Hl«tory: of tl\e High School—No. 8. pnOPEB3OE HißT’B ADVIStSTniTIOX coktuubd'.' "» IVo oonoeired that tlo heat moditim through whioh to view the’ administration Of Professor Beebe was that of the professors and their labors; hut that of Proiiatat. Hart wo. deem .to be' better displayed through its ueatures. Other reasons, too, for selecting tho latter course, are; that' the professors of part's administration aro still m the High School; and, perhaps, would 4 sllke at pre sent to see oven a favoribleppblleontia.Bm of their methods abd movements, and the appointments of many have been comparatively recent. Tho measures and' evehtsthat have been recorded iu the two previous articles are the most noted of tho sixteen years of this administration; hut atUi, r short' ichouht of those professors who left bofore their late principal, those gentlemen whose names have heooms historical in the .records of tho in- EtUiitios, might' hot ho uninteresting. After giving a brief account of them wo shall prosont the departments and duties assumed.by the other professors, with littlo nota or comment, our object being mainly to lot the people be acijuaintod with the* internal history and doings of an excellent in stitution,- of whioh too many limit themselves to the contemplation of the outside. Still in tbs institution are Profepsorh Vdgdes &na, McJluttric, who were among tho ftp*' i poiaunenta near tho origin of tho school. A-short ! account of each has already been given in out third artioto, and it need not bo repeated here. wilt merely mention the course of study pur sued in the department of each as last regulated by Professor Bart, Tho studies-tqaght by Pro- : we geometry, arithmetic; monsara-' ' tion, and surveying. Those taught.by Professor McMurtrie are lessons in the sclentifio loxicon, ; and leotartie in the various branches of fepecml physios. George J. Beoker, professor of drawing and pen manship. was elected as an assistant to Professor . Beale in January, 1842; and, on tho resignation of that gentleman, in October, 1844, was appointed to succeed him. The forte of -Professor Peale was painting, whilo that of Professor Beoker was pen manship > though, at the same time, the latter was Q7ery_wuy qualified to teaoh well all oi the various kinds of draughting.. Never'have Wo behold a more nhat or skilful writer at work. * With a clean page and a carefully aeleoted pen, ho would dash offiteurlaheSj ornaments, .and figures, with a freedom that an engraver might vainly attempt to counterfeit, end with & beauty that he could not excel. ' Be bad taught ponmanship ‘and book keeping to classes before ho was appointed.to a* position in the High-School, and even after his appointment he continued to te&oh them. His style.,of penmanship wos original, peculiar, and very heat and plain. He issued a system com prising ten. books, which are now familiar to most of 'the soholarsof Philadelphia, and to many in the United States. In his system the letter ois pointed at the top in all of its combinations; the loops of letters aro well proportioned; in the in and it. only the last descending stroke is made, heavy, the angles at the turning points aro not very acute; a peculiar v is mode by connecting a direct and an inverted *; and the convenient German fis insisted upon., Since he left the High'Sobool bo issued a supplementary number to ms curront sorios, and al& a splendid work oh Ornamental Penmanship, which we believe to be the most masterly work of its kind that has boon issued in America. Tho de yartment of drawing was considerably extended in the hands of Professor Booker, and, his course, a few years after his appointment, included plain and ornamental ponmanship, book-keeping (Booker’s), graphics, drawing from engraved models, perspec tive, drawing from solid object*, ami mechanical drawing.. Professor Beckor was a busy teacher; he lost no time, and did not allow his pnpils to lose any. He wos vory successful' in his department, and, muoh to the disappointment of the Controllers, be accepted of a similar professorship in Girard College, in April, 1853, which position he has con tinned'to fill, with eminent success, until the pre sent time. -Francis A. Brogy, professor of tho Fronch and Spanish languages, was appplnted in May, 1843, a few months after the elootion of Professor Hurt to the Prinolpalship, and resigned his position in December, 1858, but two months after the resigna tion of tho same gentleman; so that their terms of aernoe in the Hign.School nearly equal oaoh other. Professor Bregy is a native Frenchman, audfor ten years ho filled the chair of French literature and the higher mathematics in the College Royal at Mens. In the High School he succeeded Professor Deloutte. At first he taught both Fronch and Spanaeh, but in 1854 Spanish was discontinued. He has a thorough mathematical' education, and at various times his services have. been uscfql in teaching descriptive geometry and algebra. As teacher, in some rospeots, Professor Bregy was the very reverse of his predecessor. He. was always warm, animated, .rapid, and onthusinatio.- Upon any subjeotho flung himself atonoo in vied las rea f and the reoitaUous of his classes, always characterised by impetuosity, and vigor, would sometimes almost eloocrify like the stir and anima tion of a battle. His loves and his hates ware in tense; consequently his praise and his blame wore earnest, qaiok, and peremptory ; bat in tho midst of excitement he never ceased to be master of him salfand of tho momont. His friendship for his pupils was always fervent and woll-dofined ; and their attachment for him was equally ardent. Like Professors Becker and Deloutte, he left the High School for a professorship in tho Girard College, in which position be it at present engaged. Mania H. Boye, professor of chemistry and na tural philosophy, was elected in November, 1845, but his whole tuna was not secured by the Board of Control until May, 1851. Previous to 1851; tho department of this protestor hod occupied a subor dluiite position In the School, and instruction had been limited to the four highest divisions. From that time to the present this department has taken rank with tho others, os it deservedly should in a city so oelebratod for its commerce and manufac tures, and in a State remarkable for its mineral wealth and agricultural importance. ■ In 1852, ft laboratory was attached to the lecture-room, and a superior achromatic microscope and othor vKluablo apparatus were famished for the use of pupils in this department. Profwasor Boyo was thoroughly verted in all tho wonders, intricacies, and manipulations of tho branches ho taught, lie was joint author, with Professor Booth, of a standard and able work on chemistry. In tho High School, owing to a combi nation of natural philosophy and chemistry in one professorship, his teaching and lectures wero’spa eifio and peouliar. alllgating In tho same lesson or lecture those topics of both sciences which could be made to oohero or coalesce.' The course, with much othor matter, included leoturos upon tho nt moephore; the theory and nee of tho air-pump, barometer, hydrometer, steam engine, microscope, tclcsoope, galvanic battery, ana magnetic tele graphy-the general properties orgasos; tho phe nomena of heat, light, liquefaction, and ovaporiza 'tion; the manufacture or gunpowder, glass, porce lain, iron, and stool, copper and its alloys, and lead in its'different preparations; the theory of combustion, of chemical affinity, £c., and a re- Striated oourfio of organic chemistry. Professor Boy©, in February last, resigned his position In the High School, and retired, we believe, to priv&to Ufo. .Frederick A. Eoese, professor of German, was elected in Juno. 1854. He had taught in this de portment gratuitously from Maylith, 1852. The utility of introducing the German language into the course of instruction has boon much questioned by some,' but there appears to ns to bo more imme diate practical benefit resulting from its study than from that of the French language. In lite rary attd scientific treasure it is second to no living language. It is intimately connected with the Saxon, from which most of our expressive and idiomntio English is derived. It is the only lan guage in which many thousands of the inhabitants of onr country oan bo. intelligibly addressed; and, according to the opinion of many competent judges, It is not inferior to the Greek.'either as a means for disciplining and expanding the mind, or as a language remarkable for its almost oxhaustless va riety of expression, for its possible expansion or compressibility, and forits great purity and power. Professor Koeso is deeply versed in the literature of Germany, and his method of instruction is re gular, poll and effective; bnt his de fiartment bad not fairly become established before t was sacrificed to a demand for retrenchment made by our city councils in 1855. ’ Onthefinfof Soptembor in that year. Professor Roeso resigned faU position, and immediately commenced the tor matlon of private classes. Henry Havcvstlck, professor of the Latin lan guage, was elected in 1844, and ho still retains his professorship. - The Greek language was tmight in this department, commencing with the third year of the students’ progress. In 1854, It was omitted as a study, in accordance with a resolution passed by the Board of Control. In 1 readjusting thd stu dies in 1856. etymology was added to tho studies of this professor. According to the last order of exorcises prepared by Professor Hart, the study of the Laiiu languago was limited to the two years at the beginning of a pupißs course , This wo consi der a very Injudicious arrangement. It almost sa crifices a Tory Important literary branch,- and ap parently without great reason.. For reasons before mentioned, we forbear criticising the methods and manners of those professors who remain in tho in stitution. In our soxt number we shall close our account of Professor Hart’s administration; and in the one following it, we stull conclude tho history of the High School. Aluuxus. Sgtsrstitxox ik Louisville.' —Wo learn from a LouUviUe, Ky. f friond, now in this city, whose residence is noar the haunted spot, that night after night there are.from five.hundred to one thousand persons gathered on Broadway, noar the oorner of Sixth street, to witnoss the va garies nf a ghost, eaid toriso from a. large pilo of paving stones, to assume the appearance of a white itagy oolcmu, and to more slowly forward, eomo hundred yards or so, and then disappear. Our in formant says he has not boon able to find the man who has actually seen tho phantom. The old Marquis Capponl, who was once styled by M. Thiers “ the firstbitlzen in Europe,” name down to the Palazzo Vecohio to give his vote for tho downfall of tho house of Lorraine. He is Stone blind, and IRONING. «|i 'WASHING AND IRONING DONE xlriotlj to brifemale ■ operatives. , Mrs. DONOVAN. - . if ia.lf._- Bop*TiniißDdftdL f/imtm & ,SMlTn j; corner .SECOND Bad GREEN, have acquired a groat reputation by prudent, coarse they have pursued anioe their commencement in business, by selling a first-rato ; prtiele at alow figure. * *H-tf A-v-: j-'ercJr EDUCATIONAL. t SAUNDERS’S ' INSTITUTE —W E S T © PHILADELPHIA INSTITUTE. The ground* or this Seminary aro Seven Acbes in i xtent. -Pupils remain through tho cntiredny—or from londay morning to Friday evening—or through the whole eossion.. . ... .. hi" w . No Seramary is more select. It is situated on the wost Philadelphia. Railway, at MAfeKLTand WILLI AM btß. Address Pr,»fossor.3i.D.BACNDEH«. ■ ; SBLKCTNEBS marks this 89mmarv T no youth wlmt ©verof rude mawiorsand neglected habits being re ceived into jL . . . ■ Among othors, tho following gentlomonhavo placed sons or wards inthis Institute: , n . . __ < Hon. N. B. Browno, Judge Robertson, Va., Cspt. Vogilos, U. 8, A., Chief Juatieo Lewis, Hon. Wm. Bnrier, Matthew Isowkirk, Thoa. MeiskilJ, La George H. Martin, ; William Wilstach, Hon. Francis tapes, Flu*, l Judge J, Liinpkins, Ga. • W. &. Swain, La. Ledger, ; Rev. Dr. Newton, Morton M{'Michael. I Judge Conrad, La., . ,Rov. IJr. Blackwood, ' Cftpt. Nowton, U.o. A., Col. Forney,-Lu. I'rosn. i sH-3t IfUSIO.—A. R. TAYLOR, Teacher of Singing and Piano* 676 North TWELFTH Street, tyelow Coates. sl3-ltn* EUSTOK’S writing academy, 8. E. corner EIGHTH and SANSOM Streets, Opendailr tromO A. M.tbaP. M. f f To Gentlemen a rapid nud “Icgant busmans hand is imparted. To Ladies a neat and graceful epistolary style. Classes Private, 'Cardswritten, and every do scnptiop of Penmanship neatly executed. 61.1-3 m POLYTECHNIC COLLEGEOFTHE BTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHiLAnRLrniA. j Incorporated 1853. and organized with a lulL Facility on the vlan of the Industrial Colleges of Pans nndGer muny; comprises a Preparatory Department and Four TECHxrcAi. Schools, vu: • ThoBchoolofMlNEB. The School of PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. The School of CIVII. ENGINEERING. The School of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. , , ‘ ArohUecture, and Topographical and Mcohnnic&l Drawing are included in tho Engineering Course, and the most - extended Field and Laiorafori/ practice is "‘teUu, Annual Session will bogin on MONDAY, September 19th, 1855). For Catalogues and further mlor motion, address I>R-A. L. KENNEDY, , e ]2-2w President of Faculty. TVO. 230 SOUTH FOURTH STREET.— 1 ’ Mr, THUNDER has resumed his professional practice. a!0-l2t* AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE.— Schools and Families supplied with competent Teachers, and Teaohers with positions. Parents gra tuitously supplied with School Ciroulars. ■ Refer to—Faculty Amherst College, Mass. ;Dr. Low ell Mason: Prof. Geo.F. Root; Mafeon Brothers} Hon. Tiieo. Frounghuyscn. L.L. D.» President Rutgors Col- J.: Dr. William Curtis, .Limestone Springs, S. C.: Hon. John C. Rives, Washington, D. C.; Hon. Alf«rt Pike, Lit,lo Pock. Ark. rooDMAN , fc ( Sl6 BROADWAY, New York, and s!5-3t .. ‘609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelnh n. IWUSIO AND SlNGlNG—Thorough In- JLwJL struotionon the Piano by a Lady Teaoher, at her own residence or that of her ruin Is. Terms—24 let Sons, filQ. Address “ Music Teaoner,*' Blood’s Dispatch. sl6-3t* ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUBT Street, west of Sixteenth, will, D. V., re open on HONDA Y f September lith. at 9A. Si. Applications for admission, if made before the begin ning of the term, should be made to the Principal. J. ANDREWS HARRIB, A. M., auM-wf&ra-tf 1607 RACE Street. HI US. GERTRUDE J. CARY will resume J-fA the duties of her School, ns usual, on MONDAY, September 12th. Northwest corner SPRUCE and JU NIPER. s7-wfm-Hn* HfTSS DYCKMAN, formerly Professor of LYA the Piano, and member of the Jury of Admission in the Royal Conaervatorioat Bniasols. will resume giv ing lessons September 16th, No. 1619 CHESTNUT St. 810-Gt* , M™ ESDAMES CHEGARAY AND D’HER VILLY'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PHILADELPHIA, No. 18$ LOGAN SQUARE, VINE . STREET. Madame CHEGARAY respectfully informs her friends and tho pubho in general, that independently of her Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her niece, Jtfmo. PKfiVOST, m NEW YORK, sh* in tends, in connection with her niece. Mine. D lIER VILLY, opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution on precisely the same plan ns the one above mentioned. ’ The Principals will answer applications and recoivo visiters on and after the 12th day oi September, and the School will open on tho 16»h. nn3l-lin* MISS M. IV. HOWES WILL REOPEN ifJL- her School for Youn< Ladies, at 1334 CHESTNUT street. MONDAY. September 12. au26-dtsc!7-Btuth2w* IVfISS C. A. BURGIN WILL RE-OPEN •**J» her School for Young Ladies on September 12, 1859. Circulars may bo obtained at the Schoolroom, 911 WALNUT Street, where application for admission may he made, on and after September 6th, from 10 to 12 o’clock. 1 Rar SRBNCBi.— Rev. Albert Barnes, Wra..B. Page, M. D. f Prof, C. D. Cleveland, Ambrose White, Goorge Trott,li. Johnson.. aug-lm* HffUSIC AND SINGING.—MISS LIZZIE IfJl CARROLL would respectfully inform her friends and the pubho that she has resumed the duties.of her profession.' Scholars will be received atherresidenco, N 0.622 South TENTH Street, or taught at tlicirown home*. She refers with confidence to any of her pupils, or to Mr. Conrad Meyer, Piano Manufacturer. Terms moderate. auSC-lm (MARY L. STACKHOUSE WILL OPEN XfJ. her Boardin* and Day-School for Girls, No. 1030 SPRING GARDEN Street, on .the Ist of September. For Ciroulars apply to the Pnnoipal. auggrlm* ]M IBS LUCY R* MAYER AND MRS. R. IfX M. BIRD will reopen thoir School for Young Ladies.at 1216 CHESTNUT Btreet, on MONDAY.the 6th of September. ; au26-3w HKMAN ALLEN, A. M.» Teacher of the VIOLIN and PIANO. Mr. Allen may be applied to at the residence of bis fattier. Professor Allen. No. 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street. sQ-lm THE HEMANS INSTITUTE.—Rev. JAS. J. HELM will open, Septotpbor 12, his Sohool for the higher edujntion of a limited number of Young La dies. Persons to whom he is not personally known are referred to Prof. C. D Cleveland, Prol. Charles Short, Rev. Dr*. Morion, Stevens. Wilmor. Howe. Furness, and ntliera. RBSIDBNOK, 1315 WALNUT Ktraet; 8011001.. 1313 CHESTNUT’ Street. s6-Ht MRS. BARTON’S boarding ' DAY SCHOOL FQR YOUNG LAMES. No. lto CHESTNUT Slroet.Hlbu The WmterTerm will open on the second MONDAY in September. Young Ladies received of snr age—and taught whatever pertains to a thorough Education. French spoken ip the family. For Circulars and par tlculara. npplv as above. an2s-l)W&Cal-6w SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. N, E. cor. EIGHTH ano BUTTONWOOD Streets.— Resumes rfutiss MON DAY, September 6th.- Number limited; all pupils un der tne immediatecaro of tho Principal; tnegovern ment is that of purely “ moral auamon reports sent to Barents weekly j the MoraL Intellectual, and Physical jKlocotjpn of Born will be carefully and conscientious y attended to. Catalogues gratuitously at the Academy, or 459 North Eighth street. . . a u2s-ftw F. LONG, Principal. PiESSN INSTITUTE.—T!;e Session will JL commence on MONDAY, (he 6th of September. The object of tl/ia Institution is to prepare pupils for Collcxo or Ijusmosß. lu ?/Sngmpli»hing this .object, ra- 1 pidity. ami espeoially tborougtoqw.nre desirable:and to l>e thorough requires not only that toe general diffi onlties mustw met, but thereof eqrh individual. . : The method adopted for giving instruction, is to be- Ke a co-laborer with tho pupil, efforts being made to i him lead, and reserving for the teacher to point out errors, remove doubts, or suggest the manuer of pro- Oo ForXamp!ifriftff the principlesof the various branch • as of Natural Bcteircb, apparatus is fully provided, and for practical operations in Surveying, a first-class tran sit of Philadelphia manufacture la 4ur;}iskod. Besides pursuing the various Studies Wita Tovt books, Lectures are delivered in regular order on Natural Phi losophy, Chemigtyy, Geology. Mythology, etc. . The Rooms 'occupied are jhoso on the sooond, third, and 'fourth stories of the 'boiling at the S. K, oornor of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, entrance on Filbert street * they are large and fredy ventilated .and afford amnia apofla for Reoitation, Lecture* Play Rooms. Thny are now open fronn 9 o clock A* M. to 1 o'clock p. hL» where ImftUH may be ob au23-'tf R. BTEWART. Principal* PRICE-STREET ACADEMY, GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE ‘H» BARKER, PRINCIPAL, Th' Fall Torm of this Institution commences Septem ber oth, 1659. The course of instruction comprises nil tbo branches of a thorough English Education, together with the Latin, Greek, anu French Languages. aui2-tf THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. RE MOVED from No. 13QJ FILBERT Street to No. 157 North TENTH Street, will reopen on MONDAY. September 6th. Boys prepared for College or Business, Alt branches of a completo English education, the Clas sics, Mathematics, and Modem Languages, are taught after a system which insures thoroughness and rapid progress. 'Ciroularfl to be had at the School. 0. BEIDENSTICKER, No. W North TENTH Btreet. Rxpxsbncxs.—Rev. Mr. J. A. Vaughan, Rev. Mr. J. 11. A. Bombergor, Rev. Mr. win. H. Furness, Beniamin Gerhard, Beg., Arthur W. Little, Lpq., Clins. Short, Esq., Prof* Joseph Laidy, prof. Cornelius Felton, Cara bridge; Theodore Sedgwick - . Rag., New York. auJS-Iro* The misses aertsen’s school for YOUNG LADIES. PRICE STREET, GERMANTOWN. The Fail Term will begin on the FIRST MONDAY in September, Instruction in th« ufijai Enolish bbahches, with Latin, Fftgxcir, and Drawi.vq. au!6-tf The misses ewjng will open a „ SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIf.B AND CHIL DREN, oi | MONDAY, September 6th, at 937 SPRUCE Street, where Circulars may be obtained. Rbfebencb?. —fiev, Albert Barnes, Rev. TV. W. Spear. D. D., Prof. C, D. Cleveland. aul7-ow* The arch-street institute for YOUNG LADIES.—The Eleventh Session will commence on MONDAY . September 6th, 1669. For cir culars apply at 1315 ARCH Street, one door oast of Brovd. aulfi-fw* apie L. Iff. BROWN, Principal. The classical and English SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY. A. M.. No, IMS MARKET Street, will reopen on THURSDAY, Scp temberjsL aua-lm" The misses casey and mrs. dee- BE’B Boarding And Day School for Young Ladies. 1703 WALNUT Street, reopens WEDNESDAY. Sep ember 7th. au3-2m THOS. BALDWINS ENGLISH MATHE MATICAL and CLASSICAL SCOOL FOR BOYS, N, E. corner of BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Bep tember Ist. auZMm* OPHE BUBSCBIBER WILD REOPEN HIS -I- School, at 1530 LOCUST fityept, Boptemhor 6. au27-4w* U, KENDALL. RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY—N- ft. cor ner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, entrance on Eighteenth street. The next Session wilJ commence SEPTEMBER FIFTH. JBW. JOHN* H. \vffsiCOTT.i Frinoipflla. ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, FRANKFORD. PENNSYLVANIA, six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. , The eourflo of instruction in this Bohool is comprohen nvo and thorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution will do veil to mnko rro.a Bl iiaW J r.pplic,im, lT tn oMp8 o N , s3-tf Principal and Bnperlntonrient. Annie churchman has removed her BOARDING end DAY BCHOOL U» No. M 8 FRANKLIN Street, above Poplar. Term commences September fith. aul3-lm* Bryant & stratton’S national MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, 8. E. oorner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT? New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For in formation, pall or wand for Catalogue. faC-tf CENTRAL INSTITUTE, N.W. CORNER of TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Sireota, will bo renoenod MONDAY, SaPtomliar 6-. Boy, orapared tor any DIVIBION in tho PUBLIC GRAMMAR BCILOOLB, for BUSINEBS, or for COLLEGE. fly2lCvr‘ ■ , H. G. McGjJIRE, A. M.. Principal, classical institute, yj DEAN STREET, below LOCUST. Tho duties of tho Classical Institute will bo resumed on Monday, SeptemberMh. au27»lro . S. ~W> FAIRES. A. W„ Principal. THE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY WILL reopen on MONDAY. September 6th, 1853. The Principal will receive a limited number of Boys into his family. J. H. WITHINGTON. A. M., aul7-6w* Principal. FRIENDS’ ACADEMY FOR BOYS, East of 41 North ELEVENTH Street, will reopen the 29th Inst.' AH denominations admitted. $l2 per Termof22weekß. au27-3m* WM, WHITALL. HAMS* —100 tierces extra Sugar-cured covered Hunt* pocked by Gardner, Phipps, & Co., Henry Lewie, Jno, onay,, Beatty &. Tapsontt. Helatt A wooi, State, aw! !](> ARCH Stroef. sarond dnnr whovw Front. HAVANA CIGARS —Of the following celebrated brands* Cabanas, F|?aro, Home do Oro, Gloria, Espanolft, Upninnn, Neptnim, Pruebese, Venlad, , Vegas, &0., Ben., 9co. yr.atlsises and qualities) on hand and constantly re ceiving from Havana. and for sale low by ml,-Hi, CHARLES TKTE, m WALNUT, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRiDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1859. NOTICES. NO TIC E—DEPARTMENT OP EUR URVEYOk° FF I CE OF CHIEF ENGINEER AND Piiilaukumiia, Sept. 6,18 W. Plans of the EIGHTH SECTION of the Survoy and Regulntion of the 'i'wont)-first ward, bounded Northward by Erie avanuo, Southward by AHoghojiy Avenue, Eastward by PißoonUi street, and westward by Thirtieth street. Pan of the SECOND DIVISION of said Tweut)-first ward, bounded Northeastward by Township lino mad, or Wißsahickon street, Southeastward by Logan avo nuo.nnd Southwestwnrd by the river SontiylkiU, ami TEN PHSI’CTION of the township of Blook/ej'.jn tho Twonty-fourth ward, bounded Northward by Columbia avenue, Southward ly Havorford road ami Torrnvo iuo, Eastward by Fifty.sixth Btreot. and Westward by bxty-sixth stroot, aro now prepared for pubho inspec tion at tho Offices of SURVEYORS and REGULA TORS of the Eighth and Eleventh Survey. Districts, and at the Office of this Department. City Building, FIFTH below Walnut street, and the Board of Surveyors have appointed MONDAY, the 19th instant, at 10 o’clock A. M.» to consider any objections that may bo urged thereto 1,7 m! cMzca hMrmlei strioHland kneass. s9-dt!9th Chief Enginoor and Surveyor. NUTloE.—Dealers m Good- year’s Patent Vulonnizod Rubber Suspenders, Sraids. Webs, and all othor fabrics and articles made >y combining fibrous substano.os with thread* or sheets of vuloatuzeu rubber, arc notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by ny authority, thoy cannot be legally difiposeq of in the Jnited States. Merchants and doalors arc invited to ex amine specimens now in store, and to orders or the Spring Trade to tho undersignod, OWNER OF THE TITLES. A>ID EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for thesa goods, which ombraoo all tho styles heretofore manufactured or ira ®Ai!s6?i d IOB8&E8rp MANUFACTURE ftnj SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me At N,.y CUURTLAjfpT 8.t.e., ATOTlOE.—Persons having business with 1* the FLOUR INSPECTOR will oall at No. 14 VINE Street, between the hours of 9 o’clock and 3 f: fcmWita find ““ '“'rsrf/A'MT 11 '’ JelT Flour Inspector. BREAD, pURE AND CHEAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN BE OBTAINED AT THK FOr.LOWINO TLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. corner of Broad and Vino streets. J. GRAVENSTINE. W. comer of TwelfUi and Wallace streets. C.M. CLARK.PopIar street, below Tenth. H. MoREIL..~~ —— E. corner Sixth and Coates street. MRS. S.BECK No. 405 Oaliowhill street. S. PANCOAST- 910 Spring Garden street. JOHN G. MOXEY_. No. 1223 Vino street, T. P. SMITH.™ .No. 115 North Fifth street. T. C. H0RNER.„.~.~..8. E. corner Fifth and Spruce streots. W. W. MATHEWS. .8. E. corner Eleventh and D. KNIGHT. .«-* «*«Broad street, 6 be*low Wal- nut. GEORGE QARYIN -. .No. 1419 Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.—.N. W..corner Sixteenth and Pine streets. S. R. MASON.—— .Fourth and Germantown Rond. 8. R. W-ANAMAKER...—..FedoraI street, above Sixth. Z. LENTZ——--—-•Corner South Fourth and Johnston streets. L. HOLLAND. ~. .8. W.corner Sixteenth and Ogdon street*. DAVID SADDLER..-. -No. 260 North Eleventh street. J, WEIGHTMAN -. .B. E. corner Elovonth and Jefferson streets. S. 8. TOMKINS.- «-.->.No. IWO North Front street. H. 8R00K8..n,, r~r— r- —H. W. corner of Seventh . and Pine street*. _ JANE MYERS.—Contes street, below Thir teonth street. F. M. W00D..,1., .t, R. W.oornM iFranklinand Coates .eots. F. MPRRT g i ■ —--N. W. comer Tenth and Bhippon streets. E. B. TURNER.^——.-..N0. 1216 South Front street. J. SHUSTER. ....S. W. comer Broad and - Parrish streets. THOB. T.ELEST^———.Comer Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. 8. SOWN , i -V- E. corner Ninth and Federal streets. J. MoINTYRE .Twenty-second street, ab. Coates. E. W. HUNTER, . CoatCß street, above Se venteenth. ALEX. FULLERTON—.Corner of Fifth and Chris- tian. J. L. HICKS .Caindcn, N. J., store 119 Arch street. C. H. RAINIER... ■ , Tll Wn»t Philadelphia, 86th at. ab. Haverford road. R. L. YARNELL. Leant, Penna. JOHN BARNDT,..—...—~Tremtmt and Pine Grove, Penna. M. B. BOX r — Reading, Tenna. GEO. B. TOWNSEND. West Chester, Penna GEO. L. BECKER..——~ Atlantio City, N. J. JAMES GARLAND...—.CapeMay.N.J. D. HORTON....—Florence,N.J. JOHN BODD Wilmington. Del. Je2-tf MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. Corner IYJ. BROAD and VINK Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment is now in successful[operation, day and night, and all am respectfully invited to osil and see the whole procoss of bread-making for themselves. The undersigned takes the liberty of saving that for thirty-five years fie has been a practical Hakor—five as apprentice, and five as journeyman in one of the first houses in Scotland, and twenty-fivo ns master—during which time lie has had the opportunity of making many experiments, and observing all the improvements which have been made during that period. In this establishment, of which lie has now the man agement, in addition to the complete laltor-saving ma chinery, no has Uow facilities of many kinds not hereto fore possessed. Being unrestrained in the puyobafO of flour, rjono but tlie soundest and best sunt! ever bo usod; and he lias no hesitation in say-ins that Bread of nllkimls can l>e de livered. unsurpassed in Quality and weight by that made by the ordinary process. Families in which the Bread made by the Mechanical Bakery has not been tried, or in which it has been tried only at its commencement, before the machinery was in perfect working order, are respeotfully asked to give it atrial now, the undersigned believing it would load to mutual advantage, JOHN G. MOXEY. ray24-tf Superintendent. SAVING FUNDS. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO *3 CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 99} North THIRD Street C. Landreth Munne, Henry Diflenddrfer. Mon?y is received ana payments made daily. The investments are mace, in oonformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and snob securities as will al ways insuro perfect seoymy to tho depositors, and wmoh cannot Tail to give permanency and stability to this Institution. fiyl-iy S~VING FUND.—UNITED STATIC TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Large and small sums reogived, and paid back on de mand without notice, with fav£ PER DENT, INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day .of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, and on MONDAY JTVENINGB from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, aud Scotland, from AT upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—JAMEB R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK. Actuary, " A little, out qf)ep, fills the Purse.** EjIRANKLIN SAYING FUND— No. 136 Bouth FOURTH Street, between Chestnut ami Walnut) Philadelphia, pays ail De posits o» demand. Depositors 1 money secured by Government State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mortgages, &o. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no, risk with deposi tors* mpney, but have it at all times ready to re turn with $ per oent. interest to the owner, os they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married pr single, and Minors can deposit inAheir own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the Btate of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ney from trustees and exooutors. LARGE iNp SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 8 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings uutalfio’ollr. DIRECTORS. Jacob D. Shannon, Cvrus CadwaUoder, John Shindler. George Russel), Malaehi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis KrumWiaar, Henry Debmr, Nicholas Rittenbouse, Nathan Bmedley, . Jos. ft. fc6ihprthwaito, Ephyaim Blanoliard, Crnus Cad v/alludes, Treasurer. __ dIB-y 41 A Dollar saved is twice earned/’ HOTELS, WETIIEIIILL IJOUSP, SAN SOM * " Street west of Sixth.—This deservedly favorite S lace having boon purchased by the undersigned, will oreafter be conducted on the most enterprising scalo. The best Game, Oysters, and Refreshments, prepared in the choicest stylo, and tho finest Liquors, from the most popular importing houses, always on hand. The patronage of the publio is respectfully mntod T , . , „ JODN j. bartram. Hr Private Rooms for Suppers, Arbitrations. Com nuttocß, Societies, ike. slO-lin •THE UNION, ARCH BTREET, ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. UPTON 8. NEWCOMER. The situation of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to the wants of the Business Publio; anato those in sonrob of Pleasure, Passonger Railroads, which now run past, and inclose proximity..affords cheap and pleasant ride to All planes of interest in nr about the nitf. fv 11-tfro BHUSHEB. The cheapest brush house in PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the following list of prices for llandsorubs, and compare them with those bought elsewhere .* No. J, 63 knots, tamper dozen. k:l: " •" No. 4, 80 knots. WO 44 No.S, 83 knots, 1)8 M No. 6,100 knots, 126 “ No, 7,104 Knots, 160 44 No. 8, 190 knots, 176 44 HENHY C. ECKSTEIN, 63 North THIRD Street, Ikjlow Aroh, Philadelphia, HAVANA CIGARS tillered to dealers at favorable ratps, or various sizes and brands, in cluding rartajias, Cabana, KinßTo.liono, Bird.Floren tina, Fir® Fly, and 91A FHOKT RlroAt Grain mills grain mills—For the Farm and Plantation, TIj*IRON-BURR MILL has no equal for Grinding Fine Meal. Feed, Coffee, Spi ces, etc., l»y hand or power. Price 98, S2s,andB«. Now in operaton at 123 South BKCONP Street. Agents wanted in every county and State, tiy aul7-3m F. FAHRKL A CO. INSUIUNCE COMPANIES, jyOHTIIKHN ASSUBANUE COMPANY, KHTAULIBIIKI) IN IMB. FIRE AND LIFE. INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABEUDKBN, BDINBUROU, GLAS GOW, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. ®0, 298,800. ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OF RLOOO.WO. Policies guarantied by the unlimited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders, Losses promptly adjusted and paid without reforenoo to London, by WILLIAM GETTY, Agent for the united states. OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA BANK, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES, Messrs. STUART tc BROTHER, 13 Bank street. “ MYERB. CLAGHORN, tc CO., 232 Marketst, “ ~ WM. MoKBB A CO., 23 South Front street. ** MoCUTCIIKN Sc COLI.INH, 8. W. oorner Front and New streets. “ SMITH, WILLIAMS, k CO., 613 Market st. “ JAMES GRAHAM k C0.,20 and 22 Letitiast. JOSEPH B. MITCHELL, Esq., President Mechanics’ Bank. JAMES DTJNLAP, Esq., President Union Bank. Hon. WILLIAM A. PORTER, 023 Walnut stroot, late Judge Supreme Court. jyfi-tuth&s tf IJVHE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, FARQ.UHAR BUILDINGS, No. 280 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1867, unde r the General Insuranoe Law of Pennsylvania. .... $600,000 200,000 _ 114,800 Authorized Capital..—. Subscribed Capital...... Paid up Capital - INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: Bond and Mortgages, first lieu $62,170 Bank, Railroad, and other Stooks and So ourities.-.^.54,000 Cash in 8atik........ 8,630 $114,800 Insures only against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. Also.onCAßGOESand FREIGHT tpand frmnali parts of the world, And Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, on favorable terms. OFFICERS. CHARLES G.JMLAY, President. WM. WRIGHT, Vice President. 0. C. BUTLER. SeoreUry. H. G. HAMHOKGKH, AaaistantSeoreUry. DIRECTORS. William ImUy, William Wright* F. F. Torroy, Jno. Tonner. wm. B. Gruub, Charles G. Imlay, Jasper Harding, 0. C. Butter, Henry K. Strong* D. D. Jones. Alonzo Butler* J. H. Hayes, marlB-tf American fire insurance co., INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPET UAL. No. 310 "WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested m sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on Dwellings, Stores. Furniture, Merchandize, Vessels iu Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRBCTORS. John T. Lewis, James R. Campbell, , Edmund G. Dutilh, Chos. W. Poultne?, Israel Morris. George Abbott, John Welsh, Samuel C. Morton* Patrick Brady* GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Secretary. Ja23-lyif Life insurance and trust com- PANY.-THK PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Assets, $902,225 2Q. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of life—grants Annuities and endowments— purchases life interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They not as Executors, Administrators, Assignees Trustees, and Suardtsn.^,^ Daniel L. Miller, Bainnel S. Stokes* Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Kipnard 8. Nowbold* James B. MoFarland* William I*. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, Samuel C. Husy., Theophilus Paulding, Charles llallowell, EfJlhund A. Bonder, Henry C. Townsend* Daniel L. Hutchinso*. RodQlphus Kent, John w. Hornor, William H. Carr, Kills S. Arohor, P. V. Dullow, Samuel J. Christian* William Robertson* Jqaeph M. Thomas, Warnor M. lUein, John G. Brenner, J’. 8. Miehier, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER. President. BAML. K. HTOKEB, Vice Pres't. John W* Ho r.sok. Beoretarr. ntiJS-Jy . THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. P*. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 408 WALNUT BtreeL CHARTER PERPETUAL, CAPITAL $200,000 SURPLUS IW.OOO KIRK, MARINE, AND INLAND INSURANCE. Firo Insurance, limited ntid perpotual, onßuildmgimnd McrelinniliHO of nil descriptions. Mnrino lusurnnee, inland and Ocoan, on VosseU, Freight nnd Cargo to and from aU parts of the World. OFFICERS. H. K, COO'iiSHAM,. toorelnrr. 8. 11. BUTLKB, Ass t Secretary. George H. Ilnrt, BtI Tr;.V. Heller. hosier H. Pertani, H. K. OomliaU, Bmnuel Jones, M. I)., Jion. H. M. Fuller, aul y\ELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN INCOI!PORAIku A BY F T?n; X LEufsLA TEH SOt PRNNS YLVA NIA , 183 ft. omoii ft *3. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Btrpets, Philadelphia, o xvrUUr lti * vl * lvw, repij*>yiv*«nifc Railroad 2d Mortgage * * . 04}f oejif. 45,37ft 00 830,0Q0, North PenhsjJvnma Railroad Mort ' gageC-tP’cent Bonds.l2.QW CO SJS,QQO,3Qi) shares slqclc Oetnmntown Oas . Company,lDtorest'and principal eijUafttied py the city of PhiJa a«ipnia..v, 14,w500 $3,000,100 shares J'onjwr) vatita R&Urpid rr Company 4,437 g) s6,ooo,looshares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company «... J $2,660, Sundry shares Philadelphia 100 Boat Company, Havre do Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Sa vannah Btonm Navigation C0m ,,0,0 00 $310,700 00 %)di noJ Mortjwgen, nnJ Koal Kjtaid, nr.-' r BMn&'ojvj&Te for foqVrVlioOß lliVde!Jol.66B 30 Bnlanrn duo nl on Mn rimS loluMcp Voccnljj Iwued-M Oitior dews duo iJjo CQin^ny. ..,........... .. ffl.m l Soup nad of lr.si}riijjce Cqpipfv- Caah on Depoalt in liabß DIRECTORS. William Martin* Joseph H. Soul, Edmund A. Houder, John CTDAvbJ, John R. Penrose, George G. Loiper* tdward Darlington* r. R, M. Huston, Mham C. Ludwig, Kygti Craig, Spencer hrljy&ine, Charles Kelly, H. Jones Brooke, Jaoob P. Jones* WILLIA THOS. C. IfEtfRY LYLIJURN.Sooi Xarim C. Hand, Theophilun Pauldlnt, James TrMuatis Wjllww Evre, Jr,, J. F. Penwlon, Joftida P. Eyro, Samuel K, Stokes, Honry Sloan. Janies B. M’Knrland, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Uprton, John B. Bomplo, Pittab’gi p.T.Mprsan, M , J. T. Lgtan, “ lM MARTIN, President, »• HAND, Vioe President, iretary. mhM-dtf Fame insurance company, no. 411 CHESTNUT street, CONFINED TO FIRe"aND INLAND RISKS. DISKCTOns: Bamvsl WatoHT of Wncht, Bros., tc Co. William W. Walters, William Ryan k Co. Charles Eittardbon.. J. C. Howe k Co. Geohob A. West .. West, Fobcs. 4 Lloyd. Babclay LirpiNcoTT.., Llppiufrott, Hynter, &. Sootl Jacob W. Stout. ........ ChafTSos;gtoUt, fc Co. Hknry Lewis, Jr...... Lewis, Bnii., A Co. David B. Bihnky Davis k JJtmcy, A. H. Rosenheim...... , Rosenheim, Brooks, A Co, John fl. Ellison John B. Ellison ft Sons. John W.Evehmax..... John W. Everman k Co, Thomas 8. Martin Savaro k Martin. GMJROE W. DAY, President. , „ JONATHAN J 7 SLOCUM, Vtoo Pres’L WILLIAMS I. DLANCHARD, Sec’y. TNSURANCE company of the a BTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXOILANOE BUILD- Chartered in 1794—Capital 82Q0,0Q0-A?w»U, January 1, 1853. $347,445 £0 JUO. .All invested in Round and available seoimtics-oon* tinuo to msure on VessolsanilCargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Morohawma, k o.. on liberal tonus. Henry P. SherrB^ IKBCT [I. Sfijnrl, Simeon Toby. flanmol Grant, Jr/» Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas «. Wattson, fel\n U, Build, Henry 0. Freeman, William R. white, Charles 8. Lewis, George C. Carson. „ flI _ T HENRY D, SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HAR PVR. Secretary. je9-wfm*.f rrnm Robert morris fire insu- A RANGE COMPANY Or PHILADELPHIA, 409 WALNUT STREET. This Company insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public and Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally. The following provision in the Policies ofthis Com pany guaranties their security when assigned as col lateral t ' “ This policy shall not bo invalidated, or in any wise afleoted, after its assignment as n collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage, and the approval of such as signment by the office, by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged premises, bv the owner of the mime.” DIRECTORS. # Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John llulmo, Robert Ckirko, Isaac 8. Waterman, jJavij Balonion, Edward G. J&mon, William Vanderveer, Joseph Janney, Theodoro Cuvier, Joseph it. Collins, Samuel Costner, PAUL T. JONES. PresTd r' „ „ WM. VAfIUERVEER, Vice Fre.iJ.nt, GILBERT fI.STKftMNO. RftOrotlV' IT)t7-II Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 413 WALNUT Street Philadelphia, _ _ „ DIRECTORS. Thos.L. Luderi, Win. F. Leech, j. Edgar Thomson, Row. w. D. Truitt. M. W. Baldwin, Win. K. Hnmlm, John 0. James, If. H. SlulUngford, A. J. Bnoknor, 0. K. Spangler, John W, Sexton. H. 11. Houston, William KaiKuei, Win. H. Love, Edwin Booth, Charles F. Norton, John Garrison, . Isaac Myer, E. 8. Warne. Preunient-THOMAS L. LUDKRS, Vice President—fc. 8. WARNK- Seoretftrr—CHAßLES A. BUY. de!s ■jjjjjg. SALAMANDER SAFES. Imlsi A large assortment of KVANS k WATSON'S PHILAIIi I, r H I A MAN UFA C T U H HII BALAM ANDhR BAFLS. VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOCKS., 4 . ißotefc/IWFilfifflv. On as good terms ns any other establishment in the UniteUßtfttes.il? KVANB k WATSON, No. 34 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. &uia tf PLEASE GIVE UB A. CALL* RAILUOAU LINES. ERmmmsm and , ELMIRA 11AI LilOA DLIN K— (■.UICKEfoT ROUTE In Eltmrn. Wilkmibarro, liulbiio. Jmcago, Rock Inland, Nmyiira h all*, Milwaukee, Hur- Montreal, St. Paul «, Dotroit, Dunlioth, and St. jUUIS. I’aflaonKor trains will leave lhr> Philadelphia ami Road i ne Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, OAILY, (Sunday* exoopted,) ns lollows: 7..% A. M., UAY EX PRESS. ? or Klmlra, Niagara Pulls. Buffalo. Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook island, Ualoua,Ut. Paul'*, Burlington, and St, Louis, , 8.30 p. AI,, NIGHT EXPRESS. •'or Elmira, Niagara Rails, Butlalo, Detroit, Chicago, dilwaiikoo,.Rock Island, Galena,St. Paul's, Burlington, and St. Louib. The 7.30 A. M.nml 3.,'i0 l . M. trams rnn through to ; lARRIHBURO, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branuli. „ The 7.30 A. M. train connoots at Rupert for Wilkes barro, PlitHtcm. Hamilton. and nil stations on tho LACK AWANNA AND IILOUMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggagoohookcd to Elmira, lJiillalo,and Suspension KSu Tiokets onn K) procured at the Philadelphia and Klmirn Railroad L nn s Ticket Office, Northwest corner oißlXTllamlOU CHTNIJTStroots, and at tho Passen ger Depot, corner IHOAD ami VINE. TftlloUGli EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Loavostho Depot, Broad street, below Vimi,dai!y,9.4o A. M, ami 6.26 P. M. I.oavo WilimngtountB.6s A. M. find 9.2 J A. M>, 1.10 and 8.40 P. M. ,eave New Castle at 8.46 A. M., anil 8 P. M. Middletown at 7.60 A. M. and C.W) P. AL jeavo Hover at 6 £0 A. M., and 6.10 P. AL leave Millord at 5.30 A. M. jeave Seafonl at 2.36 P. M. jeavo Chester at 7.44,9.60 A. AT., 1.45 and 9.16 P. M. leave Bnltnnoro for Seaford and Delaware Railroad at 6.30 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester ar 8.45 A. M., 12 23 And 11.40 P. M, Lflnvo Wilmington at 9,20 A. A1.,12 651*. Al., and 12.20 A. M. SUNDAYB Only at 11-lO P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CAR attached, will run as follows; Leave Philadelphia for Perry ville and intermediate places at 6.46 P. M, Leave Wilmington for Perryvillo and intermediate places nt 7.25 P. M. Leave Havro-de-Grace forßaltiraorenndintermediate places at 6 40 A. AL Leavo Baltimore for Havre-do-Graco and intermediate places At 6.40 P. M. Loavo Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 6.46 P. M. Jy2 8. M. FJy.TON, President. Sx S3 l tagMtSßa PHILADELPHIA, GEU gglwWMl MANTOWN AND NORRIS TOWNTaILROAD-SUMMKR ARRANGEMKNTS- Ou aud after Monday, May 9th. lSM.until Author notioe. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8, BK. min.. 10. 11, 12, A. M., 1,2.3, Hi, 4,6, 6/t.6, 7, 8. jL 10, and llh P. M. Leave Gorniautowu 6,7. 7>g, 8,8riT9,10,11, A. AL, 14Ji, i, 3 ,3,.,«, 6 , 6 «,r %9 .. K M 8 . Leave Philadelphia 9.05 inm. A. M., 2,3,5,7V* and I(D£ P. M. Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. M.,1.10 mm., 4, 6>i, and 9.'* P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8,8? i, 11 A. M., 2,3,‘L 4,53 L 6,9, 11KP.M. Leavo Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11.68 A, M., 12.40,3.40,6.40,7.10, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 905 min. A. hi., 2,8. and 7 % P. M. Leave Chestnut Hiil 7.00 A. AL, IJ4O, 6.10, aud 5.63 ‘FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Pluliulelphia 6,84)5 nun.. 10.06, min., 11). A. M., 1.05 min.. 3.05 min., 4H. 63*. 6M. H l * P. M. Leave Norristown 6,7,9, ll A. M., 1, 9/S, 4h, 6,7 K, ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3 and 4 F. M. Loavo Norristown 7 A, M., I and 6 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia i|, 7,i£ miji., 3.W miff*, lOO5 min., 11H A. M., 1.03 min., 2415 unn., 3.05 imu., 4>«, OK, «9i,8,n>4 F.M. . Leave Man:i> unk 6X, 7«, BV, 9tf, 10«, 11« A. M., IX, 3.06 inin., 4,6, OX, 8, 9 U 5 mm. P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9A. M., 3, 4 PM. lieave Manayuuk V 4 A. M.. \U< 6X, P. M. H. K. SMITH. General Superintendent, my 7 DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL railroad. 1859. MiiPii 1859. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS EQUAL TO ANY IN TJIK COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, Now York, and all points East, and at the , Urnon QepMa! Pittsburg with Through Trains for Cin cinnati. Sf. Lquig. CNjv'fii.f.jd. Chicago, Burlington. St. Paul’s, iqdianapnlm, Louijmllc, New Orleans, anu all intermediate points iu Ohio, IndiniiA, tlpboij, UcnUic ky. Miohigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Misanun, Kansas, anu Nebraska—thus luruishing l.ioilities fiir the trnns fiortatmn of Passongers unsurpassed lor speed and cont ort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without ohango of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Car* are attached to each Trains Woodruff's Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS HUNS DAILY: Mail andFastLmcs,Sun 'lilml leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. Fast Line u * 1160 A.M. A 8 MM, ParkeshiirgAccomm'Hlation nt If A. M JUrrisburgAooompiodauon, 7iA Cfilumbin,2Qo T.M. Cqiuuibia . ** 4.30 P. Jl. Passengers for West Ohettsr will take the Mail, Parkeshurg, nud Lancaster Trains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenaer Station. Passenger* for Suuhury, Wiiiiamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls,aud mterinedmto points, leaving Phila delphia at 7.15 A. M.,am! 2 P. M., r;o directly through. TlukeU Wcstwaid may bo obtained nt tha ollioo ot the Company in Philadelphia, Nr.w \ork, Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West; also on Liard any of tho regular Lino pf Stoamors on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers. 1 MuTnre always as low as any other Roißf?. The oohripletinu of tho of })>& Pennsylvania Railroad to Cbicaifo, make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN TUVI EAST \ND THE tiRRAT NORTHWEST* The connection of tracks by tho Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding W tirajagp or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving or tune, are ad vantarcs readily Mpreeiatod by Shippers of Freight ana the Travelling llo ‘ PRKinHTS WKBTWARD. By this Route Freights of nil descriptions cnn he for warded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or,Missouri, by Rail rotuj Cir*vi. , . , , The Pennsylvania «at»r,*,«d h;"'’ connocts at Pittsburg withSlertmors.bj winch tloods'can be to any port on the Ohio, MuSkifigom, Kentucky,Tu/iimiwee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin. Mismin, Kansas, Arkansas, am! Red Rivers; and at Cleveland, Handiuhy, fl);d CKmakp, with Steamers to all ports oh tho Lrtiteii. r ' “* Merchants and Shippers entrusting the Iranaportaßnn of their Freight to tins Company, can roly with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RATES Or FREIGHT to any point In the West by tho Fennsy Ivania Railroad are at all tunes ns lavora hie as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Kite Be particular to fnark packages “ via Fenna. Rail road. MorehaiWc in /he West ordering goods from the East, will do Wfril to iiir'eot yl*l |i° Hupped by tins Route. "or Freight Contracts or flmpjhhK’ lntociymg.npnly to, or address either ofthefoUowmfc Agents ol the Cum- P “ nT: I). Ji. STEWART, l’ilul.urs; Doylo St Co., Steuben villa, O.; H. 8. Fierce x Co., Zanes ville, 0.; J. 3.jyliijp/on, Ripley, 0.; R. MeNooly, Mitys ville, Ky.; Ornkby £ Cropper, Portsmouth, 0.; Vnddock Sc Co., Jefldfoohville, Indiana; il. yy. Uroyrn £ Co., Cincinnati. Q.s Atherp & Hibbcrt; Cirioinhati, 0.; R. C. Meldrum, als'}ift)/i. fn> via Camdon and Jersoy City i vening Mail 3 00 At U l’. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Night Mail 2 25 At JTi P. M, via Camden and Amboy,Accomodation, (Freight and Passenger—lst Class Ticket. 225 2d Class Ticket 1 50 AtB P. Mm via Camdenand Amboy, Accommodation. (Fre ght and Passenger)—lst Class Tiokot 225 The 6P. M. RJail Dine runsflaily. Tlfo 11 Night Mail, Saturdays excopted. For jielvjdcn), Easton, Fleimnstpn, Jco.,ftt 6 A.M. and3>* P. M, For Water Cap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkogbarre, Montrose, Groat Remit Ac.. a| 8 A.AL.via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Wostern Uailniad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. anil 2 F. ftl. For Mount Holly, at 3 and PA. M., and and 5 WAY LINKS For Bristol, Trenton, &o, at and4H P. M., from Walnut-street wharl. For Palm) ra, Delanro, Beverly, Burlington, Borden* town, A:o., at 1 and 2R P. ftj. Steamboat John Neiisun, for Tacony at 11 A.M.,Hiid for Uordentown and intermediate places at 3>i p. M. SteamboatTieiiton, lor Tacony at 8)4 A. M.,nnd for Bristol, Burlington, ami mtormodinto places,at 12 M. and 4>4 P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed ooch passenger. PimengerHnro prohibited Irom taking anything ay bag gage but tbeir wearing apparel. All baggage mor fitly pounds to be paid for extin. The company limit their responsibility lor baggage to ono dollar per pound, and will not bo liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract, Junol. WM, 11. GATZMKK. Agent. PHILADELPHIA HEADING HAIL KOAD, MORNING LINK, for POTTSVILLE, READ „ . 'NO and HARRISBURG. Loaves the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINK Streotß. at 7.30 A. M., DAI l;Y. (Sundays excepted.) tor I’OTTHVIM.U, inItHTSiIUKU, nn.l nil imennoduto points, connecting at Harrisburg With trains running to Pittsburg, Chaiiiliersburu. Carlisle. Banbury, &o. AFTERNOON LINKS. HAltßlsHUnJ** M " WAII,Y * for FOTTSVILLK and At 4.45 P. M., DAILY, (Sundaysexcepted,) for READ ING, and inteririediato points. aplß W. It. Mdl.llKNNY,Secretary. MlSigasssssa CAMDEN AND AT -4Sfe»SgSSS» I.ANTIQ RAILROAD. , FOR 'i jIE .SKA'RHOKK. On unit after September Ist, anil until further r.utico. trnuiK lor Atlnntio City leave VINK-Strtoi Wharf dmlv. Mail Train „ Express Stopping at all .stations, tomir, nml returnuiE, „ LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. Exprosa Train. .. - « A. M, Mail. “ 4 i>. M, Fare to Atlantia. SI S 3. Round Tup Tickets. good for iVoltaj*, & ft). , „ SUNDAY TJU.N. Leaves Vine-stroet at ..8 A. M. HMumine. leaven Atlantioat _ b P. M, comni Trip Tickot. good for Hmiram only, , 26. rreulit must be delivered at Coorfr’s Point by I I’. M. ine Company will not be responsible) for nnv goodsun til received ana reooipted for uy their Freight Agent at the Point. 81-lm JOHN 0. BRYANT. Afent. KAY RUM.—S jmnchcoim very uuprrior tt uni, in ffnift ami for sale hv tut) A. MRHINO. HoSouili FRONT Street, UA.ILROAD LINES. Mmmmm notice to shippers LOCAL FREIGHT. Tho FENNHYLVANIA RAJLKOAD COMPANY are now proparertto receive and forward froi«ht to the fol- ROas - POmU 0n lUe NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL- LookHavon, Lewiaburg, Wayne, Northumberland* Jersey Shore* gunbury* kimLw, Treverton Interaction* Newbury, Georgetown, Williamsport, Milleratuwn, Muncy, lhihtax, Wntsnntowa, York, Milton* Ijenover Junction. KAu!ftOA r is' " nJ 1111 inl ' r| n®*»S, point. on HANOVEK .m| l Oi'K l ii?s. D L , ° TIIIHTEENTH •ti.SAKKhI Streeje, will promptly forwarded. ifj HNKKIIKH. Prauht A**nt. M *^ oU 01lUNKi rfAZLE * OI, ‘ Oi| and after MONDAY, Mar Ifith, 15W. P&aatncer Trams will leave FRONT and WILLOW rftreeta, Phi ladelphia, DAIIA ,tHiu>ilayaoxoepteil:) For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauob Chunk, Wllkea barre, Jiazelton, &c.,tExpress,) at 9.30 A. M, For Bethlehem,(Expreiw.lnt 4 I*. M. For Doylestown* (Accommodation,) at 8.15 A. M. and 6 J*. M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 2.U P. M. and 6.2) P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bothlehom, (Express,) at 8 A. M.and 4.10 P. M, Lento Dojrlestown, (Accommodation,) at 0.30 A. M. and * V. M. Leave Fort Washington, (Accommodation,)atoJO A, M. and 3.36 P. M, ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, Tor Dojrlestown, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. I>o>loBtown, for IMitfada., at fl-30 A. M. and 6.45 11.I 1 . M. Faro to ilcthlehem, $1A0; to Mauoh Chunk. .S2.CO; to Kast«iQ, $160; toDoyloitovn.SOoauta; to Wilkesharre, $4 60. All rAKsenger Train* (except Sunday Train!,) con nect at Porks street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger iladroads. Puftsonfiorn for Wilkesiwvrre take 9.30 A. W. Train, and arrive tn wilkeabarreat7 P. M invlC ELLIS CLARK, Agent. NOTICK.—CHESTER RAILROAD—PAS SENGER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN aND IN TKKMKDIATE STATIONS.—On and aftor Ist January 1&0, tho Pasientcer Trains for vil start from tho Ptesenger Depot of the Philadelphia am Kefldine Railroad Company, corner ox DROAD anc VINK Streets. MORNINo TRAIN for Downingtown, leave* at 7JO A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at .45 J\ M. DAILV (Sundays excepted.; * By order of the Board of Managers of tho Philadelphia inu Reading Railroad Company. UJQ W. 11. hIcILHKNNY. Secretary. SUMMER RESORTS. Kittatinny house, , , DELAWARE WATER GAP. Tills place having been bo crowded, until within a Tew days, ns to prevent many person* from obtaining accom modations, 'he Proprietor now announces to such, and to those who wish to spend a few days or weeks during the dcdmhttul autumnal season, that ihoy can he accom modated m ith comfortable rooms. The months of Sep tember and October are not only the most pleasant season at tho “Gap,” hut afford the additional sport of fine J’ishinc and Gunning. Passengers leave WALNUT- Street \\ liarf at C o’clock in tho morning, and arrite at the Gap at 12L o clock same day; or by tho North Peun flilvama to K.iston in the afternoon, and amve at the Gap next day at 12o’clock. au27-3w L. tV. BRODIIBAP. Proprietor. jyjURKAY HOUSE, _ , NEWARK, OHIO. , Is the largest and nest arranged Hotel m central Ohio, is centrally located and la easy of access from all the routes oi travel, it contains all the modern unprote menta, and every convenience for the comfort and ac coinmodatton of the travelling public. The Sleeping Rooms are large and well ventilated. The Suites ul Rooms are veil arranged and carefully furnished for families and laree travelling parties; anu the Hou»o will be kept as a brut-class lintel in every respect. H. A. MURRAY & BRO., Proprietors. SEA BATHING— . . ATLANTIC CITY. CONGRESS HALL is nuw open for the RECEPTION OP BOARDERS,am! the subscriber will be happy to see Iks fnends who may favor him with their patronage during the season, Je23-3m THOS. C. GARRETT. PIANOS, CHIOKERING & SONS," rrrrn maxctacturbr* of grand, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT JTANO-FORTKB. WAREROOMB BU7 CHESTNUT STREET. Constant j in store a lanre itock of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. Wo have been awarded, at the diderent Exhibitions m this oouutry and Europe, _ 33 GOLD AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. JaS9-ly RAVEN, BACON, & Co.’s, iTOTf* Nunni A Clark’s, .Hallett, Davi*, A Co.’s, and A. H. Gale A Co.'s superior PIANOS. Also. Ala son A Hamlin's unrivalled MELODEONB and HAR MONIUMS. eo desirable for Churches and Lecture Rooms. Ptaaos and Melodeons to Re it. J. E. GOULD. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. gGgsfea A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN TTTTT* pianos. SCHOMACKF.R A CO., 1021 CHESTNUT Sjreot. respectfully invjte the musio loviik public to rnll ami examine their new and suc cessful improvement— TJIE FARLpJI GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tune, Touch, and Action ot the Grand Piano into that of a Square instrument, ntoidm? ail the uhievtions generally made to the stWe of Grand Piano, alaj) dumniuhinx tho cost of tbo same. In volume, purity of tone, great power, bnlliapcr, full ness, depth, and evenness ol touch, with oxQuisiie deli* cmcy and awootness, these SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN- STRUMENTS are wholly unequalled They have received tho highest oncomiurnß. and are pronounced by critics to be far su perior t£ any instrument* ever manufactured in this country, Constantly on hand, a large and e]ft*aj)t assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. Wo have bo«n awarded ihn First Premiums, nt oil exhibitions ever exhibited, in cluding tho I’rixe Medal from tho Crystal Palace Exhi bition, New York. X3S3. sol-tf MEDICINAL. I’ OUISVII.LE ARTESIAN WATER.— An hy prqf. J. L. RMITII, shown one Ktvllon to cqlitam DU.s grama. as follows, vij s Chtor. &*ari ** Calcium til “ “ Potash .... aft) ‘ “ Magnesium... I “ “ Alumina... 2io ' “ Potassium-••• It “ Indulq Magnesium 036* '* Aluminium... 15 “ Hromtdo “ 0.1? ' Phospli. Soda. 3“ Bi-Carb. Iron OAS " SulpU. Soda...- 72“ “ Magnesia..3.oo " “ Luna...-..,. Z>'' RoM oy (lie barrel, gallon, retail, by HAbSAF ai(2l-tr CUES i, or in bcttlcs, wholesale and RI) A CO., Apothecaries, JTNUTflt.,cor. Twelfth st. 4 NOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER. ful TROXELL'B NEURALGIA SALVE. v. m ffra*., July ?(h, 1358. Mr. E. W- Troskll—Dear ftir:—l have t*6am. compelling mo at tunes to give up my business entirely. I oould not eat, anu sloop was a stranger to my eyes. 1 sutfered it,o(o ttiafi can tell. J had the advice and aid of various pbysuuanfi.anli other readies, but all of no avail. Having noticed yt.ur tuKHtmemaiA m the papers. I concluded to call on a person whom I had learned was cured of a case of 20 years standing. He applied the “BALVE” hut once, and 1 felt immediate relief— a second application removed the pain entirely, and 1 now feel like a different man. Since then l have slept well—something that I have not done for months, I'eing obliged to flit up all night in nohair. My appetite haw rewiu&J, sr-l l reel prateful to you for the restora tion of my health. ' CHARLES 11. BAKER. Tobacconist, CARROL Btrdot, above W 001), Kensington, For sale, wholesale and retail, at S. W, corner SIXTH and PARRISH Street*, and at T.R. CALLENDER A Cp.’s. ». W._oqrnpr 'fiord and Walnuts}*. »p2O-tf DR. WESTCOTT'S CELEBRATED TAR CORDIAL. Wemcott’s Tar Cordial oures Consumption. Westcott’s Tar Cordjnl cures Bronchitis. Western's Tar Cordial cures Cough* and Cold*. Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Aire Throat and Breast. Westcott’s Tar Cordial oures Palpitation of the Hoaft. WcaiooU’a TYr gnr'iir, l Nervous Debility. Westcott’s Tar Coidiaj otlrfek i?o,u>rai Debility. Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Diseases of the Kidnoys, Strangury, and Crave!. Westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Bund and Bleeding Piles. Westcott’s Tar Cordial oures Female Weaknesses. Dr. Wu-trot{’| Tar Cordial Depot, No. W 9 ARCB Street, Philadelphia. , Also, principal Depot for pr. Westoott s AhU-Scrofu* loua Syrup him Cholera Mixture. Dr. E. R. WESTcOTT can he consulted on the above dueacas, free of charge, at his Consulting Rooms. No. 6» ARCH Street, from if) A. M. to i J’. M. jj 16-tf LEGAL. JN T THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.. Kfctnte ofWILLJAM KEYSLK* Deceased. The Auditor appointed by tne Court to audit settle, and adjust the account of Sarah Ke>h®r and Andrew M.lJer, Executory oHJie Inst lull «nd testament of Wil liam Koioer, Into id Rising Sun, county of Philadelphia, deceased, and make distribution ot ti:o balance in tho ha .ids ol'tho accountants, will meet the parties mtor o»tPd, fur tho purpose? of his appointment, r*n MON DAY .oopiembiir Wdh, ]Su9, at;}’. TIL, at his Otrtco, Nil. 512 WALNUT Street, city of I'MMetpwn. WILLIAM ERNST, sl2-mwfst Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -I- C,’TY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate ut ALEXANDER HALL, Deceased. Bur citation to surely cd'hmner Administrator to fdo nu account. The Auditor appointed b> the Court to state an ac count of the b.ud surety , in conformity v. Talenco, pints; 60 do. Chateau La Rose; 60 do. do. LeoviUo ; Scotch Ale, in stone and glass ; Younger's, Harvov’s. Falkirk Brown Stout and Loudon Porter- m store and for sale by aus A. MERINO. UO South FROST Street. MACHINERY AND IRON. BAXVZL Y. MSBBICK, J. VAFSHAN MBRfilca, WILLIAM U. MREIUCS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STIIEKTS, MERRIC&'T'sONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Bteam Engines, for Land, River, anil Marino service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, A 0.5 Castings of all kinds, either Iron or llrata. Iron Frame Roofs for Gu Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gap Maohinery of the latest and most un proved construction. Every description of Plantation Maohinery* such as Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines. Ac. Sole Agents for N. Rilliem’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’* Patent Steam Hammer; and A*pinwa!l k Wolaey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. au#-y CAIIXNET WARE, CABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD TABLKB. MOORE & CAMPION, No. an south second street, in connection with tlieir ext ensue Cabinet Business, are now and have now on hand a full siniplj, finished with MOORE & CAM! lON'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used thorn to be superior to all others. For Hie quality «ml finish of these Tables the mnnu taoturer* refer to their pumorou* natronsthroughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. h9&4m SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AIKR CHANTS will find asidendu) assortment of Fail Millmory.at Mrs. M.B. BISHOP’S,No. 845 CHESTNUT Sbftnt. nnSfl-lm "EXAMS! HAMS! HAMS! A-i- Just reoeived a prime lot new wig/ir-eurod Hams. 10cents per pound. riIA.S SMITH auM-lin* M»d 015 MARKET Stieet. SALES BY*AUCTION. PURNESS. BRINLEY, & CO.. No. 429 MARKET STREET SALK THIS (FRIDAY) MORNING, SEPTEMBER liSni, AT 10 O’CLOCK. A CARD.—Our sale of French good* commence* this Pridav) morning, Sept. llitli. at 1U o’clock, ami cnm rirtoi* a Urge assortment of desirable goods to which lie attention ol the is requested. NOTICE iO RETAILERS.—IncIuded in sale tbi* i"rtmig will lw fmiml— ifH) pieces rirh Pam printed uioushn de laiue. .Hi i.n*PM2Wr3a inch lionnets. black taffeta*. IWHI j arm printed and broebe-border Stella aba* is. *OO Seoteb printed C.itbmere slid*ls. lu<> all-wool plant long tdiawK 126 pieces rich Huey dress a.lks, Ac. Also, embroideries, nblions Ac LINEN CAMBRIC 11DKFS AND SHIRT FRONTS. lnouri>cb»-bordered Stella shawls. , BONNET RIbBONS. An invoice of now style bonnet ribl>ona.* v MA.NCHKSTK.It 67 leet deep. „ Peremptory Halo—£l 600.—Bend and mortgage for iplUsi on lot of ground south side of Brown street. 23S toot 8 inches westward from Sixteenth street, 18 feet Iront bv 8u loet deep. TWO DESIRABLE LOTS OF GROUND, west tide of Twenty-fifth street, between Susquohanna avenue ami Emmett street, 36 feet 11 inches front by 111 feet H inch deep. Clear of al! mcumbranco. HANDSOME THREE-STORY BRICK RESI DENCE. with large three-story back buildings, and furnished with all the extra modern conveniences, aitunte No. 511 North Seventh street. The house i* well built and in good order. Part may remain on ground rent. THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE.situate No. 721 Hansom street. Lot 16 feet Iront by I*4 feet 6 inches deop, to a back outlet. This is a valuable property, being in a central location, and verv desirable for offices. HANDSOME ROUGH-CAST RbsMPENCE. fur nished with all the modern conveniences, largo lot of ground, and excellent stable, sou th'side of Cooper street, east iront Fourth street. Camden. N. J. Lot 60 feet front by 160 feet deep. 4N in i»erfect order, and built especially for the occupano of the present owner. FOUR DESIRABLE LOTS OF GROUND, situate on the north side ol Vine street, extending Iront Fifty eighth to Fifty-ninth streets. No. 1. corner lot. 120 feet bv 300 teet: No. 2,120 feet by 238 foot; No. 3,15) feet by 276 leet; No, 4, corner lot, to leet by 251 feet. Passen ger railway pane* tho front. K3l On our Private Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every d* sonpLon of city and country property. J. M. GUMMEY k SONS, Real Estate Brokers, No. 820 WALNUT Street, below Sixth. SHIPPING. sgm* TUB IiIUTISH AND NORTH AMERICAN KOYAL MAIL STEAM- FROM TtXW TORS TO LlVUroClu Chief Calm Passage SI3J Second Cabin Passage 75 TKOX BOSTON TO LITERTOOL. Chief Cabin Passage..... _ :... Second Cabin Passage.... 00 The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA. Capt. Judkins, | AMERICA, Capt Millar. ARABIA, Cart. J. Stone, | NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- ASIA, Capt.B. G. Lett, J son. At RICA, Capt. Shannon, I EuftOPA, Capt. J. Letich, CANADA. Capt. I.ans, | These vessel* carry a clear white light at mast-head; preen on starboard bow; red on port bow. AFUlCA.Shanmm,leaves NYork, Wednesday,Sept. 14. El KOPA. Leiteh, ** Boston, Wednesday, Sept.2l. PERSIA, Judkins, “ N York, Wednesday. R*i»t. 28. ARABIA, Stone, ** Boston, Wednesday. Oct. S ASI A. Lott, ** N York, Wednesday, Oct Js. CANADA, Lnnz. ** Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 19. Berths not secured until paid for. An experience;! Burgeon oa board. The owners of these ships wul not be aooountabia for Gold. Silver, Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas BAz.e apply to E. CI'NARD, i Bowlins Green. *lO-tf New York. FOR THE SOUTH.—CUAJiLES aiaSWfcTON ANB SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an averago of rirrsx* per cent, be- W ""nW»ON.,a The V. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P. Marihmaa.mil sail on Saturday, Sep tember 31, at 3 o'clock P, M. Through in i 3 to fifl hours, only <0 hour* at Sea. The U. 8. MaiVSleanuijip GEOROIA, Captain John J.U&mn, will sail on Tuesday,September 20.atUo T clookA.M. Through in M to GO hows, only 43 hours at Sea. days changed from every Saturday to every five dare. Goods received, and Bills of Ladinx signed every day. * eida-wheelSteamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thus forming a five-day commu nication yntn Charleston and Savancnh> and the South and Soutuweet. At both Charleston and Savannah,.these Shire oon nect with steamers lor Florida, and with railroaoe, Ac., for all places In tho South and Southwest. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods ■hipped ®9K|hyrul be found to ue lower by ttrese ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the ratp. N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the R.,l,„ad pomu. route 25 to 40 per cent, cheaper than by the Inland will be seen by the following sche i dule. Through ttesets from Philadelphia via Charles ton ami Savannah 'Mamskipa, INCLUDING MEALS on » . w11 .°, 10 rqyte, except from Charleston and iavan nah to Montgomery: To Charleston 913 co Charlestoo^-J.^****» 50 Savannah. Mdp s*rmush 3! 00 Ausiula 80 ti> Augusta....— as CO Macon 3100 hloooo.. —.— 33 75 Atlanta- KOO Atlanta 31 flO Columbus.-*—. 23 00 Columbus 36 00 Albany 3100 Albany.... 37 00 Montgomery..., WOO Montgomery..— , 55 00 Mobile 55 00 Mobile «... 46 90 New Orlei,,. .. X) IS Nuf Orlean. 41 uG No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed ror freight or passage apply on hoafd.at wharf auova Vina sliest, ur to . Southwest oorner FOUTH Agents in Charleston, T. S. A T. G. BUDD. .Savannah, HUNTER 4. GAMMELL, ror Honda from Charleston, steamer Carolina avery 4 uesdat. For FlpriJafrom ?»rnnmh,,t,«ro«™ St. Mary’, »nd St. John*,, orerr Tuetday sail Baturfay. j>» GLASGOW AND NEW YORK •a&HSb STEAMSHIP COMPANY.—STEAM TO , FROM NEW \ORB. GLABGOW, Thompson, Wednesday. October 13. at 13 0 olook, noon. _ ____ _ PROM GLASGOW. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, September H. Rates of Passage from New York, Pluladelpm*, or Rostou, to Ol&icov, Liverpool. Belfast. Dublin, or Lon donderry. nrtt class. *7L Steerage, (burnt with an Stun dance of property cooked provisions, $3O. An sjjwrMne.il B«ressa altsehed to «Mh ttoimer. Nooimrge for medicine*. For freight or passage, apply to No. 1H WALNUTMaS&W. No. U BROADWAY .''New York. U. S. M. STEAMERS , HAVRE AND ROUT&'aMPTON, ARAGO, Captain Lines, will sail July 33, September 17, November 12. FULTON, Captain Woticn, will nail AngutV), Octo ber 14, December W> First Cabin ..... guo Second Cabin pamm 74 For freight or passage, apply to w . WILLIAM NEILSON, Agent, At the Warehousing Company *■ Philadelphia Office, Tobacco Warehouse, POCK Btreet, Phila. jeJ3-6ra IHI.SI.NESS UAIUJB. \T 13. PALMER’S ADVERTISING N " • AGENCY, N. F„ corner FIFTH ami CHEAT' B&. Subscriptions taken for the best City and Country Newspapers, at lowest rash prices. nej-Sm MAIU'UN QUAYLE’S ' STATIONERY. TOY. and FANCY GOODS Eyt f o jv m . 1035 WALNUT STRKET, BELOW ELEVENTH. PHILADELPHIA TgAAC IiOHEUTri. Kkal Estate J A SAMUEL C. ROBERTS. Conveyaxceb : S&CUY. fiUS- on liborrvl terms, FARMS AND COt’N- I Ri bbATS, m recns)l\ftM%» New Jer»«v, Delaware, Nljjr>l.And r< and Virginia; and DWELLINGS and STORES in Norristown, (jefmantown, and Philadel phia. LOAN MONEY ON FIRST MORTGAGES, Examine Titles to Real Estate, and attend to CONVEX ANCINO in all its blanches. Offiro MAIN Btreet, near the Bank, Norristown, and No. 233 South THIRD Street, tetweon Walnut and Spruce streets. I‘hiladelphia. sl-Im* Alex, mckinney, attorney at law, GRKKNSBURO, PA, WiP praotire in Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In diana counties. sell-tf rp'HE* AUAMS KXRRKSS CO., OFFICE 330 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Faok nges. Merchandise, B-ink Notes, and Specie, either bj Us own Lines. or in connection with other Express Com panies, to nil the principle towns anil cities of the United States. K. 8. SANDFORD, ft»l-tf Gaoeml Kuperinteoitant. JdAAC K. WKIUiIT & SON, DEAI.F.R2 IN LEHIGH COAL, OFFICE, NO 134 SOUTH SECOND ST YARD, CATIIA HINF.-STREET IVIIAKF. TIIEO. D. EMORY & CO. OFFICE No 146 South FOURTH St.. Thiliuls,, Sole Admits of GKO. C. POTTS A CO., Miners and Shippers of the LOCUST DALE OOAfc, From the Locust Mountain, Near Ashland, ap2 6m] SCI! UVLKILL COUNTY, Pa. e W. GKOOME & CO. ‘ Dealers end Shippers of LEHIGH, SCHUYLKILL, and BROAD TOP SKML BITUMINOUS COAL. Office, No. US South FOURTH Street. BROAD Street, below Race. jipJ-Cm PHILADELPHIA. 81-CARB SODA. -100 kegs for sale by WKTIIF.RIU. .4 BROTHER, Nu«. 47 inJ 49 V, BKOONII Blte.t. 11, SALES BY AUCTION. M THOMAS 4 SONS. • Not. u»«nd HI SOtiTH FOURTH STREET .v «,.'r°nuerly N 05.67 andO.t Bales of real estate and stocks *‘>ll hereafter be \*eld a. 12 o’clocx noon, instead of in the evening. FALL SALES STOCK AND REAL ESTATE. Third Fail Sale, 50tb September. Fourth Fall Sale. 53d September, Fifth Fall Bile, S7th September. Sixth Fall Bale, 4th October. KE. Part of the handbills for each of the above «’,» now ready. „ REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, fte. Public Sale* at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tan* cay .at noon, during the business sea-on. Handbiils of each Property usued separately, ia audition to wmch we publish on the Saturday xrevio«> to each sale, one thousand catalogues m pamphlet form full description of tU the Property to be sold oa ihefoilowicg Tuesday. BALKS at THE AICIICH BTORE ever* Thursday morning* « ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE, d.i w * »ave amouaioi Real ttUU) uPuts • oale, ineiudins every description of city and count: y property Printed bit* resv be had at the taction tunt, ■ ». , PRIVATE sale register. Keal Estate entered on our Private Bate Reg ter, W*v e £ n ??i? cc ** lOtt ' L * lO °° T Pabiic chai^e! Ch 1,000 cc?l ®* are pr.ated week.yi> rrW ci STOCKS, LOANS. PEW, *e. a On*Tueeday, change-’ ** U ° clook » no«J- a* the Philadelphia Kx- For account of whom it may concern— Sl.ltO conienibie mortgage Joan o! the Cambria Iron Corapsny, pajable January l«t, lfcj, with arrears of 2 0u) shares Chatham Cobalt XLeing Comber—sarSL For other accounts— ’ * 1 share Philadelph,* Library. 25 shares and .Vaairunk rs*eencer Railway Company, £3paid. Also, ico Mm!* of Butler coentv. Pccna There bonds are part of $5B 0U). tte onlr tor.di toid out of ia issue of 8250 WO to the Nortnwci-tero Ksiiroad Co. For account of sr. omit may concern— IU f hares N’o»iliwe»t .Minina of iff eh: can. PEW IN CALVARY CHURCH. Alw, Pew No. IS, east sid* oi sreat Calvary Churcn. street, vest of FifteeniA. Choice looa tioo; cost THIRD FALL BALE, SEPTEMBER 29th, AT NOON. WiU include— r.‘:SP.tf.rLSalS:-vERY VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT, 107 acres, with superior improve nents. Montgomery county. Penna.. about H vnt*« from Philadelphia,miles fr«in Wteaahickon station, North Penpsjlvania Railroad. tTßale absolute. WALM.T STREET RESIDENCE, with large tide I t (trueth-r 49 feet ironti. No. 1525 near Sixteenth St. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. No. £3i ?r»nsbn street, south of Green street, with side yard. GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE, vim atake ead coach bouse. Logan street. LARGE VACANT LOT, U2H feet br 93 feet, Bolton street. Twenty-tbird ward. FOUR BRICK STORES AND DWELLINGS, N.W. corner of Fourth ard Shippers atreets. Reailag Jbr ye*r. MODtRN DWELLING, No. lid Green St., between Froot arid Second streets. BRICK DWELLING. No mSooth Elfientn street below Sh'ppen street. ••TUCKER'S ISLAND.” or “FLAT BEACH.” nbrut &JO acres, on the sea shore, Barhnrtoa cocsry. NewJerwfy, NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, with large side»ard. No. 1513 Coates street, west of Fifteenth street, lot if by 130 feet, with six three-story brick dwellings in the rear on Barclay itreet. FIFTEENTH STREET—Xwooeitthree-ftory brick dwellings, and 6&s North Fifteenth street, be low Coates street. BUSINESS LOCA riON.—Three-ctnry dwell ing, No. 1215 Locus! street, above Twelfth street. BUSINESS STAND.—Three-story brisk store »s 4 dwelling, northeast corner of Jefferson aveaue and Ba ranax street, First ward. THREE-BTORY BRICK DWELLING, adjoining the abo^e. HELD STREET.—Threa-sfory fcnek dwMhar,south sine Reed street, east of Jefferson avenue. Fir*t wnriC VALUABLE BUSINGS BTAN'I). four-story brick store an 6 wareboiue, No. 125 North Fourth street above Aieh street. Peremptory SaIe.—ELEGANT MODERN FOUR STORI BRICK RESIDENCE, with four story back buildings, w.th all the modern conveniences. No. ItUO Spruce street. Lot 21 feet front, 175 feet deep. tr~ Sale absolute* To close an Estate. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 1212 Shippon sir’ll, west of Twelith street, lot extending through to Bnntcn street. Two fronts. FOURTH FALL SALE-SEPTEMBER Od. _ Peremptory Sale on the premises NEAT RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR F L'RNITUSB, No. 237 North Twelrth street. On Friday Morning, Sept. 23, at 10 o’clock,will be sold.withoot reserw. on the premises, the neat modern res.denco, No SST North Twelfth street, 13 feet front and S 3 feet deep, with all modern unpimemenU and conveniences. Also, the entire household furniture, fine e*ryeu« mmort. superior dining-room and chamber furniture, kitenen furniture, ip. Also, a superior fire-proof eheet.mada by Evans 4 >V atson. , cabinet furniture was mada by alien.has in use but a short time, and is in excellent order Ihe neat modern residence will be *o'-l at M o'clock prcciseL. previous to the sale of furniture. .RESALE ABSOLUTE.of loth real estate and fur niture. Bee handbills and catalogue* lor fol; particulars, FIFTH FALL SALE, SEPTEMBER 27, AT NOON, Y> ill include— Kxe ntoris Sale—Estate of David Sheixhne. i»e*d. large and valuable property isacres with improveir.enU, opposite Dr. Bond** elegant resi dence. South Broad street. Thirteenth street, jutnep. Wolf, and Porter streets, and Mmatnenami road. „ Executors’ Sslo—Fjitau>of F. J. Krnrrph.dee’d. ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE. LANCAS TER.—EIegant modern Aii.enr*n-lul'-an nlla, with stable, coach bouse, and 3 acres of groand. Chestnut stree . Lancaster. Pa. HANDiOME MODERN RESIDENCE brown-stone residue, with double back boildin.s, and all modern conveniences, No. Jsus Pmeetreet.weavof ritleenth. VALUABLE BVILDJSa LOTAXD two pwexl- ING3. Drown street. R.dee avenue and Fifleecth street. Lot fSfeet on Brown street, 85 feet on Rid.# avenue FaRM s -ihiiW-* farm 175 vret, on the chi UiMte rcwid.J nu.es east of I’otutown, potts grove tnwrihip. Aiont ouierv cojntv, Pa, HANDSOME MODERN RE>l DENCE.-Focr-story brick res.dence. vmh double back bu.Ulin.taes moment r..nvrm,n.-.NoUHC I,.tnut s. . .oil of El hIKMk. 11NE t'TRc.bT ory bncK dwelling. No, K 5 P»n* street between Fiflh and SiX fi. gOUR DV.'ELLiNi s.— Four modern three-store Vnck iUe'hn>s Ncf.JM HO? lift snd lies Mai vine street, rorth ol Matter, fweuti inward FerelWcrj LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, noun Sid-or nua street, west ot Trti, Twenn-foartn warn, Jittby INJicet.w.th three freala fc^isleat'so- VALI ABLE PARM.—ValaaWe farm 270 acres, Sa lisbury toiaahip, Laaeaster Pa., 1 mi.e ir m Be-iitowp, and * mi is from Gapstatioa. cu the P«us- S)ksni* Railr.'ad. . dec'd. LARbr, AND YaLIaBLE LOT northwest sda of the Darby plank rcul and iAMea,er rvUwaj,between ) Urj ureeis. Yw*i.t>-iourtn ward, & reel front, 210 feet deep, two fronta. Fxecotore' £*l*. No. JP Vino street. SUPERIOR FL’RNII URE. KOSr.W Oil FIANO. PIER MIRRORS, OIL PAINTING*. FLAIKB WARE. CARPEIg. Ac. , . On Nicnn&v Morning, 15t* rosf., at 10 o’c'oca, t j Maooior*. at JYa. > ine street, the superior luputore, rose* cod piano, t rench-pute ricrmirTor.oil pruntmev. fine plated ware. Brussels carpets, hair mattresses, bedding, China glassware, Ac. M»y be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale, with catslogues. BU PF.RIOR FUNO. oas ciJAMJEutR. Missels carpfts. «)■« , v. A Rl, Ao. On Tueeday Morning, wept. 20, at 11 o’clock, on Main street, near Manhein* nextdo.ir to the telegrarb omee. Gennactownithe su perior tumiture. gas chand-ber, Brussels carpet*. rc»e wood piano, fine en*ravin»t, cow, cart, Ac., of a teu tlcinan the city. l>e examineil on the morning of sale, at 8 o dock, with catalogues. PIANO, iSii? $£Am f &MHg R^SDa ■ rn,3^ - On Tuesday Morning. 20th insr.. at Id o’clock, at No, m South Sixteenth street* the superior Leasehold funutare, compnsw sui tot hxndsomo walnut drawing-toomlami- tuie. One Parian marble figures and ornaments, superior rosewood piano tmade bj Wilnelm and tjchuyteri.fine yelvat carpets. gat chandeliers, superior walaot duuni roora furniture, fine plated ware, handsome oottaxe turr.iture, kitchen tunuture, A©. • lie cabinet Jorsmire was made to order hr Kho der, De M •* a ra4-fraw-lT LADIES’ HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS. FRI SETTS. »nd CURLS, manufactured in tbererr l*>st and newest Farias!) left, and of which we corsrnt}y keep aver) assortment on hand eo!d wholceni* and retail, it Lie lowest possible prices. Orders from sii parts of the countrv solicited, and rrcmptl) attended to. Also,anew HaIR DYK, snparor to ar> in use. M. HVlOia, No. 12 TENTH St., Between Market and Chestnut. PHILADELPHIA. JjVVMILY CHOCOLATE SUPERIOR QUALITY. EDWARD A. HEIXTZ, Manufacturer aud Importer of French and Spanish CHOCOLATE. Store S. W. corner AKCH and NINTH Street?. sO-dm iract«*r\ fc>l4 F.ltert street.) Ilf INTON’S ENCAUSTIC TILES for L*-A floors. _ Ornamental Chimney Tops for eottaaea. Harden Vases and Founta.ns. Vitrified Pipe for drams and u ater condcctors. Imported »mi lb, «lab, s a Afißr , yy _ feMS t r MID OHKSTNI T f*tn»et. Mackerel AND ALEWIYES. —9O bble. and 90 half bMa new No. 2: 3*> bbls. and 150 half bbls. new large No. 3 A.acfcereh SCO bbhu Alewivw, ‘T,»" W M4VWHAHV&, ST. LOXJIS. IuIO.