&-v * .. • "** - c V- P B'H»nc -» t *T^Y ? M»tthew«i-3Yn*h 1 < ' '-;;; ' *‘*7! > £ Ft " • £% .-? . - fix JJicboWdJiatplMid a ./ AXAenin:. EmiaJtUb srg w -MSAUnM, EmimtUbur* RLevy, M tr*z < ‘ a r WiojSin«nd*tAla Vfetkßrt?* '; r*. -; , -;kgjL'AiS>ufml! C> ; QHv*rl> Gish|mPfl.- i t , . » > ''AMElficX'N«OTffliiSi*««Bt‘^.;»btt«'Mfti.s ?: £§ i^v .-- - CAjiiierKm.N C; .1. ...*,•' -AjirtiMtM. 1J«1 * ■* .;' ffi*HBnMuKOS/a**,-'O.-1 ■v o.;iiJvKS, Bw^M9'™!Mi l J;.,,• . ■ : WJtHCrootatonU, HA \;:Mt>Wel}UuAi 8O ■ «i«? B lUMrof, W-i*f Xs,> S£Sj}t«te&UvlWt, r«- ! ' • ■ Morri»»N J'' CwnplwlUKr . . . ~' :■■-WII Bradley.Parfa.Taim - Balt,--'’ MShippeji,RpriagfieWi O v ,W- Pa, - vßiDicMr.P*: ’-' J ETHoM.Pv i-- v <3F Corte. lodisaa ‘ f-' ; -v- jhßrftntrKamibgnc • B Crowlilf C 1 ~v . ~Jl MAjmV* Wert Cheitar- , .. ?•** * r - ,-V -- H. ;• fWHartia.TaMffi ,*.-i •'A’ltTaljßriTaan ;: -.-: e ,\ r " •^BToAdinf.ljKv,!',> r > ; y, •;: ■’ 5 (fwCftHMil;fe«loii . • JMmCMjl!l«afi,*NY, - .' ; - :PM4''*,wf/BaiP ~ ;Mr*EKGtant.NC... . , MraM H Mitchell,. NC .. / : 3\, ; ~,-j ' ■■ ■ ' ' • ■<■ .iitrt Ara«w,CpmralH*, B o ;;v --■ R«t*firtr,ASni»tii,Oi k ■fwSsuTß;:'.®^*MNMM#r®rtr ■ I'' ' JJMtimora : 1 < JTnre*leif.Ba«ton a. A'. ’■■ »• ... ■ 'O.mwWpm-X!*.; ', ' r JC{!/owiaT, i ißajtiroore . ■!', Tw.PeUerami. Ifillebcro -J*? Ma Trail, Tami -,t: : Hei . . , EMbmfiMira . WNWilmer, paatn shore W W«I»h, Kaatfrn Shore ■ t , % ..' :: fißfltatt,;- • 4Z*JKi* ;•, •;, .. . MraMw'Hajfarard.M*a* J.' I ;M»CA,O,PbSIon, Maw * ,; : ;W»«inrWAuegh*!Cr* l£ ' ' ‘ . * :--Mn» C/Qyi«l*»J r aAK iit.v * *'-■ : ■Breton^?}^jUMi^M|i^t|«&ieabUrr:, : •,.;.:iN.S>MjC»n»»tß«it j:;.j f , L f’A -•. ;Jacob Shoarar. Pa-. ■%£% J^ , . I:i , .r- ;n.M-BQidq»a~Rftdmtd:: ,-y.-,^i.{wsy.ynl?. . y ? a. vyr .» . ,7; .• L Bt ,l Ori- ,.i; .-ohara fcC<>JJMftflftairt Sc Brji. SI doWfW'aiUon Sc Cn? I, W‘jfr ?rj os-ia, ;’n*a»»l:P B K»**»r.*«*»M BiM,«-Mtb«i,Po*or» ' ' '.•«• «*s. ,-,' >HmWßqlloyaTiJfdara (Vom S.MMffM RI - *er.antn jAt*tn/«rl< Bi! : wlii}'»;C(l. ,- . vr-.~ > 1 ‘ w^|offlj a^ir ; ■ ?*?.* f ™ rt Wt.| ' l - - •-■!'■-' ■ g«h'S Mh *; CW - - ss : - 1 awn'lr -rf-r > V.-i-Ihe b^iMinwTa t rn bmQrit ■ - yesterday. --a~n > Aoa«nTMhi« d - i rMs/ntin.r«iterd»r } and some fifty *atf i J '.\ • kmWM^loryoii •At* 'fork' T^^'M^?^^ lR *?. a |b>dlik At BanFraliclsco W*“ iteniburg, for%oiul«>n yßatir&y ntirt J D' '■Wiliiii«'t|Sy< c; mil s JpM^isfe «h JSP -S’ !»«¥ it*#** , vR' ?*' \-j/, ‘'J?t "* * „“' ‘ I* 1 i y i *- -* fc . (* . |<*J /V ii '' ! ' :^! :5^ r;^'’ , :' 1 ’’fn-fa' wjh>-:.' •■- '‘l':?’ ,**• ' BO li'A';lT/Q ir’K g tl ; '6‘N, i; """ THK ,TKB SEASON*, is sq much larger and, superior to the New Tfprk ej)r ‘ nfc (that is FQirMD BQ ntPEBFKcx) some dealers ere selling and ! 81,asking a very low Pric© for ‘ the preprint, hoping to get rid of them thus.,; A* tha Bdolc» seller hju usual ,proQt* geilfng jri prioeVtha »heW of the Boston Edition .adrise order-- ing by thaii pAy th©*e price*, although Ap- --T’’,” 'V. ’j-/ 1 ; Y J E;..’,-2?\I 7, 1 i & 0 0., P ÜBLISHERS-BOSTON CORRECT EDITION OF Ut -,l: ;i;j- v . , mB;ROMAN (iUESTIONi ; y )£^lei^ASHlNGTOir,' street, :bcjston. .. •fr'isr s&d bykU BbokseUersam! sent by mail, post-paid, . atedcentSieloth ;,paper 45 Peats, i- '- •, BSths-2t 5?*: %:£. -.'•iTO.THB BOOXmTTIADK. ' • . -V,* T. B. PETERSON,* BROTHERS. - PUBLISHERS AND BOOKBELLEW 8. •;*>» »*j ■;< / 'No. 50f CHESTNUT STREET,; ; 'li- ; ' ’ ‘; < ' W - PHILADELPHIA. ‘ WonWlmost respectfully.-.call the, attention of the ®aS»P*s "sbiehle now-offered at very low and reduced prices.- T. B-FijkßßOS* have-just issued a new and COW PJISjE pATABOGUE of all tlie BOOKS they PUB- TiISH. which, .together with the large stock of works J -*Ml , Jisb*^Jtt^' ,dv hHousßookHouBe«of i , - • t Pmi4DELP.HIA„ ' \V'*‘ •- "BOSTON,'arid - . ■ -t * 5 U.. -Y- V. ; ‘ NEWypRK,; aSd Extensile assortments 1 ever offered for the Inspection of the trade, among which will be found the popular works of - : BIR WALTER SCOTT,, r.’Charles Dickens,. < ~ Alexander Duma*. Mrs. South worth, 1 . Caroline Lee Itentz, * •Charier Lever,*. Vredrika Bremei*. -\AnnLiBteshebs. ‘ Miss Parqoe,' ,Mts. Grerfc-t'.' s , =- ,l; iMias,Piokeriay» • . Artßnri - ■ . . _..E.L s ßulweri - Q.W.M. Reynolds, fHenrrCocktoh., . t Eugene Sue* ( ; ana many others, tbe beat authors of the day. ‘ ;:Dealer»;win find it greatly to their advantage tottrs- CHASRpiSBCr fromus/aa the sxt&a indueementonerea will groatly compensaio them for the trouble of oalhng r p'ußjilBHED GRATUITOUSLY. ;A ll i «ra. r^„^«^jj &D yo !ioTKEi!Bj - ■?.' .Publishersandßooksellers, • •,_ .*/; . -No.aoaOHESTNUTStreet, : v; •’ -1 . ,- ■ i . ' Philadelphia. , jOIUBLISHEI) THIS DAY.: ' : 'S'r‘.PART ViCHAMBEHS' EfTCYOLOPEDTA. ; v ' ’Editlon.. ; , - J Parts Ito vvinelusiye; drice a® cents each. WHALE SHIP. Embracing Onuses in the Paoifio, Atlantic. Indian, and AutarticOceaM7sthflr«i|rs JSSi~ f M~WSB~ 7 69. - . :; By Wj*.OEf. Whilecar, Jb. . -nSVH'-.j'': p.. _volume,,l2mo.' 84. kENNED Y»a WbßffS, (New Uniform BdiUon.) , - ROB OF THE-BOW L, *1 vol,, lkmo. •.; . 'HORSE-SHOE ROBINSON- rVol., ISmo. .. BWALLOWrBiSN. avoi. t ,llroo.- • - vCi.. -, 85 w volume. .CALORIO—■ lu Meohamoal..Chemical, and Vital .Agenciesinfhe Phenomena, of Nature, By Saniuel L, .Metcalf. M»‘P,< late of Pennsylvania University. 2 ; Vo **" B T°; Prioe * 5 ; jb. I.rpPINCOTT & CO.', . •• » and-Si North FOURTH Street. - rpilE WEPT OF WISH-TON-WISH, ( i . J FENIMoks COOPER. the eighth volukeof barleve beauti /Bowcriptioa*; rec*lvcd» snd thB Volumes monthly -^Ttw^wb^FfrjSriM will coiitkin FineEn- FoatHuttared q it wood., it* s s ; 4- cee s s i : COabliETjED AT LAST! / THE BOOKOF THE FIRST AMERICAN CHESS CONGRESS. •Containing ths proceedings of that celebrated assem blage,hety inNew York,-in- the year 1857* with the napere-read in.ite sessions, the gamesplayed in the Grand Tournament, &nd the stratagems entered in the- Problem Tourney, together irefh sketches of the History -of Chess in the Ola arid/New worlds. By Darnel Wil lardFiske.' M. A., Official Secretary of the Congress, Editor of theCAessMoatAfp, Ac.' . '•Adorned witha magnificent unpublished stratagem by Mr. EtJoxxxß. Cook, insixty-eisht moves, en graved dpd’ printed in- colors. - One large Hmo. volume,' MS Muslin, elegant, pirioe 91 CO. THiB !aS?P^TRaVeLS OP " ■> \ -t ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. j ‘ls.*®" of - Wiih aho w trtealport rait. engraved expressly for this work, front an original photograph m the possession of Mr; Bayard Taylor. ; One large l2mo. volume, 493 pages. Muslin, price ' - Anewand.pepularlifecf thradistinguished traveller and,author/jj , om'original and authentiesources, com .pririog.hieLlre.Travels.aodaeientjfio labors, together ..withsketohesof hie teachers and oolaborers.' Anagree able.entertaininißg volume. - ■ - - , . . : Either of these Books will be sent, by mail, posxaos Jin* to any part of ths Umtad States, on reoeipt of the price, by r RUDD A CARLETON, , • sB-thArtf;'>-■£ > ' - Publishers And Booksellers* gh-? h^Wo.lMQßAyp'Street, near Broadway, N. Y. 1 -IiIpUBTEEN THOUSAND SUBSORI jApPCETOrCSr IfE WAMEEICANOYCLOPJBDIA, volume Seventh will be out on the »th. ' . It is not too bite to comxkhcb taking this work,.which isnow estaWished in the category of famous literary , successes, New subscribers can have a volume a month All! they overtake the issue. - ■> .The RitpnMops ,subscription list has bean mainly in creased by the - subscribers themselves* who have brought theur mends and neighbors to so been be, as soon as they had Satisfied themselves of the gv&PAssiKO bx- CXLhB*ClSAnt> viLvsor tuz woxk. - . VvJOHNMcFARfcAN.Akent for Pennsylvania,* ' ?v '.v 1 / 9- JOHN^McFARiiAJNf Agont for Pennsylvania! . New American Cyclopedia, and Ben ton’s Debate*ofQbn«;rew. ‘ • .---i ktf&jp . ARCADE HOTEL, «Jl CHESTNUT Street. • ~ t , BOOKS j staterihat he, hae frequently for ■ak books prinUd between theivearsliTOand IKO: early •ditioof qf tbc Pathere of the Reformers andof the Pu ritan. Divines 5 raLaw,-Braeton,LjrttietQnrFunendorff, Grotim*.Dpwnt, Coke, Hale; the Tear Books, Report*, *«.; are often to be fonnd on his Shelves; Crotopedias, Lexioootßi Claado authors, History, Poetry. Philosophy, BoieHee, rouUeal Economy* Government. Architecture, Natural History. Treatises noon these ana otheririndrea ■abfSetsere' Mind ceiitmuaujr dealt in by him. ; Books, -in tarn and sfiiul aaanntie*. purchased at the Custom* *gonse, ORRgTNUT Street, above '.JOHN' CAMPBELL. ,p 11J;.,A i) EL PII I A , '■'■■■ ' *r!c* I '/?“ ■ ■ 'ORESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. *, , CMmfaMß ;AT AN ADIOIJRNETI MEETINObP.'tHE ABOVB- N A M is D C 0 R Poration, - JIBLII AT - , ‘. i - NO. 6 MEECHANTS’ , At lO o'clock A. M,, September 7th, 1tt.39, the fnllnw :]Bi( E«h|leraenVera unanimouslyol6otod Directorsof 'theCompsnj', viz: ’ ~ ■ GEORGE H. STUART, S- MORRIS WALN, ; • : : • . MATTIIEW W. BALDWIN, ;‘-" ;^.OHAB: > MAbAiEBTER; AND ' S ./-* : ; JOHN EDGAR THOMSON, - The BOOKS' of , SUBSCRIPTION to the CAPITAL BTOCK of said COMPANY nro now open it tho above named Offloe, where ell poreonji /avorable to the enter prise ere respectfully invited■ toaubacribe, , .8-tf PINK; ARTS.. : VITI tc BROTHER, ' (ronjrNRLT VlfO VITI ft'RONS,) Have Just received, per bark* Oravitle from Leghorn, , - -over Two Hundred end Filly caeee of - ITALIAN MAHBLEFIGUREB- , ’ "'" * GROUPS, BUSTS) MONUMENTS, ; garden 'statues and vases, , v ; alabaster urns, , : '■< *•- ■ ,i, ORNAMENTS. AND, FIGURES, VERDE'DI PRATE;WARE, MOSAIC,' K : : f : TABiiES; POUNTAINsj TAZZAB, Arc., &c.' : >■ With a complete aiuortment s FINE AND COSTLY VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, MISSES’ CLOAKS, NEW STRIPED BOURN 0. US, BOURNOUS WITH PLAITS, &c.» Ac., All of which will lie offered at Low Prices TO CABH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS. J. W . PROCTOR & CO ~ THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. PINE CLASS OP FALL AND W,INTER DRESS SILKS, From the late ' ' AUCTION BAIiBS, AT REDUCED PRICES. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER Invite the attention of buyers to the above lot of Goods. NOS. 430, 43i, AND 454. NORTH SECOND ST., sB-3tj ABOVH WILLOW. PfEW FALL GOODS. L. J. LEVY & CO. Are opening daily a large variety of very handsome Soods for the PAIL-BBABON, Selected in Paris for their rotail Sales. They have now opon a very ologant assortment of SILKS, RICH PRINTED .MOUSELINES and CASH MERES, new Materials for WINTER DRESSES, NEW SHAWLS, and'an extensive assortment of Goods suitable for Mourning. 800 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET.. s7-3t gALE OF SHAWLS. NEW STYLES, at LE BOtJTILLIER BROTHERS. 100 STRIPE BROCHE SHAWLB. RICH BROCHE LONG SHAWLS. 104 WIDE BROCHE SCARFS. 4Tff NEW STYLE STELLA SHAWLS. ' The attention of the Ladies is invited to the above goods, which are offered at less than Importer’s coat, at thoir NEW STORE, 012 CHESTNUT STREET. s7-3t* jyEW AUTUMN GOODS. SIIAItPLESS BROTHERS OVFBE A SVPBHIOB STOCK 07 THEIR OWN IMPORTATION. RICH FANCY SILKS AND SILK ROBES. PLAIN COLORED AND BLACK BILKB. VELOURS, rOPLINS, AND EPINGLES. NEW WINTER DRESS FABRICS. FRENCH AND SCOTCH FINE SHAWLS. FINE SHAWL BORDERS.AND STELLA SHAWLS. ‘TCKtfIEST TfWHTSD MOUBBEMNBS, -- BRIGHT CHINTZES, FRENCH-AND ENGLISH. FRENCH MERINOS, PLAIN FIGURED. : FOULARD ROBES of entirely new designs. CLOTHS, CASBIMERES, AND VESTINGS. BLANRETS, QUILTS, AND LINENS. TABLE COVERS AND FURNISHING GOODS. New Assortments of the most desirable ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN DRY GOODS ARRIVING BY STEAMERS. 801 CHESTNUT &5-wtli3-3t gEPTKMBEK Ist. DESIRABLE STYLES . FALL AND WINTER GOODS. . Wo shall now be in daily receipt of NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES OF SEASONABLE GOODS, FROM AUCTION AND ' OTHER SOURCES, which will be offered at our usual tow prices. Strangers in the oity are particularly invited to an examination of our Steck. CURWEN STODDART Sc BRO., 430,452, and 454 North SECOND Street* sff-Ct abovo Willow Street. Philadelphia central shawl AND MERINO ROOMB. Will be arrangod this rngminy from tho two large Auction Sulos of Hennequin’s Sc Lupin’s FRENCH GOODS— -20 liots Now BLACK CENTRE STELLAS, from $5 to 818oaoh. New Style Pans Gnuffro Shawls. Do. Double-faced Berlin do. And many other kinds. \ . 100 Pieces L&PrN'S FRENCH MERINOS, in plain and high colors. Blacks and Whites, at 750t0 $1.25. Rich Printed Mousaohno Dolainos, all Wool. Also, just oponed. „ Large fitook NEW FALL DREBB GOODB. Satin-faced Valencias. Camilla Foulards, Batin Travers; Plaid Batin de Pnleatro. ' Poitde Chevrea. Super Gltinay Silks. 8-4 Black Thibet, for Shawls. Broche Shawl Bordering. » Round Comer Black Lnoe Vqils,&o. ’ Daily additions are mado. CHARLES ADAMS, sl-thsm EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. TVEW FALL GOODS!.!! THORNLEY Sc CHISM, eoroer of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Have Just received a lot of ' BEAUTIF Uli SAT IN PLAID POPLINS. Rich Foulard Silks. Handsome Fall De T-aines. New Fall Chintzes. &o. WAiefc are very aertrnMtf and very cheap, BLACK SILKS AND FANCY SILKS 111 Light Cloth Raglans ior fall weather. Shawls, Dusters, treat variety, Good Family and Fronting Linens. A large stock of Domestic Muslins. Great Quantities of Flannels. Cloths, Oassimeres. Batinetts, 5c0., &o. CLOSING OUT MUCH.BELOW COST: Silk Mantillas. Lnoe Mantillas. . - Bareges, Organdies. Lawns, «0., «q. ' Ail Bummer Goods of every description, . ByTHORNLEY Sc CHISM, EIGHTH and BPRINC “N.B.-WEBUY AND SELL FOR CASH.” an 2o-tt Fall and winter goods, For Men and Boys* Wear. . « . Black and Colored Cloths, in Frenoh, English, and Amorioan fabrics. Fancy and Plain Caeaimoroe, do, do. Mixed Coatings. Beaver Cloths, Tricot. &c. Ac. , Just from Auction, a large lot of low, medium,, and fine grades of Blnok Cloths, of Belgium fabrics, suitable for the Tailoring trade. Cloaks, Ao., Ac. OURWEN STODDART A BRO., 450,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, s7-8t « above Willow. LUPIN’S FINE MERINOS. One hundred pieces of extra quality and desirable colors at $1 00. One hundred pieoes of fino quality and of same colors at 75 cents. Those goods have the most value of any Ihat we have offered. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, B 5 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TVEW AUI’UMN SILKS. X z Just oponed ten cases of eolected Silks of our own importation. i Plam Poult do Boies, from tho lowest prices to the finest goous. Rich Lvons Sjlks of the newest designs. Plain Blnok Silks, glossy and heavy. Neat figui es and Broondo Blacks. Blaok aud Fancy, two Jupos. BHARPLEBS BROTHERS, g* CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Btroets. •CINGLISII SHIRTINGS. Just received a choice lot Of beat an t) medium styles ' English Shirtings, Prints, New designs, good colors, ‘ SHARPLESB BROTHERS. s 5 f EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Dress goods. Rich Bouquet-pattern Wool Delaines. Lupin’s Frenoli Merinoes, 76 cents up. Cheap Delaines find Plaids. Fall Poplins, Chintzes. Ac. BLACK WOOL DELAINES. Lupin’s Blaok Wool Delaines, 37 and 48 cents, Lupin’s finest quality do., 50 and 5G cents. BlackDombrizmea, Alpacas, Silks, Ac. bb2 ' °N?NTHMcpMAJtX&r. Fall and winter shawls, Medium and Rich Border Stella Shawls, in colors end Btaoka. . Broche and Chain Laine Long Shawls, 1 of all grades, in new designs. __ > CURWEN STODDART A BRO., 450,452, and4M North SECOND Street. s7-3t ' above Willow. High colors lupines FRENCH MERINOES. Pinks, Blues; Buff Green, end Crimson, only 75 cents per yard- CURWEN STODDART & BRO., * Noai 450,452, and 454 North SECOND Street, * above Willow. • KETAIIi DRY GOODS. ■piGOltED FRENCH MERINOES, at 70 cen'upor ?Xi“ 6diura ■ W«. "‘ itable fo F Children, „ CURWEN STODDART * BRO;. •7-St N 4531 tlnd 484 N ° rll ‘ SKOOND^atreot^ TILANKETS. . ~T fa". Woi (meat of RibWn-Bound aud Waitßoy Blankets, which weliave marked to sell at low prices. OUfIWEN STOBDART & BROm No».«0,«B, and« 4 North SECOND Street, 67 "Qt ; above Willow. TILACK SILKS CURWENOTODDART&’uRO., ’ tiO, ,«2. and «t North SECOND Street, ge7»3t above Willow, I?ALL AND WINTER SILKS, FROM THE RECENT. AUCTION SALES. We are now, m almost, daily receipt of new and de sirable styles u6m the above sources, which we are Selim* at small profits. Wholesale buyers and consumers are invited to an in spection of our stock: _ OURWEN STODDART & BRO., 400, 402, and 454 North SECOND Street, s7-3t above Willow. PASSIMERES, CLOTHS, VESTINGS. Heavy dark mixtures Cassimeres. Do. ' with and without Sidebands. Black Cassimeres and Doeskins. Bjack Broadcloths. 01 00 onwards. Light-colored Cloakings, 91 25 up. Fall and Winter Vestings. « WJfflfer. TVEW PALL CLOAKS. J-1 The Subscribers NEW FALL CLOAKS. " D ° W FLOMBIERE STRIPE CLOAKS. CHESTERFIELDS, CABAQUES, to which they respectlully invite the attention of Ladies. The Baris Mantilla Emporium, 708 CHESTNUT Street. au3o J. W. PROCTOR 0c CO. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. SILVER WARE. wm. wieson & Son Invite special attention to their stook of SILVER WARE, which is now unusually large, affording a va riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by any house the United States, and of finer quality than is manufac tured for table use in any part of the world. Our Standard of Silvor ia 935-1000 parte pure, Tho English Sterling ...925-1000 “ American and French....... 900-1000 “ Thus it will be seen that we give thirty-five parts purer than the Amerioan aqd Frenoh eoin, and ten parts puror than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foreman being oonneoted with tho Refining De partment of the United States Mint for several yoars, we guarantee the quality as above (935), whioh is tho finett that can be made to be serviceable, and will Teiißt the notion of aoids much better than the ordinary Silver manufactured. WM. WILSON & SON, S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STS. N.B.—Any fineness of Silver manufactured as sgreod upon, but positively none inferior to French and Ameri can standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard as used in our retail department. Fine Bilver Bars, 999-1000 parts pure, constantly on hand. au2i-Cm PAPER HANGINGS, Ac. \yALL PAPER. HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., NO. 383 CHESTNUT STREET, Have one of the largest Factories in the oity, and are prepared to furnish all qualities of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, AND DECORATIVE PAPERS, Either to oity or oountry, at the lowest rates. Their stock now on hand is large, and owners of pro perty, builders,and dealersigenerally, will find it to their advantage to purchase of them. au29-lm PAPER WAREHOUSE. HOWELL & BOURKE, IT SOUTH FOURTH STREET, (sblow Mabixt), AND OPPOSITE MERCHANT STREET, Have on hand a large and splendid assortment of WALLL AND WINDOW PAPERS, To whioh they invite the attention of WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. au2s-2m CHINA AND QVEENSWAKE. rpURNBULL, ALLEN, & GO., NOS. S 3 AND 35 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IMPORTERS . AND Wholesale Dealers in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARB. PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY, supplied with Glass at Manufacturer’s prices, aus-2m jgOYL & STROUD, , -“ r - IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stook of > QUEENSWAEE, GLASSWARE, ftbd FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA* At their Old Stand, No. 33 NORTH FOURTH ST., four doors below Merchants’ Hotel, to which they invite tho attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS. >9* Aop.nts pob Pittsburg Glass. aus-3m UMBRELLAS. gIMON HEITER, , WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR KET STREETS. My stock Ib now very complete in every department and will be found to offer induoements'to buyers unsur passed by any other.house, auU-2m - gLEEFER & FENNER, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS op UMBRELLAB AND PARASOLB, 32G MARKET.STREET, PHILA,, Are no it maWngmore tlian five hundrbi> diffbrbnt yAatETißs of umbrellas, of every size, from 23 to 40 inches. Buyers who have not had 8. Sc F.’s make of goods will find their time well spont in looking over this well-made itook, whioh includes mart novelties, not to be met with elsewhere, aus-3in LOOKING-GLASSES. GLASSES. Now in store the most extensive and elegant asso. t* moutof LOOKING GLASSES, For every space and every position, and at the most moderate pnoes. LOOKING GLASSES In the most elaborate and tho most simple frame*, LOOKING GLASSES Framed in the best taste, and in the most substantial 'manner. LOOKING GLASSES Furnished by us, are manufactured by ourselves in our owu establishment. ♦ LOOKING GLASSES and WALNUT frames for Country JAMES Si EARLE A SON, ! 816 OHESTNTUT STREET, api-tf phiiaAdblfhia. WINDOW SHADES. JjIALL TRADE. TO MERCHANTS BUYINO WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW HOLLANDS, WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, CURTAINS OR CURTAIN MATERIALS. W. HENRY PATTEN, 63,0 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFERS FOR INSPECTION TO BUYERS Jl PULL 1.1. NU OF THS JLUOVB GOODS, Manufactured and Imported expressly for the FALL TR.ADEj . Bd-dt] Whioh are offered at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. WINES. AND LIQUORS. pRINOE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, rnoM • DE VENOGE & CO , EPERNAY, FRANCE, TlllB IS a. FEBFSCTI.T PoBB AND DkLICATB WINB, from the Vineyard of Messrs. De Yenoge Sc Co.i whose estate lies in the centre of the far-famed Champagne District of Prance. It has hitherto been oonfinod to the best tables of England and the Continent, and has only very recently beon introduced into this country, where its rare quality, combined with tho moderate price at which it is offered, is already achieving a saocess and jppulnrity unprecedented in the annals of the Wine Sold'in this pity br REEVES A DEAL; No. 204 MAR KET STREET, and at tho Principal Hotola, and bj all the leading dealers throughout the country. E. V. HAUGHWOUT, SOLE IMORTBH,' Corner or BROADWAY and BROOME STREETS NEW YORK. JylB-tuth&s2mif 112 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 112 BTEREOBCOPIC BAZAAR.-Great Emporium for Stereoscopes arid Stereoscopic Views, American, French And English. OporaGiassos, Microscopes, and improved Spectacles, correctly gutted to the ores, at „ Optician, 112 South FOURTH Street,below Chestnut. BST Artificial Human Eyes ipjorted. • sfl-imif GUANO, GUANO.—ISO tons of Guano, in store and for sale, at $2O per 2000 fts, by aV6t* WII.LOW-steSwSßnnnd. REFINED. SUGAR—SOO barrels various grades. 150 bbt« crushed, riftedand powder, l tor sal. by JAMES GRAHAM A. CO.. a"* l LeITTIA Strait. ©ALT AFLOAT.—S,OIS sacks Liverpool arrived per Bhip Sir John Franklin, for sale m lots to suit hr ALEX. KERR, . «Mt« 134 SOUTH and 522 NORTH WHARVES,' WANTS. W AN ™P — I" a Manufacturing Busi , , T. ness of five years’ standing,- in the city of Phila delphia, yieidinga.net profit.of from 35 to 30 per cent., on actve partner with a capital of 94.000. or one who oan command > sufficient sum to buyout t\ie establish ment. 98J)Q0 cash would be required. Address “In-' dustr s,* r Ledger office. sS-thmw-St* *VK7"ANTED A Situation -by a Young I.T fitan jn a Shipping and Commission House, or as a Shipping plerk in a Wholesale Houao; who is well ac quainted with the business and has some trade whioh he can mfluonoe. Best reference given. Address “ Ship per,” at thuoffioe. *^3t* WANTED. —A Lady who writes a good business hand, is desirous of obtaining Writings of any kind, either outor at home. Address foprist,” Ledger office. , 1 s7-3t* "VI/’ANTED —To rent a Furnished House, ▼ Y jn the City or Germantown, Address A 8., Press Office. gfl-3t* "VyANTED —An active Business Man, * with a capital of 910,000 to 920 M0, in a business already established, and where a similar amount is in vested. The. business is a safe one, and very lucrative, and can be greatly extended. To any one with capital a chance lb here presented that is rarely met with. Ad att/Jw rpiißQ. at tlus office, or confer with J. G. ALKoiLA w, Esc., one of thaprounetors of the Com mercial Agency, No. la north THIRD St ,se2-6t* ANTED—A Partner, with $6,000 cash, jV, Join the Advertiser in the General Commission and Brokerage Business. The above offer should have the consideration of every man who wishes to invest such amount safely. .Address, with name and refer enoes, “ Commission,” at The Press office. rf-fit* WANTED TO EXCHANGE forhuproy- New Jersey. The Railroad from Camden.to Bridgeton! shortly to be laid, passes within a short distance of the land. For further particulars address J. K., office of The Press, • Jell. FOB SALE AND TO LET. mFOR SALE, VERY CHEAP—A double Thr.e-.toT Briok Dwelling, Mo. HM FRANK- Iu 4 ! Street, below Jefferson. Lot 100 feet deep, with two-storv Carpenter Shop on Robinson street. Price 91.100, sobjeot to Ground Rent of $B4. Apply on pre imies, , sB-st €£§ FOR SALE—Two Houses on Frank- JaiHLiin street, Not. 1332 and 1310, with alt the modern improvements. Lot 100J4 feet deep to Penh street. Are offered for 9500 and SLOUQ less than cost. They are substantially built, and of good material. Not much money wanted. , sB-Bt* • TO RENT, TO GENTLEMEN, Tff O Large Rooms, in a private family. Furnished or Unfurnished, with the use of Bath. < Location central. References exchanged. Address “ R. 8.,” Prist office. A RARE OPPORTUNITY OFFERED TO persons wishing*to commence Housekeeping.' A House to Rent and Furniture for sale, in ofaeof the most desirable locations, within five minutes walk of the .business pnrt of the city. Rent 9450. Fine Rosewood and Brocatelle Furniture, almost new, audwill be sold on* accommodating terms. Address " Box 723,” Post Office. - • - - s7-2t* RENT- The largo, well-lighted R00M,50 by 39 feat, over HAZARD’S BOOKSTORE, T 94 CHESTNUT STREET, WIPB BWTBANCB—BVBRT CONVBSIBNCB. RENT LOW TO A GOOD TENANT. APPLY ON THE PREMISES, s6-3t PERI’OR NORTH THIRD STREET STORE TO RENT. The large and well-lighted granite-front Store,* No. 134 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE ARCH, Suitable for JOBBING OR HEAVY PACKAGE TRADB. Terms satisfactory to a responsible tenant. Apply on the promises, or at No. 427 VINE STREET. 1 TO LET—The Office lately occupied by Okie Sc Capp, Brokers, 223 DOCK Street. Com pletely furnished with water, gas, counters, desks, fire proof in wall, m0i . Invested, for the most part, in First Bonds and Mobt axons, bearing six per cent interest, on improved pro perty, worth double the amount.- P FIAk, INLAND. AND MARINE CARGO RISKS Taken on tlie most , : Charles C. Lslhrop, William Darling, Alexander Whilldin, E. Tracr. - John C. Hunter, James B. smith, . Isaac Hazlehurst, C.N.Bhipman,Chicago,!}. J. R. MoCurdr, . Frs. Tyler, WaverlyVN. Y. Thomas L. Gulesple, Charles Harlan, Darnel L. Collier, Jonathan J.Blooum. C. O. LATKRQP, President. WM. DARLING, vioe President, American fire insurance, co,, INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPBT- WALNUT Street, above ITiinl, Philadelphia, Having a large paid-up Capital-Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue torn ,ure on Dwellings. Stores, Furntture, MerchaUdixe. Vesselsin Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIftBdTOBS. George Abbott, John T. Lewie, John Welsh, James R. CampbeU # fiainuat C. Motton, Edmund G. Dutjlh. Fatnok Brad, > Chou. w. PoultnSf, G?^GE 0 Pre.idont THOMAS K. MARIS, Secretary. Jaa-Ir if MEDICINAJj. CJCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, HIP -13 DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HEAD, Eruption; of tbe Skin fanaraily, oral all numorß and Impurities td the Blood, are radioally and permanently cured by the celebrated , MpBR i AL DEPUR ATIVE. It has been a very important agont in the cure of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr.LounsUarry & Co., for a number of years past, and its great value in the cure of Canoers is abundantly established by the many ourei 6 *l n° l S CR^FULOUS affeotions its remarkable curative effect has never been equalled. It cures the most olwti n SCALD HEAD, and all Eruptions qf the Skin.readily.yield to amoderate use of this Medicine. Malignant ulcers and Bores are readily cured by the use of a few bottles. Prepared and sold by MacNICHOL Sc BRO.,(Late Lounsberry Sc C 0.,) No. 50 FIFTH Street, below Arch, For sale by the following Druggists: J. F. Long Sc Co., Lancaster; C. W.Eptmg, PottmUa; J. H. Racer, Reading :S. S. Stevens, Reading; T. & J. McCUntook,Easton; J^a.Given, West Chester; Wm. Stabler,Norristown; Simonßau,Bethlehem; Dr.Live zev, New Hope; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Schmidt A’ C 9., Allentown; Ellis A Bell, Manayunk, Pa; J. D. James, Trenton; De La Cour, Qamuen; Brewster Sc Co., Bridgeton; Robertson A LippincotLßalem, N. J.IMO - Wilmmston; L. 8. Hoopes, Wilmington: T- F. Hammersly, Milford, Del; and Druggists generally, jell-stuthsnuf HYDROPATHIC. QHKSTNUT SPRINGS. WATER-CURE. At CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA Count,. Po,. for the.treatment of allChronio and obstinate diseases. Tins institution, under the charge of an experienced and skilful Physician, is now confessedly the leading and most successful hydropathic establishment in this oquntTy. Rjsyerbscbs.—Mrs. Mary Cottringer, 384 North Twelfth street; Charles L. Bharpless, Esq., corner Eighth and'Chestnut streets: George Grant,Esq.,333 Market street; 11. Farrington, Esq., of Myers, Claghorn, Sc, Co, For other references and particulars address DR. JOSEPH A. WRDER, . RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, CHESTNUT HILL. Jed-Smif - _____ L ifw SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER- Ih CHANTS will find a sulondid assortment of^Frll Millinery, at Mrs. M, 8. BISHOP’S,No. 915 CHESTNUT Street. n auSO-lm TIJEW Nos. 1 & 2 —A small 1* 'invoice of assorted packages, landing from steamer Ken.inß.cn, and for ml, , TAyLOR 4 qp „ 2?ua J3S SOUTH WHARVES, 'YyALNUT-STRERTTfTBATRin . ’ ” " EnwralWed Soco*m: ' 1 " UopanllAlsd SaooMa! HOUSES CHOTTO n |^ #i#d SUCWMI ; • HOUSES CROWDED „ . . HOUSES CROWDED From Pit to pome, From Pit to Dome. From Pit to Dome*. ftr highly mt»lte#fcuil B 7 highly intaLcstnil . , a . . ' *■ By. highly intellectual And discriminating audience#, And discriminating audiences, j. .And digoriminatinff AuaianoM, - To witness the • To witness the n jo. To witness the • >» ra * 1 d Spectacnl»r l>ra4ujv' "•' - J? faa 4 Spectacular Drama , l. ° ra FAilrT srjj.BToVgfljTg,. v FAUST AND MARGUERITE" With if new Boe£^Y BTAM * with its new Boenery, With its new scenery, Msgni.Scent Dresses, Magnificent Dresses, hlsgmficent Dresses, Beautiful Music, Beantifal Music, Beautiful Music, ' - Chartctomtjo panes*, Characteristic p&noes. Characteristic X>&Qce*, Magical Effects, Magical Effects* Magical Effects. Sublime Apotheosis, Bohlime Apotheosis, Sublime Apotheosis, And > Greet Cast, Great Cast, Great Cast.- _ - . j- BTkOBERTS a« Meptoatophfles, ' S‘ 55553313 Mephistophue*. J*JB. ROBERTS a* MephUtophllesi PERBY, mSffIit&i? BOWERS, „„„ PEtIRY. SHEWEIjL. BOWERS mSI: iMtSS: ■&&&& Ever, Eight, Ever, Night!. Secure jour Seats ! Secuxrf yonr Seals! Seeure yoor Setts • Without extra ehArge! Without extra charge! Without extracharge! PRICES AS USUAL, asr prices as usual: AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS , • THE 'PXiAY THE BLACK ABATE,' ... Written bx . MBS. D. P. BOWERS. THIS EVENING, THURSDAY, September »ti, : EVERT EVENING TEIB. WEEK, ' THE EN'i*'ffifi e sTRENGTH MRS. D. H&JSg* 3 ® «*»"•* LUCY ESCOTT. ‘ MR. A. W. FENNO, ■ te**- "whssst MR. P. A. ANDERSON, „ sp aw# smm w GREETED WITH ENTHUSIASTIC APPLAUSE. ADMISSION FIFTY AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. p Mo^olk 1 A - w - until ® r ' a t9t. rB j* o’clock. Performances to commence at At Delore g. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS.. .* .[North American.) There Js a classic atmosphere about its language that is truly refreshing. JWra. Bowers has spared no expense or trouble in putting this piece upon the stage. To eve rj man or s-omwor intellect or pnitivationit must be a so different is its character fromthegene ralityor stage piajs. in fact, there isia it a profusion of everjthing—good readme, good acting.' splendid dano ing. superior music.* artistic stage effects. and magnifi cent scenery. Indeed, the whole piece is; to a person of artistic taste, picturesque and novel. More especially, ye must designate the last scene, where the whole stage fmrly swarms with people. So well m»n»*ed n proo«- sion and tableau has. never been seen here. „„ • [Pennsylvanutn.] Mrs. Bowers was received m the aecond act with loud and protracted applause. The splendid and charming' ballet, and melodious songs, intersperse soenes of great dramatic power, and the ensemble is made complete by the gorgeous <;ostamea and new and enchanting seenerj. It was especially gratifying that everybody oonld be heard distinctly in all parts of the house. _ , [lnquirer.] .That the public are bent on snowmcthelr' apprecia tion of Mrs. Borers is evident from the immense au diences which have already witnessed the production, and we have no doubt that-many thousands of persons will go to seethe magnificent spectacle while it is per formed. Nothing more beautiful or exciting can be imagined than four or five of .the great scenes. The play is performed with treat spirit and effect through out, and as several of the best pefonners now upon the - stage take part in it there is a constant succession of ©fleets in acting, vocalism, and dancing. The persona tions were very excellent. Mrs. Bowers formed a lovely Witure of the heroic, philosophical ** Hypatia/' Mrs. J. • Wallacle, Jr., created, as “ Miriam,” a character that surpasses in effect the' celebrated Meg Merriliea Ju the scenes in which she appeared, thero was a start ling grandeur of effect that will long be remembered. Lucy Escott made a powerful impression. She is the best educated English musician that we have, posses sing a fine soprano voice, whichsheuses in an admirable manner. The two beautiful dancers. Miles. Gaietti and Pratesi, gained hosts of admirers. Mr. Wailaok splen didly.presented ‘‘ Raphael,” and Mr. Taylor spas the real , Philamon ” of the novel. We cannot dp the play.. It is a stady, and must be seen several times to make its numerous beauties familiar. ' , [Daily New*.]-- . This piece is a remarkable one. andjtives fuli play to the drnmatio powers of tho talented company which Mrs. Bowers has engaged. Mrs. WaUack and Mrs. Bowers play to great advantage, and tbeir efforts •lieiL unbounded applause. ■ Luoy Escott sings most admira bly, and sustains her part in a moat efficient manner. Messrs. Wallack, Taylor.ana Fonno fiH their several roles in a higblv satisfactory nuinner. Tho dancing i* rmperb. Sorna or the scenio effects are truly magnificent. The moonlight scene on the Nile, the bowur of Aerasia, and the grand Gothic interior, are ae grand and effective ns anything ever presented within the walls 01 a Theatre. ’ fTlie Prea,.] Jtvraa placed upon tbe linißia a ttnlj. admirable man ner ; the scenery van beantifnl; the various tableaux very niotoreßauei .the'coatnmeß appropriate; a. yrell ae Bpiendid; thadancing better than anypre have had hare Ps® Lnmonreax. with' her heels, turned the heads of half the young men about town j the musWappropriate, and the ohorus and solo-singing effeof -ve, and much applauded, ' • Mrs. Bowers played verr well indeed. Her clear into nation.nlied the house, without the slightest strain upon her voice, Mr.-Wsllsok’s representation 01 Raphael, the Jew, was very good—he evidently had studied the onaraoter with great care and success—he was sumptu ously Oriental. The sconerwinasio, singing, costams*. and danomg—these were all beautiful. . , • {Evening JournaL] It is the most stupid of dramatio stupidities, and de serves, what must speedily oomo upon it, utter damaa tion. TX7*HEATI/EY & CLARKE’S ARCH -T " STREET THEATRE. • »rW. S ni>THURBDAY) EVENING. September T- RiCHARD Hl.—Richard -Third, -Edwin Booth; King Henrr VI, Mr. John GilbertjQ.tieen'Elizabeth,Mrs. John Drew; Lady'Anne, Miss Emma'TCrlor.* qpneludd with the Comedietta,of BDCTOR DIL WORTH 1-Dr.Dilworth, Mr. John GUborU . Scalk ov 1 Priced.—Admission; 25 Secured Seats m Dross Circle, cents; ParnuetVSO eenfs. Doors open at.7o’clook'; perfonhanCe to commeaca at 7)1 o’clock precisely. * > ■. - £ pi ; RETURN OF THE ; > AT MUsicAL „„„ COMMENCING MONDAY «VENIK»,„ SEPTEMBER I2.anJ Every 'Evenm, (iiliibJ tbe V»k. The World-Renowned.(Original and Only GEORGE ‘CHRISTY*fe -MINSTRELS. GEORGE CHRISTY A R. M.HOOLKY, . . PBOPBIBTOBR,. 8. C. CAMPBELL, Musical Director. tST Admission 25 cents. For further,particulars sea small and large bills. Doors open at 7, Commence at 8 o’clock. . ' LEWIS A. ZWISLER, ■7-tf , Agent. Free* music, at fairmount.— GREEN AND COATES-BTREET RAILWAY* Th 1 Celebrated 4 GERMANIA 3AND perfo’m overy afiernoon and evening at Falnnount. The cars of the Green and Coates-street RaUw&y peg* along Eighth and Coates streets, to Fainnount, every five m'nutes - Fare five cents. . ► _ , au!B-i»mvtlitf WILLIAM READ, Superintendent. CAMPBELL MINSTRELS ! * - f BIX NIGHTS’LONGER! 1 AT CONCERT HALL. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING. Sept. 8, 38», Ami oontinuo every Night during the Week. , *7- Second Se^onuf CAMPBEII? MINSTRELS, " BRASS BAND asp DOUBLE TROUPH * The following new Burlesques will be selected from their inexhaustible repertoire s_“ THE' GUNNERS FROM KANSAS,” “SCENES AT THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MUSIC.” NEWCOMB IN THAT GREAT DA NCB. “VULCAN AT-THE FORGE.” HARRY LEHR IN NEW ACTS ..“THE ESCAPED CHINAMAN.” Little Bobby, the'Child of Song and Comedian, with DULEY in new’ Comicalities. The Tenors, LESLIE and LAGELLES.-wiili RAINER, in their amusing Ballads. “THE COUNTRYMAN AND ARTIST,” with other nnmeroua-octe. • For partieulfirs see bills of the day. • ADMITTANCE 25. CENTS. Doors open at 7JW o’clock; commence at 8. ■ F. A. CLARKE. s5-6t Agent and Business Director. McDONOUGH’S GAIETIES—RACE ST.* ITX below THIRD. • - * FIFTH NIGHT RE-OPENING... GALAXY OF TALENT. .. 1,300 persons visitqd the Gamies on Saturday ereo inv. * Throe NEW PDAYS this week*Hernandez ” the greatest livmg performer, together.with Rlohardßurt lein, Billy Thomas, Paul Burger. John Williams. Young Americo. and Master Tommy, Miss< Kate Leslie, ASm Mane. Miss Whelpley, Profesaor Simpson. Master A’Becket. BAND OF BERENADERS. . Admission 10 and 15 cent*. Private Boxes 25 oents. HANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE. - * ELEVENTHstroet.betweenChestnutand Market* Open for the Season, ' ' SANFORD’S STAR TROUPE, : the largest Company ir\ the world. In their exoeltonoies every evening. SANFORD appears Every, evening m Sis great Role of Oharaotert. Doors open at 7>«. Commence at 8. Admission O cents. Chiildren 15 cents. angB-2nn{ - ■ ♦ THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. , No. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily,/ (Sundays excepted,/from 9 A. M. tffl « P..M. Admission 25 oents. Children under 11 years half price. Bartholomew’s Statue of EVE REPENTANT now on exhibition for a short time. HASSLER’S ORCHESTRA,—M. HASS LER Sc BROTHER respectfully announce that they have located their Office at their residence, 1208 LQCUBT STREET, where engagements oanbe made as snal. ieW-3m FRUIT''AND FLORAL FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD IN THE PRINCETON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ON POWELTON AVENUE, Between Mary and William sts.. West Philadelphia, Tuksdat, Wedxbsdat, and Thpesday, Sbpt. 6,7, Sc 8. DAY AND EVENING. SEASON TICKETS, 2OCENTS. SJNOLB, 10OENTS. Care and Coaches run within One Square of the Building. e6-3t $50,000 TO LOAN, rK SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon D4amonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mer chandise, Clothing, to., on moderate tennii,Jby JONEB & CO., Brokors. norlhirest comer of THIRD and (JAB KILL Streets, below Lombard. Established for the laa -55 years. Office hours from fcA. *L to Jr. . . Second-hand Gold and Siker Watohea, hy eminent makers, warranted genuine, for zaleoheop,atone the original au4-»x-if LADIES’ HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI SETTS. and CURLS, mannractnred in the very beat and newest Fana atyloa, and of which wj conatantly kceoavery large asaortmont(m hand, sold Vholeeale ind nUuLat the tnw.at poasiblo prices, Ordcrafrom .Heartsof the countrraolioited. and pmmptlj.attended "iffo a new HAIR DYE, superior to Any m uso. to. Also, a n6w jg" uu f OIS, No. IS TENTH SL, auJO-Bm* Between Market and Chestnut. /"tHEESE. —300 boxes Herkimer, County Cheese, in store and for sale by C. C. IADLEK&gO.. »u 27 AroU 4o«r hwyc Fniflj