. HAZARD, from Paris, and well known in this city as having had the largest and most fashionable Dancing Academy Ibr many yearn tins the honor to inform hie former patrons and tlie_pubbe that lie has returned to this city, end will open a Dancing Academy at the place above named, on MONDAY. the 2iith of September. Mr. 11. will also teach classes , in nehoole and private families. Mr. Ire style of dancing is plain, CIASTi and graceful, and can be acquired in a short time. An easy and maceftil de portment, as well as a perfect knowledge of the present style of dancing, such as is done in the very best ne wly, will be imparted at once to the scholars, and no time wasted in learning old steps and dances that are out of fashion. For tams, references, eta., apply at the hall. sets-am WASHING AND IRONING. ,J.l , WASHING AND IRONING DONE 4 - k• with NEATNESS and DESPAT7for Single •`• Ladies and Gentlemen, Fermi Boarding Schools, Rote's, Steamboats, &0., at ONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, Nd. 1234 South SIXTH. Street, corner of Prune. Family Shirt/ and Collars patent poltehed, 'Everything washed by hand, on the com mon wash-board. The whole bustmees is strictly attended to by_ female neratives. Mrs. DONOVAN, Saverindendedt. ROWE'S STANDARD SOALES.- STRONG er, ROSS PATENT.—CoaI, Cattle, and Hay Scales require no pit. Platform and Counter Scales of every description. They receive all Friction and Wear on Balls instead of Knife Edges, as on other Scales. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, and see the improvement PENNINGTON GEEEN. Agent, 112 South SEVENTH Street, 03.14ni • Philadelphia. MORE PROOF OF TUE W NDERFUL EFFECTS OF MONELL'S AMERICAN HAIR REPARATOR.. Septembor 27th, 1659. This is to corky that 1 was bald for many yenre, and was recommended to try your for three months, which Ras caused my hair to grow, and although not quite as thick as before, yet it is constantly 'lotions. B. M. JONES, No, 39 North Third street. PHILADELPIIIA. September nth, 1859. Mr. J.F. biONELI.: Dear Sir—Some time Amen to' hair commenced falling out, so much en, that I was, in fact, fearful of becoming bald; but hearing of the won derful power of your fleparator, I was induced to buy a bottle, and after using one-half of it.my hair not only conned coining nut, but commenced growing finely, and I. have now as thick a suit of hair lie ever I had.. . . JACOB EVANS, N Co Cherry street. For solo hr T. H. PETERS & Co.. Sole Agents, No 716 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. segg-tho SALADIANDER SAFES. A large assortment or EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA IVANUFACTURED SALAMANDER FES SA. VAULT DOORS, HANK LoCKS, For Rank. and Stores. Equal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., 011 rood terms as any other establishment in the United Staten, by EVANS & WATSON, No.Se South FO,USTIR Street, Flu - ade:OW PLEASE GIVE lirt A CALL. mas-tr SILVER SOAP—A aitnple preparation for eleansinailver Plate, Jewelry, Mirrors. Mar ble, koi, tar more convenient and effective than any other. One half the labor of House cleaning may be saved by using this Soap Itbjeat cannot poyeibly injure the finest Zino white, and as no scrubbinq it required, tho,savin,o, in the wear od the paint is much greater than the cost of the Soap. 'lt leaven the surface tie pure and white as when new. Manufactured only by the Houton Indexical Soap Company, and sold by their appoinjed Agents, HASSARD & Cu.. Apothecaries, TWELFTH and CHSTNUT. FAMILY CHOCOLATE or. SUPERIOR QUALM , . EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Manufacturer and Importer of French and Spanish OHOCOLATE.' Store S. W. corner ARCH and NINTH Streets Pantarr 814 Filbert etroor.) LADIES' BATH. BRAIDS,WIGS, FRI SETTS, and puRLs, manufactured in the very beet and %meet Perm styles, and of whieh we constantly keep a very large assortment pc hand. sold wholesale and retail t at the lowest nostublnPrlces. Ordera from an parts or the eountry eived, and promptly, attended to. Also, a newts AIR D superior to any in use. • . HUTCH , le TENnI. St., au2o-3m° Between Market and Chestnut. • ;DRILLS AND SHEETLNGS FOR EX PORT.• . l 5 r t ' - , • - , " , • • "BROWNOILEAcituri 4 AND lII;DEIrItILLS, HEAVY AND Lif,HT IifIEETINGd. • Suitable for Export, for sale by FROTHINGHAM & W 10,1,61, Sleuth FRONT Bt,. and Be LE' ITIA Street. ',ZIEGLER & SMITH, corner SECOND and GREEN, have acquired a great reputation by •the wise and prudent course , thoy have, pursued sines their commencement in business, by selling a firet-rate article at alms Cure. 81:141 Ip g F i l a N de ß2 ll6o B l W iii -e s iar i ft :Nix? ror Sale by "M" GR T A RI I I/14Vrat. ma) SCOTCH 'WHISKEY. —125 puncheons /amen Stlwarj k Palelex Malt,, in bond and fnr onto lw OK RISE wit IT I.; GM Y. at2l.ltm DR. P. A. GENTH'S CHEMICAL LABO RATORY, N 0.333 WALNUT S trent, is opon again for roatrnotiOn tAtrallti u cal and.Atalyttont ghemier tAlgAtlntillll.ll. rgY; ald°'lPr f lnryiylid MACKEREL —125 bble., 180 halves, 115 quartemind 290 kitte WO bids. and W es o 90 halves i Ikon :slam' and. rot Chi WM. J. 'TAYLOR ec 0122 tip 4 121 North WHA , ntwantEs3.--plluADEL'eHow-,,xoNlgy,i, 0f,,,T5313,4R XO,. ,1859., NEW •PtIIBVICATIONek Prp 'GREATEST BOOK of the SEASON, clEn k; pubtkii. Oath by , , GIFT,IIOOOIIII4IIII II / 4 2.4 tlatiiTNUi'Arait: iti s intd . Bl , OBtr . 11811.01 MEMOIB3 QPFBERT. ilaBIN! - '` • ' Mk.1401.11S O F OBEttl: RUUD N, AmbalizAdOri , ' . , ‘Aln i V. or, •., Ambassadors, Ainbasandor, i Ara Or, „ Awl} kkiuulor. AmbaFdar. Ainba dor, Amliii ' at, Ambassador, Audnazadur, Ambassador. Author, • - Author; . - AuUltdi '• : / Author, Author, Author. , ,Author: , , ‘AutAor, • Author. ' Wizaid, Aur,„,•. .. Atho, , Author, „ 'W u izad. ' Wizard, Wiza6.l, i '' .. Wizard. , , Wizard, Wizarili . F '' I' ~ , ' "11:i zar 4711, d.. W. izar, '',- Ponimor, Coniurer, ( Vizad` Ca [¢ tMlrtxard, ..heard, 11 1 4% • scoawr , . Con tter,ler, Conjurer, Magician* Magician, Magician, Magician, Magician, Magician , tagienin, • • Magician, Alamman, anima,.Masician, Necromancer, Necromancer , Necromancer. Neeromanoer, „Ifeeromanocr. Nocrommiler. N.,..cercomincer, rAcominaneer, Ileoroinancet, .Necronianoor,' earenatheer, reeoromaueer, Sorcerer, • Sorcerer* , Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Sorcerer,, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Soreeret, uteerer. soll3oror. Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Encliantel, Bnaltanter, Enehrinter, ; Ern:TIAN, Enchanter, • Erchanter, Eno antes Enclanter, , Enchanter, - Frio antes, Eno enter, gliohenter, , v i.0.11 : 1280ROFBLV.10 T- OF ..HAND, etc., etc., eta. Written by Himself; ' Edited by DR II.MELTON MACKENZIE. With a copious index, carefully arringed. This book is fill of interesting and entertaining anecdotes of the itterviews of the great Wizard wit the most do:Unstudied personages of the present day, and gives desoripions of the scanner of .performing ninny or his must curious tricks and twingfortmitions. gg Bound in one vo'unie of 06 pages, 32m0., cloth. Price, An d'' ocollact thtit s Handsome Present, worth from Au CENTS To 8108, IS GIVEN WITIVEACH BOOK. • [From the London 'Times.] ," It is admitted Mitt •Robart-lioudin did obtain great einintince in his votatlon, for he was sent by the French Government on a son of political minion. to astowah the Arabs and enunteract the influence of their Mara. Loutil. Be was thus an Embrisamtor among Conjurers, and a Conjuror among Embaseadors. He now adds the triple trick or authors to his professional pages nod Personal traneformations." [Prom the Westminster Review.] Without any sarcastic intention, we might show that the Conjurer was really a nine of greater ability than many a successful author, On lie whole, we can recommend these ' Memoirs of, Robert-Houdin' as pleasant rending." BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' OIFT-BOOK ESTABIIISHMENT, 439 CILE.IITNUT Street, where youmin Set HOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TIME, and A irANp_solol PRESENT, Worth from SU mints to 11300,41 siren with each booksold.. Call in, and one trial will assure you Lint the only place in the city where RIFT -re °New BOOK ESTABLISH APENT. N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ' Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. nee' Strangers, visiting the city, are respectfully in vited to call and examine tho large eolicotion of Bdoks, and get a Catalogue. 07-3 t IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED av o , D. APPLBT N t t co., Nos. 54ti and aP3 BROADWAY. • . VW AND TILE PIIIANB, BY • • TURMAS WILLIAMS anti JAMB% CALVERT. 1 vol. evo. Illustrated , le with Colored Plates and Mape. P e IFromtho New York Observer.] " Thiele n moat valuable work neon n now au bleot. It is the result ofpatient and intelligent re/enroll by the Rev. Thomas Williams and the Rev James Calvert. The Note are reltable t tits deductions are the fruit of long personal observation and inquiry. The history, government, ware, agricultural atlvantages.'snannets and mistoms, religion, Immunise ? and literature of too islanders, are carefully and scientifically treated in the firstpart of the book, while the tiecondn.rt is devoted ton deeply interestin account of the momionary opera tions undertaken and carried on m the different Wands. We commend this book most heartily alike to the stu dent of races find nationalities, and to the friends of Christina nussione." BREAKFAST, Tvi DINNER, AND TEA, _ . ymm . _ CLASSICALLY POE_T ALI ,Y and P CTI CALLY. CONTAINING NUM v. ROLS DISHES AND FEARTS OF ALL TIAIES AND COUhBIIII.INTRIES. 11 THREE HUNDRED AIODERN RECEIPTS. I vol. Smallo. Gilt Top. Price "}t in altogether the hest hook for it genteel house keener that we ever mt."—(N. Y. Observer. The beau-ideal of a Cook Dook."—[Portland Trans. cript. " A more rteceptable book fora young housekeeper it would be t il t Ar l a n er; . no C l i lle 4 r#Wy l i t rkli 'l imit persons In Berth of food for mindand body—particularly the body. —(St.' Louis News. " Every housekeeper who would deserve the bent corn plimante of her Snarls should owp p rPr„i;TiCk.tsfLitial, end Fruit, are none t h e less practicable Item the abun dance of anecdotes with whioli•they are garniahed."— IC inginnati Gazette. 111. PARTIES AND TN EIR FRINC_IPLEE; A AIAN HAI. OF POLITICAL INT niagEN CE, EX HIBITING THE ORIGIN, GROWTH, AND CHA- R ACTPR OF NATIONAL PARTIES, WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING VALUABLE AND OENERAI. FITATIriTICAI. INFORMATION. By Allmon HOLM E 9. 1 vol. 12mo. 11. e.lt contains . succinct exposition o all gnestinnsof nationnl interest, past or present, with the views of eminent statesmen, the notion of Congreits, And the oul . lil a hearings of those questions upon the c trxat large. While the work is condensed, it is nt thews e Modem . in its delineation of the or g i Ir. - 2, riveter, and condition of parties. Tr to %hit COM mends lOW to men of oi of p Wm!) s a work of reference, and as a art 4 - gilide to he i tricasies of Amorican politics and the pest notion of our Govern ment, IV, THE HISTORY OF HEROBOTUS. A new English version, edited with copious notes and k onopendi es. By Oettreeßawil neon, M.A., assisted by Col. Sir Henry Rawbinion, K. 0. li., and Hirt. Wilkinson. F. R. 8. With Maps and .11tuatrations. To be completed in t vols.. Vol. I. kg4l, ALM. The object of ti work is to present the Ensinsh reader with a correct yet free translation, and looollect and methodize the chief illustrations of the author which modernlearning end research. have notrunnelattl. fa-' ratio' with the progress of the work, a ROI o fresh disooverie have been node upon its( ton s) more im portant 'whim:its—the ethnography of the East, and the history and geography of Bain lonia and Assyria. The fr e t n it ;o7 f it t t e l r ali c itrutn e tig ;it ilrelrrg t =t part of it having been. m time to tinter relnittent new Bight hen been thrown upon doubtful puinte. 'HISTORY •Ot k . R.AROF. t . FROM THE EARLIEST T TO MDCOCXLVII. BP ;RE 410/. /ANN. rwlttrip Author of the "Eighteen Christian centuries." vol., evo. Pao. 83. Thin history is believed to be especially adapted to the benefit of general readers who are anxious for historicist as well as other kande of knowledge, but who, in respect to the Ilistory of France, are repelled from the attempt M immure it by the dryness of the narrative, and the un interesting style of the metier volumes devoted to the subject, and by the Pme and labor re aired for the pe rusal of the more extensive and valuable works. NEW AMERICAN TRE cycLorAIDIA, von m K A COMPLETE DIOWLED CTIONARY GE OF GENERAL N Edited by Coke. A. DANA and G, ROW'S YUMMY. The work will be published cusclueivety, by oubecrip tion, in to large octavo volumes, each contemn: LK Tad two column prizes, and in exterior appearance mat once clesent and oubstantiel The colonies will be issued se rially in cloth, 3i library style, leather. 83 ad i" half morocco, 8.1 hal Ruseia exult, iiI1110; graph payable on delivery. Vol. 11, Jost ready. • [Prom the Independent oflnnell . " A eympatliinlog and appreciative spirit pervades the articles; so that, instead of mere frigid narrative, or an exacting and rigorous criticism. we have an emmatod and hearty style, both of conception and eXpreeniqn This to noticeable, for example, in the articierton Chris- Dalian Christmas, on Coleridge and Fenimore Cooper, ion Cookery, tom) and on such living m D en as the on. 8, P. Chime, of Ohio. A genial anirrnwerent temper im bues the hook, while the merely literary evocation of it is worthy of all prelim. In the sphere 'which it proposes to fill, an n Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, it aspires lifter and Achieves a noble entices& 08-31 NEW BOOKS For Sale by_ GAUT & VOLKMAR, Sumeessors to H.R.oviperthwad k Co., No. (J 9 CHESTNUT Street, shoe Sixth, North rode. BREAK! , AST. DINNER, and TEA. Viewed clam oally, poetically, and practically. Containing nutno routs cur:ono dtaban and feasts of all times and coon tries. THE WHEAT PLANT: stnerycin,calture, growth development. composition, varieties, diseases, &e. he. By .1. 111 Klippart. TILE SCIENCE OF EDUCATION, sod kit o 'reaching. Do John Ogden, A. M. DE quirsrev—Tim LOGIC OF FOLITICAL4ECO NOM Ir. and other pep re. THE CRICKET FIELD; or, the History and Sri once of Cricket. - • • P RES I PENTIAI. CANDIDATF:B. Containing eketchee, Biographical. Perannal. and Political. of pro rpinent Candidates for the Presidency in 1800. By D. W. Bartlott. BORDER WAR. A tale of Biaunion. By J. B. Bowe. TUB BUBBLE. A memoir of joim LAW. By Adolph Tillers. To winch are added an thentio aceounte of the Darien Vapeddion, and the South Soa Scheme. Tranelatod and edited hr Fronk S. Fiche. SYLVIA'S WORLD. Crimes which the Law does not Tomei). Dl:ttLiH. By Aneneta .1. Evans, MIBB 81.111IMEN'8 WINDOW. and other pa pers. By Mrs. Mark Peabody. With humorous dlus trattoria. Al;111.10IIKEIC. Ratchet, of Foreign Travel. KNITTING WORK. A Web of ninny Teitureo Wrotvzht by Roth Portin^lon. RECOLLECIONS OP SAMOBL RODUERS. ALMOST A l JIEROINE. By the author of (Stade AtleheoMir. 4c!. SAIOOTIPSTONES, taken from Ancient Brooks. By Bev. Co /1. Upurgeon. 130ing collection of sentences, illustrations, and plaint sayings , from the works of that renowned Puritan. Thames Brooks. A PRACTICAL TREATISE_ ON STREET GR HORSE-POWER RAILWAYS Their lonetion, con struction and maragemont, with general plane and rules for their organization and operation, at n.. Re.. inolu tizigAlezioec;lELut{i,r,i&alOrdinances rotating thereto. "Also, a very large assojtment of Books of every do "ltnntlrtn4qlieaerbiliigOfikE iiiV2lCnYggAnß Y.. BIBLPRAYER and lIYAIN BOOKS, of every randy and style. OUR TAMA, containing ull the daily paperti, with many hlagnzines and 'Periodicals, offers an adsentage for spendin , a spa rs }e or. N. B. TEACHERS will do well to call at the TEACHERS' HOME, No. 600 CHESTNUT Street, and examine our largo and complete assortment of Solosol liooks. oed-7t _ 11KADEMO.ISELLE TITIENS. - 21 - The steel portrait of this popular cantatrice, with a memoir, end the Sept.:mit number of the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, upublished in London and Boston, and containing, ns sual. le pages of choice readies and beautiful wood engravings, is now ready. Price Fifteen dente. N. 13.—The portrait of CIIAR. Dickens, I. K. Brunel, or any of the back portraits, with memoir. eon always tie had, together with back stook of tide favorite journitl. in any form, from the beginning, and tient carefully packed to any part of the U.S., on receipt of orders and Cash. Subacribera by the year or luarterly can always hove their portraits in advance. it preferred. nail free from folds. Circulars will be sent free to any address, if footled for. HENRY A. BROWN & CO., 14 Hanover/3mi, Ptth hshera end Agents for the United States. on St WILLIS' POEMS ILLUSTRATED.— w i poem s , richly illustrated by more than one hundred engravings, from original designs. In tur key. antique. and other styles. THE LOGIC OF POLITICAL ECONOAIY and other Papers. Br Be 9nineey. 16ino. Gents. LMOST A HEROINE. By the nuthot of Charing Auellester. 12.rne. BAI(ARD TAskl,OR'S TRAVI•II,B IN GREECE AND RUSSIA, with two pteol illnatratfona.. 12mo. O DICK AND HIS FRIEND FIDES. By tho author of Edward Clilloril. 18mn. 45 cents. ELLIE RANDOLPH ; or, Thu Good Part. 16mo. 75 Cant.. . . Lla"I'LE WILLIE. By the author of Unicit. )Bmo, 25 aunt% For into by WILLIAM - B.& ALP RED MARTIEN, nd No, Os CliEwrrarr Street. ,fIOUNTRY A DVERTISING. —THE AME- N..) ft (CAN IthiItURLICAN and CIIESTIIIt COUNTY 'DEMOCRAT, established in 1806, and published nt Went Cheater, Pa., is congealed to the Merchants arid 111.191- 'MN MOH of Ililladelphia, as a first-class medium for 'advertising. In the county of Chester. where It mainlY ', t wi l l /t un, there are four railroads term natiagat Philo dolphin, and these roads annually nem to that city hun dreds and thousands of persons, Mt oh whom go there to make purolwtees., ' Advertising solicited. OEO, W, PRAILOE. caitit Proprietor. DICK ANI) HIS FRIEND PIOUS. THIS DAY PUBLISITHIL DICK AND HIS FRIEND PITCH. By Catharine Trowbrulse. author of "Edward Clifford," eco., with illustrations. IBmo. 15 cents. I hear some ?:oup e l l gitigil t of i ntigi t ety a claim: ‘h I h . a7Pio t h Prfon p d as Pull's, to wiitseer tn my O r ar ;hi i tt I (meat to do to beemne itopd and happy You MY° soak a ;fiend I you know lmn well, u yon nee alwarf known him by another name, Published by vrm. 8, ALFRED MARTIEN. of No. 80.3 CHESTNUT Street. TAR' —just. received, o lar e invpice of sale by Tar, in oupariormv, oir wele md, rot 01 No. 23 N. wan Oa D Minv. PAYED UANGINGS, 4V,c. PAPER ,HANGINGS. NOW IN TUN TIMN TO PAPUR YOUR ROUSES. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., NO, 322 CHESTNUT STREET, Rave for sale every variety of "PAPIt HANGINGS, BORDERS, &C„ Which will be sold at the lowest rates, and put up by careful workmen. N.30-Otnolo WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. HOWELL & BOURKE, 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (mow MAt4 Kier) AND OPPOSITE MERCHANT STREET, Have on hand a large and splendid essortinent of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS, To which they invite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. auE5-2m HATS, CAPS. &c. 1859 . FALL TRADE. 1859 . 0. H. GARDEN & CO., Manutooturete of and Wholesale Deniers in HATS, CAPS, FURS. iILK AND_EITRAW BONNETS, AND STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS E FEATHERS, RUCHES, he., An., NOS. 000 AND 002 MARKET STREET, Southwest corner of SIXTH. EXTENSIVE; STOCK, BM TERMS, LOWEST nuts-3iu PRICES. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. HANDY dc, • BRENNER. NON. 93, 23, AND 2T NORTH FIFTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of .all kinds of AMERICAN MANUFACTURED MARDWARE, AND INPORTNIIS or 'GUNMAN, BELGIAN, I'RENCII, AND ENGLISH HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Keep constantly on hand a large stock of Goode to sup- ylr Hatd.wato Dealers, BUTCIIER'I3 FILES, By the :ask or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER'S STEEL OP VARIOUS KINDS PIRIGIIT'S PATENT ANVILS AND VICES, SHIP CHAIN, And other kinds in every variety. IJOLN AONNTS FOR HARP'S REPEATER PISTOL WEIONINO ONLY El% OUNCES. 811A111"8 NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PIBTOLI3. BDWARD b. HANDY. ;NO. D. DRAMS% C. P. BRENARR nuts-tf PACKAGE HARD WARE HOUSE. —We would respectfully call the attention of the Gene ral Ilardivaro Trade to our extensive N.took of BIR MINGHAM !URI/WARE, which wo odor at a small tdvance by the package. Orders for direct importation solicited, and Geode do livered either in thin city, New York, or Now Orleans. W. G. LEWIS & 41 1 COMMERCE Btreet, Importing and Commlxsion ISteroliants. And Agent., for k'oreign and flouter/tie Hardware. atail-tf CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. BOYD & STROUD. IhIPORTERB AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stook of QUEENSWARE, GLABSWARF, and FRLNCII AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their OLD STAND, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH ST., four doors below Merchants' Hotel,to which they invite the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. ea- AGENT. Fon Pinkeuno GLASS. aus-3m CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. MIRINO, 140 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Ilse in store and bond, and OFere for Bale, a Large Assortment el CIGARS, Reoeived awl from Havana, of choice and favorite ;trends. aus-tf BUSINESS CARDS. V B. .P . A. LAUB S ADVERTISING • NiT • AGENCY, N. E. corner FIFTH and CHEST .. • tEk e , Subscrons taken for the beat City and Country Newlin:were, at loweet clan Duces. mo3-3m ALEX. McKINNEY ArfORNII AT LAW, GREENS UR.O, PA, Willman° in Westmoreland. Armstrong, and In mans counties. sell-if IC_ .4.2IAMS lexinC.E.S.9 CO., OPPICI2 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Paresis. Pack ages, Merchandise, Think Notes, and Specie, either by nobler' Lines, or in eonneet;on with other Express Com panies. to all the principle town. and nib.. of the E. 8. kIANDFORD, United Staten. General Superintendent CABINET WARE. HOGUET & HUTTON, MANUFACTURERS OP D E S IC S AND DADINET FURNITUR NO. 259 ROUTH THIRD STREET. °Mee, Bank, and School Furniture, Extension Tables. Bookcases, Wardrobes, oto 89-2 in • CABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 eou'rn SECOND STREET, in connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior art s& of BILLIARD TABLES, end have now on hand a full supply, finished with SWORE & CAMFION'S 1111 PROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others. For the quality and Bomb of these Tables the manu theturere reTar to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work.' STOVES. STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES sPE AR, No. MC MARKET STREET, Is now prepared to meet the wants of the militia more completely in ell the details of the Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of which he invites COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION. The following aro among his own popular inventions, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation ea surpassing in e ecellence and economy any other Stoves in use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Une-Imrnins Cooking Stove, acknowledged to be the hest Stove for faintly use in the world. JAMES SpEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Gen-consuming Cooking Range, now rapid!) coming into general nee. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil vore Air-tight Gas-consuming Parlor stove. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stoic Urn, which Iron, its beauty and utility in like'', this season, to be tourer sail, adopted. JAMEh SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pam JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-ear Healer. For all of the nuove the Inventor very justly claims advantages which require but to be understood by the Public to be universally appreciated and referred to FM) other articles of that eines in the market; and he would herphy extend a cordial invitation to all persons in wont of Stoves to mill end examine for themselves. Parties wishing toOXIIOIIIS will WO every attention shown them, whether intending immediate]) tour chase or not. is22-3n, CHARLES JONES, ton North SECOND Street. (Successor to A. mss , J. Gallagher, would respectfully call the atten - Hon or thong desiring sloven to hie extensive assortment of Cooking, Hearing, and Parlor stoves. I have purchased the exclusive right to the retail sales and repolre. in Philadelphia, of Gallagher's Celahreted Morning Star" and . 4 Sunrise" Gas burning Honking Stoves. well known for veins an the tenet satisfactory Atoves in the market. Also, his now Flat-top Cooking Stove " Daylight," which combine' ail the useful im provements, and operates admirably. I also manu facture,, in a superior manner, Silver's Gas-burner of the bast Roane, Sheet Iron. These are the most economical and easily managed Parlor Stoves in use. 816.3 m fIAITTION.—We hereby caution all per noon not to purennse any Cooking Stove or Stoves with Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces on, [Setpf those made by us, an wo are the occlusive owners of tho Patent for malting Hollow Centres or Hollow Cross Pieces, and we shall prosecute ell Towson' who infringe on our Potent to the full extend of the law. STUART & PETERSON, Iron Frinndors, oh-lm WILLOW Street. above Thirteenth, MEDICINAL. D. GLENTWORTIPS PILE REMEDY, For the ours of jleinorrhuids or Pilee, Constipa tion. Fistula in Ann, Mar:atone of the An., YrolApitun of the Rectum. Fissures ' Excoriation, Ulcerations In ternal end Paternal to the Anita, Pruritus, and all Dia eu.ea peculiar to the Rectum. The groat and uniform sueoess who'll this Remedy has attained for the cure of the above Dianna. is unprece dented in the annals of Medicine. The rapidity of its curative qualities and the durability of tin cures are equalled by no other Remedy of the age. Alinety-nine ea.ee out of nn hundred are ellevinted and cured of this distressing complaint and 'ire restored to emu fort here tofore unknown. Full and explicit Di room. accom pany each Box. One Box 15 Pllainiefit to perform n cure. Prepared only by DR. 01,ENTWitif TH, N 0.817 RACE Street. Price SI. Can be snot by Adams' Exercise. nn-tut DR. MOFFA'I"S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERN hove been thoroughly tested. and pronmineed is sovereign remedy ler dyspepsia, flatulency, lioart.burn and headache, oostiveneas, diarrhea, levers of all bunts, rheumatism, gout, gravel. Worms, scurvy, ulcers, eruptive com plaints, salt rheum, erysipelas, common colds and in fluenza, Irregularity nod all derangement of the tomato nyetemottlea, and various other diseases to n hich the humeri frame is liable. PO/ sole by the proprietor, Dr. W. B.AIOFFAT, 336 BROADWAN New York. and by Druggist* generally alt over the country. 024-il&Wly ANOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER. FUL EFFECTS OF TROXELL'S NEURALGIA SALVE. PIMA., July 7th, IBM. Mr. E. W. 'lltoxam,—Dear Bi r have been troubled with the "NEURALGIA" for the last 10 years, and have suffered the most summating Jmin, compellin me at times to give up my Weirton. entirely. I could no eat, and sleep was a stranger to my eyes. I etidere MOM than tongues can toll. I hod the advice and aid o various physioians, and used other remedies, but all no Mil. Having 'noticed your advertisement in the papers, I concluded to call on a warm whom I had learned was cured of a ease of 20 years standing. Ile applied the "sALvF.," bat once, and f felt immediate relief-4second application removed tile pain entirely. and I now feel like &different man. thrice then I have slept well—something that I have not done for months, being obliged to ant up all night in a chair. Alt appetite MS returned, and I feel grateful to you for the restora tion of my health. CHARLES H. BAKER, Tobacconist, CARROL Street, above WOOD, Kennington. For salerwhelesale and retail, nt W. corner SIXTH and PARRISHStreets, aml at T. It. CALLENDER & (We. ft. W. corner Third and Walnut sta. ap2o-tf gUGAR-ITOUSE MOLASSES.-150 hhtis., tierces:And hfirrelefor Bale b JAMES 011.AIIAAI & U(l. , cern J T.PrITIA Serest. SPANISII OLIViS--in bulk, in prime order, for ante by ell A. MERINO, NO South FRONT street. EDUCATIONAL, UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA. MEDICAL DEPARTMENI! THE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES To the MUM of 1659.60 will Go delivorod in the following order: MONDAY, October lOth, at 12 M., Dr. CARSON, MONDAY. " loth, at I P. M., Dr. SMITH. TUESDAY, " llth. at 12 M., Dr ROGERS. TUESDAY, " 11th, nt 1 I'. M., Dr. LEIDY. WEDNESDAY, " 12th, Met h n 1 Olin a Pp% THURSDAY, " 13th, nt, 12 M., Dr. WOOD. THURSDAY, " 13th, at IP. M., Dr. JACKSON. FRIDAY, '• 11th, at 93; P. M., Dr. HODOE. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. R. E. ROGERS, M. D., catcall Dean of the Medical Faculty DRAWING AND PAINTING.—Lessons given Privately or in Classes. References Mtered. A note odd reseed to" A. R. 8.," Press office, will meet with attention. . 07-3 t. A CADE MY OF THE PROTESTANT -I- -a- EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST and JUNIPER Streets. TIM Autumnal Session opened on MONDAY, Septem bar sth. Applications for Admission may be made to the Prin cipal. at the Academy, daily (except on Saturday) be tween 10 and 11 o'clock A. 111. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., elx-tlannlm Principal. ji — MUCATIONAL.—Miss ELLA WATSON :o ms North TWELFTH Street, will recommence giving Instructions on the PIANO, nt her own residence or those other Pupils, after Boptember Ist, 15W. -th nu2Ss&m.2m. mES D ES UHEGARAY AND D'HER -17-1- VILTA"B BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG 4AfGES. FHILADELPHIA, N 0.1109 LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREE Madame CHER A R AN' rel T. pectfully informs her frientla and the puhhc in general. that independently of her Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her niece, ATme. PREVOST. in NEW YORK. she in tends, in conmwtion with her niece Alma. D'HER MIX, optimal in PHILADELPHIA nn Natant:en on precisely the mine plan aa the one above mentioned. s-IT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUST Street, west of Sixteenth, w,ll I> V., re open op MONDAY, September 12th, at 9 A. M. Applications for admission, if made before the begin mug of the terra, should be made to the Principal. J, ANDREWS HARRIS, A. M., ^4lO-w fttn-tf 16t17 RACE Street. fiINGLISII AND CLASSICAL BOARD 'NO SCHOOL FOR BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lan caster County, Pa. The Winter Session of five months commences on the Ist of November. Fur mental', call at 6041 C 1 116761)T street; or, address the Principal. E. L. MOORE. sai-suwflin OFFICE OF SECOND AND THIRD STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA, 2 WALNUT t , treot. PHILADELPHIA. So t. 30. A Fourth Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS par share on Second Issue of Stook of above Company will be due and payable at this office, on or before the Raft sta7 November next. ROB P. KELTON, s3o.finwtnl Treasurer. R EV. JAM ES I. HELM'S School for the higher education of a limited number of Young Lndieg, 1313 CIIETN UT Street. Circulars, with terms, reforeneo. lofty Iw bird on Anglo:won. 01-!m A INIERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE. Families, Schools, and Colleges. supplied with eointat ent 'Poncho re., for any Department ; and Teach ora with positlorth Parents gratuitously supplied with Wood cut hire. Refer to t acuity Amherst Collets, Mans. • Dr. Lowell Mason; M ason Brothers; Hon. Theo. Prilinghuysen. LL.D. ; lion. John C. Rives. Et al. SMITH. WOODMAN. & CO., 346 BROADWAY. New York, and e23.6in Cot* CHESTN CT Street, Philadelphia. WHITE HALL ACADEMY, THREE MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG, PA.—The 13th Semi-Annual Session will commence nn MONDAY, the 7th of November next. The attention of Parents and Guardian. is incited. The location is pleasant, the course of instruction extensive, and the terms mode rate. Good city references given. The Principal can be seen every afternoon at the UNION HOTEL from the 10th till the 13th of October, inclusive. For Circu lars address L. DENLINGER. se3-1•Iin• Harrisburg. Pa. I.IItOAD-STII.F.ET INSTITUTE FU u YOUNG LADIES Lae reopened its Fall Smarm. For terini4 and parDeulare, apply to Alm B P. COOKE, Pone'pal, No. S4l BROAD Street, below Poplar. LISI(3.—A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of S•nging and Plano, 676 North TWELFTH Street, below Coates. eta-0m• I'USTOI.'S WRITING ACADEMY, S. E. corner EIGHTH and SANSOM Streets, Open daily trom S A. M. toe P. M. To Gentlemen a rapid and elegant business hand is imparted. To Ladies a neat and graceful epistolary st)le. Clueeet Private. Dude written, and every de scription of Penmanship neatly e xecute 'd. IIIIF, MAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may he applied to at the residence of hut father, Professor Allen, No. Ina South SF.VENTEENTII Street. ab-2m• 'IRS. BARTON'SS AR DING DAY SCHOOL FOR yomva LADIES, No. 1g29 CHESTNUT Street. Phila. The Winter Term will open on the seemed MONDAY in September. young Ladies received of any age—and taught ahtitever pertains to a thorough Education. French spoken in the fatally. For Circulars and par. Oculars. apply no above. nual-DIV &Cal-4w pItICE-STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. GRORoh; R. BARKER. PRINCIPAL. The KtII Term of thin Institution commences Beptem. Der eth,f 5 a 9. The course of instruction comprisee all the bran es n thorough English Education. together with the .ntln, Greek. and French Langungee. att.V-tf ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORIL PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. The course of instruction in this School is comprehen sive and thomugh. Parents and Gunrdians who intend to place their daughters or wards at this institution will t_n snake 101ntadtattr nygtleatt on to Mas. E. L. THOMPSON, egl-tf Principal and Superintendent. B _ RYANT it STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phil, dolphin, S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, litstralo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For in formation. call or lend for Catalogue. res-tr NOTICES. O FFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF TILE POOR, No. 42 North SEVENTH Street. PROPOSALS FOR WOOD AND COAL. Sealed proposals will be received at this Office until moriDA'ir, 111th instant. RI leo'clock A. N.. for the stip- My of Wood and Coal the ensuinc Winter, for the Out door Poor, in the several Ihstricts, to be delivered at i each points, and n such quantities, and at times to be hereafter designated. Coal to be gond quality White Ash, (Stove) without slate and well serren.d.(2llo the. to the ton,) to be weighed at place of &divan .in accordance with an Or dinance wagged Councils, May It), 1359 • theWond to he of be.t quality Oak. All of which shall Im subject to the leseoction of the Board or its Avente. 0.5 -5 t CALIIOIIN M. DERRINtIER. Secretari. SNOTICE.---llealers In Good. s•- , year's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspender', Braids. Webs, and all other fabrics and articles made by combining fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber. are notified that unless the same ere properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine specimens now in store, awl togive their orders for the Bering Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUBI VE OWNER OF TILE TITLES .AND EXCLUSIVE RIOIITS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which maraca all the styles heretofore manufactured or im porßika L I CENSES nyers. ALSO TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —and th e' Terms—my be obtained on applloatlon to me at No. Z 3 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. nzt-ty HORACE R. DAY. NOTICE.---Persons having business with A the FLOUR INSPECTOR WI call at No. 14 VINE Street, between the hour. of 9 o'clock and 3 P. AL, where they will find the Inspector or hi. Dyputy, F, 91. HIESTER. O. M. LAUIILAN, .1017 Flour Inspector. PIANOS. MARSH'S AIUSIC STORE, No. 110/CirESTNUT Street. ILA LGLP 111 A. MeV, the beet ;elite of PIANOI. 4 , MELODEONS, end AILTSICAL INSTRU AIENTS, OF E 5 / 5 1111 I)X' CRIPTION• Can be obtained at the lowest Ntanufacturers' Priees.' Constant!) publishing the latest Choice Compositions and Neuter filmic.. of the day. Also, receirms New Music dant from all the catalogues in the United States. Duelers, TO , lCileftl. Seminaries. and Clerg) men will be supplied at the lowest wholesale rates. Orders by mail will tee promptly filled. Catalogues of Mosul or Price List will bo forwarded free of charge when ordered. .1. MARSH. Agent. -A EDITORIAL FROM TILE PUB LEDGV:R.—.• Jrimot %link has on • xhlbition seviral ofJ. C. Fisher's Ptenos• One of them in a seven octave rosewood piano, full iron Immo, hendsorno, but plaits finish. '1 lie tone is most excellent and powerful, rind the price only 82111. Ile has also one somewhat similar in appearance, winch heatell the la test improvements. besides a new patent tisinper.which prevents the piano from getting out of order. It In &R -ushed in a splendid meaner." These Planes, and n splendid namertment of various makers, are for sale front 4175, or upwards, for cash, or on instalments, at.IAM ES BEI,LAK"3. 219 and 2 . ll.Sontli FIFTH St.. above Spruce. New and second-hand Pianos for sale. 03-liti• OHICKKHINO & SONS, MANUFACTURNR4 OF ORAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT NO.FOR WARERMIS Eel CHESTNUT STREET. Constant t in store a !arse 'Rook of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENT S. We hero been aviardorLat the difterent Exhibitions in this counts and Europe, 38 GOLD ANDSILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. faSe-ty MIRAVEN, BACON, & Nanny & Clark's, Hallett, Dam, & and A.ll. Gala & Co.'. superior PIANOS- Also. Ma son & litunlia'a unrivalled MELODEONS and MAR. MONICA'S, eo deetrable for Churches and Lecture Rooms. Pianoa and Malixtoona to Rent. J. H. GOULD. SEVENTH and CIIESTN UT. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN M .- TM yin Nos. :10110:1TACKER k CO., 1011 CHESTNUT Street, rempectfully invite the mute loung public to call lino exlmine bell' new and !WO oeeniul unp;•o:ee _,: Hl' ' llktt - 1.011 OHAND PIANO. Ilea log converted tho Tone, 'Pooch, and Action of the (scant! Piano into that of n Square Instrument, avoidi n g all objections generally made to the any le of Grand Piano, also dirninishing the cost of the mane. In volume, punt) of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy and sweetness,these SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS are wholly Unequalled, They have received the highest encomiums, and aro pronounced by entice to he tar su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this counts, C"lultnrair en hand:mim m ic and elegant nn of Our unrivalled PIANOS. IVo have Neon awarded the First Premium., at nil ozhilnuone ever A:dullard, tn °hling the Prize Medal from the Crialal Palace Exhi bition, Now York. 18.13. eel-If LEGAL NoTieus. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF POI RlF:stole of CA ROI.INE Tllollll`tsON, Deceased. 'The Auditor appointed by the Court to Coda settle, and robust the accountat LEWIN C. CACiSIDY, Arl ininoltrater of the estnte 01 CAROLINEB. VII P SON. deeennelL nod to no4e of the balance in the lutiolaof the neeenntent. will meet the pone interected, en WE I/N Ea DA Y, the 12111 nor of October (SE', at 4 ;clock I'. It.. et hiS Came, 430 SPRUCE Street, in the ()ay of r std.ivlon-7arsl T. HENNESM , Auditor. INTON'S • ENCAUSTIC TILES for floors. Ornamental Chimney Tops for cottage'. Garden Vases and Pofintains. Vitrified Pipe for drains and Water conductor". Imported/anti for sale by (oh If 8. A. HARRISON. min C•III4ITNITT Rfew.t pUR E CONFECTIONERY, PIANCF krTURY:D BY EDWARD A HEINTZ, Intn 01 8. Hevrion. Steve S. W. corner ARCH and NINTH Wens. 3to 1 Enntory Rl4 ElltuNrt otrewrd v i pTs. TURPI.:NTINE. —&0 bbls Spts TurnontinO, in store and for a3lO hr a2l ROWLEY. ASIIHORNER. it CO. No. 10 Bouth WHARVEB ELSIEII - 13Y -AUCTION:;' FORNV.R.S, BRINLEY, .% CO. No. 420 mARKrr STIFLIT. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DO. ES ITC DRY lI6OODB—By catalozue.l On Tuesday Morning, Oct. Ilth, at In o'clock, op 6 mum ha' credit -400 packages and lots of way and staple imported and domestic dry gnats. PRINTED CASHMERE AND WOOL LOA SHAWLS. •. An invoice of printed Cashmere and wool Tony shawls. COSOURGS, ALPACAS, AND TABBY VELVETS. Cases black and brown tabby velvets. Cases colored Cobourga. Cauca black alpaca Wares. Cases mohair mixtures. PRINTED AND SATIN STRIPE CASHMERES. CaTA3lliltldCareDlita Cashmeres. , We dozen plain and printed cambric hdkre. Le loth new efdle jaconet and hank collars. BLACK AND countED CLOTH CLOAKS AND RAGLANS. thz) new style black and colored cloth cloaks and rat lane. . . . . I.IMBRELL *S. 20 cases Scotch gingham umbrellas. whaletsme frames Sisl^ Samples and catalogues early on morning of sale. j31111.1P FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARKET Street. and BM MINOR Street. SALE OF INGRAIN, VENETIAN. AND LIST CAR PETS. On Tuesday Morning. October 11th, at EN o'clock, will be sold by catalogue. one months credit - pieces super all-wool ingrain carpets. three-ply " wool filling " all wool Venitian 't . damask •• bat cottage Mir Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. FIRST LARGE FALL SALE OF READY MADE CLOTHING. On Wednesday Morning, October 12th, at to o'clock precisely, will he csclo. by estatosue. about WU lots 01 Superior ready-raade coneistoH ot beaver, peteniham. tricot. and cloth over end holitness coats, superfine black cloth frock foals Superfine black and fancy cassarnere pants. Black and fancy satinet pants. Velvet, black satin. plumb. and satinet vests. Comprising a large and desirable assortment fur city and country sales. Ifir Ca%loAues early on morning of sale. SALE OF 1000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. CAFB, AND UMBRELLAS. On Thursday htoretins. October 13th, at l 0 o'clock. arm to sold, by catalogue, on four months' credit, loud cases toots. shoes, bro gans. xa.rers Oxford ties. Ace., comprising a desirable assortment of the hest Eastern and city manufacture, for present sales. &imams of 'AD cases Scotch gingham and silk um brellas. n SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 JO-. • CHESTNUT STREET, flq i tte the Custom H ouse. tietween FOURTH and El Streets. SALE OF coo LOTS IMPORTED A D AMERICAN DRl' GOODS EMBROIDERIES. SONNE'r RIB BONS, MILLINERY GOODS. TRIMMINGS, &c. On Wednesday Morruna. October 12th. by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at Id o'clock. lull be sold am lots of seasonable soods. to which the attention of the Trade is invited. SPECIAL SALE OF &V BUFFALO ROBES On Monday Morning, Crolotnpr 17th. T. LOLTIet, MO. W ILLIAMS & BOYLE AUCTIONEERS AND COMNIEBION MERCHANTB. No. lt North MAIN ST it EbT, Sr. Louts, hto., (formerly with Messrs. Myers, Claghorn lc Co.. PhilacteSia,t offer their argyle.. to the merchants, minute. tem and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry g , earned& Loots. shoes. hardware, Jewelry, he., ho. Pm. Cash advances made on receipt of goods. 113 6 13ettlemmita made three days alter sale. Me; Myer., Clachorn, k Co., Phila. " Btuart & Brother, Biala. " Van Wyak, Townaend, & Warreni, New York. 1.. & B. Cott!, & Co" .` Co Chruty, & Co., 81, Louis. Mo. Crow, McCreary, & Co" " " mt-f w-1, StlirPlM3. p HILADELPIIIA AND CRESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OP_THE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, HELD AT NO. d MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M., September 7th, 1559, the follow ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors of the Company, via GEORGE H. STUART, S. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, OIIAS. MACALESTER, AND JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persons favorable to the enter prise ore respectfully invited to subacnbe. aS-tf THE BRITISH AND NORTH BHI B. AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTRAM- TROPE lIIW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Name ----.... $l.lO second Cabin Paisag e.... • P . AO:4 NOSTON TO LIVILICOOL . . .. . Chief Cabin Passage.— — . ...--.eno Second Cabin Passage......—. ,---.— 611) The ships from Boston call atHalifax. PERSIA, Capt. Indians, CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA. Capt. Millar, ASIA. CapL E. G. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Cast. J. Leitch, These velure, carry a clear white IS at mast-head ; 0 gree on starboard bow; red on part Y. PE lA, lodkrue, leaves N York, ednesday. Sept 211. AR .i i ! : Stone. :: kr. rrie Wednesday, i k c t: jj 6; I INADA, " I..ans, " Boston . Wednesday, Oct. 19 : o.l:lll , Vi. s iliTcr ':: iiltoori i i .4 Wednesday,:iy Re..)l . 1 1 PERSIA, udkin. s " You', Wednesday' Nov . 9. AMERICA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday: No;.lg. ASIA, Lott, " N York. Wednesday. Nov. it. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. 1, 1 10 T e owners of these ships will not be geoatintable for Gol ,Silver. Bullion, Spe Jewelry, Precious Stones or teas, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the 1 ue thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowline Green. slO-tf New York. pIR FOR TIIE SOUTH.—CHARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP& FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of risras3 per oent. be low New York Steamship rates. FOR CHARLF:STON. 8. C. The U. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE. Cap min Made" P. Marshman, will sad on 15 - iturdaY, Oct. 15th, at tO A. M. Throw, h in 4.3 to 60 hours. only 40 hours ratßea. FOR SAVANNAH. Ga. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA. Captain .ohnJ. Garvin, will continue to receise freight until 12 o 'clock AI, and sail at 3P. 31., on Monday, Oe -1 toter 10. Through in 58 to 60 hours. only 49 hours at Sea. Oa - Bailing days slanged from every Saturday to every fisl p Of s. Goods received, and Bale of Lading signed or . endid first-elass side-wheel &annulling KEY ST TATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run 218 above ever) ten der a, thus forming a five-day commu nication with Charleston and Savannski, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah. these Ships con nect with steamier' for Florida, and with nulroade, kg., all places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE Freight and Insurance on a large pit :On of Goods chipped South will be found to be to by these ships than by sailing venal", the premium one-half the rate. N. 13.-Insurance on alt Railroad Freight is entirely anneoessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companies taking all risks from them pmts. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 per oent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, no will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charles ton and S a vannah steamsh i ps , INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route. except from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery : mann /AM To Charleston-- 818 00 Chatleaton— .-. -..8M 80 Savannah.— 15 00 Savannah--- 31 60 Augusta.- ..... 20 00 Augusta.......-.-- 28 00 Mac0n........„, 21 00 Macon.--..--.-.. 33 75 At1anta.......-. 33 00 Atlanta...... -. 31 00 Columbus—. 33 00 Columbus._._-....-. 36 03 A icuin y ........., 24 00 Albany ... —. 37 00 Montgomery.... %00 Montgomery.-- 38 CO Mobile 33 00 Mobile. 46 90 New Orleans .. 39 76 New 0r1ean5................51 07 No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or passage apply On hoatcLat seeeundlehnli above Vine street, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr._,_ Southwest corner FOOT H and citEsTNI. -- r. A E enti i n VT rie A n TI &TO.E AT D aann:IGITER kGM ELL. For Florida from Charleston. steamer Carolina every Tuewlnv. For Florida from Savannah, steamers St. Mary', and St. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. 1723 GLASGO W RTF..I I PC 01 1 1'1 38 N —8 ET F l r ra o YORK Of,AsOOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST. DUBLLN, AND LONDONDERRY—for 1133. WROII NEW TOIL. OLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday', October 12, at IS nonook, noon. EDINI3URtiIf. Cumming. Wedneada y, October VI, at IS o'clock, noon' TILOM GIaMIOW. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, September U. EDINBURGH, Cummins, Wednesday, FLeptentber Sales of Ease:toe from New York, Plillrulelproa, or Bohion, to Glasgow. Lis erpowl, Belfast, Dublin, orj,on donde rry, first close. era. Steerage, found with an Main dance of properly cooked provisions !ISO. An expenenoed Surgeon attaoheil to each steamer. No charge for medicines. For freight or passage, applT to WORKMAN & CO., No. 131 WALNUT Street. rhilatletplot ROBERT CRAIG., No. 23 BROADWAY. New York. t am U. S. M. STEAMERS VOL{ HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAGO, Captain Linea, will sail July W. September 17, November 12. FULTON, Captain %Totten, will wal 2 0. Onto her 15, December 10. FIT9t Cabin Dvanan•-- —•• • 5 / 3 0 Second Cabin yeaaage 75 For freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM NEILSON. Agent, At the Warehousing Company's Philadelphia Mae, Tobacco Warehouse. DOCK Street. Phila. Jett-am COI inTNERsHIPs. NOTICE—The Copartnership heretofore . 1111 exlstinc tvtlrren the Subscribers is dissolved by Mutual content. TIIR+ pis'. THOMAS 'l'. MASON lutvinc purchased CHARLES V. Ito II I NSON'S entire interest in the Concern, is nicer atithuraell to cattle the busincra nI MASON & CO. THUMAS T. MASON, Pll/LAD.A., Sept. 7. V. 59 C. B. ROBINSON. N.B.—The DRY GOODS JOBBING Buaineee will be continued at No. 431 MARKET Street. under the came n AM? . by THOMAS T. MASON. 1'u0..t.n4., Sept. 7, 1859. 18-11 U NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the II firm of WARNICK, CHADWICK, A BRO. is tills drty dissolved. The Heater. Range. and Stove busmen will ho continued under the name of CHADWICK BRO., at the Northeast corner of SECOND and RACE Streets. JOHN K. CHADWI CK, FRACIS A. CHADWICK. Phitadelohm. Jul, MIMS. . mr2-tt BRUSHES. rimiE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN PIIILADELPHIA.—Look at the followinK het of prices for Handscruhe, end compare them with those bought elsewhere: • • No. 1, 63 knots, 52X Der d Oll %/. N 0.2, 62 knots, 75 No. 2; 63 knots, Arl No. 4, 80 knots, 100 ' 6 No. 5, 8.1 knots, 112 No. 8,100 knots, 120 66 No. 7,104 knot., ISO 4 . N 0.8,150 knots. 176 HENRY C. ECKSTEIN. 62 North THIRD Street, below Aroh Philadelphia. 1 ; ((U BOXES A3IERICAN AND FRENCH WlNt OW GLASS—The most anproved brand', and of every nine and quality, reanlred tor od ts y and ountry trade. at prices astonn.ngly low. Send lour orders to ZIMMER & SMITH, Dra__,s Paint. Olean, and Van:lien Dealers, corner SECOND and d DERN Streets. 213-tr SPIRITS TURPF "TINE.-75 bbls, Sptg. Turpentine, in store and for sale by ROWLEY, AREEURNER & CO., No. 26 South WUARYEfi. oiS fITHOMAS & SON- • . • - to Nte.LN sod LOSOITTIIPOURTH STIER; Former aadillisT— ASD.—PlTll4W TS , ARE STOCKS AT • THE EX s l o t "real Mats nod stooks bapefor held st nro'elook:-oonand in the avenues - st c.. k. . - • of Snob report! Issued senstately. Ia addition to stud' ere radials the ca te:day mem* to the sale, one thousand osta .4as, in pamphlet loan. Win:. Intl desc ri ption, or ute properties to he sold on the followint Tamely._ WEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Ira , We hare a large atoonakor real estate at private rude, ineludins every aeaortpnon of eitp sod , ousetry property. Printed lists rosy be had at the auction Ewe. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. /fir Real write entered 04 oar private sale resister , and advertised ocessumally. our public aide atedeseta: 6:4 which lAti copies are printed enekl.rd free of charge. FALLSALES BTCCT AND . REAL r.qTATE. Ninth Fall Sale. litht.intober.at the Exchange. Tenth Fell Sale, lath October, at 12 o'clock Wan. a the Exchange. Eleventh Fall Sale. lath October. at 7 o'clock in the evenine. at the Exclanne. Lir' Part of the handbtlle for each of the abet" Wes now ready. PEREMPTORY SALE--BAN FRANCISCO. On Tuesday. Oct. 11th. at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change. will be sold- Without reserve, for account of whom it Wall con certi- full shares (140 new shares) San ErancisooLand Au tomation. 'sr Bale absolute. 17 shore" Greenwich Improvement and Railroad Co. 1 share Point Breeze Pact Association. 106 h-ire; West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Co preferred stock. scrietinion Miami' OF Co. PEWS-CHURCH OF EPIPHANY. An. Pew No. 44 Church of the Epiphany. Pew No. IS do do. Pew No. 94 Church of the Nativity. 10 shares Northwest Main/ Company-sale absolute. TENTH FALL BALM. OCTOBER 18. AT NOON At the Ex chtnte,will include- EXTR A V A LUA BLE PROPERTY BY ORDER OF THE UNITED BTATM. Via.: the very VALUABLEI,MARBLE BUILDING I formerly the BANK OF PENNSY . LVANIA. street and Dock street opposite the . Philadelphia ensnos: and near the • Corn Exchange. ascend street. the lot 73'4 feet by Z 0 feet having four fronts. The s sloslde property formerly PH ILtitrOPIIMAL HALL. FIR h street. too t h of Chestnut lot TO feet freed. Trusters' ale.-The COAL LANDS of the NORTH CA tt 13u\ DA LE COAL COMPAN Y. 563 acres 91 settles. in Fell township, Lucerne collate, e.,„ Administrators' keremptortSile-Estate of Natlssaiel Roll toil, dccossed.-1' Y VALUABLE BBRIPESS STAND. Nos. us pod I. .1 Booth Second street, below Chestniit. Sale atriolate. ii - ,•hoot reserve. - VALUABLE FARM .0 1. CO . NfRY SEAT. :bog macre,. near Torres isle •"a iilsdelphm and Btu tol turnpike, Bucks cont.ty. k;xecutres' Ssie-Se c ue -7.1 f. Davis. deed. VALUABLE RUSIN ESC; , 3C.1.' 'N.-Three *UHT brick deciihmr. N 0.107 s,,nth Tenth 5t0.,., 9elow Chest nut Orphans' Court Pale-Karate orJoiteph Wright. deed. VALUABLE COUNTRY PLACE, 7 acresointh ure. prove menta. Powder Mill read. near Nteetown teas. Or•phe n.' Court Sale-Estate of James Bamford. dee% THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. northeast corner of Silth and liar- street.. south of Lombard. Rime Earatee-THREI:-STORY BRICK .DWELL !NG. adloininr. Same Estate.—THßlsl3 THREE-STORY PRICK DWELLINGS. Jones' aday, tr, the veer of t h e above. OiTheis Court Rile-Estate of Evers Jaskol-tit, dated. TWO TWO-STORY STONE DWELLINGS, Ger mantown. Orphans' Court Pale-Estate of John E. Welch. deed. TWO-STORY FRAME DVS ELLLNG, northwest side of Brinthunst street, Ilyerv-emtowit Peremptory ELEGANT MODERN RESI DENCE. No. 1317 Walnut street. apposite Rittenhouse square. with nit the modern warms:see* Lot Mfeet 7 inches f not he 215 feet deep, to George street A ELEGANT RESIDENCE with stable coech.hotten. c... Locust street. above Witham Atm% Twonty.foarth ward late West Phitrolelphutt Executors' Safer-Eimte of Mrs Anne L. Polak, deed. VA I. UAB I. E BUSINESS STAND -Store and direll inv. No 151 North Fourth street. stove Arch. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N 0.2 21111 Winte r et rest, west of Twenty-first street. Executor.' Riiie-Estate of William Wayne. dosed. TWO CRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. fed atd = Ranh Fifteenth ODE NEAT M gr ODERN DWELLING, No.= Sow= Eigh teenth street. above Pine Street. MODERN RESIDENCE. Nn. 666 ?.lorth Twelfth et. NEAT RESIDENCE, /MO Mortal Vernon street. ELEVENTH FALL SALE. OCTOBER 19, AT 7 O'CLOCK TN THE EVENING, At the Exchanie, will Include- Orphans' Coln bale-Estate of David Scutt. den'd. TKO -STORY BRICK DWELLING, northeast cor ner of Mager and Fourth streets Lehto.-THREE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Fourth street, north of Mager. same Fy-ite. —THREE TWO-STORT BRICK DW ELL Earizi. north tics of Master street, east of Fourth. Same Estate.-TTIREESTORY BRICK DWELL ING. non nate,: colter of Pester and Pink streets. Same Estate-TWO-STORY FRAME STABLE. west side of Pink greet. north of Master. Same Egate.-THREE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. east side of F greet, north of Master. with three four a w r y brick dwelhaga in the rear on Pink etreet. Orphans' Court bade-Estate of William Chew. doe& TWO STONY BRICK DWELLING, Ito. 3:7 South Seventh street, between Sprr.ce and Fine. Trustees' Peremptory Sale-Estate of James B.C. BRICK DWELLING, South Sixth street, between Shipoen and Fitzwater. Feremetnn Sale.-A Ground-rent of ex a roam Pro perty in pelanco, New Jersey. Executors' Peromptnry Ss e-Estate of Charts. deed--NEAT Tll CtSTORY BRICK DWELL ING. No 472 North Sixth sheet. TWO BRICK DWELLING'S. Federal and Pot go. I far See handbills of Ugh the above salsa, monuetn and everone. BUSINESS LOCATION.—Two-stoll brick tavern, 214 Carter etreet. between Chestnut and Walnut ana Second and Thud streets. SALE OF SUPE.RIOR!GERILAWBI:LBOLS ROOTS lus orninr. Mt 10 o'clock. at the T aetl Al on Store, ens case of masa- Inor I:titans roots, cm:usual-Mg the usual assortment of htentnths, tuhns, narnAlia, CrOCUSeg, Sala N0.6:31 Franklin Streak. SLTERIOR PCILNITURE.': TAPASTRY CARPETS. On NVeateatLas . ..Monsiiu, 12th inst., st le 'clock, st Frits kEit street, the superior turn:tura of a enflames declining housekeep ing. comprising handsome parlor sad &Isobar twill, tore, tapeetrp carpets. oil cloth, Clans, glassware, te. AIM. the kitchen furniture. CVO' Mai be exammed ea the amain of salis,at Clock. Rale at Noe. P 9 sad 141 South Fourth Street. SUPER lOR RNF RTE . FR ENCR-ELAT_AR RORS, .P1.M , ;0 FO SR U.SSELS Wino On Tbursdar Morning, At 9o`eloek. at the Auecmo Store, as Wortusnt of excellent second•l,and Innunare. elegant piano fottes, fine mirrors, carpets. etc., from farches declining_ boolokeetan.t, removed to the store for envenoms of sale. JJM. GUMMY & SON REAL ESTATE Ailo* No.w UT CA . 2.I).—J. Gtaameg So aootioneent ~D tray roid ar . . " •] e iA 111.6:` ' 4 " lea. On our Private Bale Register will always be lomat a very large. amount of real estate, iantadinit Mande sarintion DI city and country_ pmpertr. J. GUMMEY 0.0. 'Reid Estate Brokeni, No. HD WALNUT Street. below Bath. MOSES NATHAN.% AUCTIONE ER LTA- AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, E. S. omit BLXTII. and RACE Streets. MONEY TO LOAN. Mover TO LOA.N. to LalcE OR /NULL 1..W0M11 , .. Olt merchandise generally, and Quail articles of esi. ALL ELMS OVER ONE ERNDRID D TWO RZECICIT t MONTH, mending storage, !re., at Nathan? Pri Eatablishment,B. E. corner of SIXTH arid RAC to GREAT PUBLIQA CCOMMODATIOYI. MONEY! MONEy I t MONEY!!! Moaey hberally advanced in large or wall from one dollar to thousands, on gold and gam s = Mammas, valence, jewelry. rowlusr-sleoes, innareel 14- atnme nta. Tnrudare, dry roods. CIOULIRE..EIORe ........ neas ER- g a Rs. hardware, erdlery, book', hones, vehicles. ‘. and all articles of value. for any length of time OR. I:NAVEL:TV PEICIrKL ESTRNLIEFUEZNT. oorner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with oollateral. &sweated at the lowest market Wes. . . . • • GRBAINtI LX WATCHES, sgwzr,ity, &r., TPA RTE PALE, at PIATRANIP PRINCI PAL ESTABLISHMENT. tl. K comer. of SIXTH and RACE Streets.—The folloletnk articles VIII CO sold kw kr than hail the Mint store lames: Fine gold English full jewelled and plain ..f the most approved mate, an hunting cases an.l doable bottomed. Pane a escape meat lever and kpme watches. in hunt= cam open face, some of them -e eat • a fill Jeweled; and beat make. Barer Enkbsh Pete:a" watches. etre pe ment lever and lepunes, aid ape face, some very supenor • French. tin/aver watches; fine kohl %W. and dten's chains; fine gold pencil c:Lez; and pew , blaze ts. bresstpum, fmser-rmks. ear-rings, studs. medallsons and weary generally. Superior Havana Ctmus atil t per thousand, in boxes of 3.0 each. will be Boa by Matte box or astaniattea, to cart Lamchaeen bfinceroaa bum aruoles, t 6. /se., &e. AT PRIVATE SALA. A superior ire-proof cheat, 4 feet high by feat yid*. Also. vanillen. and Jare!rr of every delariabota WINES AND LIQUORS. fIARD.--MAREUIL—SUR—Ay (CRAM-- PAONE), JANUARY 15, IBW.—In eousetnennent the frequent invitations received by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne Wines to thenuted E I beg lease hereby to inform my former enstostisis a = the public in general, that I hare appointed Messrs. F.C. BROUWER, ANCRER. di CO.. Sole Agents in the United States, for the sale of nis Champagne Wines my Wines have been so lone arta favorably known in the United States. it will be tirinecessquy to comment on their cuabty, further than to say that soy new shuuteats will in no way be found inferior to the former ones. BILLEGART SALMON._ _ BILLEGART SALMON'ELCIIAMPAGNE both CABINET and VERZENAY, for sale and mil itantly on wand. in lots to on purchasers. by F. C. BROUWER, ANCRER; & apl7-em el BEAVER Street. New York. CLARET. -100 cases Barton k Gnestier's St. Julien; MO do. St. Esteem ; do. Washinp ton Morton It. Julien; do. do. Taken*. pints; RI do. Chateau IA Rose . en do. do. LsoviCs• Scotch Ate. to atone and glass ; Yonnzer'.. Har,ey's.Fullork Brom hoot and London Porter. in store and tor sale by tuil A. MERINO. 14,0 Booth FRONT Street. HOTELS. MURRAT HOUSE, NEWARK. OHIO, In the ler,leet and nest Reneged Hotel in central Ohm. a centralle located tod is may of access from all the mutes of travel. ft contains all the modem Improre rnants. and oven coot entecce for the comfort and ace commodatom of the travelling public. The Sleeping R00.U3 are large and well rent,lated. The Sallee of limns arc well arranged and carefully fur - lashed for farrAel and lar‘re travel , lcs perttes; and U161101:44 be kept m a 6Tet-clasa HH . A. I . Alvery & n e reseeet. Ppoonstort. lATETIIERILL fIOUSE 7 SANSOM v ;cc west or Sixth.—Thin deservedly resettle place - been port-h ued by the nntlerstrmod.lvtli hcreafte r conducted en the moat enter-pram: matte. the beet Creme. Oysters, and Refreshments. prepared in the choteest sty la. and the finest Liquor*. from the mart popular impertins kmases. slangs on band. The putronse of ti publie is resp 7 t ou4 J n sed BARTRAM. LT Private Room, for Smarm, Arbilrationn. Com mittees. Societies. hr. std-]re THE UNION, ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD. PHILADELPHIA. UPTON S. NEWCOMER. The situation of this HOTEL is stirenorly a , larted to the wants of the Business Pstam; anato those an search of pleasure, Passencer Railroads. which now run past, and m close proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant reds to all Pisces of In terext to or afloat the city. if 23-Re MACHINERY AND IRON. lILMO7L V. MERRICI, M=!I=CME! Q,OUTIIIVARK FOUNDRY, • FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. PHIL ILIIII.pIIIA. MERRICK 8; SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressnre Steam Engines. for Land, River. and Manna servce. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Heats, Ac,; Cartage of all kinds, either Iron or limas. Iron Frame Root' for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations,&a. Retorts and Gas Machiner7 or the latest and most im proved construction. Evers description of Plantation Machinery, pooh as Sent. Raw, and Gnat Mills, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trains, Defeeators, Fulcra Pumping Engines. Ac. Sole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Hahne Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Stew Hammier,- and Aspinwall & Wolaey'a Patent Centri .kgal Bazar Drain ing Machine. an 5-y DENTISTRY.—The improved sets of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, still manufactured nt trJT ARCH. Street. Philsdelptua, by I. LUKENS, AL D.. Surreon Dentist. The Mineral Plate gets of Teeth are supersedlny all other., principally from the following reason.: Pure mineral is ti,ed in plai.e.of gold or silver, for plates, making them onag thickness lighter, and at the tame time much stronger, ear greatest is where the gums have shim: away more, thus perfeetly restor ing the anatomical shape and contour of the mouth and face, and giving . the exact ongmal expression to this features • they will tatted letter in semce, ar.d never get out of repair; they are responsibly warranted for a lifetime there are no crevices for the accummulatioa ot particles of food; they are wholly free from all al. venni action. and can never produce pate:mum' ot the heart. headache, sure throat, neuralgia, or nervous ness. Dr. LUKENS' office, RV A RCM street, Philadelphia ; also PINNSYLVAIV IA Avenue, Washington, D. C. HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEFIIGYI COAL,p tlO rayared with care, for W e ? beet terms. Akply at IiWLErB Depot, NIIIT arld WILLOW 14t7•041. an-