If the the Bridge, they am Ukely, - it j"" 1 "*? with the Prince of,ff»lc«, : »ei!«nJpjiiiled, in aU Hke lihood, by the CcigpUl SooreUryiiinyhe courao of the enrai&B-vou.' Xhlawittv©. something, and the young wauxTand mbmoii*!reeepUon.• JVewuh, for the. sake of the Can*diaM,:that herMajcrtywould an detteke the .Mmoy. ~ She yearns to.be a good Baii6r, : from !] tfle. frequency of her journey# to-the royal yacht, 7»ed •a 1 voyage aorosa ; the Atlantic hPthing to -one accustomed to the cross currents ofrthe channel. Being on the American, could hardly escape a visit to New Ye'rk^-'perhaps to "Washington—andthe result w oald lie in lev efryway gratifying to all concerned. Bhropfiati Tim*- * -r r the curious on Hits which we have re cently heard, Is’pa© relative to the laok of all finan cial care » ifl certain groat family, one" of .the, d aughte ts 6f. whioh will Bnortly he married. It is asserted? that the nuTse.of .the young ladies, who rendered her* account' ‘annually for jittle nursery etceteras; ntnong othor things put downtho modest sum of £350 for brandy to sponge* the children It is sald thafcMr. dltfitlMjKeanhaarefused the honor of. knighthood wtiloh'was, to have con ferred’ upon aim at the conclusion of his manage ment of the Prinoess’s Theatrei > The' idmerloah Minister and family' have left London for Brighton, where they have taken a house for amonth;\j_;/ ! ' * - , IRELAND. , 'The Dutlft jP&M'ih noticing the bar* yeet operations,* says-— ‘ ‘Here ’ /potatoes; aw •’excel lent—quite equajto ftoqOality,before, the blight— and the produce portion are small.’*. c; v- ,) f\ ■; :i/ v u The. great, temperance. revival mgvfmentin Ireland ia ptill processing. Mr. j. Revell/ from Amorioa, is busily engaged in the many of the tdwni in Ulster. He has bad-some Jorge meotingt-ot fte.obildreni.and ad dressed them jipon thercvivalin America.; 'There Is to Ate a monster gathering in the city.'of As - on thelJthinatanti « Kajursipn trains *ftro organised from all parts of ; the North to this great meeting, audit is supposed,there will not be less, than from JMM to li>,ooo present. : , ; ;.BilEptojas ,'are' ;appareht .that. a‘ new, light has broken bp ihemind of Douts' Napoleon. It is. now tolerably certain that he will be no party to foiling SftßkHbe'Austriati Prinbes on' the Italian Dnobies. E:.ThQ:inhahitants v of Paris have reoentlyptcsented to fte Empress Eugenie two superb vases of Kold, wShJng'ohOunatbd and elghtyrpnpcca. .They ooataitrfloWert ofgold.ibaph.ftower'emitting^sri odor simfttf.jto the natural oneof the flowers TThifli itarorm ropfesentsV, ~ VTfia Emperor'dnd Empress were surrounded by a great orowd,at^farbes, and could not'pass, and the la tight said that' - “ at present certainly made a prisoner.” This observa tion drew forth, a fond efry of “ Vive l’Empemf \ ’ * During ft e-late •military/eV« at Paris,-thb Em- Reined -in fttsVeharger' whilst iridlng'by the photographer’s, Dinderi, on the Boulevard, that ho might be. photographed at the head of his army. A copy ot thig jdcture ifl to he presehtedUo each of the marshals, v- . . According lto < the . Monitmir de VArm it tho French'army in Italy, under Marshal “ValUant con* eists of 42.000'infahtry, 2,000 cavalry, 1,600 artil lery, and 06 guns, besides the military train and Rappers and miners. VThe intention of tho Duke and Duohess oF Moln koffV in proceeding to Marseilles, is to> embark. for .Bpaih on-a visit to the Daohess’s family, in Awlaldela. ' ■ - • v • .. The: works of tho. Cathedral of Notre Damo prooeed rapidly. Seventeen of tho statues havo wen placed the “ Qalleiy.of the Kings,” over tho .grand,poroh< Tho.number when completed will qe.twenty-soven,.-.' ; ~ . The My*ager de Bayonne states that the last West India packet’from Southampton carried put, via Demorara, the amnesty order to ■ French Cayenne, and directions to,.embark the wholo bf the politioal convicts for Franoo.;' 1 -The Paris correspondent of the Daily Kerns SayA:' ’' vH hear, cti good authority, that a relaxation of the press system is under serious consideration; oho change spoken'of Is aii extension of. the right of publishing a journal, by either greatly reducing or altogether dispensing with the caption f moheJ now oxacted ” The Journal desDibdts is the only farU news paper that has bee® deter enough to avoid a warn - ing, adherence to the lloose of The £eie/e has been waned three times; the, GofUtitutienncl twice; ha Presse. twice; the Vniv/rs twice, and the remainiDg' papcre at least once. Even the railway paper has not escaped. ’> AUSTRIA, u ' Tho Austrian Cabinet, in consequeneo of the ro-'• vent modification, is thus composed *.. Count do Rechberg, Minister of the Imperial Household and of Foreign Affairs, .President of tho Council; Baron do Hpbner; Minister of Police and Governor of tbe'distriel'of-Xembergi InGalUola ; CountGo- Minister .of the'; Interior; Baron de; Kraus, Justice, since 1857;' Baron de Brack, Fi nance; 4 6ince 3855; and Count de Thnnn, Worship and Publio Instruction, sinoo 1849. The Ministry - of Commeroe c Manufaetures, and Public Works is Suppressed,"and 1 its different services arc divided between the'Ministers of Foreign Affairs,* the In terior, and -Finance. TheArobdnke William, commander-in-chief of the army andMlnister of -’War, Or'in his absence General Steninger,’his deputy, is to have a sent in the Cabinet. The Austrian" Minuter.of Finance has estab lished a commission charged to asoortain what economy oan bo effected in the public expenses. The German and Austrian journals all speak of tho late ministerial changes and of the reforms in Austria, but their ooolness with respeot to the pro* ; - posed changes each day more striking. * i - f , .' address to,him on the 28th, the Duke of Saxo Coburg Gotha baa. officially recog nised, the question of German'unity as the groat - want of the day, This step Is considered likely to influence ,tho answer which the Prince Rogont. of Prussia will be called .upon to.make to an address fVobi Stettih. . /'. ;.x-. : . Prussia,-. ... . •... The latest eccomits.froiu.JJertiii state thiit tho health of the King, of Prussia has improved so ' muoh of lato that'no'more bulletins’ will bo issued should there be no inorease of unfavorable symp toms. On the 23th "ult.’-the -Prince and Princes, Froderiok William gave a grand dinner at the new palace at Potsdam, lit celebration of . the birthday , of'the, Prinoe Consort'of England, at which so. verai memberabf 1 the Prussian royal family -ami of the .English embassy were pre- SWEDEN, : - f . '- ilho.Government is about to. renew the attempt it made last year to relax the the extreme rigor . of the laws against the dissenters.. It will bo re membered that on thatoccasion the really im portant.part of -the; Government bill, having .bo.eri acoepted by the cHieene and peasant orders, was . rejcotedby.tho privileged orders, the nobility and clergy.,. .. _ \ • ■ »•- russj-a. ■ : •• ,v ; The Invalids Ruase continues to insist upon the necessity of a Congress, as the only posslblo way of getting all-parties out of the dead leek in which they art placed.' It say»r‘ f lt trill bb interesting ~ to.seo how all this will finish. The Powers which ; signed the pcaie of Vlllafronca have plaoed them ' selves in which there is no issne. ‘ by sopnlatingfor the'testoratlou ofthe old dynas ties, without having'-.rcoonrso to armed Interfer ence. In tho'faee or the firm and immovable re solution of ;tho Italians not to receive .them, we see no other alt partita.", Tire STbw - QirenV op Prehoh marriage.makerstsaya a letter frpip Parialhave . .fowid A:'wife for that disconsolate young widowor, . - theKing.of Portugal. His Majesty, they assert, . hos beep counselled. to. demand the hand of Queen Victoria's second daughter. , . SPAIN. -V -The, Havana confirms the-statement that nego , ■ tiatluna of peace between France and Spain on tho ono hand and the Emperor of China on tho othor, had been' petered into. . ' ’ ■ - TURKEY. •' Marskilles, August 31.—Advioos from Con etautinOple to-tbe ,2lth Ult„ state that the Sultan had been on tho point of .death from fever, but had recovered. • • ' " ‘ " ITALY. - • • i - • : Count Linati, podcsta of Parma, who'hadbeeh sent on a mission to Paris, has, on returning to ’ Parma; issued tho following proclamation to his fellow-citizens : - " , ■ 1 ‘ ‘/Inhabitants of the States Of Parma: - While the , JOO.ODO.soldiera of. thollallaa.war wore defiling in a proud and joyous pbgoant through the stroots of -Paris, and the.colors andgunsof Austria reminded , Frame of her victories and our hope*, ,1 presented '.to Napoleon 111 the expression of our’ serious Wishes. - His 1 reply wnaiwotthy bf himself, and in aooordame with the,splom'nity. of that day; ,‘Tell ■ the populations that have sent you to me; that my arms sbalV nevcr do violen'oe to their wishes; end that-1 will not, permit any other foreign force to commit vielenoe against you.’' These words make r , .yonrim arbitere of your destinies, and I shnil bo '. proud. all pny life of having been tho bearer of them.' • • • lueaii.” o. ;/A;Paris oomspondent of, £e Nord, states, and .mgournbl-iu pelala UKsnU tho aasertion, , whiob Is.mMeJwith groat posiaveneis,' that the l Eopertrs.ori,Frame and Austria signed at Villp. rranca n fonna! tingiuroment which' expressly pro yides.that notther'shalf, employ arms to rcsiorethe sovcrmvna of Tuscany or lifodena. . - : :Tbo:lCKj3i'an QaxtttJirS St, Petersburg has some ingenious argumonta aboping that tho Italian Con te- federation might probably become consolidated, if a portion of, Italy wer, tplafied renter the domina tion of Franco, in the same way that Austria 'pos sesses Venetia. .Tho.twor States would control eaoh other. It is in the double protectorate of Austria «rd mblfft? Iha ' t German Confederation finds KingVioto'r.Emmanuel, has taken, measures for establishing a'oaifuon' foundry oh'imprbved princi ples at bis newly-acquired city of Pavia, soatof .a university. The rotornof the Frtnoh Ambassador to Rome ie accompanied by wrnmor that tbe Emperor de mands of his Holiness tho establishment in the le gations of a viooroy Who should govern in the name of the Holy 800.',' 1 ’ Le Nortl says that In a nbw note-addressed by Cardinal Antonelll to the Catholic Powers ho not only rejoots all reforms, bnt protests warmly against what ho oalls nn aftaok on (he sovereign rights of the-peoDle.. - - - f The Moniteur of Bologna deolaros.llself entho rizod to oontradlot the rumor of any projeots of at frossion against the Romagna on the hart of the apat troops. •- - .- - , Many of tho Swiss whtfqulttod the' sorvice of'the . -King of flapleabavo, demanded an engagement of the Pope, end have been accepted.' " " The-advance of tho Pontifioai, troops Into the le gations wes’.belleved to bo imuineht. If they were V..-.I twobssfei; -the; (wiry.pt ihj, JJjiko. ofModona info biS'Btates at.tho head of his army was considered probable, but,ifthVPapal/advance is repulsed,-a' - -risinginHapleswovld most-likely follow; AMI-, Inn Icttor fixpressesau applebCDßienthatbad biodd was growing up between the French army of loccu palionar.d tbe.-ItSdians,-7 , ; ■ ; If'wao suggested that tho new Piedmontese Kiogdom'jmght beroalled,- without prejudice to - Europcan interestiin gehoral, Or to Any interest . in jßsrtioniaV thb ,‘tKingdom' of, Upper'lltaly,” f O{stegno Italia.” _Thfa denomination ■- ‘plcfttea Aastrf*. The orloseelfOnjbardy/tharDukesvYQay bo dethroned _ ever, or any; other simiiar calamity may hefall to confienfrtbet the King-of Sardlnfa • • iMV was intolerable ana fnadmiMlble. Austria will tear of Victor Emmanuel being known ae King of Sat dieted,JS^blt^Thn^ot'^ir^hlSil^; arid from the tenacity with whioh she resists such teneionß m-uu tha|ottiekpbrwe “ Aomin non capit Mtutcds s,r Was nev6rineatit for the Aus triau eagle. , / j /Qovbrnriierit ‘hiw'addressed to the cabinets of Europe a p&ejnofapdaiu oo the affairs bf - - f-ti if the Grand Duchy. Tuscany, -it is deelared-in this dooument, - regretted the; termination of; thp; whtf •which left, the independence of Italy incomplete, but it coincided in., the generous polioyiof the, Em- Siror. v of.the,-Frcnch,. The. Tuscan Assembiy. ih. >claringfor tty? annexation.of tho duQhy;tod?ied> njout, hlw only excreted Upright, for dhe‘restora tion of; the Grand * Ducal dynasty, wax impossible, and.the programme of tho Grand Duko Ferdinand lUn&ory.ln,this state of things tho yrlahes of the Tuscans cannot be repelled without giving rise jo regretabld consequences. The memorandum con cludes by ad expression of gratitude tp the great Powers and a protest against foreign intervention. - • The Tuscan Government has issued a deoreo en acting that 1 the arms of the late Grand Ducal fa mily shall be obliterated from, the,Government' stamps,‘and that the latter shall remain in blank until farther orders. { pABUA.—A letter from Parma f fives" some details of General Garibaldi’s reception n that oity i “ The poople4ttd the National Guard waiting for him at the railway station ; the crowd was oxcited to such a degree that they took the horses fipm tho carriago mid drew him in triumph from etfeot'bo ItWob through the town, Amid a shower of -bodquets; and not oontont with this,, on reaching his hotel ho was compelled toad* dress the people from the b&loony,-wbioh he did as follows,: ‘Afterthis demonstration*, say, is it pos sible that the fugitive prinoeS oan eVer feWrn?’ ‘No,-it is impossible!’ was the Unanimous re sponse. 1 Well, then** added the General, ‘ I swear to yon by thU BWord,-that if over they dare to at tempt to consign you again to servitude, wo shall know how to defond ourselves to-tho last gasp. Wo bsk no favors from any quarter, we only want our bur rights like other nations, amPwith tho help of Heavott'.’we ’will have them at'any cost, sinoo di plomacy is,endeavoring to deprive us of them.’ ” f The following are the loans at present roqnlred by the Governments of the Duohies in Italy; Tus pany. IZiDOOibOOf.;' Moueha, 6,ooo,ot)ufi and Par rna, bjWIQMI . The city of BOldgoft has also been authorized A 6,OQO,(H)Of. 1 CAbtMTA, July 18.—Five thousand Europeans have already-taken their disohargo, and no re turns hayo - been received from the hills, from Bombay) or from Madras. Four thousand more aro expected-to follow, and the. old Company’s army may be considered dissolved, Non-commis sioned officers aro leaving as freely a*,privates. Some hope to.re-enUst, others say tuev will get the .Admiralty bounty. Many more believe war is .oertain in Europe! but tbe groatmajority are no tasted simply by a craving for change) and that : utter disgust to- Indian life which is.bccomlnga , formidable ,dangeVi attd whloh is driving the Queen's officer* Home in shoals, and would drive their then could they only got away. Of au men, the' sappers 1 ate going aWay. Tuey’ receive im mense pay*,. havh cltnosc a monopoly of minor op polbtffiehto, rdaa oVerseersbips, conductorshlps, And commissariat berths, andare notonly actually but rel&tivoly better off than first-class English ar tisans. 'StiU.'.they Are going, partly; It Is said, from .disgust al an order of Lord Stanley, whloh they fanoy will interfere with their appointments. Civilians, they say, are to be sent out to do over*- seers? work].but-1 .believe,they ate altogether mistaken. l Fortunately for Government, freights Ate low, and thoy have contracted for transport, at j£l7 i head/Ev«B thlhi nCWeVer, they will hardly send homo the men, And enlist, train, And send out thoiiysubstittttes, under £500,00b: - • I believe tho deficit here, in additldq to the homo expenditure, will bp at least 10,000,000 a year for five'years.,. Nothing Save radical military reform can prevent tnis result, and noeSbrt evon has been made in that direction, except by an order reduc ing native rogimonta to seven hundred men, n more playing with the difficulty. Some noticoablo events havo oocurred in Oade. Tho ex-King has been released from' his long con finement' in Fort William. His Queen, who has continued to reside at the house near Calcutta, oc cupied by tho King at the time of bis arrest, Sent a petition to Lord Canning praying for hts release, and suggesting that no more fitting occasion oonld be chosen than tho issue of the proclamation on the restoration of peace. Lord Canning, whither With reference to the potitlon or not, addressed a letter to the King; informing him that,ho could leave Fort William when ho pleased. He did so on tho Oth ult. A number or state prisoners wero released with him, including the late vizier of Oude, Nawab Alii Nukky Khan,- and TikodOtaA. formerly In tho servieo of the QBe&n. > The King has left a fa vorablo iimpression An tnote Who have come in con tact with mth aUrlfig his confinement. ■ It seems he has beon fleeced by people who have protended they could obtain his release, and Government has urged him to fulfil any outstanding promise of fur ther bribes. ' Ho hstl formed * plan, two months ago, for re aiding, on his reloaeo, at Ohandefnagoro; hut I boliovo. that will bo prevented. Ite iVdfiid be a vory valuable weapon thoiro. Ho bow resides in Garden Renob, below Caleltita, Ho behaved very well during hU confinement, passing his time in stringing verses and painting portraits. . His Majesty has at longtn consented to receivo tho pension granted by the Indian Government pending the reference ot hie case to England. “A bird in tho hand," ~isftss IJna CloriVf Herdman London. ioon MAJRINE INTEJiIiIGBNCeT* POET OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 51,.1889. Kfer-'“!” B ™r.:r^ r,fi e r," ~ip Rlobmond. via Nor folk, 25 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thos Web ster i J r. , i , StrauMhip Kensington, Bakerjfl hours from Boston, era to H Winsor k Son. Passed 1 r . om Charleston, lsbnd Hcvme. from Table Bay, CGH, and a berm brig. in S &«Uo%m , l J?a'?t^'oo dA ” i ' roni Kewburyport, toraptain artha ' Saxtor ’ 6days from Bostoni with mdse from D»l -wKb^*% U S'to I ’S , & ,, J &e^ rora Miir “' d ' w|^%irftgK{ffe| 0 d „“>" Lm Del. »^;Kt«."te n i«rIBw 1 Bw c “ at "” Dei - Schr Panme.myhew, from Boston. gepr Sharon, Thurlow, from Newburyport. o°S r 4 {fPPJP”’ Lake* from Pighton* g c S r A Middleton, Jr, Sipnle, from East Groenwicb. schr Chaa Carroll, Pratt, from Providence. „ a 4 CLEARED. ile^Hefon B Jr LIP otet6 of G « or « ia ‘ Garvin, Savannah. Bhip Reaper, Kelly,. New Orleans, Twells k Co, Btw Empire. Crowell, Boston, do Bohr BuUan. Brmay, Hnlifax, NS, do §«|»r Jos Neilson. Burt, Tsunton, do §®! ,r g Chartre, Chartre.Baugns, do k S Si r 8 Bhanntm » Bower, Wilmington, NC, D S Stetson .•imt h &Co H Rogors * Langley, Newburyport, L Sturte- Jr. Sipple, R Greenwch, do §°a r^ c i 4 5? l, *?/ R i t -^ rov » d ence, do SohrWSaulsbary, Hudson, Sllem, do gohr A Jennings, Lake,.Oum(iy, Tyler. Stone k Co. c^Cald^efi me ’ I “ Ryllew, '•* a Noble, H&inmetl Norton Jc^o ,n& ' Vftn,tilder * VTashington, Van Dusen, |silfsXfee®‘Ar r ' A ' ,d " r ‘° ! ’’ i° Schr Bolivar, Hendrickson, Alexandria, do The VSM Georgia. Cant rvin. o’clock yesterday m nlng, with a full freight and a numlior of passengers, (Correspondenoe of ThePrass.) and consigned as follows t to Nnrcross k Sheets. niont, was sunk between Miller s and PooTs Islands last night, and is most likely a total loss. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) 1 LEWES. Del. Sept.J9.' «.6 b ? “aW remain at the Breakwater, among Which is the Br sour Flores, from Rio de Janeiro, for orders. No communication with the Breakwater since Friday last, in oonsequonoe of the very high sea run not nscertAsnad the names of thetwodis . aohrs.. The schr Ella, from nn eastern port, in ballast, was dismasted, and left for Philadelphia in tow ofsteam-tug America. *ours, WM. M. HICKMAN. fix.. ; memoranda. j g ° a |PL fl ncast«r, Decan, henco, arrived at N Orleans inh *insl? a arK * fronl Penang, arrived at Boston ri?elfnfemi l 1 I ’ ritch ' ,r ' 1 ’ from Cal ‘'" tla ''‘ r - B “ rbmloe ' . Batk Helen Maria, for i'lnfaclelpbia, rmile.l from Bo»- >un isth in.t, ami ancliored m the channel. lnst ’ Burns, hence, was discharging at Jst i ßrig ? Young. Eaton, from Foil River for Philadel phia, at Newport 17th mst. Brig Emily, Saunders, for Philadelphia or New York, sailed from below Providenco 18th inst. Schr Martha A McNbil. Hand, cleared at NcwYork 19th inst./or Wilmington, Del. TjjfOhr hw Gardner, Bourne, for Baltimore, cleared at Boston mhinst. . Sohr J jHStroup. Corson, arrived at Wilmington, Del, olm * OT repair#. frora w " n,i,,R *.i£i«?i ra AG o ii7 eT i Joyner,hence,arrived at Brnin , VE*,l-*tn Inst, • 16th inst ” turtoVS} ? t > honco, srm'ed at Braintree I) & ?f/}h r »nTt.^ TorSd ’ hence for Taunton, at viSfc?ipfcifisp l ssu“ ,w ~om srisled C ro, n Fall Ri- for Philadelphia, and Was at Nowport lf,th. portmMnsf Bmy *Lu n t,lienee,arrived at Newbury . &chrsO MTettit. Clark,banco for. Boston, and Elira- from Eastport for Philadelphia, at Newport Ludlam, hence, arrived nt Quincy 12th , Schr Barrows C, Clark, and Gen Armstrong Kelly, henoe, And Leader, Hart, from St George for Philndol phia.nt Salem 17th inst. Sonrs’Ann a Brown, RroWni B F Woolsey, Errioksnn, Sarahi A Taylor, Young, and Flight. Huntley, sailed from Providence 17th inst. for Flnliwolphin. njfthr* Fideha,.Wheftton;nnd Goprgo Edward, Bakor, sailed from Sn-lem 18th inst. for Philadelphia. , * ac iL r ~®. L Crocker, Presbrey, hence, arrived at Taun ton 13th ingtr lithlfiHL axMf * Frice; hence, arrived at Weymouth ( r< i m Savannah, arrived at Wil> ,m|ri|Umr Del, 19th met, for repairs, , WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 18^9* EDUCATIONAL. ftNlVji^^ “■ ARTB \ AND , FAIHMAN ROGERS, 1 | Dean of the Faculty. ; slfi-6t ■ VS W, RITTENIIQUBB SQUARE. Law department—university n f Pennsylvania; * ' , i A Term of tins Institution Will odrtimenee on MON DAY, October Sd. The subjeotsdf the different courses are A 3 follows: , , I Hon. GEORGE BHARSW^OD—“ poisons, Personal ■■ , . Prof, L. SPENCER MILLER-*** £'suiiy Jurispru dence.. . , , i * The Ihtniodotbry Lecture will ho delivered on FRI DAY EVENING, Sept 80th, at 8 o’clock P, M„ hy the Hon. GEORGE BHARSWOOD. sKNitW li/TUSIU.—A* R. TAYLOR, Teacher of Singing and Piano, 676 North TWELFTH Street, below Cogtes. , - <#U-lth* , WltttflfrG ACADEMY, JL2 8. K, oorner EIGHTH and SANSOM Streets, Onen daily from 9 A. M» to 9 »\ M. -• J To Gentlemen a rapid and elegant business hand is Imparted. To Ladies i neat and graceful epistolary Btjj«'. CVasjei Private. Cards written, and every de scription of Penmanship neatly executed. sJ3-3m POLYTEC II NIC, COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUiUbfehritu. Incorporated 18m7And Ofgnniied with a full Faculty ott the plan of the Industrial Colleges of Paris aMOpr many; comprises a PreEArdtdty Department unu Futifc TKCHMCAt, ScHQQkS, VIZI The go tool of MlrffeOt T ie So lodlUf PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. T l&So joolof CIVIL ENGINEERING. ' The Sc molof MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Architecture, and Topographical and Mechanical Drawing are included in tho Engineering Course., and the most extended Field and Laboratory practice is afforded. The Seventh Annual Session will begin on MONDAY, Beptoraber 19th, 1869. For Catalogues and further infor mation, address Dll. A. 1,. KENNEDY, al2-Sw _ President.of Faculty. NO. 230 .south FotmTii, Stile Et.— Mr. tiU/NDKk his resumed his prdfc&sipnal timioe. . , - srt-ift* TIfESDAMES AND IVHER AND ® Ay fiCHOOL ton ffiffiADSLPlfil', NoJ|« J|OGAti SdtjjtßU, VINE ' Maisma.CHteQAjiAv reSwotfuDr informs her fnedds and. the puliU'c in general, that independently of her Boarding and par School, directed byherself and H£r nieoe, Mme. PREVOST, in NEW YORK. «hn in tends, in connection with her niece, Mme, D’HER VILTiY, Opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution onjprecisely the same plan os (he one above mentioned. The Principals will -answer applications and reeoive i visiters on and after the 12th day of September, And the .Softool will open on the 16*h. aiul-lm* /itfiss c. a; re-open her School for Young Indies on September 13, IK 3 . 1 , SV.Wl?™ ms y heobtAinedAt the-Sohoolfoom,All . WALN UT Street, where opplioatidn for Admission may ■be made, on and atm GepUmwr, 6th, from 10 to is LK@KEsscra.-Rsv. Afert fiarhfi,, %«,&. D.-, Pi-of. C. 1), Cleveland, Ambrose White, -George Trdtf, L. JOhneoh. au22-lm« HfUSIO ANb SINGING.—MISS LIZZIE CARROLL would respectfully .inform, her friends and the. publio that she has resumed the duties of her Profession. Scholars will be received at her residence, 1 No. c 22 South TENTH Street, or taught at their own ! homes. She refers with confidence to any of her pupils, or to Mr. Conrad Meyer, Piano'Manufacturer. Terms moderate. au26-lm [MARY L. STACKHOUSE WILL OPEN L"JJ* her Warding and Day-School for Girls, No. 1080 SPRING GARDEN Street, on the Ist of September. For Circulars apply to the Principal. augg-lm* CT. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUST Street, of Sixteenth, will, D, V., re open Oh MONDAY, September 12th, at 9 A. M. Applications for admission, if made before the begin* aniO-wf&m-tf 1607 RACE Btroet. MRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY will resume 'the duties of herSohool.as usual, on MONDAY, September 12th, Northwest corner SPRUCE ahd JU NIPER. , ' 1 s e7-wfin-1 m * HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may lie applied to at the reairienoo of his father,'Professor Allen, No. 2lSSonth SEVENTEENTH Street. s6-lm THE HEMANS INSTITUTE.—Rev. JAS. J, HELM will open, September 13, his School for the higher education of ii limited number pf Young La dies. Persons to whom he ie.net personally khtiwrt utß referred tn Vrof. C. D. ClAvelsml, prdf. ÜbArWShcrt, Rev. Drs. Morton, SteVeha. Wiimer, Howe, Furness, s»i„oAeA...BBBn)B«CE, V/ALNUT Btrset BCItOOI.. )3» CHKtiTWU'f Stroet. »6-lat SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYB.N. F.. car. EIGHTH ano BUTTONWOOD Streets.—Heßumes duties MON DAY, September 6th. Number limited; nil pupils un der the immediale care of the Principal; the govern ment is that of purely “ moral suasion; 1 ’ reports sent to parents weekly; the Moral , Intellectual, and Physical Education of Boys wilt he carefully and conscientiously attended to. Catalogue# gratuitously at the Academy, or 4W North Eighth street. . &U34-QW F, DONLEAVY LOftQ, Priiiblpal, PENN INSTITUTE.—The Session will commence on MONDAY, the 6th of Heptettiber. The object of this Institution is to prepare pupils for College or business, in accomplishing this object, ra pidity, and especially thoroughness, are dc#|m>ie; and to be thorough requires not only that the general dim cultidsmustlie met, ImtthoAe of eaohjndividual, ■ The mdtnqd adopted for giving Instruction, is to be oomc aod-laborerwith the pubil, efforts being made to have huh lend, and reserving for the teacher to point out errors, remove doubts, or suggest the manner of pro ceeding. For exemplifying the principles of the various branch es of Natural Science, apparatus is fully provided, and for practical operations in Surveying, a first-class tran sit of Philadelphia manufacture is furnished. Besides pursuing the various Studies with Text books, Leotures are delivered in regular order on Natural Phi losophy. Chemistry, Geology. Mythology, oto. The Rooms occnpied aro those on the second, third, Jind fourth stones of the, building at the S. E. corner of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, entrance on Filbert street; they are large and frefily vefttikteU.nnd ftflcira amnio space for Recilation, Lecture, and Play Rooms. They are now open fro-n 9 o*olook A. M. to 1 cr|lock P. M., where farther information may he ob au23-tf R. STEWART, Principal. jpRIOE-STREET .ACADEMY, _ OEgKos^iufipil^lu^ijKcfpAL. The Fall Term of this Ihetttutloh bommettpeft Septem ber 6th. 1869. The course df iristrucUod comprises all the brauchoJof a thdrdugh EdglUin Ednoation. together with tho Laud, Greek, aad French Languages. au23-tf The misses ewing vnhh open a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIEB AND CHIL DREN, on MONDAY, September 6th, at 937 SPRUCE Street, whore Circulars may be obtained. Rsvbrences. —Rev, Albert Barnes, Rov. W. W, Spear. D. D., Prof. C, D. Cleveland. au!7-6w* THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY. A. M„ No. 1108 MARKET Street, will reopen on THURSDAY, Sep temberlst. auiS-lm* The misses casey and mrs. bee- BE’S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, 1703 WALNUT Street, reopens WEDNESDAY, Sep' emberTth. »uJ-*m Thos. Baldwin’s English mathe matical and CLASSICAL SCOOL FOR BOYS, N.E. corner of BROAD and ARCH, will roopen &ep temberlst. • au2B-lm* The subscriber will reopen iiis Sohool, at 1230 LOCUST Street, September 8. qu27- of 0 o’clock nnd 8 ?: wiU ini thB I*l* Flour Inspector. BRUSHES. The cheapest bkush nbusE m -** PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the following' list of SoOght elsewhere^k"’ oom l >are wlfli those No. 1, 63 knots, 6}^perdoieu, No. 2, 62 knots, 78 " No. 3, 66 knots, 87 “ No. 4, 80 knots, 100 *• No. 6, 83 knots, 1U “ No. 6,100 Knots, 126 “ No. 7,104 knots, 160 " Ho. 8,160 knots. 176 “ PhUftdetphifl, Igte SALAMANDER SAFES. IPM A large assortment of J?® 3 ®: . « EVANS k WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFAC TUR K n SALAMANDER SAFES. ■ „ Vault doors, BANK LOOKS. FOrßl " k,, “ dBt “ rM - Kauai to any now in use. IRON DOORB, SHUTTERS, iko;, On as good term* as, any othor establishment In’ the United States, by ’ • ■ no PL BASK GIVE TIH A 0A1.1,. Fli'la,lelpU» f Grain mills—grain mills—For the FArm and Plantation. ThelKON-IfUUR MILL nas no equal for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, Coffee, Spi oes, etc., by hand or power. > Price, ®B, sts, and BiS. . Now inoperaton atl2B South SECOND Street, Agents wanted In every oounty and State, by BulMffl , . fahkeLa co. Beal ESTATE. XTA LUABLfo PROPERTY'FOR (3 ALB, 1 THo jtallgfitair 3f' ll offer for sale At public auetfE a, Ott TuEoDaVlBth iky bf Ohtdber liSxtT at li o’clock, at the Howard UtIUBC. in the tokrn of Kiktdn, jtt Cecil §tato Ui filarylauu, the follow in£Jtl'fo f I—’Being a fiiio timber and wobil iot/cdntist- IBxrifmAoresahd 15 perches. 'Lot Ho. I—Having .Sixty acYdi of fine cleared araWa land, m timber, ana being in tlio whole 250 fl 'Lot ffo f a Rood kriil, with finiUbio tmihl ineS, consisting of 333 acres 2 rootW and 2! porolios-- : ‘lot No: 4—Consisting o’f a fine wood and timber lot of 101 acres 2 roods apd 25 porches. Lot No. 6-Aleo very fine wood and timber land of -a acre* and 20 perches. ' i - Lot No. B—Consisting of ,74 notes apd 3 perches-** acres elected, ajmihe balance id (mo tifftbep, ...... , No.7—Boirtf 13* a#rei and 3J perches—all df wined drcoieared t dxceptaboutiiaoros. • . . ■No. 8— Being a farm consisting of 181 acres l rood and 33 perches, with alt suitable 'buildings upon it—loo acres cultivated land, and 8( acres in wood, easily eloareu, Wo. 9— Being a farm of 107 acres a roods and S 3 perches, ol'which there 120 acres of cultivated land, with good buildings, the rest fine timbor. . , No. HH-Consisting of 132 acres of very fins land, with suitable buildings. j.NckU—A .very fine wood and timber lotuf Macros anno perches., , t „. No. 12—An excellent farm, with good buudines* con sisting of 192 acres and 15 perohes, all cleared except 40 acres of wood and tunbor land.. . . No. 13—A very fine larm consisting of,about 200 acres, with an excellent farm-house and suitable out-builtf "fio. 14-Contnining 174 acres 1 rood and 19 perches Of land, and has upon it a large steam saw mill in good A wood and timber lot of Macros 3 roods and iJdJUKAIso, a lot .of very.flno timber end wood, con- UiUiriglftabrehaHttalßotUUk. . , „ „ : Tins property lies in a bod’', and is situated in the low fr or southern part of Now Castle county,.Delaware ? }t is about equally distant from Philadelphia and tinlti more, between CO and 70 miles. The road frojn Mnssoy s X rond to Smyrna runs through it. His .distant from Sin> rna al>out 6 miles m a northwestern direction—it is about 8 miles from Middletown, and Is situated between Sand 4 miles from the Dolawaro Railroad. This proper ty lies on the bighorn portion of the pepicsuia bofweon the two Iwtys—the waters on the one side miming into the JJolnwaro, and on the other into tlio Cheanpenko. The situation. of the property is believed to tie very healthy, and them is not an acre of swamp land m any firtrtor It. Its natural soil Is, very fins, consisting of a oitn of clay and sand, ami When Wdrti. easily aUseeptl ile of llnprdvolnebt. Evflryldt.dr farm .has all ddtlet upon a,public-rilad. The woods /jdnsut I'dr the intttt part of the variouk kinds Of dak, chiefly the While dak, which is Very fine. , h , , , . The terms of tjip safe are ono-fourth the pdrohaie money, to bo paid-in cash, and tUe.haiance.tn edual in stalments of 1, 2, and 3 years from Hie day bf.-saJe} credit payments to bear snrtU-arimlal interest, and to be secured by tbo-bondsor notesofthe purchasers. Those who wish further information will apply to tho subscriber, or liis agent. Mr. J. 1L I)ULAN\. who re sides at Millington, Kent county, Eostorn Shore of Ma ryland, who wilt allow them the land, O. L. HULA NY* No. 59 Courtlnnd street, Baltimore. LEGAL. jJJUNIOIPAL CLADIS. Notice is heieby given to the owners or the properties mentioned in the Appended memoranda of Claims. that write ofsdrq fwiaa will be i««ued thereon, in three months frdht the date hereof, unless the came ere paid onor before that time. .. , WILLIAM D..jtELLEY. Attorney for Chwmanw, - _ 411 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, June 28, 1859. IN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The City of Philadelphia to the uso of Jacob Bartholo mew va. Lay * Brother, ownor* or resuted owners, or whoever may bo owners, Common Pleas, Deeomber Torm.lFWb N 0.268. Paving, 5163 99. Lot on the'west aide of Church street, 87 feet 6 inches south of Franklin street, 109 feet by 101 feet. In the First ward. Same vs. John Alexander, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be ovfner. Common Plcas, March Term, 1869. No. 171. Paving, 860 32. Lot on the east side of Church street. 138 feet 10 inohes north of Moore street. In tho First ward. , Bame vs. George P. Johnson, owner or reputed owner, or trhoevernuiybe pwner. ComiDpnPleag. March Term, Jea-wlu TN THE ORPHANS’ CQUIiT FOR THE The Auditor appointed by the Crnlrt to audit, fettle} and adjust the accountdf Sarah Keyser and Andrew Miller. Executors of the last will and testament of wil liam Keyser, late of Rising Bun, county of Philadelphia, deceased, and make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants, will moot the parties inter ested, lor the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY. September 98th, 18W, at 4 1\ M., at his Office, No. 612 WALNUT Street, city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM ERNST, sl2-mwfßt Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE X CITY AtfD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, ... Estate.of ALEXANDER HALL, Deceased. Sur citation to surety of forrnor Administrator to file an account. The Auditor appointed by the Court to state an no count of the said surety, in conformity with said cita tion.irill attond to the dntios of his appointment on THURSDAY. September 22d. 1869. at 4 o’clock P.M., at hia office,No. 2fli>Nortli InFTII Street. *9-fmw6t* ; GEORGE W. THORN, Auditor. TVOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that an- Li plication has been made for a re-issue ofCertiG cate No. J 66 of GERMANTOWN GAS STOCK, Five Shares, in the name of Dr. T. F. BETTON, dated Janu ary 2W, ISiHJ, thb flaltto Havjh^ft«ieMos^otjnifd^; ... . Attorney lor Dr. Betlon. Philadelphia. June 28. IMP. Jn29-w3m T JETTEIIS TesLiinentaiy tti tiie estate of XJ ULRICH LINDENMAyKR, late of tho city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the sulwonber, all persons indobted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present them to WILLIAM VOLLMKR, executor, No. 2(1 South TWELFTH (Street, or to Ills nttornoy, FIIED ERICK HEYER, No. 241 South THIRD BtreeL seH-wfit* SAVING FUNDS. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO ►3 CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No, 331 North THIRD Street CIURTER ( bD n DY OFPRNN* DspdtiU tdbdlved in «unts of Cme DdUar and tmwanis, drawn, A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed tu the Northern part of the city, and 4 ' The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society " was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, in organising &fltl Ideating it, have been goyefßed wholly by a to accommodate the busi ness interest and wants of tho very large and enterpn ,iMpo,d.tlo^h,oh,lp.. _ Fiora9to3>io'olook; also, on Monday and Thursday from 6 until 8 o clook in the evening, MAWXOXRS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P, Levy. Hon. H. K. Strong, Darnel Underxoffer, . Frederick Stacks, Francis Hart. Joseph F. LeClere, John Kesslar, Jr., Georse Kneoht, James 8. Pringle, Jacob Does, Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Wm. Mlllward, George Woelpner, Geo. T, Thorn. P.*,O.EU™W jAMEg g^djon. Fliiecu Hi*T, Seoroturr. l«0-tHf CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TERKST.-NATIONAJI SAFETY TRUST COM PANY , W/IIN UT Street, Southwest comer of THIRD, Philadelphia, Inoorpor&teo by the State of Pennsylva nia. Money is reoeived in any snm, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of depoeit to tho day of with drawal. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning till 6 o’oloqk in the evening, and on Monday and Thuteday evenings till 8 o clock. William J, Rbxp, Secretary. DautcTou, Hon. Henry.L. BBttuer, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, . Joseph B. Barr, RobcrtSelfndge, Frduois Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth hlunns, Henry Diffenderfer, Monpy is received and payments made daily. Ihe vn v e*tments are made, m conformity with the provisions of the Charter, m Real EstAto Mortgages, Ground Rents, anu suoh firgt-olass sesuntie* as will al ways, insure perfect security to tho depositors, and wlßoh cannot Tail to give permanency and stability to thie Institution. aul-iy CAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES K? TRUST COMPANY, oorner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Largo and small sum* received; and_paid back on de mand without notice, With FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hmiw, from 9 until s o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clook. tißAFTB?orsaleon England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. T r easure r-JAMJEB R. HUNTER. PLINY FIBK, Actuary. " A little, but often, fill, the Furee.” I7IRANK.LIN SAVING FUND- No. 333 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posit* on demand. Depositors’ money secured by Government State, and City Loans, Ground Rente, Mortgages, fails Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will ranuo nskwith deposi tors’ mpney, but have it at ail times ready to re turn with Sper oent. interest to the owner, as they have always done, This Company never suspended. Females,/married ra /CABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. Ml SOUTH SECOND STREET, in connection with thoir exteneiveCnbinet Bueineee, are noir manufacturing RauparmrßTtiole of , BILLIARD TABLES, > n , ,A 1 dtTiP°. w 9 finished with MOORE ic CAMFfOIUB IMFROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounoed by all who havo mod them to he superior to all others. For the quality and finish pf these Tables the manu facturer* rdrer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the oharnoter of their work. jyW-flra MACHINERY and ikon. oakum, v. Hnnnicx, r. vAtionas uiaaica, SJOUTHWARK FOUNDRY'' FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, MERRicK"bONS, ManufimffliSPal 8 for Land, River, and Marine service, Boders, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Castings ofalllcmds, either Iron or Brass, rood HUtfon. T?'” ,at ™ rb > Work Shop., Rail “"•I’O", Maohinory ortho lato.t and moet im proved construction. H.,inw r t/il? 8oril^l £ n Machinery, such as Mille»_yaomim Pans, Open Steam 1 rams, Defecators, h liters. Pumping Engines, £o. A^i o w«^P. nt lr/ r \> ux ’ 8 Patent Sugar Bolling aFJP/J.wVi 3 ! w tS i ?» Patent Steam Hammer: and ftt MMhSno. W * Pa, “" l Clrat ' i W“ l SuE,r aS^ n - T ADIES’ HAIR BRAIDS. WIGS, FRI r“ s FTJS' And CURLS, manufactured in the very best and newest Pans styles, nml of which we constantly keep a very large assortment on hand, sold wholesale to. Al o a -}.P«r^ u.e. autt-Sm* Between Market and Chestnut. Economy imess shad— nos. i amt 2 a prime article, In more and for .file hr _ WM. J.TAYLOII fc CO.. »nB m SOUTH WHARVES SPANISH OLIVES—In bulk, in primo order, for.olo by >l7 A, MERINO, HO South FRONT Street, RAILROAD LINES. Philadelphia and ELMIRA RAILROAD LIN'K- U UIOKKST ROUTE to Wilkci,i UT e jiuimlo, Clhomo, Rfiok IllsHji, Bi»r»rs Palli, Milwankse, Bur flngton, Montre&ljßt. Paul'’a, Detroit, Diifibeth, and Bt. Ss«r train, wilt leava tho Fhilartalphiaßml Bead road Depot, cornerßltOAD and VINK Street., and St. Louis.. . ... ' „ , SJbIMtf.,NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niogcra Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,.Rook Island, Galena,Bt. Paul’s. Burlington, and St. Louis. a . nd 8,50 ?• Wt, tr^nß run through to , ito * lplll * ft * lon * on the Lebanon The 7.30 A. hi. train oonneota at Rupert for Wilkes aotSSl^sJUs^?£boon A , fe! LACK - Baggage cheeked to Elmira, Buffalo, add Suspension isriuge. Tickota oan be procured at the Philadelphia and Tsjn*ira Hai!lroad L Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUI Streets, and at thePassen gerDepot.cornorßßOAD and VHJe. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Dopot, Broad streot, below Vine, daily, (Sun day excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 P. M. oin*ffi a® W? delivered before 3P.M. to insure For further information, apply at Freight Depot.BROAD, below Vine, Or to CHAS. 8. TA P PEN, General Agent N. W. ooruer BIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, 001-tf Philadelphia. Ei m mmsm UIIANGE OF HOURS. PHILADELPHIA, WIL MINUTUN, AND SaI.TIMOHE RAILROAD. On anil after MONDAY, September 6th, 1859, * PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, For BalliilibrO fltS.l6 A. M., 12 noon,(Express,) ami 11.10 P. M. For Chester at 8.18 A. M.» 12 noon, 4 and IMO P. PI, For Wilmington at 8.16 A. M., 12, 4. and 11.10 P. M. For Now Castlo at 8.18 A. M., and 4 P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M., and 4 P. M, For Dover at 8.16 A. M.,end i P. M. For Bedford at 8.15 A. M. For Miitord at 41’. M. _ TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at6AO A, M., (Express,)9.4o A. M,, 8nd8.26 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6A5 A. M. and 9.20 A. M., 1.10 and 8.40 P.M. .cave Now Castle at 8.46 A. M., and 8 P. M. ,eave Middletown at 7.60 A. M. and 5.60 P. ftL UBver at 6.90 and 6.40 P. M. iOdve Milfdrd at 3.30 A. M. Sealbrd at 2.36 P. M. ,eAve Chester at7.44,0.6U A. M., 1.46 and 9.16 P. M. Ledya Baltimore Mr BdaibM add Delaware Railroad aU , f6r tiAi/fiMoai: Leave Chester ar 6.4& A. M., laid and 11.40 P. M. Leave A. hi.,12.66 P.M., and 12.90 A ' ‘ SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.36 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for PerryviUe and intermediate piaeee at 6.46 p. M. Leave Wilmington for PerryviUe and intermediate places at 7.25 P. M. Leave Havre-de-Graco for Baltimore andintermediate places at 6.40 A. M. .Leave Baltimore for HavTO-de-Grace and intermediate places at 8.40 P. M. e^ wUn|i non for Philadelphia and intermediate P Jyif fl a .* 1 fj.M. FMiTON, President. I7E « w .r.q MHl^7PlilLAtjiii J MltA. QSR. MANTOWN AND NORRIB TOWNRAIf,RijAD~SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS— On and after Monday, hfay 9th, 1859,untilfurther notice. . FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8,83 i, mm.. 10, 11, 12, A. M., 1,2,3, 3K, 4,5, 5K.8, 7, 8. 9,10, andUJi P. M.' Leave Germantown 6,7,7>*. B,B X, 9, 10,11, A. M., LUf, h 2,3,4,8,6, OH, Leave Philadelphia 9.09 min. A. I>l!, i, 8, ?>£, and !o>i P. M. Leave Germantown B.TO min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4, OH, and 9H P. M. , CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Philadelphia 6,8,8 H, HA. M., 2, SH, 4,6 H, 6,0, '’ifeaveOlie.tirat Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11JJ A. M. r U »,8.40,0.40,7,0, 8 4 V « L M , fOHpof»BHoaotiKt!fl AflD NORtJSTOfrft. M., 1,3 ft, 4>t, 6, ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3 and 4 P. M, Leave Norristown 7 A. M., 1 ami 6 P. M. . FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 min., 8.06 min., 9Jtf. 10.05 mm., 11H A. M., 1,06 rain.,2.03 mm., 3.06 min., 4?i, 6K, 63%,8,11)( P. hI. Leave Manayunk 6H, IH, BH, 9H, 10H, 11H A. M., I>4, 3.06 mm., 4,5, SH, 8, 9.05 mm. r. M. ON BUNDAYB, Leave Phtladclphiao A. M.,1,4 PM.-. Lcavo Maßaydfik V 4 A. m v In, OH, C.*! P. M. H. K. RMITH. General Superintendent, mr7 DEPOT, NINTH an.l UREEN Streela. rrilE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL A RAILROAD. 1859. Mmmmm 1859. THE CAPACITY «/,™ EQUAL TO Confleptittg direct at phiiadqlpnin with Thrctugh.Trains from iwawtt, No*,York, nod all points Ertlit, and at fhe UinoH Depot at Pitubiirg with Through Trams for Cin cinnati, SL.Lpuii. Clevelariu, ChiCAgp, Burlington, St. padPs.lildianaptdUs, Lotii6v.ille,,New Oytpahs, and all intermediate mirijs iq lndiana, HUnois, Kentuc ky,' Michigan,>Visoonein. I Minnesota,Mi»«ouri, Kansas, and Nebraska—thus (urmthing fnoihtiei for.ihq, trans portation of I’Assengers unsurpassed for speed and cota fort by Aoy other ronte. Express and Fast Lipen run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars aro attached to each Train: Woodruff’s Steeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILYi Mad and Fast Lines, Bun iffaili laaves Philadelphia at 7.16 A. M. Fast Line ** . “ H-ftft A. M. Expresn Train leaves “ WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkesburg Accommodation at 11 A. M. Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P,M. Columbia 44 4JO P. M. Passengers for West Chester will tAke the Mail, Parkesburg, and Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsj lvama Railroad Passenger Station. Passengers fnrßunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa- Ip.NiaganvFalie.eudintermetjjate points,leaving Phda aelohmat7.ls A. M., nod t P. Mi, gd directly through. ’t ickets Westward may bo obtained at the office of the Cdmpatiy in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, of Bal timore: and Ticket! Eastward at Any of the itnpdftant Railroad Offices.iri the West; also on board ahy of the regular Line of Steamers on the Miuiskippi or Ohio Rivers. . JO; Fare slßayd low as any other Rdtite. COthpletiOh flf the Wegtem oonncctiofls of the FsntlsylvamaJKaijroNd to Chionsn, make this the . DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE KABT \ND THE _ GREAT NORTHWEQT. The coaneetiop ortraoks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding dil drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantares readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route. Freights of all descnptions oan he for warded from Philadelphia, New York. Boston, or Balti fiore, to any point on the Railroads or Ohio, Kentuoky, ndiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lova,or.Missouri» by R&fl road direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Bteamers, by which Goods oan be forwardod to any Sort on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentuoky. Tennessee, umben&nd, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Misourt, Kansas. Arkansas, and Red Rivors; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, withSte&mers to all portion the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on itaspeedy transit. _ THEJtATES OF FREIGHT to any poiht in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as favora bleaa are ohafged by other Railroad Companies. Kfe. Be particular to mark packages “ via Penna. Rail road. . Merchants in the westorderihg goods from the East, will do well td direct them to be shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address eithor of the following Agents of the Com- Doyle t Co.® Co., Zeuee vilfe, 0.; J. J, Johhatdn, Ripley, 0.: It. MoNeely.Mays ville, Ky.j Ormsby A Crdprer, FortSnjdu th, 0.; Paddock A Co., Jeflersonville, Indiana; H. \v, Brotrn A Co., Cincinnati. 0.: Athern A Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.; R. C. Moldruin, Madison, Ind.; Wilhanißiffriuttn, Louisville, Ky.; P. 0. O’Riley A Co., Evansville, ind.: N. W. Gra ham A Co., Cairo, Ill.iH. F. Biss, 8t Louis, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris A Hunt, Memphis, Clarke A Co., Chicago, III.; W. H, H. Koonts, Alton, III.; Murphy A Waite, Dubuque, III.: or to Freight Agents nf Railroads at diflerent points in the West. Parties attending to their own shipments from the East.wiU find It to their interest to oall on the Agentsof the Company at the following places before shipping: or letters addressed to either of them on the subject of freights, will meet with prompt attention t E. J. SPiEEDER, Philadelphia. MAGRAW A KOONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. LEECH A CO., 2 Actor House, or 18. William st.,N.Y. LEECH A CO., 54 Kilby street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent. Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phua. . THOB. A. SCOTT, Gen’l Bup’t, Altoona, Pa. UlUlv 1859. 1859 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT-NEW yORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO’S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACKS, , , EROMWALNUT-STREKT WHARF, Will leave aa follows, viz: pares. At d A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Cam. A Am. Accommodation $2 2d At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersoy City, (New Jersey)Accorrnnodation 2 25 At 9 A.M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 3 00 At 11 A. M., by Stoamboat, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Expaess 3 00 At2P. M., viaCamdeu amt Amboy, C. A A. Ex press 3 00 AU>t P, M..bjr Steamboat, via Taoony and Jer sey City, Evening Express 3 00 At3>a P.Til., by Steamboat, via Tacony ana Jer sey City, 2d Class Tioket 2 25 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City Evening Mai! 3 00 At 11 P. M„ via Camden and Jersey City, Night Mail 2 25 Atn& P. M.viaCamdon and Amboy,Accomodation, (Freight and Passenger—lst Class Ticket. 223 ...n.r . ~ , ,2d Class Ticket 150 At 5 F» M„ via Camdenand Amboy, Accommodation. (Freight and Passenger)— Ist Class Ticket 225 . 2d Class Tioket 1 76 The tfP.M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Night Mail, Saturdays exceptod. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, Ao.,at 6 A. M. and 3>| P. M. For Water Gap. Btroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bond, Ao., at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 J*. M. For Mount Holly, at 6 and 9 A. M., and 2X,4X, and 6 , „ . WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 3Hand4K P. M., from Walnut-street wharf. For Palmyra, Delanco, Beverly f Burlington, Borden town, Ac., at 1 and 2H P. M. Steamboat John Neilson, for Tacony at 11 A. M., and for Bordontownand intermediate plaoesatSKP. M. Steamlxiat Trenton, for Tacony at A. Al.,and for Bristol, Burlington, and intermediate places, at 12 M. and i)i P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed oach passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking ait) thing as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds Jo be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggago to one dollar per pound, and will not bo liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except byspeciol oontroot. June 1. WM. H. GATZMKR. Agent. _ , «. fOR THE SEA-SHORE. Un and after September Ist, and until further notioe. trains for Atlantis City leave VINK-Stroet Wharf tff ,l fti Sun «e*copted.) Mail Train.. 7,30 A.M, Express “ 4 I*. M. Stopping at all Stations, going, and returning. „ „ LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. Express Train 6 A. M. Mail. “ , , 4 p, )», Fare to Atlantio. $1 80. Honed Trip Tickets, good for Two Days, $2 W. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by 1 P. M. The Qompany will not bo responsible for any goodaun til receivedand reoeiptedfor by their Freight Agent at the Point. al-lm JOHN O. BRYANT. Agent. Xgawmaamn NOTICE TO SHIPPERS SgRMpS—SS-f OP LOCAL FRKIGHT. Tha PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ara now prepared to receive and forward freight to the fol- ROas 00 1,10 NoRTH£RN CENTRAL RAIL* Look Haven, Lewlsburg, Wayne, Northumberland, Jersey Shore, Bunbury, 4t l *den, Treverton Intersection, Newbury, Georgetown, Williamsport, Millerstowu, Muncy, Halifax, » Watson town, York, Milton, ALSa! moVer Junolum ' JIA?L t K?AI5 ,&nd illU,rme “™ r° ln “on HANOVER PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD, MORNING LINE, for POTTSVILLE, READ - 4t !NG and HARRISBURG. Leaves the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE S/C?>^S t t?vv^t®9.^t^ , /.UAlLY.(Bunda)B excepted,) for POTTSVILLK, HARRISBUkG, and all intermediate points, connecting at Harrisburg with trains running to Pittsburg, Ac. I* T »VII.LK and ,A|L43 P. AL, DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) for HEAD INU, and intermediate points. W. 11. McILHENNY. Beoretarr. ni-CARB SODA.—IOO kegs for Bale by SoBKBSP 11 fc BfloTHEß ' AND BII.VER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. jatt-ly RAVEN, BACON, & Co.'s, |»r fl* Nunn* * Clark**, Hallett, Davis, fc Co.’*, and A. H. Gals A Co.'* superior PIANOS, Also. Ala* BOh .A Hamlin’* unrivalled MBLODKONS and HAR MOjtjtJMS, Sb (fcsirablft fbr CnflfchM and Lecture $9“ Piano* and Melodeonl to itdflt, „ J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, missstkti A O£EAT IMPROVEMENT IN nfTrn pianos. BCHOMACKER k CO., IWI CHESTNUT Street, respectfully invite the muilo lovtng public to call and examine their new and suc cessful improvement*— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of tho Grand Piano into that of a Bquare instrument. Avoiding allthe objections generally made to tho-style of Grand EiatflL.iySO diminishing the cost of tho same. In volume, purity bf Iptfo, gfeat power, brilliancy, full ness, depth, ami evenness of tcuclMnth exquisite deli -BufKßl6R B AND M fe t EA I BTIFULLY-FlNlsft£D IN BTRUMENTS arc wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums, and are pronounced by oritics to be fa? su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this country. ... Constantly on hand, a large and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS, we have been awarded the First Premiums, at all exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding Jhe Prise Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi lutioil. Se» York. ISM. mel-tf itifemciSAL. t.OUISttLtE ARTfcSfAN WATER.— M-i An analysis, hy Prof. J. L. SMITH, shows one gallon to contain #15)5 grains, as follows, vis: Clilor. Bodium..,....eagrs. Sulph. Magnesia.. 77.00er5, ** Calciun}..—. 60 “ “ Potash 3co”* “ Magnesium... 7 “ “ Alumina... i'OO “ “ Potassium.... 14 “ lodide Magnesium 035 “ “ Aluminium... 15 “ Bromido “ 0.47 “ rhoapli. Soda. 3 " Bi-Carb. Iron.. . 0.36 “ Sulph. Soda.... 73“ “ Magnesia. .340 “ “ Lime...-..-. 29 “ Bold by the barrel, gallon, or in bottles, wholesale and retail, by JiAbSAKD k CO., Apothecaries, au24-tf CHESTNUT St., cor. Twelfth it. A NOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER. -tV FUL EFFECTS OF TROXELL’B NEURALGIA SALVE. _ Pan.*., July 7th, 1358. Mr. E. W.Troxell—Dear Sir:—l have been troubled with the “NEURALGIA” for the last 14 years, and havo suffered tlie most excruciating .pain, compelling me at times to give up my business entirely. I oould not eat, and sleep wm a stranger to my eyei. 1 suffered more than tongues oan teU. I had the advice and aid o! various physicians, and used other remedies, but all of no avail. Having notioed your advertisement in the papers. I concluded to call oa & person whom I had learned was cured of a case of 20 years standing. He applied the “SALVE” but once, and I felt immediate relief—a second application removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like a different man. Since then I have slept well—something that I have not done for months, being obliged to situs all night in a chair. My appetite has returned, and I feel grateful to you for the isstora tion of my health. _ CHARLES H. Tobacconist, CARROL Street, above WOOD, Kensington. For sale, wholesale and retail, at S. W. corner SIXTH and PARRISH Streets, and at/T. R. CALLENDER A Co.’s. N. W. corner Third add Walnut sts. ap2o-tf Dr. 'Wtestcott ? s celebrated tar CORDIAL. Westoott’s Tar Cordia cures Consumption. Westcott’s Tar Cordja cures Bronchitis. Weatcott’* Tar Cordia oures Coughs and Colds. WestcoU’a Tar Cordia cures Sore Throat and Bresg. Tar Cordial oures Palpitation of the WestcotYsTar Cordial cures Nervous Debtyty. Westeolt s Tar Cordial cores General Debility. Weatcott’s Tar Cordial oures Diseases of the Kidneys, Btrangury. and Gravel. Westooti s Tar Cordial oures Bund and Bleeding Piles. Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Female Weaknesses. Dr. Westcott’s Tar Cordial Depot, No. 529 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Also, Principal Depot for Dr. Westoott’i Anti-Borofu lous Syrup and Cholera Mixture. Dr. E. R. WESTCOTT oan be consulted on the above diseases, free of oharge, at his Consulting Rooms, No. 629 ARCH Street, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. jyl6-tf HOTELS. WETHERILL HOUSE, SANSOM " V Btreet west of Sixth.—This deservedly favorite place having been purchased by the undernigned, will hereafter lie conducted on the most enterprising scale. The best Game, Oysters, and Refreshments, prepared m the choicest style, and the finest Liquors, from the most popular importing houses, always on hand. The patronage of the public is respectfully invited „ , JOHN J. BARTRAM. Private Rooms for Suppers, Arbitrations, Coin mittees, Societies, Ac. sio-lm The union, ARCH STREET. ABOVE THIRD, UPTON S. NEW» Ma,IA - The situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Publio; anuto those in search of pleasure. Passenger Railroads, which now Tun past, and, in close proximity, afford a oheap and pleasant ride to all planes of interest in or ahnnt the city. |y 8-dm WINES AND LIQUORS. r»ARD.~MAREUIL-SUR-AY (CHAM TAGNEJ, JANUARY M, 1859.—1 n consequence of the frequent invitations received by me to renew the shipment* of my Champagne Wines to the United States. 1 beg leavo hereby to inform my former customers and that I have appointed Messrs. F.C. BROUWER. ANCHER, & CO., Bole Agents in the United States, for the sale of my Champagne Wines. My Wines have been, so Jong and favorably known in the United States, it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that my new shlpmeaU will in no way be found inferior to the former ones. „r, , . BILLKOART SALMON. BILLED ART SALMON’S CHAMPAGNE WINES, both CABINET,and VERZENAY. for sale and con stantly on hand, in lota to suit purchasers, hr F. 0. BROUWER, ANCIiER, k CO., fll BEAVER Street, New Yorlcv f'LARET. —100 cases Barton & Guestier’s St, Julien 5 300 do. St. Eetogho; 300 do. Washing ton Morton St. Julien; 100 do.33 <£s£** GLASGOW AND NEW YORK Sfflim STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN. AND LONDONDERRY-for #3O. FROM KBW YOKXr GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, October 13, at 13 o'oiock, no-«n. EDINBURGH, Cumming, Wednesday, October 25, at 12 o’clock, uoou’ rSOM GLASGOW. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, September 1L EDINBURGH, Cummins, Wednesday, September 23. Hates ol Pirns# from New York. Phfladelptua, or Boston, to Giasftow, Liverpool, Belfast. Dublin, orjxm donderrr, first class, $75. Steerage, found with an Joun dance of properly cooked provisions, $9O. An experienced Surgeon attached to e&oh steamer. Nc charge for medicines. For freight or passage, apply to ~ „ WORKMAN A CO.. No. U 3 WALNUT Btreet, Philadelphia. . ROBERT CRAJO, No. O BROADWAY. New York. U. S. M. STEAMERS acco Warehouse, DOCK Street, Phila. je23~€ra BUSINESS CARDS* VB. PALMER’S ADVERTISING • AGENCY, N. E. coraor FIFTII and CHEST NUT. Subscriptions taken for the best City and Country Newspapers, at lowest cash pncea. ses>9ni Martin & quayle’s ~ STATIONERY. TOY. axn FANCY GOODS J 5 M P O M I V M, 1035 walnut street, BELOW ELEVENTH. *9-lm . PHILADELPHIA. ISAAC ROBERTS, Rbal Estate Agent : . . FAMUEL C. ROBERTB. Convitaxcbb: ggtt o'p on liberal torms, FARMS AND COUN TRY SKA TS, in Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, Delaware. QTfVovn’- a si d Y»* , s | ma: and DWELLINGS and STORES la Norristown, Germantown, and >hiladel- JILOAN MONEY ON FIRST MORTGAGES. Examine Titles to Real Estate, and attend to CONVEYANCING in alt its branches. Office MAIN Street, near the Bank, Norristown, ami No. 3XI South THIRD Streot, between Walnnt and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. sl-lm* A lex. mcktnney. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practise in Armstrong* and In diana counties. eell-tf npiiE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE ■I. 530 CHESTNUT Street, forward* Parcel*. Pack ages, Merchandise, Bank Not es, and Specie, either by its own Lines, or in connection with other Express Com panies. to all the principle towns and cities of the United Btates. L. 8. BANDFORD, auj-tf General Superintendent. PURE CONFECTIONERY, HAsmcrrsK® »v EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Late of 8. Henrion. St#T« 8, W, corner ARCH and NINTH streets, 3m < Factory 814 Filbert street.) HfINTON’S ENCAUSTIC TILES lor i-"A. fioors. Ornamental Chimney Tops for oott&gM, Garden Vases and Fountains, v drifted Pipe for drama and Water oondnctors. Imported and for sale by fab » tf 10W Street PORK. —260 bbls. Mess Pork, of New Jersey, Ohio, and Philadelphia paclnni, for sal* by , 0,0. SADLER t CO., *J ARCH Streets eeoond door aUive Float* ■ SAfiSswt XUOTIOli: " M' THOMAB * -SGNSI V CA AN» STOCKS AT THE EXCHANGE,« n sooi. Sul., of ml nuu tai ttocfci iW Mmfmte U o'clock kook, iuteod of is tko *mn(. FALL SAI.EB BTOCK AND REAL ESTATE Fourth Fall Solo, Sd O5 IM moK midenco and furuitnre. No .tß North Twelfth a&naL Fifth Foil 80U, kith ot tho Ezuhoua. Bath Poll Sole. 4(h October, ot tb. Etchlnxo. f Fort of th, hoadbilM for eooh of no ouot, mbBM now reodj, PoUio goleMfttha BoSiin. e..rr T»f* (tsi, ot Hoon,• HoodbiUo of eooh Frowrt, imodoaoTotolTj n addition to whieh we pnbiuinoii Satnruay trerioa* tp each sale, oae thonsasd eatslognea in paapUit form nving fnU description of all the Property to be aahl on JsrFUR&rTUBS' BALES AT THE AL’CTIOI, BJEa2 AtWi VATEBALE. I6F" We here a large Amnnat of Real Estate at Private Sale, every description of city and eoutrp property rnirtod Hsta cany be had at the aacaoa oust* I jliyate kali: register. . _ ai^^tlvertued (of whieh 2,000 ooyifls are printed weekly J free of eharge. STOCKS. LOANS, ke. Ob Tneadsy. Sept. 37, at n c/cloek, noon, will be atdd. at the Fhila phia Exchanee—. 888 shares McXeaS bed Elk Land >ad Improvemeat Company. Swnbe/y sad Ene Railroad is lo cated through the land. FOURTH FALL BALE—SEPTEMBER 23d. Peremptory 8»le on tC4 ereessees NEAT RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR ¥ URNITTREa No. 237 North Twelfth, smeL On Friday Morning, Sept. 23, at 30 o’clock, will be sold* with-wk reeerre» m trie premises, the seat snodeni rewdeaM, No. S 7 North twelfth street, IS feet (root sad 9B feet u.eep,withi all modern imvrprementa and cooyentencea. Also, (he entire boosebeki funutore, fine nnrrcrs, superior dining-room and chamber luniM*, kitchen furniture, Ac. . , . . _ Also, a superior fire-proof cheat, made by Evan* k Watson. . . »?” The cabinet fore, tare was made by Allen, ha* been in use bat a short time, and is m excellent order. The neat modern residence will be soM at Wo’aiock precisely, ereviosa to the sale of ftmutare. WSALE ABSOLUTE, of both r«l ctUIo M. Lancaster. Pa. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE —Four-story brown-stone residence, with doable back betiding*, anq all modern oonveueneee, No. 1503 Fine street, west of Fifteenth. __ VALUABLE BUILDING LOT AND TWO DWELL INGS, Brown street. Ridge avenue sad Fifteenth street. Lot 68 feet on Brown sweet, 66 feet co Ridge avenue VALUABLE FARM.—Valuable form- 178 scree, on the old Drove rood, 2 mikes east of Potutawn, PotU HANDbSSS’ brick residence, with double back boildings and modern conveniences. No. 1809 Cbestnot at, west of Eichteentk. PINE STREET.—Three-story bnck dveUiig, No, 138 Vm* street- between Fifth and Sixih- FOUR DWELLINbB. Four modern ihree-storr brick dwellings. Noe, 1400 IDS. 1404 and IC6 Mamas street,northof Master,'Pwentitth ward. Peremptory SaIe.—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT. north mde of Fibs street, waft of Till, Twsnty-foorth warp, 106 by 160 feet, with three fronts. Sue abso- FARM.—Vslaable farm. 270 acres, Ba lisbti/y «9wnsh?» Lancaster county, Pa.,l mile fr *m Beartowit, 0M 7 from Gap station, on the Penn - 811 ec u to^s^ 1 « nf T. J. Beaton, dec’d. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT. norlhwret s*de of the Darby elank road SJid passenger tndway, between Mary end Wilhsm street*, Twealy-fourth ward,so foot front. 210 feet deep, two fronts. . . .. VINE STREET.—Neat and ed?™*** thrre-etoro brick f*«detK'*.No. 130 Vine stress, wpat of Tlurteentn. OGDEN STREET.-Three-Story dwelkng.No. MBO rtenstreet.westcfTenlh.- .. STORE AND DWELLINGS.—Freme itorf/wlvo t-bo-iiery frame dwellings. Wood street, west of Apter* lot 18 by *64 ieet, with two fronts. SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE, ROSEWOOD HANO. FORTE, * DO. BrLLUIU) TABLES. 2 SUITS ELEGANT *Q&EViOQD DRAWING-aOOM FUR NITURE. FRENCH PLATE PIER MIRROR, CARPETS, kca CARD.—Our sale to-morrow morning, at the auction Sore, will ootnprise, besides 600 lots of excellent eeeood tnd fdrmtore. large and superior fire-proof safe, made by Knrreiand Hemnt; superior rosewood piano-forte, 2 aup+rior billiard tabks, with bal sand cues complete j 2 suj e of fiinifure, overedfwith criiur on plash; Freeeb-pbte pier minor, u gilt frame; Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian carpets; beds and bed diflt. Uhiua and glassware, Ao,,forming, an attractive ataortuidflt worthy the attention of ladies and others deeiroos of pttrehasuig, , . , Catalogues now ready, and the arUolee arranged for examination. ZL^GANT' ffcaßETlffifa* PLATE, Ac. Thia Mornicff, * BepL3lftt, at W o’clock, at the northeast corset of Twentieth and Ore** streets, the elejant household furniture, mirrora, film phu ( Ac. Particular* m catalogues. SJLVEJL Also, a complete set of silver, maws factored to ord«7 by Wilson, consisting of tea set, forks, spoons, laatee, fish and cake knives, napkin rinrs, Ae, Also, three superior Sheffield plated tnps. •S’* The cabinet furniture was made to order br Moore A Campion; has been well kept* ana is a excel lent order, , , K7~ May be examined at 8 o’clock mi the monag of the sale, with catalogues. Sale st No*. 139 and 141 South Fcairtji Btreet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE gR RORB, PIANO-FORTE, BBUBBELB CARPETST OnThuraday Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, ao assortment of Moood-haitd furniture, elegant sucao-fortifc fine Grimm, oarpcts, etc., from tainili ee decuman huai ieeutux. restored to the store for convenience of eel*. Also, t superior billiard tables, with ivory belle tad cues complete. . , , , Also,* imteof elegant rosewood amt push drawing* room furniture. Sale No, 237 North Twelfth street. ELEGANT FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO. MIRRORS, VELVET CARPETS. BOOKCASETAc. On Friday Morning, _ 23d inst., at 10 o’clock, at No. 237 North Twelfth street, above Race, by catalogue, the entire elec&nt farnitare. comprising suit of superior walnut drawing-roorrf furni ture, rosewood 7-octare piano, very elegant Freecb plate oval mantel and pier, fine velvet carpets, superior walnut library and dining-room furniture, elegantbook case, dinner aoo tea China, superior chamber fund tare, fine feather beds, and mattresses, Ao- Also, superior fire-proof ehest, made by Evana A 'Watson. ~ , ' , Also, the kitchen furniture. , ... tQT The entire furniture was made to order, has been in use bat & short time, and is in excellent order. MThe neat residence will te sold at 19 o clock, previous to the sale of furniture. AF* For ) articular* see catalogues. Sale in Gennantcwn. SUPERIOR OAK FURNITURE, CARPETS, PIANO, Ac., Jcc. On Tuesday Mominc, t»th Sept., at II o'clock, on Main street, opposite Queen, Germantown, the entire household larnitore. including a suit of superior oak furniture, covered with morocco, made to order by Voihner, walnut dimru-roota furniture, walnut and icahoiwlj chamber furniture. Bruiseis and ingrain carpetings, oil cloths, fine Canton matting. Ac. ... Also, the kitchen furniture, eirht-day clock, Ac. <7* May be examined at 6 o'clock on the ruonung cf sale. Sale at No. J 33 North Sixteenth Street. GENTEEL FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac.. Ac. , On Wednesday Morning* tSth instant, at 19 o’clock, at No. 129 North Sixteenth street, corner of Cherry street, the rented household and kitchen furniture* tapestry carpets, Ac., o* a gen tleman leaving the city. m 87* May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o’clock. Sale at No. IIJ3 Girard Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANO. MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS. VELVET CARPETS, CHANDE LIERS, OIL PAINTINGS. Ac. On Friday Moraine. f 30th instant, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1115 Girard stree*, by catalogue, the entire household furniture. Full particulars in catalogue*. ROOMS ON HARMONY COURT TO RENT.-Ap ply at the suction store. AT PRIVATE SALE.—Shares in the Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries and Athen^nm. AT PRIVATE BALE.—The valuable property, corner of Fifth and Adelphi streets, below Walnut, large cock building and lot, Mby 99X feet. Two fronts. Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. 8. F. oornex SIXTH and RACK Street*. LARGE SALK OF RICH AND ELEGANT EMBROI DERY. VALUABLE THREAD LACES. LINEN cambrics, FANCY GOODS GENERALLY. Ac. Being the property of a French importer, the whole of which have been imported within the last few months* and will be sold without the least reserve, for cash. On Thursday Moraine. 822 d inst..at 10 o'clock, at Moses Auction More, southeast corner of Sixth and Pa* > steels, te conn-atorj salesroom, entrance upon street. Consisting in part, of xichlj embroidered skirts, some of which cost B)seach; chilcren v emb’d bonnets and caps: ladiesemb'dcollars,of vau.ais st«les and cost: emb'd handkerchiefs,cost from -515 to 815 each; emb’d robes for children, cost from 86 to 820 each; emb’d robes for ladies. with flounces, cost from 812 to 850 each; richmsertiugof various kinds; lace and valen -si»nnesof various widths and cost,some veryoostly; ’icot laces, various sty les; black guipure collars t linen cambric, in pieces of various qualities, Ac. FANCY PARIS ARTICLES. —Also, ladies’ work sacks, fancy papier boxes, ladies* Russian leather work sacks and boxes, pocket-books, porte-monnaies. watch bearers, pm cushions, glove boxes, do. furJshM fancy brushes, ivory nail cleaners, shell do., shell ear cleaners, very rich morocco portfolio, travelling do., chessmen, sculptural and ivory, marls for card-playing, various French games, travelling cases for ladies cigarbearers, rich nail brushes, tenth do., shaving do., clothes do., hair do., children’s shell combs, ladies’do, pocket do., and numerous other articles. The Trade generally are invited to attend the sale. The gocHTjjjnU be open for examination, with cata logues. on Wednesday afternoon, and early on the morning of sale. ST. X.OXJIS. MO. WILLIAMS & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS ▼ V axil COMNIBSION MERCHANTS* No. M North MAIN STREET. Br. Loots, Mo., (formerly with Messrs. Myers, Clsghorn A Co., Philadelphia,) offer their services to Ufa merchants, mantUMtnten, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, oarpets* boots, shoes, hardware, jewelry, ae„ Ac. Cash advances made oa receipt,of goods, Settlements made three days alter tale. _ xirxßßxcxs. Messrs. Myers. Cloghorn, A Co., Phila. “ StuarOfc Brother, Phila. ’* VanWyck. Townsend, A Warrens, New York* * L.& B.Cuxti*fc Co., w Wood. Christy, & Co., St. Louis, Mo. ** „ Crow, McCreary, A Co.* «» “ rnl-fm w-1t WASHING AJil) IRONING. Jk WASHING AND IRONING DONE €»E9 with NEATNESS and for Sirrl* p~.rv.-Ladies and Gentlemen, Faauh*w. Boardmi Hotels, Steamboats. So., at DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. 233 South SIXTH Street, corner of Prune. Family Shirts and Collars patent polished. Everything washed by hand, oa the 00m mon w&sh-bocrd. Tee whole bnmesus strictly ntterded to by female •'‘perr.txvee, Mrs. DONOVAN, it 90-1? SapanndeudedL CHARLES JONES, No. Noith SECOND Street. 1 Successor to A. fflQlJ. Gallagher, would rernectfully call the atten- of those desiring stoves to his extensive’ a-aortmentof Cooking. Heating, and Parlor stoves. I have purchased the exclusive nebt to the retail sa!»* and rrpatrr. m Philadelphia, of UsUagher’s Celebrated *• Morning Star and ” Sunrise*’ Gas-Nirmng Cookmc Stoves, well known for years as the most satisfactory Stovesiiu the market Also, his new Flat-top Cooking blove * Daylight,” which combines alt the useful im provements. and operates admirably. I nL*o manu facture, m a superior manner. Silver’s Gas-buraer of the best Russia Sheet Iron. These are t*e most economical and easily managed Parlor Stove* m use * sl6-3m rPHORLEY’S FOOD FOR CATTLE, l As Imported from England.) tor Horses, this lord is imUspecavble i c promobne and sustaining all the animal functions m health and vigor., r or Milch Cows it is invaluable, increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk. For Sheep and Pig* the effect produced in one month ill exceed all expectation. The addition of this food may be attended with a sub traction of other food, to the extent of one-third, thereby rendering its application one of economy, while at the tame time it materially assists the digestive powers cf every animal, in extracting a larger portion or nourish ment from the ordinary food, whtehwyuld otherwise be lost, consequent upon the impaired or defective actior ot those organs. Depot, SB DOCK Street, s!7-toc7 PHILADELPHIA- fjIRESH FRUIT JARS. A Those who wish to avoid the uacleanlinesa at tendsnt upon putting up (nut. Ac., hr the use of the old style Jars with metal covers and cement, will be pleated to learn that the whole operation of Preserving can be performed in less than one half the nsoal time K* ts« pc of HARTELI/S ALL-BLASS JARS, pronounced by phitinana and scientific men to bo the safest and moat reliable Jar ever made. A single inspection will satisfy any one of their incomparable superiority over all others. Manofaotnrers under the Patent. haktell a let6hdtokth, .No. U North FIFTH Strait, ' General Glass Depot,