i '•■!/ -•5. • . , v , o?i' Tiiis>C;'>w~^A'fou Ea.—Sincn Wil lib’b dc*eription;fttWpq7r«»t«her:-:jKploaA on.lhe, Rf.iigerß.havo sol ilij to ;1 Ifitor: oo Pti tj(- to toontlj iitGCto Rt : thorough fore ta allo>r thoin y* -; (lB.jor:tiro :L coming and tlio !" carried nldn.r,in.ia.SSnrotectcdiiM»f#P.-»»]«■% ;- ihetr :, ’to ta/ty not go* fartowahen ty pilot straofc », v cow arid aMM^‘B®*nw e -W®*' l e ol »diacl'oon-;. L tinned aiiist hpVp, : boon »«• 5 ■ P Ycaterilaya Kwly.o(gan{bo*ringy<>ungator» passed' -- our offiue:Pdbpit\rtto.rp froin; , Ui«!t;-praotipQ, .Tri,tb' ■Pclotbing'ffingodfAfFJn indj inmTjinii JUuiompitiry-.: \nsr. llagß flying, nud nil - the (xnnp oud eireiuu-' - itaiao 'ofpirttV,-'' *p(witiStb‘be -more . than twelve I!>inas-'PolJw;Ji'gl>t‘ ,'.p6aaid,.nemMrisg|U«;mimbferMSwripiifiOT,aj)d!; . of ThomkslloWheß, who proceeded to lVlUiamsljuril ‘ - foHat|pt^^pse{ r Hb 't% : fearing &«>', ihg: t asihtbafca miff ‘ named Jonh had- beenwarned to tonye Jives; aud- ttatlipis in this cityat;the present time. His fury pfibo;mDb in many^ee*wjthknivCa,Audset,adrift'w ifraUr 1 a few p^saswi - tBj'hafia h!dtWplic£in.that, 1 ' jo>C‘Piii% 7 pz«elci wJ ' hM deii;of different-- , . ' - a ir bßdg'e. bndge^Tfas torn up bya crowd i news - .-of the snake -3 track Upoirpte %ro*iul loofc;a& if a^log had a#at*&63pßi r _*adL* sawrhuu ■ v coiled up oneday says he made" a heap as large as a* -.' molasses barrel.-;-, v. -• Snia^CHisrAKE.-^W"e notice going thb I rddtids ftf-Theprcas, >UUng. > I th'at Hon;, ThaOd ens.,S tevcnß.'bf. this oity,hM xmnnteered.-ib > furnish -vProf.Wise with' the,Tneans:pf ;htrilding a; balloon-to Cross the Atlantic* ( It was at-first “TbaaaohfStsvenff'hfNew-Yojk^bhtsomC'ehter^ : ESaH^SSi V York,may bo inclined,that'*srojr r -bnt.twe;are as ■ * snred' mide.'ho' „ ' 'finch ' ' >* A Freak oe KAt^EE^Bc^i. Ferguson, of Coleraine towiiship/Pk-l bM\a in«rer.Cblt about four months old. whickgivfeaapint of milk every ' day. ' Mr; Fr says that when' the >cOlt w'es but twd.i days old be noticed the swelling of-her.uddcr, and,ll / \inon found' that if contaihedrinilki ' wnioh hhs ftlcre&MdVp to colt is remarkablyhealthyand (bf.beaiitifal forro^, and attracts, considerable Attention - dn the : heigh* I 'borhoodi’- tu ''“ J r Some excitement f bas recentlyTbcen c'ahsed | among the e»rriage'm^eij JS Haven, Conn'., by threats to prosecute them for the infringement of a certain patent, called Hlbbard patent, for I shifting tops for noddies.,, ’ They cootoha , the arrangement claimed by thepatent has been in iise by them fortwenty*fivo‘ or thirty _At a - meeting,' evening they tesolved to defend' tKeirrighti. ,'; '' - * /" ' Lakqb slioira one of 1 argesi hearts W,Thursday; last that it to;l6ok upon;. It weighs aset. It is wWtpyrlth a.bluish tint not kpojf.n*? .Itiwhs Jforindidn/; the JAttleMiMoi rivor,. sefwe eri 1M tHpJly~ r ahdO*Wayh«iviHe^—. _P , Fast FttEipiiTi—MeßSto.'Harry & : BcrTyhill, of thi9joUy,Pt«idwe(i»for*|!Ui*uelsJ(iy»l<,of3W»eliT<.- ington7 Par, a”earloatl ’The oar loaded in Baltimore ? oc arrived h ere Fridttyij j and .af ritfedw,at * dshitig totf -morttihr,’' witbottf-ehkngiDg>bar.~T^7ifg/»7^(V A,- ; [Fromtlie Providefic'e EvehlngProM, Augnats3.j ! • We'rhftvejusfrusteuecfdo jthe recital of «a' u xnOTt piteous talo;’-’ oirctnnstauces read/ inktfcM.of sfem'.topVßtrHnge for credibility* .Abouidenycars ago there resided in England' a'flea-captain*, 7 bia -wlie.'and .an only cbijd, a boy.Offiye or.six 'jrfeiirß-': fA difficulty/ha ving Arisen be t w e cifnri Failn t~ '6 f the boyandThis parents, the ,tfoipftp maliciously abducted Hie child and e&aptia with Him hr 5 this toduntryY' end-found* ‘ hepway to Providence.. .Horo sho soon; wearied of her ill-gotten and'finally. abandoned the' . Jittlo folloiy to the tender mereieaofthostreets of Providence; -while she leftfortbefarWest,’-whence .it ig not khowh that she over rotiithed. ‘' ‘ :t ' The young;English;lad, thus/ left, without heme or proteetion/of course soon entered'upon a career; that bronghfchim \to the notice'of the ‘magistrates,; and he waa eent io fhe/Reform Sebbot* i The' saldr tary training in that institution ago lie time be has Ipshpongtantiy underdheobsemtton of tbo.suponhtehdent and trustees# nnd m no par- /seemed I 'to swerve' fromthenght Reform Softool. -r-i -. Thy hadr-ftssnmeia' false name; ftufe treasured in his heart, the. name ana address of his father.; and, | after Jus discharge from.jtho' Reform .School,- by • the ddritfe of Mr, { Ca«bmaft ? hewroto to rents, informing.them Of jjie condition and circum stances;' . . ‘ The effect of {hatjeiter can scarcely bq imagined -^es6rlhed p U"qahh^;b6)j ; Xt as;if the'grhva' . had oponed r ,Md. born i had coiuc forth' / to greet them; The tether was in the Eastlndies, - in comman4 r ;'pf£;BMp*hfwhich, hotair a .large. he. received'the tidings that hw aonwhs alive, he immediately sold , his interedtitfHHb Vj^|swr,;{redghed i tbo/command 1 and' cm barked; for England./, writing to'hls'sdn In Providence ho wonld speedily . see him face tofaeeA?:- ?£-'£ - //'• \-/ r F’ - in England, hpdn hurried.Vlsitrtd his wife, hoi re-embarked at once . fot this counlfy to reclaim his long-loat soft to hif heart and home;'Alas fq'r the fqti)fty,of allearthly hopes!: . WKeb'ihr&p day? out .from England a fu rious gate madefthavoo on the-ship> and afalling spar strnckrthei/ather's headi causing ‘almost'ln-, :r;V i/ Slowly, and'sadly the stonn-Vtiicken'ship toiled back tb tbtf port Of departure, and thVwofuf tidings. wore who * w§s> wenrilybouriting the elapse befofyher husband ana, her fijßt-bqrn'.soh wbuld bo restorodto her anus. Although,a* sailor’s wife,' and' accustomed to look > , calmly ontheperilsbf mivigatta'b.'thiasudden difl- ! neliingof.the pleweafcvjsten quite overoamober, , She was seifedfiritteth&panip of premature labbri' .- and in a fewjtours jplaedher huaband'-iAtbe world 1 . whore sojiaratiiihs fltermsiiifdßhi^ & - ,Thertetter/hhttouncingVthe-dea^df-his father' and m«rtiier J -stitfl.Wd the" . boy in this ,cj^|on,Tuesday week. iatidf .fftSr may • well, bo soßposedr-ovefwheimed .him -with grief and utter dcßolation. -Lot us;hope that. He who. tempers the tho’sbornlamb will'sh guido and support, thte youth, so siagularfy.and afflicted, that h^maybe'enablw/ta : reCogniile, with filial love,, the hafidofa Father-who chasteneth whomsoever iiedoveth... >.'i . Interestingfromthc/Vcst. jfisspui^r^riwAy^ASL^AitevAj.^i ) ,Ap.ov£R , .TflßkkiyhbOSANDmLßS ipOJ< ITS .HODTH—FORTi . BEatOW BWACHBU ,; , [FroratheMi33ourliieptibiicAn»AustiBtlV;J ' ; ‘'by tie. euterprlse iof , the Amerioah lbatiheHissourl river ' Is navigable for flteambpats a distance of oyer three' 'i'' 1 ./: r .',:>X‘V,j the Chippewa, has just Completed one.of fho most reniarkablo trlps'bh rebbnllhfhhTiavlgfttion of the Western rivers, bavinje traversed the Missouri ri • var from;ite34outh teEotf Benton—a point within ... , sUtywiles of the head-waters of the Columbia, and threo/Hh6nsand . * hardalfeady hoeffipnhlisßetii'.fiud’fibtfiihg'Of.^e-^ ; ofal 'thb;do ( whirip of the Sbyea4= l ■ .. :EagTe‘,v-jThe Spread Eagle Ipffc tfie Chippewa bound: dowh'abßiodi ahallhfttybo&t fwfUT be,! h‘P?yt; the aayof July* and:ari» l7Ut.f :BhO ; >ieft-Fort> Benton Spread Eagle, ?* R %b;the' r tobU th^of hundreclw of c . .-Indiannnnffltiqs.ana/tolrfiutftTbMOMlng to the qttte^ikhd’^^preswdthemselv'tti^prtit^^SSi^ift migbt bc Men nt anymo^ > raent;;.toeeth(!r,»Uh any qtlantity gf'kirAlf bbaki 'ThoirtpHaa beenjjdjmoiijfojtikl.toafe pruolloabw, •the ChippU wat bavi ngi madeitlh'low w&ter. -On© ipBSBOBge'K a! n ?2^^^@sffiWKw^@SN | iw ,, %aieK*R BttEM GosftfONXnnkQTmn-15oneOR2 casks -, mdso Walter .fe Berglisivrorr abates do_Tir ; D J»y«« * SoOf 28ca*oHdbjCW6*inted0V.idoC Walfscn: Og Atig. 25, 1859, 'tetJHIHSESI,;.;: '™.5'33 J SUN SBTB. -.6 37 .H1GHiWAT88..^........... ARRIVED, 1 ■' —Bti? Fiulor, 8 lias'll from Tarkß.'Wjnd, wllh -ralt to TF» Cororaings *. 86n. AiirSp.lntM;lone7Bi IbpoSb sclir-Bamuol. of nnd iVom Baltimore for .Port SsbTh.t liOlt at Bartailoes tth inst. tart Virginia, ot' N Vr,rk. disci] FT.' ‘ Pailcd from Barb'll!or;; in company with hrTic Re*K ForTurlra-Islands. Tiie K had not arrived at Jillwjien the Calvert left. *Loft at Turks Island bark .Gerthid*. of Batin Idg; : v- , . Dr brig days from SackviUe, NBj vTtti stooo andfish to E A aoudorA Co.- .-'-. •r .BrigjC HBamnaon. Porter, 21 days from Hillsborough, -■with pls^tto.E^Souder,4tCo.-v i «,. , , .- ir, • fSehrßlua GnU(fir) Mann, Httayß from Mfaudis, Sf£, '.wimstonetnoaptaiif f ,J f?;' %; *' * ' • ; S6hrC HRogerji, Langley, 5 days from Newburyport, , in Bturtevaht «-Co. , “ Schri Sarah, Bensdn, a days i from. Now .Bedford, with I oil to Coohran A Russell.,-; . . - • gohrELB Wales, HoffVnan, 6 days from Wilmington, -NO; with naval Ktnros to D S,Btot«bn Sc Co. „ i Sclir TUatcher-Taylor,'.Smith, 3 days from New Yorjf, New York, with mdse to Crmioh, Heiidor«oii ; 5 days from Haverhill, from Boston, with mdse to I Tsohr 3 days from Smyrna, Del, I 3°days from Dover, Del, With oftrnto Jas Barratt ± I 8c irMary.Miltex, Laws, from Boston. BchrAd6uiidevCorßiin. from Boston, _ I Bchr HannahrWillets, from Boston, I Schr. Alabama,-VAngHder/from, Boston, I Schr E Chester, Brower, from Lynn. 14 BchrD B.Talpeyf/rom Portsmouth, r Be ir Restless, Smith,'tram Salem. , Steamship Delaware, Copes, New York, via Cape May, B nK°M arfaWhwJer, Wheeler, Portsmouth,'N Storte- Vl Brig t J&'KCrowley/Driikoe,Salem, C A HecJrsoJier • Sohr Juniata, Djier, Portland. do Sche Geo Edward, Baker, Boston, N Sturtovant & Co. Bohr Jane C Patterson, Hand, Boston, O Hiljer A Co. ' Sahr Alabama, Vangilder, Boston, Van Dusen,Norton '« ,Behr Mary Milter, Laws, Boston, Tiverton Coal Co. I). Bohr Adelaide, Corson. Boijton, L Audenried Sc Co. j J -/.-.Sghr James Martin, Harding, Providence, Crowell A .glshrlS Chester,'Browor,' Alexandria, Noble, Hammett ..A.CaLdweU. , Bohr Ply, CheeserwiiV, NantUbkM,-, • -do, __ Schr Hannah Willeta,Cromer, East Cambridge, JR ‘SohrDP.Toljioy. Portsmouth, a ' do - Laura, weeks, Hartford, Blakiston & Cox. Gen Taylor, Hunter, Westchoster, do L ' i '( Correspondenoe of The Press.) . ! iV' 'HAVRE BE GRACE, August 24. 1359. \ 'The Kingston left here this morning with 8 boats rladen and consigned as follows: . •, . ■ Geo Hopaonj lumber to Mnlone « Taylor: Economy, do toC&DS Cadwalader; J Q/A McConkey,bark to Oid'Chester; Alary, of Muncy, lumber to Caniden; Abra hnm Busman, do to riororosa & Sheets; Lithe Jane, Eliza, of Bainbridge, and Mary Prank,' coal to Delaware City, '’ (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) • . ... ' LEWES, Del, Aug 23. In consequence Of theNE wind profiling since Sa turday. a jarec fleet—about 120 vessels—hari oollected at thd harbor, ?H of-Which lefUnst evening, except three brigs and’ Sut' schooners, whioh are now getting under way.. Among the number which sailed are brigs Bel voir, Elißabeth Watts, Model, Lorain, Olive, add Lucy Ann; sohrs Paugassetr, Rainoow, Vcauonnock. New port, Ingoniar,‘Parana; TC Bunting, Albert Field, H A Rogers. Memento, Kossuth, Mary Ellon, Lender, Pr Edwaro^A_< Tjrreli r< H Clyde, Ellen T Lake, Elouise, W Morse/Baltic, M, Pierce, Prowess,'Elizabeth Sc Ellen', ;3masts) SPSoilidayJH E Weston, Globe,Maryland, ,L Wtfterbury, James T Brody. Elizabeth English, Tri uitlph.'M Reuiliart, Isis, C P Williams, Jonas Riwirka, HaxallyE W-Gardner, and about thirty fishing vessels. Wind southeast, , • • •. . MEMORANDA. Steamship State of Garvin, hence, arrived at Savannah •. ? •- , - Steamship Pmnoas Brogue, Matthews, cleared at Bos ton 23d mst. for Philadelphia. , ‘ - . Steamship Hammoma, Schwensen, cleared at N York 23d inst. for,Hamburg. , , r , ■ Bark Indus, Thompson, olenred at Baltimore 23<1 inst for 3/jo do Janeiro and a market. . Chicopee, cleared at Boston 23d inst. for Philadelphia.- , - -Brig Henry ADidier t Graham. Tor Pernambuco and a market, cleared at Baltimore 23d inst. Merchant, rhillips, from Laurel, Del, at Aloxan dna23dmst«.,: j, . . I BchrJnsA Stevrnrt. Cdnltor, hence, remained at Bar badoeS4tlunst.' v ■ •' jHclrr Jas Barratt, Nickerson, honce, arrived at Poxt laml 23dJnat.' ; Schr-Resene ( 4 3aeon,henee;arrivedftt Fall River 22d instant - Schrs Martha ‘Wriglitington; wrishtmvton.'and John Lftneutar, Bhte.i, hence, arrived at Fall Fiver 22d insl. gebr Essex, Fost, hence at Newport 2Jst inet* : , Carbarr»'henco3 arrived at IfewLondon ' .ScbrSvNaney Gage* and llA'Weokfl, God ■freW hence, arrived -at Providence S2A inst ' iiETAiii drv goods. OPENING THE SEASON WITII GREAT ' BARGAIN'S.—A large'-lot of Not Cash Goods, bought uudod peculiar circumstances, to be sold cheap. .('6O pieces fine White Brilliants at 121* cents, cost 17 oents tojmport.. • CO do. superior do., nt 20 cents. 60 do. nssorted Flm'd Muslins, cheap. .-,'£o do. Bayadere Mous. d© Laines, rlob styles, at 12K cents./' ,'a\i im i, ~ :■ v' t ’ Gay style JPacifies, 19 cents. . •- Bayadere Mohairs at 19 cents, worth 31. ,/ Suver/muced Sack" FlannCls. 31 cents, wortn 3714. / Super, snow-drop Damask Napkins, 8176 per dozen, WO'tllS2 60. ,j, GontsX Linen Cambrio Hamlkerchiofu, }2}i to 60 cents. .. Do.. Colored bordoreddo.,2oto37Kcents, Ladies’hem-stitched at 31 eohts. ' - ' .Super, plain all-wool De Laines cents, m, oROn ‘ Black Silks, Black Bombazines and Alpacas. .These are-job lots. " • ~ Also, Wamsutta, WilUamsville, and other Muslins; - .u* v' • BMirfeW 8 ;,,. 11l EW FAI.I. GOODS!!! i > " rE '° HTH ; BEAimlm! SATfNFLAI^rOPLINS. ,! , nich Poulard Silks. • , f ,; • , .Handsome Fall D© T.aices. ; : . New Fail Chintzes. &c., &c. ' _ v ’_vvrttea are vtrydtsirablt and very cheap. - BLACK SLKBAND /aNCY BILKS!!! - - Light Cloth Raglans for fall weather. , Shawls, Busters;'Ac,, in eroat variety, ' Good Family and Fronting Linens. ...Ajftrg,e_stoqkpfßQmpstioMuBlins. ’ - ■ --GreatQuantities of-Flannels,' &0, ! Silk Mantillas. ; Lace Mantillas.? ‘ . i. . . , Bareges, Organdies. Lawns, &c., 6to. aa»-tf B- ~ WE BUY AND s LLL FOR CASH.” ROBES. -- -■ / i? r < - MaSium and neat Style.. Imported by ■ SHARPI.ESB BROTHERS, anil EIGHTH nndOHESTNU'r. V jAWN ORGANDIES AND BAREGES. Balling at very low .prices to make room for Au .tumn Goods.’ - - _ BHARPLEBE & BROTHERS, anil CHESTNUT and EIgHTH Streets. MEDIUM AND DARK CHINTZES. . FrencK and'Britiith Chintzes ef hew Styles and anil. ~., ... : , .CHESTNUT nnil ElOHTHSlreeij. FRENO H. liACE BOURNOOS WITH Cspea*Point, ann -Mentillfis, (Alencon,) all-at rs ducea,r.e.iAoolsgeA,„^l!^h. Bn •. _ LACE BOURffOUS Kid Mantillas, ( Carabray,)m great profusion, at reduoed • ■ BLACK; AND WHITE BAHi'oE S CLOAKS tT AND Dusters, ute d • 1 . ,:Ladies’ .Cldths, jight colors and black. —Pine BJackDoeßkiua and CassiinareM. W B Vestings, and Batinetts. jf St i.-. NINTH and MARKET, T SINEN .GOODS. - m eke«he»vrand fine Linen., some cheap lots by the piece or yard, v : '.Napkins, Doy[ies r Towols> Diap?rsj ° JflJl'H & aml°MAH^'ET. WILUAMSVILLE. ''Jr** Wamaaita* and other Bhirting«. i rme and loZrpnoed Shirt Bosom*. Mealmean&m JATd or piece. • fco.;4:o. ... HIISINESSCAKDS. 'PENNSYLVANIA ‘ PAINT , STORE,- SMITH, cornor of SECOND, and rioi _ —ThmweU-koowciaoleiiloßtalilieliment •till retain* tiio reputation of oaUing tlio Mat articles at orinAa, • - » - ' DKW frVAPP/223 J)OCK Street above WaJtuifefcTOpK and dealers in Mer-. ctmiDe.Paper.and.woantves.Wnflraily, Attend the lr r Ste^Tc^Kß. ir feoNMi l . yyff-Hy* TfUiK ADAMS; EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 14 ■ SJJ OHESTfKUT Street, forwards l'lrcdb Pack- fiterchafldue. Bftnkriplo**'and Bpeoie; either by ia Own Lmoftf arm conneohon with other Express Com- taU ,the principle towrtu and cities of the Iwtett State*...:; . • ‘ E.S. SANDFOHD,' aulitC y;, ,i■)• ■ ■ • -General Superintendent. *I?HEO. IJ; E3rfORY & CO. ' pyPIbE NoltfSontltEOUKTil St., 'J'liilad's. j' v '<■.Bole Agenta of > :; ' • f:4.» y , ; - : * : O%BJE| , TET£,I3O WALNUT Btreeti' ■' TVluru'ay house, ’iX*.; ‘ . , new Auk, ohto, ! J 8 tholargqst and boat arranged Hotel in central Ohio, 1b centrally located Trorj ;en« v of, acc e s s from all the i Toutoa ot travctr.lt cflatainsatiihe modem improve ments, and.ever? convenience for the comfort nnd ac commodation of the travelling public. The Sleeping Jlotuns aro largo/nnd 57011 ventilated. The Suites of ROOnjS ivro woil arranged and carefully furnished for famines and Inreo travelling parties *, andihe House will be kept as a first-ciiiss Hotel in nvorv rosftoct. • ~ - , H. ArMURRAY fc BRO„ - au24-8m ; ___ Proprietors. ■w .ATIONAL HOUSE. I TK*;. LONOBRANCH, NEW JERSEY. ! Till* Hotel is capable pf accommodating from lour to five hundred and hna, at this time, about SOU guest*» and but three waiters less than when the House waft entirely full. Notwithstanding the assertion of the Jersey eornjspondentof JVic Frrss oftho lOtlnnet.. ruy is in full and successful operation; has had irdm'lhe commencement of the season, and has at this - ti'wiei nioro patrons than any two Hotels \ipon the Branch ',fcpinnmou. Hub is the pleasantest portion of tho season for those who oan spend » short timo at the Sea Bhore. , The rush l>eiug over, we can our patrons -Withjtood Rooms, good attendance and Faro, and at tho best located and most agiooaulo Hotel upon the Branch. . Vao&-3t* : 1). V. FKTJEIIB. N:" ;£PTUNK HOUSE, ' 1 , -• ATLANTIC CITY. ThisPOPULARand FAVORITE HOUSE li&vjn* boon ENLARGED am) REKURNlßllED.isnowthrpwnopon for the season. :Its Rooms ari'LAnGK, mid kmsoakti.y icknishkd. with rffery couvonieuoe iind comfort for so- • “ BKbr.OK’s,” ' . street. .• _ j. WEIGHTMAN . .8. E. corner Eleventh and Jefferson streets. _ S. 8, TOMKINS._~.~..No. 1040 North Front street. -H. BROOKS..—— ——.,. --S- w. comer of Seventh ' ' and Pme streets. _ JANE MYERS.—- ..Coatesstreet, belowThir ’ teanth street. F. M. WOOD. ...T.B. W.corn* (Franklinand Coatet .eots. A F. MORRIS. - „ N, W. corner Tenth and - _ Shippen streets. _ E. B. TURNER.. .. ..No. 1216 South Front street. „ J.SHUSTER...™ S. W. comer Broad and 1 Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEST™. Corner Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. 8. pnWN ....... . T - N. E. comer Ninth and _ . . Federal streets. J. McINTYRE., Twdnty-aeoond street, ab, Ooates. E. W. street, above Se venteenth. ALEX. FULLERTON.a— Corner of Fifth and Ohris- J. L. HICKS... N. J., store 119 Aroh street. ‘ C. H. RAINIER Wimt Philadelphia, 86thst. ab. Uaverford road. R. L. YARNELL— ——. .Lenni, Penna. JOHN BARNDT...—...—-Tremont and Pine Grove, Penna. M. 13, ....—..Reading, Ponna, GEO. B. TOWNSEND..—— West Chester, Penna GEO. L. BECKER. „ Atlantic City, N.J. - JAMES GARLAND.,.. Cape May, N. J, D. HORTON....—. Florence,N. J. JOHN BODD. Wilmington, Del. Je2-tf ' ■ MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. Corner BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment is now m miopessful operation, day add night, and all are respectful!/ invited to call and see the whole propriss of bread-making for themselves'. The undersigned takes the liberty of saving that tor thirty-five years he has been a practical Hiker—five as apprentice, and five as journeyman in one of tho first houses in Scotland, and twenty-five as master—during which time he hAs had the opportunity of making many experiments, and observing ad the improvements which have boon made during that,period. , ' In this establishment, of Vfiiiob' he ha* now the man agement, in addition to the complete labor-saving ma chinery, he has how facilities of many kinds not hereto fore possessed. Being unrestrained in tho purchase of flour, none but the soundest and best shall ever be used; and he has no hesitation id saying that Bread of all kinds cau be de-. livered, unsurpassed in'quality and weight by that made bithe o/dinary process. 'Families in whioh the Bread made by the Mechanical Bakery has not beon tried, or in whteh it has been tried only at its commencement, before the inaohinery was in perfect working order, are respeotfully asked to give it a trial now, the undersigned believing it would lead to mutual advantage. JOHN G. MOXEY, - • my24-tf Superintendent. 1 PIANOS. CHICRERING & SONS, IfS TV ’ WAIfUPACTtmKRS OF' GRAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT - PIANO-FORTES. - WAREROOMS 807 CHESTNUT STREET. . Constantly in store a targe stook of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have been awarded, at the different Exhibitions In this oountry and Europe.. sB P°itoo D & B . Rpii,ST - OLAss MED fev -fltssta SUPERIOR PIANOS. .. I »P?N r UP B CTUR?:kS,‘ Light Streets, Baltimore, Have always pn hand a large assortment of their supe rior Pianos, recommended by certificate* from S. Tbalberg»Stmto* oh » and other celebrated performers to be equal,u;iot superior, to any made in this country. . The. durability of their Pianos will be warranted for five years and a privilege of exchange granted within six months, should they not give entire satisfaction. Manufacturing largely, we willsell, wholesale ahd retail, at the most reasonable prices. ,1 . ,„ ri WILLI AN KNABE A CO.. . ' Messrs. LEE. A WALKER, No. 722 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, are our authorized Agents, and ‘Will keep constantly on hand and sell our Pianos nt ma nufacturers’. prioes. mhs-6m_ * jeg£9siRAVEN, BACON, & Co.’s, II Iff * Nunns, A ClaTk’B, Hallett. Davis, & Co.’s, and AH. Gale & Co/s'snpemr PLAINS, Also. Ma son A Hamlin’s Unrivalled MELODEONB and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churohes and Lecture and Melodeons to Rent. ' J. E. GOULD. . riyM-lr . SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. WASHING AND lUONING. WASHING AND IRONING DONE -©S3? with NEATNESS and DESPATCH, for Single • • Ladies, and Gentlemen, Families. Bcmrdiue Schools, Hotels, Bteaml*>ate, Ac., at*. DONOVAN'S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. ris South SIXTH Street, comer of Prune.. Family Shirts and Collar* patent polished. Everything washed by hand, on the com mon wash-board. , The whole business is strictly attended to bv female operatives, Mrs. DONOVAN, jrXJ-ir Snperindenrfedt COFFEE.— 500 bags low-priced Rio. 100 ‘ hags prime Laguayra, for sale by ' ‘ - / JAAIESGR4ICAM A CO., ~ &u2Q 1 LETJTIA Street. 'ras mi Philadelphia' and ■ tihioago, Rook Island, Niagara Palls. Milwaukee, Bur lington, Montreal, St. Paurs,Detroit)Dunheth, and St.‘ •Louis. - ■ -• •• ! i , Passengertrains will leavethe Fhuaielnlnaand Read , Lne Railroad Repot, oornor BROAD aid VINK Streets, M,, ' Y ' ls “?s“A!Wi'nfe: • ■ ■ ; For Elmira. Niagara Palls.-Buttmo, Detroit, Chioago, Mllwaukee.RQcklslftml, Galena, St. Pud's, Burlington, t ‘ ° UI Ew P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS.. For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Bjiiialo. Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena,e{. piui’js, Burlington, 1 anu 6t. Louis. h < ' 1 The 7.30 A. Jtf. and 5.30 V. M. tracts Tun through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all Statusason the Lebanon 1 Valley Branch. . , I T1i0 , 7.3uA. M. train'oonnectfl, at Rtport for Wilkes barre, Pittston, Scranton, and allstatunsion Urn LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD.' { Baggage oliookod to Elmira, Sauab, and Suspension 1 Bridge., , - < - 1 , onn Iki Procured at the Philadelphia and 1 Elmira Railroad Line’s Ticket Oflice,Northwest corner of SIXTH and CIiKBTJN UT Streets, md at tho Passon } gor Depot, corner BROAD and VINK THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN 1 Loaves tho Depot, Broad stroot, below Vine, daily, (Sun day excepted.) for dll pajnts West nu<- North, at 6 P. M. I Freights must bo delivered bofore 3 l'.ht, to insure hgoing the sumo day,; * r - , ' • : • • For further information, ftpmy at . , 1 , Freight Depot. BROAD, below Vino, ,1 Or to OHAS. S. TAPPLN.,JimeraI Acont, • N. W. corner SIXTH and OIIESI'NUT Streets, ocl-tf Philadelphia. lllMgSlllfil SUMMER. AERANGE AND DALTI MOftE KAIhUOAI. On and nflor MONDAY. Jul» 4th, 1859. PASSENGER TRAINS; LEAVE Iim^ADELPHIAj Par Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 12 uotn,( Express,) ani 11,11) P. M. For Chesterat 8,15 A. M., 12 n00n,i.30, nnd 11.10 P. M • For Wilmington at B.ls'AniU 13,5.30, and 11.10 P..M Far Now Cnutlo at 8.16 A. \L» and 4SOP. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M»» and *5O 1\ M« For Dover ntS.lft A.M.,anß 4.80 P. M. 'Porßonford at 8.15 A. P. M. • . TRAINS FOlthuLAlifT/I'KIA Leave Baltimore at 6.80 A. M», {EipreaßjlS.iO A. M. and 6-25 P. M. i Leave Wilmingtonat 0,66 A* M* and9.2Q A. M„ 1.10 and | q vj ° Leave Castle at 8.45 A. AT., and 7.40 P. lit. Leave Middletown at 7.60 A. M. an a 0.34 P. M. Leave Dover ntS, 4,5. m. 6, 7, 8. 0,10, find 11 V. M. . Leave Germantown $» 7, 7Ht8,8%, 9, (fi, 11, A. M., J2*.L Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. M>, 2,3,5, 7}£, and 10>* P. M. < (Jerfnsntow’n S.lOftim. A. M., Mo min.» 4, 6}(, Chestnut Hill 7.W, 7.0, 5.19, 9.0, 11.55 A. M„ ; ISSS P. M. *■*,’!> ■ ' ' - FOR CONSHOIIOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8.05 rain., 10.05. mm.» A. M„ J. 05 min.. 3.05 min.,6?£t_ilJ£ I*. M. Leave Norristown 0, V, 0,11 a; AI.» l»;8>«>-4>£» C, 7K, ON.SUNDAYS,. _ Leave Philadelphia 0 3 VnHVP. M, Leave Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 mm., 8.05 min.i 10.05 min., A. M., 1.05 min., 2.05 nun., 3.05 imn., iJk, 6&, 6! i’a S i!vBMiiay'unk 6K, 7«, SX, 9Xi IOX, UK A. M.,»«, 3.05 rain., 4,6, ti>£, 8,0.05 , ON SUNDAYS. fcK! tV"|: & U &i p. M . H. K. SMrai.’tietaral Superintendent, my 7 DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets, ■RK ssa NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. .AEM^™ o fi D W3inuSM: wuk.^ I^-fiasß^ffte|gsrav#^ A -“* 4 w , Por Doyleatown, (Accommodation,) at 8.13 A. M. anil for Fort Washington* (Accommodation,) at 2.15 P. M. and a.® f- T^,NB you Philadelphia • CIHCI/LARSi BILL HEADS, Leave Bethlehem, (Express, )fit9 A. M, And 4.10 P. M. Leave Uoyiestown, (Accommodation,) at C.SO A. M. ai fiiviFnrt Washington, (Accommodation,) nt 6.3 Q A. M. and 8.35 i>. 111. w S j,j, BAYa . Philadelphia, for'Dovlawovn.ut9 A. M. and 3 P. M. -Doylestown, for Phtlada., at 6.3qJ1, hi, an4ti P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, S1A0; to Mauch Onunk.'Sfi.W; to Easton,Sl.BOs toDoyleaUwn.SOcents; toWilkoslmrre, B jdf’PaM«»SSl” Trains.< except Sunday con nectat Berks sfreel wifhEjith and Suclh-kireew, and Second amt Thml-slroeta Railroads. , Passengers for Wiikosfrnrro tape yi# A. ftL'Pram, and arrive in Wdkeeharre at 7 P.M. myid. - ELLIS CLAft?* Agent - LABELS. COMPANIES. NOTICE.—CHESTER 4WHPBg»MwBvAI.IiBY RAILROAD-PAS SKNGKR TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS.—On and after Ist .Tnnuary, 18Mftll0 l'’'»lenzer Train* Mr BOWNWGTOWJf, «fi! start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadelphia and Rending Railroad Company* corner of BROAD and VINE Streets, - MORNING TRAIN for Dpwningtown, leaveß at 7.30 A AFTERNOON TRAIN for Doswßgtown, leaves at 4.45 P.M. , _ , 8f of the Philadelphia 1859. 1859 fitiarMßß AitrtANGKMENT—NBW YORK I.INES» XROM WALNI/T-STRB'BT WU*.#?, - At« aVmm vfa Camden 'and Amboy, and 0. A £?**’ A^6 C A?l^wa*Camden and Jersey City, (New - A l 9A?ftSfe Jerae'y City,Morning SCO At n A. M„ by Stoamhfliit, ri* Twmy und Jersey City, Mornine Enirex. ....u «> At 2P. M., via Ooroifon and Amboy,*o. le A. Ed- . press , 3 00 AtSJi P. M.,by Steamboat, via .Tacony and Jer sey City, Evening Express.... 3 00 At3«P. Af., by Steamboat, via Tacony.ano Jer sey City,2d’Ctnss Ticket... 2 25 At 6 P, M., via Cainden and Jersey City, Evening Mai 1............................... i...•... 3 00 At UP. M.» via Camden and Jersey City, Night Mai 1........ ’• 325 At?H P. M,viaCamdenand Amlwy,Accomodation, (Freight and Passenger—lst Class ticket. 225 . 2d Class Ticket........ ICO At 5 P. M., via Camden arid Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Posaengec}—lst Glow 1 jpket 325 2d Class Ticket- • • r— 175 The SP. M. Mail Line runs daily. The II Night Mail, Saturdays oxcentcd. Expfess Lines atop at Principal Stations only. * For BeJvidero, Easton, Flemington, Ac., at 6 A, M. &nd 3M P. M. ' For wator Gap. Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkcsbarro, Montrose, Groat Bend, Ac., at 6 A. M., via Delaware, Lack&Wßuri&f and Western Railroad. ForFreehold«atBA,M. and2P. M. . For Mount Holly, at d and kA. ALi and 2li, 4K, and 5 P, M. WAY LINES . „ DjrFor Bristol, -Trenton, Ao, at 3>s and 4H P< M>, from Walnut-street wharf. - , For Palmyra, Dehmeo, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ac., At 1 and 2 3£_P. M. Steamboat Richard Btookton for Tacony at‘ll A. M., and for Bordentown and, intermediate places at 3H 'steamboat John Noilson for Tacony at 8H A. M.,and ior Bristol, Burlington, and intermediate places, at 12 M.and4>i P. M. , , , Fifty pounds of baggage only each poasonger. Paasengorsare proinbited from taking anything as t>ag gage but their wearing Apparel. All baggage fifty pounds (olM) paid for extra. The company'limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any ataount-beyona £lO9, except by special contract. „„„ „ : Judql. WM, H. OAT/?MER, Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. ’ 1859. _ MM: 1859 UAL T 0 THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS between Philadelphia and pittsburg, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston. Now York, and all points East, and at the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Traiife lor Cin cinnati. Bt. Louib. Cleveland, Chicago, Burhugton, St. Paul’s,Tndinnapobs,LouisVille, Net?-Pr/eans, ami all intermediate points in Ohio,, Indiana, Illinois, Kontuc ky.Miohigqji, Wisconsin, Mmuesota, Missouri, Kansas, anaNebroska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passenger* unsurpassed for.speed and com fort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, .Without ohangeofCors or Conductors. - . Smoking Car* are attached to eßchTrnjn: WoodrnfTt Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS.DaTLY? Mail and Fast Lines, Sun days ozcepted. Mail T;qin leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 A/M, Fast Lino •• . IIAOAiM. , Express Train leaves “ • 10AO P, T M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Parkesburg Accommodation at 11 A. M» Harrisburg Accomro/joation, via Columbia,2.oo P.M. Columbia „ ‘‘ 4,50 P, Mv Passenger* for west Ohosfor will take tlio Mail, Parkesburg, and LancnstsrTmms, at the Pennsylvania Railroad rassonger Station, 7 Passengers lor Sunbury, WiHnmipp/t, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara FWteaud intermediate points,leaving Phila delphia at 7.15 A. m., and 2 P. M.» go direqtlyHhrough. Tickets Westward may be o itained at thoiffice of the Company in Phi adelphm, New York, Boston, orßal tunoro; and Tickets Eastwan at any of the important Railroad Offices m the West; also on board any .of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers. . Fare always as low aaanr other Route. Tho completion _nf the Western oonnectiona of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, jnake this the wre hv The oonncotinn of traoks by, tho RmJreeH Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all dravaee or forrmgejof Freight, together with the paving of time, are advantages readily Mpreoiated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling u ,0 ; - freights westward; / fcßv this Route Freights of all descriptions can be for warded from Philadelphia, Now \ ork, Boston, or Balti - more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or.Missoun, by Ram road direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connectsat Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can bo forwarded to any port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, l Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Misouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Red Rivers; and at. Cleveland, Sandusky, mid Chicago, with Steamers to nil ports oil the Northwestern Lakes. Mmfhtnu end ShiPi>Brs entrusting the transportation of their hroight to this Company, oan rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE K ATifs Op FREHSHT to an, point f„ the West, hv tho Penns) Ivnnm HaUrnad are nt nil times ns I'avnra-, ble os are charged by other. Railroad Companies Be particular to mark packages “ via Penua. Kn\l- Me'relmntsin the Westorderimr raodsfroin the Kurt, Will do well to direot them to bo shipped by this Route For Freight Contracts or Shipping Dlreotionsfaiply to, or address either of the following Agent* of the Com pany s D. A. STEWART. Piaster*: Doyle & Co.,Steubenville, o.; H. B.lMorcefc Co., Zanes ville, 0.; J, .1. Johnston, Jtiploy. O.; R. MoNeniv Mavs ville, Ky.; Ormsby & Cropper, Porjs,noSthfofj Vnddock & Co., leflersonviHe, Indiana { H. W> Brown & Co., Cincinnati, O.: Athern & Hibbert. Cincinnati /> • P O »•»?«*%M i il% In r d,! WilliamßinglSm.limifsvme; Ky.; P. G, o’Rjley & Co., Evansville, Tnd.t N. W. Gra hnm & Co., Cairo, III.; R. F. Bass, St. Louts Mn * Tnhn H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris AHunt* Mcniuhis 0 Tenn.; Clarke & Co!, Chfoaeo, III,; W.HH Bn!’ AUon.Ub: Mun>hy&Walle, Dubuque,lHdortn Freight Agents of Railroads at different poiitts in the West. Parties attending to their own shipSentVfrom the oAl *,°n the Agentsof the Company at tho following places before siiiomnci or letters uldressed to either ofthom on tho subject of 1 ' attention: W E. Je BNhftDhßi'Philadftjpliiii, & KOON8( 80 North street, Baltimore. LEECH i-CO., 2 Astor House, or 1 5 wiiimri., MV LEECH & CO. MKilbvstroetVßoston Ilhamst.,N.Y. ,ji ssmsmssr A M.ERICAN- BALI 3 ROPE.—Wc invite J&Wi on °W ut A iern moroli’ants to our stock »°a f |A7 H B ' auIO No. 223 N. WATER, and 22 N, WIIARV^S. jtAii.noA» "into, I SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC IfAILROAD. ■ ONLY AND A HALF HOURS TO THE SEA ; I SHORE. On and after SATURDAY, May 21st. and until further notice, three daily trains to Atlantio and return. On SUNDAYS, the Mail Train only will run. First, Mail Train, leaves Vine-Btroet Ferry,..7JO A;M. 1 Scoofld,Expross, , ’ - » ...4.00F, ! M; . L < Stopping only for wood and water. > Freight Train (with Passenger Car attached).4.3s A.M. Aoooramodation Traill, (Egg Habor, 4 ) leaves ‘ ' • Vine street f. 7 _ 4.60 P. M, ■ LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. , First, Express Train, leaves...- -.6.00 A.M Seooml, Mail, “ , ..... 4.40 I‘. M Freight,. “ ..,.12,10 A. M Accommodation Train leaves Egg Harbor 5.0 J A ,M‘ ; , . SUNDAY TRAIN. Leaves Vine-streot Ferry at .^.V.! A, M* Retunuug, leavos Atlantio at p. M, and Abloom™ 11 Bt ° P olily at Water , fortl » Egg Harboy, , HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Cooper’s Point... _ 11.00 A. M. Leavos Hnddonfiold .. _ _ 1.00 P M. Leavos Cooper’s Point. 2.00 P. M. Leaves Haddonfield 3.00. P. M, P are,to Atlantic, when Tickots are purchased before cn torihgtho oars. §1 50 Ilouiid‘J.’rip Tickets, good for two days, on any regular train. §2 00 On and after July 2d, and every Saturday through the bummer, tup Egg Harbor Accommodation Traiuwiil run through to Atlantio, and roturn early on Monday morn ing. - , £, [Sight must be delivered at Cdoper’e Point by IP. M. Ilie Company will not be responsible for any goodßun it repolvoduna receipted for by their Freight Agent al h 6 Point. myl9-dsGpl JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent. rcg m mm&m new ;West ' ches- AND PHILADELPHIA .RAILROAD vrA MEDIA. ~ SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ’ t - On and afterMay'iWth, 1859, the trains will leave Tlu-? Jadoljphia, from the Station. N. E. corner of EIGH TBmTH and MARKET- Streets, at 7 and 11 A. M., and at 2,4 SO and fi 13 P. M. , Cheater, from the Station, on EAST MARKET Street, at 0.30, 8.30 and 11.30, A. M.,and 2, andfi.46P.M. . . - • ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 2 1 P« M* Lsavo West Chester at 7.30 A. M,, and 3.15 P. M, HEN&YWOOD, General Superintendent. Philadelphia reading rail road, WORNINOMNE, for rOTTSVILLE, READ ;• , ING and HARRISBURG. ' -Leaves the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Streets, at 7.30 A. M.. DAILY. (Sundays excepted.) for POTTSVILLE, HARRISPUBG. imd ail intermediate •omts, connecting at Harrisburg vatli trains running to ?ittsburg, Chamberslmrg, Carlisle. Sunbury, Sc c. ' ' AFTERNOON LINHS. Leave at33OP. Jd., DAILY, for FOTTSVILLE and HARRIBBURG. * At 4,45 P. 1 M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) for READ ING, and intermediate points. , « ■ , , ap!B < ‘ * W. H. : MoILHENNY; Secretary. fSSS aa L-H wwmn NQTrOE TO SHIPPERS ftrfl Look Haven, Lewisburg, Wayne, Northumberland, Jersey Shore, Bunbunr, Linden, Treverton Intersection, Newbury, Georgetown, Williamsport, MiUerstowu, Muncy, Halifax, Watsontown, York, Milton, . Hanover Junction. ALSO, • Gettysburg, fifld all mtOrfliediate points on HANOVER R i!l !*ooss sent to Freight Station, THIRTEENTH < tA RKKT NOTICE QREKN AND COATES, FOURTH AND EIGHTH STREET, j TICKETS. TWENTY-FIVE FOR ONE DOLLAR. FOR SALE AT THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES: C. KAMPHLY" " f ' l ’ h!rll "EUGENE SHOENING of Fourth and Wharton sts, WILLIAM H. PILE .Druggist, comer of Pnssy unk and Catherine sts. ROBERT KILDUFF Drueyst. corner of Sixth and Shippen sts. JOS. CRAP BAKER . .Druggist,comerofSeventh and Carpenter sts. A. M. BURDEN Druggist, corner of Eighth and Foderalsts.- FRANCIS ZERM4N Druggist cqnjer of Ninth and Catharine sts. ROBERT REYBURN Druggist, corner of Tenth and Ellsworth sts. NATHANIJ2L RANCK Druggist, cor. pf Eleventh , " and South sts. LAURENT k MARON.../. Confectioners,cfiEofßixth amiArolists. •J. & G. COOKE : Druggist, corner of Eighth nndßace sts. G.C. BOWER ..Druggist, comer of Sixth and Vino sts. A. E. GRIFFITH. Druggist, corner of Second and Race sts. GUSTAVUS MANNED Druggist, cor. of Eleventh and Button w< l°dsts.(nnd avenue- EDWARD PARRISH.... -. Druggist, cohcr of Eighth and Arch sts. D. L. STACKHOUSE .Druggist, corner of Eighth ; - and Green sts. GERMANTOWN k NOR- „ .. . fIISTOWN DEPOT. Comorof Ninthond Green streets. OFFICE of the COMPANY.No.4rt Walnut st, RECEIVER’S OFFICE Fairmnunt OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND. ’ i THEASVHV PePABTMBKTi t HAURispyRO, Fa.i August 12,1859.{ - At a meeting oftheCommissionersoFtneSirfsinß Fund held this dar. it was Mtsolved, That the State Treasurer be authorized to isfcuo proposals to buy. from the lowest bidder or bidders, Tvrn Hundred and Filly Thousand Dollars of s per cent. State Loans of rQjjnayJvdnln. , , . Notice is therefore given that flenjad Proposals for the sale of the whole' qr any part of Two Hundred ant Fifty Thousand Dollars of said Loans. wilUio roceive at tno Treasury Department, at Harrisburg, till So’clook P. AT., of THURSDAY, the 251 k day of August, A, D, 1859; the same to set forth the amount offered nnd the price asked, tp he addressed “ Commissioners of Sinkin Fund,” Harrisburg, Pa., endorsed “Proposals to sc 1 State Loans.” The bids will bo opened, and allotments made to the lowest bidders on that day.. . , _ aulfit2s ELI SLIPERi State Treasurer. GPEOI4L NOTlCE.—Dealers m Good- patent Vulcanised ; Rubber Suspenders, Braids. Wpbs.nml all owaniwnfijrami aTtiptag ipade by combining fibrous substances with thrsada or sheets ol‘ vuloanized rubber, are notified that unless tha-j»"p* United States. Merohanta and dealers are invited to ex amine sjpeoimons now in store, and to Rive their orders for the Spring. Trade to the undersigned,'EXCLUSlVE OWNER OP THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PAIIBNT for these goods, which •embrace all the sty les'heretofore manufactured or im ported, and many others. ' __ *ALfj6, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —rind the Terms—may be obtained on application to me .V&fmTM&n H. DAY". T\rOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary to the 11 Estate of FREDERICK KLETT, late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to. stud Estate will pfoqse make payment, and those having claims are re quested to present their accounts without delay to „„„ CAL hOWHI Lb. FRANKLIN C, JONES, 032 RACE Strpot. fiau 9-tutliB3w&»ep O-tutlieUw Executors, TVGTlOE.—Persons having business with 1~ the FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No. u VINE Street, between the hours of 9 o’clock and 3 P, M., whore they will find the Inspector or his Deputy. F* M. HiESTER. O. M. LAUMAN, je!7 Flour Inspector. TIEPAHTMENJ OF FUJ*I4£ JFTGH SIM WAYS.-Offlco 8. W. oorner of CHESTNUT and FIFTH Streets, Philadelphia, August 20,1829. Notice to Coxtractors.—Sonled Proposals will be received by the undersigned, at the office, until 13 o'clock M. September 12,1850, for the construction of tho following Culverts: One on the line of'Wharton street, betweon Fifth and Sixth streets, to be of Brick, 2 feet in diameter. One on the lino of Hansom street, between Twentieth and TWojjty-fMlirth streets, to be of Brick, 3 feet in dia meter* “ - , One on tho lino of Eighth slroot, botvreen Coatesjjtroot nnd a point 300 feet north of Brown street, to be of Brick, 22 inches in diameter, And all bidders are invited to bo present at tho open ing of Proposals offered on said day, at 4 o’clock F. hi. Specifications may bo obtained at tho Department of Surveys. , , JOSEPH SHANTZ, au2U-tsel2 Chief Commissioner of Highways. WINES AND LIQUORS. f'IARD.—MAKEUIL-SUR-AY (CHAM PAGNE/, JANUARY M. 185?, —In consequence of the frequent invitations received by me to rehear the shipments of my Champagne Wines tp the United Biates, I hereby to inform my formor customers find United States, for the sale of my Gfiampaene'Wine*. My Wines have been so long and favorably known m the United States, it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than tp say that my now shipments will Jn no way be found inferior to the former ones. BILLEGART SALMON. BILLEGART SALMON’S CHAMPAGNE WINES, both CABINET and VEH.ZENAY, for sale and con stantly on hand, in tots to suit purchasers,- j )y . b\ C. BROUWER. ANCIiER, k CO.. 51-BEAVER Street, New York, CLARET. —100 cnses Barton & Guestier's St. Julion i SCO do. St. Kai.flifl; sno do. Washing ton Morton St. Jufien; 100 do. do. faience, pints: ft) do. Chotean La Rose; 50 do.'do. Leovilie;’Scotch Ala, in atone and .glass; Harvey's, falkirk Brown Stout and London Porter, in store'and for sale by aua 4. MERINO. 140 South FRONT Street. OLD MONONGAjtELA WBJSKCT.—IOO bbls Old Rye; 100 half bbls do. Just received and for s’tle by auS A. MERINO, ltd South FRONT Street. LUMBER. I" UMBER. —ISO,OOO feet superior 5-4 and a F|a„k. e ea«o ad.andin 60.000feot prime Ash Flank, 5-4 to 6 inches tbiok. 200.000 Spruce Joists and Rafters, arid 2-inch Plank.! ' Spruce and White Pine Ficketa. 4>4 and 5 foet lone, pointed and plain. Together with a genera! assortment. of well-seasoned Lumber for business purposos or cabinet makers. Pur .vile at moderate prices hy jy2Mlißtul2t* ,HARBKRT, J)AVIB, & CO., LOCUST and TWENTY-FOURTH Streets. CABINET WARE. rjABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD MOORE & CAMPION. No. 281 SOUTH SECOND STREET, in connection with their ojetensive Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior artiole of ■ 1 ' ' IIfLLIARD TABLES. wl HJ l sVP.! ,< l w .£ n bond a full supply, finished with MOORE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, uliioh are pronounced by all who have used them to be autfai tor to all others. ‘ For tho quality and finish of these Tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous natrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the oWaoter of their work. . . j)2fi-6m llpjlli A larKO assortment of ■pSTI a D k I. p HI aTO, E D SALAMANDER SAFES? „ _ ,VAiII,T DOORS, BAEKi.OOKS, 1 ' Orßi ' nkgan,lmoroS - SALAMANDER SAFES. .• • Ones good terms ns any other establishment in the United States, by „ evans & watson, No. 20 South FOURTU Street, please give us a call. 1 ’ 1 “ Ull ii! l l fe HERRING .—750 bbls. Herring, assorted brands, in store end for sale bv . WAL L TAYLOR & CO., l-io WSmiTB. wuijfvi/f, TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER CHANTS.-A largo Block of MANILA ROPE, as sorted sizes.; Manufactured, and. for sate at the lowest NewYorkpnoos.by v, J£^ Ay ER. FITI,BR,& CO.. . an* g?N, waTKB at., ami sa N. wtf aßvVjo. HAVANA TOBACCO.—S 2 bales Havana Leaf and Filling.in store and for sale by Cspt. Andor i&sas*. ! LUROPA, Capt. J. Leitcb, j 1 iaiar jt r w, »/ ASIA, Ldtt, »• N Vnrk’ wS?^S} aV ’ Africa^ 11 "’ ’ ■M^v‘S^»i:se , S'. s 7. Llfe&ttiiwpwbk sa°e a DD ] v h i« e f the j; ei ji expressed. For freight or pas raafffiS. 10 . E.,CUNaRD,,4 Bowlin* GreenT , i t •' New,yorK|> t FOR.THE SOUTH.—CHARLES-; , ■ bwNaT^lfeiS^X. OfririK * KWrOaD^ !W ' i Th»rr » CHARLESTON, 8. C. ' tJn riH\F«^Hr Bte S mBh, » KEYSTONE STATE, Cap- W,atlif'^f„^S l^ m “ >wlU “‘ 1 _o“ *"<»»* I Through in 48 to 50 hours, only 40 hours at Sea. I I th,a tt a *t F SAVANNAH. Ga. ' •■ ' ~ ] cSSin T&JW BTATE OF GEORGIA. K?atlOobl h o“kA G M Vm ’ ■ “ ll °t Tuesda 7* AugUsH 1 UrsS?!J 310 > hour,, onlr-ffl honhi at Sea. ! fi vAHii.M!?** cl ? an ?®d from every Saturday to every Kliy £y. Goods rooQ i and BilL» of Lading signed flTrt v#W* d Steamships KEY snd5 nd SIATA, OF GEORGIA now run as I f P r £ im 5 a five-day commu -1 and Soutliwestharfestod and Savannah, and the South 1 i&wßkwleflton a ,? d ftivannah,.these Shins con* f«r C iiYi Zamora for Florida, and with railroads, Ac., I for all places m the South and Southwest. -v. Inspranco on a large proportion of Goods I ®v ljip pd South will be found to be lower by these ships I af® the premium being one-half the N. B.—lnsurance ’on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points. - - t, . GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. - . *Wr by this route2s to’4D per 1 cent.cheaper than by U 1? inland Routo. as will be seen by the following sche dule, Through tickets from. Philadelphia via Cnaries l ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on 'Shto'Montgome' MCPl)fc rom and Savan- m rix. , . k IHliXJin »ABX* " To Charleston 61509- Charleston 823 50 Savannah., 15 00 Savannah .3100 Augusta HO 00 Augusta...™ 26 00 hfocon 2100' Macon..'— .... 32 75 Atlanta. ,23 Co • Atlanta. . 31 00 Columbus—.—., 23 00 Columbus..- - 36 00 Albany 24 00 Albany..- 3700 I ' Montgomery... 26 00 Montgomery...-;- 38 00 Mobile- .v 35 00 , Mobite -..*46 00 New Orleans.... 39 75 • New 0r1ean5...,..... 6100 . No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. ’ For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street, or to . SonthwettcorasrFOTJraaSaaHßsfellj'r. I , Agents in Charleston, T. S. & T. G. BUDD. - ~ . . Savannah, HUNTER & GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday, . -For Florida from Savannah, steamers Sb Mary's and St. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. • 1 j>23 GLASGOW AND NEW. YORK STEAMSHIP - COMPANY.—STEAM TO BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY-for 830. . ' •_ •' ?ROM NEW TORE. GLASGOW, Thompson, Wednesday, August 25th, at 12 o clock, noon. VROM GLASGOW. GLASGOW, Thoinpgoni Wednesday* July 27th. Ratbs of Passage from New Yoric* Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin, donderrsr, first class; 875. Steerage,'found with anajCun danebof properly cooked provisions, 830. -v . An i experienced' Surgeon attached- to eaoh steamer. No charge for medicines. For freight or passage, applrto WORKMAN fc CO., No. 123 WALNUT Street JPhiiadoipW . - ROBERT CRAJG, apM-tf No. 23 BROADWAY. New York. u ■ s - M - steamers "" HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, ARAGO, Captain Lines, will sail July 23, September 17,Novcmber 12. FULTON, Captain Wotton, will sail August 20, Octo ber la. December 10. First Oabm- passage - 8130 Second Cabin passage.,...- ,76 For freighter vumwftfa NEILSON , AgoDl , At the. Warehousing Philadelphia Office, Tobacco Warehouse, POCK Street, Phila. . 373,839 09 449,754 85 305,860 06 941,864 61 SAVING FUUDS. GARDEN SAVING, EUND J3O - CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. ‘ Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street (Consolidation BantßUildingiL _' CHARTERED BY LEgISLATDrE OFPENN- Deposlti received in sums of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid in. Gold, without notice.with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from, the day of deposit till With- A responsible and rellableSavings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the oity, and “.The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society ” was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, m organizing and locating it, have been govemod wholly by a desire to:aocommodate the busi ness interest and wants of the very large' and enterpri sing population by whioh it is surrounded. B OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9 to2J4 o'clock; also, on Monday and Thursday from 6 until 8 o’olook in the evening. ’ MANAGERS. * ' • FrederioVKletf* ’ Stephen Smith, * John P. Levy, Hou.H. K. Strong, Darnel UnderkafTer, Frederick Stacks, Francis Hart, Josbph'P. LeClero, John Keaalar, Jr., George Kneoht, James 9. Pringle, Jacob Book. Joseph M, Crowell, Hoo-Wm. MiUirard, George Woelpoer, Geo. T. Thorny Peter C. Eiimaker, „„„ Robertß. Davidson. JAMES St PRINGLE, President Fbanois Hart. Secretary. - la2o-tf if HAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN ►3 TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, Southwest ooiner of.THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by-the State of Pennsyhra- Money is received in 'any sum, large or small,And. in terest paid from the day of deposit to tfcd d*y « with drawal. . i • * • • . , . . The office is open ovary cfoy from 9 o’olock m the morning till fi o'cfo,ok in the evening, and Monday evemnestiHao’clock. • ' .. GE, V?o e^Presilenl William J. Rkbd, Secretary. __ DIRBCTOP.B,' •Hon. HenryL. Benner, F, CarroTT Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, RoberfSelfridge, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph -Verkes, C.Landreth Mining, Henry DifTenderfer. Money is received and payments made daily. - The investments are made, in conformity with the provisions of tho Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such firet-class securities aq will al ways insure perfect security to depositors, and which cannot fail to give parxnaneuoy and stability to this Institution. - aul-ly- SSAYING PUND.—.UNXTEO STATES g? TRUST COMPANY, owner THIRD rind CHEST NUT Streets. „ Large and small sums received, ana paid hack on de mand without notice; with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. .Office hours, from 9 until 8 o’clock every day, and on EVEN JNGSjrom 7 until 9 o’oiook. , DRAFTS for sale on* England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. firesident—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer-JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK, Actuary.- se!7-ly ’Alittle, but often, fills thePursg,” EIRANKLIN SAVING FUND— No. 135 South E-iVURTH Street, between pheatnut khd Walnut, Philadelphia, nays aai De pik‘P on demand. . . . depositors’ money secured by Government State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mortgages, It o. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with deposi tors’ money, but have U at all times ready to re turn with 6 per cent, interest to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married $r single, gpd Minors can deposit in their own Tight, and such deposits can bo withdrawn only by their consent. - Charter, perpetual. Incorporated by the State ftf Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ney from trustees and executor*. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Offipe anen duly from 9 to 3 o’oiook. and on Weanefalay and Saturday evenings untilSo’olk. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwaliader, John Shindler, George Russell, Malaehi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delsny, Nicholas Rittenbousß, Nathan Bmediey, Jos. R. Satherluwaite. Ephraim Blanouard, Cajivva+T.a.dsk, Treasurer. . ** A Dollar saved is Vyioe wbed.” 56Q8,8M70 MACHINERY AND IKON. SANJPBL V, StBKSICK, J. VAUGHAN &XF.BBICK, WILLUM H. MEBBICX. fiOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND . Manufacture High and Law pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service,. Boilers. Gasometer;, Tanks, iron Boats, ko,; Castings of all kinds, either Iron ojr Brass. . Iran pram© Hoofo for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road stations, Ac. Retorts aptf Gag Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction, ’ „ Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Baw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defer a tors, Filters, Pumping Engines; Ac. 'Sole Agents for N. Killieax's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patent Stefttn Hammer; and AspinwaU & Wolsaj’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. au 5-y The cheapest brush, house in PHILADELPHIA.—Loak at the following list of pnces^ else her rUM.and compare them with those No.?,^B3k»ots, 63Kpordoxen, No. 2, 68 knots, 76 No. 3, €8 knots, 87 “ No. 4, 80 knots, ICO « No. 6, 83 knots, 113 “ No, 6,100 knots, 138 “ No. 7,104 knots, ISO ■« .. c . eoks t ß i N £2 North THIRD Street, below Aron, Philadelphia. P ROUT’S CELEBRATED LONDON BRUSHES. Qualify is mare essential in a Hair Brush than in any other Toilet article. PROUT’S BttUBHEB. wherever introduced* hay© at onco taken precedence for quality of m&tenals and for scientific construction. His Hair Brushes, combining a peculiar elasticity with the re quisite firmness, are found to pass uniformly, and smoothly through the hair rather than roughly and harshly ovbb. it, thus giving the proper stimulus' and consequent freedom from damiruif to the scalp-skin without injuring it, and. thus, too. insuring a naturaUj glossy, healthy condition to the hair. His TEETH. NAIL and COMB BRUSHES are equally desirable also for their respective uses, all combining, m a remarkable degree, oompletest usefulness with extraordinary dura bility. A Bill assortment of PROUT’S superior goods, irja.tr _ Clj&W The~ stock of window-glass^ Qplors.andr WHITE* i,ivAD, which ZIEGLER k SMITH, WholesaleDrue f'l l l'Jul n6T Gf SECOND and GREfeN -Street, offer n?,Uwi a 8 *° R . n d quality, are une qualled. Those who consult their own interests will flnnmi r^r 880r *i nen !’ Purchase of theta asu efsewhere, ty f gooll% ttt a ieaa » n °° than XTAVANA CIGARS—Of tho following celebrated brands: Cnbanas, 4 Fisam. Tlojaa de Oro,' Kspanola, Upmann, . Noptuno, Pruebese, n y fl , . Vegas. &0., Sec., &c . LU.nu sixes and qualities, on hand and constantly ro ceiving from Havana, and for sale low by aul6-tm • CHARLES TETE. 130 WALNUT. J.UTE BALE ROPE-r-Manufactured and 5 'for sale by WEAVER, FTTLER, A CO,. ' '»nV> . Nn. »N. WATER and 93 NT WT? A F VF.R BAY RUM.—S puncheons very superior Bay R urn. in store and for sale by v*tiB A. MERINO. UOBnnfh FRONT Street. REFINED BORAX.—2O cases for sale by WETHERILL A BROTHER, Nos. 47 and 49 Worth gVOOND WtrAot. 81-CARB SODA.—IOO kegs for jfale by I gffI3SP LL * MOTHK,t - N »*-" “■>«/ /-' i; —. DAVID P. MOORE. UNDER TAKER.«». m ViHE SU ■ mm*T TVS' THOMAS Nos-IMaidUtSOUTg FOURTH STHEET. ANO TOTuSdkffS^K. toßook.aßen.wnl comraei.ee »aay, September J 3. Catalogues now ready. Fmt T F L a.?,i I |S t ?, T S ?p C .L^'r I) REAL E3TATE ' Fir.of a^V>a ,°f city and country ».hU, Sf!«^^^ d G?i^ ouona! “ rß ' (ocSich 1,000 i aALE -SEPTEMEEa 6, AT NOON, *JpS>-SMSSS Threeiront?? f * etdeep ' widening to 105 feet in the rear. „L£ Q R SE AND VALUABLE LOT, POUR PRONTO, biVob>. n wi') v ’ e nL' l e s r ? e , r . of Porty-second and Pine Philadelphia, Iso feet on Forty-second !l«d unl2!,£ eet &"» Pmo . at T® et » «0 feet on Rock street, sn r ■ K elegant piano-fortes, 55® mirrors, carpets,etc.,fromf&milieB declining house keeping, removed to the store for convenience of sale, 1 Also, several fine line engravings. I a Hrge |ot of magnifying glasses, Ac. , - a fine violmcedo. - • [ a fine piano-forte. Sale No. 1223 Chestnut Street. E FriGHAVmG S Br'iI | E ? ,ROOFf i I „NTIN,iS'S ' , Monday Morning* Anrust29tluatlo o’clock, at No. 122 S Chestnut street, In catalogue, the entire stock of George F. Meeaer, de ouuuit business—comenam* fine French plate mantel ulrrFore, in nchgtlt frames; ai't bracket pier ,S-t fine emcravines in frames; an as -B I AU of them fresh gobdsousf landed, and a larce cro porfton of them notjooe found elsewhere. The sale wilrcongist of PI,AIN MOUSSE DAINTI, THIBET, AND MEIUNO I 1 SHAWLS- Fine to e*tra fine qualities.wool fringes. CHOICE -PAHIsVhINTED, THIBET EHAWLS A PAI.METTE. and a berdeux. a VERY RICHPARIS STEE- A Rftllerio nnd fond .'em. ' EEBGANT AND NEW PARIS PRINTED RATE I _ ... SHAWLS, 1 In very rich patterns, on plain and satin striped cash -1 mere. , IYERY ELEGANT EMBROIDERED AND GONA } CHE PRINTED THIBET SHAWLS, jQmtenew. “ - ’* „Ttei no s!,??'™ i '-S,M“ r ‘'”'!n l evor offered, of lARis IARDINER I On fine to extra fine centres/in choice assorted colors I and blacks. • SUPERB QUALITIES ALL-WOOL PLAID AND STRIPED.PAISLEY SHAWLS, and sauare, of new and varied styles. L SUITABLE TO FIRST-CLASS CITY TRADE. I Au-Wbnl new desiens , i DOUBLE-FACED BERLIN SHAWLS, 1 ’9 ® e JT elegant patterns, and a vory follandcora- I pjete line of t, ALL-WOOL PARIS AND VIENNA { SQUARE AND LONG BROOKE SHAWLS, I In assortment* especially selected for the PHILADELPHIA MARKET. I The eßpeoinl attention of buyers is respectfully eoli -1 cited to this sale, which will not be surpassed in extent I or vanety by any said to be made this season.' - N. 8.-U is the, intention of Messrs. H. Henneqnin & j Co. to sell every lot ftn the cittaldrue - WITHOUT RESERVE. SPECIAL LARGE SAI/R OF FRENCH MERINO •CLOTHS. - MOUS DE LAINES, CASHMERE p’ECOSSE, AND RICH PRINTUA MOUSLINDE LAINKS, _ • Of th© celebrated tnanulhotuTe of Auguste Seydoux, Bober « Co., successors of Paterlo Lupin, Serdoux, Super it Co. * . . On Tuesday Mormng, August 30th. at 100 clock, on six months credit, 11)00 pieces Merino Cloths, high colors, modes, darks, whites. nnd flacks. - JOOO pieces Mnuslin De Lnines, high colors, modes, darks, whites.,and blacks. * . £OO pieces Rioh Printed -Mouslin DeLaines. compris ing the latest and richest collection of new designs, on superior cloths. 150 pfecos Rich Printed Merino Cloths. D’Ecosso, high colors,modes, and Being the balance of the importation of Messrs. Ben kard k Hutton. N. B.—The above goods are nil of rooent importation, and m an respects desirable, and wearo authorized to decVvfe that it will be tho only opportunity which willbe ivfibreq this season for the purchase of these goods at public »a\e. - . - ° -ina • RICH PARIS DRESS SILKB. M9Pi*r« Rich New Style Paris Dies* Bilks, black tanetas, black bayadere, black pros de rhine, Ac A splendid lme ot rich dress si ks and silk robes. .... , , SHAWLS*. • .A full and,complete assortment of black and colored Silk fringe thiliet shawls, T Paris and Vienna brophe Ion? and square shawls. --Pans nch pnntod thibet Bhawls. An elegant collection of black and colored Stella t/iawis- reversible woollen shawls. SPECIAL SALE OP IMPORTED GOODS. . . On Wednesday Morning, Angust3l, at 10 o’clock, 3001ots imported dry goods. I pHILIP FORD, AUCTIONEER. No. 530 ST-*-,, MARKET Streot, between FIFTH and SIXTH, a south side. f SALE OF J,OOO OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BKO -9 , - GANS, &0.. t ,' , „ This Morning, » • August 25, at 10 o’efook precisefy, will be sold b» eats £ L°S U ‘!» P n l our {nontha’ credit, 1,000 cases of men’s and 2, bo.ya boots, shoes, gaiters, brogans, &c.; ladies’ and D boots, shoes, gaiters, "lies, &c., of city and - Eastern manufacture—all fresh goods suitable ior the present trade. » ISw Goods open .examination, with catalogues, ■ . Cl s the morning of sale, when buyers will nnefit to K, their interest to attond. B SCOTT. Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 409- • C HEST NUT ST RE £T, opposite the Custosa IuIVOR%O&J. A . WHOLESAI ' E WlriE AND . t On Tuesday Morning noxt, August SO,ny catalogue, commencing at lOo’oloolr. .nil be gold, by order of the Sheriff, tho entire stock of a liquor house, consisting of a full assortment of wines, brandies, cordials, &q , &.o. ~ . FIXTURES. Also, nt same time, the fixtures, consisting of easks, stands, demijohns, plattornis, measorea, desks, chairs, c. Catalogues and samples early on mprning of sale. . . ,On Wednesday Morning, i«*V ,K ? Bt3l ’. b S catalogue, on.a credit, will be sold, 600 » n r po r« domestic xoods, consisting, in raet * B merino undershirt* f ad dMwore, ladies’ menno vests, merino hose and half 1 0881 40<* «0. Catalogues and samples early on the morning o/ Jill. uuAuufcii & fcufls, * REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, : „ No. m WALNUT stAeet. CARD.—J. M. (lummey A Sons, auctioneers, "willbold regular Kilos of Real Estate, Stooks, Ac. Also house* hold Jufjiture at dwellings. B&> On our Private Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every de scription of oity ar^d Wo.^^/ulfeS-g.V., HI OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER rSS “ d «™'* *"»« „ MONEY TO LOAN. . MONSY TO LOAN, O LABQB OB SMALL AMOUNTS, OH and on all articles ofvatao: x£ SUMS OVKB ONS JIUBDBBD DOLLABS TWO pjj CXVT. PHB MOMTii. moludiM .loriso, *o., at NathaW rriMiial MONEY! MONEYM MONEY!!! rrf«frls'l y a£ VRI, oed m large or small am ousts, frofn one dollar to thousands, on gold and silvor plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowKnr-pieces, ni£ealin strbments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, ei gara, hardwaro, cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, harness, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathans* Establishment, southeast comer of Sixth and Race streets, PROMISSORY NQTEB, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market ratos. .PAL ESTABLISHMENT,. 8. E. comer of SIXTH asd RACE Streets.—The following articles will be sold for leas than halt the usual store prices: Fine gold English patent full jewelled and plain, of the most approved and best make,-inhuntingcasesanddouhle bottomed. Fine gold esoapement lever and lepine watches, in hunting case and open face, some Of thpm arc extra foil jeweled, and beet .make. Silver English patent lever watches, escape ment lever and lepipes, in hunting case and open face, some very superior; English, Swiss, French, and Quarter watohes; fine gold.vest, fob, neck, and chil dren’s chains; fine gold pencil cases and pens, bracelets, breastpins, finger-rings, ear-rings, studs. medaHiona, an-i lewelrygenerally, Superior Havana Cigars at sif per thousand, in boxes of 200 each, will be soWby si a* la box or quantities, to suit purchasers. Numerous fancy articles, &e.» &0., &o. . . AT PRIVATE SALE. A superior fire-proof chest, 4 feet high by S feet wide. Also, watohes, and jewelry of every description. 1 COAL. SI W. GROOAIE & CO., Dealer* and Shipper* of LEHIGH, SCHU V ,K.I,I, 6S IJIoAD TOP SE.Ml- OXo %god%%tl°iXt eet - ' PHILADELPHIA. WOOD, COAL, AND KINDLING WOOD. ; JANNF.Y * YEAGER. ' COATES-STREET WHARF, Have constantly on hand a large and superior article of FINE OAK and HICKORY WOOD; and, having completed onr arrange menta-are non* prepared to saw the WOOD BY STEAM. £OW SR. Wo have also on hand a superior article of LEHIGH COAL, of all sizes, selected with fare. Dealers and Consumers veil! find it greatly to their advantage to purchase Kindling Wood of ns. ' je6-3m HAMS.— 115 tierces extra Sugar-cured covered Rama, nacked by Gardner, Phippa. Sc Co., Hefir. v ls’S'l*. Jno. Shay, Beatty * Tapeoott, Heiatt * Wood, Quigley and others. For said by ** »«« ASCB Street,